#so yeah i am crying in the club a little bit
holding back tears while talking to the auto loan customer service is so brave of me tbh
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fum1ku · 4 months
ft. osamu miya, daichi sawamura, kei tsukishima, keishin ukai, atsumu miya
should i be working on the highly requested pt. 2 to my recent works that’s currently sitting in my drafts? yes. should i also probably be working on the few requests i’ve got in my inbox? also yes. am i still over here writing whatever this is instead of doing those things? absolutely. at least i’m writing something!
OSAMU: friends to lovers.
you had been friends with the miya twins since high school. you had always butt heads with atsumu; bickering back and forth about anything and everything. but it was different with osamu. it felt like you both understood each other, in a way. plus the mutual dislike you both had for atsumu definitely helped. and now, nearly 8 years later, your friendship was still going strong.
well past 8pm, you stood over the front counter at onigiri miya with samu cleaning behind the counter for closing, and atsumu sitting at a stool next to you.
“i don’t know what his problem is! we go out for drinks one night, wind up at his place, and then the next day he can’t even be bothered to send me a single fucking text. seriously. i’m done!” you were going on about your.. most recent boyfriend.
“why don’tcha just dump him then?” atsumu offered, his mouth full of the onigiri osamu had made for him.
“atsumu, you’re disgusting! and i can’t because we aren’t even a thing! which is good—i don’t want us to be.”
osamu laughed at you two from behind the counter.
“okay well then what’s the problem! i don’t understand you women,” atsumu exclaimed, licking off the last bits of onigiri form his fingertips and shoving his plate behind the counter. “i’ve got practice tomorrow. so i’m gone. some of us actually have real problems that aren’t centered around one night stands with guys!”
“oh right, atsumu, like your sex life is any better,” you muttered. the door slammed shut behind him as the bell above the door exhibierst through the building.
you sighed, sinking further into your chair.
“here,” osamu slid a plate towards you. “might make ‘ya feel better. plus i need feedback to see if it’s worth addin’ to the menu.”
you smiled. “thanks, osamu. and yeah, i’ll give good feedback, promise!”
osamu smiled to himself as he wiped down the back counter. yeah, sure, after 8 years of pining he was no closer to asking you out. but, no matter what, he’d always be here to make you food whenever another boy made you cry.
DAICHI: love at first sight.
it had been a long practice and daichi had decided to treat everyone to a snack down at sakanoshita. daichi stood with suga and asahi waiting for the 1st and 2nd years to finish grabbing their fill. tanaka and noya had seen daichi paying as an opportunity to grab whatever they wanted.
“c’mon you guys!” suga yelled from across the store. “we don’t have all day!”
it has been a long day of classes for you, so it wasn’t even an option in your mind whether you should stop at the convenience store or not. only now you had found yourself in your own little debate.
“milk tea.. or coffee?” you mumbled to yourself. you were bent down over the drinks section taking your sweet time.
daichi turned around to see you and knew he was gone right then and there.
suga scoffed at the two 2nd years taking their time, only to turn back and find daichi’s gaze focused on you.
“hey, daichi, maybe we should—” he started, but stopped as soon as he noticed daichi staring. he whispered to asahi and they both began berating their poor captain.
“c’mon, dude! why don’t you just go talk to them? we obviously have the time!” suga nudged at his arm.
daichi denied anything. “hey, i don’t even now what you’re talking about, suga! we’re here for snack for the team, just go focus on that.”
“hey, don’t we go to school with them? y/n l/n. class 2, i think,” asahi piped up. he couldn’t remember where exactly he knew you from, though.
daichi was sure if he had gone to school with you, he’d remember.
“they’re in photography club! that’s how i know them! they asked me to join after i dropped out of volleyball,” asahi recalled, loud enough to grab your attention.
you looked up to find the set of 3rd years staring in your direction. your drink in hand, you made your way up to them.
“azumane, right? nice to see you again!” you beamed.
“y-yeah, right! good to see you too, l/n,” he smiled, nervously.
“are you guys in line?” you questioned.
“no—no we’re not! sorry about that!” daichi apologized, moving to the side to allow you to get to the register.
you placed your drink on the counter, making small talk with the guy at the front register.
“c’mon, daichi! if you don’t ask them before they leave you might not get to again!” suga whispered.
“suga, let it go. it’s too strange—they don’t even know me.”
suga shoved daichi forward just as you turned around to make your way towards the door.
“oh! hi!” you mused.
“s-sorry. hi.. again.”
“sawamura, right? you’re the captains of the volleyball team!” you smiled.
“yeah, i am. and you’re l/n, right? asahi was telling me about you. you’re in photography.
“i am, actually! and please, just call me y/n!”
“then just call me daichi!”
first name basis after 10 minutes? way to go daichi!
“actually..” you started. “i was wondering if it’d be possible for me to take some action shots of the volleyball team? i was going to use them for an upcoming project of mine. of course if not, that’s okay too! you probably need to talk it over with the team.”
“yeah—absolutely! i’ll have to talk it over with everyone, but i don’t see it being a problem at all,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “what class are you in? i can talk to you some time next week to figure out what day would work best.”
“here,” you said, turning around to the man behind the counter. “excuse me, do you have a pen i could borrow?”
the man tossed you a pen, not giving a second look to you from behind his magazine. you pulled out daichi’s arm and started scribbling down numbers.
your.. phone number?
“now you can call me, that’ll be easier!” you smiled. “anyways, i gotta run. see you later, daichi. tell azumane i said bye too!”
he was speechless. did he really manage to get your number without even trying?
suga ran up behind him. “dude! how? you hardly said anything to them!”
“wow, daichi’s got skills with the ladies!” tanaka mused, noya trailing behind them. their arms were stacked full with all kinds of snacks.
he was definitely not paying for all of those.
KEI: academic rivals to lovers.
you worked at the library at the university you attended. tsukishima had seen you around campus a few times. yamaguchi would go as far as to describe you as tsukishima’s “campus crush”—which tsukki of course denied. he hardly even knew you.
but, this semester is when things finally got interesting. you had wound up taking the course tsukishima was the TA for.
you were currently bent down behind a bookshelf in the campus library, organizing the books that needed to be put away. you noticed a hand grab a book off your cart.
you stood up. “anything you need help finding?”
“no,” the man stated, blankly.
you examined the book in his hand. “wait. are you in psych 301? haven’t seen you in there before.”
“kei tsukishima. i’m the assistant in that class this semester.”
“oh! i’m y/n l/n. are you reading that book for fun then, or?”
“i know. i graded your last essay. something about the human consciousness or whatever,” he stated, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.
your face went hot. “oh? so you were the one that gave me a B- on that. that was the best paper i’ve written all semester!”
“yeah, only because you can’t write any better ones. and maybe actually read the syllabus before you join the class,” he deadpanned.
“okay, mr. know-it-all. and for what it’s worth, i did in fact read the syllabus.”
“well if you actually paid attention, then you’d know this book was meant to be read alongside the other materials.”
wait. what?
before you could say another word, he placed the book back down in the cart. “my email is on the syllabus if you’d actually care to read it. good luck actually passing the class.”
you were so going to find that syllabus. and you were definitely doing to pass that class.
KEISHIN: second chance.
stepping foot into sakanoshita after years felt like a dream. but seeing keishin, your high school boyfriend, sitting there behind the counter, was what really sent you back.
ukai actually took the time to look up form his magazine, and he was glad he did. “y/n?”
“keishin!” you smiled. “i didn’t realize you family still owned the place!”
he stood up form his seat behind the counter. “yeah! work here part-time, coach volleyball the other half.
“you coach volleyball? does the old ukai not coach anyone then?”
“nah, old man retired last year. still coaches a few younger kids on the side. but, hey, how have you been? it’s been years since i last saw you in miyagi. 4? 5, maybe?”
“yeah,” you sighed. “it’s definitely been awhile. but life has been great in tokyo. my internship finally ended and so i’m back here for the next month or two!”
“really? you got to let me take you out sometime—drinks, to celebrate.”
you felt the slight rush of heat to your cheeks. “r-right! of course!”
“hey, if you wanted, we close in less than an hour. you could wait here till then, catch up, then let me take you out for drinks.”
“alright,” you smiled, taking a seat behind the counter next to ukai. “tell me about your team then. where do you coach? karasuno?”
you felt like you were 16 all over again. just him and you.
ATSUMU: opposites attract.
you were the promotional manager for the msby black jackals. everyone on the team loved you—yes, even sakusa. though he wouldn’t admit it. but, atsumu being the sly guy he is, took every opportunity to flirt with you. of course, keeping things professional, you shut him down every chance you got. plus, it would never work. ever. you knew that.
he was childish, you were mature—top of your office only a few months in. he was selfish half the time, and he’d always describe you as one of the most thoughtful people he’s ever met. he was confident and bold. you were quiet and reserved, at least time him. so when you find yourself alone with him at the gym one night late after practice, going through your binder of advertising ideas, you didn’t know what to make of it. the way you could feel he eyes focused on you and only you drove you insane.
you finally took a break form your rant about new promotional ideas for the team, leaving a heavy silence between the two of you.
“y/n?” he finally said, breaking for silence.
“yeah, atsumu?” you respond, not looking up form your binder.
“you should let me take ‘ya out. i mean it.”
you quietly gasped to yourself.
sure, atsumu had made pass after pass at you every day for the last few months since you started working with the team. but, this time, he sounded so.. genuine.
what’s even worse is you couldn’t help yourself from the words the escape your lips in the last moment.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: @chloiyoomi @eashn + let me know if you want to be added! 💌
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arlertwhore · 3 months
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pairing: paige bueckers x fem! “sneaky link” reader.
synopsis: paige & you find a new hookup spot: your parents' house. what else do you find? that the chemistry never left after all - you just have to get paige in the right space - literally. warning(s): smut, strap 😬, paige eats it from da back, dirty talk / fluffy pretty much, degrading, choking, idk bro this is from memory i didn't read it so 🤷‍♀️ find out yourself word count: 4.1k (SHESSH) Author Note: the anticipated part 6 that took forever to write because of terrible writers' block. the creative spark just isn't there for this series anymore, so this alone will serve as the conclusion to the series, however — i do have a draft i'll release that can be regarded as a part 7. thanks tons for all the support on something i played around with and got hooked on! love u all sm ☺️❣️
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Being at the family home of the girl Paige was casually involved with wasn't exactly how she pictured the UCONN long weekend off going. She and the team had planned a series of fun activities, and although your invitation completely disrupted those plans, she couldn't say no. "Hello? I… Team's awake, I'm in the washroom, be quick."
You chuckle softly. "So I guess that means now isn't a good time to tell you you're coming back home with me this weekend?" Paige sees her reflection and watches her resolve surface, anticipating that you're going to try to escalate things back into what they shouldn't be, breaking down the walls she has up.
She scoffs. "Y/N, you know we can't do that." "I won, Paige, fair and square. You said 'anything', you promised!" you insist, taking advantage of the fact that as a competitor, she'll honor her word. "Yeah, but don't you think it's a little bit intense for me to meet your family? I mean, I just don't want to overstep any boundaries," she stammers, uncertain. You glare at your phone, staring at the wavering voicebox of Paige. "You realize I'm doing this for you, right? How I always am? And because it's too hot to keep banging you in your car?" you say firmly. Finding new spots for clandestine rendezvous was proving increasingly challenging. At least with the constant change of locations, sneaking around, and adventure, you could pretend to yourself that you were going on the first date you knew Paige would never officially give you. And if she wasn't going to give you that first date, the least you could ask for was a comfortable bed. But you knew her, you knew her rules, and the only thing you had left was that victory over her head on the club Friday, so you wanted to use it.
It falls silent on her end. Paige doesn't want to talk about your sacrifices for this.
For you and her. For her. You want to tell Paige how it affects you to be nothing but a secret to her, especially now that she's afraid of her team's disapproval and seemingly everyone else's, meanwhile, you bust your ass, comply, and accommodate everything that being her confidante requires, but for the sake of your own feelings, you know you can't. She will leave you. She'd made that clear from the beginning. Paige's commitment issues and seemingly inability to have genuine emotions for a girl are frustrating, especially given her actions toward you. Perhaps back then, before she forgave your sins against her strict rules, took your virginity, and got to know you far beyond casual, you didn't care. But now, you knew her well enough to trust her around your family and you couldn't risk losing the only person in the world who just seemed to get you. None of your 'close' friends, who didn't care for a thing to do with you, deserved to be the one you chose. Even if she sometimes treated you like you were nothing, you knew the only person for you was her. And plus, your parents were nice people. She didn't have to worry about judgment like she always did — I mean for crying out loud they raised you, nerdy, quiet, and a loner up until this point of your life. Male or female, they'd be proud to see something good with the person they put out into the world.
"This isn't... meeting your family isn't 'anything,'" Paige countered, hushing after hearing footsteps pass the washroom door. "And plus, we have shit planned for this weekend. What do I tell th—" Team. You roll your eyes. The team left, the team right, the team all around. You cut her off. "You're visiting your Grandma."
And again, you win. Still, Paige sighs. "This isn't exactly fair for you to just spring on me, y'know? I've been so hyped for the plans this weekend and you just... you ruined them!" You can hear she's serious, her tone half angry yet delivered with a lightheartedness that doesn't ease the blow of her words. All you did was invite her to come home with you, supposedly 'ruining' her plans. You retort, "Ruining? Jeez, thanks, Paige." "Yeah!" she refutes, still trying to whisper. You giggle, then mutter provocatively, "Should've eaten my pussy better, loser," knowing it'll halt her momentum. You gloat, "Gosh, how do you fail at something as easy as that? Something you've been doing since you were 16!" The banter continues. "You'll change your mind on that soon," she predicts.
You chuckle confidently. "We'll see about that, peanut butter. Bags packed, 10 am sharp. Don't keep me waiting, loser," making your point clear.
You end the call with Paige and smirk to yourself, feeling a mix of anticipation and defiance. You can't believe how much of a rebel you've become, just as Paige can't—once so pristine when she first met you, she's corrupted you to the point of using your parents' place as a sneaky link spot. But with you guys left rendered optionless, Paige's next move was to fabricate a story about picking up her clothes if their shared app alerted her location. However, the plan was soiled with the early arrival of your new roommate, a freshman named Maggie, and you had no choice but to evacuate Connecticut altogether, returning to your place in the city just over; calmer, more serene, and familiar. You quickly text your parents: "Bringing a friend," before rushing off to pack. You'll try to keep them out of your hair as much as possible. It's only a 4-day stay, and they're both very schedule-oriented people, so you anticipate that you and Paige will have the house to yourselves mostly. Just as you're about to finish packing, you recall the strap and text Paige again, sending a picture of you holding it with the caption, "Bring??" She ignores your question about the strap and instead frets like she did the day you first showed it to her, as if she has a big performance the next day. She texts you back:
"Should I dress girly? Do I bring a gift? Are you sure they're okay with us?" She's overwhelmed with uncertainty, unsure of how to navigate this new territory, but you don't give her any tips because Paige needs to figure it out herself. You know it's how she's always rolled, relying on herself. You ignore her and continue, "Sooo, strap on or not? I'd love to try it out on you finally.☺️"
"Now especially no," she shoots back. Then she follows up, cryptically, "You're not the only one with surprises. Trust me. We won't need it." At that remark, you hop into bed eagerly and await sleep, yearning for the day to arrive faster. You stop thinking obsessively about why she won't let you use it on her, and it's the last thing on your mind before you doze off. At 9 AM, you're awake, welcoming your new roommate Maggie, and by 10, you're out and at Paige's dorm. She's waiting outside, readied. She doesn't know how to not dress like a tomboy, so she's awkwardly masculine, but now in pink, and the sight throws you off guard. You thought she'd figure her shit out better than that, and you laugh as you film her, to use it as blackmail in case she ever leaks the many pictures and videos she has of you (which you know she won't). When she climbs into the car after stowing her bag in the backseat, she grabs your wrists and uses her strong grip to hold them in one hand as she deletes the videos, uttering, "Think you're funny, huh, ma?" "No... I think you are," you chuckle, and Paige pushes you away playfully by the forehead. You tease her relentlessly, the amusement of your time with her just beginning and already infectious. She rolls her eyes, shaking her head at your immaturity with a shy smile on her face. "I can't believe I agreed to this," she grumbles and you echo the words from last night, chortling, "You had no choice, remember, Paige Puckers?" a play on words at how she drunkenly, clumsily, and messily explored a tactic that, while it did get you off eventually, was hard to get the hang of at first. She smirks and you see the challenge in her eyes. "I'll make you eat those words, ma, just watch." As you guys veer off, Paige takes control of the music and begins shedding layers until she's left in just the pink flannel, a sports bra, and basketball shorts, feeling overheated. She's so absorbed in the music that when you arrive, she doesn't notice she's partially undressed until the door swings open to your parents, and she quickly tugs the flannel over her body tighter. She watches with a smile as you hug your mother warmly, while Paige stands back, observing. "And you must be the friend she spoke of!" your father extends his hand for a shake, and Paige reciprocates, resisting the urge to give him a fist bump, as that's all she knows. "Paige," she replies calmly, "It's nice to meet you, sir. And Ma'am," she nods to your mother afterward, who smiles before stepping aside. "Well, come on in, girls, this heat is stifling." You all sit down with a cold pitcher of iced tea after bringing your bags up to your room. As you settle at the kitchen island, your parents strike up a friendly conversation with Paige across from you.
You start to regret the whole situation when your mom and Paige hit it off too well, and your mom embarrasses you. "Y'know, it's about time I met a friend of hers, Paige. You're the first; she's never really had any," your mom remarks, and you feel yourself blush. "Mom!" you interject, embarrassed.
"No, no, let her. You've been teasing me all day, you deserve it," Paige chimes in with a chuckle, playfully slapping her knee. "So, I hear Paige plays basketball, Y/N. Seeing as she's never really been the athlete type, you know, more of a bookworm? How did you two meet?" she inquires. You grow hotter, not good for the warm weather. You can't tell your Mom & Dad that: "Hey Mom, I got hammered at a party for the first time, drunkenly approached Paige's friends, and ranted to them about how I would marry her, then made out with her in the bathroom before proceeding to let her fuck me within an inch of my life the following weekend." You were still their little, strange, friendless, and focused girl. "Things just clicked," Paige answers, PG'ing and summarizing the story. "She was just... looking like the life of the party, and I thought she looked fun, so I wanted to get to know her." "Did you find out that looks are deceiving?" your mom asks again, and Paige is genuinely and seriously laughing—not the "haha parent way," but actual laughter. When even your father chimes in and says, "I bet she forces you to practice Telekinesis and stuff like that, huh?" is when you truly decide you won't tolerate the bullying. "Cytokinesis, Dad," you correct as you get up. "And I study developmental biology now. That Bio for children." And besides, you didn't want Paige to get too close to them anyway—just close enough to exist in their house unbothered.
We're gonna go pick you girls up some dinner!" said your mom cheerfully. "We'd love you to join us."
Paige begins to say yes, but you interject, "Actually, we're gonna have a nap. The ride was exhausting." She doesn't budge, so enthralled with your parents that she isn't catching on until you have to gently pull her out of her chair, trailing off with her as she calls back to your mom who had asked, "Paige, what do you like?"
"Y'alls sense of humor!" she chuckles, because Paige just gets her (they enjoy teasing you together).
"Okay, girls, don't nap too hard!" jokes your dad, and before the door can even close, you're kissing Paige deeply in the upstairs corridor, trying to make her forget everything she'd been told. Napping is the last thing you'll be doing. Her hand comes to your chest, attempting to push you away, but you're resilient and hold her with determination as you back her into the doorframe of your bedroom. "Since when were you such a scaredy pants?" you tease as you strip off your clothes, not bothering to lock the door. "We've been walking around in public everywhere these days, and inside is when you get nervous?" Within seconds, before Paige even shuts the bedroom door behind her, you're naked against her, pressing your tits against hers firmly as you shower her with a barrage of kisses. "Gonna make me eat my words still?" you challenge her. Paige slowly realizes you weren't joking about just wanting a comfortable place to have sex with her, and that it was the primary purpose of her visit. She still can't shift gears because she'd been with your parents just a moment ago, and now you're in this intimate moment. So you help her.
"Because it looks like I'm making you eat yours." you smirk at her teasingly. Before you know it, you've pumped the gas so hard she has you turned over on all fours on the bed, back arched invitingly. She wastes no time with you, and despite your usual verbosity, the way you yield to her the moment her tongue delves into your cunt is undeniable. You press back into her face, enveloping her between your thighs and asscheeks, and Paige thinks if she's going to go, she wouldn't have it any other way. You whimper softly in pleasure, squirming as you press against her warm tongue, and Paige chuckles, the vibrations from the deep shrill causing you to jolt forward, feeling the hum pulsate through your pussy hauntingly. "Aw, shit, Paige, you get me so wet," you moan desperately, "You make me so crazy, fuck." The thrill of the moment is evident in her eyes, wide with desire as she gazes at you from above her. You look back at her below you, eyes lidded and mouth parted in an 'o', and you look pornographic. It's sick, really, to think how just moments ago she was conversing with your parents, and now, here she was, tounge enamored filthily in your cunt, savoring every drop of arousal from your desperate dripping hole. "Your pussy tastes so good," Paige murmured, her lips puckering as she spoke before gently nibbling at your clit, swirling her tongue around the pearl in a circular motion, which you absentmindedly replicate with your finger as you gripped the sheets, groaning deeply. Maybe after all, you did like the plump of her lips encasing you as her tongue worked at your clit fervently, making soft wet noises. "Shut up, Paige," you said, "You're gonna-I'll cu-" you're too prideful to say it could EVER happen that early, and just continue to grind your hips against her pretty face, not bothering to ask how she's holding up. Judging by the way she slurps at your clit voraciously, her tongue eagerly scrambling from the front to the back of your cunt, clit to entrance, laving through it hungrily each stroke of the muscle and eliciting the nastiest and most repulsive sounds you've ever heard, yet somehow the sexiest, you have reason to believe she's doing just fine. And you tell her how fine she's doing through a broken, fucked out, and breathless assurance of, "Y'so good, P," biting your lip as you whine your hips languidly, whispering, "Keep going, please." She pulls back, struggling to find her breath. "You're a fucking—" she gasps for air, "You're a slut." The way she says it leaves you aching for more devaluing words, because when Paige utters them, it sends you into a frenzy unlike anything else. In the haze of it, you plead, "Shit, just fuck me, I... fingers, I need them." She rises from her knees. "Say it," she demanded, smacking your ass, and meeting your gaze. "Tell me what you are." You don't have a chance to answer before she presses you down hard, into the mattress, and you gasp at the intense pressure, feeling your cheeks flush impossibly hotter. "A slut," you strainedly admit, the pressure on your back knocking the wind out of you. The words, though so sexily demeaning, are true at the moment.
