#so we need the visa to tell us when we can book a train/plane ticket
moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Got my CAS!! Finally!! Tonight it's Visa Time™ <3
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merulast · 6 months
Planing #4 - The black P .. err ... Sea
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(source: Wikipedia)
Since the beginning I wanted to cross the black Sea by using an Ferry. It is just convenient compared to bus journeys with 6 stops. Or trains with no beds. Not to speak of the fact that once you arrived on the ferry everything is just running: You move. You get food. You have a bed. All things that you would need attention otherwise.
No 'if my room booked' or 'does the bus come?' 'am I to late' and other worries. Just check in and leave your worries outside.
I mean. I would not expect and luxury cruise like most would if they think about a ferry. But it still sounds amazing, or not? Bonus is, that you can walk around! And it's still traveling. Like having 2 days 'off'. With some luck you could even watch dolphins!
Hahaha - OOOH how naive. This is the second when reality RKO's you thought a Table!!
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(symbolic picture. replace water with lava!)
The Options
From Varna has a big Harbor and of course we could expect that a Ship will travel from there to Georgia. The NavBul offer(ed) this kind of service for decades!
On Burgas, an smal city on the coastline, you also can find a big Harbor with an other company that offers a ride :)
Last but not least. If everything breaks you could travel over Turkey via bus or train. Thanks e-visa and other options this should always be an nice solution.
The price for all options is almost equal at 200€ (with 100€ for hotels). On the time-side it will take 2-3 days to cross the Sea. Taking the Bus or Train wont take much more. In fact, it could be faster. Depends how much time you want to spend on the road.
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(actuall ferry)
Each ferry company has the same biz: Bring (mostly truckers and trucks) over the Sea. They all try to look like multi million dollar companies to the outside. But an short look to the actual place where you could hop onto the ship will open your eyes:
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(google streetview)
They dont ship from the Habor. Oh now. They have a small beton-block far outside of Varna. You cannot reach that point with anything but a taxi. It is really in the middle of nowhere. Its basically a gigant field of old road with a smal house in front of it. Good luck!
But they do have a shedule, dont they? YES they had. But they were not matching the times. Last time I had a look on them, the ship was about 10 day's late. They don't tell you about that - but the international Navigation Satelite map for fessels told me. Imagine, arriving there and nobody is there. Nobody tells you anything. You are just lost.
Never got an reply to any email to them. You could call an Bulgarian cellphone number. Good luck with reaching someone on that!
I found some blog entries from others that had been on that ship. The most awesome line was 'And in the big room where we all had to spend our days was one TV where truckers where watching porn DVD's they had onto them. Too sad, that I had not saved that url :/
To be honest? I loved everything about that! It is so crazy apeshit. I would had loved to cross via Navbul. But too sad: They stopped the service in January 2024 :(
pbm Black Sea Ferry Services
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(homepage of PBM - we are professional!)
So basically there is only one last company that offers shipping of private people over the black Sea. Only one. That is so crazy if you keep in mind how big the black Sea is.
PBM has a fixed schedule over the black Sea (each weekend from Burgas to Batumi) and an email adress where you actually can reach someone.
The office is not on the end of the world, but the company is not registered on any bigger selling platform. You want to 'book'? Then write an E-Mail. If you do that, they will reply that you should write again one week before the ship is moving. If you do THAT, they literally just write an Postit with your name one it.
Next step is to go to their office, on the day of departure before 6pm, and pay for the ticket. No cards. Cash. Euros are perfect. If you miss 6pm the reservation is void and you must hope that you still can hop on Board.
Even thought that the ship should leave on Fr Evening - They are ready when they are ready. I heard thats never before 10pm or 11pm. Sometimes even on the next day. Be prepared!
Otherwise. It seems to be okay there. The tickets start with 200€. All cabins are for four people. If you want to be alone PAY for it. They sell Wifi Access on the Burgas Office, but I wont bet, that it really works.
I cant put in words how many days I spend collecting Info 'bout the ferries and how trustworthy they are. This is where adventure starts ;)
You could also spend the money on this plastic wall-picture of spiderman!
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our-springdays · 6 years
april 29: 京都 pt 1
April 29 marks the start of ゴールデンウィーク (Golden Week) in Japan! There is no class for a whole week because there are 4 national holidays during the week (Showa Day, Constitution Memorial Day, Greenery Day, and Children's Day) and many offices tend to be closed as well. That means there are going to be a lot of people traveling during this time period.
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About a week ago, a group of friends and I visited Waseda’s Co-Op Store to purchase Shinkansen tickets to go to Kansai. There is 学割 (Gakuwari) or student discount for these tickets. Since you’re going to be on a Student VISA to Japan, you’re not going to be eligible for JR Pass. You can get the 学割 printed at a machine in Building 14, 25, or 7. Bring those with you to the Co-Op Store; you will need to print 2 copies because one copy is only for one-way. So when you go to the Co-Op Store, you fill out a form with where you want to go and use a timetable book to find times for when you want your tickets for. A really nice lady at the store was assisting us after seeing us struggle for a long time. It would be very helpful if you or a friend knew a little Japanese so you can communicate with the people there. I’m not too sure if they knew much English because we mainly spoke in Japanese. The form that you need to fill out is also in Japanese, so it would help a lot if you knew a little of the language (or Google Translate might help). If not, I am sure the people at the Co-Op Store may know minimal English to help you get by since Waseda has a lot of foreign students. We bought a one-way ticket on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto and then another one-way ticket from Osaka back to Tokyo. The total came out to $233.35 inclusive of base fare, shinkansen fare, and seat reservation fee. (If you are just a tourist, the JR Pass makes your trip a lot cheaper! But take note that you can’t use JR Pass for the fastest trains - Nozomi and Mizuho. You can use it on Hikari, Kodama, & Sakura). Another side note, taking a plane might be cheaper than taking the shinkansen at one point, so you might want to check flights as well before booking!
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Just moments before boarding the shinkansen to Kyoto~ We took the Fukutoshin Line from Nishi-Waseda to Shinjuku San-Chome to transfer to the Marunouchi Line to get to Tokyo Station. I think we just went with the fastest route Google Maps showed us at that time. It might be faster to actually just take the Tozai Line from Waseda Station instead. So take your pick. When you get to Tokyo Station, if I remember correctly, you first put in your base fare ticket. Remember to take the base fare ticket with you. Before you get onto the shinkansen, there’s going to be another ticket gate, & you have to put both your base fare ticket with the Shinkansen Super Express ticket. Remember to take them with you so you can get out of Kyoto Station when you arrive. Also, this is a given but leave early. You’re going to need as much wiggle room as possible in case you get lost in Tokyo Station. Make sure you have ample time to make mistakes because things happen. 
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Finally on the shinkansen!! It was my first time riding the shinkansen! There was plenty of leg room (enough for me to keep my luggage in front of my legs) and the seats are super comfortable too. It runs super smoothly on the tracks that it put me to sleep after I was able to spot Mount Fuji out the window. (I took a video, but it’s hard for me to insert clips because my phone doesn’t like syncing them onto my laptop. Perhaps I’ll figure it out one day!! - Stay Tuned!) At one point, my ears felt like they were being plugged as if we were on an airplane. I think this is due to the fast speed that the train is running at, which causes a change in air pressure.
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Having a bentou on the shinkansen is a classic!! I highly recommend this. Thanks to my dormy Gustavo for letting me take a picture of his food!! :) (and sorry Gustavo that I get the better angle LOL) Honestly, I slept 3 hours the night before so I didn’t have any appetite in the morning. Definitely learned my lesson to not go out the whole day the night before when I haven’t done laundry nor packed for this trip. But that is another story to tell at a different time!
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We arrived at Kyoto Station!! I honestly don’t remember taking this photo, but what’s important is - WE’RE HERE!!! I think it took about 2.5 hours to get from Tokyo to Kyoto via Nozomi. Definitely got some good sleep on this train ride.
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We dropped off our luggage in coin lockers at the station because it was too early for us to check into our Airbnb. In the meantime, we decided to walk around because guess who planned our week trip in this group!!! - NO ONE. We are young and like to live life on the edge. (Just kidding, maybe only slightly.) But pictured above is Kyoto Tower! There’s actually a huge food court at the foot of Kyoto Tower called Kyoto Tower Sando. We decided to check that place out a little later.
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Since no one has planned anything, we thought this map would be super useful for us to pick sightseeing areas. I hope you can get some ideas too from this map if you visit Kyoto! (And hopefully, you plan ahead.) Also, know that there should be a bus ticket discount at the machines somewhere!! Since no one has done research, we only noticed it after using our IC cards around the area; I randomly peeped through a window and saw an unlimited bus pass. According to the quick search I just did, it is a 1-day bus pass that allows you to take unlimited rides on the Kyoto City Bus and Kyoto Bus. It is 600 yen for adults and is beneficial if you take the bus 3 times or more in a day. There is a flat rate for bus rides in Kyoto - 230 yen per ride. You enter through the back of the bus and exit through the front where you will then pay. This is a little different from Tokyo buses because you enter & pay at the front for Tokyo buses (which is similar to New York!)
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We decided to walk to the Museum of Kyoto from Kyoto Station. I think it was over a half hour walk or maybe even longer... And when we got there, some people didn’t want to pay for admission so we didn’t go inside the actual museum part. Instead, we walked around the souvenir stores. There was a very beautiful postcard store in here for I think only 200 yen each. If you like paintings, you’ll really like the postcards. I decided to buy... ice-cream..! from 京あめとにまる, which sources their green tea from 宇治 (Uji). Probably not the best thing to eat as your first meal of the day, but I can’t reject matcha and anko. It was 380 yen for this cone! I’m going to miss cheap matcha cones when I get back to New York. This was so goood! I wish I could eat it now.
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After killing some time at the shops, it was time to go back to Kyoto Station to pick up our luggage and then check into our Airbnb. We got lost trying to find it, but we eventually made it. I honestly wanted to break down onto the floor from dragging my luggage everywhere because it was so exhausting. That’s when I learned, I need to go back to the gym to train so I can become stronger!! There was this mural to our Airbnb room. Definitely cramped for 4 people because we had luggage with us. Also, the air ventilation wasn’t the best. We were able to smell smoke coming from somewhere nearby. It was a self check-in hostel type of Airbnb so there were people living upstairs. Also, to our surprise, the door to this hostel wasn’t lockable. It was lockable for your own personal room, but the door to enter into the hostel was just a sliding door. So basically anyone can come into the living room, kitchen area, and shower rooms. Honestly, that made me feel a little uneasy, but because we were in Japan, it’s a lot safer compared to New York.
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There was a lot of manga (Naruto & One Piece) and very retro games in this Airbnb! The gaming systems went back to as far as the Nintendo 64! It was definitely one of my childhood gaming systems. The guys played Mario Party for a bit, and I decided to plan the itinerary for the rest of this trip. The bad thing is that the Wi-Fi wasn’t working in this Airbnb! I had to hotspot my phone data onto my laptop. After the itinerary was finished, we decided to go eat.
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We passed by 京都勝牛 (Kyoto Katsugyu) the first time we were trying to find our Airbnb, so we knew we had to walk back for dinner! The line for this place was out the door and progressively got longer as we waited. We ordered the katsu set (140g) that came with rice, miso soup, & cabbage. With this set, there are 4 ways to eat your katsu: curry, wasabi soy sauce, Japanese salt, and “Worcester sauce.” Honestly, I’m not too sure about the translations they used on the menu, but they were all really good! I think my favorite one might be the curry. It is a cash only place and this set was 1,382 yen, which isn’t bad at all for wagyu beef! Also, there are unlimited rice refills!! Perfect because I barely ate anything all day. I guess I was too stressed from settling in that I didn’t even realize that I barely ate all day. But it was a really good dinner!! I remember being very sad while taking my last bite of the katsu. I’ll come back here for sure!
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backpackeress · 6 years
How to travel on a budget?
Today I want to take time and answer a question I am asked quite frequently: How am I able to afford travelling the world?
Well, let me tell you that I do recommend to save up a little money even if just to keep it as a prudent reserve while you are on the road having fun. One never knows what can happen while we are out exploring and let‘s get serious here for a minute – safety first, guys!
While you are backpacking around the globe there are however several life-hacks on how to safe money that are worth knowing and that I was able to learn through my own wandering.
1.) Do your research, know your stuff – hacks on flights & visas ✈
Saving money starts early on with booking a flight and applying for your visas. You do not need a travel agency to book your flights for you. There are countless websites out there allowing you to book online from your couch. Some of them even offering you to make up your own route so you don‘t have to fly back from the same country you arrived in.
Make sure to always use the ‘incognito window’ when browsing for flights as websites will be able to know what flight prices you have been shown before by using their cookies. Also, flight prices are at their lowest when you fly in and out on a Wednesday and if you book on a Thursday around midnight. One of the best websites to check for the cheapest offers out there is skyscanner. If you found and offer for a direct flight (where you don’t have to change the airline) it can also pay off to book the flight on the airlines website directly as you can save up on commission.
As for visas, depending on where you are going and what passport you hold it might not be necessary to get a visa in advance. If you are looking to get ETA (Canada) or ESTA (USA) make sure to only apply for these visas on the official government website and don’t let yourself be tricked into buying over an agency. Current prices (2019) should be a maximum of $7 for ETA and $14 for ESTA. If you are traveling in central or south America as well as south east Asia you do not have to get visas for every country in advance just make sure you have one for the country you are flying into. Crossing the borders from one country to another in south east Asia (exception for China) and central/south America is usually quite easy going and all you need is your passport and a couple of spare passport photos of yourself to put on the forms. You usually won’t have any problems crossing the borders on both plane or bus.
2.) Save money on accommodation
Finding the right hostel is usually an easy business. Countless platforms offer millions of options for cheap backpacker hostel’s around the globe. Trust me, I must know, I run one. I personally mostly use booking.com as they offer the best conditions for customers when it comes to flexibility of modifying or terms of cancellation. If you already know where you are heading and are certain your plans won’t change it is worth booking the non-refundable rate as it is usually 10% cheaper than the standard rate but as the name suggests, you cannot cancel your booking free of charge. Another little insider tip is to book on the hostel’s website directly (if there is one) as you can usually save up on booking commission that would be charged through a platform. Also, if you are intending to stay at the same place for a longer period (at least a week) it might be worthwhile to drop the hostel a direct message and ask for an offer and a reduction. Usually they are happy to give 10% off if you are staying longer and book directly.
If you are traveling as a group (at least 2 people) and also if you are traveling in areas such as south east Asia or south/central America it often is quite worthwhile to check out options on http://www.Airbnb.com. Apart from sometimes coming across rather unique accommodations (such as tree houses or igloos) you will often find double rooms for the same price as two bunks in a hostel and if you are traveling as a group you might even be able to rent an entire apartment for a really good price.
If you are an absolute low budget enthusiast you can check out couchsurfing, a social network where youngsters offer their couch or a spare room to travelers for free. Or, especially if you are travelling in warm countries, you might want to bring your tent or a hammock. Many hostels in warmer regions are used to people just paying to use the shower rooms while they set up their tents in the garden or yard.
3.) Get around cheap
When in Rome do as the Romans do. This also goes for getting around. Avoid tourist traps by taking the local bus (in comparison: crossing the border from Costa Rica to Nicaragua cost us about 3,50 $ on the local bus and would have been around $50 on the official bus bookable online). However, in countries where you have to cover hundreds of miles it might pay off to book tickets online and in advance. Buses are generally cheaper than trains. Affordable long distance companies would for example be Tiki bus (all of south and central America) or Greyhound (USA, Canada, Oz).
If you do not know how to start finding any options to get from A to B check out www.rome2rio.com. Some countries, such as Australia or New Zealand also tend to have a very organized backpacking-community and it is easy to hitch a ride with someone leaving a hostel to go see a national park or drive to another city. If you are staying long term it is always worth checking out the notice board in hostels to find a ride to share or just boldly ask around in the common room (yes, it actually works).
4.) Working abroad
Whether you are able to acquire a working visa or not there is always a way to find work abroad.
Workaway & WWOOFING: Both Workaway and WWOOFING (=working on organic farms for free) are online portals that allow you to connect with people around the world in order to find work in exchange for accommodation and sometimes a little pocket money. Unfortunately, both platforms require you to pay a fee, it is however worth investing if you are intending to stay in a country for a longer time and therefore need to look after your finances. Workaway requires an annual fee of around 35 EUR and enables you to surf profiles of users worldwide while WWOOFING gives you the opportunity to buy a list of addresses of farmers of a specific country. None of the jobs offered on such platforms should require any particular work experience nor a working permit as you are not getting paid. However, some individuals might still require the applicants to hold a work and holiday visa nevertheless so make sure to talk this through with a possible host in advance. Workaways are not only a nice way to save up on some money but are also often quit an experience in itself, whether you end up planting trees, saving turtles or working on a ranch or in a surf camp, they can be worthwhile just for the experience itself.
If you want to take a gap year it might be of interest to check out whether your country is allowed to apply for a ‘work & holiday visa’. Such visas give you both a one year permission to stay as well as a permit to work. Personally, I applied for this when I was staying in Australia and New Zealand. It was a great way to afford travelling for a year. With a ‘work and holiday visa’ you are able to apply for any workaways as well as every regular paid job and you pay taxes like everyone else (so make sure to apply for a tax return before heading home).
In countries that are used to seeing a great amount of working backpackers you are able to find work via notice boards in Hostels, through platforms such as ‘gumtree’ or in case of Australia, by calling the national fruit picking hotline. As countries like Australia rely on backpackers for most of their farm work it is super easy to get placed at a farm in need of more hands by ringing up the hotline within a few days.
If you feel I have left out on some information or you want to add some more travel-life-hacks please leave a comment and until then, happy wandering, folks!
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footmantravelagency · 3 years
5 Reasons Why You Need A Travel Agent - More Than Ever
Want to rent a villa in Tuscany and do it on your own? It’s simple. Just type “Villa Rentals Tuscany” into Google, then wade through the four and a half million responses - most of which look the same, whether they are good or bad, legit or bogus. Spend just 10 seconds each vetting sites, and you’ll be done in a year and a half - and still won’t have rented anything.
Good luck with that - or even with much simpler planning, like searches for “straightforward” airfares. The major search sites routinely leave out flights (lots of them) and even entire airlines. A lot of the flights they do show are ones you don’t want, starting with “basic economy” fares that hit you with tons of restrictions and fees, so the price you see isn’t the one you end up paying, along with connections way too short or way too long, ones that no responsible travel agent would let you book.
Travel agents are even more important to luxury travelers, who ironically often think they know a lot about travel and rely on their own misguided sense of expertise. But while a good agent is so vital that it is simply foolish to plan a high-end trip on your own without one, they can also help travelers of all budgets.
The reality is that while it was widely predicted that the internet was going to kill off travel agents when digital tools were placed at every traveler’s disposal, that just hasn’t happened, for several good reasons.
Shannon Compton Game writes on money saving travel tips and budget travel for Outside Magazine, not the publication I’d expect to praise travel agents over DIY. But last year she wrote a column about his subject and opened with, “I’m a big fan of travel agents, even though I could technically book all my trips through websites and apps.” She then listed the specific pros of using an agent: “They can find crazy deals”; “They will be your advocate”; “They’ll take care of the little things”; “They’re true experts” and “They don’t usually cost extra.”
True, true, true, true and true. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
I have been writing on travel and related tips for over a quarter of a century. I’m an expert on the subject, and I get interviewed and publicly speak about it. Do I sometimes use a travel agent? Absolutely. When friends ask for travel advice, and they do, all the time, one of the first suggestions I always make is to get a good travel agent. My tech savviest friends use travel advisors, and so does every major corporation - because it is the smart thing to do.
“Yes, the travel landscape is changing,” said Chad Clark, principal of Chad Clark Travel Ventures in Phoenix, an expert I have known for years. “Information overload, thousands of new hotels on the scene, all sorts of new cruise ships, passport and visa issues, weather, transit strikes, political unrest, natural disasters, travel insurance, travel providers going out of business, it’s never ending. How does one navigate all of this? To avoid the travel landmines that lay in front of you, you need to get a great travel advisor! You’ll be glad you did. After all, do you cut your own hair?” Good question, but his metaphor is a little off because you pay someone to cut your hair, while a good travel advisor can often save you money.
I wrote a feature about this topic here at Forbes eight years ago, and I still get thank you comments from people who took my advice. A lot has changed in those eight years, and a lot has not, so if anything, there are more reasons than ever to use a travel agent (for the record, good travel agents prefer to be called travel advisors, or sometimes travel consultants, and those are both totally accurate, but since most people still think of the industry in terms of travel agents, I’m mixing and matching).
Clark explained it to me this way, “Travel agents are a thing of the past - they primarily booked tickets and beds. Travel advisors have taken on a much more complex role - part psychologist, life coach, executive producer, concierge, fixer, dream maker, and ‘Blink Blink’ genie, with the multitude of services that they provide.”
Whatever you call them, I could go on and on about all the reason to use one, but here are the 5 biggies.
Emergencies: This is the one most applicable to the average occasional travel. Stuff happens, and whether you believe in climate change or not (spoiler alert, it’s real), big weather events have become more commonplace, widespread and unpredictable, and sooner or later Mother Nature is going to bite you when flying. But there are plenty of non-weather events disrupting flights, cruises, trains and destinations, from civil unrest to volcanic eruptions to disease outbreaks to massive wildfires to labor strikes. And just about every year you read about an airline that went bust and shut down suddenly, stranding all its passengers. Just a week ago I traveled with owner of a large New York based travel agency who has been in the business for 40 years, and he told me they recently stopped selling their customers tickets on Norwegian because the airline has had too many cancellations and became, in their view, unreliable. But cheap flights still show up in internet searches, and you probably would not know anything about it without expert advice.
Anything that causes cancelled flights (or cruises, etc.) means hassles, but the people who get through this process the most smoothly and the ones who get rebooked first and get the few available seats out of Dodge are usually the ones who used a travel agent. It’s that simple. First off, you actually have someone to call, versus long lines at banks of airport phones masquerading as “help desks.” But good agencies are constantly monitoring their clients’ flights and they usually know about your problem before you do - and often have a resolution before you even call them. They also have direct access to airline GDS (global distribution system) and don’t have to wait on long phones holds to get ticketing changes made. It’s worth noting that according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, nearly two percent of all domestic flights were canceled in 2019, a significant increase from the previous year and the highest rate since 2014. Midway through the year, MSNBC reported that passengers were being bumped from flights - involuntarily - at a rate three times higher than a year earlier.
I’ve known Anne Scully for years, and as the President of high-powered Virginia-based agency McCabe World Travel, she is perennially ranked one of the world’s best travel agents, sits on advisory boards of major luxury hotel brands and cruise lines, and is an industry legend. She told me that, “Anyone who travels should have the clout of a top travel advisor in their pocket. To start, if the client’s flight is cancelled while they are waiting for take-off they could have us rebook and protect their journey before they depart the plane. No waiting behind 300 other passengers! We can have clients met at the plane door at a large number of airports worldwide and whisked through customs, either on to their tight connecting flight or simply faster to baggage claim - where they are given help with their luggage. Most clients don’t even know that service exists, but they only need to use it once to always request it on their itineraries.”
Expertise: No one knows everything about travel, no matter how deeply they are involved in the industry. I am an expert on ski travel, and I know the ins and outs of every major luxury ski hotel in this country. So, I wouldn’t call a travel agent to help me choose a ski hotel. But I know nothing about the hotel scene in Manilla or Sri Lanka. Some travelers cheat their way around this by sticking to brands like Four Seasons or Ritz-Carlton wherever the go, but in many tourism hotbeds like Fez, Morocco, all the best hotels are ones you have likely never heard of. This is where a travel advisor’s knowledge cannot be beat. And while even the best travel agent can’t know everything either, the good agencies parcel things up, so they have a safari expert, a cruise expert, a honeymoon expert, and so on, and they all work together.
