#soleil core
coffinsister · 7 months
I think the funniest part of Ashley always making borderline incestuous jokes is that shes fully ready for Andrew to return that energy and Andrew thinks shes just being weird on purpose
If Andrew had responded to "what do you want in return, my virginity?" With literally any semi positive answer I think Ashley would have been fine with it or kept up the energy. Andrews in deep denial though about wanting to fuck Ashley, while Ashley just accepts that, yeah, her brother definitely wants to fuck her
The main difference between the two of them is that Ashley fully embraces their nature and has completely given up on trying to fit into normal society ever.
While Andrew is in denial about it and is still masking 24/7 to try to keep some semblance of socially acceptable normalcy.
Basically yeah lol she knows how her brother is to a certain degree and he knows her too they are just silly.
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lerefugedeluza · 7 months
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This dress was made w a circus performers costume from Circus Du Soleil…
Tô Genesis
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ilaiyayaya · 1 year
Ngl I Just Wanted To Complain About Arthur That's All This Is Really About
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest Chapter 10 is like, so bad but also like so good but also like I fucking hate it but also like it's so good but also like. There is not a single map in the entire Fire Emblem series that I think about nearly as much as Chapter 10 of Conquest, I cannot think of any other map that lives rent free in my head like this piece of shit. I'm not even replaying Fates right now, just sometimes Conquest Chapter 10 just pops up in my brain and I spend 3 hours thinking about it.
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When I play Fire Emblem my playstyle is generally super defensive, I like playing on the highest difficulty most of the time and I REFUSE to ever let any units die so like, why would I ever want my defenseless healer or my shitty low as fuck accuracy axe-user to be anywhere near danger, and this map is like the perfect counter to that type of playstyle. It's a super well-designed map, like it's really good, but I hate it so much, it's super early in the game, in Fates the first 5 chapters are a prologue shared between all 3 version, so it's effectively only the 5th chapter of Conquest, and so you don't have a lot of units to choose from, and those units are still pretty weak. I think by Chapter 10 of Conquest you can have 10 units I believe? you get 3 more a few turns in, and those new units are really good and make the rest of the map a lot less stressful, but it's still pretty bad even with those. The whole point of the stage is defending a 4 tile wide gate, but while you would probably assume this means it would be good to play defensively, absolutely not, enemies come in large waves from all sides and if you don't play extremely aggressively you will get overwhelmed within 1 turn. This is really hard to do on this particular map at this point in the game because of the available units, 1 of them is a healer that cannot attack (Elise), 1 is a dancer that technically can attack but does so little damage that she's only really useful for finishing off enemies with like 1 or 2 hp (Azura), and 1 is an optional trainee unit that is probably still too weak to do any more damage than Azura (Mozu). So basically you have 7 actual damage-dealing units to fend off large waves of enemies coming from 3 directions. The worst part is that of these 7 remaining unit, half of them were not at all made to be defensive, 1 is an archer that can take 1 or 2 hits (Niles), but obviously since they're an archer they can't counter attacks from one space away, 1 is a mage that will die in 1 hit (Odin), and 1 is a maid that really is meant more for healing than damage (Felicia), but she can at least do some debuffing and a bit of damage, still dies in like 2 hits tho. That leaves 4 units at the start of the battle that can actually reliably be put in the center of combat without instantly dying AND EVEN THOSE 4 KINDA SUCK AT THEIR JOB, the only truly outstanding unit is Effie who is a fantastic armor knight, whichever spot you place her at she can pretty much solo if you've leveled her even a little bit since her introductory chapter. The other 3 are Corrin (the protagonist) who isn't necessarily bad, and the exp they get from constantly being attacked is really good since they're a required unit for the entire game, but if you haven't levelled them enough by this point they can get overwhelmed pretty easily, another is Silas, who is potentially as good as Effie, but I personally rarely plan to use him long-term, so I usually don't level him a ton before this chapter so he's really weak for me, that's entirely my fault, but like, that valuable exp, I gotta give it to my other more useful units I can't just waste it on someone I'll drop later. The last of the available units at the start of the chapter is Arthur, Arthur is possibly my least favorite character in the entire series, I hate his character, I hate him in gameplay, I don't like his design, there is nothing about Arthur that I like, but you need to use him in this chapter AND HE'S FUCKING USELESS, he is the prime example of axe-users never being able to hit anything, even if you level him a decent amount, he isn't very defensive so he dies pretty quickly, he doesn't do much damage, and it wouldn't even matter if he did do decent damage because his accuracy is laughably poor, I have literally had attempts of this map where I have had him miss every single attack within the first 5 full turns, which is more than enough to kill a run and pretty much require a reset, he is useless, I hate him, I'm not talking about him anymore, fuck Arthur, hate that guy.
The first 3 turns are by far the hardest part of the map, dealing with the first few smaller waves of enemies and setting up your initial walls before reinforcements get to you is strangely enough a lot harder to deal with than the much larger waves of enemies that arrive in later turns, mostly because after turn 3 you get 3 more units and they are all very good. At turn 3, you get 3 extra units, Camilla, Beruka, and Selena, without these 3 this map would be a fucking nightmare (even more than it already is), Camilla alone is extremely strong and can solo most enemy units as long as they're not bow-users, and the other 2 help a lot in picking off every enemy that isn't already being walled off by Camilla or Effie. As the map goes on each new wave of enemies gets bigger and bigger, so it definitely does maintain it's difficulty throughout the entire stage, but once you've gotten a decent foothold after the first few turns, the rest becomes way more manageable. It's still hard, very hard in the 2nd half of the stage, 100% still nightmarishly difficult, and extremely frustrating if you do fuck up and now have to redo nearly an hour's worth of progress, however, whenever I play chapter 10, like 90% of my resets happen within the first 3 turns, those first few turns are brutally difficult, and if you don't simultaneously push the enemy back far enough, and create a good enough wall in the beginning, you will not make it very far once enemy waves start getting bigger in the 4th turn and beyond. It's such an interestingly, and also somewhat frustratingly designed stage, like in most Fire Emblem stages, once I get into a difficult situation I go "hrmm how do I get out of this situation hrmmrmrmrmr" and then I figure it out and I go "yipee!" but in chapter 10, if you make a mistake, and you realize you've made that mistake, it's probably already too late and it's just going to snowball into a much bigger problem within a few turns. I love resetting on turn 9 because a pegasus knight slipped by and killed Elise oopsies.
The way I've been talking about this makes it sounds like the most frustrating, least fun thing you could possibly ever experience in anything ever, and like, yea it kinda is, but it's also weirdly like, really fun??? Like, I feel like there aren't a ton of maps in any FE game that feels quite like Conquest Chapter 10, there are plenty of maps where you have to defend a point, but I don't think there's any others where you have to defend a point, while not playing defensively at all, because if you just sit there and let the enemies come to you, at least one is going to slip by. Like I said at the start of this, I play super defensively in Fire Emblem, I like to minimize risk of any units dying as much as possible, but the best way to minimize risk in this map, is to do the exact opposite as in most maps and just throw all of your strongest units directly into hordes and hope they don't die. Yea it's annoying, yea it's really fucking hard, yea it's really frustrating to reset like 30 times before getting past the 3rd turn even once, but like, it's fun frustrating, it's refreshing, I like it, but I also fucking hate it, fuck this map it's too well designed.
