#so to him astrology and zodiac shit just feels like a slap in the face and makes him feel unintentional
we-are-inevitable · 1 year
jack is the one who believes in zodiac signs and astrology. davey is the one who thinks it’s complete bullshit.
but davey is also the one who searches up taurus and cancer zodiac compatibility when he’s first developing his crush on jack, just on the off chance that the stars really do have something to do with his love life. and davey is also the one who is so much of a realist that he thinks jack’s ramblings about star, moon, and sun signs are stupid, but god if he doesn’t love listening. and davey is the one to secretly look through the astrology memes that jack posts to his instagram story, just to learn more insight on how jack sees himself, based on which memes he relates to.
and davey doesn’t believe in astrology. he doesn’t think that the stars can dictate who he loves, how he loves, what he loves- he doesn’t think that his life can be tied to something as lofty as space and birth.
but listening to jack ramble on about it, and realizing that jack believes in this because it helps him make sense out of the world- helps him make sense out of himself- makes davey realize that maybe he can make an exception to the belief.
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thewritingstar · 5 years
Written In The Stars
Nalu: Chapter One. Zodiac Au 
This will also be WC #19
I hope you all enjoy my new Au! Its a modern college au
“Put On Your War Paint”
Natsu jumped up to the sound of his alarm. It took him a few slaps to shut it off, grunting when he connected his fist with the nightstand. Stretching his hands in the air, he grabbed a small pillow and hurled it at the other bed in the room.  
“Loke, dude, get up” Natsu’s husky voice traveled to the other side of the room. A sleepy grunt was the only respond Natsu was given. Rolling his eyes, he jumped out of bed and headed to the shower. He left the room once he was done, making sure to be on time to his early class.
“Why did i take this stupid 8am class?” he muttered to himself. His phone chimed and he looked down to read the message. A small smile played on his face. “Oh yeah, that’s why.”
Natsu exhaled and opened the door to the building. Although he enjoyed his Biology class, there was one reason why he still bothered to show up. entering the classroom, he spotted his favorite blonde and made his way to her. He plopped his bag on the floor and sat in his seat. Luckily these seats had wheels so he lightly zipped his chair to Lucys.
“Hey Lucy.” Natsu said and flashed her a smile. He made no effort to hide the fact that he was totally into her, he just couldn’t understand why she didn’t dig him too. It was no secret that Natsu was definitely a popular guy on campus, especially with the ladies but no matter how many winks or flirty smiles he receives, his eyes always manage to fall upon her.
“Hi Natsu.” She replied. He spotted a zodiac alignment chart on her desk. Curiosity got the best of him.
“Whatca got there?” He asked, swiftly he snatched the paper from her desk and placed it on his. “Hmm? Looking for love I assume?” He laughed.
Quickly she took it back, not appreciating the stealing that the pink haired boy constantly did.
“It’s for my club. This week is all about romantically attraction. Compatibly is key Natsu or else it doesn’t work.” She replied to him, as she fixed the folded corner he made.
“Well I don’t know about you but I think we could be compatible.” He winked at her while pointing between them and even though there was a blazing blush spreading on her face, she threw him a scowl. Stumbling her words she shook her head furiously
“Absolutely not.”
“And why is that?” His eyebrow raised and he leaned on his hand.
“You’re an Aries.”
His face dropped and he sat up straight. He took a moment to regain his posture.
“I’m sorry, what?” He questioned.
“I’m a Virgo and you are an Aries. We are destined to be an unlikely pairing for each other, it’s basic astrology.” She stuttered out, still overwhelmed by his pick up line.
He started to shake his head and glared at her.
“So you’re telling me that the only reason why you haven't gone out with me is because our fucking zodiac signs aren’t compatible?”
She turned and faced him. “Yes”
“That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard of.” He said while spinning in his chair.
“You might think it is but trust me, it’s true.” She shrugged, her attention turned to her chart and she put an X next to Aries and Virgo. She even scooted a little bit away from him.
“Well I’m gonna prove you wrong.” He stated.
“Excuse me?” She gasped.
He reached under her chair, grabbing the bar and pulled her chair towards him until her nose almost touched his. His breath fanned on her face and their eyes connected. His smile was bright and his eyes darkened.
“That’s right, I’ll show you just how compatible we can be.” His voice was only a whisper.
Her eyes widened at their proximity. Flustered didn't even begin to cover what she was feeling. Placing her hands on his chest, which seemed very toned, she used his body to push herself back to her spot.
