#so usually what i do is i walk a bit ahead of my class ka building because i get auto from there
roimp · 2 years
#ok so like we had first 2 classes free ok like literally both the teachers did not come akshsjdh#anyways so like on wednesday 2-3 people in our class were discussing himym and i also joined them because I LOVE HIMYM#(himym is the sitcom how i met your mother)#sp hands guy heard us and was like what show are yall talking about and we told him and he was like okay ill watch#and he is a binge watcher apparently so like when we met today he was like ive watched till ep16 of season1#i was like bro????? how?????#anyways in 2nd free lecture he was like im gonna watch an episode of himym and i was like i wanna watch too#SO he gave me one of his earpods and WE WATCHED THE EPISODE TOGETHER AKSGSJDH#anyways after that hmm okay it was just like normal talking and all#but ya. TALKING.🤭#he is just like me he is also doesnt care about tea or coffee he is a water guy#HE ALSO HAS CAT. AND HE HAS SAME OPINION AND THOUGHTS ABOUT DOGS THAT I HAVE.#and when class was over me and some friends were talking by the shops near our classes ka buliding and hands guy joined later#and then we all group talked timepass for like 30 mins and then we were like its time to go home#so apparently the others all went one direction and me and hands guy were going same direction so we walked#so usually what i do is i walk a bit ahead of my class ka building because i get auto from there#and hands guy lives nearby so he just walks home#so today we were walking and talking and i walked SO much further more than i usually do because we were talking 😄#and thats all. today was nice.#gargi is keysmashing
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Post-Animaestro Kaganette one-shot
“See, Marinette? In the end, you didn’t need Chloé at all to see the movie with Adrien!” Tikki chirped as they left the cinema, munching on a cookie.
“Yeah, I know” her protégée sighed and patted her little friend on the head. “I should have listened to you.”
Only now it began to catch up to her just how badly she had messed up. She had willingly turned herself into Chloé’s Sabrina-Substitute, upset a person enough to get him akumatized and almost humiliated Kagami in front of everyone! Her mother, her crush, all the people in the room...
Marinette groaned.
“What is wrong with me? All that just because I’m jealous?!”
“Well, it didn’t work out anyway. The important thing is that you learned your lesson, right?”
Unsure Marinette bit her lip. Did it matter if she had failed to ruin Kagami’s day? She had fully intended to! Wasn’t that bad enough?
A familiar silhouette caught her gaze. In front of her, Adrien said good bye to the Tsurugi’s, then left to walk towards his limousine. Kagami and her mother walked into the opposite direction.
“If you hurry, you might still get to talk to him for a bit!” Tikki suggested and Marinette lit up for a second. Then another idea crossed her mind and she stilled.
“I think...” she started, then looked after Adrien wistfully. But no. She’d already made up her mind. “I think I’ll just talk to him in school tomorrow. For now, I have to talk to someone else.”
“Kagami!” She yelled as she stumbled to catch up to the red-clad fencer before she reached the car. “Wait! Kagami!”
Surprised the girl and her mother turned around, just when Marinette came to a stand before them. Panting she straightened herself.
“Kagami, I’m... I mean, I want- No, could you... uh...”
Under the unseeing yet piercing eyes of her mother and Kagami’s ice cold gaze she was suddenly at a lack of words.
“A friend of your’s?” Mrs Tsurugi asked without displaying any emotions on her disciplined face, but a hint of amusement laced her voice. Kagami simply leaned her head sidewards.
“This is Marinette, a friend of Adrien Agreste.”
“Ah. I see.”
Silence settled and Marinette realized she should probably say why she’d made them wait. But still not a word left her mouth. What was she going to say? Why hadn’t she thought about this earlier?
“Well, young Marinette, if you’ll excuse me...” the blind women suddenly broke the silence, “This appears to be a complicated matter between the both of you. I’m sure you’ll want to discuss it without a mother’s prying eyes.”
“No! I mean, yes! I mean, not that complicated, but, uh, well... a bit complicated?”
