#so yeah there is like no jealously really regarding other girls
mysicklove · 4 months
WAIT imagine your brother au and some girl trying to flirt with sukuna in the grocery store while reader goes to a different aisle to get milk or something. So sukuna gets yuji to chase the girl away or yuji starts panicking and telling the girl that he has a gf🫣
i think this happens a lot actually and i think i touched on it a couple of times. sukuna gets hit on a lot, even with how intimidating he is. but he literally is so stone faced whenever girls talk to him that he doesn’t even realize that they are flirting with him. just blinks at them when they ask for his number and goes back to what he is doing (trying to remember which milk you like)
yuuji would simply blink up at them if it happened in his sights, head cocked to the side and says something on the lines of, “my brother doesn’t like talking to other girls. y/n wouldn’t like it either,” before pausing and frowning like the thought actually hurt him, “i don’t want her to be sad….” which usually sends the girl scampering off when he asks sukuna to walk him to where you were
it’s not really brought up to you because the boys don’t even process it as something even of minor importance lololol. both so infatuated by you that a another girl talking to sukuna just makes them confused.
although if it was the other way around, yuuji would be scampering over to sukuna, pawing at his shirt and asking him to scare off the guy. or he hugs at your leg and gives a glare that is too similar to his brothers, and says, “my brother is really, really mean and scary.” which makes you laugh awkwardly at the stranger
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jentrovert · 2 months
Love to Hate You ♡
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(Charlie Dalton x Fem Reader)
Enemies to Lovers Oneshot!
Warnings: Swearing, 1950’s stereotypes (purity, clothing style, cigarettes), mentions of neglect, immature high school drama, talk of paddling at school, dumb pranks, kissing, romance, teen partying, suggestive flirting, mention of a diet, moral grayness, parental issues, arguing, drinking, jealously, reader possesses slight anger issues, Neil lives and all is well.
Synopsis: The highly regarded Welton Academy has two buildings, one strictly for girl students, and the other for young boys. By a turn of events, they all end up having to share study hall together in the afternoons. (Y/n), your typical rich, hyper-feminine prima donna, thinks she’s in charge of Welton Academy. With her squeaky clean reputation and unwavering confidence, surely no one will ever see her sweat. However, being the drama queen that she is, she takes her first encounter with Charlie Dalton as a personal attack. Teenage chaos ensues. ~
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚。 *
Authors Note: Hello! I just got into DPS, and I don’t write very much, so be gentle. This was originally supposed to be a dumb little blurb I wrote without intent to post. Short and silly. Obviously it’s based on the movie, but I also made it my own. Reader is referred to as a female, woman, and girl. She/Her pronouns used. It’s mentioned once that the reader has hair, but other than that, if something doesn’t feel neutral as far as the reader’s appearance, please let me know. Feel free to request! :)
Dramatic Princess Society
To say you were a diva was a staggering understatement. Everyone who graced your presence could see that you were in control of any room you happened to wander into. You weren’t a princess; you were the princess. A fond nickname you’d developed as well. You were never afraid to say whatever was on your mind, and you figured that really wasn’t such a bad thing. You just knew what you wanted, and that was all.
It didn’t help that your wealthy parents constantly fed into your ego, insistently showering you with lavish clothes and gifts to distract you from the fact that they only saw their child a few times a year. The only time your mother really gave you any guidance or contacted you at all was to ask about your diet or your clothing size, which was honestly fine by you. You had a social hierarchy to rule over, and that kept you plenty busy. Yeah, you were vain, and maybe even a bit too proud, but if anyone had the right to be, it was certainly you.
Your parents had pushed you into doing all sorts of extracurricular activities throughout your childhood and adolescence. They put a lot of weight on status and education, so failure just wasn’t an option in their eyes. You were meant to sit above everyone else at all times with a crown fixed on your head. Maybe if you could accomplish that, then you’d have to be good enough in their eyes.
What most people didn’t usually see, however, was the bleeding heart beneath all of that pompous prestige. Just below the surface, there was a young girl who wanted the same thing every other teenager so desperately did: to be accepted. But no one was going to knock down that wall you’d built.
On par for the course, you attended Welton Academy, one of the most distinguished prep schools in the country, made strictly for young women like yourself. The catch was that just across the lake from your school, there was another high school identical to your own, except it was made for young men instead.
The girl’s building was a fairly recent addition to the school grounds themselves. Neither of them weren’t necessarily close in proximity, but they were close enough that you could always see the opposing building. On the rare occasion of a mixed assembly, the Welton staff were always swift to pull you in opposite directions when the event had ended. There would be absolutely no one partaking in any premarital activities on their watch. The adults around you were very strict in that regard.
“What do you think the boys are doing over there right now?” Your roomate Maddie wondered aloud, her elbows propped up on the seal of your dorm window as she ogled dreamily across the lake.
You gave a teasing scoff as you turned away from your chemistry work to face her. “Probably using binoculars to stare at our building so hard that their eyes are getting sore.”
“You think?” She chirped in almost a hopeful tone, glancing over her shoulder at you.
Your eyes nearly rolled out of your head as you went back to reading. “That’s not a good thing, Madison. They’re a bunch of little perverts, and everyone knows it.”
“Maybe I should wear prettier night gowns,” She mused, ignoring your input completely.
You groaned. “Gross. For the love of all holy, please just close the shutters.”
“At least you said ‘please’ for once,” Madison grumbled, doing just as you’d told her before deciding to turn in for the night.
You sighed, playing with a strand of your hair. “Madison. They’re just boys; I promise you, they don’t have anything special.”
Once you heard Maddie’s mischievous giggle, you already knew where she was about to go with that statement.
“Oh, I’d beg to differ on that one.”
You couldn’t help the grin that cracked across your face, but you waved a dismissive hand in her direction.
“Maybe if you weren’t so uptight, then all the boys wouldn’t be scared of you,” She stated through laughter.
You looked over at her again, brows raised. “Ha! Shows how much you know. That’s the way I like it,” You hummed, shrugging your shoulders as you inspected the polish on your nails. “But who could really blame them? I’m pretty intimidating, if I do say so myself.
Now it was Maddie’s turn to roll her eyes. “Whatever you say, princess,” She said, bowing theatrically before flopping back on her pillow. “Can you cut the lights off already? You’ve been looking at that forever.”
“Oh I have to say ‘please’, but you don’t?” You huffed at her, but obliged anyway.
Cutting off your lamp, you followed Maddie’s lead and crawled beneath your own blankets, curling into a cozy little ball. Your eyes lingered on the ceiling for a while before you finally drifted off. You couldn’t stop yourself from wondering if there really was anything interesting about the boys over there. You doubted it, but you wouldn’t know unless you saw for yourself. Perhaps they could make things a little less boring in your current life. As much as you appreciated all the praise from your female peers, it was getting a little tired.
The next afternoon, it was nearing the end of the school day when you were sitting in Mrs. Newman’s class, daydreaming about your next salon appointment before dismissal. That’s when the older woman made an extremely important announcement to the class. Apparently, the boy’s library was under some new renovations, and as such, all of the boys who still wanted to attend study hall were instructed to use the girl’s library in your building until construction was over.
Your eyes widened when you heard the news, and you’d never admit it, but your heart also sped up a little at the thought. A few coy giggles echoed through the room as Mrs. Newman spoke.
“Now, ladies,” Your senile instructor boomed, scanning the room with a very firm look on her face. “I expect nothing but professional behavior from you all, and anything to the contrary will not be taken lightly. Do you all understand?”
“Yes, Mrs. Newman,” The class cooed in unison, not sounding nearly convincing enough.
You never thought you’d live to see the day Welton Academy would actually allow males and females to mingle. Hell had finally frozen over, you thought.
Newman kept a narrow eye on all of you as she dismissed class, but none of you seemed to pay her any mind. You were all too busy laughing and gossiping about what it would be like to merge study hall with boys. You must’ve heard your name being called a hundred times as you made your way to your locker.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Did you hear?! We get to be with the boys every single day for the next few weeks!” A freshman girl named Rachel beamed as she approached.
The mundane expression never left your face. “Duh, of course I did. That’s all anyone’s talked about for the last five minutes.”
She deflated a bit. “Oh. Right. Um, I like your makeup today, by the way… Always, really.”
“Of course, Rach. You know me,” You remarked, stopping to fiddle with the combination on your locker. You could see her grin from your peripheral as she started to turn away.
“Alright, well, I’ll see you later, (Y/n)!”
You wiggled your fingers in her direction as you sorted through the books you wanted for study hall. You liked Rachel; she had great fashion sense, but she was a little too boy-obsessed for you, even worse than Maddie. You refused to give young men so much of your attention. They should be excited to see you, not the other way around. You’d never judge her or anyone else for it, but there was no way you were going to be dubbed a ‘tramp’ and end up being an outcast from your social groups. At least that’s what your parents told you would happen. So a boy would need to have something truly magical in order to make you break a sweat over them.
As you gripped your stack of books and began making your way to the now highly sought-after library, a small group of girls began trailing close behind you, a couple of them throwing affirmations your way about your hair or outfit. A few of them you knew, a few you didn’t, but at least you never had to worry about sitting alone.
“(Y/n), I love your pink socks.”
“Thanks. You know I just can’t be bothered with their horrid dress code. The patterns on the skirts are bad enough.”
“(Y/n), where did you get your bag?”
“Don’t remember. I just grabbed one this morning.”
“(Y/n), are you going to talk to any boys?”
“They can come up and talk to me if they want.”
“If they dare,” Maddie laughed, amplifying the string of constant giggles behind you.
You had your hand on the library door, ready to push it open, when a high-pitched voice startled you by crying, “Wait!”
You pulled away, immediately recognizing a sophomore named Jenny as she rushed over, peaking her head through the window of the large double doors.
“Ohmygosh,” She whispered. “They’re really in there.”
The group laughed, but you simply nudged her aside. “Please, Jen. Of course they are.”
“Oh! Let me pick where to sit!” Maddie begged with her sad brown eyes.
You thought about it briefly and ultimately caved in to her request. She cheered as she took a turn looking through the window, scanning each male specimen with great precision. A few women were in the library already, but not too many just yet. You tapped your foot impatiently, staring at the side of Maddie’s head while you waited on her decision.
“Pick cute ones to sit by!” A little red-headed girl commented, and the rest of them whispered amongst themselves in agreement.
You huffed, stamping your foot a bit as you began to push by your classmates. “For God’s sake, women, can we pull ourselves together a bit? Maddie Garcia, you’ve got two seconds before I pick for you.”
“Okay! Okay!” She squealed. “Um… That one! That table right there.” You stepped beside her, observing the large table that she’d pointed out. It was only half full, with one side harboring a fairly normal-looking group of young men, and the other side vacant.
“Fine. Perfect.”
Giving the entrance a quick shove, the group began filing in to the library one by one. Maddie and Rachel stayed by your side in order to get a closer look at the scope of people, and the rest of them hung behind you shyly. If the boys weren’t looking your way already, they certainly were after you haphazardly dropped your pile of books on the table. The rest of the girls sheepishly sorted out which chairs to take, making sure to leave a space between them and any boys. Almost instantly, you began burying yourself in your chemistry book, ignoring the girl’s whispering and the boy’s eyes that were burning holes in your head. You couldn’t believe all that fuss was just for them to not even talk to a single male in the room. You simply had no time for the nonsense.
After a while, everyone seemed to settle in and get back to their books and homework like normal, but every minute or so, Maddie would tap on you and ask, “What about that one? Is he cute?”, only for you to look over and shrug. More and more students came through during the hour. The library had stayed surprisingly quiet, so you figured the boys must be on their best behavior in the new environment. They were very careful not to say anything too loudly about any of you, though you knew what they were probably talking about when they lowered their voices. It was fine by you as long as they weren’t being overly distracting.
Your friends, on the other hand, weren’t doing anything with their time except yammering on; their books were open to a random page in the hopes that none of the teachers would actually notice. That day probably set a record for how many students attended study hall in Welton history, and the ironic part was hardly anyone was studying.
“Hey, (Y/n)?” A girl named Tayla asked, catching your attention.
You looked up at her in acknowledgment, so she continued. “How do you always keep from getting in trouble during Mr. Baker’s class?”
You thought about it for a second and laughed. “Well, you see, if you misbehave in a male teacher’s class, but you simultaneously wear a skirt that’s two sizes too small, then they won’t paddle you. None of them would dare make you bend over in a skirt that short.”
And you were right; teachers wouldn’t paddle you if your clothing seemed too short, so you always made sure wear clothing from previous school years if you were planning on causing problems. It may have been a shoddy thing for you to do, but so was hitting your students with an object, you thought. At least this way you could laugh about it.
A few of them giggled, one calling you a ‘genius’ in a playful manner. However, you could see from across the table that a few of the boys had suddenly turned rather crimson, and you knew it was likely from your conversation. You couldn’t fault them, because you weren’t exactly being quiet. Though you wouldn’t concern yourself with it either. If they were embarrassed, that was their problem.
A toothy smile graced your lips as you returned to your book, feeling oddly triumphant in your “advice”. But alas, you couldn’t revel in it; you had chemistry work that desperately needed your attention as well. Your parents would have your head if your grades proved any less than perfect.
You’d sat at the head of the table, trying your best to focus for at least a few minutes once everyone had gone quiet. However, rather than focusing on chemistry formulas, you’d slowly started to take notice of a young brunette who sat opposite you. He wasn’t doing anything particularly special, just chewing gum and trying to kick one of his friends under the table, not paying much mind to the new female table-mates. One of his classmates had called him “Charlie”, which was a name you actually recognized. You’d definitely heard a few of the girls talk about him before, and his not-so-appropriate stories.
You took a moment to observe the details of his face and the way he interacted with his friends, your work now long forgotten. He seemed so confident and loud, clearly a class clown as well. His boyish features were pretty charming, if you had to admit it. Soft and mischievous at the same time. The uniform looked handsome on him too. His looks and mannerisms definitely made you want to get to know him a bit better.
Suddenly, the same male you were admiring cleared his throat in a loud, dramatic sort of fashion, catching everyone at the table’s attention. He made quite a show of folding his hands out in front of him on the table, leaning toward you with direct eye contact, so you knew that whatever he was about to say, he was talking to you.
You cocked a brow at the boy, clueless as to what he could possibly be drawing so much attention for.
“Ma’am, since I don’t see any paint or an easel in front of you, I’m going to have to ask that you refrain from staring, please. Not that I don’t enjoy it, but it is very distracting at the moment,” He explained in mock concern, smiling in almost a taunting sort of fashion.
Your eyes blew wide, your jaw all but dropping to the floor as everyone who was listening turned to see your reaction. A few other tables had heard the disturbance as well. Your back suddenly straightened, and you opened and closed your mouth a few times in an attempt to defend yourself, but nothing came out. Normally, you’d fire off something snarky in return, maybe even insulting, but instead, your mind was rendered completely blank. It was strange, really. Sex and everything related to it were extremely taboo, especially with the way you’d been raised. It was one thing when you were talking to your female peers, but having a male address you in that sort of manner was kind of petrifying.
Your cheeks burned with humiliation from all the giggles that met your ears. His gaze never left yours as a huge smirk began to paint his features, causing you to avert your eyes. You couldn’t remember when you became so shy.
“I, uh...” Your eyes darted around to various on-looking students. “Whatever,” you muttered, propping your book up in a way that would block most people from seeing your face.
A symphony of “Ooo’s” echoed from all around you, the group of boys laughing as they playfully punched their friend on the shoulder. Only one boy in a vest who sat closest seemed to give Charlie a displeased look. Some of your own friends began poking you and laughing themselves. Your skin was on fire. You hardly even interacted with men in your day to day life, much less experienced this. You were mortified. You could only take it for a few more moments before you stood straight up from your chair, slamming your chemistry book. Charlie and a couple of your friends were the only ones who noticed the tantrum you were throwing, and Maddie stood to follow you as you made your way out of the library.
You practically stomped out of the room, never once looking behind you. “Who the hell even is that? Who does he think he is talking to me that way? This is why they shouldn’t be over here,” You ranted, directing it toward Maddie, even though she hadn’t caught up to you yet.
Before the door could shut behind both of you, someone had flung it open once more. You turned to see if the rest of the girls were following you, only to be met with his face again. You groaned and began walking faster to your locker.
“Hey!” The boy laughed, hurrying to catch you. “Hey, hold on-”
You didn’t answer, the click of your heels being the only noise you made. Maddie didn’t say anything either, but she watched the two of you with suspicious eyes.
“Wait a second,” He urged, attempting to grab your sleeve before you swatted him away.
“Who do you think you are, exactly?” You snapped, suddenly spinning on your heel to face him. He nearly tripped over his feet to stop himself from running into you.
“Uh, I think I’m Charlie,” he stated, taking a couple steps backward.
Your eyes narrowed. “And what do you want? Why are you trying to humiliate me?”
Charlie stared at you for a second, then let out a small chuckle as he began rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. “Ah, I see. You’re one of those types.”
“Excuse me?” You seethed, digging your nails into your textbooks. “One of what type? Nobody is like me, not even close, so get that straight.”
The male put his hands up in defense. “Now, I didn’t mean it like that, babe.”
Throwing him a fake laugh, you rolled your eyes and continued the journey to your dorm. “Babe? I’m not your babe; my name is (Y/n). Now go torture some other girl.”
Charlie stuffed his hands in his pockets as he watched you walk away, glancing over at Maddie, who had yet to follow you again. "Well, now I have to torture her,” he said.
“Good luck with that. She’s, like, the queen of Welton,” Maddie laughed. “Although, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody work her up that much before.”
Charlie hummed, fixed on the spot you once stood. “Well, then the king himself will just have to take that as a challenge.”
The next few days went by with you avoiding study hall like the plague, no matter how much any of the other girls begged you to go. You were sick, you were hungry, you were tired—anything it took to avoid him until you were certain the whispers had died down. You hated his cocky demeanor. You were the only one who should be cocky at Welton. Of course, the rumor of your “crush” had made its rounds by now, much to your dismay. Maddie told you she’d heard some of the boys talking about it as well. The majority of girls just couldn’t shut up about how cute you’d be together with one the “poetry nerds”.
You must’ve been asked a dozen times if you and Charlie were dating, and for once you wished people would stop paying so much attention to you. That was the point where you’d had enough. There was no way you were going to let people think you had a thing for that clown, absolutely no way. You knew he just liked to flirt with every girl anyway, so his advances meant nothing to you. He had embarrassed you on purpose, and you were going to make damn sure you returned the favor someday. These were your school grounds, not his, and not anybody else’s either. Mr. Nolan, the old bat, could take that fact and shove it for all you cared.
The day you finally went back to study hall was on a Friday. There was a chemistry test on Monday morning, and no matter how much you detested it, you really could’ve used one of the boys’ help to study. This chapter of Chemistry was your weak point, and you’d heard a lot of good things about a boy called “Meeks” and his godlike abilities in that realm. You’d seen him sitting around Charlie on that fateful day, which troubled you at first, but once you thought about it for a while, an idea started forming in your brain. That’s where your friend Rachel came in.
Rachel had an affinity for lizards, frogs, and any other small creature that crawled along the ground, which was just perfect for you. You just hoped Charlie loved lizards as much as she did. By the time Friday afternoon had rolled around, you all but dragged Rachel out and down to the library. You could tell she was very unsure, but went along with you anyway.
You stopped and turned to her right outside the doors. “Did you catch one?”
“Yeah,” she sighed, crouching down to fish through her bag.
After a moment, she stood, holding out her hand to reveal a small lizard gently clenched in her grasp. You grinned a wide, maniacal grin, carefully taking the creature from her hands. He was small enough that he would hopefully go undetected for a while, which is exactly what you wanted.
“Thanks, Rach. Alright, c’mon, let’s go,” You instructed, holding the creature in one hand behind your back.
“Ok—ay,” Rachel replied, trialing behind you with your chemistry books in hand.
You strutted right through the room and towards Steven Meeks’ table, ignoring any whispers you heard along the way. Sure enough, Charlie was sitting right beside the Meeks boy, laughing at something his friend had said.
As you approached, most of the table’s attention had turned your way. Charlie immediately plastered that smug look across his face at the sight of you. You scowled at first, but quickly switched your expression to something nice and welcoming as you looked toward Steven, leaning down to his level once you were beside him.
“Hello, gentlemen. Do you mind if I steal your friend Steven for a moment? Rachel and I are seriously clueless when it comes to chemistry, and we need some help for our test Monday,” You explained in a sugary sweet tone, intentionally placing your hand on Meeks’ shoulder. You knew they would fold like wet paper at your request.
The group exchanged several glances with one another, during which, you took the opportunity to place your lizard friend into Charlie’s uniform coat, carefully planting him where he’d likely go down rather than out the top.
