#so triple socks and hoodies and blankets it is
slavicafire · 5 months
the biggest problem with temperatures as low as we're having now is that this beautiful and wonderful apartment has uhh. has no working heating. so we are very much freezing
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vetteltea · 11 months
congrats on 500 !!!! you deserve it sooo much 🫰🫰
i know you aren’t really a lando girlie….but since you’re so talented,,,can i request strawberry tea w lando & the napping together prompt ? thank you !!!! 🫶 (and congrats again !! 💞🤧)
☕︎ strawberry tea
LN4 and 'napping together'
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He’s home. 
Every triple header you can’t attend gets a little troublesome; the apartment feels lifeless, the walls lackluster of laughter bouncing around. The puzzle the two of you had yet to complete lay dormant on the dining room table; a stark reminder that every meal without your boyfriend was eaten curled up on the modular sofa you’d also been sleeping on, the only comfort being a fluffy blanket, the smell of him already fading. 
The door had clicked, the text messages having faded since he had stepped off the plane, obviously more focused on returning back to you than responding to your questions. You didn’t care, not when you reached the entry foyer and saw him; tired, sore but smiling. His suitcase and travel bag faded into nothingness as a choked sob left your lips, running down the hall in sock feet and leaping at your boyfriend, two strong arms holding you against him, hiding his own head in your neck. 
“I’m home.” He’d whispered between shivers, overwhelmed from feeling your body pressed against his for the first time in over three weeks. Between whispers, in regards to how much they’ve missed one another, he’s pressing kisses against your face, your hands finding and threading through his curls, pleading he wouldn’t disappear without you again, at least not for a week.
Lando is so gentle, he can feel you shivering, probably from the lack of sleep and the realization he’s returned. It takes a few moments, unraveling yourself from one another, letting him link your fingers together, guiding you down the hall and back into the lounge. His heart melts when he sees the blankets cocooned into a makeshift bed like you had done oh-so-often for movie nights. 
“Have you been sleeping out here?” He coaxes, shifting from where you had been standing next to him, clamoring into the modular setup, immediately wiggling out of his shoes and hoodie, leaving him shirtless and oh-so-cozy. Lando didn’t miss the blush that tinted your cheeks, both from his toned chest and heavy question. 
“The bed felt…so empty without you.” The whisper left your lips. You hadn’t slept the first night, reaching out constantly to feel his warmth and shattering each time it hit that he wasn’t there. He’d never admit, but Lando had the exact same problem, having to physically exhaust himself into sleep. It would never come out, he’d never want his sweet girl to worry. Instead, he wordlessly raises his two arms, a signal for you to come and join him in the makeshift bed; he really doesn't have the energy to haul the cushions and blankets back to his actual bedroom.
It takes you less than a moment to react, bundling straight into his arms, both of you soft with giggles and gentle kisses. It’s like fitting a piece back together, your head immediately rests against his sternum, arms encircling you and holding you tighter. He’s warm. Oh, so warm and so comfortable that you can’t help but feel your eyes droop, getting heavier with the sleep debt you had gained. Delirium begins to overtake you both, adamant on napping rather than talking, it happened after years together.
“Do you want dinner?” You’d asked, voice teetering on the edge of sleep, only drawn closer when Lando’s hand reaches out, cupping your cheek and pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose. 
“We’ll order later. Right now I just want you.” He presses a final kiss to your temple, lying back into the blankets and dragging you with him. It’s less than a few minutes before sleep overtakes you both, eyes heavy with only one thought running through you both, that you’re home. 
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part of the vetteltea 500 celebration!
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leaentries · 11 months
boo basket | jamie drysdale
summary: trevor introduces jamie to the world of the "boo basket"
warnings: none, jamie is slightly helpless
wc: 700+
a/n: here's a little blurb for yall! i hope this helps tide over until i post my longer fic!
“What the hell do I even put in here, Trev?” Jamie’s voice echoed from the isle over. 
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It was 11:30 p.m. on a Tuesday night, yet Jamie and Trevor found themselves scrambling around the back shelves of their local Target. Trevor had been adamant about taking the dark-haired boy to make you a “Boo Basket.” Now, Jamie had no idea what this even was, but Trevor swore on his life that you had been hinting at wanting one. 
Before they had left the apartment in secret, in order to surprise you, Trevor had not-so-gracefully barged his way into your and Jamie’s shared room. Luckily, you were still taking a shower, so the secret wasn't spilled and the surprise wasn't ruined. 
Trevor practically lept on top of Jamie, who was tucked under the thick duvet. He then proceeded to show Jamie countless tiktoks about this so-called “Boo Basket.” Not giving Jamie an option, he quickly yelled to you a simple reason why the boys were leaving, then ran out the door. 
“It’s not that difficult, Jimmy! I’ve already shown you like a thousand tiktoks.” Trevor sassed as he walked over to help the distressed boy. “What do you already have?” The taller male grabbed the basket from Jamie’s hand only to find one item: a candle. 
“Seriously?” Trevor deadpanned, “You’ve been dating y/n for over a year now, you should know what she likes.” 
Jamie rolled his eyes, “I do know what she likes, but aren’t there some sort of guidelines for this thing?” 
“I mean, kind of. But it doesn’t matter that much, just get her a bunch of things she likes. For example,” Trevor then grabbed a soft, thick blanket from the shelf, “We both know she loves blankets, so here ya go.” He set the blanket in Jamie’s basket. 
Jamie nodded, signaling his understanding of what to do. He quickly put his mind to work, grabbing all sorts of goodies. Your favorites slowly but surely began to fill up the small red basket. Candies, snacks, perfumes, fluffy socks, etc. Trevor told him to get you a comfy hoodie, but Jamie knew you’d rather just stay in one of his. 
Rechecking all of the items, Jamie was positive he had everything. He even made sure to add a cute pumpkin painting set for the two of you to do as you watched your favorite Halloween movie.
“Okay, I believe I got everything. Are you sure about this, Trev? What if she hates it?” 
A deep sigh left the blonde’s lips, “Jamie, man. She’s gonna love it. I promise you. She’s been sending tiktoks about this thing all week.” 
Choosing to believe him, Jamie triple-checked the items before continuing to the check-out. 
Upon arriving back at the apartment complex, Jamie began to make up the boo basket, placing everything in the picture-perfect position. He sent you a quick text, letting you know that they were back. 
“I know this may sound weird, but I wish you were my boyfriend.” Trevor said to Jamie after inspecting his handy work. Jamie gave Trevor a pat on the back, before getting out of the Bronco. 
Trevor drove away, allowing you and Jamie to have a date night, just the two of you. The hockey player made his way up to the apartment, hoping that you would love his gift. He carefully unlocked the front door, making sure not to drop anything or make too much noise. 
Jamie set the basket on the center island, seeing as you weren’t in the front room. 
“Baby?” His voice rang through the semi-empty apartment. A smile graced his face as he heard your footsteps rushing from the back bedroom. 
“Hi, baby! Where hav-” You stopped midsentence at the sight of the Halloween-themed basket sitting in the kitchen.  You approached the counter, admiring all of the items you could see. “Whats all this for, J?” 
“Do you like it?” Jamie tried his best to hide the nervousness in his voice. You turned to him, eyes wide and bright. The brunette could have sworn he felt his heart skip a beat.
‘Like it? I love it, I mean, this is amazing.” You quickly moved into Jamie’s arms, wrapping your own around his torso. “Thank you, so much.” You mumbled into his body. Jamie placed a gentle kiss on your temple. 
“Anything for you, angel.” 
You pulled away from his arms slightly, “Let’s go have the best Halloween date night ever.” Jamie laughed as you dragged him to the living room. 
For once, he found himself thanking Trevor.
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btsficsandsuch · 1 year
I'd like to request an OT7 reaction to you being on your period and having cramps<3
Here you go! I hope this is okay.
Reaction to Period Cramps
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He makes you all of your favorite meals, especially your favorite triple chocolate brownies with caramel frosting and he doesn’t even judge you when you eat three of them within minutes of each other. He knows that you’re going through a lot and if some brownies is what makes you feel better then so be it. Afterwards he’d cuddle in bed and rub your belly trying to trying to ease away the pain (and slight tummy ache from all the sugar but he’d never bring that part up).
He was never really one for cuddling. He didn’t see how it would help with the pain but he did always make sure he had pain relievers on him in case you needed them and he’d always make sure you were hydrated because he knew dehydration could make the cramps worse. Then one month they were particularly bad. The pain relievers weren’t even making a dent. So when he came home and found you in bed with a heating pad wrapped around your mid section and noticed your tear stained cheeks he couldn’t help it and didn’t think twice before climbing in bed next to you gently pressing the heating pad on you to get more of the heat to your core. He laid there with you for a while until you were able to fall asleep and he realized maybe cuddling did have some healing properties after all.
You’re surprised with how every month it seems like he’s telling you a new period fact. If you weren’t in so much pain you’d find it adorable. This month he’s going on about different vitamins you could try and then there’s this herbal tea that he read is supposed to be really helpful. Gently you took his phone and placed it on the stand next to him before taking his hand and placing it on your lower abdomen motioning for him to rub circles. He realized that was all you wanted and he happily obliged.
