#some israelis support israel's genocide. some are against it. 'israeli' does not mean 'pro israel.'
james-is-nasqueer · 9 months
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germiyahu · 7 months
Similarly to the guy who set himself on fire (will not be saying his name), I don't want to give Jonathan Glazer any power. I mean we've all talked about it. But again, there's danger in his infamy.
The way he was shaking and stuttering, clearly afraid of something? Yet he was met with nothing but applause from a crowd of smug slacktivists wearing their fucking bloody hand pins. He was ushered into relevance by dozens of publications saying "That's not what he meant uwu don't believe the meaniehead Apartheid supporters!" He was afraid of nothing. This was not courage.
The antisemites desperately want to be silenced. That's part of the appeal. They want to be brave. They want to appear to speak truth to power in the face of an overwhelming system that seeks to crush them. They want to be radical revolutionaries. They want to be martyrs.
But that largely hasn't actually been the case. Mainstream society in America is certainly casually pro Israel, and that hasn't lessened despite their best efforts. But it largely tolerates the antizionist agitation. A lot of people are annoyed by them, even if they don't think they're Jew haters. But institutions aren't really trying to destroy their movement. Some, like universities, are embracing it.
When Jewish people are being victimized, at this point just for saying that they're being victimized (what a great feedback loop), this crowd is insanely envious. They want that for themselves. The cognitive dissonance of wanting to be a victim but knowing you won't suffer any actual real life consequences that are too unbearable is so emblematic of the young educated Leftoid coming from a conservative background. They want to appropriate Jewish fear and what they perceive as Jewish martyrdom.
Since the backlash to Glazer's speech is pretty decisive among the Jewish community, I fear it's only going to incentivize him and others who think like him to go on a victimhood tour. He's going to get invited to talk on shows and podcasts and shit. The antisemites will be incredibly eager to share the news that the global Jewish community really does support genocide after all. Here was this brave man saying "Not in my name!" and they turned on him. All he did was criticize the factual genocide occurring. If they can't handle that... surely they feel very attacked, and called out. Maybe he struck a nerve?
Perhaps the number of Good Jews must be much lower than we thought? Because look at Jonathan Glazer and others like him, standing up against all odds to deliver this inspiring message, and he was cast down, they tried to take his Jewishness away from him! And of course all this will excite them. Because it will create the permission they need to engage in their favorite form of quote unquote activism: harassing people and maximizing cruelty. And Glazer will probably be so butthurt about the backlash that he will conveniently not feel the need to condemn the people who engage in antisemitism to "defend his honor."
Oh and I won't forget that the Israeli teenagers who willingly went to jail were largely mocked and met with a resounding chorus of "Why are we rewarding the bare minimum?" by the way...
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nerdylilpeebee · 6 months
I am not one to put myself into discourse but I really need to explain something to you,
As a Palestinian you need to understand that Hamas aren't killing babies, those 40 Israeli babies were made up, this had been confirmed over and over again. Palestine is older then Israel, Isreal only started existing after WW2, Palestinian's welcomed them but we're faced with Starvation,genocide, rape and bombing in return.
It is currently Ramadan, a time of fasting from sunrise till sundown, yet they have no food nor water to have before this period.
13,000 innocent children have died. Over 300+ not even making it to their first birthday. Girls and woman are experiencing periods and pregnancy without proper supplies. Isreal is not struggling, they have received over 300+ billion dollars in support from the U.S.A alone. You're ignorance isn't some "I'm better and different" stunt. You are actively supporting the death of entire bloodlines and families.
Don't you dare pull "Well, what if their Hamas" Isreal has proved they can bomb a specific room to kill them. This isn't about Hamas, Isreal is wiping out entire families, lives, homes, etc.
They're killing innocent animals too.
To put this in your shoes, imagine if you were bombed, raped and tortured, not knowing if you were going to make it to the next day, you're being starved. Whilst media is actively supporting your nightmare, funding it, even.
Before you pull the Hamas card on me, I have been raised with Western media and in America. I find myself lucky for this even though my people are struggling.
Please, scroll through pro-Palestine tags without bringing your opinion into the matter to see what is going on. I beg.
No, honey, actually it wasn't disproven. The people who tried said "yeah, babies were beheaded, but it wasn't 40 of them." XD
Palestine is not older than Israel. There are references to Israel in the Torah, which is older than Islam. And no, the Palestinians did not "welcome Israel". XD that is blatantly false.
And really? So tell me, why do they know for sure these 13k kids have died but can't name how many of their hostages are alive? Please explain that to me. How is that possible?
Okay? Israel not struggling doesn't mean anything. XD Being weak and having your government steal the billions in foreign aid to make themselves rich does not make a war against you a genocide.
I'm not supporting the deaths of anybody, and It is 100% about Hamas, Israel literally sends warnings in an effort to avoid civilian casualties. Even if Hamas isn't lying (incredibly unlikely) they have killed less than most wars have in the modern era.
Even if I was in their shoes, honey, I wouldn't want people siding with my oppressors because westerners decided the terrorists who'd murder me for speaking against them and consider everyone I know and love to be martyrs they're happy to sacrifice are resistance fighters. And hell, there are Palestinians who hold this very stance, who knows that Hamas is the fucking problem not Israel, westerners like you just ignore them.
You were raised in America and with western media? Cool. Doesn't change that you're falling for propaganda. XD being raised in the West does not make you immune to propaganda.
And no, I will not let idiots spread misinformation, and I will not let them villainize the Jews because Israel is actually defending itself when terrorists attack them and kidnap their people instead of laying down and dying.
I have paid plenty of attention to what's happening, including from the Pro-Pal side, I just happen to know terrorists aren't the good guys just cuz they play to people's sympathy and use their own people as human shields to make Israel look like the villain.
Just cuz it didn't lead me to agree with you doesn't mean I haven't been exposing myself to Pro-Pal talking points and "evidence."
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book--brackets · 11 months
Hi everyone. So I've been considering doing this for a while because I post a lot about it on my main blog but there are almost 2,000 of you following me here so I feel like this will have more impact.