She's pummeling you in your childhood bedroom and has the audacity to demand sharply, "Louder!" as she presses you down, causing the ache in the first place. You fight for breath, complicitly declaring, "A slut, Paige, mmph!"
You should've known you were in for a ride the moment Paige fell silent. Arms pinned behind your back in between her palms, you squirm at the feel of something much thicker than her fingers rimming against your cunt, and you can't see it, so you start to panic. You can only feel it. It's so large you fear it might break you, and before you can say anything, Paige has eased the tip inside you with a dazed sigh. Your head crooks back to watch her face as she sinks her cock into you, and it makes her heart jump because it's a little too intimate and it reminds her of the first time ever. Still, she doesn't attempt to break it. It's sexy to both of you and it's not often that it happens. She's typically invested in gazing at your body or your lips, or just has her eyes closed, but the look in her eye as she leans forward is intense, and the one in yours gets Paige wetter at the mere sight. She's so satisfied by how you have no choice but to yield and take it, take her - until your body involuntarily starts to falter, punctured by the weight of it pulling you down from inside your body. "So...fuckin'....sexy," she moaned, her free hand gripping your hips and reigning them back as her own pressed forward simultaneously, fucking you thoroughly. She repeats the act, pulling you back and pushing forward until she thrusts particularly hard, and gasps herself. It's genuine, and you're unsure how to react to hearing her moan so sincerely. You simply nod approvingly. "I love how you sound when you fuck me, P," you encourage her, to which she replies, "I love how it feels when I fuck you, baby," "Then don't stop," you cry as you rock forward, slots of arousal pulsating from your core and coating her strap in opaque white. "I'd never want you to." It's insane how when she releases your wrists and manages to sink into you fully, she begins using your body like a toy, ruthlessly owning your cunt with grunts of satisfaction each time your ass claps against her, your skin clapping together. "Such a tight little pussy, God," she praises, watching the sight of your cunt expanding and then resetting with how thick she is, struggling to not get wrecked. With how this strap is made, when you come back against her, she feels every sensation, each thrust pushing the double-ended dildo deeper inside of her as it slides in and out, quicker when you fuck her back. So she might be using you like a fleshlight for the tip to rub the walls of her G-spot, but you can't blame her. She's doing all the work. You lie there helpless and overwhelmed with pleasure as she hammers into you from behind, pulling you back by your hair to meet her gaze, so you can see her and the way she wrecks you proudly. "Fuck yourself on it, angel, please," she pleaded, and it's sweeter than the sinful look she's giving you. Experimentally, you push back hard, meeting her strokes, and she whimpers directly in front of your face, a high-pitched, desperate sound that emerges from deep within her body. "Please," she begged again, "You're gonna make me cum, aw fuck, baby," Your eyes roll back into your head. At the tempo you set for yourself to feel good and the one Paige sets for you to make HER feel good by throwing it back on her, essentially for you, you feel your climax on the horizon. "I want it, Paige, cum with me," you plead. "Yeah?" she grunts, her voice gritty. "You want P's cum? Think you deserve it?"
"I-I do." "Then fuck it out of me," she commands, hands tightening around your waist and pulling your back flush against her chest, essentially hugging you as you rut against her, crying out her name with each movement.
She grips your tit in one hand, squeezing gently and pulling, "Go, baby, yeah.. just like that, make me cum," and though she's trying to steady it, you hear how her voice cracks a couple of times. It sounds so sexy and it gets so raw that it gets to the point where you're actually throwing it back, popping your hips and whining it so quickly Paige can't even help you move faster for both of you. She can't catch your ass as it bounces so vigorously, the visual mesmerizing as she watches. "Don't stop, ma," You're trembling, toes curling uncontrollably as you whine and whimper and grind against her. "I'm close!" you gasp, and just as Paige speeds up, the front door opens downstairs, and her hand flies up to your neck, silencing you, her other hand muffling your sounds. You reach your climax with no air left in you as footsteps approach up the stairs, and you shout into a pillow. Paige is quick enough to press your face into said pillow by this point and finish both of you off, her body pressed against yours as she huffs into your ear. You swear you hear her say it, even if she'll try to deny it later. "You're mine, fuck," as she cums, panting. You lay there, Paige on-top of you, flush against your body, limp.
And for a moment, the world stills, your hearing muffles, but you can still hear your Dad knocking carefully. "Still asleep girls?" he asks. Paige nods, smiling. "Yeah! If it's okay, we're gonna head for a walk before dinner. Y/N needs to wake up!" She's right — you're so overwhelmed that you find yourself outside, dressed, sitting on a bench in your neighborhood park. Yet Paige is still clinging to you for reasons you can't quite grasp.
The gentle, refreshing breeze envelops you both, the park empty and serene. Lost in each other's embrace, you finally pull away, the words tumbling out: "That felt like the first time, kind of."
Perhaps it had considering the two of you finally got to do something more sexually exciting in behest of maneuvering sex in her car.
Paige's response helps it all make sense. "I know." She might be swept up in the moment, but you don't protest. If it feels good, it does, and you eagerly pull her back in as she grips your sore ass, moving you over her lap to straddle her, kneading it. "I bought you...my strap as a gift because I wanted to thank you for, you know, how good of a...link you are," she says affectionately. You gaze deeply into her eyes, refusing to let her look away as you study her face.
She's so serious and so stupid for choosing to get in her feelings while at your parents' house for the week - with you. "What?" she asks intently, eyes tracing over your face as she searches for your reaction. "Is that-... Are you okay?" When you don't answer, lost in the post-coital haze, smiling softly, she murmurs, "So pretty." She doesn't even try to hide she's in the ropes of it too, but while out of the haze, she doesn't think there's ever been a moment when she's seen you look as beautiful as you do when you're in this blissful state.
"Paige?" you whisper, head buried in the curve of her neck as she moves to gently stroke your back soothingly. "Yeah?"
"Do you feel this too?" The question is extremely raw, earnest, and vulnerable, but under the spell of the moment, it sounds like magic to her ears. "Yeah, I... yeah."
"Have you felt it before?" you inquire softly, searching her eyes. "Besides the first time? Because I... I have. I do."
She holds you tighter, placing you back into the crook of her neck, and you suppose she's ducking from letting you see her when you feel her nod. "You're gonna get me in trouble, y'know. You always do."
You smile softly, kissing her soft skin. Little does she know, you already have. MASTERLIST
AUTHOR NOTE #2: this ending i think can cap off the series perfectly because it's left up to the interpretation of the reader. i mean, lmk if i should release the pt 7 draft when i start releasing drafts anyway! lmk anything on your mind I LOVEE you anons / moots / ppl who message me / ppl who reply to my posts, ur all the funniest ppl ever! - ana.
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bruhnze · 1 month
Fuck this - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Summary: Jealous Lucy.
Warnings: A lot of bad words, smut. Minors DNI. Not proof read :) THIS IS X-RATED!!!
Wordcount: 4k
i dedicate this one to you @onabronze and to the anons that asked it's not really good but i tried :).
(i've emptied my inbox so if your ask is not on my WIP pls send again (if u still want it done) because i had so much garbage in there i just removed everything in one go, sorry not sorry😬)
Ps: We do not hate Germany (don't come for me, it was for the plot)!
´´fuck this shit´´ Lucy mumbled to herself as she was running faster and faster on the treadmill, ´´fucking dick-head ref, that’s not a fucking yellow´´. ‘’Cata is a fucking goalie, you fuck ass pigfucker, really strange for her to use her hands, huh, dumb fuck’’.
´´that’s a lot of f-bombs Bronze’’ Millie tried to joke, not noticing how worked up the English defender really was.
‘’Fuck off Millie’’, Bronze called as she stopped the machine and ran off with her eyes glued to her phone.
‘’Bruh’’ Lauran giggled, ‘’you know Spain Germany is on right now’’.
‘’Oh really’’ Millie said confused, ‘’ohh, fuck, her girl is playing for Spain right’’.
‘’Yeah, they’re losing’’ Sam called from the bench on the side of the gym, ‘’Gwinn is about to take a penal and she hasn’t missed a single one for club’’.
‘’Are you watching that?’’ James asked while she strutted over to the Australian, ‘’let me watch along’’.
‘’Ofcourse mate’’ Sam chuckled, ‘’I watch everything’’.  
‘’Do we check on her?’’ Millie asked, mostly directed to Lauren, as she knows her best.
‘’Nah’’ James says, ‘’if you like to live you’d best leave her alone’’.
‘’Yes, we’ll just give her some boxing gloves as the game is over’’.
‘’Ona doesn’t deserve this shit, what a horseshit head coach’’.
‘’Putellas missing a penalty what a fucking joke’’.
‘’You’re a cunt Berger, A CUNT!’’.
Lauren knocked on the doorpost of the locker-room, ‘’Ey Luce, they’re looking for someone to break in the new boxing gloves’’.
‘’I hate those German wankers with their ugly kits’’.
The English forward suppressed a giggle, ‘’yeah they suck, but you should turn it of bruv, it’s no point of watching them cry’’.
‘’Ona is going to be devastated’’, Lucy said as she looked up and stared ahead, as if she’s just realized it.
‘’Are you seeing her soon?’’ Lauren asked carefully.
Lucy snapped out of her trance and looked at her friend, ‘’yeah she coming tomorrow’’.
‘’To London?’’.
‘’Yes, she has ten days off’’.
''Well then you have enough time to comfort her''.
Lucy sighed ''yeah, I'll just quickly send her a text and then we'll box, I'm going to turn off this stream bullshit''. She says as she looked back at her phone and saw Paralluelo crying. ‘’my heart can’t take this’’, she muttered quietly without James hearing it.
When she was driving back ‘home’ from the training ground she received a call, it was Ona.
‘’Hey love’’, Lucy said timidly, not sure about if Ona’s mood would be more sad or angry, or maybe both.
Instead Ona answered pretty lightly, ‘’hey Luce, how are you?’’.
‘’Huh?’’ Lucy said, maybe a bit too loud ‘’I should be asking you that’’.
‘’Montse just scolded us for an hour’’ Ona said, ‘’but for some reason I don’t care about the loss, Germany was just better and I think Cata needs a psychologist after she’s broken her nose, she’s been out of it for every game after it’’.
‘’You deserved to win’’ Lucy said with tears in her eyes.
Ona chuckled ‘’I love you Lucy, but honestly, I’ve got respect for the Germans, they played well’’.
‘’I hate the Germans’’.
Ona chuckled louder, ‘’no Luce, you can not say that because they won Bronze’’.
‘’I hate Montse then’’.
‘’Okay’’, Ona laughed ‘’I agree with that one’’. ‘’But I am going to dinner with my family tonight, so I have to get ready in a little bit, you texted me to call you when I had time, so that’s why I called’’.
‘’Oh wow’’ Lucy said, a little hurt ‘’not because you wanted to hear your girlfriends voice’’.
‘’I see you tomorrow’’, Ona chuckled.
‘’That’s true but I still miss you today’’ Lucy sighed, ‘’maybe I’m a wuss, but I just feel bad for you Oni and I thought you might have needed some comfort’’.
‘’I love you, but I have to get ready’’ Ona laughed, ‘’see you tomorrow?’’.
‘’or you can call me tonight after dinner?’’.
‘’I think I will go to bed straight after, I am extremely tired’’.
‘’I understand, do you want to stay on the phone when you get ready?’’.
‘’Okay’’ Ona said as she put her phone on speaker.
After Ona had hung up because her cab was about to be there, Lucy thought about what she would eat for dinner.
She looked around her kitchen, ''fuck'' she mumbled ''i should clean this shit up''.
She opened her phone and ordered some sushi for tonight, 'because she deserved some comfort food' and got to work.
Her appartment was still a bit of a mess after the quick move in, and she needed it to be presentable for her girlfriend tomorrow. Ona would probably start cleaning her place and she didn't want to be a partner like that, that would be stupid because it was one of her own icks.
As she had cleaned up her apartment the bell rang.
With the sushi she took place at the table and opened the ipad that layed there.
Mindlessly she went on Twitter, she was logged on to her anonymous account and went on the hashtag 'Ona Battle'. She knew she shouldn't, but she was curious what the people thought of her performance this game.
Lucy had seen Ona was tired, but when you took in mind she'd played every single minute, and Lucy knew Ona slept very bad in the hotel, she had played very good.
She froze when she saw people joking about Feli and Ona being back together ''what the hell?'' she said to herself as she went deeper into the rabbithole and eventually came aross pictures of Ona in a Germany shirt, and not just any German shirt, it was the ugly 'Rauch 19' one.
Lucy was tempted to send a teasing text, maybe even with the picture attached, but she chose not too.
She couldn't help to feel a little anger inside her towards Feli, and as she came across a video of them chatting and giggling Lucy lost her shit and quickly closed the Ipad.
She jumped up from the table ''Fucking hell, not bothered about losing, fuck that'', she started pacing the room ''Germay deserved it'' she mocked, ''sure Ona, if you want to fuck her just say that''.
Lucy walked to her kitchen and fetched a beer from the fridge that was left from when Jorge had helped her with building some furniture ''fuck it'', she thought she might aswell have this because it was such a shitty night.
She took the beer to the bathroom and ran a bath, after that she went back to the kitchen to grab her ipad and got in, eventhough she had already taken a shower this afternoon.
Finaly she felt a little better, she had watched some episodes of a series she was watching and after two hours she decided to just go to bed early, Ona didn't want to call anyways so she didn't see the point of staying up. Might aswell get some rest before she saw Ona again tomorrow, eventhough she'd probably be very tired, so Lucy doubted they'd do anything, but atleast she'd be able to take care of her better.
As she got comfy in her bed she opened her phone to check one last time if Ona had sent her a text.
She hadn't.
Then she opened Instagram, scrolling for a little while.
She was just about to shut her phone when she saw @feli_rauch on her timeline, ''bitch'' she grumbled and as she took a better look she saw it was a teamphoto of the Germans, she only saw one person wearing a red shirt in the whole group.
''No way'' she said out loud as she zoomed in, ''are you kiddin' me'' - ''the only fucking shirt swap and it's my girlfriends' ''.
She closed her phone, trew it on the nightstand and dramatically dropped herself on the bed to go to sleep.
As she remembered she still had to put on an alarm and it would be probably best to have her phone on the charger she reached out to put the nightlamp on and fetched it.
When she held her phone it automatically unlocked with face-ID, and she saw that god-awfull team picture again ''fuckkkkkk'' she groaned as she swiped instagram away ''this is one big joke''.
After she had finally put in an alarm and found her charger, she put the light out and layed down again.
She tried hard to sleep but her mind kept wondering off to Ona.
Normally she wouldn't mind that one bit, sometimes her hand would even find it's way between her legs when she thought about her hot, beautiful girlfriend.
But not this time, her mind was polluted with images of Feli and Ona laughing together.
She knew Feli was Ona's ex, she had never really been bothered about it, eventhough she knew her mind was just being a bit stupid, she couldn't help to think back about what Ona had told her about Feli after Lucy had asked her how she had ever been with Feli.
''I wasn't really with her, we just fucked''. Ona had said laughing, ''but i soon found out she was very vanilla and for a relationship we would never ever work''.
Lucy knew she shouldn't have asked the question, but she had, ''but was she good?''.
Ona had asked her if she really wanted to know, and she had confirmed that she did.
After the answer she had regretted asking it, ''uhm, well, at the things she did do she was pretty good at, it just got boring very quickly'' Ona had said.
Now she was laying in bed with the thoughts of Feli fucking Rauch having her way with her precious Ona.
The thought that the German had tasted Ona sickened her.
The thought that the German had been inside Ona sickened her.
But the thought that Ona had, at one point, enjoyed it, got her blood boiling.
Maybe it was the distance.
Maybe it was because they hadn't been able to be intimate for a few weeks now.
Maybe it was the fact Ona hadn't told her about the shirt swap.
But Lucy felt jealous like she had never before.
Lucy woke up from her alarm, and checked her messages.
None from Ona.
She freshened up and got dressed.
Nothing from Ona.
In the kitchen she made herself some breakfast.
Nothing from Ona.
She went through the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator and wrote out a grocery list.
Nothing from Ona.
Lucy knew she would be flying in a couple of hours, so she decided to send a text herself, eventhough she had wanted Ona to text her first.
It was afternoon, Lucy was waiting in her blue Skoda outside of the airport. When she saw the beautiful freckled woman walking outside, searching for her, she jumped out of the car.
Ona was wearing sunglasses and a hat, but Lucy would always recognise her.
She opened her trunk and walked towards Ona.
''Hello baby'', she said happily.
''Luce!'', Ona said as she sped up her pace walking to her girlfriend.
They shared an embrace, ''i have missed you so much'' Ona muttered against the taller woman.
Lucy held Ona away from her to take a look at her face, ''i have missed you too''.
''I want to kiss you, so lets get in the car please'', Ona said smiling.
Lucy hastily threw the suitcase into the car and got back in the drivers seat as she saw Ona was already in the car.
''Your suitcase was pretty light'' Lucy said as she hopped in next to Ona.
''Yeah, i gave a lot of my stuff with Joan, i'm planning to wear your clothes anyways'' Ona stated.
''Oh'' Lucy said as she smiled at her girlfriend, ''and cool frames by the way''.
She leant in to kiss Ona.
They shared a kiss full of love, it was adamant that they had both missed eachother.
Not wanting to risk being spotted by anyone Lucy pulled back and got ready to drive off, reversing out of the parking spot.
''What yours is mine'' Ona chuckled, ''you said it yourself''.
''True'', Lucy said as she put her hand on Ona's thigh and drove away ''it's cute''.
Lucy carried Ona's suitcase to her apartment, and handed Ona the key to get them inside.
''Should i unpack your stuff? is there anything in here that needs to be washed?''.
''Uhm, i don't think so, i have only worn a few clothes, mostly the olympic stuff and those are with Joan, he is going to wash that for me''.
''Clever'' Lucy chuckled, ''putting your brother to work''.
Ona grinned, ''ofcourse, but maybe i will take a shower now and then we can nap together?''.
''I'd love that'' Lucy said, ''oh and let me show you around quickly, i almost forgot''.
It was a pretty quick tour, as the apartment wasn´t that big.
´´So here is the kitchen´´, Lucy said smiling as she turned on her heel and spinned.
Ona laughed, ´´are you making us dinner tonight?'' she asked stepping closer to Lucy.
''Of course beautiful'' Lucy said as she pressed herself against the Catalan, ''i was thinking that one tofu dish you like''.
''Hm yes''. Ona groaned, thinking about the dish Lucy made her often, because she liked it so much.
''Good'' Lucy said ''because I bought stuff to make that this morning''.
''You know me so well''.
''Yes'' Lucy smiled, ''and to be known is to be loved''.
''So romantic'' Ona laughed.
''Oh i'm feeling really romantic'' Lucy said as she bit her lip.
´´Really?'' Ona smirked as she put her arms around Lucy's neck and crossed them.
Lucy kissed her softly.
Ona hungerly answered the kiss and tried to get impossibly closer, getting up her tiptoes.
Lucy pulled away with a smile on her face ''but first you wanted to shower right?''.
The Catalan pouted ''i do.. but i also want you''.
The English defender kissed her girlfriend ''i'll be still here after the shower, and i know how you like to shower off the travel''.
''sí okay''.
They went to the bedroom, Lucy leading the way.
Lucy showed the on-suite bathroom and pointed to the towels.
''Leave the door open?'', Lucy asked in the sweetest voice she could put on.
''Sure'' Ona chuckled, ''are you staying in the bedroom?''.
''Yeah i'll put away your clothes really quick, i don't want you living out of a suitcase when you're with me, and i left some space in the closet for you''.
Ona kissed Lucy, ''you're cute''.
''You're cute'', Lucy repeated.
Lucy opened the suitcase, ''you need some underwear? and what do you want to wear or were you really planning on stealing my clothes''.
''huh'' Ona said, ''it's not stealing, it's my right''.
She chuckled until she watched Lucy's face who could appearently not laugh about it, ''what?''.
Lucy stayed silent.
''Sorry'' Ona ''i'll wear my own clothes if you really don't-
''No'' Lucy said, ''why don't you wear this'' she asked with a sarcastic laugh as she held up the white football shirt.
Ona chuckled.
Lucy looked at her in disbelieve ''you think this is funny? tell me why i have a damp German shirt in my hands right now?'''.
''I said my brother was going to wash my stuff right'' Ona said, ''well, match worn is worth more, you know you're supposed to keep the shirts you trade unwashed right?''.
''Fuck that''.