You had texted him to let him know you were leaving work early due to your cramps. You just couldn’t take it any more. When you finally made it home you were greeted with the heavy aroma of pizza. You found the living room filled with all your favorite junk foods, the tv had your favorite movie ready to hit play, your comfiest hoodie and fuzzy socks were waiting for you on the couch, and he came walking out from the bedroom holding your favorite heated blanket and the teddy bear that you slept with every night.
You didn’t even have to say anything. He knew you were in pain thanks to how quiet you were. He quietly got up and walked towards the bedroom returning several minutes later. He held out his hand to you and then walked you to the bathroom where he had a hot bath waiting with some of your favorite vanilla scented bubble bath. He’d help you undress and get in the tub then he’d bring you a glass of wine and turn on a relaxing playlist for you. When you were done he’d help you into your comfy pajamas and then into bed so you could try and sleep away the pain.
He’d be kind of lost. He tried buying you nice things but he knew that wouldn’t take away the pain. He’d rub your belly and bring you aspirin but that only helped momentarily. He even tried Jins famous brownie recipe that Jin swears helps his girlfriend but it didn’t seem to make you any happier. One day you found him laying next to you in bed tearing up. After questioning him he broke down and told you how he felt awful that he couldn’t make you feel better. You reassured him that it wasn’t his fault and you appreciated every little thing he did and sometimes just being next to him was all you needed.
He would take you on walks around the city to get some exercise. He read that exercise can help ease cramps but he knew you wouldn’t want to set foot inside a gym right now so he thought this was a good way idea. Of course he’d stop and buy you some food from the street vendor you came across and then you’d sit down by the river talking for a while. After you told him that you were really tired he’d walk you back to the apartment and help you get in bed ready to cuddle until you both fell asleep for a much needed nap.
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innb33tween · 12 days
Homeless. Disconnected. Broke. Hungry. Cold. Tired. Alone(except the pooch). Lost. Confused. Suicidal. Angry. Dirty. In Pain - jaw(need medical care. ER discharged me BC there's no one to watch the pup {SD(NES), but lately IDK what to call her because she's had to stop people from trying to sneak up on me(I've had stalkers), in the dark, or try to get into my "tent" at night), foot, neck, sternum(fractured in July), upper back, legs, chest, head. I'm always in pain. I'm on meds that are slowly dwindling. 10 yrs on a narcotic for my pain, and I have a few days left. Oh well. I'll figure it out. I've heard withdrawal sucks. I'm just scared of the pain. I carry the essentials around everywhere I go. I leave my sleeping gear where I'm staying the night, but in constant fear of it being stolen. I mean, I'll "survive" without it, but it'll be hell. The nights are cold. But I can't carry everything all day. I'm not strong enough, and it hurts. We're both hungry. We've been surviving off a 24-hr food cupboard at the church where I can sometimes get a shower. I got one today after a week. Then, there were crackers and PB&J, so I ate. And I felt SO much better. We've both lost weight. The skin on my belly is saggy. Is that what getting old is, or will it go away with time? I've heard it's from dropping weight too quickly. Whoops. We average 10 miles a day, sometimes with only a can of veggies to eat. Even when we have more, it's not enough. I'm always hungry. But there's a big difference between being so hungry that you're not sure if you're legs will make it any further, and you're going to drop or just being grumpy because you want a chinese buffet, taco bell, a triple berry frosty from Wendy's, a reg chicken sandwich from BK, a vanilla and a strawberry shake from Mcd's(both large) and an ice cream cone, PLUS - to dine in a NICE restaurant with melt-in-your-mouth steak, home fries, free refills and frozen margarita, and dessert(S)! Before getting a shower and food, I wanted to stab my pocket knife into my wrist and stain the ground red with anger. Now, I'm still hungry, but not suicidal. The night before, I walked around praying someone would look at me and just offer me food. I wish people saw what I needed when they looked at me. I'm just "that homeless girl with the "vicious" dog." Also, I was sweaty, and I smelled. That's what I hated. I felt like everyone who looked at me could see how filthy I felt. I hate that my self-worth depends on these things. That's probably because most of the constant adults in my life never wanted me to have any. It makes it easier to control, manipulate, and abuse you. You don't fight back as much. You don't tell because you think that no one else cares. But I told. And told and told and told and told and told and told and told.... And now, I'm "missing". I left. I packed up what I could carry and started walking. I made it a little ways south, to another town I'm sort of familiar with and learning quickly. A map and a heavy bag teach quickly. I cannot access my FB, Gmail, I have no phone, no money, no bank account, no resources, no one to lean on. I have a pair of jeans, leggings, capris, shorts, a shirt, a tank top, an under shirt, 3 pairs of socks, 3 bras, flip-flops, and shoes that have a hole(and stink). The blister sucks. I have 3 hoodies. And all of it is filthy. I have a blanket, a tarp, and a shower curtain to try to keep warm. I use a poncho, too. I have a towel and wash cloth and soap, conditioner, tooth paste, tooth brush, and some misc hygiene products. I have a small propane tank, can opener, spoon, fork, knife, cup, and aluminum can. I have a bat. I have a few other things, too. I still have a working Fitbit. That's life. I have a power bank. Headphones for music at the library because music is life for me, and I miss it so much. But, I've dropped a lot. Carry your shit around for a while, and you'll learn what's important or essential. But I'm on a mission.....
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innbeetween · 12 days
Rock bottom to.....
Homeless. Disconnected. Broke. Hungry. Cold. Tired. Alone(except the pooch). Lost. Confused. Suicidal. Angry. Dirty. In Pain - jaw(need medical care. ER discharged me BC there's no one to watch the pup {SD(NES), but lately IDK what to call her because she's had to stop people from trying to sneak up on me(I've had stalkers), in the dark, or try to get into my "tent" at night), foot, neck, sternum(fractured in July), upper back, legs, chest, head. I'm always in pain. I'm on meds that are slowly dwindling. 10 yrs on a narcotic for my pain, and I have a few days left. Oh well. I'll figure it out. I've heard withdrawal sucks. I'm just scared of the pain. I carry the essentials around everywhere I go. I leave my sleeping gear where I'm staying the night, but in constant fear of it being stolen. I mean, I'll "survive" without it, but it'll be hell. The nights are cold. But I can't carry everything all day. I'm not strong enough, and it hurts. We're both hungry. We've been surviving off a 24-hr food cupboard at the church where I can sometimes get a shower. I got one today after a week. Then, there were crackers and PB&J, so I ate. And I felt SO much better. We've both lost weight. The skin on my belly is saggy. Is that what getting old is, or will it go away with time? I've heard it's from dropping weight too quickly. Whoops. We average 10 miles a day, sometimes with only a can of veggies to eat. Even when we have more, it's not enough. I'm always hungry. But there's a big difference between being so hungry that you're not sure if you're legs will make it any further, and you're going to drop or just being grumpy because you want a chinese buffet, taco bell, a triple berry frosty from Wendy's, a reg chicken sandwich from BK, a vanilla and a strawberry shake from Mcd's(both large) and an ice cream cone, PLUS - to dine in a NICE restaurant with melt-in-your-mouth steak, home fries, free refills and frozen margarita, and dessert(S)! Before getting a shower and food, I wanted to stab my pocket knife into my wrist and stain the ground red with anger. Now, I'm still hungry, but not suicidal. The night before, I walked around praying someone would look at me and just offer me food. I wish people saw what I needed when they looked at me. I'm just "that homeless girl with the "vicious" dog." Also, I was sweaty, and I smelled. That's what I hated. I felt like everyone who looked at me could see how filthy I felt. I hate that my self-worth depends on these things. That's probably because most of the constant adults in my life never wanted me to have any. It makes it easier to control, manipulate, and abuse you. You don't fight back as much. You don't tell because you think that no one else cares. But I told. And told and told and told and told and told and told and told.... And now, I'm "missing". I left. I packed up what I could carry and started walking. I made it a little ways south, to another town I'm sort of familiar with and learning quickly. A map and a heavy bag teach quickly. I cannot access my FB, Gmail, I have no phone, no money, no bank account, no resources, no one to lean on. I have a pair of jeans, leggings, capris, shorts, a shirt, a tank top, an under shirt, 3 pairs of socks, 3 bras, flip-flops, and shoes that have a hole(and stink). The blister sucks. I have 3 hoodies. And all of it is filthy. I have a blanket, a tarp, and a shower curtain to try to keep warm. I use a poncho, too. I have a towel and wash cloth and soap, conditioner, tooth paste, tooth brush, and some misc hygiene products. I have a small propane tank, can opener, spoon, fork, knife, cup, and aluminum can. I have a bat. I have a few other things, too. I still have a working Fitbit. That's life. I have a power bank. Headphones for music at the library because music is life for me, and I miss it so much. But, I've dropped a lot. Carry your shit around for a while, and you'll learn what's important or essential. But I'm on a mission.....
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stateofcharles · 2 years
too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet - DR3
pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x female!reader
word count: ~ 1,8k
warnings: fluff and only fluff (call your dentist)
summary: It’s your third anniversary with Daniel but you’re feeling unwell so - instead of going out to celebrate - he decides to have a date at your place. Your living room soon turns into a ballroom.
a/n: title from “New Romantics” by the one and only queen Taylor Swift
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“No babe please I’m not feeling well, I think I caught a stomach bug” you moaned on the phone to your boyfriend Daniel, while you rubbed your belly trying to seek some comfort from the ache that had been devastating you in the previous two days. He was in Woking, busy at the MTC, and you should have been there with him, but a severe stomachache had kept you in London, your hometown.
