#davey has too much responsibility on his shoulders. he has to be in control of his own life bc thats all he has
we-are-inevitable · 2 years
jack is the one who believes in zodiac signs and astrology. davey is the one who thinks it’s complete bullshit.
but davey is also the one who searches up taurus and cancer zodiac compatibility when he’s first developing his crush on jack, just on the off chance that the stars really do have something to do with his love life. and davey is also the one who is so much of a realist that he thinks jack’s ramblings about star, moon, and sun signs are stupid, but god if he doesn’t love listening. and davey is the one to secretly look through the astrology memes that jack posts to his instagram story, just to learn more insight on how jack sees himself, based on which memes he relates to.
and davey doesn’t believe in astrology. he doesn’t think that the stars can dictate who he loves, how he loves, what he loves- he doesn’t think that his life can be tied to something as lofty as space and birth.
but listening to jack ramble on about it, and realizing that jack believes in this because it helps him make sense out of the world- helps him make sense out of himself- makes davey realize that maybe he can make an exception to the belief.
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pealeii · 1 year
*evil smiles* so snyder has jack at the refuge after pulitzer made jack the offer and he makes up for lost time hitting Jack badly. Snyder invites Wiesel to punish jack too for the newsies nickname of him. Wiesel does so with glee and even after jack takes the offer he's still stuck with Wiesel who hasn't stopped threatening him a happy glit in his eyes what will happen if he doesn't do what they say. Jack is in hell his newsies hate him think he betrayed them. They wouldnt listen to a thing he said even if he could get someone to talk to him. It hurts to see their sad angry looks even though he deserves them. He's trapped with Wiesel and the delanceys who keep telling him his friends are gonna get it if he doesn't behave
He can't escape. He's getting visits daily from snyder who says he's "pleased jack is finally behaving himself the judge will be so euphoric jacks redeemable after all"
Wiesel and Snyders presence make him look over his shoulders, scared they're going to hurt him again but he feels trapped and powerless. What can he do?
If he goes against them he'll be hurt and so will his friends moreover they'll be with snyder and how can he possibly as semi decent person let that happen if he can stop it? He's not going to be the reason race or snoddy lose that spark of snark. Skitterys had enough had to darken His worldview.
Tumbler and snipeshooter were babies in the newsies' sense of the word. They were so young. To be told. That they were nothing but filthy gutter rats day in and out it would change them. It would make them bitter and angry or... he didn't want to think of it.
The refuge would make boots and dutchy and mush lose that innocent playful light in their eyes. They were always so smiley... they wouldnt smile at the refuge theyd be ruined molded tarnished by harsh reality it would break their kind mostly unblemished wings. How could he be the monster responsible for causing that?
Snitch and blink. He desperately tries to forget seeing blink get beaten for him. He feels so guilty as it didn't even work he got captured anyway. His anger at himself burns like a ragung fire.
Blink his best friend is so good. He's protective and witty and, like, skittery had too much shit happen. Perhaps that's what drew the three of them so close together. He wants so much to make the world a better place for them but he's just a kid and what can he do? He gives them an extra nickel if he has it shares food and gives them small gifts once in a while like that candy skittery had been wistful for or that sketchbook blink had been eyeing wanting to attempt to capture mush's beauty. It's not enough. They deserve so much more all of them do but.. its what he has. And to his last breath he's gonna give them what he can even if its not much.
He couldn't let spot and the others go either. God knows what they'd do to make an example of other boroughs deter anyone from defiance. They'd gone out on a limb for him. He didn't want to repay that by getting them jailed starved. He's failed crutchy he's not failing again.
Jack remembers daveys happy face trying to break him out. So determined family boy davey who hed gotten wrapped up this. Hed kicked snyder! That could be dangerous. He tries not to remember the other expression. Daveys so special to him and he's not sure why but he's attracted to daveys smile amd charisma like pancakes to syrup like turtles and water like a match to a candle. Daveys safe they're all safe and that's that's what matters the most right? He tries to hold onto that and control his flinches when wiesel moves just a bit too fast. He apparently doesn't always succeed judging by the others' grin. He feels like hes going crazy and hes sad and desperately lonely, but he did the right thing... didn't he? He holds onto it like he used to hold to Santa Fe like a dying man to a raft doing what was right protecting the others that was all that mattered. He'd take beatings and whatever else if it meant the others didn't have to. Hed make his life count for something. His boys deserved nothing less than everything.
Come ON! This is incredible!
“He holds onto it like he used to hold to Santa Fe like a dying man to a raft…”
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sugarbutterbroadway · 4 years
Walking mouth and the case of the littles
“This is killin me Davey!”Jack exclaimed, pacing the empty lodging house. “Racetrack been gone all night and he still ain’t back yet, that ain’t like him”
“He’s spent the night out before, what’s the difference?”He asked. Jack’s jaw almost fell from his face as he gaped at the boy. 
“The difference”He spat, “Is that he’s supposed to tell me where he’s going! Instead, he ran like someone lit a fire under his ass!”
Davey’s eyes fluttered towards the ceiling and he took a deep breath. “Lower your voice when you’re talking to me, Jack” He couldn’t see him but he could feel the gears shifting in Jack’s head.
“And what if I don’t?”Jack pressed, “Huh? What’re ya gonna do about it?”
He said nothing and counted back from ten in his head. Jack just wanted a fight, he didn’t have to give in. 
“Exactly, ain’t gonna do shit”
But boy was he good at pushing his buttons. He abandoned his countdown at five and instead pulled Jack in by the collar of his shirt. The boy stumbled forward and Davey would have felt bad if he wasn’t fuming.
“Shut. Up.”he said through clenched teeth. Jack squirmed in his grasp but he just held him tighter.
“The walkin mouth is tellin me to shut up?”Jack smirked, “That’s rich”
Any ounce of control Davey had snapped. His hand flew from the collar of Jack’s shirt to his jaw and he gripped it. His blunt nails dug into flesh and he pulled his chin up so the two were eye to eye. His body felt like it was on fire and his hands were trembling a bit but he was furious.
“What the hell Davey—!”
“Shut up!”he snapped. He hummed in satisfaction when Jack reluctantly closed his mouth.
“It’s my turn to speak”He said, chest heaving. “When I say lower your voice with me, you lower your voice. I’m here to help you, I could be at home or at the courtyard at school but I am here. I know you’re scared—hell i’m scared too, but you catching an attitude is not helping anyone. I know your first instinct is to lash out but I can promise you if you pull that shit again that you just did I will walk out that door and never come back. It didn’t feel good Jackie, it really didn’t”
At this point he had loosened his grip on the boys jaw to the point where he was just holding it. And Jack leaned into the touch, matter of fact his whole body leaned against Davey’s and went slack. Davey clicked his teeth and wrapped his arms around Jack’s frame, pulling him as close as their bodies would allow.
“Is this what you needed?”He asked. Jack pulled his face up into the crook of his neck and nodded. They were still for a few moments before Jack let out a quiet sound and his body began to tremble. Davey felt hot tears hit his neck and he frowned.
“Oh Jackie”He said in that soft tone, the one only Jack got to hear, the one he had taken for granted. In response Jack whimpered and balled up his fists in the material of Davey’s shirt.
“ ‘m so scared Davey”Jack whispered, Davey felt him hiccup, “ ‘m so fuckin scared, I just want him to come home”
“I know Jackie, I know”he hushed, “He’s gonna come back”
“I fucked up”Jack said after a few beats. He pulled away quickly and rubbed at his eyes.
“How?”He asked.
“I can’t keep doin this to you”Jack said, “Like you said I-I lash out and I treat you in a way that you shouldn’t be”
“How should I be treated then?”He said, raising a brow. “Humor me Kelly”
“Like you’s the king of New York”Jack said, “You should get flowers and chocolates an-and I should be nicer to you-”
“It sounds like you want me to be your beau”He teased. Jack’s face flushed scarlet and for once he looked bashful.
“I thought you already was”Jack said quietly. Now it was Davey’s turn to blush.
“Oh”He said eloquently.
“I like you Davey”Jack said. “You’s smart, got a good head on your shoulders. You don’t put up with my shit. I like that when I push you push back twice as hard, ya know? You put me in my place”
“Huh”He said, he wanted to say so much more but it was like he couldn’t move his mouth.
“Please say more than that”Jack begged.
“So you like me because I make you treat me with respect?”He said slowly.
“I mean yes but that’s not it!”Jack insisted. “Like you said, you’s here now. Not at the schoolyard,not at home with ya family. You coulda just soaked me earlier but you...you talked to me, you made me understand why i’m wrong. Not many people can do that”
“Okay”Davey said.
“Okay?”He echoed.
“Yeah, okay”He said. He could feel the tips of his ears burning but he wasn’t giving in that easily.
“Can I kiss you?”Jack said, although he looked very confused.
“What’s with the face?”He asked instead.
“I’m um...I’m kinda used to uh…”Jack said, gesturing vaguely.
“You’re used to people swooning for you?”He asked. Jack nodded helplessly.
“It takes a lot to make me swoon Kelly, you’re gonna have to work for it”He said with a wink.
“Y-yeah of course Davey”Jack said. “But um...are we on the same page here?”
Davey decided to take pity on him and grabbed his hand, “C’mere”
Jack shuffled a few steps forward and Davey leaned in. Every fiber in his body was telling him to stop, that he’d never done this before and to think. But to hear Jack gasp and feel his legs go weak was a power rush. He planted his hands firmly on Jack’s waist and tried to match what he was doing. And every teacher that Davey’s had will tell you that he’s a fast learner. Once they had a steady rhythm he pulled Jack’s hips closer and relished in the tiny squeak. Before things could go any further he pulled away and smirked as Jacks lips tried to follow his.
“Yer evil Davey”Jack panted, resting his head on Davey’s chest.
“I like you too you idiot”He said, hoping he didn’t look as rough as his voice sounded. “But you’re not off the hook”
“ ‘m not?”Jack whined. “Why not?”
“You gotta prove you’re gonna treat me with respect”He said, “None of that shit you pulled earlier”
“And how am I gonna do that?”Jack asked.
“Well we skipped a few steps but how about we start with a date?”He said.
“Or I can take you up to my penthouse and show you how sorry I am?”Jack said wiggling his brows.
“Or you can keep your pants on and rejoice in the fact that you’ve got an able left hand”He scoffed.
“A dirty joke from Davey?”Jack said, holding a hand to his chest “Well color me surprised”
“Shut up”He said rolling his eyes and pushing Jack’s shoulders. “Should’ve left after your mouth started going”
“You’s hot when yer angry”Jack said already moving closer.
“Incorrigible”He said shaking his head, but he didn’t push him away this time.
“I got a lot of lost time to make up for”Jack said and brought one of Davey’s hands up to kiss. “Now if you’ll have me we can still go up to my penthouse-”
“To talk”Jack said with a smirk, “That’s what people do ain’t it? I won’t touch you Davey, promise. I’m gonna romance you the Jack Kelly way sweetheart, you’ll never know what hit you”
“And he’s back”He said under his breath. “Don’t sweetheart me Kelly, we both know it doesn’t suit me” He wanted to be serious but he couldn’t help but smile at the look of determination on Jack’s face.
“Alright then”Jack said, “I’ll find something that suits then”
“Have fun with that”
“I’m gonna do it!”
“I don’t doubt you Jackie”He chuckled, “Just think of something original, yeah? Nothing that’s been used on your other beaus”
“Ain’t been no other beaus”Jack said, “Just one dame and you Davey, you’s the only one who got close enough, you’s the real deal”
He couldn’t help the gasp that slipped past his lips. Hearing those words made his body run warm and his heart skip a beat or maybe two, was he even breathing?
“I’ve got the walkin mouth speechless”Jack said with a smile, a genuine smile. Davey suddenly had the urge to kiss those smiling lips, but he controlled himself.
“But you...I’ve seen all those people falling at your feet”He said, “you’ve got dames busting out of their corsets for a chance with you”
“Doesn mean I want them Davey”Jack said shaking his head, “I just wanted you”
“You’re a romantic…”he said in awe.
“Took you long enough to find out”Jack said rolling his eyes, “I’m sweet on you Davey, I dunno how many other ways I can say this”
“No no, it’s not you”He said quickly, “it’s just...this is different...I-no one has ever been um… ‘sweet’ on me”
“Well that’s a damn shame because you are beautiful, so damn beautiful”Jack said. Davey wasn’t expecting it but hearing that shocked him to his core. His hands clenched at his side and his body went ridgid.
“Aha that’s the one”Jack said, Davey could hear him smirking. “You like being called beautiful.”
“Shut up”He said pathethically, he felt embarrassed. It was silly to get worked up over something so simple but here he was on the verge of tears because Jack Kelly called him beautiful.
“Hey”Jack said, placing a hand on his cheek. “You don’t gotta be so shy Davey, I’ll call you beautiful ‘til the day I die.”
“But i’m so plain”The words slipped out before he could think about them.
“Ain’t nothin wrong with bein plain”Jack said, “Flowers and birds and buildings and the sky is plain but they’s still beautiful. You got such pretty eyes and yer nose scrunches up when yer thinkin and you bite yer lip when you’s nervous and you look so beautiful when yer smilin-”
“Jack stop it before I cry and it gets awkward for both of us”He choked out.
“Ain’t nothin wrong with cryin”Jack said, “Just means I need to let you know you’s beautiful more often, maybe one day you’ll hear it and you’ll smile instead”
“For someone who’s not good with words you sure know what to say”He said with a sniffle.
“I only know what to say when there’s something worth sayin”Jack said with a shrug. “You make my brain work”
“Your brain works all on its own”He said rolling his eyes. He brought his hand up to cover Jacks and pulled him close until they were nose to nose.
“I think I wanna stay the night”He whispered, “I already brought Les home, my parents’ll just assume i’m here” 
“I think I want you to stay too”Jack whispered back, “I’ll be a perfect gentleman Davey, I’ll treat you how you deserve”
“I just wanted to test you”He chuckled. “You treat me fine already”
“But I don’t treat you fine”Jack said, “you told me that, don’t take it back.”
“I won’t then”He said, “I also won’t object to seeing Mr. Jack Kelly act like a gentleman”
“I’ll start right now”Jack said with a cheeky grin. He pulled away and cleared his throat. “Mr. Jacobs, would you do me the absolute honor of letting me hold your hand?”
