#and when class was over me and some friends were talking by the shops near our classes ka buliding and hands guy joined later
leafyeyes417 · 3 days
To soothe myself from my last post where it’s non-Joker hate *shudders* here have this.
The first three months of Danny’s stay in Gotham had been mostly quiet. No big Rogue attacks since most of them were in Arkham. Unfortunately that had come to an end. There was a mass breakout and among them was the Joker.
Danny had made friends with a couple people, during his classes, and had met his new crush Tim at a coffee shop. He was actually with Tim when they got the news about the breakout. They had been walking out to Tim’s car so he could be driven home when it happened.
Tim’s POV
He had been talking with Danny when he saw him shudder and stop walking.
He frowned, turning towards him. “Danny? What’s wrong?” He watched as Danny paled, full body twitched, then his eyes turned a glowing red that took over his entire eyes. He snarled, face almost inhuman as he turned and booked it down the street at inhuman speeds (though nowhere near Flash speed).
Scrambling Tim jumped in his car and chased after Danny, though he quickly lost him. He grabbed his com and turned it on. “Oracle, I need you to track someone.” He quickly rattled out along with the street information and Danny’s description.
“Red Robin, report.” Batman growled out.
“I was walking with my friend back to my car after we heard the news of the breakout. On the way there he froze and then… I’m not quite sure but whatever it was I don’t think he was in control anymore.”
There was silence for a few moments on the coms. Oracle spoke, “I think I found his location. The cameras are fritzing out big time in a decent area near your location.”
When he managed to get there he was honestly a little sickened. There was body parts and blood everywhere. Joker goons, from the occasional mask lying around. Swallowing he ventured deeper into the zone, having to turn off his coms due to the screeching interference.
When he finally set his eyes on Danny it was to see him arm deep into the Joker’s chest. He paused, watching as the Joker’s body fell to the floor, his heart still in Danny’s hand. He watched as Danny’s eyes stopped glowing red and he swayed, dropping the heart to bring a hand to his head.
“Danny?” He asked hesitantly.
Danny turned, a hazy expression on his face. “Tim?” He slurred out.
Quickly making his way over he managed to prevent Danny from toppling over, grimacing at the blood now coating his hand. He noticed the other bats and birds arriving on scene out of the corner of his eye, but stayed focused on Danny. “Let’s get you out of here.” He said gently as he guided Danny out of the area.
Later, after he had managed to get Danny some water and a bit of food, he asked, “Do you remember what happened, Danny?” His friend looked down at his blood covered hands. “I remember walking to your car when it was like I was being grabbed by a bunch of hands and I couldn’t move. Then… it almost felt like I was being stuffed into a box or something and everything was hazy and indistinct after that. I tried fighting it but it like catching smoke. Then I was being released but it was like I had no energy. I know you called my name but I don’t recall much until after you gave me the energy bar.”
Tim frowned, glancing at Black Bat. He saw her sign “true” and nodded. Looks like they might have to call the JLD on this one.
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roimp · 1 year
#ok so like we had first 2 classes free ok like literally both the teachers did not come akshsjdh#anyways so like on wednesday 2-3 people in our class were discussing himym and i also joined them because I LOVE HIMYM#(himym is the sitcom how i met your mother)#sp hands guy heard us and was like what show are yall talking about and we told him and he was like okay ill watch#and he is a binge watcher apparently so like when we met today he was like ive watched till ep16 of season1#i was like bro????? how?????#anyways in 2nd free lecture he was like im gonna watch an episode of himym and i was like i wanna watch too#SO he gave me one of his earpods and WE WATCHED THE EPISODE TOGETHER AKSGSJDH#anyways after that hmm okay it was just like normal talking and all#but ya. TALKING.🤭#he is just like me he is also doesnt care about tea or coffee he is a water guy#HE ALSO HAS CAT. AND HE HAS SAME OPINION AND THOUGHTS ABOUT DOGS THAT I HAVE.#and when class was over me and some friends were talking by the shops near our classes ka buliding and hands guy joined later#and then we all group talked timepass for like 30 mins and then we were like its time to go home#so apparently the others all went one direction and me and hands guy were going same direction so we walked#so usually what i do is i walk a bit ahead of my class ka building because i get auto from there#and hands guy lives nearby so he just walks home#so today we were walking and talking and i walked SO much further more than i usually do because we were talking 😄#and thats all. today was nice.#gargi is keysmashing
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chimielie · 1 year
what it is
summary: Oikawa x Reader. he makes it out of the friendzone (with some help)
word count: 1.3k
cw: nothing, oikawa in glasses
a/n: i wrote this in under an hour while heavily caffeinated?;!;!4& brain melting
“You’re late,” you say with a grin. Oikawa Tooru pouts at you, his team jacket folded over his arms. He’s already changed out of uniform, you notice; must have exchanged it for a white t-shirt and slacks in the locker room.
“I was swarmed,” he claims as the two of you start to walk together. You roll your eyes and don’t even bother making a jab about his popularity with the girls (and people of all genders, really). At this point, you’ve accepted that deranged fans come with the territory of being friends with the volleyball team captain.
You met Oikawa on the first day of your first year at Aoba Johsai and had been friends ever since. Even though you had no interest in the sport at first, his love for volleyball was infectious. He had even roped you into being the team’s manager. You still weren’t sure how he had pulled that off, but you didn’t mind too much—you’d grown to love the team and the sport too, in your own way.
Despite your closeness, you’d never really understood why he had a fan club, especially as a teenage school athlete. You expected his popularity to grow when (not if) he went professional, but the idea of swooning over some guy you had pre-calculus classes with was totally foreign to you. It was a running joke among your friends that you were immune to Oikawa’s looks and charming magnetism (and, honestly, to all four of the team’s upperclassmen. You could acknowledge how objectively attractive they all were even though none of them seemed to fit your niche).
Sometimes, you caught Oikawa making strange expressions while your friends teased you about not liking him. It felt like you were the only one who noticed these kinds of things, sometimes. You really liked being able to read him so easily: both of you had saved each other under the contact name “Platonic Soulmate” in your phones.
You chalked up the weird faces to your friend’s first-rate ego, and even though you knew that the notion of one person not being desperately in love with him wouldn’t scratch the surface of his self-esteem, you always found yourself taking his hand surreptitiously or leaning your head on his shoulder when you did see him looking mopey. He always perked up, after that, and all would be sunshine again.
Today, everyone else had bailed on you when you suggested a joint ice-cream-and-study-date before next week’s exams. Iwaizumi had claimed that Oikawa was too loud and always distracted him, so he couldn’t seriously try to study together. Matsukawa had to babysit and refused to bring the brats, as he affectionately called his siblings, to get sweets. Hanamaki had just quirked his eyebrows at you and said, “I don’t feel like third wheeling. Thanks, but no thanks.”
You hadn’t really understood what he meant, but you hadn’t questioned it.
Oikawa had almost begged off to do some solo practice, too, but you’d made a fuss about nearing the end of your high school experience and worrying that you would fall out of touch when volleyball became his whole life (even moreso than it was now!), and he’d caved with an overdramatic sigh and a soft look that told you he wasn’t all that mad about your guilt-tripping.
You’re broken from your thoughts when you reach the ice-cream shop, Oikawa jabbering in your ear about some drama you can’t keep up with.
“And then she told me—ah, I can’t read the menu. You know, they were late refilling my contact prescription this month, so I’ve been carrying around my glasses, I hate it. So unflattering.”
You worry your lip as you stare at the flavor chart, barely listening to him talk.
“I’m sure it’s,” you start, turning to him as he slides the case out of his pocket and puts the frames on his face in a smooth motion. “Um.”
The glasses are not unflattering, you think dumbly, staring at him, your sentence hanging unfinished. The glasses perch on his nose perfectly, making you appreciate, for the first time, the shape of his nose and his cheekbones. Had they always been that sharp? And since when had his eyes been so pretty, reflecting the sunlight in so many shades, framed with long eyelashes that would have made you jealous if you weren’t so—
You reach out and lift the glasses off his face slowly, hoping that the old, familiar features that you’d never felt anything but friendship-friendly feelings towards would return. You can still see it, though: the divot of his Cupid’s bow is appealing, now, his smooth skin glowing to you, his surprised expression fucking adorable. You drop the frames back onto his nose.
Very abruptly, whatever immunity you once had to Oikawa’s looks is demolished in one fell swoop.
“I have to go have a midlife crisis,” you say decisively, and march out of the shop.
“Hey! What—where are you going? You’re not even middle-aged?” Oikawa calls after you, and you try steadfastly to ignore him, but every sense seems to have been awakened to your friend. Your face flushes, and you start walking faster, nearing the pace of a jog even though your limbs are stiff.
You finally pull over in a quieter, slightly more secluded spot between two buildings. You lean against the wall, closing your eyes, trying to remind yourself to take deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” Oikawa says, and you curse his long, athlete legs for having followed you so swiftly. “What’s wrong?”
You open your eyes. He’s still wearing the fucking glasses. Rest in peace, you think to yourself, surely my heart is going to give up soon, at the rate it’s going. Your lips part, but you can’t seem to get the words out. His worried gaze studies you until he finds something—exactly whatever you didn’t want him to see. A slow smile unfurls over his face, and you narrow your eyes. Ugh, how dare his smugness be attractive too, now?
“I should wear the glasses more often, huh?” He says, and you shake your head no frantically.
“Please don’t,” you say. “It’s, like, it doesn’t even matter anymore, anyway, I can’t unsee it now.”
“Unsee what?” He cocks his head, and he’s getting closer, and there’s nowhere to back away from him because you’re up against a wall—
“You’re hot!” You wail. “I saw it and I’m never gonna stop thinking it now, it doesn’t even matter what you wear, I’m doomed! This is the worst thing ever, ‘Kawa, how’m I supposed to go on… I can’t be your friend and a part of your fan club. I don’t think I can even be a part of your fan club ‘cause I don’t just think you’re hot, I think I have a crush on you—oh, my God, I have a c—”
Your increasingly frantic rambling is cut off by Oikawa sealing his lips to yours. The kiss is quick and sweet, and when he pulls away he still looks so, so handsome, and so concerned.
“Please breathe,” he says, and you nod, gaping at him in shock. “I like you too, okay? Please stop having a crisis.
“Okay,” you exhale, bracing your hands on his shoulders. “Okay. I’m still freaking out, though. I think the only way to stop it is to keep kissing me.”
Oikawa heaves a big, overdramatic sigh, and leans in, his glasses bumping your face; giving in to you, just like he always does.
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midnights-cosmic · 6 days
Iced Coffee
Jeong Yunho x F!Reader
They said Cupid's Coffee Station has a magic of bringing people together. Yunho happened to take a liking on it ever since it opened right across KQ Entertainment's building. And he also happened to meet you in there. Will the magic work?
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[Edited and Updated. Proof-read. June 19 2024]
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"Where's Yunho?" Mingi asked when the rest of the members walked in the practice room. Yunho has been in and out of practice room ever since this morning. This routine of his started about two weeks ago.
Wooyoung laughed, "He said he likes the coffee across the street."
Mingi raised an eyebrow. "Is he... You?"
Wooyoung shrugged his shoulder with a smile on his face.
"Ready to leave, everyone?" Hongjoong, who just finished stuffing his bag, asked. "Where's Yunho?"
"Across the street." Mingi and Wooyoung answered at the same time.
Hongjoong scoffed, shaking his head. Mingi was getting suspicious. What's his friend been doing at the newly opened coffee shop?
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Cupid's Coffee Station — Your go-to café ever since you started attending Hongik University. It's one of those café's your college friends can't stop talking about. According to one of your classmates, this café has magic. Solely because it has a power of bringing people together. And by 'bringing people together', what she meant is setting up the most unlikely couples.
You almost laughed, hearing her voice in your head. That does sound ridiculous, doesn't it?
But who are you to talk? Curiousity got the best of you anyway. Here you are every day, every after class, every chance you get, even during weekends. You've seen a few of your friends meeting someone at this place, yet here you are, a regular, and still hasn't met anyone.
Magic. Right, who believes in magic anyway. Just because Cupid's name is in this café doesn't mean his arrow is in every corner of this room, too. Or maybe you're just not meant to meet anyone, really.
You shook you head. "If I don't meet anyone here, that just means there's no magic in this café. Simple." You murmured under your breath, your books colliding at the floral table mats.
It wasn't the first time Yunho saw you talk to yourself. He can tell that you're annoyed, or perhaps just exhausted, even though he couldn't hear the words coming out of your lips. He truly wishes he could just ask, but he is not at all confident in his ability to do so. Although, honestly speaking, he'd probably had the courage if his members were with him.
We're getting coffees too :))
Mingi is curious :P
= __ =''
You were taken aback by the assortment of pastries available at the counter, most of them were usually sold out by now. You felt your mouth water at the sight and you wanted to taste every dish. From the croissant's golden hue, to the strawberry tart's vibrant red color, to the noisette's lovely swirls of chocolate.
However, the lone blueberry muffin on the side was calling for your attention.
You contemplated over the numerous options for a while before settling on the one and only muffin. You've been craving that blueberry flavor for some reason. Although a blueberry tart would have been a better option (which is sadly not available), the muffin will do the trick.
With a pair of tongs, you reached over the muffin, only to have your hand collide with another one. Chills ran down your spine as you felt the shock of electricity against your skin.
Your eyes met the prettiest eyes you've seen in a while. "Sorry. I didn't notice you're reaching for it too." You apologized.
You felt small under his gaze. He's too handsome to be standing near me. Am I even allowed to breathe the same air as this man?
"You can take it, it's fine." He smiled. You swore you could melt at this moment.
You took the blueberry muffin. Overcoming the feeling how you felt bad that he wants it too.
The door chimes ring and few voices from inside the quiet cafe can be heard as you both choose a second pastry. The handsome guy tensed next to you and let out a heavy sigh.
So, his name is Yunho. His face suits that name so much. It's like an instant name you'd hear, and you would know that he'll be handsome already.
While you push forward to the barista to order your drink, you watch from your peripheral how Yunho gets mobbed by his friends. "Who are you with?" and "You've been here for an hour and you're just eating now?" are some of the jokes they were making, but Yunho shut them all up.
"Ma'am?" Your cheeks flushed, watching the barista wave his hands in front of your face. "May I have your drink?"
"Right. Uhm, I'll take an iced coffee, please. Two shots of espresso." That was what you need. You need to boost your energy level and your focus. And an iced coffee might just help you with that.
You settled back into your seat after paying for your order. Glancing around, you realized that you have a full view of Yunho, sitting beside his friend; the one that keeps teasing him earlier.
You refrained yourself from grinning. It's amusing to see how shorter the other guy is compared to him, but Yunho is the one that's getting made fun of. You can tell that the other guys are joining in on the fun even though they have their backs to you.
Yunho continued rolling his eyes and shaking his head, particularly when he was being nudged.
You admire his patience. Could never be me. You thought.
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Ever since that day, your encounters with Yunho has been frequent. You also noticed yourself having a habit of admiring him from afar. Most of the time, Yunho would be there before you. And the rare occasions that you'll come before him, you'd see him still head in the same corner and the same seat. Pen in hand, notebook on the table.
"You're going home already?" Your friend asked while you were stuffing your bag with everything.
"Not really, but I need to finish my research." You mentioned.
It's Friday, the last day of finals for spring semester, has just concluded. You know that your friend will ask you to party and celebrate tonight, but you wanted to complete your research on Contemporary Art by Sunday. It was the last thing you need to pass before you can truly enjoy the summer break.
She slumped her shoulders and pouted. "You're no fun." A smile slipped through her lips. "Is it a guy? You met someone in the café, haven't you?"
You snickered. "Right. Magical coffee shop, blah blah blah. Nope! I just love their pastries."
Your friend hummed, teasingly. Her eyes shooting lasers at you. "He's probably handsome."
"FIneeeeeee. If you can't go, I won't force you. But don't forget to introduce him to me." She winked, grabbing her bag then giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I think I might know who he is." She bumped her hips to yours.
You staggered back to your table, eyes squinted. She did a couple of dance steps that you don't recognize at all.
"It's something to do with spice and chilli peppers." She rolled her eyes, then laughed, before leaving you alone in the room.
"Whatever." You chuckled.
Cupid's Coffee Station
You tilted your head, blinking at the new LED outdoor sign of the cafe. It was blinking red and pink.
To be fair, there was never a day it wasn't lit, but it used to be just a simple white LED light. This time around, the colored LED confused you.
The chimes tinkled when you walked in. You were even more perplexed when you see how empty the cafe is. All your favorite pastries lined the counter, not even one missing.
Wait, isn't it Friday? Shouldn't there be more people here? You shake your head. It's probably one of those days where sales are slow... or is it? I don't know!
You pinched yourself back to reality and placed your bag on your seat. Same old routine; books on the table, sketch pad, laptop, and your collection of pens that only one is used for the whole year.
After a few minutes of writing down your thoughts about the painting you have chosen for your research. You started craving for caffeine.
Iced coffee.
Yep, that's what you've decided to get again.
"Hello! Welcome to Cupid's Coffee Station!" You were caught off by the new barista. This time, the barista is a middle-aged man and has a bright smile on his face.
Where's the other guy?
"Sorry, something came up for my nephew so this old man—" pointing at himself, "—has to step in again in his own café."
Oh, he's the owner. Silly me.
You gave him a smile in return. "I'd like an iced coffee, please."
"Two shots of espresso." You both said at the same time.
Okay? What?—
"I apologize once again. I also like iced coffee with two shots of espresso."
You bit the inside of your cheek, stopping yourself from questioning the owner. As he makes your drink, you decided to grab a plate and a pair of tongs. That was weird, really.
You couldn't even count on your head how many times you shook your head today. It feels like there's so many things happening all at once. You just brushed off the strange sensation on your shoulders.
Finally! A blueberry tart. You've been waiting for it for the past few days. For some reason, the tart at school doesn't satisfy your cravings.
"I'll also take this." You paid for your order and made your way back to your area.
You turned back to face the man after placing your orders on the table. His hands were cleaning and wiping the table. The coffee thing is probably just a coincidence and nothing to overthink about. Honestly speaking, there's probably a million people out there who also likes iced coffee with two shots of espresso.
It's not a big deal, Y/N. Chill.
Work. Yunho has been working for a total of thirteen hours. The joy he felt was unexplainable when Hongjoong called it a day. He threw his head back, stretching and relaxing his muscles.
Once his bag is packed and ready, Yunho excused himself and told his members that he'll be at the café.
"Well, you can just call manager-hyung to pick you up later." Yeosang said, yawning in the process. The members who were looking at him followed in suit. "I'm tired as hell."
"I'm heading home, too. I wanna sleep so baddd~" Wooyoung fussed, hugging San, who was sitting beside him on the floor.
