#socialize the wealth etc and we have world peace and prosperity
catsnuggler · 5 months
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iskconchd · 3 years
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श्रीमद्‌ भगवद्‌गीता यथारूप 2.8 न हि प्रपश्यामि ममापनुद्याद्यच्छोकमुच्छोषणमिन्द्रियाणाम् । अवाप्य भूमावसपत्नमृद्धं राज्यं सुराणामपि चाधिपत्यम् ॥ २.८ ॥ TRANSLATION मुझे ऐसा कोई साधन नहीं दिखता जो मेरी इन्द्रियों को सुखाने वाले इस शोक को दूर कर सके । स्वर्ग पर देवताओं के आधिपत्य की तरह इस धनधान्य-सम्पन्न सारी पृथ्वी पर निष्कंटक राज्य प्राप्त करके भी मैं इस शोक को दूर नहीं कर सकूँगा । PURPORT यद्यपि अर्जुन धर्म तथा सदाचार के नियमों पर आधारित अनेक तर्क प्रस्तुत करता है, किन्तु ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि वह अपने गुरु भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण की सहायता के बिना अपनी असली समस्या को हल नहीं कर पा रहा । वह समझ गया था कि उसका तथाकथित ज्ञान उसकी उन समस्याओं को दूर करने में व्यर्थ है जो उसके सारे अस्तित्व (शरीर) को सुखाये दे रही थीं । उसे इन उलझनों को भगवान् कृष्ण जैसे आध्यात्मिक गुरु की सहायता के बिना हल कर पाना असम्भव लग रहा था । शैक्षिक ज्ञान, विद्वता, उच्च पद – ये सब जीवन की समस्याओं का हल करने में व्यर्थ हैं । यदि कोई इसमें सहायता कर सकता है, तो वह है एकमात्र गुरु । अतः निष्कर्ष यह निकला कि गुरु जो शत-प्रतिशत कृष्णभावनाभावित होता है, वही एकमात्र प्रमाणिक गुरु है और वही जीवन की समस्याओं को हल कर सकता है । भगवान् चैतन्य ने कहा है कि जो कृष्णभावनामृत के विज्ञान में दक्ष हो, कृष्णतत्त्ववेत्ता हो, चाहे वह जिस किसी जाति का हो, वही वास्तविक गुरु है – किबा विप्र, किबा न्यासी, शुद्र केने नय । येइ कृष्णतत्त्ववेत्ता, सेइ ‘गुरु’ हय ॥ “कोई व्यक्ति चाहे वह विप्र (वैदिक ज्ञान में दक्ष) हो, निम्न जाति में जन्मा शुद्र हो या कि सन्यासी, यदि कृष्ण के विज्ञान में दक्ष (कृष्णतत्त्ववेत्ता) है तो वह यथार्थ प्रामाणिक गुरु है ।” (चैतन्य-चरितामृत, मध्य ८.१२८) । अतः कृष्णतत्त्ववेत्ता हुए बिना कोई भी प्रामाणिक गुरु नहीं हो सकता । वैदिक साहित्य में भी कहा गया है – षट्कर्मनिपुणो विप्रो मन्त्रतन्त्रविशारदः । अवैष्णवो गुरुर्न स्याद् वैष्णवः श्र्वपचो गुरुः ॥ “विद्वान ब्राह्मण, भले ही वह सम्पूर्ण वैदिक ज्ञान में पारंगत क्यों न हो, यदि वह वैष्णव नहीं है या कृष्णभावनामृत में दक्ष नहीं है तो गुरु बनने का पात्र नहीं है । किन्तु शुद्र, यदि वह वैष्णव या कृष्णभक्त है तो गुरु बन सकता है ।” (पद्मपुराण) संसार की समस्याओं – जन्म, जरा, व्याधि तथा मृत्यु – की निवृत्ति धन-संचय तथा आर्थिक विकास से संभव नहीं है । विश्र्व के विभिन्न भागों में ऐसे राज्य हैं जो जीवन की सारी सुविधाओं से तथा सम्पत्ति एवं आर्थिक विकास से पूरित हैं, किन्तु फिर भी उनके सांसारिक जीवन की समस्याएँ ज्यों की त्यों बनी हुई हैं । वे विभिन्न साधनों से शान्ति खोजते हैं, किन्तु वास्तविक सुख उन्हें तभी मिल पाता है जब वे कृष्णभावनामृत से युक्त कृष्ण के प्रामाणिक प्रतिनिधि के माध्यम से कृष्ण अथवा कृष्णतत्त्वपूरक भगवद्गीता तथा श्���ीमद्भागवत के परामर्श को ग्रहण करते हैं । यदि आर्थिक विकास तथा भौतिक सुख किसी के पारिवारिक, सामाजिक, राष्ट्रीय या अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय अव्यवस्था से उत्पन्न हुए शोकों को दूर कर पाते, तो अर्जुन यह न कहता कि पृथ्वी का अप्रतिम राज्य या स्वर्गलोक में देवताओं की सर्वोच्चता भी उसके शोकों को दूर नहीं कर सकती । इसीलिए उसने कृष्णभावनामृत का ही आश्रय ग्रहण किया और यही शान्ति तथा समरसता का उचित मार्ग है । आर्थिक विकास या विश्र्व आधिपत्य प्राकृतिक प्रलय द्वारा किसी भी क्षण समाप्त हो सकता है । यहाँ तक कि चन्द्रलोक जैसे उच्च लोकों की यात्रा भी, जिसके लिए मनुष्य प्रयत्नशील हैं, एक झटके में समाप्त हो सकती है । भगवद्गीता इसकी पुष्टि करती है – क्षीणे पुण्ये मर्त्यलोकं विशन्ति – जब पुण्यकर्मों के फल समाप्त हो जाते हैं तो मनुष्य सुख के शिखर से जीवन के निम्नतम स्टार पर गिर जाता है । इस तरह से विश्र्व के अनेक राजनीतिज्ञों का पतन हुआ है । ऐसा अधःपतन शोक का कारण बनता है । अतः यदि हम सदा के लिए शोक का निवारण चाहते हैं तो हमें कृष्ण की शरण ग्रहण करनी होगी, जिस तरह अर्जुन ने की । अर्जुन ने कृष्ण से प्रार्थना की कि वे असकी समस्या का निश्चित समाधान कर दें और यही कृष्णभावनामृत की विधि है । ----- Srimad Bhagavad Gita As It Is 2.8 na hi prapaśyāmi mamāpanudyād yac chokam ucchoṣaṇam indriyāṇām avāpya bhūmāv asapatnam ṛddhaṁ rājyaṁ surāṇām api cādhipatyam TRANSLATION I can find no means to drive away this grief which is drying up my senses. I will not be able to dispel it even if I win a prosperous, unrivaled kingdom on earth with sovereignty like the demigods in heaven. PURPORT Although Arjuna was putting forward so many arguments based on knowledge of the principles of religion and moral codes, it appears that he was unable to solve his real problem without the help of the spiritual master, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa. He could understand that his so-called knowledge was useless in driving away his problems, which were drying up his whole existence; and it was impossible for him to solve such perplexities without the help of a spiritual master like Lord Kṛṣṇa. Academic knowledge, scholarship, high position, etc., are all useless in solving the problems of life; help can be given only by a spiritual master like Kṛṣṇa. Therefore, the conclusion is that a spiritual master who is one hundred percent Kṛṣṇa conscious is the bona fide spiritual master, for he can solve the problems of life. Lord Caitanya said that one who is a master in the science of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, regardless of his social position, is the real spiritual master. kibā vipra, kibā nyāsī, śūdra kene naya yei kṛṣṇa-tattva-vettā, sei ‘guru’ haya “It does not matter whether a person is a vipra [learned scholar in Vedic wisdom], or is born in a lower family, or is in the renounced order of life – if he is a master in the science of Kṛṣṇa, he is the perfect and bona fide spiritual master.” (Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya 8.128) So without being a master in the science of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, no one is a bona fide spiritual master. It is also said in the Vedic literature: ṣaṭ-karma-nipuṇo vipro mantra-tantra-viśāradaḥ avaiṣṇavo gurur na syād vaiṣṇavaḥ śva-paco guruḥ “A scholarly brāhmaṇa, expert in all subjects of Vedic knowledge, is unfit to become a spiritual master without being a Vaiṣṇava, or expert in the science of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. But a person born in a family of a lower caste can become a spiritual master if he is a Vaiṣṇava, or Kṛṣṇa conscious.” (Padma Purāṇa) The problems of material existence – birth, old age, disease and death – cannot be counteracted by accumulation of wealth and economic development. In many parts of the world there are states which are replete with all facilities of life, which are full of wealth and economically developed, yet the problems of material existence are still present. They are seeking peace in different ways, but they can achieve real happiness only if they consult Kṛṣṇa, or the Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam – which constitute the science of Kṛṣṇa – through the bona fide representative of Kṛṣṇa, the man in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. If economic development and material comforts could drive away one’s lamentations for family, social, national or international inebrieties, then Arjuna would not have said that even an unrivaled kingdom on earth or supremacy like that of the demigods in the heavenly planets would be unable to drive away his lamentations. He sought, therefore, refuge in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and that is the right path for peace and harmony. Economic development or supremacy over the world can be finished at any moment by the cataclysms of material nature. Even elevation into a higher planetary situation, as men are now seeking on the moon planet, can also be finished at one stroke. The Bhagavad-gītā confirms this: kṣīṇe puṇye martya-lokaṁ viśanti. “When the results of pious activities are finished, one falls down again from the peak of happiness to the lowest status of life.” Many politicians of the world have fallen down in that way. Such downfalls only constitute more causes for lamentation. Therefore, if we want to curb lamentation for good, then we have to take shelter of Kṛṣṇa, as Arjuna is seeking to do. So Arjuna asked Kṛṣṇa to solve his problem definitely, and that is the way of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. -----
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sparksinthenight · 4 years
ecological protection
valuing human life
true, spiritual freedom
None of these things are actually valued by capitalism. Quite the opposite. Capitalism actively bulldozes all these values in order to press forwards it's agenda of making everyone selfishly only persue material things for their little small exclusive groups. Capitalism does not care about the lives of people or their happiness. Not about camaraderie or equality or connection or anything. Capitalism kills, it destroys the earth, it rips apart families, it encourages materialism and selfishness, it isolates people, it exploits and controls people, it causes so much pain, so much grief. It does. We're all slaves under it. Well not all of us. Not all of us. Some of us are owners, some of us are overseers. But most of us. Capitalism is a fucking mess and it causes so much bullshit.
Like y'all know what the cause of all the ecological destruction that's going on is right? It's not fossil fuels but the thing that causes all the fossil fuels to be burned, all the habitat destruction, the habitat fragmentation, the pollution, the commercial hunting, the overfishing, etc. It's capitalism. Capitalism did that.  
Y'all know about sweatshops, about the inhuman, dangerous, unhealthy, and physically and psychologically torturous working conditions, about how people are forced to either work or starve to death.
Y'all know sbout child labour.
About forced migration because of all the bullshit going on with ... everything.
Y'all know about how many people, living in extreme poverty and non-extreme poverty, die because they can't afford what they need.
Y'all know about the lack of access to education. The lack of access to decent quality education. The lack of access to post-secondary. To any type of education at all even, for many people.
About how hard capitalism makes it for domestic abuse victims - often financially dependent on their abuser - to escape. This last point literally isn't talked about nearly enough by the way. I have so often thought about how if running away from home wasn't a guarantee of homelessness I would've actually done it long ago. But no. My shitty minimum wage job, which is the best I can hope for right now and literally exploits me though not nearly as much as people in the Global South are exploited, is fucking not enough to pay for rent and bills and groceries. If I left I'd be homeless. And I might just leave anyways because maybe it's worth it.
But anyways back to the labour abuse. Do you really think ten-year-old children should be fucking working in collapsing mines? Should they be handling mercury, a highly toxic poison that causes a slew of health effects? Should they be sewing three sleeve seams per second for hours? Should they be separated from their families and working in an abusive stranger's house? Should they be subjecting themselves to dangerous pesticides while picking avocados under the hot sun? Should they be carrying heavy bricks? No? You're right. They FUCKING SHOULDN'T. But they goddamn are. They are.
And what about the military industrial complex? What about all the weapons companies that want to keep selling weapons and have their grubby little hands all over world governments?
And when the planet dies so will everyone. Literally everyone. The capitalists straight up need to realize that everyone needs the environment. But they won't. They won't realize that and we're having to rely on a little girl to save us. Not that Greta isn't more than capable, she is. But she has too much responsibility on her shoulders for a kid that young. She deserves a childhood.
And then there’s the stuff I can't even mention because of how liberal propaganda has so programmed us to see ourselves and each other as commodities.
There’s the fact that the legacy of colonialism and slavery and stuff will always live on under capitalism because of generational wealth. The fact that unless we are committed to equality and don’t leave people and peoples to fend for themselves, previously colonized people will remain cripplingly poor. Because wealth builds wealth and they did not start off with wealth. And that’s not fair.
There’s the fact that homelessness exists. And it’s torture to not have decent shelter or anywhere to be. It’s torture to not have anywhere to be, anywhere to be wanted, anywhere to belong. It’s torture to be out all fucking day in the freezing cold or the burning heat. It’s not okay. There’s the fact that even in a country as comparatively prosperous as Canada, there are homeless fourteen and fifteen-year-olds. What the hell? In America there are children who are in elementary school who are homeless.
There’s the fact that there are children sleeping on the ground outside in the cold weather all over the Global South and even occasionally in the Global North. The fact that there are emaciated children begging on street corners. There are children forced into joining gangs because they have no other source of income and they want their loved ones to survive. There are police officers, politicians, and rich people that blame and judge those kids for wanting their loved ones to survive.
Rich people would rather see children die than redistribute their wealth. They created a world where despite the best efforts of desperate family and community members, children die.  
There are children who have lost their parents in climate change-induced natural disasters.
There are of course trust fund kids that grow up in mansions and inherit multimillion dollar empires. And I hate them.
Listen. I’ve grown up in the Canadian left. And the Canadian left has no place for this bullshit. It’s a lot of different things but it is in no way pro-rich people. Like, at all.
Everything is so wrong.
So like, how do we fight this?
