#so yeah we trying but barely surviving it feels
weird-is-life · 2 days
Rockstar!tasm! Peter meeting Shy!reader on one of his shows? Invites her backstage to meet the band and he's just real flirty w her? Please
Hii, lovely!🫶 thank u so much for this request. This was fun to write. If you have anymore rockstar!Peter requests send them my way!!!! Hope this is okay. Warnings: fluff, use of y/n and pet names, mentions of alcohol, concert, flirting, mentions of big crowd, (2k)
Your best friends drag you to a concert of some upcoming band they love. Honestly, you don't know a thing about them only that they are allegedly pretty good, and that your friends are paying for your drinks tonight.
The whole place is packed with people, because it's not just one band playing, there are multiple bands playing throughout the whole night. The pretty big venue, but it still does nothing to make it more spacey. There's barely any place to move.
You thought you didn't mind so many people at one place, but as you try to get to the bar through the sea of sweaty bodies, you don't feel very happy that you're there.
You've lost your friends on the way to the bar as well, so you're on your own to get through the crowd. You hope that you'll meet your friends there.
You're almost at the bar when suddenly there's something cold and very very wet going down the front of your t-shirt. And by the smell of it, you can tell it's alcohol.
"Shit. I'm so sorry," the person panics in front of you," I didn't see you, like at all."
You slowly look up from your cold, wet t-shirt to the person speaking. It's a extremely handsome guy. Like 'your breath gets knocked out' handsome type. And no, you aren't even being dramatic.
He's dressed in all black, sleeveless t-shirt, black baggy jeans and black eyeliner. You don't think you've ever seen such abpretty and cute guy. He seems a bit familiar too, but you can't pinpoint where you've seen him before.
But you're t-shirt is still very much wet as you respond," it's-it's okay. There's just too many people, i know you didn't mean to."
You don't know what to do next. You don't have anything else to wear but this t-shirt. And your friends are still nowhere to be seen.
"Still, I'm very sorry," he apologetically looks at you, soft smile on his face. "Do you have anything else to wear?"
"I don't," you reply with a sigh.
"Shit," he curses looking around frantically. He looks like he has places to be, so you honestly don't want to keep him more than you've already had.
"It's whatever, I'll survive the few more hours, I guess. I'm sorry about your drinks tho," you give him a small, sheepish smile, and start going towards the bar again to find your friends.
You don't get far because he gently catches your hand, "as much as I think some guys would enjoy the wet t-shirt contest look, I would be an asshole to let you stay like this. Please let me get you a new t-shirt?"
Your cheeks go red at his words.
"It's really not that big deal-" you start.
"It is to me." He tells you. "Please, let me get you a t-shirt that doesn't reek of beer and vodka," he offers again with a chuckle.
You think it over for a few seconds as he looks hopefully at you, there's something else in the way he looks at you, but you can't quite name what it is.
"Okay, yeah," you say, and he smiles big at you," but where can you find a shirt here. There's nothing here."
He gives you the cheekiest smirk as he says, " don't worry about that. I'll get one for you. Just come with me."
He points to the doors you know lead to the backstage. You shake your head in disagreement, "we can't go there."
"We can, I know the people, so let's go," he starts to head thar way, but you don't budge. Overthinking it too much.
"Am I getting kidnapped?" you worry lightly. Even if you have a strong feeling, that you can trust this guy,
He laughs at your question,"no, definitely not. But if you want to wait here, it's okay, too. I'll bring it to you."
You think it over, and decide that you'd rather not stay in the middle of this pit of sweaty people. And also because you've never been backstage before, so you're curious.
"No, no, it's alright. I'll come with you."
He nods happily, "great. I'm Peter by the way."
"I'm y/n."
He starts to walk again, and this time you follow him. You have a hard time keeping up with him. With his long legs it's not easy to get through the crowd as he does.
Peter notices it, he stops, and suddenly there's his big, warm hand around yours.
Calloused fingers like guitarist's holding onto yours tightly, so he doesn't loose you. It makes the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
He tugs you after him with an ease, and in no time you're in the backstage area.
Peter doesn't drop your hand, though, and he leads you even farther to some dressing room. He walks inside it so casually, and to your horror he pulls you inside with him.
There are 3 more guys in that room, all of them similarly dressed to Peter, looking very much like some rockstars. Peter finally drops your head, "give me a second, I'll find some clean t-shirt in my bag for you."
He leaves you standing in the middle of the room with your cheeks very rosy at the attention of the three other boys.
"I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll...I'll go wait outside," you point at the door.
"You're not intruding," Peter says softly, " these are my boys..." he names all of them, and each of them gives you a warm smile and a nod.
Fuck. You suddenly realise. They must be some kind of band playing tonight.
"It's nice to meet you. Do...Are you playing on the stage tonight?" You question curiously.
"Yeah," Peter finally finds you a t-shirt, and walks back towards you. "We are the last band playing tonight," Peter hands you the clothing, and you thank him. Still very shy at the thought that you are currently standing in the middle of some band's dressing room.
"There's a bathroom right here, you can go change, yeah?" Peter suggests carefully, he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.
He thinks you are really, really pretty, and that it must be fate that you bumped into each other tonight. Peter only knows your name, and he knows he's fucked already. Like full on crush.
You only take a few seconds to clean yourself up, and change into Peter's t-shirt. When you come out of the bathroom, the guys are all standing, readying for the stage already.
"Hey, look at you, my t-shirt looks great on you, even if it's a little big," he compliments you with an easy smile, and you, once again, blush at his flirty tone.
"Thank you," you tell him," and thank you for the t-shirt, I really appreciate. I'm gonna go now though, i don't want to bother you anymore. I'll see you around. And thanks again."
You give him a wave with the intend to dissappear quickly out of there. Your friends are definitely wondering where you are by now. And also because your legs would probably give out if you had to endure one more flirty smile from Peter.
"Hey, hey, hey, wait up," Peter runs after you," I-I was wondering, if you would want to come listen from the side of the stage?
He looks unsurely at you. He has some kind of paper in his fidgeting hands.
"I can't, I'm sorry. I'm here with two of my best friends, so I can't even if I'd love to." You look regretfully at him.
"Then they should come, too! Please, it's the least I can do for spilling my drinks all over you." Peter blurts it all out way too quickly then he means to. Not keeping his cool composure near you like at all.
"Are you sure? We wouldn't want to bother," you ask quietly. Even if you'd really, really love seeing the band from the backstage. Because you don't want to go back into the messy crowd of people.
"You definitely won't bother anybody. It would be my pleasure actually to have you there. I can at least have some pretty girl like you there to dedicate our songs to," he winks at you. Flirting without much thought about it with you.
You can't say you don't like it. You do. Way too much than you probably should. So you say, "okay, yes. I'll text them right now."
"Great," he says with a big beam," and here, take this before I leave. Dave will escort you to the side of the stage." Peter pushes the paper from his hands to yours, and points at the bodyguard.
"Wait, Peter, what's this?"
"It's an address. If you could mail me the t-shirt back, it's my favourite," Peter tells you carefully, not wanting to sound like a dick.
"Oh, of course. That won't be any problem," you immediately assure him.
He nods at you, and leans in to give you a quick kiss on the cheek. Don't worry, he gives you the time to push him away, but you don't. You would never. He just couldn't say goodbye to you without ever kissing your pink cheek in his lifetime.
"I'm so glad i bumped into you," he tells you breathlessly, "I'll see you on the stage," and with that he's off. Leaving you a blushing mess as you scramble to text your friends to come to the backstage.
When they finally arrive, you follow Dave to the side of the stage as your friends stare around them in huge awe.
It's even worse when you finally get to the stage. "How the fuck did you manage to get us in here?" Your friends question.
"It's a long story, I'll tell it to you later." They just shake their heads at you, not able to believe where they are.
They eyes, and yours, go impossibly wider once the band shows up, and they start playing.
Peter immediately looks your way, grins at you and sends you a wink. You just smile bashfully at him.
Your friends eyes are instantly on you, "um excuse me, why is Peter Parker unabashedly flirting across the stage with you?" They squeal as they ask that.
Your face goes white. You didn't realise that Peter was Peter freaking Parker. Lead singer of that upcoming band your friends dragged you here to see. You almost pass out at the realisation.
You can't believe that the future rockstar is openly flirting with you across the stage, and your friends can't either.
Your friends demand to know what exactly happened, so you tell them. They go even more crazy after that.
When the concert is eventually over, you and your friends get escorted away from there by Dave, so you don't even get the chance to say goodbye to Peter or even be bold enough to ask for his number.
It's later after you spend a few days moping about your wasted chance with Peter that you finally get the strength to send him his t-shirt back.
You find the crumpled paper that Peter gave you, and only then you realise what's really written on it. Your mouth goes wide open.
Dear y/n,
I lied it's not my favourite t-shirt. You can keep it. I wanted to ask for your number, but I didn't want to pressure you into thinking that you had to give it to me just because I got you backstage (or just because I'm a handsome rockstar). So here's my number +xxxx xxx xxx, I liked you, like a lot, so please feel free to text me or you can ignore me, both is totally fine. Even if I may end up heartbroken, and write sad songs about you if you do decide to ignore me. Just kidding......maybe
With love,
Peter P.
You squeal so loudly that probably the whole neighbourhood hears you. You make a few laps around your apartment as you try to calm yourself down. You can't really believe it. You even read it a few more times just to make it real.
Once you do calm your racing heart, you call your best friends over to help you figure out what to text Peter. They very gladly agree to come.
And let's just say Peter is just as enthusiasticly waiting for the text from you as you are to write it to him.
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hvlplvss · 7 months
| all webbed up
| colby brock x reader x sam golbach
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summary: sam and colby’s annual halloween party commences. they decided to dress matching once again; spiderman and venom spiderman. and a certain girl has a thing for the spider boys.
warnings: mean!dom!colby, soft!dom!sam, degrading, praise, oral (m and f receiving), creampie,
authors note: this is not edited at all. i just wanted to get this out to you guys!! hope you enjoy!!
word count: 3.7k
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the annual sam and colby halloween party was something you’d always look forward to. you’d been invited for the past five years, ever since your friendship began with the two boys.
but y/n couldn’t help herself. she secretly liked the boys. she had for a while now, however she never confessed her feelings. she didn’t even want to confront them to herself.
she knew they wouldn’t like her back. why would two of the biggest upcoming youtubers like her back.
y/n had begun editing the boys’ videos three years ago, once she finished off school. she’d studied media and film, giving her knowledge about everything. sam and colby had saw how well the girl did in her studies and her work and immediately asked her to help edit their videos as they were beginning to have tight schedules.
y/n of course agreed. this guaranteed more time with the boys. which it did. after a few months of working with them, they offered her a room at their house, which she also agreed to obviously.
as time progressed, y/n sometimes thought that the boys felt something for her, but she’d then convince herself she was being delusional. however, her bestfriend, lucia, would feed into the delusion and tell her that ‘they look at you as if they wanna fuck you’.
but that’s what bestfriends do. they won’t turn to you and tell you the truth if you really like someone so much. well lucia wouldn’t.
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there was a knock at y/n’s bedroom door, she called out a small ‘come in’. colby walked into the room, his eyes immediately noticing her bare legs. y/n sporting an xplr hoodie, which was yet to be released, and which also belonged to sam.
colby shook his head and then looked at her face, “you hungry? sam said about getting take out,” colby asked.
“uhh, yeah. i just need to finish editing,” y/n spoke, quickly turning back to the laptop and pressing a few keys and the mouse.
colby moved towards her bed, coming to lay next to her. as he collapsed onto her bed, he let his head rest against y/n’s shoulder.
“this shit is freaky,” y/n looked to colby, “don’t get how you guys do it constantly,”
colby rolled his eyes playfully, “come on, you did that one video with us,” colby answered.
y/n smiled at the memory, but her face then contorted into embarrassment, “yeah and i literally cried, colby,”
he removed his head from y/n’s shoulder to look at her, “i don’t blame you! you got targeted the entire night. some of the things you faced had never happened to be and sam!” he comforted her, “what if we invited you again, somewhere that’s not as haunted or dangerous? you’d have me and sam, and i could invite a few others so it’s like a group video?”
y/n considered this for a moment, “maybe,” she said uncertainly, “i’ll see how i feel in the future,”
the blond boy then burst through the door, “what you guys up to?”
colby shook his head, “nothing. just tryna get y/n to get in a future video,”
“you should y/n! everyone loved you on the channel, and we loved having you in the video,” sam added.
“you’re distracting me! i’m trying to edit your video!” y/n smiled, pushing colby back.
sam came and sat next to her, on the other side to where colby was sat. the boys sat in silence, while y/n edited the video.
they’d never really understood how she did it. they understood little things and they could probably survive without her. but y/n understood it to another level. she understood what attracted viewers, what made the video look better and she knew secret little tips and tricks to make the video the best thing.
“i don’t know how you even remember all this,” sam spoke up, said boy standing up and walking to the door, “i’m gonna go order take out now. the usual?” he asked. colby nodded looking at sam, and y/n nodded without looking away from the laptop, sam disappears into the hallway.
colby watched for another minute, before speaking “right i’ll leave you to it,” colby pressed a kiss into the side of her head, “our smart girl,” he muttered, moving off the bed and out the door. y/n couldn’t hide or stop the redness that came to her face. ‘our’. colby had called her ‘our smart girl’. the praise had gotten to her. colby knew it would. he’d picked up on how she reacts to things not that long ago, he of course informed sam. and now they’d started using it to their advantages, just like now.
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y/n had told the boys that she would head over to lucia’s to get ready for the halloween party. this was a yearly thing that happened. all because sam and colby liked to surprise y/n with their costume and vice versa.
the two girls had gone somewhat matching. cat woman and harley quinn. not matching exactly, but from the same company. lucia had gone with harley and y/n had chosen cat woman. and if she had to be honest, she felt sexy.
a tight black latex suit covered her body, high black stilettos on her feet, a black cat mask over her eyes and her hand held a whip. y/n’s lips were accentuated with red lipstick, standing out against the dark latex. eventually y/n gave up with holding the whip, she decided it was too much and she’d end up losing it anyways.
“come on, lucia,” y/n pleaded, “we’re gonna be late!”
lucia rolled her eyes, “there’s not even a certain time we have to be there. you just wanna go and see your boyfriends!”
y/n groaned at her words. “firstly, they’re not my boyfriends, they’re my bestfriends and my bosses. secondly i want to go now, because i fucking love halloween! plus, sam and colby throw the best parties ever!”
lucia stood up walking over to her closet to pick out her shoes, which she bought specially for this occasion. “fine, you go get in the car! i’ll be there in a second,” she replied, giving into y/n’s desperation to leave.
“thank you!” y/n grinned, kissing her bestfriends cheek and trying her best to run to the car with her heels on.
she jumped in the passenger seat of lucia’s car and waited. she thought about sam and colby immediately. she knew they’d look good tonight, no matter what they wore. her thoughts were interrupted with her phone ringing. she looked at the contact who called ‘sam🤍’. her phone read. she smiled at the name, admiring the picture of her and sam that came up. it was a photo from two years ago; a photo of sam kissing y/n’s cheek.
she then realised she still hadn’t answered the call, so she clicked on the green answer button and put the phone up to her ear. “hey sam!”
“hey y/n! uh- how long till you’re here?”
“i mean, im in the car waiting, but lucia’s is just getting her shoes on, then we’ll be over,”
“okay great. quite a lot of people have already arrived, but we’ll come look for you when you get here,”
there was some rustling on the other end of the phone. “hey y/n!” colby’s voice boomed through the phone.
“hey colbs,”
“how’s your costume?”
“yeah, pretty good actually. think it’ll beat yours this year,”
“is that so? well, your costume won’t be on for very long, anyways,”
what has he just said. y/n’s eyes widened and she bit her lip trying to hide her growing smile. lucia opened the drivers seat door, knocking y/n out of her thoughts of what colby had just said.
“alright, lucia’s just got in the car! i’ll see you guys soon!”
the boys said bye and y/n ended the call. “speaking to the boyfriends are we?” lucia smirked, pulling out of her driveway.
y/n rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help the smile that came across her face, “they’re not my boyfriends, once again, lucia!” y/n thought about it for a moment, should she tell lucia what colby just said.
“what you thinking about?” lucia asked.