I had like, a lot more things I was gonna say about this map, but like, I forgor a lot of my points l had to go to work mid-writing this and so all thoughts evaporated from my brain and were replaced with PSO2 thinking gif and Soleil brainrot.
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It's so sad that Chapter 10 happens too early to get Soleil, really it's probably the biggest actual objective issue with the map, unfortunately an issue shared between many early Conquest maps, if only the devs had the foresight to make Soleil available in Chapter 1, truly a major blunder. God why did they fucking write Soleil so poorly like fuck, her supports are impressively bad, like even for Fates she's written poorly. Soleil truly is the Conquest Chapter 10 of Fire Emblem characters, see I didn't just start talking about Soleil for no reason, there was a reason, it's called circular narrative, yea, yea that's what it is, I'm so good at this writing thing frfr.
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mirrorteru · 2 months
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Sol.... and her core
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hs-transfusion · 8 months
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HEMO: Mutant (#626262) TROLLTAG: tentativeCirque [TC] SIGN: Cancap, Sign of the Sheltered STRIFE: batkind MODUS: Charades LUNAR SWAY: Derse MYTH. ROLE: Page of Mind LAND: Land of Dreams and Darkness
TC: nahhh bro. im just gonna be here diving the FUCK out of this dumpster.
Many people yearn to find a PLACE IN LIFE, but few trolls struggle more than Gamzee Makara. With NO HIVE and only the CLOTHES ON HIS BACK to his name, he drifts from place to place atop his lusus (unaware that he's simply WALKING IN CIRCLES). His only other possessions are those he finds by DUMPSTER DIVING. Because of his lack of social life, he has the SOCIAL GRACES of a sack of potatoes.
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Gamzee looks up to a group of fictional mirthamaniacs called the CIRCONQUERORS DU SOLEIL, modelling his drifting lifestyle and knack for RESOURCEFULNESS from their no-holds-barred approach to pillaging the galaxy as they see fit. He also enjoys annoying his friends with RIDDLES. Some day he aspires to be a COMEDIANTAGONIST, though his friends recommend he not quit his night job.
Gamzee's CHARADES Fetch Modus is as simple as it sounds: to retrieve an item, he must mime the item in a way his sylladex can interpret.
Gamzee's lusus is classified as the GRUFF ARCHCAPRA; a huge goat-like creature that, coincidentally, resembles a LARGE STONE BRIDGE. His hard, rocky body is completely IMMUNE TO THE SUN, so during the day Gamzee takes shelter under his long, concave belly. This officially makes Gamzee a TROLL LIVING UNDER A BRIDGE.
The Land of DREAMS AND DARKNESS is a cavernous planet shrouded in PINK MIST. It's not toxic, but inhaling too much of it will PUT YOU TO SLEEP in no time. Legend says the denizen, EPIMETHEUS, slumbers in the planet's core, toiling in an ETERNAL NIGHTMARE. Legend also says that LODAD is a world dreamed up by Epimetheus in the first place, so waking him up risks dire consequences.
Gamzee's ancestor is known as The NAMELESS. After attempting to OVERTHROW THE EMPRESS, he was punished by having his entire identity WIPED FROM HISTORY. His story lives on among elite CARNIVALIANTS, as The Nameless was close matesprits with the leader of all subjugglators.
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
Ghost in the Machine
This is the master post for Ghost in the Machine links, character refs and FAQs.
I will try my best to keep this post as up to date as possible.
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What is Ghost in The Machine?
GITM is a DCA AU and a fic set in the retrofuture (2055ish) long after Fazco has shut down. An eccentric collector has been acquiring versions of the Daycare Attendant animatronic from closed locations around the world. The story involves a reader character who has been brought into repair the original post-Ruin DCA from the games, and hijinks ensue. There are also ghosts.
Where can I read the fic?
GITM is currently being posted on Ao3, and is updated every three weeks on Saturdays. The fic is being beta'd by the tremendously talented @bubbiethesaur. You can read GITM here!
There is also a podfic, which you can find here:
Updates to the podfic will be sporadic, so please be patient <3
Where can I see the art?
On this blog I use the #gitm au and #ghost in the machine au tags for GITM related content. If you are looking for art of a specific character, they also have their own tags: #misuta moon #nova #soleil #clip.exe #sunspot mk1 #fool eclipse #ruin eclipse #sombra #sunflower #mr sandman
Why haven't you answered my GITM ask?
One of three reasons: 1) your ask was too spoilery* 2) I'm waiting to answer it with art 3) ADHD
*spoilery includes but is not limited to: any questions about dual-AI or XYZ character's sun/moon variant; questions about character backstories and lore; questions about characters that have not featured in the fic yet (e.g Nova, Sanii, Harvest, Sunflower, Sandman etc); asks speculating about potential future scenarios (don't get me wrong, I love these asks, but I can't answer them!)
Where are all the Moons?
Read and find out. Seriously. There are at least 5 Moons who are core to the plot but I'm not going to talk about them, no matter how nicely you ask!
Does XYZ character have a Sun/Moon counterpart?
Some of them do, some of them don't. The dual-AI stuff is majorly plot related. If I'm not talking about someone's Sun/Moon counterpart, rest assured you will find out eventually. I won't be spoiling any of it on tumblr though :)
Can I create fanart of GITM?
Yes yes yes please do and please tag me when you post it so I can see it/reblog! If you are unsure if something is ok, please ask.
Can I create fanfic of GITM?
Super flattered about this. I have a longform answer to this question which you can read here. But tl;dr yes you can, please tag/credit me, do not spoil/try to write the lore, and please do not write GITM au (e.g mafia, mer, medieval). I have my own plans for this stuff and I would prefer to release the designs/stories in my own time. If you are unsure if something is ok, please ask.
Can I create NSFW GITM content?
Until recently I had blanket perms that allowed NSFW GITM content. I'm updating this to let you guys know I'm no longer comfortable with people making this content. Back when the community was small, I felt differently, but as time has passed a lot has changed and I've found myself becoming increasingly anxious about it. If this boundary changes again in the future, I will update this FAQ.
Do you have character refs I can use?
There is a collection of art 'refs' for each character on the Misutamojis discord. Latest link here.
There are no proper call-out sheets/refs currently, but I have a huge body of art for the characters on this blog which should give you more than enough info for most of them. I will get around to creating proper refs eventually, in which case I will link them here.
Where can I find the playlist?
I update the spotify playlist fairly regularly, if you have any music recs you can send them over in an ask! You can listen to the playlist here!
