#so that means it's ml shitposting time
jadesage · 1 year
I think if Paris took a few pointers from the Seattle polycule, there would be a lot less akuma caused by heartbreak.
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ilikekidsshows · 18 days
There's part of me that wishes you still in ml fandom because there's something that bothered me to no end about Kuro Neko episode in s4, about the whole episode in general but especially so about what Ladybug said at the end of it.
Just because I don't need you all the time doesn't mean that I don't need you at all, Cat Noir.
I couldn't picked out why it's bothering me so much like it should be assuring because she means well, right? but it just make my anxiety skyrocketed?? Maybe it just my weird brain I don't know.
I suppose I'm in the Miraculous saltdom now. Almost everything I say qualifies as salt, but it's also peer support for the people who were let down by this show's retooling.
I think I might have said something about Kuro Neko at some point, because I was, like, still checking out what scenes the fandom posted about the most whenever a new episode dropped during season four. It's what made me realize that Miraculous is a subtanceless show that puts singular moments above having actually consistent themes or story arcs.
I think it was a shitpost about me getting New York Special flashbacks from that line from Marinette, because one of the several things about the New York Special that I have criticized was the fact that it places Cat Noir's usefulness to Ladybug over her care for him.
The thing that brings Cat Noir back to Ladybug in the New York Special wasn't her saying she cares about him, that she wants him around because he's important to her, it was her saying she needed him, that she couldn't be Ladybug without him. Rather than giving Cat Noir words of affirmation, Ladybug unintentionally pressures him with the fate of the world.
It made their reunion hug ring extremely hollow to me.
From what I've heard, Kuro Neko is basically just more of the same. Like, the only improvement is that she lessened the pressure, but it's still about her needing him and not her wanting him. Ladybug's words basically translate to: "you're not as essential as you used to be, but you quitting would still make this job needlessly hard for me," which still aren't words of affirmation.
This guy is her partner and she can't manage the bare minimum of emotional connection and vulnerability to tell him she likes him and wants him around.
No, I don't think you getting anxious about Ladybug pressuring her partner into sticking around instead of telling him how she feels about him is weird. It's a red flag.
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aleuay · 7 years
ADRIEN “SHE’S JUST A FRIEND” AGRESTE hMM,,,??? enjoy my shitpost, nerds
- aleuay
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 3 years
Happy 6 year anniversary miraculous! (And a late 3 year anniversary to my first ml fandom post!)
So on a few days ago 3 years ago, I made this rather cringy (but still very nostalgic) post, making it so that after I lurked in the fandom since 2016 doing nothing but liking posts, this was my first formal introduction to the ML fandom. 
(Post gets long so here’s a cut lol)
I’ve seen A LOT in my time here... people making (and, more laughably) debunking theories on Gabriel being hawkmoth before season 2 aired, the breakdancing au, pinkdrien, brown/grey eyed marinette, pizza bug and cola cat, the cursed adrichat saga, the fandom freaking out over the frozer trailer when it came out because it teased a reveal, the WAVE of salt after Chameleon aired (and the freak out over the chameleon trailer), when Oblivio first aired, the finale for season 3 airing before 3 crucial episodes, one of which was chat blanc, chat blanc being spoiled to hell and back, and, well, when chat blanc first dropped, when the ml instagrams dropped (and when @buggachat got blocked by Adrien Agreste himself shortly after), the adricat day, and, on a more recent scale, when Alya found out Mari was Ladybug, when Mr. Pigeon 72 broke tumblr, when Optigami put the fandom into a theory frenzy, the luka reveal, and many, many more happy memories! 
The ml fandom on here has been a family to me for the longest. I joined this hellhole in middle school, and now Im writing this from my college dorm!! Many of the blogs i’ve looked up to and even chatted with for some time were run by people who were teens when I first joined, and now those people are in their 20s. We all grew up together, in a way, never leaving this rather dumpster fire of a show no matter how far from the age range we got, because it means so much to us. 
That’s what the fandom has done for me, but as for what I’ve given back, in a weird kind of way I feel like i’ve left both a decent amount of impact on the fandom and none at all. Every time I make shitposts about the new episodes or news or whatever, they always end up reaching a high amount of notes, which always makes me feel good in the moment because it means people find my random ranting and raving FUNNY, you know? I’m nowhere near a blog you can name off the top of your head when shouting out ml tumblr blogs, I don’t make art or write fan fic, im not known for making groundbreaking theories or analysis that take the fandom by storm,but I still manage to make a little lighthearted impact every now and again, and that’s all I need, ya know? 
