#so the taggs shall be:
windwardstar · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Taggged by: @typicalopposite
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
i only have modao zushi/ the untamed fics written
Top five fics by kudos:
I Have Been Selfish Too 1,720
One for Sorrow; Two for Joy 964
Face 468
Our Choices Not Undone 460
I Shall Bear the Blame 355
And the one with the fewest Kudos is: A Man in Time You'll Be with 11
Do you respond to comments?
Yes I do. It took a while to get up to this point though because social anxiety sucks. and also words are hard for my brain so i'm not always the most prompt at responding to them. but i do try. and i love getting them.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I simply do not write angst endings. beginnings and middles tho...
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know. they're all happy endings. However One for Sorrow; Two for Joy and The Father of Your Child are apparently the ones with the votes
Do you get hate on fics?
yeah, occasionally. and i avoided explicitly writing certain headcanons and such early on because of it. but now a combination of the social anxiety being worked through and positive responses to them has made me decide it's worth it even if i get the hate
Do you write smut?
i do not in general. however the trans fic has made me include e rated content however like.. i have a tendency to forget to include the actual romantic attraction when i write romances? yeah the one smut scene i have written (and won't actually appear in the story for A WHILE) is like yes it's a sex scene, yes they're technically having sex, but in like the acest way possible. I've just made all the characters somewhere on the aroace spectrum because that's so much easier and also hey aroace rep. Also the way my planning for this fic has approached it is also involving so many gender feelings like.
So i guess the answer is no, i don't write smut. i do however have plans to write scenes where characters engage in sexual activities.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
no. although that would be cool if someone wanted to.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes I have with @langwrites. a mzds cooking show au.
Nailed It! Ee-I-Ee-I-Oh No!
All time favorite ship?
i don't know.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i work on one (now 2!) projects at a time until i finish them. Both A Man in Time You'll Be and Who You Condemn are gonna be finished
What are your writing strengths?
I am apparently very good with characterization. Although it is the thing I feel like I worry over the most because i always feel like i don't understand characters the way others do and that i'm missing things. But maybe that's why i end up with good characterization? is that i do put so much effort into doing it well that I actually make sure the characters are in character?
What are your writing weaknesses?
what aren't my weaknesses rip. words are hard. everything about writing is hard when my brain can't think and dumps language.exe when it needs to shed cognitive load.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
that it would be so useful to be able to do if like it was also something the readers could also understand. like. give me star trek communicators that instantly translate everything flawlessly so that i can have characters speaking in the actual languages they'd be speaking, changing between them as natural, and that then the readers would be able to follow. also that i could also have it written in that language despite not speaking it. Like. the fact i am limited to just english when writing is a shame.
also i love it when other writers do it like yes give me the language work. real languages. conlangs. (i also love it when movies do that. and like one of the things i really lament about writing is that it's not a movie and it's harder to just have the constant audio and visual elements that movies have flavoring things in the background. like movies can just include things as background without drawing attention to it, books you have to, even if it's trying to include the mention of it in as mundane and everyday as possible, it still ends up standing out by virtue of being mentioned.)
First fandom you wrote in?
mcu circa 2015. bucky barnes winter soldier thing regarding him having a flashback in the freezer aisle of a grocery store or something i think.
i remembered the title and the tumblr search actually worked?!?! so uh have the link. Freezer Burned
Favorite fic you've written?
Hmm.. I don't know. I think I like them all for their own things but then don't tend to reread any of them because then I notice all the flaws. I'm also very good about just forgetting about things once I've stopped working on them.
So I'll say the trans fic A Man in Time You'll Be because it is one that I'm currently working on. but ALSO because it is like also a project I'm working on that's explicitly about being self-indulgent and including all the headcanons and fun ideas that I want and not worrying about like anything beyond "does this bring joy?" which I hope even after I'm done with it that it retains a fond place in my heart for just what it is to me.
Tagging: @langwrites @writer-and-artist27 and anyone else who wants to do this. no pressure. but like totally hop in even if i didn't tag you .
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silavut · 11 months
The Tumblr
Something I’ve been working on… since… well… last year, really. It’s not my best work, but I had fun with it. I wanted to add more, but it had reached the end. So without further ado, I give you “The Tumblr.”
Once upon a Tumblr scrolling, while I reblogged, eyes a-rolling, Liking many a post of ancient texts and arts and more— Nearly sleeping, yeah as if, suddenly there came a notif, I see a reblog as a gift, as a gift they left me more. “Just some mutual,” I muttered, “reblogging from me yet more— They like and reblog even more.”
Ah, distinctly I remember it was that one meme from December; And each older ancient meme there found it’s way there back to fore. Eagerly I sought yet more;—vainly I had sought for yet more; From others I would reblog more—more to keep away the bore— For the rare and ancient older memes which were out there for no more— Lost out there for evermore.
And the writing, art, a hoard filling up my crazy dashboard Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic feelings never felt before; So that now, to still the wonder I felt inside, I repeated yet another “Just some mutual reblogging another art and even more— Some mutual reblogging another art even more;— Like and reblog even more.”
Presently my board grew longer; postings from many a blogger, “Wow,” said I, “go you fiends, truly your postings I adore; I cannot believe all the blorbos, art and writing and more so, And so many of your blorbos, blorbos being posted galore, That I was sure to scroll past”—then I scrolled to see more;— Eeby Deeby and many more.
Late into the nighttime scrolling, long I laid there scrolling, rolling Liking, reblogging memes no mortal ever dared to meme before; But the scrolling was unbroken, and the posting gave no token, After came the next meme there then was with the one word, “L’amour” This I stared at, and another post then with the word, “L’amour!”— Liking this reblogging more.
Back onto the dashboard scrolling, all around my mouse wheel rolling, Soon again I saw a notif and even more than before. “Surely,” said I, “surely usual reblogs from my mutual; Let me see, then, that mutual, and this notif explore— Let my scrolling stop a moment and this notif explore;— Then they reblog even more!”
Stopping then to scroll again, when, with posting my board did extend, With a posting of AO3 with chapters to read yet even more; Not the least of a smile I made; but a grin it was not to fade; But, with fingers flying I bade, I had to see what was in store— Fixed upon my screen of color just before my viewing orbs— Fixed, the text, to read some more.
Then the story now alluring kept on going and enduring, By the dozens they piled up the fanfics and originals galore, “Though surely there is an end to them,” I said, “but alas to begin, Many I have yet to read adding onto my list before— Tell me how many more shall there be on this dash of tales more!” Silence there forevermore.
Much I marvelled this ungainly reading to see another story so plainly, Though they keep on being written—being added even more; For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being Before was blessed with seeing so many fics and art galore— Fics or OCs upon the dashboard created with such fervor, With fanart to view even more.
But the dashboard, being filled up with all of these, still added All the more, as if their soul in writing those words did outpour. Many more then did I see—yet more of them came to me— For I really more than agree “All these posts I adore— On the board they will be shown, as many posts have been before.” Then yet I saw even more.
Seeing all the new posts added kept me going at it, “Crazy,” said I, “that these posts are being made yet more and more With videos, stories, and memes with such wonderful daydreams The dasboard bulging at the seams till the posts were reblogged more— Till the posts on the board which need to be reblogged more Given homes forevermore.
But the posts still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, Straight I tagged a mutual there onto my board, for one notif more Then, after tagging yet another, I then looked at every other Posting upon posting, liking what this whimsical board did store— What this great, ungainly, gnarly, giant, and whimsical board did store To reblog yet all the more.
This I sat engaged in posting, but no posts for boasting For the board had filled with new shows upon those before; GIFs and more I set to liking, with my hand on mouse divning On the button’s clacky clicking where the cursor hovered o’er; On the button-press clicking where the cursor hovered o’er, This I press, ah, all the more.
Then, methought, the posts grew wilder, coming from some new beguiler Made by Scorsese whose film was given a whole other score. “Whoa,” I cried, “Goncharov I see—on the dashboard I came to see Unreal—unreal it has to be from false memory of before See, oh see this unreality and keep up this new fun lore!” They continued posting more.
