#so yeah its gonna be fineeeee
unnamedcrane · 2 years
Who would've thought hyperfixating and studying psychology would go hand in hand
Probably multiple people but sh sh sh
But yeah i just kinda accidentally managed to make most notes we need to make this one group project analyzing a character just because i hyperfixated on that thing a while back ahahah
Like good for us less work when we meet up to do it together but also damn bestie calm down lets leave some of the work for the others
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atesomerocks · 1 year
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oh yeah i finished this no i will not be doing this much effort into a piece again (i say, lying)
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bonetrousledbones · 6 months
OH RIGHT this is somehow completely unrelated to the last post but i finally got a new desktop theme for This blog which actually works & its actually really really cool and is even compatible with the mobile browser sooooo yall should take a looksie :>
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fagdykebassboy · 1 year
^ When i get outta here
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socialkid · 1 year
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The door of your apartment shook as the doorknob turned, keys jingling on the other side. The person on the other end struggled to open the door for a couple seconds before cussing loudly and blasting the door open. Only one person was capable of this.
“Y/N! YOU BETTER ME SH—TING ME RIGHT NOW!” your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou shouted at the top of his lungs. Nothing the neighbors or the people on the next two floors wern’t used to by now.
Bakugou looked around the apartment for any trace of you. You weren’t in the kitchen. He checked the bathroom, no sign of you. He made his way to your room. Upon opening the door he stepped on a item that made a jingle noise below his feet. He bent down to pick it up only to be met with a dog collar. His eyes widened in shock before he practically kicked down the door.
“Y/N I KNOW YOU DIDN’T GET THAT PU-” Bakugou found you calmly stroking the back of a tiny dog on the bed, giving him a judgy look.
“Shh! Your gonna wake the puppy!” You hushed him, annoyed. “Ha? Oh no. YOU don’t get to be the one mad at ME! I’M THE MAD ONE!” he shouted again causing the dog to whine in its sleep. “Yeah, no kidding.” You replied trying to calm the puppy.
“Get that mutt out of here!” Bakugou said pointing to the door, at this you gave him sad eyes. “What? No! She’s apart of our family now!” You said at him.
“No it’s not, get it out of here!” He said. “It’s a she!” You said picking up the dog who was now awake from all the commotion, “Now look what you did, you woke her up!” You hissed at him.
“Good, now she can run back to the place she came from.” Bakugou said.
“Katsuki, what do I have to do to get you to let her stay?” You almost begged.
“Nothing. Cause she’s not staying here.” Bakugou said again causing you to get even more fustrated. “Why not?!” You asked him.
“Because we already have one low attention span, creature living in this house.” “Oh go to hell Katsuki.” You looked down at the sweet eyed little puppy who was looking back up at you. You felt your eyes water a little as you rubbed her belly. You looked back up at Bakugou, him squirming as the dog did the same.
Katsuki couldn’t stand it. Not only was his baby sad but now he had a sad dog looking up at him. And he wouldn’t want to deal with you after. You’d already gotten so attached to the little thing, you would’ve never talked to him again. Probably would’ve given him a hard time; sleeping on the couch every night, getting the silent treatment, cold stares.
Bakugou groaned aloud and dramaticly, “Fineeeee keep the damn dog.” He said, half interrupted by you screaming your ‘thank yous’ as the dog went just about as insane.
“Yea yea, calm down. What kind of dog is that anyway?” He asked you.
“A Yorkshire Terrier! She’s only a couple weeks old and weighs 6 pounds!” You said picking her up and walking over to your boyfriend. “Woah woah, just sit her down on the bed! I’ll sit down.” He said as you shrugged.
Bakugou hesitantly sat down on the bed before looking up at you, almost glaring as you sat the puppy down on the bed. Immediately the puppy became curious. She pawed around for a second before looking up at your boyfriend. You watched as she struggled a bit to climb his lap, she got half way on before Bakugou helped lift her lower half up.
Immediately the dog tried to climb up Bakugou’s chest as if to get to his face. “Oi ya dumb dog, you can’t climb up me.” He said, he held out his finger to greet the dog. Immediately the dog went to town licking his finger. “Aww she likes you!” You smiled as Bakugou smiled at you sarcastically. “I guess she’s not so bad…what’d you name her?”
“Maddy. With two d’s and a y.” You replied. “Why?”
“Because the lady I got her from said she was sweet, and sassy and had a attitude sometimes. And she loved a good fight but she’s harmless to the people she loves.” Bakugou looked up at you confused, “Ok…?”
“Well you know how I like Euphoria right and-”
“Enough said, I get the point.” Bakugou quickly interrupted you. He remembers the time that you introduced the show to him for the first time. You figured he knew about it just as well as every body else did, turns out his second home is under a rock. Because when you watched it with him and gave him no warning, let’s just say it caught him off guard.
“Also she has a sister!” “Uh uh. Nope. No more of these things.” He said now scratching her belly. “No no I don’t have her, buttttttt…” Bakugou sighed as you picked up your phone. You opened your contacts and face timed your best friend in the whole world.
“Hiiiiiii!” The girl said over the phone.
“Don’t tell me that��s-”
“Mina does!” You finished your sentence. Mina had been showing off her almost identical puppy. “Her name is Rosie!” Mina squealed. And off you two went giggling away. Katsuki rolled his eyes, put Maddy down, and got off the bed to enter the living room. About to close the door behind him, out came Maddy hot on his trail.
“Oi, you must be tired of the squealing too? You’ll get used to it.” He smirked picking up the puppy who barked softly in response.