“Impressive”He said taking his hand, “You used correct grammar and everything”
“I learned that from bein around Medda”Jack said bumping his hip. “I can talk fancy too if that’s what you like”
“I don’t”He said. He took the initiative to continue when Jack raised a brow. “I’m around people who talk fancy all day, I like the way you speak, it’s charming”
“Charming?”Jack said, wiggling his brows, “For sure?”
“For sure”he mimicked and laughed at the surprise on Jacks face. “What, you think I just talk like this? I got an accent too Jackie, ‘m just better a hiding it”
“Dear lord if I wasn’ tryin to be a gentleman we would be up on that penthouse right now”Jack said with wide eyes. “I think that’s the most attractive thing that’s ever come out of your mouth”
“You like it when I talk like you?”He giggled.
“Hell yeah I do Davey”Jack said, “Where’ve you been keepin that?”
“In my back pocket”He said with a wink, “My ma doesn’t like it when we talk like this,neither does the school but it just feels…”
“Right?”Jack said.
“Yeah”He said, “Feels right, just like bein here with you”
“And i’m the romantic”Jack said rolling his eyes.
“It’s not me bein romantic”He said, “Just telling the truth, I like spending time with you”
“And I like spending time with you”Jack said, “Which means, you should be my beau”
“Nope, still gotta earn that”
“Damn it!”Jack said, “really thought I had ya this time”
“Of course you did”he said squeezing his hand, “We really gotta thank Race” “Thank Race?”Jack said, “For what? ‘m gonna kick his ass when he shows up”
“If I didn’t almost hit you for worrying we would have never gotten to this point!”He laughed, “Look at Race being a matchmaker even when he’s not physically here”
“Wait wait, almost hit me?”Jack said, “you were gonna hit me!”
“I was thinking about it”He said, “I was only going to do it if you hit me first”
“I would never hit you!”
“You pushed me into a streetlight yesterday!”
“Well it ain’t my fault you tripped over the curb!”
“Unbelievable”He said, “We just argued and made up and now we’re arguing again, does it ever end?”
“I think that might just be a part of our charm, beautiful”Jack said with a goofy grin.
“Also I was meaning to tell you this earlier but someone had an attitude and wasn’t thinking straight”He said pointedly. “You said our boys have been all over, right?”
Jack nodded. 
“But have they been to Brooklyn yet?”
“No”Jack said quickly, “Ain’t no one allowed in Brooklyn except Race-oh”
“Ya see?”He said, “Racetrack is fine. If he’s not here then the only logical place he would be is Brooklyn”
“I still don’t see how him and that Spot is friends”Jack muttered, “ain’t a good bone in that kids body”
“I bet people say that about you too”He said with a smile, “It’s all about perspective Jackie. Who knows? Spot may be sweet to him”
“Spot Conlon?”Jack blanched, “Sweet? I bet he kicks puppies for fun”
“Perspective Jackie, Perspective”
Race couldn’t help but giggle at the sight in front of him. The big bad King of Brooklyn holding a tiny boy’s hand as they walked back to the lodging. They apparently called him Shadow, he was tiny and quiet and stuck close to Spot from the first moment he got there. He wondered why the Brooklyn lodging took in so many children, it didn’t seem practical. Back in Manhattan the youngest in the lodging was Les—who was now ten—and he only stayed there once a month. This little boy had to about five, it made his heart ache. Far too young to be selling papes, it looked like he still sucks his thumb.
As the day progressed it seems not only Shadow, but all the littles were drawn to Spot. The minute they walked in it felt like he was wading in a sea of children. Instead of brushing them off Spot laughed and hugged each and every one of them individually, there had to be at least ten of them. Race watched in awe as he lowered himself to the floor and the kids did the same. He met Blanco’s eye and he walked over.
“They’re always like this” addressing a question Race hadn’t even asked.
“It’s like an orphanage in here”Race joked, Blanco simply shook his head with a smile.
“Boss has a soft spot for children”He said, “Any kid who needs a place to go usually ends up here. He breaks his back for them honestly, and most of them don’ even know it. He wan’s to keep it that way, ya know? Give ‘em the chance to be kids”
Race felt his heart swell and he couldn’t even doubt the love he felt right now. He waited until the children eventually dispersed and made his way over to Spot.
“Racer! ‘m sorry that took so long-”
“My god i’m so in love with you”he said. Without a word he had pulled Spot down the hallway and pinned him to a wall.
“Wanna marry you Spot”He said, planting a kiss on his neck. “Don know how we’s gonna do it but ‘m gonna marry you. Gonna get us a nice house where no one can bother us and we can adopt all the littles you want-”
“We’s gonna have a nice yard—tilt yer head—gonna give you life you want even if i ain’t a dame-”
“Tony!”Spot gasped, pushing at his shoulders. “I ain’t mad about what just happened, but where the hell did that come from?”
Race felt his cheeks heat up and took a deep breath trying to slow his breathing. “You’s just so good with the littles it made me feel funny”
“Funny enough to almost nail me against the wall?”Spot said incredulously.
“Shit”He winced, “I didn’ mean to do that it just...I dunno, I guess it made me realize how much I love you”
“You’s a funny one for sure Racer”Spot said, “remind me not to play patty cake with ‘em or nothin before you do somethin indecent”
“I said I was sorry”He whined, “I ain’t gonna kiss you in front of the kids or nothin”
“You’s strong too”Spot commented, “Didn know you had it in you”
“What?”he asked, tilting his head.
“You dragged me down the hall and pinned me to the wall”Spot said, “Angel, my feet wasn touchin the ground”
“Oh shit!”He cursed. “ ‘m sorry, I just-”
“I ain’t never said I didn’ like it”Spot smirked. “Just be careful and don do it too often. I’m still gone for you but my kids come first, they get jealous when I ain’t payin attention to them”
“Wouldn’ have it any other way”He said nodding dopily, “but I should be gettin back soon, Jack’s probably havin a fit an makin Davey lose his mind”
“I got respect for him”Spot said, “Can’t no one make Jack Kelly shut up like he can”
“Believe me, they both know it”He said, rolling his eyes. “I just wished they get their heads outta their asses and get together all ready”
“You,me and all of New York”Spot said, “I’ll walk back with you, lemme just let Hotshot know that i’m leavin”
Race nodded and waited by the front door. It took Spot a little longer than expected but he emerged with an apple and Shadow trailing behind him.
“Alright let’s go”Spot said. Shadow immediately grabbed onto his hand and they were out the door. A few minutes into the walk Race felt a tiny hand grab onto his, his heart melted as he looked down to see shadow smiling at him. Spot was smiling too.
“He’s the toughest one to crack but, he approves”He said. Race smiled and gently swung his hands urging Spot to do the same. Soon enough shadow was giggling between them as he was lifted and swung back and forth. Race wanted to paint this image in his head forever, it was a sight he could definitely see himself getting used to.
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love-pyramus · 4 years
Soulless -RP Davey x Elmer x Darcy
Weeeeeeeeee, uh, few warnings. Shitty friends, a few curses, a few panic attacks, Davey gets beat up, blood mentions, and yea! That’s it!
@withsome-payback @luv-ya-hun @ijustfellupthefrickinstairs @brooklyn-is-here I did thing!
WC: 1386 
“You’re soulless?” Davey nodded, listening to his “friends” words. “So, you’re a freak.” Davey nods. “Yeah.” His friends talked more, listing off more reasons. “Better than having two soulmates, fucking disgraces.” Davey sighed. “I mean, it’s better off for everyone, no one has to have to deal with him.” Davey sighed, curling in on himself and sinking into his hoodie. He continued working on the assignment, writing down multiple variations of the answers, knowing he’d have to use them for his friends.  
Davey walked into his new school, keeping his head down. He was nervous as he walked into the office, and met the guy who’d be showing him around. “Jack Kelly.” The boys says, holding out his hand. Davey sticks out his own and shakes it. “David Jacobs.” “David...you got soulmates?” Davey shakes his head quickly, the lie slipping past his lips easily. “Soulless.” Jack nods. “That’s alright. Cmon Davey, I’ll show you around, and then I’ll introduce you to my friends.” He follows Jack around, and to his classes, a little unsure of why everyone is being kind to him. For their own gain? It was probably some extra credit, show the new “soulless” kid around. “You don’t look so good Davey. Everything alright?” Jack asks, noticing. “Yeah, everything’s fine.” Another lie he was used to telling. Jack nodded and didn’t push it. “Davey, these are my friends.” He went around talking to them, and his breath hitched when he met Elmer and Darcy. “Excuse me for one second.” He says. He runs to the bathroom and splashes water onto his face. “Davey? What’s wrong?” Jack asks, following him. “I’m not soulless, and those two are my soulmates but I can’t tell anyone because I’m not out and I can’t face it and-“ Davey is cut off by the inability to breathe. He holds onto both sides of the sink and takes large gasping breaths. “Hey, hey, deep breaths,” Jack says, placing a hand on his back. “It’s ok, deep breaths.” Davey continued to take heaving gasps until he managed to get it under control. “There you go,” Jack encourages, “Darcy and Elmer are your soulmates?” Jack asks. Davey nods, unable to talk. “And you can’t face coming out?” Another nod. “How long have you pretended to be soulless?” “Over-over a year,” Davey manages. Jack nods. “I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want.” Jack says, rubbing his back comfortingly. “You won’t?” Davey asks, counting his breaths. “No, that’s for you to do in your own time.” Davey nods again, loosening his grip on the sink. “You’re ok,” Jack whispers. Davey nods one more time, splashing water on his face. “Cmon, let's go meet everyone.” Jack says, putting an arm around Davey. The two walk back, Davey shaking his head a bit, but working through the introductions. “You’re really soulless?” Elmer asks, looking at him. Davey nods, showing his ‘blank’ wrists. Elmer looks at them confused, and then back at Darcy. “How does that happen? Someone being soulless?” He asks. Darcy shrugs and looks to Davey, who doesn’t have an explanation either. “I just happen to be one of the unlucky ones.” He says, shrugging. Elmer nods. 
“You just move here?” Darcy asks as they walk out of school. Davey nods. “Yeah, got here a few days ago.” “Do you need help unpacking?” Darcy asks. Davey thinks about the massive amount of stuff he still has to unpack, but shakes his head. “No, it’s ok.” Darcy gives him a disbelieving look. “Cmon, are you sure?” Darcy asks. Davey sighs. “Fine.” Darcy gives him a smile. “I just...there’s a box filled with notebooks...could you avoid that one?” Davey asks, fiddling with his sleeves. Darcy and Elmer nod. “Yeah, course.” Darcy says. The boxes labeled there all have David written in big bold letters. “Your full names David?” Darcy asks, looking at his own wrists. “Hm? Oh, yeah.” Davey answers
“Seriously, we built a tower as tall as me for a project once.” Davey says, grinning. “What’d you guys get on it?” Elmer asks. “A 100.” Davey answers. The three had gone out for ice cream after school. “Can I...can I ask about being soulless?” Elmer asks. Davey nods. “Yeah, go ahead.” “Is it possible for you to enter relationships? Like with another soulless person, or with a soulmate who wants you?” Elmer says. Davey thinks for a bit. “I guess. But soulless people are pretty rare, so those odds are slim, and we’re unlovable, supposedly.” 
Davey groaned as his head made contact with the wall, closing his eyes. “Ow…” He mutters. He touches his hand to his hand to his head, eyes widening as they come away sticky with blood. He pulls out his phone, calling Darcy. “Davey? What’s up?” Darcy asks, picking up after the second ring. “I...uh...someone beat me up for being soulless, and my heads bleeding.” Davey answers. Darcy nods. “Where are you?” He asks. “An alley next to my apartment.” Davey says. He sits against the wall, listening to Darcy talk. “I see you, I’m going to hang up, ok?” Darcy asks. Davey hums in response, not really noticing when Elmer and Darcy help him up and into a car. “We’re going to the hospital, and then we’re taking care of you with whatever the doctor says.” Elmer says, sitting in the back with him. “You don’t have to take care of me.” Davey says, his words gaining a slur. “We want to.” Darcy says, looking back at him. Davey nods, leaning against Elmer. “Hey, you can’t sleep yet.” Elmer says. “‘M tired though.” He mutters. “I know. You don’t sleep enough.” Elmer replies, keeping him awake. 
Elmer and Darcy sat in the room as Davey went through the testing for a concussion. The doctor turned to them, and explained how to take care of him, what he’d need, and what he couldn’t do for the next few weeks. The two helped him out, and back into the car. “You can’t sleep for a few hours, so we need to think of things to do.” Darcy says to Davey. Said boy nodded, leaning against Elmer. When the three got to the apartment, one of the notebooks was on the bed. “What’s in there?” Elmer asks. Darcy shoots him a look but doesn’t interfere. “Some stuff. My old friends, their soulmates, wondering what my soulmates are like.” Darcy and Elmer share a confused look. “But...you’re soulless?” Darcy says, but it’s more a question. “I pretend to be. Not out, so it’s easier.” Davey admits. He wipes at his wrists, showing the two names written. “I love them, and I want to stop pretending, but I’m scared.” Elmer and Darcy both look at each other, shocked. “You’re our soulmate.” Darcy finally whispers. Davey gives no indication he had heard, putting the notebook away. 
A few weeks later, Davey was cleared of all the concussion symptoms, and him, Elmer, and Darcy were hanging out in his room “Davey, do you remember much of the first day?” Elmer asks. Davey shakes his head. “Nothing much after the doctors visit.” Davey admits. “Well...you...you told us something…” Elmer says. Davey tilts his head, questioningly. “You told us...you told us that you aren’t soulless-” Davey's breath catches in his throat. “-and that we’re your soulmates. You showed us the soulmarks.” Everything begins to feel too tight. “Davey, Davey it’s ok,” Elmer says, trying to get through to him. Everything was muffled to Davey, his room felt too small, like everything was closing in on him as he curled into himself. Darcy put his hand on Davey's shoulder, hating the sob and flinch that came with it. “Davey, it’s ok, I promise.” The boy didn’t respond, and so Elmer went behind him and pulled him into him, trying to help him regulate his breathing, hating how he could feel the violent trembles. After a time, Davey’s sobs reduced to hiccups, and the trembling calmed. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles. “It’s ok. You’re ok. We’re ok.” Darcy says. Davey moves off Elmers lap, sitting against the wall, and looks at the two when they sit on either side of him. “We’re soulmates. It’s what we do.” Elmer says. Davey smiles slightly, wiping his tears. “Yeah...soulmates.” 
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wide-eyed--wonderer · 4 years
26. “I made four different types of soup. Is that obsessive?”
I’ve discovered I like writing phone conversations because they are mostly just dialogue and I don't really have to describe the action (it’d probably been better if I did but shhh) also, I really like this as a concept...