"Make sure to call—" Mingi was cut off when the door closed behind Yunho. He looked at Hongjoong, expecting him to be just as upset as he is. "Hyung! Did you see that?"
All he got was a few laughter from his friends and a pat in the back by Seonghwa and San. "That asshole." Mingi laughed anyway.
Red, pink, white, red, pink, white, red, pink,...
Has this LED light always been colored? Yunho thought. That's unusual.
Yunho was greeted by the sweet and savory scent of the pastries. He was amazed how many are lining the counters.
Unfortunately, he can feel his body slumping from tiredness. So, anything pastry is not on his list today. He's just here to get a boost from caffeine.
"Hello! Welcome to Cupid's Coffee Station!" A man greeted him.
Yunho's brow raised, looking behind the man and trying to locate the regular barista that serves him. "Nephew's out today, bud. What can I get for you?"
Yunho thought of the many options that he wants. "One red eye, please."
"Great choice! It's been a long day, huh?" The man conversed.
"Today is extra stressful." Yunho smiled, politely.
"It probably is." The man replied, "Thank God, the cafe's empty today. You need that space and rest."
Yunho surveyed the area. This cafe has never seemed so empty to him. Considering that it's Friday, there should be a ton of people enjoying their last day of work and students hanging out.
While Yunho was happy to be able to unwind in his favorite place, he was also sympathetic to the owner. Low sales only occur occasionally, but it most likely hurt small businesses big time.
"Here's you drink."
Yunho offered his card to pay. The man swiped it quickly and handed it back.
"Enjoy your coffee and stay."
Yunho bowed. "Thank you."
Yunho was striding towards his regular spot when he noticed a table marker placed on the table. Table reserved.
He looked around. Reserved? When the café's empty??
Yunho chose the next nearest table but it's also marked as reserved.
You watched Yunho pace back and forth while holding his wooden tray. Brows raised, you try to peak why he's not sitting down. You saw that every table that was vacant was marked as reserved.
Will there be a special occassion to be held here today?
After minutes of contemplating, you built up your courage to walk up to Yunho.
Your steps were extra silent walking towards the very confused man. He was so tall compared to you. So much taller. With light taps on his arms, you greeted him. His back turned, looking even more baffled than ever. Yunho's eyes widened at the sight of you.
You muster up a smile, "Hi. Uhm... I— Well, you see... I was—"
Yunho observed your stuttering speech. Your cheeks flushed and your eyes refused to meet his gaze. His brain was too cloudy to listen to what you were saying. It was like everything was silent and all he could see was you, standing in front of him with moving lips. His mind is blurred, the words you were speaking were not being processed in his head.
"If that's okay with you." You said.
Yunho blinked, "Sorry? I didn't hear what you said.” He cleared his throat, another silent sorry slipping through his lips.
"You can sit with me. It seems like my table's the only one available right now. Everything seems to be reserved..." You trailed. The both of you looked around and agreed with each other silently.
"Uh yeah. Sure. Thank you so much." Yunho smiled. “I really appreciate it.”
Despite every table being reserved, no one else came in. You were silently hoping for at least one customer to arrive to ease your nervousness around Yunho.
You and him sat there in silence; with him occasionally sipping on his drink and scrolling through his phone. While you, on the other hand, tried your best to conceal most of your face on your laptop’s screen.
Every now and then, you would draw something on your sketchbook and analyze your own techniques, before returning to typing absentmindedly for your paperwork. 
You can feel Yunho’s stare sometimes. You’ve seen how he fidgets, mouth twitching as if he wants to talk to you. 
Time passed by quickly, yet slowly at the same time. At one point, Yunho has asked you if you were an art student. You shyly replied, yes, and from that, the conversation flowed naturally.
"I'm really bad at drawing." Yunho grimaced.
"Oh come on! You can't be that bad!" You assured, pushing the sketchbook further to his side.
A sigh escaped Yunho's lips, but the corner of his lips turned when he gently grab the pencil from your fingertips. "If you say so."
You could see Yunho drew a circle, then curves surrounding the initial shape he made. He then drew a straight line down, followed by an extremely snaky leaves.
You couldn't help but laugh when he added glow and stars around the flower. "You know, you could've just drawn butterflies. That would make more sense."
Yunho shook his head. "Nope, this is a glowing flower."
"See! You can draw!"
"Fortunately, I do believe that you haven't seen my worst drawings." Yunho dropped the pencil, and picked up his phone. After a mere second, his phone screen was on your face.
You put your hand to your mouth to stop the laughter before it could escape. "You drew that?" You asked in disbelief.
Let's just say that it was the most interesting drawing of a giraffe you have ever seen.
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"Are you heading home?" Yunho asked, helping you with the scattered colored pencils on the table.
"Yeah, I'll be taking a bus." The both of you didn't notice the time. It's running almost 9 in the evening before you even know it.
Yunho looked worried, but you muffle out a laughter. "It's fine, Yunho. I live quite near anyway. Just thirty minutes away." You explained. "Plus, you said you have a schedule tomorrow. If I remember correctly, Mingi said call time is 6 AM." You teased.
He had told you about his group, most especially his best friend, Song Mingi.
"I can drop you off?" It was like Yunho was asking himself more than you.
A large black car pulled up and parked directly in front of the large glass front door before you had a chance to decline.
The owner of the cafe appeared unexpectedly next to you and Yunho, making you both flinch in his presence.
"I hope you enjoyed your stay!" He greeted with the biggest smile on his face.
You had to beam back at him because of his contagious smile. Even though he was intimidating when you first arrived, you can now sense his sincerity and kindness.
Not to add, he asked your table if you needed anything else at all, and your table partner requested a refill for his red eye, which resulted to you and Yunho having more conversation to discuss and random things to tease each other about.
"I hope to see you together again here in Cupid's Coffee Station."
The both of you thanked him. The owner opened the door and bid you safe travel.
Like on queue, the car window rolled down when Yunho stepped out of the coffee shop. You, anxiously playing with your hands, next to him.
Yunho walked towards the rolled down window. "Hyungnim~"
There was a conversation between Yunho and the driver. It was slightly inaudible. However, you can overhear him saying that he needs to drop you off at your house.
"It's late in the evening. I can't just let Y/N go and take a bus."
Short silence... A couple more talking... Yunho whispering a celebratory 'Yes!'
"Let's go Y/N. We'll take you home." Yunho opened the car door and offered his hand.
Take it! And so you did. For some reason, that voice in your head doesn't even sound like you. It was like a compelling voice that you couldn't even say no to.
You had expected Yunho to sit next to the driver but he didn't. As you put the pieces together, you realized that the driver might also be his manager. Yunho told you a lot about his idol life during the twenty questions game you both had.
"Thank you, Hyung. I know we might get in trouble for this, but really, thank you." Yunho talked while closing the car door and getting comfortable next to you.
"We'll be fine." The manager said, though you can hear the faint worry in his voice. "Uh, Y/N, right? Yunho can't get out of the car when we arrive at your house. Please use the door on your side later."
You nodded. "No problem. Thank you so much."
"Hyung, she knows that."
"Just making things clear, Yunho."
You've told the manager your address afterwards.
The car moved, now on its way to the destination. Looking back at the cafe, you watched the lights inside turned off one by one. Lips parting at the sight of the LED outdoor sign blinking red, pink, then it flickered, completely stopping at white.
Yunho noticed your expression. "Something wrong?"
"The LED light!" You pointed, but when Yunho turned around, the car rounded a corner.
"Why— What happened?"
What was that? Shaking your head, "Nothing. It's probably just my mind playing tricks."
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[End of Part One]
[Part Two in progress]
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1d1195 · 1 year
Hi hi, sorry for the short break there. I've been working on this the last three days and it flowed out quite quickly to 9.5K words.
Warnings: Harry doesn't like her (or does he), there's a damsel in distress scene implying SA nothing happens nor described but could be triggering, "enemies" trope, Harry wears a lot of suits and is angry a lot.
Disclaimer: Everything I know about lawyers comes from TV shows.
Harry was a smart guy, but he truly hadn’t a clue as to why he was so mad at the prospect of liking her.
So, he pretended he didn’t. “You and Harry are together an awful lot,” his friend Niall said to her with a smirk once. They were in clear earshot of Harry, and nothing made Harry crankier than knowing his friends saw how mean he was toward her. It was the topic of many conversations over video games and while working out at the gym.
“Enough, Niall,” he muttered. “It’s not by choice.”
“Don’t know why he’s all grumpy about you all the time, princess,” Niall said quietly to her when his back was turned. “He talks about you more than any girl I’ve ever seen him with.”
“He just doesn’t like me much,” she explained.
“Oh, princess. I think it’s quite the opposite.”
Harry hated her. She could never figure out why. She and Gemma were on the same soccer team growing up, so she’s known Harry for forever. Because she and Harry were of the same caliber in school (and the same age), they were always in each other’s classes. Always in group projects together.
It made her wildly popular in school to know the one and only Harry Styles so closely—and she did. She knew he wouldn’t drink tea past four in the afternoon. He liked chocolate candy better than fruity candy. Any time he saw a dog while they were on their way to study together, he would dig a bag of little treats out of his backpack to give away. When his left eye got droopy it meant they had to take a break and she would always recommend some hot chocolate or lemonade (depending on the season) at the coffee shop near the town library.
However, their conversations never delved too deeply. She knew his birthday but not his favorite color—she suspected it was blue or maybe orange because most of his pens were blue and his highlighters were almost always orange. Of course, she knew Gemma and Anne, but she didn’t know what their relationship with Harry was like. Because of school, she knew most of his political opinions—and big shocker, they were roughly the same as hers—but she didn’t know his favorite music or if he liked to sleep with a fan on or not. When he was sick, she didn’t know if he liked sleep or soup. If it was his last day on earth, she doesn’t know how he would spend it. They weren’t things that she necessarily needed to know to define their friendship, but somehow, in her eyes, they were.
Other than school mandated projects, she was convinced Harry wouldn’t give her the time of day. “Can we jus’ get this over with?” Was Harry’s mantra around her during their school days.
She wished they could be friends.
She didn’t want to be that girl, but it was impossible not to be. Harry was beautiful and he was nice—just not very nice to her. She didn’t fault him for it, she wasn’t his cup of tea and that was fine. The way other girls sighed and ahh-ed over him made her jealous. She couldn’t do that. Harry was Gemma’s brother and her peer and that was it.
Needless to say, their lives were clearly going to be attached for the rest of their lives. They were like a coat zipper. They met when they were young and as they slid the zipper to the top more pieces of their life meshed. At first it was soccer with Gemma, then it was school in general, projects and friend groups, and now it was university.
Of course, they were going to get degrees in history and law.
Of course, they would have classes together.
Of course, Harry would be at every party she was invited to.
She knocked on the door to the party her friends were invited to, and she waited as the door opened. “God you’re everywhere,” he muttered taking a swig of the drink in his hand. He opened the door wider to allow her and her friends in and walked away without mingling a moment longer. She sighed and stepped through the threshold while her friends filed in behind her.
“You know Harry?” One of her friends gasped.
“Yeah,” she shrugged. “Grew up together,” she said heading for the kitchen to get a drink. There was a barrage of questioning. The interrogation of how well she knew him, if he was single—he was, as far as she knew—and so on. “He doesn’t like me much,” she shrugged.
“Shut up,” her friend said. “He likes everyone.”
“I’m not sure what to tell you. I’m not everyone.”
They were kind enough to let the conversation drop. But their eyes darted back forth between the two of them whenever they were remotely in the same realm as one another. Harry was never outrightly mean to her. He never made fun of her and never talked ill of her. They talked about school projects and assignments and classes and that was it.
Harry’s friends all really liked her. Of course, they liked her. There wasn’t anything to dislike about her. She was brilliant, incredibly kind, and naturally nurturing. It made Harry nauseous most of the time. He hated she could be so kind all the time—even when he was a dick to her. It made it all the harder for him to not like her.
It was halfway through the semester when her phone vibrated with a message from Harry. She could feel the confusion wrinkling her face as she brought the phone closer to her face as if it was a trick. Harry never texted her. If there was a school project that needed doing, he was highly professional and would only email her. The only reason she had his number was because Gemma gave it to her when her phone was broken, and she was her ride to their soccer tournaments.
Could you read my essay?
Surely this was a trick. She couldn’t help but ask. Really?
Yeah. The response was immediate. Obviously, nothing special. She could practically feel his annoyance through his text bubble.
Thanks. Conclusion needs work, I know.
The conclusion may have needed work, but it was a pretty good essay otherwise. A few grammatical errors and a rewording of a paragraph or two and his essay was finished. She didn’t question why Harry asked her. Surely, he had plenty of friends that would be willing to read it over.
His seeking her out was quite the surprise to her, but to Harry it made the most sense. At some point in time, maybe in year ten, he realized that he was probably stuck with her for a good long while. There was no denying she was smart—in fact, Harry thought she was brilliant. Probably smarter than him on any given day. And again, that agonizing kindness made him sick. He knew she would read his essay because she was so nice. If Harry acted the way he did to anyone else but her, they wouldn’t give him the time of day.
But he also didn’t trust anyone else in the world to read his work and know what it needed like she did.
She took all the essay reading to mean it was okay to ask him for school favors as well.
Do you have notes from the history lecture yesterday? I wasn’t feeling well.
I’ll email them to you.
Thank you.
Harry took good notes. She wouldn’t have asked anyone but Harry because she knew they took notes the same way. Of course, they did. If anything, his notes were neater because he typed just as fast as their professor spoke while she preferred to handwrite so she would remember better.
Do you know what our professor meant by this?
She sent him back a picture of her own notes with a marking around the part that Harry was referring to. This was my interpretation, but I emailed him to double check, I’ll let you know what he says.
Harry looked at her notes on his phone again and admired her handwriting. He doesn’t know how she was able to write so much so quickly during their lectures. He saw her shake her hand out every time their professor paused to answer a question or catch a breath. She had pretty handwriting.
The parties they attended together (not on purpose, just by happenstance) were when Harry was at his meanest. He would roll his eyes at her if she was part of a drinking game. Harry’s eyes shot daggers whenever any guy tried speaking with her, always there to remind her of some project they had to do, and he didn’t want to be stuck doing it himself. None of it clicked to her that he was jealous.
Of course, he was. She was the prettiest and nicest girl he knew, and he was mad.
Harry was a smart guy, but he truly hadn’t a clue as to why he was so mad at the prospect of liking her.
So, he pretended he didn’t. “You and Harry are together an awful lot,” his friend Niall said to her with a smirk once. They were in clear earshot of Harry, and nothing made Harry crankier than knowing his friends saw how mean he was toward her. It was the topic of many conversations over video games and while working out at the gym.
“Enough, Niall,” he muttered. “It’s not by choice.”
That stung, made her face warm in embarrassment, but it was partly true. They were practically stuck together. Zipped together by some life force. “Don’t know why he’s all grumpy about you all the time, princess,” Niall said quietly to her when his back was turned. “He talks about you more than any girl I’ve ever seen him with.”
She shrugged it off. It would make sense, he talked about her so much. Other than her roommate she probably saw Harry more than her own family. “He just doesn’t like me much,” she explained.
“Oh, princess. I think it’s quite the opposite.”
Gem suggested I ask if we could carpool home. Save her a trip.
Yeah, of course.
“Do you like her?” Niall asked Harry. “Like, she’s really nice and pretty. Obviously, she’s very smart so—"
He cleared his throat to hide the gasp that nearly left his lips. “What?” He asked, slipping his phone back into his pocket. They were at the library whispering to each other while studying for finals. He could see her in the back corner, headphones in her ears and answering his message almost as soon as he sent it. He was certain she would ace all her exams, no problem at all.
“Your friend from home,” he tilted his head to the girl in the corner. “Do you like her?” He repeated.
Harry shook his head. “No.”
Niall quirked an eyebrow at him. “S’weird...you’re kind of perfect for each other.”
“Shut up,” he grumbled. He wanted no part of it. Sure, she was nice and sweet, and in the right light Harry couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by how pretty she was. But he didn’t want to be with someone he’d known his whole life. He wanted someone he didn’t know—someone that didn’t know his every thought. He wanted to discover a new relationship where he would find someone that didn’t know everything there was to know about him.
Regardless, if he knew all too well that she would be perfect for him.
*A few years later*
“This will be your office,” the sweet secretary informed her. She wasn’t a young secretary, but she wasn’t old either. Somewhere in the middle—she reminded her of her mom and that eased her worry of her new job fresh out of school. “I heard you know your office neighbor here. He gave you a glowing recommendation saying “the bosses would be fools to not hire you” I believe was how he phrased it. They’re all very excited to have you on board.”
She blinked, setting her box down of trinkets she collected ready to have her first big job. A list of clients sat on her desk. She was ready to get started—eager even. Excited and nervous all at once. The box of trinkets would make her office homier and she started setting out the calendar and picture frames as she shook her head at the woman helping her get the lay of the land. “That can’t be right, my professors did my recommendations...I can’t imagine my professors saying that about me,” she chuckled nervously. “I think they liked me and all but—”
“No, no!” She interrupted with a giggle. “Pardon me, one of your references, Harry; Harry Styles,” she smirked.
Blinking in surprise, she felt her lips part in a breathless gasp. She had asked Harry as a parting gift of sorts if he’d be willing to be a reference for her on her job applications. “I don’t think anyone really knows my work ethic the way you do,” she admitted. “I understand if you don’t want to, I’d be willing to be a reference for you as well either—”
“Sure,” he shrugged. “No problem. That’s probably a good idea. Thank you.”
“Harry works here?” She asked, completely dumbfounded. She shouldn’t have been. She should have known of all the gin joints. Her heart pounded and the air in the room felt thin. When she had sent her applications and resumes out to every firm in the area, she didn’t dream that she would still be side by side with Harry. There were easily fifty or so firms in the city. There was no way the length of their lives on this zipper extended to work post-graduation.
“I thought that was why you applied here. Harry made it seem like you both—”
“Hi,” speak of the devil. She wanted to know the end of that sentence. The idea that Harry made it seem like anything was between them—friendship, collegiate respect, anything—seemed paradoxical.
But here he was in all his brilliant and handsome glory.
Harry looked effortlessly beautiful and nearly seductive standing in her office doorway. He was wearing a suit, but it looked like it was nearly painted on him—hugging each of his defined arms and seemed to stretch perfectly over his long legs. Throughout their schooling and university, she wondered when he had time to hit the gym because he didn’t go while she walked on the treadmill and read her textbooks—the one time the zipper of life skipped over their meeting. But it was obvious he had found time. Again, she wasn’t immune to his good looks and persona. She had seen him be nice and lovely to everyone he knew time and time again.
Just not her.
His hair was styled just so, and she could practically see the sweet secretary swooning at the sight of him. “Welcome,” he said. He looked like a kid to her. As if his mom told him to say hi and wish her a happy birthday or something even though he didn’t want to. He smiled weakly at her. It felt forced.
