#sokolov's health elixir
type40thiefoflight · 28 days
Okay I have some thoughts about elixirs:
If Anton Sokolov's elixir restores health and Piero Joplin's restores mana then shouldn't the S&J Elixir be enough without taking the Addermire Solution?
2. If the Addermire Solution is what turned created Grim Alex then why isn’t anyone else experiencing weird side effects?
3. Since it serves as a mana elixir it should affect the player’s Void powers, especially Emily’s shadow walk and doppelgangers and Corvo's possession.
The more Solution Emily drinks, the harder it would be for her to change back and her doppelgangers would take on more of a life of their own. Corvo would have a harder time separating his mind from the rats and people he possesses.
That would incentivize the player to reconsider using their powers so often and giving their mana more time to recharge so the Solution doesn't corrupt them. Maybe it would only be an issue until you cure Dr. Hypatia and she eventually gets a revised formula distributed.
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decayedgender · 2 years
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— Elixirdishonic !!
A gender relating to Sokolov's Elixir from Dishonored, can be relating to the rat plague, gaining health, being healed or anything else relating to Sokolov's Elixir.
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Make sure to read my DNI before interacting ♫ Coined by me + not a req !
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harrissam19 · 2 years
Dishonored Blog Project 2: Dishonored
After six months of being in Coldridge Prison, the time of Corvo’s execution draws near. One morning the guard arrives to bring Corvo his meal, and informs him that the meal is courtesy of ‘a friend’. On a tray is some bread, which I eat (giving me some more health) and beneath is a key and a note.
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The use of a note to give the player information about the level as opposed to just an objective marker, like many other games in the genre, is an effective tool in encouraging the player to engage with the world around them.
Leaving the cell some guards can be overheard speaking of Corvo’s execution and how all of Dunwall’s wealthy and upper class will be attending. This gives the player some insight into the politics and social dynamic of Dunwall. It is important to note that this conversation isn’t in a cutscene, but in the middle of the level. The player has a choice in whether they want to stay and listen or not. This is another example of the game encouraging the player to explore the world for themselves, as well as adding to the sense of realism in the game.
This is also the moment when the game explains to the player that the way they navigate each situation will affect the world and the outcome of the story. For this playthrough I will be trying to use stealth and nonlethal approaches.
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As the player continues through the level, they encounter more guards who speak of affairs in their lives and public service announcements that also reveal information about the world and its ‘news’.
Eventually the player reaches the interrogation room. The room is large but dark and cold. There is a torture chair with blood smeared on the floor, with an enormous portrait of the Spymaster (now the Lord Regent). Upon further exploration a note can be found in the room, revealing to the player that it is actually Corvo who has been tortured in here. In addition there is an audiograph that can be played. If the player chooses to do so they will hear a report about the torture and interrogation of Corvo from the Lord Regent. This interrogation room is a perfect example of how Dishonored creates spaces that the player can explore at their own leisure that really adds to the worldbuilding. This makes the game much more immersive too as the player has freedom to do what they want as opposed to rigid linear progression.
This same immersive environmental storytelling is built upon further when the player reaches the sewer. After hearing about those in power and the upper classes, the sewer provides the player with a space that is reflective of the average person in Dunwall. Navigating the sewers, the player is able to observe the severity of the rat plague and its effects on the Dunwall population when two men get eaten alive by a swarm of rats. There is much evidence of people living in the sewers, tinned foods, bottles, makeshift beds, and corpses. In the sewers Corvo’s gear has been left for him along with a note from the ‘loyalists’. Slightly further into the sewers from this point the player may find a locked combination safe. Next to the safe is this note:
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Behind the safe is a shelf with empty whiskey bottles on. If the player moves these bottles the safe combination can be seen behind, which can be put into the safe. When the right combination is entered the safe opens to reveal whatever is inside, in this case it was a jewellery box worth 50 coins and one bottle of Sokolov’s Health Elixir.
The level ends when Corvo makes it out of the sewers and meets Samuel the boatman who will take me to meet the mysterious Loyalists who helped him to escape. When the level ends the player is met with a report of the performance in that level, making the player reflect on their actions. This is also another example of how the game encourages the player to think about the approach and how they interact with the world.
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vo1dtouched · 3 years
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heal up! pt. 2/? pt 1: here
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JDT: wondering why Sokolov & Joplin elixir actually doesn't combine the properties of Sokolov health and Piero mana potions.
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squiredpengu · 5 years
Curcles, Hexagons
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Why yes I have been working on this for about 4 hours-
Trial and error my friends. Trials and many errors. This is what the disassembled pieces for Sokolov's health elixirs look like.
I still have so much more to cut, and like figure out the top/uhhhh metal rod part??? (Where does metal even go)
Contemplating if I should get a lighting set for the photos, or liquid clay. I'm just done working on this for today.
I'm gonna go play something.
