#some light in (the) darkwood
bamsara · 8 months
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Some side characters/cult members for The Rehabilitation of Death. This originally was just supposed to be some light sketches but now they're all fully lined up and colored oops
Info about all of them under the cut:
All followers were designed based off of the actaul follower forms in game. Characters in order:
Bremar 🦊 (He/Him): Boy that often gets peer pressured into doing dangerous or scary things by his friends/bullies. Good heart, not a lot of spine yet.
Finor 🐰 (She/They): Elderly follower.  A devoted follower, but much too in the habit of behaving like an overbearing grandmother to those who aren’t even her kits. Comes from bearing so many in life before losing them to heretics in the wilds. Lambert found her already aged out in the forest after her husband and family were slaughtered, and she has been caring for others ever since her rescue. Stern and not a big fan of PDA, but good heart.
Cow Nurse 🐄 (No Name yet, She/Her): A nurse that works in the healing bay; takes care of the injured and sick while the lamb is gone. Stern and easily frustrated but it comes from a place of concern.
The Shrew and The Otter (No names yet) 🐁🦦 (Both She/Her): Lovers that often leave their work posts to be affectionate with each other in secret (even though everyone already knows). Eventually asks the Lamb to officiate their wedding.
Joon 😺 (Any/They/Them) (Otherwise known as 'the yellow cat' from that one COTL short): The best farmer the cult has, wasn't born until long after the bishop's defeats, and is a part of the generation that is blissfully unaware of Bishops prior tyranny. Bright but a little nervous at times, the Lamb asks them to watch over a certain 'new arrival' as their own hands are full, and Joon becomes the unaware caretaker for a certain God of Chaos.
Paazi 🐸 and her parents🦅🦇: (She/Her for Paazi, Unnamed: Eagle is He/Him, Bat is They/Them): Paazi is a orphan rescue from Anura found as young as a tadpole, later adopted by this older couple. She is the frog that fell from the cliffside and was later saved by Narinder, in which gains him her parent's appreciation.
Grekimar 🐷 (He/Him): A lumber worker who was exiled from his village in Anura, and taken in by the cult as 'all past sins are forgiven here'. Very critical of Narinder's presence, and is one spit away from dissension
Jayen 🐻 (He/Him): One of the two followers Narinder killed during his dramatic arrival to the cult grounds when Jayen was just trying to protect his leader, later resurrected by Narinder and Lambert in Chapter 2. Conflicted about Narinder's presence: grateful to be resurrected (Lamb told Jayen that Narinder helped) but still traumatized from the murder. Feels tingly in his hand and arm often. Sweet but nervous.
Tyren 🐶 (He/Him): One of the stone miners. Rescued from Darkwood. The very 'golden lab retriever' personality makes him one of the more friendlier types; this dog has a big crush on the Lamb that goes past prophet idolization.
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sirenjose · 6 months
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Thoughts and Theories about "Identity Switches"
This will cover current Identity Switches (up to Hunter Norton/Fool's Gold), as well as their connections between the Identity Switch and their normal version, motivations, personalities, backstories, etc... as well as some discussion about the plot of the main story and the Oletus Manor tragedy (including my theory regarding Jose's father's potential involvement in that event).
Regarding the topic of Identity Switches, it'll be easier to answer questions about those as Netease releases more, but for now we just have Novelist/Nightmare, Alice/Memory, Professor/Luchino, Weeping Clown/Joker, and now Norton/Fool's Gold (though we'll likely get Melly's hunter version sooner than later as well).
With Orpheus, we've known for awhile how he's talked about having multiple personalities or whatever, but the form he takes as “Nightmare” isn't real. So far, it doesn't seem like the rest of the Identity Switches (Memory, Luchino, Joker, Fool's Gold) are "real" either, at least in the sense as being those being their appearance in the real world and such.
"Nightmare" seems to have formed as a result of his trauma and the aftereffects of the tragedy that killed the DeRoss couple (Alice's parents) who he was close to.
I think Novelist's S-tier Essence, with Hollow, and that essence's backstory does the best job showing this, especially with Alice as Source of Evil's shock and disbelief that Orpheus as Hollow is the one behind everything she's seeing.
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Hollow himself literally states he wants "revenge" during his essence trailer, as well as the rest of his lines during his trailer.
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He used to be kind but his heart hardened after what he experienced, and he's no longer as trusting. He also now seems to primarily see the flaws or "sins" first and their good parts second (which i at least personally think is also visible from the way he writes most everyone's 3rd letters, which usually tend to depict the character in a negative light). He wants people to "repent" (with him seeing himself as the person making these "sinful souls" repent).
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This idea of him focusing on the evil in people and wanting them to "repent" I think could be reflected in Orpheus aka Nightmare as the manor owner. I think it's best shown in Bane’s letter, where he see themselves helping this happen, but also from those same letters, we eventually see them begin to question Orpheus the same way Source of Evil did.
The best example being Bane in William's 4th letter, where we see his doubt beginning to show due to failing to understand why Orpheus would include an innocent like William in his experiments.
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Based on Bane's 4th letter, where Alice talks about Bane missing by the time of the final game, it is possible it is because he begins to doubt that he might've disappeared.
Bane and Burke worked for the DeRoss couple before the tragedy, after which they worked for Orpheus as the new owner. They're people who are close to Orpheus, so if even they are questioning Orpheus' actions, along with Alice at least as Source of Evil, with Alice being Orpheus' childhood friend, that should show just how much he changed.
Sorry it took me so long to reach here, but I think this is what is reflected in Orpheus when he takes the form of Nightmare.
The reason he looks like a bird connects to how birds are stated to be what Orpheus' likes. The gas mask Nightmare wears, which we saw during Time of Reunion, may connect to the drugs Orpheus developed and is using (and how we see him messing with gas in Darkwoods during Time of Reunion).
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Nightmare's finger being a pen connects to Orpheus as a writer, a "novelist", while the music notes on his arm can connect to the Nightingale's song and the piccolo we saw being used during Time of Reunion to open the gates of the manor, and how Alice says during Ashes of Memory that the nightingale's song can open all the doors in the manor. We see Orpheus playing the piccolo during Novelist's release trailer too (as well as bandits who come in and kill Alice's parents during the live action trailer for ToR).
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Then there's his name, which his rumor seems to explain the meaning of "Perhaps known only to 'Orpheus', this nightmare of his memory".
Finally there's how Nightmare is essentially a raven. This can relate to how the raven is sometimes seen as a bad omen, which fits with Orpheus' change after the tragedy.
So, at least based on Novelist and Nightmare, we can see his Nightmare is a combination of things related to Orpheus himself, his past, but also an emphasis on the... darker side of his personality. Many of the other hunter Identity Switch's we have I think are similar. Their hunter versions seem to put a spotlight on the darker aspects of their character and thus also why I think they tend to be depicted as inhuman, as a way to emphasize how they aren't how they normally are, except these dark parts which are normally hidden internally are now reflected externally in their appearance, and show them as monsters normally or exaggerated versions of their normal selves to mirror their inner darkness, but if that darkness was cranked up to the max.
Joker in a way is similar to Orpheus. Both used to be kind people but changed drastically after going through painful experiences. For Joker, this was the pain and humiliation he was forced to subject himself to day in and day out for the audience's amusement, the pain Sergei caused him, both physical by the acid, and the mental due to Joker's ruined face now preventing him from playing his role in Hullabaloo anymore, not to mention more emotional pain as Sergei was with the girl Joker loved, made more complicated when Joker learned Sergei was abusing her, whatever happiness Joker felt at Margaretha coming to him for comfort because of that abuse, complicated further as it was this event that made Sergei hurt Joker. And even more as Margaretha may not have loved him back, but Joker still cared about her. Put everything together, and it should make it easy to understand why Joker did eventually reach his breaking point, which was the day he killed Sergei, took his face, and then (likely) killed everyone else at Hullabaloo that day, which is the tragedy Mike refers to in his backstory, and is the thing motivating him to go to the manor.
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Joker looks the way he does I think at least in part to represent Sergei, or at least maybe how Joker saw Sergei, but also combined with maybe how Joker wishes he was. Compared to Weeping Clown, Joker is much bigger and stronger. But he's also always happy and smiling, which is what Joker wants, what he's been unable to do for so long (just read Joker's deductions, I think it makes this apparent enough).
Moving on to Luchino, I think he's potentially the easiest to understand his Identity Switch/hunter version. His deductions and backstory make his interests clear, as well as how far he'll go for his research. Professor's trailer and backstory tell us in a way he sees his hunter version as "evolution" and stepping over the "last of my boundaries", while his current state (with Professor) is "a small price to pay on the path to truth". His rumor and summaries put best when they basically say Luchino's hunter version an emphasis on his "exploration into forbidden areas" or him going into "territories of taboo".
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Maybe Luchino's most recent (4th) letter can give us a bit more insight. It says he is "I've spent my nights suppressing the inhuman desire within me and battling against that 'instinct'". Maybe, compared to his hunter version, this could help show that Luchino's hunter version, like the others, is still an emphasis on a character if they went all the way to the extreme and focusing on their darker traits. Based on his following comment in that letter about "understanding of humans", this could be what his real goal is.
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Next I'll mention Alice and Memory. Memory we know is entirely because of Orpheus. It is how he views Alice. Or, to put another, it is what he wants to see. If we go back to Hollow's trailer, he says he wants to "rebuild paradise", which so far I think is the easiest thing to understand regarding what Orpheus is doing and why he has done everything he has.
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We know he was torn up by guilt over the tragedy based on Alice's letter to Orpheus in the 2nd anniversary package, where she says "Please don’t blame yourself for father and mother’s death". I think this can even connect to a line by Burke in Bonbon's deductions, where Burke mentions "Since he got back from his 'real' parents, that brat lost various valuable items again... He tried to take full responsibility for it, but such tolerance and protection will only feed their greed".
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There’s also how, based on Time of Reunion trailers (live and otherwise), cutscenes, and even Hollow’s essence (S19 E1), at least to me it seems to be implied that it is Orpheus’ fault the bandits got into Oletus Manor to kill Alice’s parents.
The farmer looking people we saw in the portrait during Time of Reunion and during Ashes of Memory when Orpheus is talking about his past may be Orpheus’ “real” parents, the ones Burke mentions during Bonbon’s deductions that Orpheus may be taking valuables from the manor for, which implies Orpheus’ real parents were likely “greedy” people.
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During Orpheus’ story in Ashes of Memory, he refers to the man as a “forest ranger” the DeRoss couple hired. This actually can fit with Burke’s deductions, where he talks about the DeRoss couple “bought their own staff” for the manor, after which he says there was “a strange boy in this annoying group”. Orpheus being the son of forest rangers the DeRoss’ hired would explain why he appeared when the DeRoss bought their staff, which could include forest rangers, as we know Bane used to be a forest ranger hired to work on the “hunting grounds of Oletus Manor” (those grounds being the Forest of No Return, as that’s where we can find Bane’s cabin) according to his backstory. Though Bane, unlike Orpheus’ real parents, was loyal to the DeRoss couple.
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Orpheus in his story says this forest ranger (likely his real father/parents) “colluded with bandits” (during that scene we see the forest ranger dropping some coins, likely to imply he hired the bandits), the same bandits that killed the DeRoss couple and “ransacked the manor”.
