#so stan evil bangtan
ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
Help tf is that video... and comments under that 😭😬😬😬😬 are yall 9 or what?
If he's 'standard' then are rest members evils who doesn't even help a person going to fall down or do a crime I.e watch a stage performance ?
Nah cuz as much as army can be cringy and praise members for everything (including me who praise my baby minie for anything and everything).. even we doesn't do this shit. Like this is a normal day in Bangtan world, what's there to point it out and praise, claiming it increased my standards ? 😭😭😭😭😭 like if he held Jessi from tripping increased their standards, then JK caught a person who literally fell from stage to where he was standing below the stage and according to that person JK saved his life.. this will sky rocket those stans standards and reach peak lmao
Btw same, I wasn't this dumb when I was young. Bangtan do increased my standard but not because they helped like a normal human being lol but many times shown what a quality men is supposed to behave, some members way more than others.
Hi anon,
Yeeeeeah lol
Maybe some of the people lack a father figure or they are from a culture where men treat women like garbage so any "normal" behavior is viewed as something a Prince Charming would do? Maybe?
I gueeeeess at least they have some standards now. They should continue watching content and look at the nice qualities some of the members and other idols have and keep those for future references!
Thanks for sharing.
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girlmeetsliv3 · 5 years
Head Over Heels II (Finale)
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Killing Me Softly Sequel!
Yandere Hoseok x Reader ; BTS Member x Reader
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5,626
Release Date: December 21st, 2019 @ 12 am (GMT-4)
Three years. It took three years for some semblance of normality to return to your life. It took three years for you to begin to see the world, not by it’s bad but it’s good. Three years and you were finally moving on. Three years wasn’t enough to stop his obsession. After three years, he was tired of waiting - you would finally be his.
Trigger Warning: The following story contains mentions of manipulation, abuse, harassment, and child k*dnapping. The behavior and mindset of the characters in this will be incredibly yandere and toxic. This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
The last person you expected to see standing at the foot of your bed was Park Jimin. His hair had grown, but the blonde locks didn’t roughen him up, if anything they made him even more beautiful. A maniacal grin had spread his cheekbones wide apart and crinkled his eyes, it was as if the past three years had never occurred. You were beginning to wonder if prison had been nothing more than a temporary home for the men - and not the terrible punishment for actions you assumed it would be. “What? Didn’t you miss me?” He pouted, lips stretched out sensually. Park Jimin had always been aware of his allure. Even now when you were absolutely terrified of him, a part of you longed to kiss those lips. At your lack of response, Jimin rolled his eyes and walked to the side of your bed where he had better access to you. The closer he got the more you tried to wriggle away, but your attempts were useless Jimin grabbed your legs and pulled you towards him with ease. Not noticing, or caring, how unwilling you were to be touched by him.
“Now now. It’s best you behave. Wouldn’t want someone to be punished by your recklessness, would you?” He tilted his head pointing towards your nightstand, and your eyes dragged to the framed picture of Sun-Hi and you at the beach. That was all it took to set you off. You desperately tried to push against him and tried to hit him with your bound hands, exhaustion had worn away, as had fear. All you were concerned about now was about getting your daughter away from the lunatics that had ruined your life. “I swear to god if you touch a hair on her head -” Jimin laughed. A boisterous ‘ha ha ha’ sort of laugh. “Calm down momma bear. I won’t hurt our little girl, what kind of man do you think I am?” You hadn’t missed the ‘our.’ None of them knew whose daughter it was, that meant none of them would hurt Sun-Hi...for now. Jimin bent down to meet your eyes, “God how I missed you.” It was whispered so quietly, almost as if he was speaking to himself. His hand caressed your cheek softly, “I almost went mad when I thought we’d lost you and then we did.” He sounded so broken. You thought for a second you could see tears brimming in his eyes, but assumed it was a trick of the light.
“When you left, the first time, I didn’t know what to do with myself. But then we got you back just like Hoseok-Hyung said we would, only to lose you again.” He had stopped caressing your cheek. The hand now beginning to tighten on your jaw. “Do you know what it was like all those years? Without you? Without them?” All the sadness in his eyes had quickly disappeared and was suddenly filled with an intense rage. “Jimin - ” You tried to speak, but his hand only kept tightening on your jaw, forcing you to remain quiet. “I had to stand trial and listen to them call me a pimp, a kidnapper,” By now he had abandoned your jaw and instead had grabbed your clothes, hoisting you up in front of him. “A fucking rapist, Y/n. That’s what they said. They said we raped you.”Jimin yelled, his face mere centimeters from yours. Tears were now flowing freely down his face. Park Jimin had never been more broken or terrifying than he was to you at that moment. “You know what the worst part was? You never showed up. Not even once.” His voice had lowered significantly until he was whispering again. “You see that’s what really killed me. You didn’t even care enough to show up.”
Jimin threw you back onto the bed as if you weighed nothing. As if you were nothing. “I’m sorry Jimin. I was scared. I was so scared.” The words tumbled out of your mouth, as you sought a way to console him. “I- I-” You wracked your brain trying to find something, anything, that would help you get out of this situation. That would help your daughter get out of this situation. “I was afraid for Sun-Hi.” Jimin who had been pacing back and forth trying to control his anger came to a halt. His brows furrowed and confusion flashed in his eyes, “What?” This was it. “When I found out I was pregnant I freaked out.” Your hands began to tremble and you tried to interlace them together to make it less noticeable. “I wanted to tell you, but then I heard about the fighting. About how all of you were pinning the blame on each other and I was nervous.” Your eyes danced around the floor, as you tried to come up with something else. One more detail to make the lie seem believable. By now Jimin had begun to approach you, time was running out.
“I thought that if you found out I was pregnant by one of you. Then the rest would be mad and…” Jimin sighed, a small smile on his face. “You don’t have to be worried about that Y/n. After all, you can always have more kids.” Whatever little hope you had to reason with the madman died then and there. It appeared absence did make the heart grow fonder, for all of the men seemed more obsessed with you than ever before. “Jimin, where is Sun-Hi?” He shrugged before turning around and walking around your room, taking in his surroundings. “With her dad. Making up for lost time.” You jumped at his statement, “How do you know Hoseok is her dad?” Jimin chuckled though it lacked warmth, “Of course she would be his. You love him the most, it only makes sense.” No, that wasn’t it. It couldn’t be. “We also had a paternity test done this morning.” He casually added, as if it was a comment on the weather. “What?!” How had Hoseok even had the resources to do something like that? How had the rest of them when they were in prison? As if Jimin could read your mind, he answered all your questions.
“You’d be surprised what money can buy. Honestly, it wasn’t too bad. We all had our private cells, had food delivered, could read or watch television. Shit, the guards even looked the other way when one of us felt lonely and sought the other out.” It was a harsh slap of reality, but it was one that you needed. The system had failed you. They were supposed to keep you safe, but now you were tied on your bed with your daughter missing and the men who claimed to love you bringing havoc upon your life once more. Maybe things would be different if you had chosen a different path?
A phone went off startling you out of your thoughts, a smile broke out onto Jimin’s face. “Hi, sweetheart. How are you?” Immediately you tried to lunge at him but remembered that your feet were bound once your face hit the floor. Jimin tried to stifle his laughter, “I’m just here with Mommy. She’s talking about how much she misses you, maybe if she’s good you’ll see her soon.” You glared at Jimin with all the willpower you could muster, but it seemed to affect him very little. “You want to tell her goodnight? Um, I’m not sure Mommys' awfully busy. She’s all tied up now.” He giggled at his own little joke. “Jimin, please. Please let me speak to her.” You begged and even tried to crawl your way towards him, you couldn’t care less about how pathetic you looked groveling at his feet. “Hm…” His finger tapped against his chin, simulating deep thought. “You know what Sun-Hi, it seems Mommy can speak with you now.” Jimin crouched down and pressed the speaker button.
Nothing could be heard until a shy sleepy “Mommy?” was mumbled. You almost burst out into tears again. “Hi sunshine.” You tried to keep your tone light, but it took what little strength you had to do it. “Momma when are you coming? I miss you.” She extended the last part in a whine. Sun-Hi had a habit of becoming grouchy when she was tired. You tried to blink the tears away before Jimin could see them, but his eyes were glued to your face. Gauging you for any sudden movements or decisions, you decided to test your luck. “Mommy’s on her way. You’ll see me the second you wake up tomorrow morning.” Jimin’s tsked. “Really? I can’t wait. I miss you so much Mommy and so does Daddy.” You didn’t know how to respond to that. “Good night, baby. Sweet dreams.” Sun-Hi responded back enthusiastically, though you could still hear the sleep in her voice. “Goodnight Sunshine. Uncle Jimin will see you soon.” Then he hung up.
 “Why sunshine?” Hoseok turned towards you, a confused yet intrigued smile on his face. You, on the other hand, were desperately trying to hide your reddened cheeks in his chest, whilst also making a grab for your phone. “I don’t know. It’s just a nickname.” You once again tried to reach for your phone but Hoseok easily outmaneuvered you. Your phone was being held above his head and his other hand had crept towards the back of your neck. “Nope. Baby or Babe would be a nickname.” He slightly pulled away, so that he could see your face. “But sunshine. That has to have meaning behind it.” If possible your cheeks became even redder. Hoseok laughed and tenderly kissed your lips, you melted into him like butter. You always wondered how he managed to do that to you - make you forget everything but him. Refusing to let the playful air die he continued, “Is it because I light up every room I walk into?” His eyebrow cocked and a teasing smile made its way onto his lips. “Shut up.” You rolled your eyes, playfully shoving him. “Or could it be because your world revolves around me?” Hoseok's smile only grew wider as you scoffed, “As if.” His hands trailed down towards your ass, where they rested before giving a firm squeeze. You jumped in surprise. “Is it because I’m hot?” He whispered into your ear, trying to be seductive.
You shoved him back softly, “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s just a nickname.” You tried to play it cool, refusing to let him know the effect he had on you even if it was far too late already. “Oh, so what, you call all your boyfriends Sunshine?” He was still trying to tease you, keep the mood light. But of course, you were far too worried about your feelings being exposed, especially when Hoseok wasn’t interested in you that way. “You aren’t even my boyfriend.” It had slipped out before you could even register what you had said. “What?” His voice had dropped several octaves, the way it usually did when he was angry. Immediately you turned around, holding your hands up. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that you’re special and - ” Hoseok was smiling, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Cut the crap, sweetheart. I know what you meant.” It was moments like these that you wondered exactly what you were doing. Moments like these when you were afraid of him but didn’t know why. “I’m sorry Hobi. I really am. I made a mistake, it won’t happen again.” You reached out to touch him, but he recoiled as if disgusted by your touch. “Don’t ever say that again. You have no idea how special you are to me. I would do anything for you.” You nodded at his words and kept apologizing. Too naive to understand the weight behind what he said until it was far too late.
 Jimin hadn’t trusted you enough to tell you where you were going. After, the call ended he merely threw you over his shoulders and back onto the bed, before disappearing into your closet. He emerged a few minutes later with your emergency suitcase, then he went out of the room into the one across. Coming back in with a small bag and Sun-Hi’s favorite stuffed animal a blue-ish horse with its nose in the shape of a heart. It worried you, the ease with which he had been able to know which toy to take, Sun-Hi’s bed was littered with them. Yet, he had known. “One more thing before we go.” Jimin had your phone in the palm of his hand, he flashed it in your face before the screen unlocked for him. “You’re going to call the police officer and say Sun-Hi has been returned and that the search can be called off. You’re also going to say that you’ve decided to take a break from the city given everything, but that you’ll be back in his office Monday morning to discuss everything.” He didn’t even give you a chance to agree, before dialing the number and holding it up to your ear.
After three rings, the gruffy voice of Officer Park answered, “Hello, Park speaking.” You repeated everything Jimin had told you to say, never straying from the script as his eyes bore mercilessly into yours. A part of you prayed that the officer would notice how strange all of this was, how calm your tone was compared to hours before. “Well alright child. I’ll see you Monday then.” The click signifying the end of the call was almost mocking. A scream threatened to claw its way out of your throat, but you swallowed it back. “Now that’s done.” Jimin turned off your phone before slamming it to the ground and stepping on it. There was so much force and aggression in every one of his movements you forgot the man in front of you was capable of being sweet, had been sweet, until he lost you. An uncomfortable feeling set in as you finally became aware of something: this isn’t like the last time. There’s no escape now.
Kim Namjoon toyed with the device in his hand, he wasn’t supposed to have it. Not really. But the guards had looked the other way whenever he and his lovers came into possession of certain items, as long as their pockets were lined with money they didn’t really give a damn. They hadn’t even been aggressive to them the first day, a little rough but that was nothing more than a scare tactic. The device vibrated in his hand and Namjoon unlocked it, reading the singular text.
Unknown: It’s been dealt with.