“But Y/N” you could almost hear him pouting through the phone, “It’s our third anniversary today! We should go out and celebrate in that Italian restaurant that you love. Are you really sure you can’t come here?”
“Dan” You pronounced his name sadly, “I know that, you can’t imagine how I’d like to eat their lasagna right now, but I’m quite sure it wouldn’t benefit my stomach. I’m really sorry babe.”
“No love, you’ve nothing to apologise for, it’s not your fault.” He sighed, desolation in his tone.
“What about another day? Maybe we can have a late celebration” you suggested, wanting so badly to spend a little time with your boyfriend.
“You know I’d do it, but I’m leaving for a triple header in a couple of days.” Sadness was obvious, and your heart clenched at the thought.
You both stayed silent for some minutes, until you heard a gasp on the other end of the line.
“I HAVE AN IDEA!” Daniel shouted just after.
“Ok Dan but please, I’d like to be able to hear for another twenty years at least.” You giggle as soon as you hear your boyfriend huffing.
“Yeah ok, whatever. Listen now. What about a night at your place? Easy and relaxing, we put on some random movie, we have whatever you want to eat, we cuddle and kiss and all that sweet stuff that you like.” He sounded excited, but the only thing you could do was laugh.
“‘The sweet stuff that I like’? Really Daniel?” Your boyfriend could be such a kid sometimes.
“Cmon Y/N, have you really picked up those words only?” Even if you loved teasing him, you returned serious for a minute.
“Fine, fine, I’m serious. Do you really want that? It’ll be quite boring, basically I’ll be stuck on the couch all the time.” The idea would have been perfect, if only you hadn’t had that bug.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I know it’ll be perfect anyway. All that matters is you and me, together.” Daniel answers softly, his smile is perceptible in his voice.
“Will you be here in time?” You ask nervously.
“Sure, it takes a little time from Woking and while I’m along the way I’ll stop to buy something to eat.”
“Ok Dan, see you later” you blew a kiss.
“Bye babe, see ya” and he hung up.
It was around 7pm when your bell rang. You opened the door and you found your boyfriend, handsome in his jeans and one of the hoodies from his collection; he had a plastic bag in his hand, his backpack on his shoulders and his distinctive, beautiful smile on his face. You, on the contrary, were dressed in an old oversized hoodie and a pair of sweatpants; to complete the framework, you had your panda socks and a big hearted blanket tied around your waist, an attempt to keep your stomach warm.
“Oh babe… I’m so sorry” Daniel closed the door behind him, his expression got immediately sad at the sight of you and your tired face.
“What do you mean? Have you-” Realisation hit you, “Daniel, it’s not your fault, it must have been something I caught at work, don’t worry I’m fine.” You reassured him.
“Yeah but seeing you like this makes me unhappy.” He pouted.
“Hey Dan, stop now. It’s nothing extreme, now let’s celebrate our anniversary.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, waiting for him to kiss you.
“Fine babe, Happy 3 years, I love you.” He leaned in until your lips met each other. Still in front of the door you started making out like two teenagers, your tongues dancing with each other. 
Suddenly, he broke the kiss. You looked at him while he showed you what was inside the plastic bag: he had stepped by a Thai takeaway restaurant and he had brought you your favourite dish, together with a bottle of orange juice. You stared at him, pure love in your eyes.
“You know you’re my favourite person in the world, right?”
He laughed, “Just because I brought you food?”
You pouted, “Yes Ricciardo, I am quite vulnerable at the moment, so shut up and let me adore you.”
He laughed again, and you couldn’t help but do the same, he was contagious. Then he picked you up, carrying you towards the couch and throwing you on it.
“DANIEL” you squealed, but he had a satisfied grin on his face.
“Now,” he started speaking as if he were proclaiming some sort of royal speech, “you stay here, warm under your blanket, while i set up the coffee table with our dinner.” He picked up the remote control from next to the TV and threw it at you, “In the meantime you choose a movie or anything you wanna watch.”
You looked at him in awe, “I love you” you whispered, tears in your eyes, “I’m sorry if I’m so emotional but-”
He interrupted you, leaving a kiss on your cheek. “It’s ok babe, now relax. I love you too.” 
You opened Netflix and started scrolling through the movies, but nothing really appealed to you. An idea popped up in your mind.
“Dan,” you called him while he was picking the glasses in the kitchen, “can I put the ‘Grease’ DVD?”
He came back to the living room, staring at you, “Really Y/N? Grease?” he was clearly holding his laugh back.
You pouted, “Yes Daniel, Grease.”
He sighed, “Fine, but only if you don’t start playing the lines over the actors’ voices.”
You puffed, “Ok, but I swear I can’t control it, it’s my favourite musical and I can’t help it. And you know that.”
You stood up and reached your bookshelf, picking the DVD and immediately putting it on the TV.
When the film begins, the table is completely set up. You slowly started eating the food Daniel had bought, carefully choosing the dishes which would have worsened the least your stomach situation.
When the first song started playing, you couldn’t help but sing it, completely in your world. Daniel was watching you: despite the bug, you were beautiful, completely caught up in the movie’s atmosphere and your face was shining. It was incredible how just a simple musical could light you up so much.
Daniel woke up from his trance state when he saw you standing up from the couch and untying the blanket from your waist. You leaned him a hand, a clear invite to stand up as well. He looked at you confusedly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Dan cmon!”, you encouraged him, “we have to dance to this song. It’s ‘Beauty School Dropout’!”
“Wanna practise for our wedding?” He joked, you flushed.
“Maybe” you whispered, but he had heard it, and he stared at you, surprise on his face.
“Anyway, stand up boy and let’s dance!” And really, Daniel didn’t want to dance, he had never liked it, but he couldn’t say no to you. So he gave up and he accepted your invite.
You tied your arms around his neck, while his immediately went around your waist. You both started twirling around the room, while you hummed the song’s lyrics. Your face was hidden in his neck, you were enjoying that moment and in your mind you could picture that same scene but in a wedding hall, or maybe on a beach. Marrying Daniel was a thought you had never considered seriously: your best friend had joked about it many times, ever since the day she had met your boyfriend, when she had whispered in your ear “Y/N this man is perfect, marry him or I’ll do it.”
But in that moment those words and thoughts were having a completely different meaning. Reflecting on it, you wanted it. You were sure, he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, the one you wanted to be the father of your children. However, you decided not to bring up the topic with him, you didn’t know how Daniel could react to it and you didn’t want the night to assume a negative fold.
If only you had known that the boy was thinking about the very same thing…
Anyway, the song soon ended: Dan made you twirl and then hugged you, while still swinging slightly. Time seemed to have stopped and you weren’t even paying attention anymore to the musical.
You were awakened by the start of the next song, definitely more cheerful and lively than the previous one.
You gasped, recognising it, “DAN! Can we dance this one as well? Please please please!!” You put up your best puppy eyes, and the boy could only nod - don’t blame him, he’s a normal guy who cannot resist the love of his life.
The night suddenly transformed into a ball, your living room the perfect ballroom. Neither you nor Daniel seemed to be able to stop moving, your stomach ache almost forgotten for how good you were feeling. It was definitely one of the best times of your life, despite being a normal night at your place, not even dressed up or having eaten any kind of fancy food. But that’s what you loved about him.
The pattern repeated for each of the following songs, neither of you seemed to be able to stop despite some pain that came back after a while. You didn’t care, you were happy in the arms of the man you loved more than anyone in the world. When even the last song finished, you collapsed on the couch, Daniel falling right next to you. You were both laughing, pure happiness flowing from your face.
Daniel turned to you hugging you and he started kissing you. “Happy anniversary Y/N, I’m so lucky to have you in my life.” he whispered.
You answered in the same tone, “Happy 3 years Daniel, I love you with my whole heart.”
You left one last long kiss on his lips, before you both fell asleep still hugged one to the other. This was definitely how you wanted to spend the rest of your life. 
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podiumackles · 3 years
Those Three Words | L. Norris
In which her wearing his hoodie leads to ultimate confessions, and she cannot get enough of hearing him say those three words.
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word count: 2,1k | no warnings | prompt(s) used: f2 & a29
Relationships. Though you had been in a few, being in unconditional love was a genuine, unique feeling. You didn't believe you had genuinely experienced the incredible feeling until you properly met Lando. You wouldn't dare to admit it, and neither would he, but the two of you reciprocated the mutual feeling of that dazzling affection.
You and Lando had been together for about six lovely months, and you managed to see each other regularly in between race weekends. He had even invited you to tag along during one, though you had politely declined. You had thought it might have been too soon to accompany him in such a comfortable and remarkable place to him. Since your sincere feelings had developed relatively rapidly, too much for your liking, you didn't want to possibly ruin it by going too fast into your meaningful relationship. You wanted to take it slow, and seemingly, so did he. Therefore, to you, it seemed like going to a race would make it too official.
Neither of you had enthusiastically shared the famous three words yet, both of you not daring to admit to being afraid of any possible outcome. Before you started your first relationship, you had stupidly thought it was effortless. Easy to be in love and trust someone to have the power of your gentle heart and not misuse it. However, it had been quite the direct opposite. Unpleasant situations with previous lovers had occurred, and it naturally caused you to be more cautious with the ones that followed.
