#social welfare official website
findtnjobs · 2 years
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class1akids · 1 year
I always thought natsuo was a medical student but I don’t know if I read it as a headcanon or it was stated but in my mine that what he in school for
His official character sheet says that he studies "medical welfare".
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I was curious what "medical welfare" may mean specifically in Japan and I found this website
Our idea of ‘medical welfare’ does not simply mean providing both ‘medical care’ and ‘social welfare’ but developing these two ideas into a new concept. This concept, involving the following three principles, should be pursued and supported throughout one’s life:
①Promoting human dignity as medical welfare’s ultimate goal ②Understanding people from medical, social, and cultural perspectives ③Building a better society through people’s enhanced health, comfort, and self-sufficiency
So it seems like Natsuo's field of study revolves around a human-centric, holistic discipline to health and welfare. It's not hard to see how Rei's and Touya's plight must have inspired his chosen profession.
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why dont you like the church of satan? im not a satan simp i promise i'm just genuinely curious because idk anything about them
i'm glad you asked! during my debate with the CoS simps on twitter i dug up a bunch of evidence of the Church of Satan's right-wing leanings, which was wasted on those losers because obviously they're not going to concede anything ever, but i'm glad to have a more receptive audience here.
so, to start with, the most well-known pieces of evidence relating to this are A: Anton Lavey said at one point that the CoS gives people "Ayn Rand with trappings" and B: there's a segment in the satanic bible called "the book of satan" which is outright copied from the proto-fascist philosophical tract "Might is Right", written by Ragnar Redbeard.
now, apparently CoS simps have taken it upon themselves to go around bothering anyone who brings this up, arguing that Anton Lavey only said that thing about Ayn Rand once so it probably doesn't mean anything (i am skeptical that he did only say this once but i haven't been able to find smoking gun evidence of him saying it other times) and the parts which copy from Ragnar Redbeard directly are only a few pages out of the satanic bible so, again, it probably doesn't mean anything. (ignoring that the influence of "Might it Right" is woven throughout the entirety of Anton's work, hardly limited to the direct quotes.)
so, to prepare my readers for if they get hassled by some CoS loser for stating the obviously correct fact that the CoS is right-wing, here's some more evidence to that effect, under a cut because i am merciful and this is going to get very long and very ugly.
here's Boyd Rice, then a major figure in the Church of Satan, saying that the principle of satanism is "let the master be the master and the slave be the slave, and never the two shall meet." this was in the documentary "Speak of the Devil", created by Nick Bougas, also a prominent figure in the CoS at the time. Nick Bougas is more well known by his nom de plume "A Wyatt Mann", aka the guy who drew those old nazi comics that became memes ("le happy merchant" etc).
here's some quotes from the official website of the CoS:
Satanists see the social structure of humanity as being stratified, thus each person reaches a level commensurate with the development (or lack thereof) of their natural talents. The principle of the survival of the strong is advocated on all levels of society, from allowing an individual to stand or fall, to even letting those nations that cannot handle themselves take the consequences of this inability. Any assistance on all levels will be on a “quid pro quo” basis. There would be a concommitant reduction in the world’s population as the weak are allowed to experience the consequences of social Darwinism. Thus has nature always acted to cleanse and strengthen her children. This is harsh, but that is the way of the world. We embrace reality and do not try to transform it into some utopia that is contrary to the very fabric of existence. Practical application of this doctrine would see the complete cessation of the welfare system, an end to no-strings attached foreign aid and new programs to award and encourage gifted individuals in all fields to pursue personal excellence. A meritocracy will replace the practice of such injustices as affirmative action and other programs designed to punish the able and reward the undeserving.
Satanists also seek to enhance the laws of nature by concentrating on fostering the practice of eugenics.
but if you REALLY want to get into the ugly shit that the CoS has been promoting, here's some excerpts from the magazine "The Black Flame", which the CoS published throughout the late 80's and through the 90's:
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^that last one's from an interview with Lavey himself
and to bring things back around, here's another interview with Boyd Rice:
on the whole, while the CoS may present itself as an opponent of right-wing christianity, it's ultimately just controlled opposition, pushing largely the same right-wing agenda that the christian right was. it's funny that people never seemed to ask why christian conservatives like Bob Larson were always spending time interviewing, or being interviewed by, the Church of Satan if they were supposedly such mortal enemies.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“Already it’s [difficult] for girls to get a place … But the ease with which these women’s universities are just allowing these men in is sickening,”  Instead of pressuring men in suits to change Japanese society to be more accommodating to women men in dresses  are pressuring women to accept men in one of the few spaces Japanese women had to themselves.
Female students at a women’s university in Japan are being asked to speak with “gender-specialist counselors” in order to convince them that men who identify as transgender are “female.” 
Japan Women’s University (JWU) recently announced it would be adopting a self-identification policy that would allow men to apply for admission so long as they stated they were female. The policy will be implemented at the start of 2024, despite half of the female students currently enrolled expressing opposition or hesitation, as reported by the Asahi Shimbun. 
In response to the female student’s concerns, JWU released a “Diversity Declaration” in June outlining that administrators intended to work towards convincing female students to change their views on gender ideology. 
“Japan Women’s University has created an environment where ‘diversified women’ can learn together, such as formulating guidelines and manuals, assigning gender-specialized counselors, and setting up diversity weeks for students in order to accept ‘transgender women,'” reads the statement.
Satoko Oyama, a professor of social welfare at Japan Women’s University, along with her colleagues, instituted an in-house email hotline dedicated to promoting gender identity ideology. They also partnered with “gender-specialist counselors” to offer sessions to the women attending JWU. University officials have stated they intend to “dispel the anxiety of students,” according to media reports.
The testimony of an anonymous student, identified only as Y.M., is featured on the official JWU website. “I want to remember my privilege of being the majority,” writes Y.M.
“I think students at my university, being female, are the minority in this male-dominated society but are the majority when comparing ourselves to those who identify as transgender. That is, we can be both a minority and a majority depending on perspective,” she adds.
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Minori Tokieda, a trans-identified male who heads the advocacy group Rainbow Tokyo Kita-ku, has campaigned extensively for women’s universities to admit men. At the beginning of the year, Tokieda presented a lecture on this topic at Tsuda Women’s University.
“An announcement by a women’s university that it will be accepting transgender students not only broadens the academic options for the target population but also sends out the heartening message that the university is their ally,” Tokieda said.
“This will also give an opportunity for non-transgender students to learn about diversity in their close surroundings,” he added.
Ochanomizu University, Japan’s first institution of higher education for women with a 142-year history, was also the first women’s university in Japan to announce that it would be admitting trans-identifying male students in 2018, with Nara Women’s University and Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University following suit. Earlier this year, Notre Dame Seishin University, which is also for women, said it would accept men who self-declare a female identity beginning in 2023.
Speaking to Reduxx, a Japanese women’s rights advocate who preferred to remain anonymous said the news “sickens” her.
“Already it’s [difficult] for girls to get a place … But the ease with which these women’s universities are just allowing these men in is sickening,” she says. “My daughter isn’t ready to apply for university yet – we are years away from that. But already I feel the tension … And now women will be fighting for even fewer spots at university. Because you can bet that in the next 10 years these women’s universities will admit more than just a few transgender applicants in their quest to look pious.”
The advocate also speculated that ‘positive discrimination’ may also be a factor with the admission of transgender applicants into women’s universities, with discrimination against female applicants being the norm in the Japanese higher education system. 
