#so you just smile and vibe with them and it fucking hurts like sheesh
obsidiancreates · 2 years
Mind Meld/Nothing But Truffle liveblog (ROTTMNT)
Love that Raph was just filming a bird, I love it, I relate to it, why didn't he just make a video though?
Oh goodness, Donnie is terrified of Beach balls? Poor boy, at least he's not by a beach.
Oh god Donnie is messing with their brains, DONNIE THIS IS A BAD PLAN
Fuck they've all got Donnie-brains now, this is bad. Very bad. Sure they're more effective now, but this is going to become horrifically insufferable very quicky.
AH and here comes Donnie realizing he hates being surrounded by Donnie-Brains
Oh hey heyyyyyyy why'd Leo's brain glow??? Oh no wait they're leaving Donnie out, they've become smarter than him
Leo is doing a little bit of hoity-toity accent now oh god I had to choke for a second because it hurts
This is insufferable oh god I-I hate this TURN THEM BACK TURN THEM BACK
YEAH THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T MESS WITH BRAINS- damn dude Shelldon does not fucking hold back good lord
Pffffffffffffff he's using the autism against them OH HE MADE THEM ALL AFRAID OF BEACH BALLS
Why the fuck did someone invent this thing that can only be used once?
YAY THEY'RE BACK TO NORMAL do they remember being geniuses? Will it instill Eldrich-akin madness in them to have once understood such complexities and no longer have the ability to? Probably not because this is a children's show.
Annnnd I was right now it's a Meatsweats episode.
Mikey be kind to Todd or I will hunt you down, Todd is a sweetie
Mikey how do you know about this mystic truffle? And why are you being SO MEAN TO TODD?!?!?!?!
Oh it turned Meatsweats nice oh god this is odd
Pffff the boat was called "Yeah Bouy" that's a good one
So this niceness in Meatsweats is about to fade very soon, right?
This Meatsweats and Mikey dymanic is giving me heavy Bradfor before he revealed he was working with Shredder and Mikey vibes from 2012
"There's so much of me the shell doesn't cover!" Oh poor Mikey
Ahhhhh the niceness already wore off, didn't it? Yeah it wore off for sure- yup there's the evil smile
So like. Did Meatsweats know about this before he was mutated?
Oh yeah this is very Bradford and Mikey 2012 vibes
Oh Meatsweats is- yeah he's half tree now
Awwwww Mind Raph, that's sweet that Mikey looks up to him so mu- Todd could hear it? Is he psychic?
So Mikey is like, actually a good cook in this one, interesting. So he'd for sure vomit at 2012 Mikey's eating habits, then.
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amelia-yap · 4 years
Aaaaa 🥺👉👈 thank u... I somehow managed to talk to my friends about stuff and I think they're good now! I also managed to pick myself back up after yeeting my bad feelings out of the window 😏👌✨ auhshehs I don't really feel amazing, I just... Yknow I could do it, so why not. ALSO FLOOR PARTY LESGOOOOOOO!!! Omg do you think we can build pillow forts or have pillow fights 😂😂😂 AND HUGS!!! Internet hugs are fine uwu. And you too!!! Stay safe buddy!!! Here's some survival juice in return as well! Eat properly, sleep well, and drink up! (Snacks are ok too but not too many mmkay) Thanks for providing us with wr food too 🙏❤️
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
helllllloo. i wanted to first say that you are a wonderful human being, your presence on my dashboard brightens my day, you’re so kind to all your followers and i love seeing you interact with us! and i am sending you all the positive adult vibes your way ✨✨✨
second, there’s been a lot of chit chat lately about all the heartrender husband fans combusting over Simon Sears’ interview and the many many feelings that a certain grumpy bear gives us for his one (1) soft spot and ray of sunshine despite all his fragility and fear. i was wondering, if you had any thoughts on how it looks on the flip side for fedyor? i cant imagine being married to the General’s right hand man is easy (it’s both the safest and most dangerous place for Ivan to be).
Okay first of all, the first part of your ask is so sweet that I read it like three different times and was like wow are u sure. Second, boy oh boy can I use those positive adult vibes (even if they sound slightly like a porno 😂) because it has been the few weeks from hell. Job rejections, family health drama, moving hassle, and other such nonsense, to the point where if either myself or a member of my family has inadvertently insulted a leprechaun, I hereby apologise deeply and unreservedly on our behalf. Sheesh.
Anyway, never mind all that. We are indeed losing our minds slightly over said interview, for obvious reasons, but yes, Fedyor. Obviously he is Ivan's little ray of sunshine and one (1) weakness and the person he allowed himself to fall in love with despite losing the rest of his family, all of which are ship dynamics that drive me/us promptly feral. I definitely feel, however, that Fedyor has plenty of ferocity of his own, which is one of the reasons Ivan is drawn to him. Book!Fedyor tells Alina in the carriage scene that he became a Heartrender instead of a Healer (despite being of a Healing temperament) because he thought that he could do more good for people as a soldier, including when he has to kill. He also says that being a Corporalki is the hardest of all Grisha paths and requires the most training and study. I imagine that Fedyor was pretty good especially at the book learning part of his training, is interested in and dedicated to Grisha lore and history, and about finding way to use that beyond the obvious and making the Grisha appreciate who they are as a people and what their purpose in Ravka really is. And I'm not just saying that because I am also a historian and like to project onto my favorite characters. Shh.
Fedyor is obviously the total opposite of Ivan, personality-wise, but I think that is also why they complement each other. Fedyor helps Ivan lighten tf up and eat a pink cookie at a party, and Ivan helps Fedyor cut directly through the bullshit when he needs to. Living in the Little Palace and around the royal court, as members of General Kirigan's inner circle, obviously requires a touch for politics and diplomacy that Fedyor is far better at than Ivan, but that means his instinct is likewise to smile and humor people even when he wants to tell them to fuck off. Cue Ivan coming along and telling them to fuck off, which means they can blame Ivan for it and not Fedyor, and Ivan is perfectly 100% fine with everyone thinking he is the biggest grump to ever grump, since the only people whose opinions he cares about are Kirigan and Fedyor. Oh Ivan.
Fedyor is also outgoing and likes to have fun and is probably on good terms with most of his compatriots. He's clearly friends with Nadia since we see them arm in arm at the winter fete in mlm/wlw solidarity. He is also Ivan's Anger Translator, and if people have something they want to tell Ivan, they have a bad habit of telling Fedyor instead and trusting him to pass it on, rather than talking to Ivan themselves. (Fedyor: honey do you think this is even a slight problem? Ivan: no what are you talking about, it's great.)