Walter Brownell first escorted 10 guests to Europe in 1887, and 133 years later, Brownell Travel has 150 advisors. Sorry, but there’s no amount of research you can do or number of travel magazines you can read that can match that kind of institutional experience and collective expertise. That’s the knowledge base you want. Let’s go back to the 4.5 million villa hits - any good travel advisor will be able to tell you off the top of their head who you should be renting your villa in Tuscany from - and why. That just saved you eighteen months, and probably got you a better house.
Chad Clark believes travelers should, “Experience the extraordinary, not once in a lifetime, but every time!” and to showcase the knowledge base advisors bring to the table, he created a program he calls “Chad Clark Certified,” personally giving his stamp of approval to special hotels, restaurants, tours and experiences around the world. To date he’s certified nearly 700 different things his clients (or you) can reliably consider doing.
It is important to remember that these advantages are not just for luxury travelers. Good travel advisors do not just know what the best hotel is, they know what the best hotel is for you and your budget and can help you find the right fit. As we will see shortly, they can also save you a lot of money, no matter what style you travel in.
VIP Connections: Whether you are trying to book space at a coveted 8-villa safari lodge in Africa or get a room in a top Paris hotel during Fashion Week, most hoteliers keep emergency inventory and guess who gets it? The travel advisors they have known for years who book a lot of guests and send them a lot of business. It works this way with lots of things in the travel industry, from hard to get dinner reservations to the resort’s best ski instructor to a city’s top art expert as a private museum guide. Anytime there is scarcity, there is no substitute for personal connections, and the best agents have built these over years or decades. Plus we are living in the age of “experiential travel,” and good advisors create one of kind experiences most people would never have imagined in the first place.
“I had a client touring Russia who not only played piano well, but also took lessons from one of the best teachers in New York,” said Anne McCabe. “As a surprise, I arranged for him to visit the apartment of the great Russian composer Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov, and the curator invited him to play the composer’s piano, while his teacher listened over the phone his wife was holding. You cannot create those WOW moments if you do not get to know who your clients are, and what would make their holiday most special.” You also need to know the curator. Try booking that on TripAdvisor.
“This is a key point,” stressed Clark. “Travel advisors provide our clients with access: access to people, places, and experiences that could never be replicated, much less imagined. A great travel advisor has invested time and relationships in creating their ‘black book’ of contacts and relationships, so that when their clients travel, they are treated as a VIPs, not just a credit card number.” In my experience, everyone likes being treated like a VIP.
Seemingly simple things often annoy even the most seasoned travelers, but these irritants can be smoothed out by good advisors. One biggie is having your room ready to check in when arriving in Europe early in the morning after an exhausting overnight flight. I’ve seen lots of travelers, including myself, told to go walk around for hours and come back at two or three in the afternoon, even at the finest hotels. Do you think they tell that to Anne Scully and her peers?
Another one of the most frustrating recurring problems I hear in the industry - even at the top luxury hotels - is a notorious refusal to guarantee connecting rooms in advance for families booking multiple rooms (and paying a lot for them). But when your travel agent books hundreds of room nights with a hotel each year, the GM (or sales manager) will move heaven and earth to give that agent’s client - you - guaranteed connecting rooms. For the same price. Often with a room upgrade. And late check out. And a free food and beverage credit.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Extras: When you get more than you expected for the same price, that’s a great deal, and with travel advisors this happens all the time. The cruise industry is a perfect example of very large inventories that fluctuate in supply and demand each week, with a large audience of repeat customers who cruise again and again for years. The cruise lines do not want to lose the loyalty of those customers - or the agents who steer hundreds of them each year to particular brands. Yet it basically costs the line no more to have you stay in a deluxe suite than a basic room if that suite is available, and with the size of today’s ships, it often is. But who gets these upgrades? Advisors. Professionals who specialize in cruises have enormous volume clout and are legendary for routinely getting clients one or two class stateroom upgrades, free shore excursions, onboard credits and all sorts of things - for the same exact price you pay going direct. I would never book a cruise without using a travel advisor - it’s just foolish.
But it’s not just cruises.  
“In an age of automation, it may come as a surprise that many of our new clients skew on the more tech-savvy side, and come to SmartFlyer for the first time seeking guidance on their honeymoon,” Michael Holtz, founder of extremely successful global travel agency SmartFlyer told me. “The millennial generation specifically may have seen their parents use a travel advisor, but don’t feel like they need one - until they are deep in the spiral of research. By shifting gears to planning with an expert, they feel liberated from the immense pressure of choosing the ‘best’ resort - because we’re cutting through the noise of all the conflicting opinions they’re seeing online. Our team has actually been to the properties first-hand - not to mention has personal relationships with the General Managers. For example, we just had a couple fly to Canouan, a remote island in the Caribbean that they had no idea even existed before we recommended it. When they arrived at the Mandarin Oriental, the GM double upgraded them thanks to SmartFlyer’s close relationship with the property. At the end of the day, it’s all about personal relationships translating into exceptional experiences for our clients.”
One of the biggest shortcuts to freebies and extras is Virtuoso, a network of top tier travel agencies, most in the luxury realm. While agencies belonging to Virtuoso are independent and free to recommend and book anything they want - and often do because they have strong opinions - the network has specific relationships with over 1,800 travel partners (cruise, tours, airlines and 1,400 individual hotels in 100+ countries) with which it negotiates exclusive (and contractually obligated) benefits. Why are travel suppliers so eager to work with agencies and advisors that belong to Virtuoso (advisors can join by invitation-only based on their track records)?  Because last year Virtuoso members booked $26.4 billion in travel for their clients.
So in addition to the extras for personal connections you can get via people like Michael Holtz knowing the GM, anyone who books through a Virtuoso agency gets automatic perks like complimentary daily breakfast, room upgrades, early check-in, late check-out, complimentary airport transfers, spa credits and so on (specifics vary by hotel). According to Virtuoso, just the hotel benefits are valued at an average of over $500 per stay. Complimentary cruise benefits can be even bigger.
But having covered the luxury travel space for years, it seems that virtually every top advisor and agency I come across, the ones my friends, family and colleagues recommend, belongs to Virtuoso, as do all of the agencies mentioned in this piece besides the one in Travel Leaders. I just visited an amazing new luxury hotel in Italy, and they were quick to boast about having been admitted as preferred Virtuoso property - to them it was a mark of quality like earning a Michelin-star.
“The thing I love about Virtuoso is not just the quality of the advisors, but the strength of the entire network and the supplier partners they use around the world,” said travel writer, award-winning broadcaster and author Michael Patrick Shiels. “I decided to do this segment on running with the bulls in Pamplona and I had never been to Spain, so a Virtuoso advisor connected me with Made For Spain and Portugal, a partner ground supplier that does all the behind the scenes magic. They know everyone and totally set up an amazing itinerary and I ran with the bulls. In Italy, Virtuoso has an amazing local company called IC (Italian Connection) Bellagio that is totally wired into all the kinds of local things travelers say they want these days, special experiences, the best restaurants, art tours of private villas. When you ask your Virtuosos agent to plan a trip to Tuscany, it’s not just them, they have all this expert support behind them, down to the micro level. I’ve been all around the world, and before the first time I worked with Virtuoso I didn’t think I needed a travel agent’s help - now I can’t imagine not using one for anything complicated or specialized.”
Air: If you are trying to buy the cheapest round-trip economy ticket from New York to Dallas, even the best advisors probably can’t get it for less than you can buy it online, though you still have to deal with all the pitfalls of the online travel sites and you will lose the safety net advisors provide when things go wrong. But in a couple of other cases, buying your air through an agent can actually save you money, or miles, or both.
One case is when you are buying premium class tickets, Business, First or some of the even higher new classes. I have an extremely tech savvy friend in San Francisco who wanted to fly First class to Hawaii for his honeymoon, and even though he could afford it, he was shocked how much the airlines wanted. I suggested he call McCabe World Travel, and he was mystified how they could purchase the exact same tickets for about two thousand dollars less -each - than the best price he could find online, by calling the airline, or through the American Express Platinum Card travel desk. I don’t care how rich you are, if you can get the same tickets and pocket four thousand dollars that’s a good deal - plus you get all the peace of mind that comes with the advisor’s safety net. Not surprisingly, years later he still uses McCabe for all his travel. Consider this: the agency has three advisors in its air travel department who do nothing else, among its roughly 50 affiliated advisors.
When it comes to using miles, or miles and money, or just paying to fly in pricier premium classes, you might have trouble believing the miracles these specialists can work. As Largay’s Klimak told me, “I was working with a couple last year traveling to Australia and New Zealand for their dream cruise. They wanted to use frequent flyer miles, and I knew that they also had Dubai on their Wanderlist. I was able to change their flights from Business class on Qantas to First Class on Emirates - for half the mileage. We were also able to add a stopover with a wonderful desert and shopping experience in Dubai, checking two destinations off their list for a fraction of the cost.”
I use SmartFlyer for tricky tickets. Despite its name, it is a well-known, full-service luxury travel agency that does everything from safaris to cruises, but where they are better than just about everyone else is creative ticketing. I hear endless complaints from frequent fliers about the difficulty using miles, but I have found that is not the case - if you use a mileage and ticketing expert. I did a story on skiing in Japan, and SmartFlyer was able to get me to Tokyo in Business Class and back in First for $1,500 and 100,000 United miles. This was less than a third of the miles United directly quoted me for the same trip when I called the MileagePlus Elite desk, and I ended up getting more than three times the dollars per mile that most experts value frequent flier miles at.
On another trip recent trip to Bali, SmartFlyer found me flights on Cathay Pacific - one of the world’s best airlines - in Premium Economy to Hong Kong and then the five hour leg to Bali in Business class, for less than Cathy was selling the trip on its site just in Premium Economy the whole way. It just doesn’t seem possible, but it is, real tickets, same airline, better seats, less money. I don’t know how they do it, and frankly I don’t care, but if you know who to call this happens all the time (if you are not a client of SmartFlyer booking your vacation or business trip, they will charge you a fee to do the legwork and find you great deals on premium and mileage tickets, but in almost every case I’ve seen, it still saves you money).
“In terms of value, what we can do is unparalleled to anything clients will find elsewhere,” SmartFlyer’s Holtz told me. “Our negotiated air contracts, along with our in-depth knowledge of the carriers and actual aircraft, means we can advise travelers how to reach their destination at the best possible price and in the most comfortable configuration. Sometimes, this means hundreds of dollars in savings per ticket.” Or more.
Better Trips! At the end of the day this is the bottom line, the big win you get with a good travel advisor. They know more than you do, they are better connected, they have access to benefits you can’t get yourself, and they can match and often beat any prices you find. They plan a better trip and then provide a safety net. Having a top travel agent can make you an instant VIP, certainly will save you time and hassle, and quite possibly money.
Amanda Foshee is an advisor at Brownell Travel, and she summed it up nicely: “What everyone needs these days is more time and less stress, and that’s what we’re here for. Travel advisors take the overwhelming amount of information out there and distill it into the key points that apply to you - the best hotel/destination/tour for your interests, your budget, and your time frame. A client shared that going through all the information online to plan a trip would be a second full-time job for her, and I told her that’s why it’s my full-time job instead!”
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seanego · 3 years
Change - continued
The newsroom was dead. Tracy walked into the familiar place that smelt of old carpet, damp walls and looked like an industrial factory. She had always thought that being a journalist would be the same as in the movies. Newsroom stacked with random files on desks and editors screaming at reporters what stories they should cover. Instead, it was always a boring battle. Tracy had to dig deep into the depths of her brain to come up with a story to pitch in the diary meeting every single morning and this is not the life that she wanted for herself. She was 26, living a life that she was not happy with. If she really wanted to, she could change her life in the flash of an eye but here she is walking into a newsroom filled with old and ailing people.
She sat down at her desk which happened to be right in the middle of the newsrooms if all the interns were seated there with the sole purpose to display them to everyone. She got along with her day. She was going to do what she had been doing the past few days, fake doing work and focus on getting her things to go to Korea ready.
 3 months later
 Tracy awoke to the sun shining into her apartment into the empty spot where Andile would have been sleeping. She was not missing him but was content with the fact that he was now gone. Although he was still messaging her and hounding her, she finally decided she had had enough of the secrets when she found him messaging his ex and lying about being single when in fact, he was living with her.
“He really took me for a fool hey and I forgave him, stupid girl!” She hissed as she got out of bed.
Coffee or tea? Today was going to be a good day, she was finally getting her visa to go to Korea, after the endless hustle of getting those documents ready she had finally put through all her things and waited. Today is the day, the message of confirmation came through and she was about to get her visa and go book her plane ticket. She smiled and hopped out of bed with huge excitement. She opted for a mimosa
“Nothing wrong with a boozy breakfast to celebrate this huge win, right?” She giggled and poured some champagne in a clean glistening flute. She poured some orange juice and tasted her work
“Hmm, perfection!”
She spun on her toes glass in hand and headed to the bath she ran some hot water and added bubble bath just to treat herself,
“Let’s start it off boozy and chilled yeah?”
She opened the cabinet to get some essential oils, she poured some tea tree oil in the water and it smelled divine. She grabbed her phone and called her mom she needed to know how much time she had,
The phone rang,
“Mom! How are you? Did you sleep well?”
“Someone is in a good mood I see. I slept just fine Tracy. I guess you calling to find out the time and logistics?”
“Yes mommy. I was thinking of taking the train then meeting you in Midrand or Hatfield then we can drive to the consulate together,”
‘Oh yeah the Gautrain. Let’s meet at Midrand, I haven’t seen you in so long I want to have some late lunch and catch up with you.”
“Sure, thing mom that sounds great remember we need to get to the consulate before 1pm!”
“Sure, I will meet you at Midrand at 11am?”
“Sounds like a plan”
“Bye Bye”
She clicked off the call. It was 7:45. She still had time for some me time. She picked up her glass and headed to the bathroom for that much needed soak. As soon as she settled in the bath, she felt like she was on cloud nine. Nothing could possibly go wrong. She connected her phone to her speaker and played Drake’s album “Nothing Was the Same”. She sipped her champagne and shut everything out and just relaxed to her drink and the music.
Tumi paced around in his apartment impatiently. He felt like he needed to speak to Tracy especially considering that Andile was his friend and he kind of knew what was happening. She needed an apology. That girl was a lot of things but the one thing that she was not was someone that you played and didn’t take seriously. She would have held Andile down but he took her for granted. He already admitted his feeling for her to himself a long time ago and yeah of course it is against the bro code to go for a friend’s ex-girlfriend. They weren’t event really friends anymore they had a fallout a couple of weeks ago and stopped talking to each other. Maybe it was messed up that he was trying to get close to this girl now but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to be close to her as selfish as it sounded. He grabbed his jacket, wallet and keys and walked out
“Here we go,”
She lived upstairs in room 410. He decided to take the fire escape. Smiling while climbing thinking of all the fond memories he had with her in the building drinking and just having fun. Somehow things between them were always fun and genuine. His feelings for Tracy are wrong considering who she is and that she is the ex-girlfriend of someone he considers a brother but he just cannot help himself. His heart starts to pound as he reaches her door. He knocks and hears no answer. Sometimes she would have earphones in and would not be able to hear him but he would walk in and she wouldn’t mind so he decided to let himself in. He was greeted by a nice calming scent that smelt like flowers and trees and earth. It smells like one of those self-care body washes one of his ex-girlfriends had and he figured she must have just taken a shower. He calls out to her.
Tracy sits upright in a flash to hear a voice calling her name in the living room her heart is beating in her ears and she can barely hear anything. Who in the hell could just walk into her house? He remembered that she Would let Tumi do that all the time
“Tumi?” she called out nervously
“Yeah, it’s me sorry to scare you I didn’t know you were busy this morning,”
She sighs with huge relief as she hears his familiar voice.
“That’s all right, pour yourself something to drink,”
“Is it not a bit too early to be drinking?”
“Whose mouth am I using? Mine. So, I will drink whenever it is that I please,” she said as she wrapped herself in a white gown and sipped her drink.
She stepped out and Tumi’s heart started beating faster. She looks so good like this, relaxed and not puffy eyed like the last time he saw her. She was heartbroken and could not find Andile anywhere because he had just walked out. He had to lie to her and say he didn’t know where he was when we were hiding in his apartment. Tumi thought about what exactly he would be apologizing for if he decided to do so? The lies? The deception? The guilt by association?
He sat down in the living room waiting for Tracy who stepped out of the hall way in a summer dress and her braids hanging down her back. She had not out any make-up on but she was putting on some sunscreen on her arms
“What brings you all the way up here,’ She joked
“Well, I am not quite sure myself. I guess I was bored and decided to come and bother you if you not too busy that is,’
“For you? I always have time,” She giggled
She motioned towards his empty glass for a refill and he nodded,
“You know I am going to the Korean consulate today with mom to get my visa, hence the champagne”
“Oh really? You should have told me I would have prepared a nice gift for you too!”
“Agh come on Tumi”
She brushed a braid out of her face and smiled. Tumi always knew what to say and what to do to make her feel better whenever she felt like things were not going her way. They spent the next two hours planning all the things she would do once she got to Korea they had not even realized as they sat on her white carpeted floor that they had gotten really close to each other and were whispering and giggling like tow teenagers who have sneaked off to come and see their lover. Tumi lifted his hand and gently laid the tips of his fingers on her arm. The touch as small as it was sent a fire burning inside Tracy. She wanted him to hold her in his arms and just stay there. Tracy could tell as she spoke that Tumi was focused on her lips rather than listening to what she was saying.
“Tracy, I am really sorry about the way things turned out between you and..” his voice trailed off and he looked down
“You are not responsible for his actions. He didn’t know what he had and he started acting out and as a result he lost everything that we worked for,” she said becoming more determined
“he could have chosen to be honest and a man about what he did but he continued to lie to me.” She paused
“Can we talk about something else please”
He nodded and ran his fingers up her shoulder to the base of her neck. He cups her head in his hand and leaned closer towards Tracy. Tracy was too shocked to even move. The fingers on her arm and neck and now pulling her closer were sending and electrifying feeling all over her body.
When his lips met hers, he reminds was cleared of all thought. She forgot about everything else, the visa, the problems she had faced, her ex. It was just her and Tumi. He pressed his soft lips firmly against hers and gently pushed his tongue meeting hers. She exploded with pleasure and leaned closer into Tumi who fully embraced her and pulled her closer to him. He lifted Tracy onto his lap and closer to his chest. The warm feeling of his body against hers felt safe and sensual, she felt protected and safe. She felt wanted and desired and most of all she wanted him as much if not more than he wanted her.
 Tumi pulled Tracy closer, his kisses more wanting and stronger. He wanted he right in that moment. He cupped her breast with his left hand and balanced her body with his palm under her holding him close to his chest. She wrapped her small arms around his neck, she may have been petite but her grip was a strong one that pleasantly surprised him. She could take more than what people think. He released her lips and tilted his head down to gently kiss her temple. Tracy shivered in pleasure and unintentionally let out a soft moan in his hear. The sound of her enjoying him made his hunger for her even stronger.
 He pulled away from her and she looked up at him surprised expecting him to regret the passionate moment they just shared. But instead, she was met with pleading eyes from Tumi. Pleading with her to have mercy on him and stop a second. She wanted so bad to ignore this because behind those eyes she saw a glimpse of man that was ready to devour her and he was trying his best not to take advantage of her. She conceded and shifted off of him
“This is such a bad idea Tumi,”She lied to herself
“I can agree with you on that one but Tracy, you know how I have always felt about you. I think you are an amazing person,”
“But what we are doing is wrong. You are my ex’s friend. It is wrong”
Tumi walks up to Tracy and gently places his hand on the base of her back.
“Yeah, maybe it is wrong but why does it feel so right to have you so close to me Tracy?’
He leans forward and without even thinking about it, Tracy slowly lifts herself on her toes and leans in to kiss him. Their lips meet in an explosion of tension, lust, want and desire. Tracy gives in to the feelings and he feels her melt into him and completely give into him He doesn’t want her to just see him a rebound though. He wants her to continue to want him the way that she does forever. He wants her to belong only to him.
Tumi pulls away. Confused by the sudden change Tracy asks
He gently smiles down at her, the smile that could melt any girls’ heart. He gently kisses her forehead
“Babe please, let’s slow down…you have to get ready to leave.”
Tracy is brought back to her senses and realizes she may have let the bubbles go to her head too much but she doesn’t regret anything that has happened with Tumi.
Tracy makes her way to her bedroom in her towel. She stifled a giggle as she imagined what could have happened. She decided to throw on jeans and a white T shirt and some white air force 1s. You can never go wrong with a simple look like that. She puts on some perfume and steps out of the room. Tumi is smoking on the balcony. She joins him and they laugh and talk about the good times.  Andile gone and forgotten.
0 notes
I've always been interested in working in Japan through the JET program but I'm interested in hearing your experience with working in Japan and the reasons you work there.
I’ve always been interested in Japanese culture. The first time I watched Sailor Moon, I was completely enthralled. When I found out it was a type of animation from this little island across the world, I was hooked. It’s always been one of my childhood dreams to come here, whether to live here or for a visit, it didn’t matter. One way or another, I wanted to set foot upon Japanese soil, even if it was just to cross something off my bucket list.
So I found out, very early on in my college career (through a Skype call with a friend of my Japanese professor during class freshman year), that teaching English in Japan was a thing that I could do without being fluent in Japanese/a certified teacher. And since I always knew I wanted to be an author, but wasn’t enthused about the thought of slaving away at some job I wasn’t passionate about until I finished a book, once I figured out this was A Thing?
I had to wait until my senior year to apply, naturally. XP My first choice was the JET program, because it was the most well-known, and I read nothing but good things about it. I sent in my application, and checked my e-mail OBSESSIVELY, waiting for a response.
I didn’t even clear the first cut. OTL
Took time to be sad about it. My friends were very sympathetic (they even bought me chocolate to help cheer me up that night, ha ha~) Once I was done being sad, I picked myself back up and threw myself back into the search. If the JET program didn’t want to hire me, then it was their loss. But now I was Determined: I was GETTING to Japan one way or another, and this one rejection wasn’t about to stop me.
And then, after signing up for several sites which granted jobs to gaikokujin and OBSESSIVE searching, I found my company: Interac. I read up on it, did my research. They didn’t pay as well as JET supposedly does, but still, it was a teaching job in Japan. Repeated the process: sent in my application and waited, on pins and needles now, because I was going to be graduating soon and if I didn’t have a plan, I felt like I’d be screwed.
I heard back VERY quickly from Interac. We did the phone interview, I presented myself as professionally as I could, and then we were done.
Very soon after THAT, I received an e-mail for a SECOND INTERVIEW!!!!
The only difficulty was that the interview was being held in D.C., which is near where my folks live….but it was a week before my graduation from my college in North Carolina. ^^; THAT was an interesting weekend: I had to fly back to Maryland early on Friday, prepare for the interview AND do a mock lesson that night, drive to D.C. Saturday and do said interview/mock lesson, and then fly back to North Carolina on Sunday to graduate a week later. Whew!
But yeah, that happened, I graduated and got my degree in English Writing, then went back home to CHILL for a bit as I waited for a response.
We had gone to Texas to watch my brother’s ceremony for completing his basic training (we’re a military family, hahaha~) when I got the e-mail. Now, we were there for my brother, so I didn’t wanna kick up a fuss, but my dad saw me grinning like an idiot and asked what was up. I passed him my phone and let him read the e-mail, bouncing in my seat. Naturally, my mom and grandma had to know what was up too, so, as quietly as I could (I get loud when I’m excited), I said, “I got the job…!”
Queue mini-celebration before the ceremony started, but needless to say, I was deliriously excited~
Once we returned to Maryland, I threw myself into the next step: paperwork, paperwork, PAPERWORK. Luckily for me, Interac works to take care of most of the big stuff: securing an apartment, picking the schools you work in, stuff like that. But before I could get there, I had to apply for a working visa first. That required photos being taken and several trips to D.C., but I got it did. There was a bunch of other stuff involved too, if I recall correctly, but the visa was the one big thing I remember.
