#solar : rise
tutorial on how to look prettier in less than an hour (or however long it takes to put on makeup, idk i dont have any):
you look like a hundred times prettier after having a good sob.
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hailmary-forgiveme · 1 year
(finally) made a exclusively danger days/danger days OC blog. yes its about my OC, n im kinda terrified of what ppl will think about like my Danger Days timeline/canon cuz ppl can be very opinionative. but i also dont care cuz technically there is no canon plot or ships or relations or anything, so like everything i think is right (to me, at least). the blog is also so i can like expand on my OC, but also for escapism cuz acting/writing/thinking about danger days n my OC makes me so happy.
anyways; @sunsets-over-the-zones is the blog for my dear OC (solar rise)
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villainleoau · 4 months
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HERE WE GO! OUR ENTRY FOR ROUND ONE OF @tmntfashioncompetition !!! Mikey: @galactickit Donnie/Design: @xinrouska April: @lemellion Raph: @starrcrossrose
We are honored to go up against @untitled-tmnt-blog and hopefully have lots of fun!
No effects vers plus inspo below!
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heartlilith · 5 months
Solar Return Chart Notes
Being envied/gossiped about:
Aries/Scorpio/Leo/Aquarius Rising
1,13,8,20,5,17,11,23 degrees on rising or MC
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto in the 1st or 10th house
Lilith in the 1st or 10th
Lilith harshly aspecting 1st house, 10th house, or personal planets
MC ruler in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th (solar x return, return)
Sun aspecting Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune
Mercury in harsh aspect to Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Pluto especially if planets are in the 1st, 10th or sometimes even 12th house (solar x return, return)
Chart ruler / MC Lord in 12th house = hidden, hidden enemies (or vice versa) 12th Sun = people could talk about your personality, ego, overall personality traits - 12th Venus = your relationship, love life, looks - 12th Mars = Your sex life, your attitude, your energy
Transforming in a major way:
Pluto conjunct personal planets
Pluto/Scorpio in the 1st, 8th, 10th house or ruling Profection year
Planets in the 8, 20 degree
Jupiter in the 1st, 8th, 10th house
Jupiter aspecting Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars
Jupiter aspecting Pluto
A lot of planets aspecting your 8th house ruler
Venus in the first or conjunct the asc
Chiron in the 1st, 8th, and 12th house
Capricorn Rising/Saturn ruled Profection Year
1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th Profection year
Finding Love:
Sun/Venus/POF/Vertex/Juno in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 10th house
Chart Ruler is Venus or in 2,14,7,19 degrees
7th house ruler in the 1st, 5th, or 7th house
5th house ruler in the 1st, 5th, or 7th
POF/Juno/Vertex in positive aspect to Venus and Mars especially conjunction
POF/Juno/Vertex aspecting POF/Juno/Vertex
Mars in the 5th or 5th house ruled by Mars
A lot of positive aspects to the 5th and 7th house
Jupiter in the 1st, 5th, 7th house
Jupiter aspecting Venus, Juno, POF, Mars, Vertex especially in 1st, 5th, 7th, or 10th house
Moon in positive aspect to Venus
Moon positively aspecting Vertex, POF, ASC, DSC, Juno
Im definitely forgetting a lot of aspects, these are just the ones I thought of first 💕
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galaxysugarr · 1 month
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Father n Son!
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trapastrology · 2 months
Astro Observations W/ Aris
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7H Uranus in a solar return chart doesn't always mean that a romantic relationship will end. It can be a close friendship/best friend, business partner,etc.
1H Venus in solar return-putting more effort into your looks. This is considered to be a "glow up" year. This is the year where you find your signature style, makeup, scent, etc. I'd consider this to be the best dressed year. Could also change hair color or style. Cosmetic procedures happen here as well.
North Node in Pisces tend to benefit more from having an assistant or help in general. Pisces South Nodes tend to want/get too much help when they need to be more self-sufficient.
11H Liliths are HEAVLY prone to having ppl around them who hate them (esp friends) and don't realize. These are the ppl we see who usually get set up by their "friends" or someone close to them. Look to your lilith sign as well. If your Lilith is in an air sign, watch out for envy in air signs.
For my ppl with majority of their placements in the 2H & 3H tend to be "blind" to themselves. Whether it's their faults or great things about themselves, they can't seem to see it until someone else points it out and then they finally realize it.
2H Pluto/Scorpio 2H- shouldn't verbalize to anyone who much they make. Don't say whether you're doing bad or good financially either. A lot of jealousy and envy will arise from telling the wrong person which will affect your money and stability terribly.
3H Nessus- Usually experience intense trauma or bullying in elementary, with siblings and thru words. They usually write or speak about their pain that usually ends up helping other ppl tremendously. These are the type of ppl who make music or write poetry that helps other ppl get thru hard times. However, due to a lot of bullying and being spoken down to, communication ends up being one of their biggest issues and this can manifest in many different ways
When you get criticism or pushback from doing North Node things, that's how you know you're going into the right direction sometimes. For instance, a 4H NN may get told that they need to focus on their career path instead of creating a family. (Full post on this coming very soon!)
