#(now aang is singing in my head)
Under what circumstances would Regis have met his grandchildren before he met his son again?
Is a good question.
I could see Solaris finding some strange tunnels somewhere that lead into the archives below the Citadel. A secret pathway used way back when to connect the archive with the old palace.
(The palace that was in use while Insomnia did not have layers like an onion. It burned down a good 1500 years ago, and the new palace was build where the Citadel now is. The tunnels remained and were forgotten.)
So Solaris finds the tunnels and instead of finding a responsible adult - or Ardyn - she decides to be a brave 8 year old and go exploring. She lands in the royal archives.
She is fascinated by all the old books and scrols and other things she finds there. It's so different from where her dad stores his books. Her fascination is so great that she does not notice the man standing in front of a shelf with old history texts. (History texts Noctis had read shortly before he had vanished.)
Of course Solaris walks straight into the man, who nearly falls over. He is old, with white hair and many wrinkles, and he has a cane, which makes Solaris doubly sorry for walking into him.
She does what any responsible 8 year old would do: scream and hide behind a shelf. Only then does she realise that the man has a very stark resemblance to her dad.
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wakkass · 1 year
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It's impossible to put into words how much I love designing characters, especially for AU.
Yes, I recently had an avatar AU, and I really wanted to draw Katara from there (and also Zuko). I usually draw a static pose in order to display all the details of the clothes. This is such a kind of character sheet that helps me to better imagine the scenes in my head.
If you're interested in reading about the AU itself, then there will be some information about it.
I apologize in advance for mistakes in the text, English is not my native language. But, I hope, this will not interfere with understanding.
In general, my AU concerns the ending of the series, because at some point it seemed unrealistic to me. There is too much positivity with the obvious problems of the post-military space, as well as little logic in some moments (for example, I don't understand what Zuko was doing in Ba Sing Se. Did he abandon his newfound throne to the mercy of fate with the risk of a palace coup? Did he not feel the effects of a lightning strike? The longer I think about it, the surreal it seems to me).
At some point I thought, "this is all like Aang's dream, in which everything is intentionally good. As if this is the ending he wants, but it's unattainable." And then it dawned on me. But it really looks like his fantasy about the future after defeating the root of evil. This explains why Zuko recovered so easily, why everyone is just relaxing and having fun without a drop of post-trauma. Because Aang wants everything to be so naive and simple after defeating the Fire Lord. Because he's dreaming about it.
I know this is a very hackneyed narrative technique. It's pretty easy to say "this is someone's dream" to deny any events. But I found it curious, especially against the background of the episode "Nightmares and Daydreams", where Aang's dreams already simplified the reality around him. For me, it's like a lead-up to the finale, where he actually sleeps.
You ask, "but why is he sleeping?". I also asked this question, and the answer to it killed me. Because during the battle with Ozai, when the stone hit Aang in the wound, he fell into a coma. His body was paralyzed because his brain perceived it as a repeated lightning strike, again fatal. The avatar's state was the only one that did not allow Aang to die, but only to fall into a coma. And instead of an epic battle, we have a little helpless boy spending a huge amount of energy just to maintain his life.
The second Aang collapsed, he disappeared, leaving Ozai alone with the remnants of his temporary power. And no one else saw the avatar…
I'll leave the intrigue for you about this, but for now I'll tell you about the concepts from the art.
Naturally, everyone searched for Aang, and, naturally, they did not find him. Katara and Zuko were the only ones who did not participate in the search, for several reasons:
Zuko was rehabilitated for a very long time after being struck by lightning, and Katara nursed him (I'm sure there are a lot of fics about this topic. The only difference is that there is no romance here. The focus of my AU is not on it, but on the problems of the consequences of the war). He survived, but he had major problems with his heart, digestive system and spine. Who noticed the cane in his hands? Yes, Zuko couldn't walk without it. From now on and forever. He was physically unable to leave the palace, and Katara maintained at least some of his condition.
Even after Zuko's rehabilitation, it was necessary to keep the power in his hands. Imagine what a shock the Fire Nation experienced when not just the former Fire Lord was overthrown, but the country's policy changed dramatically. Now Zuko needed to keep power in his hands and establish a new regime as soon as possible, before his opponents raised armies and people against him. This boy, who recently sat quietly at a military meeting, needed to show unprecedented strength and power to everyone: both officials sought to turn the situation in their favor, and the people who wanted stability and prosperity. But how to do this if Zuko couldn't even breathe normally, and getting out of bed required tremendous effort? It was impossible… Anyone else would have given up, but not Zuko. He has never given up without a fight and has never turned his back on danger, even if he risks dying.
It hurts me a lot for him, too. Fate has never stopped pushing Zuko against obstacles, but this time he couldn't rely on himself. He almost couldn't bend, his body almost didn't obey. He was an easy target and there was nothing he could do about it. This helplessness irritated him, saddened him, oppressed him. The only thing that wasn't broken yet was his spirit, and Zuko was barely able to maintain it in such conditions. If it wasn't for Katara, I don't know if he would have coped in the end. She was now his only support, his only ally in these cold oppressive walls, the only rational grain in his doubts.
You ask, "Where is Iroh? Where is Mai?"
Iroh, along with the White Lotus, took on a mission to liberate the Earth Kingdom from the Fire Army and establish relations with the kingdom. In fact, Iroh now shared power with Zuko: uncle was engaged in foreign policy so that his nephew could focus on domestic policy.
With Mai, everything was much simpler: after getting out of prison, she was completely disappointed in the guy who always left her. She sent him a letter, where she finally ended their relationship, and left with her family somewhere far away. Perhaps she and Zuko will cross paths again and will be able to establish a relationship. But not now.
Katara remained to help Zuko not only with treatment, but also with his policy. As a resident of an almost disappearing tribe, as well as an able leader, she helped him with projects and plans to improve the quality of life of the population and actively participates in them. She performed those missions that Zuko can only entrust to her. After all, she was a friend he could rely on and to whom he could open his feelings.
In her design, I wanted to reflect the combination of two cultures: Fire and Water. I was based on the designs of the "12 Kingdoms" (if you haven't watched this gorgeous anime or haven't read ranobe, I strongly recommend doing it. This universe is no less interesting than the avatar's world, I'm sure you'll like it), because the palace intrigues and the plot with winning the respect of the court reminds me very much of the story from there.
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One day Zuko's legs finally gave up, he could not get up. All the stress he was going through was breaking his body so much that at some point the Katara's treatment stopped working.
It was a very difficult moment for both of them. Zuko has just started to promote his ideas and defend his rights to the throne, and Katara sincerely did not know what to do. If the truth about the true state of the Fire Lord had come out, all the ill-wishers would not leave this opportunity and attack, this couldn't be allowed. They urgently needed to create the appearance that everything is in order, but how?
Zuko came up with a very brazen idea. He asked Katara to use bloodbending on him to simulate walking. It was a very difficult request for her, because this skill represented the worst face of the war, it was created to torture people. And the last thing she wanted was to torment Zuko. She hesitated for a long time, he saw it, but he couldn't wait. He couldn't stop, it wasn't a luxury he could afford. Therefore, he went out, trying not to get up and move much.
Naturally, at some point his weakness was noticed at the most inopportune moment. Naturally, at this moment Katara couldn't let Zuko fall. Imperceptibly under her sleeves, she moved her friend's body like a puppet, causing him as much unbearable pain as most would not stand. But Zuko was not like that. He stood it.
It looked like this to me somehow:
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They were both very depressed that day. He was suffering physically because of Katara's bending, and she could not believe that she had caused the suffering of a person dear to her. It broke and scared her, she opened the way to the Hama's madness, and was very afraid to fall into it.
Zuko assured her that it was impossible. Hama didn't have people to guide her, while Katara has friends. Maybe Zuko didn't consider himself the best moral mentor, but he promised to be there in the most difficult moments for Katara, and now he won't leave her.
This encouraged her and opened her eyes to her own cowardice. She was afraid of the darkness of Hama, and instead of curbing it, Katara hid it in herself, ignored it. And that's what it led to: the person who needed her help suffered. But she didn't want to run away anymore. She wasn't going to give up without a fight and turn her back on those who needed her.
At the beginning, Katara trained on herself, experiencing the same pain as the victims of bloodbending. Careless movement of blood through the vessels could cause internal bleeding at any time, it was very dangerous. The Hama's voice in her head pressed on her conscience, saying that innocent people felt all this pain, and only Katara was to blame for this.
Later, she learned to control the flow of water on puppets, like Hama. The point was to pass water through the threads without bursting them. Absolute control was required here, and Zuko taught her the techniques of firebending for self-control. This was necessary for Katara, because the Hama's voice in her head did not subside and did not allow her to correctly distribute her forces. It seemed like Katara was about to stumble, but Zuko wouldn't let her do it.
Gradually, Katara mastered this skill and tried to draw blood on Zuko's legs. The effect was unexpected. Her great willpower and desire to help him resulted in healing. Zuko began to feel his legs, and Katara discovered the reverse side of this bending. No, she didn't heal him completely, it's too early for him to get rid of the cane. But maybe one day she will become so strong that she can do it.
Katara realized that there was no evil magic, there was only evil intent. This was her first step towards learning to look inner demons in the face, and not to hide them in herself when it was possible to hurt others.
But what about the other design?
Katara's father sent her a letter asking her to return. Her family needed her help, because she was the last waterbender, a carrier of culture and skills, as well as a healer of a new level, the daughter of a tribal leader.
At home, everything was not the same as before, moreover, everything taked shape as a Northern Tribe. I really like the idea of the comic "North and South" about the problem of assimilation. Only here has Katara accepted all aspects of its culture, even the most unpleasant ones, and she would not give up so easily when this newfound knowledge was in danger of disappearing.
Actually, I wanted to draw her outfit of this arch. I wanted to redesign the costume for myself, because I like to do it. I kept the front strands of Katara, we don't talk much about them.
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I would really like to describe the path of the rest of the team and what they do, of Aang and what happens to him. But I'm already tired of typing, and you probably read.
After all, the post is more about designs, and not about the AU itself, so the goal to reveal some of my ideas has been achieved in principle. Maybe sometime later.
Hope you enjoyed reading this :3
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
I like Zaheer as a villain but he is so overrated tbh. Not only because he's not as smart as neither him or people think he is —if he were, he wouldn't have prevented facing Korra in a fair fight only for at the end being like "Oh, Korra, we're poisoning you so we can force the Avatar State and kill you in it; I'm sure that straight up telling you that and therefore giving you a heads up instead of taking you by surprise —like Azula did with Aang— will not matter at all because you totally won't be able to defend yourself after we trigger a literal defense mechanism that gives you the power of a God. Yeah the chains will totally stop that from happening because they're platinum so you totally won't break free even though the Avatar State also enhances your already impressive physical strength." Definitely that was not his smartest move.
It's because they put him as one of the top Airbenders in the franchise and like. That's not true lmao. Zaheer was a good Airbender compared to most of the New Air Nation but tbh you can't compare a guy who was already a skilled martial artist and who was adapting his skills to Airbending to a random guy from Ba Sing Se named Wang who's 38 years old who just got Airbending and hasn't done any martial arts before in his life. Most of Zaheer's advantage in fights comes from 1) him being already a skilled figher 2) people being taken by surprise because they didn't know he was an Airbender 3) people not being used to fighting Airbenders 4) him not holding back unlike most Airbenders. You think he's impressive for suffocating the Earth Queen? All Airbenders with a bit of training probably have the ability to do that (Gyatso literally did that against a whole battalion of Comet Firebenders), they simply choose not to because it goes against their ideals.
Airbending Zaheer could deal with average and a bit above average-good benders/fighters (like White Lotus members or Kya; Kya was a healer, not actually a fighter, and the White Lotus are talented and all but you can't compare those guys in Korra to the main crew lmao) due to his martial arts skills that adapt well with Airbending. He was talented, okay. He defeated Tonraq on top of a mountain while Tonraq had a limited access to water, cool. Now, him being one of Top Best Benders of the franchise? No lmao, most actual Top Benders TM like Iroh, Jianzhu or Amon could probably deal with him pretty easily. The rest of his Red Lotus pals could beat him. He is not even one of the best Airbenders, so don't put him in that top; he just got Airbending, he's talented but there is no comparison. You really think this guy is anywhere close to Gyatso? Kelsang? Aang?! Zaheer wasn't even at Book 1 Aang level. Zaheer needed to gang up with the rest of the Red Lotus against Tenzin because he was kicking his ass and Tenzin wasn't even breaking a sweat while doing so lmao. You put him against an actual Master and he gets bodied. Book 3 Korra would mope the floor with him with Waterbending and she could probably deal with him with just Airbending. Post Book 4 Korra could probably mope the floor with him with just Airbending. The only thing Zaheer does that makes him stand out against any other Airbender with more experience than Random Guy Wang or literal children is that he doesn't hold back like most Airbenders and that he learnt how to fly. And the flying thing, as impressive as it was, was less of a talent thing and more about that he could do it because he didn't have any earthly attachments anymore.
Zaheer was a great antagonist. I really liked him as a character, he was very interesting, his philosophy was interesting, to me he was the best antagonist in all of TLOK along with Amon and just behind Azula and Yun as my fave antagonist in the franchise. And he was talented and skilled, and a threat. But he is just not as powerful as some people make him out to be imo and that's it. Actual Top Tier Benders could eat him for breakfast.
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petricorah · 1 year
zukka ficlet - knee pain 1.6k
“Bleeding hog monkeys,” Sokka cursed through gritted teeth as the leather strap on his knee brace finally snapped off. It had been weakened in their last fight with Fire Nation stragglers. A few groups were less than excited about the new fire lord’s orders—aka, to stop the attempt at world domination—and had finally decided to fight back. The gaang had been traveling the past few months to subdue them. Sokka insisted he was going to help, even though his knee, still wounded from falling during their fight with the airships, wasn’t as agreeable than his mind. Putting aside his slight lack of speed and faulty reactions in battle, it was causing him insurmountable pain. He had engineered a knee brace to help, and it had reduced the stress on his joints and allowed him to fight closer to his previous abilities, but the brace was now nothing more than a tattered mess of singed leather and half melted buckles.
Sokka balled up the frayed array of straps and chuckled it into the river he was sitting next to—an action that sent pain clambering up his leg, and making him yelp with a certain high pitched sound that certainly wasn’t manly.