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We know from Burke’s and Bonbon’s deductions, as well as from Time of Reunion, that the “key” to get into the manor was a piccolo, likely combined with having to use it to play the nightingale’s song as Alice says during Ashes of Memory.
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We see Orpheus playing on this same piccolo in Novelist’s release trailer. We also see the bandits playing on this piccolo during the live action trailer for Time of Reunion. During Ashes of Reunion 2, as Alice is walking through the Muse Corridor, we see the lines “How did they get inside?!”, implying it shouldn’t have normally been possible, likely due to the security we know Burke installed for the manor.
If the piccolo was the key, we know that must be how they got in. How did they get it? Well, we know Orpheus has been taking valuables for his “real parents”. We also know he’s held and used the piccolo before. Maybe Orpheus knew about it from getting close to Burke, who does say right after first mentioning Orpheus in his deductions that the kid “showed great interest in my studio” and “I can always see his clothes or shoes sticking out from the corner”. It’s also possible Orpheus was able to learn about it or get his hands on it due to getting close to the DeRoss couple, especially once Alice was born and he got attached to her.
If Orpheus did help the bandits get into the manor, potentially by giving them the key, that would parallel Hollow’s essence trailer well, as we see in that trailer the young, still innocent Orpheus reaching his hand out to the shipwreck survivors, with the very next scene being these same people attacking the manor.
It would also explain Orpheus’ guilt and why he blames himself for Alice’s parent’s death according to Alice’s letter in the 2nd anniversary package.
Now why do I say all this (besides the fact I think as I talk and couldn’t help going on a tangent as I think about other things)? Orpheus is the one who sees Alice as “Memory”. “Memory” is just as her name says, a memory of the past. Alice looks just like she did back then. Back when things were happy, before their “paradise” was destroyed by the events of the tragedy. Hollow does say he wants to “rebuild paradise”, which reflects his desire to go back, to “look back” if you will just like Orpheus in the actual Greek myth, an action that causes him to break his promise to Hades and thus lose Eurydice.
Orpheus is unable to see Alice as she currently is. He is unable to move forward. He is unable to get past the guilt Alice mentions in her letter to Orpheus. In that same letter, she tries to tell him “You’ve already done everything in your power to save them; my survival is proof of this”. This can connect back to the words we saw in Ashes of Memory 2 when Alice is in the Muse Corridor. We hear someone saying “Take her and run. And don’t turn back”, followed soon after by someone asking for where the kids went (Orpheus and Alice), with the last line we see and hear being Orpheus who says “Don’t be afraid we’ll meet again”. This last line likely is a reference to how Orpheus helped ensure Alice’s survival as she mentions in her letter, potentially him trying to hide her from those looking for them (if they were found, it is possible they would’ve been killed like their parents. Though Burke and Bonbon’s deductions imply they were found, it’s possible timing and exactly who found them was important to ensure their survival).
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But based on the first lines in that letter, it seems Alice (in the present, likely during the final game) so far has failed to get Orpheus to stop what he’s currently doing. We know she’s trying to stop him based on the shock and disbelief Source of Evil expresses during her essence to Hollow’s actions, as well as during Novelist’s release trailer as we see a lady holding Memory/Little Girl telling Orpheus to “Stop it! End all this now”.
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Orpheus is incapable of stopping himself from focusing on the past, on revenge, on getting back what he once had. His pain and desire is too great, potentially to the point he was willing to use the drugs on himself as Alice in her letter to Orpheus says “regardless of whether you can or cannot remember”. Drugs to help him forget, to ease his pain, but also the same drugs that cause characters to hallucinate seeing others differently, such as seeing Orpheus as Nightmare.
Siren Song is the drug that causes hallucinations. We see Alice, right after she sniffs the bottle, to briefly hallucinate seeing Mary and Nightmare.
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I also believe this is the same drug that was used on Jose’s father, Joaquin, and his crew the day they disappeared, depicted in Jose’s 1st letter. They mentioned things that the “cannons couldn’t kill”. The reasons the cannons didn’t kill anything was because the things they saw weren’t real. However, unfortunately for them, their actions still had consequences, which was why their ship likely sunk and why Jose, who waits for his father returns, never sees his father again, and why the Queen assumes Joaquin made off with her treasure and so punishes the Baden family.
(I also still believe in my theory that Jose’s father and crew were the shipwreck survivors depicted in Hollow’s essence in the Season 19 Essence 1 trailer who later may have ended up being at least some of the “bandits” that Orpheus’ real parents “collude” with aka hire or pay off to attack the manor, steal its valuables, and kill many of those inside, including Alice’s parents. We know Jose mentions his father changed course due to a storm in his 3rd deduction, while his 4th and 7th imply the “loss of most of the crew” wasn’t because they were fighting pirates, and instead because “the nightmarish waters had swept them away”. We know from deduction 2 that Joaquin’s change of course took them through an area “not recommended for sailing”. Therefore, the “nightmarish waters” and “loss of the crew” could imply they shipwrecked just like we saw in the Season 18 Essence 3’s (Source of Evil) and Season 19 Essence 1’s (Hollow) trailers. We also can make a good guess the large ship at Lakeside may connect to Jose’s father due to the items on the ship, including a map of the Mediterranean, where we know Joaquin was sent the day he disappeared, a paper with the same symbols as are on White’s compass, a Teru Teru Bozu doll, which is for praying for fine weather and can relate to the “nightmarish water” or the original storm that made Joaquin change course, a picture from Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea of a sailor being grabbed by a giant squid, and a nighttime picture that looks very similar to the images from Wu Chang’s backstory trailer. This could imply Jose and his father have been here before, and if his father participated in the attack on Oletus Manor that killed Alice’s parents, that could explain why Jose is so traumatized after they return from this voyage based on Jose’s panic attacks stated to be worsening as well as explain why Jose says in his 7th deduction that the “nightmarish waters” swept away both his “companions” as well as their “conscience”, which implies they did something bad based on the implications from lacking a conscience, especially when we know Joaquin saw this voyage as so important he refused to turn back due to a storm and instead changed course through an area not recommended for sailing. If they did shipwreck, causing them to potentially lose all their cargo, that’d risk Joaquin’s reputation and his desire for fame and fortune. So he would be the type who’d be willing to fall to the lengths of attacking and stealing from a manor to potentially regain what he lost. This would explain why Jose says whatever happened “awakened the demons flowing through the Badens' blood” as well as the Queen’s “wealth” they were said to have “protected” and returned with after the voyage, which is what earned Jose’s father the fame and fortune he always wanted. And again, it would explain some of the other sarcastic lines in Jose’s deductions including “Redemption: A sin the gods can't forgive, but a king can”, which can tie to how Orpheus as Hollow says in the trailer for his essence “Only a sinful soul does as it pleases” and “Revenge! To hell with the gods!”. This idea could also explain why Orpheus in Jose’s 3rd letter calls Jose a “gift” from a “friend who passed away” that Orpheus “treasured” to use in his experiment, so much so he was willing to pause the experiment when it looked like Jose’s mental state was deteriorating too much. The “gift” from the “friend” that “passed away” can be a sarcastic way to refer to Jose’s father.)
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Speaking of the drugs that cause hallucinations, I want to go back to Joker. Remember how I said Orpheus is the one who sees Alice as Memory? Well I think it’s possible Margaretha is the one who sees Weeping Clown Joker as Smiley Face Joker. We know drugs weren’t used on Mike, Joker’s 3rd letter implies the same it seems based on “But even without the influence of drugs, Subject 8-0-3's emotions still moved uncontrollably toward the extreme”, for Violetta it was twice said that it “wasn’t the plan to use medicine” on her, and Murro like Mike has “?” for the 2nd spot of his serial number, which usually implies the character didn’t have the drugs used on them. In which case, Margaretha was likely the 1 to hallucinate Joker’s Identity Switch. And it makes sense too as Margaretha knew a lot about Sergei, ran away with him, but also experienced his abuse. We know from Margaretha’s 3rd letter that, due to the drugs, she mistook Joker as Sergei for a time. That could explain Joker having an appearance that may have a resemblance to Sergei. It could also explain why he’s as big as he is. It could be in part tied to her fear of Sergei due to his abuse.
That then leaves us with Norton and Fool’s Gold. We already got a good bit of information about him from his Design Notes video by Netease. His name itself comes from Norton’s 1st letter from Benny, as well as how the “strong contrast between his outer appearance and inner self” fits well with how Fool’s gold aka pyrite looks similar to gold but is actually iron.
After this part is likely the best answer to your question regarding what an Identity Switch is (https://twitter.com/IdentityVJP/status/1723176218563149901):
“IDENTITY characters and their bodies are somewhat similar to the concepts of id and superego. Or, it can be said to be the difference between the perception of other participants in the game and the person's own perception.
As for character design alone, when we select an IDENTITY character, we tend to enlarge his or her most prominent tags.
Norton's most notable tags were hard work, reticence, being weighed down by life, having no choice but to endure, suppressed anger inside, and ambivalence created by ambition and desire.
We showed one side through Survivor Norton and hoped to show another side through 'Fool's Gold.'”.
After this it further explains why he has a stony appearance, which they say involves his occupation as a miner and how he had been “losing his humanity”. This was why they made the hole in his chest, to show the mining accident damaging “more than his body. When he lit the fuse, his morals, social norms, and appearance of good nature were completely shattered”.
As we said, the Identity Switch/hunter versions are essentially an emphasis on their negative traits which are turned up to the max in this version of themselves. Sort of like how a ONCE skin is a what if something about their story changed, Identity Switches/hunter versions are like a what if the worst or extreme parts of a character were cranked up way more than they actually are.
With hunter Norton, going back to his design notes, it describes this version of Norton being someone that was “reborn in the collapsed mine”, while the hole in his chest involves him “no longer needing the lungs that had been in constant pain before, and that he had been given a new lease of life!”
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At least for me personally, another visual for this being a version of Norton with his darker traits magnified is how Norton’s usually crooked smile is now instead a full smile. Norton in his survivor version has a crooked smile to emphasize his name as well as his 2 sides, 1 being his “gloomy and depressed” side (the sad Norton desperate to escape poverty and depressed at his inability to do so no matter how hard he works) while the other is his “avaricious” side (the one affected by the “magnets” said to have “disturbed his brain”).
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Fool’s Gold having a magnetic pickaxe he can throw and recall, as well as dash towards, is a reference to Norton’s magnets, the ones he made after he took a chunk of the meteorite from Golden Cave after the mine collapse before managing to dig himself out.
Fool’s Gold/Hunter Norton is a version of Norton that has his greed and willingness to do anything to escape poverty turned up to the extreme. This is a version of Norton no longer in pain from black lung, a version no longer letting himself be abused by his coworkers or employers, a version where his darker side won the inner/mental conflict in Norton, which is depicted in his backstory trailer when we see him holding his head in pain and see both survivor Norton and hunter Norton at the same time (to even better show this is a conflict between survivor Norton, aka his better/good side, and his hunter version, aka his worse/bad side).
An even easier visual and proof of this conflict being part of at least normal, survivor Norton comes from Norton’s 2nd letter. The author is Norton, but he’s also talking to himself, trying to convince himself to accept the job and to kill the female he was asked to kill for the monetary reward he was offered. The fact he has to try to convince himself shows Norton needs convinced aka he hasn’t decided completely if he will go through with it or not, or at least he’s having 2nd thoughts, which again also helps to show survivor Norton and hunter Norton are different (that hunter Norton isn’t necessarily the real version, it’s a what if his darker side was magnified).