Use your moon on a bad day to help regulate your emotions. Look towards positive aspects
5H Aries Moon- make a creative art project alone.
Sextile 3H Chiron-write about what's bothering me.
Make a playlist with artists who have your NN sign as their dom personal placements & those whose plmts fall into the same house as ur NN. This will evoke that North Node energy out of you. (Something I've been doing for me and my clients for years)
The end! Look at my pinned post for info on my upcoming Patreon. Message me to book a reading! Most readings are only $25 until July 31st.
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sad-leon · 6 months
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saw some people making art involving the eclipse and thought that would be fun to do
it was :D
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vivmaek · 6 months
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries: Predictions
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✰ my masterlist This eclipse season is highlighting themes of forgiveness, both towards others and towards ourselves. It's time to turn a new leaf, and to take responsibility for mistakes made within the past. Doing this will allow a particular area within your life to transform. In October 2023 it may have felt like you lost something. Whether that was a friend group, a career opportunity, or a romantic relationship depends on your chart. However, because this solar eclipse is conjuncting the North Node, it will feel as though you have gained something. Issues from October 2023 will find a resolution.
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General predictions:
ꕥ Sudden/unexpected military action.
ꕥ The development and discovery of new weapons. (Specifically with bombs and explosives.)
ꕥ Veterans speaking out against the country they once served.
ꕥ World leaders unexpectedly stepping down from their positions.
- Many world leaders are going to be dealing with extremely poor health which will “eclipse’ their power.
ꕥ It's going be a hot summer, and the effects of climate change will become all the more obvious.
ꕥ Bad wildfire season.
ꕥ An increase in self-immolation as a form of protest.
ꕥ An increase in reckless driving, speeding, and road rage.
ꕥ An increase in violence against women, and people who are non-binary or transgender .
ꕥ Issues regarding gender will become even more polarizing.
- Women across the world will continue to assert their independence and will fight back against outdated standards.
- Women will become more willing to embrace the unknown. Many women will fully commit to the idea of never getting married or having children during this time frame, and they will do so with enthusiasm.
- Some women will choose not to get married or have children as a form of protest
ꕥ An increase in narcissistic behavior, as well as an increase in being able to recognize narcissistic behavior.
ꕥ Celebrities responding to public criticism with arrogance will witness a downfall.
ꕥ The Summer Olympics will be especially entertaining this year. This event will be explosive and dramatic. Some athletes will gain a significant amount of fame during this event.
ꕥ LOTS of new music. Artists are going to be pushing the boundaries of genres. Audiences are craving something completely new.
ꕥ People are DONE living in fear. This will result in widespread, collective action that will effectively make big changes. More protests, more boycotts, more strikes, more uprisings.
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Predictions for your Rising Sign:
Aries ♈︎
𖦹 Explosive relationship issues
𖦹 Facing “the final straw”
𖦹 Reuniting with yourself
𖦹 Making a significant change to your physical appearance
𖦹 Detaching yourself from others
𖦹 Making bold statements that shock people
𖦹 A boost in confidence
𖦹 Reconnecting with your desires
𖦹 Realizing that you’ve outgrown people
𖦹 Becoming easily frustrated
𖦹 Not recognizing the person you were two years ago
𖦹 Taking decisive action
𖦹 Being forced to defend your beliefs
𖦹 Heightened sense of physical energy
𖦹 Gaining a sense of control over your impulsivity
Taurus ♉︎
𖦹 Confronting fears of the unknown
𖦹 Showcasing a strong sense of perseverance
𖦹 Psychic dreams/ uptick in strange dreams
𖦹 Reflecting on the past
𖦹 Spending time alone
𖦹 Receiving some sort of news that shakes you up
𖦹 Building trust in your intuition
𖦹 Finding yourself zoning out all of time
𖦹 Turning towards food, drugs, and alcohol to find comfort
𖦹 Intense emotions coming forward
𖦹 Facing an uptick in stress and anxiety
𖦹 Rumors and lies being spread about you
𖦹 Secrets coming to the surface
𖦹 Feeling exhausted/needing more time for rest
𖦹 Developing a stronger connection to nature
Gemini ♊︎
𖦹 Heightened sense of compassion
𖦹 Giving out unsolicited advice
𖦹 Networking!
