#so yeah steven's half gem half object here
wheucto · 10 months
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yknow what screw it. here. have this like. art of if the human characters from su were objects goodbye
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novantinuum · 4 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Pairing: Steven/Connie
Rating: Teen Audiences 
Words: 2.6K~
Summary: In which Connie’s subconscious, innocent touch helps Steven realize just how nice the sensation of gentle fingertips gliding across the surface of one’s gem can be. (Just a bunch of teen romance fluff, + first kiss)
This is set like... a few weeks before Steven leaves Beach City. I imagine he’s been recovering from what happened in I Am My Monster for at least 6 months by this point.
His days aren’t always great- there’s a lot of ups and downs- but thankfully, today is a markedly pleasant one.
His house is still for once. Impossibly so. No Diamond business, no new arrivals to Earth, no disgruntled Gems kicking down his front door. No more battles, beyond his own internal ones. Admittedly, a part of him is happy for the peace and quiet. He’s appreciative of the way all his family and friends rallied around him in support months back after... erm- after his breakdown, but every guy needs some space eventually.
‘Some space’ never has to mean alone, of course.
Steven sneaks a doe-eyed glance at the girl flopped next to him on the living room couch, her mind lost in the pages of her own fantasy world. It’s a new series, something about a human accidentally falling into the world of the fae. (It’s only been like, half an hour, and she’s almost a hundred pages in already!) A pliable smile teases his lips as he watches her eyes flicker back and forth, digesting each passage with a voracious hunger. Sighing in content, he turns his attention back to his own book, externally making as if he’s busy exploring the world of fiction to hide the sappy fact that instead he’s been thinking about her all along. Honestly? He adores quiet days like these. Even if they’re not doing anything special, it’s just nice to get to spend time alone together. It’s a comfortable together.
Connie shifts, instinctively curling closer, her free arm slung against his side. With a soft hum of content he leans into her welcomed embrace, trying his best (and— caught in her innocently bewitching presence— failing abysmally) to focus on the wandering lines of text.
Everything is peaceful.
No hard knocks, no frenzied phone calls, no family disruptions. The domestic warp hasn’t even activated once this whole lazy afternoon. In recent days, he’s pretty sure that’s a record.
At long last, his house is still... and yet in a flash, his hormone riddled teenage mind— ever foolish— is everything but.
Because Connie’s touch is tickling him.
It’s subconscious, almost imperceptible at first. At some point her free hand has roved so that it’s no longer pressed against his side, but against his midriff— which is currently exposed, his shirt bunched up at the waist from all his slouching. Teasingly, her fingertips dance upon the facets of his gem with the pinpoint expertise of a prima ballerina, encoding an endless rhythm directly into the sum of his being, the feather-light contact sending vibrations almost too faint to notice coursing through his hard light veins. But not too faint for him. Not now, not while host to this kind of silence. Not when the girl draped on the couch next to him unknowingly commands every shard of his attention with the slightest twitch of her index finger.
It’s taking all his willpower not to squirm at this ticklish contact right now. It’s so... weird when other people touch his gem. It’s certainly not something he’s used to.
(Steven promptly buries the memory of the last time someone touched it, refusing to let old terrors tarnish an otherwise pleasurable encounter. He can feel the pink threatening to rise in his cheeks, that instinctual rush of panic he’s grown so numb to over the past months rearing its ugly head. It’s so, so hard to wrestle away from its thrall sometimes, but thankfully his therapist has been teaching him ways to mitigate these sorta reactions. His eyes clamp shut as he breathes deep through his nose and focuses on the tangible, on what he knows: the plump, lumpy cushions of the couch under him, the slight scent of garlic and cumin in the air from the lunch he cooked a few hours ago, the rhythmic crashing of waves outside the house. The warmth of his best friend by his side—)
Tap, taptaptap, tap, taptaptap...
His cheeks bloom a human red as her lulling rhythm continues.
Like he said, it’s obviously subconscious. It has to be, right? It would certainly make sense. From his observations, Connie’s always been a tactile thinker. It’s part of what made her such a quick study in sword fighting. Whenever her mind is alight, those beautiful neurons firing back and forth like a firework display, her body is in motion. Sometimes it’s her foot, tapping impatiently into the dirt as she parses through memory to find the precise words to say. Or it’s like how she memorizes facts for tests easier if she’s jogging, listening to audio recordings of the test materials she made herself. And then there’s times like now, when Connie is reading. When her fingers tap and glide with an almost impish touch across the diamond gemstone in his belly’s center as her eyes— by all appearances entirely disconnected from both her hand’s motion and his reaction— skim effortlessly across the unfolding tale on her page. Her hands... oh, those hands... calloused, warm, digits lithe and curious in their movement. They’re always shifting, always tapping, always twitching to some identifiable rhythm. Is this just another example of her sway towards more kinetic-based thinking? Or... is it something else? A silent yearning that extends its roots from the heart into object reality, innocently unaware of the power of its call?
Stars, Steven thinks, mustering with all his strength to ignore his burning face, so maybe I’ve been thinking a little too much about her lately...
Eventually, it all becomes a bit too overwhelming to handle. If this continues in silence any longer, well... well, heck. He doesn’t even want to imagine what embarrassing things could happen. Mustering up all his courage, he flips his book shut and drops it on the cushion beside him.
“Um, Connie? By the way? That’s kinda ticklish,” he squeaks out, voice high and reedy.
Upon his words, she notices where her fingers are subconsciously tapping and immediately pulls her hand away, her cheeks flushing dark. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she says, quickly tossing her book aside and shifting upright on the couch. “I didn’t mean to goose ya’! I wasn’t even thinking abo—“
“No, it’s okay!” he interjects with an open hand. “I’m fine, really, I am. I- it’s not like, uh- It isn’t like a bother, and- well, it just—“
Burning up with such a ferocity that he’s about one impulsive decision away from high tailing it out of this fraught social situation and dunking his glowing pink head right into the Atlantic, he forces himself to hush before he says something super stupid and humiliating in front of his best friend in the whole world that he’ll regret and replay in his dreams forever and ever for the rest of his days.
Okay, Steven, stop running your mouth like a lovesick fool for one second and think. How can you say this in a way that doesn’t sound entirely stupid and/or weird?
Watching him closely, curiosity written across every vibrant feature, Connie inclines her head ever so slight, a subtle, wordless gesture— one only a Jam Bud could understand— for him to keep going.
The phantom sensation of her fingers tapping against crystal rushes through his nerves like the physical analogue to a bad ear worm. He reaches up to itch at the side of his neck, unable to fully stifle his nervous laughter.
“Honestly, it uh- it actually felt pretty nice?”
“What, me touching your gem?”
“Yeah,” he manages to croak out, voice cracking like it hadn’t since he was freshly fifteen.
She isn’t able to fully stifle her giggle at this, pressing her hand tight to her mouth far too late.
His heart nearly plummets at the sound of her teasing laughter, the constant thrumming of his hard light veins steadily quickening as a flood of energy pulses just below the surface. He knew he shouldn’t have said anything, he knew it was far too much after every other recent misstep he’s made in their relationship! Why couldn’t he have just kept his trap shut?
“Aw, geeze,” he says, voice thick and his every muscle ready to bolt, “this is so embarrassing—“
“No, no! I shouldn’t have laughed, it’s okay!” she jumps in, pressing her hand to his shoulder to help ground him “It’s just bodies, Steven. It’s not weird. It’s just how skin-to-skin contact works. It’s supposed to feel good, because we’re meant to be social creatures, y’know?”
He hums softly in agreement, taking the offered moment to ease himself down from brink of panic. He focuses intently on the weight of her hand, resting feather-light against him. It’s a small gesture, but a powerful one. More than anything, more than words alone could say, it’s a promise. A reaffirmation, moment by moment. I’m here. We’re here. It’s a truth even the sobering reality of shared trauma can’t hope to erase: that even when the going’s tough, they have each other.
Connie brushes a stray stand of hair behind her ear then, shifting on the couch. Perhaps out of a sum of bashfulness, her eyes drift, not quite able to meet his.
“I- it’s silly, but I guess I never considered that you could even feel sensation through your gem,” she admits.
“Really? But you’ve had a gem before. Well, shared a gem,” he corrects himself, though in the end it’s all semantics.
“Well, sure, but when we’re Stevonnie, they don’t tend to think about stuff like that, because you’re used to it, and I’ve never thought about it. It’s simply... normal for them, I guess.”
“Hahah, yeah. It’s always been that way for me,” he says with a soft chuckle. “I never crawled like a normal kid, d’ya know? Dad says I always used to move around by scooting on my butt. When I tried crawling my gem would scrape against the floor, and apparently? I hated it.”
She laughs for real this time, (with him, not at him), her voice ringing true and beautiful and clear like a bell. His heart swells with joy.
And then...
Connie’s lithe fingers reach towards his midsection, hesitantly at first, before— in careful consideration of boundaries— pausing in their voyage entirely.
Her eyes lock with his, her shy expression wholly giving up the chase on what her request will be before she ever shifts her tongue to ask in words. “Is it okay if-?”
“Always,” he says, gently leading her hand under the hem of his shirt and towards the gemstone at his core.
He can’t help his sharp inhale when he feels her fingertips dance across his facets once more. Even when he knows what’s coming, knows to expect this contact, it’s funny. Not funny in a ‘haha’ way, funny in an ‘I’m not used to this’ way. After all, he’s never exactly made a habit of touching his own gem beyond periodic cleaning, and (almost) no one else has ever had a purpose to. It’s for this reason that a small traumatized segment of his mind still can’t help but spiral in panic about the mere concept of any external being brushing against this treasure, this tangible half of his very essence. Given the nightmares he’s been through, he’d have every right to deny her touch. But with Connie... beyond everything else, allowing her in this way is the greatest show of vulnerability he knows how to give.
It’s his proof to her that in this moment, he trusts her implicitly, without question.
Gracefully, she traces her finger around the edge of his gem, lines each individual facet in turn. It’s ticklish at first, much like before, but as she grows more confident in her gentle exploration he finds himself relaxing under her touch. He feels warm, a faint buzz of content flooding his system through his hard light veins. With her, he feels safe.
“It really is beautiful, you know that?” she says, a peaceful expression settling across her features. “Your gem.”
“Nah, you’re beautiful...” he murmurs bashfully, cheeks flushing.
“So are you,” she replies in swift measure, eyes soft with endless adoration.
His fluttering heart extends its gossamer wings and soars. If it weren’t for her nestled at his side, lithe fingers running across each facet in even measure, her tactile presence tethering him like an anchor to this present reality, he’s pretty sure he’d have floated halfway to the ceiling by now.
Daringly, his gaze locks with hers. He swears his heart’s beating its own drum solo within his chest, but this time it’s not because of fear, not at all.
It’s the feeling of freedom.
His fingers loop around a stray strand of hair that’s fallen in front of her eyes. That seems to happen a lot, he’s noticed. As delicate as he can manage, he hooks it back over her ear.
“Can I...?” he whispers, his warm breath brushing against her lips.
She replies in wordless affirmation, leaning forward to close the narrow gap between them. Hooded eyes drift shut. Her hand still rests on his gem as they finally move to cross that final barrier, that fuzzy, oft indistinguishable line drawn between childhood sweethearts and could-be couple, and kiss.
Well, attempt to, anyways.
To be fair, despite his schmaltzy roots, Steven only has movies and books to pull from as an example.
Their noses bump against each other’s at first. Both giggling, they tilt their heads to compensate and then mash their lips together, reveling in every ridiculous moment of their joint inexperience. It’s definitely sloppy, and he doesn’t have a clue where he’s supposed to put his hands or how long is too long, or how he’s supposed to move his mouth against hers, or— stars, did he even remember to brush his teeth this morning?? He sure hopes so— but because it’s with Connie all of that doesn’t matter. It’s perfect in every way.
“OoooOOOoo, looks like loverboy’s finally gettin’ some!”
He and Connie startle at the interruption, pulling apart from each other with equally flushed faces to match eyes with their surprise visitor.
It’s Amethyst, leaning against the kitchen table with a downright roguish smirk, probably thinking she’s the funniest Gem that’s ever emerged. Of course, who else would it be? (Though, which entrance did she come in from? When did she sneak past them? Were they really so involved with each other that they just... failed to notice??)
“Crude,” he says, brows creased with faint annoyance.
In return, she cups her cheeks and serves him the most ridiculous, schmaltzy expression she can muster. “Sap!”
Connie stifles a laugh at her exaggerated antics, but on his side he can’t help but be salty that her interruption yanked the two of them away from the blissful throes of blossoming teenage romance.
“Oh, get outta here, you,” he chimes back, and playfully tosses one of the couch’s pillow straight towards her face. “Shoo!”
The quartz Gem catches it out of midair and grins, no stranger to tests of reflex these days. Adopting a fake posh voice, she fires back her retort. “Your wish is my command, Sir Sappington...”
Tucking the pillow under her arm, she turns on her heels and skips up and over the warp pad’s platform, stalking towards her room with a victorious air. She doesn’t even try to mask her lovingly teasing snickers as the door splits in two at her command and she crosses the barrier into the temple’s dimension warping interior. The last they hear from her before the passageway shuts is an overly triumphant ‘whoop.’ Steven can’t help but raise a scandalized brow at this. What, were the Gems hosting a betting pool about him and Connie, or something?
But thankfully, in time, the beach house grows peaceful again. They’re alone together, and together they’re content.
“Geeze, sorry about that,” he says bashfully, scratching at the nape of his neck. “You know how Amethyst is, heh heh.”
Connie smirks with loving, mischievous intent, comfortably cuddling up against his shoulder. “She’s kinda right, though...”
“You can be pretty sappy sometimes,” she says fondly, and tilts her head so she can smooch his cheek. “Just one of the many reasons I love you.”
So, given that I’ve also written a fic wherein Steven wakes up feeling a hand against his gem and has a panic attack, a word of explanation with my headcanons-
Ultimately, I imagine there’s a very stark difference between a trusted individual like Connie touching his gem when he’s fully alert and it’s just them, alone, safe... and him waking up and being groggy enough to not immediately realize who it is next to him.
In the end though, I just hope Steven would be able to reclaim a once-terrifying experience (someone else touching his gem) as something that is also able to be loving and comforting when it’s done with consent.
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honestlyhufflepuff · 5 years
Taking a closer look at “Why So Blue”
This episode was a lovely break from Steven’s “baggage,” instead focusing on the growth Lapis has had. It was visually beautiful, with a touching new song from Lapis, and an interesting contrast from gems that remind her of her old self.
However, I feel this episode has been a little neglected in the fandom as far as the things it tells us about Steven and the world around him. Remember, Future is primarily about Steven’s arc and anything revealed about another character is bound to reveal something about him as well. “Why So blue” has been overshadowed by more dramatic episodes that had Steven’s anger and negative feelings at the forefront. This is no surprise, as seeing Steven’s issues manifesting so intensely is still such a new thing for the fans to process. This episode has Steven acting closer to his lighthearted, optimistic “old self” than any other one in SUF, and I wanted to delve into the implications of that. Let’s break down some things the episode establishes…
1. Despite his “outbursts,” Steven is still a Pacifist at heart.
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This look was all it took for Lapis to regain control of herself. In this episode- this moment- is when he really seemed the most like “Classic Steven.” He’s not shouting at her to stop, or joining in the fight. He is just believing in Lapis’s growth and giving her the space to come around on her own. I don’t think the Steven we saw in “Guidance” would have done that. Part of this shift is due to his personal growth, but it’s also probably because he is falling back into his old role of pacifying hostile gems, which is what he knows best and what he’s comfortable with. That isn’t healthy, especially considering how much we’ve seen him panic when he doesn’t have someone to fix in later eps. However, it’s still a relief to see that fighting is not his first recourse despite his new “pink” powers making an appearance almost every episode.
2. Our Lapis is far stronger than your average Lapis. It is unclear if she was designed to be this way or if it is a result of her trials. Regardless, the Crystal Gems should be very grateful she’s on their side. She has the potential to rival a Diamond in combat.
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She fixin’ to mess y’all up.
3. Steven has had growth over the course of SUF.
I bring this up because I think even though Steven is facing a very real personal crisis regarding his growth, he’s still had positive changes since the original series, and since the start of Future.
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Lapis: I wish I hadn’t done that. They just remind me so much of myself. It’s infuriating.
Steven: Give yourself a break. You’ve grown a lot. It’s not your fault they’re stuck in their ways.
Contrast Steven’s attitude in this scene with his attitude towards Jasper back in Little Homeschool, after agonizing about his inability to change her:
Are you just going to sit here…waiting for someone to give you a purpose? Because I’m TRYING to give you one!
There have been obvious parallels between Jasper and Steven in this series, as Jasper is possibly the only character almost as stuck in the past as Steven is. I don’t know if Steven is self aware enough to realize that Jasper set him off so easily because he saw himself in her, like Lapis did in the HW Lapises. What he has realized is that not all gems will change in the way he imagined they should, and that’s ok. Him and Jasper, as far as we know, are not exactly friends, but they have an understanding of each other. Jasper may always be stuck in her ways, and Steven has apparently made peace with the fact that her bitterness is not his burden. He even sees value in the fact that she sees the world differently from him, and wants to learn from her.
This was a huge point of growth for Steven. All he did through the main series was try to fix people, and it’s obviously taken a toll on him. The only problem is now that he’s let go of his need to fix others by leaving Little Homeschool, he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
Steven has moments of self awareness regarding his issues (in between all the repression, avoidance, and denial) throughout SUF. One is in this moment with with Lapis, where he articulates that you can’t blame yourself for someone else not wanting to change and grow. He admitted to the Rose Quartzes that he’s “not fine,” but vehemently says the opposite to anyone else. He admits to Pink Pearl that he has “baggage,” although he won’t elaborate. He admits to Amethyst that his need to control others is a problem. He admits to his friends- under extreme duress and prodding- that he is having a hard time coping with cange. He opens up to “Cactus Steven” more than anyone, but after how that turned out the next time he opens up won’t come very easily.
My point is, Steven is still growing as a person, but it is a slow process due to all the trauma he is processing, compounded with having powers just as volatile as his emotions are.
4. HW gems are having a hard time letting go of the old caste system.
He’s half Diamond. Maybe we should half listen.
If the Lapises were really listening to Steven in the first place, then their primary motivation for listening to him would not be him being “half diamond.” The whole point of him overthrowing the empire was to create an equal society where Diamonds wouldn’t dictate what everyone does anymore.
How can the thing we’ve always done just suddenly be wrong?
Everyone is having trouble adjusting to this new equality in practice, including Steven. This is a massive, ancient, complex dictatorship that is now adjusting to a new government created by a human teenager. A Diamond is the one teaching and leading the new way things work, so of course it’s a mixed message for HW gems who have him telling them everyone is equal, but also that they no longer can do what they want to if it impedes his vision. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in Steven’s position. It would make most people uncomfortable to tell someone that the thing they were created for- that they also take joy and pride in- is now not only obsolete but morally wrong. Hooray for minors dealing with the nuances of cultural sensitivity in their galactic imperialism!
“He’s smaller than I thought.
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Funny that this was the same thing said by the Rose Quartzes. It’s probably hard for any gem to imagine a Diamond that is not massive and imposing, but Steven is still pretty small even for a human (and still shorter than Connie). I can imagine this is why Jasper was so quick to reject him as her Diamond. Steven does not project the towering picture of immortal and flawless power as the other Diamonds have, and this is inevitably disappointing to gems that have long valued that image.
You really expect us to dance and sing like Pearls?
Gem society was not lacking in the arts, but they were strictly reserved for the elite and those who served to perform for them.
It’s interesting that Peridot had no idea what music was, and I presume this is because she was in a lower status than Lapis. The problem is not that the HW Lapises were unaware of artistic expression, but that they found it beneath them. The Lapises take pride in being instruments of power and destruction, the opposite of how everyone perceives Pearls. It’s no surprise they perceived such a heartfelt song from a fellow Lapis as “pitiful.”
Despite the fact that Pearls were very close to those in power, they had none of their own, and even Peridot considered herself above them when she first arrived from Homeworld. Pearls were created to be objects. Status symbols. Pretty little ornaments. Music boxes. And gems created for more “practical” purposes than entertaining the elite and opening doors would see anything associated with Pearls as beneath them.
5. Hot take: Lapis’s approach wasn’t totally in the wrong.
Lapis: We’ve just got to force them to stop. They’re not nice like me.
Steven: Ummm *avoids eye contact*
Lapis: Exactly.
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The HW Lapises- much like Jasper- valued physical power over other virtues. Lapis beat herself up a lot for her loss of restraint, but communicating a bit with a show of the type of power the Lapises valued was enough to get them to listen. Steven’s approach alone clearly wasn’t working.
Sometimes people think so differently from you that you have to meet them halfway to have any hope of getting through to them. Steven did this when he agreed to fight Jasper.
I think the main reason he feared Lapis taking this approach was because he knew her past. He knew how hard she was to reign in once she got started, and how drastic she could be in confrontation. I mean, that’s why we have the entire Malachite story arc.
Restraint takes strength! Patience takes strength! Ugh, I don’t have the strength to deal with you.
However, Lapis has grown past that stage of her life, where her trauma ruled all her interactions with others. She has friends- like Steven and Peridot- who keep her grounded. She has developed healthy coping skills and outlets for her processing her emotions. This is why is so concerning to see Steven doing the opposite. The more fragile his mental state becomes, the more he distances himself from his closest friends and interests.
Lapis had the self awareness to realize she was slipping into old habits and losing control, and removed herself from the situation to cool down. That is huge for her.
Not every gem is going to want to go to Little Homeschool, and there’s probably a lot of them that still like fighting and destruction- especially if that’s what they were made for. Era 3 is so bent on avoiding violence that there isn’t really an outlet for pent up aggression (which Steven could use as well, btw). I think starting up some kind of gem dojo would be a great alternative instead of just expecting every gem to like the “softer” things like dancing and making meep morp.
Also, just imagine Jasper as a dojo master. Hell yeah.
6. Most people probably do not realize that Steven is struggling.
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Wow, Steven. It took you a whole 5 seconds to make a new friend. You’re getting rusty.
I found this quote from Lapis telling. She still sees Steven as being able to make and keep friends effortlessly. In “Room for Ruby,” she was actually relieved to hear Ruby’s immediate love for earth was all an act, laughing and saying “No one could be that well adjusted.” The only exception to this rule for her seems to be Steven. She looks to him for stability, just like she did in the fight with the other Lapises.
In reality, Steven is terrified of his friends moving on and changing, while also being resentful if they don’t recognize he has changed. He has unresolved trauma that is eating away at him and causing him to have emotions he doesn’t know how to handle. However, most people probably see Steven as he presented in “Why So Blue-” gentle, charismatic, and carefree. It is not uncommon with mental illness to be “high functioning” in public and then come undone the moment you are home around your immediate family.