“Hi,” she answered, still in shock.
He nodded at her and left without another word. “He’s dreamy,” she said with an all too familiar sigh. “I don’t know how anyone gets any work done around here.”
She shook her head. “I can’t believe he works here.”
“I completely assumed he told you about the position...His friend is one of the senior partners,” she shrugged. “Louis?” She said. “I think Louis’ younger sister knows of you both or something.” She tilted her head at the woman. “I know everything,” she shrugged.
“You sure do,” she smirked. “Uh...no, I didn’t know Harry worked here.”
“I think it was Harry’s plan along with Louis or whatever—since they were young. They hang out a lot here.”
“Hmm,” she hummed. “I didn’t know that.”
“I didn’t mean to say Harry’s the reason you got the job—your qualifications are outstanding and—”
“No, no, you’re fine,” she promised. “I know what you meant.”
Poor Harry.
For the most part though, the two rarely interacted. They would run into each other in the break room or near the copier in the storage room. On one occasion Harry asked her to read over his outline for a case to make sure he hit all the major components of what he needed to do. Every so often Harry would bring her tea and not say anything at all to her. She found it odd and thanked him even though he never spoke to her.
She was oddly comforted by the fact he was just one room over.
There was a gentle knock on her door before it opened. “Some of us are getting Chinese food and I noticed you’ve been holed up all day—are you okay?” Harry appeared speaking the longest sentence that wasn’t about schoolwork or a case in their entire life. And he even asked about her well-being.
She wasn’t okay. She had a headache, something fierce. It started at the bridge of her nose, gripped the back of her eyes, and was reaching for the back of her head. “Yeah,” she murmured not looking up from her papers on her desk. Her voice sounded weak and scratchy. How long had it been since she looked up? Her neck felt cramped as she raised her head slowly to look at Harry. She wished she had a glass of water.
“Kitten...y’don’t look so good,” he said quietly.
“M’okay...M’jus not feeling so well,” she shrugged. “But I have to get this done,” she told him. “I think I skipped lunch,” if she could fathom the idea of using any part of her brain for something other than this case, she would have noted how Harry so sweetly called her kitten.
He sighed, almost annoyed and she briefly wondered what she did wrong now. He disappeared for a moment. Within an instant he came back with water, pills, and a protein bar. “I’ll get some Chinese for you too.”
“Thank you,” she mumbled glancing briefly at how pretty he looked in his suit and how kind it was of him to bring her medicine. “I’ll Venmo—”
“Shh,” he said and turned off the overhead light of her office as he left. Leaving her in darkness except for the desk lamp to her left. “Try a nap on the couch,” he said. “I’ll wake you when the food is here.”
“Kitten,” he said softly. He gently shook her, and she tried to remember if Harry had ever touched her in their entire lives. The smell of greasy, salty food woke her up the rest of the way. Harry seemed to know her Chinese food order. She searched her memories if they ever ordered Chinese together and how he remembered.
“How’d you know what to get?” She asked stupidly. She could blame the headache or the lack of sleep if he said something mean about it.
He didn’t. “Your friends ordered at a party junior year,” he shrugged. “Remembered what you liked.”
“Oh.” He waited until she was upright and eating—staring at her like one of their science experiments from school. “Do you want some—”
“No, just making sure you actually eat.”
She felt her face warm, and she shook her head. “Uh. Thanks, that’s not necessary.”
“Well clearly it is if y’forget t’eat lunch and make yourself sick.” Again, her face heated up, but she said nothing because he was right. “What are you working on, anyway?” He asked. “That you’re skipping lunch and everything.”
“Uh...I just want to make a good impression and make sure I’m doing everything I can.”
“I’ve never known you to not give a hundred and twenty percent, love. If anyone has a question about your qualifications, you can send them to me.”
“How come you get to act like a partner?” She asked. “M’not jealous or anything—I’m just wondering why—”
“Louis always said I was brilliant or whatever,” he said casually with a shrug. He wasn’t bragging. He was just stating a fact. It was true too. Harry was brilliant. “I always told him it was because I worked with you, but he didn’t believe me. So, when he saw m’name as a reference on your application, I told him he would understand it was your brilliance that helped me be so successful and if he didn’t hire you, it would be a terrible mistake in his career because you would go be perfect and wonderful somewhere else. He’s seen your work, trust me, kitten. He knows how hard you’re working and you’re making an unbelievable impression. You don’t need to skip lunch t’prove your worth.”
This by far was the kindest thing Harry ever said of her—maybe anyone had ever said of her. She was speechless. Maybe it was the sleep still on her brain. Or the pain in her head that caused Harry to turn off the lights, so it was dark and quiet in her office. Or maybe it was because Harry finally said something sweet about her. But she finally worked up the courage to ask a question that had bothered her for their entire lives. “How come you don’t like me?” Her voice was so quiet it pained Harry.
He shook his head. “I like you,” he said with an eye roll. She wondered if it was no longer hard for him to lie like that. Countless people must have asked him over the years. Certainly, by now he perfected the tone and emotion needed to get people off the subject.
“Not really,” she said with sigh. When they were younger it definitely upset her more that Harry disliked her so much. When people asked she would feel a sting come behind her eyes because it would have made all the sense in the world for Harry to be her best friend. Now, it was just a matter of fact. NaCl was salt, flowers bloomed in spring, and Harry didn’t like her. “It’s fine...” but her voice cracked just a hair like it used to when she was asked about why Harry didn’t like her at all. “I just...I don’t know. We would have been really good friends if you did...that’s all,” she gave a small shrug eating another bite of her food.
“You want to be friends?” He questioned, surprised. Even though he was a dick to her she wanted to be friends. She seemed to be a glutton for punishment.
“Well,” she cleared her throat pushing her orange chicken through her fried rice as a distraction. “I guess we’re kind of old to be asking that,” she said quietly. “We just spent a lot of time together growing up. I think it would have made sense,” she explained. It felt like she was arguing another case, it was far more awkward though and while she would have liked to win, she didn’t know if it was worth it. “It’s fine...you don’t have to be my friend. Thank you for the food.”
“Kitten, I,” he sighed and ran his hand over his face pinching his lower lip between his fingers. She could tell from the tone in his voice he was exasperated by her. She should have just eaten faster and let him leave without the third degree. “We can be friends.”
She blinked at her food and then turned to look at him. “We can?”
He tilted his head at her and rolled his eyes. “Would it make you happy?” He asked.
She was lucky her brain wasn’t fully functioning due to the lack of food. That was a weird question for him to ask. Harry never once cared if she was happy or not the entire time that she knew him. “Yes.”
“Then we can be friends.”
Despite their newly found friendship, she tried not to overwhelm Harry. They made small talk when they ran into each other at the office. About once a week Harry would text her asking if she would like to carpool to work and she politely declined because again, she didn’t want to bother him.
“Hey, I’m going to meet a client at Starbucks, do you want any coffee when I get—oh,” she said softly. For the entire time she’d known Harry, she had never seen one hair out of place. Not one shirt collar unpressed. A shoelace never untied.
Right now, Harry’s hair was clearly the result of running his hand through it several times over, his eyes rimmed red, and his papers on his desk distributed haphazardly on the floor. “Go away,” he grumbled looking at the ground.
“Harry, are you alright?” She asked quickly closing the door behind her.
“Fine,” he spit. “Just leave.”
“Uh, no,” she swallowed the nervousness down. She thought about how nice he was when she wasn’t feeling well. She wanted to return the favor if she could. Whatever his outburst was about, she wanted to help. “You don’t look okay. What’s wrong? Can I help—”
“No,” he said firmly.
“Harry, seriously.”
“M’mum was in a car accident, Gem called,” he snapped. He had his head hung low as he pressed his hands to the back of his head. “I have a disposition in an hour and Mum’s in surgery. Okay. Are you happy?”
She blinked. No, she wasn’t happy. But she knew why he snapped. That answered her question about what his relationship with his mom was like. “Harry, I’m so sorry.”
“Whatever,” he sniffed.
“Harry...you...you should go to the hospital.”
God she was infuriating; this friendship thing was a stupid idea. She was too nice and sweet. “Did you not—”
“Harry, it’s your mom,” she reminded him. He looked up at her, again the startling contrast of his usual put together self and this...broken man made her weak. She wanted to pluck every piece of pain from his body and put it somewhere that would never find him again.
“I know!” he nearly shouted. “I can’t leave though,” he said softer than his shout. It was agonizing, she knew it was breaking him.
“I can do your disposition Harry. You have to go to the hospital.”
“You don’t know the case.”
“Give me the highlights.”
He looked up finally, right in her eyes and stared at her. “You would really do this?” He asked. She nodded. “What about your client?”
“I’ll reschedule. This is more important.”
“I can’t lose this one.”
“I’ll do my level best,” she promised. “Trust me.” He did. Implicitly. All the school projects, every presentation, any time Harry forgot something he knew she wouldn’t. She was always there to make everything they did better. “Just go and don’t worry about this.”
Harry sucked his lip into his mouth as she put the phone to her ear and quickly told the other end of the line she had to reschedule because of a family emergency—but she left out that it wasn’t her family. They could do dinner this evening if she’d like on short notice or coffee tomorrow. It was done with ease and grace. The client at the other end didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. “I don’t think I can do this,” Harry admitted; he wasn’t sure he would tell anyone else that except the girl he had known for his whole life. In Harry’s eyes, no one knew him better—even if she didn’t know it. “This client is very particular, and he’s mean and—”
“I can handle mean,” she said firmly. Harry wasn’t in the headspace to realize she could handle mean because of him. “Harry, you’re going to the hospital. You won’t do a good job if your mind is on your mom and you’re worrying the whole time. Then you’ll be worried you’re ruining the disposition so just let me help.”
He nodded solemnly. She was right, of course. She waited for him to make his decision. His knee bouncing the whole time as she picked the papers off his floor, and she organized them into neat little piles on his desk. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she said and pulled her phone from her purse. “Hit me,” she said holding the phone out to him ready to record.
Harry arrived at the hospital. Gemma was in tears but in such shock as she gazed at her arriving brother. “Are you really here?” She asked hugging him tight. He nodded, squeezing her hard.
“How’s Mum?” He asked ignoring her obvious question that he would never willingly leave work—especially if he had an important meeting.
“She’s okay,” she said, eyes red and teary. She nodded firmly. “It was really scary because they wouldn’t say until I got here. Surgery is needed but not life or death,” she explained. “She’ll be ready to see us in a few moments.”
Harry sighed with relief and sat in the waiting room chair. “Christ,” he muttered.
“I thought you had a disposition?” Harry quickly explained the situation and that the sweet girl was taking care of it. “You work with her?” Gemma asked. Harry nodded.
“Yeah, why?”
She shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re...paired again. It’s just fate, y’know?” She mumbled. “S’nice you have her to look after you. To have someone you know and trust nearby,” she told her younger brother. “I love her,” she said with a shrug. “Even if you don’t.”
Harry ignored her. He was focused on his mom. He was relieved she was okay. But he wanted to see her.
His phone vibrated with a text from her. She promised an update as soon as the disposition was finished.
All done. Went well. I left notes on your desk. Let me know if you need anything. Wish your mom and Gem well. Don’t worry about anything else here.
Thank you, kitten.
“Kitten, hmm?”
Harry locked his phone. When they went to the room where his mother lay looking banged up but alive, he nearly cried. “Hi Mum,” he sniffed.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” she smirked easily. Nearly unaffected by the wires and tubes. “How’d you get out of work?” Gemma was delighted to tell the tale of the sweet girl. “Oh, I love her,” Anne grinned tiredly. “Why didn’t you ever bring her home, Harry?” She wondered. Harry started to answer but the arrival of a get-well basket on behalf of that sweet girl made its way through the threshold halting all of Harry’s thoughts of an excuse.
Because he really didn’t know why he never brought her home.
At the company party Harry eyed her from across the way. They were definitely friendlier, but Harry was hedging his bets. First and foremost, he was still hesitant to be in love with her. She was perfect and if he thought for two seconds longer, he would realize his stupid idea that he shouldn’t be in love with someone he’s known his whole life wasn’t his issue. Perhaps his issue was that she was perfect, and Harry was not. It seemed cruel for fate to tempt him like that. But maybe there was a reason she was so heavily involved in every aspect of his life.
Harry also wasn’t blind to the implications of dating a coworker.
But most importantly to him, she was so good at everything he couldn’t imagine being a subpar boyfriend when she deserved the very best. Harry didn’t even know how to be a boyfriend. Because of all the schoolwork he focused on he rarely dated anyone longer than a few dates or the occasional hookup.
And he had seen her in action as a girlfriend. Their junior year of university she dated a guy that she obviously adored for nearly a year and a half. She was naturally perfect. Went to every basketball game he was in, brought him soup when he wasn’t feeling well, and looked over his work for him before he turned it in. He was exactly what Harry imagined her boyfriend would be like. Attractive, hardworking, and very sweet to her. They met at the gym while she was studying for her ethics class on the treadmill (he only knew this because he told the story at a party, they both attended and Harry was intently listening).
The only problem Harry had with him—besides the fact he was dating the girl he spent so much time with—was he was not ambitious, and he never planned any of their dates. Harry hated him. She deserved flowers and coffee dates. Ice skating and movies. Once while she was on the phone with her sister when Harry was arriving at one of their study sessions, he knew she wanted a carriage ride around the park at Christmas. It wasn’t hard to figure out, so he was glad when he found out she broke up with him. Even if Harry didn’t like her, he knew she deserved more than that.
“Harry!” It was the client he had to skip out on for his mum the other day. “How’s your mum?” He asked.
“She’s fine, thank you. I’m sorry for the short notice of me not being there,” he said seriously.
“I was mad as hell when she told me you left. I think I screamed at her,” he admitted. Harry didn’t like that at all. The way his blood boiled at the idea of anyone yelling at her made him want to punch his client. Harry never thought himself a violent person, but here he was angry on behalf of a girl he only barely liked. It made him even madder that she didn’t mention anything at all about getting yelled at either. “But she was incredible! You can leave me with her anytime—she was brilliant and poised. I don’t think anyone suspected anything she had to say.”
“Yes, she’s very good,” Harry murmured around a sip of his drink. He was right, too. No one ever suspected the sweet girl to know anything. She was all eyes and beauty. She was softspoken, but her words carried weight. It would be entirely unfair for her to be exceedingly intelligent too. But she was. Harry hated the way people underestimated her, especially when they were paired together. It was like they thought he was only paired with her because she was pretty.
“She’s easy on the eyes too,” he winked at Harry. Harry gripped his drink tighter as he envisioned shattering the glass over top of his head.
“Ha, yeah.”
“Well thank you. I’m glad your mum is okay. I’ll keep you posted about the next meetings,” he said.
Harry nodded. “Have a drink on my tab, please,” he said gratefully.
Harry was suddenly at her side. “You didn’t tell me he yelled at you,” he said interrupting whatever conversation she was in currently.
“Uh, sorry,” she said softly clearing her throat to the gathering that eyed Harry like they’d never seen a man before. It was clear the interruption didn’t bother them solely because Harry was the one interrupting and it gave them an excuse to ogle him up close. She was lucky she spent so much time with him growing up. She could ogle at her own leisure. “Excuse me,” she grabbed Harry by the forearm, and he swore it felt like fire where she touched him. He wracked his brain for a memory if she ever touched him before this moment. “Come again?”
“My client. He told me he yelled at you. You didn’t tell me that.”
“Uh...you were kind of busy Harry. I’m used to getting yelled at, it wasn’t a big deal to—”
“Who yells at you?” He asked quickly. “Why would they yell at you?” Harry felt his blood boiling and he didn’t really know why. He wanted to put her in his office and monitor every interaction she had with anyone else in the world. She should never be yelled at—he would be sure of it going forward.
“Well clients mostly, my sister, you, this woman yelled at me one time at the grocery store—”
“I’ve never yelled at you.”
“Yes, you have,” she shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. We work in a business of yelling, Harry.”
He wanted to throw his glass across the room now. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
“Seriously?” She asked.
“Seriously, what?”
“It’s really okay, Harry. I’ve been yelled at before.”
“But you shouldn’t be,” he was exasperated again. It was a quick switch to get to this breaking point of her complete non-understanding of why he was mad. But she didn’t really know why he was mad, and it was unfair of Harry to be so agitated by her when he didn’t even know why he was mad.
“Harry,” she said gently and put a hand on his forearm and gave him a squeeze. She gazed at him with those beautiful, lovely eyes and Harry could feel himself melting at the sweet expression on her face. “It’s okay,” she promised. He tore his arm from her and stalked off angrily sipping his drink before he did something like tell her she loved him.
So much for friends. She thought to herself.
Harry never really avoided her at firm parties. But he seemed like he was at this one. She hadn’t seen him in a while, and it oddly made her uncomfortable to not knowing where he was. She supposed since she had been with him for nearly 20 years of her life, when he wasn’t around, she knew. It didn’t make the party any less fun nor did it deter her from chatting with potential and current clients.
“Hello there,” a man said while she waited for her drink at the bar. She could tell he had too much to drink. It was another member of their team. Someone she saw on a very rare occasion. His client load was substantial and kept him busy and away from the office most days.
“Hi,” she said politely. He was a tall man. And with the alcohol coursing his bloodstream he knew very little of personal space.
“You’re very pretty,” he slurred. Her face felt hot at his assessment, and she wished she wasn’t by herself.
“Thank you,” she said gently and walked toward a group of the women she was chatting with before she headed to the bar to get another drink.
“I’ve seen you around,” he said following her another step. “You’re very smart.”
“Try to be—I have to get back to my friends,” she said gesturing to the women nearby. He frowned but she could feel his gaze on her back as she hurried back over. Fortunately, he was gone when she glanced back.
At the end of the party, she told her friends she was going to use the restroom before she left and not to worry. She would see them on Monday. What she hadn’t accounted for was the stupid drunk man to be in the darkly lit hallway leading to the bathrooms when she exited. “Hello, again.”
“Hi,” she said gently. She sounded a lot braver than she was. There was no one in sight at all.
“I wanted to tell you how pretty you were earlier.”
“You did.”
“Well, I wanted to tell you again.”
“Thank you,” she said and stepped forward to brush past him. He grabbed her arm. She felt her fight or flight kick in and she desperately wanted to fly. “Excuse me, I’m leaving. I’m expected home soon—”
“Can’t you come home with me?” He asked with a sick smirk on his face.
She shook her head. “Let go of me,” she said firmly.
“Come on, I can make it worth your while,” he pulled her arm hard making the space between them almost disappear. She didn’t like how small she felt. She hated that about her job. She was constantly made to feel small because she was a woman. His height didn’t help. Neither did the alcohol.
