The Future of Agrarian Societies        
An agrarian society focuses its economy primarily on agriculture and the cultivation of large fields. This distinguishes it from the hunter-gatherer society, which produces none of its own food, and the horticultural society, which produces food in small gardens rather than fields.
Development of Agrarian Societies
The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agrarian societies is called the Neolithic Revolution and has happened at various times in various parts of the world.
The earliest known Neolithic Revolution happened between 10,000 and 8,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent — the area of the Middle East stretching from present-day Iraq to Egypt. Other areas of agrarian societal development include Central and South America, East Asia (India), China, and Southeast Asia.
How hunter-gatherer societies transitioned to agrarian societies is unclear. There are many theories, including ones based on climate change and social pressures. But at some point, these societies deliberately planted crops and changed their life cycles to accommodate the life cycles of their agriculture.
Hallmarks of Agrarian Societies
Agrarian Societies allow for more complex social structures. Hunter-gatherers spend an inordinate amount of time seeking food. The farmer’s labor creates surplus food, which can be stored over periods of time, and thus frees other members of society from the quest for foodstuffs.
This allows for greater specialization among members of agrarian societies.
As land in an agrarian society is the basis for wealth, social structures become more rigid. Landowners have more power and prestige than those who do not have land to produce crops. Thus agrarian societies often have a ruling class of landowners and a lower class of workers.
In addition, the availability of surplus food allows for a greater density of population. Eventually, agrarian societies lead to urban ones.
The Future of Agrarian Societies        
As hunter-gatherer societies evolve into agrarian societies, so do agrarian societies evolve into industrial ones. When less than half the members of an agrarian society are actively engaged in agriculture, that society has become industrial. These societies import food, and their cities are centers of trade and manufacturing.
Industrial societies are also innovators in technology. Today, the Industrial Revolution is still being applied to agrarian societies. While it is still the most common kind of human economic activity, agriculture accounts for less and less of the world’s output. Technology applied to agriculture has created increases in the output of farms while requiring fewer actual farmers.
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asmogorna · 2 months
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In another universe they could both do the parenting
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blacklightsociety · 4 months
Crystal Tip Of The Day
You know that mysterious glowing green crystal you pulled out of that meteor that landed in your neighbor’s cornfield last night? That one that makes you feel all tingly inside whenever you hold it?
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Meditate with that. Only good things can come of it.
We promise…
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exiled-on-mainline · 1 year
ok look if reddit and twitter are collapsing and facebook and instagram are progressively getting worse with their info stealing. do you think theres any hope tiktok will be next
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chez-mimich · 1 year
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Grazie al “Bando creatività contemporanea”, su un’idea di Corrado Beldi, arriva a Novara nel giardino di Palazzo Faraggiana un’opera di Francesco Simeti, dal titolo “Congetture” ispirata a un quadro dell’esploratore Guido Boggiani che ritrae il “Pan di Zucchero”. Simeti ha realizzato un enorme fondale su pannelli che copre una parte del muro ammalorato della parete sud del giardino del palazzo, con motivi vegetali e animali di notevole suggestione, in consonanza con quanto contiene il museo di storia naturale. L’opera è stata presentata dagli organizzatori di Novara Jazz, da Davide Quadrio direttore del MAO di Torino, e dal curatore Marco Tagliafierro. Ma cosa c’entra tutto questo con il Jazz? C’entra, poiché il Festival porta con sé più di una manifestazione collaterale come presentazioni di libri, mercatini dei vinili ecc. o, appunto, opere d’arte. Il museo Faraggiana è da tempo al centro dell’interesse degli organizzatori che ne hanno già fatto la location per set jazzistici, ma anche per presentazioni di libri sull’argomento, un vecchio pallino di Corrado Beldi che vorrebbe trasformare il museo in un vero polo pluriculturale. A dargli ragione c’è oggi la straordinaria performance di un vibrafonista come Pasquale Mirra che di geografie (musicali e mentali) se ne intende parecchio e infatti la sua suite-viaggio con variazioni su temi dati, entusiasma