#so they've met literally not even 2 chapters ago
sandinthepipes · 1 year
God themselves couldn't convince me that there isn't pure cocaine imbued into Merthur fics
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flowercrown-bard · 6 months
Why is the Roche/Ciri ship always only crap for you all?
Hey, i once read a draco x apple fanfic. I have no room to judge anyone's ship and I don't think I ever did that (outside of private conversations). What i am judging is someone ruining the fandom experience for other people. If you really are as upset and hurt by people hating on your ship as you say, I'm sure you understand why people don't like you hating on their ship. (btw it's hilarious that you sent me hate for rorveth and cirys. Literally the only character included here that i even know is Ciri. If you sent me geraskier hate there would at least be context since i actually ship it, but i have absolutely no opinion on those ships you mentioned. I don't even know them) You've been told by others why they are annoyed by your asks and obviously it has no effect on you, so i won't bother repeating what they've already said, but i do occasionally love hearing myself talk so i wil still write a far longer response than i should So this isn't a hate response, it's a love letter to fandom. So here's what made being in a fandom so special to me:
The support.
Fandom to me is, at its core, strangers sharing their excitement, inspiring each other and admiring what other people do. When i started writing i was so self conscious, i couldn't sleep after posting a chapter because I was so anxious. And i received so much support even for works that are really not that great. There's something so wonderful about cheering others on and getting cheered on. That sort of open and heartfelt support is not something you experience in real life and it made some hard times much better for me. It's incredible knowing that people across the globe collaborate, send each other prompts or getting really excited about something someone else did.
2. The possibility to just…not engage in conversations i don't want to be in.
It's so freeing to have the option to block people of just not respond. There's always some sort of controversy or just some takes i don't like. How wonderful that i can just not look at those things
3. Getting to be creative and knowing it makes people happier
Your fic or art isn't brilliant? Who cares. It's so freeing to create something out of love, for people who love the same thing. I started writing for the first time since i was a child because of fandom. I dabbled in creating fanart (and realised the medium isn't for me, which is also great to find out), i wrote poetry (which I never wanted to do) and badly recorded songs (which i felt so self conscious about). Was it all good? Ha, absolutely not. But i got zo try it out and i wouldn't have done that without fandom. There is no external pressure to be good (or if there is pressure from other people to create and be good, there are always a ton of others telling you why this pressure is unfair and should be ignored). There are no grades, no deadlines. Just the love and joy of creating and sharing your creation. Or not sharing them, if that's what you want. Both is fine and that's the point
4. Seeing people of all skill levels share their works
And all of their art is beautiful and meaningful, no matter if they qre a master of their craft or someone who pickef up a pen for the first time to try out this medium
5. Seeing different interpretations
I don't like many of them but it's so interesting to see how others are interpreting something. That can be anything from the question of who's a top to some in depth meta analysis. People enjoy different things and it's so cool to see what they focus on
6. The people in general. I pretty much left the witcher fandom months ago (i tried writing for it again but it was so hard that I gave up) but through it, i met incredible people, some of who have become irreplaceable parts of my life and i am so thankful for fandom for bringing us together like this. When i was in the fandom, i got to know people are so talented, unbelievably creative, kind, funny, supportive and so many other wonderful things (even those i never talked to directly. If you left a comment on something i wrote or made my days brighter with your own creations, you are amazing and i appreciate you a lot)
Basically, fandom for me was an experience that brought me joy and a sense of community. It's on you to seek out the fandom experience you want to have. If you want that experience to be one of bitterness and hate, I'm really sorry for you. But more than anything I'm sorry for the people who you drag into this by harrassing them even after they blocked you. If you want to stew in bitterness over shipping a rarepair, that's your decision. But if other people want to enjoy the fandom in a more joyful way, then that should be their decision too and you don't get to take it away from them and ruin their love. Because ultimately that's what fandom is to me and i treasure the memory of that love more than I value the opinion of someone who apparently takes joy in trying (and hopefully failing) to take that love away
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dear-ao3 · 3 years
alright tumblr. riddle me this.
i have a friend who i love very dearly but i am at my absolute wits end with her and here is why.
over the summer she had a job with this guy stage crewing a show. in about august she started to develop feelings for him.
he is a year younger than her in college and in a different major but he is still very familiar with carpentry and metalworking and the like (she’s a costume design major). during the fall semester he assistant stage managed a show that she was stage managing. he’s not a theater major even remotely. he had no business ASMing for her. but he still did.
they also would walk around campus at very late hours and smoke weed. they've trauma dumped on each other. they’ve talked about dates. they’ve gotten dinner several times just the two of them. he’s cancelled plans to hang out with her. she finally (after no less than six entire months of this) went to hang out with him and his friends in his dorm and he was dressed much nicer than usual. he walked her home at like 2 am, which was about a mile away from his dorm and the road was entirely ice. he wanted to ASM with her again just to hang out this semester because he doesn’t see her often anymore. he’s respected like every boundary she’s ever had.
and, here’s the real kicker:
now. every few weeks she calls me and tells me all about the latest update which usually turns into her being like. “i don’t know i think i like him and i want him to ask me out but like i don’t know cause it could still be platonic and he’s doing this in a friend way and i don’t think he has feelings for me cause this is very platonic.”
meanwhile, hes making her a ring and also witnessed his friends basically telling him to shoot his shot.
for context, this all started in AUGUST which was SIX MONTHS AGO. in that time, i met, befriended, denied that i liked, and then started dating a guy and we just had our four month anniversary.
amd she’s known him for NINE MONTHS. you could literally create and birth a whole entire fucking CHILD during that time.
but she thinks its platonic. because making a ring for a girl is clearly a very platonic thing to do.
i was on the phone for two hours with her and had to eat half a pint of ice cream at midnight just to refrain from driving the eight hours up to her school and smacking sense into her.
this is literally chapter 547/? of a 700,000+ unfinished multi chap tagged as coworkers to friends to lovers??? idk read to find out!! but it’s also tagged as slash. and they just got to the accidental hand holding.
so tumblr, does he like her.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Eden’s Gate: Aftermath Chapter 6 - The Man Who Sold The World
Warnings: Swearing, slight violence, some Kate and Wheaty cutensss, usage of drugs (Bliss)
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: In the penultimate chapter, Paige, Kate and Mandy finally meet face to face with Joseph Seed, but there will be bloodshed, and maybe a few sacrifices the family will have to make. 