Namjoon smirked, he placed the phone under his pillow - if it could be called that - and laid on his side as images of what might happen next played in his head. Jungkook had been ecstatic during dinner today, barely able to contain himself until he saw his Hyungs. He’d spilled all the juicy details about how you’d finally come to visit him and how you hadn’t denied that Sun-Hi was theirs. Jungkook was practically bouncing with joy, and it would be a lie to say the youngest’s enthusiasm wasn’t contagious. It had been rough in the beginning, the idiotic lawyers they hired suggested that it would be better if they put the blame on each other rather than be tried as a group. Coming up with varying statements that clashed made it difficult for the prosecution to convince the jury, not to mention the lack of evidence. Namjoon had always been a cautious man, but even he made mistakes - he let his guard down around you. That wouldn’t happen again.
The device vibrated again, Namjoon frowned before his hand slipped under his pillow to drag the device out. This time it was two texts, each which sent him over the moon in different ways. Namjoon went to bed that night entirely anxious for the good news the morning might bring. Positive that for the first time in three years things would go his way.
Lawyer Lee: The committee has agreed to a hearing. If all goes well, you’ll be out of there in no time.
Jiminie: I’ve got her. We’re on our way now.
 You could distantly pick up on the rhythmic sound of waves crashing, the roar of the ocean and wind arousing you from a deep slumber you didn’t even know you’d fallen into. As you stretch out your limbs, only to not feel them bound, another more quiet sound could be heard in the distance. It was giggling, the small bell-like laughter that could only come from a child, you tore your eyes open and tried to leap off of wherever you were only to be stopped by a hand wrapping around your forearm. There he stood, the man of your dreams, father of your child, and tormentor of your dreams. A pregnant silence hung between the two of you, as one waited for the other to speak. It was Sun-Hi’s giggles that broke the tension, your eyes darting past him towards the window. Outside in the gloomy weather, you could see Sun-Hi running around the beach smiling and laughing, whilst Jimin tried to catch her. Sun-Hi was always a bright child, but she seemed to radiate like never before. Hoseok cleared his throat drawing your attention back to him. Unconsciously you flinched, prepared for anything he might throw at you.
Instead, Hoseok only sighed, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss on your forehead. “I’ve missed you. I’m so glad you’re home.” You would always wonder how he managed to disarm you in less than ten words. A moan of pain escaped you, as he continued his assault. “I’ve longed for so long to hold you in my arms, Y/n. I nearly went mad.” His hand skimmed all over your body, but his touch was soft - as if you were made of glass. Of paper. “Seeing Sun-Hi grow up without knowing her dad and how much he loved her…you can’t imagine how much that hurt me.” It was as if every time he opened his mouth, he plunged even more daggers into your heart. He wouldn’t stop until you admitted your guilt, so you finally decided to spare your pride. “I love you Hoseok. I always have, I just…” don’t love them. Not the way you want me too. Tears streamed down your face and sobs violently shook your body.
“I can’t be with them, Hoseok. I’m sorry I can’t.”
He shook his head, hands coming up to cup your cheeks. “But you love me, don’t you? Wouldn’t you do anything for me?” Yes. Yes. Yes. “But not that.” Any sympathy Hoseok may have felt for you or shown you, dissipated. “We’re a package deal, Y/n.” His voice lacked any warmth. Your time was running out and you found yourself at a fork in the road: one decision would damn your soul, but the other your heart. So you tried to reason with him, not for you but for the only other thing you could find, “What about Sun-Hi? She won’t understand. She has friends, classmates,” You desperately pleaded, “She might not understand why she suddenly can’t go back to that life anymore.” Hoseok only laughed at your worries, “She’s three Y/n. The only thing she needs is her parents, a roof over her head, food, and love and affection. She has plenty of that to go around.”
Alright, so option two then. You let out a long sigh and sat back on the bed seemingly resigned. “Please let me see her.” Hoseok raised an eyebrow as he folded his arms across his chest. “She’s my daughter, dammit. Let me see her.” You yelled at him, a mixture of frustration and exhaustion causing more tears to flow. He crouched in front of you, his hand tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Not like this, you’ll scare her. Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” The Hoseok you knew was back: your sweet, loving, affectionate sunshine. You melted like putty in his hands as he escorted you to the bathroom, giving you your privacy but making sure you knew not to take too long. On the way there you passed another window, one that displayed a narrow road shrouded with long trees on either side. Deja-vu welled up in you. You’d been here before.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Sun-Hi ran straight into your arms, her short stature and low-weight making it easy for you to pick her up with ease. “Oh, my baby. How I’ve missed you.” You kissed her face all over, as she tried to push you away softly. “Look, Mommy. I found a seashell.” The shell in her hand was white with a bold stripe of grey running through it. “It’s beautiful, Sun-Hi.” Her cheeks reddened at the compliment before her eyes caught onto someone else. “Look, Daddy. I found a seashell.” Sun-Hi was desperate to be free of your arms, so she could run into her father’s, so you set her down with much reluctance. Immediately Hoseok scooped her up, congratulating her and blowing raspberries on her stomach until your child was hollering with laughter. “Aw aren’t they the cutest.” Immediately, you stilled as Jimin wrapped his arms around your waist. “I can’t wait until that’s us.” He murmured in your ear, lightly nipping at the lobe until it became red and you lightly hissed. Satisfied with your response, Jimin chuckled before making his way over to Hoseok before whispering something in his ear and kissing Sun-Hi on the cheek.
“Uncle Minnie will be back soon, okay?” He spoke, the toddler nodding before returning her attention to her father. Hoseok nodded at Jimin before both of the men’s eyes landed on you. Jimin walked towards you, gripping the back of your neck and harshly planting his lips on yours. “See you later, Darling.” With that he walked out the door, leaving the three of you all alone as you planned your escape.
             A children’s movie played on the television which took up much of the wall. You recognized the bright colors and cheery music, it was your daughter’s favorite - it seems he knew even that too. Sun-Hi was between the two of you, eyes glued to the screen, with you on her left and Hoseok on the other side. His arm was thrown over the back of the couch, whenever you shifted too suddenly for his liking he would grip your shoulder. Other than that, it was a nice normal evening. You had to act fast. “Are you hungry, Sun-Hi?” She briefly turned towards you, nodding before gluing her eyes back to the screen. “Hoseok,” you whispered trying to draw his attention, not that it wasn’t already on you. “She has to eat.” You didn’t give him a chance to respond and made your way towards the kitchen, opening the fridge as you pretended to search for food. When you didn’t find anything useful, you opened the drawers and cabinets.
           “I told Jimin to bring food.” His voice startled you. Of course, he wouldn’t leave you alone, you had counted on as much. “She needs to eat real food, not takeout. I can cook.” You began to rummage again, this time finding some beef, pasta, and tomato sauce. “See look. I’ll have it done in no time.” You crouched down to search for a pot or pans and were beyond relieved when you found them. Fingers danced along your sides, as Hoseok came to rest his head above your shoulder. “Y/n. Don’t treat me like a fool.” Your hand tightly gripped the metal handle on the black pan. You would wait patiently and then hit him over the head with it. One blow, maybe two, and you would be able to escape. Hoseok sighed, “I think there are several things you’ve left unaccounted: for one, Jimin might be on his way. Two, Sun-Hi might not react in a positive way of seeing mommy bash daddy’s head in.” Your grip wavered.  Focus Y/n. This is what he wants.
           You refused to reply, to play his games. You should’ve known better. “Turn around.” It was an order, something not to be disobeyed. Yet, you stood your ground. His lips ghosted the shell of your ear, hot breath fanning it. “Please, darling. Please~” He all but whined, but it was obviously a farce. You swallowed thickly and tightened your grip on the steel pan. It seems Hoseok had enough, “There are other ways for me to punish you now…” His voice trailed off, clearly implying something. That was only confirmed when his head moved from your shoulder to glance back at your daughter. Immediately you turned around. Just one strike and he’s out. Hoseok saw the fire glowing in your eyes and smirked, clearly enjoying this game. “I’ll tell you what, you can go.” What?! “What?” You spoke, shock evident on your features. For a brief moment, you forgot what you were planning to do and that was all he needed. Just a brief moment, to completely trap you in the intricate web they’d sewn together.
           “You can leave. I know that’s what you want. To run far away from here with Sun-Hi and never see each other again. If that’s what you truly want Y/n. I’ll give that to you.” Hoseok leaned back against the countertop, “Go do it now before Jimin comes back. He’s only ten minutes out, but if you head east you’ll find the main street and I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out from there.” There was nothing in his voice or eyes to indicate that he was toying with you. Nothing in his beautiful hazel eyes that displayed anything other than honestly. “Why?” You should’ve known better than to question things, you should’ve just taken Sun-Hi and runaway. Unbeknownst to you, a step was taken to close the gap between the two of you. You were still reaching for him - longing for him. You still loved him.
           Hoseok rolled his eyes, as if the answer was the most obvious thing in the world. “Because my love for you will never die. No matter what.” The distance between the two of you, which was short, to begin with, kept decreasing. “I know you better than anyone else does Y/n. When the going gets tough you run; from responsibility, affection, love. But I also know that you are one of the most selfless people I know.” Hoseok took another step forward, this time your chests were touching and your faces mere centimeters apart. “You would never sacrifice someone else’s happiness for your own well-being.” You should’ve known better than to believe he’d show you mercy. No. This is what he’d been waiting for all along, the moment he could use your biggest weakness against you. “You can run away, but we’ll always chase. You’ll never have a normal life… and neither will your daughter.” The frying pan slipped from your hand, the loud ‘clang’ it made echoing loudly against the room. Sun-Hi was clearly frightened, she jumped off the couch and ran towards you. “Mommy, are you okay?” Her soft chubby hands wrapped around yours as she gazed up at Hoseok. He smiled reassuringly, “The pan was just too heavy so it fell.”
           Sun-Hi looked up at Hoseok, her brow furrowed in confusion before she looked at you again. It took all your strength not to break under her innocent gaze, you had experienced so much growing up you couldn’t bear to have her live through even a quarter of it. Aren’t parents supposed to provide a better life for their kids? You owed her that much. Slowly, you crouched in front of her a forced smile on your face. “That’s right it was just too heavy. Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m alright.” After a couple of seconds, the toddler nodded seemingly accepting what she had been told at face value. She was barely a child and couldn’t understand that not everything was as it seems, you didn’t want her to lose that innocence just yet. “Go back and finish watching the movie. Mommy and Daddy will be there shortly.” You gently guided her out of the kitchen, content when she returned to her previous spot and focused on the graphics in front of her.
           All you could do was stare at her from the threshold, wishing things were different. Wanting to have made better choices. Regretting certain decisions. Your time had passed, things were no longer about you - nor could they ever be any more. Hoseok stood beside you observing Sun-Hi with a tender smile on his cheek, “No harm will ever come to her. She’ll grow up loved and cared for, just like you should’ve been.” Cautiously he pecked your cheek, pleased when you didn’t recoil away. Not that you could, you had become numb to it. The decision you made settling deep into your core. Hoseok’s fingers hooked under your chin and forced you to look at him, “Come on now, sunshine. Don’t you love me?” Once again, he managed to disarm you with so little effort. You practically melted into his arms.
           Lights suddenly shone from outside, before they suddenly disappeared. The door opened a couple of minutes later and in strolled Park Jimin with two bags of takeout and a new stuffed toy for his favorite niece. Jimin would make it a habit to always bring something home for Sun-Hi, until the day when he brought something for his own child. For now, he settled on the current situation though hope did bloom in his chest at the sight of your pouty lips pressed against Hoseok’s even if it was just for a second or two.  
             Monday morning rolled around and Officer Byunghoo Park sipped on his coffee as he waited for his next appointment to roll around. The Sun-Hi case had been an absolute disaster, but his commissioner didn’t seem the least bit concerned in a child disappearing only to be returned the same day. Nor did he seem to care that the child’s elusive mother had all but disappeared. To be fair, Park had his fair share of drinks that night and when his phone had rung at such a strange hour he picked up more out of a sense of duty than want. It should be of surprise to no one that he barely picked up on what the women said, it wasn’t until the next morning that he entered his office and saw the file that he recalled the strange conversation.
           Immediately he attempted to contact you but had no luck. His partner was completely useless as always, but any questions he had would be answered today, in about ten minutes or so. A quick knock on the door, disturbed his train of thought before he grumbled a ‘come in.’ A well-dressed man in a tailored suit with a black briefcase entered the room, he gave a curt bow and introduced himself as Mr. Lee. “I’m here in place of Ms. Y/l/n. She didn’t feel safe coming in, I hope you understand.” Park furrowed his brows, “Why wouldn’t she feel comfortable? Her daughter’s back isn’t she?” The lawyer chuckled humorlessly, “Oh yes, especially after the kidnappers were caught. But still -” Park jumped out of his seat almost comically, “What do you mean the kidnappers were caught? I’m in charge of the investigation and have never heard about any of this?!” Lawyer Lee attempted to hide his disdain for the man, but his patience when dealing with cretins could only extend so far.
           “Oh were you not aware that the Gangnam police were also running their own investigation? See the day-care from which the child was taken happens to lie right at the border between your jurisdiction and theirs, so they took up the case.” The words flowed so smoothly out of Lee’s mouth as if it were the most obvious thing. “I’m supposed to be notified when another sector wants to undergo the same investigation. Why wasn’t I notified?” Park scattered through his notes, searching for a map of the city and Gangnam’s contact information. “Now Mr. Park, I believe that is something you should take up with them. I’m nothing, but the messenger.” There was something Park didn’t like about Lee’s tone - the sardonic nature of it. As if he were speaking down to him. “The perpetrators turned themselves into Gangnam police and the child was returned.” Before anymore question could stumble out of Park’s mouth, Lee stood up and opened his briefcase taking out a manila envelope and placing it on the officer’s desk.
