project-nebula · 3 months
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🔆Sanctum Solania🔆
A Beutiful mega base built by Project Nebula member CaptainFox! Shaders are Sidur's Vibrant!
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Changes being made to the Abbey of St Markovia as of 4/11/24:
"A perfect being... made from the best and most beautiful that mortal flesh can offer, with an untouched and innocent soul, infused with holy light. Not yet, not quite, but soon... soon they will succeed where I have failed." "It is not your fault. You simply cannot see the righteousness of my work. Fear not, for I will grant you new eyes." - The Abbot, being very normal and chill.
The Abbot:
Like all devas, the Abbot can fight, but combat was never his purpose. In the Upper Planes, he served a god of light and life, and his role was that of a healer. He still considers himself a healer first and foremost. He will fight in defense of himself or his "patients," (and especially Vasilka) but desires peace over violence.
In the unlikely event there is a TPK to the Abbot, or a player is killed and their body left with him, he will "restore" them (in a horrifying manner) and explain he forgives them their transgression and bears them no ill will.
Mechanically, the Abbot's powers of resurrection are equivalent to Raise Dead without material components, as in RAW. Narratively however, the process is more... surgical.
As in cannon, the Abbot willingly trapped himself in Barovia in honor of Saint Markovia's legacy, hoping to ease the suffering of its people but ultimately becoming corrupted by the evil of the land.
Strahd tempted him towards the Dark Powers not by appearing as Vasili, but through anonymous correspondence. (The was in his Strahd the Ghost era.) As in cannon, the Abbot understands that Strahd cannot be permanently killed, (he does not know why, nor how to sever Strahd's connection to Vampyr) and hopes instead to "heal" him.
The Abbott is an extraplaner being and that is creepy:
When you think "cosmic horror" in dnd, you think of aberrations -- creatures so alien to our reality that they appear twisted, even warping reality by their very presence. But all extraplaner beings are from a reality that is alien to our own.
The Abbot is from a place of pure Law, Light and Virtue (probably the slopes of Solania on Mount Celestia, but no need to be that specific.) He does not belong to this plane, and that should be clear after speaking to him for even a few minutes.
He knows the limits of mortal bodies, but does not truly understand them. He's met countless souls that became archons, but far fewer living mortals. He has a basic understanding of mortal psychology, but is constantly baffled by it, always expecting it to be more simple and straightforward than it actually is.
He understands all creatures and actions on a simple scale of "good" and "evil," and sees evil as a disease to be cured. He sees moral failings as corruption and sickness, and the suffering and despair they cause as symptoms to be treated. Physical and spiritual illness are almost one and the same to him. This is obviously not a wise way of looking at the world.
Above all the Abbot considers himself a healer, which is reflected in his language. He speaks of "healing" Strahd's evil, of the rot in this land that must be cut out, of a desire to see Barovia through a period of recovery. This should be creepy, evoke SCP-049 vibes.
When idle, the Abbot's eyes drift upwards, towards the heavens. He (inaccurately) believes he is incapable of "bad" emotions, such as pride, greed, unrighteous anger and spite.
He truly believes that if he achieves his goal, Strahd will be "cured" of all that makes him cruel and malevolent, becoming a good and noble ruler. No longer a vampire, but a powerful and virtuous immortal being of a celestial nature.
Vasilka and the Abbot's goals:
As Strahd's obsession with Tatyana is not romantic in my game, making Vasilka a 'bride' for Strahd doesn't have thematic parallels anymore. The Abbot's plan has been changed accordingly.
The Abbot is aware he is corrupted and compromised. He believes that if he had remained pure, he would have the power to "heal" Strahd of his wickedness, but that by the time he saw the vampire face to face, he had already become tainted. Therefore, his goal is to create a "perfect being," one pure and holy enough to succeed where he has failed.
The Abbot does not rob graves, as he considers dead flesh tainted and unusable for his constructed body. Therefore, he is always looking for people willing to "donate" to his cause.
He does not take these "donations" by force, but he is not above taking advantage of desperate circumstances. People who come to him to have someone raised from the dead, or to have some terrible condition cured will find the Abbot more than happy to help... in exchange for a "donation to the church," of course.