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There is also the chance the eye in Golden Cave is involved in all this. The Famitsu article already suggested the magnets may be messing with his head, magnets made from the meteorite that came from Golden Cave, where the large eye is. We even see similar fiery eyes appearing as effects with hunter Norton’s S-tier Infernal Skin. I do think there’s a chance hunter Norton is a version of Norton controlled or manipulated (more than normal) by whatever the meteorite and the eye in Golden Cave is.
(I have discussed the idea of the Golden Cave eye being Cyaegha before: https://www.tumblr.com/sirenjose/731920677136924672/golden-cave-eye-cyaegha-theory-updated?source=share).
While I’m thinking about it, I do wonder if we can say Orpheus’ and Norton’s Identity Switch’s/hunter versions are different from the others. I say this as Orpheus has already been said to have multiple personalities, while for Norton he’s already been said to have 2 sides and we’ve already seen him arguing with himself in his 2nd letter. In a sense, I wonder if we can say their hunter versions are “real” in a sense, just that the ones we see in game are now actually (externally) visible and magnified more than normal.
Though speaking of the 2 of them, going back to you wondering if it could relate to the Identity Switch being someone more willing to follow the manor owner or supervising the games, we see Norton during Ashes of Memory 2 seemingly working with Norton. This is based on how Alice encountered Hunter Norton while chasing after Orpheus (the black figure she was initially chasing after), then she is knocked out by Orpheus while Alice is running from Hunter Norton, who we know is actually Norton based on his reflection in the puddles. After this, we then see Norton using the Hydra drug on Alice, with Orpheus likely nearby considering we hear him questioning if the drug is working as Norton is giving it to her. Norton is only officially announced to arrive at the manor the day after that scene takes place. The other bit making it pretty evident Norton is likely working with Orpheus is how we see Norton in the secret basement/cellar that no one besides Orpheus (and Alice now due to her investigation, but none of the other participants at least normally are shown to know anything about it) knows about, not to mention how he knows about Orpheus’ drugs that he likely wants to keep secret from everyone, especially the other normal participants, as them knowing would likely ruin his experiments.
So Norton (or the others really) I don’t think was turned into a hunter/got an Identity Switch because of a “punishment”, nor has he done anything I believe to warrant a punishment, especially with him seemingly being someone directly working with the manor owner rather than just 1 more game participant.
The hunter versions for Orpheus, Joker, and Norton seemed to have formed due to pain (especially over a long period of time) and trauma (powerful experiences). Memory is due to Orpheus’ desire to go back to when things were happy. Luchino I’m less confident about, but maybe we’ll get a better idea as we learn more about his game. It’s possible he could be because of his obsession. It could also be because someone hallucinated him that way similar to Margaretha to Joker and Alice to Norton, which is a combination of knowing or being told about the person and seeing them as more extreme than they currently/actually are likely due to fear. So far though, drugs seem to be the main cause, though not all hunters are just hallucinations (like Leo), but it’s hard to say without full confirmation by Netease how much of each hunter is hallucination and how much is real. We can make guesses, like Bane for example seems mostly real, but who knows if they might surprise us and show their real version is a bit more toned down, like they did for Joker and Luchino.
(As for the question about detention, I don’t believe it’s ever explained in detail, so I think it’s fine to imagine or explain it however you may want. My best guess is maybe it can be explained sort of like adrenaline. Kind of like how the last week before a season ends is called Final Push, I think when the last cipher machine is decoded, it’s like the “final push” to the end. For survivors, this is to escape. For hunters, it is to eliminate everyone. Survivors “borrowed time” talent, which is when they heal when the last cipher pops, has the text “To what end will the last gleam of hope lead?”, which connects with this. Hunters’ detention on the other hand has the text “What's the hurry? Stay here forever”, which I think could help back up by guess that survivors may be more “adrenaline”, while for hunters it may be more… something like bloodlust? The desire to eliminate them all before they can escape. If you want to imagine it as a loss of whatever humanity they had, even if temporary, I think that’s fine ^_^; !)
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princesssmars · 1 year
a night in the castle
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a vampire jessica and oscar x reader
wc: 6.010 (?>?????/)
working as a tired maid in your town, you have a horrible night and end up at the mysterious castle on the hill. the two owners give you a dinner unlike any other.
contains : fic set in the nineteenth century but its barely written that way. reader is a maid is shunned by the village which includes some misogynistic remarks. polyamory with vampires aka the dream. said vampires do in fact drink blood. threesome with said vampires. oral sex (m>f, f>f), unprotected penetrative sex. reader isnt all there (rightfully so) and the vampires love it.
a/n : yall know i had to do it. this took me forever sorry i cant write smut. enjoy.
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living as a maid in your town, you weren't afforded many pleasures in your day to day life. you slept in a shabby room with a creaky and stained bed, spent a large portion of your day cleaning after people who treated you like the dirt you scrubbed, just to go to the bar to drink with the few friends you had until you felt numb.
it was pitiful but it was your life. but one of the major luxuries you weren't afforded was rage.
and as you walk up the muddy path on the hill on the edge of town, your legs burning and your skin shivering, that burning hatred was all you felt.
you had spent an uncountable amount of hours cleaning after one prominent family, the morgan's. you'd spent the most amount of time cleaning their home, and they were fairly kind to you, even if it was mostly their son who spoke to you.
but that didn't do you any favors when the young morgan was accused of having an affair and placed the blame on you to protect his mistress, which led to you being publicly shamed and thrown out of the home, mrs. morgan calling you a harlot who would never find a home to work at in town again.
your mind is running so fast you don't even notice you've picked up your pace, your feet making wet thuds as you head to who knows where. at this point you can be bothered to care, even when a stray branch knicks your ankle.
it feels like an eternity until you finally reach a destination, your body nearly running straight into a large set of dark doors. you look up in surprise to see where you are, your eyes widening when you process where you are: darkwood manor.
you always heard stories as a child about the manor up on the hill on the edge of town, the massive estate looming over where you lived like a constant reminder of the past. your grandmother would tell you tales of it before bed, prattling about the monsters who lived inside who would take away young girls who didn't behave.
eventually your grandfather would come in and assure you your grandmother was teasing, and that the manor was just inhabited by the two reclusive owners and their staff. you'd had more nightmares about it than you cared to admit.
but standing outside of the manor, you don't even feel a smidge of fear. you're too tired mentally and psychically to care about what the owners might do to you for trespassing.
you aren't afforded too much time to dwell in your exhaustion before one of the doors creaks open, soft yellow light pouring out before being blocked by a small frame coming into your view.
"hello, are you alright, dear?" a small voice asks you as your eyes finally adjust to the light to see the person in front of you. its a woman, much older than you judging by the many grey streaks in her hair. she's wearing a simple maids uniform and is staring at you with kind eyes and a smile. the sight of it nearly makes you crumple to the floor, your hurt legs giving out on you as she tries to hold you up.
"its ok, dearie, you're ok now," she soothed, her body nearly wrapping entirely around yours. "how about we go get you cleaned up, hm?"
you nod, rising with her as she wraps one of her arms around you to lead you inside the manor. you barely register the interior of the grand home, your eyes bleary with tears and rain. you can make up the large staircase that swirls upwards into the next floor, and how the walls are dark and filled with intricate designs and paintings.
eventually the elder woman leads you to sit down at a stool in what seems like a wide kitchen, some younger workers scurrying off when she gives them a muffled order. but the mental toll of the days events are starting to settle into your body, your eyes drooping and head tilting to the side.
"now now, don't fall asleep on me now, hun. how about i help freshen you up and you tell me what happened to lead to you coming all the way up here in this weather?" she asks gently, patting you on the shoulder at your tired nod.
and so, as the woman who tells you her name is agnes and that she is the head maid for the lord and lady of the manor softly cleans your face and arms with a damp rag, you slowly start to explain what happened in town for you to end up at the estate at such a late hour. as you repeat everything that happened it hits harder that your life, no matter how much you disliked it, would never be the same after tonight.
right before you start bawling you look up at agnes to see her staring at you so kindly it nearly makes you break. she reminds you of your mother before she sadly passed from an illness when you were young. the maternal way she acts helps to soothe you, even if its just enough to not cry at this moment.
"there, all better. now you look like a proper young lady." agnes smiles at you, tilting your head from side to side to check if she missed any smudges. "well, its safe to assume you can't go back down the hill. you stay right here and give me one second, alright?"
you nod again to assure here you'll stay where you are before she smiles and leaves through another pair of doors on the outside of the kitchen. after she leaves you take in your surroundings, noticing just how big the kitchen really is for just two people, though you suppose its normal for such a large home.
feeling better now that you're clean, you figure agnes wont be upset if you explore the kitchen a bit, getting up and admiring the kitchen. the walls are composed of a patterned brown wallpaper, with the floor being a brown wood and counters made of a darker brown wood. you trail your hand across the top of one of them, noticing how smooth and clean they are. the kitchen is impeccably clean, actually, even thought supper time was merely a few hours ago and there is'nt a pot or pan in sight.
just as the thought crosses your mind, the sound of the door opening causes you to whip around, holding your hands behind your back guiltily. you expect to see agnes but instead see someone that nearly makes you pass out in nervousness.
instead of agnes a woman stands in the doorway, her fancy clothing telling you she is the lady of the manor. she's wearing a a gown, the black and red fabric standing out against her pale skin and red hair. her eyes stay on you while you observe her, the pale blue staring into your own. when she entered her face looked furious before she saw you. your hands start to fidget under her gaze.
"oh, dear, why are you up and about? i told you to stay sitting so you would'nt tire yourself out anymore!" agnes worries, moving from behind the lady and rushing over you to guide you back to the stool.
she turns toward the lady. "i'm sorry, ma'am. she's just a little bit out of it because of what happened."
"that's quite alright, i cant imagine what it must be like to have gone through all that she's been through." the woman says, her voice low and almost haunting. she steps closer, bringing her fingers to grip your chin and tilt your head to look at her.
"my name is jessica, the lady of the manor. i reside here with my husband, oscar. i'm sure you might have heard of us?"
"y..yes i have. just stories as a child." you whisper.
she smiles, almost like she knows exactly what you speak of. "i'm aware of the tales. but i can assure you that no one in this house is a monster." you briefly catch the faint smile on her face and the look she shares with agnes.
"but i can assure you that in this home you will be cared for. agnes will arrange a room for you and some fresh clothes for you to change in to."
before you can even object agnes walks out of the room and jessica takes your arm in hers to lead you to another part of the house. seeming to sense your curiosity, she encourages you to ask questions about the house and its architecture, answering any question you ask no matter how silly it sounds in your head.
she leads you up the staircase to the second level, taking you down a long hallway before stopping before a slight open door, opening it and gesturing for you to head inside.
following her direction, you slowly walk in to the room to see a bedroom straight out of your dreams. its big but not too large to feel overwhelming, having a four poster canopy bed, some dressers, a nook near the window presumably for reading, and a quaint sitting area near a fireplace.