''It's financially responsible'', Ona laughed and stepped towards Lucy to kiss her.
With a quick peck she wanted to walk away.
Lucy didn't have any of that and grabbed her wrist, ''more please''.
Ona chuckled, ''let me shower, then we nap together''.
Ona sighed but gave in, she held Lucy's face as she kissed her again, this time more slowly.
Lucy hands travelled to Ona's ass and squeezed her cheeks as she pulled the Catalan in closer.
Ona grinned into the kiss, ''you missed me'' she said, with a tone sounding somewhere between a question and a statement.
''Where did you and Feli talk about after the match?'' Lucy said before she could stop herself.
Ona looked up with a mischievious smirk, ''is that what is bothering you?''.
Lucy huffed out some air, ''why did you swap shirts with her''.
''She wanted too''.
''So you said yes? and giggled about it with her?''.
''What did you want me to do then'' Ona chuckled, thinking it was funny seeing this jealous side of Lucy, it was something new.
''I dont know'' Lucy scolded lightly, ''just to tell her to fuck off with her boring shirt''.
Ona laughed ''boring shirt?, how can a shirt be boring''.
''Not the point'' Lucy grumbled, ''you talked to her after the match and you didn't want to speak to me''.
''I had a dinner!'' Ona laughed as she rubbed Lucy's arms, ''don't worry, you are the only one for me''.
She kissed Lucy's pouty face, ''my beautiful *kiss* strong *kiss* smart *kiss* perfect girlfriend *kiss*''.
Lucy pulled the Catalan thighter against her, ''i think i should give you a reminder''.
''What reminder?'' Ona frowned.
''About what good sex is like''.
''Luce!'' Ona slapped her shoulder playfully.
Lucy frowned, ''you want boring sex?''.
''Cus if you want that I could just put that ugly shirt on and we can roleplay that''.
Ona blushed, ''Lucee''.
Lucy's jaw dropped, ''you're not even saying that you don't want that?!''.
''I don't want that'' Ona rushed to say.
Lucy rolled her eyes. ''yeah i totally believe you now''.
''Sorry'' Ona pouted, putting on a cute smile ''i was distracted because you look so hot when you are jealous''.
''Í'm not jealous!''.
''Oh, és clar que no ets gelós'' (oh i see you are not jealous) Ona mockingly chuckled, she reached out to the suitcase and grabbed the shirt.
''Maybe i will wear it today''.
Lucy looked at her with dark eyes.
''It smells like her'' Ona added with a grin.
A second of silence hang in the air.
''Put it on.'' Lucy said.
Ona's smile faded ''No i was just joking''.
Lucy repeated herself ''go on, put it on''.
''I was kidding''.
''i'm not''. ''put. it. on.''.
Ona gulped and took her shirt off to put it on.
Lucy stopped her, ''no wait, first get naked and then put it on'' she said as she took her shorts off.
Ona felt her heartbeat fasten from the way this aroused her and followed the instructions.
''Your panties too'' Lucy said as walked to 'the drawer' and chose a rather large strap-on to wear.
Ona looked excited at Lucy, wearing a cheeky smile.
''You want this one?'' she helt the strap up.
Ona nodded furiously, a blush creeping on her cheeks.
''i can't hear you'' Lucy said as she pretended to put it back in the drawer again and took her shirt off.
''No wait'' Ona said ''yes, i want that one''.
''Okay, i suppose you deserve it right?''.
''Yes'' Ona said desperately ''please Luce, i-''.
''-laughed with an ex'' Lucy said sternly, ''i don't know if that is good girl-behavior''.
Ona kept quiet as Lucy walked towards her on the bed.
Lucy put the strap in her harness and hovered above Ona.
''that's basicly asking her to fuck you'' she wispered as she let her eyes roam the woman below her.
Ona put her hands on Lucy and chuckled ''Luce, you're crazy''.
''You know how i always say you would look perfect in everything?''.
''mhmm'' Ona grinned.
''Well this is awfull'' Lucy plucked at the shirt.
Ona tried to kiss Lucy but Lucy leant back just in time to dodge it.
''Turn around''.
Ona whined but quickly oblidged, this attitude was making her feel some things.
She was on all fours on the bed and without warning Lucy slapped her ass, resulting in a moan escaping her throat without her being able to surpres.
''Im so wet'' Ona whined as she felt herself dripping along her thighs, she looked over her shoulder to read Lucy's face.
''Don't look at me'' Lucy ordered, ''your pretty face doesn't suit this revolting shirt''.
She leaned against Ona to hold her face before she could turn, and gave her a kiss ''you are beautiful'' she said and softly kissed her lips.
When she released Ona's face and let her hand slide over the number '19' she huffed out some air.
''But you should be happy i have a fake cock'' Lucy grumbled, ''cus i could never get a hard-on like this''.
Ona whimpered.
A cracking sound and a moan filled the room.
Lucy watched the flesh of Ona's as jiggle and groped the skin when it turned red.
''Who does this ass belong to?''
Ona groaned ''you''.
Lucy rubbed the tip of her rubber cock along Ona's wetness.
The Catalan's breath hitched in her throat ''Luce'' she chocked out.
Another time Lucy's hand found it's way to Ona's behind with great force.
''Agh'' Ona groaned, ''please Luce''.
Lucy grabbed Ona by her hips and guided her to grind against her.
With one hand Lucy reached around for the smaller womans' centre.
With two fingers she traced her lips and collected some wetness before circling her clit.
''Fuck'' Lucy breathed out, ''so wet''.
She had problems with circling one spot at how wet Ona was, her fingers slipping away.
''Who are you so wet for?'' Lucy asked, talking in Ona's ear.
''You Lucy! you''. Ona practically cried out.
With that Lucy carefully slid the strap inside in one fluent movement.
''Merda'' (fuck) Ona moaned as her head slumped to her chest.
Lucy picked up a rhythm that she knew would drive Ona crazy, perfect for building the tension inside her quickly.
But after a few moments Lucy fastened her pace, not able to contain herself she fucked Ona hard and deep, the sight of the fabric around Ona fueling her anger.
She gave her another spanking to 'punish' Ona for wearing the shirt, but she knew it wasn't actually a punishment for Ona, which was confirmed by the filthy moan she let out.
''I'm coming'' Ona cried out as she gripped the sheets with clenched fists.
''Shit, already?'', Lucy groaned and kept thrusting.
''Lucí'' Ona said as her arch deepened.
''Fuck, come for me Ona'' Lucy said as her grip on Ona thightend.
With a loud cry Ona came.
Lucy slowly rode out her orgasm and released her grip on the girl, causing her to flop down on the bed.
The English woman shuffeld and took the strap out of the harness and layed it on the bed besides them, figuring the sheets were ruined anyways.
Lucy pulled Ona around by her shirt.
Ona looked at her with hooded eyes, wearing a content expression from her post-orgasmic bliss.
Lucy smiled, ''hi beautiful''.
Ona grinned as she took Lucy's hands, ''thought you hated it''.
Lucy scrunched her face ''the shirt; yes.. you; no''.
The Catalan smiled, ''i'll take it off'' she said as she sat up.
She stopped as she noticed reticence on Lucy's face.
A smile tugged on Lucy's mouth, ''i'm debating sending her a picture''.
'''Lucy!''. Ona punched her girlfriend.
She snapped out of her dream and redirected her gaze from the shirt to Ona's face. She shook her head quickly, ''sorry, i don't know why i said that''.
Ona chuckled, slapping a hand on her forhead ''jealousy''.
''I don't want her to see that pretty little fucked out face of yours''.
Ona chuckled and held her arms up, ''pull this off, we're throwing it away''.
''I'll sell it for you'' Lucy grinned, ''you didn't do all this effort for nothing, did you?''.
Lucy helped her out of the shirt and threw it so far it landed in the hallway.
''Well, that's gone'' Ona chuckled at the unreasonable attitude Lucy had, and tugged on Lucy's sportsbra ''this can go too''.
Lucy quickly took it off and got on top of Ona.
''Did i go to far?''.
Lucy tilted her head questioning.
''I'm sure, it was hot actually, a little gross, but hot''.
''Yeah, stinky shirt'' Ona said with a disgusted face, making Lucy chuckle.
''Oh and'' Lucy said as she traced her hands along Ona's skin, ''as much as i hate it, you did look beautiful''.
Ona smirked, ''i thought the things you said were really hot'', ''i am already thinking about who's shirt i'll trade next''.
Lucy narrowed her eyes and shook her head, ''ohh you're bad''.
''Sí, soy fatal'' (i'm a baddie) Ona joked chuckling.
''Que?'' Lucy said, thinking Ona just called herself terrible.
''In spanish we call someone that's unreasonably hot, fatal, it means they're bad but it is like slang'' Ona explained, ''a funny joke, because you called me bad''.
''I get that now'' Lucy laughed, ''that's funny actually, in English you can also say someone is a baddie, same thing''.
''Sí'' Lucy said, ''god, i will miss our language talks''.
''We call every day'' Ona said, frowning.
Lucy looked at her with a pouty face ''but you don't want to talk to me''.
''Luceee'' Ona dropped her head on the pillow ''I had a dinner!!'' she called out snickering.
''I love when you call out my name'' Lucy said as she ran her hands along Ona's thighs.
Ona looked up with a smirk, ''I love when you make me call out your name''.
''I think I forgot what you taste like'' Lucy said as she crawled on top of Ona.
The end, not theirs.
-Keep an eye out for Feli's shirt on Ebay 😂
Feel free to give me feedback/tips (anonymously) but in a kind way is the most appreciated xx
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uzuitengensfourthwife · 3 months
Home - Atsumu x reader (fem reader)
You dated in Highschool, but broke up after Atsumu lost against Karasuno. 6 years later, you meet again.
Warnings: bit angsty, otherwise none! Just fluff hihi.
Word-count: 2411
Author’s note: Well hi there! I’m back from the dead. So….. i haven’t written sth in a long time so I apologise in advance if it’s badly written or contains tons of mistakes! But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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Atsumu never made life easier for you. Back in Highschool, when you two dated, the girls always gave you dirty looks whenever Atsumu and you walked down the hall, hand in hand. But it only worsened over time. The longer you dated Atsumu, the worse his fangirls acted towards you. Insults were thrown at you, judging looks were shared whenever you walked past them and even shoving you out of the way whenever they felt like it.
What you regret most, was stopping with your hobby to become Inarizaki's manager, of course upon Atsumu's request. You were once a very talented ice skater, but due to your relationship with Atsumu, you had stopped.
But even though all of this had hurt you, you stayed for him. His love towards you was so pure, he made sure to let you know he loved you. He was never too busy to not see you, even if it meant he had to sneak out his house to meet you at your place late at night.
However, that changed as well after Inarizaki lost against Karasuno. The once long nights you spent together, were suddenly spent alone. The Atsumu that once made sure to squeeze you in whenever, was suddenly long gone. His ego was more than hurt after this match, you remember it so well. He pushed you away even weeks after that match, he barely saw you and during practice nothing more than a little kiss was placed on your cheek, followed by a half assed "Sorry, love".
And when summer came, you've had enough. You've spent months alone. So you've asked Atsumu to meet up with you in front of the Convenience store you've usually hung out in during late nights. Surprisingly, he agreed to meet you at 4 p.m.
You waited patiently, well aware of the fact that he'd be running late. 15 minutes later he then appeared, still in his gym clothes.
"Hey love, how ya doing?" he pulled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly. "I'm fine 'tsumu.., how bout you?" you hugged back, knowing well this would be your last hug. "Ya know, good als always." He smiled as he let go of you again. However, his smile faded upon seeing you nervously fiddling around with your hands. He raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong with ya? Yer nervous as hell."
You sigh loudly, trying to keep yourself from crying. "I.... I think we should break up." - "Yer not serious, right?" He's staring you down, his eyes clearly showing that he hoped for it to be just a silly joke. "I'm very serious Atsumu. I'm moving to Tokyo next week and you need to concentrate on your career anyway." He laughs out loud, he's not believing you one bit. "I've already talked about it with Kita and Suna. They're well aware of this." - " Tokyo or not, we'll still be able to date." You shake your head. God, you should've known this would happen. "No, Atsumu we can't." - " But we haven't even tried yet. How would ya know we wouldn't make it?" He said, his pleading eyes trying to read you. "We're done Atsumu Miya." And with that you turned away and just ran. You ran away from him and the fact you still loved him very dearly.
6 years. It had been 6 years since you've moved to Tokyo. You've only kept contact with Suna and Kita, both of them still texting you regularly. Suna himself even moved to Tokyo, after joining a Volleyball Club within Tokyo, which led to you both meeting up regularly.
Outside of meeting your friends in your free time, you were working. A well paid job within a law firm and a nice apartment, which was close to Shinjuku. You were leading quite the normal life.
Until Suna asked you to join him at a party on a random Friday.
"You free after work?"
"Yeah I am Rin, why?"
"There is a party in Shinjuku, wanna join?"
"Do I have to?"
"Yes :) I'll pick you up at 8 p.m."
And with that, you knew you had no choice but to join Suna Rintarou to this party. You yourself weren't really into parties, however Suna always dragged you to go with him, since he didn't want to go alone.
So when you came back from work at 7 p.m. you took a quick shower and made sure you got ready by 8 p.m. And on 8 p.m. your doorbell rang, so you quickly grabbed your purse and ran to the door to open it. "Ready to go?" - " Good Evening to you too Rin, and yes, let me just put my shoes on!" you chuckle, grabbing your pretty black high heels. "I'm warning you, I'm NOT going to switch shoes with you again." - " Yeah yeah, don't worry. I'm not planing on staying for long anyway." He raises an eyebrow und holds your purse so you can put on your heels. Once you're finally ready, you take back your purse and both of you make your way towards the subway.
On the way to the club, both of you exchanged about your day. You exchanged some laughter and without really realizing, you had already arrived at the subway station. Within 10 minutes you had already made it to the doors of the club.
As you wanted to get in line, Suna grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the VIP entrance. And wishing seconds you were inside the club, marked as VIP guests with a wristband. "I keep forgetting you're quite the star within the Volleyball scene." He grins at you as the loud music surrounds you both. Without even telling you, he starts dragging you towards a lounge, solely reserved for VIP's. As you were let in, he starts looking around frantically.
You nudge him, letting him now you want to say something. He bends down, putting his ear towards your lips. "Looking for someone?" - "Yeah." he answers immediately. You thought it was just the two of you, however it turns out that he was dragging you to meet some friends of his with you.
Suna then seemed to have spotted the people he was looking for, which led to him dragging you towards a table with a few seats. They all greeted him with big grins. But before you could say anything, he pushed you forward, so you were able to see who was really sitting there. You greet them all kindly with a little bow, before your eyes met with dark brown eyes that you knew too well. Your smile immediately vanished.
It was none other than Atsumu Miya.
You froze in place, not really sure what to say. It has been 6 years since you've last seen Atsumu. This must've been some bad joke, you thought. Yes of course, Suna was trying to pull a mean joke on you, nothing else.
"You okay?" One of Suna's friends asked, pulling you back into the harsh reality. "Uh.. yeah!" You put on a forced smile, trying to hide behind Suna, but before you could do so, he disappeared to get all of you some drinks. Without any other choice left, you sit down as far away from Atsumu as possible. "I'm Bokuto!" One of Suna’s friends says. He was quite big and had a very well built body. His big eyes looked at you, while he flashed you a grin. "I'm Y/N." you answered, smiling slightly. The others also introduced themselves. So Sunas friends were called, Bokuto, Hinata, Kageyama and Wakatoshi, and turns out they were all part of the Japanese national teams.
"I'm Atsumu. 'Tsumu for short." Atsumu said, shooting you a quick but forced smile. He was pretending to not know you.
Before any of this could get more awkward, Suna appeared with some drinks for everyone. Everyone grabbed a drink and that's when the conversations started to strike. Since it was your first time meeting them, besides Atsumu, you just sat there quietly listening here and there.
"What do you do for work?" Wakatoshi suddenly asked, looking at you quietly. "I'm a Lawyer!" you answered , smiling proudly of your profession. "Woahhh! No way!" Bokuto exclaimed excitedly while slapping Suna's back harshly. You chuckle lightly at Suna's slightly annoyed face. Atsumu looked at you, slightly amazed.
The conversations continued and you kept listening to them all. You definitely enjoyed your time there. Yet, after some time you just needed to get a drink by yourself at the bar, but to still be polite you asked everyone if they wanted a drink at the bar as well. They refused, so you made your way to the bar and sat down on a stool to order a drink.
However, you were disturbed by a male presence next to you. It was a man that seemed quite drunk. "Hey there cutie..." He smirked, watching you up and down. You just shook your head and ignored him. Giving him attention would only fuel his ego. Yet, ignoring him was not enough. He leaned closer towards you. "Oh come on... don't ignore me princess..." He groaned, totally frustrated. Glaring at him, you got up to see if there was another seat possible, but he grabbed you by your wrist. "Let go." you said. "Beg." He grinned disgustingly. You were aware, that he had no good intention with you.
Before anything could happen, someone appeared behind you. The presence strong and dangerous. "She said let go." Atsumu's voice rang in your ear. The man instantly let go, mumbling something incoherent. You looked up at Atsumu, who was watching the man disappear amidst the people. "Ya should be careful, ya know?" He said, sitting down where the man sat before. He watched you quietly, before nodding towards the seat, indicating for you to sit down next to him. And so you did.
Atsumu ordered you both a drink. You decided to stay quiet, not sure how to even talk to him after all that happened between the two of you. On top of that, you never talked again after the break up.
"How have ya been?" He asked you, breaking the silence. "Been well... what about you?" Nodding at your question he answers "Can't complain, 'm part of the national team after all." - " Congrats, by the way." you said, smiling sincerely this time. "Thanks." he replies, handing you your drink. You take a sip, making a face as you taste the strong alcohol within the drink.
He chuckles lightly, observing you from the side. "M glad Suna made me come today." He suddenly said, looking at his drink. " It feels good knowing yer doing well." His words took you by surprise. You were expecting everything but this.
Atsumu slightly smiled to himself, while taking a sip from his drink. "Atsumu..." - " I've thought of ya every day... just wishing ya would be doing well." He turns back to you with a big grin. " Ya should be thanking me!" This was all an act. You've known him long enough to know that something inside of him hurt.
"How 'bout we get some fresh air?"
And suddenly you both were sat outside, barely covered up in midst of the cold autumn night. You tried to warm yourself up by rubbing your arms, but it barely helped. "Here." He said, while wrapping his Jacket around you. "No, you'll be cold yourself." You say, taking off his jacket, but he immediately reacted wrapping it around you again. "Such a gentleman." you chuckle, wrapping his jacket around you tighter.
Like. every other night, Shinjuku was lively. Lots of people were walking past you, enjoying the night for the time being. You watched the people passing by, while holding on to Atsumu's jacket. "You've really become even prettier." You turn your head to him with flushed cheeks, you weren't sure whether it was because of the cold air or him.
"I.... I'm sorry for what happened 'Tsumu." You said quietly, looking at the ground. You were ashamed at how everything ended back then. "Don't apologize. It was my fault... I.. I was an asshole." He stuttered. "I shouldn't have pushed you away. I was just.... broken I suppose." - " I know Atsumu..." You whispered, sliding closer to him. "I was an asshole too. I should've tried to talk to you before even making such a harsh decision."
He shakes his head. "No..it was best for ya. See how successful you've become without me?" - "I would've been happier if you were with me." You didn't even mutter. It was the truth after all. Yes, you were successful but you were more than sure that you would have been happier on this journey if he would have been part of your life. But you had cut him out of it, out of stupidity.
He looked at you surprised. You knew he didn't expect an answer like this from you. But it was the harsh truth, even to you. "I never stopped loving you Atsumu. I was just... scared. Scared you'd leave me if I had said anything. I was scared of conflict." His eyes widened in shock while you tried to stop yourself from crying. It didn't work. Suddenly tears streamed down your face.
Atsumu immediately pulled you into a hug. "God no.... I would've never left ya love...!" He whispered while pulling you closer. You've never felt better before, it felt like you were home again. You've found your home within Atsumu again.
"I... I still love ya... and never stopped loving ya while ya were gone.. Ask 'Samu, he's heard all about it.. " he joked, laughing slightly while rubbing your back in a calming manner. A chuckle escape your lips.
You felt inner peace, as if you've been lost for an eternity and then finally finding back home. Your home was Atsumu and nothing else mattered to you at the moment.
You pulled away slightly, looking up at him. His cheeks were red and before you could make a funny remark, he placed a sweet but quick kiss on your lips.
"I see you two lovebirds have made up, hmm?" Suna was leaning against a wall, watching them with a big smirk on his face. "Oh shut up Rintarou!"
You were more than thankful that Rintarou dragged you here, if he hadn't, you wouldn't have found your home again.
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vnamps · 3 months
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LIKABLE . lee minho x gn reader
authors note: I'm such a procrastinator and not consistent this was written by a random midnight impulse so its really dumb but please send in some fluff reqs bc we love romance
summary: in which a drunken late night call to your enemy reveals that title may not be so true
four in the morning. A timing in which, especially on weekdays, most people should be sleeping, preparing themselves for another recurring cycle of what people would call "adulthood" Despite this, Minho found himself awake, lying in bed. He did nothing but stare at the ceiling as he tried so hard concentrating on how to make those stubborn "chemicals" mix so that he could finally be out for the night. On the other hand, you were completely wasted, also not sleeping. You had been dropped off home by one of your friends who you arrived at the club with but they didn't think to further make sure you were doing alright such as staying out of trouble and not calling the one person who absolutely hates you, possibly ruining their sleep.