I've heard there are secret GITM drabbles, where can I find them?
I used to post frequent drabbles from future chapters in the DCA Palooza discord, I have recently deleted the majority of them as people were going back and binging them which hadn't been the intended reading experience. Anywho, this question probably refers more to the spicy drabbles (which people have very kindly made a lot of delicious art for). These are still around! You just need to access the spicy channel and do some digging.
Is there a GITM discord?
Nope! There is a server for GITM emotes and a busy thread in the DCA Palooza, but currently I don't have any plans to make a GITM-centric discord community. If that does happen in the future it's likely I will simply convert the emotes server (Misutamojis).
It finally happened, I converted Misutamojis. You can join the GITM discord here.
Can I smooch the robots?
All of them?
All of them.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
So what if with the night gallery Y/N has to take a couple weeks off of work (the reason why can be whatever) and didn’t get the chance to tell any of the artworks? Does everything just go to shit cause some random night guard is here instead of the artworks beloved Y/N and none of the them know why?
Rosebud is, of course, the most understating of the bunch. They're very hurt by the lack of information, but respects that you have a life outside of the museum. Don't play much attention to their wilting. The new guard just isn't taking care of them well enough.
Their little ones, on the other hand, are a complete mess as they mirror Rosebud's core emotions. They wail, hiss and bite at the guard whenever they approach, fall apart at the steams. If you ever want them to forgive you when you return (and let you leave), you better bring them a month's supply of plant food, a couple pork chops, and as many kisses one can give a bush full of horror roses.
The Scavenger seems passive... at first. The new guard will walk into the breakroom to find any expensive items they brought broken and other valuables such as keys or wallets stolen. They can be found at the bottom of a trashcan as The Scavenger doesn't want anything from the person that tried to replace you. They'll let the remainder of the guard's punishment be decided by the rest of the gallery.
The Faceless Angel just weeps. Having you near is the closest they've felt to being whole after losing their face. The guard won't even last the first night if their paths cross.
The Lady in White takes an unusual turn in this scenario. Instead of slitting their throat on the spot, she - just talks. She asks them about the world outside and where you've gone. It's changed so much since her time. She can see why you don't belong at the gallery, but even more reasons why you should stay. She'll find a way to manipulate the guard into keeping tabs on you even after you return.
Soleil enjoys messing with them. Changing the time on every clock they can find, pestering them with a faint tick- tick- tick- down the long halls. It's the least they can do to combat the loneliness your departure brought. If they ever met face to face, the clock would probably strangle them on the spot.
The Painter is furious. Your boss employs a living work of art and swaps you out with this... thing? No. No. No. That is unacceptable, but worry not. They'll turn this creature into something that at least captures a tenth of your beauty. The piece will be the perfect welcoming gift when you return.
Anri works with them well. They miss you, but they have access to the work schedule (somhow). They'll talk all about you with the new guard. Gosh, they miss you so much. Would you have to come back early with the new guard gone? It seems like a possibility - given they don't show up the next day.
Juilan isn't a painting, but we'll still add the freak. He's bored out of his mind and constantly texting you for updates. The guy is a lot of things, but he's not a cheater and he's found intrigue in you. A little too much to be honest. At most, a guest of the gallery will come up to the front desk, wondering what that odd shape in a painting they had seen before was.
The Director just leaves their fate to the gallery. Their existence does him no harm, and he has to think of your punishment for leaving without saying goodbye.
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1vidapoeticando · 8 months
Já vivenciei tantos momentos e sentimentos que por suportar demais automáticamente eles transbordavam...passei pelo medo e não agi..Passei vontade de gritar e silenciei...Passei por aquela vontade imensa querer abraçar o mundo e me fiz menor...Passei por muito, diminui minhas expectativas, abafei minha ansiedade e segui....Extrai do sol inspiração...E fiz uma pintura nas dores passadas, e passou...Eu investi na vontade de recomeçar, rabisquei com toque de amor, peguei nessa aquarela novos caminhos, cores, sonhos e desejos...E olhando para a natureza, vendo o céu, as estrelas e o mar, pude ver o quanto ainda posso preencher essa pintura chamada vida...
He vivido tantos momentos y sentimientos que por soportar demasiado automáticamente se desbordaron... Pasé por miedo y no actué... Sentí ganas de gritar y me quedé en silencio... Pasé por ese deseo inmenso. querer abrazar el mundo y me hice más pequeño... Pasé por mucho, bajó mis expectativas, sofoqué mi ansiedad y seguí... Me inspiré en el sol... Y hice una pintura del pasado. dolor, y pasó... invertí en las ganas de empezar de nuevo, garabateé con un toque de amor, tomé esta acuarela nuevos caminos, colores, sueños y deseos... Y mirando la naturaleza, viendo el cielo, el las estrellas y el mar, pude ver cuanto aún puedo llenar este cuadro llamado vida...
Ho vissuto così tanti momenti e sentimenti che, poiché ho sopportato troppo, sono traboccati automaticamente... ho attraversato la paura e non ho agito... avevo voglia di urlare e sono rimasto in silenzio... ho attraversato quell'immenso desiderio di voler abbracciare il mondo e mi sono fatto più piccolo... ne ho passate tante, ha abbassato le mie aspettative, ho soffocato l'ansia e ho continuato... ho tratto ispirazione dal sole... e ho fatto un quadro del passato dolore, ed è passato...ho investito nella voglia di ricominciare, ho scarabocchiato con un tocco d'amore, ho preso con questo acquerello nuovi sentieri, colori, sogni e desideri... E guardando la natura, vedendo il cielo, il stelle e il mare, ho potuto vedere quanto posso ancora riempire questo dipinto chiamato vita...
J'ai vécu tellement de moments et de sentiments que, parce que j'en ai trop enduré, ils ont automatiquement débordé... J'ai vécu la peur et je n'ai pas agi... J'avais envie de crier et je suis resté silencieux... J'ai vécu cet immense désir vouloir embrasser le monde et je me suis fait plus petit... J'ai traversé beaucoup de choses, cela a réduit mes attentes, j'ai étouffé mon anxiété et j'ai continué... Je me suis inspiré du soleil... Et j'ai fait une peinture du passé la douleur, et c'est passé... J'ai investi dans l'envie de recommencer, j'ai griffonné avec une touche d'amour, j'ai emprunté dans cette aquarelle de nouveaux chemins, des couleurs, des rêves et des envies... Et regarder la nature, voir le ciel, le les étoiles et la mer, j'ai pu voir à quel point je peux encore remplir ce tableau appelé la vie...
I have experienced so many moments and feelings that, because I endured too much, they automatically overflowed... I went through fear and didn't act... I felt like screaming and remained silent... I went through that immense desire to want to embrace the world and I made myself smaller... I went through a lot, it lowered my expectations, I stifled my anxiety and continued...I drew inspiration from the sun...And I made a painting of past pain, and it passed...I invested in the desire to start over, I scribbled with a touch of love, I took this watercolor new paths, colors, dreams and desires... And looking at nature, seeing the sky, the stars and the sea, I could see how much I can still fill this painting called life...
