#softie lauren
babyjakes · 1 year
Happy 5k day! If one of your fics was turned into a film, which one would it be?
ooooooh this is so fun!! hmm maybe egem, i have done so much world building in my head for that fic hehe 😅 or softie!! i would love if chris would give us a little knives out spin-off ransom side story film with sweet little georgie 🥺
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webslingingslasher · 7 months
Hi can I get any kind of frat!peter angst, I’m such a slut for angst and something ab frat!peter makes me go feral
*cleaning out my inbox.*
'who the fuck is lauren?'
peter spins around in his desk chair, his pen stops twirling in his fingers. 'lauren?' you feel your blood pressure boil, it's one thing to be commenting and liking everything she posts, it's another to pretend he doesn't know who you're talking about.
'lauren, you know, itslaurenpeters222' it clicks, peter's got a furrow between his brows, his mouth slightly opens with recollection. instead of answering, he follows up with a question.
you're about to kill him, for a moment, you imagine stabbing his shoulder with his pen. you don't like the question, he wants to know what you know before he admits to anything.
'just answer the fucking question, parker. who's lauren?'
'i'll tell you who she is if you tell me why you're asking.'
wrong answer. you fly off the handle, you throw your phone at him, he catches it without blinking. her page is pulled up, each photo marked with a 'liked by its.parker and others.' in some, he's even got a comment or two showing.
it's nothing incriminating to the untrained eye, but you know fuckboys and this is how it starts.
'i'm not fucking around, parker. who the fuck is she?' again, he doesn't answer. 'it's not what you think, if that's what you're asking.' you feel your brain breaking, you claim gaslighting frequently, but this time you mean it.
'if i wanted to know if you were fucking her, i would've asked that. i need to know who she is because she's the only other girl you interact with.'
peter locks your phone and attempts to hand it back, you refuse to get close to him, he tosses it to the bed as a middle ground. 'she doesn't go to school here.'
you're at your breaking point and peter doesn't realize. you tone down your anger, you're speaking calm and softly, you need him to hear how close he is to losing everything.
'peter, i need you to look at me.' steady eye contact, it's like you're trying to read a brick wall. 'i swear on everything i own, i will walk out that fucking door and never come back unless you tell me who she is right now.'
peter's antsy, he heard you loud and clear, and now he's wavering on his options. you think he's about to call your bluff, you don't care, you're a thousand percent serious and if he lets this be the downfall, so be it.
you wait for two minutes, you counted to sixty twice and peter's still chewing on his bottom lip. you have your answer, you nod with disgust, you thought he was better than this.
peter got caught red handed. you honestly never took him for a cheater, peter's a lot of things but a cheater wasn't something you ever pegged him for. it's sickening how wrong you were.
you have nothing else to say to him, you snatch your phone from his bed and whip around for the door, the second your hand wraps around the doorknob, peter clears his throat.
'i had a friend in high school. a really, really good friend and he did something that hurt me. lauren is his little sister, she's two years younger than us and goes to rutgers. it never has been, and never will be, sexual. and i don't know why i still talk to her, all she does is remind me of her brother but i don't know, it's nice to know i'm still connected to their family a little, i guess, i don't know.'
your eyes narrow on his face, it seems like he's being authentic and honest. you don't bite, yet. 'and you couldn't just tell me that?'
'i don't like talking about him.'
'and that means...'
'it means that telling you who lauren is, opens up a new door of information about myself and you'll want to pick this apart and you're gonna get hurt when i shut down and tell you we're not going to talk about it. ever.'
peter's a softie around his friends, you assume this was a best friend, and if it was high school that means peter was still a nerd. meaning, it had to be bad.
'what did he do?'
peter crosses his arms over his chest, your question proves his point. he's blocking you out, he gave you all he was going to give, it's up to you if you decide if it's enough.
'peter, c'mon, you can't just dump all that on me and expect me not to-'
'yes, yes i can. i told you i wasn't going to explain it further. you wanted to know who she was, i told you, conversation over.' peter was right, it does hurt your feelings. he never wants to open up and it's frustrating beyond belief, but peter's taught you that slow and steady wins the race.
if you badger him about this, he'll shut you out indefinitely. if you slowly poke and draw out information over the course of a few weeks, you'd have the full story. more or less, you’ll attract a bear with honey.
'that's all she is? your old friend's little sister? there's never been anything more i need to be aware of? nothing?'
peter shakes his head, the one thing you believe, it's that there wasn't anything sexual. the thought has him look like it makes him sick to picture it.
'the last time i saw her in person she was fifteen, i promise there's nothing sexual. i don't even have her number, we interact on instagram, that's it. just likes and comments, no dm's or secret phone calls. promise.'
fine. it doesn't mean you like it.
'i don't like this. i don't appreciate you all over her page.' peter takes in your words, he's listening and while his tone is gentle, he's stubborn about the topic.