It wasn't that you hated Minho, for you two are actually very compatible, at least so you think. In fact, you thought he was gorgeous. It was just the long dramatic sighs he gave whenever you spoke, almost like he was bored; The numerous times he basically humiliated you by ignoring you In front of everyone. It was clear to you that he didn't enjoy your company and so you tried your hardest to stray from him. It isn't easy though considering that somehow fate always places you two together.
Minho was aware of his cold behavior towards you. It was a mechanism he tried using to get rid of that stupid feeling he felt whenever his eyes bore in to your soul unknowingly or whenever you smiled at him, even when he knew it was fake. His attempts at this were quite useless considering they do say the heart grows fonder when apart.
To him, you couldn't possibly want someone like that in your life, something you both tried convincing yourselves. So when he got a call with your name labeled, it's quite obvious he was both confused and shocked to say the least. Nonetheless, he pressed 'accept' and brung the phone to his ear.
"hello?" it was quiet, his voice fragile.
"oh. you answered." You replied, letting out a small breath which resembled a airy chuckle.
"y-yeah I did. is there something you need?" He could feel his heart pick up a tiny pace as the anticipation ate at him.
"why do you hate me?" It was direct, bold even. Minho could even hear the little quiet catch of breath after, almost as if you were trying to hold back tears.
It was silent for a bit, Minho stunned as you continued.
"y-you dislike me a-and everything I do. s-sometimes you make me even wonder if i- if I am even l-likeable." Minho can sense that you're crying by how broken it sounds when you speak and he can feel his heart break a little.
"when have I implied that I hated you?" It was a dumb question because even he knew of his behavior.
you scoff, letting out an airy laugh. It was cold, unlike the earlier comparison.
"you didn't have to, minho." you reply, sounding a little incoherent as you began to rant on about all of the stuff that he's been doing.
It all confused him why you'd call him so late bringing up a topic like this but none of that mattered because none of it is as important as digging himself out of the shit he'd put himself in.
"I don't hate you." It was small, true nonetheless and very impactful as you stopped speaking, taking a bit to process what was said
"you don't hate me?" you repeated in question, almost sounding like some sort of affirmation on your tongue, almost like a potion how it sobered you.
"so... you think I'm likable?" you had an eager tone in your voice, causing him to smile to himself as he let out a small giggle.
"more than likable."
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ripleyresonance · 10 months
Bathroom Stall
Ex-girlfriend Rhea x Reader
You signed staring at the time on your phone. It was 1:30 am and you were standing by a wall with loud music blasting around you. Your friends knew you were not a club person and yet they dragged you out here anyway. They promised that they would go home at midnight but as one friend had her tongue down a random guy's mouth and her other friend grinding on the dance floor with her girlfriend you knew it would be a lonnnnng night. So there you were quite drunk and drinking another AMF against the wall.
You had not always hated the club. In fact, you used to be like your friend in the corner grinding on her girlfriend back when you and Rhea were still together. You two were always the hot couple. Going out to parties, drinking, and making everyone else jealous. But all good things must come to an end. Rhea was home less and less for work and you were lonely babysitting the dogs. You told Rhea you couldn't take it anymore and you left. 
You thought about your decision frequently, was it right to leave and be lonely by yourself or be lonely in a relationship? You raised your cup to take a sip at an attempt to forget until a rather muscular body bumped into you causing your drink to spill all over your chest in your low-cut top. 
“Oh my god, I am so sorry love let me-” a familiar Australian accent spoke. 
Both of your eyes went wide as they met each other. 
It was like time froze as you looked into her eyes. It felt like no time had passed since you last saw her. Between all the yelling and the crying, you can remember those warm eyes looking into yours just like they were now. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” you said in a tone of disbelief. 
“Do you own this club or something, why should you care.” She spat back leaving an uncomfortable silence between you too. 
“I’m just going to go,” Rhea said coldly turning away before you grabbed her arm. 
“Wait-” Your arm instinctively reached out grabbing her very toned biceps.
She raised an eyebrow as you took in her outfit SHe was wearing your favorite black top. It tied around her neck and showed off her very toned back. There were many nights where it ended up on your floor. As well as the black skinny jeans that she was wearing slightly showing off her V line that you had kissed many times. 
“I just…I wanted to talk to you.” You said hopefully the liquid courage would help you. 
“About what? Packing up while I was away? Or breaking up with me over text so I had to go find you at your friend's apartment.” She said looking hurt. 
It is true you were not proud of how you ended things. You just couldn't see this look on her face…the hurt you caused. 
“I-I'm sorry.” You slurred. 
“It was…super not cool of me how I dipped but I just…I was so lonely Rhea. All those nights in bed watching you on the screen when all I wanted was to feel you next to me..and under me…and on top of me.” You giggled. 
Rhea rolled her eyes realizing you were drunk 
“Let's get you some water.” She said as you whined. 
“I'm serious Rhea I miss your lips…your hands….your mouth.” You sighed feeling heat pool between your legs as Rhea blushed. 
“Yeah well, maybe it's a little too late for sorry.” Rhea tried to stay strong as you pushed up against her. 
“But baby you know how good I am at saying sorry in so many ways.” You smiled batting your eyelashes up at her as she bit her lip. 
“Shit, you know how I get when you look at me like that..” Rhea whispered looking down at you. 
“It's been so long I think I forgot…care to remind me..mami.” You smirked as you saw the fire light behind Rhea's eyes. You saw her scan the room probably looking for her friends.
“Oh fuck it,” Rhea mumbled grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you in for a sloppy kiss. 
You were jealous of the few people who got to witness this kiss because it felt like months of tension releasing. You wrapped your arms around her neck trying to deepen the kiss just wanting to take in all of her at one time. You nearly lost it when she grabbed your ass. You needed her now and she needed you too. She broke up the kiss grabbing your hand and dragging you to the bathroom. 
As she pulled you into the stall you thanked god your friends picked one of the nicer bars or else your bathroom sex fantasies would have been abruptly put on hold. 
Rhea backed you into the stall door grabbed your knee and bent it at waist level to fit her knee in between your legs making you gasp at the friction on your heat. 
“God you haven't changed at all huh? Still, a dirty slut who is ready to get on her knees for me anywhere…” She said bumping her knee into you….” anytime.” She said bumping a bit harder making you let out a small moan. 
She quickly puts one hand over your mouth and leans into a whisper. 
“You make any sound and I stop,” Rhea said before kissing your neck. You nodded feverishly as she kissed down to your breast. 
“God I’ve missed these perfect tits.” She damn near growled as she took a nipple into her mouth. You threw your head back against the door trying your best to stay silent as Rhea massaged your breast. Feeling her calloused hands on you again was enough to make you cum but as she moved her fingers further south you closed your eyes as she reached your core. 
She moved her hand under the band of your skirt quickly as she spread your lips smirking at you. 
“What a mess you made sweetheart. I don't think I have to get my fingers anymore wet but you know the thing I like.” She said raising two fingers to your lips as you eagerly opened your mouth suckling them in. 
You stared into her eyes and took them as deep as she she pushed her fingers only tapping her arm when you gagged as she let you come up for air. 
“You still do it so good for me, isn't that right baby.” You said nodding feverishly. She traced the the two fingers down your body right to where you needed them to be before stopping. 
“Beg for it,” Rhea said looking into your eyes. 
“I thought I couldn't make a sound.” You giggled as she put a hand around your throat. 
“Keep being a smartass and I’ll stop right here and leave without even touching your clit.” She said with dark eyes making your eyes roll back. 
“Please…” You whispered as you felt her dragging her hand up your thigh. 
“Please what.” Rhea smiled inching closer and closer to your clit. 
“Please…fuck me like you missed me.” You whined causing that dark look in her eye to come back as she pressed against your clit. 
It took everything in you not to be a moaning mess as she began rubbing strong but small circles on your clit making you try and get in your tip toes as she pulled your hips down with one hand. 
“Your going to take it like a good fucking girl for mami aren’t you slut.” She said slowly pushing two fingers in your entrance as you gasped. 
You tried to be quiet as she started pumping her fingers into you and curling them up to hit the spot that only she could reach. Tears started to fill your eyes as you got closer and closer to the edge. 
“You going to cum for me pretty thing?” Rhea teased as you whispered what seemed like a hundred small yeses as you inched closer and closer to orgasm. Rhea added her thumb as she started rubbing your clit to the same rhythm as you bucked your hips. “Fuck fuck Rhea im-” You said your voice getting higher right on the edge as she stopped abruptly. 
“What the fuck!” You groaned in frustration as Rhea put your leg down. “Not so much fun when you're the one getting left huh?” Rhea smirked at you.
“Hey wait that’s no…” You watched as she sucked the two fingers she had inside you closing her eyes at the taste the sight almost making you orgasm. 
“You really have to work on your patience love.. See like if you are patient in the car ride back to my place… maybe ill make you cum there.” She winked pressing past you to leave the stall. You quickly fixed your skirt following her out of the club. 
You caught one of your friends' eyes as you went to leave and shrugged. It was just one of those drunken nights.
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dreamydrifts · 5 months
hear me out, a one shot of Charles x Reader based on Casual by Chappell Roan.
I personally having been listening to Casual on repeat for the pass couple days and I am in the mood to cry and be upset, idk why but I feel like this song is very charles coded, maybe that’s just me, but yeah that’s my idea!
note 💌: anon you made me obsessed with this song, ever since you wrote this request, i started listening to it. i literally cried while making this, so i hope this feeds your delulu soul and heart, and yes the song is so charles coded🫶🏻
romeo, come and save me | charles leclerc
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader | genre: estaished relationship | warning: angst, smut (a bit), minors dni | word count: 1.3k
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Living in Monaco could be considered everyones dream, and it surely was yours. Every weekend, one of the drivers would host a part at their house, or in the biggest clubs in the country. That's where you found yourself talking to several of them and even hooking up.
Tonight you were in Charles Leclercs bed, with the pretext of "no attachments". You were moaning out his name as he was eating you out like there was no tomorrow. Gripping his hair as he continued to lick and suck. You knew he was bad for you, but the moment your lips touched, it's like everything you knew was forgotten.
The weekend after, he was eating you out in the backseat of his car, not even waiting to arrive home with you. You liked it, you couldn't lie, but you hoped that this time it wasn't just to help him leave the stress out before the race. He was like a drug and you were addicted to him. He was angry, you would help. He was happy, you would be there. But if someone asked what the two of you were, his answer would always be "We're just friends"
Sooner than you expected, you found yourself being in a relationship with him, but to say the least it didn't meet your expectations. Charles was distant and when he was there you barely talked. Now you were getting ready to have dinner with his parents. Finishing doing your hair, you walked into the living room to find him.
"Charles, do you really want me to go?" You asked seeing that he didn't even bother to look at you. He got up, kissing you without even looking at you. He kissed you, thinking that it would fix everything.
"I think it's better that we don't go..." You sight, pulling away, looking at him not feeling in the mood to lie to his parents about your relationship.
Charles sighed, he didn’t know what to do, he loved you. He just didn’t want to admit it. He looked at you, his eyes filled with emotion. Seeing that you didn’t want to lie he agreed. "It’s best we don’t go." He replied walking back to the sofa, picking up his phone and getting distracted by a text message from a girl.
The moment he looked at his phone, you knew that he was talking to another girl. Your best friend warned you about him, but you didn't listen, hoping that you can change him. You decided to go back to your room, not wanting to be in his presence longer than needed. Since the two of you decided not to go to his parents house, now you had to take your make up off which you have been working on for hours. Not only, he was talking to someone else while he was dating you, but he seemed happier.
He noticed that you were heading to the room, after a little debate with himself, he followed you, hoping you didn't know about the text message. "Where are you going?" He asked stopping you from going in.
"Home." You said looking away not wanting to meet his gaze. "I'm going home."
Feeling that this was about to be a discussion, he grabbed your wrist with one hand not letting you go. "No you’re not" He said his voice sounding firm almost angry but his eyes had a sense of hurt and sadness in them.
"Yes i am, i can't do this...anymore." You said sitting down on the couch. "I can't..." You keep looking away, trying to keep yourself from crying. "We act like we are strangers and then pretend to be in love for a minute...it's killing me..." Finally you let a tear escape your eyes.
He listened, his grip got tighter when he heard you wanting to go and when you started crying he pulled you into his arms hugging you tight. "You’re not going anywhere." He said, his tone now a bit kinder but a lot more protective as he brushed your hair from your face.
"Yes i am...we've been fucked up for a long time...this has to stop." You looked at him with a face full of tears, which was getting redder and redder. "All we do is lie..."
Even though he disagreed with you, he knew that it was the truth, but that didn’t mean he wanted to lose you. "No." He said shaking his head, still holding you tightly. He didn’t want to lose you at all. Even though you both were lying to each other he still felt as if you were the main purpose in his life. It was a selfish thought but he couldn’t help it.
"Yes..." You said looking at him and then away to wipe your tears. "We aren't even that close anymore..."
Charles stayed silent, he couldn’t handle the truth. All the times he avoided you, all the times he talked to another girl, all the times he lied all came crashing down on him and he wished he had done things differently. "We can fix everything." He said still holding you, not wanting to lose you, not wanting the person he loved to leave him. "I’ll be better I promise.."
"I know about her..." You said reffering to the girl he has been seeing and talking to for the past few weeks.
He froze, he felt a pang of guilt hit his chest. He didn’t expect you to know about her. After a few seconds he spoke not looking at you. "She was just a distraction.. she means nothing, I just wanted to forget things."
"Forgetting about us?...about me?" You looked away, not being prepared to face the truth. "Sure, she does...that's why you smile at her texts...are happy...unlike with me...when you act like i'm a ghost..."
He stayed silent, he didn’t want to answer that. He knew that when you talked about how he acted with the other girl that it was the truth. He knew that he acted different and happy with the other girl, unlike you. His gaze dropped to the floor. He was scared of losing you. "I’m sorry it will stop, I’ll stop" He said, trying to make it seem as if he really meant that, as if you could believe him.
"No, this has to stop..." You said showing to you and him, getting up finally ready to go to the room that the two of you share. One last time you wipe your tears, finally going upstairs.
He looked at you with sadness, he didn’t want you to go, but knew that he really messed things up a long time ago. He should have given his all to you, treated you better and been a better boyfriend. He tried one last time to get you to stay. "Please, stay."He said, trying his hardest to keep his emotions in check.
"Don't do this to me..." You said putting the clothes in the lagguage, wiping away your tears.
He sighed, he knew he didn’t have any other card to play. The moment you grabbed your things he knew that he really lost you, this time no excuses, no lies, no tricks, nothing could make you stay and he should have realized that sooner. "Fine, just tell me one thing." He said looking at you with sad eyes.
"What?" You looked at him with the lagguage in your hand, coming closer to him to hear him better.
He gulped, he hoped he was wrong but he had to ask the question. He didn’t want to but he just had to know. "Do.. do you still love me?" He asked, he didn't expect you to answer it honestly but he couldn't resist to ask the question. He knew that he was putting himself in a vulnerable position by asking such a bold question. He bit his lip out of nervousness.
"I never stopped." You whispered looking at the ground.
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© DREAMYDRIFTS — do not translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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cohenhyy · 4 months
Adopting Whore Woman : ̗̀➛ H. Rindou
summary: That night the whole life of y/n became miserable his client Kyoko offered to become the nanny of his daughter but when she arrived at the club she saw Rindou Haitani the handsome and rude jellyfish who shamelessly kissed her in front of many people.
CONTENT WARNING: noncon, possessiveness, humiliation, object penetration, cursing, mention of blood, crimes, death, mention of illegal gambling, virginity loss, cheating, explicit sexual content, detailed smut, traumatic events, fully angst, threesome (?), dark themes. This is a warning for each chapter of this story. MINOR DNI
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Chapter 1
6 AM IN THE MORNING When y/n woke up, she immediately took a bath and got ready for breakfast with Rindou. When she finished cooking, she was going to serve Rindou. She looked at Rindou's face, and she also said that I was willing to do whatever Rindou wanted. Rindou is handsome, even though I want to study criminology. They say that when the police catch you when you prostitute, they will arrest you.
"Good morning, baby." He smiles. "Morning," I asked. "Baby, I want to fuck you right now." She was a little bit shocked. "Yuck, you'll fuck me right now; your breath even stinks. Rinse first, take a bath, eat, and join me in enrolling in school." He rolled his eyes. "Okay." He kissed me on the lips. "Yuck, bad breath." He slapped my ass. "I fuck you before you go to school." When Rindou finished taking a bath and we were eating breakfast, there was a knock on the door when he opened it. I was choked on when I was eating because I saw the man with pink hair wearing only boxer shorts and, at the same time, said that. "Oh, Rindou, who's that girl in my penthouse?" "Ah, is she my girlfriend? You know how good she is at sucking my cock."
Sanzu Smirks "Hey, Ms., can you also play with my dick?" he asked me. "No," I said. "Why not? You live in my penthouse, so get what I said, so play my dick right now." Rindou suddenly punched him. "Find someone to suck on your cock, not my girlfriend! Stupid bastard!" He pushed him away from me. "Okay." At the same time, he winked and whispered... "Not now, but I'm sure you'll be happier, and I'll look for you," I asked him. "Are you have big dick, Mr?" He rolled his eyes, and then he walked out. "Sorry, baby," Rindou said. "No, it's okay. Are you done?" "Yeah, I'm done, so is it okay? At least one round before we go to school." I nod. "Just one round; ah, I don't want to be taxed for going to a new school." He nodded. "Yeah, baby, promise." Rindou just ripped off her pants and, at the same time, inserted one fingers into hole, making her moan a bit. While Rindou was fingering her, she was teasing and playing with Y/N's boobs.
"Ahh.. Rin~ A-ah, O-ouch. Rin, your dick is so big." He smirked. "Baby, can you suck my dick?" I nodded. Rindou sat on the sofa, and at the same time, Y/N leaned in front of Rin's cock. While Y/n was sucking Rindou's cock, he touched Y/n's hair. Did he tie his hair? "You're really good, baby; that's what I want to know; it's like I'm in heaven." As time went on, he accelerated the fucking in Y/n's mouth, and that's why Y/n burst into tears and felt nauseous because Rin's cock was big and wouldn't fit in his mouth. "Rin, I can't your dick while crying. "You can do that; I'm going to ejaculate, then let's go," he said. "I'm cumming." When he told me that, he stared at me and swallowed his semen; it almost spread on his face with the amount of it. Y/N just licked it.
"There is more on my cock; can you clean it with your tongue?" I feel annoyed. "Yeah. No problem." I got dressed, and Rindou got dressed too, after we left Sanzu's penthouse. While Y/n was sitting in Rindou's Lamborghini car, Rindou said something very important to Y/n. "Y/n," he said. "Yes, why?" I replied to him. "When we're at school, you can't approach me, and of course we'll bully you with the Bonten Gang." "But why? I'm your girlfriend!" I shout to him. "Huh? You're not my girlfriend. I'm sorry, I was drunk last night, so it's just an accident." "But you buy me in a bar, and you ask me... If you need money, just ask me... I am adopting you on one condition... What ever I want." "What? Are you a prostitute woman? What the f*ck, you are a dirty woman." He laughed. "Fuck you, Rindou." He laughed again. "Baby, I was joking. Why so fucking serious? "He kissed me on the lips while he drove a Lamborghini. When Rindou and I were at the school that I was going to attend, there were three men who approached me. They were also obviously rich; the other one was just a little emo and had a tattoo on his neck. One has white eyes, and he also has a scar on his head, but he is very handsome. The other has long hair, and his hair is also white undercut. The side of his hair has a tattoo like the tattoo on Rindou's Adam's apple. "Who is she, Rin?" a little Emo asked. "Ah, she is my girlfriend, y/n." when someone is talking again. "I love your boobs. Can I suck it?" He laughed so hard. I slapped him because he was really annoying. "Pervert!!" He laughed. "You who is the most pervert? He is," Rindou shouted. "Oi Kokonoi, stop it. Please shut up your big mouth." I laughed. "So, the most pervert is Haitani Rindou, right?" There are three of them, and he's laughing so hard. "I like you, huh?" Kakucho said. "I don't like your bald hair!" I said. "Come on, Y/N," he said. "Hmm.. Sure." When we were about to enter the school, Rindou left me alone, and I was surprised because someone pushed me, and they were shouting because there were four handsome people who said that the four rich and smart people were already there. Not only that, they were even more upset when the one with pink hair came, approached me, and suddenly said that. "Are you okay, Ms.?" I pushed him away from me. "A---, I'm okay."
When I entered the classroom, I was shocked that those five were my classmates, which was embarrassing because, first of all, Sanzu knew that my boyfriend was Rindou and that Rindou was having sex with me from morning until night. I will do it. "Okay. Introduce yourself, Ms." I nod. "Hi! I am Y/n L/n 21 years old, half Japanese and half Filipino. I was born in the Philippines, but I understand the Japanese language. I hope I can be close to you. "Okay, you may now sit with Mr. Haruchiyo." I was shocked. "Sir, are you kidding me?" My sensei shouts to me, and he's so mad. "You, sitting with Mr. Haruchiyo, understand!!" I nod. "Yeah, sir." When I was sitting next to Sanzu, he didn't pay attention to me at the same time. Who would pay attention to a prostitute like me at night? Maybe all of a sudden he talks to me. "Hi.. (he whispered) whore woman." I'm ashamed of what he said, but I'll accept because that's my job at night. "Hello, pinkie hair." He laughed, and he talked to me again. "Can I touch your pussy? I mean your leg?" And of course I didn't agree and just ignored him. While our professor was teaching, I was surprised when he touched my leg. "Hey, what are you doing, pervert?" I whisper. "What I'm doing? I touch your legs; its smoothie, hehe." I ignore him again. As time went on, his hand moved towards my pants, and he suddenly twisted his finger and, at the same time, twisted it around my pussycat. I was moaning with pleasure, but I had to look innocent so that Rindou wouldn't notice what Sanzu was doing to me. "Ahh.. Ughhh it's so good... S-stop h-haru-c-chi-yooo!!! "Everyone was surprised when I shouted because I was wet because of what Sanzu did to me, and Sanzu spoke because our professor asked us why I shouted. "I caught his napkin because I was the most stuffed with his bag, and I teased him with the napkin he brought, professor," he said. "Okay." My professor nods. Rindou looked at me badly and listened. Again, I was surprised when Sanzu wiped my wet pussycat. "Sorry, Y/N, open your legs first, and I'll wipe it too wet." He laughed and whispered. "I love you; go later to my penthouse room; Rindou won't be here later." I nod. "What do you want? I'm going to the bar tonight because of my job as a prostitute." He smiles. "Oh, really okay, I bought you tonight."
chapter 2
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© @cohenhyy ~ please do not translate or repost my work to other platforms such as twitter and ao3. likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome and appreciated.