“Uh, yeah, alright, sure,” Meeks agreed, gathering up his things and rising from his chair. Rachel chuckled awkwardly, giving a timid “Thank you” to the boy for his help. You couldn’t distinguish whether she was nervous about what you’d done or if Rachel actually had a thing for Meeks. Either way, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was getting to witness the events that unfolded when Charlie realized something besides him was moving in his clothes.
You and Rachel led Meeks to a vacant table off to the left and began setting up things to study. You could tell the boy was a bit nervous around you, but he but shook it off pretty quickly. You, however, were still too distracted with watching Charlie. Once Meeks noticed this, he chuckled, gaining your attention.
“What is it?” You questioned.
“It’s just that… I noticed you staring over there.”
You shot him a chilling glare.
“I was not staring at him!” You blurted a little too loudly. A few students glanced your way before going back to their work, making you take a breath and sit back in your chair. “I apologize. Continue, please.”
Rachel held in a laugh, but said nothing.
A few minutes had gone by before you finally caught a sign of Charlie feeling around in the sleeve of his clothes. You leaned forward in anticipation, waiting eagerly for some sort of panic to ensue. However, rather than panicking, Charlie stood up, removing his jackst and flipping it to search the inside. After some investigation, he found whatever he was looking for.
“Oh, man!” You heard Charlie exclaim as he pulled something from the article of clothing. “Guys, check this out.”
He seemed excited about it, much to your utter frustration. The group all gathered around to view the animal Charlie now held in his hand, all taking turns viewing the small reptile. You were fuming, now sunken down in your chair with your arms folded.
“Yeah, I wonder where he came from, too,” Charlie articulated louder than before, peering over his shoulder at you with a knowing look.
That cocky smile of his made you stand up so hard that your chair fell backwards. You snatched your book off the desk and started to walk out, not bothering to say anything other than, “I’m going to study in my room.”
“Okay,” Rachel squeaked as she and Meeks’ eyes followed you out the door.
Charlie couldn’t stop the laughter that nearly doubled him over as he witnessed you pretty much barrel through the door on your way out. You ignored him, walking briskly to your locker to grab another book, accidentally bumping into a few people on your way. Once you stopped in front of your locker door, a puzzled look replaced your once furious one. The combination lock on your locker had completely disappeared, initially making you think someone had stolen something out of it.
In a panic, you threw open the door to see what might be missing, but rather than finding an empty space, you found the exact opposite. The second you tore it open, an absolute mountain of paper came toppling out like a waterfall, making you shriek as they pooled all around your feet. You stood staring at the ground for a moment, desperately trying to process what just occurred. That’s when you heard footsteps approaching to your right. You didn’t even have to look to know who it was.
Charlie was stifling laughter as he closed in on you. Then he dug around in his front pocket for a moment before pulling out your missing lock and holding it towards you. “Figure you’d want this back,” he offered between chuckles.
“You put these here?” It came out as a statement rather than a question.
“Yeah, kinda like you put a lizard in my shirt. Funny coincidence. Mine was funnier, but I guess we’re even now, eh?”
You studied the inside of your locker for a second more before slamming it shut as hard as you could and pivoting on your heel to face him. His expression faltered a bit when he saw the rage evident in your features.
“Babe, hold on, it was just a jo-”
“How did you get my lock off of there?!” You roared, kicking papers away as you shoved your manicured finger right in his face.
Charlie smirked. “The same way I knew it was you who got that lizard in my blazer, I’m just smart, is all.” He didn’t seem too fazed, which angered you even further. “That was pretty corny, by the way. You should know that we men aren’t afraid of our own shadows like you ladies are.”
You thought your head was about to spin around.
“Afraid of our own shadows?! Are you aware that it was a girl who got the lizard in the first place, you hoity, lame, stupid, conceited-”
“Children!” An adult’s voice boomed from down the hall, making you both whip your heads in that direction.
“Shit,” You and Charlie whispered in unison.
“What on earth is going on here?! What’s all of this mess for?!” Mrs. Newman screeched as she advanced toward you, her brow carved into a deep, wrinkled frown.
You quickly began straightening your outfit, scanning your brain for an excuse to the papers.
“Well, Ma’am, I, uh- Um, Mr. Dalton here had accidentally bumped into me, and I dropped a bunch of papers on the ground,” You rushed out, flashing her an innocent smile as you flattened your skirt.
She gave you a skeptical look up and down, then turned her attention to Charlie. “Is that so? Then what’s with all the noise?”
Charlie coughed into the crook of his elbow before he spoke, giving himself a moment to think.
“Were we being loud? I’m so sorry, Mrs. Newman; we’ll keep our voices down. Won’t happen again, I promise.”
After contemplating it for a minute, she finally let the two of you off the hook, scolding you not to let it happen again and instructing Charlie to help you clean up. Once she was out of sight, the boy grinned at you, kneeling down to help you sort through the sheets of paper littering the floor. “You lied for me, babe?”
You could hear the satisfaction in his voice. “Don’t flatter yourself. I knew if I told on you, then you’d probably narc me out too.”
He paused for a second, then laughed under his breath. “You hardly look at me when we talk like this. Do I make you that nervous, babe?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, you reached over and kicked the foot he was balancing his weight on, effectively toppling him over. Charlie was quick to catch himself, though, cackling like it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen happen.
You stood to your full height, intending to leave him on the ground to fend for himself. “I told you to stop calling me that!”
“Hold on!” He cried rather dramatically, grabbing you by the hand while on his knees in front of you. “I’m sorry. How could I have ever upset the most amazing girl at Welton? A beautiful flame that I’ve tried to snuff out. Could you ever forgive me?”
It was almost weirdly poetic, but still very sarcastic.
Your expression couldn’t have been less amused than it was in that moment, but it quickly twisted into one of shock and horror as the boy leaned forward and planted a curt kiss on your knuckles, still staring up at you with a look that feigned remorse. Those auburn eyes froze you in place for just a moment before you finally snapped out of it, tearing your hand away. The recoil of your action caused you to stumble back a step, which Charlie was thoroughly entertained by, of course.
You shook your head. “Ugh! Can you just stop messing with me, Dalton?! There’s a hundred other girls here; try one of them.”
As much as you hated it, Charlie was right about one thing: You did have a difficult time meeting his gaze. Something about those eyes just made it frustratingly difficult for you to string the right words together. So instead, you scooped up your books and trudged back to your dorm, leaving him surrounded by mounds of paper that still needed to be dealt with.
It seemed that the more irate you became, the more Charlie couldn’t help but laugh. Whatever the reason was, you were not amused in the slightest. You were really about to snap, and dumb little pranks weren’t going to alleviate your feelings. As the day crawled to an end, you took a shower, ate a snack, and eventually decided on going to Maddie’s house for the weekend. You figured it would do you some good to hang out and relax rather than staying at school, and it wasn’t as though your parents cared anyway.
Madison lived close by, and her parents would always come pick her up if she wanted. They were happy to have you since they got along well with your family, so it worked out perfect anytime you needed to get away. By the time you got there and caught up with her family for a bit, it had grown dark outside. She was quiet for a while as she put her things away and meandered around aimlessly, obviously stalling for something she wanted to say.
“So,” she finally said, drawing out the “o” at the end. Your eyes flickered up from your book to see Maddie fighting a smile, her hip cocked with one hand placed on top of it. “I heard about your locker.”
Your jaw clenched. “Maddie, let me stop you right there. I do not want to talk about it. I do not want to think about it. And it was hardly a joke at all; it was just stupid. I had no idea he’d actually pull something so dumb.”
She let out a breathy laugh and picked up a book of her own, beginning to immerse herself in its contents after plopping onto her bed. “Right, so stupid. It's almost as stupid as putting a lizard in someone’s clothes.”
Your nails nearly tore the page you were pretending to read. “I asked you to drop it. I do not want to talk about that man child anymore this weekend.”
“Actually, you didn’t ask,” She hummed. “And it’s funny, since he’s all you’ve wanted to talk about for the past week.”
“Is not!” You wailed, dropping your book on the desk to look at her.
Maddie blinked at you owlishly, though she was plenty used to your antics by now. “(Y/n), I know how much you adore drama, but don’t you think you’re being a touch dramatic here? He probably just likes you.”
“Well, he has a horrible way of showing it.”
“He’s a teenage boy, (Y/n).”
“I don’t care. You all are gonna make me take up smoking.”
She pursed her lips, observing you for a moment. “Are you sure you don’t think he’s kind of cute..?”
You heard the skepticism in her voice. “... Absolutely not.”
She didn’t acknowledge the fact that you hesitated for a split second, she just smiled and went back to reading. “Whatever you say, princess. I’d say you match each other’s egotism.” She paused for a second. “I was going to tell you something else, but now I forgot what it was.”
“Mm. That’s a shame; I would’ve really been interested to hear more of what you had to say,” You drawled, sarcasm dripping from your words.
She grinned. “Shut up, you-… Hold on, do you hear that?”
You glanced around. “What? It’s quiet.”
Maddie lived in a pretty wealthy neighborhood so everyone, including her parents, had turned in by half an hour ago. It stayed generally pretty mundane.
“Listen,” She said, walking to her window and moving the curtains. Both of you stilled as you strained to hear something, and sure enough, the sound of distant music met your ear.
“Is someone throwing a party?” You asked.
“Must be that girl across the street. I bet her parents are out for the weekend.”
“Hm. And where does she go again?”
Maddie shrugged. “One of the public high schools nearby, I suppose.”
“Whatever,” You sighed, standing up. “I guess I’m going to head over to the guest room and get some sleep.”
Maddie nodded. “Alright. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll be next door.”
“Thanks, Mads.”
Surprisingly, it didn’t take much for you to doze off once you’d gotten comfortable. Perhaps you were exhausting yourself worrying about nonsense. The unfortunate part was that you didn’t stay asleep for very long. About three hours went by before Maddie was shaking you awake again.
“Ugh,” You groaned in annoyance, shifting as your stirred awake. “Wha—at, Maddie? My beauty sleep-”
“Don’t you hear that? I haven’t been able to sleep forever!” She interjected.
Your eyes fluttered open as you listened. That’s when you finally processed how excessively loud the party music was playing from outside. Maddie was hardly visible in the darkness, but you could still make out the aggravated expression etched on her features.
Now you were pissed.
The absolute last thing you wanted to deal with was being woken up out of your sleep by some inconsiderate bunch of teenagers with nothing productive to do in their spare time.
“I’m surprised no one in the neighborhood has called the police on those kids or something,” She grumbled, folding her arms over her chest. “I guess none of them are as close to her house as we are.”
You kicked your legs over the side of the bed, weaving past the young girl and practically growling as you went digging around for some shoes.
“What are you doing?” Maddie quizzed, watching as you tugged some slippers onto your feet and started towards the door.
“I’m going to make sure they quiet down. Come on.”
She was quick to follow after that, not uttering a word as you padded down the stairs and out the front door. You were careful not to alert her parents of your exit, even though you knew they slept through everything anyway. Maddie almost had to jog to keep up with your pace.
As you made your way across the street, it became even more glaringly obvious where all the noise was coming from. The neighbor’s backyard was practically lit up like a rock concert. You didn’t even bother with the front door at that point and instead looped your way around the back of the house, straight for the source. You could hear Maddie faltering behind you.
“(Y/n), wait, if there are boys here, we can’t be in nightgowns! What are you even going to say? What if-!”
“Listen, I know you’re a ridiculously light sleeper, and this noise is just stupid, so I’m fixing it right now. Either follow me or don’t,” You snapped, not bothering to look in her direction.
She didn’t reply, but never stopped following you. You were on a war path, but the instant you rounded the corner, you came to a screeching halt, causing Maddie to smack into your backside.
“Ouch!” She yelped, stepping backward. “Why did you…” Maddie trailed off as she caught sight of what you were staring at—the very thing that had caused you to stop in your tracks.
“No. Way.”
Just as you suspected, there was a crowd of high school kids everywhere, some drinking, some smoking, and others dangling their feet in the large pool. You didn’t recognize any of them—none of them except two teenage boys standing by a large table of refreshments. One of them you knew as Knox Overstreet, and the other was Charlie Dalton himself, right there in the flesh, sipping on a cup of God-knows-what with his arm slung around a young brunette girl’s shoulders. They were preoccupied laughing at something Charlie had said, completely oblivious to your presence.
God, he looked just as arrogant as ever with that horrible smug look slapped across his face. To you, it looked like he thought he was getting somewhere with that girl.
You were initially shocked to see them both, but quickly shaped up when you remembered why you were standing there in the first place.
“That’s Mary, the girl that lives here. Is she with Charlie?” Maddie asked.
“Over my dead fucking body,” You mumbled, marching right towards where they stood. It only took a second for them to notice you approaching. The girl, Mary, seemed only bewildered by your clothing choice, while the two boys looked like they had suddenly seen a ghost.
You got about six feet away before stopping and jamming a finger in their direction. “I apologize, but this music is-!”
“What?” Mary yelled over the music. You could tell by her body language that she really wasn’t all that interested in what you had to say regardless. Like you were the one being a nuisance, not the other way around.
You gritted your teeth, glaring down at one of the radios that blasted on the table beside you. You all but ripped the knob off that damn machine trying to turn it off. At that point, nearly everyone had turned to look at the commotion you’d caused, but you truly couldn’t have cared less. The perplexed expression had melted off Charlie’s face, now seeming more impressed than anything. But what he was impressed by, you weren’t quite sure.
“I said,” You snarled, practically boring holes into the girl’s head. “I’m sorry, but music is over the top. I’m at my friend’s house across the street, and it’s clear as day through the walls. It’s late. We and everybody else in the neighborhood are really trying to sleep, and you’re being a bit inconsiderate with this. There is zero reason for it to be that loud all night.”
Your head snapped to Charlie when you heard his laugh, and it was all you could do not to tackle him, then it went back to the girl.
“Or maybe,” Mary said slowly, “You should try putting some clothes on before you decide to come stomp on everyone’s fun. I mean, seriously, are you a prostitute or something?” Her words were slurring together. Then she took a final swig from a glass bottle she held before tossing it in your direction.
You stepped back quickly, listening to her giggle as the bottle rolled along the grass and bounced off your foot. Charlie chose to step away from her at that point. Taunting “Ooo’s” came from the crowd of people, who were now fully engrossed as they moved closer to watch the show. You stood there stunned for a moment, in disbelief that someone had actually thrown a glass object at you. Sure, you could be catty sometimes, but you’d never done anything like that to a stranger.
“(Y/n)..?” Came Maddie’s meek voice. You could hear her take a few steps in your direction.
You ignored her and instead looked up at Mary again with a calm smile.
“Hey, alright, look, you can’t-” Charlie began to tell her, but you stopped him politely.
Her smugness seemed to diminish at your mellow reaction, which was quite the opposite of what everyone thought. She had clearly anticipated on you being angry.
But you were angry. You were literally shaking with anger. However, you opted not to express it right away. You weren’t going to give her the pleasure of seeing you scream or cry over her actions.
Still sporting your gentle expression, you sauntered around to the back of the refreshment table and stood there for a moment, all while maintaining eye contact with the young girl.
Mary furrowed her brows, almost ready to laugh at whatever you were doing, but just as she did, you reached out in a quick motion, and flipped the table completely over onto its side, emphasized by a deep ‘thud’ as it hit the ground.
Food went cascading in various directions, the radio rolled several times, and the punch bowl’s contents shot out so far that it covered almost all three of their shoes, causing Mary to shriek and jump backwards. You could tell she had some nice shoes on, too. Well, they were nice.
“Oops,” You sang, “My mistake.”
You could tell she was furious, but thankfully for her, she didn’t move to approach you.
“What in the hell is wrong with you?!” She screeched, face now glowing with anger.
“What’s wrong with me? It’s you, bitch. You’re what’s wrong.”
Noises of surprise and astonishment came from the other teenagers, some egging you on and others commenting on how unladylike you were. You didn’t care; you were ready to shove her in the pool if she tried something else. However, Maddie was there to snatch your hand and start tugging you in the opposite direction.
“(Y/n), let’s go,” She demanded.
You pulled your arm back, knocking her aside as you left all the laughter and commotion behind you. She was about to take out, but Charlie stopped her.
“Hey, head on home, I’ll handle it.”
Maddie sneered at him. “Are you kidding me? You? You think you’re going to help?”
“I’ve got it, I promise. She’ll be back at yours afterward,” He assured.
She sighed, and begrudgingly allowed him to go after you. It didn’t take him long to catch up, but he was confused to find you walking down the road rather than back toward Maddie’s house. You knew from the weight of the footsteps that it wasn’t Maddie behind you, but that didn’t concern you in the slightest. You were too busy fighting tears that threatened to swell in your eyes, the adrenaline making your emotions run rampant. You just wanted to walk and cool your head a little bit, and you were deaf to anything else going on around you.
“(Y/n)! Shit, I didn’t know you had that kind of fire, babe!” Charlie hollered, but when you didn’t stop or even slow down after a few more steps, he took the liberty of grabbing you by the shoulders and spinning you around to face him.
“(Y/N)! Where are you-“
“What?!” You yelled, not bothering to fight him as he held you. He let go when he saw the way you were looking at him, then opened his mouth to say something, but you immediately cut him off.
“What do you want with me? What did I even do to you?”
“What? I’m pretty sure you started this whole thing, not me. Besides, where are you even going?” Charlie laughed.
You glared. “Does it really matter? And what the hell is so funny? What are you so amused with all the goddamn time?!”
“You,” He stated dryly, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Me?” You quizzed. “I’m is amusing? Is that why you embarrassed me in front of my friends the first day we met?”
He pulled back. “I wasn’t trying to embarrass you, I was trying to get your attention.”
“Well, congratulations, you’ve got it!” You ridiculed. “What are you even doing here? Did you sneak out with Knox to go to that stupid party? And who was that girl hanging all over you like that? She’s awful.”
A broad, playful smirk stretched across the boy’s cheeks. “Why do you care who she was?”
You straightened, placing a hand on your chest. “I don’t. I just don’t see why you have to throw yourself on every girl like that; it’s gross.”
He stepped forward with that ever-teasing look on his face. “Oh, but it was okay when you were rubbing Meeks’ shoulder at school?”
“I wasn’t ‘rubbing’ his shoulder!”
“Yeah, and I don’t actually ‘throw myself’ at women, either,” He shrugged. “I only talk a big game. I make jokes, it’s what I do.”
You tried to fight it, but it was useless. He just looked so attractive under the warm street lights, the wind making his hair all ruffled and messy. Your resentment diminished at the sight, and instead was replaced with a pang of jealousy. The reality was that you wanted Charlie’s arm around you instead. You needed it to be you, and not Mary or anybody else. The facade had finally lost its luster. Realization was now staring in the face: you had feelings for Charlie Dalton.
“Yeah, right, Dalton. That’s what I’d say too,” You uttered, demeanor now flat.
“It’s part of my charm,” He affirmed.
“Of course…”
Charlie was so easy to admire that it made you loath him for it. A thick silence hung between you both for a second.
“I wasn’t trying to make you that angry, for the record. I was just teasing. You’re absolutely gorgeous, and everyone at school wants your attention, so I was trying to make sure I kept it to myself for more than two seconds,” He mused, scuffing his shoe on the pavement. “Although you are pretty hot when you’re mad, so I’ll admit it was a little fun.”
Chills ran down your arms, eyes drifting to the ground bashfully. “You’re crazy, Charles Dalton.”
“Hm. Then I guess we have a lot in common,” He retorted.
“Really? You can’t be serious for two seconds?”
“You can’t loosen up for two seconds!”
You wheeled around, ready to walk away from the conversation and let your crush die with it, but Charlie grabbed you again. This time he wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you dangerously close, using his other hand to firmly grasp your chin so you’d have to look at him.
You were about to reprimand him, tell him to unhand you and to go back to that other girl, but before you knew what was happening, he’d already leaned in and smushed his lips right up against yours.
A bolt of electricity ran through your body upon contact, and the words that died on your lips came out as a small moan of surprise. He was kissing you. You couldn’t believe it, Charlie was actually kissing you. A real kiss. The sharp scent of cologne and cigarettes invaded your nose, overwhelming your senses. It took a moment for your brain to process the situation, but when it did, you relaxed against him, instinctively letting your eyes close and snaking your arms around his neck. You felt him smile against you as you pulled him flush to your body. It was sweet, meaningful. Your heart thumped wildly in your chest, making you slightly lightheaded.
Oh, you were so screwed.
You had no foggy idea what came over you, but you didn’t have to think twice about it. You began running your fingers through his chocolate locs of hair, nails grazing his scalp ever so slightly in a way that had him sighing against you. He ran his hand to the back of your neck began moving his lips feverishly with your own. You could taste whatever fruity substance he’d been sipping on earlier, but it was heaven. The way he kissed you caused your tongues to brush together a few times, and your stomach flipped each time it happened.