Kagami frowned as her mother gently touched her shoulder and went ahead to the car. It would have seemed reassuring to Marinette, if not for her utter lack of facial expressions and the absurdity of the idea. Why would Kagami, the unbeatable Ice Queen, need reassurance?
The pressure of Mrs Tsurugi’s imposing presence was quickly replaced by the awkward pressure of being alone with her daughter. Marinette took a deep breath. She could do it! She just had to stop overthinking this whole venture.
“Kagami, I... I wanted to apologize. For earlier.”
The Ice Queen blinked in surprise.
“I don’t hold that against you. Adrien said you can be a little clumsy sometimes.”
“No, I mean, yes! But that’s not what I’m sorry for. I...” No turning back now! “I was the one that put the chewing gum on the floor.”
Kagami’s brows pulled together ever so slightly and Marinette swallowed.
“I... I was jealous – God, that really doesn’t make it any better. I was jealous you got to watch the movie with Adrien. And then there was this whole scheme going on with putting the gum on the floor, and making Adrien bring you a certain chair since we’d put crumbles on all the others and then switch it with another one, and letting you sit on chocolate cake! And I was so enthusiastic about stopping Adrien from moving to Japan and I never considered if he might even want that, or that I would ruin this day for you even though you’d never done anything wrong – and I’m so sorry! – but it didn’t work out and I ruined Mr Astruc’s day instead, got him akumatized and endangered all of Paris – not that it would’ve been any better if it had hit you, I’m so sorry! - and all that just because I can’t get a grip on my stupid feelings sometimes and gosh, you are so cool and in control all the time and your shoes were so important to you and I just...” At that point, she had to stop her rambling to catch her breath. “What I’m trying to say is... I’m really, truly sorry, Kagami. You don’t deserve to be treated like that, and I want to make it up to you.”
Kagami hadn’t moved to say a word during her entire tirade of apologies. Even now, she seemed almost baffled.
“I... don’t know what to say.”
For some reason, that was worse than being yelled at.
“That- That’s okay! I guess this really is... weird. And it’s okay if you don’t forgive me. Just... should you ever need something, I really want to make it up to you.”
She rubbed her arm and stared on the sidewalk. God, this was so awkward.
“I don’t want to keep you up any longer. Thank you for listening and... see you? I guess?”
She had to go before this got any weirder. But just when she turned around, she heard a tiny, choking sound. Surprised she looked back. Kagami has pressed her hand over her mouth and looked strangely tense. Another quiet sound escaped her, almost like a snort.
“Ka... gami?”
Was she okay? Just when Marinette wanted to ask her what was wrong, Kagami doubled over and let out the loudest snort she had ever heard. It took a moment for the young designer to register that Kagami was not in pain, but was in fact roaring with laughter. It was such an unexpected sound to hear from her.
“You...” she cried in between her laughs, “You put crumbles on every chair in the cinema except one?”
“Uh... yes.”
“And you switched it with another one that had chocolate cake on top?”
“Yeah, well, actually... we gave the cake to Jagged Stone who had to put it down once I asked him for his autograph.”
Kagami wheezed of laughter.
“I can’t believe it!”
“You’re not... mad at me? I put Chloé’s gross chewing gum on your grandmothers shoes!”
“Oh, I totally am. Don’t ever look at these shoes again.” Kagami said dead seriously before snorting again.
“But just the amount of thought you put into that! I’m almost flattered. Why, I don’t think even Ladybug could pull something like this off!”
Marinette scratched the back of her head and smiled nervously.
“Ahahaha... you’d be surprised.”
Kagami’s laughter receded a little and she sighed.
“Wow. I mean, that was really rude, but wow. I wish I had a friend I could pull pranks like that with.”
Abruptly she shut her mouth. That last sentence apparently hadn’t been supposed to leave her mouth.
“Eh... Chloé’s not exactly my friend, to be honest.”