“Ugh as if.” was all she could muster out. She would be lying if she didn't think he was cute, no he was smoking hot and everyone knew. However her beliefs with the astrology logic stood firm, and she wouldn’t dare let anyone ruin it.
He sent her a wink and the doors to the classroom opened, revealing their mid 40s teacher who had a bald patch bigger than Natsu’s ego. Natsu heard a grumble and cocked his head towards the blonde.
“Problem princess?” he asked. Luckily they were seated towards the back of the lecture hall, so the professor wouldn't catch them talking.
“Kinda.” She responded. He motioned for her to continue.
“It's just, he's a Gemini.” She groaned.
“ A Gemini...Lucy, how the hell do you know?”
“I can feel the energy, it's disgusting.”
“I think he's fine.” He shrugged.
A sigh came from the blonde. “That's because Geminis and Aries are matches, you're supposed to like each other.” She complained. Natsu did know how to respond, all this zodiac talk just made him confused, so instead he took out his homework and listened as the professor began is tiring and boring lecture.
“Also don’t call me princess.” She snapped.
After two hours of painful and lifeless instruction that made Natsu want to rip his hair out, the two left class. They had a routine of going to the small coffee shop next to the library after every bio class. Naturally the pair walked towards there.
The little bell above the door sent a small chime through the coffee shop. The smell of lattes and baked treats filled their noses. Many students gathered at each table trying to finish homework or study for their test. It was quiet yet bustling with student life.
“Next.” The cafe employee called. Lucy walked up and smiled at Mira. her family owned the small shop that became a signature spot for the campus and she made the best tasting drinks.
“Lucy! The usual?” She asked. Her voice was as sweet as the pastries and she handed Lucy a warm latte.
“Thanks!” She happily took the drink and to her surprise, Natsu ordered and paid for them both.
“Ugh Mira makes the best drinks, not to mention she’s also a Capricorn.” Lucy smiled and took a big gulp of her drink.
“Okay I’m just gonna pretend I know what you’re talking about.” Natsu replied and shoved a macaroon in his mouth.
“Compatibility Natsu.” She remind him and he just shrugged.
“Soooo-.��� Natsu begun as they walked out of the shop and towards Lucy’s dorm.
“So?” Lucy repeated.
“Yeah. How about a date? Ya know you and me?”
“I know what a date is Natsu.” She rolled her eyes. “And I’m gonna have to pass.” she stated.
“And why is that?” He asked. She could hear the disappointment in his voice.
“I have a club meeting. So even if i wanted to.” She paused and tapped his nose playfully. “Which I don't” She huffed. “I can’t” She shrugged
“Yeah okay.” He mocked her sarcastically.
They finally reached her dorm and he turned and faced her. He leaned against the wall, blocking her in with his arms.
“Okay so Friday doesn't work, I guess Saturday will have to do.” His voice laced with desire and his eyes held passion. “We can go see a movie and have a nice dinner, and I'll show you how great an Aries can be.”
Just like the classroom situation, a blush found its way to Lucy's face. Straightening her back and standing tall, she kept a straight face. Without looking she scanned her card to unlock the doors to the dorm.
“We shall see.” She stated and walked inside leaving Natsu with a huge grin on his face.
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thedoctorishereguys · 7 years
Rules: I was supposed to tag 25 people. I’m not doing that. I hate tagging people. Do it if you want to. It passes time.
I grabbed the open tag from someone or another. IDK. It’s on my dash quite a bit today. Hello, whoever I grabbed it from!