Earlier this year, the revelation that mixed-sex universities in Japan were systematically lowering the entrance exam scores of female applicants in order to deny them admission sparked widespread controversy. Since the start of 2022, two Japanese universities have been ordered to pay restitution to female applicants for discrimination, and a third is currently in court proceedings.
In May, Juntendo University was ordered to pay out 8.05 million yen ($63,000 USD) in damages to 13 women after it was discovered they had been rigging entrance exam results in favor of male candidates. Months later, Tokyo Medical University was similarly forced to pay damagestotaling 18.26 million yen ($128,000 USD) to 27 women whose scores were lowered in order to place them behind male applicants.
St. Marianna University School of Medicine in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, is also currently involved in court proceedings brought by female applicants denied entry on the basis of their sex.
In 2018, the Japanese education ministry conducted an investigation after entrance exam score manipulation was first reported at Tokyo Medical University. According to their findings, nine medical schools in total had systematically lowered women’s entrance exams to favor male applicants and relatives of alumni.
The investigation found that after initial exam scores were lowered, at least 20 points were added to the scores for male applicants, and that similar entrance exam manipulations had occurred for years as universities sought to deny prospective female doctors. The justification argued that female doctors might choose to have children, and thereby shorten the length of their medical careers. The practice is believed to have begun as early as 2006 in some cases, and the government report referred to the rigging as “profound sexism.”
After the results of the government report were revealed, the gender equality minister at the time, Seiko Noda, told public broadcaster NHK: “It’s extremely disturbing if the university didn’t let women pass the exams because they think it’s difficult to work with female doctors.”
Following the international headlines on the blatant sex discrimination by top Japanese universities, The Washington Post reported on how enrollment of female students at elite academic institutions has been markedly unequal for the past two decades.
The institutional sex-based discrimination is so well-known in Japan, that there is a stereotype which suggests women who earn prestigious degrees will be unable to get married later in life. Prominent Japanese feminist Chizuko Ueno, a retired professor of gender studies, addressed the issue when speaking to freshman at Tokyo University in 2019. “Even before students enter the university, there is already hidden sexism,” Ms. Ueno said.
Dr. Caroline Norma, who lectures in the Master of Translating and Interpreting at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, spoke with Reduxx about the growing impact gender ideology is having on Japanese women’s already precarious situation.
Having written extensively on the issues impacting Japanese women, Dr. Norma said that recent efforts to coerce female students to accept trans-identified men in universities exemplify how the system has become “infected with gender identity propaganda from the West.” She specifically pointed to the humanities departments and the NGO sector as examples.
“Job opportunities for female university graduates are few, and some have picked up on the possibility of income generated through corporate ‘rainbow’ training. Most elite university campuses these days have an obligatory SOGI allies club, but most participants are aiming for jobs in the NGO sector,” she says.
Commenting on the deliberate denial of females into mixed-sex universities, Dr. Norma highlighted how profitable the medical industry is, and how women in Japan “are systematically shut out of opportunities” to earn an independent income.
“The same discrimination happens in corporate hiring processes, and top selective high schools operate ‘sex-equal’ intake policies when more girls ace their entrance exams. Now we have top women’s universities like Ochanomizu allowing male students self-identifying as women to enroll, even though such universities are elite, and so their admission means a young woman has lost a place,” Dr. Norma explained.
“Japanese women are forced to fight things like negative quotas operating for gender identity and male advancement in the absence of liberal values of women’s rights. Only 25% of Japan’s doctors are female, even though the medical system is filled with old female patients,” she says. “Birthing women are rarely given pain relief, and spycam incidents involving male doctors arise regularly in the news. But none of this is seen as reason to improve chances for women, and no particular nationwide policies are in place to reverse the situation of women in Japan.”
International rankings, including those from the World Economic Forum, consistently place Japan as one of the most unequal countries in the developed world in terms of political representation and economic opportunities for women.
by Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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India’s digital ID architect tells an IMF panel that everybody should have a digital ID, a bank account, and a smartphone as they are the “tools of the New World” for digital public infrastructure.
Speaking on a panel about Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) during the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Spring Meetings on April 14, Infosys co-founder and ex-chair of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), Nandan Nilekani, said that in order for nations to build out their DPI, they will need three things.
“If you think, ‘what are the tools of the New World?‘ — Everybody should have a digital ID; everybody should have a bank account; everybody should have a smartphone,” said Nilekani.
“Then, anything can be done. Everything else is built on that.”
Moderator and CNN International anchor Julia Chatterley concurred with Nilekani, saying:
“The three basic things: a smartphone, a bank account, and a digital ID — that’s where every nation has to begin.”
A digital identity encompasses just about everything that makes you unique in the digital realm, including your behavior.
It is a system that can consolidate all of your most personal intimate data, such as which websites you visit, your online purchases, health records, and what you post on social media.
Digital identity schemes can also be used by public and private entities to determine what products, services, and information are available to you, and they can certainly be used by those same entities to deny you that access.
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Digital identity is also key to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) rollouts.
According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Annual Economic Report 2021, “Identification at some level is hence central in the design of CBDCs. This calls for a CBDC that is account-based and ultimately tied to a digital identity.”
Additionally, “The most promising way of providing central bank money in the digital age is an account-based CBDC built on digital ID with official sector involvement.”
This means that CBDCs, by design, do not allow for anonymous transactions as they require a digital ID to operate.
In addition to the absence of complete transactional anonymity, programmability is a key feature that separates physical cash from CBDC.
Speaking at a high-level roundtable on CBDC in Washington, DC in October 2022, IMF deputy managing director and former People’s Bank of China (PBoC) deputy governor Bo Li said:
“CBDC can allow government agencies and private sector players to program — to create smart contracts — to allow targeted policy functions. For example, welfare payment; for example, consumption coupons; for example, food stamps,” said Li.
“By programming CBDC, those [sic] money can be precisely targeted for what kind of people can own and what kind of use this money can be utilized,” he added.
Ultimately, a CBDC linked with digital ID could allow governments and corporations to put permissions on what you can buy with your own money, including expiration dates on when you can spend it.
Bank of Russia deputy governor Alexey Zabotkin gave a real world example of what CBDC programmability could look like when he spoke at the annual cybersecurity training exercise Cyber Polygon back in 2021.
There, Zabotkin explained:
“This [digital ruble] will permit better traceability of payments and money flow, and also explore the possibility of setting conditions on permitted terms of use of a given unit of currency.
“Just imagine that you are able to give your kids some money in digital rubles and then restrict their use for purchase of junk food, for example.
“That would be a useful functionality for a customer, and of course you can come up with hundreds of other similar use cases.”
Last year, Nilekani — the man credited with building India’s vast Aadhaar digital ID scheme — told the Group of Twenty (G20) Development Working Group that it should look at different ways of harnessing data on social and economic activities to advance the UN’s Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals.
“Today we live in a society which is increasingly digitized, and every aspect of our life has digital technology in it,” said Nilekani in December 2022.
“We find that this is generating vast amounts of data about our social and economic activities, and we should look at different ways to harness this data for development goals,” he added.
The godfather of India’s digital ID scheme would go on to say that “In the coming years, starting with financial services, and later on in other areas, individuals will be able to use their own data to get a loan, to get better financial services, to get better healthcare, to get better jobs.”
In addition to spearheading India’s digital ID scheme during his tenure as chair of the UIDAI from 2009-2014 and being a co-founder of tech giant Infosys, Nilekani has held high-level positions at Reuters, the World Economic Forum, and the World Bank Group’s Identification for Development (ID4D) Initiative.