Sokka immediately flinched into upright position. “Z-Zuko,” he chirped, attempting to casually lean against the rock he was standing near as Zuko emerged from the woods. “Fire Lord Zuko. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Zuko rolled his eyes and walked up. “I told you to stop calling me that." He came to a stop in front of him, and Sokka couldn't help but admire him. His hair was getting even longer now, and it suited him.
It had been quite some time since the coronation. Lots of time together, working to undo the damage his father had done. Both by his side in the fire nation as his ambassador, and now, traveling again. So much had changed, and while he certainly looked more regal now, with his long hair and patterned robes, he still made Sokka's heart race like he had at boiling rock all that time ago. Perhaps even more so, as they'd continued to get closer as they worked—
"Dinner’s almost gone, and you weren’t back yet.” A teasing smile played at Zuko's lips, despite his attempts to appear stoic and wise. “I thought you were stuck in a hole.”
“Hey!” Sokka said, with an accusing wave of his finger. “You weren’t there for that.”
“Toph told me,” Zuko said. “Several times.”
Sokka clicked his tongue in embarrassment, feeling his cheeks warm. Damn Toph. In an attempt to make up for her and Zuko’s lack of a life-changing bonding trip, she’d taken to telling any story that made Zuko laugh—and most of those tended to be at Sokka’s expense.
“But I see you’re above ground,” Zuko said, his golden eyes passing over Sokka, seeming to glow in the dim light. “And in one piece. So what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Sokka said with a fake lofty air.  
“You’re missing dinner,” Zuko said. “And it’s pig hen, your favorite.”
He never could get anything past him.
Sokka sighed in defeat and blew air to move a strand of hair from his face. “My knee hurts. I was trying to fix the brace, and I couldn’t, so it’s going to hurt more until I can get materials to make a new one.”
“You told Katara it didn’t hurt.” The words came in Zuko’s standoffish deadpan. Sometimes it was hard to tell when Zuko was just stating a fact in his rough voice or when he was being belligerent.
“Yeah, well. She’s having fun with Aang tonight. They’re all gross and obnoxiously lovey-dovey.” His looked away, at anything other than Zuko’s intense expression. Maybe if he studied the ants on the ground enough it would teleport him out of this conversation. “I’m not going to ruin that by making her bend water over my knee for an hour and then be all worried after.” He shook his head, and then met Zuko’s eyes again with what he hoped was a convincing smile. “It’s fine.”
Zuko’s stare was unnervingly sharp. Deadly. It was similar to the look he used to give them when they were about to fight, or the look he gave conniving fire lord generals who were faithful to his father’s old ways. Like he was really fucking angry and the only thing stopping him from setting things ablaze was Iroh’s voice in his head telling him to breathe.
But in an instant, it was gone.
“I’ll do it,” Zuko said curtly.
Sokka snorted. “You’ll do what?”
“I’ll work on your knee.”
“Yeah, thanks, but I don’t need my skin melted. When I do, I’ll give you a call.”
“Pain relief,” Zuko corrected, glaring at him like it should have been obvious that Zuko wasn't suggesting amputation by agonizing flame. “I’ve been…working on it. Uncle said the elements can learn from each other, so I figured there must be a way. I know your knee has been hurting so…I’ve been practicing.” He nervously rubbed the back of his hair. “It will help. Make it feel better, if only for a bit.”
Sokka blinked, staring at him with wide eyes. Zuko did all that for him? For him?
But Zuko’s pointed gaze snapped back to him, making Sokka’s heart flinch.
“It isn’t a choice. Either you do it with me or you ask Katara.” He stalked forward, almost threateningly, making Sokka take a half step back. “It would have been in a better place by now if you had rested at first. You can’t keep hurting yourself and pretending like it doesn’t matter—”
“Okay,” Sokka said, putting his hands up with a gentle laugh. Only Zuko would show he cared by trying to intimidate Sokka into taking care of himself. “Okay, we’ll do it.” He snorted, trying to offset the real emotions he was feeling with a joke. “What am I gonna do, run away from you?”
Zuko’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not funny.”
Sokka blinked. Maybe it would have been funnier if he hadn’t landed on his bad knee after saving Zuko from an arrow, but that was neither here nor there.
So he gave in and sat down, awkwardly, not knowing exactly how to react at what was about to happen.
Zuko knelt in front of him, which was already an image that made Sokka’s head spin, and then he rolled up Sokka’s pant leg, making Sokka’s entire body tense in embarrassment. But he didn’t stop him. He was just relieved that Zuko was so concentrated on his knee that he wasn’t noticing how much Sokka was blushing.
Zuko did a small motion with his hand, and flames erupted from his palm. But he concentrated, his eyes narrowed, and the bright orange fire subsided into a snaking ring that began to spin, controlled and glowing. It almost…moved like water.
Zuko placed it above Sokka’s knee, enough so the warmth radiated across his skin but didn’t burn.
Sometimes Sokka couldn’t fathom it. That someone he used to hate, sometimes even fear, was now someone he trusted so completely he’d allow him to not only bend next to him, but use it to help him, now, when he was vulnerable.
The heat was intense. Not unpleasant, but intense. Almost like it was blocking out the pain as it radiated up his leg, settling in his chest.
He let out a sigh, slowly settling into the position as the tension seeped from his shoulders. He hadn’t felt this painless in…a long time.
“I…I never did say thank you,” Zuko murmured. Zuko’s lashes were long, eyes downcast as he worked the flames under his hands. “For earlier.”
“You better not be doing this because you feel guilty,” he said. “Because I’ve saved your life about a hundred times by now. With that logic, you’ll be doing me favors until we’re both old men.”
Zuko chuckled. It was a low, good sound. A sound that made Sokka feel like he won a prize every time he earned it. A sound that made Sokka want to drop everything else and just focus on making Zuko smile.
“Gladly,” Zuko said with a low smile. “I’d do pretty much anything for you, Sokka.”
Sokka stilled, everything else fading from his view as he met Zuko’s golden eyes.
“But I’m not doing this out of guilt,” he continued. The heat pressed on, and the pain was gone from his mind. “I’m doing this so you don’t stubbornly give yourself chronic pain. Because I care about your knee,” he said. The flames dimmed, but his hand still glowed, and he slowly placed his palm against his knee. Sokka could feel the heat, and his heart was squeezing in his chest—
“And I care about you.”
His hand was still there. It was a marvel that Sokka’s brain was still functioning enough to form the thought that Zuko’s hand was on his knee as he stared up at him, saying that he cared about him.
Now. He should tell him he loves him now, right now, before he lost his nerve, again—
“Zuko, I…”
“We should get back,” Zuko said with a breeziness that Aang would have been proud of, and Sokka felt a rush of cold air as Zuko’s hand left him. Zuko stood, brushing himself off.
Sokka’s stomach dropped with a mixture of alarm and disappointment as the moment went up in smoke before his eyes. “Thanks,” he managed to blurt out.
“No problem,” he said. “Just one of the hundred of favors I owe you, right?”
“Right,” Sokka said in a faint voice. He let out a nervous, bubbling laugh. “We’ll have to grow old together just so you have time to make it all even.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way.” Zuko smiled warmly. Of course it was warm. Everything about Zuko was warm.
Spirits. This would be the death of him, wouldn’t it? Loving this man who was so dense he would never catch onto any of Sokka’s flirting, and being so helplessly and terrifyingly in love he’d rather take an arrow to the heart than risk ruining their friendship? Was this just his fate now?
He stood, and subsequently staggered, his legs wobbly from a reason completely different than the pain from earlier, but Zuko steadied him. His warm hands holding his arm, the other on the small of his back, and he was so close that Sokka could smell the scent of smoke that followed him.
“You good?” Zuko’s voice was tinged with concern, sparking in his ear. “Is it still in pain?”
“No,” Sokka said quickly. “Just getting…used to it. It feels better. It feels great. I-I can’t wait for you to do it again.” Please.
Zuko blinked, some unreadable shock in his eyes at the words that had just tumbled from Sokka’s mouth, but his smile twitched onto his face. “I’m glad it worked,��� he said. “And I can carry you. If it helps.”
Sokka’s face lit up in a blush and he smacked Zuko’s chest. “I do not need you to carry me.” I certainly couldn’t handle you carrying me. “Just…this. This is enough.”
Zuko readjusted, allowing Sokka to hold onto his forearm, the two slowly making their way back to camp. The pain from his knee was distant as he talked to Zuko about the earlier battles, relishing in ever laugh that he got.
This would be enough.
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
So the reason I was rewatching ATLA in the thros of my sickness was because I watched Big Joel's breakdown of the live action series and areas where it failed and didn't make sense and it made me want to rewatch the cartoon again.
I went ahead and watched the Big Joel video because I figured I wasn't going to watch the rest of the live action series at this point--(it's fun to yell at it with friends but also it's probably better to take those opportunities to watch something we actually like. 3 episodes is enough of a chance, and the only scene I liked out of that was the stupid little fight where Aang threw plates at Zuko)....and man, now I'm definitely not going to watch the series.
There really did just drain away Katara's entire personality and her agency. I honestly don't understand why adaptations are so afraid of letting her be the angry, stubborn, opinionated person she is in the show. I mean I know why, sexism. It's like writers cannot fathom a girl being nurturing and kind while also having a hot temper and being passionate and outspoken. She's not a hard character to get! But they cannot hold those two concepts in their brain at the same time! It's really sad!
But there are two points that really get me
--they...they seriously have Aang agree with Paaku's sexism towards Katara. When she tells him about it he's like "well maybe you shouldn't fight" It's apparently there for in plot reasons like blabla the spirit just told him the avatar should work alone and he's scared his friends will get hurt but I don't care. no. I don't want to see Aang being a tool like that. I don''t think in the original series there's actually any situation where he'd diminish her ability to fight or side with the systemic oppression of women, and there definitely isn't any situation where Katara would silently take it lying down. She'd have kicked Aangs ass (verbally) (perhaps accidentally physically considering what her waterbending does when she's angry) and honestly, I think her trust towards him would have broken so badly it would have been really hard to repair. But that didn't happen, because like Joel said, Aang isn't a dweeb and he respects Katara, and Katara is his equal who wouldn't take that shit.
--They have Iroh excuse his actions at Ba Sing Se (to a guy who's brother was murdered in the battle) with "it was war, we were soldiers". This is played straight, like Iroh is in the right, not as a character flaw to be explored- we're supposed to think Iroh is right to say that. Like he wasn't the GENERAL of the army trying to invade and colonize a city? It wasn't war, it was violent imperialism and people defending their home. How the hell do you misunderstand that. The original show never had Iroh make excuses. The original show wasn't afraid to demonstrate Iroh was a pretty monstrous person when he was leading the invasion- his casual joke about burning Ba Sing Se to the ground in that flashback is so jarring coming from Iroh, supposed to make us see how even he was unbelievably cruel at one point, even he was part of the system of imperialism, but it took his son's death for him to change. And he did change, he started questioning and working against the system he once upheld, and dedicate himself to taking care of Zuko.
But he was a war criminal, and he knows that! I think that's in part why he wanted Zuko to take the throne, he knows someone who did what he did shouldn't be in charge. I think the Iroh we know in the show would have understood if someone who's family member died in that battle was angry at him for starting it. I think he's equally angry at himself, holds himself responsible for his son's death in a battle he commanded and could have refused to fight, and that his son's death is what made him realize what he was inflicting on others.
It's such a stupid decision and shows the writer doesn't have a single thought in their head about imperialism or Iroh's character, that they don't even understand it. incredible.
So yeah, those things alone are enough to not make me want to watch this show. The thing with Iroh shows a disdain for the core themes of the show, and Katara and Aang being stripped of what made them good characters, but even just active characters....nah not for me. I will continue watching reaction videos and breakdowns though, love that stuff.
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empressofthesunwriter · 5 months
Change the Narrative
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If people knew the truth, they would call her a selfish monster.
But Katara had sacrificed anything for the world, for an ungrateful husband!
This time she would always choose herself first!
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Here is a little one-shot of my anger about what happened to Katara in canon.
I want to give her the end she deserves, so I hope you enjoy it!
Katara knew it was time for her to die.
She felt it in her old bones.
Alone she lay in her bed at the South Pole and watched how the snow was falling.
At least she would die seeing the beauty of her homeland.
It was a good death.
The old woman blinked tears away and tried to be positive about her nearing death.
She would see Sokka, her father, her mother and Gran-Gran again.
It was good.
She had lived a long happy life.
Something burning and unsettling spread through her chest as she thought this.
Was it a happy life?
How often did she and Aang argue over simple things?
How often did she beg him not to play favourites with Tenzin? Yes, their youngest was an airbender, but what about Bumi and Kya? They were his children too.
But no!
The Air Nomad legacy was more important than their two oldest children and their pain.
Once upon a time when she was a young girl and fantasized about the man and family one day she would have, she never would have guessed how she became the kind of mother, who didn't fight for her children.
Who didn't call out her husband for his wrongdoings?
However, she had so with Aang. Since she had met him, she always had mothered him, shielded him from things which didn't fit his narrative.
He was the Avatar, the only hope to end the war, with a track record of running away.
They couldn't lose him, so she had protected him the best she could.
And she did so to her children.
No wonder Bumi and Kya didn't even visit her and Tenzin didn't have much of a relationship with her.
Where did she go wrong in her life?
When did she become a shadow of herself in the name of love?
Why did she even choose Aang?
Was it because of Aunt Wu's prediction, she would marry a powerful bender or because she had a feeling Aang...deserved her?
He loved her and had ended the war.
Was it so bad to give him a chance?
Sadly after sacrificing her best years for him and being rewarded to die alone without her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around her, it may have been the most stupid decision she ever made.
Spirits, was she a bad person to think that?
She loved her family, really she did, but deep down she had to admit...she wouldn't do it a second time.
Katara wouldn't sacrifice herself, her ideals, and her dreams for Aang's dream.
She had her whole life given and given and was now at the end of it rewarded with nothing.
Tears streamed down her cheeks, as she slowly closed her eyes.
Soon she would join her loved ones...
If she could...
If the spirits were so kind...
If dear Yue heard her...
She wanted a second chance.
She wanted to live a life for herself and herself alone.
Katara had given in this life all and more...was it so bad that she wished for a second chance to get it this time right?
Was she selfish?
But anyone had a point in their life where they had to put themselves first.
Her only regret was that she did not realise it sooner.
Katara closed her eyes and felt the last beats of her heart.
Never noting how the moon was shining brightly down at her...
She felt pain in her head.
Katara hissed and touched her forehead.
Why did she get a headache?
Where was she?
She blinked to banish the shadows before her eyes.
