#soda drinker pro!
jrwihasmysoul · 4 months
This is not JRWI related, but. I played Soda Drinker Pro! last night and have some thoughts I'd love to share.
For one, that game is a fever dream.
Each level, you walk. Drink soda. Collect bonus soda. And listen to the thoughts of who I will be calling The Subject. He talks feverishly and repeats himself throughout the game, declaring his love and obsession with soda while also leaving tidbits of information in his dialogue.
Each level also has very distinct music, some being very jarring, others upbeat, and others with a more sinister or off tone. There are 102 main levels, all quite short, and two segments of bonus levels.
The game has an extremely low quality style to it's textures, but gives enough for your mind to fill in the blanks. It's liminal in a sense, and feels like you're stuck in an unbreakable loop as the Subject goes through what I will call Soda Cycles (inspired by one of the level names)
Now. What makes this game stand out? On the surface it's a weird walking sim with not much else to do, but, if you have an interest in liminal or weirdcore games, or have a desire to analyze the fuck out of a game that might not even have a true meaning, it's right for you.
Now that I've established the game, I want to dive into my theories.
》 The Subject
He is clearly a skaterboy, with many themes having skating or cool kid vibes. He wants to be seen as cool or rad, and has the interests of a highschool boy. He never mentions any family, and the world he sees is through a lense of disreality. He is brainwashed completely from start to finish, and a fun little detail i found in the school was a desk with "Bound to Devotion" written on it, which I could assume is his desk, as it was near the back and had what I think was a skateboard drawn on it with cool written nearby?
》 The K&G
This pops up a few times in the game, at the factory and on an advertisement billboard, and is seemingly the name of the Soda Company. The Subject praises this company, and even talks about wanting to work there, and his tone is everything in this game. To put it simply, he sounds utterly brainwashed, and I believe K&G has something to do with it.
I am calling him the Subject because to me, he has always been an experiment to this company. Its learned later in the game that he has been drinking soda since infancy, and each level reflects a life event (some are nonsense and I have ruled as fever dreams/delusions)
There's in particular a school dance that he copes with by obsessing with Soda, yet the next level he is atop a skyscraper and has not exactly a darker tone, but I felt like something was off. I started to form the theory that he experienced cycles around here.
These Cycles go as follows;
》 He loves soda and everything is amazing! He's on his own, with his own thoughts, and just loves life (and soda) He's more repetitive in these stages, mostly lines about loving soda or loving the flavor or mentioning how great it is to drink soda while doing whatever the level is themes for
》 Things start happening in his life, whether it be school or a county faire or something else. He'll mention the moment in relevance to drinking soda, and I thought I should mention, but a few times he also mentions drinking soda with his Best Friend
》 Things start to feel off. I noticed a theme of either falling or sinking in water, but these levels aren't exactly surface level dark, but he talks with a tone more wishing certain things were made of soda (ex. The water he goes to or sinks in) or has a tone that reminds me of somehow clinging to something they know is harmful to them deep down
》 Then we get the weird levels. The ones like dreams. Most have a theme of floating or clouds, and he seems more drifty or even further away from reality. I have a theory this means he is closer to death
》 Then we have the interventions. Like the jail, or the hospital. These ones show him in a more aggressive or firm tone, the hospital in particular being where he insists to an imaginary doctor that the soda keeps him alive and is nutrition (something mentioned many times offhandedly in other levels)
Then, snap right back to the everything is good levels! And that, is the cycle.
Outside of the cycle, there are a few other levels that seem like standalone events in the Subjects life, like a murder scene he came across, or learning from the old man, or being at a wedding.
Now, near the end of the game, you do finally meet the Best Friend. This entity is definitely not human in the slightest, but dances in a skatepark area with soda around. The Subject is in the everything is amazing mindset here. I will note that any other characters have absolutely no dialogue, and any info I know is gathered from the Subject's rambles.
Another theme I just want to point out is hunger. He has a repeating and quiet voiceline throughout pretty much all levels that says "I wish I could eat soda" but often the soda part can be misheard as "something" and that along with other themes adds to the theme of his health. How he neglects it, constantly on the verge of starvation or death, but so infatuated with soda that it consumes his every thought.
All in all, this game was fucking wild to play while high and I think I will devote my entire life and being to soda now
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suburbanoni · 1 year
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airconditioningbob · 9 months
bonus soda!
