#soma x oc
mass-convergence · 2 years
The Bonds We Forge, Chapter 3
Soma had always considered herself too preoccupied with Grantebridge to even consider a relationship with another. Romantic or otherwise. The arrival of a new blacksmith in her city has her questioning if she was really preoccupied or if it was something else.
Basically: Soma is an aroace lesbian and this is most definitely a fix-it fic.
Chapter 3: A celebration of Yule, a gift, and plans for the new year.
This Work be on AO3 feel free to leave Kudos + comments there
Fandoms: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Characters: Soma, Original Characters
Pairings: Soma x OC
Yule was a magical and beautiful time in Grantebridge. 
Colorful decorations adorned the structures in town and everyone allowed themselves time to drink and be merry and forget their duties for over a week as they feasted. Everyone including Soma.
Soma enjoyed Yule as much as any Dane or Norseman would. She drank and feasted with the citizens of her city; enjoying the fruits of her laborious efforts to make Grantebridge into the prosperous city it was. 
And what a prosperous city it was. 
Bonfires burned in the middle of town, Gyda dutifully helping Helga and her father with carrying stacks of wood to the blazes to keep them burning. Jólablót, the final night of Yule and the night of the sacrifice, approached as the moon waxed to near fullness. 
Soma was standing by one of the bonfires, enjoying a quiet moment to herself before she was pulled away to help in more of the festivities (she supposed she never really got a break during Yule … but it was a welcome change in pace). A light snow had begun to fall over Grantebridge but that didn’t stop the preparations for the final feast of Yule. Drengrs hauled barrels of ale to the longhouse and farmers led livestock to the center of town to be sacrificed for the feast. 
“My eyes must be deceiving me, you’re actually not working for once.”
Soma turned to see Ratha walking up to her with a smile on her face and bundled up against the chill of the night in a dark blue wool cloak. Ratha had practically disappeared into her forge for the past week, rarely coming out except to spend a few hours at the longhouse before disappearing into her shop once again. It was honestly beginning to worry Soma.
She had asked Gyda, who was at least marginally more available when she wasn’t dutifully helping Ratha in the forge, what was going on. Gyda had shrugged, “We’re still pretty busy with repairing tools after the harvest season and Lif put in an order for nails and rivets.”
Lif had mentioned putting together a few more ships now that Grantebridge was growing - as well as a need to repair some of the older ones that were damaged. Still, he wouldn’t be working on them during Yule and spring (and the time for the farmers to actually need their tools) was still months away. Ratha could take a bit of a break. Of course there was the matter that Gyda was an abysmal liar. Soma noticed how the younger woman had never looked her in the eye when she provided those “explanations” as to Ratha’s sudden occupation.
Soma was about to march down to the shop herself and ask what was going on before Gyda had apparently been tasked with playing interference once more. She assured Soma: “Ratha will be there for the Yule feast, she’s just putting some finishing touches on - er - something”. 
With that, Gyda excused herself to help Helga with carrying stacks of wood.
A strange emotion took hold of Soma when she saw Ratha walking up the path, cheeks rosy with the cold and a lopsided grin brightening her features. It was a feeling of giddiness, of an excitement that one felt when seeing an old friend after a long while. She noticed with some satisfaction and pride that Ratha’s limp was improving.
Soma crossed her arms and grinned back, “Speak for yourself. I thought it would take Ragnarok for you to leave your forge.”
Ratha’s cheeks turned a brighter red for a moment as she rubbed the back of her head, “I apologize for my absence from the festivities. I forgot I am more of an armorer than a jeweler and this took me much longer than I’d care to admit.” 
Soma’s smile waned, now replaced with a curiosity as she saw Ratha reach into a pouch on her belt and withdraw a smaller pouch wrapped in cloth. Her hand shook slightly as she handed the item to Soma, “I had to ask for a little help from Gyda and Nok with this.”
Nok was one of the other smiths in Grantebridge, he specialized more in jewelry and trinkets than armor and weapons. Clearing her throat slightly, Ratha handed the pouch to Soma, “Think of this as a thanks … for everything.”
Soma took the proffered gift and unfolded the linen to reveal a pendant and a chain. It was forged of iron and inlaid with an intricate gold braid pattern. Two serpents curled around the perimeter of the circle and at the center of the pendant was a tree of life. 
“It’s beautiful,” Soma said with a wide smile as she traced the outline of the pendant with her thumb, “thank you.” 
They stood in comfortable silence, listening to the crackling of the fire and the bustle of people around them. Soma glanced at Ratha, noting that she was staring around her at the scenes around the town. She had a far away look in her eyes, a wistful and sad expression. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“This is the first Yule I’ve spent without…,” Ratha faltered and took a moment, clearing her throat, “It’s my first Yule here.”
“You miss them.”
“It’s strange,” Ratha said, “I don’t really remember much from before, well …” 
She lightly tapped her head.
“I know that I loved this time of year. I know that I loved spending time with my kin,” she stared off into the flames of the fire, “So I do miss them. Or rather I miss what I had with them.”
Soma felt her heart breaking at the sorrowful tone in Ratha’s voice, “Do you wish to search for them?” 
Ratha offered a shrug of her right shoulder, “I remember my childhood being rather harsh. I remember being taken in by my clan - and I remember we were a hard people. We believed in strength above all else and as much as I’d hate to admit it: they’d never accept me like this.” 
“Anyway,” Ratha said as she stared after Gyda who was showing off her strength to an amused Helga by carrying far more wood than she probably should have (the stack she carried teetered precariously in her arms and blocked her view), “I have a good reason to stay.”
Soma smiled briefly at that, following Ratha’s gaze to the young couple. Gyda had stumbled, unable to see a rock in the road, and dropped the wood. She was red with embarrassment as she bent down to pick up the fallen logs and Helga put a hand to her mouth to hide her giggling. Ratha let out a snort and shook her head with a smile, “It’s nice for us to be able to take a break from the shop. We need to have Yule more often.”
“It only comes around once a year I’m afraid,” Soma said with a small smile, “You’ll have to find more reasons to take a break.”
“There aren’t too many I can give to justify me leaving my shop for any period of time,” Ratha sighed, “That is one thing I miss about raiding - you got to see the countryside a lot more.”
Soma’s eyes lit up with an idea.
“Come with me,” she said.
Ratha looked confused, “Come with you where?” 
“Oxenforda,” Soma said, “We are to open a trade route with them. What better way to show off the wares Grantebridge has to offer than to show them the woman who made them?”
Ratha worried at her lower lip, “There’s so much to do …”
“And you’re not the only smith in Grantebridge,” Soma reassured her, “They can do with your absence for a few weeks.”
“Says the woman who never seems to take time off,” Ratha countered with a smile. 
“Well this will be for the purposes of helping Grantebridge,” Soma said, “Though I’m sure we can take a couple of side trips to see the countryside.”
“You really don’t have to invite me; I wouldn’t want to interfere.”
Soma clapped a friendly hand on Ratha’s shoulder, “Ratha, I want you to come with me.”
The smile that crossed Ratha’s face was the biggest Soma had seen on her since she arrived at Grantebridge. Soma returned the smile and began to lead her up to the longhouse, “You’ve finished your work just in time for Jólablót. Forget about your troubles for the night, let us celebrate until the mead runs dry.”
Ratha looked up to the drengr still carrying barrels into the longhouse and she realized it was going to be a very very long feast. She looked forward to it.
The night had grown old and the full moon was sinking behind the horizon when Soma stepped over the sleeping bodies of her drunken clanmates. Her mind was fogged with mead but she managed to keep her balance as she navigated the obstacles in her path. She was proud to admit that no one celebrated Jólablót quite like her clan - she wasn’t kidding when she told Eivor that they threw the best feasts. Her eyes scanned the longhouse … her longhouse in the city she had worked so hard to raise from a backwater into a prosperous port. Her lips curled into a proud smile to see the fruits of her labor and the labor of the people who called it home.
Her eyes wandered to one of the darker corners of the longhouse where three women slept. Helga had curled up into Gyda’s side and Gyda’s arm was protectively draped over her back. In the corner beside them rested Ratha, her back against the wall so she was sitting up with her arms crossed and her chin tucked in apparent slumber. She stirred slightly and Soma caught the glint of candle light in her half opened eyes. Ratha tilted her head up slightly as if to affirm Gyda was still there before she noticed Soma’s presence. 
She gave her jarlskona a tired smile before relaxing back against the wall and letting her eyes slide shut once more.