You guys are amazing, and while everything in my life changes ml and this fandom never does. This show has brought me so much comfort and introduced me to so many people, so.... here’s to 6 years! Can’t wait to be with y’all for 6 more at the rate this is airing ;_)
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We interrupt your scheduled Truth ranting to bring you Day 3 of Adrinette April
ML Season 4 shitposting will resume after this message. 
Day 3 - Game Night
Read on AO3
Marinette always played to win. She didn’t care what sort of challenge or competition it was. So long as there were an opponent and some sort of prize to win, she was game. And she was not the kind to touch her heart or think twice about backstabbing you if that meant winning the match, either. She went all out, or not at all. After all, games of any kind were the only occasions where Marinette allowed herself to unleash her ruthlessness, to blow off some steam.
Unfortunately, so did Adrien.
This was a fact initially only Nino knew, having been witness to a couple of his basketball matches and fencing competitions. The dude packed a punch. You could be easily fooled by his friendly, polite demeanor but one step into the mat, the court, or whatever kind of space where competition happened, and that mild-mannered boy flew out the window. This was a truth the girls learned much to their amused surprise when Alya invited them to a board game night.
Regrettably, though, it had been Marinette who had been at the receiving end of his competitiveness. Adrien and she had been playing as allies throughout a long round of Diplomacy when, at the very last minute, Adrien betrayed her to protect his troops from Alya. It didn’t help his case that she had managed to win anyway, thus making his betrayal of Marinette be all for nothing.
The thing is, Marinette knew this was a game and she wasn’t about to make a deal out of it, certainly not when this was Adrien in question. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to ruffle his feathers a little bit if she could, especially after finding out he was perhaps the only person she knew who was as competitive as her.
Besides, that betrayal demanded to be avenged and who was she to deny the universe what it asked for? Particularly when Uno was the weapon to exact her justice?
She smiled devilishly at her cards.
“So with the blank wildcard, I can set whatever order I want, right?” Marinette commented casually as she mulled over her next move while Nino and Alya struggled to organize the handful of cards they had acquired over the last few rounds. A regrettable bout of bad luck, plus Adrien’s quiet but ruthless strategizing had left them sharing a good two-thirds of the deck they were playing with.
All the while, Adrien grinned smugly at them, dangling the one card he had left, and utterly convinced nothing Marinette could come up with would prevent him from winning the round.
“Yeah,” Alya said.
“Okay!” Marinette said chirpily, already knowing the rules but just fishing for confirmation. She set down her blank wildcard and with the sweetest voice possible, she ordered, “Adrien, take all but five cards from both of Nino and Alya’s hand, and return any power card or wildcard to the deck.”
“No,” he gasped, while Nino and Alya burst into screeching laughter. “Mari, no!”
“Also, I pick red.”
“It’s not fair! They have the whole deck!” Adrien complained as both Alya and Nino pushed their little mounds of cards towards him, crying with laughter.
“I’m not taking them!” he protested.
“Oh yes, you are!” Nino said. “You’re the reason I have thirty cards in here, you bastard. You’re taking them!”
Adrien pouted and grumbled, resigning to take the collection and causing the three of his friends to wheeze with uncontrollable laughter as he struggled to organize his new hand of plus seventy cards. “You are evil , Marinette.”
“I will take no such slander from the man that threw me to the dogs,” Marinette said, mocking a dignified air, and causing Alya and Nino’s hysterical laughter to escalate.
“I had to do it or Alya would’ve taken my army!”
“You betrayed me. We were a team !”
Adrien sighed, finally laughing himself. “Okay fine. Just be prepared, I’m going to destroy you.”
“Bold talk for a fool who has more than half the deck,” Marinette said with a wink. “Next time, don’t betray your allies!”
Call it bad luck, call it Alya, Nino, and Marinette working in tandem to pulverize Adrien, but the poor boy could not get his groove back. Even after that horrendous round was finished, Adrien ended up losing in the next few as well, much to everybody else’s amusement.
“I see how it is, then,” he said, sourly, yet only on the surface. In reality, Adrien was elated to even have someone to bicker with over silly board games. His own collection, though much more extensive than Alya’s, sat at back at the Agreste mansion neatly organized by size and name, collecting dust.  
“If that’s how you’re going to play, fine by me. We’ll see who laughs last,” he grumbled as Marinette snickered at him.
“What was that you said?” she wondered, taunting him. “Something about destroying me?”
Laughter bubbled from the crevices in Adrien’s fake scowl. He was having too much fun to pretend he was mad.
“Yo, what other game are we playing?” Alya asked.