As I'm sure you all know, there's some absolutely awful stuff going on in Palestine right now. To put it frankly, we are watching a genocide happen right now. Palestine has been colonized by Zionists for almost a century now, forced out of their homes, killed for no reason, had their basic rights denied, and now the Israeli government is actively trying to wipe them out. I want to make something abundantly clear. I am not here to debate this issue with you. I am firmly pro-Palestine, and there is no reason that homes, hospitals, and evacuation routes need to be bombed. No. Reason. If you are pro-Israel, maybe this isn't the competition for you.
Instead, I am here to tell you what we can do to support Palestine! Right now, it might seem like a pretty hopeless situation, but we are capable of affecting change. Currently, while donating is always good, it's very hard to get resources into Palestine. Also, donating isn't always feasible for everyone. Instead, here's what's recommended:
Boycotting. Right now, there are boycotts going on against pro-Israel companies. Now, to boycott every company supporting the Zionist movement would be very difficult, so there is a specific list of companies to target. There's the big three, Starbucks, McDonald's, and Disney+, and then the BDS has a list of the more minor companies to focus on boycotting. By focusing our efforts on these specific companies, it'll be a lot more effective.
If you're in a country where this is a viable route of action for you, contact your government officials! Tell them to call for a ceasefire! In the US, that means Congress, in the UK, that means Parliament. Even if it doesn't seem like it, this does have an impact. In the US particularly I know that representatives are so out of line with what their constituents want that their staffers have started pressuring them to avoid being so pro-Israel.
Finally, keep talking about this! There are a lot of issues in the world that have a surge of activism around them only for it to fall out of the public eye. Keep reblogging information and Palestinian testimony, keep posting resources, and keep the pressure on for a ceasefire!
Also, I want to make it extremely clear that the actions of Zionists do not speak for the many Jewish people of the world. Zionism does not mean Judaism. There are so many Jewish people out there standing with Palestine, and I won't tolerate any antisemitic or nazi ideology as a result of supporting Palestine.
I know this isn't exactly what you expected from a competition about childhood books, but this is an issue that all of us should be worried about. I'm not an expert on this, and I highly recommend checking out other sources on how to help, but I hope I can help get the word out.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
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fairuzfan · 8 months
Hello, I hope you're well 🙏🏼🌙
My perspective is probably not one heard on tumblr often but people who oppose Russian hegemony & occupation of Ukraine should be opposing Israel's hegemony & occupation of Palestine under the same damn breath. Yet, somehow, I do not see people who are actively anti-fascist regarding Russia's actions as eagerly take it up with Israel. It's really upsetting.
And what I mean is... constantly making up sad sob stories that get debunked or never checked in the first place, spreading dehumanizing lies about the occupied side, parading around claiming genocide is done "for good reasons" and that the end justifies the means. Having by definition more military support, tracking down civilians, and all of this crap. The constant voicing of some superior right of citizens of a particular place over everyone else, the ethnostate... It's fucking sad that so many people on here can see fascism in one system but get completely blinded once it's pointed out in to be Israel. Not to even mention the constant conflation of Jewishness and being Israeli; as if it's not what every fascist regime does. Sigh. Rant over.
Thank you for spreading good information, for giving platform to so many people, and actively helping those in need. I hope you get to see many sunrises over free Palestine. Light be with you 🌻
P. S. For context, I am pro-Palestine, born and living in Russia. Watching Israel use the exact same rhetoric that my government uses and seeing virtually no one anti-Russian point out Israel's fascism against Arab population is laughable. Man I hate it here.
of course, i mean like i personally dont understand how people can say "freedom for ukraine" and not see palestinians as anything but victims of circumstance. like. they never did anything to deserve all this hatred.
but yes, thank you for sharing <3 i appreciate it, it means a lot to hear your perspective.
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transmascpetewentz · 9 months
Was talking abt this with my family and decided this needed to be a post on the webbed site:
A fundamental way that antisemitism operates that makes it so difficult to remove from leftist spaces is by taking the broad scope of problems in the world and finding a couple that can be vaguely tied or related to Judaism in some way, then taking "this is tangentially related to Jews" to mean "Jews are 100% responsible for this." It's particularly this sentiment that I see echoed in most of the antisemitic posts that I see on the dash.
It's one of the reasons, imo, why the west is so focused on Israel as opposed to the situation in the Congo, Sudan, or Ukraine. All four of these situations suck and are very clearly, to any person observing, bad. However, only one of these awful situations where war crimes are being committed is one that I hear about every day, that I am told if I so much as block some tags relating to it that I am a bad person. And that's the one where people can blame The Jews for it.
Despite Russia currently committing what I would call a genocide against Ukrainians, many westerners who preach anti-colonialism are completely silent or worse. I thought that silence meant you are directly complicit? Odd, huh? Does this principle of being against historical imperial powers committing genocide against colonized people not apply when the colonized nation has more than three times the relative Jewish population compared to the colonizer?
Yep. And many of the most prominent antisemitic antizionists are completely pro-Russia because Russia claims to be against quote-unquote "western degeneracy," which is literal Nazi shit. As a Russian who regularly speaks out against slavophobia/russophobia/anti-Russian people sentiment on the left and the right, I am horrified by westerners' complete disregard for human life and basic moral principles to defend my country's genocide.
And this idea of blaming all tangentially-related problems on Jews isn't just showcased in how much people focus on Israel, but also in who gentiles tend to call "zionists" and the attributes that they prescribe onto anyone who is labeled a zionist. Zionism is a political movement with historical basis in Judaism, but the actual definition of zionism is irrelevant to the critique I am about to make. My issue is with how some gentiles define, or don't define, zionism.
I have said this before, but when some leftist gentiles are asked to name a few qualities that all zionists share, they might give a list that's something like this: they are pro-Israel, they support Israel's genocide of Palestinians, they are completely anti-Palestine, and they do not have nuanced takes on I/P. Of course, this is a batshit insane and very ahistorical take on zionism, but I would have less of an issue if these gentiles would stick to that definition and only call people zionists if they shared all of those qualities.