           “I am sorry, but I do have a very important meeting with another client across town. Ms. Y/l/n only sent me here to say thank you for everything you’ve done. After all, because of your skills, her family is now reunited.” Lee bowed before quickly excusing himself. Park had wanted to question the man over the contents inside the bag but recalled encountering a similar situation on his past. He didn’t need to know what was inside the envelope, all he knew was what he needed to do. Rather quickly Park found Sun-Hi Y/l/n file and typed in whatever information he deemed fit, before moving his mouse over to a red button at the top corner. There was no hesitation in his clicking of ‘close.’ Nor in the depositing of the case file into the resolved folder. After all, your family was reunited once more - wasn’t that what you wanted in the first place? Who was he to question it?
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Hey hey lesbian army here, wanted to pop in and dump something that's been on my mind. I have been stanning bangtan since 2015 and have watched the fandom grow and evolve and it's never been something drastically noticable until the pandemic era. It still shocks me to come across delulu shit online from (I'll give the benefit of the doubt) mainly naive teenagers who blindly follow and borderline worship the tannies. It makes me feel so out of touch and question do we even follow the same content?? Maybe it's cause I'm an og army but I remember how things USED to be and I'm still stuck on that...
The wave of pandemic era armys are so keen to fetishize and objectify the guys and completely disregard their lyricism or work ethic (which has sadly declined since the pandemic, so I guess naturally the fans are turning more to just talking about the guy's bodies). But still, it saddens me because this fandom used to be a place where I could engage with others in meaningful conversations but now it makes me feel sort of isolated because I feel like a lot of the og ones have left at this point, and as a lesbian I can't and neither do I want to partake in the increasingly sexualized commentary on the guys (comments like "choke me run me over daddy" or "he can slap me w his dick" etc etc). Like yikes these are sometimes 14 year olds saying these things?? Makes me wonder what bangtan thinks about the way their fandom has evolved and if they're scared of them cause honestly I'd be too 😅
But thank you for being a space where we can chat about more discourse related things and feel like we have a corner of the fandom where more is being talked about then just ogling over Namjoon's thighs or Jungkook's abs
Hey anon, thanks for the ask and for bringing up this topic because I think it can turn into a healthy debate. I don't totally agree with you, but I see where you're coming from.
Fandom discourse can be easily shoved into little boxes and it's heavily influenced by the social media platform where it takes place. I haven't been here before the pandemic so without doing some actual research into how fandom behavior changed, I can't say much about that, although you're not the first to say that it's different now and there are a lot of fans who saw the change coming since 2018. I do see the worshipping issue being very prevalent and just today, after a twitter space in which journalists gathered and talked about the bullying in k-pop fandoms and army as well, there were threads made by army for other fans so they can block all those who spoke. Because damn journalists, they're all evil. The worst is that the majority of people do it, they click the block button without actually thinking for themselves because they're so easily influenced. Individual and critical thinking is not encouraged and that's the biggest flaw in this fandom. It would be such a better place and a more accepting one if differences in opinion would be allowed and people wouldn't be demonized for not agreeing with everything or for not being obsessed.
I also understand how it can be weird, uncomfortable seeing young kids/teenagers talk about certain stuff, without probably having any experience, but I would say that it's part of their transformative years, except it's a period that is fully displayed on the internet and they do have access to more information in a way that in some situations leads them to a hyper focus because they also think it's cool. 12 year olds are writing bts smut fanfiction on Wattpad and it's really obvious how they don't know what they're writing about. It's cringey and they lack a lot of education, but that's today's generation, not just army.
I think that having some deep conversations while also fantasizing about men can be done and there's no harm in it. I've talked about fetishizing here before, but in case someone only sees a person as an object, then that's fetishizing. If not, if they are also fans of their music, their lyricism, how they present themselves and they also fantasize about them, then I personally do not see a problem. Women can be allowed to talk about pop stars in a topic that also involves sexual themes. I don't know what the members think, but I'm assuming they wouldn't see a lot of harm in it, given that they themselves talk about putting out some sexy performances or they slowly get rid of some clothes. They're adult men in an entertainment business and they know what fans like, on top of everything deep they put out. It's always been like that.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Lightning Round of Asks
By Admin 1
Since we currently have around 300 asks sitting in our inbox, I thought I’d do a little bit of a lightning round, meaning answering asks which require answers that aren’t 2k words long, as well as asks that annoyed me and I just really want to be snarky/cheeky/shady for once. You come into my house and disrespect me/the members and expect me to just take it? I think not. I know we usually just ignore those asks, and even if we answer them, we stay polite, but some of these…well, you’ll see.
I hope you don’t mind this slightly different kind of ask answering post.
Anon #1 – Too many Namjin vlives and evil Namjoon being the company favorite.
Anon #2 – Aren’t you tired of forced fanservice ship namjin?
Anon #3 – There was no namjin yet people still claim they’re favservice?
Anon #4 – vmin interact = fanservice, vmin don’t interact = they hate each other. Logic?
Anon #5 – Xkook is real and you’re just afraid of them.
Anon #6 – What happened to the namjin tag?
Anon #7 – Enjoying the vmin & namjin combo since it’s rarer than other combos.
Anon #8 – You ruined vmin friendship because reasons.
Anon #9 – Butter #1 for 6 weeks, cheating?
Anon #10 – How do longtime ARMY deal with all the fights and nonsense drama?
Anon #11 + 12 – vmin vlive?
Anon #13 – Will there ever come a day when T*ej*nists and Namjinists will coexist peacefully?
Anon #14 – Why is the first DVD content that surfaces online always Xkook stuff and why do people seem to forget that Bangtan is a group?
Before we start, have this vmin gif from last night’s Butter performance:
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From anon #1: I’m sick and tired that we’ll have another Namjin Vlive WITHIN a year but BH will literally restrict, mistreat and discourage other more deserving duos from having that same privilege. I guess it’s awesome to be the company’s fave puppy, aka Namjoon.
I don’t know what kind of victimization Olympics you think you’re participating in here but these kinds of statements? Save them, or look for Xkook or solo stan blogs, they’ll be much more receptive to this nonsense. They might even applaud you for it. Get over yourself and stop acting entitled and hateful simply because the members aren’t doing what you, specifically, want from them. Also, FYI, since I’m sure you mean one of the Xkook ships with “more deserving duos”, perhaps remind yourself that we had a T*ek*ok vlive May 9th 2020 and a J*k*ok one June 21st 2020 with the Namjin one between them on May 24th.
Furthermore, “company’s favorite puppy”, I have no words. This is disgusting and uncalled for in every way. Someone like you might dare call themselves ARMY? With that kind of attitude? You don’t deserve any kind of vlive, or BTS content and music at all. Whoever your favorite duo and bias are, they would personally throw you out for saying something like this about Namjoon. The members might love us, but they love each other far more and none of them would accept such disrespect toward their leader. You should be ashamed of yourself.
From anon #2: Are you tired of shipping the fanservice-y, forced and borderline pushed down our thoughts Namjin bandwagon?
I’m doing just fine, thank you for your concern.
From anon #3: No namjin moments on stage today; and people say they’re fan service - really? I mean if they were wouldn’t they play it up for the cameras? I was thinking RM was a little off today at the show. I hope he’s ok. Maybe it was the lack of audience that got to him. It was the first time they were back on a big outdoor stage - was probably a little bittersweet.
I do love it when anons prove each other wrong, as in this anon proving the previous one wrong. Because you’re right, anon, it’s really hard to call namjin fanservice if we see so little of them as compared to vmin or many other duos. Also, this ask was sent in after the first day of SOWOOZOO so we know that they were all a bit off during that day, no need to worry at all.
Speaking of fanservice, actually:
From anon #4: when Vmin show their affection in public, it's called fanservice. If Vmin do not show their affection for one another in public, it means that they hate themselves and have nothing to do with each other anymore. I just wanted to say ...
It be like that sometimes, by which I mean all the time. And this goes for namjin as well.
From anon #5: Finally you can see that T*k*ok is still together because (REDACTED) You just don't want to acknowledge it because you're scared of them.
Yes, of course, I’m so scared I’m practically shaking and about to scream in fear looking at my screen. You caught me there, anon. Want a medal?
From anon #6: Wow. What has happened to the namjin tag? I have honestly never seen it so quiet. It’s a shame, I adore that ship but it doesn’t seem to be sailing anywhere right now ☹️
I noticed that too and to be honest, it’s a little strange since the community is pretty active over on twt but relatively quiet over here. There are very few blogs that write about namjin, if anything there are gif and pic accounts, which are nice as well but it’s quite different from vmin blogs with our analysis and other posts. 
Personally, I have a post about Serendipity in the context of both vmin and namjin planned, I just need to get to it, and I’m happy to see a few more people get into namjin and post about them, like @thebtssoulmateline​ for instance.
From anon #7: Hi! I just found your blog and already love it. I'm mostly a vminie and find it really interesting how your blog is a vmin&namjin combo. Most vmin pages I've seen so far combine vmin with a jk ship (e.g. n*m/k*ok or j*n/k*ok). It's refreshing to see a combination like this that appears less, especially since if I were to focus on a ship other than vmin it would definitely be namjin too since they have some suspicious moments
First of all, thank you so much. I’m glad you enjoy our blog, especially since we’re having a lot of fun with it and being part of this little community.
Secondly, I think it’s fascinating how many vminnie namjinists are actually out there, but also, personally, I think there are a lot of parallels between them and their stories, even their characteristics as duos echo each other in certain ways, and perhaps that’s what’s drawing us to this particular combination.
From anon #8: I’m very sad to say this... but your blog has officially ruined the innocence of Vmin’s friendship. (REDACTED) Why can’t you for once admire that there’s genuine friend like theirs, without an ulterior motive? This is so sick. They literally have a song called friends kmt. 😑
Hey, anon, what are you doing on a shipping leaning blog if you don’t like shipping? Also what does us talking about vmin being so close and lovely together there is reason to believe they could be more have to do with the “innocence” of their friendship? News flash, imagine this, you can be friends, even very close friends, and also in a relationship. Novel idea, right? Shocking almost. And yet it happens. All the time. And, even more shocking, I can be absolutely enamored with the bond Tae and Jimin share while also appreciating everything else, the cute and romantic actions between them, the songs and the gestures. One does not contradict the other.
From anon #9: hello! well butter has been number 1 on Billboard for 6 weeks and…idk how to feel about it. ofc i’m happy for the boys, they wanted it, and the song is great but somehow it feels like cheating..did you see the difference in points between n1 and n2? sometimes it’s less than 10 points! which is ridiculous. n2 has the bigger number of streams so mostly we rely on sales. but it’s mass fan buying, isn’t it? i don’t think “general public” really listens to it. so i feel kind of ambiguous. what do you think?
I actually wrote a post about this topic a little while ago which you can find here.
From anon #10: I've only been an army for a few months now and already I'm tired of people acting like some of the members hate e/o, are jealous of e/o, that vminkook has a love triangle, that one of the maknae line ships has to be true (ok i'm a vminie but i think it's kinda annoying that ppl act like if ship a isn't true then it automatically means that ship b is true) and also very tired of the hyung line being underappreciated. How do longtime army's deal with this?
To the quite honest, you get used to it. But also, you learn to tune out those stupid fights solos and toxic shippers have between each other. As I said in a different post before, the block button is your friend and it’s important to curate your timeline and general space, follow a good mix of OT7 and ship accounts, if you have a ship you like that is, but stay away from the toxic ones as best as you can. People acting like the members hate each other and hate being in the group will unfortunately always be there regardless of how much the members tell us the opposite, so the best thing to do is just to ignore them, leave them in their little echo chamber and do our own thing, loudly support the members and enjoy their music.
Here’s what Hobi had to say toward the members in his Thanks section of the Butter CD, as most recent example which, obviously, his solos have completely ignored:
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From vminforeva #11: Hi! I hope you are well! ☺️ I saw it on Twitter the other day and wanted to ask your opinion. Jimin hasn't been doing Vlive alone for a long time and if I remember correctly, he said that he would bring Tae sometime in his last vlive. Tae hasn't done Vlive for a long time either. Maybe they will open Vlive together soon? I know it's a silly question, but when I read something like this on Twitter, it made sense to me for some reason 😅
From vminforeva #12: Hello, I hope you are well! 😊 You probably answered this question before, but I wanted to ask it anyway. Why do you think vmin don’t do vlive for so many years? I really miss them a lot and I think about it all the time.. 🤧😩 And I was wondering your thoughts on this. Thanks!
A few months ago Admin 2 wrote a post discussing why they think we won’t get a vmin vlive most likely, which you can read here as well as a second one from me here, and I still think most points stand. I’d love a vmin vlive as much as the next vminnie does, but it’s unlikely, and even if we’d get one, I fear it would only end with people being disappointed since I feel like we’ve all reached a point where we imagine who knows what would happen during that vlive, when we know likely nothing at all would happen.