Empty promises of communism that have no actual substance behind them don’t bring any change at all. Look at Vietnam. They say they’re communist but all their social policies are literally more capitalist than America. Look at China. They say they’re communist but they are a state capitalism and even their roads are privatized. We can’t just say we’re communist. The communism has to be real. Has to be democratic. Has to be backed by real, good values.
So what values am I talking about? Tbh the list goes on but more or less community, unity, cooperation, kindness, compassion, responsibility, true freedom, equality, people power, and love and protection for the Land are the bedrock of a functional society.
These values are exactly the values that capitalist status quo power structures want to crush. Want to get rid of. Wants us to forget.
But without them, without the forces of love and connection that connect all of us, what’s left? What can we fight with? What can we use to make us strong? What can we use to bring us together? Because we need to fight for something. We need to fight for each other. We need to fight for human dignity. And human dignity is built on universal love. On recognizing that we’re all from the same source and made of the same stuff.
So anyways I completely forget where I was going with all this.
But like, hold on to your heart, ultimately.
And fuck corrupt governments, fuck rich people, fuck billionaires, fuck large companies, fuck racists, fuck classists and homophobes and all that shit. We are going to come together and save the earth and free everyone and fix everything.
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Statement of Diane Devine submitted to the Fraser Committee
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Statement Submitted by Diane Devine to the Ohio Legislator regarding involvement in the Moon Unification Church
dated May 18, 1977
I first became involved in the Unification Movement in May of 1973 in Louisville, Kentucky, where I was indoctrinated daily for a month long period to the Divine Principle teaching of the Korean organizer, Sun Myung Moon. When I was sent to Tarrytown, New York, to attend the international training center, I was persuaded to relinquish all of my possessions to the “Family,” as the commune was called, including the use of my car (a ’70 Olds Cutlas), furniture and all personal belongings. In Tarrytown I completed the rigorous 40 day and 120 day training programs in which I was deliberately subjected to the brainwashing methods which I have described openly to the Columbus media over the past year. My objective is to expose the criminal and damaging coercive practices which are being perpetrated on 30,000 American youth in the name of “religion.” To summarize very briefly, the mind control methods used by Moon and other cult leaders:
1. Complete alienation from family, friends, and former environment.
2. Sleep and nutritional deprivation resulting in physical and mental exhaustion (about 4-5 hours sleep nightly, low protein diet of food costing less than $1.00 daily).
3. Complete lack of privacy: never being allowed to think or read alone.
4. Constant peer pressure to reinforce the conviction that the doctrine of Principle is true.
5. Group coercion to conform to standards, behavior, and attitude of the Principled life.
6. Up to 12 hours daily either in indoctrination sessions or in street fund-raising, both activities supervised by a militaristic hierarchy of authority figures.
7. Constant conditioning to self-sacrifice, work harder to purify ones self of sin, and to prove ones allegiance to Moon, who was considered the Second Messiah at this time, literally bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth, and who must be obeyed without question.
8. Any objection, question or argument being met with intimidation, humiliation, rapid re-indoctrination, instilling ideas of self-worthlessness, fear of consequences of leaving the movement, and guilt for having been concerned over own feelings rather than unanimity with the totalist system, a general mistrust of all personal thoughts and emotions, forcing oneself to deny normal reactions or impulses to gain acceptance from other group members, particularly those in authority positions.
The result of undergoing these programming techniques is that the individual identity is obliterated and replaced by a mass-identity carrying an entirely new system of moral and social values, allowing itself to be be easily manipulated by others who speak the new language and set the standards of the new morality. Existing always in a hypnotic or highly suggestible state of mind, one participates compliantly in all activities expected of him, mainly selling token objects in the street to raise money, or rehearsing lectures to be presented to new recruits. The simple, immediate goals of the Unification Church are to increase its wealth and its membership. The ultimate goals are purely political and in no way religious. The teaching of Divine Principle itself is merely a control mechanism to remould the thinking of masses of people, rendering an army of thousands usable for whatever purposes Moon dictates. It is a completely fascist system with Moon as the only decision maker (thus the famous Moon quotation “I am your brain.’’) and the highest ranking officials in the American movement all being of foreign nationality, primarily German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Japanese. Moon claims that the 30,000 membership must be maintained and that the Divine Principle must be injected into every field of American life, meaning that influential people in the government, business, and educational areas must be cultivated and brought to accept the ideology of Unification.
The Divine Principle, or Unification teaching, can be understood as a providence of restoration, whereby man will be reunited with God when he overcomes his fallen, sinful nature, lives in peace and harmony with his brother, etc., etc. (the usual cliches). Moon promises to cleanse impure blood in a marriage ceremony, thus bringing a new race to establish the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven, which will eventually be migrated from the U.S. to Korea. The holy mission of the Blessed Family is to sacrifice individual, family, society, and nation for the sake of uniting the entire world in love and brotherhood. His followers believe his teaching to be the only solution to communication with atheistic Communist ideologies, and that each Moonie must exist for the one goal of converting the Communist world to the Unification Movement, and with all of mankind as one to be reunited with God. Moon has promised to have the knowledge of how to organize a world government and pledges himself as Lord to be the Savior to erect the World Theocracy. He describes the system as a form of Socialistic Democracy, although there is no policy research center where, as a Moonie, one might study government or learn more about the New Order. Moon, as the Lord, is entrusted to make all decisions. In bringing recognition to Moon and his teaching, his followers are instructed very carefully on how to present themselves so as to gain approval. It is commonly accepted to employ what is laughingly called “heavenly deception” to manipulate someone to think favorably about the movement, particularly if the someone is influential. Outlandish lies are told to such people, smaller lies are habitually told to everyday-people in the street to secure donations. A general disrespect for the public is fostered, and an attitude of delight in one’s ability to exploit for Unification purposes is definitely encouraged.
During my one year involvement I participated in several major programs, semi-practicing heavenly deception with pangs of conscience. I helped host the British Project in which 120 students from England and Ireland attended training sessions at Tarrytown; I worked on the publications staff and designed propagandistic literature; I designed banners for the 21-City Day of Hope Tour and participated as a Public Relations Representative in trying to persuade police officers from each city to attend Moon’s banquet and Day of Hope speeches; I participated in the Fast and Prayer for Watergate in which I was assigned to speak with certain Congressional Representatives asking them to pray for President Nixon and lobbying their support for the Office of the Presidency, as it was phrased; I was assigned the position of State Representative for the state of Kentucky, which I refused to accept, openly confiding my feelings of desperation and conviction that the movement was un-democratic and un-Christian.
In closing I want to emphasize that this is a political movement, distracting the public’s attention by presenting itself as a church, and successfully delaying any judicial action.
One year ago a group of 300 parents met with a Congressional Committee seeking investigation, but to my knowledge the issue of religion and protection by the First Amendment still enable Moon’s empire to prosper $50 million annually, and while thousands of young people continue to suffer intense psychological damage. It may be appropriate to outline some future objectives in an effort to emphasize the grave importance of initiating investigations at this time. Every Sunday morning Moonies pledge to die for Moon, martyrizing themselves at the 38th parallel in Korea in case of invasion. By 1981 Moon intends to take his followers to Moscow to hear him speak publicly. The ultimate goal is to sway an election, lobby heavily and provide Congressional aides to each office, eventually replacing the United Nations with the Unification Church.
Since 1969 [when it was founded] the Moonist front organization, the Freedom Leadership Foundation, has been has been pro-Viet Nam, pro-Cambodia, and pro-South Korea. FLF publishes a journal called The Rising Tide advocating strong military defense of Asian countries. FLF representatives are assigned to each Congressional office, and regularly sponsor dinners and fireside meetings with about 10 conservative-minded Representatives from Congress. A list of these names could be secured on request. During the first years of its existence, FLF denied its affiliation with the Unification Church, although all activities and publications produced by FLF were directly funded by the UC through the contributions raised in the Washington area by the flower and candle selling teams. FLF members were all versed in Divine Principle and the Theory of Victory over Communism. On weekends or Congressional breaks, FLF members were writing articles for The Rising Tide, or selling flowers with the UC teams. All members of UC are used interchangeably in any of the 60 front organizations, as needed or assigned by Moon. Several FLF’ers were top lecturers. The more dynamic and articulate men were chosen to represent FLF, although they all had proven themselves as obedient and easily controlled during a testing-time as UC lecturers and flower sellers. The same Principled manner of maintaining militaristic order (ie Cain-Able relationships) was exercised within FLF. In 1973 Gary Jarmin was acting president. A list of Moonies participating in FLF activities could also be secured on request. (see Alan Wood report)
Moon dictated at Tarrytown and Barrytown that it was essential for each UC Leader to know inside-and-out the three books, Divine Principle, Victory Over Communism, and Unification Thought. (quote Moon “0ur goal is to have our mind united with our body, and with this as the bullet we shall smash the world.’’ He refers to having bodily actions automatically controlled by the theoretical contents of the ideologies) Those who could memorize and pass tests on this substantial amount of material could qualify for any position within UC and would be promised a position of leadership, even future presidency of a nation. Among the respected positions in the present church are any assignment as Public Relations Representatives (openly lobbying in Congressional offices and acknowledging affiliation with UC) or as State Representative(speaking with influential persons in state government). In Moon’s quotation,” Let’s say there are 500 sons and daughters like you in each state, then we can control the government,” he is referring to 500 members who qualify as Leaders. He intends to use these members to organize campaign teams, to work within various areas of the government and business.
During the 72 and 73 US 21 city speech tours Moon asked these Leaders to lure prominent people in each city to attend his banquet and lectures. Hundreds of city and state government officials attended each presentation. Follow-up teams of PR workers were assigned to meet and cultivate those who had responded favorably, the goal being to teach them Divine Principle, or at least impress them with our dedication to purpose and enthusiasm. Offer to help them in any campaign, regardless of which party they represented. Keep records of PR activities. The object here was understood as merely becoming practiced in campaigning. Moon stated that he would decide which US presidential candidate the UC would back when the time had arrived to “put him in office.” We were not to question the choice. Moon stated that thousands of UC Blessed Couples would be migrating from the US to Korea to live communally there when the UC takes the Korean government. He frequently made references for the need for some of the older members to die at that time. He said that he, himself, would die at the age of 80, but that this would be necessary to defend Korea in war and that in so doing the US would be forced to send aide. The Sunday morning pledge which states “I will march bravely forward into the enemy camp until I have judged them completely with the weapons with which God has been defeating Satan” refers to the need to shed the blood of martyrdom to build the Heavenly Kingdom. He taught that some will live to see the Kingdom, others will not. Once the Korean government was well-secured, the plan was to assign UC members to ambassadorships in each Korean embassy throughout the world.
Regarding the selection of candidates to be assigned as first ambassadors to the new Korean government, it was announced that a Japanese Leader named Kamiyama would be able to soon run for election in Japan, with the assistance of a man already holding an official position, by the name of Kuboki. With Kamiyama in office, the doors could easily be opened in Japan. It was announced that Paul Werner, a German leader, would be the first to take an official position in Germany. A younger fellow named Dan Fefferman, an American, is being groomed by Moon to take a position in Israel. No other names were announced, but many were rumored. There was competition among the state representatives for Moon’s attention. Moon expected that each state representative serve at least a three year mission in a foreign country, forcing the Americans to become bilingual. He made international assignments arbitrarily, whether or not a person could speak a language he was expected to be able to lecture the Divine Principle in the native tongue of the country to which he was sent. State representatives from the past three years were sent to 40 countries in 1974. I believe there are now missionaries in 120 countries. Moon promised to tour the world and visit each of these countries and speak to the membership using the missionaries as interpreters. This places each foreign-UC member in a position comparable to Bo Hi Pak, or as Moon’s right hand man, at the particular time of his visitation to that country.
It was assumed from Moon’s many references to the United Nations, that we should be expecting a self-destruction which would enable the UC to proclaim itself as the only unified international organization demonstrating a peaceful standard of living. He predicted that the destruction of the UN would be the thing which would greatly cause the public’s attention to be turned to the UC. He stated that there would be worldwide economic collapse and that the UC would be prepared to offer relief and assistance to thousands of people at the centers, which would be established as hostels, and that they would convert thousands at that time and use them to advance a campaign or election of the presidential candidate chosen by Moon. All UC women are expected to know how to prepare menus, cook for, and serve at least a hundred people. In some places in California self-subsistent farms are being set up. Leaders are being assigned to business enterprises which Moon has purchased in the US dealing with high nutritional foods, particularly fish. Moon stated that at such a time of mass-hysteria in the US, it may be necessary to know martial arts as a form of self defense. He also said many times “All of the Korean businesses and American businesses will be run by the leaders and the air rifles are being made now for you,” implying at the time of disaster the UC would be armed. He promised to purchase an airline so that we could travel internationally with safety. He referred to this as a “fleet of jets.” He said that New York would be the first city to experience the depression and this is the reason he has concentrated on buying property that is cultivatable in the upper state area. He predicted that people would leave the city in a sudden outpouring, and that UC would have food stored and shelter prepared to receive them.
Diane Devine
Minions and Master
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
Statement of Linda Anthenin to the Fraser Committee
Notarized Statement of Linda Anthenien to the Fraser Committee
Statement of Phillip Greek to the Fraser Committee
Sun Myung Moon and the United Nations
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
Allen Tate Wood on Sun Myung Moon and the UC
“Moon’s Law: God Is Phasing Out Democracy”
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the-end-of-art · 4 years
A negative peace
Asian American Complicity in Racism by Larry Lin at Reformed Margins
I moved to Baltimore in August 2013. Prior to that time, I was pretty ignorant of the African American experience. I had read Uncle Tom’s Cabin in school, and I remember that making a strong impression on me. I was also a bit of a history nerd, so I had read up a little bit on the slave trade, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow.
But I don’t think I ever had a substantial conversation with someone who was black about race before.
Within a few months of moving to Baltimore (which is a majority-black city), I became friends with a guy named Mani. Mani was an African American born and raised in Baltimore, and we would hang out to talk about faith and make music. The first time I went over to his apartment, I remember noticing three things.
The first was a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. The second was a picture of Malcolm X. And the third was a bag of Skittles and a soda can on the coffee table.
Every time I would go over, I would always notice those three things. Perhaps the third or fourth time at his place, I asked Mani why he always had snacks on the coffee table. He replied with a voice of resolve, “That’s what Trayvon Martin was holding when he was shot.”