“i-uh, well, when they just rang me, i mean it was a pretty normal call. then, colby started speaking and he made like a really flirty forward comment, and it seemed like he meant it in that way…” y/n explained with a confused tone.
“what did he say?”
“he said ‘your costume won’t be on for long, anyways’. so i took that as we’ll be taking your costume off soon,” y/n replied.
lucia’s giggled at what her friend had told her, “someone is getting fucked tonight!” she cheered, “by the two guys she in love with!”
“shut up lucia, im not okay! they’re probably just messing around, you know them,” she denied.
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the girls walked through the door of the house, which was now fully decorated and it looked amazing. y/n had done quite a bit of it, but sam and colby and insisted on doing the rest.
lucia grabbed onto y/n’s arm and led her to the kitchen where there was an array of alcoholic drinks on the island in the middle. lucia took two solo cups and filled it with things that y/n didn’t even pay attention to, due to the fact she was looking for the two boys. “here you go, miss y/l/n,” lucia said, handing over a cup, “wait- what would your last name be if you guys got married. would you be a y/n brock? or a y/n golbach? or would you go double and do y/n brock gol-”
sam and colby appear behind y/n, “what you saying about us there, lucia?” sam asked jokingly.
y/n swings around to face them, noticing them costumes. how convenient. cat woman and spiderman. two spiderman’s to be exact. neither of them were wearing a mask, but they had the full body suit on.
colby had gone with the black version of spiderman. the venom spiderman, obviously. black being his colour. and be looked good, but he knew that. the black bodysuit hugged his abdomen and chest tightly, showing off what was hidden underneath, which y/n craved to get her hands on.
and then sam. the classic spiderman, the costume was popular, but no one could pull it off better than sam. he looked incredible. just like colby, the bodysuit wrapped around him perfectly, accentuating his body.
sam and colby eyed y/n up and down when she turned to face them, smirks rushing to their faces. “she was saying, none of your business,” y/n smiled sarcastically.
“ouch,” sam replied, shaking his head with a smile.
without y/n knowing, lucia had ran off, leaving her with sam and colby, who gave her a nod, too which y/n didn’t even pick up on.
“so, spiderman and spiderman. i’m a little underwhelmed, was expecting something way better,” she shrugged, placing her hand onto colby’s chest to feel the costume.
“someone’s feeling a bit mean?” colby asked with a cocky smile.
“not mean, truthful,”
“mhmm. well, i could say the same about yours y/n. think i’ve seen another cat woman here already,” sam spoke.
“but it’s okay, you’re the only one with our attention,” colby finished. slapping his arm on sam’s back and walking away with him, leaving y/n there, with furrowed eyebrows.
y/n thought she was making it up, or she was thinking too much into it. being delusional, once again.
y/n poured herself another drink, not noticing the oncoming presence. “what’s a pretty girl like you doing on your own, huh?” a deep voice spoke behind her. she perked an eyebrow and turned, coming face to face with a man she didn’t recognise. “i’m daniel,” he informed.
y/n cringed. she already had her eyes on two boys in particular. and daniel seemed to be pretty drunk already so she knew he’d be pushy, so she was straightforward, “and i’m not interested,” she thinned her lips, downing her drink and then walking away.
she wanted to go find lucia, so she pushed through the crowd of people who had made their way onto the makeshift ‘dance floor’, but a hand grabbed onto her wrist pulling her back.
“who was that?” it was sam.
y/n furrowed her eyebrows. how did he even see her? him and colby had left, there’s no way we could have seen her and daniel. “i don’t know. he just started talking to me,” y/n spoke truthfully.
sam’s hands moved down to y/n’s hips, who looked down, screaming internally at the action. “did you tell him to leave you alone?” sam asked, leaning into her ear and speaking lowly, keeping his hands on the nervous girls hips. she nodded quickly, “good girl,” sam moved his right hand up to the back of y/n’s head, holding her. he brought his hips forwards against y/n’s hips, who couldn’t even believe what was going on.
after a minute or so, y/n could feel another pair of hands join her hips, just a little above sam’s. sam leant into y/n’s ear, “be good for colby while i’m gone,” he spoke. sam’s right hand left one tight squeeze on y/n’s hip before leaving her hip. she watched the blond boy disappear into the sea of people.
that’s when she felt colby pull on her hips to press her bum into his cock, which was already slightly hard. he pressed his head into the crook of her neck, then eventually leaving open wet kisses on her neck. y/n closing her eyes and relishing in the moment, was turned around by colby, who looked at her with a dark stare. y/n’s arm locked around colby’s neck.
before y/n could even think about it, colby’s lips were on hers. kissing roughly and messily. there was a clash of teeth and every so often colby would bite on her lip, cause her to whine, which resulted in colby doing it a few more times for a reaction. colby’s hands moved further down her back, reaching and grabbing at her ass.
colby pulled his lips away from y/n’s, “let’s go somewhere else,” he said quietly, y/n’s stomach doing flips.
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colby led y/n up the stairs and into her room, seen as it was the closet one to the stairs. as colby opened the door, y/n saw sam sat on her bed. “took you long enough. thought you’d ditched,” sam began.
“no, i’d never. someone just couldn’t keep their hands off,” colby replied, shutting the door behind me.
y/n looked between the two boys, who now stood in front of her. “i’m so confused, guys. what’s going on?” y/n asked, her brows furrowed.
“oh come on y/n. you’re not that stupid. thought you were our smart girl,” responded sam.
“we’ve seen you looking at us. we know all about your dirty secret,” colby said lowly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, “but that’s okay y/n. we think the same about you. isn’t that right, sam?”
he nodded in response stepping forward towards y/n, who was now corned by the two boys. “just wanna make you feel good, that’s all baby. can we do that?” sam asked.
y/n nodded shyly. sam immediately went in to kiss y/n, shocking her at first, but then melting into the kiss. his kiss was different to colby’s. colby was more needy, and rough when he kissed, he would bite on her lip as well. but sam’s kiss was gentler. he didn’t bite on her lip, or kiss her roughly. but they were both amazing either way.
y/n felt colby’s lips on her neck, sucking purple bruises into her skin. he moved her hair out of the way, gaining him more and more access.
sam pulled away from the kiss, “go get on the bed, okay?” y/n nodded, moving over to the bed and sitting on her knees, looking over to the boys who whispered to one another quietly.
the two boys finished speaking and walked over to stand in front of y/n. “you gonna be good for us? hm?” colby asked. y/n nodded, looking up at the two. after a few seconds, colby had removed the black suit, showing his boxers, which had a clear outline of his cock.
“go on, make yourself useful,” colby said. y/n reached for the waist band of his boxers, pulling them down. desperately, she reached her hand forward, gripping onto him in her hand, eliciting a groan from colby. y/n stroked him for a minute, before colby spoke harshly, “come on whore, suck my cock,”
y/n squeezed her thighs together, obeying what colby had said. she leant forward and wrapped her lips around his tip, causing his head to tilt back. y/n moved her head forward, letting his cock slide down her throat.
his hands found their way into her hair, gripping her roots tightly, using them to pull her down and back off his cock. he pulled her off, a string of saliva connecting from her lips to his cock. “be good to sam, yeah?”
“use your words, sweetheart,” sam soothed softly, placing his hand in her hair and gently brushing it out her face.
“wanna make you feel good sam,”
“such a good girl, aren’t you?” sam cooed.
sam pulled down his own boxers, letting y/n have a moment to catch her breath.
there was a clear difference in the way sam and colby acted in the bedroom. colby was assertive, mean, rough and straightforward. sam was more caring, sweet and slower with what he did and said. but they both complimented each other in this situation.
y/n licked up sam’s length, taking him into her mouth, “feels so good, baby. so perfect,”
colby had walked around the back of the bed, so he was now behind y/n. he grabbed her by her hair and pulled her off of sam, a whine escaping her lips. colby pushed y/n onto her elbows. “carry on, who’re. take care of sam,” colby instructed. y/n complied, going back to sucking sam’s cock.
colby reached for the zip on y/n’s latex suit, “as much as i love this, it’s gotta go,” colby uttered. he pulled the zip down, slipping the latex off of y/n.
she wore no underwear, nor bra underneath the suit. “such a desperate whore. just wanted to be fucked, isn’t that right?”
“don’t be mean, colby. she’s just needy,” sam countered, stroking y/n’s hair softly.
colby moved down the bed so he was now face to face with her pussy. “so fucking wet,”
he leant in, licking a stripe up her slit, causing her to moan out on sam’s dick. “that feel good, baby?” sam asked, y/n’s head nodding frantically.
colby moved his head further down, sucking harshly on her clit, causing y/n to writhe in pleasure, moaning around sam’s cock still.
colby brought two of his fingers up to y/n’s entrance, slowly pushing his fingers in. he started off with a slow torturous pace, y/n clenching around his fingers. he took note of this, increasing the pace of his fingers and his tongue, which flicked across her clit.
she could feel her release nearing, colby removed his mouth but kept his fingers pushing in at a relentless pace, “you gonna cum?”
sam removed y/n’s mouth from around his cock, letting her breath and answer colby. “yes,” she moaned, “please let me cum,” she begged.
“i don’t know about that. what do you think, sam?”
sam looked down at y/n. she was looking up at him, begging him to say yes, a blissed out look on her face. “i think she can. she’s been so good for us, haven’t you y/n?”
she nodded, “so good for you,”
“cum. fucking cum on my fingers, whore,” colby said, before diving back in, his tounge resuming to flicking back at her clit.
it didn’t take long for y/n to come undone on his fingers, moaning out and her eyes closing. colby slowed down his fingers, easing out of her. “you gotta have a go with her pussy, it’s fucking amazing,” colby told sam, speaking about y/n to him as though she wasn’t there.
the boys had swapped places now, colby stood in front, ushering her mouth back on his cock. rushing in to put his hands in her hair and pulling her down, causing her to gag around him. sam lined his cock up with her pussy, slowly pushing in, causing him to groan. y/n moaned at the feeling, looking up to colby, who’s head was back and his bottom lip in between his teeth.
as sam bottomed out in y/n. he gave her a few seconds to adjust. she clenched around him, letting him know he could move. sam held tightly onto her hips, pulling out of her and then slamming back into her. y/n’s mouth came off of colby’s cock, moaning out. but colby immediately came back in and put her mouth back around him.
they both thrusted roughly, synchronising their thrusts. y/n moaned out around colby cock, closing her eyes. “keep them open, whore,” colby pulled back on her hair, causing her to whine. “stupid whore, can’t even keep her eyes open,”
sam’s thrust began becoming sloppy, puffing into her. “gonna cum,” sam groaned, “cum with me, y/n,”
he reached his hand around to her clit, rubbing harsh circles. “cum for us, y/n,”she immediately let go, her orgasm washing over her. clenching around sam, as he followed suit. cumming deep inside her.
colby sped his thrusts up, stopped deep in her throat, releasing his cum down her throat.
sam pulled out of y/n, pulling his boxers back up. he walked around to y/n, crouching at her face level, “you okay?” he asked gently.
“i’m okay,” she nodded with a smile.
colby had walked away to pull his boxers back on and also grab a t-shirt for y/n, which actually turned out to be one of his own shirts, which she’d stolen.
“sit up angel,” y/n complied, putting her arms through the t-shirt, colby leaning in to kiss her forehead.
the boys sat opposite y/n on the bed, “so what happens now,” she giggled, a small smile on all their faces.
sam shrugged, “we’ll have to see about that. but something will happen soon. i promise,” he hinted, “but for now, we have a party to get to,”
y/n pouted, “but i just wanna stay here with my favourite boys,”
sam nodded, “i’ll go clear everyone out,” he left the bed and went to grab a t-shirt and shorts, which were his, but he’d given them to y/n. he left the room, shutting the door behind him.
colby scooted up the bed, opening his arms for y/n. who accepted with a big smile on her face.
“y’know, i’ve always had a thing for spiderman,”
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
HELLO I'm in love with the way you write for Cooper 😩👏💝fix idea: I was thinking he's DEFINITELY somebody who doesn't care who he looks anymore, but is still aware that he's got that CHARM yano, but maybe the reader is just "wow your eyes are so pretty" and he fuckin BLUSHES (Mr cooper Howard aka Mr ghoul cowpoke absolutely keels over cus somebody said he was puuuurrtty) 💥💥💥🔫 just all "shut your pie hole girlie" and shes 😏😏😏 ok handsome
Can Ghouls Blush?
Cooper Howard x GN!Reader, word count: 1k aaaaah thank you ;-; also i love this, i love the idea of flustering that horrible boy omg 🤎 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: some threats (imean it's cooper), guns, mostly fluff though!
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“I know time means very little to someone who has been around for two hundred years, but how much longer are you gonna be?”
Cooper’s voice echoed out from the main room of the abandoned building you had slept in. From the bathroom, you could hear the frustration, despite his attempts to soften it up. He had no time for fun, no time for relaxing. It was survival and sweating, or nothing at all. But you could tell he had tried to soften it up a little, just for you. His irritation was still so obvious however, even as he offered you a playful roll as he approached the door, catching your eye in the reflection of the cracked mirror.
“Just a sec, then we can head out.”
The old hairbrush you had found by the sink was a well-received miracle. A little bit of normality, a chance to tidy yourself up somewhat.
“I just think it’s a waste of time is all. Preening for the Wasteland. I mean, who are you trying to impress out there? You already got the best catch.”
He flicked the brim of his hat with his gloved fingers, grinning wide, yellowed teeth bared at you as he ran his tongue along his bottom lip.
“That’s exactly the problem. I have to make sure I look good to keep up with you, handsome.”
Your hand stroked along his cheek, a brief moment of eye contact as you walked past him towards the door of the bathroom and back out to the front of your temporary shelter.
“Handsome, huh?”
His voice seemed so much lighter now, more so than you had ever really heard before. And as you turned, you noticed the slight smile on his weathered lips, cheeks pulling up at the corners, eyes glinting as he stared straight back at you.
“Uh… yeah. You’re a very handsome guy, Coop.”
You almost had your fingers on the door knob, ready to leave for the start of your day, when you realised that you couldn’t feel Cooper’s presence behind you. Turning to see what was holding him up, you caught something in his eyes. A look of confusion, almost. Surprise. Disbelief. And a little bit of what you could swear was embarrassment. All this time together. Sleeping in each other’s arms, protecting each other from danger. Had you really never expressed to him your attraction? You had just assumed he knew. You spent long enough staring lustfully at him, it was surely a given. So you worried there was something else to it.
“What’s wrong, Cooper?”
“Nothing, I just… I was used to being called handsome, long time ago… not so much these days.”
As you stepped back towards him, closing the short distance, you could make out his expression much better, realising how astute your previous observation had been.
“Oh my god… Coop, are you blushing?”
He raised one finger, narrowing his brows as he tried to hide the endearing glee, offering you a forced stern look as he spoke.
“Don’t start playin’ stupid with me, you know I am not.”
Biting your lip, a mischievous smile forming, you gripped the lapels of his duster, teasing him as you stroked your thumb along one of his ridged, warm cheeks.
“Why, I didn’t even know big tough cowboys could blush, especially not the more ghoulish ones.” Can they blush? I'll need a closer look."
His fingers were tight around your wrist, gripping you fast and firm. He was trying so hard to maintain his tough exterior, but you could tell there was something softer in there that longed to come out, or at the very least, was desperate for someone to notice it. It was so obvious, even as he lowered his voice and growled at you.
“You turn around right now and start walkin’ out that door.”
Cooper took a step forwards, an attempt to regain his control of the situation, to push you towards doing his will, but you brought your hand up and laid your palm against his chest.
“Wait, just a second…”
It was nice to see him in this light. His confidence was always the dominant feature in his peronality, and it rarely wavered, if at all. But to know there were aspects of himself that he wasn't as sure of, and to know you could render him a little flustered just by complimenting them, made you smile. A grin that was returned by Cooper as you gazed into his warm, brown eyes.
"What is it you're lookin' for now, huh? You find it?"
"Yeah... turns out they can blush."
You turned quickly from him, practically skipping back towards the door of your temporary shelter, ready for another day of survival, this time tinted with a little more joy than usual. Your smile only grew wider as you heard Cooper, catching up with you, still trying to cover his embarrassment with the strained, empty aggressive threat that he chased you with.
"Now I will shoot you, you know that? You're pushing your luck today and we ain't even done anythin' yet."
