#soft vore;
teal-fiend · 2 years
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my take on the classic werewolf scenario. ogtober
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acantheira · 2 years
I thought kandr really actually ate rix-.. But like wouldt that be difficult?
yes it would
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Rix is a fulfilling prey for Kandr but he’s also very shifting and difficult to keep still: a behavior he had learned from his past meals
i suppose even if Kandr managed to swallow him, Rix will be able to escape thanks to his long limbs
No matter what: Rix is both a predator and a prey in this environment
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inkiighost · 9 months
With all due respect, you look like you’ve eaten all your coworkers.
It’s not my fault they keep calling out sick. Must be some type of predatory stomach bug going around…
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carolinequinnbbw · 3 months
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I consumed the whole universe and now it’s all digesting in my big sexy belly
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 6 months
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nataliewynn · 7 months
Join me on the path to Twilightenment
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comfyhome · 2 months
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self indulgent comfort doodles that i thought might resonate w some of you guys
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supernormalblogname · 3 months
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save me computergirl pred... computergirl pred saave me
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teal-fiend · 2 years
Shy pred full compilation
content: soft vore, fatal vore, digestion, unwilling prey, pred POV, observer POV (alternating)
~5.3k words
A is a big scary guy. B is a shy and anxious person. B is a predator and A is prey. 
A is uncomfortable with the fact that they could become B’s dinner. Yet they can’t seem to stay away. Their fascination with B and their predatory abilities borders on obsession. Will they walk away before it’s too late?
When they first met B, A didn’t know they were a pred. A was like everyone else, in that they didn’t see it coming at all; B, the shy small thing, who steps out of the way so they don’t get stepped on. 
It wasn’t so much their stature, because they had the physical abilities to do what a pred does. 
No, it was their personality. Apologetic, awkward, and a little pathetic. And most of all, having zero capacity to be intimidating to anyone, or anything.
A was shocked when they arrived home one day, to find B with a prey halfway down their throat. They tried to spit it back out, as a courtesy to A maybe, but after almost choking, they found it easier to finish the job. 
At first A was terrified, because they had been living with a pred this whole time. Living in the same apartment, sleeping in their vicinity, sharing the same space. How did they manage to not get eaten? 
A didn’t tend to take B seriously. B was a scared person who seemed to take everything seriously, and A kind of made fun of them for it.
Maybe the reason why they survived was because even though A should have been terrified, they weren’t. They survived this long by being oblivious, so they couldn’t let their attitude change now that they knew the truth. A couldn’t be daunted Because if B smelt blood in the water… it would be over.
The second time A saw B consuming prey, it was a friend they had invited over to the apartment. A made the mistake of leaving the two alone together, and when A returned, their friend was gone and B’s hunger was apparently satisfied.
Apparently B thought A was bringing them prey, and they were horrified to discover that it wasn’t the case. They were apologetic as always.
A’s first instinct was to be horrified back, but they immediately swapped that out for anger. Because they couldn’t show weakness. But then they realised something.
B accepted that A was bringing them prey, that is what they assumed, and they went along with it. They ate the person A brought them. This meant, A could bring them any prey, and B would eat it.
Even though they lost a friend to B’s stomach, they gained something far more alluring. 
A started bringing B prey, and bringing B to prey, which quickly turned into A telling B who to eat. 
Because B liked to tag along with A, they could basically use them to put a hit on anyone who annoyed A, or just anyone who A didn’t like. Or someone who A wanted to see B eat. 
Everyone always assumed A was a pred. And now they could do what a pred does via B. A wasn’t about to let this new power go to waste.
The library was pretty packed. All the desks, booths and tables were occupied. Private rooms were fully booked out for the rest of the day. But A drove all the way here, so they weren’t about to leave. B looked like they wanted to leave already. 
A found a target. They were sitting alone in a booth, on their laptop. It was a prime seat, it was the perfect victim.
A thought it was only fair, they decided to at least give the stranger a chance to escape.
“Move, we want this table,” a straightforward request. Denied.
“No,” the stranger said, almost like a question. Like did A really have the gall to ask.
“I’m just warning you,” A said, giving them a knowing stare. The stranger stared back,
“You don’t have it in you. I can tell.”
“You’re right. I don’t,” A said, “but they do.”
B looked startled when the other two turned to them. 
They whispered to A, “Here? I-in public?” 
B had to have known this was coming. They were playing dumb. A rolled their eyes.