Slowly she could see.
Ah yes.
She was outside General Iroh's tea shop in Ba Sing Se.
The waterbender had seen Aang walk out and wanted to join him.
It was high time that she gave Aang her answer about them being a couple.
She had been unsure a few days ago, but now with the war over...why shouldn't she give him a chance?
He was standing at the balustrade watching the setting sun, it was the perfect moment.
As the waterbender made her first step towards him, an avalanche of emotions and vision filled her whole being.
Katara gasped quietly, trying to make sense of this.
It was too fast and also too slow...however, she felt it in her bones...whatever she had planned kissing Aang and getting together with him...it would be the worst decision of her life!
No, she didn't want what she had seen.
How could she sell herself, her principals, and her honour for a guy?!
How could she be together with someone who would play favourites with their children?!
No, absolutely not!
Whether this was a vision from the future to save her from this faith Katara didn't know, but what she knew she wouldn't make the same mistakes twice!
So angry she walked up to Aang and tapped his shoulder.
The Avatar turned smiling towards her. He seemed so happy and hopeful and looked at her like she had hung the stars and the moon.
For a second she flatter, which only made the vision come forth again and made her anger tenfold.
Oh no!
Not with her!
"Aang.", she began. "I don't love you and I never will! Stop pestering me about us being a couple! If you don't accept my feelings I will waterwhip you do your next incarnation, do you understand me?!"
To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. She could formally see the heartbreak in his eyes and how he tried to speak up, maybe to guilt trip her, however, she wasn't having anything of it.
"Nothing you will say and do will ever change my mind! So don't even try. I will go back with Sokka to the South Pole and rebuild my home. That's where I belong!"
Dramatically she turned around and entered the tea shop again.
The others tried their hardest to seem like they hadn't listened in, yet Katara saw through them.
She sends them all an annoyed look.
No one said anything for a few seconds before Toph snickered: "Oh sugar queen, I hoped you had it in you."
This makes Katara smile.
The next months of her life Katara rebuilt with her father and Sokka their home. 
The Nothern Watertribe had tried to turn the South into a second North, except Katara was having none of it.
As a war hero, master waterbender and daughter of the chief she used all her power to stop this chances.
She was a force of nature!
No one had a chance against her.
Her family was so proud of her and she was satisfied with herself.
Yes, this was where she belonged.
Helping people and not being the soulless, passionless arm candy of Aang!
Katara was happy.
A voice inside her told her how she deserved it.
A year later found Katara as ambassador for her people at the first peace summit.
She was happy seeing Zuko again, they had written to each other, yet seeing each other in person was much better.
He had become her best friend.
And her wall against Aang.
As Avatar he was at the peace summit too. Of course, he tried to talk with her. Tried to sway her, saying he missed her and wanted to be friends again.
She saw right through him. Aang still wanted her.
Thank the spirits for Zuko having her back and distracting Aang.
When they enjoyed together a cup of tea in General Iroh's tea shop she thanked him for his help.
Awkwardly he waved it away.
It was nothing.
He and Mai had broken up and the black-haired girl wasn't happy about it.
Even if she and Aang weren't exes, Zuko knew how frustrating it was to have a person follow you like a shadow and demand to be together again.
In comfort, she petted Zuko's hand and told him he did the right thing to end things with Mai.
If she couldn't accept a no was she a good girlfriend?
A little crooked smile formed on Zuko's lips, and her heart stopped for a second, as he thanked her for her words and friendships.
Then he asked her to join him in the search for his mother.
Being with Zuko on a life-changing field trip again was... exciting.
They still worked flawlessly together, like when they had hunted down the murder of her mother, but now they were friends.
It changed a lot of interactions.
They were playful with each other.
Zuko was the only one who ever laughed at her jokes.
They were there for each other.
In the long days when they hunted down one clue after another and Zuko seemed to lose hope, Katara reminded him to never give up.
They shared the workload.
It was amazing not mothering someone and having someone help her around camp.
They were getting closer to each other.
They shared things they never told anyone.
Zuko told her how he got his scar and Katara hugged him, wishing Aang had killed Ozai.
Wishing Ozai was before her and making him pay for hurting her best friend!
Sometimes they just stared at the stars, inventing constellations, their hands inching closer.
Something new was born between them.
Katara didn't know what it was, but she would enjoy it.
It made her feel good.
After weeks on the road, they finally found Ursa.
And also a society of hiding airbenders.
Katara couldn't help but laugh in utter glee.
Was it really that surprising that Katara and Zuko fell in love with each other after their journey?
When she kissed Zuko for the first time, it was like coming home. 
Warm, welcome, familair, intim.
It was the best sensation in the world.
Something inside her told her this was how it was supposed to be.
After two years of dating and being the ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe in the Fire Nation, they married.
All their friends and half of the world were invited.
Yes, even Aang.
Aang was so grateful to Katara and Zuko for having found his people and was busy with the air nomads to rebuild their society, and seemed to finally let go of Katara.
Now they really could be friends.
Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, master bender, war hero and Fire Lady became a living legend.
Not only the people in the Fire Nation adored her, but she used the power she wielded to make the whole world a better place.
She was the one who came up with the idea of Republic City, a place where all nations could live in harmony.
She revolutionized the art of healing with her bloodbending.
She installed fountains and aqueducts everywhere she could, so people had clean water.
Statues were built and universities, streets even neighbourhoods were named in her honour.
Katara taught new generations of waterbenders like her daughter Kya and people formally fought over to learn from the Fire Lady.
When their oldest daughter Izumi became Fire Lady, Katara and Zuko retired to Ember Island to live out their twilight years in peace.
They often had visits from their friends and families.
Their son Lu Ten, a nonbender, had married a waterbender named Mizuki and had with her five children.
So the proud grandparents helped their son and daughter-in-law raise the rascals.
It was fulfilling.
As Aang then died and was reborn as Korra from the Southern Water Tribe Katara and Zuko moved to the South to teach the new Avatar.
Korra loved Katara and Zuko like grandparents and loved hearing about their adventures.
After Korra goes to Republic City to learn airbending from one of Aang's sons he had with one of the hiding airbenders, the pair returns to Ember Island.
Zuko died a few months before her.
Katara followed him after the birth of their third great-grandchild.
Both died surrounded by their big and bustling family.
As Katara died, her oldest great-granddaughter, who was named after her held her hand, she couldn't help but feel happy.
She had lived a long and wonderful life.
Soon she would be together again with her beloved husband and her family.
And so the greatest and most beloved Fire Lady died in peace with no regrets in her heart, her story being told for thousands of years to come.
The Legend of Katara became a tale which young girls loved.
From a simple waterbender to a master, war hero and ruler over a nation, who changed the world only a few ever could.
It showed all girls, that they could do anything they wanted.
They could reach their goals and go even beyond.
This was Katara's legacy.
As it should have been.
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If you liked this one-shot and want more Zutara, a badass OC, personal growth for Aang and the Gaang being amazing check out Yin and Yang! 
Click on my profile and leave a comment.
I hope you liked this little One-Shot!
Let’s now scream together in the comment section how Katara deserved better and if it’s not canon we will give it to her in fanon! :D
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bunthebreadboy · 4 months
i saw a fanart on pinterest when i decided to change my entire phone theme and i can’t get it out of my head.
the art was just after the zuko and ozai agni kai. zuko was knocked out, iroh was getting ready to take him and leave, and azula just came in and said “i took care of it”. if anyone knows what i’m talking about and has it saved or knows the og artist pls lmk!!
anyways. it got me thinking about an expansion of this au (that i will never write because i have neither the patience nor the time to do that) that (unsurprisingly) results in disasterlesbian!azula
so hear me out on this one. there would need to be an entire plot. like. what’s aang going to do??
azula killed ozai by electrocuting him. it’s the first time she discovers her lightning bending. it looks like he had a heart attack in his sleep. (don’t get too wrapped up in the details. azula’s a prodigy she can be overpowered for a bit)
why did she kill her dad? she’ll swear up and down that it was because “he really should have picked on someone with a better fighting ability than zuzu. honestly, it’s stupid he didn’t lose his honor after frying my pathetic firebender of a brother to a crisp.” it’s actually because she kind of sort of loves zuko. she will NEVER admit that.
iroh becomes fire lord, albeit a bit reluctantly. he spends the next three years attempting to end the war, stop the spread of propaganda in the fire nation, and deal with his niece and nephew bickering all the time.
so aang comes out of the iceberg. meets katara and sokka. katara convinces him to take her to the north pole because he’s the avatar, he still should probably master all four elements war or not. all of the traveling is the same (except zuko chasing them) until they get to omashu and king bumi is like “what’s up my dude, welcome back. we’re recovering from a war, so you should probably learn politics and how to not offend anyone while you master the elements!!”
(“there was a WAR?!?!!!” -aang, probably)
so now aang does a deep dive into all of the nation’s politics while also training. katara doesn’t really attend his meetings, but sokka’s a total nerd and is sat for every single one. first is waterbending at the north pole. insert canon things but add in a meeting with arnook.
this is where we introduce the REAL enemy, because the enemy can’t be the gaang attempting to learn international law at 12, 14, and 15 years old. during the full moon someone assassinates the moon spirit! (sorry yue, i love you but you still die in this au…)
so after mastering waterbending the gaang heads to the earth kingdom. they meet toph and she joins. they head to ba sing se, which, after trying to talk politics with the king, they realize is still completely unaware of the war. while in the earth kingdom, we get a name for the big bad. the dai li. after realizing that ba sing se is basically a military dictatorship, the gaang escapes and head to the fire nation.
that’s where zuko, azula, and iroh get reintroduced. aang and sokka consistently come back from meetings with the royals complaining about “oh my god, the princess is such a bitch. seriously, how is she allowed to help run this country??”
katara eventually goes with the boys to a meeting to get them to shut up. toph makes fun of her for being a people pleaser, but katara will do literally anything to get her brother and best friend to stop yapping about the same topic at her every. single. day.
azula (disaster lesbian) doesn’t say a single word throughout the entire meeting. sokka and aang walk out feeling like they were in the twilight zone. katara shows up to more and more meetings. why? definitely not cause the princess is sort of kind of somewhat cute intriguing.
insert azula’s gay awakening crisis here. she eventually starts talking at the meetings, but she’s only ever nice to katara lmao. katara does realize that azula’s an actual genius, though. she decides that the two of them could probably like, take over the entirety of ba sing se in a day if they tried hard enough. but of course that is purely hypothetical.
so one day a meeting gets interrupted by a literal dai li assassin trying to kill aang. he barely escapes the resulting fight.
so the dai li send more assassins. and even more assassins. until finally zuko gets fed up and is just like “alright i’m tired of dealing with these guys. can we please go kick their leader’s ass??”
that is how azula and zuko end up joining the gaang. and how azula can eventually lay siege over ba sing se (even if she reluctantly gives it back when katara tells her to).
other misc key points:
- azula and katara get together right before they fight with long feng. it happens cause katara notices that azula is nervous (nobody else would be able to tell) and so she’s like “zula. you’ve got this. we’ve got this” and kisses her lmao
- toph and azula are best friends, to katara’s obvious dismay
- the second azula calls zuko “zuzu” in front of sokka he immediately starts rolling on the floor and laughing. katara has to make sure his lungs are okay afterwards
- zuko: “im literally not gay??” sokka: “yeah, and toph can see”
- toph regularly comes back to wherever the gaang is staying with bags of money. she knows how to find every single illegal fighting ring in the world.
- this is a loooooong term plot. since there’s no reason to worry about the comet it can take place over many years. which also means that katara and azula literally pine for each other until they’re like 20 and everyone around them, especially (and surprisingly) aang, is like “oh my god make it stop”
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imagines--galore · 3 months
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Thirty-One
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure.
Previous Chapters - Masterlist
A/N: Another filler chapter! Hope you enjoy!
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"Katara! Wait!"
Seeing the Water Tribe girl walk away as soon as lunch was finished, Orora was quick to dump her bowl on Sokka, who was on clean-up duty, and race after the girl. She finally caught up to her, the both standing a little ways away from the rest of the group.
"Look, I really am sorry about what happened. I should've tried more to stop the battles from happening." Orora stated, gesturing to the still partially destroyed rooms. In a way, Orora admitted that she was to blame for things getting a little out of hand.
Aang had made a new rule though: No bending battles in the Temple. At least no Earthbending. They could all go to the cliffs above for that.
The younger girl frowned, crossing her arms over her chest as she gave Orora a disapproving look. "Yeah, you should have." She stated, her tone cold, prompting Orora to blink at the girl in surprise. "If you hadn't been so bent on showing off, maybe you could've avoided the entire thing altogether." Katara claimed, to which the other girl only stared at her.
"Show off? What're you....?" She trailed off, a crease appearing between her eyebrows as she tried to make sense of what Katara was trying to say. Though her fellow Waterbender even give her a chance to finish her statement. "But then I can't expect anything from you now. Not when he's here." The venom and utter hatred behind that one pronoun had Orora staring open-mouthed at her friend. That icy anger was still in Katara's eyes, and it seemed to project across her features as well.
It was strange, and slightly disconcerting, to have Katara look at her that way.
"What're you talking about, Katara? Is something wrong?" The older girl asked, a look of concern crossing her features.
That seemed to be the wrong thing to say.
"I'm talking about you deciding to forgive Zuko after what he did in Ba Sing Se."
The emotion behind her words was so strong that both her own and Katara's waterskins burst, water splashing to the floor, leaving the two girls with wet shoes. Orora's mouth fell open, her eyes widened. Slowly, she turned her head to glance behind her.
Just as she had thought.
Katara's voice had been loud enough to carry her words to the rest of their camp mates who were frozen in place. Teo with his chopsticks halfway to his mouth, the food slipping from between the wooden sticks and dropping back into the bowl. Toph and Haru, who had created rocks that were smoothed out, pausing in whatever game they'd been playing, with the latter staring at the both of them. Sokka with his arms elbow deep in soapy suds, not realizing he was cleaning the same bowl over and over as his nervous gaze flitted between the two Waterbenders. Aang looking just as nervous as Sokka, meeting Orora's gaze, before he turned to glance at Zuko.
The only person who hadn't looked up from his task of drying the bowls. Though he had stopped, and even from where she stood Orora knew he was listening and was tense about what was happening.
Turning back to look at Katara, and seeing that anger merging with a look of betrayal, the older girl sighed. "Katara, I know its hard for you to understand, but I've spent a long time thinking about my decision. It wasn't easy bu-"
"Oh but it was." Katara cut her off, pressing an accusing finger against Orora's chest as she continued. "It was easy for you, because you don't care about Aang's or anyone else's safety like I do."