- Sophie
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thevolunteers · 3 years
sokolov's health elixir = juice
piero's spiritual remedy = water
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horsyunicorn · 7 years
Sokolov is listed as "Official Supplier of bandages, ointments and elixirs to the Royal Protector" after Corvo comes back to the Hound Pits Pub on 5% health for the sixth time
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butchamy · 7 years
Dishonored headcanon: the improved health elixir that Piero and Sokolov developed together proved sufficient to heal Piero’s “brain fevers”; but with it, severed the preternatural source of his inspiration. While he was content with the scientific work he had done in his life, he was worried that he would be hounded for the rest of his days by would-be apprentices, and Sokolov helped him fake his death so he could go live on a Tyvian farm with Cecelia. Sokolov visits him sometimes, and when he does, most of the time is spent cuddling in bed.
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tenoutten · 8 years
‘💊💊’ *It's a health elixir actually*
He sipped the drink, glass in hand hovering over the table. Something was off. Yet, familiar. Biting his tongue, Gabriel tried to get some saliva running, clicking his tongue to best taste it. Whatever had tempered his wine didn't exactly taste strongly, but it had a... a subtle, sour taste to it.Swallowing he tried to identify it. Not exactly the green kind of sour from herbs, but it stuck in the back of his throat, much like... medicine."Sokolov's?" Frowning, he raised the glass to eye level and the wine swooshed inside, none the different for it. It was quite an... unique combination. Taking another drink, Gabriel wondered if the elixir would negate the effects of a headache.
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syrupwit · 6 years
Letter for Trick or Treat 2018
Thank you for reading!!
Table of Contents:
General Likes & DNW
Original Works
Sunless Sea
Fic Likes: Humor, angst, slice of life, action/adventure, casefic, "original flavor" canon compliant works. On the light side -- camaraderie, cooperation, and loyalty among characters; hijinks and shenanigans; frenemies. On the dark side -- manipulative or one-sided relationships; fridge horror; Monkey's Paw situations; permeating, lingering atmospheres of dread. On the Halloween side -- witches, ghosts, cults, rituals, eldritch beings, and silly fake-scary party foods. I love short fics, character sketches, and unusual narrative structures (epistolary, found document, framing devices like quoting from a work that doesn't exist). Drabbles are more than welcome. For POV, first, second, and third person are all welcome. I am also fond of outsider POV and, where applicable, Outsider POV on requested characters. Also I really like pining.
Art Likes: Bright colors, monochrome, pixel art, detailed decorative-style art, cartoon style, sketches, digital art, illustrations... I'm not super well versed in art, but I like it! No doubt your hypothetical piece will impress me terribly!
DNW: Major character death, bestiality, or gratuitous gore/violence. Onscreen rape/non-con, suicide, cannibalism, or harm to animals (offscreen is fine). Asexual or aromantic characters in romantic/sexual situations. Issuefic.
I love the worldbuilding and creepy atmosphere in Dishonored. It's probably the game I have spent the most time playing. My computer is apparently allergic to Dishonored 2, but I have seen part of an LP (and I'm spoiled!). For this exchange, I've requested characters that I would like to know more about. 
(Please note: If you’ve written a treat for me in this fandom before, I am a fan of all you write and if you are thinking of writing something for me I’d be happy with anything. But no pressure, seriously!)
Daud's Mother - Not a witch, but accomplished with poisons. Please tell me more about her! How did she learn to "never make an enemy of a witch"? How did she make her name, or lack thereof? Did she have, like, opinions, about politics? Did she ever eat good food? Make her real for me :D
Billie Lurk | Meagan Foster - The lieutenant who pays too much attention, the scarred and mysterious captain. In The Knife of Dunwall, I love that even the other Whalers think she's sort of weird. In DH2, I love... HER. Ultimate woobie tbh. I'd be happy to read anything about Billie: backstory, comedy, case snippets, angst, hurt/comfort, navel-gazing inner monologue. What was her best or worst job as an assassin? What does she do during the Fugue Feast? How were her first days at sea after leaving Dunwall? For ships, I'd prefer Billie/Daud, Billie/Emily, or Billie/Delilah. For friendships: Billie & Sokolov. However, she's great all on her lonesome.
Vera Moray | Granny Rags - The fallen beauty, the would-be cannibal! What were the stories the kids in the slums told about her? What did she find in Pandyssia? She's so grubby and creepy and fascinating. How did her little war with Slackjaw start? Did she ever meet Delilah? I'd love to see her interact with Sokolov or Corvo, but I'd also love to just see what's going on in her brain.
Black Sally - Slackjaw's predecessor, probably faked her own death. Tell me more about her rise and fall, and what she got up to after the interregnum. Did she ever pique the Outsider's interest, and if so, what dissuaded him? Was she involved, or were her parents involved, in the Morley Insurrection? *interviewer voice* When did she first display leadership skills? Erm, I guess I'd just like to know more.
Lizzy Stride - Sharpens her teeth to look tough. What happens to her after the events of The Brigmore Witches? Who is her aristocratic lover? What's her idea of a good time? What does she think about whales? How does she die? I kind of ship her with Delilah in a messed up way, but you don't have to.
Slackjaw - The Urchin Prince. If his elixir still is contaminated with rat plague, how does he find out? What's his place in the wider criminal society of Dunwall? Has he ever been even the least bit interesting to the Outsider? Why exactly does he dress like a Hatter (Watsonian explanation)? And, ah... How does he die, if not by the hand of Mrs Vera Moray?
I am loving the Original Works tags this year. Please feel free to use the character tags themselves as prompts if you’d prefer, or see my questions below.