“Yes. Hurry up before we get in trouble.”
“Are you sure? I really don’t think this is a good idea.”
A didn’t respond, they gave B a stern look, to say this wasn’t a point they could argue. 
Resigned, B stepped up to the stranger who couldn’t get away before getting swallowed. 
Eating wasn’t allowed in the library, but they were in a position where the bookshelves blocked the view from the front desk, but A still did their best to block the view until B was done. 
They watched as the timid individual scarfed down their prey, and they revelled in the fact that B was doing this only because A asked. B had the power to consume another person, whole. And A had the control over who they consumed. 
B took their last swallow, and swayed on their feet slightly, looking a bit sick. A’s heart twinged at how cutely kind of pathetic they looked after eating. They were noticeably uncomfortable, probably because they hated eating in public. 
“Well done,” A said, patting B’s shoulder
B winced, “can we leave now? I feel kind of…”
“Full,” A offered, observing the large belly that wriggled slightly. 
“We just got the seat,” A said, 
They sat down at the booth, and opened their laptop. B begrudgingly sat down next to them. 
A did their work, looking over every now and then at their partner in crime who was barely staying awake. They must be fighting the post meal sleepiness. Food coma, whatever you call it. Soon A could hear the sound of B’s stomach as it started to digest. B reddened in embarrassment, and A smiled to themselves behind their laptop. 
By the time they were ready to leave, there probably won’t be any noticeable difference in B’s stomach (Except maybe there won’t be as much squirming). But tomorrow morning, after a full night of digestion, it would be rounded out, and slightly smaller. And the day after that it would have halved in size. And the next day it would be almost indistinguishable from its normal state. Except to A, who would know that the belly would still be taut and somewhat full, even if it didn’t stick out as much. And by then A would need to start thinking about who would be B’s next meal
For now they had about three days to wait, and time enough to enjoy watching B’s digestive process.
B woke up to the sound of their stomach growling. But they were still full from yesterday, so it wasn’t hunger as much as it was a general sound of digestion.
It was morning, so they didn’t go back to sleep. 
A was already awake. They were sitting on the kitchen table with a cup of tea. 
“Good morning.”
B saw someone's laptop on the table beside them. They didn’t recognise it right away, but B realised it belonged to the stranger in the library from yesterday . The one who was now in B’s gut. 
A must have taken their stuff to remove the evidence from the scene.
Eating prey on campus grounds was risky. They could even get expelled if they were caught. It was reckless of A to have them consuming in such a public area. But A wouldn’t be the one who got in trouble, because even though A initially made the decision, it was B who actually did it. B just wished they would be more cautious.
A must have said something, but B didn’t catch it, because they were too caught up in their own thoughts. 
“Sorry, I was just thinking about something.” B said,
“About what?”
“Oh, you know.” B didn’t really want to have this conversation, even though they probably should. But A and B didn’t argue about anything, and B didn’t want to start. Their hand subconsciously ghosted over their belly.
“Is there any time that you’re not thinking about prey?” A said jokingly
B paused before answering, and A raised their eyebrow. To be honest, B did spend most of their time thinking about their next meal. B thought for a moment before they knew the answer
“After I’ve eaten I’m not thinking about what I’m going to eat next.” And they were confident with that answer.
“Ah yes, but,” A responded, “you are thinking about the prey that you just ate.”
“Oh, I guess you’re right.”
It’s not like their mind completely went blank after they had fed. In that time their brain would be dopamine, from their body rewarding them for a good catch. Really the only time they wouldn’t be occupied with thinking about prey would be in the lull between being full and being hungry. But even then their mind might sit there idly in the fantasy of eating again. Maybe the answer was then any time they were distracted by another task. But then even now, were they thinking about prey? or were they thinking about thinking about prey? B rubbed their eyes.
“Are you still tired?” A asked, “you slept for 14 hours.”
“Yeah, that usually happens.”
“I have class today, do you want to come along?”
When B didn't express enthusiasm, A continued, “C’mon, it would be good to get out of the house.”
B sighed, and agreed. They didn’t have anything better to do today anyway.
A drove, with B in the passenger seat. They parked in the designated lot, and the two entered the university building. B paused before going into the lecture hall.
“I’ll meet you in there.” B said, “I’m going to go wash my hands”
“Alright, but don’t take too long. This class can get pretty full, you might not get a seat.”
“Am I even allowed to come in?”
“It’ll be fine, don’t worry about it,” A said, before waving, and jogging into the lecture hall. 