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transuk · 6 months
Wednesday, 20th of December 2023
UK Government publishes transgender youth guidance document for England schools
On Tuesday, 19th of December, the UK Government published new guidelines advising England schools and colleges on how to deal with transgender young people. Issued by the Department of Education, signed by Gillian Keegan, education secretary, and Kemi Badenoch, equalities minister, the guidance (citing the Cass Review) states that "social transition is not a neutral act" and "schools and colleges should take a cautious approach".
The guidance also says that schools and colleges should consider whether a child's social transition is in their best interest, and what impact it will have on a wider school community.
Main points from article linked above:
Document (read full PDF here) does not include an outright ban against social transition for students as it has been found to be unlawful.
Five general principles set out in the document are as follows:
"1. Schools and colleges have statutory duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.
2. Schools and colleges should be respectful and tolerant places where bullying is never tolerated.
3. Parents should not be excluded from decisions taken by a school or college relating to requests for a child to ‘socially transition’.
4. Schools and colleges have specific legal duties that are framed by a child’s biological sex.
5. There is no general duty to allow a child to ‘social transition’."
Guidance suggests that schools have an obligation to inform parents if a child requests to socially transition, stating that this should occur "other than in the exceptionally rare circumstances where involving parents would constitute a significant risk of harm to the child." The document does not specify what qualifies as a significant risk of harm.
The guidance is not official legislation. This means schools and colleges do not have to abide by the points set out in the guidance, however many will as this is the most recent official Government document to draw from whilst making new polices pertaining to transgender students.
The guidance is a draft, and is out for consultation for 12 weeks, until 12th March 2024, and the government has said it "would like to encourage schools, colleges, parents, and the sector to share their feedback." Feedback can be sent via an online form on the government website (here).
Additional extracts/quotes, articles and information below the cut
On bathrooms, changing rooms and single sex spaces: (source: UK government website)
"Where possible, schools and colleges should consider providing alternative facilities for gender questioning children who aren’t comfortable using the single-sex areas designated for their biological sex. These alternative facilities, however, should never undermine the single-sex facilities, for example a boy should never be allowed to go into a girls toilet, or vice versa."
On name/pronoun changes (if they are supported by a school):
"These are significant decisions that impact both the child and those around them. As a result, particularly for pronouns, we expect changes to be rare. And even in these rare occasions, children and teachers shouldn’t be made to use ‘preferred pronouns’. Instead, alternatives should be found, such as using first names and bullying mustn’t be tolerated. Schools must still record a child’s legal name and sex in the admissions register."
All above quotes taken directly from government article on the guidance (linked above, also read here)
Currently, individuals under the age of 18 are unable to obtain a GRC (Gender Recognition Certificate) from the Government. This guidance appears to attempt to restrict social transition for trans children at school, although, as stated above, it is not official legislation.
You can read the full guidance document released by the Government here.
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kalakian · 1 year
Why it's hard to talk about Martial Law and the Marcos regime
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The student who dared to question Imee Marcos.
Archimedes Trajano, a student of Mapua Institute of Technology who unfortunately met his end in the hands of Imee Marcos’ henchmen.
During an open forum at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, the then-21-year-old questioned Imee on her capability to lead the youth and told her that she only became the head of the Kabataang Barangay because she was the president’s daughter. He also questioned her on the human rights abuses being committed by her father.
On September 2, 1977, his crumpled body was strewn on the streets of Manila. The official explanation was that he had died in a frat rumble inside his dormitory. Witnesses, however, said that Imee’s security dragged him away from the open forum. Trajano’s family successfully sued Marcos for civil damages in a Hawaii court; however, the local Supreme Court overturned it in 2006 due to a technicality committed by a lower court in trying to implement the prior verdict.
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Days before the scheduled reopening of the Senate and the House of Representatives under the 1935 Constitution, Marcos promulgated the 1973 Constitution, which effectively abolished Congress and replaced it with a unicameral legislature which would be formed three years after. Opposition legislators reported to the Legislative Building on January 22, 1973, but found the building padlocked and under an armed guard.
The 7th Congress had been set to open its second regular session on January 22. The photo depicts Senators Doy Laurel, Eva Estrada Kalaw, Ramon Mitra, and Jovito Salonga posing in front of the Senate session hall which had been padlocked, a stark symbol of power held by a single man.
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Between 1972 and 1977, sixty thousand Filipinos were arrested for “political reasons.” A new word entered the Filipino vocabulary, “salvage.” The brutal verb described how the military would disappear individuals, torture and murder them, and then toss their corpses into vacant lots or drop them by the side of the road. Thousands were salvaged under Marcos’ reign of terror.
Photo shows the legs of Judy Taguiwalo, former Social Welfare secretary and member of the Samahan ng Demokratikong Kabataan, as policemen force her and her fellow activists to leap off a jeepney during a rally after the State of the Nation Address of President Ferdinand Marcos in front of Manila's Congress on January 26, 1970. 
Two were killed and many were injured after a scrimmage at Manila’s Burgos Drive up to nearby golf link in Intramuros and Luneta Park. The injured were brought to the Philippine General Hospital on Taft Avenue.
Prior to the confrontation between students and policemen, Ed Jopson of Ateneo and the conservative National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) chose radio commentator Arienda as a rally speaker over firebrand Gary Olivar of UP and SDK. It was dubbed as the “microphone battle” of the radical and conservative protesters in the 70s.
(1) FilipiKnow: 10 Lesser-Known Photos from Martial Law Years That Will Blow You Away
GMA: High court voids case vs Imee over 1977 killing of student
(2) FilipiKnow: 10 Lesser-Known Photos from Martial Law Years That Will Blow You Away
Official Gazette: The History of the Senate of the Philippines
(3) World Socialist Website: Forty-eight years since Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines
(4) ANC: The 7 deadly protests of the First Quarter Storm
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foreverlogical · 1 year
A dark money group tied to conservative judicial activist and longtime Federalist Society executive Leonard Leo entered the 2022 midterms with a war chest of more than $202 million, according to tax documents obtained by CREW. The mysterious group, known as Rule of Law Trust (RLT), spent the last several years quietly raising millions of dollars from a very small handful of donors, cementing itself as one of the largest groups in Leo’s colossal dark money network. The network, which is now valued at well over $1 billion, is diving into culture war battles and leading efforts to remake federal elections. 
The new tax documents show that RLT—which has no website, no employees, no volunteers, and no staffed office—brought in more than $157 million in contributions in 2021. This brings RLT’s total revenue from donations since its founding in 2018, not including investments, to $237 million, all of which came from, at most, just six donors who gave anonymously to the secretive group—an astounding total, considering that RLT didn’t receive any donations in 2019 or 2020. Almost all of the money RLT received in 2021 was from a $153 million grant from yet another Leo group called the Marble Freedom Trust, a $1.6 billion behemoth founded in May of 2020. Reports earlier over the summer showed that Marble Freedom Trust’s massive first-year revenue came from a single electronics manufacturing magnate.
Despite its prodigious fundraising, RLT has generally kept its powder dry, spending nearly $53 million since its founding—or 21 percent of its total revenue over that time. The vast majority of those funds were spent in 2020 when RLT gave nearly $36.3 million in grants out to allied groups. The largest beneficiary of that largesse was the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN)—now officially known as the Concord Fund—a dark money group with deep ties to Leo that is run by a former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas. JCN has spent tens of millions of dollars helping Leo and the Trump administration seat conservative justices on the Supreme Court. In 2021, RLT’s largest expenditure was, again, a $3 million grant to JCN, which comes on top of the $16.5 million given by Marble Freedom Trust in its most recent tax year. 