But when he was certain you weren’t going to turn back around, he let himself smile a little. A soft glow in his eyes as he allowed himself to remember who he was, really. The kind of man that resided deep down inside, buried by years of solitude in the deep, dark ground, of struggling to adjust to the world. And struggling to adjust to himself. Even just a tiny reminder that, despite his charms and the charisma that tended to pull people in, that there was a bit of his old self left. That despite everything, despite who he had become, both physically and emotionally, someone might look at him with something other than fear first. With kindess, or lust. Or even love. That was enough to help him cling to the memories and look to the future with just the tiniest bit of hope, something he hadn’t felt in such a long time.
“You comin’, handsome?”
He smiled, biting his lip to curtail the spread of the easy grin.
“You bet.”
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lovebugism · 10 months
Heat wave with Eddie and he's watching you on the other side of the couch and he wants you so bad but it's so hotttt
thanks for your request lovey!! — the one where you and eddie try to make the most of the heatwave (established relationship, implications of smut, 1.3k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
Metal heads hate summer. It’s an unspoken fact. Wild hair, leather jackets, and denim jeans don’t fare well in the heat.
And while there were many bonuses to the warmer season — the music, the ice cream, and you in a bikini to name a few — it didn’t quell Eddie’s personal vendetta with summer. Or rather, summer’s personal vendetta with him.
The month of August was hardly more than an incessant heatwave. One hundred-degree heat, statewide. Without a cool breeze to fill the seasonal silence, there was nothing but a low sizzling sound — like burgers cooking on a grill. The two of you got into his van for a Slurpee run one simmering afternoon and suffered second-degree burns from the pleather cushions and metal seatbelts in the process.
It was miserable. Eddie was far too pale and he liked the color black far too much to find any enjoyment in the summer months. And just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, the power goes out. 
And the only thing worse than a power outage during a heatwave is being horny during a power outage during a heatwave.
“The neighbor said there’s outages all over town—” Your voice comes muffled from where you pad around in the kitchen. “—So, we’ll probably be out for a while.”
You return to the living room wearing an old, white-ribbed tank top and a pair of Eddie’s plaid boxers, rolled at the hem to fit you better. You carry two glasses of lemonade in your hands, fogged with the cubes of ice you’d dropped into them before they could melt in the freezer. 
You’re too pretty for your own good. Eddie’s suffocated by the sweltering heat as much as he is by the overwhelming urge to touch you.
“Fuuuck,” he groans in response, sprawled out on the couch across the room. He’s barely moved from that spot all day. He only got up once to tie his hair back and then anxiously pace back and forth for several minutes. A few ornery curls stick to his forehead, damp with sweat. “Should we just, like, get a hotel or something?”
“With what money?” you scoff in place of a laugh.
His scrunched brows go lax. “Oh, yeah…”
“We’ll be okay. It’ll only be out for a couple more hours— at least.”
“Hours?” Eddie whines, all pinched-browed, as you hand him his lemonade.
You scrunch your nose down at the boy with a sympathetic gaze. “Think we can survive that long?”
“I’m withering away as we speak,” he deadpans.
“You’re so dramatic…” you giggle. The unkind words come out coated in a layer of sweet honey. You love him too much for anything else.
You pluck your book from the coffee table and plop down on the other side of the couch. You curl your knees to your chest, not having much room left over from Eddie’s longer legs. 
He’d tried to do the same an hour or more ago. He’d been too bored to read then. All the words melted together because his brain was swimming with heat. He doesn’t know how you’re doing it, honestly. All he knows is he can’t stop looking at you.
You’re a pretty little thing sitting across from him. So much of your skin is on display — arms, collarbones, ankles, and thighs. He wants to kiss every inch of you. He could if it wasn’t so damn hot. Now, all he can do is admire you from a distance and pray the power comes back soon so he can love you all over.
Eddie shifts on the couch for a few moments. He jostles the cushions beneath you as he twists on them, maneuvering so his legs are propped up on the coffee table and he’s slouching against the back of the sofa. 
His underwear rides up his pale thigh. The white undershirt he refuses to take off is damp at the collar with sweat.
You pay little attention to his fidgeting. He’s often restless, but especially when he’s got nothing to do. You feel his sticky fingers curl around your stickier calf a second later. His touch is soft and slow, sweet like syrup, as he smooths his hand up and down the back of your leg. 
You shoot the boy a look from over the top of your book. “You okay, Eds?”
“Other than melting?” he retorts with his head tilted to his shoulder. He shoots you a wide, fatigued grin through his reddened cheeks. “I’m peachy, sweetheart.”
“It’s a little too hot to be touching each other right now, babe,” you advise with your gaze turned back to the book in your lap. He keeps on caressing you, though, and you keep on letting him.
“I know…” he murmurs with a faint pout scrunching his features. His palm squeezes the top of your ankle before rising again. “I just miss you…”
“I’m right here,” you counter with a soft giggle.
“You know what I mean…”
“Yeah,” you concede with a sigh. “I know what you mean.”
If you had it your way, Eddie Munson would be touching you all the time. He usually is, anyway — but every second he’s not, it feels like you’re grieving. You’re made restless because of how underwhelmed you are, all grumpy because you’re so sticky with heat. You want so desperately to curl up in Eddie’s arms and hide there forever, but it’s already getting hard to breathe without the AC on. And the sweat’s making your clothes cling to your skin. The thought of physical affection right now makes you feel a bit sick.
He squeezes your calf again, this time to get your attention. 
Your eyes peek at him from over your book. You find his flushed face curled into a tired, yet still mischievous smirk. 
“And, you know, just for the record or whatever,” he lilts quietly with a twinkle in his chocolate syrup eyes. “If it wasn’t a billion degrees in here, I’d totally plow the shit outta you, sweetheart.”
Your eyes go wide at his words.
You might’ve laughed if you weren’t so immediately turned on.
You squeeze your knees together, clenching your thighs in hopes of soothing the ache that begins to pulsate between them. “Wow. That is… very forward of you, Eds.”
“I think the heat’s making me delirious,” he admits with his head tilted back against the couch. His pale, sticky neck is on display for you. You feel the sudden urge to sink your teeth into the milky white tendon there.
“Well, good thing about power outages in the summer — the cold water in the shower feels like heaven,” you tell him, feigning absentmindedness as you flip a page of your novel.
Eddie’s brows raise beneath his damp, curly bangs. He grins with a newfound light in his eyes. “Ooh,” he singsongs. “Are you implying what I think you’re implying?”
“I have… three more pages left in this chapter,” you tell the boy after flicking through the book. You shoot him a glance beneath your lashes — less obvious in your mischievous disposition but still sparkling with it anyway. You knock his thigh with your foot. “Go get undressed, loverboy.”
Your words bring him back to life. 
He surges with an energy he lost sometime between the late spring and early summer as he leaps off the couch. He nearly trips over the coffee table on his journey to the bathroom. His hurried footsteps stomp, stomp, stomp down the hallway.
You hear the shower faucet hiss on from a distance. It’s music to your ears. You know you’ll be in there all day — or, at least, until the power comes back on. You’re left suddenly hoping it won’t come on for another good while yet.
Not until Eddie makes you forget your name against the shower wall.
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randombush3 · 10 days
cool about it
alexia putellas x reader
summary: you can't find inspiration for your play
notes: this was rotting in my drafts and then i got drunk and finished it lolz
i refuse to read it back so have fun
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The first time Alexia sees you, you are with your friends; sleeves rolled-up, wide smile on your face, a pool cue in your hand as you wield it like a weapon the minute one of the women beside you opens her mouth. She is drawn into observing, craving the knowledge of what you are being told; what is making you blush so furiously. She sees your mouth open, a blackhole that draws her in without mercy, and she barely survives the sound of your loud, raucous laughter
Suddenly, in the universe of football and media events and her little sister’s embarrassingly active love-life, you appear. Like a new star, burning bright, big and hot and… “You’re staring,” says Mapi with a smile. She knows not to tease, and she treads lightly. “You’ve been staring for a while.” 
“They’re speaking English.” It’s an incriminating sentence, but it would have been futile to deny Mapi’s accusation anyway. 
“I saw her at the bar. She spoke Spanish then.” 
“You’ve been stalking her.” 
Mapi nods, and holds Alexia’s drink in a silent push to get her over to the pool table. To you. “Because you’ve been staring. I was only making sure she wasn’t a psycho.” 
“Thanks,” she scoffs, but, in truth, she is grateful. 
As she saunters over (a newly regained skill, months down the line from her traumatic ACL reconstruction surgery), her confidence a believable façade, she decides that she is going to be Alexia Putellas. She is going to be cool about it, and she is going to impress you, and she is going to make you laugh so that she can hear that sound again. 
Again, again, again. 
“Yeah, sure, you can take over for Soph,” you say, nodding towards the woman who had been on the receiving end of your light prodding with the wooden stick all of friends regret allowing three-drink you to be in charge of. “So you’re spots, I’m stripes. I’ve got two left until I can pot the black, and you, er, you might be at a disadvantage here.” You rub the back of your neck as you peer at the balls on the table, almost all of them left behind by Soph’s inability to play pool. “How about we just, um–” 
“Está bien.” Alexia pretends to understand a lot more of what you said than she really does, regretting her choice to approach you in English, but she gets the jist. And, although you make her feel as though life has only just begun, she remembers her competitiveness very, very clearly. “Voy a ganar,” she scoffs. 
She holds in her celebration as you break out into a grin, immediately rising to the challenge, glad your friends have tired of the pool table so that no one can interrupt the battle you are about to commence. A battle with a very pretty woman, you must admit. 
You lose. 
You blame it on Alexia – she tells you her name as she pots three balls in a row – and try not to acknowledge the taunts from your friends at the bar, most of them having watched the entire game from afar to have something to talk about tomorrow. “You win,” comes your pitiful concession after a brutal defeat. “So, what will your prize be?” 
It’s an easy answer. 
That morning, throat hoarse from the cries that left it the night before, eyes red and tired and way too sensitive to light for you to consider drinking a drop of alcohol ever again, you wrap your arms around the warm body in the unfamiliar bed, finding the intimacy to have lived on longer than it should for a one-night-stand. Barcelona is warm and sunny, the day one to be enjoyed, and the company the best you have had in a while. 
It isn’t just that Alexia is a goddess. It isn’t the Amazonian ridges of her stomach and the firmness of her thighs, nor the softness of her hair or the deft movements of her fingers against your scarred skin. No, that is not what has, in just one evening, made you fall in love with her. (You bite your lip as you are overcome with emotion, chest filling up – with which feeling, you do not know –, heart pounding into your bones as the rhythm of your desire to be in Alexia’s life sets into the very framework of your being.) No! How could it be that? How could it be that when there is more? 
The coarseness of her determination; the slippery confidence, delicate and sharp, as though it is both the petal of a rose and the thorn that will prick you. Her humour, mistranslated at times, but always ready to make fun of idiots (most often, a specific idiot with a neck tattoo, as you come to realise). 
Personally, you believe it to be unfair that Alexia, Alexia Putellas, is simply ‘all that’. 
Getting to know each other fails to feel awkward, though you spend a lot of time waiting for the tension to appear. 
She discovers who you are, how you have moved to Barcelona for inspiration, finding that very thing lacking in dreary Leeds (the most depressing place on Earth, you could argue). She learns of your dream, although you label it as your ‘plan’: to write a play and to see it on the stage, preferably a grand theatre in the West End. Or in Stratford, where upon lies the greatest soil from which a playwright can grow. 
You show her your empty pages, devoid of black print marks. White and white, that goes on until it is clear that you have tired of pressing the ‘enter’ button as though it will ignite a story within. A story that hasn’t yet come, mind. 
“Do you think it will work?” she asks you, her accusation carrying nothing but curiosity once you see past the abrupt manner in which she interrupts your lengthy monologue about your severe case of writer’s block. 
Maybe you intend to be a little vague, for the sake of your racing heart and your delicate emotions, because you only shrug. You have already found your inspiration, not that you are going to tell her. 
Alexia is forward in the sense that she checks how temporary your presence is in her city before asking you out on a date. Your answer of ‘however long this shit takes’ is enough for her to be sure that she wants a second. A third, too. 
Then, before you know it, it has been a year. 
A year of Barcelona, a year of Spanish sun, and, excitingly, a year in which you have been cured; fingers blessed with movement and ideas and words on the tip of your tongue that run free in Alexia’s ear as you talk and talk and talk. She listens and listens and listens, and switches into the focus of your pairing when you go with her to watch her team play and play and play (why the fuck does football have so many matches?!). The final stage direction, all curling italics and sentimentality, sits at the bottom of the page. 
The end of your play. 
It is finished, it is done, and, soon after you have revised it one last time, it is sent to your producer friend with a nervous click of the ‘new email’ button and the hope that he is thankful for the times at university when you cared for him when he drank himself so silly that he barely made it to his lectures two days after the night-out. 
“It feels good,” you tell Ingrid, the girlfriend of the idiot with the neck tattoo, beaming as she inquires about your work. “I feel like I lived through it to get to this moment, you know? All that’s left to do is for him to read it and decide whether he’ll pick it up. Then, table reads and funding, of course. I’d want to direct, but, also, I’m not going to sell this one. Leasing it and taking a percentage of the royalties will make me loads more, because, Ingrid, this one is the best thing I’ve ever written.” 
There is a moment, usually, that comes after you have finished writing. A brief, sharp sort of panic, where you question your worth and your talent; you wonder if you have been lied to your whole life, and that your version of the same twenty-six letters of the alphabet, jumbled up on a white canvas as though you are (after a sleepless, usually) Picasso, is terrible. Or, worse, bad. 
Bad. Bad is so… plain. If it is just ‘bad’, you have failed as a writer. If it is not outrageous or unbelievably horrible, or, as one obviously hopes, incredible and amazing… if it is just ‘bad’, well: “Alexia, I’m terrified.” 
Alexia kisses your neck (you do not feel the finality of it, or maybe it is that you do not want to) because she knows it isn’t bad; she is more than aware that your play, your new creation, is really rather good. Brilliant, even. “Tranquila, mi amor,” she murmurs in your ear, bringing her arms to rest on your tense shoulders, a hand closing your laptop on its journey. “Le va a flipar.” 
“You think so?” 
“Are you saying that because we’re together and you love me?” Your voice is small and unsure, and its teasing lilt is thrown off-kilter by the croak of your anxiety. “Or do you mean it? Please, I hope you mean it.” 
“I mean it.” She hates that she does. “Yes, of course I mean it. I love you and I am proud of you.” She hates it, she hates this, and she hates the talent your mind wields; something that is going to rip you from her grasp. It was bound to happen.
Your phone rings; soft, electronic trills dancing in the space between you and the coffee table it has been placed on. “I think that’s him,” you whisper, the volume you had intended to speak at smited by the nervous lump in your throat. Alexia nods mournfully, but you are too busy accepting the call to see.
“Let’s do this,” he says. 
The first frost of London comes that January. It’s unusual, the locals claim, because the city exists in its own polluted microclimate, but their statistics do not stop the layer of ice from freezing onto the windshield of your car. You are glad London feels just as cold as you do. 
Your play is beloved by the actors who speak your words, and the critics amongst your friend group, who for once, have no criticism to give. There is promise here. It is going very well. 
You drive to the theatre, ready to sit in on another rehearsal. Though your original intention had been to direct, you pawed off the role to an old school friend upon her return from Broadway. Your decision, you tell her, comes from a lack of experience in direction. You pretend to have had an epiphany: you only want to write the plays. 
In truth, this is a lie. 
Of course it is a lie. 
But how can you direct such happiness, such love and romance, if you know that the very thing that inspired each line has ceased to exist? 
Alexia feels like she has ceased to exist. 
On the outside, she seems relatively fine. She trains well, plays well, makes appearances where she should, says what you’d expect of her, hopes to make the world a better place. She walks Nala as though the Pomeranian does not whine for you to hold her leash, and she visits her mother and sister even though they continue to ask her why she did what she did. 
At night, she scrolls through social media, fingers always leading her back to you; your life; your work; your experiences that you no longer share with her. She cries, then, usually: a common occurrence nowadays. 
There is a gaping hole in her chest that has been made by her sticking her fucking foot in it. 
She has questions, naturally; each directed hatefully at herself. Why? Why, why why? Why on Earth did she tell you never to come back? Why did she blame you for leaving? 