“Girlfriend then?” Kagami inquired just a little too casually. Marinette pulled a grimace.
“The farthest thing from that.”
A short pause of silence left them enough time to awkwardly look in different directions. Then Kagami straightened her shoulders, regaining her usual composure, and Marinette did the same.
“If you’re not mad at me for sabotaging your day,” the part-time superhero said, “at least let me apologize for interrupting your date with Adrien all the time.”
She thought back to the ice hall, and today, when she insisted on giving Adrien that stupid macaroon.
“I’m sorry. That was really immature of me.”
Kagami waved it off
“Oh. It’s okay.”
“Yes.”, she assured. “I don’t actually... like Adrien that much. I just like the challenge, I suppose. And I tend to get too competitive. And stubborn.”
She sighed.
“That’s probably not very mature of me either.”
“Well, I still think I out-immature you.”
Kagami smiled.
“But... I appreciate that you told me about this. Not many people would apologize despite not getting caught. It’s a rare kind of honorable.”
A treacherous warmth crept into Marinette’s cheeks at the compliment.
“Y-You’re really not mad, then?”
“No”, she insisted gently, then pulled her lips into a cunning little smirk. “But I do intent to take you up on your offer for compensation. How about tomorrow, after fencing class?”
Kagami’s intense amber gaze made her squirm a little.
“Uh, sure! Of course.”
“Wonderful!” She smiled her usual, elegant half-smirk, before turning around to walk to her car. Before getting in, she looked back at Marinette. “Until tomorrow then.”
“Uh-huh!” she replied and waved, before realizing she had no idea what was supposed to happen tomorrow. “Wait! What do you have in mind?”
Her smile widened and she winked conspiratorially.
“You’ll see” was the mysterious answer before she disappeared into the car. With a sigh Marinette watched after her, Kagami Tsurugi, the Not So Icy Queen and girl with the most adorable laughter.
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curewhimsy · 7 years
Remember the thing where I add a character every 100 words?
Well, it's 16 out of 387 of the way done! It's going to be wild!
All the characters will be OCs. Yes, I have 387 names.
This has way too many characters to be a good story, and I couldn't add any sort of detail before new things started happening.
This isn't really meant to be a good story, just an experiment. It's really just one big badly-written mess.
Joy Smiley took her paintbrush, let in a deep breath, and hoped to exhale magic all over the page. With careful, intricate movements of her brush, the artist opened the doors to her own world and began to dabble in the colors of the rainbow.
The artist, with an adventurous soul and a heart that longed to create, opened the window that led inside her, letting all the colors spill out. Magic surged through her every vein.
Joy Smiley looked back to see what she had done, and saw that she had created nothing but a mediocre picture of disappointment.
Visola was sitting in the chair next to Joy in class. That's right. This was math class. Joy was supposed to be doing her work. Instead, she was dabbling on the paper.
"Hey, Joy." Visola said, seeing her friend was busy wallowing in disappointment. "If you don't do your work, Miss Scherzando might take away your imagination again."
"That's okay..." Joy said dejectedly. "I already have no imagination."
"Hey... don't way that." Visola said. "You have the most imagination out of anyone I know. But now isn't the time to use it. I suggest you start doing your work or-"
"Or Miss Scherzando will take away your imagination." Octavia Scherzando, the teacher said. "Drawing again as usual, I see?"
"Oh no." Visola said.
"Go ahead, take my imagination." Joy said. "I have none anyway."
Octavia suddenly grew worried.
"Joy... what ever is the matter?" She asked. "You're usually cheerful and filled with, well... joy!"
"I can't make art." Joy said. "All I can make is myself disappointed."
"Of course you can make art!" Octavia reassured, "You just have to find that spark deep inside yourself. Right down in... this area!"
Octavia was pointing at her lower stomach.
"I'm pretty sure that's not where your heart is." Dan said.
"Whoever said it was in your heart?" Octavia said. "I always imagined that it came from your bowels."
"Ew." Said Dan.
