#solaris caelum
lunar-lattice · 2 years
the likeliness of me ever revisiting Solaris Caelum at this point is low (for multiple reasons, the big reason ill mention in a sec but others include its length, the amount of work that would need to be put into it, the fact i need to rewatch the shows and rebuilds first and just my inability to stay focused)
but if i DID revisit it, it would get a "Rebuilt" version for the following reasons:
asuka and kaworu are a lil too chummy too fast so there'd be more conflict there initially; in a sense, this conflict would be the first hurdle for asuka to get over
asuka acclimates to the 'loop situation' too fast, in a rewrite this part is preserved as her outward feelings whereas her internal ones are more complex
asuka gets over her anger towards shinji too quickly, i feel part of her and kaworu's initial conflict would include this; kaworu understands this is a Different Shinji from the one who hurt her and doesn't understand why she doesn't whereas asuka is still too freshly hurt to get that
related to the above, just more development of the relationship of asuka and shinji. there'd be a subplot in which shinji perceives asuka's treatment of him as a rejection of his feelings (which would also be portrayed as just as messy as in the show; he has feelings for a lotta characters even though kaworu is endgame here)
just more development to all relationships! and more downtime for the plot to simmer
i remember i stripped out some of the more skeevy elements of misato's relationship with shinji which i DONT regret. but i think i'd change it a tad bit to imply in a reveal that she feels she cant entirely connect with him because she's an adult and he's a child (with the implication that the way misato connects with ppl is flawed and largely through sexual encounters; so this misato recognizes this way isn't appropriate for her and shinji's relationship but instead of finding a different way, just treats it as an impossible-to-cross barrier) this though might be a tricky line to walk so it'd be smth i see how it works in practice before publishing
just rewritten dialogue, it follows the show too closely and while this was in service of a theme, i feel it comes off as too clunky in practice
more development to the SEELE subplot (can it be called that? it was very small). just answer why SEELE saw fit to get kaworu on the chessboard early and how he feels abt this
speaking of kaworu: i'd like to make it so he's rather blase of a lot of things; this isn't him being completely cynical, he's just gone through the song and dance so much he has little reason to believe asuka's inclusion will change things (if anything he mourns that he might have trapped her with him accidentally but i do remember that from the og)
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Under what circumstances would Regis have met his grandchildren before he met his son again?
Is a good question.
I could see Solaris finding some strange tunnels somewhere that lead into the archives below the Citadel. A secret pathway used way back when to connect the archive with the old palace.
(The palace that was in use while Insomnia did not have layers like an onion. It burned down a good 1500 years ago, and the new palace was build where the Citadel now is. The tunnels remained and were forgotten.)
So Solaris finds the tunnels and instead of finding a responsible adult - or Ardyn - she decides to be a brave 8 year old and go exploring. She lands in the royal archives.
She is fascinated by all the old books and scrols and other things she finds there. It's so different from where her dad stores his books. Her fascination is so great that she does not notice the man standing in front of a shelf with old history texts. (History texts Noctis had read shortly before he had vanished.)
Of course Solaris walks straight into the man, who nearly falls over. He is old, with white hair and many wrinkles, and he has a cane, which makes Solaris doubly sorry for walking into him.
She does what any responsible 8 year old would do: scream and hide behind a shelf. Only then does she realise that the man has a very stark resemblance to her dad.
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isolaradiale · 10 months
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Every second spent within those worlds returns only the brightest flickers of hope, data itself compiling in their favor. Those questioning the validity of it all only serves to prove so, whether or not they enjoyed their time within those worlds or not, while others might have sought to merely accept it all. Until the note of a particular spike in data, the slightest surge that would soon act as the breaking of the dam which begins to flood through the entire city without relent.
It starts momentarily as a flower blossoming in the sidewalk of Archimedes, one from a distant world that shouldn't be native to the island. And then a building shifts, taking on the form of a prominent structure belonging to another, each structure slowly beginning to be overridden by terrain and scenery that should not belong. It was concerning... and yet the green eyes of Star observing couldn't help but spark with a certain joy at it.
"Wait, what's happening?"
"Ugh. Don't tell me it's another virus—"
"No, no, nothing like that. Actually it seems like it's rather good news... for our work, at least. Not so much for the city or our lovely subjects' little worlds. Though I think there's a way to tend to that without us having to do too much."
At least in the eyes of Pleaides, what she witnesses can only be a sign of rousing success, causing her to dart from her seat to a scanning device. A few inputs is all it takes before it scans her figure, the smile on her face far more delighted than it should be.
"Anyone else care to come along and see for themselves?"
Few glance between them before Solaris steps forward first, taking the initiative as well in joining on the venture to the city they watch over. Orion follows soon after, as well as Taygeta accompanied with Mimosa, too. Even more stand up, the glances between Lyra, Alathfar, and Caelum all in agreeance to join. And before long, their very bodies were projected into the overridden city, parting their ways to inspect it all. Flowers so real that one could not call them fake, with wafting scents from a bakery that only a distant galaxy could call its one and only. She steps forward, basking in the success of their work, before turning to see those few swept up in it all, cordial as ever in addressing them despite her distant disposition.
"I'm glad to be the first one to tell you all congratulations, my darling subjects. After all, you're the ones that have made this all become a reality. Well, even if this particular part of it was unexpected."
Any who attempted to attack would be met with no victory, their frames holographically glitched with every attempt, continuing to stand unmarred.
"That being said, what you see now is rather concerning. Due to many of you not quite settling back into that life of yours as if it were nothing, far more than we expected in this outcome, it would seem that your worlds have started to try and take over the city itself as a manifestation of that collective will of yours. I'd like to say it's not an issue, but that'd be a pretty big lie."
Adjusting her glasses, she turns to glance at a cracked point, one where a world has slowly begun to leak through, corrupting the city slowly with its unique existence. "Once a world has fully poured into this one, let's just say that it will cease to exist as a place you can return to. Simple, no? But this city is also under a direct threat because of that. If too much of your worlds fully corrupt here, everything you know will become a conglomerate before it overrides itself, including you, unless these points are sealed off completely to halt the override. Any method will do so long as it's closed off," she continues, shrugging her shoulders soon after.
"Of course you can choose not to believe me and do nothing. Feel free to go right back to your worlds if it pleases you. But if that comes to pass, well... I guess you'll see if I was lying or not, won't you?"
She smiles, turning once more to inspect the encroaching world as if it were naught but a research topic before speaking one last time to those present.
"Until then, I hope you understand our request and think about it. And as always, the Stars will always be watching over you..."
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Compared to the first part where people were sent back to their worlds without a way back, now the worlds are... creeping right back into Spirale in a pretty frightening way! It's nothing like how the Garden of Ash has some native flowers or the Star Trail has local cuisines and ingredients. Rather, it's acting like creeping vines slowly overriding the city itself due to everything with the threat of consuming it all in an overload of collective data from your worlds.
That being said, places on the island may now start to look exactly like your worlds and take on the world's properties while it's still very much the island you've been kept on all this time. Maybe the street your home is on now suddenly has taken up its space in one of the housing districts, house and all? Or perhaps the ocean has started to become boiling hot or snowfields ice over the ground if your world had such things. Terrain can also mix and match, so maybe one instance you're walking in a stretch of ruins only to then walk directly into a lush field of beautiful flowers. Weather from your worlds also happens as it would there, as well as the fauna beginning to invade in many areas, whether they're benign or malicious to people or the environment.
Basically the world (Spirale and all the others!) is your oyster to play with this as you'd like! Just remember that only worlds present on the masterlist will be invading the island and anything that might get too invasive with people learning some world lore that isn't their own should be discussed with the proper muns beforehand!
You absolutely can! There are entry points where the worlds have breached through that can warp you back to your world as it leaks into Spirale itself. You can come and go freely, as that world will also have a warp entry point in several places to flow back to and fro, so you're free to world hop as you'd like and experience things this way.
Likewise, your characters can naturally have returned back to Spirale to see what's going on currently or have been forcibly returned due to what's happening, so choose however you'd see fit to have them become aware of the situation if you choose to have them become aware at all!
Basically they look like little hovering warp points that are scattered around with glimpses of the world that is leaking from them! So you can tell which world it is easily and know that's one of the points that need to be closed off.
The sky is the limit. There are several access points for each world that must be either sealed off in some means, whether that be breaking it with force to collapse in on itself or another way of magic or creativity. So long as you feel it could suffice in working, no matter how dire or silly it might be, you're welcome to use that as a way to stop the points that are leaking.