LAST: LAST THING I BOUGHT: Coffee. LAST STORE I VISITED: CVS, but I work there. Uh. Fuck, I haven’t gone to any store in like months other than my work. Uh. Gas station, I guess, for my smokes? LAST TEXT MESSAGE: “I can come in for work now if you can pick me up. TY.” LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Everyone says don’t, sung by Raul Esparza. LAST THING I ATE: Shit, when did I even eat last? Fuck. Um. Yeah, this would be easier to answer if I ate more than like once a day. I think steak? Maybe? Idk, really. HAVE YOU EVER: DATED SOMEONE TWICE: Nope BEEN CHEATED ON: I don’t think so? But I wouldn’t put it past the bastard I was with, really. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: … Honestly, y’know, that’s complicated. I regret the relationship I was in, but I don’t regret having been sexual in general with that person? So… yes and no? Idk. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: Yes. My great-grandmas have been gone 12-13 years now and I still have trouble talking about their deaths. BEEN DEPRESSED: I have bipolar disorder, depressed is one of my main emotions. BEEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: Way too many times to count. IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU: MADE A NEW FRIEND: Yes FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: No. But I haven’t fallen in love either. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: Yes MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: Yes. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS WERE: Yes. In all the good ways, found that people I didn’t realize were close really were. I ended up in a psych ward due to a complete mental breakdown, and I realized I had an entire support network that I never thought to ask for help from before. Just everyone in my life really rallied around me. One of my friends, who generally hates driving distances, drove almost an hour to the hospital to see me, sometimes more than once a week (I was there for almost a month). That same friend also hugged me when he left, even though he is the least touchy-feely guy in existence. One of my work friends got really worried about me when I stopped coming to work, but he still didn’t pressure me to talk about it, just asked me what he can do to help, but told me that he doesn’t need to know what happened, only what I’m willing to share. I did tell him everything, because he is a good friend, but he was so good to me. People I hadn’t talked to in ages, because I was isolating severely beforehand, came and visited, or called, and it was just so touching. Even now, a couple months later, people will ask me how I’m doing, and my best friend (the one who drove couple times a week to visit) makes sure to call me several times a week just to check in, just so I don’t end up in that situation again. After the first psych ward visit (I had two this summer), I attempted suicide, and I called that best friend in a panic that I needed to get to the hospital, but I didn’t want my parents to know what I had done, so I didn’t want to call 911, and he came and got me right away, and he stayed at the hospital for almost 2 hours, until they took me back into the psych ward. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: Yes, a coworker, but she does that to everyone, although I think I’m her special project. I don’t much care. GENERAL: HOW MANY PEOPLE ON TUMBLR DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE?: Uh… no one, I guess, but I still defend I know enough about one to count it, so there. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: No and thank god. I’m not an animal person. I used to have lizards, but they died on me. I like lizards. I wanted snakes, but my mom (with whom I still live) said absolutely fucking not. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME?: Nah, I like mine. Wish people would pronounce it right, but that’s a different matter. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?: 6 fucking a.m. Which was only because I was due in at work at 7, otherwise, I am not conscious before 1pm, and often sleep until 3. WHAT WERE YOU DOING LAST NIGHT?: Hm. Work until 8pm, which was hell, and then fucking around on the computer until like 1a.m. Which may explain why I feel like death today. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: Getting to drive again? Coffee with a girl next week? Seeing my best friend again? HAVE YOU EVER MET SOMEONE NAMED TOM?: … Honestly, I’m sure I have, but none come to mind. Must not have made a huge impression on me. WHAT’S GETTING ON YOUR NERVES RN?: Not much. I’m too tired to give any fucks about anything. Uh. The existence of 7 a.m. I’m pretty sure the devil invented mornings as a punishment for our sins. BLOOD TYPE: A positive. I used to be a blood donor, so I’ve known my blood type for years (I am no longer a blood donor, because the last time I donated, I got so sick my doctor was tempted to transfuse my blood back in.) NICKNAME: I don’t have one. And that’s fine with me. There are no ways to shorten my name, it’s only two syllables, and I don’t particularly care for pet names. Dear and sweetheart and honey are just… ugh. The only one I like is ‘babe’, and obviously, that’s not one I’ll let many people call me (I do have a coworker who calls me that, but she’s awesome, so she can) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. ZODIAC SIGN: Which one’s the zodiac? Is that the one with the animals, like the rat and the horse and ram, or is that the one with the astrology crap, like Cancer and Aries and Taurus? Either way, I’m a horse and a Sagittarius. And it makes no fucking difference. The year you were born in has zero effect on your personality, and the gravitational pull of the planets even less so. Actually, people have done the math, and the gynecologist present exerts as much gravitational pull on you (because all objects exert gravitational pull, not just planets and stars) as some of the planets on the horoscope, so if you really want to blame someone for your failings, why not the doctor who birthed you? The whole thing is an utter load of nonsense, really, bullshit fucking pseudo-science idiots keep falling for because they need something to believe in, because the stark reality that there is nothing guiding their lives and everything is random is too bleak. (This bleeds into my problems with religion, too, by the way, but I have a measure more respect for that, because at least it instills some level of ethics, which astrology utterly fails to do. But only a measure more.) PRONOUNS: She/Her FAVORITE TV SHOW: Doctor Who, Doctor Who, Doctor Who. All the goddamn way, do not take away my Doctor Who. Every other show can go off the air before you take away my precious Doctor Who. COLLEGE: I went to a state school. HAIR COLOR: Black with purple. LONG OR SHORT: My hair? Or other random body parts? I don’t have a penis, otherwise I’d totally make a dick joke here. My hair is as short as I can get it. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEBODY: Totally! And she said yes to a date, so score! And then there are fictional characters and celebs, and I really need to be better at tagging my posts so @hawkland doesn’t slap me one of these days. FIRSTS: FIRST SURGERY: Breast reduction, 2009. FIRST PIERCING: Ears, 2014. FIRST BEST FRIEND: … First? You honestly expect me to remember that far back? Fucking hell. FIRST SPORT YOU JOINED: Basketball? Soccer? Idk, it was one of those two. FIRST VACATION: That I can remember or that I went on? Because the first that I know of was Slovakia. The first I can remember was… Huh. Hungary, I guess? FIRST PAIR OF SNEAKERS: Who the fuck remembers their sneakers? I couldn’t tell you what sneakers I own right fucking now.   EATING: What are you asking me? First time I ate? First thing I ate? I’m guessing so, since this is under firsts… Well, is breastmilk a food or a liquid? Let’s go with food. So first food was around 10 minutes old and it was breastmilk. WTF is wrong with you? Who else would say anything substantially different? Sure, maybe they had formula instead, but no one is going to say, “Oh, I first ate at 25, and it was a fine steak dinner.” If they do, they’re an alien. DRINKING: Listen, seriously, what the hell? I’M ABOUT TO: Idk. Take a nap, maybe? LISTENING TO: Nothing, I feel no compulsion to surround myself with noise at all hours of the day and night. WANT KIDS: Fuck no. Not ever. GET MARRIED: Sure, if I find someone I like and who can, at least, tolerate me. CAREER: Ideally. WHICH IS BETTER: LIPS OR EYES: For what? Lips are good for kissing and sucking and integral in speaking, which help with things like “I love you,” eyes are good for looking and part of communication. Really. How do you pick? HUGS OR KISSES: Hm. Toughie. Idk. SHORTER OR TALLER: I like my men taller and my women my height. As I’m mainly interested in women… OLDER OR YOUNGER: My age. ROMANTIC OR SPONTANEOUS?: Uh. I’m not a fan of spontaneous, really, I don’t like shit sprung on me. But I’m too awkward to pull romantic off, I usually stick my foot in my mouth about a minute in. Planned out, at least. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: Yeah, these two really aren’t mutually exclusive. Sensitive doesn’t mean you’re not a screamer 😉
HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: Depends what you’re looking for? I mean, I know sometimes I just want sex, and that’s fine, that’s totally OK. And sometimes I want a relationship. It depends what you want. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: Yeah, hesitant isn’t usually in my wheelhouse. Depends on the situation really. But I’m not a troublemaker, per se. HAVE YOU EVER: KISSED A STRANGER: No. Not really? DRANK HARD LIQUOR: Yeah. A lot of it. I’m a recovering alcoholic, and vodka was my drink of choice. LOST GLASSES/CONTACTS: Nope. If they’re not on my face, they’re on my nightstand. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: I’m open to it. I don’t see anything wrong with being sexual, as long as both parties are clear on what they want. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: I’m honestly not sure. BEEN ARRESTED: No TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: Yes FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: Yes DO YOU BELIEVE: IN YOURSELF: Some of the time. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: Yeah, no. You can feel lust, attraction, whatever, at first sight. But love? The most you can love at first sight is the idea you have built up in your head of that person. You don’t know that person at all when you first meet them, how can you love them? HEAVEN: Yeah, see my rant above about religion. I’m an atheist. No heaven. SANTA CLAUS: … I did not just get asked this. Yes. Of course I believe in Santa Claus. And the Easter Bunny. And the fucking Tooth Fairy, which was always the most imbecilic of the lot, and really just there to see how much we can stretch childhood innocence. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny at least have some kind of sense for a child, but now we’re trying to convince them there’s a goddamn fairy who’d rather have a tooth than money? Who the fuck came up with this? Are we just outright saying children are fucking dumb little shits who’ll believe any fool thing we tell them? Because, yeah, of course most of them do, their parents, who they trust unconditionally, are telling them these things, and telling them about the Tooth Fairy – and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, by the way – is an exploitation of that trust, and of childhood innocence. We do it because it’s cute that little kids fervently believe in a magical man who brings presents, instead of the truth, which is that their parents love them, and that because they love them, this one day, they are given gifts, out of that love, and on a holiday that had become about familial love. How is that not a better story? Why does some magical shit need to get involved? And the contortions people put themselves through to keep Santa alive for their children, it’s absurd! (Also, don’t tell me Christmas is not about familial love, because it absolutely is – yes, it’s a religious holiday too, but I think Jesus would approve of it being about love, given his beliefs).
Ugh. Santa Claus. Fucking hell.
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