e non poco il folto pubblico presente. Non si può disgiungere la sua capacità di compositore da quella di sperimentatore, il che fa sì che il vibrafono diventi una band intera con il giusto equilibrio, cosa non semplice, tra strumento e oggettistica ,tra i quali oggetti lascia di stucco la possibilità ritmica di un sacchetto di tappi di plastica magistralmente percossi. Compositore sopraffino e improvvisatore raffinato, Mirra è grande un creatore di geometrie musicali variate, ma sempre equilibrate. Dopo il consueto concerto delle diciannove, sul palco del Broletto ecco l’ora della imponente “Flat Earth Society Orchestra”, quattordici elementi che, più che un concerto jazz, sembrano mettere insieme una immaginifica colonna sonora. Guidati dal loro fondatore Peter Vermeersch si sono molto divertiti a spiazzare il pubblico con continui cambi di registro e di ambienti musicali, dove il jazz entrava ed usciva come da una porta girevole di un hotel. Ma insieme al jazz entravano ed uscivano rock, classica, contemporanea ed altri generi e sottogeneri, appena suggeriti o ironicamente interpretati. Magnifico il brano “de costruito” che parte con la voce piena dell’orchestra e finisce con una sola nota ripetuta (quasi) all’infinito, una sorta di “reductio ad unum” di un tema musicale. Non tanto una lezione musicale con Vermeersch nella veste di docente, bensì una lezione in musica scanzonata e divertente. Il secondo concerto della serata porta sul palco un interessante techno-trio ovvero TUN Torino Unlimited Noise. Musica techno-logica non troppo disturbante, viste le premesse insite nel nome del gruppo che, invece, crea atmosfere sospese punteggiate da inserti del sax di Gianni Denitto. Si finisce con la festa degli universitari con il consueto Dj-set, ma quella è tutta un’altra musica…
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libraryofbronze · 6 months
Smut Idea: A woman moves to a secluded home to live with two male roommates far away from sociey as a live in sex toy in order to fulfill all of their sexual fantasies. Everyday and night she is fucked in a new way, leaving her pussy and body unimaginablly red, sore, and stretched. She is their personal whore and nearly constantly in use by one or the other or both or a vast array of fucking toys and tools.
Lyan could hardly remember what it had been like to be a normal girl. It felt like a lifetime ago, like a fading shadow cast by the flickering flames of a dying campfire. Soon to be extinguished by the coming dawn,
There was a cock inside of her. She was bent over, her breasts pressed into the wooden wall of the old house. Her hardened nipples tingled and jolted, each thrusting pressing her against the solid wood. It felt heavenly, the cock was hard and big, filling her up until tears spilled from her eyes. Her pussy hugged it, gripping it tightly even as pleasure roared through her like a torrent. Each thrust, each motion, each grinding penetration filled her mind with fire and cast those early days even more deeply into shadow.
She hadn’t always been such a cock-slut. She hadn’t always been a soaking, dripping mess of a woman. A toy reduced to her most primal functions, her only purpose to serve and please her betters.
No, that was not how she had started life.
Lyan yelped, a crackling orgasm spun through her nubile body. Her pussy twitched, and her master gave a grunt of satisfaction. He filled her up, his seed pouring into her pussy with a flood of heat and warmth. As he pulled out, she sank to her knees. Her chest heaved, rising and falling. Her eyes were wide, her auburn hair in a tangled mess.
“Better get back to the dishes,” the man chuckled. “When Robert gets back, you’ll be punished if they’re not done. And you know we hate to punish you.”
She felt him sweeping from the room, heard the groaning of old floorboards under his weight. Just like that, she’d been used, fucked, filled and left.
Lyan knelt on the floor, her body trembling. Slowly, she ran one hand between her legs. Her labia were a little swollen. She’d been used a lot lately. A tingle of pain marked the contact. As Jason’s seed dripped from her lower lips, she noted she’d have to beg for a break soon.
Jason and Robert were good about giving her breaks when she needed them. They’d fuck her in the ass for a few days and give her time to recover. Lyan pulled herself to her feet. Her legs were still shaking, little sparks of ecstasy danced across her calves and thighs, and she had to lean against the wall, panting and groaning until she was able to stagger back over towards the half-finished dishes. The soapy water had now grown cold, but there was always plenty of power to heat more.
Running out of money was not a thing that either Robert or Jason had to fear. She didn’t know exactly what they did, but they were rich. Richer than rich, really. The kind of people who were so wealthy they didn’t need to flaunt it. They didn’t like to show off. They wore normal clothes and drove practical, rugged cars. They didn’t boast or brag and they certainly never made a big thing of it.