A surge of anger flashed through her ice blue eyes as Orora's look of calm understanding shifted to one of fury. "Don't you dare question my desire for my family's safety Katara." She growled, her fingers flexing as she unknowingly pulled up small strands of water to coat the tips of her fingers.
In very sharp claws.
"I care about Aang's safety just as much as you do." The girl stated, her tone icy as she glared at Katara. The younger girl wasn't even deterred by Orora's shift in tone and body language. Instead, she seemed to grow even stronger in her resolve as the water on the floor trembled with the intensity of her emotions.
A sarcastic smile pulled at Katara's lips. "Oh really? Well it sure didn't look that way when you were cozying up to the enemy." This time Katara glanced over Orora's shoulder as she said the words, and despite her effort not to, the older girl followed her line of sight.
Only to see Zuko standing there with a look of resignation, acceptance and shame on his face.
Something inside Orora's chest splintered as she turned back to Katara. "Zuko is not the enemy." She hissed, her voice somehow echoing for the entire courtyard to hear. "He is the only chance we have of defeating the Fire Nation once and for all. And if I can get past what happened, then so can you."
With that Orora stalked past Katara, leaving the younger girl to stare after her in utter fury and contempt.
Half an hour later, Aang found her sitting on an open balcony in one of the many upside down towers of the Temple.
"Woah, you really did want to get away from everyone." He stated as he landed next to her and snapped his glider shut. Orora didn't glance at him, opting to pick up a loose piece of rock and throwing it into the yawning abyss in front of her. The sun was beginning to set, casting hues of orange and red all around.
While the orange had reminded her of Aang's robes, the red had reminded her of Zuko's.
She sat with her legs hanging off the side of the balcony, since it didn't have a railing. A safety hazard really, but then again it was built for people who could fly at a moments notice. Aang came to sit next to her cross-legged, his hands folded in his lap. "Katara kind of stormed off after you did. Don't know where, but I'm sure she'll be back." Aang added, glancing at his older sister. "Sokka went after her, to try and talk. Though now that I think about it, he might say something that would make her even angrier." He pressed a finger to his chin as he thought over his decision, regretting it a little.
"Was she right?" Orora asked, cutting off whatever Aang had started to think about. The young Avatar turned to look at his friend, the concern evident in his wide grey eyes. "Was I really too quick in forgiving Zuko?" It wasn't that she regretted her choice or would go back on it. It was more reassurance that she needed. And while Sokka had helped provide that, it seemed like Katara's words had made her question if maybe people saw her to be too quick to forgive and let go.
The moment the words were out of her mouth, Aang shook his head. "No." He stated, his voice firm and stern, prompting her to look at him in surprise, not having expected his tone. "What happened in Ba Sing Se was......horrible, I admit." She tried hard not to glance at his back, where she knew the scar from the wound Azula had inflicted on him with her lightning still marred his skin. A small gust of wind had her inhaling deeply, bringing a semblance of calm about her troubled heart.
"But you and Zuko both paid for it for weeks after that." Seeing her frown of confusion, Aang continued. "You were both apart from one another, heartbroken and barely able to function. Zuko told me how he would have visions of you being at the Fire Palace with him. And lets not forget how you nearly went into a catatonic state because of the grief you felt."
The memory of those dull, lifeless days had an involuntary shiver running down her spine. Aang, sensing her discomfort, went on. "Even Zuko had his moments of heartbreak, he told me all about them." At her questioning look, he gave a sheepish grin. "We were trapped together for hours. Had to pass the time somehow." A smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
"My point is, you and Zuko have gone through enough and I guess, you thought the same since you finally decided to forgive him." His eyes dropped to her finger, where her string glowed a warm red. Of course, he couldn't see it. Though somehow, Orora had a suspicion that Aang knew it was glowing with color.
The Waterbender sighed, leaning back to lie flat on her back as she stared up at the passing clouds. "I was just so tired." She admitted, sensing Aang laying down next to her. "Tired of all that anger and sadness." A pause. "I just wanted to be happy again." She admitted, her voice breaking.
Didn't she deserve to be happy?
Couldn't she be a little selfish?
Didn't Zuko deserve to be happy?
Was it always going to be like this?
Someone disapproving of their bond just because he had been the enemy once.
Or someone disapproving of their bond because she was a Waterbender and he was a Firebender.
Or someone disapproving of their bond because she was a Noblewoman from the Water Tribe and he was the Prince of the Fire Nation.
So many obstacles.
So many hurdles.
"I get that." Aang said, his voice matching her tone, though his was low and soothing, while hers was heavy with the realization that Fate had really dealt her and Zuko a rather difficult hand of Pai Sho Tiles.
"When I found out what the Fire Nation had done to my people, I was so angry. I went into the Avatar State and nearly destroyed the Southern Air Temple and blasted Sokka and Katara off the side of the mountain." He admitted. Sensing the sadness in his tone, Orora reached down, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze of assurance, trying to comfort him in her own way.
He squeezed back, indicating his appreciation for her gesture.
"I realized that in order to keep my power under control, I had to let go of that anger." His voice trailed off, before picking up as he went on. "It wasn't easy, but I did it because letting all that anger fester in me for so long would start to effect me. Turning me into someone........else."
She turned her head, looking at him, trying to imagine him being someone else. Someone who wasn't bright and brilliant.
Someone who wasn't ready with a few wise words and a smile.
Someone who never failed to protect the people he loved, and fight for the good of the world.
And she found, she couldn't.
"You say you let go of your anger because you wanted to be happy again." Aang spoke after a brief moment of silence. He turned his head to meet her gaze, before pushing to sit up. "Letting go takes more strength then holding on, and I'm actually proud of you for doing that."
And seeing that pride in his eyes, an emotion she had only ever seen in her Master's eyes, Orora couldn't help the choked sob that escaped her as she launched to hug her little brother close. He returned the embrace with a small laugh and with just as much ferocity as she held her to him, the two teenagers drawing comfort and strength from one another.
"I understand Katara's anger." Her voice was soft as she sighed in his shoulder before slowly leaning back. "She blames Zuko for what happened because you nearly died." They both flinched at the memory. "Shes just afraid of loosing you again."
She pulled back, holding him by the shoulders at arm length.
Blue met grey.
"Maybe the two of you should sit down and talk about your bond? If you reassure her that nothing like that would happen again, she might not worry so much about you." Orora offered. Aang looked away, unable to meet her gaze as uncertainty crossed his features.
She waited patiently, knowing he would eventually answer her.
Though when he did, she wasn't exactly satisfied with it.
"I'll try."
But she didn't push it.
They both sat there in silent contemplation for a little while longer. "I should get back and talk to Zuko." Orora said, as always, unable to sit still for too long unless she was meditating. "He's probably blaming himself for Katara's behavior towards me." She was sure of it.
Because Orora knew her Soulmate well enough to know that he somehow found fault in things that didn't even involve him. Sure the situation between her and Katara did, but that wasn't the point. The sun was well on it's way to setting now as she glanced down at her string, following where it led her. She frowned. "I think Zuko walked off somewhere too." Came her observation as Aang stood as well, gripping his staff.
"Well if you act as the navigator, I can get you to him in no time." He stated with a grin, to which Orora gave him a confused look.
"How're you gonna do that?"
Aang grinned.
As soon as Aang had gone off to look for Orora, with Sokka following his sister's trail, Zuko had walked off as well. Though he had no destination in mind, and was content to being alone rather then have company with him. Not that he was bothered by his new friends, but because he wanted to be alone with his thoughts for a little while.
Not a good combination.
Him and his thoughts.
Especially since he tended to stray into a rather dark part of his mind. A part he wanted to let go of, but was finding it hard to do because it had been hammered in him for so long that he wasn't good enough that it was hard to let go of it.
He walked until he physically couldn't go any further. The Temple came to an end in the form of natural rock wall, leaving him coming to a stop in a series of small courtyards that jutted out on top of the chasm that opened in front of him. Maybe this had been used as a landing point of sky bisons, he mused to himself, spying a series of, what looked like, stable-like structures a little further into the space.
Distracting himself with his exploring could only last so long. Though he did till near sunset, but it didn't matter. In the end his mind began to think those dark thoughts again and he allowed himself to.
He wasn't bothered by what Katara had said. What she said about him was true. Zuko was, or rather had been, the enemy. No one would have any reason to trust him. Least of all Orora.
Especially after what he had done.
And yet she had forgiven him. Had told him that there was a chance. A chance for the both of them to be with one another. To accept the bond they shared and become something..........more.
Though it seemed Katara was against Orora's choice to forgive him.
Zuko knew Orora well enough to know she would not go back on her decision, not after all that she had laid bare to him just last night. Not after the soul-searching she had done to come to her decision.
But would her choice result in loosing Katara?
He didn't want that. He didn't want her to loose part of her family. Not when she had been without one her whole life. Zuko had at least known his mother's love, as well as his Uncle's. And yes, there had been a time when his relationship with his father and Azula could be defined as normal.
Orora had never had that.
Like he had done with Aang, he had to make amends with Katara as well. It would be hard, but he wasn't one to give up easily. After all, Orora had claimed him to be the most stubborn person she had ever met.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this!" Came his Soulmate's voice, high pitched, terrified, distant and echoing.
Speaking of......
Zuko frowned, walking towards the edge of the very last landing area, surprised to see a rather familiar figure flying towards him on a glider. Though there was another addition to it.
That of Orora as she clung to Aang.
"We're almost there!" He heard Aang say, just as Orora let out a shriek. "Aang! I'm slipping."
"Just hang on!"
Feeling Orora's grip falter, Aang knew he had to act quickly lest she fall. Doing a quick loop in the air, which jostled Orora enough to loose her grip on him completely, Aang sent a burst of air aimed at Orora's back. The gust sent her flying through the air, her screams of terror echoing off the silent walls of the Temple.
Aang had targeted her towards the nearest landing area, which was also the one Zuko occupied.
It all happened so fast that he didn't even have time to think.
All he saw was Orora flying towards him, prompting him to throw his arms out to try and catch her. It was instinct really. However, Zuko failed to add in the strength of the air gust that was propelling Orora towards him.
Her body smacked into his, sending them both tumbling back in a tangle. They rolled at least seven times, though neither of them counted, before they came to a stop. For a moment all Zuko could do was try to focus his head which was still spinning, and his body that ached all over from being slammed into the hard ground over and over.
"You guys alright?" In the distance he heard Aang call out, prompting him to open his eyes with a groan. A heavy weight resting atop his abdomen kept him from getting up. Inclining his head, Zuko saw Orora, laying across him diagonally. She too groaned as she lifted her head where her face had been smushed into the dirt covered floor. "I prefer flying on Appa." The girl grumbled, slowly pushing herself off him so he could sit up.
Aang stopped a couple feet from them. "Well considering it was your first time flying on a glider, properly, it wasn't that bad. Though you gotta work on the landing."
That last part earned him a death glare from the Waterbender, prompting the young Airbender to gulp in fear. "I.....erm......oh whats that Sokka? I'm coming!" He held a hand to his ear as if he could actually hear Sokka calling for him from so far away. "Sokka's calling. So, I gotta......" He trailed off with a nervous laugh. "Bye!" And with that he ran off, propelling himself forward with a gust of air.
All to avoid the wrath of an annoyed older sister.
Orora sighed, shaking her head as she stood. "Honestly, its a Spirit send miracle that boy hasn't gotten himself or the others killed with the way his brain works." As she dusted off the front of her shirt, Zuko stood as well, straightening his clothes as he did. "Well he has come close, and I've witnessed it plenty of times." He said, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips at the dead-panned look Orora shot him.
"What're you doing all the way here?" She asked, pushing back the few pieces of hair that had escaped her comb, and turning to him with a frown. He shrugged. "I just thought everyone needed some space, so I walked off." Better walking away then staying and feeling their eyes at him whenever he turned away.
She sighed. "You don't have to go away just because someone has a fight Zuko. Doesn't matter if it involves you or not." Running a hand over her face, the girl grimaced at the obvious layer of dirt coating her. "You alright?" Zuko asked, his eyes looking her over, trying to see if she were hurt anywhere. She nodded, turning her head to give him a smile of reassurance. "I'm fine. What about you?"
Reaching up she brushed at his cheek, just under his scar, where a few tiny rocks were stuck to his skin. A silent nod was his only response, since he was still a little winded.
Though was it because of the tumble they'd both taken, or because she had her hand on his cheek, he wasn't sure.
Seeing the turmoil in his eyes, Orora sighed. "Don't let Katara get to you. She just needs a little more time to trust you again." She reassured him, her thumb gently stroking along his scar. The small act of comfort had him closing his eyes and leaning in her touch, savoring it just as he had done last night.
"I don't blame her. I did some pretty horrible stuff." He said, his voice low and full of shame, to which Orora bit her lower lip. "You only did it because you were misguided Zuko. You wanted to go back home and prove to your Father that you were worthy." Reaching up with her other hand, she cradled his face in her palms, smiling at him.
"Those actions, the person who did them, that's not you anymore." Sure he heard her words and he responded to them with a small nod, Zuko was more focused on her eyes. The shape and color so familiar, and yet he found he would never get tired of just looking at them. Looking into them.
"Now you're just a Prince who left his entire Nation to help a ragtag team of kids, with more issues, trauma and problems then you, save the world. Not exactly a great move but hey," She threw her arms out at her sides, grinning at him. "Welcome to the party!"
He blinked, staring at her as his brain tried to comprehended exactly what she had said.
And once it did, he burst out laughing.
He continued to laugh, the sound echoing against the empty walls of the courtyard. Her grin morphed into a tender smile as she watched him. Zuko rarely laughed. Orora could count the times he had on one hand, and that sent a pang of sadness through her heart.
He looked adorable when he laughed.
As the sound of his laugh tapered off, Orora found herself simply staring at him. And Zuko found himself doing the same. The smile on his lips, and the mirth in his warm gold eyes remained, as he reached up to flick at a loose tendril of hair that brushed against her cheek. Her beautiful blue eyes followed the movement of his fingers, before returning back to meet his gaze. He didn't look away, as he gently brushed the soft white piece of her hair behind her ear, his fingers gently grazing her temple and the shell of her ear.
As always, the intensity of his gaze was what had her shying away from him, a blush razing across her cheeks as a nervous smile formed on her lips.