I do think that Fedyor is just as frightened of losing Ivan as Ivan is of losing him, though for different reasons. It helps for him that they're usually in the field together (judging by his comment to Kirigan in 1x06 assuming that he and Ivan are going after Nina together) and facing the same things and same danger, even if it causes Ivan anxiety for this exact reason. I do appreciate that none of us have bothered to include any homophobia in Grisha culture, or exclude the possibility that Ivan and Fedyor could indeed be married in a church ceremony in the Ravkan liturgy. There's probably some side eye toward their relationship in wider Ravkan society, sure, but that is also tied up with being Grisha and the prejudices that they already face for being different. Behind the walls of the Little Palace, though, that is not really a factor and not something that they have to deal with. People are surprised that Fedyor and Ivan are together not because they're both men, but because "you're so nice and he is so... Ivan..."
Fedyor: I know, I know. But I love him anyway.
I also think that Fedyor is deeply protective of Ivan, not least because he is the only one who knows the truth about him being fragile and losing loved ones and everything else that he has been through, which is why one of my favorite headcanons is Fedyor going absolutely apeshit if Ivan is ever seriously hurt. Likewise, you can call Ivan grumpy in a joking fashion, and Fedyor will chuckle and agree with you, but anything else and his eyes turn red and the Heartrending hands come out like what u say about my husband bitch. Only Fedyor is allowed to roast Ivan in depth at all, according to Fedyor, and he will Let You Know if you transgress.
(Also why I want Ivan and Fedyor to meet the Crows again, Ivan sees Jesper and goes NEMESIS, and Fedyor just goes MURDER!!!)
Anyway. I'm love them. The end.
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bang-to-the-tan · 4 years
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Moth to Flame
Chapter 14
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot
Warnings: Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Anal Sex, Slight Stockholm Syndrome?, Possessiveness, Vampires (Biting, Blood-Sucking, Reference to Death), Language
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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“And how are we doing today?”
You hum into your coffee with a grimace, eyes not straying from the television. 
Hoseok somehow takes your grim silence as an invitation to get closer, vaulting himself over the edge of the couch and plopping down beside you with a deep noise of personal satisfaction. A sharp breath of pain leaves your throat when the bounce jostles you, your legs, your abused holes. 
“Sorry,” he adds, quick, and you almost believe him. When you throw a tired look his way, he’s got this weird half-smile on, lips stretched straight across his face. It pushes his cheeks up into his eyes. When your gazes meet, he waggles his brows at you. It’s so close to cute, but you aren’t in the mood. “How are you feeling?”
“Are you going to keep asking me that until I answer?” you mutter, turning back to the tv. 
“Yeah, probably.”
“I’m feeling shitty.” 
“How’s your ass?”
“Feels shitty.”
“Yoongi really gave it to you yesterday.”
“He did indeed.” You take another careless sip of your coffee. This morning, you managed to complain loud enough to Namjoon that he went and got you milk and sugar for it before he left to go and do his mysterious ‘vampire stuff’. It’s still way too strong, but at least palatable. You even had a croissant when you got up—real food. Not exactly a king’s breakfast, but something. He promised to fill the cupboards for you when he got back, and you intend to keep him to it.  
“When is it my turn?” 
“We aren’t taking turns.”
“Weird, that’s not what you said yesterday.”
“Can I help you Hoseok? I’m trying to watch my show.”
There’s a pause. 
“Animal planet?” 
“I like the little furry things.”
“I’m not talking about genitals.”
“Oh. Then I take it back.” 
Silence sinks back in and you go back to absently imagining throttling him, half-listening to the narrator talk ceaselessly about mongoose. Mongeese? The little guy on the screen takes down a snake and damn near bites its head off. Wouldn’t it be cool if you had sharp little teeth and quick reflexes like that? Not sure the ego trip is worth it, though. Present company very much included.
“You aren’t getting rid of me today.” Oh, good. He’s decided to continue talking. 
“Am I not?”
“No yoga studio today. Joon’s going looking for covens. Even Yoongi’s headed out. It’ll just be you and me.”
“Oh, good. Just what I wanted.”
Hoseok chuckles, the sound far too low in his chest. “I know it is.” 
“No fucking today, Hoseok,” you throw pleading, exasperated look at him, shoulders sagging. “Come on, I’m seriously hurting.”
He raises his hands, palms forward, in a sign of surrender. He makes an expression that’s all innocence, wrongfully accused. “I’m just teasing you, pretty girl. It’s okay. We won’t do anything. If you wanna chill and watch your boring animal planet, that is all you’ll do.” 
Uh-huh. Right. 
“I’ll tell Namjoon.” You threaten. 
“Ooooh. Wouldn’t wanna get in trouble with the boss.”
“No, you wouldn’t.”
“Hey.” Yoongi’s deep drawl comes from behind the sofa. You pay no mind to the shiver that slinks down your frame at just the sound of his voice. “I’m going out.”
“Hey.” you and Hoseok echo at the same time. 
“Did a good job on the couch,” Hoseok pipes up, cheerful. “Can’t even really tell there was a foursome on it 24 hours ago. Mostly.”
You don’t hear him moving. Is he watching the show with you? You can’t tell. What do you suppose Yoongi’s opinion of mongoose is? Are?
“Hey,” he says again, quieter. 
“Hey?” you mumble, sensing that he might be addressing you.
“I...I’m sorry. For yesterday.”
“Sorry about fucking your ass like a maniac,” Hoseok clarifies helpfully. “Imagine that on a card.”
Yoongi ignores him. “I’m gonna go...try and get something to eat. I’m sorry...for what I said.” He draws a breath through his teeth. “Threatening.” 
“...it’s okay.” you say after a beat. 
“I’m sorry for the other things I said, too. Calling you stuff.”
“It’s fine, Yoongi.” It isn’t fine, not really. You aren’t sure how you feel about being called a slut when they’re no better, but the threatening to kill you feels like it should be crossing a very specific line. On the other hand...you can’t shake the sense that he’s being honest. Like he’s actually sorry. You won’t look at him, though. You know exactly what kind of look he has on his face. The kind of deeply hungry look etched into his very skin. And if he’s any worse off than he was yesterday, you aren’t sure either of you would survive if you made eye contact. 
