#so then i watched like half of season 1 then 3x03 and 3x04 and then finished season 1 then 3x05 then watched half of season 2 and then 3x06
cylonbarnes · 2 years
one of the best parts of stargirl season 2 is cindy going up to cameron w the intention of getting him in her Bad Kid Squad and he almost completely unprompted is just like You are the worst and I hate you and No One likes you and You said some fucked up shit in the 4th grade Leave me Alone. and she was like okay and just went welp i guess he's out
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lovecolibri · 3 years
I don't know how the "science" would work, but I still think those stills at the Pony are from scenes that take place in M*ria's head separately. It's true we haven't seen humans in the mindscape before, but if we're not seeing M*ria interact with people who aren't Jones in her head next week, then what's the difference between 3x07 and 3x08? Why emphasize 3x08 as being fun to film and a third of it being in M*ria's head? That sounds like pretty much all her screentime will still be mindscape stuff.
Lets not forget that "a third of the episode being in people's head" thing only came about after people said they were going to skip 3x08 which was originally touted as a "m*ria centric" episode that takes place MOSTLY in her head. Then we suddenly got EVERYONE saying 3x08 was a favorite in interviews and it went down to 50% then 40% in m*ria's head with the added "twisty" Malex mention to get people to stop saying they wouldn't watch the episode and then when that just made fans vent that the "twisty" Malex better not have anything to do with m*ria and that people still didn't want to watch a m*ria centric episode especially if she was interfering with Malex, all the talk suddenly became "1/3 takes place in PEOPLE'S heads". So I'm guessing the original story is the most true and this episode mostly takes place in m*ria's head and the reason they are emphasizing it is because a) this season is ALL about propping up m*ria even to the detriment of the main storylines and character arcs, and b) the actors have all mentioned what a fun episode it was FOR THEM. I doubt they have seen the final product, but it could just be an episode where they got to stretch themselves acting-wise or do something new and fun, or work with people they haven't worked with much yet. All of which is totally valid, and I'm glad they had a great time! But that doesn't mean that the finished product that's stitched together is going to be as satisfying and fun for us to watch as it was for them to do. Just look at last season's big hype episode and how well that turned out.
I guess we'll all just have to wait and see, but after half a season of "wait and see" I'm not holding my breath that this is going to be some epic Malex episode. I would LOVE to be proven wrong, but we all thought 3x03 was going to be a big Malex episode, then 3x04 which didn't even end up having Alex, then 3x06 which had Malex but still no communication progress, and after that cliffhanger ending we though 3x07 would be a big Malex episode and we got NO Malex so forgive me if I'm not optimistic. I would love to see some growth and some move towards them being friends by the end of the episode but I'm getting the feeling that these past 7 episodes are what the writers have considered "friendship" and we'll probably get some dramatic declaration out of nowhere again and still not see them actually communicating well. Again, I'd love to be wrong but maybe if I put my expectations on the ground they will manage to not be disappointed but after this season I wouldn't put it past the writers to dig underneath those expectations anyway and deliver nothing, just like they did in 3x07 with no follow up from 3x06. 🤷‍♀️
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prettygraceful · 4 years
magnus & the main characters interaction count: a study
an interaction counts as magnus talking specifically to 1 main and that main character responding, or vice versa. (you know like alec does with jace/ clary/ izzy in 95% of the episodes throughout the whole series and luke/ simon in half of s1 and s3.) an interaction is NOT where magnus addresses the group in general with no one responding to him directly, or him being in the same room with all of them, but they only talk to alec or to each other.
this count starts from 2b. s1/ 2a did NOT have anywhere close to an adequate amount, but at least there wasn’t so little that it was total joke like after that. the sad truth of this is so glaringly obvious when it’s listed.
plz take note this post is about magnus/ MAIN character interaction ONLY
and obviously this count is about the 6 mains other than alec
2x11: NONE
altho clary/ jace are in the room, they only talk to alec
2x12: NONE
2x13: NONE
2x14: 1 scene with luke
2x15: NONE
altho jace/ izzy are in the room, they don’t talk to him
2x16: NONE
he was not in the episode. he also was not in some episodes in s1. luke and maia have also not been in some.
clary, jace, alec, izzy, and simon have been in every episode. just saying.
2x17: 2 scenes with luke
2x18: 1 scene with luke
2x19: NONE
altho the shadowhunters/ luke are in the room, they don’t talk to him
side note: making literally everyone be against magnus/ glaring at him/ shading him behind his back after all he’s literally done for every single one of them was… a choice. they all didn’t seem to care that he was hurting.
2x20: 1 scene with izzy
final count:
6 episodes (over half the season) with NONE
2 episodes of only 1 scene interaction
only 1 episode where he interacts throughout, yet still only with 1 other main
only 3 scenes where he gets to talk to another main without alec there
no scene where he talks to another main and alec isn’t mentioned
3x01: NONE
3X02: NONE
altho shadowhunters/ luke are in the room, they only talk to alec
3X03: 1 scene with izzy
3x04: NONE
altho clary is in room, she only talks to alec
3x05: NONE
3x06: multiple scenes with clary
3x07: NONE
altho clary/ izzy/ simon are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x08: multiple scenes with izzy
no, owl!jace saying alec would chose jace over him doesn’t count
altho luke/ simon are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x09: 1 scene with izzy
3x10: 1 scene with jace
altho should a scene of him telling the parabatai he gave up his magic for them and them not saying anything count?
