emylovest · 1 year
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Cause I love to love, to love, to love you I hate to hate, to hate, to hate you...
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decysstuff · 1 year
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A way to a man's heart is through his stomach😋😋
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Jughead calls Betty “baby” in Soft Cell, Archie's Pal Jughead #96 (1963).
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Jughead Jones is so “touch tank” by quinnie
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stonerbughead · 2 years
Bughead Fandom Love Day
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I appreciate all the talented humans in our fandom so much! I've been active in the Bughead fandom since 2018, and while we've seen brighter days, I wouldn't trade meeting so many of you for anything! And I will stan our precious investigative duo till the end of time. In celebration of Bughead Appreciation Week 2023, here are some recs!
Favorite Bughead gifsets
@simon-eriksson's series of fanfics she loves! i will forever be obsessed with the one Lourdes made for my fic.
@bugheadchemistry's Bughead Touches series! so many soft moments captured.
@bettycooper's "that time" series ! no one's doing sassy bughead gifsets like Cat.
@bettyjugheads' investigative duo bughead set
@katherineebishop's beautiful blue and gold bughead set
Some favorite Bughead fics
a dark world aches (for a splash of the sun) by @heartunsettledsoul
a revelation in the light of day by @iconic-ponytail
Betty Cooper, Girl Reporter by @sullypants
step by step by @imreallyloveleee
Let it Snow by @go-ldy
speak by @heavy-lies-the-crown
I’ll be the one by @literatiruinedme
The Space Between by @bugheadsextape
modern love by @stillscape
i'm letting go (of everything but you) by @thetaoofbetty
A Perpetual Estrangement by @satelliteinasupernova
A Written Life series by @darknessaroundus
Waking Druantia by @likemereckless
Viper Radio by @lucivar
The Lightning by @thepointoftheneedle
it's so nice (to be stoned) by @ms-maj
Written in Blood by @kesleyjo
to all the boys (but especially you) by @lovedinapastlife
april come she will by @flwrpotts
swept up in your hurricane by @jugandbettsdetectiveagency
Serpent Strings by @bluevelvetvideo
Some favorite Bughead fanart
bughead makin out against jug's motorcycle by @celandineitsaflowerdickward
a kiss at the center of the universe by satelliteinasupernova
bughead dancing by @alpacalypseartb
1x06 kiss by @archiesart
Bughead and toffee by @edgarsabandonedrocketship
Other Must Follow Blogs:
@ketelonebotanical @winterlovesong1 @thatiranianphantom @lurker-no-more @stillhidden @middleagedresidentofriverdale @bughead-bones @onlyalittlebookworm @underrmyumbrellaella @feisty-aquarius4 @edamamechips @bugheadcuddles @mrscolesprouse @daphnesvieira @raymondebidochonlifechoices @bettsc @djgrannyglasses @good-night-dodger @theheavycrown
it made me stop tagging people i believe, so i'm sorry if i missed anyone!!! i'll try to tag in the replies anyone i remember <3 LOVE YOU ALL, HAPPY BUGHEAD FANDOM LOVE DAY!
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
Under the Moth’s Wing CH6: Lady Wifi
April Fools! The joke is I don’t have anymore of this story ready after this chapter, so this is all you guys get for now. Also Ladrien in Adrinette April? ;) Anyway, I’ve been busy, so I haven’t had much time to write or work on this one, but I promise I’ll be getting back to it soon! Until then enjoy this update ;)
Read on AO3
Chapter 6
“Hey, bugheads! Alya here with another update on Paris’s new superheroine! Our girl has done it again, defeating Stormy Weather earlier this afternoon. I wasn’t able to get much footage because I was stuck under ice, but I haven’t given up on our mission to find out who the girl under the mask really is. None of my current theories have much evidence, so one thing is for sure: Ladybug is seriously good at keeping her identity a secret, but that won’t stop me from investigating! I’ll keep you guys updated. Bye for now, bugheads. Don’t forget to stay connected!”
Adrien dimmed the screen on his phone at the dining table, and his father sipped his coffee pensively.
“Alya is really interested in finding out Ladybug’s identity. I think she could lead us to her,” he said.
“Excellent work, Adrien. I think you’re right, this girl could prove valuable to our cause.” His father smirked, the closest expression to a smile his father was capable of in Adrien’s experience. “Keep an eye on her, and let me know if she finds anything.”
“Yes, Father.”
School was like any other day, and Adrien was finally starting to get into the routine. He greeted various classmates as he passed them on the way to the locker room. Marinette was standing by her locker with her back to him, and he ran his fingers down the soft yarn of his new scarf with a smile.
“Hey,” he called as he approached. Nino got onto him about sneaking up on people, so he’d been making more of an effort to announce himself.
Marinette turned to him, with a cheery smile, though her eyes widened like she was still startled to see him. Drat. He’d have to work harder.
“Hi, Adri-you! You-drien! Ad-you. Hey, hi. What’s down? I mean, what’s going up?” She slapped a palm to her forehead with a sigh.
“Uh…” Adrien tilted his head to the side. Maybe shouting wasn’t the best way to announce himself. He’d clearly made her flustered. “I just wanted to come thank you for my new scarf and wish you luck in the tournament.”
“Oh! Yeah, right. The scarf. You’re so welcome. I mean, it wasn’t any trouble at all.” She giggled. “Does this mean you like it?”
