#little positivity
ittybittyfruit · 4 months
shout to sexual system littles!!!!! :D ur awesome!!!
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pt: no discourse zone
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peachestoon2016 · 2 years
I'm both
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sparrowsdinner · 1 year
I love you little puppies and little littles and the little girls and the little boys and the littles with genders too complex to fit in a box
You are not disgusting or gross ❤️
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I think so many people are so deeply alienated from themselves that they have no clue how to exercise their free will and autonomy. For some, this alienation runs so deep that they are afraid of their own autonomy and humanity. It is completely understandable why one would have those feelings, but it can be worrisome.
I want to help others who feel this way, so here are small things I have done to exercise my free will:
Add "guilty pleasure" songs to playlists and actually listen to them (I have a ton of late 1990s-early 2000s music I listen to now proudly that I never listened to in the past out of shame)
Getting the décor item, bath set, bed spread, ect. in the patterns you like, even if it's "childish" (I got a dinosaur-themed wastebasket from the kids' décor section and I adore it)
Taking a new route to get to a place you go to often
Eat dessert first
Celebrate well, and often
Collect things that are "odd" or don't seem like an "acceptable" thing to collect (somebody on my "for you" page collects dandelion crayola crayons and it was so cool!!!!!!)
Incorporate one new piece in an outfit you wear frequently (e.g., a new chain, a necklace, ribbons, bracelets, ect.). Challenge yourself to add onto the outfits if you feel up for it.
Sing along to songs without worrying that you sound "good" or your intonation is completely accurate
Read a book from a genre you weren't allowed to read as a kid (comics, thrillers, mysteries, anything!)
Walk without having a specific destination or goal
Pick up a new craft without expecting yourself to master it or to ever be "good" enough. Get your hands messy.
I don't want to shame anybody for not feeling as though they have free will or that they are exempt from exercising it. However, I wanted to give ideas so that you might read this list and find your own ways to express your intrinsic autonomy and will. You deserve to be a person, to feel alive, not just living. That is what our lives are for.
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happyheidi · 5 months
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. May will bring blessings.
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montereybayaquarium · 1 month
Peek-a-floof, pufflings!
We’re egg-cited to welcome the newest additions to our tufted puffin colony! These two fluffy puffin chicks (a.k.a. pufflings!) recently hatched here as part of a Species Survival Plan managed by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums that oversees the health and breeding of nearly 200 tufted puffins across 15 zoos and aquariums.
The adorable, fuzzy voids will grow up on exhibit, assisted by our un-beak-lievable aviculture and veterinary teams. You can peek at these precious pufflings among the diving birds in the Open Sea. It might be a little hard to spot them inside their burrows and they’ll be heading behind the scenes for a little while soon.  But don’t worry! They’ll be back on exhibit once they’re fully fledged. 
Chick #2’s name is… Yuzu! But we need your kelp naming Chick #1! Our animal care team has picked three options and we’re asking YOU to help us choose the perfect name by voting in the poll! ⬇️
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blueboyluca · 1 year
“When I first heard it, from a dog trainer who knew her behavioral science, it was a stunning moment. I remember where I was standing, what block of Brooklyn’s streets. It was like holding a piece of polished obsidian in the hand, feeling its weight and irreducibility. And its fathomless blackness. Punishment is reinforcing to the punisher. Of course. It fit the science, and it also fit the hidden memories stored in a deeply buried, rusty lockbox inside me. The people who walked down the street arbitrarily compressing their dogs’ tracheas, to which the poor beasts could only submit in uncomprehending misery; the parents who slapped their crying toddlers for the crime of being tired or hungry: These were not aberrantly malevolent villains. They were not doing what they did because they thought it was right, or even because it worked very well. They were simply caught in the same feedback loop in which all behavior is made. Their spasms of delivering small torments relieved their frustration and gave the impression of momentum toward a solution. Most potently, it immediately stopped the behavior. No matter that the effect probably won’t last: the reinforcer—the silence or the cessation of the annoyance—was exquisitely timed. Now. Boy does that feel good.”