Lando had not been in a serious relationship yet; most of them just didn't succeed the way he wanted to. He was terrified of going in too deep, and it unintentionally withheld him from giving in even the slightest. Though, he grew to trust you more, and you had definitely noticed he started to grow more comfortable around you each day. But as he undoubtedly noticed the bubbly feeling that had grown inside him, butterflies shooting through his stomach every time he laid eyes on you, he knew he was in deep.
Although going to race weekends currently seemed to be off-limits for you, Lando had been able to invite himself over to your humble apartment. After the first time he had come over, you had regularly spent the night together. You’ve been at his charming house; he’s been at yours. Just because after the first time, you were unable to let go; finding a familiar comfort in each other’s calming presence during the night. Both your houses were an utter mess, so it was no surprise you had each other’s clothes laying around as well.
You were currently positioned on the sofa, snuggled into a blanket with a hot chocolate and your favourite show on your modern television. You patiently waited for Lando to expectantly arrive at yours, eager to be close to him again after the triple header. You had eagerly followed the races and knew they didn’t entirely work out the way he wanted to. After the disappointing finishes and the insufficient number of essential points scored, you undoubtedly knew he’d appreciate some cuddles from his favourite person in the world.
You were close to dozing off on your soft sofa, the light outside slowly darkening as the clock neared five in the afternoon. Your cosy living room added to the cold winter vibes, causing you to let out a content sigh. As you willingly allowed your kind eyes to close, you heard a key carefully enter the door of your lovely apartment before it was slowly opened. You instantly abandoned your pleasant position on the sofa as you shot up, eager eyes searching for the familiar figure standing in your hallway. You got up and let your feet, which were covered in thick socks, haul you to Lando who had just messily thrown his jacket on the floor next to the heater.
You smiled as you tightly wrapped your protecting arms around him, keenly enjoying the familiar warmth that found its way towards your stomach. He gently placed a tender kiss onto your lips, and you were naturally delighted to return the favour. “Hey love,” he finally greeted you as he hesitantly pulled back, his soothing voice sending heat waves down your spine. “That’s what you call a warm welcome.” “What else did you expect?” You smilingly replied as you took the beanie he typically wore and enthusiastically put it onto your head. You walked back to your sofa, signing for him to follow as he let his eyes wander over your figure and let a hand go through his gorgeous hair to fix the mess the hat had possibly left.
You were wearing a grey pair of joggers, together with a black, thick hoodie he recognised all too well. “Is that my hoodie?” He asked with a satisfied grin as you returned to your secure spot, pausing the television that you had neglected in the process of enthusiastically greeting your boyfriend. He eagerly followed you to your current position, depositing his baggage somewhere near the dinner table. “No, not anymore.” You simply smiled at him as you replied, spreading your arms for him to join you. He eagerly accepted your loving invitation as he messily kicked off his shoes and carefully laid down next to you before you pulled the blanket over your bodies.
You comfortably rested your head on the armrest as you looked down to see Lando smile at you contently. For a second, he was rightfully concerned you could clearly see the hearts present in his eyes, his heart skipping multiple beats as he laid his head on your soft chest. You lovingly stroked through his familiar curls atop his head, and he allowed his glittering eyes to close, a smile still plastered across his face as he enjoyed your gentle touch and listened to the beating of your heart.
“You want to talk about racing?” He heard your voice speak gently, the vibrations in your chest, along with your words, unwillingly bringing him from his peaceful moment. He tiredly opened his eyes as he gave it a thought, though he wasn't sure if he'd be willing to ruin the comfortable moment you shared. He managed to lift himself off you slightly, your reassuring hand maintaining the pleasant spot on his head.
“I’d rather kiss you right now.” He mumbled, smiling as he placed a tender kiss on your rosy lips. You melted into him as you closed your eyes, both your arms finding their way around each other as if to impossibly pull your hearts as close as you could. Your jewelled fingers fiddled with the hair in the nape of his neck, your other hand pulling on the soft material of his hoodie. You hesitantly pulled back as you tried to catch your breath and let your foreheads touch.
“I think you did well, by the way,” you started as he slightly pulled back and properly observed your vivid eyes. “You shouldn't be too hard on yourself, your time will come, honey.” He smiled once again, something he undoubtedly noticed he couldn't keep himself from doing around you. He knew you weren't the only one who believed he was too harsh on himself, but he couldn't help from doing it. “It keeps me motivated,” he explained as he snuggled his head back into the crook of your neck, his soft curls slightly tickling your skin. “I wouldn't get this far if I were to consistently pity myself.” Your loving heart slightly sunk at his words, though you understood where they came from. Racing wasn’t easy, and you got that. Managing the winner’s mentality and being able to deal with the inevitable losses as well must be tough sometimes.
“As long as you turn the lows into even higher highs, I’m alright with that,” you stated as you placed an affectionate kiss in the bush of his curls. “Though I will not stop being the softie here, and will continue informing you how proud I am.” You felt his loving grip tightening on your body, and it was in that memorable moment you realised you truly were in deep. As your pleasant thoughts wandered off, and Lando managed to release the gorgeous butterflies in your stomach again, you almost completely zoned out. Your breathing grew uneven, and you were almost worried Lando was able to feel your heart beat out of your chest. You realised you truly loved him and there was no point in stubbornly denying it any longer.
The drowsy voice of your boyfriend forced you back to reality, “This is my favourite hoodie, though.” He stated as he fiddled with the strings of the piece of clothing splayed around your chest. “Too bad it’s my favourite too,” you chuckled as you set your unoccupied hand atop of his. “And last time I checked, you left it in my apartment.” “Seems like those joggers are comfortable, too.” He spoke softly, his kind voice getting muffled by the soft material of your hoodie. He was right, this full outfit actually belonged to him. You let out a gentle laugh, the vibrations sending heat waves right through his body.
“You’re lucky I love you.” He uttered the words with so much ease, realising what he had announced only mere seconds later. His panicked eyes shot open as he stayed frozen in his spot, not daring to move a single muscle. Your heart stopped for a second, silently screaming at the pleasant words it had only just heard. Your hand halted its motions in his hair, though you allowed letting it rest on his head. He felt your breathing quicken and prepared himself to mentally curse himself for what he had just confessed. The situation frightened him; it had felt so natural to tell you, though he wasn’t sure himself if you were ready to say it back.
Simultaneously, your stomach turned out of ultimate happiness that you finally managed to detect the words that you’ve been dying to hear escape his soft lips. You shifted in your spot, letting your eyes fall on Lando his motionless body still clamped to yours. You smiled gently, dearly wanting to make sure he had indeed pronounced the famous words.
“Lando,” you started as you felt him stiffen, a faint hum escaping him. “Look me in the eyes and say that again.” You felt his head leave your chest before your gaze met his. Your heart was fluttering, and your mind was racing.
“I love you.” There they were once more, those three words that caused you wanting to scream in excitement and cry from eternal happiness. A faint smile instantly started to appear on your face, your delighted features sending those butterflies through Lando his stomach yet again.
“I love you.” He whispered, a smile now finding its way onto his kissable face as well. You pulled him in closer, if that was possible, and forced your lips onto his for the third time that evening. Though this time, it was much more meaningful. You both closed your eyes as you let yourself get lost in the moment; you felt his body clamped onto yours, his left hand lovingly found its way on your hip as the other arm was hidden under your back. Your legs tangled in each other’s, your gentle hands on his rosy cheeks, thumbs softly rubbing circles over the surface.
You allowed yourself to pull back from the kiss, desperately trying to catch your breath. You sent each other a knowing smile, noticing the relief of your anxieties of keeping those words to yourselves. “I love you, too.” You chuckled and a content sigh escaped your swollen lips. Lando let out a soft chuckle as well as he hauled you in for yet another passionate kiss.
You didn't believe you had ever truly loved anyone else before you met him now that you knew what it actually felt like. It was in that moment that you sincerely hoped this was it; this was him. The soulmate you were meant to cross paths with. The one qualified person that would not drop your heart after trusting them to protect it with their lives. The one that you would spend the rest of your lives with. He was the one you'd never want to stop saying those three words to, and it was the same for him.
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cultleaderyoongi · 5 years
Get To Know Me tag
Tagged by the wonderful @jincentvangogh to do this. Tysm, darling! 💕 I’ve done one of these before, but I didn’t really answer some of the questions, so here we go again.
name: Jasmin
nickname: none besides the usual ones from the bf
star sign: Aries
gender: female
sexuality: forever a mystery
favorite color: green, but I like all colors
time right now: 3:47 PM
average hours of sleep: I’ve gotten better at adapting a human schedule, so I get around 7 hours
lucky number(s): 2, 7 and 9
last thing I googled: Samsung Galaxy A50 (I’m in desperate need of a new phone)
number of blankets: one, if I feel brave two
favorite fictional character: Effy Stonem will always have my heart
What am I wearing? gray hoodie with my old highschool logo, gray sweats, and fluffy socks (aka my go to lounging fit)
favorite book: The Picture of Dorian Gray is one I always go back to
favorite musician(s): besides BTS atm Doja Cat and Rosalía 
dream job: I don’t have a dream job, but I’m working towards a bachelor’s degree in architecture
number of followers: we made it to the triple digits, ayyy
When did I create my blog? this one late 2018, but I’ve been on Tumblr since the early 2010s
What do I mostly post? Bangtan of course
What made me decide to get a Tumblr? I started having all sorts of dreams of Bangtan and thought “why not start writing?”