All the built-up tension you’d acquired over the past week was completely released in those few moments as his hands moved up and down your torso. You were fully content to stay like that for the rest of the night, but of course, it was over all too soon.
“Hey, Dalton! Why can't we leave you alone for five minutes, man?” Knox’s voice made you jump away from Charlie, ears warm from being caught.
You weren’t exactly being discreet about it by making out in the middle of the street, but you were still surprised and suddenly much more aware of the fact that you were in nothing but a nightgown.
“Hey, Carpe Diem, man!” Charlie called back to him from down the street, sporting a grin that was probably less than trustworthy.
He continued when all he got was silence in return, “Hold on a second; I’ll be right there, I swear!”
Knox rolled his eyes, turning back toward the house. “Make it quick; we’ve gotta get back before someone misses us!”
Charlie gave his friend a thumbs up, then turned back just as you shivered from a gust of cool night air. Without missing a beat, he peeled off his jacket and placed it over your shoulders, shooting you a goofy smile.
You pulled it around you while shaking your head, then leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, and watched as youthful excitement erupted on his face.
“So you were staring at me that day.”
“Mmm, let’s not push it, Dalton. You’ve been having way too much fun this week,” You warned, stifling a smile.
“Neil owes me a dollar.”
Eyeing the wet grass for a moment, you thought carefully about what you wanted to say next, but it proved difficult to come back down from the high that kiss had put you on.
“You know… I really am sorry about everything that happened,” You said ashamedly.
Charlie’s silence urged you to continue.
“You… I like you, truthfully. And I’ve never really been interested in a boy like this before. When you called me out that day in the library, it sort of hurt my pride a little bit for everyone to see how flustered I got.” Your breathing trembled. "And… I don't know, I guess I just panicked when I realized I couldn’t be cool in front of you."
It felt foreign to open up like that. Showing soft emotions was just not your forte. You were always taught to suck it up and keep going; you were to cry about things in private and smile like a lady in public. But fortunately, Charlie didn’t care about that, and he listened to you ramble with perfect patience. You couldn’t tell if you wanted to cry or throw up at that point, but you were glad you got it out.
“That’s what all this was about?”
You nodded.
“(Y/n)… You need to stop worrying so much about what everyone else thinks. I was sure you just hated me by this point.”
“Charlie, I can’t help it. I’ve worked hard all my life trying to impress everyone,” You defended, feeling a twinge of sadness as you thought back to your parents.
“Well, whether you believe me or not, I would never want you to feel like you had to earn my acceptance. Never.” He gave you a sympathetic look. “And please trust me when I tell you it’s not worth trying to be whatever your family expects you to be. You’re better than whatever they have in their head for you.”
You nodded, and he smiled. A genuine smile, not that patronizing smirk.
“I could’ve approached you so much better than I did, and it was immature to keep antagonizing you like that. I’m sorry, (Y/n).”
You shook your head. “No, I should’ve controlled my temper. You and that poor lizard didn’t deserve it either. And now I need to go apologize to Maddie for the feud her family is going to have with the neighbors for the rest of their life.”
He grimaced. “Eh, they sort of had it coming, if you ask me. I should’ve known you could handle yourself just fine.”
“Don’t encourage me,” You hummed in amusement, watching the trees sway in the breeze.
“Man. Nobody gets the last word with you, do they?” He said through chuckles. “Honestly… What you did was pretty funny. And you were right; the music was obnoxious. It was giving me a headache. Also, let it be known that none of this was my idea, by the way; Knox dragged me here.”
You smiled back at him half-heartedly. “Yeah, I’m never going to hear the end of it… Not that I necessarily deserve mercy.”
“Well, regardless of how it started out, I hope it can continue.” Charlie took your hand, kissing your knuckles just as he’d done before, mumbling against your skin, “If I had known all it took to get on your good side was to stick my tongue in your mouth, I would’ve done it a while ago.”
You took your hand away and whacked his shoulder gently. “Shut it.”
You didn’t have to look at him to know he was grinning from ear to ear.
“I’ll see you Monday! And I’ll have to properly introduce you to my friends,” He joked, walking backward toward the direction Knox had disappeared in. “They all think you’re pretty, but they’re also scared of you, so you have to sit by me.”
“Wait! Do you want your coat back?”
“Nah, I’ll get it Monday, and I’ll get you your lock back, too,” He laughed. “And next time we’ll have to do this at my place, babe!”
You rolled your eyes. “Only if you wear the nightgown next time, Charles.”
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bouquetface · 2 months
Hello there!! I wanted to participate in your solar return chart game. First of all, I really love how you explained your terms and rules and you seem like a sweet person😭
Umm yeah so I read it carefully so my birthday is 15.6.2005 and my birth time is 7:39 A.M. I was born in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) and I currently live in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). My current favorite song is Girls just wanna have fun by Cyndi Lauper.
Thank you so much for hosting this game and I hope you would choose me because I’ve been having a really hard time since saturn retrograde - dreaming about exes and being not productive and I really wanna know what my solar return would tell me😩 Anyways, have a nice day and blessings to you❤️
Hello 👋
Getting a higher education may be important in your chosen career. You may decide to go for grad school or a phD. You may live abroad eventually. Maybe even for schooling.
In your career, you would receive a lot of attention. You could later become an entrepreneur. A career in Law may appeal to you. However, movement is important in your career. This could indicate a physical career for example physiotherapy. Or playing on a sports team in uni. It could also indicate moving location for career. You may consider modelling as well. You have similar placements to fitness influencers.
Physically, you may appear youthful. You could have physical hobbies such as playing sports, hiking, swimming, gymnastics.
In relationships (friendship, business and romantic) watch out for controlling partners. You may encounter people who want to dim your shine. Maybe out of their jealously or insecurity. You could have relationships where they are manipulative. They want you to “save them”. They want all your attention and love but do not do the same for you.
Your future spouse is going to be very caring. They are a charming person. Polite, well groomed/handsome and very funny. They are very caring as well. They may at some point end up working from home. Or work on homes in some way. Ex: Real estate.
In your solar return, you have pluto retrograde conjunct chiron in 7th H. Your 7th ruler, saturn is in retrograde too. All this is making 2024, a year to reflect on past relationships.
This month, around July 15th, mars will conjunct uranus in 10th H. Mars traditionally rules your 9th & 4th. This indicates personal life may be made into public life. For example, people could be talking about you a lot around this time. If you feel you have kinda bad gossipy friends, try to avoid telling them any personal information. You may receive surprise news about higher education as well. Maybe an application update. 9th H is travel as well. You may have to cancel a trip or plan a trip. Uranus is surprise so it’s hard to predict what it will be. It may go unnoticed too. Maybe you are being discussed by other people. Nothing too bad so don’t worry it’ll all pass by soon enough.
Your natal first house planets, Venus & Mercury, are transitting your first house. This is positive energy. You may be receiving new status this year. Possibly getting a job, changing a job or promotion. Maybe you are graduating from something too. A celebration regarding you is likely this year. You may feel more sociable this year. You could start to friendships. Find a new community.
I hope you liked the reading 🫶 Please leave feedback.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Regrets // Victoria De Angelis
words // 1557
warnings // angst, mentions of abusive relationships (not details)
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x GN!Reader, Ethan Torchio x Platonic!Reader
author's note // taglist here. please only let me know if you want to be tagged on that google form so i know what to tag you on, thank you
also i changed the original tittle because i didnt like it that much
request // yes
summary // Reader is Ethan's best friend and because of that they are around the band a lot. Maybe a hint of jealously, a toxic partner and a visit at the hospital will be enough to change their relationship with Victoria from hate to love. Or maybe the love was there all along.
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The first time the two met each other was right after the band finally united. Y/N’s had been Ethan’s best friend for years now, making the fateful meeting inevitable - as well as the obscure amount of time they would have to spend around each other. If anything, the drummer was attached to the hip with his best friend, tagging them along to every show, many rehearsals (there was even a suggestion to come with him on Måneskin’s European tour - it would be a nightmare if they did).
Victoria did not take long to adopt a defensive mode against them, one that not even she could decipher. Maybe it was the way they were just always there, like leech attached to her bandmate, or maybe it was that annoying way they dressed, all out there and attracting her attention, or maybe it was that stupid girlfriend of theirs that just had to make it known they were a couple. She really did get on Victoria’s nerves a awful lot. She was nice, not going to lie, just maybe a little too nice - ickly nice, she’d say. She wasn’t sure why but that girl simply made Victoria’s gut drop every time.
For years, as that relationship lasted, Victoria and Y/N would butt heads, always at each other’s throat with something to say and complain about. What are they doing here again, the bassist would ask over and over again. Just here to piss you off, Y/N would say, walking to Ethan. Other times it’d be the opposite. It just always was… a mess.
Everyone could see the situation the two found themselves into but no one could do anything. No, not until they opened their own damn eyes.
The dislike between the two only grew stronger and stronger as time passed by, with their insults getting worse. Truth be told, no one expected it to get that bad, and now they just hoped to stop.
For a while, Y/N was facing some drama in the relationship, some that could end up pretty bad. Not few were the nights Ethan would get a phone call in the middle of rehearsal, sobbing heard even beyond his phone. Please, please come get me Ethan. I don’t think …. The rest was inaudible for Victoria, not that I care, she would remind herself, moving on with her work.
On occasion she’d joke about it to Y/N. What? Trouble in paradise, cucciolo? Oh well. Deep down she knew she should not say that but she could not control herself. Y/N was pretty put together some of those times, others they’d just snap with no regard to anything. Just shut your fucking mouth, they said once adding a few profanities to explain their anger.
After the fourth time it happened the blonde had gotten genuinely angry. “Ok, enough. Close your phone, Ethan,” she spat out, almost snatching it off his hand. “They can wait.”
“No! They have cut short three out of our four rehearsals this week! This is the fifth rehearsal, Ethan, their fourth time! They’re a big kid now, they should not need you all the time.”
In time she would regret those words but in that moment they seemed appropriate. She had grown exasperated at their constant interruptions. Well, most of the time they were not really disturbing - they’d call on a break or just cuddle with Ethan on a break, at a time they had for the solemn reason of relaxing - but Victoria would not admit that. Not to herself and not to anyone.
“Ok.” Ethan whispered the words, silencing his phone with a heavy heart. He had a bad feeling, that he knew for sure, but he did not feel like fighting with the blond bassist.
The hours they worked passed by quickly, feeling more like quick moving water, their session was simply flowing. It was now quiet, maybe around three in the morning. 2.58 AM read the clock on the table. Ethan was sure his best friend was sleeping by now. He’d shoot them a text and then go to sleep as well - lord knows he needed it. Well, not everything always goes as planned.
Victoria was by him when it happened.
His phone started to ring while he was about to walk to his room. Y/N. If he was not concerned earlier that night there was no way he was not now. It was not common for them to call at hours like this, if anything they were usually asleep by eleven, maybe even twelve.
“Pronto. Che? A- cazzo, sì, sì. Sto venendo ora.” showing off my italian lol
“Ethan? What happened?” She was not sure of her feelings in that instant. Why was she even asking him? She did not care about them, right? But no, no, it was not worry. It was fear of guilt. And worry, but that she was not aware of.
“Y/N is at the hospital,” he breathed out, “they- uhm… Their ex hurt them - thank god their neighbor was there and heard what happened. Oh my- if-if-if he was not there Y/N-”
Victoria could not stand seeing her friend like that. She believes that she’s never once seen Ethan this emotional - not negatively emotional, that is. He always keeps his composure so well but this time it just was not possible. The blonde just stood there now, holding Ethan in her arms, whispering comforting things to him, hoping that he’d calm down a bit.
“I-I should’ve answered the phone Vic… It- I could have prevented this. Oh god, it’s my-”
“Ethan no! If it’s anyone’s fault here, it’s mine. I should not have snapped like I did.”
“I- yeah. Yeah, you know what, yeah, it is your fault.” He was sad, he was anxious, he was angry… A whirlwind of emotions really, and Victoria’s statement made him target it to her. “It is your fault Vic, with that-that stupid, stupid, conflict you two have. I’m leaving.”
“Where are yo-”
“To the hospital! Where the fuck else?” Ethan’s voice was rising by the second, as his blood started boiling in his veins. He knew he could not drive there, but he was not about to say it.
“I’ll drive you-”
“No. I can do it on my own.”
“Please. It’s the least I can do.” Victoria’s eyes were cast to the floor, unsure of what else to do. She knew that things were taken too far this time, the least she could do was drive her friend to the hospital.
The drive there was quiet. Neither knew what to say. Victoria was feeling guilty, afraid, and even worried about Y/N’s well-being, regardless of whether she could she tried to focus on the road. More injured people would not be helpful. Ethan on the other hand was fuming. He was angry out of his head; at his blonde friend, at himself and most of all that bitch, Y/N’s ex. She was the one to cause all of this, all of it, even problems he was not aware she was the cause of.
As they arrived there there was even more trouble on their way. He’s not family, he’s not a spouse, neither is Victoria. It was always like that. They would not let them pass if they were not either of those things but, god bless that man, the nurse that called him showed up, recognizing the voice and assuring the nurse, on the front, that he was indeed the only person on their emergency contacts, they had to pass. With a lot of complaining they were finally let to pass.
When they walked in the room Y/N was laying on the bed asleep and at first both their minds went to the worst case scenario. “I have given them some painkillers for now. They’ll be ok but some injuries cause severe pain -” he was walking outside along with Ethan.
Victoria was now left alone in the room with Y/N, although it felt as if she was looking at a photo of them rather than the real life Y/N. “I’m sorry,” was all she could say, the only thing that felt right to do at that moment. “It’s my fault -oh my it is! Ethan, he-he wanted to respond to the call by I-I got so angry!” She cried out, now grasping Y/N’s hand. “I can only hope he can forgive me. Hell, I hope you forgive me. It’s my fault you’re-”
“It’s not, Victoria.”
“You are awake?”
“It’s not your fault. I was already here when I called the first time. Neither of you could have changed a thing.” They were so calm - maybe it was the painkillers, she thought. “Thank you. For the apology I mean.”
“Yeah. I, uh, I’m sorry for everything Y/N. I-”
“Hey, stop! It’s ok. What’s by is by,” they laughed, never missing the opportunity to joke. (you know, bi - by… terrible pun)
“I, uh,” she paused, thinking of what to say next. She remembered a small chocolate bar in her pocket. She was about to eat it when the call happened. “I don’t know if you’re supposed to eat chocolate but I know you like it.”
“Oh my, it’s my favorite,” they gushed, prompting Vic to come closer.
“Come, sit, sit! We can share it.”
“Yeah, I guess we can.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost @superchrystaldrug
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Player/ 9
Pairing- San x Named Reader
Includes- fluff
Series Masterlist
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Opening the door to the gym I walk inside, looking for San
We made a plan that I would come after he's done with work so he doesn't have to worry about clients
I see him in an office, talking to another woman who works here
He's showing her a file and pointing to things on I guess a paper inside it
She asks a question but he shakes his head
I just stand to the side looking at him
Admiring him in his black t-shirt, black pants and sneakers, his arm muscles bulging from his sleeve
His dark hair falling in his eyes, his big chest rising and falling with each breath
Jesus Christ what is wrong with me?
Yes San is hot, I've always thought so but I've never been turned on by him
Until right now
His player attitude would never let me be turned on
It was just gross
But now, after getting to know him...fuck
His eyes lift and catch mine, a smile bursting on his face
Goddamn not only is he hot he's fucking gorgeous
I've never noticed that before we started dating because I would avoid him
But since the amusement park, I notice it
A lot
He speaks to the woman again, handing her the file, then leaves the office
"Hi Jo", he smiles, coming up to me
"Hi", I answer blushing at how good he looks up close
"You look so cute", he says, his eyes moving up and down my body
I blush, "Is this ok to wear? I've never been to a gym or worked out really so I didn't know what to wear"
I just threw on a grey t-shirt, black sweatpants and sneakers then put my hair in a ponytail
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But as I look around I see most of the women in sports bras and tight pants with workout sneakers and I feel underdressed
"Yeah Jo. Anything is good to work out in as long as it's not jeans and heels"
I nod, "Uh ok. It's just...everyone here seems to have uh a workout outfit on"
He rolls his eyes, "That's just for show Jo. To show off their tits or ass or stomach. Those clothes do nothing in regards to a work out. They're crazy expensive and useless. What you have on is fine. And it looks cute. So don't worry"
I feel my face get hotter, "Thanks"
He nods, then takes my hand, leading me deeper into the gym
A lot of people say hi to him as we walk through
Men high five him, the women smile flirtatiously and angle their body in those skin tight clothes so he can see them
But to his credit he just looks at their face, waves and says hi, then keeps going
"Uh San?"
"You're not...uh I mean you don't seem to be looking...uh-"
He chuckles, "Are you trying to ask me if I oogle the women here in those clothes?"
I nod, feeling a stab of jealously
"Not really. I used to when I first started but that was years ago. Like I said before it bothers me more that they're not paying attention to what they're doing."
"But you can still look when theyre distracted"
Why am I causing a big issue?
Because I'm jealous that's why
Because I'm worried if this becomes more serious between us that he will cheat on me with one of these women
They're practically throwing themselves at him
He'd seriously have no issue getting one of them
And he'll be looking at other girls
This was a bad idea
I don't trust him fully
And nothing more can happen if I don't trust him
I knew saying yes to him would be a bad idea in the long run
"Jo?", he says, softly touching my cheek
My eyes move to his, snapping me out of my thoughts
"I know what you're thinking and it's not true ok?"
How can he know what goes on in my messed up brain?
"I know you're freaking out about me working here and looking at other girls or thinking I'm going to cheat on you if we get more serious. But I promise, I swear that won't happen"
How the fuck does he know I was thinking about that?
Is he a mind reader?
"How do you know that?"
"Because I know my reputation, I know how you thought of me and I know how hard it can be to overlook my reputation. But I promise you, I don't look at the girls here like that. Not anymore and definitely not since we started dating."
I raise my eyebrow at him
I don't know if I should believe him
"The truth is, I can't look at any girl anymore. No matter what they're wearing"
Uh yes he can
His eyes work
Of course he can look
"What are you taking about?"
"Well uh...you uh kinda ruined other girls for me"
My mouth drops open, "Are you joking?"
He shakes his head, "No I'm not. If I see a girl I just compare them to you and they're always lacking. So I mean it when I say that I don't see girls like that anymore. None compare to you"
Oh god my face is on fire
I don't know if I should believe him but that is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me
"Ok?", he asks
I nod slowly, "Ok"
He smiles and I just drink in how beautiful it is
"So wanna start?"
I nod, "Show me what to do. You're the pro here"
He laughs, "So am I testing you're fitness level or are we just working out?"
I don't know
I know that he'll think I'm out of shape
Because I am
But I also wanna know how bad I am
"Test me", I answer, "But be fully prepared for me to fail horribly"
He just smile, "I doubt that"
Well he was warned
"So treadmill"
I gape at him, "Running?"
I don't run
I walk briskly if I'm up for it
Seriously if I had to run for my life I'd be in trouble
"Yeah Jo run. It's a good warmup too"
"San...", I whine
He laughs, taking my hand
"C'mon lazy. I'll do it too"
"Wah", I frown but still go with him towards the treadmill
They're lined up in front of mirrors
So you can see how out of shape you really are
That's cruel and unusual punishment
San climbs on one, then points to the other
I sigh, climbing on the one next to him
Movement makes me look at him and my heart flys to my mouth
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Is he...putting his hair in a ponytail?
His hands are grabbing the top of his hair and he's brushing it back, holding it from the rest of his hair
His arms are fucking amazing, muscles bulging
And I can't help but wonder how it would feel to have his arms around me
Holding me down...
'Oh my god stop!', I yell at myself
"Are you putting your hair in a ponytail?", I blurt
"Ya", he answers
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I watch him hold his hair, then reach in his pocket, taking out a hair band and tying his hair
Holy shit, he just got ten times hotter
I had no idea that ponytails on guys turn me on
Well, maybe it's not all guys
Just San
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I have to stop thinking about this
"You ok?", he asks, concerned
"Yeah fine", I say, willing myself to not make a fool of myself
"Ok I'm going to start the treadmill"
"Great", I answer
He starts mine and my feet start moving to catch up to the moving track
He presses a few buttons upping the speed
"San!", I yell, running faster
"C'mon Jo. It's fine", he says starting his own
It's only been like a minute but I already am sweating and having a hard time breathing
I look at San in the mirror
Bastard isn't even breaking a sweat
Just running and looking fucking beautiful
While I look like a sweaty mess
Very attractive
San reaches over and ups my speed
My legs are aching and now I'm trying to keep pace with the faster track
I'm not doing too well with that
"Sss...San", I get out
"It's just a brisk walk"
Brisk walk my ass
I'm running, trying to breath
"Just a little more. You can do it naekkeo"
My head snaps up at the nickname
Did he...just call me his?