'i understand that, and i appreciate you telling me that, and coming to me about this, but i'm sorry, trouble, i'm not cutting her out. if you can't handle that, i understand. but if you do, we need to get this over with now, i don't need lauren resentment coming from you down the line.'
what he's saying without saying it, is that this isn't a bargaining chip and you can't hold it over his head. the topic of lauren dies tonight, and if you have a problem with that, you need to walk away.
you point at him, you're not nearly as hot headed as you were five minutes ago. 'i don't like this.' you feel like you haven't stated it enough.
'i understand. i'd have my own qualms if the situation was reversed.'
he brought it up first. 'and if it was reversed? how'd you react to this?'
'i'd be frustrated and have my own opinion, but i'd understand that this is a person you're not ready to let go of yet, and maybe one day you will be, but you can't be forced into it and you need to make that call when you know you're ready to move on.'
it's a shitty situation, at least peter knows it. you know it'll go nowhere but you can't imagine what could've happened that made him so clammed up.
'he really fucked you up, huh?' peter's hesitant to agree, he's terrified you'll use anything as a conversation starter. 'unrepairable.' no chance of fixing it, ever.
'you swear there's nothing going on?'
'i swear. i promise it on may. i promise it on the frat, on my relationship with you, on everything in me. there's nothing between us, i promise.'
you take a deep breath in, you're going to need more than a single conversation to think about it. it makes you insecure to the ninth degree, but you're confident he's telling the truth. to give peter some benefit, she's got a boy plastered all over her page dating back from two years ago to her third most recent post.
'okay. i believe you.'
'you do?' he sounds hopeful, he hopes this means you'll move on from it. 'i do. i don't like it, i don't support it, and i'll never support it, but i believe that you're not ready to let her go yet and there's nothing romantic or sexual about it.'
'and...' you can't believe you're giving the guy you're seeing a pass on another girl. 'lauren is the only exception. if i ever see you doing this with another girl, i'll stab your pen through your neck. are we good on that?'
peter hold his hand out, 'deal.'
you're allowing this to happen. this better prove how fucking trustworthy you are, if this blows back up in your face, you'll never make the same mistake twice. if peter lies, he'll fuck everything up for every guy after him.
you step up to meet his hold, your grip is tighter than his. 'deal.' 
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wosowrites · 1 year
Soft for Her (Lauren Hemp x Reader)
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warnings: none
a/n: based off this request:
prompt: in which the reader is a softie for lauren
You were hard headed, that was a known fact. You were the Katie Mccabe of your team, except while Katie had an angry face and temper on the field, you had that even off the field. The city girls loved you. You were their own personal bodyguard everywhere they went, but they also knew the things that triggered your anger rampages and bad mood. It was just you, and they loved you. They all knew you wouldn’t hurt a fly, but you damn looked like you could.
Oh, and the exception to this hard facade was Lauren Hemp.
You were Canadian, and definitely the biggest fear of national teams. One hard tackle from you could send them out for months at a time, although hurting people was never your intention. When Bev Priestman paired you, Kadeisha Buchanan and Shelina Zadorsky in the back line… you were unbeatable.
But back to Lauren.
Lauren meant the world to you. You would never admit that to anyone, but everyone knew it. Lauren was the human definition of a golden retriever, while you were more of a… black scratched up angry street cat that people frowned at in the street. But Lauren never frowned at you once. When she joined City, people had warned her about you. They had said that you were nice but terrifying and not to be messed with. But she didn’t listen, she made her own opinions on you. And she thought you were the most beautiful person in the world.
It was true, you were really, very pretty. But everyone was always too concentrated on the frown, the tattoos, the cold eyes, the outgrown brown haired once dyed blonde and the strong arms that could probably crush someone’s neck to see your beauty.
That’s why you loved Lauren, she made you smile, which was a rare sight before she arrived to City.
"I mean… even when she scores she doesn’t smile. She just yells like… horrifyingly loudly, pumps the air and beats her fist on her chest. I don’t know how you do it Hemp." Leila had told her one morning. Lauren had just finished having a generic, regular conversation with you, which ended in you grinning from ear to ear and walking off. "The smile didn’t leave her face for like… 12 seconds. That’s a new record." Leila added. "You make her up to be some kind of heartless demon! She’s not. She just has her guard up." Lauren said, walking into the training facility and towards the gym. "I don’t! You know how much we love her. It’s nice to see her smile like that is all. It just catches me off guard. I constantly have to remind myself 'right, her face can do that like the rest of us.'" The spaniard said, making Lauren chuckle and push her lightly.
The girls entered the gym where most of the City people were already at work. "I mean! Lauren! She’s doing bicep curls with 60 pound weights right now." Leila said, avoiding you. "She won’t throw them at you! Be nice." Lauren said, heading to the rowing machine. You looked up from your arms, smiling at Lauren and giving Leila a small nod. "Heyyy there y/n" Leila said, stretching out her words. "Nice weights" she added.