Out of the corner of your vision, you catch movement. A long, veiny hand, hovering over the couch. You’re afraid for a moment that it might be reaching for you, but instead, he drifts towards Hoseok’s shoulder. It hesitates, as if waiting for a reprimand, but eventually touches down and curls faintly, familiarly. 
“Sorry for hazing you, Hope.”
Hoseok snorts. But his tone is genuine as you’ve ever heard him. “It’s alright. I know you aren’t okay.”
“I mean it.” He's oddly insistent. “I won’t do it again without permission.” 
Hoseok nods, pouting absently. “‘Kay.” 
Yoongi’s hand lingers before it slips off, and you aren’t sure what, exactly, sort of vibe is filling the atmosphere. 
“Good luck,” Hoseok adds, oddly gentle.  
“Thanks.” You can hear him travelling down the hallway to the front door. He has a habit of dragging his feet. The door is, by comparison, almost unbearably loud, and when it shuts, it shuts everything into a muted silence.
There’s a blissful quiet, but you can tell that Hoseok isn’t the kind of person to stay quiet for very long. He starts twitching, sniffing, scratching his neck, trying and failing to feign interest in your show.
“Heard you met Jackson.”
There it is. It’s begun. You resist the urge to sigh. “Yep.” 
“What did you think about Yugyeom?” 
“The baby of the coven. Sweet kid.”
“I didn’t meet any of the others.”
Again, a silence settles between you. The mongoose on screen darts furiously, little legs spurring it over terrain with that kind of desperation that small animals are so good at. 
“Mark’s nice, too.”
“Do you really have nothing better to do?” You crane to peer at him in exasperation, brow furrowed. 
“I want to hang out with you.” Funny, considering he isn’t looking you in the eye. 
“We haven’t interacted at all unless it was for sex.”
“I know!” He throws up his hands, flopping backwards dramatically. “That’s the thing! But Namjoon seems to be really caught up in you. I’m curious, okay?” 
“I don’t know what to tell you but all you’re doing is making things awkward.”
“No.” There’s a weird tone in his voice that convinces you to look back to him. His grin has disappeared, and when he shrugs, it’s heavy, like the world is up there. “No, I don’t have anything better to do. And, I...honestly, not to be mean, but I can’t stand animal planet, alright?”
“What psycho doesn't like animals?”
“Animals are fine, it’s not the animals, just—like, okay, I get it!” He waves at the screen. “He’s really fast and he’s gonna eat smaller things and something bigger is probably gonna eat him. I get it. Once you’ve watched one, you’ve watched all of them.”
“What would you rather do, then, huh?”
“Anything! Let’s go out.”
“I’m not leaving this couch. I cannot walk.”
“We can do anything else. Anything.”
“What if I don’t want to do something with you?”
“Sheesh, I just want to get to know you.”
“I don’t know you!” you burst, throwing your own hands ceiling ward, rolling your eyes. “I don’t know any of you! I don’t know me! So sorry not sorry, it’s tough that you’re bored, but what I wanna do is sit here and watch animal planet until my taint stops fucking hurting!”
“Do you want to?” 
“Do I want to what.”
“Know me. I don’t mind talking about it.”
“You don’t seem to mind talking, full stop.”
“You aren’t wrong,” he adds, “Anything to distract from animal planet. Anything.”
“Alright, fine.” you lean back with a huff, rolling your eyes. “Tell me your story, Hoseok. Animal planet stays on during.”
“Poor family.” he starts off much less dramatically than you’d have thought he would, just diving right into it. “Really poor. Dirt poor. Ma and Pa worked triple, just to keep food on the table. Me and my sister worked too, soon as we could, delivering papers and stuff.”
“...You have a sister?” 
“Don’t interrupt.”
“Yeah.” You can hear the shuffle of the fabric, feel the displacement as he moves to copy you, sinking further into the sofa’s cushions. “I did. I got really into music, too. Music, y’know, it doesn’t care, where you’re from. What you know, who you know. Started making it. Shitty stuff, really bad.” 
“How bad?”
“Incredibly bad.”
“I believe it.”
“Don’t be rude.”
You shrug, watching a mole dig a hole and wiggle into it with a faint feeling of jealousy. “Beginners are bad.”
“Yeah, well. I got better. Once Yoongi and I met...I mean—”
You crane your head, throwing him a surprised raise of your brows. “You knew each other? Like before?”
The dark expression that flits across his face reminds you of who he is. Who he’s been to you, regardless of the person he’s talking about now. His grin isn’t friendly. “What did I say about interrupting?” he muses, low, but he cocks his head and returns his empty stare to the television. “It was like magic. He could write like the devil, make all these tracks that made you feel things...He was a music god and I prayed in his church every day I could.” 
“So the…” you make fangs on either side of your mouth with your fingers. He pretends he doesn’t see you. 
“I don’t know where he got it. He said he knew a way to the top. He said...we’d never die.” Here, he chuckles, but like the smile, there’s no warmth in it. “I thought he meant by being famous. Y’know, like a sane person.”
“Yoongi changed you?”
“Yeah. He did.”  
Hoseok shifts on the couch again, his gaze turning into thoughtful as he reminisces. The light of the television plays off his hair, his fine cheekbones and long eyelashes. You think briefly of how that must have looked. A different version of him. A hardworking boy promised a way up through the rungs of his passion. He’s kind of understandable when you think of him that way. Doesn’t excuse his behavior, in your opinion. But understandable.
“We fell out for a while. My family grew old without me. I went to my mom’s funeral in a disguise. My sister...I mean, by the end, she didn’t even recognize me.”
“...I’m sorry.”
He shrugs. “It’s how things are supposed to be. I’m just not...supposed to be stuck for them. I’m supposed to go through them too. But he was still there for me. And eventually I came back to him. Scared of being alone, I guess. Together, we met Jin and Namjoon. And that’s...I mean, that’s pretty much it.” 
The tv switches to a commercial break, and above the glare of super-powered objects that will surely change your life for the better, the shouting people telling you exactly what you’re missing, you finally enjoy a pause of real silence that lasts longer than two minutes. Hoseok seems to have fallen out of whatever chatty mood had spurred this impromptu baring of his soul, but you aren’t sure, now that you have it, whether you preferred it when he was talking. The commercial break turns to a news report and suddenly Jin’s face is appearing on the screen, handsome eyes dark and expression serious. Suit sharp, hands clasped businesslike on the table in front of him. He’s reporting on this and that, talking about celebrities you don’t know, people in offices of power that you don’t remember. None of it particularly interests either of you as far as you can tell. Neither of you really belongs here anyways.