It will be a long time before the public has any idea how RLT deployed these funds in 2022 because RLT is registered as a section 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations, which typically file tax returns a year or more after the spending takes place. But Leo—whom Justice Thomas once referred to as “the number three most powerful person in the world”—has made it clear that he intends to take what he’s learned in his decades of judicial fights and apply them to rolling back what he calls “liberal dominance in other areas of American cultural, policy and political life.” The constellation of groups in Leo’s orbit have been increasingly active in culture war battles over Critical Race Theory, trans rights and climate change mitigation. 
But Leo’s most potentially consequential project so far may be the effort to change how elections are conducted. This week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Moore v. Harper, a case that could potentially give state legislatures unfettered power to make rules about how elections are executed in their state, stripping governors and state courts of any check on that power. The underlying theory has been widely discredited, prompting a rare filing from top judges in all 50 states urging the Court to reject the theory, but Leo’s network has been pushing the theory since 2020 and an amicus brief filed by one of Leo’s groups in Moore argues that critics misunderstand the history and exaggerate the consequences of such a ruling. We will soon see what Leo’s efforts and his fundraising prowess accomplish in a Court he helped to shape.  
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lowincomeassistance · 2 years
Disabled Peoples Grants: A Comprehensive Guide
Disabled Peoples Grants is a global non-profit organization that provides support and assistance to people with disabilities. They provide grants, scholarships, and other forms of assistance toasperished individuals. Grants can be very helpful in achieving success in any field, but they are especially beneficial for podcasters. disabled peoples grants provide a grant that doesn’t have to be repaid, which can be a great advantage when it comes time to start a business. Additionally, disabled peoples grants often have special deals or discounts available that can make the process much easier. So what are you waiting for? Start taking advantage of these amazing resources today!
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Disabled Persons Grants (DPGs) are a government-provided assistance program for people with disabilities.
DPGs are a government-provided assistance program for people with disabilities that was first introduced in 1987. They are designed to help people by providing them with access to essential services, such as education and employment opportunities. DPGs can be administered through the provincial or territorial government, as well as specialty organizations that provide support specific to the needs of people with disabilities.
How DPG Works
DPGs work in a similar fashion to other social welfare programs, meaning that they are funded by taxpayers and distributed through the government to eligible recipients. Eligibility is based on a number of factors, including income levels, assets, and disabilities. In order to apply for DPG assistance, you must provide documentation of your disability and a qualifying family member(s).
DPG Benefits
DPGs offer many benefits to recipients, including education and employment opportunities. These benefits can include free or discounted accommodations, transportation, food vouchers, and access to specialty services like speech therapy and physical therapy. In addition, many agencies offer grants that can cover a person’s entire living expenses while they are receiving assistance from DPGs.
How to Apply for DPG
To apply for DPG assistance, you must provide documentation of your disability and a qualifying family member(s). You can find more information about application requirements on the government website or by contacting one of the numerous specialized organizations who administer DPGs across Canada (listed below). If you have any questions about how to apply for DPG assistance or need help filling out an applicationuranl please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]!
Disabled Persons Grants: A Comprehensive Guide.
Disabled persons are people with disabilities who have been unable to fully participate in society as it is currently constituted. Disabled persons can be anyone from infants to adults, regardless of their ability to independently perform basic activities. They may have physical or mental impairments that affect certain aspects of their lives, such as sight, hearing, movement, and communication.
There are two main types of disabled person grants: state grants and federal grants. State grants are awarded through state legislatures and are typically more generous than federal grants. Federal grants come from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and are stricter in terms of eligibility requirements. Federal grants often provide a wider range of benefits than state grants, such as free housing or financial assistance for living costs.
There are many ways to apply for a disabled person grant. You can search through GrantSearch or make an appointment with a local government official to discuss your specific needs. You can also find disability Grants Database articles on various topics related to blind & visually impaired individuals and others with special needs, by referring to the website's Search engines section or using the links below:
Section 3. How To Apply For A Disabled Person Grant?
Subsection 3.1 How To Apply For A Disabled Person Grant: Application Procedure.
Subsection 3.2 How To Apply For A Disabled Person Grant: Eligibility Requirements. Subsection 3.3 How To Apply For A Disabled Person Grant: Benefits And Conditions Of The Grants Program.
Section 3. How To Apply For A Disabled Person Grant?
Subsection 3.1 How To Apply For A Disabled Person Grant: Application Procedure. You must complete an application form, provide some information about your disability, and submit it to the appropriate government body. There are many forms to fill out, but the most common ones are the Application for Grant Application Form (Form DS-2019), the Disability Income Tax Credit Application (Form DITC-3), and the Supplemental Security IncomeApplication (Form SSI-5).
Each form has specific instructions that need to be followed in order to apply for a disabled person grant. After you have completed all of the forms required by the government body you are applying to, you will need to go through an interview process in order to receive your grant.
Your application will be reviewed by an eligibility officer who will assess your disabilities and determine if you meet all of the requirements for receiving a grant. If you do not meet all of the requirements, your application will be rejected without any explanation given. Your application can only be accepted if there is a good reason for why you were not able to meet all of the requirements on your forms.
Once your application is received and assessed, you will be given a letter of acceptance or rejection along with a detailed description of what needs to happen next in order for you to receive your grant money.
If everything goes well and you receive your grant money within set time limits, then you will be able to use it immediately! However, if something goes wrong and your money is not received after several attempts, then you may have to take legal recourse in order get your money back.
Disabled Persons Grants: A Comprehensive Guide.
Disabled persons are people with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. Grants can be given to individuals with any of these disabilities in order to help them live independently and participate in society as best they can. Disabled person grants vary depending on the specific disability and what assistive technology or devices are needed.
For example, a wheelchair can be used as an assistive device for traveling, working, or school. Some wheelchair grants also provide financial assistance to help cover living costs related to the use of a wheelchair.
Disabled Persons Grants: How They Work
The main function of a disabled person grant is to help people with disabilities live independently and participate in society as best they can. Many disabled person grants require certain assistive technology or devices in order to be effective, such as a wheelchair. Assistance may also come in the form of financial support for living costs related to the use of a wheelchair or other assistive technology.
Disabled Persons Grants: Benefits
Some disabled person grants may offer special benefits that are not available to other types of recipients, such as free transportation or reduced housing prices. In addition, somedisabled person grants may have specific requirements that must be met before awarding the grant, such as fulfilling certain criteria regarding income and assets (in order to qualify for federal funding).
Disabled Persons Grants: How to Apply
To apply for a disabled person grant, you will need some information about your disability and what assistive technology or devices are needed in order for you to benefit from it. You will also needto meet specific application requirements including income and assets levels, meeting residency qualifications (in order to qualify for federal funding), and fulfilling certain conditions related to your disability (such as being able to work).
Disabled Persons Grants (DPGs) are a government-provided assistance program for people with disabilities. DPGs provide disabled individuals with a monthly allowance, access to special education and employment programs, and other types of assistance. Disabled Persons Grants can be a great way to help those who have difficulties living independently or accessing the same opportunities as other citizens. By taking the time to understand how DPG works and applying for it, you can make the most out of this government-provided assistance.