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chainelunaire · 2 years
a heart of a jack of clubs
(7,4k words. angst through and through, somehow ambigious ending. slowburn. so slow, it takes them quarter of a century to fuck.)
when you’re almost 8 months pregnant, you meet scaramouche.
it’s pretty awkward, actually - you sit under a tree in a chinju forest, trying to breathe, but you do a pretty bad job at that. everything hurts so much, you hoped no one would hear your crying, but gods like to laugh at you. you close your eyes from time to time, hoping you would never open them again. you never knew that giving birth is such a challenge, you only heard of it, and you thought you’ve prepared yourself. but it was supposed to be a month more untill you meet your child. and now, well, yeah. nothing is ever right in your life.
when you open your eyes again, after getting so tired of screaming and maybe losing your consciousness for a minute, there’s three of them right in front of you: a little girl with soft white hair in a pretty green dress, touching your forehead. a man with a stark red strand in his light grey hair, his gaze is so worried and pained. the third man stays behind those two, and you can’t even comprehend how he looks like.
“i think she’s dying” girls says a little too brightly. the man with white hair looks a little bit bewildered.
“don’t say it like that!”
“does it matter?” the third man says. “open your eyes, kaedehara. she is dying.”
“still, you can hurt her with this even more” the kind man sits in front of you - his touch is blessedly chill against your feverish skin. “lady, can you hear me? can you understand what i say to you?”
you can only blink slowly in response. because of the pain you can’t really scream anymore, but tears start streaming down your face once again. you want to ask them to kill you, because you’ve suffered for god knows how many hours by now. maybe you even do ask them, considering that the girl now frowns, the kind man tries to wipe your tears away and even the third man stiffens because of your cries.
“i am no expert, but i think it’s a preterm birth.” girl says, her tone really sad now “she really might die. we need to move her in some more of a clean space, quickly.”
“we can’t really move her, you know?” girl turns her head and you guess her gaze makes the third man sigh loudly. “okay, okay, don’t look at me like that” you hear his steps and he finally bends in front of you. you can’t really see his face because of how ridiculously big his hat is, but his voice is much softer now when he speaks to you directly “hold on my shoulders, lady, we’re gonna take a quick ride.”
you do as he says, feeling another wave of terrible pain shuttering your body. almost laying on his chest, yet you hear no heartbeat. his skin velvety and cool under your fingertips, when he easily lifts you from the ground, and from now on you don’t remember anything.
you took your son outside to play in grass, when scaramouche returns from sumeru. unexpectedly, as always.
here’s the trick: even if you can say now, that kazuha is your friend (and thank god for him, he’s the best human who ever walked this earth), nahida is probably your friend too, even though you don’t see her a lot and she’s much, much more reserved than kazuha (who is a grown man, despite his height), scaramouche is an interesting case. you’ve never ever asked him, who he even was, what he did for life. you felt like you had no right, since you’ve been nobody yourself. he’s just kinda...there. you don’t know what to think of him. you can’t label it, so you just don’t do it.
he visits you regularly. he’s at your house more often, then even kazuha; he has more than enough duties in sea, and scaramouche doesn’t. he just does as he pleases. and it seems like he wants to be near you a lot of the times. you don’t mind, really: he’s a nice company, very useful and not overbearing. he also seems to know a lot about caring for kids, which you find unexpected, but again, you need that guidance. 
even if in the beginning you thought he was the one with a cold heart, now you’re definitely not sure. you gave birth that night and you’ve slept for over two weeks after. nahida told you, that she put you in that state, since she was afraid, you die. your body was so fragile after giving birth, she spent days and nights healing you. kazuha was busy building you new home with the help of the beidou’s crew - you don’t want to know, how nahida learnt, that you were homeless. in that time, scaramouche was the one who cared for your son: he fed him, lulled him to sleep, checked on his health. you’ve learnt that only months after, nahida told you that. but you kinda got the feeling anyway.
you could easily say, scaramouche liked spending time with the kid. he brought him presents anytime he visited. expensive toys from fontaine, liyue and snezhnaya, clothes from natlan, candies and some delicious food from sumeru. he says, he doesn’t care about mora, and it looks like he doesn’t lie, but you still feel uneasy with how much he spends on your son. but again, he helped you. he still helps you a lot. weeks, then months go by, and you’re so used to him at your side, you start to feel a bit lost when he finally leaves again. you know he’ll return, yet you still wonder, what if not.
“look who’s all grown up now” your son squeals in delight when he hears scaramouche’s voice, and you turn your head too, because your son tends to have better sight than you, he also hears a lot more than you. 
scaramouche’s on his way to your little home, and you stand up to greet him. you actually stop, because he stumbles funnily, when you come near him. it’s as if he wanted to hug you, forgetting himself for a second. you see no problem though. you would hug him, if he wanted you to. 
it’s always a happy time, when he’s at your home - playing with your son, while you make dinner, then telling you both his stories. they’re quite endearing, and he has such a nice voice, while telling them, it’s as if he was truly a balladeer. your son loves listening to him, he actually likes to sit on his lap and watching him speak. you usually stand near the kitchenette, cup of tea in your hands, watching them talk.
it brings you somewhere close to longing for something you never had. but you, weakly, love that feeling. and sometimes scaramouche looks at you strangely, like he wants to ask, what are you thinking, but even if he did ask, you don’t know what to tell him. you don’t know what you want of him yourself.
you love when scaramouche comes to your home. that you know for sure.
this time is only slightly different. your son is sleeping soundly in your arms, when you want to bring him to his bed. you hear scaramouche’s voice near your ear:
“lemme hold him. please”
you look at him with wide eyes.
he actually rarely took your son in his arms. it wasn’t like he didn’t want to, more out of his respect for you as your son’s mother. 
he holds your son with such gentleness, caressing his hair through his fingers. you smile, because of how fond you find that gesture. he studies the kid’s face for a minute, and then he looks straight in your eyes:
“you really love him, huh?”
“what? of course i do. i am his mom”
“not every mother loves her child” and you know, there’s a bad, bad story behind those words, yet you say nothing on that matter. 
“you love him too” you say instead. it’s as clear as the sky is blue to you. it’s clear for pretty anybody - read, nahida and kazuha - too.
and yet, for a second, he looks like a kid, who got cought stealing candies before dinner.
“bullshit. i’m just helping you because you’re such a baby and know nothing”
“yeah. that’s why you asked to hold my son”
“okay. give him back to me then”
he actually takes a step back. you think it’s funny how he looks like he will fight you if you try to snatch a baby back in your arms. so you laugh quietely.
“scaramouche” you call him.
“what” he snaps back, but quiet enough not to wake your son. you take one step towards him, then another, untill you can hug him lightly, and he’s so stiff in your arms, like a porcelain doll.
“it’s okay. you can love my son too,” you whisper, feeling how his head falls on your shoulder. “i allow that.”
you stay like that for long, long moments, and you’re actually so surprised that your heart doesn’t beat so fast. it’s just so calm to you, being near him.
“i wanted to say to you that it’s okay to stay here, you know” 
“i always stay, stupid”
“no. i mean for real. i know you don’t want that, probably. but you can always stay with us. for however long”
you hear him laugh bitterly.
“you say you know i don’t want to stay? so funny”
“because it means you truly know nothing”
your first kiss with scaramouche happens when your son is five and he learns that everyone has a father, except him.
interestingly enough, it’s kazuha, who tells you that. he visited you again, while being in inazuma, as he always did for past years. your bond only grew stronger with years, but you know that it’s nothing, comparing to his bond with scaramouche. they weren’t even that good of a friends. it’s more likely that something tragic bonded them, and you’re partly glad you know nothing about it.
you’ve learned a lot about scaramouche in past years while living with him. he still left sometimes, when nahida needed him or his duties called, but he lived with you for much longer. his trips were much shorter too. you fell into some kind of ruitine, and with that came few things you needed to know about each other.
he never actually hid anything from you, it’s just that you felt uncomfortable being persistent, so you learned thing at a time. you’ve learnt he doesn’t need to eat or drink, but he likes to cook and does this often. you’ve learnt he doesn’t care if it’s hot or cold outside, he’s fine anytime. if listen closely, you can hear how his joints quietely screeching everytime he moves. his skin is slightly velvety to touch, like cold porcelain. he sleeps with his eyes open.
he’s not a human, not really. you thought that would worry you more, with everything you’ve been through, yet you just... don’t care.
“i never thought i would tell you this, but it doesn’t matter. you’ve learned this yourself!” kazuha says, and you stand outside the room, hearing everything they say, hoping, they won’t see you. “you know, how much nahida loves you, and i know you love her - don’t you dare to interrupt me right now. it doesn’t always have to be blood. don’t fool me and say you don’t love the kid.”
“i do” scaramouche says after a long pause “and i’m not his father. there’s no need for a father at all. they’re useless.”
“but he wants one. he wants you to be”
“he has a father, he was born somehow, wasn’t he? do you see him here? me too. so that’s what i’m not. i’m not his father.”
you feel so much pain you can’t breathe.
you don’t even go out to say your goodbye to kazuha. you just sit on a stone near the cliff, watching foxes running and playing around. you hate them with your whole being.
“so you heard everything”
it’s rare now to see scaramouche parading in his hat and fancy outfit. his hair grew a bit longer, he wears no hat, and his shorts and shirt are very simple. his haori is a present from you on his birthday. he wears it religiously.
and you’re pained.
“i have”
“i see. may i sit near you?”
you nod, turning your head away.
he sits silently next to you. he’s still the most pleasant person to just sit next to in complete silence, and you despise yourself for how weak you were. you gave up on being close to him, but your son? what he ever did to him?
“actually, i genuinely hate inazuma” scaramouche says suddenly - your heart clenches, because yeah, of course, why would he love it here? you live in a deep of a chinju forest, in small wooden house with your son. he has an opportunity to visit anywhere he wants. whay would he want to even be there, of all places? “i hate it so fucking much, you can’t imagine.”
“i truly can’t”
“yeah, you can’t” he says again, no mockery in his voice. “this is the place where i was born and left behind. the only thing i ever wanted is to set everything up in flames here. and i felt like that for years. centuries.”
your heart sinks.
“i thought you’re i don’t know? twenty five?” kazuha is around thirty, so you’ve guessed he’s also around his age, even with how young he looks. scaramouche chuckles.
“yeah. slightly older than that” he looks at you with unreadable smile “still, i’m here. any ideas, why?”
“you’re masochistic?”
“no, anything else? come on, you can do better than that” his smile disappears as fastly, as it was brought. “here i thought you would explain me why”
you don’t answer anything to that. he chuckles again - more bitterly this time.
“i meant what i said. kid has a father. a shitty one, i assume. i don’t want to be anything like that. you need to believe me” he takes your hand in his and squeezes it slightly, making you look at him. and he’s so serious and worried right now, you feel your heart might explode. “i wish only the best on you two. i wouldn’t do anything to harm you. and you don’t have to tell me anything. i know a thing or two about how shitty those kitsune bastards can be. in the end, it’s your life, and i’m no one to you, you owe me nothing”
“are you serious right now?!” you almost yell, yanking your hand away. “you’ve lived here for five years! five! you’ve teached my son how to read, you’ve played with him, you brought him gifts, you brought me gifts, and you sleep in my room on a bed that stands next to mine, and you are no one to me?! you fucking selfish little-” you stop only when you hear him laughing. it makes you even more mad, but it disappears the moment you see how glassy his eyes are. and he keeps laughing and laughing and laughing, untill he stops completely.
“i do sound like my mother” he whispers, more to himself than to you. and then he looks at you again, his eyes are so clear and sad for how badly he hurt you. “i shouldn’t have said that”
the worst part is that you don’t feel hurt for yourself. you feel bad for your kid.
you never planned on having kids. your plan was to become a priestess in a great shrine, which is really ironic, considering of course it was a kitsune who made you change your mind. who made you drop everything you planned behind, to run away with him from your hometown, only for him to drop you the second he got what he wanted from you. and maybe he didn’t even want anything at all. probably that, because that’s just how cruel yokais can be. it was all just a fun game, and you kinda lost. you would strongly disagree it was fun at all.
that’s the reason your pregnancy was so difficult. the baby was just too strong for your human body. he keeps getting stronger every day, and you were so thankful to scaramouche because he seemed to know how to handle your son. he’s so strong willed and independent even now, that you need help. because yeah, you do not know how to raise a child.
your son looks like a normal kid, except for his now little dark claws. they showed when he became four, and he cried that night, thinking he’s very ugly now. and you know why he’s thinking that. some might say he’s scary and looks like a demon, but even though your son’s eyes are blood red with a vertical pupil, they remind you strangely of kazuha, of all people. your son is half yokai, yeah, and people might be scared of him, but his gaze holds no malice. he’s the sweetest boy, who loves you deeply, who loves scaramouche, nahida and kazuha. you hope, he’ll be like kazuha, because his kindness and gentleness is seen in him even now, and you don’t want to hate your kid just because for who his father is.
the dinner is very silent - even your son keeps it low, because he somehow sensed that something is wrong between you two. he thanks you for food, kisses you on a cheek while saying goodnight and then turns to his room.
“don’t you wanna say goodnight to me too?” scaramouche asks suddenly. your son turns to him, surprised. ever so gentle, scaramouche rarely openly show affection towards kid, even when your son wanted him to.
“can i?” he asks hesitantly. scaramouche smiles lightly and extends his hand.
“come here, give your dad a hug”
you drop the plate you were holding, and your son literally runs towards scaramouche. you know if it was you he would probably hit you (not intentionally, but he’s that strong at his age), but scaramouche catches him easily, and it reminds you of a day when he brought you here just as easily. you chew your bottom lip, while watching, how happily your son hugs said man, and that man, while smiling, looks you right into the eyes, as if asking for your forgiveness.
you turn away.
scaramouche usually reads after the dinner, yet you’re not surprised to find him in your room. he looks up at you - it’s late in the evening, your son is very much asleep, so it’s quiet and cozy here.
“that was super weird.”
“which part?”
“i’m not his father. i’m not anyone’s father” he frowns “and it felt really weird saying things like that”
“oh, really”
“don’t fucking laugh at me, woman” you think it’s adorable, how his harsh words don’t match the soft tone of his voice. “i’m not-”
“can i kiss you?”
you’re afraid you broke him for a minute - he looks at you with such a strange expression on his face, you can’t comprehend it. he looks so young and vulnerable and alive, you can’t imagive, how he’s not a human. and how much you want him by your side.
“yes” he says quietely, voice not above just a whisper “yes, you can”
your son is eleven, when his... father decides to show up.
and you think, why would it end differently? of course there’s always a way to ruin it for you. last few years was the best you ever had in your life, so something needs to change to show you, how are you not actually in charge.
your life became just a little bit too perfect. it consisted of you, scaramouche and your son having a breakfast together, then you stay to study with your son, while scaramouche works in a garden, because you can’t do hard work, so your health won’t worsen. later you usually go for a walk to a shrine or at the seacost. you’ve visited countless festivals and watched fireworks together. in evenings you still listen to scaramouche’s stories, and then you say goodnight to your son, so you can to bed together. years later, you still only sleep together. he likes to kiss you, yeah, but nothing more. you’re fine. you’re not sure your body won’t betray you anyway.
so of course it has to be ruined.
and this prick - you really can’t even bring yourself to call him a father of your beautiful, kind, sweet son - shows up looking exactly like you’ve seen him last time. you know time flies, and you’re fine with you aging, yet it feels like a slap in a face. you’ve never felt this way with scaramouche, even though he too, obviously, doesn’t change a bit.
give me my son, that prick says. you did everything i’ve wanted from you. now it’s time for me to teach my son how he needs to be.
your blood boils with such rage, you think you’ve never been able to feel this much. you remember how one morning he just never returned, and later you found out you were pregnant. how much you cried, feeling horror almost in your bones, and how high priestess said that if you decide to keep the child, best case scenario it’ll take a good half of your life. the decision wasn’t up to you anyway. it was late, and you made peace with the fact that you will probably die soon.
did you really think i’ll just leave my son be with you, he asks, not really wanting you answer. 
fuck you. scaramouche is his father, you think stubbornly. and, also, fuck you again.
he says, he’ll return back when your kid will turn twelve, and he’ll ask if he stays with you or go with him. he will know that man who raised him never was his father, and he’ll hate you for it. 
and maybe if you were stupid young self, you would listen to him. you would dread the date and think a hundred times over how to tell your son that... how to tell him anything. you would cry because your son might turn into his father, hurting more and more people, without the possibility for this cycle to break.
now you’re smarter. 
you see there’s a lot of foxes near your house. your son sits at a table, focused on a book scaramoche presented him just a week ago. it’s a book from nahida, so it’s very special. scaramouche is nowhere to be seen - he’s probably in city, buying stuff you need. your heart aches for how heartbroken he will be.
foxes get closer to your son. be it your young self, you would cry out of horror.
but now you’re smarter. 
so you take your son’s hand and just run.
you hide with your son for five years, when you meet nahida.
your son is first to pinpoint her in the crowd. people moving and dancing around you, there’s smell of hot spice and something sweet in the air, the sun is so hot and red. you change regions frequently, you need to, but natlan so far is the least favourite of yours. you hate how loud it is, how hot it is. there’s no serenity in those lands, only war and feasts.
“nahida? nahida!” your son’s voice helps you to snap out of it. you feel something between panic and excitement.
there she is: still so small and young, an adult in a kid’s body. you’r afraid people might hurt her. but she moves right towards you, her gaze stoic and unwavering.
“nahida!” your son kneels so he can hug her and she does immediately hug him back, her little hands look even smaller on his back. your son is not very tall, rather lean and not so broad. he reminds you of a fox - the only one you won’t hate.
“i’m so glad to see you. it’s been so long” you blame yourself for longing in his voice. you took everything from him too.
“how have you been?” she asks him, holding his face with her hands. he smiles widely.
“we’re fine. wanna talk to mom? i thought you like me better” she finally giggles and pats him on a head.
“we’ll have plenty of a time to talk. but yes, i need to talk to your mother”
you can’t let go of your habits that easily - all those years you spend watching your son every moment, so no one would steal him from you. nahida sees that, she was always capable of seeing through people.
“i wonder what it takes to be able to hide from everyone, even from the goddess of wisdom” she starts. 
you sigh.
“you wouldn’t want to know”
“i always wanna know” she argues “i can’t believe i was finally able to find you. we’ve all tried to find you”
“please, don’t torture me like that. please.”
she gets quiet for a moment.
“you look sick” it’s because you are sick. there was no peace in your life, not a second since you were on a run. you don’t age like normal humans, not after given a birth to yokai, yet sometimes you wish you just get grey hair and that’s it. your body hurts all the time, so much, sometimes you can’t sit straight. “i told you years ago, if you don’t watch yourself you will-”
“don’t care”
“but i do. your son does.” you know who else does too, probably. “can you at least tell me, what happened? i can’t help you if-”
“no one can help me.”
“i think we might argue about that” she gets closer to you and takes your hand into hers. you immediately feel strange relief, as if something very heavy was taken off your shoulders. “tell me. we will find a way. i, as an archon of wisdom, will find a way for you”
there’s sunset, and music gets louder, people start dancing again. your son looks at you, his lips trembling. you so, so want to go back to your home in a dark forest. 
“please, mom” he whispers, almost inaudible. “let’s return”
the ghost of his father still haunts you at nights, but with years passing your horror started to fade away. there’s no way somebody was able to make your son someone different. he loved you deeply, yet you knew he judged you for not saying anyone a word. 
he looked so much like scaramouche sometimes, it brought you to a physical pain. he frowned like him, his smile was just as mischievous and fond as his, he liked to read, liked to watch fireworks and work in garden. he was so softspoken even when he was hurt or angry.
there’s no way he could be like anyone but his father.
you blink once, twice, feeling tears sting your eyes. 
and start speaking.
you’re with kazuha in mondstadt year later, when scaramouche steps in your rented room.
“there you are” is all he says. you almost jump off the chair, turning to him immediately.
“i’ll leave you two” kazuha stands up and winks at you. “good luck”
what you expected to see? scaramouche looks exactly like six years ago, still young and lean, though he looks much, much darker now. his clothes are from the way back, when he dressed in black and turqiuose, but now it has more purple to it. the bells on his veil dangle dangerously.
"let’s summarize what we have here” he says as if nothing happened, as if you haven’t seen him for so long. “instead of talking to me and just saying you need some help, you decided to run away and hide for years, am i right?”
“it wasn’t like that”
“oh? tell me how it was then”
you have no words. you knew he would be mad, that’s why you begged nahida not to tell him anything. nahida said okay. and there was kazuha, who didn’t say anything, when you tried to ask for his promise to stay silent.
he probably did it for your son. he wanted to see him so much, it became hard to keep him low.