Until a picture flashes on the screen that you immediately recognize. 
“Oh shit.” Hoseok exhales sharply next to you. You’re inclined to agree with him. 
It’s you. Standing next to Namjoon in his hoodie and Yoongi’s sweatpants, scarf wrapped carelessly about your shoulders. It’s a little blurry, but there’s no mistaking either of you, even with Namjoon halfway turned away from the camera. Ahead, the sharp lights of the store, and all around you the racks of reasonably priced outfits.
“In other news, we’ve received an anonymous tip about the whereabouts of a local wanted criminal—” Oops, you’re having a really hard time breathing. Local wanted criminal? Namjoon. Oh, fuck. “—posted on social media, with the comment, quote, ‘look at that guy—”
Hoseok moves, scrambling for his phone stashed away in his back pocket, brow furrowed. 
Those kids. Those teens. Oh, shit. 
“—do not try to engage, and instead call law enforcement with the street address��”
How can Jin stay so calm, ratting his brother out like that? You scrutinize his face in shock, looking for some indication, some way out. But he only continues on, steely, unmoved.
“—for her involvement in the riots that have been plaguing—”
Did he say “her”?...
“Namjoon,” Hoseok says from next to you. He must have gotten his phone out, punched in the numbers to connect him to the other man. “Yeah, uh, everything’s okay with us, but...” 
Another picture flashes on the screen. 
It’s you again. 
But this time, it’s a mugshot. Your hair’s wild. Your makeup is smeared. And there’s a look in your eyes you don’t remember ever wearing in your life. But it’s you. You see that face in the mirror as often as you can bear it. 
“—while authorities confirm, and continue the search for the suspect.” 
“Again, if you see this woman, do not engage. Report to your nearest law enforcement office as soon as you can. Stay safe.” Jin finishes.
“Namjoon, I think we have a problem.” 
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 264: You Either Die a Hero...
Previously on BnHA: The kids of 1-A sat around waiting for something exciting to happen, and then it did happen, and they were all “!!” Over on the front lines, the heroes charged the Ol’ Villain Hotel with poor Kaminari crying the entire time, but we’ll excuse him since he is only in the second grade. Tokoyami gave him some gentle encouragement by reminding him of how hard he can slappa da bass, while Midnight told him to think of his one true love in order to find his inner courage, so he immediately thought of Jirou and everyone was like WHOA DID THEY REALLY JUST, and yeah, they kind of did? Anyway so Cementoss ripped the building open and Kaminari got all Thor on us and started battling this other electric guy, and then we cut to Hawks and Twice, who were having a friendly conversation similar to the friendly conversation Hawks had with Best Jeanist on the very same day that Jeanist abruptly went missing and was never heard from again! Hey, wait a second. You guys don’t suppose...??
Today on BnHA: Re-Destro gathers in the basement with all his followers and they’re all like “Re-Destro!!” and he’s all “what??” and they’re all “the heroes are attacking!!” and he’s all “:) :) :) the fuck??!” Outside, the heroes continue to wreak havoc, and between Edgeshot, Midnight, Honenuki and Toadette, I’m pretty sure they have actually killed some of these guys. But that’s silly though because heroes would never actually kill someone. Speaking of heroes not killing someone, back in the hotel, Hawks is all “(Ò‸Ó)” and Twice is all “(இ‸இ)” and then Hawks is all “I’m gonna arrest you but I’ll help you get through this and get back on your feet again afterwards because you’re a good person” and Twice is all “WHAT THE FUCK NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN” and does the whole Sad Man Parade thing. And Hawks is all “I don’t want to fight you!” and Twice is all “TOO BAD” and meanwhile Dabi is running up the stairs all “time to start some shit” and then the chapter ends. So while I’m relieved on behalf of Hawks’s soul, I can’t help but be a little concerned on behalf of his, uh, life. Shit.
okay, so! I finally have time to read this damn thing. but before I start, a couple of holdover thoughts from the prior chapter!
firstly, I want to go on the record now and say that I’ve decided once again that Hawks, in spite of all appearances, is not a murderer. you hear that Hawks. I’m putting my neck on the line for you. gonna look like a real stooge if you go and murder Twice before going on to fight Dabi to the death while we cut to Noumu!Jeanist taunting Bakugou
but in all seriousness, I just can’t reconcile it with what we know of Hawks’s character. his behavior during the fight against Hood almost got him exposed because he couldn’t bear to let anyone get hurt or to let Endeavor get killed. I know the HPSC got their claws in him at a young age, but in spite of that I don’t think he’s harboring a dark side. to me he always just comes off as tired and struggling to do the right thing even though he never asked to be put into this kind of position. he’s smart enough to understand the whole “needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” thing, but he’s also young enough to still hold to a certain idealism, and juuust cocky enough to have faith in his own cleverness and convince himself that he can somehow achieve this mission without sacrificing anyone else’s life
so in short, I don’t buy the dark!Hawks theories. I just can’t. but I guess we’re about to see! and my guess is that Horikoshi will probably have Dabi interrupt before Hawks can reveal his hand either way, because Horikoshi is just like that. what a troll
(ETA: I forgot that sometimes Horikoshi also likes to troll by giving you exactly what you want but in the most painful way possible. shit.)
now, moving on, the other thing I wanted to quickly address is Viz’s translation of this very important line from last week! so as a reminder, here is readheroaca’s version
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and here is Caleb’s
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I’m actually really glad I’ve been reading the fan translations first, because it made me more aware of the potential nuances in this scene. so is KamiJirou actually being confirmed here, or not?? and I spent 20 whole minutes digging into this more the other day because I have no life, so here are my findings!
