#some indians idfk
syrenki · 9 months
i was almost abducted yesterday. like... full on abducted i think. people who have been following me for hours and tried to approach me earlier now stepping out of a large van that stopped next to me in a dark alley late at night. i fucking screamed and ran
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llocket · 1 month
ok ok so when i was younger i had to wake up super early to catch the bus to school, and one day i overslept and my dad said that if i missed my bus, i would be on punishment. so guess what.. i missed the bus 💔 and it was pouring rain outside 😭😭😭
and i don't like it when my dad's upset with me because he shouts really loud ( he's in the army so it's literally his job ) so ya know what i did? i decided to walk. and it wasn't terribly long but you definitely had to put in effort to get there. so i started walking and about halfway there, a car slows down. and it's like "oh he's right in front of a house, he's just parking",, NO. HE GETS OUT AND WALKS, NO, RUNS TOWARDS ME. and i'm silently freaking out because in my mind i'm like "oh, good god i'm about to be kidnapped by a dude because i'm afraid of my dad". and it's then that i notice he has something in his hand.. a long blunt object. so i start like hesitantly sprinting when he yells out "wait! do you need an umbrella?!" and i stop. "an umbrella?" i think, "he wants to give me an umbrella?" i turn around and sure enough he's politely walking up to me with an umbrella.. i took it and said thank you and he waved and drove away. I NEARLY PASSED OUT I THINK /silly /nsrs
so i have an umbrella, but my legs were starting to give out a little cuz i have something wrong with my circulatory system i think.. and i see the building! i sprint up to the doors, open them, and breathe a sigh of relief because i'm finally shielded from the harsh conditions i was subject to.. and you wanna know what happens next?
a dude walks up to me and holds out his hand for a handshake and says,,
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i'm happy you didnt get sick because of that!! but... DAMN.. THE HARRIET TUBMAN CALL OUT WAS SO.... WEIRD?? HELLO???? its like if someone randomly called me idfk.. some random indian actress and i dont even know them
that must have been weird ☠️☠️ but i am glad u got that umbrella!!!
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spacebeyonce · 1 year
Sorry for dumping in your inbox again haha, but anyways-- just rn I came across a post on my dash about how it's the reader's duty to check tags, and that you shouldn't attack fanfic authors for "writing stuff you don't like" (ie proship nonsense lol), and while I do agree that it's always important to check tags thoroughly; I kept thinking about how many times I came across disturbing content, that WASNT tagged, and it was making me think, "if this wasn't tagged, don't I have the right to be upset about it being included?"
For example, my special interest is specifically Kaeya, an Indian character from genshin impact. On the rare occasions that I read fanfic, it's usually one shots of them-- however SO many fanfics end up describing kaeya in the most racist or fetishy way imaginable, or have characters say or do racist things towards them! And look-- I can handle kaeya fics involving racism (hell, I even write some for my friends and I to discuss!!!), however those fics are usually exploring racism as a THEME, and how it impacts the character! Most fanfics though? Absolutely don't do that!! And the racism is literally NEVER tagged!! There's no warning of kaeya being called a fucking "caramel twink" or have their brother say racist shit to them! There's none of that! Idk...
TL;DR ppl don't understand that you can't trust authors to tag everything/not to be pieces of shit, and that it shouldn't be reader's fault for stumbling across untagged shit that upset them + genshin fans suck ass lol
oh don't apologize! I enjoy talking to new people!
but yes most fic writers are fucking atrocious when it comes to tagging, and oh how they bristle when you ask them to tag something more appropriately. it's why the 'creator chose not to warn' tag is so....pointless to me??? that shit is my enemy. like warning readers about a topic or theme that might trigger them is common courtesy imo. and if your story can't stand without you making the triggering content be a surprise then like...that's a skill issue I fear. it's always 'fic writers don't owe you anything' and all this attitude but then that attitude is gone when our hard work isn't recognized the way we want.
like I can understand being like 'fic writers don't owe you anything' when it's someone that's telling you the direction your story should go, or constantly demanding updates and not like....idfk interacting with this thing you're making as it comes. I get that! but this is kinda supposed to be a community, and communities build each other up and call us in when needed...so maybe we should be open to more than just blind uncritical praise. but what do I know!