“I love it!” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “No one’s ever made me a gift like this before. I’m just really glad we put our differences aside, and I hope we can become good friends from now on.”
“Me too!” Marinette squeaked.
The bell rang, and Adrien gestured for Marinette to walk with him to class. She offered him a stiff smile and fell into step beside him. Silence stretched between them as they crossed the courtyard, but rather than the hostility Adrien had grown accustomed to with Marinette, this felt more… awkward. Like neither of them knew what to say after being enemies for the first three weeks of knowing each other. Adrien tried not to let it get to him as they made it to class. After all, his friendship with Nino had started off slow too. They’d get there eventually.
Mlle. Bustier’s class was interesting, although literature wasn’t his favorite subject. Adrien surprised himself with how much he enjoyed school, even outside of getting to make new friends. All of the material came quickly to him, and he was consistently one of the highest grades in the class after Max — a fact he used as evidence when proving to his father that letting him go to public school was a good idea.
Midway through a lecture about Shakespeare, Adrien’s phone buzzed in his pocket. With a quick glance up at his teacher to ensure he wouldn’t get caught, Adrien spared a glance at the text.
I’ve akumatized a disgruntled office worker uptown. Stay put and keep an eye on the girl with the blog.
Adrien tucked his phone away with a sigh. At least his father sent a warning text this time, but there was no way he could sneak out of school and make it uptown in time to see Ladybug. Oh well. If Alya managed to learn her identity, Adrien could just ask her out in person.
Everyone’s phones buzzed with an akuma alert — a new emergency broadcast the police had come up with after the Stoneheart incident. Mlle. Bustier instructed everyone to remain calm as the threat was nowhere near the school.
“Mlle. Bustier!” Marinette’s hand shot up. “Can I use the restroom?”
“Yes, but hurry back.” Mlle. Bustier gave a permitting nod, and Marinette darted for the door.
Adrien leaned against his fist as Mlle. Bustier resumed her lesson, the rest of which was uneventful. The akuma threat stayed across town, never giving the school a reason to lockdown, and much to Adrien’s dismay, he never saw Ladybug.
When the bell rang to signal the end of the period, Mlle. Bustier quirked a brow at Marinette’s abandoned backpack.
“Alya, can you make sure Marinette gets her bag back?” she asked.
Alya’s eyes furrowed as she gathered her friend’s belongings and slung the pink bag over her other shoulder.
Adrien tailed her up the hall, keeping enough distance to not seem suspicious. She was watching news footage on her phone as she crossed the courtyard toward the locker room, but she made no moves to sneak out to get in on the action.
The day wore on, but Alya stayed put, shifting from class to class with Marinette’s abandoned bag in tow. Where had she gone anyway? Was her bathroom trip really that much of an emergency? Adrien shrugged it off, seeing as Marinette wasn’t his target, and he really didn’t want to know what she was up to in the bathroom.
After their final class, Adrien followed Alya back to the locker room with a sigh. Nothing exciting happened after all, and he missed seeing Ladybug too! Maybe the whole Ladyblog thing was a bust.
Alya stopped short, ducking behind a row of lockers, so Adrien did the same a few rows down. She peeked around the side to the next row, but Adrien was too far away to see what she was spying on. Or who she was spying on. After a few minutes, she paced swiftly back up the room toward the door, and Adrien fumbled to act natural, though Alya paid him no mind. He waited a few seconds, then followed.
By the time Adrien made it out of the locker room, Alya had already sprinted across the courtyard and up the stairs to the exit. Adrien jogged after her, making it out in time to see her dragging Nino down the steps to the banks of the Seine. His eyes narrowed, but he pursued them quietly.
“You absolutely cannot tell anyone what I’m about to tell you!” Alya was saying when Adrien paused on the stairs above their bench to listen.
“What are you talking about? I have to go pick up my little brother,” Nino said, sounding annoyed.
“My sisters go to the same preschool as your brother, they’ll be fine.” Adrien could picture Alya’s eye roll. “What I’m about to tell you is the biggest scoop.”
Nino sighed. “Fine, but make it quick.”
“I know who Ladybug is!”
“Whoa, no cap?” Nino gasped, a phrase Adrien still couldn’t decipher. “Who is it?”
Alya got quiet for a few moments, and Adrien strained to listen.
“Pfft, yeah right!” Nino’s laughter echoed up the canal. “You really think Chloe Bourgeois has an altruistic bone in her body?”
“Shh!” Alya hissed. “Look, I saw her stuffing Ladybug stuff into her schoolbag in the locker room. What better cover for a superhero than pretending to be a spoiled brat? No one would suspect her!”
“Yeah, because she’s not pretending. Seriously, there’s no way Chloe is Ladybug,” Nino said.
“You don’t know! I’ll prove it!” Alya shot back.
Adrien rolled his eyes and crept back up the stairs. Some journalist she was. First of all, Ladybug was a radiant goddess, and Chloe was… Chloe. Secondly, Ladybug and Chloe were both at the Eiffel Tower when Stoneheart attacked, so there was no physical way it could be her — a fact Adrien remained grateful for. Alya really was a dead end.
Heading back into the school to prepare for his fencing practice, Adrien clicked the phone icon next to his father’s name. He answered on the second ring.
“I take it since you’re calling that you’ve found something?”
A hello would have been nice, but Adrien was used to his father’s curtness.