Instead, these same gentiles who claim that all zionists share these opinions will claim that any Jew, convert-in-progress, or ally that doesn't hate Jews is a zionist. This circles back to my first point about how antisemitism takes anything where Jews are involved and turns it into "Jews are The masterminds behind this." And that's exactly what this is. The label of zionist being applied to a non-zionist turns their views from nuanced and neutral to racist and genocidal in the eyes of antisemites.
The idea that all Jews one doesn't like must be behind some child-murdering conspiracy is an antisemitic one, no matter how real the child murder happening in Palestine is. Random Jews, even Israeli Jews, are not responsible for the actions of their government (which is being backed mostly by gentiles overseas, btw). Stop fucking taking any instance of a bad thing being tied to Jews or Judaism and blowing it up into calling Jews the masterminds behind it. There is no global conspiracy, no matter how much you wish there was for your daily dose of emotional support antisemitism.
Reading Comprehension Questions:
What do you think that OP means when they say "The Jews" with both the "t" and "j" capitalized? Is he using that language seriously, or is he trying to get another message across?
Is this a post about Israel and Palestine, or is this a post specifically addressing antisemitism within the pro-Palestine movement on the left? Additionally, does OP give any meaningful indication of his views on I/P within the post?
Why does OP talk for two paragraphs about the situation in Russia and Ukraine? How is OP more qualified than the average Tumblr user to have an opinion on Russia?
Why is OP, despite not being Jewish, making a post about this subject? How might OP be more qualified than the average gentile to make a post about antisemitism?
Does OP blame Palestinians for antisemitism on the left in this post? Does OP single out any specific ethnic or racial group as opposed to just gentiles?
Have I sat with and mentally answered to myself the above questions before I clicked on OP's page to send him an anon telling him to kill himself?
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houxe · 1 year
Free Palestine
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Listen, I understand that I am just a silly little fanfic creator and my work is often used as an escape for rl problems, but I am also someone who's made my stance on dehumanization and abuse of minorities (even in fictional works) extremely clear and what is currently happening, and has been happening for almost a century, to Palestinians is unacceptable. If there is anyone who follows me, or is in my little community on discord, AO3, whatever, that supports the state of Israel? Lose my account.
This is not a debate. This is not a discussion to be had. I will not be arguing with you in comments.
If you support the state and government of Israel and the war crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and the imprisonment they're committing on the people of Palestine and Gaza, get away from my works, my art, and whatever small community I have made.
These are people. Living, breathing people who had hopes and dreams and futures they wanted to live. Palestinians deserve to live, they've done nothing to warrant the murder and ethnic cleansing of their people.
And the only reason they're facing this is because people think they're inferior. As something not human.
They're human. They're human.
I am not going to explain to you why imprisoning and killing thousands of innocent civilians (mainly children) is bad. Especially when the Israeli government has quite literally been spreading provenly false stories about things like murdered Israeli babies, human shields, and attacks to make themselves seem justified, along with propaganda portraying Palestinians as literal bugs. Calling them animals and dogs and rodents to be 'exterminated', and has been putting them in an open-air prison for years and then turned it into death camp.
It's disgusting, it's evil, is is quite literally a known practice for suppressors to do against their victims as an excuse to murder them.
I should not also have to say that me being pro-Palestine and anti-Zionism does not mean I am anti-Semitic nor do I support Hamas.
That is also propaganda.
I am not anti-Semitic nor do I wish or encourage any harm on Jewish or innocent people, and I do not support Hamas.
Palestinian people are also considered a Semitic people which means some of them are Jewish. Jewish people as a whole are not the Israeli government or state and should not be treated as such. It is blatantly wrong to say being anti-Israel (the state and government of Israel) and anti-Zionism is to be anti-Semitic.
Additionally, not all Jewish people are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jewish people. It's not a religion, it is a political ideology. Many, many Jewish people have spoken up against this and have been protesting against the state of Israel for their genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza and for the colonization of their land.
What I am is anti-genocide, Zionism, dehumanization, apartheid states, colonization, literal war crimes, death camps, and ethnic cleansing. Just to name a few.
Again, if you support Israel, lose my account. Stay away from my community and any of my works.
If you'd like to learn more about what is happening in Gaza, the people of Palestine, and ways you can help, your best option is to go to TikTok and find these creators who speak and share videos of what is directly happening in Palestine.
devotedly.yours (this link keeps getting removed)
dianalomani (this link keeps getting removed)
eyes.on.palestine (this link keeps getting removed)
More will likely be added to this list.
Places you can donate:
Lastly, I will leave off with a few videos that should be seen.
Where you can learn specifics on the history and current events of Palestine.
And one specifically for writers of fantasy and sci-fi like me.
Edits: Added more CCs to the list, added a list of places to donate, added more videos, and clarified my wording more. I did take down the comparison just in case, but I'm leaving it to Jewish creators (Redauxdefective) to speak on it. Note, some links to CCs keep getting removed and I'm not sure why.
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agentoffangirling · 3 months
All sources are biased; everyone has a bias and there’s no such thing as an unbiased opinion. That being said, if you have any sources that aren’t Al Jazeera, I’d be happy to read them /gen.
JVP may be a majority Jewish organization but it has been denounced by the larger Jewish community. Does that mean Anti-Zionist Jews don’t exist? Of course not. But to claim that Jews SHOULD be antizionist when it goes against our beliefs and values is antisemitism and promotes the idea of ‘a Good Jew’ ie one that you agree with.
The Levant isn’t in the Arabian Peninsula. The reason the people there identify as Arabs is because of Arabic colonialism of the levant (this extends to other places like North Africa which clearly isn’t geographically Arab but part of the Arab world because of conquest and colonization. Middle eastern ≠ Arab. Jews are indigenous to the Middle East. We are not Arab.
Do you have a source stating that Israel is an apartheid state? I’d be happy to elaborate on why it isn’t one.
Zionists and Zionism do not want an end to Palestinians. There is literally no evidence to suggest that. Zionism is the belief that Jews need a homeland. That’s literally it. The actions of certain Zionists (such as Netanyahu) do not define Zionism or Israelis, just as Hamas does not define Palestinians.