“Crazy!” said I, “Goncharov!—crazy stuff, it is not enough!— Whether poster sent, or whether others posted thee here aboard, Wonderful are the story lines, to the forefront from other minds— On this board by blogging posted—tell me truly, I implore— Is there—is there more of Goncharov?—tell me—tell me, I impore!” There they posted even more.
“Crazy!” said I, “Goncharov!—crazy stuff, it is not enough! By the posting that sends these to us—by that blog we all adore— Show this soul with eager yearning if, within the posts a-churning, It shall see a new one turning to give the new tale more lore— See another post is done turning to give the new tale more lore.” Posted there I saw yet more.
“See here now our sign of parting, Goncharov!” I voiced, mouse scrolling— “Set thee back into the dashboard and let the memes return once more! Leave there traces as a token of that tale OP hath posted! Leave thy posting there unbroken!—keep the post going some more! Keep thy meme post on my dash, and keep thy tale with all the lore!” Goncharov forevermore.
And the dashboard, always chilling, still is filling, still is filling With a manul cat of Pallas just upon my catered board; And the memes have all the seeming of the posters that are dreaming, And the art-work o’er here being shared all over on the board; And my soul with all that posting that lies floating on the board; Shall be lifted—all the more!
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lapinlunaire-games · 2 years
5 Things You Never Get Tired of Writing!
Thank you for the tag @magiciansvoyage!! <3
Survivor's guilt - how do you move on from something that took everything you were away from you? When you're the only one left to mourn, who mourns you? Who remembers the you that once was, when you can barely hold the memory of everyone and everything that might have kept that person alive? It's all just great food for thought, and I do love myself a feast.
INTERNAL CONFLICT - There's this saying that Edgy HS Jinx sharpied into her planner/notebooks: "There is nothing the world can do to me that is crueler than what I have done to myself." (Yeah, I know, I know - it was a rough time, y'all. You know how it is.) I feel like that kind of vibe still resonates with my writing because I love exploring what kinds of arguments characters can get into with themselves. There's something really fascinating to me in how people divide themselves and what kind of flaws they see or don't see.
Falling in love - 🎶 one of these is not like the others 🎶 it's not all gothic social intrigue and Shakespearean Asian-American stories with me, oh no! (it's...just mostly those) The building of a relationship is just so fun to me! Romance is so fun, there's sweetness, intensity, and everything in between - and never does the course of true love run smooth! This kind of ties into #2, now that I think about it...
Women (<3) with blood on their teeth - do I mean this in a vampire way? a feral girlboss way? a wounded but surviving way? yes. i will not be elaborating, hope that helps. <3
Surreal connections - I am a Big Fan of elaborate, Wilde-esque imagery, which lends itself quite nicely to the amounts of magic/nonrealistic themes I find myself writing. I especially love getting to write in surreal descriptions that play into the way my synesthesia flavours my perception. I love getting really visceral and unexpected with imagery, describing experiences in the woven way I live them. Mind melds, using magic, being subjected to magic, dreams....unff, so good.
This was so so fun, thank you again, Arlo! I have seen this come up from Many People on my dash over the past few weeks (I am So Sorry this took so long ahaha), so I shall refrain from tagging. However!
If you want to do this, this is your sign! I bestow upon ye a Tagge :D
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lilisouless · 3 years
I´m gonna do a little reading experiment
Ok , so many of you are familiar with SJM , people here love her or hate her, i kind of want my opinion here and i can't give critics without taking a peck, so i´ll read the first chapters or both ACOTAR AND TOG , i´ve seen the plot and doesn't call to me.Also...SJM kind of writes like those "men writing women" memes except well, she is a woman.
My interest is maybe find if there are characters (the thing i mostly look for in a work) that can get my attention and make me keep reading, maybe one of this books turn into a guilty pleasure.
If i don't like then i´ll take this as an experience i´m sharing on here. My critism to SJM could only be limited since this is the first book on each series and maybe she got better there.
I won't be having all the books, i don't have the time or energy, the challenge here is seeing if i can get trought the first one and maybe like one of them.Who knows.
Let´s hit it: Throne of Glass
-She is weird, she is supposed to be a prisioner and keeps thinking if the people around her is pretty or not
-Prince here are tought to be...repugnant? what kind of weird ass worldbuilding is this? If this is setting up something interesting, i could be on board but right now is a really awkward way to setting Celaena (i won't always spell her name right) as having prejudice against royalty but this are the first pages,doesn't have a great impact
-Celaena´s narcisim and self image obsetion has to be her fatal flaw or i won't take it
-Like, i´ll take a protagonist with Celeana´s personality if it was well fleshed out, which i don't know if is the case here.But my great problem is: it doesn't quite fit an assasin. She is unsubtle, likes to be noticed,which could work from SOME assasin characters (Ex: that villain from The Nevers) but Celeana doesn't seem crazy ,why is she exactly an assasin?
-"No soy tonta, aunque cometí la estupidez de dejar que me capturasen" mija...te tengo malas noticias.
-Celinita celestina, creo que te has de haber graduado por palanca de la academia de acesinos.
-Enought with her, concensus?:
I don't "like" her but...strangely i may keep on with her as a guilty pleasure. Like those people who hate watch riverdale ( I don't i can't stomach it) Celeana doesn't strike me as a well writen character at first sight .BUT , i can take it as Dunyasha in another life, if i don't take her seriously i can have some fun reading her. My main problem is pretty much how much she doesn't make sense but,maybe i can live with that.
Celaena passes the test, unintentionaly and for the wrong reasons but she passes
-OHOHOHOH.I wrote too soon, she is a female mysoginist, of course she is. Yeah, i will never like her as a person,let´s cross fingers that i´ll take her as a character.
-Alright, i did laught at him complaining about Celaena´s smell, is just funny how shameless he is.He is a stiff rich and privileged kid...i may like him
-Dorian...you sure you want to offer fredom to this girl? she is kind of nuts
-"esa" 🤣🤣🤣
-Unfortunetaly, his POV is not really the big deal, is just a paragraph on how beautiful Sar...ahem,Celeana is and that´s it, what a wasted change to expand him.
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-I don't really have a lot to say about him, but i think he is fine
-He is a little generic til now and too serious but i actually like his banther with Cealeana and is a legit good contrast ,like those two and Dorian have a potential for a power trio
-No voy a mentir , el "¿estas casado? / yo tampoco😏" me mató
You know what? if nothing specially bad happens that makes me quit the book , i´ll may actually read it all for the fun,although i don't promise anything. Just the first one,the key is not taking it seriously.
-Ok, she likes painting, a hobbie is always something that makes a protagonsit a little more relatable
-Si,si mija ya entendí que eres tan pobre que no puedes ni prestar atencion
-But...her whole dylema with the arrow is conffusing, i am having trouble to get her personality , doesn't feel nuanced , it feels more,cultered
-WithCindy and El geek are right, how is she soo poor but as soon as she can afford fcking food she buys a strange and expensive arrow,doesn't make sense
-If this is setting Feyreh as materialistic i´m on it, BUT make it with self awareness ,since right now it just seems convenient
-Alright, Feyre being a painter right now seem like an excuse for purple prose
-I really can't point her personality ,she is just ...blah,generic and i´m surprised since i´d asume SJM´s lead female would improve ,Celeana is not great at all but at least she is defined ,Feyre is just like any female lead in all fantasy lit
-Nope, sorry Feyre but ...nope, i don't hate you but i´m nowhere charmed by you and you don't make me want to continue this.Failed test.let´s see if you supporting cast saves your series
Elain & Nesta
-So one is mean and the other is dump
You know what? i´ll just skip to the most talked characters here
-Not sure yet,he seems boring but maybe he is just quiet
-I kind of fell asleep thinking about this guy
-I like Lucien actually , the argument between Feyre and Tamlin is kind of generic banther but his interventions are kind of good
-Call her out Lucien
-Is official, i may not continue the reading but Lucien is my boy
-I´d root for him to be the main love interest (i know he is not, i know not even Tamlin is) but he deserves better than Feyre honestly
-Since this guy went, acording to tumblr,some character growth later on, this is probably like the case of Zoya in S&B or Jamie in ASOIAF , anything i could say about him here may not apply to his character in later books.