"I’ll throw them at you if you keep on looking at me like I bite." You scowled, making Lauren chuckle. Only Lauren laughed at your threats. "No! I’m sorry!" Leila squealed, running off to hide behind Chloe. You smiled cheekily and looked back at your weights, getting two more reps in before placing them on the ground. "Why do you do that?" a voice behind you says.
You turn around to see Lauren standing there, her chin tilted up a bit to look at you.
"Why do I do what?" You asked her. "Act mean. Or threaten them. They love you and I know you love them but I don’t get it. You’re the sweetest person ever." Lauren said, sitting on the bench press machine as you leaned onto the wall. "Because it’s funny. And I don’t want them to know i’m… soft. Sometimes." You said, struggling to get the word out. "Soft? Huh. I’ve noticed that. You act different with me. Why?" Lauren asked.
This made you look away, focusing instead on the pull up bar. "I don’t know. You’re just… different." You said, grabbing onto the bar and starting to do your reps. "Y/n. Stop that. Look at me." Lauren said.
You ignored her for a bit but eventually dropped down from the bar and took a seat next to her on the bench. "You have your guard up all the time, and you drop it around me. Why?" Lauren said gently. "Because you’re the only one I trust to not have my guard up. I love them. All of them, I do. But I’m not letting people in because that always ends in hurt." You said, fiddling with your fingers.
"Y/n…" Lauren said, going to put her hand on your thigh. "You should get back to your workout. I’ll see you later." You said, standing up and going to the treadmill.
Lauren watched you walk away, completely confused. Confused about the origin of your hard surface, confused about your persona, but mostly, confused about her feelings for you.
Three days later
The team had just won 2-1 over manchester united, it was a big win and a necessary one for them. The girls decided to go home to get dressed and then go out to supper. Bunny chose an italian restaurant that seemed well rated. So you went home to your studio apartment, showered and then tried to choose what to wear. You had gotten a new tattoo on your bicep, so you wanted to show that off. you chose beige dickies and a lakers basketball jersey, paired with purple air jordan’s and gold jewelry. It was only about 15° outside, but you didn’t get cold often so you opted for no coat.
You took your car to the italian restaurant, being one of the later arrivals. "You guys said 7:00, it’s 7:02 how is everybody here?" You asked as you took a seat between Lauren and Ellie. "Everyone knows 7:00 means 6:50, y/n." Esme told you. "Not in Canada! 7:00 means 7:30 in Canada. You’re lucky I showed up at all." You said, earning a small slap from Lauren. "Hey!" you groaned at her. "Nice tat," she said, tracing her finger over the fairy. "Thanks," you said, trying to act as though the feeling of her skin touching yours wasn’t driving you insane.
The supper went smoothly. Ellie made everyone be in her tik toks, the food was amazing, Leila teased you the entire dinner. And then eventually, at about 9:45, people stared leaving. You were one of the last ones to stand up, along with Lauren, Bunny, Leila and Yui. "I want to show you something. Come in my car?" You whispered to Lauren. She nodded gently and looked over to Leila. "Y/n’s gonna drive me home, i’ll see you tomorrow?" Lauren said to Leila.
The spaniard nodded and did not even try to hide her wink.
You rolled your eyes and then walked out of the restaurant with Lauren.
She sat in the passengers seat as you sat in the drivers. You started up the car and turned on the radio, going onto the nearest highway. "We’re going towards the suburbs y/n." Lauren said to you. "I know."
"I love England. But if there’s one thing I miss it’s the mountains in Canada. I miss hiking and being able to see the stars. So, a couple months ago I set out to find a place where I could see them again… the stars that is. And I found this place… and it’s not as good as Canadian mountains but it’s nice." You told Lauren, who listened attentively.
"And you’re gonna bring me there?" Lauren asked. "Yeah. If that’s okay?” You said, focusing on the highway. "It’s more than okay."
A couple minutes later, you pulled over on the side of the highway. The night sky was incredibly dark, but you were right, the stars were brighter than ever. "Wow. It’s beautiful." Lauren whispered in awe. She looked around, spinning around herself as you watched her. You could watch her forever.
Lauren caught up to you and took your hand in hers. You bit your lip to hide a smile. "You can smile you know. There’s no one else here." Lauren laughed, squeezing your hand. You let out a small, tight lipped smille. She held a hold of your hand, both of you standing still and looking up at the sky.
Lauren kept her eyes on the stars, while you kept your eyes on Lauren.
When she looked back down, you were already looking down at her, your eyes tired, but your lips curved upwards. "Can I kiss you?" You whispered to her, making her eyes go wide. "Yes."
You didn’t wait another second, leaning i and putting your hands on the small of her back to draw her closer to you. Kissing her felt right. You felt complete. And after pulling away, all you wanted to do was kiss her again.
"You had to go and wait a year to do that." Lauren said, putting her arms around you, pushing her body against yours while still looking at you. "Hey, our love story is a slow burn," you joked, knowing how much of a sucker Lauren was for romance novels. "Ha ha." She said.