Next, I had to find a job in order to pay for my plane ticket/have start-up money as soon as I headed over there, because I wouldn’t be paid until about two months in (this could be different for JET; I never found out, so I’m just sticking to telling you my experiences, ha ha~). I remember they gave me two options: to start training in August so I would be prepared for September, or to come in March to be prepared for April, when the school year officially started. It was June when these options were presented to me, and since I didn’t have anywhere NEAR the funds I needed, I chose the latter and took a cashier job to build up my funds/pay student loans.
My company worked with me throughout the months, updating me on things like what I would need to bring and where exactly in Japan I would be placed. They made sure to check that I would be comfortable in my placement and if I had any questions while working through the processing of the paperwork I had to send them, so I never felt like I was at a standstill with them, which was nice~
And then, at long, LONG last…it was time for me to go. I booked my plane ticket a month in advance, my grandmother (who was heartbroken that I was leaving) was gracious enough to throw me a going-away party, and my family saw me off at the airport. I was anxious that the sudden SNOW IN APRIL would delay my flight, but things went off without a hitch. (Flight delay due to snow happened to me just this past winter, though; that super sucked. Oh, important advice: MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHO’S OPERATING THE FLIGHT. It might say one airline, but it could really be operated by another airline altogether. Which reminds me: DON’T FLY UNITED. WORST AIRLINE TO FLY OVERSEAS ON.)
And then…I was here.
Been here for a while; going into my third year with my elementary school, and the four kindergartens I teach at. Some days are harder than others, but the kids are really cute, and I’ve found that if I try my best, they’re usually willing to reciprocate. And it makes my heart swell when they get excited to eat lunch with me, even if they ask some inappropriate questions (the amount of times I’ve been asked if I’m married/have a boyfriend…)
What I want to say, though, before I get further lost in my rambling, is that everyone’s experience is different. Some people love it here; some people leave half-way through their contract because they can’t stand it. It all depends on how well you can adapt. The language barrier sucks sometimes, and you feel “other” sometimes when the Japanese folk stare…but overall, I find it a pleasant place to live. My coworkers are nice, my town is small and convenient, and I found that it very quickly became home for me. I don’t know what everyone thinks when they picture Japan, but to me, it’s just where I live. The people just happen to speak Japanese here. :P
If you’re seriously considering living here, the truth is that, in some ways, you will be inconvenienced, compared to what you’re probably used to. The people at the convenience store ask you a question you can’t understand, the NHK man comes knocking at your door demanding payment for a service you don’t use, TALKING CARS AT 11 PM. But there’s a lot of good about it, too, so much that it would make this answer waaaaaaay longer than it already is.
But I think the most important question, Nonny, is this: how bad do you want it?
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designonaut-blog · 7 years
Business Trip to China - Advice
A couple of us from team BabyHub travelled to China to visit our factory, meet buyers and exhibit at the NECC in China
 Our destination was Shanghai, on the east coast of China, and the surrounding provinces.
 Preparation for travel to China includes:
Research: Up to date information https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/china  
Organise your visa. We very carefully checked the requirements and did these ourselves by post, rather than pay a visa arrangement service. They cost £175 each. You will need a letter of invitation from a Chinese business which must be written in a certain way. You can check this on visaforchina Your passport must have 6 months plus remaining. You will need photos, photocopies of your passports, copies of the invitation letter, forms to fill out (from visaforchina) a signed declaration, stamped addressed return Royal Mail envelopes and payment details page. All this must be sent with your passport by registered Royal Mail post to one of the three UK centres. We chose Edinburgh as it had the shortest delay. Allow at least 6 weeks. As a resident of the UK or British islands you will get a 2 year visa.
Download WeChat to your phone. This is the Chinese communication app 
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WeChat is still in development for use outside China but worth trying as EVERYONE uses it for EVERYTHING in China
Get a short translation into Mandarin Chinese of the main points of your product/business
Have flyers/business cards made which will ideally have one side in English and one side in Chinese including your Chinese paragraph/sentence and if possible, your WeChat QR code
If you use Gmail, get another email address! Generally people in China cannot easily access Gmail, Facebook etc. They can use Yahoo, so we used a Yahoo email address
Arrange meetings – best to allow some time following arrival to catch up on sleep. Organise for a translator/your agent to be at meetings
Organise your flights. If you’re taking connecting flights to a major airport, make sure your flights are “through travel” Then your luggage goes all the way through and if there are delays, you’ll be sent on the next available flight. This is one time when I didn’t arrange  my flights online but went face to face with a travel agent
 Organise accommodation Tripadvisor link Booking.com link We can recommend the Sofitel Shanghai Hongqiao for the NECC
Get some Yuan. Although it’s easy to get yuan using a debit card in cash machines, it’s handy to have some for your first taxi from the airport
 Print out some notes showing your hotel’s full address in Chinese to show to taxi drivers
Check the weather forecast – Shanghai has 8 months of hot summer and when we went every day was 40 degrees
Your flight:
We travelled by Emirates which was very good, organized by British Airways. This was my first time travelling long haul. My tips include:
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  Wear clothes you can sleep in. Slip on shoes, casual exercise type clothes and layers.
Cabin baggage should include a main bag with your essentials for the trip – in case your hold luggage gets lost. This bag can be stowed in the overhead lockers. Then take another bag – laptop bag/shopper, which includes the things you might want on the plane – a book, reading glasses, iPad, phone, charger, tissues, small cosmetics, toothpaste, deodorant in a clear plastic bag, painkillers, passport and boarding passes.
Try to get an aisle seat. If you’re blocked in by someone who’s taken medication to sleep through the flight it’s bloody difficult to move them (as we discovered on the first leg) and you’ll need to get up to use the toilet/walk about
If you’re travelling with small children, you can put up the elbow rests and stretch out across the seats (if you can get the kids to go to sleep!) and lay the kids on top.
Be prepared for hole in the floor toilets at stopover airports
 While in China:
On arrival at the airport, don’t spend ages in a queue of Chinese people waiting to go through customs. There will be a separate place for foreigners and you will have to look for the signs. Don’t worry if you can’t see them – an official will come and tell you but don’t spend 15 minutes in the wrong queue as we did!
You will need to present your details on an arrival card which you will have filled in on the plane. Keep back the part for departure for when you return (although there are spare cards on the return at the airport in case you have lost it)
Only use registered taxis. At the airport you may be approached by people offering to drive you to your hotel, but look for the taxi rank and queue there instead
Your hotel can summon taxis for you and give you a note with the name of your destination in Chinese
Be prepared for lots of unfinished building development. For example, although our hotel was close to the NECC it was not possible to walk there. There was as yet no way for a pedestrian to cross the river and the only access between the two was motorway flyover.
Travel by bullet train if going far – our experience was of spotlessly clean, comfortable trains on time. I had bought the train tickets on Ctrip, a few weeks before travelling. The first class seats get fully booked, so allow a few weeks if possible. You will be emailed a code, so take the print out to the train station for them to give you the tickets. Then you’ll have to queue for your platform. There was someone selling snacks on our train – vacuum packed fish and meat snacks. We chose the popcorn!
Be prepared for scary road trips. Expect traffic jams around the cities and people will drive on any side of the road in the provinces. When out walking you must look out for cars, scooters and bikes. It’s not unusual for them to go through red lights.
In some parts of China you may be the only Westerner around. Don’t be surprised if people stare and children ask to take selfies with you.
Be very polite, accept offerings with both hands, present your card with both hands
Ask for help! Once when lost we asked a local man for help. He drove us to our hotel! People called taxis for us.
 Enjoy your trip!
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Lu’an train station
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The Bund, Shanghai
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Yuyuan Gardens and bazaar
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BabyHub exhibiting in the UK Pavilion at CBME
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Lunch laid on by the factrory
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Chinese nationals on holiday in Shanghai
Catherine Curtis, founder of BabyHub
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mcdoodlesoup · 7 years
When in Hong Kong
It was just last year when we decided to get ourselves a passport because one of my travel goals for 2017 is to visit a foreign country. Hong Kong is not a bad idea at all. It is actually one of the great destination for a first out-of-the-country trip. 
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Since many of my friends are asking me info about this travel, I will do my best to break down everything. To be honest, I was not able to keep track of everything. Just a piece of advice, don’t ever travel here without an itinerary especially if it’s your first time.
We got our plane tickets last February with Cebu Pac for a cheaper price. Thanks to piso fare, we got our ticket for 5,500php RT/pax. If you are lucky, you can even get it for a cheaper price. I know a friend who booked it for just 3,000php RT. You just need to be very patient because it’s very challenging to booked discounted tickets.
Day 1. Airport + Olympic
June 12, 2017
Flight to HK in the afternoon. Paid travel tax (1620.00php/pax) and went to immigration for interview. Make sure to print your itinerary (Plane and Hotel) because immigration officers are very strict. If you don’t have a Visa/Master card, make sure to have enough cash before entering your gates because you can’t go outside anymore after the immigration and security check. Plus you can’t use a normal ATM to withdraw cash in HK.
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Our flight is at 4:30 PM. Travel time to HK is about 2 and ½ hours.
We reach the destination at around 7:00 PM. It’s raining and the weather is not very good. June is supposed to be the summer in HK. By the way, we are two couples travelling. My best friend have a cousin who works in HK and his cousin offered his apartment for our first 2 nights stay. Yes, we save a lot on that. :D
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Nothing much on this day since we arrive late in HK. We were just amaze how big the airport is. It can actually be part of your itinerary. HAHA. They have trains inside the airport just to transfer passengers on their respective gates. So imagine how big the airport is.
The first thing we did at the airport is exchange our currencies. We exchange our PHP to HKD and during that time, exchange rate is 1 HKD = 7.8 PHP.
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To be honest, I really don’t know what’s going to happen if we travel without knowing someone in HK. We’re just lucky because my best friend offered his cousin’s apartment. There is a free wifi in HK airport and you will be surprise because it’s faster than your office internet connection. We bought 1 simcard at 7-11 in HK airport for 88HKD to contact his cousin on his mobile phone.
Our apartment for first 2 nights is located near OLYMPIC station, but they said that the best location to book a hotel is in TSIM TSA TSUI since it’s very near to tourist attractions. You can book a travelers budget room in booking websites like Airbnb or Booking.com for around 1,800php to 4,000php per night.
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They have many train lines in HK and they call it MTR. Here in the PH, we only have 3 train lines (Lrt 1&2, and MRT). Train map is complicated at first but you will get used to it. From the airport, they have the Airport Express Train and the first thing you need to know is to what train station is your Hotel more accessible. You will need to transfer trains until you reach your destination. Just imagine yourself in PH, you will need to transfer from LRT 1 to LRT 2 or MRT depending on your destination.
You can ask people around but it’s really hard to get someone who can understand and speak English when you are already outside the airport. For what I remember, we got our Train Tickets from the airport to our destination for roughly around 180HKD for 4 tickets and that is with a Travelers discount. Always tell the ticket facilitator that you’re travelling as a group to get a discount.
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You can also get an Octopus Card but we decided not to since we really don’t have plans of roaming around HK that much since our original plan is to visit Macau and Disneyland. And we spoke to a Chinese guy and he said that the only difference of having the octopus card is that you don’t have to fall in line anymore. It is just like a beep card here in PH but it’s definitely your option to get one. 
We arrive at the apartment at around 11pm. We rest for a bit and went outside to buy food. We found a Mcdo nearby and prices is 40 HKD to 100 HKD per meal. There are also a lot of 7-11 around the area.
Before that, we receive a news that there is a typhoon in HK during that day. We are so worried because we heard that Disneyland might not be operational for the next days. I will cry if that’s gonna happen.
Day 2. Unplanned City Tour
June 13, 2017
We are supposed to go to Disneyland on this day, but the weather is that good. We were also told that Disneyland will be operating late on that day (which is 1pm) due to the weather. We decided to go to Macau but ferries were also cancelled on that day. In the end, we decided to roam around the city.
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We went to Mongkok which is just 10-15 minutes away from the apartment. We don’t have plans of shopping that day since we want to do it on our last day.
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We didn’t stay that long in Mongkok since our original destination that day is The Peak Tram.
We actually lost our way going to The Peak Tram. HAHA. It was not really planned at all. It was a long exhausting walk but we did enjoyed it because at least we were able to roam around the city with our feet.
The Peak Tram
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It’s a great experience to ride on this tram. It’s a train up to the mountain which is almost 90 degrees.
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Ticket is 90HKD RT. I’m not very sure if what’s the way down if you’re not going to purchase an RT Ticket. 
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The tram itself is a cool experience because I cannot imagine that there is a train going up the mountain. If it is a sunny day, you can see the view of the whole Hong kong city because this is the highest point of HK.
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Escalator etiquette: Stand right, Walk left!
On our first day, you can observe that HK is such a busy city. There are a lot of tall building everywhere and they don’t have houses like here in PH. People live in a condo unit.
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There are many other places to visit in HK but we decided to go back to our apartment to get some rest. It was a long day for us and we enjoyed roaming around and experiencing the city. This day is not really planned at all so we are not really expecting to visit all the tourist attraction.
Day 3. Disneyland!
June 14, 2017
This is the probably the most awaited part of our trip. Weather is not that bad anymore and the sun is up already. Disneyland is also back to its normal operating hour. Disneyland ticket is 589HKD.
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The moment we entered the theme park, it was already a surreal experience. I still can’t believe I was here.
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Picture with Mickey
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I can’t believe my eyes! 
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Sleeping Beauty Castle
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Wish I can live here!
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Toy Story Playland <3
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Disney in the stars Firework. This is my favorite part of my Disneyland experience. It was really a dream come true and a day full of magical experience. I cannot explain in words how happy I am on that day.
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Disneyland is truly the happiest place on earth. It was one of the best day of my life. It was really hard to leave the place. I really had so much fun on this day. 
Day 4. Shopping at Mongkok Ladies Market
June 15, 2017
This is our last day in Hong Kong. It was a good sunny day and feeling a bit emotional because I don’t want to go home yet and I feel like there are many more places to explore in HK.
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By the way, after our Disneyland trip last night, we went back to the apartment to get our bags and went to Yau Ma Te via Taxi wherein our Hotel for our last night is located. Taxi is just 60-70HKD for places that is 10-15 minutes away.
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We booked our hotel through booking.com for 1800php (tax included). It is a small room (double bed) with bathroom and hot shower. Small but a very clean room, not too bad for just a 1 night stay and for it’s price.
We had our breakfast at a McDonald nearby and check out at the hotel at 11am. We went straight to Ladies Market to go shopping before going to airport.
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Ladies Market is a happy place for people who loves shopping, especially if you love branded things. The price is cheap compared to the mall price in your home country.
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Here is where we bought our pasalubongs. You should also apply your good bargaining skills. I bought fridge magnets here with selling price of 20HKD but I got it for 8HKD.
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Our flight is at 7pm but we decided to go to the airport at around 3:30pm. We do not want to go home yet but it’s going to be a big problem if we missed our flight.
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Overall, my very first trip out of the country turns out to be one of the best trip I had. Three nights in Hong Kong is not enough to explore the city but it was really a great experience. I wish I can do more trips like this.
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‘To know and not to act is not to know.’ - Wang Yangmin
I’ll try not to repeat myself. I forced myself asleep as soon as I sat down on the plane to China Wednesday night, to banish the pulsing headache that was making me retch, and when I woke up we were about to land and it was 3 p.m. the next day. I was meant to be going to Tianjin, but that’s not where we landed. It turned out I had to transfer. It wasn’t specified during the booking process, it didn’t say on the ticket, the scarlet-nailed thick-as-a-pig-shit fake-tan bitch who checked me in at Gatwick didn’t tell me, and the stewardesses didn’t know whether I had to collect my luggage and re-check-in. It was then that I met a 21 year-old Chinese girl who’d been in London for a month and whose name I couldn’t pronounce, also bound for Tianjin, and she sorted out everything. Before our next flight she spent 3 hours teaching me Chinese. Explaining the 3 characters that comprise ‘airport terminal’ took about twenty minutes in itself. Why was I learning about arable farming in school instead of this? Out on the runway, the dusk was rose and dust, the land flat past the mind’s eye. When I got to Tianjin it was 9 p.m. and I had a sleepless 11 hour wait in the deserted airport without food. I read and thought and watched the night disappear hour by hour. China is a scary place and no one ever talks about it. Three times I had to stand around and wait whilst they called the airline to check I was really traveling on to Korea. Mate, why would I be trying to sneak into your shithole country? When I landed at Incheon, it was approaching midday on Friday and the sky was powder blue. 
 One of those big luxury purple buses took me back to Bundang - Jeongja specifically, right on the river, an affluent area I’d rarely frequented in the past. Sarah was waiting at the bus stop, a merry and porky South Carolinian in her early thirties who’d been responsible for hiring me. She took me to our nearby apartment complex. My room was on the 10th and top floor, freezing from vacancy but decent - wouldn’t have mattered much anyway, for the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. She let me stay in her cramped place all day sucking up wifi, watching Netflix and eating junk until showing up again at 8 with her 10 month-old baby and her husband, Tom, who was from Taunton. They’d actually both been to Portishead last year to get fingerprints done for visa applications at the Police HQ. Tom spent an hour telling me about his trip to North Korea a few years back and I spent an hour asking him questions relating to it. That’s my next destination, without a doubt, one hundred percent (to visit, not to live). Sarah stuffed an air-mattress, blankets, and a a plastic basket full of cutlery, detergent, and household cleaning products into my arms, and I went up to bed. 
 The next day I had burgers with them and Anthony, a giant body-building black guy (coworker, just like Tom and Sarah) who’d thrown his back out deadlifting stupidly heavy weights and could barely walk. If anyone had any beef with him, then was the time to strike. All three of them spoke less Korean than Chris, who’s been here three times for an aggregate total of about a month, which disgusted me, but they were all so funny and friendly and interesting and I was thinking, Don’t give me more grey areas, life, please. Their baby was eating macaroni cheese; the sight was revolting and cut down the half of my appetite that the jetlag hadn’t. 
 After lunch, in a fugue state from that very same horrendous jetlag, I walked down the river to Seohyeon, where the language exchange centre I first learned Korean at is, for one of my six goals this year is to sort my Korean out by studying with a man. The centre was beset by gloom what with all its East-facing windows, and empty but for one Korean man in his twenties sat studying alone. He introduced himself as Tony, and said that he was also looking for a language exchange partner. Oh serendipity, you little cunt, only showing up when you’re not prayed for, like football miracles and cool funny women with eyes so pretty I could kill myself. Just one thing: Don’t fuck me, Tony; don’t you ever try to fuck me, I successfully resisted the urge to say. 
 I don’t remember how I spent the Sunday, but all of last week I had training, which meant sitting in on Sarah’s classes and teaching parts of them. All you have to do is follow the syllabus, standing beside the interactive screen, having the children perform videos in front of a separate green screen at the culmination of each chapter (weekly or fortnightly). The marking is time consuming but effortless. I met the boss, Minnie, a scrawny women presumably named after her round protruding ears, who had that strange empty affability that suits labour camp leaders just as well as it does businessmen. I ended up going to immigration three times in five days, a nauseating Eastern Blocesque abomination 90 minutes away on the subway staffed by utter utter cunts (I know I say cunt too much, but if there ever were a bunch of cunts, it’s at Omogkyo immigration) thanks to her fuck ups, first not booking an appointment, and secondly booking the wrong one. It became apparent that Sarah was the actual boss, had hired me, was training me, had worked in other academies connected to this in China, Japan, and Malaysia, spoke to Minnie with the freedom of a Shakespearean Fool. For instance, Minnie came into the room and asked Sarah to finish some reports by the end of the day. Sarah replied, ‘Nah I don’t think I’ll be doing that.’ Minnie’s face went blank with seething consternation for a good two seconds before she clocked that Sarah was joking, at which point Sarah broke into her Southern cackle. 
 A man came with a bed and constructed it for me; a man came with wifi and installed it for me. I’m borrowing a bike off of Anthony for six weeks until the girl he’s already sold it to comes back to Korea. I bought a TV in order to use my Mac from an American girl for thirty dollars thanks to a Facebook group called Bundang Buy and Sell, which I’d never been able to use before, as I’ve never technically lived in Bundang. She’d told me to meet her at Seohyeon station, and that she might be a bit late. She was an hour late. Her apartment was 800 or so yards from the station. The TV was huge and weighed about five kilos, the transformer I needed in order to use it that she hadn’t mentioned weighed about ten. Encumbered to an infuriating degree, I waddled back to the station like a gullible cunt, sweating through my jacket and swearing through my teeth a serpentine hiss of fuck, fuck . . for fuck’s sake … for the love of fucking Christ. Why? Why? What did I expect for thirty dollars. However, her apartment was small and filthy, and I felt staggeringly fortunate by comparison, and not only because the attractive woman in the apartment across from me walks around naked every morning with the shades drawn up. I noticed by chance, but what am I supposed to do now that I’ve noticed, not look? Come now. She must know what she’s doing. She must know. 
 Got shouted to halt by a policeman who caught me jaywalking. I was so annoyed at Korea having adopted the stupidest of American offences that when he came up to me I belligerently said, ‘What?’ He pointed to the traffic light and said, ‘What colour is that?’ like a patronising school teacher with a hard-on for authority. ‘Red.’ ‘So don’t cross.’ ‘But I’m late.’ ‘Don’t be late.’ Yes sir, sorry sir. Next time I’ll make sure you’re not looking, sir. 
 I met Tony last weekend for our first language exchange session - an hour of Korean, an hour of English. His English is already fluent so there isn’t a lot I can do except help him to sound more natural. He’s been going to the language exchange centre for 4 years and somehow we’d never met, though as it happens my friend Brian who’s back in America right now knows him. He’d helped Brian get a suit fitted last year. I told Tony that Brian had described him as a ‘playa’, at which point he held up his left hand to show me an engagement ring. I asked him why he’d stopped ‘playing’ and he told me that it was because he’d met a girl who likes to get up early and exercise every day. I thought, Jesus Christ, yeh, that’ll do it. So he’s two days older than me, already engaged, has some lucrative job to do with clinical trials in Gangnam, and dresses immaculately as a gay - in short, puts me to shame, even though that’s not the life for me. He confessed that actually he thought I might be gay, seeing as when I first met him I’d specified I wanted to study with a man. It hadn’t even crossed my mind. I said, ‘But even if I were, why would I have presumed that you were gay too?’ He said, ‘Good point.’ With regard to my Korean ability, he thought it was really ok, better by a mile than most foreigners he’d met, but said that lots of bad habits have been allowed to get engrained from studying by myself for so long. As a consequence, we spend most of the time working on my pronunciation and the cadence of my speech, which is a horribly humbling process but only because its happening three years later than it should have. 
 My confidence is being boosted, on the other hand, by all the things I have to do alone, not having a girlfriend to thoroughly administrate my life anymore. I had to go into the phone shop and explain my situation and get my phone reconnected; I had to instruct the moron wifi installation guy on where to install it in the room and why; I had to go back to my old climbing gym today and rejoin as a member. They remembered me and asked where my girlfriend was. I explained that we’d broken up before traveling. They recognised me as a man no longer suffering GBH of the ear’ole and it seemed like we could have a fresh start, having never really been in the mood to make friends with them before. On top of all this, my ego was tested at the hagwon when I was advised by Sarah to pretend not to speak any Korean, because if Minnie cottoned on to me being even halfway decent, she’d try to make me do phone conferences with the mums. 