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digitalfriend08 · 2 years
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For you @charlezarrd
Happy Holidays
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mayariviolet · 8 months
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How They Drink Alcohol (AoT Men)
ft. Jean, Eren, Connie, Reiner and Armin.
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Summary: What they drink when they go out partying or just attending social functions! Also, how they got introduced to alcohol in the first place!
a/n: General headcanons, but these characterizations are primarily for my upcoming Jean Kirstein x Reader fic! I will upload some WIP for the fic soon because I need to be held accountable to keep writing (help me, haha). Slight toxic masculinity from Eren and Jean?
Pro-Taking Shots: Connie and Eren.
Anti-Taking Shots: Reiner, Armin and Jean (he’s lying).
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When he first started drinking, it started with skimming the top of his dad’s liquor before sneaking out to a house party. He watered down some rum before buying some coke at a corner store. Since then, it has been his go-to (and beer, specifically a corona). He doesn’t like ‘jungle juice’ concoctions, no matter how much Connie shoves them down his throat. However, he once went clubbing with your friends, and Connie convinced him to try this cocktail (lime mojito). At first, he was apprehensive, but he was like, “How fucking drunk can this chick drink get me?” and took a sip. Jean got belligerent that night that he didn’t know how many he ordered because it was so good. His credit card company sent him a message asking if his card had been stolen, and he had to explain that it was not a series of suspicious purchases. He is now a massive advocate for fancy cocktails (ESPECIALLY AN ESPRESSO MARTINI), so he’ll splurge on that when he’s out drinking. I can see him getting into whisky when he’s older. A lover of vodka soda, too.
At a wedding when he was younger, his dad offered him a tequila shot (his mom found out and got mad later), and it caused him to vomit so badly that he didn’t drink again until his last year of high school. Eren is a huge beer drinker and ONLY A BEER DRINKER. (Or so he says). He is not very particular about brands, although he likes things more ‘hoppy’ to feel like a man. Eren is the kind of guy to get mad at you for not knowing how to pour beer properly and getting more foam than anything. He won’t admit it, but he had some sips of the lime mojito Jean was having. He got drunk and was over the moon. Eren tried other cocktails, but besides a Long Island iced tea, he’s not a huge fan of other cocktails. When he gets really drunk at the club (he's a lightweight but does a really good job of concealing how inebriated he is), he and Connie will coerce Jean into buying a STUPID AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL TO GET A TABLE (see Jean's suspicious credit card purchases). Think $50 Mango Ciroc and Patron!
When he went on a family cruise at the age of nine, he ordered a “Shirley Temple” (virgin), and he was “drunk.” Fast forward to a shitty date he went on; he ordered a Shirley Temple again. Connie got belligerent, and his date had to take him home. He did not hear from her again. This man is a nut. He loves cocktails so much that he bought a cocktail kit, but he barely measures, so it’s just 90% alcohol and 10% any discernable flavour profile. Connie is the kind of friend who mixes you a drink and says: "It's mostly juice! Just Try it!" but it straight up tastes like pure gasoline. He’ll happily drink anything else but prefers cocktails and mixed drinks over beer, shots, etc. Connie is the type of guy to order “Blow Job” shots as a joke but then gets way drunker than everyone. Surprisingly, he’s a huge Reisingling fan. Unsurprisingly, he and Sasha got blackout at your birthday party after downing half a bottle of Pink Whitney (they snuck away to take turns throwing up in the guest washroom).
Huge whiskey nut and wine snob. He’ll talk your ear off about various wines he’s into, and he actually knows what he’s talking about. Reiner is the kind of guy who will bring a bottle of wine to a friend's birthday dinner, and he gets it RIGHT! He’ll drink beer (not particular about the brand). He only started drinking when he was legal, so there’s no crazy story other than the one time he and Bertolt went to a daytime wine tasting, and by the time they sobered up, it was nighttime, and they were 45 minutes outside of the city. Most times, if Reiner is in a work setting, he’ll drink what other people are drinking, too (but he’ll opt for a vodka seltzer). He’s tried cocktails before, but he’s not a fan.
He hates beer. His grandfather offered him a swig when he kept looking at him, and he never drank again until he was legal. This man is a cider fan, and no one can tell me otherwise. Specifically blackberry and green apple. Armin enjoys wine (red > white) and will listen to Reiner babble on about the best ones. But his drink of choice is a bit pricey: champagne! But if he’s at a party, he’ll just settle for drinking a vodka cranberry. He mentioned to Connie that he likes “Shirley Temples” ONCE, and whenever they all go out, Connie will buy him one. Armin is too shy to decline, so he'll take a couple sips before giving it to either Eren or Jean (they will fight amongst themselves as to who gets to finish it).