"i hope its to your liking. we can have you moved to another room if you'd like-"
"no!" you nearly shout, slightly embarrassed at how you cut her off. she does'nt seem to mind though, simply looking at you in a way you cant interpret.
"its amazing, thank you. i swear soon i will hopefully be back on my feet and out of your way."
"nonsense, don't rush yourself, precious," she assures, stepping forward to rest her hands on your shoulders, continuing that unbroken eye contact from before, "you are welcome to stay in our home as long as you'd like. we rarely get guests from the town these days, so its nice to see a new face. especially one as lovely as yours."
the shock of her words makes your heart take a beat so suddenly you're scared she will be able to hear it. you feel bashful, not used to getting many compliments about your attractiveness. you cant help but want her to compliment you more, feeling like you'd give anything for her to call you beautiful.
"alright, there's something on the bed you to change into. another maid will be waiting outside if you need help getting dressed. she'll lead you to the dining room when you're done." she explains.
you're eyebrows knit in confusion, her face amused at your confusion. "you'll be having a meal with me and my husband. its only right you meet him and get some food into your system. trust me, he'll adore you so don't be worried."
you don't voice how that makes you worry more, instead telling her "thank you again for everything." before she leaves the room and you're left by yourself yet again.
the weight of what's happening finally settles in and you feel euphoric, struggling to quiet yourself as you jump on the bed and cheer for yourself. from a maid rejected by town to a guest at a local manor in the span of an hour. this is crazier than your wildest dreams.
composing yourself, you stand up and move to the dress that's been left for you on the end of the bed. picking it up doesn't help quell your excitement, the clothing being prettier than anything you've ever worn or even been able to afford. better yet its beautiful, being a white color with hints of f/c.
when changing you do have to invite your helper, catherine, inside to help you do up the back of your corset and the rest of your undergarments before finally helping you into your dress. your initial shyness fades as you begin to speak to each other, the both of you being around the same age and seeming to have the same interests. most of your friends looked away when you were thrown from the morgans, so it's nice to have a new one here in this strange place.
once you've finished getting dressed catherine leads you back down the hallway and stairs, through a new wider set of hallways before you eventually arrive at the dining room.
it's massive, to say the least, and the ceiling is covered in a gorgeous mural that trickles down the walls to keep the room regal yet creative. there’s a large table in the middle of the room, enough fancy chairs to seat at least 20 people.
“and you must be y/n,” a voice booms, pulling your attention from admiring the room to the person now speaking to you. he walks over to you faster than you can comprehend, seeming to cross the room in a manor of seconds. you don't have time to dwell on it before he clasps your hands in yours, shaking then up and down in a peculiar handshake. “my name is oscar, welcome to our home. i hope my wife and our staff have show you enough kindness to persuade you to stay.”
the lord is greeting you so nicely but you feel bad for barely paying attention to his words to take in his looks. you can see why he and his wife are married, to say the least, as he is incredibly handsome. he has slightly curled dark brown hair with eyes to match. he's wearing a suit just as extravagant as his wife's, mostly black with red and white accents. the coloring stands out greatly against his tanned skin and better unifies him and his wife as one. he lets out a little laugh as he notices your staring.
"um, yes. they've been nothing but kind to me," you manage to stutter out, slightly embarrassed at how you let yourself be so rude. "thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your home. i'm sure you've heard of my predicament, so i'm more than willing to pay off your kindness with service."
"y/n, you're our guest. we want you to enjoy your stay here. don't worry about any of that now." jessica projects from her seat at the table, watching your entire exchange. she gestures to the chair across from her for you to sit, oscar quickly guiding you to the end of the table to take your seat which he politely pulls out for you and pushes back in.
as soon as the lord sits in his seat, a few servants exit the kitchen to start laying out the meal. before you can even blink a full plate of food including some of the best-prepared meat you've ever seen, a fresh steaming bun of bread, and a good heap of vegetables is laid in front of you. you notice how the lord and lady aren't laid meals, instead, both of them are poured a dark red wine into their glasses.
"aren't you both going to eat?" you ask, trying to be as polite as possible.
they share a look and softly laugh to each other, in on a joke you cant understand.
"don't worry about us darling," jessica comforts, raising her glass to her lips and taking a languid sip before licking the leftover liquid off of her upper lip, "we'll be just fine like this. don't be shy and enjoy the meal."
and so, you dig in. the food is phenomenal, your eyes nearly rolling in to the back of your head much to your hosts amusement. after giving your compliments to the chef, they start up a shared conversation. they ask numerous questions about your life, what you loved and enjoyed doing, and more. it made you just a tad uncomfortable to be the center of attention, but a part of you deep inside craves more of it.
"i cant believe that woman would do something so cruel to a pretty little thing like you." oscar says, his face pinched in anger as he takes a long swig of his wine.
"precisely what i was thinking darling. y/n seems far too sweet to do such a thing. we are deeply sorry that happened to you, dear." jessica agrees, rubbing her hand up her husbands arm while looking at you.
"well its not completely..i-i guess she had a little reason to worry," you stutter out, your shoulders hunching as the two of them stare at you in signal for you to keep talking. "someone had blabbed about something that happened a while ago with a friend of mine. me and her son had started to get close so i guess she presumed that i would...try to do something with him."
"hm. it looks like you were wrong, my love," oscar hums to his wife, "she's not as innocent as you thought."
jessica chuckles, brining her glass back up to her wine stained lips. you notice how dark and thick the wine looks and cant help but want a taste. "i'm alright with being wrong this once. you know how i love a surprise."
"if you don't mind telling us, y/n," oscar calls you back into the conversation, " what ever happened with your friend for the townspeople to assume you would do something wrong to the morgan's son?"
the dining room goes silent when you don't answer, only the faint sounds of the workers in the kitchen being heard throughout. you contemplate how to explain to your hosts that about a few weeks prior you admitted to your close friend that because you'd been so busy with working these past few years you'd yet to lay with, let alone kiss, anybody else. after laughing and assuming that you were joking, they'd reassured you that it was ok and even offered to be your first kiss as a friendly gesture.
things escalated and before you knew it you had gotten yourself into a heated makeout session with your closest friend. you swore each other to secrecy but you assumed they had told one of your other more gossipy friends who spread it through the grapevine.
“you do not have to tell us if you do not wish to, dear,” jessica comforts, “the last thing we would want to do is make you uncomfortable.”
“thank you, but i don't mind. i trust you.” your eyes strain as the words leave your mouth. you’ve only known these two for a few hours at this point but there is something about them that calms you. t makes you feel safe with them. “i kissed one of my friends a few weeks ago because i never had kissed anyone at that point. i thought they wouldn't tell anyone but…word got around.”
“im sorry that happened to you, y/n. something like that should be sacred. the act of giving yourself to another person should be special, especially for someone as sweet as you.” the redhead moves her hand ross the table to clasp it with yours, wearing a soft look on her face.
“exactly. if that were us we definitely wouldn't betray your trust in such a way.”
“oscar please, you sound so vulgar.” jessica chastises him, the man giving her a rogue grin that sets off a spark in your lower stomach. “anyway its getting late, do you think you'd like to head to bed, y/n?”
your mouth opens to reply but nothing comes out. your thoughts are conflicting, a tug of war between your head and…something else. something darker.
“what did you mean when you wouldn't treat me in that way?”
the couple share a look as oscar tries to hold back his smile from broadening.
“would you like us to show you?”
when you were a teenager, your grandparents had given you the much-dreaded talk about marriage. how unless you would get a job they would have to marry you off to one of the wealthier men in town. your grandmother didn't see any reason to be avoidant of the conversation and decided to inform you about what most men wanted from women, and what would happen to you on your wedding night. she seemed to have avoided the worst of it with her husband since they were very much in love, but she had heard stories from other women whose husbands weren't so understanding.
fortunately for you, your new partners were nothing of the sort.
after your inquiry and frankly embarrassingly enthusiastic consent to what they wanted to show you, the lord and lady had gently guided you up to their bedroom before softly undressing you while praising you and your body.
“do you know how beautiful you are, my love?” jessica runs her slender hands up your arms, the woman standing in front of you as her husband undoes your stays behind you.
“i wouldn't mind hearing it some more.” you smile, letting out a squeak when you feel oscar’s hands squeeze your sides.
“how lucky are we, my love, we’ve got a gorgeous maiden with spunk all to ourselves.” oscar smiles.
“look’s like someone’s heard our prayers,” jessica whispers into your neck, the feel of her lips on your skin driving your mind hazy and your eyes to shut in bliss.
oscar finishes undoing your clothes and brushes the shoulders of your dress off of you to the ground, your hands instinctually coming up to cover your chest before the man holds them to your sides.
“don’t be shy, you're gorgeous,” he tells you, pressing a kiss to the other side of your neck and your cheek. at your nod, he continues his hold on your arms as he sits on the bottom of the bed, sitting you in his lap before wrapping his arms around you.
jessica sits at his side, her body turned so she can still hold and touch you. her hands move up and down your shoulder, as she presses a featherlight kiss to it. when she pulls away you take her wrist in your hand and bring up her hand so its in front of your face. she watches you as you admire her, the smooth lines and wrinkles of her hands and bring it to your lips for a kiss.
“such a sweetheart. we really did get lucky, my dear.” she says to her husband.
“and she tastes even sweeter.” oscar agrees, biting your neck and chuckling at your small yelp. “i say we indulge in her, frankly im sick of waiting.”
jessica places a kiss on the corner of your mouth. “i love it when we think alike, darling.”
before you know it you're lying down on the soft covers of the bed with jessica resting near your head oscar settling between your legs. it’s slow but intense, the way they kiss and suck and bite every bit of your skin until your skin and your brains are on fire. its made worse but so much better when the man drags his tongue up from your entrance up to your clit before giving it a long suck.
“oh my god-” your moan is cut off by jessica’s kiss, her tongue quickly entering your mouth and dispelling any thoughts in your head. the burning feeling at the pit of your stomach grows hotter when her hand trails from your cheek down to your neck before resting on your left breast, circling the nipple before giving it a rough squeeze that makes you let out a squeal.
“you’re so sensitive, my dear,” oscar mumbles into your cunt, using his hands to spread the lips of your pussy and stick his tongue straight into your hole and groaning at the moan it pulls from your throat. before this evening you rarely had thoughts of hurting another person, but its happening again when he pulls away from between your legs and your arms jerks to pull him by the hair back down.
you're given only a few seconds of recuperation before the two of them switch spots at record speed, oscar giving you a heated kiss while jessica throws your thighs over her shoulders and starts to eat you out just as ravenously as her husband did.
its only a few more minutes of pleasure before the look in jessicas eyes from between your legs and the sting of oscar’s teeth as he bites and sucks your neck before you feel yourself come to a release.
“thats it, oh that's perfect, baby,” oscar’s voice rings in your ear, the gentle comforting in your ear making your climax all the more powerful. you don't even notice your hand is trembling until he grasps it with his own.
the lady comes up from the apex of your thighs and brushes the red hair out of her face. when her eyes meet your own she smiles, and you clench your thighs together at the sight.
she giggles and squishes the fat of your thigh with her hand, moving forward to give her husband a quick kiss to his cheek, “i believe our dear is still a little pent up, my love. i think it’s time we seal the deal.”
the way they talk about you while barely acknowledging you causes your core to clench harder than you’d like to admit, a whine coming for your throat that brings their attention back to you.