When did my blog reach its peak? define peak 👀
Do I get asks on a daily basis? I’ve gotten like two asks in my time of being here
Why did I choose my URL? well, the ON music video came out, I saw Yoongi surrounded by all these ladies in black cloaks holding candles and thought “yes this is it” (more enthusiastically of course)
Tagging @ughustd @memeofthesoul @thefullmobb @taegi @minsbutt if you want to 
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lucimorningstar812 · 5 years
2nd times the charm...
Ok here me out
Ego merch
I know there’s the socks and I think they're really cool, but as someone who would end up paying at least double for them because of shipping and customs, I’d much rather have something more visible
Give me t-shirts, hoodies, pins, journals, beanies. God damn it give me plushies or pillows, blankets or little figures. Give me gradual releases for each charity stream so there’s something new that people will jump on to buy along with the monthly pin
Imagine how much would be raised for charity if things like that were brought out? The kinds of things that maybe even the ones who would end up paying almost triple the price might decide to buy
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daebakinc · 6 years
Warmth in the Storm
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Pairing: Hyunwoo x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1.K Summary: In the middle of a blizzard, you stumble into Hyunwoo’s bar and wind up with more than the snow on your boots melted. A/N: Inspired by @monstaxnight ‘s imagine here. 
           Winter is not known for its gentleness. It has its moments of soft, white, silent beauty of diamonds and velvet, made all the more so by knowledge it will melt away beneath the sun’s prolonged gaze. But tonight, is not one of those nights.
           Tonight, Winter rages and curses, throwing snowflakes so thick and fast at your face that you have to squint to see anything at all. Its winds buffet your body side to side even as Jack Frost paves the road beneath your feet with ice. With childlike shuffles, you fight through the blizzard towards the neon sign that shouts ‘Bar’, its holiday red letters blanched pink by the snow.
           The parking lot is empty except for a solitary truck already asleep under a deep blanket of snow when you at last reach the building. But the windows are all still merrily lit so you clutch onto the hope someone is there as desperately as you do the handrail leading to the porch. Your stiff fingers slip on the doorknob. A whimper squeaks through your teeth as they sink deeper into your split lip. You try again and nearly fall when the door swings inward.
           It swings shut behind you as you stumble forward. The excited chatter of a sportscaster is brash in your ears after the howl of the storm.
           “Oh, my god. Are you alright?” a man’s voice asks.
           Ice and snow coat your eyelashes, so you can only make out a large white and blue blur coming towards you. A hand presses against your back to guide you further inside. You try following, but your knees crumple with the relief of even a hint of warmth.
           “Easy there.” Your savior pries your arm from your chest to wrap it around solid shoulders.
With his support, you hobble forward. He stops and lowers you onto something soft. A couch. The faint smell of spilled beer and popcorn sneaks through your frost-bitten nose.
“I’m going to move the couch, so don’t freak out, okay?”
You’re not sure he can see you nod through your triple wrapped scarf, but you do. The floor glides beneath your feet and heat engulfs you like a mother’s hug. Your insides melt alongside the ice on your eyelashes in the presence of that comforting smell of woodsmoke only a fire brings.
The man squeezes between the wall and the arm of the couch. He crouches by the fire to throw a few more logs in the wide fireplace and stoke the fire. It gives you time to blearily admire just how broad his shoulders are, stretching the fabric of his cream-colored cable knit sweater. And a cute butt in snug jeans to boot.
“Alright, let’s get out of those wet things.” He pivots on the balls of his feet and reaches for your boots. His fingers brush melting snow away from your boots’ shoelaces, but he pauses. Looking up with uncertainty in his eyes, he asks, “May I?”
He waits for your starstruck mind to remember to nod, then starts stripping you with careful efficiency. First your boots, then your socks, vest, sweatshirt, and scarf are lined up on the bricks in front of the fire to dry. Even as you defrost, you still find your breath coming in uneven puffs as the man gets closer and closer to your face.
You may still be delirious from freezing, but right now, he is unquestionably the most handsome man you’ve ever seen with artful bedhead, bronzed skin, pillow lips, and a jawline to kill for. But what has you truly staring are his eyes. They’re the shade of brown dreamers possess, dark and deep with their passions, but they now carry only gentle concern. The care with which he handles you, only making contact with your body when necessary, baffles you. You’ve never met before, yet he’s treating you with the tenderness you would reserve for a dear friend.
After plucking your hat from your head and dropping it beside your other clothing, he reaches over your shoulder, his chest coming a whisper away from your face. Zesty cologne and the unmistakable scent of a man fill your nose. When he pulls away, you stifle a sigh.
He tucks the blanket now in his hand around you, entrapping your entire body in warmth. Rubbing the bottom of your blanket over your feet to finish drying them off, he says, “There we are. Hang on one more second. I’ve got some spare clothes in the back that you can borrow ‘til yours dry.”
You take the opportunity to look around when he disappears down a hallway. Rustic stacked logs make up the walls of the spacious room, decked here and there with pine branch draped frames that enclose various band posters. In the opposite corner from the couch sits a long hardwood bar, lined with the usual variety of green and brown glass bottles. A big screen TV sits above the bar, playing the end of the soccer match you’d heard earlier. Echoing the game on the screen, a large foosball table takes up the corner behind you.
“Here we go.” The man returns with a folded stack of clothes, thick black socks sitting on top of the pile. He jerks a thumb over his shoulder towards the way he’d come. “There’s a bathroom back there if you want to change there or you can change right here. I’m going back to the bar for a minute, so it’s up to you.”
You glance to the dark hall, then back to the fire. There’s no way you’re leaving its warmth, not when you’re just beginning to defrost.
As he hands you the clothes, you finally find your voice. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiles, blinding you like the sun shining on fresh snow after the breaking of the storm. Leaving your line of vision, he says, “It’s pretty late to be out on the roads.”
Keeping your head above the blanket as you slide off your jeans to exchange them for the sweatpants, you reply, “Schools got out early, so I switched shifts at work with a coworker, so he could be home for his kids. I didn’t think the storm would be this bad.”
“Your car slide off the road?”
“Yeah, right into a snowbank. Luckily, I could see your sign from where it did, or I might’ve frozen to death.”
“You’re legal, right?”
The question jolts you upright. “Excuse me?” You turn your head to look at him.
He holds up a bottle of something, the label too small to read at the distance. His gaze is guileless as he clarifies, “You can drink?”
“Oh, yeah.”  You duck your head under the blanket to discard your shirt for his hoodie, glad for the excuse to hide your embarrassment at your own assumption. Your cheeks getting hotter when you realize it smells like him.
For a few moments, neither of you speak, the only sounds being the crackling of wood, the television, and the clinking of glasses. The thick walls completely mute the wailing of the storm outside.
“Everything good?” he calls from the bar when you stop wriggling.
“Yes,” you answer.
He walks over, two surprisingly elegant glasses in hand full of luxurious cocoa-colored liquid topped with a mountain of frothy whipped cream. “Spiced Irish coffee for you,” he says, handing you one of the glasses.
Gripping it with both hands, you take a sip and shudder as the burn slides down your throat to settle in your stomach like a glowing coal. “Thanks. Is that what you’re drinking too?”
“Nah. Just Mexican hot chocolate here. Don’t drink on the job.” He laughs and takes a drink of his own, sitting on the floor by your feet. Your eyes can’t help going to his lips when his tongue darts out to wipe away cream that clings there. “Getting warmer?”
“Yes, thanks. So, you own this place, Mr. ��?”
“Yeah. And it’s just Hyunwoo. Son Hyunwoo.”
You shake his offered hand, that warm feeling in your chest spreading at the way his envelops yours, and offer your name in return.
“Nice to meet you. I don’t mean to pushy, but can I suggest something?”
“Sure,” you answer, curious as to what he could be about to say.
“I really don’t feel comfortable with you going back to your car tonight. We won’t be able to get a tow truck out here until the morning, if even then, so you should probably stay here for the night. The couch pulls out and everything.”
Your eyes drop to the coffee in your hand, considering. Hyunwoo’s right and despite knowing him less than an hour, with the kindness he’s treated you with, you can’t help trusting him. “What about you?”
“I live in one of the backrooms, so I’m all set. So you’ll stay?”
“Yes. Thank you, really. You’re being incredibly generous,” you say, glancing at him with a shy smile.
Hyunwoo smiles back, his eyes crinkling in a way that spreads a fuzziness through your veins entirely different from the alcohol-inspired kind. “It’s the holiday season, isn’t it? Are you hungry? I can’t do much, but I can make us some mean tomato soup and grilled cheese?”
“That sounds great, thanks.”
“Cool.” He points to your glass as he gets to his feet. “Just give me a yell if you need a refill.”
You watch Hyunwoo’s back as he heads to his rooms again, the smile he conjured on your lips feeling like it may be tattooed there. Maybe this storm wasn’t the worst thing that’s happened to you after all.