— Melissa Holbrook Pierson, The Secret History of Kindness (2015)
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pickled-flowers · 9 months
Sex positivity is also about not calling Ace people prude and using virgin as an insult 👍 hope that helps
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ikiprian · 6 months
Ghost Kitchen (brought to you by criminal entrepreneur, Red Hood)
Danny’s got the easiest job in Gotham.
He works as a fry cook at a shoddily-run, independent burger joint. Hardly anyone comes in, despite prices being criminally low, and portions insanely large, and while the manager looks like the average tough-as-nails ex-con, he lets Danny mess around in the kitchen whenever the place is empty. (Which is often. This place has to be the city’s hidden gem or something!)
Mr. Manager’s the only one ever there with Danny, except for sometimes when his buddies come over to smoke and play cards. Danny would find it shady, except part of his job is not to ask questions. Literally, he was told during the interview.
(It was a weird interview. Why would they need to hire someone who’s been in a gunfight before? Like, he has, but Gotham’s idea of “hirable qualities” is so bizarre.)
So instead he whips up some killer burgers with the frozen ingredients, and basks in the praise as the guys tell him he shouldn’t have, he does too much for this joint, ain’t that friendly!
Now, Danny’s a chef on the newer side. As a teen he’d preferred the look of Nasty Burger over anything with Michelin stars, and he only really took up cooking after Jazz moved out for college. But just like ecto-exposure used to turn the groceries sentient, Danny’s low-level ecto signature imbues all his food with something historically haunted Gothamites just love! And Danny’s never been one to half-ass a job when it makes people happy.
With fresher produce, real meat, Danny’s sure he can take his dishes to the next level. It takes a couple months of badgering, but his manager finally agrees to contact the mysterious store owner, who keeps the place going, despite profits Danny knows have to be in the red.
Danny spends the morning prepping. He pours his heart into his food, eager to impress. The big boss will be here soon, and he wants to prove that despite the dangerous location, this place has real potential!
It isn’t until the Red Hood shows up that Danny realizes he’s been working for a money laundering scheme.
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gale-force-storm · 19 days
Thinking about the fact that, to pull Gale from the stone and get him in the game at all, you have to decide to try to touch an extremely dangerous looking swirling mass of unstable magic. Something that is, objectively, a terrible idea
Like, the options it gives you are to either touch the sigil or leave, and if you leave you just... don't get Gale in the party
You have to take the risk. You have to let your curiosity override your common sense. You have to look at this unstable, possibly dangerous malfunctioning magic sigil and go "...Ok, but what if I poke it?"
In short, to get Gale in your party, you have to do exactly what he would in that situation, and indulge in a moment of reckless curiosity. And I just think that's delightful
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dapper-lil-arts · 6 months
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💪The Dash grindset 💪Never faulter💪Stay real💪
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totallynoteepy · 28 days
Age regressors when they watch a new show/film they like:
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peachestoon2016 · 2 years
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agere-me · 9 months
Shoutout to the littles who
❥ curse
❥ don’t have a bedtime
❥ don’t have rules/don’t want them
❥ can take care of themselves
❥ big age is 35+
❥ feel like they don’t fit into the cutesy/pure regression
❥ are physically disabled
❥ are mentally disabled
❥ don’t want a cg
❥ don’t like calling their cg mommy/daddy (or any parental name)
❥ doesn’t have any little gear/doesn’t want it
And so so much more, you’re all valid
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Watching the Percy Jackson series has made me empathize with Aphrodite more than I ever thought possible.
Cuz these kids are TWELVE and are out here just trying to SURVIVE, but every time Percy and Annabeth interact I’m giggling and kicking my feet like “Hehehe you don’t know it yet, but that is the love of your life. Yes, yes, there’s a big scary monster but what about the slow-burn romance?”
And I always found it so annoying in the books when Aphrodite would show up and only be interested in the romantic dynamics between the characters and otherwise be kinda useless. But now??? I’m totally on the same page with her. Cuz I know they’re going to fight a million monsters and win, and at the end of the day one fight looks just like the next. But they only fall in love ONCE and it’s AMAZING.
Like damn. Apologies the goddess Aphrodite. I suddenly get it.
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witchkami · 3 months
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It'll get better eventually
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