“dont worry, sweet girl. our fun isn’t over yet.” the lord runs his hands down your chest and torso as he and his wife swap places yet again, his body hovering over yours. he smirks as he sees your eyes go blank with the feeling of his cock pressed against your stomach. “just give us the word and we’ll stop for the night.”
“no!” you shout, laughing at your own outburst. “i don't want to stop. i want you. please.”
oscar smiles down at you and gives you a kiss so sweet it starts to make your mouth and heart ache. he pulls away and uses his large hands to push your thighs apart to rest between them. able to tell that you’re getting in your head, jessica moves one of her legs to the other side of you, the sight of her bare in front of your face making your heartbeat skip.
“while he’s making love to you i'm going to show you how to pleasure me, is that all right?”
you nod your head so quickly you fear you’ll sprain something.
she smiles at you before moving some hairs from in your face gently cupping your face as she moves to rest her cunt over your mouth, her soft command of “lick” drawing you to stick out your tongue out to lick a long line from her entrance to her clit, and the sound of her moan ignites a fire in you that just wants her to feel as good as she made you feel. you bring your hands to wrap around her thighs and push her further into your mouth and the noise she lets out is nothing short of primal.
your main focus is on bringing the lady to orgasm until you feel something soft and large rub up and down your entrance, the feeling of it rubbing against your clit making you hum into jessica’s mound.
“take a deep breath.” oscar’s voice comes from behind jessica’s body, and she pulls her body away despite your pawing at her thighs to watch your face as oscar’s cock enters you, the sight of your eyes widening and mouth opening ina forced moan making her wetness grow.
they take a few minutes to allow you to adjust to the new feeling, waiting for your nod before oscar starts to thrust at a steady pace as jessica sits back down on your face to muffle your moans. you go back to grasping her thighs with your arms and wrap your legs around oscar’s waist to pull him in closer, the feeling of him inside you driving you up the wall.
all the while the pair are praising you, whispering it over the sounds of skin slapping and moans.
“that's it, carino, lift those hips up. show me how much you want it.”
“you’re tasting me so well, my sweet. just a little harder-oh yes, just like that.”
“gods above you’re gripping me like a vice. better than i’ve been dreaming of-”
you don't get to ask what he means before you feel the same pressure from earlier building up in your lower stomach, but it feels different. you’re squealing and squirming as it builds before you hear jessica let out a drawn-out moan as she squeezes her legs around your head, the taste of her arousal flooding your mouth. she’s panting and her skin is shiny with sweat and you swear you've never seen a person more beautiful.
she moves her body to lay on her side next to you, moving her hands down o rud quick circles on your clit as oscar speeds up his thrusts, lifting your hips to rest your bottom on his thighs to fuck inside you at a deeper angle. you cant even be embarrassed by the loud moans you're letting out before you're reaching your climax. the lovers moaning at the sight and feel of your cunt squirting onto oscar’s lap and chest.
the next few minutes are a blur, the physical toll of the night and the sex finally seeping in and making you drowsy. you feel a soft damp rag wiping down your body, each stroke being followed with a feather-light kiss and whispers. about how long they've waited for this, for you, and how they promise to never let anything hurt you again.
its the best sleep youve had in months.
when you wake up you stretch your arms and take a minute to just relax. its been years since you've woken up and had nothing to immediately do. its nice. you could get used to it.
getting up you see some nice clothes laid out for you, including a note left on the bedstand once you finished getting dressed.
dear y/n,
when you awaken, please come downstairs. we'd like to discuss some things with you.
j & o
the neutral tone of the note forms a cold feeling in your chest. from what youve seen you dont think the couple are the type to take down on their luck virgins, take their innocence and then kick them out. but after yesterday's events you cnt risk putting all of your trust into someone.
after you finish getting ready, you head downstairs, your mind instantly leading you to the large living area downtairs that you pass on your way to the dining room. the floors in the hallways are hard and the sound of your footsteps alerts your hosts to your presence.
"ah, you're finally awake! come, sit with us. we've got some tea and muffins here if you're feeling hungry." oscar welcomes you, motioning to a spot on one of the plush red couches and the treats on the table surrounded by them. jessica is sat lounging on one of the couches, a thick book in her hand.
you give a strained smile, walking over to sit on the couch before pouring yourself some tea and chewing on one of the muffins. they watch you while you eat, the gazes going back to feeling almost haunting compared to the heated way they made you feel last night.
"as you already know, we have some things we'd like to discuss with you, my dear." jessica scoots closer to your seat, setting her book down on the table and giving you her full attention. she must be able to see the fright on your face because she immediately gets up and sits next to you, wrapping one of her arms around your shoulders to cuddle you. "trust me, it's nothing bad."
"at least nothing bad for you," oscar snickers, dodging his wife's light slap to his leg.
"all we ask is that you hear us all the way through, alright?" jessica asks and cuddles you closer when you nod.
you understand her request when they explain what's been happening to you. apparently, they had been visiting the town in secret for a few months now, and after seeing you in a bar on their first trip they'd gone back frequently to watch you.
the way they explain it makes it seem like they're practically enamored and your heart is starting to hurt with how fastly it's beating.
but they know and give you a moment to relax and take it in, because they can tell when you're upset or overwhelmed. because they also tell you that they are vampires.
it takes everything in your power not to burst out laughing, but as they look at your face it all starts to make sense. the way they only apparently to drink a dark red wine, so thick that you wondered how it could be possible, how they were already enjoying their day in the middle of the night. the coldness of their skin.
"we understand it's a lot to take in. but we have one more thing to ask you." oscar questions while cozying up to the other side of your body.
you nod your head, figuring it couldn't become more shocking than what they've already told you. you're surprised at your calmness, thinking back on how you from a year ago would most likely be running for the hills now.
"we dont want you to just be a maid here. we want you to become one with us," jessica explains, the hopeful smile on her face near blinding, "vampire culture is a bit different than regular human culture so you can marry us if you'd like."
"but we would never rush you." the lord takes your hand in a gentle kiss.
"of course not. we just...we've never felt this way about anyone but each other. but your kindness and your character and your beauty...we couldn't help but to fall in love with you."
you can feel the start of tears forming in your eyes. despite a small rational part of your brain telling you its a trick, that they might just be doing this to reel you in and drink you dry, you believe them. you cant help to when they look at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
"i...yes. i want to be with you." you sigh, letting out a string of giggles when they hug you from each side. it's suffocating and warm and it's the best hug you've ever had.
"gods, you're perfect. this is perfect, we'll tell the maids to prepare more on things to get you accommodated, we made you a few outfits just in case but you'll need more, not to mention more of your favorite foods and-"
you and jessica share a fond but teasing look at her husbands' rambling, the man quickly rushing out of the room as he calls for some of the maids to make preparations.
despite your happiness, you let out a strained sigh at the bubbling anger you felt from last night. everyone on the village called these two beautiful beings monsters in the night while they had treated you poorly based on a liars word of mouth. it fills you with a rage you don't know what to do with.
"what is it, y/n?" jessica inquires at your sudden change of mood. when you explain your anger she agrees, telling you how the worst part of looking at you from afar was seeing how people treated you like less than them.
"among our kind the art of killing humans is rather taboo these days. nothing like how it was when we were children."
"what if it was for a good reason?" you shock yourself with your question, and jessica too based on the look on her face.
she slowly starts to smile. "i think you're going to like it here with us."
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breezybangtanbebe · 19 days
❤️Kihyun : The Wholesome Boyfriend❤️
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A/N: this one is little different from the others as far as structure because I originally intended for it to be a part of my AMBW Monsta X series that I was cooking up, but its still within the theme of the Boyfriend series. It isnt set in SK. I kinda had a vision of him having a foreign girlfriend because even though he is pretty conservative, I wouldn't put it past him to date outside of SK or his race if the connection is strong. Plus this is fiction anyway so if its not for you, its not FOR YOU...hell...anywho. This one starts out kinda fluffy with sexual tension. Kihyun falling in love with a thick queen with locs and a whole lotta ass. Not that thats relevent🌚 or is it😏
KihyunxOC named Chloe🥰 (yes..its the Chloe youre probably thinking lol i love her with him) fluff, slow burn but smut definitely occurs.
🎶🎧: Butterflies by Michael Jackson
9.6k words
<The Other Boyfriends >
If there was anyone in Monsta X that would be the ultimate 'bring him home to mama', very 'husband coded' type, it's Kihyun.
Emotionally, he's an open book. Will pursue you and make his interest known early on with clear intentions. He's the type to properly court you. Ask you out on a date, pick you up and take you home. Open doors and lay the napkin in your lap. Bring you food randomly. He's not shy and would absolutely kiss you on the first date but only if you want him to.
And you'll want to.🌚
Chloe's door opened abruptly and Kihyun blinked in surprise when their eyes met.
She stood in the doorway of her place, bare-faced and barefooted, with her mane of brown and honey blonde locs piled high on her head. The loose curls at their ends fell from the messy bun in spirals and kissed her cheekbones and nape in ways Kihyun wished he could, and her gaze lights up with fondness at him through her glasses.
"Hey" she chimes and Kihyun thaws instantly, remembering that he'd probably been staring like a doof.
"Hey.." he exhales.
His gaze dropped to the way her leggings hugged her shapely legs, her soft tummy just barely visible in her over sized cropped college tee.
Kihyun had laid eyes on her countless times in the various moments they shared.
From the first time he saw her in class.
Then later under her favorite tree out on the courtyard.
To the day he approached her in the campus book store.
Study meet ups had become customary since they now shared a few courses, but Kihyun would have found any reason to be in her presence.
"You brought food?" Chloe's chipper tone distracted Kihyun from his daze and he glances down at the forgotten white plastic bag dangling from his fingers.
"Oh...Yeah. I figured we'd get hungry at some point. It's from that vegan place you said you liked." He nods and her dimpled smile strikes him straight through the chest in an explosion of flutters that by now he couldn't suppress.
"You remembered?" Chloe beams and Kihyun rolls his eyes at her teasing tone.
"You talk about them enough. It'd be sad if I didn't. You gonna let me in or what?" He chuckles as he steps forward. He pauses with his foot over the threshold when Chloe puts her hand on his chest.
"You gonna be nice or what?" She looks up at him with her version of a playful mean mug, but all Kihyun could ever do was stare.
Her eyes.
Her lips.
The little shine at the rounded tip of her small nose.
He blinks, remembering to breathe as he shrugged.
"Im always nice. I brought you food didn't I?." He smiles and with a smirk and roll of her eyes, Chloe nudges Kihyun's chest and turns on her heels to grant him access to her humble abode.
Chloe's apartment felt like stepping into an earthy girl's aesthetic thread on pinterest. Cream colored couches and over darkwood floors, burnt sienna and green accents all around the room.
The air always held a combination of the same scents.
Jasmine incense.
Coconut and shea.
Whatever perfume she wore to class that had Kihyun distracted through out the entire lecture when he decided to sit closer to the board. Forgetting his glasses at his dorm seemed more like fate than inconvenience since it put him a row in front of where Chloe always sat.
The fuzzy cream carpet welcomed Kihyun's feet after they were freed from his Nikes at the door.
He loved it here.
Some hours had passed and two chapters worth of information had been effectively crammed into their brains.