-Alright, i am not charmed by him, he seems to have an interesting backstory, has more personality than Feyre and Tamlin
-But, his character type is a personal pet peeve, characters that are overall: hot. His whole personality and actions revolves on them being the author´s fantasy hot guy and...that never does it for me. This is a personal thing since most people would call it the female gaze but ,like i said: for me it´s a no.
-Me when Lucien interacts with Rhysand:
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So...no, i won't continue ACOTAR , but Lucien it was nice to meet you.In my mind,you had a happy ending and that´s it.
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love-bokumono-fics · 3 years
The Under 20s!
These next couple week’s we’ll be putting the spotlight on the games that have less than 20 fics written for them on AO3 Today we’re looking at the Harvest Moon games from after the split: The Lost Valley, Light of Hope, and Skytree Village! If you’ve written fic for a lesser known game in the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons franchise, share a link with us! We’d love to spread the word. Happy Reading! When Life Gives You Roses - by Masked_Tactician; WIP, 12/?, 29k Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Skytree Village Relationships: Female Farmer/Dean; Characters: Harvest Goddess, Harvest King, Female Farmer/Nicole, Dean, Gabriel, Cyril, Melanie, Elise, Jeanne, The Rest of the Village, Harvest Sprites, Grogan Additional Tags: Some Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual marriage, Eventual Sex, Brief Mentions of Alcohol, brief mentions of abuse, nothing too heavy Summary: Nicole moved to Skytree Village to restore the land, but also to start her life anew. She has to decide if leaving behind her past is worth becoming a simple farmer. The Pursuit of Something Greater- by Lady_Malvence; WIP, 10/?, 14k Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Skytree Village Relationship: Female Farmer (Kasey)/Gabriel; Characters: Cyril, Melanie Additional Tags: Fluff, kind of slow burn, Alternate Universe - Romantic Comedy, Eventual Sex Summary: Meet the female farmer who shall henceforth be named Kasey, a girl who seems to have everything going for her except for happiness. Also meet Gabriel, a socially awkward but ever so charmingly befuddled veterinarian who experiences love at first sight with our heroine. Rated M for language and smut later on. Edmond Route - by Mysterious_Prologue_Guy; WIP, 37/?, 54k Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Light of Hope, Skytree Village Relationship: Edmond/Light the farmer; Characters: Edmond, Farmer, Gareth, Tabitha, Harvest Goddess Additional Tags: Harvest Moon a Light of Hope, Harvest Moon, Harvest moon Skytree Village Summary: Contains spoilers. Meeting of Edmond and heart events. Light Of Hope - by Forgiven_Starlight; WIP, 9/?, 19k Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Light of Hope Relationship: Edmond/Farmer; Characters: Edmond, Farmer, Gus, Melanie, Doc, Gareth, Tabitha, Carol, Gabriel, Harvest Goddess, Harvest God, Cyril, Sally, Harvest Sprites, Jeanne, Sam, Soleil Additional Tags: Eventual Relationships, Friendship, Love, Magic, Implied Sexual Content Summary: With a storm that nearly wiped out an entire island, Celeste finds her new beginning. Light of Love - by SpiritWolfStar; Complete, 1/1, <1k Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandoms: Light of Hope Characters: Mike, Cyril, Gabriel, Original Child Characters, Original Characters, Edmond, Gus, Sofia, Michael, Nova, Sam, Melanie, Bastian, Elise, Carol, Dean, Sabrina, Jeanne, Soleil, Naomi, Sally, Doc, Michelle, Shirlock, Gareth, Tabitha Additional Tags: Harvest Sprites, Pets and farm animals Summary: Cute couples and kids doing cute things. Also a bit of information of hair and eye colors and animals and maybe some clothes is in there, but only once for each person and animal. A Fresh Mouthful of Garden Greens - by literallyuninclined; Complete, 1/1, <1k Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandom: The Lost Valley Characters: Emily, Hanna the Café Owner, Mike | Pete, April Additional Tags: Food/Culinary Arts, Wholesome Summary: Emily has a bright idea! Thanks to Pete's knowledge about plants, Emily has discovered that there are flowers that are considered edible! With an idea blossomed from her mind, Emily is eager to pull out a brand new culinary revolution for Hillsville and the valley... And her mother Hanna is tagged along with her bizarre food adventure! Outside
The White Mansion - by literallyuninclined; Complete, 7/7, 17k Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Fandom: The Lost Valley Relationship: Catherine/Pete; Characters: Emily, Hanna, Sam, April, Iris, Tabitha, Gareth, Doc Additional Tags: rated e for everyone, tsundere ojou-sama Summary: There is a lost valley that is stuck to perpetual winter and a brave soul decided to live there and find a way to bring the seasons back to its normal state. That's what the rumors have been saying, which reached to Catherine's ears. Catherine is a sheltered young lady from a wealthy family that likes plants. Out of curiosity, Catherine wanted to go to this lonely valley and observe what is going on now that people are slowly coming back when a man first took a step to the valley after a long time.
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CW: SELF HARM; feelings of shame and self hatred; past trauma; blood/cuts; whump of a minor; drug mention; whipping; institutional abuse; religious themes; deshumanization, my complete inability to write linear stories;
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He hates himself for this, but up to this day, even if he feels he has escaped the claws of that place, even if he rejected the dogma, even when he engages in heretic behavior and rejects the very concept of sin… He misses the stupor of repentance, the sheer emptiness that followed it, and the sharp, terrible pain that resulted.
Orfeu tells himself that it was poison. And he knows it was. Those moments were poisonous, and he was manipulated into it for far too long.  It made him hate himself, as a broken little sinner, even if at that time his only crime was being born with sharp teeth, being born wrong despite being made by a God who was the source of all perfection.
And he reminds of that day were he sneaked in the ceiling of City Theater, were they were performing old tragedies the entire week and, that day, Orpheus and Eurydice. How he decided that would be a more fitting name than the one he had before.
Orpheus, who lost Eurydice, who should never, ever had looked back. Orpheus who lived eternally in the courts of the underworld playing his harp for Persephone ruler of spring and of death.
But he did look back, just like the fallen hero had, and now he had to live with a shadow of doubt and regret. He missed the stupor his mind went into the rituals, missed feeling clean and pure right after it. The days were candlelight casted the shadows of angels in carved walls of the temple, the cave-like ambiance in penumbra, hundreds of voices singing in perfect harmony to elevate their spirits over to reach the merciful God Above, all done under the sorrow-filled eyes that stared down from the cross.
And like the one crucified: All merciful, all kind, and terribly wronged both by His Father above and by those below, they should offer themselves as human sacrifice so their sins would be forgiven.
A line of man and woman in penitence – and he the one teenager among them –, kneeling in the cold stone floor, singing praises, while the whip singed in the hands of the elder. The candles consumed the oxygen, the air was pestered by strong incense, the half-darkness was hypnotic, the gregarious voices all around them penetrating his very soul.
The whipped marked his back and he felt nothing but a distant stinging. His sins were cast crimson like blood, but they would be purified. Even if they were crimson, they shall be white like snow. It was only for a mere second, when leather contacted skin, that he felt pain, and soon, it faded again into the harmonious stupor, as his soul was distant wandering somewhere above, trying to reach the heavens.
It’s only later laid in the cave-like bedroom, in the old mattress, that he will feel the marks on his back. Every single lash hurting like the fire of hell, making sleep impossible and grounding him in reality with sharp burning agony. Only when the chanting is over, when the pure bliss that follows is gone, then all that is left is pain, and exhaustion, and traces of a feeling he only could describe as a hangover.
And there on the dark, after his candle burns out, he would cry and tell himself that this couldn’t happen again. But it always did. Sometimes he thought he needed it, sometimes he wanted it, sometimes it was pressure, or fear or even force.