Guest OCs: Just the usuals. 
Guest Characters: Archangel Raphael [Supernatural: mentioned], God/Chuck [mentioned], An Archangel? [read until the end]
Note: One more chapter!!! Then New Dawn begins.
Another few weeks have passed, October is here and that means Fall in Montana is beautiful. The fallen leaves, the crispy cool breezes, orange, red and yellow leaves. Fall colors.
Pumpkins, hot chocolate, sweater season, blood shed, violence, and crazy fucking Cultists. 
The Winchester-Smith compound has never looked more alive. The trees on the property with their orange, and yellow leaves.
The threatening words of graffiti on the gates of the compound. Sinner. The Father. The Power of Yes. 
John Seed’s followers tried to retaliate, and avenged his death, but the Winchester family is always 10 steps ahead of them.
7:00 am. A letter arrived at their front door for the 3 females of the Winchester family that morning. From the man whom they’ve been looking for, The Father Joseph Seed himself.
Telling them to go to his church at 5:30 that evening. He didn’t say for what, or why, but they weren’t gonna let this opportunity slip.
“It’s clearly a trap” Kenny tells his wife.
“What if it isn’t?” she asks.
“Why would Joseph send you a letter telling you to go to his church?!?” Nate asks, as he pours coffee in a cup.
“I don’t know, but we’re going” Kate says.
“You two are pregnant!!” Kenny exclaims, “You aren’t going”.
“Okay! Then who else is gonna take our place?” Paige asks.
“I’ll take your place, Mandy and one of the guys can go” he replies. 
“Joseph asked us, and us only to go. We aren’t risking you two going, and probably getting killed” Kate tells him.
“What if he kills you guys?!” Mark asks.
“Remember the letter he left us? When we killed his brothers? He said that we were forgiven for all the shit we’ve done” Paige informs them.
“He could be lying!” Mark adds in.
“Joseph is telling the truth” Mandy steps in. 
They all turn around to face her, “How do you know?!?” Kenny asks.
“I spent 6 months with him. I can tell if he’s lying or not. Writing or speaking I can tell” she says.
Paige looks down at the letter, “So what do we do?!?”.
Mandy takes a deep breath, “When 5:30 comes we leave for church. Whatever happens, happens. This is where it all ends”.
They all stare at her in anticipation.
“I just got the chills when you said that” Mark mutters.
“Yeah for real” Adrian says, looking at her like she just gave him life changing news.
A few hours later. 
10:00 am, everyone had just eaten breakfast, Paige is feeding Cristina 2nd her morning bottle.
Kate just threw up, morning sickness and she hates it. 
She called Wheaty, and they’re gonna hang that afternoon. Not telling him about the letter from Joseph to meet at his church.
Kenny, Mark, Nate, Cody, Marty, Adrian and a few others finished putting up one of the 2 houses. Rachel is having a panic attack, knowing that Joseph knows she’s living with the Winchesters. Mandy sitting in her room, blinded by her thoughts. Wondering why Joseph wants the 3 of them to go to his church.
What could he possibly want?. What is the meaning, or purpose of this?. Is he gonna kill them? Does he want to make peace with them?. Is he gonna surrender himself? What is he gonna do?.
Paige is sitting on the front porch swing, holding Cristina while “Fade to Black” by Metallica plays on her bluetooth speaker. Humming along with the song, with Cristina falling asleep in her arms.
2 hours have gone by, 12:00pm.
“Things not what they used to be. Missing one inside of me. Deathly loss l, this can't be real. I cannot stand this hell I feel. Emptiness is filling me. To the point of agony. Growing darkness taking dawn. I was me, but now he's gone.”
Kenny steps outside, and sees this. A huge smile grows on his face. He takes a seat next to Paige on the swing, putting his arm around her. She leans closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. He places a kiss on her head, rests his cheek on her head. 
Lightly swing back and forth on the swing. Little moments like this they love. They don’t need to go out to fancy restaurants every weekend, or a weekend get away for the both of them. 
Cristina falls asleep in her mothers arms, letting out soft nasal snores, making Kenny snickers at this.
“You know I still don’t like the plan” he tells her. 
“I know you don’t” she responds. They sit in silence for a moment.
“If you could guess what Joseph wants. What would you guess?” he asks.
She sighs, “I don’t know. Maybe make peace with us, or make some sort of treaty between everyone in Hope County”.
“Your mom seems to know a lot about Joseph. Like how he thinks, or what possibly goes through his head.” he tells her.
“Yeah, my mom is really good at reading people, even if she’s not trying to. It’s like a power she has. Growing up I couldn’t even lie to her, and I’m really good at lying, but she knew. She always knew. Kate takes a lot after her, they both try to see the good in people even if they don’t deserve it. I take after my dad, he didn’t trust anyone outside the family. Like if he was still alive, and all this shit that happened, like Rachel turning on the Project, he wouldn't trust her either. Even if she had a change of heart, he wouldn’t trust her at all”.
Kenny zones out as she’s talking, still being able to hear every word she says. He places his hand on her 9 in half weeks pregnant belly. 