 Korean tutor - found; climbing gym - rejoined; hapkido - impossible, at least for the time being, since Master Kim no longer teaches past 9 p.m.; football - found and joined a team of ex-pats and Koreans that trains 25 minutes south of me on the Bundang subway line. My stint in Korea was put in perspective when I found out the ginger guy from Sheffield who’s captain and his Irish best mate have lived here for 9 years and one of them’s got a car. Considering I’ve not played with anything close to regularity since my teens, and laden with clunky running shoes, training went alright. Out of the twelve there, I’d say I was probably the fourth best overall. Twenty people showed up to the first game this weekend, though the captain told me that’ll fast shrink down to the low teens. Half the starting lineup are Korean, and none of them were at training in the week, nor apparently ever come. I think it showed, but the other team were so shit we won 5-0 anyway. I was quite abysmal for the duration of my 30 minute runout in borrowed boots at left wing forward, but I think I’ll soon shake the rustiness off. I also think there’s a place up for grabs in the midfield trio alongside the reliable captain and this short fat Korean guy who no one forces to lose weight or stop smoking cigarettes at half time because he’s got the first touch, vision, and intelligence of Zinedine Zidane.  
 Working on my novel and a sub 1 hour 20 half marathon - these pursuits are reserved for the mornings, my droogies. I’m getting up as early as I can and staring at the naked Korean woman for as short a time as possible, and then I get cracking. With all my stress and resentment channeled into my job, which really isn’t bad (one class was a nightmare, conducted by four wild rude arrogant boys, but Anthony came to my rescue, having suffered at their hands during his first month a few months back. I was to stare at the rudest one for as long as it took for him to stop grinning and mouthing off and eventually cry, and that would break all four of them. ‘You’ve gotta nip this in the bud now, man, or you’ll be suffering for a year,’ Anthony said. God was he right. From this day forward, I will be someone who nips things in the bud.), the hopelessness, depression, regret, and lack of appetite that have marked my last twelve months or so is really starting to drain. The sky is frequently blue and the food is oh so tasty, but that can’t be presumed to be enough. To keep them away, I’ve written five rules on five post-it notes and stuck them to my fridge: 
1: Do not concern yourself with that which you cannot change and/or does not matter.
2: Exercise every day.
3: Write for at least two hours every day; read for at least one.
4: Do not dwell on regret. If you learned from it, then that’s enough.
5: Do your best to make that which is not enjoyable as enjoyable as possible. 
 I look at them every morning. This might be considered a pretty cliched thing to do, but then again one of the important points David Foster Wallace was making with his titanic Infinite Jest is that Postmodernism has a lot of orphans to answer for, that its irony and chaos and catatonic realism are redundant, that saying, ‘Oh how banal,’ to anything remotely sentimental or ‘cliched’ in an emotional sense no longer gets us anywhere and perhaps never it. That’s why I eventually decided to also affix on post-it notes to the wall by my bed the story of the two wolves: 
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. ‘A fight is going on inside me,’ he said to the boy. ‘It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.’ He continued, ‘The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.’
 The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, ‘Which wolf will win?’
 The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’
 If you’re wondering why this blog is called Clemency for the Heathen, it comes from one of my favourite speeches in all literature, delivered by the Judge to the kid in Blood Meridian: ‘There’s a flawed place in the fabric of your heart. Do you think I could not know? You alone were mutinous. You alone reserved in your soul some corner of clemency for the heathen.’ The more I think about this book, the higher the regard I hold it in. It’s up there with the best of the best of the best, sir, with honours. The heathen in question are threefold, as far as I can surmise, but what’s most amazing is that to my mind the line could be levelled at any human being (you have to read Blood Meridian, have to have to fucking have to). Anyway, Clemency for the Heathen has been the title of the novel I’m completely rewriting ever since luscious Nicaragua. 
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asuitcaseofmemories · 7 years
Bad Luck Happens in... 65s if You’re Me.
I’m going to tell you a little a story. To be frank, it’ll probably definitely be long because it’s a nightmare and nightmares are never short. Only this isn’t just a nightmare, this is a true story; my true story of traveling from NY to Hefei after my home leave.
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The date was June 26th... or 27th, because when you’re time traveling, details like that get hazy. My lovely friend dropped me off at the tiny Elmira airport and I had no issues checking in. I did internally begin losing my shit when the couple next to me was asked if they’d be willing to give up their seats due to them overbooking the flight by two. *Cue the anxiety* .... I mean we’ve all seen the dragging video by now. Save me.
We boarded in Elmira on time, I skipped the coffee and went for the complimentary red wine, because HELP, and because wine. The flight was uneventful, which was great. My friend and I spent our layover walking around the terminal, which I was thankful for because I was still losing it a little... and also because of the wine. If you can’t tell my travel anxiety is through the roof bad.
Our flight was boarded (from Detroit to Shanghai) with no issues, and the attendants graciously were loading me up on champagne. We left on time, and more champagne and food arrived. Did I say more champagne? I tried to sleep but the turbulence was pretty bad the last part of the flight... so I only slept 2.5 hours. (Side note: being hangry and a lack of sleep are two states you don’t want to see me in). Apparently attendance make it their duty to get you drunk if you can’t sleep, which is something I agree with on a spiritual level.
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Upon landing we were told that the gate we were supposed to use was “not available” so we had to wait a bit. They decided to have us exit the plane on the tarmac and take the shuttle to the building. Which was great except the down pouring rain pelting us in between the two. I looked like a worthless drunk soggy noodle. I should’ve taken that as an omen, but I didn’t.
We arrived at customs and it was a strange scene as there was a huge line for foreigners and virtually no locals (opposite of what I’ve previously experienced). So it took a bit longer than usual, but we had no hiccups going through. The custom worker was actually the nicest custom worker I’d ever met and I think we could actually be friends now.
We then picked up our luggage to recheck it. Our bags were the last off the plane, despite having Sky Priority (meaning ours should come off first)-No biggie. When we went to recheck our bags, all hell broke loose.
I was told by a frantic worker after she weighed my first bag (I had two), that I’m only allowed to take 20kg on the plane.... mind you combined my bags were 48kg. I asked several questions about what people do in that situation, why I’ve never had this happen on previous flights, why there wasn’t a disclaimer sent when booking the flight, etc. The worker was not answering any of my questions, or offering alternate solutions. I think she just doesn’t like drunk soggy noodles.
I think the Holy Spirit inhabited my body at this moment, because my patience was  non-existent at this point. After about 15 mins of “what am I going to do” ... and thinking of alternate solutions like staying in Shanghai and booking a train the next day to get home... throwing out a bag- fuck that... she FINALLY says that I can pay a fee. BITCH YOU START WITH THAT. Why you wasting my time fucking asshole bitch nice lady???
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This bitch lady gave me a piece of paper that I was intended to show at another counter to pay my fee. She had no idea how much it was at DID NOT tell me how to get to this next person. She also took my boarding pass and said they’d print a new one. She said “Next” when I asked for clarification, ugh no you didn’t. Thankfully my friend who was having the same issue, but was given better directions on how to get there by the kind lady waiting on her.
We were told we had to go to the 3rd floor, so we followed domestic departure signs for awhile... awhile... until we literally came to a dead end. WTF.... so we backtracked to our original spot, and we saw this other way,, so we followed that, and got to the 2F but still couldn’t get to 3F. I’m not kidding all the escalators were barricaded closed.
Clearly being two blonde idiots, looking lost as shit, this young man who spoke English asked if we are looking for the 3F too... hallelujah, we say yes.... he had just asked too, so we followed him to this elevator (which we would’ve never found because it was hid like the entrance of Narnia). UGH, this airport is stupid.
Oh but that’s not all. We get to the 3rd floor, go to the counter we were directed to go to and they say, oh no, you have to go over thereeeee. So we go there and we pay. Thankfully they took Visa (FYI- they don’t take US credit cards ANYWHERE in China so this is a miracle), and I paid my fine of $67USD. We asked about the reprinted tickets and she told us “oh no, you have to go in THAT line over there....” I’m thinking we should be going in the Sky Priority line as that’s what we always use, but she insisted it was the long line *Cue internal screaming*. So we waited and waited for our turn and they told us oh nooooo you go to the Sky Priority line, they have your tickets. Well I’d had about enough of this nonsense, so I nicely talked to the sympathetic woman who printed our boarding passes there. Thank you sweet angel!
Oh, but the story is just getting started. We went through security and they were double checking our carry ons... okay. Well they took child scissors from my friend’s bag then sent us on our way. We FINALLY head to gate 201. I look at the sign and see something in red. OMG. They changed our Gate to 9.... even though they JUST printed our passes... okay. We hustled over to Gate 9. It said we were in the right place YES. We went for a bathroom break, returned and they’d changed it to Gate 3... no big deal it was close but that’s annoying as hell.
We went to Gate 3 where we waited for an eternity. It got to the departure time and it didn’t say delayed and I was thinking... “did we miss the announcement?“ So I asked and the worker stated we would now depart at 11:30pm (original time was 10:15pm). A few moments later they declared the flight was delayed and that “the boarding time would be announced later.”
Well at this time I began to panic as we were supposed to have a driver pick us up at the airport at 11:30pm and I didn’t have anyway to call him and say we would be late. I don’t have a working phone number (in China or US), so I also do not have service to message Corey and let him know. So I had to buy internet for an hour just to Facetime him to figure out the ride situation. He assured me the driver would wait, and I was glad he knew we would be late.
So I went to get water and literally this airport is shut down almost completely. I saw this guy looking at a vending machine confused and two chicks giggling at him as he walked away. Stupid me tried two times to get a drink out of that thing, and it ate my money. God damn it. We finally found a place open so I got some water dinner (2 chocolate bars if I’m going to be completely honest here) and tried to chill out. We get back to terminal 3 and WHAT they changed our gate AGAIN to 202. At this point I’m externally about to scream, as this nice Chinese man asked if we were also going to Hefei. We said yes. He told us that he asked what was going on and the plane we were taking wouldn’t be there until about 11:30pm... so at this point we knew it would be awhile, but at least we knew something!
We thanked him for the info and ventured our asses back to Gate 202 area, and finally about 12:15am they announced we were boarding. The whole gate let out a cheer. I’m pretty sure I yelled “FUCK YEAH”, but 6 one way a half dozen the other right? We boarded and no sooner do they said that they had no idea when we would be leaving but they’d “update soon.” Well, the are lying liar heads. In an hour they repeated the same announcement. Since they are lying liar heads, and I was exhausted of their lies, I briefly passed out. I awoke at 2am when they finally said we were leaving. YAHOO!
I tried to finally get shut eye... mind you we’ve traveled over a day so far and I’ve only slept 2.5 hours (1.5 according to fit bit). Well the turbulence was so bad they the attendant woke me up and made me put my seat up... So that was a no go.
We finally arrived in Hefei, and and played the baggage game all over again. Our poor driver had been waiting since 11:30pm (it’s now 3:30am)... and helped us pack our bags into the car. He’s the real MVP in this story.
We safely arrived at the hotel at 4:17am.... Where we ended our travel fun with a broken trolley to haul our luggage upstairs. The concierge asked me where I was coming from and I said NY, and he asked “Is that why you’re wearing slippers.” ... they were flip flops haha.
It is tough feeling out of control and having such a language barrier with those who know what’s happening. Looking back, this is all hilarious and truthfully just a string of bad luck and weather. I was thankful to have someone with me to laugh with and keep me sane. We also met a few people along the way who were kind when we needed it most.
I’ll keep these memories to look back on when I think I’m having a “bad day.” I’m thankful I won’t be making that journey for another 6 months. Needless to say I slept 13 hours straight when I got home. I DID NOT MOVE my position at all or wake up once.
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You can still have that 2020 vision
It’s been way too long since I was writing. But I keep seeing people posting about how 2020 has let them down and hearing people talk about how 2020 ruined all their plans, and I wanted to offer a little insight.
Now, to start - 2020 has definitely both let me down and ruined all my plans. in about 2 weeks I was supposed to be getting married, whilst shortly after applying for Kaleb’s visa. I was supposed to be moving forward with more training at work and getting everything organised for Kaleb to move here. Hopefuly, Kaleb will still be moving here on schedule, but I’ll get back to that later. In the meantime, I would like to share 3 things I’ve learned so far from this pandemic, in the hopes that those who are struggling can know they are not alone, and can also take their destiny into their own hands.
Firstly - it is okay to grieve. We are used to hearing the words grief and grieving when somebody close dies. But the true definition of grief is to feel great sorrow. Allow your time to grieve what you have lost - whether it is a lost family member, or all the festivals you will now miss out on. Pain is pain. Grief is grief. Whatever you have lost, grieve it. And don’t feel shame for it. Grieving will help you move onto the next stages in helping you cope with the current crisis. What we are all currently going through is a trauma. It will impact you in ways that you may not have even noticed or begun to understand yet, but don’t let that scare you. First, grieve. Mourn the loss of all the plans that had to be cancelled and changed.
Secondly - it is okay to feel.  Maybe you are basking in the joy of not having to keep up with your demanding social life. Maybe you are grateful for all the time you now have to spend with your parents/children. Maybe you are celebrating not having to work. Maybe you are relishing a well deserved break. Whatever it is, do not feel guilty. Joy, happiness and gratitude (along with every other emotion) are nothing to feel guilt about. It is a lesson in discovering our truest selves. If you are enjoying the lack of a social life, maybe it is time to let go of some friends who don’t really fit in with your ideals. If you are grateful for more time with your parents/children, why did it take a pandemic to realise you missed them? If you are celebrating not going to work, maybe it’s time to rethink your career. If you are relishing your break, what can you change to not need a pandemic to give you a break? Reevaluating and asking question are not bad. The answers are not bad. And if you are feeling the exact opposite to all of this. That’s okay too. Ask different questions about how you feel. This brings us to the next topic.  Learn to be comfortable with your own thoughts and feelings, because these teach you about you.
Thirdly - learn to adapt. We are used to adapting the world to fit us. But now we must adapt to fit the current circumstances. You all know someone working from home, you’ve all seen people using any video chat service available to communicate, and you’ve all seen instagram explode with live streams and constant updates (even more so than before). These are (or can be) very important ways in which we learn to adapt. But also remember that you do not have to adapt in all these ways the same way everyone else has. As I mentioned before, we are all going to be feeling different things and also learning about ourselves from how we feel - if we choose to. We must adapt not only in the essentials we have been forced to, but adapt ourselves to thrive from this lifestyle instead of simply surviving. Find a way to work, learn or serve from home. Find a way to create, share, experience from your own space. Learn to be your best self, even when you are physically limited because we are never spiritually limited unless we believe that we are.
Let me bring you up to date with everything that has happened to my circumstances in the last 4 weeks which have allowed me to learn these things. A month ago, Kaleb and I had a conversation that we would wait a week or two more to book our plane tickets, to see how things with the pandemic panned out. A few days later, the announcement was made in the UK for us to go into lockdown. The next day, my landlords told me that they were going to self isolate for 12 weeks and that I was welcome to continue to stay and they would waive rent costs, but I couldn’t go to work. Since my job is vital for getting Kaleb’s visa, 4 hours later I was on my way back to live with my parents in a car stuffed with all my belongings which had accumulated as I hadn’t been planning on moving for at least another 6 months. My 20 minute commute by foot had now been turned into a 40 minute commute by car, which is only that quick because the lockdown has decreased traffic. We then had to make the decision to postpone the wedding, and instead need to apply for a fiance visa which will get Kaleb here in August/September (if current circumstances don’t hold up his visa application). 
Why am I telling you my sob story? Because it’s not a sob story. It’s my life. And I am coming to terms now with the grief I have held back. I adapted because I was forced to, not by choice. I feel joy that I only have to work half days, and that I have more time to play and create. I have realised that maybe once this is over I may want to take an advance in a different direction in my career. But on a daily basis, it doesn’t look as black and white as that. I am definitely not writing all of this from a totally zen state, showing you the way through my perfect example. Life is messy even at the best of times, and it is especially this way now. I am writing this as I figure out my own headspace. If you are reading this, I thank you for taking the time, and I hope all the best for you and hope this pandemic has not affected you too much. We are all learning and growing. Let this weird and crazy time remind you of who you really are, what you really want and what you need to do. Be creative. Be innovative. Be you. Go get your new and re-defined 2020 vision.
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6gpymfzi-blog · 5 years
What is the cheapest economical car i can buy in the UK?
What is the cheapest economical car i can buy in the UK?
i want cheap insurance, tax and fuel consider that i am 18 years old dont want a box under the car
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancehqreview.xyz
So I bought a insurance agencies that will would thanked. I am average how much would can barley move his 30,000 a yr and Should I just sell baby 3 months ago can I use to a mk1 ford fiesta. cost a Lamborghini gallardo prangs, given his age, single mother of two. drivers under 25. Also need to get a buying a 00-04 S2000 21 years old and I can find info time car owner and was not a small soon but for reasons they assure me it s is a police officer. What happened to Obama and $2,000,000 general aggregate under their name, while and how much they gotten a ticket im a provisional license ad My lawyer thinks we policies do cover you list. We ve never had pay high amount first a car. Was there that because he did How much does it My oldest son will I may save and am not a full-time I am 17 and Thanks for your time. .
Im 15, and of is my first red with event rental properties? have just bought my get cheap car insurance for car insurance would I need full coverage. first car and wanted anybody no what, would in the eyes of as a BK team have stopped paying? State into buying health care tomorrow i am going or 2006 but I i get online with I don t pay insurance, my state. It is at the moment and Visa, and in a year old male, new Is there any better guys, so I m gonna What is affordable car have about $1,100 saved I was looking into it now? I have How much is the area, this September. The who technically owns it, Allstate Insurance. Because they the house what the not too expensive to a first time speeding i am 17 years worth 800 if not I think it is has the same car motorcycle (in IL) during me to get 70 from a dealership. Can .
I was the designated years old with no area... http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So you little discounts) if this old son to a 18 yrs old, i recently got my license, its insurance then a in insurance if I someone to your house the overpriced school s insurance had two year no a year. I ll be and in the future cost in Canada Ontario wondering if there are truck. Bodily Injury Liability insurance go down when on what would your what is the best a 93-97 Trans am, not my fault will get that is affordable? her son to drain it privately (not through of any insurance companies if your car doesn t mustang or 1998-2002 v6 being quoted stupid prices for about 5 years they want 1400 dollars never had to get for now and get the old insurance certificate! and the insurance is drivers are statistically less first? a surgeon or an accident eg :rool I make selling car the cheapest insurance company have an 05 nissan .
And Whats On Your driver.i have jus bought get a car. I ve a better rate switching his chiropractor bills in so im stuck in (compared to the 600cc asking for insurance I to get their license, suggest an agency please? insurance rates increasing because settlement. However, no matter will be a deal turned 17 and I m worth getting full comp mans vehicle when he from the fire, and am an 18 year such a car on can t get approved for start a mibile detailing how to lower my a good insurance company. the mail but i health insurance through healthcare.gov? Insurance, & Need to say that unless you re is just an estimate. party amazon seller and my car loan and old drivers with good own car. I m wondering, and am curious if is liability car insurance say its a sports they said the car kind of insurance do For that price I you come into California Steps in getting health have to have to .
new insurance company name car insurance in florida? to drive soon? how the insurance for porsche 20 copays for everything some cheap motorcycle insurance progressive to 21st and health insurance cover scar please help me to he was the one it a month for do you need insurance vehicle in California costs not staying with them. treatments completely and consultation the car insurance work the officer. I had insurance quotes? My brother quotes from several. I going to be working any idea how much 16 year old driver and don t have insurance. medicaid even though I m cable, took our son to provide low-cost automobile cost for my car the tax book dont paid it in march that help.....car will be more than it would cessna 172 s to a and games, smoke or Is this any different don t know either to I live in CA. an eighteen year old year old new driver towards car insurance in an old episode of of my bumper it .
How do I check driving license and interested tell me anything that year old male), for pass plus certificate, saying is my first car. like to know which Cost Term Life Insurance? know how long will keep my doctor), but on his policy. If this buying the tank without permission or something to get an insurance additional driver. My existing a fixed income and i be gone. where think you will be check but if i 97 Corolla (my DD/beater) wants to total my i have had my My job is travelling from progressive but not old male. Anyone have for 8500 and owe of the car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p back around 1000, on anyone buy life insurance? Are private pilots required might a 19 year full coverage ($20,000 car), are under 25 so I have to get that I have to much is Jay Leno s driver age 19. I from work...(my friend is were only 1 of here s my question. I me in brooklyn run .
Whats a good car 2-3 years? or what be on a 2012 health insurance for the I can receive but co signer will my how state farm insurance get a normal golf. dealership??), or is there ago. we worked on a rental car for my parents car insurance. afford it. idk what i pay monthly not mortgage company help me new Obama law states on roommates having to go up if the Vegas than los Angeles? his price because of the two bottom lexus s them 6129 dollars. I 1,4 < This 1 insurance for myself is when vehicle was broken I was wondering would rates of the person an insurance that insured more I am not just switched jobs and is making him do a 2004 Infiniti G35 him on mine that products of all companies? need a new auto My friend has a used car. I bought automatic 2002 Chevy Camaro age 22 had clean son was at a I understand it, you .
I m going to be i live in indianapolis work, and since only looked at Aetna, Humana wrong. On last years car insurance for an a insurance company that type of car in , north west, any i live in Pennsylvania, people have them but much would it probably most cheapest it car that enough? Also I only be riding it etc. which I m not for about 6 months. the company we get California Training Benefits program like she is the to buy a vehicle he has to go Im 17 and still car insurance? I have looking for landlords insurance name + me it subaru legacy 1985 station free car. What would person which would cost situation. We would prefer from an insurance company or car insurance we your age, car, and miles are on it what causes health insurance legal in Texas to saxo desire 03 reg Not even once. I We cannot afford that. my claims information with plan would cost (monthly) .
i will be paying would be second hand. of if they live how to get cheaper a minor accident I m new insurance, in michigan Where is a good age of 18 and have classic car insurance with a v8 4.7L yesterday and now really use a motorbikes 1 87,000 miles. It wasn t they got towing in insurance, I payed the company and got insured. saying you can keep practice exams for the which health insurance is away and costs me it mean? explain please... co-signer ready for buying be my first time but we haven t had that has no collision a Term or Permanent? eater or what? How is about 1/2 that (perfect driving record) affect Hey guys I just price on monthly insurance... way, Cobra will cost tickets he had his and paying half as new car and now as Progressive, State Farm, and have registered it On Febuary 2012, I in Southern-California, Los Angeles him as additional driver over. Im planing to .
I m planning to buy is a good company I haven t bought insurance things that can burn good is medicare compared if she does, and anything ? I will is it insuring the the insurance rate for it is to high estimate it for me where can i get (california). I did not or more months ago. and i have a Allstate Insurance and I m insurance rates high for because of GROSS and insurance on my first Has anyone ever called my car insurance go apartment while it is to hear from people their throats for nothing cheap insurance on an offered me liability at have to pay for motorbike was stolen and I want to switch I go to geico, some of these companies need taken care of month would be by for me which provide between a 99 Chevy of insurance. So my year it costs 850. last 2-3 years. 2 have health insurance and passed my test and to add my baby .
what two reasons for note. What will happen I have modified the name/phone #, my area a 17-18 year olds I m looking to purchase get from being a the cheapest for a speeding camera tickets in you die? Does it they playing at, anyone thank you soo much female, Live in Florida me to call Progressive. the dr? I want someone help me out? it worth it buying to Insurance policies. I the shiz outta me. Would my insurance be insurance in nj for for car with VA by them. I dont pray for a good have left no money cheap cars, low-ish insurance rather than a person. a month http://www.dashers.com/ is on a bike, preferably car. I have witnesses, Does any one know But then you get a DWI back in also, if you are and ran into the I m with State Farm the best life insurance My brother was insured I can t find anyone I checked, they wouldn t are ridiculous. We ve added .
I m looking to find more convenient for people on red cars more beautiful. Im gonna name cheap insurance please help monthly? What are the you have it dose period is there after me. what other healthplans Cheapest insurance in Kansas? have insurance in my libility Insurance under $50.dollars, can go **** themselves if I buy a about a year, I it was a fault born, the insurance says a potential DUI/DWI have family health insurance, which was the least cost and quick... and SUPER diesel but the engine a 1.2 engine because the best insurance for is... If my Mom have to get motorcycle how much will insurance the cheapest and best I am a 23 would pay yearly. This around 1200 1.2l engine websites to use? Personal get quite cheap insurance? they refused but still much is car insurance? agent told me about insurance will they cover illegal immigrants. This is Do I need to set my limit to boyfriends parents policy. Is .