Vlives are highly stilted/”artificial” and done for the sake of us, primarily, not them. I mean, yes, they are fun, like the namjin one last year which ended with them just giggling about something even K-ARMYs had no idea what it was, but generally, whatever we expect or imagine, we wouldn’t get it. And also, to be quite honest, I wouldn’t want to expose them together to the absolutely toxic and deranged comments that would fill the vlive, much the way they did the comment section when Tae posted the vmin bed selca last year. They’re already bad enough when they do vlives separately or with other members (remember Tae’s vlive with Hobi and Yoongi and the comments that happened that day?), now imagine the comments if we’d actually get a vmin vlive…
From anon #13: I personally ship and believe in T*ej*n (seem very real and convincing to me) but I also like and enjoy your blog? I’m torn lmao. Please don’t hate me.
I love namjin interactions, their friendship and mutual admiration and respect is so beautiful to witness and I’m hoping for the day T*ej*nnies and Namjinnes can peacefully coexist even if we don’t agree most of the times.
I don’t hate you, anon, even if we’ve had some…interesting experiences with your fellow T*ej*nnists over here in the past. As I said many times before, before being shippers we should all remember that we are ARMY and therefore we should be able to appreciate all interactions of the members, even if we only see potential in whichever pair we see it in. As Namjinist I can still enjoy Namjoon’s cute interactions with JK, for example, or Seokjin’s with Jimin, Tae, or Yoongi.
Fights will always happen between ships as long as toxic shippers exist, that’s an unfortunate fact, but there are enough normal, reasonable and chill shippers around who get along just fine so I hope you might find ones who are like that. I’ve seen plenty Namjinists being friends with people who ship Namjoon with Yoongi or Seokjin with JK, so they are out there, it’s just a question of finding them.
From anon #14: i feel like whatever we have new dvd contents. we just see all j/k/k and t/k/k contents first. how its possible to all the ot7 and other shippers moments not being posted. I wonder if those big accounts just live for that too, because is always the same accounts --' Actually even yesterday i wanted to search for winter package general updates and people only cared about j/k/k. I keep thinking how people really forget they are a group sometimes :(
This is a really old ask but since we’ll likely get the teaser for Memories of 2020 sometime soon, it’s slowly going to be relevant again. To answer your question, yes, it’s usually the same people, the same big ship-centric accounts that immediately skip through all the content to cut out all Xkook moments to post them on twt ASAP and show off how their ship is always together etc. Then, slowly, OT7 moments and funny bits appear, as well as smaller ship moments etc. It’s always the same, and the content is always defined as X DVD/movie/episode/season of BV/ITS is a XKook one because basically the entirety of the content is just Xkook moments etc. Even though, once you watch all 11 hours of content, you realize that, realistically, out of those 11 hours there are many 5 to 10 minutes of ship specific content, if even, and even less content that could be seen as actual moments instead of Xkook merely standing next to each other or talking which gets cut out of a OT7 scene.
Also, it’s important to remember that the Memories DVDs, specifically the 2020 one, is 694 minutes long (11.5h), which seems like a lot, yes, but a year is 525.600 minutes long, so those ten ship specific moments/minutes? In the grand scheme of things? That’s barely anything. The Memories DVDs are also first and foremost OT7 content, memories of the entire band throughout the year, and not a ship fest. Whatever shippy moments we do get, they are nice extras, but if your entire reason to buy and watch those DVDs is only to see ship moments, I’m sorry to say it but you’ve taken some kind of wrong turn because that’s not it.
Back when Break the Silence: The Movie Persona was hitting cinemas I’ve seen Xkookers ask their fellow shippers if it was even worth going to the movies for, as in if there were even any ship moments in the movie that would make it worth watching. Once you reach that point, you’ve completely lost it. You’re not ARMY anymore, you’re not even a fan of your ship anymore. You’re just there for your own fantasy and that, I’m sorry, is simply wrong.
You’re right, anon, a lot of people forget that Bangtan is a seven-member group and that they are musicians above all, and not reality TV stars acting out a plot to satisfy toxic, almost fetishizing, shippers.
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bts07legends · 3 years
Nov 2016: Army noticed that Taehyung wasn't feeling well so he poured his heart out & told us that his grandmother who raised him for 14 years while his parents worked on their farm left the world.
Heartless kpop fandoms started jokes on her passing away,trended hate hashtags,made fun and sent him de@th threats. These wicked people still carry on jokes on his grandma till date & you ask me why I call them EVIL??? I stopped caring about my language when speaking about kpop stans after this incident. They deserve no mercy.
2017: BTS was a worldwide phenomena
Kpop stans started & ran various hate projects for BTS' music releases. They started a “Break Wings Project” to sabotage BTS’s release of album-"WINGS" and trended #Breakwings. Hate project failed, thanks to ARMY.
2018: BTS was busy winning awards worldwide & these losers were busy filing petitions demanding them to disband. Who the fck do kpop stans think they are??
But with worldwide success comes an great level of pressure. The pressure to have consistency in your music making,messages & maintaining that position. BTS were going through a lot of stress & hatred from industry & kpop stans affected them that year but they hid it from ARMYs.
Everyone got to know about it from their 2018 MAMA speech. The amount of TEARS that day from every member & that SPEECH was enough for anybody to understand how HARD they have worked to be standing there every year.
That night Bangtan took home 10 awards. Korea saw them perform, saw them speak their story. They touched on the subject of what it is like to be talented and popular but money will almost always win over dreams, enthusiasm, and effort. ALMOST :)
Would you believe they thought of disbanding that year when they went on world tours & saw the mass-following that they have. Cuz it is NOT EASY to have the largest fandom. It is NOT EASY to please such huge amount of people consistently.
They FEARED losing the purpose of their music,their inner passion that artists lose with fame & popularity-this is enough to tell you about their love for music.
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But they stayed strong & decided that they had crossed a long,difficult way & as long as they are TOGETHER as 7, they can overcome anything.
2019 was an even phenomenal year for BTS & Army. Then,there was no looking back.
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et-lesailes · 4 years
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title: the inside scoop
pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 2461
summary: you are a reporter with a certain favorite celebrity to interview, and you’re more than excited to talk to him about his latest movie, knives out. little do you know that your massive crush on him is actually requited.
themes: fluff
taglist: @evanstush, @tanyam93, @bval-1, @wonderwinchester, @patzammit, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @sammyslonglostshoe, @jadedhillon, @bohemian-barbie, @whysparker, @sebastian-i-stan, @sebabestianstan101, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @heyiamthatbitch, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @bangtan-serendipity, @troublermalik, @beardburnsupersoldiers, @bookish-shristi, @kind-sober-fullydressed,  @gingerninjaprincess16​, @straightforwardly​,  @denisemarieangelina​,  @frencchfries​, @xlanawriter​, @littlemoistcarrot​, @pottxrwolff​, @arianatheangelworld​, @ifuseekamyevans​, @southerngracela​, @nsfwsebbie​, @rororo06​, @savemesteeb​, @raveviolet​, @inactivewhore​, @hurricanerinwrites​
notes: this was a commissioned piece requested by @straightforwardly​​ ! thank you so much for supporting me and i hope this is everything you wanted :) ** if you are interested in my commissions, check out this post right here !
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You’re quickly wrapping up with hair and makeup, looking at your reflection in the mirror trying not to smile so much. You were particularly happy to wake up for work that day, all because of who you’re interviewing today.
You’ve had the pleasure of working with Chris Evans a few times before, and while at first it was his looks that drew you in, it didn’t take long for you to simply fall in love with his entire being. The first time was a little nerve wracking. You had seen other interviews where he seemed a little grumpy, tired, and annoyed with the questions he was being asked, and so you had put as much thought into your own questions as possible. You refused to be like the other journalists and reporters, the ones who simply asked Marvel related questions or how he worked out. It was easy to see that this man had personality much deeper than that, and you were always eager to explore it. You remember how your heart had been pounding right before that first interview, but the second the two of you started talking, it was simply… amazing. Despite only having known him for minutes, you had already felt perfectly comfortable and secure with him, as if you had known him for years. You had heard from others that he had that effect on people, but you never imagined it was to that extent.
Now here you are, getting ready for your fifth interview with him. Another thing you love about Chris is that he actually remembers who you are, each and every time. It always makes you feel special, though you have to remind yourself to calm down- he’s simply considerate and personable, he probably remembers other reporters he’s seen multiple times too.
“Alright, you’re all set. Chris finished up a few minutes ago, he’s probably out there getting seated.” The stylist tells you, and you smile up at him with a nod. “Thank you!” Standing up, you take a deep breath as you inspect yourself in the mirror. You’ve become used to seeing celebrities as a part of your job, but Chris is the only one who has your heart racing and butterflies fluttering. Even interviewing Jason Momoa for Aquaman couldn’t get you as simultaneously excited and nervous as appearing before Chris; you have the biggest crush on him, but at the same time, what can you do about it? Honestly, you’re convinced he probably has a secret girlfriend- it simply makes no sense to you that a man like him is single.
‘Thank God for hair and makeup,’ you think to yourself, pleased with your appearance- it’s not too overdone, but just the right amount, mainly just so the lighting doesn’t wash you out on camera. You gather your cards and take another breath, forcing yourself to calm down before going out to where the chairs are- you were hoping to play it cool, but the second you see him, a wide smile emerges on your face. How a man can look so handsome simply sitting there wearing a long sleeve maroon sweater and fitted jeans while playing around with a water bottle in his hands, you have no idea. “Hi there! Sorry to keep you waiting.” You greet him, and he looks up, immediately grinning. “Oh, hey, Y/N!” To your surprise, he stands up and extends his arms out for a hug, pulling you in for a warm embrace as if you’re a longtime friend he hasn’t seen in a while. You’re shocked but you quickly take the opportunity to hug him back, resisting the urge to inhale how damn good he smells. His broad chest feels so warm and perfect against you, and you swear you could be in this position forever.
“How have you been?” you ask as normally as you can, finally pulling back with a smile and gesturing for him to sit as you do as well. “Oh, same old, same old. I have to say though, I’ve been looking forward to this. I love interviewing with you, you always ask such awesome questions!” he compliments you, and you’re squealing on the inside. “Ahh, now I feel so much pressure!” you joke, though give him an appreciative smile as you cross your legs. “Thank you, though. That means a lot, I really do try to avoid the questions actors seem to hear all the time.”
“I’ve noticed, and I appreciate it.” Chris replies with a smile, his blue eyes sparkling more beautifully than the goddamn ocean. It’s truly overwhelming how handsome he is; you feel as though looking at him is like staring right into the sun sometimes. “I’m glad to hear that,” you say somewhat shyly, but clear your throat, glancing towards the cameraman. “We ready to start?” 
“All good,” he replies with a thumbs up, and you wait for the signal before beginning with a smile. “Hello, everyone! I’m Y/N, and I’m here with Chris Evans today to talk a little about his latest movie, Knives Out!” Chris waves to the camera with a little smile, but almost immediately looks back towards you. “Glad to be here, Y/N.” God, you love when he says your name. ‘Hold it together, Y/N.’ You think to yourself; thankfully, your job basically consists of looking composed on the outside, and so you’ve at least had plenty of practice.
You give a brief summary of the movie to begin, then go into speaking about his character, Ransom. Looking towards him, you tilt your head slightly. “Now I know you played the ultimate golden boy when it came to Captain America, but a lot of your roles in the past have actually had a more twisted and angsty side. Curtis Everett in Snowpiercer, Syd in London, Mike Weiss in Puncture, and especially Bryce Langley in Fierce People. Was it a difficult adjustment going back to playing a more villainous character, or did you have a good time with it?”
“Wow. Even bringing out Fierce People, huh? You really did your research,” he teases, making you laugh softly before he continues to answer, looking thoughtful. “Honestly, it was pretty fun. Don’t get me wrong, I loved playing Captain America and the other lighter, comedic roles are fun too. But being a little wicked and vile is pretty entertaining as an actor. I missed it a lot, and I think I clicked with it again pretty easily.” He pauses before laughing, looking at the camera. “I make that seem like I’m just naturally an evil person. Like, ‘Yeah, it’s so easy for me to be an asshole on camera- because I am one in real life!’” he makes fun of himself, and you can’t help but laugh again as you reply playfully, “Well, you are from Boston, aren’t you? What are they called over there? Massholes?” He blinks and laughs loudly, grabbing his left pec which only makes you giggle to yourself and feel oddly triumphant at the same time. You love making him laugh. “Oh God, you’ve heard that term? Yeah, I’d say that definitely describes me pretty well.”
“Oh, c’mon, you’re not that bad.” You remark playfully, then realize you should probably stop transitioning this interview into flirtatious banter, and so you decide to move on to the next question. “Now for this particular movie, you have a variety of actors and actresses around you- some who are insanely experienced and have been in the industry for decades, and some who, while experienced, are young and only continue to climb upwards in their career. How did you feel, being a part of that? Does it bring back memories, does it influence you, do you influence or guide them?” you ask curiously, continuing, “You’re such an accomplished actor, and this cast was pretty remarkable as well- I imagine there were all sorts of different feelings working with them.” 