Female Counselor Working at the Camp Where Those Murders Happened Years Ago - How long has she worked at the camp? Was she... the murderer?! Was her mother the murderer? Have the murders started up again just like they did all those years ago? Was she/her mother the murderer, but now the murders have started up again just like they did all those years ago and this time it's not the original murderer? Is the Counselor simply welcoming campers to the grand reopening of Camp Hackynslasche with a delicately worded account of its history? Options abound.
Mayor Who Won't Close The Beaches Because He Doesn't Believe There's a Murderous Sea Monster - What's the Mayor's reasoning? Do they change their mind? Are they in league with the Sea Monster? Does the whole thing come to a head one dark and stormy night as torrential floods allow the Sea Monster to temporarily come on land, or one bright and sunny day as the Mayor sets out in a glass-bottomed boat with a pack of journalists to prove once and for all that there is no Sea Monster? Or perhaps the Sea Monster isn't really murderous and has just been taking people to a secluded island against their will to test out its new theme park -- which is still a crime, but not as bad as murder, surely? Go wild...
Psychic Detective Who Has To Fake Being Brilliant At Clues - COMEDY GOLD. What is the Detective investigating? Have they always been psychic, or is it a recent development? Is there a rival police detective getting increasingly fed up with the Detective's nonsensical methods that somehow always arrive at the right conclusion? Are there times when being a Psychic Detective really, really sucks, and other times when it's awesome? How?
Pyramid Scheme Victim Out For Revenge - Yes! I love this prompt! What's the scheme? Probiotic health shakes? Crystal jewelry? Organic knives? Does the pyramid scheme conceal some sinister purpose, or is its founding motivation simple human greed? How does the Victim seek revenge? Infiltrating the pyramid scheme's corporate headquarters under an assumed identity? Founding a competing scheme? Shutting down production and supply? Uh, hacking? I'd love to know :D
Space Traveler Stranded on a Haunted Planet - A Trick request, or possibly a Treat! What stranded the Traveler? What is the haunted planet like -- air, gravity, landscape / seascape / gas-scape, habitability, light / darkness, ...? Who or what is doing the haunting -- an ancient civilization, a malevolent higher being, a malevolent AI that just acts like a ghost, the ghosts of other stranded travelers, native inhabitants who are alive and just really don't want to get colonized? I'm interested!
A Yoga Ball that is One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Disguise - I just want to know what's going on here.
Somehow, Portal 2 managed to be even better than Portal. Or was it the other way around? Anyway, I'd love something funny, scary, or whimsical yet fridge-horrifying for this fandom.
Cave Johnson - His loudspeaker announcements were among my favorite parts of Portal 2. For a trick OR treat, I'd love to know more about the wild, wacky, and wildly unethical schemes he got up to. What happened to those mantis men? What were his interdepartmental memos like? Any weird company policies or work holidays we didn't hear about? For art, I loved the Aperture Science posters and Cave’s steadily aging portraits. Also I ship him with Caroline, though I understand this exchange is character matching. ;)
GLaDOS - Murderous AI of my heart! I ship her with Chell and/or Wheatley, but you don’t have to. What piqued her interest in cake? What if she gave it all up and became a potato farmer? When did she first become conscious of her own sentience? What if she decided to pursue becoming, like, “best friends” with Chell even after Caroline was gone? What if there arose some situation in which she were hurt and needed to be comforted?? For art, I’d love to see GLaDOS in one of her earlier robot bodies, or throwing herself a birthday celebration, or hosting a Halloween party. Malevolent GLaDOS looming above a pile of dubiously human bodies is, uh, also an image that just sprang into my mind. Oh dear.
Turret(s) - Poor things. So much potential for creepiness or cuteness, or both at once. What do the turrets get up to in their spare time, if they have any? What do they think about GLadOS, or working for GLaDOS vs Wheatley? Cute art of turrets performing their daily duties or dressing up for Halloween absolutely would not go amiss!
Wheatley - What can I say, he grew on me. I ship him with Chell and/or GLaDOS, but again, you don’t have to. Poor Wheatley up there on the moon... What’s it like to know that you were designed specifically to dampen someone else’s intelligence? Are there things Wheatley is good at that just go entirely against GLaDOS’ way of thinking? How did he get detached from GLaDOS in the first place? If for some reason he was invited to a Halloween party, and he had to attend in costume while still being a round little robot, what costume would he wear? 
The atmosphere in this game is amazing! I'd love anything featuring the characters below that involves part of the canon tone, be it the creepy, whimsical, tragic, or whimsical-and-creepy-and-tragic-all-at-once.
The Bandaged Poissonnier - So affably sinister, and such an asset to the well-armored crew that finds itself at zee for months on months. Please, educate my captain on the nature of edibility! What is the most challenging item the Poissonnier has managed to render not only safe but appetizing? How does he feel about various ports? Was he ever a surface dweller, and if so, does he remember what that was like? Alternately: Daily operations of The Vengeance of Jonah? They must get plenty of characters there.
The Lady in Lilac - Creepy as hell. Is she real? Is she a shared hallucination? Is she a ghost? Is she a god? I’d like to know more.
