#some dudes dont talk because they were abused
mbat · 2 days
i literally read the book of bill days ago but its only now kinda hitting me how fucked ford and bills whole thing was though cause ford literally talks about being so unable to sleep (to try to keep bill away), and when sleep inevitably caught up to him, he would wake up to his body abused and things messed with and he just couldnt seem to find an escape (and he literally didnt get to truly escape until 30 years later)
(also keeping people awake for unhealthily long periods of time is another tactic used to mess with and control people because of how it impairs brain function)
listing off the things we see in those few pages in the book of bill:
i mean, punching and scratching at a steel door for hours would be so damaging to your hands and probably hurt like hell for at least 2 days after. then bill says he was hitting fords head against a wall, though its said in a post-it as if its a joke, but he also isnt exactly above doing that, and honestly he says most things like its a joke.
i also dont need to say 'bill really doesnt know how to take no for an answer' because he makes that very clear in literally any interaction we see with him.
bill literally puts a venomous snake near ford while fords asleep, which could have killed him if he wasnt lucky+skilled enough to deal with it.
he nearly gives ford hypothermia, and in the same action actively threatens ford with the idea of making him jump off of a high spot, and like ford says, doesnt do it just so he can send a message to ford about how hes the one in control.
he gets ford in trouble with not only the law, but also with other people that are probably not very happy with him after. he mutilates fords body in several ways, and i dont think i need to go into detail on them because theyre... so ew. and he even exposes part of fords body to the world. like, its just taking his shirt off, but thats still showing off his body in a way that he didnt agree to or want
and then he attempts to (or purposefully fails to) call stan, using fords voice to threaten suicide and tell stan that ford never loved him.
and he punctuates it with a final power move, in a hallucination that he creates, hes messing with stans memories and making him feel like his body was basically about to implode
and like. okay, we all joke about toxic old man yaoi, and its a good joke and toxic old man yaoi is great and its an interesting ship, but holy fuck.
like. to say the absolute least, that had to be so, so deeply violating. its no wonder that when we see ford in the past, when he finally contacts stan, he looks like hes on the verge of shattering into a million pieces. he just went through, and still wasnt yet out of, some deeply abusive shit.
like... everything coming out lately both in this book and what ive heard is on the website, mixed with what we already knew from the show itself... the stans are both so, so fucking tragic dude. their whole lives were thrown away over things that really didnt even need to be the way they were, and then they both get into situations that are pretty damn screwed, and those situations follow them for the rest of their lives. its basically a miracle that things worked out in the end for them.
i dont really have a point, i just had to talk about all that. i read almost all of the book of bill in one sitting, and while i was really enjoying it, i was also getting kind of tired of sitting in one spot only doing this one thing for several hours straight. i still felt a lot of the emotional bits of it of course, but man this part specifically just really didnt hit me until now.
i mean, to say the absolute least, i know what its like to feel violated in a similar way, though not anywhere near to the extent of what he went through at all. someone get that man some therapy got damn
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butch-bakugo · 4 months
Where do I go to sign up for the "abusive parent turned to god, thinks that will redeem them of their abuse then when they found that forgiveness in the church and fellow Christian family members, they get mad to the point of harassment at their victims for not playing by God's rules and forgiving them too" club?
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calamarieater · 7 months
Daves ENTIRE PERSONALITY revolved around being just like Bro he never had the time to develop his own personality because from day ONE he wanted to be JUST like Bro he thought Bro was so cool to the point where he even ignored the abuse and just considered it normal, it's so common in abusive households for the abused kids to want to be JUST like their abusers because they've never seen like a normal household, and like most kids you tend to look up to your parents, which is what Dave was doing. Daves entire personality all his interests like everything were branched off from what Bro liked, he never got into things that Bro DIDNT like the only thing he didn't like was Bros puppets but dave wanted to be JUST like Bro he looked UP to him and people seem to completely ignore Bros abuse because of how dave reacted to it but ? what Bro does is still abuse and often when kids are introduced to abuse early in life they dont know that its abuse and they consider it normal which is why Dave reacted the way he did because he WASNT AWARE THAT IT WAS ABUSE WHICH IS NORMAL IN ABUSIVE HOUSEHOLDS AND ABUSED KIDS OFTEN THINK LIKE THAT which is why it comes off as such a SHOCK when you tell a kid they're being abused and whats going on isn’t normal and it seems like most of the fandom just ignores Daves abuse and everything and the fact that he never really developed his own personality until later on just because of the fact that he never really reacted or talked about it which annoys me SO badly I get its like hard to understand what abused kids are like and their bebehavior and stuff but!! you gotta understand like all his interests and everything came from Bro, his entire life until Sburb he wanted to be just like Bro he looked up to Bro so much to the point the abuse wasn't even something he considered abnormal because he thought Bro was just trying to help him be stronger and have a better reaction time or whatever but that's not what was going on and dave didn't know because he hadn't ever seen a normal household/this was his entire life this is what was normal to him so he considered it normal even compared to his friends lives, especially considering all the kids have semi abnormal lives other than john for the most part so dave was just convinced his life was normal because it was what he was used to and his friends also had odd home lives so he was just convinced that his life was the same gah I love Dave. I just think people should TRY and understand Dave’s character more, and it also just irks me how people see him as some flirty dude when thats not how he is, hes a wannabe cool-kid who has no idea how to behave and just mimics his Bros behavior!!! He WANTS TO BE JUST LIKE HIS BRO!!! HE SPENDS SO MUCH TIME TALKING ABOUT HOW COOL HE THINKS HIS BRO IS and you guys i swear he would NOT be a flirty little shit. He lives for bickering so he can come up with cool comebacks so people think “Wow this guy is REALLY fucking cool” when they're talking to him. So many of you guys seem to forget hes 13 in the beginning, his behavior is just a direct copy of how he saw Bro. He did not develop his own personality until later in life, and even then he still had a lot of Bros traits. Most kids dealing with abuse dont even know that its abuse until way late in life, because again, ITS ALL THEY KNOW!! If you lived your entire life not knowing what you were going through was abnormal, or even unhealthy, you would consider it as “the usual” WHICH IS WHY DAVE NEVER HAD A BIG REACTION TO IT, BECAUSE HE WAS SO USED TO IT. HE DIDNT KNOW IT WASNT NORMAL. Dave was a 13 year old boy dealing with an abusive father figure. From his interests to his personality, he just wanted to be like bro. that's all he wanted.
But, towards the end of his arc, we DO see him start to turn away from that desire to be like bro. We see him slowly realize, he isnt like bro. He doesnt want to be like bro. He isn't a "hero" like bro was, he doesnt WANT to be like bro was. But his entire childhood circled around being like bro, and it wasnt until bro died that he finally realized that wasn't what he wanted. But, as it wasn't until late in his life that he realized, he wasnt really able to form his own personality.
In conclusion: Dave is NOT some coolkid flirty boy, hes an abused child with no personality of his own. He is so much more than most of you guys let him be, and its so irritating to me.
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na-orbite-solnechno · 26 days
okay okay okay guys the thing is i dont even need to explain why i love harry n jean duo so much. just the implications of their former relationship are so fucking funny. "no harry we are NOT crime bros." the line where we see the only instance of jean taking his stupid fucking wig off at the end of the day while talking to judit. meaning this fucker really sat like this for days thinking "yeah TODAY this fucker will laugh at my awful g bevy cosplay". the way both harry's psyche and jean calls trant "special consultant backpedal" meaning they probably joked between each other about trant being a skittish man he is. "you look like shit" "YOU look like shit, asshole!" y'know. bits and pieces. you can figure they were absolutely fucking awful for each other and still had stupid inside jokes aswell. jean centers his temper tantrum on how harry fucked up and some familiarity still seeps into it. really small pieces of it. really speaks for itself that there were something, maybe just work comradery and stupid humor, but there were so much. jean is not only pissed because harry fucks up their coupris kineema, loses his badge and hardly works on the case (at first, still, you can't do anything regarding the case to make jean satisfied w your work, he is THAT of a bitch), but also. there's something deeply personal, cause jean just doesn't talk to few other people we see the same he talks to harry. he actually can be pretty chill at times, which is surprising. not with harry; that's the way you curse off someone you really *know*. jean says "you were being emotionally abusive" and then describes you with every ableist phrase known to humanity. jean is pretty careful around higher-ranking officers - we see how he talks to kim, all politeness n shit. and when it's harry he's like a rabid fucking dog spinning in circles trying to bite its tail off. this is so curious. who is this man to you. this dude commands your unit, how the fuck are you talking to him like that, believing his amnesia or not. jean has it so bad he's seconds from committing the most oddly-looking murder-suicide in all of revachol. literally, what the fuck is wrong with him? on my first playthrough i just outrightly told myself "OKAY, it's such a besties breakup vibe". because how the hell do you explain this. feel free to share your thoughts w me, im eager to hear how people interpret those two fuckers
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marunalu · 4 months
Hi. Many fans disappointed with new chapter. I see many complaining. I am more pissed because of Bakugo.
I am now sure that in next chapter Izuku will be catched by Ochako or sonehow Shigaraki give Izuku OFA back or his original quirk. Dont know.
How do you think DFO will be revealed then Shigaraki and AFO destroyed? Both spirituality and phisicaly.