As soon as A was gone, B turned to the person who was watching them.
“What do you want.”
C slinked up to them. “Looks like you  had a nice dinner last night.”
“So what?”
“Well, people are getting nervous. You can feel it, can’t you? They can tell there’s an active predator hanging around. The problem is, they think it’s me.” C said, “since no-body suspects you, I’m the one who gets accused, and I’ll be the one who gets in trouble if the administration gets serious about nipping this problem in the bud.”
“Okay, I get where you’re coming from,” B admitted, because then genuinely agreed. “I know the risk, but A told me to do it, and I played along - but you’re right. It won’t happen again.”
“You talk about this 'A' a lot. It's always your excuse. If they're causing issues, you could just eat them. In fact, it's been awhile, and you haven't eaten them yet,“ C mused, ”Are you going to eat them?” C asked
“Really? Then the issue isn't solved - You said this wouldn’t happen again - “
“No - I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Can I eat them then?”
“No!” B hissed, “No, don’t. I’m serious.”
“If you’re not going to, why can’t I?” C said, trying to provoke them. 
“Okay- then why don’t I eat your prey friend?” B struck back, “D, or whatever their name was.”
“You better not,” C lost their humorous tone. 
“Okay then we have a truce.”
“Fine.” C said, “Yeah. And you also have to stop framing me, even if it’s not on purpose. Stop breaking the rules, stick to your territory; stop fucking around.“
“Ok sure." B sniffed, “Was that all you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Pretty much”
“You weren’t going to ask me how my day’s been?”
“How has your day been?”
“Okay, I guess. How about you?”
“It’s been good.”
“Good,” B said. 
"See you later then"
C disappeared into the crowd of students going in and out of lecture halls. B slipped into the stream that was wandering into A’s class. They made their way up the stairs and found where A had set themselves up. 
They sat themselves next to A and watched as at the front of the hall the professor set up the projector.
Soon the class started, and B was having difficulty staying awake. They closed their eyes and fell asleep shortly after. 
A sat in the lecture hall, taking notes as the professor explained diagrams on the projector screen. Beside them, B was fast asleep. Even through the ambient sounds, and the echoing voice of the lecturer, A could hear B’s stomach as it digested their fellow student from yesterday. It gurgled and groaned softly but repeatedly, diligently working as B napped. 
A reminisced on the person from yesterday, their defiant face, hunched over their computer protectively. And then, A admired B’s full and noisy stomach, knowing that it was them inside. Poor guy. It was a bit unfair.
It really hadn’t been that long, but already the belly that had been bumpy, uneven and wriggling was now perfectly round and plump under their jacket. Their belly rose and fell gently with each breath, and their hands rested casually on top of their stomach.
It was that simple gesture that meant so much to A. It was the subtlety, and the naturalness by which they acted. And they acted like the person they ate was just a big meal. They had a large lunch, and now they were relaxing and digesting, placing their hands atop their belly to sooth it, or perhaps enjoy the fullness. 
The other option, the other mindset that B would be in was more sinister, but A thought could be equally likely. It was one of ownership. Possession; they had consumed their prey, and now it was theirs. All for them to enjoy and digest. And B showed this propriety in an innocent and unassuming way (which was typical to their character). They showed this possession by placing their hand on their stomach - on their prey. As if to quietly say “this is mine.” They thought no-one would notice, but A noticed. 
A saw how B held their hands to their prey-filled stomach, as though to press their meal further into their centre, right where it needed to be.
Even though it was B; shy, meek, unassertive - they were still a pred
They still had the mind of a pred
Maybe they just didn’t know where else to put their hands. A didn’t know.
A imagined it was them. And they didn't like that thought. The fact that B could swallow them down just as easily as they did to any of their previous prey. Just like the prey in their stomach at that very moment. B could consume them, and there would be nothing A could do about it. They could struggle, they could kick inside their stomach, but it wouldn't make a difference.
That hadn't happened. it had been nearly half a year, and A was still alive. They didn't know what B's deal was.
Not knowing made A uneasy. In a general sense, but also specifically with their relationship to B. Because even if they had the ability to decide exactly who B eats and when, there was still one thing that unsettled A. The question that wouldn’t leave them alone, but that they couldn’t ask.
Why didn’t B eat them? 
A couldn’t ask, because maybe the only reason was because B didn’t think about it. And once they did think about it, well. 