“Heya Jackie, can you cover my shift today?” Jack frowned and lifted the phone closer to his ear. 
“Everything ok Davey?” Even if it weren’t immediately obvious from the fear in Davey’s voice that something clearly was wrong, Davey rarely missed a day of work. He needed the pay, even if he would never admit it himself. 
Davey sighed over the phone. “Les is sick. Nothing bad, I don’t think, but he didn’t sleep last night, and he’s been in bed all morning. Complaining of a sore stomach, and he has a little fever, and definitely a headache, apparently.”
“Shit, Davey, that doesn’t sound good at all.” 
“I know. I wouldn’t ask you if I had any other option. I know this is the one day you have to spend with your brothers, but Jackie -”
“I’ll do it, Davey.”
“You will?” Jack could almost see the slump of Davey’s shoulders at his response. “Oh God Jackie, thanks so much.”
“You know I get it, Davey, it’s fine.” 
And Jack really did get it. The boys met at the coffee shop they both worked at and had bonded over being the caretaker for their brothers. Jack had two little brothers, who he’d been taking care of for the better part of 3 years officially, but really, he’d been the one watching out for them their whole lives. Davey on the other hand had one little brother, who he’d only had custody of for a couple months when he’d got the job at the cafe with Jack. 
Jack had fought to have custody of his brothers, and get them out. Davey on the other hand, had custody over his brother because his parents and twin sister had moved back to Canada. His dad had gotten a job offer there, and it’s where Sarah’s dream university was. Davey’s dream school was NYU, and his middle-school-aged brother had pitched a fit, apparently, when he was told he would have to move to Canada, and leave his school, friends, and big brother behind.
So Davey had taken custody of Les. His parents weren't super happy with the decision, and Jack had been over a fair few times when Davey and his parents had argued about it over the phone and had on multiple occasions gotten a text from Davey just saying please come get Les out of the house.
Jack obliged every time.
It was for the same reason that Jack was willing to take Davey’s shift, even though it would comprise the one day off he had with his brothers all week. Because He knew that if he was ever in the same situation. That if he needed to be there for one of his brothers, Davey would be there for him. No questions asked.
“Do you need any help with Les? I’ve got some tips, and I can send the boys over with supplies and two extra pairs of hands if you need it.”
“Thanks, Jackie, but I think I got it under control. His temperature’s not too high, he’s got a cold compress on and he took some medicine at 6:03. Which means he can get another dose in one hour.”
“Sounds like you've got it under control.” 
“Also, I made four different types of soup. Is that obsessive?” Davey laughs a little into the receiver.
“Nah. I mean, it’s a little excessive maybe. But really it just means you care. Pick one to give to Les for lunch, and put the rest in the fridge. Les might hate you when you’re having soup for the rest of the week, but he’ll love you now while you're helping him feel better.” 
“Thanks for lying through your teeth to make me feel better Jackie.’
“I’m not lying, Davey! It’s really not obsessive. Trust me. The first time Race got the cold I nearly drove him to the hospital till the boys talked me outta it” Davey laughed with Jack at his overbearing tendencies. (which Davey had come to learn he had a lot of) 
“Sometimes I don’t know if you take care of the boys or if the boys take care of you.”
“I’d say it's a pretty fair 70/30 spilt.”
“That’s being generous Jackie. It’s at least 60/40” Jack protested with a hump, but didn’t argue the point too much either. It was a pretty accurate guess honestly. 
“This whole caretaker thing takes time. You’ll figure it out eventually.” Jack continued once Davey’s laugh died down.
“Thanks, Jackie, and I don’t mean just for covering my shift today.”
“I know Davey. Anytime.” Les breaking out into a coughing fit in the background got Jack’s attention. “You go look after the little man hey? Keep me updated.”
“Thanks again. See ya around Jackie.”
“Bye Davey.”
Jack sighed as he hung up his phone, and looked toward the corridor to his brother's bedrooms. He really had been looking forward to spending time with them today. 
“Heya Charlie, Racer.” He shouted. “I’m covering a shift for Davey today. Wanna come down and make it more interesting?” 
There was a beat of silence before Race replied. 
“We’ll be out there in 15 minutes.”
Jack really hoped Kloppmann wouldn’t mind
Thanks for prompting!! Let me know what you think!!
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It May Be Over, but the Trauma Sticks Around
Told ya I’d fuckin do it. Over 4k words. Boy howdy here we go.
Vore under the cut
His head hurt, his legs ached, and his wrists felt as if they flared up in flames with each small movement he made. His throat was as dry as a desert, as was his mouth, and despite being full he felt sick. The pounding on the inside of his skull grew with each second like ticking clockwork, his eyes heavy. What....what the hell happened? One minute he’s eating dinner and the next he’s- was he tied up?!- shoulder to shoulder with other warm bodies next to him in a cold, dark room that seems the size of a grand ballroom and looks as if it’s been abandoned for centuries.
“O-Oscar?” He hears a raspy voice call out from behind him. One he pins as belonging to his own brother. His brother who sounds genuinely terrified. Nothing like him at all. It’s scary. He opens his mouth to speak-
“Morris?” Another voice cuts through as his mouth hangs open. Another one he recognizes. Two others, three total. Were they the ones at his sides? No. No. They seemed further away. So who was-
“Wiesel?” Comes a voice from his side. One he knows despite never hearing it this close. Theee others, four total. So it was him, his brother, their uncle, and-
“Pulitzer?” Another voice. One that shakes him. On that he’s feared, though never showing it. On that belongs to a man who was supposed to be in prision. So how the fuck was he here?! Four others. Five total. Clearing his throat, he finally speaks up.
There’s a brief awkward silence before the voice to his left, Pulitzer, rings through their ears.
“Wonderful! We know each other’s names. Now is someone going to explain why in god’s name we are tied up in some abandoned room none of us have ever seen that looks as if it’s been rotting for years?”
Silence. Deafening silence falls over the room as they wait for a response. Nothing. Not one word is uttered under the weight of the air that seemed to choke them. Not a syllable is heard in the large room cast in shadow with so little light that leaves it hard to seen even when their eyes adjust. Nothing.
Cold. That’s what it was. Cold as inverted hell would be. Damp too. The boards above him seemed soaked to the last fiber while the stones were speckled with moss. Cold, Damp, and Dark. Almost no light shown in the room he had spent what could very well have been some of the worst nights of his life in. Chained up when he wasn’t crammed in the room upstairs, three to a bunk that might as well have just been a wooden plank. Heh...nah. Even that would’ve been softer.
But now the tables have turned. Oh yes. Now he was the one in control. He was the ring leader for a one man circus. He swore that day that what they all did to him and the others would come back around to bite them. That time was now. It was now and he had full command.
Shrinking them had been easy. All it took was a few drops in their drink. A few small drops of a colorless, odorless, tasteless syrup to knock them out. A few small drops to render them helpless. At his mercy or lack-there-of.
He had dreamed of this day since seemingly forever. The first night here. The first real day at work. The day the price went up. It started at different times for different people but the dream to finally teach them how he felt all that time never wavered. Show them how small he felt. How it was to fear for your life.
Now he had his chance.
He hid behind the closed door, waiting for any sign of movement. Of them being awake. His eyes adjusted to the dim lighting around an hour or so ago, meaning spotting the five squirming tinies should be a breeze. Taking a deep breath, he waited. He waited and waited and waited.
Then the little voices came. One right after another. Each guessing who the last familiar voice belonged to. It was so funny. They all seemed scared. Some more obvious then others, yes, but scared. They were legitimately frightened. Frightened of something he did. Ha! About time! And if they were scared now....boy oh boy was this about to get a lot more interesting.
Light flooded the room as he pushed open the door, staying out of view of the five tinies. He was going to mess with their heads a bit before he did anything else. It was all he could think of at the moment anyway. How else could he mess with them while not doing anything all that bad? Eh, he’d think of something later.
For a moment, they felt blind. As a dim but blinding light filled the room they noticed a few things. For instance, how giant the stones that made up the ground seemed, or how huge that door was, or the....the seemingly giant chair in the hall- what in the word?
“Who are you? Why have you brought us here? Show yourself!” Wiesel yells into the open doorway. Something felt wrong. Something felt off now. Something didn’t feel.....normal.
Smirking, he walks out into the doorway. To them he might just look like a silhouette. A giant shadowy figure standing in the doorway. To him? Seeing his shadow cast over their small, shaking bodies was perfect in every way shape or form. ”Well hello there, fellas. Miss me?”
Their blood ran cold, hearts dropping to their shoes as a seemingly giant figure walks into view. At first it’s just a shadowy outline, no features present, but as time drags on more features fall into place. Messy hear, dirty shirt and vest, and a crooked smile that sat slightly offset on his face. Jack motherfucking Kelly. Of all damn people. All people, and it had to be Jack.
“What in the hell did you do, Kelly?!” Snyder snaps, trying to move and lunge at the boy only to remember he was bound. Oh fuck.
“And I don’t even get a hello back. Why ain’t I surprised, spider?” Jack huffs with a sigh as he paces forward. His footsteps echo in the room, each one louder and louder as he stalks closer to the circle of tinies on the ground. “See, I didn’t even have t’do that much. Just slipped a little bit of something a friend mixed up for me in yer drinks, waited, and then BAM!” He punctuates his word with a stomp directly in front of the tiny who had asked. A stomp that shakes them to their cores. “Yer all out cold and can fit one at a time in my hand~”
A shiver runs up Oscar’s spine as he recovers from the sheer force and volume of the stomp. So the room wasn’t big but rather...they were really small. Shit. That spelt out trouble. No....that could very well spell out death for them if they aren’t careful. Dear god...
“Jack, why in the world are you doing this? The strike is over, we had a deal, and all your little friends are safe,” Pulitzer starts, looking up at the boy with the calmest expression he could manage. In a time like this? That was rough. “What reason could you have for shrinking and tying us up?”
Jack looked to him. For a second his expression ran blank. Nothing. No smile, no emotion, just a stare. Then it slowly morphed back to his usual face as a sharp high laugh rang though the air. “Oh Joe, yer hilarious. See, yes th’ strike an’ all that is done, but th’ tramua ain’t. Oh no. That’s gonna fuck wit’ my brain for a good while. An see, it only seemed fair that I repay the favor.”
Morris opens his mouth to speak, unsure exactly of what Jack means only to be met with a hand slamming down what feels only inches from him. Inches more likely something like centimeters seeing as he was only a few inches in height to begin with. He yelps, whimpering a little when Jack sits down in front of them. That....that was terrifying. He loomed over them like the giant he was with that sick smile, showing off teeth that might as well have been daggers and eyes hiding undertones of something sinister.
“Hush, Morris. I wasn’t done,” Jack growls, shifting to sit in front of the group. “You see, thought most of my life so far you five have put me through real tramua. Betrayal, hate, physical beatings, etc etc. Now I’m near not as horrible as the likes o’ some of ya so I’m gonna be nice. Just a nice, calm chat. Sound good?”
“Why in the world should we listen to someone like you, Kelly?!” Snyder shouts, trying to fight his bindings again. They can get out of this, right? Get out and get help? They could do that.
“Because I can squish you like the bug you are, spider. Is I gonna have ta keep remindin’ ya?” Jack spits back, looking over the group. Heh. A group of people who have caused he and his friends so much harm. About time it caught up with them. About time indeed. “Isn’t this funny? You all have hurt me and my friends in some way. Ya made us feel so small, sometimes even fearin’ fer our lives, and now look at ya. Five inches tall and at the mercy of the boy who managed to help run a strike that took you all down. Pretty funny, yeah?”
There’s nothing from the tinies. They just stare. Stare at the Newsie like he’s insane. Like he’s some psychopath about to brutally murder them. He most likely wouldn’t, but it sure felt like it was guaranteed. It felt like their lives would end here and now. Sweet Jesus...
“Nothin?” The seemingly giant teen asks, an unamused expression painting his face as he adjusts his hat. “Geez, I thought you all would have had more t’say if I-“
A low rumbling growl rings though the air, cutting him off flawlessly. One of his hands comes up to lay over his grumbling stomach, cheeks dusting red.
“Ah, Sorry. Missed....dinn....er.....” He finds his speech trailing off as his eyes locked on the group. They all looked pretty....good. Almost delicious. Five little treats that could fill him up with ease. Didn’t Davey and Spot say that that syrup made them immune to acids and such? Maybe...oh this was too good. “Mm, second thought, I was just getting supper~”
A shiver over took the bothers’ spines, relaying to the others around them. Oh god. What was that look for? Why was he looking at them like they were- oh dear lord no. Immediately they begin to squirm against their bindings, fighting the best the can. No. No. They couldn’t be-
Jack watches as the two begin to squirm. “Mm....figure something out, did you two?” He teases, tone slightly evil as he picks them up by the backs of thir clothing. His stomach growls hungerly as he looks them over. They looked more and more delicious with ever second~ Oh yes. This would be so much better then leaving them in the cellar for the night.
“What in the hell are you talking about, Kelly?” Wiesel asks as he watches his nephews be lifted by the collars of their shirts. What was the pest of a kid doing?!
“Hmm....clearly the smarts don’t run in the family,” Jack grumbles as he looks over the two. Who shall go first? Oscar looked frozen. Morris was physically shaking....Morris it was. “Here, lemme show ya.”
With a grin and a flick of his wrist he sends Morris flying into his open maw.
The others on the floor and Oscar in his hand sat frozen in pure terror as Jack’s teeth snapped shut, sealing Morris in behind that sickening grin. Dear god, what was the kid doing?!
A scream tore from Morris’s throat as he was sent into the air. Following it came multiple pleas and begs for the boy to stop and spit him out. He was pushed around, flipped, and licked over constantly by the disgustingly wet and warm muscle that was Jack’s tongue as hot waves of his breath washed over him from below. Just when the thought it couldn’t get worse, he felt his world start to move and Gravity begin to pull him the opposite way that he wanted to go. Scrambling for anything to grab onto, he cried out as his legs, then torso, and finally his head were sucked into the dark, hot, fleshy tunnel with only a few quick gulps.
Jack made sure to make quiet the show of him swallowing the writhing body of the small Morris. With a final, slick swallow he sent the squirming bulge down past his throat and collarbone, past his heart and lungs, and into his stomach to be met with a gurgle. Licking his lips, he grinned. “Heh. Not all that bad. I wonder....” he trailed off again, gaze slowly shifting to Oscar as his grin turned sinister. “...if his brother is the same?”
