dordmagazine · 4 years
What The F Are Intrusive Thoughts?
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Lesson brought to you by the fact that most of us are having intrusive thoughts right now, no one talks about it, it's considered taboo + scary, and tbh the psychology community does a bad job of normalizing this common evolutionary behavior.
What The F Is an Intrusive Thought?
Imagine this, you're going about your day, and suddenly you’re hit with a thought that’s bizarre, shocking, uncomfortable, triggering, or overall anxious. No reason for it, it just pops up. 
Could be the voice in your head saying the worst thing you can imagine is happening 
Could be a gut feeling followed by intense anxiety and thought spirals 
Could be thoughts of doing something shocking and out of character for you (usually sexual, violent, or suicidal)
Could be in terms of a relationship (thinking you’re not good enough, they’re not good enough, suddenly fearful of commitment despite having intense feelings for that person)
Intrusive thoughts are actually perfectly normal. Literally everyone has them, not just those with mental illnesses. Intrusive thoughts don't necessarily mean you have a mental condition you need treatment for. Intrusive thoughts are not messages, red flags, signals or warnings, despite how they feel. Even for my intuitive people, your intrusive thought doesn’t mean the situation is actually going on. It's just a thought with zero meaning behind it.
Intrusive thoughts feel so threatening because anxious thinking takes over, and the thought appears to have some intense power that it actually doesn't have.
Common intrusive thoughts we don't call "intrusive thoughts", but they really are: 
Thinking our partner doesn't want us 
Thinking our partner will leave or is cheating 
Fearing everyone at the office hates us 
Convincing ourselves we'll fail 
Thinking we'll go broke
Being afraid that fictional things will happen (ex being fearful that you’ll live the plot of a book you just read)
For some reason we don't associate this type of anxious thinking with intrusive thoughts, but they're classic intrusive thoughts. Other thoughts include thinking about having sex with someone you'd never sleep with, getting in fights, getting raped or abused.
It’s important to note, if you are having intrusive thoughts of getting raped or abused, or doing the actions, that does not mean you want to rape or abuse or get raped and abused. For people who conduct these behaviors, these are not intrusive thoughts. They don’t think much about them and move on. These thoughts cause great stress for you because they go against your values and you’d never do them.
For Example:
People who have intrusive thoughts about cheating, usually value commitment, relationships, and family.
People who have intrusive thoughts about hurting an animal, love animals and would never harm one intentionally.
People who have intrusive thoughts about their religion, are usually extremely faithful and take their faith seriously.
Intrusive thoughts are intrusive because they go against your values. You are not subconsciously represented by your intrusive thoughts.
The Science
Here’s the facts, we get intrusive thoughts for a few reasons.
First one, our brains get bored and try to entertain themselves. I wish I was kidding. We’re taught the brain is a complex thing, but it’s really a toddler. In fact the part of the brain associated with intrusive thoughts, the Amygdala, is the youngest part of the brain. It’s kinda still learning how to brain. 
When we get bored or over stimulated, the Amygdala comes up with situations, so the body can send up doses of chemicals and hormones. Our brain likes to imagine things, it’s just sometimes daydreams turn into nightmares. 
Most common reason our brain has Intrusive thoughts, is because it’s evolved to keep us safe. So it constantly scans the environment for danger, running through all the possible cases. While doing this, it generates thoughts that you are unaware of. When it hits one that causes you fear, it becomes a conscious thought.
When fear hits the body, within seconds fight or flight turns on and the Amygdala is turned screaming. It wants you to come up with a plan to stay safe if the event ever happened.
Once you do, the screaming stops. If you ignore it, sometimes the screaming gets louder. We see this a lot with patients who have OCD, the thoughts get louder or keep coming back harder when we try to ignore them.
In a way our Amygdala is saying “Can’t you see we’re in danger?”
The problem is there is rarely ever any actual danger. The Amygdala is the brains faulty security system. It’s triggered by wind the next County over.
The brain does this so that you are alerted to the potential threat and can then problem-solve your way out of it. Our brain honestly thinks it's helping us. But as I mention everytime I talk about anxiety, we're not outrunning bears anymore. We don’t need overly sensitive Amygdalas.