You were always going to leave! Alexia knows that, hates that she knows that. 
You came to Barcelona because you couldn’t write, and you wrote. You wrote, you made her fall in love with you, and, when you had finished, you discarded the life you had unexpectedly built all because of some stupid, stupid play. 
A play titled–
A play. 
A… Alexia can’t even bring herself to think about it. 
No, all Alexia can think about is how insignificant she feels when you are no longer in love with her. You: sophisticated, intelligent, brilliant, adoring. Her? 
“Lex, you can’t mope if you’re the one who broke it off.” The words leave Alba’s mouth in jest but Alexia recoils as though she has been whipped by her sister’s tongue. 
“I’m trying to be cool about it,” she replies like it is the most obvious thing in the world.
It seems as though the globe has spun a full circle on its axis by the time Alba formulates her response, dumb-struck by such fucking idiocy. 
Alba hopes her sister feels like a fool – she hopes Alexia looks at herself in the mirror and… laughs, at this point. The whole thing has been ridiculous, in her opinion. 
First, her sister claims she is in love with a playwright with no plays to her name (Alba is examining the facts objectively, here, because she did quite like you); then, poof! Like a rabbit in a magician’s hat played in twisted reverse, away you go, and it somehow isn’t even your fault. 
She’d like to hate you, for her sister’s sake, but she finds herself loathing her own blood as it thins and thins until it trickles just like water. 
Okay, maybe she is being a little dramatic there, but she is still annoyed with Alexia. 
Alexia – whose existence as more-than-a-footballer is fading as she loses herself to waves of futile guilt – hates that she cannot hate you. She is plagued by emotional constipation, and though she tries to squeeze the situation for a drop of cruelty from you, she fails to discover a gram of relief.
It would have been kinder for you to have been cruel. Mercy is getting Alexia nowhere, and she would run to you if it were fast enough. Mercy is what renders her in a perpetual state of regret. Mercy is what keeps her up at night, but maybe mercy is what she likes having because it is yours and, in that way, she carries a piece of you with her. 
To confuse herself even more, to skew her mind further onto a path of unconventional self-destruction, she silently begs the mercy you have left behind to disappear so that she can learn to do without it. It’ll become a crutch and she wants it ripped from her grasp so that she can learn to walk on her own. She’s capable of that, she tells herself. 
(It probably isn’t true.)
Opening night. 
You’re wearing something far too nice to be comfortable, and there has been a champagne flute in your hand since the lunch held by the investors of the production company. The bubbles have served their purpose, clouding your mind with thoughts that weren’t to do with Alexia and her Alexia life and her Alexia smile and her Alexia way of making an Alexia-shaped cavity in your heart. 
It gushes quite a bit, because Alexia is strong and big and capable of damaging you to this extent. You reckon your surprise is foolish but fuck off, you’re trying your best. 
Comfortingly, not one scrap of red velvet is visible once the audience is ushered inside the theatre. 
It’s beautiful here; small, old. The perfect place to fall in love, just as you did. Or at least, experience the good part through deliciously talented actors and a stellar script (your horn has been tooted enough times for you to give it a go). 
Fear creeps up your legs as you take your seat in the front row, guarded by friends and family and proud English teachers who’d believe in you, but you take another sip and it simmers down. 
“Careful,” whispers your mum, shoulder nudging yours as you place your plastic cup (no glass in the auditorium) on the patterned carpet just as the show is about to begin. “You’ll not remember this if you don’t take a break.” 
And you’re halfway to announcing you don’t want to remember anything at all when the curtain goes up and a woman walks onto stage. 
It’s sobering. 
The audience is restlessly quiet, anticipating the brilliance they’ve been promised with an impatience that demands to be sated, but the actress takes her sweet time. 
She walks from stage left to stage right, then up and down. She’s passively searching for something. 
(It’s the fucking point, and you knew this would happen because you typed out these exact stage directions once upon a time. Alexia had misplaced a sock – a lucky sock, she claimed – and her passion, her desire to discover it, had weirdly morphed into a scene you could see being played out on a stage.) 
“Figure this out later,” speaks the actress with a satisfied smile, folding her arms over her chest. Finally, the audience’s breaths catch, enraptured by the vaguest cop-out of opening lines you could’ve chosen. 
They love it, though; they lean forwards in their seats as they are plucked from London and dropped into the middle of Barcelona. It’s mildly unnerving that you can’t escape the journey, clearly a member of the audience even if you don’t need to be told the story, but you land without the masses in the rows behind you. 
You land right into Alexia’s arms. 
There she is before you, in all her glory, proudly displaying the blue and red that she is so admirably dedicated to. Muscular and tanned, beautiful in the way that she always is, but shining brighter than just that. 
And you fucking hate it. 
When you imagine Alexia, you imagine her crippled and bed-ridden. Cracked knuckles come to mind, too, and she can barely speak without descending into rattling sobs that hack on and on until she somehow falls into fitful rest. 
You come prepared for absolution, expecting to see her dying just as you are, so it’s no wonder that your fists clench at her blasé declaration of “no regrets”. 
(By the way, Alexia’s not really there. You’d been stalking her Instagram and so that’s why she’s wearing her training kit, and… and you’re drunk!)
There are many things you’d like to say to her. 
Alexia had always been apprehensive of your relationship. She was closed-off to new people, and though she was certain of your importance to her, she was untrusting of much else. It happens when you’re famous; there are many wrong turns to take. And she needed to stay on the right path. 
It was impossible to pass Alexia’s test. 
For you, that is clear. Broken up with, told to leave and never come back, and begged to find someone else are not descriptors of the winner, nor she who achieved full marks. You’re a bit of a stranger to failing, but you’re trying to forget about it so that it never happens again. 
You’re breaking a sweat trying to banish her from your brain, barely registering the applause rippling through the theatre as you reach the interval. Trying to get her out of your head is like tugging at your intestines – a hand down your throat renders you dumb, and pains sears through your stomach as you are emptied and left to be a carcass.
“Is it good?” you ask your mum as you head to the bar in the foyer. 
“I wish you had let me meet her.” 
Alexia has never been to London outside of football before. She’s played in the north and in the south – she’s won every time – and it’s summery enough right now, but she is still a foreigner in the city. 
It’s fitting, this feeling of being lost, and it’s acceptable to feel it here because she has an excuse. Lost in Barcelona would be ridiculous. 
(But she is.) 
Why is Alexia in London when she could be in Spain? 
Well the only answer is that she has a ticket to a play in a theatre just off the West End that reminds her of someone she once loved. 
She thought it might help, seeing as she hasn’t scored a goal in four weeks with no assists to excuse the drought. Her manager gladly gave her the weekend to recharge, and she escapes matchday seven of Liga F under the guise of illness. 
While sleeping with your pillow, your t-shirt, she must have absorbed whatever the fuck you were on. By osmosis. 
That block. 
And now she has to act like she can’t read your mind. 
Her ticket, acquired last minute by a friend in high places as a massive favour, means that she has a front row seat to a damned play. She is well-prepared for the dread that wrenches her gut. 
The silence settling over her is uncomfortable and impatient, and the lights go down with a sense of impending doom. It’s a bit like being on death row, Alexia thinks. Here she gets to see the good things – a last meal of whatever she would like (you, of course that’s you) – but it is only because of her inevitable execution that this happens. 
The necklace hanging from her collarbones is a noose, the seat is a wooden box about to be kicked out from underneath her, and she needs to make her decision now: does she scream? Should she– 
She’s pulled out of her insanely dramatic spiral by a woman walking onto the stage. 
Her shoulders are hunched slightly and she has that look in her eye; that pang of hunger. 
The actress is recognisable, sure, but that is not the familiarity that strikes Alexia. 
It’s the character. 
It’s you. 
Walking from right to left, towards the back, down to the front, the actress is desperately searching for something. 
Inspiration, Alexia assumes, a smug smile briefly brushing her lips as the opening line breaks the tense silence. 
“Figure this out later,” you say. 
The actress is experienced but she has never read a script like yours before. It moved her to tears, though you claimed it was very happy. 
She lies awake at night, furiously envying those who could love like you do. 
She pities you, partly, because it’s no secret that the story of this love ended when you came here to put the show on. 
She has had to fall in love with someone – method acting, according to the director. 
It’s not quite the universe exploding and stars being born that your relationship must have been, but it’s alright and she is glad to see him in the audience. 
He’s next to a woman who does not seem to be enamoured by the beauty of the plot. 
A woman who seems absolutely fucking horrified. 
Her eyes are wide, fists clenched.
You – the real you – are watching Alexia with curiosity, more interested in her reaction to the play than the play itself. You wonder if she knows the significance of tonight; the reason you are here once more. 
In one month, the set and costumes will be packed up in boxes and taken onto the main street. 
It’s a dream come true. 
You’re here to announce the good news at the end of the show. 
She tries not to turn around but she does. 
The night is cool and fresher than she’d expected the London pollution to allow, and the lamp posts are scarily looming over her as she forces herself to not run into your arms. You don’t wear a coat, although your year in Barcelona has borne a certain nostalgia for a warmer climate, but Alexia is wrapped up warm. 
“How… how are you doing?” 
You cringe at how apologetic it sounds. She broke up with you. 
There is a year that will be forever lost to love and happiness, bliss in Barcelona that was always going to be too good to be true. 
There is a year that you will never get back, but there is a breakup you must deal with. 
It’s not a brick wall, it’s a hurdle to jump over. 
Breaking up won’t be the end of your worlds. 
Knowing this, despite the weakness in her knees and the aching of her heart, Alexia lies. For your sake, she lies. 
“I’m good. It’s nice to see you.” 
You’re drowning but you’ll eventually remember how to swim. 
“You too,” you say with formulated sincerity that one day will grow naturally. “Score a goal next time you play, though.” 
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peetaslefttoe · 1 year
Can you write a smut fic about like... a megahorny Peeta "using" the reader (consensually ofc) thanks sorry im very embarassed to be sending this in lol
warnings: Peeta “using” fem! reader, rough smut, angry smut, bdsm, consensual violence TW‼️‼️‼️
summary: request above 🫶
author’s note: omg don’t be embarrassed this is such a good idea 😫 this lowkey descended into bdsm so… warning you now 😘
Masterlist Pinned xx
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You and Peeta stormed into the bedroom bickering loudly.
“Are you kidding me? How is this my fault?” you gasped.
“You weren’t even trying back there!” Peeta spit back.
“God damn you, I was trying as hard as I could Peeta, fuck-,” you groaned.
“And what if we’re not good enough Y/N? Then what? You’re gonna “try” your best to fucking survive in the arena!?” he yells, running his hands through his sweaty hair.
“Fuck you! You think I don’t want to survive this Peeta!? It’s not my fault that the other contestants are better than us in training,” you growl, glaring at him.
“Fuck! We’re so screwed,” he sighed loudly, rubbing his hands across his face in anguish. You felt you angry begin to clear, like a rain cloud hit by rays of sunlight. You stepped slowly closer to him, feeling embarrassed at the suddenly wetness between your legs. He was so hot when he screamed at you. Was that a normal thing to be feeling? You didn’t think so.
“Just, just leave me alone okay?” Peeta said lowly, his arms crossed.
“Let me help you Peeta, we can’t go back out there tomorrow this angry,” you said calmly, placing a tentative hand on his flexed bicep. He glared down at you, his brow furrowed in thought.
“Yeah, you’re right, we can’t win if we’re screaming at each other,” a hint of a smile danced across his lips before disappearing with a glint in his dark eyes.
“Use me Peeta,” you whispered, finding his scanning eyes harder to ignore than usual. He was taken aback by your remark, looking at you in shock.
“What?” he breathed out finally.
“Use me. You’re angry, pent up, use me Peeta, make yourself feel better,” you egged him on, running your hands up his shoulders.
“This is your last chance to leave this and go to bed,” he warned, his eyes darkening threateningly.
“Take me Peeta,” you whispered, gripping his hair tightly. Suddenly he swung you around, shoving you face first onto the bed.
“You’re so pathetic, failing me in training and now you’re begging for me to bend you over like a slut?” he spat angrily. You felt the pool between you legs grow and your stomach fluttered at his cruelness. He held you down and yanked your spandex shorts and panties down, tossing them to the side. He smacked your ass, before kissing the red spot, soothing the sting he left behind. He spread your cheeks, revealing your glistening heat to him.
“God, you’re such a whore, you love it when I yell at you don’t you? You weak bitch,” he grabbed your hair, tugging you back and looking into your eyes. “Answer me honey,” he smirked at your limp body.
“Yes- I love it when you scream at me Peeta, please use my pussy,” you whined, surprised at your own pathetic response. He turned you into your back, pulling your tank top over your head. The cold air hit your nipples, you felt them harden as he watched you with a cold stare. You nearly screamed in shock when he smacked you across the face before taking your lips in his. You parted your lips as his tongue danced in your mouth, your hot mouths gasping for air. You knew it was almost laughable how much you needed Peeta, but you couldn’t help it as your legs clenched together.
“Come on baby, spread your legs for me,” he said almost kindly as he ran his hands along your bare skin. You saw the switch in his eyes as you opened your thighs, he looked at you intensely as you shuddered under his gaze. He pulled his painfully hard cock from his shorts and ran his dripping crown along your slit. You bucked your into his shaft as he grinder against you. His hands pushed your hips into the mattress, holding you still.
“Last chance, are you gonna take my cock like the slut you are?” he whispered menacingly, kissing your cheek. You nodded.
“Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you senseless Y/N,” the way he said your name had you soaking the duvet.
“Please fuck me, use me to get yourself off,” you rambled. “If i’d known how big you were I would’ve started this a long time ago, gonna stretch me so fucking wide Peeta,” you moaned, grinding against nothing in an attempt for some pleasure.
“Aw poor baby, not gonna be able to take my cock?” he said innocently. He threw your legs over his strong shoulders and tugged your hips to his. He lined his veiny shaft up with your soaked hole and plunged into you. Your eyes rolled back as he sunk deeper into you, your pussy swallowing each inch he gave.
“I’m gonna ruin you, gonna fuck you so hard you’ll be limping into training tomorrow you stupid girl,” Peeta gave you less than a second to adjust before he began ramming you onto his cock. You lay unable to move in his grasp, shuddering with each brush against your walls.
“Fuck- taking me so well, making me feel better already,” he groaned, his heavy sack hitting your ass with each thrust. You moaned his name loudly, cling to his back as he bounced your cunt on his dick.
“Shut up, you fucking wanted this, take it,” he nearly shouted, his jaw tense with built up frustration. You felt the knot in your stomach grow at his harsh behaviour as he fucked you mercilessly.
“Peeta,” you whined, you sore hole clenching around him.
“Such a good fuck toy, your tight cunt is suffocating me, gonna use you ever time I want to, aren’t I? You’d let me wouldn’t you? Such a whore for me,” he growled, sinking his nails into the flesh of your ass.
“Yes! Use me Peeta, I’m just a worthless hole for you,” you whimpered, your walls beginning to flutter. He raised a hand from your hips and struck your face again, stinging and throwing you into your orgasm. You felt your pussy throb, gushing onto his thick cock. He bit down on your bare shoulder as he came, continuing to ram your overused hole full of his seed. His thrusts slowed and he looked down at you with blown out pupils.
“You squirted all over me you filthy girl,” he groaned, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he shuddered with the last few ropes of cum painting your insides. He pulled out slowly, pressing a sloppy kiss to your abused pussy. He disappeared from your view, as you lay helplessly on the bed.
“Peeta?” you whimpered, starting to feel the weight of the moment.
“Shh, I’m right here baby,” he stroked your hair from your eyes, and brought a warm washcloth to your thighs. Wiping your combined juices from your legs and heat. He leaned down lapping at your burning hole leaking his cum. You whined, your body oversensitive as he sucked his seed from you.
“That’s a good girl,” he said softly, kissing you gently. You tasted his salty cum on his tongue, moaning softly. He helped you under the covers, laying to face you. He pecked you on the nose sweetly before cupping your face in his hands.
“You okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” he asked, worry flashing in his angelic face.
“No, I love seeing you like that,” you smiled sheepishly. He pulled you into him letting you feel the rise and fall of his chest and the soft beat of his heart. You buried your cheek into his side, smiling to yourself as he gently stroked your back.