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pocandkpop · 6 years
i’m sorry!got7 x reader(poly)
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Not my gif
Themes: angst to fluff
Words: 4.3k
Proofread to the best of my ability
This has to happen. There's no way she could honestly stay with them. Those seven boys who showed their love to her almost ruthlessly. They made her heart swell with gratitude and appreciation every second she was around them. She knew what it felt like to feel unappreciated. She was the most underappreciated person she knew. She gave and gave, not wanting to receive anything back, but it does feel good to be appreciated. It feels good to know that you're wanted and that you are an intricate part of someone's life, to know that you aren't wasting your time. She felt like she she was wasting her time. There were seven of them for Gods sakes! They didn't need her. When it came down to it, she wasn't an intricate part of their life and routine. She wasn't important to them. She didn't know what she did to deserve their friendship, attention, or time, but all she could say was that she was eternally grateful.
my favs and me💖
bambam: y/n! coming over today right?
yugyeom: she said she would
jackson: you do that bomb ass braid out bc girrrrrlllll!
jb: jackson chill
jb: but did you tho?
mark: ha! JB a weirdo acting like he doesn't wanna know too
jinyoung: yo crackheads...stfu
youngjae: y/n!!!!! im excited to see youuu
I'm excited to see y'all too!! See you  💓💓
yugyeom: KAYUTEEEE
y/n was trying not to cry. She had to be strong or else this wasn't going to be easy for anyone. Sending that text was one of the hardest things she has ever had to do in her life.
"You can do this, y/n. Like a bandaid, girl, just like a bandaid." She tried to coax herself as she grabbed her keys, putting her phone in her back pocket. She walked outside her apartment, locked her door, and went to her best friend, Amika Ravenloc's car. She got inside. "You sure about this y/n?" She asked, turning to look at her. "No, but I know that I have to do this. I feel myself just falling for them more and more everyday and that shit is scary. I'm gonna end it before they can... Amika, I'm scared." Y/n confessed, her nerves finally getting to her. She started shaking. "I know, hun. I know." Amika patted her knee. "If this is what you want to do, then do it. I'll be there for you afterwards. You can cry all you want and we'll have a movie night, all the stuff you like. You got this." Amika pepped her up. She started driving. "I'll stay parked, like, down the street so you can just come to the car when you're done and I'll, just, zoom off. They won't catch me." She explained. Y/n nodded. "I got you." She agreed.
Amika got to their place pretty quick which meant the two girls would get out of there even faster. "I'm right here. You got this, girl." She told y/n. Y/n took a deep breath. She fiddled with Jaebum's hoodie that she decided to wear. Was it a smart decision? No, not really. It only makes things harder. She opened the door and walked to the boys' house. She got to their doorstep. She went to knock but hesitated. Was she really doing this? Was she really about to end this beautiful friendship? "It's best for all of us y/n. You can do this." She coaxed herself to knock on the door.
"Y/n!!" Jackson shouted, swinging the door open. She almost broke down right then and there. She couldn't help but burst out laughing as she hugged him. "Jackson!" She exclaim. The two of them headed to the living room area after Jackson locked the door. "I missed you!" He held y/n close. "Guys, look who's here!" He announced. The room erupted in shouts of happy greetings. Yugyeom tackled her with a big hug. They both almost went down. "You have socks on dummy!" Y/n laughed. "I missed you y/n!"He cupped her face, gushing at her. "Stop hogging her Yugyeom!" Mark exclaimed from the couch. Y/n couldn't stop smiling.
"What were y'all doing?" She asked. "We were just talking about random stuff." Mark answered. "Y/n, come here." Jaebum patted his lap. Y/n's heart started beating triple in speed. This is what she was talking about. They were getting too close. "Nah, I'm okay." She waved it off, sitting in a chair by the doorway. Jaebum looked at her confused. "Come. Here." He said again. Damnit. She just couldn't say no to him. Y/n stood up, lips pursed, and went to Jaebum. He pulled her to sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around her. "JB hyung at it again!" BamBam laughed. "He stay on y/n." Youngjae joked. "This my baby, what y'all mean?" Jaebum laid his head on her shoulder. "You did do that braid out! I'm dead." Jackson over dramatically died. "She looks so good!" Yugyeom made weird noises.
"Um, hi Jinyoung! You weren't gonna say something to me?" Y/n joked with him. "Don't start." Jinyoung laughed. Y/n mimicked his laugh making everyone else laugh. Jinyoung stood up, moving towards her. "You think you funny, huh?" He held her chin with one hand, making her look at him. "Oh, I know I'm funny." She stuck her tongue out at him. He couldn't help the smile that spread on his face, letting her go and went back to his seat. "You wanna watch a movie? We haven't had a movie night in forever." Youngjae suggested. "That sounds like a great idea!" Mark clapped his hands. "I'll go make the popcorn!" Yugyeom ran to the kitchen. "Bust yo ass, see if we don't laugh!" Y/n shouted. Bambam laughed out loud, following Yugyeom. "I'll go get the movies! Cmon Youngjae!" Jackson exclaimed, pulling a protesting Youngjae along. "Cute." Mark commented, bopping y/n's nose. He went to go get blankets. This was getting way out of hand.
"Guys-" "Sit by me y/n!" Jackson exclaimed. "No, me!" Youngjae argued. "She's staying in my lap so yall gonna have to sit by me." Jaebum pointed out. "Hyung!" Yugyeom whined from the kitchen. Bambam came into the room. "You guys-" "Animated movie or action movie?" Jackson asked. "Animated." Jinyoung answered. "No, action." Mark shook his head. "Both!" Yugyeom walked in with the popcorn. "Y'ALL!" Y/n shouted, forcing Jaebum's arms off from around her. Everyone focused on her. She backed up to the doorway. "I-I have to go. Like, forever." She stuttered. She never stuttered. Smart transition y/n! She scolded herself. "Why? Is something wrong?" Jaebum questioned. "Yes. This..us..I can't be friends with you guys anymore. It won't work. I'm sorry." She turned to leave but Jaebum's booming voice made her freeze. "Explanation please."
Y/n took a deep breath. "Where is this coming from?" Mark asked. "I just can't, okay?! I don't want to be friends with you guys anymore. There shouldn't need to be an explanation. It's just gonna hurt more later. It's gotta stop now." She started crying. "No the fuck it doesn't. Y/n, you're not making sense-" "Yugyeom." "No, hyung! She can't just up and leave us without reason! I won't let her." Jinyoung held his shoulder. "Sunshine. Are you sure you want to leave?" Youngjae asked. She bit her lip. "We can talk it out. We'll listen to you. We can figure this out." Jackson said, voice full of concern and understanding. "No. I'm not your sunshine! I don't..I don't..I just don't!" Y/n broke down even harder, almost doubling over. She took off the hoodie, looking at it sullenly. She threw it to the ground out of a mix of emotions. "Y/n, just have a seat and we can-" "Don't touch me, Jaebum. Just let me, just, just, let me alone!" Y/n ran to the front door, unlocked it as fast as she could, then ran to Amika's car. Shouts could be heard from the boys and feet pelted the ground, meaning they were chasing her.
"Go, go, go!" She screamed, jumping in through the window, something she never thought she would ever do in her life. The situation was so terrible, she literally leapt at the opportunity to get out as fast as she could. The car took off. The boys looked exasperated as they stopped running after her. They were too confused.
Y/n laid in the backseat of the car, covering her face with her hands. She sobbed and sobbed till she was too tired to keep going and let the tears fall silently. "Did I just fuck up Amika?" She asked, voice hoarse and cracking. "That's up to you to decide. You broke it off with them so this would happen now instead of later, right? You accomplished your goal. You're free. That's what you wanted." Amika answered. "Yeah..what I wanted." Y/n sighed. Tears for now instead of later. Hurt them before they can hurt you. That was the goal, right?
"What just happened?" Youngjae asked as Mark, Jaebum, Jackson and Yugyeom walked back into the living room. "She has to be joking. There's no way she really just ended our friendship like she just did. It doesn't make sense." Mark looked at the boys confused, sullen, and scared faces. "Without an explanation, too. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pissed right now." Jackson said, tapping his foot. His expression was stone cold and his arms were crossed. "How about we just text her? See if she'll tell us in the group chat." BamBam suggested. "We can try." Youngjae shrugged.
Jaebum went to pick up his jacket from off of the floor. He sighed. "Looks like I'm going to her house." He said. "Don't do that." Jinyoung shook his head. "Why not?" Jaebum questioned  "You see how hard she was crying. It must have taken a lot to do what she just did. I think we are the last people she wants to communicate with." Jinyoung answered. "What did we do wrong?" All eyes turned to Yugyeom who was sitting on the floor, staring at his hands. "We didn't do anything wrong to hurt her did we? I could've swore we were, we, we made her so happy, but she still left. Why did she leave, hyungs? What did we do?" The poor maknae was so confused and hurt that he started to cry. "Yugyeom, don't, please." Jaebum went to hug him. "She's the best, hyung! She's pretty and funny and she fits in perfectly, so why?" Yugyeom allowed himself to cry in his hyungs arms. "I don't know. I don't know." Jaebum stroked his hair.
"We're here." Amika said, pulling into her driveway. Y/n sat up, her head pounding. Amika went to go unlock her front door. Y/n shortly followed. Amika locked her car then her front door and the two girls settled down on the couch. "I'm going to order some pizza and we'll get this sleepover started!" She cheered. Y/n cracked a smile. She turned on the tv, turning it to her favorite channel. Watching her favorite TV show always cheered her up. "Let's watch-" y/n's phone went off. "I didn't know it was..oh wait." She stopped when she realized it was a special ringtone she set for just the boys. Her phone buzzed relentlessly. She wanted to check it but Amika beat her to it. She turned off her phone and set it down in the kitchen. "They won't ruin our night, right? Let's have some fun!!" Amika cheered. Y/n smiled and joined it, her spirits being lifted with the sheer excitement her best friend radiated. Tonight was about her and her best friend, not those seven boys who aren't in her life anymore, despite what her heart says.