Even after the very public display of his stress in “Little Graduation,” none of his friends were like “dude, you’re scaring me, please go to therapy.” They saw one incident, but not the whole picture, so none of them seemed to really grasp how bad things are going for him. This is because Steven is still pretty adept at putting up a positive front most of the time.
Anyways, I just wanted to revisit this episode and give it some love. Feel free to RB and tell me things you noticed about it that I may have missed!
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ladylore97 · 4 years
SU FF Deleted Scene: Making Amends, Chapter 11
Words: 2790 (it was a long one to cut!) Summary: Steven and Spinel are established friends. Steven invites Spinel to stay over and have a slumber party. Spinel has a nightmare and Steven comforts her.  Warnings: Panic attack, nightmares.  Ships: One-sided Stevinel(?). Spinel has a big fat crush on Steven, and Steven is in a happy relationship with Connie. Nothing that deviates from canon other than the fact that they are close friends. 
You can read the full story on AO3 or on FF.net
(I literally don’t remember what dialogue I took out before this but basically it’s getting late and Steven and Spinel are deciding what to do)
“You can take the pad upstairs back to Homeworld if you want. Or you can spend the night. I won’t be doing much, though. Humans have to sleep for about eight hours every day to recharge. If we don’t we get really slow and cranky and could even get sick.” Eight hours every day? That sounded inconvenient.
“What’s sleep?”
“Oh, it’s when you close your eyes and get comfy and let your brain shut off for a bit.”
“Oh! I did that sometimes. Never that long, though.” Not until after the initial 3,000 years, when Spinel dared to occupy herself with any activity that would hurt her chances of hearing that desired sound of a warp pad activating. She had learned to be the lightest of resters, closing her eyes for only a few minutes, ears vigilantly trained to hear even the slightest sound from the warp pad.
“You can try it if you want, and if you don’t like it you can use the warp to go back home or hang out in Little Homeworld or whatever you want to do while I sleep.”
“I’ll…try it,”she said after a moment of thought, “Yeah, who knows? It might be fun.” Steven beamed, and her doubts were instantaneously lifted.
“Alright, slumber party! I’ll get out a sleeping bag.” She followed him around the house with an air of excitement, nervously anticipating a different experience with rest than the one she had before. With the comfort of Steven in the room and nothing to vigilantly listen for, nothing to keep her from snapping back awake, maybe Spinel would actually enjoy sleeping.
“Here you go! I even found my old cuddle buddy for you – M.C. Bear Bear! He was a favorite back in the day,”he said, proudly handing her a stuffed….well, Spinel didn’t quite know what it was. But it was soft in her hand, and the fact that it was a treasured object of Steven’s made her smile. She held it against her chest while Steven arranged her pillows, privately taking a moment to inhale its scent. It smelled distinctly of Steven mixed with the must of dust.
“All set! First time sleepers, get comfy and warm under the blankets, close your eyes and try to think of nothing. Or count backwards from 100. Math always tires me out.” Spinel did as he suggested and apprehensively watched him climb into his own bed, then she laid down on the sleeping bag on the floor. She laid her head on the pillow the way he did, curling her body toward Steven’s bed and holding his bear tightly against her, her nose buried into the back of its head.
“I’m going to go to sleep now. If you can’t or wake up before me, you’re welcome to get up and do whatever you want. Just try to be quiet if you can. Night, Spinel.”
“Good night…” She listened intently, curiously waiting for a sign that would tell her what to expect from sleeping. She found it when Steven’s breathing began to even out and he had stopped moving as much. Spinel let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, realizing it was her turn. Closing her eyes, she tried to get comfortable. The room was dark, like the garden had been, but she wasn’t alone this time. There was nothing to fear here, she reminded herself. Nothing she had to stay awake for. Nothing she had to force her eyes open to see. Steven was here, and she could rest.
Spinel didn’t realize she had slipped into sleep until she was met by a vision entirely different than the floor of Steven’s room. She was back in the garden, her feet tethered to the ground by familiar vines and grassy debris. A beam of light ahead of her made Spinel’s gem feel like it had leapt out of her chest.
Pink Diamond walked slowly toward her, the frown on her face deep and impossible to ignore.
“You couldn’t do it, could you? You couldn’t even do one simply thing for me. Even though they were such easy rules.”
“Pink! I’ve stood still this whole time, just like you said. I-I’ve been good, I promise I have!” The elation of finally seeing her friend’s face was drowned out by the sudden terror that seized her. Pink was looking at her with such disappointment.
“You lost, Spinel. And now…” The stars in the sky began to blink out, one by one, until it was just Spinel and Pink, swallowed by darkness. From the dark, a pink shape emerged, larger and larger until Spinel’s injector filled her vision, its sheathed base hovering threateningly above her.
“…I don’t need this garden any more than I need you.”
“Pink…” Her diamond turned, and Spinel was helpless to run after her as the vines around her legs tightened their grip. The injector rotated above her, its drill head emerging and taking aim, but Spinel hardly noticed it. For all her power, she suddenly couldn’t stretch, couldn’t speak, couldn’t do anything but watch Pink walk back to the warp pad. Her hands remained locked tight in the position she had waited in, impossible to move.
“PINK!”she screamed, but nothing came out, and the injector made its mark. Spinel sat up with a start, her face already streaked with tears as she looked around Steven’s room. A choked sob burst from her throat before she could slap her hand over her mouth, remembering too late that she needed to be quiet to let Steven sleep. Steven stirred slightly from his place in his bed.
“Spinel? Spinel, are you okay?” Spinel couldn’t move, her hands tightly pressed against her mouth, silent and speechless as she was in her dream. A dim light illuminated the room next to them as Steven reached for his salt lamp in the dark. But she couldn’t move, couldn’t turn her head to see the surprise on his face.
“Spinel! What happened?” She didn’t answer. She couldn’t answer. The very particles in the air around her seemed to have frozen, sound suspended, time stopped.
“…Did you have a bad dream?” Steven’s voice was drifting, muddled and distant, as if he was speaking underwater. She clung to it, faint as it was. A dream? What was he talking about?
“…I can’t move,”she whispered, so softly he barely heard her over the muffle of her hand over her mouth.
“You can move now. It was just a dream, Spinel.” She could barely hear him. Her legs felt like lead, too heavy to lift, a permanent fixture to the floor. Fear flooded her as she wondered if this was just part of Pink’s punishment, to keep her from moving forever, trapped in one place for all eternity.
“I-I can’t move,”she repeated, voicing the only piece of truth in her otherwise disorienting world. Her vision swam, the world veiled in distortion as tears burned her eyes. Though she couldn’t see, she could feel someone’s hands, big and warm, coming up to gently tug her hands away from her mouth. His voice sounded far, far away, as inaccessible as the warp pad had been, even though both Steven and the portal were right in front of her.
“…-ome on, that’s it. It’s okay, Spinel. Just look at me and breathe.” Except she couldn’t. She couldn’t move, couldn’t see or hear Steven, and the more she tried, the more she panicked. Vaguely she registered a firm warmth wrapping around her, and a faint voice whispering in her ear. Tears streamed down her face as she focused on that voice – the only sound that felt remotely real.
“It’s okay, I’m here,”it was saying, “Just breathe in and out with me. I’ll count.” And then she heard numbers. Yes, she could focus on numbers. Numbers were familiar – a counting game she knew well how to play. She let the voice count for her, squeezing her eyes shut to anything else, letting its warmth and deep cadences gently relax her. It didn’t matter what the voice was saying. It didn’t matter if she had to wait a little longer, she tried to tell herself. Do what you did countless nights when the worry and the fear became too much. Just count. Count until you forget your place, and then start again. Nothing else matters except for the next number. Forget your worries, forget your sadness. Just count. Spinel closed her eyes and focused.
She had lost count of what number she had ended up on when she realized the warmth she had felt was Steven holding her. The voice, she finally recognized, was Steven’s, still gently whispering soothing assurances to her. Other sensations began to register as well – the fact that she had been crying, the wetness on his shoulder where her cheek rested, the tightness in her hands as she clenched fistfuls of his pajama shirt. He must have sensed that something in her had shifted, because he gently released her to lean back and look at her. Her tears welled and spilled over, freeing her vision to see Steven’s concerned face. Steven’s eyes, reflecting hers. Steven’s hands, holding hers. It was the most welcome sight in the world, she thought with a shaking sigh of relief. Suddenly it didn’t seem to matter where she was, or whether she was stuck in it or not. If Steven was here, she would be okay.
“…There you are,”he sighed with relief, gently cupping her face with his hand. The gesture was too much in her sensitive state - so painfully sweet, and so undeserved for such a wreck like her. Her welled-up tears spilled over onto already damp cheeks as she leaned into his hand, a soft whimper escaping her throat before she could stop it. He was too good, much too good for her. He deserved so much more than his mother’s hand-me-down broken toy, and yet… Her fingers had curled around his without realizing, anchoring her worthless, unwanted self to him, as if she had any right. With a half-broken sob she fell face forward into his chest, the silk of his pajamas soaking up her tears and her arms instinctually wrapping tightly around him.
“I’m sorry,”she sobbed, though of what, she couldn’t say. There was simply too much to be sorry for. For being such a fool, for being so forgettable, for being such a mess and a bother – he could take his pick. His arms came around her regardless, encasing her in his warmth.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, you just had a little panic attack. You’re okay. Whatever you saw when you were sleeping, it’s not real. They’re just pictures in your head when you sleep.”
“You didn’t tell me that could happen,”she accused, her fingers clenching tightly around the fabric of his pajamas. She felt his hand gently touch the back of her head.
“I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t think your first dream would be a nightmare.”
“I d-don’t wanna ever d-do that again,”she sobbed, hiding her face in his shoulder. Steven held her against him, tiredly petting her hair as she sobbed, her arms coiling tighter around him of their own volition.
“You don’t have to. You’re safe now.”
“She was so angry and disappointed with me,”she blurted out without thinking, “She wanted me shattered.” Steven squeezed her tighter, knowing full well who she was talking about.
“She’s not here anymore. It’s just us, now.” Spinel’s arms made another loop around his shoulders.
“I don’t want to go home. I don’t want to be anywhere she touched right now.” Steven thought for a moment. Tired as he was, even he knew Spinel wasn’t in any state to wait quietly in the dark for him to sleep, and he wasn’t in any state to pull an all-nighter staying up with her.
Exhaustion smashed any reservations. “Just stay here tonight. You can stay by me until I wake up. You don’t have to sleep if you don’t want to.” Spinel slowly sat up to look at him, her eyes still wet and glassy.
“You won’t leave?”
“Of course not. I promise, I’ll stay right here with you.” He patted the space above them, motioning for her to join him at the edge of the bed. It took a long while until she was calm enough to move, but when she did she followed him onto his bed, looking apprehensive as he resumed his position laying down, their hands still tightly connected. He looked over to see she hadn’t moved to lie down yet, staring at him with glassy, frightened eyes.
“What’s wrong? You look scared.”
“Are you going to leave to a different place when you start dreaming?” Steven yawned, too tired for the philosophical implications of the question. He motioned for her other hand and gently guided her down to his side.
“Nobody disappears, Spinel. Dreams are just stories projected in your head. My body won’t move if I start dreaming, so I’ll be right here.” His answer didn’t seem to ease Spinel’s nerves. Steven could feel the pull of sleep weighing on him, heavy and thick.
“If you’re worried I’ll move, you can hold my hand while I sleep.”
“You won’t let go?”
“I won’t let go,”he promised, “Just, don’t talk too much, okay? I can’t talk and sleep at the same time.”
“…Okay,”she answered, her voice dropping down to a whisper as she stretched her hand to gently clasp his. In a matter of seconds his hand had gone limp in hers, but still she held on. His hand fit nicely in hers, large and warm and soft. Calloused fingertips, rough from years of playing guitar, gently curled around her gloved hand, a safe anchor in her otherwise tumultuous storm. She was safe here. She was safe with Steven.
Slowly she laid her head down on the bed, watching him studiously in the dim light of the stars from the window. His chest rose and fell evenly with each breath, hypnotic and calming. The sound was the only noise permeating the otherwise perfect quiet left behind by Spinel’s previous crying. Spinel couldn’t help but close her eyes and savor the sound - soothing, repetitive, grounding. The peace she felt laying by Steven was in such stark contrast to the panic just moments ago.
“You’re still shaking,”his voice cut through the silence, soft and sleepy. Shame filled her – she couldn’t even hold his hand without keeping him awake.
“M’sorry! I was starting to calm down a little, I promise. I’ll be quiet for you.” A beat of silence as Steven seemed to register what she said at half the normal processing speed. Then sluggishly he extended an arm to her, lazily wiggling his fingers to beckon her closer. She took the invitation with tentative surprise, scooting closer to the boy nodding off until they were just barely touching. Her figurative heart lurched a little as his arm came around her, cacooning her in a loose embrace.
“Better?”he mumbled, barely awake. She felt her cheeks flush at their proximity, all thoughts of fear and insecurity wiped from her mind instantaneously and replaced with the single all-consuming though: Steven is holding me.
“Y-yes,”Spinel stammered. She was surrounded on all sides by a comforting warmth that could only be Steven’s body heat. His arm around her back, his body protecting her front, there was nothing that could touch Spinel here. With nowhere else to put it, her free hand tentatively rested against his chest.
Daring herself to try to relax despite being wide awake now, Spinel allowed her head to very slowly lower onto Steven’s shoulder, her eyes never leaving her now sleeping companion. Absently her thumb stroked the back of the hand that was resting around her waist, attempting to calm herself with the simple grounding gesture, even though her senses felt on fire. It didn’t take long for her previous terror to melt away into something softer.
There was a stillness in sleep unmatched by any quiet Spinel had experienced before, even in the garden. She couldn’t help but stare, taking in the sight of her most important friend in the universe, trusting her to be so close to him at his most vulnerable. How many people got to see this – this total surrender and trust to someone when he was completely defenseless? Spinel hardly felt worthy of it – no, she knew she wasn’t worthy of it. And yet Steven gave it nonetheless, comforting her as best he could simply because he could. Her hand tightened around his instinctually, her thumb gently brushing over large, warm fingers. He was so kind, so good. She dared to lean in closer to allow their foreheads to touch, breathing in his warmth, his patience. She felt so safe, like the wounds of the past simply didn’t matter here. 
(the ending is the same as in the full chapter, maybe go read it wink wink ;)
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Catra can say fuck words now
“Pearl! Look, the alien’s a cat!” Steven shouted excitedly, with a hand pointed toward their new visitors. Catra backed up as he approached.
“Woah woah woah, back up kid. And I’m not a cat!” She hissed, “Why does everyone keep calling me that?”
“Uh, because you look like a cat?”
“I don’t even know what a cat is!” Melog poked her head out of the ship with a metallic whirr. She eagerly jumped out of the ship to rejoin Catra when she realized that Steven and the gems were friendly.
“What do you mean, you have a cat right there!”
“No, that’s just Melog.” Melog tentatively sniffed the Steven from afar, before walking up to press her face into his body. He laughed and leaned over to pet her.
“Hi Melog!” Melog purred Ashe stroked her head.
“What are you doing here?” Pearl asked as she belatedly withdrew her spear. The others quickly put away their weapons, except for Garnet, who was calmly holding Cat Steven.
“Well, we were going to return magic here, but now I’m reconsidering.”
“Return magic…?” Pearl muttered to herself in confusion.
“Uh, yeah, Entraota said there was a ton of magic here like, 6000 years ago. We’re here to bring it back.” Pearl suddenly had a realization.
“Oh, dear, no, there’s been a misunderstanding,” she said, “There’s never been magic on this planet. Well, there wasn’t supposed to be. Those readings must be from the War.”
“The War???”
“Yes? Did you not get the broadcast from the Diamonds?” Pearl asked. Catra looked at her like she had three heads.
“You know what? This is getting weird. I’m letting Adora handle this-“ Catra turned around to leave. She didn’t take five steps before running into Lion and tripping over his paws. Lion leaned over and pressed his face right up to her’s.
“Hey-!” Lion sniffed at her, before licking her face affectionately. She tried and failed to suppress a smile. Catra half-heartedly shoved his face away, and he dropped his entire body on top of her.
“Catra, what’s going on out there?” Adora shouted from inside the ship before sticking her head out. Everyone turned to look at her. It very obviously made her nervous.
“Oh. Um, hi?”
“Hello!” Steven said with a friendly wave. He motioned for her to come over, and she started making her way down from the ship. He looked at Lion. “Lion, maybe you should let her go.”
Lion snorted before casually standing and backing up. Melog walked up to him and meowed, and he responded in kind with a soft, amiable roar. Garnet came up behind them and gently placed Cat Steven between them. Steven gasped in delight.
“Aww, they’re a little family!”
Adora helped Catra up from the ground before turning to the gems. She cleared her throat.
“Hi! Hello. I’m Adora, this is Catra, we’re here to return magic to the planet.” Catra balked.
“Uh, no, we aren’t.”
“Catra, please-“ Catra grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her to face the ship.
“I’m sorry, did you just forget that they BLASTED A HOLE INTO OUR SHIP???” She screamed. She pointed towards the glaring hole in the right wing. As if on cue, the metal snapped off, and the entire wing went plummeting into the sea.
“Oh, we did, didn’t we?” Steven said sheepishly. He pressed his hand to his neck. “Sorry, it’s just that the last time an unidentified object came out of space and landed on earth, it almost destroyed the entire planet. I guess we got a little-“
“Wait wait wait wait wait.” Adora interjected, “You guys got invaded by Horde Prime?”
“What?” Steven shook his head. “Okay, you know what? Clearly there’s a lot to discuss here, why don’t you all just come in and we can talk about this?”
“Well, I guess there’s nothing else to do while our ship looks like that.” Catra said, pointing towards the ship as she did. Inexplicably, and despite having sustained no damage from the blast, the left wing suddenly detached and also fell into the ocean. Catra stared blankly at it. 
“Uh, Catra-?” Garnet placed her hands around Steven’s ears, much to his confusion.
“Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!?” Catra howled. Her voice echoed off the cliff.
“It’s okay, I got it!” Bismuth shifted her arm into a hammer and excitedly slammed it into her hand. Adora jumped.
“Oh my god it just turned into a hammer-“
“WHAT!?” They all turned to the ship to see Entrapta spidering her way over, before stopping literal inches in front of Bismuth. Hordak came out a few seconds after, but he chose to use the ramp instead. One of her hair strands was holding a recorder up to her mouth, and the rest were wrapped around Bismuth’s arm.
“Woah, hey-“
“Space Log 37:the aliens on the planet ‘Earth’ seem to have magical shape shifting abilities for utilitarian purposes-“
“Uh, we’re aliens too.” Amethyst said flatly. Entrapta beamed.
“Really???” She asked. Catra buried her face into her hand.
“This is a headache.” She muttered to herself. Pounding footsteps came out of the ship, and the gems looked up at the entrance just as Bow and Glimmer came out.
“Entrapta, you can’t just drop the wires while I’m-“ they both suddenly stopped when they saw everyone looking at them.
“Um, hi?” Bow waved with a nervous smile.
“Okay, you know what?” Steven shoved everyone towards the beach house, “Everyone get inside so we can figure this thing out. Bismuth, can you start fixing their ship?”
“I’m a little tied up right now.” Bismuth said. Entrapta had her dangling upside down and was inspecting her gem.
“Oh, okay. Well, whenever you can.”
“You got it!” She tried to give him a thumbs up, but t was interrupted by Entrapta grabbing her hand.
“Does the other arm transform too?”
“I can shapeshift too, you know.” Adora said humorously. Steven looked at her.
“Yeah! Well I can’t- and it’s only-“ she stopped for a moment to get her thoughts in order. “Okay, so it’s like, I got this magical sword thing because I have- had this weird magical destiny thing, and it let me transform, and then I broke it, but then I didn’t need the sword anymore? And then I used the not-sword to fight this intergalactic space dictator-“
“You too!?” Steven interjected. They both looked at each other with awe and some strange sense of understanding and belonging. It was freaking Catra out.
“Adora, look, I’m really glad you’re making friends independent of me because that’s what supportive girlfriends do, but can you please have your creepy hero mind connection somewhere else?”
“No, Catra, you don’t understand-“ she grabbed her by the shoulder and looked very solemnly into her eyes, “he gets it.”
“Oooookay, I’m going inside now.”
I thought of this at 1 am, here you go.
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Steven Universe Future 02 - Guidance
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With that title, it could be the continuation of last episode's "plot". The new gem seemed to get her bearings by the end but more guidance wouldn't haven been out of place.
I just googled the word "guidance" and it has the following definition: "advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority." So, maybe it'll be about Steven shouldering even more problems, being the one who everyone looks for to for guidance. Or maybe he'll try to ask the diamonds for advice and fail?
I don't know so let's do this!
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This show already needs more Peridot.
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Guiding a blindfolded Steven is an extremely literal title drop.
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There was a bit of this last episode, with Amethyst loving being a teacher, but she saying she's proud without an ounce of sarcasm is probably the biggest example of how much she's grown.
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This is really cool! I'm a tiny bit worried about the gems getting paid (even if they don't necessarily need money) but I figure Amethyst already thought about that.
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The second of silence here really sells the joke.
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Weren't they already her bodyguards in the movie? Or maybe I'm remembering the opening. They really fit her dignified image though.
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oooh, confirmation that she is Biggs
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Can't believe Biggs found a job liquefying humans for Funland's new protein smoothies.
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Okay, finally, she is Crazy Lace. I wondered if her coloring was result of the corruption but with that name maybe she's always looked like that.
I'm really glad the gems seem to be integrating well. I'm curious about things like ... is any gem in charge of human workers? Are they all doing unskilled labor? Are they getting paid? But, I need to remember this is not the kind of show that would have those answers.
Steven Universe was never too interested in exploring the societal impact of the Crystal Gems being on Earth or how everything worked in Homeworld, so I doubt SUF is going to go too deep and I almost hope it doesn't. The more they explore this aspect, the harder to avoid comparisons to real life refugee and immigration issues.
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I have been playing too much Animal Crossing because those three in the back really look like villagers.
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I really hope that the plot won't be Steven doubting Amethyst plans because she didn't ask him first. He is looking more and more worried but fingers crossed.
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I love her... bun?
Also, poor Andy is wishing he had never come back to Beach City.
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yessss, she is little larimar
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I mean, Amethyst is right. They chose to do the same, and they have the freedom to do something else in their free time. They can quit! They are happy! It's important to "deprogram" them but that doesn't mean they can't do what they usually did in the past if that's what they really want.
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I guess this ties with Steven's "revelation" last episode about how you never end learning about yourself. But I don't know, pushing the gems to do things out of their comfort zone is not a bad idea but I'm not sure it can be done lightly. They are already out of their comfort zone by living and working with humans, on earth, without the Diamonds. How much more do they want to push them?