final count:
5 episodes (half the season) with NONE
3 episodes of only 1 scene interaction
only 2 episodes where he interacts throughout, yet only with 1 other main
only 1 episode where he gets to talk to another main without alec there
no episodes where he talks to another main and alec isn’t mentioned
3x11: 1 scene with izzy
altho jace is in the room, he only to talks alec
3x12: NONE
altho jace/ luke are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x13: 1 scene with izzy
and 1 single line to clary, i guess
3x14: NONE
3x15: NONE
aside from 1 single line to simon, i guess
no, clary/ jace/ izzy unkindly questioning him being there doesn’t count
side note: making magnus be surrounded by a room full of racist-coded shadowhunters in s3 was… a choice. what was the point of that? it showed that apparently only laws have changed but not societal sentiment- outside of the main foursome- since s1 in their mindset towards downworlders. and then they had malec get married amongst these racists a few weeks later?? to show him being treated so disrespectfully (again in s3, so nobody’s mindset progressed outside of the 4) and be made so uncomfortable and then never have them show him any love or treat him as an equal later on (as an individual and not just as half of malec) was… a choice. a bad choice.
3x16: NONE
3x17: NONE
3x18: NONE
altho clary/ jace are in the room, they only talk to alec (and then when he’s sad over something that their 3a choices caused, they leave. in the same episode the writers have maryse say “we’re all here for you”…what a joke.)
3x19: NONE
3x20: NONE
altho izzy/ clary/ jace are in the room, they only talk to alec
3x21: NONE
aside from 1 single line to simon, i guess
no, saying only biscuit doesn’t count
3x22: NONE
altho it’s his wedding day, they don’t let jace/ izzy welcome him into the family but instead irrelevant max.
and altho it’s literally the finale, the ONLY person he gets to talk to is his rival. (side note, but lorenzo and underhill should NOT have been at the wedding after their awful treatment towards him. such two-faced people.)
final count:
10 episodes (the length of a normal half season) with NONE
2 episodes of only 1 scene interaction
0 episodes where he interacts throughout
1 scene where he get to talk to another main without alec there
in his 1 scene in 3x13, he talks to another main and alec isn’t mentioned
i think the point i’m making is obvious: the 3 white showrunners and mostly white writers almost never ever let magnus even talk to any of the other main characters. (he also goes three seasons without a single story arc with another main that lasts more than 1 episode. (no, the writers using luke as a mouthpiece to justify alec’s mistake in 2b does not count.) you know, like how alec had big long arcs with both clary and jace in s1, 2a, and 3a and izzy here and there. even maia, the most neglected character on this show, still got to regularly interact with simon and luke- 2 mains. even luke with his limited screentime, still got to regularly at least talk to literally all of the mains in all his group scenes.
and what about the 3 downworlder mains and alec?
well, altho alec and maia only had 2 scenes together, that’s still twice what magnus/ maia got, seeing as they only had the 1 scene together in 2a.
alec and luke had at least 3 scenes together in s1 that i can remember vs magnus/ luke only having 2 lines in 1x06. both duos had about equal in 2b.
in 3a alec/luke had 5 scenes together. magnus/ luke had none where they actually spoke to each other. in group scenes magnus only talked to alec.
in 3b alec/ luke had 3 scenes. magnus/ luke had none. plus luke told alec that he couldn’t go to his wedding, instead of telling magnus.
in s1 magnus/ simon had maybe 1 line. alec/ simon were interacting constantly throughout, i don’t remember how many scenes it was.
in 2a magnus/ simon had 2 episodes together. in 2b they had 1 scene but i don’t really count it since it was only to have it be literally everyone vs magnus. alec/ simon had 1 scene in 2b and none in 2a.
in 3a alec/ simon had 3 scenes interacting together. magnus/ simon had none where they actually spoke to each other.
in 3b all the fans complaining really paid off! 2 scenes in 3x15. 1 scene each in 3x17, 3x19, 3x20, and 3x21 for a grand total of 6 scenes. plus no talking- yet still in a scene together- in 1 other scene in 3x15, 3x17, 3x18, and 2 others in 3x19, for a grand total of 5, not counting the edom finale scenes. magnus/ simon only said 2 lines to each other in 3b.
not to mention alec stood next to simon in a nice two-shot in 4 separate scenes. it really reminded me of what they do with clary/ alec in group scenes. the writers don’t always give them a lot of dialogue together, but they’re sure to get that dynamic in at least visually. alec always has at least crumbs vs magnus getting nothing. where is that energy from the writers, directors, or fans with magnus and literally any main? really, where is it?
i mean, there was no reason for alec/ simon not to have scenes, but i’m so truly disappointed that this is where the fan effort was spent instead of lobbying for magnus to get to interact with even one main character other than alec, seeing as alec always already get to constantly have many, many, many duo and group scenes and big arcs with the 3 other shadowhunters. and now he gets to be more bonded with all of the main downworlders too instead of magnus with his own people. the writers are so so so wack.
also obviously magnus interacts with alec on a regular basis. the point is that’s it. malec is the main reason why i watch the show, so it matters a great deal, but when every other main is getting vastly more interactions, it’s a problem. also in nearly all of the episodes when alec has scenes with other mains- and magnus is not there- magnus is not mentioned. not so when it’s vice versa.