And why do I like it so much?
When I look at him in the mirror, his eyes are down, refusing to look at me, his cheeks pink
I keep looking until a few seconds later he looks up
And I just smile reassuringly
He gives me a small smile, then says, "I think we're good on running"
Thank god
I nod rapidly, wanting to stop
He presses a button and the track slows down until it stops moving
I pant hard, leaning over the rails, sweat all over my body and hair
I hate sweating
"C'mon", San says, taking my hand and leading me to another machine
"This is for legs"
He gets on it and shows me how to use it
Then it's my turn
I lay down like he did and he puts the weights at 100 lbs
I pull my legs back, the weights coming down too
Then I push my legs out, pushing back the weights
"Good? Heavy? Light?", San asks
It's kinda easy to do
I'm not struggling, it's not hurting
"Light?", I ask more than say
"Ok hold it", he says while my legs are straight out, "I'm putting it at 150lb"
I nod
I can do this
Pulling my legs out, the weights come with me
Then I push out with the weights
It's a little heavier but not too bad
"Ok?", he asks
I nod
"Good. Do ten of them. Then you'll rest and do ten more"
Oh god why?
That's so much work
Everything is going to ache tomorrow
Taking a breath, I start moving my legs
"Last for today", San says, "Bench press"
I look at him tiredly
I'm exhausted
He had me use dumbbells for my arms, a sit up machine, an arm pull machine, had me do push ups, chin ups
Everything fucking aches
But it's the last thing and I can push myself to do it
I lay down on the bench and San puts the weight at 80bs
I grab the bars and push up
It's not bad, a little on the heavy side
Nothing I can't handle now but I know for the next rep I'll be struggling
"Ten?", I ask
San nods
By the time I get to nine I'm breathing hard and it's taking all my will to push it up
I do and San puts the weight a zero
"That's good for now Jo"
I look up at him, "That's it?"
He nods, "I know you're tired. You did really good"
He takes my hands and help me sit up
"You know Jo, you did a really good today"
He's kidding
I had to rest for so long between reps
"You did", he insists, "I know I had you do a lot of things today but you did them all. You didn't fail like you thought you would. You're a lot better and stronger than some people who come in here for the first time"
I have no idea what to think about that
I always saw myself as out of shape and kinda weak
"Thanks San"
"I'm only telling the truth", he says, "But did you like working out?"
I think about it for a second
I did
But only because he was here, doing everything with me, either at the same time or taking turns
And I tell him this
"Well I work out everyday"
"What?", I ask surprised
Is he insane?
He laughs, "Yes everyday. I work out different parts of my body everyday so I don't over do it. But what I meant by that is that I'm here everyday, so if you wanted to meet to work out...I'd uh...be here"
"Yeah", I say, surprising both him and myself
But I will come and work out as long as he's with me
"Yeah. I'll get a membership or whatever and-"
"No. You don't have to get a membership"
I raise my eyebrow, "But how am I supposed to come here with no membership?"
"I'll put you under mine. My is free and I can put up to five family or friends names on mine"
"Oh. Uh. Thanks. But don't you want your friends under yours?"
He snorts, "My friends are lazy as shit. And my family too. I've offered but no one has taken me up on it. I don't have anyone under my name"
That's strange
All his friends seem fit, I'd have guessed they'd jump at the chance to get a free membership
"Yeah ok San. I'll take it. I guess while I'm in school I can come once a week and work out with you. If you uh can"
"Yeah sure. I work everyday until 4 then I stay an hour or so after to work out. Just text me when you're coming and I'll wait for you", he says excitedly
My god he's cute
"Ok", I agree
He nods and I stand up, "Now it's your turn to bench press"
He smiles, nodding as he fixes the weights and lays down
He put the weigh at 300lbs
He takes a breath and starts pushing up, then down
I watch him, my eyes on his bulging arm muscles moving with each press
That's all I've been doing when it's his turn- oogle his muscles
And he has a lot
Arms, chest, legs, abs
And it's only him I watch
There's other guys here with muscles, bigger than San's
But they don't capture my attention in the slightest
It's only him
He finished his ten presses then rests the weights
"Can you bench press me?", I ask
Then realize what I said and I'm immediately horrified
"I mean-"
"Yes", he says
I stop talking and look at him
"Yes?", I ask
He nods, "You have to be what? 115lbs?"
He smiles, "Yeah I can bench press you easy. Look"
He moves the weight to 120lbs and goes to lay down
"No wait", I say quickly and he stops himself
"What's wrong?"
I take a breath, blushing, "Bench press me"
He looks confused, "But I was-"
"Not my weight", I answer, "Me"
His eyes widen, "As in...you're body?"
I nod
He just stares at me
Maybe it was a bad idea
I don't think he wants to
"You don't have t-"
"Yes. I want to", he says quickly, "It's just...I'm going to have to uh touch your butt. To hold you up"
I nod
I knew that
"I'm ok with that. As long as you don't try anything"
"Never. I promise I won't"
"Ok", I answer
"We have to go to a mat to do this. I don't. Want to risk hurting you on the bench"
I follow him to a room of the gym where there's lots of mats on the floor
"This room used for yoga and aerobics or something like that. I don't really know", he explains, "But it'll work for uh this"
"Oh uh ok", I answer nervously
He lays down on the floor and I look down at him
God he's beautiful
"Come stand to my side"
I do and he continues, "Lay down on my chest horizontally. Cross your arms and legs when you do ok?"
I nod, taking a huge breath in
I kneel next to him and start to lay down on his chest on my back
I feel his hand move to in-between my shoulder blades
"I'm uh going put my hand on your uh butt now"
"Yeah San. It's ok"
He does, leaving his hand flat, not squeezing at all
"I'm going to lift you. Try to keep your legs straight out but don't tense up ok?"
"Yeah. Ok"
"I promise I won't drop you"
I smile, "I know San. I trust you"
I don't know what his reaction is but I can't imagine he'd ever hear those words from my mouth
The next thing I know, I feel like I'm flying
I squeal loudly as I'm brought back down
Holy shit, thats fun
I'm move up again, feeling the small wind in my hair and I can't help but smile
I don't know how many times he bench presses me but I'm enjoying it
All too soon he leaves me back on his chest
"Done", he says, breathing heavily
"How many times?", I ask as I stand up
I look back at him shocked
"What?", he smirks getting up, "I could of done more but twenty seemed like enough for now"
"Christ you're strong"
Oh god why do I keep saying stuff that will embarrass me
"I'm not that strong. And you're light Jo."
"No San you are strong. I don't lie. I honestly haven't seen anyone as strong as you. Or with as much muscles"
My entire face is red and I can't look at him as I say it but I want him to know how I see him
"Thanks Jo"
"You're welcome"
He comes closer to me, taking my hand in his
I feel him tuck my hair that fell from my ponytail behind my ear
"Do you need me to drive you home?"
I nod
I don't have a car
I took a Uber here
"Ok. I'm just gonna get my stuff from my locker and I'll take you. If say we can get food but I need a shower"
I giggle, "Yeah me too"
I'd want to go out with him for food but I do stink and I'm uncomfortably sweaty
"So uh how about on Wednesday, I take you out to eat? Like a traditional date?", he says hopefully
"Yes", I answer immediately, looking up at him and smiling
I have work that day but fuck it I'm calling out
I want to be with San
Holy shit I'd never thought I'd ever say that sentence
"Ok. Great", he smiles
He leads me to the front of the gym
"I'll be right back and we can go"
I nod
He bends down, kissing my cheek then disappears down some stairs
And I stand there smiling like a dork
@starry-jinnie @xduygu-arsx @derpjungkook
@tayyainthehood @alecanal93 @loveymochi
@aunt-mei @xciiiomwliah @chsani
@mingkisbitch @theaufanartist Sanssan
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You’re all I need (the air I breathe)
One - in which Niall and Stella make a great team 
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The love-at-first-sight, falling-too-fast, uni au that will make your heart ache (in a good way)
catch up here 
Stella followed Veda up the steps of Zayn’s flat, a bag of takeaway in her arms. Was Stella nervous for game night? Maybe. There was a rumor that Niall would come along. 
When Veda opened the door, Stella’s breath caught in her throat. Veda gave her a look as they walked in as if to tell her to chill. Stella laughed, shaking her head. 
“Stella Bella,” Louis declared, taking the bag from her. “And Veda.”
“Fuck off,” Veda muttered, handing him the bag she had. “We’ve been friends just as long and you still love Stella more than me.”
“Stella is actually nice,” Louis shot back. “And I was hoping she’d be on my team tonight because we’re playing Trivia Pursuit.” 
“Right,” Stella laughed, shaking her head as she took her shoes off. “That makes more sense.” 
“I was hoping Stella would be on my team,” Zayn announced, emerging from the living room. “I bought that wine you like.”
“Wow,” Stella grinned, eyebrows raising. “Keep the offers coming.”
“I’ll do you laundry for a month!” Veda exclaimed. 
“Tempting,” Stella agreed. “I think you can do better than that.”
“Are we picking teams already?” A voice asked from behind her. Stella turned around, surprised that she hadn’t even heard the door open. 
“We are,” Louis nodded. “Trying to make Stella decide who she wants. She’s an absolute genius.”
“Z offered her wine, I offered her laundry for a month,” Veda explained. “You have anything to offer?” 
“Unfortunately, no,” Niall shook his head, eyes meeting Stella’s. “I am a history major, though.”
“Shit!” Louis exclaimed. “I forgot about that. Stella don’t do it. Please. Niall’s also a genius. Niall pick me, yeah?”
“I want Niall,” Stella decided, her lips spreading into a smile. 
“That’s completely unfair,” Veda argued in a petulant way that made Stella shake her head. 
It’s possible that it was unfair but as they all settled in various spots around the coffee table, Stella didn’t have it in her to care. Niall was beside her, dangerously close for someone that had a lover in London. 
It wasn’t a surprise when Niall and Stella cleaned up. Question after question, until the rest of the lot called it quits on account of being unfair. 
The Xbox was pulled out and then Stella had drifted away, sipping wine coolers on the balcony with Veda. It was a wonder they never got sick of each other. 
“I texted Heather,” Veda told her, eyes on her phone. “She’s gonna bring Liam and Danielle over. Liven the place up.”
“Great,” Stella muttered. 
“Again with this heather stuff?” Veda asked with a laugh. 
“She doesn’t like me,” Stella laughed. “And it’s so obvious. Pretty sure she’s in love with you too.”
“It comes from a place of jealously,” Veda explained, sitting up. “Heather’s told me how jealous of you she is.”
“I don’t know,” Veda shrugged, looking over to Stella. “You’re funny, beautiful and incredibly smart and kind. It makes sense if you really think about it.”
“So is Heather,” Stella argued. “And like I’m not jealous of her. I’ve tried to be friendly but she just gives me the cold shoulder. Ignores me.”
“I know,” Veda chuckled, nodding. “I can’t offer any advice. She just needs to get over herself.”
“Did you find out if Niall has a girlfriend?” Stella asked, effectively changing the subject. 
Veda sighed, shaking her head, “I have no idea. His Instagram is practically ancient. Hasn’t posted anything in over a year. Louis didn’t know.”
“Fine,” Stella sighed. “I’ll just ask him.”
“The only logical way to solve this problem,” Veda agreed. She finished the last of her drink. “Want another?”
“Sure,” Stella nodded, watching her stand up. “Thanks.” 
“Anything for you, Stella Bella,” Veda grinned, ruffling her hair. 
Stella laughed, pushing her prodding fingers away. Veda went back in, sliding door slamming behind her. Stella couldn’t bring herself to move from her spot. The sun was setting but it was so warm for the beginning of September. Fall was coming soon, she could tell. 
The door opened again a few minutes later and Stella was surprised to see Niall handing her a drink. He had his own beer in his hand when he sat down in the patio chair beside her. 
“Thanks,” Stella smiled, looking over at him. 
“We make a great team, you know,” Niall told her, holding her gaze. 
“I agree,” Stella nodded, pulling her eyes from him and back to the setting sun. She wouldn’t think too much into that. 
“Veda’s smoking,” he told her after a second. 
“Figures,” Stella chuckled. She looked at Niall for a moment and asked, “can I ask you something?” 
“Of course,” he nodded, meeting her eyes. 
“Do you have a girlfriend?” 
Niall chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as he looked away, “that’s quite literally the million dollar question.”
“Sorry,” Stella murmured, watching the smile fade from his face. “I was just curious. You don’t have to tell me.”
After a long moment, he answered, “yes and no. It’s a bit complicated, t’be honest.” 
“Gotcha,” Stella nodded, feeling a twinge in her stomach at that. 
“We’re like on a break, I guess,” Niall shrugged. “Dunno. It was my idea. Just...” he trailed off looking over to Stella. “I haven’t really talked to anyone about it.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Stella asked, eyebrows furrowing. 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged again, looking away. “Maybe.”
“My longest relationship was on again off again for a year so I don’t know if I’d be of much help in regards to advice,” Stella told him with a chuckle. “But I’m all ears if you want to.”
“We’ve been together for three years,” he told her and that surprised Stella. Her eyes widened almost comically. Niall chuckled, “I know. A long time.”
“I can’t even imagine...” Stella trailed off, not willing to finish her thought. “Wow.”
“That’s exactly it,” Niall nodded. “I’m a completely different person than who I was when we started dating. And we’ve been though a lot but it feels like I’m at a different spot. Like-like I’ve grown faster than her.”
“That’s understandable,” Stella nodded. 
“And it’s comfortable, I guess,” Niall shrugged. “Long distance isn’t ideal but I’m willing to do it.”
“What do you mean by comfortable?” Stella asked, eyebrows furrowing as she looked at him. “And you guess?” 
Niall chuckled, shaking his head, “I don’t know. It’s- I don’t know if I can put it into words. The firsts are over and it feels like the spark isn’t there. Like there are things that I feel obligated to do or feel.”
“Like you’re obligated to love her?” Stella asked. 
“Kind of,” he nodded. 
“That sounds tough,” Stella murmured. 
“I feel really guilty,” he admitted quietly. “I just find myself thinking about someone else instead of her.”
“Oh,” Stella mumbled, eyes darting over his face. “Maybe you should tell her. Your girlfriend not the... the other girl.”
“Just a tough conversation, yanno,” Niall shook his head. “We agree to talk over the holidays.”
“That’s a long time away,” Stella said, before she could help herself. “A lot could change.” 
“A lot could change,” he agreed, looking up at her. “A lot’s already changed, though.”
“What does a break even mean?” Stella asked. “I’m sure you’d hate for a Ross and Rachel fiasco to happen.”
Niall laughed, nodding, “yeah I don’t really know what it means. We just don’t text all day, I guess. Don’t call each other. Some time away. At least, that’s what I take it as.”
“Shouldn’t you have clarified what a break means before you go on a break?” Stella asked, eyebrows raising. 
“Shit, Stella, I don’t know,” Niall laughed, rubbing his forehead. “This isn’t exactly a situation I’ve been in before.”
“Well I haven’t been in it either,” Stella shrugged with a laugh. “I’m trying to be helpful.”
“You are being helpful,” he nodded. “More than you know.”
Stella felt her eyes drift back over to him. And she hated to be this person. The one adoring every feature on his face while he talks about his girl at home. It was devastating in one of the worst ways. And to know that someone else was on his mind. Doubly devastating. 
Before Stella could tear her eyes away, the sliding glass door opened and Louis poked his head out, “Liam’s here. We’re gonna play FIFA. You in?”
“Yeah,” Niall nodded, looking over his shoulder at Louis. “I’ll be in.”
The door closed and Stella let out a breath, turning away from him. Niall cleared his throat, sitting up, “I’m gonna...”
“Yeah,” Stella nodded, giving him a smile. 
“Thanks for your help,” Niall told her. “It means a lot, you know. I don’t know many people besides Louis, and you know he’s not too great in the advice department.”
“I know,” Stella chuckled, nodding. 
“If you need any advice...” he stood up. “I’m your guy.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Stella nodded with a smile. 
Stella watched Niall leave, wondering where she went wrong. She took a gulp of her drink, shaking her head. The door opened once more and she didn’t have to look over to know that it was Veda. 
“What the fuck,” Veda laughed, almost breathless. “What happened.”
“He’s got a girlfriend,” Stella told her, head lulling to look at her. “Of three fucking years, V.”
“Shit,” she breathed out. “I’m sorry.”
“He asked me for advice,” Stella continued. “He doesn’t know if he really loves her. He’s apparently been thinking of someone else. Thinks he needs to tell her.”
“That’s just...” Veda trailed off. “I’m sorry.”
“Is there something tattooed on my forehead that says ‘I’m one of the guys’?” Stella asked, incredulously. “First Conner and now Niall. Honestly. This friendzone shit is too much.” 
“Conner is not all guys,” Veda argued. “He was objectively an asshole douchebag idiot. Niall is no Conner. I can tell that much.”
“It’s the same thing!” Stella cried, beginning to feel the anger already. She wanted to punch something. She shook her head, “I think I’m gonna go back to the room.”
“Stel,” Veda murmured. “I don’t want to get your hopes up, but why do you think you’re not the person he’s thinking about?” 
“Because,” she sighed, exasperated. “I don’t know.”
“It could be you,” Veda urged. “Who does Niall hang out with? Louis? And you?” 
Niall said it himself, he didn’t know very many people in Manchester. The thought was ridiculous, though. That Niall couldn’t stop thinking about her. It was absurd. 
“Veda don’t get my hopes up,” Stella snapped, looking away from her. “I think I’m gonna go back.”
“Let’s talk about this,” Veda groaned, leaning forward. “If you’re the person he can’t stop thinking about, hanging out with him will make it that much easier for him to break up with his girlfriend.”
“Easier!” Stella echoed with a dry laugh. “You don’t just end a three year long relationship because of the first uni girl you meet.”
“Stay,” Veda urged softly, a hand on her arm. “Have another drink. Kick Louis’s ass in FIFA and see how you feel then.”
The idea was tempting. Stella thought it over as she met Vedas eyes. She could convince her to do anything. Stella swore Veda had magic powers that could change her mind in an instant. 
Stella gave in. She found herself on the sofa between Louis and Zayn, controller in hand. Louis was already defeated. Stella thought she psyched Louis out more than anything. 
By the time she beat Louis, Heather, Danielle and Liam arrived. She was relieved and dreadful at the same time. Danielle was nice enough, and so was Liam. Heather didn’t even have to say anything and she was on edge. 
Stella went to the kitchen, grabbing her third wine cooler of the night when Louis leaned on the counter beside her. “Ya alright?” 
“I’m alright,” Stella nodded, meeting his eyes only for a second. She knew she’d give herself away. 
“What is it?” Louis urged, straightening up. “Come on,” he nudged her. “Spill.”
“Nothing,” Stella shook her head. “Really.” 
“Veda asked me if Niall had a girlfriend and I knew that she wasn’t interested in him which could only mean that you are,” Louis decided, voice quiet. 
“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” she whispered, looking up at him. “Please.”
“I just want to tell you that the other day when you left, he wouldn’t stop talking about you,” Louis told her. “Asked me a million and one questions.”
“Louis,” she warned, shaking her head. “I don’t want you to get my hopes up.”
“Okay,” he nodded. “I’m just saying, though. I’ve heard him talk about Nadia and it was nothing even remotely close to the way he talks about you.”
“Leaving now,” Stella decided, walking toward the living room. 
Stella sat down on the floor beside Veda, hoping she didn’t look as grumpy as she felt. Veda gave her a reassuring pat on the knee and a bright smile. 
Only when her eyes met Niall’s from across the room did her grumpiness begin to fade. That smile on his face was what she never wanted to get tired of seeing. The softness. It was too much. Stella had to look away. 
But then Heather was on the couch beside him and they started talking and Stella felt like she couldn’t look anywhere else. Just eyes on Niall, watching his face. Watching the way he shifted away from her. The way she just didn’t get it. 
“You’re staring,” Veda whispered, leaning toward Stella. “And he has a girlfriend, remember?” 
“I’m not,” Stella whispered back but she was and she didn’t care that she was. She really wanted to be sitting where heather was. Stella felt the jealousy burn in her belly. 
Despite the millions of conversations going on around her, Stella simply didn’t care. It took a while but finally, Niall caught her glance. He rolled his eyes at her and Stella had to smile. And then Niall smiled and she felt the jealously fade. 
“What’s so funny?” Heather asked, eyes locked on Stella. 