𖦹 Joining new social groups
𖦹 Finding a sense of belonging
𖦹 Engaging in volunteer work
𖦹 Developing new goals and dreams
𖦹 Interacting with lots of strangers
𖦹 Feeling in touch with the future
𖦹 Participating in interesting conversations on a daily basis
𖦹 Initiating and organizing group activities
𖦹 Developing new friendships at a fast pace
𖦹 Heightened sense of popularity
𖦹 Fearing commitment
𖦹 Heightened sense of conversational skills
Cancer ♋︎
𖦹 Stepping into a leadership position
𖦹 Learning how to balance your private life with work
𖦹 Becoming a stay-at-home parent
𖦹 Hard work paying off
𖦹 Facing competition within your career
𖦹 New responsibilities
𖦹 Challenges with authority figures
𖦹 Being forced to stand up for yourself
𖦹 Setting boundaries within your career
𖦹 Your reputation becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Becoming someone's caregiver
𖦹 Learning how to avoid burnout
𖦹 Becoming a source of motivation within your workplace
𖦹 Feeling extra sensitive towards criticism
𖦹 Working with a family member, or someone who feels like family
Leo ♌︎
𖦹 Being forced to look at the big picture
𖦹 Stepping out of the sidelines
𖦹 Deciding to expand your mind
𖦹 Traveling/ big journeys
𖦹 Coming across as overbearing within serious situations
𖦹 A change in long term plans/goals
𖦹 Becoming a teacher or mentor
𖦹 Beliefs being challenged
𖦹 Dominating discussions with other people
𖦹 Craving adventure
𖦹 Gaining a new perspective on life
𖦹 New opportunities in education
𖦹 Embracing a newfound sense of excitement
𖦹 Seeking out recognition
𖦹 Gaining wisdom through creative ventures
Virgo ♍︎
𖦹 Joint resources being brought into focus
𖦹 Seeking reciprocity within relationships
𖦹 Having a realistic approach to intimate relationships
𖦹 Realizing you give too much/too little
𖦹 The judgements you’ve made about other people being challenged
𖦹 Making investments
𖦹 Burning bridges
𖦹 Creating a new budget
𖦹 Resentments within relationships being brought to the surface
𖦹 Paying off debt
𖦹 Confronting your desire for profection
𖦹 Close relationships becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Healing intimacy and trust issues
𖦹 Seeking out deeply emotional connections
𖦹 Finally recognizing hidden patterns
Libra ♎︎
𖦹 Showing up more authentically
𖦹 Confronting communication issues
𖦹 Fixing a misunderstanding from the past
𖦹 Being honest about wants and needs
𖦹 Asking for help and receiving it
𖦹 Developing skills in diplomacy
𖦹 Placing your aspirations before a relationship
𖦹 Letting go of responsibilities that don’t serve you
𖦹 Ego and pride creating conflict within relationships
𖦹 Starting a collaborative project
𖦹 Holding yourself to the promises you’ve made
𖦹 Receiving some sort of justice
𖦹 Healing your fear of being alone
𖦹 Seeking out compromise
𖦹 Recognizing how indecision has held you back
Scorpio ♏︎
𖦹 Putting your dreams into action
𖦹 Experiencing tension within the body
𖦹 Confronting control issues
𖦹 Your sense of motivation being reawakened
𖦹 Implementing new routines
𖦹 Prioritizing health
𖦹 Finishing projects from the past
𖦹 Feeling more energized
𖦹 Lack of support from others
𖦹 Becoming more organized
𖦹 Stress becoming a cause for health issues
𖦹 Challenging your own self-criticism
𖦹 Developing a greater sense of concentration
𖦹 Exploring alternative treatment approaches
𖦹 Becoming a workaholic
Sagittarius ♐︎
𖦹 Starting a new hobby or project
𖦹 Newfound relationship needs/standards
𖦹 Taking relationships risks
𖦹 Seeking out pleasure
𖦹 Connecting with your inner child
𖦹 A spike in creativity
𖦹 Having fun with your sense of self expression
𖦹 Being able to forgo responsibility
𖦹 Joining the dating scene
𖦹 Starting a family
𖦹 Caught up within daydreams
𖦹 Developing a sense of contentment
𖦹 Pregnant and ready to give birth (this could be a literal child or a new idea)
𖦹 Taking initiative
𖦹 Everyday life becomes exciting
Capricorn ♑︎
𖦹 Possible career change
𖦹 Starting a garden/buying plants
𖦹 Gaining an understanding in generational trauma
𖦹 Moving at a slow pace
𖦹 New living situations
𖦹 Change in family dynamics
𖦹 Heightened sense of intuition
𖦹 Finding stability
𖦹 Tending to unhealed wounds
𖦹 Arguments with your parents
𖦹 Working remotely
𖦹 Reconnecting with your ancestors
𖦹 Seeking more time spent alone
𖦹 Home renovations
𖦹 A death or birth occurring within your family
Aquarius ♒︎
𖦹 Being more active on social media
𖦹 Speaking before thinking
𖦹 An uptick in the amount of texts/emails you receive
𖦹 Overactive mind/imagination
𖦹 Attending lots of social engagements
𖦹 Oversharing
𖦹 Challenging your negative thought patterns
𖦹 Creating some sort of content
𖦹 Busy schedule
𖦹 Buying a new vehicle/changing your commute to work
𖦹 Moving into an environment that's more stimulating
𖦹 Learning new skills
𖦹 Changing the way in which you communicate
𖦹 Chasing after the things that make you curious
𖦹 Spreading gossip
Pisces ♓︎
𖦹 Financial management
𖦹 Your foundations being tested
𖦹 A person in need taking advantage of you
𖦹 Developing security
𖦹 Redefining your values
𖦹 Losing or misplacing a valuable object
𖦹 Selling your impulsive purchases
𖦹 Overcoming insecurities
𖦹 Feeling more stubborn
𖦹 Strengthening your self-worth
𖦹 Building your savings
𖦹 Earning money from your artistry
𖦹 Cutting back on expenses
𖦹 Donating your money to charity
𖦹 Turning to spiritual practices to ground yourself
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crystalsenergy · 3 months
& learnings of your personal year
(Solar Return chart) ☀️ Asc ✨
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The goals are to transform challenges and discover growth in your personal journey!