And just like that, drops of blood fall into the shower floor and he feels nothing, as he moves the blade in curves, unconsciously humming tunes he barely remembered, in a pale imitation of the stupor he used to put himself into.
…It’s superficial but it tints the shower floor in red. Red like his sins, red like searing pain, red like knocking on a wooden door and dragging his mind back into reality harder than any pain every could. Blue and white and gray like the person waiting outside.
He breaths. How long has he been there, carving skin, staring into the emptiness? Another shy knock this time more desperate. And he needs all his strength to sound convincing, so the voice doesn’t crack.
“…Darling. Just a second”
He looks down. And now that feeling is gone and it hurts. But he deserves that pain. As he turns on the faucet, blood swirls down the shower drain, the sins he cast in red turn white like the shower floor.
He dresses himself quickly, not wanting to look at the mirror. It felt okay to do this before. More okay than now. He was alone. It never mattered. But now someone is waiting, someone who needs him to be there, despite how much of a failure he is at… anything. At caring for others, at caring for himself. At keeping himself sane.
Haru needs him. Little Haru who needs all the courage he can gather to even knock on the door. Little Haru named after light and spring, and with a heart far too big for his body, in constant overflow. Little Haru who needs him to do better, be better and truly take care of him.
Needed him to crawl out of the underworld and escape Hades without looking back.
He opens the door and smiles, scared blue eyes staring at him, clutching the tiny notebook close to his chest, he falls on his knees immediately, a shaky hand holding a piece of paper.
‘It is sorry for disturbing Master. So, so sorry. It was wondering if Master needs help. Pet wants to stay close and help Master with anything please. Sorry if not. It is sorry for being a bother”
He stares at the paper for a second. Then he noticed the dark clouds forming and distant lightning as the storm approaches, the strong wind curving the trees outside.
“No, you didn’t disturb me at all. I actually was going to call you in a moment.”
Haru sighed in relief, and nodded with expectant eyes waiting to see what his Master wanted next. Of course Orfeu knew it didn’t really matter what it was, he just didn’t want to be alone. It was going to rain, and rain terrified him.
“I was, hm, thinking we could watch a movie? Would you like to?”
He nods eagerly. Thunder cracks outside and Haru flinches and grabs his sleeves for a moment, eyes shut tight, but then quickly let’s go, even more anxious now, eyes widening as he starts to scribble an apology, writing fast as if terrified the notebook would be pulled away at any moment.
He waits. He doesn’t really need to see what he is writing to know. But he waits. And surely, he gets shown an apology, lots of unreadable worlds, a mess of pronouns and fear and tear-stained paper.
“Hey, hey.  Its fine” he says, offering his arm again “You can hold me. It improves the experience of movie-watching by a lot.”
He stares for a second, fear-filed eyes, and slowly holds his arm again. He closes his eyes and leans his head on Orfeu’s shoulder, as if relieved.
They sit together to watch whatever. Haru fights to stay calm and watch the movie, even if each thunder causes him to tremble and hold tighter. If his nails were long enough, they might be sinking on his arm now. That would be okay too. An anchor to reality.
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Taggging: @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpzone @twistedcaretaker @cupcakes-and-pain @oofthatsgottahurt
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Zero to Six ~ An Unexpected Visitor - Edited version. Part 2.
Characters: Four X Zero (OC)  Summary: Zero was the first person to be ‘saved’ by One, she was his first honorary Ghost. Her knowledge in tech meant she got the role of ‘Hacker’ she recruited new team members, looked for missions and locations and made sure every security measure was looked at. You know normal hacker spy stuff. But her tough up bringing meant that if needs be she could fight, she was maybe even better than some people on the team knew. But due to One’s protectiveness over her she had to stay hidden, she was more of an actual ghost than the rest of the team was. This didn’t mean she couldn’t have her fun though, over the months of being with the full team she had formed quite a passionate love/ hate relationship with the handsome Four. Who knows what sparks would fly if they were ever to meet.  Warnings: Slight swearing, some suggestive flirting in later chapters.
Tagg list: (I know this is a edit of my original story but if anyone wants to be tagged let me know.) @raylan-c​​
Zero to Six ~ Part 1. Edited Version Zero to Six ~ Part 3. Edited Version. Masterlist.  
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“Hey, anyone there?” 
To say Zero was a mess would have been a big understatement. After she had shut off the coms she must have sobbed for a good thirty minutes before she picked herself up from the floor and decided that a glass of rum would help calm her nerves.  She knew that One would take his sweet time reaching out to her again, and wouldn’t let the others contact her either. So she waited, he mind was reeling but she knew technically Six’s death wasn’t her fault. She still felt to a degree that if she hadn’t of picked him he would still be breathing somewhere, maybe with the love of his life on a nice sandy beach.  But then again if she hadn’t of picked him she would have had to pick someone else, and that someone else would have been in that car dead instead of Six. 
So when Fours voice travelled through her speakers she immediately shot up from the floor, leaving her half filled glass where it sat and tripped her way over to the laptop.  Picking up her headset she tried not to sound so distraught. “Four, never thought i’d be so happy to hear your whinny little voice.” She tried to sound lighthearted but failed miserably. 
She could tell that he was also trying to mask how much he was hurting. “How are you Zero?” She was shocked, out of all the team Four and Six seemed to have bonded the most, probably due to their similar ages and interests. 
“How- how am I? Four, how are you doing? Out of us all you were the closest to Six.” She wanted to do nothing more than hug this man right now. 
“One just threw him into the sea, like he meant nothing. I really don’t want to talk about it right now Zero or I might just go out there and strangle One. But I wanted to at least make sure that you were okay.” Her heart started to beat so fast she thought it would beat right out of chest. He was worried about her in a time when he should have been worrying about himself. 
“I’m sure that’s not how it was, One cares about us deeply. But I’ll respect your wishes and we won’t speak about it, but I’ll be here when you’re ready to so. As for me, I’m fine. Shaken up but fine, You don’t have to worry about me Four.” 
“I know sometimes it doesn’t seem like it, but I do really care for you Zero. So do the rest of the team, but you tell any of them I said that and I’ll find out where One keeps you and murder you in your sleep.” 
She chuckled at the empty threat. “Yeah, good luck with that one. One would never give up my location willing or not. Plus what makes you think I’d succumb so easily with out a fight.” 
She heard the deep chuckle and knew some smart ass comment would follow it. “Believe me darling, from the moment I step through your door you’d be falling at my feet.” 
“OKAY as much as I’m glad to have the old cocky Four back, I’m cutting you off now. Get some sleep you idiot.” 
“Okay mummy.” He said in a mocking tone. 
She couldn’t help it and decided she would have the last laugh. “Is that one of your kinks Four?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Maybe we can carry on this conversation when we meet.” She knew he was smirking. “Night Zero, dream of me. I know I’ll be dreaming of you.” 
She couldn’t say another word so she just shut down coms and slammed her laptop shut. “Stupid little shit,” Why did he make her feel like this, especially when he wasn’t here to do anything about it. 
She leaned back on her chair, stretching out her arms over her head her back clicked in several places which made it feel so much better. She needed to put a reminder on her fridge to do a work out tomorrow, she was starting to become so stiff sat at her computer all the time.  There were parts of her that really yearned to be out in the field with the rest of the team, even if it was only a one time experience, who knows she might hate it and want to come back to her stuffy flat life. Who was she kidding, she wanted adventure and a little bit of risk here and there and she wanted her family.  She would however have to have a little conversation with One about the safety of the team and about treating them better. Her heart had broken hearing how fragile Four could be. They might have been ghosts but underneath they were still human beings with feelings, and if One was going to crush that then she had a problem with it.  
Maybe that was why she was so interested in Four? 2 years with only One as her only physical human contact and it was starting to take a toll on her, Four challenged her every time they spoke. And she loved a good challenge. She sat at her desk for two more hours, despite scolding herself for sitting too long that her bones began to ache. But she had research to do which consisted of finding a new team member and the faster she got it done the faster she could send it off to One and she could stop beating herself up about potentially bringing in a new person just for them to die like Six did. After a while she decided that she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. She sent the research to One, saved all the documents then shut her laptop down and proceeded to walk to the bathroom to take a nice long hot shower. 