“i hear nothing” the venom in his voice almost burns you.
“i couldn’t say anything. he would take my son away”
“he wouldn’t”
you smile sadly. you still feel heavy in your stomach, your back hurts.
“he would” you repeat, and for the first time scaramouche looks less mad. “when i returned home, after i found out i was pregnant, he followed me. i didn’t know that. and when i told my family i needed help, well...”
he looks at you expectantly. you feel so cold in your limbs.
“what did he do?” he asks you, way calmly this time.
“my yonger sister, she... she went out one day and never came back. my parents searched everywhere, nothing. and week later another girl. and another”
he stays silent, yet you see how he clenches his fists so much, you hear that sweet, sweet sound of creaking joints. you can’t smile anymore. 
“i know it was him.” you say simply. “there’s no evidence. i don’t know what he did to them. i hope they hadn’t suffered and died quickly, because he enjoys... he loves to play.”
“i killed him” he says matter-of-factly. you feel cold sweat on your back with how calm and lifeless he looks. “he broke the rules anyway. so i did what i had to do”.
“what rules are you talking about? how did you even found him?”
“i asked my mother” that surprises you. “see, i could, of course, just kill him in silence. but the forest belongs to yokai. there are rules. kitsune can’t really mess with humans that much anymore. apparently, that made everyone’s life difficult, and it was not easy to lure him in... long story short, he’s dead. he won’t bother you anymore.”
“you asked your mother?”
now he looked nervous.
“i had to. i needed help to track him down. this is her land. she knows where he could hide, since she’s yokai herself” you remember all the times he spoke to you about his family, his mothers or his sister. he rarely did this, granted, yet it pains you even more to hear him going through it alone.
“are you okay?”
“you kidding?” he looks at you, bewildered “that’s what you choose to ask me?!”
“i don’t know what else to ask” you asnwer truthfully. 
you see the gnosis on his chest starts to shine - he closes it with his hand, as if his heart hurt. you know he has no heart. you’ve never heard his heartbeat.
suddenly the door slams open.
there’s kazuha with your son, standing in front door. kazuha took him under his wing, helping you hide him, because there’s no such place as the ocean, and though kitsune usually hate water, your son loved it. you’ve seen him only yestersay, thinking he’s already on a ship, which is now under kazuha’s command.
but it seems like everything goes not how you expected today.
you see so much emotions on scaramouche’s face. from surprise and joy to sadness and anger. he’s angry at you, because you’ve stolen him of those years he could spent near you and your kid, like a family that you were. you see, that it’ll take time for him to forgive you for those years he lost, net seeing your son growing up, changing and become who he is now. they’re the same height now, the eyes of your son are still bright red and kind, but not at all naive. he���ll only learn now, how simillar they look, when they get angry, or how their sense of humour is basically the same. they look nothing alike, and yet it was your son and his behaviour who reminded you always of what you’ve left behind. and you’re so sorry too.
you’re so, so sorry you hurt them both.
and then scaramouche smiles - widely, so fond and kind, like years ago.
“so grown up now, you don’t even want to give me a hug?” he says, only half-joking. he’s testing waters, if he could take what was his once back.
your son runs towards him in a second.
kazuha pats your back reassuringly, as if saying that it’s going to be okay now. you’re sure you’ve never seen scaramouche cry. it’s just tears down his face, as he smiles and hugs your son tighter. and you actually now know, what you want to ask.
can you return home?
it’s almost twenty five years after you first meet scaramouche, when you finally can say you’ve found peace.
scaramouche chuckles, when you say that to him, as if you said something really funny.
“your standarts are still really low” he says, and you nod thoughtfully.
“yeah. i’m living with you at the end of the day”
he glares at you, but says nothing. you’ve learnt a lot from him in those years, so now he keeps his mouth shut.
when you first returned to your home in a forest, you were too busy bringing it back it’s cozy view. it was still not as abandoned, as you imagined. kazuha told you, scaramouche returned here regularly, hoping to meet you here one day. 
it took him a year to become less paranoid. you could understand that, since you too couldn’t really let go of the feeling that you’re free to do what you want. finally, what you want. not what you need. nahida took your son to sumeru, to help him become more independent, and you? you were truly all for youself, the first time in your life.
“what is going on inside that brain of yours now?” scaramouche asks you impatiently. you only smile in response.
“that’s a secret”
“ugh. disgusting” he holds you closer, eyes sparkling with mischief “tell me”
you look at him and can’t not smile. he’s so beautiful in your eyes. you could never understand, how he switches so easily between being angsty teen brat and a centuries old wise son of a god. you think that that sounds right, because only a god could create someone so endearing and loving and vulnerable and brave-
“you’re doing it again”
“doing what?”
“drifting off” he says seriously. “what’s on your mind?”
what’s on your mind? your son was no longer there, so you couldn’t tell yourself scaramouche was here only for him. however much he loved him, it was stupid to stay in denial. you couldn’t afford that anymore.
“do you love me?” you ask him. he looks surprised for a second, but collects himself very quickly.
“of course not. i just enjoy spending years of my life near somebody i hate”
“you would love that. you easily could do that out of spite, don’t lie.”
“you know me so well” he retorts sarcastically, but stops himself, seeing your face “why you asking stupid questions?”
“because i want more”
he stays silent, and you hate how sometimes you truly can’t say, what he’s thinking right now.
“okay let’s forget-”
“you’ve seen me naked” he starts cautiously. that you did. “i’m not human. i am a puppet at the end of the day.”
“do i look like somebody who would spend years of their life living with a puppet and suddenly find out that yeah, i might actually care that said puppet has no dick?” he coughs, as you quirk your eyebrow. “yeah, exactly”
“but can you imagine my mother designing my dick?” he asks in the most flat tone, his face unreadable. you can’t help but cackle. the corner of his mouth twitches, as if he tries to supress a smile. “that fox bitch definitely could though.”
“maybe it’s for the best she was stopped”
“probably, yeah”
you want to say to him, he’s not a puppet, he should stop thinking of himself like that, but you know it would just anger him, if anything. he was always realistic. he was a puppet. with his own mind, his thoughts, desires, feelings. he was just...like that.
and the thing is, even with your inexperience, you know, that there are definitely more skilled men in a block. maybe you could even snatch one for a good night, but you don’t want to, genuinely. you never did. you want this puppet - you want him - and there all it is to it.
so when he finally gives in and kisses you, rolling on his back so you would be on top of him, you can only sigh. he sits up and puts your hair from your face with quiet, yet so fond smile, you can feel your heart breaking your ribs.
“you’re so beautiful” he whispers, while looking you straight in the eyes “always were and always will be”
you kiss him with desire you refuse to ignore any longer. 
he’s definitely not the most expirienced either, but what he lacks with skill he makes up to with his patience and tenderness. he has to be gentle because of how fragile your health is, so he tries to do that exactly. his smile so innocent, almost angelic, if only it wasn’t for the devilish sparks in his eyes, that lit up when you whine his name. you quickly decide, that you both love that. that, and how cool his skin feels under your touch, especially when he kisses your neck, while telling you to lift yourself a bit. you shiver in anticipation and yet still moan, when you feel the first finger inside. you don’t see his face, but you know that now he must be smiling like a stupid arrogant brat that he is.
and yet, his fingers feel so good, you clench on his shoulders with such force you fear you can break him. he only shushes you, his other hand patting your back, mouth never leaves your neck for long. he fucks you slow and steadily, keeping you in place, so you don’t move and he’s the one deciding the pace. even when you beg him to go faster, he only kisses you lovingly and continues to torture you with slow deep thrusts. you hate him for it, but not really.
you come with his name on your lips, and he keeps fucking you through it, so tenderly you feel tears in your eyes. to your surprise, you feel something wet on your neck too.
“scaramouche?” you ask worriedly, lifting his face with your hands so you can look at him properly. “are you okay?”
his eyes are glassy, and his cheeks are wet with tears, but you’ve learned a long ago that his tears are the only way showing anything of his emotions. and even though he cries, that’s not all to it.
“i’m great” he chuckles and kisses your shoulder, as you ruffle his hair “better than i have ever been”.
it’s winter, when you talk to scaramouche abouth death.
you have always dodged this topic elegantly. nahida told you, now decades ago, that your life won’t be long, nor that it would be joyful. scaramouche argued with her on that, but you silently agree with her. your life was on a thread the minute you felt your son in you. you can’t believe he’s so mature now, even though he still looks like a teen boy. and while scaramouche doesn’t visit his mothers ever, your son did visit his mom once. he later stayed in her shrine for about a year, learning from her, since she was, in scaramouche’s words, a knowledgeable bitch. 
but it wasn’t you and your condition, that triggered that talk.
kazuha dies so suddenly, it leaves everyone in shock. of course he was an old man now, but still you hadn’t expect it. you’re sure, if it was up to scaramouche or nahida, they would try to save him, but he just... dies in his sleep, that’s kind of it. the most peaceful, most kind death one could ever imagine. your heart roars in loss when you hear the news, your son cries in his bed when he learns his favourite unckle won’t ever return. he was your friend, the best friend of your small family, his kindness saved you the day you wanted to die - losing him feels worse than losing an arm. even nahida, who, you know, is very, very reserved, can’t help but shed a few tears.
only scaramouche stays stoic. even months after, you don’t really talk about how he lost another human that he loved dearly. 
you lay in bed together, your face in his neck, while he stares at a ceiling, swirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. 
“you're angry” you whisper. you know he is. you know his fears all too well now.
but he surprises you.
“no” he says quietely. “not really”
“if it was me, say, hundred years ago, i would be so pissed with him” he says with a smile - not his usual arrogant one, something different. “that would make me so mad, i would probably find a way to bring him back alive just to kill him myself for that. but i think i get it now. huh. we really do change through our lives, don’t we?”
you don’t know what to answer to that, so you just lay there silently.
“i asked nahida to turn my head off, when you die”
this is such a shock, you stand up on your elbows to look at him. but he looks back at you - calmly and peaceful.
“what did you just say?”
“i said, i asked nahida to turn me off, when you die.” he scoffs softly and caresses your hand gently. “because you will die, y/n. like i said, i get it know. it’s not something you can’t decide not to do. yet i can decide what to do with myself. and six hundred years is more than enough”
“you can’t just decide to kill yourself” you whisper in shock, “nahida won’t do that, she won’t do that to you” he looks at you in surprise, but then smiles.
“oh, it’s not like that. she just... she’ll change the things in my head, i don’t know. she’s way better with tech, than me. so one day i’ll just stop working, i guess.” it’s impossible to you how he smiles dreamily, how content he looks “huh, i don’t know for how long i’ll walk on this land after you, but i’m looking forward to find it out.”
“what about our son?” and there it is, the only pain he lets himself have.
“nahida will take care of it. and, like i said, i won’t be gone in a blink of an eye. i’ll take care of him myself too. i guess, i’ll just finally have a life i’ve always dreamt about” he again turns to you and smiles fondly “i had a purpose and i fullfilled it. that would be a normal human life. have i ever told you? i once wanted to become a god. now i want nothing, but to become a mortal.”
you know it’s useless to argue with him, but you try to keep in mind that he really is centuries old. you would never know what it feels like to be this old. and to think of it - you don’t really want to find out. you see the example right before your eyes, how lonely it can be.
“you look so worried”
“i feel like i’ve been bamboozeled”
“oh, you definitely have been” he laughs and puts you near himself, so he can kiss your forehead. “but let’s use what we have now yeah?” you nod and he smiles wider, while rolling you on your back, so he can be on top of you. he looks so smug doing it you can’t help but scoff. 
“alright then” he kisses your nose lovingly, and you giggle again. “hold on my shoulders, lady. we’re gonna take a wild ride.”
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beah388love · 5 months
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Brotherly brawl
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader (reader nicknamed bumblebee/bee)
Summary: Ron and Reg have a fight…
Warnings: Swearing,arguing,fighting,shouting,blood,broken nose,broken glass,cuts,injuries,crying,alcohol,bad language!!!(please tell me if i missed any!!!)
You heard a knock at the front door and was confused because you wasn’t expecting anyone….
“H’ello” Reggie grinned when he saw your face brighten as you opened the door.
“You’re back from prison!” You screamed jumping into his arms and he shushed you “alright you don’t have to let the whole world know” he laughed giving you a kiss on the temple.
“I came here to ask if you’d like to go out with me tonight?” He asked you and you nodded.
“Alright” you smiled making him chuckle leaning in to give you another kiss.
Reggie had his arm around your waist as you walked into his club.
And it was completely empty besides Reggie’s firm members at the bar.
Reggie stiffened, he quickly walked over to Payne.
“Did I miss somefink? This is- Friday night right?” Reggie interrupted Payne.
“Well I tried to tell ya” Payne stammered when you walked behind Reggie.
“Yeah but it’s Friday night right. You didn’t tell me it was this bad did you?” Reggie said irritated
“Well that’s Ron innit? He’s run the place into the ground, he’s turnt the straight money earner to a financial reck- and I’ll tell you another thing! This place will crash when we get our tax bill next week.” Payne explained harshly.
“Right this is tomorrow’s business do ya understand?” Reggie huffed at Payne, taking hold of my hand gently, about to leave the club.
“Reg…” you was cut off as ron stood up.
“Oi! Where are you going?”
“Fucking Criminal Mate!” Criminal!” Reggie shouted as the music stopped.
“Oi! Where are you going…?” Ron repeated and Reggie stopped, “reg I really think-“ but you got cut off again as Reggie turned around to look at Ron angrily.
“Ah..there he is my beautiful brother Reggie!” Ron spoke “a toast! To my beautiful brother home at last! Like Agamemnon returned to itharca and beautiful Bee! Where have you been?!”
“What are you doin mate? What are ya fuckin playin at?” Reggie stormed towards him.
“I’m not playing at anything, am I? It’s you. You come in here, don’t even say hello Ron? Y’know don’t even have a drink, you just bugger off!”
“Alright then how about this, Hello Ron. Cheers mate. FUCK YOU!” Reggie shouted pointing a finger in his face.
“What are you shoutin at me for?”
“Because you right? You had the world on a string yeah? But you couldn’t hold it together so you FUCKED IT UP!” Reggie yelled at him.
“Alri- don’t- listen, you was away.”
“No Ron! I was in prison!” Reggie bickered over him.
“ I had to make do with what I had!” They both bickered over one another.
“You had everything mate! You had it all! You are unbelievable!” Reggie argued.
“I didn’t have you, did I!”
“Reg-“ you tried to interrupt but got cut off again.
“No it’s alright, I’ve got this” Reggie spoke softer
“Yeah he’s got this he’s a big boy! Y’know were talkin about being gangsters! which is what we are! So you can just fuck off bee go on!” Ron shouted at you making you jump a little.
“Don’t you ever speak to bee like that again!“ Reggie pointed a finger in Ron’s face.
“Yeah that’s right, Bee, blood is thicker then water, y’know and I’ve been with Reggie since the womb.” Ron argued
“Ron. Shut up.”
“I want you to apologise to Bee right now.” Reggie demanded gesturing to you. As he held your hand.
“Right..” they both said in union.
“Right..Bee..I’m sorry. Alright, yes, Im truly very sorry, the club is very very empty…a bit like you really there’s fuck all in it apart from my brothers cock.” Ron said walking over to you but was pulled by Reggie.
Reggie threw him by his jacket across the room into two tables and he groaned in pain as he slowly got up.
Reggie walked over to him and pointed at him “you right. Are a fucking disgrace mate.”
“You hit me.”
“Yeah.” Reggie said somewhat in a ‘stating the obvious’ tone
And after about a ten second silence, Ron slapped reg across the face repeatedly.
“No! Ron-! No!” Reggie yelled shaking his finger at him sort of like a dog.
But it didn’t work so Reggie began slapping him back. Harder and harder.
“Do ya wanna fuckin go!”
“Eh! Fuckin go you fuckin cunt!” They both yelled and swore to eachother between hits.
Until they both grabbed eachother and somewhat wrestling one another all over the club.
“Fuckin Cunt!” Ron yelled throwing reg into a booth.
And grabbing a glass bottle
“Fuck sake..! Ron! Not the bottle! Not the-!” Reggie yelled at him and luckily Ron put the bottle back down but still lunged at him and kicked him in the leg.
But then Reggie caught him with a right hand punch, but then it went very downhill….
Ron grabbed Reggie and held him up on the wall “not the balls!” Reggie yelled out as Ron squeezed his balls as hard as he could, Reggie screamed as he then poked his thumbs into Ron’s eyes.
Yep thats right. This was a normal occurrence in my day.
“My fuckin nuts! You wanker!” Reggie screamed, Ron biting his hand.
“Bee! do something!” Albie said to you and you shook your head and continued watching.
And that was when Reggie began punching Ron square in the face, breaking his nose.
Ron screamed a cry as he held his nose, face covered in blood and unsteadily walked to the bar. “Give me that” he said grabbing a man’s whiskey and downing it.
Whilst Reggie panted crawling to a chair in agony, holding his balls trying not to cry.
“Never mess with a man’s jewels mate, what the fuck?” Reggie panted out of breath.
And that’s when…
Yep there’s more!
“No what are you doin?! No- Ron! No. No. No that’s a bottle. Ron!” Reggie yelled in a panic.
Ron grabbed a glass bottle and threw it, “I’ll serve you up! You fucking cunt!” Ron yelled as he threw another one.
They both began punching each other again.
“C’mon that enough!” Big pat said about to step in but Joe and albie pushed him away.
And then Reggie pulled Ron’s jacket over his face, kneeled him down as Ron screamed , grabbed a glass bottle and smashed it..over the top of his head. Knocking him out for a couple seconds
You looked away at that part- and when you looked back Reggie was looking at you, panting and disappointed with him and Ron.
Ron was groaning in pain on the floor.
Reggie was panting, with blood also all over his face.
And you was pissed.livid.furious. All of the above.
You grabbed a glass of wine and your purse and walked over to Ron,
“Bee I-…” Reggie panted and stuttered but you ignored him, kneeling down on the floor next to Ron and taking your emergency medical supplies out of your purse.
Ron groaned in pain, opening his eyes looking up at you.
“you don’t understand Me” Ron groaned
“That’s probably cause I don’t want to fuckin! understand you right’ now Ron!- I just wanted to-“ Reggie huffed
“There’s no point in fuckin explaining it to you either.” Ron panted, accidentally spitting blood at you.
“It’s fuckin hopeless..c’mon help me up” Ron asked you holding out both his hands, you took one and reg took the other both about to help him pull backwards but he pulled you both on top of him.
“Mate! What are you doin? For fucks sake Ron!” Reggie yelled. “Ronnie!” You gasped as you fell, because as you did you hit Ron’s face and all of his blood wiped onto your cheek making you groan.
“What I’m trying to tell ya is very simple, alright?” Ron said to you and reg, holding you close to him.
“Listen..I am very, very very fragile, in myself. Alright?” Ron said to you both.
“Yep fragile, I’ve got it!”
“Very Fragile” Ron repeated
“I’ve got it!” Reggie said louder, Ron sniffled afterwards.
“I’m very very sorry..I didn’t mean- a-any of that stuff I said” Ron sniffled to you holding your head to his chest and you nodded.
“I know Ronnie…it’s alright I forgive you.” You said to him giving him a little kiss on the head where he had no blood.
“C-can I get up now?” You giggled as Ron ruffled your hair.
Ron lessened his grip on you both, Reggie getting up and sighing as he watched Ron pull you back down on him making you scream a laugh.
“Ron! Stop it!” You laughed as he tickled you.
“Stop! Stop! Time out!” You squealed and he gave in.
You huffed as you tried to catch your breath.
Reggie laughed as he watched you both.
Your perfect.
Like literally perfect. For him,For Ron, For his family, his life, the list could go on.
But he knew that there were not many girls that would have watched that fight let alone stay after it and laugh with Ron,or having him tickle you.
“You’re covered in blood! I’ve gotta clean you up!”You said reminding yourself.
“And you reg” you said louder as reg walked over to the bar.
He looked back and gave you a grin with a wink, “albie, I want everyone out except you” Reggie said and he nodded.
“Alright! Everyone out! Clubs shut!” He yelled and everyone grabbbed their things and left.
Ron groaned as you touched his nose checking to see if it’s broken.
“Sorry..” you said scrunching up your face.
“Alright it’s not as bad as I thought…” you mumbled as you grabbed some tissues holding them gently under his nose.
“Hold that there..” you said and he listened, groaning in pain as he did.
You began fixing his cuts and checking his bruises but it all looked okay.
Ron sat up, “thank you bumblebee” he said giving your hand a kiss making you laugh.
“It’s fine Ron..god these heels are killing me!” You whined kicking your heels off your feet, sighing in pleasure at the relief.
“Reg!” You yelled and he turned around from the bar smiling at you.
“C’mere” he said holding his arms open and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Fiiiinnnee” you exaggerated as you stood up and walked over to him but as you did you tripped over a glass wine bottle, and as you fell down you landed on a big sharp chunk of glass, cutting all down your leg.
“Ah!” You hissed in pain grabbing your leg.
“Fuck! You alright?” Reggie asked you and you nodded but when he looked down and saw a pool of blood leaving your leg “fuckin hell” he swore.
“Albie! Grab the kit!” Reg shouted and albie quickly left to go grab it.
“But I’ve gotta fix your face…” you said pushing his hair out of his face and stroking the side of his face that was also bloody and cut.
“I’ll be alright…bee this looks really bad…” Reggie said as he moved your leg to the side, your tights now ripped.
“Awh..these were my favourite..” you sighed when you saw your cut up tights.