What does an independent Palestinian state look like to you? What separates or differentiates it from the current Israeli state or a two-state solution. Because if the illegal Israeli settlements (which are wrong btw) ended and was enforced by international law, would there be a problem. Because morally, Israel, the Jewish homeland, shouldn’t have to end. It’s not fair or just.
Yes, everything and everyone does have a bias, but the point I am trying to make is that you chose sources that are very clearly pro-Zionist and conservative; one of those sources even used Canary Mission and poised them in a positive light when they have been doing irreparable damage to pro-Palestinians
I never said that all Jewish people should be anti-Zionist nor did I say that I agree with all of JVP's views. I believe they have faults and have some way to go, but I do believe in their overall mission of stopping Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians and calling out the Zionist regime
Middle Eastern doesn't equate to Arab, but many of the countries within the Middle East are Arab. The Palestinians who live in Palestine now are descendants of the people who stayed there throughout Arab colonization, so they are both Palestinian and Arab, and they seem to have no qualms about calling themselves so
Israel is apartheid. There is a reason why there are several cases investigating them right this moment; both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called them out on it. Israel has also supported apartheid in South Africa prior to it being dismantled. It is not hard to find multiple sources on this just by searching it up
Then why have Israeli leaders made statements that the international community has deemed genocidal? Calling and comparing them to animals, saying that they want to burn Gaza to the ground? Zionism is a political movement that was designed to get the Jewish people out of Europe by claiming they should return to their "ancestral homeland". It is not the helping hand Zionists call it is
Simply, an end to the illegal settlements, pulling out of the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and all other areas entirely. That's the first step, which would then follow removing all restrictions on Palestinians, genuinely allowing them to have their own government without any sort of meddling. In the end, it would be them giving all land and authority back to the Palestinians, removing Israel as a state. This would later allow for people of different backgrounds to live together, to how it was prior to 1947
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mightyflamethrower · 5 months
The new Nazis and the coming genocide they are planning
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April 29, 2024 3:37 pm Robert Zimmerman
Unless you have been badly educated at one of the so-called elite universities in the United States, Great Britain, or Europe, the genocidal goals of the terrorist organization of Hamas in Gaza are as plain as day.
These murderous thugs not only admire Hitler and wish to finish his effort to wipe out all Jews, they demonstrated that blatant evil goal on October 7, 2024, killing more than a thousand men, women, and children, torturing and raping many women and children in the process. Hamas’ victims that day had committed only one crime: being Jewish and living near Gaza. Many were from the leftwing secular Israeli community, and had worked hard to build good will ties with many in Gaza. The Gazans, working for Hamas, used those ties to gather intelligence that was then used to murder these Jews.
Soon after the massacre, Hamas officials went on television to celebrate these vicious murders. Ghazi Hamad of the Hamas Political Bureau proudly said said that the slaughter on October 7th “is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth.” When asked if his position called for the anniliation of Israel, he immediately answered “Yes, of course,” adding “No one should blame us for the things we do, on October 7, October 10, October million, everything we do is justified.”
So what does these goals tell us about the hoards of protesters now swarming on many of these same college campuses, screaming things like “Globalize the Intifa!” and “Kill the Zionists!”? The picture above tells us all we need to know. On October 7th Hamas not only killed more than a thousand, it kidnapped more than two hundred more to hold as hostages, many of whom were little childen and babies. When supporters of Israel began putting up these posters showing the actual hostages held and demanding their release, supporters of Hamas in America and elsewhere would routinely go around ripping those posters down. In the case of the poster above put up in London, they did worse, actually drawing Hilter mustaches on the faces of the babies.
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On campuses now, these student protesters are daily telling us where they stand. They support Hamas unequivocally, and want it to survive to kill Jews. Like the Nazis in Germany, they work to harass and persecute any American Jews who happen to stroll by, sometimes acting to block their access to the university. In some cases they attack them violently.
At Pratt Institute in Brooklyn for example these pro-Hamas protesters painted red hands on a tree, a symbol used in a pogrom in Iran in 1941 to identify Jewish homes for the purpose of slaughtering them. Later, after two Israelis were lynched in Ramallah in the West Bank in 2000, one of the killers — after dismembering their bodies — proudly waved his bloody hands to the cheering crowd. Every Jew worldwide knows what that red hand symbol means: We want to kill you, and are eager to do it.
Now American student protesters are using that symbol, claiming that Israel is doing the same in Gaza, when even most shallow research of Israel’s actual war effort in Gaza will tell you it is doing everything it can to minimize civilian deaths. To accuse Israel of genocide here is to accuse it of the typical blood libel that anti-Semites have been using against Jews for centuries.
Meanwhile, these protesters take over campuses and buildings illegally, and then refuse to leave. Even after they are forcibly removed, with some arrested, they quickly and defiantly return (see the stories here and here for just two examples). Like Hamas, they make demands, and if their demands are not met, they use mob action to commit violence to get what they want. In their goals, their propaganda lies, and their actions they are identical in every way with the tactics of the 1930s Nazis.
Pay very close attention to the leaders of these protests. Many are soon going to become major players in the Democratic Party, which is closely tied to these pro-Hamas riots and clearly want them to continue. For example, Columbia University’s board of trustees has apparently acted to tie the hands of the university’s president to prevent any tough action to stop the occupancy of the campus. Instead of condemning this support for Hamas and the illegal mob take-over, they have kept silent. And when you take a close look at political alliances of the majority of that board, the reason becomes evident.
Among those trusted with governing the Ivy League college are a billionaire from the prominent Pritzker family; a hedge-funder who has donated well over $4 million to Democratic causes, including $775,000 just this election cycle; President Barack Obama’s former homeland security secretary, and a federal judge appointed to the bench by President Bill Clinton. “It’s no surprise that the board of trustees for a university allowing woke left-wing ideology and antisemitism to fester is made up of Democrat operatives and donors,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) said. At least six of the board’s 21 trustees have direct ties to the Democratic Party, according to an investigation by The Post, which examined voter registration and political donation records as well as other public documents.