One unceremonious flick later and into his mouth went the second brother. He pushed and prodded at the squirming body with his tongue as the others watched in mixes of horror and disgust. Jack had just swallowed a-
-make that two whole human beings, whole and alive mind you, and didn’t even seem phased! Hell, he seemed to enjoy it! That was- god that was sick. And now the two young boys with futures were going to melt away as nothing more then a meal in his stomach. Downright psychotic. 
“Y-You....you monster....” Wiesel found himself stuttering as he watched the squirming bulge that was his other nephew disappear behind Jack’s chest. He could feel his body shake as he stared up, knowing exactly why the pleased gurgle from Jack’s stomach sounded. God, those poor kids-
“Me? A monster?” Jack asks with a little eyebrow raise. He couldn’t lie, he was already starting to feel rather full. However, he wasn’t going to let a meal like this go to waste. No sir. A sharp, high, bark of a laugh rings from his throat as he picks up the shaking adult. “Oh no. I’m simply a hungry kid who ain’t gonna pass up on a good meal~”
Flick. Splat.
The moment Oscar and Morris had landed in Jack’s stomach they began to fight back. Squirming every which way, trying to find a way out of the cramped, hot, wet, churning organ before it was too late. Their current thought process had led to the idea to try and make Jack sick. That lead to the squirming. Having something moving in your stomach can’t feel all that good, right?
With a small final gulp down Wiesel went. His stomach pressed against his vest in a comfortable fashion, making him constantly aware of how plesently full he was. Already this had to be the most filled his stomach has ever been, but he knew he was going to push those limits. He was ready for it. He wasn’t going to stop until all five were down and tucked away either.
Licking his lips and patting his squished belly he looks down to the two still tied up. “Mm....well, that was certainly one hell of a first course. So filling too. I wonder if I’ll even be able to fit you both?” He rambles, a hand rubbing circles against his squirming meal. “I guess there’s really one way to find out~”
Despite how they tried to squirm out of the way, Jack was faster. He pinched the backs of both their shirts, hoisting them into the air as he laid back on the cold stone floor. His tongue snaked over his lips as he looked at the squirming tinies about two feet above his face. So funny.
Unable to move their arms, the two in his hands kicked as hard as they could. No. Nonono. They could NOT go down like this! Not by the hands, or in this case stomach, of some teen boy who defied both of them. “Kelly, Don’t you DARE!!”
“Oh? And who’s stopping me, spider. I know fer sure it ain’t you or Joe. Highly doubt it’s the Delanceys or Weasel either. Hell, just for that I think you’ll go down first. Let’s see if you can actually stop me~” With the shit eating grin he’d learned to wear so well, Jack opens his mouth wide under the writhing tiny and with a simple movement of a single finger allows him to drop down....down.....down.......
He can’t help but swallow in suprise when the small body goes a bit further in then he intended. Forcing the rest of his prey’s squirming body down with a more violent swallow, he sighs. “Well now that went quick,” he mumbles, gaze trailing to the final tiny.
“Well look at where we is now, Joe...you shrunk, danglin’ over my maw. Bet’cha didn’t expect this one when we talked durin’ th’ strike,” Jack teases, fake dropping Pulitzer for a moment before hoisting him right back up.
Joseph couldn’t help but yelp as he was moved down like he was dropped only to be yanked right back up. Jesus! What was this kid on?! “Mr. Kelly. Consider this! Everything’s settled and-“
“Save ya breath, Joe. You ain’t gettin’ out of this,” Jack groans with a small eye roll. He thought that was obvious. “Here, hold still.” Lowering the tiny, he pinched the bindings of thread that held his wrists between his fangs of k-9’s and pulled. The satisfying little snap along with the yelp he heard from the man in his hand was enough to make him chuckle. “There. Now ya can help th’ others get their’s off. Squirm more too~”
Raising his arm again Jack opened his mouth. His tongue hung out over his lip as they twitched into some unhinged, open mouthed grin. Joseph didn’t even have long to look at it before he was plummeting down into the carvern, past Jack’s teeth and tongue, the uvula hitting his face for a brief second. All of it then disappeard to be replaced with the hot, wet, tight confines of the teen’s throat with only two violent, strong swallows from the boy that now surrounded him.
As Jack’s fingers trailed down with the bulge in his throat the teen sighs. That....oh boy was that something. Hearing a finally content gurgle from his belly he smiles. That’s when something rises in his chest. Hitting a fist to his chest he lets out a small belch, followed quickly by a hiccup. “Mmmm....now that’s what I call a -hic!- meal~”
The leader of Manhattan shifts on his back, favoring to move to his side as he unbuttons his vest. With the pressure gone the roundness is more apparent, including any struggle that was hard enough to make a little mini bulge appear for a moment. Humming, tone more then a bit pleased, he gently kneads at his descended middle. “W-Wow. Ya...whew....ya really -hic!- filled me up. I thinks...h-Heh....this has gotta be the most -hic!- full I’ve been in ages. Scratch that. This’s the -his!- fullest I’s has ever been,” He breathed out.
The five in his stomach continue to fight. They yell pleas or insults that get lost under the layers of flesh and fabric. The lack of the buttoned vest makes it a little more breathable, but not much. It’s still cramped, it’s still hot as hell, and it’s still wet. The room gurgles around them, churning as they fight. This...this can’t be the end, right? If can’t just end like that.
For a minute Jack is able to forget where he is. It was like he wasn’t in a cellar where he was once held in the god forsaken Refuge that managed to truely scare him. Like he wasn’t on cold stone floors in a room that goes pitch black when the door shuts. Like he was in his bed at the lodge instead, or curled up with Davey. Not here. A light draft snaps him out of it. Out of his mini fantasy. Right. Can’t stay here. The bulls’ll be back tomorrow to keep investigating and he can’t leave them to find him here.
Groaning, he forces himself to a sitting position with arms that have never felt so weak. The struggling felt so good, but he had to ignore it. He had to get somewhere safer. Shoving himself to his feet, supported by legs made of jello and a cold stone wall, he huffs. “J-Jesus. You’s.....you all’s is heavy. Whew. This is -hic!- gonna be a c-challenge...” he mumble to the group in his stomach as he readies himself for the trip ahead.
An arm wraps around the underside of his decended stomach, the other either on his hip of against a wall for balance as he stumbles out the door. Off goes the light as he works his way up the stairs and out the door. Undetected. Perfect. Feeling his stomach grumble and gurgle around his more then filling meal, he breaths a small laugh. The hiccups continue as he sluggishly makes his way through the streets of the sleeping New York. God, this was a pain.
Things only got worse when he got to the ladder.
The world shifts and sways for the five in his stomach as the boy stumbles through town. They continue to fight, any sound from the organ around them striking the cold blade of fear through their hearts. No digestion yet but they weren’t about to take a chance. Suddenly, everything pitched backwards and they were send squishing against each other and what they had to guess to be the boy’s spine. Still they fought. They fought and they yelled.
If they thought they were making him sick then they were so horribly mistaken. Each squirm, kick, or punch pulled him closer to the land of sleep. His eyelids hung close to shut as he stumbled his way onto and across the roof of the lodging house. There was Crutchie, fast asleep in his usual place in his “penthouse.” It was good to know some things never changed.
Working his way down to a laying down position was difficult to say the least. They didn’t cooperate and it was taking a lot to get used to the new weight in his gut. Was....was this what it was like to be pregnant? Ok, that’s a whole new level of respect for women from him. He couldn’t even imagine another day with weight like this, much less 9 months! Yanking a blanket over himself, he snuggles down.
“Mmm....I think I’m gonna -hic!- take a lil’ nap....bette’a get comfy, ya five. Might -hic!- be a while before I’s is awake and you sees the light o’ day....” he mumbles sleepily, nuzzling into his pillow in a way he knew made his head sit just right.
The kicking and fighting picks up and hard. They fight the walls and body of the boy holding them captive with all they have while yelling for him to let them out. Some are more furious then others. Some more frightened. It was so....this place could easily be deadly to things and people in their situation, and that? That they feared would become a reality all too soon.
It doesn’t take long for Jack to be pulled off into the land of sleep while snores start to ring from his unconscious body. This situation, this night....it couldn’t have gone better. He got his revenge, was full beyond compare, and was getting the best sleep of his life before he’d have to go out and sell. As he slept the rest of the night away he smiled. Nothing seemed to be able to ruin this.
Nothing could go wrong.
Nothing could turn this on his head.
At least that’s what he thought. He had fallen asleep with that mindset, forgetting a rather important question...
“JACK! Wake up! What in th’ hell happend t’ya??”
How in the hell was he going to explain this to the others?
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verilyruth · 4 years
A New Beginning
(Part One of my series, A New Beginning)
“Katherine? What’s the matter?” “Nothing, I just…” She took a moment to look at him and realized that what she was doing was unfair and selfish. So much was going on right now that he didn’t have the time to think about her. Christ, he was suddenly responsible for feeding his family and co-organizing a strike. And even assuming that he was interested in Katherine, this wasn’t the time for her to have this discussion with him. “Nothing.”
Or: Katherine likes Davey, not Jack.
Pairings: Davey/Katherine
  Katherine watched as Davey attempted to control the boys at the lodging house. He, Specs, and Race were trying to help the injured kids and calm down the crying ones. Some of the other older boys were also trying to help but they all looked exhausted and most of them seemed to not even have the energy to rise from their bunks. Katherine wasn’t sure she had ever seen somebody look as overwhelmed as Davey currently did. 
  She approached him when he was talking to Race, figuring it was better than waiting until he was helping a kid again.
  “I don't know, Race,” he said. “I’m…I’m going to try but…” Davey inhaled sharply and Race put a hand on his bicep.
  “It’s okay, Davey. I know you’re trying.” He walked away.
  Katherine saw Davey pinch the bridge of his nose in a way that suggested he was holding back tears.
  He spun around. 
  “Oh, Ms. Plumber. Are you okay? I’m sorry, I should have asked if you were injured.” He looked guilty. 
  “No! No, I’m fine, Davey, I just wanted to see how I can help.” 
  “Oh. Um…I’m not sure that you can.”
  “Well, what do you have to do? Maybe I can help with that,” she said. Much to her dismay, he looked shocked by her offer. 
  “I’m…aren’t you supposed to stay out of it?”
  “I am. This isn’t the strike right now, I’m just with a bunch of injured kids who happen to be striking.”
  Davey chuckled humorously. 
  “Okay. Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
  “Of course.”
  “I…I’m trying to get them all food but I’m not sure how. Mr. Kloppman - he runs the lodging house - he’s not making anybody pay for dinner tonight but not this many kids are usually here or buy it so he doesn’t have half as much as we need. I’m…Jack keeps an emergency fund but it’s not enough and I don’t know what to do.” He looked desperate and helpless.
  “Hey, it’s going to be okay, Davey.”
  “I have to figure out how to treat the injured kids too. Some of them should really see doctors but they can’t. And…and…” he trailed off and looked directly in her eyes. “Why am I in charge? I’ve been a newsie for less than a week! Race is Jack’s second and…I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, I get that he’s helping, but I don’t understand why I’m in control. Why?” 
  “They see you as a responsible person.” 
  “But I’m not! I’m just as lost as the rest of them!”
  “Yeah, but they don’t know that. Here, why don’t you sit down for a minute?” She tried to take his arm and lead him to the old couch but he shook his head. 
  “No, there’s no time.”
  “Then let me help you.”
  He bit his lip contemplatively for a moment. 
  “Could you…do you know anything about first aid?”
  “A little bit. I have younger siblings.” 
  Davey exhaled amusedly. 
  “That’ll do it. Would you be able to check on some of the younger boys? Most of them are just bruised or have scrapes from falling that need cleaning. If you ask Specs he’ll get you some rags and water.” 
  She nodded. 
  “Of course.”
  “Thank you, Ms. Plumber.” 
  “Katherine,” she corrected. She got a weak smile in return. 
  “Davey. Davey. Davey!” Katherine ended up shaking his arm to bring him out of his catatonic state. He was sitting on a bunk and the little kid he was helping a minute ago had gotten up, but he remained, staring off into space.
  “Hmm? Oh, Katherine. Sorry. What do you need?”
  “Nothing except for you to get some rest.”
  “What? No, there’s still stuff to be done.”
  “Like what? All the kids are treated and most of them are asleep, even some of the older ones.”
  “We have to talk about finding Jack, and helping Crutchie, and how we’re going to proceed. I…fuck, we still have to get food for them for when they wake up.”
  “Let others handle it.”
  “I can’t.” He shook his head. “Race asked me to be in charge so I have to be.”
  Katherine sighed. 
  “At least come sit on the couch. The other boys who are awake are over there.”
  “Where’s your brother? Les, right?” 
  Davey nodded. 
  “Yeah. I took him home.”
  “What? When?”
  “Right from the distribution center.” He stood up with a cringe. 
  “Davey, are you hurt besides your face? Why didn’t you say anything?”
  “I’m fine. I fell, it’s just from that.”
  She was skeptical but decided not to push. They walked over to the couch area where the boys were spread out on the couch, the few chairs and the floor. He rested his hands on the arm of the couch and put his weight on them.
  “Take my spot, Davey,” Mush said, standing from the couch. 
  “What? No, that’s okay.” 
  “You need it more than I do.”
  “I’m okay standing.” 
  Katherine disagreed and it seemed the boys did too. All of them ordered him onto the couch between Race and Albert. He only relented when Mush put his hands on his shoulders and physically led him there. Davey looked at her. 
  “Katherine, you should sit, I’m fine.” 
  “I’m not injured.” She sat down on the floor next to Specs.” 
  “What, because I’m a girl I can’t sit on the floor? Seriously, this isn’t the time for chivalry.” 
  He nodded reluctantly. 
  “Okay. What’s the plan?” 
  “Let’s wait and regroup in the morning,” Specs said. “It’s not like we could sell tonight even if we wanted to.” The others nodded. Davey didn’t seem happy but he didn’t argue either.
  “Fine. What about food?”
  The others looked at each other tensely.
  “Kloppman said he can feed twenty but there’s fifty-two kids here total.”
  “All right. I…I’m sorry, but I have to get food for my siblings and parents first but then I can buy for…” Davey was quiet for a moment, probably doing math. “I can probably afford four others. Five, if we spread it out more.”
  “I can do two,” Finch said.
  “Is that including yourself?”
  “Three, including myself.” 
  “Good. Seriously, all of you have to make sure you eat first, got it?” Nobody said anything. “Got it?” 