but yes, they are never, ever going to tag for racism like that. when it's how you write it, in EXPLORATION AS A THEME then hell yeah it'll be tagged. but when it's racial fetishization, or an irrational bashing fic towards a character of color...no, no. that'll never get tagged. you can certainly bring up why it's hurtful to the author, but chances are high that won't go suuuper well. 'cause I mean...the last few weeks have really reminded me that when it comes to racism fandom is just stupid as hell about it so what else can we expect lmao.
but yeah I feel your pain so hard. every time I hear about the genshin fandom it's when they're doing something racist so. I'm sending a prayer up for your strength lmao. I hope you've got a good community of color around you there because man it sure helps you feel less fucking insane.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
So my brother bought me JTTW to read when he found LMK so I could compare/contrast with the show and now I come bearing a question about Macaque: I see that he's supposed to be the shadow-self, but there's this emphasis on completely eliminating the shadow-self (which in JTTW makes sense he was terrifying). IDK what message they're going for in LMK other than 'Wukong bad' (but the show seems to have a vandetta against Wukong so idfk) so if it just zoomed over my head please inform me I am l o s t. What if an interpretation came out discussing Macaque in the light more of the Black Moon Lilith? It hits the same beats as being the "shadow self", that being the nastier truths about yourself that you don't want to admit. But I think it would be neat if there was some expansion: In reading a star chart you're meant to use your Lilith as a way to confront the darkest parts of yourself and learn that they're a part of you just as much as the positive sides of you. I feel like Macaque could be a really good example of someone who leaned into his Lilith entirely too much until he was consumed by it, versus Wukong who acknowledged his Lilith (destructive behavior & anger) and didn't obliterate it, he did the healthy thing and acknowledged it (eventually), even moderating it. Outright trying to destroy your Lilith is actually a horrible idea since, whether you like it or not, it's still a part of you. Hurting your Lilith still hurts you. I dunno I just would love to see this,,, If a piece of media has already done this please let me know because I actually study astrology and I would go WILD if this concept was explored (/positive)!!
Well in Xiyouji they don't kill Six Eras being he is terrifying (while he is) but rather they kill him because it is to show Wukong finally standing up to his inner self. This is his first time controlling his own impulses and shutting them down with his own self-restraint.
That being said I really think that LMK just makes their Six-Eared Macaque a guy. Some person. Which isn't the first time Xiyouji media has given the Six Ears an individual past from Wukong, there is a lot actually! There is a lot of Six Ears backstory lore, esp in the last 10 years or so but… I'm not sure if I can say that LMK Six Ears is a Lilith at all.
Considering that 1. trying to wrap other mythos in Chinese mythos. I've seen interpretations where Indian or Japanese lore has been mixed with Xiyouji interactions but this "Black Moon Lilith" looks like it comes from Greek Astrology. I really don't think the showrunners would go that far at least for what is supposed to be a Chinese franchise to add Western mythos… at least I would hope that as that seems a bit tasteless.
And 2. they are really making it that the LMK Six Ears wasn't born from LMK Wukong but rather they were separate entities from the very start. LMK Six Ears is a person all unto his own and yes while he is supposed to represent the worst traits of Wukong as an allegory and is a spiritual monkey that doesn't have to mean every interaction he has to bodily be connected to Wukong. At least in this version from what I can tell he is to be on the same level of connection as Demon Bull King as they are Sworn Brothers.
That being said I don't know a lot about Greek Astrology myself and I've been interested in studying it... so I don't know if other media has used it before.
I would just say to be careful when trying to pinpoint Western mythos and apply them to Eastern mythos. I'm not saying they can't interact but that trying to analyze one through the lens of the other could just lead to confusion. I understand trying to find concepts and trying to make new media more reliable but I think it might be dangerous trying to try to use other media as examples when expressing these ideas when they are not the intended purpose.
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malocclusive · 3 months
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I can't @ you I'm so sorry iwidhesndn
Tudor but slutty and vertical IDFK it was so wild to me
I did happen to drive past an Indian bakery/cafe, so I had to stop. I bought everything in their hot case and some gulab jamun and a big ass masala chai, and it was worth it
This whole expedition was wild. I sliced TF out my thumb via the veneer on the little shelves and it shore like 1/8” of my flesh off. I'm real good at not reacting, and I was p close to being ok with spraying Lysol into the wound since the family I was getting the shelving unit from was at the tail end of moving.