But right now, it was a hundred times worse, and it made her stomach churn. She wanted to throw up and for a moment she thought maybe that would help her escape. “No thank you,” she said pulling harder on her arm that would surely have a bruise when she looked later.
“Well how about right here?” His smile was evil and vile. She really wanted to throw up now. Why didn’t she just go home with her friends?
With as much force as she could muster, she stomped on his inner foot, and he gasped and released her arm in shock. “Fuck!” He shouted. She hurried down the hall, tears filling her vision but somehow, he was right behind her, grabbing her arm again and pushing her against the wall causing her to yelp. “You’re going to regret that,” he snarled in her ear.
Before she had time to cry or vomit (or both) his presence was gone, and she fell to the floor at the lack of pressure against her body. She scrambled to her feet and turned to see Harry towering over the man he had clearly thrown to the ground. The panic flooding her body subsided immensely. Her heart rate was still elevated on behalf of Harry but seeing him made her feel so much safer.
 “She said no,” Harry said with so much anger in his voice she was terrified. He dared one glance back at her to see her back on her feet. His eyes were furious. She had seen him argue in mock trials and even been to some of his real court dates. Harry may have disliked her for a long part of their lives, but she had never seen hatred like this.
She would have hated to be the man on the receiving end of his look. “She’s a taunting little bitch. I’ve heard the way you talk about her,” he snapped at Harry. “Leave us alone.”
“I’ve known her my whole life. She knows I don’t talk about her,” Harry said knowingly. His voice was so deep, and the intensity of his words left her woozy; she couldn’t imagine someone protecting her—least of all Harry. And his words were true of course. As much as he disliked her, no one ever had a bad thing to say about her at the hands of Harry. “I will not be leaving her alone.”
She nearly sighed with relief at his statement. He turned quickly, grabbed her hand, and pushed her in front of him as he guided them out of the hallway and out of the restaurant. There were people milling about, but it was late, and it wasn’t crowded by any means. If Harry wasn’t there, she doesn’t want to think about what would have happened. He ushered them a few paces away from the restaurant up the sidewalk.
“Are you alright?” He asked suddenly, he turned her to face him as they stood under the streetlight outside. She was shaking like she was cold, and Harry wanted to reach out and warm her. The last five minutes were catching up to her violently. “Kitten?” He almost snapped, desperate for some indication that she was okay. “Are you okay?”
She nodded then shook her head. “I-I’m fine,” she said and sniffled wiping her sleeve across her nose. “I just want to go home,” she said with an awkward laugh and then the tears started to blur her vision.
“Kitten, I’m not going to leave you alone until I see you lock your door and you’re home safely. So it’s okay to not be okay, just tell me,” again, he sounded exasperated with her.
“Yeah, no I’m okay...” she whimpered biting her lip trying to erase the thoughts from her head of the last few moments. Harry was there and she was okay. “No...no...” she shook her head as the tears steadily fell. She gasped out a strangled cry and Harry pulled her to him immediately. She was overwhelmed by a lot of things but also that he felt so safe and sturdy as he held her. His arms around her protectively, he cupped his hand on the back of her head and one arm around her waist. The sobs left her freely then.
“S’okay,” he said so gently it hurt more than anything that happened to her. Harry being so nice to her nearly wounded her. The safety of his embrace left her breathless. His thumb rubbing over her hair made her weak. “You’re safe, kitten,” he promised. “I got you.”
Harry held her hand the entire cab ride home. She sniffled and each time she did, Harry squeezed her hand reassuringly. The cab stopped outside her apartment building, and she reached for her purse for money. “Stop,” Harry said putting her hand to her side and paying the driver. Harry followed behind her while they made it up the stairs to her second-floor place. Every so often she glanced back to see if Harry was still there. “M’not going anywhere, kitten,” he promised.
She nodded, unlocked her door and pushed inside. “Can I get—”
“Just go sit down, love,” he shook his head at her. “I’ll be right in,” he said making his way for the kitchen. His voice was gentle. Like when she wasn’t feeling well, and he made her nap and eat.
She followed his direction. She felt a little out of place in her own apartment and she twiddled her fingers together as she waited in silence for Harry to come to her living room. He was there shortly, a glass of water for her. She reached out for it, but Harry noticed how her hand was still shaking. “Here,” he said bringing the cup to her lips. He gently cradled the back of her head with his other hand. She felt like a child as Harry helped her drink, but he didn’t pay any mind to the situation at all—he just didn’t want her to spill and make a mess that she would have to worry about right now. “Can I get you anything else?” He wondered. His voice was so deep and gentle in comparison to the hatred he spewed before in every word he spoke.
She shook her head, more tears filling her eyes. “Thank you,” she said gratefully.
He shook his head back at her. “Don’t,” he sighed. “I would never let anything happen to you, kitten,” he promised. Her heart fluttered, despite everything. It was by far one of the sweetest things Harry ever said to her. “I’m glad you’re home safe now. I can leave if you want—"
She was quick to protest. Too quick. “No! Please don’t,” the words rushed out of her mouth before she could stop them. She turned to look at the empty dark apartment as a distraction from her cheeks turning into two red tomatoes. She cleared her throat regaining her composure as she looked back at Harry. She was lucky the tears filled her vision again at the frustration and sadness of her evening overwhelming her again.
“I won’t go until you want me to, kitten,” Harry answered pressing his hand to her face. He brushed his thumb gently over her cheek bone and caught the stray tear that spilled over. His voice was so quiet and soft. It was so different than every interaction he ever had with her.
“Really?” She whispered breathlessly.
“No, baby,” he promised. “I won’t.”
She didn’t think and wrapped herself up in his embrace. It worked so naturally of course. His arms wrapped around her, and he tugged her carefully, so he was snuggled into the corner of her sofa with her cuddled into him. She sighed with relief as tears flowed onto his shirt and coat. She sniveled miserably. “I’ll have to get this dry cleaned for you,” she managed to mumble between her tears.
“Would you please just shut up?” The exasperation was thick in his tone. It kind of made her smile.
“Okay,” she whispered sniveling still.
After a few moments her cries subsided, and Harry let his fingers dance up and down her arm as he held her close to him. He tried not to think about how perfectly she fit in the empty spaces of his body. “Harry?” She asked quietly.
“Thank you,” she said again.
He sighed, a bit irritated that she was thanking him for being a decent human being and protecting her. But he knew she was uncomfortable and upset. “You’re welcome, kitten,” he said softly. “Go to sleep.”
“I can’t do that, Harry. His client base is too substantial.”
“Let him leave with them, then,” Harry snapped. He was pacing Louis’ office. Adamant something be done.
“Harry, stop,” Louis rubbed his hand over his face. “We can get her a restraining order if she wants, and we can put him on a different floor so he never—”
“You need to fire him,” Harry said. “Or she and I will take all our clients and leave instead,” he promised.
He stared at his friend. “Harry.”
“Louis, you fire him, or you’ll have to represent me when I kill him.”
There was a knock outside Louis’ door before the pretty girl entered, making the anger in Harry’s heart dissipate immensely. “Oh, hi Harry,” she murmured and looked at her feet nervously. “You wanted to see me, Mr. Tomlinson?” She asked softly.
Harry gazed at her so adoringly, he couldn’t stop himself. His blood was on fire the moment he saw her struggling. He never thought about murdering someone seriously in his whole life. Yet there he was—ready to kill someone on behalf of the sweet girl. “Call me Louis, love. Please.”
She nodded. “Louis, then. Am...I in trouble?” She asked curiously.
Harry sighed in exasperation and ran his hand over his face in disbelief. She stared at Harry curiously as he made his assessment. “You’re an idiot,” he said to her.
She looked at her feet, feeling her face warm at his insult. “Harold,” Louis snapped. “No love, you’re not in trouble. I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
There was a bit of silence. “Well, are you alright?” He repeated. Harry wanted to shake her a bit. She was beyond infuriatingly annoying sometimes.
“I’m okay,” she said softly. “Uh...Harry protected me.”
“Yes, he’s decent every once in a while.”
She smirked. “He is.”
“Can I do anything for you to ensure you feel safe while you’re working?”
“Oh, um...no—”
“You can fire him,” Harry repeated.
“Harry, that’s not necessary,” she shook her head, her face feeling flushed.
His right eye twitched and he looked out Louis’ window; stuffed his hands in his pockets as he muttered to himself. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re not safe while you’re here,” Louis said knowingly.
Harry wasn’t watching her, but she looked right at him as she answered Louis. “I feel safe,” she said softly.
Louis smirked and shook his head at Harry who still wasn’t paying any attention. Talk about an idiot in this scenario. “I’m very sorry that happened to you. He will be reprimanded beyond belief, you have my word. We’ll be moving his office to a different floor as well,” he promised.
“Louis, you weren’t there,” Harry reminded him. “You didn’t watch her cry while she fell asleep—”
“Harry!” She gasped at the admission and her face felt warm. That was not something she wanted her boss to know. It painted the wrong picture—even if she slept so well in the comfort of Harry’s arms. Louis didn’t pay any attention to their night spent together, though. He was keeping his eyes on Harry.
“I wanted to kill him,” Harry repeated. She gulped at the idea of Harry doing something so violent for her. Something that would get him thrown in jail for a long while.
“I understand that,” Louis said simply. “Love, I’m very sorry,” he returned his attention to the poor girl who looked wildly uncomfortable. “If there is something I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. I know you have Harry in the office next to you, but if he’s not around, I’d be happy to assist you with anything,” he said kindly.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” she said courteously.
“Harold,” Louis said narrowing his eyes at him.
“Whatever,” he grumbled and stalked out of the office.
“I’m...sorry about him,” she said nervously.
“Don’t worry love, I’ve known Harry for a long while. He means well. He’s just thick headed sometimes,” he shrugged. “I’m serious though, if you need something or want something, let me know.”
“I will, thank you.”
Shaking her head, she exited his office and headed back to her own. She grabbed a cup of coffee from the breakroom as she passed it and tried to think about the to-do list she had for the day. Mentally, she added a dry-cleaner stop for Harry’s suit she cried all over as well. It wasn’t much, but it was the least she could do as a thank you for all he did. As she paced the last few steps toward her office, she tried to convince herself the last few moments in Louis’ office were real. Harry was angry at Louis (and maybe her, what else was new?) for something beyond his control. She wondered why he was so adamant but found it sweet in Harry’s own way.
She closed her office door behind her and tilted her head at Harry sitting on the couch. As she entered, he stood up and gazed at her without speaking. It looked like he was looking through her. She bit the inside of her lip as she held the coffee with both of her hands to keep her tingling fingers warm at the idea that Harry was waiting for her. “Can I help you?” She asked.
“I’m going to be a shitty boyfriend.”
She blinked in complete confusion. It was by far the last thing she ever expected Harry to say. “I’m sorry?”
“I get all wrapped up in m’own stuff and I forget dates even though they’re in m’calendar and reminders and everything. It’ll infuriate you. I’ll make up for it with grand sweeping gestures that will maybe make it better, but they might just make y’madder that I can’t remember the little things.”
“Harry, what—”
“M’so in love with you and I’ve been ignoring it since we were kids. The six months I worked here without you were the longest months ’ve gone without seeing you and I didn’t even want t’see you, but I don’t want to go that long without seeing you ever again. I barely want t’go an hour without seeing you and even when I do I think about you the whole time,” he started to pace across her office back and forth as if was retracing his steps to remember all the things he was saying. Like they were written on the carpet.
“Can you just—”
“I’ll be better than that tool y’dated in third year,” she wondered where that came from because she didn’t even know he knew she was dating someone. “I’ll give you everything y’want or need whenever you ask. I’ll plan dates, I’ll take y’anywhere you want t’go, I’ll walk on hot coals for you, if you ask. I love you so goddamn much, love. I want to murder someone for you, and I wouldn’t bat an eyelash; ’ve never felt this way ‘bout anyone before. You’re infuriatingly sweet and y’never know when t’shut up or what’s good for you. It’s probably going t’get y’killed one day and I don’t know how someone s’sweet could be a corporate lawyer. You’re unbelievably challenging in so many ways and y’always remind me that I don’t know everything even though I think I do. Mum and Gemma want me t’bring you t'Sunday dinners.”
She shook her head trying to process all of this it didn’t help that he was jumping from topic to topic. Harry had given speeches in college before. She listened to many of his own closing arguments and of course read countless persuasive essays. This wasn’t anything like any of that. This was wild and out of sorts. She wondered what was flowing in his head and why it was spewing out like this, why it was happening now. “Harry, what are you—”
“You asked me t’be friends because you thought we’d be good friends since we spent all that time together. Quite frankly you’re m’best friend. Even though I was miserable towards you all the time. I don’t know why I did that t’you and s’jus’ another reason you should tell me t’take a hike. No one knows me as well as you do. Sleeping with you on your couch made m’neck so sore I can’t turn it to the left, but it was the best sleep of m’life and I want t’do it over and over again if I can hold you.”
That made her face flood with heat so quickly she was sure she looked bright red. “Harry, honestly, I’m—”
“I will never hurt you and I will never let anyone hurt you while m’around.” This time she didn’t interrupt him she could feel her face soften at his words and she felt like she was going to cry if he talked any longer. “I don’t think I know anyone half s’beautiful as you, kitten, inside or out,” he said softly. Everything else he said felt like a sprint. A rush of words he had been dying to get out for who knows how long. “Please, be my girlfriend,” he said finally, slowly at last.
They stared at each other silently for several moments.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“Thank you.”
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phxntomsdusk · 6 months
you should write something about studentbur.. if ur comfy.. hes really underrated imo.. im currently hyperfixated on him
Science fair - Studentbur x GN!reader
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summary: being paired up with the “weird” kid for the science fair ends up taking an unexpected turn
(anon, i love this!! since i’m a student myself this is definitely one of the easiest things for me to write !! if you want you can become a regular anon and share your studentbur thoughts, i’ll gladly answer each and every one <3)
warnings: kids are mean abt will
tags: @ax-y10 , @joviepog (ask to be added!)
word count: 1120
Science fair was one of the most dreadful things to have to do. Your teacher had picked partners for everyone, but allowed creative liberty for what you wanted to do. And the person you got paired with? William Gold.
He didn’t talk much in your class, unless it was one of his friends, but even then they barely say near him. He was known as the “weird” kid. From what everyone said he smelled, he was annoying, and had the worst sense of humor.
You didn’t know him personally so you couldn’t judge him just yet, you’d have to save it for when you finally got to work with him.
You approached him during lunch, sitting across from him and clearly surprising him. He didn’t say anything to you and simply continued to eat.
“Hey, I’m your partner for the science fair. I’m Y/N.” You stuck a hand out as a greeting, watching him timidly put his sandwich down and grab your hand back. “I’m William.. Well, Will or Wilbur. Call me whatever.” He shrugged at his own words, before letting go of your hand and continuing to eat.
It was obvious he wasn’t used to people talking to him, but you had to bear with it for now.
“I was thinking that for the science fair we could do something simple? And we could meet up at the park to work on it, if that’s okay with you.” You made sure to keep your gaze on him as you spoke, a welcoming smile on your lips as you watched him carefully. “Yeah, sure. Simple as in what soil helps plants grow? Or if maybe colors affect a dog’s enjoyment with a toy? We could do an actual experiment in my mum’s garden or with my dog.”
You could only smile as he slowly came out of his shell, you now knew his mum had a garden you guys could use, and a dog! “Those are perfect! I think the dog one would be easiest to do. I could use my allowance to buy some different colored toys from the shop and then we can see which ones your dog likes more.”
He quickly nodded at your suggestion, before shuffling through his bag and grabbing a paper and pen, scribbling down his number and address. “So, instead of the park we can do everything at my house. For the poster board what do we do? Dog house theme? We could cut up some construction paper and make it all pretty.”
Over the course of your conversation he only became more smiley and talked about his interests. You could put he enjoyed gaming, wanted to get into music, and even had a vinyl collection he wanted to show you when you were to go over.
You of course had to talk to your parents about it, which they gladly allowed you to go over that weekend.
You made sure to text the number he had given you, which ended up thankfully being his and not a house phone.
The two of you only made further plans throughout the day, more ideas being thrown back and forth for what types of toys you should do, what the poster board should look like, and what to call the experiment.
You both decided to not come up with a fancy title or pun for the experiment, simply calling it the question you wanted to answer. The poster board was going to look like a dog house, and he agreed that you were going to make it, while he did the main experiments.
The weekend came around faster than expected, but it was 100% worth it. You made sure to buy at least 8 cheap toys of rainbow colors, including white and black. They were all squeaky rubber toys.
When you finally showed up it was more peaceful than expected, and he was waiting patiently on the porch for you, bouncing a tennis ball against the ground.
Before you guys did anything he introduced you to his mum and his dog, offering you a drink and snack, and finally took you to his room to show off his vinyls.
While he rambled on about his love for bands, you couldn’t help but think about all the things kids would say about him. He was almost polar opposite to what they described, he wasn’t weird, it seemed like he just didn’t have anyone who listened to all of his interests.
You probably spent way too long in his room before the actual experiment, which was much more fun than either of you expected.
His dog adored you, mostly ignoring the toys and giving l the attention to you. Will was smiling like an absolute idiot the entire time, and laughing like a maniac. He kept having to pull the pup off of you, squeaky toys so many times until it felt like your ears would bleed.
“God, you shouldn’t have stayed. We can’t do anything, he likes you too much!” His voice thankfully dripped with sarcasm, before he helped you to your feet after his dog practically tackled you to the ground.
“Oh, shut up. We may just have to do this another day.” You sighed and wiped your pants free of any dirt that got on you. “Alright, alright. I’ll put the toys somewhere in my room. Wanna listen to more of my vinyls until your parents come to get you? We have, like, an hour.” He smiled as he spoke, making his way back inside the house and up to his room.
You quickly followed after him, shooting him a thumbs up as you found yourself sitting on his bed. He shuffled through his collection, before pulling out an Arctic Monkeys vinyl and displayed it to you.
“Please say you’re a fan. I don’t think we can be friends if you aren’t.” He pouted dramatically as he placed it on the player, allowing it to spin almost as soon as he put it on. “I am a fan. You played them for me the second I entered the front door.”
He laughed lightly at your words, shrugging before he flopped down onto the bed right next to you. “Think we’ll get a good grade?” He looked at you with raised brows, lifting a hand up in the shape of a fist.
You made a fist and bumped it with his, smiling and nodding. “Yeah, I think so. It’s definitely not the most impressive, but it’s unique.” You laid back next to him, enjoying the music and the moment as you stared up at the ceiling.
Maybe getting paired with the “weird” kid would end up being a good thing.
A really good thing.