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meowlod · 8 months
“..furi…what the hell..?“
in front of you was furina with a duck in her arms, right in front of the door. just how the fuck did she get a duck?! from where did she get it?
”darling, look! i fed this duck some bread then it came up to me and climbed onto my lap, so i took it onto my arms and bought it home!“ she happily said, jumping up and down with the duck letting out a ‘quack!‘
you‘re too shocked to even speak! you shake your head. ”furina, that‘s a duck! its babies are probably trying to find their parent right now!“
you thought everything wouldn‘t go even worser.. ”Oh, about the babies, yeah…“ furina walks into the house with a few small ducklings following her to the living room with small ‘quack!‘s.
more ducklings are walking its way into the house to the living room, so you walked over there as well. and yeah, the couch was full of ducklings quacking with their mama in furinas arms. she pats EVERY single of them and bought even at least enough bread to eat for weeks. They‘re for the ducks thought.
you sigh and make place for yourself on the couch then sit down. Some of the baby ducklings climb on top of your lap and you couldn‘t help but smile. Maybe this isn‘t as bad as you thought.
”can we keep them? they‘re so cut—”
“No. We just can‘t take ducks and let them live in our house.“
Furina pouts and sighs in disappointment. Of course, that‘s the reaction you expected. She isn‘t going to stop though.
”…What a shame. But can we buy one? I know a pet shop near us where we can buy pets, and there‘s a duck on sale!“
Taking care of a duck…you never did that before. Other animals like cats, dogs or birds could‘ve worked since you know how to take care of them…but ducks? You gotta google some information on how to take care of them as a duck. ”I..uh..“
You really didn’t wanna upset your wife, and it‘s just a duck, nothing bad. They‘re cute, after all. Maybe you‘ll give the blue woman a chance.
”…Alright, fine.“
Furina jumps up in joy and puts the duck down to the ground before she takes your face in her hands and gives you a big smooch on the lips. “Really?! I‘m so happy…! What about baby ducks?! Can we buy them too? Please? Pretty please?“
Now more? That‘s gonna be even harder to take care of, yet you can‘t really say no to those puppy eyes.
”…fineeeee. But no more ducks after that, okay?
”….can‘t promise you~“
Where the hell did she get that duck obsession anyway? She‘s really an animal lover, you thought.
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enlighten3d · 3 months
im out fishing rn (edit: not anymore lol, im finishing typing this on pc, thank fuck) and i heard some Things about the kenadian stream.. wato has read our posts... so, hello wato! i swear im not THAT insane. anyway, we carry on as usual.... SO NOW: THE UPDATED THEORY ON WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING IN THIS LORE !!
this is actually the third theory update, the other two just never survived for long enough bcs we kept finding new stuff lmao. but, heres my first theory (now very outdated), and here are the other two, copypasted from messages of me explaining the two unposted theories (feat. me speculating wildly as i do): theory 2, theory 3 (mind that both of these were formatted for discord which is why they may be odd)
okay so now! the fourth theory, yet again featuring wild speculation, now with the added spice of me having read too much mcyt fanfic! (that last part prolly makes no sense. dont worry abt it.)
in this theory, i am proposing that evil wifies is like, a LOT more evil, and has done a lot of fucked up Experimentation. which lead to void wifies. explanation below the cut (its prolly gonna be long again T-T) (also, as always: tons of wild speculation ahead. ill try to present all evidence but i forget what those outside of the gc know or dont):
okay so first off, as always, we assume that wato got the mask from killing ken during the train escape. then (evil) wifies somehow got the mask from wato at,, IDK, SOME POINT. before everything happened.
so wifies, corrupted by the power of the mask, starts faking escape rooms and invents cloning in order to do it. now hes evilfies (thank you wifies for calling him evilfies thats so much quicker to type than evil wifies)! and so evilfies, having invented cloning, starts fucking around and Experimenting like the mad scientist ive decided he is.
what does he next Experiment on? the mask! why? why the fuck not. he likes the power it gives him so he decides to somehow try and tie it to himself permanently. he does this by somehow merging a part of his code with that of the mask, and therefore unintentionally giving it sentience (somewhat). evilfies thinks this is fineeeee...
so, to test the constraints of this new form of the mask, evilfies puts the mask in a bunker of sorts, to see if the tie between him and the mask would remain. the bunker is a bedrock room...
also, at this point, evilfies has already asked wato to build that escape room for the video. so wato starts Planning it (and filming the tutorial video that we can assume exists in canon), doing so in the same world as all of evilfies stuff. why? bcs evilfies want to keep an eye on wato and the escape room build. also, why not. i am not discounting the idea that evilfies is forcing wato to build escape rooms for him yet.
so bcs its in the same world.. wato accidentally falls down a chute into the bunker where the mask has been placed (as seen in the wato yt short). now, i STILL cant explain what the fuck that snom is, but.. voidfies (void wifies, now with a shorter name!) is there (for anyone who hasnt seen @fncreatures post: voidfies is the weird void guy with the mask. yes thats wifies too.)... I WONDER WHY.
ysee, when evilfies tied part of his code to the mask, that code and the masks code ended up getting tied together, yeah? well the world needs some way to render the mask in the world (btw were getting into the way that realistic minecraft works in mcyt fanfiction now lmao). and when it reads the masks code, it sees that theres wifies code there too.. and renders the mask as being on wifies. ofc, the code is corrupted, so its not entirely wifies. its just.. the outline of him. the mask remains the only clear thing.