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2-dsimp · 4 months
Any of the guys with a pregnancy kink?
On the father, the spirit, and the son, pregnant people are fine as fuck. I always be looking respectfully.
- 🤰
【The H.S.M Scenarios; Pregnancy kink edition】
Cw: MDNI NSFW 🔞 Fem reader, pregnancy kink
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“Atta girl, taking in every single drop like a good mommy~ Just lay back on me wife. I wanna get that cute tummy of yours all plump n full of me again and again—Fuck!”
Nokka the husband, this guys a no brainer. He’s so confident in his seed that he doesn’t even need a pregnancy test to check if he had knocked you up with his baby. But Your husband will let you do so if only to prove that his elite sperm had done its job well. in making his wife’s belly swell up beautifully with his potential son. And hence the moment you started showing a baby bump, your meager time alone at home would diminish. As this man is constantly on you like white on rice. He’s rubbing your belly possessively with his big hand. Watching football while having you warm his cock. Of which he complained got so rock hard that it was borderline uncomfortable for him to even sit wearing his baggy sweats. All because of how his wife was lookin too damn irresistible in that pregnancy glow. (And just in general… this man’s a bonifide caveman simp for his wife)
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“Awe my poor player 2~ is our little player 3 acting up too much? Don’t worry! I’ll tell em to take it easy on you mkay mamma? Just spread them legs wide for me so that lil bugger can get the message”
Soma the Zombie, always dreamed of having a team of professional gamers to carry on his legacy of being number one in the world. He often joked around saying that 3 kids wouldn’t be enough. Since he’d never get enough of seeing that radiant glow you’d possess when you’re heavy with his child. And ever since he got infected his obsession with keeping you full got even more demanding. The Zombie had his tentacles that sprouted from him squeezed and kneaded your breasts for any source of milk to suckle on. while his thick gelatinous tendril cock squirmed itself inside your well used cunt. His suckers messaged against your love cannal trying to cease the baby’s incessant kicking by giving them a taste of their own medicine.
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“B-but sunshine won’t this u-upset our little starshine? N-no? Then I guess it’ll be f-fine. Just don’t p-push yourself too hard, I only w-want you to f-feel good my love”
Moros the Torturer, would be considering himself blessed to even be able to have such happiness in raising a child with you. He’d always make sure to cater to your every need during your pregnancy. You’ve got a craving for baked goods? He’ll bake enough for a whole football team. Need a deep tissue massage? The Torturer’s on the case, after consulting with Koji the medic what would be the best spots to soothe for his pregnant darling. You’d have to be the one to try and initiate any sort of intimacy to get his gears going. Since he’s a timid gentle giant who’d cry if under the impression that he somehow hurt you. By delving his thick uncircumcised cock so deep inside your wet snatch that its fat tip was kissing languidly against your cervix. With each gentle but jerky buck of his semi inexperienced hips. His scarred hands would always subconsciously find themselves on your stomach. As he’s just so grateful at how now he’s got two stunning guiding lights that’ll brighten up his day.
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mochiprincesz · 1 month
Soul Eater au_fake screenshot
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As you can see Tenshi is very bold with her words lol
This was inspired by the Why does x call you babygirl meme
Top characters and Art belong to me @mochiprincesz
Please do NOT repost on any other social media
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AAAA I DID THE REF SHEET! (although, it's terrible cuz I did this on 3 hours of sleep at 3AM, but the grind never stops)
(Dw, I'll take care of my health when it comes to doing the fanzine. Just havin a rough week atm D: )
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(Tap for better quality! + my stupid notes)
Base info: A 25 year old British Trans man that moved to Sōtenbori, Osaka, at 17 years old. He first joined the Kijin Clan (Omi Alliance), then left and joined the Jinsei Family (Tojo Clan Subsidiary) and then joined RK. He was close to Kuwana (whether they considered each other as friends or not is a separate question), had a strong relationship with Yagami and his friends, and had a weird bond with Soma. After the events of LJ, he decided to leave the group and later finds himself tangled with the Ichigang.
(25 yr - LJ/2021 and 27 yr - LAD IW/2023)
Full lore dump soon :)
(Any questions about them, just ask!)
Refs under cut!
All refs used belong to mellon_soup (also meaning the two included in the extra art)
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edenityy · 3 months
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( chapter sixteen ! )
"My Lady, it is time—"
The morning is bright despite the events of the night prior, shining streams of sunlight into Leah's temporary bedroom. The day could seem near perfect if it wasn't for her inability to sleep. Sadly, the faint sound of chirping birds does nothing to calm her nerves as she sits at the vanity, keeping her breaths steady.
Leah, to much surprise, "awoke" quite early, prompting Thomas' to stop in his tracks when he enters the room with the goal of waking the girl. She dressed herself, albeit not particularly well, but the Barrett decided it best to attempt herself. Any plan to avoid being in close proximity to the butler is clear, even in the way she keeps her gaze away from his presence standing in the doorway.
"My.. What have you done, My Lady?" Thomas speaks slowly, taking a moment to observe the sight of Leah in a delicate lilac dress, the back open to expose a poorly tied corset. "I do not mean to offend but you look a mess."
Grabbing a puff, Leah lightly powders her face and tries to ignore the way her hair sits out of place in a terrible attempt at recreating a hairstyle Anna has done on her numerous times. "You are a man, you should not be in a lady's room."
Stepping further inside the room, Thomas quietly shuts the door behind himself and approaches the seated teenager. He examines the damage, certainly fixable, but mildly entertaining to him. Reaching down to undo Leah's dress, the demon is met by a near shove.
"Do not touch me!" yells Leah, her breaths staggering.
Thomas glances at the brunette through the mirror, making no move to step away. If anything, he gets closer to pull on the laces of her corset, pushing the sleeves of her dress off her shoulders.
"You certainly cannot step out of the room like this. Do you intend to hide all day?" asks Thomas.
Staring in apprehension, Leah allows the butler to adjust her mistakes but keeps a watchful eye on his movements. "I could not find Meyrin.." she murmurs.
Thomas gently forces Leah out of her seat to get a better view of what needs fixing, already working on the dress aspect of her outfit. The atmosphere of the room is chilling and full of one-sided discomfort, only the sound of fabrics moving against each other fills the space.
"Are you going to pretend last night did not happen?" Leah's voice is quiet but is easily heard through the silence of the room.
Thomas eyes his master's face through the mirror with a smirk. "Why explain what you cannot comprehend?"
The young Barrett takes in a deep breath through her nose. "Well it is clear you are not human," her voice shakes.
"You are correct," chuckles Thomas. "I am what you could call.. a demon."
Leah's hands grip the table tightly upon hearing his words, flinching when Thomas reaches up a hand to fix her hair. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she closes her eyes to think before quickly opening them back up with a glare, watching the pieces of brown strands fall across her shoulder.
"Do you not find that quite pathetic?" she keeps her voice firm despite the fear she holds within her.
Braiding chunks of silky hair, Thomas raises a brow in interest. "What do you mean?"
She shivers when feels his cold fingers brush against the back of her neck. "It is obvious you can be anything you would like, yet you choose to be a butler."
"I do it for you," a ghost of a smile appears on Thomas' face. "I choose to care for you. It is the perfect way to be close to you and observe your every move. You've piqued my interest, after all."
"You could have been anything. You could have trapped me in a marriage with you," Leah turns her head over her shoulder. "Yet you decided to be nothing more than a mere butler."
Thomas fights back a chuckle, reveling in her attempts to hide her fear. "I suppose you have always been quite smart, haven't you?" he recalls all the times he has seen her excel in her studies.
Silence befalls the two but it is short-lived. Taking a step away from Leah, Thomas looks down at his work.
"There. Don't you look much better now?" he tilts his head almost in a way of mocking her.
Leah glances into the mirror, upset to acknowledge that he did a good job. All the butler receives in return is a silent 'hmph'.
"I want something entertaining to do," complains Leah, feeling drained after days worth of events with Elizabeth. "Perhaps I shall return home today?"
Cleaning up the small mess, Thomas takes a step back to approach the door and open it to allow the girl out. "Lord Phantomhive has returned today. Surely you would like to spend time with him?" he suggests.
The Barrett steps out of the room and watches Thomas follow after her, strangely feeling at ease despite her recent discovery. "I'm not sure if I would.." she mumbles and recalls the blue-haired boy sleeping in the bed with Doll.