Phoebe | The Scarred Sister - One of my favorite characters, and the one I always try to save. What exactly was going on at the house at Hunter’s Keep? Is she happier among the sisters at Abbey Rock or sunlit en route to Corinth? What is the nature of her bargain with Storm? I just am fond of Phoebe and want to learn about her.
Tomb-Colonist(s) - Just what precisely is their problem?! The Last Tour is one of my favorite quests; Venderbight is one of my favorite ports. Underestimated badass characters are one of my favorite tropes, and that is why I’ve requested the Tomb-Colonist(s).  
The Nacreous Outcast - That must be a terrifying existence! How did it feel for the Outcast to be generated? What are its thoughts as it roams the zee? If the captain chooses to lose against the Principles, how does it feel afterwards? What would it take for the Outcast to be truly, entirely happy as its own self?
The Pirate Poet - My favorite romanceable NPC! She is so cool! I’d love to learn more about her past with the Pianolist, or know an extra snippet of her potential night out with the zee-captain. Seriously, even the Pirate Poet’s thoughts on various ports would make me happy. If it matters, I ship her with a sympathetic Zee-Captain or the Merciless Modiste. (Or any nonbinary or female character, or Phoebe somehow if you want to completely blow my mind.)
Congratulations if you’ve made it to the end :D
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Dishonored.
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Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter Developer: Arkane Studios Publisher: Bethesda Softworks ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: October 9, 2012
Blueprint Upgrade: The Royal Physician
Folded Galvani Resin : Upgraded Boot Stealth Early in the mission, look inside a warehouse on the left side of the canal, in the first bridge area to find the blueprint. Sokolov’s Formula : Piero can create Health Elixir It is inside the Greenhouse in Sokolov’s mansion, which can be accessed from Sokolov’s workshop through the library.
Blueprint Upgrade: The Flooded District
Bonded Galvani Weave : Improved Armor Search the chests in Daud’s office to find the blueprint. You will need Daud’s key to reach the chest containing it. Folded Galvani Resin : Upgraded Boot Stealth Search Daud’s office for an unlocked chest with the blueprint. Incandescent Paste : Fire Bolts The blueprint is in the lower level cellar near the tunnel’s exit. Small-Scale Combustion Refinement : Explosive Bullets In the Central Rail Station, look inside the crashed train car to find the blueprint. Spiked Grenade Housing : Sticky Grenade Enter the building filled with armed criminals, and search the wrecked hallway to find the blueprint.
Blueprint Upgrade: Return To The Tower
Small-Scale Combustion Refinement : Explosive Bullets The blueprint is in the General’s office in the Dunwall Tower interior area, which is one of the four central offices up the stairs.
Blueprint Upgrade: Lady Boyle’s Last Party
Spiked Grenade Housing : Sticky Grenade Before entering Boyle’s mansion, locate the guard station at the gate near the entrance. The blueprint is inside on the guard’s desk.
Blueprint Upgrade: House Of Pleasure
Incandescent Paste: Fire Bolts Go back to the Distillery, and use the valve-controlled door to reach the blueprint. Lens Magnification : Upgrade: Improved Lens Magnification It is located in Griff’s Pawnshop, but you first must rescue Griff from the building to the right of the first Wall Of Light in Mission 2. Save him from the bandits to be able to purchase the blueprint from him.
Blueprint Upgrade: High Overseer Campbell
Bonded Galvani Weave: Improved Armor The blueprint is in the workshop inside a safe, which is in the backyard behind the Overseer’s mansion. The key to the safe is on a nearby workbench. Lens Magnification It is located in Griff’s Pawnshop, but you first must rescue Griff from the building to the right of the first Wall Of Light in Mission 2. Save him from the thugs to be able to purchase the blueprint from him. Sokolov’s Formula: Piero can create Health Elixir It is located in Griff’s Pawnshop, but you first must rescue Griff from the building to the right of the first Wall Of Light in Mission 2. Save him from the bandits to be able to purchase the blueprint from him.
Safe Combinations
Mission 1 - Dishonored: 451Mission 2 - High Overseer Campbell (Dr. Galvani's house): 287Mission 2 - High Overseer Campbell (Overseer's building kennel door): 217Mission 2 - High Overseer Campbell (Overseer's base): 203Mission 3 - House Of Pleasure (Slackjaw quest): 138, 656, 679, 696, or 879Mission 3 - House Of Pleasure (Artist's house): 656 or 696Mission 4 - The Royal Physician (top floor of building): 437 or 473Mission 4 - The Royal Physician (behind painting): 294Mission 6 - Return To The Tower (Lord Regent's quarters): 935Mission 7 - Flooded District (after diving in water to enter building): 428, 525, 528, or 628Mission 7 - Flooded District (Old Port District Sewer): 428, 525, 528, or 628
Just a heads up for what ever reason on mission 3 in the artist’s house that safe can actually have a few different safe combinations, so 879 doesn’t always work.
Bone Charm Locations
Search the indicated locations to find all hidden Bone Charms. Don’t forget to use the Heart to help you locate collectibles.
High Overseer Campbell
1. At the beginning of the mission, take out the Heart, and look to the right to see a Bone Charm on the tower on the water. Quickly swim over to the rubble platform across the water. Then, squeeze through the narrow path ahead, and use the chain nearby to climb up. The Bone Charm is on the top, near a dead body.