so wato falls down into the bunker where voidfies is, and voidfies/the mask attacks wato - hence the blood (redstone) on the ground. eventually wato makes it out of there, but.. but now he has the mask again. now the mask has control of them once again. oh noes,,, but yeah, the mask now being partially wifies code-wise is my explanation for wato wearing wifies clothes as well. the world just tries to partially render him as wifies and that results in her having the wifies clothes.
but, wato carries on! they keep building the escape room, mask or no. he finishes up the escape room, tells evilfies, and evilfies is like.. 'why the fuck do you have the mask'. yet again,, oh noes! oh well. this is an opportunity for more Experimentation! atp evilfies deserves the whole mad scientist getup, labcoat and goggles and all... but i digress. anyway, wato proceeds to disappear for the next little while. i wonder where they are !! definitely not, and i quote watos tumblr post, "an elaborate array of escape rooms". which i asSUME means the uhhh absurdly big one seen in but there was more. idfk what kind of Experimentation evilfies got up to, but.. we dont talk about it. definitely involved comparing wato to the wifies clones in some way tho, in order to explain wato having the wifies head on.
so anyway, the wifies and ken videos happen as per normal (this is why wato knew the servers ip when he gave it to ken!! cause shes trapped there!!), and then.. then evilfies teleports masked wato into the escape room right before the Confrontation happens.
now, all the Experimentation that evilfies has done has fucked up the masks code even further, and now wato along with it! to say his memories are Scrambled would be.. an understatement, id say. but now, with the masks code being even more fucked, it Glitches sometimes and like, loses the way it manifests (the clothes/wifies silhouette) or its control slips and wato can Think. however due to her memories being Scrambled, when the masks control slips once theyre inside the escape room, the last thing he can remember is falling into that hole where evilfies was. its always the last thing they can remember. every single time the mask Glitches, the last thing she remembers is that hole. its the Final Memory until the mask regains control
but either way, now inside the escape room with the masks control having slipped, wato is confused as FUCK as to where he is. wasnt he just planning this escape room? now its built? and completed (twice)? wild.. so they panic, but the mask unglitches and regains control. masked wato continues solving the escape room in order to get out, uses the wifies head to get out, the norm. but on the win platform,, masked wato Glitches again. this time, its a clothing glitch. LISTEN, THIS IS MY EXPLANATION FOR THIS. I MAY BE MAKING SHIT UP WITH THAT ONE, BUT ITS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO MENTION. either way, the Glitch happens then goes back to typical masked wato.
then.. things go as usual ! masked wato makes their way to evilfies evil lair, go up to his office, takes one of the wifies heads from the armour stands, put it on, and sits in evilfies chair. now, why, you ask? well... due to the mask being in control, and the mask being partially evilfies code right now, its reasonable to assume that itd have some sort of memory of sitting in that chair, right? that office belongs to the person whose code it is partially made out of. so it might feel like it belongs there. so masked wato sits there. then a Glitch or internal conflict of some sort happens. masked wato paces around, trying to resolve it, but fails and.. jumps out the window.
masked wato goes to the Array Of Escape Rooms that they prolly spent the last while in. its also where his spawnpoint prolly is (yet again, according to watos tumblr post. thank you, wato.), so i suppose the instinct to go there when in probable distress makes sense. there, at the Escape Room Array, wato.. somehow loses the mask. i dont know if she manages to somehow separate himself from it, but the mask is gone and is back to being its own separate being. however, due to wato having had the mask for a while and the code being Fucked Up, it takes a while for the world to stop rendering watos clothes are wifies clothes.
but as with all the other theories, there at the absurdly big escape room, is where ken finds wato, drags them back with her, and then ken and wifies Interrogate wato. watos memories are fucked up, doesnt remember anth concrete, he leaves to go on the 'looking around and having Flashbacks' adventure. during the interrogation, voidfies made its way back to the main area, and is Spying on them through the windows..
so after all this, wato is the one that gets evilfies evil clone factory. he owns it now (this is based off the same post that wato made across three platforms lmao)! woo! cleans the place up, sets her spawnpoint there, and yay they have a home [:
what happened to voidfies tho?
no clue.
BUT WITH ALL THAT OUT OF THE WAY, HAVE A TIMELINE/SUMMARY OF EVENTS ACCORDING TO THIS THEORY (gods i love tumblr having no wordlimit im so sorry abt the length of this post):
- wato gets the mask during the train escape - a long while before any of these videos, wifies gets the mask from wato, which compels him to be Evil and invent cloning in order to fake escape rooms - evilfies likes the mask and decides to tie his code to it via Experimentation, which gives the mask sentience and a physical form resembling wifies - to test if the mask stays tied to him, evilfies puts it in a bedrock chamber far away from him. wato, having been building and planning the escape room wifies commissioned on the same server, accidentally falls into this bedrock room, gets attacked, and the mask gets control of him. masked wato now has wifies clothes due to the world being unable to read the masks code properly - masked wato finishes building the escape room - evilfies finds out about wato having the mask now, and drags her off to the Array Of Escape Rooms for more Experimentation (possibly using her as a comparison point for the clone wifies, hence the wifies head (so he Blends In)) - wifies and ken videos happen - before the Confrontation, evilfies teleports masked wato into the escape room, where masked wato Glitches and the masks control slips. wato, their last memory being falling into that bedrock room, is confused as fuck. mask regains control, masked wato finishes the escape room using the wifies head, Glitches visually at the win platform, and makes his way to evilfies evil lair - at the evil lair, masked wato takes one of the wifies heads and put it on and sits in evilfies chair possibly due to the mask having residual evilfies memories from his code. then there is either a Glitch or internal conflict of some sort, and masked wato jumps out of the window - having made her way to the Escape Room (where his spawnpoint prolly is), wato manages to get rid of the mask - the world hasnt stopped rendering their clothes and those of wifies yet - and is found by ken - ken and wifies interrogate wato. wato does not remember many things. voidfies is Spying on them.. - wato goes on a bit of trip down flashback lane - wato gets ownership of the evil lair
thats that!