Chris nods as he listens carefully, smiling and even looking somewhat intrigued. “That’s a great question. Yeah, I was definitely pretty nervous actually. I really wanted this role, and I was kind of intimidated going into it all. These people are amazing, honestly. I feel like I’ve learned so much from them, from Daniel to Jaeden, and I can only hope that I’m able to be a good influence on other actors as the ones I look up to are to me. It’s interesting that you mention memories, though. Seeing younger actors and actresses always reminds me of myself when I was younger- and then proceeds to make me feel very old.” He laughs, shaking his head to himself. “But watching Jaeden and Katherine, God, they’re great. They have such drive, ambition, and they’ve already made it so far. They’re so fun and I’m pretty sure I was nowhere near as talented as them at that age, but I definitely remember having that energy.” 
You can’t help but smile as you listen to him. You’ve seen in other interviews that he wants to start a family one day, and that he’s excited to be a father. It’s adorable to you that he appreciates younger castmates so much, and even shows respect to them as actors. “You don’t think you still have that energy?” you tease, and he laughs, making an “eh” gesture with his hand. “Sometimes, but I’m telling you, I’ve gotten old. Years of action movies and stunts will do that to you,” he jokes, and you remember that he actually did a lot of his own stunts for the Captain America movies- no wonder he has such nice muscles. “Well, if it’s any consolation, you certainly don’t look old.” You can’t help but reply, but glance back down at your cards, forcing yourself to stay on track. The cameraman, one of your friends, is probably snickering to himself, and you bet you’re going to get quite interesting comments once this video is uploaded. How can you not go back and forth with him though, just a little? He makes it so easy, what with his perfect sense of humor, contagious laugh, and mere eye contact. He makes you feel like a person, a friend, not just some nosy reporter.
After a few more questions (and a teensy bit of flirting), the interview finally comes to an end. “I hope you guys are excited to watch this movie, because I’m telling you, it’s a good one- and I think everyone will be very entertained by Ransom Drysdale.” You remark with a raised brow, looking to him with a soft laugh. “Thank you for coming, Chris!” He smiles charmingly, waving at the camera. “Thanks for having me, Y/N. I had a great time.”
The cameraman signals that he’s stopped recording, but flashes you a little smirk before turning to the crew to discuss the work that needs to happen next. You blush slightly but clear your throat, looking up at him- you hate this part because he’ll have to leave soon, but you’re hoping you can squeeze in just a little conversation before that happens. “Seriously, thanks again. Honestly, you’re one of my favorite celebrities to interview,” you admit with a slight laugh, biting your lip. “You actually answer with… depth.” He laughs too, barely leaning forward. “Oh, yeah? Are you accusing celebrities of being airheads?” 
“Some of them!” you can’t help but answer bluntly, and both of you are laughing again. Now he bites his lip, suddenly looking at you a little more intensely than before- you hope your cheeks aren’t becoming as red as they feel. “Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something?” You nod a little too fast, your curiosity piqued. “Of course. What’s up?”
“Do you, uh…” he pauses for a few moments before chuckling slightly, waving his hand. “Ah, fuggit, I’m just gonna come out with it.” His Boston accent comes out even stronger than usual as he swears, and you love and hate how attractive it sounds. “Are you dating anyone?” 
Your heart is pounding at this point, and you have to force yourself to respond in a way in which your voice doesn’t shake. “No, I’m not.” You cock your head, holding back a smile. “Why do you ask…?” He seems to look pleased about this, even visibly perking up before suddenly looking uncertain again, laughing awkwardly. “Okay. Okay, um, please tell me if this is crossing any lines. Like, please. Don’t be scared to slap me, even.” He jokes, and now you’re feeling the excitement bubbling up inside, though at the same time your brain is screaming at you not to raise your hopes up. “I have permission to slap you. Noted.” You tease in return, proud of yourself that you still somehow seem to have your wits intact. He laughs, eyes twinkling as he continues, “I know we’ve only had a professional relationship but… I was… kinda hoping I could take you out sometime. Dinner, walking the dog, a movie, ice cream, roller skating- anything. I just… man, I really want to get to know you.” He confesses, and it takes you everything to not practically jump up and down and squeal right there. You’re shocked. You truly never thought that someone as famous and attractive as him would be interested in a mere reporter.
“Chris.” You smile widely, nothing but eagerness in your sparkling eyes. “I would love that.” You blush slightly, adding, “If we’re being honest, I’ve had a crush on you for like, years now.” Chris widens his eyes, scoffing in playful frustration as he buries his head in his hands. “You’re serious? God dammit, I knew I should have asked you earlier!” He looks up at you again, sighing deeply. “I really just assumed you were dating someone. Hell, even married. I mean, look at you, you’re gorgeous, funny, smart…. And you have depth.” He refers to your previous comment, and you laugh, though blush madly as you do so. “Thanks,” you reply softly- you swear you’ve never felt this much happiness in your life. 
His manager comes up behind him, gently tapping his shoulder. “Chris, we should get going. We have another interview to get to.” He blinks, looking somewhat disappointed but nods, looking back to you. “Mind if I get your number, then? We can talk later?” 
You nod, biting your lip delightedly as he hands you his phone as if you’re a child receiving a king sized candy bar. After putting your number in, you give it back- only to be wrapped up in another hug from him. “I’ll see ya real soon,” he whispers in your ear, and you’re blushing even deeper than before, though you nod with a little giggle.
“I can’t wait.”
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hello Goldy 💜 So JK dint post for Jin and so does Tae. Both of them di t post for Jinins bday also. Whats going on here ? I dont understand if JK and Tae have been banned from posting on their boyfriends bday. As u can tell i am both Jikook and Taejin shipper. What do u think is happening or should i say not happening.
This topic...
Hold on, lemme put on my tinfoil hat:
I got nothing. Lol.
Secondly, aaaaah Tae Kook!
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Lol. Tae Kook. The evil power duo of BTS, my favorite rageddy boogie men of ship street Avenue, PPP- pathological party poopers of Bangtan fantasyland- stomping on shipper's parade, putting commas in people's hopes and dreams. Y'all didn't get the memo? When we said y'all be snatching hearts, this is not the kind of horror heart snatching we was talking about! Y'all ratchet for this shit. Lol.
Someone give them the memo. Atatatatatat.
I mean for Jk, I've already speculated a few times- several times now, how I feel he's kind off been on a self assertive journey since late 2019 and coupled with a lot of things I felt was happening with him, Jimin and group around that period, that him not posting for the members' birthdays sort of make a lot of sense to me.
I've also speculated on what I felt was going on with Kook, RM and Tae around JM's birthday this year, so Tae not posting for JM also sort of made sense to me?
Tae missed Jimin's birthday as well. It would have been 'problematic' in today's social media climate if he posted for any body else within the group after that. It's the same with JK when he missed Jin's birthday last December- had he posted for anybody else, I'm afraid several trucks would have been sent to BigHit HQ demanding his head on a spike. Chileee.
Can't blame them though. Even the members themselves, during 2017 Festa, descended hard on JK for gifting a present to Jimin and not the others- they pay attention to these things, you know? Jin in his recent VLive had said he had been up waiting for texts and all- or something along the lines of that, and I'm pretty sure he pays attention to who posts what on their Twitter account on his birthday. Well we know Jimin does this too. Lol.
You don't need to be a mad scientist to figure out that one member posting for another and not the others would make the members feel some kind of way about it even if they don't say it out loud.
Frankly, like I said, I feel they set themselves up for this shit- miss one, miss them all or risk solo stans coming for your ass. That's how we roll on these fang gang streets. Lol.
But for Kook, I sort of felt his was deliberate- may be an impulsive decision at the time, but deliberate nonetheless. I mean he had all 24 hours post Jin's birthday to belate that shit- better late than never, but he didn't do that.
Whatever had transpired within that period- which I've speculated on in past posts, I feel that had pushed him to his breaking point and had incentivized him or propelled him to reel back, reevaluate his goals, intentions, purpose, calling- whatever you wanna call it, and eventually had embarked on a journey to reassert himself and take back control of his life all throughout 2020- until recent times...
- Y'all see Jikook's dynamics have flipped again post Jimin's birthday right? Clear your schedules. We gone talk. Soon. Muhahaha.
I don said, Jikook have/had been asserting themselves against eachother and against the group this year. And for Jk, that self assertion would come in the form of him putting up boundaries and reinforcing already existing boundaries among other things, which would in turn require him demanding and demonstrating his independence from anything and anyone he had relinquished his self autonomy to- prior to. In my opinion.
I'm gonna step on a few toes here and regurgitate, JK didn't just take a step back from his life, he took a step back from Jimin as well, in my opinion- I can literally hear temperatures rising. Chilee. Lmho.
It's easy to lose yourself in the process of loving someone. And when you love this person more than you love yourself, in the thick of love, under heavy public and peer scrutiny, where you are being told to change this and that about yourself everyday and everytime as a prerequisite for being able to love this person you want within a group; then you are bound to end up with nothing but the total eradication of who you are at your core or at least a drift away from your true self and the expressions of it... Sigh.
I mean all the, 'try not to be so possessive, he's our friend too' 'operation neutralize Jikook' 'chilee, don't lean too much into him, this is an award' 'I've got Jimin, restrain Kook' 'oh I think you stared too long here' 'look away' 'you got him a present, why didn't you get us any' 'is that your heart eyes?' 'Tuck it away' 'why do you film Jimin a lot?' 'use this person, not Jimin for your GCF if you want the clicks' 'GCF in Tokyo? How about OT7 in wherever mate?' - all these little tweaks and adjustments he's had to make to his personality and his expressions of self in order to hide his relationship within the group climaxes honestly. In my opinion. And late 2019 to me was that peak for JK. Again, in my opinion.
Changes like these don't come drastically. They creep up on you. Its slippery slope till you're caught knee deep in the mud. For instance, notice when the members complained about him not caring for them because he hadn't presented them with gifts like he did Jimin, he had agreed immediately to give them presents in the future in order to not answer to their question of why he had chosen to give just Jimin a present. That compromise to me was one of the early signs of him losing his authenticity. In my opinion.
Jimin and the members were quick to point out that he didn't have to do that because giving and gifting were not obligations and honestly they were right. He doesn't have to do things if he doesn't want to.
That's the paradox of Jungkook. He does the things he wants to do without shame and he is fearless and unapologetic about it. But you see, he is also often very passive when it comes to the things he doesn't want to do and would hesitate in insisting on his boundaries until he is pushed to his limits- from my observation of his interactions with the members and I think Suga and RM have talked about this too.
A classic example of this is his conversation with Jimin about their friendship- when Jimin said they were in between love and friends. His hesitation was a sign he was uncomfortable with that description but he didn't assert himself over it.
Another example would be Jimin saying during their log that he was taking a liking to JK- JK didn't react as much but JM turning to ask him if he was ok with him saying things like that was a sign they had had the talk about 'boundaries.'
JK is a very assertive person but his position as the youngest within the group places a lot of restrictions on his assertiveness I feel.
We talk a lot about Jimin being Kumbaya and sacrificing a lot of their personal happiness for the good of the group- well, I've been talking. Y'all don't say shit much- fuxking lurkers 😒 y'all suck. Lol. [Delete before you post, you idiot. They don't know you like that]
Anywho, we often talk about Jimin in this context but we- by we, I mean I, don't talk enough about all the ways JK often sacrifices his authenticity for the Kumbaya of the group as well. But unlike Jimin, I feel JK does it so he can keep his glass closet- fucking whippidy whip whipped. Lol.
And it's crazy because that sacrifice he makes of his true feelings and it's expression is what often leads people to question whether he acts exclusively with JM at all.
Often I hear shippers complain about how he did this with Jimin but he did similar thing with another member- listen, if you've heard JK sigh upon seeing RM imitating his mannerisms to try to neutralize his nonverbal gestures around Jimin, you'd understand what exclusivity means for him.
And when, you think about that he had to apologize to and explain himself for choosing to wear his man's bag over another member- it's not hard to see where his authentic self began to erode- It started from the moment the apologies begun. Never apologize for who you are- class dismissed. Lol.
Then he goes on to talk about losing his passions for his GCFs, his music- this is a person everyone within the group had said is or was the most passionate member within the group... You gotta wonder where it all went wrong. Know what I mean? Come on work me. I'm writing this at 2am. Lol.
I think Jimin was right when he said giving should never be a task. You should give from your heart and from your own free will. Not for show, and certainly not to please anyone.
Wishing a member a happy birthday should never be a duty, task or obligation- especially when such moments and expressions of it has become performative over the years rather than as true expressions of the love and affections they have for eachother- ok, I'm dozing off now. Lmho.
I mean let's face it, posting on Twitter for eachother has become more of a culture and an established tradition within the group that sentimental members within the group hold on to.
The birthday twitter post has been hijacked and lowkey/highkey advances the OT7 kumbaya agenda BigHit is bent on pushing and sells the BTS bromance fantasy to us rather than an actual representation of their love for eachother. In my opinion. I could be wrong about this.
JK asserting himself would mean him choosing not to participate in expressions that to him are performative, shallow and lacks depth whatsoever.