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I was thinking he'd ask them to do some origami, maybe inflate some ballons... but nope, he's throwing them in the deep end.
Steven was usually in the right (with some exceptions) when this type of plot appeared in SU, is SUF doing the opposite? Maybe help him learn to trust everyone can do their own thing?
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Yeah, rip Andy.
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Love Amethyst just glaring Steven to death without saying anything.
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oh no, she's going to optimize for maximum scream performance
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I knew I was going to love her when I saw her in the opening, and I wasn't wrong.
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and she keeps getting better
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The fact that he's being 100% genuine is the only thing that saves him from being horribly condescending.
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But he is steamrolling over all her objections. Steven is reminding me of an overbearing parent, unable to let their children do their own thing.
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This is the best thing I have seen today.
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This episode is really not interested at all in being subtle about what's going on with Steven.
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oh my god why
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I was expecting something closer to "the truth is in the middle" not this
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"I have been waiting for you, Mr. Bond"
It's petty but it's such a great feeling when everything goes wrong and you get to say "I told you so."
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That was fast, there's still half the episode left. Hopefully they'll dive a bit more into Steven's reasons instead of just leaving it here.
I took an screenshot of Amethyst because her emphasis of "gems" in that sentence was interesting. It made me realize that beyond Steven's own deal, this also works as an example of the white savior complex. Not 100% because well, that requires more context that SUF will ever give us, but it's a valid reading.
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I can't believe they lasted this long. Poor Andy, born in SU's most unnecessarily long episode just to die in a cameo.
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First: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, SUF's first fusion!
Second: This entire argument could have easily caused a rift in their relationship since it was Steven doubting Amethyst abilities which, well, hits a lot of her weaknesses so I love that they talked, Steven apologized and immediately fused after. Their relationship is really strong after all these years.
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Best joke so far. Wow, that made me laugh really hard.
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Smoky has been busy these past few years, that's pretty advanced yoyo-ing.
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She may have learned new tricks but she's still Smoky, hiding her anxiety under jokes.
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Stop lying to yourself, Larimar. Enjoy them. Enjoy the screams.
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Whoa, whoa. I didn't expect the pinkness to come back so soon.
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Wow, the pinkness it's a lot more interesting than I expected. I thought it was just a simple power-up, maybe Steven's gem giving him more physical strength but no more than that. Here it responded specifically to Smoky's desire to have more time. This opens up a world of possibilities for what it could in the future. What are its limits? What does it mean for Steven? Are all Diamonds that powerful?
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And it vanished the second Smoky said "time" again. Interestinger and interestinger.
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Incredibly powerful life lesson from Steven Universe Future.
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She could have told this to Steven earlier but I kinda doubt he would have listened.
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Now Steven needs to figure out what to do now that neither the world or his friends need saving.
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The movie really was just a prologue for this season, huh? Steven spent SU learning that he wasn't his mom, he was just Steven. Then the movie taught him that he couldn't stop there. And now SUF seems to be about Steven learning how to deal with that, because everyone is moving on except him.
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I was getting a bit teary-eyed after their convo and where Steven's thoughts seemed to be going but wow, Larimar is amazing.
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I think I like this episode more than the last, it really sold me on Steven's struggles in figuring out what it means to be Steven when his friends are taking the weight off his shoulders. I don't like armchair diagnosing, especially when cartoon characters never end up confirming it one way or the other, but during this entire episode Steven's behavior screamed co-dependency. That's one more point for "Steven really needs therapy."
Amethyst was so well-adjusted this episode that I don't have a lot to say other than I'm happy for her after everything she went through in the show, and I love how her relationship with Steven has evolved.
I think that's all for now so until next time!
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solavillain · 5 years
Pas de Deux Ch. 2: Your New Best Friend
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+pairing: Spinel x fem!Reader +genre: Drama, romance, angst, slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers +warnings: None (for now) +word count: 3K +Chapter 2 / ?  previous || next
Read on AO3!
Eventually, all the Gems emerge, just as off and different as Pearl had been. Garnet hasn’t even reformed, and Ruby is patrolling back and forth near Sapphire, glaring at anyone who got near. Amethyst can only mimic people, and her hair was shorter; her limbs seeming almost like doll joints.
“Steven, what is going on with them?” You ask, worry plain on your face. You had never seen any of the Gems poof, but you knew they didn’t usually come back like...this.
He doesn’t seem to hear you, his gaze focused on the newest Gem, who Pearl had called “Spinel” a few moments ago. She was entirely different from when she had first arrived. Her pigtails were now heart-shaped buns on the top of her head, her clothes were a white and light pink combination rather than the black and deep pink they were when she had landed. And perhaps the biggest change was that her heart shaped gem was no longer upside down. This was certainly strange, as you had never heard about gem positioning changing in between reforming. You’d have to ask Pearl...
“Oh, right,” you think sadly, “she doesn’t have any clue who I am right now.” You turn your attention to Steven and Spinel, tuning back in to their conversation.
“You!” Steven exclaims, rushing over to her and shaking her gently. “What have you done to us?”
Spinel giggles lightly and pokes him on the nose. “Boop! Hee hee, now it’s your turn!”  
She wraps her arms around Steven at least five times, lifts him into the air, and starts to shake him up and down vigorously with a rather vacant look in her eyes.
“Ah! Hey, uh...Spinel?” You say, gingerly placing a hand on her shoulder. “He doesn’t look like he’s enjoying that too much, hmm? Maybe you could put him down?”  
Spinel directs her gaze to the boy in her stretched arms, a worried look briefly flashing over her features before the vacancy returns.   “Okay!” She exclaims cheerfully, and lets Steven fall out of her grip. He falls to the floor unceremoniously, landing on his face.
You move to check on Steven, who seems much weaker than usual. Before you can say anything, Spinel walks up between the two of you and points at the others.
“Hey look! There’s more Gems!” You blink in surprise, wondering how she’s only just noticing them for the first time.   “Well, if she’s really somehow supposed to be Steven’s best friend, maybe it’s a bit like Pearl’s sudden devotion to Greg...”
You turn your attention to your group of friends, your heart sinking with every second you gaze at them. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Amethyst was going to take you to Little Homeworld tonight, you were finally going to spend some time with the “New Crystal Gems” as Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot had taken to calling themselves. You had been so excited...how did this get so twisted? “Oh,” you think snidely, “right. Her.”
The pink Gem standing on your left was now bouncing in place, a small grin plastered across her features. You have to work to stop returning her smile; her happiness seems almost infectious. You can almost forget that she caused all this mess in the first place with her bubbly persona brightening up the room every time she speaks “Let’s ask ‘em to play!” Spinel exclaims, referring to the Crystal Gems.
Steven turns to her, confusion plain on his face, “Wait, you mean you don’t remember?”
“Remember what?”
“Oh boy,” you sigh.   Steven looks between Spinel and the Gems, and groans in frustration, “Just...everyone follow me!” He leads everyone to the base of Lighthouse Park, the Injector still perched smack dab in the center, the sickly pink liquid still bubbling occasionally.  
“Wowee!” Spinel exclaims, “That thing sure is big! You wanna climb it, or something?” She looks to you and Steven, and dances happily in place.   You shake your head with a small smile. “No, Spinel. This Injector is...you brought it here. You said something about it hurting Steven’s human half...” You trail off and look at Steven, who’s standing to your left in between you and Spinel. “You really don’t remember bringing this, attacking us?”
Spinel squints at you and Steven, and one of her spindly arms twists on its way up to scratch her head. “Uh, I did what now?”
You and Steven sigh in unison, exchanging a glance of concern. If she really doesn’t remember, and the Gems are out of commission, this was looking pretty bad. Who knew what that stuff was going to do to Beach City? To the Earth? And as far as you knew, the Cluster was still in the planet’s core, albeit bubbled by Steven. But still, that hadn’t stopped it from activating when the Diamonds had come during Garnet’s wedding. You hadn’t been around for that, as it had been May and you had still been finishing up your college finals, but from the story the Gems had told you , it had certainly been an epic fight. If the Cluster had partially formed from the Diamonds arriving on the surface, who’s to know what would happen if something was injected down to the core?
You turn to Greg, trying to keep thinking positively for Steven’s sake. Greg seems too preoccupied with Pearl right now, or at the very least, trying to get Pearl to stop staring at him.   Suddenly, Lion walks down from the hill, and you smile; Lion always cheers Steven up when he’s feeling down.
“How about you Lion, what do you think of all this?” Steven asks his companion, giving the animal a hug. After a moment, he pulls away, a confused look on his face. “Ugh, what now...” he mumbles, and pulls out Spinel’s weapon from earlier. “Please please please...”
He pushes the retracted scythe against Lion’s mane and lets go, the weapon falling to the sand with a soft thud. You look between him and Lion in concern- you've seen Steven actually jump into Lion before, and store assortments of random objects for later. If he can’t access that power, then...
“What? I can’t store things in Lion’s mane now?! That’s like the easiest thing I do!” Steven exclaims, interrupting your worried thoughts. His shoulders sag for a moment, and he picks up the weapon.  
“Y/n, Dad, what do I do? I’ve got no Gems to help me...except...” He turns towards Little Homeworld, and realization flashes across his face.  
“Oh, duh!” He exclaims, slapping his forehead lightly. “Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot! C’mon guys, let’s go figure out how to fix this!”
You start to follow Steven and Spinel, the latter of whom was bounding after Steven with carefree laughter. You turn after a few steps, as does Steven, realizing you don’t hear anyone else following.
“Uh, guys? Greg?” You ask, taking a couple steps back towards the other group.
“Oh, Um-Greg! Allow me!” Pearl insists, stopping Greg before he could follow you and Steven. She materializes an umbrella from her gem and holds it out over Greg.   “Uh...” He starts, holding out his hands in protest. Amethyst suddenly shape-shifts into Greg, which momentarily confuses Pearl; she switches the umbrella back and forth between the two versions of Steven’s dad.  
“R-Ruby? Sapphire?” Steven calls out, sounding more worried by the second.
“She’s not going anywhere with you!” Ruby yells, taking up a defensive stance in front of Sapphire. “I...do see us following him to the country-side,” Sapphire remarks, and begins to walk towards Steven, nodding to you as she passes.
“Never mind! We’re going...” Ruby says reluctantly, and rushes ahead to Sapphire, who has already surpassed the group.
“Wait! Don’t leave me alone with these two!” Greg calls out, glancing worriedly at Pearl and Amethyst, who still hasn’t shifted back to her regular form.
“Steven, do you want me to stay with them?” You ask, trying to be as much help as you possibly can be. Spinel's face darkens and she moves closer to you, but avoids looking directly at you. “What’s that about...” You think, glancing to the pink Gem.
“Dad can handle Pearl and Amethyst. They’re harmless, and he knows them, so he’ll be fine. I just...Kinda want another human around while we figure everything out, especially since Connie can’t be here.”
Your gaze softens, and you remember that Steven really is just a teenager. An extraordinary teenager who has done countless good deeds for the Earth and for the universe as a whole, but a teenager nonetheless. You can’t imagine how off-putting it must be to not be able to control his powers anymore, and to have no idea how to solve the mess Spinel has caused.
“Yeah, dude, I have your back,” you say with a reassuring pat to Steven’s shoulder. “Lead the way! I was supposed to see Bismuth and the others tonight anyway, so I’m all set for however long this ends up taking.”
The group opts to make the trek to Little Homeworld, foregoing the warp for now. Steven said that part was still under construction, and though he’d used it earlier today, he didn’t know if it had been installed yet. He didn’t want your whole group to walk off the warp pad and fall 50 feet. That was fine with you- you'd only warped a couple times, when Pearl wanted to explain some Gem battles or train you in the Sky Arena. You still hadn’t quite gotten the hang of it, and it always took you a couple minutes after warping to feel regular again. You wanted to have all your wits about you for today, and with the Injector looming above the town doing who knows what to the Earth, you definitely need a clear head.
After the slightly long walk to the town, Steven found the three “New Crystal Gems” on top of one of the buildings still under construction. Bismuth was always hard at work, and you really admired her work ethic with everything she does, even if she can get a bit intense about it sometimes.
Steven leads your group over to a small lift on the side of the building, and you all make the slow ascent. You glance over at Steven, who’s doing his best to not look utterly defeated.
“Hey dude, you all right?” You ask softly.
“Yeah, I... well, no, honestly I’m not, Y/n,” Steven answers honestly. “I’m so worried about the Gems, and I’m even more worried about that thing,” he gestures to the Injector, “and I just want this to be over so I can get back to my happily ever after. Everything was going so well...”  
“Hey, it’s okay not to be all right,” you say sympathetically, “I’m worried as hell too. And I can't even really do anything to help...”
“You’re helping right now,” Steven says with a kind smile.  
You return his smile as the lift reaches the top. The three Gems don’t seem to notice your group immediately; they’re gazing out over Little Homeworld, lost in conversation.  
Steven calls out to get their attention, "Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot! Guys, I’m really glad to see you.”  
The group turns, and Peridot’s face lights up. “Steven! And Y/n, too, hi! Look, now Little Homeworld is 91.4% complete!” Steven gives her a weak smile, “That’s...great Peridot, really. But I think you guys should take a look at something...”
He gestures back towards Beach City and the Injector with a grim look on his face. You walk to the side of the building with them as Peridot pulls out binoculars from a box and stares at the Injector.
“She rode in on that?!” Peridot exclaims, lowering the binoculars and looking at you and Steven in disbelief.
“Yeah...she said my human half wouldn’t stand a chance against her Injector,” Steven replies.
“What does that mean?” Lapis asks, exchanging a look with Peridot as Bismuth walks back towards Ruby and Sappire. “No idea,” Steven replies, “but if it’s something that will hurt my human half, then it can’t be good for Y/n, or the rest of Beach City either...”
“Why don’t we just ask her?” Peridot asks, looking around for Spinel.
You look around as well- you haven’t seen her since you got to the top of the building; where could she be? Did she remember something and run off to attack Pearl and Amethyst? You start to panic, until she pops up from behind Steven yelling, “Surprise!”
You roll your eyes, fighting back a small smile. She definitely hasn’t remembered anything yet, and in this form she’s still rather endearing. If a bit annoying...
“Here she is...my new best friend, Spinel,” Steven says with a sigh, presenting the Gem to the others.
“A pleasure to meet you all,” Spinel says with a flourish and a bow. She glances up at you staring at her and giggles and winks.  
Before you can think too much about it, Bismuth interrupts your thoughts. “I thought you said she was just trying to kill you?”
“Wow, quick turn around,” Lapis says with a mischievous look in her eye.
“No kidding! It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven,” Peridot remarks.
“Eh, for me it was a day, day and a half,” Bismuth jokes, grinning at her friends.
“I’m still on the fence,” Lapis says, which causes the group to burst into laughter. You giggle along, momentarily forgetting the dire situation. You had a feeling that once this was all over, you were really going to love getting to know this group. They seemed like such great friends, and it felt like you and Amethyst would blend in easily whenever you all got together.
“All right, let's see this thing she hit you with,” Peridot says, turning to you and Steven with a determined look on her features. You step aside, moving next to Spinel so Steven and Peridot can have some space to examine the weapon.
“Psst! Hey, you! What’s goin’ on?” Spinel asks in a loud whisper, tugging on your arm.
You look down to your left. She’s shorter in this form, and though you’re about average height, she’s still a couple inches shorter than you, her heart-shaped buns just reaching the middle of your face.  
You give her a small smile and reply, “Well, you don’t remember, I guess, but you brought that weapon they’re examining, so we’re trying to figure out what it is and what it did to everyone.” You gesture towards Ruby and Sapphire. “Those two don’t normally...look or act like this, and we want to get everyone back to normal so we can help save Beach City. We don’t know what the Injector you brought does...but we want to stop it before anything bad happens.”
Spinel stares up at you, intently listening to every word. “Ooh, I get it! Ok, I’ll help too!” She exclaims, standing up straighter and puffing her chest out slightly. You giggle, finding her posturing rather cute. She may still not have any clue what was going on, but at least she’s trying.
Spinel grins, glancing at you from the side, not moving from her important helpful position.   “She seems happy that she made me laugh,” you think fondly, returning her smile.  
Just then, Bismuth snatches the scythe from Peridot, who had been holding it up to her eye. You jump in surprise, turning your attention back to the conversation.
“Be careful with that!” She warns, “It’s a rejuvenator.”
Pressing on the button, Bismuth displays the weapon for everyone, carefully holding it out at arm's length. You flash back to a few hours ago, when the innocent Gem to your left had been attacking your friends and causing them to forget you. You furrow your brow at the thought, your heart feeling sad again. You can’t allow yourself to get so caught up in Spinel’s games that you forget what she’s done, even if she’s forgotten herself.
Bismuth continues her explanation. “Homeworld used to use these things on Gems that started steppin’ outta line. One hit with this...you’re back to how they made you,” she finishes, gazing down at Ruby and Sapphire sadly.
“What are you looking at,” Ruby says, holding out a protective hand in front of her Sapphire.
Your eyes widen as Bismuth’s explanation sinks in- the Gems, your friends...they really were reset. They had no idea who you were, where they were, and-  
“Oh, Steven,” you say kindly, placing a tentative hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”
“Oh my stars, I touched it!”
You turn to Peridot at her outburst, a disbelieving look on her face.
“I could have lost all my character development!”  
You snort, trying to hold in laughter. Peridot was definitely funny as hell, whether she tried to be or not. Suddenly, a thought strikes you.
“Wait...how did you survive being hit by the rejuvenator, Steven? I know you’re only half Gem, but still...”
He furrows his brow, but then a look of realization comes over him. “I...I think I didn’t,” he answers, “My human half kept me from poofing, but- but my Gem half, it took the hit! She sent me back; it’s like I’m a kid again! I can barely control my powers...how do we reverse this?” Steven looks frantically between you and the New Crystal Gems, searching for answers. Bismuth holds out the retracted weapon and places it back in Steven’s hand. You meet his eyes, trying to reassure him with a look. But you don’t have any answers for him. You wrap your arms around your middle, trying to hold it together for him. For everyone. You know you can’t do much, not to the extent that a Gem or even Connie can do, but you can at least be emotionally strong for your friends.  
“You’re the one with healing powers...” Lapis says softly, “If anyone can fix this, it’s you.”
“I can’t believe this...for the first time in years, everyone’s in danger, everybody needs me! And I’m useless!” Steven glances worriedly at the Injector, and then at Spinel, who hasn’t left your side since she made you laugh.  
He turns towards Bismuth and asks, “What do we do?” “I’m sorry, Steven...I don’t know.”
You turn to Bismuth in shock. Even she doesn’t know? And she knew what the weapon was...but has no way to fix it.  
Things were looking grim.
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c-atm · 5 years
Steven couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down his eyes. He arrived too late. Too late to protect her...Thank goodness for Garnet, future vision and Lion. She would've be in worse shape than she currently is without them. Still, torn clothing, the bruised and sliced cheek and eye, the bloody and burnt gashes on her torso, inner thighs and chest, smaller ones littered all over her body, her left arm cauterized from the shoulder and her haggard breathing. It was too much to take in.
Still he allowed some pride to seep in. By the time he and the gems appeared at her now trashed campsite, there were a number of mutant fusions gems poofed at her feet and ready to be bubbled. As for Connie, she stood ready to fight..to defend the camp. Never dropping her shaking blade, even greeted them with a pain-filled and tear stricken yet brilliant smile.
He already knew what she was going to say but he quickly and gently silenced her. There was no way in hell he was going to let her apologize and beat herself up for defending the lives here, successfully at that.. His main objective was three fold. Get Connie to the fountain for recovery. find who or whatever did this. Make sure they can’t do it anymore.
“ How many are left?” Steven urgency in his voice made his question almost come off as a command. Connie didn’t take no offense though, she can imagine how much it pained him to see one of his loved ones in her currfent condition
“Just one...they’re smart” Her voice started to break up with her facade of strength. She coughed harshly, overwhelmed with sadness and disgust before she started to sobbed “ They killed three councillors, sent the smaller and lesser ones to overcome them, swarm them and tear them like animals.” She coughed up a bit of blood and dropped to her knees still sobbing.
Seeing her breakdown like this fueled him with an unknown rage, he looked at the gems and non-verbally told them to find the gem. As soon as they left searching in different direction lion heard a shuffling in the trees. Getting on in front of his master and mistress, the mighty beast released a supersonic roar, clearing quite a piece of land bear and creating bit of a dirt cloud..
A quiet ‘fwwth!” was heard from said cloud as a red hot spike flew towards the trio. Before Steven could respond, Connie with her last bit of strength knocked it back toward which it came, before collapsing out of fatigue,and pain. Steven lifted Connie up onto Lion gently. She tried to refuse stating she could help still, which brought a small smile to his face. Her spirit was his inspiration even now.
“Get her to the fountain now.”
Lion didn’t need any coaxing as he opened up the portal and leaped through. He watched them go before balling up his fist, his eyes cold as ice and harder than any diamond. He turned to see the creature walking from the cloud, a stalker smile on its face...
Thin and jagged mass, about the size of garnet, looked like a green, red and purple polygon humanoid with two legs and arms. It’s gem was a surprisingly perfect oval but was damaged with a noticeable crack. From what he could tell it had one rectangular eye, a perfectly formed nose and a mouth. It had claws in sets of three with blood on them and piece of Connie’s camp uniform in its ‘right hand’. A set of two talons on each ‘foot’
“Any other time I might have thought you were cool looking, like a boss from a game.” Steven taunted, as he stood waiting.
“Thisss isss no a game diamond bearer. Thisss isss a hunt and you just took my candidate for assimilating and population.”
Steven was a little put off by the fact that this mutant can talk, didn’t help that its voice sounded like it was slithering..but neither of that matter..No, what matter was this thing attacked his Connie...with intent to use her for 'population'?... Steven was sure he heard wrong.
“What do you mean..?”
The mutant smirked before speaking. “It assss I sssworned, to bring ssstrong humans and gemssss to populate usss through assimilation and artificial breeding. But now none of it matters since your here..Her time will come, regardlesssss.”
As the thing was speaking he saw the gems heading back and gave them a look to stand down for now.
”You swore huh..Means there someone in control and you’re a soldier” .Steven smirked abit. “ And you guys know about us? Me, Connie, the Crystal gems and such?”
The thing smiled as it claws started to burn red hot “What of it Diamond bearer?”
The mutant charged forward claws ready to burn the young hybrid in half only to stop mid run; feeling an extremely uncomfortable, drill-like sensation through its body before being blown back a few feet and onto the ground. The mutant looked up and saw Steven walking towards it, his hands encased with bubbles with spinning spikes. It was literally it only thing it could do, it’s gem cracked to a near shattering, from Steven’s blow..it couldn’t even close it’s drill wounds..