The warm water calmed her immensely, when she stepped out and put on her silk pyjamas she felt even more sleepy then she did when she was in front of the laptop. As soon as her head hit the pillow she drifted off to sleep. 
She shot up in bed, heart racing.
The loud banging coming from the front door was real, she hadn’t just dreamt it. She suddenly thought of Four’s threat from earlier but quickly shook it from her head. Don’t be stupid, It can’t be Four. Her eyes snapped to her bedside table to see 3am blaring on the digital clock. “What the actual hell, who decides to go bang on someone’s door at stupid o’clock in the morning?!” 
She grabbed her gun from under her pillow, pointing it out in front of her, she was in full on attack mode. She exited her room and headed down the hall and towards the front door, all the while sticking to the walls.  She waited a while, gun pointing towards the centre of the door maybe whoever had knocked got the wrong flat and moved on. But then just as she started to lower the gun the door rattled and the knocking began again, only louder this time.
“Zero! open up its One.” 
Zero cocked her head to the side, was he actually serious?  She carefully walked towards the door, gun still raised. Peeking through the peephole she confirmed that it was in fact One at her door. She sighed rubbing her tired eyes but opened the door just wide enough so he could slip in. 
“Hey!” He made himself at home straightaway, walking past her to go sit on her couch.
She shut the door making sure it was locked, she then made her way to stand in front of him but not before setting down the gun on the coffee table. “Don’t ‘Hey!’ me you dumb ass, what the hell are you doing here?!” 
“Nice gun! is that new?” He leaned forward and inspected the weapon. 
Was he being serious right now? “ONE!” He’d woke her up just to come and annoy her? “I asked you a question.” 
“I came to give you your plane ticket.” He stood up slightly and pulled a ticket out of his back pocket, he extended his arm out to Zero. 
She took it off of him and examined it, it was a ticket back home. Home was also where their base camp was.  “You never come to give me my plane ticket in person, what’s really going on? Is this about Six?” 
He just rubbed his face in frustration, the first real emotion she’d seen from him since he’d entered her living space. “Can you at least get me a drink before we discuss this?” 
She just sighed and looked towards her kitchen. “I only have rum.” 
“Then we shall have rum!” She just rolled her eyes but continued through to the little kitchen. If she was going to stay awake through this she might as well poor herself a small glass as well. 
She handed him the glass and then settled herself in the seat across from him. “So, talk.” 
She took a sip of her drink but very nearly spit it out when he spoke. “I want you in the field for the next mission.” 
A thousand thoughts crashed through her mind all at once, that she found it hard to focus on One as he continued to speak. She was going to get her adventure, she was going to get to show the whole team that she wasn’t just some computer nerd, she was going to be able to breath the same air as Four, she was going to be meeting her family. 
“Zero! Did you hear me?” She looked to One who had leaned forward in his chair. 
“God I hope you weren’t dreaming up the perfect scenario of finally meeting Four.” 
She was still in shock but managed to ask. “Did you just say that I’m finally going out in the field?” 
“Just the once, with Six gone we need all the help we can get in the next mission and you are my best eyes and ears.” He looked so calm just sat there sipping from his glass when she was sat opposite him freaking out. “You will keep your identity a secret though, none of the team is to know that you’re there.” 
Just like that One had given her, her deepest wish and then crushed it right in front of her. “How will that work? They will know the sound of my voice anywhere.” 
“Not if you put on a accent.” This was cruel, even by One’s standards. “Listen it’s for the best that you don’t interact with any of them. You’re lucky that you have full anonymity.” 
“What if I don’t want that? What if I actually want to meet the only family I’ve ever had? I don’t get why you lock me away from them.”  
“It’s for your own safety, you’ll thank me one day. Look at what happened to Six, do you want to end up like that?” 
She was seething now. “You really hurt them today you know, Four got in touch with me. He wanted to see if I was okay after what happened to Six.” She had to pause to stop herself before her voice broke.
“I know you want us all to work as a team but some how distance ourselves from one another. We all maybe faked our deaths but were still human One, it’s human nature to care deeply for those that are closest to us.” The tears were welling up in her eyes now. “You just tossed him off the side of that boat like he was nothing. Is that what you’re going to do to the rest of us?” 
He just stared at her for a long second then necked his drink and slammed the glass down on the table next to where the gun still laid. She didn’t even flinch, instead she stared him down. 
“I think it’s time for me to go.” She just scoffed and looked down at her hands that were placed in her lap, she couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore. “I looked through your research before I came here.” 
He got up from the couch but didn’t make any move to the door. “I think Blaine is the perfect fit for number Seven. As soon as I land on home turf I’m going to recruit him and introduce him to the team. In a months time I’ll contact you with a meeting place to discuss your field work.” 
“Great, another person I picked for you that you’re going to rip from their family and make their life hell.” He didn’t say another word and she didn’t look up from her lap. 
All she heard was his footsteps walking towards the door, it swinging open and then slamming shut again. Once she was completely certain he had gone her head fell in her hands.  She rubbed her face and felt a sweeping wave of sleepiness draw over her, she stood up and picked up the gun that was still on the coffee table. She made her way to the door to lock it properly, she then made her way back to bed and placed the gun back under her pillow. She hoped that just as before the tiredness would over take her and she would fall into an effortless slumber, but as she laid her head gently on the pillow and closed her eyes all she could see was Six’s lifeless body and all she could think about was how she’d put him there. 
No way was she getting back to sleep.  
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god-save-the-keen · 4 years
Can you do 20 on Chandler Bing list for Draco x muggleborn!reader where the reader and Draco has secret crush on each other
This is my first ever request for Harry Potter fandom so I hope it's okay and you like it! Sorry it took me so long and thank you for the request! Also, I took the liberty to add one more prompt also from Chandler's list!
Library night
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Warning: None, fluff
Words: 805
HP tagg list: @astridvolari
The library was in complete silence, the only sound around was the steps of the students and Madam Pince and the soft scratching of the quills on the parchment.
Draco lifted his gaze, his light blue eyes stopping on you a few tables away. You pretend not to notice but you feel it, just like in the hallways, when you two cross paths, in the clases that Slytherin and Hufflepuff share together and when you enter into the Great Hall every morning. Your sensation is the same every time, you know his values, who his family is, their relationship with he-who-shall-not-be-named, you had heard him call Hermione Granger muggleborn on so many occasions but, somehow, a part of you believes it's different with you. Or that is what you wish.
You dare to lift your eyes above the book you are holding in front of you, just barely, peeking to where he's sitting. He's with Zabini, another boy whose name you don't know but is part of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and Pansy Parkinson who is flirtily smiling, whispering something into Draco's ear as her hand roams his arm. 'Of course she is with him' you think to yourself, rolling your eyes. You stand up, going to the nearest bookshelves trying to find more information about how to change someone's appearance for McGonagall's transformation class when you notice it again, his eyes following your path and, this time, you are unable to resist. You turn your head, your eyes connecting with his, a private and intense look between you as time seems to be frozen. Everything in the library, even Hogwarts itself, appears to have disappeared except you two and the moment you were sharing. Ever since you received your letter at eleven years old, you knew that magic was real, and awesome to be honest, but you hadn't felt a more magical moment than this one. Until Pansy waved her hand in front of him, calling his attention. You sighed and returned to your table, unable to concentrate on your work. You wouldn't claim to be some kind of expert on Draco Malfoy and, least of all, on his point of view of things or his feelings, but, remembering that stare, you were pretty, if not completely, sure that he hadn't looked at anyone like that before except for you. After all, you have been observing him for the last six years of your life.