It's been a few weeks and everything has been going smoothly. Y/n has been getting better as time progressed. She took a break from her phone, knowing the hundreds of texts they've sent her would be there. Missed calls, emails even, that she knew were awaiting for her. She decided to focus on working. She worked at a cafe that was, thankfully, unknown to the boys. She knew it would be a good idea to not tell them because she knew they would be a public disturbance. BamBam trying his best to bust a move to the chill music, Youngjae's loud laugh, Jackson screaming and being the extra person he was, Mark joining in on the antics, Yugyeom whining and bothering her, all the while, Jaebum and Jinyoung, defeatedly, sat back and watched the chaos unfold. Y/n caught herself smiling at the vision and her nose started burning while her eyes started welling up with tears. "Be right back." She told her coworker, Edyn, a dark skinned woman with short 4c hair. Y/n went to the bathroom.
"Pull yourself together. This was the right decision. You don't need them. You just want them. Need and want are two different things. Get it together, girl. Get it together." Y/n took a deep breath and fixed her face. Random waves of emotion weren't a surprise anymore. It was all apart of the process. She knew that she would get over it eventually. However long eventually was. She went back out behind the counter. "Sorry about that." She apologized. "Girl, are you sure you're okay? You've been going to the bathroom to cry for weeks now. Did something happen?" Edyn asked. She could read y/n like an open book. "I just ended a friendship is all." Y/n answered. "Ending things should be a joyous occasion. You should feel free of whatever that friendship had. Was it toxic?" Edyn questioned. "No. It was perfect actually. Too perfect, and I had to end it before it hurt me." Y/n rubbed her arm, moving to look at the cookies. "Before it hurt you? Honey, you're going to get hurt a lot in your life. Avoiding it and being scared of it is no way to live. Your mindset wasn't in the right place when you made the decision to end that friendship. You were playing to your own delusion, thinking of only yourself. I know you're not a selfish person. Whoever was apart of that friendship is probably the best ever and you let your mind trick you into thinking otherwise. Now, I know you don't like being told what you already know, but you should go talk to whoever it was. They probably want to hear from you, too." Edyn hugged the melanin infused girl. The bell rang, signaling another customer. "There goes another one. Take the rest of the day off. I'll cover for you." She winked at y/n. She couldn't have been more thankful for Edyn in that moment. Y/n went home as soon as possible.
"Go back to them? There's no way I could. I ended it and that's final. What kind of person would I be to end a friendship then go back to them like nothing ever happened? I'd be a joke." She sighed, sitting on her couch, watching TV. "They wouldn't want anything to do with me. I couldn't go back even if I wanted to." Three loud knocks came from her front door. She jumped, startled.
"Y/n? Are you home?" It was Jackson's voice. "Open up. We really want to talk." Mark shouted. "You haven't answered any of our texts or calls or voicemails. We're really worried." BamBam revealed. "Maybe she isn't home." Jinyoung said. "Her car is here, she has to be home." Jackson clicked his tongue. "She doesn't have to be home. She could've gotten an Uber. You never know. In any case, we should leave." Jinyoung sighed. "I'm not leaving. I'm going to see her. She can't stay in there forever." Yugyeom put his back against the door. "This again, Yugyeom, cmon." "Don't touch me, hyung!" "Both of you stop!" Jaebum's booming voice yelled. Y/n jumped. "Let's just go." He stormed off. "Hyung.." "Sunshine. If you're really in there this time, please open the door. We need you right now." Youngjae cried. After a few minutes of silence, there was a shout, the sound of car doors slamming shut, and a tire screech with a roaring engine, signaling the boy's departure. That was when y/n let it all out.
They needed her yet she still stayed put. She didn't do anything when she should have. If that wasn't an indication that she was wrong to end the friendship, then she didn't what was the truth anymore. She wanted desperatly to convince herself that she did the right thing, but the way her heart hurt with every beat, she knew that she was wrong to leave. She blew her nose then went to her front door. She opened it, seeing a note on her door and a box. It was the box of jackets and other clothes she sent to return to the boys. She didn't have it in her to personally deliver them.
Keep them. They're yours. Don't forget us and please check your phone. We hope for happiness and health to be the only thing you receive for the rest of your life. We love you, sunshine. - JB
That sent her into another fit of hysterical tears. She ripped the box open, grabbing a hoodie, it was Mark's, and clutched it. She held it so, so tight. This was suppose to prevent this from happening but it hurt way more than them breaking her heart like she thought. She was being so stubborn and for what? She just needs to face reality and go back to them. Admit that she was wrong because she was. There was no positive outcome for any of this.
Y/n took the box inside and closed her door, relocking it. She sent the note down on her coffee table and turned on her phone for the first time in weeks. She knew there would be a lot of missed texts and calls but this was ridiculous.
My favs and me💖
yugyeom: please pick up
yugyeom: im desperate to hear your voice
yugyeom: let me know you're okay
mark: jackson and jb argued again..
jackson: i punched jb hyung. I didn't mean it
youngjae: coco misses you so much. she wants her mommy back
mark: she hasn't been eating. im scared for her
youngjae: all she does now is mope around. I try to take her out but all she does is lead me to your house...
bambam: come dab with me again
jinyoung: come dab with everyone again.
jb: youngjae cried again. there was almost no calming him down this time. he misses his sunshine. we all miss our sunshine. please come brighten our lives again. i beg you
mark: i almost broke my phone from throwing it when i saw no reply. i miss you hun. i rly do
jackson: come home to us. i swear we'll be on our best behavior just come back please
jinyoung: i almost put jackson out. he keeps getting an attitude with everyone. he's just hurting but it's too much sometimes
jb: Lord, I pray that you bring our sunshine back into our lives. Amen.
There were many more texts saying the same thing. It was a shock that they actually fought each other. Sure, they argued here and there but physically punching was something y/n never witnessed. That was all it took for her to make up her mind. She was going to go back, explain everything, and make everything better. She decided to go after work the next day.
She went to work early in the morning the next day to fully plan out everything she would say. She had the next seven hours to figure out her game plan. "It is too early in the morning to be looking like that. What's got you so happy?" Edyn joked, wiping down the counter. "You were right. I'm going back to the friendship after work today. I haven't seen them in, like, three months. Needless to say that I'm excited." Y/n beamed. "I'm glad." Edyn smiled proudly at the girl. "Time to open." She went to go turn the sign to open.
Business was going smooth as ever. Y/n was currently calculating a customer's reciept. The bell rang and she handed the receipt to the customer. She went to get a small menu of the specials for the day. "Hello! How may I help you..." Her scentence trailed off when she realized that Jaebum was the one standing in front of her. "Oh, um, hey..I can get you the, um.." Y/n's brain short circuited. "When's your break?" He asked. "In, like, an hour." She answered. "Well, you're off work now." Jaebum grabbed her hand and lead her from behind the counter. "Edyn! My friend is taking me away! Will you be okay?" She shouted. "You didn't tell me your friend was fine! Go on!" Edyn waved. Y/n smiled. Edyn was the best.
"Where are we going?" Y/n questioned as Jaebum stopped in front of the passenger side of his car. Jaebum looked at her then cupped her face and kissed her. "We're going home." He answered. He unlocked the car, making her get in. He ran to the drivers side and hopped in. Y/n was at a lost for words the whole car ride. Jaebum kissed her like it was nothing. His lips were soft and moisturized. Did he know he was going to see her? Y/n would never know.
"We're here." He announced. He wasted no time getting out of the car and y/n followed. Jaebum grabbed her hand, almost dragging her to their house. He quickly unlocked the door. "Hyung, did you get the coffee that quick?" BamBam asked. "I got one better." Jaebum stated. He walked with y/n into the living room. "Hi, guys." She greeted them with tears in her eyes.
After thirty minutes of greetings, long, tight hugs, and crying, everyone was sitting down. Y/n sat in the love seat by herself, facing the boys. "Why did you leave for three months?" Jackson asked, getting straight to the point. Y/n took a deep breath. "I was scared and I was wrong. I felt that you guys didn't want to have me around. You guys are so amazing and wonderful and I didn't feel worthy of that. All my life, I was someone else's second choice so to be you guys' first and only choice felt so weird. I wouldn't allow myself to even think that your feelings were genuine. I was so scared of getting hurt again that I thought if I ended it before you guys did that it would be the best for everyone. I was so wrong. I'm so, so sorry I did that to you guys without warning. I was selfish and I really don't deserve your friendship after the bullshit I pulled. I..I.." She started shedding tears. She tried her best to keep it in, sniffling and such. Yugyeom got up to hug her. "We never knew that. I'm happy that you shared that with us. We're scared too. This does seem too good to be true for us as well." Mark said. "Really? Why?" Y/n questioned. "Because we love you." Yugyeom answered. "I love you guys, too." She held Yugyeom closer.