2. After crossing the large gate, turn right, and continue down the street. Keep going down the street until you find two thugs harassing a man. Neutralize the guards, then smash the boards to enter the harassed man’s home. Talk to the man, then go upstairs to find a Bone Charm on the table.
3. Go to the Distillery, and neutralize the guards while continuing to move through the area until you reach a room above the elixir still, which has a painted skull on it. In the back corner of the room is a tall object. Use Blink to get on top of it. Then, navigate the rafters, and cross the barrel storage to find the Bone Charm.
4. There is a Bone Charm in the workshop in the backyard of the Overseer’s mansion, which you can reach either through the exit door or streets. In the backyard, you must break into the workshop to find the valve and attach it to the door to get inside and find the Bone Charm. Alternately, climb to the top of the workshop, and break the wooden boards to get inside.
5. There is also a Bone Charm in the backyard of the Overseer’s mansion. Find the location using the Heart, then climb the building’s vents to reach a high window. Be careful, as there is a tripwire protecting the window. Climb down to the first floor using the chains, while avoiding the rats that will attack if you do not stay out of their reach. The Bone Charm is in a vice on a worktable. Interact with it to get the Bone Charm out of the vice’s grip.
House Of Pleasure
6. Travel to Bottle Road, and use Blink to access the interior. Use the Heart to see the Bone Charm in the building with deadly assassins.
7. There is a Bone Charm that is easy to find in the Underground with Granny Rags.
8. On the third floor of the Golden Cat is a framed Bone Charm hanging from the wall.
9. There is a Bone Charm in Captain’s Chair Hotel. To get inside, you must complete side-quests for Slackjaw in the Distillery.
10. In the Distillery is a metal locked gate. The key to the gate can be obtained by going through the valve-controlled door deeper inside the Distillery.
The Royal Physician
11. There is a Bone Charm down the street from the starting area. Look for an alley on the right side of the main path, behind an apartment balcony entrance. Go behind the building, and climb up to the roof using the chain. Continue north to find a bridge that can be lowered. Lower the bridge, then use Blink to get into the spooky apartment that contains the Bone Charm.
12. In the Midrow Substation area, past the flywheel and controls, but before reaching the North End, you can see an abandoned building on the left side. Enter the abandoned building, then go to the basement to find the Bone Charm.
13. Outside Sokolov’s home, is an abandoned apartment with a secret entrance. Use the water tap three times, located just to the left as you enter the North End area. The Bone Charm is inside the apartment.
14. If your Chaos Level is low, you can speak with Cecilia in the pub, and she will talk to you about an empty apartment. Check Cecilia’s bed to find a key to the apartment. The Bone Charm can easily be found inside the apartment.
Lady Boyle’s Last Party
15. Near Lady Boyle’s mansion is a spooky apartment building. Go behind the building, and use Blink to get inside. Go to the upper floor to find a Bone Charm.
16. Across the canal from Lady Boyle’s mansion is an apartment building at the corner street where Tallboys patrol the area. Get inside, and go to the third floor to find a Bone Charm, runes, and more.
Return To The Tower
17. This is a difficult to find Bone Charm located on the outer edges of Dunwall Tower’s second floor. Blink upward from the water, and look for an interior area on the second floor of the tower, before reaching the roof, to find it.
18. There is also a Bone Charm inside a secret room on the top floor of Dunwall Tower’s interior, before reaching the roof. In the corner across from the room with the Reagent’s Chamber Key, and down the hall from the General’s Office, is a corner containing a sconce you can interact with. Interact with it to reveal a secret room containing the Bone Charm.
The Flooded District
19. Use Blink across the rooftops in Rudshore Waterfront to enter a building from the top. Use the Heart to locate the Bone Charm, but be careful of the Weepers inside.
20. On the second floor of the Refinery, you will find a ruined metal walkway. Drop below the walkway to find a Bone Charm underneath.
21. There is a Bone Charm in Daud’s pocket. You must pickpocket him inside his hideout to get it.
22. In Central Rudshore, follow the channel to a large metal gate at the very end. In the corner is a Bone Charm next to a corpse.
23. Go in the Gateword Tunnel, then immediately turn right, and look in the dead end channel to find a Bone Charm sitting on top of a rock.
24. While crossing through the Old Port District Outskirts, on your way to the sewers, look for a building that is down a right turn, and on the left side; look for an open door. Go inside and upstairs to find the Bone Charm.
25. Near the end of the sewers is a cave. Enter the cave, and look for a grating that is hiding a couple of elixirs and a Bone Charm.
26. If you have unlocked it, there is a Bone Charm near the entrance using Granny Rags’ special route into the sewers. If the route is not open, you can backtrack to the area once you have entered the main sewer corridor.
Dishonored Stealth Walkthrough
This is a video walkthrough of stealth mode for the E3 demo version of the game. It shows, in great detail how stealth mode works, and how the game can be played through without making any noise – especially on the challenging bits. It’s all about being sneaky and making yourself invisible while getting rid of guards and enemies. The video is nearly 15 minutes long, and it’s worth watching just for the tips, so watch carefully.
