#soft!Liebgott my beloved
softguarnere · 2 years
The Freudian Slip (Part 2/2)
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Part (2/2) - you can call me names if you call me up
Joe Liebgott x reader
A/N: You guys ever mishear a song lyric and center a fic idea around it, only to realize later that you've been singing it wrong for months? Yeah, that's me with "3 Nights" by Dominic Fike. I could have sworn the lyrics were "you can call me names if you call me yours", so at this point, we're just gonna have to commit to it, because this fic took me way too long to finish to change it now lol. (This is written for the fictional depiction from the show -- no disrespect to the real life veterans!) Also thank you to all the lovely tumblr friends who helped with ideas for this fic or offered encouragement 😌 I'm honestly so honored that people reached out to tell me they were excited for part 2💕🕊️
Warnings: depictions of war, language
Things have been different since that day in the foxhole. But you can't find the words the express why it feels that way. Or at least, you can't until Liebgott swipes some Hershey Bars from Luz and tosses one to you.
"He's acting so weird," you confide in Luz, who shoots you a mildly annoyed look when you rip open the wrapper and take a bite. The radioman sighs as he readies himself for the patrol. You roll your eyes, gently knocking your foot against his leg. "I'm sorry I got one of the chocolate bars. You can have half if you want."
Luz laughs, but it's not his usual upbeat chuckle. "No, (Y/N). It's just that he was right."
"Well I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day. What was he right about?"
"You." George gives you his full attention. He looks exasperated. "You really haven't picked up on any of his hints." When you raise your eyebrows in question, he sighs again. "(Y/N), are you telling me that you really haven't realized that Liebgott has feelings for you?"
The next bite of chocolate almost lodges itself in your throat as you take a surprised inhale. Carefully, you finish chewing it, wrapping up the rest of the Hershey Bar for later before you ask, "What the hell are you talking about?"
Luz curses softly under his breath. "I can't believe it."
"George, I don't even know what you're talking about. Liebgott hates me." I don't hate you, he had said back in the foxhole that day. "Okay, he doesn't like me very much. That's why he's so mean to me."
Except for recently, when he's suddenly been so different around you. While you've still been tossing teasing remarks his way and trying to ignore the affection you've developed for him through the course of the war, Joe has suddenly stopped his teasing, instead settling for always making sure that you have a K Ration before anyone else, or that you're okay after any sort of run-in with the Germans.
But what does that mean?
Almost as if he can hear your thoughts, Luz provides an answer. "You guys were always sort of hard on each other. But then when he realized that he had feelings for you --"
"How would you know?"
"Because he told me," Luz deadpans. "After Bastogne and Foy and everything, we got to talking one day, and he said that after what you said he realized that he liked you. I told him I didn't know how you felt, but that maybe if he changed how he acted around you, you would catch on."
More questions swirl through your mind at a million miles an hour. You manage to catch onto a few of the more coherent ones. "You mean you knew? And you didn't tell me?"
"He came to me because I'm your friend. I thought that you would catch on and you guys would work it out. I didn't know it would get dragged out like this!"
"And what do you mean, 'after what I said'?" Nothing particularly interesting had happened in the foxhole. Liebgott had established that he didn't completely despise you, you had acted perfectly normal considering that you were stuck with your crush for a whole day, and then he had let you rest. There was hardly any conversation, all things considered.
George's eyebrows scrunch together as he thinks. "Something you called him. Sweetheart, or something. But in German."
"Liebling," you translate automatically.
It feels as if ice water has just been dropped over your head, chilling your spine and then settling in the pit of your stomach. Oh no. Liebling. Liebgott. What did you do?
Before you can even start to think that maybe calling the man you've secretly been in love with Darling isn't as bad as you might think, Luz's mouth falls into a capital O. The icy water in your stomach churns. "I've messed up."
Instead of grinding to a halt, the world around you continues on. Luz even begins readying his gear again. But you need time to think.
"What do I do?"
"Well that depends," your friend says. "How do you feel about Liebgott?" He shoots you a quizzical sideways glance. When you bite your lip, you suddenly have his full attention again. "Oh shit. So you do like him back." There's no question in his voice -- it's a statement of fact.
The very fact you had hoped to keep hidden. The fact that you somehow revealed to the person you were trying to hide it from.