For the first time that day, Joy began to laugh.
"Miss Scherzando is as silly as always." Visola said.
Suddenly the school bell rang, signaling the end of class.
"Now that class is over, let's help Joy find some inspiration to believe in herself." Octavia said.
"But... Joy didn't do any work today." Dan said. "Shouldn't you be punishing her?"
"This is punishment." Octavia said, smiling. "Helping her."
"Hm, I would like to have that punishment too." Whimsy said.
"Oh, there you are, Whimsy." Octavia said. "Joy over here is an aspiring artist in a slump. She's having trouble believing in herself. Why don't you tell her a few things about being an artist?"
"Well, to tell the truth..." Whimsy said, "I think all artists have trouble believing in themselves..."
"Even you?" Joy said. "But your art is so dreamy... and fluffy..."
"Well, I don't want it to look fluffy!" Whimsy said. "I must have no imagination!"
"Not again." Dan said.
"Oh no, now they're both doubting themselves!" Visola said.
Izumi, the transfer student from Japan, burst into the room out of breath.
"Izumi, what's going on?" Octavia asked.
"There's sharks out there!" He cried.
Everyone looked at each other.
"Impossible." Dan said. "Sharks need water to swim."
"The bathroom sink was leaking water... and flooded the hallway..." Izumi said.
Everyone looked outside, and indeed, the hallway was flooded with three feet of water.
"What in carnation?" Octavia exclaimed.
"It's 'tarnation', not 'carnation'." Dan said.
To everyone's surprise, small fish were swimming throughout the hallway.
"Where are the sharks, Izumi?" Octavia asked.
"In the bathroom." Izumi said, shivering. "They're scary."
"How did sharks and fish get in here anyway?" Chantrea asked. She was a transfer student from Cambodia.
"I think this school is just magical." Joy said.
"Sharks are scary!" Izumi cried.
The school was located in a big dip in the land. Therefore, all the water was trapped inside the dip.
"We should fix the broken pipes, before the water really starts flooding this place." Visola said.
Everyone headed to the bathroom and found a big surprise. There was a big, gaping hole in the floor filled with water.
"What if that leads out to the ocean?" Chantrea sad.
Hexagon, the waterproof robot came up from the hole.
"The ocean is down there." He said. "A dissonance is opening up."
A dissonance is a corrupted piece of land. They are very mysterious in nature and caused by negativity tainting the land, turning it into a mysterious dangerous dungeon, like out of a video game. Monsters tend to spawn in these places. Dissonances also tend to defy logic.
"So all this water was coming from the dissonance which was opening up?" Visola said.
"What could've caused the dissonance?" Whimsy asked.
"Why... I think it could've been Joy's negativity." Octavia said.
A girl with snorkeling gear and long messy hair swam up from the hole.
"Whoa! Where am I?" She asked.
"I've never seen you before..." Joy mumbled.
"I've never seen all of you!" The girl said. "The last thing I remember, I was at the beach snorkeling..."
"Wait, where do you live?" Octavia asked
"On Maui, an island in Hawaii." She said.
"The dissonance must lead out to the ocean near Hawaii, and it's bringing in all the water!" Hexagon said.
Dissonances also have a habit of being able to warp people and objects to other parts of the world.
Another person swam up from within the dissonance.
"Nani?" He exclaimed, "Koko wa doko desu ka?"
"I can translate!" Izumi said. "He asked where is this place."
"I think you should talk to him, Izumi." Octavia said.
"Onamae wa?" Izumi said to the boy. (Your name is?)
"Chisame Yuuma." Said the boy.
"His name is Yuuma!" Izumi announced. The boy blushed, seeming a bit shy.
The other girl said her name was Leilani.
Everyone explained to the two that the warping was due to a dissonance.
"I think we should all evacuate before we become lost in it." Leilani said.
Suddenly, another girl came up from the hole. She was crying.
"What's wrong?" Whimsy asked the girl.
"I'm lost... I want to go home." The girl said.