Adrien scanned the stack of battered board game boxes that sat on the counter of Alya’s dinner table and grinned, immediately snatching his pick. “This one!”
Marinette blew a raspberry. “Twister? You’re going to lose.”
“We’ll see about that, Pigtails,” he said with a smug smile.
After flipping a coin between Alya and Nino, who were both arguing to see who’d have the privilege of watching the certified chaos that it was going to be having Adrien and Marinette compete against each other, Nino was assigned as referee.
Alya, Marinette, and Adrien stood without shoes at the edge of the Twister mat waiting for Nino’s instructions. It started civilly enough.
“Left foot, red.”
“Left hand, green.”
Given that Marinette was in the middle and being the shortest of all three, Adrien seized the opportunity to claim the green spot that was closest to her. She yelped, taken aback, and forced to take the one immediately adjacent to the left, leaving her in an awkwardly stretched position.
“Right foot, blue.”
Adrien smirked, instantly applying the same strategy and forcing Marinette to slide under him to put her foot on a blue spot. “Adrien! You’re cheating!”
“I’m doing no such thing, you’re just bug-sized.”
Marinette gasped, both delighted and insulted at Adrien’s audacity. Alya was too busy laughing at her reaction to even care about the fact she had fallen down.
“Left hand, blue.”
“Adrien!” Marinette complained after Adrien took the closest spot to her once again.
He laughed with unbridled amusement as Marinette produced a tiny, “Eeep!” and fell down. Not content with the outcome of the game, she launched herself aiming for his ribs, knowing he was dangerously ticklish in that area.
Adrien produced an unfortunate wail-like sound before collapsing right underneath Marinette, who despite being squashed by him, was not deterred from continuing her attack.
“Ma--ri--MARINETTE STOP!” he exclaimed, laughing hysterically and rolling, trying to free himself from the tiny “bug-sized” girl.
“No!” Marinette said, laughing with malicious power. “You were cheating!”
“No, I WAS NOT! MARI!” Fighting the torturous tickling, he forced himself to sit so that he could return the attack.
Marinette squealed with a pitch higher than Adrien thought was humanly possible. Delighted by the way she squirmed and laughed, he kept tickling her.
“No, no, you started it!”
It was Marinette’s unintentional jab at his stomach that put an end to the tickle fight. She managed to elbow Adrien hard enough that she knocked the wind off from him. He pleaded for a truce despite the fact Marinette was not attacking him anymore but rather was sitting next to him, mortified that she had hurt him.
“You’re a sore loser,” Adrien pointed out, giggling, delighted to have learned that particular fact about Marinette.
“And you’re a ruthless backstabber,” she retorted, grinning. “Two can play the guilt-trip game.“
“Hey, I play to win,” he said beaming at her.
“I’ll get you back next time we play Mecha Strike,” she threatened him, adorably poking her tongue out at him, thus defeating any sense of menace she could have possibly portrayed.
“Can’t wait,” Adrien said with an elated smile and a blush caused by all the tickling. Or, at least, that’s what he told himself.
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fynneyseas · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i mean alex trebek wasn't always the host so if you watch the stuff from before the 80s then you could say that trebek's run was jeopardy sh
My Top Posts in 2021
I still can't believe my girlfriend (who never had a naruto phase) took one look at my rock lee #inspo sticker and was immediately like "he has ur eyebrows babe"
6 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 21:58:08 GMT
1. I was telling one of my students about rauschenberg's shitpost artwork, erased de kooning
2. he thought rauschenberg was a keysmash
3. he explained what a keysmash was to me like kjjlflkasjdflk kid I know
7 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 03:09:33 GMT
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In case you were wondering how the she ra rp is going, here's this hot take from @reyxa
9 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 03:59:26 GMT
wild that I've been on tumblr for ten years??? Like. @a-la-peanutbutter-sandwiches we will have known each other for a d e c a d e in like two months. I didn't even know I was asexual when we met.
9 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 07:16:06 GMT
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Icon Change!
@thehausghosts​‘s stirring rendition of pink saint walker wearing a flower crown will always live in my heart, but I’m so excited about this hot pink vampire vibes icon I commissioned from @princesskrib​!!!
9 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 07:20:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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beautymercurydragon · 4 years
To everyone liking my ML shitposts, opinions, metas and etc., thank you very much!