O kadar çok an ve duygu yaşadım ki, çok katlandığım için otomatikman taştı... Korkudan geçtim, harekete geçmedim... İçimden çığlık atmak geldi, sustum... O büyük arzuyu yaşadım. dünyayı kucaklamak istemek ve kendimi küçülttüm... Çok şey yaşadım, beklentilerimi azalttı, kaygılarımı bastırdım ve devam ettim... Güneşten ilham aldım... Ve geçmişi resmettim acı ve geçti... Yeniden başlama arzusuna yatırım yaptım, bir aşk dokunuşuyla karaladım, bu sulu boyayla yeni yollara, renklere, hayallere ve arzulara yöneldim... Ve doğaya baktım, gökyüzünü gördüm, yıldızlar ve deniz, hayat denen bu tabloyu hâlâ ne kadar doldurabildiğimi görebiliyordum...
Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺🍃
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A fragment of a stone tablet discovered in the Soleil Orange (Orange Sun). Author cannot be determined. Discovered several years following the destruction of the Orange provinces.
(Translated from français to English)
“[…] us all. Not necessarily THE Darkness, that monster spawned from the desperation of only one person. The darkness I write of is not living; not viral; not infectious; sometimes, it doesn’t cause harm at all. It is more of a philosophical idea. Darkness settles upon your soul as though it’s coated in glue. It is coldness. It is an uncaring, unfeeling nature. It can form in any core at all. And this is what the Darkness takes advantage of. This is why no […]”
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coffinsister · 6 months
what's your favorite vn then!
How dare you turn my asks against me !!! :o
I think my answer is pretty predictable jajdksak Heart No Kuni No Alice on top!!! All the games really I love them all even if I would confidently tell you there's some entries to the series that are far better than others
But I can't really choose between it and Subahibi. Subahibi will always have a very important place in our hearts and I really think seeing the philosophy of it applied changed a lot my way of thinking
Honestly speaking without Subahibi I probably wouldn't be here right now
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zincfingermotif · 1 year
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semi-organized thoughts on angel arm activation, plant biology, and vash in general
transcript + extras under the cut
(Based on the event colloquially known as the “Fifth Moon Incident”)
Catalyst is uncovered, exposing it to light
Chain reaction begins which starts energy conducting through the chamber and into the arm
2. Primary Stage
Catalyst chamber (gun) begins to be enveloped into hand
Gun and hand/arm can still vaguely be made out
3. Secondary Stage
Gun is fully enveloped and can no longer be seen
Shape of the Angel Arm starts to form
4. Tertiary Stage
The Angel Arm is fully formed
Neither the arm nor the gun’s shape can be seen
The activation process cannot be stopped after this point
The Angel Arm splits fully in four places and elongates, revealing the new core
Senses (sight, hearing, etc) are enhanced to a painful degree
A field of light and force is emitted that can be seen/felt from far away
Mild destruction of the surrounding area starts
The Angel Arm fires, with an involuntary wave of regeneration energy as recoil
Reopening of old wounds and extreme hair growth can occur
The arm fuses back together and returns to its original state with some scarring
An unconsciousness state lasting anywhere from 1 week to 6 months begins
Levels of Activation
0%  →
10% (Episode 24)   → (Episode 25)
50%  → Lost July (*Elizabeth vision), Fifth Moon Incident
100% (Episode 26)  →
What happened here?
Having two opposing Angel Arms meant that most of the after-effects canceled each other out.
Plant Biology and Bulb Structure
Taking Inspiration from...
Cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermum):
First organisms to produce oxygen on Earth, like the Plants were a major source of oxygen on the Planet after the crash
Often extremophiles, which includes desert environments
Used in agriculture for nitrogen fixation (basically free fertilizer), possibly how geo-Plants function
Hydras (Hydra vulgaris):
Extraordinary regeneration ability
Functionally immortal in stable environments
→ With the help of a Plant bulb, Knives was able to recover the portion of his body that was destroyed in Lost July.
A Selection of Plant Facts...
Can perform photosynthesis using pigments similar to carotenoids, phycobilin, and phycoerythrin
Found mostly in cells on the surface of their bodies
Have very slow metabolisms unless under stress conditions or unique circumstances
Rapidly mutate to adapt in unstable environments
Outdoors Model (Inepril)
Support and interface structure to core
Intake and outflow tubing
Maintenance platform
Control room typically in here
Liquid-filled core, semi-permeable to sunlight
Indoors Model (Flying Ship)
Miscellaneous (???)
Vash and Plant Comparison
← Similar hairline →
← Similar physique →
← Longer than average legs →
→ Knives's body type is closer to an Industrial Plant after spending an extended period of time in a bulb.
Wandering Plant (Vash the Stampede)
Industrial Plant (Soleil, Plant 2 of the Flying Ship)
Clothing Discussion
Exhausted and heavily injured, Vash was discovered wandering the desert by the Flying Ship crew.
The most severe of the injuries were on the left side of his chest, so the clothes made for him while recovering were designed to be put on with one arm (his right). This was coincidentally beneficial in the future.
The coat is fastened with rows of snaps, and the tails of the coat can be torn off in case of emergencies. (Generally, not all at once though.)
This outfit allows for more freedom of movement, which complements his level of flexibility. It also helps with escaping from the many, many dangerous situations he gets into.
The majority of Vash's outfit under his coat functions as compression gear to help with recovery and mitigation of the pain of all the injuries he's gotten over time.
For example, the design of his top allows for different levels of compression and support on either side of his chest.
Even with all this gear, some pain does occasionally slip through, particularly in the arms, back, and knees.
Starting with the fun ones, which are mostly bits of information I wasn’t quite sure on putting into the lore or not.
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Fun facts with Vash and Meryl or its alternate title: “What I was doing instead of studying for my Molecular Biology final” (may not be 100% scientifically accurate)
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Saw an article talking about an art exhibit of a chandelier made up of glass filled with algae to purify the air (though the purification was primarily converting excess carbon dioxide to oxygen and not anything else)
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Trying to imagine Vash’s daily getting dressed routine
Okay, now for the serious part. I feel a bit strange classifying this as an extra because that has a lighthearted connotation, but it wasn’t really something I could represent through drawing. Discussion of heavy mental health stuff ahead...
Much later on in this speculation project, I began to consider the possibility of Vash having some sort of obsessive-compulsive tendencies. This whole train of thought started when I saw someone’s art of Vash with cleaning -related compulsions (self harm warning as per OP’s tags), or at least that’s how I interpreted the comic when I first saw it. As someone who experiences something mildly similar to this on rare occasion (though the thought process behind it is much different), it really stuck in my mind personally.