first, here is the actual Japanese panel
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and while I don’t speak Japanese, I can read hiragana well enough that I was able to plug it into a couple of translators to basically figure out what was being said. so here’s the full dialogue:
難しいなら --
so the part in bold there is the line in question -- 大事なもの (daijina mono). “daiji” means “precious” or “important”, but the thing is, “mono” for whatever reason is written in hiragana and not kanji. and the word mono (which can be singular or plural btw) can hilariously mean either of the following depending on the kanji used:
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lmao. so basically the bottom line is that from what I can see here, Horikoshi purposely didn’t specify! now I could be completely wrong; maybe this is a common enough expression that Caleb felt comfortable deciding that he meant “person.” or maybe he just guessed based on the context. or maybe he just said “fuck it, you only live once” and just went there because why the heck not
anyway, so that was fun, and for me it reinforced the fact that I really do prefer to have at least two different translations to compare in order to get the most complete picture of what exactly is going on here in this stupid manga that I obsess over week after week! so now let’s finally get to reading this thing
oh my
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I have so many thoughts whirling around in my head right now, such as “oh my god look at all these secret entrances/exits the villains apparently had” and “wow the heroes are so thorough” and such, but ngl, right now the biggest one is “why are they all entering so slowly??” seriously though. let’s just gradually meander on in single-file. no rush. meanwhile 800m northwest and 1 km east, Cementoss is literally tearing the building in half and the other heroes are charging full speed all “ARGGHHHHH.” and over in Jakku, Miruko kicked a door open so hard it killed a guy. but we’ve all got our own styles I guess??
at least this one guy 800m north of the hideout is doing some doorbusting. sheesh. be more exciting please
oh hey it’s this place
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behold. the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf. well there’s an eye-opener and no mistake
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oh my god. first of all wtf is that shirt. and second of all oh my fucking god, let me just shut up and read this is amazing
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oh man. Re-Destro is one of the few characters whom I really want to see die. come on Horikoshi. don’t be a fucking coward. he’s had it coming ever since he killed that little mouse. and let’s not forget Giran. JUSTICE FOR GIRAN
oh we’re actually cutting back to this fight!
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I wasn’t sure if we would! shounen authors have this habit of showing the start of a really cool battle only to then cut away to a bunch of other stuff and leave us hanging for a dozen chapters, so yeah. of course, that may still happen. I’m just lucky that I’m invested in virtually every single thing that’s going on right now, so it’s a win-win for me no matter where we cut to next
(ETA: lmao there really wasn’t much more to this fight to speak of. but what do you want to bet Horikoshi will try to pull this shit with Dabi and Hawks next week though.)
holy shit
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this looks like when I attempt to build a gingerbread house. that’s uncanny
lmao Kami
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(ETA: Kaminari’s ridiculous smiling face is the balm we all need in these troubled times. tempted to ask him if he wouldn’t mind heading up to that telenovela happening over in Twice’s room and telling them all to lighten the fuck up.)
Lefty is all “does he have an absorption quirk?” because apparently he’s one of the two people that never watched the U.A. Sports Festival? how does anyone in this day and age manage to come across one of the 1-A kids and not know what their quirks are. and you’re a fucking general or whatever too, aren’t you? god you suck
so now he’s all “I BET YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO HANDLE... A FEW MILLION VOLTS” jesus christ. I bet you he can! but still, that’s awfully murdery of you. and to think, he’s on your side!! Kaminari are you really sure you want these guys as your friends
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straight up prepared to be massively disappointed in Viz when they inevitably translate the “Ninpo” part instead of leaving it alone and letting everyone bask in these sentimental Naruto vibes. and also ngl I prefer for Edge’s lines to be as close to the original as possible so I can better imagine them in my head. stupid sexy Edgeshot
holy shit “I’ve pierced a small hole in each of your lungs” !!? WELL ALL RIGHT THEN, YOU SADISTIC WARRIOR OF THE NIGHT. YOU HEARD HIM BOYS. I’M SORRY, BUT HE’S ALL OUT OF FUCKS TODAY
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and if it’s not all right, well. tough
can you imagine. you’re just a simple villain, chilling out in your Hilton Garden Inn HQ and minding your own business when all of a sudden the walls come to life and some fucking shinobu busts a small hole in your lungs, and then you just fall asleep. sometimes life comes at you hard
now Kamui Woods is doing his whole Lacquered Chain Prison thing, but we’ve already seen that one so I’m not gonna bother showing it! tough break Kamui!!
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oh shit everybody shut up we’re cutting back to Hawks!!
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but you pulled it off because you’re so damn smart. so now let’s stand around and explain your plan to everyone. what the fuck, Hawks
(ETA: and the thing is, now I’m thinking that by “incredibly difficult” he doesn’t mean that it was the cipher part that was difficult lol. that part was child’s play. any simpleton could do that. no, the difficult part was betraying his new friend. anyway so how’s everyone doing? what a fun chapter!!)
hey everyone I still have unwavering faith that this man is not a killer just FYI
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what does that say about me I wonder. let’s just completely ignore everything being presented on screen here. also what the heck happened to all this furniture? did he upend the entire room with his crazy feather attack, or is that damage from Cementoss’s shenanigans?
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fuck yeah. of course, I realize that by betraying Twice so harshly like this, Hawks has still found himself on lots of people’s shitlists. but I would just like to put out a friendly reminder that Twice, despite being the nicest and most loyal guy you will ever meet, is still a terrorist who was going to kill a lot of people because he’s friends with a guy who wants to destroy the entire world. so basically there’s just no clean way out of this and it’s all very tragic
but anyway if it’s any consolation, I fully expect Dabi to turn up in the very next panel and be all “BLARGH! IT’S ME!” before we commence with the single sexiest battle in this manga to date
lmao Horikoshi. “but before we get to the sexy battle let me just twist that knife up in there real good!” jesus
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friendly reminder that despite all appearances, Hawks is still objectively the good guy in this scenario. anyways for real, how are we all doing this afternoon. how many death threats has my bird son gotten today. I’m afraid to check. poor Twice is so trusting and I really hate to see him cry like this, poor baby. but I’m sure it’s also tearing Hawks up inside as well but we’re just not seeing it
and here we have Hawks, about to unleash his Mangekyou Sharingan
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“are you sure you don’t think this sinister maniac looming in the shadows with the deranged look in his eyes is a ruthless killer, makeste?? are you really sure?” Horikoshi asks while pouring every last inch of malice he can into a single chilling panel
and yes, you bastard. I am sure. fuck you, how long are you going to make me sit here looking like a complete ass. look, we get it!! either way, Hawks is clearly a compelling actor! but the question is, which one is really the false face? is it the smiling, easygoing Hawks who always seems to have a faint hint of sadness in his eyes? or is it this menacing figure stripped of all mercy? is it really so crazy to go ahead and say that it’s the latter? huh?? [pokes Horikoshi in the chest] huh?????