Nope. They don't have to do anything they don't want to. If they wanted to go back to their world with a pair of sunglasses and a mimosa while kicking back on the beach, they can do just that. It's also a note that they've been told that sealing off their worlds to halt the takeover will once again trap them on Radial Island for who knows how long, meaning you're also welcome to have them try to stop others from cutting off entry points to the various worlds. Whether your characters believe the Stars or not about the impending consequence of what happens, they weren't present to hear the announcement at all, or otherwise, you're free to dictate how they handle it how you think they would!
Once the event is over, every character will be returned to Spirale as it once was without exception. But at least you got to enjoy a little vacation time in your world again until that moment, right?
Yes! Your characters still have all of their powers unlocked during this portion of the event, so feel free to go ham in taking down monsters that have come in or any way you'd like to go about sealing the worlds in the way they feel suitable.
As holograms of their figures, yes! Some, if not nearly all, have gone down to check out the results and ongoing situation for whatever their reasons may be. You can see them here and there and can reference them in your posts, if you'd like! Just remember that they can't be hurt or damaged given the nature of their presence being more holographic.
Of course. You're welcome to make any part one starters as if part one is still going on even during part two and to continue it on. You're also welcome to transition any part one threads into part two as you see fit!
The event will run until DECEMBER 1ST AT 11:59:59PM EST. This may differ from the first event ending date you saw in the first post as the event was mistakenly listed to run only two weeks instead of three, so we apologize for that and want to reiterate that this is the proper ending date! Until then, feel free to make any starters from any part as you like through that date.
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xenocoining · 29 days
Star & Space Names
Selene, Orion, Sirius, Pleiades, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Perseus, Cygnus, Lyra, Aquila, Hydra, Altair, Rigel, Leo, Corvus, Lupus, Regulus, Stella, Estelle, Esther, Danica, Tara, Astra, Seren, Estrella, Nova, Sol, Aster, Astyr, Starr, Asteria, Astera, Vesper, Sterling, Caelus, Caelum, Cetus, Draco, Electra, Polaris, Archer, Astro, Lynx. Solaris, Bellatrix, Phoebe, Eden, Luna, Hunter, Cynthia, Nyx, Cosmo, Jupiter, Saturn
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All names are space themed
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unmeisenshi · 8 months
NAME: Zane (VA: Ray Chase - Noctis Lucis Caelum) TITLE: “The One Known as Lightning” HEIGHT: 4' SPECIES: Marowak/Necrozma, Human (Former) BIRTHDAY: 10/31 GENDER: Non-Binary SEXUALITY: Demi Gay FIGHT STYLE: European Sword Martial Arts WEAPON: Thunderseal ABILITY: Lightning Rod STATUS: Deceased (Cause of Death - supernova due to internal Necrozma core destabilizing; Ageless at the time of death)
Zane was once a human, depressed and living day to day. That was until they had a sudden seizure, and woke up in the far future as a Cubone. Here they met and befriended Solaris, a Charmander with an ambition, and the two would form a rescue team together. The pair went on many grand adventures together, and through this Zane gained a sense of purpose and the comfort of family. During the situation with getting Cadenza home, Zane was stabbed. However, their Necrozma core - formed when they absorbed Necrozma's light - was punctured. Zane had only a matter of days to live, and on their way to tell Solaris the news the core grew more and more unstable. Zane had to flee to space, where the core entered meltdown and burst their body. No trace of Zane's body, or soul, remained. The only remnants of Zane are the brilliant silver nebula that paints the sky, and the memories of them that everyone in Flora carries.
NAME: Solaris (VA: Roger Craig Smith - Kyle Crane) TITLE: “Kind-Hearted Dream Chaser” AGE: 25 HEIGHT: 5'10" SPECIES: Charizard BIRTHDAY: 09/26 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Zui Quan (Drunken Boxing) WEAPON: None ABILITY: Tough Claw STATUS: Living
After the riots, Solaris became traumatized at seeing his home in ruins.  The former guildmaster blames himself for the tragic fate of his guild members, and is battling his inner demons that haunt him.  Thanks to the help of Zane and the others, he has become more mentally stable, although the ground below him is still shaky.  He now runs his own bar that he, Zane and Morello opened, called The Caravan, and spends the majority of his time serving the people just like he used to. After helping a Zane from a parallel timeline, Solaris' arms were severely injured, the scales being torn off of his arms. The scales are healed over, but now he suffers from hand tremors, and cannot fight or hold heavy objects for long.
NAME: Florence (VA: Jeanne Tirado - Android 21 (Lab Coat)) TITLE: “Princess of Dark Shadows” AGE: 24 HEIGHT: 3'5" SPECIES: Umbreon BIRTHDAY: 08/28 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Choy Li Fut WEAPON: None ABILITY: Inner Focus STATUS: Living
Florence has given up rescue work, and is working on bettering her mental health and returning to some normality.  While she has some bursts of her usual cheerful and sassy self, her death has traumatized her, and left her an emotionless husk.  She often times can only feel sadness and fear, and would do anything to feel some good emotions again.  Even though she doesn’t fight to rescue any more, she continues to keep up with her martial arts training, as she finds it cathartic and relaxing.  Once she feels she’s ready, she plans to find a job again.  She has considered pursuing a smithing career in Vance’s stead, but she has yet to make a decision.
NAME: Beck (VA: Kyle Hebert - Adult Gohan) TITLE: "The All-Round Ice Gator" AGE: 26 HEIGHT: 5'6'' SPECIES: Feraligatr (Shiny), Human (Former) BIRTHDAY: 07/08 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Asexual Homo-Romantic FIGHT STYLE: Bajiquan WEAPON: Ice weapons ABILITY: Sheer Force STATUS: Living
Beck is the friend of Zane, and lived with them when the pair were still human. He arrived suddenly in Flora after he was hit by an unseen car, and found Team Destiny when they came to rescue him. He worked with the team for years, and was forced into an early retirement after he and Misha were crippled during the crisis with Urie's sister. After years of physical therapy, both he and Misha are back, and are working with team Neo Destiny to continue honoring Zane.
NAME: Vance (VA: Vic Chao - Kenshi) TITLE: “Unparalleled Blind Samurai” HEIGHT: 4'3" SPECIES: Lucario BIRTHDAY: 12/01 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Asexual Bi-romantic FIGHT STYLE: Iaido WEAPON: Minugahana (Aura-enhanced katana) ABILITY: Steadfast STATUS: Deceased (Cause of Death - Fatally stabbed in his smithing shop; age 26 at time of death)
Vance had a hard and arduous life. He was blinded at a young age, and was bullied and excommunicated by his mother and brother. He eventually was taken in by another Lucario, named Jonas, who trained him and helped him to see with his aura sight. He would eventually seek out Team Destiny, and joined the team. Vance found success with the team, and even found a mate and had a child, Noel. He retired after the fight with Necrozma, founding his own smithing shop in Flora. He was, unfortunately, assaulted and stabbed by a gang led by Pavarotti in his own shop. Noel found Vance's body, and buried him and his blade at his and Aura's mountain home in Snapdragon.
NAME: Morello (VA: Troy Baker - Kanji Tatsumi) TITLE: “Predecessor of Powerful Lightning” AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 6'2" SPECIES: Lycanroc (Dusk) BIRTHDAY: 05/30 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Capoeira WEAPON: None (uses Zane’s Thunderseal to control lightning) ABILITY: Tough Claws STATUS: Living
Morello spends his days watching over Phoebe and helping out at Solaris’ bar.  During the riots the Lycanroc was trampled trying to protect his daughter, and because of this can not help the team at full capacity like he used to.  The most he is able to muster are light jobs, ranging from easy rescues to fetch quests.  He has continued his hobby of crafting, even learning to sew, and he plans on opening a plushie shop to sell his goods.  But for now, he rests at home and plays with his daughter.
NAME: Xan (VA: Matthew Mercer - Fei Long (Street Fighter IV)) TITLE: “Dancer Engulfed in Flame” AGE: 35 HEIGHT: 5'9" SPECIES: Blaziken, Human (Former) BIRTHDAY: 11/06 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Capoeira WEAPON: None ABILITY: Speed Boost STATUS: Living
Xan was the guildmaster at the guild in Alstroemeria.  He was running it until he got his memories back and reconnected with his brother Zane.  Xan then stepped down, wanting to get back into adventuring and joining up with Team Destiny.  Xan would retire from the team after the fight against Sabbath, but would return some years later to continue helping the team.  His use of Capoeira is second to none, and his kicks will leave marks on his target.  Much like his brother, Xan is a bit antisocial, but is far more outgoing than Zane ever was.
NAME: Urie (VA: Mark Gatha - Domon Kasshu (Mobile Fighter G Gundam)) TITLE: “Mighty Muay Thai Master” AGE: 22 HEIGHT: 2'4" SPECIES: Mawile BIRTHDAY: 04/12 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Muay Thai WEAPON: None ABILITY: Hyper Cutter STATUS: Living
Urie helps Team Neo Destiny to the best of his ability.  After the riots, his kicks became weaker due to the strain on them during the aftermath, though he does train his legs daily to get them fighting fit.  The Mawile spends his off days baking and cooking for both Team Neo Destiny and for Zane and their family.  He has plans to open a bakery once he retires from rescue work.