why not count any supporting characters you may be saying? because that’s not what i hear everyone demanding for alec or the others, is it? because he didn’t interact with raphael, his supposed son, in s1, or at all after 3x01 to the actual finale. because aside from her bringing madzie over in 3x11, catatrina and and him didn’t speak in 3b. she wasn’t even introduced until 3a (so 2 seasons w/o any friends.) they only spoke in 4 scenes total in all of s3. she was his best man, yet that’s not important enough to show on screen. ragnor was literally only 1 episode. who’s left- his jealous, bitter pathetic rival or his father who has obvious gross, creepy incestuous, jealous feelings for him. or alec’s mother, who only had scenes with him for the same reason maia/ jordan had all those scenes- to give them something to do away from the group/ main plotlines. why couldn’t magnus and maia had scenes together also or instead? and being bffs with his bf’s mom but not getting to even TALK to his parabatai, the person alec’s closest to platonically, let alone be friends, is truly beyond words. and also harry and matt are only 5 years apart (kat/ dom have more of an age difference) so i’m tired of the writers/ fans keeping alec in the playpen with his younger co-stars while magnus is separated to only older ones.
and also i just really don’t care about supporting characters. i see them as just taking screentime away from the mains, specifically the downworlder mains, who are already running on limited time. look at 3x13 when they want to do a whole heidi arc, who gets cut- magnus. or in 3x17 when they want to introduce helen and aline, i resented them right off the bat for getting twice as much screentime than magnus, a main character, in that important episode for him. throughout the whole show, whenever supporting characters are getting screentime, it always means magnus, maia, and luke are not. that’s not good.
some final thoughts, nearly every single malec fan spent the entire 9 month hiatus from 3a to 3b relentlessly saying alec needs interactions. as if he didn’t get huge bonding arcs with clary and jace in s1 and 2a and 3a. as if he doesn’t talk to and go places and do things with clary, jace, and izzy nearly every single episode, every single season since the beginning. mighty handy to not count the 3 of them when you want to cry “alec has no friends” every single day, as if he hasn’t had an enemy to friendship arc with clary 3 times in 3 seasons. as if he hasn’t had a dying, can’t live without you arc with jace 3 times in 3 seasons. as if he doesn’t hug jace twice more than magnus per half season. as if he doesn’t have izzy there to lean on and talk to. funny how siblings don’t count as friends when it’s mighty convenient that’s they’re the only mains to have siblings. i would kill, KILL, for magnus to be even talk to jace and izzy let alone be real friends, yet fans are taking their friendships with alec for granted, while simultaneously saying they’re robbed of the parabatai dynamic. that’s rich.
if alec having scenes every other ep, and melodramatic arcs every other half season, wasn’t such a guarantee the fans have learned they could count on, nobody would say that his siblings and clary don’t count. but everyone knew they could say that because we know it wouldn’t be taken away. i mean, look at the stark siblings in game of thrones. they never interacted, and the entire fandom cried about that being the most important friendships to show, but it wasn’t shown. this fandom needs to put things in perspective and stop taking the lightwoods sibs and the shadowhunters squad dyamic for granted and realize that magnus and maia don’t get even a minuscule fraction of that. also want to add that simon got plenty of constant sturdy dynamics too, with clary, jace, luke, maia, and izzy. and fans got their alec/ simon content and yet still so ungrateful. i beg the malecs to compare what magnus gets before complaining.
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Timeless Top Ten: Badass Moments
Buckle up kiddos, because @timeless-season-three comes back in just twelve days! That’s Jan 13, 8/7 central! And what better way to ring in the new year and celebrate the first half of the season than by remembering the most badass moments so far? So here they are--the top ten moments that had us fist-pumping and cheering at our computer screens!
10. Future Wyatt lays it out for Present Wyatt. While our present puppy, Wyatt, has been making a real mess of the carpet all of season two, his future self seems to have things figured out. In 3x01, Chinatown Part II, he sticks it to his past self and gives Wyatt some good advice about Wyatt’s current situation. It’s clear this older version of Wyatt has seen a lot of shit and isn’t about to put up with any more BS, even from himself. And frankly, how many of us would like the chance to go back about five years and smack our younger selves around a little? His appearance was short but Future Wyatt, you badass, we hope our present puppy turns out like you.
Except maybe without the beard. Honey. Honey. No.
9. Lucy goes Dark Side. It’s a fine line between badass and terrifying, and Lucy’s been walking that line a lot this season. From shooting Julius Rosenberg and trying to shoot Emma right after in 3x04 to deciding that they’re going to take the fight to Emma no matter what the consequences in 3x07, Lucy’s shaping up to be a real badass. Let’s just hope that it’s not at the cost of her compassion and humanity.
8. Houdini takes the shot for Lucy. Houdini is our absolute favorite and we are currently in the process of applying to adopt him, but let’s face it, he’s not the rough and ready type. Which is why in 3x06 The Tsarevich it’s even more badass when he jumps in front of Emma’s gun and saves Lucy’s life—and risks his own—by taking the bullet meant for her.
7. “I’m expendable. You’re not.” In 3x07 Pasadena, Rittenhouse has found the bunker and are closing in with a strike team. With Denise and Lucy stranded there, Denise makes the ultimate sacrifice and tells Lucy to run, preparing to take on the strike team herself—knowing she won’t make it. While the Lifeboat fortunately arrives and swoops Lucy and Denise to safety in the nick of time, that moment reminds us why Denise is a true badass, willing to die for the cause and to protect her team.
6. “Somebody call an Uber?” Throughout the season we’ve seen the Lifeboat literally struggling to get back to the present as the timelines change, running off of a dying battery. But Rufus, Jiya, and Mason don’t let that stop them. These three quietly work throughout the season to guide the Lifeboat safely home, culminating in this moment: Rufus guiding the Lifeboat back in the nick of time to save Denise and Lucy in our midseason finale. It’s often the scientists working quietly in the background who save the day, and even if they don’t do it in a hail of bullets—that’s still pretty damn badass.