“You think your dad would’ve liked me?” he asks, looking up at the sky.
Paige looks up at him, looking into his blue orbs and smiles “If he knew I trusted you, then he would’ve trusted you as well”.
He looks down at her, and kisses her forehead. 
Paige sighs, “My mom-” she says before getting cut off by a soft “mom” from the infant in her arms.
Her and Kenny look at each other wide eyed, then down at Cristina who is half asleep.
She picks her up, having her stand on her lap.
“Say that again” she tells the 11 month old in her hands, “Say mom”.
“Say mama” she tells her again, “Say mama”.
“Say dadda” he jumps in.
Paige glares at him, “This is my moment”.
“Say mama” she tells her again slowly.
“Mama” Cristina mutters her first word, very softly that it sounds like a mumble.
Paige gasps loudly, her eyes widened “She just- she. She said mama. She said her first word!!!”. She gets up from the swing, and goes inside the house.
“Mom!!!” she calls out as she goes inside.
Kate went on her date with Wheaty. She wanted to go hunting, but since she’s 7 in half weeks pregnant, they changed their date plans. They decided to go to the camping spot where they first met a few years back.
“It looks the same” she jokes.
“Camping spots usually never change” he replies. They sit near the water, on some boulders. 
“So how’s the pregnancy?” he asks.
She looks down at her belly, chuckling “I threw up this morning. I’m peeing a lot but my mom and sister said that's normal, other than that it’s going pretty good”. 
“Thought of any names?” he asks, putting his arm around her. 
She thinks about it for a brief moment, “If it’s a boy his name would be either Gabriel Joel Eddard, or Samuel Dean Rhaegar. For a girl Daenerys Arya Brienne, or Lyanna Pamela Cersei”.
“What is up with you and these Game of Thrones names?!” he laughs, kissing the side of her head. 
“They’re nice names!. It’ll give them character, plus Pamela isn’t a name from Game of Thrones, and neither is Samuel, Dean, Gabriel and Joel” she laughs. 
“Don’t be surprised if little Daenerys asks for a dragon, or 3 for her birthday, or an Iron Throne” he jokes. 
“And if she does I’ll be very happy about it, and I’ll get her a stuffed dragon. One of those giant plush ones that are like 5-6 feet tall”.
They talked, they laughed, they made out. They enjoyed their time together, holding her in his arms as they watched the lake. Watching the boats, and jet skies go by.
Even the subject of marriage and kids came up on their date. Even though they've started dating back in August but have known each other over 2 years. 
She starts reminiscing back when they first met. She still remembers that night very clearly. She still has the photos. 
"I still remember that day when we first met" she tells him.
A smile appears on his face, "Yeah me too". 
"I never had a crush on anyone until I met you" he tells her. She looks up at him. 
"Really?" she asks. He nods his head, she moves closer into his arms. Enjoying every single moment of it. 
Kate knows this might be the last time her and Wheaty ever hang out again. Their last date together, and they don’t know it.
Resting her head against his shoulder as they sit by the lake. His arms wrapped around her. 
"Also I wanted to give you this" he says, getting something out of his pants pocket. He pulls out a bracelet, similar to the ones he wears and puts it on her wrist. She smiles as he puts it on her, holding her hand in his. She looks up at him, and kisses him.
4:15 pm Kate is still on her date with Wheaty. Her sister and mother prepare themselves as they wait for her.
“Where is she?!” Paige asks, getting annoyed.
“We still have a whole hour” Mandy tells her, “She’ll be back. Soon hopefully”.
15 minutes later Kate pulls into the driveway. 
She enters the house, “It’s about time you show up” Paige tells her.
“Well sorry!” she responds sarcastically, “I had a date with Wheaty, and I wanted to see him before we’re killed!”.
“We’re not gonna get killed” Mandy steps in, “Because we’re not going”.
They all look over at her in confusion. Mandy was having 2nd thoughts about confronting Joseph, and she made the decision not to go to the church.
“What do you mean we’re not going?!?” Paige questions her, “You literally said a few seconds ago that we’re going. Implied it”.
“We’re not going. We’re not gonna give Joseph what he wants” she tells them. 
“Mom?!” Kate mutters in disbelief and confusion.
Paige scoffs, shaking her head “Mom, this is our only chance. To get rid of Joseph. Put an end to the Cult, and kill whoever is left”.  
Everyone, Paige, Kate, Kenny, Adrian, Martin, Cody, Mark, Nate, Barbara, Rachel, and everyone else in the house look at Mandy. About 30, plus, eyes staring back at her. 
“We’re not going” she tells them, “I don’t care what Joseph wants. We’re not going”.
Paige, scoffs at her mother, “Why?. Why the change of heart all of a sudden?!?”.
Mandy glares at her eldest child, and says “You wouldn’t understand”.
Kate stops her older sister from doing or saying anything else to their mom. 
She still plans to go and confront Joseph. All the damage, pain. suffering and bloodshed he had caused. It’ll all end that evening, nothing will stop Paige from ending The Father. 
5:20 rolls around, Kate and Mandy have no intentions of leaving for church. 
The youngest Winchester thinks they should go.
“Mom?” she asks.
“We’re not going Katella” she says, not looking up at her youngest daughter. 
Paige comes downstairs, and is immediately out the door, and goes to the Impala. 
“Paige?!?” Kate exclaims, going after her. Too late she’s already driving like a maniac off of the property. Leaving behind a cloud of dirt.
“Son of bitch!!” she mutters, “She’s going after Joseph”.
They grab the keys to the Monte Carlo, and drive after Paige who is probably already at the church.
Church of Eden’s Gate
Paige enters the compound, breaking down the front gate with the car. She stops the car, exits it. Pistol ready in her holster. A few peggies on the property staring at her. She ignores them, she’s there for Joseph. She’ll handle the hillbillies later.