Based on my personal experience and that of others, I've noticed that the Ascendant in the Solar Return chart largely defines what we deal with during the year.
Indeed, the topics already known to be associated with the Ascendant for the year receive much emphasis from the sign in the Solar Return chart.
I have a post on the meanings of Ascendants in signs in the Solar Return chart.
The intention is not to foresee what will "inevitably" be touched upon, no, but rather to use the astrological moment to understand what will truly be brought to the surface within us.
Think of yourself as a vast cauldron with many colors.
Like a gradient, colorful cauldron… 🌈
And with each astrological movement, it's as if things from within us begin to bubble up from this cauldron - things we already knew about, or maybe didn't…
Being a deep cauldron full of ingredients, a mixture (just like we are!), among other reasons, perhaps you may not be fully aware or consciously remember all aspects of your personality that need healing, balancing, expanding, evolving.
Because of this, I believe in the importance of seeing astrological movements as catalysts to stir up everything that is already within us.
Nothing that astrological movements bring continuously and intensely was not with us to some extent, whether on a personal level or in the morphogenetic field*
(*= difficulties that our family members bring, which we may not necessarily have activated, but which can be brought to the surface because, to some extent, even if slight, it existed in our personality too).
Therefore, the extent to which these issues will arise and affect each person will be extremely personal.
Below are some possible challenges for each Ascendant:
In terms of TEMPERAMENT, behavioral tendencies, first IMPRESSIONS that you will convey.
Ascendant in Aries: agitation, more nervous temperament, greater impatience, difficulty asking for help, impression of being angrier, more serious, more impenetrable, tendencies towards reactivity and impulsivity, excessive focus on the physical body and appearance.
The importance of reconsidering what it means to be authentic and a person with presence. Do you worry too much about achieving a specific image? An image of being strong, of being impenetrable, for example.
Ascendant in Taurus: difficulty in leaving situations (due to attachment, lack of initiative, comfort zone), more stubborn behavior than usual. Slower to move forward, more tendency to approach the world purely materialistically.
May have a tendency to accumulate more unnecessary things. The importance of understanding the real value of the things you have in your life now and what you intend to do with what you have (possessions and values, also, value in terms of ethics, even morality).
Ascendant in Gemini: challenges with being present in the here and now. Mental inconsistency, difficulty focusing, more agitated temperament, greater possibility of being distracted, difficulty having just one goal.
A busy mind, filled with interests but lacking concentration. The importance of working on effective communication.
Ascendant in Cancer: may take everything personally, memories from the past that you are still emotionally attached to but that do not serve you well may resurface, difficulty moving towards new things, such as new relationships, new emotions.
The importance of looking at your emotions as signals of what still needs to be healed. It will be a year with many emotional things coming to the surface! Observe.
Ascendant in Leo: difficulty with stubbornness, excessive focus on appearance, on what people will see and think of you. Slightly inflated and distorted self-awareness. Pride. Defense mechanisms. Reactivity.
Issues with self-esteem needing to be looked at with more care and healthy self-awareness. Approach to the world less focused on ego.
Ascendant in Virgo: more tendency to deal with the world purely materialistically and utilitarianly. Review your concept of time, of usefulness (yours and others'). More connection with the material world, exaggeration in focusing on productivity, on completing tasks, on feeling useful. Issues with self-criticism and perfectionism.
Be mindful not to fall into jobs and tasks that do not contribute to your growth, that reinforce patterns of endless demand, without ever "really getting there". The importance of paying attention to how much time you allocate to other areas of your life, outside of tasks and work. Physical health care is also important, look into this area as well.
Ascendant in Libra: a tendency to be more predisposed to environments and people, which, in a more negative sense, may end up representing a predisposition to others' desires.
Positively, this has good meanings, but as the focus of this post is on aspects to pay more attention to, I mention: difficulty saying no; greater need for approval; whether you perceive it or not, changing a lot depending on the environment, Libran issues in imbalance that already existed in your personality coming more to the surface in terms of your relationship with yourself and your way of presenting yourself to the world.
Ascendant in Scorpio: challenges with deeper emotions, including those that have been stored away in your emotional field for some time, which will now be brought to the surface with great force, since Scorpio brings forth everything that was hidden in a very strong way, challenges with anger, hurt, fantasies of revenge, which can be quite self-destructive.
In general, challenges with emotionally deep situations. It is also important to pay attention to how much negative and self-destructive patterns are brought to the surface to be seen. Do not hold onto them. Let go, release everything that does not serve you and/or others well!