"It's alright." Said Octavia, her nurturing side coming out. "What is your name?"
"I'm Mildew." The girl said.
"Mildew? That's a beautiful name." Octavia smiled.
"Actually, mildew is a fungus." Smart-aleck Dan said.
"Hush, Daniel." Octavia said.
"My full name isn't even Daniel..." Dan said. "It's literally just Dan."
"And Mildew needs our help." Octavia said. "So don't be mean to her."
But before anyone could ask any more questions, another person came.
"Lavender!" Whimsy shouted.
At least this time, it was someone everyone knew.
"Don't you think our group is getting a little big?" Dan said. "Not all of us are going to get speaking parts now."
Octavia put her hand over Dan's mouth.
"Well I say, the more the merrier!" Chantrea cheered.
"This is getting ridiculous." Dan said.
"Well, something certainly seems to be going on." Lavender said.
"Yeah, a Dissonance." Izumi said. "With scary sharks!"
"So when are we going to evacuate already?" Dan asked.
Mildew began to cry harder.
"I want to go home..." She said.
"Don't worry, Mildew." Octavia said.
Suddenly, a voice came out.
"Don't trust that girl." It said.
From the mist, a silhouette of a girl appeared. Wait, since when was there mist? Maybe it's just here for dramatic effect.
"Why shouldn't we trust her?" Octavia yelled. She was holding Mildew's hand tightly.
The girl, stoic and poised, looked at the group, and then looked away.
"To trust her is your decision." She said, as she walked away.
"That was strange." Whimsy said.
"Yeah, it was like she was trying to be all edgy and mysterious." Dan said.
"Don't worry Mildew." Octavia said, "We still trust you."
A girl in a swimsuit swam by, as if she were casually swimming laps in a swimming pool. That's when everyone realized that the water was becoming deep enough to swim in.
"Kore wa saikou!" She exclaimed.
"Why is everyone speaking Japanese?" Dan asked.
"Izumi, please translate." Octavia said.
"How long do I have to keep being the translator?" Izumi groaned.
"We have to ask where she came from." Octavia said.
Izumi went up to the girl and asked.
"She's from Kyushu." Izumi told them.
"My, what a mess this is becoming." Chantrea said, "People won't stop being transported here!"
Guess what happened next? Someone else came in the room!
"There's no time to explain anymore, we need to evacuate." Hexagon said.
"You know what? Good idea." Octavia said. "We'll all stick together. We'll get to higher ground where we'll be safe."
"Wait, what?" The new girl asked. At least she spoke English! "I have no idea what is going on! Where am I..."
"Follow me!" Octavia lead the way out of the school.
It was quite a sight when everyone got outside, the valley was flooded. Fish were swimming around the trees and flowers, all submerged in the water.
16/387 (NOTE: This Ruby is an OC)
This time, another person fell from a tall tree, and into the water with a splash.
"Another person? Make it stop!" Dan shrieked.
"My, my, it's like a party!" Chantrea said.
"A party? Where?" The new person, Ruby, cheered.
"It's good to see you, Ruby." Octavia said. "Let's get out from the valley now, or else we might get swallowed by the dissonance."
The group of people took off running for the hills.
"I still wanted to go to the party." Ruby pouted.
"Actually, this is the party." Whimsy said.
"Wait, I see my home..." Mildew said. "In that forest."