5. Rufus gets schooled. It’s okay Rufus, if I had the chance for MLK Jr. and Bayard Rustin to school me, I’d happily take it. In 3x02, The Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rufus is struggling with his place in the world and his existence in general after being brought back to life. Both MLK and Rustin—the latter a bit more firmly—give Rufus sound advice and their perspectives on why and how we fight for our rights. It’s just talking, sure, but badassery isn’t just waving a gun. It’s standing up for what you believe in and never backing down. In these moments we see why we so admire and honor these two men, because they’re nothing short of badass.
4. You don’t mess with the Notorious RBG. In 3x03, Michael Temple—the guy we all love to hate—has Ruth Bader Ginsberg hostage. But RBG is a badass and basically spits in his face when he tries to intimidate her. This is one woman the straight white male institution can’t take down, and when her life is saved she vows to dedicate the rest of it fighting men like Temple. Not once during her kidnapping does RBG lose her cool, or give into Temple’s mind games. We’re pretty sure the ‘B’ actually stands for ‘Badass’.
3. Flogan battle couple. In 3x07 Pasadena, the time team is held hostage by some Rittenhouse goons. Facing the possibility that one of them might not make it out of this, Wyatt apologizes to Flynn and calls him his “man in the foxhole,” telling Flynn he was right and Wyatt should’ve trusted him. This leads to the moment we’ve been waiting for since 1x10, as Flynn and Wyatt say ‘fuck it’ and launch themselves at the goons. When the mysterious Jane arrives to help, the two men investigate seamlessly, clearing the room and watching each other’s six. They’re the badass team we always knew they could be, even if just for a few minutes. Let’s hope this trend continues in the second half of the season.
2. “If you like.” In 3x05 The Lost Colony of Roanoke when Lucy refuses to tell John White what’s happened to his family, he threatens to kill her and the rest of the time team. In response, Lucy goes full badass and announces that she’s a witch who cursed all of Roanoke and its people and that she will curse White as well, if he and his men don’t leave. Flynn steps up as well, telling White and his men that if they want Lucy they’ll have to get through him, leading White to ask him, “Is that why you call yourself Marlowe? Marlowe, who wrote the great tragedy of Dr. Faustus, a man who sold his soul to the devil in pursuit of arcane knowledge? Are you that, then? Her familiar?”
Flynn’s response?
“If you like.”
It’s certainly enough to scare White and his men off. Flynn did say back in the pilot that he and Lucy would be quite the team someday, and we’re seeing that now in spades. They’re a couple of badasses in this moment.
So what, then, is our most badass moment? The one that had us swooning onto our fainting couches? Why that would be…
1. Taking over ground control. In 3x03 The Notorious RBG when Rufus and Flynn realize that Wyatt and Lucy are trapped on a plane headed for a collision, the two men don’t just wring their hands. They jump into action—especially Flynn. While Rufus smooth-talks the crew, Flynn takes over ground control and successfully guides the plane to safety, saving the lives of Wyatt and Lucy and also dozens of others. I think I had to take a cold shower after that one. Personification of badass.
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summerseachild · 5 years
Because I am a glutton for punishment, I rewatched season 3.
The story so far: For those of you following along, I’ve been gearing up for watching the GoT I haven’t seen (the back half of season 5 and beyond) by rewatching the stuff I HAVE seen. It’s been... an experience. I’m coping with my fury by squeeing over the things I loved and foaming at the mouth over the things I hated. 
The finale aired between my season 2 and 3 rewatch, and I am full of snark, but everything is also hilarious.
1. GHOST IS THE GOODEST BOY. Also everyone BE NICER TO SAM. Every time I see Kit and Rose together on screen I go, “Awww they’re gonna be married.” So happy this show brought them together.
2. Ciarán Hinds as Mande Rayder was SUCH epic good casting. I want to watch all of Rome now.
3. Davos is a salty old cat with nine lives and I was SO happy to see him alive. And then he RISKS ONE OF THEM being loyal to Stannis. That’s some Ned Stark levels of honor.
4. Michael McElhatton’s voice is so amazingly creepy I love and hate it all at the same time.
5. That first scene we get with Tyrion and Tywin is A LOT. Tyrion just wants a little bit of recognition and it’s SO SAD. (Also how did Tywin have the lions put up in his office so soon? SO EXTRA.) And wtf is up with Tywin intimating that Tyrion might be a bastard? So glad they dropped that. Who ended up Lord of Casterly Rock though? DOes AnYoNE EveN CaRE?
6. Sansa and Shae playing the game with the ships is... so cute. We overly imaginative people have all had that friend like Shae who’s like WHAT IS THE POINT OF PRETENDING.
7. Ok teenage Drogon cooking his food in midair before eating it was pretty cool.
8. Is that the Stranger on the wall of the building where Margaery talks to the orphans? In the middle of the seven pointed star? It looks CREEPY.
9. The epic Queen-off between Margaery and Cersei IS ON. (For the record Cersei’s armor dress is FANTASTIC.) Also, Jack Gleeson saying “charitable” like it’s a word in a foreign language he’s never heard before is GREAT.
10. You can see the seeds of Missandei being a fantastic diplomat for Queen Daenerys. :( Also, I wonder if Jorah knows she speaks Valyrian as he watched all of this unfold...
1. I wonder if what Talisa says about how Westerosi are viewed across the narrow sea, as barbarians who smell, is accurate. It makes sense...