“Joseph!!!” she shouts his name, echoing in the sky “Joseph!!!”. 
Approaching the church, the man himself Joseph Seed steps out. She stares at him intensely. He looks up at the sky, closes his eyes and says, “And the lamb broke the 5th seal, and I saw under the altar the souls of Martyrs. Slain because of the Word of God”.
Pointing to Paige, “You. You turned my sister. You poisoned her mind with your wretched words”.
She pulls her pistol out of its holster and aims at him, “I didn’t change her. She finally saw your monstrous ways. She changed on her own”.
“Lies” he hisses, “Your disgusting words against God, and his word”. 
She turns off the safety on her pistol, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right here. Right now”. Her voice filled with anger, and violent intentions. 
He walks around her, she follows his movements. Gun still aimed at him. 
“I told you. Your mother. I told you that we were living in a world on the brink. Where every slight. Every injustice. Where every choice reveals our sins”.
Paige narrows her eyes at him, her pistol still aimed at him, not lowering it once. 
“And where have those sins led us?, Where have those sins led you?”. 
The sound of tires screeching, breaks Paige’s concentration, she turns her head and sees her sister's car drive on the property.
Kate and Mandy get out. “Paige don’t!!!” Mandy exclaims, running towards her. 
She turns back to Joseph, and aims her gun at him again. 
“Paige what are you doing?!?!” Kate exclaims.
“What does it look like I’m doing??!” she replies sarcastically, “I’m ending it all”. 
Joseph stares at Mandy, “Paige, you can’t do this” she pleads.
“Uhh, sure I can” she replies back. Rolling her eyes. 
Mandy gets in between the gun and Joseph. “No, I mean you can’t kill him”.
Lowering her gun, glaring at her mother, “What are you talking about?!?”.
Before she could explain herself, Joseph speaks up. 
“Mandeline”, his voice so calm that it sends shivers up her spine. Giving her goosebumps. 
She closes her eyes, sadness and shame written all over her face. She turns to face him. Her eyes meeting his. He stares at her with so much intensity that you can almost feel the anger radiating off of him, and the fear radiating off of her. 
“You betrayed me, my family, my flock, and God. You dare to show yourself to me” he tells her, slowly approaching her. 
“Joseph, I’m sorry, but I had no choice. I couldn’t stand by and watch everything happen” she explains to him.
He points at her, “You turn my family into Martyrs. And I plan to do the same with yours”. He walks around them, and they see their friends Mary May, Nick Rye, Pastor Jerome, Grace Armstrong, Jess Black, Tracey Lader, Wheaty, and Tammy Barnes all under the influence of Bliss holding Kenny, Mark and Nate hostage. 
“Wheaty!!!!” Kate cries out, seeing her boyfriend drugged up with Bliss.
“Kenny?!?” Paige says under her breath, “How the fuck did you get to them!?!?!”. 
“Joseph let them go!!!!” Mandy yells.
He turns to her, and says, “Your friends, and family have been taken and torture, and it’s your fault. Countless people have been killed, and it is your fault. The world is on fire, and it’s your fault. Was it worth it?. Was it?”.
“You motherfucker” Paige mutters angrily, “Me killing you will fucking worth it, and I can promise you that”. 
The followers on the property gather behind the 3 Winchesters, blocking them from escaping. 
“Kenny what happened?!? Was it Rachel?!?” Paige asks.
“No!” he mutters. 
“The others are fine. They got us, Rachel took off when they showed up” Nate wheezes. 
“Paige?” Mandy mutters softly.
“Not now” she responds, “Joseph I swear you better-”
“Paige!” she yells, breaking her attention from him. 
“Mom!. Now's not the time” she tells her.
“You can’t kill him” she tells her almost in a whisper.
She looks at her, eyes furrow, “Yeah I can, he has our friends and family hostage!!”.
Mandy looks back at Joseph then back at Paige, “No I mean you can’t kill him”.
“What do you mean I can’t-” She stands in front of her once again, blocking the bullet from hitting Joseph.
“Raphael” she mutters, interrupting her. 
“Raphael?!?” Kate whispers, “The Archangel?!?”.
She nods her head, “Yes, I was told by Archangel Raphael that Joseph had to be protected, and I was the one to do it. That’s why you can’t kill him.”
Kate and Paige look at their mother in disbelief, and confusion.
“Because Chuck spoke to him” she whispers to them, “About the end. You can’t kill him because if you do everything, everyone will die. Cease to exist. The end of life as we know it”. They both glare at her with mixed emotions. 
“You knew this whole time?!?” Paige yells, “This whole time!!. If Joseph gets killed, hurt and harmed in any way. Chuck will drop a bomb on all of humanity?!?”.
“Why didn’t you tell us?!?!” Kate asks, betrayal in her voice.
“I couldn’t say anything. Raphael forbidden me from saying anything to anyone!!” she says.
Paige lowers her pistol, putting it back in her holster.
Shaking her head, “I can’t believe you. He could be playing him for all we know” she tells her.
“Let them go” she orders Joseph, pointing to Kenny, Mark and Nate. 
Joseph stares at her, “Are you deaf?!? I said let them go!!!” she orders him again.
Mandy holds her back, “Let me handle this”.
She turns to face Joseph, and pleads with him “Joseph please, let them go. We don’t want anymore bloodshed. Please let them go, and we’ll leave”.
“Wheaty too!” Kate shouts.
“You betrayed me. Betrayed God. I forgive you for what you’ve done to my family, but that I can’t forgive” he tells her, stepping close to her, “Your family will pay for what you have done”. 
The few followers grab Paige and Kate shoving them onto the ground, taking their guns and other weapons away.