I know what you are gonna say- but but Jimin's birthday. But but but nothing. Lol. I have said I felt he was going to post for Jimin's birthday. Dude geared up for it with the 5/8 and everything.
And given as he's been on a journey to do the things he wants to and to pursue meaning in his expressions of self within the group, I feel and I believe he believes wishing his man a happy birthday on social is meaningful- Confirmation bias this shit. Lol.
Not that the act itself is meaningful, but that the act holds meaning to Jimin. I think I've talked extensively about Jimin and how important his birthday is to him. The only reason I feel he wouldn't or didn't post for him was if Jimin had asked him not to- which I believe he did. Posting for Jimin would have been tantamount to outing their relationship gangster style. Lol.
And we all know how the members feel about that. Smirk.
So no, I don't think he's been banned from posting for his man's birthday. I think this is him deciding not to partake in performative expressions of love- perhaps because that has never been him?
I don't know for Tae's Journey. His decision not to post feels very random to me. Who knows, he and JK have been talking a lot lately it seems and getting closer post Sope. So if you ask me, this perhaps is him taking a page out of JK's self help book and pursuing that authenticity of self expressions I've talked about?
I mean he did do awesome things for Jin's birthday so I don't think we can complain much. Getting his friends to wish Jin a happy birthday certainly pulls weight over a second post on Twitter. Jin got a birthday party with the members, RM had the same.....
The thing that bothers me and my friends over here about Jikook's incident is the lack of closure after that traumatizing experience.
With the others JK didn't post for, at least we got to see him in a VLive with them interacting and just giving us moments here and there. So even if he didn't post, we know he was with them and they shared the memory of that day together- which I feel is what we shippers want. For them to show eachother love- whatever way they express it.
With Jimin- Nada. Zero. Zilch. We got nothing my guy. Jimin didn't share any insight or give any details remotely resembling closure for us. We were hoping for a bangtan bomb or Episode but nothing so far. I hate it here.
We didn't get to see JK showing the love we know he feels for Jimin- he's proven time and again he loves that man. We didn't get to see them share the memories of that day together. Not even through narration- Jimin, you sonova bish! Lol.
Would I ever move on from that incident? No.
Do I want to move on from that incident- chileee I've been trying. It would haunt me for the rest of my Jikook life. Lol. I still get get nightmares thinking about it and it's Christmas. Sigh.
I think we would have to observe rather than anticipate how they choose to express and communicate their love for one another- especially Jikook and by extension Taejin- chilee Anon, I respect your hustle. Lol.
I don't blame you though. I mean sometimes Jin be looking like he wants to gobb-ok
What was your question again? Lol. I hope I answered it. Chilee. Keep supporting Jikook.
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1eos · 4 years
i’m sending this to you bc i feel like you’re the only person that will answer this completely unbiased but i’ve been into kpop for about two years now and honestly one day bighit will have to answer for the way they brainwash armies into thinking that bts genuinely cares about them and their mental health like i see grown ass people genuinely thinking that jimin or whoever is the only one that cares for and understands them so they’ll blindly go to anyyyy lengths to defend them. whole time jimin is somewhere in korea stacking 100 dollars bills and not knowing who any of them are. idk if you heard but there’s even an account that’s been going around doxxing black kpop stans that spoke out about CA and the jim jones situation and they blatantly said multiple times that they’re doing this to defend bts yet majority of black armies have not been doing anything to spread awareness probably bc they don’t want their fan base and bts to look bad. armies annoy me to no end but i also kinda feel bad for them i want better for them this is beyond kpop at this point i’ve never seen anything like this before.
there wasn't really a question here akgkagkg but im gonna assume the end question is should we feel bad for brainwashed fans? in that case it depends. like on one hand big hit is purposefully capitalizing on the unhealthy parasocial relationships btwn armies nd bts nd they will never do anything to break up the c*lt like thinking of the fandom even if the fandom actively began to hurt the members in any kind of way. nd i do feel bad for the young ppl that are being caught up in scary communities bc they’re young nd they feel like they belong for the first time ever but the fact that big hit is essentially brain washing doesn’t excuse the fact that these ppl willing put aside their morals to terrorize black nd muslim ppl nd revel in it. they fucking enjoy it nd they make memes abt doxxing black girls on tw nd they vote nd act like its a spectacle bc they have made the conscious decision to make racism a part of their kpop experience. i don’t feel bad for them no. some delusional behavior is like inevitable esp bc big hit is specifically creating cbs that center of loving yourself nd mental health but there’s a difference in responsibility in accts that love jimin nd act like theyve married him nd the ones that take a sadistic pleasure in demeaning, doxxing nd threatening minorities nd imma keep it real with you i don’t feel bad for the black armies either bc they’ve internalized antiblackness nd instead of having self esteem they uplift korean men who profit off blackness nd try to center their blackness on stanning non black men. nd a LOT of these black armies are helping in the demeaning nd the doxxing nd the threatening but like we ALL deal with antiblackness nd its your personal choice to heal nd love yourself nd others instead of uplifting the bastardization of black culture nd straight up insulting features you yourself have bc the other person is an ‘anti’. i don’t feel bad for them at all bc while u can’t chose to not be indoctrinated into a fucked up fandom but u CAN chose to not be fucking evil abt it so when they all face the consequences of their actions nd bangtan won’t save them that’s on them!!!!!
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btsblues · 4 years
A guide to BTS's ARMY.
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gif originally posted by SPJM
If you heard some lines like, "Dy-na-na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na, life is dynamite!" You become curious who's the singer of the song, you heard that this K-Pop boy band has already debuted in Hollywood too. This is how your curiosity killed the cat, you searched the famous boy band, BTS.
As your researching is getting longer, you got to know your oppas and finally became an ARMY — Adorable Representative M.C for Youth. Now that you're new to fandom, you also need to know these etiquettes so your maturity will be well-trained as well as getting to know the members of BTS, where it is composed of seven, lucky members. Namely — RM (Rap Monster), Jin, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V, and last but not the least, Jungkook.
Be yourself — during Love Yourself era, the songs and concepts are all about loving yourself. Wherein a person had failed to love another person (breakup) has to learn to love itself again. It's the same if you're new to fandom, you don't need to pretend like you're an old fan of BTS, love yourself as a new fan. There's nothing wrong on being new into the fandom! Just love yourself and be who you are.
Make BTS as your inspiration — many people say, "K-Pop is a distraction to your studies". Well, you can't say NO or YES because that depends on how we deal with it. Make BTS as your inspiration, especially to your studies! For example, you need to study hard and sincere to meet them in real life.
FUN FACT! Did you know that I (admin) gained many medals, ribbons and certificates ever since I stanned BTS (BLACKPINK and EXO)? Although, I'm really the type of student who receives an academic award every year, but BTS (BLACKPINK and EXO) even made me worked harder. I even ranked 5th over hundreds of students when I was in sixth grade.
Stream and Vote! — streaming their music videos on YouTube is an enormous amount of help, especially if you stream them for many times. Also, if you have Spotify or SoundCloud, listen to their high quality music. It'll help BTS (and your favorite artists) to gain awards and be closer to success! Also, vote from these famous award shows like Golden Disc Awards (GDA), Korean Grammys, Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA), Melon Music Awards (MMA), and many more.
Be a friendly fan — the fandom is getting toxic as it gets more popularity. Being matured enough person will avoid fanwars, where there would be a toxic fight from different fandoms. If we'll be friendly, it'll be a happy thing for our idols. That would make them proud of us, so please stop doing bad things that can cause ugly image to our boys. It's not what you think that they'll be happy at what you are doing, especially if it's obviously wrong.
What if this fan from another fandom (either not) is attacking my idols? Why I can't be mad of it, huh?! Who are they to make shit out of my idols? — Calm down. Not people are perfect though. There's nothing good or evil people in this world, it's just that the situation makes us look bad, and that made it imperfect and have flaws. If this another fan from another fandom or also an ARMY, you can't declare a WWIII (World War 3). If this person disrespected your opinion, then block or mute it. Don't fight with anyone, especially you don't know who that person is. Just respect its own opinion even it's not your taste. We have our own standards and neither you and I can control them. Talk with them calmly and say that you respect their opinion, also tell them that they need to respect you too. Unfortunately, if the person you're talking is close-minded, I'm afraid that you should end the conversation and let it go instead. If you need more questions regarding to this topic, kindly PM me!
Respect each other's OTP's — One True Pairing(s) or also known as OTP. This is where we ship idols either in a friendly (bromance or girl-romance) way or romantic (true love) way. There's nothing wrong on shipping, but always remember that each of us has limitations when it's come to the idol's privacy. We need to respect their personal lives. Trust them only. I advice you to not trust Dispatch, K-medias, international medias, etc. JUST TRUST YOUR IDOLS. And back to shipping, don't compare your OTP to other's OTP, especially if that's not their taste. Let's just respect each other's OTP's and our idol's privacy.
Listen to BTS's music — the best etiquette, to be honest. Whatever you feel, whether you're happy or not, listen to Bangtan's music. Love Yourself, Map of The Soul: Persona, Map of The Soul: 7 and BE are not the only choices you can have, but you have many more than you imagined! Plus, you can listen to other solo mixtapes of the members.
So, that's all for today's blog! I hope these etiquettes will help you. I'll post more blogs about BTS, especially about their song meanings/theories and my fangirl experiences as an ARMY (maybe I'll mix my BLINK and EXO-L blood? Any BLINKs and EXO-Ls there?).
BTS song of the day: Not Today — I would like to recommend this song! If you feel giving up and you wanna throw yourself away as if you're just a useless rock, then play this song because it's NOT TODAY! We'll just survive no matter how the circle kept on rolling, we have our ups and downs. Also, the melody of this song feels like you're going on a war, like a bulletproof boy/girl scout.
In the first verse that sung by RM, "A day may come when we lose. But it is not today. Today we fight." So what are you waiting for? "Aim your gun. Ready! Fire!" (Chong. Jojun! Balsa!/총. 조준! 발사!)
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bangtide · 4 years
do stans who act like fanfic of the boys is evil incarnate realize that bangtan's whole cinematic universe & all the literal Video Games they make of themselves are just...officially sponsored fanfiction. rpf is fine regardless, but the fictionalization of idols is a fundamental aspect of k-pop, questions of ethics aside. so denouncing fanfiction as if it’s this out of pocket pariah’s nonsense is just. silly lmfao
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minyoongislaysme · 6 years
funny how the internet makes people brave. you can wear whatever mask you want and no one will know if it’s true. and how people chose to be rooten and evil so easily. just look at the stan twt, all that hate over ship wars, hating on the members because of it, disliking bangtan bombs on purpose to “prove” you don’t agree with certain members breathing together?? using bts for toxicity instead of sharing something beautiful and being kind to people and calling yourself a fan? it’s just so sad, i feel so fucking sorry for them. i hope they get better soon before they drown in their own own toxicity.
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lukethighwalkerr · 8 years
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Park Jimin so help me god
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girlmeetsliv3 · 5 years
Head Over Heels
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Killing Me Softly Sequel!
Yandere Hoseok x Reader ; BTS Member x Reader
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4,076
Release Date: December 5th, 2019 @ 12 am (GMT-4) 
Three years. It took three years for some semblance of normality to return to your life. It took three years for you to begin to see the world, not by it's bad but it's good. Three years and you were finally moving on. Three years wasn't enough to stop his obsession. After three years, he was tired of waiting - you would finally be his.
Trigger Warning: The following story contains mentions of manipulation, abuse, harassment, and child k*dnapping. The behavior and mindset of the characters in this will be incredibly yandere and toxic. This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
 Hoseok's fingertips trailed soothingly across your bareback, as the two of you gazed into the cityscape visible through the large windows. The silk sheets that covered your naked bodies provided little warmth but eased your anxieties about what your body might look like. Hoseok turned his head toward you, but you chose to ignore it, focusing on staring outside. Things were calm and pleasant. A drastic change from a few hours ago, but you welcomed it. "Did I hurt you?" Hoseok whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple. You shook your head and leaned further into his embrace. "It was perfect."
 Hoseok chuckled and moved you so your head would be tucked under his chin. "You were perfect, Y/n." You were grateful that he couldn't see your reddened cheeks or the grin that had quickly spread across your face, but you were sure he sensed them. In moments such as these that are so serene and full of joy, one can't help but think the happiest of thoughts. Ones that fill you up with joy, and this feeling of invincibility, they make you believe that anything is possible - that anything can be achieved. Those happy thoughts can cause great moments of joy, but they are not without consequence. Especially if one doesn't take into account the gravity of their words. It couldn't be helped that in a moment as beautiful as this, images slipped into your mind: images of Hoseok and you together forever as a large family in a tiny house. It was all supposed to be a harmless delusion - the fleeting dream that one might conjure up in a passionate moment with a lover. Even though you and Hoseok weren't lovers - technically.  