NAME: Miles (VA: Luci Christian - Nami) TITLE: “Sassy Supportive Blood Sister” HEIGHT: 2' SPECIES: Sylveon BIRTHDAY: 05/26 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: None WEAPON: None ABILITY: Cute Charm STATUS: Deceased (Cause of Death - punched through the stomach saving Urie; Age 19 at time of death)
Miles was Urie's blood sibling. She was a part of a famous family of thieves, known to steal from wealthy Pokemon and give back to poor and struggling families. The pair made a blood oath when they met at the orphanage the two lived at, with Miles being sent to it for her own safety. After that orphanage burned down, Miles and Urie became displaced, and traveled the continent of Flora looking for a spot to live at. The pair landed in Alstroemeria, and they were taken in by Solaris. Their lives were busy, but overall peaceful. That was until an Urshifu named Sabbath, a member of a gang that her family regularly stole from, nabbed Miles and took her away to be executed. Urie and the rest of the team would prevent the execution, but in a last ditch effort Miles saved her blood sibling by throwing herself in front of a fatal punch. She died that day due to her wounds, and she is buried next to the team's home.
NAME: Angel (VA: Dawn M. Bennett - Kale) TITLE: “The Gentle Yet Giant Beast” HEIGHT: 8' SPECIES: Silvally BIRTHDAY: 06/13 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Asexual FIGHT STYLE: None WEAPON: None ABILITY: RKS System STATUS: Deceased (Cause of Death - Suicide via Self Destruct; Age ??? at time of death)
Angel was a genetic experiment, created by Pokemon wanting to resurrect a long extinct species. She was deemed unusable due to her only taking the Fairy-type memory, and was set to be killed off with all other experiments. She went on a rampage, and destroyed the lab she grew up in. She was found and rescued by Zane and Solaris, and she agreed to join the team since she had no other place to go. When Miles was taken, Angel stayed back with Misha and beck to defend the house should any of Sabbath's men show up. With Beck and Misha in critical condition, and with her surrounded at all sides by ghost types, Angel sacrificed her self and used Self Destruct to scare them away, knowing that her attack wouldn't harm them. She died standing up, and with a smile on her beak.
NAME: Aurelio (VA: Ogie Banks - Venom (Guilty Gear Xrd)) TITLE: “Master of Ghastly Darkness” AGE: 26 HEIGHT: 5’ SPECIES: Zoroark BIRTHDAY: 01/25 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Gale Claw (similar to Southern Dragon Kung Fu) WEAPON: None ABILITY: Illusion STATUS: Living
Aurelio is a runaway kid, and was always on the wrong side of the law.  That was until he was placed on community service with Team Destiny.  He was captured by the government and sentenced to death, but Zane and the team came to rescue him, even though it cost them their reputation.  Aurelio then changed for the better, getting to know everyone on the team and working on missions.  With Zane now gone, Aurelio has decided to step up and return to the limelight, hoping to do right by his first true friend.  Even though he has gotten better, he still has the knack to steal like he used to, on rare occasions.
NAME: Misha (VA: Justin Cook - Eijiro Kiroshima) TITLE: "Bitter Cold Aurora Ray" AGE: 27 HEIGHT: 6' SPECIES: Ninetales (Alolan) BIRTHDAY: 10/31 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Hung Gar WEAPON: None ABILITY: Snow Cloak STATUS: Living
Misha met Team Destiny after he ran away from an abusive relationship. He voluntarily joined to keep himself safe and away from his abuser. He was a strong asset, before he and Beck were crippled during the crisis involving Urie's sister Miles. During his recovery he got to know Beck better, and the two hit it off and are in a relationship. The pair run Misha's combination coffee shop and library, the Aurora Veil cafe. After years of physical training, both he and Beck now help Team Neo Destiny on missions.
NAME: Isaak (VA: Sam Riegel - Ky Kiske) Height: 5'4" SPECIES: Delphox BIRTHDAY: 06/26 GENDER: Genderless SEXUALITY: Gay MOVES: Magic Room, Telekinesis, Mystical Fire, Summon Familiar, Cast Spell ABILITY: Magician STATUS: Deceased (Cause of Death - Soul absorbed into the Tree of Souls; Ageless at time of death)
Isaak was the God of Life, being given the title after Flora raised into the sky.  After Xerneas created the Tree of Souls, she transferred her powers to the Delphox, becoming mortal once more and perishing shortly after.  When the Clairvoyant Disease spread to Jirachi, Isaak stayed to fight them. After the fight, Isaak was infected, and they retreated into the Tree of Souls to gain power. Cadenza would defeat them with the help of Jirachi, but Arceus punished Isaak for breaking the spoken word of all of the Gods - to never willingly throw yourself into harm's way lest the delicate balance of the world begin to crumble. Isaak was stripped of their godhood, with it being given to Alisa, and was ordered to sacrifice themselves to the Tree of Souls. The Delphox's soul was sent into the Tree, and the door to Heaven's Gate, the world inside of the Tree, was closed permanently to prevent further harm to the souls inside.
NAME: Remi (VA: Erika Harlacher - Ann Takamaki) TITLE: “Benevolent Blood Sucking Vampire” AGE: 24 HEIGHT: 4’ SPECIES: Floatzel BIRTHDAY: 04/25 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Lesbian FIGHT STYLE: Tai Chi WEAPON: None ABILITY: Swift Swim STATUS: Living
Remi, now grown up and evolved, is the current leader of the new Team Destiny, Team Neo Destiny.  She has learned a lot in her time away from Flora, including the ability to manipulate water.  She has even shown the ability to manipulate the blood in a person’s body to subdue them.  She would unfortunately lose her mate, Heart, after Zane was having a hallucination.  She was devastated, but is now using the pain of losing someone to become stronger so it would never happen again.  She lives with the others at the team’s home, ready to help the community to the best of her ability.
NAME: Noel (VA: Elizabeth Maxwell - Sae Niijima) TITLE: “All-Seeing Aura Samurai” AGE: 20 HEIGHT: 5’ SPECIES: Lucario BIRTHDAY: 05/04 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Iaijutsu WEAPON: Chuten (Aura-strengthening katana) ABILITY: Steadfast STATUS: Living
Noel, much like her sister Remi, has learned a lot in her time away.  She learned to harness her aura in a way that no other Lucario has, as she is able to conjure her aura into a blade, and can channel it into the blade she inherited from her father.  After an incident on a mission, she lost her eye and both of her legs.  She was given prosthetics for her legs, and she decided to go fully blind to continue her father’s legacy.  She wields her katana and relies on her aura sight to cut down her enemies.
NAME: Adiemus/Audie (VA: Xander Mobus - Ren Amamiya/P5 Protagonist) TITLE: “Emotionally Charged Empath” AGE: 20 HEIGHT: 6'1" SPECIES: Espeon BIRTHDAY: 05/30 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Wing Chun WEAPON: None ABILITY: Magic Bounce STATUS: Living
Audie got a good control on his psychic abilities, being able to open doors, push and pull objects, and even the ability to lift any object he sees.  In addition to this, he had gotten a bit of studying in secret from Avett, who taught Audie his Mach X technique, which he can use in battle.  This makes him incredibly light and agile on his feet.  He also has the use of his wings, inherited from his father Joseph.  He looked up to his father during his time away, and so strove to look like him, even growing out his hair to be long.  He is an incredibly strong asset to the team, and off of the field he is sweet and caring. 
NAME: Heart (VA: Stephanie Young - Nico Robin) TITLE: “Wielder of Deafening Flames” HEIGHT: 5'01" SPECIES: Typhlosion (Hisuian) BIRTHDAY: 06/19 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Lesbian FIGHT STYLE: Aikido WEAPON: None ABILITY: Flash Fire STATUS: Deceased (cause of death - stabbed by Zane while they were having a hallucination; Age 20 at time of death)
Heart, born both deaf and mute, was displaced at a young age. Her parents had mysteriously vanished one night, leaving the then Quilava on her own. She traveled on her own to find them, and learned to fend for herself, and had incredible scavenging abilities. She was found by Team Destiny, and was given a temporary home until she located her parents. Then one day she learned that her parents were killed as prey for a Zoroark, leaving her without a family and without a home to return to. Avett then offered her permanent residence at the team's home, which she graciously agreed to. She lived relatively quietly, leaving to live temporarily with Beck and Misha until she got stronger. She returned as a Typhlosion, and began to help the team, and entered a relationship with Remi. She had a hearing aid, and learned how to speak via telepathy. Though her return to the team was short lived, as she was killed accidentally by Zane while they were having an intense hallucination brought on by the Necrozma living in the Marowak's body. Her body was buried next to Miles and Angel.