All's well and tbh, unless the cut goes towards the bone, ain't shit most folks can do hah
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My PRESH hubs got me the spider man bandaid
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So I had a dream. And it played out a bit like a movie. You have Crowley, or maybe some other immortal played by David Tennant. He is a child still. In a kindof relationship with this guy, he's Indian and some sort of prince. He gets scolded for rolling around in te mud with maybe Crowley and they have to separate. Something happens, Idfk what. At the end, perhaps Crowley is standing there, in new York. And then we pan to the other guy ( idk his name get creative everyone) he just goes: grain... Grain? Well I wasn't far off with the paper now was I. And then it zooms out, he's standing on some steps wearing a caveman outfit in the snow. Could be Crowley then goes: no no you weren't. Roll credits.
Additional things I remember: there was another immortal witch, it was possibly she who gave them the knowledge of grain. She lived in a swamp.
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gwaaaaar · 3 years
Having finished Hyde and Seek like 3 days after release here are some of my thoughts. There's gonna be some stuff implied so read with caution, i wont say outright but ill talk abt the implications. Sorry most of this is Alan rambling I have brainworms and I'm ill.
-Alan is literally my malewife. Love at first sight, if Noah is my little meanwhore Alan is my malewife. I love their big boobs.
-Pollie>Sally. My heart dropped when Alan tried to ask Sally out like out of all people, Sally? Good news though hes single by the end.
-Pollie is literally that one tumblr post where its like let women be pathetic little meow meows too. She is the definition of a pathetic meow meow and i love her for that.
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Hey Alan, Alan, how old were you when this happened. IF YOU WERE LIKE 15 AND IF SHE WAS LIKE YOUR BABYSITTER IM CONCERNED. Its between this and a joke MazM made that his siblings were his secret lovechildren, thing is Alan is 21, his siblings are 7, that is a really dark implication. You can't just say that Alan.
-Yasssss Pollie and Kate are girlfriends, they we're LITERALLY ROOMMATES. OH MY GAH.
-After reading Sallie backstory I feel sorry for her, she can join the Kate polycule.
-M I H I R. mihir. Just mihir. I called him a DILF and my friend was like "hes 25" 👁👄👁. The stress and his monocle made him look older.
-He represents my culture very well! A little fun fact, the sun pin he has is a religious symbol, ironic considering hes a criminal. My friend said its the equivalent of a mafioso boss wearing a cross.
-The fact that he used to write poems but his dad called them shit. The true asian experience, having your parents disapprove of your hobbies.
-I actually love the subvertion of stereotypes and tropes here. I have personally never heard of this stereotype till yesterday but there's one abt Irish people where they are redheaded lazy drunks. Then there's Alan who's such a hard worker and a good boy and and and ehwbhsgrnehehsneghsha. The stereotype that Indians are either stupid or h word. Mihir is none of those things, he's eloquent with his words, witty, and very respectful. The trope of cute dainty maids gets subverted by Pollie and Kate.
-The Kate and Pollie duality. Now I'll be talking abt tropes here but do not take it as my opinion on gender expression, I'm just using things MazM has done b4 + popular media.
Pollie constantly calling herself a lady and dressing in fem clothes, bonus points for the blue. Although she would technically be the more masculine one because she loves to fight and gamble. Her face is also somewhat masculine, similar to Daejin Park in MazM Pechka!
Kate crossdressing and having to live as man would technically make her the more masculine one. But she's also the most feminine one with her soft face and for some reason media associates education with feminine? Idfk brawling is seen as more masc. But mazm rated these hands E for everyone.
-In Alan's introductory tweet he is stated to be a good fighter that holds back. In game the explaination for that is he doesn't want to get injured. I would've thought this was a set up to fighting Alan at one point. I'm a little dissapointed it didnt go that way qwq.
-That scene where Alan starts taking the drugs to stay active and assaults a customer was kinda terrifying. Well it's the scene after they mention that. But his angy face when he talks abt how much hes had to endure for his family, how he sometimes wished they were dead. Only for him to recoil in shock because that wasn't Alan. Hits me in my feelies.
-Mihir says trans rights, he asked his father to address Kate like a man bc she was living as one and he called it stupid. Mihir actually respects her though wjhejehehnehenejej.
-Alan if you keep complaining about my pants I'll shove you in a maid dress. Then youll realize how nice it is not to be constrained by gener.
-If you can't tell from my blog banner, I love older brother characters. The fucking angst but also hehe cute older brother type that cares heehoo im trash.