These new Nazis are clearly the future of the Democratic Party. It is the kind of leadership the present party power-brokers want. Worse, the Democratic Party rank and file want such leadership as well. Only two days ago in a Democratic Party primary in Pennsylvania, congresswoman Summer Lee, a proud member of the radical, Marxist, pro-Hamas “squad”, defeated a challenge from more moderate local Democrat. Moreover, Lee won handily, with about 60% of the vote.
Will this be enough to get Americans to vote against this increasingly bigoted, anti-Semitic, and Marxist Democratic Party? Not likely. The Democrats are unified in favor of this new Nazi movement, while many Republican voters seem glad to sit on their hands like petulant toddlers and not vote, because the Republican Party doesn’t give them what the want, every time.
I must emphasize that I am not talking about the presidential election. These same non-voters — whom I like to call this generation’s version of “the good Germans” in the 1930s — won’t vote in local elections either, thus giving power to the Democrats from the top to the bottom.
This is how Hitler gained power. And it is how the next Hitler, likely hidden among the leaders of those pro-Hamas protests, will gain power in the coming decade. And when that happens, say good-by to the Constitution, to the Bill of Rights, and say hello to a new Holocaust.
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So, I feel hopeful for the PJO series (haven't the premiere yet, I'm waiting for my off day) but then as I was searching stuff about it, I ended up finding the whole debacle about Uncle Rick being a zionist? I couldn't find many sources that weren't a bunch of hearsay and calls for boycott of the series, do you happen to know what that's about? (Sorry if this is wierd, you don't have to answer if you don't want to)
So this is why it's good to go back to the original source to make up your own mind (I've linked it here for your convenience). For posterity's sake I've provided by own thoughts on it down below, as well as some additionally needed context:
Disney+ is one of many companies that people have called a boycott for (alongside ones like Starbucks) due to BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions is a Palestinian-led movement promoting boycotts, divestments, and economic sanctions against Israel). Disney+'s status in the boycott exists separately from claims about Rick Riordan (I haven't seen much backlash about people watching "Wish" or any other disney project recently, by comparison.) I can't comment since I don't actually have Disney+ myself, but have access to it through my technical in-laws who I barely speak to, let alone am going to have honest political conversations with. (I have also, for comparison, gone to Starbucks perhaps 5 times in my 24 years of life out of preference, so like. yeah.)
As for Rick Riordan's statement: he's not a Zionist. The main point of his statement is to express sympathy for the violence affecting both sides of the conflict. Which is true! Civilian hostages were taken and have died, thousands of civilians on the Palestinian side have died, and I've also seen stories of pro-Palestinian Israeli people being harassed and beaten by the IDF. The Hamas have also inflicted harm on the people of Gaza for quite some time.
He also acknowledges that "the Israeli government’s brutal retaliation against the entire population of Gaza has reached genocidal proportions. This is not only an atrocity. It is folly" and how that kind of violence will only create more pain, unstability, and suffering.
He goes on to say "The only real solution is treating each other like equally worthy human beings, and negotiating a peace that allows all parties a chance to live in security and dignity, with hopes for a future that does not include bombs and rockets and gunfire. This means security and support for Israel, yes. It also means a secure Palestine which is allowed to get the international aid and recognition it needs to build a viable state."
So bare minimum, he's a two state solution person. Which isn't that crazy given the context; personally (in my white, previously Christian, Canadian perspective, so grain of salt) I think the easiest path to Progress is 1) defunding Israel's military to enforce 2) a more permanent ceasefire so that 3) a two state solution can be hammered out. That is not a perfect solution and while I hope that eventually Palestine would have total liberation, I'm also trying to look at the situation realistically as a series of steps (not ultimatum endgames) forward to minimize damage and death from getting any worse than it already has.
I also don't think focusing on the dangers of dehumanization is a 'Bad' stance either, given Riordan's context as a close to 60 year old white man American born and raised in Texas, or indeed within the general political climate in America. There are definitely people who are way too pro-Israel (often times because of being unable to see past their emotional trauma) and there are also, likewise, people who refuse to watch themselves for their Antisemitism or Islamophobia (the rise in hate crimes directed at particularly Jewish, but also Muslim, individuals in Canada and the USA). Neither people's lives, anywhere other than people enlisted in active military service, are worthy collateral damage, tbh, because nobody else signed up for this (and the IDF's conscription is an interesting grey room). You shouldn't be cheering over anyone dying, and that's exactly what some people are doing or are trying to inflict. If you're cheering for any and all Jewish civilian deaths in Israel or any other country, or you're cheering for the death of civilian Palestinian people, you are a shit head. Full stop
I think his statement is likely written to both 1) express how he personally feels and 2) written as a response to the deep polarization of the issue at hand. If you can get a wedge in and have people consider, briefly, the propaganda they may be taking without question (particularly for Americans, who are raised on a whole prominent host of pro-Israel sentiment), then it's worthwhile taking the 'neutral' road to me.
I've expressed it before in this post, but Neutral -- genuinely neutral, not "I don't have an opinion bc I'm not informed but my not informed opinion errs on the side of the oppressors because why would kids need to transition lolol?" -- opinions are not a bad thing. It means that, for an ultimately pro-Palestinian person like myself, he's not in my way. Neutral people are not in your way. And that means you can jump over them, and work on combatting the people who are actively hostile and opposed to you (supposedly 'neutral' people included) because that's where the work actually is.
Anyway, that's my two cents. Read the thing, take your time, draw from the people around you that you trust if that's an option for you, figure out how you feel, and make up your own mind about it and what to do about it. Applicability > emotionality and all that. Hope this helped
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songmingisthighs · 9 months
Oh I have been seeing that! Anti-semitism is for sure increasing in some areas, and I can't say that Jewish people are not justified for that fear given their history of oppression and hatred against them, I'm pretty sure everyone has seen people inside the pro Palestinian movement, making antisemitic comments, disguised as support for the victims of isrl... (calling not the IOF soldiers, but the Jewish people as a whole, descendants of the devil and what not, is unnerving) but that is also not a common stance between the movement.