"You're not going on the patrol, and neither is he," Luz points out gently. "Maybe . . ."
. . . you can talk to him while everyone else is away, he doesn't finish, but for the first time in forever, you manage to take a hint.
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth while you think. "Yeah. Maybe."
By some stroke of luck – good or bad, you have yet to figure out – you get paired up with Liebgott to man one of the machine guns on the American side of the river. Not the most appropriate time to have a conversation about your feelings towards each other. But then again, there’s a war going on. If not now, when? Something else will always come up. There could always be some other excuse not to talk to him, and then you would just put it off forever. No time like the present.
If only you could find the right words . . . like you had back in the foxhole, when it had been an accident.
“Something wrong?” Liebgott asks as you set up the machine gun. Down below the building, everyone who will be crossing the river is starting to group up, getting final orders before they head out.
“Just thinking. I’m glad it’s not us.” It’s only half a lie. You are glad that you’re not going to be in a tiny boat on a cold river. But it’s not necessarily the thought at the forefront of your mind.
Liebgott nods. “Yeah, well, they didn’t need three translators. High time that Webster pulled his weight around here, after four months in that hospital.”
There’s something about the way he says it that makes you suspect he had something to do with the last-minute notice that you wouldn’t be crossing the river. “Did you do something?”
“Technically, Webster came to the decision on his own. After I pointed out that his German is just as good as ours.”
Just as good as ours. Huh. In the past, he was never willing to put the two of you on par with each other. In your chest, your heart fumbles and it feels like tripping over your own feet when you run.
“Thank you.”
“For what? I didn’t do anything.”
“No, but . . .” Damnit, where are the words when you need them? You huff a sigh. “I’ve been thinking. About when you got hit in the neck in Holland.”
His eyebrows disappear beneath the brim of his helmet as he raises them. “And why is that?”
Your throat goes dry. A second before, you had convinced yourself that there was no time like the present. And now that it’s here . . . You’ve been less nervous in high-stress combat situations.
“That was when I realized how I felt about you,” you admit, the words tumbling out in a rush before you can hold them back. “That was when I realized that I like you.”
Cool, confident Liebgott is good at keeping his face neutral when he wants to. It’s one of the things that you’ve picked up on from watching him, one of those little things about him that you’ve come to adore just because it’s part of what makes him him. For a split second, he freezes. Being so close to him, you can’t miss it. His face starts to go neutral, but the side of his mouth twitches upwards a bit.
“(Y/N), if you’re fuckin’ with me . . .”
“I’m not.”
He laughs louder than someone trying to set up in a stealthy position probably should. It’s not his usual laugh; its half relieved, half confused. “You called me Liebling, but kept pestering me like it was any other day.”
“You used to poke fun at me all the time!”
“Yeah, used to. Then I realized why I was doing it. I thought you would have figured it all out.” He smirks. “I kind of miss giving you a hard time, though. Calling you names and challenging you.”
“Well, you could call me names if you call me yours.” You both blink, taking in what you’ve said. His careful expression cracks to reveal a smile.
“You called me Liebling,” Liebgott remembers. For the first time – or actually, the first time that you’ve noticed – he looks at you with a soft expression as he fondly takes you in instead of sizing you up for competition. “So how does that fit into this?”
“To be fair, I don’t remember saying it,” you admit. You rush on before he can look disappointed, “A Freudian slip; I was worn out and kind of excited about being a foxhole with you.”
He gives you one of his goofier smiles. “Well if I had known that at the time . . .”
You roll your eyes. “Oh yeah. What an experience that would have been.”
“Still . . .” He steps around the machine gun, closing the distance between you. “Do you want me to call you mine? Even if I tease you sometimes?”
“Alright then.” Liebgott’s smile is bright enough to light up the night and give away your position. “But what if I call you Darling instead?”
Keeping your eyes on him, you reach out and find his hand, intertwining your fingers together; it makes it feel official, somehow. “Then I would like that very much.” You squeeze his hand. It’s surprisingly soft, like his heart, which he has chosen to expose part of to you. “And what should I call you?”
“Anything you want. As long as you call me yours.”
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
May I request band of brothers x reader and reader falling asleep on them?