To take what that person said in a slightly different direction, I think Vash could have some washing/cleaning-related compulsions in regards to his “everyone he touches dies” assertion. It is unfortunately kind of true because of his long life and tendency to be in dangerous situations, but I can imagine it getting folded into an obsessive-compulsive cycle over time. He touches someone or someone touches him, that thought enters his mind, he goes to wash himself in response or obsess over the thought if not able to, and then so much of the time that person will get hurt, reinforcing the cycle.  
Having the Angel Arms get activated outside of his control probably induced a lot of anxiety and obsession over harm into Vash as well, especially when he was forced to go against his no-killing thing because of Legato.
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And that’s the end. If you made it all the way here, thanks for reading!
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crisalidaseason · 1 month
Apóstatas - chapter 1
Summary: Xaden as he crosses the parapet and all the implications that come with it
Every part of him expected - and prepared - for the spectacle that conscription day would be. Xaden was certain that the murderer would be in that turret, ready to watch him and the other marked ones fall to their deaths on the ravine below, but Melgren was nowhere in sight. From his peripheral vision, he could see Garrick’s fist twitch, eyes most likely looking for the man who orphaned them.
The rider seemed bored, her eyes focusing on the parchment in front of her. A quick glance at Xaden’s relic shaped her features into pure disgust and malice.
“Look what we have here”
Xaden remained quiet despite the rage threatening to rise up his throat, he would not do Garrick, Masen and Soleil any favors by losing control. His back stung as if reinforcing what was at stake. The woman exchanged looks with a man standing ahead of them, he assessed Xaden entirely, but his face was unreadable.
“Xaden Riorson” he managed to voice firmly despite the nervousness settling on his guts.
The female rider kept looking at him, as if pondering the best way to push him off the turret. Her gaze fell behind Xaden, most likely staring at Garrick.
“Go on” was all she said, scribbling his name as if it was the hardest chore of her life.
He looked at the parapet for the first time since entering that turret. The stone and mortar bridge was barely 50 centimeters of width, the slight drizzle damping the stone and enhancing the already high mortality rate. Xaden did not feel dread as he took his first step towards the parapet, still flanked by the walls, but he looked over his shoulder at Garrick. His friend gave a slight nod. Xaden looked at Soleil and Masen, separated enough from Garrick and him that it would not justify assembling. Their gazes held the same message.
None of us die today.
Xaden did not hesitate when he left the safety of the turret’s walls, readjusting his pack to be as tight on his body as possible. He did not dare looking at the ravine below him, choosing to visualize his home instead. Imagining the wind was simply the chill of Aretia’s autumn on the rooftop of his house, the stone castle in front of him morphing into the path between the mountains, the distant cadets taking the shape of his father on a horse.
He would not fall, he would not die.
The wind was not nearly as strong as in Aretia, but Xaden refused to become hopeful. Keeping his muscles locked in place, he took long but careful strides. A portion of his focus was on the candidate in front of him, watching for any signs the loyalist might turn around and try to kill him. Not that they had any chance of doing so, Xaden would murder his way - and all the marked ones - into safety if necessary.
First quarter done.
Xaden did not dare to look, but he knew Garrick was already crossing. He silently begged their twisted entities to watch over his friends, but did not give the thoughts a chance to brew. He could not afford worry. Garrick was going to make it, so would Masen and Soleil. They would fucking live.
Halfway there.
Wind swayed around Xaden stronger than before, but his outstretched arms and tight core kept his stance until the wind stopped. He did not take another step immediately, overly cautious. The mountain path of his imagination was filled with soldiers and horses, elegantly moving towards his house. He could almost smell as the earth disturbed under the animal’s hooves. He would stand on the narrowest parts of the rooftop, imobile and perfectly balanced, waiting for his father to look up and acknowledge him.
Three quarters done.
A navarrian would be crossing behind Garrick at that point. But Xaden would not allow himself to worry now. He could not. He had to trust his friend was still observant and careful as he had been three years ago. It was the only acceptable feeling while crossing that fucking death bridge. His steps were gaining impatience, the opening to a courtyard clearly visible, cadets waiting for him - or waiting to shove him off at the sight of his relic.
But Xaden would not die.
Xaden refused to let Melgren and Lilith have the pleasure of reading his name on that fucking death roll.
Xaden was going to live out of pure hatred and rage and make their lives a living fucking hell.
His feet touched the end of the parapet, landing on the turre’s stone ground firmly enough to lift the dust. Not hesitating, Xaden took two long strides, to a wide-eyed rider holding parchment.
“Xaden Riorson” he said, putting as much venom on his voice as he could muster up.
He fucking crossed.
The rider wrote his name with trembling fingers, but Xaden did not spare him one second more of his attention. He turned sharply, ignoring the rider’s advice to wait on the courtyard. In the distance, approaching confidently, was Garrick. Xaden did not allow himself to breathe until his long-time friend finally crossed the last few meters.
Masen was going to start crossing.
“Name” said the rider.
“Garrick Tavis” his friend said, walking towards the entrance of the courtyard.
Stopping beside Xaden, he crossed his arms on his chest, eyes scanning behind them. Both remained silent, waiting for Masen, who was coming a few meters behind the woman with brown hair and wide shoulders that had just stepped into safety - if that hellhole could be considered safe at all.
Her face was pale, fingers trembling once the adrenaline began to subside.
“Nyra Voldaren”
Xaden and Garrick watched as she approached them, but instead of crossing the threshold to the courtyard she stopped and waited nearby - still keeping a relative distance. Xaden was apprehensive, catching her line of sight landing on Masen. He analyzed her thoroughly, trying to identify any hidden weapons. Xaden slightly pressed his shoulder on Garrick’s, who immediately caught on to his worries.
Fuck. He was so fucking happy to have Garrick beside him again, his observational skills were still unmatched.
Masen reached ‘safety’, looking green as fuck, his pack nowhere to be seen. Xaden’s stomach revolted in panic at the sight - Garrick’s suppressed gasp holding the same feeling.
They almost fucking lost Masen.
Panic threatened to strangle Xaden, all the illusion of control flying out of his grasp within seconds. He could not handle this, he could not handle them dying. He forced himself to keep it together, to rationally remember that Masen was right there - alive - recording his name, but the traitorous thoughts had their tendrils drilled into his brain. Suddenly, the weight of the 107 scars on his back seemed too much to shoulder and all Xaden wanted to do was fall to the ground and let it crush him. But he could not. He had lost any right to succumbing to his feelings three years ago.
“Shit, man, that was a close call” Nyra’s voice echoed.
“Yeah” Masen managed to reply.
Masen walked past Xaden and Garrick, but did not dare to join or acknowledge them - not with so many riders around salivating at the chance of accusing them of anything. Xaden - slightly positioning for a run in case she decided to strike Masen - watched attentively as Nyra entered the courtyard with the marked boy. She disappeared into the courtyard, but Masen remained nearby.
“Soleil” Garrick’s alerted him.