When I heard that, my first thought was, “Travyon Martin… that name sounds familiar. When I get home, I need to look that name up.” Of course, I was too embarrassed to say that out loud. I didn’t want Mani to know that I was so ignorant. But right then and there, I realized that there was a vast difference between my experience as an Asian American and Mani’s experience as an African American.
So over the next several years, as I got to know Mani more, I decided to read up on what it was like to be black in America today. I explored the criminal justice system, the prison system, police violence, infant mortality, social mobility, wealth distribution, college enrollment, etc., and I slowly became more and more aware of the structural disadvantages that continually plague African Americans in our country. Additionally, the more I learned, the more shocked I was at how ignorant I was before.
Meanwhile, I watched with the rest of the world as the lives of Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, Philando Castile, Botham Jean, Atatiana Jefferson, and Ahmaud Arbery were taken away.
This week, yet another life was taken away: George Floyd. I watched the video of the incident on Tuesday, and once again I was horrified to see another death of a black human being.
But with this video, there was something else that disturbed me too. While the white officer was pinning down Floyd’s neck with his knee, an Asian officer was standing by in silence, and even at times preventing protestors from intervening.
To me, it was the perfect representation of Asian American complicity in racism.
I acknowledge that there have been Asian Americans throughout history who have fought alongside their African American neighbors against racism. However, they have been far outnumbered by Asian Americans who have chosen to be ignorant at best or complicit at worst in their racism.
There are many complex historical and cultural reasons for this Asian American status quo, and it would take forever to address them all. We can talk about the fact that many Asians value harmony and sacrifice, even at the expense of integrity and justice. We can talk about the fact that many Asian immigrants come from countries where there are dictators, and where political advocacy results in imprisonment or death.
But the fact remains: too often, Asian Americans have chosen to side with the white racist over the black victim.
Much of the national conversation on race has focused on the relationship between whites and blacks. As a result, Asians are often found in the messy middle. However, most Asians don’t want to be in the middle. Even though we have also experienced a long history of racial discrimination at the hands of our white neighbors, many of us still see assimilation into white culture as our path to fulfilling the American dream. And so we work hard, we study hard, we don’t ruffle any feathers, and we continue to live up to our status of the model minority (which has been granted to us largely at the expense of African Americans).
We Asian Americans might not say it out loud, but many of us have internalized a racist, reductionist history. We believe that the way to success is to work hard, and we pride ourselves in having done just that. We came to this country with nothing, speaking a foreign language, and we worked hard, saved money, and we achieved the American dream. And so when we look at the status of African Americans, we dismissively assume that they didn’t work as hard as we did, and we just conclude that only they are to blame.
Unfortunately, this narrative has driven Asian Americans to be at political and social odds with African Americans. This division is most apparent in conversations about affirmative action, which has become the defining political issue for many Asian Americans. In many universities, Asian Americans are overrepresented in college admissions while African Americans are underrepresented, so affirmative action works against Asian Americans but for African Americans.
This political division is highlighted in events like the LA Riots, in which predominantly African American rioters caused significant damage in predominantly Asian-American-owned stores, and the shooting of Akai Gurley, in which an Asian American police officer accidentally shot and killed an African American.
However, this narrative is a very incomplete picture. What many Asian Americans fail to realize is that our success is largely built on the backs of African Americans themselves. After all, if African American slavery did not exist, the United States may not have been such a desirable country to immigrate to. It was through the enslavement of African Americans that American prosperity was built in the first place. Additionally, if it wasn’t for the generations of African Americans fighting for their rights before most of us ever arrived, it is possible that Asian Americans would not have been as easily accepted here as well. In many ways, African Americans laid the path for other ethnic minorities to come to America too.
The reality is that we Asian Americans have unknowingly reaped from the sufferings of our fellow African Americans. The least we can do is stand with them as they continue to suffer.
Perhaps some of us, like my former self, are willing to admit that we are uninformed or uneducated about the African American experience, but we argue that that doesn’t make us complicit in racism. We are not actually killing anybody, we might say. However, sometimes it is precisely the inaction of the bystanders that perpetuates societal racism.
Martin Luther King, Jr. once wrote in his Letter from Birmingham Jail,
…I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
Here King describes “the white moderate” of his day—those of “shallow understanding” who are “more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice,” who prefer a “negative peace” over “the presence of justice.” What an apt description of so many Asian Americans today.
A similar sentiment is expressed in James 2:1-7,
My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor man. Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, and the ones who drag you into court? Are they not the ones who blaspheme the honorable name by which you were called?
“We are not actively harming the poor,” we may say, but doesn’t our partiality for the rich perpetuate the inequality between the rich and the poor?
I believe the same principle can be applied to race. Many Asian Americans have shown partiality by honoring their white neighbors while dishonoring their black neighbors. Doesn’t our partiality for those who are white perpetuate the inequality between whites and blacks?
I confess that I, like the Asian American officer at the scene of George Floyd’s death, have been a part of the problem. For much of my life, I was complicit in my racism toward African Americans, and I was completely oblivious to that racism. I was more devoted to order than to justice. I sought to honor the powerful, not realizing that doing so was dishonoring the powerless. But that is not the biblical way. James writes, “Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, and the ones who drag you into court?” I would also add, “Are not the people who are racist against African Americans also racist against Asian Americans as well?”
I don’t want to be ignorant anymore. I don’t want to be silent anymore. I don’t want to be complicit anymore.
Fellow Asian Americans, let’s stop defending the racism in our culture. Let’s stand in solidarity with our African American neighbors.
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HRH Lord Christian S. Mäkelä is Scandinavian Finland-Sweden-Russia (6,9€ Million Euros) Super Rich Millionaire Husband Oligarch Socialite Celebrity ViP Model Businessman Historian. Loving Husband to His Celebrity Russian Wife. He is Born on August 6, 1986. Christian S. Mäkelä has 6,9 Million Euros Wealth. Plus 100000 people Social Media Network. Contacts to Russian Billionaires Alisher Usmanov, Roman Abramovich, close to the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, the UAE Royal Family, the United States of America President Donald Trump, his daughters. Christian S. Mäkelä's Father is Boxing Champion of Finland and Mother's side family member is 1984 Miss Finland Winner & 1984 Miss World & Miss Universe Finalist Anna-Liisa Tilus. Christian S. Mäkelä Lives a Happy Marriage Life in Kaartinkaupunki Penthouse Helsinki Finland Scandinavia & Karleby Österbotten Estate Finland Scandinavia & Stockholm Sweden & Moscow City Russia & London the UK & Los Angeles California the USA. Millionaire Husband (€ 6,9 Million Euros) Socialite Celebrity Oligarch VIP Super Star Grand Super Rich Millionaire Husband Christian S. Mäkelä € 6900000 Euros Millionaire Husband Lord Christian S. Mäkelä : I have 1600000 Euros House, My Wealth 6900000 Euros ! I am a Millionaire Husband from Scandinavian Finland Helsinki Eira Beach Penthouse & Karleby Österbotten Grand Estate, Finland, Scandinavia & Stockholm, Sweden, Scandinavia & Moscow City, Moscow, the Russian Federation. I am so White like I am Scandinavian Finland och Scandinavian Sweden Nationalities and I have Russian family history and I have Russian Teenage Beauty Wife! My Swimmings extreme ultimate Grand Christian S. Mäkelä 106686 Superpower Swimmings on 2020 year for the young, rich and famous Millionaire Husband (€) Socialite Mr. Christian S. Mäkelä ! My Swimmings 6686 on 2019 year & 5186 on 2018 year ! Millionaire Husband (€) Socialite Celebrity Oligarch Christian S. Mäkelä loves so much my Beautiful Russian Wife and the famous Millionaire Husband (€) Celebrity VIP Lord Christian S. Mäkelä loves Ocean jumping and Swimming in Ocean plus Luxury Spa, Scandinavian Finland’s Sauna & Swimming Pools ! We have Our 10 the most expensive phones in the world iPhone 11 Pro Max Gold 512GB phones for us as a married couple here in Kaartinkaupunki Penthouse, Helsinki, Finland, Scandinavia och Kokkola Grand Estate, Österbotten, Pohjanmaa, Finland, Scandinavia ! My Russian Blonde Long Hair Teenage Model Beauty Wife Most Beautiful & Most Sweetest Loving Wife ! Christian S. Mäkelä Loves My Most Beautiful Wife everyday and every year ! Millionaire (€) Hottie Husband Christian S. Mäkelä: I like the World’s Biggest Soft Superpower Scandinavia like Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the World’s Biggest Hard Superpower the Russian Federation and the world’s second biggest Superpower the USA and the USA is the world’s biggest sole economy in the world. The USA should do a reality check like its national debt not +112% but more than +1030% fiscal debt which is +226$ trillion US Dollars to solve its future like getting along with the countries, adjusting the USA like the Scandinavia like Russia does that Russia doesn’t set warfare around the world while keeps the nukes and closer to the Scandinavian countries systems like here in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark widespread prosperity and the world’s most peaceful and happiest countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark. The EU biggest economy in the world. Because assets versus debt is the balance sheet. Superpower status always changing. For Russia keeps the best hard Superpower Russia must do Super Nukes and maintain economy to keep the number one best hard Superpower like Nukes, Military, Commodities, Economy, Geopolitics etc. The Scandinavia is Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden like Scandinavia number one best Soft Superpower status more secured, there is Finland, Norway, Denmark and even Sweden to pursue number one rankings every year in everything in the Soft Superpower spheres like the best country, best country for the children, families, safety standards, education, clean nature and air to breathing etc. I like London, the UK and the Maghreb Libya. Lord Christian S. Mäkelä Swimming 16.7.2018 when the world’s biggest superpower countries Presidents here in my Kaartinkaupunki city district in Helsinki, Finland with me like Scandinavian Finland’s president and my business friend Alisher Usmanov friend of the world’s richest trillionaire human of the Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin and my business friend of the USA President Donald Trump ! Millionaire Husband (€) Socialite Celebrity VIP Oligarch Hottie Husband Mr. Christian S. Mäkelä from Eira Beach Penthouse Helsinki Finland Scandinavia and Karleby Österbotten Grand Estate Finland Scandinavia and Stockholm Sweden Scandinavia and Moscow City Moscow the Russian Federation and the Maghreb Libya Cyrenaica and London the United Kingdom and Los Angeles California the United States of America based. Love & Cheers, (€) Millionaire Socialite Celebrity Oligarch Husband Christian S. Mäkelä https://wholecelebwiki.com/christian-s-makela/ https://wholecelebwiki.com/christian-s-makela/ https://wholecelebwiki.com/christian-s-makela/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_YE-3MMQ_Ig&app=m&persist_app=1 Миллионер Муж (€) Знаменитости Christian S. Mäkelä : У меня есть дом на 1 600 000 евро, мое богатство 6900000 евро! Мои плавания в 2018 году 5186 и в 2019 году 6686 и сейчас в 2020 году супер 106686! Наш 10 телефон iPhone 11ProMaxGold512GB! Моя русская Жена самая красивая! Chris ❤ Жена Подпишись www.youtube.com / Christian S. Mäkelä https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbC-dPHmRhwiuYgRIE4T.. www.youtube.com / Christian S. Mäkelä https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oar4C9CRD4U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oar4C9CRD4U С уважением, Миллионер (€) Муж Christian S. Mäkelä
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alexsmitposts · 5 years
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The “Corruption” Narrative: Who’s Afraid of Isabel Dos Santos? And Why? The words they use to describe her are nasty, cliché, but all too familiar. They call her “Princess,” “Oligarch,” and accuse her of “embezzlement” “peddling influence” etc. The truth is that Isabel Dos Santos, the richest woman in Africa, has for decades been on the hit list of the most powerful people in the world.  In the first month of 2020, the international media has doubled down, taken aim, and decided to go for the kill. And who are the hitmen? The same folks who brought you the Panama Papers, the shady International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). The outlet with ties to the Democracy Fund of the United Nations, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation is repeating their same old mantra. They accuse independent leaders around the world, from Russia, China, Latin America, and Africa of being “corrupt.” They display in rather convenient “leaks,” as if it is somehow shocking, that the leaders of countries with massive populations and resources in-fact possess lots of wealth. The international audience is led to the conclusion that the targeted leader should be removed. Misuse of government funds and other malpractice is certainly a plague rampant in many developing countries. When nations are working to raise themselves out of poverty, shady practices often become a kind of way of life as the population learns to “take care of each other.” The result is often widespread inefficiency. But what is the obvious goal of these Soros, USAID backed ICIJ operations? To keep intact the corrupt, monopolistic global financial order that exists by selectively targeting those who challenge it. The deeply corrupt global order where Wall Street and London bankers rule the world, keeping it poor so they can stay rich, pushing policies of “de-regulation” and “free markets” that have failed over and over, never gets called into question. “Corruption” charges were used to oust Dilma Roussef, to imprison Lula Di Silva who would have won the 2018 election according to every poll, and install autocratic free market demagogue Jiar Bolsanaro in Brazil. “Corruption” allegations are constantly used to stir up opposition to the Putin government by forces who were quite satisfied with the free market looting during the Yeltsin-era, and dislike that Russia has been restored as an economic power and energy exporter. Leftist Vice President Christina Kirchner in Argentina was also hit with a series of “corruption” charges by supporters of the IMF and the free market policies, who attempted to undo her progressive reforms during the Mauricio Macri. Meanwhile, many politicians in the “free” western capitalist countries have offshore bank accounts, take care of their relatives and business associates, and otherwise engage in notably corrupt behavior. The President of the United States is pretty obviously tied to a chain of “Trump Hotels” around the world, and many questions have been raised about that since the 2016 elections. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son conveniently got a well paying job at a Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian Natural Gas corporation, at the very moment when the USA was backing the “EuroMaiden” events that toppled President Yanukovych. An Oil Rich Country, Kept Poor by Western Capitalism Angola is not a poor country. It has lots of oil. Its natural gas potential is just being realized. It has minerals and a vast population. However, poverty is widespread in this southern African nation. Until 1975, Angola was a colony of Portugal. The population lived as colonial slaves, worked to death, kept in poverty, as their resources were utilized to line the pockets of Portuguese businessmen. The People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) was formed in 1956 to throw off the colonial chains. The MPLA was a Marxist-Leninist political organization backed and armed by the Soviet Union. It waged a guerilla insurgency, fighting Portuguese troops, right up until the Carnation Revolution.  When the fascist government of Portugal fell in 1975, colonial territories were granted independence. The MPLA took power as the elected government of a newly free Angola. Immediately following independence, the apartheid government of South Africa invaded Angola. Over 65,000 Cuban soldiers were sent to support the MPLA in fighting off this and subsequent invasions by the apartheid regime. Cuba continued to maintain a military presence in Angola to support the MPLA. At the time of independence, the United States government had already been arming and training a group of terrorists and extremists called the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) that conducted assassinations and other acts of violence against the MPLA.  