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cygneblanc · 7 years
First Month in IB World School - Kolej Mara Banting
Greetings, fellow Earthens. It is I, your local inconvenience, saluting from the middle of nowhere, surrounded by palm trees, and thousand miles away from home 🍇 Kia Ora, people! (Nice guess, but I’m not at New Zealand) Before I start my long rant, I just wanna apologise beforehand with the weird format that I typed my blog with because my laptop decided to be a huge B and won’t connect to my internet. Hence, I’m currently typing this thing on my phone! Not a problem, but it’s annoying the hell out of me haha let’s just move on before I stray away from the topic 🍇 First and foremost! OMG GUYS I SURVIVED ONE MONTH IN KMB WITHOUT ANY MAJOR THINGS OR DRAMA HAPPENED (well few mini episodes but nothing grand that’s cinematic worthy, but oh well moving onnnnn) I, believe it or not, survived the first month without ANY sorts of homesickness, or even any illness (HAH to the doctor that said I need an antibody injection, I. Survived. Without. Getting. Sick.) Of course, the first impression towards KMb was nothing short of a shock. Low-key (I meant high key) regretting for rejecting UNIMAS because I was expecting a UNI life, you know. I want to FEEL LIKE AN ADULT, but lmao guess who gets to be in a classroom and having teachers instead of lecturers and have to greet the teachers every time they come in? (Suck it up, Niqa. It’s called IB world SCHOOL for a reason. It lives up to it’s name.) So yeah, the life that I’m living right now is NOTHING like the fantasies that I used to have about University life. Nothing. Big shout out to Niqa because she never fails to disappoint herself! Woohoo! We have our class from 8 till 3.30, sometimes up till 4.30 if we have some extra remedial or meeting up with the teachers, but I usually just stay at the academic block until 5.30 (because I’m a good girl 🙃 lah sangat) and everything here is pretty much scheduled. So, to say that we don’t have a life, is correct. Like I said, NOTHING like what I imagined uni life is all about. 🍇 Even thooooough, the life here is, lmao to be blunt, extraordinarily lame, but I wasn’t joking when I said I really like it here, and I think one of the main reason (I honestly think it’s the only reason, but lmao let’s pretend I didn’t type that out) that I really like it here in KMB is, the people. The seniors, my batch mate, the teachers (they’re actually lecturers but I honestly have no idea why they insisted on us addressing them as teachers), the staffs, mak cik DS, pak cik guard, and literally everybody else are so amazing. They’re very kind and genuine that it makes me feel so loved and accepted here. It’s weird how so far away I am from where I’m from, but I feel so ‘belonged’ here. And I honestly guess that’s the main reason why I didn’t get any sort of homesickness. Though this place is NOTHING like home, but it feels like a home to me. Their kindness was quite overwhelming in the first place and I was soooo awkward because I’m not used to it and I legit had no idea how to react towards such kindness, but then, slowly I learnt that it comes from the heart. Everything comes from the heart. If the kindness that you received comes from within, then make sure to repay from the within too. It’s so different, (lmao it’s like langit and bumi, honestly) from the people that I died to associate myself with back in Green Road, (I LOVE YOU LITTLE DAREDEVILS AND SATANS WITH ALL MY HEART I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND I MISS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU DEVILS) and I thought that it would very hard for me to ‘fit in’, but how wrong I was. I still remember during the first day of orientation and how I was in TOTAL DISTRESSED because my MARA agreement was apparently incomplete, two of my batch mates came up to me, sat next to me , and just talked to me like I'm one of their friends, and I've never felt more grateful before because it was like the beginning of how my perception changed towards these people. Everyone is just so accepting. It’s partly because how the seniors and the teachers never fail to remind us every time during orientation days, about how we are all now back to zero. Nada. Kosong. And we’re all starting from the same starting point so there really is no one ahead or no one got left behind. We’re a team. Not competitors, and I just really like that concept and how it changes the perceptions that I have towards this people. They didn’t get the upper hands just because they’re from boarding school, they’re just like me, chasing after the same goal. And instead of a huge stampede and massacre, we’re holding hands, and making sure that no one gets left behind, while reaching for the end goal, together. 