Easter eggs
Thief: Dark Project Easter Egg
Start Mission 7 (“Flooded District”) and find your way to Daud’s Base. If you explore around, you’ll stumble across a couple of guards doing their training. If you listen to the speech of the training, you’ll find that it’s almost exactly the same one as from the game “Thief: The Dark Project”. This is apparently because the developers of Dishonored were heavily influenced by that game and wanted to show their respect as game developers.
Currently we have no glitches for Dishonored yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Brigmore Witches DLC Achievements
All Come To Ruin – Complete The Brigmore Witches in High Chaos – 30
Breakout – Break Lizzy Stride out of Coldridge Prison – 10
Changed Ways – Complete The Brigmore Witches in Low Chaos – 30
Cleanest Hands – Complete The Brigmore Witches without killing anyone – 40
Deal Maker – Purchase at least 8 favors in The Brigmore Witches – 10
Enough Coin To Disappear – Survive The Brigmore Witches in low chaos with 10,000 coins – 30
Gangs of Dunwall – Restore the Undine to working condition – 10
Parting Shot (secret) – You delivered (or attempted) the killing blow on Corvo – 10
Silence Is Golden – Complete The Brigmore Witches without alerting anyone – 40
Wall of Flesh (secret) – You used an enemy lifted with Pull as a shield – 10
DLC Achievements: Dunwall City Trials
Assassin Vs. Machine (15) – Complete Train Runner before the train arrives at the station
By My Hand Alone (15) – Get to Wave 13 in Back Alley Brawl killing all combatants personally
Daredevil (15) – In Bonfires, perform all the special combination jumps in 1 round
Headhunter (15) – Complete Assassin’s Run with 100% accuracy using only head shots
Long Way Down (15) – Perform a drop assassination of at least 150 meters in the Kill Cascade challenge
Mrs Pilsen’s Remorse (30) – Find Emily’s doll hidden in each of the 10 challenges
Natural Talent (15) – Finish Mystery Foe without using any active supernatural powers
Rare Collector (15) – Find all of the collectable figurines in Burglar on Expert
Time Management (15) – Finish Chain Kill or Bend Time Massacre without failing any wave, including bonuses
Void Star (50) – Complete all Normal and Expert challenges with a 3-Stars rating
Steam Achievements
Thief – 20 – You must pick-pocket any items worth a complete total of about200 coins. Versatile – 20 – Use a variety of weapons (at least one each) to killcharacters. Ghost – 30 –Complete all the missions after the prologue. You have to do itwithout alerting or even killing anyone except key targets. Shadow – 30 – You completed all missions after the prologue without alertinganyone Mostly Flesh and Steel – 50 – You finished the game without purchasing anysupernatural powers or enhancements, besides Blink Wall of Sparks – 10 – You killed an enemy with the Wall of Light Rogue – 10 – You assassinated 10 unaware enemies Specter – 20 – After escaping prison, you completed a mission, not alertinganyone and killing less than 5 people Faceless – 20 – After escaping Coldridge Prison, you completed a missionwithout alerting anyone Manipulator – 10 – You made others kill 5 of their own allies Razor Rain – 10 – You killed 5 characters with Drop Assassination Surgical – 30 – You played from the first mission through Kaldwin’s Bridgekilling fewer than 10 characters Clean Hands – 100 – You completed the game without killing anyone Harm’s Way – 10 – You caused 5 unintentional suicides Inhabitant – 10 – You stayed in possession of others for most of a 3 minuteperiod Hornets’ Nest – 20 – You killed 4 enemies in less than 1 second using thecrossbow Speed of Darkness – 10 – You traveled 30 meters in less than 1 second Tempest – 20 – You killed 6 enemies in less than 1 second Merchant of Disorder – 20 – You acquired 15 equipment upgrades Art Dealer – 50 – You collected all the Sokolov paintings Occultist – 20 – You collected 10 bone charms The Escapist – 10 – After Coldridge Prison, you eluded 5 pursuers at oncewithout killing them or leaving the map Cleaner – 10 – You fought 5 enemies at once and none of them survived Dishonored – 5 – You escaped Coldridge Prison Excommunication – 5 – You eliminated High Overseer Campbell Child Care – 10 – You located Lady Emily Kaldwin, heir to the throne Capturing Genius and Madness – 10 – You abducted Anton Sokolov, RoyalPhysician Regicide – 10 – You assassinated the Lord Regent, Hiram Burrows Political Suicide – 10 – You brought about the Lord Regent’s fall from graceby broadcasting his crimes This Is Mine – 10 – You recovered your belongings Resolution – 100 – You completed the game Back Home – 10 – You grabbed a live grenade and threw it back, killing anattacker Big Boy – 20 – You killed a tallboy using only your sword
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thatsgamingnl · 8 years
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Dishonored 2 ontvangt ze tweede gratis update, hierin de moeilijkheidssliders
Het team bij Arkane Studios heeft de tweede gratis update uitgebracht voor Dishonored 2, deze keer voegde het custom moeilijkheidsgraad toe en de mogelijkheid om terug te gaan en een missie over te doen.
De nieuwe update, welke verder gaat op het “play your own way” thema, voegt 20 moeilijkheidssliders toe, deze laten je de game zo instellen als jij wil. Er is ook een nieuwe Iron Modus deze schakelt de handmatige en automatische saves uit, hierdoor wordt je gedwongen voorzichtig te zijn.