Don't worry, though -- you won't have to lose an arm, leg, face or organ! He'll gladly replace anything he takes, fitting you with new parts fashioned from whatever he has lying around.
"Vasilka" as they currently exist is an enormous worm-like collection of body parts stitched together and animated by celestial light -- mindless, and alive only in the most basic sense of the word. It is unclear if they would even be able to leave the room they are kept in, or if they'd be crushed under the weight of their own form. They are a horror, but the Abbot sees nothing but beauty in them.
It is clear that Vasilka will never be finished. A perfect being is an impossible goal. The Abbot has convinced himself that he just needs to keep building, keep improving, and soon his creation will be ready to surpass him... any day now.
He cannot be swayed from this belief by any means, because it is the only thing that gives him hope and allows him to see the suffering he causes as just and right.
Vasilka was Saint Markovia's first name. They are named in honor of her.
Vasilka cannot move, speak or take actions. They have an AC of 14 (natural armor) and 616 HP. Their creature type is Monstrosity, they have immunity to radiant damage and resistance to lightning damage.
Getting help from the Abbot:
The Abbot can raise the dead and cure a number of ailments, but doing so drains him to a degree. And so in exchange for his charity, he expects charity in return.
(Don't tell him that's not what 'charity' means, he'll just get upset.)
The first thing he will ask for is the best and strongest body parts the players have to offer. He promises to give them 'good as new' substitutes. Saying yes to this offer will have consequences.
If the party is unwilling to part with their limbs and organs, the Abbot can send them to tend to some of the more "difficult" patients. Or perhaps there are a few who fled the abbey in a blind panic upon being resurrected that the Abbot is concerned for, and wants them brought back where he can "care for them."
The Abbot has attempted to cure vampirism before. It did not go well. However, he thinks he has learned from his past errors, and would be willing to try again.
Though the Abbot hides his true nature from the people of Krezk (fearing they will not understand and be frightened) he is open about it to his patients, and to anyone from outside Barovia. He knows people from Faerun are more likely to have some concept of extra-planer beings like himself, and expects any good-natured humanoids to see him positively.
The Abbot once had the ability to know the nature of a person's soul simply by looking at them. In his time in Barovia, however, he has become too tainted and corrupted, and now his vision is as muddled as any mortal's.
The Patchfolk:
Don't use the word m***relfolk. "Patchfolk" is a fine alternative. The Abbot refers to them as "patients."
Take out all of the generic "scary insane/comedic insane" behavior for the patchfolk. Some of them will have odd or uncanny behavior due to circumstances (see below,) but for the most part this is about body horror, not "madness."
Emphasize the extreme and fantastic nature of the alterations to the patchfolk's bodies, try to avoid accidental parallels to physical disability.
The patchfolk are not neglected, they are fed and kept clean and kept as comfortable as possible under the circumstances. (The words "under the circumstances" are carrying a lot of weight here.)
They are no longer descended from a family that was trying to remove birth defects. They are a hodgepodge of people who came to the abbot for a cure from some mundane or supernatural illness, people who were raised from the dead at a cost, and a few weirdos who came to the abbot to "improve" themselves.
There are three main "categories" of patchfolk:
Recovered: these are people who the Abbot was able to heal completely of whatever ailment (or death) they were originally plagued with. Aside from a 'stitched together' look and some mismatched body parts, they're largely humanoid and mobile.
Some of them covered their strange features with bandages and long sleeves and simply returned to Krezk, or went elsewhere. Others remained at the abbey, either afraid to return home or because they wished to stay and help care for the others.
Their stats are as outlined in the Creatures of Horror book, but with the ability scores of either a Commoner, Priest or Gladiator.
Convalescent: Sometimes a patient comes to the abbot with an ailment beyond his abilities. He tries his best, but the results are often... horrifying.
A family struck with an unnatural plague is healed of their ailments, but their altered flesh rejects all his transplants, so he's forced to stitch them all together into one body. An undead creature is raised from the dead, but something goes wrong in the process, and it returns as a giant leech monster whose flesh is constantly rotting and requires frequent grafts, etc.