They ate everything, empty food containers littering her small coffee table being the aftermath and the afternoon rolled into the evening seamlessly.
Chloe sat across from Kihyun on her little sofa with her legs tucked under her, gazing at him intently and laughing with him as he recounted something embarrassing that happened in his childhood.
Hanging onto every word with a soft smile idling on her lips the more he spoke. Something about his voice always calmed her and she was sure she could listen to him talk another few hours if it weren't getting later.
"Oh shit, what time is it?" Kihyun pauses his story to ask. Before he could pull out his phone, Chloe had already tapped her screen.
"Almost 7." She says with a confused scowl. She turns to look out of her balcony window at the darkened skies and glittering city lights beyond the glass.
"Damn..it feels like 9 or something." Kihyun mutters and Chloe nods in agreement.
"Daylight savings.." she adds and Kihyun hums in understanding but says nothing else.
That comfy silence fell over them then.
With nothing more to study, no more food too eat and no excuse to stick around any longer.
"Well..I guess I should head out. Since its so dark.." Kihyun begins, albeit reluctantly, and Chloe sits up as he moved.
"You don't have to." She says, pausing mid-sentence to glance down at the way her hand rested over his. It had to have been out of reflex because she had no idea she'd reached out for him until the warmth of his hand brushed her palm.
Kihyun was staring at them too, his lips parting to allow the tip of his tongue to wet the corner of his mouth.
"Yeah?" He lifts his brow. He never meant to look at Chloe the way he was looking at her now. The look where his eyes danced between hers, then falling to her glossed lips.
Chloe blushes under his gaze, turning her head away with faint smirk playing on them now.
"Well..yeah. I-I don't mind. I like it when you're here.." she admits bashfully.
Kihyun doesn't say anything at first since he's admittedly surprised at her words. He knew Chloe liked him enough to be around him so much but usually it was with some excuse. To study. To eat. To try some new place out with him there as her emotional support companion since she didn't like eating alone in public.
But now, with their studying done and food digesting, there were no distractions from what they had in front of each other.
"Unless you have other plans..." she backpedals a hitch, sounding almost as nervous as he felt. Kihyun shakes his head immediately.
"When do I ever have other plans Chloe?" He chuckles and she shrugs.
"I don't know...it's the weekend. You might have somewhere you wanna be or..someone else to be with."
With that, a shift commenced between them. There had always been an unspoken thing between them and Kihyun felt like too much of a coward to pursue it. Which was very unlike him considering he was generally a very confident man.
But now, with the object of his desire basically giving him the green light to venture forward.
"Well, Kinda.." he pauses, allowing his hand to turn over so that his fingers could interlock with hers tentatively. Chloe follows his gentle lead, staying put when Kihyun slowly closed the distance between them on the couch.
"Im sort of there already. So..if you want me here. Im here..."
Chloe blinks up at him, her breathing visible in the steady rise and fall of her chest. Kihyun noticed it, feeling himself drawing closer.
He's timid in his approach but his eyes are sharp and intent on her lips as his leans into her. Immediately her hand comes up to rest on his jaw as they their mouths greeted eachother with slow and savored pecks.
Kihyun hums from deep in his throat as he inhaled the sweetness of her scent.
Her hair.
Her skin.
Her excitement.
Her arousal.
Potent and sweet.
Inviting and tantalizing.
He wanted nothing more than to reach down and push his hand past the barrier of her leggings to explore her body further.
But before his carnal impulses could take over, he stops.
Her eyes flutter open as the warmth of his closeness fades when he pulls away. She frowns.
"What? Whats wrong.." she whispers and Kihyun exhales a chuckle as he shook his head, the tip of his nose brushing hers swiftly.
"Nothing...I just.." he pauses to swallow, not even sure of what he wanted or needed to say. But the feeling of her lips not pressed against his felt more wrong than the direction of thoughts. So without thinking any further, Kihyun dives back in to smother her plush lips with his selfishly, easing her back to lay beneath him on the couch.
He's so smart so naturally, intellect attracts him. He loves deep conversations and hearing your stance on different topics. He loves a good debate and he's one to play devil's advocate so be prepared for that. He loves making you laugh with his overconfidence, never shying away from doing or saying something a little silly to make you smile.
Kihyun will define the relationship very fast so you never have to wonder what you are. He might have been a player when he was younger but now, he doesn't have much patience for games.
He's big on communication so he will check in with you consistently, even if he's busier than normal. He has an old soul so sometimes, you may feel fathered by him when he gives advice but its out of love. He just want the best outcomes for you, so try not to get to bothered by his unsolicited guidence sometimes. Especially of its money related. Mans is frugal as F° (see what I did there 🌚)
Very protective of you and will fight so, don't put him in so many positions where he'll have to. That'll piss him off 😂
He is absolutely the type to say I love you first. Because fuck it, why not?
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It was raining.
Chloes apartment took on the light grey tone of the sky as the two of them enjoy the gentle pitter patter of the storm against the window pane. Kihyun was watching something on TV with Chloe's little feet resting in his lap while cozied up with a book on the other side of the couch.
He steals a look at her from the corner of his eye to admire her soft features as she focused on the printed text, her crown of locs wrapped in a patterned silk scarf that matched the sky.
She was so gorgeous to him, especially like this when she felt she looked underwhelming.
"I love you." He blurts out as if the thought itself escaped him on its own mind. She glances up from her book curiously, her expression blanketed with mild shock as she pulled the ear bud from beneath her hair.
"Hmm?" She hums curiously and the softeness in her eyes doesnt make it easier for Kihyun's galloping heart to regulate enough for him to repeat himself.
It had been about a month or so since he'd first kissed her, and their time spent together was comprised of mostly that when they weren't supposed to be studying or watching some movie that would ultimately become background noise. It was very high school of them but Kihyun enjoyed it. He valued her beyond what his body wanted.
He genuinely loved her.
The words werent hard to say.
He'd been saying them to her for weeks.
In every lingering kiss when he left her apartment.
In every savored touch when he held her close to him.
In every thoughtless act he did for her to help in any way he knew he could.
His love for her was obvious.
But it didn't feel as known until she could hear it from his mouth.
For a moment Kihyun doesnt say anything though and he just stares into her soft umber toned irises.
What if its too soon?
What if she doesnt feel the same way?
What if all this time Kihyun had deluded himself into thinking a woman as cool, beautiful, sexy, smart, and genuine as she could ever love him back?
His jaw sagged under the weight of what he was about to say and with caution thrown completely to the wind....
"Nothing's wrong. I...I just love you."
Kihyun called bullshit on any claims that its impossible to tell when a black person was blushing. Because the moment his words hit her, the apples of her cheeks brightened with her smile and the flushed tone made Kihyun want to reach across over her body to brush his thumb over her face.
Kihyun nods immediatly and he smiles at the squeak in her voice.
"Yeah. Like..alot." He adds and he blushes at how juvenile he probably sounded.
But she doesn't care.
"Good." Chloe quips nonchalantly, moving to put her Airpod back in place. Not expecting her to be so passive about his confession, Kihyun scoffs humorously.
"Good?" He laughs and Chloe smirks up at him with nod.
"Yeah...I was beginning to worry it was just me feeling this way over here." She says all too casually.
Kihyun huffs, shaking his head in amazement before turning his body towards her while still cradling her dainty feet in his lap.
"You were worried?" He tilts his head. Chloe looks at him over her book again with timid eyes.
"A little. Was starting to think you only liked me for my lips.." she half jokes, prompting Kihyun to roll his eyes.
Things go quiet again, apart from the low volume mumbling from the TV and the distant sound of thunder outside. Amidst it all, Kihyun never takes his eyes off of Chloe. Even after she resumed her attention to her book.
Recalling her words, Kihyun glances down at her feet and runs his finger tips over her soft skin,
"So....you love me too?" He lifts his brows, still looking at Chloe's nude pink painted toes when she regards him.
Her heart flutters at the vulnerability in his voice as well as the adorable interest he showed in her pedicure.
She sighs.
"Yes, Kihyun. I love you too. Duh..." she crinkles her nose in mock disgust, nudging him with her foot before immediately going back to reading with a lighter shade of happiness and contentment on her face
Kihyun keeps it player. He doesnt have to be all over you in public and nor does he have anything to prove. The most he'll do is hold your hand of course or kiss your lips in greeting or to say goodbye. Otherwise hes very reserved and polite. Especially when other people are around. If youre the type to show alot of affection in front of family or friends, Kihyun would be prone to some mild embarrassment. Flushed cheeks and red ears. Despite him being really chill and composed, I can see him being extremely nervous to meet your family.
"I look ok?"
He'd asked her that for the third time since leaving the hotel and it was endearing that he cared so much.
Standing on Chloe's mother's porch, the music could be heard inside just as loud as the sound of Kihyun's heart beating in his ears.
He was so nervous. It had been about four months since he and Chloe made things official and despite her family already knowing of him as her friend, it felt different being around them now.
Chloe looks over at him in his dark crewneck sweater, his chesnut brown fringe peaking beneath his hat.
"You look fine for the bazillionth time. I told you this is a casual dinner. No one is dressed up. My mama doesn't care about what you have on anyway. She already loves you."
"Maybe. I still want to make a good impression on the rest of your family though. If I knew everyone would be here I would have packed more.."
"You worried for nothing Ki." She shakes her head and turns away just as the door opens,and a beam of bright warm light from inside the house covers them.
"Hey!! Look whose here!" Halle, Chloe's sister exclaims. The sisters engage in an exchange of excited squeals and giggles as they hug, leaving Kihyun standing by to watch them awkwardly.
Pulling back, Halle acknowledged him with a much less animated hug but its warmth is felt as she greeted him.
"Hey Kihyun! Nice shirt..." she compliments him when stepping back.
"Oh? Uh...Thanks Halle.." he mutters with a shy smirk, looking down at his crewneck as if he wasnt just fussing over it.
Chloe shoots him a satisfactory look that he resists rolling his eyes at.
"Mmhmm..We've been waiting on you two..get in here!" The exhuberent sister beams, waving the awaited couple into the warm family home enthusiastically.
Since dating her, Chloe had described the house she and her siblings grew up in back in Georgia as modest and homely but what Kihyun stepped into was far from that.
Hell, even from the car he was in awe of the vast lawn, high white pillars and contemporary architecture.
The foyer leads them down a hallway thats lined with countless family photos telling the story of a tight knit family that captured every moment they could immortalize. Chloe's dance recital as a toddler. She and her sister at Disney world as children. An array of Her senior and graduation photos.
It was like Kihyun was given a glimpse of the past as well as his possible future if he and Chloe stayed together.
"The food is almost done. Daddy is taking the last bits of meat off the grill now.." Halle says to Chloe, the two of them talking fast amongst each other while Kihyun distracted himself with the wall of photographs on their way to the living room.
As if to confirm her claim, the smell of BBQ wafted thickly through the house, hitting Kihyun and his appetite in the face.
Just as they passed the kitchen doorway, a woman shrieks with happiness before scurrying after Kihyun and Chloe.
Both of them turn just in time to be greeted by Chloe's bright eye'd mother
"Oooh there's my favorite..."she opened her arms. For a moment Chloe thought she was referring to her, at least until it was clear where her affections were being aimed.