“Bee?” Ron groaned loudly still covering his bleeding nose.
“She’s fine Ron!” Reg said back as he grabbed a damp towel and cleaned up your cut.
“Here ya go reg.” albie said passing him the med kit
“Well since they’re already broken..” Reggie cut himself off as he ripped your tights off of your legs so he could stitch your leg up.
You pouted looking at your now even worse tights.
“I’ll buy you more” Reggie promised giving your knee a kiss before getting started on patching your cut up.
“Are your balls okay?” You asked him making him look at you with a brow raised, a sort of ‘really?’ Look makin you laugh.
“Yes if you’re so interested my balls are fine” he chuckled.
“your somefin else you know that?” Reggie shook his head laughing.
Safe to say it was a long night but it was a good memory of yours now and a good story too.
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chloeangelic · 9 months
😭Why am I crying in the club rn?😭
Listed by author in alphabetical order cause I'm an organized bitch, here are the fics that made me Sit And Think™️ (or cry) in 2023, or
✨ my top 5 gut wrenching authors selection ✨
featuring @atinylittlepain @cherubispunk @macfrog @netherfeildren and @5oh5 🤍🤍🤍
Everyone knows I love angst, I love terrible gut wrenching pain and suffering and then I love it when my tears are drying on my cheeks and they fuck nasty, hell yeah 😎
So if you're like me, here are some recommendations!!
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💙 @atinylittlepain
Deliver Me From Nowhere
Read the whole thing in one night and cried repeatedly during. I had it looming in the back of my mind for weeks but didn't feel like I was in the right headspace until I suddenly was, and it hit differently. I love Dolores, I love Joel, I love how he sees her, their dynamic, the exploration of her emotions and headspace, her body language. Fantastic. Want to cry just thinking about it so I'm gonna STOP.
Sat and stared at the wall for a long time after this one, then worked up the courage to post TMWH which I seriously don't think I would've had the guts to post had it not been for June. I love how it handles a sensitive, painful, and very real subject, I love that it doesn't paint Joel as a fixer or savior but rather a realistic, kind partner. Again, his understanding of her and how he makes space for her is something I appreciate so much in DMFN and June.
💗 @cherubispunk
This one is an excruciating Sit And Think - I didn't cry but I sat there paralyzed for 48 hrs with a thousand yard stare, just thinking intensely about it, after my second read through. Two chapters and I'm already messed tf up over it!! I read them in the middle of the night and then during the day and I have never been this messed up over something labeled PWP before. The passion, the ominous vibes, Cherub being so soft and Joel having this strange dark vibe... I literally just thought about it constantly for two days and I still can't fully put my finger on why. It just slithered into my brain and I still think about it often and go back to read bits and pieces like a little treat.
💚 @macfrog
All Three Dogs
Max posted this on my most depressed day of 2023 so like fuck you ??? I'm sorry like this is phenomenally written and stunning but like what the fuck is wrong with u i'm not even giving u any more compliments on this one bruv sorry you made me like a DBF series and that's a mortal sin so YOU'RE DONE !!! Fucking dead mackerel eyes speak into the mic bitch chicago sunroof 1 after magna carta i am not crazy squat cobbler jesus christ marie lookin ass
Sweet Child O' Mine - particularly pt ii
This one is so cute and yet it hurts so much. It's so real, the MC is so... I don't even know what to say, she's so on her own and she seems so kind and selfless and it just hurts to think about her cause you can feel her love for her child and for Joel and ugh. She tries so hard to be the best person she can be for everyone and it's one of those situations where nobody is doing anything wrong and yet everyone either is already hurt or gonna get hurt, and I think it's that oscillation between love and hurt that really gets me. I also read this in the middle of the night and all I had to say in my RB was like "thanks for making me cry asshole" (I'm known for my profound commentary).
💜 @netherfeildren
Fear of God - particularly the epilogue
Fear of God is my all-time fav Joel series, the best Joel characterization I've come across and it generally set the tone for my taste in fic. It was the second series I started reading on here when I came back to Tumblr, and it's the first piece of writing that has ever truly moved me. His character arc is absolutely INSANE !! I made the mistake of reading the epilogue while listening to Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, and for months I couldn't listen to it without crying. The day before my graduation, I kept listening to it on repeat in some strange form of self-torture and I had to explain to my bf why I was sobbing. Try to explain all of FoG in a coherent way through tears, I dare u ! I can't say much without spoiling but basically when I think back on getting into fanfic, FoG is what marks the beginning for me and I will never ever forget this piece of writing ever in my life. (Shoutout to when I got caught getting a nut off to one of the FoG extras - I can't really talk about the series without mentioning that)
The Cassandra Complex - particularly ch I, ch IV, and ch VIII
I didn't give much of a fuck about Din before TCC cause i saw him as like a taller hotter R2D2 and now here I am... Eating my words like a ration pack. I have to do a big girthy throbbing TCC reblog cause I have a lot to say about my fav series in the world but basically I can't read ch 4 without crying and even though this is a Star Wars fic and it makes no sense for me to relate to it the most out of anything on Vic's ML, sith girly is the most relatable MC thanks to her constantly feeling haunted by her past, feeling like she's hiding, feeling unworthy, torpedoing herself, and seeing so much beauty in others but struggling to see it in herself. I'll save the rest of my thoughts for the big RB but basically I've even cried at the fucking SMUT in this series like I'm on another planet when I read it (haha get it?? cause Star Wars??)
🧡 @5oh5
From Eden
Staring At The Wall Saturdays again - I hate how much I see my younger self in little sunflower girlie, I hate that I recognize how trapped she feels in her marriage. It's such an accurate portrayal of feeling chained to a man who doesn't deserve you, and of how guilty you feel for not even acting on feelings for someone else yet but just recognizing within yourself that you deserve better, like that pain of accepting that you're not treated right and that visceral feeling of unfairness that comes with being in the wrong relationship. The guilt you feel for even just thinking it, you know? And having to recognize how you've been treated. Ugh. Also this Joel is... His mannerisms are... I.... I'll be right back-
And now, for the most important award ever. The winner of
🏆Biggest Chloe Tear Jerker 2023🏆 is...
🎉 @netherfeildren 🎉 and this is her 24/7
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straightupsickfics · 1 year
best friends, ex-friends til the end | royjamie
(better off as lovers)
this is definitely something that i wrote to get out of my own head after thinking about it literally since the show ended.. but maybe someone else will enjoy a little (~2.1k words) sick jamie + reluctantly caring roy kent <3
Sicktember Prompt #2: “What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?”
Jamie really doesn’t think anything of it when most of the lads (...and Ted, Trent, Rebecca, and Higgins) are all out with some kind of mysterious cold throughout the early fall. He felt bad for them, yeah, course, offered to bring Colin and Isaac and Dani soup, even. But it didn’t occur to him that he should be, like, “worried about germs,” or whatever. 
Jamie Tartt never gets sick. 
Like, ever. 
He has an unbeatable immune system, and, according to his mum, he always has. Not that any of his ill teammates seem particularly interested in hearing about that particular fact when he shares it on one of his soup drop offs. Isaac had actually told him to “fuck off outta here with that gloating,” while Colin cough-laughed beside him. 
Well, fine. Jamie knows when he isn’t wanted. He leaves, confident they’d be fine in a few days, no doubt thanks to the soup he’d left them. Then, they can all make their way back to normal on the pitch. The whole dynamic’s been off for weeks with everyone being taken out one by one by this thing, and Jamie’s getting sick of it. He needs everyone there to really dominate the way he’s used to, even if it means he has be “a bit of a fucking prick about it.” (Roy’s words). 
It turns out, all of that ass crack of dawn training is paying off after all. Like, really paying off — Jamie is better and faster than ever now, all thanks to his supreme commitment to the game, and his unmatched talent. 
And Roy’s training. 
Okay, mostly Roy’s training, but he wouldn’t be admitting that much out loud without more than a few pints in him. And since Roy isn’t letting him drink at the moment, Jamie figures he’s in the clear. 
So, yeah, Jamie Tartt’s life is fucking mint as of late. 
Now, leaving Isaac and Colin’s, he looks down at his phone and finds a message from Roy himself, think of the devil. 
Granddad: McAdoo just said you’d been by… WTF are you thinking?? You want to lose a week with whatever fucking bubonic plague’s going around the club???
Jamie: Christ, do you get tired of yelling at me, old man? It’s FINE. Jamie Tartt don’t CATCH the plague 
Granddad: 🙄 If you say so, but don’t come crying to me when you’re laid up in bed you absolute muppet. Get some sleep, I’ll see you at 4:00 AM. 
Jamie: Be there with bells on ♥️
The next few days go by in a blur of training, post-training FIFA with Roy, and sleep. He’s been feeling knocked on his ass every night this week, overtired and exhausted in a way he usually isn’t, thanks to Roy’s brutal workout regime, but he can hardly complain with the way he’s been playing. He’s been getting home late most nights, too, always a little reluctant to leave Roy’s and go home to his own empty flat. 
It’s not like Roy seems to mind either, though. He’s been making them dinners almost every night, after all. Or, well, he makes dinner and sets out two plates and doesn’t tell Jamie to get lost, which is basically the same thing, right? It’s nice, having some company. Having Roy for company, has become something he never knew he needed. 
Or maybe he just never let himself even think about asking for it. 
After one such night, Jamie showers and climbs into his bed (empty, always empty, these days, something a former version of himself would never believe let alone enjoy). He thinks about Roy. Thinks, tiredly, how nice it might be if Roy were here now, and then shakes the thought away. Since when does he think about Roy Kent in bed? 
(Since always, he’s had a poster of him over his bed since he was thirteen.) 
Thoughts of Roy are replaced with thoughts about water. His throat’s been dry all day, and a glass of water sounds killer right now, but Jamie’s asleep before he can do anything about it. 
Jamie wakes up to something jackhammering. 
No, not jackhammering. It’s his phone, vibrating on his nightstand. 
Fuck, why is it so loud? He pulls himself up to look at it, but he feels like he’s been him by a ton of bricks. Bad idea. He feels like utter shite if he’s honest, like he got hit by a truck in his sleep. His head’s pounding, for one thing, he can’t even think straight, and the dry, scratchy throat from last night has grown into a monster of a sore throat. Plus, he feels sweaty all over. 
Roy was going to kill him. 
Shit. Roy. Their training. It’s that thought that gets Jamie into an upright position, at least enough so that he can grab his phone before laying back down with it. There are five missed calls from Granddad, and a handful of texts and other notifications that Jamie ignores for now. 
Somewhere in his scrolling, it hits Jamie that the sun is coming in through his window. It’s almost 8:00 in the morning, and he’s completely missed their training. He’d slept through his alarm, missing the training with Roy, and, judging by how entirely fucked he feels, would likely miss the team training today, too. 
Jamie swallows and winces. His throat feels like he’s swallowing burning knives, but he calls Roy back anyway. 
Roy answers on the first ring, and by some act of Jesus Christ himself, doesn’t sound pissed off. 
“What the fuck, Tartt, are you alright” 
No, he definitely doesn’t sound mad, he sounds… concerned. 
“Mm? Yeah, grand.” Jamie tries to sound relaxed, but his voice sounds awful, hoarse and gravelly and blurred with congestion. 
“Fuuuuck,” is all Roy says for a minute. Then: “Let me in, I’m outside.” 
“So, what happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?” Roy says when Jamie finally makes his way to the front door and lets him in. 
Jamie tries to roll his eyes, but even that hurts his head. “First time for everything, yeah? What’re you doin’ here?” 
“You didn’t show up for almost four hours!” Roy explodes. “You weren’t answering your phone, no one had heard from you, I was—” Roy stops himself, looking at Jamie and then away, suddenly finding the cars in the driveway extremely interesting. 
“Aw, you were worried about me,” Jamie supplies. It would be much better if he could actually enjoy this moment, but as it is he feels like he could collapse at any moment, so he holds onto the cool granite of his kitchen island. 
“Fuck off,” Roy growls. 
“You came to me in me hour of need,” Jamie says, then turns to the side and coughs, ruining the moment. 
“To be fair I thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere, had to make sure I didn’t need to see about finding a replacement.” 
“I’m irreplaceable, hello? There’s no replacing an icon.” Not that he feels like much of an icon now, with his nose starting to run and an annoying itch starting to form somewhere behind his sinuses. He scrubs a hand over his face, wishing Roy was here in his flat on literally any other morning. 
“Muppet,” Roy says, shaking his head and studying him in a way that always makes Jamie feel all squirmy inside. 
“S-shit, gimme me a second,” Jamie says, breath catching as he turns away and sneezes four times in quick succession. “Hh’itsh! Hpt-ISH! Uh-hu’ishhiew! IshhIEW!” 
“Were those sneezes? Y’sound like Phoebe’s cat when she sneezes.” 
Jamie just groans, turns around, and flops onto the couch. He doesn’t even have the energy to argue with Roy, and he loves arguing with Roy. 
“Bless you, by the way,” Roy says, voice just marginally softer as he follows Jamie to the living room. 
“Sorry I missed training,” Jamie says, voice half lost to the pillow he’s currently trying to disappear into. “Y’can find a new way to punish me for it next week, m’sure.” 
Roy’s quiet for a minute. “Think you get a pass. Team spirit, lookin’ out for the lads when they needed it and all.” 
Jamie lifts his head up, arches an eyebrow. “Thought you said don’t come cryin’ to ya?”
“I came to you, didn’t I?” 
“‘Cause you were worried about me,” Jamie says, smiling despite how bad, well, everything feels just now. 
Roy’s here. Jamie’s flat feels warmer with another person here, which helps, since he’s freezing on top of everything else. 
“Do you have any tea in this place?” Is all Roy says in reply. He’s already back in the kitchen, navigating around Jamie’s cupboards like he lives there, and Jamie’s thinking how nice it all is when he falls asleep again, right there on the couch. 
When he wakes up again, Roy is still there, Jamie’s feet in his lap, and it’s much later in the day, he can tell immediately. He must be so sick he’s hallucinating, because there’s no way Roy Kent came over to watch him sleep, covered him with a blanket, and is watching You’ve Got Mail on his TV. 
“Ah, you’re alive. I was starting to think I should call someone,” Roy says when Jamie stirs. “You look like shit. Take that,” Roy continues, pointing to a bottle of something and a glass of water on the coffee table. 
Jamie feels, impossibly, worse than he had this morning, his head feels like it weighs about a million pounds. He doesn’t argue, just swallows the medicine and water and grimaces at Roy.
“Didn’t have to stay here,” Jamie says. His voice is wrecked. 
“Fuck, you sound fucking awful,” Roy says, his hand on Jamie’s ankle — how long had that been there? He moves his thumb up and back absentmindedly, and suddenly it’s all Jamie can focus on. 
What is happening?
“Well, never drank that tea you were on about earlier,” Jamie says.
Roy nods. “Never do want to listen to me,” he says, but his voice is different now, softer. Kinder. Fonder.
“Took the liberty of ordering a takeaway, should be here soon. Soup for you,” Roy says. His hand is still there, warm on Jamie’s ankle. 
“huh-IItshh! IishhIEW!” The sneezes catch Jamie completely off guard, shivering out of him before he can do anything but lean into it. “Sorry,” he mutters, sniffling. He looks pathetic, he knows that, and he’s torn between elation that Roy’s here and complete humiliation. “You’ll be down with this next,” he warns.
“Bless you. Y’really do sneeze like a cat, Tartt.” 
Jamie’s laugh turns into another coughing fit, and when Roy leans up to rub his back, he decides that happiness wins out over embarrassment. 
They’re side by side now, closer than they’d usually sit for FIFA, though not by much. They’d been getting closer in just about every way these last few months, and Jamie realizes he’d like nothing more than to lean into it. Let Roy deal with all of it in that growly, take-charge way he has about everything else. He’d feel better soon if Roy said so, right? 
“Food should be here soon, if you want to close your eyes for a few more minutes. This prick hasn’t put Meg Ryan out of business yet, so…” Roy trails off, eyes trained on the screen rather than Jamie, who nods. His eyes and head are still so heavy. 
Daring a look at Roy out of the corner of his eye, Jamie lets his head rest on his shoulder, sniffling into the soft fabric of Roy’s ubiquitous black t-shirt and yawning. He could get used to this, if he let himself. Whatever this is…
“You’re thinking really fucking loudly,” Roy says, voice impossibly close to his ear. He doesn’t sound mad about it, though, more like amused. Jamie’s still half convinced he’s dreaming this entire day. Jamie Tartt doesn’t get sick, for one thing, and Roy Kent doesn’t play nurse with his players. “Close your eyes.”
“Fine, but only to stop your yelling, Granddad,” Jamie says with another yawn. He doesn’t lift his head from Roy’s shoulder, and Roy doesn’t say anything else, just turns his attention back to the movie.
Jamie’s ninety-nine percent asleep when he feels it, the faintest, softest brush of lips against his sweaty forehead. 
Maybe this is something after all. 
Maybe Roy Kent does play nurse when it matters. 
And maybe Jamie Tartt does get sick, though he decides then and there that it’s not too bad if this is what he gets in return. Pretty fucking mint, in fact. 
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tqmies · 1 year
Congrats on 1K! Can I have 41 and 53, roommate haechan? Thank you so much
Go Away | Lee Haechan
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Part of Tqmies 1K Event!
Room mate au! 41. “I… I think I’m happy.” “You think? So you’re not one hundred percent certain?” 53. "Hey, you haven't come out of your room in like two days...I'm not worried or anything but the dishes are piling up and I need you to be alive so you can take care of them, so...", wc: 1.1k note: thank you so much <3 hope you enjoy it, domestic room mate hyuck?? i cry
6 days, it had been that long since you had broken up with your boyfriend of over two years. And of course, the first few days were okay, which was different from what you expected. You truly thought you'd be downing tubs of ice cream in front of the TV watching sad romance flicks. Like they do in all the cliche movies.
However, your little breakdown didn't come until a few days later. Everything needed time to settle in, and once it did? Oh boy.
Your friends had managed to keep you occupied for the first few days, but you weren't exactly a joy to be around. Not even as they dragged you to the club to remind you how great being single could be. You just couldn't find it in you to enjoy your time out.
Either way, you had returned home to Lee Haechan, your menace of a roommate. And in fact, your current state could all directly be pointed back to him.
It had been a normal Thursday, you returning home to him on the couch, playing one of his stupid games on your shared console.
You were sniffling a bit, frustrated at another cancelled date with your boyfriend. He had been getting far too busy to spend time with the likes of you, and you could feel him slipping away.
You tried not to think about it too much, choosing to hold your sanity. That was until Haechan took note of your form, and asked why you looked like your dog died, whatever that meant.
"He cancelled again, that asshole! I mean, I get that he's busy and all, but so am I! He could've let me know he had a meeting today, is my time not worth as much as his?" You let out, dropping your bag with a loud thud on the floor. "He never communicates with me! Is it that hard to send a text saying you're not going to make it? It must be, because I was waiting there for an hour and a half before he let me know!"
And you storm off to the kitchen, Haechan following diligently behind you. "Maybe he just got really caught up in work." He says meekly, a little afraid of your wrath at the moment, but also feeling bad for you.
You force open the fridge, ignoring Haechans small words. You look around it for a few seconds, brows furrowing as you whip your head back to him. "Where's all the damn alcohol!"
"What?" He says, taken aback as you move to check the bottom cabinets. You move things around, huffing when you can't find a single bottle.
"I know you're here somewhere!" You speak, apparently talking to the alcohol. You even allow yourself a tear to fall, though all you can feel is anger at the moment. Yeah, you've lost it.
"Wait, okay. Instead of drinking, why don't we just talk about it?" He suggests, attempting to divert your attention.
You're not having it though. "Talk? Did he take time to talk to me? No! So I don't think-"
"Woah, woah, slow down." Haechan interrupts. "It sounds like you're angry about more than just today, you seem really upset."
"Well it wasn't just today, he's been doing this so much. We haven't been on a proper date in months." You speak, crossing your arms. Scoffing, you place your hands on the counter. "But God forbid I miss a single phone call of his, and then he's all sulky the rest of the day, and they say I'm the dramatic one!"
"Well maybe it's time to call it quits then."
You blink, staring back at Haechan. "What?"
The thought had truly never crossed your mind, sure you were upset. But enough to break up with your boyfriend? Were things really that bad?
"It doesn't seem like you're benefiting from this relationship, that's all I'm saying." He speaks again, shrugging.
"Relationships aren't about benefiting!" You groan, throwing your hands up.
"I get that, but you don't even seem happy." He retorts, and he meant it. Every time you opened your mouth related to your boyfriend, it was a complaint or angry statement.
And you hated that he was a bit right. "I... I think I'm happy."
"You think? So you're not one hundred percent certain?" He asks, and you hate how hard you're thinking about it.
You were so unhappy.
That revelation led you to where you were at the moment. Bundled up in blankets as you mourned a relationship that you had ended.
And part of you stupidly blames Haechan, but you can barely justify why. All he did was open your eyes to how bad your relationship was.
Though you're still a bit annoyed that he planned the break up seed in your head, and that you had allowed it to bloom into a real course of action. It was definitely for the best, but it still hurt like hell.
So after refusing another forced day out, you were currently wallowing in self pity, watching the latest episode of your comfort show.
Truth be told, you hadn't lifted a finger all day, choosing to remain in bed. And you did that the next day as well, willing yourself to eat small meals Haechan left outside your door.
He didn't want to bother you too much, figuring you were taking this a bit harder than he thought. You seemed fine the other day, but he assumed the reality hit you.
But against all his restraint, he finally willed himself to knock on your door. He calls your name, to which he receives no answer. You're not in the mood for company, can't he just let you rot in your room?