tldr: wato is FUCKED - now both on a memories AND code level! the mask is sentient and partially wifies, and no one know how fucked up stuff is
what this theory DOESNT explain: the White Blob (AGAIN. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING.), why theres a chute to the bedrock bunker if the door is the intended exit (we see wato go out through the door in the true creator), how on earth this theory would work if i hadnt read too much mcyt fanfic, when on earth wifies originally gets the mask from wato, how wato remembers 'building most of the escape room' when he got the mask before even starting to build it and hence not remembering building it (this one could be explained by saying her memories are coming back, actually).
is this theory probably wrong? once again: YES! do i care? not particularly! i am bullshitting! this is Wild Speculation!! its fun! evilfies deserves to be a mad scientist!
ty for reading this 2149 word post, and ty to the other members of the theorising gc! @brain-empty @fncreature and @viv-imus-illogic ! shoot me a dm with your discord username if you want to join o7
and.. thats that, yeah. im going to go cry now /nsrs
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prodbyton · 4 months
PLS help why is tumblr like this😓😓 i responded to ur post mentioning about how anton isn’t ur ult why i didn’t know that u posted that like 3 days ago im sorry😅😅 tumblr did my dirty but i still wanna know
its okay love dww ive been a little ia the last three days anyway 🙈 but seunghan is actually my riize ult!!! i bias him, sohee and anton :3 sometimes wonbin too
been a seunghan fan since he was in smrookies… i saw him and was like yeah thats gonna be my man, especially when he was in nct universe i was like he’s just so fineeeee and a sweetie i knew id follow him wherever he went !! and honestly if it wasn’t for him and sungtaro i probably wouldn’t have been a predebut briize cuz i was really done stanning more kpop groups 😭 (all my ult groups are under sm so i wouldve became a briize regardless)
when seunghan went on hiatus i kinda took like a mini break from stanning riize along with just not even keeping up w any of my ults not even nct (who’s my #1 ult) and then in february i had this really insane fixation on riize again and had anton brainrot bad and then i made this blog :3
sorry i wrote an essay but i love to yap
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fukounaboy · 1 year
Uhh life update-?? hm.. oh!! I have a sister now!! Well- I already had a bio one but honestly fuck you claudia- right yeah anyways- yeah!!!! They're suuuper cool n I think you've seen me interact w/ them before?????? Eh! But idk what else to say except that they are the closest thing I have to family!! :D
(Not to say you are any less important- but it'd be pretty weird if I saw you like a sibling)
(Unless you're into that???? Last person to judge tbh)
OH ALSO!!! MAKING A MANGA!! (sorta-?)
Still doing character stuff but whooo!!! I- hope it's gonna be good???? The premise is pretty solid ig?? Eh!
HARASS ME WITH ASKS WHENEVER YOU WANT 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
I thinkkkkk I saw you interact with them???? I dunno
I forgot :3
If you wanna tell me ofc /nf
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phrootsnacks · 14 days
haikyuu!!sday: season 1 episode 9-12
I feel like im drowning in work but everything's fineeeee :-) also im thinking about making a very big change and people might be upset with me but I think it will make me very happy sooooo
anyway haikyuu time
episode 9: A Toss to the Ace
asahi is unfortunately very relatable to me
daichi is facts and facts dont care about your feelings
nostalgic for a past you CAN return to, you just dont want to
takeda is causing problems on purpose lol
people keep bullying asahi to play volleyball
sugawara is OBVIOUSLY doing this for asahi, kageyama. wait sorry I was not expecting this emotional exposition
SHUT up asahi
these kids got so many complexes about volleyball
this is a lot of dialog and montaging for a ball that is actively in play
he just fuckin broke their hands
episode 10: Yearning
yeah kageyama and hinata are doing some volleyball freak shit
hinata just has pure love for volleyball. zero angst
hahahahahhahahaha kageyama's scary face
kageyama is so silly sometimes. and then he's mean to hinata. and then he's egocentric. then he's giving a motivational speech? he's so silly lol
yeah they say some cringe huh
they just can't stop saying cringe
episode 11: Decision
put yamaguchi in, coach! he's useless but he's... um... he's gonna have some growth ok??