In fact, the only concession to their wealth was the house itself. It was old, a rebuilt farmhouse from the century prior. A forest had grown up around it, enveloping it slowly over time. The two of them had taken it as a personal project, restoring it and stocking it with the very finest of everything. Yes, it was miles and miles from the nearest civilization but when it had literally anything you could ever want on offer, who cared about the drive?
And ‘’anything’’ of course, included Lyan.
When the dishes were done and put away, she went to report to Jason. He was sitting comfortably in the living room, tucked up against a table upon which there sat an expensive-looking laptop. He didn’t spare her a look, and she figured he was probably doing something important. Playing the stocks? Racing horses? Hunting humans for sport?
Lyan realised she really didn’t know what he did for fun.
Besides her, of course.
“The dishes are done, sir,” she took on an appropriately servile tone. Sometimes, she liked to tease. To bait, to taunt them into punishing her. it was always fun when that happened.
She remembered one time she’d done something particularly bad. They had tied her hands above her head, draping them from a hanging rafter. Robert had taken the hot wax to her body, splashing it across her pale skin with quick, sudden motions. Lyan had whimpered, jumping with each searing pinprick. The feeling had been so intense, so quick. When the hot wax had curled about her left nipple, she’d let out a howling cry, but that was nothing to what she felt when Robert intentionally let a bead of it touch her glistening clitoris.
Oh, how she’d shook! How she’d shivered! She’d been begging for forgiveness by then. Her body clenching, her pussy hot and tight and wet.
They had taken turns fucking her for the rest of the night. First in the pussy, then in the ass. Just when both men were spent and she was sure it was finally over, Jason had revealed that he’d brought in a new shipment of toys. A crate - a whole fucking crate - was waiting to torment her until the dawn.
By the end, she’d been dripping, ruined, a total mess on her hands and knees begging her masters for forgiveness.
In the present, Lyan gave a little moan. Her pussy throbbed, a wave of tightness expanded between her legs. The idea of invoking another punishment was tempting…
But she was already aching. She had to pace herself. That was part of The Agreement.
The agreement. Yes. How long ago had that been? Another life, surely? It felt like it had happened to another girl. A normal girl. A girl still in college. A girl who had to worry about qualifications, about jobs, about a future which was so uncertain.
What would that Lyan think now if she could only see her future self?
“You’d best be ready to go the full way if you’re going to start playing with yourself, slut.”
Lyan’s face coloured. She’d gotten too caught up in the past! Her fingers had started to work the bud of her clit, teasing it with delicate touches and feathery caresses as she remembered her past punishments.
“S-sorry sir,” she said. “I can’t help myself….”
“You are forgiven,” Jason waved a magnanimous hand. “It’s what we made you, after all.”
It was true. That was what they had made her. What she had let them make her.
The agreement, an offer of damnation that seemed to spring from her deepest desires. Total submission. Free use, surrender. Her body would no longer be her own. She would cede control to these men, allow them to use her in every way. To fuck her, to humiliate her, to tease her and torment her.
And she loved it all. She lived for it. At twenty-one years old, Lyan was a professional slut. A free-use whore for her owners and any guests that they chose to bring to the small, isolated house. She’d had more sex in the last year than most women had in three. She was trained, submissive, degraded and humiliated.
And she loved every second of it.
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gatopidao · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ︶⏝︶ ୨ vampire sociey! ✷ icons ୧ ︶⏝︶
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nothing0fnothing · 10 months
"Radical feminism is terf feminism. We all know what you mean when you tag #radfem on your man hating posts." - literally people who have no idea what radical feminism is, and I can't even blame them because terfs ruin everything for everyone.
Radical feminism is the belief that in order to have a truly equal sociey, old systems that uphold inequality need to be torn down and radically rebuilt anew. (Yes a truly gender equitable society includes trans people, why tf wouldn't it?) Feminists in the 70s beleived it and 50 years later its still true, we cannot create equality within an unfair system. We can patch the cracks to try to make it more equal than it was, but after 50 years of patching cracks we know better than ever that the reason people are still disenfranchised in 2023 is because they live in a society that was not created to fairly treat them.