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a/n: I included Armin and Reiner because I love them so much, but they're most likely not going to be in my upcoming fic! WAH. Specifically Reiner... I'm sorry, my beloved.
© Please do not copy or replicate my work. Inspiration is appreciated, but credit properly! ♡
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galinbookshelf · 9 months
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I'm the soda drinker pro
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
on a scale of 1 - 10 what would you say the alcohol tolerance of the characters in FnF are.
2 - Caitlyn: She isn't a fan of drinks, and even at social functions, tends to eschew the champagne for a tall glass of water. Sometimes if there is wine served at her family's dinners, she'll take a few sips, make appreciative noises about the label/year, then put the glass on a maid's tray when nobody's looking. The staff know the young miss dislikes spirits, and the nicer ones will sneak her a fresh juice at her mother's parties.
4 - Jayce: Like Caitlyn, he's not too fond of strong drinks. Champagne just goes up his nose, and the hard stuff makes him queasy after a few sips. At galas, he'll snag a glass of champagne - and then proceed to hold on to it for the duration of the night so nobody tempts him with refills. On the rare occasions he partakes too much, he's a friendly but somewhat pensive drunk. Will ruminate at length over his Hex-tech projects, science, magic, philosophy, the human condition - and his mom. Awww.
6 - Viktor: Undercity-born and bred, so he's had his share of gutrot hooch when growing up in the Fissures. Has better tolerance than Jayce, and sometimes monitors his science-buddy's intake to make sure he doesn't fall asleep facedown in some caustic solution. On principle, he is a teetotaler. Not only would booze exacerbate his poor health, he's generally at once drunk and high off the adrenaline of his and Jayce's projects. If he breaks his own rule and actually gets drunk, you'd best leave him alone. He's a quiet, bitter, irritable mess who just wants to lament his fickle mortality in peace.
7 - Jinx: Likes the fruity concoctions and cocktails, and can knock 'em back like a pro - but she isn't allowed a lot of opportunity to partake, because 1) Silco orders his crew to keep watch over her intake, and 2) having grown up in a bar, she doesn't find alcohol a huge novelty. Mostly, she sees liquid cheer as something losers need to give them courage. She's already got plenty. Not to mention loads of heavy artillery, all which requires a cool eye and a steady hand. She'll stick to her favorite cherry soda in her favorite sippy cup, tyvm.
8 - Vi: She's not much of a drinker. Like Jinx, having grown up in a bar, she also doesn't find alcohol hugely interesting. In many ways , the opposite: she's watched people get belligerent and make absolute jackasses of themselves while drunk. If invited to a night of drinking, she'll indulge in moderation, then quickly go into 'designated driver' mode and begin watching her companions' intake. Booze isn't bad for a little buzz, but she hates having to break the seal and go pee every twenty minutes.
9 - Silco: This man grew up drinking absolute poison. By this point, either his liver is made of steel - or on its last legs. That said, he's more of a casual drinker; he can go without alcohol if necessary, but nicotine is his real vice. Has an appreciation for top-shelf whiskeys, and the rare vintage wine - but in a pinch he'll drink the same swill as everyone else in the Lanes without batting an eyelid. Best stop him from getting drunk though. He's prone to rants full of billingsgate and general belligerence. Might threaten to gouge out someone's eye with a broken bottle right before he blacks out.
9 - Mel: Has a surprising tolerance for strong drink, and enjoys using them to smooth tempers and sweeten temperaments during galas and negotiations. A little liquid cheer enhances a good verbal spar in her experience. That said, she prefers high-end wines and will turn up her nose at hard liquors and beers. She also prefers to drink in moderation, so it's very rare that you'll find her tipsy, let alone drunk. On the rare occasion that it happens, she'll get somewhat quiet and melancholy, and want to go paint by herself.
10 - Sevika: An enigmatic well of a woman. Booze goes in. Nothing comes out. Not words, not tears, not tantrums. She's been known to drink the toughest comrades under the table, then shrug it off and go shoot pool or enjoy a round of darts. She's also the person the crew summon when Silco threatens to get too deep into his cups. He'd never tolerate being bodily hauled up to his quarters. But she can match him shot-for-shot and take his invective in stride, until he subsides into sleep. (She'll treat herself to his fine cigars afterwards. The next day, Silco will pretend he doesn't notice they're missing.)