Maybe they thought they couldn’t eat A, for whatever reason. It was against an invisible rule, perhaps. And if A asked why, that would basically give B permission. So instead they let it stew. Marinate.
A looked back to B, who was still sleeping. They looked back to the front of the class and noticed that they hadn’t been focusing at all, and the lecture was almost over. 
They poked B on the shoulder who blinked sleepily. 
“The lecture’s almost over,” A whispered loudly.
B nodded slightly and stretched their arms above their head, hands abandoning their grip on the belly for the first time in about two hours.
They both made their way to the car, since there was nothing left to do on campus. A drove and B sat in the passenger's seat
A didn't say anything for a while, but they were preparing to. They were driving. They were in control of the car at least, even if they didn't feel control over their survival. Now was the best time to ask, fuck it.
A breathed in slowly, and out. They could feel B turn to look at them
“Why haven’t you eaten me yet?”
A didn’t know if they’d get an honest answer. Really, B could say whatever they wanted; how was A supposed to know the difference?
A thought they could feel B tense up beside them
“I don’t want to eat you,” B said simply.
“Why not?”
“I don’t know,”
“Am I not tasty?” A asked facetiously, “do I smell bad?”
B frowned, and answered with a question,
“Do you want me to eat you?”
A hesitated. This was a dangerous question. They had to be careful how they answered this. Because if they were quick to answer no, B might realise that they were terrified. And that might be appealing to them. But they knew they should be honest.
“No, I don’t want you to eat me.” A said, calmly as they were able
“Then we agree.”
“But why?” A pressed,
B sighed quietly, thinking, “I like not having to plan how I’m supposed to hunt,” they said.
“You’re just lazy?
“Maybe,” B said, “but also,” They breathed, “I like the attention I think.”
A raised an eyebrow, “what do you mean?”
B turned away, “I don’t know, nevermind.”
“You like when I bring you prey, though?”
“Yeah,” B said.
A was satisfied with the conversation. They genuinely didn’t think B planned on eating them. Really, this was the best case scenario; they had immunity now. As long as they didn’t run into any other preds; as long as they stayed with B, they would be safe. A suspected there was a way that predators could sense each other, based on interactions that they’d seen B have. Unfortunately, prey didn’t seem to have this ability. Well, what can you do?
Maybe, hopefully, B’s pred energy had rubbed off on them. Because A had interactions with people that they’d never had before this. It was like they saw something in A that wasn’t there. But even before they met B, A had been mistaken for a pred. They fit the stereotype perfectly, the only divergence being that they couldn’t actually consume prey. But B could. They were basically the missing piece in A’s puzzle. And on top of that, they had all but promised not to eat them.
To celebrate, A had an idea. They planned it for the following evening.
When B asked, they said it was a surprise.
B was more nervous than excited when A said they had a surprise for them. What does that even mean, a surprise. Tonight, just be in the apartment tonight
That was the plan. Not that B really went out at night anyway; they liked to sleep. And now that A told them who to eat, they didn’t need to hunt at night anymore.
It turns out the surprise wasn’t that interesting anyway.
B had taken a shower, and gotten ready for bed. A had gone out and brought home a prey. 
B was actually flattered because this was the first time that A had actually specifically brought prey to them (at least on purpose. Accidents happen, B was trying to move past it). They were just relieved that it wasn’t a bad surprise, even though A could have just told them what was happening.
“Okay, whenever you’re ready,” A said. The prey stood between them, Frozen in place out of fear.
B hesitated. They didn’t like to be watched while they were eating. Afterwards, sure, but during the act… it made them feel subconscious.
B relayed this to A, and to their surprise, A agreed.
“Sure, I’ll come in when you’re done.”
Their mouth watered at the sight, and at the scent of the prey. B hadn’t eaten any substitute foods in between their last prey, so their stomach was clenched and aching with hunger. They put a hand on their middle and felt it rumble. Then they looked up at the prey who didn’t look happy but it didn’t matter to B.
They were alone now. It was just Them and their food, and A on the other side of the door.
B took the prey’s head into their mouth. Their mouth watered as they tasted the warm skin, salty with sweat. The hair itched at the back of their throat, so they swallowed again and pushed the prey’s head into their throat.
B already felt the satisfaction of a full meal even though their stomach was still painfully empty. They relished the stretched feeling in their throat and chest as their prey slipped further down, and shivering when prey started to spill into their hungry stomach.