Society will not be truly equal until we create a system that is. That is the core belief of all radical feminism.
Literally no part of that ideology requires gender essentialism to work. Actually gender essential ideology completely opposes radical feminism at its core and combining the two is pretty fucking braindead.
I mean, you're telling me that you beleive that terfs believe gender equality must be predicated by a society that has completely, radically changed every antiquated system and structure but the structure that needs to stay exactly the same as it was in the 1900s and never adapt into modernity or improve at all is the sociological understanding of gender itself? That's crazy. So crazy I'd argue that, No they don't beleive that.
Terfs beleive trans people are icky and gross but know "icky and gross" is not a valid argument, so they stick "feminist" in front of their weird cis only gender ideology thinking it gives it some validity. It doesn't. Terfs, real radfems see through you and the entire feminist community hate you and you know why.
Truly, terfs aren't actually feminists. They're bigots who identify as feminists. They want to be in progressive spaces because as women (and weirdly a lot of them are lesbians but thats a topic for another day) their views will not be heard in conservative ones, but that doesn't mean they belong here. Their circa 1910 inspired gender theory doesn't belong in any progressive, feminist space today, and they know it because on every lefist space they land in they're torn apart and on every Joe Rogan esque, Fox News inspired platform they thrive.
They don't like being called sugar tits on the street or being hit on by their boss, and they think that that makes them feminists, but the truth is the only change they want to see in the existing power structures is change that will only help them. They want a society that supports only cis women. Primarily the white, straight and wealthy women who are happy to conform to bioessentialist gender ideology and uphold patriarchal values, so long as they can work a 9 to 5 and call it #girlbossing at the same time.
They don't actually want to see old structures of power and inequality brought down and radically rebuilt anew. They don't care about most women and they're not radical feminists. They're feminist identified bigots, so I call them FIBs, because even their feminism is a lie.
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pristina-nomine · 2 years
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Mary Crawford and Fanny Price by Darya Shnykina, for the Folio Sociey edition of Mansfield Park
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goodluckclove · 2 months
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i'm fucking dying.
imagine edgar, fresh out of the academy with no concept of actual friends or normal sociey. he gets invited to go out drinking with some coworkers and he sees the one who's been the nicest to him open a beer bottle with a second beer bottle and thinks man she clearly needs a bottle opener. oh - i can help! i can help her!
the swiss army knife was probably one of the nicest things he had at the time and he gave it to her because, in his eyes, she needed it more.
i mean by the time she tried to return it he probably saved up and upgraded to the nicer model. the one with 33 functions, half of which he doesn't recognize and refuses to ask about. still.
songbird tag! @kuebiko-writing @cartoonghosts
@atlasthecactus @aroaceghosties
@booksntea6982 @xarrixii
@mushroommanchanterelle @inadequatecowboy
let me know if you want on or off the list for written segments like this!
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tennessoui · 11 months
I think one of my favorite things about wine party AU is that Padme is simultaneously enjoying herself as a cynical observer while also probably driving *her* friends crazy with complaints like, "And Obi-Wan just had his hand on Anakin's knee the entire time! His KNEE. SCANDALOUS!" And the friends are like "You're sitting on your date's lap? Right now?"
padme's friend: look at this gross amount of pda you're showing it's a bit hypocritical to talk about your friends like they're disgusting when they're touching knees, you know?
padme: don't you dare compare me to them. i have the emotional intelligence to say that this is my boyfriend, who i am in a committed, loving relationship with. those two won't even say they like each other as fully-fledged members of sociey.
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cishetlessfashion · 2 years
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Masc goth vampire nonbinary trans man fashion for anon Blood sucking freak patch Silver fang grillz Nonbinary colors anatomical heart enamel pin Black velvet vest Pink triangle bat patch Herse enamel pin Vampire pinup enamel pin Vampire gender sticker Ouija planchette fanged enamel pin Midnight monster sociey shirt
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dukkedurr · 6 months
Women have gone batshit crazy ever since they were given the freedom to vote. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, they will vote for bigger and bigger government until sociey collapses under its own forced communist rules. After which those same strong independent women become street whores to pay the bills.