“Don’t fucking touch me!!” Paige yells, struggling.
“Get off me!!” Kate shouts, fighting to be let go. 
“Joseph, it’s not their fault!!. It’s mine. Let them go, and you can deal with me” she pleads with him again.
He grabs her shoulders, “This is where it ends” he whispers to her. Tears stream down her face. 
“You peggie fuckers!!. Pieces of fucking shit!!” Paige mutters as a peggie pushes her face first into the ground. 
“Get the fuck off of her!!” Kenny yells at him.
Tears streaming down Mandy’s cheeks, if only she was honest with her family. If only she had told them the truth. All of this wouldn't have happened. Her family was gonna be killed because of her. Her own greed. 
“When are you gonna realize that every problem cannot be solved with a bullet?” he asks her. 
“It doesn’t have to end this way” she pleads with him. 
Two of his followers, grab her. Preventing her from stopping whatevers gonna happen. 
One of his Chosen has a sharp knife in hand. Almost like a miniature machete, holding it in front of her eldest child. 
“Really Joseph? You’re gonna kill two pregnant women!” Paige yells. Grabbing the Father’s attention.
He stops them, having Paige’s full attention. He looks at her with a questioning look on his face. 
“Yeah” she says, a smug look on her face “I’m pregnant. So is my sister. She’s carrying your little brother's kid. John”. 
He looks over at the youngest sister, and she nods her head. “It’s John’s kid, Joseph. You kill us, you kill your nephew/niece, but keep in mind we’ll never be family”. 
He looks up at the sky, backing away from them. His back to all of them. “Let them go” he says. They free the family of hunters, showing them all mercy. 
“Wheaty?!” Kate cries, trying to snap him out of it, “Wheaty please. It’s me, Kate”. 
She holds his face, cupping it, hoping to get him back into reality. All their friends drugged up, blind from reality. Paige grabs her arm, “Come on, we have to get out of here”. 
She resists, shaking her head “No, Wheaty please snap out of it. We have a child on the way” she cries. The Bliss has taken over his state of mind that he can’t comprehend anything.
Mark and Nate practically dragged Kate back into the car. Her, her mother and sister in the Impala, Kenny, Nate and Mark in the Monte Carlo. They all drive back to the compound.
Little did they know they’re not the only ones that have had an issue with Joseph, and the Cult. The new Deputy has had their fair share of issues with the Seed family, and their followers.
Liberating their outposts and destroying their properties. Making the Seed family look like a family of psychopaths they need to be locked up. 
When Faith took off, she went to her gate and met with the Deputy. They put up a fight against her and they ended up killing her. 
Faith. Rachel would’ve been the adopted sister to the two sisters. Rachel Winchester would’ve been her name. 
They all arrive back at the compound. Kate in tears, Paige in shock.
The others come out, and see all their friends alive. Their children and wifes stand at the front porch. 
“Holy shit!!” Cody says relieved, “You’re all alive!!”.
They all nod, “Yeah, yeah we are” Mandy mutters. 
“Is Joseph alive?!?” Adrian asks. They all nod in disappointment, “Yeah, the fucker is still alive” Kate mutters angrily. 
“Where’s Rachel?” Kate asks them. The others shrug, “We don’t know, she fled the property when the peggies arrived”. 
“So now what?!” Mark asks, shrugging. 
Paige shakes her head “I don’t know, we’re gonna have to-”. 
As she’s speaking, it’s almost like God himself was making a huge entrance. Lighting up the entire sky. 
A bright white light blinds them all, covering their faces from the burning brightness. 
When the bright light clears, a giant mushroom-like cloud in the distance fills the sky. 
“Oh my god!!” Nate mutters in horror, “Oh my god!!”. 
A huge storm flies at them, causing the entire ground to shake violently. Making them stumble, and fall. The trees, and land go up in flames within seconds. Animals running to seek shelter. The whole sky orange, everything is a fiery orange red. 
“Shit! he was right!” Martin screams in horror, “He was right!”.
“Damn it Chuck!” Paige mumbles angrily with a hint of fear in her voice. 
Realization hitting hard, “Wheaty?, I have to get Wheaty!!” Kate yells.  
She gets stopped by her mother and brother in law, “Kate no!!”. 
“I have to go back for him!!” she cries, trying to get to her car. 
Paige tries to hold her back, “It’s too late for him!!. You’ll die if you go back!. Kenny! Adrian! Get the cars underground. Everyone else get the children, pets and go down to the bunker”. They get the cars underground to the bunker garage. They get all their kids, pets, and all go down to the bunker. 
Everyone settles underground. Fear, anger. So much emotion in one room. The distance rumbles of explosions going off, making it sound like the king of all thunderstorms is happening right above their heads. Paige looks around the main room of the bunker to see if everyone made it down. She counts everyone that was on the property. 
Herself, her daughter, Kate, Kenneth, her mother, Barbara, Mark, his wife and 2 kids, Nate, his wife and 3 kids. Cody and his wife, Martin and his fiancee, Adrian and his wife. 
“He was right” Kate mutters, playing with her bracelet, “Joseph Seed was right, and we didn’t see it coming. God, the Collapse, this sort of thing is right up our alley, and we didn’t believe him!!”.
Paige sighs in disappointment, “It’s not that we didn’t believe him. He didn't believe us, which is not surprising. It’s that he claimed that he spoke with Chuck, and for all we know. He couldn’t been played by him”.
Kate is about to say something when a fluttering sound, and a loud thud a few rooms away throws her off. 
“Did you hear that?!?” she asks the others. The others stay back while her and Paige go to investigate it. Kate then sees a single golden, brown feather on the floor.
“Hey, look a feather” she says, pointing at it. Paige, who doesn’t see it, looks at her in confusion. 