Yes ofc thank you for your request my beloved! 💗
BoB reaction to you falling asleep on them
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genre: Romance; fluff
warnings: none
Description: BoB reaction to their s/o (you) falling asleep on them for the first time
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Dick Winters
Okay so I think he would he shocked at first seeing you lay your head right on his chest with ease., “What are they doing?” Is what he’s probably thinking in his head, once he finally hears your soft snores, then he’d notice that you’ve fallen asleep on him. He’s smile softly to himself, making sure to be extra quiet and careful not to wake you up. Honestly he’d be a little blushy at first too, just happy that you feel comfortable enough to fall asleep on him
Lewis Nixon
His breathing would just stop at first when you lay your head on his shoulder. Like omg? You got this man over here getting nervoussss when you do that. Like you got him scared to even move an inch. He’d even try slowing down his breathing because he didn’t want to wake you up. He’d be so sweet about it, he’d hold you in his arms and stroke your hair softly. I could also seeing him getting sleepy and falling asleep on you :,)
Carwood Lipton
He is so cute about it, he’d ask you if you’re alright, not realizing how tired you were. Once he realized you had fallen asleep on him his heart literally melted omg. And you better get that he was still as stone when you were sleeping, bc you’re his bae and you deserve a good sleep in his arms. He’d hold you so softly and feeling of your head on him would make him just content. He’d definitely fall asleep to just holding you so comfortably.
Joe Toye
A huge smile appears on his face when he sees you laying your head on him. He’s tries to play it off all chill but he’s lowkey so excited on the inside. He would wrap an arm around you and keep you secure, making sure that if anyone came by that they were quiet, and ofc making sure he was quiet himself. The cutest thing of all though is how sweet he is to you when you wake up from your short nap. “How are you pretty thing? Ya sleep okay?” UGH he’d be so cute about it. I think you just falling asleep on him would be his favorite thing about y’all’s relationship.
Joe Liebgott
Freezes in his spot when he sees you laying your head on him. “Are you okay?” He’d say, Looking at your face he would see how exhausted you looked and maybe thought that you weren’t feeling good or something was wrong. When you told him that you were just sleepy, and that’s why, he would be so sweet. Honestly he would’ve gotten so happy hearing that’s why you were laying on him. Asking you if you want his jacket or something he has for you to warm up in. Resting on him would be one of the most comfiest things ever. Plus he’d be rubbing your arms up and down, hugging you super tight and warm.
Bill Guarnere
A big ole smirk would come up on his face so quickly. “get comfy, doll” He would rub his arms down back and forth on your arm, keeping a tight grip on your body. He would be so warm and comfortable to fall asleep on, he would try and keep quiet the whole time, especially when he heard you snoring. I think he would really enjoy you taking a nap on him (LOL) , He would end up getting so sleepy, he’d try fighting it off at first but he’d end up giving up after seeing how comfortable you were in his arms.
George Luz
Oh boy, he’s a total angel about the whole thing, when he sees you lay your head on you it makes his heart beat 2x faster then it’s original pace like omg. If you look up at him, all you will see on his face is that huge bright smile of his staring back at you. On the outside he’d try to keep it cool, and not make too much of a scene, but in the inside he was literally FREAKING out, like he is totally frozen in his position because he would feel absolutely horrible to accidentally wake you up. I think he would stroke your hair really nicely, helping you go to sleep with his calming touch almost immediately.
Bull Randleman
Ugh he’s honestly the best person to fall asleep on after a long day. He’d be so nice about it, at first he’d ask you if you were okay, “Are you alright. darlin’?” and you’d reply back just saying you were sleepy or something like that, and he’d say, “Come er’ get some sleep, princess/prince” He’d hold you super soft and would be a total snuggle bug. You made his day just holding onto him tightly while sleeping. he’d be a little nervous at first, because he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you or wake you at first, He would just watch you, admiring you and seeing how beautiful you truly are. He’s just so happy he gets to be around you, you make him so happy.
Eugene Roe
He’s having an internal breakdown when you just lay your head on him, you got him freaking out on the inside for real. He wouldn’t say anything to you about it though, he would just try his hardest to be natural, and he’d lean into you too, holding you by your shoulder and rubbing it slowly. He was nervous you could hear his heartbeat thumping out of his chest at first. But he still tried his best to be normal, and not make you uncomfortable in any way. Laying on him you’d almost fall asleep like immediately, there’s just something so warming about him, you just feel safe enough to sleep in his arms. While your sleeping, he thinks you look absolutely adorable. He’s ultimately glad that he’s with you right now.