Ascendant in Sagittarius: challenges with sincerity, excessive humor in meaningless situations, approach to avoiding emotional issues or emotionally more complex issues, toxic positivity, impulsivity, impatience, invasive extroversion, setting aside planning in situations where it would be important, acting with a certain irresponsibility.
It is important to see which points of your personality will be brought to the surface and act in the most appropriate way to be more healthy!
Ascendant in Capricorn: challenges with emotional approaches and being more sensitive to yourself and to life itself. A heavier, more serious, overly responsible approach that leaves no time and space for rest, leisure, and lightness. Dealing with difficulties and problems in a more controlling manner. Competitiveness. Individualism.
Limiting beliefs coming more to the surface. Greater focus on traditional ideas, visions, and practices that no longer serve your own good. It is important to review your paradigms, limiting beliefs, including in relation to your professional life, and how your more serious approach to yourself only reflects an inner child to be rediscovered, released! The lighter we are, the happier we live. And the less serious we are.
Ascendant in Aquarius: challenges with looking at yourself and others more closely, including emotionally, focusing on rationalizing everything, avoiding understanding subtlety and nuances (moving away from your intuition and the more sensitive aspects of your personality), excessive impersonality, excessive detachment, mental inflexibility.
It is important to review how much your internal life is based on logic and how healthy this is for the feminine-masculine balance in your personality. We are one. We don't need halves to fill us, right? Your feminine side may also need to be more integrated.
Ascendant in Pisces: more tendency to connect with energies from the external, from the collective unconscious and conscious, but especially the former. Greater tendency to get lost in the roles of this collective unconscious and have difficulties in centering on your own essence.
The importance of reviewing and reconnecting with your sensitivity, where there are things from the past and from your unconscious to be reinterpreted, transmuted, and perhaps even a moment to balance your mediumship, if you believe in that.
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
My Personal Solar Return Observations Pt II
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 1h in 8h - significant personal transformations this year, shadow work, rebirth and renewal, encountering intense emotional experiences that will lead to deep healing and growth. Intense self reflection.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 2h in 12h - spiritual values, my values and self worth will go under a transformation. I might find myself valuing inner peace, spirtual growth and emotional well-being over financial gain. Financial matters will also be hidden/unclear this year, i might have income from sources that are not immediately visible, ex: passive income/inheritances/secret investments/people secretly sending me money
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 3h in 1h - feeling inspired to create more content online, sharing my knowledge aswell. Social media will be a outlet for personal expression. Engaging a lot online! Enchanced communication skills too, I’ll be eager to share my thoughts/ideas/opinions with others. My own experience: me starting this blog, i’ve been super eager to share my own personal solar return observations, this is my 3h in my 1h where I share my knowledge online about myself whether that be my own experiences, thoughts, my feelings, just helping others understand who I am overall!
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 4h in 12h - family secrets being revealed that has been kept hidden from me for years. Lots of emotional healing where I work on childhood traumas. Also working on ancestral patterns in my family like family karma 🥲. I’ll also be keeping my family life more private and secretive. My own experience: I haven’t been telling anyone whats been going on in my family except where It would be anonymous in a way.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 5h in 11h - themes related to self expression, creativity and romance will be influenced by social networks, my long term goals, and friendships. I may find friendships with more creative individuals who share similar creative expressions which can inspire and motivate me. This year can bring me opportunities to collaborate creatively with friends or with groups. I might join communities that share the same creative interests and passions as me.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 6h in 11h - i might find in my daily routine that I involve social media more, social networks that involve group discussions, gaining inspiration from acquaintances/friends/communities online. I can also be experimenting with different communities / social platforms online. my daily routines can also undergo changes inspired by my social interactions. My own experience: i just started using tumblr daily to find my people who have similar interests as me and goals similar to mines. my daily routines have also changed a lot since ive been involved in the astro community.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 7h in 9h - relationships this year could be intellectual and philosophical . Ill be drawn to people who share my interests in higher learning/spirituality or expansive thinking. This could also show long distance relationships with people from different backgrounds or different countries.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 8h in 11h - major transformations and personal growth will be driven by my involvement in social communities . I may seek deep meaningul connections with my friends and social networks. All of this will play a significant role this year in my own personal transformation.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 9h in 9h - my focus will be on higher learning and expanding my knowledge. This could be enrolling in courses/engaging in self studies. Travel may be important this year whether it be for fun or for educational purposes. For example, me travelling into another city with my friends because I’m looking forward to seeing how the environment is there before I’d like to move to that certain area. Also there will be opportunities for teaching or sharing my knowledge that will help contribute to my personal and professional growth. Ill find a lot in joy in this :) .