You kept her gaze for a while longer, going in for another quick kiss.
"It’s late, we should go." You said.
She nodded and you walked towards your car, settling in and driving into the night.
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lovezbrownies · 3 days
small fun facts about all my characters :3
Nia Bloodwen:
-Owns a collection of erotic manga. Reads them until she eventually dies.
-Bashes chocolate and unhealthy eating in front of people but secretly owns a drawer full of chocolate and sweets and snacks. She only does this so people think she's superior.
-Once accidentally legalied murder, dont ask her how, she just signs papers!
Gen Ludenhart:
-She wanted Nia soo bad when she was younger, she's healed now.
-Taught Siolis and Red how to wield and shoot a gun one weekend when Sio was 8 and Red was 13. It was supposed to be a secret, Red couldn't wait to tell Grim and accidentally shot Grim, the kids weren't allowed near her without a chaperone for a long time (still aren't)
-Fully has a southern accent, she keeps it a secret.
Grim Ludenhart:
-Genuinely contemplated putting Red up for adopting numerous times
-Complete softy in bed, acts feral with foreplay but becomes the bitchiest man to exist when the act is finally being committed.
-Also has a southern accent and keep it a secret. Uses it to put the fear in his kids whenever they do something bad.
Siolis Ludenhart:
-Kind of a cannibal, likes eating human flesh, especially people without magic. Red knows of this and supplies them with the meat of horrible people.
-Had very long hair before they became the Queen's assistant, had to cut it for the job. Still misses it terribly :(
-Cussed out their Aunt, Gen, when she accidentally pushed them when they were 6. Like horrible words you'd never expect a traumatized 6 year old to say
Red Ludenhart:
-Wholeheartedly believes Siolis is the devil. No irony.
-Had a rat tail as a teenager, Siolis cut it off in his sleep.
-Hates the queen and tells it to her face whenever they visit Siolis. Leading to him somehow finding where her room is and smearing it in pig shit, don't ask how he managed to get it, he just did.
Lauren McCanister:
-Masochist and Sadist, god forbid if you insult her in bed or look pleased when she insults you, she will come undone before you even touch her
-Once destroyed an experiment her mom slaved over when she was 8 and blamed the dog. They never had a dog
-Once cursed out someone and their mother and their mother dropped dead the next day, thought she had secret magic for an entire year.
Julie McCanister:
-LOVES fooling around in bed, she'd outwardly say she doesn't care but trap her in a room with you? She will pounce.
-Lauren was an accident. Julie genuinely didn't expect for the experiment to be successful, she put in her DNA for shits and giggles.
-Once fucked her rival to make sure they develop feelings for her and drop out of a science competition. She won.
Lorelai Marlowe:
-Obsessed with her phone, genuinely cannot let it go for a second, pictures and records everything.
-Tried to become a social embarrassment in high school so people would leave her alone, did not work.
-Tried making a scientific discovery. Exitted the lab half bald
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canirove · 9 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 26
Author's note: Hope you enjoy this chapter, and happy new year to those of you who don't follow me! 🫶🏻
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"June… June, my phone is ringing. June, I have to pick up. I… fuck" Ben moaned, his phone slipping from his hand and hitting the floor.
"What the hell are you doing, Chilwell?" she said, sticking her head from under the duvet. "I almost bit your…"
"It's from work, I have to pick up" he said, reaching for his phone.
"Urgh, fine" she replied, resting her chin on his stomach.
"Hello? Yes, sorry. I had my phone charging and it was in another room. Yeah, yeah" he chuckled. "Wait, really? I… I don't know what to say… No, no. Yes. I want to do it. Yes, yes, don't worry. Ok, thank you. Bye."
"And? What is it? Why are you smiling like that?" 
"Because my facts are back."
"I just got offered to comment the World Cup, June."
"You what?" she said, quickly sitting up.
"I'm going to Australia" Ben replied, also sitting up. 
"You… You are coming with us? With me?"
"I am, yes" he said. "Apparently Sarina called them and asked them to convince me to go because she knows that without my facts you don't play at your best."
"Oh, shut up!" she laughed.
"I'm gonna be merciless, Maxwell."
"You've been a softie for too long, I don't think you can do that anymore" June teased him.
"Do you want me to show you how soft I am?"
"I'm waiting" she smirked.
"You asked for it" Ben said, putting an arm around her waist and throwing her in the bed while she just giggled. "But can I say something first?"
"A fact?" June asked, running her hands through his hair.
"Yes, a fact. The factest fact ever."
"I love you, June Maxwell."
"I know" she smiled. 
"Are you going to run away now?"
"I can't. You have me trapped under your body. And my fingers are tangled on your hair. And I…"
"You what?" Ben said, caressing her cheek.
"And I'm not going anywhere. I'm not running away. I'm stuck with you, and you are stuck with me, Chilwell. And it's gonna be for a very long time." Because I love you too, she said to herself before kissing him. 