“Nothing,” Stella answered. “Just an inside joke.”
“Care to share?” She asked, a bite to her tone that made Stella’s eyebrows raise. 
“Not particularly,” Stella answered, an equally as harsh bite. “Not with you, anyways.”
“Stel,” Veda mumbled quietly. 
“She literally made it so awkward,” Stella expressed, exasperated. “Why do you constantly take her side?” 
“I’m not taking anyone’s side I’m just...” Veda trailed off, eyes flicking between the two of them. “I don’t want it to be like this where you guys don’t get along.”
Stella shook her head, standing up, “I’m just gonna go.”
“Stella,” Veda sighed.
“I’m just beyond the point in my life where I need to put up with the Heathers of the world,” Stella said, setting her half drank bottle on the table. 
“It’s not even that serious,” Heather laughed, looking around the room as if everyone would agree with her. 
Stella had one shoe on and was working on the second one when Louis beat her to the door. “You’re not leaving by yourself,” he said. 
“I am leaving by myself,” Stella retorted, slipping her other shoe on. She stood up, looking more defeated than she should have. “Let me go, please.”
“I’m going with you,” Veda said from behind her. 
“I don’t want you to come with me,” Stella shook her head. 
“I don’t care,” Veda shot back. “I’m coming anyways.”
Stella didn’t have it in her argue. She pushed the door open, stepping out into the hallway. Veda was two steps behind her, closing the door. 
“Stella, why do you always think I won’t choose you?” Veda asked, voice soft as they got out onto to street. 
Goosebumps rose on Stella’s skin as the cool air hit her. She shook her head, eyes glued to the cracks of the concrete, “I don’t know.”
“It’s been 8 years, of course I’m always going to be on your side,” Veda told her, arm slung over her shoulders. 
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fairchildjace · 4 years
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Klaroline Bingo 2020 (1/?) - “Flowers” - Flowers are romantic
This was written for Klaroline Bingo @klaroline-events.
“Caroline Forbes, beautiful, clever and brilliant”, that were the words that Teen Vogue used to describe her on the interview she did about her lifestyle coach business. At the time of that interview she was confident on herself and her business, really believing those words that were used by the magazine. Now, 7 months later, the only thing she was completely sure was that her life was a disaster and it was all by her own doing.
Okay maybe her business was getting big and became instafamous, but her personal life was a complete disaster. She managed to disappoint everyone on her life, specially her best friend, Klaus Mikaelson, the person she was madly in love with, and who she was pretty sure couldn’t look at her right now.
Klaus and Caroline known each other since sophomore year, when Klaus’ family moved to the USA. Although he was quite popular – mostly because his looks –, he was always by himself to focused on some drawing on his sketch book. He barely spoke, but when he did, would always be to annoy the person who was his listener, Klaus was just as arrogant as he was charming. And he loved to rile Caroline up, especially after she won Miss Mystic Falls on their junior year.
After they finished school, they became friends after Caroline’s best friend, Bonnie, started dating Klaus’s younger brother, Kol. So, during their years studying in New York, Klaus and Caroline would find themselves together at the bar while Bonnie and Kol were making eyes at each other. Those times that they forced to spend together actually showed how much they had in common and they became friends really fast.
At that time nothing romantic transpired between them because Caroline was still with her high school boyfriend, Tyler Lockwood, whom now she referred to as douchebag. After Caroline found out Tyler cheated on her several times, Klaus took care of her stuff that was still at Tyler’s house and made sure she wouldn’t have to deal with any Lockwood until she was ready.
Ever since they became best friends, they were always there for each other, raising each other up when they deserved, lecturing each other when they were wrong on something, being there during the good and the bad times. When Caroline’s mother died, Klaus held her all through the night and made sure she was well fed and taken care of, he helped her with the funeral and organizing her mother’s home, never leaving her alone. Just as Caroline did when Klaus found out that his father wasn’t really his father, which explained all the kinds of abused he suffered by his not-father when he was younger.
After Mikael Mikaelson revealed that he wans’t Klaus biological father, he also informed him that he was cut from the will, just as he wouldn’t pay for his apartment in New York, nor receive a place on the family Company. That left Klaus broken.
 After that, Caroline asked Klaus to join her in Chicago, where she was about to open her lifestyle coaching business and could really use his help. They moved to Chicago and opened Caroline’s business. They would never see eye to eye on stuff and were always bickering. Klaus liked to say that that was side effect of both their stubborn and determined personalities.
Caroline’s stepfather, Steven, was quite rich and he not only gave Caroline the capital to open her business, but he also let Klaus and Caroline live in his gigantic apartment until they could afford to get one for themselves.
After some well-done jobs, and a little help from one of Caroline’s friend Katherine that worked at Tenn Vogue, they got that interview, which was great marketing and helped putting them on the radar and getting bigger clients.
And that was when everything started going downhill.
One of these so-called important clients was Caroline’s ex, douchebag, and his fiancée, Hayley Marshall, the daughter of a senator. Klaus gave Caroline all his support if she wanted to turn them down, but both knew that even if they were becoming famous, they still didn’t have enough cash to turn down any potential client.
The job itself ended up being quite easy but dealing with Tyler and Hayley was a completely nightmare.
It was such a nightmare that Caroline even hired an assistant to help her with all of Hayley’s demand. Camille O’Connel was the right choice as an assistant, she was hard working and too nice for her own good. Camille and Caroline became instant friends and confidents.
Caroline and her fond of matchmaking – due to her whole lifestyle coach way of living – tried her best to find Camille the best of matches, something better than her current crush, the computer guy called Vincent. All dates Caroline set for Camille ended up on heartbreak and devastation – yeah, not so great.
Klaus did warn her that she should not meddle on her friends love life and that everyone she set Camille with were wrong, but of course she didn’t listen.
After a turn of event, that ended up with Caroline insulting one of her late mother’s best friend, Klaus screaming at her how disappointed he was on her and him leaving her along to pick up the pieces.
She would never forget Klaus face when lectured her off and told he was leaving.
“Badly done Caroline. It was truly badly done. I expected more of you” were Klaus exact words.
That was a month ago.
After two weeks of him radio silence, not answering her calls and not replying to her texts, Caroline found out through Bonnie that he had left to London to solve some family affairs regarding his biological father.
Caroline really wanted to text him, wish him good luck, but she knew to take a hint. No matter how painful it was.
It was on the last week that everything totally crumbled. She was at the office with Camille, getting some stuff done, mostly trying to distract herself from all her thoughts about Klaus.
1 week ago ( 3rd week without Klaus / miserable week nº 3)
“So, Klaus told me that he would probably be coming back next week, but it would be really briefly. Apparently, he has to go back to London right after.” Camille commented as they were arranging the seating charts of the next event.
“Oh. Did he?” Caroline tried to conceal her surprise on finding out that Klaus was talking to Camille but not her. “Did he say something about getting back to work?”
“Not really. But I can ask him next time he call me. Would you like that?” Camille didn’t notice Caroline fists closing.
“I would. If you don’t mind, of course. We aren’t on good terms right now…” Caroline replied trying to control her voice.
After a small silence she couldn’t contain her curiosity no longer. “So, do you guys been talking a lot?”
“Yes! Caroline, I thought you would never ask” Camille couldn’t barely contain her excitement. “I’m pretty sure he is going to ask me out as soon as he return to Chicago. Can you believe it? Me, simple Camille O’Connel caught Klaus freaking Mikaelson eyes?”
“What?” Caroline knew her jealously was showing, but she didn’t give a damn. “What you mean Klaus is going to ask you out? Camille, are you sure? Klaus can be quite charming when he wants to be, but please don’t mistake this with real affection.”
“You think he wouldn’t want to date me? You think someone like Klaus could never be interest in someone like me?” Camille’s voice was so quite Caroline almost didn’t listen. “Why?”
That escalated real quick.
“Because he is Klaus. He is infuriating, arrogant, short tampered. Because –“ Caroline couldn’t finish it because she was cut by Camille.
“Really Caroline? And you call the man your best friend? Klaus he is considerate, he is charming, patient, loving.” Caroline knew and cherish that side of Klaus all to well. “Once I told him that I hadn’t had time for lunch, and he went out and got me a salad”.
Caroline tried really hard not to laugh of the image of Klaus going out to buy Camille a salad, but the laugh turned to a cry when she realized that Klaus would only ever do that for someone he really cared about.
“Camille, I’m sorry.” Caroline reached for the girls’ hand, trying to calm herself. “If Klaus gave you reason to believe he has feelings for you, then it must be true. He is the last guy who would intentionally lead a girl on when he really didn’t have feelings for her, right?”
Not after some of the heartbreaks his sister had been through. After he saw the damage that Stefan Salvatore did to Rebekah he never again gave his affection to anyone so freely.
“Yeah, that was what I thought…” Camille gave Caroline a small smile. “When he asked me if I was seeing anyone, I took that as a huge sign that he was interested.”
“He asked you that?”
The ringing of the company’s phone had Camille running to get that before she couldn’t answer Caroline’s question.
Klaus had just walked through the doors of their apartment. She thought he wouldn’t be coming back to flat while he was back at Chicago. At least not while Caroline was at home. Since he was doing his best to avoid her through the entire month, she just assumed he would keep doing that once he returned.
She was stress cleaning when he approached her. Klaus looked handsome as ever, with a dark henley, black jeans, suitcase in one hand and flowers in the other.
Flowers. He thought flowers were romantic. Of course, those flowers where for Camille. He was totally going to wreck her heart in a million pieces without even knowing.
“Stress cleaning, love?” he approached her. “Really?”
“You are back” she lounged herself at him for a hug. “I didn’t think you were ever coming back”
They stayed like that for a while. Klaus rocking her back, and tears rolling down her face.
“Hey! I’m always coming back for you sweetheart” Klaus pushed her back enough to look into her eyes to show how serious he was about it. “I thought you knew it”.
“I didn’t know that” Caroline whispered. “Not after what I did to Jenna… I thought you have had enough…”
“Never” he brushed her tears from her eyes.  
“I heard you went to England, huh?” Caroline asked putting some distance between them.
“My biological father decided to show up. Apparently he is the owner of Wolf Limited back at England and wanted not only to meet me, but he also want to train me to be his successor” Klaus told her.
“This is huge! Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! Is he nice? How long had he known about you? Is he better than Mikael? I mean, that is not hard, but is good to make sure…” he knew her rambling way too well and knew that he should let her vent out before start answering all of his questions.
“Caroline, love, breathe” he laughed at her exasperated face. “I know! I know! “It’s huge” -” he even gestured for her. “He is quite nice, very much like me, clever, brooding artist, way too into the boring stuff and all that”.
“Does he have the same cute dimples and terrible taste for movies?”
“Yes. And let’s not forget about the amazing jaw line” he joked with her. “But he is much, much better than Mikael. He is a good person, too good to be true..”
“Hey! Don’t be skeptical about this! Just because Mikael was an ass, it doesn’t mean that your real father will be also” she reached for his hand. “I really would like to meet him! The father of my favourite person on the world”
“That is exactly why I came back” he didn’t let go of her hand. “Ansel, my biological father, wants to meet all of the important people in my life. He will be coming here in Chicago in a few weeks, and I was thinking that maybe my favourite lifestyle coach business could help me with that”.
“I’m your favourite lifestyle coach business, really?”
“You’re my favourite everything, love” his thumb was drawing circles on the back of her hand.
“What?” her heartbeat was so fast she was pretty sure he could feel it where their hands were connected.
With his free hand he reached for the flowers that he was holding earlier – Camille’s flowers.
He was going to tell her about Camille. He was going to her that he loved Camille. It was like the world was spinning and she couldn’t hold back the tears that found their way back into her eyes. She wanted to stop him, she wanted to scream her feelings for him, beg him to not break her heart.
But she couldn’t do any of those things. Klaus was her best friend and she loved him too much. Better have him in her life as a friend than not have him in her life at all.
“Caroline, I wanted to tell you that – “Klaus stopped as soon as he saw the tears on her face. “You are crying?”
“No! It is nothing! I’m just too emotional that you are back” she squeezed his hand encouraging him to continue. “I’m your friend, and I will always be here for you and listen to you as your friend”
“My friend? Is that what you want” Klaus frowned, hands dropping hers.
“I just want you to be happy. I want you to be happy more than anything” she replied softly, trying to ignore the emptiness she felt now that he had stepped back a little.
“You have no idea what I’m talking about” he stated.
“No, Caroline, it is your turn to listen to me.” Klaus words were determined.
Slowly, as if he was afraid of how she would react, he put the flowers on her hand. “These are for you”.
Everything stopped.
Klaus was giving her flowers. The most beautiful flowers. “I told you I could get a girl flowers”.
“For me?” his reply was a simple nod.
“But flowers are romantic” she said softly more to herself, looking disbelieving to the flowers.
After a few seconds she dared to look back up at Klaus, he was looking expectantly at her, waiting for her brain to catch up with what he had just told her with these flowers. “Flowers are romantic” Caroline stated again, this time looking at Klaus and starting to grasp the concept of him giving her flowers.
He once told her that he would only give a girl flowers when he truly loved her. For Klaus there were nothing more romantic than to give a girl flowers, and that was the precise reason he had never giving flowers to any girl before.
Klaus reached for her hand one more time. “Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, I don’t have the words to tell you how much in love with you I am. But maybe If I loved you less, I could tell you more. I don’t want to be just friends with you, I want to be your last love”.
“But-, I mean - , I thought – “ Caroline tried to answer him, tell him her feelings, but it was too much of shock. A few minutes ago, she was pretty sure he was about to her that he had feelings to another, not that he had feelings for her.
“Clearly you don’t have the words either. I guess we have a first time for everything” he even laughed at the state of shock that she was.
  As soon as everything Caroline mind caught up with what was happening, she saw that his amused expression at her loss of words just wouldn’t do. So, she did the only logical thing to do at that moment, she kissed him. She kissed the hell out of him, as if she was trying to tell him all of her feelings through that kiss.
After the initial shock, Klaus reacted, letting his hand letting hers go just so he could put them on her waist, wandering on her back, bringing her even closer to him. Kissing Klaus felt like coming home after a long time. Caroline started the kiss slow, taking her time discovering his mouth, memorizing the taste of his lips against hers. One of her hands found their way to his hair, as the other went stroked the place on his cheeks where his dimples made their way when he was smiling.
Then Klaus decided that it was his time to control the kiss. He moved them until her back found the wall. His kiss was languid and sensual. He nipped her bottom lip, stroking his tongue along the bite, and then kissing her merciless until she was panting. He moved his lips from her mouth, giving her skin open mouthed kisses. He started with the side of her lips, her cheeks and made is way through her neck. Caroline eyes were closed, her hands on his hair, tugging a little as she couldn’t contain a moan. Klaus smiled against her skin, enjoying the affect he had on her.
“This feels even better than what I imagined” Caroline couldn’t control the worlds that escaped her mouth when Klaus hands found their way under her shirt.
“Dreamed of me often?” Klaus pulled back to look at her eyes. “Later you have to tell me all about that” he brushed her hair behind her ear, with a goofy smile on his face. He brought his thump to stroke her kissed lips. Savouring the image she made for him - only for him she thought.
On that moment, looking at Klaus eyes, seeing his how disheveled he looked by the wondering of her hands, Caroline couldn’t contain how pleased and happy she felt.
He moved to resolve their kissing, but Caroline stopped him.
“What?” he looked intrigued.
“I promised myself I would tell you this the next time we saw each other.” She stroked his cheeks. “Klaus Mikaelson, I love you.”
As soon as the words left her mouth Klaus kissed her deeply. His hand stroked her cheek. Different than the other kiss, this once was sofly, slow and short. His head went a little back so he could rest his forehead against her.
They stayed like that for a while, just breathing each other in.
After a few heartbeats, Klaus put some more distance between them, not much - never much. “What about we go out for lunch?”
“Like a date?” she teased.
“Yes” he smiled.
“I would love nothing more” she smiled back.
Caroline put the flowers on vase. Picked her purse and waited for Klaus on the door of their apartment. As soon as he appeared, he took her hand on his, leading her down the hall.
While they waited for the elevator, she told him what he had missed on those weeks he been away and making it pretty clear that he never again should go M.I.A on her.
“Love, what did you thought I was going to tell you before?” he asked curious, with an amused smile on his face at her panic reaction.
“Oh my gosh! That!” the panic became embarrassment rather fast. “Do you remember Camille? You know the girl who you talked and answered her texts these last few weeks?”
“Is this jealousy that I detect?” his amused smiled turned into a very smug one.
“Shut up! But yes, it is” he was grinning at her. “Shut up!” she said shoving him back a little. “I mean, apparently you gave her reasons to believe you were interested in her. And in the way she told me, even I thought that you were going to take the next step with Camille, which I really reproach because she is our employee and it would be way such a legal problem.”
“Of course,” his eyes twinkled at the jealousy she was showing. He was enjoying this way too much on her opinion. “But I don’t see how I could have given Camille the impression that I was interested on her.”
“Klaus, you didn’t talk to me the whole month but you talked to her,” She started listing.
“Because of work! I couldn’t let all the incompetents bring our business down. I mean I was mad at you, but I wouldn’t leave you to your demise. She just happens to be really good at her job, so I knew I could leave it to her to help you”
She just gave him a nonbelieving look.
“You were really nice to her, even bought her lunch. Like you aren’t nice to anyone who isn’t me or one of your siblings.”
“Because she needed to be healthy to help you.” Flashed her a smirk. “That, and there was this salad that I had bought and wouldn’t eat because you asked me to join you for lunch that they. She was hungry and I had good food that would be wasted.”
“Ok! Why did you asked if she was seeing anyone?”
“Vincent asked me to!”
“Oh! That makes so more sense” Caroline reached for his hand again. “I went a little crazy when she told me all about how she thought she had caught the eye of ‘Klaus freaking Mikaelson’.” Klaus flinched at that.
“The only person ever caught my eye is Caroline freaking Forbes” he pushed her close so he could kiss her cheek, putting his arm around shoulder.
They strolled towards their favourite Italian restaurant just like that.
Caroline couldn’t remember a time when she was happier than this. As they bickered and joked all Caroline could think: at last everything is fine.
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Medical Mechanical-Ch. 2
Daniel was out of the house well before the sun could make it over the horizon. He was running on day-old coffee and one of his daughter's granola bars. He'd wanted to make breakfast and a little something for her, but his head still felt like it was splitting apart. The low brain fuel only made the ache and his lack of focus worse. He had to reign the Cadillac back into the center of the lane several times. The old thing needed an alignment, something he never had time for and wouldn’t let anyone else do.
He cursed when he realized he'd drifted off again. Thankfully, it was still far too early for there to be much traffic. He could see the gates in the distance and sighed. He wouldn't need to be as focused on his work as his driving, but he wasn't looking forward to what they had in store for him today.
Diana walked into first period to hear the newest whispered conspiracies surrounding Medical Mechanical and her father. A few other students stopped and stared at her, waiting for a reaction she refused to give. She took her seat without looking at anyone. Out of the corner of her eye, she spied Megan and her cronies snickering at whatever insult the girl had said. Joanne, or satellite number two, as Diana had nicknamed her, whispered something else as Ethan strode by them. They laughed even harder.
The boy rolled his eyes before taking his seat at the desk behind Diana, one space to the right. He gave her an apologetic look as he did so. She still wasn't sure how she should be taking his attitude towards her. His mother was the only other adult in the town that worked at Medical Mechanical like her father. He got just as much flak for it as she did. There was no reason for him to feel sorry for her when he was in the same boat, but she was glad for it. She liked him better than everyone else. It was nice to have someone around who didn't ridicule her.
It was certainly nice to be around someone who made her feel better.
Diana smiled a bit as she heard him nudge his desk an inch closer to hers. They'd be side-by-side within the next week.
The last few students filtered in, followed by the teacher, and so began the long day of boredom. By the time she reached chemistry, Diana found her mind once again wandering to her father and his mysterious work. Just what was he doing in that facility and why was it kept so secret? She knew she wasn't the only one with trust issues towards the company; everyone thought it was weird. When MM had first showed up and her classmates had discovered her dad was working for them, they'd been interested. When she couldn't answer any of their questions and the rumors began spreading, they thought it was freaky. There were so many conspiracies now and at least a third of them came from her fellow students.
It wasn't her fault her dad wanted to work in the medical industry. It wasn't her fault Medical Mechanical was the only option. It certainly wasn't her fault that the old hospital had been torn down to make room for that cement prison. But everyone said it was. They all gave her a wide berth for something she had no control over and very little understanding of herself. All except one.