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 10h in 11h - themes related to my career, public image and achievements will be influenced by my social networks, friends and longterms goals. My long term goals will be shaped by my involvement in social communities, Ill be recognized by my contributions or involvement in network-based communities. Social media or public platforms could also be a space for showcasing my accomplishments. I might also pursue unconventional or sudden paths that will help align myself for the future.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 11h in 12h - ill find healing through my social connections and by being involved in communities that share the same passions and interests as me. I’ll also be reevaluating friendships, I’ll be reassesing which friendships are meaningful and supportive in a introspective way aswell. There may be hidden influences on my goals this year that im unaware about, but i could uncover these subconscious barriers or hidden motivations more further in. I’ll also be working on my goals that are hidden and private from others.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 12h in 1h - Ill experience periods of deep personal introspection and self discovery this year. I also might encounter hidden aspects of my personality or self image that I’ve chose to kept away but are now being surfaced. This could involve coming to terms with issues that have been messing with my self perception over the years. Ive been also spending a lot of time in my own solitude to focus on my own personal developments and adressing inner issues. I also will be exploring creative or spiritual practices that are more personal, this could also be engaging in activities that allow for self expression in a more introspective or private way .
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 1h cancer - my personal identity and self expression will be influenced by cancers emotional and nurturing qualities. Ill focus on creating a sense of secruity and comfort for myself a lot more this year.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 2h leo - financial matters and self worth will have a desire to be recognized and ill have a need for creative expression in how i earn and manage my money. Ill find joy and self worth in pursuing things that will allow personal creativity and self expression.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 3h virgo - this year ill focus on refining my communication skills, paying attention to details in my studies or even in what I write and this could go for interactions aswell. Ill seek ways to be more organized in my approach to learning/information.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 4h libra - I’ll focus on creating harmony in my family life, improving family relationships with fairness and all of libra related things. There could be a need for aesthetic improvements in my space aswell.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 5h scorpio - the way I express myself this year could be transformative and different from the ways I’ve expressed myself in the past. I might explore deeper emotions and connections that could benefit my personal growth.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 6h sag - ill seek variety and growth in my daily routines. Ive been pursuring lots of opportunities for learning so much lately since my birthday!
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 7h cap - relationships and partnerships will be influenced by capricorns qualities. Ill focus on establishing my long term goals within my partnerships seeking stability and working towards more serious commitments. I might seek a capricorn like partner this year who has strong committed ambitions with a very serious and mature approach.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 8h aquarius - shared resources, possibly deaths, transformations and deep psychological matters will be influenced by aquarius’s unpredictable, innovative and unconventional energy. I could experience these changes suddenly.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 9h pisces - higher education and travel will be influenced by pisces imaginative and intuitive energy. I could explore spiritual or creative dimensions in my pursuit of higher learning and travel.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 10h aries - this year i will pursue my ambitions and goals with aries’s energy which is likely to be more independently and boldly. I could aim to stand out this year too.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 11h taurus - friendships, social networks and long term goals will be influenced by taurus’s steady and stable energy. Ill be focusing this year on building more stable friendships. Also working towards my long term goals slow but steadily.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 12h gemini - my subconscious and hidden matters will be influenced by my curious and communicative energy! This year will most likely be me exploring my subconscious and psychological issues. I could also be communicating to others about my spiritual insights which I have been doing quite often lmaoo.
thank you for taking the time to read <3
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lunarliyah · 5 months
Juno In Sagittarius people love to travel with their partner. Prefers someone that is out of state and sometimes even out the country. Their obsession with travel and exploring is also a huge part of their love language.
Both experiencing major headaches. In fact, they get headaches easier than others. If they don’t eat enough or take long periods of time without eating can result in headaches. Being tired can cause headaches. Quicker than normal and typically more painful.
Aquarius placements can be some of the most delusional people. They can lack self awareness. They are be so opinionated on others and what they’re doing. They can try so hard to pick apart what others have going on. As soon as someone says “you” to them, defense mode.
Leo and Capricorns have very similar energy. Both can be very sure of themselves and what they want. Both are goal oriented. Having both Leo and Capricorn in a natal chart, specifically in the big three, makes someone very reliable and independent. (My favorite type of placements tbh lol) Both energy care about how they’re perceived, they don’t do anything without thought. Contrary to popular belief, Leo’s are very calculated people. All earth signs are calculated in different ways of course. Capricorns in particular have a way of playing chess and making sure that they do things that benefit them in the long run. As far as these energies being together in a relationship, perfect match. Leo being a fixed sign, this energy wants to make things work. They are not easy to give up on things and people. They make change happen if need be but only to keep the stability in their connection with others. At the end of the day you can summarize that as being loyal. Capricorns never leave people high and dry. They are straightforward with their ACTIONS. They are honest and if they care enough (lol) they’ll speak up. For the most part, they are showers. They show people how much they care. Which Leo’s loves. A doer, not someone who’s all talk. They’re the show off and the ones doing to talking! Not their partner. Capricorns are also very loyal as well. I personally love love love these two together. Power couple for real. Also makes the best of friends too!