  “Thank you. So that’s twenty-eight.”
  Katherine sat and listened to them try to figure it out, feeling like she should say something. She could pay for food for all of them but she didn’t want to compromise her journalistic integrity more than she already had. There was only so much she could ethically do. 
  Then again, she had to consider if her ethics as a journalist outweighed her ethics as a person. She decided to wait and see. Katherine wouldn’t let anyone go hungry but she would let them pay for what they could. Still, she felt a guilty pit in her stomach.
  “No, Romeo, it’s okay,” Davey said as she zoned back in. “That goes for all of you. If you can’t afford it then say so.” 
  “Sorry, Davey. I don’t even have enough for myself,” Sniper admitted. 
  “Don’t be sorry. We’ve got enough food for thirty-eight people, and that’s pretty impressive.”
  “How do we get enough for fourteen more?” JoJo asked.
  “I…I can go to Mr. Jacobi and see if he’ll let me pay him back later or work it off,” Davey said. “If someone who he knows better wants to join me just to ask him that would be great. I’ll handle the payment.” 
  “Davey, you’re not doing it by yourself,” Mush said. “That ain’t fair.”
  “No. I got us into this mess.” The boys all protested. “No, I did! I’ll figure it out. If anyone has any better ideas I’m happy to hear them but I don’t think we do. How much is a meal at Jacobi’s usually?” 
  “About a nickel.”
  Davey looked pained. Katherine couldn’t imagine what it was like to be so poor that you needed to work off seventy cents. God, how could her father be so selfish? These were children! He would never accept it if someone did this to his kids so why were these kids any different?
  “All right, that’s fine,” Davey said, even though it clearly wasn’t. “Specs, when you said fifty-two, were you including the kids who don’t stay here too?”
  “Yeah. You’re eating here, right?”
  “No, I’ll eat at home.” 
  Except he wouldn’t. Katherine knew that face. It was the same face she wore when she told her mother that she, Darcy, and Bill were going for a late dinner with friends when they were really going to Darcy’s apartment to get wine drunk because she knew it would upset her and it was the same face she wore when she told her boss that his wife was lovely even though she was the rudest person she had ever met. He was lying to protect the feelings of others. When he had said he was feeding his parents and his siblings, that was exactly what he meant - not himself. 
  “Then it’s fifty-one.” 
  “Great. I’ll go down to Jacobi’s now and see what he says.” 
  “I’ll join you,” Katherine said and stood up. “I don’t know him well but I’ve been there for lunch a few times.” 
  Davey nodded.
  “You go to Jacobi’s for lunch?”
  “I have once or twice. It’s near my office, so…”
  “Yeah.” He kicked a rock as they walked.
  “Davey, let me buy the food.”
  “What? No. That’s very generous but we can’t put you out like that.”
  “No! It’s a lot of money and I can’t ask someone who isn’t even responsible for us to do that. I’m not going to let you potentially go hungry because of us.”
  She stood awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Katherine didn’t want to lie but she didn’t want to make Davey feel embarrassed either. He seemed to notice her expression and he blushed again. “Oh. Sorry. I should’ve…I mean, not that you look poor or anything - not that poor people look a certain way, I just meant that you dress nice, and your hair is always perfect - we’ve only met twice, but both times and…and - yeah, I’m going to stop talking now.” 
  Katherine giggled and (unfortunately for her) snorted. Davey looked at her but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. 
  “I’m sorry,” he said after a moment. “I really shouldn’t have made any assumptions about you.”
  “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Davey.” Katherine laid her free hand on his bicep and held it. Davey’s eyes jumped to it and then quickly returned up. “My family has money and I want to use it for this. Please?”
  Davey sighed.
  “I can’t let you pay for all of them. You’ll compromise your journalistic integrity.” 
  Katherine smiled. She hadn’t expected anyone but her to be thinking about that. 
  “Okay. Just the fourteen you guys can’t.”
  “It’s thirteen,” he reminded her. 
  “No, it really isn’t. You’re a bad liar, Davey, and you need to eat.”
  “I’ll be fine. I’ve gone without food for a night before, it’s really not that big a deal.” 
  Her heart twinged and she found herself gripping him a little tighter. 
  “It’s a big deal to me. We’ll talk to Mr. Jacobi and then you’ll sit and eat.”
  “I have to-”
  “They can survive on their own for an extra twenty minutes. It’s not like all that food is going to be ready anyway. Okay?”
  He sighed and nodded. 
  “Thank you. It’s really kind. I’ll pay you back when I have the money, I promise.”
  “Please don’t.”
  Jacobi agreed to make the meals and told Davey to bring some other boys to come back later to help carry them. He even agreed to let them use his dishes if they promised to bring them back the next day. Katherine asked if they could have something to eat and ordered Davey a soup and a half sandwich. 
  “You really didn’t need to order both. Just one would have been more than enough for me,” he said as they sat down. Katherine rolled her eyes. 
  “Don’t be silly.” She looked at his hand where it lay on the table. “Davey, your hand.”
  “It’s shaking.” 
  “Oh.” He glanced down. “Just tired, I guess. I’m fine.” He avoided further questioning because Mr. Jacobi brought them the food. Katherine watched as he ate. It was different than seeing her friends and family eat. When they had meals, it was relaxed and casual and there was nothing special about it. When Davey ate, he ate slowly and carefully, savoring the food and trying to make the meal last as long as he could. He made satisfied noises as he went (that were definitely not at all adorable, nope, not even a little). 
  Katherine stopped being entertained by it after a minute though. She realized the reason he was eating as if it was his last meal was probably because he didn’t have any idea when he would eat again. He was on strike now and she didn’t know how he was going to buy food.
  “Thank you so much,” he said after a minute or two. “I really, really appreciate it.”
  “I…yeah, no problem. Any time.” 
  “I never have meals this big so it’s…” he trailed off and blushed suddenly, as if realizing what he had said. “Sorry.”
  “Don’t be.” 
  It hurt to hear that. A soup and a half sandwich shouldn’t be a treat, it should be the kind of thing Davey could have whenever he wanted. He was skinny, certainly, but she hadn’t considered the idea that it could be due to lack of food more than anything else. Come to think of it, most of the newsies were pretty skinny.
  She cleared her throat awkwardly. “So it’s good?”
  “Yeah, it’s great, thanks,” he said with a nod. “Sorry that I’m taking so long. I’ll be ready to go in a minute.”
  Katherine smiled softly at him. 
  “Take your time.”
  “Katherine! Katherine!” Katherine turned around and saw Davey running through the crowded street, trying his best not to knock over any pedestrians. 
  “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” 
  “Sorry, ma’am!” He swiveled his head around to apologize as he worked his way towards her. 
  “Katherine! Wait!”
  “Davey? What’s wrong?” she asked. “Are you hurt? Did you find Jack?” 
  “Wh- no, I’m fine. I just…” David sighed and handed her the paper he was holding. She looked down at it and then back up at him, confused. 
  “Why are you handing me the paper I just gave you?” 
  “I didn't read it before and now I have.”
  “Is there something wrong with it?”
  He picked his cap up and ran his hand through his hair.
  “You talked about me.”
  “I’m not the leader, Jack is.”
  “I talked about him too.” 
  “Yeah, but then why’d you have to talk about me at all?” He sounded frustrated and Katherine was suddenly very aware of the fact that they were standing on a busy street corner, people passing by them on their way to work. 
  “Davey, I’m sorry, I don’t understand what the issue is.”
  “It wasn’t important to talk about me!”
  “Why not? You and Jack started the strike and you’re the vice president of the union.”
  He paled. 
  “I’m the what?” 
  Katherine couldn’t help but laugh. Davey looked upset and she tried to suppress it but she just couldn’t. 
  “Did you not know? I asked Jack and he said you’re the vice president.”
  “I’m…no, I’m not.”
  “Then who is?”
  “I don’t know! Race? Crutchie? Not me!” 
  “Davey,” she said softly, touching his arm, “why are you so upset by this?”
  “Because…it’s hard to explain but it’s too late now anyway. Never mind. Sorry to bother you.” He turned away from her but she grabbed his wrist. 
  “What’s wrong? Seriously, if I did something wrong you have to tell me so that I don’t do it again.” 
  David shook his head.
  “It doesn’t matter.”
  “Of course it matters! Why don’t we go somewhere a little less crowded and we can talk about this, okay?”
  “No, I have to get my brother and go look for Jack.”
  “Well, then let’s do it together.”
  “You don’t have to do that,” he assured her. 
  “I’m in this with you guys now, okay? One hundred percent.” 
  He nodded reluctantly. 
  “Great. Where should we look?”
  “I told the guys I’d look for him at Medda’s - the Bowery, I mean. She owns a theater there.”
  “I’ve met her. All right, let’s go get your brother.”
  “Yeah. He’s back at Jacobi’s with a couple of the boys.” He started walking but Katherine stood still. He stopped and looked at her. “I thought you were coming.”
  “What, you’re not going to offer me your arm, like a gentleman?”
  “I-I…I’m not- I- sorry,” he spluttered and blushed. Katherine laughed.
  “I’m just teasing.” 
  “Oh. Okay.” He walked back to her and offered his arm anyway.
  “So why are you so upset about the article?” 
  David sighed and looked down for a second. He almost bumped into an elderly woman and Katherine had to try really hard not to laugh again. He kept his eyes up after that. 
  “It’s not that…it’s a good story, Katherine, it really is. I mean it, you’re an excellent writer.”
  “But I would’ve preferred not to be mentioned. It’s my fault, I should’ve told you beforehand.”
  “You made a speech that got other kids to join your side. Your words are the reason yesterday worked even a little.”
  “Also the reason why Crutchie’s in jail.”
  “Hey! That’s not your fault, all right?” 
  “All right?” she repeated sternly. He sighed but nodded. 
  “All right.”
  “My point is, it would have been weird not to include you. You’re a big part of the story, Davey. Why didn’t you want your name in there?”
  Katherine watched as Davey chewed on his lip. He seemed to not even realize he was doing it. She wished he wasn’t so nervous but she couldn’t help but find it endearing. 
  “I want to go back to school.”
  “Back? Sorry, I just don’t know you all that well and I’m-”
  “No, it’s okay. Yeah, my dad got injured on the job and so my siblings and I needed to go to work. If he finds work again then we’ll go back to school.” 
  “Siblings? Not just Les?”
  “I have a sister too.”
  “Yeah? Does she sell too?”
  “No, Sarah got a job at a factory. It’s more consistent, you know?”
  “Tell me about school,” she said. “What does that have to do with being in the paper?”
  “I’m not exactly popular at my school. I’ve got…I go to a school with people who really don’t like me for a bunch of reasons and no one else has ever had to leave because they needed to work. I was already going to be mocked when I go back and this is just going to make it worse.”
  “You’re embarrassed to be a newsie?”
  “Then why-”
  “Because the things they mock me for aren’t always embarrassing.”
  “Oh.” She didn’t ask any questions because she had a feeling she wouldn’t enjoy the answer, no matter what it ended up being. “Well, I’m sorry. I won’t mention you in the future if it’s going to hurt you.”
  “Don’t be sorry; it’s not your fault. And if you want to mention me again, you can. Might as well, right?”
 “Right.” Katherine smiled. She meant to take her eyes away but they seemed locked on Davey’s face. He was just so…handsome. She tried to think of a better word but couldn’t (and wasn’t willing to contemplate what that meant for her skills as a writer). She snapped herself out of it. “So you think he’s at the Bowery?” 
  “Davey! Wait a minute please.” Katherine grabbed Davey’s arm as they made to exit the theater and pulled him into an alcove. 
  “What’s wrong?” He looked at her with concern. 
  “David, are you coming?” Les shouted. 
  “He’ll be there in a minute, Les! I’m just borrowing him.” 
  “Why are you borrowing me?”
  Katherine hadn’t let go of his arm but he didn’t pull away. This was stupid. She never did this and she told herself that there was a reason for it. Katherine had been flirted with by plenty of guys in her life. Most of them, however, just wanted to marry a Pulitzer. 
  It wasn’t like there weren’t guys she was interested in before, but this felt different. Usually, she developed crushes after she knew a guy for a long time and by then she never thought it was worth ruining a friendship over. The first real conversation she had had with Davey was only a day ago but she already wanted to kiss him.
  Was it a bad idea? Probably. Was she going to do it anyway? Probably. It wasn’t like everything she had done in the past week or so wasn’t crazy anyway. 
  “Hello?” Davey called her attention back to the present. “Katherine, is everything okay?” She nodded. “Are you sure? You don’t seem very sure.”
  “I’m sure, Davey.” 
  “Okay? Then what’s happening?”
  “Nothing, I just…” She took a moment to look at him and realized that what she was doing was unfair and selfish. So much was going on right now that he didn’t have the time to think about her. Christ, he was suddenly responsible for feeding his family and co-organizing a strike. And even assuming that he was interested in Katherine, this wasn’t the time for her to have this discussion with him. “Nothing.”
  Davey frowned and looked like he was about to say something but he was interrupted before he could even begin. 
  “Dave! Let’s go! Your brother’s getting antsy!” Jack yelled.
  “He really means he’s getting antsy,” Davey told her. She laughed. 
  “I heard that!”
  She found Davey with his head in his hands and elbows on his knees, sitting on a staircase backstage. Les was absent. She sat down on the step above him and said nothing. Katherine had no idea if he noticed her presence or not but she waited anyway.
  After a while, he inhaled and said, “I’m an idiot.”
  “What? No, you’re not.” Katherine slid down to sit next to him. “Why would you say that?” 
  He picked his head up and looked at her. 
  “I can’t believe I thought this would work.” 
  “We all thought it would. And I don’t think all hope is lost. It’s obvious that everyone else is united and once we get Jack back-”
  “I don’t mean the rally!” he said. “I mean the strike.” 
  “What? Davey, the strike is going to work,” she tried to assure him but he just shook his head. 
  “No. No.” Davey stood up and started pacing in front of her. “We’re going to have to give in soon and…fuck! Fuck Jack!” Katherine remained silent, thinking it best to let him vent. “Fuck him for making me believe in him and I know this isn’t the point but fuck him for making me look like an idiot! He promised me I wouldn’t have to be the one to speak!”
  “You did a really good job, Davey. I’m sure if he had let you keep-”
  “I sounded ridiculous! But…” He deflated completely. “But that doesn’t matter anymore. It’s over.”
  “Don’t say that.”
  “Why not? Why shouldn’t I? Without Jack there is no more strike! The newsies need a leader who knows what he’s doing.”