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ddejavvu · 9 months
criminal minds request:
Hotch and reader have a some tension between them ever since reader joined the team. They never acted upon it knowing that the relationship would be the hr nightmare.
They live in the same complex and reader is spending the night with someone from the bar and Aaron interrupts with the news of a case.
I love your writing btw
thanks! <3
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Aaron's been inside of your apartment only a few times before, but he could walk there in his sleep. That's almost what he wishes he was doing, instead of marching towards your door at one thirty-six in the morning, but duty calls, and though he'd tried to do the same, you hadn't answered your phone.
When he reaches your door Aaron can hear faint noise inside, and something like annoyance prickles at his chest at the thought that you'd ignored his phone call to watch television. But he finds himself seldom able to feel anything but secretly fond of you, so he tries to give you the benefit of the doubt.
What the door opens to is far worse than television. Instead of the faint glow of a screen lighting the couch, Aaron is met with the sight of a man, mostly naked and only draped in a sheet. Your sheet.
This man was in your bed.
"Yeah?" He asks, rather rudely, "It's the middle of the night, man. What do you want?"
He suspects you've asked the man to answer the door because you don't want to do it yourself, appearing alone at night in most likely very little clothing. Aaron commends you on your survival skills, but can't shake the feeling that he suddenly wants to try his hand at murder.
"I'm Y/N's boss," Aaron mutters, eyes set in a sharp glare, "She's needed at the office."
"Man, fuck off," Your houseguest scoffs, "That's not gonna work on me. Leave her alone, you creep, or at least come back with a better lie next time."
The man tries swinging the door shut, but before Aaron can wedge the freshly polished toe of his shoe into the gap, you squeal from down the hallway.
"We have a case," Aaron barks, voice still rough at the presence of the other man present, "You didn't answer your phone."
"I'm sorry!" You come running down the hallway while wrestling with the waistband of sweatpants Aaron hopes are your own, fully clothed in those and a tank top as you reach the door.
"Uh, Dominic, this is- he's my boss," You pat the man's bare back apologetically where you sidle up beside him, "I have to go."
Dominic doesn't seem to be particularly kind to anyone, Aaron muses. The man rounds on you with a furrow in his brow that Aaron doesn't like one bit, "Seriously? Some suited-up fuck comes to your door in the middle of the night and you just run off with him?"
"It's my job," You plead earnestly, "I'm sorry! It's just bad timing."
"Whatever." Dominic grumbles, turning to stalk off down the hallway to retrieve his clothes, "Bad timing my ass."
Neither you nor Hotch decide to tell him that you can see the very thing he speaks of. He's only holding the towel over his front half, and the back half being completely exposed doesn't help the tough-guy persona he's trying to put on as he storms off.
"I'm sorry," You breathe, sounding truly apologetic as Aaron stands in your doorway, "I didn't hear my phone ring, I was- we were... well. I'll be dressed and ready in, like, ten minutes." You vow, "I just need to get him out of here."
Aaron's not sure he can manage to speak after your admission, because up until now he'd been trying to pretend there was somehow some other reason for there to be a naked man crawling out of your bed at two in the morning.
All he can muster is a terse nod, and you take it as disapproval rather than a bruised heart. You rush off to get changed, and Aaron hears Dominic bicker with you before he storms his way out of the hallway and through the door. Aaron doesn't move as he passes through, and Dominic runs into his broad shoulders. Aaron keeps his balance steady, not sparing Dominic a glance as the man makes a fool of himself on the way out.
"She's not even worth it, man," Dominic sneers at Hotch from down the hall, "She must be some kinda whore. Called me the wrong fucking name, like she does this every night. Aaron must have been the last guy."
Hotch is stuck. If he hadn't heard his own name escape Dominic's mouth he'd have used what he's learned as a serial killer specialist to dispose of Dominic's remains without ever being caught. He doesn't like the way that the man spoke of you one bit, but when he hears you've been speaking of him, his spine stiffens and his legs lock into place.
"Tell her I hope Aaron likes her mediocre tits more than I did!" Dominic shouts as a sendoff, and Aaron knows for a fact that he does. Mediocre is the last word he'd use to describe them, but he respects you and won't dwell on what term would be best.
Aaron almost regrets seeing Dominic leave, because he'd have liked to grill the man on exactly what went down in there. How did you say his name? When did you say his name? Did you say his name when glancing over at your ringing phone, and ultimately deciding to ignore it? Or did you say his name through an open-mouthed moan, sweat beading on your hairline and certainly-not-mediocre tits bouncing wildly with each thrust?
Aaron's head is so clouded with thoughts of your fucked-out, sex-hazy state that he's startled to feel your hand on his arm, and he tugs it out of your grasp, jerking away like he's been burned. Sure, his skin is on fire where you've touched him, but only because he wishes you'd do it more, especially in other places.
You take his reluctance to be touched as a bad sign, and your face dims into a hesitant frown as you stand at the ready by Hotch's side.
"I'm sorry, Hotch," You murmur, tucking your hand into the jacket that you're clutching now that you feel you've made a fool out of yourself, "Um- it won't happen again, sir."
He wants to kiss you. He wants to duck inside, slam your door shut, and press you against the inside, demanding a detailed account of why his name had fallen from your lips earlier in the heat of the moment. But he can't, he knows he can't, and he has to blink at your forlorn expression instead, feet heavy as he drags them away from your door, like magnets trying to pull him to your bedroom.
"No need for apologies, Agent." He grits his teeth, "What you do in your free time-" like moan my name "-is your business. Let's go, we're briefing on the plane; wheels up in thirty."
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bangchansgirlsblog · 6 months
Hello I love your writing so much
Could I please request for 9th member reader who didn't come from the healthiest families and she's very sensitive, keeps to herself when the boys ask her about it. However once she and chan get into an argument about her coping mechanisms and in his anger he gives her the silent treatment (for about a week?) And finally she break down in front of one of the other members, telling them about how her mother would always give her the silent treatment and she was never encouraged to express herself etc... and the boys all comfort her?
Thank you so much!!
Toxic traits.
Warning: Angst, crying, panic attack, mean Chan
Summary: as requested ^
Pairing: reader x Ot8
“Y/n?” The voice sounded like it was distant. She could barely hear but how could she? The painful ring in her ear blocked out everything around her.
“Y/n? You okay?” Hyunjin asked her again trying to get her out of her trance.
“Yeah-yeah,” her voice is caught in a crack. The hot feeling of tears starts to build up. “I’m fine, where are the rest of the boys?” She cleared her throat and put her bag down.
“They went to get some coffee, I told them I would wait here for you. Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked one last time to be certain. He could sense her vibe was off but yet again it was Y/n. She was the most mysterious yet energetic person you could come across. Oh? And she’s the youngest.
“Yes I’m fine Hyun, we should head for practice. We don’t want to keep the boys waiting,” she gave him another comforting smile before grabbing her bag once again and making their way to the JYP building.
The walk was quiet. Her thoughts were currently running haywire as she tried to peace everything together but she knew today wasn’t going to be a good day. The argument she had with her father still played in her head.
“So, what do you have in your schedules today?” Hyunjin interrupted her thoughts trying to ease the tension in the air.
“I just have dance practice with you guys then I get a break and you?”
“I have a photo shoot later after practice, kinda cliché themed.” Y/n giggle at this. Hyunjin gave himself a pat on the back for making her laugh.
“Well, I hope stay don’t make fun of you because that’ll be more memes coming out,”
“Yeah, yeah, as long as I rock the outfit no one can bring me down,” he flexed his biceps earning a gag sound from the manknae.
“Hyunjin that’s gross,” she rolled her eyes as they both entered the studio to find the boys stretching. They all said their “hello’s” and started their practice off.
“Y/n get your head in the game,” Leeknow scolded her. She had been messing up a lot today and now that they were halfway through, she hadn’t gotten anything done causing the whole group to get lost.
“I’m trying okay?” She snapped back at him. Han’s neck snapped in their direction as he looked at her in disbelief.
“Don’t snap at him like that, his older than you,” Han joined in the scolding. Y/n was tired and frustrated now. She couldn’t deal with them hopping on her back.
“Okay whatever,” she walked away from the both of them and sat on the floor by her bag trying to look for her water bottle. The boys were looking at her from a far trying to figure what was bothering her today.
“Hey Y/n?” I.N finally gave in and sat besides her to check in.
“Yes I.N?” She replied in her soft tone.
“You okay? You’ve been messing up all day-“
That was all she needed. That little push to throw her off the edge. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and she stood up still facing I.N. Her anger was at a 10 and she couldn’t hold it back anymore.
“I’m fine okay?! What is wrong with all of you?! Don’t you see I’m trying?! Can’t you leave me alone for once?! Why does it seem like whatever I do is a problem-“
“Y/n. Out. Now.” Chan’s loud voice shook the room quite literally. She stormed off to stand outside by the door. Trying to keep her cool but she couldn’t.
“Don’t you see this is a waste of time? You’re a girl! You won’t survive in this industry!”
“But dad I- the boys got me. We’re making it-“
“Those boys will soon leave you just like your mum did. You’re pathetic and a waste of space. You don’t even bring anything to the table!” Her father’s voice was loud through the phone.
“Why won’t you let me to what I want for once?” She begged.
“Because! I spent my whole life working my butt off to provide for you and now look at you? You’ve basically become a stripper”
“Dad don’t say that-“
“Well it’s the truth.”
Her father’s words echoed in her ears. She felt helpless. She felt useless. She felt disgusted by herself.
“What was that?” Chan storms out the room. He was angry. It was obvious.
“What is wrong with you? What’s your problem? You’ve been so moody all day and whenever we ask you what’s wrong cause we know damn well we didn’t do anything wrong, you start acting bratty,”
“Chan I was just trying to-“
“No, I don’t want to hear it. You will go in there and apologize. Understood?”
“Chan! You never listen to me. Your always taking their side,” she snapped at him.
“I know damn well you aren’t taking to me like that. I’ve given you time and time again to come talk to me but you crush it off and decide to be a bitch to everyone. So don’t even say I don’t listen to you-“
“I’m not being a bitch, I just want to be alone,”
“Okay then be alone. Stop bringing everyone down just cause you can’t deal with you problems, you better go apologize to everyone and you can head home,” the tears in her eyes started to fall once he left.
Maybe she indeed was the problem. Maybe she needed to learn a way to cope with her feelings. Maybe she just needed to shut up.
She slowly took steps back into the studio and everyone turned to look at her.
“I’m sorry if I snapped at any of you, I won’t do it again,” her sobs were heard. They were so painful to hear that even Chan was so close to stopping her and pulling her into a hug. He felt so bad but he knew he had to stand on business.
At first Chan thought that maybe her silent treatment would last a day or two but it dragged and it continued to drag till it was the 1 week stamp.
He grew worried because he wasn’t not just talking to him but she wasn’t talking at all. She would only say hello and then continue with her day. Not even talking to managers or staff.
She would just nod or say small” thanks you’s” or “goodbyes”. It was almost like the fight he had with her shut her up completely and this was eating him up.
The stress of the VMA’s performance coming up and having to deal with his members made everything 10x harder to cope with.
“She hasn’t been eating,” Changbin informs Chan who lets out a frustrated sigh. “Should I just talk to her? Maybe that’ll fix things,”
“She’s so mad, she won’t talk to anyone. Even I.N,” this caused Han and Changbin to gasp.
“They’re like bestfriends, it’s like they were never separated at birth. What do you mean he won’t talk to her?” Han asked.
“He came to me in tears yesterday because he attempted to get her to talk but she shut him down immediately,”
“Then you’re going to have to fix this Chan. She needs you even though she hasn’t said it. Maybe it’s something deeper than your fight,”
“I know that for certain Hyunjin but how can I talk to her when she keeps avoiding me and walking away,”
“Just go to the gardens,” Felix suggested.
Chan hadn’t thought about it and quickly gave a hug to Felix who he praised for a bit and run to the gardens.
There she was. Sat feeding ducklings. She had a soft smile on her face. Her cheekbones were becoming visible because of the lack of food and the stress of the shows coming up.
“Y/n?” He said while making his way to her. She remained still and quiet. Continuing to feed the ducks.
“Can we talk please?” Silence. “Look I’m sorry. I’m getting worried and you not being able to talk to me means that there’s something deeper going on. Can you talk to me please? I’ll shut up and listen.”
“My dad,” she sat up and looked over to him. Chan in disbelief after hearing her voice after so long. “My dad wants me to go back home,”
“What? What? He can’t do that. We’re a team. We’re your family,”
“I never told you about him because of how toxic he is Chan, he won’t leave me alone until I’m home. Where he can control me.”
“But your legal and you’re on a contract-“
“He doesn’t care Chan,” she looked up at him. The tears in her eyes started to pour like rain. Chan’s eyes soften as he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.
“I won’t let him take you. Over my dead body.” Was all he said as she continued to sob.
“I’m so scared. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you Oppa,”
“Shhhh. It’s okay my love. It’s fine. You did now.”
He continued to comfort her until she could calm down. A constant apology left her mouth. Chan didn’t want an apology he just wanted to protect her and he knew the only way he could talk to her was if she had calmed down.
“Have you eaten?” He asked her knowing the answer. He just didn’t want to make it seem like he was tracking her consumption.
“I’m not hungry,” her face was squashed against his chest making the words come out a little muffled.
“You are. You’ve lost so much weight. Let’s go buy you some ramen and we can talk okay? How does that sound?”
“That’s okay Chan. I’m ready to talk.”
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stxrvel · 13 days
losing myself
memories of how you lost yourself trying to keep your best friend afloat. content. angst, depression and suicidal thoughts. this is post-suguru's death, except the first memory. a/n. i just can't seem to bring myself out of the angst for jjk, i apologise in advance!
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Helping Satoru was a way of losing yourself. When Haibara died and Suguru abandoned them, Shoko dealt with it in her loneliness and the only thing Satoru could lean on was you. Your shoulder was his support, the only thing that kept him sane to reality as you both tried to graduate and made the decision to teach school, you for a much more selfish reason than Satoru's human reasons.
Helping Satoru cost you a lifetime of loneliness. You loved your friend and after what happened you were so desperate not to lose anyone else that you were willing to do anything, even if it meant losing everything that once made you who you were and all motivation. You thought your identity didn't compare to the pain and helplessness of not being able to do anything while everyone walked away, but your decision led to a lonelier life than you had thought.
“Hey, everything okay?” Shoko approached through the hallway, the darkness relenting once she was standing next to you. “You look pale.”
“I'm fine. Just a little tired.”
The clouds around you enveloped them on either side, a somber feeling settling in between the space Shoko kept her distance with.
“Well, we've graduated. From now on the pains can't be so great.”
“Yeah, right. We're past the worst of it, aren't we?”
“I'd like to think so.”
Her cocked smile thawed a little of the chill settling in your chest, but her eyes told you everything her lips didn't. She knew, everyone knew, that you hadn't been the same since Suguru left. Satoru was staying afloat because of his goofy personality, but trying your best to keep it that way, the sparkle in your eyes disappeared. The person who used to be told that she brought the sun in her eyes had completely clouded over. Shoko saw the storms in your eyes, the impenetrable and unceasing tempest. She couldn't cross it without dying trying.
“You can talk to me if you need to.”
That was what she said every time, even though you never took her at her word. Shoko always proved she could survive on her own, however she had done it, whatever process she had to go through, the smile she gave you in those moments at least was more genuine than yours.
Satoru was too wrapped up in his own world, his own head and his own pain to stop for a moment to notice yours, which Shoko and the others could. You never placed that guilt on Satoru's shoulders, nor did you need to, but it was something you were sadly aware of. Satoru didn't push you aside because he was selfish, it was simply his way of processing things, so internally and individually inside his head. Just as you had made it your way of processing grief to help Satoru tirelessly, to the point of almost becoming his shadow.
“I don't know what to do anymore, y/n,” Satoru cried, hands holding his head and knees against his chest.
Utahime had called out to you, barely passing you out of eagerness and blurting out a couple of words that you could deduce were about Satoru. It was painful as you knew you had to prepare in advance to see him, because it was heartbreaking to have to help him process his pain while you had to keep your own at bay.
“I'm tired of dreaming about it. I'm tired of… seeing him.”
Your hands moved over his hair, his cursed technique disappearing every time you were near. You tried to contain the trembling of his body by holding his shoulders, but having you closer only made him more vulnerable.
“Not sleeping is not the solution, Satoru.”