“You know, if your boss or whoever knows about us..then there is no need to keep you around...So Ms.jagged.” His cold tone dropped even lower and in his eyes shined with malice as he stood over the now horrified gem. “For harming innocent humans..For killing innocent humans”
Steven lifted his fist, the spin on the spike getting faster and faster creating sparks of energy. “FOR HAVING THE AUDACITY TO EVEN THINK OF ATTACKING MY CONNIE! YOU’RE PREPARED FOR WHATS NEXT, RIGHT!?”
The mutant couldn’t respond, the roar of Steven scaring it straight to it’s very essence mustering what little energy it had it spoke lightly. “n-GUUUUUUUAAAAAHHGHGGGHGAAAhhhhh!”
Steven spinning fist interrupted the response, turning it to horrifying gurgled scream as the drills burned, twisted, ripped, and chewed the mouth of the hard light construct. Steven didn’t stop there,The rectangular eye was next, it’s nose after that, it’s limbs followed then he just started to wail on it. Each strike more nightmarish than the last, the scraping and sawing sounds, the mutants gargled attempts at screaming and Steven unrelenting stare as he worked.
It lasted all but 45 seconds before the monster finally poofed. He looked at the gem and was so tempted to shatter, but it did had information he reasoned and decided to bubble it without healing it. Sending it back to the temple with the others.
The crystal gems while cautious walked up to him, Pearl was the first to speak.
“Steven, are you-
His rage was still there but subsided when he realized it was Pearl. He looked forlorn and broken “ I’m sorry for that..Just, I’m not gonna be ok, not to until I see Connie is back on her feet.”
Pearl gave him a reassuring smile “Steven, we understand. No one gonna fault your actions or your emotions.”
Steven looked around and saw that they were all in agreement with Pearl; he gave them a small smile in return “I appreciate that…”
The boy turned to pearl as she presented the corpses of the brave councillors who fought with Connie, two women and a man. They wore torn, scarred and missing pieces of meat but they would be ok. Steven smirked to himself as the tears started to run. It took only a few minutes for the corpses to turn pink, missing parts grown back and was waking up like it was all a dream.
It was at this time that Lion decided to return. Steven didn’t hesitate to get the beast to bring him to the fountain, leaving the gems to explain what happened...Not before thanking the councilors for their part in the battle either.
Steven arrived at the fountain and quickly ran towards his berry, who was relaxing neck deep in the pond back facing toward him. Before the teenager could even register what was happening, Steven was holding her in most secure and loving hold she ever received.
She was a bit nervous and embarrassed due to being in only her sporty undergarments and having scars from the recent healing.
That was until she felt the trembling, heard the apologetic and thankful whispering and felt his tears running down her face. It was too much not hold him back with BOTH her healed right arm and new PINK left arm and do the same.
“I almost lost you.”
“I’m here because of you.”
His grip tightened around her frame. “You could have died.”
“I know...i’m sorry.”
“You were so valorous”
She rubbed his back and gently ran her hands through his hair. “ I tried. I couldn’t let them down. Couldn’t let you down.”
“You never do. Why didn’t you call us?”
“You just had a crisis with Spinel. I wanted you to rest...Didn’t expect it to go south that bad. That and I really couldn’t anyway, they targeted communication.”
He moved his face to her shoulder, lips brushing her skin as he spoke. “I am getting you a communicator and a tracker, so i can always find you.”
Connie giggled in spite of her tears “Deal...I was so scared Steven.”
“Hard to tell with how fearless you seemed..You definitely cleaned up house, Berry.”
“They weren’t hard. Though they did get some licks off..Fast buggers. Is the camp OK? “
Steven kissed the top of her forehead, hearing the worry in her voice “ Yes, a little trashed but everyone is alive...though I had to resurrect the three who helped you.”
“Damn it.”
Steven could feel her shaking as her tears ran down. “They’re alive, not in the best of ways but they are alive..”
Connie could only nod to Stevens voice. It was better than nothing. ” I got a new arm, It seems."
“I see, it’s fluorescent and a bit illuminating. ”
“That it is...It feels..off and not-off. If you can understand where I’m going with this..”
“Nope..We’ll discover you new limb together. It fits you though.”
Connie chuckled before giving his temple a small kiss.“Yeah.."
“I...Went off on that gem mutant. Think I’ve might have gave the gems. nightmares.”
"It might have given every camper and counselor nightmares and traumas.”
“I’ll guard your dreams, Nini. Just say the word.”
“We’ll guard each other, both in the dream and in the waking world.. I refuse you to lose sleep over me.”
“I already do..Though it’s usually over things like about how much I adore you.”
“Sssttteven..that’s not fair saying something like that now “ Connie hid her face in his shoulder so he couldn’t see her heated face. Ignoring the feeling that she was now pressing upon him in her current state of undress.
Steven just held her tighter picking her up slightly as he did, basking in her touch, sound and smell. “ I love you Connie. And happy you’re alive to hear me say it So you better be prepared for me telling you everyday from now on..”
She lifted her head up off his shoulder and looked him adoringly before giving sweet and tender kiss which he returned. She placed her forehead to his, smiling that ever brilliant smile of hers. "I’m happy I can hear it.. I love you too Biscuit. You better prepare yourself because I love as hard as I fight. ”
“As do I Connie, as do I.”
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spins-ter · 5 years
Please read [part 1] and [part 2] before this if you haven’t so events make sense.
The final part! It’s the longest of the three (not by a lot but still). I had a lot of fun writing these, actually. Today (10/23 as of preparing this lmao) was a very wack day for me and writing these parts helped me get through it.
Making up for Past Mistakes
It had been many months since she kidnapped you by now. You had lost count of how long, the days being marked by the improvement of the garden and how warm Spinel was being towards you. The garden was flourishing, and you had even made a little strawberry garden with the random packet of seeds Spinel had gotten you long ago. Spinel loved the strawberries.
Spinel had begun to take you to Earth frequently, not wanting you be stuck in the garden. You appreciated the gesture, but you could also recognize how stressful it was for her. You could see the damage she caused on your first few trips back, and you could only assume that the Crystal Gems were after her. Clearly, whatever her plan was for Earth, it hadn’t worked.
Spinel would offer to let you to see family or friends, but you always refused. You felt as if you saw any of them by that point, they would keep you from the Gem you grew to love with your whole heart and then some.
Today was another day she asked you if you wanted a trip to Earth. The two of you were cuddled up together when she offered and you had to refuse. You had a bad feeling about the day and just wanted to savor the warm moment. Spinel didn’t push the offer any and nuzzled back into the embrace. You could feel yourself drifting off, the smell of recently revived flowers in the air. You could stay like this forever, it was peaceful.
Then you heard the warp go off. The two of you jolted up and you felt your heart sink when you saw Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl. You looked back to Spinel, whose face was oozing pure panic. Spinel ran away but before you could follow her, you felt a whip wrap around you and pull you to the Gems. Steven began to speak to you as the others bolted after Spinel.
“[Y/N]! Did she hurt you? It’s been-” You cut him off with a concerned scream.
“No! Don’t hurt her!” You bolt after the group and hear Steven gasp in surprise. You managed to make it to Spinel before the two Gems, mainly due to being familiar with the garden by now. You hold your arms out and block your cornered love. “Stop! Just listen to-” You were cut off as you felt your shoulder sting and you heard Pearl gasp.
You look over to the source of the pain and see a bad gash on your shoulder. Pearl had thrown her spear, intending to hit Spinel, but you had gotten in the way of it at both the right and wrong time. You didn’t need to see or hear anything to tell that this would upset Spinel. You grip the arm and wince in pain, feeling the blood ooze from it. You saw Steven try to come up to you but Spinel kicked him back, not knowing of his healing powers.
“Stay back!” She screamed, gripping you. She made sure to avoid your injured arm. “You’ve done enough! Leave us be!” Your heart broke as behind the anger, you could hear just how scared she was. You turn your head to whisper a request.
“Spinel, please, let Steven get to me. Trust me, he won’t hurt you.” You could see the fear in her face, but she nodded and masked her fear in anger once again. You look over to Steven. “Come here, please.” He made his way over to you warily, not wanting to get kicked back again.
You felt a cold, wet hand touch your wound. Seeing Steven touch your wound made Spinel snap in fear for a moment. She picked him up and threw him back to where Amethyst and Pearl were sat. “Are you okay, [Y/N]?” She gasped after asking, seeing the wound glow and close up. You would only be able to tell you were wounded by the drying blood and pink scar where the gash once rested.
“Let [Y/N] go, Spinel!” You heard Pearl scream at Spinel.
You feel Amethyst’s gaze on you. “Why did you run back to her, [Y/N]? I got you away from her!”
“Because, I want to stay here with her!” You couldn’t control the frustration in your voice. “I’m choosing to stay here.” You feel Spinel’s grip on you tighten, and you lean into her grasp. Pearl and Amethyst just give back confused stares, while Steven seems to be analyzing what is going on.
“But she kidnapped you, [Y/N]!” Pearl objects. “She’s kept you in this garden for months!” You growl in response.
“Yeah, but I chose to stay here. Spinel has offered to let me leave many times, but I can’t! Not without her, and you’re trying to attack her!”
“But why?” Amethyst yells back.
“Because I love her!” You snap, and turn to hide yourself in Spinel. The others were stunned into silence, and it felt as if it was an eternity before anyone spoke.
“How could you love someone that-” Amethyst began, before being cut off by Spinel.
“Just leave. Let us be alone.” Spinel growled, and you didn’t need to see her to tell she was staring daggers into the other Gems. There was another moment of silence before Steven spoke up.
“Come on guys. We know [Y/N] is okay now, we’re not going to be able to fight them into coming with us.” You move your head to look back to Steven.
“Let everyone know I’m okay.” You whisper. He nods in response and begins to walk to the warp. Amethyst and Pearl hesitate, but eventually follow him. Once they are gone, Spinel lets you go and just deflates, falling to the ground with a huff.
“You didn’t have to do that. You could have just left. Let my punishment get to me…” You crouch down to sit in front of her, rubbing one of her hands.
“But I didn’t. I’ve told you and now I’ve told them, I’m not leaving you.” You hum and place a kiss on her hand. “And you beating yourself up for it was punishment enough. They would’ve poofed you and you don’t deserve that. I don’t know what you tried to do to the Earth, but that can be dealt with without having to harm you.” Spinel crawls into your lap and curls up.
“I won’t ever deserve you.” She whispers. “You’re too forgiving. Maybe that’s part of why I love you so much.” She chuckles, but it leaves you sad.
“I forgive you because I can see you try to make up for your actions.” You run your fingers through one of her soft pigtails and begin to stroke her hair. “You did a lot of bad, but I could never hold it against you.” The two of you sat in silence for a moment.
“[Y/N]?” Spinel whispers. You can hear how drained she is through her voice.
“Yeah, Spins?” You respond.
“I want to take a nap.” She nuzzled further into the contact the two of you shared.
“I can tell.” You chuckle before standing up. You carry the Gem to the spot where you sleep, your blanket still laid out from earlier. As you set her down and begin to lay down yourself, you place a kiss on her head. “When you’re recharged, I want to visit Earth. Is that okay?”
“Yeah.” Spinel snuggled back up to you once you were laid down. “Maybe I could finally meet your family.” She laughed lightly, starting to drift off already. Her head was pressed against your chest, listening to the rhythm that was your heartbeat. She always did this after being drained and needing a nap. You hummed, starting to drift off yourself.
It had been a month since the Crystal Gems came to save you. You had moved back to Earth permanently. You had to apologize profusely to your family and friends for not telling them you were fine sooner. You still visited the garden semi-regularly, not wanting it to be abandoned yet again.
Spinel returned to Earth with you. The two of you lived together, not wanting to be separated after all that had happened within the past half a year. Spinel had begun to make up for her attack, offering to help out the Crystal Gems if they needed anything. It wasn’t much, but they were baby steps.
It took a lot to have your family accept your relationship with Spinel. Your father still made comments about the feelings being Stockholm’s Syndrome. You had learned to ignore the comments. As long as they weren’t made around Spinel, you couldn’t possibly care less. There was still a lot of work to do, but you were willing to get through it. For Spinel, for your love.
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paprikadevil45 · 4 years
Happily ever after..? (DD AU - chapter 1)
The sun shined bright down on beach city & little homeworld as four beings laid relaxed under it’s comforting heat, first was Garnet a permafusion of two completely different gems who together made a strong leader and good friend, than there was Amethyst a quartz soldier who unlike the others wasn’t as big or strong but still made up in her own way, after that was Pearl a strong independent gem who fought to be her own person instead of some fancy servant, and finally there was Steven Universe, a half gem half human hybrid who now after saving the galaxy is ready for some relaxation. “I want things to stay exactly like this and never change” Steven said “agreed” Pearl nodded “here here” Amethyst continued “how’s the future look Garnet? Do we all stay just like this forever?” The fusion shifted her visor in response, shortly after her smile quickly faltered and was replaced by a look of concern “No!” puzzled Steven asked why but before he could utter a word a gust of wind blew wildly causing a bit of surprise for him, he got up looking towards the object that was casting the large shadow over the hill looking up he saw a strange injector looking object looming over most of beach city and pointed straight at the hill. Suddenly a silhouette jumped up into his point of view “HEY!” the stranger demanded “are you by any chance Steven Universe?” Steven continued to stand there confused before finally responding “um....yes?” He answered “Excellent” the strange gem said as her fingers twisted among one another appearing to form some kind of horn which she proceeded to blow into loudly, suddenly a pointed drill and legs formed from the bottom of the ship “Move!” Garnet cried ushering the gems to get out of the way of the strange injector, the legs of the ship gripped the sides of the hill before thrusting down upon it the ground rumbling violently as it dug into the ground “Hey! Nice parking job, dingus!” Amethyst yelled out. The gem on top who had been watching the whole time came down landing on the bottom of the strange ship, it was here that Steven was able to get a good look at the stranger, the gem wore a strange dark maroon top which was accompanied by a pointy bow and pointy shoulder pad it was here he noticed that she wasn’t just a gem but a fusion too, she had two pairs of arms, the ones on top had folded up gloves while the ones on the bottom had much more longer gloves on, below that was a pair of poofy shorts and sharp pointed shoes on her back was a cape of sorts and her hair was shaped almost like that of a crescent, the two gems that had apparently made this fusion were a glossy oval shaped one which was located on her naval and the other was inverted heart shaped gem that had multiple facets, he knew the one on below was definitely a pearl but he wasn’t sure what the heart shaped one was. The gem looked up making eye contact with the four gems, her left eye was obscured by hair but the other had a look of utter hatred below it was a wide smile wicked in form so much so it sent a bit of a shiver down Steven’s spine, “well well well well well!” The gem snapped between sadistic giggling “lemme get a lot at this little menagerie, we have here!” Stretching one of her hands and eye into a creepy telescope “obviously your Amethyst” the stranger said looking at the purple gem “which I’m guessing would make you Garnet” saying the same for the fusion “and OOHH!! Would you just look at this” the gem said excitingly as it’s telescope of an eye circled around Pearl “you must be that pearl i’ve heard sooo much about” she said getting a close look at her before the fusion stretched her eye and hand back, “well it’s always good to know that it doesn’t take much to replace me“ the stranger snarled between her teeth “uh..um..d-do...do i know you....?” Pearl stutter out nervously “hmph! Of course she never told you about me” the gem angrily responded “all you need to know is that my name is Cuprite and I plan on an putting end to you, your friends, and this waste of a colony planet ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!” Cuprite yelled “Woah! woah! woah!” Steven stammered running up “there’s no need to do something this extreme” Steven went on “you said that your name was Cuprite right? Well Cuprite in case you haven’t heard I’ve established peace across the-“ “yeah yeah yeah i’ve heard” Cuprite stated loudly interrupting Steven “I saw your little message and i made sure to listen to every. little. DETAIL!!!” Cuprite shouted kicking Steven so hard in the face he fell backwards. The gems summoned their weapons. Amethyst’s pulled out her whip, Pearl her trident, and Garnet’s gauntlets as they braced themselves for battle “and i just love that part near the end” Cuprite said “where Pink diamond just leaves homeworld to spend the rest of her PATHETIC life on this nowhere hunk rock, with a bunch of NOBODIES” Cuprite shouted before hitting ground in semi graceful manner using her stretchy abilities she started singing a something electroswing-like song, but accurately and half-smoothely nonetheless, and just as she deftly followed the melody, she perfectly dodged from every attack from Crystal Gems, Pearl and Amethyst tried to double team her but the fusion dodged both of them as she pulled out a weapon from the gem on her naval it appear to have been a electrical whip of sorts which glowed a threatening pink color as she tangled up both Amethyst and Pearl in her weapon and proceeding to swing them around without fail, it was here that Garnet tried to sneak attack Cuprite but as soon as she got close WHAM! something clocked Garnet right in the jaw it was so sudden not even her future vision could see it in time after hitting the ground in a crumpled heap she looked up to see what hit her the twisted fusion holding another weapon, a large hammer that just like her whip was colored in that threatening pink. After a while of Amethyst and Pearl getting dizzy she released them from her whip in the same direction Garnet went as they landed onto her with full force, Steven tried to help his friends anyway he could but was thrown one curve ball after another, he didn’t understand what was happening “what was she singing about?” “why was she so angry?” “Who is that heart shaped gem and what is she doing with some pearl?” Steven was so confused in his thoughts he wasn’t paying attention to the situation “she’s running circles around us!” Garnet grumbled catching Steven’s attention “i’m rusty give me a break” Amethyst groaned, annoyed because of the situation they we’re in “They seem so familiar, yet I don’t remember where i’ve seen them” Pearl said shakily “You've known each other?” Steven asked “Can you at least tell us who she is?" Unfortunately, their strange guest had good some pretty good hearing because as soon as she herd what Steven said a furious look appeared on her face. Cuprite started screaming from the lighthouse’s roof, surprised by his total ignorance like if it hurt her badly, her voice cracking here and there as she continued to rant, like she was on edge of hysterics. After she was done ranting her mood changed back to her usual twisted personality, she pulled out both her whip and hammer from her two gems she twirled them around for bit until she finally slammed the two weapons together combining into something entirely different, the end result was a long scythe like weapon once her true weapon was out the gem began extending her body all around the Injector ship and the lighthouse stretching her body to a tremendous degree, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl charged towards her as the pink Gem begin unwinding her body. All Steven could do at that moment was watch in horror as his friends were swiftly cut in half by the weapon their forms dissipating as their gems hit the ground with a clinking noise. “That enough!” Steven getting out his shield “aw what’s the matter Steven?” The fusion cooed “miss your toys already, well don’t worry. YOUR RIGHT BEHIND EM!!!” she screamed jumping up and striking down on Steven with her weapon, the attack went right through his shield and slashing him as the pink glowing circuitry spread around his body briefly, until he successfully shaked it off. He looks at his body, seeing that nothing is happening to him, “hahahaha that was nothing” Steven said confidentially. “Hehehe, than i guess you won’t mind if i do it AGAIN!!!!” The fusion cried slashing Steven again, and again, and again, and again, and again with the scythe all the while laughing wickedly, finally Steven was able to catch the weapon stopping her in her tracks “CUT IT OUT!!!” Steven shouted now tussling with the deranged gem “you don't poof very often, do you? Hmm, figured as much JUST WAIT!” Cuprite threatened as her pupils jiggled like googly eyes in her sockets “your human half won't stand a chance against my Injector, not after what I just did to your gem~!” she concluded. Steven was getting confused by this “What are you talking about!?” Steven demanded “You weren't always a powerful hero, were you?” Cuprite answered before letting out one last maniacal laugh, as Steven wrestles control of the weapon and swings it at Cuprite slicing her form in half and poofing her instantly, tired Steven collapses on his knees and shakes off the pink circuitry going through his body, before setting down the weapon and reaching for one of the gems that were left “better bubble you before anything else happens” Steven said bubbling the heart shaped gem, suddenly the bubble popped leaving Steven confused “what?” Steven questioned, he tried to poof the pearl instead but was sadly meet with the same results “where’s my bubble?” Steven stated concern growing in his voice, Steven grabbed the heart shaped gem in his hands so he could better concentrate “come on” a bubble slowly began forming around the gem before popping, as Steven collapses panting heavily feeling more exhausted than anything, confused he lifted up his shirt to see if there was anything wrong with his gem, upon looking he saw a concerning light flickering like a lightbulb in his gem which was rather worrying “what’s going on?”
To be continued....
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Can you write a angsty d!steven x spinel
As always, thanks for the ask! I hope this is okay :)!
Steven Universe was White Diamond’s prodigy. However, it wasn’t always that way. Born in a Homeworld holding tower, the hybrid son of a Diamond was an anomaly that appalled all who were let in on the secret.
White was disgusted by the half human at first. After finally getting rid of Pink the last thing she wanted to do was deal with another one of her grotesque mistakes. Nobody wanted to look at that helpless, messy blunder of a being. It cried. It pooped. It was seemingly useless. Worst of all, Steven reminded them all of her. So, the unwanted child was passed around amongst the lower life forms, neglected and abused until White finally saw some potential in him at the age of five. When she witnessed his powers realization hit her like a brick. She could give him purpose. She could raise him into what Pink never was. She vowed to be even harder on Steven so she wouldn’t end up with another disgrace like Pink. She set to work on her new project.
Little Steven was groomed just right. He sucked up to White’s attention and praise immediately. The child was starving for it. White was so pleased with herself! She had conditioned the boy to be perfect, she dare almost say as good as herself.
As he grew, Steven was given Pink Diamond’s throne and role. White’s faith in him extended far enough to grant him his own colony. In his spare time Steven liked to collect his mother’s lost belongings. He felt drawn to the collection of strange objects. They rightfully belonged to him.
This is how he met Spinel.
His Spinel.
The poor gem was quite literally ripped from her spot in the ground, traumatically forced to go back to Homeworld with Steven. She begged, pleaded, and sobbed to stay, not wanting to lose her game. Steven was quick to shatter her little world when he broke the news of his mother’s death.
Spinel bawls helplessly at the news and tries to reach for Steven’s arm. He slaps it away forcefully and gives her a dirty look. She whimpers and jolts back like a wounded animal. Steven sighs.
“I’m not even sure if you’re worthy of being in my collection.”
“Y-your collection?” She questions.
“Yeah, Pink’s old belongs. Is it even worth keeping something so broken?”
“Y-you’re going to leave me here too?” Spinel’s breathing becomes labored and she tries to grab Steven again without thinking about the consequences.
“Enough of this!” Bellowed everyone’s favorite teenage tyrant. He slaps her face hard, the clapping sound echoing around them. Spinel finally falls silent, doing her best to straighten out her posture. She can’t look him in the eyes, his glare is so cold that she could freeze over. Seeing Pink’s eyes on Steven after all these years was so unreal. She tries her very best to steady her breathing.
Steven adds a lack of eye contact to the mental list of his “new” toy’s defects. He murmurs to himself about how he deserves better. He starts to turn around just to get a reaction out of her.
“W-wait!” Spinel shouts.