  “Nobody knows what they’re doing! This is brand new and none of us know how to do it but the newsies have been following you most of the strike. This is the second time he’s disappeared.” 
  “You can be the leader then.”
  “I’m happy to help but they need a newsie to lead them. You know that.”
  Davey shook his head decisively. 
  “No, I’m not- I can’t be the one to do it. If they still want to then fine but it isn’t going to be me. Race can do it.”
  “Davey, you know I like Race but he isn’t going to be able to do it like you would.”
  “You saw him the other day in Jacobi’s! He gave everyone hope again without them even realizing what he was doing.”
  “And I saw you speaking the first day of the strike. I saw you organize a citywide rally! You’re their de facto leader now! You shook hands with Spot Conlon, which I’m told is a pretty big deal.” Davey scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Why can’t you listen to yourself and seize the day? Isn’t that what you said?”
  “Because there’s nothing to seize anymore! The day’s over.”
  “So we start again tomorrow.”
  “You know that’s not what I mean.”
  “I do.” Katherine stood up and went to him. Davey didn’t pull away when she put a hand on his shoulder and she took that as a good sign. “You need to have more faith in yourself. Let’s go find the others and-”
  “No.” He shook her off. “No, I’m sorry, Katherine, but I’m finding Les and going home.”
  “It’s what I should have done as soon as the rally ended. I’m not a strike leader - I’m a brother and a son and that’s my responsibility right now.”
  “Davey, stop. You have to be more rational about-”
  “Good night, Ms. Plumber.” He kissed her cheek and left. 
  She watched him walk away. Katherine knew that unless she had a solid plan nothing was going to convince him.
  “Oh, and if I were a boy you’d be looking at me through one swollen eye!”
  “Oh yeah, don’t let that stop you, huh? Give me your best shot!” 
  Katherine pulled her fist back and punched Jack as hard as she could. 
  “Fuck!” he screamed and fell to the ground. Katherine shook out her hurt hand, hissing in pain. “What the fuck, Katherine?”
  She shrugged. 
  “You said I could hit you.”
  “Yeah, but I didn’t think you would! Or that it would hurt that much! Jesus, you can pack a punch.”
  “Thank you.” 
  “At least help me up, would ya?” She begrudgingly extended the hand she hadn’t hit him with and he pulled himself up. “Thanks.”
  “Yeah.” She paused and looked at him regretfully. Maybe it was wrong to punch him. She was quickly learning that she knew a lot less about the hardships people her age went through and she had no idea what Jack’s life was like. “I…I need to know that you didn’t cave for the money.”
  Jack exhaled sharply and turned around. 
  “No, I spoke the truth. You win a fight when you got the other fella down eating pavement,” he explained sadly. “All right, you heard your father. No matter how many days we strike he ain’t never giving up. I don’t…I don’t know what else we can do!”
  “Ah, but I do,” she told him, excited.
  “Oh come on.”
  “Really, Jack, really? Only you can have a good idea? Or is it because I’m a girl?”
  “Oh, I did not say nothing about-”
  “This would be a good time to shut up,” Katherine suggested (ordered, really). “Being boss doesn’t mean you have to have all the answers, just the brains to recognize the right one when you hear it.” She took the paper out of her pocket.
  “I’m listening,” Jack said, sounding beyond exasperated.
  “Good for you. The strike was your idea, the rally was Davey’s, and now my plan will take us to the finish line.” He took it from her. “Deal with it.”
  “The Children’s Crusade?”
  Katherine explained it to him and was pleased that he couldn’t help but admit that it was a good idea - risky, but good. Jack figured out that they could use the printing press in the The World building’s cellar.
  “Let’s go,” Jack said. “If we’re going to get this done by morning we need to get started.” She followed him down the firescape but hesitated when they reached the street. “What?”
  “Where does Davey live?” 
  “What, he ain’t at the lodging house with the others?” 
  Katherine rolled her eyes. 
  “No, Jack, believe it or not he didn’t hang around waiting for you to come to your senses.”
  “Besides, I’m pretty sure Les was crying when I saw him and he had to get him home.”
  “Well, we ain’t gonna be able to do this without him.” 
  “Agreed. We just have to convince him of that.” 
  “What do you mean?”
  “He’s lost hope, Jack. He doesn’t think the strike’s going to work.”
  “Because you abandoned him! Twice!”
  “I didn’t mean to-”
  “I know that and you know that but he doesn’t,” she explained. “Come on, we have to go get him and you have to apologize.” He started to protest but she shut him up with a single look. 
  “Well, then you go get those friends of yours you mentioned and I’ll go.”
  “We should go together.”
  Because she wanted to make sure he was okay. Because she wanted to see his face when he started thinking they could win again. Because she wanted to see him. Jack was right though. They didn’t have time for both of them to go to Davey and it was more important that he did. Reluctantly, Katherine conceded. 
  “You’re right. I’ll meet you there in an hour.” 
  “Good luck.”
  “What the hell, Katherine? It’s almost one in the morning.” Bill did not look happy to see her. 
  “Hey!” She pointed to Darcy behind her. “He’s here too, be mad at him!” 
  “He looks like you dragged him out of bed.”
  “She did,” Darcy said with a perfectly timed yawn. Katherine glared at him. 
  “What’s going on?”
  “Get dressed and we’ll explain on the way.” 
  “Come inside and explain to me while I get dressed. I want to know what I’m getting myself into.” He walked away and left the door open for them. “So how illegal is whatever we’re about to do?” Bill asked from beyond his closed bedroom door. 
  “Only slightly,” Katherine promised. “We’re sneaking into The World building’s cellar and printing something.”
  “Is this about the strike?” 
  “Yes. We want to shut down the city all together. Not just the newsies, but every working kid.”
  “I’m in,” he said without hesitation. “I’m assuming Davey is going to be there?” 
  “What? How do you know Davey?” 
  Darcy snorted from his place on the couch.
  “You mentioned him at least five times yesterday. It’ll be nice to meet the guy who gave Katherine Pulitzer herself writer’s block.”
  “I don’t have writer’s block.”
  “Speaker’s block, then,” Bill amended Darcy’s statement as he opened the door. “You kept having trouble describing him.”
  “Stop talking, both of you. We need to go. I told Jack we’d be there in an hour and that was forty minutes ago.” 
  “Yes, well, we wouldn’t want to be late to meet Davey.” 
  She punched Bill’s arm. 
  “Ow! What was that for? Darcy’s the one who said it!”
  “You enjoyed it more than he did.”
  “Davey?” She was about to leave to go to the governor but was stopped by a gentle hand on her wrist. “Is everything okay?” 
  “Yeah, just…” He kissed her on the cheek. “Good luck.”
  “Y-you too.” He turned away with a smile. Behind her, Bill and Darcy laughed quietly. “I hate you both.” 
  After Jack came outside to tell them that they had won, the newsies bought their papers and took a few minutes to chat and celebrate Crutchie’s return. Most of them didn’t really have time to, but the energy in the air was invigorating and people wanted to be with their friends. Les was talking excitedly to JoJo about something and Katherine took the opportunity to approach Davey, who was counting his papers. 
  “So, Mr. Jacobs, how are you planning on celebrating your big victory?” 
  He looked up at her and smiled, though it seemed a little forced. 
  “I’m going to sell and then go buy food from the grocer’s. Fun, huh?” 
  “Very. Well, when you’re done with that, I’m taking the boys down to Jacobi’s for dinner this evening. Want to join? I’m buying.”
  Davey shook his head regretfully. 
  “I’d like to but I can’t. Thanks though.” 
  “Oh. Okay.” Could he actually not come or was she being obvious and this was his way of letting her down easy?
  “Sorry, I just haven’t had any time to get chores done in a while.”
  “Chores? You just won a strike and you’re going to do chores while everyone else celebrates?” 
  Davey huffed, apparently annoyed, and put his bag on forcefully. 
  “Yes, chores. Sorry if that doesn’t work for you, Ms. Pulitzer.” 
  “What did I do? Why are you so upset with me? Is it about my father? Because you weren’t that-”
  “It’s not about your father.”
  “Then what is it about?”
  “You led me on!” he exclaimed. Davey looked around them and then repeated himself more quietly. “You led me on and you made me think you liked me and then you kissed Jack.”
  She sputtered incredulously.
  “I kissed Jack on the cheek! Are you serious right now?” 
  “You’re allowed to kiss whomever you want, Katherine,” he said dismissively and started to walk towards Les. 
  “Hey! Would you listen to me? I kissed Jack on the cheek! Who told you we kissed? Did Jack? I swear to-”
  “No! Not Jack!” 
  “Then who?” 
  Davey looked down and picked at a thread on his bag. 
  “Les,” he eventually admitted. Katherine laughed. “Hey! How was I supposed to know what he meant?”
  “Whatever! I’m assuming this means you’re interested?”
  “Interested? As in-”
  Katherine didn't let him finish before she pulled him into a kiss, heedless of the fact that they were right in front of the distribution window. Davey didn’t freeze for even a second, and kissed her right back, his arms wrapping around her. He had one on her waist and one on her neck. She took the opportunity to draw him in closer, her hands going to his shoulder blades and the back of his head.
  It was magical. It wasn’t her first kiss but she could tell it was his. That was okay though. He was excited and passionate about it and Katherine loved it. She felt warm inside and wanted time to step and let the moment last forever.
  “Guys!” Katherine heard someone yell, and she distantly thought it might have been Les, but she didn’t really care. Then, there was suddenly more yelling and she smiled into the kiss. Davey pulled away and rested his forehead on hers.
  “So? Was that a better celebration than chores, Davey?”
  “I’d- I’d prefer if you called me David.” 
  Katherine smiled and kissed him again, but only briefly. As she ended the kiss he leaned in for more and she laughed at his eagerness.
  “Jacobi’s then? Or are you still too busy?”
  “No, I-”
  “Davey!” Jack called. David let go of her and turned to him. “Want to do the honors?” Jack held out his hand and pulled him up onto the box.
  “Newsies!” David yelled. “Hit the streets! The sun is up, the headline stinks, and I’ve got a date!”
  Katherine smiled and when he smiled back, it felt like a new beginning.
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writingonthemoon · 5 years
Old Clothes Part 3
Part 1//Part 2
Word Count: ≈ 2985
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, loss, traumatic events, swearing, suggested suicide in past
Fuck guys, I'm sorry this is so late. I meant to post it on the 25th, but I had no WiFi for basically the entire day since I was travelling. And I probably wrote, like, 85% of this during my 45 minutes of break time at work so it'll most likely be bad.  But I still hope you really enjoy it an I’ll try to do my best to update with school starting and me still working, but yeah.  Enjoy!
Old clothes were never quite right.  The fabric never felt like it should on the skin and there were always hems that were too short on the pant and arms that were just a tad long.  Some spots always had to be patched up and items had to be tailored no matter what condition they were received in or how old they were.  In the lack of honesty upon the heart of the wearer, the clothing has to keep pace and ensure the lie is believed.  The appearance of perfection had to be true to the eye before it could be to the mind, then the heart.  My brother hated that saying.
     If anyone were to wonder where the devil had gone once he escaped hell, they would be directed to my siblings, particularly my little brother.  He was a wolf in sheep's clothing and my sister a fox in a hare.  Clara was always influenced by her big brother because he was only four years her elder and a born salesman.  The two were a force of destruction and anything in their path would be ruined in their wake.  My mother had given up on them once Clara learned to walk and began sprinting after her troublesome brother and into danger.  It was all left to me by then.
     He was never responsible, even if his name was that of an Old God.  Well, there's only so much to say when I only knew him up until he was 12.  And to compare him with others his age, the boy was well beyond their maturity.  Of course, he was.  The Burn was ingrained into his life since he was born.  Ashes made up his skin and the fire burned in his soul.  Often times I felt pity for the small child that would curl beside me as the campfire smouldered.  No one should have to go through with the consequences of my actions, especially one so young and impressionable.  In those moments, I would tell him stories of heroes who did the right thing because it was just that.  I could never let him follow my lead.  No, my little Elijah would never become what I was.
     Before I realized, I was wriggling in Jack's grasp to escape the present.  His arms flexed and I could tell he wasn't going to let me get away so easily if I still seemed erratic.  My eyes made their way down to my hands and they were shaking like a tree in a hurricane.  I curled them into fists to take control back and it worked long enough for Jack's grip to relax.  My body stumbled forward and crumpled in front of the image of my little brother, "Oh my god, Elijah."  Tears welled and I held the face of my family I lost long ago, hoping everything would come back once again.  Just one more time, I wanted to see my baby brother and sister and my parents.  One more time.  Just one.  And I did; in Albert and Buttons, I did.  But they weren't them.
     The shattering of my heart cleared the cloud of emotions from my mind and I pulled my hands from the cheeks of the imposter boy.  I held them to my chest, ashamed of what I had done and the commotion I had caused.  "I'm sorry," I mumbled, shaking my head lightly and looking to the wrinkles in the skirt that would never go away.  "I'm so sorry.  This isn't right."
     A hand met my shoulder and I flinched at the feeling.  Comfort wasn't meant for someone like me, who was the source of turmoil and chaos and fear.  I looked to see who couldn't and it was Crutchie by my side.  I could feel his empathy pulsing through the air like waves.  "Whaddya mean?" He worked his way down to the ground beside me, "What ain't right?"
     "This." I gestured to the space around our small group, "All of this.  You, Albert, Buttons.  Even Jack, none of this is right.  The fact I'm here—" a sob got caught in my throat, "I shouldn't be."
     Albert crouched in front of me, "Youse gonna be back home in a bit, Dette.  We just gotta clean you up." All I could see was Clara, my baby sister who I lost so much time with.  Her shining brown eyes and freckled nose and red hair that went everywhere it wasn't supposed to.  It pained me to see her and know it wasn't real.
     "No, you don't understand." There was resentment in my tone.  Not towards those around me, but myself.
     "Then help us understand." Jack's voice came from behind me, "Tell us what's goin' on.  You may've just met us, but we is gonna be the best chance you gotta talk.  'cause I know none a those rich folks will listen ta ya."
     "None of you will get it, though.  There's one person who does and they're gone.  He's gone and he's never going to come back to me."
     "So you lost someone." I nodded as if it were a question, but it was a confirmation. "Do you think talkin' 'bout it will help?" I nodded once again, the words bouncing in the corners of my brain.
     Buttons looked to the leader, "Should I go find Davey?" He even sounded like Elijah.  There was the British accent that was only an idea since the time in England was short to non-existent.  Next thing I knew, he was gone, running off into the woods of newsboys that were in an unnatural silence.