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fimmiesthinker · 1 year
I'm serious - nakamura kazuha x fem!reader
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sypnosy: being friends with a florist had some advantage, which being the "I'll pay you later" talk. but when a pretty lady is on the counter instead of your friend, you try to not look like a idiot in front of her.
tags: non-idol au, mutual pining, fluff, just zuha being flirty
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Something about the symbolism of flowers always got your attention. as a decoration or a gift, even if you don't know the name or meaning, flowers were pretty to look at anyway. and the flower shop near your university was your favorite place since you visited it occasionally, didn't took too long to you be friends with the owner, sakura.
probably because both of you shared similar ages, just two years apart, the interaction was easy going. and sure, after you totally failed to impress and get out with her, the friendship you both shared was better than any you ever had.
You always mantain a routine of visiting the little flower shop after class, even for studying, you preferred to see pretty flowers in front of you instead of boring books, sakura always tease you saying it is placebo effect and in reality you just can't stay away from her. so naturally, after stressful classes you wanted nothing more than just to complaining and rant about it with your best friend and recharge at your favorite place.
Entering mindless throught the flower shop the bell at the top of the door jingles indicating your familiar presence, and oh how you should've realized sooner before starting a rant that the person behind the counter today wasn't your friend sakura that you were used to.
"Good afternoon, how can I-"
"Kkura I swear to God that if that dumb blonde american girl be loud again at class I-"
you stopped, freezing in your place, when your gaze met a tall, dark haired, pretty pretty woman, behind the counter looking at you in amusement since you just entered and started talking, interrupting her.
"Hum, miss sakura isn't here today, she got sick so I'm taking care of the shop today" the lady said and you weren't expecting such a calm and sweet voice from her, audibily there was a tone of interest in her voice but you didn't notice it.
if sakura was sick why she didn't just closed the shop for the day...
"Right, uhm, sorry about just now I.. wasn't expecting a.." you clear your throat and take a breath to calm down and not stumble over the words before embarrassing yourself even more.
" I'm y/n, a friend of sakura so i'm always around here, and not seeing her got me by surprise because I thought she was the only one that worked here" you finished feeling a little embarrassed and scratched the back of your neck shyly.
"Oh! i'm kazuha, nice to meet you." she says flashing a pretty smile and leans forward on the counter resting her chin against the palm of her hand
"hmm sakura told me about you, but i didn't expect you to be this cute." kazuha added casually with a clearly playful grin.
Your eyes widen a bit surprised and you fidget with the collar of your shirt.
"Oh.. ha well, uhm, thank you. you are very pretty too.." you match her eye contact but bite the inside of your lip nervously.
Kazuha giggles softly observing you and straighten up before speaking
"tell me sweetheart," she tilt her head a little "did your original plan was to come and chat with sakura or are you going to buy a flower? because, unfortunately, I have class in a hour and will have to close the shop in a few." her eyes soften in a apology but she smiled at you in a queit expectation.
Your shoulders relaxed when you felt a good warmth in your chest and kazuha didn't missed the small smile on the corners of your lips as you replied "well, i won't lie saying i did indeed came for a little chat, but uhm, let's see. what flower is good for a 'hope to meet you soon' wish?"
Kazuha playfully shook her head when she understood what you were saying and couldn't hold back the smile growing on her face.
"Well, most of bright flowers carry good meanings with them, so for you.." she starts explaining and soon after roam around the place thinking in your request
"astilbe flowers for example mostly stand for dedication and patience, it stands as a promise to wait for a loved one."
You attentive listen to kazuha explanation while she took a pink and white astilbe flower. you couldn't help but notice the trained gentleness of her touch while she was handling the flowers, petitly wrapping a lace around the stem.
before kazuha handled over the flowers, you watch as she writes something on the lace and after seeing what it is your chest squeezes warmly again.
"remember to take care of the flowers and as it meaning I'll be waiting for at least a text from you later, okay?" she finishes with the same pretty smile from minutes ago and a quick wink, the honesty in her eyes made you let a smile on your own.
paying a considerate tip and leaving after longing stares and a shy goodbye, you quickly take your phone to text your good friend.
you: can you like
you: stay sick for a whole week??
kkura 🌸: ???? what happened
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note: writing and learning about body language and meaning of flowers made this one worth it
343 notes · View notes
whoisshel · 6 months
Stuck on You
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Honey was given the nickname for a reason; she’s sweet and sticky like honey. Memories of her will stick with you forever, and after meeting her, you’ll want to stick by her side. Most people know her by Honey more than they do her own name. The whole town of Hawkins was surprised when they learned who she allowed to stick by her at all times.
If there was ever a person to be considered an opposite of Honey, it was Eddie “The Freak” Munson. Eddie wore black and leather while Honey wore white and soft cotton. Eddie lived in a one-bedroom trailer with his Uncle, Honey grew up with both her parents and was surrounded by siblings in the house neighboring the Harrington’s. Eddie couldn't care less about the number of eyes that fell on him for being loud and different than everyone else in town, and Honey tried to shield herself from the eyes that peered at her being the town's sweetheart.
Yet, besides those differences, and more, the two found each other and haven’t left that feeling behind. Eddie and Honey started dating during Eddie’s second senior year and Honey’s first. They both knew of each other, of course, from being Hawkins’ freak and sweetheart. They officially met in their English class when Honey noticed Eddie looking confused while reading Catcher in the Rye, so she went over to see if she could be of any help.
“Hi,” Hones shyly said standing over the desk he sat at, “I saw that you seemed confused by the book, and was wondering if you’d like some help. Catcher in the Rye is one of my favorite books, I’ve read it like a million times.”
Eddie just stared at Honey as she rambled on. He took in her shy appearance as she swayed nervously with her hands linked behind her back. Eddie was mostly surprised that a girl who was dressed in a white sweater and short plaid skirt would willingly want to help him, not to mention this girl was loved by everyone in town.
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie finally sputtered out, “I would love your help.”
Not long after that, the two began to date, and the town erupted. Everyone talked about how surprised they were about the two teens dating. No one’s opinion was split though, it was probably the first the town could agree on something, Honey was too good for that “Freak.”
The town didn’t care to get to know Honey, because if they did they’d see that she’s not that different from Eddie.
Honey loves Rock music, what else is going to tune her parents’ shouting. She also enjoyed reading The Hobbit, she and Eddie loved reading The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings series over and over again together. While Honey didn’t know anything about Dungeons and Dragons before Eddie, she loved to listen to him talk about it and watch him play. Maybe she loved it because he loved it and would enthusiastically talk about it, or maybe because the game was actually fun.
The Dungeons and Dragons club members were very surprised when Honey showed up to one of the meetings. They heard the rumors but didn't believe them until the day they showed up to what was supposed to be a regular meeting but there Honey was all smiles and sitting comfortably on Eddie’s lap. The members were also surprised by how much patience Eddie had when teaching Honey the game. Usually, Eddie hated newbies that knew nothing, trying to play but when it came to Honey he was calm and collected, helping her every step of the way.
“Hey Eddie,” Honey unknowingly interrupted Eddie in the middle of telling another member his damage.
While everyone else froze, Eddie turned to Honey with the gentle list smile, “Yeah, babe?”
“Can you explain her powers to me again?”
Everyone assumed Eddie and Honey wouldn’t last longer than two months, but they were so wrong.
They’ve been together for three years now, Honey has graduated and is now a Junior in college while Eddie took another year to graduate High School where he met all their new friends. Eddie now works as a mechanic at a shop near Honey’s school. The two had even saved up enough money to move into an apartment and seemed like they weren’t going to be breaking up any time soon.
Honey and Eddie were happy that their place would give them space from the talk in their town but not too much that they couldn’t see friends or family. They would make the trip to visit Wayne and Honey’s siblings when they had time and would occasionally visit friends but most of the time they prioritized family. Their friends would visit them so much that they never needed to worry; especially when it came to Dustin, Steve, and Robin. Dustin practically lived with them from how often he would visit, and now that it’s his Junior year of High School all he can talk about is that once he graduated, he wants to go to the same college as Honey so they always be together.
“And then, I can get an apartment in the same building as yours so we can visit each other every day!” Dustin enthusiastically ranted.
Eddie looked over at Honey with wide eyes, while she just continued smiling. Eddie turned back to give Dustin a strained smile along with a nod, “That sounds great.”
The sarcasm was dripping off of Eddie’s extended “great” but that just went past Dustin as he continued with his plan.
“Oh, oh, even better idea. We should all move in together.”
It actually wasn’t too long after this conversation that three familiar faces became their neighbor six doors down.
Robin did attend the same college as Honey, and at first, she was just commuting but she wanted to live a shorter distance away. Robin and Vickie started looking for close apartments when Honey told her about a place that opened up in her building. One problem was that the place was a bit out of their price range and a two-bedroom. The place was really nice though and in walking distance to school so they wouldn’t have to pay for the parking pass. That’s when the third familiar face named Steve Harrington joined and now Honey and Eddie lived next to their friends.
Maybe living next to Dustin wouldn’t be so bad. Wrong!
In the morning, everyone stayed in their own apartments, giving Eddie and Honey time to enjoy each other's company. Every morning was pretty much the same for them. Honey was a big morning person, she loved to sit on the couch, placed perfectly near a window so she could watch the sun change from dark blue to orange to pink while she sipped on her Earl Grey Tea in her favorite Golden Girls mug. This gave Eddie time to sleep in because once the sun was shining Honey had nothing else to do but get Eddie up.
Eddie was not a morning person like his girlfriend but he couldn’t afford staying in bed; literally. Eddie had to be at work by nine a.m. which was luckier than the opener. Getting up at seven was made easier by the beautiful sight he saw every morning and the coffee that came with it.
Eddie stirred at the light caress he felt on his cheek, and what sounded to be an angel calling his name, “Eddie, it’s time to get up.”
When he realized what he was hearing, he scrunched his face in protest keeping his eyes shut tight trying to bring his sleep back.
“Come on, Eddie,” Honey chuckled at the cute face he made, “I’ve already let you sleep in. You’ve got to get ready for work.”
Eddie ended his protest, opening his eyes. As soon as he saw his beautiful girlfriend, a soft smile made its way on his face and to his eyes, “Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning, handsome.” Honey still had a hand on his cheek, stroking a thumb across his cheekbone, “I brought your coffee.”
Eddie sat up, leaning against the wall their bed was against. He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the mug filled with coffee, taking a small sip, His face filled with disgust, pushing the mug towards Honey, “Bleh, not sweet enough.”
Honey just rolled her eyes, trying to hide the smile creeping its way onto her face. Eddie made this joke every morning; and yet, Honey never grew tired of it. Neither did Eddie, seeing the same reluctant smile turn into one of joy. So Honey did what she does every morning, and stuck her finger into his coffee.
Taking the mug back, Eddie took another sip, “That’s better.”
The two have heard everything there could be said about how they would never make it and they were too different from each other. Even though Honey continued to dress in white sweaters and Eddie in his black leather vest, the two could never be more alike or in love.
Eddie knew that, and so did the small felt box he kept stashed away.
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caffess · 1 year
something i didn't know | modern au | part one
Pairing: Dark!Perv!TA! Viktor x Fem!Reader (NSFWish)
Series Synopsis: Jayce’s roommate has a reputation as the coldest person in Piltover’s University, but there's a side of him that people just don't know.
Chapter Summary: Jayce seems to struggle for the first time in becoming friends with someone: his roommate Viktor. Getting drunk and dragging you with him may or may not have been a good idea.
Warnings: perv!viktor, dub-con touching (she isn't opposed to it & is also tipsy), cussing(?, alcohol consumption, dom & sub undertones, lazy ah ending
Word Count: 2.1K
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Jayce’s frustrated footsteps echoed across your living room while you munched on a blueberry muffin. You had gone over this maybe a thousand times but he still seemed to not be over the situation.
“I swear to god, I don't get why he doesn't like me” You leaned back on the sofa as you watched him pace angrily. “I mean who wouldn't accept this gift?” The fresh batch of muffins he had baked earlier sat on your coffee table looking as miserable as Jayce right now.
Ever since your friend had joined the University’s dorms he had been facing the biggest of problems: his roommate Viktor. Despite all of Jayce’s attempts to befriend the guy, everything he planned seemed to backfire. Today’s failed attempt had been the muffins.
“Why didn't he accept them?” You asked while watching Jayce unceremoniously sit on the floor.
“He said we wouldn't eat all of them and that they would go to waste.” He sighed. “Normally people love talking to me, it's so weird to have him reject me like that.”
“Well, maybe you should focus on something else. Don't get so worked up about it, you have many other friends here”
In all honesty, everyone in Piltover University’s literature department knew about Viktor. He was the assigned teacher’s assistant for Heimerdinger’s class and he stuck out like a sore thumb: while everyone had different personalities and ways to approach someone, Viktor was just cold as fuck. 
His stance made him look rough in front of everyone and his voice was as sharp as his cheekbones, cutting through the air mercilessly.
No one dared to cross the Czech guy and no one tried to approach him if it wasn't strictly for class purposes.
The level of interaction you held with Viktor was little to none; you were in Heimerdinger’s class but never talked and rarely asked for any advice. Your interactions with him were very rare but you frequently saw him a couple of times at your favorite coffee shop, the school’s library, and near the fountain in front of the dorm rooms, but that seemed to change since you now saw him a lot more often now that he became Jayce’s roommate.
Ever since you had met Jayce, it had become a common occurrence for you guys to crash into each other's homes to cook something (mostly pastries); it was a fun tradition and provided you guys with something to do while you engaged in entertaining conversations.
Now that you were in college, the tradition didn't die, and twice each week you would meet up in each other's dorms to keep up with the fun, which were the times you happened to see Viktor.
 What you didn't know, however, was that Viktor would very rarely come out of his room, leaving Jayce little to no chances of socializing with his roommate. 
The only times he would leave his room were when you came over to cook with Jayce; he would sit down to read his book in the living room while you guys chattered away, and then he would coldly turn Jayce down when he asked if he wanted to join you guys. It was like the golden-eyed menace did it on purpose to show the Talis boy that he would be always so close and so far from him. 
Now, you were back in your dorm so Jayce could whine and complain some more about his unapproachable roommate. The complete and utter rejection had made his mood come plummeting down, and as a consequence, you sat in your living room watching him eat the muffins himself while waiting for Caitlin to come back from her date.
“If I can't make everyone my friend, how can I be like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs? How can I get everyone to like me?” He huffed a sigh of annoyance as he laid down on your carpet. 
“Just hang on for a while, I'm sure he's just shy… It might take a while for him to open up.”
“Yeah... Sure” Jayce muttered sassily. He stared at the ceiling for a couple of seconds before he sat up. “You know what? I have the one and only solution to this problem” You frowned in confusion and asked him what he was thinking, to which he just grinned widely and reached into Caitlin’s forbidden cabinet. “We are going to get absolutely shitfaced!”
“No, no. Hell-fucking-no.” You shook your head as you watched him pour Vodka inside Cait’s ‘#1 Criminologist’ mug. “You- You can't do that, it's a Wednesday night, we have class tomorrow!”
“Um, yeah, I know” He chuckled while taking a big sip from his mug and pouring you a cup. “It's just a little bit, you won't get drunk or anything, just giggly.”
You hesitantly accepted the cup he had given you and sipped slowly on the liquid, pouring some of the contents on a plant nearby. Soon enough, it seemed as if Jayce had forgotten all his problems. He had danced around and posted Instagram stories that he would soon regret before he single-handedly decided to play a drinking game while watching mean girls, ignoring how you had nearly fallen asleep on the floor. The only thing that pulled you out of your trance was the sound of the door opening as it revealed Caitlin’s grinning form, though her smile didn't last long, dropping as soon as she saw yours and Jayce’s bodies sprawled on the floor next to an empty bottle, him quizzically watching Regina George scribbling in her burn book.
“Really, Jayce? It's a Wednesday night” both her hands rested on her waist as she watched the Talis boy try to get up without stumbling. You, on the other hand, were a lot more sober, and managed to give him a hand while pausing the movie. Caitlin turned to you, sighing “Tomorrow I would love to get an explanation, but I'm really tired and want to go to bed.”
You nodded and offered her a hug before she made a beeline to her room, closing the door behind her. You helped Jayce sit on the sofa before cleaning the mess of muffins and mugs on the floor. Thankfully it wasn't bad and it was fast to clean; you really were thankful you were just tipsy as opposed to Jayce, who was totally and utterly fucked up.
“You know, if we were all animals, my name would be orange” Jayce’s words had stopped making any sense a while ago, so you chose to ignore him as you helped him up in order to take him to his dorm. The whole journey through the dark hallway consisted of treating him like a champ every time he managed to put one foot in front of the other without tripping on his own legs. 
It felt as if years had passed when you made it to his door, and only then did you notice how late it was. You cringed at the thought of ringing the doorbell since you really didn't wish to wake Viktor up; only god knew how he would react to this kind of situation, and you were terribly embarrassed to have him see you in this condition, but you had no other choice.
You rang once and then twice, but there had been no answer, so when Jayce, in his drunken state, chose to knock loudly, you panicked and pulled his hand away from it, which proved to be the wrong move when he then resorted to screaming Viktor’s name.
“Jayce, no! Shut up!” You whined, putting your hands over his mouth to make him quiet down when the door opened all of a sudden to reveal an angry-looking Viktor, leaning on his cane with a cup of coffee in his hand. Just as you were about to say something, Jayce stumbled inside the apartment and pushed you off of him, making you trip on Viktor’s figure.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt two hands grab onto your arms and prevent you from falling, but as soon as they reached you, a warm caffeinated liquid spilled all over your body. You hissed as you felt the hot beverage burn your skin lightly but paid it no mind as you saw Viktor stumble onto the wall for support since his cane had fallen on the ground.
“Oh I'm sorry” You muttered, reaching for his cane and his mug, that thankfully had not broken thanks to the carpeted floor.
“No need to apologize.” He muttered, his gaze traveling from you to Jayce’s figure lying limp on the floor and rolling his eyes as he closed the door behind you with a sigh. “It is disappointing to say that this isn't the first time this happens.”
You nodded agreeing with him as you dozed off, fisting at your shirt to lessen the pain of the burn. Viktor’s eyes roamed all over your figure noticing your slightly drunken state before moving towards Jayce and pulling him up with one arm.
You followed him as you grabbed the rest of his roommate’s body and helped put him down on the sofa, where he giggled slightly before dozing off.
“I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen.” You said. “We were only supposed to wait for my roommate, not... Whatever this is” You put your hand on your forehead as you sighed tiredly, feeling a headache prodding at your head.
Viktor shook his head as he stared coldly at his roommate, silently cursing his irresponsible nature. The Talis guy had been utterly annoying ever since he moved in; a total pain in the ass. Viktor could dare say the only positive aspect of having to room with him was that he got to see you more often.