"Well now that you're feeling better." She turned on her feet, already starting to walk away to begin the trek back to their camp. "We should head back. Dinner will be ready soon an-"
But Orora only got to walk a few paces before she came to a halt.
Because she suddenly found a pair of strong yet familiar arms wrapped around her waist from behind. They pulled her back against a firm chest, trapping her.
Her eyes widened, her lips parted as a gasp of surprise escaped her. "Zu-" She trailed off when she felt his head lean against her shoulder, before he turned to bury his face in her hair. Orora could now feel the blush burning across her face. Feel her heart thundering in her chest. She even felt his heartbeat as her back pressed even more to his chest. Her arms came up to lightly wrap around his, the colors of their skin a stark, yet poetic contrast. Her response prompted Zuko to smile against her hair. And even though she couldn't see it, she somehow felt it.
"Thank you." He whispered, his voice hoarse and barely audible as he memorized her scent all over again. The thickness of her hair prevented his skin from brushing against her own, but she did feel the warmth of his breath when he whispered.
And she tried very very hard not to ask him to do that again.
Instead, she held still, barely breathing. Zuko was no better. He held her to him in an embrace that was certainly not meant to be shared in public. He should walk away more often, he mused to himself, if it meant Orora coming after him, talking to him, making him laugh, touching his scar.
Anything to have her close. Anything to show her that he had changed and wanted to be with her more then anything. Though it had only been a day, Zuko was afraid that this was one of his dreams and he'd wake up any moment, back in his bed at the Fire Palace.
Alone and bereft.
"Do you want to stay for a bit?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, as if she felt that if she spoke any louder, the dream would shatter.
The tightening of his arms was his only response.
And she accepted it with a smile, her head tilting to rest atop his as the both of them simply stood there, drawing comfort from the other's presence.
A rather insignificant thing.
And yet for the both of them, after so many days apart, it felt like coming home.
The next morning was no different.
Orora had started her day by greeting Katara, but had been ignored. After that, every time she tried to include the other girl in any conversation, she would either be shut down, or Katara would snap at her with some rude comment.
Needless to say, by lunch time, Orora was beginning to loose patience, and Katara had reached the limit of her restraint from holding back and telling Orora to just back off.
The breaking point came when Katara made some snide comment about Zuko and Orora very nearly tackled her, only stopping because Toph held her back while Aang shot a look of warning in Katara's direction.
"Alright that's it!" Sokka exclaimed, standing up with soup spilled all over his front. Apparently when two Waterbenders got upset and allowed they emotions to run unchecked, anything containing some form of water broke. So far the victims had been, their waterskins, two jars of water, and several bowls of soup. Honestly Sokka was getting sick of the fighting, and loosing his meal only made him cranky.
"You two are coming with me!" He pointed towards the two Waterbenders, before walking off towards Appa. Glaring at one another briefly, both of them followed. "Where are we going?" Katara asked her brother as he climbed atop Appa. "Shush!" He commanded, prompting his sister to scowl at him.
Glancing back at the rest of the campers, which included Toph, Aang and Zuko, he gestured for them to climb as well. Haru, The Duke and Teo had gone off to forage for some fruits a little ways away from the cliffs.
Once everyone had settled, with Orora and Katara sitting at opposite ends of the saddle, Sokka guided Appa to fly away from the Temple and towards the nearest water source he had seen on a wall map of he Western Air Temple and its surroundings.
Not even five minutes later they were landing near a wide stream with enough room on the banks to house several sky bisons if need be. A wide yet small waterfall was the source of the stream, with several rocks jutting out of the surface of the water, an indication that if one were to stand even in the middle the water would only come to the waste.
And it was the perfect place.
"Excellent, this will do." Sokka seemed to think so as well as he slid down from Appa and looked around, his hands on his hips. "Er....what're we doing here Sokka?" Toph asked, sliding down next to him, her toes wiggling in the soft sand of the bank of the stream.
Turning around Sokka crossed his arms over his chest, glaring first at Orora, then Katara. "We're here, so that these two can work things out once and for all, and so I won't have food exploding in my face again." He stated in a serious tone, prompting Katara to roll her eyes at her brother.
"Sokka, you're being ridiculous." She said in that annoyed tone she adopted whenever her brother was being just that, annoying. Zuko climbed down from Appa as well, Orora landing next to him. Sokka held up his hands. "Hey, I'm just saying if you two let off a little steam, maybe you'll finally sit down and talk properly."
Aang, who had been a little skeptical about the idea gave a small nod. "You know, he's not wrong." Katara shot him a look of betrayal before turning and stubbornly refusing to get down from Appa. Orora rolled her eyes at the younger girl's behavior, sliding off her shoes and throwing them to the side as she walked towards the water, sighing in relief when the coolness of the liquid washed over her feet.
"Katara as your older brother I order you to fight Orora!" Sokka called out to his sister, glaring up at her, just as she glared down at him. Zuko, having followed Orora, placed a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe you should annoy her into fighting you?" He suggested, nodding towards the bickering siblings. Orora raised an eyebrow at him. "You're suggesting I take her on?" She asked, to which he shrugged. "Sometimes fighting physically helps resolve things. I mean it did got us to talk didn't it?"
Orora pursed her lips, squeezing her eyes shut before releasing a breath. Her shoulder drooped and she glanced at Katara. "But I don't want to fight my sister." She said in a low sad tone. Zuko nodded in understanding, reaching out to rest a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know, but trust me, fighting with your sister, tends to be life-altering."
And he was speaking from experience.
Nodding, she pressed her lips together, a determined look on her face as she turned to walk further into the stream.
"Get down from the bison Katara!"
"No! I refuse to take part in-ARGH!"
The rest of her words were drowned out in a splash as a bubble of water dropped down from the sky and on top of her head. Everyone blinked in surprise, before all eyes turned towards Orora who stood knee deep in the water, one arm crossed over her chest, while the other held another bubble of water aloft.
Dripping, Katara finally slid down from Appa's back, her eyes narrowed dangerously.
Sensing the impending battle ahead, Appa quickly lumbered to the side, while Aang, Toph, Sokka and Zuko stood on the grassy area of the clearing, watching the two Waterbender size one another up.
"You really think these two fighting is the answer?" Toph whispered to Sokka who shrugged. "Worked out for Zuko and Orora didn't it?" He reminded, to which Zuko just sighed, nodding in agreement. "Can't argue with that." He muttered under his breath.
"Did you just throw water at me?" Katara demanded, furiously swiping at her face to get rid of the water still trickling from her hair and into her eyes.
"I did." Orora stated in a matter of fact tone. No sooner had she done so when another bubble of water dropped on Katara's head, soaking her even more.
"And I did it again."
There was pure rage in Katara's eyes now. Raising her arm, she swiped it along the top of her head, gather whatever water was there and pulling it away to create a short water whip in her hand.
"Alright then." She said, finally stepping into the water as Orora shifted to bend her knees to balance herself properly. "Lets see who the real Master Waterbender is."
For a moment everything stood still. The birds quietened, the wind slowed, their friends on the bank of the stream froze. All either of the Waterbender focused on was the flowing water underneath, the rushing waterfall, and each other.
Katara moved first, lashing out with a water whip that caught Orora's ankle, throwing her a good few feet in the air. The older girl didn't miss a beat. Her arms pushed upwards, pulling a tunnel of water skywards. She landed in the center and slid down into the stream. Crouching there, Orora pushed herself up to the surface, arms flying out to send a wall of water towards Katara.
The other girl parted the wall like one would a curtain, pulling a bubble of water from it which she quickly shifted to ice daggers. The tips of it gleamed wickedly as Katara shot them through the air towards Orora. Without missing a beat, Orora created a shield, reminiscent of the ones Water Tribe Warriors used in battle. The daggers shattered on impact, and one the onslaught stopped, Orora threw the shield up in the air, watching as it shot down, only to jump and deliver a roundhouse kick that sent the solid shield through the air and towards Katara.
Though Katara brought up wall of ice to prevent being hit, Orora's shield still pierced the wall, shattering it on impact, and sending Katara flying back, where she landed in the water.
Anger flickering in her eyes, Katara didn't even bother to stand properly as she pushed herself to her knees and began to pump her arms in the air, creating wide circles, pushing multiple arcs of water towards Orora.
Each of them thinner and sharper then the last.
Her speed was remarkable, and Orora found herself a little winded as she dodged and swiped at each of the arc, while also trying to land a hit. Gaze shifting towards the waterfall, the older girl made a run for it. Katara followed, creating a small wave which she rode with a disc of ice under her feet. She raised her arm towards the sky, creating a wall of water in Orora's path, trying to cut her off. But Orora would swipe through the wall either using her arm or her leg. Her feet barely touched the water as she raced towards the waterfall.
Briefly, she turned, arms shooting out in front of her to send an arc of ice daggers towards Katara who merely surfed out of the way. The angle gave Katara enough momentum to swipe a stream of water towards Orora. Using the water from the waterfall. The pressure of the waterfall plus the force of Katara's bending slammed Orora in the chest, sending her flying back down the stream where she landed in the water with a loud splash.
Her teeth rattled and she was pretty sure she bit down on her tongue when she tasted blood in her mouth. The muffled sound of her name reached her ears, but she was barely bothered by it. Her body screamed with pain, and the back of her head probably needed to be looked at, but that didn't deter her. Rising on shaky legs, the girl glared at the approaching Katara, who was still surfing on her wave.
Spitting the blood out of her mouth, Orora raised her arms in front of her. She dug the heels of her feet into the gritty floor of the stream, before she clenched her fist and pulled. The ice board Katara had been using was swiped out from underneath her. Katara fell face first in the water, the surf she'd been riding dropping as she did. Not wanting to give her time to gather herself, Orora jumped, twirling in the air, a circle of water following her movement, before she dropped to her knees, her arms out. The circle of water flew straight through the air, colliding with Katara's chest where she had just sat up, sending the girl flying back just as she had done Orora.
Panting, Orora moved forward, still alert as she watched Katara's figure as she sat up. Though the minute she felt the temperature drop, the older girl knew she should've struck. Twin pillars of ice rose in the air, encompassing her hands, leaving her unable to use them for bending. She struggled, but Katara held on strong, her brow furrowed in concentration as she approached her older sister with a grim yet determined expression on her face.
"Had enough?" Katara asked, her tone mocking as she smirked at her. Orora stopped struggling, dropped her head briefly as she caught her breath.
"Nice move Little Sister. But you're forgetting one thing."
Katara frowned. "What?"
Orora looked up, smirking. "I can bend with my feet too."
So saying she kicked her leg out, creating a pillar of ice around Katara's lower body, pinning her in place. A cry of surprise left Katara's lips as she tried to get free. But just as she held on to Orora's hands, Orora held on to her lower body.
"Give up." The older girl grunted. She could feel her hands start to go numb. If that kept up, she might get frostbite. It would take awhile, since she had practiced enough to not let ice burn her, but she wasn't skilled enough yet. Then again neither was Katara. She would have to give up if she didn't want to have frostbitten toes and legs.
"No." Katara spat back, just as determined, stubborn and hard-headed as her sister.
Their battle came to a stalemate.
Aang seemed to think the same as he stepped forward. "Alright that's it you two. Give up before both of you loose a hand or a leg."
And when neither gave in, the Avatar scowled at them each in turn, quickly using his own Waterbending ability to drop their ice pillars and freeing them both.
Panting Orora raised her hands to her line of sight, wincing when she saw the tips of her fingers had gone slightly blue. Nothing too serious, but it would be awhile before they returned to her normal dark skin tone.
As the three of them walked out of the stream, she rubbed her hands together, trying to warm them. Though as soon as she stepped out of the water, she found her hands being enveloped by Zuko's.
Whose hands were amazingly warm against her cold shivering skin. He must've done something to his body temperature, since Firebenders could regulate it.
Whatever it was, as feeling began to return to her fingers, Orora let out a soft sound of relief. "Thank you." She whispered to Zuko, who smiled at her. Katara was inspecting her toes, surprised to see them unharmed.
"Why aren't your toes blue like Orora's fingers?" Sokka asked, a look of confusion on his face as the Waterbenders glanced at one another.
Inquiring eyes turned towards Orora who cleared her throat, looking back to where Zuko's hands covered her own, before speaking. "The pillar was mostly water and only a thin layer of ice. I used the pressure from the water to keep her from getting away." She revealed, not having had any intention to actually hurt Katara.
And yet somehow, that last part was heard loudly even though it wasn't even voiced.
"Boy, you sure have picked up on things haven't you Ice Princess?" Toph said, grinning. "I felt that stance you did before you stopped Katara. That was one of mine wasn't it?" Orora nodded. "Yeah, I figured it would help me keep my ground."
Aang, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward. "Maybe you could teach me and Katara that move some day?" Lifting her eyes blue eyes, Orora saw Katara purse her lips. The two girls looked at one another, before Katara's eyes dropped to where Zuko still held Orora's hands. The moment she felt his hands begin to slide away from her, Orora scowled, stopping his movement by turning her hands over so she could grip his palms.
And when Katara turned and walked away without another word, Orora let out a breath of relief.
"She's still upset." Sokka stated, hands on his hips. "But hey, not scowling at the two of you is a start right?" He asked, grinning. "And its all thanks to me. I should conduct these Bending Battles more often. I can call them, the Bending Rumbles - Bend your Anger and Stress Away."
He sounded way to excited about his little plan. Pulling her hand back, Orora flexed her fingers, getting them to move properly again as her skin took on its normal hue. Seeing Aang watch Katara as she walked away, the Waterbender came up next to him.
"Go, talk to her." She urged with a gentle push to his back. Aang shot her a slightly nervous look, which she returned with an encouraging smile of her own.
Rolling his shoulders, the boy took a deep breath, before following after his Soulmate.
Orora smiled, before turning her attention to where Toph was animatedly offering Sokka her services to helping people Bend their feelings away.
A therapist like Toph would certainly send people running for the hills.
"Hey Toph!" The girl called, a smile pulling at her lips as Toph turned in her direction.
"Time to hold up your end of the bargain."
Toph's shoulders dropped and she winced.
"Monkey feathers."
It took a little while, correction nearly the entire afternoon, for Orora to convince and reassure Toph. And now finally, she was ready.
"Do I have to?"
Aside from one last minute bout of nervousness.
"If you don't then I will. Would you rather I take charge?"
"You're as stubborn as Firebug."
"Oh trust me, I'm way more stubborn then Zuko. Now go!"