“Not exactly. Alya thinks Chloe is Ladybug, but that’s not even possible! I’m sorry she wasn’t more useful, Father.” He lowered his gaze, bracing for the scorning.
“Hmm.” His father hummed. “We may still be able to use this to our advantage.”
“Really? How?” Adrien blinked.
“Ladybug is highly esteemed by this girl. She will be disappointed to learn that her idol isn’t who she thought she would be,” his father said. “She will make excellent prey for my akuma. We just need to be patient.”
“I’m glad I could help?” Adrien smiled, still confused, but happy his father wasn’t angry. “I’ve got fencing now, but will I see you at dinner?”
“I have to be prepared in the instance that Chloe proves disappointing. I need to be ready to capitalize on this girl’s negative emotions,” he said.
“Oh.” His shoulders slumped. “That’s okay. Maybe next time.”
His father hung up, and Adrien tucked his phone back into his bag with a sigh. At least something good was going to come from his efforts. Maybe if they brought his mom back, his father would have meals with him again. It was a nice thought anyway.
The next day, Adrien sat back as Alya crept after Chloe into the locker room, dragging a reluctant Nino with her. An akumatized Alya would likely mean a chance to see Ladybug for him, though Adrien did feel a little guilty for setting Alya up. But only a little. He might have made friends with Marinette, but he hadn’t crossed that bridge with Alya yet.
Speaking of, he hadn’t seen Marinette since she left for the bathroom the previous day. Hopefully she was okay. One thing he hadn’t thought about with public school was how often everyone got sick — a fate he’d managed to escape so far. Maybe he’d get her a get well gift when she got back to school. That was acceptable for friends to do, right?
The bell rang, and Adrien headed to class, though Alya was pointedly missing when Mlle. Bustier shut the door. Chloe strutted in with a smirk, so he could only assume that everything was going exactly according to his father’s plan. Nino’s slumped shoulders seemed to confirm the worst as he slipped onto the bench beside Adrien. With a deep breath, Adrien tuned into the lecture, figuring it wouldn’t be long until Alya interrupted.
A few minutes into class, Marinette crept through the door and into her seat quietly. She seemed to be feeling better when she leaned down to tap Nino’s shoulder.
“Where’s Alya?” she whispered.
“She got suspended.”
“What?” Marinette shot up with a gasp.
Mlle. Bustier stopped her lecture and turned to them with a frown. “Marinette, if you’re going to come in late, at least do so quietly.”
“Sorry.” She waited thirty seconds before tapping Nino again. “What happened?”
“She got caught digging through Chloe’s locker because she thinks Chloe might be Ladybug.” Nino rolled his eyes.
“What?” Marinette gasped again.
Mlle. Bustier turned around again with a steely glare. “Marinette, if you interrupt my lecture again, I’m going to send you to the-”
“Hello, people of Paris! Lady Wifi here bringing you the scoop of a lifetime.” The overhead projector sprang to life on its own, and scarlet eyes glared back at them behind a black mask. Lady Wifi spun the chair next to her around to reveal a cowering M. Damocles. “Why don’t you tell us the real story? Is it true you suspended a girl named Alya earlier for no good reason?”
“I did.” He shrank away from her.
“So, you admit that you were biased?”
“I was.” He frowned.
“I thought so.” A purple beam shot out of Lady Wifi’s phone screen, a pause symbol stopping M. Damocles in his tracks. “I’ve got an even bigger scoop for all of you coming very soon. Stay tuned as I unmask Ladybug!”
The broadcast ended, and Adrien’s classmates huddled together in fear. Even Mlle. Bustier seemed shaken.
“Alya…” Marinette glanced at the empty seat beside her, face sinking.
Adrien shifted his weight, his phone weighing heavy in his pocket. He’d known it was coming, but seeing his classmates tremble in fear still made his stomach twist in knots. As much as he enjoyed seeing Ladybug, he really hoped Lady Wifi succeeded in unmasking her, so they could put an end to this nightmare.
“Stay calm, everyone.” Mlle. Bustier clapped her hands. “Ladybug will get this all sorted out soon. Go home until the all clear texts are sent.”
Adrien hung back from the crowd, retrieving his phone from his pocket.
School was dismissed. How can I help?
He retrieved his books from his locker while he awaited a reply. Halfway up the courtyard, his phone buzzed.
Lady Wifi will be targeting Chloe Bourgeois. Head to the Grand Paris and make sure she succeeds in unmasking Ladybug.
Adrien smiled, tucking his phone back into his pocket. His father didn’t have to tell him twice. He’d happily throw himself in front of Ladybug any day. If all went well, he’d know her identity, and if they played their cards right, she didn’t have to know he and his father were the ones that took her Miraculous. He could totally still ask her out.
The hotel was suspiciously empty when Adrien arrived. There wasn’t even a receptionist at the front desk, which could only mean the akuma was close if everyone was hiding. Adrien took the stairs, but halfway up to Chloe’s floor, he heard commotion coming from the dining room. Cracking the door, he peeked into the room where Ladybug was tussling with Lady Wifi.
Smartphones were scattered around on every table, and Lady Wifi was using them to bounce around the room. Frustrated, Ladybug smashed each one, forcing Lady Wifi to face her one-on-one.
Adrien slipped through the door, pressing himself against the wall to watch their fight, ready to swoop in to comfort Ladybug the moment she lost, but his cover was blown when Lady Wifi sent her flying across the room. She landed at his feet, the shock in her eyes melting into a glare.