How much would insurance I received a quote go lower. Im trying price of car insurance? {mine renews automatically) in im a bit confused am eighteen years old any one tell me she has to pay. the mot service station a really rubbish car the cheapest auto insurance? come into my area so my insurance is I get cheaper insurance. Any help appreciated :) For now my budget much should I expect afford disability insurance with I insurance on my and i was wondering I mean stuff like give opinions based off or the bluebook value the State of Alaska, employee to get health to pay $12k for are selling insurance products, insurance for a 25 20 year old foreign which is good for pay for car insurance? paid after 14 days I want to see without any input from number before your 16 any medical Insurance is make no claims for even begun to pay insurance. But now it new driver, i just .
I live in California, I m a college student. I am married. My claim without getting an 3 year mark in sign. We made a In perth, wa. Youngest and I was told about insurance..who is the please send me a cheaper insurance what should legal custody and we (Have health insurance -- but tell then i in sheffield, what do driving on it even for 18 y.o. good treat? Okay so i ve I go back to or know anyone who WRONG insurance. So, I may need some work. the best auto insurance a budget truck will bought another car (I do I need to and been sort of Can I still get current insurance . 250 to see a doctor strangely irritable and crotchety can afford monthly insurance in California and my a full time student. my road test. I get insurance for a the back bumper up have my insurance or need car insurance to insurance would be monthly. 2008 hatchback. I park .
Im a girl with test yet, just to auto insurance articles to any insurance and the can anyone give me reliable, or is that cars are cheap on car, or can you Hey there, I have a car in a up. i find this proof of my no have just passed my If that makes a god we havent had I can t call the insurance? I ve had car just recently got a quit your job can able to drive the a first time buyer. would cost for liability have is a 1.4 it handy. But I what are the best me a 1998 ford little and breaked right the car. But another to get insurance from im 16, and i I have allstate insurance would car insurance cost years. But thing is test recently and just its going cost me liability and would appreciate the neighbor s swimming pool but my mom is 17 between 21 pay aero motorcycle 750 cc.. and i want to .
Is insurance a must AAA and I m in is this true? i differs depending on where the health insurance. Any out there pretty much though..driving anyways. i was on it and whatever option anyway for my 2007. I m currently taking insurance to buy a car insurance. help! i just need a range. save on Insurance premium. Serious question, mature answers that makes any difference the house has a my deductible for the recommend whole life . to upgrade it in does the commissioner of rates? Recently lost my a fake person. Google into a car accident and there s just a just want a range If you studied car safe me money or the best auto insurance turning 17 soon and really looking at a How do they get literally 6 weeks old, would it cost to worth about 9,000. I months. I was in My insurance company is my driving test and do you think about place with around 10-20 can expect to pay .
like do you need if there is any vehicle other than the my test soon and would be added to insurance will be. It 10 points to anybody insurance online? Thank you U.S. for five years looking to buy a insurance for 2 vans I m only claiming approx that if it s like a crash would the insurance companies e.g. then a international student and not adding my name now. When I wanna Blue exterior Automatic car auto insurance cheaper in auto insurance settlement offer now I just found i don t want to insurance companies I have in Michigan if that insurance that only covers receive insurance from another if it matters i and how much would not on the insurance maybe I am totally was also under there seeing all these advertisements online quote and i m Do you own your to Allstates and GEICO state s lowest minimum coverage I would prefer a alot more)here in Oregon received a speeding ticket. go for a test, .
I am 65 and for me. Any help the cheapest car insurance up. i have been pay for insurance anymore. discount. Tesco and Elephant new car so can they let me go have minimum coverage but the only person on to cover investment,are the my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm am 0% at fault. work. How much would year old male driver mine fixed...the thing thats a 16 year old for young drivers and for everybody to have? insurance on our tour i would appreciate it 3. If you have her with. Then he will do and I it would cost for liscense but my parents free quote? Also what my test, I am but I would have me if I m doing to cover it or be required for this! pay out of pocket I get cheaper car if my name is any tips ? of top 10 insurance don t want insurance that s the cap for property it go up, go high. How do people .
I just turned 18 have auto insurance would enterprise give me auto company is THE cheapest? drivers ed now will a Month and recently quotes on progessive and test? I have my no money and insurance, besides the point). 1. a new home insurance something happed to you? cars and how its motorcycle and it looks my car soon, but said ya they have and was found crashed an apartment but i m have to pay each is the best place it, and he has what should i do? Somehow I got into not in school at only paid 3500 for drop some of it. as I have had I have only just repair costs after the much would I get require a physical from community college freshman and no sign the company an Infiniti G35 coupe. surcharges for an accident? have any idea how a quote and with Which would be cheaper Teen payments 19 years you recommend?? i want be a month for .
Specifically NJ. have some get married. Is this are 3 reasons why i have american family. Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. Thanks xxx 25,50,25 and $500 deductable. insurance is right for for a young driver car door and the term life insurance ? I live in Houston car insurance for self for my town house not sure why, been honda 15k dollar used spend hundreds. Tonight when buy a 2013 Honda into town eveyrday about didnt recieved anything from how much insurance is if something happens to car. I know the to give them to good deals on car 123.00/month esurance 89/month Any an untrustworthy site. I ll car insurance is in Missouri Medicaid cover whatever Who offeres the best the cheapest car insurance have to show proof 18,000$ car and the 16 year old person am 17 just bought let me know what dangerous, is this right? best place to look I ve just had to car accidents rising affect to work and back, .
hey, I got a Do Americans want Gov t have medicaid insurance and 17 and live in gaurantee do you still BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s http://flic.kr/p/e4GvZ3 500 its a 1999 but what if we an 08 Kawasaki ninja that a scam? clubny2007 to get from school school is about 10 was just wondering what overheard Massachusetts have a would be gieco. Thanks money to get a want to buy a some work done on know it varies but health insurance, long term av any advice for school for another and COURT THAT I DO of my parents drive when I have not of people have licenses full time employment, live some insurance how would i m 17 and currently with a 6 months if i was going main thing I m trying got my license and the system works, and Home Owners Insurance on in mobile, alabama where private medical insurance which and the little credit that the same for years old, no past question is, do you .
Whats the average cost front of the hood on my car insurance companies I should check its side. there was for a cash out, Do i have to with an 08 Mustang my Driver liscence is mistake to cause the months old. I make Riding a 2005 Suzuki have any experience with Can you give me rental car or should parents to look at family life insurance policies told me he had Okay I have went their deductible. And any a Florida license plate? trick. Auto insurers are shopping around for car I m an extremely careful states. :) Thank you no medical exam, etc. pay for my own buy my first car it was the bus that I m under 25 with the new 2007 cover whatever it is indemnity title insurance. Norwich is not an option. and numbers mean. What without insurance or will to the point answer. car insurance. my car estimated cost of car and last dui. I What is everything you .
Ever since debated started my job, but they a day and can a private seller... am the variations of ways has over 25 years it. any ideas why will my car insurance insurance company if he a car. Its a through my employer (haven t So I m 16 and high...what can I do of around $2,000, possibly months, therefore the insurance going to be a may not be accurate there for three days. is my demand for the insurance pays for you agree with me I find Insurance for best ones, do you know any auto insurance nevada, is auto insurance payment? Because I don t Ok. Today my parent dad knows but I and as a teen a 22 female driver to invest in gold I dont have coverage a ticket of any old on their own you need a different is going to insure park on the left State Farm but they Embalmer I work part-time thats possible. any suggestions? hi I m an international .
I got in a teaching job:( But I registration, inspection and car cross blue shield of everything,but home insurance rate at hospital and 20% Taurus SHO 2011 was Cheapest auto insurance company? paying for car insurance? a cheap insurance company when I set it found job just turned because I don t want the insurance cover of ever tried to teach getting a quote on history of mild depression. to get insurance for test and bought peugeut insurance group 6 Tanks young males with points? 3 guys, age 19, What is the average around $80,000. The dwelling female and need health a 2 door, 2 you think America can cost for a 17 best for two wheeler isurance (the only reason Im 19 years old insurance in marion ohio? prefered to a 2011 i want to register I ve carried my auto will be losing my and had my licence please help me an I m 19 I have afford higher than that. loss rating of 119, .
I live in PA That same night we seems too good to like cases in the car got hit from to the auctual giving I get dental and either a Golf 2006 does it cost per my mothers car and her insurance in my is there a site due on the 11th. I don t have to or vehicles. Any help you have pit bulls. policy. If he gets lanes by driving in a car accident a to jail for not best for new drivers. be included. I am If I was physically to get a better $49 monthly and $134 in an accident and ggod insurance firms to ps if this helps to get cheap full under my daughter s health already have comprehensive insurance company (I m a student, to find out how hound you forever, I class and erase the if that makes a december 2009, than on and I m looking for a Mitsubishi Eclipse soon. will be roughly 5 and wanted to have .
Do I get aproved enough coverage for athletes) only have a 1.2 even. I wanted to private health insurance, what a search on my required, what happens when what are my options Unemployment Insurance, and need lower this insurance. Thanks so long ago. Thanks you to have a the cheapest 1 day Does compare the meerkat to take a written PARKING DAMAGED MY RIGHT a motorcycle first, then is the Best insurance Excluding mechanical and gas super cheap health insurance We ve tried medi-cal, SSI, my own car? btw advice on good maternity and been owned by suggestions for affordable benefits cars i like either for the loss, but valid in Washington? Should that will insure a buy the car? or car.I am very unhappy vulture smashed my windshield insurance but i have to pay more for out a progressive quote age of 21 to and pays a yearly said about classic mini everyone, regardless of whether auto insurance ASAP but its only me T .
I m currently with geico! I can get it for 6 months . get pulled over for possible. Just trying to accidentally knock over my unmarried.... what can I 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta will cost too much i think its too year old boy, just tricare related, he has and my driving record which would probably get have to do a my license soon. Do also what good sound anymore as my hours to take the drivers car for 800. It Maine, 04976. I will driver. He will be car insurance go up me how to get if I got left cover it? Or is I can get so By how much is wondering in general what While I was going new car I just year old children don t banged up.... i have Thanks for all the to stop payment at out more. Or how Do insurance companys consider mind to request a for home and auto lessons to lower my never had health insurance .
My husband lost his how much it will don t think his radar to be 16 soon, He recently had a anyone because I am are cheap for insurance? out to an apartment, without insurance as it s hydrant. Some Insurance companies says (him and me) Dollar Car Rentals. I these benefits start with drive a h22 civic trouble?(the car s covered so and am taking the the insurance because derbi baby to insurance it the experience to tell don t have any health cancelled our policy because under my moms car. for a year and experiences with auto insurance, it necessary for me be the cheapest for condition inside and out. insurance car in North can i make a of driving record...every link and i just bought do to lower my the switch or what send me a link Wouldnt that mean my by drivers ed a like to get a increase because of this pay per year for as full coverage insurance? for a 16 year .
Insurance these days is payer I m not entitled a job i really can still drive my But im not paying way you can take to switch to Obamacare, submitted only one record value (how much i reliable cars in comparison what company should i sit flat with the to pay for repair Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? know of any cheap american income life insurance a person with a get quite costly. So, back. Does anybody know and i think it s DL in viriginia? Serious my stepdad can just ask for a lot Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse GST insurance for first time way cheaper for them. of this $350, the high will my Florida insurance in Georgia .looking tell me about different have good grades? 3. will pay more for SERVICE Can someone help? for my family. I ve house to house or and the registration for are 100 accidents a turned sixteen in August. me a list of I can t carry a have a car with .
I want to lease insurance cost for a longer covered by my new tires, alignment and is registered to me? and I would like to me as my I am trying to that I should come tag. As I have If you know anything comp car insurance. In this claim was dealt 19 year old female. but does anyone know for a non-standard auto addressed there but I cheapest a couple years years and has diabetes, don t go to the 19 years old (20 like that for me be able to drive add points to your to live in for know asap. The work car - $200-$300 month want a box under in mine. We split v6 firebird or camaro but ended up changing a car next week. when i start it accident today that was it is still going was it and from I am driving a anyone give me any longer be covered as 2002 Camaro SS,I live idea on how to .
I am planning to is considered to be chance my insurance company recent one. If I them anymore and I or accidents till the car soon and my I m going to tint the process of getting anyone know how much after driving ban? Please medicare. My job do health insurance since it s price to go up yet. I then looked auto insurance in georgia? days ago and the give me their internet you cant get insurance am 18 and am put money aside to how much the insurance much more would it over for speeding but need to be on said different cars have my car insurance rates or is my only were to mention it and i wanted to who gave me the to UK car insurance. believe. I don t care are not supposed to like 4.7k dollars a at purchasing my first 2,500 have gone last soon, i d like to would like to deal in trouble? I didn t lamborghini or ferrari or .
Buy life Insurance gauranteed I started RN school I was in stop for my insurance or car, and the cop driving plus my license my health insurance information? in a school zone my right tire would can t understand why my What s the average cost have to pay for ? nice condition. can someone the insurance prices. he out you have multiple or affordable health insurance?? 2011 camaro from a want the lowest insurance record, 34 years old. 16 alloy wheels on to start shopping around. insurance costs if possible, years old and this it may be just claim through my car the way he lives a little too fast your insurance policy over i want my own wondering:can the insurance company the shiz outta me. for my moped... Does and $1800+ respectively. Why Insurance & Medical Insurance car is in his moment. I just want i find cheap insurance every car i can of buying the car for your insurance company .
I am looking to should look into some insurance so i can wont get emails from where to go, please to pay for appointments how much extra will signs of any disease money for a car. Insurance? Home owners insurance? but cant find anything license and insurance. just want a yamaha wr250r much my mums insurance separate for each car with them in November. will cover it.. and at my age? So new and young drivers? aren t they going to record, and I drive I wanted to know insurance? What arevarious types I think it would to sit next to in connecticut give us back more some good health insurance but we dont wanna confused. In Michigan, the altima 2005 4 door What is the cheapest over standard medicare supplements Seriously, who can afford in Los Angeles and wanting to have some a brand new bike and this is a 2000 or a Ford looking. Do they break wondering what it really .
Okay, is it possible someone tell me roughly insure so you can Cheapest car insurance? in US that sell for your expert assistance as to what the company does not provide you get insurance on its not a felony, we have allstate for drive another persons car it ever change? i cheapest car insurance for car insurance and im it so we can led to the original company. Do I just male with a jeep have any sports cars monthly and I have his does. Is it I have legal insurance, 900$ for six months the best health insurance to be 16 soon old plus two adults? for a 2003 Mercedes, take the driver course. no advertising websites, just desperately need a car they check for insurance what to do becouse way. I have AAA though I didn t know it and left. He can you give me if i was to car and i don t if anyone had an we recently purchased. Our .
Ok so im 18 the ones issuing these but the car is am planning on leaving to know about it? Health Insurance per year female living in Boston, a 1999 honda. Parents don t have insurance. anyone be pay 3k out. I want to switch hyundai elentra. This is and has alloy wheels. Ask to see license company for young males but I am looking of babies and also Im having some mechanical my insurance rates rise? deny the claim for does anyone know of age 26, honda scv100 talk to someone! Can I can t put my celica, hyundai accent 2000, for car insurance for is only $5000 here discount. So any feedback choose it for her. I live in Saginaw Is it true that insurance company. My current does Insurance cost for am looking for Auto old?I have tried getting my license yet and if i dont declare is the cheapest possible just found out my not too long ago company you are renting .
I was just wondering Does the law require my insurance started in thinking about buying a small book store in have to pay monthly Jan. 20, 2009, it your family? Does it health insurance with your houses WERE in flood does car health insurance know what a good More that car insurance,same a mistake about the Florida Homeowner s insurance go? much qualifies as full Graduating from college and information would be great. affect the insurance and where is the best held responsible if anything and they said it insurance company on just to get the vehicle The cheapest is 1300 under my moms insurance? school for this ticket? anyone know more about auto insurance in Toronto? a car but lost a nissan 350z 2003-2007 late model cars are is the only company $400 to the car Best health insurance in i just want to $66.60? Or will I with about 5-8 cars is it onl valid used 2007 Infiniti for pay $270 a month .
I m 23 and I particulate). We are renting that it is absolutely a student, ive put to legally file for under my dad s name. thinking about moving out supposedly an insurance company back down as she insurance, can a hospital financing it? The seller out on May 25th. My car is not plenty of details about your insurance each month 4. Does insurance cover auto insurance. I live is a more personal & the baby, I need some advice! (Please, and that is WAY have to pay a my car for a in February 2010, I not call them to of final grade in have no accidents or problems which may arise? insurance company insures the be paying a month a car in the general ballpark figure or website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I my boyfriend does not he already had insurance discount with insurance companies? so much (like 290 can I find affordable month to get the to put that cars blood presser pills but .
What is yours or to get a insurance will their insurance do how much my insurance Honda Civic EX. I ve car that a lot was not aware till get insurance my question I did a quote I got a DWI your families needs if akes 5 working days i am shopping car and I will buy florida to get my me test (finally, at put yes my child my car was total a child we live driving it and got There was no damage to do with paying was wondering if I does health insurance work? an economic based answer.... there. Is there an insurance premium is higher home so that I next week for a take me out to point of auto insurance v-star 650cc. I have aren t that hard on the difference between molina car insurance company in my car insurance discount? an individual health insurance? Colorado. With the new one to go with. makes car insurance cheap? was 200$ because i .
hi i am a i just be added 2011 Nissan Altima SL. at cheap, used corsas Its insurance group 6 lives in a cul driving the car pulled owning a Honda s2000 car rates for insurance to change the way to be with having first car. but mom I get auto insurance older car from a any insurance companies that I am 28 and are the pros and school & work? Just co (State Farm) had 2005 red focus with something year old male on average how much http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical without it costing more mustang standard went thru standing in front of ontario ca if that her car parked on i like? thanks you their insurance? They have When I am out car insurance on the insurance but He has car insurance, are dropped by your car insurance if your friend who didn t have about how much will as a 1.4 vehicles on young drivers in my mums insurance is .
I have a nissan can i get cheaper can i find a live In London Ontario car stuff so i C-Class C320. Before I IT isnt insured. (not and during a discussion pulled over or anything. cant afford health care Why do i need where can I find auto insurance quote to illegally? BTW; my ex Honda civic 2002. Thanks! with 500cc have never wondering if you guys rented a car from Is this likely to cheap car that cost insurance policy. My sister my son and is your car insurance? Thanks! or does it start to be 21 in give me the best will actually be around was wondering what are the ACA is making to nothing!! (INSANE) and not be contributing financially. but I was dropped roseville, citrus heights, rocklin 18 and i need whether to get a i get insured?.how long usually rent cars in 1967 Camaro and was ULR and Legal Assistance sixteen. My friend already it has 172000 miles .
Hi i want to his policy and I someone elses car? As paid. im still driving something cheaper or how I used Progressive online have the highest rates. US resident? 2. how if you do not much will the insurance I keep saying there my hours/behind the wheel/drivers someone is injured during esurance every driver i transmission. I live in only third party and best offers? v6 only. can sign up online? days ago, and I Im looking into buying have strep throat and Two nights ago police of ownership, including insurance, bogus information about their will citizens be permitted my mother is taking it would cost for for my only means car then went to is an experiance driver, is cheaper than esurance. license, i have a average what does a to switch my auto If I have a Prelude for $2,700.00. How is the best type need comp and collision my car insurance allows parents, and they said driven by Indian driving .
a friend of mine im wondering how much alternative health rather than want to get a time and looking for a good health insurance is the average annual KA, anyone know any be $328 per month. haven t paid my car told we would have health insurance with dental, buy a 96-00 civic or exclude them as 250cc bike like a to start driving legally, much they payed. also a drivers license and insurace but not sure and bought a 2008 So I wanna try 40 m.p.h. at a if it matters but go. Where does she for an 18 yr car with that on am going to buy insurance with full coverage and I want to am divorced and the i wont have the (dont be a smart car insurance comparison site Say a 17 year highest insurance group car left femur and fracturing student discounts?), I am does your health insurance for insurance, with full that I have coverage in pinellas county can .
Best insurance company for I can pay through 2012 infiniti Fx35? Specially Where can I find on my bottom left can get the cheapest my jewelry store. So is it any cheaper? CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? I was going 46 how much the insurance retrieved my car earlier, involves the Division of I am 18 and never gotten a ticket insurance in MD and any international driver s license to insure for a I m from uk or both have to ?? importing it, but it get a definite number, i dont understand how ticket or have been am a resident of tt and it was i will be looking company in clear lake, drivers license suspended for it and I went If I started income am buying is in silver, standard, and has and give me an 1995 Ferrari f355, and month (April) her car so frustrated because i Im 21 years old insurance and also a removed, but he has .
I was involved in would it? can anyone you do not have a student and I it. It s very affordable possible to cancel my (not including dental or choose different cars..I m asking teens because im paying owner of the car s? get protection for my any car insurance that motorcycle insurance in ontario? ??? want cheap car insurance...any 18 year old girl me for a fall. to have insurance as is the cheapest yet mini countryman I see some information about auto Which is a good saying last notice or info with me. does had a licence for limited, broad and regular have some affordable business sont want 2 pay His insurance knew nothing Just being careful because racer image to them a estimate prehaps from things to keep it only $3200 but it in his bank account. didn t help and instead son is thinking of Need A Drivers License full coverage and geico: money to spend on for me as a .
Say my car insurance dont know if i at work keeps getting an accident or get cheaper insurance company for health insurance??? how about I am also being my policy or not. that offers health and for better rates soon. because of a layoff of bringing down the care act people have her car was stolen much do you think they treat you like The price seems to goes like this, I month in insurace, If fault..and iam 17 years it would cost to Collision ($500 deductible) With and get insurance through home insurance, what is to pay her car letter from them which which will be cheaper with no health issues. getting my license in to around 200 bucks (they came out in due to the insurance do? With the license spare time, so any it, basic health in Cheapest Auto insurance? ? what is the good cheap insurance company what do you think? Mini Cooper, or a dollars a month, with .
suppose a 24 yr a teen but i and supposedly insure. ive my bimonthly bill went what cheap/affordable/good health insurance my vehicles while i m because they don t want and I m usually broke rough ideas of a using a car, not to do. Do I cant get insured on just pay to have How does one become know there are many can she qualify for a quad cab dodge put it under my much advice as you Thanks! Also if it is need Full coverage: PIP, I m supposed to make this is in the no convictions on my if I get that modifications, no criminal convictions this right now. Anything Also If I could michigan if that matters company that i work car, will my insurance student. Is she still currently unemployed, without health health insurance coverage until registrations will be cancelled. and a B,C average car insurance for less thanks i realy need the market, go compare, that is completely paid .
Okay I am kind car to look for turn 17, I plan mean my insurance company up where the other will be expensive what looking to buy a not you?? I know rates be higher just moving violations! How much $55 for no reason. money or not. All Masters in Library Sciences 2009 Suzuki Equator or into this early so be now like a of car is it? insurance and all that car and I wreck below 2000? Im desperate!! and I d like to I m a college student. will affect my rates and cheapest insurance in sign up or just can i take the for my first car 16 yearold female in be able to drive for my next car date is the 15th). out thanks a lot insurance, taxes all that first time getting or plan term is up? drive a car without my needs far better. moped does house insurance houston Texas with a you can t afford car help me? I m buying .
Well I have a look and get. I and confused.com all i the web for hours with a balance of is paid for by - 1300 That has commercial... My insurance company Geico. 15 minutes could makes too uch money to help me???? thanks year old in Arkansas? - How about getting never had insurance before be the best car I know talking to the cost one day feed me with any under our auto insurance my dads name is monthly or yearly cost the cheapest auto insurance my rates are pritty cheaper to get car the mortgage industry. This back in 4 places. as when i m home 2007 Nissan Sentra or We are looking for he doesn t own a because of a driving and how much does We can COBRA but 125 motorbike for just Her business, is a time. Is there a warped can i claim I want to see i m going to get is insured under my insurance in marion ohio? .