they're all so silly
among us
kuroo is also here
I love how the third years are just like :) while the first years and nishinoya are yelling at each other in the background
ennoshita is also a character in this show
nekoma is so good because they're a team ! :-)
episode 12: Reunion of cat and crow
garbage dump battle :D
sugawara and this other guy apologizing for their punk ass children
both teams are so cringe :)
hinata with his fuckin eyes closed again
kenma with the setter dump. kageyama with the spike. these fuckin setters man
just when hinata finally opens his eyes. rip
I dont think you can break hinatas will tho
he's fuckin useless with his eyes open lol
growth :)
fuck im still drowning in work. ok I guess I'll do it
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moonrisecoeur · 9 months
KISSES YOU bc ur so nice and patient and reassuring !?!?!? i literally AM so in love with you /j /j
i do genuienly get so happy to see pookie online tho like literally get too excited to see when u answer me like the freak i am 🥺
and i really get what u mean, its especially bad for me during depression episodes and i know saying this cannot stop the little rats in ur head either but! its soso hard but its just something u have to work on slowly, like communicating how u feel and not going thru w ur thoughts. like its soso hard n i know that from experience like it took me so long to actually start talking ab stuff that im afraid of or that bothers me, even if it takes a few days. im used to being hurt, but im also used to being loved too? and i cant let that go, and i love loving, and it hurts but i cannot imagine going back to when i refused to love so strongly bc its what keeps me going yk? i know what its like for ppl to fear my love n i dont want the ppl who love me to think that ever bc i love them sm. U R INCLUDED ILY
anyways on a lighter note- i am LITERALLY puppy anon!?!! i love dog leon!!! im literally writing werewolf leon hcs RIGHT NOW bc im so so so normal ab my puppyman. (im so attracted to werewolves.) hes gonna have multiple tags on his collar!!! we can share!!!!! im taking his leash too!!!!
im thinking sooo much ab excitable werewolf re2 leon its not even healthy! i literally have to keep taking breaks with what im writing bc i LITERALLY keep kicking my feet thinking abt him.
why are u joking. u shouldn’t be joking. you should be on your knees begging me to marry you obsessively in love with me. don’t joke about this this is serious.
but also!! yeah i try to be!! i usually just like to say the things that would help me to hear! obviously telling you ‘you’re not a bother’ is nice but at some point you don’t believe it when people say that!! because what if they’re lying just bc they feel bad and they wanna be nice to you but don’t really care for what you have to say? is that irrational? yes, yes it is. but i can’t blame ya!!
so instead i just acknowledge that the rats in ur head won’t believe me so i just !! i tell u that ur attention makes me feel popular instead of telling you you’re not bothering me and i tell u that i’m only being nice to u because i like u not because i feel like i have to be nice to u bc i’m nice to everyone.
fineeeee he can have multiple tags on his collar and you can hold his leash but i wanna pet behind his ears, watch him get all ditzy and happy from the tight leash and pets that he starts panting and drooling aifnsjsjdb im so so so sane
tell me about werewolf re2 leon. GIVE HIM TO ME NOW !! rahhhhhh
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
To be fair tho, the Y/N of this story isn't even the REAL Y/N technically. Basically X years ago when the real Y/N was a child, she was playing in the woods and got lost. The deeper she went into the forest, the more distorted it became, until she eventually encountered a monstrous creature with spider like limbs, to one's surprise she ran the fuck away, ran straight off a steep slope and died. Back to the monster, so like,, I forgot if they were supposed to be actively malicious back then or if they were simply trying to communicate to Y/N that "hey, I'm not bad or anything, I just want to lead you outside the forest because you're kinda trespassing into my home rn kid" I think it was supposed to be left ambiguous in the game but the point is, the monster felt bad that Y/N died and was like "nahhh man, you gonna live, live through me that is" so I think it either consumed Y/Ns whole body and shapeshifted into her or uhhh carved out her insides and basically possessed her dead skin like a rlly fucked up meat puppet.
Anyhow the monster who's now become our/the games Y/N has like, -1 braincells and no idea how to act convincingly human. The parents ignored it mostly because, when the hell have badly written Wattpad parents actually acted like parents? And being like "haha kids amirite?", it was a good thing that Y/N was at the age where children learned how to read. So what does our protagonist do after learning how to read? Steal all of "her" mothers trashy romance novels and scour the internet to find literature on how to act like a convincing teen so she can be prepared on how to act once "she" becomes older. Everyone else thinks she acts a bit strangely but chalks it up to "idk man, maybe that's just her personality?" So no one ever corrects her behaviour.
also the w.i.p name i literally just Y/NxNonny (real creative yeah I know) so it's not like you're missing out on much. I'm gonna infodump on the other, spriteless characters in another ask because this one's already long enough, but yeah this is the insane lore you'd get to explore in the game if I were to ever finish it.
-Ren'py anon
Renpy anon. You need to listen to me when I say this. Make. This. An. Actual. Thing.
This is the epitome of peak fiction. The peak of crack fic.
I'm so down to play as a monster possessing some persons dead body and pretending to be a cringey human 😊
I might die inside because I used to write on Wattpad but it's fineeeee
(Don't do it when ur busy or want to do other things though! I'm just saying its an awesome story idea and I could never think of this 1000000 years into my life ever)
I still want anon hackers sprite in my gallery. Idk if he's a hottie or not, BUT I WILL MAKE HIM FOR YOU IF I GET THE CHANCE
Okay last part, half true. I can still make him hot though.