“What are you doing here? It’s dangerous, go home!” she growled.
Adrien helped her to her feet. “I thought I could help. What do you need me to do?”
“I need you to get out of here!” Ladybug spun her yoyo in front of them, deflecting a shot from Lady Wifi. Pushing him behind the bar, she tossed the cash register at Lady Wifi.
“But I’ve helped in the past! We make a pretty good team, don’t you think?” Adrien flexed.
“Look, I’m really sorry, but without superpowers, you’re too much of a liability. I’m not looking for a sidekick, so please, get out of he-”
Lady Wifi charged in, catching Ladybug in her brief moment of distraction. The two exchanged kicks and jabs, but Lady Wifi drove Ladybug back, launching her into the kitchen and locking the door. When Lady Wifi disappeared in a flash of light, Adrien raced for the door, but it wasn’t budging. Remembering when he and Chloe would play in the hotel halls as kids, Adrien recalled there was a dumbwaiter they used to ride down to the kitchen to sneak desserts and darted for the stairs. It was a much tighter squeeze than he remembered, but the dumbwaiter held out as he descended into darkness.
“-why won’t it come off?” Lady Wifi growled as Adrien drew closer.
“Uh, because it’s magic,” Ladybug said.
Adrien’s lift buzzed loudly when he landed, drawing attention to him as he toppled out. The alarm was new, and probably a direct result of his childhood escapades.
“Oh, look. Your little boyfriend came to rescue you,” Lady Wifi cooed.
“He’s not my boyfriend!”
Ouch. Technically true, but ouch.
“Ya know, for a girl that loves superheroes, you sure had no qualms joining the enemy to fight against her. I think you’re a fake fan.” Adrien crossed his arms over his chest.
“You- What?” Lady Wifi faltered, clutching her head.
Ladybug used the opportunity to kick the phone from her grasp. It slid across the room, freeing her arms from their locks. Lady Wifi scrambled after her phone with a growl, flicking her scarlet gaze between Adrien and Ladybug.
Adrien braced as she charged for him, attempting to dodge her fist, but her foot collided with his stomach, knocking him winded onto the cold floor of the freezer. He rolled over with a wheeze as the door slammed shut and crawled to his feet.
“Why don’t you prove to all of us that you’re the real deal, Ladybug? Let’s see you save your little boyfriend, hero,” Lady Wifi said.
Adrien tried the handle, but the door wouldn’t budge. Cold pricked his skin, trailing goosebumps up his arms. He huddled down into the warmth of Marinette’s scarf, rubbing his arms. He’d never appreciated his new friends more.
“Adrien?” Ladybug beat on the door. “I’m going to get you out of there.”
“Yeah, n-no p-problem. I’ll just chill in here.” Literally.
“Lucky Charm!”
Wait, she was really going to waste her lucky charm on him? That had to mean she was into him, right? She was worried about him getting hurt earlier… The thought warmed him up quick.
“You’re all about to get the scoop of a lifetime!” Adrien’s phone sprang to life in his pocket, Lady Wifi’s broadcast taking over every screen in Paris. The image shifted to the scene of Ladybug scrambling around the kitchen with a red and black spotted box. “We all look up to her, but can we really trust her if we don’t know who she is? In just a few short minutes, she’ll transform back, and all of Paris will know what she’s been hiding!”
Pots and pans clanked on the other side of the door as Ladybug shoved things out of the way. She heaved the microwave onto a cart and placed her lucky charm inside. Plugging it into the outlet outside the freezer, she shoved the cart against the door and turned the microwave on.
Of course! The microwaves would jam the signal to the lock on the door. His lady was so smart, but why was she using it to free him when she could use it to escape the kitchen and take down Lady Wifi? Saving him was a waste of time! Not that he should complain. If she lost, it was a win for them, and his heart skipped knowing she desperately wanted to save him. All in all, his plan to ask her out when all was said and done looked really promising.
The microwave blew on the other side of the door, and Adrien pocketed his phone before she ripped open the door and pulled him out. He collapsed into her arms, nuzzling into her warmth. It was dramatic, but after being locked in a freezer for two whole minutes, he deserved to be snuggled by a beautiful superheroine.
“Are you okay?” Ladybug held him close, rubbing his arms.
Adrien would have savored it more, but the scent of burnt plastic and smoke from the busted microwave in the corner was ruining their moment. Her red and black spotted box lay abandoned on the floor, having fallen out of the microwave when it exploded.
“You used your lucky charm to save me. Why?” Adrien frowned.
“Well, I can’t have my favorite little sidekick freezing to death.” She brushed his nose with the tip of her finger and smiled. ]
His cheeks burned hot, pushing out any traces of cold left in his body. That was a statement he’d be dissecting for hours later.
“Thank you. You really are a hero,” Adrien said.
Ladybug stood up, helping him to his feet, and surveyed the room. The doors were still locked by Lady Wifi’s magic, and with the microwave busted, they weren’t getting out that way any time soon. She touched a hand to her earrings when they beeped and pursed her lips.
“After I defeat Lady Wifi, the doors should open.” She retrieved her lucky charm and crawled into the dumbwaiter. “Please, stay out of trouble. I really mean it this time.”
“I’ll do my best,” Adrien said. He pressed the button on the dumbwaiter and sent her up, rubbing his palms on his jeans.