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withteeths · 5 months
other games that are obvious inspirations, soda drinker pro, funny pizza land, dontel the dolphin, revenge of the sunfish
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kdinjenzen · 9 months
What is the most bizarre game you've ever played
Soda Drinker Pro
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1hoverman0k · 1 year
absolutely enraptured by the idea of a game that is well liked but never gets very popular (i.e. 21 the world, noita, even soda drinker pro) hiding a massive amount of content behind secrets so obscure that nobody ever finds out how to access it. spending valuable development time on something you dont intend players to ever find is plain stupid especially as an indie dev with little to no funding but when im like 56 years old living in my metaverse pyramid im gonna make a game where there is an entire other half locked behind an unreasonable secret
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grox · 2 years
Hey are you into soda drinker pro
I am! I think its really fun
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jrwihasmysoul · 4 months
I like to think that Soda used to play "Soda Drinker Pro!" religiously before everything that happened
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bahrlee · 2 years
Remembered Soda Drinker Pro suddenly. Does anyone else remember Soda Drinker Pro
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syrupspinner · 3 months
I beat genital jousting
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I'll let you know if I ever build up the courage to ask a group of people to help me with the multiplayer achievements
so. penises am I right. I think I speak for everyone when I say it's just an inherently stupid part of the body. I think if you showed an adult a penis for the first time they'd react with fleeting amusement, just seeing it flop around and change shape
fun fact, I'm usually the designated penis explainer to virgins. before I came out I was always the only boy in a female friend group (now I'm just the only penis'd one) so I always ended up roped into situations where I had to explain my genitals to giggling drunk girls, at their excited insistence. their first question was always how our balls don't get crushed when we walk with our legs together, where I explained that the penis is mostly in front of the body instead of right between the legs like a vagina is, so they usually just rest above the thighs
oh my god I haven't talked about video games in almost 3 minutes! Genital Jousting is just okay
I want you to close your eyes and imagine a penis. it's wearing a silly outfit, like a suit or a jumpsuit with long flailing arms. it's writhing on the ground like a water hose you let go of, only instead of water its farts. it also has an anus for penis sex.
did you laugh? buy the game. you'll get a giggly afternoon
theres something that can easily be considered a problem with comedy games like this. y'know the kind, like Jazzpunk and Dr. Langekov. they're short, so they're not very substantial, but you can't really correct for that because then the games humour will just start to grate and stop being funny. seriously, imagine if Octodad or Soda Drinker Pro had 30hr+ campaign modes, and think about the stone-dead neutrality that would be on your face in the endgame.
but unlike other short games, with maybe the exception of puzzle games like Superliminal and Manifold Garden, it doesn't have a lot of replayability. sure, it can still be entertaining, but a joke will never be as funny as the first time you heard it
but it doesn't need to be long or replayable, because it's funny. and yeah, the campaign was funny enough
but it's kinda unfair to say this game isn't replayable, because there's the multiplayer mode. I struggle to imagine a situation other than a queer polycule where playing penis soccer doesn't secretly make everyone kinda uncomfortable, but a niche audience is still an audience. in highschool, I was friends with the kinda people who had that picture book with the hole in the middle, where you stick your penis through and it's an elephant trunk or something equally silly. the only problem is that jokes aren't usually sexy, at least if they need a whole setup like that, so you're usually flaccid by page four. I guess you could watch porn, but that seems a little impersonal given the-
right. video game. 
in my experience, the multiplayer mode is decent fun if you're at that kinda party, and it's up to you to make the judgement call of if the present company can handle it. "let's play the penis game" is a dangerous sentence to your coworkers. I think the amount of time they expect you to put in is a little extreme though, I don't think many people filled the Penis Milk Tank all the way naturally. yeah, that's uh, how you unlock things in this game. it's like a battle pass, but more verile. 
so basically, it's a quick silly romp through pen island. personally, I though $9 Canadian was worth the chuckles - it wasn't laugh-out-loud funny, but dick jokes aren't my thing anyway. Besides, I've paid more than that for a burger. I shouldntve, but it's a comfort food and we were at a new restaurant, I was justified.