Kihyun blushed with his infectious smile as he's trapped in a warm hug, he and Mrs.Bailey's bodies swaying as if they were long lost family being reunited at last.
"I thought yall would never get here. How was your flight?" she asked him all while suffocating him with her embrace.
"It was ok..." he chuckles, hugging her back.
"Long.." Chloe mutters from beside him under her breath and Kihyun chuckles. If she thinks the trip from California to Georgia is long , that flight to Seoul he managed once a year would be an interesting experience for her.
Chloe is able to lock eyes with Kihyun over her mother's head, mouthing a sly 'I told you so' to him in reference to her mother's prolonged embrace. He rolls his eyes before pulling away , smiling down at her warmly.
As dramatic her greeting may have seemed to anyone else, Chloe's mother was genuinely happy to see her daughter here with Kihyun. Especially after the devastating break up she'd endured last year. It was refreshing to see her with someone who was as doting and "clean cut" as Kihyun, even if he was far from the type of men she typically dated.
It warmed Kihyun's heart and eased his anxiety to know he was so welcomed.
And loved.
"Well good. You dont know how glad I am you were finally able to make it out here. Both of you..Hey baby.." Chloe's mother reached for her finally and hugged her.
As he did before, Kihyun stepped back to allow them their moment.
Mrs.Bailey pulls back to look at Chloe, rubbing a dainty finger over the soft swoop of her baby hairs as she observed her freshly retwisted locs.
"You look good. Happy.." she notes softly and Chloe shares a quick look with Kihyun before nodding, the same sentiments clear in his warm gaze.
"I am, Mama." She smiles.
"I am." She repeats, this time holding her hand out for Kihyun to take. Their fingers interlock in the way they always did and Kihyun steps up to join his girl with her mother.
"Im glad to hear it baby. So, tell me Kihyun...You do like BBQ and soul food right? I know this child of mine probably has you eating kale and imitation meat out there in Cali but thats just because you like her right?"
Chloe's eyes nearly pop out of her head at the question, making Kihyun's face light up with laughter.
"I love BBQ and soul food Mrs.Bailey..." he chuckles softly, avoiding Chloe's glare.
"Aht aht..Courtney, Mama, or mom. I already told you this..."
"Thank you..Mom.." he smirks, feeling a little embarrassed to speak so informally despite him feeling at home in her presence.
She reaches up to cup Kihyun's cheek, mirroring the joy in her eyes before nodding.
"Very good. Now come in here and meet everybody." she turns on her heels and walks briskly up the hallway and into the living room, where Chloe could already hear her cousins and siblings chattering loudly amidst the music.
In private, he grabby as hell.
Grabs you by the neck for kisses. Grabs you by the wrist and pulls you to him playfully when you try to walk away after teasing him.
While I don't classify him as an ass man overall, if you have a nice one, he becomes one.🫠 But he's sneaky about it. He'll always be staring at, watching you walk away and smacking it hard  when you pass him just for fun. Overall a very handsy guy. He wont admit to enjoying being cuddled but he will always find reasons to touch you. In bed of around the house in general, he likes you either in his lap of nuzzled up to him with your head tucked under his arm and your thigh hiked up over his pelvis.
Oh yea, and he sleeps nakey. So skin to skin for the win🌚
"I dont think theres anything I hate more in this world than a musty ass avocado..."
Kihyun sputters mid sip of his drink at the random outburst and turns to find her trudging towards him from the kitchen with a scowl.
"A musty what?" He choked, laughing at Chloe's diction.
She huffs childishly as she met him at the couch, plopping down on the carpet and scooting back to settle between Kihyun's legs. Back in California after spending a holiday weekend with Atlanta, Kihyun and Chloe seemed to become closer in their relationship. If that were even possible. Instead of spending most of his time at his place, he was at hers. Cooking for her. Helping her clean and her things because he just found it way more therapeutic than dealing with his own.
She had a plate in hand as she got cozy on the carpet and Kihyun peers over her head to see what all the fuss was about. A mushy brownish green smear of avocado colored her large slice of multi grain bread in her lap. The color was a tab bit off putting and Kihyun grimaced from behind her.
"Eugh..." he chuckled and Chloe whimpers.
"Its not funny..I just bought them yesterday and at the store they were most definitely not ripe. I get them home and now theyre over ripe and musty. Now my toast is ruined..."
Kihyun leaned back to take another sip from his cup before setting it down, his free hands now pulling at the elastic band that held Chloe's loc's back in a low ponytail. They fall free and splay out over her shoulders, and Kihyun immediately begins gathering them in his hands.
"So don't eat it..."he mutters distractedly as he began finger combing through her coiled tresses, pausing to massage her scalp occasionally.
Chloe sighs at the feeling of his gentle touch in her hair before mindlessly lifting the slice of avocado toast to her lips.
"But I don't wanna waste it. Ugh..." she nearly gags after taking bite and Kihyun reaches around her to knock the toast from her hand so that it drops back onto the plate.
"Surely you can spare one slice of bread and a musty avocado for your stomach and sanity's sake. Just order something and I'll pay. Im hungry too."
He goes back to playing in her hair, something that he'd recent taken a liking to after one night of cuddling. He loved the texture and the softness of her hair, as well as the smell. It was completely different from what he'd been used to, having mostly been with women with naturally straight hair. It fascinated it him how Chloe's hair routine differed from theirs and he often wanted to be a part of it out of curiosity and another way to show her affection.
"Fine...and don't be snatching food from me." She grumbles and Kihyun snorts.
"I saved your life. Shut up..."
Chloe then busies herself with scrolling on her phone while Kihyun entertained himself in her hair. She'd occasionally show him something amusing on her timeline and they'd laugh or discuss random topics as time creeped on.
"I want you to meet my parents." He says after being quiet for a while, casually rolling the top section of her hair into a cute little imperfect top knot and securing it with her hair tie.
Pausing mid-scroll, Chloe goes tense.
"Your parents?"
"Yeah. I was planning on making a trip over there soon. After finals and stuff of course. They ask about you and wonder when theyll meet you so...why not." Kihyun shrugs, his finger combing much lazier now than it was minutes ago and at her silence, his hands goes still.
"I mean..If youre comfortable with that. I...I don't wanna assume.." he begins to retract his offer and Chloe quickly turns her body to look at him.
"No Kihyun......" she pauses to touch his knee.
"Im just surprised. I...I don't know. Just didn't think your parents knew about me."
"Why wouldnt they? Your family knows about me.." Kihyun quirks his brow with a confused smile and Chloe shrugs a shoulder lazily.
"Thats because we werent always a couple Ki. I introduced you as a friend before you became my man. They knew you."
"And now my parents want to know you. Whats the big deal?"  Kihyun's brow crinkled with confusion just as Chloe's mimicked him with a type of worry he had never seen on her.
She drops her chin with an anxious sigh before asking..
"Do they know that Im....you know.." she looks back up, finding Kihyun's soft eyes still on her.
"What? That youre a Cancer but apare tly act like a Virgo? Whatever that means...Horribly lactose intolerant but in denial? That you hit every curb when you turn? That you snore sometimes and are vegan but only on Wednesdays?" He teases in an attempt to lighten her mood. It works a little but he still earns a back handed slap to the chest.
"Aagh!" He falls back into the couch, clutching his shirt dramatically as they both laughed. Chloe, reluctantly of course.
"Shut up. That Im black, you dirtbag. Did you tell them that?" She pouts adorably, not dousing the humor at all and Kihyun breathy cackle tapers into a long winded sigh as he sat back up.
"Whew...man. Thats it? Thats what youre worried about??" he exhales. Although he found it funny, Chloe wasnt all that amused.
She didnt know why she was worried about what Kihyun's parents thought of her, apart from the fact that , according to him, she was the only black woman he'd ever dated seriously. If at all.
He never made her feel as if she were his first. The way he was immediately comfortable with her and her family made it seem like he was accustomed to different cultures. They had similar tastes in music and movies. Hell, he'd even put her on to a few things. But what if his family was different? She'd heard stories from others and their experiences in interracial relationships. Mostly positive but negatives stuck with her.
Specifically the parts where the parents didn't approve of the partner merely because of their race or ethnicity.
"I think its a pretty valid concern." She says after allowing Kihyun to stop finding everything about her worries so entertaining.
He couldnt help it though. The way her bottom lip poked out made him want to lean down and bite it.
Kihyun sighs before gesturing for Chloe to come to him. She does so with no hesitation, climbing into his lap and nuzzling his neck as he hugged her waist.
"Youre right. How you feel is valid...But Ive shown them your picture. So I'd hope that part of you at the least was obvious. Though my mother paid more attention to your big pretty eyes and perfect smile than the color of your skin. Oh and your hair. She loves your loc's and the way the curl at the end. She said she'd never seen any like that before, and that you wear them so well and how much they suit you...."
"No she didnt.." Chloe mutters grumpily against Kihyun's neck, although he felt her smile at the genuine compliment.
"She did. And my dad is most impressed with how smart you are. How you're studying law and undoubtably the smartest woman Ive dated. I agree with him." He shrugs his free shoulder, resting his chin on top of her head as his thumb soothed her waist just below her t-shirt.
"Baby. If youre not comfortable meeting them yet, I respect that. But please dont ever think you have a reason to worry about their approval. Shit, I had more reason to be afraid of your folks accepting me..The scrawny Asian kid you met at University."
At that, Chloe rolls her eyes.
"Stop it, my family loves you." She scoffs and Kihyun pulls back from her just enough to make her lift her head and look at him.
"Yeah? Well I love you, Ok? So know that I would never suggest anything that would put you in an uncomfortable situation. Not with my parents. Not with anyone. I'll protect you from whoever. I mean that.."
Searching his eyes for any fragility or reason to believe he was bluffing, Chloe ultimately found nothing except the reflection of her shining eyes and trembling bottom lip.
"Why do you have to say stuff like that..." she huffs after a beat.
She lets out a half hearted laugh in exasperation as she wiped a disloyal tear from her eye. Kihyun regards her softly, biting back his grin as he leaned forward, tipping her chin up for her to offer her lips to him for a kiss.
When their lips meet, Kihyun hums in contentment before smiling against her.
"Youre such a baby...." he mumbles, smooching her lips much more sensually. Kihyun inhales softly as he parted her lips with the sweep of his tongue, squeezing a handful of her cheeks to pull her closer. Chloe squeals in his hold,but her smile fades gradually as Kihyun deepens the kiss.
They'd have to finish the whole "meet the folks" conversation later..
Kihyun is nasty. He's a dom and he's running the damn show. He's not the kinkiest fella. He might dabble in some light BDSM-esque type play but over all hes quite vanilla. Very attentive and passionate. Loves to take his time and can get kind of rough and mouthy in the heat of the moment. Loves to leave hickeys all over if you let him.
Sex was always on Kihyun's mind, even when he didn't show it. It was hard when a woman like Chloe, who exuded sexiness even in the simplest ways, was by his side.
On the outside, he's as cool as they come. Polite and mindful of who was around. He still made sure to keep her close by holding her waist or caressing her thigh. Tracing his fingers over the inseam of her jeans as a subtle hint of where his mind was.
No matter what they were doing or where they were, she had a way of keeping his mind on her body.
How it felt and her smell. Her taste. God, he loved her taste. He's almost a slave to it.