These people are considered the scout. The leaders. What this means is when it comes to relationships, they are more upfront about what they want and what their needs are. They enjoy people to let them take the lead. They are not afraid of pursuing people they want in their life. Romantically or friendship wise. They’re more picky and they are definitely more independent. It doesn’t take them long to move on. (cancers.. yeah maybe a little different but once they’re gone, it no way possible for anyone to get the back) They shoot their shot directly and can even be flirty. They do not beat around the bush at all. They like to jump straight into things. Sometimes this does backfire. Moving too fast into things. Rushing even. Thinking too far ahead. Sometimes they can stress themselves out by thinking too much into the future or may even be seen as bossy. Or pushy even.
(Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, & Libra)
These people are more inclined to fluctuate. They love having variety and options. They tend to not sit still, ever. Always on the go. Tend to go well with someone who helps balance them out. They are not the neatest people, yes even Virgos. These people are not that straightforward I’ve realized only when it comes to things they aren’t passionate about. In comparison for cardinal signs, it doesn’t take much for them to pursue anything. These people struggle with finishing project, ideas, etc. They can have an idea that they sit on for days (or forever). These people are very creative though. Don’t underestimate their creativity. They just need that push to execute and consistency.
(Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, & Sagittarius)
These will be your most unconvincing, stubborn, my way or the highway type of people ever. They rarely change their minds. The way they’re used to something is how it will be for a long time. How they were raised shows up a lot in their adult life. These people enjoy routine. These people also love the thought of continuous things. These people don’t like forming deep relationships with new people. They will try to make things work. They will be very loyal people. Aquarius is known to be flaky. But they’ll be there for those who give them space and don’t conflict with their decisions and beliefs.
(Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, & Scorpio)
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Thank you all for reading. I’m open for doing synastry readings and natal chart readings all week. Make sure to book your reading in my bio. Again, thank you all for reading have a nice day!
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Yo Se, Yo Se, El Amor Ya No Es
No se si es la envidia que te tengo, O si es tu pelo rizado, Es tu forma de habla, O tu manera de vestir. Siento que el aire me falta, Cuando al lado mio estas.
Se mejor que amarte, Pero en cada lado que yo esté Quiero buscarte.
Y tú no me quieres como lo merezco. No me entendieras. Porque yo solo soy un niño, Enamorado del niño al lado mío. Y en tus ojos, yo se que no soy eso. Solo soy la niña que no habla con nadie, Solo pasa escuchando música, y alejada.
Somos de dos mundos diferentes. Y yo sé mejor que amarte, Pero cada canción te la dedicaré. Porque en cada lado que yo esté, En mi mente, estás tú también.
Y cada dia es mas dificil Viéndote en la clase, Tu cara, tan linda y perfecta Siempre me distrae. Quisiera ser perfecto para ti. Si pudiera, sería una niña para ti. Me pusiera el disfraz solo para poder ser el que tu amas.
Y! Yo sé mejor que amarte, Pero en cada lado que yo esté, Quiero buscarte! Pero en cada lado que yo esté, En mi mente, estás tú también.
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hailmary-forgiveme · 2 years
I had the misfortune of waking up like 2 hours before my usual wake up time. Anyways, I fixed my math for my Danger Days fic/OC story. They (ghoul & solar) are 2000's kids and 2010's teens.
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mygalriri · 1 year
I am not a professional astrologer. Some things I say may not resonate with everyone. However, if it doesn't resonate with you, I'd love to hear about your experience. If there are any professional astrologers who find fault with what I've said, feel free to correct me. I am open to constructive criticism. This is my first astro observations post though, so being nice is suggested. 😁
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1. Moon Square Ascendant people may not be very expressive. Like their expression at all times is either "🙂" or "😐" 2. I don't know why but almost all Virgo risings tend to smile awkwardly in selfies, I've noticed this with celebrities too, either they smile awkwardly or don't smile at all I'm a Virgo rising and I cannot smile naturally in selfies at all like ughhh 3. Undeveloped Mars in Pisces men struggle to come in terms with their femininity and want to be seen as this "alpha male" that is overly masculine; often times being damaging to their mental health. Also prone to promiscuity sometimes. 4. Venus in Scorpios can be mean to the people they like at first but will gradually start to grow a soft spot just for the person they like. I've also noticed that they keep making excuses just to see or talk to the person they like. 5. No idea what the reason behind this is, but when your Moon sign matches someone's Sun sign, chances are you like their cooking. My mom and I have this placement combo (she has gemini sun and i have gemini moon and i have taurus sun and she has taurus moon) and we like eachother's cooking. 6. I know y'all have probably heard this a million times in other astro observations, but I'm gonna say it anyway cause it resonates with me. 12th house stellium in a Solar Return chart could mean a year of isolation. I had to ghost the people that I was talking to on a daily basis almost immediately after my solar return. 7. A lot of people think that venus is now you crush on someone AND how you approach them but I think that isn't true. Venus is how you crush on someone and Mars is how you approach/confess to them. I have Mars in Cancer and I had crushes on two women (not at the same time lol) who have Mars in Taurus which is considered to be a weak sign for Mars and I could sense that they liked me too but we never ended up confessing to each other. 8. Having the same Venus sign as someone's Mars sign indicates a strong attraction at first sight, I have Venus in Taurus and as you read from the previous point I can attest to this lol. 9. Jupiter in Gemini, especially men, can be shorter. This is because Jupiter represents expansion, growth and abundance and it is detrimental in Gemini. Jupiter in Capricorn can be applied to men as well but I feel it applies to women more 10. Pluto in 6th house in a SR chart can mean major changes in your lifestyle, since Pluto represents transformation and the 6th house represents how you go about your daily life.