Too predictable. Steven turns his head over his shoulder.
“You don’t want someone to play with?
We could juggle? Color? Play hide n’ seek or tag or or-“ Steven’s toy rambles on desperately.
He sneers.
“You’re outdated. My mom didn’t even want to play with you. Why would I?”
Spinel looks deflated, having offered up everything she knew to get the stoic boy to keep her. She didn’t have the energy for this. She just wanted to cease her pitiful existence and fade away. Just like Pink. Why did Pink get to leave? Why was she stuck behind? She sniffles, holding herself in her own arms since Steven wouldn’t let her touch him.
“So, other than your mediocre attempt at entertaining, what can you do for me?”
“I-I was only built to be good company my Diamond.” Spinel sputters. “I was created for fun.” She fidgets with her hands, peaking over at Steven. He scrunches his face up at the word “fun” like he had never even heard of it.
“Well, you’re doing an abysmal job at that too.” Steven circles Spinel like a predator, analyzing her form. “I don’t want to play anymore. I grew past that. If you really want to make yourself useful I think I can find other ways for you to redeem yourself.”
“Y-yes, I would do anything for you, my Diamond.” Spinel salutes him shakily.
“Anything?” Steven’s lips curl up into a sinister smirk. It was the first time Spinel saw him smile.
Spinel shivers and nods, lowering her gaze. How shameful. Anything to not be left behind again. Besides what could Steven possibly do to her that his mother hadn’t already?
A single Ruby solider was dragged in by Steven’s pearl and tossed on her knees.
“Okay, Spinel.” Steven didn’t even glance as the Ruby shouted out in pain and protest. “I need you to shatter her for me.”
“No.” She breathed out, shaking her head. “I won’t do it! I-I can’t do it! C-can I please do something else for you, m-my Diamond?”
“Spinel.” Suddenly Steven was so close their faces almost touched. “Do you want to go back to the garden?” His breath was hot on her face.
“T-the garden?” The world began to spin around Spinel. “N-no. A-anything but that!” She was sobbing, voice frantic now. What choice would she have? “W-what did she even do?”
Steven shrugs. “Does it really matter? Stop stalling and show me you’re worth my time.” He gently takes her hand and opens her palm, placing down some sort of chiseling knife. Spinel wants to throw it as far away from them as she can, but instead she lets Steven wrap her fingers around the extraction tool. He nudges her forward, waiting for the show to begin.
“Don’t try anything funny, just do what I say or I’ll make you suffer worse than she did.” Steven’s patience is running thin.
She stumbles forward squeezing her hand so tightly around the knife her fingers turn white. Thankfully, the Ruby won’t look up at her so she doesn’t have to meet her eyes. She sobs, lunging forward with a stumble and plunging the knife right at the edge of the Ruby’s gem. The Ruby screams in agony and Spinel’s vision begins to fade. Her body is shaking rapidly and her stomach lurches as Ruby’s gem is forcefully dug out of her form. With one final scream, her gem pops out and Ruby’s gone. The red gem remaining lands with a harsh thud, shattering against the ground.
Steven grins, finally looking pleased with his new Spinel. His smile widens eerily as he watches her collapse to the ground, curling up into a shivering ball.
“Oh. So this is what fun is.”
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novantinuum · 5 years
Contact (ch. 1/4)
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T (TW: depiction of vomiting, this first chapter is pretty whump-esque)
Words: 3.0K~
Summary: The first (and with any luck, only) time it happens, he’s almost 16.
So this fic is Steven and Amethyst centric, set during the 2 year time skip. It’s also kinda in conversation with An Indirect Kiss, and explores the idea of what could happen to a hybrid with a cracked gem. Do note the warnings above. The first chapter is the only one that’s especially whumpy. It will be exactly 4 parts.
AO3 link can be found in the reblogs! Support there or here (via reblogs) is very much appreciated! <3
Chapter 1: The Mission
The first (and with any luck, only) time it happens, he’s almost 16.
His birthday’s only half a week out. Exciting as always, or at least it would be in other circumstances. Unfortunately, the Diamonds are breathing down his neck for him to celebrate his sweet sixteen (not that they understand what that is) on Homeworld. Even unfortunatelier, (is that a word?? He has a gut feeling Connie would tell him no, but oh well), the last time he saw Blue Diamond face-to-face, she mentioned wanting to personally throw a huge planet-wide ball in his honor.
And yeah, maybe he’s a little selfish for spurning their desire to spend more time with him, but truth be told, the center of attention is the last place he wants to be right now. He’s already spent so much time in their company over the past year, being carted around from planet to planet, formerly introduced in front of thousands of Gems on those outer colony worlds, tirelessly working to spread the news of the empire’s dissolution day in and day out. He’s tired. He misses his friends. He craves the privacy of his home, where he’s not constantly flanked by the volunteer guard when he so much as moves to fetch a midnight snack. More than anything, he needs familiarity. He wants to celebrate his birthday on Earth— like he always has— guilt-free.
Which is why it sucks that Blue didn’t take his gentle turn-down well.
“Seriously, and then she made you cry again?!” Amethyst spits out, kicking a rock as they tromp through the dense woods. “I thought you said she was getting better with that!”
“She is,” he says, and ducks to clear a low branch. “This is the first time she’s done it in like, five months. Growth isn’t always linear, y’know? And I get it, I do. They just wanna spend time with me, wanna learn more about all the human stuff that makes me who I am. That’s fine! I just...”
Steven sighs softly and pauses to lean against a sturdy tree trunk, puffy moss coating its entire diameter. The blistering summer heat coaxes droplets of sweat from his brow, which roll across cheekbones and towards his jaw. (And in the wake of this, he can’t help but be reminded of that bizarrely foreign feeling, of crying tears that aren’t his own, without consent, without resolve...)
“Wish it didn’t happen right before your birthday?” she tentatively completes, tone softer.
He shrugs, expression guarded.
Her lips purse as she regards him, and she goes silent. For a split second he wonders if maybe she heard something stalking around nearby— perhaps one of the straggling corrupted Gems they‘re trying to track down today? But no, more than likely, she’s probably lost in thought. That’s not uncommon for her, outside the heat of the moment. Even though she has the reputation of being the most impulsive of the four of them, there’s a clear deliberateness about her nature that often goes unstated. Her actions and words may be blunt, but when it really matters she does stack a lot of intent behind them.
Heh. She’s the mature one, alright.
“What did you tell her? Specifically?” she asks after a brief pause, peering at him with a careful eye.
He squints, grasping to remember the fine details of what he said. “Just... that I normally spend my birthday with all of you here on Earth, and after all the nonstop planet touring kinda, maybe wanted to take some time alone?”
Amethyst nods, giving a sharp bark of laughter at this.
“Hah! Then don’t worry about it, m’dude! Sounds to me like you stood your ground and spoke your mind. Don’t be guilty about that for even a second.”
“But- it’s not like her wanting me to spend time with them is wrong, so by turning her down, wasn’t I being kinda ru—“
His rapidly spiraling thoughts are cut off at the root by a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Okay, listen,” she says in that unmistakable ‘Serious Amethyst’ voice of hers, which of course means that she’s— well... that she‘s absolutely 100% being serious. “One thing ya’ gotta learn is that some people are just super tiring to deal with 24/7. It’s not wrong to set boundaries with them. All this junk? With Blue D? Far as I’m concerned, you handled it perfectly! And if she wants to cry about it, then that’s her problem.” Smiling, she reaches over to playfully muss his hair. “I’m super proud of you, ‘kay?”
He responds with a weak grin. Inwardly he still has his doubts, but he knows all too well that trying to argue against her when she’s in ‘Serious Amethyst’ mode is like standing on the shore trying to single handedly hold back the tides of the sea. Even a powerful terraforming Gem like Lapis would eventually be worn down by the ocean’s ceaseless tenacity. It’s best, then, to keep one’s objection silent.
So he’ll just stew in guilt quietly, no problem. Absolutely no problem here, no siree!
Before he can let that stew churn in the pot any longer however, a tree crashes to the forest floor with a colossal rumble nearby. A cluster of unsettled birds shoot into the sky from the boughs. Ground shaking under the unrest, the two of them dart to cling upon anything they can— bark covered trunks, each other— for balance. Thankfully it’s over in a few seconds, the local ecosystem quickly rebounding to its usual chittering atmosphere. But there’s now a lingering unease hanging like a curtain over this forest, a physical aura of dread, and despite his best efforts it’s one he can’t manage to ignore. He lets out a still breath. The back of his neck prickles. Geeze, just how big is this corrupted Gem they’re after?
Instinctively, he summons his shield, brings it in front of his torso. Pearl’s training echoing like a catchy earworm in his mind, he steps one foot back to widen his stance. Truth be told, with all of his political service on Homeworld it’s been a while (easily half a year!) since he’s actually used his shield in active combat— but he’s sure muscle memory will carry him through. It’s fine. He’ll be fine. It’s gotta be like riding a bicycle, right?
“You see something?” she whispers, lowering on her haunches. Her fingers twitch with anticipation at her side.
His brow furrows tight, eyes skittering through the visible tree line. “Not yet, but...”
Then, in a resolute answer to the question of the hairs raised at the nape of his neck, a skinny blur of steely blue and moss green suddenly swipes down from the branches at breakneck speed. He jerks his shield over his head in a flash.
Clang. Perfect timing.
(The force of the collision against reinforced hard light sends vibrations up his arms.)
Meanwhile, Amethyst yelps, only barely ducking from the spiked tail in time. She somersaults forward and immediately summons her whip as she regains her footing. In one fluid motion she snaps it at the rapidly moving blur. He grins at the sight.
The corrupted Gem— her body long and willowy, able to skitter between limbs and leaves with zero effort whatsoever— screeches at the assault. All four of her beady eyes hone in on the pair of them.
They square up for battle, standing back to back.
“Here we go,” Amethyst says, flicking her wrist to switch the weapon’s tri-ended tip into its spiked counterpart. “Keep me covered. Whatever you do, don’t take your eyes off the trees.”
With a mighty yell, she moves to attack again. However, the creature anticipates it this time... and dodges.
Once. Twice. Thrice...
Every single lash she tries to land fares the same, with the Gem perfectly zig-zagging out of range at the last second. Even when Steven hurls his shield in coordination with her offensive strikes. Even when the quartz brings out a second whip to the party. It’s like trying to desperately keep hold of a wet bar of soap. The very moment you think you have it secure in your grasp, it slips away once more. Weird... he swears that thing is predicting their every move. What kind of Gem is she? A sapphire, maybe? Surely there had to have been a few other sapphires on Earth at the time of corruption. They’re a rare sort, but it’s certainly not impossible. Not at all.
They’ll know when they poof her, of course. No sense fixating on it in the heat of battle.
In the corner of his eye he catches that barbed tail swing from above, vying to surprise them from their blind spot, and summons his bubble around them. Its surface ripples upon impact, but holds strong. His fellow battle partner follows the creature’s erratic movements rapturously as she recovers.
“Tell me when,” he huffs for breath, watching the Gem circle around them and slash at the surrounding trees in a vain attempt at intimidation.
“Drop on three,” she says. “Your call.”
Steven steels his nerves, inhaling deep, and focusing on the reliable hum of hard light running from his core outwards. Just relax. It’s all training. All stuff you’ve done a million times before. You’ve got this.
Working off the emerging rhythm of the creature’s strikes, he begins his count.
Amethyst’s fists clench tighter.
The creature’s tail slams against the bubble and rebounds once again.
“Three!” he shouts, and throws his arms out, popping the bubble in a startling explosion of glittering pink.
The Gem howls. She’s thrown against a cluster of trees by the force of his magic’s kickback. Amethyst throws all of her energy into her spin-dash, and surges towards her with all the strength of a typhoon.
He summons two shields in turn, working light on his feet as he hurls them full force one after the other, desperately hoping to poof this poor creature as quickly and painlessly as he can manage. She’s strong, though. Incredibly strong— which gives more credence to his theory of this Gem being aristocratic in origin. Before Era 3, Homeworld used to endow the most ‘important’ Gems with greater durability. If she were a corrupted quartz or ruby, both easily poofed Gems, they’d have finished the fight by now.
“Hey!” Amethyst calls as she continues on the offensive, finally looping the Gem’s torso. “All this?” She gives a mighty battle cry, and swings her slender, scaly body over her head. Screeching, the corruption crashes headfirst into the dirt a good twenty feet away. “Is starting to get way too annoying. Ya’ wanna let Smoky take this one?”
Steven gives a playful laugh, averting his normally watchful gaze from the creature for a split second to face her. “You bet I do!”
And that’s when what should have been an incredibly straightforward mission goes very, very wrong.
All because he forgot to be careful. For one tiny, should’ve-been-insignificant moment.
He’s reaching out for a high five, fingers splayed outwards. His gem glows, the two of them so intrinsically in sync by now that he’s already anticipating their fusion.
But his hand never finds its match.
Instead, the end of the corrupted Gem’s mace-like tail swings back around and slams into his gut with the force of a freight train, knocking the wind clear out of him.
Following momentum, his body spins a good hundred feet away from Amethyst before she can ever try to catch him with her whip... and he crashes headfirst into a startlingly solid tree trunk. He falls to the forest floor like nothing more than an abandoned rag doll.
“Steven!!” she shrieks from afar.
Ears ringing. Head pounding. Heart throbbing. Veins pumped full of static.
H-he- surely he‘s not—!
(Just inhale!)
Black feathers the edges of his vision, looming like a reaper. It’s wrong. It’s real, but it’s all so distant, so wrong. Stubbornly, he gasps for breath. Refusing to let himself go unconscious. Not here, not now. But it’s so tempting, gosh is it tempting. His whole body feels numb and battered, his whole body feels...
There’s a twisting in his gut. His eyes shoot wide.
The sensation (again, wrong, sickly and wrong) rises in his throat faster than he can identify it by name, and it’s then that he’s thrown back into sobering reality. Arms quivering to hold up his weight, he pushes his upper body up off the dirt just before he retches. Once, twice, three times- all on quick succession. Ugh. So much for breakfast. His muscles ache as he desperately attempts to recover, attempts to shift his view away from the appalling sight of his own vomit. Everything is woozy, blurred, spinning around him. His- oh stars, his head is suddenly as heavy as lead...! Where’s Amethyst?? Why do his arms and legs feel all tingly and faint? Why can he only barely lift himself up? He gives a keening cry as a pulsing throb of static shoots in staccato bolts like lightning from his very core, his center, h-his— he can’t think, he can’t think, he can’t—
Breathing ragged, he collapses onto his side and rides through the spasms, his every muscle jerking against his command. His cheek sags against the ground once the fit reaches its end.
He lays there in a daze for a good long while, letting his vision grow unfocused and blurred in his exhaustion. From his creased brow, sweat drips in the sweltering August heat, staining the soil below. Conflict rages on in the distant background—  Amethyst running solo?— yet he can’t keep track of the action by sound alone. It’s... too much sensory input. More than he can handle, by a long shot. Every bit of his universe now is faint and weak and pain pain pain pain pain, but he manages to shift his arm just enough to slip his hand under his shirt, blindly grasping for his gem... working off a terrible, horrifying hunch.
Shaking fingers find their way to warm crystal, tracing the outer edges, and then—
He traces a deep gouge, running diagonal clear across the center facet.
And with that realization, any remnant of calm he had left flies straight out the window. Another spike of static rips through his body (fuzzy images of Amethyst, 100% hard light body glitching out and unable to hold its shape, pervade his mind) as he makes rapid shallow gasps for air and seizes, trying in vain not to think too hard about what’s physically happening to him.
(I’m cracked I’m cracked I’m cracked I’m—)
“Steven!” Amethyst shouts, diving to his side in an instant. “I’m here, I’m here, I’m so sorry, it wasn’t safe, an’ I knew I had to bubble her before I- ‘fore I could—“
His wide eyed fear silences her even faster than his words. “H- Amethyst,” he rasps, voice hoarse. He blinks as tears begin to slip from between his lashes.
Near indistinguishable blurs of purple and black are his only metric for her movement now. He’s rolled onto his back. A hand moves under his head, stabilizing it.
“Whoa, dude, you’re like, pale as milk! What’s wrong? Did you get hurt?? Can’t you heal it?”
He somehow manages to push coherent words through his warbling cries. “I, I- I dunno, I’m c- cracked, I’m—“
“Wait, wait, wait, you’re WHAT?”
Giving no thought to courtesy in light of the situation, she yanks his shirt up to see for herself.
He hears her inhale as her fingers delicately brush against the gouge marring the center facet of his gem. It’s sharp, sympathetic. The kind of reaction only a Gem who’s lived this horror could offer him. Ever so slight, her hand recoils upon the no-doubt triggering sight. He— stars, he doesn’t wanna... doesn’t want to have to make her remember that, remember that awful time she herself got cracked, but here he is, so clumsy, s-so useless, an—
His chest trembles with every pitiful, bubbling gasp as he succumbs to the terror of the situation and begins to openly sob. Hot, fat tears pour in rivulets down his cheeks, but he knows instinctively there‘s no magic within them. Not today. Not when h-he’s... when he’s like this.
What’s even gonna happen to him now? How’s he gonna— Deep breath. This time, he feels it coming. Every muscle in his body contracts on automatic as that awful, awful static tears through his nerves like an arc of electric current.
It hurts it hurts it hurts ithurtshurtshurtshurtshurtshurts—
Amethyst does her best to lightly hold him as he seizes, cradling his head to ensure no more damage is done. When he stills this time the fight’s practically draining from his body. The boughs of the trees above him pirouette like dancers. Oh stars, everything’s... so... woozy...
“Aw, geeze,” she mutters, and reaches to her gem to pull out an object, thin and rectangular, too blurry in his view for him to make out with much detail. “I, uh... listen. I’m gonna call up Pearl, and we’re gonna fix you up, okay?? We’re gonna take you to the fountain, an’ then...” Her words (reassurance, but for who?) grow thick as her glance flicks downward at his stomach again. “An’ then you’re gonna be fine...”
“B-b-but... I don’t think— I can’t walk,” he blubbers.
“Then I’ll carry you.”
“Am- hnng- Amethyst—“
“Shh-shh, don’t talk, bud. Save your energy.”
“I- I’m so scared,” he blurts.
And it’s so true. Because everything is becoming so blurry and indistinguishable, and the more his body seizes the more fractured he feels, and he’s so close to closing his eyes and drifting off now, he’s sure he is, he’s gotta be—
“Steven,” she says, voice firm yet soft. “Steven, common’, look at me.”
Serious Amethyst. He recognizes the tone. No arguing now.
So slowly but surely— knowing there’s no sense in fighting back oceans when he can barely stay afloat amidst the shallows of this river— his weary, tear stained eyes meet with hers. They’re blown wide with fear, with genuine concern, but between the swirls of black and indigo blue stirs a deeper courage: the unwavering gaze of someone who will have his back to the end of the line.
Amethyst clasps her palm against his shoulder, solid and reassuring.
“Whatever it takes, I promise you... I’m gonna get you there.”
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Episode 124: Lion 4: Alternate Ending
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“Please tell me my destiny.”
We’ve had Ronaldo as a toxic gatekeeping fan intent on harassing the creator. We’ve had Lars as a disappointed fan whom the creator is desperate to impress. We’ve even had Navy as a false fan who’s only interested in robbing the creator’s spaceship (arguably a rarer breed than the first two). So now it’s time for the obsessive clue-hunter, who parses through the creation so deeply that the original meaning gets lost in the shuffle. And this time, our fan stand-in is Steven.
Lion 4: Alternate Ending is an episode about Steven trying to ruin Lion 3: Straight to Video. All the magic from that first glimpse of Rose Quartz threatens to be extinguished through overanalysis, to the point where his discovery of a new tape is met with dread instead of excitement. For all the Steven Universe fans that get frustrated by Steven not being as invested in the lore as they’d like, well, this is what happens when Steven gets as invested in the lore as you’d like. 
To be clear, I don’t think Steven succeeds in ruining Lion 3, especially because the conclusion of Lion 4 manages to enhance its predecessor. I also don’t think it’s a bad thing that he tries: it fits his post-Storm in the Room state to tear through whatever evidence he's got to figure out why he was born, and it’s properly painful to see him so desensitized to the wonder of Rose’s tape that he’s reduced it to a possible decoded message. What better way to express how Steven feels than tainting a pivotal moment with his mother?
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I’m super into stories where a mystery to the characters isn’t a mystery to the viewer: the core example is Cowboy Bebop episode Speak Like a Child, where our 2070s crew is trying to solve the case of a strange antique object that a 1990s audience already knows is a videotape (although a fifth of the way through the twenty-first century, we’re already getting removed from an era where modern audiences would know what a Betamax is, even as a cultural relic). Because the writers don’t have to try to fool us, we can focus more on how the characters tackle a problem instead of trying to beat them to the punch with our own deduction skills. I wouldn’t call Lion 4 the most concrete example of this sort of story, as it’s not impossible that Rose was leaving encrypted messages behind, but to me at least the “twist” that Rose’s tape wasn’t part of some dubious master plan is obvious enough that I can just enjoy the ride.
“Enjoy” is perhaps the wrong word, because while this is an excellent episode, it’s not a fun one. There are comedic moments, because this is still Steven Universe, but watching a kid at the end of his rope struggling to understand his place in the world is bound to be harrowing stuff. Steven’s determination is compounded by his solitude: the Crystal Gems are pointedly absent, as the last time he asked them for answers his dad got abducted to a space zoo and it’s easy to confuse correlation with causation. So it’s just Steven and Lion for most of the episode, and it’s telling that Lion answers Steven’s final cry for help by bringing him to see his dad. Some things can only be fixed by talking, and for all his strengths, Lion isn’t a great conversationalist.
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Before we get to Greg, this Steven/Lion solo outing uses constant activity to sidestep the dullness factor that bogged down Steven’s Lion. After a strong first impression of Steven’s mental state as he scours Rose’s tape for clues, going so far as to try to find meanings in anagrams, Lion revs up the plot by retching up a giant key. I love that Steven’s first thought is the same as mine, and likely yours: the chest in Lion’s mane that we first saw in Lion 3, which unlike Bismuth remained a mystery (and it still is, because we never saw what Steven found in there between Change Your Mind and the movie). Even though the key is comically oversized, Steven ignores the obvious and keeps trying to make it fit. So right off the bat, we get two little stories about Steven looking for answers where there clearly aren’t any and doubling down despite the futility out of sheer desperation for the truth.
From here we get a montage of past locations a la Marble Madness and Warp Tour, accompanied by a gorgeous medley of location themes from Aivi and Surasshu; I will never not complain that we don’t get to have an album of their scoring, because this episode’s soundtrack is one of their best. Visiting the Armory harks back to Lion 2 as the tape did for Lion 3, and we also get a glimpse of Rose’s Fountain and Rose’s Room to continue our references to the many known areas tied to Steven’s mom. When nothing works, Steven pleads with Lion for more information, aware by now that the cat has some answers.