UNITA at first claimed to be Maoist Communists and had relations with China, but by the late 1970s they were Evangelical Christians and advocates of western capitalism. The United States was their primary supporter, and anti-communism was their rallying cry. The leader of the CIA trained and armed UNITA terrorists like  Jonas Savimbi. Savimbi murdered civilians, bombed schools and hospitals and committed horrendous atrocities. Savimbi was a practitioner of witchcraft and a literal cannibal, who ate the corpses of MPLA soldiers. The horrendous atrocities of Jonas Savimbi has been well documented, but this did not stop the Reagan White House and other US administrations from embracing them as freedom fighters. The goal of the MPLA was to peacefully develop Angola into a prosperous socialist country. This was not possible in a state of total civil war, as US-backed terrorists ravaged the country for 27 years. Even when peace was finally declared in 2002, the United Nations noted that Angola was littered with landmines, and most of its bridges and essential infrastructure had been destroyed. “Angola Starts Now!” In 2002, with peace declared, the MPLA declared “Angola Starts Now!” and began to eradicate poverty and economically develop the country. Their efforts were aided significantly by the highest oil prices in world history. The GDP increased at a staggeringly high average of 11.1% from 2001 to 2010. China worked with Angola to build new railways connecting previously isolated parts of the country. The capital city of Luanda became a prosperous business center. Millions of Angolans were lifted from poverty. Who was key in making all of this happen? Isabel Dos Santos. Isabel is the daughter of the country’s first elected President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos. It is largely because of her efforts that Angola now has a state controlled mobile telecommunications corporation, Unitel. She also helped to set up Banco de Fomento Angola and Banco BIC, two private banks based in Angola. These are banks subsidized with state oil profits, that have provided loans allowing the domestic economy of Angola to flourish. Isabel Dos Santos has traveled around the world working to bring foreign investment into her homeland. In 2016 Isabel Dos Santos moved out of the private sector and was named as the director of Sonangol, the state-run oil company that remains at the center of the Angolan economy. Much like Putin did in Russia with Gazprom and Rosneft, Sonagol is a “national champion.” It is a state-controlled energy corporation utilized to create economic growth and stabilize the market. It was with Sonangol’s proceeds that the mining and agricultural sectors were stimulated. Nigeria is now the top oil exporting country in Africa. It has been a playground for Chevron, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, and Exxon-Mobile for years. Nigeria has a few billionaires, but the population is overwhelmingly poor and illiterate. While lots of oil is extracted and lots of profits made by western corporations, nothing like Angola’s economic boom of 2002-2014 has ever happened in Nigeria, despite decades and decades in the oil business. The successes of Angola cannot be blamed on high oil prices alone, but rather on state central planning, utilizing oil proceeds to eradicate poverty and construct. Isabel Dos Santos has spent very little time working in government. She prides herself on her success as a businesswoman in the private sector. Her dynamic leadership and strategic management of private companies, in coordination with state central planners, created all kinds of spectacular results. “There are thousands of people whom we gave their first job,” she told BBC. When a new President took office in 2017, the Wall Street Journal celebrated Isabel Dos Santos’ departure. It accused her of running “turgid bureaucracy.” American oil companies were angry that she “required that they buy supplies from select domestic firms.” Dos Santos enforced environmental laws, and would not privatize the newly discovered natural gas resources that “by law belongs to the government.” Immediately before  the ouster of Isabel Dos Santos from Sonangol, Total, BP, Haliburton, and Exxon-Mobile had terminated their relationship with the state-run firm. It appears that the big oil bankers almost demanded her ouster from the new administration of President Juan Lourenço and their wish was granted. A Failed Administration Scapegoating Its Predecessors Lourenço promised to usher in an “economic miracle” with his free market reforms once elected. The opposite has occurred. Unemployment has risen. Strikes and social unrest are also increasing. 28% of Angola’s population lives on less than $1.90 per day. Lourenço has signed on with the International Monetary Fund, known for pushing deregulation and Milton Friedman style economic reforms in exchange for “development loans.” Since he cannot fix the economy, Lourenço seems to be focused scapegoating his predecessors, who presided over huge economic achievements. President João Lourenço calls himself “the terminator,” and he has worked hard to single out members of the Dos Santos family and their allies for prosecution. 45 cases are currently in court, and Isabel Dos Santos is now among those facing charges, as is her younger brother. However, a BBC article published on January 16th seems to have revealed that the campaign against Santos isn’t simply about retaliation against the Dos Santos family. During  an interview, Isabel Dos Santos “declined four times to rule out” running for the Presidency. Later she told a Portuguese network “it’s possible” that she may intend run for head of state in 2022. And what else, she could very well win, despite massive huge efforts to besmirch her reputation with the convenient “Luanda Leaks” presented by the Soros, USAID tied outlet. To Angolans who have endured decades of civil war followed by miraculous amounts of growth, the name “Dos Santos” is associated with the legacy of the anti-colonial struggle, as well as a decade of exciting hope. The “Iron Lady” Southern Africa Needs? Indicating why she might consider a Presidential run, she told BBC “President Lourenço is fighting for absolute power. There’s a strong wish to neutralize any influence that [former] President Dos Santos might still have in the MPLA…. If a different candidate would appear [ahead of the 2022 presidential election] supported by former President Dos Santos or allies linked to him, that would really challenge [Mr Lourenço’s] position because his current track record is very, very poor.” In fact, Isabel Dos Santos could be the kind of leader that Southern Africa desperately needs. Her father was a guerilla fighter who fought the Portuguese and went into exile. Her mother was a Russian Communist. While the MPLA backed away from Soviet-style Marxism-Leninism in 1991, it remains a Democratic Socialist Party, and its members are dedicated to building a society where all Angolans have what they need. Already, from both the private sector and as the head of Sonangol, Dos Santos has put into practice a successful implementation of policies that could be called “petro-socialism” i.e. using state-run oil profits to centralize and build up an economy. On the northern end of the continent, Libya flourished under such policies. The Islamic Socialist government of Moammar Gaddafi built the world’s largest irrigation system, “the man-made river.” Libya had the highest life expectancy on the African continent until 2011 and had achieved universal housing and literacy. Libya worked hard to suppress Al-Qaida and terrorist groups and provided financial support to the Irish Republican Army, the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, and many other socialist and anti-imperialist forces around the world. In his final year, Gaddaffi openly spoke of establishing an African currency and an African bank, laying the basis for independence from western financial power. All of this culminated in the USA funding an uprising against him, and NATO bombing campaign that destroyed the country. During Gaddaffi’s leadership, Africans from across the continent piled into the Libya where the state provided them with employment. Now, in a war-torn, newly impoverished and destroyed post-Gaddafi, pro-western Libya, Africans are trying to get out on rafts, and drowning in the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe. Russia and China were both deeply impoverished countries at the beginning of the 20th Century, but it was with state central planning, mobilizing the population and rationally organizing the economy that they became superpowers. Both countries have learned the lessons of the Soviet Union’s demise, and recognize the need for foreign investment and a private sector, which will  allow more entrepreneurialism. However, Russia and China continue to get stronger because they have not fallen into the trap of “profits in command” and the chaos of the market. All across the developing world, the absolute failure of Milton Friedman-style economics can be seen. Even the Bretton Woods institutions now admit that they have been “too Neoliberal.” All out “free trade” Adam Smith-style capitalism is not the answer, for Angola or any other country. If Isabel Dos Santos, a savvy businesswoman was elected, carrying with her a family name that is associated with better times, and resilient leadership, she could very well turn things around. As Russia becomes more involved in helping strengthen African countries, and  as China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank works to build infrastructure to help the development of independent economies, Isabel Dos Santos has great potential as a leader. With her strength and boldness, she could bring economic growth, financial independence, and hope to millions of people, not just in her own country, but throughout the region.
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mountknowledge · 6 years
The Similarities Between the Liberalists, Feminists & Extremist Khawarij
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Dear Muslim, There are many similarities between the liberalists, feminists & extremist renegade (Khawarij) groups such as Al Qaeda & ISIS. Below I’ve listed a few similarities, which highlight how far from pure Islam these deviants are. 1. These groups divert Muslims away from Tawheed (Monotheism). A liberalist would tell you to focus on “social justice” issues, a feminist claims to focus on women’s rights issues, and Khawarij claim to fight for the sake of Allah. These are false claim. Nevertheless, their focus is completely wrong because they ignore the call to Tawheed, Sunnah and the pure understanding if Islam according to righteous precedessors (Salaf-us-Saleh). The primary focus and call of ALL of the Prophets was Tawheed, which is to single out Allah alone in all forms of worship. Allah’s worship is the reason why we have been created. وَما خَلَقتُ الجِنَّ وَالإِنسَ إِلّا لِيَعبُدون ِ “And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone)”. (51:56) Tawheed is what distinguishes a Muslim from a disbeliever and through it comes success. وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا فِي قَرْيَةٍ مِّن نَّبِيٍّ إِلَّا أَخَذْنَا أَهْلَهَا بِالْبَأْسَاءِ وَالضَّرَّاءِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَضَّرَّعُونَ “And We sent no Prophet unto any town (and they denied him), but We seized its people with suffering from extreme poverty (or loss in wealth) and loss of health and calamities, so that they might humiliate themselves (and repent to Allah). ثُمَّ بَدَّلْنَا مَكَانَ السَّيِّئَةِ الْحَسَنَةَ حَتَّىٰ عَفَوا وَّقَالُوا قَدْ مَسَّ آبَاءَنَا الضَّرَّاءُ وَالسَّرَّاءُ فَأَخَذْنَاهُم بَغْتَةً وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ Then We changed the evil for the good, until they increased in number and in wealth, and said: “Our fathers were touched with evil (loss of health and calamities) and with good (prosperity, etc.).” So We seized them of a sudden while they were unaware. وَلَوْ أَنَّ أَهْلَ الْقُرَىٰ آمَنُوا وَاتَّقَوْا لَفَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَرَكَاتٍ مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَلَٰكِن كَذَّبُوا فَأَخَذْنَاهُم بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ And if the people of the towns had believed and had the Taqwa (piety), certainly, We should have opened for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they belied (the Messengers). So We took them (with punishment) for what they used to earn (polytheism and crimes, etc.). (7:94-96) This goes hand in hand with warning people to stay away from all forms of polytheism (shirk), which is the greatest form of injustice. Allah says: وَإِذْ قَالَ لُقْمَانُ لِابْنِهِ وَهُوَ يَعِظُهُ يَا بُنَيَّ لَا تُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ ۖ إِنَّ الشِّرْكَ لَظُلْمٌ عَظِيمٌ And (remember) when Luqman said to his son when he was advising him: “O my son! Join not in worship others with Allah. Verily! Joining others in worship with Allah is a great Dhulm indeed (i.e. injustice and oppression).(31:13). If the reader wants more detail about this please refer back to the book: “The Methodology Call of the Prophets” Sh Rabee Al Madkhali حفظه الله. Tawheed First by Sh. Al Albani رحمه الله and the books of Sh. Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahab رحمه الله with their scholarly explanations. 2. These groups do not respect the authorities nor the law, call to political incitement, protests, and other deviant methods in order reach their goal. If the reader wants more on these issues please refer back to the chapters of dealing with oppression and oppressive rulers in Imam Ahmad Usool as Sunnah رحمه الله , Imam Barbarhi’s رحمه الله Sharh us Sunnah and other books of the Salaf with the interpretation of the Salafi scholars. 3. These groups believe that “the ends justify the means”. Therefore, they will do some of the worst of actions that are totally forbidden in Islam, in order to reach their goal. The Liberalists & Feminists permit many acts that are forbidden in order to modernise Islam. While the Khawarij cause murder and cause murder and bloodshed and attribute it to Islam, when they are far from representing our religion. 4. These groups seek to reinterpretate Islam to suit their desires. Liberalists and feminists seek a “new modern” Islam and the watering down of Islamic principles. For example, they promote men and women praying together in the same rows, women giving Friday sermons (Khutba), women praying and fasting during menses. On the other hand, the Khawarij use their own interpretations to justify the chaos and bloodshed they cause. They are literalists who take verses without context or correct scholarly interpretation. To understand Islam correctly, one must go to its true sources (the Quran, Sunnah and their true scholarly interpretations) with an open heart, an open mind without any cultural, political, racial or gender bias. 5. These groups do not respect family ties and family structure, which are core Islamic values. For example, the Khawarij cut of family ties with people who do not agree with them, they will argue that your not actually a Muslim, rather, you are a hypocrite or disbeliever. Some go as far as killing family members. They persuade young Muslims away from their families to far away lands. ISIS lure many young Muslims, especially young girls, to join their devilish bloodthirsty group. As a result, they destroy families, many join them without their parent’s being aware. Similarily, liberals and feminists advise Muslim girls to run away from their families in order to gain independence and “freedom”!!!. Abdullah ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the property of his master and he is responsible for it. No doubt, every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.” (Al Bukhari) Abu Hurayra said, “The Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ was asked, ‘Messenger of Allah, to whom should I be dutiful?’ ‘Your mother,’ he replied. He was asked, ‘Then whom?’ 'Your mother,’ he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?’ 'Your mother,’ he replied. He was asked, 'Then whom?’ He replied, 'Your father.’” (Al Bukhari in Adab Al Mufrad) 6. All of these groups hate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its rulers and the Salafi scholars calling them hypocrites or disbelievers. While many of these liberalists, feminist & Khawarij reside in the land of disbelievers; America, Canada, U.K and other parts of the world. وَإِذا جاءَهُم أَمرٌ مِنَ الأَمنِ أَوِ الخَوفِ أَذاعوا بِهِ ۖ وَلَو رَدّوهُ إِلَى الرَّسولِ وَإِلىٰ أُولِي الأَمرِ مِنهُم لَعَلِمَهُ الَّذينَ يَستَنبِطونَهُ مِنهُم ۗ وَلَولا فَضلُ اللَّهِ عَلَيكُم وَرَحمَتُهُ لَاتَّبَعتُمُ الشَّيطانَ إِلّا قَليلًا “When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, you would have followed Shaitan (Satan), save a few of you” (4:83). وَما أَرسَلنا مِن قَبلِكَ إِلّا رِجالًا نوحي إِلَيهِم ۚ فَاسأَلوا أَهلَ الذِّكرِ إِن كُنتُم لا تَعلَمونَ And We sent not (as Our Messengers) before you (O Muhammad ﷺ ) any but men, whom We inspired, (to preach and invite mankind to believe in the Oneness of Allah). So ask of those who know the Scripture, if you know not (16:43). وسلم على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين
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basicsofislam · 5 years
ISLAM 101: The Basic Concepts of Islam: Part 5
The Concept of Morality