"You are gonna end up breaking your neck, June" Lauren laughed. 
"He's coming, he isn't running away like others do."
"Fuck you, James" June replied, showing her friend her middle finger. 
"Can't wait to spend the next 20 hours with you" she laughed again.
Today was the day. They were finally flying to Australia for the World Cup. And they were sharing their plane with the English press, which meant that Ben was there too. 
He and June had been facetiming daily since she had moved to St. George's Park with the team, and every free moment she had, they were texting, telling each other about their day or just sharing random thoughts that crossed their minds. She actually felt like a teenager in love for the first time.
She was always looking forward to talking to him, constantly finding herself smiling like an idiot, her heart skipping a beat every time she saw she had a WhatsApp notification from him. How had she ended up falling head over heels for Ben fucking Chilwell? 
"Looking for a certain someone?"
"Jesus Christ, Leah" June said, jumping on her seat. "You scared me."
"I know" she smiled, sitting next to her. "But you were looking for him, weren't you?"
"She's been looking at the plane's door since we sat down, trying to spot her boyfriend" Lauren smirked.
"He isn't my boyfriend" June replied.
"He may not have the title yet, but you are definitely behaving like a couple." 
"And we are really happy for you, Maxwell" Leah added, giving her a hug. 
"Can you show it by teasing me a bit less? It's really annoying."
"Teasing is our love language" Lauren smiled. 
"I don't like it."
"Sorry not sorry" she shrugged.
"Uh, looks like someone got a text" Leah said when June's phone pinged, stupidly moving her eyebrows up and down.
"Is it from him? What does he say? Meet me later for sex in the bathroom?" Lauren asked.
"Meet me later when everyone is asleep" Leah read.
"Hey, that's private!" June protested, hiding her phone against her chest.
"Try to keep things quiet while you are at it, ok? I need my beauty sleep" Lauren smirked.
"We aren't going to do anything in the bathroom."
"That's what you say now. But once you have him in front of you…"
"I hate you. Both of you" June said, elbowing Leah.
"Hey, show some respect to your captain!"
"I'm a captain too" she replied, sticking out her tongue.
"Whatever. And save that thing for your boyfriend's mouth, Maxwell" Leah said, quickly running away before June could hit her, Lauren laughing by her side. 
"Hey" Ben said.
"Hi" June replied with a shy smile.
"How is the flight going?"
"I can't wait for it to be over, to be honest" she sighed.
"Can't sleep?"
"Neither can I. If only we could do it together…"
"My seat is big enough for the two of us, but I don't think Sarina would agree with us cuddling for the rest of the flight even if that helped me sleep."
"I don't think so, no" Ben chuckled. "And what would you tell her? Everyone thinks we can't stand each other."
"Actually, people think we've gone from enemies to lovers."
"Which we have" he smirked.
"Yes, we have" June replied with a matching smile.
"Though I want to be more than just your lover, June" Ben said, taking a step towards her. They were standing in the bathroom's corridor, and just with one stride he had closed most of the space between them.
"What do you mean?" Though she was pretty sure she knew what he meant. What he was going to ask her.
"Before meeting you I checked the map and we are flying over the Indian Ocean, and I think it is a really cool place for this. People usually choose somewhere romantic, like at dinner or at a meaningful place for them. But I don't think we have a place like that."
"What about your house? That's where you told me that you… that you love me" June whispered when a flight attendant walked past them.
"And where we probably fell in love, yeah" he smiled. "I could wait and ask you once we are back home, but I want to see you win the World Cup as a proud boyfriend. I want to be able to tell everyone that the girl lifting that trophy, is my girlfriend. So, June Elizabeth Maxwell" Ben said, taking one of her hands and putting it over his chest. Over his heart. "Do you want to…"
"Oh, sorry to interrupt."
"Fucking hell, Andrew" Ben said, not letting go of June's hand. 
"Sorry, sorry" he chuckled. "Are you ok, Chilly?" he asked, nodding towards June's hand on his chest.
"Yeah, yeah. Maxwell was teasing me about my heart not being ready for the World Cup, and I was showing her how ready it is. How ready I am" Ben said, his eyes fixed on hers. 
"Oh, I see… Is there anyone in the bathroom? I need to use it."
"All yours" Ben replied.
"Ok, great. And again, sorry to interrupt your… teasing" Andrew said, this time properly smiling.
"He knows" June whispered when he disappeared inside the small bathroom.
"Where were we? Oh, yes…"
"Ben, Andrew knows."
"June Elizabeth Maxwell, do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"June Elizabeth Maxwell, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Ben repeated.
"Do you need to use my full name?"
"Yes. Because that's how serious I am about this. About us" he said, closing the space between them a bit more.
"June Eli…"
"Ok, fine, yes."
"Yes what?" 
"I…" she said, taking a deep breath. "I want to be your girlfriend, Benjamin James Chilwell."