These people are resigned to the idea that they cannot leave the abbey. Their personalities range from "I have no mouth and I must scream" to "I have a mouth and I am screaming" to "I am capable of conversation and resigned to my gruesome fate, basically I just hope someone brings me a nice book or some chocolates sometimes" to "we are the borg."
Convalescents have a variety of statblocks. Some creatures that can be slightly altered and reskinned as Convalescents include Maw Demons, Sorrowsworn, or Shambling Mounds. Damage resistances can be replaced by resistance to radiant, lightning or both. Languages are replaced with Common, and their creature type is either humanoid, monstrosity, or celestial.
Experiments/pets: These are things the abbot has created from "spare parts" that for one reason or another could not be used. They were either experiments to help the abbot "improve his medicine," or simply made as a way to keep these parts fresh until they can be more of use.
A hand attached to a leg that pulls itself along by its fingers, a cluster of limbs attached at the center, a mindless head kept in a birdcage, etc. They mostly behave like animals that have no need to eat, sleep or mate. They'll amble around aimlessly, respond negatively to painful sensations and positively to pleasant ones.
These have a variety of statblocks. Creatures that can be easily reskinned include Maw Demons, Crawling Claws, and almost any kind of animal or giant animal. None of them have language or an intelligence higher than 4. Damage resistances can be replaced by resistance to radiant, lightning or both. Their creature type is monstrosity or celestial.
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kip-supernova · 9 days
Das Projekt IGNIS
Epsilon Eridani Raumstation für wissenschaftliche Forschung, unterhalten von der Allianz der Planeten Coba. Die folgenden Informationen sind Streng Geheim!
Das Projekt IGNIS befasst sich mit der Möglichkeit, sterbende oder bereits erloschene Sterne wieder zu beleben und ihre volle Leistungsfähigkeit zu reaktivieren. Auch Sterne mit einer geringen Leuchtkraft können durch IGNIS zu einer höheren Strahlkraft bewegt werden.
Dazu wird der sogenannte IGNIS Reaktor in der Corona des Sterns oder auf der Oberfläche des erloschenen Sterns zur Explosion gebracht. Sobald innerhalb des Reaktors die Materie-Antimaterie-Teilchen zusammengebracht werden, setzt eine Kettenreaktion ein, welche die Fusion von Wasserstoff zu Helium begünstigen.
Durch komplexe Vorgänge auf der Quantenebene wird Antimaterie Schritt für Schritt mit normaler Materie in Verbindung gebracht und dadurch die Kettenreaktion, die wir IGNIS-Welle nennen, in Gang gesetzt. Diese Reaktion ist - erst mal in Gang gesetzt - nicht mehr umkehrbar und kann auch nicht abgebrochen werden! Bei Vollendung der IGNIS-Fusion müssen sich Raumschiffe mindestens 3 Lichtjahre entfernt sein, da in diesem Umkreis absolute Lebensgefahr durch die Ausstrahlungen des IGNIS-Projektils und der resultierenden Fusion besteht.
Ziel des Projektes ist es, Leben auf Planeten zu ermöglichen, die durch große Entfernung zu ihrem Stern oder bereits erloschenen Sternen bisher daran gehindert waren.
Die Raumstation Epsilon Eridani befindet sich unweit vom Eburia System und Coba, womit der Allianz der Planeten Coba die erste Testphase auf einem Braunen oder Schwarzen Zwerg (erloschene Sterne) zusteht. Das Projekt IGNIS ist eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit zwischen Coba und Solania (Biru).
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sunny--1667 · 1 year
XBU-34 - Universe Origin - __/__/2020, Cant remember the day or month..
An alien planet exists far off in the universe.. Two life forms dominate this planet, Humans and Monsters.. ( Took that name for them somewhat from udnertale a long time ago.. ) Humans are still the same.. Though what are described as monsters are Animals lucky enough to evolve into an anthropromorphic body and intelligence, Though kept things like Digitigrade legs that evolved to be thicker and bigger, and small quirks or ablitiestheir species have.