With that, Orora all but pushed Toph out from behind the pillar they'd both been whispering, and into the direction of The Duke who sat on a small stone, whittling something with his knife.
Orora saw Toph pause, her foot in midair. The bling girl turned. "Maybe I shou-"
But her older sister wasn't having it. Gripping her sister by the shoulders, Orora all but pushed Toph halfway towards The Duke, and only retreated when she saw the boy look up from his knife and smile at the Earthbender.
"Hey Toph!"
The Waterbender darted back to the pillar, crouching behind it as she peaked out, hoping to see what was happening even if she could barely hear what was going on.
"Is she talking to him?" And impatient voice whispered from behind a rather large piece of rock. Orora rolled her eyes, not even glancing back. "I can't hear anything." She responded to Sokka, who peaked out as well, a little glum. "Ask Aang to use his Airbending to hear."
The round bald head of said Airbender popped up from where he had been hiding in an overgrown shrub. "Zuko's with me too." He whispered, prompting the Prince's head to appear beside his, leaves and twigs trapped in his hair. "Way to be discrete Aang." Zuko shot at him. Aang looked like he was about to make a comeback, but fell silent when he saw Katara, hiding in a corner near Sokka, gesturing for him to listen.
Sighing, the boy turned his head, calling on the wind to blow in his direction so he would be able to hear better.
Of course that all amounted to nothing when suddenly The Duke, jumped down from his perch and wrapped his arms around Toph in a hug.
Mouths fell open, shoulders dropped and eyes widened in disbelief.
"That was.....anti-climatic." Zuko stated, unable to comprehend just how easy it had been.
"That's it?" Came Sokka's voice, as he blinked in confusion.
"That has to be a record in our group." Aang glanced at each of them, scratching the back of his head as he did. Nothing was ever easy for any of them, and yet the Soulmate business had been so easy for Toph.
Toph of all people!
"How can we be sure they accepte-wait never mind, they're holding hands." Katara corrected herself, spying the two youngest members of their group with their fingers intertwined.
A sudden laugh from Orora had everyone looking at her in confusion.
"After all that," She said, her voice gentle, as she smiled from ear to ear watching Toph and The Duke walk away hand in hand. "In the end she had nothing to worry about."
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty @lust-for-pan @aces-tattooartist @jinxxangel13 @lotr-got @bitterspoons @realrintaro @gatorgirl151 @inutheangel @heartfully10 @lucaaahhh @juniper-july19 @anuttellaa @gfksz @bussyvussy @punksnotdeadbutiam @ablofftoneverland-blog-blog @slut-for-menn @vyliie @army-moa75 @juwhls @aqlodun @lovelybaka @glowyruby @niktwazny303
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loneduet · 11 months
Secrets - Part 1
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Summary: You love Sokka and it scares you. You don't know what he'll do if he finds out. (Your a firebender)
A/N - ngl I wrote this for myself because of my recurring obsession with this lovable boy.
warnings: kissing, kinda short sorry
Hope you enjoy!
It all started when I met aang.
I ran way from my home not too long before i met them. Growing up in the fire nation was rough, especially being the emperors daughter. After zuko left to search for the airebender, i soon followed suit and left my status behind. All I ever was to my father was a dissapointment and I couldn't deal with Azula alone.
I was left with few options of where to go. I ended up living undercover in ba sing se where I soon met three kids my age. They were strangers at first, but now I don't know how I lived life without them. They have become my friends. My family.
While I know they are the exact people my brother is hunting down, I couldn't help but join them on their journey. I don't know what I'll do if I have to face my brother, but I know that I will never betray them.
Each of them showed me a kindness I have never known or deserved. Katara immediately accepted me, she loved having another girl be on the conquest and she insisted on braiding my hair everyday. Aang was kind and understanding. Deep down I know that he is aware of the secrets I keep, but he respects my boundaries and he shows me the fun to be had of everyday things. And than theres sokka. He is a completely different story.
When I met him my whole world was changed. At first he was wary of me and my additional presence to the group, but we soon started to get along. Really get along. He was protective and caring. At first glance, i immediantly respected the way that he treated his sister. While they fought like all siblings do, it's obvious that they truly love each other and I know that sokka will take care of her until the end.
I can see that all sokka wants to accomplish is to be a good leader and brother. He doesn't have bending abilities and he has admitted to me that this is one of his greatest insecurities, but it is far from a flaw. He hides a lot of his fear through his stupid jokes and ridiculous attitude, but I have learned to see through his disguise.
I have fallen so incredibly fast for this water tribe boy and he is completely unaware. Knowing his story, I can't let him find out about my past. He will never love me especially if he knows that im fire nation scum.
"Y/N, do you want to share with me?"
I looked over to see Sokka and his adorable puppy dog eyes looking at me.
"Of course." I giggle, helping him set up the tent.
Due to our constant travels and relocations, we had very few supplies which resulted in only three tents between the four of us. I wasn't complaining though.
"Goodnight Y/N." Aang said, giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek before heading to his tent.
"Yeah, goodnight!" Katara said with a wink. To her, it was obvious that I liked her older brother. She immediantly approved when she found out about it. If only she knew who I was.
I climbed into our shared tent and zipped it up behind me. Sokka was already laying down opening up the covers for me.
It was a normal thing for sokka and I to fall asleep in each other's embrace. Ever since we accidently fell asleep during one of aangs stories we have been inseparable. Sokka claims that he sleeps better because of how warm I naturally am and frankly he helps me keep the nightmares of my dad at bay.
From an outside perspective, our relationship is definitely weird. It's not normal for 'just friends' to cuddle up to each other every night. Deep down though, we both knew that their are feelings, but neither of us wanted to ruin what we have. What we could have.
I slipped under the covers next to him, his water nation blankets being especially fluffy and comfortable. Naturally his arms wrapped around my smaller frame and I tucked my head against his chest. His slow heart beat helped lull me to sleep.
"Y/N?" Sokka asked right before I dozed off.
"Yea?" I softly replied.
He than looks me straight in the eye. "I'm really glad I met you."
The statement takes me aback and I look maintain his eye contact, sitting up.
"Can I kiss you?" I whisper, not being able to help myself any longer.
He doesn't reply but leans forward and captures my lips with his. His body radiates warmth as he scoops me into his lap. I slide my hands into his soft hair that is let out of his usual ponytail. He grunts softly and let's go of my lips and puts his forehead against mine.
"Y/N, I think I love you."
Before he could return to kissing me my entire body freezes. He notices when I tense and looks at me questionably.
"I cant." I reply, leaving the tent in haste. The boy of my dreams watches my figure go, wondering what he did wrong. I cant do this to him. It has to stop.
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ivnxrori · 6 months
When Sun and Moon meet - S2
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
Warnings: fighting, trapped, breakdown, attempted suicide
҉ * ‧͙ ⋆ ⁺ ༓ ☾ Chapter 8 - Failed
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I grabbed the paper against the wall, a missing poster of Appa with a picture of Appa and Aang in boxes. Where did Appa go? I looked around to see a bunch of the same missing posters flying around and found someone who I didn't want to see. Zuko. He was holding the same paper as me, as well as looking around to see where these papers even come from. I snatched the paper from his hand causing him to turn around. “What do you think you're doing?” Zuko glared at me. “You came to Ba Sing Se just to track the avatar?” I spat. “How is that your business?” “Because your trying to capture someone that benefits your father only”
“I'm the son of the Fire lord-” “Yes I know that! which is why-” “Lee!” The old man said out loud, calling to Zuko. “Lee?” I questioned as Zuko groaned. “Okay, whatever your name is you can't just constantly chase the avatar forever” I whispered so only he could hear. Zuko turned around and reached behind my head, making my eyes widen at the contact till he yanked my hood down. “Ow!” I yelped. “Do you want people to find out about your identity?” Zuko scolded as I glared at his attempt of ‘keeping me hidden’. “You could have been more gentler” I scoffed while he rolled his eyes. “Anyways, I was just saying that your just wasting time finding the avatar” “Wasting time?!” He spat “You wouldnt understand the situation i'm in” “No I wouldn't” I stated more confidently than I should have which made Zuko look at me dumbfounded. “But I feel like you getting the avatar won't actually fulfill you” I attempted to stop him “I got banished from my nation, having a scar to prove my humility and you get everything that you want yet you chose to run away!” My eyes widened at his anger “You’re pathetic, still wanting to go to the fire nation after getting ejected” I hissed but looked to my side and saw a girl, who was quite nervous. She had two braids and was wearing the earth kingdom attire. Zuko looked towards the girl as well, feeling awkward. “Oh…Lee, who is this?” She looked towards me with saddened eyes. My mouth was dry as I couldn't come up with an earth kingdom name. “Limi” Zuko squeaked “Also…part of the uhh circus”. I glared at his stupidity, Limi? Really? And Circus?? “Yep im Lee!” I presented smiling and slightly bowing “Now I have to go do my circus-ie duties” I waved off but not forgetting to glare at Zuko once more and left to get Aku.
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“Alright Aku, let's go see Sakari, '' I said softly, ushering Aku to start moving. My mood was left completely sour from that occurrence. I didn't leave for no reason nor did I get everything I wanted. Sure, my past was probably not bad unlike his but it's not like I get everything. Oh well I shouldnt take his words to heart, it's just Zuko. “What in the world is that?” I turned Aku to get a better look at the lake, though I swore I saw something. “Let's take a closer look” Aku starts moving down to the lake. I hop off finding my surroundings quite suspicious. I take a closer look at the water, using my water bending to split apart the liquid to different sides. Before I saw what was there a whole wall came in front of me. I turned around and saw the Ba Sing Se guards. “You must have figured it out” a man with a deep voice and a black mustache with black hair tied back. “No I haven't” I said “yet”. I immediately take advantage of the lake behind me, using it to block the rocks coming towards my way. Using my waterbending to wrap around the guards ankles, making them fall back. Everything was going well until I felt the rock hands behind my wrists. I yelped in surprise, feeling them lock behind me. “Whatever you're hiding from your people isn't going to last long.” I spat. “It's better for Ba Sing Se” “Oh really?” I mocked. I felt tugs behind my wrist and internally panicked. Oh no where are they even taking me? “Let me go!” I yell, my eyes widened slowly by Aku getting hurt by the soldiers attempting to capture him. That was my last straw, I immediately tried to moisten the rocks behind me with the water in the air softing it for me to either manipulate or melt off. Luckily it was near a lake so the moisture was able to melt the rocks off. I ran to Aku, shoving the people behind me with water. “Even if you go back to Ba Sing Se no one will believe you” I glared at the man. I felt enemies coming towards me with their bending, I closed my eyes and lifted my hands from the impact but I felt none. I opened my eyes and saw them. Their eyes were widened in shock. My arms fall to my side only for their whole being to fall on the ground. This time, it was my turn to be shocked. “Her hair!” One of the guards said. I looked up to see my hood completely off, I immediately pulled it down which made the other soldiers get up in relief. What in the world is happening. “Not only she’s a princess, she is a blood bender” The man glared which made me look up in shock. A bloodbender? The waves of anxiety caused rain clouds from above. This is not the best time right now. From the few seconds of shock, I felt the rock hands fill my whole hand, to my wrist to prevent me from using any form of water bending. “Wait! Stop!” I scream attempting to resist. The rain becomes heavier as the soldiers glare at the clouds in annoyance. How come I'm so slow when it comes to this? My resistance faded when I felt the water consuming my vision.
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“Y/N? I don't think she’s fit to be a princess” “Her personality just doesn't…fit”
Huh? What are these voices? I opened my eyelids with some struggle, groaning as I got up. Where am I? I look at my surroundings, the best way to describe it is me…being on a cloud. Everything felt foggy, just faint silhouettes of my people. “Shame it was Yue who died instead of Y/N”. My eyes widened as I looked down miserably. “She is a betrayer in the end” “Poor Chief Arnook”. I attempted to speak up but the whole environment turned pitch black. I couldn't see anything around me. “You expect the water tribe to respect you” an eyeball outlined in white popped up. I flinched and moved back, glaring at it in confusion. “You’re the one that left us after all” The eyeball blinked. “Wait! I can come back!” I tried to compromise it, sweat dripping behind my neck. “Don't even think about it, you're not welcome here.” I'm not welcomed? To my own nation? A wave of people came back, including my father, Sivoy and Yue. They all looked at me in disappointment, I felt tears coming down my face. “Please…say something” I scream desperately. “I can't believe my own daughter left her family” My father said, taking Sivoy. I trembled, falling down on my knees. “Yue…please” I beg, praying she would say something encouraging. “You left me, Y/N…how could you?” Yue glared at me. I said nothing, just went down looking at the floor. “Things haven't changed Y/N, still the selfish, self centered, princess.” the voices kept repeating against my ears. “You should have died back there Y/N” I gripped my hair, silently praying for them to stop.
I woke up, breathing heavily. Sweat dripped off my face onto the cold rock floor. I got up attempting to run away but I felt a force stopping me. The jangling already gave me the hint. I was chained to the ground around the wrists. “Let me go!” I scream as loud as I can, attempting to break the chain. “I need to prove it to my family! To my nation!” I cried out loud, trying to get someone to hear me. “I'm a princess…im a princess…” I move my forehead against the rock cold floor. I sniffed heavily, trying to keep my breathing stable. I lifted my head up, trying to scan the weak part of the chain. Luckily I was able to navigate it and kicked it with my foot. I was tired, really tired. “Should I even go back home?” I lean back to look at the ceiling. I really have no one…
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I managed to get out of that horrible place with ease. I was able to use one of the teachings Sakari gave me for closed areas. Trying to find gaps with oxygen, since this area was under water it had more water moisture in the air which I was able to find an area to exit from. I pushed back the lid where it was originally there and looked around my surroundings, There was no one…not even Aku. All my motivation to explore was gone, I didn't even want to meet Sakari anymore. I lean my head against the floor of a slope and rethink my dream. Was it just a nightmare? Or was it true? I usually brush off horrible thoughts but that…sounded too real. They were right too…I haven't changed at all. I left my tribe, I'm a traitor. I'm not some regular person, I'm a princess who left her duties for her own selfishness. This is such a stupid adventure, I haven't found what I needed at all. I just found what I already lost. “You should have died back there Y/N” I heard it again. This is a sign. I stood up from the ground looking at the sky, thank god it isnt night. I walk towards the water, stepping in. I felt the coldness around my legs. I continued to walk towards my key to make everything better. This is for my people.