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wingglobal · 2 years
The Ultimate 2022 Guide to Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits Organization
What is the Google Grant?
Google Ads Grants are one of Google's most powerful yet most underestimated tools for nonprofits. The marketing toolbox of every nonprofit organization must recognize, appreciate and avail this remarkable resource. The program has been functional for a very long time. The research shows that professionals of non-profit organizations are not aware about the effectiveness of the program. The Ad grant program can remarkably help nonprofits of all proportions. The program can widely support nonprofits in their missions and services. It does not matter whether the nonprofit functions on a small or large scale. The only thing that counts is that nonprofits must be eligible for the ad grant program. Google Grants works by the criteria enlisted for eligibility. The Google grant provides $10,000 each month to the non-profit organization. It is used as an expenditure for posting advertisement campaigns on the Google platform. If the organizations function by the regulations, the $10,000 is renewed every month. As per 501(c) (3), every non-profit other than hospitals, schools, and government organizations is eligible for the Google grants. The ad grants can significantly help nonprofits in delivering their messages and services to a wide spectrum of viewers. These users use the Google search engine daily. If the search is conventionally relevant to the services of the nonprofit, the advertisements of the campaign will surface on the screen of the users. There are no specific limits to the number of non-profits who can receive the grant. If your nonprofit is eligible, Google will approve the grant. The Google grant is one of the most cost-effective and potent tools to articulate the message of your work to a far-reaching segment of spectators and audience.
Google Grant Case Studies: Google ads for Nonprofits have helped in a very significant way. Our experts conducted a very comprehensive case study in helping nonprofits with the Google grants. Therefore, we withdrew some notable key points.
1) Education: With the aid of a program we can attract contemporary audiences to our PDF materials, videos, and blog posts.
2) Ticket Appraisals: The program can significantly help us in raising ticket appraisals for performances and events. The promotional strategies can help us remarkably in selling more tickets online.
In-person actions: We can collectively drive in-persons to volunteer for animal rescue operations or the adoption of abandoned animals.
Choosing Volunteers: The program can help us in recruiting volunteers for the organization’s services.
Instructions: We can easily summon instructions for activities like the lettering of petitions, contacting elected officials for support, or social welfare activism.
Donation: The campaigns will help nonprofits in receiving sponsorship and funds for the promotion of their welfare services.
Audience: Strategies will help in building an audience and spectators for the newsletters. This way we can deliver services to a large spectrum of subscribers and viewers.
Normally, if people are searching for something on Google and if we have a page addressing that topic on the website. We can use Google Grant to target those subscribers and attract them to our domain of the website. It will help us in taking the next step to reach a new bandwidth of viewers. A greater bunch of subscribers will help us collectively in advancing the organization’s mission forward.
Should small nonprofits use Google Grant?
Some nonprofits deliver services on a compact scale. Small nonprofits often possess an apprehension about the worthiness of Google grants.
The prominent factors that determine the appraisal of Google grants:
The number of people searching a similar niche in which the nonprofit delivers its services.
An established website that has conventional content in relation to services and facilities provided by the nonprofit.
The factors are independent of the fact how big or small the nonprofit organization is. In fact, there are many small functioning nonprofits that serve a significantly large number of audiences. Such nonprofits perform really well with Google grants. In reality, it is the only domain in the world where every eligible nonprofit receives a matching donation every month on credit.
Which Nonprofits are Eligible for the Google Grant?
The availability and eligibility of Google grants are widespread in more than 50 countries around the world. The process of eligibility varies in accordance with the country and the implications of regulations in concern with the geographical factors. The countries which fall in the geographical location in similarity with the Google website, allow their non profit organizations for the Google grant. This article solely focuses on the eligibility of nonprofits in the USA.
The nonprofit organization must be approved in accordance with IRS 501(c) (3).
Hospitals, schools, and government agencies are not eligible for Google Grants.
The website of the nonprofit must be hosted on its own domain and must adhere to the website policy.
For receiving the Google grant, the website of the nonprofit must have a pre-installed SSL certificate.
There must be an official agreement with the Google Ads terms of service for receiving the Google grants.
Faith-based organizations, like houses of worship, are eligible for Google Grants. If your organization is applying for a Google grant, the nonprofit must formally possess a 501(c) (3) status to meet the eligibility criteria. The houses of worship are officially exempted from tax, that’s why many worship houses don’t apply for Google Grants. Some houses of worship located in remote areas usually don’t receive large lumps of donations. Such nonprofits must avail of Google grants to reach more people online.
The application process for the Google Grants?
Initially, there are a few steps that must be completed before applying for the Google grant. Nonprofits can apply for grants through Google. The first step is to create a Google account of the organization in the nonprofit domain to officially claim grants from Google. Once you have logged in to the nonprofit accounts of Google, you can apply for the Google grants. In the present form, the process happens significantly in two phases. Firstly, we submit the link of the website to the Google Ad grants team, who certify whether the web presence is prepared and organized. Once this phase is over the second phase involves the formulation of a basic Google Ads account, that is further later sent for approval.
The most important note is that you must have a setup that tracks the conversion rate of the audience into potential subscribers. This implies that:
Google analytics must be installed on the website. Ideally, it is recommended that there should be a pre-installed Google Tag manager as well.
The setup must have goals in the Google analytics so that the valuable actions could be performed on the website.
Organization and readiness of website for the Google Grant:
One of the most important factors for adding outrageous value to the website is the delivery of content in the website. For quick understanding, there is a Google Grant website rubric tool. If the rubric score is not working well, then content creation must be optimized to perform well for the grants offered in Google Grants program. The websites which deliver outstanding results with Google grants usually have a lot of individual pages. There are more than 10 pages on these websites and every page can be promoted with marketing and search engine optimization strategies.
The Promotable pages possess the following characteristics:
Focus: Every topic on the website must have its own page. Usually, nonprofits have a single page on their websites. The single-page enlists all the services offered by the organization. It is recommended by the experts of Google Advertisements that there should be a separate page of every program. It can create confusion for the viewer if they are looking for any specific information on the website of your nonprofit organization.
Trending Search results: There are instances where your fundraising might not be viewed by enough people even though they might have searched for the topic. For greater search results our team of experts uses applications like Google Trends or Moz to survey the search results. This way we can derive and attract enough traffic towards our blog posts, service pages, and websites.  
Content Optimization: Google conducts in-depth research on the websites which are posted on their platforms. The content of the website must be articulated in researched and optimized demeanor. Google recommends having enough pages on the website. In-depth well researched content delivers trending results that perform outstandingly well with organic search results and Google Ad grant programs.
Inspired Action: There must be action buttons and links on the website so that spectators can frequently visit and avail of the services. Usually, the links are the gateway to content like videos, text ads, or PDF files. The links provide a subscription option for receiving updates through email. The links also land the viewers on newsletters and form-filling pages.
Google Grant Compliance:
Google has certain guidelines to effectively bookmark the Google Ad grants compliance program. Few outlined guidelines to effectively meet the requirements for Google Ad grants compliance are:
Structure of the Account:
There must be at least two ad groups for every active campaign in the account.
Every active ad group must showcase at least two active ads.
There must be two or more active extensions to the links on the site.
The campaigns must target the audience geographically. If the services are delivered in one specific city, the geo-targeting must not adhere to the whole country.
Unless single-word keywords are the exceptions, they must not be used.
Vague Keywords must be rejected and relatable keywords must be used.
The keywords must maintain a quality score on a scale of 10.