"Say that again" he smiled.
"June Elizabeth…"
"You just sounded like my grandma" she laughed.
"I bet your grandma doesn't kiss you the way I do" Ben smirked.
"No one has ever kissed me the way you do. Mainly because no one has lips like yours, but…" 
"I love you, June" he whispered while caressing her cheek, his nose brushing against hers.
"Shit!" Andrew said behind them, making them both jump. "I'm sorry again, guys. But the door didn't open and I panicked for a second" he chuckled. "Did I interrupt something again?"
"No, nothing" June smiled. Just that she was about to tell Ben that she loved him.
"Oh, ok. I better go back to my seat, see if I can manage to sleep for a couple of hours."
"I should probably do the same" June said. "See you in Australia."
"See you there" Andrew smiled. "Chilly, are you coming?"
"Yes, yes" he said, looking at June walk away before following his colleague to his seat. A colleague he wanted to murder.
He was sure he had interrupted them when June was about to finally tell him that she loved him. And now who knew when they would have another chance to be alone and enjoy a moment like the one they were having.
"Anyway" Ben sighed, putting on his headphones. Maybe one of those YouTube videos that supposedly help you fall asleep would do the trick since nothing else had worked.
When he checked his phone, he saw that he had a new WhatsApp notification. A text from June.
"See you in Australia… boyfriend 😉😘"
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
I have a Jake head cannon. I love the chicken but this one is about Hangman.
Jake is a huge asshole when he’s around the other daggers and others at work. We all know he’s a cocky asshole that thinks he the best. However, when he’s back home with his family or with his close friends he’s a complete softy. He is the most polite southern man you will ever find and he is actually a big sweetheart.
Oh, Jake 😂 I think once he and the Daggers are bonded for life, he lets his softer side come out a bit more!
But I’m a huge supporter of the “Jake Seresin is a total mama’s boy” agenda. He will drop anything to do whatever that woman asks of him. In my headcanon, Jake also has three younger sisters—Savannah, Caroline, and Lauren—who he adores and looks out for, but also likes to tease mercilessly, especially Savannah 🤭
Join my “TOP ONE” Anniversary Celebration! 🥳
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illfoandillfie · 10 months
waking up slowly with Javi the morning after eloping on a whim in Vegas
Blurb Advent 2023: Day 3
Lauren here helping keep my pedro girlies fed lmao.
Not really any warnings - it's suggestive with references to sex but nothing explicit. Also minimal editing lmao.
It wasn’t unusual for you to wake up naked next to Javi, so you weren’t at all alarmed to once again find yourself in that position, only just registering it before you shut your eyes against the intrusive light. And it wasn’t so surprising that you couldn’t quite remember the previous night. That also happened with Javi a bit. He tended to make strong drinks. You’d watched him a hundred times pour in a very generous amount of alcohol while he swore up and down it was only a drop. So only having some hazy recollections of your night together wasn’t a red flag. You could recall a few things – you'd been somewhere loud for sure – though mostly just how good he’d made you feel. But you’d been dating long enough that you were used to that sort of thing and you trusted that he’d looked after you because he always did. People thought he was a grumpy hardass but you knew he was really a softie at heart, although maybe that was mostly where you were concerned. Either way, with nothing more than a looming potential headache and a bit of a dry mouth to worry you, you rolled over and snuggled closer to Javi’s bare back, with the intention of sleeping things off for a couple more hours.  
But something was different. It wasn’t until you were lying there trying to go back to sleep that the pieces started falling into place. Your bed didn’t usually face a window so you couldn’t have been at home. And things sounded strange. You hadn’t noticed it at first but now, with one arm slung over Javi’s side and your face pressed into his neck to try and block out the rest of the world, you began to realise that you couldn’t hear the usual bird calls or the scrape of the tree branch that was too close to the side of the house. There was more road noise too – nothing like normal. That was what finally made you stir from the warm comfort of the bed. A bed decidedly not your own in a very unfamiliar room. You sat up and took stock of your hastily scattered clothes on the slightly faded blue carpet, the open curtains (a very bland beige you hated on sight), the empty champagne bottle beside what had to be a minibar.  