Once they were about halfway through swallowing, they seemed to get a bit stuck. Even when they gulped down hard, the prey only moved down slightly, and their legs were kicking wildly outside, making it impossible to swallow them down. B’s eyes flashed to the locked door, and for a second they regretted leaving A out, because they might have been able to help them get their prey down.
There was a lull in the prey’s struggles, and B used that opportunity to open their mouth wider, and take them in, to their knees, and from there the meal slid down easily to their stomach.
B was exhausted by the time they were finished, but unfortunately their prey still had a lot of kick in them. That lull in their struggling didn’t mark the end, because the prey was now writhing more than ever, desperate to escape the predator’s stomach before they got digested.
B managed to hobble to the door, holding onto their stomach in a futile attempt to keep it still. They unlocked the door and sat back down on the bed.
There was something A liked about leaving the room with B and the prey inside, and coming back a few minutes later to see B alone on the bed with a full stomach. It added an air of mystery and intrigue - even though they’d seen B consuming prey several times before, they didn’t get to see what they did to this one. And they would never know.
B was sitting on the bed looking more tired than usual, and their stomach was swollen and bumpy, like it usually was after they ate. Their hair was dishevelled and their eyes half lidded and bleary. They looked a bit like a wet rat. A grinned. They were so ready for what came next. 
A rubbed on their belly as the prey fought inside their stomach, thrashing, causing B’s stomach to gurgle in response, and for B to let out a whine of discomfort.
“Come on, digest them,”
“I’m trying,” B hissed, “It takes time.”
A pressed down on B’s writhing middle, trying to smooth out the roughness of it… which was impossible
“You’re upsetting my stomach,”
“I think your stomach can handle it” If it can handle a prey fighting for their life inside of it, “you’re tougher than you look.” But A let off, like B wanted
A removed their hands and sat back, watching B lying on their back, their belly shifting and moving with the prey inside, groaning as it trying to digest a prey that wouldn’t stay still
B’s face was scrunched up in annoyance, looking down at their unruly prey
“Is there anything I can do to help it settle down?” A asked
B breathed heavily, “it just takes time, usually they aren’t so wriggly.”
A thought for a second, “maybe I’ll go get some coffee,”
“… That might help,”
“I’ll also give you some time to relax,” A said, “I think you need a break - from me, just for a few minutes,”
A took their coat and left the apartment, leaving B. It was almost midnight, but the gas station was open all night, though the café was closed. A bought a frozen coffee from the drinks aisle. When they got back to the apartment; back to B’s room, A set the coffee on the bedside table. Then A removed the covers hiding B’s belly. 
Their stomach was still and gurgling richly. A ran their hands over the warm, overworked stomach
For a prey that was so hyper, it was now hushed. And B could finally relax into their meal.
“How does it feel”
“My prey is a lot more manageable now.”
“Your prey?”
B blushed
“You think they belong to you?” A said, A placed their hands on B’s stomach, “Don't be shy”
B reached out and gently cupped the back of A’s head - and pressed A’s head to their stomach, so that their ear was squished up against their soft and warm belly flesh.
They could hear the gurgling and bubbling right underneath B’s skin, they could even hear a faint and quick heartbeat. They could hear B breathe through their lungs, and they could hear the contents of their stomach shifting with each breath. It sounded so close,
They realised this is what it would sound like to be inside B’s stomach
That thought made them pull back for a moment.
A forced themself to relax, and so rested their chin on B’s middle, feeling it rumble underneath. A had to remember that they weren’t inside B’s stomach, and that they wouldn’t even be inside B’s stomach. They closed their eyes and relaxed for a moment, before sitting up, and continuing to massage B’s abdomen. It looked so innocent from here. so round, soft and gentle looking. but really, it was the most dangerous thing a prey could be faced with. a predator’s stomach. A never imagined they’d get close enough to a pred to be able to touch their belly.
they never thought that they would want to, but now they did. They liked how it felt, on a physical level. It was warm and big and it made funny noises - but they also were obsessed with what it represented. Which was the power, at its most rudimentary, it’s most primal; it was the power that a predator has over their prey. And what made it even better was that it was just B. The awkward, shy, unassertive B
The reality was, a predator wasn’t a bully, or a terrifying monster or a cocky asshole. It was just B, naturally, instinctually, it was who they were, without any of the paratext or the substitutions.
It wasn’t miraculous or impressive, and it wasn’t even that scary. It was just B here on their bed, none of the bravado or intimidation but all the same in the process of digesting their prey, just like predators have been doing since the beginning of life itself.