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a/n: Hello!! Sorry fro not uploading im trying to upload once every week but it will be delayed a lot!! Im going to try to upload this on my own feed so uh y eah!!! Hope yall had fun really and take care of yourself! Holy shti im tired
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waterfire1848 · 24 days
AU where Zuko joins Katara instead of Azula during The Crossroads of Destiny.
Hello, @wingchunwaterbender !!! Thanks for the second ask I’m loving these aus!!!
1. In the catacombs, Zuko actually listens to Iroh and turns against Azula. In doing so, he guarantees a success for Aang and Katara because Azula is now on her own. Azula tries to escape but Zuko tells them to stop her, claiming she has control of the Dai Li. Aang earthbends any exits closed and Katara grabs Azula’s leg and arm with waterbending, freezing the water around her and making her unable to move. They escape with her as a prisoner so that the Dai Li don’t attack them then get the Dai Li to stand down. With Azula captured and Aang not dead, Ba Sing Se is returned to Kuei’s control.
2. Since Zuko didn’t betray them this time around, the Gaang isn’t as suspicious of him as they previously were. They don’t completely trust him and Iroh (they did still try to capture them for months) but they trust them in a sense. That trust grows when Iroh agrees to help with the invasion and Zuko agrees to teach Aang firebending. With BSS secured, the Gaang remain in the city for safety until it’s time for the invasion. Sokka is off with the military to get them back on track for the invasion. He continues to send letters to his dad, telling him about his plans and the South Pole has agreed to send back up.
3. During that time, Zuko and Katara grow closer. Since it isn’t time for Aang to learn firebending yet, Zuko isn’t needed as much to be his teacher and he and Katara can often be found practicing and sparing together. (Katara: You know, when I agreed to spare with you, I thought you’d be good at this. Zuko: I’m a little rusty. Katara: Maybe being a tea server is the better calling. Zuko: I make an amazing tea server so I take that as a compliment. Katara: I’ll have to see that sometime. Tea server Zuko. Now that’s a sentence I never thought I’d say). That, or they’re chatting about the past few months and family. (Zuko: I…I don’t want to leave Azula down there*in BSS prison* Katara: She tried to kill us. She- Zuko: So did I! I was exactly like her less than a year ago. How come I get to sit here and eat amazing meals while she’d down there? Katara: Because you saw what you were doing was awful and changed. Zuko: Yeah, I changed. And I really think that my little sister can change too.)
4 (part 1). A few more weeks go with things actually going Team Avatar’s way (so you know something bad is about to happen) before BSS is attacked. Ozai sends in troops and soldiers to attack the wall and bring it down so he can take over the city before the comet comes and retrieve Azula. The Gaang soon discover that while they had taken down the Dai Li they did not account for Long Feng and he managed to get a letter to Ozai and told him what occurred. He also helped some soldiers sneak into the city and the palace is attacked (the Gaang defeats them but this does alert them to the fact that the Fire Nation is here).
4 (Part 2). While the group is trying to figure out what to do, some people saying nothing because no one ever managed to get through the wall that quickly and others saying they need to attack Ozai with their military, Zuko gets a message from the guards saying Azula wants to talk. Katara goes down with him. Azula offers information for dealing with Ozai in exchange for her, Mai and Ty Lee’s freedom (Zuko: You’d sell out father? Azula: I wouldn’t call it selling out more like saving my head. You think father will be pleased that I failed in Ba Sing Se and completed none of my missions? I’m not trying to match you, Zuzu. Zuko: Ozai won’t get- Azula: He will if you don’t do something. He has someone, an earthbender, on the inside now, and years of knowledge from failed attacks on the city. He will break through if something isn’t done). Zuko agrees and Azula, Mai and Ty Lee are set free.
5. The group works together to try and drive Ozai out of the city. For a while, they are successful since most of the Earth Kingdom troops are in the city anyways, but then they start to lose and the troops have to fall back. The Gaang has been debating about what is best to do and if they should stay and fight or leave and save Aang. When Ozai finally breaks through the wall, they decide to remain and fight. Thanks to Azula's knowledge, they are able to stop the Fire Nation from getting too far except that Ozai and a couple soldiers manage to sneak through and get to the palace (of course with the intent to kill Kuei and Aang). Zuko, Katara and a couple EK soldiers spot the small group and attack. The fight becomes Ozai vs Zuko and Katara pretty quickly. While fighting, Ozai manages to get a hold of Zuko and brings his hand down only to get it frozen and Katara to sent an ice spike straight at his eyes. She misses one but hits him in the other one. Ozai is forced to realize Zuko but not before grabbing Katara and burning her shoulder (badly). With perfect timing, Katara and Zuko lock eyes and Katara (through the pain) sends a water whip straight at Ozai's back so he'll release her while Zuko openly mocks him (Yes, I said what I said. Zuko: Greatest firelord in history? You're getting your butt handed to you by a fourteen year old girl who isn't even a master yet. Katara, through clenched teeth: Less about me, Zuko! Zuko: Iroh would have taken this city weeks before you did. Honestly, all of us were back here laughing at how long it was taking you.) Ozai sends a lighting blast at him just in time for Zuko to redirect it right at Ozai.
+1 - The rest of the troops back off when they learn Ozai is killed and the other members of the Royal Family are telling them to leave. Katara is rushed to the healers room and operated on for days to prevent her from losing the arm. Thankfully, Aang and Sokka remember that she had the water from the North Pole and Aang works days and nights to heal her with every last drop of it. When Katara wakes up, she learns that Zuko had stayed on the chair in her room the entire time. (Katara: I guess I trust you now. Zuko: You guess, huh? Katara: I mean, if you really cared you would have brought me candy. Zuko: My mistake. I'll remember that next time you're in the healers room clinging to life.) Of course, it ends with a Zutara kiss and the war officially coming to an end.
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avaxoxo-1 · 7 months
The cave of two lovers|live action :)
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Summary: You,sokka,and Katara must go through the cave underground of two lovers to save aang in the earth kingdom castle.
Warnings: verbal fighting, bending, that’s it.
Me Katara and Sokka enter the cave through an entrance on the side of the mountain “This can’t be right” Sokka says as his voice echoes through the cave “This was the only opening in the mountain” Katara replies “Are you sure?” Sokka says to make sure “Yes sokka we are sure.” I say replying back to sokka as he sighs, Katara breaks the silence after “Listen.” Wee all stay silent “Do you guys hear…music?” Katara adds on
We all continue forward till we reach a big opening with some people surrounding a campfire singing and playing some instruments you hear a man sing “When you find yourself in darkness..” a flute tone plays after that sentence they’re were two women and three men all them were playing some type of instrument.
“And all you see are rocks and stones..” another flute tone plays as soon as Me,sokka,and Katara stand in front of them the main one points to the ground to two maracas “Oh good, You two grab those,would you.” As he continues singing “Remember that a precious gift lies buried deep inside” me and sokka look to the two maracas on the ground he picks them up and hands one to me which I grab.
The man looks to me and sokka “Shake it.” He says with a smile on his face he continues yet again singing “So dig a bit and you will find..” Sokka lazily shakes the maraca as I actually try to shake to the rhythm, now all the people surrounding the campfire join in and harmonize “Jewel of my heart..” “Jewel of my heart..” sokka finally starts to feel the rhythm and shakes the maraca.
“Yeah..” the man continued, sokka started to dance around with the maraca in his hand and I joined him we were laughing together Katara was too, the man plays a not so good riff and ends the song sokka and I drop the maracas as sokka looks away and scratches his head in embarrassment “Yeah.That was all kinds of right, So what are you guys doing here?” The main man spoke “What are we doing here? What are you doing here?” Katara asked in question “Well, we’re doing what we’re doing.” He answered back as the boy next to me spoke “Right but why are you doing it here..” I add on “In this cave..?”
“Acoustics. Best in omashu” he strummed his guitar thingy once as they all harmonized leaving me,Katara,and sokka unfazed as their voice echoes in the cave “hear that? Harmony, that’s what we’re all about..harmony , music, love.”
Sokka turns to me and Katara “If These guys are okay being here,the tunnels probably aren’t that bad.” The group in front of us gasps the main dude runs to us “No these aren’t the tunnels..” he points behind us to big scary spike filled tunnels “Those are..” Me Katara and sokka look at each other in fear.
Part 2 probably coming sometime tomorrow <3
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oneatlatime · 9 months
Appa's Lost Days
Dare I hope?
You know, if ten year old me had turned on my TV to watch my weekly dose of Avatar and been greeted with a nearly two minute long uninterrupted sequence of a frightened and distressed animal being mistreated, that TV would have turned right back off again.
I don't buy that a ten tonne bison who has the leverage of his own weight as well as his airbending abilities would succumb to so few people.
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Name one other character that Avatar has presented as so thoroughly without any redeeming characteristics. Even Zhao was at least kind of funny. Everything about the chucklehead on the left is rotten to the core. "What's your dad going to do when he finds out we broke his stuff while doing crime?" "Nothing. It's not his stuff; it's previous crime."
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I thought beetle-headed was a commentary on their intelligence, but it's actually a description.
I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that I should have waited to get my hopes up until I came to an episode called Appa's Found Days. Is this whole thing going to be a series of near misses with the Gaang?
You know, if I had a nickel for every time an animal companion on this show has been threatened with a trip to the butcher's, I'd have two nickels. In the space of two episodes.
This is not fun to watch guys.
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Not if I break you first asshole.
The way this Nurse Ratched type circus guy says "earn it" is chilling.
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Of course the Fire Nation would find a way to turn bending into animal abuse. Of course.
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a) that cage is way too small b) who knew cabbage suction could be so cute?
Completely unsubtle parallel with the boy here, right down to the complete disregard they show to the threats thrown their way.
Stubborn and wilful are not adjectives I would use to describe Appa this episode, or ever.
Wind buffalo. Wind Buffalo. Really? Was Fart Cow taken?
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That's a very relatable facial expression.
That makeup and costume is awful.
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Now that's satisfying.
Is the Fire Nation kid voiced by Aang's voice actor?
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Nevermind. THAT'S satisfying.
I was right - this episode is Appa always being a step behind the Gaang.
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Baby Appas! This almost makes this episode worth it!
It's funny how a single feature can contribute so much to a character's design. Arrowless Aang is just some kid. Let me rephrase that, since such a big part of Aang's character is the fact that he's just some goofy kid. Arrowless Aang is indistinguishable from other kids for the first time this series, because every other time we've seen him on screen he's either the only child airbender with his arrows, or the only airbender left.
Lady monks. Nuns? I don't think I've seen those before.
Appa and Aang share a dreamscape? That could be useful.
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There's dumb, there's really dumb, and then there's 'wake a completely asleep and therefore harmless unknown creature with threats of violence' dumb.
Close call for Iroh. Do you think he's suspected that Appa (and presumably the Avatar) haven been in Ba Sing Se this whole time?
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Bipedal Appa is strange. A very effective fighter, but strange to look at.
I'm amazed that giant boar thing walked away from that.
And now they're hitting me with an 'Appa's given Up' montage. Someone who works on this show hates me.
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*Heroically refrains from ranting about the impracticality of using white fabric for an active warrior's glove.*
"This could be our most important mission yet." Foreshadowing?
Did Suki and Appa actually meet at any point in the Warriors of Kyoshi episode?
Turns out 'Aang' is a magic word.
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Appa kisses!
Appa is apparently legally banned from having anything good for more than five minutes. Although it's good writing that they're using a previously established weakness - Appa's shedding - to bring the danger ladies back in.
I guess they have Azula drop the line about her brother to remind the audience of who she is, but surely Suki's like "Who are you? Who's your brother? Why should I care?"
Azula going after the Kyoshi warriors is completely unnecessary right? The Avatar isn't there. Neither are Zuko and Iroh. It doesn't even net her Appa. She's just looking for someone to beat up.
WOW this is bad writing. Like really bad. My Immortal levels of bad.
Would it be too much to ask for the Kyoshi warriors to do even slightly ok against the Azula ladies? Couldn't they at least get a couple of hits in?
Kudos to Suki for essentially sacrificing herself and her warriors to save Appa. 'Most important mission yet' was a bit on the nose.
Out of options, Appa goes home. Ouch.
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Someone explain this to me. Air Bison teething ring?
My what a human sounding cough you have buddy.
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This is why you don't use Air Bison as guard dogs.
I like what this Guru is saying. Fear displacing trust but not love feels more accurate than how I usually see the consequences of trauma discussed.
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The music playing throughout this sequence fits so well. I think it's some sort of metal thing you hit - I want to say a variation on tubular bells, and maybe something Glockenspiel adjacent? It's unlike anything I've heard in this show before and it fits so well that I'm nerding out a bit.
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Disney princess Guru. Aang has Disney princess moments too. Maybe it's an Air Nomad thing?
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No wonder the monks built a temple here. Even destroyed, it's gorgeous.
And Appa decides to trust again. I love it when an animal visibly comes to a decision about your trustworthiness.
This energy reading stuff makes sense given that Aang and Appa already share a dreamscape.
He IS a great beast. The best!
Someone whip up a wanted poster for Long Feng: Cattle Rustler. It had also never occurred to me that he was an earthbender.
That flip move with the earthbending platform must have caused Appa to land on his back. I bet that hurt.
One of the times I am very grateful that the closing credits music is so upbeat.
Final Thoughts
@aboutiroh I see why you recommended I save my chocolate for this episode.
The Tale of Momo was really just a preparatory taste of things to come, huh? Almost a microcosm of this episode.
This is the first episode where I had to take breaks while watching. Especially the circus sequence, I think I got up twice to do things like get a cup of tea and stare randomly out windows at squirrels. I didn't even have to do that with Zuko Alone, despite freaking out a lot about it, because at least that episode took breaks from the child abuse to check in with Aang being miserable. This episode was unrelenting.
If I had seen this episode when I was the age of the target audience, this may well have turned me off the show for good. If my Mom had seen this episode, I would have been banned from watching the show entirely. Not a decision I'd agree with, but my Mom is the type of person who banned her kids from watching Bambi.
To watch through all of that unrelenting animal (at best) unhappiness, and still not get Appa back at the end of the episode? That's a bit much. It's not often that this show ends its episodes without at least a little bit of something positive.
Once again, the music did a lot of heavy lifting this episode. The animal noises weren't quite as emotive as the ones in Momo's Tale, but Appa's face is more expressive, and more was shown through his expression than through Momo's, so I feel like this episode had just as much non-verbal animal communication as Momo's Tale.