But how could that be right? You are a muggleborn, the kind of person he had always despised, you are not rich and you are a Hufflepuff. You distract yourself, looking around, the library looks fuller, in one aisle there are Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, facing each other, smiling, he's carrying her books and she's standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. You smile to yourself. Ginny belongs to Gryffindor but either way she's your friend, you shared the same Hogwarts Express cabin in your first year and chat in every class that both houses share and you have seen her being in love with Harry since day one, waiting for him to notice her, just like you have been waiting for Draco, until he did. And they were happy together. So, that could happen to you too, right? He already looked at you differently.
"You should tell him." Said Maggie, your best friend that suddenly was sitting beside you.
"Bloody hell!" You shouted, receiving several shushes, and turned towards her, surprised. "When did you get here?"
"Between Draco Malfoy daydreams 3 and 4." She joked, making you blush, feeling your cheeks hot.
"I wasn't daydreaming." You lied. Cause you totally were. Hard.
"Yeah, sure, and Snape loves Gryffindor." Despite yourself, you quietly chuckle. "You should at least talk to him or invite him to go together to the next visit to Hogsmeade."
"Let him know I like him? Are you insane?" She didn't look as insane as those words sounded to you.
"What's the worst that could happen?" She asked, rolling her eyes.
"I could die." You replied, looking at his table again. You remembered all the pictures published during the summer in the Daily Prophet of his dad and aunt, both in Azkaban. "And I mean that literally."
He stood up, going to the door, as Pansy chased after him and looped her arms with his but he shook her off. He put a heavy book on your table, looking at you for a moment, and for just a second you could almost see a light blush on his pale cheeks.
"You will need this, Y/N." And he turned to leave, without giving you time to answer. You grab the book and, to your surprise and delight, you see it's exactly what you need for your work. Maybe Maggie's idea wasn't that bad after all.
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It is the 23rd July, 2021. The summer heats have finally subsided, the morrows now cool giving us normal folk the ability to catch a breather before the work begins anew. The harvest is-
Yeah no, enough of this. It is the day it is but truth be told all this post is supposed to be is an answer to my darling @laninlurks who has tagged me back in March and did not even have the decency to tell me personally! Yeah girl, how dare you! You know I´m not tech-savvy, I´m old. Well at least I feel like it in my head...
So here I go, playing this little game (this is considered a game, right? I have absolutely no idea. I´ve seen this kind of “introduce yourself” thingies here on tumblr but this is the first time I´m participating. Thanks again LANIN!)
Well, let´s get over this:
Name/Nickname: uhhhhh... Yeah, no I know how this goes. Name equals power so you fae can forget it, I ain´t buying this. You shall have no power over me. Ha! As if I´d fall for such a cheap trick. Hahaha! Nah, but on a serious note I really did not think of anything what people coul call me here... I guess Superconfused works?
Gender: female
Height: 5´8″ (thank you Google for converting cm to feet and inches)
Time: 2.55pm
Favourite Bands: Okay, let me stop you guys right there. I´m not going to go posting a ton of different band names because my music taste is very eclectic and most of the time I either do not know the name of the song/band that I´m into. If I hear it and my brain starts projecting a story it´s a good song for me.
Favourite solo artist: *looks up to the previous point* Yeah, you guys get the message
Song stuck in my head: Ohhh now that is easy! It is currently a mix between “A whole new World” from Aladdin (1992), “Save your Tears” by The Weekend feat. Ariana Grande, “Plastic Hearts” by Miley Cyrus and “Racing into the Night” by YOASOBI
Last Movie: The Avengers: Endgame
Last Show: Loki
When did I create this blog: Good heavens, I have absolutely no idea... Lanin, you´ll probably know that... can I check this somewhere? Somehow? Eh... let´s leave it at that, I have no  clue... may have been 2 or 3 years ago
How it started: After ages of going around and sending myself link after link so I would not lose sight of great posts and until my email inbox was full, I finally decided to make myself an account. That is it. That´s the story.
How´s it going: *looks around* Good, I guess? I mean, I´m still here, so...
What I post: Ufffffffff. Everything and anything that touches or inspires me, I guess? The content here that I reblog is as eclectic as my music tastes. We got witchy stuff, fandom stuff, quotes, life lessons, you name it. I did finally get around to making an additional blog to reblog all of the wonderful pieces of fan content here and leave a comment because till now I have been very neglectful of that. But that is another story...
Aesthetic: Personal? Blog related? I have absolutely no idea... Next question please.
Last thing I googled: That would be the conversion of cm to feet, but if that does not count then it was an anatomical picture of the hymen. There was a conversation ging on in the family and I had to explain the location. It was much easier with visuals, I tell you.
Other blogs: And I just mentioned mine two paragraphs ago xD Well then there´s the @studyblr-beginner where I try to collect info on how to be a more productive student (with mixed efforts I might add) and the @stillconfusedandreadytorumble .
Following: Anything witchblr, studyblr, any blog that feeds into my current obsession of any fandom, cottagecore, academia be it light/romantic/dark, quotes, art, etc. Seriously, anything...
Followers: Eh, I think 2 or 3 poor misguided souls... Yeah, okay so I checked and apparently there´s 44 of you. 44!!!! Like guys, guys, are you okay? What are you doing here? Not that I´m not grateful but I´m also very very VERY confused right now... Hi?
Average sleep: 7 hours, if I have time to sleep in even more
Lucky number: I do not really believe in that... Although if I see a platenumber with three identical numbers beside each other I take it as a good omen
Instruments: I may have tried to learn the piano years ago but it was never really my thing
What I am wearing: an oversized shirt with the wolf medallion logo form “The Witcher” series, black shorts and a dark green dressing gown with flowers and pretty little humming birds. Yes, I´m in my sleep wear. No, I am not ashamed. The last couple of days have been hell, I´m still recuperating.
Dream job: Physician, and I´m working hard to get that damn doctors degree.
Favourite animal noise: wolves howling. That moment when it sends chills down your back, when the hairs on your arms stand? Love it and it gets me every time.
Random: If asked a question I start stuttering and mumbling and warbled bla-bla just comes out of my mouth until I try collecting my thoughts. That may take a couple of seconds though.
Dream trip: Japan, Prague, Venice, these three are from the top of my head but otherwise I´d like to travel and see the world. Yes, vague, I know but the world is big and nobody has time to write long lists about this.
Favourite food: Dumplings. Do not, I repeat, do not make me specify which dumplings cause I´ll eat or at least ry them all if given the change. I already diviate from my normal answer of “There is so much good stuff out there, I could never choose”, okay?
Nationality: Welp, before I make this any more complicated I´ll just stick to what is in my passport: AUSTRIAN 
Favourite song: May I refer you back to the paragraph that says Favourite Band/solo singer, please and thank you.
Last book I read: “Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll
Top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: Currently it would be either Lord of the Rings, Witcher or Boku no hero academia. Ask me in 3 months and I bet with you that answer might have changed again.
Tagging: Oh boy... who am I supposed to tag that will not shoot me on sight or think of me being a total lunatic, @laninlurks you don´t count, after all you put me in this mess... Who are the last couple of ppl I had a conversation with? Oh okay, if you guys don´t want to do this, just scratch and ignore that but then again all of my 44 followers are very welcome to do this (still can´t warp my head around the amount of ppl). I´ll just tagg @lostoctaviaaugusta and @thewhit3w0lf , but again please don´t shoot on sigth. I promise I´m harmless.
Okay guys, whoever made it this far, I applaud you, cause really you deserve a medal. thank you for reading I guess and have a wonderful day.
Hugs and kisses!
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mother-snake · 4 years
the scale of the situation pt 2
(welcome back to this heap of a mess known as me creating a series and hoping to see it through. also yay or nay to bringing nico flores in to this..)
begining: the scale of the situation pt 1
next: the scale of the situation pt 3
taggs: @idkanameatall @girl-with-many-fandoms @imma-potatoo @smoltreehousekid @prinxiety-shipper101 warnings: dead body mention, blood... dw just remus being remus words: 1286
-overload pt1-
the next time it happened was only a few days later. He had been sitting at his desk, trying to get some of his work done. But it seemed with everything he got done, double would take its place. And he found himself getting frustrated with it all.