 Still, it didn't hurt to dream. "What are you thinking of, Jagi?" Hoseok asked his fingers on your back stilling. He was sure to have his eyebrow cocked in the way he did whenever he asked a question. "About us." Your tone was light, too caught up in your daydream to notice the change in Hoseok. "What about us?" His words were chosen carefully as if he were threading over thin ice. Even his breathing had shallowed, a sign of his nerves. Maybe you made a mistake that night, answering his question. Perhaps you should've changed the subject or pretended your thoughts laid elsewhere. You turned around to face Hoseok, noticing the slight frown in between his brows, and you softly smiled.
 "How I want us to be together forever. No matter what." You knew that statement could potentially scare him off, you had only known him for two months, but everything felt so right with Hoseok. It was a glimmer in his eye, and the way his hold on you tightened significantly that should have warned you that Hoseok had taken the words to heart. This wasn't a mindless pillow talk to him; it was a declaration. "I agree." Was all he said. You turned back around and lay your head on his chest, snuggling into him for some warmth. Your eyelids were beginning to become substantial, your eyes fluttering shut every so often until you finally succumbed and closed your eyes. Falling asleep to the rhythmic sound of Hoseok breathing.
 "I'll always be with you, Jagi. No matter what."
 You didn't hate your job, but it did want to make you tear the hair from your scalp several times a day - some days more than others. You had managed to work yourself up to a management position, which was supposed to mean fewer hours, but whenever someone in your office decided to be incompetent, you were left to deal with the consequences. Like today when Yeri had abruptly taken a day off right before the monthly evaluation meeting and forgot to send you the presentation and documents which you would have to present to the CEO. Usually, this wouldn't have been a problem if you hadn't found out forty-five minutes before the meeting. Not to mention you were supposed to leave early today, Sun-Hi had a doctor's appointment, and you couldn't afford to be late. Thankfully the daycare you had placed her in was only a ten-minute drive from your workplace.
 The clock on your car's dashboard read ten twenty-seven am. With luck, you would be able to make it to the appointment by eleven. Maybe I’ll take Sun-Hi out to lunch? It was preferable to going home and attempting to cook dinner. The bright colors of the daycare stood in contrast to the copper and steels of Seoul's architecture, but it was a welcome change. You pulled into the parking lot of the building, quickly gathering your stuff before racing towards the entrance and front desk. It was a new receptionist this time, one you didn't recognize, but you hoped she wouldn't take too long. "Hello, what can I help you with?" She must've been around your age, but her sweet smile and bright eyes let you know that she still hadn't lost her naivety - lucky. "I'm here to pick up my daughter Sun-Hi, we have a doctor's appointment." The girl smiled, typing her name into the computer. After a couple seconds, the smile faded from her face and was replaced with a frown. "I'm sorry, but it says she's already been picked up," she further leaned into the computer, eyes skimming the text. "It says here she left early for an appointment...and her father picked her up.”
           "So, what do you think of it?" Hoseok had insisted on stopping by your cramped apartment during finals week. He had dragged you outside, insisting that if you didn't take a break from studying, your head might combust. You didn't exactly believe his words, no matter how much he swore they were real, but you did need a break. Plus, any excuse to spend time with Hoseok was a good one. He had practically kidnapped you, forcing you into his car and driving for almost an hour before showing you his "hideout." A quaint beach hidden between forestry and rocks. Where despite the gray morning sky, the sea and sand glimmered. "It's nice." You muttered, wrapping your arms tightly around yourself. The air had gotten colder, the beginnings of winter making themselves evident. "I've always loved it here. Used to visit when I was younger to get away from it all." Hoseok rarely spoke about his past, even if the two of you were close. There was always a sort of barrier between the two of you. One that only seemed to weaken around his friends, or in moments such as these.
 Hoseok sat down on the large blanket he had brought, dusting off what little sand got onto it. He patted the empty space to his left, indicating he wanted you to sit with him. Once you did, he wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in a warm hug. "Are you cold?" He asked as he felt you shivering. "A bit." you chuckled before leaning further into him. The two of you remained silent for quite a while, basking in the refreshing scent and lulling sound of the waves crashing into the shore. You tilted your head up to look at him, mesmerized by how someone could be so beautiful and kind. Though the relationship between the two of you was a transactional one, it never felt like that. You felt like he loved you, even if he had never directly said the words. When the others gave you presents or attention, it felt like compensation, a 'thank you for your services' kind of thing. Whenever Hoseok did it if felt like it was a way for him to show his admiration towards you. Who knows? Maybe you were just a fool, falling for a rich man with sweet words.
 "You're staring." He smirked, not even bothering to look down at you. "I'm gazing." You retorted, smiling a bit. "It's creepy," Hoseok said, rolling his eyes. A small scoff left your lips, "It's romantic." One of his hands crept up your face, covering your eyes. Both of you burst into laughter as you tried to uncover your eyes when you finally did Hoseok pressed a chaste kiss against your lips. "No fair." You whined, lips pouting somewhat exaggeratedly. You pretended to try to escape Hoseok's hold, but his grip tightened, and he pulled you tautly against him. "Life isn't fair," Hoseok said as he pressed another kiss to your lips. "You're not getting away from me, darling. No matter what."
           “And you’ve had no contact with any of them since the trial, correct?” Officer Park asked, the two police officers standing in the middle of your living room. "No, I haven't! You know this. How many times am I going to have to say this?!" You were exasperated, the snot-filled tissues clenched in your hand, and reddened cheeks a clear sign of it. After causing quite a show at the daycare, you had called Investigator Lee only to be told that he was out of town. Park shot his partner a look before crouching down in front of you, the case you had been involved in was infamous: seven of Korea's most prominent businessmen and figureheads all involved in a kidnapping and love affair that looked like something straight out of a drama. Your name had been changed to ensure your security, but that didn't mean that judgment hadn't followed you everywhere you went. Even now, in your own home, you could see the way the officer's side-eyed you. "I understand why you're reacting like this, Miss, but rest assured we will do everything in our power to locate your daughter and ensure her wellbeing." Inspector Park stood above your hunched over the figure, while his partner stood in the corner with harsh judgment in his eyes. "For the time being, please refrain from speaking to anyone about this. We will try to interview the men and see if they know anything." Yeah, right, like you were going to listen to that.  
 Gangnam's correctional facility was on the outskirts of town, barely classifying as Seoul but housing enough prominent individuals to bear that name. You had been sitting outside in your car for over thirty-minutes debating whether or not to come in. Whether or not to see any of them again after everything that had happened. The desire to locate your daughter had outweighed any sense of fear or survival instinct that willed you to drive away and forget the men. Taking a deep breath, you stepped out and stared at the bleak concrete structure, it's red bricks standing out against the desolate surrounding area. You noticed that some guards were staring at you, so you began to walk towards the front, trying to ignore their peering eyes. The prison was a long stretch of red brick and concrete; it was perhaps three floors high, including the ground-floor. There were small windows all along the length of it, and it was quite a distance away. That was because there was a large front yard area for inmates almost enclosed with high fencing, the tops covered in barbed wire with signs along the lengths warning that the fencing was live and that touching it could result in electrocution and possible death. Between the yard and where you currently stood, there was another building, a smaller building. This one was ground-floor only, and it was the entrance to the prison.  
 Visitors would be checked and searched within that building. Two other buildings were flanking each side of the prison, one in which there was an infirmary and presumably solitary confinement of sorts. The other contained a large visitation room and other things that you had yet to see while inside. Lastly, in two of the corners around the prison, there were tall towers on which guards would stay and watch everything from above. There were massive alarm systems stuck to the sides, and you briefly wondered what the siren would sound like before you dragged your eyes away. It was an imposing building, that much was sure, and the cold waves coming off it seemed to permeate and chill you down to your very bones.
 "Who are you here to see?" The guard asked, his voice being slightly muted through the glass pane. You took a deep breath, "Jeon Jungkook." You handed over your id and emptied out your pockets before you were patted down. The walk through the aisle was uncomfortable, to say the least, inmates lined their cells peering down to catch a look. You couldn't help glancing up, trying to meet any of the six familiar pairs of eyes - not knowing whether to feel gratitude or regret when you were unsuccessful. The interview room was vacant, with only you in a room lined with glass, chairs, and black phones. You chose to sit in the third chair, deeming a reasonable distance, though what you measured you didn't know. It was a few minutes until the other room's door was open, Jungkook stepping forward while a guard lingered behind. His hands were handcuffed in front of him, and even though the white jumpsuit, you could see the way his muscles flexed. He had gotten more significant, if that were possible, not having much to do except workout after being locked up for so long. Jungkook seemed disinterested until he glanced up, and his eyes met yours.
 Jungkook began to laugh, a childlike glee filling his eyes; beneath that, however, you could see the swirl of wrath and regret. The guard uncuffed him and whispered something to him, possibly telling him to behave or the amount of time they had. Jungkook walked to the third chair and sat down, his eyes slowly trailed down your body. Now up close, his features had aged and hardened, but they remained with a youthful glow that sadly you had lost. Not wanting to waste any more time, you picked up the phone beside you holding it up to your ear. Jungkook smirked, leaning back in the chair as he continued to stare at you. Clearly, he had no intention of picking up the phone, at least not anytime soon. Even now, he still found ways to torment you. "Please." you mouthed, hand coming up to rest on the glass. It had been years, but people didn't change that much, and you knew that you still meant something to them. Jungkook played along, his palm coming up to meet yours. Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you swore you felt some of his heat come through the thick bulletproof glass. Finally, he picked up the phone.
 “Long time no see, Y/n.” His lips curved slightly upward.
 “...Hi Jungkook.”
 "Aren't you going to ask how I've been?" Jungkook teased, leaning forward. When you refused to, he answered anyway. "I've been good, you know. I didn't think I would ever fit the prison life, but it isn't too bad - at least I don't have a long time left." Your eyes widened, shock evident in the way the phone between your hand trembled, "What? But I thought -" Jungkook chuckled, "Didn't they tell you about the appeals? All our sentences got decreased, not to mention all of us have been on our best behavior." He emphasized by making quotations with his fingers. You wouldn't believe the cruel hand fate had dealt you with as if once wasn't enough. You opened your mouth to speak, but you were unsure of what to say. What would work? What would make the men give up on you?
 “Jimin’s already out. I’m sure he’s planning on coming to visit you soon.”
 With those few words, Jungkook had robbed you of your breath. You had been so sure it was Hoseok, but if Jimin was out, that means he might know about Sun-Hi. If he knows that means… Your eyes trailed up to see Jungkook smiling sadistically, madness in his eyes. Maybe he didn't know. Perhaps he did. All that mattered to you now was finding your daughter. Along with making sure to protect her from her father, even if it cost you your life.  
 "Have you thought about what you want to do for the rest of your life?" You asked him as you turned around. A small giggle escaping your lips when you noticed that he had been staring at you this whole time. "I'm looking at her right now." Rolling your eyes, you playfully hit his shoulder. "I'm serious." Jimin pouted, "As am I." His arms wrapped around you and pull you towards him, the book on his chest long forgotten. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you." It was a cute thought, one that caused blood to rush towards your cheeks.
 "Why do you always say such corny things?" You accused him, as you hid your face in his neck. Jimin could only laugh, "Someone has to." Then he lowered himself until the two of you were at eye level on the soft carpet floor. Jimin's hands combed softly through your hair before cupping your face. There was a faint glow in his eyes, almost like golden flecks that danced in the light. Jimin looked like an angel that had fallen from heaven. Slowly you leaned in to brush your lips along his, but the sound of a phone ringing interrupted you. You had forgotten to turn off your phone.
 "What is that?" All the joy had disappeared from his voice. "How many times do I have to tell you to turn off your fucking phone?!" In the blink of an eye, Jimin had crossed the room to where your bag was. He took the leather bag in his hand, combing through it until he located the mobile device. "Jimin… I'm sorry. It's almost out of battery, so I thought it would die out." He wasn't listening, or he didn't care to. Jimin smiled, turning around to face you, the phone in his hand. "You know I've told you that I hate this phone. It's so old. How do you think it reflects on us if you're walking around with a dinosaur for a cellphone." When you didn't answer, it only made him more upset. Even if it was clear, his statement was rhetorical.  
 "Don't worry, I preordered the newest model. Think of it as a gift." The phone between Jimin's stiff fingers slipped - or that's what he claimed hours later once he had calmed down - to you, it looked more like he slammed the fragile device with all his force against his marble table. It didn't matter. No point in bringing it up, you had a new phone, and Jimin was happy. That's all that mattered.
 The ringing was what woke you up. It had already been over six hours, the news had yet to be dispatched, but so far the police had no luck in locating your daughter or a single trace of Jung Hoseok or Park Jimin. When the police visited the prison to interview the other five men, they'd been notified of your visit. To say they were displeased would be an understatement; the two officers insisted that your involvement would only slow down the process of the investigation. All you could think about was how audacious one must be to tell the mother of a lost child to "relax and destress."
 The phone on the nightstand next to you shined a bright blue. The caller identification stating 'foreign.' It couldn't be your family, investigator Park had warned that contacting your family might not be helpful as it could cause an intense commotion. They'd be the last person you would tell: your family had shut you out after what had happened three years ago. Not that you blamed them, no one wanted an 'escort' for a daughter. Hesitantly you answered the phone, placing it next to your ear.
 "Hi, mommy."