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koffeetips · 7 months
How To Make Coffee Less Acidic: The Quest for a Calmer Cup In 5 Easy Ways
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How to make coffee less acidic? Imagine this: you wake up, excited for a steaming cup of coffee to kickstart your day. But as you take that first sip, a familiar zing hits your tongue – the dreaded coffee acidity. It leaves you wincing, wishing for a smoother, gentler experience. So, how to make coffee less acidic? My research says there is a hidden path to a less acidic cup, which unlocks a world of flavor without the unwanted sourness. Let's explore the secrets to brewing a cup that's as kind to your stomach as it is delicious. Acid's Bitter Bite: Understanding the Coffee Coffee's acidity isn't a villain. It's a natural part of the bean, contributing to its complex flavor profile. Sometimes, those bright, citrusy notes can become overwhelming, leading to heartburn, indigestion, and that unpleasant sour aftertaste. Studies show that around 20% of coffee drinkers experience these issues, so you're not alone! I too don't like sour coffee, no matter how expensive or cheap the coffee costs. The Science Behind the Solutions Here are some key facts and data-driven solutions to help you brew a less acidic cup: 1. Roast Revelation: The Power of Darkness Did you know that darker roasts are your acidity-busting allies? Lighter roasts retain more of the bean's natural acids, while darker roasts undergo a longer roasting process that breaks down these acids, resulting in a smoother, less acidic brew. According to the National Coffee Association, light roasts typically have a pH ranging from 4.5 to 6, while dark roasts hover around 6 to 7. So, next time you're at the coffee shop, opt for a French roast or an espresso blend for a gentler experience.Data point:A study by the National Coffee Association found that 62% of Americans prefer dark roast coffee. 2. Brewing Buddies: Time and Temperature Water temperature and brewing time play a crucial role in acidity. Overheating or over-extracting your coffee can amplify its acidity. For a less acidic cup, try: Cold brew: This method uses cold water and a long brewing time (12-24 hours), resulting in a smooth, naturally less acidic coffee. Medium grind and shorter brewing time: For a less acidic potion, opt for a coarser grind. A coarser grind size makes the brewing a slower extraction process, yielding a cup of coffee with reduced acidity. Use a medium grind and aim for a brewing time of 2-3 minutes. This prevents over-extraction and keeps the acidity in check. Data point:  A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that cold-brew coffee had a 67% lower acidity level than hot-brewed coffee. 3. Beyond the Bean: Milk's Magic Touch Milk isn't just a creamy addition, it's an acidity neutralizer! Milk's proteins and calcium carbonate act as buffers, reducing the perceived acidity of your coffee. Plant-based milks like almond or soy milk can also work, offering a dairy-free option. So, whether you prefer a latte, cappuccino, or a simple splash of cream, let the milk magic unfold as you craft your ideal cup of morning bliss.Data point:A study published in Food Chemistry found that adding milk to coffee increased its pH level (making it less acidic) by 0.5 units. 4. Unconventional Heroes: Eggshells and Baking Soda Looking for a unique twist? Try adding eggshells or baking soda to your coffee. Eggshells are naturally alkaline and can neutralize acidity, while baking soda (in small amounts) can have a similar effect. Remember, moderation is key to avoid altering the taste significantly.Caution:Consult your doctor before trying baking soda if you have any health concerns. 5. Freshness is Key: Store Like a Pro Stale coffee beans are more acidic than fresh ones. Store your beans in an airtight container away from light and heat to preserve their flavor and minimize acidity. Beyond the Recipe: Your Coffee Journey Awaits Remember, brewing the perfect cup is a personal journey. Experiment with different roasts, brewing methods, and additives to find what works best for your taste buds and stomach. Don't be afraid to get creative and explore the endless possibilities the coffee world offers. Dear readers, please share your brewing adventures in the comments below. What alchemical methods have you employed to make your coffee less acidic? Are you a fan of the dark roast enchantment, or do you prefer the milk and coffee in your cup? Your insights may be the key to unlocking new dimensions of flavor for our fellow homebrewers. So, let the conversation begin – what's your secret to a harmonious cup of coffee? Let's continue this quest for delicious and gentle coffee together. Email Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Keep In Touch If You Like My Articles. As much as I like to share my knowledge and skills with you, I love to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or comments, please click here. Also don't forget to subscribe to our quarterly newsletters if you like my blogs and like to keep in touch. Of course, read more blog posts I post now and then, such as  "Best Low Acid Coffee K Cups". Read the full article
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life-sport-travel · 1 year
Are Carnival Cruise Drink Packages WORTH IT in 2023?