The monster species includes : - Almost every species from the Canine family. - Raccoons - Opossums - All species of Foxes - Native species to the planet such as, Carbonarids, Warcanids, Darhks, and Few others.. ( Will be elaborated on later. ) - Rabbits - Dire wolves - Dragons of few kinds. ( furred and horned dragons being the main species. ) - Fennec foxes of course - and Crystalines. ( Heavily inspired off of changed but not goo monsters ) Which often are bred with a different species, even then they're still rare. All of them have the same traits their species had, strengths, and weaknesses. Some species can hybridize with eachother and create possibly new species. Alongside all of the presented information Monster-kind is as advanced as humanity, also having the power of magic sometimes though..
There is _ continents on XBU-34, also being twice the size of earth without increasd gravity. - Verdel - Mostly lived on by humans, Green and lush, cool and humid climate. Sketchy government but somewhat simular to america. 3rd largest continent on the planet. - Desica - Populated by monsters. A large deserty continent with a few large lakes, Home to alot of arid adapted species and has very sparce amounts of towns and villages near lakes and soil. Its liver shaped and the 5th biggest continent. Its home to alot of succulent plants and underwater plants. - Solania - INcredibly densely populated by monsters. A gigantic land mass in the center of the planet, Not fit to a singular culture due to its residents, and size. incredibly cold and can reach -24--36 in the winter and in the summer its 34-25 degrees atmost. It has large mountain ranges and is incredibly populated, home to many piney plants, moss, Ferns, and quite alot more. Solania is also the #1 biggest continent on the planet. - Aepok - A gigantic island mostly dominated by humans, somewhat Dragon filled culture also filled with alot of fishing and such foodwise, its rocky, tall, and is quite peaceful. Its mostly filled with mossy, grassy plants, and native bushes and tall thin trees. It has few towns but they're all close to the saltwater, this continent/country also having large saltwater filtering facilities. Its also the fourth biggest continent/country. - Inferna - An incredibly large land scape, being the second biggest on the planet. Its got a hot rainforesty climate and is home to a culture based around the " Titans " in its area alongside the unique bilogy, its mixed between humans and monsters and is home to millions of alien plants and some unique animals.Its also known for being tightly packed with its lush vegetation, large rivers, mountain ranges, and beauty. 2nd biggest conitnent. - Graiden - An incredibly small country but the last on the list, its home to monsters that dont have a religion in their culture but more of what Aepok has, legends of monsters and a taste for fish. The climate for the land is a humid cold feel.. Not cold enough for snow. Its mostly inhabited by tall canine-like species native to the area( will elaborate on them later. ) and is home ot many birds and fish. IT is the smallest continent on the planet. ---- More will come soon.
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molagboop · 3 years
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I have seen no less than two artists draw Samus wearing a bikini over her power suit, and I wanted in.
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fashioninsl · 3 years
Hilly Haalan - Ade - MIDNA por Luah Benelli Via Flickr: Outfit: [hh] - Solania Dress AUTUMN Hair: Ade - Positions Hairstyle Earrings and Necklace: [POM] - Arder Earrings, Lisa Earcuffs and Zisel Necklace for @Anthem Event Bag: MIDNA - Mille PURRse
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sleepy-juliet · 4 years
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sorry for not posting, I returned to school and I have almost no time to draw ;-;
anyways I’m super proud of this drawing, I was kinda scared that it would look messy but it dosen’t !
also they are my ocs uwu :  Solania (the elf in the middle), Kaza (the elf on the left) and Louna (the fairy on the right).
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Angel Week: Angelology
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image source: Ezekiel’s Chariot Vision, Matthäus Merian
I ultimately went with the Christian pantheon of angels for the archons I created and melded them with ideas from the D&D hebdomad to create my own hierarchy and mythology. But for those that want to know about angels and archons, here are some of the mythological inspirations behind this week's content! 
Christian Angelic Choirs
In Christianity, the angels below God are divided into several “choirs” and are then put into three spheres, with the first sphere being at the top. Some angels are a lot more alien than you might think!
First Sphere:
Seraphim: These beings are literally burning with passion for the Lord. Like, they are on fire. The seraphim are the highest angels just below God. Each has six wings, two covering the face, two covering the feet, and two to fly. The inside of their wings were covered in eyes. They continuously shout praises of God.