 You leaped off the bed, "Sun-Hi. Oh my god. Are you okay? Sweetheart, are you hurt?" Tears were spilling from your eyes as you rushed to the living room to find Investigator Park's number that was on the card they'd given you.
 "I'm fine, Mommy. Daddy says not to call the police."
 You froze. "Da-daddy? Is he there can I speak to Daddy?"
 There was slight static in the background, so you couldn't make out the voices. Only your daughter's soft tone when she returned, "No. Sorry." A dry sob escaped your throat, "Sun-Hi. Baby, please. Tell me where you are." Your daughter didn't respond; there was only more background noise until "I'm sorry, Mommy. I have to go." No. "No!" The call ended, and with it, you collapsed onto the floor. Your knees coming up to your chest as you rock yourself back and forth. Desperation began to fill you as a single thought settled back into your mind: it isn't over. Their game. It's just started.
 Sun-Hi played with the monster truck until she had just about crashed it into everything and quickly become bored. Then she decided to explore her room once again. Daddy had said that everything inside was either bought by him or her uncles. It was beautiful and distracted her for a bit, but she missed Mommy. She wanted her mommy. It was only after throwing a tantrum and screaming for a while, that Daddy finally let her talk to Mommy. Mommy sounded upset, but Daddy said that soon she would join them, and they would be happy together. All of them.
 "Sun-Hi." His voice called out, a sing-song tone to it. When he peered his head through the door, she burst out into giggles. "Oh, my baby. You're so adorable." He cried, running over to her and lifting her up into his arms. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, in awe of how he and you had ever managed to create such a beautiful creature. In the corner of the room, next to Sun-Hi's bed was a nightstand with a framed picture of him and you in it. Taken on that oh so fateful day. "Good news, sweetheart. Mommy's coming to meet us soon…" His voice trailed off as he looked deeply into his daughter's eyes. As he gazed into them, he saw your eyes staring back at him. The ones that used to gaze at him with so much love and fear. For a fraction of a second, he felt guilty at the damage he might be causing; how much pain he might be inflicting onto you, all because of some deep-rooted need. However, that sentiment didn't last very long.
 Sun-Hi was a reflection of the love he and you had, he would be damned if anything stopped him now after having waited such a long time. He would have you now. The world is damned.
 The last thing you knew you had passed out on the living room floor. After the call, you had suffered a panic attack that left you hyperventilating so much the lack of oxygen triggered a 'reset' switch to go off in your brain. Knocking you unconscious. Your mind likely needed such a thing after all the stress it had to undergo in twenty-four hours. The former, of which would look like a stroll to the park, considering what you had to face next. It wasn't until you tried to move and felt the tight cord digging into your flesh that you realized you were tied up. Looking around, you realized that you were still very much in your house - the bedroom, to be exact. Even it didn't paint a pretty picture that you were curled up with your wrists and ankles tied together. It left you in an uncomfortable position that at best only allowed you to roll over and off the bed, but didn't allow for much else. In the corner of the room, a shadow moved before it seemingly melted back into the wall. You weren't easily deceived.
 "Who's there?" You called out, knowing that the person wouldn't necessarily answer, but hoping to elicit some type of reaction. That way, you could narrow down who it could be - even if there really were only two contenders. "Who do you want it to be?" Spoke his angelic voice, before he stepped out into the moonlight - a maniacal grin on his face.
 "How I've missed you, darling."
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jincentvangogh · 6 years
i was tagged by the ever so lovely @jingertonic ​
Rules: Answer the questions and tag more ARMY friends to play along
1. First BTS Song?
My first song was 2학년 but tbh most of their songs back then reminded me of early noughties r&b songs and I wasn’t hooked. 
I didn’t really stan them but I had a lot of their songs in my playlist... THEN dope was released and a BIH was HOOKED hahahaha
2. First bias?
• yoongi!!!!
3. Current Bias?
• hyung line... tbh they’re all a dream
4. Put the members in order of your bias list
jungkook/taehyung ---- they’re the little baby brothers I never had
5. Favourite BTS Song?
• Spring day (that song makes me cry SOO much), Lie cuz it’s dramatic AF, Stigma (THOSE HIGH NOTES), cyphers (except pt1), baepsae, 2! 3!, House of cards  
6. Favourite BTS Song that is underrated?
• 1340340, Paradise, Ma City (?), boys with fun (?), look here, we on, hip hop lover, coffee (?), war of hormone (MY PROBLEMATIC FAVE), spine breaker (?), satoori rap, rise of bangtan, Where did you come from (the intro gives me LIFE), Intro: what am I to you.
(?) --> dunno if this are underrated but in my opinion they are
7. Favourite Song of Wings?
• tbh it’s my favourite album SOOO all of them, the production, mixing, curation of the songs... was the best thing that BTS had done at the time and I feel this album really elevated their stardom. HOWEVER, Boy meets evil, Lie and stigma are my favourites, boy meets evil is soo energy charged and hobi’s voice gives the song this angsty tone, Lie is the MOST DRAMATIC SONG they’ve made (tear and fake love comes second and third) the beginning with the ..yeah and the spanish guitar UGH and then that millisecond of silence before a mini drop and Jimin’s voice... UGH the back vocal... I could keep going cuz it’s really my favourite song. Then we have stigma, I really like how they always use really simple beats to tae’s solo song and use a lot of negative space (I think it’s called Ma in music?? dunno but in photography its negative space) to create dramatism and make tae’s voice really POP... also THOSE HIGH NOTES give me goosebumps 
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
8. Favourite Song of each LY Her, Tear and Answer?
• her: serendipity, Her, Go (Go Go) --> only cuz  you can hear a HINT of Andean music like the dudurumdundun followed by the rondador (I thinks is a rondador) 
• tear: the entire album
• answer: euphoria, just dance, seesaw, Singularity, epiphany, answer: love myself, IDOL, I’m fine (yoongi’s rap)
9. Favourite Music Video?
• Spring day, O!RUL8,” comeback trailer (I’M SORRY IT’S A BOP), Danger cuz hubby Jin looked PROPER delicious, War of Hormone (problematic fave and jimin’s ass, thank you).. A bitch is soft for the For you MV. Dope cuz well Jin’s a doctor and jimin looks MIGHTY FINE as an office worker, forever young and IDOL (cuz it’s messy)
10. Favourite Dancer?
• hobi
11. Favourite Vocalist?
• Taehyung and Jimin
12. Favourite Rapper?
• yoongi
13. Favourite hair color on each member?
• Seokjin: Pink, Ashy blond, black, brown... especially that light brown hair that gives him boyfriend CEO looks 
• Yoongi: Red, Blond, ashy blond, green, blue, black, brown
• Namjoon: Orange, ashy blond, blue (FIGHT ME), purple, black,  brown  
• Hoseok: Orange, Blond, black,  brown
• Jimin: Red, Orange, Blond (but like that caramel blond UGH), blue, black,  brown
• Taehyung:Ashy blond, blue, black,�� brown
• Jungkook: Blond, purple, black,  brown
14. Favourite Choreography?
• No more dream, We are bulletproof pt. 2 (a superior bitch), Fire, Boy meets evil, Blood sweat and tears, Spring day, DNA, Idol, Singularity (UGH BITCH UGH), Lie (I think it’s clear this song is my fav), Just dance, FAKE LOVE, that intro performance trailer where they’re dressed like navy officers (YES BITCH)
15. Favourite Ship?
• ot7... although I don’t like ships cuz some of their stans are hella hard (like I wanna say crazy but not relly)
I tag: @sunshyngal , @namjoonchronicles , @floralseokjin, @kpoptart216, @honeyminyoongi
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asyouwish-jkjm · 6 years
I’ve been getting on Twitter a lot lately. That place can be either really lovely or a complete hellpit. I’ve seen a bunch of support for Bts but I’ve also seen a lot hate, especially towards a certain member( jimin). Antis, solo stans, evil demons in disguise. Whatever you want to call them. I’m new to this Army. I became an Army a few months ago. I never experienced this love of an artist before. I was a fan but never did I anticipate any release, I never stayed up until 4am to watch a mv. I never watched, researched lyric meanings or translations. I love music. Every kind really, I gravitate towards R&b but I have favorites in every genre. I went back to Bts first albums, I loved them, I read through lyrics and they hit me in my damn soul. I became obsessed, I was scheduled a vacation from work and had no plans. So i watched every run episode, bangtan bomb, rookie king, AHL, etc. I could find. I fell in love with artist for the first time in my 26 years. That feels so damn cringey to write. But it’s true. Not just with their personalities, but with their camaraderie, their brotherhood. They are a family. Not to mention their music, dance, and performances. I’m constantly awed by their performances. This is becoming a novel, but since this is my post, and i don’t know if anyone will even read this, I’m going all in. I’m a little rusty with writing. I used to write stories and poems when I was younger, but stopped because I lost inspiration and became depressed. This a love post for Ot7. So just fair warning if you don’t like ot7, I don’t really care.
•Namjoon - LEADER EXTRAORDINAIRE. His mind amazes me. Every time he opens his mouth I anticipate his words. I’ve heard people say he’s their future president. I would vote for him without hesitation. I envy the way expresses himself with both words and music. Bonus: he nearly ended me with his part in idol. I’m too embarrassed to admit how many times I replayed that scene.
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•JIN- FIRST OF ALL I LOVE HIS VOICE. Epiphany slapped me in the face. His humor and his heart come next.His looks are far down the line of why I like him. He is so damn loyal. His dad jokes, are mostly lost in translation but he makes me laugh anyways. I could go on and on about him. His windshield wiper laugh. The way he loves and takes care of all his babies.
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•YOONGI- HE IS A FUCKING GENIUS. He is the first member I felt a true connection to. I saw him on Ellen, he was so damn chill when she tried to scare them. I was impressed. I looked him up. I watched videos of him on YouTube. And then I started listening to his mixtape and reading the lyrics. Let just say THE LAST, fucked me up. He understood depression. He understood, what no one else had understood about me. He understood because he felt it himself. I was hooked.
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•HOSEOK- SUNSHINE MADE MANIFEST. He is a joy to watch. Whether he dancing, rapping, laughing, or even screaming. Every time I watch anything Bts related, I’m always filled with happiness just watching anything he does. I respect the hell out of him, he is such a professional. He puts on amazing performances. Can I also add that, the man is damn fine. He is so underrated in the looks department that its almost criminal. Omg! I almost forgot his mixtape. Happiness. That’s what I feel when I hear his voice.
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•JIMIN- LITERAL ANGEL/FAIRY. The first thought that came to mind was sex on a stick, but he’s so much more than that. He loves and cares for his people, it really touches me that he really tries not let anyone go unnoticed. His dancing. Sigh. Beautiful. His singing. Sigh. Angelic. His gaze. Gulp.Mesmerizing. Seriously that’s what he reduces me too. Moving on because I could talk about him forever.
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•TAEHYUNG- FASCINATING CONUNDRUM. I will admit Tae puzzles the most out of all the members, maybe it’s because of the blank face he does so well. His voice captivated me. Both the deep and high notes that he does. Singularity was wonderful, I didn’t want it to end. Also his dancing is underrated, I love him especially in spring day. He really does remind of my little brothers. One second I want to give him a neck, the next I just want to cuddle him. Why I have no clue. I also loved Hwarang and cried when his character died.
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This man is multi-talented. His voice is my favorite I’ll admit. He can sing anything and I’ll sit and listen. He whispers at me with his voice and I shudder. I love the swag he has when he dances. The videos and photos he’s released as part GCF, are freaking awesome. I love his competitiveness. I love how fucking fearless he is. But I also love that he’s an introvert, because I can relate. I love his nose and the way he scrunches it. But I’ll stop, cause I’ll keep going and get more cringey.
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Overall I think I wrote too damn much and also not enough. I know there are many things I didn’t include, I also know there are also many things we all will never know about them. I just wanted to write about the many reasons I love them. Send some love and good energy to them. I think they get enough hate as it is. I also was inspired by a post on Twitter, it literally made me sick and fucking angry. It was post bashing one of the members. It inspired me because I wanted to fight that person but I knew there was no point. So instead of filling the world with more hate I wanted to write something good. Hopefully I succeed.
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Also Note: the thing about giving tae a neck. Please read what I said before that carefully. I wrote that he reminds me of my younger brothers( who I would literally die for) so don’t get anything twisted.
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vampjins · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 73 characters
#ive been into star wars for years so i was excited when i saw those posts
My Top Posts in 2021
unus annus stans, don't listen to prequelle by ghost haha, especially not pro memoria and life eternal haha this is fine
23 notes • Posted 2021-11-14 16:28:03 GMT
lady dimitrescu is who the tramp stamps wish they were
36 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 16:26:12 GMT
honestly just looking for blogs who don't erase robin as a lesbian and who are supporters of bi steve without shipping him with billy 😭
36 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 12:39:30 GMT
i'm claiming heisenberg for the gays
59 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 12:49:44 GMT
my half german half romanian ass is really getting tired with this discourse. yes, you pronounce the "u" at the end of dimitrescu. no, heisenberg is not a nazi just because he has a german name. please think before you speak 😵‍💫
590 notes • Posted 2021-05-15 14:05:26 GMT
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