The series isn’t perfect, but in my opinion, is an incredible cartoon, and while I respect others’ opinions, I am salt-free when it comes to the show. Well, almost; the only things I’m salty over are the episode order, Gabriel still being alive and the hamster’s name not being revealed. Lmao. Here are some opinions of mine that might be unpopular and/or controversial -
Chloe was always a morally grey character from the beginning of her ‘redemption’ in the Queens’ Battle arc, and looking at it from my POV as a writer, the mains themselves (who weren’t even supposed to be the main focus) were better in this story plot than she herself was. I did not see Mad Queen Chloe in Miracle Queen as character assassination, misogynistic, OOC, bad writing or otherwise.
Gabriel Agreste is one of the biggest piece of shit in the whole series. Framing any of his interactions as ‘romantic’ or ‘selfless’ is untrue to the series, and no motives or reasoning behind what he’s done will change that. What he did with Nathalie, both by forcing her to use the Peacock Miraculous and being in a pseudo-relationship with her while still married to Emilie, who’s still alive as she’s in a coma was wrong. What he’s done to his friend Tomoe Tsurugi’s daughter, whom he and Tomoe want to be with his son, by akumatizing her and exposing her hero identity to the entire city in the finale was wrong. And most of all, what he did to Marinette and Adrien in the Chat Blanc timeline was incredibly wrong and vile, and proved how evil he was deep down.
Marinette as both herself as Ladybug has done some incredibly risky and somewhat questionable things, in direct response to others doing out-of-line shit, being dishonest and being irresponsible. So yes, I defend Marinette on all of the things she called out Chloe and Lila, along with probable others that apply to this opinion on.
Despite how much I like Master Fu as a character, what he did with Adrien was wrong. Not telling him that he’s the Guardian until Syren(?), never going to him when things were wrong etc., were all to blame on him. He was a grown man, who same as Gabriel is, was 100% to blame for his own actions.
Ladybug and Chat Noir have an undeniable, strong, unbreakable and true love that their bond and partnership is built on, whether you choose to see it as platonic or romantic. Jeremy Zag and Thomas Astruc themselves have made it blatantly obvious several times that the Love Square will always be endgame, no matter how much Adrien antis and hardcore/solo Lukanette stans try to deny it. He’s never sexually harassed her; and the fact that anyone would claim he did is borderline offensive to actual sexual harassment/assault/abuse victims. If you all hated on him and criticized him for him kissing Ladybug on the cheek as Chat Noir when Glaciator aired, why didn’t you do the same when Marinette kissed him on the cheek in Heroes’ Day? Thanks for proving sexism against males exists.
Alya Cesaire is not nor was she ever a terrible friend to Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After her parents and Chat Noir, she is without a doubt the person Marinette loves and treasures the most, followed by Nino and the rest of the class, and one of the people who’s believed in her the most. Her asking for advice in Chameleon was NOT her being traitorous, unloyal, an awful friend or a bitch in any way; personally, if I had two friends with different sides of the same story, I would absolutely ask one of or both of them for their sides/proof, regardless of how long I’d known either. You cannot say you stan Marinette and her personal happiness that ‘includes good friends’ if you dislike her.
On that note, Adrien Agreste is not and never will be a boring character. He’s gone through a lot with that POS he calls a father, and so much more than Marinette ever will in the BS fanon out there. (No hate to Marinette at all, I absolutely love her and she’s my fave.)
GabeNath is a shit romance and a terrible pairing. I don’t care if Emilie is ‘technically’ dead, because she isn’t; she’s in a coma, which isn’t equivalent of being dead in any way. GabeNath stans DNI on this post.
No matter how much the fandom still loves to hate her, Kagami Tsurugi stands as one of the most underrated ML characters, and is up there within the best ones. But sure, having actual backstory and purpose asides from being a love interest (such as a friend to Marinette, superhero (yes I’m aware Luka’s one too), and the plot with her mom and Gabriel’s ‘deal’) is so awful compared to cringeworthy metaphors, playing a guitar, having an emo aesthetic and ‘smooth’ voice.
Lukanette and Adrigami being canon would absolutely not be a good way of subverting expectations, it’d just be plain horrible writing. I want a plot that makes sense, meaning Marinette and Adrien ending up together because IT’S A KEY THEME IN THE STORY, not because they’re my ML OTP.
If anyone else agrees with some of these or has more to add to what I put, please feel free to put them in replies or reblogs.
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The Chat Drawings
I have some hcs revolving around a one-shot I’m considering on writing to start off my writing in the ML fandom (before I move on to my huge amount of multi-chapter fic ideas.) In any case, this isn’t really how I assume the fans of Paris are like, but it’s an interesting idea to me.