Class ended and Diana gathered up her things and snuck out the chemistry lab through the alarmed back door. No one noticed her as she ghosted along behind the buildings, away from the throng of other students. The only thing the staff had noticed was the missing set of keys. As far as they were concerned, they were forever lost. She cleared the school grounds and went about unlocking her bike from the light pole. Small pangs of jealously hit her as she watched some of her classmates get into cars. Some were used beaters, hand-me-downs from parents or older siblings, and some were brand new, but they were all theirs. She wondered if her father would ever find the time to get her something.
She mounted her bike but before she could start going a hand gripped her shoulder. Looking back revealed Ethan. She forced her stomach to still.
"Hey," she said, tone causal.
"Hey." He stepped in front of her, face blank.
"What's up?" His sudden interest in actually speaking to her threw her off guard. It was so different from the game they played, acknowledging each other without words, acting like they couldn't care less in the process. "You always sneak up on people like this?"
He shrugged. "It only works when they're too distracted to notice." He traced his gaze to where she'd been looking moments prior. "Doesn't your dad work on cars?"
"Yeah, when he's not trapped at work."
"You're mad he hasn't gotten you anything."
"Yeah," she breathed out. "He's been so focused on work lately that I don't think he even remembers I can drive. All he ever thinks about is his job." She met his eyes and saw he held the same sentiment. "Does your mom like anything that isn't medical related?"
Ethan shrugged again, looking to the side. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he said, "I'm not entirely sure she even does anything medical related."
"Well, the company is named Medical Mechanical," she said, trying to sound light-hearted. "What else are they gonna do with a name like that?" The sudden darkness in his eyes as he looked at her made her stomach drop.
"You don't really think that, do you? I mean, I know you've heard the rumors."
"Well, yeah." She sighed. "I just... The thought of that stuff kinda scares me." They always had.
"Same. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna pretend they might not be true."
They stared at each other, silent as the world went on around them.
"I'll, uh, see you around," Diana said, breaking the trance. She moved past him.
"See you tomorrow," he returned. She nodded and rode off without looking back. He regarded her as she pedaled into the distance, and it wasn't until well after she was gone that he started walking towards home.
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smoochcal · 5 years
numb without you (part fourteen)
a/n: thank you for your continuous support of my writing and this series! as always a special shoutout goes to miss el for being my greatest inspiration throughout my writing (especially with this series) I’m sorry these updates aren’t very often, but I am trying my best to keep up with my writing along with my school work that seems to just keep piling up more and more as I approach the end of this semester. any feedback you want to give me (questions, comments, concerns) regarding this series or the update in general you can leave in my inbox :) you can read part thirteen here and I hope you enjoy the latest part of numb without you!
pairing: lukexreader
playlist: numb without you by the maine, overlap by catfish and the bottlemen
word count: 1.6k
rating: PG-13
summary: you meet calum’s roommate for the first time, you discuss baby names with luke
warnings: swearing, mentions of slight jealousy
Y/N’s POV:
She was so much prettier than you thought she would be. Not that you doubted Calum’s taste in the slightest, but you really did not expect her to be this stunning. She was literally in sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt that you were pretty sure used to be Calum’s but that didn’t matter right now. What did matter is that you have been staring at her dumbfoundedly for the past thirty seconds instead of responding to her nice gesture or at least shaking her hand that she presented to you in order to shake yours.
You snap out of whatever shocked daze you were currently in and shake her hand in addition to mumbling “you as well.”
You sat there for another minute or so before you pull Calum away from the awkward space his living room has now become and into his kitchen to speak to him more privately. “You didn’t tell me she was so pretty...” you trail off as you simultaneously hit his arm to grab his attention. His mind was obviously still in the living room with RM/N, but you really needed him here in the kitchen with you right now instead of ogling over the girl he spends the majority of his time with these days.
“Sorry?” he says, blatantly confused to what you are getting at and what you exactly want him to say to make things better. “I mean you didn’t even know about her until a few hours ago so I thought it wasn’t necessary to bring up the fact that I find her attractive and others may find her pretty as well because I thought it might just make things worse…” he mumbles, hoping that the little explanation he just gave you would ultimately make things better with the situation at hand, but honestly his words did not make the slightest difference with how overwhelmed you currently felt.
You stare at him like he just said the dumbest shit in the world, which in that moment he practically did, and you found yourself walking back into the living room to Luke and RM/N talking like they were both old friends catching up for the first time in years which kind of rubbed you the wrong way. First she is living with Calum and will most likely be a big part of both you and your daughter’s life if she sticks around and now she is talking to your best friend like they have known one another for longer than the 48 hours that have passed since they were first introduced to each other.
You smile at Luke before you sit down directly next to him, hoping he can sense how awkward you feel currently. You know it was kind of your idea to come and visit RM/N and meet her for the first time, but now that you are here you just feel like you are invading on some private thing that her and Calum have together. If you’re being honest with yourself, you are not exactly comfortable with the thought that Calum and RM/N are practically eye fucking each other every time they are in the same room together regardless of if anyone else is also in that room. You want him to be happy of course but he also needs to think logically about who exactly he is bringing into your daughter’s life before she is even born.
You sit there as Luke and RM/N continue their conversation, only looking up when they seem to abruptly stop their conversation. You realize Calum has come into the room again, which immediately answers your suspicions about why Luke and RM/N stopped talking. You were really over the whole situation that was unfolding currently, and Luke wasn’t catching what you thought were obvious calls for help. You excuse yourself to go outside for some fresh air, hoping that the three of them in the room got the message you were trying to portray by leaving for a bit.
Luke’s POV:
Y/N left as soon as Calum entered the room. You could almost cut the tension with a knife, and not in a good way. Sure, you could see the obvious sexual tension between RM/N and Calum, but at this point you couldn’t blame either of them. If you look back at it you and Y/N definitely did kind of walk in on their home life, but you didn’t think it was that big of a deal considering RM/N was trying to be civil with Y/N and Calum was the one to offer to drive us here. You also know that any kind of stress really isn’t good for Y/N or the baby so you hope that all of the awkwardness will end soon for their sake.
You decide, probably against your better judgement, to join Y/N outside so RM/N and Calum can get their shit together or get whatever they need to out of their system and also so you could help Y/N calm down and get her mind off of things. You find Y/N sitting down outside in Calum’s backyard and you’re honestly surprised that she doesn’t have her feet dipped in the water of his pool. The three of you have only been over to Calum’s place a few times together, but most of the time she is sitting by the edge of his pool. You hate to see her so stressed out like this, but you admit it is kind of cute seeing her a little jealous over someone else being in Calum’s life, even if you wanted her jealously to stem because of you and not him.
“So, have you thought of any names for your baby yet?” you ask Y/N, hoping to get her mind off of the current shit show that is happening.
“I haven’t really put much thought to it yet, Luke,” Y/N mumbles, not really making eye contact with you.
“Well I was thinking you could name her Lou…” you start, hoping she will catch on to what you were getting at.
“Lou? As in Luke? You really want me to name my bastard child after you?” she questions, which makes you immediately regret asking her in the first place.
“No…definitely not…I mean, how about we name her Petunia?” you inquire in a desperate attempt to change the tone in her voice.
“I’m not naming my daughter after your DOG, Lucas.” Y/N states, obviously still annoyed. You sigh knowing that she did not even sense the sarcasm in your voice.
“I know that, Y/N. I was just trying to move your focus off of this shitty situation with a little humor…I guess I’m failing at that though” you mumble, moving your eyes away from hers that were already avoiding eye contact with you anyway.
“At this point, we might as well name her RM/N since Calum seems to like girls with that name…” Y/N says as she rolls her eyes and messes with her hair, something she is known to do when she is nervous and not messing with the butterfly necklace she normally wears around her neck.
“I know you are mostly joking, but if you want to talk about it, I’m here,” you state while looking at Y/N with utmost sincerity.
“I think I just need some time to fully wrap my head around this…” she starts, “it’s a lot to drop on someone important in your life, let alone the mother of your unborn child…”
“Yeah, I understand that,” you reply, putting your hand on top of hers to remind her that you could be a shoulder for her to lean on if she needs one. You know you will always be there to support her through the best and the worst times and you can only hope that she feels the same way about you. You two have been close friends for years and you know you should have made your move by now. It’s probably a little too late considering she is pregnant with your friend’s kid, and now isn’t necessarily the best time when you take into account how upset she is towards the whole RM/N existing situation.
You rub your thumb on the top of her hand as she slowly places her hand into your own. Moments like this allow you to feel comfortable, maybe too comfortable, but comfortable nonetheless with Y/N. Moments like these make you feel like you could love her forever. And you weren’t even going to chastise your brain for choosing the word love because you are fairly certain that is the best word to describe how you feel towards Y/N. Love. You love Y/N. And if you don’t do anything about it soon, you are pretty sure that you may explode.
Calum’s POV:
You know that you should probably discuss the entire situation with Y/N in a professional co-parenting type of way, but you can’t help but laugh with RM/N in your living room right now at how awkward the whole thing is. You are glad RM/N is being such a sport about the whole thing. You know she feels the same way you feel about her. The romantic shit or whatever words you would use to describe how you feel about her. If it were up to you, she would be your girlfriend and this whole thing would not be as awkward as all four of you were currently making it. RM/N will probably be in your daughter’s life and you are sure that is why Y/N is being so weird about the whole thing. You sigh and smile at RM/N before deciding to head outside and talk to Y/N privately, knowing you will have to ask Luke to leave the two of you alone for a moment in order to discuss how you are going to make all of this work.
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hufflly-puffs · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Chapter 23: The Yule Ball
We learn that Hermione shrank her teeth with magic, something she had been thinking about for a while, but that her parents were against. Within the magical world it is probably a lot easier to change your appearance, but I think this would also put a lot more pressure on young witches to always look perfect. There is probably a huge market for all kind of potions and creams, not to forget spells. And we see in part the result of that with Eloise Midgen, who tried to spell away her acne and then her nose was off centre. It is also likely that eating disorders are quite common, because there are probably some potions to stay thin as well. And Hermione’s refusal to use such products (except for the Yule Ball) and her anger towards Ron (who thinks looks are more important than personality) is probably largely a response to her very superficial environment.
Pretty sure Harry got a new pair of socks every year from Dobby (is this mentioned in the books? I don’t remember, but you know it is true). And Harry kept them all, though he no longer wears them because it breaks his heart every time he sees them.
Talked about this before but Dobby made Harry socks because socks represent freedom to him (they are his favourite clothes). And next to his new master (Dumbledore) Harry is probably the most important person for Harry, and his loyalty to him isn’t part of a magical contract, Dobby is loyal to Harry because he choose to, because Harry after all gave him the freedom of choice. And in the end it is Dobby’s loyalty to Harry that will cause his death.
“Hermione chose to watch Harry and the Weasleys’ snowball fight rather than join in, and at five o’clock said she was going back upstairs to get ready for the ball. ‘What, you need three hours?’ said Ron […].” – Do you ever as a woman think about society pressuring you to look presentable and the hours you spent in doing so? It took me a long time (and I’m still in the process) to accept myself the way I am, and where I do things like putting make up on for myself rather than believing I’m not beautiful enough without it. And I’m not saying men don’t get judged for how they look, but in a really less significant way. So yeah, Ron wouldn’t know, but he is also not used to Hermione caring about her looks or spending a huge amount of time for it. (And she definitely needed that time for her hair)
I’m not really sure how to feel about Hermione’s transformation for the Yule Ball. It is a well used trope but one that I don’t particular like, because it puts too much value on how someone looks, and establishes the idea that for a woman in order to be seen she has to dress up. And I don’t think Hermione is to blame here or that we in general should judge woman who are interested in fashion and make up, but rather a society who has created an environment where a lot of women (myself included) feel it is necessary to look a certain way in order to get recognized. Hermione gives in to this pressure for one special evening (and again at Bill and Fleur’s wedding) because I think for once she wants to feel special and to have her moment, but overall it is not where her priorities are. It is a social comment in a way to say that she can absolutely pull off to look beautiful (in what society considers to be beautiful), but that she usually doesn’t bother to do so, because she thinks they are more important things and she rather wants to be recognized for her personality and her intelligence. Storywise I think this moment was needed to direct her relationship with Ron in a different direction. Ron needed to see her with someone else romantically interested in her, needed to see her all dressed up in order to realize that his feelings for her have changed. (The same way it needed Harry to see Ginny with someone else to realize he had a crush on her.) And it is interesting that Krum was interested in her before, that he simply liked Hermione the way she is, and I think she needed that in some way as well, that someone was romantically interested in her and valued her the way she is.
“‘Only this morning, for instance, I took a wrong turning on the way to the bathroom and found myself in a beautifully proportioned room I have never seen before, containing a really rather magnificent collection of chamberpots. When I went back to investigate more closely, I discovered that the room had vanished. But I must keep an eye out for it. Possibly it is only accessible at five thirty in the morning. Or it may only appear at the quarter moon – or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder.’” – This of course is the first time the Room of Requirements is mentioned, and Dumbledore even explains how it works – the room provides what you need. I think Dumbledore knew exactly what this room was and how it works and only mentioned it so Harry would know about it. Of course Harry being Harry he forget about it and needed Dobby to bring it to his attention again.
I love that image of both Harry and Ron ignoring their respective partners because they are both too busy moping about the girls they actually wanted to go with. Boys *sigh*
“‘Ron,’ said Harry quietly, ‘I haven’t got a problem with Hermione coming with Krum –’” – Harry reacts completely different than Ron regarding Hermione and Krum. And towards the series he continues to act different towards Hermione than Ron, especially when it comes to Hermione’s love life (and the other way around: see both Harry and Hermione’s reaction when Ron starts dating Lavender). I think that within the books it is hugely evident, starting with the previous chapter, that Ron and Hermione’s relationship is different than the one they each have with Harry. I know that there has been a huge shipping war between Ron/Hermione and Harry/Hermione shippers. But to me it was never about whether Hermione and Harry would have been the better match. Because nothing about the way Harry sees and reacts towards Hermione in the books was in any way romantic. Unlike Ron and his poorly hidden jealously. I never questioned if Hermione and Ron actually fit together, because the story clearly tells us that they are attracted to each other, and that is what is important. They fight a lot but they also deeply care about each other. And Ron has, especially in book 7, a beautiful story of personal growth, that is part of that love story. So at least for me, based on the books alone, I never saw any evidence for Harry/Hermione. But obviously if you ship them I’m the last to say anything against that.
That being said, I think it is different in the movies. Maybe because we can’t see Harry’s thoughts, but they had a couple of Harry/Hermione moments that could be very well romantically interpreted. They also of course had a lot of Ron/Hermione moments. But I think the movies didn’t really do Ron justice (and neither Ginny), so I get why people would have rather seen Harry and Hermione together.
It is revealed that Hagrid is a half-giant and implied that Madame Maxime is one as well. She of course denies that. What is interesting is both Harry and Ron’s reacting to it. Harry doesn’t care because he doesn’t really know anything about giants and their reputation. Ron on the other side is surprised and sees why Madame Maxime wouldn’t want anybody to know about her heritage. Ron thought that the reason why Hagrid was so big was because of spell going wrong or something like it. It is pretty much a “don’t ask, don’t tell”-situation. To someone like Harry or Hermione, who has been brought up outside the wizarding society, it is obvious that Hagrid is a half-giant. Ron however came up with a bunch of other explanations, ignoring the most obvious explanation. People see what they want to see.
There is a sadistic sort of irony that Barty Crouch Jun.’s plan, that would ultimately lead to Cedric’s death, was built on kindness? On Harry’s kindness to tell Cedric about the dragons and that he would return the favour, helping Harry to figure out the egg.
“Harry didn’t say anything. He liked being back on speaking terms with Ron too much to speak his mind right now – but he somehow thought that Hermione had got the point much better than Ron had.” – I was never in a situation where two of my friends became a couple, but it must be really hard, because it always feels like you have to pick a side, and I think at some point Harry was probably afraid to lose one of his friends in the progress of Hermione and Ron getting together, because what if they broke up? What if they made him choose a side? (Though honestly I think Harry would choose Ron over Hermione.)
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queen-scribbles · 7 years
Common Thread
For @pillarspromptsweekly #31: Inquisitor Kinda short, because I wound up having to revamp part of it. (god the title took forever. It’s not perfect, but seriously, I’ve been sitting on this all. day. trying to title it so I don’t care anymore xD)
They came in the middle of the night, and woke her up, which Tavi was more angry about than the fact they were trying to kill her.
Decades of living on the run, constantly on alert, had made her a very light sleeper, however. She was wide awake at the first creak of her window sill, though she feigned otherwise. Questions like who was brazen(or desperate) enough to come after her in Caed Nua rather than on the road, or why, would have to wait for if she left any of the would-be attackers alive. Tavi curled her hand around the hilt of the dagger she kept under her pillow and waited for one of them to get close enough. The floorboards around her bed creaked--something she refused to let the Steward have fixed for this exact reason--so she wouldn’t be caught unawares.
The telltale creak came only a few seconds later, and Tavi was moving almost before the intruders could worry they were given away. Gripping the dagger tight, she rolled across the bed toward the approaching assassins. The second she made contact, she struck, driving her blade deep into the kith’s chest and using her momentum to knock them to the ground.
There were muffled oaths from two other folk who were less close and saw their friend go down. Still trying for some degree of secrecy, they did not raise their voices as they moved to strike at her.
Tavi raised her arms to deflect the blows, forgetting for a moment that she wasn’t using her sabres. By pure luck, the dagger came free of her first victim in time to block one attack, but the other bit into her forearm. “Fuck!”
She rolled away from the first assailant, trusting she’d done enough damage he wouldn’t be a problem, and narrowly dodged another strike as she made it to her feet. Now better able to see the remaining attackers, Tavi lashed out with the dagger and caught one across the throat as he closed in. He went down with a gurle, one hand futilely grasping at the wound.
The last one growled another oath at the sight of his dying fellows. “Vailian bitch, why’d you have to be so fucking difficult?!” He dodged her next swipe at him and grabbed her wrist, twisting until she was almost forced to drop the dagger.
“Sorry,” Tavi grunted, punching him in the face with her free hand. Something cracked and he instinctively loosened his grip enough she could pull away. “I’ve gotten a lot of practice survivin’ shit people hoped would kill me.” She flipped the dagger in her hand and jammed it in the hollow of the man’s collarbone as he staggered.
Even as he fell, he took a final, desperate swing at Tavi with his short sword. He caught her on the shoulder, cutting in toward the center of her chest.
“Even the best of us make mistakes,” he rasped, and the words seared down to Tavi’s soul, dragging her away as she heard the door to her room open.
“Even the best of us make mistakes,” she says reassuringly as Derwa stumbles over a portion of catechism that Petrok reeled off easy as breathing. It’s the first time in months the girl hasn’t done better than her brother, and the gleam in Petrok’s eye makes it clear he’s about to tease.
So she rests a comforting hand on Derwa’s shoulder and sends Petrok a warning look. He gets the message and bites his tongue. Derwa tucks her red curls behind her ears and tries again, doing much better this time.
“There, see?” she says, smiling at the young girl. “I knew you’d remember. Excellent job. Now why don’t you two go see if Mabena or Jory need any help?”
It’s as the gangly twins scurry off that she notices she’s being watched. And by the Grand Inquisitor himself, no less. “You are Kayna, are you not? I’ve heard much regarding how you help the youngest of our faith with their memorization.”
She nods in acknowledgement of the praise. “Thank you, Eminence. It is my pleasure to serve the faith, with everything you’ve done for me.”
The Grand Inquisitor purses his lips. “I wonder, Acolyte Kayna, do you truly believe the words you help our children commit to memory? Or has simple duty overtaken devotion?”
Her heart pounds at the thought he doubts her commitment. “My duty is driven by my devotion, Eminence. I owe the gods far too much to ever let that change.”
He smiles, but it is different than the children’s grins, or the slow spread of delight across her sister’s face. More serious, even in his approval. Like a teacher with a pupil who has given the correct answer to a brainteaser. “I am glad to hear it. Tell me, would you be willing to share what the gods have done for you and your gratitude for it in pursuit of bringing more people to our faith?”
She presses her hands to her chest as if to physically quell the risiing tide of delight. “Willing? Eminence, I’d be honored!”
He nods once, a curt but satisfied motion. “We are having commissioning ceremony for new missionaries at the stat of the new week. It would please me greatly if you were among them, Kayna.”
She nods excitedly, already wondering where her service to the gods will send her. “Of course...”
Coming to her senses after one of those... visions had always been fucking disorienting, but this time was worse than before. Especially given that it was immediately followed by the realization, This isn’t my room.
When she started to push herself up to a sitting position, head buzzing with the lingering tendrils of memory, her shoulder protested sharply. Oh, right. Tavi flopped back at the reminder of what had triggered this episode, feeling the bandages that swathed her injured shoulder with curious fingers. It seemed like a lot, but that wound was in an awkward place to bandage. She was just reaching the point of trying again--this time supporting her weight in her uninjured arm--when there was a relieved sigh from the doorway.