Maybe in simpler terms,even against the perfect hegemonic ideal of what a pred should look like, B could achieve the same result.
and A was witnessing the result, as close as only a few prey had ever gotten.
They felt a spike of anxiety again when they realised what kind of danger they were in
It was full though, the stomach. It was very full, which also meant that it was safe. it would be a different story if it were empty.
A wondered if they would try rubbing B's belly when they were hungry. Surely that wouldn't be a good idea. But the idea was enticing - playing with fire, everyone liked to play with fire. It's exhilarating, and the risk is what made it fun. maybe if they fed B directly afterwards, it wouldn’t be so risky.
B noticed that A was a bit antsy as they messed around with their stomach. B supposed that was because it was the first time they’d actually seen B up close after they’d eaten. They had seen B eat before, but often it was in a public space, and it was always from afar.
A’s anxiousness made more sense when B remembered that they were prey. Watching one of their own kind get digested up close and in detail must be pretty scary. Even though it was A’s idea.
B didn’t really see A as prey. They supposed they saw them as a predator. Or they didn’t think about it at all. Because A didn’t seem like prey, even if they were. They didn’t trigger hunger from B when they were around, although B was usually adequately fed when they were together. B could tell that A wasn’t a predator though. But still, they weren’t appetising to B in the way that many other prey were. Maybe A was right, they just weren’t tasty
B had never tasted A before… they didn’t want to either. They liked A, so they didn’t want to try to actively work up an appetite for them. And besides, they had a personal rule not to eat anyone they interacted with daily; it made things too complicated otherwise.
Furthermore, and most importantly (at least most importantly for B at the moment), they were really enjoying the belly rub. If B just did it themself, they'd have to stop because they'd get too tired. But now B could lie back against the pillow and enjoy as A pressed down on their stomach, smoothing it out, giving it attention.
They thought about how A might feel, giving a pred a belly rub. It made sense for a pred to do it for another pred, because it was also almost like they were on the same team. b wondered if A felt like they were betraying their own kind, by helping B digest one of their fellow prey. But then, they had been sacrificing prey basically since the beginning of their relationship, and A hadn’t shown any remorse for it.
The other thing was that preds knew what it felt like. A did not know what this felt like, and B didn't want to tell them, mostly because they were afraid they would be made fun of. But it genuinely was one of the best feelings in the world. Consuming and digesting prey was the highlight of B's life, and the massage during the process just added to it.
It was blissful, there was no other way to describe it. Their entire body was relaxed
from the meal, and all of their energy was going to their stomach, so the rest of B felt very passive and unimportant. Their brain didn't have many thoughts except for the prey in their stomach and A's hands working to help it digest.
It was a team effort. And B was content with that. Eventually A pulled the covers up over B and told them “goodnight” before turning the lights off. They could feel A’s eyes on them for a moment as they drifted off into sleep.
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tabbytums · 4 months
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Shane got hungry and ordered delivery. Unfortunately, for the delivery driver, he might have been too hungry~
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inkiighost · 11 months
I imagine that every time you belch, that is the souls of your victims trying to escape the depths of your expansive gut. Every time you feel that pressure build in your stomach and the long low deep rumbles eminent from your quivering belly, think of poor souls trapped within you.
And smile at their plight
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fatpupz · 4 months
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Full term
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 2 months
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
ok but like
Vore in a protective , parent-like sense will always get me, it will always remain my favourite.
A pred giving a prey a comfort they lost, being their home temporarily.
The pred saying things like
"You're safe now"
"I will protect you"
"You're very brave, I'm proud of you"
For the pred to call their prey "little one" "small one", etc.
For the pred to hum a gentle lullaby to their scared prey
And for the prey to say things like
"Hide me"
"Protect me"
"I have no home/no body/nowhere to go"
The descriptions of a stomach as a cradle, the soft sobs a frightened prey lets out as they huddle into the soft flesh, they speak their fears and pain into the walls and the folds of the being around them.
And the walls listen to them.
To be cared for, to be loved, to be hidden where no one should see or harm you.
Idk man.
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diaphorotes · 11 months
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supernormalblogname · 2 months
predators with deceptively kind looking faces .... predators who are so endlessly nice and cordial.... when there's other people watching. predators who just happen to be sooo good at coaxing prey into rooms alone with them...
predators whose sweet words turn into degrading teases, and whose kind, warm smile twists into a devious, hungry grin once there's no-one else around but their prey...
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