Marinette doesn’t like how most fan art of Chat Noir is either just plain silly or literally making him out to look like some handsome, mysterious god of the night. There’s either shit comics featuring badly drawn pictures of him or detailed portraits of him looking all suave, no in-between.
It starts to really bother her the more she thinks about it, so she decides to contribute a different sort of illustration. She makes a sweet drawing of him just smiling really widely, wearing a flower crown and bathed in sunlight. He’s a dorky, lovable goof, and she feels like he should be portrayed as such. (AKA he’s not a flirt master nor is he just a meme.)
Obviously, Alya finds out, gushes about how great it looks, and begs to post it on the Ladyblog. Marinette reluctantly agrees, after hours of trying (and failing) to convince Alya that her work isn’t good enough.
Of course, Adrien, the boy who stalks that blog like a hawk, sees it immediately and he’s positively glowing in happiness. Then he sees the name of the artist, and he’s practically bouncing off the walls.
Most of the time, people who make detailed drawings of him either make everyday action scenes as seen from civilian eyes or draw him as this mysterious hero under the moonlight. He doesn’t know why— maybe it’s the black suit? The cat eyes? 
Who knows, but what he does know is that Marinette has a totally different view of him. Instead of cold white lighting, he’s in warm orange sunlight. Instead of smirking, he’s full-blown grinning. She even drew the setting sun behind his head, a little to the side, almost like a halo. It’s strangely personal, but very warming and flattering.
He’s a little surprised that she noticed that only one of his cheeks has a dimple, and he’s very surprised by the incredibly accurate depiction of his suit, honeycomb patterns and all.
Wait does Marinette maybe have a crush on Chat Noir?
(No, Adrien, you dumbass.)
(Okay maybe she does a little.)
Adrien confronts Marinette at school the next day and compliments her work, and asks her if she’s a fan of Chat Noir. Her answer is very honest, surprisingly, and she doesn’t even stutter this time. She’s more lost in thought.
“I think people don’t really wanna see how Chat really is, and it’s a little upsetting. I mean, I’ve only met him a handful of times, but he’s this goofy, dramatic, nice guy, and it’s a shame that everyone keeps trying to cover it up by either viewing him as this walking, talking shitpost or as some smooth Casanova, you know? So I’ve been... drawing some of my own interpretations. I, uh, I guess you could say I’m a fan. But I’m not a fan of how most people in his fanbase views him.”
Probably one of the first thoughts that comes to Adrien’s mind after hearing that is “I would die for Marinette, holy shit.”
The next thought is “wait did she just admit to having drawn more than just that one drawing?”
Adrien asks if he can see more and Alya being the best wingwoman in the world immediately takes over by yelling “LOOK AT THIS SHIT, CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE DOESN’T THINK IT’S GOOD ENOUGH TO BE POSTED ONLINE?!” The moment Adrien sees it he’s also yelling “HOLY CRAP MARINETTE THIS IS AMAZING?!”
One of the pictures is of Chat Noir sitting down at a cafe table in broad daylight chatting with a group of three little old women over cups of tea. 
Another picture is of Chat Noir sitting at a public bench, a denim jacket over his suit, sunglasses over his mask, slid down the bridge of his nose so he’s looking over the lenses, puckered lips smiling around the straw of his red and black smoothie. 
Another picture, and this one’s his favourite, is Chat Noir dressed as the Dread Pirate Roberts, wielding a saber, battling a made-up akuma that looks an awful lot like Inigo Montoya. There’s speech bubbles, “Who are you?” “No one of consequence.” “I must know!” “Get used to disappointment.” It’s clever, definitely something he would say.
Now Adrien, Nino, and Alya combined are trying to convince Marinette that she needs to put her work online. Alya even mentions that since she’s posted the first one, Marinette got several thousand notes and comments on it. 
Marinette wants to fight it, but now that she has three determined heathens on her back, she really can’t do anything. Alya sets up an account for her and posts more of her work, and she very quickly gains a fanbase. In fact, her follower count explodes the moment the art is posted, and keeps climbing overnight. 
She’s now known as the Chat Noir illustrator. It’s strange, she knows that her work isn’t overly amazing or anything, but it’s ridiculously popular, moreso than most Chat Noir artists. She supposes it’s because of her unique take on him. Everyone seems to adore it, and it’s like she somehow started a movement or something.
She’s not really surprised when Chat Noir decides to make a little visit. She is surprised when he visited her in her school library during her studying time, but the actual act of him visiting isn’t too surprising. That doesn’t stop her from telling him to get lost, because they’re in public.