While I’m not huge on Steven’s Lion as an episode due to the aforementioned dull pace, it’s awesome to see our heroes return to where Lion was first found. Buddy’s Book already did a great job of reminding us of Lion’s desert home, but now it’s time to finally investigate the area further. 
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Jesse Zuke and Raven Molisee paired up for our last episode, leaving their usual respective partners Hilary Florido and Paul Villeco at bat for Lion 4. The ragtag team has so far given us rich visuals, with a particularly expressive Steven and Lion (crucial for the non-talking member of the duo) and a callback to the lovely settings of the past, but every aesthetic choice they make is topped by the desert run. It’s a beautiful shot, evoking the iconic ocean run of Lion 2, but Steven’s exhaustion (aided by Zach Callison’s beleaguered performance as he narrates his thoughts) tinges the scene with melancholy where there was once only magic. Steven’s desperation is no longer the frenzied need from when Greg was kidnapped, or even from the beginning of this very episode, but has been worn down to a weary determination that just breaks your heart. This is Charlie Brown after a yanked football too many; he hasn’t been thrown a single bone in his search for answers, and this might be his last chance.
I try not to include too many images in these reviews, because they can mess with the flow of the text, but screw it this shot is also amazing:
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The pyramid-like structures leading to the locked door are the first we see of a new hidden getaway, and retrospect makes Steven’s plight even worse: as we learn in Legs From Here to Homeworld, all he had to do was touch one of them to get a major hint about Rose’s true identity. 
It wouldn’t have solved everything, as Garnet would likely assume they were spoils of war, Amethyst wouldn’t recognize them, and Pearl would keep her mouth shut. And it would’ve ruined the pacing of the mystery for such a strange hint to be presented, so from a storytelling perspective it makes total sense to keep this in the backburner. And it’s not like it’s that weird that Steven doesn’t feel compelled to touch what seems to be a couple of statues when he’s spent the whole episode looking for a lock and it’s right in front of him and he just survived hours of desert travel. But knowing what we know now adds to the drama of how close our hero is to the truth he deserves.
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In yet another bummer, Rose’s hidden landfill is worn down to the point where most of the walls had collapsed, meaning Steven didn’t even need the key. Which isn’t to say the key wasn’t important, as it prompts his trip in the first place, but it’s just one more way that the universe seems to be throwing unnecessary hurdles at him. In the same vein, Lion not only could’ve warped him to the destination as he mentions, but he could’ve done so without hacking up the key in the first place. But we’re long past the point where we should expect straight answers from Lion, so I forgive the big lug.
The first thing that came to my mind when Steven saw the dump wasn’t Amethyst’s room, although there are obvious similarities. It was Greg’s storage locker, the place where we first talked about Rose all the way back in Laser Light Cannon, the place where Greg expressed confusion about why a magic woman fell for a regular guy like him. And as frustrated as Steven is, this room is a wonderful unspoken answer to that distant question: among Rose’s many imperfections was that, like Greg, she was kind of a slob. It’s so nice to have a mundane flaw after nearly a full season of focusing on her as a liar and murderer, especially a flaw that reminds us of why she and Greg were so great for each other.
But yeah, Steven isn’t interested in subtext, and his tantrum is both realistic and reasonable. He finds the tape for Nora by accident, right after kicking some garbage in anger, and this is where that Speak Like a Child oomph comes in. It’s crystal clear that the tape was a backup in case Steven was a girl, but he’s so primed for lies and complications that the obvious answer eludes him and he suspects the worst. I honestly can’t blame him. If you learned out of nowhere that your mom killed someone, who’s to say you don’t have secret siblings?
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The contrast between harsh desert and soothing sunset is another treat for the eyes, readying is for a cooldown after two distressing acts. Greg’s excitement over seeing the old tape blinds him to Steven’s angst in a way that adds honest tension to the exchange, because he’s trying to give Steven a fun treat but has no idea how much anguish his son has been through to get to this point. To Greg, telling Steven the answers outright would be ruining the moment, but the wait is already killing the kid. In an episode without an external villain it’s such a clever way to present a final “confrontation” to overcome.
When we finally see the tape, it becomes even more apparent that it was a backup for a hypothetical daughter. Still, I love how the strange new version of a video we know and love is only half-seen, as we focus so much on Steven’s reaction at the expense of footage. Where he was once gazing at the marvels of a new glimpse of his mother, his eyes are now furrowed in frustrated concentration. As in Lion 3, he has a viewing partner, and Greg’s welling tears mirror those of Steven and Sadie from the first tape, highlighting that the Steven of the present isn’t feeling an ounce of tenderness.
Tears do come for Steven, but in the form of anxious release. When he’s told that he’s Nora, meaning he’s the person the tape was intended for, Steven still doesn’t get it and exclaims that he’s his mom and his sister; it’s sort of a joke, but boy is it rough to hear him slip that in some way he does see himself as his mom rather than his own person. So thank goodness he’s saying this stuff to Greg, who’s calm at first but leaps to the occasion when Steven frantically asks why he exists.
As is standard by now, Greg's got fatherhood down cold. He adjusts his tone to show he’s taking Steven seriously, but rather than jump in he sits his son down and lets him talk. He addresses Steven’s concerns gently but firmly, leaving no room for doubt that he’s loved and appreciated no matter what. He brings himself into the conversation by saying he changed his name, doing so not to turn the topic to himself but to reassure Steven that it’s okay to not be stuck on one identity. And just look at how perfectly our three main characters exist in the shot during this last talk:
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Steven gets those happy post-tape tears after viewing the last part of the video, and our happy ending is earned, but it’s not a full victory. Rose still had issues, but at least Steven has gained some confidence back that she wasn’t all bad. He’ll go back and forth on how much guilt he feels for her actions, but at the very least he knows now that his decisions to try and atone for her mistakes are his to make, and not a mandate from a dead parent looking for an escape route.
Whiiiiiiich means that now he’s able to try and feign a sense of control over helpless situations by assigning blame to himself in new, exciting ways. Hey, it’s not like the show could’ve solved all his problems less than halfway through Act III of the series. Lion 4 thus doesn’t have the conclusive oomph of Lion 3, which closed a trilogy of Lion Episodes as well as the stage of the show where Rose was a well-realized but distant idea more than a full character. For all its strengths, Lion 4 feels much more like Just Another Episode. But that’s okay. It doesn’t owe the past a thing.
Future Vision!
Again, those pyramids return in a major way, because they’re not pyramids.
Greg talks about Garnet’s inability to predict things about Steven, which is an element of their relationship throughout the show but gets major focus soon in Pool Hopping.
Escapism blends the two big Lion Runs by setting it back on the ocean, but making the passenger an exhausted Steven facing one last ordeal before relief in the form of his dad with a guitar.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
It doesn’t make the top twenty, it does make the top twenty-five. Just like Bismuth right before our hundredth episode, this doesn’t mean much now, but it will next time, because I’m expanding again to a Top Twenty-Five when we hit the big One Two Five with Doug Out. 
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Steven’s Dream
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Room for Ruby
Lion 4: Alternate Ending
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
Tiger Philanthropist
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
(Kind of unbelievable to me that a Lion Sequel doesn’t have official promo art, but luckily we have discount-supervillain’s measured take on what Nora Universe would realistically look like.)
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oleanderblume · 5 years
I can't help myself so I'm going to subject you to my terrible sense of humor and post this fic.
Hope you like it!
You ready? It's a tough one." Steven asked as he shifted in his seat to share his new computer with Spinel. 
Amethyst and Connie had had their turn trying to beat the level he had been stuck on for ages, both turning up with failure, so Steven imagine the gem made to play games couldn't possibly fail at a computer game.
Spinel nodded and took the mouse in her hand, scooting into the chair as Steven moved aside, she had never even touched earth computers, let alone these 'video games' Steven seemed to enjoy- despite having so much trouble with them.
"You just move the mouse to move the camera, and then press these buttons here to move the character- and this one to fire your tears." Steven explained leaning over her to point out the jumbled eath letters on the keyboard. Made enough sense.
The pink gems eyes trailed from the keyboard to the screen as she slowly maneuvered the character through the computer glancing back at her friends for slight reassurance. It wasn't long before Steven noticed that familiar shine in her eyes the moment she got the hang of it. 
He had grown to notice when Spinel was entirely engaged in an activity, particularly a game- especially a game, it was a similar look to when her eyes spiraled, but instead of anger it was concentration. He particularly enjoyed the moments where she became so engrossed in whatever she was doing that she would half mindedly stick her tongue out as though it somehow doubled that concentration. 
"You got this." He smiled, sitting back on his bed to watch alongside Connie. Spinel was already far to emerged to even provide an answer aside from a soft mumble.
It wasn't an easy level, Waffle was the player character and they had a tendency to be slow, and even though their tears were sticky with syrup it didn't make this Broccoli boss any less formidable. Spinel on the other hand had grown increasingly determined, it was amusing and exhilarating all at once, her quiet audience growing inches closer as they hovered over her while she ruthlessly fought the broccoli.
There was a soft noise, an alert of some kind, but it was drowned out by the sound effects of the game, that is, until the computer began growing increasingly warmer as Spinel began to wear down Broccoli.
A small window popped up in the corner of the screen, temporarily distracting Spinel from her ongoing stalemate with the vegetable, in a quick attempt to rid herself of it Spinel did what she knew would work and temporarily overided the tiny warning with her own gem.
It did the trick.
Everyone was on the edge of their seats, watching as Spinel dealt the final blow to Broccoli and the vegetable broke down in tears preparing to hug the Waffle in reprieve. Then there was a noise, a very loud, angry electronic noise that erupted from the computer and several windows popped up into view, cutting away from the final cutscene in leu of atrociously designed advertisements.
"What's wrong?!" She gasped pulling her hands from the controls, did she break it?
Connie squirmed her way in front of the computer to evaluate.
"Steven? Where did you get this game?" She asked slowly as more dings sounded from the computer and even more ads popped up. Steven laughed a little nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's free on breakfast101.com?" He answered, hoping it would suffice. 
Connie shook her head, already having the feeling that Steven inadvertently destroyed his computer.
"Free to download?" She questioned, only hoping he would say no, but the boy sheepishly nodded as he realised his mistake.
"I think you just downloaded a virus." She explained, "we gotta get someone to  get it off now, or you won't have a computer."
Spinel leaned back in the computer chair, huffing in disgruntled frustration that she couldn't officially beat the boss, she had enjoyed this game, now it was gone.
"I think Peridot can fix it?" Steven mentioned, hoping the green little gem would be savvy enough with earth tech to do such a thing for him.
Connie shook her head.
"I still think going to an actual computer repair shop is better." Her slight push didn't do much to change Steven's mind, he only shrugged with a small smile.
"Doesn't hurt to ask though?" And that was that.
"A virus huh?" Peridot gleaned over the broken computer as it continuously spewed pop up after pop up until the whole thing was hot to the touch and slower than molasses. "I think I can work with that."
"Great!" Steven beamed, glad that Peridot could come through once again with her superior technological skills. He smiled back at Connie and Spinel, though Spinel seemed slightly less excited than he had expected, she still provided a small smile through her tired eyes.
Connie bid the two of them farewell at the warp pad as they dissapeared, only to go the short distance from little homeworld to the beach house.
"When we get rid of the virus, I can show you some other fun games I have!" Steven exclaimed to Spinel as she trailed a little slower behind him.
She didn't reply.
"Spinel?" Steven turned back to face the pink gem, but she wasn't exactly as pink as he last recalled. More like a dull pale  with a slightly pink hue. Spinel hazily nodded, not entirely sure why she felt so slow all the sudden.
Steven's eyes quickly turned from releif to worry in a near instant at the sight, he hadn't ever seen a gem lose their color in such a way, and was immediately disconcerted by it.
"Are you okay?" He asked, taking a step closer.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Spinel replied with a far less convincing smile than she had intended. Her voice was nasally, almost like she was congested. Could gems even get congested? Steven didn't even remotely believe her. Spinel also happened to be an abhorrent liar. A shudder ripped through her body and she felt far colder than a few moments earlier, but brushed it off with another smile.
"I think you're sick. Can gems get sick?" Steven asked, looking her up and down once more. She definitely didn't look normal, and she almost looked like she would pass out on the spot if she stood there long enough, lackadaisically swaying back and forth in a small attempt to remain upright. 
Spinel shook her head quickly, trying to make her brain work a little faster than it preferred to at the moment.
"I'm fine really." She objected, raising her hands meekly to try and get the boy's growing worry to settle. 
Steven raised an eyebrow and pressed his hand to her forehead, he wasn't entirely sure if gems could have a fever but he wasn't about to grope her gemstone so he hoped a hot forehead would suffice. 
Spinel blinked, well, it was more alone g the lines of one eye closing at a time, before she registered that he was touching her and she backed up slightly.
Sure enough, she was warm, and not it a condensed body of light kind of way.
"Steven, I really am-"
"Sick." He finished her sentence before she could and promptly sat her down on the couch, pulling a spare blanket from the shelves and draping it over her and moving into the kitchen, leaving her to slowly comprehend his actions.
"When I get sick, Dad always makes me grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup, and then brings medicine to make me feel better." He explained from the kitchen. Spinel turned her head toward his voice but remained on the couch, suddenly feeling far too exhausted to move, so instead she relaxed until her limbs were stretched into a small pile on the floor. 
Steven sifted through the cabinets and pulled out bread, a can of soup and small bottle of viscous flu medicine before preparing the meal for his friend. He hadn't ever had to take care of a sick friend, but had plenty of experience being sick.
"This will make you feel a little better, and you just have to wait it out- it usually only last a few days." He returned with a hot bowl of soup and a neatly sliced grilled cheese as well as the medicine, though he wasn't entirely sure what help it would do. Spinel meekly rejected the offer, it was bad enough that she broke his computer, and now she was taking his attention. Granted, she enjoyed it somewhat. 
The way he immediately dropped his train of thought just to make her feel better, it was a welcome occurence, though still tinged with that ever present burdensome feeling.
Spinel had all but sunk into the couch, quietly sipping on the fourth hot tea Steven had provided while she lazily watched more reruns of the Crying Breakfast Friends. She felt somewhat better, maybe because her stomach was full of various soothing warm treats Steven had consistently provided her, almost waiting on her every whim. It was hard not to take advantage of the boy and his seemingly endless compassion.
"Good news!" Steven called as he came in through the door carrying his computer under his arm. "Peridot got rid of the virus, so you can play some of those games while you get better."
Spinel nodded slightly, but she saw the way Steven's brow furrowed with more worry. It had been three days, and she looked noticeably worse off than before. Spinel clearly was trying to hide it, but he could tell she was even slower moving and more pale than before.
"How...long...is...this..su...pposed...to last?" She asked, Steven couldn't even hide his cringe at her dreadfully slow cadence. It was almost as if he were talking to the fusion Flourite, except this wasn't any sort of pleasantly drifting voice that reminded him of a grandmother.
Steven sat down the repaired computer and rounded the coffee table to check her temperature once more.
"You're getting worse." He whispered, usually after three days something like this would clear up for a human. Spinel wasn't a human though. 
Spinel looked down into her might of tea, unable to look at the fear in his eyes. She just wanted whatever this was to be over.
"When...do...I...TRY OUT OUR NEW BACKSCRATCHER BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!" Steven jolted, taken aback by Spinel's sudden and very loud interest in back scratchers. The words were so disconnected from her voice that she couldn't tell if they actually came from her mouth. It wasn't what she intended to say at all.
Steven stared at her for a moment, still unsure if what happened actually happened at all. The surealness of it all had completely thrown him off. Spinel's face twisted into a shocked frown before she opened her mouth to speak again.
What?! That wasn't what she wanted to say at all! How could her mouth betray her so suddenly. She blinked, glancing at Steven before her face contorted into confused horror. It took a moment, before Steven registered what was going on. He quickly tore the blanket off of her and grabbed her hand, pulling the spaghettified gem from her spot and dragging her up the stairs toward the warp pad.
"YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN HACKED!!" Spinel shouted, though she fully intended to say 'Steven, I don't know what's happening!' Obviously, that didn't work the way she hoped it would.
Steven would laugh, if what was going on wasn't so viscerally terrifying. Somehow, she had come down with the same malware that his computer had.
Steven hauled the snailpased gem toward Peridot's home as soon as they left the warp, Spinel screetching vocally  obnoxious ads with growing distress as they neared. He had absolutely no idea what she was saying, and the nonsensical audible pop ups only seemed to worsen as they approached.
"PERIDOT!" Steven cried, bursting through the door with Spinel's hand flopping in his grasp. The rest of her was a good twenty feet behind, still very slowly running behind him. 
Peridot spun around in astonishment at his sudden and frantic return.
"Spinel has that virus I need you to fix it!" He explained, stepping outside for a moment to pull the noodled gem inside.
"What?" Peridot shrieked in reply, half out of confusion and half out of distress. She hadn't ever heard of a gem getting a virus- aside from corruption. 
Steven quickly planted the pale pink, sick gem in front of her to inspect.
"HOT SINGLES IN YOUR AREA!!" Spinel exclaimed, slowly waving her overly stretched arms in attempt to convey her  stress. Peridot stared at her, unable to make anything from what she said before turning to Steven.
"How did this happen?!" She asked.
"THE PRINCE OF NIGERIA WANTS TO SEND YOU MONEY!" Spinel replied, despite the enthusiasm of her voice she slumped forward and whimpered softly, tears brimming in her eyes. 
This was her fault. She knew it. And she couldn't even come clean about it.
"I don't know, she was sick for a few days- I thought she'd get better but I don't know how to fix it!" Steven exclaimed, glancing worriedly at Spinel who was very clearly on the verge of an emotional breakdown.
"I don't know what you're saying!" Steven cried, beginning to pace as he tried to think of a solution, this wasn't normal, not for people, and definitely not for gems! What if he couldn't fix her?! What if she could only ever yell obscenely obnoxious advertising for the rest of her life?! What if he broke her forever- all because he wanted to play a stupid free game?
"And you came to me?! I'm not a gem what is it- repairer! I don't know how to fix this!" Peridot joined him in his frantic pacing, trying to think of some kind of solution.
"MAKE A MILLiooonnn dollars in....siiiiixx.........mmmmmooooooonnnnttttthhhhhssss...." Spinel's loud rambling advertisement slowed to a creeping still as her form began to glitch compulsively, the heat of her gemstone radiating through it and causing a noticeable shift in temperature. Peridot screamed in terror at the sight of the pink gem flickering through gaudy bright colors.
"Do something she's overheating!"
Steven had to think fast, as fast as he could make himself with his jumbled and racing thoughts, and quickly spat in his hand and slapped the burning heart shaped gem. It nearly scalded his fingers and almost evaporated his only option of fixing her.
Spinel's form slowed its terrifying glitching, intermittently flickering until her form slowly resembled itself again and she stood there staring at Steven whose hand was still firmly pressed against her gemstone. 
Her eyes flickered down at it, noticing how red and blistered it had become upon contact. He retracted it almost as quickly as she looked at it, licking it himself to heal the burns.
Peridot's screaming stopped and she lowered her hands from her head, loosening the grip she held on her hair.
"Did you fix her?"
They stared at Spinel, who looked far more full of color now, waiting for her to speak. Spinel persed her lips in anticipation, hoping that what she wanted to say would be said.
"I don't like computer games."
The three of them made an audible sigh of relief at her words, the relief of the innocuous sentence washing over all of them at once and allowing them to relax. 
Steven couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes any longer and if he had been less accosted by the potential- literal burnout of his friend, he would smacked himself in the head for being so blind to his own ability to heal. 
Instead, he grabbed Spinel and pulled her close, ignoring that she was still cooling down from a solar level fever.
"Spinel I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry- I should have just healed you, I should have-" he was cut off by her arms slowly wrapping around him, clutching him tightly. It was okay. She was okay.
That's all that mattered.
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mimik-u · 6 years
Blue diamond and yellow diamond :D
Thank you!!
Blue Diamond:
Favorite thing about them: Something that has always struck me about Blue Diamond is that she’s been allowed to be an unadulterated, visceral portrayal of grief. It’s an aspect of her personality that has both complicated her character and humanized it. It’s a raw emotion that media rarely allows us to see in its entirety—how destructive it is, how consuming. And so I really, really appreciate the Crewniverse for bearing it out through Blue as unflinchingly as they have.
Least favorite thing about them: Okay, subjectively, I like the flaws of both of the Diamonds because I think they make for gr8 storytelling, but objectively, I think Blue is particularly guilty of allowing her own emotions and judgments to negate those of others, which ultimately leads to the kind of prejudice and inconsideration that alienated Pink all of those many years ago.
Favorite line: It’s hard to choose just one Blue Diamond line. 😭 Lisa Hannigan is just so good, so here’s, like, five in no particular order.
“It’s you… Pink.”
“You’re here! Come here.”
“You cannot fathom how much I’ve mourned—what thousands of years of grief have done to me!”
“It was so quiet.” (I think I teared up with her delivery on this one.)
“I didn’t… I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”
BROTP: Blue and Steven / Blue and Pink
OTP: Bellow Diamond
NOTP: Pink x Blue
Random headcanon: Between her and Yellow, you actually don’t want to end up being punished by Blue. Yeah, Yellow’s gonna zap, bubble, and maybe even shatter ya, but at least it’ll be quick. Just judging from her quietly insinuated threats at “The Trial,” Blue is patient (and petty) enough to drag out your “due award” as slowly and painfully as she sees fit.
Unpopular opinion: Mmm, I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I really appreciate the Crewniverse’s willingness to allow her to be awful. Like, yes, they work hard to humanize her, but at the same time, they never quite let us forget that she’s a space dictator. It’s this kind of excellent writing that makes me so excited to see what’s in store for her arc now that she’s been able to recognize her wrongdoing.
Song I associate with them: “Sinking Man” by Of Monsters and Men (”I pushed you away / although I wished you would stay…”)
Favorite picture of them: 
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Yellow Diamond:
Favorite thing about them: I adore how Yellow’s love for her fellow Diamonds seeps subtly through her harsh and demanding exterior in such a way that you can’t help but realize that that very exterior is a defense mechanism. Cruelty and toughness are fronts for the tender vulnerability that so defines how she feels about Blue and Pink and White.
Least favorite thing about them: As someone who also represses her feelings™, it still stings to watch Yellow do the same, especially when it involves her lashing out viciously, usually at the gems she loves the most. (She attacks first and doesn’t ask questions later.)
Favorite line: Patti is also so good.
“I alone was there for you!”
“Two and a half words? That’s a record.”
“But you get to see her because your one colony is a failure.”
Stop… stop it, Blue. Stop using your power on me.” GOD, WHAT A DELIVERY.