There must be at least a 5% click-through rate on the account. It means that if 100 viewers are seeing the advertisements, 5 viewers need to actually click and view the advertisements.
There must be a frequent track of the conversions. It is mandatory there is at least 1 conversion every month. In case there are enough conversions, there are enough meaningful actions as well. If there are enough actions they should not be considered as a conversion.
The organizations must timely respond to the Google grant program survey when sent out to them in an email.
The domains that are advertised from the account must be approved. In the case of adding an extra domain, there is an additional domain form.
There are specific rules for particular nonprofits. If the organizations are rehabilitation centers then the organization must have received specific certifications.
What Does a Great Google Grant Ad Account Look Like?
The auditing of accounts provides the scope of information for the effective setting up of accounts. The following ways can support us relevantly to determine whether the account has been efficiently set up:
  1) The organization should have more than 3-5 active campaigns. The nonprofits advertise campaigns for Blogs, Advocacy, volunteers, and social welfare programs.
   2)  Every successful campaign runs on tightly focused ad groups. The ad groups of every campaign must individually address a firmly targeted group of keywords. For example, if your nonprofit is running an adoption campaign, in this campaign we can target exactly related keywords that focus on the similar area that the user was searching on the search engine. A few examples are listed below:
Adopt a Cat
Adopt a Cow
Adoptable puppies
Adopting an animal
Animal Adoption centers near me
Adopt animals near me
   3)  Responsive Search Ads (RSA) are known for their commendable results. It is usually recommended that the ad group has at least three ads with one Responsive Search Ad. The RSA allows the campaigners to formulate and deliver several descriptions and headlines. The Google algorithm will automatically match the viewers with your nonprofit campaign to elevate the click-through rate. The formulation of RSA is a lengthy procedure but they are known for generating exceptional results.
   4) Every ad applies an adequate proportion of descriptions and headlines which includes appropriate promotion of character limit. The descriptions and headlines will utilize the empty space and will help in making the ads appear broad and extensive. This will significantly increase the number of viewers visiting the website. If greater is the click-through rate, more will be the conversion of our services.
 5)There are certain extensions on an advertisement that can be used extensively. There is a certain limit on the number of extensions that can be used on the ads. Following are the recommended extensions that can be used to enhance the quality of advertisements:
Callout extensions provide the campaigners to arrange short, punchy, and “bullet point” style phrases which appear underneath the ad.
Sitelink extensions, conjoin links with other pages on the website, which are related to the ad.
Call extensions to allow the campaigners to provide a phone number beneath the advertisement so that they can derive more inbound phone calls. In the case of mobile phones, the phone number pops on the screen of the user and the user can easily contact the nonprofit for services.
Google Grant Conversion Tracking
To run an effective Google Ad grant account, conversion tracking is one of the most important components. The advertisement campaigners often overlook the conversion tracking feature of the Google Ad grant account. The Google Ad grants team widely recommends that the program should have its primary emphasis from incomprehensible expenditure to fruitful conversions. In 2018, there were very limited keywords used by the organizations. For e.g. a soccer team would advertise their services with a single keyword. There have been major advancements since then. Nowadays, there are several keywords that can be used as tags to attract prospective audiences to our campaigns. If the keywords are used optimally in relevance with the organization’s mission, there will be enormous search results from the traffic searching for a similar topic.
Google encourages nonprofits to use keywords for producing meaningful conversions. Following are examples of website conversions that are worth tracking:
Filling out forms of contact for the website.
Signing up for newsletters.
Event registration
Online Donation
Petition Signing
Account Creation
The download of educational resources
All the minute actions of users must be profoundly analyzed because some of them are crucially beneficial for the organization. The campaigning team can set up conversion tracking for these actions using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.
How to View $10,000
According to a survey, the majority of nonprofit organizations do not spend the entire $10,000. There are many factors that lead to the mismanagement of funds. There can be many reasons for that, some of them are listed below:
Mismanagement: Many nonprofits don’t have the team and resources to efficiently manage Google grants. In other cases, the most managed accounts of nonprofits on the Google account system, don’t exhaust the entire $10,000 amount, unless the organization is serving a comparatively vast audience.
Scarcity of searchable content: The ads most likely pop in relevance with the content that the user is searching for. The Google algorithm most likely devised this feature so that conversion rates are always performing better.  If the advertisement is on the keyword, which doesn’t link the people on a good landing page, the ads will not deliver good performance. Google will also limit the number of people who are viewing them. In this case, organizations usually spend less money because there are occasional visitors on the website.
Undefined Spectator Reach: The nonprofit which is serving only a city, or a smaller demographic area will probably spend the entire $10,000. It is because there are limited people who are utilizing the services. Most nonprofits use the extra money as their savings for other dispensations. The Google Grant budget should be effectively maximized. The primary focus should be laid on the quality of visitors that visit the ads on the website. If there are more spectators, brighter are the chances of conversions. The conversions which are not spent will prevail the mission of the organization forward.
Combining Google Grant with Paid ads:
The organizations which are serving a mission that is aimed towards higher purpose often utilize the entire fund provided in Google grant. So to effectively capitalize their budget, they endorse paid advertisements as well. A few common reasons for running paid ads of Google with the Google grant account are:
The ads outside Google Reach: Only text ads can be placed in the Google search results with the help of the Google grant. If the message is not displayed blatantly to the public, the advertisers can function the advertisements through display networks to facilitate banner ads. The ads can also campaign on YouTube as well.
Retargeting: The most powerful feature in the Ad suite provided by Google is retargeting. This feature allows you to showcase advertisements to people who formerly viewed pages on the website. The Google grant can be used to attract viewers to the website. The paid ads can be further used to retarget the audience for donation and welfare services, to move the organization’s mission forward.
Remarkably competitive keywords: The Google grant ads emerge below the paid ads that might be used on a specific keyword. In order to compete with high-profile keywords, it is necessary to have a paid account. Though there are alternative keywords that are often less competitive. Such keywords can be effectively positioned for the Google grant advertisements.
Where is the Google Grant headed?
There are continuous efforts from Google to refine the Google Grants program for nonprofits. After working in an immediate coalition with the Google team, we have analyzed that Google is constantly working to expand the benefit of Google grants for nonprofit organizations.  The Google grants remarkably help the nonprofits in extending significant impact in the online sphere. The future predictions for Google grants:
Google will lay more importance on conversion tracking.
The features of free tools will become more effective. Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager will optimize better results so that Grant allocation becomes more effective.
The value of a high-profile website will soar tremendously. Only a website of high quality can effectively utilize Google Grant.
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Transcript from Kannur University
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Transcript Services at Kannur University
Kannur University offers a streamlined and efficient transcript service to its students and alumni. The university understands the importance of transcripts in facilitating further education, employment opportunities, and immigration processes. Here’s an overview of the transcript process at Kannur University:
Application Process: Students can apply for transcripts through the university’s official website or by visiting the university’s transcript section in person. The application typically requires details such as the student’s name, registration number, course details, and the number of copies required.
Processing Time: The university endeavors to process transcript requests promptly. The processing time may vary depending on the volume of requests and other factors. However, the university strives to ensure that transcripts are issued in a timely manner to meet the needs of students and alumni.
Cost: Kannur University charges a nominal fee for transcripts, which may vary based on the number of copies requested and the mode of delivery. The university offers both regular and expedited services, with the latter incurring an additional fee.