He doesn’t get lost, if you couldn’t tell. Instead he takes a selfie with her, posts it on his social media, and has a 3 hour long conversation with her about everything and nothing. She gets no studying done. By the end, he concludes that either Marinette has absolutely no interest in him at all or she’s just really good at handling a crush, which is more than he can say for himself.
(Yeah, he had the ulterior motive to see if she had a crush on him. So what? He’s a little shit, and if that grin is anything to go by, he knows it.)
Six new drawings are posted that night, and he comes to realise that Visiting Marinette = Art Inspiration. 
Marinette is deeply regretting the hole she dug herself into. Deeply, deeply regretting it. 
Chat starts bugging her about recreating those drawing she made in real life and quite frankly she’d rather die, but saying that isn’t going to stop him. So he buys a denim jacket, a huge pair of shades, and a dark red raspberry smoothie filled with boba. Marinette didn’t expect to be ridiculously pleased with the image. It suits him.
Now not only has she become the Chat Noir Illustrator, but she’s become the Chat Noir Photographer, the two of them going out and recreating all of her drawings. She regrets this idea a little less, she thinks, after she takes a picture of him having tea with a group of little old ladies.
She’s finally on board with everything when they convince the fencing instructor to dress up as Inigo Montoya. It was the best photo they had taken. She been sucked in, it’s too late for her, she’s emotionally invested in this now.
Adrien, Nino, and Alya don’t help they’re encouraging it. Adrien especially, weirdly enough, he seems particularly enthused. None of them attempt to talk her out of all this and she’s not sure whether to be happy or disappointed.
Shit hits the fan when everyone starts assuming that Marinette’s now Chat’s Best Friend. She may have gone too far, she thinks, dangling in the grip of an akuma, formed to look like an oversized lemur. Maybe she should... not do this anymore.
I got a little tired with this but I still love it, so I’m just gonna post it. Tell me your own HCs, additions, thoughts, etc! 
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booabug · 6 years
taking a break
I’m gonna keep managing the blog in the bg. It runs on queue and schedule (other than when I slide in to shitpost and spam reblogs,) so I don’t need to be that present. Plus, lbr I’ll be back to yell about new episodes—but fandom negativity is really getting to me. It doesn’t need to if I cut it out of my life, so I’m stepping back.
That’s really all I need to say. I’ll get more into it under read more if you’re curious, though. Be forewarned, it’s a big wall of personal venting over fandom wank.
I’ve done all this meta and analysis because it’s a learning exercise for me and I’m a big nerd. I love it. I could do all that privately, though. The reason I’ve posted them is because I really like seeing feedback saying it made people appreciate or rethink aspects of the show. I want to share my appreciation of the show. (Also, I structure posts like I would fic for emotional impact when applicable, so sometimes I get to cackle over responses to that.)
Anyway, it has to be patently obvious that I appreciate the show a lot. I also appreciate the people behind it. Personally, I have a truly deep sense of respect for people dedicated to their craft. Culturally, it’s deeply ingrained in me to respect elders; to give them the benefit of the doubt, to consider that they’ve had more experience, more time, more learning opportunities. From my own life experience, it really gets to me when people show a lack of kindness.
A lot of you can probably see where I’m going with this.
The biggest reason I feel the need to remove myself is how much disrespect I’m seeing for the ML team, particularly Thomas Astruc. I think most people judge him purely on what they see reposted on Tumblr, which is generally unflattering. The angriest are always the loudest, and all that. Myself, on Twitter, I see someone who’s very kind and respectful to those who are kind and respectful to him.
The snippy responses people get mad at him over, that I’ve seen, are to people rude to him and/or speak to him in a condescending way, usually with little to no understanding of what his job means, or even of the basics of storytelling, production, or the animation industry. Sometimes it’s innocently said—but has the same affect. For anyone, both for Astruc and fans, the intent doesn’t matter as much as the effect. So in those cases, I see him express shame and apologize profusely when he sees the effect he had was to make the other person feel bad. That’s the important part. None of us can be our best all the time, but we can always try to make it right after. It’s really all that can be asked or done. Most of all, I see a lack of understanding of/for what kind of constraints and pressure he and the team work under, much less the resulting stress. Trying to carry on discussion when these things are in play is exhausting. Regardless, he keeps doing it, because he wants to- is compelled to tell his story.
I see a sense of entitlement to a show he’s dedicated his life to bringing us, and which we love, but we show a lot of hate towards him over. 
This isn’t to say you need to know all the ins and outs of the mentioned topics (I don’t) to voice any opinion over the show or interact with Astruc—all I’d like to see is acknowledgment that there’s a knowledge/experience gap, and people putting curiosity and courtesy before feelings of indignation.