Cherubim: Probably the weirdest one. They have the feet of a calf, four wings that are covered in eyes, and four faces. Each of its faces are of a different animal likely symbolic of different virtues. A lion's face for strength, a man's face for wisdom, a bull's face for diligence, and an eagle's face for freedom. The cherubim are said to record all that happens in the universe.
Thrones/Ophanim: Okay nevermind this is the weirdest one. Two blue-colored wheels perpendicular to each other and one inside of the other. Their rims are covered in eyeballs. They spin and move from the force of faith directly from the cherubim and serve as God's throne.
Second Sphere:
Dominions: The dominions are divinely beautiful, winged, and wield orbs of light on scepters or swords. They deliver justice to unjust, show mercy to mortals, and relegate lower angels. They carry out acts of god like the obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah. They answer prayers of powerful world leaders whose decisions affect many.
Virtues: The virtues send good vibes to people's minds like peace and hope. They encourage and empower those who would become saints after death. God empowers them to perform miracles for mortals. Their job is to instill faith in mortals.
Powers: The powers protect mortals from temptation and control the movement of the heavens. They are depicted as warrior angels that cast fiends to prisons. They regulate the powers of and between mankind and are sometimes known for shepherding souls to heaven.
Third Sphere:
Principalities/Authorities: These beings guide and protect nations and groups. They are depicted wearing a crown and scepter. They inspire arts and sciences. They encourage mortals to practice prayers and rituals that will bring them closer to God.
Archangels: God's messengers and protectors of nations and the events surrounding them, including politics, commerce, and warfare. Kinda strange that archangels are so low in the power structure since their modern depiction in fantasy is that of "leader" angels.
Angels: The lowest in the hierarchy and most concerned with specific living beings and their affairs. They provide aid and send word of miracles to mortals.
Zoroastrian Spirits
There are some angelic spirits in Zoroastrianism. They come in three different classes:
Amesha Spenta: Literally "beneficent immortals." These are just below the Ahura Mazda, the Supreme Being, in power level. There are six types:
Vohu Mano (Good Mind): They preside over cattle
Asha Vahishta (Highest Asha): They preside over fire
Khshathra Vairya (Desirable Dominion): They preside over metals
Spenta Armaiti (Holy Devotion): They preside over the earth
Haurvatat (Perfection): They preside over water
Ameretat (Immortality): They preside over the earth
Fravashi: Holy Guardian Angels. Each person is accompanied by one and guides them throughout their lives. Each serves an ideal which the soul should strive to emulate, so that the person they guard can become a fravashi themselves after death.
Yazata: "Adorable ones." These personify abstract ideas and virtues or objects in nature. They try to protect men from evil and there are wayyyy too many of them to list here.
Gnostic Archons
Ever wonder where the term Archon came from? Well the term itself is from a Greek political leader, but as a divine being it stems from Gnosticism and they are NOT lawful-good. This is also the place where the idea of a Celestial Hebdomad of D&D lore comes from (especially considering one of the D&D paragons is named after the Pistis Sophia, a Gnostic text).
The hebdomad of Gnosticism is a group of seven creatures called archons that created the world. They are servants of the Demiurge, a creator god (but not the actual God). They were seen as malevolent forces only slightly less evil than demons. The idea of the hebdomad itself originates from observation of seven celestial bodies: the sun, moon, and five other planets.
Yaldabaoth: His name means Child of Chaos and he is depicted as a lion-faced bronze serpent of fire. He represents the planet Saturn. After he was created by Sophia (wisdom), he basically said "I am God and there is no other God beside me" and proceeded to steal creative power to create six other archons:
Iao (a serpent with seven heads, represents Jupiter)
Sabaoth (dragon's face, represents Mars)
Astaphanos (hyena's face, represents Venus)
Adonaios (monkey's face, represents the sun)
Elaios (donkey's face, represents Mercury)
Horaios (represents the moon)
Then those archons went and made a ton of other angels, one for each day of the year. It's very complicated and I really gotta pick up a book about it because it sounds very interesting (and web searches show a lot of conflicting content!)