3. Latest on a List of insults Brienne puts up with from Jaime: “giant towheaded plank.” He is such a shit. And the way he SWITCHES on a dime from so obviously baiting her to being DEAD serious with the “we don’t get to choose who we love” line... so very him.
4. Sansa and the Tyrells! Those gardens are SO incredibly pretty, and Diana Rigg is SO GOOD as Olenna. May I have half her wit when I’m her age. Getting info out of Sansa on Joffrey was SMART.
5. I love that we get a sense that there are different cultures and languages North of the Wall.
7. Reeeeeds! Jojen and Mira were so exciting when we first met them...
8. BROTHERHOOOOOD Without Banners SO COOL. And underused.
9. Jaime and Brienne are AT A BRIDGE and NOTHING IS OK enjoy the hand while you have it ,Jaime my love.
1. Lannister family musical chairs is SO GREAT and Tyrion and Cersei have SUCH BITCHY FACES AT EACH OTHER.
2. They tell Chuck Norris jokes about Brynden the Blackfish, don’t they.
3. Stannis: Men have been trying to kill me for years. Me: Well maybe they need to send a WOMAN TO DO IT. (yeeeeaaaaah Brienne)
4. Dany is a woman with a plan and watching Jorah and Ser Barristan freak out about her possibly giving up one of her dragons is kind of funny.
5. I had forgotten how COMMITTED Ramsay is to his “helping Theon” ruse.” Fuuuuuck.
6. Jaime losing his hand DOES NOT GET ANY EASIER TO WATCH.
1. Jaime Lannister and the No Good Very Bad Deathwish huuuurts meee. It’s so good Brienne was around.
2. Varys and the sorcerer in a box.... SO CREEPY. Do we ever get resolution on that?? Anyway it made me flat out terrified of the implacability of Varys’ revenge at the time, and Conleth Hill PLAYS IT.
3. The Sept is SO PRETTY way to go CGI folks. That whole scene is just GORGEOUS with the light framing Margaery and Joffrey and Cersei moving in and out of shadow...
4. Theon’s “all he had to do was be” re: Robb hit me RIGHT IN THE FEELS also wow show Theon was really Gay For Robb and you will not convince me otherwise. (Watching him pour his heart out to Ramsay makes me physically ill... whYyYYy am I sober...)
5. I still maintain that show Brienne is WAAAAAY meaner than book Brienne about Jaime’s “leave me alone I’m dying” phase in ways that are really out of character and I HATE IT. Also losing a HAND is not “a little bit of misfortune.” And SHE WOULD UNDERSTAND THAT.
6. Cersei being like “I’ve been listening more than your sons” to Tywin. And Tywin being an ASSHOLE in response instead of FUCKING TELLING HER HOW TO DO BETTER with Joffrey makes me so angry.
7. “If Robb Stark falls Sansa Stark is the key to the North” YOU DON’T SAY VARYS
8. I am... sadder than I remember being about Jeor Mormont dying.
9. I. Like. Anguy. What HAPPENED to him? Also Beric is... intense, but I love him. (And Thoros was IN THE KEEP the day the baby Targaryens died?)
1. Sandor Clegane trying to CHOP HIS OWN WOODEN SHIELD OFF HIS ARM because it’s on fire... wow. That whole scene is IMPRESSIVE. That was a fight that was TRIGGERY AS FUCK for him with all the fire and he still came out on top.
2. This is the episode where Jon and Jaime both get baths! Jon’s was a lot more fun. He got to have sex first. Jaime’s is preceded by being like “take any more of my arm than you have to and die” to Qyburn and a lot of screaming.
4. Every time I see Catelyn looking empty and far away in these scenes I see the Lady Stoneheart that could have been.
6. Beric Dondarion’s voice is amazing. I’m noticing voices more this time around...
7. Shireen Baratheon! What a precious little Princess! Her friendship with Davos is the best thing ever and SHE DESERVED BETTER.
8. Jaime and Brienne in the bath is funny when Jaime’s a shit until it gets very very serious and everything hurts and both of them are better actors than this show deserved. Jaime remembering URGING AERYS TO SURRENDER PEACEFULLY MAKES WHAT HAPPENS IN THE END HURT. He... hasn’t told that story to many people in its entirety and aaaaahhhh my feelings and him telling Brienne MY NAME IS JAIME I CANNOT WITH THEM.
9. Grey Worm is so handsome, and the more I see of Jacob Anderson in the behind the scenes stuff the more awesome he gets.
10. Ugh Cersei my love don’t be so smug about Tyrion and Sansa (Also Tyrion BRINGING UP TYSHA HOLY SHIT I FORGOT) Cersei and Tyrion both look so miserable at the end of that scene I just want to FUCKING THROTTLE TYWIN. Which is how I felt in the books here so KUDOS TO ALL INVOLVED.
1. I LOVE that we get to hear the Faith of the Seven’s version of “Jesus loves me” and I love that it’s Sam who sings it.
2. Meera holding Jojen while he has his vision/seizure like she’s done it a thousand times before... so sweet. I love that taking care of those who need it is just... part of who she is, and we need more people who are caring AND badass.
3. I forgot that Arya got an archery lesson from Anguy and I love it.
4. Melisandre being like WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU RAISED BERIC SIX TIMES to Thoros is great. Who knows what any of that means now but in the moment wow. Also WTF I FORGOT THEY GAVE GENDRY TO MELISANDRE
5. Ygritte asking Jon if he’s staring at her ass while climbing is so great. Way to know how good you look, girl!
6. Everyone at Riverrun: GROW UP EDMURE.
7. Jaime Being like BRIENNE DO NOT STAB BOLTON I GOT THIS = friendship goals
8. Cersei and Tyrion talking about their impending miserable marriages and not being entirely awful to each other gives me a bit of joy even as I weep for all of them.