Well, its no wonder people are upset after that shitfest of a chapter. That propably was the most anticlimactic final bossfight I have ever seen in a manga and after all the talking how izuku wants to safe tomura, dude just dies and izuku is fine with it. He just failed his attempt to save the person he wanted to save the most, but hey I guess the fistbum makes up for it (it does NOT!) Im actually curious how the japanese fanbase reacted to all of that.
I mean, of course hori had to force bakugou in it for a final time. Hes his golden baby boy afterall. Izuku cant do anything without bakugous or other peoples help. He is not allowed to shine on his own in his own fight against the main villain in HIS story. Nope, bakugou needed to help to give the final blow to afo TWICE, because HE is the true VIP of mha! I have actually seen quite a few bakugou fan who were not happy about it. If even his FANS complain about how forced and unnecessary that part was, maybe hori should ask himself if his staning for that one specific character is not going a little bit to far. I mean, seems like we just were all dumb. At the beginning of the story we were told izuku is a useless loser because he cant do anything without the help of others and in the end it turns out it was true. How could we not see that comming? The mc was not allowed to defeat the main villain himself and needs others, espicially his abuser to help him. Wow, what a great message! And the most depressing point is that hori was clearly trying to make that look like a positiv thing. There is one thing I can say for sure. I will never touch any work from hori ever again.
If this was really the conclusion of the final fight, then congratulation hori, you managed to write a more rushed and horrible conclusion for your story, then tite kubo did with bleach (which to be fair was not kubos fault but shonen jumps). Hori did literally EVERY SINGLE character except bakugou dirty and in the end even startet to write against his own established themes in the story.
Regarding dfo: I already mentioned it a few times in the past. Im still positiv dfo is canon BUT I also said I dont think anymore that dfo will end in a satisfying way. Which actually goes against what hori said, that readers wont feel dissapointed when he reveals hisashis true identity. But, right now I dont see how hori plans to manage that even with a twist. Even if lets say the clone theory ends up true (which would be hilarious because I was JOKING when I came up with it), it still would feel like so much wasted potential. And the thing is, while it would make me happy if it turns out true I would still be mad about all the rest hori fucked up which would make it impossible for me to enjoy the dfo reveal. And as much as I love dfo, if it turns out the afo clone theory is true and hisashi is the real afo who gets a happy ending while tomura stays dead and doesnt get one after everything afo did to him and the rest of the lov stay miserable too, I will still give hori the middlefinger. The only way I would be able to enjoy it is if hisashi ends up as the afo clone who choose a different path then his original body. It would still make dfo canon just in a unexpected way and it could be interesting to see in hisashi that afo COULD have been happy if he had choose a similar way.
I dont know, maybe in the end there is really some kind of twist involved. Shonen jump still hasnt announced that mha will end in the next few chapters and normally they do that at least 5-10 chapters before the final chapter. Maybe we are just panicking over nothing and hori has everything planned out perfectly. Maybe there is more to come. We really cant say for sure. There are still some plots who need answers and I cant see how hori wants to conclude everything in just 2 more chapters. On the other side this final arc was horrible rushed, even more horrible written and all in all a big dissapointment and waste of a lot of peoples time.
Who knows maybe thats why there is a break next week. So hori can wait for the reactions of the readers and include whatever twist he may think could work.
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pineappleparfaitie · 4 months
So..what hapened ?(In regards to the ''drama'')
Hey Pine here. So im sure the SFW vore community has been made aware of ''drama'' that was caused by me and another user nammed Static.I want to ask for the community to at least spread this post around and not label it drama.PLEASE DONT SWEEP THIS UNDER THE RUG AND READ THE CONTENTS OF THIS POST! THIS POST WILL INCLUDE /MENTION THE FOLLOWING: Mentions of the genocide in palestine, antisemitism, national socialism (aka nazism), false alligations, harrasment, threats of doxing, potential ACTUAL doxing, manipulation , mentions of self harm (including suicide),a bit of misgendering among a few others. Again as triggering as these topics may be I heavily encourage you to the read the full contents of this post . And if you have alluded to this situation to no longer label it as drama or ''2 minors arguing over the internet''. Thank you. This post is HEAVY in terms of content and length.So be prepared for that as well.
Edit as of 4:13PM of june 2nd.I forgot to add the misgendering bit.
So who are the players? This whole thing sorrounds 3 main people ; me (pine) , Static (Aka staticmoonshock) and Zet (OpikArts).
Edit as of august: Static was 15 but mid july tutned 16.As far as ive grasped things. I need to clarify as of Febuary 18th im 16 years old. Static to my knowladge has also been 16 for a while, i wont disclose Zets age but everyone here is either 16 or near 17. Another clarification needed is that Static has supposedly left their tumblr account and HAS deleted their side blog oyasumioyasumicloseyoureyes. Even if they arent active targated harrassment is NOT ENDORCED,ENCOUREGED AND IF I SEE ANY HARRASSMENT YOU ARE DIRT TO ME AND ARE NOT HELPING AT ALL. Static is someone who was frequent in the SFW vore community and were best known for sending people asks usually accompanied with their OC's and wanting people to engage with them.They would usually find someone and then proceed to almost spam that person with asks (in an rp fashion sometimes) Zet or OpikArts is someone id say is a very well known figure in the SFW vore community that I dont believe needs much introduction. And them me aka 1#dumbass. Now onto the rest: In early march Static and I had our first interaction via this ask - https://www.tumblr.com/pineappleparfaitie/744426151470071808/i-give-you-the-smol-prey-he-is-very-squish-and?source=share I had problems with them from the start that being the overcrowding of my blog with their asks and it cluttured my blog. However i should have told Static this directly which was my first mistake. I then added this type of behaviour as not accaptable on my BYI. I need you to know this was MARCH 9TH the date will play a role later. on march 11th I followed them back and we started chatting
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Static here told me to tell them if they were overwhelming. And it was a mistake on my end for not saying it sooner.
So Static has known me for more then 2 months. I need people to be aware of that. We had friendly convos on and off and they ;after a period of time- gave me some not so pleasent thoughts. What I mean is Static had behaviours comparable to my abuser. My abuser would vent with no warning, would not put triggers, would talk about his personal life and tell me triggering things and would also mention harming himself. (in 1 instance he sent elf harm scars he inflected on himself so i could send them to his ex partner in an attempt of guilt tripping them). I am all for mental health awearness, and venting but NEVR vent to someone without any warning because you have no idea wtf they are going threw. I was a child therapist at 11 years old to a 15 year old dude and was till he was halfway threw being 20. I know this is HEAVILY personal from my end but I need people to be aware of this notion to better understand WHY i didint like talking to this person and WHY I should have cut them off when I initally started talking to them, After them yet again telling me personal details i asked them this (i have censored their messege as it had personal details regarding their life and i do not want people weaponising this against them or revealing private stuff regarding their life.)
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NOTE!EVEN HERE I TELL STATIC WE ARE MOOTS!I KNOW I SOUND MEAN BUT BEING MY FRIEND IS A LOT MORE PERSONAL THEN BEING A MOOT!STATIC WOULD STATE LATER I WAS THEIR FRIEND SO I BELIEVE WE HAD MISCUMUNICATIONS FROM THE START!THIS IS A FAULT ON MY END WITH NOT CLEARLY COMMUNICATING  M Y   FEELINGS AND NOT TELLING THEM THINGS MORE BLUNTLY. In ALL HONESTLY i should have been upfront with them and immidietly told them what made me uncomftrable but I wanted to be nice because its rude to just tell someone who likes your work ''can you not?'' Static would maybe onc or twice after this forget about me telling them this but it was alright for the most part. Now then. on May 14th i sent Static this messege (this is where the subject of the Genocide in Palestine starts)
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For context:I had a back and fort with someone who i talked about Hazbin Hotel with and how i simply dont like the creator due the fact she has the otpion to boycott but doesnt. And I still stand by the fact if you CAN and are PRIVALEGED enough to boycott you should . Thats not the point of this however it was just context. Static (from what i believe) saw this and on their side blog said how they wished so much pressure wasnt put on my minors to boycott. As well as the main problem regarding everything that being how much antisemitism they were seeing. THIS is where my BIGGEST issue lied with Static. I am ALL for critisizing people who associate jews with israelis and then use that as an excuse to be antisemetic. THAT IS NOT ''OKAY'' THAT IS BLATANT ANTISEMITISM AND YOU ARE DOING HARM TO INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO PROBABLY DONT EVEN AGREE WITH THE THINGS HAPPENING.But Static THEMSELVES for this whole time had the notion that Israel= jews/judism and that if you hated Israel you hated its citizens therefor you hated Jews. I cannot show certain screenshots as they are PERSONAL to Static and I am not going to mention THAT. The reason MOBIZEN is visible is because later down the line Zet suggested I recorded mine and Statics whole Tumblr chat (may 29th) and I cant remove the audio to the recordings so I cannot link the videos due to my voice being on those recordgins, my fathers voice and my own cries and sobs as I was suffering a full on meltdown.WE WILL GET INTO THAT.HOWEVER AS PROOF OF THE VIDEOS EXISTENCE :
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Isreal is a JEWISH state but not every Israeli is JEWISH. Isreal has hurt and killed their own citizens, has killed and hurt Palestinian Rabbis because they dont care about Jewish people they care about using it as a weapon and shield for the autrocities they commit.I WANT TO EXPLAIN THIS BECAUSE STATIC IS CLEARLY UNDER THE NOTION THAT ISREAL IS ALL JEWS ! I do not think they found good sources for this topic. Static had a period of educating themselves, we agreed more then ONCE to not mention this topic (i became more distant as this really made me upset – look up Srebrenica Massicare it relates to my country )
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Static didint know what the word ''state'' meant and made assumptions on my words and their own personal definition. I WANT TO RE-ITTARATE I WAS NO ANGEL DURING THIS AND WHEN THIS TOPIC CAME AROUND I WAS VERY QUICK TO BE AGRESSIVE AND NOT TOLORATE THEIR VIEWS. I WAS A TOTAL DICKWAD AND STATIC HAD EVERY RIGHT TO BE MAD ATME FOR IT!! I DO NOT TOLORATE ANY ZIONIST VIEWS OR ANYTHING IN SUPPORT OF ISREALS EXISTANCE!I DO NOT THINK STATIC THEMSELVES IS A ZIONIST NOR WILL I CALL THEM THAT I THINK THEY NEED TO BE EDUCATED AND PROPERLY SO!BUT THEY HAVE SHOWN VIEWS RELATING TO ZIONISM AND I WANT TO MAKE THAT EVIDENT! This all went on during may , Statics general behaviour put me off and their overwhelmingness made it worse for me. THIS WAS MY FAULT I SHOULD HAVE CUT THEM OFF IN MARCH AND NOT LET THIS SHIT FESTER!I NEED TO SAY THIS BECAUSE I WANT TO BE BLUNT! H a d  I not let this fester for as long as it did I would have not been in this situation, neither would have Zet. And their views on Israel and Palestine didint help a bit. Static isnt jewish, they are an atheist and are in a church , however they have Jewish herritage. Wil al this here is the prolouge to the main event of this shitshow: This will be shown in full Static said they were going threw a episode during the writing of this, and I will not fault them for having one. However I couldnt handle being around someone who clearly wasnt mentally well and was making ME mentally WORSE. (fyi we were talking abt smth completely unrelated to this when Static sent this)
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(this is what the japanese text translates to:)
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I WANT ALL OF THIS in full to be here so people know why I wanted to cut ties with Static.The following is what had us cut ties.