The camera icon in the corner disappeared, and Adrien retrieved his phone from the freezer, a live feed broadcasting their battle on the roof. Lady Wifi was likely planning to stall Ladybug until her timer ran out, so it would behoove him to stay put until she won. As far as his father was concerned, getting her to waste her lucky charm saving him to start her timer was a valiant effort toward their cause, even if it wasn’t his original intention. But Ladybug chose to save him even though it set her back. The least he could do was return the favor. Comatose mother in need of magical earrings or not, Adrien owed her.
Adrien zoomed in on the wifi box on the roof and pursed his lips. Helping Ladybug was risky, especially being openly broadcast to everyone in Paris — including his villainous father who was counting on him to make sure she lost. He’d think of an excuse later. Right now, his future wife needed him.
Adrien crawled back into the dumbwaiter, lifting out the same way he’d come in. The pool deck had been abruptly abandoned when the akuma broke out as all of Paris moved indoors to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Only a crazy person would willingly throw themselves in the middle of a battle between two girls with superpowers, but Adrien had always read that love made people do crazy things. So, as Lady Wifi’s camera followed their action on the other side of the pool, he grabbed an abandoned drink from a table and climbed up to pour it on the wifi box.
With the signal around the hotel jammed, Lady Wifi’s powers evaporated, and Ladybug kicked the phone from her hands, smashing it with her yoyo to reveal a black butterfly.
Adrien climbed down as she captured the akuma, slipping into the stairwell while her back was turned. He retreated down to the restaurant, blowing a sigh through his lips. Hopefully his father didn’t see him actively betraying their mission by helping Ladybug. Something told him his father wouldn’t understand Adrien’s life-for-a-life philosophy.
Ladybug’s magical ladybugs swarmed the dining room, fixing all of the damage. They even swirled around Adrien, removing the ache from his ribs where Lady Wifi kicked him — a strange sensation Adrien couldn’t even begin to describe. The lady of the hour emerged from the stairwell, stopping short when she saw him. Relief flooded her expression, bringing back the warmth to Adrien’s cheeks. Why did she have to be so gorgeous and concerned for him?
“I see you figured everything out in the end,” Adrien said.
Ladybug approached him, crossing her arms over her chest. “I know it was you that fried the wifi signal. I couldn’t have defeated her without your help.”
“Well, to be fair, it was my fault you used up your lucky charm.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And I was really touched when you chose to save me instead of chasing after Lady Wifi.”
“I wouldn’t have to save you so much if you weren’t always throwing yourself into dangerous situations, ya know.” Ladybug chided. Her earrings beeped again, and she glanced around frantically. “I’m about to change back.”
“Here.” Adrien pulled open the janitorial closet.
She rushed in without a second thought, trusting him so easily. Pink light flashed through the cracks, and Adrien’s hand hesitated on the handle. He could open the door and figure out her identity. He could bring it home to his father like a trophy. They’d be one step closer to waking his mother up. But as his fingers slipped from the handle, legs carrying him down the stairs and out to the sidewalk, he couldn’t bring himself to regret the decision.
Ladybug trusted him, and even though he’d have to betray her eventually, he wanted to enjoy the double agent gig for a little while longer. Why did she have to look so beautiful in the dim restaurant lighting? His enemy being the most gorgeous woman in the world was the real crime. The way her mask furrowed over her blue eyes when she was worried about him was to die for. And something told him death wasn’t off the table as he headed home to his father.
Dinner was ready when he arrived home, and to his surprise, his father was already seated in the dining room. He instinctively straightened, taking his normal seat at the opposite end of the table. Was his father dining with him because he did something right or because he knew Adrien helped Ladybug escape again? The silence was deafening.
“So…” Adrien cleared his throat. “We were really close this time.”
“Yes.” His father nodded. “Great work. Baiting out her lucky charm was an excellent idea. I’m proud of the lengths you went to on this mission.”
“Oh.” Adrien perked up. “Yeah, totally. That was my plan all along.”
“I know I was hard on you, but getting your mother back is important to me. I want our family to be whole again. I’m sure you understand,” his father said.
Adrien straightened. “I do, Father. I’ll keep working hard to help you in any way that I can.”
“Thank you, Adrien. I can’t do this without you.”
Adrien bit back a smile, taking a sip of his tea as their staff brought out the first course. Everything worked out in the end. His father didn’t know he helped Ladybug win or that he gave up a chance to learn her identity. Ladybug thought of him as a trusted ally, which meant he would definitely be seeing her more in the future. If Adrien played his cards right, he could get everything he wanted. His mom, the girl of his dreams, his father’s regard…
Adrien’s heart skipped. For the first time since they started, Adrien felt like everything was going to be okay. His skin still crawled at the thought of hurting people, but if they got their wish, they’d set everything right in the end. Until then, he’d keep working hard to help his father. After all, it was the first time he’d ever told Adrien he was proud of him.