9. I laughed for a long time at Varys line calling the Iron Throne “The Lysa Arryn of chairs.”
10. That last shot of Jon and Ygritte kissing is SO PRETTY. Everything at the top of the wall is, really.
1. Oh GRRM wrote this one. Cool.
2. Brynden Tully calling Walder Frey a wet shit is delightful. I love him so.
3. Do we ever find out if Talisa was telling the truth about writing to her mother? Or any sort of mention of her again since she’s nobility in Volantis and it might be a thing that she got murdered? No?
5. Protective Dragons are Protective
6. Please TAKE OUR SHIP AND OUR GOLD AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF ESSOS: the Yunkai emissary, basically.
7. Poor Gendry. What a way to find out your dad was King Robert... Melisandre has a flair for the dramatic.
8. Jaime is bad at goodbyes especially when Brienne called him Ser Jaime instead of Kingslayer.
9. Ygritte threatening to blacken Jon’s eye if he tears her hypothetical silk dress.. THIS is how you write a badass girl who also likes pretty things.
10. Jaime jumping into that ring and continuing to throw his influence around for Brienne... yes good. He’s lucky that bear didn’t get his FOOT TOO though. And that last “Sorry about the Sapphires” to Locke as he’s leaving.... he just can’t help himself he HAS TO POKE PEOPLE VERBALLY EVEN WHEN IT’S DANGEROUS.
3x08: the One with the Other Other Wedding
1. Travels with Sandor and Arya is such a good show.
2. Davos trying to read is SO CUTE. And Stannis coming to Davos for advice and free him says a lot about a Stannis’ character at this point in the show.
3. Hey! It’s the first Daario!
4. Tyrion tried so hard to be kind. I’m glad he and Sansa seem to end on good terms.
5. Cersei being like “I see how you are trying to be my friend and I want NONE OF IT” to Margaery and then telling the story of house Reyne is a power move.
6. Joffrey moving Tyrion’s step stool at the wedding  was a DICK MOVE but I love the look Tywin gives people who are laughing. (And Tyrion And Sansa making the best of a bad situation and Sansa weakly smiling at him when he makes the the joke about the wine before the ceremony is sweet)
8. Tyrion pretending to be drunker than he was to get him and Sansa out of that room and away from Joffrey and the bedding ceremony is SO SAD but smart.
9. Sam cooing and fussing over that baby is the sweetest thing ever.
I have a RUM and coke ready to go let’s do this
1. Robb asking Catelyn’s advice after he didn’t listen toher about Theon and the Ironborn :...(
2. Those POOR FREY GIRLS are they ok? I hope Arya didn’t kill any of them since they didn’t ask to be Walder the Worst’s daughters and granddaughters.
3. Grey Worm stepping into a leadership role ❤️
4. So... was Castle Black abandoned at the END of Jahaerys’ reign? I feel like the castles were mostly manned at the beginning of his reign? Gotta check on that.
5. In which Jon and Arya are both concerned about innocent small folk.
7. I ALSO FORGOT HOW CLOSE BRAN AND RICKON GOT TO JON. And... So much warging and direwolf action!
8. Daario Grey Worm And Jorah make a badass team gotta say.
9. HOLY SHIT MY WIFE JUST POINTED OUT THAT ROSLIN IS ANNE FROM THE MUSKETEERS. I knew I loved that face in a way I hadn’t before when she took off that veil!
10. Byyyyyyeeee Shaggy and Rickon and Osha!
11. Robb and Talisa decided to name the baby Eddard  right before shit went down and I am NOT OK.
12. Fuck me that song HERE WE GO FOLKS.
13. Ugh Catelyn figured out what was about to happen right before. I had forgotten that. All the things that weren’t ok any of the other times are still not ok.
14. GREYWIND NO and now the crying
15. Catelyn with her knife to that Frey girl’s throat is so desperately sad Michelle Fairley BROUGHT IT and I hate everything
3x10: Of Course I’m watching this right after the Red Wedding what do you suggest I do instead? Sit on the couch and cry? (Because that’s definitely what I was gonna do if I didn’t start the next one.)
1. I never noticed Sandor picking up the FREY banner very intentionally smart man. Which I am choosing to focus on because...
2. if I never see Robb’s body with Greywind’s head again it will be too soon.
3. Tyrion and Sansa talking about how to get back at people who laugh at them like they’re friends ❤️❤️❤️
4. Any man who must say I am the king is no true king TELL IT LIKE IT IS TYWIN.
5. Tywin: 1 Joffrey: -15 I’ve been waiting for that throwdown for a while now.
6. Tywin really believes what he’s saying about putting family first. And that STORY ABOUT NEARLY DROWNING TYRION OMG.
7. Ugh Sansa knooooows about the RW and Tyrion just walks away because he’s the last “family” she wants to see.
8. Scary stories at the Night Fort! Like the Rat King... Bran’s a good ghost story teller.
9. WHAT A TRANSITION TO WALDER FREY after all that talk of guest right
10. Can’t wait for dogs to eat Ramsay because Theon’s pleas to be killed turns my stomach and make me see red all at once LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU BASTARD
11. Oh jeez this is where we get the Reek thing in the show. Theon says his own name twice before Ramsay hurts him enough he calls himself Reek and Alfie is SO GOOD I HATE IT
12. Oh right Sam & Co are in the Nightfort too!
13. Yarra not being ok with Balon abandoning Theon GIVES ME LIFE. She’s just so disgusted with her dad AS SHE SHOULD BE.
14. Greyjoys DO NOT DO AS THEY ARE TOLD and I love Yarra.
15. Don’t talk too much shit about highborns Gendry You’re gonna be one.
16. Varys and Shae talking is SO INTERESTING. I... think Varys has some points, and I think she should have listened, taken the diamonds, and peaced out of King’s Landing.