Those feelings and doubts from Jewish people are obviously valid, although, they are NOT more urgent or important that the suffering and urgency of the Palestinian people (and that goes especially to those who use their fear as an argument in every discussion, as a way of adverting the attention from the genocide in palestine, or to avoid recognizing the lies and crimes of the state or Israel and its allies)
It can and will sound bad, but they are not the victims in this conflict, empathy and understanding can be given for sure, but not as a way of ignoring or minimizing the ongoing tragedy in and out of gaza/the west bank, where people are suffering a genocide and are being stripped off of their identity and culture. An example of that is the 'from the river to the sea' chant, just as you mentioned (and keeping in mind the infinity of claims the media in your country can be saying about it) it has been tainted by politicians and general citizens as an antisemitic chant, an attack against jews, a call for violence, and so much more, but ever since the Palestinian liberation forces created it in the 1960's it hasn't, not even by Israeli people who were well aware of its existence and meaning, been interpreted as a genocidal chant, not until now that they are losing the media credibility and support.
For different parts of the movement and outside of it, the chant advocates for the libertarian of Palestine, not as an attack against jews, but the apartheid state they suffer in Israel, and it's creation in itself, which caused the massive displacement and murdering of a great part of their population, and for those who could remain in their land, the inability to vote, have basic human rights, the freedom to cross certain parts of the territory, the uncertainty of someone else just evicting them from their homes, and consistent violence against them, having as the primary example the current genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the west bank
I'm sure you already know most of this, but I'm just saying it to assure you that using and standing with the chant 'from the river to the see' does not make you or anyone else antisemitic, not as long as people have the ability to recognize jews and zionism apart
Also sorry if any part of this ask felt rude, or feels confusing, I would love to keep discussing about this if it's something you're up to
no no it's not rude. i'm actually glad we can have a discussion like this rather than misunderstanding and ended up accusing each other of smth
tw : controversial topic
i totally get it though like the original intention and from my side, i hate how the situation became due to extremist or uneducated "supporters" who in support of palestine and palestinian ended up being antisemitic like i saw blue haired libs outrightly telling jews in general that they don't deserve their freedom even jewish americans who had nothing to do with the situation in the middle east
and coming back to the issue of brand boycott, i think it's ridiculous that people can't differentiate between not being able to make a political standing and supporting genocide. "bEiNG SiLEnT = SupPORtiNg gEnOCiDe" is a ridiculous precedent because people who support this idea are not putting things into context. I don't see this backlash towards japanese or chinese idols, only korean idols. why ? because western fans (esp americans) put KOREAN idols in the same category as them. i think kpop should be separated from politics bc it's just gross. if you don't like what they're doing, you're welcome to have an opinion but you're not entitled to demand anything. you can even leave the fandom and stop supporting the artists, it's entirely your decision.(the you is not you, anon, it's just people in general ig) like who are you to control how people act or behave because you don't agree with it ?
the way people act, demanding kq to release a statement and demanding certain photos be taken down is kind of facistic cencorship adjacent. "I don't like the message i assume you're supporting and because of that and because the rest of us agree on an idea, you must adhere to it and do what we want" like it's so gross how entitled these people are
and again, it seem like they're erasing hongjoong's philantropical activities just because he posed with a starbucks cup (it's not even a sponsorship), calling him a sellout and acting as if he's leading charge in an anti palestinian campaign which is so not the case. literally people are using this situation to cancel and boycott idols, they don't really care about what the boycott stands for, they just want to hate and that's more disgusting than posing with a starbucks cup
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saucerfulofsins · 10 months
The OP of the post never said anything about the Houthi or anything about the ship other than it was owned by an Israeli billionaire, which is true. But now there are Zionists harassing anyone who reblogs the post, harassing a Muslim lady directly affected by the genocide, and claiming all the kids and civilians on the boat are somehow terrorists too? Typical bigotry. Thank you for standing firm against Zionist harassment campaigns, so many are falling for it and joining in what is actually some pretty extreme behaviour.
Exactly! I didn't know about the Houthi, and I drew my own conclusion from the way the initial post was worded, which... I shouldn't have done, clearly, but also I really don't mind it when someone says "hey actually!" In this case though? Hell fucking no. Never mind the adage "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter", which people tend to miss since usually the line's a little more clear cut.
Regarding Israel/zionism, I know where I stand on this and I will stand by it. I had a very good high school history teacher who worked at the Dutch institute for war, holocaust and genocide studies (NIOD) for many years, he did a lot of work on locating which Dutch Jews were sent to which camps/where they were killed/etc. That high school wasn't a ~traditional school so I had a lot of time to talk to him one on one about history in general, and the "invention" of Israel (as well as the Dutch position on it. They were hesitant to support the independence initially because Indonesia was fighting for its independence from the Dutch, and then the Netherlands took a very pro-Israel stance from the point it became clear just how big the government's role was in the persecution of the Jewish people living in the Netherlands at the time so it's literally out of guilt; this affected not just Dutch Jews but also German refugees like Anne Frank's family. They willingly gave out addresses etc. which lead to the decimation of over 80% of the Jewish population here - this is among the highest of Europe).
I also know how terrible the holocaust was because I've met two Jewish people over here. That's fucking it. One of them was a zionist, though, and I'm just not here for it and I never have been. Genocide aside, the displacement of the Palestinians is not okay and never has been okay. The invention of Israel was essentially a final act of European colonialism, at a time many colonies had either recently gained their independence or were on the brink of achieving it. I'm not blaming the Jewish people for wanting/desiring/needing a safe space; I do blame whoever believed/decided and whoever continues to believe/decide that means a place without the locals that lived there for centuries. If you cannot live in peace with your fellow people, even if they have a different religion, you do not deserve the position you've been put in. It's simple as that.
And like I said, I know it's more complex than simply saying "Israel" because actually it's also "all of Europe and all of Europe's mistreatment of the Jews in WWII and before and its consequent shame and guilt" - but does that mean we must let the same thing happen again, place the blame on a different dehumanized ~Other, and act like they are so different and thus less worthy of a life in peace? No. No amount of past genocides, no amount of past victims, no amount of generational trauma warrants what is currently happening. I don't even believe in "an eye for an eye", never mind this.