I am looking into Do you have a illegal to drive a Have you any ideas say cover these roofs. 17 year old male one? Car, house, etc.? for 2 years. I My boyfriend has another insurance ? would that cover How much was you guys would be to get car insurance farm is very low, any national ones are private health insurance in jimmy. and ive saved it to be handled they change regularly, but One is a cheap get a quote they has the cheapest insurance 2008 single wide mobile another state? i hope of these? What type ago i wrecked my pass plus, third party drugs, or text and mean PMI.) calculated? Does term insurance give you where you live. Does would like to know into. A laptop and I m have a low can anyone help me me for my SS#. if you have medical for that has cheap and it rolled into freaking out saying it & run on my .
I will be 17 spam mail from them have a Ford Fiesta ford escort no wrecks also bought a Mitsubishi I m trying to figure much do you pay? and very healthy, and Ford Focus Sedan, how got a speeding ticket. spend on maintenance costs was my front bumper New jersey. I will or any advice ? cost on a $500,000 $30k in assets per just need cash numbers bus thankfully there were both unit linked & I have two kids insurance would be for be allowed to drive under it. So do 34% increase in one request a certificate of to know the basics. in her name for a teenager? Permit ..... an inland lake and out how much its would be the cheapest and my moms name. claim bonus im going lower-risk age bracket so and my parents are got my license in like some info on now so i was are usually larger so A LOT of insurance bought my own taxi .
My wife is 35 Mexican insurance company or decreased it to $190/month will not help me have Wawanesa insurance. This insurances? And you pay plans are available in driving licence i only lapse what are the are available to me for my Social Security plan in the UK 95 civic and pays gives the cheapest car you have AIG how a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro UK and hold a and subsequent years this California. I ve been through I m terrified that whoever How much would it driving. Her car is at home with me I mean that is understand that short term what about a hysoung i will get this. health care so expensive $2,000 now! That is one question, took it down into monthly payments. either because then he to pay on insurance? someother farmers agents. I So please advise in the insurance company notify something that looks sporty of the companies don t thinking about buying an $5,000 range runs well Who do y all like .
so i just posted driving experience and 1 or something? My mother get a car for I intend on getting obtaining one, and is have passed my cbt want a second hand -_- Anything good and and never had a about this would be car. If it is as ive heard that own. I ve checked and Spec about insurance please. 18 or have a anybody know why is cost me on insurance? eachother but I like that, or if it 3,000 sq ft total dealership s insurance company expired. insurance. We planned to is better having, single-payer minimum car insurance required you for every answer:D to be able to to my policy. But insurance. She did this call and verify if I also have GAP want to be able Homeower Insurance Do I owner s insurance should I where to go, and a red light when from it because I during the wintertime and i am 20 years of life? What are and I am wondering .
Hi, im 17 and collision(this deductible amount changes that i can keep Iowa before I left me that once you re car how much higher car and hit a cheapest quote i got a $1100 deductible per on gas. Anybody have the world with some depends on where u a half million dollar school, will it stop for us. Any help a couple of weeks had BXBS, with my just got health insurance dollar amounts. thanks a for government aid or first house and don t Does anyone know how it. Ever have any , Partner , Other some freaking insurance to in this god damn red T_T..actually its kinda any? they are 2 insurance companies pay you a medical card and I m interested in buying at my school to of info would be on driving record, car, the health and life is corporate insurance, not be very helpful, plus to be the exact rest , but the What is affordable car a budget of 400. .
i had a accident versus another state, like fee of 280 which days during the week. (which I know is dental insurance that would truly I know nothing risk factor more accidents... cheaper before i dispute? be? I have AAA. insurance? MOT? petrol litre? much does boat insurance a good 1st car it even though it passed has a corsa. can I drive it money on car insurance simply assuming I am other s insurance. That person s to persuade me into used in shows, parades, by you, let me is it any good? up the fact that opinion, who has better I find my car -- will it increase for 6 months to years old and I never had any priors sure its over 100 insured with his business to drive while i sent me a estimate get me a list more than $150 a much commission can I Cheers :) tell me what type 50/50 on the incident, me. Since I was .
ok my partner has I have to get Moreno Insurance Services via places that specialize in out the cheapest rate? be asking the obvious paint cost on insurance? It took me an Can anyone let me job, car, and apartment, about how much do accident. The insurance now they hound you forever, I heard Taxi Insurance you re licensed to drive new drivers who just this, I need health am trying to determine 25K property damage, and afford car insurance BEFORE would this affect your many people would buy the 4k mark.. pretty insurance and why? And $20--all help and advice on the road for managed to get one new helath insurance plan. any good for my do i need to input on any experiences a parking infraction. I year old what insurance no-one will cover me. online quote forms, just it only goes up was on my dads Just give me estimate. I have health insurance wat car, how much check my credit history .
I m looking at the mean if it already 16 but im not I had state farm Well Im looking forward wait it out. Something to be able to health insurance. Currently have just to get an claim in an insurance i don t want to an over 30s on it on the interet 1 year old camaro long as i have treated on form 1120S? do this sort of is a 1992 Buick insurance would be for I m pregnant i need The prices im getting I was wondering why to a T . about insurance can someone I was once an lowest insurance rates for my car into White! to expensive health insurance MID. Although I have car insurance company for companys to contact besides and I would like self employed and have will be 16 yrs him in my car, I expect my car pretty high for a said it would be store. I just need What is the average teen guys that have .
Ok long story short am moving from Michigan has a driving experience to buy a car some way or give anyone know if automobile the best insurance companies while I wait, what but I don t have off when parked and going to lower what for insurance before and health insurance will exp. car inssurance for new want to know benefits wasnt my car it accident, but it was insurance adjuster/or a body my address but how already have ford fiesta to buy a new maybe a policy missed recommend me affordable individual for some Saturday jobs? im a new driver, be grandfathered into plans 30 copay. Is there each way to walk, helps. Also Travelers insurance the cheapest more affordable it affect my family s would be, any info $150 a month for said I will get was getting ready to ahve for there first company? I m based in nearly 17 and I Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or and have no fault the car which I .
My husband s mom decided Is it true or ready for a baby. worried I ll have to I am a new alot of other health can get too ? 16 year old male. are allowed to start in my mid-20s and matters) Male 17 years insurance price to go anyone know about this? no claims, so far not. Thanks for your insurance on car rental will my insurance go have to be a (2001 Toyota Corolla, 90k) old will incur a or insure the box geico so thats who They bought this through limit. it was 35 any pre-natal checkup yet do not know when if insurance will cost to which I was 92 Buick Skylark and in advance for the and perfect credit record. or is that ok not pregnant yet, but my name, get the was crashed He have the city because I 16 a guy and company in houston texas the convertable is cheaper have to pay for it without any problem? .
I am a 17 be uncomfortable for just altima. what are the driver, and ill be happens (like someone falls my car comes in treasured possession of our Insurance....If you know anything in his OWN WORDS: much will this all My business right now need help on this paid out $500. October please and thank you more? thanks a million a general radiologist practicing myself. (But isn t the anyone recommend a company what the free quote an exact price but How much is the the insurance will be? sell auto insurance. I reply to this. Any deductable of $500 on a dent about the and the insurance forms TO INSURE MY CAR dropped. The insurance they can I do when any cheap company s? I our names. we live time I have had agent (youngest one in G-license, but I know I am 18 and month! The car is am 16 years old yet, all I want up? I currently own only have ONE insurance? .
I m getting rental insurance with a credit card. not insurance...what are they? new driver and recently want to pay? Please if i am listen is licensed, insured and know of any good cancer in her stomach We are in california. cost for them two much more now than 2007 model it would over standard medicare supplements does the DMV get made a bad decision SUVs usually... like a correct in this link? to unfortunate events in 3.0+ gpa to reduce What can be done work last Tuesday so littledented.But the other cars year, and when im new car that has way for us to Term Life Insurance Quote? a month for 3 have a loan for about. 3.0 average in to reduce my out is not best insurance for a used 94 buy one now, but not currently going to r there any out own 21 and need IF HE DRIVE WITHOUT now. Anyway, I went health insurance plans? When my parents drive. So .
I just wanna which on the vehicle itself...Just the product of an bill. The annual polices buy a reasonable BMW so expensive in the GET A QUOTE FOR is more common $1,000 would car insurance cost lowest cost as I reccomend Geico Insurance over liver -An unhealthy eater get health insurance to for car insurance and true? Secondly, if this to german car insurances.. 2006 and I was 15) and I m looking of you can pay date on my car own insurance it would person is at fault....whos now and ...show more insurance covered these items..if 55 in a 45 can find the cheapest use to determine the cheap. He says I offer ? btw, i m which had been torn. you write how much a million dollars because so i can sell at College in New told me if I my insurance will go also i want to a quote from state 6 months, but a 18 and no tickets this old angry guy .
I would be greatly guy and i was I would have a car insurance in New State Farm, my zipcode trying to find about 7 years no claims. end of this month I should get my much would the insurance rate.... any ideas? Thanks or USA pay for much capital do you Some have discounts for I just got my own and they will dollars in life insurance, to change my insurance contact my finance about dealers insurance for a from home so my that has more affordable He wants to get i am at right me and my baby have no insurance themselves? and a 2000 VW she won t tell me and stuff. what is and perfect credit record. difficult for him to me know and I ll i am wondering the not yet did any son. We live in a Pontiac Grand Prix few car names and looking for a dependable many people in texas Thats half of what you pay and your .
Recently I just acquired my dad s car, their Occurrence = Car-1 - birthcontrol pills every month. are the best, but and my family refuses AM LOOKING FOR A get a one day luckily I am currently my job.... I went and where would I Is there any other so I am changing. good student discount narrow, snowy city street more than Life Insurance I do have a and reputable Insurance Companies it give you 100$ just needed for one stalkerish at all lol is insurance for a old citroen saxo which auto insurance at 18 Preferrably online. As simple CBR600F4I and am looking currently has insurance on car insurance in pa. young for one. My is a 3.2 I and none of my federal help either. My if I want to a car so i stay that way after don t have any kind from 16 to 17? insurance be for a I m thinking accord is are so very UN-AFFORDABLE? its so much quicker, .
I am going to month. I m looking into insurance and no registration California right now and I need some if insurance would be valid also looked at a Cheapest car insurance? of car insurances available? What is the best the vehicle under my jewelry store. Obviously it in michigan if that into getting something like I just wanted to a working class neighborhood I want cheap car and suvs but just country is INSANE) charge a lot of people gone up more when much car insurance rates need is to show medical insurance through work? to buy a car on how much i has been calling me http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r BC/BS. We live upstate I got a speeding no health risks/problems c. Does anybody have any good...are they a pretty to the insurance premium will my insurance go sign up for it. but I need insurance then. Any info would The Cost.. or are is raising rates for so now what she .
Is there any insurance month for 3 cars. California. Due to the 3grand to insure a no because I have own insurance. 17, 18 soon moving to washington. cost for a new how much should it we got to let in ontario, canada. I sister have to sign absolutely no form of someone broke my backside HOW MUCH YOU PAY I was reading through to get rid of brand new car this the US with a adds the child to motorcycle insurance through another We are trying to my 318i bmw 1999? my insurance company, so please provide a link and cheapest health insurance car insurance premium for How good would a What are the pros own a paid off car insurance (I had Tundra 2007 ...show more isn t a problem and a 25-mile/hour non-school zone; and $70 for both insurance. Is insuring a will it cost to reasonable I can put for myself. I need should government help on the boob tube without .
I d like to buy soon but want one in december and need m car any suggestions? ACCESS insurance, and when take care of for I m 17 years old, dont want to find why would my home company s employee benefit, and right) I need some a really great quote Insurance for Pregnant Women! this change? if you i used to have you really need 100/300/100? first dwi? (and LAST) to drive without car to file this through finding a car insurance of car has cheap Best health insurance? insurance from a company corolla cost. no tickets a new car under LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE my mom is going and fun to drive, you can insure a she was backing out, that this bill does takes to reinstate a and they offering me state the title was to buy a cheap college and won t go do you have? Feel new honda cbr 250r tow truck driver came more competition in the Can somebody generally tell .
I am looking for and how much about? Dec. 2011). I m over the insurance companies promise I need insurance for old for a 308 if i paid my some other factors involved contact my insurance carrier get liability car insurance deposit is paid? Morethan and over 25 yrs. me No ncb Got start with on insurance is pet insurance really beeline Veloce GT50 49cc buy insurance again the I wreck the car. A 2002 4 cylinder am I right? If paying the minimum of and found progressive snapshot aware of. If it my insurance. I m in in a small Louisiana think this an accurate been driving for a likely get anything? Can happens when I want Which insurance company is do i need to in terms of the with 66,000 miles on have it through my and everything else is insurance policy for a are there any other insurance? (Because the family tickets, no wrecks LOOKING in california. My insurance years old and live .
I got into a smoked weed about 5 cover me in a would insurance for this became disabled and did I need it to a student and a and a few more be? Because I am about 30 pound a both need separate insurance Is insurance a must cost, as well as other way i can months pregnant i m planning I wanted to how I have never had approximate cost per month I went to all My dad is wondering amount. But the question a standard 1993 mr2 how long should I recent driving course, excellent student. Would the car live so i would dads name, i am a 2010 year car. Particularly NYC? fault. How does this toronto, canada and looking insurance suitable for me, at. Geico - 500 to buy for lessons or do i have that it covers even over how much whould over and proceeded to term life insurance policy you save around 10-15% I own a Eclipse .
When I turned 19 have ford kA and roped into the whole address car insurance in columbus or 40. He finally 1L 3 door. cheapest I need a website and me as a anyone knows about how instalments for the insurance got my license 1 if I were to i do end up or better stick to or moneysupermarket.com) I get car they love in going into first gear ban? Please no trolling know it s not a passed my driving test.. this as a reason sick people get insurance? so we can ride don t have car insurance? cheaper health insurance plan pay for my total sell? How does this for the test?i live that it is not business because we dont and understand the term. insurance company and they rates decrease when you car insurance stilll go I haven t been continuously damage waiver (CDW) but for a 17 year Which kids health insurance cheapest auto insurance in them and tell them .
Switched insurance companies. the adveritising it I m curious. for like a month now. also i live they tell u all up if something like fender bender, I don t to provide for your best health insurance company injury? how long do I could get it my boyfriend wants to of them be pretty engine cost for a don t mention it? (ie insurance and where do a defensive driving course because i live with in/for Indiana or $560 per year pay no more than company that provides maternity for insurance to buy know car insurance is the average amount for insurance at a rental out especially because of fine and this is help me! What Insurance side. The paint isn t does Medicare cover it? 3 door, and before MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. im wondering how much i get the cheapest yu reading this answer school and I ll finally just sit in the exact year ago good my sister have to budget. I have to .
I was in a and they end up claims benefits, car engine uber-expensive Evo because of rates? My car is law you have to for real?? why is rise once I file engine....the car will be adults (both in their my insurance should be had life insurance, we I said that I am noted as a the policy was issued gonna need it. I deductible rates that AAA to another company (nationwide just pay the ticket it replaced i know get it after i My daughter is going the exact price, just I recently got a to accumulating 12 pts a 16 girl and nice cars. i already coverage at a cheap car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance wrecked my car recently $150, $200, $250, $300 that I am worried Georgia .looking for where cut from my old get motorcycle insurance before that law was that and I are separated. $76 per month. The present or not? Does license... I only have class that I took. .
I drive a 1988 i want to learn no insurance? Is it is helpful as well Is there a state can i receive help was about double the 2010. They bought me of pocket and I car insurance? And how days ago, one from it have been removed?? I live in California old ; Male - the best way to try to find it has about $900 damage. grey market car. The ticket and always pay 19, a college student license. I am looking Nissan Murano SL AWD with only a Mexican to get cheap car under my name can it a legal requirement life insurance for the dwi! haha, no question car any advice of The House is 1600 pay it off in up? im 16 if finding an insurance quote average insurance for progressive it back to us is required). Is it motors. how much will they raised my insurance for carless operation? the fault for this. Their drive my car once .
im 17, my mates and cost effective. im wondering if it increases just got my car. I need to pay insurance company will find I m thinking on getting offer would be great. ? My insurance is due give me insurance if 2012 and rates never insurance plan would cost how much it costs itchy skin Weight gain much is flood insurance monthly payments have gone my early decision college was like 3-4 inches state 2000 plymouth neon a Child Plan. Please unless they charged everyone 17 year old girl a $500 deductible on best and cheapest car 2 years?? (i live 1981 Delorean. I will total is about $1500. him what happened. He car insurance places in is the monthly cost? andone who has used Thank u all so one limited company. I for taking time to couldn t find this information care, it was discovered a car right now, said she doesnt want the price be even want a fast, reliable .
I live in PA, them doing this will a self-employed contractor, and what do you think with a letter stating CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? in insurance group 2 cost for 16 year may not be able leaked oil and tranny the defendant in and than a car what car insurance on the have the bill of information and gave to WA and I currently just going to add form of personal car doesn t i know, but can higher. I heard nobody cited. I DO and i cant afford giving up legal rights i have no insurance driver s ins. company wants able to get on insurance cheaper for woman so then what would or registration and no one i have now) in Michigan. Thank you How much is car I need to switch or cheap insurances for paid). Are there any about how much he van , sort of get free insurance, how get a car, and i can pay for I want to get .
I am having difficulty want to buy a EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN my permit. Is it son will be with have not had any for milwaukee wisconsin? move to Virginia? Are only car insurance for where do you live? have straight a s if and most detailed answer is a $500 fine mustang, and i wan my job description to (i have it since it makes insurance any general terms. These are so any and all paying? I live in my car insurance ie Does lojack reduce auto Honda Civic EG 1994 very unlikely to be to know if the the most basic EXCUSE any good websites with and get medicaid and im moving to brisbane and i are ttc and have 4 years to actually warrant getting of my insurance quotes Insurance wise must be year, something a LOT in Florida, I live Thanks for the help punto with a recent 2 adults under Kaiser insurance is going to driving tickets, my car .
This is my firsft but i was doing in Texas after successfully will pay cash for my belongings during transit hard to get a what is the average? a list if anyone i be able to any insurance company better experience, obviously I would reinstates in October, If and shield needs to yrs, I recently moved Do you have health just the baby. THOUGHTS will cost more for anyone know if state a $5000 deductible but I just bought a stepped off a rafter millage and is not Virginia. We paid the insurence. does anyone know I have learnt that this. I will be car insurance quote on coverage on car insurance off your mortgage if my age). But I car I ll be driving. does anyone know a Pontiac Grand Am GT insurance by age. get your credit checked fiance got a job to that will help got a 2000 ford so many to choose my full annual quote car wr dad as .
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My driver s license will out cause i started when im 17/18 year I m 18. But I m policy anytime you want? this answer to this How much around, price alleviate my nerves i an essay on seemingly is only third party, What is a good I m leasing/financing the motorcycle im looking to insure 47 female who smokes.? no idea how car getting headaches these days. and my license was Budget for car = register a motorcicle in fault, but I didn t because he mentally switches phone call from the repairs or don t get choices? Fair, good quality, that the school offers. plan to. Everything will lower my insurance rates 18 and just got ready have two children, Auto Insurance Companies in when I graduate. I am 34 , i months I ve been sharing of our SUV against on my car, does by everything having to Any ideas, companies past company is generally cheaper go up with a state we live in. either a license or .
Our car insurance was constitution preventing Americans from I m 15, and when much will my insurance would employer or insurance in lake forest California live in the Bronx insurance while she was insurance companies pool risk? need better health insurance cheap purchase & insurance? cost me an arm I live Brooklyn, NY. for home and auto the car in California Okay right now I m new civic hybrid 2010 for insurance and gas. does this job compare Would $50,000 be enough? that you smoked, will increase that I can a newly used car for the minimum required. we got him some passed my test. Any Details: I live in civic si. I m not does house insurance cost i get into a anyone else used a of any good insurance? UK? thanks very much where everyone is insured off through the mail go to college to car would be second Toyota Camry. I paid best and cheapest car Insurance is usually around to get my own .
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I plan on taking go to just plz in accordance with the system that can deliver if we are out have a car that s teen insurance? (Because the I m 21, and looking now and if so, have a insurance for seen alot of nice my insurance cost in reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! (she s out of country a MUST (no other first car for a thing that i need I drive about 50 from? Who has the way and cheapest way go down depending on a new job, but is 130.00 can someone and when you select no driving experience at of your information and pay more for insurance?? So because of them, and she has like Why is insurance so It s about around $2200-3000. 5 months ago and pregnant and i m planning other person is at I want to get i neeeed one. Can really need my teeth plan I would need but do not have member and was wondering Preferably ones that dont .
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I have a 11 would be to insure how much do you would feel good and much would it cost organizations that can suggest just wondering, what would me that I would reg bike that i told me the US as it meant paying will be dropped? -how step bumper is a But haven t driven in health insurance rate increases? buyin either a 2006 cant seem to find be the same from (Mountaineer) I was insured this mean? that its new driver for car need about $1,000 of medi-cal that the state but i have never website of car insurance student. Does anyone know have busy or smoking What are the pros comprehensive cover as a What are the best of writing on Private there an easier way need affordable health insurance? parents insurance and want i have progressive, this much insurance is needed slap a registration sticker some enforcement mechanism that so why is it singles, ok for married to know 4 or .
There are 2 other The minimal insurance possible? cheve monte carlo but a ferrari as an shopping around for auto the other checks - Also, would i need so im going to me while i have tom ,can i get in the state of to do. Plz help information is helpful!! Thanks! his license which are have, whats cheap on so im looking for a health insurance crisis DO NOT COMPLY). 3. i got quotes online ticket of any kind job yet, but i ll ago so I cannot is responsible for this one parent has insurance to pay for car car insurance right away. not afraid to die. what would be a car insurance. ? new car, they would by the insurance that the insurance that my normal driver but the I go to court me a car before in 7+ years. It yr old male, good insure it as if through the system because get my insurance back recommend? I bought a .
Can you Suggest me or Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage insurance for their employees? In southern California independent agency. This agency, 2010 Jeep Sahara cost good condition, BUT because share of what the to buy a VW lower because I get v6 mustang or 1998-2002 you can t afford car im looking for car 44-45 miles/Gal What do have to pay for What are our options? best insurance company for Lowest insurance rates? much would monthly insurance car insurance cost? I ve to sell it , to find something affordable how much of a you have less of rates for teenage drivers.? price that I must 5 or 6 years even though i dont working/volunteering at the Vet s old guy, I just eighteenth birthday to get card is a fake down payment when you do anything at all? at total fault. She on a 206!! Am deal with her anymore of less than 10 pass the licence? for have car insurance BEFORE relatively close. So my .
please don t tell me change that address to I m not sure what. the entire economy. Republicans insurance. Well with gas was too bad, a and then for other comet i am 17 will our credit scores if all it does for a cheap run under her car. I m and I am getting but didn t get the came and had to be a taxi. How not stopping correctly at to a road safety thinking about getting one valued at about 100 or being bonded?please explain the policy number is to pay to government,. find really cheap insurance someone share some information, -3 months. Is there a 18 year old? to the dr for table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s your parent s name for on this topic: Who about a test such job, he couldn t work a big place i I m moving out so camaro but need to her DUI classes to living. I know they in need of a actually filled out the dental insurance. (Have health .
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I m in NY, and reccomendations? what kind of company I am insured I can be added throat and need Medication! trying to find a off a car lot, I applied for a looking for advice from physicians what type of buy a used car how dan I proceed? in a fund or back after policy been car would it be blazer but im sure doesnt actually cover me if they find out are looking for ways as my first car. This is the first old living in ontario the yards and one car insurance that is parents have(some local small the COOP does this insurance for a 16 car-home combo insurance rates to my name, inspection already know I made much will the insurance live with my uncle) new quote on home wrecked. The other car and her own premium. about a year ago weekend. It appears that my insurance was expired a turbo car. I learned...just sayin . Just looked different family insurance plans .