BROTP: Pink and Yellow
OTP: Bellow Diamond
NOTP: Pink x Yellow
Random headcanon: Though White Diamond betrayed that Yellow’s biggest weakness is Blue, I like to think that Yellow herself isn’t fully cognizant of the fact. Like, if she had to verbalize her weakness of her own accord, she wouldn’t be able to articulate that it’s the Diamond that she has spent 6,000 years checking up on and comforting and chastising and chasing at the expense of further space expansion. (TL;DR: Big dumb rock doesn’t understand her own emotions. More at 10.)
Unpopular opinion: See my answer for Blue, but also, I think her meme faces are the best, lololol. Like, every time I see that one where she’s squinting her eyes, I lose my sh*t.
Song I associate with them: “Shots” by Imagine Dragons / (”And then I shot, shot, shot a hole through everything I loved. / I shot, shot, shot a hole through every single thing that I loved.”)
Favorite picture of them:
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protagonistprepblog · 5 years
Protagonist Prep Ch 14 Team Alien’s Mission: Seeing Double
Just a few miles away from Beach City everything seemed to be peaceful and calm with nary a worry in sight. Until a massive rainbow sized portal ripped through the fabric of reality, out of the portal five figures walked out. One was gigantic nearly the size of a Jasper, one was a small boy with a strange haircut, a girl with purple hair, a insect like creature, a pudgy boy and finally a girl with long hair tied in a ponytail.
             “Alright, team,” the giant man said in an authoritative tone, “let’s go over the mission objective one more time to make sure everyone’s clear.”
             "Zim knows what to do!" The insect like figure exclaimed his voice filled with arrogance.
 "Then please explain what we are doing?" The giant figure asked Zim who quickly clamed up, the giant figure just nodded and turned to the chubby boy.
 "Steven could you explain what the mission is?" The giant asked the now known Steven.
 "We're going to stop a bad guy from disrupting this dimension?" Steven suggested still new to this interdimensional work.
 "Good job!" The giant figure told Steven who smiled at the praise.
 "Why does this place look familiar?" The ponytail figure asked rather confused by this.
             Steven agreed with her sentiment, he looked around and it looked familiar to him as well. He looked further down the beach and noticed a massive monument of a multi armed woman.
 “Connie,” he addressed the girl with the ponytail “This is Beach City. We’re home!”
             "How is this possible?!" Connie asked in bewilderment as she stared at the familiar statue.
 "The multiverse is full of possibilities, so it's not out of the realm of reality for us to come upon a similar dimension." The giant figure told the young girl as he began to rub his chin in thought.
 "New plan, Steven, Connie scout ahead and see if there's anything here that's unusual. Signal us if you need back up." The giant figure told the two as he tried to channel what Sir called his inner boss.
 “Will do,” Connie said as she and Steven ran into the town.
 “So, what’re we going to do?” the purple haired girl asked in an apathetic tone.
             "Look around the area, if Odchodnik has operations here then it must be close somewhere." The giant figure answer, he began to walk fowards to what scent he could catch.
 "Come know accolytes an adventure awaits!!" The giant figure exclaimed and the three kids began to follow him. Meanwhile, in a house resting at the base of the massive stone monument.
 “Come on, dad,” Rose exclaimed, “why can’t we come with you?”
 “Because,” Steven replied with crossed arms, “we’re coming to be investigating a recent rash of child abductions, and we don’t want to risk you getting taken too.”
 “Then wouldn’t it make more sense for us to come with you,” Vihaan asked.
             “Not if the kidnappers return to the scene of the crime,” Connie added, “besides, Jasper will be watching you.”
 “I’ll watch them like hawks,” Jasper reassured them.
 “Steven, Connie,” Garnet called to the couple, “let’s go! We’re burning daylight!”
 Steven and Connie Hughes the kids, “We’ll see you when we get back."
 Steven, Connie, and the gems then ran out of the house, leaving Rose, Vihaan, and Celeste alone with Jasper.
 “You guys wanna get some training done while the others aren’t home,” Jasper asked the youths slyly.
 “Yeah,” they replied enthusiastically.
 They then grabbed their weapons and raced out to the beach to get some training done. As young Steven and Connie were walking through Beach City they noticed that several things were off, the Big Donut had new workers, there seemed to be no sign of the cool kids and Onion wasn't in sight doing anything anarchist.
 "Wow, Beach City really changed while we were gone." Steven joked trying to make the situation light.
 "Well this is different from home, I wonder what's different about it?" Connie mused as she looked around the boardwalk.
             “The rides are all the same, but they look even older,” Steven observed as they walked around.
 Steven then accidentally walked face-first into a statue, since he wasn’t paying attention. He fell backwards and Connie quickly helped him back up. “I know that wasn’t there.”
 The pair looked at the statue curiously, it seemed familiar to them, but they just couldn’t figure out why.
 “Hey, Connie,” Steven asked, “does that guy in the statue look familiar to you?”
 Connie noticed an inscribed plaque at the base of the statue, “Aha! Maybe this’ll shed some light on the subject.”
 She then read the inscription aloud for them both to hear. “Steven Quartz Universe: Beach City’s Greatest Hero?” Connie and Steven gasped, Steven started to read the rest. “He and his Crystal Gems have not only kept Beach City safe from various threats, but have also touched the lives of many of our residents. “
 Steven and Connie looked at each other. “Steven”
Connie got the attention of her friend. “I think we’re in the future.”
 "That's impossible, how could that happen?!" Connie wondered as she pressed a hand to her forehead trying to wrap around the situation.
 "Well maybe interdimensional travel sometimes accidentally sends people into the future." Steven suggested as he was surprised by this as well but that meant there was a silver lining.
 "Connie if the gems are here that means they could help us!"
 “Yeah,” Connie agreed, “let’s go to the temple.”
 The pair then ran back to the temple, hoping for answers and assistance. As the other members of Team Alien were traversing the area Behemoth began to pick up something on his ISO sensors.
 "Children I suggest we proceed with caution there's something up ahead." Behemoth told the trio which some of them began to take out their weapons. As they went further Behemoth saw what set off his sensors, it was a tall Amber colored woman with dark orange stripes, a wild mane of white hair and burning molten eyes.
 "Stay here, I'll try to talk to it." Behemoth told his acolytes and walked out of the cover.
 "Greetings and good tidings, may ask what you are doing?" Behemoth asked the Cheeto woman. Jasper looked at the tall Samoan man, she was surprised to see someone as tall as her.
 “Just getting some training in with the yungins’ here.” Jasper informed the massive man.
 “Don’t turn your back to the opponent Jasper,” Celeste shouted as she fired a blast of magic at jasper, knocking her and Behemoth to the ground. However, from farther away the kids took this as a sign of attack and quickly sprang out.
 "Meteor Strike!!" Gaz yelled out as she swung her meteor hammer down at the one who fired the spell. Celeste quickly jumped back, and just narrowly avoided being hit.
 Rose saw her cousin being attacked and used her scythe to pole-vault herself into Gaz, knocking her away. Dib grabbed one of his bolas and swung it around as he did it began to spark and crackle, once he had enough momentum he threw straight at Rose with enough volts to stun an elephant. Somehow the bolas wrapped completely around Rose like a python around its prey. Rose screamed as the bolas sent electricity surging through her body.
 “ROSE,” Jasper screamed in horror. She quickly ran over to Rose, grabbed the bolas and tore them apart, freeing her.
 Rose fell to her knees. “You okay, kid,” Jasper asked, her voice laced with concern.
 Rose used her scythe to hoist herself back up to her feet and gave Jasper a half-smile and a thumbs up. She wasn’t out of the fight yet.
 Jasper sighed with relief, then flared at Dib. She summoned her helmet, rolled into a spin dash, then charged at Dib with all her might. Before Dib could process the fact an alien Amazon women was charging at him something sped forward and blocked the attack with one arm, and that someone was Behemoth. As easily as one would throw a water bottle, he smacked Jasper away causing her to slide into the sand leaving a 20ft long channel in it.
 “Of course you realize this means war,” Jasper grumbled, her face still buried in sand. Jasper then stood up and dusted herself, Rose, Vihaan, and Celeste stood with her, each holding their weapons. The two teams stood there for a moment, glaring at each other, then charged at each other. Behemoth went with Jasper each of their blows shaking the earth; Gaz and Celeste trying to sneak in some devastating hits on each other; Dib and Rose where playing a game of cat and mouse each of them avoiding each other's attack; finally, Vihan and Zim were going at it like a like two angry wildcats.
“Let’s see what you’ve got, big guy.” Jasper taunted Behemoth. He responded by punching her in the gut, knocking the air out of her. Jasper fell to her knees with a gasp.
“How’s that even possible, I don’t have lungs!” She then pulled out a small communicator, “Steven, Connie, we need you back at the temple. NOW!”
 Meanwhile young Steven and Connie arrived at the scene of the fight with wide eyes.
 "What happened while we were gone?" Connie questioned as they ran down to the  fight and pulled out her khanda ready to fight. Young Steven ran over to Dib and used his shield to deflect one of Rose’s attack.
 Rose stopped fighting when she caught sight of Steven. “Dad,” she said, utterly gob-smacked.
 Vihaan threw his clackers at Zim, only for Connie to deflect them. He gasped at the sight of her, “Mom?”
 Connie on the other hand was rather confused by what Vihaan told her.
 "Ummm, I think I'm a bit too young to be mom yet." She Vihaan and then proceeded to side kick him away. While Steven decided to make a joke about what Rose asked.
 "I guess your Dad must be pretty handsome." Jasper finally noticed the younger Steven and Connie.
 “WHAT THE HECK,” she shouted. That proved to be a bad time to look away as Behemoth charged towards the tiger striped gem and delivered a powerful uppercut to her face. So powerful that it caused a sonic boom and sent Jasper flying through the air until she was nothing more than a speck in the sky.
 “I’LL BE BACK IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES,” Jasper called out as she flew through the air. The kids looked at what happened in shock s briefly stopped fighting for a few minutes and Behemoth turned to them and said.
 "May we try to talk peace now?" Before anyone could say anything, a colossal pink shield zipped through the air, and dug itself into the ground, separating the two groups. Upon further inspection, Team Alien noticed the pattern on the shield was identical to Steven’s. A figure then leapt onto the beach, creating a huge cloud of dust. As the cloud dispersed, they noticed some key features about his appearance; he had dark curly hair a bulky frame, and a light red trench coat. It was Steven, the older Steven from this reality.
 "Woah!" Young Steven gasped at amazement at he just saw while Connie felt something but wasn't sure what it was. Cautious Behemoth put himself in front of the kids and spoke to the future half gem.
 "Be thee friend or foe, choose the answer correctly." Steven glared at them, “Depends on your explanation for attacking my kids.”
 While Steven was dealing with Behemoth, Connie checked on the kids.
 “Are you kids alright,” Connie asked worriedly.
 “We’re fine, mom,” Rose said, “but I think there’s something you and dad should see about those guys.”
 Connie then glared at Team Alien and began to march over to the group, intending to give them an unfiltered piece of her mind. Behemoth stood tall as he could and began to explain what had happened to cause these unwanted events.
 "Well first I began to try and talk to a Jasper, was it, about this town. Unfortunately I did not realize this was a training session and one of the children casted a rather explosive spell, my acolytes took this as a sign of attack and one thing led to another I'm afraid."
 “Then where’s Jasper,” Connie asked irritably.
 "Ummm, somewhere in the upper atmosphere I fear." Behemoth told the older Connie, and oddly enough not afraid.
 “WHAT THE HECK, MAN,” Steven roared.
 "To be fair it was a heat of was most would say." Behemoth told the older Steven with a stern voice and glare. Steven and Connie didn’t back down, nothing was more important to them than their kids. They were about give him an earful, but they finally noticed the younger versions of themselves.
 “And now there are younger versions of us,” Steven said in shock. He then pinched the bridge of his nose, “Alright, who’s been messing with time travel?”
 “Don’t look at us, we’re innocent this time,” Celeste replied.
"I can actually answer that, these two are from a Dimension not so different from yours." Behemoth told the Older Steven. Steven breathed a sigh of relief.
 “That’s a relief, I was worried we were all in danger for a second.”
 The kids joined Steven and Connie. “Since no one appears to be asking the big question, I’m just gonna come out and say it,” Rose said, “who the heck are you guys?”
 "My name is Behemoth and I shall let my acolytes introduce themselves." Behemoth told the future crowd, first went the insect like figure.
 "I am the glorious Zim!!" He yelled out at the top of his lungs, next went the girl with purple hair.
 "I'm Gaz, got any food." She lazily told the group with disinterest, finally the boy with a strange haircut.
 "I'm Dib." He shyly introduced himself.
 “I guess you’re already familiar with my wife and me,” Steven said before gesturing to the young ones next to him, “these are our kids, Rose and Vihaan, and our niece, Celeste.”
 "So I'm guessing that you are wondering why we're here." Behemoth said as began to move slightly away from the kids feeling that they weren't in danger. Young Steven and Connie’s eyes shot wide open and their jaws dropped to the ground.
 “WIFE,” they exclaimed in unison, “KIDS?!”
 "Ok, I believe we should hold off on the potential space time continuum destroying information for now." Behemoth told his two older versions of his students with a stern serious voice.
 “Why not,” Rose objected, “it won’t affect our timeline, and it could help you guys out a lot down the line, probably even prevent a couple of mistakes.”
 “Yeah, but we learned from those mistakes,” Steven explained, “some of them even helped shape us to become who we are today.”
 "He's right telling someone an excessive amount of future information could have dire consequences." Behemoth told Rose but currently Dib was getting a little anxious.
 "Ummm, don't we have a mission?" He asked his teacher.
 “Why are you guys here anyway,” Vihaan asked.
 "We're here to arrest an interdimensional crime Lord known as Odchodnik, he's a notorious drug king pin." Behemoth informed the young boy.
 Rose looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “Chokesonwhatnow? That name is going to be impossible to remember.”
 "Here's what really makes me mad, he takes kids from their families and forces them to work for him. All because of some stupid drug called regunitavium." Young Connie scowled as she said that but Behemoth was slightly impressed.
 "Someone’s has been paying attention in Villains 101." Behemoth praised proud of Connie.
 “We were just investigating a recent spike in child abductions around here,” Connie explained.
 "Where there is smoke there is fire." Behemoth told the two groups but that just got him several looks of confusion.
 "What I meant to say was that if there are child kidnappings Odchodnik might be behind this." He explained to the crowd.
 “Well what are we waiting for,” Rose exclaimed as she held her scythe aloft triumphantly, “let’s nail this guy!”
 "Ummm, actually that's going to be a bit difficult." Connie slowly told the daughter of her older self, which felt stranger than everything she's seen.
 “And why’s that... mom,” Rose felt even stranger after stranger after saying that.
 "Well Odchodnik is smart, he's able to hide in plain sight and look like a philanthropist. When he is arrested or something else a mysterious beneficiary somehow gets him off the hook." Connie explained to Rose and slightly caught off guard by the mom statement.
 "She's right, he usually hides his operations quite well meaning we're going to look for a weak link." Behemoth added on to Connie's statement. They all then heard a buzzing coming out of Steven’s pocket.
 “What’s that,” young Steven asked.
 “It’s my communicator,” Steven explained, “one of the gems must be trying to call me.”
 He then pulled out the device and pressed a button on it. “Steven,” a woman’s voice with a British accent came out of the device.
 Young Steven instantly recognized the voice. “Garnet,” he said softly.
 “Everything okay, Garnet,” Steven spoke into the device.
 “We found one of the kidnappers,” she exclaimed, “but we’re having trouble catching him, we need you and Connie, right now!”
 “Thank you, authors,” Rose said softly.
 Vihaan quickly shushed his older sister, “Shh, they may not know about the fourth wall.”
 "Actually my kind not only has knowledge of the fourth wall but we regularly break it, just look at the first few chapters." Behemoth whispered to the sibling pair.
 "Ummm, even though I'm ok with some humor shouldn't we focus on getting the Gems some help?" Steven asked the future versions of his family.
 “You’re right, me,” Steven said awkwardly, “we’ve got no time to lose!”
 He and Connie then latched onto each other. “Let’s go, hun,” Connie exclaimed.
 Steven leapt into town, with Connie holding onto him tightly.
 The kids and Team Alien watched the couple fly through the air. “I guess we’re running then.”
 They quickly ran towards the town, knowing fully well that time was of the essence. As they ran into down they saw the reason why the Gems were having problems catching the kidnapper he wouldn't stand still. Everytime one of the gems would make a move he would either speed out of the way or somehow it wouldn't be able to hit him. He almost got away at one point, but his path was blocked when Steven threw down his shield.
"Woah!" The perp yelled out as he began to skitter across the boardwalk and began to move in a rather discord pattern. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl cornered him on one side, Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth on the other. Steven and Connie landed on his only means of escape, he was surrounded on all sides. Team Alien and the kids soon arrived, standing behind the Gems.
 Pearl glanced back at them, “Rose, Vihaan, what are you doing here?” She then caught a glimpse of young Steven and Connie. “WHAAA?!”
 "No time to explain, right now we got to focus!" Young Steven told the gems as they began to help surround the perp. Who was trying to look for a way out but he quickly gave up when he saw Behemoth. Upon further inspection, they all saw that the kidnapper was a giant cockroach. Pearl gagged at the sight of him.
 Steven grabbed the bug by his antennae, “Alright, buddy, we’ve got a couple of questions.”
 "If it's why am dealing on your turf the DJ guy told me that you guys wouldn't mind." The bug creature told Steven as he began to move his limbs nervously.
 “Alright, everyone,” Steven said “let’s get back to the temple.”
 The two teams found themselves standing in the living room of the temple, with the bug villain chained to a chair. Young Steven and Connie were surprised to see not only how the house had changed, but also how the gems had changed, especially Jasper.
 "So Jasper how exactly did I--- I mean he help you?" Steven asked the former mad warrior Gem of Homeworld, hopefully he won't get too beat up.
 “Well, he and Amethyst fused and beat me in the beta kindergarten,” Jasper explained, “and good thing too, I was so desperate to win that I was willing to fuse with a Corrupted Gem. I mean, who knows what could’ve happened to me if I did. After that, they bubbled me and I stayed in the burning room. Soon I was unbubbled in healing fountain, though I did try to attack you and other stuff I realized something. You kept on trying to help me and heal me, somafter everything was explained I decided to join you.”
 "Wait me and Amethyst fused!?" The young half asked and Behemoth just internally facepalmed at what just happened.
 "Another question what about Blue and Yellow Diamond?" Connie asked as she remembered the stories about them, and from when Blue Diamond was called to the school.
 “I think it’s best we don’t spoil any of that minefield right now,” Steven said. He then turned to the villain, “Now where’s your boss holding the kids!!!”
 "Hey I'm be a coward but I'm not an idiot, if I spill my guts to you no one will hire me and not to mention my head will be on a spike!" The bug creature exclaimed as he tried to wiggle out of the chains.
 “Oh you’re gonna tell us,” Steven said aggressively.
 “And why should I,” the overgrown cockroach exclaimed.
 “Because,” Steven said as he shape shifted his mouth into that of a Predator’s and hissed at him. He then turned his mouth back to normal.
 Young Steven watched with a shocked look on his face. “When do I learn to do that?” he asked Amethyst.
"Ha, please a Yajuta? I've seen more than a hundred of them in a week so unless you got something else, I'd suggest you do better." The bug creature taunted the older half gem with his senses of bravado growing.
 "I know a way to make him talk." Behemoth informed the group as he began to walk towards the bug.
 “Okay, but if this doesn’t work I’m going with plan D,” Steven said as he turned his hand into a drill.
 "It will but I'm going to need someone to take the children away from here." Behemoth told him but his students started to get upset.
 "Come on we want to stay we're heroes too!!" Steven exclaimed feeling a little angry about this.
 "Yes Zim wants to see him squirm!" Zim yelled out in bloodlust.
 "No, this not up for debate." He told them his eyes steely, voice strong and held fast like metal. Steven turned to the kids, “Celeste, take them up to your room.”
 “But we wanna stay too dad,” Rose complained.
 “No ‘buts’ young lady,” Connie interjected, “except for yours going up stairs.
 Rose grumbled as she and the other children walked upstairs to Celeste’s room. Behemoth sighed as he got ready for what he planned to do.
 "You may come out." After that sentence Behemoth's body went slump seemingly lifeless, but that would soon change. His body began to spaz out of control; his suit ripping as he grew bigger; next in some places his skin ripped showing muscle but soon metal filled in the gaps. As he rose, he opened his eyes showing nothing more than swirling metal orbs with unreadable emotions.
 “Reminds me of the first time you entered Diamond Mode,” Amethyst said to Steven quietly. The new Behemoth just looked at the now shivering bug creature and smiled, he stomped towards him and ripped him out of the chains.
 "Fresh Meat!!"
 Connie nudged Steven “Don’t you think you should... you know... just in case he goes overboard.”
 “Oh right,” Steven said, “Diamond Mode.” He then closed his eyes and his gem started to glow under his shirt. He reopened his eyes revealing them to have turned pink with Diamond-shaped pupils.
 "Come on Shrapnel, do we have to do this?" The bug creature asked the new Behemoth in fear as he could feel his thorax being crushed.
 "I haven't been out for a long so I'm going to do what I want." Shrapnel told the roach as he opened his mouth ready to eat the bug creature.
 "Alright, alright I'll talk!!!" The bug creature screamed out.
“You can let him down now,” Steven called out.
 "No, I want to taste his fear!!" Shrapnel yelled back as he began to lower the bug creature into his mouth. He only stopped when a large hand grabbed his arm and stopped him from eating the bug. He turned to see a giant shirtless Steven with pink eyes and Diamond-shaped pupils.
 “I said that’s enough,” Steven ordered. Then in a surprising twist Shrapnel grabbed Steven's hand and began to do something shocking to the Gems. He made the Diamond mode Steven bend to his knees in pain, Shrapnel hissed to the half gem.
 "You have no power over me all you are is vulnerable." Steven looked up at him with a pained smirk.
 “So are you,” he said as he turned his other hand into metal and grasped Behemoth’s throat, choking him.
 "Hahaha!! You think I need air all I need is metal, which you gladly gave." Soon the metal fist collapsed on itself causing a scream of pain from older Steven, Shrapnel seemed to love the sound until.
 "Stop!!" He turned to see younger Steven with his eyes full of horror and terror, soon the metal orbs flashed a seas blue. Then Shrapnel's body began to contort and pulse as he began to turn back to normal.
 "No, no, no I won't go back!!!" Shrapnel yelled out as he was now trapped again. The kids rushed over to Steven and Behemoth.
 “Are you okay, Uncle Steven,” Celeste asked worriedly.
 “I’ll be fine,” Steven panted, “Just need a little time... and some of mom’s healing tears.”
 Connie pulled out a bottle of healing tears and poured a drop on him.
 Amethyst walked up to Behemoth, “YOU WANNA TELL US WHAT THE $&@# THAT WAS?!!!” Behemoth gasped as he was extremely tired from the transformation.