“Come here.” He said as he signaled you to follow him. You frowned as you got up, following him into his room. The lights were dimly turned on and his desk was full of papers he seemed to have been grading. He headed straight to his dresser, fiddling around the drawer until he pulled out a white T-Shirt. He turned around and looked straight into your eyes as he signaled to his bed. “Sit”
You hurried to do as he said, your eyes roaming all over the room while he disappeared into his bathroom: the place was neat, the only messy spot being his desk, as opposed to your own room. His coat was perched neatly on his chair, reminding you of how mysterious he looked while he was out and about off-campus. It was very good-looking, and you wondered how the expensive material would look on you. Before you could conjure up any crazy thoughts, the sound of his footsteps brought you back to reality as you saw him approaching you with a wet towel.
He sat next to you on the bed and only then did you realize the stickiness of the coffee that had stuck to your skin. You were still a little dazed so you didn't protest when you felt Viktor’s fingers slip under your shirt and pull it off. When you made eye contact with him you wondered how you had never swam on those honey-eyed pools, and came to realize that his cold attire became less scary from up close.
However, the second you felt Viktor’s towel touch your chest you became aware of your state of undress. You tried to squirm away from him, hoping to cover yourself up, but he put a hand on your thigh, preventing you from doing so. Your mind focused on Viktor’s eyes as you felt the cold towel roaming all over your upper body, giving special attention to your chest. 
“Viktor-” You whined as you felt his hand dip with the towel inside the valley between your breasts. Only then you noticed how close you actually were to Viktor; his breath mixed with yours and your eyes clashed with his. The moment both your noses touched you felt his hand graze all the way from your shoulder to end up snapping the waistband of your shorts against your skin, making him smirk at your reaction before pulling away.
You were no longer dazed when he put the towel down and reached for his T-Shirt, shamelessly eyeing your breasts. You reached your hand out for him to hand it to you, but he tutted pulling it out of your reach. “Let me help you, můj miláček”. You frowned but obliged, allowing him to do as he pleased. After putting both your arms through the holes in the shirt, he caressed your hair before standing up and offering you his hand.
He then proceeded to walk you to your apartment.
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diordrysdale · 2 years
after dark ⋆ andy barber (part 3)
dark!neighbor!andy barber x camgirl!reader, ft. devin peters x camgirl!reader
word count ⋆ 2.1k
warnings ⋆ smut! minors dni, cheating (laurie is cheating on andy, andy is implied to be cheating/will cheat) reader sends a video where she’s giving devin head, fingering, degradation, squirting, daddy kink, implied murder oop— ft. devin peters: oral sex (m receiving), slight degradation.
+ reminder of who devin peters is, he’s chris evans’ character in the movie don’t look up!
don’t forget to give me some love, reblogs and likes are very much appreciated.
previous part
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shit, shit, shit!
as soon as andy scurried back into his home, he peeled through the curtain of the window near laurie’s favorite sofa— the one she was currently on.
“I need a ride to my yoga class, andy.” she spoke as she typed away on her phone, laughing at the texts she was receiving from a friend.
yoga class, sure.
he watched as you stood in place, dumbfounded before the movie star tugged you back towards the house, practically pawing at your breasts for attention.
you giggled as he kissed and sucked at your neck, shoving him away to play hard to get, took one last glance at mr. barber’s house, and sighed, convincing yourself it was most definitely a coincidence.
andy, on the other hand, was losing his mind.
so, you were living next door, what could he do about it? go up to the door and give a polite hello, make small talk and confess how he’s been touching himself to you for the past 4 months?
maybe how he’s dreamt constantly of pounding you into his mattress as you drool on his sheets, neither of you knowing whether you’re begging him to stop or keep ruining your hole.
“…andy! here’s fine!” andy hit the breaks, the wheel’s screech pulling him from his thoughts as laurie opens the door without a simple thank you or goodbye, running up to her friends.
he began to drive off, reaching for his phone, unlocking it and grinning for what he was challenging himself to do.
“hey, SIRI, uh, sex shops near me.”
tears had dried on your cheeks as you caught your breath, letting your boyfriend tease your lips with the tip of his cock.
“look at you, all hungry for this dick.” he hummed, his free hand holding up your phone, filming your every move.
you said you’d airdrop it to him later, but you had other plans for this home video.
“fuckin’ slut..” you shut your eyes to avoid rolling them, the degradation just didn’t come naturally with him, oh, but with mr. barber.
if your neighbor was indeed your favorite subscriber, he was in for a treat.
“why’s a mr. barber texting you on your site?I thought you didn’t entertain those freaks on your live chat?” devin pulled you from your thoughts when a notification pinged on the top of your screen.
wrapping your lips around his veiny cock, you sucked harshly, distracting him from the text message as he gasped out, hand forcing your head down as he began to fuck your throat in a sloppy manner.
the wet gagging noises sent him over the edge, overflowing your mouth with his sticky load— wasn’t the best taste. although, it still made your mind stray to how mr. barber—
“let me see it.” he groaned, cupping your cheek with a softness you hated.
you couldn’t make up your mind about this guy, no matter how many millions of dollars laid on his dollars
sure, he was an admired actor, celebrity crush to many, and you had him at your beck and call.
but you were insatiable.
you had daydreamed of becoming his girl, riding him in his luxurious cars, and being the pretty little thing on his arm at movie premieres, red carpets, you name it.
but hollywood was ruthless to girl with a job like yours.
maybe starring on the big screen and having paparazzi shadow you wasn’t your thing, but being loved after dark was, and you were okay with that.
opening your mouth, you revealed his load before you swallowed it, glancing up at him for some sort of praise but he just exhaled, sinking into the sofa as he put his softening penis away.
you snatched your forgotten phone from the couch and saved the video before reading the text message, feeling your heart drop to your stomach.
hello neighbor.
andy hid the newly purchased box of sex toy items under the bed, his chest swelled with pride when he imagined how ruined he’d leave you by the end of the night, have you begging for him to stay, to touch your sweet pussy again, and again, til you couldn’t bare another orgasm.
there’s no way it’s you
he chuckled, he could just picture your cute expression of brows furrowed together, biting at your inner cheek.
come over and find out.
andy was always the type to take charge of a situation, but he was positive you’d be his tonight. and every night after that.
swallowing hard at mr. barber’s recent message, you slid your back down against the bathroom wall, thumbs dancing across the screen.
I’m busy daddy
🎥 0:45
your heart pounded in your ears as you linked the video devin filmed of you, and sent it— it was a russian roulette, you had absolutely no clue what he’d say—
not even a minute?
did he return the favor? or are you just a cocksleeve.
bet he didn’t even touch you
his punctuation made you giggle, but your hand began to slither down beneath your panties, ghosting over your clit.
he didn’t even make me wet :(
I’m not surprised.
I’m guessing you’re all needy. and pathetic.
don’t be mean :(
your middle finger and ring finger began to rapid circle on your clit, the sight of your hand moving beneath your underwear made your heart race.
you don’t know half of it, princess.
come over, or I’ll fuck you stupid in front of your friend.
removing your fingers before you came, you breathed heavily, smiling at the texts as you stood up with a rush, exiting the bathroom as you called out for devin who had made himself busy in the kitchen.
“what’s up, babe?” he chewed on a simple ham sandwich, scrolling through his twitter feed, mostly raising his ego with all the complements and praise thrown his way.
“you need to leave, now.” you shoved his beanie into his chest as he frowned, scoffing.
“i need to do my skin-care routine, do my mani-pedi, you know,” you rambled nervously, but he came to be truly understanding, kissing your forehead.
“fine, fine! send me the video, dollface.” he walked out the door, inhaling the fresh boston air, looking around the calm neighborhood til he made eye contact with the man they’d encountered earlier.
andy waved at the celebrity with full intent of fucking you into his mattress, the bedroom floor, the kitchen counter, and laurie’s pitiful garden in the front yard.
“hey, y/n,” devin called over his shoulder, still narrowing his eyes at the floofy haired man, as you waltzed over to him, glancing up at him, “don’t go on stream tonight. got a feeling there’s gonna be some creeps on the live.”
“sure thing, devy,” you stepped on your tippy toes to lay a kiss on the corner of his mouth, “I’ve got other plans.”
you applied your gloss, extremely giddy to finally meet the man who had been paying for quite literally everything you could dream of.
you wondered what he did for a living, how he stumbled upon your live stream and if he thought about you daily.
what if he was a psychopath? you had lost count of how many people you had blocked due to their obsession with you, driving you to the point to being constantly paranoid, always glancing over your shoulder and double checking your door at night.
fuck it.
shutting your door on your way out, you fiddled with your fingers, cracking your knuckles which had been a nervous habit of yours.
til someone pulled up to the driveway.
it was a woman, brunette, with a disconsolate look on her face.
of course, he had a wife. why weren’t you surprised? most of the good ones were taken.
“oh! hello..” the woman wiped her drippy nose on her wrist, hugging herself as she stood in front of you, waiting for you to present yourself.
“i’m [y/n], lila’s friend. I’m house-sitting and i just- I can’t seem to, uh…“
“get the washing machine to start? cindy always has that problem, but luckily, my husband andy helps her out. it happens at least every week.” your jaw clenched at the information, feeling yourself turn green with envy, but your heart stopped when the man of the hour stepped out to the driveway, locking eyes with you.
“honey, lila’s friend here needs help with the washer, go.” she sniffled, causing andy to cup her cheek and angle her face up, allowing him to see her bloodshot eyes.
“what happened? where’s jacob, is he okay?” laurie nodded her head, clearing his anxiety a bit til he caught her left hand— ring finger, completely bare.
“we need to talk.” laurie muttered as andy wrinkled his nose at the scent of another man’s cologne on her.
“I’ll just-“
“no!” you and laurie whipped your heads at him, making him breath out a laugh as he reached for your hand— time froze, not just for you.
“I’ll help you first, I just need to get some tools. give her something to drink, laurie.” before you knew it, you began following him and his wife into his home, wondering what scheme he had planned.
he gently closed the door behind you, not missing the chance to place his hand on your lower back, leading you into the kitchen, pouring you a glass of deep red wine, ignoring how his wife had excused herself to the upstairs bathroom.
alas, the two of you were alone.
slowly with a hint of intimidating, he began to corner you against the counter as you look down at your feet with natural submission, making him chuckle and hold your chin between his pointer and thumb.
“wait for me upstairs, second room on the right.” you glanced up at him with a parted jaw, “I want you playing with your pussy, legs spread, only wearing this shirt. go.” his command made you raise an eyebrow.
“you can’t tell me what to do.” your bratty response made him scoff as his hand slipped beneath your pajama shorts, cupping your mound as his middle finger dragged against your clothed slit, making you shiver.
“no? you sure about that?” he smirks at the wet spot on your panties, watching you squirm, in person? fuck, you couldn’t let you go. ever.
“tell daddy what you’re gonna do for him,” he whispers, his pulse accelerating when your trembling hand rose to caress his beard.
“I’m gonna play with my pussy and wait for him. and then, I’m gonna let him do whatever he wants to me,” you whimpered when he pinched at your clit, “let daddy use me and my holes.”
you were a damn menace with your words.
“you’ll be daddy’s cumrag?” he suggested as his hard-on grew against his slacks, compelling him to grind desperately against your stomach.
“yes, please,” you dragged out as looked up at him with lust filled eyes, leaning against him, feeling a bit lightheaded.
“and let me shove my cock in this little pussy when I feel like it?“ pushing aside your panties, his fingers began pistoning past your velvet walls, adoring the immediate debauched look on your face before he kissed your soft lips for the first time.
“anything you want— fuck!”
“beg for your daddy, kitten, beg for daddy to taste your pussy,” the squelching noises, his alluring voice, it was too much.
“fuck! daddy- m’ gonna squirt, ah! pleaseplease-“ he was quick to keep you from falling to your knees, grunting when your legs violently shook, your cunt spurting your juices on his cupped hand.
“my kitten, all mine,” he growled, his pink lips attacking your bare neck, sucking and nipping at your skin as you attempted to even your breath, but you still felt unsatisfied.
you needed to be fucked.
“want your dick, please, please,” you babbled out, your hands moved with a mind of their own, desperately wanting to touch him but he laughed, continuing to rub your slit.
“you’re a little slut, my wife’s in the house! what if she heard you?” he asked with a grin, removing his wet hand and beginning to lead to you out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
“hurts! I need to feel you inside me,” you pawed at his belt, making him sigh in content before he clutches your cheeks in his hand, it smelled of your scent.
“then fucking wait for me upstairs. second room on the left.” he demanded through gritted teeth, watching you scamper what was left of the staircase.
he rushes to the kitchen, grabbing the first knife he could get his hands on and heads back upstairs with an emotionless façade.
he couldn’t have anymore distractions tonight.
his job was to fuck you as many times you begged him to, and claim you as him.
“laurie, I’m ready to talk!” he calls out to his wife for the last time, gripping at what was to become a murder weapon.
well, only if the police found out.
a/n; oh y/n, now he’ll never let you go.
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hoodharlow · 1 year
Tio Jack and Titi
AN: that park scene gave me THOTS
Requested? My coochie
Warnings: men being creeps, Jack defending miss thing, some bickering and smut 🤭
Word Count: 2.5k words
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Kory looked down at her phone then looked around her street. There was no car in sight resembling the one Lil Dicky’s twin owned. She read the text Jack sent her; ‘I’m outside’. Only he wasn’t. 
Her best friend, Emilia, had the genius idea to send Jack over to her place to pick her up since Kory’s car was in the shop. Its repairs made a huge dent in her savings, so Kory couldn't Uber as frequently. Earlier in the day she was at Emilia and Urban's (her best friend's fiance) place to help set up for Theo's (their son's) third birthday party, but Urban dropped her off so she could shower and get ready. He was going to pick her up again in the afternoon, but couldn't at the last minute. Which was how Emilia conjured the idea of Jack picking up Kory on his way over. 
Kory’s relationship with Jack was something. They've known each other since high school but were in different social circles. They had a few AP classes together, but other than that they never interacted. If Kory was being honest she had a slight crush on him back then, but that went away when she overheard him call her stuck up and annoying, at a party when Urban and Emlia first started dating. Since then she would rather not be in the same room as him, much less be in a car with him.
“I’m outside my ass,” she grumbled as she waited for him to answer. She made a mental note to send Emilia a strongly worded text message. 
“‘Llo?” Jack answered after seven rings. 
“I’m in the middle of the street and don’t see you.” Kory said, skipping any greetings.
"Well I don't see you either." He said. 
Kory rolled her eyes. "Are you at the right place?" 
"I'm at 1254 Rochester Road." 
Kory sighed, "I live at 1234 Rochester Road. You're up the hill." 
"Well you better get those legs moving." Jack said. 
"I'm not walking all that. I have boots on." She argued, looking down at her brand new brown cowgirl boots.
"You live on a one way street. I can't make a U-turn. I have to get out of your neighborhood, then make three rights to–"
"Fine, I'll be there in a bit." She hung up and put her phone in her pocket. 
In all honesty, Kory didn't like walking up the hill. There was this guy who mayne a few years older than her that would sit in his front yard in the middle of the day and just stare at people while he smoked and drank a 40oz. Kory had the misfortune of running into him a few times, and every time she'd just feel icky. He never tried anything, he mostly tried to make small talk, but it just gave Kory a bad vibe. 
She looked down at her outfit. She could run back and change, but she knew Jack would leave her if she made him wait any longer. She sucked it up and walked. As she neared the guy's house, she looked for her headphones, but then she remembered she left them in her other bag. She cursed and speed walked as fast as her feet could take her in her boots. She spotted Jack's car a few houses over and practically ran there. Kory tripped over a sprouted root, but caught herself before she ate shit. 
"Miss Korina, long time no see." The creepy neighbor said as he made his way over to her. 
She gave him a toothless smile and tried to keep going up, but he got in front of her. 
"Where are you going dressed so nicely?" He continued, taking a step closer to her.
"I'm in a hurry, I have to get to this party…" She said in a quiet voice. 
"Oh you're going to a party?" He asked, blocking her. "I'm sure you can ditch the party and we can have our own." 
"Everything okay?" Jack said. 
"Keep walking, pretty boy." The guy waved him off. 
"No, I won't keep walking. Especially when you're the one harassing my girl." Jack said, in a low voice. He got in between Kory and her neighbor. 
"You should know better than letting your girl out looking like a whore. She's just asking for it."
"Let's go," Kory tried pulling Jack's arm, but he wouldn't budge. 
"Don't ever fucking speak to her like that." Jack towered over the guy. "Because if you do, I'll personally make sure it's the last thing you'll ever do."
"Whatever, man, she's not even that hot." The neighbor mumbled. He went back to his yard and angrily grabbed his lawn chair as he made way inside.
Jack guided Kory back to his car, looking behind them to make sure the guy stayed inside. He opened the door for Kory then got in on the driver's side 
"What the hell was that?" Kory asked Jack. 
"You were getting harassed and I stepped in?" He responded, confused.
"By threatening the guy?! Are you fucking stupid? What if he had a weapon or something?" She frowned.
"How am I getting shit for helping you?" He asked. 
"Because at the end of the day, I still live here. You probably made it worse for me now. God, what were you thinking?" She said the last sentence to herself. 
Jack didn't talk back. He started his car and drove them to their best friends' house. He did make a mental note to call his realtor to find him some decent and affordable places for Kory. She may not like him, but he wasn't going to let her continue to live in that neighborhood. He knew Emilia and Urban had offered her one of the spare bedrooms, but Kory always said no to them. 
The rest of the drive was silent. When they pulled to Emilia and Urban's home, Kory mumbled a thank you and went inside. Jack hurried out and grabbed the New Balance gift basket he got for Theo and the case of Modelos that Emilia told him to get. Kory was still inside the house when he entered. 
They made their way outside to cut through the yard to get to the park. The neighborhood where Emilia and Urban lived in had small backyards, but were made up with the huge private park. Kory opened the gate and held it open for Jack. They were the last to show up to the party. 
Theo saw his godparents and hopped off the dome he was playing in, running to them. 
"Tio Jack!" He said, hugging Jack's leg. He pulled away and made grabby hands at Kory. "Titi!"
"Hi, baby." She said, kissing his cheek. 
Jack set the present down with the other presents then placed the beer down with the other three cases. 
"Give me my godson." He told Kory.
"No, he wants me to hold him." She turned around so Jack couldn't get Theo. 
"How about you give me my baby before you drop him." Emilia said, taking Theo. 
"I play soccer with tio Jack." Theo said, pointing at the field. 
"Baby, Jack hasn't eaten yet, más al ratito." She told Theo.
The three year old sighed dramatically. "Okay." 
"Why don't you help me order tacos?" Jack suggested. 
Theo nodded and took Jack's hand, leading him to the taquero. Kory watched Jack place Theo on his shoulders. She unknowingly smiled to herself as Theo laughed at Jack. 
"Girl, you got it bad." Emilia commented, sitting down across from her. 
"What are you talking about?" Kory said, collecting herself. 