Xaden did not need to look to understand that she was probably nearing the end of the parapet. He kept his eyes on Masen, arching a brow in warning. The boy nodded discreetly, stance alert and ready to defend himself if the dagger inside his sleeve was any indication. Good.
“Soleil Telery”
Xaden did not look at her long enough to notice if her bag was attached to her. He could not handle it twice on the same day. Maybe tomorrow - if he lived through the night.
“Seems like all of you were lucky” said the rider keeping the roll, disgust pouring out of his voice.
All Xaden could think was when Zinhal would abandon them.
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iphiloupe · 1 year
[A small oneshot based on the events of a VTM campaign called Sang & Vin, part of a Bordeaux By Night chronicle created and set up by our GM. His version of BBN was originally loosely based on the one made by @.secretsofthemasquerade, then branched off into his own version that no longer bears any direct relation to it. All characters except for those of the party members (the Toreador Tristan, the Gangrel Vulture and the Ventrue Jane) belong to him.]
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 
Although the expression at its core speaks true, it was unfortunately often not the case for Clan Toreador—and Oscar Wilde, himself a notable member, seemed to have forgotten that when he wrote those words.
The art and beauty that the Roses swooned over was one of widespread appreciation among them; it was their art, their aesthetic. Clanmates who decided to find magnificence in things far stranger or grimier were never taken seriously, or in more severe cases forced to adhere to a disgraced antitribu outside the safety of the Camarilla sect.
Appreciation of classical beauty was key to the Toreadors' entire existence and Clan functioning. It was a necessary bane and compulsion that drove their free-spirited and vain nature inside and out.
It was only understandable those they Embraced into their Clan were of a similar mindset—and if they were as talented as they were handsome in face, well, then that was simply a bonus.
Tristan was no exception, his nickname Soleil d'Or earned through both physical and artistic means. With long, curling golden locks and a musical prouesse able to put far more than a couple of thrushes and nightingales to shame, he could awaken anything he wanted, whenever he wanted, and do so with a brilliant glimmer and glow.
A true Toreador, and the accidental nature of his Embrace was soon forgotten as he strived to prove himself worthy among their ranks—and despite his youth and inexperience, seemed to be doing so relatively well.
Therefore in the tent, his gaze had unsurprisingly first landed on Maurice, the second eldest of the Logralle brothers, all three hailing from the rebellious and outcast Clan Ravnos.
He was tall and well built, a fact he was openly proud of. Bold choices of clothing as well as the way he purposely flexed his arm defined his muscles and the thick veins straining against his pale skin. Well kept hair and a thin, trimmed beard as dark as ink took a number of years off his immortal age, and his dark, long lashed eyes were the kind that would make any mortal—and admirative Kindred—fall into a lusty daze. Everything shrieked of danger. They were good looks made to hunt the living and manipulate the dead, and succeed in doing so. 
Both blessed and cursed with a magpie-like fondness for beautiful treasures, it wouldn't be the first time a Toreador was left to drink up Maurice's image with that instinctive, soul-quenching thirst known only to their Clan. It wouldn't be the first time someone would want him as a muse for a love-stricken poem or song, a lavish painting or a paragraph of detailed, passionate prose. 
In hindsight, it likely explained why he seemed to be more than simply begrudgingly tolerated in the Toreador-dominated Elysium.
Tristan's intense focus on the tall, dark and handsome Ravnos was therefore nothing but an instinct, one of the many the Embrace had burdened upon his shoulders. 
Yet, something felt wrong.
While his soul was consumed with beauty, his body was with something else entirely. It was a strange, magnetic pull that routinely dragged his attention from one Ravnos to another. 
That other being Luc Logralle, the youngest of the trio.
The one who was nothing like his brothers.
He had neither Maurice's handsome features nor the authoritarian disposition that the eldest, Romain, had rippling through every flash of malice darting across his eyes. He hid behind unkempt hair, salt and pepper locks of black and gold matted together or cut unevenly, a shoddily shaved beard and an overall negligent and uncared for appearance. Thinner and shorter than the two others, he seemed to fade into the background in their presence, even when the situation at hand involved him directly. Draped in patched up, scratchy cotton clothes hanging limply over his frame, he was nestled in a chair half-cloaked by shadows, silent and out of sight.
Maurice spoke well, his voice just as sharp, cool and handsome as the rest of him. Luc said nothing. Tristan had practically forgotten what he sounded like, the only thing he could recall being the slight grate tearing at the edges of some syllables.
To any accomplished Toreador musician, it would be enough to turn their nose up and discard him in disgust. Tristan on the other hand found himself dreaming of managing to replicate his timber on the strings of his guitar.
He also liked the Ravnos' silence. 
He liked…everything about him.
Luc was invisible, inconspicuous, nothing in the grand scheme of things or in the eyes of those who knew of him.
And yet it was a Toreador, of all the Kindred in the Camarilla, who noticed him. 
Who took interest despite the lack of aesthetic worthy of the Clan of the Rose's tastes.
Who felt something burn.
At first, Tristan wondered if it was guilt. 
That was the reason they were here, with Jane held at the sharpened point of a machete, the calm and domineering nature of the Ventrue slipping by the minute as Maurice's weapon came closer; Vulture watching on in animalistic, paralyzed fear; and Val—the Gangrel's Sire—simply standing back and letting it all unfold. 
It was all to solve a misunderstanding. 
A misunderstanding that involved a car accident and a fit of panic. 
A fit of panic that had had them crush Luc under the tires of the Ravnos' own car.
It of course took more than that to kill one of the Kindred, and Luc seemed to have healed overday without a single scratch on his person pertaining back to the incident. The memory of the ordeal, however, had become a prominent scar on each of them, and on the wider peace reigning in Bordeaux.
The humanity Tristan still had in him would understandably feel something, remorse more likely than not.
But this was not that.
This was something else.
It carried a smouldering sentiment unlike anything Tristan remembered feeling in his unlife, but close enough to be more than familiar to him. Something bleeding through a crack in his aura from a time long gone, infused with the wild, rich taste of life. 
Of humanity, however distant.
He could get drunk off the feeling alone, the nostalgia of a time and a being he had forgotten he missed, smoother and sweeter than the most delectable of mortal blood. 
Luc's eyes burned with fire, too; dull enough to stay somewhat subdued, yet still dangerously active, ready to strike.
The thick, heavy presence settled around Tristan's head gripped his shoulder and his heart with cold, clawed grasps. 
Tristan leaned into them.
Yes, it was the Ravnos' contempt searing him clean open, a stake in the heart and tearing down his torso. 
It was the savage beauty of an unbridled hate, the passion of a frustration bottled up and itching to be released with the strength of the Beast. It was the anger that bled through theatrical tragedies, into the brash red paint streaks slapped across a dismal canvas of war and chaos, and in dry, scarily precise and detailed words that could cut harder and deeper than any blade. It was the cold control Luc seemed to have over it, so unlike the fury he let loose when they had first met.