Thomas raises a brow but makes no further move to question the girl, knowing that she is easy to become upset. He instead chooses to follow her down the hall as he regularly would, going about his work as if Leah hasn't made a terrible discovery about his true identity. Not that she can do much anyway.
— ౨ৎ —
"I believe they are in here."
Opening the door, Thomas steps aside to allow Leah to pass him by, only for them to be met by Sebastian and Nina Hopkins going head to head. The aura in the room is full of displeasure, which Leah can only assume is from a disagreement.
Perking up at the sound of the door, Elizabeth smiles upon seeing her friend. "Leah! You have been gone all morning!" she exclaims, bounding over to the door.
"There was a small problem but it has been fixed now," Leah reassures her friend and places her hands in the smaller pair.
Ciel, now walking over as well, stares down the butler behind Leah before offering a small smile to the Barrett and observing her in the color she hardly wears. "I tr—"
"And who is this?!"
Running over unnaturally fast, Nina grabs ahold of Leah's arms and causes the teen to stiffen, looking at every crevice her eyes can gaze upon. She moves Leah every which way, observing her from numerous different angles.
"This is my betrothed.." Ciel grimaces as he watches Nina pull at Leah's face, gushing over her features.
Clearing his throat, Thomas speaks up from his spot behind Leah. "Lady Leah Barrett is the daughter of Marquess Barrett."
"Marquess Barrett?" Nina raises a brow, her face uncomfortably close to Leah's. "That businessman from America?"
Leah nods with a forced smile. "I was born in America."
Marveling at the Barrett's intricately decorated dress and the accessories that accentuate her features, Nina turns to Ciel with an almost harsh look. "Why did you never mention a fiancé?! She is absolutely breathtaking, look at her!" she grabs ahold of Leah's cheeks and brings her face closer to Ciel's.
"I never deemed it necessary. You are a tailor, why would I mention my betrothed if it is not needed," says Ciel, looking at the way Leah's cheeks squish under the hand.
Nina shakes her head and releases the girl's face, only to drag her further into the room. She pulls out a line of measuring tape and immediately attempts to get to work, disregarding the clothes constricting her efforts.
"I rarely see women so tall, I must measure you!" Nina wraps the tape around Leah's arm, "And your face, those eyes. Marvelous!"
Face heating up amidst the praise, Leah shifts awkwardly before the interaction is interrupted by the blonde butler behind her.
Thomas clears his throat. "I'm afraid it is time for the Lady to eat," he stares down at the tailor.
Despite the hope, Nina doesn't take this entirely well. Her face contorts into a glare as she challenges Thomas, standing her ground despite the situation involving another person.
"There is plenty of time in the day for that! Can you please go waste time somewhere else until the fitting?" The tailor promptly grabs the other people in the room to shove them out of the door, keeping Leah behind. "Well, get out, get out!"
The Barret's lips purse as she fiddles with her hands. "Where is the rest of your attire..?" she asks, eyes slipping to Nina's legs which are partially exposed due to her shorts. 'That is.. unladylike.'
She gets no response in return though as Nina rushes to get her clothes off for accurate measurements, leaving her stuck in the room.
— ౨ৎ —
After much gushing over Leah's features, Nina is finished recording numbers and sees the teenager off, only to announce that Ciel and Elizabeth are ready for their fittings.
Leah walks out of the room slightly disheveled but better than what she had done with herself in the morning, brushing past Elizabeth who runs inside. She hardly notices the glance Ciel spares for her or the fact that he doesn't move from his seat.
"I have prepared tea and pastries, Lady Leah. Do help yourself," Sebastian perks up at her entrance.
She pouts, "I don't want your tea."
Both Ciel and Sebastian seem a bit surprised by Leah's attitude, typically only seeing it extended towards Thomas. However, today it appears to be open for everyone she crosses.
Watching her take a seat at the table, Thomas approaches to lean down but keeps a respectable distance. "My Lady, you haven't eaten in three days. Please do consider something to fill your stomach," he doesn't even try to whisper, only slightly lowering his tone.
"Three days?" Ciel asks in exasperation.
Inhaling in irritation, Leah shuts her eyes to pretend the world isn't around her. "Do you ever stop talking?" she questions the butler.
"Three days?!" Ciel once again asks, raising his voice a little higher after being ignored.
Thomas straightens his back. "The Lady does not like to eat often. She believes she will become too big and that you won't think she is beautiful anymore," he almost gleefully spills Leah's thoughts.
Shoving her head onto the table, Leah releases a sound that almost sounds like a groan and covers her head with her arms. "Thomas!" she yells.
The Phantomhive's face softens for a moment, "Leah.. that is ridiculous."
Leah doesn't respond to his attempts at comforting her, keeping her head buried in the table. She can hardly bring herself to even peek over her arms, not wanting to face potential scrutiny for her actions. 'This is so embarrassing..'
Thomas glances down and pushes a teacup in her direction. "Someone would have found out eventually, My Lady. You need food to replenish your body," he says firmly.
Making no further attempts to argue, Leah instead opts for smacking Thomas upside his head with the strength she can muster. The sound travels through the room before she simply settles on repeatedly hitting him, ignoring the looks she receives as she watches Thomas fall to his knees.
"All you do is irritate me!" she yells, feeling the fear for the demon dissipate.
Keeping himself on the floor, Thomas takes the blows to his head with a content aura and nearly smiles. "Yes, My Lady. I am very sorry."
Leah continues to hit Thomas before she pauses, gripping him by the hair to see his face. The girl pouts as she observes his smile and drops his head from her hand, turning around with a huff.
"Why have you stopped, My Lady?" asks Thomas.
"I'm not going to hit you if you clearly enjoy it! You are so pathetic, it is disgusting. Get out of my face!" Leah yells and crosses her arms, sitting down once again.
Both Sebastian and Ciel share a glance, unsure of how to react to the situation playing out before them.
"Ciel! Make haste, we do not have all day for the fitting!"
Elizabeth's voice rings out from a few rooms away, breaking the atmosphere in the room. The Phantomhive rises from his chair and backs out of the room, leaving Leah with the two demons as one slides her a plate of food, almost earning a slap.
— ౨ৎ —
"Oh, you look stunning!"
Back within the walls of the fitting room, Nina is beyond joyed at the sight of Leah in the clothes she made. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it is a perfect fit, hugging her figure and complimenting her features.
Leah, unlike the tailor, is far from happy as she keeps her gaze firmly planted on the wall, hellbent on not looking at shirtless Ciel mere feet away from her. Although occasionally her eyes flicker to Elizabeth who stands in front of the folding screen with a giggle, only now not looking at Ciel after he voiced his embarrassment. 'I truly don't understand how Elizabeth could just look at him. I might as well die in here.'
"Look!" Nina shifts Leah around to face a full-length mirror, "What do you think?"
Staring into the depths of the mirror, the Barrett's eyes wander, taking in the outfit adoring her body. It is red, very red. Ruffles decorate the outside going down to the bottom, a thin chocker wraps around her neck, and a flower cut from fabric is entwined with strands of her hair. 'This looks awfully familiar.'
She gazes down at her unlowered hems, still exposing a tiny portion of her ankles. "I look like— Madame Red.." Leah whispers.
Nina's eyebrows furrow for a moment before they rest once again, almost as if she recognizes the name. However before she has the chance to respond, the door is slammed open.
"Hey, Ciel!" Prince Soma stands in the doorway with Agni behind him, a look of pure anger painted across his face and a clenched fist, "Why did you secretly return to the main house?!"
There is hardly a moment to react when Sebastian swings a drape and Ciel is suddenly wearing a shirt again, but the demon is not fast enough for the mark on Ciel's back to go unnoticed by Leah. She knows better than to comment on it though, keeping her mouth shut to avoid potentially offending her fiancé.
Soma and Agni move to passively meet Elizabeth, who they seem to naturally be kind to. It isn't until that the Prince notices Leah that the room perks up.
"Ah! Little sister!" he smiles brightly and runs over to envelop Leah in an unexpected hug.
Leah awkwardly gives Soma an askew glance. "Prince Soma?"
"Little sister?" questions Ciel.
Keeping his hold on Leah, Soma chuckles. "She is your fiancé, of course, that makes her my little sister!" he nods.
"How does it make her that?!" Ciel shouts, now beginning to get irritated.
To no one's surprise, the Phantomhive's words are ignored in return for Soma immediately wanting to enter the dining hall, Elizabeth also joining in. Agni is stationed beside them with a pot of curry, prompting Leah to attempt to run away but Thomas is quick to catch her.
"Wait, the dining hall is still damaged," Ciel sweats.