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n-a-gindustries · 3 years
i’m bored n done with my homework so why don’t i share some of my sarge n fillmore headcanons so u can take a peek into the madness:
- sarge is trans n gay sorry.  i actually did research on this transgender people were officially banned from american military service in 1960 n there’s this case from 1981 where someone was honorably discharged for going through gender reassignment surgery.  not a topic i can properly explain in like one bullet point.  my actual point is that i hc that sarge was a soldier in war pre transition and when he medically transitioned he was honorably discharged.  i like the idea of him and sarge meeting during the summer of love so i’d say he got discharged around 1966 (i guess he didn’t fight in vietnam that long since america entered the war in like 1961-65 idfk this bullet point is too long)
- fillmore is from new york!  idk this hc just came to mind when @goldendiie pointed out that he had a new york accent and i just ran with it cause its a fun idea and i hc him as indian n there were a decent in amount of indians on the east coast during this time period so it would make sense.  feel like he had a strict childhood but was always a unconventional thinker and fell in love with the hippie lifestyle/movement and when he was 16 just fuckin ran away and hitchhiked to california
- fillmore is also gay.  i was debating what i should hc him as but i feel like he just never had any interest in girls.  he always thought he was just too different from his female classmates to have an interest in them but then he kissed a guy for the first time and went through ten different emotions at once.  it felt a little strange at first but he was pretty chill about it pretty quickly.  honestly his real problems had to do with commitment but that’s a whole nother issue
- both of them enjoy reading!!  at first i just thought about sarge enjoying reading but i think that its a hobby that would appeal to both of their personalities.  that are mostly just made up by me.  anyways i like to imagine them just sitting together on the couch or on a porch or at flo’s and just reading together.  sarge definitely enjoyed comics as a kids, specifically archie and superhero comics, but fillmore never had the opportunity to read many comics and when he did they just didn’t feel that interesting to him, finding more enjoyment in reading history books.  as an adult sarge enjoys reading books on old military strategies, war novels, detective novels, and classic western literature.  as an adult fillmore enjoys reading trashy romance novels, horror novels, books on world history, and books on art history.  both of them enjoy articles on current national and international affairs, biographies/autobiographies of past and current important political figures, guides to different languages (fillmore enjoyed them naturally but sarge started picking them up after another hc i have long story), and political satire books
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pocmuzings · 4 years
hey g!! just was hoping for your thoughts on some ways you can spice up an rp that is a bit on the simpler side? i just want to create a place lots of different muses can write together but i’m nervous that a basic town/apartments rp is too simple and will die quickly :/
phew ! firstly , don’t underestimate urself ! ppl LOVE town / city / apartment rps ! i personally think the only reason they die is if admins don’t host events and tasks and give members something to DO besides interact with each other ! sometimes u need some Spice ! good thing u came to an indian i am filled with it ,, if you’re wanting a plot that could Mix it up a little , or change up some “plotless” rp in a retrospect , here’s what i can kinda come up with ? it’s not super original bc i don’t have a brain atm , but i always like seeing rps that mix it up a bit like this and could involve a diverse collection of people !! :
- a college / high school reunion setting ! this could include people returning to the town / city, and then it could also include people who are just normal townsfolk / city folk and have nothing to do with the Event per se !
- a desperate housewives / families / neighbourhood setting for a rp . i think these can work well because they have diverse age ranges and everybody will at least have one connection to each other because they’re neighbours / family members etc etc
- kinda a spooky “It” sort of setting for a rp ! ‘every ten years a Haunting happens or somebody goes missing ‘. people who leave the town never REALLY leave the town
- i think “hacker” / “secret exposer” plots can always make for a juicy rp . or even just having a Gossip blog ! makes people excited and want to be spoken about
- a disaster or something that happens that Forces two “enemy towns” together . like . one town had an oil spill (lmao idfk??) or a natural disaster so they have to go to the next town over for Safety and now there’s all this Arguing and Tension between EVERYONE ! phew ! sexy !
- a general sorta Outer Banks sort of plot — again, like mentioned above . town is split into two : the elite and the Not So Elite . everybody has feelings . everybody has tension . nobody really gets along !
if u need more suggestions let me know . i don’t know if this is close to what ur after at all ??? i hope it kinda is !? kfkdjfje
EDIT: if u do use the Enemy towns plot , pls credit me or link me if that’s ok , ily !!!