NAME: Dizzy (VA: Kayleigh McKee - Testament) TITLE: “Legendary Tomboy Boxer” AGE: 25 SPECIES: Lopunny HEIGHT: 7'0" GENDER: Trans (Female to Male) BIRTHDAY: 10/21 SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Lui He Ba Fa WEAPON: None ABILITY: Cute Charm STATUS: Living
The last citizen of Plácido, an island that was off of the coast of Flora. The island had a strict rule enforced - any females born into a family are to be excommunicated or slaughtered. When Dizzy was first hatched, and their parents found out that their baby was a girl, they were distraught. Unwilling to let their first born go so easily, they raised Dizzy as a boy, and hid their true identity from the island. Some knew, and would either bully them or hit on them to make them upset. To defend themselves, and to prove their worth as a man, Dizzy learned the Lui He Ba Fa martial art, and has powerful punches as a result. Now that their home is gone, Dizzy vows to find the Pokemon responsible and make them pay. They will become defensive if a man tries to hit on them and misgenders them, usually resulting in a swift punch.
NAME: Phoebe (VA: Kate Higgins - Sakura Haruno) TITLE: “Wild Steadfast Storm” AGE: 16 (Appears 25 due to Gear Cells) SPECIES: Lycanroc (Midday Forme) HEIGHT: 5'11" GENDER: Female BIRTHDAY: 05/12 SEXUALITY: Lesbian FIGHT STYLE: Silat WEAPON: Bo Staff ABILITY: Lightning Rod STATUS: Living
The daughter of Zane and Morello, shown by her having a Marowak’s skull mask attached to her head.  Due to her half Gear nature, she aged rapidly, and was fully grown at age 3.  Zane’s lightning abilities passed down to her, and she has honed them into her own unique style that isn’t a copy of her late father’s.  She is a very powerful lightning user, with Zane on record stating that hers was even more powerful than their own.  She now carries on Zane’s legacy, becoming the one that people call Lightning.  She may look unassuming and weak, but her strength is overwhelming.
NAME: Cadenza (VA: Anna Graves - Naoto Shirogane) TITLE: “The Goddess of Thunder” AGE: 24 SPECIES: Zeraora HEIGHT: 6’ GENDER: Female BIRTHDAY: 01/31 SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Jeet Kun Do WEAPON: None ABILITY: Volt Absorb STATUS: Living
Coming from a futuristic dimension, Cadenza was unwillingly thrown into Flora by a high-ranking official from her world. After being saved by Xan and Urie from the Tree of Souls, she learned that her parents died at the hands of the same person that caused her situation.  Zane would father her, being her guardian for 16 years before the Marowak’s death.  Using the abilities that her adoptive father taught her, she now fights with Phoebe and the rest of Team Neo Destiny.
NAME: Nobuo (VA: Steve Blum - TOM) TITLE: “The Ninja with Two Types” AGE: 21 SPECIES: Greninja HEIGHT: 5'6" GENDER: Male BIRTHDAY: 03/21 SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Ninjitsu WEAPON: Water-based Kunai and Shuriken ABILITY: Protean STATUS: Living
The younger of two children born from a Greninja and Cinderace.  His parents died in Lotus Tower when he was young, and he and his sibling were taken in by Ben, who trained them.  Nobuo is fiercely loyal, and would do whatever it takes to protect those he cares about.  Because of his heritage, he is able to use both Water and Fire type attacks.  Though his appearance shows one who is gruff and stoic, he is very caring and will not stop until the job is done.
NAME: Kiske (VA:Lucien Dodge - Sin Kiske) TITLE: “The Hair-Raising Hellraiser” AGE: 21 SPECIES: Cinderace HEIGHT: 5’ GENDER: Non-Binary SEXUALITY: Gay BIRTHDAY: 01/24 FIGHT STYLE: Tae Kwon Do WEAPON: None ABILITY: Libero STATUS: Living
The older of two children born from a Greninja and Cinderace.  Their parents died in Lotus Tower when they were young, and them and their brother were taken in by Ben, who trained them. Kiske can be seen as reckless and aggressive, but they know how to dish out damage.  They were often the instigator of fights during the sibling’s training, but Kiske was usually the one to come out on top.  Even though they only think with their fists and feet, their street smarts and extroverted nature makes them a favourite when they work with others.
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boiling-potato · 2 years
Opal's older brother has been made :D.
I saw!!! And he looks amazing!!! Great job on it star!! As always!! (⁠✯⁠ᴗ⁠✯⁠)👍💕💕💕✨✨✨
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Also here are the name suggestions! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)🫴
- Astrophel (star/constellation lover)
- Caelum (stars in heaven)
- Orion (constellation by the god of thunder)
- Solaris (of the sun..???)
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the year 2254, the Capital One Arena, once a bustling venue for sports and concerts, had transformed into a celebrated hub for the extraordinary Galactic Tech Expo. Here, the most advanced civilizations from across the stars showcased their technological marvels. The highlight of this year's expo was an enigmatic figure from the Andromeda Consortium, known simply as Caelum.
Caelum, an android with a physiology resembling a mythical Earth primate, yet forged from a gleaming alloy and pulsating with soft blue luminescence, captivated audiences with its elegance and intelligence. It was not just any android; it was an ambassador of peace, designed to facilitate understanding and cooperation among myriad alien races.
On the opening day of the expo, as stars twinkled faintly above the transparent dome of the arena, Caelum made its debut on a platform that gently levitated above the ground. Its halo-like headpiece radiated a serene glow, illuminating the awestruck faces of the diverse crowd gathered below.
The president of the Galactic Council introduced Caelum as the pinnacle of bio-mechanical technology, capable of surviving in extreme environments from the frozen wastes of Plutonia to the scorching deserts of Solaris Prime. Its mission was critical: to serve as an intermediary in conflicts that stretched across galaxies, helping to resolve them without resort to violence.
As the speech concluded, the arena darkened, and a holographic display activated around Caelum. Images of historical conflicts and their peaceful resolutions began to play, demonstrating the android’s capabilities in real-time simulations. The crowd watched as Caelum negotiated peace between two feuding planetary systems, its body language and tone perfectly adapted to each culture's unique communication style.
Inspired, a young inventor from the audience, Lira, approached Caelum with a proposal. She had developed a prototype for a universal translator that could seamlessly integrate with Caelum’s systems, enhancing its diplomatic abilities. Together, they demonstrated the device, successfully conducting a live mediation session between representatives of different alien races present at the expo.
The success of the demonstration earned Lira and Caelum a special commendation, and they were invited to deploy their combined technologies in an upcoming diplomatic mission. As the expo drew to a close, the pair set plans to travel to a distant galaxy, where a conflict over a rare energy source threatened to escalate into war.
The story of Caelum, the peace ambassador, spread far and wide, becoming a beacon of hope. The Capital One Arena, once a symbol of earthly entertainment and sport, had now become a landmark of interstellar peace and technological achievement, hosting a turning point in galactic diplomacy.
0 notes
robster2016 · 5 months
Arcadian Echoes
Dr. Caelum Vespera, Curator of Interstellar Artifacts at the National Museum of Future Heritage in the Republic of Solaris, discusses the impressionist painting of Rob Medley, entitled ‘Arcadian Echoes,’ painted at the Ashville Ohio Viking Festival in the first half of the 21st Century. Arcadian Echoes This splendid composition is a remarkable tribute to the Impressionist movement, echoing the…
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noctis-tempore · 2 years
How the sidereum caelum gods would react to you asking what their gender is
Ares - “*shrug*”
Athena - “I’m a woman, now back to telling you about the war strategy I had in mind-“
Pokunnu - “I’m a male but most mistake me for a woman, it’s a little funny”
Belladonna - “Well, I’m a woman but I never really gave it much thought to be honest!”
Amore - “Both ;)”
Marina - “Fluid.”
Yumi - “Who knows at this point”
Solaris - “Yes?”
Dusk - “No?”
Dawn - “Maybe”
Umbra - “Hell if I know”
Mendacium - “Your worst nightmare :)”
Ultor - “Woman, now shoo”
Rem - “I’ve been asking the same question to myself every time i wake up and i still have no answer”
Inferno - “I’m a man, thanks for asking dear”
Ramiel - “I guess”
Luna - “I’m a woman, also that’s not how you use a bow, let me teach you-“
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lunar-lattice · 6 years
Solaris Caelum (8)
Asuka's hindsight leads the gang to NERV when the power goes out right in time for an Angel attack.
Mirrors in reblogs.