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lilkikayart · 1 year
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I did another archie comic panel redraw to make it more even more "bughead" implied than before lol
I'm often caught up in my other interests and fandoms, but I have a soft spot for bughead. Especially bughead in the comics (love the tumblr account by that name too btw, they give me lifeeee)
7 notes · View notes
imreallyloveleee · 2 years
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I posted 638 times in 2022
140 posts created (22%)
498 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 630 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#bughead - 227 posts
#fic rec - 61 posts
#anon - 43 posts
#riverdale spoilers - 38 posts
#fanart - 34 posts
#fic - 32 posts
#euphoria - 30 posts
#anti b*rchie - 20 posts
#rd negativity - 20 posts
#betty cooper - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#anti-mask people in dc were like 'it's a competitive disadvantage because dc people who want to dine out will drive to va for dinner instead
My Top Posts in 2022:
I can understand that they wanted to "explore" ba this season, and I can even understand that they wrote themselves into a corner and went "fuck it, 50s high school reset it is." (It's inexcusable for a bunch of people who are doing this professionally, but it's not like this hasn't happened before.)
What I CANNOT for the life of me comprehend is why they wrote ba as a series of red flags? Like, the most consistent thread in that relationship all season was them repeatedly bumping up against the fact that they explicitly didn't want the same things in life, and then ignoring those signs that the relationship isn't going to work, instead of making any attempt to resolve the differences. Then Archie proposes after the anvil that is his mother saying "yeah we got divorced bc we didn't want the same things"? And Betty (rightly) tells him he's not in the right head space, and then turns around and changes her mind 5 minutes later because...she didn't want a promotion?
Like they could have easily just written a ba relationship that...worked. instead they chose to lobotomize Betty and repeatedly emphasize the fact that they're incompatible. To what fucking end!?
ETA: i just want to clarify a little bit that i’m not questioning why they flattened out Betty’s character to make the ship happen. i’m questioning why they made explicit - as in, made the characters themselves state out loud! - the very fundamental cracks in the relationship only to continue forcing it to progress without ever addressing how the two of them might bridge those gaps.
95 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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come into the water, chapter 2
Betty Cooper – Betty Cooper, with blonde hair and green eyes and straight As and gold earrings and lacy collars and vanilla milkshakes and straight white teeth and lips that he now knows are warm, smooth, unbearably soft –
Betty Cooper is his soulmate.
His heart jumps at the thought, one single, uncontrolled pulse of joy. Just as quickly, it sinks into the pit of his stomach. No, he corrects himself, shivering as the water flows down his back. Betty Cooper shares his mark. Which is not the same thing.
read it on ao3. (or start from the beginning.)
102 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
it makes me sad that this version of betty doesn't get to be with someone who *likes* her as a person
107 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
17 yr old Jughead nervously squeezing Betty’s hand, stumbling over his words - “isn’t this what...people like us, who have gone through what we’ve gone through...do?” - walking backwards with a goofy grin on his face because he can’t stop looking at her = cute
25 yr old Archie telling Betty with the deadest eyes you’ve ever seen - “...I’m not seeing anyone else...” - after weeks of casual fucking and occasionally touching one another’s knee in public = the opposite of cute
133 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i just got sad knowing i will never be a fan of anything that's as fun to viciously mock as riverdale is ever again
136 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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uglygirlstatus · 1 year
6 and 7
6. Which musical episode is your favorite?
I have an ask in my inbox asking for a ranking of all musical eps that I am still actively working on but at this moment I think I have to say Archie the Musical is my favourite. Archie going Left Archie going Right as they say. It's such a difficult choice though!!! Hedwig and Heathers are also deeply iconic episodes and I have a big soft spot for Next to Normal. More thoughts to come.
7. If you could pick, which ships would you make endgame?
I'm lucky enough that I generally take things as they come to me with Riverdale pairings and I can appreciate almost any ship to some extent. For a long time I wanted Jarchie endgame for the Jarchie Longcon (still want it but like can live without) and after season 7's track record I think it would be evil and cruel to not have at least one category 5 Beronica moment in the finale, but overall I feel like best ending would actually be zero pairing endgames or townwide polycule. though to be honest witnessing the sick and twisted Bugheads in everyone's Instagram comments relentlessly still going on about a 3 yr old dead no chemistry pairing makes me hope that at the very least they don't win.
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agentofship · 2 years
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I posted 308 times in 2022
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277 posts reblogged (90%)
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I tagged 292 of my posts in 2022
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#fitzsimmons - 83 posts
#&lt;3 - 59 posts
#fic rec - 30 posts
#leo fitz - 21 posts
#agents of shield - 17 posts
#jemma simmons - 16 posts
#fitzsimmons fic - 15 posts
#iain de caestecker - 13 posts
#alternate universe - 12 posts
#agents of shield fic - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#love it when translation is actually smart like that and doesn't just stupidly translate something that's not gonna work
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27 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Just for the Night, chapter 2/2
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FitzSimmons, rated M, 7900 words Summary: Bringing home her cute new colleague for the night sounded like a good idea to Jemma Simmons. He's cute and a fantastic kisser, just what she needed to relieve the stress of spending Christmas with her whole family. She just hadn't planned that she would end up snowed in with her one-night stand AND her family for Christmas.
Once more, happy Christmas Libby <3 "I'm so sorry, they weren't supposed to be here until much later!" she whispered as she closed the door behind herself and leaned back against it as if someone might burst through it anytime. "I know, you said so but I bet they wanted to avoid--" "The snow, yeah. My mum tried to call but my phone was in the living room. I probably wouldn't have heard it anyway, I slept like the dead last night." Fitz smiled at that and there was something so sweet in a way that she didn't tell him the orgasms weren't the only responsible. Even though he'd greatly contributed to the short-lived state of relaxation she'd felt that morning, she'd been exhausted for weeks. "Anyway, the road's closed so--" His lips pressed against hers softly, taking her by surprise. She was busy panicking about the whole situation, how dare he interrupted her like that? But then, his arms wrapped around her waist, impossibly warm, and Jemma melted into the embrace with a slight whine. Maybe she should have gone and talked to him weeks ago. She might have brought him home to her London flat and gotten the opportunity to enjoy his affection longer without being interrupted in the worst possible way. "Good morning," he said, eyes and tone equally soft when he pulled back.