https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1858 Are Carnival Cruise Drink Packages WORTH IT in 2023? - https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1858 Before You Decide to Purchase a Carnival Cruise Drink Package in 2023 you need to know all the details. To help you decide if a Carnival Cheers Package is worth it, we put together this video covering all the costs and inclusions. Subscribe to the Eat Sleep Cruise YouTube Channel if you love to travel and cruise the world! If you enjoy the video, please make sure to give it a BIG THUMBS UP! CARNIVAL CRUISE DRINK PACKAGES 2023 0:00 Introduction 1:10 Drinks Included on a Carnival Cruise 1:48 Carnival Drink Package Basics 2:53 Purchasing a Carnival Drink Package 4:30 The Costs of a Carnival Drink Package 5:30 Drink Package Limits 6:30 Cheers Beverage Package Details 7:58 Bottomless Bubbles Details 8:54 Carnival Drink Prices 9:50 Is a Carnival Drink Package Worth it? GUIDE TO CARNIVAL CRUISE DRINK PACKAGES Currently, @Carnival offers two drink packages, the Cheers Drink Package and Bottomless Bubbles. Most likely, you are interested in learning about the Cheers Package. This is the Carnival Cruise alcoholic drink package. Regardless of the drink package you choose, all drink packages have the same terms and conditions. Cruisers have to purchase a Carnival Cruise drink package for the entire duration of the trip. All cruisers in a cabin must purchase the package, and the package costs do not include an additional 18% gratuity added at checkout. Our Carnival Drink Packages review focuses primarily on the cruise line’s alcohol drink package. Currently this package is $59.99 a day before the gratuity. This package covers all alcoholic drinks up to $15. This includes beer, wine, mixed drinks, frozen drinks, and specialty cocktails. The package also includes premium non-alcoholic drinks, like soda, specialty coffees and teas, as well as Powerade. While there is no limit to how many non-alcoholic beverages one can consume, there is a limit to how many alcoholic beverages one can drink with the package. Right now, Carnival limits cruisers to 15 alcoholic drinks in a 24 hour period. When determining if the Carnival Cruise drink package is worth it, you need to know your own drinking habits. If you would consume more than 5 drinks a day, on average, the package is probably a good value. Beers drinkers need to regularly put down closer to 7 lagers a day to make it a good value. Neither of us regularly drink that many alcoholic drinks, but we do consume plenty of specialty coffee, bottled water, and other non-alcoholic beverages that we still think the Carnival drink package is worth it. WE HAVE MORE CARNIVAL CRUISE DRINK PACKAGE TIPS BACK ON THE BLOG: https://eatsleepcruise.com/complete-guide-to-drink-packages-on-carnival-cruise-line TRENDING VIDEOS FROM EAT SLEEP CRUISE: We Tested 9 Brand New Cruise Ships: Top New Cruise Ships 2023: 25 Expert Alaska Cruise Tips and Tricks: Carnival Celebration Full Ship Tour: Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel to get the latest cruise tips, cruise reviews, packing guides, port guides, travel tips, and more. Join us on Social Media as we “Sea the World, One Port at a Time.” Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: #carnivalcruise #carnivalcruiseline #cruise Some Promotional Video Courtesy of Carnival Cruise Line Royalty-Free Music Courtesy: Should you buy a carnival drink package well if  you have that question you're not alone because   It's a question we get from a lot of Cruisers  of course there are many factors involved in   Deciding if a beverage package is right for  your next Cruise we've had the chance to test   Out the carnival drink package on a few recent  sailings and we see several pros and cons of   Purchasing one so if you have a Carnival Cruise  coming up this video is for you as we give you   All the details to help you decide if you should  purchase a drink package up next good [Applause] Welcome aboard Cruisers I'm Don B from eat sleep  Cruise where we help you plan the perfect Cruise   So you can see the world one word at a time  now while there might be benefits to buying   A drink package there are also some reasons  why a cruise ship drink packaging actually be   A complete waste of money so in this complete  guide to dream packages on Carnival we detail   The plans drink prices and answer the most common  questions we hear from Cruisers to help you decide   If a carnival drink package is right for your  next Cruise now before we dive into the basics   You might be asking yourself what drinks do you  actually get on a Carnival Cruise for free well   Some beverages that are part of the Carnival  Cruise Fair are available 24 hours a day in   The Lido Marketplace they're also free while  dining room dining rooms these options include   Non-bottled water lemonade iced tea hot chocolate  and non-specialty coffees and teas along with   Some juices during breakfast so that's the only  thing that's actually covered in the cruise Fair   So if you want something else to drink on a  Carnival Cruise you will need to pay extra   Now before diving into details there are some  Carnival drink package Basics that you need to   Know about the program all drink packages on  Carnival