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After this Static proceeded to block me.Quick clerification: The reason i asked Static about the Japanese thing is because I wanted to see how premeditated that episode could have been.Because if they wrote that only to put it into google translate that would have needed more effort then to simply write that text in dm's. However I do think Static GENUINELY had a episode here- what kind I cannot say. (deppresive or something else. Static vauge posted about me in a vent
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It was back and forth of me and them vaugeposting about eachother. On this blog you can find EVERY ONE OF MY REAL TIME RESPONSES TO THIS https://www.tumblr.com/thessituation I have made edits to the post to provide further context. I will not be summarasing them up excpt 1 important post that caused this mess to get worse.The rest I trust you – the reader to go look threw them, I rebloged them chronologically so start from the last post and work up to the latest. The post I want to talk about is this one: https://www.tumblr.com/pineappleparfaitie/751836863121293313/normally-i-dont-justify-nazis-with-a-response-but at the end of the post i explain stuff but to elaborate: I put sfw vore community tags on this post because it was clear evidence of Static wishing me harm and saying the vilest of the stuff they said during this situation. However this caused others in the community to call this post drama and also put sfw vore tags and it caused a domino effect. This made people especially more well known creators with larger followings to want to sweep this under the rug, people didint want to interact with this ''drama'' , one user even called this an argument between 2 minors .I was going threw what I now believe to be a SERIES of MULTIPLE panic attacks and since ive never been threw ONE of those . For the majority of may 29th i was going threw hell. And I was on a school trip for the 30th and 31st.
Now here is who Zet/opikarts is in all this. Zet is a polish dude who has a deep rooted hatred for nazis (as most normal people do but him especially) Zet came into play because him and Static were in contact for a simmilar time me and Static were in contact. They first started talking on the 7th of March.During this period the 2 became friends. I was aware of this as Static mentioned it to me beforehand while we were on good terms. Upon me wanting to cut ties and them blocking me- Static told Zet I was an aspiring neo nazi, that i was manipulative , that I hated jews, that I was aantisemetic ect ect ect. They had simmilar behaviours towards Opic as they did to me and they talked about wanting to harm themselves and vented to him about me and all this. They never showed proof for any of this mind you and had Zet blindly believe them and encorouged them to not talk to me about it- effectively making it so he would not only believe them but never question anything. Static also said it would make them feel better if he blocked me, he only unfollowed me and made me unfollow him. Zet liked every single one of Statics posts that they made in response to this situationa as HE believed he was helping a friend fight of a neo-nazi/nazi , this included the post that wished death upon me (he didint read it threw all the way or properly the first time and he didint agree with what Static said after the fact. I blocked Zet in a fit of panic and anger and then a moot and a friend od mine – Koko aka Koko puffs love informed me that Zet wanted to talk with me to clear stuff up. IN THIS TIME PERIOD STATIC CLAIMED THEIR FRIEND SAM COULD DOX ME!THAT HE HAD STOLEN 2 FIGTHER JETS AND HE COULD SEE MY IP  (which couldnt tell u as much as u think it can) AND TRIED LINKING IT TO AN ANON ASKS GIVING THEM A BOMB THREAT!I DID NOT AND STATIC HAS NOT PROVIDED ANY PROPER SUBSANTIAL EVIDENCE! https://www.tumblr.com/staticmoonshock/751839511503339520/aight-hoes-i-know-some-of-yall-will-take-this-and?source=share this is not evidence i requested video proof of Sam showing the code and i have recieved nothing.
Edit for 4:13PM june 2nd:
Static also reffered to me with fem terms like miss,mrs,ms and girlie ,later saying those terms arent gendered in their eyes.However later they told Zet that they thought i had she/her in my bio always.They sent me multiple asks meaning they HAD to have seen my they/them in my bio and I dont think Zet was aware of how long we talked when they told him this. They were either lying and PURPOSEFULLY misgendering me to further dehumanise me ,mock me ect or they literally never read my bio or my BYI EVER .Neither is really cool. KOKO SUPPORTED ME DURING THIS TIME!THEY DIDINT LIKE PEOPLE CALLING THIS DRAMA!IT ACTIVELY SHOWED ME SUPPORT IN THAT AWFUL TIME!THEY DIDINT WANT PEOPLE CALLING THIS SHIT DRAMA! And me and Zet talked. The reason in the screenshots you see mobizen is because Zet suggested recording mine and Statics chat as Static deleted theirs. Everything. FROM M A Y   9 T  H . I did this along with providing numerous screenshots and after the  fact. And then Zet saw Static lied to him ,overexagarated shit ect ect. And now we are on very good terms. The reason I make this post is because people either swept this under the rug ,encorouged it to be done and spread the info this was an argument. It was in fact someone who clearly isnt in the best headspace actively harrasing someone who wanted to cut ties with them, lying about said person (me) to their friend (Zet) and then after all this. Static deleted most of the posts regarding this situation. (i mention this in the post that started the whole ''this is only drama'' mess.)
I sincerely hope this is spread around the community and that this being a drama is no longer the thought behind this situation. People got hurt for no reason because someone couldnt take people not wanting to be their friend. Upon my post ''Regarding recent events'' Static made a now deleted post saying that they forgave me when they probably shouldnt and they would let me talk with them about the genocide (fyi they rebloged posts and shit saying how this wasnt agenocide) and I did not get 1 apology. I have made multiple to Static, multiple. I have not recieved  1 single ''sorry'' about the death wish, the dox threats, the insults, the nazi labeling I hav recieved NOTHING. This is the text i sent to Static on May 30th after that post was made
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I put all this fourth so people can understand WHY I acted the way I DID, WHY this thing happened AND WHY it was handled so poorly on my end. I was in a state of panic I could not describe to you, a large creator with a following twice your size seemingly supporting the idea youre a nazi and that you deserve to be hit by a train, someone you just wanted to cut off threataning to DOX you and your poor decision to tag a post with community tags to spread awareness causing others to do the same except labeling it as ''DRAMA'' – making the whole community leave you on your own. Yeah May 29th was WORSE then the WORST EXPIRENCES I HAVE  E V E R  had with my ABUSER. Zet and I are thankfully on good terms now and I dont blame him for being manipulated it wasnt his fault. And I – well angry  and upset with how the community handled this- I cant blame it for not wanting to get involved what was painted as ''drama between 2 kids''. Please go show your support to Zet as well as he also felt like crap during this time.Being manipulated feels awful and isnt fun in the fucking slightest and its just a shitshow frankly.
Static made a response post to the situation/this post in particular. I saw this and screenshotted it at aroumd 12:39 PM my time.
This post has since been deleted.
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Dear Static;
You have lied about a person to someones face,manipulated them and actively tried to cause harm.You fighting for the right to your opinion included you to call someone a nazi ,antisemetic,to wish them death and to threaten them with doxing- to harrass someone with no proof. Your opinion on a GENOCIDE means NOTHING to me because it justifies the idea of the existence of a TERRORIST STATE
I wanted to cut ties because of THIS behaviour. Not JUST your opinion. Your behaviour caused me to double down on that notion.