“Iron Mode adds even more teeth to Dishonored 2,” aldus Lead Designer Dinga Bakaba in een blog bericht. “You will have to live with the consequences of your actions, or die permanently because of them.”
Naast de sliders is er nu ook de keuze gekomen voor je missies. Dit maakt het makkelijker om de Ghost of Clean Hands achievement binnen te halen.
Natuurlijk zitten er bij een update altijd wat fixes, hieronder de lijst:
Fixed a bug where Switching off the V-Sync for the second time set the FPS Limiter to 30 instead of 60 by default
Fixed a bug where changing the settings from TXAA to FXAA and not applying the change made the TXAA Sharpness turn to 1 instead of its previous value
Fixed a bug where turning off TXAA Anti-aliasing does not visually disable TXAA Sharpness slider
Fixed a bug where the changes made to V-Sync were reverted to the previous setting when turning on then cancelling
Fixed bug where the volumetric lightning is not turned on by default at launch if it was set to off on a previous version and it can’t be turned on manually anymore
Fixed a bug where the “Fog Quality” setting is set back to low after restarting the game
Fixed a bug where Keyboard/mouse shortcut UI could show up during possession & keyhole peeking
Fixed a bug where Emily’s feet can be seen floating during the throne room cutscene with high FOV settings
Fixed a bug where the Low Chaos Sokolov epilogue slide will have black windows if Volumetric Lighting is off
Fixed a bug where the screen post processing persists in Ansel mode
PlayStation 4
Fixed a graphical distortion on top / bottom of screen when forced from past to present at front door
Fixed a bug where attempting to start a New Game Plus off of a corrupt epilogue save twice would start a regular new game and delete the corrupt save without confirmation.
Fixed a bug where a save data could become corrupted while regularly reloading auto-saves and deleted without notifying the user
Fixed a bug where pressing the Power Wheel button during active gameplay on a PS Vita caused an indefinite non-interactive screen
General Fixes
Fixed various crashes
Fixed various save issues
Fixed various localization issues
Fixed various rendering issues
Fixed various audio issues
Fixed various collision issues
Fixed various UI issues and added new UI for Game Update 2
Fixed a bug where the player will instantly die if he possess a Gravehound
Fixed a bug where a “8” could appear on the screen
Fixed the LOD of the watchtower
Fixed a bug where walking down stairs while a wolfhound runs up would cause the hound to bounce backwards
Fixed a bug where pickpocketing Jindosh’s pistol may cause him to throw nothing during combat
Fixed an audio issue while loading save games
Fixed a bug where NPCs can suddenly be seen standing during the recover from ragdoll animation
Fixed a bug where Far Reach pulling a guard that is mantling will have no effect on the guard
Fixed a bug where NPCs can be involuntarily dropped from a choke, causing their AI to break
Fixed a bug where making a quick save behind a NPC while using controller configuration C would cause the player to choke the NPC instead of creating a save
Crushing an unconscious enemy in the safe door will no longer count as both lethal and nonlethal in the stats page
Fixed a bug where using Domino and Shadow Walk in combination will kill Hypatia without her ever transforming into Grim Alex
Fixed a bug where the awareness feedback is triggered again when loading a save made after NPCs gained attention
Fixed a bug where performing slide tackles or ground kicks on NPCs in moving elevators causes them to float or fall through
Fixed a bug where the witches will idle if the player exits and re-enters a hideout during upgraded Bend Time
Fixed a bug where guards that see a door opened by a possessed NPC ask who opened it
Fixed a bug where the facial animation was not launched during key target assassinations
Fixed a bug where a Sleeping Overseer may face the chair upon waking up despite knowing where the player is
When sprint and lean mode are set to “hold”, the change is now reflected in the tutorials
No awareness is now used for corpses spotted
Fixed a bug where Clockwork Soldiers were triggering a Snap Reaction when player is undetected
Fixed a bug where causing an explosion during Stop Time can stretch out and break NPC models
Fixed a bug where the gameplay thread was not updated every frame and can miss input
Fixed a bug where physic objects go active when using the Spyglass although they’re far from the player
Fixed a bug where NPC heads do not appear on screen when picked up and cannot be thrown
Fixed a bug where Guard NPC heads with helmets have unnatural physics when beheaded and thrown
Deactivated Redirective Blink when swimming up/down
Fixed a bug where the player can choke an NPC from very far away if they pull them with Far Reach while Bend Time is active
Fixed a bug where the player is able to duplicate items by Far Reach pulling and picking up at the same time
Fixed a bug where the Guard by Ramsey disappears shortly then returns ignoring the player when attacked from above
Fixed a bug where the player could fall OOW when exiting a rat tunnel
Fixed a bug where Past Stilton does not alert to the player properly after he panics once
Fixed a bug where the game will black screen if the player dies during the transition to Long Day in Dunwall: Streets
Fixed a bug where the player may become control locked and see OOW if they use the Timepiece and a key hole at the same time
Fixed a bug where the player will fall OOW if they use the Timepiece during a kill move
Prevented the player from grappling the crossbow in Edge of the World to avoid a weird retargeting if the player is far from the door or blocked by a collision
Fixed a bug where the Gravehound skull can sometimes go through walls/ground when killed