"I went to get you food and the whole time you had that pendejita look watching Jack." Emilia said, dipping a carrot stick in hummus. She chewed pensively, pointing the remainder of her carrot at her. "If it matters he does that same look when he looks at you."
"How many margaritas have you had?" She asked her best friend.
"That's besides the point. I'm just saying there's a lot of sexual tension." She shurgged. 
"There's no sexual tension because that man hates me." Kory said before biting into her taco. "He's said it himself. He finds me stuck up and annoying."
"I still think he was talking about Karina. Not your stubborn ass, Korina." 
Kory rolled her eyes at the mention of Emilia's cousin. Karina had this one sided beef Kory since they met because their names were off by one letter. Technically Kory’s name was supposed to be Karina as well but the hospital made a typo and her parents never noticed until she was a few months old. Her parents never changed it so she stayed as Korina. 
Karina on the other hand was one of the most annoying and pretentious people ever. She always had to one up everyone in her vicinity. She was beyond pissed when Emilia asked Kory to be Theo's godmother so every time there was a party or something she would go above and beyond with the gifts to show off that she would have been better than Kory. It made Kory laugh because never in her had she seen someone so desperate for validation. On top of that she had a thing for Jack and he has never given her a second glance. Kory remembered one time they were at a bonfire and Karina was showing off the fact that she was wearing Jack's hoodie. It wasn't until later when Kory overheard Urban tease Jack about it, but Jack swore up and down that she begged him to give her his hoodie. 
Kory glanced over to where Jack and Theo were. Lo and behold, Karina was talking to Jack while he scanned the park for help. His eyes landed on hers. He rolled his eyes and nodded his head, pretending to fall asleep. 
"I gotta save your compadre." Kory said, sipping her Fanta. 
She made her way to the table where Jack and Karina were. 
"Jack, Emi told me to tell you if you could help with something in the house." Kory said. 
"Yeah," Jack quickly got up. 
"I can help too." Karina offered. 
"Karina," Emilia waved her over. 
"Nevermind, mi primita needs me." She said, ramming her shoulder into Kory's as she walked toward Emilia. 
Jack was going to tell Theo that he'd be right back, but he was playing Urban and Cope. Jack and Kory made their way to the house in silence. 
"What did you need help with?" Jack asked Kory when they went inside. 
"Oh nothing. I figured you wanted a break from your biggest fan." She said, opening the freezer to get a Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar. 
"Oh thanks." He nodded. 
"It's the least I could do for what you did earlier…thank you by the way and I'm sorry for lashing out on you." Kory said, taking a huge bite of her ice cream. 
"I can get you security or something." Jack offered. "I don't feel comfortable with the idea of you living alone with the creep."
"Not to be rude, why do you care?" She asked before taking the final bite. She tossed the trash in the trash bin and washed her hands. 
"Why wouldn't I? Despite you hating me I think highly of you. Always have." 
"I don't hate you, you hate me." She corrected him. 
"No I don't." Jack laughed. 
"Well you may not hate me, but you do find me annoying and stuck up. Don't deny it because I heard you tell your friends at that one party I went with Emilia when her and Urban first started dating." 
"Dude, I was talking about Karina. You know how she is." 
"Oh." She said in a quiet voice. 
"Yeah," he nodded, taking a step closer to her. He reached down to the hem of her dress. "If I was being honest, I kinda had a thing for you back then." 
Jack nodded, pulling his hand away. "Truthfully, I still do." 
Kory looked up at Jack's bright blue eyes and all bets were off. They pulled each other into a heated kiss. Jack was the first to pull away. He reached for her hand and led her upstairs to one of the guestrooms. They resumed kissing, leaving teasing touches here and there. Kory undid Jack's pants and slipped her hand inside, jerking him off while they kissed. 
She eventually pulled away and sank to her knees. She pushed down the top part of her dress, revealing her breasts to Jack. She tugged her nipples and roughly squeezed them. She finally pulled her hair into a low ponytail and tugged Jack's pants down. Her eyes widened at the sight of his erect cock. He was much larger than she anticipated. 
She licked her lips and situated herself in between his legs. She spit on his length and slowly jerked him off with both hands. Then Kory slipped him as far as she could take him. He let out an incoherent sound until she reached the back of her throat. She did it a few more times, egging him on. She pulled away, with a trail of saliva spilling from the corner of her mouth, and kissed down his length. 
Jack reached for one of her hands and placed on his knee, lovingly squeezing her hand. Kory slowly bobbed her head up and down his length, getting her mouth used to him. She took him a little deeper each time. 
"I've imagined this so many times." Jack groaned. 
One of his hands gripped the back of her head, keeping her in place as he thrusted into her mouth. Kory let out soft moans. Her hands gripped his legs, nails digging into his thighs, keeping her from losing balance. Minutes later he spilled in her mouth. She had pushed his hands off of her as she continued to stroke him as he came, taking all of his release. Kory swallowed every drop and licked her hand clean. 
"Shit, I didn't even ask where you wanted it." Jack said, embarrassed 
"In my mouth was fine." She told him as she stood up. 
Jack pulled her into another deep kiss. He reached up for her chest and played with her breasts. Without pulling away, he led her to the bed. He laid her in the middle of the bed. Before he joined her, he took off his clothes, staying in his boxers. He climbed on top of her and they kissed once more. 
He reached in between them and Kory's dress off. Jack pulled away to take her in. Her tan skin glowed against her dusty pink panties. 
"Fuck you're so beautiful." Jack mumbled before kissing down her body.
"Wait, don't go down on me." Kory pulled him back on top of her. 
"Why?" He asked, confused. 
"I just want you inside me." She said in a quiet voice. 
"Next time then, but after I take you out though." 
"Ugh, if you insist." She giggled. 
Jack rolled his eyes at her comment. They resumed their kissing. A few orgasms later, Jack and Kory laid wrapped up in a blanket, lazily making out. Jack's phone went off. He reached over and dipped in the pocket.
"It's Urb," he said, pulling up the message for her to also read. 
Urban sent out: if you two are done fucking please join us in singing happy birthday to y'alls godson.
Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezy @youngharleezyxo ​ @babyharleezy ​ @that-90s-girllll ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhore4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @a-moment-captured @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract @cherry4everrr
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maethegay · 14 days
Make up
A/n: I am no good at skincare, make up or fashion but I tried gang please forgive also this is way longer than I thought it was gonna be oops.
I grew up with two parents in the army and my two older brothers. We moved around a lot I never really made friends moving every few months or even years made it hard.
I was also incredibly socially awkward so that didn’t help when it came to making friends. I had my brothers and basketball to me that was enough.
I was six when my dad got me my first basketball. He taught me a few things and I became obsessed. Every day after school I’d go to the court near my house and spend hours dribbling and shooting. Some times my brothers came but they had their own things.
Caleb my oldest brother made friends super easy he always managed to have a group of people around him. And Adam my younger brother liked soccer. He tried to teach me to play but it was not for me.
Anyway due to the fact I struggled to make friends and the only people I talked to where my parents and brothers I never learned how to do anything with make up or fashion.
Not that I didn’t try. Whenever I did I ended up looking like a little boy. I did prefer a more masculine dress but I could never find an outfit that fit me. I am ashamed to admit but I do have more than one Nike tech outfit in my closet.
When Geno recruited me from UConn it was like a dream. I first got to the team and I was so awkward but Nika helped. She sat down right next to me and started talking.
She was my first friend and she helped me make friends on the team. And in class and on campus.
Now I was in my last year of college. Me and Nika had been dating for over two years and I had more friends than I thought possible.
My head rested on her chest, her hand gently tangling through my hair. My hand rested on her stomach drawing shapes against her soft skin.
Everything was perfect except one thing. I never really felt pretty. I wanted to do make up and dress how I would think looks good. But whenever I try I just get turned around and confused.
Nika was good at fashion and makeup she always looked good. I had thought about asking her so many times to help me. But it was something I never really knew how to bring up.
Another part of me never bringing it up was pressure from past relationships. When I had tried to do this stuff with past relationships and I had been told no cause ‘Mascs shouldn’t care about that stuff’.
Obviously now being with Nika I know those relationships were toxic but I still couldn’t get rid of the thoughts.But Nika was different I knew she wouldn’t get upset.
“Ni?” I murmur pulling away slightly to look at her. She smiled softly and brushed my hair from my face. “Can you help me with like fashion and stuff. I know I don’t really act like I care but I wanna feel pretty sometimes to ya know.”
Nika gave me a giddy smile cupping my face in her hand. She had asked to do my makeup and skincare before but as you know internalized hate from my exs made me to scared.
“Of course. Tomorrow 8am I’m taking you on a shopping spree and for tonight baby we’re doing skincare.”
I smiled and took her hand dragging her to the bathroom. I jumped up onto the counter and looked at her as she grabbed a bunch of stuff and put it on the counter.
“Frog head band or shark,” she said showing me two fluffy head bands.
“Shark obviously.” I say snatching the head band from her left hand. She smiled and put on the other.
“Now this is definitely not something to do every night. But it is fun once every now and then.” I nod an watch her grab the first bottle turn out this first bottle was like one of a million things we would be doing.
After like 7 other steps she put a face mask on me. I made the horrible mistake of licking my lips.
“Ew Nika this tastes horrible.” I say as I spit in the sink which did not make the horrible soapy taste leave my mouth. Nika laughed and kissed my lips.
“You’re not supposed to get in your mouth.” She laughed and she pulled off the mask. She used a washcloth and rubbed of the extra residue.
There were a few more steps and I was practically falling asleep by the time Nika was done. I smiled leaning my head against her shoulder. I still sat on the counter, Nikas hand scratched my back and she kissed my head.
“Come on baby. Big day tomorrow.” She said, her hands slid under my thighs and lifted me off the counter. I wrapped my arms around her neck.
Nika always made me feel safe and comfortable. She helped me break down my shell and let me feel like I could be well a girl.
She carried me over to the bed and laid me down pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“I love you Nika,” I mumble as I close my eyes pulling our blanket up to cover my face.
“I love you too. I’m glad you feel safe with me.” She said laying behind me. Her hand grabbed my hip and pulled me into her my back colliding with her front.
“Mhm,” I mumble as Nika’s hands dipped under my shirt to trace more shapes on my torso. It’s something she had always done and something I had always loved.
I woke up before Nika she slept comfortably I smiled and pulled her close to me. I held her close to me. My hand gently scratching her back.
I leaned back and looked at the clock it was only 6:30 and I decided I’d let her sleep in awhile longer. I was comfortable and the feeling of the brunette’s body against mine was perfect.
I still struggled to believe she was mine. The Croatian who laid in front of me was simply unfathomable to my mind.
She was actual perfection. She was beautiful, her silky brown hair and big brown doe eyes. She was hilarious without even trying. She so was determined I’ve never seen someone work so hard.
I heard a whine come softly from her mouth, that was how I knew she was walking up. I kissed her head and looked down her big eyes looking at me.
Nika was not a morning person she whines and shut her eyes slamming her head into my chest. I laughed tangling my hand in her hair holding her head against my chest.
“We gotta go shopping baby. Pretty me up and shit,” I whisper, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. She looked up and me glaring slightly.
“You’re already pretty. You just dress like a 10 year old boy.” She said her voice strong with her accent. I smiled and laughed with her. “I’m going to call my parents and then love we’re going shopping.”
“Ok baby,” I say leaning back in the pillows as Nika got up and walked to the bathroom. She always got ready while she talked to her parents.
I laid in bed staring at the ceiling, eventually I fell back asleep. I didn’t even know until I heard Nika laughing her ass off. I peeled my eyes opened and glared at her.
“What is so funny,” I said my voice cracking since I had just woke up again. She laughed and turned her phone to me.
It was a picture of me. Not only was I knocked out asleep, but my mouth was wide open and had hair all over the place.
“Nika Muhl you better delete that,” I say reaching for her phone she turned away pulling it to her chest.
“But you’re so cute,” she said sticking out her bottom lip in a pout. She leans down and kisses my lips.
“You better not show no one that,” I mutter as I stumble to the bathroom. I promptly get ready, brushing my hair and teeth and pulling on some baggy jeans and a white tee. “I’m ready to go shopping,” I say jumping out of the bathroom and looking at Nika who laid on our now made bed.
She looked up from her phone and smiled at me. I walked over and leaned slightly forward again for bed frame.
“I’m so excited. And I ordered Starbucks for while we shop so we need to pick it up.” She tells me grabbing her purse from the night stand. I push myself up and take her hand in mine
We had decided to take Nika’s car since it was better on gas and much smaller than my truck so leaving after shopping at that mall which would be almost certainly packed since it was Saturday would be easier.
I insisted on driving even though she had volunteered. Nika wants to drive most of the time and I’m not complaining but I felt useless if I didn’t. She was planning the whole day to help me the least I could do was drive.
We made a quick stop at the Starbucks just off campus and I ran inside to grab me and Nika’s drinks. She got a matcha of some sort and she had order my favorite drink for me.
The drive to the mall we had decided to go to, well Nika decided we go to was about an hour away from campus. Hence us waking up early to go. We left around 9 so we’d get there just as the shops open.
I’m not one for crowds so going when it’s first opening when there are less people is for the better.
The whole drive Nika’s hand rested on my thigh. We talked now and again about school, and she told me how her family was doing back in Croatian. We spoke about my oldest brothers wedding which was coming up in about 2 months and how we still needed to get Nika a dress.
We reached the mall, the parking lot was slowly filling up but not full enough to where we couldn’t find a spot.
“Where to first?” I ask, usually I only went to a store or two. Most of what I wore was the same plain shirt is 2 dozen colors, sweat pants and jeans.
“Well I made a pin board while we drove. It’s just some things I think look good and we could see what you like or don’t like.” She leaned over showing me her phone which somehow had 100 pins.
I nodded and told her which things I liked and didn’t like. I didn’t care for the shoulderless shirts, or the random flannels or extra unbuttoned shirts that were different color.
Nika didn’t seem offended when I said things she just nodded, removed the pin and moved on asking if I liked the next outfit.
I found I liked the baggier pants, and jorts especially with baggy shirts. Which I also helped me find I liked graphic tees and when they had long sleeves under.
Nika told me I liked streetwise aesthetic which i didn’t really get but I nodded along anyway.
Nika lead me into like 7 different stores where I managed to try on 20 different things every time. I didn’t like everything some shirts were to boxy and some of the pants drooped to low for my liking.
There were some things I loved though and after the first few stores of the day my arms were full of bags.
I was happy but damn was I tired. I flopped down on a bench and rested my head on Nika’s stomach as she stood in front of me. She laughed and ran her hand up and down my back.
“How are you feeling,” she asked as I looked up at her.
“Girl I am so tired,” I groan “How do people do this for fun?” I ask leaning my head back. A laugh fell from Nika’s lips.
I loved when she laughed. Sometimes I just talked about dumb stuff because I knew Nika would laugh. It was so perfect every time. I think it was one of the first things I fell in love with about her.
“Admit it you were having funny when you were trying things on.” She said as she set a few of my bags down on the ground next to us. I smiled and looked back at her.
“Yeah I guess it was kinda fun playing dress up.” I smile and kiss her temple. “Where to next?” I ask picking up the bags.
“Let’s go drop these off at the car. And the take a quick trip to Sephora and maybe Ulta.” she said, I nodded and followed behind her to the car. We loaded everything in the trunk and a few bags in the back seat.
Nika took my hand and lead me into the store. This was what I was most nervous about. At least I kinda understood clothes makeup did not make sense. Sure I have watched Nika do her make up hundreds of times but none of it made sense.
“I don’t think we’re gonna get foundation I know you don’t like having to much on your face.” She said as she pulled me towards the concealer.
“You’re right. I would feel like I’m wearing face paint all the time.” I agree as I follow behind her. Her eyes looked between the seemingly dozens of different concealers.
She would look at me and the back and the concealer. She would grab one then look at me again and grab another one. She had about six different shades after a few minutes. If you asked me it was excessive but than again I’m not a makeup person.
“Give me your wrist.” Nika said with an outstretched hand. I reached out my arm so she could test the concealer. She did a swatch and then would tell me about how it was too orange or too light.
To be honest I zoned out and just thought about how cute her voice was and how concentrated she looked as she compared the different colors to my skin. God she’s cute.
“I think this one will be good. Don’t you love?” She said pointing to the fifth swatch on my arm. I looked down and sure enough it blended into my skin quite well.
“Oh that’s nice.” My eyes trailed the rest of my arm “I kinda look like a zebra.” I say twisting my arm in the light, she laughs softly and puts the concealers away minus the one I was getting of course.
“Let’s get some blush, mascara, eyelash curler, eye brow gel and a brush. And ooo primer. We can just get you the kind I like. And then you already have a collection of summer Fridays so we’re good there.”
90% of what Nika has just said didn’t make sense to me. Summer Fridays did though. For some reason I tried Nika’s one time and fell in love with it. I had every flavor minus the mint one. I don’t like mint.
We bought the rest of the stuff and holy shit was make up expensive. Nika also explained to me I can’t just get make up wipes I should use micellar water so make up doesn’t get in my pores.
We drove home. Nika drove this time while I slept in the passenger seat for some reason I could play an entire basketball game running up and down the court but shopping wore me out like a bitch.
Eventually we got home and I ended up sitting on the counter again Nika standing between my legs.
“Can’t we do this tomorrow?” I groan laying my head on her shoulder. It was 4pm there was really no point of putting on makeup. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me.
“I suppose so… but make up is so fun. Trust me baby.” I nod and think it over for a moment.
“Alright. Pretty me up pretty girl.” I say leaning back and resting on my hands.
“Ok this is primer. It makes it easy for makeup to be applied basically.” She says, as she puts a few drops on my face. She gently rubs it into my face.
“It feels sticky,” I murmur.
“Then concealer. You put this over discoloration eye bags really anything you want to cover up. Here.” She hands it to me and i but small swatch’s under my eyes and a a few other places.
Nika takes one of the brushes we bought and blended in into my skin, blush filler next, then she did my eyes brows an eye lashes.
Fun fact you’re not supposed to close your eyes when you curl your eye lashes. The more you know know I guess.
I hoped off the counter and looked in the mirror. I smiled, I felt pretty. Nikas stood behind me arms wrapped around my waist her head resting on my shoulder.
“You look beautiful my love. Not because of the make up, there’s just this energy radiating off of you.” She says as she kisses my cheek.
“Thank you Nika. For everything.”
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azurlily · 1 year
The yandere fic kinda made me like Kirari a bit may I ask for dating headcannons
Sure!!! I love her character!!! This does NOT have NSFW so if you want to request that you can!! Also a reminder to everyone this is the last month you can request a specific type of reader for free. After this month it becomes commission work. Ask any questions in either DM or on my asks/requests.
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Kirari Momobami Dating Headcannons
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When Kirari falls in love, she falls hard. I mean like hard, it takes so much for her to truly love someone. You should expect the unexpected eith her, she can make anything happen. I mean, money is power, right?