Continue reading on AO3
29 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
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Finally finished this portrait of Fitz/Iain from the wedding scene in 5x12 <3 It had been a while since I drew him and I’m pretty happy with the result! Done in watercolor and color pencils! Commissions open for this type of portrait or digital ones, more details via DM :) REDBUBBLE / ETSY
33 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
It Was All Make-Believe
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FitzSimmons, rated T, 2609 words (for now) Chapter 1/6 @libbyweasley​ and I are very excited to finally start posting this fic we've been working on for months based on Libby's original idea. The fic is all written and a new chapter will be posted every week. I've written three chapters from Jemma's POV and Libby has written all chapters from Fitz's POV. Hope you enjoy :) Summary: Fitz and Jemma go undercover as a couple and discover it isn’t as difficult as they’d thought it would be. But what happens when those feelings become a little too real? Season 1 AU They all moved to the briefing room, May and Ward looking as awake and ready as ever. Fitz, not so much.
"Didn't even have time for breakfast," he grumbled as he took his place next to Jemma. "Why do these always have to be so early?" Jemma shook her head and pressed the second mug of tea she was holding into his hand. "Oh thank you." He took a sip and his face turned a little less grumpy for a second. "Maybe the problem is that you stayed up working in the lab so late," Jemma pointed out and he huffed. "You're one to talk!" "But I can function on five hours of sleep, you obviously can't." If his still only half open eyes and messy curls weren't enough to prove her point, Jemma reached out to straighten his collar. "That's because he's still growing!" Skye tousled his hair as she walked past him to take her place in the briefing room.
Continue reading on AO3
41 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It had been a while since I’ve worked on a Liz/Jemma art :) (Based on that gorgeous Liz photoshoot I’m planning I’ve done this one using both color pencils and watercolor and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.  I’m currently open for commissions (both traditional and digital fanart). Send me a DM to know more :) 
44 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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goingiincircles · 1 year
Tf soft porn is this - least they got to the point
I bet bugheads are SCREAMING bc betty & jug kissed (roberto why you torture lili). & then even more screaming bc barchie has that sex scene lmfao
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writeraquamarinara · 6 years
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A quick pencil sketch of Betty leaning back in her chair in the Blue and Gold, with Jughead holding on tight while leaning in for a kiss.
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decysstuff · 2 years
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“When did Santa get so tiny?”
Merry Christmas from Baxter, Betty, and Jughead Jones🎄🎄!!
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From Soft Sell, Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #235 (1975).
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sunshine-seb · 6 years
Secret Santa
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, @omgbarbiegurl ! I have been your Secret Santa this december, I hope you have had a great month and that 2019 brings you joy and hapiness. I wrote you a Bughead Christmas one-shot, which you will find under the cut. Hope you like it! 
Silent Night
It’s quiet. Eerily quiet, dark except for the soft glistening from the christmas tree lights, and the low shine of the street lights outside. Betty moves on her tiptoes where she walks through the house, positioning christmas gifts, making footprints from santa with powdered sugar, changing the milk and cookies for empty dishes with crumbs on it. If it was any other night, she would have believed the silence, embraced it without complaint. The thing is, it is far from a normal night. It’s 2:33 AM, Christmas day and the reporter knows her children inside and out. While the baby might actually be peacefully asleep, nursed at Betty’s chest until she was deep under, their eight-, and six-year-olds are bound to be up to some sort of mischief.
When the living room is ready, the kettle is prepped and the pancake mix is whipped and placed in the refrigerator, she moves silently up the stairs again, avoiding the two steps that creaks and pausing at the top before heading to Hannah’s, their oldest, bedroom. Her little brother had been invited for a sleepover, causing both of the parents to blink in surprise. But, as promised, they’d curled up in their matching pajama sets, a bowl of popcorn between them, to watch christmas movies. Despite their usual tendency to fight every three seconds, they had managed to go all evening with nothing but laughter, before going silent.
Now, certain she will find two pairs of open eyes, Betty sneaks open the door. Instead of excuses or scrambling to get under the covers, there’s still only silence. Considering their house is never truly silent unless someone is up to something, it causes a shudder to run down her spine. She quickly settled in the mom role, despite having Hannah when she was barely 20 and Adam only two years later, which is evident in the way she now picks and tidies, tucks the kids in and turns the nightlight off. There will be enough dishes and cooking tomorrow, that she makes sure to properly deal with the sleepover ones before she finally gets to crawl down next to her husband. Jughead wraps an arm around her, burrowing sleepily into her neck, and she relaxes with a gentle sigh, to hopefully catch a few hours of sleep, before the kids awake to a day exhaustingly full.