Floyd Talbert
He is actually giggling on the inside like a little girl omg, also when you lay on him it’s just an ego booster, like out of all people, your laying on him, he definitely feels lucky, even though he knows his way around the ladies, all of that smoothness goes out the window with you. He just feels so happy when you lay on him comfortably, when he hears you snoring lightly, he can’t help but let out a small laugh and a huge smile. He just feels so nice with you laying on him, you are his favorite person ever.
Skip Muck
Okay so, I think he would be so so excited to be hanging out with you in general, so can you just imagine the look on his face when he sees you laying your head on his chest. Like his heart is ready to burst at any moment, don’t even get me started. I think he’d be so nervous to move, just because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable at all. He realizes that your sleeping when he hears your soft snores for the first time. He thinks you sound so so cute, like he falls in love with you a million times more when he hears that. Ugh he’s just so obsessed with you.
Don Malarkey
This sweet boy is more than happy for you to lay down on him. You’re sleepy? Well of course, lay down. His heart rate would go up by a bunch when you put your head on him, He can’t lie though, you feel so comfortable. I think he’d end up falling asleep first though and it’d be so cute, you’d look up to see him just snoring and he was passed out LOL, It’s just that he is so comfortable around you that he can fall asleep so easily, he doesn’t know why but he just does, oh and, something else that is absolutely adorable, is how even though he’s asleep, he will still stroke you hair so softly, just because he finds it so comforting holding you.
Babe Heffron
He is so happy when he sees you lay down on him, like his smile gets so big and his heart rate starts beating faster and faster. He would be so excited but nervous while you lay on him, he doesn’t want to disturb you or something that would make you get up, once he starts getting more comfortable with you laying on him, he’d wrap his arms around you and just hug you there, he’s super super sweet when you are laying down. And when he hears you snoring, ugh he thinks you are even cuter, he’d hold you for the rest of the time, just giving your the best forehead kisses and whispering the sweetest little things in your ear while you were asleep. “You’re my favorite, you know that right?”
Shifty Powers
Oh my, this sweethearts face would get so red when he sees you just laying down ask getting comfortable on his chest. He was honestly scared you could hear his heart beating because it was going so fast. He would timidly out his hand on your back and hold you gently. Honestly he’s the most comfortable person you could ever sleep with, Like just relaxing with him will make you instantly fall asleep. He’s so sweet the whole time, just rubbing your back and hugging in the best way ever. When he sees that your sleeping a huge smile appears on his face, he is in absolute awe of your beauty and he just loves you so much.
Frank Perconte
When he sees you laying down on his shoulder his body just rushes with love omg. He would be a little nervous at first but I think after awhile he would out of instinct just wrap his arms around you and hold you close, and in reaction to that I think he’d get really sleepy, like he’d be trying to fight sleep the whole time, just because he didn’t want to be rude. But when calls your name and you don’t answer back, He would look at you and see that you’re sleeping. He would he admiring you so hard, just thinking to himself how cute you are in his arms, before he finally fell asleep himself.
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knock knock emily, it's your gifter again! i love the list of characters you included and am wondering if, among them, any favorites rise to the top?
ok so like... I do have a top ten 🤭 I love them all for like, different reasons/different vibes tho?? I do consider all ten my husbands however, so any romantic material with any of them is 😍🤤💖❤️
Thinking about it more... Liebgott may be my current fav 🥺
If it helps at all here are the vibes I feel for each of my husbands! Hope this helps with the gift creating 💓 (if not then I'm sorry you had to read all this 🤣🤣)
Richard Davis Winters - he's just so sweet and wholesome, like we're both the parents of the friend group so I love just picturing us as the mom and dad of easy company 🥺
Joseph David Liebgott - ok but like his PASSION??? like he feels everything with all his heart and honestly same 😭 like he gets so angry but is also so gentle with the ones he loves??? AND HE LOOKS INSANELY HOT WHILE DOING IT???? Sir please take me NOW 🥵🥵
Eugene Gilbert Roe - a sweet and sensitive soul!! We both care for others to the point of neglecting ourselves so just imagining us caring for each other and making sure we do self care even when it's hard 💓
George [middle name unknown] Luz - OK FIRST OF ALL HIS PERFECT EYES HOLY SHIT 😍 but also his silly lil goofiness but he's also so tender and kind and 🥺😭💓💖
Ronald Charles Speirs - HNNNG GNAWING ON THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!! he's so scary in the hottest way idk if I would do everything he said or just say no when he says "when you talk to an officer you say sir"
Floyd Merrill Talbert - my lil slutty boy!! His mischievous lil smile and flirtiness just makes my heart feel bubbly!!