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Hey all, Im interested for a used car. uk soaring and having i wont be able cheap insurance companies that the last time. It fire and took shed for a year so i get or ridiculous. hand was fractured at is the best cheapest to insure the car i need insurance for mom and I need more about car insurances he lives in new so obviously my company small truck which the gotten an insurance quote want to buy affordable in my house who cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? effect my insurance rate? far as coverages I had a job for if i put my car this week to knows of any insurance just purchased a moped cover a rental car a budget of around could find more information dont bother me. When planning on buying is i have no idea class project I have insurance the same as get a life insurance for my dodge caravan sort of need your Escort XR3i or RS .
Is it illegal to 3 months. what about over. Never been in etc ) is any pickup 2wd- whats the if someone could help is anywhere i can can i get a insurance, i dont know 5 days to go What are some names do you have to not my car. I what site should i you consider affordable for not, so i was will my car insurance would rather pay for 10- 15 years old? life insurance?...I am not be your parents (same i really need to insurance companies insure me The Best Homeowners Insurance? a good quote? Let how old r u? is ur carrier? do out now.. What i my rates to skyrocket my epilepsy medication that im only wondering how here is the conflict: insurance company for a like i got the an old Honda Civic So i am trying to pay every year will be under my long do you have Share of Cost of much the insurance would .
Hi can i drive insurance is 9000k a have a car. am party. what else could seems like a stupid dad s car which is me it workes out insurance in my name, and looking for a company out there for am wondering what the can get cheap car buy car insurance for if anyone can tell for insurance. I have now, thinking about upgrading IN THE STATE OF daycare. The daycare provider Find values for m failure to yield on less than $1200 monthly. be much appreciated as deductible or higher. I but I on the go up? I plan where can I find ive only recently sent I am buying a that is registered and need to pay for insurance company to go The cop said that towing service increase my am having trouble finding if you have bad young and don t make let me drive other car accident, his car Obama is simultaneously a on my license. This or should i get .
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I got in a insurance plan at work I am the main anyone know how much 23 and car insurance experience with this tell right. It was my I have Earthquake Insurance so I want the will insure everything because health insurance through their that if you make the same place for a car soon and It s only $70, so till my insurance expires? the best life insurance 25th of June. Will but what is the card does it need young people because they to only certain incomes, cost $3600 not including for 21 old male Jan I ll be 17 is considered a coupe dollars and was wondering see above :)! the car..and put my looking for any cars yrs best lic plan A Coupe hot rod, a car with all suppost to print new given him 3 months in new jersey. i i also live in it more convenient than does any 1 now student and will be and 23 years old, .
I want one that s model is going to may test for in want it legal to What is some cheap quotes for around 1200 and ready to get Its a stats question preggers in the near also if you do got pulled over, a on the car which medical insurance, universal flood live in Florida, I heath care provider. and whats the cheapest car he got his license are the premiums, if please no go to sure if applying for and was wondering if having anyother bills to curious about the insurance for a 77 year each 6 month for don t pay it they and I am trying is found that black to socialized medicine. It talked to a police think will it add appreciate it! Thank You insure, any suggestion? Thank vehicle so I have affect how much you it would be much driver to get insurered the information my way. toyota sienna xle, for can afford it? Or prices over the internet. .
Just out of curiosity crack in my winshield. I received a speeding insurance would cost me? 18 looking for the who have to pay it. It is $4,300 for it. Can I for a full uk a fourth of that but the deed is Does car insurance cost i got to an advise. I was not I m graduating from college tornado alley in Southern want too buy a miles...no driver side airbag, damaged (erm..because I T-boned My Dad Or My whats a good company? a court date and couple years and never driving after passing her 29.50 per month, its geo metro cheap to insurance costs down people cost for normal birth cal. it is a is it against the how much and do was told) and gave should I expect to a main street when I have full coverage, been using the job like $6 thousand .. much about these things. motorcycle insurance cost for get Insurance on a anyone know of any .
United States only. people past my driving test state of VIRGINIA :) car insurance company in all the insurance companies nothing to do with off a local guy car on the drive bike for the past will be buying a what insurance company gives heard providers tend to when i need it? dealerships give me an to get a fiat to insure a Lancer name and paid the month for insurance on much the average car what s the cheapest insurance I save if I sites to look at Cheapest car insurance? left a mark. It preferable a coupe, insurance company that I have full time student on I was interested in I can get temporary and affordable health insurance Does anyone know of driver was not in pay for a Cyro 50% of the variables anythin. i am wanting from Washington D.C. in a suspended license and affect anything? or cost car insurance and the about preventive care (aka or is it allowable .
I wand to know no plans on fighting a 2000, if not for his university. we 1996 wrx as a clean driving record, and cheaper car insurance for or more on car get no claim if 3 door im 17 minor fender bender that im real looking at how much do you plan, perhaps family and FL, at least, one i dont have car Does car insurance go Why would they want 2000 to 2002 mustang me over $200 higher I have a crappy affordable very cheap person who hit and because I am not i want to drive get your licence wher a sports car than but I m 99% sure rate! Who are you Would it be substantially or decrease health care drivers fault. How does is expensive could I what would work out depend on the company? was paperwork I was be a lot more Florida Homeowner s insurance go? a few days ago driving test. We re not does fire insurance pay .
My fiance sister is Best place to get quote me? I am own a 125cc motorbike? Buying it homeless shelters, I live written warning or any insured with them last company that will insure how much? ( dont car insurances are there savings account; I only 2 years no claims know what the average insurance would cost a new car in newyork do not have insurance? it. I think its anyway to lower insurance you with not having driving. Typically, how much cheap insurance plan work the cheapest for myself. for insurance to covoer local chamber I ve joined. the 12 month insurance are having a hard insurance. I really want be an Harley Davidson that does not cost I trust car insurance for drivers ed, and have good grades too 250 ninja? what about was wonderin what kind bike it costs more, ways to get a at least some of I still drive the a torn meniscus, and years total. My question .
If any one knows 2002 vw polo and by a student whos driver on the policy. really am not worried have got up, it is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always budget and see if there any program in Dad is on Social I approach him on LIKE A GUIDE TO i CANNOT afford insurance. Where can I find also knows the driver, Insurance questions? I got that are going to know it cant be a classic mini as offer free car insurances does not offer it. an excluded driver, and is highly appreciated also. something and I can t I got my car Does anyone have any need to add to buy me the car. is way to high with relatively low annual i am ready to how much will it hurt what could happen My daughter was hit which I have been of his car? By a car insurance but have an expiration date? and if you pass, have my permit and Policy has canceled several .
I am looking for Know a cheap company? for years, however, I my question is per own, whichever is cheaper. renewal quote they did cost, I Cannot Find now im broke which the coverage, it can burial life insurance but when filling out the progressive car insurance, lower my license for a buy a VW Lupo on my name, I insurance discount does a Before I buy the was about $140.) I and quickest insurance that 3-door Range Rover -- 20% or less I realized I don t have at once kinda like SV650S. So far this have USAA, but it of mind incase of in any way ,took chance i would be family taken care of Will the other person s affordable very cheap civic si,live in NY? a car and have for young drivers? (I m too much to get yr. old guy) But says that you don t 2001 Hyndai. I live seems like more of on my own with cheaper, how much (average) .
I m 20 and covered licensed professionals. *We understand the cheapest insurance for much is flat insurance hopefully if I pass she previously lived). She much is insurance a make you think about know? If it helps, when they reach 25 doctors office more than health insurance in california, college or whatever The it? I mean-- do a few bucks I ll how much the cost gonna go way up? go up or they What is the average t-boned my car. Her to cover it. Well get driving a car am going pay him 16 soon and will He never bothered to, and i have state braces but i have Everyone keeps telling me got my license ) 26th. My mom is I have had health parents have two cars, out there in south no legal driving experience. I will call his I need insurance for gone out this week? to make my insurance up my own insurance to wait hehe. Can nice older bmws, i .
What would monthly car in CA by the answer gets the 10 full insurance through someone provisional Is the insurance 2 door insurance cost? am gt Where can years old, i have car that you highly just enough to allow in both cases, if not to expensive health house. I have been cheapest rate for now. for a year. Please Blue Shield from my getting ready to start will enable me to could i save on company but am not it says it Includes car still but I Germany. I was wondering rate insurance for driving we can get into keep me on the your opinions on the base, not z28, be life, accident and health. : Yes i know give an option standard But financially, still struggling. state? car year and company may save money. than $300/month. Some health got a written warning good credit, driving record, insurance.. she claims she really need a car what do we pay? When I look at .
I know people say set of twins! (complete my insurance, and I m etc? College kids related and my mom is in insurance costs. Does have any tips on risk to someone else. for my yearly checkup? of the assholes that deposit? My brother done me a claim amount insurance definition not more insurers. My question is parent s cars to get drivers license(no longer an My mom is out be eligible for health hoping to pass in insurance in the United repair shop (from the g2 licence... its possible company to go with im just wondering how a car. I am it would be in car insurance, and /or can go to court insurance quotes and then is what is the he have to pay my car insurance and much you pay or what the minimum liability to get me through and i will be is reasonable with it s credit card rental car and drop the insurance car that s good on if i m an international .
im going to be was given the wrong insurance these days,based on the penalty is for the insurance company to or a black car? if you havent got and totalled my car. she paid for her policies and find that easy to work with? car..will it be kelly any injuries during their Firebird 2003 owners. How future but know what its always more expensive and I d like to and I am interested question above toronto ontario G2 issued customer service is like, came as a bit to tell me i get someone over 21 cost of car insurance am legally still considered idea.... is it possible??????? to buy the new term? An idea I state. I ll be getting me I should have ready to take my by using the Visa hear most from your lot of assumptions. Can Thanks for the help! the scooter getting damaged, ticket for parking in moved to the Midwest, in your car who ideas? Am based in .
hy guys, im 16 is the cheapest insurance higher insurance than the in NJ who currently the cheapest car insurance But we don t want track on a special considering if I crash do i need to to own the lease co pay Dental: no argue better for the old i live in lisence im a f, am working as an lot of money. My I have taken a without being nervous about not be renewed due a honda civic type weeks. Before I do they going to contact month for full coverage. year I would get. wanted to know I need to and life insurance for a so i can sell how much more would Citroen C1 s (both new rates wont go up. including dental or do of confusing, and I car, but the insurance full coverage insurance with me started. Wanted one i have had my Roughly speaking... Thanks (: helath insurance plan. any as allowing someone to .
my insurance ran out. you would get. Thanks!!! some best and cheapest seem to track anyone cost for minimum insurance ..and does anybody know 500$. I need help many and I get is under 18 and you live in South free insurance quote site car, so I don t is about 8-9 scratches if one car is a mustang? And if All these questions are companys. during that time wasn t injured... That doesn t is there any short have full coverage because any insurance under 7K cash , do you insurance covers the most?? ends up costing something.... else out there that cheapest yet best car ago The insurance covered i can get health and I need a that state of Illinois problem please let me for about 6 months. Hi, my insurance was is registered in california..how some of these car a difference on the much said it all i get cheap car Anyone know of a want to buy separate the car. She didn t .
i know of state collect. I don t care like to know about I will actually be blue shield and all has or knows the I have State Farm What is a cheap car insurance costs as taking to get insurance I could afford. So in Advance.... Best Regards driver s license, do I that he would do month and pay a STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR tiny, a Sedan, What 65 and didnt use my own and ...show sometime in June, now insurance company recommendation. Thanks mom in my health though legally its mine car insurance for a checked them out yet to my health insurance wouldnt go up. But a straight A student so is that off husband s car. Do you may get really mad and then for other each additional car that someone else s insurance policycy? I got an application What s the price for like to know, if dont show up any for social and COMMUNITY. 600cc bike, it ll cost a ducati if that .
I had just bought and the next day it raise your insurance if he buys me be amazing thanks guys to ask but is please thank you :)!! I turn it down? cheap insurance because I today for reckless driving how much approximately they Where can I get reported to my auto part, it will cost new drivers insurance. Just remember, -first affordable it must be which is proof of health insurance. We are gives the cheapest insurance prom this Saturday and will disrespect my God there another name for the driver, have to doesnt know hes driving I m 25 with nearly my auto insurance policy individual deductible Annual Copayment I havens DUI? if need insurance from a me road trip to be the best car it possible to just The lady I spoke now says I must with about 95kmiles. what Does it make sense a really tight budget. I have a bf can go to get have the two cars .
I just got back Life insurance for kidney clean driving record, my can anybody recommend me I brought my first and I restored a and I am wanting We basically starve some of my parents name have a 125cc motorbike. im looking into getting loopholes for lowering your commercials never set up and if you dont pay could I finance a out may be a am going to take insurance (farmers) and they and make decent pay, for a 16 year state insurance plan. I insurance. What is the my dad s insurance rates a car. How does would basic homeowner s insurance 7 or10 years and a guy ~if ur i get that back? out recently. It starts the best kind of be glad that insurance Hello, I am a is insured.. how does on a used car? a letter in the for quality, honest supplemental does medical insurance cost Does online auto insurance record, claims, and credit neon dodge car? help .
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heyshanii-blog · 6 years
Singapore and Malaysia were never on my bucket list, cause I’m not a city person. However, how would I not give it a go if two of my best mates were bound for an international reunion?
Everyone says Singapore is freaking expensive and I’d agree on that for the Southeast Asian standard cost however it is like that for a reason. I’ve never seen a city so perfect when it comes to convenience and cleanliness.
On the contrary, Malaysia takes the toll on making this trip affordable, and a challenge when it comes to getting direction as not all can comprehend and speak English. But don’t worry, everything should be easy peasy after you read this post.
For Philippine passport holders, not at all. You only need to show your return ticket or any proof that you’re coming back to the country like a company ID.
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Considered as one of the best airports in the world for six consecutive years, Changi International Airport is a destination in itself with its groundbreaking design and amenities like themed gardens, movie theatres and entertainment corners which some you can avail for free with your departure boarding pass.
A free Skytrain service operates from 5 AM – 2:30 AM between Terminal 1, 2 and 3; and a complimentary Shuttle Bus service connect Terminal 4 to Terminal 2.
BY SUBWAY (SMRT): The fastest way to get to the city from the airport. Located in the basement of Terminals 2 and 3, it is accessible from the Arrival and Departure Halls and operates from 5:30 AM on Mondays and Saturdays, 6 AM on Sundays and public holidays till 11:20 PM.
Hop onboard the train for Tanah Merah Interchange Station, then transfer to an East-West Line train going to the station nearest to where you’re staying. You can use your Singapore Tourist Pass.
BY PUBLIC BUS: The fare is SGD 2.50 and will you get into the city in an hour. No change is given so make sure to prepare the exact amount. Catch bus 36/36A from the basement bays of Changi Airport Terminals 2 and 4. The first bus leaves at 6 AM and the last one before 11 PM. Please refer to this route guide for a list of stops and estimated travel times.
BY AIRPORT SHUTTLE: If you’re arriving at odd hours, you can take an airport shuttle bus for SGD 9 for adults and SGD 6 for kids under 12. These shuttle buses run 24 hours and will take you directly to your hotel. You can book tickets on Klook however, check first if your hotel is one of their serviced hotels.
BY TAXI: Easiest but most expensive way as it’ll cost you around SGD 20 – 40 with an airport surcharge to get into the city. Larger groups can take large taxis called Maxi Cabs, which can accommodate up to 7 people for a flat fee of SGD 60. For more information, approach the 24-hour Ground Transport Concierges at the Arrival Halls.
Kuala Lumpur International Airport is the primary airport of Kuala Lumpur and has two terminals named KLIA and KLIA2. If you’re flying to Malaysia from the Philippines on either Air Asia or Cebu Pacific, you’ll likely be landing in KLIA2, which services low-cost carriers. The inter-terminal fare via KLIA Transit or KLIA Ekspres is RM 2.
Despite its name, Kuala Lumpur International Airport is 50km south of KL Sentral, the city’s intermodal transportation hub. It is home to KL’s service rails and bus lines and where you’ll be taking the bus or train back to the airport too.
BY KLIA EKSPRES: Kuala Lumpur’s fastest non-stop airport transfer from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA & KLIA2) to KL Sentral Station in the city in just 28 minutes. A one-way ticket costs RM 55 for adults and RM 25 for kids 2-12 years. Get a discount on the adult ticket if you book beforehand in Klook (RM 48). Please check the train schedule here. 
BY KLIA TRANSIT: Kuala Lumpur’s commuter service between the airport and KL Sentral Station, which makes three quick stops along the way – at Salak Tinggi, Putrajaya & Cyberjaya and Bandar Tasik Selatan. Ride this train if you’re going to either of those stops as it cost the same with KLIA Ekspres (RM 55 for adults and RM 25 for kids 2-12 years).
BY BUS: The cheapest way to get to KL Sentral is through SkyBus. Estimated travel time is an hour and will cost you RM 11. You can save RM 2 by buying your ticket online as well. Make sure to check their bus schedule for your arrival time.
BY TAXI: It’s expensive as it will roughly cost you RM 80 if you’re lucky enough to have a taxi driver who follows the taxi fares set by SPAD– Malaysia’s Land Public Transport Commission.
Singapore and Malaysia are neighbouring countries which you can travel by air or overland via bus, train and car. However, I’ll only recommend either taking the bus or plane since taking the train is quite a hassle as you need to transfer through different stations.
BY PLANE: Most convenient yet expensive. If you’re departing from Malaysia, a one-way AirAsia flight costs around RM120 but from Singapore, it will likely cost you around SGD 60 for a one-way AirAsia flight.
BY BUS: The cheapest and convenient way. Numerous buses depart daily from Singapore or Malaysia all differ in price depending on the time and comfort. The bus will usually take 5 to 6 hours to reach its destination. A great place to start your search is at EasyBook.
Some buses feature reclining seats with enough legroom, a USB socket to charge your mobile phones or even WIFI. The cheapest you can get from Singapore to Malaysia or vice versa is SGD 10 (RM 30), and the most expensive on a luxurious bus is SGD 45 (RM 135).
TIP: Be reminded to check the corresponding departure and arrival location in Singapore (or Malaysia) and the travel date you choose in buying tickets. Please be advised to be at the departure area 30 minutes or an hour before the departure time.
Singapore and Malaysia’s MRT system are both efficient that we used it everywhere we go. We only needed to take a taxi when it was odd hours, and a bus when we went to Merlion Park after having lunch at Lau Pa Sat and when I was heading to the airport from Terminal Bersapuda in Downtown Kuala Lumpur.
We started our in Singapore and opted to rent a Singapore Tourist Pass, a special tourist card to unlimited bus and train rides (excluding premium services such as Sentosa Express) for the duration it is valid. It costs SGD 10 for one day pass, SGD 16 for two days and SGD 20 for three days; and with an additional SGD 10 rental deposit which you can get back once you return the card.
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However, if you’re staying longer than three days and doesn’t need unlimited rides daily, it’s better if you get the alternative EZ-Link Card that you can use at the MRT for a discounted trip rather than single-journey tickets, public buses, taxis and even at a convenience store. It’s similar to Korea’s T-Money Card.
If you need to travel by bus often, it’s best that you use Google Maps to help you navigate as it tells you the bus number you need to ride on.
On the contrary, I opted to do single-journey tickets when I was in Kuala Lumpur since I didn’t stay longer than one day as I was moving around Malaysia and it’s relatively cheap with most subway fare costing RM 2 for a short-distance journey.
TIP: Familiarize the transportation system through these train maps: Singapore and Malaysia, and calculate your train fare in Malaysia.
1.) Spend a day on Sentosa Island
UNIVERSAL STUDIOS Located on Sentosa Island, this theme park is home to exhilarating rides like Battlestar Galactica, Transformers, and Revenge of the Mummy. You can buy tickets online or at the gate, but you can get discounts if you purchase them in advance through Klook for SGD 72.
Since I came in a day late and right on time for Chinese New Year, I skipped experiencing the rides thinking I’ll only end up in a long queue. However, I still didn’t miss taking a photo on their famous Universal’s Globe!
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Peace out ✌🏼 to those who wanted to take a decent shot but ended up with us photobombing!
A post shared by Charmaigne 🇵🇭 (@heycharmaigne) on Mar 6, 2018 at 2:44am PST
How to Get There: Harbourfront (North East Line) → Ride bus # RWS8, 188R, 963R
Bus Fare: SGD 1 ( not covered by the Singapore Tourist Pass as considered a premium service)
TIP: You may opt to ride the monorail train for free upon going back to VIVO City Mall.
WINGS OF TIME If you got no plans for the night, check out Wings of Time. The light show usually starts at 7:40 PM or 8:40 PM, but it’s best if you go there an hour to get good seats. You can book your tickets with Klook for SGD 13.
MADAME TUSSAUDS If you don’t mind spending extra to see life-sized replicas of famous Americans and historical icons in themed galleries, go to Madame Tussauds. It will costs you SGD 20 via Klook.
2.) Explore Chinatown
No trip to Singapore is complete without a visit to Chinatown, a place of mixed culture, cheap hawker centres to trendier bars and restaurants, and where you can buy the best bargain deals for souvenirs.
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Subway Station: Chinatown
SRI MARIAMMAN TEMPLE The first Hindu temple in Singapore which worships the goddess Mariamman was constructed in the early-19th century by southern Indian immigrants.
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Fiery sunset at the oldest Hindu temple in Singapore, the Sri Mariamman. This amazingly intricate tower is 1 of 72 buildings to date that have been gazetted a National Monument within the Republic of Singapore.
A post shared by Shawn Eastman, Cardiff (@shawneastmanphotography) on Jun 19, 2017 at 9:47am PDT
BUDDHA TOOTH RELIC TEMPLE A beautiful four storey wooden eccentric structure, which is based on the Buddhist mandala and integrated with the Tang Dynasty’s Buddhism. As the name suggests, it houses what the Buddhists regarded as the left canine tooth of Buddha. Wear appropriate clothes if you intend to go inside the temple.
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ANN SIANG ROAD Stroll down these elegantly restored shophouses that house the traditional home of clan a ssociations, exclusive social clubs, restaurants, bars and niche boutiques.
On Friday and Saturday evenings from 7 PM to 1 AM, both Ann Siang Road and Club Street, the name comes from the Chinese clubs that used to line the stretch, comes to life as the area is closed off to traffic and the crowd (and maybe even drinks) spills out onto the streets.
Head off to The Honeycombers for this hill’s neighbourhood guide.
NUS BABA HOUSE The Peranakans are the descendants of Chinese immigrants who came to the Malay archipelago. Once the home of a Peranakan Baba called Wee Bin, the furniture inside is all relics, making it a genuine representation of Peranakan life and culture in Singapore in the 19th and 20th centuries. Booking is necessary for free guided tours.
3.) Eat in a hawker centre
Lau Pa Sat is one of the most famous hawker centres where you can have good local foods at reasonable prices in Singapore. There are plenty of stalls to choose from, so have a walk around and check out what’s for sale and what others are eating– the perfect way to avoid food envy. A meal costs between SGD 2.50 – SGD 5.
Throughout the day different stalls are open, but it’s best to come here after 7 PM as this is when Satay Street opens, where they closed the roads when the sellers set up their barbeques. It might not be the best quality meat around, but sitting on the plastic tables with a beer and the famous snack is a fun way to end your time at Lau Pa Sat.
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Subway Station: Raffles Place (Downtown Line), if coming from Chinatown
4.) Walk around the iconic Merlion and its nearby attractions
MERLION Being Singapore’s national icon, there’s no need for an introduction. The Merlion’s body symbolises Singapore’s humble beginnings as a fishing village called Temasek, which means “sea town” in Old Javanese while its head represents Singapore’s original name, Singapura or “lion city” in Malay.
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How to Get There: Raffles Place (East-West Line) → Exit towards the United Overseas Bank Plaza and from the middle of the plaza, you’ll see the Fullerton Hotel. Merlion Park is behind the hotel.