“Where?!?” she asks, looking around for it. They get to the source of the sound, and see a man with his back to them, kneeling on the floor. 
Paige pulls out her pistol, and aims at the intruder. 
They both see the same man, but Kate sees a little more. Tattered up golden, brown angelic wings. They approach the man, and stand in front of him. He lifts his head to look up at them, and they see the wounded, beaten up Archangel. 
“Gabriel?!?” Kate mutters. 
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When the bombs fell
Not long after (The Angels fell)
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san-station · 5 years
A Quiet Place AU / ATEEZ (Post-apocalyptic)
Chapter 6
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↝Word count: 3.6k
Description: In a world full of silence and dangerous creatures seeking for blood, a group of friends have to survive for their own good and find the safe place they've heard about months ago.
Pairing: San x OC
WARNING: mention of death, depression, cursing.
With every storm, there’s a rainbow somewhere.
It’s pretty odd to say that after Misuk’s death, the #439 day began as a peaceful day. That Monday Mingi, Wooyoung and Yeosang walked around the periphery recollecting some vegetables that were on our garden behind the old building, I joined a couple hours later just grabbed some fruits and keep an eye on the boys. We talked about how vegetables tasted better than ever and Mingi tried to figure out if the reason was some kind of radioactive answer. Wooyoung tried to hold his sharp laugh eating tons of strawberries, they tained his teeth red for six hours. We also found two raccoon bodies smashed in the middle of the tomatoes, so we figured we had to be more careful outside the building to prepare the runaway. Meanwhile, Yeosang and I recollected some carrots and oranges, the tension between us was visible, we made eye contact three times and the three times I almost growled at him, still mad about last night. I was trying to distract myself from the events of the day before with them, but the thoughts were only intensify by the animal blood near the garden. 
At night, we had dinner indoors, most of the guys were chatting about the few days we had in there, remaking a new plan for us to start heading to our supposed new home, Wonderland. However, Seonghwa seemed too caught up on his own world that he didn’t even touch his fish or veggies; and if stares could burn you, Seonghwa caught me staring at him. The worrying look on my face made him give me a smile to put an ease to my thoughts, he started to eat after I gulped a glass of water and gesture him swallow everything on his plate. I knew he was as affected as I was, maybe even more. Hongjoong had told us he felt guilty for not being able to protect Misuk when he was the strongest between the three of us, it made no sense if he also would’ve been killed. 
Things turned a little tense when Wooyoung mentioned our discovery on the tomatoes garden. 
"You're not allowed to go outside again this week", Hongjoong had said to me when I washed the dishes. He thought that my scent could have probably attracted the creatures near our house. I agreed bluntly as Mingi hugged my back and reassure that everything would be okay. 
On Tuesday, Yunho, Wooyoung and Jongho prepared an incredible meal with the supplies we brought, the amused moment was when they realized they couldn't cook without Seonghwa, who was out fixing a fissure in the water pipe, it was caused by that time when Wooyoung went to bathroom. Yeah, he was right, that shit was pretty messy. Literally.  I really wanted to go with him but he agreed to go by himself because “he was okay alone”. Saying I was hurt was an understatement… By the end of the day, I took care of gathering some supplies for our road trip, organized our food, water, clothes, pills and guns. We were obligated to dominate the art of shooting and targeting stuffs, luckily, we used them once in the forest yet we didn’t like to use them due to obvious reasons: noise. 
Anyway, as for San and Hongjoong, they never got out of the oldest bedroom till it was night time. San was carrying a notebook and some papers down his armpits while he grabbed a cup of the black coffee I made for Hongjoong and gave me a flash smile. Sometimes, San and I smiled at each other from time to time when our eyes met for too long, but he still was an idiot with big ego trying to make me mad at everything he did. I wasn’t sure of that new attitude of his, but it was better than his stearn and cold eyes.
On Wednesday, we all played Monopoly and remained in the basement for safety, if raccoons died the day before, we had to be aware of anything. So, we ended up hating Hongjoong and his fucking cute laugh as he robbed all of our money when we stepped in all his properties, Mingi kept fake-crying for an entire hour as Hongjoong took his little red houses from the spots he bought and he placed his purple buildings instead. Yeosang, Mr. Corrupt Bank, smiled devilish as he handed Hongjoong the last few dollars of the game. That little bastard knew how to play or he was a mastermind on cheating. San almost punched him and almost threw the game board as he perished in the jail longer than anyone else. We laughed till our bellies hurt, until our eyes cried, until our cheeks felt hot and our backs collided on the basement floor. The tension around us for the last three days faded away in that exact minute, we were just a group of young adults fooling around with our friends and classmates before Kihwang would come from his Art History class and would yell at us to start running over the place. But he never came, and we never ran, and all that we once knew as a normal life became a living hell as we played seek and hide with some freaking aliens. What a plot twist, bro. 
On Thursday, I made a peace alliance with Yeosang, not because either of us wanted to, we had to clean the basement with Seonghwa while the others were risking their lives outside looking for some fishy delight; before they left, Hongjoong made us pretty clear that we had to “put our shit together or else…”, we didn’t want to know the or else..., so we established that we had to figure how to stop looking for each other's throats and befriend one more time. Seonghwa was the mediator, so everything went just fine after some cursing, death wishes, some tears and a hug.
The guys came back three hours later, the river was near the abandoned city so the walk would be tedious. By the time they opened the basement door, Yeosang and Seonghwa were having a big discussion about a puppet show they started to put a smile on our faces.  After cleaning, I was worrying sick about everyone not coming home, so Yeosang thought it might be a good distraction. The show included my fluffy cat, Yeosang’s stuffed turtle, Seonghwa's big red Angry Bird character and San’s puppy, Shiber. 