You KNOW i fucked up tagging the community in this -it was a cry for help . But you KNEW of the harm I did. And you actively tagged this community to do as much damage as possible.You deleted this post meaning you arent gone.And im GLAD im HOPING that youre okay that youre alive and well.But you paint the narrative that people dont like your takes on a genocide. Its not only that- but your behaviour. Now back to the contens of thr OG post.
-end of edit
Edit as of June 7th.
Static is fine they seem do be doing well.That is all. Update as of June 7th 9PM roughly.
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Just a screenshot, i am in no state to type anything out. That is all. back to the original contents.
Update as of 2am June 10th:
Static somehow interacted with me threw thessituation blog i am figuring out how to block them on there as well.
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i will not comment further i believe ive presented the evidence neccessary and i am only posting this here as an archive.
Back to the original contents Update June 13th:
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... They are wanting to persue legal action- back to OG contents . . .
To Staticmoonshock I hope you are well, I hope you get the help you need.I dont wish you harm, of any kind. Just please get the help you need before you return to a community space. But please, never contact me again. -Pine
Update as of Jun 30th.
Not really an update however just to say a few things. I have no idea how Static is now or if they have gotten better and im no longer engaging with them period. So below is only what i know.
-Static threatened to take legal action against me via contacting a friend and their friend , later deleting a post alluding to contacting a lawyer
-allegedly tried to take their life twice.Once by taking almost 30 zoloft pills with a 100mg dose which should have killed them but they only said they were like idk loopy?May have taken less then in the picture they provided
-they DID give me an apology , a bad one and one i wont accept, but an apology nonetheless
-said i showed private stuff but later said they couldnt see any of my post as i have them blocked maybe that was just poor wording so ill take it with some salt.
-said they stabbed themselves in the eye with scissors and what i believe-faked a bloody image
And yeah thats about it no clue whats going on now lol
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rontra · 2 months
drop your ffxiv lore
asking me to drop my pants in public would be less embarrassing..... you have to understand crucially that i don't know anything about anything and dont want The Knowers to see me
LMAO well i can talk about it a little but only on One Condition. as i mentioned before im a Certified Stormblood Gamer . in fact according to the wiki i am about this deep (level 64 questing atm)
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so basically the condition is this: if something wasn't explicit in ARR or HW you cannot under any circumstances talk to me about it...! if you have any sort of reaction to this post that has to do with any later material than that i ask you Don't say it to me. if you are in doubt about whether something "counts", the safe answer is yes it does, and just going "neat!" instead & moving on will do fine. i really don't want to play spoiler chicken with you and don't want to know anything i don't already know. i'm enjoying taking my time with the game, so please refrain from correcting or corroborating anything i have to say about it atm!!!!!!! i'm still baby! thank you....!!! 😭👍
anyway my xiv characters are 1 a dude who was born in a wet cardboard box all alone and might be scared of women . & 2 a scary woman who did definitely kill her wife but is also the most Wife Guy for like secret reasons. the second one's lore is being ironed out as we speak so its all subject to change but the concept is there
1. ZT
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love this guy. i even made an amv about it when i finished arr
(every xiv player voice) my wol is the most special boy in the world.
i actually had a whole thing typed up here about like his fucked up mom and whatever but i got shy and deleted it. i might go over it if someone's actually interested . but basically he's a poor little meow meow who, up until the beginning of the game, was abused pretty consistently bc of [evil cat people family dynamic reasons]. his family members mostly hate his ass and were rarely all that nice to him, so he has a lot of issues with self-worth and things like that--he doesn't feel like he's particularly good at anything or really "worth" much
he's from southern ilsabard which is a place i uh do not know much about. as a stormblood gamer. but it's fine the details don't really matter (walking away quickly)
his most prized childhood possession was the ruined scraps of an old arcanist's tome, and through sheer tenacity he managed to teach himself his first rudimentary spell from the incomplete paragraphs therein. he mostly chalks that feat up to the fruit of Time + Boredom and not talent or love, but those pages were the only thing he took with him when it finally came time for him to follow his older brothers' footsteps and leave the family.
gets on the boat. goes to limsa. enlists in the arcanists guild to cultivate what he sees as the One Single Skill He Has. people in the guild ???praise him??? and encourage him?? to keep at it??? which he is not at ALL used to, but it motivates him to work even harder at his training. he's pretty far from home and deeply unsure of himself, but he absolutely does not want to go back to the limited world he knew until now. so that unwillingness to look back sort of inherently keeps him trucking in search of a new purpose to latch on to
he's very sensitive to people being niceys to him, because he's not used to it at all. he's 4x weak to it and might cry if it's coming from an older woman who is even vaguely maternal, due to his horrific mommy issues. also, he wants to be useful to people ("for once"), so he has a hard time saying no to all the million quests and sidequests in the game. perfect
his inability to say no to people who request his help puts him on the Old Nymian Scholar Investigation Mission of course. i am Scholar Guy for a reason and that reason is ZT. this dude never had anything his family valued, and lived as the expendable runt of the litter his whole life, and now is suddenly entrusted with something important for the first time in his life--something bigger and older than him, a way of life, a legacy to uphold and carry forwards into the future
and that mantle is pretty heavy. but he'll carry it! and that's how he becomes a healer boy who will defend any random tonberry with his life. he feels very strongly about the extinct art of the scholars and also about being a healer in general--boy finally found his calling! also he has the echo and is our funny warrior of light but like that's fine. i'm sure the "not being able to say no to people, no matter how tired/hurt/etc he himself is" thing is not catching up any time soon. i did play DRK up to 60 though and lmao. well. hang in there. i even made an amv ab
there's some more stuff about him like how his path through eorzea and as a healer specifically is in lockstep with death at every turn and also how he's a blue mage on the side and whatever but this is long enough. here's a pic of him with one of my favorite "no one else gives a shit about this character" npcs
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he's a pretty kitty and very sweet altho he does need to learn to assert himself (and starts doing so through the course of the game). he's very attached to his friends. he doesn't have any love interest or w/e for now he's figuring his own stuff out. gaining confidence. classic stuff. easy protagonist recipe. my meow meow. i played pvp just to get him a haircut. the things i do for zt
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the new baby. kraljica is not her original name, but she's never going to use her original one again. her surname is Radinasch, which used to be Aradina, before she killed her own queen who may or may not have been also her wife (ofc by hrothgar convention she then changed her surname to represent the loss of her queen) (despite being the killer) (it's a memento :) )
she is a bozjan hrothgar so we're back to ilsabard shenanigans (which remains kind of problematic for a stormblood gamer, but It's Fine). she actually knows ZT's mother, but not in a good way. Radina's group was in local political tension with ZT's mom's group, so there's some history there (notably in that kraljica would recognize ZT as "zahsa's runt" (derogatory) and not be very nice to him about it, but they don't really share a Personal history beyond the Faction Squabbles)
back to the point though, kraljica killed her queen, and most of the other followers of said queen were not very happy about that. killing the queen is like really high up on the list of things hrothgar do not want you to do. so she is branded queenkiller and exiled. some of the other hrothgar choose to follow kraljica out (having faith in her leadership for various reasons), making her their new queen as they venture to eorzea together (and all of their surnames become akraljica to match).
kraljica takes the surge of enmity against her as a natural consequence of what she did, and doesn't correct anybody who identifies her as a queenkiller in her journeys. she basically does not care about her shattered reputation or having to leave her home, because she is on, a secret, Other Scheme.
what they don't know of course is that radina asked her to do it. for scheme reasons. #women
kraljica is acting in accordance with radina's will. not even her own loyal followers know what her plan is, but they can clearly tell she has conviction; even when being hated by her people and ousted from her home, kraljica moves with that same inexhaustible willpower
(maybe she has questions, when she's alone, and wonders how much radina kept from her in the final days. and maybe she misses and mourns her. but all of that is only for her, in private, when no one can see... in front of the others, she's unflinching, and a leader they will follow no matter what...!!!)
she doesn't seem to have the echo and isnt a warrior of light. ZT can do that stuff. she's like busy with her own thing. she's running around collecting suspicious amounts of aether and being suspiciously driven and faithful to her cause. suspiciously
ok fine it's because radina asked her to cut her loose from mortality, venerate that, and bring her back as a primal. because she wants to become a war god strong enough to take revenge on the empire. something that will keep coming back, no matter how many times it's destroyed, as long as her chosen can still call for her....<3 that's so romantic
of course, what returns will not be radina-the-person. it will be an image of her will, shaped by kraljica's mind and the bloodpool of radina's aether. radina is dead for good; what kraljica is summoning is a representation of radina's goals and dreams, fueled by pure belief and a lot of aether. That Which Resembles Wife But Is Not will cast one megaflare for every minute of suffering inflicted upon bozja. (speaking to the empire thru a megaphone) this is your final warning
their summoning is pretty unorthodox and and "partial" (the primal does not manifest a corporeal form at this time, but it is certainly present in its vessel to some extent)--the game already allows a few different quirky summonings, so we're just playing calvinball and making up Another Special Case (this time owing to the specific setup and execution of radina's plan, her and kraljica's synchronicity about the whole thing, kraljica's unique position in her life, and some sprinkles of Rule Of Cool to taste) . imo the game is flexible enough about it that putting in Just One More Weird Summon Strat is not gonna break anything (LMAO) so it's fine <3
all you have to do is write in a side character who goes "but! that's not possible..." while the thing is happening in front of them
anyway suffice to say no one is doing it like radina's weird ass, and she couldn't do it without her wife guy who is willing to do whatever she wants. suffice to also say that kraljica's own aether is noticeably Weird and over-aspected by her beloved primal, and that "radina" (that which resembles wife but is not) Could Be lowkey tempering her right now and nobody would even notice it because her goal and the primal's goal are already one and the same. but that's probably fine. radina would never do that to her <3......