Delivery Options: Transcripts can be sent directly to educational institutions, employers, or other designated recipients as per the student’s instructions. The university also offers the option of collecting transcripts in person for those who prefer it.
Online Services: Kannur University is continuously upgrading its services to offer online transcript requests and deliveries. This enhancement provides added convenience to students and alumni, especially those residing outside the region.
University Environment
Kannur University Online Transcript Service boasts a rich and vibrant university environment that fosters holistic development among its students. Here are some key features of the university’s environment:
Academic Excellence: The university is renowned for its academic programs, which are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and relevance. The faculty members are highly qualified and dedicated to providing a stimulating learning experience.
Infrastructure: Kannur University’s campus is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, libraries, and sports facilities. The university’s infrastructure enhances the overall learning experience and contributes to the students’ academic and personal growth.
Cultural Diversity: The university welcomes students from diverse backgrounds, fostering a multicultural environment that promotes tolerance, understanding, and respect. This diversity enriches the learning experience and prepares students for the globalized world.
Extracurricular Activities: Kannur University encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities, including sports, cultural events, and community service initiatives. These activities help students develop their talents, leadership skills, and social consciousness.
Career Opportunities: The university collaborates with leading industries and organizations to provide students with ample internship and placement opportunities. This exposure helps students gain practical experience and enhances their employability.
In conclusion, Kannur University’s transcript services and university environment reflect its commitment to academic excellence, student welfare, and holistic development. The university’s efficient transcript services and vibrant environment contribute to creating a conducive learning atmosphere for students, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities.
Online Degree Transcript Service
Academic Transcript Service
University Transcript Service
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eloisemia · 1 month
Who Can Apply For CHIP For A Child?
The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides affordable health coverage to eligible children from low-income families who do not qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private insurance. Understanding who can apply for CHIP for a child involves considering eligibility criteria related to income, household size, citizenship or legal residency status, and other factors. Here's a detailed explanation of who can apply for CHIP program for a child:
Parents or Legal Guardians: In most cases, parents or legal guardians are responsible for applying for CHIP coverage on behalf of their children. This includes biological parents, adoptive parents, stepparents, foster parents, legal guardians, or other relatives with legal custody of the child. Parents or legal guardians are typically required to provide information about their child's household and income when applying for CHIP.
Caretaker Relatives: In some situations, caretaker relatives who are not the child's biological or adoptive parents may be eligible to apply for CHIP on behalf of the child. Caretaker relatives include grandparents, aunts, uncles, or siblings who are responsible for the day-to-day care of the child and meet certain eligibility criteria. These relatives may need to provide documentation of their relationship with the child and their legal authority to act on the child's behalf.
Legal Guardians or Custodians: If a child is under the legal guardianship or custody of an individual or organization, the guardian or custodian may be eligible to apply for CHIP coverage for the child. Legal guardians or custodians are responsible for the child's welfare and decision-making and may need to provide documentation of their legal status and authority to act on the child's behalf.
Foster Parents: Children in foster care are often eligible for CHIP coverage, and foster parents may apply for coverage on behalf of the children in their care. Foster parents are responsible for the day-to-day care of foster children and may need to provide documentation of their status as licensed foster parents and the children's placement in their homes.
Authorized Representatives: In some cases, individuals or organizations acting as authorized representatives may apply for CHIP coverage on behalf of eligible children. Authorized representatives may include social workers, case managers, or other professionals authorized to act on behalf of the child's legal guardian or custodian. These representatives may need to provide documentation of their authority to act on behalf of the child and their relationship to the child's care.
Children Themselves: In certain situations, older children may be eligible to apply for CHIP coverage on their behalf, particularly if they are emancipated minors or have the legal authority to make healthcare decisions independently. However, parental consent or involvement may still be required depending on state laws and CHIP program requirements.
Other Eligible Adults: In some cases, other eligible adults who are responsible for the child's care and meet CHIP eligibility criteria may be able to apply for coverage on behalf of the child. This could include relatives, family friends, or caregivers who have legal authority or responsibility for the child's welfare.
It's important to note that eligibility for CHIP may vary by state, and specific eligibility criteria and application procedures may differ accordingly. Additionally, CHIP eligibility is based on factors such as income, household size, citizenship or legal residency status, and other considerations. Families interested in applying for CHIP should contact their state's Medicaid or CHIP agency or visit the official CHIP website for detailed information on eligibility requirements and application procedures specific to their state.
In summary, parents, legal guardians, caretaker relatives, foster parents, legal guardians or custodians, authorized representatives, children themselves (in certain situations), and other eligible adults may be able to apply for CHIP coverage on behalf of a child. Eligibility criteria and application procedures may vary by state, so families should consult their state's Medicaid or CHIP agency for specific guidance and assistance with the application process.
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sarkariyojnaye-org · 1 month
Sarkari Yojnaye
Unveiling Sarkari Yojnaye: Your One-Stop Guide to Indian Government Schemes
Sarkari Yojana (सरकारी योजना), translating to "Government Scheme" in Hindi, holds immense importance for Indian citizens. These initiatives, launched by the Central and State governments, aim to empower various sections of society. But with a multitude of programs available, navigating them can be overwhelming. This guide simplifies your search for relevant Sarkari Yojnaye.
Understanding Sarkari Yojnaye
Sarkari Yojnaye encompasses a wide range of schemes catering to diverse needs. Here's a glimpse into the variety:
Social Welfare Schemes: These programs provide financial assistance, healthcare support, and educational opportunities to underprivileged groups. Examples include the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (Prime Minister's People's Money Scheme) for banking inclusion and the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana (Save Daughter, Educate Daughter Scheme) promoting girl child education.
Rural Development Schemes: Focused on uplifting rural India, these schemes provide subsidies for agriculture, infrastructure development, and skill development initiatives. Examples include the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Gramin (Prime Minister's Housing Scheme - Rural) for affordable housing and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) for guaranteed wage employment.
Urban Development Schemes: These programs address urbanization challenges by providing support for housing, sanitation, and livelihood generation in urban areas. Examples include the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (Prime Minister's Free Cooking Gas Scheme) for LPG connections and the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) for urban infrastructure improvement.
Finding the Right Sarkari Yojana for You
With so many options, how do you find the Sarkari Yojana that benefits you? Here are some tips:
Identify your needs: Are you seeking financial aid for education? Do you need support for starting a business? Pinpoint your specific requirement.
Target beneficiary category: Sarkari Yojnaye often cater to specific demographics like women, farmers, or minorities. Identify the category you belong to.
Government websites: Utilize official government websites like भारतीय राष्ट्रीय पोर्टल (भारतीय राष्ट्रीय पोर्टल) and Directorate General of Employment (DGE) to search for schemes by category and beneficiary.
Taking Advantage of Sarkari Yojnaye
Once you've identified the relevant Sarkari Yojana, the next step is to understand the application process. This typically involves:
Eligibility criteria: Ensure you meet the eligibility requirements like income level, caste, or geographical location.
Required documents: Gather necessary documents like identity proof, ration card, or income certificate.
Application process: Applications might be online or offline. Follow the instructions outlined on the scheme's official website.
Staying Updated on Sarkari Yojnaye
The Government of India frequently launches new schemes and revises existing ones. Here's how to stay informed:
Government websites: Subscribe to notifications on official government websites.
News publications: Follow news publications that cover government initiatives.
Public service announcements: Stay tuned to government-issued public service announcements.