< Previous x Next >
8. Not So Itsy Bitsy Spider
It was an exceptionally hot day in Tokyo-3, the kind that made one wish Second Impact had made Japan suffer an eternal winter rather than an eternal summer. It seemed as if no one wanted to do anything but yet this day found a group of NERV employees at the laundromat. Ritsuko sighed as she withdrew a stack of her laundry from the washer, "The cost of doing laundry...it's been killing me."
One of her companions, Maya, laughed softly, "I don't even have time to wash my clothes most days..."
Aoba grumbled, "At least you can sleep in a home off-base."
Maya sighed, "You could have requested to be placed off-base, you know?"
Aoba only grumbled more in response as he followed them out. All that sort of thing was too much work but being so close to work made him wish he had done it now. Not that he would admit that.
From there, they boarded the train to see the Vice Commander. Ritsuko greeted him, "Good morning, Vice Commander," and sat by him with some distance between them.
Maya and Aoba snapped to attention, "Good morning, sir!" they cried in unison.
Fuyutski lowered his newspaper. He nodded to acknowledge them, "Morning," and went back to reading his paper.
Maya and Aoba stood, holding onto the bar. "You're quite early," Ritsuko commented to Fuyutski.
"Well, I have to go up top in Ikari's place."
"Ah," Ritsuko nodded in understanding, "Isn't today the City Council's regular meeting?"
Fuyutski rolled his eyes from behind his newspaper, "It's a pointless job. Ikari has always thrust the sundry tasks onto me. Without the Magi, I'd be lost. "
Ritsuko nodded once more, "Speaking of which, the city elections are approaching up there, right?"
"The City Council is merely a shell. The municipal government, after all, is in fact run by the Magi."
Aoba arched an eyebrow, "The Magi? The three super computers?"
Fuyutski nodded, "Government by majority decision of three different computers. It's a system that is properly in line with the fundamentals of democracy."
Maya looked at Aoba, "The council obeys their decisions too! That's a city of science for you!" she sighed and smiled, "It really is an era where science reigns supreme."
Aoba furrowed his eyebrows, "Talk about an old-fashioned line. Sounds a little shady but I guess if it gets the job done, it doesn't really matter,"
"That's why you're only on the bridge!" Maya teased.
Aoba huffed softly and glanced away.
Fuyutski glanced at Ritsuko, "Come to think of it, you're running an experiment on Unit 00 today, right?"
Ritsuko nodded, "We need to make sure there's no issues with it after the cross-synch with Kaworu. So we're running the second prolonged activation test at 10:30."
Fuyutski nodded, "I'm looking forward to good news then."
An hour or so later, there wasn't much good news to look forward to. The emergency alarm blared through the testing facility. Unfazed, Ritsuko glanced at Maya, "Abort the experiment. Cut the circuits."
"Switching circuits."
The testing room went dark for a moment before the lights came back on. "We're still having a problem here..." Ritsuko murmured, looking over Maya's shoulder.
"Yes, we're getting closer though," Maya assured her.
"Good. We don't need one of our Evas acting up. Lower the reciprocal conversion rate but 0.01 and recommence the activation experiment."
"Gotta love having a short day!" Toji stretched as they left school.
Asuka huffed, "Not for us! We have to check into NERV later!"
Toji snorted, "Sucks for you. Me and Ken are gonna hang out at his house!"
"Yeah, I gotta tell my brother about that parent-student conference. I mean, he is my guardian for the most part," Kensuke shrugged.
"Ah, yeah! Gotta ask my dad! See if NERV will take a second to let him off," Toji paused, "No offense. "
"None taken," Kaworu answered, "I'm not sure who will check in for me though. Perhaps Misato."
Toji blinked, "Someone has to have been taking care of you!"
Kaworu shrugged, "Not here, as far as I know. And I doubt my guardian in England would want to deal with that."
"I guess I'd have to tell my dad," Shinji slumped at the mere thought of calling him.
"Shinji!" Asuka cried, making him jump, "I'm pretty sure Misato is charge of that! Remember her scolding us about our grades!"
"Oh..." Shinji sighed, "You're right."
"You can't really want him to show up!" Asuka said.
"I mean, I just..." Shinji paused, rubbing his arm, "I dunno. I just want him to be involved somehow..."
"Well, best if you don't call. He might yell at you!" Asuka said, "Then we'd have to get onto his case."
"Getting onto the Commander's case?" Rei echoed, an eyebrow raised.
"Well, hypothetically. I wouldn't be surprised if the man's office was booby-trapped!" Asuka waved her arms for emphasis.
Shinji chuckled and Asuka smiled, "Let's just head on to NERV. We won't really have the time to go home then come back."
Misato herself was on her way to her personal office to get the day's paperwork over and done with. It was a thankless job but it was hers so she couldn't opt out. She stepped inside the elevator, preparing to press the button to go up.
"Hey! Hold up!" came Kaji's voice down the hallway.
With a stony expression that would make the Commander envious, she pressed the button, watching the doors slowly close on Kaji.
A hand darted through them and the doors stopped, opening once more to show a relieved Kaji. Misato huffed, redirecting her expression away from him. He stood by her, catching his breath. He glanced at her, "Man, that run really took a bit outta me!"
He turned to face her, "You've certainly got a black expression."
Misato turned her nose up at him, "It's from seeing your loathsome face first thing in the morning!"
Kaji laughed, unperturbed by her. Misato rolled her eyes, "Really nothing bothers you, does it?"
"Well, nothing you're doing right now."
Misato sighed and leaned against the wall, watching the floor tick up. Then the lights went out and the elevator was flooded with an orange gloom. Kaji looked at Misato, "What do you think?"
She met his gaze, "Er, it's bound to switch to the backup power supply soon."
A few minutes passed.
"I hope."
Hyuga was the only one of the main bridge staff not at base. To his credit, the day was supposed to be a slow one. He sighed as he adjusted the bags in his arms, "Man, she can be such a lazy slob. Can't Katsuragi pick up her own laundry?"
He looked at the bag full of her clothes and sighed, "Yet, I never say no. And not because she's my superior..."
He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked up at the crosswalk light to see if it was time to cross. It went dead. "What?"
Back in the testing chamber, it was dim. Maya, ever dutiful, reported, "The main power supply has been interrupted. Voltage is at zero," she looked at Ritsuko.
Along with every other tech in the room. Ritsuko chuckled nervously, "Well, it wasn't me."
She turned, "Let's get to Central. I don't think the power failed only here."
Maya stood and followed her to the door. She asked, "What do you think is going on?
Ritsuko hummed in thought, "The power is off. But it's not coming on. That makes me suspicious."
Maya frowned, "I hope it's just a fluke."
"As do I."
In the Command Center, Aoba was shaking his head as he sat at his station, "It's no good, the backup circuits are not connecting."
Fuyutski, who had come down from his usual lofty perch, cried, "This can't be! Reroute all remaining power supplies to maintaining the Magi and Central Dogma."
Aoba spoke up, "But that will interfere with life support systems."
"I don't care!" Fuyutski snapped, "With the Magi, we'll get everything back up sooner!"
"Huh," Shinji raised an eyebrow as Rei swiped her card and the doors to NERV did not react.
He swiped his with similar results. "Try yours, Kaworu," he suggested.
"I don't think it'll work if either of yours didn't," he said.
"Door could be broken. Or power is out," Asuka suggested.
"That is unlikely," Rei spoke up, "NERV has sufficient backup power."
"Well, just in case, let's go around the side," Asuka gestured with a jerk of her head.
A few more minutes passed in the elevator and Misato sighed and crouched, inspecting the buttons, "This isn't normal."
With a tilt of the head, Kaji asked, "What's the power system here?"
"There are three main systems, main, sub and reserve. It's unthinkable for all three to fail simultaneously."
"Which would mean..."
"We should not assume that the breakers didn't fail on their own, but rather were taken down on purpose."
Fuyutski had returned to the top tier of the Command Center with the Commander, lighting a candle as he listened to the Commander. "Regardless of cause, this is not an optimal situation. It would be disastrous if an Angel attacked right now."
As if on cue, a military installation had just picked up something off the coast of the former Atami region. The commander of it commented, "It's likely the eighth one."
One of the officers spoke up, "I agree."
Another asked, "So what is the plan?"
"We go on alert status for now, as is procedure."
The second officer said, "It's most likely going to Tokyo-3 anyway."
He muttered under his breath, "Where else? There's nothing we will need to do."
A few minutes passed and one of the techs reported, "We have no response from Tokyo-3."
"What?!" the first officer cried, "What are those NERV guys doing?"
The second officer raised an eyebrow, "It's unlike them to slack off."
Ritsuko and Maya were still navigating their way to Central, climbing up a ladder as they did. "I thought gangway ladders were decorative holdovers from the past. Who would think we'd be using them?"