     "Okay, Dave's comin', so let's get ya fixed up, okay?" The comfort in Jack's voice led me to rise with the others and I followed him to a bathroom.  A sink was filled with water that was once steaming but had cooled exponentially since it was run.  My hands were placed in the liquid and it started becoming a haunting red that chilled me.
     "Okay, once we is done wit cleanin'—” a few shouts and a crash made all our heads snap toward to door, "Dammit," Jack ran from us.
     I pulled the drain in the sink and watched the swirling tornado direct the water to the black void.  My fingers flicked the faucet on, water flowing onto my palms and stinging slightly.  I sucked in a sharp breath and watched the blood flow down the sides of the white porcelain.  I scrubbed at my knuckles and shut the water off, drying my hands with what was probably the cleanest towel the boys owned.  I wrapped my hands up with Albert and Crutchie watching on.  It felt like a surgical operation with the still air.  The completion of my task was the beginning of a conversation, one I was not looking forward to.
     "Jesse..." Crutchie started, meeting my eyes in the mirror, "did he understand?" I nodded, "What happened to him?"
     I shrugged, a bitter laugh and unknowing gestures going with it, "How should I know?  He left me years ago when we were in Cairo and I haven't seen him since." I held my head with my hands for a moment, "I mean, someone that you've given your life to and vice versa should have the decency of finding a way to contact you at some point in your years apart.  It's only proper manners."
     "Years?" Albert was confused beside me, "But youse only seventeen."
     I stopped.  Fuck, I messed up.  I just started and now I have to do this all again, "D—did I say years?  I meant—" Footsteps sounding from behind us gave me a way out of the corner I put myself in.
     He was tall and much more put together and clean than any of the others I had met.  His nose hooked and he was tired, yet still held a proper posture that would seem otherwise.  "Hi, I'm David Jacobs." He put his hand out for me to shake and I did such, even with the pain radiating up my arm.
     "Odette.  How do?" I took note of how Buttons stood behind David and how there were still flakes of blood on his face.
     "Alright.  So, uh..." He trailed off and I took this time to observe him.
     "You have a little brother, don't you." The reaction I got from him was what I expected, "The way you carry yourself... you're trying to make an impression not only on me and the younger boys, but someone else too.  Someone close." He slowly nodded and I could sense the question he would ask, "I carried myself the same way you do.  All older siblings do it without even knowing... I had a little brother.  Sister too.  They're gone now."
     "But you said your nephew was just born. Unless you have another sibling, that means..." Albert protested, trying to make the fake timeline real.
     "Compared to the life I've lived, he might as well have been." I smiled softly, "How old was your Nona Clara?"
     "Wha—uh, 86.  She was 86 when she passed."
     Of course.  She was living right under my nose for all those years in the city we promised to live in together. "Thirteen years ago." My voice gained a far-off sound to it like my body was here by my mind was somewhere else, "Huh, she lasted longer than I thought she would with all the stupid things she did.  She always beat the odds.  Then again, she was eight the last I saw her."
     "How could you have known my Nona?" Albert's voice was rising to a level higher than his usual one. It was confusion that was getting him.
     "It was Treegap wood, no? The one your Nona Clara lost her sister in. You may have only been three when you heard the stories, but you know it's true. And Buttons," I spun to face the thirteen-year-old, "do you have a grandfather of some sort named Elijah by any chance? Had two sisters? One named Clara and the other Odette? We're his parents named Lilijah and James?"
     He was frightened, but he had been through worse and this was more confusing that anything, "Are you a witch or something?"
     I laughed, but it seemed more deranged than my normal one. Perhaps that was what was happening to me. I was going mad, "No, of course, I'm not a witch and they certainly don't exist either. I'd know if they did." I shook my head slightly as I continued to laugh, "I'm something much better... or worse depending on how you look at it."
     "Okay, Dette, you're freaking us all out." Crutchie held out a hand to calm me down. Funny how Jesse used to do the same thing. "Can we bring you somewhere not in the restroom so you can explain?" I nodded like a child almost and skipped along behind the brood of boys that led me to an empty kitchen area. It must not be used much as there was more dust than the pyramids settled on every surface.
     Jack, who had now appeared and stood close to Davey to get the rundown, was staring at me while I sat on a table. The group, my interrogators, were across from me in a neat line. It was the neatest thing in the room. I looked at their expressions, putting together the puzzle of emotions they all presented.
     Davey was doing the same I was, only trying to figure out where my mind had gone. Jack's head was cocked to the side, wondering what had happened to the intelligent girl he was talking with only moments ago. Buttons and Albert were talking quietly with one another, relaying the information I gave both of them in my blaze of insanity. Crutchie was something different. He wasn't judging or putting me in a box or to a timeline. His features were soft and his brow sloped down in concern and sadness. For the short time I had known him, his heart had already made up its opinion on me. I don't think it was the right one, but there's not much I can do about others.
     Once the silence filled the room, I cut through it, "I'm sane, you know." I gazed at the boys in front of me, "The loneliness and loss get to you sometimes, but I'm okay." I nodded to assure them all.
     Davey stepped forward, raising his chin in a boost of confidence, "How can we be sure? Why are you rambling on about relatives that have died like you knew them when they were kids? And how can you deduce all these things about us without batting an eye?  Is your name even Odette?  We want to know what you're hiding and we want to know it now."
     I sighed and looked to the boots that covered my half stockinged feet.  There were holes in which my one heel and bottoms of my arches were exposed.  Stockings were the things I hated most about my mother’s process.  I watched her burn them, so I burn them too. "How many of you have lost someone?" They all proceeded to raise their hands.  Each one spoke when I motioned for them too.  Davey and Buttons—whose name was apparently Benjamin—had lost grandparents, as most will.  Albert, along with my sister, had his mother die on him at a young age.  Jack and Crutchie had lost everyone in a few years.  The Newsboys were all they had left of a family, "I've lost people too.  I got separated from my family in a forest when I was seventeen.  I hadn't seen them until today." I looked to Albert and Benjamin and smiled before continuing, "I travelled with someone I met that day for years.  We went everywhere.  We loved each other...but it didn't last.  We split paths back in 1870, was it?  I honestly don't remember, but I've tried to stop caring about him." I shrugged with my arms crossed, "Yes, I know absolutely none of this makes sense, but it will in a minute." I shook out my hands and breathed heavily once or twice, trying to calm my nerves.  I’d never had to tell anyone this before and the fact I was telling this entire group was nervewracking, "That day I lost my family, I was in Treegap wood and it was 1808.  I met a different family that was passing through as well.  They promised to help me come morning.  There was a spring and we all drank from it since it was water and...none of us knew what exactly happened, but we were suddenly immortal.  It took us some time to figure it out, but the news seemed like a blessing at the time.  I now realise it's a curse.  And, believe me, I've tried breaking that curse more times than you'd expect."
     "The person, it was this Jesse guy Crutch mentioned?" I nodded in response to Jack’s question, "And you’re name is Odette?" Another nod. "What’s your last name?"
     "Really? Ugh, it’s...Davenport." The name was wrong for me to say.  The name revealed the lie and the lie became fuel for the blaze that would soon follow.  Why was I doing this to myself?  Bringing a Burn unto myself wasn't unusual for me to do, but I always hated myself for it. 
     "That’s my name!" Benjamin was so excited he forgot his confusion and began hopping a little.  The motion was a mirror image of my Elijah when I would surprise him with a gift.
     My chest hurt at a pang of guilt that came over me.  I could’ve protected this boy if I had known, "That's wonderful, Ben.  Absolutely fantastic."
     Albert used his hands while he spoke, a thing I did when I was overwhelmed and stressed that had rubbed off onto Clara.  Apples don't fall far, "You twisted the truth when you was talkin' wit me earlier.  You said you lost contact, but you lost em fully.  Your nephew was just born because you've lived foreva.  What about the burnin' you mentioned?  That real?"
     "The Burn?  Yeah, that's real.  My mother LIlijah taught us all about it.  My father James would give us little lessons on the places we were going or about the things we were passing.  London was always a place we wanted to return to, my parents and I, but we never ended up getting there." 
     "If you're up to it," Crutchie made me look to him with his gentle voice and the feeling of his fingertips against the top of my hand.  All I saw was Jesse, but I didn't hear him in what was being spoken because he never spoke calmly like Crutchie did.  Jesse was always showing emotion with his words, whether it was frustration or joy or sorrow, you always got what he was feeling.  Crutchie knew when to stop that and feel what his companion felt.  I liked that, "do you think you can tell us more?  About your family and the Burn and why?"
     If you're up to it.  If you're up to it.  The words echoed through my mind, catching me off guard.  I had never gotten such an option from anyone, not even my family or myself.  I always had to do it or something would happen.  The choice was mine and the power to say no was great.  My need to answer yes was stronger, "I’ve already dug my grave, so why not lay in it."
     I ran a hand through my hair and blew out an extra breath, "The Burn existed before I was born, but I was the one who brought judgement upon our past.  As the court ruled, I am to carry out the sentence."
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thecraftgremlin · 6 years
In A Little Pickle (A Metalocalypse Fanfic)
I don't always write fanfic, but when I do it... um... I don't know how to end that. There's basically no Pickles and his nephew content, so I decided to give the fandom what it probably didn't need but has anyway now. The story basically just came to me as a series of scenes and eventually I just decided to write those scenes, string them together, and say screw the rest.
Also on Ao3
Nathan found Pickles sitting at the kitchen table of Mordhaus, glaring at a brightly colored card in his hands like it had stolen the last bottle of vodka on the planet. He would have just grabbed the bag of chips he was after and left the drummer to… whatever it was he was doing, if Pickles hadn’t spoken up.
“He’s pure evil, Nathan.”
“Uhhh… who?” Nathan was only half paying attention, carefully considering the weighty decision of barbeque versus salt and vinegar flavor.
“Seth,” Pickles spat with the venom he reserved for his family.
Having ultimately decided on both flavors for his snack, Nathan wondered what Pickles’ asshole brother had to do with a card covered with multicolored balloons and confetti. His questions were soon answered as Pickles stood from his seat at the table, pacing and waving the card in the air.
“I thought I knew how low that motherfucker could sink! But no, this time he can’t just try to worm his way into my life and bleed me dry like he always does. Now he’s getting his fuckin’ kid in on the act!” He punctuated the rant by slapping the card down on the table. Now invested in the drama, Nathan picked the offending paper up, squinting at the text without the aid of his glasses. The outside cheerfully announced “You’re Invited!,” a handwritten note inside that somehow felt slimy for Nathan to read.
Little Davey’s turning 5 next week, and he says he wants his Uncle Pickles to come to his birthday party more than anything. I know you’re busy being a big hotshot rock star and shit, but you better not disappoint my little man. Party’s at my place on the 17that noon. Make sure to get him something good.
It was times like these that made Nathan glad to be an only child with no obligations like these to deal with.
“Couldn’t you just… Not go?” Nathan offered sagely. It seemed like the easiest solution to the problem, and he wasn’t particularly interested in thinking too hard about helping Pickles with his family crap.
“And give that douchebag more reasons to think I owe him something? No,” Pickles slumped back into his seat at the table, “I gotta go to my nephew’s birthday party.”
“I still don’ts gets why you wanteds me to helps you picks out a borthsday present?”
Pickles looked Toki dead in the eyes; picturing his collections of stuffed animals and the model airplanes that hung from his bedroom ceiling, the pastel fleece pajamas he wore when he watched cartoons in the living room eating the sugariest cereals his diabetes would allow. Pickles smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.
“’Cause you’re a good pal.”
Toki seemed to buy it, a wide smile breaking out on his face.
“Aww, t’anks Pickle!”
From the moment they entered the toy store, Pickles already felt overwhelmed by the sea of plastic and plush. He hoped he could keep Toki focused for long enough for them to find something suitable for a five year old. He let Toki lead the way, the two musicians wandering the brightly colored aisles. Pickles immediately vetoed anything clown related Toki tried to suggest. Only people who had childhoods as fucked up as Toki’s actually liked clowns, and Pickles hoped to the metal gods that Seth wasn’t that much of a piece of shit to his kid. They examined toy weapons construction sets and science kits, debated the merits of ninjas versus pirates versus superheroes. Finally, Pickles’ attention was caught by a flash of metallic green. He picked up a hefty box proudly showing off a robotic dinosaur and remote control inside. It was expensive enough that Seth couldn’t call him a cheapskate over it, and he couldn’t see any of those small parts that were bad for little kids for some reason.
“Hey, what about this one?” He held the box up to Toki for approval.
“Oh, cools! Ja, dat’s a good ones! Everybody likes de dinosaurs, rights?”
That was certainly true. Even as Pickles’ interests had turned to rock n’ roll and illicit substances as a kid, he still remembered having a healthy appreciation for a good old t-rex or stegosaurus. As they left with his present and several items for Toki, as they had agreed, Pickles felt a little better about the whole party ordeal. Maybe he could actually do this.
He couldn’t do this.
Pickles was baking in the Australian heat, his only source of respite his cup of what used to be fruit punch, now replaced completely with whiskey from his hip flask. His father glared at him from across the yard every time he pulled it out, but Pickles was beyond caring at that point. He supposed he was lucky to have avoided his mom for as long as he did, but she had him cornered and was on her usual lecture of how Seth was so responsible and such a good father and what was Pickles doing with his life, still playing around with that band of his. In the background, Amber chatted with other equally disinterested looking moms, a handful of rowdy kids wrestled in the dirt while their dads, the greasy lowlife types that always seemed to flock around Pickle’s brother, made shady deals amongst themselves. Sitting at the table piled with presents and a plain looking blue and white sheet cake was little David, playing a handheld video game, having long given up on trying to play with the other kids. Pickles felt bad that he had initially assumed the kid was in on Seth’s manipulative bullshit. He had thought his nephew would be a little hellspawn, like his brother had been as a child. Instead Pickles only saw a lonely little boy, trying to enjoy a crappy birthday party. Pickles felt like he was being suffocated under all this heat and judgment, but he had decided when he saw David that he wouldn’t let his family get to him, even as they weighed him down with their usual complaints. He was surprised when his relief came from Seth.
“Alright, time for presents!”
As David unwrapped generic sports equipment and t-shirts for year old movies, Pickles started to feel better about his presence at the party. At least he had gotten a good present for the kid. At least they couldn’t give him shit about that. Pickles felt himself stand a little taller as Seth pulled out his present.