“She has to marry Private Ryan”, Seonghwa grabbed his fluffy bird and placed my cat next to it. Yeosang frowned, grabbed the cat and placed it next to his turtle.
“Ehm, no, she has to marry Larry”.
“No one wants to marry Larry, Yeosang”, Seonghwa spoke as he, once again, took Manny, the cat, and put it aside the animals. I was staring at them the whole time sipping a glass of water in silence because I've already tried to speak and they almost ate me alive. They decided to have “fun” trying to create some kind of bad soap opera, oblivious that the real drama was getting closer and closer. 
“Fuck you, everyone wants to marry Larry, even Private Ryan”, Yeosang looked offended and hugged his turtle as if it was alive, he was trying to calm Larry down by caressing its shell. 
“How could anyone marry him? He’s too slow for this, the cat needs some real man that can fly her away from monsters”, the black haired man logically explained and grinn when he watched me hiding a smile. It seemed that the main characters didn't realize the boys were there, waiting for some answers about the childish show. San looked exhausted thought. Despites the arguments for my kitten marrying the turtle or the bird, San walked to the couch I was sat on, grabbed Shiber and Manny and sat next to me, interrupting the play. 
 “Let’s finish this”, he started, “Manny and Shiber are engaged, I don’t even know why you guys are fighting for. Besides, Private Ryan is gonna be the best man and Larry will be the flower boy, now shut up and let them be happy forever so we can rest on our beds, we're pretty tired and I need silence", San made the kitten and his little dog kissed for a second while he looked dead serious with his knitted eyebrows. Then, his features relaxed when a giggle escaped my lips and I covered my mouth with the back of my hand. San’s eyes stared at me with the edges of his mouth barely up and handed the plushies to me. I let the glass or water aside and hugged them together. Seonghwa gasped and Yeosang just glared at San’s Shiber. San stood up and left the living room with Wooyoung side by side, he had the biggest Joker smile I’ve ever seen and kind of creeped me out. 
The puppet show was over and we had a great dinner with the fishes they hunted. San let me sleep with Shiber as he now was Manny’s husband. What can I say? It was childish but cute. But suddenly, sleeping between Hongjoong and Seonghwa made me shiver, the warmth of the room disappeared slowly as my body lacked from the human contact. When my eyes opened, I was welcomed with pure loneliness and a cold room, I frowned. It was 2:35 AM according to my wristwatch, yet, I still could hear whispers coming from the living room, they were still taking about the trip. I was exhausted from the cleaning so I didn't think too much and closed my eyes one more time. I snuggled with Shiber between my arms the rest of the night. 
Now it was Friday, I spent the entire day inside my room due to cramps, in the end of the world a woman still has to survive that pain. My head was killing me and I hesitated everytime I wanted to go outside for some air or a glass of water; however, Hongjoong and Seonghwa made sure to warned out the guys to be careful when they came around my room to not cause any problem and disturb my susceptible self. I would eat them alive if they try to argue with me in that state. I could also sense that something was going on, or perhaps I was delusional and craving for some sweet, but they kept they guard on when I started to ask about what they were doing or how was the plan. Hongjoong tensed while he put the cup of tea next to the bed and Seonghwa was the first to approach. 
"Did you not sleep here?", I asked after they avoided the previous question. “I think I had another nightmare, you know, about day 1…” 
"We've been talking with the guys about the next move", the raven boy said and smiled. "Don't worry about us, take the rest of the day." 
"Yeosang sends his iPod", Hongjoong handed it with the headphones and kissed my head. "We'll talk later, Ji. You stay here and rest", then, they were gone, leaving me with Yeosang’s shuffle playlist. I didn’t ask anything else, however, a strange feeling inside my chest kept me uneased all day.
On Saturday I was ready to left the room, I was feeling a little bit better than the day before, moreover, the boys were cautious about my movements and talking.   
“Do you need anything, Ji?”, Mingi asked patting my hair with a soft smile on his face. I returned the gesture touching his well-fitted chest and crunch my nose.
“I’m okay, Mingi, it’ll be over soon”, I assured him as he engulfed me in his strong and long arms. 
“I’m happy I didn’t born as a woman.” 
That was all he said before I killed him with my own hands. Well, actually I punched him a little and made him my slave for all day long. Another odd thing was that Jongho finally talked to me, he looked very sad, thought, but it was an improvement. 
“Here are some pills Misuk always asked when she felt bad”, he handed me a little ziploc with five white pills.
“Oh… thank you, Jongho”, I gave him a quick smile and went to the kitchen.
 I stuck to Hongjoong’s side all day since I wanted to be aware of the expedition. Unexpectedly, he was acting weird, he had a certain manner to handle things sometimes and now he was avoiding my gaze, he rather talk about everything but the trip road, he even ordered me to go and paint some animals on the fourth floor after lunch when Yeosang called him to set up some kind of loose ends on the plan. He almost yelled at me when I insisted on helping with the route map, that’s what I’m talking about, that mullet boy never acted like that. I knew I fucked up with Misuk’s murder, yet it increased the continuous torment of the voices inside my head blaming me all over again. I wasn’t ready for him to demonstrate such an attitude about my culpability, thus I stopped and went to my painting room as all the eyes in the place watched my walk of shame. 
On Sunday every racional part of me started to fall apart. I woke up earlier than the boys, it was pretty unusual if I said. I made breakfast for all, some dumplings, fruits and a hella great coffee, maybe I thought it could be some payment to them for bearing my behavior; before anyone could see me, I grabbed my backpack, filled it with a bottle of water, a few dumplings and fruits, a blanket, some sunlight, my gun and Jongho’s pills. 