Tonight, away from blinding headlights, suspicious red drugs and failed diplomacy, Tristan truly saw him.
Luc took note of him right back.
The moment they crossed one another's stare was brief, but it was enough. It was enough for the Toreador to question everything, from his perception of beauty to the justice being dealt out before them both. 
An agonizing urge to say something, to beg, climbed up his throat, but fell off his lips as nothing but a forced breath from deceased lungs.
Run away with me.
The words were strangled in their cradle. 
Luc kept staring. He didn't move, as immobile as a marble statue Tristan would have been all too happy to carve if he had been blessed with the skills.
His presence frightened him—Tristan couldn't tell if it was because he loved him.
Love, something he never thought he'd feel again. Not obsession, as his Kindred self replaced it with in his unlife, but love. The soft, human affection that came and went when it pleased, that flew high and proud like a capricious, rebellious bird, that surpassed the boundaries of aestheticism and appreciation of superficial beauty. 
Not obsession.
Not obsession, but just as soul-consuming and difficult to cast aside.
It was one sided, he was sure of it. Luc's glare was focused far more with deep interest than a form of intoxicating passion, but it was close enough to make Tristan's dead, withered heart beat again. 
The dark entity continued to writhe and slash at his being, but for the first time could not cloud his senses. 
Another force was already there, just as powerful, just as consuming. It took control. It strangled him with bright colours and the suffocating scent of roses, rich enough to make him sick, strong enough to break his will into two.
He shouldn't have been feeling any of this. It was a direct offense to the dark laws the Kindred's souls bowed down to.
Yet, Toreadors better than any others knew the sentiment had been romanticized by mortals and immortals alike.
L'amour est enfant de Bohême
Il n'a jamais connu de lois
Tristan finally understood not only the words but the soul of Bizet's "Habanera". He felt every chord of its melody pump through every single one of his veins, every strum stirring them back to a vibrant warmth he had never fathomed he'd feel again.
Love—if that was truly what it was—conquered all, even the living dead.
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
I realize in this* convoluted series of posts I was so focused on gym leaders and elite four as the sort of core of any games cast that I just casually neglected a bunch of side characters, so I figure it's a good time to go back and rectify some of that, starting with the now topical Kalos team...
*[Kanto] [Johto] [Hoenn] [Sinnoh] [Unova] [Kalos] [Alola] [Galar] [Hisui] [Champs] [Paldea] [Paldea2] [Paldea3] [Teams] [Misc.]
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While they are in fact all named after plants, they are also themed around the ABCMX classification system for solar flares.
Aliana's name is actually AKEBI[アケビ] as in akebi[木通] the japanese name of the Akebia quinata, commonly called the chocolate vine, five-leaf chocolate vine or just five-leaf akebia.
Bryony's name in japanese is just BARA[バラ] as in bara[薔薇]: "rose." A bizarre choice for a character with a green motif, and odd for such a minor side character when Roses are so iconic and universally beloved. Kind of feels, like a waste.
Celosia's name was CORREA[コレア] after the genus of flower shrubs that includes things like the common correa(aka native fuchsia), the Salmon Correa i used in the picture above, and the Dusky Bell among others.
Mable is in fact named MOMIJI[モミジ], after momiji[紅葉]: Japanese Maple, which seemed confusing at first, as those are obviously famously red leaved, but it turns out there are some prizes cultivars that can turns range of purples and violets instead, and as an odd result of this there are notorious scams built around the faking of a mythic japanese blue maple mutation. (Although the other flowers aren't perfect matches to their girls' color schemes either so maybe that's a coincidence)
Xerosic's name was originally XEROSICY[クセロシキ] named after Xerosicyos, a genus of plant notable for their round flat leaves, perhaps most notably the Xerosicyos danguyi: the Silver-Dollar Plant.
oh but there's more...
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But other than the obvious Flare association, it also ties back into the sun themes evoked by Lysandre being a descendent of AZ/his brother and as a kind of Kalos/France tied to the Parfum Palace/Palace of Versailles, is a parallel to King Louis XIV, le Roi Soleil:"The Sun King".
Also Lysandre's name in Japanese is just straight up Fleurdelis[フラダリ] which is of course extremely silly sounding. But the ⚜️ is itself designed after the Lily flower, and of course so is the Ultimate Weapon and AZ's special Floette.
In this vein I figured I could tackle a handful of other villain teams. A fun if obtuse one is that the extended Team Rocket cast in HGSS are in fact all named after rockets, both space ships and missiles.
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Archer was originally APOLLO[アポロ] named after the Apollo Missions carried out by NASA throughout the 60s, utilizing the Saturn V model rockets that would eventually put the first manned crew on the moon with the Apollo 11.
Ariana is ATHENA[アテナ] was named after the Athena series rockets built and launched throughout the 1990s. I get the feeling they just picked it because it had a conveniently complementary name to Apollo.
Petrel is LAMBDA[ラムダ] is named after a family of rockets made in Japan and launched the first Japanese satellite, the Osumi, into space in 1970.
and finally Proton was just LANCE[ランス] and seemingly named after the MGM-52 Lance missiles developed by the US military in the `1970s.
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Oddly while Maxie and Archie are named after flowers...
Maxie was MATSUBUSA[マツブサ] after the matsubasa[松房] tree, a type of star anise with a distinctive red starburst shaped flower.
Archie was AOGIRI[アオギリ] the Chinese-parasol tree, which is actually kind of underwhelming plant to have as a namesake, but the actual etymology of the name aogiri[青桐] is "Blue+Pauloniwa" and I assume the association with Blue is really the motivating factor re.
Courtney was KAGARI[カガリ] from kagari[篝] the Japanese word for a metal basket like structure that you put on a pedestal or tripod to put firewood in to burn as like a big torch. It can also refer to a bonfire.
Tabitha is HOMURA[ホムラ] from homura[炎] which is just the word for a flame or a blaze.
Matt is just USHIO[ウシオ] from ushio[潮]: "tide"
and Shelley is IZUMI[イズミ] from izumi[泉]: a "spring" or "fountain" of water.
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Galaxy's are all obvious, although in English they renamed Pluto to Charon, Pluto's coorbital moon.
Oh and Cyrus himself being the only person not named after a planet, was named AKAGI[アカギ] after the Bishop Wood tree, akagi[赤木].
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Okay so for one it's bonkers that N's real name is NATURAL HARMONIA[ナチュラル・ハルモニア] which, given some context I'm going to say is a reference to Natural Harmonics in music. But let me be real with you: I don't know shit about music theory so I cannot verify that claim, nor was I able to verify if the image I was googling to throw up here even accurately depicts "Natural Harmony" so take this one in particular with a hefty grain of salt...