The Celestial Hebdomad (D&D)
I can't explicitly mention Celestia or the proper names of the hebdomad's members in my homebrew content for copyright reasons, but I can explain it in a Tumblr post (with no homebrew content whatsoever) for those that wanted to know!
The seven mounting heavens of Celestia is the plane of ultimate law and good in the Great Wheel Cosmology. It has seven layers and is populated by the archons. The highest seven Tome Archons rule among the seven layers as Celestial Paragons:
Barachiel the Messenger: Ruler of Lunia the Silver Heaven, the first layer. He coordinates Celestia’s defenses and serves as a herald. He is a patron of those bringing news.
Domiel the Mercy-Bringer: Ruler of Mercuria the Golden Heaven, the second layer. He protects the holy mausoleums in his realm.
Erathaol the Seer: Ruler of Venya the Pearly Heaven, the third layer. He is a patron of divine divination magic.
Pistis Sophia the Ascetic: Ruler of Solania the Crystal Heaven, the fourth layer. She is a patron of monk and embodies charity and truth.
Raziel the Crusader: Ruler of Mertion the Platinum Heaven, the fifth layer. He is a patron to paladins and opposes tyranny.
Sealtiel the Defender: Ruler of Jovar the Glittering Heaven, the sixth layer. He is the patron of Warden Archons and defends Chronias from incursions by impure creatures. Aspiring celestials see him for guidance to help reach the seventh heaven.
Zaphkiel the Watcher: Ruler of Chronias the Illuminated Heaven, the seventh layer. His light consumes all but the most pure.
Anyway, these are the sorts of things I’ve been looking at as I worked on Angel Week. I’ll have my new archons up later tonight so stay tuned! I’m mostly just formatting the images ;)
Side note: I’m not a scholar of this stuff but it does interest me. If you know more about these mythological beings outside of what’s here, lemme know!
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Hi! I've seen your rant about the bisexual stuff. I am bisexual myself and I'd have shared your pov a few years ago. Thing is, I've come to realise most people who say they are "straight" sometimes show attraction to other genders than the opposite. I agree that being bisexual is a proper and valid identity!!! But I also think that most people aren't 100% straight or gay. I think that with time, they meet "exceptions" to their usual standards. As a 400 yo you prob experience that more than once.
yes! i totally agree; i don't think it's possible to not find someone even vaguely attractive. but, and i say this with a very big but, that isn't bisexuality. and landy's comments invalidate our sexuality. leaning towards being attracted to someone once in a while is just... having a certain liking towards someone. experimenting is just that. experimenting. not bisexuality.
landy is a cishet man who is trying his hardest to cram every itty bitty bit of representation in there and doing it offensively and rudely. i understand your point of view, solania, i really do. but landy doesn't understand how to properly represent lgbtq+ relationships and make bisexuality look like a valid sexuality instead of a fetish.
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halcyonfought · 5 years
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because it was made his husband’s canon, so too will it be eiji’s: he and melph have a flower garden in the back of the country home they move into. the majority of the flowers being lavender, morning glories, peonies, daisies, and the occasional red or white rose. of course, though, there’s also always a bush of the solania flowers that melph brought back from another world.