"Please relax," Sebastian places a hand on his chest. "Dinner preparations have already been made. It cost an arm and a leg, but it's perfect as always."
— ౨ৎ —
Stars shine above Phantomhive Manor, casting a calming glow through the windows. But it is tough to beat the fire that crackles in the fireplace, illuminating the room and the numerous bodies occupying chairs and lounges.
Soma and Elizabeth hold a discussion over a game of cards, the Prince telling the blonde all about the few things he can recall from the past days.
"He was bedridden?!" Elizabeth yells in surprise.
Staring down at the cards in his hand, Soma nods. "Yep, that's why I thought I should give him something nutritious and make curry."
The Midford has little chance to protest to her cousin before a teacup is placed in front of her, ignoring Leah's rather loud whispers to Thomas who hardly seems to be listening. Leah's attention is not even caught until Sebastian points out that Ciel is sleeping in his chair, leaning to the left with a slightly ajar mouth.
"It's been a long time since I have seen the Master's face this relaxed," Sebastian allows a smile to cross his face. "It's probably because he was able to spend a nice, free day with everyone."
For a split moment, the Barrett's eyes soften but harden just as quickly.
Elizabeth smiles, "Goodnight, Ciel."
"I want to go home," Leah deadpans.
Thomas shakes his head, fighting a sigh as he glances down at the girl in her seat.
"Sometimes you ruin the mood."
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 month
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Thancred is unfortuanately growing on me so here are sum screenies of him and my OC Soma who is actually Elysia's older brother btw.
Me and my friend joked that since Thancred is a dad he would solve Elysia and Soma's daddy issues and essentially become the family therapist that helps the siblings see eye to eye.
I also just think the idea of Soma who is super stuck up being with a notorious flirt like Thancred would be funny.
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Elysia is having a great time btw
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kikorenart · 7 months
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[Soma(OC) x Anders(OC) Genshin Impact Original Fic]
Written by @kikorenart & @drawlypsy
Summary: Soma Amachidame; heir apparent to the Amachidame Clan of Watatsumi Jima has spent years wandering from city to city in Teyvat for one purpose - to rise beyond his means and reunite with his little sister. His next stop; Sumeru where the Akademiya and prestige awaits.
It’s only a shame he has a proclivity for getting lost.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: original character(s), slow burn, m/m, f/f, blood and violence, smut, Inazuma lore, Fontaine lore, video game mechanics
Notes: comin’ atcha hot with a brand spankin’ new (pre-written) original story that I’ve co-written with Psy for the last ten months or so. Updates will come twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays and will be primarily found on AO3.
CHAPTER ONE - Taking a Wrong Turn
He stood on the deck of that ship until the last shred of light left along the horizon. The lanterns on the beach were his only indicator that Watatsumi was there at all, disappearing below the waves as if no more than flotsam on the tide. Soma watched until his eyes ached from the salt air and the whipping wind casting strength into the sails of the Crux. This massive ship was bound for Liyue’s main port, a place so far away it seemed unfathomable. Yet as he drifted further from the only home he’d ever known, he felt the tether in his chest tighten with sharp agony.
Kiyo was on those shores.
He hadn’t been able to speak to her just before he left. The aunts and uncles forbade any final farewell; vindictive to the very last, it would seem. They did not know that he had already sat with Kiyo in secret and told her the whole of his plans the night before;
“Can’t we go together, Nii-sama?” She had implored, and for the life of him he could not remember the reason why as he gazed down at her forlorn tears.
“Would if I could.” He replied softly, committing her face to memory on that moonless night. “There are many things I must prepare beforehand. I cannot let you come from nothing. Be brave for me, sister.”
For a girl of nine, Kiyo peered through her gold eyes with far too much intelligence alongside the compassion she held - a burden she carried for her brother and his ambition. It took only moments for Soma’s little sister to quiet her sadness, and with great hesitance that he felt in her small fingers, let his hand go with a bow of her head.
“I will.” She nodded then, “I’ll-…miss you.”
There is a crack in Soma’s heart at this goodbye, and it widens at the resignation in Kiyo’s face for letting him go. It bid him to lean down and gently cup her little face in his hands.
“I’ll be quick as lightning,” He smiled, “-I’ll write often. We’ll be together again soon, Kiyo. I promise.”
Soma kept his promises to his sister, no matter how impossible they seemed. He would return for her. This he vowed upon the vision glowing at his neck, the only light in the dark and storming sea beyond Inazuma’s isolated shores.
‘Be brave, and wait for me.’
Six long years. It felt like all would be achieved in those first few weeks of Soma’s arrival at the city of Freedom. He had found a way to ingratiate himself almost immediately with the Favonius Knights. Swordsmanship was a skill he had cultivated nearly from his infancy, but his scribe work seemed more interesting to the likes of Varka and the Acting Grand Master Jean.
It had at least provided ample time to write letters back to Inazuma, one after the other for every new venture. Soma took it upon himself to learn everything he could about the native culture of the land he wandered into after a lengthy stay at Liyue harbor and an arduous trek through Dihua Marsh. He became intimately acquainted with the language, the food, and ultimately the local companionship. Something to pass the time while he worked his way from a lowly clerk to something more akin to a secretarial position of authority. This had paid off handsomely, in the end, with a recommendation to the hallowed halls of the Akademiya - a full-throated Favonian referral to become one of their students with a former valedictorian’s blessing.
Lisa had been instrumental in his progression professionally and personally. He could have sworn he found in her a like-minded electro user who saw the benefits of scholarship along with its pitfalls. Someone like him could be blinded by ambition if he wasn’t careful, since there were more than enough temptations put in his way. She helped to smooth the track forward without leading him astray, and for that Soma was immensely grateful. Lisa was not his only companion, though.
The red-haired Master Diluc had bid him a terse farewell as he packed his bags once again for Sumeru City. It wasn’t a tearful goodbye so much as a silent understanding they’d gone the extent of what their relationship could allow. There were no promises made, and Soma had preferred it that way. Much like with Lisa, Soma did not allow his sentiments to hamper the blade-like focus on the horizon. Set roots. Rise. Then, and only then would he have the foundations he needed to fetch his other half at last. She would rise, too.
All this could finally begin in Sumeru City.
How curious though, that I am now two days overdue my estimated arrival…
Had I made a wrong turn?
It was a rain-soaked night when he finally made it to the misty docks of Fontaine. The city was sprawling, half underwater and made of unforgiving stone. A desolate place teeming with people that were practically stacked atop one another - an existence he could hardly contemplate for how sprawling Watatsumi Island had been. From the slums to the dockside to the upper class neighborhoods of austere and stately homes, there was nothing that escaped the heavy feeling of damp and oppressive modernity.
Gone were the gay and bright windmills of Mondstadt, whose sun-kissed stones were a brighter gray like the foundations of a smile. This was a wholly different kind of city, which lacked any freedoms. Shackles came to his mind as he stood watching a stooped group of beggars by the side street, huddled around a can that acted as their hearth. They roasted pieces of scrap meat over it, as if it could do something to lift the plague stench from the vittles they’d found in the garbage nearby.
A vagrant woman met his eyes as he walked past her swaying form. Soma caught the stench of a whole surgeon’s facility full of rubbing alcohol, but not the clean kind. The fetid kind, that sharply reproached the senses with a vile stab up the nostrils. He tried his best to master his expression as she smiled at him, toothless, and began to babble about pearls and rings. A merry diddy she sang as she swirled down the alley with what he could only assume was formaldehyde in her system.
I have surely made a wrong turn, or two.
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moonstoneraven · 1 year
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aria/dawn of sorrow doodles :D
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berryberrydairy · 1 year
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Thought of throwing Jeremy in a mess for GE3 timeline.
Stuck in Europe, saved from the calamity, lost his memories, yadda yadda.
Reunited with Soma/Ein but Jeremy completely lost his memories.
Woo angst
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wildrodrev · 1 year
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coffincataclysm · 1 year
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The serial killer and his funny little forensics boyfriend who's too gay not to help him get away with crime
♥︎ Reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥︎
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2-dsimp · 4 months
omg zombie?? Rotting companion when?? I wonder if he's the slow type or the "I may be decomposing but I can sprint at a full 20 km/h" kind of guy
I luv zombiesss
-andwy tiddy hater
Cw: Heavy angst, obsessive/possessive tendencies, your boyfriend turning into a lovelorn zombie.