17. That Cersei and Tyrion scene where they talk about her children keeping her alive HURTS MY SOUL SO MUCH.
18. Arya stabbing the fuck out of that Frey bragging about sewing Greywind’s head on gives me SO MUCH SATISFACTION. Also Sandor being like “TELL ME next time we’re gonna do murder, ok kid?” Is THE BEST.
19. I love that Davos is the one we get to see reading the letter Maester Aemon writes.
20. DAVOS MAKES A CHOICE AND IT’S THE RIGHT ONE. Do you know how to swim?? No. ... Don’t fall out. 😂
21. Jaime is hoooooome in King’s Lannister and I have Lannister feels spilling ALL OVER THE PLACE.
22. Oh right and Dany has a whole bunch of people calling her mom in whatever variety of Valyrian they speak in Yunkai. That was a thing. 
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manders1984 · 7 years
Manders, I've been checking here since yesterday hoping to read your impressions of the panel & nothing!!! I hope you'll have it soon. C is under attack again, it's ugly & this time it's gone nuclear. Nothing & I mean nothing some of these women say about her is good or true. I watched the panel & thought she was wonderful throughout, eloquent, funny & a true professional. My heart really breaks for what they're saying/doing to her while cuddling, excusing & pampering S. Their hate is horrible.
Everyone needs to calm down. I thought the panel was fine but in general it lacked energy. But Caitriona was most definitely not the sole culprit in that. I think this was a jetlag issue—they ALL looked tired. Yes, he led the IG takeover (which was 95% focused on himself, but I’m glad he remembered he was on Outlander for once). But Sam was also very subdued throughout the panel. This jetlag issue is very poor planning on the part of production and Starz. Sam and Caitriona have had a couple strings of days off in the last month. I realize it’s probably easier said than done, but I’m not sure why they couldn’t do them a solid and move some of those off days to give them a cushion.
I also think that the tone of this panel was different, it was more professional and serious. Which is definitely fine by me. We have enough games and whisky and people prefacing questions to Sam with, “I’m in MPC and you changed my life…” It’s not a fan event. This is about their craft and performances. Members of the Television Academy were there. This was part of a campaign to get them Emmy nominations. They also did another panel because of demand (maybe even three, I’m getting conflicting intel)—so who knows if the subsequent panel flowed better or was livelier.
I was surprised to find out this morning she was getting dragged for this. Like what on earth? I am 100% resigned to the fact that she CANNOT win with some of these fans. But it is incredibly frustrating. Caitriona’s answers were thoughtful, insightful and showed her investment in her character. I just think she truly gets Claire, but because she so subtly infuses that into her performance, it goes unnoticed. She took Claire from grief-stricken to a cold woman living a half-life, to finally being herself because she was back where she belonged and with the man she was supposed to be with. People don’t give her enough credit for a very layered performance this season. I don’t even care that she talked a lot about Frank. She clearly enjoyed working with Tobias and those were very meaty scenes with a lot of layers that both of them did well with. She absolutely lit up when Toni Graphia was talking about how her favorite moment was Claire’s decision to leave Brianna and go back to Jamie and how it was really important to show that. Also her beautiful work in 3x10 with Albie as Elias Pound, which really should be what she submits for the Emmy.
Both characters made sacrifices and lived compromised lives and both actors portrayed that beautifully. Yet, why doesn’t Caitriona get any credit for her 3x05 performance, yet people go on and on about Jamie’s similar thread and Sam’s performance in 3x04, especially at the end as he’s riding away from Willie? Is it because people care more about Willie than Brianna (Jamie and Claire’s child together!)? Or is it because, without fail, anything Jamie ever does is inevitably going to be justified, elevated, and/or preferred over Claire?
I don’t ever want to hear how Sam doesn’t get enough promotion or attention again. They’re clearly campaigning for him this year. They didn’t do this for Caitriona and “Faith.” They pushed costumes and sets during Season 2. I’m still bitter that she was never rewarded for that phenomenal performance other than the Scottish BAFTA. Yes, she has three Golden Globe noms but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s on the Emmy radar.
You want to know what actually annoyed me about the panel? Sam’s constant attempts to be funny, which rarely land. When they were asked about what they thought of the others best moments, Caitriona was like “you were so heartbreaking and nuanced” in 3x01. But then, because of his need to be cheeky, he was just like “you were good” in 3x03. It was awkward. I wish he would go back to being humble and unabashedly praising Caitriona like the early days. Because that’s one thing that hasn’t changed with her, she’s always championing him.
The mutual camaraderie that was visible throughout Season 1 promotion has seemingly evaporated. That drew a lot of viewers to the show. The public displays of mutual support and awe for one another were infectious. But they have been tragically lost. You can look out for number one and your career and STILL be excited about your job and costar. In general, I think people (myself included) are reading into this one panel way too much. I just think people are starting to notice some behavior that has actually been going on for at least a year. I think they do have a great bond and truly have fun on set together. But, in general, they’re done with any excessive displays of exuberance or anything that could be “misconstrued.” While part of me blames the fans who ruined it and forced them to withdraw in this way, the other part of me blames them for allowing it all to get to them. They make it weirder and they seriously need to cut it out and get back to selling me Claire and Jamie together.