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reteitalia · 5 years
#solania #lunarossa2 #chefmennella #foodblogger #pizza #likeme #followme #igerscampania Evento Solania chef Mennella (presso Solania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4KTM_0lFxa/?igshid=1rr2p4fggi83c
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blog-renail-blr · 5 years
Il "Mio San Marzano" promosso dall'Azienda Solania
Il “Mio San Marzano” promosso dall’Azienda Solania
Il “Mio San Marzano”evento promosso dall’Azienda Solania in Campania
    Lunedì 23 settembre alle ore 18.30 presso lo stabilimento Solania in via Provinciale Nocera-Sarno (Località Fosso Imperatore) di Nocera Inferiore (SA) al via la terza edizione dell’evento “Il Mio San Marzano”, organizzato da Renato Rocco, direttore de LaBuonaTavola Magazine e promosso dall’azienda Solania srl, leader nel…
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giorginodj · 3 years
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Reposted from @poppyfoodprn Fior di latte di vacca Jersey, pomodoro San Marzano DOP azienda “Solania”, parmigiano reggiano, basilico fresco ed olio Evo. 🤤 Alla fine scelgo sempre lei. 🐷 • • • • • #italianfood #napoli #pizza #pizzalover #pizzatime #foodporn #italyfoodporn #pizzas #foodblogger #pizzaporn #pizzeria #napolifoodporn #pizzalovers #pizzaria #pizzalove #glutenfree #cucinaitaliana #senzaglutine #sarno #cucina #pizzaiolo #salerno #nocerainferiore #pizzanapoletana #nocerasuperiore https://www.instagram.com/p/CbhddWaAP5T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lmaupporras19 · 3 years
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Es una bendición contar con cada uno de estas personas en mi vida... De verdad q cada loquera q nos propongamos juntos y apoyándonos lo vamos a lograr .. #team745n4crossfit (en Cerro Pelado, Solania De Tilaran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbEM-cLuq4t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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militaryleak · 3 years
Royal Australian Navy and Papua New Guinea Defence Force Unite Against Illegal Fishing
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has assisted regional partners in detecting and deterring illegal fishing activity in the Pacific during the latest iteration of Operation Solania. #military #australia #PapuaNewGuinea
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has assisted regional partners in detecting and deterring illegal fishing activity in the Pacific during the latest iteration of Operation Solania. ADF members also provided support (remotely due to COVID-19) to the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) with intelligence gathering and analysis to assist the surveillance activities of nations participating…
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sycriptouk · 3 years
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Move Over Dogecoin: Solana Overtakes the Memecoin Amid NFT Craze https://bitcoinist.com/move-over-dogecoin-solana-overtakes-the-memecoin-amid-nft-craze/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=move-over-dogecoin-solana-overtakes-the-memecoin-amid-nft-craze
Driven by the recent NFT and DeFi craze, Solana’s SOL set its all-time high earlier today. According to CoinMarketCap, the cryptocurrency is up 12.62% and 70.86% in the past 24 hours and the past week, respectively. 
Solana’s (SOL/USDT) recent rally pushed Dogecoin to the 8th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. At press time, SOL’s market cap outpaces Dogecoin’s (DOGE/USDT) by approximately $4.3 billion. Source: Tradingview.com
SOL’s explosive growth led to the cryptocurrency’s market capitalization soaring to over $43 billion — surpassing Dogecoin to become the 7th largest token in the world.
Solana (SOL) Now Up Approximately 8,000% YTD, Surpassing BTC, ETH
Solana’s unexpected rise can certainly be attributed to the broader crypto market recovering; however, the now 7th largest cryptocurrency is up 70.86% in the past week, whereas Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are up 1.44% and 20.79%, respectively. It’s safe to say that there were other factors that led to Solana’s unexpected rise — mainly the resurgence of the non-fungible token (NFT) space.
Solana (SOL/USD) with RSI on Tradingview.com
While NFTs were all the rage earlier this year, the interest in the space fizzled out when Bitcoin and Ethereum plummeted over 50% between May and June. According to data from NonRarible.com, monthly sales volume dropped from $520 million to as low as $59 million in the same time period — marking a near 80% decline. 
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However, as celebrities and superstar athletes bring the spotlight to the “meta verse,” the NFT space is back stronger than ever, setting new records. The month of August saw a total trading volume of $3 billion, which is up nearly 1000% from July’s $325 million.
  So it’s no coincidence that Solana tripled in price when it launched NFT project Degenerate Ape Academy, opening the door for other NFT projects to build upon SOL’s blockchain. Now, there are over 36 unique projects, including Solarian, Sollamas, Solania, and Solana Monkey Business, among others. 
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“Solana’s popularity… has seen unprecedented price action on the back of strong mindshare growth, a flurry of decentralized application launches and, most recently, the frenzy around their Kaiju cards NFT launch,” said Jehan Chu, co-founder, and managing partner at blockchain trading firm Kenetic Capital.
Solana’s ever expanding ecosystem is thriving. Its scalability and cheap transaction fees (relative to Ether) have also been a plus to investors. However, it remains to be seen whether the cryptocurrency can hold onto its recent rally.
Featured image from UnSplash
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