Sarkari Yojnaye represent the government's commitment to empowering its citizens. By understanding these schemes and utilizing them effectively, you can improve your quality of life and contribute to India's growth. Remember, with the right knowledge and resources, navigating Sarkari Yojnaye becomes effortless.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Why would government official think a 3 year would have pronouns?
By Natasha Biase June 28, 2023
The Oregon Department of Human Services is under fire after describing three missing children by their pronouns instead of their sex. The three kids, who went missing in Bend, Oregon, are reported to have been found as of today.
According to KTVL 10, Brantley Hinson, age 7, Logan Hinson, age 4, and River Hinson, age 3, went missing on June 17 along with their mother, Stephanie Lloyd, and a man named Kyle McMullen.
Concerned about the children’s safety, the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Child Welfare Division asked the public to help locate the missing family, who they speculated could be in Oregon, Idaho, or Alaska, and provided descriptions of the children. ODHS noted that they had reason to believe that the children may have been at risk, and appealed for more information from the public during their search.
But, in the identiying descriptions they provided of the children, ODHS chose to list them by their preferred pronouns rather than their birth sex. The descriptions of the boys, which included their birth dates, hair colors, case number with the sheriff’s office, as well as their identification number for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, also included “he/him” pronouns for two of the boys. The youngest child, River, initially had “he/him” pronouns, but they were curiously removed in updated coverage. While the children have now been located 10 full days after going missing, many social media users have taken to Twitter to condemn ODHS for failing to include the children’s birth sex. “These 3 little boys are missing, and instead of listing their gender as part of their description, their preferred pronouns are listed instead. Unbelievable,” user @Kriscilicious wrote.
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In the state of Oregon, the law protects individuals from discrimination based on sex and sexual orientation, including gender identity. According to the government website, which lists definitions they refer to as “helpful terms,” for the terms sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, transgender, gender fluid, cisgender, and gender roles, a gender identity is “a person’s deeply-felt sense of being male, female, non-binary, third gender or two-spirit, regardless of the sex they were assigned at birth.”
Adding that it “is about who you are.” Although details regarding the missing children’s condition are not yet available, the Child Welfare Division of ODHS has stated it is “thankful for the community support” which assisted in locating the boys.
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anjani1223 · 1 month
*Navigating Electoral Terrain: TDP's Performance under N Chandrababu Naidu's Leadership*
The Telugu Desam Party (TDP), led by the seasoned political strategist N Chandrababu Naidu, has long been a formidable force in Andhra Pradesh politics. In recent years, the party's electoral journey has been marked by a nuanced interplay of successes and setbacks, reflecting the dynamic nature of the political landscape in the state. Find the latest updates of TDP and top achievements of TDP on their official website. The TDP's prowess was unmistakable in the preceding assembly elections, where it emerged as a significant contender by securing a commendable number of seats. A strategic focus on social welfare schemes and infrastructural development catalyzed this success. The implementation of impactful programs like Anna Canteens, Amma Vodi, and Pasupu-Kumkuma resonated with diverse voter segments, bolstering support for the party. The efficient mobilization of TDP MLAs and a robust campaign machinery played a pivotal role, securing victories in specific constituencies.
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At the helm, N Chandrababu Naidu's leadership has been instrumental in shaping the TDP's electoral trajectory. His wealth of experience, visionary approach, and unwavering commitment to development have garnered support from various sections of the electorate. However, leadership alone cannot guarantee electoral success in a landscape marked by constant evolution. Despite its successes, the TDP has grappled with setbacks, grappling with the emergence of new political alliances and formations. Alternative parties have attracted sections of the electorate, challenging the TDP's traditional support base. The changing voter dynamics and evolving priorities demand adaptability from political entities. Failure to address emerging concerns can lead to a decline in electoral support. Factors like anti-incumbency sentiment, strategic campaigning by rival parties, and effective communication of the party's contributions also influence outcomes.
To enhance its prospects, the TDP must engage in continual introspection and strategic recalibration. Adapting policies to align with evolving voter aspirations is paramount. Building a robust party organization, nurturing grassroots leaders, and effectively communicating the party's vision and achievements are vital components of this recalibration. Strong leadership, strategic alliances, and a responsive organizational structure will be crucial in shaping the party's electoral fortunes in the coming years.
The Telugu Desam Party's journey in recent elections reflects a complex interplay of strategic successes and challenges. N Chandrababu Naidu's leadership has been a driving force, but the party recognizes the need for adaptability in the face of changing political dynamics. As it charts its course forward, the TDP is poised to leverage its contributions, learn from setbacks, and navigate the electoral terrain with resilience and foresight. The intricate dance between leadership, political dynamics, and responsive strategies will undoubtedly shape the TDP's electoral narrative in the times to come.
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unogeeks234 · 2 months
Lgart In SAP HR
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Understanding and Configuring Labor Welfare Fund (LWF) in SAP HR
The Labor Welfare Fund (LWF) is a statutory deduction in India, mandated in several states. Employers are responsible for deducting LWF contributions from their employees’ salaries based on specific rules and regulations. If you are an HR professional handling payroll for an Indian company, it’s crucial to correctly configure the LWF setup within your SAP HR system to ensure compliance.
What is LWF?
The Labor Welfare Fund serves as a social security measure to improve workers’ well-being in various sectors. The funds collected are used to provide amenities and benefits such as:
Educational facilities
Recreational activities
Medical care
Financial assistance during emergencies
Key Configuration Steps in SAP HR
Here’s a breakdown of the essential steps involved in configuring LWF in your SAP HR system:
Maintain Universal Contribution Types
Navigate to the transaction code SM30.
Enter the table name V_T7INU1.
Create a new record for the Universal Contribution Type.
Provide details such as Universal Contribution Type code (use a meaningful code, e.g., “LWF”), description, and the relevant processing class.
Assign Universal Contribution Groupings
Use the transaction code SM30.
Update the table V_T7INU3.
You’ll create universal groupings and assign them to the LWF Universal Contribution Type here. This grouping determines the specific state regulations that apply.
Define State-Specific Parameters and Slab Codes
Access the transaction SM30.
Maintain the table V_T7INU5.
Configure the parameters for each state associated with your universal groupings. These include slab codes, deduction rates (often percentages or flat amounts), maximum contribution limits, and applicability dates.
Assign LWF Contribution Values
In transaction SM30, edit table V_T7INOP_ALL.
Specify the corresponding contribution values (percentages or amounts) for each slab code.
Maintain Employee Position for LWF
It’s essential to update the LWF applicability for each employee’s position. This information will govern whether the system calculates LWF deductions for a particular employee.
Define Wage Types (Optional)
If you prefer a detailed breakdown of payslips, create custom wage types to represent LWF deductions explicitly. This step isn’t strictly mandatory but can aid in better reporting.
Important Considerations
State-Specific Regulations: LWF regulations vary significantly from state to state. Carefully research and abide by the laws of the states where your employees are located.
Regular Updates: Due to changing regulations, periodic reviews and updates of your LWF configuration are imperative to stay compliant.
Testing: Thoroughly test your configuration with various employee scenarios to ensure accurate and error-free LWF calculations.
By following these steps and paying close attention to detail, you can configure LWF within your SAP HR system. Accurate LWF configuration helps your organization fulfill its legal obligations and ensures that employees receive the benefits they are entitled to under the Labor Welfare Fund.
Disclaimer:  This blog provides a general overview. Always consult updated official government sources, legal advisors, and SAP documentation for the most accurate and state-specific LWF compliance regulations.
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