 I left the basement and went up to the fourth floor of the building, the sun started to rise from the window with its orange light and I smiled at it, I welcomed it with the few energy I had. It felt nostalgic, the quiet floor sometimes could be scary as hell, after all, I was alone in a building where no one would hear my screams from down earth. Moreover, while I put more and more space between the boys and myself, it started to feel like I wasn’t entirely alone, a thread connected us as we became a family after everything we’ve been through. Families fight, families made peace, I just needed a few hours away to understand that I was being skeptical over them hiding things, important things. And I knew we were going on the road the next day, but my chest ached with discomfort and concern due to Hongjoong’s distrust in my capacity to separate my feelings from our main mission: Wonderland. The tables had turned, I was so worry about Jongho being the one affected, but at the end it was only me and my persisting mouth. 
My hands weren’t able to draw a thing, they were rigid, inflexible, unable to even paint a curve. So my feet took me to the rooftop when the sun was finally set up in the sky, saluting with warmth and happiness that I couldn’t feel either. I put some sunlight while I rested on the floor and closed my eyes. The bright light kept my dreams from the shadows as my mind traveled to a parallel world where everything around me glowed, where my body felt loose, like floating through the space in the quietness of the periphery. My chest went up and down as I took deep breaths and a minute later I was fully relaxed, no worries on my minds, no negative thoughts about blood, or death, or sorrow, or guilt...  With every storm, there’s a rainbow somewhere, it just wasn’t raining any time soon. After a minute or two, the slumber won the battle between anxiety and disappointment and I submerged in the glowing sea of hope and dreams that onces were reachable in the impossible now. 
A few hours later, a big shadow blinded the bright sun and made me open my eyes a bit faster than usual, the blurry figure was looking at me from above with a tense jaw and fisting hands.
“How long have you been here?”, the man signed abruptly and my eyebrows knitted.
“What do you mean?”, I raised my back up a little and sat slowly, for a few seconds dizziness invaded my sight and I blinked severely as Hongjoong’s face became visible.
“Did you not see the time, Jiyeong?”, then I looked around. The sky was still light up but little shiny stars started to show up as minutes passed by. How long did I sleep? I was sure my nightmares depravated me without a good rest, but I wasn’t aware of how tired I really was. 
“We thought you’ve left a while ago”, again, he moved his hands harshly and it didn’t matter if we were quiet, his face expressed the anger he was holding inside. 
“Couldn’t you look up in here?”, I got up on my two feet and dust off my clothes. “Even so, why would I leave without you? I was waiting till you had your breakfast to go downstairs and finally began the travel”.
“We already had lunch, Jiyeong, it’s been seven hours…”, I was taken by surprise realizing how much I was off, my skin felt warm due the sun but it didn’t hurt too much. “Don’t do that again, okay? We-… I thought...”, Hongjoong sighed and bit his lip.
“What? That I’ll leave you just because you’re being a dick to me? Nah, I’m too rational to know that we need to stick together no matter what.”
He avoided my eyes one more time and I finally snapped. I approached him, grabbed the collar of his jacket harshly, making him stumbled in his own feet. Anger boiled my blood as my body reacted without warning. My knuckles were white as the strength I put on my hold was too much for myself. Hongjoong’s eyes were wide open and his mouth partly opened startled, we never had an encounter like that before and me being aggressive was never on my mind, yet I couldn’t stand it anymore. 
Suddenly, I let Hongjoong’s jacket go and signed with pure wrath.
“I’m tired of your shit, Hongjoong. All I’m trying to do is help you with the trip and here you are, treating me like I was some kind of girl that is too scared to hear men talk. I’m tired of being left alone. You realized I wasn’t in the basement like a minute ago and don’t try to lie to me”, Hongjoong was perplexed trying to catch up with my fast movements. He raised his hands and I shook my head. “You thought I was inside the bedroom after I cooked your breakfast just because you’re so caught up with the fucking plan that you don’t understand how shitty I felt this week. I know you don’t trust me, but don’t hide value information when we are a fucking team, Hongjoong…”
 I was panting, the thumping of my heart almost scared me, was it that loud? Would the creatures listen to it? Hongjoong’s dumbfounded face was a poem, he just stood there looking right through me and I stood there, letting him. Two minutes later, he signed.
“This is the first time you said Hongjoong too many times instead of Joong, so… I assume I really upset you”, he pressed his hands on his temples, passed it through his hair and stepped closer to hug me tighter than ever. I didn’t return the gesture, not even when I really needed to hold him. When he noticed, he sighed one more time and let me go. 
“I’m so sorry… it’s just that San and I’ve been changing some things we already had planned before the incident with Misuk and we had to arrange things by putting you too much pressure, most of us are against the idea of lending you such demands when Seonghwa is as well going through it…”, his sad eyes showed how anxious he was, he cupped my face with his hands and caressed my cheeks. A ghost smile appeared on my face and made him grin in victory. 
“This is not the first time we’ve faced dead friends or family, Joong. I’m stronger than this, it just happened to bring back old bad memories, that’s all”, I signed and shrugged, not wanting to think about them after my seven hours sleep.
“That’s all…”, he signed in response. He pressed his lips together as he squeezed my shoulders and stepped back. His eyes looked around quickly with a bothered gaze. “What if we talked inside? It’s getting darker and I- we need you safe…”, Hongjoong grabbed the bag on the floor,opened the rooftop’s door for me and extended his hand for me to hold it. 
“Only if you agree to make some of that horrible tea for me before we go…”, I crossed my arms over my chest and stopped a meter away from him. The mullet boy’s grin fainted and he swallowed hard, that made me frowned. But before I could ask, he nodded with a smile, hold my hand and made me follow him to the basement. A cup of tea wasn’t going to stop me from demanding answers, not when I could tell that something was disturbing him; after all, we were ready to leave the place that day and nothing could stop us, at least nothing that I was aware of.
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