And thus, he stood up and ignored the increasing pile. Leaving it as it was for now and making his way out of his room and down the hall. He knew Logan wouldn’t be in his room so that would be the perfect place to hide for the time being.
He opened the door and did a quick look around. Searching for the best place to hid for the time being, or at least until his work didn’t seem as daunting.
He quickly found himself close to the floor and slithering around trying to find any nook or cranny that could contain him. and he found that on logans bed hidden under a blanket at the end of his bed that had been crumpled up. he made sure his head was poking out of the blanket to ensure he wasn’t sat on.
The soft fabric felt nice against his smooth scales, providing a sense of comfort as well as covering him, mostly, from sight.
As time passed, he began to find himself falling asleep once again. But even so he still kept his eyes on the door, waiting for Logan to return from wherever he had wondered off to. --
Logan had been in fact sitting in the living room with roman and Remus, going over the weekly schedule. he glanced to his watch. He still needed another half an hour until he could get back to the extra work in his room that needed done. he turned back to the barely started schedule and let out a sigh.
“come on! if he spends the day planning out the new video’s then he can spend the rest of the week doing everything else!” roman said exasperated. “yes. But by doing that he could end up overworking himself and you. if we do it in hourly intervals every day, he can still do other things,” Logan said back, trying his best not to snap at roman. “I'm with the nerd on this one roman,” Remus sighed, “look can we just call it quits. I’ve got a corpse in my room with my name on it,” he grinned.
“we might as well,” Logan said glaring at the barely filled calendar, “were getting nothing done.” “oh come now,” roman said to the both of them, “we can do this!” “we’ve being going since six in the morning. It is currently,” he looked down to his watch, “fifteen minutes till ten,” Logan said.
“oh fine, very well then,” roman said as he stood up, “shall we continue this later then?” he asked. “I think that’s fair; I shall see the both of you later then,” he said before picking up the paper. he was vaguely aware of the sound of moving chairs and footsteps before he was alone. Or so he thought.
He looked up and was startled by Remus looking at him with squinted eyes. he stared for a couple seconds before picking up the pile of paper and the several pens. “what do you want Remus?” he asked. “eh, I don’t know. Just going to sit in your room if you don’t mind,” he said. “what about the corpse?” “fucking with my brother as usual. Its in his room,” he snickered.
Logan let a small smile grace his face. it was not an unknown thing that Logan enjoyed pranking the other sides and always found whatever Remus did to be amusing much to their shock.
They had apparently spent a week debating who had put the spiders inside the cookie jar and decided it was Remus. Oh, how wrong they were.
He gestured for Remus to follow as he made his way up the stairs and towards is room. A little upset that he would have to get work done now, but alas, it must be done.
He paused as he reached his door. He could have sworn, nay. He knew he had shut it when he had left. “you okay there specks?” Remus asked as he saw Logans shoulders tense.
Logan didn’t respond but pushed the door open with his free arm he looked around the room quickly before his eyes softened at a sight, he hoped wouldn’t be the case.
There poking a small head out but fast asleep was Janus. “oh,” Remus said as he looked at his friend.
They glanced to one another before slowly making their way. they had to step over a couple piles of books and a few scattered clothing items. “you know, for logic, your room is rather messy,” Remus hushed over. “and for intrusive, yours is rather immaculate,” Logan shot back, a playful tune in what was said. “touché,”
As Remus got close enough, he carefully picked up the blanket with the snake inside and sat down on the bed before placing it back down onto his lap.
Logan placed the paper onto his desk’s chair. The desk itself was swamped in things that could be done quickly once he had the time. His main priority right now being Janus.
“I take it you already know about this habit of his?” Remus said. “indeed, Virgil and I found him like this under Janus’s bed only a couple days ago,” he said. “was that when he didn’t arrive for breakfast?” he asked. “indeed, it was a rather… unusual situation for me,” he said, rubbing an arm as he sat down next to Remus, bringing his legs up and crossing them.
They didn’t speak anymore in fear of waking Janus from his sleep. Logan however did move after a while to get some work done, occasionally getting some input from Remus when he got stuck.
They both smirked when they heard an all mighty scream coning from roman’s room. they looked at each other with a knowing look and tried their best to withhold their laughter in case it awoke Janus. but after Remus saw Janus’s head shift slightly, he knew that he was starting to wake up and placed him next to himself. --
Janus awoke to the sound of what he thought was a scream. There was slight movement and for a brief second, he felt as if he was in the air. But as soon as it happened it was over.
He cracked his eyes open and looked up to see Logan and Remus in the room with him. “hello Janus!” Remus exclaimed. “good morning Janus,” Logan said.
He slithered out of the blanket and up and around Remus’s neck. He wasn’t quite ready to shift back and he hoped that by doing this he would hopefully feel a lot better.
He was startled when the door slammed open and roman stood there with a red smudge covering his torso. He peaked his head up in curiosity and looked onwards.
“I swore to god. Whichever one of you it was, fess now or I will run both of you with my sword!” he yelled.
Janus glanced up to Remus and then over to Logan. nope he wasn’t dealing with this. he uncurled himself and slid down Remus’s back and onto the bed before twirling down a bed post and along the floor, letting out a goodbye in the form of a hiss.
Roman only watched in confusion as the snake made its way past him. covered in familiar shimmering golden scales.
“wait was that deceit- “he said in surprise snapping his head to see no snake, nor person in the hall.
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atamascolily · 4 years
Still in Before the Storm. The Yevetha are really into isolationism, which I noticed because that was a big thing with my OP (original planet) Sawarra. Mostly the political stuff is boring and Leia keeps having her own personal crisis that mirrors Luke that just seems... out of place given where we are in the timeline. He retreats, she just keeps digging down. She’s being really naive about trusting the Yevetha and it’s so off. The plot requires she pick up the Idiot Ball, I guess.
Meanwhile, back in Luke-land...
Luke didn’t object in principle to FCZ regulations. They helped ensure that less experienced pilots in less capable ships made slow approaches to populated worlds and busy spacelanes. But he had never been subjected to a four-day realspace crawl just to leave Coruscant. He was accustomed to reaching for the hyperdrive moments after his ship cleared the atmosphere. Mud Sloth insisted on waiting until it had cleared the star system.
Which means he’s stuck in quarantine with Akanah, lol.
She did not force conversation on him, either idle or earnest. Nor did she make him feel as though he was being watched, that she was waiting for him to do something. Without his ever asking, she granted him the only kind of privacy available under the circumstances—the privacy of the mind and heart. She did not intrude there without his invitation, hiding her own needs and curiosity so perfectly that they seemed more like comfortable old friends than strangers.
This whole scene just reads differently in 2021, that’s all I’m saying.
Akanah practiced her Fallanassi craft in silence behind the drawn curtain of the sleeper, and stripped to a body-hugging monoskin to exercise only when it was Luke’s turn in the zippered bunkbag. She even politely ignored him when he made both discoveries, making it unnecessary for him to apologize, or for her to explain.
“Tagge—I remember now,” said Luke. “He was on the first Death Star when Leia was a prisoner.” He paused, then added, “He was probably still on board when my proton torpedo blew it to bits.”
I’m skeptical why Luke would know this off the top of his head a decade later, but okay. Like me, Akanah is not impressed:
Luke didn’t know what possessed him to make that claim before Akanah, and her response made him feel even more foolish for having done so. She stiffened as he spoke, and he could feel her withdrawing from him, though she barely moved.
“Do you seek honor from me for this? In time you will understand that the Fallanassi honor no heroes for killing, not even killing one who has been our tormentor,” said Akanah.
“I’m sorry,” Luke said, and wondered at his own words. Everything suddenly seemed upside down. It was strange and unsettling that the deed for which he had been so lionized now became touched with regret—regret over the killing of an enemy who had been his own sister’s tormentor. That moment had decided both his future and the galaxy’s, and he had never, in all the years since, questioned the rightness of what he had done.