The concept of morality in Islam centers around certain basic beliefs and principles. Among these are the followings: (1) God is the Creator and Source of all goodness, truth, and beauty. (2) Man is a responsible, dignified, and honorable agent of his Creator. (3) God has put everything in the heavens and the earth in the service of mankind. (4) By His Mercy and Wisdom, God does not expect the impossible from man or hold him accountable for anything beyond his power. Nor does God forbid man to enjoy the good things of life. (5) Moderation, practicality, and balance are the guarantees of high integrity and sound morality. (6) All things are permissible in principle except what is singled out as forbidden, which must be avoided. (7) Mans ultimate responsibility is to God and his highest goal is the pleasure of his Creator. The dimensions of morality in Islam are numerous, far-reaching and comprehensive. The Islamic morals deal with the relationship between man and God, man and his fellow men, man and the other elements and creatures of the universe, man and his innermost self. The Muslim has to guard his external behavior and his manifest deeds, his words and his thoughts, his feelings and intentions. In a general sense, his role is to champion what is right and fight what is wrong, seek what is true and abandon what is false, cherish what is beautiful and wholesome and avoid what is indecent. Truth and virtue are his goals. Humbleness and simplicity, courtesy and compassion, are his second nature. To him, arrogance and vanity, harshness and indifference, are distasteful, offensive and displeasing to God. More specifically, the Muslims relationship with God is one of love and obedience, complete trust and thoughtfulness, peace and appreciation, steadfastness and active service. This high – level morality will, undoubtedly, nourish and reinforce morality at the human level. For in his relationship with his fellow men, the Muslim must show kindness to the kin and concern for the neighbor, respect for the elderly and compassion for the young, care for the sick and support for the needy, sympathy for the grieved and cheer for the depressed, joy with the blessed and patience with the misguided, tolerance toward the ignorant and forgiveness of the helpless, disapproval of the wrong and rise above the trivial. Moreover, he must respect the legitimate rights of others as much he does his own. His mind must be occupied with constructive ideas and serious pursuits; his heart must beat with compassionate feelings and goodwill; his soul must radiate with peace and serenity; his counsel must be sincere and courteous. The Muslims moral obligation is to be a vivid example of honesty and perfection, fulfill his commitments and perform his tasks well, seek knowledge and virtue by all possible means, correct his mistakes and repent his sins, develop a good sense of social consciousness and nourish a feeling of human response, provide for his dependents generously without extravagance and meet their legitimate needs. Nature and the world are the field of exploration and the object of enjoyment for the Muslim. He must utilize their elements and ponder their marvels, read them as signs of Gods greatness and preserve their beauty, explore their wonders and discover their secrets. But whether he uses them for utility or for sheer enjoyment, he must avoid waste and excess. As a responsible agent of God and a conscientious trustee, he must always be mindful of others who share the world with him and who will succeed him in the future. The moral principles of Islam are sometimes stated as positive commitments which must be fulfilled and sometimes as negative prescriptions which must be avoided. Whether they are stated positively or negatively, they are designed to build in the human being a sound mind, a peaceful soul, a strong personality, and a healthy body. There is no doubt that these are necessary requirements of the general welfare and prosperity of mankind. And to help man to satisfy these requirements Islam has, among other things, laid down the following regulations: 1. To bear witness to the Oneness of God and the Messengership of Muhammad in a meaningful committal way; 2. To observe the daily prayers regularly; 3. To pay the religious tax known as alms or the poor-due (zakah); 4. To keep the fast of the Holy Month of Ramadan; 5. To make a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca at least once in his lifetime. The moral and social implications of these regulations will be discussed later in detail. Besides these positive measures, there are others which may be called preventive and precautionary ones. To protect man from insanity and degeneration, from weakness and indulgence, from indecency and temptation, Islam has prohibited certain things pertaining to food, drinking, recreation, and sex. Among these are the following: 1. All kinds of intoxicating wines, liquors, and spirits (Quran, 2:219; 4:43; 5:93-94); 2. The meat and products of swine (pork, bacon, ham, lard), of wild animals that use claws or teeth to kill their victims (tigers, wolves, leopards, etc.), of all birds of prey (hawks, vultures, crows, etc.), of rodents, reptiles, worms and the like, of dead animals and birds that are not slaughtered properly (Quran, 2:172-173; 5:4-6); 3. All forms of gambling and vain sports (Quran, 2:219; 5:93-94); 4. All sexual relations out of wedlock and all manners of talking, walking, looking and dressing in public that may instigate temptation, arouse desire, stir suspicion, or indicate immodesty and indecency (Quran 23:5-7; 24:30-33; 70:29-31). This Act of Prohibition is introduced by God for the spiritual and mental well-being of man as well as for the moral and material benefit of humanity. It is not an arbitrary action or a self-imposed intrusion from God. On the contrary, it is a sign of Gods interest in the welfare of humanity and an indication of His good care for man. When God prohibits certain things, it is not because He wants to deprive man of anything good or useful. It is because He means to protect man and allow him to develop a good sense of discrimination, a refined taste for the better things in life, and continued interest in higher moral values. To achieve this, good care must be taken of man’s spirit and mind, soul and body, conscience and sentiments, health and wealth, physique and morale. Prohibition, therefore, is not deprivation but enrichment, not suppression but discipline; not a limitation but expansion. To show that all prohibitions are acts of mercy and wisdom, two Islamic principles are worth mentioning in this connection. First, extraordinary circumstances, emergencies, necessities, and exigencies allow the Muslim to do what is normally forbidden. As long as these circumstances exist and to the extent that he cannot help the situation, he is not to blame if he fails to observe the moral rules of God (see Quran, 2:173; 5:4). Secondly, God has inscribed for Himself the rule of mercy: any who do evil out of ignorance, but thereafter repent and amend their conduct, will be forgiven; surely God is Merciful and Oft-forgiving (Quran, 6:54). In a remarkable, typical passage, the Quran has laid down the grounds and philosophy of sound moral conduct. The passage may be rendered as follows: O Children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer; eat and drink, but waste not by excess, for God loves not the wasters. Say: Who has forbidden the beautiful gifts of God, which He has produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure (which He has provided) for sustenance? Say: 'They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgement. thus do We explain the Signs in detail for those who understand, Say: The things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are: shameful deeds, whether open or secret, sins and trespasses against truth or reason; assigning of partners to God – and saying things about God of which you have no knowledge (Quran 7:31-33). The range of morality in Islam is so inclusive and integrative that it combines at once faith in God, religious rites, spiritual observances, social conduct, decision making, intellectual pursuits, habits of consumption, manners of speech, and all other aspects of human life. Because morality is such an integral part of Islam, the moral tone underlies all the passage of the Quran and the moral teachings are repeatedly stressed in various contexts throughout the Holy Book. This makes it difficult to devise any reasonably brief classification of these moral teachings according to their citations in the Quran. Every principle is mentioned many times in various contexts. It appears either as a single significant principle or as an element of a total system of morality, which itself is an element of a complete religious supersystem. In view of this, the following passages must be taken only as representative selections from the Quran, rendered and interpreted by human endeavors which, inevitably, fall short of the perfection of the original and complete version of the Book. Serve God, and join not any partners with Him; and do good; - to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, the needy ones, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and what your right hands possess (captives, slaves, animals, birds, etc.): For God loves not the arrogant, the vainglorious; - (Nor) those who are niggardly or enjoin niggardliness on others, or hide the bounties which God has bestowed on them; for We have prepared for those who resist Faith a punishment that steeps them in contempt; (Nor) those who spend of their substance, (out of hypocrisy) just to be seen of men, but have no faith in God and the Last Day. If any take the Evil One for their intimate what a dreadful intimate he is! (4:36-38). Say (O Muhammad): Come, I will rehearse what God has (really) prohibited you from: join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents; kill not your children on a plea of want; for We provide sustenance for you and for them; And come not near to the orphans property, except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength; give measure and weight with full justice; no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear; and whenever you speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfill the Covenant of God. Thus does He Command you that you may remember. Verily, this is My Way, leading straight; follow it; follow not (other) paths: They will scatter you about from His Right path. Thus does He command you, that you may be righteous (6:151-153). God commands justice, the doing of good, and kindness to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that you may receive admonition. Fulfill the Covenant of God when you have entered into it, and break not your oaths after you have confirmed them; indeed you have made God your surety; for God knows all that you do . . . . Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such (workers) their reward according to the best of their actions (16: 90-91, 97). Invite (all) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious; for your Lord knows best, who have strayed from His Path, and who are truly guided (16:125). Who is better in speech than one who calls (others) to God, works righteousness, and says: I am one of those who bow in Islam. Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is best. Then the one between whom and you there was hatred will become as it were your friend and intimate! (41:33-34). Whatever is given to you (here) is (only) a convenience of this Life. But that which is with God is better and more lasting. (It is) For those who believe and put their trust in their Lord; those who avoid the greater crimes and shameful deeds, and when they are angry even then forgive; those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for sustenance; and those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not cowed but) help and defend themselves. The recompense for an injury is an injury equal to it (in degree), but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from God, for God loves not those who do wrong. But indeed if any do help and defend themselves after a wrong (done) to them, against such (persons) there is no cause of blame. The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrongdoing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice. For such (oppressors and transgressors) there will be a penalty grievous. But indeed if any show patience and forgive, that would truly be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs (42: 36-43). If any do wish for the transitory things (of this Life), We readily grant them such things as We will, to such persons as We will, but in the end, We have provided Hell for them where they will burn, disgraced and rejected. And those who do wish for the (things of) the Hereafter, and strive therefor with all due striving, and have Faith, - they are the ones whose striving is appreciable (by God.). Of the bounties of your Lord, We bestow freely on all these as well as those: the bounties of your Lord are not closed (to anyone). (17:18-20) Take not with God another object of worship: or you (man!) will sit in disgrace and destitution. Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: My Lord! bestow on them Your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood. Your Lord knows best what is in your hearts. If you do deeds of righteousness, verily He is Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again (in true penitence). After render to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to the wayfarer. But squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord ungrateful. And even if you have to turn away from them (the said people), in pursuit of the Mercy from your Lord which you do expect, yet speak to them words of easy kindness. Make not your hand tied (like a niggard) to your neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach (like an irresponsible squanderer, if you choose either way), you will become blameworthy and destitute (respectively). Verily your Lord does provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleases, and He provides in a just measure; for He does know and regard all His servants. Kill not your children for fear of want. We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you, verily the killing of them is a great sin. Nor come near to adultery; for it is a shameful deed and an evil, opening the road (to other evils). Nor take life – which God has made sacred – except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, We have given his heir authority (to demand equal punishment or to forgive). But let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking a life; for he is helped (by the Law). Come not near to the orphan's property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength; and fulfill (every) engagement: for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning). Give full measure when you measure and weigh with a balance that is straight. That is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the final determination. And pursue not that of which you have no knowledge (idle and useless curiosity); for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning). Nor walk on the earth with arrogance; for you cannot rend the earth asunder, nor reach the mountains in height. Of all such things, evil is hateful in the sight of your Lord. These are among the (precepts of) wisdom, which your Lord has revealed to you. Take note, with God, another object of worship, lest you should be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected (17:22-39). We bestowed wisdom on Luqman: Show your gratitude to God. Anywho is grateful does so to the profit of his own soul. But if any is ungrateful, verily God is free of all needs, worthy of all praise ..And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents. In travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning. (hear the command), show gratitude to Me and to your parents. To Me is your final Goal. But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no knowledge (or do any wrong), obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to Me (in love). In the end, the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that you did O, my Son! (said Luqman): Establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just (and right) and forbid what is wrong; and bear with patient constancy whatever betide you; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. And swell not your cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for God loves not any arrogant boaster. And be moderate in your pace, and lower your voice; for the harshest of sounds, without doubt, is the braying of the ass (31:12-19) O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling . . . are an abomination, of Satans handiwork. Avoid such (abomination), so that you may prosper. Satans plan is only to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God and from prayer. Will you not then abstain? (5:90-91). But seek, with that which God has bestowed on you, the Home of the Hereafter. Nor forget your portion in this world. But you do good, as God has been good to you, and seek not mischief in the land; for God Loves not the mischief makers (28:77). These selections can be supported by many others from the Quran and the Traditions of Muhammad. In themselves, they are sufficient to portray the fundamental morals of Islam. These Islamic morals are unique in their nature under all circumstances. They are introduced by God not simply to be admired occasionally but to be enforced and effective. They are meant to help the individual to develop his personality and cultivate his character in the most wholesome manner, to strengthen his bonds and consolidate his association with God, the Source of all Goodness. Never were the Islamic morals designed to intimidate the individual and make him passive or indifferent. One example will illustrate the point. If a Muslim is wronged or oppressed, he has the free choice either to resist and retaliate in an equal measure or to forgive and entrust God with the results of his deed. He knows that he is authorized to take either action, and he equally knows that it is better for him to forgive. So when he forgives, he does so with his own free choice for the love of God. Similarly, when he retaliates he is not violating the Law or acting unjustly; he is defending his rights, an attitude which is a sacred duty in itself, and is helping the rightful authorities to establish order and justice. If Islam were to demand absolute forgiveness as some other creeds do in theory, many undisciplined people would be tempted to do wrong and exceed all limits. Likewise, if Islam were to demand only retaliation, as some other creeds uthlessly teach, there would be no room for mercy and patience nor for spiritual reform and moral maturity, in which case many fine qualities of man would subside and many moral potentials may never be actualized. It is common knowledge that the people who are taught to forgive under all circumstances do not, and probably cannot, practice their teachings, because it is not the interest of humanity in the long run, nor is it in the interest of morality itself. Likewise, the people who are taught to practice stern retaliation have little or no respect for human virtues and care less for moral values as universal rules. But Islam, the Divine foster of human nature, has given the right answer to human problems. To those wrongdoers who are looking for a second chance, who may improve or benefit by granting them pardon, forgiveness is recommended and preferable. But against those who might misunderstand the motives of forgiveness or be tempted to pursue the wrong course, equal retaliation is authorized. Thus, the attitude of the Muslim, in either case, is sound and beneficial. When he forgives, he pleases God, retains the upper hand and contributes to the reformation of the delinquent. And when he retaliates, he defends the right, establishes order and justice, and helps to arrest evil. Now, which is sound morality? The attitude of the person who is a ruthless avenger indiscriminately? Or the attitude of a Muslim who makes room for mercy and forgiveness, and who allows for extraordinary circumstances? And who is normally sound? The person who forgives because he knows that he is not allowed to retaliate? Or a Muslim who forgives while he is fully aware that he can lawfully retaliate? Which is real forgiveness? The one resulting from external compulsion and prohibition not to act otherwise? Or the one resulting from freedom of choice and freedom of action? It is no wonder that the moral principles of Islam are sound, unique, and adaptive. They are the instructions of God, the Source of all goodness and morality.