"No, y/n. We have feelings for you. All seven of us." Jinyoung confirmed. "What?" Y/n asked, wiping her tears. Yugyeom sat down beside her, pulling her into his lap. He held her close. "We realized this when you were gone. Yugyeom was crying one day and he just blurted it out and we all agreed. We didn't want to admit it to ourselves but we all have equally fallen for you. Please, don't think that this is weird or anything. We are so genuine, it's crazy." Jinyoung pleaded. "I don't think it's weird at all. I thought I was the weird one! I even told Amika that I felt like I was falling more and more for you guys. I thought I was just being greedy and shit like that but it can't get anymore genuine than these tears right here." Y/n smiled at the boys.
"Well, since this went much more smoothly than we thought, y/n, would you do us the honor of being our sunshine for good?" BamBam asked. "Yes!" She exclaimed. There was a mix of relief and excited cheers. "I've been waiting a long time to do this!" Yugyeom exclaimed, dipping her in his lap, kissing her to oblivion. Y/n couldn't stop smiling. "Coco!" She cooed at the little dog. She held her close, petting her. She licked her face with her little doggy tongue. Jackson walked over and held her chin, guiding her face to his and gave her a deep kiss. "Um, don't start something you can't finish." Y/n warned, looking up at him with a different kind of look in her eye. "Maybe I want to." He winked at her. "Hey! Keep it pg-13!" Jinyoung joked. Everyone laughed. The rest of the evening was spent having the movie night that should've happened three months ago. It was filled with kisses, laughs, screams, tears, and much more. These seven boys showed y/n that you'll always come back to where you belong, no matter how far away you may go.
August 27th, 2018 // 2:00am
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philipshay · 8 years
your touch, my comfort, and my lullaby
requested by anonymous
andreil au in which andrew steals the covers
As time goes by, Andrew and Neil learn their way around each other.
Like, Andrew knows that Neil can’t sleep without the doors locked; he needs the extra time it takes an intruder to get them undone to get ready for a fight. Andrew knows the way Neil looks when he gets pulled into memories; he knows how to pull him out. Neil knows how to do the same for Andrew; he’s the only person who knows how to perfectly dodge Andrew’s punches. He knows that Andrew only sleeps on his back or his side, but never facing away from Neil.
The nightly routine is this; Andrew checks the locks on the door and window. Neil double checks them. He occasionally triple checks them. Andrew tugs off his arm bands, setting them on the nightstand. Sometimes he rubs a hand along the scars they hide absently, gaze far away. It is in those moments Neil goes over to Andrew’s side of the bed, slowly, and pulls Andrew’s hands back to his sides, before going back around to his side. Andrew then climbs into bed, and Neil climbs in beside him. He settles on his back, Andrew on his side. Usually, Andrew watches him fall asleep, before falling asleep himself.
And around 1 or 2 in the morning, he steals all the damn blankets.
Neil likes sharing a bed with Andrew. Something settles inside him when he’s curled up beside him, even though they rarely touch. It makes him calm.
But he gets cold. He’s lost count of how many times he’s woken up shivering and had to wrestle the blankets back from Andrew, doing his best not to wake him up.
Tonight, instead of yanking them back, he sits up, looking over at the sleeping Andrew.
When he’s asleep, he looks younger, less brutal. He has a harsh look about him, one that stops people in their tracks. He radiates danger.
Neil does, too. That’s what he’s been told, at least. According to Nicky, they’re kind of a terrifying couple. Both just as mean looking as the other.
Neil doesn’t see that when Andrew is asleep. He’s just calm and quiet and relaxed. The relaxed part doesn’t come easily to either of them, so seeing Andrew that way makes him happy.
If he told Andrew that, he’d tell him he was a sappy idiot. The thought makes him smile.
He carefully slips out of bed, and tugs open a drawer, grabbing one of Andrew’s dark hoodies and tugging it over his head. He gets a pair of socks, too, and pulls them on before climbing back into bed.
Andrew shifts at the slight dip in his mattress, but he doesn’t wake up. Instead, he shuffles closer to Neil. Neil lays back down on his back, head turned toward Andrew. 
After another beat, Andrew shifts again.
His feet bump into Neil’s legs, and Neil does his best not to flinch at the freezing toes. In the morning, he’s definitely going to give him shit for being so cold. Matt will probably make a metaphor out of it, to which Andrew will threaten him, and Dan will threaten Andrew back, and it’ll unfold the way it always does with the foxes; arguments that Wymack has to come break up, or someone getting punched.
For now, though, Neil doesn’t move. When Andrew pushes his feet below Neil’s legs, he can’t help but smile, just a little.
Andrew is using him to get warm.
It wouldn’t mean much to someone else, but Andrew is always aware of where his body is, and who he’s with. The fact that he’s comfortable enough with Neil to use him for warmth makes his heart swell.
Again, another thing he’ll never admit out loud.
With Andrew sleeping closer to him than ever before, Neil can’t bring himself to take the covers back, just to keep Andrew from moving away. Instead, he burrows into his hoodie, shifts closer to Andrew, and goes back to sleep.
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instantbanana · 7 years
Run bag please!!
Alright buddy!
These are suggestions for my personal bag so not all of this is essential.
Dash bag contents If you need to get out of somewhere fast get all this stuff into a bag before you go. If you need to leave at a moments notice but not yet, hide this bag somewhere. Shower the night before you leave and eat a big meal. You’ll need the energy. Sleep for a long enough time. Make sure that nobody unsavoury will see you leave and then get out.
Medical- Pain killers - First aid book- Bandages - Bacitracin or other antibacterial ointments- Numbing cream- Medical tape- Burn stuff. Like second skin and aloe lotion. - Rubbing alcohol- Tweezers- Sewing kit- Any medications you need- Benadryl or other stuff like that- Ginger gravel non drowsy chewable.
Hygiene- Soap- Shampoo - Washcloth- Towel - Toothpaste - Toothbrush - Nail clippers- Tweezers- Dish soap to do laundry with
Clothes- 3 t-shirts- Tank tops- 2 long sleeved shirts - 3 pairs of jeans- Leggings- 2 pairs of sweat pants- 2 hats- Gloves - Bandana- 2 hoodies- Leather jacket or a rain jacket. - As many socks as possible - As much underwear as possible - Sunglasses- Sneakers. Good ones. - Boots. Warm ones with good grip. - Bring extra laces.
Personal - Whatever money you can get your hands on. Spend cautiously. Trade if you can rather than spending. Be careful. Never say you have money. - A book with the phone numbers of all your friends with addresses and emails. Don’t EVER lose this. It might be the only way to reach them. - Personal items like photos or childhood toys. You’ll need the comfort. - Books. Bring some books for the ride because if you don’t bring the next item shit will get boring - A music player. Get an old iPod and just load music and podcasts and anything else you may need. - Headphones - Cords for that stuff and a battery pack with an adapter. iPods only work if they’re charged. - Something to write in or draw in or something.- If your religious bring whatever book your religion uses. It might make you feel better to have it with you. - Pencils and pens. - A small pillow and blanket. - Whatever stuff of value you’re willing to sell for cash. Jewelry, tech, cds, movies. Anything that a pawnshop will take.
Tools and equipment - A lighter. You’ll need it for something at some point- Flashlight. It can get dark. - Swiss Army knife. Multiple tools and a knife. - Multi bit Screwdriver- Rope- A compass- Crazy glue- Duct tape - Scissors. You’ll need a haircut. - A map of your city. You don’t want to get lost. - A bus pass or transit pass. If you don’t have a car that is. - An umbrella. Rain is a thing. - Any gift cards you have. See if there’s food at any of the places. That will be your main worry.
Food- Granola bars and protein bars- Whatever non perishable, no cooking foods you can get your hands on. Jerky, dried fruit, crackers, vegetable chips, cereal, peanut butter, apple sauce. Even uncooked ramen noodles beat starving. Pack some sandwiches and fruit for the first few days. - Dry oatmeal packets. They can be soaked in water and eaten cold if necessary and they’re high in calories and carbs. Or eat it dry and wash it down. - Bottled water. Only use this when you don’t have a way to refill the good one. Be cautious. Don’t drink too much at once. - A sturdy water bottle. Fill it before you leave because you will need it. Refill this whenever you can. - Bring a can opener but no cans. If you have money you can get canned food at dollar stores. Don’t bring cans when you leave because they are heavy and will slow you down. - Get a book of what plants are and aren’t poisonous in your area. That way you can eat foraged food. Always triple check that it’s not poisonous. When in doubt dandelions can be eaten from flower to root.
Advice - Go to libraries to send messages and emails to friends. Avoid any place where you had a card. - [ ] Avoid cell phones like the plague. They have gps even when location services is off which is really not good if you’re trying to disappear - Almost any free food is good food. Live by this. It doesn’t matter what’s in it as long as you can digest it. Just be careful not to get swindled- Don’t pick up food from the ground because there are sick fucks who try to poison dogs with bad food and you could get hurt. - Work for things like space at sites and advice or info. Make connections because that will keep you alive - Don’t start fights but don’t let anyone walk over you- Don’t judge. An alcoholic, a smoker, a druggie, and a sober man can be equally good at fucking you up if you get preachy. - Don’t trespass or harass anyone because the last thing you need is a visit to the cops or to get the shit beat out of you by someone you pissed off- Sleep in the safest place you can find. Somewhere public enough that nobody will mug you but private enough that nobody will mug you and escape into the crowd- That bag is your life. Never EVER leave it unattended - Your name is not yours unless you’re speaking to the cops. Use a nick name. Anything distinguishing should be avoided. Go by something generic and forgettable.
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