anyway so Twice seems to slowly be progressing his way from despair to anger, which is probably not good. heh. fuck
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maybe I was wrong about Dabi showing up and saving Twice, maybe his arrival will actually save Hawks instead lmao
anyway Hawks is still being all cold and creepy, and he’s all “you have my thanks.” and Twice is still crying, so maybe he’s still more sad than angry. well this is starting to drag out now though so if a certain spicy flame boi wants to make his grand entrance now, he’s welcome to do so anytime
oh shit Hawks is throwing me a bone!!! yessssss
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YOU SEE!! THE SAD LOOK. HE DOESN’T WANT TO DO THIS. HE’S A GOOD BOY. oh my god I just realized how tense I was. hahaha what is this chapter
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fuck!!! this is why I was so sure he was going to die! because he won’t go quietly; he’s not the type to ever betray his friends. to him the League are basically the only family he’s ever known, so of course he’s not going to just be all “okay sure I’ll go to prison and let you reform me”
so then what, Hawks?? you didn’t fucking think this through you stupid kind-hearted punk!
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is that one of Hawks’s feathers slicing open the mask. sing it with me guys. to the tune of Jingle Bells: fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuck
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oh shit!?!
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lol excuse me are you really just going to end it there? fucking seriously. Dabi running up the stairs with the crazy eyes while Hawks regretfully thinks of himself and his side as “hero scum”?? fff
and that last part! holy shit! again, I don’t buy into any of the dark!Hawks theories, and that includes the theory that Hawks will turn on the heroes and end up siding with the villains (because, again, it has nothing to do with him liking the villains, or secretly resenting the HPSC; it’s strictly on account of the whole “the villains want to destroy the entire world” thing. like. unless you think Hawks is cool with all of that of course). so I have to admit this was very startling for me to read
but I do think this is probably just some of the inevitable self-loathing finally spilling over after being forced to play this role and do all these things for the sake of the greater good, rather than him hinting at a desire to turn against the so-called “hero scum.” but still, that’s probably as dark as we’re gonna get from him, and ngl, it’s some heavy stuff
goddammit. feel like we need to cut to some wholesome class 1-A antics or something after all of that. as always, angst is a double-edged sword that I always anticipate and love but am also destroyed by sigh
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essaysbyciara · 5 years
Thy Neighbor (Chapter 15)
[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][Chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5 + 6][Chapter 7 + 8][Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11][Chapter 12] [Chapters 13 + 14] 
I’m a writing struggle bus, y’all. I’m sorry. Here y’all go lol. 
As always, thank you for the likes, comments, messages and follows! If you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know! 
“I’m super excited about this event tonight!” Emily’s excitement is a welcomed addition to Ciara’s day. Stewing in her office all day, texts back and forth from Mahalia got too dark for her to handle. She feels ready to get over what happened, a night surrounded by a bunch of Christians should do it.
“I’m happy you’re excited. It’ll be a great relationship building exercise for you. I’m happy you took the opportunity to come with me. We look better showing up in numbers.”
Speaking of numbers, Ciara deleted Trevante’s number as she sat in her office, Beyonce’s “Lemonade” album loud enough for her ears to hear and her heart to be moved. Girl was mad. Not surprised but mad.
She starts to feel as if she took things too far in her mind with Trevante. Nothing about his behavior said that he wants to date her. She realizes that for her, that type of attention from a man is so missed that it feels easy to elevate their relationship beyond neighbor. But that late night phone call was so sweet, that dinner was so perfect. She didn’t want to let her dream become deferred but it felt necessary. She needed to move on.
Emily and Ciara walk into Proverbs. They marvel at the diverse staff and even more diverse program. Ciara’s Black and Emily’s Latina selves feel right at home.
“Emily Polanco? How are you?!” Hampton Scott, Proverbs’ director, barrels over to Emily for a hug. Ciara instantly realizes that Emily will not need her help tonight.
“Mr. Scott ran our mission ministry at my church for years. This is Ciara, our director of placement services at Protestant Placements.” Ciara shakes Hampton’s hand. As Emily talks with Hampton, Ciara excuses herself to take a walk around Proverbs’ space in hopes of talking to all the staff she can. Walking into the gym, she notices four Black girls trying to double dutch. Ciara can’t help herself as she runs to stand behind one of the girls to help her turn the ropes at the right beat. She cheers them on, encouraging them to jump into the dueling ropes. Their brightly colored barrettes and grins full of baby teeth light up Ciara’s spirit. There’s the joy she is looking for.
Trevante desperately wants to secure some joy tonight at Ngosi, his friend Michael in tow.
“Where's Yahya?” Michael asks, the grip on his drink growing tighter  by the second.
“Family trip, I think. His wife's family lives in California.”
“Bet. That dude Y'lan coming?”
“No, he had to work an event tonight. He's mad cool though.”
“You doing aight though? You look spaced out, fam.”
Trevante is happy that it's only Michael with him tonight at Ngosi. Michael, or Bakari, is the “good guy” of the crew. His public policy degree from Penn led him into a career of city planning and finance and into meeting his fiancee. Trevante often realizes that he's the only single guy of their crew. Michael shakes his head at Trevante's stories and Yahya vicariously lives through them. That's why Y'lan's induction into the crew was spearheaded by Trevante. He knew that once Michael marries and Yahya starts to act like he is married, the Friday night crew would probably be no more. He’d need a new running mate.
After yesterday's episode with Ciara, Trevante is in need of some good guy advice. After Ciara bolted from his car, he felt sick. “Am I that bad?” he thought, piecing together moments where he may have sent mixed messages to Ciara. Trevante, indeed, was a walking mixed message. He wanted to be around her yet was mad he couldn’t get in her. It felt super shallow, he reasoned with himself. But Trevante was an 100 percent type of guy. He did the right thing even if it was painful.
“Yeah… there's this girl…”
“Penicillin, bruh.”
“Don't do me like that, fam.” Trevante cuts a look at Michael whose laughs bristle throughout his butter pecan-hued frame.
“My bad, my bad … what's up?”
“If you were single, could you date someone that's celibate?”
Michael’s face colors intrigue. This is new to hear from Trevante, he ponders.
“Me? Probably. It'll be tough but if I think she's dope, I'd consider it.”
“I met this girl. Honestly, I've never met someone like her before. Super smart. Gym rat, dope cook, mad cute.”
“Your type. So what's up?”