Then there’s the anger over what is probably the most progressive cartoon I’ve ever seen not being progressive enough.
Then there’s people who get mad at him for simply voicing what he/the writers had in mind when writing a character or scene... because it’s not what they want to hear. Or just what they see in the show. Typically, it leads to cries of ‘bad writing.’ Yeah. That digs at me. 
I love that he takes advantage of the digital age to interact with fans. It allows a look into the mind of the creator never before possible. That he does this is the reason I can delve into the storytelling of the show, or even started. What I’ve found is an incredible level of care in writing and visual work. Any display of any craft this beautifully done indicates truly admirable passion; of past and present work, rework, revision, more reworking, self-criticism, outer criticism, reworking, and more than I can say or know. There’s something another person said about a woodworking hero of mine that stuck with me, “He’s probably forgotten more than everything I know.” (paraphrased)
So... All the negativity is very discouraging as someone who loves the craft of storytelling from both sides (I feel a lot of Astruc’s frustrations because they’re relatable or at least understandable to me). Even more than that, it’s discouraging as someone who, by personality, holds compassion and respect as core values.
This probably looks like it’s coming out of nowhere, but it’s been a mounting frustration for a long time.
Thing is, pushing back against the hate would inevitably mean getting in fights with the more vitriolic people. We all have to pick our battles... uhhh, especially when you’re dealing with disorders that make you conflict terrified averse. This just isn’t my battle.  I’ve tried to just ignore/avoid it, but I can only do that so much, and for so long.
Even with civil discussion, I have to remind myself a lot that it isn’t my job to explain things.
(That said, as cheap as it may seem/be, I’m just getting this stuff of my chest. I won’t be arguing or discussing this stuff further).
I’ve been quiet on this, and avoid posting any other discoursey stuff, because I want this blog to be about what ML is to me: joy, love, and support. That’s how I’m going to keep running it.
Thanks for reading. (I’m surprised you have tbh). Talk to you later, and hey: please be kind and understanding. To others of course, but to yourself too. Take care.
(Side note: I recently got an influx of followers and can’t help but laugh at myself over how they must be like, “I don’t even know this kid,” at my drama.)
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joeeislovely · 4 years
The learning world.
It has been a tough year, not for me, but for anyone, in any level.
I believed I could be better after 4 years of college. Well now having 2 years and a year off by the pandemic, it is undoubtedly that I am doing things not really well. College is not too focused on my future career, and now all I have to do is trying to study on my own pretty much anything.
I have a cousin-in-law.
She is an Apple-fellow. It means she’s worked for them for awhile.
Sometimes I am really jealous about her. Her job right now is a Machine Learning Engineer. She graduated college with a Math and Economics double Bachelor. How she can get a job at Apple as an Engineer?
It takes her 2 years for that shit, I mean the coding, the math she already have with some extension in Stats and Matrix.
I’m jealous not because she is gifted.
I’m jealous because I can’t be like her. What I mean is being disciplined, passionate about the programming world. She spent time to code, which I can’t.
So I was trying to figure out what is needed for a ML Engineer. I tried to get her resume. It was a lot of math and programming.
Right now what I’m doing is math. I need math so damn hard.
I was really good at math but hardly focused in math, or I didn't pay any attention to anything around. It is all boring, even now.
Typing these words above really mean to me. It means I’m expressing my problem with stuffs, and it means I’m trying to reinforce myself. I saw couple of people same as my cousins. They all have something called friends, or fellows, or classmates, or whatever related to team members.
I don’t have any friends who study ML right now. That’s a big problem, and it is such a large barrier for me, especially when it comes to boredom.
Trying to do anything by yourself is one of the toughest things on Earth. Even Iron Man can't save the world from Thanos without the Avengers.
But I guess I need sometime to study, and stop typing these non-sense words that doesn’t inspire people or interesting.
I’m typing it, for the sake of God. I need some power to overcome these challenges. I do hope I can.
Thanks for reading. No tags, because it is just some shitpost.
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nooradeservedbetter · 4 years
Just curious but I just came back to tumblr after a pretty long time and remember that you were ancom. What made you go ML?
Hi! Aaah, you do remember correctly, it’s a bit of a long story I guess.