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
heartbreaking news cozy masc king no longer cozy due to the fact that he remembered that theres school tomorrow and he needs to plug his phone in. cozy masc king also turned miserable pile of stress due to finals week- barely begun but already kicking his ass
#we didnt even have school today but yeah finals week#how fun#i was going to record the audio for my film project over the weekend bc tomorrow is the LAST DAY to finish it up so i was gonna#real quick get audio done over the weekend so i could just pop it into premiere and finish up my final touches during class#(i already got all the video clips filmed and edited n stuff last week) but of course i totally forgot to record the audio and its way#too late in the night rn to do any of that which means ill either have to use up class time tomorrow recording (which i dont think is#a good idea time wise i dont think ill have enough time to both record and finish editing) or more likely ill just go into a practice room#during my lunch period and hope that im able to get a good take#(to be fair its not like i eat lunch at school anyways but i do have the same lunch as 2 of my friends and itll suck not seeing them)#and also the reason ive been up this late was bc i was starting to build a muppet (for my history final)#which once again i am running short on time on that final is wednesday so i have to finish it tomorrow after school#even tho i was hoping to spend most of my weekend working on it i wasnt able to get supplies until today so i had to try my best#to get a start earlier and rn my brain is too tired to do any more#urg at least i already have part of one of my classes finals done and over with i had a performance final last friday and it wasnt the worst#like i couldve done a lot better and honestly my team did a lot better the day BEFORE the final when we were running our sets but whatever#and then the written part is thursday and hopefully i wont do too bad#the one class i havent mentioned yet tho... yikes i am not hopeful. we did a review in class the other day and i remembered JACK SHIT#its fineeeee everything is fineeeeeeee#finals (derogatory)#god and i cant even say i cant wait for them to be over bc them being over means next semester which means NEW SCHEDULES#and i honestly really CANNOT emotionally handle having a completely new schedule rn. everything is changing all my classes and#whos in my classes and even my lunch is gonna be different which im pretty sure is gonna make me have a breakdown its fineeee#breaking news stressed king spotted actually being active on tumblr for once (to avoid thinking about life)#just me rambling again#vent post#<- kinda?
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cryingbluez · 3 years
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(Sorry about all the chaos in this, I did try to go thru it and clean it up a bit, but its all just rambles, so yeah sorry if u don't get anything. This is all copy pasted from my ramble on my art book on Wattpad)
HHHHHH okay, so I did say I was making my own version of Jouta (I can't remember if I also said I'd be remaking his stand as well. but that as well X'D). So here you go heres my version of Jouta and his stand 'Charmy Green' ("Devil Freefall"). The second pic of his stand is just to show how tall it is compared to Jouta (my Jouta is 6'3) (also forgot to mention in Devil's ref but the tail's are optional to draw uwu) Despite the stand looking completely different, I wanted to somewhat keep Jouta looking similar to his original design, since ima be honest, I like the original design. I just wanted to add more elements of Kak to him, idk if I managed to succeed with that thou. Oh well its fineeeee.
(More info+Backstory (My Jouta's backstory is different to the original Jouta's) under the cut, I didn't want this post to get too long.) (Yet again sorry for all the chaos under the cut, I was writing it quick before my brain died, so things may be a bit mixed up? lets hope I got everything right X'D)
His stands name is based off of the song "Rainbow Kitten Surprise - freefall". And Jouta's stand Mainly does shit like explosions. His stand makes him invulnerable to things like fire and other explosions. Only if its (Devil Freefall) either fully summoned, or has itself wrapped around Jouta His stand can let him do similar shit that you see in FireForce as well as if his stand gets a good punch on someone it can do (a smaller version of) "Crimson Moon"- from FireForce. So basically his stand is kinda op. BUT I think my Jouta as a character balances it out, basically Jouta doesn't really use it to its full potential, since nearly always has it unravelled. He refuses to fight along side people to, due to his stands power he is afraid he'd hurt someone.  Friend or Foe his stand will harm them.  On top of that Jouta is very driven by emotion, thats his downfall in most things. And may be the thing that trips him up in a battle. He can also be quite selfish with things, especially when it comes to Kak, pretty much he'll do what HE believes is best, even if it isn't the best thing.  haha au time :D (also a au where no one dies) His backstory is different from the original. Basically, to put it somewhat simply, a stand user that was a follower of Dio attacked both Jotaro and Kakyoin. Hurt them pretty bad, but they managed to come out on top and kill the stand user, but the stand user could 'cheat death' in a way, but at the cost of memory and defence? (in a way. Since he becomes young, can end up as a child.)  Using Jotaro's and Kakyoin's blood his stand basically remade it's user in a way before 'dying'. (Remade itself loosly off of Kak's and Joots's stand) Making Jouta. (the more blood there is that the stand could have gotten, the older the user could create the body, since there wasn't too much of their blood it made Jouta around 6 years old)
At first they (mainly Jotaro) were gonna kill him again, but quickly realized that Jouta had no memories of his previous life and was basically just a 6 year old. Jotaro still didn't trust him, but trusted Kakyoin's judgment on the situation.  To which when they dragged Jouta along with them to the rest of the group and explained what happened. It was also met with scepticism. But after a while was dismissed. Joseph was more so happy to have a kid about (despite the situation they were all in trying to get to Dio).  Joseph and Kakyoin mainly taking care of Jouta, with Avdol and Polnareff taking care of him every so often (more so acted as uncle figures towards Jouta). Jotaro still held his scepticism about Jouta, so tended to avoid him when he could.  They discovered that Jouta had a new stand, though no one ever fully saw it, only it unravelled, not even seeing the stands hands or anything.
When it came to the Dio fight they sent Jouta to the Speedwagon Foundation. Not wanting to involve a child in the last fight. (kept him along with them up until that point, since as much as they'd like to believe that Jouta was a kid, he came from an enemy dying and remaking themselves. So they didn't want to put the Speedwagon Foundation in trouble if Jouta did turn on them. Which obviously wasn't the case.) (since this is a everyone lives au people just end up injured in the hospital after the fight) After the fight Jouta got to see the others again, and refused to leave Kakyoin's side, partly blaming himself for what happed to Kak, wanting to protect him. Making a promise to himself that he will never let anyone else hurt Kak. He partly understood he couldn't have done anything about it, but it's just the fact he could have tried to stop Kak from going to the fight, but didn't. Obviously a few years go by, and Jouta stays by Kak, things did get better in terms of him and Jotaro, but he (Jouta) obviously didn't like him (Jotaro) as much as Kak. He normally gets asked to run errands for Kak or the Speedwagon Foundation, normally delivering things to Jotaro when he was in Morioh (which led to him meeting Josuke).