 "That was Shrapnel a being of pure evil, I had to trap him somehow so I chose my body. I only use him for more desperate situations but he's been going out of control." He explained to the purple gem.
 “Ya ever think of freezing him and punching him into deep space,” Vihaan asked.
 "He is not the physical plane but the mental, if I did that, he would just find another host. So, he is my cross to bear." Behemoth explained to the young child.
 Nows not the time for bickering,” Steven said as he put his shirt and trench coat back on, “we have a roach here ready to spill his guts.”
 As the adults listened to the bug squeal on his associates, Steven had a question or two for his hypothetical children.
 “Why was older me giant just now,” he asked.
 “I’m not sure we can tell you that,” Rose explained, “because that would spoil a major revelation about grandma.”
 “That’s kinda ominous, but what about the tattoo,” he asked remembering he saw a tattoo of a rose bud on his older self’s left shoulder.
 Rose crossed her arms, “How are we supposed to know that, you’ve had it ever since I was a baby.” Steven just felt like he now had more mysteries that he would experience in the future or maybe not. Anyway he turned to the bug who was so scared he didn't realize he could've just escaped a few minutes ago.
 "So where are the kids?" Young Connie asked the venom in her deadly enough to kill an elephant.
 “I’ll tell you whatever you want,” the bug screamed, “where my boss is, where the kids are, even my bank information!”
 “We don’t need that,” Rose said annoyed, “we’re filthy stinkin’ rich.”
 “YOU GUYS ARE RICH,” Young Steven and Connie exclaimed.
 After learning everything about Odchodnik’s operation, they made their way to his base of operations. Soon they were outside a large construction site with a sign that read 'Bright Minds School: For The Future'
 "Well this couldn't be any more obvious hideout." Gaz sighed out at the disguise.
 “Here’s the plan,” Steven said in a demanding tone, “We’ll sneak into the compound and take out all the guards without alerting any of the others. After they’re knocked out, you kids need to lead the kidnapped children to safety. When all the kids are out, then we can take out Odchodnik. Hopefully this’ll be easier than the time I met Peter Griffin.”
 Peter Griffin walked up to Steven and threw a suction cup dart at him. “I’m really into suction cup darts now,” Peter said without any emotion.
 Steven just looked at him with an unimpressed glare, “You really have run out of ideas, haven’t you?”
 “YES,” Peter exclaimed with eyes full of tears, “And the network just won’t cancel me!!!” Peter then broke down and started crying on the floor.
 “What was that?” Young Steven asked.
 “A cutaway,” Steven explained, “I was thinking maybe we could try doing them from now on.”
"Ummm, I hate to say something negative but I think the cut away gave us away." Dib told the group as they began to notice the large group of thugs around them. Everybody pulled out their weapons and leapt into battle. In a few short minutes the thugs were unconscious, too injured to move or knew better than to run away; next they began to walk towards the inside of the construction site.
 “Well that was easy,” Pearl remarked, “maybe I will be able to join Mystery for his book club tonight.”
 “Who’s Mystery,” Young Connie asked.
 “A friend of hers,” Connie explained to her younger self, “he and his family moved to Beach City a while ago. If you guys end up meeting them, you’re really gonna like them.”
 While Connie talked with her younger self, Rose walked up to Behemoth. “So why does Chodnodik want that ‘reguvinatum’ stuff?”
 "It's a highly addictive drug similar to human stimulants, reguvinatium can make someone feel young and full of energy again. The odd thing about is the fact it can only affect adults, children or those with long lifespans are unaffected." Behemoth explained to the daughter of the older versions of his students.
 “So then that means Uncle Steven and Aunt Connie are in danger,” Celeste cut in.
 "Yes, that is true though I theorize that Steven may be fine due to his alien half." Behemoth told the magic girl as he put a hand to his chin.
 “Well I don’t wanna take any chances,” Celeste said as she pulled out her wand. She then said a little incantation and a pink light appeared around Steven and Connie.
 “What was that, Celeste,” Connie asked.
 “Just a little protection spell,” Celeste replied.
 “Hmm, you’re getting pretty good with the wand,” Steven remarked.
 "I have to ask a rather obvious question but are of the Butterfly line?" Behemoth asked the young girl while the other kids soon paled.
 “Yeah,” Celeste replied cheerfully, “I’m the daughter of King Marco Butterfly and Queen Star Butterfly.”
 "Well it was nice to know Marco." Dib whispered to Steven who just glumly nodded about what they just heard.
 "Let us focus on the mission, and hopefully Sir won't be too mad." Behemoth ordered his students while muttering the last part of his sentence.
 The heroes quickly and quietly made their way through the base disabling every guard they came across.
 “Well that was quick,” Rose remarked.
 “Alright,” Steven said in a demanding tone, “now you guys need to lead the kids out of here.”
 “But I wanna help,” Rose replied.
 “No ‘buts,’ young lady,” Connie said firmly, “except for yours running out of here with all the other kids.”
 “Ugh, fine,” Rose sighed, “Everyone, follow us!!!”
 All the kidnapped children followed her orders and followed the young heroes to freedom.
 "Seriously the is a breeze!" Amethyst exclaimed but the universe decided to make things a bit harder.
 “Amethyst, no,” Steven screamed.
 "Oh really lassie?" An Irish voice asked the purple gem, soon as the group turn they could see a group of ten all ranging in heights and looks giving them the death glare.
 "Oh dear." Behemoth muttered out in worry.
 “So I take it these guys are the big bad’s closest lackeys,” Steven asked Behemoth.
 "Yes and whatever you do never make fun O'Riley." Behemoth whispered to the older Steven his voice dead serious.
 "So how'd ya like to die?" A short red haired man wearing dark shamrock green clothing asked the group. Amethyst started laughing uproariously.
 “What’s so funny lass,” O’Riley asked confusedly.
 “It’s just– I didn’t expect to be fighting a leprechaun,” she tried to say through her laughter. She then turned back to the others, “Hey! Ya think if I punched him in the gut he’d puke Lucky Charms?!”
 Bismuth raised an eyebrow, “That’s just dirty.”
 ‘Boy am I glad Rose isn’t here right now,’ Steven thought to himself, ‘knowing her she’d add to it and make it worse.’
 The red man quickly began to huff and puff, his face went red, and steam seemed to be coming out from his ears.
 "Ya making fun of me ya dafty little blighter!!?!!?" The leprechaun yelled out extremely angry at what the purple gem said. Meanwhile Behemoth just faced palm at the action of the purple gem. Amethyst started to wheeze, she had laughed too hard. “You’re really not helping your case dude.”
 “Any specific powers we need to worry about here?” Steven asked Behemoth.
 "He's a leprechaun, cousins of dwarves let's just say it's going to be a mess." Behemoth answered and soon older Steven saw why, soon the man launched himself in Amethyst's gut causing her to go flying.
 “They’re aiming for the gut guys,” Jasper exclaimed, “get ‘em!”
 Soon the field was in chaos with everyone trying not to get squashed, impaled or possibly eaten. Garnet was facing off an octopus like creature always having a limb up on the situation. Pearl was facing what seemed to be in a fencing metal man who seemed to be disinterested in the fight.
 "Yeoch!!" The octopus creature yelled out and then sprayed a navy blue liquid at the fusion. Which caused the fusion to let go and try to clear her vision.
 Meanwhile with Pearl and the metal man fencer was a rather strange with the metal man talking while attacking.
 "I must say your style is rather unique if not crude.” The metal man commented on Pearl’s sword fighting.
 “I may be a little rusty,” Pearl said with an upturned nose, “but training isn’t the first thing you think about when you’re raising a child.”
 "Hmm, never understood why people have children to my life givers just think I'm a mistake." The metal sword fighter told the alabaster gem seemingly upset.
 "I'm a general of an interdimensional crime Lord yet they still want me to be a miner." He added as he blocked a swing from Pearl. The metallic man then lunged at Pearl, but she quickly leapt back and sliced off his arm.
 “And I used to be considered a living purse,” Pearl replied, “we decide who we want to be.”
 "First I made from metal remember, and besides I chose to be a general." The metal man told her as the limb soon moved and grabbed Pearls gem. Seeing that Pearl needed help, Amethyst quickly grappled the limb with her whip and swung it around, smacking O’Riley in the face.
 “Thank you, Amethyst,” Pearl exclaimed.
 Amethyst nodded her head ,“No problem, P.”
 Meanwhile Jasper was fighting a four armed creature with only three fingers on his hands and seemed to be doing good at holding the gem back. Peridot was currently having difficulty with a small creature with gravity powers. The small creature smugly chortled at Peridot.
 “You won’t be laughing for too long, clod,” Peri roared.
 She made the index finger of her right limb enhancer spin rapidly. She then pointed it at the wall behind her and fired the finger like a bullet.
 The small creature laughed uproariously, “Ha! You missed!”
 Peridot adjusted her visor, “Did I?”
 Her finger ricocheted around the site before finding its mark in the back of the small creature. It felt like a dull drill was trying burrow it’s way into his back.
 "Ow, you know what no more misses nice girl!!" The creature yelled out and decreased her gravity field causing Peridot and the finger to float in the air.
  “A little help over here,” Peridot called out. Steven quickly threw his shield at the creature, knocking her down. However that distraction caused a huge elephant like creature to try and stomp on him.
 "Look out!!" Behemoth yelled out as he pushed the older Steven and took the stomp. Steven growled at the creature, “Looks like I’ve got to teach you how I earned the nickname, ‘The Forest King.’”
 “I ain’t interested in a long story, old man,” the elephant creature said in a booming voice.
 Steven smirked, “It’s more of a demonstration, really.”
 He plunged his fists into the ground. Colossal vines then shot out of the ground and wrapped around the beast. A small bud appeared around it’s face and released a cloud of spores. The elephant creature then fell to the ground, knocked out by the spores.
 Steven rushed over to Behemoth, “Don’t worry, I’ll fix you.” He quickly spat on Behemoth. Actually, surprisingly Behemoth seemed to be alright despite the fact that he was spat on.
 "I'm believe that my human for might not be a spectacular choice for this fight." Soon Behemoth began to grow as his skin changed to dark greens, two arms sprouted from his sides, a huge tail sprouted from his end, and soon he was no longer human but a 40ft tall crocodile like creature.
 “Oh, I see what you’re getting at,” Steven said with confidence. He removed his shirt and trench coat, and then a light enveloped his gem. When the light faded, his gem had shifted it’s position to point upwards. He opened his eyes, revealing them to be pink with Diamond shaped pupils.
 “Let’s do this,” he said as he grew to the size of Behemoth. Meanwhile Amethyst had O'Reilly cornered and ready to hit him in his lucky charms.
 "So any last words little man?" Amethyst asked really tired of the little man, who looked up and gave her a grin.
 "How do you like kebobs lassie?" The leprechaun asked the purple gem, who looked confused. Until an arrow with the shaft covered in strange runes shot through her head. Amethyst’s form the dissipated, and she retreated into her gem.
 “Amethyst,” Garnet exclaimed. She then launched her gauntlet at O’Reilly, pinning him to a nearby wall. She then raced over to her comrade and picked up her gem, inspecting for cracks and breaks. Unfortunately that proved to be a terrible idea as she was then dropped kick by the archer. Who was a tall human like woman with long silver hair, cold icy eyes, pale snow skin and ears that ended in a slight point.
 "My, my what interesting little trinkets. I wonder how you'll look in chains." The woman said as she withdrew a slender scimitar. Before she could attack Garnet, Connie threw her sandal at the elf’s hand, knocking away the blade.
 She quickly grasped her hand in pain, “Who throws a shoe?! Honestly?!”
 "A mother who has to take care of three kids!" Older Connie yelled back as she dodged a punch from a four armed red alien creature, but she just gave the elf woman an idea.
 "Her nightmares sanda, her fears realitime, care- mana se dreads truth." She whispered under breath, and soon wisps of dark lilac magic flowed from her finger tips into Connie's ear. The sword fighter felt pain but ignored it but as she looked back to face her adversary the environment was different. The sky was darkened blood red, her children hollowed out and stuffed, the gems shattered, and worst of all a huge heart shaped figure was standing above her holding Steven's dead body.
 "Did he honestly think I could be trapped forever?" The heart figure mused as she squeezed the body to pulp.
A chill ran down Connie’s spine, but she still stood tall. “You think this is the first time someone’s tried to pull this stunt on me?”
 She then pulled out another sword and threw it at the figure, causing her, and everything around her to vanish in a puff of smoke.
 The elf stood there, stunned by Connie’s indominable will. “That was your worst nightmare,” she said, utterly agast, “you should be a quivering mess right now!”
 Connie picked up her other sword. “It’s like I said; I’m a mother with three kids to take care of, I don’t have time to be scared.”
 She then pointed one of her blades at the elf. “Now I thinks it’s time I send you back to Middle Earth... crying!”
 As Connie began to rush towards the elf the ground began to shake and rumble, and the higher ups began to smile. Soon a enormous copper colored drill pierced the earth followed by a futuristic drilling vechile. The elf woman kneeled down to it and began to speak a strange language.
 "Λυπάμαι το βασιλιά μου δεν θα μπορούσα να τα καλύτερα." Then something odd began to happen, the vehicle began to shift and change like it was alive. In the vehicles place was a Titan of metal, 50ft tall, shoulders wider, heavy tred like feet, red glowing eyes, and one of his arms was the drill.
 "Don't worry Rania, I'll handle this." The massive machine told his Commander as he stomped towards the group. He pulled out six strange spike like devices from his shoulder and whispered.
 "Seek them out." The six devices then shot out like misses impeding themselves in each of the gems.
 "Ha, what was that for?!" Jasper called out hurt but not poofed yet, the robot just smiled as he pressed a few buttons on his arm. Which caused black hole like portals to open up in the gems sucking all their light into the mini black hole. Amethyst’s gem then flowed and she popped out of it.
 “What did I miss,” she gasped as she saw the state of the other gems.
 “Don’t know,” Steven said quickly, “and I don’t really want to find out!”
 He then turned to look at Connie, “You two take the others and get them to safety!”
 “I’m not leaving you behind, Steven,” Connie exclaimed.
 “He’ll be fine,” Behemoth said, “he has me.”
 Steven looked at his wife, with sincerity and confidence in his eyes, “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere this time.”
 Connie didn’t say anything, she just nodded, grabbed half of the gems, and retreated with Amethyst, who was carrying the other half of the Crystal Gems. "Odchodnik, surrender peacefully and no further harm shall come to you and your family." Behemoth tried to negotiate with the massive machine who just glared at the two giants.
 "Ha, like I would listen to someone of your status Mangler." Odchodnik mocked the two as he walked up to the two as he signaled the others to escape.
 "Oh then eat this!!" Steven yelled out as he threw out an enormous version of his shield, which did nothing as Odchodnik revved up his drill arm and shattered the shield to dust. Steven pulled out two more shields,
 “I’ve got plenty more where that came from!”
 Steven and Behemoth then charged at the titan. Behemoth led first with a hand strike aimed to Odchodnik's shoulder, while it sped towards him the Cybertronian grabbed Behemoth's arm and preformed a Judo throw. Older Steven followed up with a right hook but was foiled when the robot delivered a side kick to his side. Odchodnik laughed, “You organics just don’t know when to give up, do you?”
 “We call it ‘tenacity,’” Steven said as he spat out some blood, “it makes giving up hard for us.”
 “Well then it looks like I need to teach you,” Odchodnik said as he cracked his metallic knuckles, “and after that, I’ll take back my slaves, and add your kids to my collection!”
 At that moment, something inside Steven snapped: everything went red, and the only thing he could see was the transforming robot.
 In his intense rage, Steven raced over to Odchodnik and punched him in the face so hard, he created a dent that crushed his eye.
 “I’LL KILL YOU,” Steven roared. Odchodnik placed his regular hand in his face and felt the energon drip from his face, the crime boss just grinned at the prospect at this.
 "Finally an organic that can actually fight!" He exclaimed as he began to charge towards the half gem with impressive speed and began to deliver a devastating blow. Odchodnik revved up his drill and stabbed it into Steven's upper chest.
 "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Behemoth roared out as he tackled the cybertronian and the two Titans began to shake the Earth, with each punch creating shockwaves.
 “Behemoth,” Steven called out, “keep him busy, I have an idea!”
 He then put his hands together in front of his chest, as if he were praying.
 "I'll try!!" Behemoth bellowed as he began to try and wrestle the giant metal man into submission, but it seemed to be like trying to grab a hold of a slimed hagfish. Odchodnik noticed Steven and tried to get out of Behemoth’s grasp, but every time he got free, he was pulled back in.
 "Are you really willing to risk you're life for this mudling and this planet?!" The metal man roared out as he began to try and stab Behemoth with his Drill arm. Behemoth grabbed the appendage and bent it the other way trying to hold it still.
 "If it means to extinguish the flames of villainy and tyranny then so be it! Steven do it know!!!" Behemoth bellowed out to the half gem. Steven opened his eyes, revealing them to be glowing white. Bright light then surrounded his hand as he pointed his palms at Odchodnik.
 “I call upon Butterfly’s Decree,” he said, voice echoing throughout the facility.
 Odchodnik pushed Behemoth away and charged at Steven, but pillars of light surrounded him then engulfed him.
 Meanwhile, outside the site, Connie and Amethyst dragged the gems away from the battle.
 “Mom,” the pair heard as they lugged their companions around.
 They looked up to see the kids running towards them.
 “What happened,” Young Steven asked.
 “The guy in charge appeared and attacked them,” Connie explained.
 “Well that explains that,” Dib said, “but WHAT’S HAPPENING THERE?!!!”
 They then turned to see the mine was glowing.
 Celeste gasped, “Butterfly’s Decree.”
 “What,” Rose asked.
 “That’s Butterfly’s Decree, my mom’s most powerful spell,” Celeste explained, “it drains an enemy’s power and will to fight with magical light.”
 "Behemoth!!" Young Steven, Young Connie and Dib yelled out and raced to the mine; fearful for what might've happened to their teacher.
 Back at the mine the light faded away, revealing a still standing Odchodnik and a frozen in place Behemoth as if something was going on in his mind. Suddenly the Cybertronian took a step towards Steven it's face contorted in anger and rage. But before he could get further he fell to one knee and warned Steven.
 "You may've beaten me now, but barely. Next we met and I will be free you and your family are going to be working for me for a millennia." The bot's optics then slowly faded showing that he was unconscious.
 “You’ll die trying,” Steven said softly. Soon the kids arrived at the scene and the the students saw their frozen teacher not even moving a muscle. Young Steven zoomed to him in worry ready to spit on him to try and heal him, The reptile then shook himself awake, as if a chill ran down his spine.
 “What happened,” Behemoth said with his hand on his forehead.
 “Sorry,” Steven said apologetically, “Butterfly’s Decree only hurts the enemies of the user, but for some reason it temporarily stuns anyone within a close proximity.”
 "Are you ok?" Steven asked hoping that there wouldn't be anything too bad.
 "No, just a tad stark but nothing a good rest will fix." Behemoth answered as he began to stretch trying to loosen his muscles.
 "That's good but what about tin man?" Amethyst asked staying away from the unconscious robot.
 “He’s down... for now,” Steven said.
 Celeste look at Odchodnik with a puzzled expression. “That’s weird; people hit with Butterfly’s Decree usually end up pale, quivering, traumatized messes. Why didn’t it do that to him?”
 “Maybe it’s because he’s a robot,” Young Connie supplied.
 "That is a feasible theory, magic tends to effect beings differently. Now all that is left is to take this scoundrel to jail." Behemoth added on to Young Connie's theory and told the group as he walked to Odchodnik.
 "Wait what about the others?" Dib asked looking over his shoulders trying to see any other being. Behemoth was quiet for a bit thinking how to deal with this problem.
 "Nothing right now, we don't know where they could've gone but without Odchodnik they won't get the operations running. We could ask for some assistance but I do not want to bother them." Behemoth answered his young student. The other gems then snapped awake. “What happened,” Garnet asked, very groggy.
 “We won,” Rose explained, older Steven sighed a breath of relief, happy to see his family was okay. Later, the two teams stood in front of the temple, bidding each other goodbye. Steven put his hand on Behemoth’s shoulder.
 “You take good care of me, alright.”
 "Oh don't fret I'll try but you have an aptitude when it comes for finding it." Behemoth assured the older version of his student as he began to open the portal. Young Steven approached his older self.
  “There’s still so much I want to ask you.”
 Older Steven knelt down to his young counterpart. “Now I can’t tell you anything major, but I can leave you with this.”
 He then closed and reopened his eyes, revealing that they had turned pink with Diamond-Shaped pupils. “Not everything is as it seems.”
 Young Steven just quietly gasped in wonder at what he just saw and began to think of the ideas that those pupils meant. Young Connie then came up to her older counterpart with her eyes looking down to the ground.
 "Am I really going to be this great or this just an outlier dimension?"
 “I think you’re on the right track to becoming me,” Older Connie said confidently, “just keep training and talking to Steven, it’ll be very helpful down the line.”
 The young girl just gave a hopeful smile at what her older version said and quickly looked at the two children.
 "I have to say you two are amazing, and I'm lucky to be one of the few people to actually meet their kids before their born." Rose and Vihaann blushed. Without saying a word, Rose hugged the younger version of her mother.
 “Thanks, mom.” The girl told the younger version of her Mom. Young Connie was surprised by the hug bit returned it.
 "Thanks dear, I'm already proud of you." Connie then slowly let go of Rose.
Vihaan then turned to Dib, Zim, and Gaz.
 “Ya know,” he started, “I think I’m gonna try to find out if you guys exist here. Maybe see about meeting up with you.”
 "Well prepared to be amaze by this version mighty me!!" Zim called out his pride echoing in his voice.
 "Just try not to be disappointed too much ok." Dib informed the child, feeling like this world's version would probably be a joke.
 "You probably won't find me." Gaz deadpanned as she began to pull out her game system. As the team began to walk into the portal Behemoth stopped for a bit.
 "I'd feel rather discontented if we did not do anything to mark this chapter of our lives, how many of would like to partake in a picture?”
 Older Steven chuckled “Sure.”
 Team Alien and the Crystal Gems quickly began to get into picture ready group but there were a few problems.
 "Zim desist from using your arachnid legs, and stand with the children." Behemoth sternly told Zim like a parent to a child.
 Zim grumbled something (most likely alien profanity) and joined the other kids.
 Behemoth pressed the timer button on the camera and ran to join the others.
 “Everyone say ‘Future,’” older Steven said jovially.
 “Future,” everyone repeated as the camera flashed.
 After flash died down one could see a picture of mismatched characters of various sizes, shapes, and tones. Some would be a little weird out by this but others would call it friends or family. When Team Alien received their copy of the picture they went back into the portal waving goodbye.
Thanks @ask-sfsf
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