Cruises are priced per person per day   You must purchase a drink package for the  entire length of the cruise you're not able   To purchase it for slight dates the stated prices  do not include the additional 18 service charge   Which is added at the very end when purchasing  the package additionally applicable state and   Local taxes will be applied to purchases  made in U.S Waters once on board the ship   The beverage packages are non-refundable and  non-transferable after 9 pm the evening before   Your departure dream packages on Carnival are not  offered on two-day cruises or chartered sailings   You can use the drink package almost everywhere  in the ship this includes the bars and lounges   Complimentary dining venues and Specialty  restaurants however Carnival's drink package   Does not work at the cruise Line's private islands  Half Moon key or princess key in the Bahamas   They're essentially two ways that you  can purchase the carnival drink package   You can purchase drink packages on Carnival  online free Cruise or once on board the ship   Purchasing the beverage package pre-crews  will save you 10 off the onboard prices   The cutoff for pre-purchase is 11.59 the day  before embarkation if you pre-purchased a carnival   Drink package it'll be activated upon boarding  the ship you should head to a bar once on board   The ship for a sticker which will be placed on  your sale and sign card due to state laws the   Cheers package cannot be sold on the first day of  the cruise on departures from Texas or New York   If you have pre-purchased the package it will  only be activated at 6am on the second day of   The cruise drinks purchased on the first day of  the cruise will be charged to the guest sale and   Sign card in the usual manner when sailing from  those two states now while it's never mandatory   To buy a drink package there is no sharing of  dream packages or using your package to order   Drinks for other Cruisers so if one guest in The  State Room wishes to purchase a beverage package   Each adult in the cabin needs to purchase  one as well cruises must be 21 years of age   Or older to purchase the cheers program which is  Carnival Cruise Line's alcoholic beverage package   Now for the most part when you hear the word  drink package that's what you're probably   Thinking about the cheers program however Carnival  Cruise Line does offer a second drink package   Known as bottomless Bubbles and this is the  unlimited soda program on Carnival Cruise ships   When compared to the competition the drink  package on Carnival Cruise Line is actually   Pretty modestly priced the cheers package starts  at 59 per person per day whereas the bottomless   Bubbles soda package starts at 6.95 per day  for children and 9.50 per day for adults now   Of course those prices are before the 18 gratuity  which will be added at the end of the transaction   Now if you're looking to save money we highly  recommend that you purchase the drink package   Pre-cruise as you can save 10 on your Carnival  drink package by buying it online however in our   Experience we don't really see any other discounts  other cruise lines like Royal Caribbean often   Run pre-cruise deals where you can save 25 30 or  even sometimes 40 off the retail price of a drink   Package also we rarely see travel agents give  the drink package as a perk unlike some other   Premium cruise lines like Celebrity Cruises  or Princess Cruises another major difference   Between the carnival drink package and some of the  competition is a number of drinks included in the   Drink package again contemporary cruise lines like  Royal Caribbean and Norwegian Cruise Line have   Unlimited drink packages meaning in theory you can  get as many drinks as possible throughout the day   However with Carnival Cruise Lines drink  package you cannot consume more than 15   Alcohol drinks per 24 hour period which  starts at 6 a.m and runs till 6am of the   Following day now soda and other non-alcoholic  beverages are unlimited with the package   No matter what package you choose you can also  only get one drink at a time and there's a five   Minute wait time between orders also with the  carnival drink package there are no double shots   As that's actually considered ordering two drinks  at once of course staff do have the right to   Refuse You by our service if you are intoxicated  so knowing your limits is just as important on a   Cruise ship as it is during regular life back  on land now as we mentioned Carnival Cruise   Line offers only one alcoholic drink package  known as the cheers beverage package but many   Cruisers just refer to this as a drink package or  the alcoholic drink package this plan covers all   Alcoholic beverages including beers wine and  champagne by the glass as well as cocktails   And spirits up to twenty dollars per glass  this also includes a self-serve beer stations   Further the carnival drink package also includes  soda virgin cocktails juices specialty coffees   And teas milkshakes energy drinks Powerade and  vitamin water and half a liter bottles of water   The GS program also entitles Cruisers to a  25 discount of any drink costing more than   A 20 allowment wine in Champagne by the bottle  and beverage seminars and classes however there   Are some