(thats all I got so far, but yee, obviously I could expand on this story a lot more, but the jist of it is, Jouta born from blood, adores Kak with his life and would die for Kak since Kak was the only one who truly believed in him since the start, Jouta would also die for Joseph, he ends up living with Kak after the events of part 3, does once and a while spend time with Jotaro (maybe spends a week with him every so often, he would do it more, its just he hates being away from Kak)) (In this au Jotaro and Kak become best friends pretty quick before Jouta, and still remain best friends. Since Jouta looks similar enough to Kak when Jotaro gets his wife, they pretend that Jouta came from a past relationship that Kak was in, and that Jotaro became a second dad to him. Which (idk if she has a name) Jotaro's wife quickly became a mother figure to Jouta. So when Jolyne was born, they were raised as siblings in the context of Jotaro's and Kak's lie, despite them being actual siblings. When Jotaro ends up divorcing his wife Jouta still visits her and Jolyne since he adores the two as well. Helping them both out when they can, Kak also remains on good terms with the wife after the divorce. )  (idk if I will end up adding more to this, so yeah just take what I got, if anyone got any questions just ask oof)
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fizzychocolatemilk · 2 years
'I had a panic-attack-inducing-nightmare that something happened to you and had to come bang on your door to see you alive and well immediately' trope?
Ok...so I definitely took this in a direction opposite of its intended direction, but now we have lots of kisses and you know Izuku still had a nightmare technically, so it's fineeeee.
Basically, my dear anon, my brain locked onto the fact that you said "something happened" but not specifically something bad, so Izuku has a nightmare about Katsuki getting married to someone else and realizes that he loves Katsuki. Then there's a lot of kissing and embarrassment. You're welcome :)
Katsuki looked gorgeous as usual, and Izuku smiled, bittersweet, as his best friend walked down the aisle. Kacchan looked gorgeous—but Izuku’s mind was screaming that this situation was wrong, wrong, wrong. His breathing sped up as Kacchan got closer and closer, and in the next moment, there was cheering. He must have missed something because Kacchan was kissing…some extra on the altar—looking so in love—and Izuku was standing by his side, like he always wanted, but more alone than he ever thought he could be.
He bolted upright from the bad dream disguised as a good dream, and he needed to see Kacchan. Izuku needed to not be alone.
He scrambled out of bed and rushed to the stairs. The elevator was not fast enough for his frantic brain as he ran up the stairs two or three at a time, all the way to the burnt and banged up door that housed Katsuki’s room. He had enough self-control to stop himself from pounding on the door and waking up the other people in the hall, but the moment Katsuki opened the door, Izuku thoughtlessly grabbed Katsuki’s face and kissed him passionately.
He had enough adrenaline to say, “Don’t go kissing stupid extras, Kacchan,” before he came back to himself and realized…HOLY SHIT, I KISSED KACCHAN!!!
In his embarrassment, he buried his face in Katsuki’s neck to hide his blushing face, and it was there that the second realization came, Kacchan isn’t pushing me away. I KISSED Kacchan and he ISN’T PUSHING ME AWAY!
“De-Izu-you…I…What the fuck?” Katsuki asked, and Izuku stared at Katsuki in wonder, his final realization settling into place, Oh…I love Kacchan. Katsuki still had yet to shove Izuku away, looking bewildered as he continued, “Wait…why the hell would I be kissing shitty extras?”
Izuku was still blushing to the roots of his hair, but he couldn’t find the panicked embarrassment that he needed to scramble out of Katsuki’s arms. He smiled fondly at his best friend, “Eh, it was just a bad dream…disguised as a good dream because it had you in it,” Izuku smiled harder at Katsuki’s blush. “Can I…” Izuku squirmed a bit in Katsuki’s grip, “Can I sleep with you?”
Katsuki felt his body heat up with a blush, but he nodded before hesitantly asking, “Yeah, but can you, um, kiss me again?”
Izuku could tell his expression was disgustingly fond, but he still gently held Katsuki’s face and kissed him in a loving and slow rendition of his frantic, passionate kiss from earlier. “As many times as you want, Kacchan~” Izuku teased.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, blush still heavy on his cheeks, “Ha-ha, it’s your funeral. I’m gonna want all of your kisses now…you’ll never escape.”
Izuku took that moment to grab the backs of Katsuki’s thighs and pick him up, grinning at the surprised look on his face as Izuku stepped into the room, “Oh Kacchan, funerals are for sad things! I, on the other hand, will delight in giving you kisses on the hour.”
“Yeah, yeah, shitty Deku,” Katsuki looked away embarrassedly, “Put me in bed so we can go to sleep already,” he yawns, “I’ve sacrificed enough of my sleep schedule for you.”
Izuku also yawns, placing Katsuki gently in the bed, climbing in next to him and curling into his side, “Okay, Kacchannnn…” he said sleepily, “We can have more kisses in the morning…”
Katsuki scoffed fondly and wrapped a protective arm around Izuku, “Oh yeah, shit nerd. You’re definitely explaining your kiss ambush in the morning…after I get my good morning kisses.”
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polluxdespell · 4 years
These are just my headcanons for my 87/Comic Poe and my 2017 Poe. I’m trying to write this before the new ep comes because I wanna see how close my headcanons are to the real one. Ahhhhh.