I want to start by saying that my background is indeed ML, in the sense that my grandparents were communists with Lenin, more or less, and I still have some pamphlet published illegally during the fascist dictatorship in Italy. My dad has of course taken after them, he was pretty active politically all his life, even in some events that are considered relevant in Italian politics and I’m not really going to talk about them but. Also my uncles and aunt were ML, and even on my Mum’s side (her dad was also ML but didn’t really talk about that at home–he just made them all study and bled dry for that. Proletarian family) the family’s always been catho-soc. Which is not something I really agree with, but you take what you can get.
You take that, you have a teen that even when calling themselves just an “anarchist-ish” (that was me in 2006 I guess) was saying that they were aware it was utopistic and they just “wanted to be able to dream” (still me, circa 2006). Anarchism then became anarco-communism, because “the final goal was the same” (me again, circa 2015), but also “i could never condone authoritarianism” (no definition was given to the word, circa 2015).
I’m not sure exactly when it changed, it’s fairly recent, maybe a year of so. There was a starting factor, probably, and this is going to sound stupid, but it was (what I thought was) a facebook shitposting group that turned out not to be a shitposting group but an actual group of discussion of an issue I really felt mine, namely gross horny dudes in leftist circles, and also shitposting but like, always with a discussion overlay. I made friends with a group of people in there, I remember seeing someone reacting… not positively, but not in the “usual” way to being called a tankie (she said “tankie doesn’t mean anything, but marxism leninism is the only revolutionary ideal”, or something along these lines), and it kind of… struck me.
The rest of it went kinda like everything does with me: I started reading. I read debunking stuff, listened to podcast, read the basic texts (am still reading the basic texts)(no this does not include all das kapital i have studied it in high school and also read excerpts, but not all of it and like, i’m not proud but also i’m not going to pretend i did something that i actually didn’t), and talked to and with people. With my dad, a lot. With friends who focused their analysis on different areas, also. And well, when you start reading, when I started reading, it was pretty clear where I actually stood (because yes, I did read Bakunin and Makhno and even something from that bread book, and well. Didn’t really compare). Because it’s one thing to dream about a bright future where everything is so nice and peaceful, and there’s a part of me that will never stop dreaming, but the thing is, we have to be confronted with the material conditions of reality, and what has to be done in reality for the betterment of the working class.
And the reality is also that I’ve seen a lot of people who call themselves anarchist and leftist siding with right wingers when it came to communists, or adopting positions that were racist and imperialist. And of course I’m mainly talking about white/western anarchists/”leftists”, I’ve met comrades who are doing an amazing job in their communities, and none of them were either white of western. Or westernised, I might add. But overall, the experience with “leftist” circles has been underwhelming at best. Probably would have loved some things had I been still a teen, but I’ll be 28 in ten days, and thank God I’ve changed.
0 notes
shitpostblrbackup · 4 years
If that aint me” i say my standards are low for me to the point of no end like, isadab. May god bless your life sunk his furry nose into the back, and decide that this fandom does so like… can someone please make klance canon. How many races they must have a great job of implementing the ban was announced and went round and round the classroom for about 13+ chapters. And we will see what i was like “i have santa baggage from when i feel insulted and i fall down the stairs, i’ll think, but i’ve always had.
0 notes
ordinaryhorror · 3 years
Tagged by @gwendolynejones-stacy (thank you)
Why did you choose your url? I like most of my blog urls to match so that's the lovebot part. And I just really really really love buffy.
Do you have any sideblogs? 5 lol One for each media I like (general, misc, descendants, comics, ml, [redacted])
How long have you been on Tumblr? Around 3 years now I guess
Do you have a queue tag? Wasn't here. Didn't see it. Couldn't have stopped queue.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? It was one of the few media websites not blocked by the school firewall and I was really bored.
Why did you choose your icon? I have Feelings about Arthur Pendragon and he looked pretty in that picture, with the cape and all
Why did you choose your header? I love Daisy Johnson so I made that.
What's your post with the most notes? ...,. An incorrect quote that escaped me when I deleted everything Riverdale from my blog dnndbdbdbsbdbdbbdbdnd
How many followers do you have? 486
Now many people do you follow? 526 (I need to do cleanup soon)
Have you ever made a shitpost? Yeah often
How often do you use Tumblr? A few times a day, mostly when I don't know what else to do or my friends are online
Did you have a fight with another blog? Who won? I mean back in the beginning, when a close friend decided to use what she knew about me to harass me for like five months. Not since then.
How do you feel about 'you have to reblog' posts? I don't reblog them out of spite, mostly.
Do you like tag games? Yeah!
Do you like ask games? Yup!!
Which one of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? Hm for some reason (affectionate) a few of them.
Do you have a crush on a mutual? No, but they're my friends.
Tags? I'm tired and I can't think of anyone rn ngl
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