Darrell Cecil POWEEEEERRRRSSSS - MY SUNSHINE BOY!!!!! we're both called the sunshine of our groups so just having someone so sweet and wholesome and lovely and adorable and AHFKAKDJFJNDJWJF
Edward BaaaaAAAaAbe Heffron - ANOTHER SUNSHINE BUT FROM PHILLY! oml to be with someone as enthusiastic about everything as me??? I'd never feel like I'm being too much/too loud???? INCONCEIVABLE 😭❤️
Donald George Malarkey - AHDKDKEJWNFJF CAN WE CUDDLE FOREVER PLZ???? not only is he sweet and silly and soft but his ARMS ARE LIKE THAT?? 🥵 bro spoon me forever
Charles Ensworth Grant - the newest addition to my husbands!! Idk man there's something about the cheeky smile and the look in his eyes that just 🥺🥵 I short-circuit my dude
Thank you for coming to my BoB Talk, I will now open the floor for questions
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
ooohh for the tag game, I'm super interested to hear about the multichap fic!
Hii friend!! 🙋🏽‍♀️
Lowkey, I'm so excited to start sharing more about "Fire On Fire" bc it's the first thing I've written since like 2018-2019 & it's kind of my baby. 🤭
So the story centers around 3 people primarily:
• Alix Martinelli: a former debutante and pin-up model turned OSS spy. She is assigned to seduce German officers (who are too visible for Resistance members to safely eliminate), luring them away from bars and dancehalls so she can kill them + steal any information and/or weapons they may be carrying. Despite being an assassin, she is wracked with guilt over all the blood on her hands & haunted by the looks in their eyes as they died.
(Think Hannie Schaft & Aline Griffith if they had been trained like Virginia Hall & Nancy Wake)
Allied nurses are rarely searched at checkpoints so she uses her cover as an Army combat nurse (hence why she travels with Easy) during the day to smuggle the stolen information + supplies to the front lines. But love + duty conflict for her because she is hopelessly in love with Joe Liebgott even though logically, she knows the both of them might not ever see tomorrow. They've been hooking up in secret for some time (& the way they look at each other, people just assume they're together) but when they do decide to make it official, it comes at the worst possible time and in the midst of war, the strength of their love will be put to the ultimate test.
• Lewis Nixon: her handler and reluctant mentor. He's such a sardonic, uptight asshole in this because he's emotionally stunted & he cares too much. As her handler, he needs to maintain a level of emotional distance (bc what if she gets killed in the field?) but he just can't because she reminds him of his beloved little sister, Blanche. And he doesn't know how to express his brotherly affection without getting emotional so instead, he's just the world's biggest overprotective, nitpicky, micromanaging douchebag half the time🤣
And of course,
• The one and only Joe Liebgott: One of Easy Company's "designated killers", as Major Winters called him, who finds that his one & only weakness is his love for Alix. He knows he has no right to be upset because it's her job but he can't help but be jealous of the men who get to dance with her. Filthy Nazi officers have no right to touch his princess and he wishes a slow death on them all.
Her paradoxical softness and strength inspire him and despite their star-crossed circumstances, he can't help but envision a future where their stormy, passionate relationship doesn't have to be a secret anymore and they can have a life together...if they both come out of the war alive.
In summation: put more fire on fire and soon, something is bound to explode..
Thank you so much for the Ask, lovely!! 💖
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
Safe (Eugene Roe x Reader)
Based on this post by @problematicfavesareproblematic​ because its too cute and I can’t help myself apparently. 
This is also my first Eugene Roe fic!! Yay!
All translations are via Google...someone please tell me if they are wrong! 
Warnings: angst? fluff? 