Fixed a bug where the amount of available traits is incorrect when replacing a trait during a craft by the same trait
Fixed a bug where the Watchtower red light projector flare was drawn behind environment elements
Fixed a render issue on Corvo during character selection
Fixed a bug where a bright light during transition in time remains if the Timepiece is used to interrupt picking up a corpse
Fixed a bug where the effects of the Dust Storm can be seen inside the Silvergraph Studio
Fixed a bug where the living highlight sometime stutters when using Dark Vision
Crafted Bonecharm list is now sorted
Fixed a bug where Doppelgangers will instantly despawn on particular spots
Fixed a bug where using Shadow Walk takedowns on Meagan and Sokolov will have the wrong animations
Fixed a bug causing the watchtower’s position to reset
Fixed a bug where the FOV changes during jump or sprint
Fixed a bug where walking with a possessed NPC into water doesn’t count as a kill
Fixed a bug where the player’s weapon is automatically switched when restoring health using the D-pad
Fixed a bug where the Weapon Wheel was not slowing the duration of Bend Time
Fixed a bug where Catfall is triggered when using Far Reach after vaulting into water
Fixed a bug where enemies are still active after the player has killed them right before using the Timepiece
Fixed a bug where the player is unable to switch quick select items using D-pad while the Health Elixir prompt appears
Fixed a bug where the game terminates while entering connected standby at the end of mission cutscenes
Fixed a bug where returning to the initial interactive screen via established user sign out while in active control areas will not present the Main Menu Load Screen
Fixed a bug where the NPCs are ejected in the air after being shot with a sleep dart
Fixed a bug where the player can fall from a great height onto the cliffs and survive
Fixed a misaligned animation for an Adrenaline kill
Fixed a bug where the player was able to fly if they Far Reach pull and picked up a whale oil tank at the same time
Fixed a bug where Far Reach pulling NPCs then assassinating them near edges pulls the player over the edge
Fixed a bug where NPCs are unable to be pulled with Far Reach while they are falling asleep from a sleep dart
Fixed a bug where canceling Far Reach mid pull drops the body or object that the player is holding
Fixed a bug where the Doppelganger appears in a T-pose when the player summons her
Fixed a bug where Redirective Blink does not affect sitting or cowering NPCs
Fixed a bug where jumping after using a jump Blink will cause the cooldown of Blink to return
Fixed a bug where changing the resolution or display mode can break the rendering as if everything was rendered twice
Fixed a bug where speakers don’t play any announcements
Fixed a bug where the player can view the Adrenaline/Blood thirst meter while looking through a keyhole
Fixed a bug where exiting Pause Menu, Weapons Wheel, or Journal while holding The Dealer targeting or Piercing Insult charged shot auto fires
Fixed a bug where player may become control locked and see out of world if they use the Timepiece and key hole at same time
Fixed a bug where with 5 traits of the Bonecharm “Strong Arms”; no longer possible to grab an NPC since it’s instantly choked
Fixed a bug where the player can repeatedly initiate a combat choke on Grim Alex with no prior actions required
Fixed a bug in Medium difficulty where Health Regeneration is set to Limited by default
Fixed a bug where NPCs could be put into walls when using Doppleganger Swap during a corpse throw
Fixed a bug where choking any NPC then immediately pushing them off may cause the chokehold audio to persist
Fixed a bug where the UI Post Process isn’t blurred in Pause Menu
Fixed a bug where Player’s hands have a broken texture in some spots during a dust storm
Fixed a bug where striped shadow lines can be seen on Outsider and other NPCs
Fixed a big offset in animation during a drop assassination on the Clockwork
Fixed a bug where throwing a bottle at Mindy’s head after completing her quest breaks her model and can lag the game
Fixed an occlusion issue outside Jessamine’s hidden chamber
Fixed an occlusion issue across from Galvani’s apartment
Fixed a hole in Addermire building during carriage ride scene
Fixed too loud footsteps SFX
Fixed the marker “investigate about Sokolov” which was misplaced
Fixed a bug where after looting unconscious Paolo player may kill Paolo and loot him again for a second Risky Parry Bonecharm
Fixed a bug where picking up the rune in the flooded basement awards 1 coin in no powers instead of 200 coins
The Outsider and Jessamine are no longer factored in the Global Kill Ratio
Outsider Shrines are no longer factored in the Global Kill Ratio on the Current Stats Screen
Meagan is no longer factored in the player’s Global Kill Ratio on the Playthrough Stats Screen
Delilah is no longer counted towards the player’s Global Kill Count each time she appears
Unkillable NPCs are no longer factored in the Global Kill and Global Non-Lethal Ratios on the Stats screen
Fixed a bug where the player may never transition to the Epilogue if they chose to take the secret passage to the Throne Room
Fixed a bug where black Occlusion walls are visible around Jindosh’s mansion when red buttons are pressed consecutively
Fixed a bug where the player may never finish the Non-Lethal resolution cinematic if a witch or a Gravehound interrupts the scene
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vo1dtouched · 3 years
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stay safe out there, corvo!
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Water of Life and Strong Arms! I'm always looking for ways to alleviate damage without wasting a Sokolov's Health Elixir, and clean hands is less stressful with some Strong Arms. (:
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