So for my 87/Comic universe starts out with these basic things.
-Him and Magica are twins.
-Actually a pretty nice and chill guy
-Can’t actually use magic but really, really wants to. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to magical items and spells, he just can’t use or summon any magic himself. He learns how to work around this problem, though. Very cleverly. He even fooled Eldritch Academy for years. Ha. 
-Has been a raven for 10+ years which has affected his social skills a tad.
-Would do anything for his sister. ;-; Weh.
-Really not villainy like Magica has a redemption arch and he helps her with that (and sometimes his help wasn’t that helpful by accident,) but he himself is just chilling?
Really not as villainous as Magica; has a redemption arch, and helps her become a better person. Sometimes his advice/help doesn’t do much, but it’s the thought that counts.
-For being chill, he sure likes poking his nose in things and being a little troublemaker. Magica can tell Poe, “Hey, make sure Gladstone doesn’t do this thing,” and then when Gladstone does that very thing, Poe is half heartedly just “No. Don’t. Stop.” like that Willy Wonka meme. 
-Poe has a lot of “kid at heart” energy, while Magica is the more serious, adultier-adult one.
- I hint that he is trans. Comments like about him and his sister’s different personalities like “Hard to believe we’re from the same egg.” and “That old dress of mine looks better on you.” But not out right saying it.  Wouldn’t it be just his luck when he was turned into a crow he was turned into a male crow and when he was changed back he just happened to be changed back male and was like, “This is all going according to plan.”  Though out of all the villains I can see Merlock being a misgendering prick. Calling Poe She-lock and He-Witch. What an asshole. 
-Gladstone and Poe had become good friends even before Poe is reverted back to his original duck form.
-Poe is Minima’s dad, but there is some drama regarding the entire thing I hope to cover in a story I’m writing. (I’m really close to finishing that one.)
-I accidentally shipped him with Fethry in this universe lol. I’ve written bits and pieces of several Magicstone stories where Fethry and Poe form a friendship on the side that turns into a romantic relationship. In my future stories one of the main problems with Gladstone x Magica is their lack of communication. They don’t let the other know what they’re going through to ‘protect’ their partner. Meanwhile, I have Poe x Fethry at the same time as them having great communication and just the comparison of that against Magicstone like, look how many less problems Magica and Gladstone would have if they JUST TALKED. 
-Poe and Fethry are also both oversharers so like, this is gonna be great. 
-I’m really really biased with my 87/Comic Poe and Magica headcanons in that they can totally get redeemed. In my headcanon they were raised by their older half-sister till she was killed by hunters when Poe and Magica were thirteen. From that point on they raised themselves. Poe was very supportive of whatever Magica felt she had to do. Yeah the dark magic thing got a little shady but it's fine, its fineeeee.
-I know Poe wasn’t in the comics but I just hmm pretend he’s there with Ratface. In the cartoon Magica mentioned once she needed Scrooge’s number one dime for the spell to turn Poe back. So that is true along with having to do the Midas spell for the Grand Coven she answers to in the comics. 
-He makes friends with Grandma Duck super fast like omg his weak ass noodle arms will figure out how to get some farm chores down for her. GUS YOU NEED TO DO MORE WORK AROUND HERE WHAT THE HELL GUS.
- I never outright say how Poe got changed into a crow but it's something Magica feels is her fault. I’ve debated it being actually the Grand Coven Magica answers to that did it, because he offered to take a punishment for her. Something done in some way Magica feels it's her fault. ;-;
- Since this Poe can’t cast magic he does use magical items to protect himself. His hat does have a magical property I’m not gonna say cuz I needa finish that store. IT'S GONNA BE GREAT. 
Now 2017 Poe I headcanon much differently. First big change is he has magic and he’s an asshat. I really think if 87 Poe had magic he would have been more of a jerk too, but not to the extreme 2017 Poe is. I based 2017 Poe being more villainous like how Magica is more villainous. I love 2017 Magica, she is still a fun baddie, but I don’t have the same hmmm- soft spot for her as I do for comic Magica. 
Also, in my headcanon he has a flare for the dramatic. I realized he’d seem a bit like Black Arts Beagle. I then decided Poe was the one that trained BAB because why not. Same performative flare. Whee. 
I originally headcanon him to be more chaotic Deadpool personality type but seeing Martin Freeman is gonna voice him I bet that's not gonna happen. SOB. God he’s so pretty though. That midriff showing. 
-Just trash man
-Love me that goth trash man
-I would really want him not to be a jerk to Lena. That would cause a divide between him and Magica. He would see her technically as family even though created by magic, and not treat her like crap. And be mad Magica treated her crap.
-Minima was his daughter who died a long time ago. He sees a lot of Lena in her, but realizes Lena is not her. I mean he knows that from the start but would still be sad if they’re in an argument and he calls her Minima on accident. “I won’t always be there to protect you Minima! I- I mean Lena..” SOB. 
-I really didn’t see the same reasons to ship him with Fethry this time around too, but when I saw Steekbeak x Fethry stuff it got me thinking of what Poe went  in disguised as a normal dude to do some McDuck spying and met Fethry and they fell for eachother but then OOPS POE is a VILLIAN. OOPS. Just like the Matilda thing with Magica x Gladstone in the comics. TeeHee.
-No redemption arch just nice to a handful of people ha. Might MIGHT help good guys if the world was gonna be destroyed but oh boy would he have to be talked into it. (Lena could talk him into it.)
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