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beliterate · 5 years
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Good Health and Well-being
      Sustainable Development Goals are collection of 17 global goals set by United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. These are the design plans where their goal is to achieve a better and more sensible future for everyone.  They include all the global challenges we are facing like poverty, climate, inequality, enviromental degradation, prosperity, justice and peace.
     I chose the Good Health and well-being which is the third goal. Health refers to every person’s physical, mental, and social well-being. Health is thus a level of functional efficiency of living beings and a general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit, meaning it is free from illness, injury, and pain. Health is a resource of everyday life and a positive concept emphasizing physical capabilities.
     Having a good health is a secret of every happy person. We have the saying “Health is wealth”, good health is the real wealth means money which has a capability to help us always. Good Health is the most important part of our life, without which we are incomplete and living unhealthy life. Good health is really better than wealth and other things in this whole world.
     We can bear any bad circumstances in our life if you do not help yourself to be healthy. To maintain a good health, we need to eat balanced food, daily mild exercises, fresh air, cleanwater, maintain good posture, enough sleep, and rest, cleanliness and etc.
     According to their facts and figures, we have a  lot of cases and challenges we are facing in this world such as in child’s health, 17 000 fewer children die each day than in 1990, but more than five million still die before their fifth birthday each year. In maternal health, maternal mortality has fallen by 37% since 2000, and on other diseases, every 2 seconds, someone aged 30-70 years dies prematurely from noncommunicable diseases, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes, or cancer.
-Mira Lorenzo
hey it’s mimi
follow me on instagram --> @j0lly.me
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ozzfest23 · 6 years
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While in meditation I was told a very large Galactic Federation ship will be here in the first week of March. It has 49 shuttles each 220 feet wide.
It is part of the changes rapidly unfolding on Earth. Most of your leaders are aware of and working with the Federation, the Orion Council of Light and Pleiadians. I have not been told as of yet their mission.
The Earth has been under siege for thousands of years by darker forces which have infiltrated, almost all agencies, institutions and powers. You have been under a very suppressive Draconian or what some would call an Archon grid. This is coming to a close.
The Electromagnetic Light Spectrum on all levels has increased exponentially. The Central Sun connected to all other Suns has increased its flow of Consciousness and Energy.
Consciousness, Light, Energy and Mass are all connected as frequencies of the same force.
Due to free will and a lot of negative influence there has been a lot of miscreation outside of Universal Law. This Solar System is in the boondocks on an outermost arm of the Milky Way. There are differences of opinion on whether we are even in the Milky Way nonetheless we have been left alone, some might say abandoned until the time is right.
NASA has released the charts on the increase of incoming energies, the Schuman Resonance is off the chart Tuesday it went from 7.8 to 74 which is one reason people are feeling out of sorts. This is all part of the awakening and healing or liberation of Earth.
You can see it playing out on every level. The increase in social, economic, political, changes, severe weather, increase in earthquake and volcanic activity all are byproducts of these incoming energies.
People are choosing between the upward spiral engaging their own Higher Consciousness and Energy making their own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection, or the downward spiral leading to social, economic and environmental collapse.
The days of tyranny are coming to a close, yet this will happen in stages. We are here for SOUL Evolution, to gain the Wisdom through experience learning from the past. This is where the Wisdom from the Elders come in. There are Elders from Earth and Elders from the Stars.
The Elders of the Earth if Awake are connected to the Elders in the Stars. Your ancient ancestors are returning. They know the real history of Earth, the origin of your religions, and have a more expanded version of God far beyond the bearded images of the past.
What does this mean for Humanity? We are being given a golden opportunity to release the past, gain the Wisdom from the experience and take a Quantum Leap in Evolution.
We can choose to join the rest of the Universe in Peace, reunite with the greater family of man, clean up the environment, put an end to most diseases and live a thoroughly Loving, Joyous Abundant Life. It is our birthright.
We did not get into the mess we are in without interference. When I say interference, it exists on many levels, physical and non-physical. There in so much inhumanity on Earth because of non-human interference. This is being removed.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”
Many humans have chosen to serve these non-human entities due to promises of power, fame, wealth etc. These are false promises and never end well. This is a disservice to God and country.
The real power is Love and it comes from making your own personal connection with God/Creator/Great Spirit. Real everlasting fame comes from service to Humanity, Saints, Sages and Masters are the most remembered.
The real wealth comes from within, wealth of knowledge, wealth of Love, wealth of Joy, a life of service to Humanity and the Earth feeling good about oneself that is the real wealth, it is nonmaterial.
The transitory and false fame, wealth, and power sold to you by social consciousness is a lie. When you awaken many will realize almost everything they have been taught and told were lies.
The social engineering, conditioning and programming has all been a plan carried out by these negative forces seen and unseen that have enslaved Humanity for eons. Again, these forces are replete throughout the agencies and institutions you have in error given your power too. Some refer to these energies as the deep state or swamp. It is global.
When you climb the ladder of fame. power and wealth in most institutions of this day and age it gets darker and more decadent. When your eyes are fully opened the Truth can be devastating.
The masks are all coming down, the Truth is being revealed and the True character of everyone will be made known.
Politics, Hollywood, and the major religions are a good example. Nothing is how it seems and nothing is real concerning what the lame stream media tells you. In fact, if you reverse what they are saying the percentage of Truth would be much higher.
The Great Awakening is here. How we deal with it and how much we resist it will be up to each individual. I would strongly suggest choosing Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All, “Universal Law” the Upward Spiral of Evolution.
It is time to listen to the Elders of Earth and the Stars. There are spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations which have conquered, poverty, disease, and live in harmony with each other and their environments. One would think it wise to follow their lead.
Be well,
~ James Gilliland <3
ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel:
shared with Love <3
Pars Kutay
~ <3 ~
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What makes a happy country?
A happy country is one where the people have political freedom, the right to elect a government that the people believe will protect economic freedoms. There, people are freed from the shackles, are free to make their own decisions, pursue their own ideals, pursue cherished dreams, and can live a life that they want. desire.
Prosperity: the first factor that makes a happy country
An unhappy country is a poor, backward country and its people are always limited in political freedom. Poverty breeds all kinds of social evils, poor countries always give birth to all kinds of dictators. To me, a livable country is one where individuals lead a prosperous life and freedoms are not violated.
It is no coincidence that the Nordic countries with the most prosperity are also at the top of the World Happiness rankings; It is also no coincidence that weak economies are always the countries with the lowest happiness indexes in the world [1] . What do you think is a happy country: rich Nordic countries, high standard of living, long life expectancy; or a poor Venezuela eating garbage [2] ?
Each of us has our own view of what makes a happy country, from the simple to the complex. We can write down pages for the things we think are necessary, but the problem here is how to make sure those things are done.
A warm, happy country. Yes, you have to be full first before you think about finding happiness for yourself. Only after solving economic problems can people think of other things. So, in my opinion, prosperity will make a happy country.
And how does a country become prosperous?
Vietnamese often blame their poverty on fate. Okay. If you are too pessimistic about your own abilities. But a poor country is another story, it is no longer a matter of fate, but of policies. When asked, “What makes a country rich?”, many people often answer that it is due to natural resources, geographical location, culture or people. But no, Venezuela has the world’s largest crude oil reserves [3] but it’s not rich, Japan is poor in natural resources and earthquakes all the time but is very prosperous; South Korea and North Korea are two countries that are similar in all aspects, but the South Korean economy is clearly stronger than North Korea’s [4].. Why is that? Anyone who has read The Origin of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith will understand that economic freedom is the key to prosperity, peace, and happiness.
Exercising economic freedom is always a necessary way to revive a country’s economy. Economic freedom is inherently a “stimulant medicine” for all economies. As we all know, during the transition period of the Vietnamese economy, the government implemented a market mechanism (although it was not perfect) and allowed people to participate in business which helped the Vietnamese economy. changed drastically with the rapid growth rate of up to 9.54% (1995) and 9.34% (1996) [5] .
The history of the world also shows that every country that is against the free market has to suffer an economic failure, from the collapse of the mighty Soviet Union, the whole of Eastern Europe, East Germany in the 90s, until the fall of Greece and now Zimbabwe, Venezuela. A country that collapses economically and politically, cannot be a happy country. One thing in common is that these countries all have very low levels of economic freedom.
From that, I would like to affirm that economic freedom will be the core factor to form a happy country for all people.
What is economic freedom?
“Economic freedom, in its highest form, gives people absolute private property rights, the full exercise of the freedom of movement of labor, capital, and goods, and the complete absence of oppression or limit economic freedom except the minimum limits necessary to protect and maintain them that freedom “ [6] .
In a nutshell, economic freedom allows individuals to freely decide all the resources they hold, while respecting the freedoms and resources of others. Economic freedom is a right that allows people to freely develop and prosper without interference from governments or financial authorities. Every individual has the right to protect and be protected for his or her human resources, labor and property. In other words, it is about reducing the government’s hand in the economy and allowing the market to run freely. At this point, many people will wonder what benefits economic freedom will bring. Yes, economic freedom is not a mere theory, it has been applied very successfully in capitalist countries.
Economic freedom will help economic growth and bring prosperity to all
Like the example above, Vietnam, after making progress in economic freedom, has achieved an impressive economic growth index. It cannot be denied that that success is due to the “miracle” that the free market brings. If that’s still not enough to convince you that economic freedom is good for the economy, take a look at the chart below.
In the 20 years from 1990 to 2010, the countries with the freest economies grew twice as fast as those with the lowest degrees of economic freedom. In other words, the higher the degree of economic freedom, the faster the economic growth rate, the more prosperous the people of that country become.
Economic freedom contributes to environmental protection
This may come as a surprise to some, but it’s true. The more protected the right of private property, the more it encourages environmental protection. Simply put, when resources are jointly owned, the incentive for conservation is eliminated. But if the resource is owned by individuals, they will know how to preserve it and voluntarily conserve it because in the future this resource will become more and more valuable. Mr. Richard Lyndell Stroup, environmentalist and professor of economics at North Carolina State University, wrote: “When private property rights are protected, 90% of the population has access to clean water; but in countries with a low level of private ownership, the figure is only 60% “ [7] .
At the same time, the Heritage Foundation also points out that the countries at the top of the environmental report (EPI) from Yale University are also the countries that guarantee the highest level of private property rights [8] .
You can’t be happy in a polluted country, can you?
Economic freedom will reduce the risk of war, help build peace
How can a country with constant war bring happiness to its people? How to bring peace to mankind? Many people often answer simply that: there should be tolerance, giving up greed, giving up fighting for power, taking advantage; or must educate people to love each other, not to dispute, to lose in political and religious ideals, etc. But in fact, the cause of war does not come from ideals, but from stories. economy.
The more economic protection a country is, the more likely it is to increase the risk of conflict for that country. In the 19th century, King Tu Duc banned foreign trade activities with the West [9], then the Franco-Vietnamese war broke out is the most visible historical evidence. Whether nations are in the name of liberal or communist ideals, the two world wars of the last century were inherently meant to divide resources. Later, with the formation of trade organizations, conflicts between countries were gradually eliminated. Countries conduct trade and become partners with each other, tightening friendship. Obviously, it is more difficult to wage war with one’s partner than with a country that has nothing to do with it. Therefore, only the realization of free trade and economic freedom can bring peace to mankind. Only peace can bring happiness to the people.
Political freedom: the second factor that makes a happy country
A market economy is not perfect when it opens only free markets for goods without freedom for ideals. Allowing freedom of thought will make the economy more open and dynamic. I will not analyze whether economic freedom or political freedom should be prioritized in this article because it has been analyzed in the article The relationship between political freedom and economic freedom . However, there is not a country with a high degree of civil liberties and political freedom that does not use capitalism and the private sector as the dominant element in the economic structure [10] . Human history has also demonstrated that the economic collapse of a country will also lead to the collapse of political institutions. Historically and logically, political freedom is inseparable from economic freedom.
The loss of political freedom will restrain the whole nation in all aspects, and the root cause is the dictatorship of the leader. There are many types of dictatorship, even if that dictatorship is derived from the leader thinking that their ideal is the best, it is still not good for development for me. I would like to quote a passage that I really like from Mr. Tran Huynh Duy Thuc’s letter to TBT Nguyen Phu Trong on December 19, 2016:
“I can understand your desire for an ethical government. But the history of the nation and the world has proved that virtue does not create moral states and societies, but also holds peoples back in the backward agricultural economy. The rule of law is characteristic of the Industrial Economic Age. The rule of law is characteristic of the Age of Knowledge Economy. Virtue cannot be used to succeed in this rapidly forming New Age.”