Things started to click into place then, memories returning as you pieced the night together. The hastily packed bags. The scribbled note you’d taped to your front door in case anyone came looking for you. The way Javi had squeezed your hand excitedly on the plane. Elvis telling him he could kiss the bride. Suddenly the mess in the room made much more sense – you'd obviously been celebrating. And glancing down at your hand as you extracted it from the sheets, you couldn’t quite believe the ring glittering from your left hand.   You squealed. Javi groaned beside you, rolling onto his back and throwing his arm across his eyes. The movement let you catch a glimpse of the matching ring he wore and you had to bite back another squeal.  “Whats with all the noise?” Javi sounded groggy still and you decided to have some fun breaking the news to him.   “Nothing sweetheart.” You shuffled down to lay across his stomach, pressing a quick kiss to his chest, “Just wondering if we should start the day with some blackjack or wait until after breakfast. Or maybe skip both and just spend all day fucking. It’s our honeymoon after all.” You watched gleefuly as the words sank in and Javi suddenly opened his eyes.   You scooted back just in time as he pushed himself upright, looking around the room like you had moments before. Finally his gaze landed on his ring and you reached out to grab his hand, letting him see yours.   “Fuck,” he breathed out, eyes finding yours, “we really got married.”  You stroked his hand and nodded, “We really did.”  “In Vegas.”  “In Vegas.” You agreed.   “Gonna be a few pissed off people back home.”  “They’ll get over it, I’m glad we eloped.”  He pulled your palm up and kissed it, “You finally made an honest man of me.”  Laughing you tried to push him away but he caught you and tugged you into a proper kiss, encouraging you to straddle him as he leaned back against the headboard.  
You hummed happily at having your husband (that’d take some getting used to) under you, one of his hands already moving to fondle your still bare breasts.  “Blackjack can wait.” He said suddenly, half against your lips.  “Huh?”  “All that stuff you said, everything can wait. Right now all I want to do is fuck my wife until we’re both too exhausted to cum anymore. Then we can talk about gambling and food and whatever else. At least until we get our strength back and I can fuck you some more.”  “Bit stereotypi-” you began before Javi covered your mouth with his hand.   “We ran off to Vegas and let an Elvis impersonator marry us, you can’t complain about stereotypical.”  You were giggling when he let you go but you didn’t bother arguing or agreeing or speaking at all. You caught him in another kiss and rolled your hips against his. 
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Jesus who knew Lauren was the softie in this relationship??? I thought Joey was the one who was supposed to cry at random shit!
Lauren always HAS been a softie too and like with that patreon thing it was very understandable why she got emotional, what’s getting me with the wedding stuff is that it’s so obvious that even *she* was taken aback by HOW emotional she got 😭
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
▼ and ☾ with mbb and Abby 👉👈
Pike, my darling! I reblogged that post and then immediately fell asleep, so my apologies for the delay. I went a little off-track with my answers, but short and precise is not a strong suit of mine. So without further ado, let's get into it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
Abby never sleeps over. She tries to put distance between them and make herself not fall in deeper with him, but it gets harder with every night she comes to his penthouse. Bob doesn't say anything, but he knows she's fighting with herself about it. He wants her to stay. He wants to wake up with his arms wrapped around Abby. He wants to kiss her awake and have slow morning sex. He may appear unbothered, but in reality, he's a softie at heart. The first time Abby stays over and he finds her making breakfast in the kitchen, he damn well nearly loses his mind.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Abby's mom, Lauren, died when she was 11 years old, and having never known who her biological father was, Warlock unofficially adopted her. She grew up outside San Diego to protect her from prying eyes, and to keep people from finding out her true identity and association with Warlock's organization. Only the inner circle knows who she really is, and that's why she's the perfect person to send in to spy on a rival organization. Warlock is against the idea, but Abby volunteers, and that's how she becomes Bobby's secretary.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Who’s your favorite character to write? In general or in each fandom if you can’t choose lol <3
i think it definitely depends. as you can obviously tell i'm pretty fixated on the CM ladies right now, but there's still a soft spot in my heart for the other fandoms.
For SVU it's gotta be Rita. she's just such a complex character with so many layers and so much to explore and discover. She can be written a couple of different ways depending on the fic, her sharp, cold lawyer exterior or the super softie that she is at home with her partner kinda thing.
For CM: i think it's Emily. again, with the complex and layers shit. She's got such a big backstory that you can play with, and who doesn't love a good Lauren arc centred fic?! like there's SO much you can play with just based on that one storyline alone.
otherwise it kinda just depends on what mood i'm in for fluff/angst/smut. If i'm feeling suuuper smutty, then it's obvi gonna be a Heather Dunbar fic. She's also super good to play around with pure angst when it comes to break ups/toxic relationships lol.
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amlovelies · 2 years
For the OC dating game:
Inés wanted to be a teacher, ideally at high school level, because she wants to be one of those teachers that make children not hate school. She is sweet, friendly, kind, hates confrontation and cries easily.
She dresses mainly in pink, lilac, baby blue and white and loves short dresses. Inés shaved her head years ago because she hated how much time took to do her hair, which is naturally dark brown, but she dyes her buzzcut either pink or purple. She is 6'2, on the skinnier side, has big, brown eyes and several tattoos on her arms, legs and one on her sternum.
She owns a fluffy, white cat named Nusch, who spoiled rotten.
oh Inés is just the loveliest 🥺
okay I'm very torn here. I was thinking Emma at first because I love the idea of like two softies together
but also I do love a sunshine and a grump pairing
so I'm actually thinking Lauren would be a fun match. Lauren can be a bit sarcastic and guarded but she's also fiercely loyal and defensive about the people that she cares about, she'll go to hell and back for them.
also Lauren is like a foot shorter than her which is just very fun, gentle giant Inés with her tiny little guard dog lauren.
oc dating game!