“You’re awake.”
Tavi grinned and carefully but swiftly pushed herself upright. “Worried about me, Corfiser?”
Aloth shrugged, fingers twisting one of his rings. “Shouldn’t I be? You were catatonic when... we found you, and Keya wasn’t sure if that was due to you having another of your... moments, as she put it, or some poison one of the dead assassins had used.” He crossed to sit on the other bed in the room, shifting the disarrayed sheets to be comfortable. “Tavi, do you recall our conversation not too terribly long ago about how you could stand to worry about yourself in combat a little? That extends to assassins infiltrating your bedroom as well.”
“If it had taken more than a minute to deal with, I would’ve,” Tavi retorted defensively. “Didn’t that same conversation involve me sayin’ you could stand to lighten up a little?” She caught the look that flashed across his face and winced. “Sorry, city slick- Aloth. You musta really been worried...” She was fishing a little, but gods forgive her, it was late, she was hurt, and she didn’t really care.
“Yes, well...” He hunched his shoulders and bit his lip briefly before meeting her eyes. “You were unresponsive, Tavi, and neither of your injuries looked severe enough to have caused such a state. I- Keya and I both guessed it might simply be another of your flashbacks, but it seemed to be lasting longer than the previous ones. So, yes, we were- I was worried about you.”
“Sweet of you,” Tavi teased, her heart fluttering. She contemplated swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, so she could better face him, but she was too tired. “Do we know who sent the assholes who were supposed to kill me?”
Aloth nodded, a note of wry sarcasm in his voice as he set a folded piece of parchment on the table between the beds. “You’ll never guess who.”
Normally she would have tried, but she was tired, and her arm hurt. “Fun as it would be to try, why don’t you just tell me?”
Tavi’s eyes widened. “Shit, you’re right, I wouldn’t have guessed that. The Leaden Key or those people who’ve been huntin’ me, yeah, but not him.” She snagged the parchment and folded it open. “His name’s not on this.”
“But his seal is,” Aloth said. “Which I imagine a man like Gathbin guards even more jealously than his name.”
“He must’ve had a lot of faith in these assassins,” Tavi muttered, turning the parchment in her hands. “I mean, there’s gotta be some way to use this against him, right? He tried to have me killed over the fuckin’ keep, there hafta be rules about that.”
“We can talk to Marshal Forwyn in the morning,” Aloth suggested. “In the meantime, Sagani and Edér are retracing the assassins’ steps, to see where they came fom and how they got in, And Keya recruited Kana and Hiravias to go through their effects with her, so maybe they’ll find something more damning.”
“I fuckin’ hope so. This shit is getting annoyin’.” She yawned. “Sorry I worried you.” Exhaustion sat heavy on her, but she didn’t feel like giving in quite yet. She glanced around the room, smirking slightly at the pair of grimoires open on the desk. “Your room?”
It was Aloth’s turn to sound defensive. “Yours is currently covered in blood. And mine was closest.” (It wasn’t; Sagani and Keya’s was, but she wasn’t about to call him on the fib.) Well, closest with an extra bed,” he amended.
“Mm.” Nice save, Corfiser.
He hesitated a moment before asking his next question. “Was it one of your flashbacks?”
Tavi nodded. “Yeah.”
“What did you see this time?”
“I learned what my... her? name was; Kayna. And that that life was a very religious kiss-ass and a wallflower.”
“Nothing like you, then,” Aloth said, teasing glint in his eye.
Tavi squinted at him. “Disappointed?”
He smiled and shook his head. “Never. You should probably get some more sleep. Minimal as your injuries were, you did still lose blood, and Keya said rest will help.”
She nodded. “I will. If you promise to go to sleep, too. I”m fine, these are basically nothing” --she held up her arm with its two bandaged wounds-- “the copperfuckers who tried to kill me are dead, and we have a busy day tomorrow. So since there’s no more danger and I need you functional, the best thing you can do right now is go to sleep with me.” Her cheeks flamed and part of her wanted to hide under the blankets. “I mean, fuck, not with me. At the same time as... You know what I meant.”
Aloth laughed, cheeks slightly pink nevertheless as he settled into bed. “I do. Goodnight, Tavi.”
He blew out the lone candle before rolling over to go to sleep, but Tavi still smiled in the darkness. “Night, city slicker.”
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She’s Got A Boyfriend Anyway. (Ray Toro x Reader)
Note: This was requested by @chloethebinch - I hope you like it, my love.
PS. I haven't forgotten about all of the other requests; they’ll be here soon, i promise. x
Gerard, Mikey and Ray were sitting in the Ways’ basement, surrounded by various instruments and strewn pieces of crumbled up paper, chattering amongst themselves. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence; the basement had become somewhat of an oasis for them. A place to go whenever they felt particularly inspired; if they needed to discuss something regarding My Chemical Romance; or even just to use as a haven. Point is, more often than not, the band members could be found there.
The sound of the basement door barging open and Frank’s running down the stairs startled the guys and snapped them out of their engrossment with either their instrument or their writing.
“Guys, I found us a drummer!” Frank beamed excitedly.
“Yeah?” Mikey asked, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of a new band member, “Who is he?”
“Who is she,” Frank correct, yet Mikey still stared confusedly at him, “You asked ‘who is h’- oh, nevermind,” Frank clicked his tongue and turned to face the door, “(Y/N), you can come in!”
The moment you walked through the door, Ray, Mikey and Gerard instantly perked up and noticeably straightened their posture. As you made your way down the stairs, each of their gazes were transfixed on you, which, admittedly, made you slightly uncomfortable, but you trusted Frank and he assured you that even though they were a bit weird, they were totally harmless.
“Dibs,” Ray whispered to the brothers, who in turn both shot daggers at him. “What? It’s only fair. You guys always get the girls…”
“She’s so hot,” Mikey remarked under his breath, as you made your way closer.
“So hot,” Gerard mumbled.
Frank sniggered at his bandmates’ clear infatuation with you as he placed an arm around your shoulders.
“Guys, (Y/N). (Y/N), these are the losers I told you about. That’s Mikey and Gerard - they’re brothers – and that’s Ray,” Frank introduced, pointing at each of the guys in turn.
“Hi,” you waved, “It’s lovely to meet you all.” You smiled at Ray, making his heart flutter.
“Believe me, the pleasure is ours,” Gerard spoke up, “But, uh, if you wanna be our drummer, we’re gonna have to ask you a couple of questions first. That okay?”
“Oh, um, yeah, yeah, that's fine,” you responding, moving to sit down on the two-seater as the rest of the guys piled onto the three-seater, Frank ending up sitting on both the brother’s lap due to the lack of space.
For a moment, they all just stared at you without saying a word and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat.
“So… are you guys gonna ask me anything or…?”
“OH! Yeah, yeah,” the guys reached for random pieces of paper and pen, not really intending to write anything down. They didn't even truly have any set interview questions; they just wanted an excuse to stare at you.
“Forgive them,” Frank rolled his eyes, “They haven’t gotten laid in like, a century, so being so close to a beautiful female is kinda, excuse the pun, hard for them.”
You tried your hardest to supress your laughter as his comment gained a chorus of ‘hey’s’ and curse words from the guys. Mikey and Gerard even shoved Frank off of their lap and onto the floor, where he now stayed.
“Okay, so, (Y/N), how long have you been playing for?” Gerard asked, cheeks still pink from Frank’s remark.
“For as long as I can remember. My family is very musically inclined, so my parents started my siblings and I off very young. They say that I was playing drums before I could walk,” you chuckled, which made the guys smile.
“And, uh, why do you wanna be a part of our band?” Mikey questioned.
“I’m a huge fan. Have been ever since Frank invited me to one of your shows a few months ago. I think you guys are phenomenal.”
The guys looked taken aback as well as flattered by your comment. Well, except for Frank. He just smiled and winked at you, and you smiled back, prompting the other three to glare at him. Partly out of jealously, and partly out of anger that he hadn't mentioned you sooner. Or introduced you to them at the show you went to.
“Why don’t you show them what you can do,” Frank cocked his head at the drum kit in the corner of the room, ignoring his friends’ dirty looks.
And that’s exactly what you did. Twenty years of playing drums, and it was almost second nature to you. You manoeuvred excellently, hitting the drums with a precision and passion that left the guys speechless, as Frank just smiled smugly.
When you finished, you beamed widely at the four of them who were still speechless. As soon as you stood up, though, you were met with raucous applause, making you giggle as you took a bow.
“So, I think it’s safe to say that you’re now a member of My Chemical Romance, right guys?” Frank spoke and the others added their agreements.
“Thank you guys,” you gushed.
“I have a question,” Ray chimed as he looked at you, “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Uh, actually, yeah, I do.”
The next few months were quite easily the best months of your life. After all the bullshit you’d been through, you finally felt like you found a place where you belonged.
And that place was in My Chemical Romance.
From word go, the guys had taken you under their wing and treated you like nothing short of a queen.
You’d always had a pretty good relationship with Frank, but being in a band with him strengthened that beyond belief, and now, he was like a big brother to you; always looking out for you, saving you from interviewers’ prying questions and just making sure you were always doing fine.
Mikey and Gerard reminded you a lot of your younger twin brothers. Not just because they themselves were siblings, but also because they would constantly want to spend time with you, talking about comics, music and asking for help with girl troubles.
All in all, it was quite accurate to say that the boys were literally like family.
And then there was Ray.
Right from the start, Ray made no effort to hide his ever-growing crush on you, and he didn't seem to care whether you, or any else, knew about it. He wasn’t so bad that it made you feel uncomfortable or violated in any way, of course; he’d usually just pass cute comments your way or tell you how beautiful you looked that day. And although you wouldn’t admit it to yourself, you slowly started falling for him, too.
Your relationship with your boyfriend was never a strong one to begin with – the two of you were set up by mutual friends, and decided to give it a go for their sake; clearly, that idea was doomed from the start – but lately, you seemed to be drifting apart far more rapidly than usual. You’d try to pretend nothing was wrong; you’d go to his baseball matches and he’d come to your shows, but your relationship was honestly a lost cause.
“You were sick tonight, (Y/N/N)!” Frank complimented, high-fiving you.
“Not as good as you, but thanks,” you smiled, “Hey, have you seen Dean? He’s usually waiting backstage for me.”
“Yeah, I think I saw him going into the bathroom over there,” Frank pointed in the direction he’d last seen your boyfriend walking in.
You said a quick thanks and started towards the bathroom to wait for Dean. When you approached the door, you heard the distinct sound of a woman giggling and you immediately knew what was going to happen next: You’d open the door, see Dean and some random skank making out – or, if you’re really lucky, fucking, - , and then he’d half-heartedly try to explain himself.
But you opened the door, nonetheless, because you were way past caring about this relationship.
You sighed deeply, pushed the door open and your suspicions were confirmed.
“Nice one.”
 When you walked into the tour bus a few days later, the guys went completely silent, not knowing whether to act normal, like you hadn’t just broke up with your boyfriend or to shower you with condolences because you had just broke up with your boyfriend.
Mikey decided to go with a, “You look great!” which resulted in the other three mumbling in approval.
“Thanks! It’s amazing what getting rid of a cheating jerk can do to your complexion!”
Frank found that absolutely hilarious, and burst out laughing before muttering a ‘sorry’ when the other three shot him stern looks.
“It’s okay,” you assured, “Never loved him anyways.”
You made your way to the fridge to grab a soda, and Ray followed.
“Hey,” he smiled.
“Hi,” you smiled back.
“Listen, I know you said that you’re fine and that you don't care or whatever but… just know that I really, really care about you and if there’s anything you need, I’m here.”
“Actually, there is something.”
“What is it?”
“Kiss me.”
So he did.
And you’d never felt so complete.
Thank you for reading x
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obsidianarchives · 5 years
To All The Wizards: The Test
Heart racing, sweaty palms, blushing, Hermione ticked off things on the list she’d mentally been keeping, and the butterflies!
She had run through this same list several times over the last couple of days. So much so, that it was invading her dreams. She rolled over, pulling the red patterned quilt on her bed over her head, attempting to hide from the shaft of light streaming in through the gap in the hangings. There was no getting around it. There was really only one explanation for her embarrassing outburst.
At first, she couldn’t understand what in Merlin’s name could have made her snap at Dean like that. She had never been so worked up about a boy, over something so trivial. But if that were true, when had her feelings changed? The list echoed in her mind, “heart racing, sweaty palms, blushing—” she groaned into her pillow, feeling her face go red.
She had tried being rational, but over the last few days even a glance from Dean would twist her stomach into knots. They had an agreement, she tried to remind herself. This was unprofessional and she felt mortified.
Flopping back over and throwing the covers off, she huffed, blowing a wild tendril of hair out of her face.
“Calm and steady,” she murmured to herself.
There was no need to be this dramatic. He had made it very clear that he wanted to see their vague contractual terms through. It wouldn’t be fair of her to run away with her feelings now. Every now and again, she would catch him looking at Ginny with a furrowed brow, looking conflicted. This grounded her, reminding her that she had a job to do.
With a snort she thought, Worst case scenario, I'll just make a new list and get a new fake boyfriend to get over this one.
Sighing, she sat up and threw open the hangings. She could do this. She had faced worse hadn’t she?
If the disconcerting revelation of her own feelings hadn’t been enough, being friendly again with Ron, rather than bringing some relief, had brought further stress upon her current state of affairs. Neither Ron nor Dean liked to be around when the other was near. She assumed Ron’s reasoning was a mixture of a sense of pride and his usual stubbornness.
Dean, however, made his feelings plain. He didn’t approve of her renewed friendship with Ron. While it was flattering that he cared about anything she did, it was creating tension that even Seamus couldn’t miss.
In the afternoon, Hermione and Seamus were in the library, which was nearly empty except for some seventh years. Most students were out on the grounds whiling away their Saturday, enjoying the warming temperatures.
She was helping Seamus with his Transfiguration homework, while simultaneously reading up on more Apparition theory, when Ron rushed in, looking agitated.
“Why are you so out of breath?” she asked him suspiciously as he plopped down, looking behind him for signs of Harry.
“I’ve only just escaped!”
“Escaped what?” Seamus asked.
“Lavender! She’s driving me mad. She wants to spend every waking moment with me, and then spends her time nagging me about how I don’t seem ‘present.’ I don’t even know what that means!”
Hermione pursed her lips, determined not to say anything.
“Have you told her you need some space?” Seamus asked.
“You don’t think I’ve tried? Half the time I can’t get a word in, the other half she looks on the verge of tears.” He was exasperated, apparently feeling as if he had been put in a tough spot.
No longer able to focus on the Three D’s of Apparition, she closed her book in frustration. “Have you considered why she might be acting like this?”
Before she could lose control of her frustration and snap at him, Seamus spoke. “You should listen to Hermione. She’s bang on about this girl stuff,” he said with a smile in her direction.
Despite her frustration, Hermione smiled sheepishly. At least one of her friends, which she felt she could fairly call Seamus now, felt that way. Although considering the mess she’d made for herself with Dean, maybe he shouldn’t have so much faith in her judgement.
“Yeah, you should listen to her,” came Dean’s deep voice from behind.
Ron sat up, drawing himself up to full height, locking eyes with Dean as he approached, levitating a few books in front of him. Not breaking eye contact, Dean lowered the books onto the table and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked to him and he raised his eyebrows, checking to see if she was alright. Seamus’ eyes darted between all of them, sensing a sudden change in the atmosphere.
“Anyway, I should go find Harry. See you, Hermione,” Ron said, finally looking away from Dean. Without another word to Dean or Seamus, he got up and left, forgetting that he was meant to be hiding from Lavender.
Dean sat down in the vacated chair, his jaw clenched in frustration. He picked up a book at random from the small mound on their table, Ansel’s Anthology on Apparition. He didn’t look up from the book when he asked, “Has he apologized yet?”
“To Lavender?” Dean looked up, cutting her with a sharp look. She knew then he meant her. “Ah, well, no in either case...but—“
“Why do you keep trying to defend him?” he asked exasperatedly, sitting back in his seat, looking at her expectantly.
“I don’t know. I mean, he’s your roommate! You know what he’s like.”
“Exactly, I know what he’s like. He’s just going to keep taking advantage of you,” he said, leaning forward, setting the book to the side, voice now concerned.
Biting her lip, Hermione glanced at Seamus, feeling a little embarrassed. Seamus, thankfully was doing his best to busy himself with his Transfiguration book, jotting down notes very intently.
Dean also seemed to become aware that it wasn’t just the two of them at the table. He leaned back slightly, and placed his hand over hers, resting on the table. He gave it a squeeze as he said, “Just think about it, OK?”
She nodded and he pulled his hand away, picking up a book from the stack he had just brought over.
It surprised her how seriously he was taking any of this. While she conceded that he had a point in regards to Ron’s cyclical behavior, this was just par for the course of being Ron’s friend. Ron didn’t only treat her this way. He’d done similar things to Harry in the past and was clearly doing it to Lavender as well. When Hermione pointed this out though, Dean would just assert that, “Harry and Lavender aren’t my concern.”
Per his wishes, she did try to think about it over the course of the next day. Yes, Ron could be a bit sensitive and temperamental. But they had been friends for so long, she had just accepted that side of him. Just like he had accepted her bossiness and impatience. He was quick to jealously, but he was also fiercely loyal. There had been multiple times when he’d ended up losing House points or landed himself in detention in an attempt to defend her to the Slytherins or even Snape. She knew this wasn’t an excuse for his behavior, but she understood that friendship was about give and take. Right now, she was just happy to have her friend back.
It was hard to see all of the faults from before now that the three of them were all on speaking terms. The routine felt so welcome, she hadn’t realized how much she had missed it. The following evening, after she had bid Dean good night, she joined Harry and Ron in their usual spot by the fire.
The relief she felt at being able to sit and join them, rather than heading to the dormitories because Ron was present, quickly dissipated at the sight of what was in Harry’s hands.
“You won’t find anything in there,” she said eyeing the Prince’s book irritably.
“Don’t start, Hermione,” said Harry, not glancing up from the book. “If it hadn’t been for the Prince, Ron wouldn’t be sitting here now.”
“He would if you’d just listened to Snape our first year,” she said with a sniff, reaching up to begin unbraiding her hair, intending to tie it up in a pineapple for bed.
It had been almost a week since Professor Dumbledore had expressed his disappointment in Harry’s lack of progress in their last meeting. Hermione thought he deserved the telling off, feeling rather vindicated. She knew she should be happy he was back to thinking of solutions, but he had spent the week pondering over the Prince’s book instead of spending any time thinking of real solutions for getting on Slughorn's good side.
The common room slowly began to empty. The sixth years, having been excited by the notice announcing the date of their Apparition Test, had lingered behind to discuss the news. Hermione and the boys lost track of time, chatting about Apparition and pondering over their own fates. She had unbraided her two French plaits and shook out her hair before any of them realized what time it was.
Ron desperately tried to refocus on his essay for Defense Against the Dark Arts.
“Argh!” he exclaimed. “This bloody quill. One of Fred and George’s Spell-Check ones. It figures. The charm must be wearing off...”
Hermione moved to the spot next to him, looking over at the parchment as she piled her hair on top of her head, gathering it with a scrunchie. “Oh I expect so. ‘Augury’ isn’t spelled O-R-G and ‘belligerent’ isn’t B-U-M.” Then she broke out into laughter. “And I don’t remember you changing your name to ‘Roonil Wazlib’ either.”
“No! Please don’t tell me I’ll have to write the whole thing out again!” he said, horror-struck.
Mirth subsiding, she pulled the essay towards her and took out her wand, “It’s alright, we can fix it.”
“I love you, Hermione,” he said sinking back into the couch in relief.
She felt herself grow slightly pink, knowing he meant nothing by it, but uncomfortable with the implication still. “Don’t let Lavender or Dean hear you saying that,” she murmured.
She had just finished fixing the damage of Ron’s spell-check quill when there was a loud crack. Hermione gave a small shriek as Ron spilled ink all over the parchment. Before them stood Kreacher, the house-elf.
Now Dobby was here too, much to Kreacher’s apparent disdain.
“Dobby has been helping Kreacher, Harry Potter!” Dobby squeaked.
Gaping at the elves and then back at Harry, Hermione finally found the words to ask, “What is this? What is going on, Harry?”
He hesitated before answering, a sign already that the answer would anger her. And she wasn’t wrong.
Dobby and Kreacher had finally left, relaying their adventures in tailing Malfoy at Harry’s behest. Hermione was still fuming. She siphoned ink off of Ron’s essay with her wand, not wanting to participate in any of Harry’s excited musings. She wasn’t sure what was more bothersome, that Harry had used elf labor, that he had used them to tail Malfoy, or that he had done all of this instead of focusing his efforts on getting the memory from Slughorn.