Synopsis: Soma, your boyfriend, happened to be the number one gamer in the world due to the fact that nobody could beat him at video games. Nobody except for his Lovely player two who he absolutely adores. One day during a zombie mob flash he sacrificed himself and got bitten in your stead so that you may live another day. Now as time passed, he was set to roam the streets as an undead zombie. Waiting to see you again to ensure that he won’t ever let the both of you be separated again. Not over his half dead body.
☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:
Soma, your boyfriend, is always so eccentric but sweet at the same time. He’d always make sure to mark down your important days on his calendar just to make sure he never misses a moment in his darling’s life. Which is everyday, from the moment you wake up down to the moment you close your eyes goodnight.
The Pro Gamers journal is filled with borderline obsessive scribbles of him recording the way that you sleep. And listing a bunch of observations about how adorable you looked curled up or sprawled out like a starfish. Not only that he takes the time to analyze and document every bit of your habits as if you he’s a biologist and you happened to be his precious specimen.
Either way no matter if you’re asleep or awake his hands won’t grow tired of drawing portraits of you. Within his sketchbook he used as an excuse to highlight gaming mechanics to his team. He’s pretty freighting when it comes to it, if you ask anyone on his team. They’d tell you to not even try and reach out towards it for a better look, since you get an automatic knee to the face.
“Oh my bad didn’t ya say that you wanted a close up of my combo breaker? Hmm? Not in irl? Well you Shoulda been more specific my guy”
Fast forward a few months, It all happened so suddenly when your part of town got hit with an unknown anomaly from a parasitic animal. That escaped from Devildom into the human realm. Successfully kickstarting a disease which made those who aren’t familiar with its origins. To fall into a frenzied state of loss consciousness and inability to control of one’s body.
During the earliest stages of the infection that spreading through your quaint city. Which was thankfully isolated from the rest to prevent even more of an outbreak. You were on a date with your boyfriend who was such a advocate for being spontaneous. Soma loved to surprise you with fun outings like going to amusement parks, para gliding, bungee jumping, kayaking, you name it.
But this time he wanted to give you a breather and take you on a lowkey cute date at a nearby cafe. Soma had an arm around your hip squeezing it lightly while he leaned against you like an over grown puppy.
“Lovie I’m so lucky to have you~ I don’t ever wanna live a day without being able to hold you, love you, kiss you, n fu—“
“Oh we’re here already! You excited to try out those cute menu items you’ve been fangirling about hun?”
Your boyfriend exclaimed giddily oftentimes having a habit of rambling on about how much he adores you on a daily basis. He went to open the door for you right after pressing a hungry kiss to your lips. It was something he always did before he had to leave your side even for just a brief moment.
Since he was paranoid in the fact that anything could happen to his cherished relationship with you. And he’d rather not it happen without him kissing you one last time.
You guys had just entered the door only to be met with a the rabid eyes and foaming mouths of the former patrons that dined there. It wasn’t any help that this cafe was jammed packed due to their popularity so it’d only take a split second for you to get snatched up by one of the infected standing in line.
You could barely register the way you were shoved out of the store by your boyfriend in an attempt to guard you from being taken by the horde. You stumbled outside the glass doors eyes wide with shock as you witnessed. A different side of Soma that you’ve never seen before, one that had him going batshit crazy.
Seeing how those filthy hands tried to take you away from him. Had him going off on a tangent about how he’d kill them twice over, for even trying to touch a single hair on your head. Claiming how you were his and his only and that nothing on heaven nor earth would change it.
Despite being outnumbered he put up one hell of a fight knocking the parasites down one by one into eventually one of them took a chance to bit his fist that he used to sucker punch their teeth out.
“Man you guys sure are tenacious for a bunch of deadweight…Shit just my luck”
Soma sighed, as if it was only a minor convenience that he’d gotten bitten. But nonetheless he kept letting his fist and legs fly not stopping until every single undead bastard was on the ground. Thanks to his self defense classes in karate.
It was only a matter of time before they got back up again so he turned around to give you a relaxed expression. A bright loving grin on his face as he asked you a simple question. While his veins became more prominent on his skin appearing in an abnormal pigment.
“Would you still love me as a zombie babes?”
You could only sob saying yes frantically as you watched your loved one turn into a different being. At your answer he let out a flippant sigh of relief before continuing to lock himself inside the restaurant. Using the key that was hanging off the hip of an employee he stunned.
“Good, then you’d better watch your back since whether im dead or alive I’d still be crazy in love with you baby.”
The gamer said in a soft tone that had a darkened edge to it, almost as if he wasn’t just trying to lighten up the mood with one of his lighthearted quips. But was issuing you an actual warning to beware of if you ever came across him while he wasn’t in control of himself.
Now go, your eyes should see only good things. And I’m afraid it’s gonna be ugly for me, Ah wait! Before you go…Give me kiss?”
Soma asked with a boyish grin pressing his face against the glass door with his lips puckered. As he waggled his eyebrows at you. It made you pissed off to say the least at how he was treating this a some kind of joke.
But you couldn’t help but notice his body twitching sporadically which was a telltale sign of how anxious he was. How scared he was of losing you. And how terrifying he’d be once he turned knowing that there’d be nothing to hold him back from showing his purest form of love for you.
Your boyfriend was already internally battling the urge to pull you against him. So you’d never leave his sight, that you two would be together forever regardless of death since nothing could ever change the way his heart beats purely for you. So just one more kiss, no matter if There’s a thin glass barrier, he just wants to be close to you, to somewhat feel you before his body shuts down on him.
You scrambled to press yourself against the door your palm on top of his. You gave him one last longing gaze, beforehand pressing your lips against the glass. Not noticing how he was just unblinkingly staring at your reflection. Burning the image of you so deeply into his mind that even if his critical thinking perished he’d never ever forget you even in death.
You were hesitant to leave him wanting to stay until his final hours but he childishly shooed you away. Claiming that he doesn’t want you to see him become an uggo version of himself. Since glowing down in front of his beau would be immensely embarrassing. He couldn’t help but feel a cruel twist of satisfaction seeing your reluctance to leave his side and those pretty eyes of yours welling up with tears meant only for him.
“We’ll meet again soon Lovie, mark my words, if you think I’d ever leave you alone then you’ve got another thing coming… So make sure to do your best until I come to make you mine once more permanently”
A few days later, the infection took hold of him but not in a way he was expecting. Sure he may have lost some of his humanity, but for a strange reason. The pro gamer still retained some fragments of his consciousness. His head was pounding from your name, invading his headspace. With every pulse of his brain that was fried at the moment.
Soma chuffed with a crooked grin, as he suspected not even death would take away his inherent need for you. Nor could it ever make it cease to be. He had to find you, sure it was selfish but he can’t stop from obsessing over your very being ingrained in his hazy memory. Where only the images of you were clear as can be.
Breaking the lock with his newly found inhuman strength, he became a half mindless zombie. Who actively searches for his you like a moth to a flame. Tearing everything and anything apart that stands in his way.
☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:
A/n: if you want to see more of your undead boyfriend feel free to send in an ask 👀
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poly-yandere-lovers · 5 months
Soma Scenario 1
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WARNINGS: kidnapping
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Tags: None
Thoughts: None for now
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Soma laughs manically. "Oh Y/N, where are you, sweetness?" He calls, "I'm sorry I scared you! I was trying to be all stealthy, but I got impatient. I'm here to take you home with me.~"
He sighs dreamily, "You know Enma, right? Ei love you just as much as I do! You'll get to be with them, too. You said you didn't want to be alone, right? Well, if you come home with me, then you'll never have to be alone again! We'll live our dream lives, sweetness, if you just come with me." Several long minutes go by. You can hear him rummaging around, sifting through your things and muttering to himself. He opens doors and slams them closed when he doesn't find you. You catch a glimpse of him as he walks by the bathroom door. Soma lets out a primal yell and slams his fist into the wall beside the door. "PLEASE, Y/N!!!! I need you to come out!! I need you! Enma needs you! We can't live without you!! Please, come home!!!" He screams, then throws himself into the wall with a sob.
Minutes pass as he sobs loudly, sniffling and trying to wipe his tears away to no avail. He tries several times to call out to you but is unable to make any coherent words. When he's finally able to, he says, "'M sorry, sweetness. 'M so sorry. I need to control myself, for you." He starts trying to get up, you can see him shaking almost violently. He's turning, about to go back the way he came, when he spots you. His face is red and tear-stricken. His face shows surprise for a second, then elation. "Oh, sweetness!! There you are!!" Soma calls, smiling brightly.