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writer-of-various · 2 years
Greek God AU / Excerpt
Okay, look, I did not forget about this masterpiece, I'm still working on it. Here is a piece I decided to give y'all so you know I'm working on it. There will be a few OCs added in here, I gave Laswell's wife a name (Lauren) and my MW oc Amanda would be included. Anyways, long ass author's note pushed aside, hope you enjoy this excerpt!
"Ghost, its so good to see you. How is everything in the Underworld?" She asks and Ghost tries to focus on her but his eyes keep trailing down to the baby in her arms.
"Good, although it would be more spirited if my subjects weren't so fearful of me. At least Riley likes me." Riley is his giant three-headed hellhound, but she's an absolute softy. Unless you appear threatening, then she'll chew your head right off.
"It's because you're so big and strong! I remember when you were so small, you were my height" Lauren sighs at the memory and Laswell rolls her eyes playfully beside her.
"I'm pretty sure Ghost was taller than you still." She teases and Ghost huffs out a chuckle as the two begin to bicker lightly. He looks at the baby, who's staring back up at him with those doe-like eyes.
"What's his name?" Ghost asks, and Laswell turns her attention back on him. She smiles and looks down at the baby, caressing a soft chubby cheek with two fingers.
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softgreengrass · 2 years
well goddamn I asked you to pour some goddamn salt on my heart and you did damn….. thank you so much for writing a second part to Sun To Me !!! My expectations= met and exceeded 😩 I wanted to show some love since it was the only post you had up and it was really great and creative writing that’s hard to come by dude! I’m typically not the type to comment but just really wanted to this time, might ALSO have to do with the fact that I’ve somewhat recently been in fairly similar situation myself BUTTTTT in my case I was the emotionally inept one like damn hit me with that uno reverse why don’t you 💀 made me feel some type of way reading that fic and having to imagine the patience that I was given but had an incredibly troubling time improving that shi really hit home CORRECTION DESTROYED HOME(but like in a good way🥹)
you have more drafts hidden away?…. well cough up the gold what you holding out on us for🫵🏼🤨 KIDDING KIDDING pace yourself however as long as you keep posting don’t matter how long I gotta wait just know I’ll be excited and I’m sure I’m not the only one ! (SAY SIKE RN?! I USED TO BE A HUGE CAMREN SHIPPER TOO BACK IN THE DAY….. one of my luckiest moments in life is actually having a short conversation with Lauren after a concert?! 😭) HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE HOPE YOU HAVE A BOMB F*CKIN DAY SOFTIE - Ruby 🍒
thank you so much!! i appreciate u and all of u readers more than u know 😭 💙💙something in the orange was like the most perfect song for that situation so thank u for ur amazing suggestion and rip ur relationship 💀i'm sorry
i'm working on more stuff rn and i might dig up some drafts, we'll see😈😈😈 literally cannot believe u met lauren jauregui that is so insane...... processing
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO U TOO RUBY I HOPE 2023 IS AMAZING FOR U (my day was bomb btw i watched a broadway show had a great time) BUT HAVE AN AMAZING DAY AND YEAR!!! LOVE U
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faofinn · 1 year
Hi, I have read your stories, but I don't know how chareters look like. Can you post some picture in here? Then it's easer to read. Sorry about my english, I'm estonian 😐.
Hi! Ev's working on some art for us, but life's busy and art's hard. Allow me to give you some little descriptions :) (Your english is great, friend!)
Fao: 5ft8, broad shoulders and athletically built, long dark brown hair (past his shoulders), heterocromatic brown and hazel eyes. Wears glasses or contacts. Strong jaw, tattoo sleeves on both arms. Heavily influenced by the actor Eoin Macken and Aragorn from Lord of the Rings.
Finn: 6ft4, lanky, flips between well muscled and slim as a result of his health and his seizures. Brown hair, light brown eyes with the inside half of his right eye green. Ev has some old art for him, here!
Harrison: 6ft1, light brown/dark blonde hair, broadly built. Right below the knee amputation (post-army). Max Theriot is our current influence for him. O'Malley tattoo on his ribs.
Taidgh: 6ft2, brown hair, blue eyes. Muscularly built, though slimmer than Harrison. Our influence for him is David Giuntoli.
Ely: 5ft4, petite, blonde with blue eyes. Often needs reading glasses but denies it profusely and steals Fao's. Influenced by Lauren German.
Jess: 5ft7, slim, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, mixed race.
Steve: 6ft1ish, well built, dark brown hair and eyes, looks scary but is a real softie.
Fred: 6ft2, slim, brown hair and eyes.
Sheila: 5ft6, slim, mousy brown hair.
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poitum · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: LC Lauren Conrad Women's Wrap Oblong scarf scarves pashmina Ombre Softy Neutral.
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