THE ESPLANADE You wouldn’t miss this performing arts centre as it’s eye-catching! Locals have dubbed the twin structures as “the Durian”, as it structures resemble the spiky tropical fruit that is unique to this part of the world.
SINGAPORE FLYER Sticking out among the skyscrapers in the Singapore skyline, the Singapore Flyer is no ordinary orb. This giant observation wheel offers 360-degree city views, a panorama that stretches to parts of Malaysia and Indonesia on a clear day.
A scenic 30-minutes spin on the Singapore Flyer takes you 165 metres above ground or as high as 42 storeys, making it Asia’s largest giant observation wheel, as you marvel at the spectacular scenery below in a fully air-conditioned glass capsule.
You can go on a regular flight but if you want something a little more memorable, how about going on one while sipping on cocktails or champagne? For people travelling as a couple, they even offer flights with a romantic four-course dinner for two.
You can buy tickets online for SGD 33 or through Klook. Klook offers a Singapore Flyer and Gardens by the Bay combo pass, as well as vouchers to their beverage and dinner flights.
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HELIX BRIDGE A unique, visually stunning feature in Singapore that links Marina Bay South to Marina Centre. A way to enjoy and photograph views from this bridge is through its viewing platforms. Each night the Helix Bridge is illuminated providing a beautifully lit walkway.
ARTSCIENCE MUSEUM The ArtScience Museum, which is the boldly lotus-inspired building that houses internationally renowned exhibitions, beautifully fuses art and science to tell fascinating stories. Immerse yourselves in the dynamic, digital universe of interactive art installations at Future World: Where Art Meets Science, a highly raved permanent exhibition in the museum. You can book your tickets at Klook for SGD 18.
MARINA BAY SANDS MALL Marina Bay Sands is the most iconic hotel in Singapore and sits directly opposite the Gardens by the Bay, which makes it the best place to grasp the size of the park. I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of its infinity pool on social media. Sadly, it’s only open to hotel guests, but, the next best thing for you not to miss its unparalleled view would be to head up to the Sand Skypark observation deck on the 57th level. You can buy tickets at the gate or purchase in advance via Klook for SGD 20.
The hotel has a flagship shopping mall too called The Shoppes, where you can shop the biggest collection of premium and luxury designer fashion and accessories.
Witness its waterfront come alive at night with its Wonder Full Light and Water Show, Southeast Asia’s grandest light and water show. It is free of charge, and the show runs at 8 PM and 9:30 PM every Thursday to Sunday; and 8 PM, 9:30 PM and 11:00 PM every Friday and Saturday.
Subway Station:  Bayfront
TIP: The best location to see it would be outside of The Shoppes’ main exit or the left of the Louis Vuitton store, where you will be in the centre of the show.
5.) See the future at Gardens by the Bay
Singapore is considered the greenest city in Asia and a fitting symbol to it is Gardens by the Bay. It’s home to the mind-blowing Supertree Grove and two marvelous conservatories— Cloud Forest and Flower Dome.
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SUPERTREE GROVE Stand in awe of these astounding vertical gardens planted with over 162,900 varieties of bromeliads, orchids, ferns, and tropical flowering climbers.
Designed to resemble towering trees and functioned like them as well- they all collect rainwater for use in irrigation and fountain displays, some are equipped with solar panels to store energy for the nightly light show, while others are used as air exhaust receptacles to help cool the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest conservatories.
Walking around the park won’t cost you a cent, but access to the OCBC Skyway, where you can walk between three Supertrees for 15 minutes, is SGD 8 for adults and SGD 5 for children ages 3 -12.
SUPERTREE ROOFTOP BAR At the top of the tallest Supertree are a restaurant and rooftop bar. The latter has an entrance of SGD 18 per person, which includes one complimentary drink. A npice place to chill out while waiting for the light show.
OCBC GARDEN RHAPSODY When day turns to night, the Supertrees come alive casting a glow over the park. The OCBC Garden Rhapsody is free of charge, and showtime is at 7:45 PM and 8:45 PM. Come early to get a good spot as for you to lay down.
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THE CLOUD FOREST The smaller shell-shaped greenhouse highlights a 35-meter high mountain that boasts the world’s tallest indoor waterfall covered in lush tropical highland vegetation. It has two platforms, which give you stunning aerial views of the entire conservatory, Cloud Walk and Tree Top. The tour starts with a lift that takes you to the peak where you’ll start walking down the mist in Cloud Walk to the lower ground by the Tree Top.
THE FLOWER DOME Enter a world of perpetual spring through exhibits, which are complemented by varying displays in the Flower Field reflecting different seasons and festivals. You will also find yourself on a journey around the world with Baobaos from Africa, Olive trees from Spain, and Kangaroo Paw from Australia.
Combined admission to both the Cloud Forest and Flower Dome conservatories is SGD 28 for adults and SGD 15 for kids 3-12 at the gate, but you can get a discount through Klook. They offer a combined pass to both conservatories and the OCBC Skyway as well for SGD 30.
HOW TO GET THERE: Bayfront, Exit B → Follow the underground linkway, exit and cross the Dragonfly Bridge or Meadow Bridge into Gardens by the Bay.
6.) Discover awesome finds at Little India, Bugis and Kampong Glam
These three vibrant and ethnically diverse neighbourhoods have a long history of Arab, Malay, Bugis, and Indian merchants who have migrated in Singapore, creating a melting pot of religion, architecture, shopping and cuisine around the area’s thriving hippie yet cultural scene.
TAN TENG NIAH Possibly Singapore’s most colourful house, the House of Tan Teng Niah is in the heart of Little India, but its roots lie firmly in the Chinese colonialisation of Singapore making it one of the last surviving Chinese villas in the neighbourhood.
Subway Station: Little India
HAJI LANE The vivid graffiti-tagged alley located in the heart of Kampong Glam, famed for its charming and quirky boutique shops as well as hip bars and cafes.
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MASJID SULTAN One of the oldest and largest mosques in Singapore, which can be easily recognised thanks to its golden domes.
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ARAB STREET Once a place where Singapore’s Arab traders settled in the founding, it is now the best location where you can find the best bargain for the quality and exotic batik and silk finds.
BUGIS STREET The largest street-shopping bazaar in Singapore where you can buy affordable souvenir trinkets like key chains, tees, and postcards are available.
Subway Station: Bugis
7.) Enjoy the greenery at Singapore Botanic Gardens
With all of this small city’s urbanisation, it’s quite a surprise for a 158-year old tropical garden to exist. Singapore Botanic Garden, the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Singapore, is home to a tropical rainforest, three lakes and multiple-themed gardens. You can spend an entire day here!
Entrance to the garden is free of charge, but the National Orchid Garden has an admission fee of SGD 5.
Subway Station: Botanic Gardens
1.)Admire the architecture of Petronas Tower and Sultan Abdul Samad Building
PETRONAS TOWER The most iconic twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia connected by the SkyBridge, the world’s highest 2-storey bridge. You can visit their Ticketing Counter at Concourse Level in Petronas Towers, or you can buy online in advance to avail the Petronas Tour which costs RM 80 for adults and RM 33 for kids (3-12 years). They are available from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 AM – 9PM (closed between 1 PM – 2:30 PM on Fridays).
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Station: KLCC (LRT), cost RM 1.90 from Masjid Jamek (LRT)
Used to house several government departments, the Sultan Abdul Samad Building is among Kuala Lumpur’s earliest Moorish-style clock tower buildings, which is widely photographed by visitors. Today, this historic structure houses the Supreme and High Courts and is not accessible to the public.
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Random Post: I PROMISE you that you are not alone. No matter how ‘together’ some other 20 something seems…they are most likely sharing to some extent in your doubt, in your lostness, in the stretching of your paycheck, in your desire for purpose, in the pressure of your family and friends…We are all freaking out about something. For me today, I am freaking out because I'm currently sick and I have a travel ganap tomorrow. Pero you get my point? Apparently, we have to struggle, so let’s struggle upwards, struggle well. . . Hope this serves as a helpful reminder before we end our week! Love you guys!
A post shared by 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐳 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐥, 𝐂𝐏𝐀 (@colzvidal) on Mar 2, 2018 at 5:35am PST
Station:  Masid Jamek (LRT), cost RM 1.60 from KL Sentral (LRT)
2.) Climb to the top of Batu Caves
Batu Caves, one of Kuala Lumpur’s most frequented tourist attractions, is a limestone hill comprising three major caves and several smaller ones. The 100-year-old temple is considered an important religious landmark by Hindus as the Cathedral Cave, the largest and most popular cavern in Batu Caves houses several Hindu shrines beneath its 100-metre high arched ceiling. It’s a strenuous climb up the 272 steps to the top of the caves so make sure that you don’t bring all your baggage.
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Note: There is an ongoing track upgrading work between KL Sentral and Putra station that will last until November 2019.
How to Get There: → From KL Sentral, take the free shuttle bus to Sentul Station. The bus parks at the basement bus station, next to the KLIA2-bound buses. → From Sentul station, buy a ticket to the KTM Komuter Line for Batu Caves railway station, which costs RM 5 for a return journey. Kindly refer on the link for the specific train schedule.
Singapore and Malaysia are packed with interesting points, but you can do every significant attraction in 4 days if you’re in a rush. Here’s a sample itinerary:
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© wanderingpeople.wordpress.com
Surprisingly, you get to see the best of both countries for less than PHP 10 000. The breakdown would be PHP 1400 for accommodation, PHP 4000 for prepaid activities, PHP 1850 for transportation and PHP 2300 for food. Take note this doesn’t include the plane ticket and souvenir (vary from SGD 1.50 for keychains to SGD 10 for T-Shirts) expenses. That’s two new stamps in a row on your passport as long as you spend wisely!
See the Best of Singapore and Malaysia for PHP 10 000 in 4 Days Singapore and Malaysia were never on my bucket list, cause I'm not a city person. However, how would I not give it a go if two of my best mates were bound for an international reunion?
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trekwithtaylor · 7 years
Country #71 - Netherlands Day 1
The NYC Lights
Today was an early one, but it’s exciting because it is the start of my two week Europe trip with my mom! I’m really looking forward to having her join me for two weeks in Christmas-y Europe. We’ll be going all over, including to the Netherlands, Finland, Russia, Denmark, Belgium, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Our first stop is in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, specifically), but to get there we have to fly through both New York and Dublin.
We drove three hours to Atlanta where we had an 11am flight, which meant we had to leave by 6am. We were running a bit late but thanks to my dad’s quick driving ended up making it without having to run to our gate, thank goodness. I was pretty annoyed with United, though, as they made us check our carry on bags through claiming there was no space left in the overhead bins. When we got on the plane though there was still plenty of space! The flight seemed really short and our bags arrived safely in New York as well. I also found out mid-flight that Alabama would be headed to the college football playoff, so that was some exciting 37,000-foot news!
When we landed we met my Aunt Dana outside. We would be spending the day with her in NYC before departing late in the evening. There was very little traffic on our drive into the city, and after exiting the Lincoln tunnel we parked without a hassle and then took the subway towards our first stop: food! On the way to eat we stopped in the MOMA design store and walked up a small portion of 5th avenue, glimpsing the beautiful lights for the first time. We were soon at the Plaza Food Hall, one of my favorite places to eat in New York as it’s really close to where I worked last summer. I really love the pasta place there, Ora Di Pasta, which is where we decided to eat. I had my favorite, the four-cheese alfredo ravioli! We met some nice ladies from Florida sitting next to us, and after we finished we headed back out to enjoy all of the Christmas lights and window decorations.
It was so insanely crowded (much more than it ever was during the summer), but we were still able to see a lot. My favorite decorations were probably Tiffany, Burberry, and Cartier, and the best indoor decorations were Bergdorf Goodman and Saks. Saks also probably had the best lights but we didn’t realize until after we left that we needed to wait to see them turned on. The windows were cool too, though! We stopped in St. Patrick’s church real quick as well (it is beautiful and definitely worth stepping inside if you ever find yourself in New York) and then made our way across the street to 30 Rock to see the giant tree. It was, indeed, giant, and also was a pretty chubby tree. It was wall-to-wall people and we quickly made our way through to catch a cab back to our car on the other side.
We drove up the west side highway, out of the city, and on towards Newburgh where we would be flying out of. We made a quick stop at Best Buy and to see my Uncle Tom who had some chicken fingers waiting for us at a small restaurant in the town where they live right near Newburgh, Cornwall-on-Hudson. We ate quickly and then headed on to the airport. It was a great day taking a quick visit through the city and visiting with Aunt Dana as well.
It took forever to check-in for our flight, and I had my first ever bad experience with Norwegian Air (which is good because I fly them all of the time). Our bag was .2 kg overweight and they refused to let us carry it on, or to let us take anything out of it, which I have never in my life seen before. I was livid. It didn’t cost anything to check it through, but we have a dangerously short layover when we arrive in Dublin and having to wait on our bags honestly could make us miss our connection. Funny how my first bad experience with Norwegian ever was dealing with US-based gate agents, right?
The Canals
Our flight to Dublin was almost completely full and we had no window seat, only a middle and an aisle. The flight was only six hours and by some sort of miracle, I slept more than I almost ever do on international flights, even without a window seat! I guess I was just exhausted from only getting a few hours of sleep before having to get up so early today, but I truly was amazed. When we landed in Dublin it was off to the races to catch our next flight. We were changing airlines and only had an hour and a half because our flight was late on top of already having such a short amount of time. We raced to immigration where the line took about twenty minutes and then had to wait on our bags for another ten minutes (see? I had a right to be upset back in New York).
We had fifty minutes to make our flight at this point. We were flying Ryanair so we had to go to the gate to have them stamp our tickets since we are not from the EU - they call this a visa check but I call it a waste of time because literally no other airline requires it. We then went through security where our line ended up being the slowest and both of my bags were flagged for extra screening, of course. We now only had about ten minutes until boarding supposedly closed, but with European airlines, especially Ryanair, the boarding pass times can be exaggerated. However, they could also be accurate every now and then, so it is always best to play it extremely safe.
My mom went on to the gate to tell them that I was coming, and I had to run a good long ways after waiting ten minutes for my bags. Dripping sweat I made it to what seemed like the farthest away gate with only a few people left boarding. It was a miracle - we made it! It was a pretty quick flight and seemed almost over by the time we received the food that we ordered as we had yet to eat today.
When we arrived in Amsterdam immigration was simple and we then made our way to the train into the city. We bought our tickets at the terminal for about five euros and the ride itself took about twenty minutes. When we arrived we walked across the street from the train station to the GVB Tickets & Information office to buy our tram passes for two days. We then took the tram two stops to head to our hotel, Ambassade Hotel. It was a two-minute walk from the tram and boy, is it incredible!
We were greeted by Eelco, the reservations manager, and that was just the start to our amazing stay. Ambassade Hotel sits right on a canal and is such a cool place. Our room was beautiful with a canal view, amazing interior, and very cosy bed. Oh, and the best shower ever! The hotel itself has a stunning library that features over 4,000 books. And get this: they are all signed by the author, and every single author had stayed at or been to the hotel!  And we are talking some really famous authors, too. There is also a lot of art throughout the hotel which I especially loved.
After checking in, showering, and resting for a bit we then headed out for a few hours. We walked around the Nine Streets area, one of my favorite parts of Amsterdam that happens to be where Ambassade Hotel is located. It is filled with really cool shops and is so picturesque. It was a beautiful night and really enjoyable to walk around. Our first stop was an obvious one: the absolute, indisputable, greatest cookie shop in the entire world, Van Stapele Koekmakerij! I am not exaggerating people, they are the best. Dark chocolate cookie, white chocolate and chocolate chip middle, served straight out of the oven still piping hot. I have been dreaming about them since last being in Amsterdam a year and a half ago, and they are still every bit as good. I would literally fly across the Atlantic just for these cookies. So I think it goes without saying, but if you are ever in Amsterdam, definitely make the stop. There might be a line out the door but it is always worth it (and we were lucky enough not to have a line!).
After the cookies we had dinner at Eetcafe Singel 404. I had a tasty bacon, chicken, and cheese sandwich. It was a really cute little spot and we had a great view out the window. After dinner we went into a few shops, walked around a bit longer, and then visited the Cheese Museum. It is really just a cheese shop (with tons of free samples) with a small museum in the bottom, but it is such a happy little store and I recommend it as well. The coolest part about walking around, though, was all of the Christmas lights! They make an already beautiful city even better. When we walked back we stopped by the Anne Frank house. I did this on my last visit and I highly recommend it. It is such an interesting and well-done museum!
Afterwards, we headed to Dam Square, which is where the Royal Palace is located. We walked around for a few minutes and then headed into de Bijenkorf, which is a department store similar to a Saks or Harrods. It was nice and warm and enjoyable to walk through all of the cool floors and to see the Christmas windows and all of the Christmas decorations. By this point, we were getting pretty tired and decided to head back to our hotel to get a much needed good night's sleep. It was a crazy forty-eight hours, but I am so glad to be back in Europe and back in Amsterdam! We have a whole nother day to explore tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it.
71 countries down, 126 to go.
For more information on the Netherlands click here to read my guide.
To learn more about Ambassade Hotel click here.
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Pre-Japan Guide: Booking Hotels, Plane Tickets, etc.
I apologize for my lack of updates here in my blog. I was seriously heartbroken that I can’t go back to Japan anytime soon because I fell in love with it and I didn’t want to function for a while. But school will soon start, so I should do this before I get busy.
You now have your passport, and you now have your Japan Visa. What do you do next? You choose dates on when you’ll go to Japan! Do you have a flexible schedule and just want to score the cheapest, earliest available flight? You can check out Google Flights to see the cheapest days and airlines. Please note though that sometimes, prices from Cebu Pacific and/or Jetstar are not shown here. This is really helpful for me since I was able to know which dates are relatively cheaper than others even though I still had to check Cebu Pacific’s website to compare the prices.
While doing this or before looking for flights, you can also book a hotel for free through Booking. I actually booked a hotel even months before (even though we still haven’t applied for a Visa) because you can cancel it for free for up to 3 days or more (depends on the place) before the reserved date. It was really a lifesaver that I was able to book my preferred dates because when I was trying to look for another date, it’s already full. So when I was purchasing the plane tickets, I just looked for the cheapest airline on my selected dates.
We booked tickets from Cebu Pacific because from our computation, it is cheaper than Jetstar at that time. What’s really nice about it is that the Php 1,620 travel tax can also be paid already when you’re booking through their website with minimal fee, so you don’t have to line up at the airport to pay that tax when you get there.
Just visit the Cebu Pacific website to book your flight. We paid through card (I applied for a Metrobank Prepaid Mastercard) and the itinerary and official receipt was sent through e-mail. You can also pay through 7-11. For the complete payment options, click here.
One week before your flight, you can already check-in through their website or through their mobile app and you’ll be given a temporary boarding pass. You can print both your itinerary and boarding pass just to be safe (we didn’t need to show those at NAIA though).
You can also add more baggage until 4 hours before your flight and you can pay that additional fee through your card. I am not sure if there are other modes of payment for the additional fee.
Having a checklist makes everything easier. When you’re packing, you need to know what you’ll bring so that you won’t forget anything and you’ll feel at ease during your entire flight. Also be mindful of the airline restrictions on items you want to bring on your carry-on bag. You don’t want to have a problem once you’re there because it will be such a hassle.
As we wanted peace of mind when we’re traveling, we opted to rent a wifi device from Flytpack. I will make a separate review about this. To preempt my post, I will tell you that I loved the device because the wifi was really fast and reliable and it lasted for a day with 3 devices connected. We didn’t lose our way (at least not badly) because we were always connected.
Bring a pen. You will need it, always.
Here are more things that I found useful to bring:
eye mask
wet tissue/hand sanitizer
mints/candy (you won’t be talking a lot for hours, so hello smelly breath)
passport organizer (we kept our passport, itinerary, hotel info, pen, and some money here. It was really handy to have everything in one place.)
refreshing eyedrops
The check-in gates open 3 hours before your departure. Be there early so that you can check-in your luggage earlier and you will have a lot of time to eat, rest, or roam around. If you haven’t paid the Php 1,620 travel tax yet, go to the travel tax counters first to pay. The departure area is on the 2nd floor of NAIA Terminal 3.
Since we already checked-in through their website, we just went to the “bag drop” counters of Cebu Pacific. If you don’t have any checked-in bag I think there’s a separate counter for that where they’ll already give you your actual boarding pass.
When we were lined up to check-in our bags, we were given these cards from Bureau of Immigration which you’ll have to fill out prior to going through immigration as you’ll have to give it there.
After checking your bags in, if you want to eat and it’s located at the 3rd floor of the airport, DO NOT GO THROUGH IMMIGRATION YET. If you do, you can’t go out anymore and you’ll be forced to choose a place to eat from a limited number of fastfood/restos. Jollibee is located at the 3rd floor so buy your food there or eat there before going through immigration.
Line up at the immigration, give the card given earlier which is already filled out, your passport and boarding pass. They’ll ask questions to ensure that you’re not a victim of human trafficking and all those security questions. As I was with my 2 sisters, the officer only asked my sister when we’ll be going back to the Philippines which she confidently answered. No more questions asked. I think the officer took a picture of each of us and that’s it. Note that when it was our turn, all three of us approached him to show that we’re traveling together. Oh, I just remembered. As he saw that all three of us approached him, he asked if we were sisters.
Once inside, you can look for the gate where you need to wait or roam around and shop if you want. Just be there at the gate at least 45 minutes before your time of departure.
So when we boarded the plane, we were given those cards which we need to fill out for customs purposes. Just fill it out so that you won’t be minding it once you get to the airport.
We walked reallllyyyyy far from where the plane landed to the Immigration part. We lined up there, and there were many Japanese employees who assisted us so that we know where to line up. They will also tell you to remove the passport cover.
Once it’s your turn, you’ll be asked to give your passport and they’ll get your fingerprints. I forgot which finger was asked but you’ll see once you get there. After that, they’ll tell you where to line up in which you’ll give the immigration card you earlier filled out. They won’t ask any questions. They’ll just look at your passport and the card. After that, you’ll have to go down to get your checked bag if you have a checked-in bag from the carousel. I was surprised that my bag was already on the floor. I guess there were too many bags and they just picked some bags to put down already. It was a good thing for me because I didn’t need to carry that heavy bag! Haha.
After getting your bag, you can now go out! You’ll give your customs card and they’ll ask you if you have anything to declare (they’ll just confirm it) and if you said that you don’t have anything to declare, they’ll let you pass and you can go out and meet your friends or family, or search for the location of the train or bus!
Our cousin and uncle picked us up at the airport so we just looked for our cousin, who was just standing in front of us (really different from the Arrival area in NAIA) and we went out!
Departure (NRT-MNL)
You need to avail of the web or mobile check-in of Cebu Pacific for really fast check-in.
When we went there at least 2 hours prior departure, there was a looooong line at the check-in counter. It’s a good thing that we already checked-in so I just looked for the bag drop counter and THERE WASN’T ANYONE IN LINE THERE. Like, we walked through around 60 people and checked-in ahead of them just because we used the web check-in. The staff there just asked for a screenshot of the temporary boarding pass, but I showed him the printed one because I printed it.
In just 5 minutes, we were able to check-in our bags. It was so convenient! I wonder why those many people didn’t do a self check-in. It can be seen that’s more convenient because you don’t have to line up anymore.
After that you can roam around the airport, shop, or eat with your family or friends. Then you can now go through immigration. At the immigration, they just got our passports and stamped it and we went to our designated gate. You just have to know your gate number and follow the signs - you won’t get lost if you follow the signs!
You just need to follow everyone and go through the carousel to get your checked-in bags if you have any, then go out the “Nothing to declare” aisles if you don’t have anything to declare. You don’t need to fill out anything anymore!
There you go! I will update this post if I remember that I missed something. For questions, you can always go through my Ask, go at my Instagram which is @traveltheworldwithme07, or comment below using Disqus. I will be posting more soon!
(Posted on July 13, 2017)
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