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jplupine · 6 months
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Chapter 22 is now available!
Fic Title: Silver Sakura
Chapter Summary: Over summer break, Gin prepares for the BLUE preliminaries that will determine which three chefs from Totsuki will be going to BLUE along with Erina.
Chapter Warnings*: Mature Language, Puppy as a term of endearment
To read Chapter 22: AO3 || Wattpad
To start from the beginning: AO3 || Wattpad
*Chapter warnings are only for the chapter. This story contains 18+ themes and topics difficult to some readers; please read responsibly.
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rotten-velvet · 1 year
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Happy birthday to Soma!!! AHHHH I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH
From left: Tai (My GE3 Avi), Jeremy (My GE:B Avi) and Aika (My oc)
Aika is the adopted child of Jeremy and Soma. I'll introduce everyone properly once I'm done writing their stories and when I'm done drawing them properly
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edenityy · 3 months
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( chapter seventeen ! )
"You look stunning, darling. Just like a princess."
The day is March eleventh, a Monday and Leah Barrett's seventeenth birthday. Decorations cover the halls and rooms of Barrett Manor to celebrate the special day and the front door consistently opens to allow guests to file inside, the elaborate decorations managing to mesmerize some individuals. But the real star is the birthday girl.
Sitting before a large vanity, Leah cheerfully gets the final touches added to her look, her mother stationed behind her with a smile full of admiration. Her dress is one of the largest she has ever worn. The main ensemble is pink and silky, but overtop are lace coverings in whites and yellows, creating a nice contrast that sits well beside her porcelain skin. Even the jewelry is appealing, a necklace full of pearls and gems while her earrings are flowers and dip into a pearl.
A soft and genuine smile covers the brunette's face, allowing her mother to add a floral headpiece to the side of her hair done up in a low, braided bun. "Thank you, Mama."
"It is about time we head downstairs now, can't be late for your celebration!" Vivienne responds as she steps towards the door.
Following suit, Leah waves for Anna who stands in the corner of the room to follow her before boldly stepping out of her room. Her eyes light up at the sight of the decorations, woven through the halls that radiate a magical feeling for the girl. But it isn't until she reaches the top of the stairs and looks down that she is even more surprised.
"There are more people than I anticipated!" Leah stares at the guests in wonder, ranging from close friends to distant relatives. She has not seen most of these people in years, startled at the fact that they even bothered to attend.
Vivienne lets out a giggle. "Well, surely you weren't expecting we would host a celebration this large for the.. five people you speak to? Someone must attend," she shakes her head lightheartedly and sticks out an arm for Leah to grab.
Giving a small pout, Leah takes ahold of her mother's arm and the pair set off down the stairs. Guests turn their attention to the birthday girl descending the stairs, marveling at the size of her dress and knowing that the celebration will now officially commence. It is not until the women reach the bottom of the stairs does the dress shows its true size, nearly half of Leah's height horizontally.
"Let us say hello to—"
Hardly having a moment to blink, Vivienne watches the blur of pink and yellow fly past her.
"Gwendolyn!" Leah calls out, speeding for her cousin with open arms.
Gwendolyn Vásquez, a first cousin of Leah through her mother's side, is a girl who just barely breaches average height. Her skin is naturally tanned and her hair is pin-straight and dark brown, drawing attention to her Hispanic heritage. Most have always found it hard to believe the pair are related, but they remain inseparable despite their rare chances to see each other.
A bright smile flashes on the face of the younger girl, wrapping her arms around the birthday girl. "Leah! It has been so long," Gwendolyn squeezes her with the little amount of might she has.
"It has been nearly a year! I'm afraid that if I want to see you, we may have to start kidnapping Aunt Florence," Leah's tone is joking, although not entirely unserious.
"I can't wait until I marry!" Gwendolyn huffs. "I'll be able to see you much more often."
Nodding, Leah almost smiles knowing that her cousin is only a year or two away from debuting into society. "Ah—"
Vivienne approaches from behind. "Don't spend too much time on one person, darling," she begins to usher the two girls to the ballroom where the guests have moved.
"But Mama!" whines Leah.
"You can spend as much time with Gwendolyn as you would like after you greet your other guests! Have respect for those that have come," Vivienne leads her daughter over to a corner filled with her aunts and uncles.
Grumbling under her breath, Leah begrudgingly shuffles through the large ballroom. "I don't even like most of these people.."
— ౨ৎ —
After many reluctant greetings to such an extensive guest list. The room is filled with people Leah can hardly remember, second cousins, family friends, and individuals she only speaks with once a month. All of it leaves her feeling quite drained as she is twirled back into the arms of her father, looking up to a proud smile.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" Lucius asks. "I hope everything is to your liking.." he whispers, recounting the amount of time he spent planning.
Looking up into her father's eyes, Leah nearly pouts and shifts closer further from his arms, feeling his hands settle on her forearms. "Why did you invite so many peop—"
"Papa, where did you get the cake? It's delicious."
Stepping over to the scene is none other than Daniel Barrett, a plate in one hand and a fork in the other. His face is stuffed with chocolate cake, threatening to fall out of his mouth and ruin his suit. But that doesn't stop the boy from talking with his mouth full and ducking away from his curious aunties who pester him about a future engagement.
"You are already eating cake?" asks Leah in exasperation. The celebration began not even an hour ago, so she knows that there is no possible way the cake has already been cut.
Shoving another bite of cake into his mouth, Daniel gives a roll of his eyes. "There are two separate cakes besides the main cake, I will have cake if I want to have cake!"
"He has quite a bit of sass."
"I have sass?!"
"Don't start arguing.."
The Barrett siblings huff in annoyance before their father can scold them, though there is a playful undertone to it. This playful exterior seems to be sucked out of the older boy when he looks at a figure behind Leah, earning a shift in both Lucius and Daniel's moods.
Daniel scowls but it is hard to tell if he is serious or not. "Who invited you?" he chews on another bite of cake.
Clearing his throat, Ciel stands behind his fiancé with a smile plastered on his face, unsure of how to feel with the sheer number of people in the room. He wears a simple but classy suit with a tie matching the pink shade of Leah's dress, his hair done up a bit special for the occasion. When she mentioned the celebration would be grand, he hadn't expected this.
Leah turns around to see who her father and brother are looking at, face lighting up at the sight. "Ciel, you came!" she dives in for a hug.
"I wouldn't miss it," Ciel wraps a firm arm around her waist, trying to ignore the large dress pressing against him. "Lau is here with Ran Mao. And I believe I saw Elizabeth and Prince Soma at the food table."
Pulling away, Leah gazes about the room to spot any of the mentioned individuals. "I will have to seek them out if they don't find me first.. There are quite a few people in attendance, hard to see past all the heads," she pouts, view blocked by the many tall men that fill her family.
"Is it alright if I give you one of your gifts now?" Ciel clears his throat, "I'm afraid it can't wait very long."
"I don't mind!" she flashes a smile.
Watching her fiancé walk off, Leah turns to her father and brother in anticipation of her present. Despite the numerous boxes that litter a table filled with gifts just for her, she has spent the last week the most excited about what Ciel would possibly give her.
Reentering the room, the Phantomhive servants gather in a small group and draw attention from the other guests. Ciel stands beside them and prepares to show off the gift, praying they don't mess up.
Stepping forward, Bardoy is missing a cigarette when he smiles, pulling out a party popper to shoot confetti in Leah's direction. After him is Meyrin who pops up from behind him, singing an off-tune song as Sebastian pulls her into his arms to do a classic waltz. Finally, Finnian steps up last with a basket situated between his arms, sweating nervously but keeping an unwavering smile firm on his face.
Finnian is bold, taking steps closer to the Barrett and lowering the basket to stomach level. At first, the room fills with silence and Ciel's agitation at the poor execution from his servants, awaiting to see what it is in the basket. But it's not until the gardener lifts the top do the guests look in awe at a white-furred dog popping its head out, staring straight up at Leah.
Looking at the dog and back up at Finnian, Leah tilts her head when the little bundle of fur starts trying to sniff her. She has never seen a dog like this before, eliciting confusion but still sending a happy signal off in her head.
"Are you giving my sister a deformed rabbit?" asks Daniel incredulously, ready to start yelling at Ciel. However, it is hard to take him seriously with a half-full plate of cake in his hand.
"Daniel.." Lucius pinches between his brows in frustration.
Ciel deadpans. "It's a dog," he shakes his head at how ridiculous the question sounds. "A Pomeranian to be exact. They are a bit rare and are becoming popular with Queen Victoria."