This paragraph Mr. Thuc wants to talk about the role of the rule of law, but I will use it to talk about the issue of morality. Ethics and its standards are inherently set by people, using their own moral standards to judge is also an imposition of their thinking on others. Therefore, in my opinion, virtue rule is also a form of dictatorship.
I am an opponent of cult of personality, so I also believe that no single outstanding individual can make decisions for all the rest. Perhaps, the achievements of great people are always exaggerated to serve some purpose, and education is always used as a tool to produce children who are loyal to what is taught.
When people have the freedom to think, discuss and raise their voices, there we can live; Without those basic freedoms, we are no different from the inanimate animals that exist in this world. I believe that pluralism and conflict are also a driving force for development, political freedom is what frees people to pursue their own happiness without being constrained by laws and regulations.
But it would be naive if the people hoped for a good government, for the people, for the country; people can only use their political freedom to choose a government that is less evil and interferes with people’s lives less.
Therefore, a happy country is one in which the people have political freedom, the right to elect a government that the people believe will protect economic freedoms. There, people are freed from the shackles, are free to make their own decisions, follow their own ideals, pursue their cherished dreams, and can live a life they want.
All credit goes to trantuansang.com.
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thelastmemeera · 7 years
On Property and Other Lies
The best tool anyone can ever use to gain power over you is controlling what information you do and don’t have access to; telling someone the right series of lies can be more effective at getting someone to do what you want than holding a gun to their head. You can observe this principle at work on every level of human social interaction: for example, consider how many classic symptoms of an abusive relationship are just ways of controlling the victim’s internal narrative (and I’m referring to any kind of abusive relationship, not just romantic ones). Isolating the victim from friends and family is a way of removing any competing sources of information that might contradict the abuser’s story. Techniques like gaslighting, belittlement, emotional manipulation etc. are ways of getting the victim to doubt their own judgement and lived experience, leaving the abuser as the only one left to dictate fact and fiction as they see fit. Why do so many people stay in abusive relationships? Often, it’s because they’ve been tricked into believing that they aren’t really being abused.
Likewise, the same idea applies to groups of people up to and including entire societies. Inundate your victims with lies, and even more importantly, limit their access to ideas that contradict what you want them to believe. Use every opportunity to muddy the waters, discredit your ideological opponents, prevent people from being able to meaningfully educate themselves. If you can trick people into believing they aren’t being abused, you can make them willing participants in their own subjugation – control the cultural narrative, control the nation.
Example – for hundreds upon hundreds of years, feudalism and similar socioeconomic systems dominated large portions of the world. I’ll roughly approximate the feudalist narrative as follows:
While there exists a significant wealth gap between the peasantry and the nobility, there are a lot of good reasons why this system is in place. First of all, peasants should obviously have to pay rent in goods and/or labor to their lord, because the peasants are living and farming on said lord’s property. The nobility has clearly earned their position, considering that their land holdings have belonged to the family for generations, they’re the only ones remotely qualified to do the very difficult job of governing and managing a manor, and they have the endorsement of both the king and the church. In fact, many serfs have voluntarily entered into servitude, because the agreement is beneficial for everyone involved – the serf gives fealty, while the lord provides protection, justice, and land. Although it’s true that some lords are cruel or exploitative sometimes, even then the peasantry is still better off with the opportunity to serve a lord, because otherwise they would be homeless, starving vagrants. In any case, it’s hypocritical to denounce feudalism while benefitting from the all the prosperity that feudalism has provided for you. Feudalism has given you a roof over your head, land to farm, peace, infrastructure, protection from roving bandits – even if the system isn’t completely perfect, without it we would have nothing but war and famine. Truly, we already live in the best of all possible worlds.
Even if the feudal peasants were to rebel and successfully depose their lord, without a radical shift in thinking they would simply end up with a new lord in place, and nothing about society would be meaningfully different at the end of the day. And who could blame them? It’s highly unlikely that uneducated peasants would be familiar with ideas like egalitarianism and democracy – that information had been withheld from them. For the first four thousand or so years of human civilization, the world was almost entirely ruled by oligarchs and kings. Until very recently in history, democracies were few and far between, and arguably tended to end in disaster. The peasantry can’t topple feudalism and replace it with democracy, because you can’t fight for something you don’t understand and have never heard of. Wealth, weapons, armies – these things make it difficult to challenge your rule. Making it so your victims can’t even conceive of an alternative makes it impossible.
Hence, the greatest weapon of the modern ruling class is to make the public believe that there can be no viable alternative to capitalism. More so – to control access to information such that the average person lacks the conceptual framework necessary to even properly imagine an alternative to capitalism. Why else would they so consistently and deliberately try to obscure and misrepresent leftist ideas? The overwhelming majority of Americans don’t have the foggiest idea what words like “socialism” and “communism” actually mean. They either vaguely envision socialism as a system that in reality would better be described as state capitalism, or worse, know absolutely nothing about socialism other than the connotation that it’s “bad.” Basically, my point is that there are two ways to lie to someone: it’s powerful to convince someone to explicitly believe your ideas (“Capitalism is definitely the best economic system”), but it’s more powerful to get someone to implicitly believe your ideas (“I’ve never really thought about economic systems as a concept, the way things are now in our society just seems like it’s natural and inevitable”).
So this brings us to what I would argue is capitalism’s most fundamental lie: property. One of the biggest hurdles facing the left as a movement is that most westerners tend to believe that property is something that exists in the abstract – the same way that seasons and planetary orbits exist – rather than recognizing it as the social construct that it is. This is implicit belief at work; property is a complex, nuanced concept, but hardly anyone ever stops and considers what it actually means. This is deliberate. If the ruling class can get you to accept their interpretation of property without thinking about it, they’ve already won.
So what is property? If you look in a dictionary, it’ll usually give you meaningless, circular definitions: property is “that which you possess,” to possess is “to have as property.” To understand ownership, let’s start by eliminating what it isn’t. It’s not merely “that which you are associated with”: you’re probably associated with your family members, but you certainly don’t own them. It’s not “that which you have created”: in modern society most things people own they didn’t make, and often they don’t own things they did make. It’s not “that which you have access to”: this idea is closer, but it’s still not what property is. If you can swim in the ocean, does that mean you own the ocean? If a friend lets you borrow their car, does that mean you own the car? No. What property really is, I would argue, is “that which you can prevent others from accessing.”
Therefore, property is wholly and inherently about the politics of exclusion. When you say “I own this thing,” what you’re really saying is “I have the right to prevent other people from using this thing.” This is important to understand, because most people implicitly think of it backwards – that is, they think “owned-ness” is some sort of objective attribute an object can have, the same way it might have mass or electric charge. And because said object has the attribute of being owned by a person, that person then has the right to dictate its use. In reality, if you have the power to decide who gets to use an object, then said object is by definition your property.
Having an explicit rather than implicit understanding of property makes a lot of things clear that would otherwise be obscured. For example, any property dispute is just an argument over who should and shouldn’t be prevented from accessing a given resource. So when you say “It might seem unfair that a small handful of billionaires have more wealth than the bottom 3.6 billion people, but you can’t just take it from them, it’s their property,” what you’re really saying is “I believe a large portion of the world’s total wealth should be barred from everybody except a small handful of billionaires, for reasons I have yet to specify.” Here’s a “radical” suggestion that I think should be obvious in this light: the onus should be on the property claimant to justify why everyone else shouldn’t have access to a given resource, rather than on the public to justify why they should. This isn’t to say that everyone should constantly have access to everything with no boundaries, but simply that an individual should have to have a legitimate reason to claim the right of sole access to something i.e. ownership.
The point is, claiming “other people can’t have this thing because it’s my property” is a circular argument; it’s designed to distract you from the question of why the claimant has been granted this power in the first place. When it comes to the ruling class, the real answer is more often than not “this is my property because the socioeconomic system we set up specifically to benefit ourselves says so.” For example, what real claim does a landlord have to extract rent from a tenant? The landlord generally doesn’t live on the property, they probably didn’t build the housing structure (and they almost certainly didn’t build it singlehandedly), and oftentimes they barely even keep the place maintained. The land itself was there a million years before they were born, and assuming it doesn’t sink into the ocean, it’ll be there a million years after they’re dead. The only thing that actually gives them rights to the land is a piece of paper in a registry somewhere that says it belongs to them, and a government that backs that piece of paper with armed force. The term landlord isn’t an accident, it’s a holdover from feudalism – rent is theft.
To put it all more simply, the ruling class has done a great job of concealing the extent to which they’re abusing you. The first step toward meaningful change is to stop thinking on their terms.
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"A Wealthy Mindset Create A Wealthy Life-Set. Stay focused, you got this."
-The Money Queen
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Living a wealthy life don't always mean it's about being rich; material prosperity. It's a mindset that naturally attracts wealth.. The word wealth has many shades of meaning, but most involve having a lot of something — often money or something else that's valuable. You might have a wealth of experience, or you might have great personal wealth. First used in the mid-13th century, the noun wealth can mean having a lot of material goods, knowledge, or money, abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions which can be converted into a form that can be used for transactions.
True wealth is having a sense of abundance mentally as well as physically – one that we experience rather than possess. ... Seeking true wealth may mean seeking deeper relationships, more personal growth, or ways to create more meaning in life. Achieving true wealth means possessing the ability to enjoy the small, ordinary pleasures of life. The majority of people think of the word 'wealth' in terms of finances only but this is a narrow view of what it means to be wealthy. Wealth consists of every area within one's life — health, relationships, finances, time, so on and so forth.
There are 5 types of wealth:
Financial wealth (Money)
Social wealth (Status)
Time wealth (Freedom)
Physical wealth (Health)
Spiritual wealth
Financial Wealth is the abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions which can be converted into a form that can be used for transactions. ... Net worth is defined as the current value of one's assets less liabilities (excluding the principal in trust accounts).
Social wealth is the total value of the resources that you have to meet your social or emotional needs. ... Social connections can be defined as people you frequently interact with whether it is face to face, on the phone, internet, etc. This would include family members, relatives, coworkers, friends, etc.
Time wealth or freedom is defined as having your own time to spend how you want, where you want, with whom you want. ... But, time wealth is something that is rare in the modern day for the majority of people because they spend all of their time dedicating their resources, both physical and mental, to earning money.
Physical wealth or health is the glue that holds all the other types of wealth and one’s life together. Without the health and physical vitality of our bodies, we can achieve none of the other types of wealth or at least not in a wise and long term way.
The majority of people fail to understand that health is true wealth. They fail to invest in their bodies and minds and aren't even aware that this is even a worthy pursuit in terms of achieving all types of wealth.
Spiritual wealth means the act of having direction and meaning in life. It involves the development of positive balance within using the metaphysical unseen forces of the universe. Guided by your soul and mind's energy causing a universal response to what you want. spiritual wealth is the source of happiness that inspires us on finding true wealth.
This Spiritual wealth is the start of where we need to begin with practice in leading us to physical, time, social & financial wealth.
Make sure you put your note in a safe place. We are more than half way done with today's course. Before we go click continue below for one last thing. We just need you to know why it's important we make this transition and spread the wealth itself!
Let's face it, we all deserve to be successful. Without out wealth we will forever teach poverty. So over the next 8 days. We will be going over how to set you up for Alignment to wealth. When we create wealth we create healthier happier lifestyles. Not only will it end Poverty but it could also put an end to war and create over all world peace. In order to get there we must have correct alignment!
Now that you have a fairly good idea on wealth & poverty. We are now ready for The main course on day one. Don't forget your notes. Keep them in a safe place and remember. We have ahead of us 8 of the most powerful, informational important days in UNM history.
Click continue if you have created a FREE account at The University Of Networkers Marketing when your ready to stay DAY 1! Or stay tuned in here and it will be posted after this one.
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fibonacciflower6 · 7 years
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This reminds me of how it feels to be a woman of colour in SA.
And I am one of the luckier ones.
The recent and traumatic social history of South Africa is still in dire need of collective conscious healing. The collective consciousness is extremely harsh, negative, violent, aggressive and separated. It is hard to avoid these energies when participating in any social fields, as there is also very few consciousness movements, and the culture of apartheid has left the general society as very commercialised and there is little to interest in the fields of arts and culture.
Positive, healing art and interest in culture, the creative industries, consciousness and healing is one of the most powerful techniques of social upliftment. However, the art market in SA is practically non existant - and where it is, it is still heavily colonised. Art and culture spaces are still heavily racialised and closed to people of colour, meaning that speaking out on social issues from a disadvantaged perspective - leaves artists of colour exiled, excluded and unsupported within the art market. There is a lack of funding in all cultural arenas. Many South African artists have protested this culture, but with growing racial tensions, an increase in the 2nd highest rates of separation and inequality in the world, it is not a profitable or supported industry.
We find that artists who make relevant social art are doing it for the social passion rather than profits. As an artist attempting to work in positive arenas of social reform, I have found extreme isolation and rejection and disinterest in my work. I feel that my style of work, my soul language, will not be received in South Africa for some time. South Africa is an unsuitable environment for my art and dancing work, as a result of the social structures and traumatised social perspectives. I do not have enough social and community support in my work here. Unfortunately, creating darker art does not serve my own well being positively and easily leads me into depressive and melancholic phases.
It is essential, for my own wellbeing, career, and soul work, that I am able to make art about healing and love and find a suitable environment in which to do such. I have spent much of three years working on linking with similar artists and forming these communities but it is just not happening in SA and i feel my energy wasting to this effort. I have turned my energy towards finding a place and way to live out of SA and continue my work in a more accepting and nurturing environment.
I have been made aware, throughout this experience, of the limited access I have to leaving the country and working abroad with a South African passport. In combination with some of the highest costs of living in the world and the weakness of the Rand to other currencies, it has proven a challenge that is almost overwhelming at times, simply to make enough money to survive basically - before I can even begin saving money.
As a woman, I have found the working spaces extremely harsh and violent. No universities or workspaces make concessions for women who have menstrual difficulties - we are expected to perform as men. I have been told on numerous occasions, in every workspace, to shave my armpits, wear make up and tie up my hair and smile. I am not encouraged to own my beauty or rock natural - in these cases I have been removed.
Also, since the majority of wealth is still held by the beneficiaries of apartheid, I am expected to perform ‘whiteness’ in order to be accepted into workspaces. By people of all colours!