unless of course there are things about her even kraljica never understood. but surely that wouldn't happen
its really hard for other people to get a grip on kraljica because she won't let anybody close to her emotionally and she definitely won't spill the beans on radina's secret scheme. her boys are with her no matter what (#hrothgang) (they also picked up a viera whose city name now includes "akraljica" hahaha). other people are just like um that is a shady lady who is casting spells we dont even know how to classify. scary. also she's got a situationship with a nasty bandit milf (my friend's hrothgal<3) so we better just leave her alone. bad vibes all around
radina was a gunbreaker. kraljica is very good at manipulating aether and a strong fighter too, but i havent rly settled on a canon class for her. because her actual "canon class" is like. "a summoner from a hypothetical Other FF game. not even a specific other FF game, just Very Much Not This One" LMAO
she would just be like ah its um secret ancient arts from my homeland . you wouldnt know her. shes from a different continent. not like how they do it in limsa. not at all. goodbye (walks away mid conversation) and the arcanists could not stop her. like
anyway i'm not used to playing a female char so i keep getting distracted by her breasting boobily around. they dont let ZT jiggle like that so how was i to know... and basically, so-called free thinkers when dalmascan draped top 👇
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she almost had a different face marking way back in the benchmark character creation era, but looking at it now it looks so weird without her big X . like who is that
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(metian vest so important for the shoulder bulk... not gonna lie)
anyway kraljica would hear about the final aeon from ff10 and be like that's fucking right.
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mooblesandsoups · 2 months
Songs like sunlight
An mcyt battle of the bands au
Some people really like my snowbugs WIP and now I'm using it as an excuse to talk about my au because I like this au. (Btw feel free to ask questions about the au please I'll love to talk more about it)
CW: the entire entertainment industry, implied workplace abuse and talks about disabilities
World building/plot
SLS or The battle of the bands au is a secret life au that takes place in a dystopian world aesthetically based on ideas like cyberpunk and solarpunk.
After all of earth's greenery was almost destroyed as caused by the industrial revolution people turned to music and other arts to not only cope but to separate more from the technology that was destroying the earth.
Centuries later earth us flourishing with greenery (however their water supply is definitely not better) everywhere you walk you see everything from people on scooters to bikes to street artist showcasing their work to anyone who'll listen, of course nothing can be perfect and Companies have used the rising growth of music to its benefit.
The biggest music company in the world is Watchers Inc. A music company that has been booming since the introduction of their latest singer a masked singer only known as X by fans as well as controversies with former members... However this mysterious singer isn't their reason for popularity oh no it's how they choose their next talents.
Every decade Watchers Inc. Hosts a battles of the bands competition, choosing a selection of popular indie artist to compete for a prize, with the winner being offered a spot as a talent for Watchers Inc. Alongside their prize.
This year is particularly special with the introduction.. And reintroduction of some familiar faces now battling to win a grand prize, which band will come out on top? What secrets will be revealed? What kind of relationship will bloom? And which will have their failures and personal lives broadcasted live in front of millions.
As mentioned previously this au is secret life based as that was what was currently out when I first started this au do of course I enjoyed playing around with dynamics and how they all started theirs bands/careers.
Gem & The Scott's- indie/alternative music (can't explain but think of black sheep by metric. That. Specifically the one in Scott Pilgrim)
Starting off with gem and the Scott's, gem and impulse met each other because of a family friend leading to their eventual friendship. Soon enough gem had an idea, let's male a band. Both gem and impulse had a fascination for music considering it's how they became friends, so it just felt right in gems eyes. However they needed one more member and luckily she knows exactly who to ask.
Next thing Scott knows as he's relaxing at a bar enjoying his break from music when a random ginger woman runs up to him and ask to join her emo band. And he said yes for some reason so I guess it worked.
Mounders- folklore music
The mounders were founded by pearl a few months after her band's contract was terminated by Watchers Inc. So she decided to start fresh and gather some of her friends to set up a proper band.
Due to Pearl's previous success it wasn't too difficult getting back into business with some assistance from her bandmates and suddenly everything is good again.
The Roomies- pop? (Maybe? Like Oliva Rodrigo kinda pop not finalized)
The roomies aren't technically an official band Grian is considered a independence artist by many and switches around bandmates a lot because of his contract with Watchers Inc. However he trusts etho and Cleo the most and preforms with them as much as he can because they treat him like an actual person.
The heart foundation- Jazz (Dont ask me details I don listen to jazz music)
Couple of dudes work at a bar and play jazz music. I don't know what else you want they're just silly guys with a bit of PTSD
Big dogs- rap (because its funny)
Jimmy and Martyn were both in the acting business for awhile which is how they met. Jimmy has been and actor since childhood and Martyn only started during adulthood while doing music on the side. Soon enough Jimmy ends up ranting to Martyn about acting and how he's tired of it after doing it for so long so Martyn asks if he wants to become a musician with him and Jimmy agrees then the big dogs were born.
Scar & Lizzie- Lizzie is pop (but like theater kid pop if that makes sense) and scar is yet to be decided (maybe country?)
Lizzie and Scar are both individual performers both choosen through a popularity vote by the fans and watcher staff.
Extra fun stuff
This was mentioned in the WIP above but Scott is legally blind, however he was not born blind. He basically got the bad genetics in his family and eventually starts going blind over time. Its really not too important to the plot (besides some backstory stuff and self esteem issues) but it's an interesting detail that I'm doing lots of research to get right.
Lizzie and Joel are married in this au! I'm only bringing this up because my friend came up with a funny idea that Lizzie was unarguably the more popular of the two but Joel bragged about his popularity more.
Skizz owns the bar the heart foundation works at the boys typically do seperate performances and performances together while also helping around the bar itself however Skizz is known to hire small bands to preform as well.
The setting SLS takes place in is as mentioned very green but there are spaces around dedicated to paintings and art in general, like cleared up spaces dedicated to graffiti or street artists having their own spot to work.
Almost everyone in this world is a hybrid of sorts, I try to have fun using lesser used hybrid headcanons but some are just a bit basic. Is there lore reasons they're hybrids? No I just think it's cool.
Since this is a secret life au all the winners of the previous games are Grian, Scott and Pearl (they won together), and Martyn. Grian, Scott and Pearl had all taken the offers to join Watchers Inc. But only Grian remains meanwhile Martyn stayed independent and just took his prize and left.
On the topic of the winners it should be mentioned that all the winners do know each other in some way, Grian is cousins with Pearl and therefore knew Scott by association, Pearl and Scott are former band mates but are still close, Martyn and Scott are friends from highschool so pearl knows him by association, Grian met Martyn at a bar an became friends.
And that's all yall getting for now!
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 month
hi pce :) why do you ship style and what are your favorites parts of the ship? also what are your favorites aspects of stan and kyle’s individual personalities? AND bonus question, how do you write so quickly 😭😭
First of all I’m SO sorry I’ve been terrible about checking my inbox and answering asks I’m working through them slowly I promise
So! We all know while I’m a ridiculous multishipper (especially where Kyle is concerned), NOTHING tops style for me! SP otp no question. Why? Because I ADORE ships that start off as friendships and develop into something more! Style in particular I think is so appealing because they already know each other so well from being super best friends their whole lives and I love the idea of them both “secretly” pining for the other longggg before either of them confess. And there’s the added bonus of their dynamic, at least the way I interpret them most of the time: Kyle being passionate and hotheaded, Stan being more reserved and friendly until he gets worked up enough. Kyle being “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!” And Stan being “yeah whatever, dude” if you catch my drift.
My number one favorite aspect of Stan’s personality is his protectiveness. Not just as a headcanon, but in the show and games as well. We see him protective of his friends (especially Kyle) as well as Wendy. Yesterday i was watching sp (ofc I was) and the way he got sooo pissed at Cartman when he was talking shit about “his gf” in Dances With Smurfs lmfao. And I mean, Stan chooses to play as a KNIGHT when the kids are playing their fantasy game. So yes, his protectiveness.
For Kyle, definitely his passion. My boy sees an injustice and he is FIGHTING it. A good example of that is the most recent special. Kyle and Cartman DONT get along well, but Kyle finds out that people who need weight loss medication and can’t get it because people are abusing it? He’s fighting like hell to make it right, dealing with the convoluted ass American healthcare system, literally learning how to make it himself. Bro doesn’t do ANYTHING half assed.