I think I'm renaming season 2 "the Suki redemption arc." I really didn't like the Warriors of Kyoshi episode, and I didn't like what her character did in that episode. But every time Suki appears in season 2? She absolutely nails it.
The show since losing Appa has taken to wallowing. Even with bright spots like the poetry bouncer, the overall tone since Appa's appanapping has been ever more dark. If this keeps up for many more episodes, it will no longer be fun to watch.
Somehow I don't think this one is going on my rewatch list.
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ghanjrho · 1 year
A:TLA; how it should have ended.
Recently, I've been on a deep dive into the A:tLA fandom, specifically the Zutara sphere. And that means I've found a lot of long-form meta on the show, it's ending, LoK, script final drafts, you name it. That's all gone in the brain blender, and here's what came out the other side.
Sozin's Comet honestly doesn't change that much; only two real differences.
The magic rock is gone. Instead, we get a flashback to Guru Pathik, and Aang realizes that he has to let go of his attachment to Katara.
The Maiko/Kataang victory laps in the last 5 minutes are gone. Mai and Zuko get a scene where they wish each other well, but acknowledge that they're over. Katara and Aang have a nice moment where they choose friendship. There's love there, but it's Philia, not Eros.
@burst-of-iridescent has a delightful essay series on Zutara, and the part that sticks in my head is that in the run-up to the finale, Aang and Katara are at their least unified. To wit:
In "The Southern Raiders" Aang is preachy, condescending, and more than a little hypocritical about Katara's plan to take vengeance for her mother. The episode ends with Katara explicitly rejecting Aang's belief that Yon Rha was forgiven.
In "The Ember Island Players" Aang is distraught at the idea that EIP!Katara's statements, namely that Aang is like her brother and she's attracted to Zuko, are true. When he questions Real!Katara about this, he responds to her statement that she's confused about her feelings by kissing her. The kiss is not returned. Again, no resolution is had.
Finally, in "Sozin's Comet Part 1" Katara is part of the chorus condemning Aang for refusing to even consider killing Ozai, no matter how many people are at stake. He runs off from the group, and from there disappears into the Spirit World to get Lion-Turtled. Yet again, no resolution, and the two don't reunite until the tea shop.
Now speaking of the Lion Turtles, I'm actually not opposed to them. Yes, they come out of nowhere to deliver an 11th Hour Superpower that handily spares Aang from having to actually make a choice he disagrees with, but at the end of the day it is a kid's show. Nickelodeon was never going to approve a script where Aang killed Ozai. Throw in a little bit of foreshadowing, and I'm good. It's worth noting here that the story of Avatar Wan was supposed to be covered in A:tLA, which would handily cover that requirement.
Now, for the post-canon. We'll start with Fire.
Zuko is NOT left alone in the Fire Nation. Similarly, Iroh does NOT fuck off back to Ba Sing Se.
Toph and Suki stick around. Suki in her canon role as commander of Zuko's Kyoshi Warrior bodyguard, while Toph and Mai use Toph's lie-detection and Mai's insider knowledge to purge threats to the new peace.
Toph eventually goes back to the Earth Kingdom to start a metalbending academy, but first she needs to make sure that her Sparky lives to be the grumpy old man he was born to be.
While Iroh is correct that for political and diplomatic reasons Zuko needs to be Fire Lord, he also bows to the reality that Zuko is plain and simply not ready to be the Fire Lord.
Zuko went from 4th in line to 1st in line basically overnight, and the 5-ish years he spent as Crown Prince were clearly not spent preparing him to succeed Ozai.
So a teenager with a fairly surface-level understanding of "how to monarch" has to self-Reconstruction the Fire Nation, while paying reparations, without having been militarily conquered.
This is how idealists get assassinated. New Plan!
Zuko is crowned Fire Lord. Iroh is his Prince Regent. It's very clear to all involved that Zuko is the one charting the course forward for the Fire Nation, while Iroh is there to convert intent to action, while teaching Zuko how it's done.
It doesn't hurt that Iroh is one of the Fire Nation's most successful military commanders, so the civil war route is a lot riskier for anyone to attempt.
Next, Sokka
Sokka honestly has a pretty good arc in the post-canon. Nothing I really feel the need to correct.
Eventually, Suki is able to hand off her duties in the Fire Nation to someone else and goes home to Kyoshi Island
It’s still home, but it isn’t the same. Or rather, she isn’t the same.
She never leaves the island behind, but it’s usually a stop on the journey from Wolf Cove to Republic City.
Then, Aang
Aang divides his time between Avatar duties and Last Airbender duties.
Avatar duties involve a lot of sitting in on meetings and reminding people that the ultimate goal is peace.
Last Airbender duties involve a lot of teaching Air Acolytes everything he remembers from his childhood. He gets lucky here, though.
The Airbender Genocide wasn't complete. More than a few Air Nomads escaped the Genocide, and hid themselves away. Some in small villages built in remote mountain valleys, others blended into Earth Kingdom settlements.
Plenty of quarter- or eighth-Air Nomad kids running around with airbending potential they never had the knowledge to develop. Think very early Book 1 Katara here.
The result is that a resurgent Air Nation is being formed, with a culture woven from the threads that survived through relics, the refugees, and Aang himself.
Airbenders are still rare, and it's over a decade before another airbender earns their mastery, but it's not his son and his grandkids when Korra comes around.
Finally, Katara
Katara spends a lot of time traveling. She spends time in the South Pole, helping to rebuild and learning Southern Style Waterbending from the released waterbenders. She also travels the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, doing what she can to solve problems.
There are a lot of problems to solve.
Her travels in the Fire Nation are particularly fruitful; word of the Last Agni Kai has spread, so she is known to be the one that the Fire Lord sacrificed himself for, and who healed his wound.
She and Zuko stay in contact, allowing themselves to have a slow-burn courtship.
After a couple of years she moves to Caldera City and starts getting down to seriously courting Zuko, preparing herself for Fire Ladydom.
The year before Iroh is set to retire as Regent, she and Zuko start thinking about the wedding.
There are a lot of potential traditions to uphold, even just between the Southern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation
This goes double for the daughter of the head chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe, and the Fire Lord himself.
They decide to have fun with it and do everything.
Aang presides over a private ceremony, family/close friends only, that is really just a mutual declaration of love and friendship.
Then come the Southern Water traditions. It's the full gamut, with ice-dodging, sacred hunts and more. In the end, Zuko is an honorary member of the Southern Water Tribe, and he and Katara are wed (again).
There's a diplomatic tour through the Earth Kingdom, stopping at Kyoshi, Gaoling, Omashu, Ba Sing Se, the Foggy Swamp the former Fire Colonies, and ending at the Northern Water Tribe. The language used artfully slides over whether the couple is newly married or about to be married, but overall it works well for the Fire Nation's reputation abroad.
The final act is in the Fire Nation. A full Royal Wedding, a grand affair of state, held at high noon on the day of the summer solstice. When all is said and done, Zuko and Katara now rule alone as Fire Lord and Fire Lady.
Alright, I have more, but I'm tired. Tune in next time for the Fire Nation (extended) Royal Family! featuring Steambabies (Found here)
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aimlacely-sapphic · 2 years
🔥Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons🔥
My semi-canon compliant headcanons of Zuko after the war with a side of Zukka
Zuko's first few months as firelord are a bit of a mess. He's desperately trying to put together some semblance of functional governance in place of the corruption left in his fathers wake, while simultaneously trying to negotiate peace treaties and settlement agreements with nations his predecessors attempted to destroy.
He's overworking himself, not sleeping enough, forgetting to eat and overall just not doing a great job taking care of himself, convinced if he doesn't take care of things instantly then he's not doing enough.
It all comes to a head once the assassination attempts start getting out of hand. At that point Zuko is simply not sleeping so Sokka, Mai, Tylee and Iroh stage an intervention (you cannot convince me Iroh would stay in Ba Sing Se once things start getting out of hand)
His security get upgraded, Toph gets brought in to vet the staff (she can tell when people are lying!! why wouldn't she get to kick people out of the palace?)
And finally things start to settle down
Once the peace talks and negotiations are done he starts transforming the Fire Nation itself
A lot of people have written about this but I am absolutely convinced that Zuko spends the first year trying to get the palace staff to trust him not to hurt them
By the second or third year they are willing to speak to him and have more than small talk
He goes about making a lot of changes in policy but first he disappears for 2 days only Sokka and his head guard knowing in advance
He goes incognito through dozens of towns and villages
He visits schools (putting his blue spirit skills to use)
He goes to orphanages and homeless shelters
He goes back to the Sun Warriors to tell them about the end of the war and seek advice on how to reshape the way firebending is taught to everyone (and maybe he ends up adopting a dragon egg in the process...)
When he returns to the palace he is ready to transform the nation
He makes it a crime to use corporeal punishment
He brings back old traditions and rule for Agni Kais where they can only be fought by adults against adults provided they both agree to the fight. The Agni Kai stops when a person surrenders or at first burn.
He wanted to completely end the practice of Agni Kais but tradition could not constantly be broken by his reign (according to his advisors) so the changes just make them less common or harmful until they go obsolete
He puts in place programs for veterans to get the treatment and support they need.
He creates a fostering program where children who have been left behind can find love with parents who have lost children or veterans who want to bring love and hope to the world
He works with Aang and Sokka and Master Piandao to create new curriculum for the schools which is historically accurate, brings back culture and joy and teaches students to think for themselves
He includes some of the wisdom from the sun warriors in the new curriculum so that firebending, and really all fighting forms can be taught with their duality in mind. Fire burns but it is also life. Martial Arts can be use to kill, but they are also an art form.
Making the curriculum stick is a longer process but with help from people on the inside, slowly but surely schools start to teach in a better. kinder way
Its around the time of Zuko's 20th birthday when advisors start to bother him about marrying.
It is while trying to avoid their matchmaking that he start realizing that he likes Sokka (he's an oblivious biromantic asexual, why would anyone expect it to take less time)
Not much changes when they get together, they still spar and go to the gardens to feed the turtleducks together, Sokka still makes silly faces behind ambassadors backs, Zuko still goes down to the kitchens to make them a pot of tea to have together witting in his room (the kitchen staff are used to this by now)
But they start sharing more intimacies, finding what feels comfortable for them in the form of hugs that last just a bit longer and chaste kisses on shoulders and cheeks and foreheads.
And when the egg from the sun warriors hatches and a tiny dragon comes tumbling out, they name him Druk and take care of him together
Zuko continues to go on trips incognito a few times a year and it is on one of these trips what he finds a young child alone on the side of the road. When he learns that she has know family he tries to taker her to the orphanage in the town near by. She runs away and there is nothing Zuko is willing to do to get her to go.
She has a grittiness and fighting spirit that reminds Zuko of his younger self, an independent streak and impulsiveness that border on dangerous. And even though Zuko has to leave her that day he can't stop thinking about her as he returns to the palace.
Sokka notices right away and they talk about her, and adoption, and the fact that Zuko needs an heir and end up figuring out that they want a child of their own to raise now that Druk is all grown up
When Zuko next returns to the town he brings Sokka, a legal witness and adoption papers with him.
He introduces her to Druk and when she pets him and falls in love they start to talk to her. She begins to trust them, telling them her name is Izumi and that she doesn't like the orphanage because it reminds her too much of her past.
They stay for a few days getting to know her and when they ask if she wants to live with them she does say yes.
Over time Zuko comes to find balance and love in the peace he created in the Fire Nation<3
Note: I cannot take credit for all of these ideas, some of them come from a bunch of fanfictions I've read over the years and especially Post-Canon Fire Lord Zuko (and his staff) by RejectsCanon
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squint is atla shame the zuko self hating gay one or is that the soulbond au . either way explain atla shame pleeease
shame is the right one >:3 <- me knowing you have obviously been paying enough attention to know about my zuko struggle fic (cause he is struggling so much. guy who is in a consistant struggle).
it's basically a same age zuko/aang au set in ba sing se with the premise that aang kissed zuko at pohaui stronghold and he's really fucked up about it cause the fire nation is homophobic, but the avatar has now forced him to confront that a) he is very very gay and b) he is gay for the avatar.
some snippets cause this fic is my baby:
The Avatar laughs awkwardly under his gaze. “So, uh, there’s this thing, um—and I think you should see it. I mean, I want to show you it, so…uh, are you free? Right now?” “No,” Zuko rasps. His eyes burn and dirty water flakes his hands. He is tired. As if he’s heard something completely different, the Avatar grabs Zuko by the hand. “Great! Me too! Let’s go!” He doesn’t care for Zuko’s angry outbursts. He ignores his attempts to pull back. Once they’re halfway down the alleyway, the Avatar turns and grabs Zuko around the waist, hoisting him up and over his shoulders as if he weighs nothing. He acts as if Zuko isn’t scrabbling at his back like he might pry it open with his dry, cracked fingernails. “You can’t capture me!” Zuko shouts, knocking a fist over the Avatar’s tensed shoulder blade. “I’m the one who’s meant to be capturing you!”
“The people here have never had to want for anything,” Zuko says bitterly over the rising sound of a gong from the street. “They’ve never had to fight. No one’s ever taken anything from them.” The Avatar sits down beside him. “What was taken from you?” “My honour,” Zuko says. Longing fills his tone. His head aches like the recollection of his father’s voice is anything but lost. He turns, angry, to the Avatar. “You took it from me.” “I didn’t take anything,” the Avatar says. It’s true. Zuko’s honour was already long gone—but before, there was a chance. There was an ultimatum. Before, there was an offered redemption and metal walls to hold him; his Uncle’s hand soothing over a feverish forehead and falsely telling him, “You are not at fault.” Now, he knows better.
Years ago, Zuko’s mother had taken him and Azula to the theatre. The play could hardly be called a play by Earth Kingdom standards. No words were spoken by the actors (who’s faces were all covered by masks.), and there were no props on stage except for the swords and ribbons the actors took with themselves. They danced and sung without words, and fire moved with them as if it was a part of them. Azula had tried to replicate it later on, pulling clumsy moves she’d obviously seen from Ty Lee and blushing bright red when they didn’t work for her the same way traditional firebending form did. Seeing his talented sister fail like that had made Zuko laugh. He hadn’t been laughing when she’d set fire to his bed. Or when he could slink into the moves, but couldn’t wrap his flame around himself the way she could without getting burned. The memory lulls him. He finds his eyes slipping half closed; feels the warmth of his sister’s fire back when she liked him and he liked her. “I think people can be like that too,” the Avatar says. He sounds like he’s testing the waters for something. “Fluid. Together. I think, there are people who work well together.”
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