Ron and Harry had deduced that Crabbe and Goyle must be using Polyjuice Potion in order to help Malfoy with whatever he was up to. Harry then figured Malfoy had used the weight of his Dark Mark to coerce them into doing his bidding.
Unable to help herself she said, “Hmm...the Dark Mark we don’t know exists.” She rolled up Ron’s essay and thrust it back to him.
“We’ll see,” Harry said with a smug unearned confidence. This was all speculation without any hard facts. And more than that, none of it mattered.
“Yes, we will,” she said, standing and stretching. “But, before you get too excited, I don’t think you should forget that what you’re supposed to be concentrating on, per Dumbledore’s orders, is getting that memory from Slughorn.” She picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder and with her chin raised resolutely, she stalked away and up to the girl’s dormitory.
It was ironic and frustrating that Dean was pressing her to hold Ron accountable when it was Harry who was going to send her straight to St. Mungo’s. Given the sensitive nature of pretty much all things concerning Harry, she couldn’t vent her frustrations to Dean. That left Ron as the only friend she could really talk to.
That Friday evening, she and Ron were patrolling the seventh floor corridors. They were meant to be patrolling the opposite ends of the floor but, as he always did when they patrolled, Ron insisted on them walking together.
“It’s boring, isn’t it? Walking empty corridors just in case a student is dumb enough to come bumbling right into me,” he complained.
“Yes, but McGonagall clearly assigned this corridor to me and you’re supposed to be patrolling near Flitwick’s office.”
“If I go back in that direction, I’m going to the common room and going to bed.”
“You can’t!” Hermione said firmly, a bit louder than she meant.
“Shh!” a few nearby portraits hissed, apparently roused from their slumber.
Ron covered his mouth in a failed attempt to contain his laughter.
She stood, lit wand still raised in one hand, the other placed on her hip. He shook vigorously with unreleased laughter. “Fine,” she sighed, dropping her hand from her hip. “If you’re going to tag along, at least be quiet.”
He nodded solemnly, holding his hands up in surrender. “Dunno why we have to patrol this corridor anyway. Who’s going to come mucking about this close to Dumbledore’s office?”
“Would you rather we patrol the corridor you were assigned? I’m not picky.”
“No, I’d rather be back by the fire—“ he stopped himself, noticing her glare. “Alright, I'll drop it. Why don’t we patrol by the Room of Requirement? Least that’ll be interesting, if Malfoy shows up.”
“Not you, too,” she said with a groan. They turned down a corridor brightly lit with torches, the corridor leading to Dumbledore’s office. She extinguished her wand.
“No of course not ‘me, too,’” he said with a slight laugh. “You gotta admit though, Harry’s probably right. Malfoy’s up to something.”
“Whether he’s right or not, it doesn’t matter. He’s wasted time all year obsessing over Malfoy when he should be focused on the tasks Dumbledore assigns him,” she said haughtily.
“I know. You should have heard him when you and I—“ he caught himself mid-sentence, shooting her a worried glance. He shook his head and continued. “Well, anyway, before he was worse. Had the Marauder’s Map open even before he went to bed.”
“Merlin,” she said, shaking her head, absentmindedly peering out of a passing window. There was rain streaming across the panes of glass.
“You don’t think he...ya know...I mean he hasn’t really fancied anyone since Cho.”
Hermione spun around to look at Ron incredulously, expecting him to laugh. But he was serious. This made her double over with mirth. Part of her longed to see his face when he found out who Harry actually had feelings for, the thought of it alone made her laugh even harder. Several portraits nearby began shushing her, but she couldn’t stop.
“What? It’s not unheard of. I have a great-uncle on my mum’s side who was always a bit of a dandy, but we always thought he might—“
“Stop, just stop,” she said waving her hand at him trying to silence him through her tears. “To answer your question: no, I don’t think Harry has feelings for Draco Malfoy.”
“Am I speaking Gobbledygook? I say! Some of us are trying to sleep!” shouted a rather grumpy looking warlock from a portrait nearby.
Hermione bit back a new wave of laughter and nodded sheepishly, pulling a confused Ron along to finish their patrol.
The Easter Holidays came and went without much fanfare for the N.E.W.T.s level students who had stayed behind. Their days were filled with tackling the mountains of homework the teachers had assigned before break. Hermione was, of course, up to the challenge, but even she hadn’t finished her assignments until the first week of the break had passed. The rest of the time she spent rereading her favorite bits of Apparition theory, laying out by the lake studying with Harry and Ron or Dean and Seamus and helping them all with their remaining assignments.
After the break, Hermione, and many sixth year students, were pleased to return to Apparition lessons to find themselves much improved. Hermione, who had already Apparated twice, was able to Apparate one more time in the lesson leading up to their test. Ron had described it to Harry as perfect, and Twycross, their instructor, had raved over her abilities. Even Ron had managed to successfully reappear in their last lesson. He missed his mark, but was thrilled nonetheless.
Despite her success, Hermione still couldn’t shake her nerves. In the days leading up to the test, she was beginning to wonder if she should even take it. Apparition felt awful. She wanted to will herself to like it because it was magical and better than flying, but she couldn’t bring herself around to the idea.
When she confided this to Dean on the way down to the Great Hall for dinner the evening before their test, he agreed.
“Yeah it’s awful, like you’re being sucked through a tube. I think I’ll just stick to driving. What’s so wrong with a Muggle car that they prefer that?”
They laughed together and she said, “I guess I may have to get my driver’s license after all.”
He grabbed her hand and smiled at her. “Maybe I could teach you if there’s time over the summer. You live close enough.”
She slid her hand out of his, feeling a blush coming over her. Lately, she had done her best to avoid holding his hand, as it always left her palms clammy and heart racing and she was sure he was bound to feel her pulse jumping out through her skin.
Trying to act as if nothing were amiss, she said matter of factly, “But we’ll be broken up by then.”
He laughed and nudged her to the side. “Sure to everyone else, but we’ll still be friends, won’t we?”
Her heart soared, in spite of itself. Finally, she had the answer to the question she’d been too embarrassed to ask. They were friends. Of course, now that seemed obvious. But she had been worried that after all was said and done, they wouldn’t be—that everything would go back to how it was before.
“Yes, I suppose you’re right!” she said with a bright grin.
He took up her hand again, and pulled her down the corridor, rambling on about plans to teach her to drive, starting in a car park.
As he spoke, a weight pulled her back down from floating so high. She couldn’t tell him, of course, but she probably wouldn’t be home for very long over the summer. If she could manage it, she’d head straight for the Order after she’d visited her parents for a bit. She was still in school, but she was of age, and she had a feeling she could get Remus to convince the others to induct her. Still, even the idea of spending time with Dean over the summer was enough to put a smile on her face as they entered the Great Hall.
The day of their Apparition test dawned bright and breezy upon the Hogwarts grounds. The whole day, Hermione was a bundle of nerves. Ron and Harry tried to calm her, reminding her that she’d been successfully Apparating for weeks now, but it was no use. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this was going to be the moment she failed.
Practical magical tests always brought her a certain amount of stress. Even when she knew she could perform the incantation or other ability successfully, there was always a small part of her that was sure it wouldn’t work, as if the magic that had randomly appeared in her would Disapparate without warning.
She was thankful she had a full schedule of classes to distract her. Sometimes in classes, Dean also tried to calm her, like in Ancient Runes when he began rubbing her back as they bent over a nearly destroyed piece of ancient text. This, of course, did nothing but further agitate her nerves.
In Arithmancy, he slipped her a sketch with a mischievous wink. Passing notes in class, she thought, what is this, a Muggle secondary school? Instead of feeling irritated at his disregard for the rules, she smiled as she unfolded the sketch.
He had gotten better at using his enchanted sketch pencils. The picture featured a cartoon Hermione with bold curls Disapparating and then reappearing, waving a little lion pennant, only for her to disappear and reappear again. She kept looking at the little cartoon throughout the remainder of class, finding that it did make her feel a little better.
For lunch, Hermione joined Harry and Ron in the courtyard, hoping the warm sunlight might do the trick in finally banishing her nerves. Instead, she found herself clutching the Ministry of Magic leaflet they had been given that morning—Common Apparition Mistakes and How to Avoid Them—as if it were a life preserver keeping her from drowning in the sea of her inadequacy.
“So, where’s Dean off to then?” Ron asked nonchalantly, not looking up from his own pamphlet.
“The library,” she said distractedly. “He had a Charms essay to finish.”
“And you aren’t helping him with it?” he asked, glancing at her.
Hermione looked at Harry who shrugged, not interested in being a part of this conversation. “No,” she said, “he knew I wanted to study and didn’t want both of us to miss out on the good weather.”
Before he could reply, Ron gave a start as a girl rounded the corner near them.
Hermione rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to her pamphlet, and wearily said, “It isn’t Lavender.”
The girl walked up to Harry, looking nervous and red in the face. “Harry Potter? I was asked to give you this.” She handed him a roll of parchment and sprinted away.
“Dumbledore said we wouldn’t have any more lessons until I got the memory!” he said, looking at the roll of parchment apprehensively.
“Maybe he wants to check how you’re doing?” Hermione suggested, trying to be encouraging.
It turned out to be a tear-stained letter from Hagrid to the three of them relaying the news that Aragog had died and requesting their presence at his funeral. They quickly decided it was out of the question, for Ron especially given his fear of spiders. Hermione thought it would be wasteful to risk detention now if Harry was going to get the memory from Professor Slughorn by some other means.
“Look, Potions will be empty this afternoon with all of us doing our tests,” Hermione explained, “Try and soften Slughorn up a bit then!”
Harry scoffed bitterly. “Right. Fifty-seventh time lucky, you think?”
“Lucky,” Ron said suddenly, “Harry, that’s it—get lucky!”
Hermione gasped. How had she not thought of that before? She had been so bitter over the Felix Felicis, having lost out on it in class unfairly and Harry having tricked her with it during the first Quidditch match, that she had put it mostly out of her head.
“Ron, that’s it! Of course!” She beamed at the two of them, relieved that they might actually be able to secure the memory. Her smile dimmed slightly seeing Harry’s face.
“Felix Felicis? I dunno...I was sorta saving it...” Harry trailed off into a mumble.
“What for?” Ron asked incredulously.
“What on earth is more important than this memory, Harry?” she asked suddenly riled, daring him to say what she was worried he might. If he says anything about Malfoy, I might actually hex him this time, she thought.
But then a soft, slightly embarrassed look overcame him and a light color tinted his cheeks. Hermione bit her lip realizing what, or rather who, he must have wanted to use it for. If Harry used it to try to win over Ginny, it might solve her problems, too, she thought wryly.
She shook her head and instead said, “Earth to Harry,” snapping him out of his reverie.
It was agreed upon that he would use the Felix that evening if he wasn’t able to get anything out of Slughorn while they were away at Hogsmeade.
“That’s decided then,” Hermione said, standing up. Then she murmured to herself, “Destination, determination, deliberation,” spinning in what she hoped was a graceful pirouette.
“Oh stop that,” Ron said, annoyed. “I’m worked up enough as it is—quick, hide me!”
“Would you stop it! It isn’t Lavender! And if it was, it’d probably be for the best. You need to actually talk to her and stop panicking at the sight of every girl.”
“S’not my fault. She’s mental,” he said, somewhat chastised.
The bell sounded overhead, signaling the end of the lunch period. “Anyway,” she said as she gathered her things, ignoring Ron’s ignorance, “I’m off to History of Magic. I’ll see you in Hogsmeade. Good luck, Harry!”
Generally, she found History of Magic to be quite interesting, especially given the subject of the current chapter, “Wizarding Colonization in India.” Today, however, she couldn’t stop glancing at her watch. Her leg bounced so much that Professor Binns paused his dry reading to give her a severe look. By the time the bell rang, she was so worked up, she shot up from her desk, and out the door, right into Dean.
He laughed, “Alright there?” She nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s go then.”
He offered his hand, which she took to calm her nerves, or so she told herself. She was talking a mile a minute, going over the details of the three D’s and specific instances of tests gone horribly wrong—including one where a student had splinched themselves, part of them ending up in Northern Ireland.
They were outside, walking down the path leading away from the castle, when she finally paused in her speech, noticing that Dean was staring at her in vague disbelief.
“Sometimes I can’t believe you’re real.” Hermione opened her mouth ready to retort, offended, but Dean cut her off. “You’re easily the smartest witch I’ve ever met. And yet, somehow, you don’t seem to know that.”
Hermione felt lost for words. She knew she was smart, for all the reading she’d done growing up she ought to be. But how could she explain the feeling of her magic being like a well that she was happy to have discovered, but was constantly worrying might run dry?
“I always sort of thought your nerves before exams were a bit of an act, but you’re actually nervous up to the last, aren’t you?”
“Erm, yes?” she said, not fully understanding his point. “This is important. Just because I was able to do it before doesn’t mean I’ll be able to perform during the test.”
He shook his head and laughed, throwing his arm around her, pulling her close. “Listen Granger, if you can’t pass, then the rest of us are up a creek without a paddle.”
The testing area was set up on Hogsmeade’s main street, which had been cordoned off with several Aurors stationed around at strategic points. This didn’t dampen the spirit of the excited sixth years, who were all eager to put the test behind them and get approval for their license.
The test itself wasn’t complex. There were three examiners who would be grading them on their distance traveled—“Destination,” their aim—“Determination,” and their form—“Deliberation.” They waited in a line along the sidewalk as the examiners called them up. Their objective was to Apparate from their current position to the end of the long street, at the Hogshead where a hoop had been positioned. A non-scoring examiner waited at the end to confirm results for the others.
Hermione couldn’t bring herself to watch the other students go. The atmosphere was tense and she could hear the series of cracks as each student Disapparated and then the echoes of faint cracks for the ones that successfully appeared in their hoop at the far end. There were a few yelps of pain and instances of ensuing commotion from what she assumed were from splinched students.
“Granger, Hermione!” Wilkie Twycross, their instructor who was overseeing the proceedings, called out.
Hermione let out a squeak, and looked up at Dean.
He smiled and gave her a poke in the side, “Go on, then!”
Hermione walked up to the second examiner, who was standing next to an empty hoop.
“Alright Miss Granger we will be scoring you on a scale from 1 to 10 in these three areas...”
Calm and steady, Hermione said to herself, trying to regulate her breathing, trying to take in as much information from the monotone examiner as she could.
“Do you understand the instructions as I have explained them, Miss Granger?”
She nodded emphatically.
“Alright, you may begin your Disapparition.”
Hermione let out a great woosh of air, having found during lessons that holding as little air in her lungs as possible made Apparition slightly more bearable. She envisioned the hoop at the end of the road, picturing herself in it. She was going to stand in it. She turned swiftly on the spot and felt herself being pulled along, as if she were being forced through a small straw.
To her great relief, when she opened her eyes, and the world had expanded again, she found that she had landed surprisingly gracefully in the dead center of the hoop. She turned around, grinning from ear to ear, to see Wilkie Twycross down the road applauding.
The rest of testing passed without incident. There were a few students who were unable to Apparate at all. Dean did really well that she could tell, although he swore he barely made it into the hoop.
She hadn’t seen Ron, but did notice him standing a ways off with Lavender, who appeared to be fretting over him. It looked to her like he was missing half an eyebrow. She thought to go over to him and ask how he’d done, but thought that neither Lavender nor Dean would fancy that very much.
Waiting for the results felt like it went on for ages. Hermione couldn’t stop fidgeting and Dean mostly just sat and watched her, amused. When the results were finally posted on the village notice board, Hermione ran to it.
She cut through the few students who were already searching the results. Scanning the sheet she finally found her name.
Turning to Dean, she squealed. “I passed!” In her excitement, she jumped on him, laughing in relief. He laughed with her, holding her steady as she jumped up and down, barely able to contain herself.
“‘Course you did,” Dean’s voice came out muffled with her curls flying in his face, but she could hear the smile in his voice.
Not letting go of her, he craned his neck over her mass of curls to scan the list for his own name. She turned to look too. Next to his name, “Pass” was written in green. She whooped and laughed. He was docked slightly for being a few inches off target, but that didn’t matter to her. They could now return all of the Apparition books they had checked out to the library!
He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “A pass is a pass.”
“You did really well! A few inches is nothing.” She smiled at him encouragingly.
He returned the smile, his dimples winking out at her, sending a series of flutters through her. He held out his hand, ready to return to the castle.
“One second,” she said, turning back to the list.
She scanned until she got to the bottom. “Weasley, Ron...Fail — Splinched.”
Looking through the crowd, it was as she expected, a very ill-tempered and red-eared Ron was standing to the side. Lavender appeared to be trying to console him, but Hermione could tell that it was only further irritating him.
Dean squeezed her hand, bringing her attention back to him. “Do you wanna wait for him?”
She shook her head, turning back toward the castle. “He’ll be fine.”
Their spirits were high as they walked back to the castle. The sun was beginning to sink behind the turrets, casting a warm glow on the Hogwarts grounds. A cool breeze floated past them from the lake. Most of the students elected to stay behind to have a celebratory or a commiserative drink at the Three Broomsticks. It seemed only Ron, likely desperate to get away from his companions, Lavender, and Parvati were heading back, as well.
She could hear renewed coos of “Won-Won,” coming from behind them, Ron’s very slight injury apparently inspiring forgiveness in Lavender. Hermione turned to look at the pair. Parvati was walking arm and arm with Lavender while Ron had a surly expression, refusing to participate in whatever conversation they were having. He’d be fine by this evening, she knew, but she did wish he would stop stringing Lavender along when they were clearly both so unhappy.
Dean and Hermione laughed and joked as they made their way up the path. Dean teasing Hermione, insinuating that Twycross had a crush on her.
“I mean and why not?” he exclaimed. “You’ve got the brains and you spin so prettily when you Apparate. You’re a 10 in old Wilkie’s book.”
She giggled. “He’s not really my type.”
“Is it the wrinkles? Or the candy-floss hair?”
Wrinkling her nose she shook her head. “I’m not that shallow. It’s his whispery voice. You can never hear a word he’s saying! Speak up, man!”
They laughed, their hands clasped, swinging merrily between them. Another breeze flowed through the air, blowing Hermione’s hair across her face. Normally she might be self-conscious of her hair blowing out of place and frizzing up, but with Dean she knew he didn’t care. She looked up to see him watching her.
“What?” she asked with a laugh, ready for another Twycross joke.
“You’re just really pretty,” he said almost disbelievingly. He blinked, shaking his head, almost as if he were rousing himself from a stupor.
Hermione’s face felt as if it had been placed under a heat lamp. She bit her lip, and looked down, trying to remain impassive. “Oh, thank you.”
“It’s not a wonder you’ve got Weasley so bothered.”
Almost forgetting her embarrassment she said indignantly, “I don’t have Ron...” but she trailed off, noticing Dean’s expression, lost in thought. She closed her mouth.
She really wished he wouldn’t do that. But how could she ask him to stop flirting with her when as far as he knew, they were in a consensually fake but friendly relationship? She couldn’t, not without admitting her changed feelings, and she didn’t think she could bear that. If that was how this charade ended, all she will have done is traded one humiliation for another.
They reached the castle in a comfortable silence. He stopped at the top of the steps leading towards the great oak door, not bothering to pull open the door. He looked at her for a moment, and Hermione had the distinct feeling he was sizing her up.
“Do you think he’s still behind us?”
He didn’t have to clarify, she knew he meant Ron. “I suppose. I don’t remember seeing him pass us.”
Before she could turn to check, he tugged at their clasped hands, pulling her firmly into his chest. Confused, she didn’t have time to ask what he was doing, or, much less process his hand on her jaw, gently lifting her mouth to his.
This was a real kiss. It was slow and purposeful and warm. How had she not noticed how warm his lips were all those months ago? How many months had it been? She didn’t know. This close to him, his scent enveloped her, the smell of bergamot overpowering the rest of her senses. It was all overwhelming. If pressed, she wasn’t sure she even remembered her own name. She only knew his lips against hers, and his warm hand pressed to her cheek.
And in an instant, it was over. Dean pulled away from her, looking down at her with unreadable eyes. She felt dazed, her lips slightly parted in shock. Her heart was thundering against her chest so loudly, she was sure he could hear it.
“I’m off to find Seamus, so I’ll see you later?” he asked, as if they had just merely hugged.
“Erm, well, I have a thing with Harry, so, I—yes. See you later,” she said, trying desperately to cobble together a normal sentence and hide the shakiness in her voice.
“Alright then,” he said, his thumb grazing her cheek, sending chills through her. “See you.”
He smirked at her before dropping his hand and walking away, leaving her stunned on the steps.
To Be Continued…
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