Of course the supporters of Israel as it currently stands equate anti-zionism to antisemitism. That's the point. An attempt at silencing the increasingly loud opposition by doing so, because what other ground do they have to stand on? Only the ground they forcefully took from others.
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intoxicatedfae · 11 months
the world is burning… and so are we
this may feel very weak and stupid to say at a time like this, when genocide is happening. but i feel like i’m biting my tongue and not saying much? i can’t fully identify the reason why i am holding back. why can’t i fight for freedom? i don’t want to look back and feel guilty because i was silent and complaisant. i can’t sit on my feelings anymore but i also feel that i’m not educated or informed enough to say all the things i want to say. and i think that is what has been holding me back.
what i do know is that there are 3 major genocide’s happening right now. the genocide of Palestinians, at the hands of the American and Israeli governments.as well as the genocides happening in the Congo and Sudan (which I know less about and wish to seek more information about these situations). many governments have anti-trans/ anti-lgbtq laws in place. some areas that don’t have laws that restrict the freedoms of queer and trans people are looking to implement them. in america affirmative action was overturned, i believe ICWA was also overturned this year. and reproductive rights have been violated. also, cop city, a militarized police training facility being built in atlanta to train police all over the world in the best ways to “police” their citizens. i put the word police in parentheses because their main goal is no longer to maintain the law and serve and protect citizens from danger. no, they think they are above the law and they want to control us through fear.
all politicians and their governments are corrupt. one of their main goals is to isolate citizens from each other, drain us of our energy, and make us turn on each other. if we’re lonely and tired and angry at our fellow man, how could we ever fight our oppressors? there is power in numbers, so they have chosen to separate us and create a divide. we should be choosing community, unity, and solidarity. you may be afraid to speak out in support of Palestine because you think you don’t know enough about the situation, or nobody else you know is speaking out, or because you think you’ll get hate for antisemitism. however, if you’re staying silent you’re choosing to stand by the decisions your political leaders are making. if you don’t know about the situation research and find out enough to form a solid stance. if nobody else’s you know is speaking out, why not be the first one? maybe everyone in your community needs that push. and remember being pro-Palestine was never and will never be anti-semitic. this is something that is said to scare people into not speaking out but just because you’re against Apartheid, and wrongful colonial occupation does not mean you hate Jewish people at all, rather it means you’re just against corrupt governments trying to get away with sick and twisted actions in the dark.
as an american i believe the american people need to rally together and put an end to this. how can the us treasurer say there is plenty in the budget for at least 2 wars but the country is trillions of dollars in debt? we can’t keep letting the white supremacist that run our country use our tax paying dollars to fund a genocide that largely nobody is in support of. boycott all companies that in support of Israel not just McDonalds and Starbucks and Disney. if you can try honestly i would recommend just not buying anything that isn’t a necessity at all period. if we stop funneling money into the economy 1) there will be no money to fund Israel’s endeavors, and 2) the economy will eventually collapse. if the economy collapsed a new economic structure would have to be built to replace capitalism. this is hella extreme but i think an eventual radical response that we should get prepared for. the government does not care about you so why should you spend your hard earned barely livable wage dollars on anything at all? aside from just boycotting, i’m still trying to find a solution for taxes? if anyone knows how americans can prevent their taxes going towards this plz share.
overall not sure if i said everything i wanted to say here, but i will definitely be writing more of my thoughts so i can further go into detail. for now i can sat do what you can to help Palestine. contact your representatives, donate, protest, share the posts of the surviving citizens remaining in Gaza as they document these ongoing terrors. keep your eyes on Gaza, stay alert, and stay safe.
(also i would like to state i’m just expressing my thoughts not trying to spread information, ((if anything i’m asking to be informed)), but trying to speak about what’s on my mind and in my heart). (also sorry for spelling and grammar errors, not focused on format focused on message)
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notebeans-galaxy · 11 months
twitter users have no reading comprehension skills ffs. someone called holland a zionist for referring to what's happening in Palestine as a conflict and for no other reason, because they believe calling it a conflict is a statement of neutrality or a "both sides" argument.
First off, the word conflict does not imply neutrality or siding with Israel. It doesn't imply anything other than that there's a disagreement between two sides, which there obviously is because Palestinians want to live as they always have and Israel wants to kill them and take over their land.
Second, and more broadly than just yall calling people zionists for saying children shouldn't have to die: yall need to learn the difference between a state and its citizens. Palestine does not exist as a unified state at the moment, and is run by two different organizations as well as Israel via occupation in the West Bank; the two Palestinian organizations that do any sort of governing are Hamas and the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Generally, people who are pro-palestine understand that not all Palestinians are part of either of these organizations, but some of yall think any criticism of Hamas at all is pro-Israel and like. Idk how to tell you this but even many Palestinians don't like Hamas. Getting them out of power simply is not a priority while there's an ongoing genocide; that doesn't mean they should be immune to criticism.
When it comes to Israel, on the other hand, a lot of y'all don't seem to get that not all Israelis are zionists!!!! Shocker!!! Having an Israeli citizenship doesn't automatically make someone a Zionist. There are active anti-zionist organizations in Israel that advocate for the BDS movement, who have been opposing their government's occupation of Palestine for decades, who have been violently suppressed by said government for opposing the occupation of Palestine. There are several organizations of former IDF soliders (keep in mind Israel has mandatory conscription for all citizens regardless of gender) who were born there and raised Zionists, who became antizionist after witnessing the violence of the Israeli military against Palestinians firsthand; Israel's trying to crack down on anti-zionists even more now that they've aggressively stepped up the bombardment of Palestine, and, is rightfully being called fascist for it. There's Palestinians with Israeli citizenship. Arabs/Palestinians make up 20% of Israel's population, over 1.8 million people. So those of you who think killing Israeli civilians is fine, actually? You're also in favor of killing Palestinians who didn't leave during the Nakba.