I understand that it will take much time for the consciousness to raise as the end of apartheid was so recently and all the social structures which upheld apartheid still exist and have not really been broken down yet - so i do not expect people to understand my social behaviour and consciousness.
I simply plan to move to a more nurturing and loving space. I have finally found a position as a waitress and do tattooing and modeling part time. None of these are my preferred work, yet they are the only options that have made themselves available to me and my current situation requires urgent funding so I have to do what I can for now.
I am hoping i make enough to buy a bed and pay my rent and deposit for the room i have found next month, and even more so hoping i will have enough for food. Saving to leave SA will be a long term stretch, with the weakness of the rand and the fact that I am not making so much at all in the first place.
I am quite upset to be wearing make up, using my body commercially, especially with so much creative ability and that I am well educated and qualified in the arts, but they are the only options i have right now other than corporate arenas which are definitely not within my energy or skills.
In the meantime I am studying for a TEFL course from december and researching ways and places to make a living out of SA that are accessible to me financially and as soon as possible.
I really hope i make the R7000 I need for the new place i want to move into from next month so that i can have a better home environment, than my present one, and have wifi and express my creativity and share a positive home environment. It seems a bit impossible to do in a week... but i have no choice but to keep going and hold onto faith. unfortunately my parents are both in arears and i have no alternatives for financial support.
Sometimes we go through hardship in life, and it reawakens us to the harder things in the world. I am using this opportunity to be humble, appreciate what I have and take note of ways to improve myself, and learn what things are not good for me and what to try avoid later in life. In these moments we should always turn to gratitude... even when things seem really dark, i hope that gratitude can water the seeds of positivity and positive attraction and manifestation.
At the beggining of November, i finally advanced into being able to easily get into Full Lotus position in Yoga. This is such an awesome achievement for me and I have been waiting for this for many years. Spiritually, the timing is great as it is the lotus that arises out of the mud - the idea that we can make it through hard times and emerge a beautiful and radiant flower - which i know i will.
my mercury is in Pushya - symbolised by the blue lotus flower and so the potential to heal through communication and expression is what I am hpoing to manifest and remaster. I have found that my intellect and ability to speak and write were much better when I was abroad and feels as though it is detriorating while I am stuck here. But surely anything is conquerable.
I am annoyed to be having to be a macho man, ‘I can do it’ vibes, while people prefer to watch and steer me on rather than just offer a helping hand or leg up, a favour which can easily be returned once i am back on my usual prosperous and abundant energy.
I identify this as the result of too much masculine or patriarchal energy - where the feminine is the mother and nurterer, sensitive and compassionate - people think its good to be hardcore and shit here. Everyone doing it for themselves - a total lack of the understanding of community and feminine energy that the world needs right now. The poisen of the western mind and world, operating from logic and trying to teach hard lessons and favouring independance - rather than working together as community, sharing resources and aid and moving forward together peacefully.
People want to see you in a boxing ring, getting fucked up by life and hurting each other to get to the top and be a victor. That’s how they want you to learn lessons, cos they feel if they struggled then you have to struggle too. This is cold and why our world is in inequality, divide, and war.
We do not heal from this. We should share and help each other wisely. Where I am strong and you are weak. let me share what i have to lift you up. Without expectation of making some return for helping another person ... because always the universe brings that generous energy back to you! So when my friend is homeless, i house her until she can get on her feet. Where my friend is broke, i can feed her until she has her own job. etc etc. These are the social ideals of community. These are the things that no one is willing to do anymore - and I had to experience being the person in need of community to have my eyes re-opened to the coldness of western contemprary culture.
The commercialisation of community taking place in festival arenas has also carried this energy - on the outside there is the facade of love and unity and helping one another to build better communities, yet on the inside, these are the people who have the most judgment and are the most elitist and exclusionary with who they allow into their worlds and who they will offer aid to.
This is the mistake in attitude I am seeing many people building communities doing as well. They are mirroring the attitude of ‘you can’t sit with us’ under the name of ‘world peace and unity’.
People can’t put their greed aside to help one another - even in love and relationships, clinging onto the weak, patriarchal ego of the hard teacher. In my case, this is no longer a teaching I need, having endured being cast out by my family and having to be a nomad from age 13 already.
I really miss the experience of backpacking, being with people who are totally happy to share space and who offer helping hands simply from the good inside of their being. I miss being able to be this person as well.
All i know is that as soon as i am well off again, i will forgive but still remember those ‘brothers and sisters’ who turned a blind eye to me when I was in need of community, and remember to always never try to be that person. That person who refuses to share and let go of self-entitlement, who prioritises the needs of the patriarchy before those of family and community, who is not there for a friend or lover when i know i have the means to be and that person has no one else to turn to.
The world is backwards, and its up to us to be better people and lovers guys, really. lets return to community, lets return to sharing and less ego, lets be better to each other and move away from the selfishness of the western mind which is only obsessed with climbing and conquering more land, more possessions, more money, more ego, more possessions. Ambition and drwams of empires - the typical patriarchal colonial conquest that fucked the whole world into war. This is weakness, this takes us further away from manifesting love. With love, all else comes true in the best way possible. With love, we all become better, work harder, achieve easier, and are able to give to each other constantly more and more, and recieve more and more. Love will never lead us astray. Go where love calls. Trust it.
I beg this of humanity. Come back into touch with the divine feminine, nature, community. This begins with showing kindness and compassion and helping one another. Remove the colonial ideas from your sense of community. Love and be free eternally!!
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bembeoriental-blog · 5 years
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The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is banded together as one great brotherhood in the quest for riches, romance, mystery, wisdom, treasure and adventure.
Like the Musketeers, our motto is One for All and All for One!  In times of need, you can call upon your brothers, because you know that you can count on them.
The Brotherhood operates through the principle of strength through unity.  It is a benevolent order that aids its Members, who receive special instruction and practical help on a more personal level than is common to most groups.
Hidden from the world,
Known only to each other,
In the struggle for life or death,
We are brothers to the bone.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is not just another dull fraternity, civic association or social club; it is a true brotherhood devoted to mutual advancement.  It gives social, intellectual and material aid to its Members.
Through the help and strength of our Brotherhood, we join our efforts and work for each others' success and prosperity, helping one another and favoring those who are fellow Members of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood.
Every Member of the Brotherhood enters into a concord that those who rise to success in life first will in turn share the bounty of their good fortune and help their fellow Members.
Joining together for strength, protection and mutual aid, Members of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood help one another in every way possible.  We unite our forces to achieve fortune and success in every area of life, to enrich the Brotherhood and each other.
There are no initiations fee, human sacrifices, etc.  We are a non-political, non-religious LEGAL organization operating in a strictly legal manner. Anyone found committing a crime is automatically dismissed and disqualified from membership.
Who can become a Member of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood?
Anyone with a brave heart and a willing spirit who is ready to cast their fortunes with us and join us in the quest for riches, wisdom and power.  It could be your boss, the stranger on the bus, or the person next door.  It might be the rich CEO of a corporation or the janitor struggling to make ends meet.  In The Oriental Occult Brotherhood, we are all brothers to one another.
Is The Oriental Occult Brotherhood legal?
Absolutely. The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is completely legal and all its activities kept perfectly within the bounds of the law.  Its high morals and code of honor mandate that it operate in a strictly legal manner.  We have no need to break the law or "cheat" to attain to wealth and power.  That is for the weak and powerless.
Then why all the secrecy?
Secrecy must be kept where confidences are shared and alliances forged.  This is a normally accepted practice in big business, where secrecy is often essential to success.  Knowledge is power, and power shared is power lost
Is Membership in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood limited to only certain countries?
No, The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is international in membership.  It is open to all nationalities, races and creeds.  The Brotherhood forms an invisible legion of friends around the world, working together and helping each other.  In countries where private associations or "secret societies" are outlawed, we are simply friends helping one another.
Does it cost a lot to join?  Are there initiation fees?  Do I have to pay dues?
membership into our fraternity is free and normally through a thorough screening. we are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification.
Can The Oriental Occult Brotherhood help me make money?
A life well lived is more than just money although the lack of money is often the source of much unhappiness.
If we possess the same knowledge as the rich and powerful and use the same strategies and tactics, does it not also follow that we, too, can become rich and powerful?
Think about it - take any millionaire and bankrupt him, take away everything he has and it won't be long before he's back on his feet and makes his next million.
How long will it take for me to become rich and powerful?
The The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is about more than just wealth and power, as anyone who observes the often tragic lives of the rich and famous can attest to.
Without true wisdom and inner power, the outer trappings of success are all in vain, for spirit is ascendant over matter.  That which is eternal is of far greater value than that which turns to dust.  The The Oriental Occult Brotherhood's teachings are not aimed merely towards self-aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life.
With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge, inner power and a circle of powerful friends, with grit and determination can attain to success and prosperity.  
The rich rewards of fortune and success are never obtained overnight.  It takes time to be mentored and to learn the secret knowledge, to build a "millionaire mind-set," to work one's way through the ranks and to prove one's loyalty and devotion to the Brotherhood.
Advancement in the Brotherhood's degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away.  Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is the only organization of its kind in the world today, a real secret society for real people.  It does not restrict its membership solely to those born into wealth, privilege and power, but opens the doors of fraternal friendship to those who desire and need most to overcome the limitations of their past circumstances.
Through superior knowledge and an organized The Oriental Occult Brotherhood of power, we shall each and everyone of us attain to wisdom, wealth and success.
WEALTH - POWER - SUCCESS - For All Members, obtained and shared though the Oriental Occult Brotherhood's secret knowledge and hidden circles of power — these are our aims.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood teaches a secret system of power, hidden knowledge and united brotherhood which can raise the poorest and most humble of men into the ranks of the rich and powerful, and achieve even the most impossible dream.
The venerable sages of ancient times taught that if two or more people would unite their inner forces, together they could conquer the world, even though alone they might be weak and powerless.  Joining forces, we become Stronger United, and can achieve great things which we cannot obtain alone.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood offers the bonds of brotherhood to anyone with a brave heart and a daring spirit who will cast their fortunes with us.  We will lead you upon the path to power and a brave new life filled with golden opportunities, friends, money and success.
If you knew the laws of the universe, if you knew what brought you good fortune and what misfortune, which actions led to success and which to failure, would that knowledge not be better than gold and diamonds?  Would it not allow you to achieve any goal?  Have anything you desired?  If you could transcend the barriers of time to look into the future, into the past, if you could see the road that led to happiness, the road to despair, would you not consider yourself fortunate indeed
May you be blessed with happiness and luck, so that you will be able to nourish many, because of your riches and great wealth
Why not start today building that happiness, prosperity, inner power and peace by joining The Oriental Occult Brotherhood?
People make life difficult for their self , we are in the world were everything is in control , i was living a life of poverty and pains, i never new there was a life be young that, but right now i enjoyed every dividend of life , am rich famous , powerful,i live a life with out no stress, but all this was a surprise for any body who want riches famous and power,then you have the chance to do that, join The Oriental Occult Brotherhood occult today to get riches and wealth as membership blessing contact +2349050186170 membership is free, no human sacrifice or bloodshed.
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO: want to join occult in Nigeria” want to join real occult in Ghana” want to join occult in Africa to be rich” want to join an occult for money and power” want to join an occult for wealth and protection” want to join good occult fraternity in Nigeria” want to join great temple of Oriental Occult in Nigeria to be rich” want to join The Oriental Occult Brotherhood occult in Nigeria/Africa” want to join secret society occult in Nigeria” want to be rich and famous want to make money want to win election want to acquire a position want to be wealthy and powerful in life how can i join secret society or cult to make money how can join occult for riches i want to be rich but i don”t know how etc. how do i do money ritual how do i join good occult that will not affect me and my family forever
This page is for those who are seriously interested in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood occult fraternity. People with prejudices and the mob should stay away from here: they would only toddle in darkness and be highly indignant. The described black magic rituals are not without danger and are consequently unsuitable for people who are not mentally in good constitution. Take heed to follow all instructions the way they are described. Without the necessary precautions every ritual will turn to your disadvantage, confusion and total destruction. On the contrary, by following the instructions with precision, you will achieve a complete success in all your enterprises.
Many today are seeking to join a secret society, the one that will give them back their hope and help them to achieve all the things they have wanted in life.
They realize that they have lost their dreams and their ambitions. They have settled for a life of mediocrity. Sadly, many are disappointed, for real secret societies are rare, hard to find and even more difficult to join. The more well known have, over time, lost their own secrets and present merely a facade of mystical mumbo-jumbo without possessing any real substance.
There are no accidents and it is no coincidence that you have been led to The Oriental Occult Brotherhood. The brotherhood reaches out to help you and to offer the hand of friendship and hope.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood knows that everyone has great potential but often they have lost their self-esteem and their desire for a better life. All of us know that we can be better than we are. We are not living up to our potential. Yet we have this fear to take chances, to venture into unfamiliar enterprises and territories.
Membership in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood has given many the courage, the confidence, the knowledge and the power they needed to change their life for the better. Becoming a Member of the brotherhood can give your life a new meaning and direction, and show you how to be happier and more fulfilled.
The Oriental Occult Brotherhood offers simple solutions, a helping hand, and answers. It teaches the secret techniques and methods to become anything you wish to be and to attain all the riches of life. Every Member of The Oriental Occult Brotherhood is given the knowledge and the power to achieve all the success and riches of life that they have dreamed about.
We invite anyone who wishes to forge the spirit of friendship in a true brotherhood of power to join us, to unite our power to your own. Join us and share in the brotherhood’s closely-guarded secrets and circles of power.
Together we can achieve great things that we could not achieve alone. Joining The The Oriental Occult Brotherhood will start you on the path to a new life filled with money, friends, health and the fulfillment of all your dreams. Beginning today, you can change your life and your fortune. Learn how you can have, do and be anything you want in life.
For centuries past, the knowledge and power contained within that which is called the Secrets of the Ages has been kept hidden from the common man and reserved for a wealthy and powerful elite.
Membership in The Oriental Occult Brotherhood, however, is not restricted to members of the rich elite – anyone with a brave heart and a daring spirit who has a strong desire to change their lives and live their dreams is invited to join us.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US NOW. Mobile: +2349050186170 Email : [email protected] Website: Orientaloccultbrothers.blogspot.com
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