Dude lemme tell ya. I know as of late the PCE fics haven’t been pumping out the way they used to, and I had some medical and mental health reasons for that, but back in the day the fics were coming faster than a repressed horny teenager jackin off (Sry I had to lmao) Anyway, a lot of the reason I was able to write so quickly is because I’m CONSTANTLY writing in my head. Like if I’m not focused on doing something else, there’s a story I’m making up mentally. And I’ve always done that; it’s just a year and a half or so ago that those stories became South Park focused and I started writing them down and posting them. I’ll be driving or trying to fall asleep or doing chores around the house or a menial task at work, and be writing in my head. So then when I go to actually type it out, it’s already mostly written. I’d say my process has definitely changed since the RANT groupchat, specifically with sharing my ideas as they come to me, whereas before I didn’t have that. Now I’ll just be all “hey should I add this” and have feedback that inspires something else I wind up adding. But yeah, long story short, I write quickly bc I write the whole thing in my head first lmao
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blueskiesfillmymind · 4 months
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DUDE DUDE!!!!!!!!!
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So part 2 centers around blue's relationship w/ 2 of his abusers [Lavender and Pink]
While pink is a case of abused became abuser, Lavender feels important to talk about first,
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With this first memory sequence it shows blue looking through old photos / memories between him and his sister, and lemme just say they're so adorable when they were young--
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Blue's lil strand of hair curling into a question mark is both cute and sad because of the amount of gaslighting lav pushed on blue, making him doubt his surroundings and his sister
But aside from wholesome memory lane. Comes these disgusting clips
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Lavender is talking about the birds and the bees with her younger and more impressionable brother. And one where she asks him if he's ever jerked off before.. EEUFGHHH--- DISGUSTANG !!!!
Lavender is such a HORRIBLE sister when it comes to how she was in the past and how she is with blue now-- what the actual fuck is wrong with HER?????
I have a small hunch that it was because of lavender's horrid mindset that lead blue growing up to either want a sexual relationship or a small jumpstart at his hypersexuality. I myself had experiences like this but its sensitive 2 me so I'mma not mention em-
Because like- LOOK AT BLUE'S STAR GAZE- he was like "woah... my sister is so cool.." and shit- LIKE NNAHHGSHS
Also also look at the way blue is when he looked back at lavender,, he looked so upset..
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and the fact that lavender gave him [I think it's a porn magazine] to help him jerk off is so vile.. like- girl dont talk about these with your own brother.. tf is u on???
And she looks like she was like 17 or 18 in that flashback so henceforth making that scene all the more disgusting..
Overall just super upset with how blue had to deal with such disgusting stuff from his sister..
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But now we move on to pink's relationship with blue, which keep in mind either still stays sexual or its just- otherwise eeugh..
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Since this episode deals with trauma bonding, blue is now still with pink and lavender, much to my dismay.. however it does show more about pink's relationship with her husband aswell!
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Pink had likely opened up about her abuse with blue, since he did ask her about it in the past, now blue sees pink in that victim light [also pink's eyes are rlly pretty in a way,,,]
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Seen a theory where with pink's lack of eyes is her "turning a blind eye" from her abuse in her marriage, she focused more on how happy she was during that day instead of trying to think of her abuse, so that's why she likely has her ring painted white instead of showing its true colors,
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As much as I do sympathize with pink, she's still sorta iffy in my eyes, I just wish she could improve is all,, character development arc 4 pink maybe???
Anyways- so blue and pink are arguing, it's likely from blue's attraction to lilac, to which pink says "But you're so sexual" to which he's denying it?? It could be where he's saying "I'm a changed man."
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But then pink is arguing with "if you make her cry then you'll be dealing with me."
Lilac and pink are likely either really great friends or they've met eachother way back when,, either way !! Pink's willing to sacrifice anything for her best friend and I think that's a pretty cute detail,, I guess??
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So then blue blocks her out and walks away from the argument, maybe because of some.. disagreements or with blue being fed up with the fight? Either way he puts the glasses back on after it
A commenter said that with blue's glasses it's his way of thinking that pink still likes him, or whatever else the heart glasses mean,
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lilac ends up getting fired because of purple.. for whatever reason? Does that make purple the department's boss or- idk what it means really,,but like- yuck.
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Now purple is beginning to groom blue, And with clips of purple talking with lavender her tie is slowly turning blue aswell-... I swear if I see purple its ON SIGHT. ON EFFIN SIGHT. I WANT THAT BITCH DEAD.
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Overall baby hotline 2 was very uhm... something- which makes this series all the more like- mind boggling because like holy crap the lore is making me go feral,,
Loved how pink was shown and I love how everyone else was portrayed, either way! That's it for my long rant, if you need me. I'm gonna be cuddling w/ blue and comforting him <3
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marinazone · 6 months
What's been bugging my brain recently
Boy oh boy where do I start. Well I suppose I'll start with a little bit of context. Hi! My name is Hunter (if you never knew my real moniker, not many do even if i tell them); and I have been in a disastrous...what could only be described as love illness, since February 28th. Before i explain why (if you dont already know) allow me to provide my full experience with love. When i was in 12th grade i was used as rebound for a girl named Nicole after her boyfriend had broken up with her. It was the first time i had ever gotten to feel love, the expectations of what i should expect were to be established from then forward. We talked a lot asked eachother how we were doing shared similar interests that kinda shit. It was cool, the sex was lukewarm at best but it felt nice to feel appreciated. Thats when her emotional manipulation began. She would be in low points that i attributed to depression. I always told her "go get help for your depression, itll only get worse" all of which she militantly ignored to the point where she told me she was being physically abused by her family. Naturally, stupid me, believed her and grew more and more attached and protective and i didnt find out til after we split up that she was full of horse shit. It was during this point that she would take opportunities when she was "moody" to punch me across the face. Why did i take that shit? I dont know! I guess i was too fucking scared to lose someone i was attached too. Two years passed and i realize she started to ditch me to hang with some dude named Paul and was cheating on me for months. I finally asked firmly if she was and she admitted it, playing sap. I was devestate for about three months afterward. I had planned to kill myself numerous times but always remembered how much my friends would miss me. It was during this time around 2013 that i took up a habit of walking a mile to a nearby bridge on a "private walk" over an artificial lake to just gaze into and get lost in what seemed like infinite thought. I eventually got over her, but only after deleting all contact with her.
Second is someone online i will just call Saber. A very basic ass relationship. No emotional fulfillment for me and only sexting. He was a bit different in abuse in that it was more a financial abuse than anything else. He relied on me to pay for his ffxiv game and subscription and shit cause he didnt live in NA and i didnt see a cent back. The separation was far more a fade then burning out. We just stopped talking and i stopped giving once i realized i was being used
And the third ex is actually criminally dangerous so i will avoid any details at all about them! Just know theyre in jail still i think and they dont know my address
So we arrive more recently, I dont want to use exact names as im still in contact with them and are (presumably) friends and i do not wish to expose information given in confidence. I will just be using first initials as follow: A, B, T, and W.
So it began with a message I'd received from B (all this was when i was freyacrescentshangover on here). He messaged me because we were into the same shit and asked if i wanted to rp. I figured sure! Why not! Well he was pretty chill and nice and i would eventually tell him i had a crush on him. He said "its cool we have similar fetishes but lets just stay friends for now ok?"
It didnt upset me to much. Then W entered my life and boy is she a treat (not sarcastic, mostly). She contacted me for much the same reason. We were into similar shit. We'd spend a lot of time back and forthing this stuff and getting to know eachother and then i finally told her i had a crush on her and her answer is something to keep in mind for later. She didnt say yes, but she didnt say no. She told me things such as ne being cute and how she enjoyed how we had similar kinks and said she'd be down to be more flirty sometimes. I had no fucking idea what this meant (No offense W) so I was more just in a state of confusion where our relationship was. As for why i admired her? She was passionate. Her interests were so emblazoned on her soul that is was visceral just being in a conversation (still is to an extent). Yet she's also so cool and mysterious. It felt like she was someone i had to learn about, someone that i could listen to their passions for hours in complete awe and admiration. Thats still what i admire about her to this day i suppose, but ill get onto that more in a bit.
This was also around the same time i had developed a crush on A. A is super cool and chill even to this day. Never afraid to be herself or says what she feels and that is truely admirable. She'd contacted me because, once again, we were into similar fetishes. We did the old exchange weird stuff and talk until i noticed she, by complete fucking cosmic coincidence, lived in the same town as me. You guessed it! Got a crush on her. This rejection breaks the mold a bit though in that she reciprocated the feelings but felt she was in to many relationships and couldnt provide me the emotional support i needed. Didnt bother me too much.
Well, that is until a couple months later A and her wife formed triad with W. It felt so.....bad if im being honest. I feel guilty to say it and i am really happy for them still! But there's always been a part of me since then that sorta felt......jealous? Short changed? I dont know, its hard to find a word for it. Its like when you taste something super fucking sour but you like expected it to be sweet. My self worth sorta plummeted from it all. Like i just wasnt enough for them..
Cut to later and i met T. Shes super sweet and funny and boy i got a crush on her too! She got into contact with me because......you guessed it! Similar fetishes! It feels like im just gifted with a power that lets people confide their weird fetishes with me. When i told her she told me essentially "Same fetishes dont like you that way".