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sharethisgemwithme · 6 years
R’s blind watch, In Too Deep
At the start of this month, R moved from her previous house, two or three towns away from me, to move in with her fiancé, a 45 minute drive away. So watch sessions will be less frequent, especially once the school year starts up and I have to go back to work, but we intend to make them count when they happen. As evidence, our first session at the new place covered the first half of season 3. I’ll keep the posts limited to 5 or so episodes at a time, though, especially when they’re in an arc.
Key: “Show dialogue”, R talking, me (J) talking
3x01 “Super Watermelon Island” - As Melon!Steven #1 roams through the village: I thought they were all just Stevens, but there’s a dog and... horses? Is this whole episode just gonna have no talking because they’re watermelons? This part is no talking, but it’s not the whole episode. As Melon!Steven #1 is offered up for sacrifice: Ahh, okay. [Malachite appears] OH SHIT! That scene remains my all time #1 favorite for liveblogs, btw. The first appearance of Stevonnie is a close second, but there’s enough lead up that you can kinda see it coming... Malachite is a complete curveball and it’s HILARIOUS to watch someone who doesn’t know it’s coming.
No big discussion as the fight gets started, but then Melon!Steven #2 goes and gets the reinforcements: They all look exactly the same except for the couple. The watermelons begin to fight: This is stupid and adorable. “You two should spend some time apart.” [snicker] After the battle is won, and Melon!Steven #2 goes star-eyed: Gee, I wonder which one is Steven. Jasper falls down the hole. Bye-bye, fucker! Like, for good? Or just for now. For now. Not forever. “You got this, Steven. You know the drill!” Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy. “And Steven...” I love you? “We love you.” Close enough. I briefly talked after this episode about the fact that everything in the show is from Steven’s perspective (allowing for stories being told to him), which helped explain why the opening scene is such a weird moment.
3x02 “Gem Drill” - When Peridot puts on the music, R called it “schmaltzy”. Her assessment of the parts where Steven was being surrounded by ghostfaces was Actually kind of terrifying imagery. Pretty cool though. And when the episode ended: Really? That’s sweet, but... really? We talked about how many (including me) found the resolution to the Cluster arc... sudden and unfulfilling.
R: Will any of them find the rest of their selves in there? In the way Steven’s suggesting?
J: I mean, they could, but there’s a lot of them.
R: So... is that it?
J: For now, yeah, basically that’s it.
3x03 “Same Old World” - As Steven’s attention is drawn to the barn: Huh? What am I missing? They brought someone else back. Wait, what? Lapis is sleeping in the barn. Oh, right. When the rest of the gems are packing up, and Peridot decides to stay. Did the barn always have that gaping hole in it? It’s from when Peridot used her giant robot to break out. “I should probably fix the hole that I made with my giant robot.” Well, there we go. As Steven is trying to find Lion: “You can't hide from me too long because you love me soooo much!” They drop the L word VERY loosely. Just sayin’. When Steven and Lapis begin their flight: They’re gonna fly around and she’s gonna decide Beach City is okay. “What happens in Empire City... never sleeps!” What? I thought they were going for a New York, but... It’s New York mixed in with some other things. At episode’s end when Lapis decides to stick around, and Peridot shows up: Oh, Jesus Christ. I actually joked in either Loreweaver’s or Zephyr’s discord that I should start an “Oh Jesus Christ” count for how many times R just gets exasperated by the show. Usually it’s bad puns.
3x04 “Barn Mates” - I hope you’re a fan of Friends-style shenanigans. I was never a fan of that show. When Steven suggests splitting the barn in half: Oh shit. No no no no. “I like the cut of your gem, Steven Quartz!” Kiss ass. As Peridot rants about how Yellow Diamond is out to get her: She doesn’t care about you. When Peridot writes the card to Lapis, and Lapis reads it aloud: Oh for-- why didn’t Steven edit it!? R correctly predicted that the tape recorder was getting smashed, but still recoiled a bit at “I don’t want... your garbage.”
After the Ruby pops out to set the stage for the next episode, we had some conversation:
R: Why a Ruby? Do they want Sapphire back?
J: Why are you saying “Why a Ruby?”
R: Well what are they trying to do? Someone else should be the explorers. Are they actually here for Peridot?
J: They’re here for someone.
R: I guess they’re the away team?* Does the placement of the gem mean anything? Or was that just to get a badass shot?
J: In the case of that Ruby, pretty much for the badass shot. But for the principal gems, there is a lot of symbolism to gem placement. So Pearl thinks with her head, Garnet’s very hands-on, and so forth.
* - I am just realizing as I type this up what a (completely unintentional, of course) dumb sports joke this turned out to be. The rubies were, in fact, the away team in the baseball game! Of course, she meant it in the Star Trek sense.
3x05 “Hit the Diamond” - As CG-Ruby walks up: Hey guys, what’s up, what’s happening? When Steven suggests the baseball game, we got the first of MANY Oh god interjections. I called attention to the episode title: Hit the DIAMOND. So many of us thought, “oh shit, the Diamonds are coming?!” Nope. It’s baseball. CG-Ruby and Sapphire flirting got a lot of the Oh god groans. But when all was said and done: I didn’t hate that episode as much as I thought I would.
I’ll probably put the rest of that watch session (”Steven Floats” through “Kiki’s Delivery”) in a single post, sometime in the next few days. We did have another session the following week, so we’ve finished Season 3, but I’ve got a lot of typing up of notes to catch up on.
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