“That's the only way,” raising his head, his puffy blue eyes returned your gaze. At times like those, you didn't know how he hadn't noticed your sunken eyes or the black bags that even years later still wouldn't go away.
But it was about him. Satoru was in bad modd. You had to help him. You had to hold him.
“No, it's not. I'm here,” your knees touched his feet, his face contracting as a fresh tide of tears lashed his chest. Cold hands wrapped around you and your numb hands wrapped around his neck. “I know you miss him. I know you regret it.”
His sobs against your shoulder grew louder and louder, but Satoru kept his grip with hostility. He held close to you as his lifeline, the float that carried him across the ocean, shipwrecked in his own pain, lost in his own mind.
“But you know you don't have to carry that pain alone, Satoru.”
“I don't know what I did, y/n…”
“You did what you had to do.”
“If you hadn't done it, I would have.”
His head jerked up, his blue eyes crystallizing and pain written all over his face with the trail of tears that wouldn't stop flowing.
“It wasn't anything either of us would've had to have done,” you shook your head, trying to contain the memories in the back of your head, trying to focus on pain your friend in that moment, on what really mattered. “It wasn't anything either of us had to endure.”
“But you're fine…”
You almost snorted, controlling yourself enough to let out a sigh. His naive eyes wouldn't leave yours, almost as if he was constantly wondering what you were doing to deal with all that he wasn't. As if there was something wrong that he was doing or something he wasn't doing that you were, because in his eyes, up until that moment, you were fine.
“I'm fine when you're fine.”
“I'm not fine right now.”
“I know.”
You seemed to think a glimmer of understanding crossed his eyes. You didn't know, you couldn't be sure, but his face returned to your neck and the tears stopped falling. Minutes passed in silence.
“I'm sorry,” was the last thing he said that night.
Helping Satoru was something you would never regret, even when you had lost your spark and the students loved him more than you.
“I thought you were going out tonight.”
You ran into Nanami on your way to your dorm. It was getting close to the time of the outing Satoru had proposed for that night and you knew that if you didn't go no one else would show up there. You hated to think of dashing your friend's hopes, but he had already developed enough strength to go through such a disappointment. It had been months since he had becone strong enough to deal with such situations on his own.
“I'm tired.”
“For something specific?”
It was common for your friends to dance around the elephant in the room, and sometimes you allowed yourself to think how different things would be if they had at some point been more daring with their approaches, as you were with Satoru. What would've changed, then or in the past, if Nanami or Shoko had been more insistent? Where would you be now? Where would you be later?
“Nothing specific. I'd just like to get more rest tonight,” you sent Nanami a smile, the kind you had mastered to avoid such conversations.
“Very well. You know I'm just a phone call away if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Nanami.”
Were you really that selfish? In all their remoteness, your friends were still concerned about your well-being. Had enough time passed for you to not care? If you didn't want to be unwell, why was it so hard for you to accept their help?
“You've lost weight,” Satoru was right beside you from the moment you left Yaga's office.
“The mission went well, Satoru, thank you for caring.”
You tried to dodge him to go back to your room, but of course the white-haired man wouldn't just walk away just because. Lately he was closer, more attentive, more condescending…
“Are you eating well?”
Satoru was trying hard to ignore the way his words brought back dark memories. From the moment he realized what had been happening, his mind was scheming every second of the day in trying to find a way to bring you back to your original state. He couldn't even fully concentrate on the missions, but that was no obstacle for him.
“I'm tired, Satoru. It was three days. I need to sleep.”
“I told Yaga many times to let me go with you…”
“I handled it just fine on my own, Satoru.”
“I know! I'd just like to be of some use-”
“You want to be of some use? Leave me alone!”
The bed was freezing cold as it was every night. You changed the sheets that morning and organized the entire bedroom in a strange spike of energy. You felt a little better afterwards, but not enough. It had never stopped looking and feeling so empty, no matter what you did.
Satoru called you a couple of times that night, but as usual, he'd give up after a couple of tries.
You wondered again, drowsily, what would be different if only he had insisted a little more…
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authorhjk1 · 7 months
Surviving NNN
Part Three: A star
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You sit on the balcony of your apartment, letting the cold breeze brush your face. The cold shower you just took helped. Or at least it eased the pain. Yena's gorgeous body still wanders through your mind. The way the towel slowly slid up, revealing her legs. How it created a small cleavage over her small breasts.
You are saved by the sound of the door being opened. Hearing small footsteps, you do your best to concentrate on the task at hand.
You recognize Chaewon's voice.
"Minju made breakfast. You coming?"
"Of course. Give me a second."
You feel a little guilty letting your guests cook, but the three girls can cook way better than you. Apart from some basic dishes you can't do very much.
"What are you doing?"
Chaewon steps closer, now standing right behind you, while looking over your shoulder as you sit in one of the comfortable chairs.
"I'm working on some lyrics." "Really?"
You hear the excitement in Chaewons's voice.
"I'm a huge star, you know?"
She grabs another chair and sits down next to you, looking at the ipad in your lap.
She referred to herself as a star, which is the name for your fandom. Your stage name is Jin-wol. It translates to moon or jewel in English. That's why the fandom name stars somewhat fit.
You are happy to hear that Chaewon is a star, she is a well known idol after all.
The young woman nods in excitement.
"I watched your recent MV like a million times."
You chuckle as Chaewon tries to glance at your ipad. Unfortunately, there is nothing much to look at so far.
"What's the new song about?"
"Read for yourself."
You offer her the ipad and Chaewon starts to read. It isn't much yet, but you can see her blushing harder and harder with every word.
"Th-This is gonna be your song?"
"Yeah. I can write and produce my own music, but usually the company decides on what theme we do for every album.
"Ah, I see."
Chaewon's cheeks are still a little red as she gives you the ipad back. It is hard work to write this stuff right now, beacuse of NNN. It's supposed to be a sexy concept. A combination of obvious hints about sex and some a little less obvious. It wouldn't have been a problem without NNN at all. You could just take more than enough "inspiration" from Karina. And even if someone would catch up on that, it's no big deal, since the two of you are together anyway.
You eat breqakfast in silence, while you listen to three girls chatting. With your mind still on the song and your mind capable of more than just vivid imagination, you keep your head down.
You slowly raise your head, barely able to look at Minju. The things that went through your brain during your run make you feel bad. How could you think about her like that?
"Since its Saturday, the three of us wanted to go shopping. You wanna come with?"
You rather not. You need to keep writing. And you need some space to breath. Having these three girls constantly around you makes you anxious.
"I actually still have some work to do."
"Oh come on."
Yena looks at you.
"We will reward you afterwards."
She gives you a wink and your mind starts spinning again. What kind of reward?
"What kind of reward?"
Yena chuckles. Your voice may have sounded a little too desperate.
"I'm tot gonna tell you. But it has something to do with cream."
She smirks at you.
New pictures flood your mind.
Yena on her knees, holding a can of wipped cream. She pours some of it into her mouth, before looking up at you. Her hands work to take of your pants. You groan as you feel her warm lips part around your cock. The cold wipped cream is a great contrast to them. It slowly starts to melt in Yena's mouth. She pushes it around with her tongue, while looking up at you.
You slightly shake your head, trying to get rid of these thoughts.
"Why not?"
Yena pouts. You can't stop looking at her lips. Just a moment ago they were wrapped around your cock....
"Please, Jin-wol oppa."
Minju pouts as well.
"Karina unnie told us to take you. She said you hate shopping."
That's somewhat true. You never liked it. Which means Karina usually does it for you. She knows evry size, from shoes to shirt. She also has a better sense of style than you.
The person who breaks your last resistance is Chaewon.
"Like you wrote in your lyrics: 'I see donuts left and right, but I just want to glaze yours all night' you know?"
No. No way in hell she doesn't know what you meant by that. She must. Chaewon must know exactly what you meant. The other lines are even more explicit. She must have picked up on this.
And yet, she looks at you with an innocent face.
"We could get you some donuts."
Yena chips in.
"I like my donut glazed as well."
You almost have to take another shower as you hear her say that. You stuff your mouth with food, trying to avoid the pictures coming back.
"Chaewon? Are you coming?"
Yena shouts through the apartment, while the three of you wait for Chaewon. She is the last on to get dressed.
"Oppa, why don't you go and get her?"
"Yeah. She is a big fan of yours. I'm sure she will hurry up when she sees you.
You walk towards Yena's and Chaewon's shared room.
"Come in."
You hesitate for obvious reasons, but you eventually open the door. Bad decision. Not just because of the way Chaewon is dressed, but because the two of you are alone.
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"What do you think?"
You think a lot. Way too much actually. The number of days you survived without cuming is increasing steadily. And Chaewons outfit makes you dizzy.
You just want to take her right there.
Push her against the wall, throwing that large bag aside. Open the zipper of her jeans, while she does the same with yours. Your lips dance along her skin on her shoulders, enjoying the smoothness. Without much forplay, you would just enter Chaewon. Her eyes shut tight as her petite body tries to accustom itself to your cock. A moan escapes her mouth while you push inside. Your hands resting on her tight midriff. Your thumb playfully grazes over her mole as you make Chaewon sigh with pleasure.
You start to fuck her hard into the wall. More and more. Faster and faster. Your body releasing all the build up tension.
"Oh god! Your cock!"
Chaewon moans loudly as you pound her hard. Your dick is deep inside her pussy. Your girlfriend's friend's pussy. Your fellow idol's pussy. Your fan's pussy.
Chaewon is all of that. And more. Your lips find hers, trying to muffle her moans as you take her body. The young woman gives herself to you, relishing in the pleasure you give her.
"Harder, please! Fuck me good!"
Her high pitched yelps make you pound her harder. You feel Chaewon's walls contract around you. Her body shakes even more.
"Oh my god! I'm gonna cum on your cock!"
And so she does. Chaewon orgasms in your arms as you keep fucking her. You chase your own orgasm which is building up as well. After almost three weeks of no cuming, you feel your cock almost bursting as you are about to climax.
"Give it to me. Give me your cum."
Chaewon asks for it. She looks into your eyes, her head slightly swaying back and forth as you pound her against the wall. You are surprised when she manages to undo the button of her jeans in a frenzy. She pulls down her jeans just enough for you to get a good look at her pussy.
The sight makes you orgasm right there. You manage to pull out. You start cuming all over her. Your cum lands mostly on her freshly fucked pussy. Some of it on her midriff. The two of you breath heavily after your short fuck.
Looking down, you realize that you mad your lyrics come true. You did glaze Chaewon's donut.
Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this. The lyrics might come of as a little cringe but I'm a writer not a composer , so please don't judge me to harshly.
Tomorrow will be the last day of round one for the Decmber speical, if i'm correct. You will be able to vote for the actual chapters as soon as this round ends
Have a great day!
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sharararararara · 5 days
Cold as snow
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Paring: Dark Coriolanus Snow x reader
Warnings: Sexual thoughts, masturbating, forced relationship mentions.
Author's note: Done with school, time to write.
"We never talked before," said the guy beside you. You never really talked to them, even though you have been in that academy for months no one really recognized you. You were not popular, you were just a normal student. You just wanted to have a good future for yourself.
You stopped writing in your notebook, looking up at the man beside you. "Yeah, I guess we never did," you replied, tapping your pencil on your notebook.
"I'm Coriolanus, Coriolanus Snow. You can call me Coryo if you want." Said Coriolanus. You felt awkward at that moment, you already knew who he was, he just never knew you.
He was the smartest in the class, always participating, with blonde hair, and blue eyes that you could get lost in.
"I'm (Your name)," you replied, before going back to writing in your notebook. "Need any help with that?" Coryo asked, moving closer to you. "Uh, no I got it. Thanks." You replied, continuing to write. Coryo moved back to his sit and starts to write as well.
You were glad that the conversation ended, it was awkward, very awkward. You did not even know what to say, you barely even knew him. You did not want to start the "Hey! What is your favorite color?" like you used to do before when you were little, you would just get embarrassed.
"Ready for the Hunger games?"
Here we go again, you thought before looking at him. "Not really," you replied. Coryo looked at you like you were the best art piece in the world, making you feel uncomfortable.
"Why?" He asked. "I don't know, I just don't want people to die," you replied. For you, the districts did not deserve that, you did not want to watch them strive to survive until the end.
Coryo just nodded at your simple answer, he was not gonna question you about it and besides, he only asked that question so that he can talk to you more.
The class was about to end in any second, and you just wanted to rush out of there and go home.
3 more seconds...
2 more seconds...
1 more second-
"I guess class ended," said Coryo as he stood up, packing his bag as everyone did. "It was nice talking to you, I hope we can talk more," said Coryo, giving you a smile before leaving the classroom.
You could finally go home...
"F-fuck..." he whispered, as he stroked his cock in the dimly lit room. He wanted you, he needed you. He needs you so bad and you can't fucking see it.
You smelled so good, he just wanted to fuck you on that table, making the whole class watch as he fucks you stupid.
he finally dared to talk to you and fuck your voice was music to his ears.
His cock was sensitive, he was masturbating for hours. He was so hard when he was talking to you, good thing that you did not notice the bulge poking out.
One day, he will kidnap you and fuck you for hours. He wants you to feel what he feels every time you are near him, every time he thinks about you, even the mention of your name makes him have butterflies.
He does not care if he has to force you into a relationship with him, he can manipulate you easily and even if you try to escape, no one would believe you that Coriolanus Snow would ever do such a thing.
He will have you, no matter what happens, he will have you.
He just loves you...
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vickyvicarious · 27 days
Oh yes, the feeling that you have to rely to the creeper who you loathe so much that you have come to hate even the rooms he resides in, that he's not the scariest thing in your life, that you have to run to his arms for safety. Horror! Dracula claiming him was the high point of the entry (than the almost-bite)
Honestly, yeah. The dynamics between Dracula and Jonathan are so scary, to the point that all the supernatural events are the cherry on top rather than the main course, as far as the horror of this section goes.
Dracula does so much manipulation here, holds so many different kinds of power over Jonathan, and multiple levels of each too. He's got physical power - both in the sense of the castle being a prison, and in the sense of his incredible strength. He's got social power - as a noble, and as a client/boss. He's got monetary power over Jonathan too, able to potentially make or ruin his career. He has so much control over Jonathan's ability to express himself - he's the only company available to him, he's forcing him to keep up a pretense of friendship, he's limiting and controlling his communication with others. Jonathan has no escape: he can't go out of the castle because he's locked in, he can't go many places inside the castle because he's locked out of them, and now he can't leave the rooms Dracula wants him in because otherwise the vampire ladies will get him, and within those rooms there is nowhere safe from Dracula himself. Jonathan has seemingly no action he can take: if he sneaks around behind Dracula's back, a greater threat awaits. If he acts openly, Dracula's own threat may become realized. If he doesn't act at all, he's doomed. If he acts at all, he's doomed. If he trusts Dracula, he's doomed. If he doesn't trust Dracula, he's doomed.
Of course, the supernatural elements are the mechanics by which Dracula increases the stakes, the threats underlying the charming veneer. Specifically, the introduction of the vampire women is what puts Jonathan in this seemingly inescapable box, and one with potential threats to something even greater than his life.
But Dracula's playing this Bluebeard role and could have done so with some more mundane threat as well, without changing too terribly much about his own actions. Where he's scariest (at least to me) is in these interactions with Jonathan, in these manipulative webs and traps he lays out in his words, in the way he pushes so many boundaries until they're forced to collapse or warp under the pressure. Jonathan's privacy keeps getting worn away. Dracula's speech and touch get more familiar and more possessive. He started out the first night blaming Jonathan for the things he did himself ('oh, why did you make your conversation so interesting we had to stay up all night?') and escalates until now he's making Jonathan be the one to act, and to suffer the consequences: whether in forcing him to lie to his loved ones, or in dangling the bait of sleeping outside his room and then only barely saving him when he does. And Jonathan has no real choice but to act. To fail to do so, in one way or another, would mean giving up all hope at escape or likely even survival. But because he has to act, he winds up feeling complicit. He ends up in situations where Dracula thanks him, forgives him, saves him. It keeps putting them on seemingly the same side, with Jonathan in a lesser/reliant role. And that's all a huge lie, at its core. But in a very real way, it's true too, to an extent. More and more, he's getting layers of resistance scraped away, and having to seek safety from Dracula now is so, so horrifying. In many ways all he truly has left is his will to live, his internal determination to resist - and now he's been given powerful incentive not to trust in that latter part too much. It's absolutely brutal.