Tag list: @happyveday​ @evelynshelby​ @sydney-m​
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<gif not mine, thanks Pinterest>
 "Get everyone in the trucks! Go! Go!" Winters commanded his men, walking down the line of waiting vehicles. 
 Doc Roe looked up from wrapping a bandage around a man's shoulder. He watched the men scurry around like ants after a child kicked their home in childish glee. 
 Operation Market Garden was collapsing around them. Since learning about the operation, while the other men cheered at the idea of Berlin by Christmas, Roe felt nauseous. Something about the operation did not sit well with him. Call it intuition or a sixth sense, he just knew it could not be that simple. Before they dropped into Holland, he had convinced all the medics he knew to bring extra bandages and morphine, anything they could get their hands on. He hoped it would be enough. 
 "Can you get up?"
 The Private grimaced, face pale. "Thank you, Doc. I'll find a seat myself."
 "We'll find you some morphine at the aid station." Roe nodded at the Private before starting along the line of trucks, eyes and ears open for the call of a medic. 
 He caught sight of Spina helping a limping Private onto a truck bed before climbing in himself to continue administering aid. As he continued, he checked people off his mental list. He saw Shifty, Moore, Liebgott, Ramirez, Tanner, Talbert...more and more raced back to the trucks, some with blood tainting their skin and uniforms. He would have to check on them later. 
 There was one face in particular he had not seen yet. 
 The further he walked, dodging men retreating, the more his heart pounded in his ears. She was supposed to be in the back. She was supposed to be safe. 
 "Non, non, non, où es-tu?" He whispered to himself, panic creeping under his skin. (No, no, no, where are you?)
Ever since she had been wounded in Carentan, Winters had kept her from the front lines unless absolutely necessary. Usually, she was holed up somewhere and watching the men's backs, using her sniper skills. Shifty may be their sniper on the ground, but she was their sniper from above. Their guardian angel. If she had been sent to assist...the situation was worse than Roe had previously thought. 
 Sometime between Toccoa and Aldbourne, he something shifted between them. He could not pinpoint an exact moment. It was somewhere in the lingering touches, the soft smiles exchanged, the comforting words and stories to cheer one another up...somehow, he had fallen in love. Now he needed her just as much as air. She was his lighthouse, his beacon of hope. She had to be safe. 
 Glancing to his left, he headed towards the truck with what looked like most of her platoon in it. "Luz! You seen y/n?"
 Luz looked down at him from his seat. "No, Doc. Last I saw she was protecting the retreat." Remorse and concern filled his eyes as he answered. They both knew what that meant. She would be the last to evacuate, the last to safety, the one most likely left behind. 
 Roe started running. 
 "Merde." He swore, eyes darting everywhere for a sign she was nearby, that she was alright. She had to be. It was that loyalty that he both loved and hated in her, how she would make sure "her boys" were safe, protecting their backs and lives, and in the process, be willing to sacrifice her own. 
 "Y/n! Y/n!" He began calling out in desperation. Ignoring the stares of some of the men, he wrestled internally with his own panic. His cries bordered on hysterical at this point. 
 They had never spoken those three little words to each other. Never put a name to what existed between them. They just were whatever the other one needed. Over the past two years, that grew until they were each other's world. How they sought each other out. How in a group, they always looked for the other first before anyone else. The quiet nights they cried together. 
 "Richardson! Is y/n with you?" 
 The man glanced around the back of the truck that he was waiting to jump into. "No, Doc. She missing?"
 Roe did not wait to reply. He kept moving. He had to. Otherwise the growing terror in his mind would consume him. "S’ll vous plaît, Que Dieu la laisse être en sécurité. S'il vous plaît."  (Please, God let her be safe. Please.)
 "Doc! Over here!" 
 He zeroed in on Toye's call at the last truck. Pushing anyone who got in his way, he raced to where Toye stood watching. Once Toye noticed him coming, he sat back down, turning back to the person sitting next to him. 
 Rounding the side, he felt his heart and mind restart as he saw her. She sat next to Toye and some other Private on the uncomfortable wooden bench, her beloved rifle in her lap. As if sensing him, she looked up to meet his gaze. A soft smile -his smile- touched her lips. The panic and terror threatening him vanished like a mist in the wind. 
 "Mon amour." He breathed out, relief flooding him. There was dirt smeared on one side of her face and a small cut on her chin. Otherwise she appeared fine, even if her clothes looked disheveled and dirty beyond saving. She was alive. (My love.) 