That's all for now. Hope y'all enjoyed it. See you later, folks!
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heartlilith · 6 months
Solar Return Observations
👠Having a Scorpio Ascendent in your SRC indicates that you’ll change a lot throughout the year, you’ll be completely unrecognizable by the time your next birthday comes around. Whether that be your attitude, your physical appearance, your surroundings, or all 3. You’re going to be experiencing significant change.
👠Jupiter in the 10th house means you’ll be getting opportunity after opportunity in your career and your public life
👠Any planet conjunct your ascendent or in the 1st house of your SRC means you’re going to embody that planet for the year:
Leo Mars in the 1st house: You’re going to be more confident, more energetic, gaining more attention this year, and more motivated to invest in yourself or doing things for your benefit
Venus conjunct ASC: More polite this year, taking care of your physical appearance, dressing like your ASC, finding the beauty in your surroundings, more interested in Venusian things, glowing up, being seen as more beautiful and/or feminine
Taurus Jupiter in the 1st: Attracting more wealth, eating more food, attracting luxurious things, more self confident, attracting opportunities that bring wealth and Venusian things, being seen as abundant and blessed
Pluto in the 1st: Embodying change, transforming your physical look and your attitude, changing your surroundings, changing people you come in contact with, being seen as powerful and mysterious
Neptune conjunct ASC: Embodying an angel, angelic like qualities, being projected on, people unable to figure you out, looking at the world with rose colored glasses, being an enigma, attracting people who need help, more spiritual, psychic gifts are at an all time high
👠Sun/Moon/Chart Ruler in the 12th house is asking you to do more things alone this year, spend time with yourself. You’ll need more recharging this year and your social battery may be low.
👠Having a Capricorn rising in your SRC means you’ll come out of the year stronger and more mature. This year will test you and make you grow. It’ll be uncomfortable but worth it in the end.
👠Having your Chart Ruler or personal planets in the 5th house indicates a year that’s fun, exploring hobbies, going on dates, invitations to social gatherings. A 5th house prominent year is a great year to heal your inner child.
👠Neptune in the 8th house people need to watch out for addictions this year. Whether that be drugs, food, gambling, sex, etc. Watch for obsessiveness - obsessions can easily become addictions
👠Mars trine Jupiter is a very abundant aspect. What you give you will receive in 10 fold. 
👠Planets in the 10th house shine in your SRC, since the MC is the highest part of the chart. 
👠Pay attention to planets in harsh aspect to your MC:
Venus/MC - being seen as shallow, having jealous coworkers, feeling like you don’t deserve your job or social status, being walked all over, “imposter syndrome”, people gossiping about your love life/significant other, public work romances 
Moon/MC - being seen as moody, having problems with feminine energies at the workplace, letting emotions get in the way of your work, not being able to hide emotions, people reading you easily
Mars/MC - having problems with authority/masculine energies, not feeling motivated at work, procrastination, being seen as problematic and argumentative
Pluto in the 7th house: Attracting obsessive people this year, being obsessive over people this year. Transforming through relationships and transforming others. Meeting someone that changes your life for better or for worse, coming out of the year with different standards in regards to love
👠Any planet conjunct your POF is going to be significant. POF naturally brings out the positive traits in a planet even if it's malefic. Check the house these conjunctions are in to see what blessings could be coming your way this year.
👠Years where you have the same rising sign as your natal chart makes for a more comfortable and familiar year
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tarotenchantress · 3 months
Astrology observation ptII.
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By- Tarotenchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
Note: all these observations are based on ny personal observations.
🌕solar return obv🌕
🐪 okkk so i had lilith in 1st house of my solar return chart and guess what i literally lost all my friends and people started to villanise me and criticise my every decision. I also had people randomly stare at me and it was just weird overall. Like i actually became a loner. And given that it was in virgo and at the 13° it didnt make it easier either cause like everyone was criticising me and also were acting a "bit" aggressive towards me.
Alsooooo omggg people became so critical of my appearance as well.
🐪 On the contrary though, with lilith in 1st house and in virgo 13° i could also feel myself becoming more focused on my appearance and self centred too. Like i became more focused on my work and i was also critical of who i surrounded myself with.
🐪 Scorpio rising in your solar return chart can make tou a bit insecure and more converned about your privacy.
🐪 5th house stellium in your solar return chart may mean that you would be more focused on your creative work or your playful side.
🐪moon square sun in solar return chart may mean that you may feel more frustrated or may feel that youre not able to express your feelings properly and you may also become more secretive or may start feeling that you dont want to show your feelings alot. You may also struggle with what you feel and want.
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