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the-grove · 9 months
There is a very valid reason that the whole 5-7-5 thing is the modern american/western understanding of Haikus. It's been awhile but basically translating poetry betwen languages is very difficult, translating writing is already difficult but especially poetry because there are so many things that can go into. Structure, rhyme scheme, use of literary tools like metaphors and alliteration, and other such examples. Languages are also all pretty different and are impacte dby the socieies they are used in. Cultural refrences, casual phrases all of that are hugely important. So when trying to translate poetry or forms of poetry from one langauge to another, new rules are sometimes forms/style of poetry, to try and keep the vibes/meaning of said poem or style. 5-7-5 if I remember correctly is exactly that with Haikus. There are other aspects but thats the one everyone remembers.. because its also very easy to teach that kids!!
Its a very basic rule that can be easily be seen in practice, while harder or more nebulous rules around theme or more complicated structures can be harder to teach younger kids. And since not everyone goes on to become an expert poet, most Americans associate the 5-7-5 with haikus. And thats ok.
Honestly i fell in love with the concepts of translations in poetry in college and if we were actually good at picking up languages it would have been something we would have loved doing.
I left a lot out because again not an expert and just wanted to get the basics across. But yeah, translation is a beautiful thing.(it can also be a scary thing. Because biases and such can also come into play. But its all fascinating).
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theophagie · 1 year
I wanna do what I do best (go on and on about things). And about this
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I feel like it's especially disingenuous to say that not having a superpower is a disability when there are actually disabled characters in the manga (literally in order of appearance: All Might, AFO, Twice, Compress, Overhaul, Mirko, Endeavor, definitely Dabi after the latest arc). The Midoriya we're met with at the beginning of the manga is a stand-in for the average reader, a character that's easy for a real person to identify with in a world of superhumans. And he doesn't "get magically cured of his disability", he is an everyman that is given the chance to elevate himself even higher than those same superhumans
Fanworks are one thing, and people can do whatever they want in them. Wanting to create AUs where certain elements are approached or handled differently than they are in canon is perfectly fine. Entertaining different interpretations is perfectly fine. But it's disingenuous to state that bnha is ableist because it opted out of having a disabled main character when quirkless-ness isn't even meant to represent disability
People who say this always act as if the difference between being quirkless and having a quirk should have been a 1:1 depiction of the difference between being disabled and not being disabled irl. But not only are quirkless people not disabled, people with a quirk cannot be uniquely equaled to abled people either. Quirks can be anything, and having one doesn't assure that you won't be discriminated against, that people will see you "neutrally", or that you will be well-integrated into sociey, if at all. It's less straightforward than that. It's the point of almost all the villains. Look at Toga's life. Look at Spinner's and at that of the other heteromorphs (and if we really want to talk about insensitivity on Horikoshi's part, this is the subplot that we have to look at). Look a the whole paranormal liberation front, at Destro's ideology. On the heroes' side even, look at Shinsou's life, or at Monoma's
In an extra in I believe volume 1, Horikoshi talks about how even though civilians aren't allowed to use their quirks in public, people with "innocuous" quirks like Inko won't suffer any consequences if they do. Is it discrimination? Sure it is. Can it remind you of something that happens in the real world? Of course it can. Both not having a quirk and having certain quirks can have consequences that may be reminiscent of rl-conditions. It's natural, we're all human. We draw on what we know, we repackage elements that we may be familiar with in different forms, we write and read about things that we can understand, that we can relate to, that we can sympathise with, and so on. And fantasy allows you to do just that to different degrees of ambiguity. "The underdog" too is a popular character archetype for a reason
It's still intellectually dishonest to insist that just because you read a fantasy issue in a certain way, that issue can or ought to be 100% overlapped with a real one, and to insult the author for not having treated it as such
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rion-writes · 1 year
for fanfic writer friday--
would love to hear about your wildest sunder city concepts! (or honestly anything else you are hankering to talk about)
This is only a few days?weeks? late.
I've got two meta things floating around in my brain: the Prison Systems that Fetch checks into like he's trying to get a free room from Motel6 and the freaken wizards.
The wizard stuff will come "later" but holy shit. Fetch just goes to prison as a soft reset for him. Like its a brain worm.
He's incredibly stifled by human-normative standerds and their little city was a prison for him. Then he lands himself in each jail we've seen because he's not fit for magical Sunder Sociey, either.
Something bad or transformative happens? Fetch puts himself back into a box.
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