“She don't fuck, my dude. At all.”
“She don't fuck or she won't fuck you?” Fair question to ask, even if Trevante’s response to it screams bewilderment at the thought of anyone turning him down.
“Both. It kills me. Like everytime I see her … I want this girl bad, fam.”
“First of all, you sound like a predator. Second of all, you gotta respect that she told you her wave. You ain't used to girls being that honest with you.”
That honesty, that genuine vibe he caught from Ciara, keeps him hooked to her every move. It doesn’t take much to bring him back to that moment in the hallway, the moment that started their journey. That coffee, that plate of food, that assistance on a work project, that three hour phone conversation, those moans from her bedroom. She’s the puzzle he can’t quite figure out. And he doesn’t want to stop working on it.
“Yeah, man. Was I wrong to tell her that I wasn’t down?”
“I mean, how long had y’all been dealing with each other?”
“Less than a month, bruh. I feel like I’m ducking out at the right time, you know. To not hurt feelings.”
“I know you. You hurt her feelings. That’s why you’re asking me about her.”
Michael and that “good guy” quality of his strikes again.
“Bruh. She stormed out of my car. On South Broad. During rush hour.”
“Sheesh. Okay, well … if you feel bad about how you approached the conversation, you can always apologize. If she doesn’t accept it, move on. But if she’s willing to listen to you, just keep it a buck with her. Maybe y’all can be friends.”
Trevante wants friendship but doesn't know how long it could be enough.
His new friend, Y’lan,  walks into the gym at Proverbs with two Black teenage boys in tow, fascinated by everything that he says. As he instructs the boys to grab basketballs from the closet, he notices a woman helping four little girls jump rope. Once he hears her laugh, he knows exactly who it is.
Y’lan heart starts to beat at the same syncopation as those ropes, watching Ciara take turns teaching the girls how to jump. She looks even more beautiful than he remembered, watching her hold her braids into a messy bun, her hoop earrings jumping at the same beat as her feet.  She's still loyal to those hoop earrings, he notes to himself. His palms grow sweaty, hoping she doesn’t notice him but almost praying that she does. Her laugh sounds so sweet, her encouraging words toward the girls sound heavenly. He knew this day would arrive but even still, he isn’t ready to say a word to her. Or rather he thinks she wouldn’t say anything to him.
Once Ciara leaves the girl with hugs, Y’lan walks out of the gym hoping that she wouldn’t notice him. He quickly walks into his office, trying to hide his head in some paperwork. As Ciara walks down the hallway, one of the girls from the impromptu jump rope class follows her. She’s suffering from a cut.  Ciara asks her where she can go for help.
“Mr. Y’lan can help me.”
Mr. Y’lan. Ciara feels her insides move like glitter inside of a snow globe. It couldn’t be, she thinks. She doesn’t want to follow up a moment of joy with a flashback of pain. But her issues took second to this little girl and her not-so-bleeding finger.
“Do you know where he is? I’ll walk with you.�� Ciara grabs her hand.
“Mr. Y’lan! Mr. Y’lan. I hurt myself.” Y’lan looks up to see this little girl holding Ciara’s hand. Ciara looks at Y’lan, her eyes start to welt with tears. He looks so royal, such a monarch. That smoldering caramel skin, that smile glow back at Ciara. Those flutters, that glittery feeling, move to other places of her body.
“Let me get you a band-aid, Asia.” Y’lan trips over his chair as he walks to the closet to grab the first aid kit. Ciara tries to contain her laughter. She gives herself some praise too. Of course she still has him acting foolish.
Y’lan walks back toward Ciara, avoiding all eye contact as to not get lost in her energy. “You’re okay, Asia. Ms. Ciara can walk you back to…” Asia runs out before Ciara can escort her back to her fun, leaving both Ciara and Y’lan to stand inside of his office in pressure-inducing silence.
Ciara breaks first.
taglist:  @blackpinup22 @voyagetoadinas9
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okwilliamson · 7 years
should be doing homework but im sexting my boy and answering survey questions
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? - ummm i really dont know, syd, seany, evie, luke or bae at home lol 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - mostly shy but when something i want is in the sights i might as well be outgoing to get what i want 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - BAE 
4. Are you easy to get along with? - I think i am easy to get along with, i look mean at first i think and i have trouble controlling my facial expressions lmfao 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - yeah i think so 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? -  fucked up sad boys who will crush my heart / boys in general im straight af to clarify/ but boys with big lips and nice eyes / someone whos funny / someone who will watch shitty movies w me/ BUT if this is just about people in general im attracted to shit lords like myself 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - um actually maybe? 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - my bab 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - no i love talking about sex 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - umm i have deep convos with everyone lol so probs today with syd and clayton 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - ‘omw’ 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - oh sheesh idk ive been listening to throwback shit from middle school and also hamilton 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?- honestly the thing i like most in the world 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - luck yes, miracles not really bc i feel like that has a religious connotation 
15. What good thing happened this summer? -  i slept with someone new 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - would i? yes...should i? not at all lol 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - there has to be right 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - bro what how would that even be possible 
19. Do you like bubble baths?- yeaaaa but never have the chance i dont have bathtubs in my dorm room 
20. Do you like your neighbors? - i dont even know my neighbors at all i know the girl next to me is named jackie and shes nice 
21. What are you bad habits? -  im a mess all the time like i dont clean up after myself, i dont even care if im living in trash ill just keep adding more trash to the pile. i dont shower enough lol, and im obsessive 
22. Where would you like to travel? -  anywhere!! i wanna go west 
23. Do you have trust issues? - yes kinda, i have a hard time being vulnerable with people bc i build up this wall to keep myself hard and safe away from potential sadness x d 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - umm makeup probably :) 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - probs my double chin lmfao but i can take selfies and look good anyways 
26. What do you do when you wake up? - i like have to pee as soon as i wake up 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? -  im good with my skin tone tbh but it would be nice to be able to tan vs burn 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - syd, evie, luke, mik, bella, my sister 4 sure, 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? -  no lol 
30. Do you ever want to get married? - ummm idk im not really like super hype to the idea but it could be cool 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? -  ya girl has a buzz cut lol 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - wowwie idk 
33. Spell your name with your chin. - miss me w that 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - literally no sports are like the least interesting thing in my opinion 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - shit idk thats so hard bc i use tv as like back ground noise a lot of the time but music helps me with everything else i cant choose 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - ummmm yes 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - depends on why its awkward 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? -  xd i dont need this 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - lovesick, xxi?? thats about it oh and thrift stores!!!!! 