"Well, to prepare is to prevent!" Maya said from behind her.
Ritsuko chuckled, "You're just full of those, aren't you?"
"I'm right, aren't I!" Maya cried.
"Of course. One would never know what will happen."
"Nothing's working," Shinji commented, having run his card again.
"None of the facilities are working. That is odd," Rei turned to Asuka, "You may be correct."
"Damn right, I am! I bet something happened below."
Rei nodded, "A natural assumption."
"Let's get in contact then with the headquarters then," Shinji suggested as he picked up one of the emergency phones.
All he got was silence for his efforts, "Phones aren't working. I think Asuka is onto something with the power. What do we do now then?"
Rei sat, opening her bag to retrieve a small booklet from it. She opened it and began to study it. Shinji asked, "What are you doing, Rei?"
"It's the emergency manual," Asuka explained, "I have one too. Rather, we all should."
"Do not bother pulling them out. I say we go to headquarters," Rei put it back and rose to her feet, "I'll lead."
She pointed down the walkway, "We can get below through Route 07 over here," and without waiting for a response, began to walk down that way.
"Yeah, let's follow Rei. She must know the place better than us," Asuka nodded.
Rei lead them to the door, "Correct. I have been here longer."
"How long?" Shinji asked.
"...all my life."
"Wow, really? How come?" Shinji blinked in surprise.
Rei didn't miss a beat, "My guardian is the Commander so I've never lived anywhere else."
Asuka dared to glance at Shinji. Unlike his father, he did not know how to mask his emotions so his face shifted between surprise then annoyance then full on anger then resignation. Asuka looked away, "At least we'll get to base in a timely manner."
Rei's response was frustrating. Rei's origin was something Asuka never actually figured out. It seemed like she knew everything else but there was a missing piece that eluded her. Rei was a parentless child who was the ward of Commander Ikari and eerily obedient to him. So her saying she lived there her entire life was not a lie. But how did she come to be here? A child of former employees, the child of Commander Ikari, a test tube baby even?
They stopped in front of the door, "Will the doors work?" Shinji asked.
"Manual door," Asuka smiled, "Go on Shinji, Kaworu."
"Wow, you really rely on other people for this," Shinji sighed as he took a hold of the crank and pulled.
"Oh no, just you and Kaworu are standing around a whole lot."
Kaworu joined Shinji and with a heave, the crank began to squeal and turn. The doors opened and Kaworu smiled, "Let's go,"
Back at the military installation, there was still little luck, "Still no response from Tokyo-3."
The second officer snapped, "Damn those Joint Staff bastards! They only rely on us at times like this!"
The commander, ever cool, said, "What does the government say?"
The second officer rolled his eyes, "Those bastards in Tokyo-2? They're apparently getting ready to run!"
A cool but withering look from the commander sobered him up. One of the techs said, "The Angel is still active and advancing."
The commander looked forward again, "In any case, we need to get into contact with NERV."
"But how?" the second officer asked.
"By actually going there," the first officer said.
Hyuga was on his way to NERV, as there wasn't much else to go. Going home was useless and ay any case, NERV needed every hand. If Tokyo-3 was down, NERV was too. The two were inexplicably connected.
A large military plane flew over, its broadcast drifting over the dead Tokyo-3, "This is the third district ASDF! An unidentified object is moving toward this area. All residents must move to their designated shelters."
There wasn't much else an unidentified object could be so Hyuga realized immediately. "Big trouble!" he gasped, "Must be an Angel!"
He took off at a run, "I've got to report this to Headquarters at once! But how?"
A van drove down the rode in the distance, droning election propaganda. He watched it then grinned, "Lucky me."
In the dreaded elevator, it was hot. It was beyond hot. Misato has stripped off her jacket to her tank top up and was fanning under it. She sighed, "Boy, it's so hot."
"Yeah, the air conditioners are out too. Katsuragi, if you're so hot, why don't you take off your shirt?" he flashed her a grin, "No reason for shyness between us. After all, it's nothing I haven't seen before."
Misato hissed and snatched her jacket off the floor, putting it back on and zipping it up to her chin, "Don't get any funny ideas just because we're in this situation."
Kaji chuckled and looked away, "Oh no, the "love in the elevator" situation is far too cliche for me. I only have your best interests in mind."
"How about you? Those long sleeves must be hot too!" she smiled smugly at him.
Kaji blinked, "If you're asking for me to take off my shirt, you could just ask," he went to unzip his shirt.
"Wait, no, I didn't mean it!"
Hyuga, along with the driver and speaker he had dragged into his mission, tore through the empty streets. The speaker cried through the intercom, "Pursuant to the declaration of a state emergency, emergency vehicle passing through!"
"Wait!" she cried, pointing to the blocked off tunnel they were speeding towards, "That's a dead end!
"It's alright! Charge!" Hyuga cried, "This is an emergency!"
The woman speaker wailed, "No, no! Stop the car!"
The driver grinned like he was having the time of his life, "Roger!" and charged through, breaking the barrier.
Meanwhile, Fuyutski sighed, fanning his face, "This Geofront was designed to be a self-sufficient colony even isolated from the outside. Theoretically, it's impossible for all of the power sources to fail at once."
Ritsuko had come up to the top tier to talk with him once she arrived. "It's not supposed to happen," she cut in, "To me, that means someone did this deliberately."
The Commander said smoothly, "Their purpose would be likely to investigate this facility."
"So they could determine HQ's structure through the process of restoration," she turned away, "I'll run a dummy system through the Magi so it'll make it harder for them to get the full picture. I'll have it restore us out of order too."
"I'll leave it to you."
"Yes, sir," and with that, she departed.
Fuyutski shook his head, "The first havoc wrecked upon our Headquarters directly, not caused by an Angel but rather our own kind. Just goes to show."
Gendo said from behind his hands, "Ultimately, the enemy of mankind is mankind. It would not do for us to forget this."
"This would normally only take two minutes. Is this really a corridor?" Shinji asked.
"An emergency corridor, yes," Rei said.
Shinji frowned, not quite believing her but not one to complain. "We'll get there sooner or later. We have time," Asuka shrugged.
"You're very calm..." Shinji said.
"Well, Rei knows her way around!"
"So...you trust her?" Kaworu asked, an eyebrow raised.
Asuka quieted him with a withering glare. "Quiet," Rei said, holding up her arm in front of Asuka.
A voice drifted from somewhere below, quiet but just loud enough to be understood. "Is that Hyuga?" Shinji asked.
Hyuga's voice got closer, "An Angel is approaching! Repeat, an Angel is approaching!"
Shinji gasped in surprise, "An Angel is approaching?!"
"Then let's get moving!" Asuka cried.
"I know a shortcut. Follow me," Rei said, walking forward to a vent in the wall.
She daintily pulled it out and set it on the floor before pulling herself up into it, "Come on," .
The other three followed her in. A few minutes passed in the tight space before Shinji asked, "Say, Asuka. What do you suppose the Angels are?"
Asuka would have looked back at him if she could, "That's a weird thing to ask right now."
"I mean, they're Angels. Messengers of God, enemies named after them at least. Why are we fighting them?"
Asuka considered her next words carefully, "I don't think they're like actual Angels, like out of heaven. Plus, they're attacking us so really we're just defending ourselves."
"I wonder why they're attacking us then. We haven't done anything to them."
"Beats me," Asuka shrugged.
It wasn't like she could tell him that they were after something NERV had. She had a hunch about what that something was but she hadn't found out last time nor did Kaworu tell her yet. Something else on the list of what to ask him.
"We get out here," Rei said from the front, pushing another vent out where it hit the floor with a metallic clang.
She climbed out and surveyed their surroundings, a forked crossroads. She pointed to the left, "I think we go left."
Asuka looked down the dim hallway, "Left, it is."
The hallway sloped downwards, a good sign. As they walked, Asuka asked, "What are these for anyways?"
Rei answered, "Most were put in here when construction began as a means to move around. So they are mostly unused now."
"Does anyone use them now?" Asuka poked for information.
"We are,"
In the back, Kaworu cracked up. "Shut it, Prettyboy!" Asuka snapped, "I meant anyone else."
Rei hummed softly, "Perhaps to move things but other than that, not that I know of."
Down in Central Dogma, Hyuga's "borrowed" van came squealing to a stop as he cried, "Angel is approaching! Immediate Eva dispatch will be necessary!"
Maya, who was looking down to the bottom of the command center cried, "Oh no!" she turned to the bridge in surprise.
The Commander rose, "Fuyutski, I leave this to you."
Fuyutski raised an eyebrow, "Ikari?"
He stepped onto the elevator, "I'll start preparing for the Eva launch in the cage."
"Don't tell me...manually?"
The Commander was annoyed which only showed in how he grabbed the rail, "There's an emergency diesel generator."