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For some reason there is an Indian song being played in my head and idfk what it is or where I heard it
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Unionise the minorities
So, apparently a lot of minorities, such as the Chinese community, the Indian community, mixed race people, indigenous Australians and indigenous Americans, still get routinely discriminated against and told to shut up because they don't have it as bad as the black people I know white people who are discriminated against, in Europe, for example, because of xenophobia. Doesn't mean their pain is invalid, Doesn't mean these groups aren't in pain. I have friends in them who refuse to do much beyond complain, despite the fact that systemic racism and xenophobia affects all these groups. I'm tired of arguing with them, so I want to ask that we all rebel and stand up for them when no one else will. Please There's more than a billion Indian people, hundreds of millions of middle easterners, heck, an entire city down here in South Africa is known for it's high population of mixed race people. (By the way, I'm not sure what the PC term is for "the Cape Coloureds", but it doesn't quite have the same connotations down here so IDFK what to say about that) This is a huge amount of people who routinely get silenced when they speak up. We talk about how the global south gets fucked, but what about places like India? What about places like Malaysia where people still can't immigrate because there are tiny pockets of these countries where some LGBTQIA people have managed to not get murdered yet. There are Indians living here in poverty, who get 0 help, because some Indians are part of the global 1%. People call these races slurs all the gosh darn time and they get told to shush when they say it's as bad as using the N word on a black person. And I don't care who you are or what you've been through, calling an Indian person a "C**lie" or a "C*rry M*nch*r" Is fucking racist and people should get called out for it We already have protests against systemic racism going on, why can't we extend that to these races, get equality for everyone? I can't stand this two-faced nonsense that people are going through and using to justify this. It's fucking nonsense and we should beat the racists until they fucking capitulate. They're subhuman trash, we shouldn't have to tolerate them
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mementomcriii · 6 years
MUN  ABC’s.  repost, don’t reblog.
tagged by :   @shimaniya tagging :  @fxmilyforgot , @freedomraised / @vibrantego / any of ur other blogs aicniaincd , @charmsblushed , @cfnarratiiives , @mcnticellos
A    —    AGE :   17. i should be in heathers or smth B    —    BIRTHPLACE :    kentucky C    —    CURRENT  TIME :    5:21pm D    —    DRINK  YOU  HAD  LAST :  lavender lemonade i think? o shit i need a drink something E    —    EASIEST  PERSON ( S )  TO  TALK  TO :  my therapist lol , @fxmilyforgot & @stcriesforgot probs F    —    FAVOURITE  SONG ( S ) :   i’m a music person you can’t do that to me?? i’ve been listening to brand new city by mitsiki and anything off of cardboard castles or x infinity by watsky a lot the past couple days  G    —    GHOSTS ;    ARE  THEY  REAL ? the ‘heavily influenced by hardcore atheist Fact Based father’ part of me says no but the other part of me says,,,,,,,, yeah i think so and i like that part better H    —    HORROR  YES ,   OR  HORROR  NO ?   i’m the jumpiest mother fucker you will ever meet , am terrified of being alone in large spaces and the dark as a whole but like. at the same time. i haven’t consumed a lotta horror media of any kind but Yes I    —    IN  LOVE  ?    yeh- J    —    JEALOUS  OF  PEOPLE ?   that’s a pretty broad question right there K    —    KILLED  SOMEONE ?    not that i’m aware of ? L    —    LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT ,   OR  SHOULD  I  WALK  BY  AGAIN?  wh M    —    MIDDLE  NAME ( S ) :    michael agelaus N    —    NUMBER  OF  SIBLINGS : two. fourteen yr. old brother & 9 yr. old sister O    —    ONE  WISH :    for the ppl i love to be satisfied and well taken care of and ok rip P    —    PERSON  YOU  LAST  CALLED   /   TEXTED :   i like never actually Text people idk Q    —    QUESTION  YOU’RE  ALWAYS  ASKED :   uhhh ppl ask abt my hair a lot. my age bc i’m confusing. transphobic shit bc That’s How It Be R    —    REASONS  TO  SMILE :    pretty stuff , anything that satisfies my dumb sense of humor , performing arts stuff , y’all lovely folks S    —    SONG  YOU  SANG  LAST :   ,,, i made up a,,, a song about / to cows while,,,,,,, playing minecraft T    —    TOP  THREE  FICTIONAL  CHARACTERS :  this is dumb i’m bad at favorites and full of love. some that i Lov : peter parker , dipper pines , jake peralta ( or anyone from b99 p much ) V    —    VACATION :    ?? what does this mean?? dream vacation?? idfk just take me Somewhere Else. preferably not too cold i’m a weak and ill southerner W    —    WHEN’S  YOUR  BIRTHDAY ?    may 2nd X    —    X - RAYS :   i know i’ve had some done on my ankle but i think i’ve had others i don’t remember. i had an ekg like two weeks ago ? Y    —    YOUR  FAVOURITE  FOOD :   again w the favorites bs. indian food, most fruit, tiramisu, and umm there’s this vegan reuben recipe that makes me weak Z    —    ZODIAC  SIGN :   taurus
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kanekis-centipede · 7 years
30 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @bts-aegyo (I love your blog ❤️❤️)
The Rules: answer the questions and tag 20 people.