That’s why OCD treatment uses exposure therapy designed to reprogram how we perceive thoughts in the mind. Treatment involves pushing yourself to do what scares you and ignoring the need to control everything. Overtime the brain adjusts to your responses and you have less obsessive intrusive thoughts.
Follow Your Gut
I’m a natural intuitive. So for me to follow my intuition I had to make peace with my intrusive thoughts.
Remember, our brain doesn't know the difference between real threats or imaginary ones. The brain thinks "I thought of it, it's real". Think of it like a toddler holding an imaginary tea party. We know the cup is empty, but the kid honestly thinks imagination made tea.
I see a lot with people who are practicing their intuition or learning to trust their gut fall into the trap of feeding their intuitive thoughts. Out of nowhere they get an intrusive thought that their blessing, prayers, or manifestation isn't coming. And they freak out because they think it's divine guidance.
My dears, your intrusive thought isn't divine guidance. It's your bodies glitchy security system. Your gut, the universe, or god, didn't telling you that your person will never love you, that the job isn't coming, or that you'd never get rich or have a family.
The thing with intrusive thoughts is they often keep coming up, which tricks us into thinking that it actually means something or it's divine guidance. But the reason these thoughts come us is because we never told our brains it's not actually a danger or threat.
How To Make Them Stop
First things first, if you have intrusive thoughts find a Therapist who focuses primarily on OCD. Many Therapists claim to have worked with OCD patients but lack the education or experience to support your healing journey. 
The thing with traditional talk therapy is it can usually make OCD and Anxiety worse. If you are seeking out professional help, which I always recommend, find a Therapist who is trained in Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP). If you’re on the edge of deciding to see a therapist, there are incredible patient guided workbooks designed to help stop intrusive thoughts.
Some of our favorites are:
The ACT Workbook for OCD: Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Exposure Skills to Live Well with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Marisa T. Mazza PsyD
Brain Based Therapy for OCD: A Workbook for Clinicians and Clients by John B. Arden
Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts: A CBT-Based Guide to Getting Over Frightening, Obsessive, or Disturbing Thoughts by Sally M. Winston PsyD and Martin N. Seif PhD
Brain Lock, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior by Jeffrey M. Schwartz
How To Be There For Someone With Intrusive Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts can effect our relationships in every way. It’s hard to see your loved one go through suffering you can’t understand.
I always explain intrusive thoughts like this:
An intrusive thought is like we watched a documentary on Bigfoot. Before it, I knew Bigfoot wasn’t real and the documentary only assured me that Bigfoot is made up. But every night I’ll be terrified that Bigfoot is outside of my window and will hurt me when I’m sleeping. So I lay awake and plan or sit in fear. Eventually, the fear will bleed into my daytime life and I’ll become scared that Bigfoot is behind me or will hurt my loved ones. And in the documentary it said people used to keep garlic in their pocket to ward off Bigfoot. So I start carrying around garlic and hiding it in my loved ones belongings. This entire time I know Bigfoot isn’t real. I know my behavior is irrational. But my body is still scared. Even if everything inside of me says Bigfoot isn’t real and even if it’s proven by Scientists. I’m still afraid.
If the person you love struggles with intrusive thoughts it helps to view everything from their perspective. You don’t need to feed into the compulsions, in fact you usually shouldn’t.
Someone suffering with Intrusive thoughts or OCD needs the people around them to be compassionate, understanding, and kind. When someone exhibits an obsessive behavior tied to intrusive thoughts ask them, “Is that an intrusive thought?” usually that’s enough to stop them the thought, even temporarily.
Another thing you can do is ask the sufferer to explain to you what they’re feeling and why they think that way. And don’t judge them for it. Simply nod and smile. People who have intrusive thoughts or OCD need to feel like they aren’t broken because of the way their brain is programed.
Remember, all their brain is doing is trying to stay safe. Treatment involves reframing thoughts and reprograming their brain. The goal isn’t to stop our Amygdala from being aware, it’s to make it less sensitive and less afraid.
Our brain needs to alert us of a flood, it doesn’t need to alert us of 5mph wind.