🍇 Secondly, the culture that they’ve nurtured here thoughhhhhh. Holy cow, I’m so amazed. Can you believe that thievery is unheard of, here in KMB? You can literally just leave your phone anywhere and leave your laptop at the middle of concourse, come back to take it few hours later, and it will still be there, untouched. The people here really respect each other’s stuff and of course, very disciplined and I’m just so amazed. Wow, I’m a part of these people now? Phew, Niqa. You’re amazing. (Let me have this moment, guys. I want to puji diri too) and cases of hysteria is so rare. Wait, if I’m not mistaken, it never happened here before? Like, can you believe that? A college. I heard so many ghost stories of different college that I was kinda scared entering this so called dorm life but lmao I literally have nothing to be scared of. I love how we just sit together every night and recite Ma'thurat in the morning at the surau before class, recite Al Mulk together at night, the solat jemaah, Quran in group sessions. Everything is just so rare for a common student like me from a commoner school. Like wow? No wonder budak mrsm sbp so amazing? What was I doing with my whole 18 years of life? Sleeping while living? I felt so left behind in everything, but then again, like I said, everyone here is so amazing you hardly feel the huge gap that we have. I love each and every breathing creatures there to bits 💜 🍇 HAH I sounded like I’m living the live in KMB and loving it so much, ain’t I? I do, but that DOES NOT mean that I have nothing to complain about here 😭 trust me, I do. A lot. Though I’m trying very hard to stay positive (trust me, I do. Very hard), sometimes it gets hard too. So just bear with me as I list my complaints one by one. 1st : WHY IS THE GIRLS’ BLOCK SO FAR AWAY FROM EVERYTHING? The academic block. The DS. The surau. EVEYTHING IS A 5MINUTE WALK AWAY. I just don’t understand. Why? (But I’m low-key learning to like the long walk because that’s the only form of 'exercise’ I do here. Walk.) it’s tiring lmao bye moving on. 2nd : um, why is eveything and everyone so damn loud here? My heart suffers a lot. I jumped when someone laugh out loud. Trust me, it’s really LOUD AND USUALLY AT LIKE 12 PM EXCUSE ME HONEY BUNNY I WOULD LIKE SLEEP AND NOT HAVING HEART ATTACK WHILE DOING SO THANK YOU, I jumped when the ticker for the prayer time goes off, I jumped when the time indicator bell goes off, my ear buzzed every time aeroplane flew by, I jumped when Salman screamed into the microphone back in orientation days (he didn’t really scream I was exaggerating, but he might as well scream with a voice that loud) heCK I EVEN JUMPED WHEN FATIN TALKED TO ME BECAUSE I FORGOT SHES IN THE ROOM WITH ME. I’ll probably either suffers from a heart problem or hearing problem in my two years time here, whichever comes first. 3rd : life with sensitive skin IS ALWAYS a problem when you’re changing water. My skin suffers A LOT. With tiny red rashes and eczema, I feel like tearing my own skin apart every time I’m taking a bathe. Like do you even Niqa? Cause I can’t even Niqa sometimes. What even. Last but not least, lmao I’m broke af. If anyone feels like doing some good deeds and donating to charity pls feel free to hit me up I’m a willing receiver of your donation. Much love 💜 🍇 Although I would love to rant more, I still have presentation slides to prepare 😭 and a pending mini thesis for PI. I would like to end my blog (so formal, tsk) with a HUGE THANK YOU to my Group 12 members (I love you guys so much I’ve never met a group of people who are so crazy and fun yet genuinely cared for each other like you guys do), the seniors (especially MPPs, you guys made the orientation nights miserable yet memorable 🙆🏻 and the dedications that you guys put into making the nights fun is amazing and I appreciate them all. What an inspiring bunch 💕), my roommate (FATIN ADWIANA MY TEENY TINY HUMAN I love how you’re shorter than me and makes me feel tall JK FATIN I LOVE YOU YOU ADOWABLE LOUD HUMAN), and my classmates M17E (you guys honestly laughed wayyyyyy too much and so rowdy but hey, that’s what makes the class fun 🙆🏻🙆🏻), and the whole 17/19 batch 💜 whatta bunch 💜 With love (so much love, can’t you feel it?), Niqa 🍇 (It’s 'Nee-Ka, not 'Nee-Qo’ , okay? 🙄)
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