Nicknames: NASA (not because of my love of space but because of my name lol :( fr tho y’all i love space 🌟)
Gender: Female
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 160 cm (about 5’2”-5’3”? I guess??)
Time: 1:04 pm
Birthday: November 20
Favorite Bands:
—Non Kpop: Hare Squead, Gorillaz, Coldplay, Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys, True Widow, Soundgarden, Tool, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, AC/DC, Lion Babe
—Kpop: BTS, Twice, Shinee, Bigbang, Red Velvet, Nct U, Nct 127, Seventeen, Exo, Suju, Got7
Favorite Solo Artists: I HAVE WAYY TOO MANY AAAAA ok here goes K.Flay, Agust D, Dean, Crush, Zion T., Zico, Heize, Suran, Beenzino, DPR Live, Giriboy, Mad Clown, Jessi, Jay Park, Dumbfoundead, Anderson Paak, Yaeji, Awkwafina, Keith Ape, Kohh, Rich Chigga, Atlas, Daniel Caesar, Cardi B, Tyler the Creator, Joey Bada$$, Childish Gambino, Miso, Frank Ocean, Gallant
Song Stuck In My Head: City Of Stars from La La Land and I hate it coz it makes me sad:(
Last Movie I Saw: Holes on Netflix lol
Last Show: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
When did I create this blog: I’d say more than a year ago? I dun remember
What do I post: I don’t post stuff I only reblog mostly bts and Tokyo Ghoul stuff
Last thing I googled: “how much was bretman rock’s house” lol I was curious (I dint get my answer tho lol)
Do you have other blogs: I have a writing blog for Tokyo ghoul but I literally never post lol @ken-i-kiss-u
Do you get asks: Nope only spam lol
Why’d you choose your URL: this was originally gonna be a tumblr for my fanfic account lol and I was supposed to post fix but I got sidetracked by life lmao so yeah it’s named after my fanfic account (pls don’t search it lol :c)
Following: 1450 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Followers: 179
Favorite Color: blue, red, olive green, black
Avg. hours of sleep: 3-9 no in between lol
Lucky Number: 7,
Instruments: Can’t play shit lol but I wanna learn the drums
What I’m wearing: a white sweater and pj pants with bunny slippers
How many blankets do I sleep with: 1 throughout the year
Dream Job: Psychologist/Therapist or a writer
Dream Trip: The Philippines, Germany, Mexico, Spain, France, South Korea
Favorite food: idfk lol all I eat is Indian food :v
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: South Asian (Indian)
Favorite Song right now: Get You by Daniel Caesar
I literally don’t know who to tag so imma tag some mutuals: @whynotthough , @ultrastarstruckturtle , @destroymebangtan , @hoseokie-jung , @jademyg , @phantilogy , @kawaiiinfires , @dead-boy-12 , @bibingkababe , @smi1ehoya , and anyone who sees this can do it, too :))
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*whispers* you reblogged that Aphrodite post 3 times on accident I think. *also whispers* I recently added some latin music on my spotify and every one reminds me of roman (and bc I'm in a fucking hole I can't dig myself out of, they also remind me of AJ). Like I'm sitting here thirsting for latin song fics and I don't know what to do
Omfg thanks for letting me know!! Idfk what happened lmao 😂 I can’t say that I know any Latin songs? The only non-English songs I know are Rammstein’s songs (and a few Hindi songs?), I’m a very white Indian in some ways ngl 😂😅
you could always try writing a song fic? I'm one to talk tho, i have like 15 diff ideas but I don't wanna write em I just wanna read em 😂
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definesupposedtobe · 5 years
Ok so we all agree the Area 51 thing was wack all around but like I was camping when it became a thing and when I got back a friend texted me “hey we’re going to raid area 15” and I was like “chill I’ll arrange alibis” and then like 10mins later I was like waIT ITS A MEME???
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