 Without a further word, he jumped up into the truck and knelt down in front of her. "Hey, you." He held her face in his hands, gazing into her eyes for a long moment before pressing their foreheads together. 
 "Hey you." She whispered back, her hands cupping his own face. He could taste her breath on his lips. "I'm alright, Gene. I promise."
 Leaning back, he ran a hand through her hair, wondering what happened to her helmet. Then he felt something wet and sticky on his fingers. Pulling his hand back, he saw blood on it...her blood. 
 Immediately he went into overbearing doctor mode. 
 "What happened?" He demanded, turning her head to the side and trying to find where the bleeding stemmed from. 
 "I'm fine."
 He glared at her before resuming his inspection. Carding his fingers through her hair for an extra second, he began inspecting underneath, silently praying it was minimal. He could not lose her. There was nothing gushing so that was a good sign. She still seemed coherent, her eyes were not dilated, other good signs. 
 "I just hit my head a little on a brick wall when one of those explosions went off. It's not a big deal."
 "Doll, shut up and let the man look you over." Toye drawled from beside her, watching the two in amusement. 
 Roe rolled his eyes as she stuck her tongue out at Toye. She winced when he touched a particular spot on the side of her head, hair matted with blood. After a moment, he leaned back on his knees and began digging through his medic bag. 
 "There’s a laceration but it doesn't look deep. You're lucky." He wrapped a bandage around the cut and her head to hold it there. Suppressing a chuckle, he continued to wrap it as she narrowed her eyes at him. She hated being fussed over. In his opinion, she could deal with it. She needed to get better...for both of their sakes. 
 The truck suddenly lurched, beginning its escape from Holland and the disastrous mission. 
 Roe shoved the Private next to her over, ignoring his protest, and slipped to her other side. Quietly he took her hand in his as his eyes scanned the others. He had been so focused on her; he did not even think about if any of the other men in the truck were injured. Luckily none were. 
 "I'm sorry I scared you. I had to help." She murmured, voice barely above the rumble of the trucks. 
 He sighed, squeezing her hand then pulled her closer into his side. "I know, mon amour, I know." He looked down, meeting those eyes he adored. "Doesn't mean I have to like it."
 She laid her head on his shoulder. "No, but you can't protect me from everything. This is war."
 "I can try. Tu es tout pour moi. J’ai besoin de toi à mes côtés. Toujours. Je promets après cette guerre de continuer à vous aimer et à vous chérir comme vous le méritez." The words poured forth, needing to be said, needing to be spoken aloud, even if just for his own sake. Though he meant them with all his heart. (You are everything to me. I need you by my side. Always. I promise after this war to continue to love and cherish you as you deserve.)
 "Gene, you know I don't speak French. It's not fair cause I wanna know what you're saying."
 "I'll teach you, y/n. I promise." He could not help but press a chaste kiss to the top of her head as they bounced along the road.
 Looking at the blue sky and clouds above, he prayed he would be able to fulfill both of his promises to her, that they would both make it through this war. Most of all, he prayed for her to be safe, even at the expense of his own life. 
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Chocolate Bar Delivery Service
Just a little thing that takes place after the Hershey bar scene. You know the one. 
In other words - Luz delivers the precious few Hershey bars.
Tags: @gottapenny @itisjustmethistime @indigosandviolets 
When Luz finally returned he was surprised to see that not only was Perconte still in one piece but, miracuously, all five Hershey bars were still there.
"Ha! Nice work Perco! Knew I could depend on you," he grinned at Perconte as he grabbed up the Hershey bars and shoved them in his pockets
"Hey! The hell you doing? I risked my life protecting those!”
Luz yelled over his shoulder, "Yeah, yeah! And you did good. Be back in a bit, alright?", as he headed back out the door.
He made his way to the little aid station the docs had set up a few houses down. Whenever Hershey bars came in, no matter the amount, the docs always got one. It was one of Luz's unspoken rules. He figured the poor fucks who had to run around unarmed in the middle of a war saving everyone's asses deserved Hershey bars at the very least.
Inside the aid station, Roe sat quietly in a corner, cleaning a pair of scissors with a scrap of cloth, and staring ahead in to nothing.