He's walking a wire that just keeps getting thinner and thinner. All he can possibly do is try to keep this balancing act going, and hope for something to change that will give him more options down the line.
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aliaology · 6 months
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summary: luke decides to ultimately end his relationship with his girlfriend because he knows hes not good enough for her
pairings: luke hughes x fem!reader
warning: just lots of angst!
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rushing was never your thing, but right now you were racing to your boyfriends dorm room in hopes to see what was so important. he rarely texted you at midnight, because by then he was asleep. he needed it for hockey.
you walked into his dorm building, making your way to the stairs and heading up. you had his building memorized. you had his room layout memorized. you had him memorized.
thats why your brows furrowed in confusion when you saw the look of guilt on his face as he opened his door. you didn’t even get to knock.
“luke, are you okay?” you blurt, watching him softly shut the door.
“sit down, please.” he requested.
you obliged and sat down on his bed. the only thing lighting the room was his cheap LED lights that you strung up for him.
you looked at him, concern swimming in your eyes. “whats going on?”
luke sighed as he paced in front of you. he didn’t know how to say it. how to just easily break someones heart. he wishes he could, that way it wouldn’t be hard on your or him.
of course, he didn’t want to do this, but he had to. he wasn’t good for you. he barely had time for you. he opened his mouth to speak, but the words got stuck.
“luke— what is it?” you pressed.
“i think we should break up.”
yeah, not what you were exactly expecting. your eyes widened, shock fulfilling your body. “what— what?” you stuttered.
luke looked guilty. shame plastered across his pretty face. he watched as tears welled in your eyes. the look of hurt spreading across your face. oh how he wanted to kiss your tears away.
“i—i dont get it. did i do something wrong?” you cried. tears started to fall.
luke crouched in front of you. “no— god no pretty girl. none of this is your fault baby. i— i just dont feel an us anymore.” he lied.
he lied through his perfect teeth. he needed you to stay away. to not be with him anymore. he didn’t want you trying. he wouldn’t survive. he’d fall right back at your feet.
“im so sorry, baby. i just don’t want to make you feel unloved or like this is one-sides. its not fair to you.” he told.
you cried softly. your heart ached. how did he lose feelings? when?
“and hey— hey, just because we aren’t together anymore doesn’t mean you have to be a stranger. i want you to live happily, i just don’t want it to be with me.”
you cried harder. “im so sorry baby.”
how could he be sorry and still call you baby? you got off his bed and walked out. you couldn’t stay in there. you felt like it was getting smaller.
luke watched you walk out with sad eyes. he felt horrible, but it was for the best, right?
you walked outside, tears streaming down your pretty cheeks. you cried on your walk back. you cried on your way into your room. you cried yourself to sleep. luke cried himself to sleep.
but it was for the better.
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you: i miss you
luke: you have to stop texting me, y/n. its not healthy for you.
you: i tried working on the project we started together
you: i made it white, like we wanted
luke: go to sleep, y/n
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you: i got our mini house halfway down
you: its close to finished
luke: y/n, why are you still texting me?
you: because i miss you
luke: you need to stop.
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you: i bought mini furniture
you: it has your favorite pattern on the couch
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you: i finished the house.
you: please dont make a mini house with her though
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tags (perm!): @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @outrunangelss , @um-mads , @bqbylon , @whoreforthehughesbrothers , @p3nislawd , @queenmendes
link to get tags! here
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mariacrow · 11 months
How about a (bayverse)transformers x reader that is from our universe? Like we somehow got into the movies which means we know everything, who dies,when they die, who to trust ect. so that would mean that we can save bots that are going to get killed yk?(jazz my baby🥺🥺) okay so if you have no clue how to write it, you dont have to!!!
I totally get you! It’s like an AU I have myself :) My brain simply CANNOT comprehend that they’re dead. What if, to add a little more spice, we’re actually a Witwicky or better yet Sam’s sibling! I’ll leave that to your imagination ;) and I know exactly how to write this piece ;)
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AU where Jazz, Ironhide and Ratchet are saved by Y/N!
2nd person
female reader
takes place in Transformers (2007)
takes place in Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
takes place in Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
battle, injuries, reassurance, swearing, flirting…
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JAZZ lives!
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“YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME!? YOU WANT A PIECE!?” blasting Megatron’s legs, Jazz was angrily shouting while you were watching, standing on top the same building Megatron was on along with Jazz in his claws.
“No! I want two!” Megatron yelled angrily.
“Hey! Hey big guy! Megs!” you yelled as loudly as you could so Megatron could hear you. Your plan was to distract him. “Megatron!!!”
Just when he was about to rip Jazz in two pieces, he turned around because he heard you. Jazz took that opportunity immediately and blasted him in the face. Megatron groaned in pain and irritation as his grip on Jazz went loose.
“You ain’t that smart after all, you pile of rust!” Jazz mocked him as he got out of his grasp and jumped towards you.
Megatron quickly turned around and aimed at you both while groaning in indescribable anger. Jazz grabbed you and jumped off the building while Megatron was trying to blast you both.
“Hold on tight, baby girl!” not the best time for flirting.
Jazz transformed into his BMW and secured you in the driver’s seat with a seatbelt, driving down the building, vertically.
Inching from the ground, he partially transformed to safely push himself onto the ground. He did scratch his bumper though.
“Aw man! Not the bumper!”
He was speeding through the streets, drifting and sliding like the pro he is. You could barely comprehend what just happened.
“Quite of a bumpy ride, huh~?” he said kinda seductively.
“Jazz, you’re insane.” you said, chuckling.
“You saved my life out there, kid, you know that?”
“Hey, what are friends for?”
“Yeah.” he chuckled, “ “Friends~” “
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“For the sake of our survival, a deal had to be made… With Megatron.” Sentinel said as he repeated his gun.
Your eyes widened. Your heart skipped a beat as a heavy wave of adrenaline struck your body. The gun you were holding felt heavier than ever.
“IRONHIDE, WATCH OUT!!!” you shouted and started shooting at Sentinel’s face, aiming for his optics. You made him groan as his aim on Ironhide became wonky.
Ironhide turned around in time and got his weapons out. Sentinel managed to blast his arm off. It made Ironhide groan and lose balance, falling onto his knee as he was trying to shoot Sentinel with his other arm but the pain was keeping him away from being precise.
“NOOO!” you panicked because of Ironhide, seeing he’s badly injured.
“TRAITOROUS PUNK!” Ironhide cussed.
“GET BACK!!!” Lennox yelled.
Bumblebee reacted quickly, the fight was on. Sentinel managed to blast the base, sparkles and heat were all over the place, you could barely see anything. The sharp pieces of metal were flying everywhere which got you injured. Your arm was badly hurt which made you drop your gun and yelp.
Suddenly you could feel a huge, strong metal hand grab you and pull you back. Clinking of Ironhide’s transformation surrounded you and you soon found yourself inside of the black RAM.
He floored it along with Bee. You could hear him groan. His turning was wonky, he was barely driving.
“We need to find Ratchet, ASAP!”
“I don’t need no medic!” you could hear pain in his voice.
“Ironhide, it is not the time for your stubbornness! Please! That grandpa blasted your whole arm off!”
He angrily drifted into an alley and transformed back. You flew out and hit the ground as he slid down the wall, sitting down, holding his leaking shoulder.
You bravely got up and climbed on his leg, taking a better look at him.
“Ironhide, please…” you looked at him with pleading eyes, “This is serious and I don’t know how to fix it…”
Seeing you almost cry because of him made his spark ache. The fact you worry so much about him made it even harder for him to suppress his feelings…
“Fine… Call Ratchet…” he huffed, his ego kinda hurting.
And so you did. He was on his way. You were praying he arrives safely.
Ironhide picked you up and placed you on his other shoulder, gently keeping his servo around you. You smiled and leaned against his helm, giving him a hug. Funny how you both got your left arms injured. Twins!!!
“It’s gonna be alright… I promise…”
“Well I ain’t dying yet.” he chuckled through the pain, “I didn’t even get to take you out.”
He made you chuckle, “Well then. What are you doing tomorrow?”
You both had a good laugh as Ratchet’s sirens were approaching.
Ironhide was saved.
RATCHET lives!
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Ratchet and you were hiding on that abandoned boat for a long time. It was quite difficult for survival but you had him and he had you. He has great survival skills, he taught you a lot.
The night they went hunting for you both almost meant the end. Thankfully you were there with him to react on time. You weren’t sleeping, you were guarding the hiding spot.
It was a peaceful night with a clear sky. You furrowed you eyebrows once the silence was ruined by helicopters in the distance. They were getting closer, you saw them as well as bunch of cars on the dirt road. Your eyes widened as you ran to Ratchet.
“Ratchet! Ratchet, wake up! We need to go, now! They’re coming for us!!”
“Are you sure, Y/N?”
“Yes! I saw them in the distance! Come on, hurry!” you said while quickly packing everything you had, picking up your bag and running out with him. He had a bad feeling about this but he trusted you nonetheless.
The boat got blasted from far away, you didn’t even see who did it. All you knew is that it made you jump off the boat. Ratchet grabbed you mid air and transformed into the ambulance vehicle. You found yourself tumbling inside as he got onto the ground and floored it.
Someone kept blasting you from far away. It was Lockdown tracking you but you had no clue.
“Someone is tracking us! We need to lose them!”
“I know where to go. I suggest you hold on tight! Safety first!” he’s so wholesome.
Suddenly, Ratchet’s tire got blasted. Both of you almost went flying.
“Primus!” Ratchet exclaimed and groaned.
“WOAH!” you bounced inside, securing yourself with a seatbelt, “Your tire is gone!”
Nevertheless, he kept driving with no back tire. You kept being chased by enormously strong blasts until you lost whoever was trying to kill you.
“Whatever was trying to kill us… it isn’t human. I don’t think we have such artillery… and it wasn’t coming from the sky for sure.”
“Humans have made an alliance with the Deceptacons. They won’t stop until they butcher us all!” he said with emotional pain in his voice while driving deep into the countryside, going for an abandoned junkyard.
You sat there, resting. Ratchet seemed hopeless until he spoke.
“Optimus will come back. I know he will. All of this isn’t for nothing…”
You looked up at him and smiled, standing up.
“I’ll go find a spare tire.”
You made him smile, “Thank you. You’re a sweetheart…”
That night you saved the medic’s life without even knowing how butchered he could’ve been by Savoy, Lockdown and KSI…
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Dividers belong to @saradika 🩶
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chelseeebe · 11 months
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summary: tagging along to a gig could never be a bad idea, could it?
smut 18+, steve is a cocky bastard and this basically a rehashed y/n goes to a concert and the lead singer falls in love w/ her from the wattpad days it is incredibly self indulgent lol
an: erm so i apologise for not posting in what feels like forever but a series of things happen (i lost and then subsequently survived the great war and got taylor tickets), my dad is in hospital (he's okay!) and i have written a 10k+ the bear au with eddie (lemme know if u want that) that has occupied my mind so i have excuses ok
It’s slightly difficult to believe that you weren’t utterly enamoured with Steve Harrington the first time you laid eyes on him. You felt like the odd one out, surrounded by a gaggle of screaming, adoring fans. 
You liked the music enough, so when Jen had suggested getting the tickets, you were completely up for it. 
You had just never expected for the night to end like this. 
Jen had been hand plucked from the crowd for some after party, the security guy had eyed you up and down, shrugged and just muffled a quiet whatever when she asked if you could go along. 
There was a small group of other girls being ushered into the intimate room of the club, all looking incredibly similar. Buzzing with excitement, barely able to contain themselves when they saw the band lounging on the velour chairs. It just all felt incredibly forced and you knew exactly what the end goal was. 
The room is murky, full of girls chattering, trying their hardest to grab the attention of at least one of the guys. 
And yeah, maybe it was a little cool but you were tired and knew you’d end up having to find your own way home as Jen was gone. She’d wriggled her way onto the couch next to who you think is the drummer, batting her eyelashes and flashing him that signature pout that meant he was putty in her hands. He’s her usual type, long floppy hair.. the brooding kind. 
“You not having fun?” a voice mutters into your ear, barely audible over the thumping music. It’s Steve, or the frontman, still in his stage get up with a cup of something in his hand. 
“Oh, no I am.. I’m just tired,” playing it off with a small smile. You were not about to cockblock Jen and get the pair of you escorted out with your resting bitch face. 
He nods, eyeing the undrunk glass of champagne in your hand, it was warm now, undrinkable, “you don’t drink?” 
“Ah..” you do drink, just not open drinks that had been shoved into your hand by some barman the second you walked in here, “I just don’t… and don’t take offence, I don’t take open drinks from strangers,” baring your teeth in an awkward smile. 
Steve laughs out loud, envying girls snap their heads in your direction, he takes the flute from your hand, “yeah that’s smart, you want another one? We can both watch him pour it,” motioning towards the bar. 
You had desperately wanted another drink, just too shy and self-conscious to make a scene out of pouring this one away to do anything about it. Nodding graciously as you both stand from the cramped couch, walking up to the bar with daggers in your back. 
“What’re ya’ having?” his eyes heavy on yours, leaning across the bar to get the man’s attention. 
“What are you drinking?” 
“Whiskey,” shaking the cup in your direction. 
“Ooh maybe not,” scrunching your nose in disgust, peering over the bar at the collection of liquors they had. Basically, a bunch of expensive shit you didn’t recognise. “Can I just get a vodka lemonade?” shying away at your incredibly basic pick. 
“Classic,” Steve nods, eyes on you but yours are glued to the bartender, watching eagle eyed as he fills the cup. 
“You’re supposed to be watching too,” raising your brows with a smug smile, you could feel his eyes burning into the side of your face. 
He scoffs, grinning to himself, “I think you’ve got that covered,” not once lowering his gaze. He’s confident, cocky even. Worlds apart from the usual guys you’d encounter, pathetic yet arrogant in the way they spoke to you. 
You take the drink with a smile, the bartender walks away to the other end of the bar with so much as a grunt in response. 
“I haven’t- I need to pay,” finally meeting Steve’s eyes again, baffled by the entire interaction. 
His eyes glint with amusement, shaking his head, “not here.. it’s all paid for,” it’s endearing to him, perhaps he’d got used to girls just already expecting it. 
“Wow..” your mouth contorting into a perfect ‘O’, “well, thank you for the drink,” sipping out of the straw with a smirk. If you’d known, you would’ve taken full advantage way earlier. 
“Well that’s my pleasure, d’you smoke?” rustling in his pockets for the pack of cigs, leaning over to your height. 
You eye the box, “only socially, but if they’re someone else’s cigs then yes, definitely.” 
He bursts into a cackle, “well let’s go then,” placing his hand on your elbow, leading you through the room and out of the side door, passing the prying eyes of the other girls. You weren’t dumb to what was going on, any of those girls would jump at the chance to get led out of a club by Steve Harrington. 
It’s chilly outside, your body shivering at the sudden drop in temperature. He hands you a cigarette, lighting his own and flashing a quick thumbs up to the large security guard who had taken it upon himself to stand blockading the door. 
“Is this something that happens every night?” you ask cautiously, honestly not wanting to offend but rather curious about the answer. 
He nods, blowing a cloud of smoke out of the side of his mouth, “most nights on tour, yeah,” his lighter in his palm ready for you to take. 
“Hmm.. right,” lighting your own cigarette, running your thumb over the engraved metal. Peeking down at the cursive lettering, O.H. Passing it back to him without any questioning. 
“You gettin’ jealous already?” one eyebrow quirked up, you’re thankful that he doesn’t take offence. 
“Yeah totally,” playfully rolling your eyes. Hundreds, if not thousands of girls had been in your exact position before and yet you still found yourself getting giddy over his flirty words and infectious smile. Sickening. “Is it always like this? You don’t get tired?” 
He cocks his head to the side, “sometimes yeah, but those boys in there are dogs yanno? Bad influences,” smirking as his lips part to exhale. Effortlessly sexy with his eyes hung low, heavy as they refuse to leave yours. 
“Oh and you’re not?”
“I can neither confirm nor deny..” holding his hands up in innocence, closing the gap between you. 
Pressing your lips together, focusing on the cigarette in your hand rather than his obvious advances. If you were going to be another notch in his bedpost, you were going to make sure he worked for it. 