“This one’s from your Uncle Pickles. Should be a good one, he’s really rich,” Seth said, directed completely at Pickles. David unwrapped his toy and Pickles swore he saw a sparkle in the boy’s eyes for the first time that afternoon. His growing pride was soon squashed by a mutter from his brother.
“Guy’s got all the money in the fuckin’ world and only gets the kid one present.”
Of course.
“I can’t believe you, Pickles,” his mother said from behind him.
Of. Fucking. Course.
“You don’t visit your nephew even once since he was born, and now you think you can just buy your way into his life with some expensive toy?” Molly had wormed her way in front of Pickles, “You make me sick.”
That was it. He couldn’t take this anymore.
“God, there’s nothing I can do right for you people, is there?”
It was then that the birthday boy burst into tears and ran into the house, leaving his brand new robot dinosaur half-opened on the table.
“Look what you’ve done now, Pickles!”
Pickles had stomped into Seth's kitchen in search of more booze, but instead he stumbled on his nephew curled into a tiny sniffling ball under the table. He kneeled down to the boy’s level and tried to speak as gently as possible.
“Hey, buddy. You doin’ ok?”
David minutely shook his head. Dumb question.
“Mind if I sit next to you?”
The boy shrugged. Pickles squashed himself into the little space, for once thankful for his short stature. He had no idea what to do now. He didn’t even know how to comfort a grown adult, much less a little kid.
“Hey, um. I’m sorry if you didn’t like your present. I can, uh, buy you something else if that helps?”
“No, I like it.” David’s voice was small and quiet. Pickles realized that this was the first time he had actually talked to his nephew, beyond the awkward greeting they’d shared earlier that day.
“So, uh, something else up then?”
The little boy was silent for a moment.
“The party was so boring. Daddy didn’t invite my friends, just those mean kids from my class and their weird dads. And then everybody started yelling and-“ He whimpered and curled in on himself tighter. Pickles took a chance and put a hand on the boy’s back, rubbing gently.
“Yeah. Doesn’t sound like a very fun birthday. I’m sorry.”
“I thought it would be fun with you here.”
Pickles was taken aback by that. He had assumed that Seth had been lying about David wanting him there.
“You really wanted me to come?”
The boy looked up at Pickles with watery eyes, his expression serious as a five year old’s could be.
“You’re so cool! You’re a rock star and you’re my uncle! But-but you don’t like me…”
“No, no, no!” Pickles interjected quickly. God, he was the worst uncle in the world. “I do like you! It’s just… Our family… They aren’t the nicest people to be around. But you’re not like that.”
“Yeah, you’re cool. Rock stars can always tell when somebody’s cool.”
Pickles saw that little bit of sparkle return to his nephew’s eyes. He wondered if there was a way he could keep it there.
“Hey, I got an idea. Tomorrow, would you wanna spend the day hanging around with your Uncle Pickles and his band?”
“No, nope, nuh-uh. No way we’re spending the day hanging around with some little kid.” Was what the members of Dethklok said five minutes before meeting Pickles’ nephew David. Five minutes aftermeeting him, the band was dead set on giving the kid the best, most metal post-birthday a boy could ask for. The six stormed arcades, ice cream parlors, even a petting zoo (partly with the logic that Australian petting zoos are more brutal because everything in Australia can kill you, partly with insistence from Toki.) One by one, the band’s uncaring brutal facades began to crack under the innocent wonder of a small child.
Nathan spent a good portion of the day with David perched on his shoulders, the two intently discussing the brutality of various dinosaurs.
Skwisgaar ate up the enraptured way the boy watched him play, which led to the guitarist pulling out increasingly more complicated techniques to keep his attention.
Murderface and Toki delighted in crafting elaborate and violent stories for the monster finger puppets and tiny parachuters David had won at the arcade.
By the time they were on the Dethcopter heading for Seth’s place, the band was seriously discussing the merits of adopting/kidnapping/buying him from his parents, before they realized there was actual work involved in having the kid around and promptly gave up on that idea. David left the chopper with his uncle to a chorus of suspiciously un-brutal sounding goodbyes. Just before reaching the front door, the little boy abruptly turned and threw his arms around Pickles’ waist.
“Thanks Uncle Pickles.”
“No problem buddy,” Pickles replied, awkwardly returning the hug as best as he could.
“Can you come visit again?”
He knew he should say no. Seeing David again meant dealing with Seth, and Pickles didn’t know if he could deal with seeing that greedy douche’s face on a regular basis. But with those big eyes staring up at him from that sweet freckled face…
“Of course, any time kiddo.”
Seth opened the door to let his son in, immediately questioning him on what kinds of things he’d managed to make his uncle pay for. Just before the door closed, David looked back at Pickles with a smile and held up his hand in the classic devil horns.
Yeah. Pickles could deal with Seth for this kid.
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vladtoly · 7 years
Watching Highways
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A/N: I’ve been struggling a lot with myself recently and Newsies has made life somehow more tolerable. I actually have the disorder mentioned in the story, so it is slightly personalized. I took everything listed in the beginning from personal experience. 
Also, i’m sorry for the messy naration, it slightly switches from 2nd person to 3rd at a point. I didn’t over read it either so there will be spelling errors. 
Enjoy, guys! 
Words: 2,039
TW: Bullying , cussing 
Tagged: @sincerlyyme
It had always been a problem for you. People would point it out, as if you didn’t know it was there. Make fun of it as if it weren’t part of you. The harassment started at a young age and though it has died, it never fully disappeared.
You were born with nystagmus, which definition wise, is the involuntary rapid movement of the eyes. You had never known how the world looked through stable eyes, you never had the chance. So when people pointed it out when you were just a child, you had no idea what they were talking about. People didn’t see like you? That wasn’t normal?
You ignored their words until it evolved to jabs and strikes. Children could be so cruel and you experienced firsthand just how far they’d go.
When you had entered middle school, your eyes were no longer a problem. Not for everyone else at least. They had the pleasure of forgetting the harmful words they said to you, pushing it into the past with their young ways. You however had picked up the self-conscious habit to never look anyone in the eyes, afraid you’d be shamed for what you couldn’t control.
This habit never quite died, you’d avoid eye contact without even thinking. It was a nasty habit to most, but for you it felt like self-defense. It felt safe.
Entering high school, you became more comfortable with yourself. No one had pointed it out in ages, at least not negatively. Upon the first week of school, you met two boys, Davey and Jack. They noticed your shaky eyes right off the bat, but didn’t even bother to point it out. If it was part of you, they’d just accept it and move on. With this mind set in place, you all quickly became friends. Eventually, you even joined them at the school newspaper, as a writer but also a Newsie, to help pass out the papers to various classes.
Now you sat mid fall semester of your senior year in the news room with fellow Newsies. The papers were just delivered to classes, so now you all had the rest of the period to sit around and talk. You sat between Davey and Race, who had his blonde hair pushed back and held an unlit cigarette between his teeth.
He was quite a sight to see, especially to you considering you’d harbored a crush on him since the beginning of junior year. You knew it was going nowhere though, considering you could barely talk to him.
Davey nudged your shoulder lightly. Turning to him, you saw him smirk and glance at Race, as if pushing you to talk to him. Your face turned red, but you did turn to talk to Race regardless. Maybe it would be easier today.
Race was listening to the conversation between Jack and Crutchie, but put his attention on you when he realized you were looking at him.
He tried to make eye contact with you, which you allowed in order to try and break out of your shell. Smiling softly, you began to feel confident, proud you got past that barrier all on your own. “Hey Race, did you read over the last pap-“
“The fuck is up with your eyes?”
You flinched at the harsh phrase, taken aback. This made things worse for you, seeing as when you were anxious or scared, your eyes would move at a faster pace, making things blurry. Yet years of harassment seemed to flash before your eyes.
“Oh shit, they’s movin’ faster now, ain’t that weird.”
Immediately, you averted your eyes to the floor as you heard conversations around you faltering.
“Race,” you heard Jack warn.
“What?” he replied. “I’s just tryin’ to see-“
He was cut off as your stood up and left the room. The computer lab was silent, all eyes on Race.
He looked around at everyone’s accusatory stares. “What just happened, I do somethin’?”
Davey spoke up instantly, furious. “She has a disorder, you moron, her eyes are always moving. You have no idea how insecure she is about that.”
Race’s heart fell to his stomach. He never meant to hurt you. He knew how he sounded when he said those words, but he was caught off guard. He shouldn’t have said anything at all.
Davey stood up, grabbing his and your backpack. “I’m going to go find Y/N.”
However, Jack stood and took the bag from his hands. Instead, he held it out to Race. “He should do it. It’ll give ‘im the chance to ‘pologize.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Race took the backpack and left on his search for you.
It took him ten or so minutes, but he found you. You sat out in the quad, facing the highway by the school. Watching the cars go by calmed you.
Behind you, you heard the grass rustle. You swiveled around, expecting to see Davey or Jack. You were not prepared to see a certain blonde haired boy, clearly uncomfortable, holding your bag. You raised an eyebrow, but turned back to the highway, hoping he’d leave.
He, instead, sat beside you, throwing your backpack to the space by your feet.
“Thanks,” you muttered.
Silence ensued until Race cleared his throat. “Ya know, I didn’t know youse had anything. I’m real sorry about saying anything, ‘t was never my intention to hurt ya.”
You softened slightly at the statement, but continued to look at the highway. “You didn’t know. It’s fine.”
His hand suddenly took yours and your head snapped to look at him. “It’s not fine though. I wanna understand so I’s can be more considerate to ya.”
A smile adorned your features and you looked back to the highway, your hand not leaving his. “It’s just a birth defect, Race. There’s not much I can do about it. As long as I never acknowledge it, it seems to kind of go away.”
“Can ya get rid o’ it?”
Off put once more, I went to snatch my hand back, but his grip tightened in a panic. “I didn’ ask to be rude, I swears. I like youse the way you are, I do. Just wanna know more.”
Though still slightly shocked, your hand relaxed back into his. “There’s a surgery I can go through with, but there’s always a chance I could go blind. I’d rather have limited vision than none at all.”
He nodded slowly, understanding. His gaze went to the highway with yours, watching the cars speed on.
Without thinking, you leaned into his arm and stared on ahead. He didn’t budge.
“Race?” You felt him hum in response. “You wanna know why I like watching the highway so much?”
He nodded again.
“It’s because for one solid moment, if someone else were to look at it, their eyes wouldn’t be able to focus on anything either.” Sighing, you head leaned on his shoulder. “It’s comforting to me.”
Race didn’t respond, but you knew he was trying to understand. And trying was all you needed.
Weeks had passed since the incident and Race seemed to be doing all he could to make for his small screw up. He’d bring you coffee in the morning, get you lunch, help with your stories for the paper- he was going above and beyond.
You waved bye to him, promising to see him at lunch, when Davey caught up with you.
“So how’re you and Race?” he asked.
Laughing, you lifted your bag onto your shoulder. “We’re fine I guess. Someone’s gotta tell him all is forgiven though; I can’t believe he still feels guilty over something that happened a month ago.”
Davey’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “You think all this is about that? No, no, Y/N, he likes you.”
You shook you head, taking his arm and dragging him to the side of the hallway. “No he doesn’t.”
“I don’t know how you can’t see it. He’s practically falling you around like a puppy.”
Your face flushed and you looked around the hall, everyone hurrying past each other. Smiling at Davey, you squeezed his shoulder. “I need to get to class. I’ll see you in Newspaper.”
You barely paid attention in your classes, too focused on what Davey said.
When arriving at lunch, you scanned the room for the other Newsies’.
“Who’re you looking for, freak?”
Oscar DeLancey. Hesitantly, you turned to see him standing with Morris. A cruel smirk was on his face, growing when he noticed your deer-in-the-headlights expression. “I can see why you can’t see the others. I bet you can hardly see anything with eyes like that.”
The boys were now next to you, Morris taking his turn to speak. “Good thing too. Otherwise, she’d have to see that ugly mug of hers.”
You were going to tell them to leave you alone, maybe even just run away. Before you could do either, Morris was pushed backwards, running into his brother.
Race stood in front of you now, a protective stance before you. “Wanna say that again, Morris?”
Morris strut himself forward, mere inches away from Race. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Race tackled him to the ground, landing a punch straight to his right cheek. Oscar went to grab him, but thankfully, Jack and a few of the other boys ran to pull Race back. It didn’t matter at that point- Race got what he wanted.
He calmed down and walked back to you, taking your arm to lead you out of the cafeteria. He gave a final look behind him, a warning to anyone else who wanted to mess with you. Then he continued to lead you out.
You both ended up in the Newspaper room, it being empty other than the Apple desktops scattered in rows. Race let go of you once the door shut behind you, going to sit on one of the tables. He avoided looking at you, instead staring at his hands.
You sat silently next to him. “Why’d you do that?”
He let out a short, harsh laugh. “He ain’t allowed to say that stuff ‘bout you. No one is.”
“I can take care of myself, Race, you know that. You can stop doing things for me too, all is forgiven, you know.”
He suddenly sat up and looked over at you. “I ain’t doing this to make up for nothin’, Y/N. I’m doing it ‘cause-“ He stopped then.
The room sat silent, but Davey’s words from earlier rang loudly in your eyes. Somehow, you knew what was coming next, and you weren’t complaining.
Softly, you nudged his shoulder with your own. “Go on.”
He looked over your now happy expression. Realization crossed his face and he sighed, covering his face with his hands. “Which o’ the boys told ya?”
“Davey. I didn’t believe him actually.”
Race turned his body to face yours. The old him was back as he smirked down at you. “Well, I think I can prove youse wrong.”
“I’d love it if you did.”
A perfect moment was made as his lips softly brushed yours. For such a loud character, he seemed hesitant, almost afraid to touch you. Taking matters into your own hands, you put your hands on either side of his face and turned your head to deepen the kiss. This gave him the permission he needed. He placed his hands on your waist, pulling your body flush to his. Your hands moved from his cheeks to his hair, running them through the soft tresses. The smell of cigarettes and cheap cologne filled your senses, something you knew you could easily get addicted to.
Before Race could attempt to take it further, you pulled away. He groaned at the loss of contact, leaning his forehead on yours.
“You know I can protect myself, right?”
“  ‘ts more fun if I do it.”
You laughed. “Whatever you say, Race.”
His right hand went to your face, softly brushing the pad of his thumb across your cheek. “I think youse is perfect, all o’ ya. No one gets ta say differn’.”
Words couldn’t express your happiness. Instead, you ran your hand through Race’s hair once more and reconnected your lips.
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