"Hey Doc, got a present for you," Luz announced as he held out one of the bars.  
No response.
Luz reached out and grabbed Roe's arm, startling Roe out of his thousand yard stare.
"Doc? Hershey bar?"
"Thank you Luz," came the quiet response as Roe finally took the chocolate. The small smile paired with sad eyes was damn near heartbreaking. 
He needs something more than goddamn chocolate. Maybe a year long vacation, thought Luz as he turned towards the other man in the room.
"Don't worry, got one for you too Spina," Luz tossed a chocolate bar to Spina as he added, "As always. Gotta take care of the docs."
"Thanks Luz!"
Luz winked as he turned and headed out the door, on to his next destination.
Entering the next house on his list, Luz was relieved to find Liebgott alone, sitting on the floor against a wall, writing a letter. Luz could only imagine the riot if there were witnesses to what happened next.
"Hey Lieb, heads up'" Luz called out as he tossed a Hershey bar to Liebgott.
Liebgott caught it, dropping his pencil and papers in the process.
"What's this?"
"It's a goddamn Hershey bar." Luz couldn't help the slight exasperation in his statement as he slid down the wall to sit next to Lieb.
"Fuck, Luz. Guess you ain't so bad after all," teased Liebgott as he happily tore in to the chocolate bar.
"Yeah, well, you're still an asshole."
Luz sighed and lit a cigarette. The two men sat there for a while in companionable silence as Liebgott shoved chocolate in his mouth and went back to writing.
Luz glanced over and squinted, trying to read Liebgott's tiny cramped writing.
"You writing to an ant?"
"Fuck you Luz."
"Well who the hell else can read writing that goddamn small?! Unless whoever you're writing to enjoys reading through a microscope or a magnifying glass..."
"It's how I write! The fuck do you care for?! I'm not writing to you! My mom can read it just fine!"
Luz held up his hands in mock surrender, "alright, alright! Jesus Christ calm down. I'm sure your mom loves your preciously tiny handwriting."
Liebgott flipped him off and went back to writing. Luz finished his cigarette and leaned his head back against the wall. He intended to close his eyes for just a moment, but quickly fell into a deep sleep.
When he woke up, his head was leaning on Liebgott's shoulder and the sun was beginning to set. Picking his head up, he wiped a bit of drool from the corner of his mouth.
"Fuck! Luz, I thought I felt something wet!" Liebgott looked down at the wet spot on his sleeve in disgust.
Luz snorted, "You could have just woken me up."
"Yeah, well you seemed like you needed a nap," Liebgott attempted to shrug off his small act of kindness.
Luz clapped him on the shoulder as he stood up to go, "Thanks Lieb." 
Stretching, he made his way to the door and towards his final destination.
Luz was pretty sure there wasn't a single person in the whole of Easy Company that didn't have a soft spot for Shifty and Skinny. The two of them were like peas in a pod - easygoing, caring, helpful, beloved by all. And that's why Luz chose them to be the recipients of the last two Hershey bars.
As usual, the two of them were together, sitting at a table in a basement of one of the houses, cleaning their weapons. Shifty was regaling Skinny with another one of his hunting stories when Luz walked in. Thankfully, the only other people in the room, Popeye and Talbert, appeared to be fast asleep.
"Hey kids, who wants a treat?" Luz sat down at the table with a smile.
Skinny raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "Depends. What kind of treat?"
Luz pulled the Hershey bars from his pocket and held them up for Shifty and Skinny to see.
"Of course, if these aren't your cup of tea, I could always wake up Tab and Popeye and see if they want them."
Skinny hurriedly snatched the bars out of Luz's hands and handed one over to Shifty.
"Thanks Luz, but I think we can manage to eat these ourselves just fine."
"Thank you Luz! It's just the pick me up we needed," Shifty's smile was soft and sincere.
Luz nodded as he stood up to leave.
"Leaving already? You just got here," Skinny managed through a mouthful of chocolate.
"Yeah, pretty sure I left Perco holding down the fort long enough." Really, Luz was almost positive Perconte was going to kill him for taking off for so long.
Luz headed off, back to Perconte and the rest of the supplies, a smile on his face.
And Hershey bars distribution complete!, Luz thought as he walked along the street in the dwindling sunlight, humming some tune from a John Wayne movie.
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