Now we cut from 3 years ago to a month ago. I get feelings spurring up again for T and W (Probably A too but after how this goes I dont wanna be crushed ever again). I tell T first i have a crush on her. She says something similar to before but elaborates that romantic feelings are very hard for her to obtain. Then I tell W again. She says "We have similar fetishes and thats cool but i dont like you that way". For some fucking reason, this was an emotionally devastating breaking point for me and im not sure why. i got over T in like two days. W on the other hand? Were a month strong in and I still cant stop being depressed about it all. What happened here? What went different here? Was it because of the awkward response id receive years ago? Was it the jealousy-like feelings i still harbored? Is it just because i wanted to hear more about her and her interests and passions hidden under that cool (and sexy) exterior like i had before? I dont know. Probably never will. Likely a combination of all those though.
So here I am, on this weird precipice of loneliness, ready to die any second because my self worth doesnt seem to improve no matter what I do (and ive been doing a ton lately). Will I be able to work up the courage to take another final shot at A? Probably not, my body can't take another hit like that. Atleast not so soon. Will I ever get over W? Im not sure. The last time i felt this bad was with Nicole and I had to cut all contact with her to feel better, but the thought of doing that with W makes me even more sick. Maybe I'm just SOL and my emotional and mental stability doomsday clock is finally reaching midnight (sure hope not! I have Marinas to bully!).
Apart from all this, with how spurred i feel and such. I find it harder and harder to get out of bed every day. To do the things i like keeping myself healthy. Eating. Showering. To live. And yet I move.
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gooopy · 2 years
I think you were the one talking about Harry as a system? If so, please please please elaborate! I’ve considered and love the idea. Unfortunately tho I don’t know a lot about systems so I don’t want to say anything and be wrong or offensive.
Okay! Hi! I wrote a response to this but i had hit tumblrs post limit so it got obliterated! Hell and pain on planet earth!
Wanna preface this by saying i am just some guy and if you would like to know more, you are always allowed to do research on yoir own. Its sweet that you care so much about being respectful and its very appreciated!!
Im a system, or i at least got some system-esque stuff goin on. Heres some basics (youll see the parallels methinks teehee)
When someone faces childhood abuse or trauma, one of the ways the mind can protect itself is by splitting into parts, or alters. The most common primary goal of a system is to protect the host (the person who mostly owns the body) from more harm by any means possible. DID and other similar disorders are covert, and often hide because that is whats necessary for survival. For the host to be able to dissociate through trauma, for alters to step in to avoid more trauma, and to help the host survive the trauma. Often tjis comes with severe memory loss and time loss as alters step in to control a situation
Alters are as much their own guys as the host, and sometimes the host can change. An alter is put in charge and the previous host steps back and only comes around sometimes. If an alter is taking control, it means they are fronting. If an alter is kinda hangin back, commentating and only having some sway over what the body does, thats called Co-Con (cooperative consciousness, i believe) and i feel lile most of the time the skills in harrys brain are cocon
Now, i dont think tjis was the i tent of the game but how i interpret it and my own personal headcanons, i believe that the skills are all alters (plus limbic system, ancient reptillian brain, and any other of those dudes) and harry is the host. All the skills could have helped keep harry safez and alters can also form later in life.
Shivers may have formed to protect harry during winter. He says winters are hard, but they must be easier if you have the city telling you she loves you. Esperit helps keep track of his job and the people in it. Half life is scared, and wants to protect harry by any means possible. Electrochemistry works to make him happy the way they know how. They all work together to help protect him and make sure hes okay.
I feel like most of the time, harry is in control with the other skills being cocon, but there are moments where the skills take over (like savior faire 'teleporting' up the ladder) and i just. Like. Hes a system. To me. Okay????? Lmao.
Thank you for asking!!! I like this headcanon a lot
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nitazenes · 2 months
Ripley and Theo have always been problematic for years. They've stalked former exes of theirs, some to the point of deleting every socmed, abused. Ripley is the boy who cried wolf at every relationship by calling it abuse with their victim ego while Theo is their "I hate everyone and everything but my spouse can't do anything wrong" white knight, even when it comes to s/a. You and their other victims deserve justice.
oof sorry i was up all night so ive been sleeping
I always had suspicions about them
also all the posts theyre talking about that I posted were posted about a month ago. like it's been over my dude. Im like, these fuckers really sat there and went searching for something to complain about
Theo all like "yes I did check your blog after the anons" and im like, good for you, I never sent anything
I do however see how long you're on my blog with my statcounter like. they use a VPN im sure because I have a bunch of page loads from Romania, Turkey, the Middle East, and other places that just obviously tell me it's them.
EVERYONE who clicks my blog and i dont hide this, everyone gets logged on the statcounter. It takes your current IP (usually VPNS) and it tells me simple information, like what posts were clicked on. A lot of them have multiple page loads for extended periods (11 minutes for one session on my blog like you must like scrolling)
honestly its not worth my time
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chompskysssalad · 5 months
i think mental illness is not talked about nearly enough in this niche subset of the undertale community.
and i mean about a few folks! specifically rurik, goth, palette, and lotus.
rurik first cos hes my babygirl 💙 rurik has been confirmed to have ptsd. thats a life altering disorder. one cannot just take some pills and be rid of it like you can with some ear infection.
ptsd is a serious disease, and i think instead of it being swept under the rug, it should become a forefront of his character. i want to see him recover. genuinely recover and not just some "he just got over it " bs ykno? i want to know how it makes him feel, i want to see the decisions he makes because of the disorder. how does this illness change him as a person. we do not see much of that regarding his character.
lotus next bc hes my second babygirl 😋. i cant speak on his "cannon" disorder partly because nekophy rarely talked about him as a character (often resulting in folks having to interpret him on their own, and often being... wrong. looking at all the fellpoth folks from the years of 2017 to 2019) and partly becaue she deleted her original account with 95% of her lotus asks. but what i can dig up is he was abused growing up by f!geno and f!reaper. i can dig up that canonically him and rurik had a rough relationship that often ended in physical violence from both parties.
how does this change him as a person? he is such a bland character if im honest. we were given a character ref and told to do what we gotta do. i want to see him fleshed out (although that will probably never happen!) i want to see what illnesses or disorders he has obtained throughout his life, wether it be from childhood or abusive relationships. how does this affect him as a person and how does this affect his relationships with people? that is a question i think we will never know unless you create your own headcannon for it.
goth next cos hes chillin... goth has always been seen as a shy, awkward, man-child who cant do much for himself. i think thats wrong and i dont mind saying that because i personally cannot stand his creator lolol. goth has so much... potential. he is the son of the god of death, he is no baby that needs his hand held throughout life.
now there is one thing i do like about his original character, and that is the effect he has on relationships. in both a poth and duelette universe, he is smitten and doesnt quite know what to do with himself around the people he has crushes on. i can work with that. i suspect he has some sort of personality disorder just from being in this part of the fandom for so long yknow? this is perhaps getting into headcannon territory which i will get into later (maybe)
palette my beloved, he was the first sans i ever laid my little 9 year old eyes on.... he is much more fleshed out as a character than goth or lotus for SURE. however i suspect that there is one thing that is merely. glossed over. and another folk has talked about it.
he's so autistic dude. not a doubt in my mind. i dont even need to put this in the headcannon section because its so hinted at (even if thats not what the creator was aiming towards)
his emotions, him being so "oblivious", just the way he carries himself... autism dude. and i crave it !! i want it !! i want to see this fully implemented into his character and his personality and his relationships. i want to see how this affects him and the others around him. how does due respond to it? what about goth? hell, even rurik? i crave this. i want more
i would talk about dante and due, but im 99% sure dante has already been fully fleshed out (psychopathy and whatnot) and im honestly.. not sure about due. they're great characters and all but my autism laser pointer is directly on the four i just spoke about (sorry pookies i love yall)
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lazulian-devil · 9 months
Antoinette Burgund or the story of how I as a Sims Player actually laughed out loud in exasperation several times because holy fuck, this was a bad idea but also weirdly funny?
Let me tell you the story of my latest Sims 3 Adventure (its wild, my dudes):
We start out with a single mother, whos running away from her abusive boyfriend and therefore has:
- no money
- no skills (thats because she just spawned in)
- no connections
- no qualifications (my rule was, that she could only get a parttime job once she reached Lvl 5 in a skill and a full time job once her baby is a Teenager, because at that point, she should have enough "references" that she could take a lowlevel job. She was also not allowed to take any job that payed more than 30 Simoleons an hour at entry level).
Her name is Antoinette Burgund and she looks somewhat like there were fairies in her line, but she wasnt blessed with that particular gift. She and her son get set to 0 Familyfunds via cheat and then we start.
Her goal in Life? Learning all recipes. As a woman that constantly hungers, such luxuries fill her dreams.
She moves into a new neighbourhood and its hell. Her kid is constantly hungry, shes constantly tired, neither of them can sleep. She spends most of her time in the library to learn some essential skills (and because there are benches and computers) or at the gym, for showering. At some point, she realises there are dumpsters behind the gym but I - the Player - foolishly decide that she still has too much pride and try managing without.
This last about half an in game week of hunger and constant exhaustion (this is the first time I had a Sim with wishes like "buy a stove" or "buy a shower". Very immersive!) before she dumpster dives with a crying baby behind her in the parking lot. Luckily for her, she actually finds good stuff that she can sell via "eBay" and therefore can finally buy a crib and a sleeping bag. From learning gardening at the library, she also has slowly fruiting tomatoes and grapes.