The important thing to remember with intrusive thoughts is to think of your brain like a toddler. It's pointing everything it thinks and sees out, making sure you see it too. All it wants you to do is say, "yes, I know. But that's not important right now." or "I think you're not seeing it correctly, it's actually this."
Having these thoughts are normal and although distressing they say nothing about your character. 
Follow us as we work to end the stigma around mental illness and keep an eye out for our full magazine set to release early January 2021.
Disclaimer: No one at DORD is a medical professional, meaning we provide education from our first hand experience (and our Editor In Chief’s Psychology Degree). If your intrusive thoughts cause you great discomfort, contact a license professional. If you think you're going to hurt yourself or someone else, contact a professional. If you'd like to know how to get in touch with a professional, shoot us a DM and we’ll gladly help connect you with the appropriate resources.
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godbolet · 5 years
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This is the first time I’ve made such an intensely personal comic. Thank you @shreyailaanasuya Posted @withrepost • @povmumbai Fresh on #SkinStories this week, treat yourself to a delicious comic by @missfitcomics on social anxiety, & a personal note on the experience of living with it. . Link in bio or type in browser: bit.ly/missfitcomics 💬 #SexDis #SkinStoriesFresher . . . #socialanxiety #socialanxietymemes #socialanxietyquotes #socialanxietyawareness #socialanxietyrecovery #socialanxietyproblems #socialanxietyhumor #socialanxietythings #socialanxietyisreal #socialanxietylife #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthquotes #mentalhealthblogger #anxietycomics #copingwithanxiety #mentalhealthcomics #mentalhealthcommunity #mentalhealthcomedy #anxietyawareness #socialanxietycomic #anxietyquote #anxietyisreal #anxietyrecovery https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ynkvol16L/?igshid=1dsrd3ipmwfz
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false-appearances · 7 years
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I need people repellent
I really do not understand why I attract people so much. I'm literally sitting here writing a post about how I like being alone and spending time by myself when two people IN A ROW come over and try to start conversations WITH ME Mind you I'm sitting at a table on the corner of campus at the end of the day WRITING IN A NOTEBOOK I am an Introvert and just because you talk to Me does not mean we are new best friends. No I'm not lonely thank you for checking I'm perfectly happy sitting by myself ._. LEAVE ME ALONE
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lifewillbelovely · 7 years
#socialanxietythings 2 beers in I finally feel like a real person who can converse and relate w/out darting my eyes around and feeling nervous
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orngepeel · 8 years
there were these 2 girls having a conversation by the crosswalk, and i thought they were waiting to cross but they werent so i jsut stood @ the corner for like 3 minutes,,,,,, there were 0 cars the whole time,,,, theres not even a light #just socialanxietythings
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dordmagazine · 4 years
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Dord is a non-existent word entered into the second edition of Webster's New International Dictionary by mistake in the 1934 edition. It stayed until 1939, when an editor figured out what was happening and wrote this note declaring dord to be “&! A ghost word!” A lot of people have to fail at their jobs for dord to make it in: the writer, the etymologist, the proofreader.
When our Editor In Chief, Diana, started her magazine, Dord was the perfect name. It was something that shouldn't exist but did. Dord perfectly describes our intrusive thoughts, anxieties, and fears. But in so many ways it holds room to be hopeful.
When our fears exist, even when they shouldn't. So do our hopes.
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Being misdiagnosed for years because a therapist just assumes you're really shy (like a lot of other unprofessional people)
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I wander how many times my name showed up in "You have a memory with..." in other people's Facebook and they just ignore it like I ignore that damn notification.
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false-appearances · 7 years
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I do this thing...
Where I'll find a way to exclude myself from a group of people because I feel like they don't like me or I don't fit in. So I sabotage myself and my friendship/relationship with people, then later I see them posting pictures with someone else where I used to be and I get all depressed because I've been "replaced" Then I'm like no bitch you can't be sad, the only person who replaced you is your sabotaging self.. Please tell me I'm not the only one
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The rehearsal in your mind and mini anxiety attack when you go to a new class knowing they'll ask the class to go around and say something about themselves
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