40. What do you want to do after high school? - bitc im doin it im in art school 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?- yes for sure i give everyone a lot of chances 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - im sick/sad/angry lol
43. Do you smile at strangers? - i try to 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - outer space 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - classes bb 
46. What are you paranoid about?- money all the time 
47. Have you ever been high? - yes lol 
48. Have you ever been drunk? - also yes 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - ummmmmm yikes idk no not really 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - green 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - i used to but not recently 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - work ethic 
53. Favourite makeup brand? - sheesh i think jeffree star cosmetics & lime crime 
54. Favourite store? - not sure 
55. Favourite blog? - probs claudias 
56. Favourite colour?- pink 
57. Favourite food? - pizza i think 
58. Last thing you ate? - pizza lol
59. First thing you ate this morning?- i didnt eat this morning 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - no i dony think so 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?- nah 
62. Been arrested? For what?- nope 
63. Ever been in love? - i believe so! i fall in love with people all the time lol 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?- i was in 8th grade and his name was garrett and he was my first bf ever and we kissed on my front porch it was very cliche 
65. Are you hungry right now? - for the first time in a while actually yes 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - literally no i dont really have tumblr friends 
67. Facebook or Twitter? - twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? - this is tough bc i frequent both but probs tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? - nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? - claudia, syd, evie, luke, mik, bella 
71. Craving something? What? - HUMMUS 
72. What colour are your towels? - one is like peachy and the other one is purple but i never use that one bc i cleaned up fruit juice off the floor w it and never cleaned it lol 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - a lot like 3 pillows and i use blankets as like body pillows for that snuggly vibe 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - just one hello kitty lol 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - total i have quite a few but i dont bring them to school with me 
75. Favourite animal? - ummm i really dont know tbh 
76. What colour is your underwear? - black 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla for ice cream / chocolate for like cupcakes or cake 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - tbh mint choco chip or phish food by ben and jerrys 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - currently just chilling in my bra fam 
80. What colour pants? - black leggings lol 
81. Favourite tv show? - right now the office for sure / but also my 600 lb life 
82. Favourite movie? -  i have so many , django unchained, perks of being a wallflower, across the universe, i lowkey love the twilight series?? idk im not well versed in classic film just shitty films that have a special place in my heart 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - this is an ugly quest but the original mean girls 4 sure 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - mean girls lmao 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -janice lol 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - bro idk finding nemo is not something i think about a lot lolol but probs the badass fish jawn w his ripped up fin 
87. First person you talked to today?- my sister 
88. Last person you talked to today?- just now syd 
89. Name a person you hate? - donald trump 
90. Name a person you love? - claudia <3 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - um not currently except maybe if my illness was personified then i would punch that bitch 
92. In a fight with someone? - i dont fight w people lol 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - literally 1 pair i think 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - SO many lol 
95. Last movie you watched? - twilight last night lol 
96. Favourite actress? - hmmm, i love charlize theron, kristen stewart but not bc of twilight her other movies are fire 
  97. Favourite actor? i love tom hardy, eddie redmayne, john boyega 
98. Do you tan a lot?- not at all 
99. Have any pets?  - one cat named Bo 
100. How are you feeling? - kinda shit but ok 
101. Do you type fast? - pretty fast, working in call centers get ur typing skills on fleek lol 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - a few things of course but at the same time whats the point in regretting things you know, it just gives you more baggage to carry around and that shit sucks 
103. Can you spell well? - for the most part i think but sometimes shits questionable lol 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - ummm no not really 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - yes i have it was a strange experience 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - no way bruh people break my heart all the time tho it seems lol 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - yes but i was like 8 i think i was sooo young 
108. What should you be doing? - im chillin 
109. Is something irritating you right now? - BEING SICK  
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - yessssss 
111. Do you have trust issues? - not so much trust issues but i have a hard time putting my walls down for people 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - ummm syd and luke hahah 
113. What was your childhood nickname? - liv, livy, liver, livy loo ( my mom calls me this when shes salty at me) my dad has always called me scooter crunch i have no idea what thats from, or any variation sometimes its just scooter and recently he called me scooter mc crunchy and that was even a lot for me lol , oh and olive!! 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yes ive been out of ohio but not to anywhere very exciting 
115. Do you play the Wii? - i did once upon a time 
116. Are you listening to music right now? - yes frank ocean’s blond album 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?- i mean its fine 
118. Do you like Chinese food? - i love it but only from like select places bc mediocre chinese is always kinda a let down 
119. Favourite book? - harry potter series, perks, sula, 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?- sadly yes 
121. Are you mean? - i am sometimes lol i cant even lie 
122. Is cheating ever okay? - i dont think so 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - dude no 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - this is always a question in these 
125. Do you believe in true love? - ofc 
126. Are you currently bored? - nah im cool 
127. What makes you happy? - makeup, photography, my friends, my sister 
128. Would you change your name? - no ive never thought of something that suits me more than olivia, which is why im cool with my nicknames 
129. What your zodiac sign? - scorpio 
130. Do you like subway? - as in sandwhiches yes lol 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - i would be shocked lmfao 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - ummm idk ive been kind of mia recently from being sick but probs syd 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - the whole wiped out album by the neighbourhood 
134. Can you count to one million? - ive never tried and i probably never will but on principal yes i can count 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? umm idk that im ok? i try not to lie about trivial things but if im sad or something and someone im not comfy w asks me about it ill just be like yeh im good 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed i live in a dorm room lol 
137. How tall are you? -5′6 
138. Curly or Straight hair?- i have a buzz cut so neither 
139. Brunette or Blonde? - is this an opinion question bc i have blue hair so like 
140. Summer or Winter? - man im more of a fall/spring type 
141. Night or Day? - day i think 
142. Favourite month? - november but im really tired of my friends trying to kill themselves in my birthday month tbh LOL 
143. Are you a vegetarian? - no but maybe i should be so i wouldnt be so fucking sick all the time 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk 
145. Tea or Coffee? - i really like both 
146. Was today a good day? - my day hasnt even really started 
147. Mars or Snickers? - snickers i guess  148. What’s your favourite quote? - i dont really have one tbh 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - yuh 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -  the only book i have with me is my science book and thats not interesting at all so lol imma skip this one 
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