Bending down to get a better look at the animal, Leah gently wraps her hands around its body to pick it up. She doesn't react at first, once again looking back at Finnian who can only smile in response. But when the dog sniffs her face and gives a lick to her cheek, the Barrett nearly squeals in pure excitement.
"It's so cute!" she tries to avoid yelling, not wanting to hurt the dog's ears. "I shall name you.."
The ballroom fills with silence, anticipating the name Leah will give to the dog. Most know her to be quite indecisive and lack creativity, preparing for a name just as ridiculous as Daniel's previous question. This doesn't waver the girl though, staring at the ball of fluff in thought.
"PomPom!" Leah announces. "Your name is PomPom!"
Living up to her lack of creativity, Leah gives the Pomeranian one of the first names to cross her mind. Not that she cares what others would think about the name aspect. Leah is just glad Ciel showed his face at her birthday celebration and came with a present as cute as this one, as well as more she has yet to see.
She hands the dog off to Daniel who hands it to Finnian and runs over to Ciel, enveloping him in a tight hug. "Thank you so much! It is so cute, I love it!" Leah hops in the spot where she stands.
"It is a male," Ciel gives a gentle correction, slowly wrapping his arms around her in return.
Watching the scene, Daniel is unimpressed. "I still don't believe that is a dog."
Gwendolyn walks over with a shake of her head and takes the dog from Finnian, shaking PomPom lightly in front of Leah. As much as she wants to groan at her brother's words, Leah doesn't let them cloud her feelings for the animal.
"I don't care if he is a dog or not, he is absolutely adorable!" Leah gushes and plucks the dog out of Gwendolyn's arms, holding him close to her chest.
"It looks like a deformed rabbit," quips Daniel.
Turning around faster than one can blink, Leah glares sharply at her brother, PomPom still in her arms. "How is it that you are the heir?"
"What do you mean by that?" Daniel raises a brow.
"I mean that you are simple and wouldn't survive a day running a household," retorts Leah.
Flashing an offended look, Daniel hands off his now empty plate to a passing butler. "I am very much capable!"
"Please never reproduce."
"Now you are just talking to talk!"
"I am talking because I am right! If you reproduce your child will end up simple as well."
"Papa, do you hear this?"
"Do not cry to Papa! Go cry to a woman in the hopes she will marry you."
"Excuse me?!"
All of the guests watch in astonishment as the siblings take a previously light moment and turn it into an argument, silence being the only thing to accompany the voices. It's not until Vivienne harshly whispers to Lucius that it comes to an end.
"Enough! Both of you!" Lucius raises his voice, nearly yelling.
Feigning a pout at her father's interruption, Leah shuffles over to a giggling Gwendolyn who holds PomPom after managing to sneak him out of her arms and tries to strike conversation with Ciel. However, Daniel is relieved by the silence, feeling comfort knowing that his sister can not embarrass him before all of his family members.
Miraculously, the guests return to their previous activities after watching the dispute. Anyone who has visited the Barrett household more than once knows that bickering is a common occurrence between the two "children" of the manor, then proceeding to hug and laugh the next moment as if it never happened. But to those within the ballroom, that is their least concern, focusing on enjoying the prestigious night.
— ౨ৎ —
With the situation having cooled off, the fight was practically pushed to the back of people's minds to instead cheerfully celebrate, cutting the main cake. It is triple-decked and covered in intricate designs with the icing, cut open to reveal the vanilla flavor. Leah's favorite as she can't eat anything overly sweet.
Leah marvels at the sight of her cake, though as beautiful as it is, she is conflicted on whether she should eat a peace. Nonetheless, a friend of her's named Henrietta keeps her distracted, pointing out a display of ripe and plump strawberries that the Barrett is sure to adore.
Henrietta Sánchez is a childhood friend of Leah's, the girls have known each other since the age of five. She is of a similar ancestral descent to Gwendolyn, also being Hispanic with tanned skin and hair so dark it nearly appears black. However, unlike the Barrett's cousin, Henrietta is nearly an entire foot shorter than Leah and harbors a more stout build.
"I did not expect you to attend," Leah lifts a strawberry to her lips.
Furrowing her brows, Henrietta cranes her neck to look up at Leah. "Why?"
Leah shrugs. "We haven't had much time to see each other as of late. I thought you might have wanted to do something else instead," she whispers.
"Just because we lack the time to see each other, does not mean I care any less," Henrietta smiles softly. "As long as you attend my birthday celebration as well."
A giggle leaves Leah. "I would not miss it for the world."
Silence falls upon the pair and it is comfortable for them, matching their naturally quiet personalities. This silence is broken though when Elizabeth bounds over at the sight of her friend, dodging anyone who happens to be in her way. She doesn't get noticed until she wraps her arms around Leah a little too tightly.
However, poor Edward seems to not be noticed entirely until he speaks up. "Happy birthday, Leah!" he cheers with a bright smile on his face, shifting nervously.
"Edward.." the corners of Leah's mouth pull up ever so slightly. "Thank you very—" she is cut off when the boy's sister decides to speak up.
"Leah, this is the first time I have gotten to see you up close today!" yells Elizabeth in pure excitement. "You look like Antoinette!"
A noise of discomfort escapes Leah, but she smiles nonetheless. "Thank you.."
Elizabeth begins chatting away before she notices Henrietta stationed beside Leah, getting a piece of cake. "Who is this?"
It takes Leah a moment to realize who Elizabeth is talking about. "Ah.. Elizabeth, this is Henrietta Sánchez," she gestures the best that she can while still encased in Elizabeth's arms. "Henrietta, this is Elizabeth Midford."
Thankfully for Leah, Elizabeth pulls away to instead approach Henrietta and happily talks her ear off, giving the Barrett a chance to scope out the room once more. But when she glances at the few people still surrounding the table for cake, she notices Prince Soma happily taking a plate with Agni a few steps behind him.
"Happy birthday, little sister!" Soma flashes his brightest smile before taking a large bite of cake.
Her brows furrow. "Who invited you?" Leah asks before she pauses, realizing how rude it sounds. "A genuine question. I don't recall my father knowing you. Thank you though— for the birthday wishes."
Elizabeth speaks up. "I did!"
Blinking in surprise, Leah nearly responds until she notices Ran Mao in the near distance. She immediately perks up at the sight and disregards her current conversation in favor of approaching one of her other friends, having not seen her in months.
"Ran Mao!" exclaims Leah, her running coming to a stop once she's positioned in front of Ran Mao and Lau. "I am so happy you are in attendance! I had to sneak your invitation into the pile when my father was not looking.."
Taking a bite of cake that she is sharing with Lau, Ran Mao nods. "You're welcome."
"Happy seventeenth birthday," Lau speaks up with a smirk. Though it is clear he mainly came for the food.
Leah gives a tight-lipped smile, starting to feel a sudden exhaustion but still thankful for all of the birthday wishes. "Thank you!"
To no one's surprise, a blanket of silence falls upon the trio. It would be much more awkward if it weren't for the fact that Leah's social battery feels like it is slowly draining before her eyes, threatening to leave her an empty shell of a person. Or that Leah is naturally comfortable with Ran Mao. 'Why are the lights so bright?'
Before Leah is capable of fixing her lips to break the silence, the sound of numerous displeased voices meets her ears. Upon turning around, she notices that the sounds are emitting from the servant's feet away at the food table. At first, Leah can't exactly realize what the commotion is about.
Excusing herself from her 'conversation' with Ran Mao and Lau, Leah takes small steps over to the batch of Phantomhive and Barrett servants. "What is all this noise about?" she asks. 'I am the one who is supposed to act displeased.'
Both Thomas and Sebastian glance away from their scolding. "We were just informing them that they cannot eat the cake. It is reserved for the guests," says Thomas, devoid of emotion and almost making Leah shiver with his stare.
Noticing the disappointed look on Finnian's face, Leah almost feels a form of guilt. "Let them eat cake.." she mumbles, begrudgingly grabbing a plate for Anna when she notices how she stares as well.
"But, Lady Le—" Sebastian attempts to object.
"There is plenty to go around. You all can help minimize waste," Leah says, a ghost of a smile forming when she sees how much happier Meyrin and Bardroy look. "Except Thomas. Thomas gets nothing!" her tone immediately shifts to one that is much more harsh, reflecting her current want to step away from all the people crowding the room.
Finnian looks up mid-bite, face ever so slightly flushed. "Don't you believe you're being a bit harsh, My Lady?"