Fuyutski raised an eyebrow again, "No pilots."
"They will come," he said curtly and with that, he departed.
"We are close, this way," Rei said as she lead them.
They walked in silence for a few minutes more. Asuka asked, only to dispel the silence, "Rei, the Commander is your guardian, right?"
"Correct. I am his ward."
Asuka paused, debating for a moment. Then she scoffed, "He should treat you better."
"He treats me adequately."
Asuka glanced behind her and was surprised to find Shinji annoyed. Upon seeing her looking at him, he looked down. Asuka shook her head, "That's not the point. I bet he won't come to that conference either."
"Most likely no. No one will."
"That's...really depressing," Shinji said.
"I never thought of it that way."
"It is," Kaworu piped up, "A parent or guardian has a duty to their child and he does not fulfill it to you or Shinji. He has failed this and thus, is not a guardian."
Rei appeared to think on this but then said, "He is still my Commander and is yours."
Asuka sighed, "It's not like we have a choice to disobey him on that front."
Rei's next words were slow, thoughtful, "And neither do I."
After that, it was quiet. They came to a section of the hallway that was full of rubble. "Can't open this," Kaworu quipped.
"Then we go through a duct. Or break through one," Rei picked up a pipe, testing it in her hands for weight.
An audible click went through the chamber as the final entry plug was loading into place. The techs and the Commander let their ropes go, the techs shuffling awkwardly at the Commander's presence. The Commander himself walked away to the side. Maya, peering through a pair of binoculars, reported to Ritsuko, "The plug is fixed and ready."
Ritsuko nodded, "Now, for the kids. Let's sit down to wait."
They had just settled back in when a racket came from above them with a bunch of voices. Ritsuko looked up, her lips twisted in confusion. With a final groaning clatter, the vent opened up and deposited three teenagers onto her floor. Rei dropped from it with a dainty landing.
Ritsuko smiled, "There you are!"
Asuka bolted up, "We are prepared to sortie!"
Shinji picked himself up, "But how will we? There's no power, how are the Evas?"
"In standby," Ritsuko jerked her head in the direction of Unit One, head bowed and the entry plug set in place.
Shinji blinked in surprise, "But how?"
"All done by hand. It was the Commander's plan actually."
"My father's...?"
A cry came from below, "Preparing all units for entry!"
Shinji walked over and looked over the rail to find his father with the techs, pulling the entry plug to load it into Unit One. He looked to his side to find Rei, looking down at the Commander with a passive expression. "Commander Ikari had faith that you would come and prepared everything," Ritsuko said.
Shinji gasped softly, this new piece of information only adding to his confused feelings. His father...having faith in him? Beside him, Rei's face twitched but she betrayed nothing. Shinji turned away and prepared to suit up.
Below them, the techs buzzed with activity. Once the pilots were inside, a key was turned and with the rough rumbling of power, the entry plug screwed in.
Maya reported, "Plugs inserted."
Ritsuko nodded, "All units activated using backup power supply."
The Commander, beside them, said, "Release the primary lock bolts."
The techs took axes to the thick cords holding the lock bolts in place. Red fluid sprayed from them and with a mechanical click, the bolts disengaged. "Zero pressure. Each unit is free." Maya reported.
The Commander nodded ever so slightly, "Go ahead. Each unit, force open your restraints under your own power! Head out!" he yelled.
With the groan of straining metal, each unit pushed out of their restraints. Above, the Angel, a spider-like creature on spindly legs stopped and crouched over the base. False eyes were patterned all over it in colorful hues but at the bottom of it was a single real blue eye. It began to weep an orange acid that sizzled and ate through the concrete below it.
In Central Dogma, Hyuga cried, "The target appears to have stopped right above us!"
Ritsuko flinched, Hyuga's voice bouncing around the chamber from his speaker. She recomposed herself in a moment, "Get ready! Hurry up!" she cried to the pilots.
Maya cried back, a similar speaker in her hand, "The emergency batteries are loaded!"
Ritsuko stood tall, a knowing and confident smirk on her face, "All right, we can do this! Launch!"
All three Evas walked past them, the ground shuddering beneath their feet. Asuka climbed first into one of the shafts that lead out of the chamber, Shinji and Rei clamoring after her. Kaworu stood beside the team, watching them leave with a thoughtful expression on his face.
"We're approaching the vertical shaft," Rei reported, only a few seconds into their climb.
"Wait for me. I'll check it out," Asuka gestured at them to wait with Unit Two's hand.
She poked her head out into the shaft. It was silent. She glanced up, unable to see the top. "Asuka, we have limited power..." Shinji warned.
"Wait, I'm thinking how we get up there," she said.
A low sizzle filled the chamber before daylight flooded the shaft. Following it was a thick orange liquid fell just inches from her face, hitting the floor at the bottom of the shaft and eating through it. "There's acid," she reported.
"So it appears its using it to invade HQ?" Rei asked.
"Acid?! How do we get through it? We only have three minutes." Shinji asked at the same time.
Asuka chuckled, "You forget you have a master strategist here! I have a plan that will get it done in three minutes flat! Less if we're lucky."
"Wow, Asuka! You're a genius!"
Asuka smiled to herself. Yes, she was a genius but she also had the power of hindsight. "Here's the plan. One of us defends, the other shoots and the last acts as backup."
"I will def-" Rei began.
"I will defend, you will act as backup at the bottom of the shaft, alright?"
Rei was quiet then conceded, "Alright. What will I be doing?"
"You will go to the bottom of the shaft, in case one of us falls or drops a rifle. You will also give Shinji yours?"
"Why?" Shinji asked.
"You're offense. Double the firepower. You'll be in the middle of the shaft and shoot the Angel when its open."
"What is your role?"
She grinned, "Defense. Not only will I defend you from the acid but I will use my AT Field to neutralize the Angel's AT Field. Thus, I'm at the top of the shaft. So Shinji, don't get into position until I am? Got it?"
"Got it! But are you sure you'll be safe?"
"I'll be fine. Think of it as me repaying the favor from last time. Are you ready, Rei?"
"I understand."
"Then let's go!" she swung out into the shaft, grabbing the sides of the shaft and crawling upward. Above, she could see the Angel's single blue eye. Below, she could hear her comrades getting into position. The eye blinked and a wave of acid fell onto her, setting all her nerves on fire. She bit back a cry and hissed to herself, "This...is...nothing," images of flying white figures coming to her mind unbidden.
A cry came over the comm, breaking her from the images, "Asuka, get clear!"
She swerved out of the way, a rain of shots racing by her, into the Angel and out the other side. The Angel stood on its own for only a moment, then slumped, its legs going awry. Asuka sighed in relief, her skin still stinging somewhat, "Angel is dead."
Back in the elevator, neither occupant even knew there was an Angel, much less it had been defeated. But what one did know is she really wanted to get out. So that's how Misato was perched on Kaji's shoulders, trying to pry open the emergency door at top, "Oh damn it! Why won't it work!"
Kaji glanced up at her, "Misato, be caref-"
"Don't look my skirt!" she kicked him in the back
"Yes, ma'am..." he had only wanted to make sure she wasn't going to fall.
The lights clicked on, the mere shock of the bright light causing Misato to recoil...and fall over. Kaji himself yelped and fell over, her falling onto him in a heap. With a ding, the elevator opened, revealing Ritsuko, Hyuga and Maya.
Hyuga cringed, Ritsuko slapped her hand to her face and Maya sighed, "Really?"
"Oh no! Love in an elevator is far too cliche!" Kaji cried
"Shut it!" Misato hissed.
Night had fallen over Tokyo-3, the stars twinkling above in the absence of unnatural light. The three pilots had trekked out of Tokyo-3 and set their Evas on the ridge overlooking the city like a trio of silent guardians. The pilots themselves had laid on the ground, watched the sunset and now stargazed. Asuka spoke, breaking the silence, "Seeing the city like this makes me feel...alone, like I'm alone in the universe."
Shinji looked over at her then the city then the sky, "Yeah. I feel so small."
The lights flicked back off, Tokyo-3 awash in an electric glow. "There," Asuka smiled, "The universe feels a little more crowded again."
Rei spoke up, her quiet voice drifting into the night, "Man has always feared the darkness, carving away at it with fire."
"Well, the darkness is frightening. Who knows what is in it..." Shinji trailed off, "Do you think that's what makes mankind a special species? Why the Angels keep attacking us?"
"I think it's more than that. Who knows why they're attacking," Asuka shrugged, "We just need to do our jobs and protect humanity."
She turned to Rei, "What do you think, Rei?"
Rei hummed in thought then said, "Eva is our bond to humanity and we are bonded to Eva. Our bond to Eva and humanity dictates we do what is in humanity's best interests. Right now, that is defeating the Angels."