“It’s crazy because I just don’t believe you,” matching his smirk, taking another sip of your drink. It was becoming increasingly harder to resist his caramel tinted eyes and the gorgeous eyelashes that hung over them. 
“Well,” he remarks, stumped by your stubbornness, “I guess I’ll have to prove it to you,” throwing the butt off into the distance somewhere. His hand reaching out to find your elbow once more, “shall we go in?”
You nod, dropping your own half-smoked cigarette, walking back into the crowded club with his hand resting on the small of your back. Falling into the first empty seat you could find, his large thighs squishing into the tiny section next to you, brushing against your scantily clad legs. 
My God, if looks could kill, you would’ve been six feet under by now. 
You chatter away all night, his lips brushing against your ear, feeling his breath over your cheek sent shivers down your spine. 
Jen had already disappeared, flashing you a very reassuring nod before being bundled out of the club with her emo dream boy trailing closely behind. 
It’s late now yet there were still hoards of girls milling around, hoping for one last chance with whoever was left. You’re pretty sure they had got the memo that Steve was simply not interested, watching as he hung off of your every word, passing you drink after drink while sipping on his own with intent eyes. 
You hadn’t expected him to really care about your life but he had asked all the right questions, talking about your job and going back to school. Shit that you were sure he would forget the second you left. 
The security guard from earlier comes over and whispers something into Steve’s other ear. He just nods before placing his hand on your shoulder, leaning into your ear, “I’m gonna go back to my room now,” sitting forward in the extremely cramped chair. 
Your heart sinks a little, as shameful as it is, you’re a little disappointed. Attempting to quickly figure out how you would now get home without Jen. 
“You wanna come with?” 
Head pricking up at the question, staring at him for a brief moment before nodding. His pink lips curling into that smirk you’d become accustomed to. Smug and enchanting all at the same time. 
You’re bundled into a car, security guards speaking in low voices to the driver, you can vaguely hear the word paparazzi be mumbled and then a bunch of directions. It’s all a bit too much, Steve is serious as sin sat next to you in the back, listening intently to whatever the security guard was mumbling into his ear. 
You sit in amazement, contemplating if this maybe wasn’t the best idea until the door slams shut and the car sets off. Steve turns to you, rolling his eyes as his hand creeps onto your knee. 
“Sorry.. apparently there’s paps outside the hotel so we’re goin’ the long way until they get rid of them,” sliding his hand north, squeezing onto your thigh. “We’re stuck in here for a little while longer, I hope you don’t mind?” the streetlights illuminating his face, remnants of his black eyeliner cling to his eyes. 
“Jeez..” blowing the air from your cheeks, “must be exhausting.” 
“I don’t mind it, I just don’t think my manager would appreciate waking up to the pictures.. ya know?” 
“Not really.. but I get it, you don’t wanna look like a whore in the media,” returning the smirk he had been giving you all night, shifting in your seat to see him better. 
“A whore? I prefer slut if I’m honest,” shifting closer, eyes lingering on your lips for entirely too long. 
“You could be both,” tongue peeking out to wet your suddenly parched lips, “it wouldn’t be a lie, would it?” 
His chuckle rumbles through his chest, “shut up,” free hand trailing upwards from his own lap to cradle your cheek, pressing his plump lips to yours with haste, eyes fluttering shut at the contact. 
Your fingers curl into the soft material of his shirt, pulling his chest to yours, leaning back against the hard plastic of the door. You sorta hoped the paparazzi would linger a little bit longer just so you could stay exactly like this. 
It’s a grand hotel room, they definitely had not skimped on the budget here. Nothing at all like the budget rooms your family had forced you into on vacation. It takes a moment for you to completely take in the entire room, a standard of elegance that you’d never seen before. 
“You’re like.. rich rich then,” gawping at the tall ceilings like a child in a candy store. 
Steve chuckles, placing a gentle hand on the small of your back, pulling your attention from the grand decor and back to him, “I’ve seen better.. d’you want something to drink?” motioning towards the stocked minibar. 
“Please,” you remark, eyeing the sheer amount of variety in the tiny bar. 
He pauses, coming around to stand in front of you, eyes narrowed, “kiss me and you can have anything you want,” lingering fingers on your hips. 
The corner of your mouth twitches, “anything?” widening your eyes at the prospects of his proposition. 
You must’ve dropped off to sleep at some point as you wake back up to the feel of Steve’s hand on your ass, thumb playing with the lace band of your thong. He’s leaning against the headboard in quiet reflection. The bedside lamp is still on and you’re not sure if he ever slept. 
“Do you ever sleep?” you ask groggily, shifting to face him with heavy eyes. His hand clamps around your thigh, startled by your voice. 
“You scared the shit out of me,” turning his head to face you, the cold metal of his ringed thumb presses into your soft thigh, “can’t sleep.. happens sometimes after a show,” shrugging slightly. 
Sometimes is an understatement. He hadn’t had a full night's sleep in God knows how long. Becoming accustomed to the shoddy hours he did manage to catch. 
“Oh,” suddenly feeling guilty that you were here and potentially disrupting him, “I can go.. let you get some sleep,” looking up at him through your lashes.  
“No no no no, stay.. stay,” pulling your leg over his waist, hand running up and down the supple skin, “it’s nice having someone here.” 
You pull your body closer to his, shifting your weight to sit in his lap, knees positioned either side of his hips. This wakes him up entirely, moving up the bed to sit up, large hands gripping onto your waist. 
“Oh? This is what we’re doing now?” he teases, clapping a mild slap to your ass cheek causing your cunt to brush against his already-growing bulge. 
“Apparently so,” you snigger, glancing at the thin cotton of his boxers, they weren’t leaving much to the imagination, perfectly outlining the shape of his cock. 
“Well great because I love this,” smirking as you clasp onto either side of his face. Carefully placing your lips on his, your tongue slipping past his liquor stained lips. 
Mindlessly beginning to grind yourself down against him. He’s uttering a bunch of nonsense into your mouth, bucking his hips up to chase the feeling of your cunt against him. 
“Fuck,” he grunts, hurriedly trying to slip his boxers down without making you move. Steve’s animalistic in the way he yanks your flimsy panties to the side, fisting his dick in the other. The sight alone makes a pathetic noise form in your throat, practically drooling over him.  
“C’mere baby,” he instructs, thumb expertly holding the lace aside as you sit up on your knees, guiding himself through your folds and into your cunt, exhaling sharply as you slide down. 
It takes a moment to adjust, he was cocky but fuck, did he have a reason to be. The tip of his cock already nudging uncomfortably close to your soft spot. 
“You take me so well,” he proclaims, watching his cock disappear inside of you. 
His words make you choke, joining him in looking at the space between your bodies. Feeling just about ready enough to move. 
There’s a short knock at the door just as you begin to bounce, pausing with his dick still buried deep inside. Clutching onto his shoulders, sharing a disdainful look for whoever was looming on the other side. 
“Nghh, what?” he calls out over your shoulder, sending daggers through the wood. 
“Bro, you gotta condom in there?” the voice calls out, low, desperate. 
You shift slightly, repositioning your knee and the sight movement is enough to have his fingernails dug into your hip, “holy fuu- no I don’t,” pupils dark as they flit from the door to yours.  
That’s your cue to keep going, moving your hips up before slowly sliding back down, his cock filling you to the hilt. Biting down onto your bottom lip to keep from moaning though you’re certain whoever is on the outside isn’t clueless. The tour t-shirt you had slipped on is gripped between his fingers, pulled up your torso, exposing the supple skin. 
“Aw fuck man, you’re no help,” the voice complains, banging the door one solitary time before skulking off, presumably to go and bother someone else for a condom. 
Your lips twitch into a smile, throwing your head back as your hips gain pace, soft whimpers floating from your slack mouth. His hands are rough and commandeering as they hold onto your waist, setting the rhythm even when he wasn’t on top. 
Steve growls, legs propped up as he begins to thrust upwards, trailing his callous palms down to your hips for better leverage. It’s then that you allow him full control, falling into his chest with your fingers knotting into his hair. Tugging at the caramel tinted tufts as this new position catches your neglected clit against his pubic bone, drawing a long cry out of your throat. 
“You feel so- mmfuck, so good,” he squeezes out, quickening his pace, filling the room with the sinful sounds of skin on skin. His adam's apple bobbing up and down as his orgasm nears, sharp fingernails leaving red semi-circles in your skin, trying so desperately not to cum then and there. 
He dares to look down at the space between you, the image of you wearing his shirt with his cock buried deep in your cunt makes him twitch, taking his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt not to collapse. 
“Right there,” you mewl into his ear, fast approaching your own orgasm, thighs becoming spent as he mercilessly slams into you from below. 
It takes everything not to bite down on his tanned shoulder as your orgasm crescendos, desperate cries filling the room as you shudder around him. Sweaty palms now palming at his shoulders for some reinforcement as your legs give way. 
Steve follows shortly after, sloppy final thrusts as your name echoes the tall walls, surrounded by a chorus of fucks and shits. His chest heaving, pulling you closer into his chest as he melts into the pillow. Graciously still supporting your weight with his large hands while your head still reels. 
“You good?” he sighs breathlessly, drawing your face from his neck with a gentle tug of your hair, pulling your attention back to him. 
You nod, smiling lazily as you sit upright once more, readjusting the lace thong that had been slung to the side. Pulling his boxers up his thighs without once breaking eye contact. 
“Why don’t you just come on the rest of the tour with me?” 
A giggle ripples instinctively, he probably said the exact same to every other girl that had been in this position alongside that same heavy, longing gaze he was flashing you. Christ, it probably worked on a few of them too. Give it a few more minutes and you would be convinced right along with them. 
“I’m serious,” he blinks, tracing circles onto your hip, still completely enamoured with the way his shirt fell on your body. 
“I bet you say that to every pretty girl you fuck,” still refusing to take him seriously, shaking your head at the ridiculous notion. You weren’t sure exactly how long he had been famous, but you were sure he wasn’t that out of touch with reality yet, right?
“Only you,” hands travelling to your bare thighs, “come with me,” thumb tapping a short rhythm onto your skin. 
“You don’t even know me.” 
“Well I want to, a tour bus is a great place to get to know someone,” he remarks, grinning. 
Dawn now creeps in between the hastily shut curtains but you don’t dare to break eye contact. Dropping your hands from his shoulders as you ponder. 
“I have a job and a house and bills and I don’t think they’d let me take that much vacation,” attempting to shut him down despite the fact his tactics were clearly working on you. 
Endless possibilities run through your mind.. you could quit and beg for your position when you get back.. you’re sure Jen would look after your house, in fact she’d be very enthusiastic about you going and would probably volunteer. 
“Fuck it..” he breathes, pressing his forehead against yours, “how much is your rent?” 
“How much?” 
“Four eighty.” 
“Easy, consider it paid,” he relents, staring up into your eyes through his thick black lashes. The flecks of gold that ran through his iris’ were persuasive enough to get you to just quit your job and run off on tour with him. 
You sigh, chewing on the inside of your cheek. It would be totally and utterly stupid and irresponsible of you to do this but how could you ignore the niggling feeling in your brain that would never ever disappear if you didn’t. 
“You’re being serious?” 
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Pairing- Tsu'tey x dreamwalker!reader
Summary- Tsu'tey has fallen in love with someone the one species he hates with all his heart.
A/N- also thank you @eywas-heir for helping me come up with who to write this for 🤭
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After you and your colleague Jake Sully had to run from a thantor and survive through the night in Pandora, you were saved by a woman and a man. The woman was a beauty, blue skin illuminating in the moonlight, braids. And the man was just as gorgeous, little white freckles on his face and body, even with the deep scowl on his face you cheeks lit up a little when his eyes turned to yours.
"You two are like babys, always stepping on things don't know what to do." The woman hissed, "Come on we have to take them to Mo'at see what we must do, if the great mother has mercy she may kill them." The man said and your ears perked, killed. "Eywa has chosen them we can't kill them." She said. "Yeah I'll just wait for Grace and the tea-" You say walking backwards from the other three. "No sky-demon you will come." The man hisses at you gripping your arm.
And with that Mo'at, the Tsahik inspected you and said that you will learn the ways of Omaticaya. "You Neytiri will teach this JakeSully." She says hushing her daughter up before she could complain. "And you," she pointed at the man who brought you here "will teach this Y/NL/N." The older woman said and Tsu'tey only scoffed.
Then they made you put the traditional clothes on, both you and Jake pulled in the clothing getting popped by Tsu'tey and Neytiri. You ate with the two and you saw Jake trying to spark conversation with his teacher you thought you should do the same.
"So what your name." You say picking at the fruit peel you had in your hand. He stuck a little bit of food in his mouth, "Tsu'tey." He said. "Tsu'tey." You mummer memorizing it, "Cool." You say picking up fruit. "Whatever demon." He said making you furrow your brows, "Asshole." You think.
It was a few weeks, when you weren't in your avatar you were with Jake and Norm learning the Na'vi language and traditions barely having time to sleep. And when you were in your avatar it wasn't easy, Tsu'tey made sure of it. Anytime you messed up a menacing chuckle would erupt from him, or he would say "You should leave." "You'll never be one of us demon." And honestly you tried to ignore it, you really did. But you got tired of it.
You picked up a arrow putting it on the bow and try to hit the target missing it by millimeters. "You are terrible just give it up." He laughs and you grunt at his words picking another one up. "Yeah I'm sure you weren't Robin Hood when you started." You scoff focusing on the target again. "I do not know what this stupid sky demon you talk off." He says before walking off.
You didn't know it but Tsu'tey was going insane. Everytime he looked at you his heart felt like it was going to explode of his chest. When you smiled at someone or when a male Na'vi would flirt with you he got this unsettling feeling his his stomach. He didn't get it, he hated you he thought but your dazzling eyes, soft body, caring words he couldn't help it but love you, and he hated himself and you for it.
He only had one idea and that was to go to the Tree of Souls and may Eywa have mercy on him.
He says down in front of the tree connecting his queue to the tree, smiling as he hears the voices of his ancestors. He took a deep breath, "Great mother why do I feel these things for this sky woman." He says quietly. "Have I done something to upset you." He says, he took one last breath before disconnecting from the tree and begins walking back to Hometree.
And then he saw you with another male, he felt that unsettling feeling again. Then he saw he was giving you a flower, what! He stomped over, his nose was moving at the overflowing emotions in him. "Go." He said to the male.
Tsu'tey was an intimidating man you can give him that, so the male quickly gave you the flower and ran off. "Thank you." You yell to the running male. Tsu'tey turned to you, Eywa you were gorgeous why did you have to be so beautiful. He grips your arm and drags you somewhere secluded despite your protest.
"What the hell was that!" You say when you finally stopped in the middle of the forest. "Why were you talking to him?" He asked making you confused. "He was asking me about going to the tree of souls tonight I do not know wh-" getting cut off before you could finish your sentence. "The Tree of Souls oh that skwang, he was trying to mate with you." Tsu'tey said jaw clenching at the thought.
"Why do you care?" You say getting angry at his angered state that he has no right to. "Because-" he began to speak but he was going to slow for your patience. "You have no right to be angry first I try to be nice and you are mean for no reason and now you are getting mad because a man asked me to go somewhere." You say face flushed in anger. "So why do you care?" You ask once again this time letting him speak. His hand ran over his face and he scrunched his face in anger.
"Because!" He yelled making you jump.
"Because, you are the bane of my existence," he said. "And the objects of all my desires." He said in a low voice eyes never leaving yours. You looked at him and stepped closer and then he stepped closer, your hands and body's inches apart. Lips closer and closer.
"We should not do this." He whispered breath hitting your lips. "No we shouldn't." You say eyes hypnotized by his lips. "I am to be the next Olo'eyktan and you are of the sky it is wrong." He said body begging to be on yours. "It is wrong." You say. "I don't care." He said hands wrapping around your face and captured your lips with his.
A firework lit inside of you holding onto his muscular arms as your head and lips moved along with him. It was a prolonged kiss neither of you wanting to pull away but needing to.
Finally both of you pulled from the kiss still holding each other and you smiled at him. "You are a very stupid man Tsu'tey." You laugh patting his chest and he smiles and tilts his head up, "Is that so?" He laughs and grabs your chin in between his fingers you shake your head, "Yes." You whisper. His smile grows as his lips connect once more with yours.
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