And with that disclaimer in mind, Ghetsis's name is actually G-Cis HARMONIA[ゲーチス・ハルモニア], G-Cis as in "G-C♯" which is a tritone, and tritone's have the curious nickname of "The Devil's Interval" or diabolus in musica:"The Devil in Music" because of the extreme dissonance the gap in tone makes.
then there's N's foster sisters, Anthea, whose real name is VERBENA[バーベナ], after the flower Verbena, which has a variety of divine and mystical associations in western culture.
and Concordia's name is actually HELENA[ヘレナ] named after the St.Helena Olive, which I take from her epithet as "Goddess of Peace" is meant to reference an olive branch as a symbolic peace offering.
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Then there's also Colress, named Achroma[アクロマ] as in "Achromatic", as in Without Color, hence the English name being "Colorless."
And then there's the other sages:
ROOD[ロット] Dutch for "Red"
Bronius was originally SUMRA[スムラ] from the arabic word samra[*] for "brown/tawny/deep yellow." (*I tried to copy paste the arabic text here but for some reason it and the brackets together were really screwing up the formatting...)
GIALLO[ジャロ] like Rood was unchanged, and is just Italian for "Yellow."
Ryoku was shortened from RYOKUSHI[リョクシ] as in ryokushi[緑色]: "green."
Gorm was AZULA[アスラ] From the Spanish Azul:"Blue"  
and Zinzolin was named ヴィオ[ヴィオ] from Violet. Technically a few languages all spell it the same, but of note, the "English" name Zinzolin is French for a reddish-violet color
Bafflingly the Seven Sages includes Ghetsis, who of course is not named after a color, so between him and Bronius/Sumra being brown, they do not make a seven color rainbow spectrum. Why no Indigo or Orange? And why a green sage when Ghetsis and N have such strong green color coding? Why don't the sprites for the sages match their color namesakes???
Also the Seven Sages could have been a harmonic scale reference, yet aren't?? despite N and Ghetsis' thing.
It's interesting that Zinzolin is the one sage who comes back with NeoPlasma in BW2, and he is the one named in French... I wonder if he'll make an appearance in Z-A.
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Team Skull we did in the Alola captains batch oh wait wtf no I didn't.. Weird, I coudl have sworn iI included Plumeria and Guzma since they were clearly positioned as sort of pseudo captains for Poison and Bug types.
Guzma's name was in fact just GUZMA[グズマ] in Japanese, from the Guamania genus of Tufted Airplant
and Plumeria's name was PLUMERI[プルメリ] from the plumeria flower, aka frangipani.
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But there's still the Aether Foundation, the "surprise" real evil team of the game. Lusimine, Lillie, Gladion, Faba and Wicke.
Lillie's name is basically the same in English and Japanese, LILIE[リーリエ] the German name for the lily, and of course her overall disposition and design are clearly based on a pure white lily.
Gladion's name is GLADIO[グラジオ] it could easily refer directly to the Gladiolus flower, the "sword flower", but I'm assuming it's from Gladiole specifically, as that's the German name for the flower, and the whole of not just Lusamine's family but the Aether staff as well are all named in German.
Lusamine's name is basically the same in Japanese, although it was probably meant to be romanized as LSAMINE[ルザミーネ] because it comes from Balsamine, German name of the Balsam plant,
Faba's name was Saubuoh[ザオボー] from Saubohne, German name for the Fava bean, which accounts for his coloration.
Wicke is just WICKE[ビッケ] again the German name for the Vetch plant.
oh and Mohn's name is MOHN[モーン] and it's German for Poppy. Unlike the Poppy in Paldea, whose look is based on the flower in bloom, I'm pretty certain from his build and his hair/hat that Mohn is supposed to look like a Poppy seed, the type you'd harvest milk of the poppy, or poppy's tears from... to make opium...
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Also the Ultra Recon Squad, who have a fun theme were, to play into the way they come from a lightless alien world, they're all named after underwater plants or algae. I especially like the algae ones because despite how some alga, like kelp and seaweeds tend to look, they are not in fact plants, and this familiar yet different relationship feels like it fits the themes of the Ultra Beasts.
Dulse is in fact just DULSE[ダルス] a type of algae found in the waters around Ireland and Sctoland
Zossie's name is AMAMO[アマモ] from amamo[甘藻] the Japanese name for Eelgrass(Zostera marina)
Soliera's name is MIRIN[ミリン] which is the Japanese name for the genus Solieria
Phyco's name is SHIONIRA[シオニラ] is from the Japanese name for the Alismatales order of plants comprising a wide range of species, some of which grow near bodies of water, some grow in or above the water, and others still grow entirely underwater.
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So obviously Rose is ROSE[ローズ], who I guess msut have seemed too obvious because I totally skipped him before... His brother Peony is a play on the fact that the Rose and Peony are sort of undisputed romantic icons in the west and east respectively, although some of the rose's reputation has bled into the east as well. (also i forgot to put it in the image but the Tudor rose and Galar being England feels obvious even if it didn't really play into the plot or themes of SwSh's story)
Speaking of Peony... His daughter Peonia's name is actually SHAKUYA[シャクヤ] from shakuya[芍薬] the Japanese name for the Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora)​.
Oleana's name was actually just OLIVE[オリーヴ].
Oddly there's not really anyone of note that's actually a member of Team Yell, they don't have a real leader or admins, just Marnie as the object of their support.
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I did everyone in Team Star in my first Paldea post, but worth noting is the alias Cassiopeia refers to the constellation, hence team Star, but moreover the individual star squads are each named after a major star within the constellation: Segin, Ruchbah, Tsih, Schedar, and Caph. (Tsih and Navi are two names for the star γ(gamma) Cassiopeiae, just labeled "γ" above.)
And with that we're all brought up to speed with evil teams, until Z-A drops some new ones on us...
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qdverti · 7 days
first line game!
thank you @toppamplemousse again for the tag <3 i don't have 10, but i'd have to dig through my anons and. yeah no LMAO so one's from a wip!
There’s something about rain, in that it seems very unassuming at first - a slight drizzle, enough to take notice of but nothing that raises concern.
le soleil et les tournesols
Once, a God fell in love with a human.
the final radiance of the setting sun
even after all this time
 the sun never says to the earth, 
‘you owe me’ -
look what happens 
with a love like that.
it lights the whole sky.
diamonds in the sun
Of all the minutes that make up a day, Oscar’s favorite moments are in the spaces between dawn and sunrise, when he can measure time through the flutter of Lando’s eyelashes and careful, steady breaths. 
Oscar, at his core, is a creature of habit.
lèvres rouges
As time has passed, Max has come to accept one universal truth – Charles looks good in red.
wake me up when september ends
Lando turns over slowly, vision still hazy with sleep, and finds Oscar already awake.
fly me to the moon
Max doesn’t necessarily hate his job, he just hates how it requires him to be up at ungodly times of the night, typing code into massive computers who are awful at conversations.
apologies from the intercom
The therapist gave me a journal to write my feelings in for a month.
Max’s heart isn’t broken, it’s just sore.
i do not yet have f1 writer friends other than @amarynas (if you'd like to do this) but @gwuba go for it!!
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