"He deserves nothing!" Leah repeats in frustration.
Strangely enough, Thomas says nothing in return. He doesn't need to after all. He enjoys the mean words, knowing that her fear and guard around him slowly chip away. After what most would claim are pointless years of serving a bratty daughter of a wealthy family, this has become the demon's normal. Quite pathetic if you ask Leah.
Leah grabs a grape from a bowl in agitation and stuffs it in her mouth, unknowingly giving Anna a signal that she might be set off soon. Thankfully, Daniel comes to the rescue. But it is far from intentional, as he is grabbing his third slice of cake.
The voices of the guests drone in Leah's ears as her eyes fall upon Daniel, blinking wildly. "You are having another slice of cake?" she asks incredulously.
"Yes," Daniel playfully giggles in her face and brings the cake to her lips, letting her take a small bite. "Papa says in half of an hour all of the guests are going outside to see something in the garden. I believe it is just to show off the flowers in bloom," the boy rolls his eyes.
Leah's eyes glaze over, hardly paying attention to half of her brother's words. "Well, I shall spend some time in the garden before then. I cannot handle all of these people."
"Don't take too long, I need someone to talk to so our aunts stop pestering me about an engagement.." he glances around the ballroom in a paranoid manner. "Oh, and your rabbit peed on Gwendolyn's hand."
Not having it in her to argue or react, Leah sighs through her nose as she begins to walk off. "It is a dog.."
Initially, she worries that it will be hard to escape from the room given that she is the center of attention. And her humongous dress. But to Leah's relief, the number of people makes it hard to easily spot her amongst the heads blocking anyone's view, allowing her to swiftly duck out of the door. Though Thomas is not particularly pleased with her departure.
Outside in the halls, the sounds of the ballroom fade the farther she gets, the noise of her heels clicking against the floor slowly taking over. Most of — if not all — of the people inside the manor are in the ballroom, including the guests, which leaves the building feeling very desolate despite the shining decorations. Something Leah is accustomed to.
Leah eventually speeds up her steps once the double doors to the garden come into view, pushing them open and feeling a wave of relief wash upon her. Making her way over to the gazebo, she shakes her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts. ‘Why can't I handle social interaction like a normal person?'
Gleams of moonlight shine down on the garden and reflect on Leah's skin, making it appear as though she is emitting a glow. The sounds of rustling leaves fail to calm her down, unlike how it normally does. It is such a lovely day but she can't keep her emotions in check.
Her hands grip the railing of the gazebo and she tries to close her eyes, taking deep breaths to steady herself. 'Why is it that everyone suddenly feels so annoying? Or that it is too loud and the lights begin to hurt my eyes? Everything is so exhausting sometimes..' Leah fights the urge to take her hair down, choosing to stare ahead of her at the colorful flowers.
'The quiet is always—'
The sounds of rustling footsteps pull Leah from her thoughts, almost earning a noise of irritation. Those footsteps belong to none other than Ciel Phantomhive, peeking his head over a tall bush and approaching when he notices his fiancé.
"I thought I saw you leave," his voice cuts through the air as he comes to stand beside her.
Throwing Ciel a glance, Leah prefers to keep her gaze trained in the general direction of the moon. "I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.." she mumbles.
Ciel's brows furrow. "Uncomfortable with what?"
"Interaction I suppose. I spoke to too many people for too long— it is overwhelming," there is a waver in Leah's voice.
Silence falls upon them when Ciel takes a moment to think, observing her face from a side angle under the moonlight. "You haven't smiled much as of late," he points out.
"This is the normal amount in which I smile," she retorts.
"Yes, but normally—" Ciel can't finish his sentence.
Leah gulps, fidgeting with her fingers. "Because I thought you would like me more."
The rustling leaves fill the stunned silence as Ciel thinks of what to say. "What do you mean?" he asks.
"I thought if I acted more like a desirable lady— more like Elizabeth, you would like me more. But it has never worked. You look at me no different," Leah's voice shakes when she says these words, unable to bring herself to look at Ciel.
Ciel's eyes soften with a turn of his head, looking down and placing one of his hands on Leah's. "I like you the way that you are. I just struggle to express myself," he whispers, leaving out the part of how he knowingly pushes others away.
Lifting her head, tears prick Leah's eyes when she looks into Ciel's blue ones. "But you have always shown a preference for Elizabeth.. You are always much kinder to her."
"I do not have a preference for Elizabeth," Ciel corrects. "And I am only more kind because Elizabeth can be quite emotional. You don't cry nearly as much as she does."
Leah blinks, a wave of stubbornness overcoming her. "But—"
"No buts," he grabs ahold of both of her shoulders before she can testify, staring into her eyes. "I chose you. I sought you out and harassed your father just for your hand in marriage. If I liked Elizabeth more than you I would not still be in this arrangement."
The Phantomhive's words echo through the wind, causing Leah's ears to ring. She stumbles over her words and cannot find a proper response, an inner battle taking place within the confines of her head. Blinking past the light shining into the side of her eye, she shakes her head with parted lips.
"It is not as if you can leave this arrangement," she whispers. "If you were to break off a second engagement, your reputation would be in shambles. You are stuck with me regardless of how you feel," Leah seems set on finding any possible reason she can find to back up her claims, regardless of how ridiculous she is starting to sound.
The grip on her shoulders getting ever so tighter, Ciel releases a shaky breath. "I want to be with you! What part of that do you not understand you stubborn girl?!" he raises his voice into a near yell and his cheeks have a faint flush.
A sound rivaling that of a gasp escapes Leah, staring up at Ciel as her eyes dance across his face. Her chest heaves with heavy movements as she tries to maintain her breathing, pushing against the corset molding against her waist and bosom.
Chill air encases the pair, adding a dreamlike atmosphere amidst their moment. 'Certainly this is not real?' Leah's hands twitch as she feels the warmth of Ciel's on her shoulders, causing her to take a small step closer. It isn't until she is nearly pressing against him that the blue-haired boy almost comes to his senses.
Settling onto her toes, Leah brings her face closer. It doesn't make much of a difference to the height gap, due to the heels, but it is effective in making Ciel's breath nearly stop. A long pause comes over them before the Barrett brings her lips crashing onto his in a soft, but chaste kiss.
When they pull apart, they stare into each other's eyes, the darkness making it harder to see. Neither Ciel nor Leah are sure of what to say, both closing and opening their mouths in the manner of a fish trying to find even just a word to say. 'This is real..'
"Ciel.." Leah decides to be the first to break the silence, slowly dropping from her position on her toes.
Unlike the Barrett who feels a slight sense of bliss, Ciel is unsure of how to feel. "Leah," he murmurs, feeling conflicted.
Lips parting, Leah's pale cheeks burn up with the way Ciel stares down at her. "I—"
She is quick to cut off her sentence at the sound of approaching footsteps, practically throwing herself away from Ciel in favor of planting herself at the other end of the gazebo. Through the moonlight, Daniel shows his face and stops at the entrance, eyeing both of them up suspiciously.
"What are you two doing?" he asks with a raised brow, looking back and forth between the betrothed pair.
Leah shakes her head frantically. "Nothing! I came out here to think, Ciel merely ended up following me."
"Are you trying to compromise my sister's virtue, Phantomhive? Just because you are betrothed does not mean you can—" Daniel raises his voice into a yell, a protective urge overcoming him.
"No!" Ciel shakes his head and takes a step back. "It is nothing like that! We were just having a conversation," his voice is clear to appear more confident, almost startled by the bulkier figure of the heir to the Barrett name.
Daniel doesn't respond when he hears the faint sound of voices getting louder, squinting his eyes in an attempt to intimidate Ciel. "The guests shall be out here any moment now. I wanted to warn my sister," he adjusts on his feet.
"Well, I suppose we get a head start on the view!" Leah laughs oddly, earning a look from her older brother.
There isn't much left to say about the situation between the three, Daniel simply waves his sister over to follow him. Leah obeys despite her wish to stay and talk with Ciel about what just happened, picking up the skirts of her dress to step forward, slightly haltered by the lowered hems she isn't accustomed to.
Stepping past Ciel, she stops beside him subtly to gently smile up at him. "Thank you.. truly," she whispers.
Ciel doesn't have a chance to respond before a voice cuts through the air, the sounds of the guest's chatter also growing louder.
"Leah!" calls out Daniel, waiting expectantly for her to follow in his trail.
Turning her head around to face her brother, she smiles and lightly jogs after him.
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