Really? Never in a moment questioned it? I’m so skeptical. Seems like this would have come up when Kyp destroyed Carida, if nothing else, given the DIRECT PARALLELS. Sigh.
Akanah’s story is really complicated and I’m not sure it’s necessary?
“Lady Anna!” Akanah said when they enjoyed the privacy of the road, jolting along in one of the big-wheeled, two-seated utility vehicles common on Lucazec. “I like that. And what shall I call you? The Duke of Skye?”
“I’d prefer not to give any name at all,” said Luke. “I’d rather anyone we meet not quite be able to recall my face, or remember my name, as though they were too distracted by you to pay attention.”
“The Duke of Skye,” LOLOLOL.
this whole book is about wild goose chases - Luke and Lando and Han are all off in different directions, looking for different things, most of which don’t actually exist. 
Luke slices an attacker’s arm off. Somehow he manages to disable the comlink on the dude’s belt with the tip of his lightsaber without doing any further damage. I am skeptical about the mechanics of this. Akanah is pissed, and Luke’s just like, “what?” without acknowledging the gravity of what he’s done.
“Let go of the Force,” she said. “It can’t help you in this. You’ve trained yourself to see the shadows. Let yourself see the light.”
I don’t understand how the White Current is different, exactly from the Force. Maybe it’ll be more clear later on in the book?
“Let me help,” she said, taking his hand. “Do you perceive the wall?”
“Take it away. Stop perceiving the substance. Make it disappear from your thoughts, and look inside it. Stay open—let me guide your eyes.”
Then he saw it—not written on the wall, but written within it, the pale white shapes of symbols drawn not with matter, but with some elemental essence swirling within it.
“Is that it?” he asked, as though she could not only guide his eyes but see through them.
Also, this:
Not long after, back in the ruins of the village of Ialtra, the bodies of two dead Imperial agents merged with the shadows that had enveloped them, and vanished as though they had never been.
they were illusions the whole time, so I guess we don’t have to feel bad that they “died” at Luke’s hands, and maybe talk about ethical issues?
Anyway, that’s it for Luke in this book. The rest is just political shenanigans as the Yevetha start slaughtering people. Ackbar, Drayson and the NR military officers seem to be the only ones not holding the Idiot Ball here. And there’s that obsession with duality, with only two choices again:
“Who do you answer to?”
“The same as you do, Princess—the same as anyone at our level does,” Drayson said. “I answer to my conscience and my sense of duty. And yes, if either ever fails us, we can do a great deal of harm—and probably hide most of it, too. But that’s all there is, isn’t it? Conscience or obedience. Leader or follower. Whose orders do you obey?”
Also, Nil Spaar weaponizes Leia’s heritage against her, which seems like... maybe something that should have been addressed before now? Otherwise, why should anyone take it seriously?
ughhhh, what a mess. There’s nothing that makes the Yevetha particularly interesting or compelling villains and it’s hard to care about my faves when they keep acting so OOC.
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chellestrash · 4 years
okay I'll go now
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IWBSISHIS WAIT COME BACK HERE! oh my god i remember when i responded to you i was like “oh ew was that weird?” for like solid 10 minutes just looking at my phone PFFFF i am SO HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT PFFF! i am ✨relieved✨
I just like calling people cute lil pet names and stuff because..i don’t even know it’s just nice! LISTEN! i shall refer to you as “dove” from now on if that’s okay with youuuuu!
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also i’d just like you to know that every time i see you interacting with my posts i’m like “a friend!” and i alway apriciate your reblogs, taggs, comments and memes so much...that’s it now i’ll go.
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icaroid · 4 years
tagged by @florrdemaga​!
rules: tag 10 people you want to know better
relationship status: in a multiple-lifetime-spanning love affair with the sun
favourite color: green! tee hee hee
three favourite foods: sushi, lemon risotto, hamentashen
song stuck in my head: Alone / With You, by Daughter
last song i listened to: A Kindling, Of Sorts, by The Oh Hellos
last thing i googled: dora the explorer. shant explain.
time: 6:30
dream trip: Badlands National Park, or the botanical garden in Montreal
anything i really want: i would like to get a little kiss please and thank u.
10 is a big number and it is early so I shall tagge...
@scrxbble, @urbanbirdbud, @cloudybakery, and @fuinle, and if anyone wants 2 do this n say i tagged them go ahead!!
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fight-surrender · 5 years
6 Sentence Superbowl Sunday
A-Ha! I’m always the tag-ee, never the tagg-er on this. BUT, since I’m procrastinating cleaning my house for this evening’s American Football beer commercial craziness, I shall kick off the fic writing snippets early. AND actually have people to tag for once! 
Here’s a bit from my fic for Golden Days, the Carry on Zine. What? You haven’t heard of the Zine? (I’m sure you have, I’m just doing the PR thing) Well, it’s chock full of content from much more talented folks than me, like @vkelleyart & @carryonsimoncarryonbaz & @penpanoply & many many more. For more details, visit the Golden Days Tumblr. 
This fic takes place maybe 20 years or so after Wayward Son. It’s basically going to be about 1K of domestic, middle aged, Snowbaz married-with-children fluff. 
“Moments,” A Golden Days Zine Snowbaz FanFic
Simon hooks his head over my shoulder and peers at my monitor. “What are you working on?”
“I’m paying bills,” I reply.
“Merlin, Methuselah, and Morgana,” Simon exclaims.
“What?” I roll back from the desk and swivel the chair to look at him.
“Those are the three most boring words I’ve heard in my whole life.” Simon grabs the armrests and leans into my space, “When did we become adults? With children? What happened to us? We were so cool.”
Simon proceeds to sit in my lap. “Crowley, Snow you’re going to break the chair.”
He wraps his arms around my neck, “Now we’re just. So.Tired.”
“There, there love.” I say, patting him on the back. "You will always be cool to me.”
Tagging @ninemagicks @thehoneyedhufflepuff @warriorbeeofthesea @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @sharkmartini @sourcherrymagiks @carryonvisinata @captain-aralias
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cerulienne · 4 years
@yuandao taggged me! thanks jerm!!
tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
favorite color: hmMMMmmm gold or dark teal
last song: billy & anne the altogether
last movie: fast & furious 6
last show (completed): k-on!!
currently reading: pew - catherine lacey
currently watching: puella magi madoka magica
sweet, spicy, or savory: SOUR why is sour not an option. cowards.
craving: brown sugar milk tea with boba :(
tea or coffee: TEA i drink so much tea
i shall taggggGGGggg @knightofbreath @desdemo-na @chatemms @knightinpinkunderwear and who ever else wants t do it lol i’m tired
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starrose17 · 5 years
Tagge dby @toss-a-coin-to-your-bard and @not-so-silent-back-up
I had done this a few weeks ago when I got tagged by someone else but I shall do it again! XD
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag bloggers you want to get to know better.
NAME: Gemma
NICKNAME: Don’t really have one.
ZODIAC: Sagittarius
HEIGHT: 5′11″
LANGUAGES: Only English, I have no talent for learning languages.
Favorite Season: Winter, I LOVE snow.
Favorite Flower: Rose.
Favorite Scent: Rose of course ;)
Favorite Color: Red, or purple, or lime green.
Favorite Animal: Don’t have a favourite but I own a bearded dragon and he’s SO CUTE! :D
Favorite Fictional Character: In general, will always be Harry Potter.
Coffee/Hot Tea/Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate.  I’m allergic to caffeine. 
Average Sleep: Around 7 hours.
Dog or Cat Person: Dog, HATE cats.
Number of Blankets: To cover myself on the sofa? Two, one for the top one for the bottom, as most are too short for me ^^;
Dream Trip: I’ve been on my dream trips, New Zealand, Japan, Egypt, all accomplished <3
Blog Established: Err, 2012 i think.
Followers: 4587!
Random Fact(s): I have such a posh English accent that I used to get bullied for it in school, and I WENT to an all girls private super rich school in the middle of the English countryside. I get teased by work colleagues, I get laughed at by cashiers in shops, yes i sound like i’m from a Jane Austen novel I am aware of this thank you.
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