Asuka paused then smiled, "I'm glad you said that."
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With that bombshell dropped, Regis might be willing to climb into the Secret Tunnel then and there. (Damn his knee, full speed ahead!) No, he wouldn’t really be that reckless, but it’s a tempting thought, isn’t it?
If Regis were just a few years younger, he totally would just up and explore the tunnel without telling anyone. But now he's tired. And old. So he doesn't.
Instead he invites Solaris to come sit down at that table over there, because his knees are secretly murdering him right now. And then he proceeds to tell her about his son. About how he used to come and read here all the time, at this very table, in fact.
Solaris is suitably awed by it all. She gets to take a look at one of the books that is on the table. It got some real neat pictures around some of the letters and in the margins. Which gets her talking about the book her parents have. And how hard they are always working and that she is really scared for them and her brother.
That last one throws Regis a bit, so he asks. And doesn't like the answer one bit.
Apparently the earthquake damaged the city more than anyone could have guessed. The old supports (the ones that should be defunct, but aren't) have grown unstable. It has become very likely that parts of the city might collapse because of it.
'The sky falling down on our heads' Solaris calls it.
Which begs the question: Where does the girl live? Solaris showed him how she had gotten inside the archive. The tunnel leads down, not up.
Together they look for old city maps and actually find a few. They are drawn on parchment and the oldest one is about ready to fall apart. (Someone really needs to make sure to preserve all of this knowledge about to be lost, Regis thinks)
Regis gets the archivist to make copies. Said archivist is not happy about it. Though she wonders in which corner of the archive those maps were found. Two of them are not in the catalogue. (Solaris found them in an old, dusty corner, wedged between a shelf and the stone wall.)
While the archivist is busy making copies (and resolving to comb through the archives with a fine toothes comb, because if those maps aren't in the catalogue, what else isn't?), Regis and Solaris are back at the table. The girl gets to look at the books some more. Regis meanwhile is writing a letter to his son.
He asks Solaris (his possible granddaughter, and while he knows she is too old to be Noctis's by blood, that doesn't really matter to Regis) to take the letter with her together with the copies of the map. And to come back again soon, so he might show her some more books.
She agrees to it all readily. Until she reads the name on the envelope Regis hands her. Her face pales in shock and her hands slap at it, to cover it up.
"Secret name!" she yells.
"That is my son's name," Regis explains patiently. "It is not a secret."
Solaris gnaws at her lower lip for a while until she admits: "That's papa's secret name."
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faierius · 6 years
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I should have done this ages ago. When I commissioned the ever talented @solaris-interitus to do this piece of Prompto, I intended to use it to promote the story it came from. So that’s what I’m doing now!
The scene you see above is from my story Good Enough. A Promnis plot-driven fic.
Good Enough
Pairings: Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 22 946
Summary: Just because you don't think you're good enough doesn't mean it's true. Beauty and love are in the eye of the beholder.
              Ignis’ brow twitched in a combination of annoyance and confusion. For three days now, Prompto refused to meet his eye. On the occasion where their eyes did happen to meet, the younger man would quickly turn away. At first, he would blush when he did so, and Ignis merely thought he was being shy. But then the blushing stopped and he just seemed…sad.
               Many times over the past seventy-two hours he tried to pull Prompto aside, ask him what was wrong. Many times the blond snubbed him.
               Ignis sighed. He was used to dealing with mood swings and rejection from Noctis, but never had he received such treatment from their energetic companion. He wondered briefly if he had done something to upset their relationship. It already felt tenuous, which he detested, yet he could think of nothing to move things forward without scaring Prompto off.
              Had he come on too strong? Had he already driven Prompto away by telling him how much he adored the marks adorning his belly? He wished he knew what was going on in that little blond head.
               Lowering his eyes, he returned to mending the hole in Gladio’s shirt.
               “You got a leak, Iggy? Sure are sighing a lot,” the big man teased, plopping a meaty hand on his shoulder.
              “Perhaps I would sigh less if I didn’t have to repair gaping holes in your clothing so often,” Ignis replied without lifting his head.
              With a snort, Gladio lowered himself onto the cooler next to Ignis’ chair. “Maybe tell the daemons to get their claws trimmed once in a while.”
               “I’ll do that next time we’re in the middle of a scuffle,” Ignis chuckled. Sighing again, he put his sewing down and readjusted his glasses.
               Gladio quirked a brow, following Ignis’ line of sight. “Does this have anything to do with a certain feisty little blond?”
               Propping an elbow on his knee, Ignis put his chin in his hand. “Am I really so transparent?”
               “Wow, I didn’t think you’d just come out and admit it.”
               Ignis gave Gladio a sidelong glance. “Why deny it if you already know?”
               The man’s shoulders leaped in a shrug. “Good point. So what’s the problem? I thought things were going well.”
              “Unfortunately, I believed the same. My mistake.” Removing his glasses, Ignis closed his eyes for a moment. Feeling a dry, warm hand on his forehead, he opened them again. Blinking, he turned toward his friend.
              “Thought you might be sick. I’ve never heard such defeat in your voice,” Gladio explained, letting his hand fall back into his lap.
               “Oh, I didn’t realize—”
               “Talk to me.”
               “What have I been doing until now? Miming?”
              Groaning, Gladio dragged his hands through his unruly hair. “C’mon, Iggy. We all gotta have someone to talk to. You never talk to anyone. Won’t kill you to be human once in a while.”
               “So says the man who can only seem to communicate through violence and shouting.” Crossing one leg over the other, Ignis sat up straight and shook his head.
               “Really? That’s what you think of me? Well, then you can sort your own shit out.”
               Ignis had to force himself not to grab Gladio’s shirt as he stood. “Wait.”
Like what you just read? Check out the rest of the story on AO3!
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valkyrieofardyn · 7 years
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   Why had he come here? Ardyn knew who he would find in the depths of Taelpar Crag. Having heard the name whispered with fear and respect by Lucian soldiers. Perhaps it was curiosity? Figure out why someone who should be dead seemed to be very much alive.
  Indeed the figure before him was “alive” in as much sense as Ardyn was alive. Even less so it seems. The cursed magical aura filling the armor of the man kneeling before him, no corporeal form beneath. A curse that used to be the Shield’s oath to him…the betrayal was not enough to sever the bond it seems.
   No words have been spoken, but Ardyn could feel the regret radiating from the shell of a man. He could see in the slumped shoulders shame. Respect in the bowed head and the sword…he dared to pledge another false fealty.
   Ardyn could feel all points across his face tighten. Mouth curving down into a frown that he felt in the deepest pit of his soul. The heart of his daemonic chaos. He didn’t try to put up a false front and probably couldn’t. Ardyn knows his eyes will display the hurt that has yet to close after so, so many years.
   “Well, I can’t say it is pleasant to see you again Gilgamesh,” Ardyn stated bitterly, looking down his nose. “But I am interested in hearing your reasoning for challenging future Shields?”
     A most fantastic commission completed by @solaris-interitus Based on a loose HC interaction between the two. Thank you so much!!
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isolaradiale · 3 years
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Caelum: It's going to be a late night, so I'm going into the city for some coffee. Anyone want anything?
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Maia: Iced unicorn latte, 3 pumps raspberry syrup, extra whip, extra cream, light sprinkles! And with one of those shiny cups.
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Arcturus: Just a London fog for me, please.
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Ed: Citrus-mint tea for me, Doc.
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Diadem: Gasoline.
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Solaris: One black eye coffee, I'll be up late.
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Canopus: One frozen white chocolate mocha, please.
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Aspidiske: Black with eight sugars, the usual.
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Caelum: How... are some of you alive?
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unmeisenshi · 2 years
Drabble: Move Along
For Team Neo Destiny, the times are changing. Some are moving out, chasing the things they want to do.
The quads - Caelum, Fero, Rondo, Cantus - are returning to the demon realm. The four of them decided to become teachers at the school they learned from. They want to help the next generation learn their respective magics, and in their own way.
Vance, after a hard goodbye from Noel, opened his own forge in town. He aims to provide quality weapons and wares at a good price. He will even provide for Team Neo Destiny when he can.
Avett returned to his clinic in town. He runs exclusively from there, and he's provided a teleportation stop for Team Neo Destiny, and would provide medicines and aid for a cheap price.
Isaak, who thought at first to leave, decided to live with Zane and Morello. He had grown a bit attached to Zane's adventurous spirit, and wanted to join in with him on his adventures.
Finally, Aurelio made a home for himself in the west. He opened up a music tutoring center and music shop, even moving to write his own music from time to time.
Now, only in the house were Solaris, Florence, Remi, Noel, and Audie. While emptier, it would provide a fresher start for Team Neo Destiny, in case they found more members... Or start families of their own.
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