Though she is constantly hungry anyways. With a combination of fishing, gardening and dumpster diving, she eventually manages to buy a 4*4 "shed", with a toilet, outside shower, etc. Its... Not going well. She cant buy her toddler much to play with, making him reliant on weird gifted doll that occupies all his time. And her diet consists of apples, tomatoes and the occasional dining experience. Mostly stealing from public picknick stuff though.
When Julian grows up, Antoinette leaves him to his own devices while she tries to provide for him. They barely talk, as her shift follows right after his schoolday and by the time she gets home, he tends to be asleep.
But she always puts food in the fridge for him and when he wishes for something, she makes it possible. Julian is an artistic child, so she signs him up for after school ballet classes and gets him an easel to paint with.
At some point, while Julian is at home and Antoinette is in the library at night, she decides to marry into a wealthy family. Shes pretty enough and charming, so she starts online dating and actually matches with someone she knows to be rich. Even though it feels wrong, she knows that her boy wont have a good future when the tax payment takes about a fifth of what they have. Adding to the shed is expensive, her fruit dont sell for much and her job makes her around 100 Simoleons per day.
And she would do anything for her boy. Trying to set up a meeting is denied several times, but the rich man (someone by the name of Van Ghoul) and her text and he seems nice enough. One day, she decides to just visit his house and is practically marveled at the size of it. She also learns why her phone boyfriend isnt meeting up with her: Hes married. So much so that his adult son opens the door. Adult and very much single.
Also, a vampire. But after everything shes been through, why shouldnt she have immortality? She deserves the power. She deserves the strength.
So she seduces his son, a man that barely knows hardship. Who drives a car that costs more than she ever had in her life. He is nice though. Incredibly so. He doesnt complain about being taken out to cheap dinner or going to free places. Hes a good man, all things concidered.
Then it happens. Antoinette asked him out after she got a promotion. Hes ecstatic and takes her out to the feygardens, Antoinettes favourite place. They walk and talk (and woohoo) in the Aboreum. Its perfect. She wants to propose then and there, ask him to move in, meet her boy.
But, as they walk outside, a meteor strikes both of them dead. He dies, in an instant. Antoinette does too. But death is so amused by her constant misfortune, that he lets her live.
The meteor also turns out to be worth a fortune, enough for her to upgrade the shed into a small house.
[This was by far the funniest part of the playthrough, it was so unexpected].
Broken, grieving and utterly convinced that life just hates her, she goes to a bar. Everything was looking up, her boyfriend loved her, they wanted to marry. Her son was having good grades despite everything and even made some friends!
She walks into the bar, confused and worried and all kinds of messed up. The barman, for some reason, is immediately smitten with her. She doesnt know it yet, but the man that buys her a drink and makes her laugh about everything is also rich. She wont know for quite some time more. She doesnt really care.
Joe McDuff calls her again and again and over the years, while her boy becomes a Teenager, she falls for him. Hard.
Julian now goes to artclass after school, becoming a magnificent painter. All the time she spent playing xylophon with him have put the music into his soul and he gets more and more artsy as the years go by.
Eventually, Joe tells her everything: He doesnt have a job, all his money comes from his dad, he doesnt have a fancy car or anything else, but he loves her. So much. He would marry her right now.
And they do. With only the Player and her son as witness, Joe and Antoinette marry in front of the shed, mid summer, and he leaves his home and family behind. They call, worried, but Joe promises them a party once everything is settled and they reluctantly let him go.
He doesnt bring much money, but its enough to add a few rooms to the house and give Julian his own room. They even buy a computer and as a gift to his stepson, Joe gets him a guitar.
It turns out that Joe has absolutely no skills whatsoever, but hes a sincere man that left the comfort of his home for the love of his life. They'll make it work.
[He is useless. I lobe him, but he is such a spoiled child. Also he wants to become an Athlete, so making him jog everywhere is weirdly funny to me]
Not too long after that, Antoinette is pregnant and the family party needs to be canceled in favor of the new baby: Cesare. Born on the night of Julians prom. He comes home late, gets arrested and scolded by his mother and put to house arrest.
Yup. Poor Julian.
This was a wild fucking ride and it was so much fun. I sincerely never struggled this hard to keep them alive and well, and it was the most fun Ive had in a while with Sims 3! Cant wait to get back to the idiots.
(Also, play with unlucky Sims. Its fantastic).
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gammagoop · 11 months
my recent fixation has been the wings of fire book series since ive been rereading it, which i feel is not very related to any of my other interests and so i havent posted much about it. but i literally have “post whatever i want” in my bio so i’m not going to let the whims of an audience stop me any longer
all that to say heres some of my series opinions in the form of tierlists
(not including 3rd arc bc i havent gotten there on my reread and i dont remember it very well)
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character tierlist! (added the legends: darkstalker characters manually since they weren’t in the tiermaker version)
mightyclaws is my background character fave. category 10 glup shitto event
i need to do a long post on how much i love whiteout. another day
i realy like clay in the first book and if he retained the same level of depth throughout the series he would be in the top tier-- its just that his writing makes him so shallow in the rest of the books it makes me so sad :[ i was listening (audiobook) to hidden kingdom and like. 90% of his lines/actions were about food and the other 10% were about protecting the other dragonets..... i related so much to his anxiety in the first book and his empathy and his ability to see both sides of things... gah. sad.
jambu is also one of my glup shittos. i love his whimsical ass
foeslayer is a hard one for me because she never did anything wrong she's just..... not as present as i wish she was. she's treated as a very vital character with how many large plot points hinge on her, but she doesnt have much agency herself. its stated a lot that she's extremely important to darkstalker but in the legends book we dont see much of them interacting? idk. i like her but she always feels so uninvolved
the 'beat you to death (funny)' tier is just for characters who i like on some level but are also pathetic and worms. out of that tier i like deathbringer the best and mastermind the worst
tier after that are for characters who i have a positive opinion on but not really a strong one. anemone and sora are more complicated, but i do generally like them. i really just feel bad for them if anything. i think i like clearsight more than the other characters in this tier, but she's not in the 'wonderful :D' tier because i dont think she has a very strong personality
the 'conflicting feelings' tier is kind of a trainwreck because it means a lot of things
obviously riptide is the outlier since he hasnt done anything nearly to the degrees of coral, glacier, and albatross-- but i do have conflicting feelings on him. riptide is completely inoffensive, hasn't done anything wrong, i just dont like him because he has no real reason to be in the story. like you could write him out very easily. his only purpose is to be a love interest for tsunami which is like...... gh. dude. she doesnt need one. if she's gonna have a romance it should come naturally. not "wow this seawing is handsome and also he's the first one ive properly met as well as a guy do im in love with him now" like girl do better
coral and glacier both have done bad things and obviously have bad intentions but also.... theyre not the worst. bad but not the worst.
albatross is a victim of emotional abuse and even though that doesnt justify his actions it does explain how they could have been negated
next 3 tiers are self-explanatory. i forgot to put her on there but queen vigilance goes in 'the grime beneath my shoe'
actually no i wanna talk about scarlet and battlewinner: i think the thing that i like about them is their theatrics. they bot have such a huge presence, like a disney villain. whenever i read scarlet dialogue it almost feels poorly written with how over-the-top she is but. no other character talks like that. its just how scarlet is. and i think thats so good. whereas battlewinner's situation conceptually is just cool as hell. i love how she struggles to speak because of the ice in her throat, her rage, the way she's hinted at but her reveal is completely unexpected...... very very good
no one likes morrowseer
when im in an emotional abuse and classism competition and my opponent is queen lagoon 😧
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ship tierlist! (made on ms paint since i couldnt find any good ones on tiermaker. turned out to be nice since i can mess with the placement more)
top tier is /j i just dont really like how tui writes romance
i was kind of against glorybringer at first for the same reason i dont like tsunami/riptide but honestly it grew on me. their dynamic is so fun
anemome/tamarin is good i just think tamarin could do better if she wanted to. but i understand the "i can fix her" mentality and i do genuinely think tamarin could help anemone
sunny/fatespeaker is kind of a funny concept but also i can totally see it
i genuinely forgot turtlejou was a thing in canon ... it does not make sense to me. who came up with this. in the words of my friend "forced heterosexual on both parts tbh"
i love turtle and peril as friends so so so much if i saw someone romantically shipping them i feel like i could get mad
smolder/thorn is like if glorybringer was bad. mostly just because thorn can do way better than him. smolder and vermilion should kiss each other and bond over being wimp princes who havent actually done anything wrong themselves but bow to tyrant relatives to avoid getting killed
i dont know if this will be an unpopular take but clay and peril is such an awful ship. i like them as friends, i think theyre great as friends, but a romantic relationship between them would be so deeply unhealthy considering their situation. peril would be even more dependent and attached to him than she already is, and clay is not the kind of dragon who has an easy time saying 'no' to things. it would not be a malicious relationship in any way, but it would not be good for them. peril needs to learn how to live for herself, not for the approval of anyone else
okay thats all for today friends. thank you if you read all of my mismatched thoughts if you did ^_^ i love talking
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