So technically, this conflict is actually more complicated than just Israel vs Palestine but not by much: It's Israel the state plus its supporters (Zionists), vs the two governments of Palestine, Palestinians, Arabs in general, a lot of Israelis, anti-zionists, anyone even remotely pro-palestine, and anyone who speaks out against Israel pretty much at all. It's Zionists vs everyone else. It is not Palestinians vs Israelis (and those two categories have overlap).
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
Hi Dani,
I'm sorry if this post is a bit harsh, but it's very hard for me to see that everyone is screaming “genocide” without understanding the true meaning of the word and without mentioning a word about what happened on October 7th in Israel (maybe you really haven't heard enough about it, so please go read about it, from reliable sources pls!) and not mentioning the more than 200 Israelis kidnapped to Gaza, including babies, children, elderly and holocaust survivors, who are there for over than 2 weeks and their families know nothing about their well-being!
so please read why everything started and what happened in Israel on 7/10 (Israel has the right to defend itself, Israel has warned the residents in Gaza many times to evacuate (and many did so!), and yes you should call freePalestine from Hamas!! A terror organization with whom Israel is currently fighting)
Hello love,
I want to make my position clear.
I stand in solidarity with Palestine.
It is important to emphasize that supporting Palestine does not equate to being anti-Semitic. While it is true that some pro-Palestine discussions can include anti-Semitic rhetoric, it is crucial to understand that this arises from years of oppression.
Supporting Palestine does not make someone pro-Hamas. I reiterate: advocating for Palestine does not imply hatred towards Jews or support for terrorism. It signifies our opposition to the policies of the Israeli government and our stance against what we see as a humanitarian crisis involving genocide and ethnic cleansing.
I acknowledge that we may hold differing views on this matter. But it is essential to recognize that the conflict did not start recently; it has deep historical roots spanning 75 years. This is not just a recent 'war' or 'conflict' initiated by Hamas; it is about a decades-old pattern of oppression against the Palestinian people. If we fail to admit this reality, we cannot work towards a solution.
It is entirely possible to condemn Hamas and their actions while acknowledging a simple truth: no one has the right to colonize other people, occupy their land, and dictate their way of life. Every time someone brings up the actions of 'both sides are suffering' in this conflict, it reminds me of the "men get raped too" argument used when discussing gender-based violence. While we don't disregard the suffering on the other side, it's crucial not to overlook the institutional and systematic oppression faced by the minority.
I keep coming back to this quote. I hope we can take a moment to think about this. It speaks volumes to me. Especially now. 
“If you insist on disavowing that which is ugly about what you do,” said Magnus, still looking at Alec, “you will never learn from your mistakes.”
I must emphasize that I am not an expert on this topic, and I am aware of my privilege in being far removed from the violence and catastrophe. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be a citizen of either country right now.
I hope you and your family are safe. You deserve to be. 
As does everyone else. 
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bllsbailey · 20 days
Meta (FACEBOOK) Decides 'From the River to the Sea,' a Call for Genocide Against Jews, Is Not 'Hate Speech'
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Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has determined that the antisemitic phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” does not violate its hate speech policies.
The slogan has seen a resurgence in popularity amid widespread protests across the country against Israel’s military campaign against terrorist group Hamas.
Meta’s Oversight Board has found that the phrase “From the River to the Sea,” used to express Palestinian support, did not break the company’s hate speech policies. Critics of the phrase, which refers to the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, say that it calls for the abolishment of the Israeli state. The Anti-Defamation League accused the slogan of being antisemitic and a “rallying cry (that) has long been used by anti-Israel voices, including supporters of terrorist organizations such as Hamas.” But the chant is also frequently used at pro-Palestinian demonstrations by protesters who say it is to call for equal rights and an independent state for Palestinians. It can refer to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza who are restricted in their movements and from visiting Jerusalem. The Board said it reviewed three cases involving the use of “From the River to the Sea” on Facebook and said that all appeals to remove the content were closed without human review. Those users then appealed to the Board, which exists for users to challenge Meta’s appeals process on Facebook, Instagram or Threads.
The Oversight Board argued that “the three pieces of content contain contextual signs of solidarity with Palestinians – but no language calling for violence or exclusion” and “do not glorify or even refer to Hamas.”
Some on the board acknowledged that the phrase can have multiple meanings, but pointed out that it appears in Hamas’ 2017 charter.
The antisemitic Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) praised the Oversight Board’s decision, claiming that some activists use the phrase to “call for Israelis and Palestinians to live together in one state with equal rights,” and that it “does not inherently constitute hate speech.”
CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper celebrated the decision:
“We appreciate Meta recognizing that the Jewish, Palestinian and other activists who sometimes use this phrase as their way of advocating for Israelis and Palestinians to live together in one state with equal rights are not engaging in hate speech. This stands in stark contrast the official position of the Likud Party and the Israeli government, which calls for a permanent state of occupation and subjugation 'from the river to the sea' in its official platform. It is essential that Meta also take action to ensure that voices opposing the genocide in Gaza are not being unjustly censored or banned.”
Despite CAIR’s claims, the slogan has been parroted by pro-Hamas protesters on college campuses and other areas since the war in Gaza began with Hamas’ slaughter of Israeli civilians and others on Oct. 7. It has been used by Hamas and other terrorist entities to promote violence against Jews.
The slogan is a rallying cry typically used to advocate for the elimination of Jewish sovereignty in the region. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) described the phrase as a classic example of antisemitic rhetoric aimed at delegitimizing Israel’s right to exist.
It is fundamentally a call for a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the state of Israel, which would mean the Jewish state being dismantlied. It is an antisemitic charge denying the Jewish right to self-determination, including through the removal of Jews from their ancestral homeland.
It is possible that some who use the phrase do not know its history or actual meaning. But most of those pushing the slogan understand precisely what it means--even if they are too cowardly to admit it publicly.
The notion that the phrase does not constitute hate speech is laughable, considering what Facebook and other Meta-owned platforms actually consider to be objectionable. It appears this move may have been aimed at quelling backlash coming from the anti-Israel crowd. But in the end, it only highlights the company’s hypocrisy in its content moderation practices.
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