exclusions to the cheers program this  includes beverages sold in souvenir glasses and   Bottles of liquor also annoyingly drinks sold  at the gangway aren't included in the package   Further room service or mini bar items are also  not including this beverage package sharing   Cocktails wine machines pitchers and buckets are  not included either while there is a limit of 15   Alcoholic drinks with this Carnival drink package  soda and non-other alcoholic beverages do not   Count towards its limit with the bondless bubbles  Carnival's unlimited soda package for one flat   Fee Cruisers can enjoy all the fountain soda and  juices they want like the alcohol drink package   You can only order one drink at a time either a  16 ounce glass of soda or a 10 ounce glass juice   On Carnival Cruise Line sort of choices  include Pepsi products for juices freezers   Have the option of orange juice cranberry juice  tomato juice pineapple juice and grapefruit juice   Like the chairs program this package does not work  off the ship even at Half Moon Ki or princess keys   Bottled water and Specialty coffee are not part  of this package it's literally just soda and   The juice is mentioned other exclusions include  beverages sold in souvenir glasses beverages sold   At the gangway and room service orders now before  deciding if the carnival drink package is worth   It it might be good to have a general sense of  the carnival drink prices now in the description   Down below we have a link to our complete  guide to Carnival drink packages on our blog   Which includes several menus so you can see  the exact prices of the particular Brands and   Different cocktails and drinks that you might  want to order but in general beers on Carnival   Cruise Line start around six dollars and fifty  cents a serving Lines by the glass at around 9.50   Most mixed drinks are between 7.50 and some  cocktails do go all the way up to twenty dollars   With specialty cocktails starting  around 10.50 soft drinks cost about 2.75   Espresso-based specialty coffees range  in price from around 2.50 to 4.25   Any drinks are around 4.95 and bottles of water  are between a dollar fifty to five dollars   Of course this brings us back to the original  question our Carnival cruise packages of good   Value essentially the question is whether you'll  consume enough beverages to make the purchase   Worth it well you can use this chart on the screen  which is also found back on our website to do some   Quick math to see if you would routinely hit  the daily drink costs of the above packages   Ultimately you need to know your own  habits to determine if the dream package   Is on Carnival will be a good value during  your cruise of course you should consider   Things such as the length of the cruise and  how many ports of call are on the itinerary   For instance would you be able to sustain the  same drinking pattern on a three or four day   Cruise as you would over the course of a 7 or  10 day cruise plus if your cruise is very Port   Intensive will you be on the ship long enough  to make good use of your Carnival drink package There are some pros to dream package of course  if you pre-pay for the drink package you never   Have to worry about the bar tab at the  end of the cruise so it's very convenient   This also makes your cruise feel more  all-inclusive while we don't go overboard   With alcohol drinks see what we did there we do  consume plenty of bottled water specialty coffee   Vitamin water and Powerade and the occasional  soda combining our alcoholic and non-alcoholic   Drink purchases we usually recognize a  cost savings with the beverage package   This is especially true as my wife is a fan of  cocktails and doesn't really drink much beer or   Wine those drinks often cost 10 to 15 dollars so  it takes fewer drinks for her to hit that break   Even point and me well I just drink anything  in general if you plan on drinking around six   Alcoholic drinks a day then getting the cheers  beverage package is probably worth it for you   Of course if you wish to forego a beverage  package you can always pay a la carte for   Your drinks purchase on the ship you can  also purchase items pre-cruise via your   Cruise planner and be delivered to your state  the price for bottled water are very reasonable   On Carnival Cruise Line when compared to some  competitive brands further on embarkation day   Guests are allowed to bring on board a maximum of  12 12 ounce cans slash cartons of non-alcoholic   Beverages per person in their carry-on yes  21 years of age or older may also bring on   Board once 750 milliliter bottle of unopened  wine or champagne in that carry-on luggage   Now if you're new to cruising or nude cruising  with Carnival Cruise Line and you need more help   Planning a cruise don't worry we have you  covered we suggest you check out our latest   Video of everything that's included on a Carnival  Cruise plus what will cost you extra in that video   We detail everything that's covered in the cruise  Fair plus all those additional costs the cruise   Line doesn't tell you about that way you don't  get sticker shocked when you walk off the ship Mike Izzo https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1858
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