The answer was no. "Hey, you haven't come out of your room in like two days...I'm not worried or anything but the dishes are piling up and I need you to be alive so you can take care of them, so..."
You admit, you giggle a little at his mention of your usual chore. But you barely will yourself to shout a little. "Do them yourself."
"I don't think so!" He complains, leaning against your closed door. "Last time I did them you said to never let me again."
You laugh, for the first time in a few days. "That's because you spent the entire time playing with bubbles instead of washing anything."
"Bubbles are cool, you're weird for not playing with them!" He responds, smiling at the little chuckle that leaves your lips.
"Go away." You speak, half-heartedly. "Let me decay in peace."
"No," He says, rolling his eyes. "Can I come in?"
"I haven't bathed in two days."
"That can be arranged, I'll help you wash your hair after." He offers, and you're thankful for it.
"Okay," You speak, wiping the stray tears residing on your face. You will yourself to get out of bed, standing by your door. You can see the shadow of his feet under it, and you grin. "Thank you Haechan."
"Anytime." He says, and you feel your heart flutter a bit at that.
He'd always be here for you, and he'd make sure you knew that.
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Fic Reader Highlights from this year! Thanks @mostlymaudlin for putting this together! This is such a lovely idea.
Fic that made me laugh: Worst Disney Princess Ever by @hushed-chorus.
So technically I listened to Demi read this in the discord, but who's counting. This is such a cute and fun fic in the absolute best way. The pigeons! The undead plotting rats! Baz's resignation to being the Disney princess with his undead animals 😂 Demi, hearing you read this was my first time reading (or listening) to this fic, and it was INCREDIBLE.
Fic that made me cry: you never quite say (but i hear) by @that-was-anticlimactic.
Yeah, this fic made me sob. It reminded me so much of my best friend, who also has ADHD and a loud voice and loves talking about their special interests. I adore them so much and love listening to them talk, even if I don't really get DND. I remember immediately sending them this fic after reading it. This is such a special fic. I absolutely adore it, and Zuko is the best boyfriend.
Honorary mention to He's Cruel But You Don't Have to Be by notanotherfanficwriter. Definitely made me cry. Soren's character arc, especially in Finnegrin's Wake, is incredibly cathartic.
Fic that gave me a story hangover: None Of Those Tiny Fluff Monsters In The House by @roxan1930.
Whatever a story hangover is, this definitely gave me it. I ended up naming one of my micropets in the Finch self-care app Poof because of it. I sometimes go back and reread parts of it because it's just That good and fun.
Fic I want to discuss book-club style: The Gay Bar by @scone-lover.
I think the Carry On discord actually has discussed this one before! It was very very lovely. Both the discussion and the fic. I ended up making a cover of this fic. The fic is so lovely and a very real depiction of queer experiences. Sconey, you are a gift to this fandom.
Fic that got me a lil flustered: Symbiotic by @thrandilf.
Um, yes. Hello. I am very very bisexual for a slutty gay practically-a-god elf tying up another slutty gay pretty-much-a-vampire elf and letting her drink from him. Thank you.
Fic by one of my favorite authors: Blooming by @hoothalcyon.
If you only read one neurodivergent ruthari fic, read this one. It's a collection of oneshots with autistic Runaan and supportive husband Ethari, and is so SO sweet and wonderful. Each chapter is a little slice of warmth and happiness to cut through the difficulties of life. And it's just so lovely seeing autistic adults being written about.
Fic I reread more than once: Keep You Safe by Tragicomic_Warrior_Poet
Just... Hakoda being a good dad to Zuko. Yeah. I love seeing that in zukka fics. I come back to reread this one a lot. Hakoda is such a good dad, and you can definitely tell how much he loves his kids. (And how much he cares about Zuko.)
Fic I sent to everyone I know: On the Edge of Morning by LassieLowrider
I love seeing the Carry On characters being disabled. I don't agree with Baz's leg being healed, and I really wish Simon being neurodivergent was touched on more in the books. So you better believe I sent this to the Carry On discord when I found it! It's such a wonderful slice of life fic <22
Fic that made me fall in love with an author: how familiar the danger by LiterallyThePresident (so sad I don't know if this author has a Tumblr)
So cheating a bit by doing a series for this one. But eh, rules were made to be bended. This series is SO DAMN GOOD. GO READ IT. AND THERE'S ART BY @sefarlen!!! Knight Ambrosius helping out slutty flirtatious commoner Ballister and them having an enemies to reluctant/tentative allies to lovers? FUCK YEAH, SIGN ME UP.
Gonna go ahead and tag some folks if you're interested in participating! Tagging everyone who's tagged above plus @bazzybelle @stitchyqueer @valeffelees @imagineacoolusername @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @theearlgreymage @confused-bi-queer @no-cinnamon-for-synonym @yeonjunenby @yurayuramiharin @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @beautifulterriblequeen @cutestkilla @wellbelesbian @nightimedreamersworld @iamamythologicalcreature and anyone else who wants to! 💖💖
The blank templates 😊
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anonymousewrites · 9 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 4) Chapter Twenty-Two
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Two: Can I Order You to be Executed?
Summary: Demons, angels, and humans walk into a sacrificial chamber and go looking for a fight.
            (Y/N) squirmed against the ropes as more were added to tie them to the sacrificial table in the Mayan nightclub. When they got out (because they refused to let anyone go through with sending them to Hell), they were smashing this place to bits. Seriously, this sort of theme was asking for trouble, and now (Y/N) was having to deal with the stupid irony.
            “You guys are going to regret this,” snapped (Y/N), eyes blazing with anger as they glared at Squee and Dromos.
            Dromos scoffed. “As if you have any power here. An angel is formidable, sure, but a baby bird like you? We can handle you.”
            “They can’t even bring their wings out,” said Squee.
            (Y/N) pulled against the ropes around their torso, and the itch in their wings flared as they wanted to bring them out but couldn’t.
            “Soon, this will be all over,” said Dromos. “And we can clip the bird’s wings if we have to.”
            “Can I help?” said a woman demon, walking out of the shadows.
            Yaaaay, more, thought (Y/N) sarcastically.
            “We can all pull a feather,” said Dromos, chuckling.
            I’m really going to need to talk to Dad about what he taught these guys, thought (Y/N). They’re worse than him.
            “You’re not pulling anything from me,” snapped (Y/N). They smirked. “But if you want, you can get close to my shadow.” The drugs were still subduing their abilities, but they could move their own shadow enough. “I can pull on you.”
            The woman took a step back, and Squee eyed the shadow beneath (Y/N) warily. Dromos confidently took a step closer and grabbed (Y/N)’s hair. He jerked their head back, and they bit back a cry at the awkward angle their neck was forced into.
            “You’re really Lucifer’s kid. Only his kid would be so stupid as to challenge the people in charge now,” said Dromos.
            “Yeah, well, if he’s an idiot, what are you for obeying him for thousands of years?” sneered (Y/N).
            Dromos growled and roughly slammed their head against the stone before letting go and walking to Squee to make further preparations.
            (Y/N) blinked away blurry vision after hitting their head. They watched Squee hold up a vial to Dromos and the light. They knew what that meant: they were running out of time.
            “Alright, is there anything we need to know about how to fight a demon?” asked Chloe as she, Lucifer, and the LBGTQ+ Breakfast club (minus (Y/N)) walked towards the Mayan.
            “Not really,” said Lucifer. “They’re just super strong, scary, and mean.”
            “They’re like Maze except they can’t feel pain ‘cause they’re borrowing human bodies and lack any care for any humans,” said Em.
            “So we don’t have to feel guilty if we harm the bodies?” said Marcel.
            “No, they’re dead human bodies,” said Em.
            “Well, that’s one thing off my conscious,” said Olive.
            “I really don’t think you four should be here,” said Chloe. “You’re just kids. I don’t want you fighting unkillable demons.”
            “We’re staying,” said Leon matter-of-factly.
            “Detective, they are killable,” said Lucifer, helpfully for the teens but unhelpfully for Chloe. “You just need a little extra oomph.”
            “We’ve got oomph,” said Noa.
            “Yes, but none of you are coming in,” said Lucifer. “No humans are coming into the Mayan to fight.”
            “What?!” Chloe and the teens all clamored angrily.
            “Oh, yes, I am,” said Chloe.
            “We’re not staying out here while (Y/N)’s in danger,” exclaimed Marcel.
            “Demons or no demons, they’re our friend,” said Leon.
            “It’s too dangerous for humans,” said Em, shaking their head.
            “Detective, you in particular…could cause some problems. I’m vulnerable when you’re around, remember?” said Lucifer.
            “But not when (Y/N)’s there,” said Chloe, easily seeing through Lucifer’s attempt to get her away to safety.
            “I don’t make you vulnerable, either.”
            Everyone jumped and turned to see Eve walking in the street behind them. She had followed them. Em growled and moved forward, but Olive grabbed her shirt and pulled her back with impressive strength.
            “Eve!” exclaimed Lucifer, also frustrated since he didn’t have time to deal with her. His kid was in danger inside the Mayan.
“You’re supposed to be at the Penthouse,” said Chloe.
            “I know,” said Eve. “But I needed to apologize for…for all of it, and everything I’ve put you through. And for (Y/N). I never wanted them to get hurt. I-I’m really sorry.”
            “Tell it to (Y/N),” snapped Em.
            “I-I will. That’s why I’m here. I’ve realized that I-I wanted Lucifer, or I thought I did, but I realize I’ve just been missing the person I used to be. When I was with you.” Eve looked down. “(Y/N) was right. I was trying to make you someone you’re not because I don’t know who I am. And I’m so so sorry I didn’t realize sooner.”
            “Well, I hope that you find who you are, but I really wish you’d had this epiphany before you let demons loose on Los Angeles,” said Lucifer.
            “You and me both,” said Eve.
            “I can still punish her for her lack of vision,” grumbled Em, and Marcel put his hand out so she’d run into him if she got away from Olive.
            “I know I deserve it,” said Eve. “I understand that there’s nothing I can do to make up for what I’ve done. But I’m gonna have to try. So, that’s why there’s nothing you can do to stop me from going in there.”
            “Very well,” said Lucifer after a moment. Eve didn’t seem to be lying. And he was all for having more people on their side against the demons. It meant he had a chance of saving (Y/N). “We’ll just have to wait for my brother and Maze to—”
            As if summoned, Amenadiel landed from the sky carrying Maze. His black wings disappeared into his back, and he put Maze down.
            Maze stared at Eve. “What are you doing here?”
            “Lucifer told us what you did,” said Amenadiel.
            “Hey, adults!” said Noa. “Can we focus on getting (Y/N) out of there?”
            “I’m sure you’ll all be able to argue later,” said Leon.
            “What are they doing here?” asked Maze, staring at Chloe and Lucifer.
            “Relax, they know,” said Em.
            “They know?” said Amenadiel.
            “(Y/N) told us,” said Olive.
            “We’re here to help,” said Noa.
            “So let’s focus,” said Marcel.
            “There really isn’t any time for this,” said Lucifer. “(Y/N) is in danger. We need all the help we can get.”
            “Then let’s help them,” said Chloe, touching Lucifer’s hand.
            He nodded, and everyone turned to the Mayan with pure determination.
            Dromos walked up to the stage with the vial in hand. He raised it over (Y/N)’s tied body and uncorked the bottle. (Y/N) clamped their lips shut, determined not to drink it as he lowered it towards them. They weren’t doing any goddamned ritual.
            A powerful voice boomed and echoed around the room. (Y/N)’s heart pounded in relief.
            “Dad!” they cried.
            Their head turned to see him, and the demons looked up from the sacrificial table to Lucifer as he stared at them. Amenadiel, Maze, Eve, and Em stood beside him. Farther back in the shadows, (Y/N) could see their friends and Chloe waiting to help.
            Everyone came…to help me? (Y/N)’s eyes widened. They knew Lucifer would care and so would their friends, but to see so many people…it was a shock.
            “Surely you know that underage drinking is illegal here on Earth,” said Lucifer, smirking.
            Dromos laughed mirthlessly as he leaned back and corked the vial protectively. “Now, you see, the thing is, I don’t take orders from you anymore. Not since the whole abdication thing. So…long live King (Y/N). We just have to clip their wings a little, and they’ll listen to some input from us. Think of us as…regents to the throne.” Dromos grinned.
            “If I’m King, can I order you to be executed?” snapped (Y/N), but they clamped their mouth shut again when Dromos dangled the vial over them.
            “Now, Lucifer, you gotta admit you’ve been a bit of a selfish king, keeping the whole Earth thing to yourself,” said Dromos.
            Isn’t it really God’s thing? thought (Y/N), but at this point they really couldn’t expect demons or angels or anyone else biblical to have logic.
            “Give me my child,” snapped Lucifer, not having anything to offer Dromos other than anger at his treatment of (Y/N), Lucifer’s child, his first love.
            “Over my dead body,” said Dromos. He chuckled. “Oh, that—that’s right. It’s already dead.” The swarm of demons around him snickered and grinned. “So you’re gonna have to get a little creative.”
            Maze drew out her demon blades, and Em pulled out their own. They jumped down to the nightclub’s dancefloor with Amenadiel and advanced on the demons. Instantly, several demons jumped towards them, and the battle began. Maze sliced through several demons, and even when she got hit, she refused to stay down. Amenadiel was just as formidable, able to take attacks and deal out ones of significant strength. Em relied on her smaller figure and speed. She dodged around attackers and slashed at muscle to slow down their human bodies. They didn’t feel the pain, but torn tendons and ligaments affected movement all the same.
            Eve had one of Maze’s knives and stabbed at demons that tried to make it out the door. Chloe was waiting for those trying to run into the fray and shot at them. Several ran for the humans guarding the exit angrily. If they could kill the humans, after all, they could bring out more demons for their cause.
            One grabbed Olive from behind, and she cried out before grabbing their wrist and throwing them over their shoulder. The ground cracked upon impact, and she stared before curling her hands into fists. If she was suddenly strong, that was fine with her. She pivoted and punched a demon going for Em.
            Noa grinned and decided to not wait around, either. Chloe was shooting demons, and Noa grabbed one running for her. The demon’s strength faltered, and he seemed to gasp for breath before falling to his knees. Em sent a knife through his head before he could recover at all.
            Leon grabbed the knife and spun on another demon, dodging the swipe from her. They grabbed her arm, and the demon blinked sluggishly as she felt herself tire. Leon took advantage of her sudden exhaustion and plunged the knife into her. Em ripped it out and went for another demon.
            Marcel hit one demon when he went for Leon, and the demon jerked back. He turned on Marcel and grabbed the teen, but as he tried to throttle him, he coughed. The demon coughed heavily, and blood spilled over his lips. Marcel made a grossed-out face and kicked the demon back. Olive grabbed him and tossed him carelessly to the side.
            None of them asked questions about what was happening and just continued fighting.
            Lucifer approached the stage, but Dromos dragged (Y/N)’s body up and held the vial over their mouth, forcing it open with his other hand.
            “Ah-ah-ah,” he said as Lucifer slowed and tensed. “I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you.”
            Two other demons lunged at Lucifer, and he blocked their attacks. They remained in front of Dromos as Lucifer narrowed his eyes.
            “You are going to pay, Dromos,” said Lucifer darkly.
            “Really? My money’s on me, pal,” said Dromos, still dangling the vial.
            The two demons attacked again, but Lucifer easily parried them. Still, one landed a hard kick, and Lucifer stepped back upon impact.
            Dromos clicked his tongue in disappointment. “You’re getting soft,” he admonished condescendingly. “Getting all mushy with the humans. It’s disgusting.”
            “Ah!” An angry yell pierced the air, and Eve threw a makeshift blindfold over Dromos’s eyes. He stumbled and let go of (Y/N). Lucifer quickly threw the other two demons to the side before grabbing his kid.
            “Dad!” they said in relief as he cut through the ropes holding them.
            “(Y/N), you have to run,” said Lucifer protectively. “Do you understand? Em and your friends will get you out.”
            “No, I have to fight with you!” said (Y/N).
            “No!” said Lucifer, grabbing their shoulders. He stared into their eyes. “This is your father trying to protect you, do you understand? I’m not letting my child stay in danger. Go.” He cupped their cheek. “Let me protect you for once.”
            (Y/N) stared at him before nodding and running off of the platform. Instantly, Em was at their side. She touched their hand to reassure (Y/N) she was there (and to reassure herself). Then, they were off, running towards the entrance where their friends were defending their exit.
            Several demons ran at them and grabbed their friends. (Y/N) reacted instinctively and raised a hand. The shadows erupted out of every pool of darkness and grabbed the demons attacking the teens. They were dragged back, and (Y/N) quickly stood in front of their friends.
            Their wings burst out from their back, bright red and glorious. They glared at the demons as the shadows rose up around them. The demons had the good sense to take a step back.
            “You threatened the people I love,” said (Y/N) darkly. “No one gets away with that.”
            The shadows grabbed the demons even as they tried to flee, and Em’s knives were ripped from their hands by shadows to plunge themselves into the many demons. The bodies slumped to the ground, permanently dead. Around them, Amenadiel, Eve, Maze, and Chloe were finishing the others. Lucifer kicked Dromos back, and the leader of the demons stumbled.
            “There’s no one left, Dromos,” said Lucifer. “Party’s over.” He was ready to punish the demon for what he’d tried to do to (Y/N). No one got away with hurting his kid. “I think it’s time you went home.”
            Dromos glared. “Make me.”
            Amenadiel and Maze grabbed Dromos’s arms while Lucifer took off his coat. “Very well.” His eyes turned red, and he took Maze’s demon blade and held it to Dromos’s throat.
            Dromos smirked. “Are you sure you want them to see this?” he said, staring over Lucifer’s shoulder.
            Lucifer faltered and glanced back at where (Y/N) stood and was watching him. He…He couldn’t be a monster in front of his kid.
            “(Y/N)…you were supposed to run,” he said, turning to them worriedly.
            “I have to protect my friends,” said (Y/N) simply.
            “It’s so sweet I’m gonna puke,” sneered Dromos.
            “I don’t want you to see this,” said Lucifer.
            “Then don’t do anything,” said (Y/N). “Just let Maze stab him. I don’t need you get revenge for me.” They swallowed. “I just need my dad.”
            Lucifer took a step towards them.
            And then the doors broke down. Everyone flinched, and Dromos laughed as an army of demons stalked through the doors with various weapons. There were even more bodies being inhabited.
            Instantly, (Y/N) backed up towards their friends, their wings fluttered nervously and angrily. Lucifer’s eyes went to Dromos in anger and then back to (Y/N) protectively. The swarm overtook the whole room, grabbing Eve and Chloe.
            They reached for (Y/N) and their friends, and even as the shadows fought to grab them, several demons grabbed (Y/N)’s wings and pulled them down. Em sliced at many hurting (Y/N), but they were one demon against a swarm. And Marcel, Leon, Olive, and Noa’s inexperience fighting was forcing them to lash out as best they could.
            Even Maze and Amenadiel were being distracted and forced to just focus on fighting. Everyone was fighting for their lives as the swarm of demons just kept coming.
            Dromos laughed. “It’s amazing how many demon souls you can suss from a little church confessional.”
            “(Y/N)!” said Lucifer, trying to push through the demons to grab their hand. His kid was in danger. I’m coming, I’m coming. I’m going to protect you!
            He grabbed their hand, and they held on tightly. “Dad!” they cried in fear. “Dad, my friends—help them!”
            Even in the midst of so much danger, they were thinking of everyone else they cared about, not themselves. They were being selfless and willing to sacrifice themself for everyone else.
            Lucifer’s heart swelled with pride. And then he decided to make (Y/N) proud. He let go of (Y/N)’s hand and stepped up on the dais again.
            “Enough!” he shouted, his voice distorting into a boom of brimstone and fire.
            His devil wings expanded from his back, and his skin and face turned devilish as his anger and desire to feed fear into the demons around him flared to life. He was Lucifer the angel, but he was also the Devil. And he would be damned if those demons didn’t remember exactly who he was.
            Everyone stared in shock and froze. The demons tensed in fear as Lucifer glared out at them.
            “Now bow down to your king!” boomed Lucifer’s demonic voice.
            The demons let go of Lucifer’s friends and knelt. Em also kneeled in fear, but (Y/N) reached out for her hand. They wouldn’t have them kneel. So, Em stayed close by their side.
            Even Dromos knelt. He could see his king wouldn’t have mercy for anyone who didn’t obey. Not when they had already done so much to displease him.
            “You do not belong here,” said Lucifer. “Go home.”
            His voice carried the command to all the demons. Instantly, every body being possessed collapsed, limp and dead. The demons were gone. Lucifer’s body faded to its natural skin tone, and he took several deep breaths as he looked out over everyone still standing. To his relief, everyone was alright.
            “’Bout time they went to Hell,” muttered (Y/N) in exhaustion, and their wings folded away. They made eye-contact with Lucifer, and he broke it first. They frowned, knowing he obviously felt shame for having to show such a side of himself. “Da—” Lucifer’s wings unfurled, and he flapped them once. He was gone. “—d.” (Y/N) sighed.
            “Go,” said Em.
            “I should stay to make sure you guys are—”
            “We’re fine,” said Marcel.
            “A bit bruised,” said Leon. “And the shock is likely setting in.”
            “But we’re fine,” said Noa before Leon could continue.
            “Go to your Dad,” said Olive. “I know he was worried.”
            (Y/N) looked at them and smiled. “Thank you for coming. Really.”
            “Of course, Birdie,” said Em. “You’re our friend.” And more.
            (Y/N) smiled and squeezed her hand. “Thank you.” They ran out of the room. They might not have flying down yet, but they were going to their Dad all the same. All the biblical bullshit be damned.
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