It’s 5:49 when Isabella wakes, crying and screaming from her place in the cot. She’s only had time to spend three weeks in the world, so Betty is grateful when she sleeps more than two hours at a time. Knowing they are mere minutes from her older siblings waking up as well, she rolls over, but when she moves to place her feet on the floor the baby suddenly goes quiet. She whips her head around towards the crib, but finds her husband right there, a bottle in hand and the baby cradled against his chest, and gives a silent thank you to whatever gods gave them the idea to work shifts. Usually, this means she can go back to sleep. Jughead will feed and wash and dress all three, and she can get up in time for the school run. Today, however, she places her feet on the floor and tugs her pajamas on, seconds before two sets of feet are rushing down the corridor accompanied by screeching laughter. “Mama, daddy! Santa’s been here! Santa was here!”
She is exhausted, and part of her dreads having to cook all day, but there is no time or place where her children’s happiness will fail to make her smile. So she easily tugs Adam into her arms, ruffling Hannah’s hair, and gasps in surprise and excitement. “He has? Well, do you wanna go see if he dropped any gifts?” Her son squirms from her arms and she watches them run off, before kissing Jughead softly. “Good morning. I made tea.” Two simple sentences, yet it fills her with a newfound feeling of why she loves him so much, she tugs him back into another, deeper kiss.
By the time the parents make their way down the stairs into the living room, their two older children are already knee-deep in wrapping paper. They have tried not to spoil them, to only give them what they need and will actually use. Which is why one of their ten presents are from Betty and Jughead, one is from ‘Santa’ and eight are from their Aunt Veronica, off in a snowy cabin with Archie for the holidays, and unable to come for the dinner and celebration. The children whip out socks, stuffed animals, toys and candy. When Adam opens one of the gifts to find a drum set, Betty silently curses her best friends but keeps a smile on her face. The paper is thrown away, the gifts carried to their respective rooms, before they all sit down for breakfast. As usual, Adam doesn’t spill a single drop, while his big sister -  busy telling stories, turning around, and playing with her siblings - drops chocolate and jam and crumbs all over. Cleaning while the kids are around is like carrying water in a bowl with holes, which is why the ding from the doorbell is very welcomed. The older children run off and Jughead follows with the littlest one on his arm, greeting his sister at the door. The children squeal and throw themselves at Aunt Jellybean, who hugs and laughs and kisses them all over. Betty takes the opportunity to clean the kitchen, not wanting her mother to find anything to complain about. Jellybean calls out a greeting to her sister-in-law before she’s dragged up the stairs to see all the new gifts and the way they’d changed their rooms since last. When Jughead re-enters the room, Betty grins happily, and they take advantage of the moment alone with a deep and loving kiss, the baby content and cooing between them.
“Our parents will be here in two hours, with the twins. Polly still won’t come.”
The words cut through Betty’s heart but she nods faintly and braves a smile. If her sister doesn’t want to be a part of their celebrations, then she won’t force her. Instead she turns to set the table while Jughead helps, and their conversation is light and happy, avoiding the subjects that ruin the mood. They cook and reheat before calling everyone down for dinner. Jellybean is 23 and on break from her university studies, but she’s equally as excited to spend time with her nieces and nephew as when she was 15 and Hannah was newborn. She talks and plays with the older kids and happily takes the tiny one into her arms. It gives Jughead and Betty a chance to spend time with their family while still having their hands free to hold each other, and when Jellybean offers to take care of the dishes, Betty wonders if she might cry of joy. Instead she curls up on the couch to nurse Isabella, while Jughead steps up the stairs to dress the kids in appropriate celebration clothing. When the baby is happy and full, Betty changes her diaper and dresses her in white tights and a red, soft dress with long sleeves; an outfit identical to what her older sister and mother is wearing, the difference being that Hannah’s hair reaches her hips and Jellybean takes on the mission of braiding it in a crown around her head. Their brother and his father wears grey slacks and a white button-down, with a red blazer and grey bowtie. He is beaming with pride when they come down the stairs, happy to be like his dad, and Betty sniffles; but blames it on her hormones still being unsettled.
Everyone is dressed, the food is out, the rooms are clean; still, Betty goes stiff when the doorbell goes off for a second time, and Hannah runs to let her grandparents in. FP and Alice come bearing two 11-year-olds and two golden retrievers, much to the Cooper-Jones’ kids joy. Alice comes up to her daughter to wrap her in a tight embrace, before stealing her youngest grandchild and walking off, with a coo and a smile. Betty goes to greet the twins with a hug, knowing Polly’s growing disinterest in her family stretches to them as well, and that it’s been hitting them hard. The dogs are running around in excitement, barking and wagging tails, jumping up on the kids until Adam falls backwards and starts crying. FP calls an order for the dogs to calm down, and they go to curl up on the mat by the tree. Betty gathers their messy family around the table, fingers entwined with Jughead’s and they say grace before digging in.
The day drags on for long, full of food and gifts and laughter, shared anecdotes and affection. Jellybean tugs the kids in - the only one either of the four willingly heads to bed - and then bids goodnight herself. FP and Alice take the dogs for one last walk before they head to the second guest room, and Betty curls into Jughead��s chest. Once again it’s dark and silent, she’s properly spent, and there is nothing better than her husband’s warm embrace. He presses a kiss to her head and holds her tighter, a yawn parting his mouth, before he tugs the blanket around them, and Betty smiles contently.
“Merry Christmas, Juggie. And on to many more.”
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cherrqries · 6 years
okay so I've been working on this for a while now and wanted to finally share the finished piece! art is by @satelliteinasupernova (who has very amazing art which im vv obsessed with-) (also, I hope its okay that I used your art in this?) anyway - enjoy!
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