More than likely you two met during a gamble. Wether she saw you winning and took an interest, or she thought you looked cute from how badly you were losing. It doesn't matter how you two met, when she finally realises she likes you. It's all over.
She invites you for tea. You two have mini tea dates in between classes and during lunch. She definitely asks some of her maids how to make specific foods for you, so during you tea dates you can try some food she made.She is a horrible cook though, don't eat it if you want to live.
Kirari doesn't make it known she's interested in you. She instead has Ririka follow you around and gather information. She has a journal of everything you do at school. Your classes, your friends, your gambling partners. All of it. Kirari falling in love is borderline yandere, but she isn't as extreme.
She buys you gifts as a way of courting you before and after you two start dating. She believes that buying you things shows she can take care of you, shows that you have no reason to leave her when everything you want is right in front of you. It's true though, everything you could ever want is in the palm of your hand, once you two start officially dating that is.
Kirari isn't worried about you taking advantage of her. She looked into you, did a background check on you and your family. She knows that you're clean, or clean enough.
She doesn't let Ririka meet you. She has no issues with you talking as vice president and student, but as Ririka and her partner. Kirari isn't letting her near you without the mask on.
Kirari is affectionate, just not in the way you expect. One of the ways she shows her love is gift giving, yes, we know that, but she also shows her love by kissing your forehead She likes touching you, but no matter the status of your relationship that's how she shows you she loves you.
Shopping dates! She buys you only the best. Try and max out her credit card, you cant. She finds it cute if you're the type to not like expensive gifts, or maybe you're worried about the price? Doesn't matter. She's buying it. End of story.
Loves seeing your reaction to her gambling. Wether you get turned on, or you watch in amazement. She lives for the way you watch her gamble, it's one of her ways if showing off to you.
She definitely forces the other council member fo watch you when she's gone. She trust them enough, plus if they did hurt you. She'd know.
You sit through meetings. Student council or not, you sit through them. She wants everyone to see her perfect lover, once you make your relationship official that is. Once it's official, you never leave her side.
If you have a particular favorite or hate a hate a specific member of the council. She puts you in situations where you have to be around them, she loves seeing your reaction.
Be it you goofing off and acting like an idiot, just to mess around with you friend.
Be it you and the council member talking and having a genuinely good conversation.
Lastly be it you fighting or glaring at the council member, and then stomping off to Kirari because you're in a bad mood.
She coddles you. Without a doubt, especially if you're an idiot and accident prone. She'll stare at you wondering how the hell you got into that situation, and then she clean it up. She takes good care of you.
Kirari of course isn't the best person to be in a relationship with. There are plenty of bumbs in the road before a truly healthy relationship is formed.
Kirari is secretive, she doesn't let you in on things. That annoys you because if you need help and she's nowhere to be found, who did you go to? It hurts to know she keeps secrets and even lies to you, there have been many fights about it.
She has a hard time describing her emotions. She does it with gift giving, and physical touch. If you're overly touchy, or dont like the forehead kisses, you two have to work on a middle ground.
She has to talk go talk to the clan members during her meetings. Some know about you and make snide comments, to her it doesn't matter. No matter what duty she has to fill, she will keep you safe. Even if it means lying.
It takes time, and I mean a lot of time, but slowly Kirari opens up. She shows her true self, she shows the side she's always wanted to show you. She just didn't know if you were trust worthy enough.
When the two of your fight, it's usually resolved by the end of the week. At first she'd buy your things she knows you want. If that doesn't work she acts more affectionate, trying to make you forget the fight completely. If that doesn't work, then she has a mini crisis and you usually end up letting it go by that point.
There have been times when you haven't and she has to apologize. Once she does it after a few fights, she's less embarrassed. She knows how apologies work and just wants you to accept hers and move on.
Kirari loves you and it hurts seeing you mad.
Kirari would never cheat. Never. Once she's truly devoted to you, that's it. No playing around with Sayaka. Kirari is yours, hopefully you'll be able to deal with the responsibilities of a woman like that.
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Hello!! Two in one day!!! Anyway just a reminder this is the last month I'm doing specific reader. So I wont do shy, tall, top, ect reader. That is commission only. Make characters are all also commission only. Have a good day/night!!
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listofwhyyouloveher · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering if you could do the gang(Separate) with a reader who’s like Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg from Ride The cyclone if not then it’s fine🫶🫶
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Summary: The Outsiders x Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg!Reader Warnings: none Author's Note: haven't really watched Ride the Cyclone, so if there are mistakes so sorry! You were, arguably, not like the rest of the gang. Top of your grade, probably even top of your school! A stickler for rules and your own sense of righteousness. So people were obvious shocked when you were hanging around with one of the gang.
Pony heavily admired you, sure you were a little rough around the edges and harsh around more people, but your brain and wit drew him towards you. Recently his math grade had been slipping and so he pleaded with you to tutor him. It didnt take much convincing, so you found yourself at the library on a chilly afternoon. He was trying to do a quadratic function and you were getting pissed at him for not knowing this ‘basic’ math. “Come on Pony, what’s 15 squared?” You rubbed a hand over your face in frustration. “Uhmm..” He stared at his paper blankly, fiddling with his pencil. “You know what, I think we’ve done enough math for today.” You said, getting up out of your chair. He looked sort of sad but just nodded his head. “How about we go get some milkshakes?” You asked, swinging your jacket over your shoulder and offering him a kind smile. He brighted instantly and nodded excitedly. JOHNNY CADE Johnny never liked school, never. It was too much work and he found more pleasure in hanging around with Dal. But when he saw the photo of you under ‘most likely to be successful’ in his yearbook that was delivered, he knew he had to talk to you. He started showing up more and more often, hoping to catch a glimpse of your face. You were in 3 of his classes and he was damn near obsessed with you, he watched all your movements and body language just to try and get close to you. He knew that you studied every night at the library, so one day he went there by himself. You were sitting at a table with your textbooks splayed out in front of you. He didn’t know what to do so he just walked past you trying to sneak a peek at what you were doing when you stopped him. “Hey you’re in my math class, right?” You smiled up at him and he nearly fainted. “Uh, yeah.” He nodded awkwardly. “Well, I can see you’re not doing anything. Why don’t you tell me what we did in class last week? I was sick” You asked him, pulling out a chair next to you. He sat down excitedly, happy that he finally got to talk to you. SODAPOP CURTIS Soda was a popular boy, he had looks, girls but not the grades. You were ‘popular’ in the sense that when people talked of a valedictorian, they talked of you. It was quite a shock when Sodapop walked up to you during your lunch. You were on the grass, textbook in one hand and a sheet of paper in another, trying to do your work when you looked up to see Soda standing over you. “Hey,” He said sitting down next to you. “Hi,” You replied curtly, already disassociating from the conversation. “Do you mind if I copy your homework?” He asked, pointing at the sheet of paper in your hand. You shoot him an unimpressed look. “Ballsy, but no.” You return to your work, scribbling notes quickly. He huffed a laugh before patting your head and getting up, walking away to his friends. You glared at him as he walked away, fixing your hair before returning to your studies.
STEVE RANDLE Your car was busted, so you decided to take it into the shop to have it fixed. The man working it was a nice young man named Steve that seemed more interested in what your plans were that day than anything. You pulled out your textbook to work on your homework when Steve shouted at you. “Don’t you get tired of doing schoolwork all day?”  You rolled your eyes. “Don’t you get tired of fixing busted cars and shooting blanks 'cuz you’ll never find a girl to fuck all day?” You asked, a devious smile on your lips because of the banter. He laughed, “Damn girl, now I really want to know what your plans are.” He nudged you and you laughed.
TWO BIT MATTHEWS You worked at the drive in, well not really. You did your school work at the drive in and occasionally filled up people’s drinks. Two-Bit was a regular customer that you started seeing after you begun work there, he would always take more drinks than he paid for. One time you watched him fill up his drink cup and then grab another one to fill up. He watched you stare at him, almost challenging you to do something, but you just returned to your homework. He took a sip of his two different drinks before coming up to you. “You not gonna do anything ‘bout the fact that I’m stealing?” He teased you. You gave him a sarcastic smile before putting your pen down. “Don’t get paid enough to care.” He nodded in agreement before looking down at your schoolwork. “They pay you to do all that work?” He countered and you rolled your eyes. “I’ll get paid more in the future,” You huffed, “Besides, not like your getting paid enough to talk,” You bite the end of your pen before doing that same sarcastic smile. He laughed and walked off. DARRY CURTIS You had been one of Darry’s friends in highschool. Friend was used loosely because he was a senior and you were a junior. You were just in the same social circle as him, smart girls who use jock guys for their cars and money and jock guys who use smart girls for their brains and mild-mannerisms. When you saw Darry again, 2 years later, putting up the roof on your house you were in shock. “Darry?” You ask, putting down your school bag on your porch. He looked down at you from the roof and waved lightly. “Y/n? I remember you,” You nodded, almost expecting it to not be Darry. “Never expected to see you…here” You gestured at the roof. “Why’s that?” He knew the answer, but it sometimes felt good to get assurance that he actually had a shot in life. “Thought you would’ve made something of yourself. Gone to college, football and all that shit.” You shrugged. “Yeah well, I’d rather see my brothers go make something of themselves than have them live in poverty. I’d also rather not be doing all the work you’re doing” He pointed at your school back. “Fair enough,” You unlock your door, but before going in you stop, “After you're done, would you like to come in for something to drink?” You asked him. “Would love to” He shouted down at you before returning to his work, “‘S long as you don’t bore me to death with English homework.” DALLAS WINSTON Dallas hated little preparatory girls like you, absolutely despised their stupid attitude and dumb rules. On the days he, rarely, went to school (usually because there’d be some fun thing to do or Johnny asked him) he made it his personal goal to piss girls like you off. So when you were sitting in front of him in class, he took his chance. He started throwing balls of paper in your hair and even one time an eraser. You inhaled, trying to contain your anger but another paper ball hit your head. You slammed your hand against your desk and turned around at him abruptly. He was in the middle of making another paper ball when you turned so he froze. “Cut that out, dickhead” You hissed, eyes narrowing in anger. He laughed. “The teacher’s going to explode if she hears a little prep girl like you say something like that.” He teased, voice low as to not distract attention. You leaned closer to him and he leaned closer to you, almost like a stare-off. “I’ll fucking slit your throat if you talk to me or do any shit like that to me again, you fucking jackass” You spit, knuckles turning white from how hard you were clenching your fists. He raised his hand in surrender but with a small smirk on his face. “Alright, alright,” He paused, “How about, I stop and you come with me after school,” “And get kidnapped by you? Hell no.” You said, turning back. “Suit yourself,” Dallas snickered before ripping out more paper to annoy you with. You let out a frustrated growl before turning back around. “Fine, I’ll go with you for 1 hour.”
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An anxious girl shows her love through taking what's hers
CW: kidnapping and cnc
"Oh my goodness, you're up! Please, please, please don't freak out! I promise this isn't as bad as it seems."
You've been asleep for. . . for. . . wait, how long has it been? You try and move your hands to rub the sleep out of your eye, but your arms just won't move. You move your head up, and despite your eyes still adjusting, you see and piece together that you're chained up.
You try harder, more forceful this time, still nothing. The only difference between that effort and the one before is now you can at least feel the metal getting warmer due to your thrashing. Desperate times here, okay, last resort. You start putting your full strength into it, flailing your body in an attempt to get any loose binding to snap so you can get out of whatever you found yourself in.
"No no no no! Please stop! Please. . ." Your eyes dart around to locate the voice that keeps calling to you. In the time of looking around rapidly, you take note of the fact you're laying in a bed. Not your bed, mind you, but a bed nevertheless.
Is this scary? Yeah, but there's hope here. Wherever you are, people will come find you. Even if it's just people who notice you aren't there at work or school, someone's gonna come find you. Just relax and stay strong. You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and let the air flow into your lungs, your mind clearing from the initial panic.
You reopen your eyes and see a small girl staring at you from the foot of the bed. You were so worked up when scanning the room a second ago that you can't remember if she was always there or not. For your sake, let's just assume she was.
"Okay! That's a lot better! I'm really glad you've calmed down now. I know this is all a little bit much, but I promise I'm not gonna hurt you." What she says contradicts everything else currently happening, but she talks with such a soft inflection that maybe she does really mean it. "I work at the coffee shop near campus, the one you usually walk past to get to your dorm." You've been to that place a total of one time. You went there with a friend after staying up all night to cram for a project and needing some caffeine to make it through the rest of tbe day; it tasted like absolute garbage, and you never went back. "You came in only once a few months ago. Looking at you made my heart flutter and knees weak. The second you left, I knew I needed to see you every day for the rest of my life. I've been watching you since that day, staring at you while you walk past the shop, taking time off to watch you during your classes. I even made friends with your dorm neighbor, so they can invite me over. Whenever they step away, I press my ear to the wall and try listening to you. Sometimes, I swear that I can hear your heartbeat, and I know it's beating just for me."
If there was any time for help to arrive, it'd be anywhere between when you got here and right fucking now. All the effort you tried to put into calming yourself down isn't doing shit when you feel like any second you're gonna die. Oh my goddess, you're gonna die, aren't you? This is it. You start hyperventilating, feeling cold air rapidly move in and out of your lungs. It's so hard to breathe, but maybe you'll suffocate before anything worse happens to you.
"Oh no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't freak out anymore. I'm sorry for saying all that stuff, I know it was a bit much. I'm only doing this because I love you, though! I swear I won't hurt you, so please calm down." She starts moving towards you, slowly. As if she was approaching a feral cat, trying not to make sudden movements so it doesn't get scared.
You feel tears start to well up, but you can't show that fear. You need to stay strong. You swallow your emotions, fight back the tears, and try not to sound scared. "If you so much as touch me, then the second I'm out of these chains, I'll make you pay for all of this."
She stops moving closer. "O-oh." She just sits there on the bed. Her lack of an actual response is unnerving, but you can't help but feel kind of bad.
Is. . . Is she crying?
"I'm sorry for all of this. I just love you so much. I needed to find a way to show it to you. You looked so incredible. . . I just needed to find a way to show my love in a way where you wouldn't reject me." This somehow feels worse than the actual kidnapping part. You're just staring, but it's not like you can look away. No, seriously, you're incapable of moving, so you just have to stare at this.
"If you just let me go, I promise we can put this behind us. I'm sure you're a nice girl, I won't even tell this to anyone. Just, please. Please let me go."
She sniffles and wipes the tears away. "I can't do that. You have to know I can't. You might be lying, and I can't risk that. You might just slip away after all I've been doing to keep you here." She starts moving closer again, this time faster. She no longer cares if you don't like it or not. She worked so hard to get you, and now she's going to keep you.
She moves her hand under your shirt and grabs onto your chest. It's so cold that it almost hurts.
"I'm sorry. Just please let me do this."
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infinitegest · 9 months
ive had this idea of a monster (me) with a sort of desire aura--not mind control, but anyone I wanted to would want me badly. I'd set up shop near a prestigious college and pick out a couple of the most promising freshmen--valedictorians of their high schools, preferably. Sharp, organized, responsible types who'd never let anything get in the way of their education, the last people anyone would expect to get pregnant in college. But as soon as they're at my place, not knowing what's behind my human disguise, they'd be throwing themselves at me, begging for me to fill them up. I'd go light for their freshman year--plant maybe just two or three of my spawn in their bellies, though still enough to force them to waddle from class to class after a few months. When they're not in my presence, they're cursing themselves, wondering what the hell they were thinking to wind up so huge and heavy with a near-stranger's babies, but as soon as they see me again they know they'd do it again in a heartbeat.
And don't worry, they would! I'd keep them as my own little broodmares for the rest of their college careers, adding a few more to each litter every time, until they spent their senior years breathing heavily with every step, nearly immobile with the weight of over a dozen little ones in their enormous, overstretched wombs. i just think it'd be fun.
this has been sitting in my inbox for a while bc oofffff
an intelligent, ambitious freshman, excited for a whole new stage of life, eager to become a Real Adult and have Real College Experiences, is walking back to their dorm after their first week of classes when they see you sitting on the steps of one of the buildings. they make eye contact with you, and they know, instantly, that they want to go home with you. they would normally never do something so irresponsible, so impulsive, but... this is college, right? random hook-ups, sexual liberation, a Real College Experience! all they have to do is go over and talk to you. besides, it's not like their parents will ever know...
smash cut forward to the winter break. they're in the bathroom on the train. their stop is coming soon, their parents will be picking them up,and they're desperately trying to convince themself that their chunky holiday sweater will be able to conceal their swollen tummy, which already looks like it's on the cusp of the third trimester despite their buns not even being halfway done baking. it's mortifying enough rolling out of bed each morning to the judgmental glances of their roommate, unavoidable in the tiny freshman dorm they share, but now they're about to be with the people they care about, the people whose validation and approval they've been thriving on for years. they pull the hem down for the dozenth time and groan deeply, trying to script out a gentle way to break it to their parents that the favorite child, the valedictorian, the prodigy, is now big-bellied with the babies of a complete stranger. they couldn’t even make it a full week on their own without getting knocked up, they couldn't even say what your name was (and why can't they remember your face?)
when they get back from a remarkably chilly winter break (in more ways than one), they're relieved to see that they actually share two classes with another one of your swelling breeders, though they have no way of knowing that they have that in common. from their perspective, it's just nice to not be the only one with a prominent belly, and to have a peer they can chat about growth and aches and cravings with.
the two become fast friends. they have so much in common, after all: both intelligent, ambitious, and knocked up by some rando towards the beginning of the school year. they briefly muse on the plausibility of the passengers within the two burgeoning tummies being half-siblings, before laughing it off and moving on to other topics.
spring comes, the time of fertility, and the two have been getting closer and closer (and bigger, and bigger). late one evening, lazily rubbing each other's bellies after some sweaty fun, the classmate mentions something they'd heard about-- an off-campus housing opportunity, specifically geared towards the comfort of expecting students.
it almost sounds to good to be true, that someone would forego being a total leech on society renting out such a spacious, comfortable property to the wealthier members of the student body, instead choosing to provide free, conveniently-located housing to students who let their libidos get the best of them and are waddling with the consequences. but, the classmate claims they've talked to another big-bellied peer, a sophomore who swears by the place.
so, together, the freshman and their friend decide to meet with the owner of the place, to get a good look and see if there's a slot or two open. the freshman is worried: they're unmistakably pregnant, massive enough that the kicks of their cargo are occasionally visible from across a lecture hall. but they're due just after finals week; if they aren't pregnant anymore, would they still be allowed to move in? this is what they're anxious about, squeezing their friend's hand as they waddle together to the property and knock on the door for the meeting.
of course, as the door opens and they see your smile, those worries vanish. if being knocked up is the prerequisite for being a tenant, then they know they'll be eligible for years to come.
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