Internally, every cell in his body was attuned to hers. There were times when Kihyun's desire for Chloe was so overwhelming that he'd rush to get her naked and in his or her bed the moment they were alone.
Plans to visit Seoul were set in motion, Kihyun's parents generously paying for their tickets and even FaceTiming them ahead of time to ease some of the apprehension. Despite it being non traditional and the slight language barrier, Chloe felt nothing but warmth from their introduction. His mother especially, accepting many compliments on her beauty with a cherub cheeked smile and little head bows.
She even impressed them with the little Korean she did know, phrases and words she'd picked up while being with Kihyun or from what he'd taught her. His parents were almost as fluent in English as he was but it was still endearing of Chloe to make the effort.
Watching them interact and chiming in to still translate every now and then, Kihyun's heart soared at this new part of his life melding with the old.
After saying goodbye, Kihyun tosses his phone behind him to land on the couch before launching himself on top of Chloe. Her surprised giggle is muffled amid Kihyun's rushed kisses and hands busied sliding beneath her shirt.
"Ki...Kihyun...what the hell.." Chloe laughs when his lips detached from hers and began to travel down her jaw. The moment he latched on her neck, Chloe gasps.
By now Kihyun knew Chloe's body well enough to know exactly where to touch her. He was efficient in that way.
With his hands.
With his lips.
With his words.
"You make me happy. So happy and I just love you..So much..You dont even know...." He mouths against her skin between wet kisses. His hands curl around her waist to hold her beneath him as he nuzzled her neck, his
He takes a chunk of skin between his teeth, making Chloe roll her hips and press their bodies together in a way that has them groaning in unison.
"Ah!..love you too..." she manages before moaning his name again as Kihyun continues licking and sucking a his brand into her skin, grinding his obvious erection against the crotch of her thin leggings.
"But..what did I do?" She giggles, cradling his head against her
Before they could start a fire, Kihyun pulls away and drags his flustered and starry eyed girlfriend upright and to stand with him.
His kiss-burned lips shined even before he licked them, his fingers interlocking with hers as he guided her to stumbled closer.
"Nothing..." Kihyun shakes his head, holding Chloe in his smoldering gaze.
"That's the point. You're just...you." He admits.
The two stare at eachother for a moment, and before Chloe could respond, Kihyun leads her by the hands away from the couch. He cautiously steps backward around the furniture and into the shadows of the hallway with Chloe following him without question, tilting her head cutely and tucking her lips to keep from giggling when he nudged her bedroom door open with his foot.
There were nights like this, when the city was quiet and the orangish glow of the street light through the blinds of her bedroom window would cast stripes over the curves of Chloe's body as she stood before him, that made him want to take his time.
Time to ensure she knew how much he cherished her for being herself ,and being open hearted and brave enough to love him.
Kihyun knew a little bit about her past relationships through being her friend first. He knew about the lies and manipulation. He knew about the mental abuse and the cheating. He knew about the lasting effect it had on her emotionally, even to this day.
And yet she let him in anyway..
Kihyun had just finished pulling his shirt over his head, shaking his hair back in place while Chloe freed herself of her own. She stands inches away from him in a sexy lacy bra and panty set that matched the shade of the night sky.
He traced every shadow and line of her features under the scarce lighting with adoring eyes, the corners of his mouth twitching into the faintest smile.
She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and in his mind, that wasn't even an exaggeration due to his feelings. Kihyun had seen beauty in many shades and forms. Some natural and some...not so much.
And none of them compared to her with her bare face, smooth sepia skin and her gorgeous crown.
Speaking of..
Kihyun's eyes lift to Chloe's dark roots and trickle down the curve her long locs framed her round face, scattered flecks of gold cuffs and honey blonde bleeding down to their spiraled ends. Chloe keeps her attention on his gentle focus as he pinched a stray curl between his fingers daintily before freeing her top bun from the confines of her the elastic band. Her head falls back as a waterfall of curly ended locs cascading down from the loosened knot he put them in earlier.
Kihyun immediately goes to raking his fingers through them so that they don't obscure his view of her face and the deepening mark brandishing her neck.
"Youre so perfect.." he exhales, saying it more to himself than to her. But the sentiment is received with shy smile before Kihyun captures it with his lips. As they did before, wet languid kisses travel from Chloe's pout, under her chin, and down the side of her neck.
"So fucking perfect baby.." he writes over the curve of her tummy with his kiss, nibbling at her navel and dipping his tongue into it on his way down.
He slowly drops to his knees with his lifting  eyes on hers, his hands gliding down with him to hold her hips possessively.
"Everything about you..." he fragments as he leaned into her, his lips tracing the line of her panties, his fingers teasing over their elastic as if he were about to pull them down.
But he doesn't. Instead, he nosed at the bulge of her other set of pillowy soft lips that begged to be kissed. So he did, pressing his lips right over their covered seam to tease her clit with the warmth of his tongue through the her panties.
Chloe watched him with drunken eyes, biting her lip and tipping her head back when the friction of Kihyun's tongue over her clothed pussy became too much for her.
"Kihyun..." she whines, finding him watching her dutifully. He knew what she wanted, even with the way she said his name just now. He knew she wasn't in the mood for teasing.
"What baby?" He tilts his sultry, only to drop his chin and drag the flat of his tongue over the tiny hill under her panties. The warmth of his mouth soaks straight through, making the fabric like a second skin as he licked her slit again.
This time, he sneaks a finger between her mound and his tongue and he pulls back to watch it rub tortuous circles over her clit.
"Hmm?" He reiterates with his other hand holding her fast at the hip, kneading her affectionately as she squirmed above him.
"Stop playing with me." Chloe scolds him but Kihyun merely smiles wickedly, glancing up slowly. He stands without warning, bumping his forehead against hers as he pulled her flat against him.
"But you love it." He exhales before lips apart and dipping his tongue between them.
"...love it when I touch you. Love it when I....fuck.." he pauses with groan at the way Chloe sucks his tongue, bobbing her head slowly before pulling back. They both smile against each other lips before diving back in, Kihyun's words forgotten.
He resumed undressing her as he distracted her with his deepening kisses, starting with the clasps of her bra and going back to peeling her panties down her thick thighs and helping her step out of them. All the while, his kept his gaze on her face.
Even when he dove back in with his tongue, dipping it between her folds to lick over her sensitive bud.
Chloe's knees buckle slightly on contact, her crescendoing moans only spurning him on.
"You don't want me to play with you baby? Hmm?..Want me to stop?" He mutters between teasing his tongue over her heat, tasting the way she dripped for him.
Desperate hands rake through Kihyun's hair as he focused all of his efforts on flicking his tongue over Chloe's hardening clit, his muffled groaning and fluttering eyes almost enough to push her over the edge.
"Thats right...Cum baby.." his words vibrated over her sex, the loudness of his wet tongue lapping over her clit becoming the only sound either of them could focus on.
He didn't even have to use his fingers and Chloe was already on the brink of exploding hard against his lips and tongue, crying out with a fistful of his hair in her grasp.
Before she could, Kihyun was rising from his knees. Lips wet from her pussy and eyes burning with desire, he quickly shucks off whatever clothing remained until only sweat existed between their bodies.
He's rock solid against her thighs, his shaft pulsing against her glistening folds as held her close.
He lays Chloe down with his tongue caressing hers, taking every needy mewl and moan she gave him as he settled himself between her thighs. His nimble fingers dig into the meat of her hips, hiking one of her legs up and over his arm to spread her wider for him. He had her pinned and helplessly open.
Kihyun wasn't a big guy in terms of stature or height (still taller by every partner he’s had) but he had the strength of two on a good day. Especially when it came to lifting up, tossing, or keeping Chloe right where he wanted her.
Like now, when the way he had her folded, creasing her soft tummy and making it a little hard to breathe. It was a discomfort that Chloe welcomed.
And as far as his size size, Chloe would never tell him how surprised she was to find out how much Kihyun had to offer. His girth was perfect, the length being just enough to make her gasp every time his tip swept against her walls when he was inside of her.
Kihyun's dick rubbed over her slick folds as he ground his hips against her, teasing his shaft against pussy while kissing her deeply.
Occasionally, he'd slip only the tip in before letting it slide up to rub over her clit, making her whimper pitifully beneath him.
Over and over, until Chloe was begging for him to put it in. When he did, they both cussed at the indescribable pleasure that rippled through them.
It was like this every time.
"Like that baby...grip me tight.." he growls with a pained and pleasured scowl marring his perfect features.
His grunts are low and deep from in his chest everytime his dick made impact, forcing her body into the mattress. Breasts bouncing and hands gripping the sheets. Chloe hiccups when he slams against her cervix, making him grin devilishly.
"Again..." she pants and Kihyun obeys, drawing his hips back and slamming into her again. She tenses and arches from the bed at the pressure but Kihyun pins her legs back so that shes unable to run.
"Fuck!...Kihyun.." she whimpers.
"Nope. Stay with me. I'll make it hurt so good, my pretty baby. Just hold on for me, ok?" he gruffs with a short peck on her lips and Chloe's walls spasm around his length.
While he may seem gentle with his words and his foreplay, m he's a straight menace otherwise. Coaxing the most inhumane sounds from a normally composed woman was his newfound specialty.
He'd never fucked anyone the way he fucked her, nor did he ever want to. Hell, he didn't think he could. The amount of stamina he exhibited as he manages to pull orgasm after orgasm from his woman made him feel superhuman.
He fucked her with everything he had, with one of her legs over his shoulder, both of them over his shoulder, turning her over and pinning her flat against the mattress. But its when he has her back on her back that he pushes himself nearly to the point of tears as he called her name in the crook of her neck when he came.
Kihyun is a very dirty talker but the way his buttery voice caresses the words, you'd swear he wasnt. He's also a huge tease so be prepared for that. Some light degradation and edging. Lots of praise too though. He prefers raw sex so hes not the type to have anything casual. Hes very adamant about sexual health, hygiene and being clean overall. So If he's having sex with you regularly, that means yall are in a relationship and the idea of making a baby at some point isn't too far from his mind. Cream pies are his favorite kind of pie. But he'll absolutely wear condoms if you prefer it.
But he secretly hopes you don't so he can leave it in🥴
As it was mentioned before, I don’t rake Kihyun for much of an ass man (he loves a nice booty as much as the next man) but Kihyun loves breasts. Those are the first things he wants to see in the morning. He loves tracing his finger around the textured parts of the areola when he’s big spooning. He loves suckling them even more, flicking his tongue over the nipple and smiling around it when it makes you tremble. He’s fir sure ripped a few bras in the heat of passion and always makes sure to buy you new ones.
The really pretty, vibrant, lacy ones. When in doubt, always wear the blue ones.
Korea was amazing. Kihyun brought Chloe to his parents home straight away after they landed. His father was actually the one to pick them up from the airport and Chloe immediately saw where he got his charm and sense of humor from. Although a little more reserved and quiet, it was obvious.
Kihyun's mother was just as sweet as Kihyun, very thoughtful and doting. She asked Chloe a million questions and expressed multiple times how she wished she had a daughter and how she was glad to have one now. It was a little overwhelming at first, and COMPLETELY unexpected, but perhaps this was how Kihyun felt when he met her family.
Surrounded by love.
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Its a quiet morning in the city park and most of the movement consisted of people walking their dogs, joggers winding through other pedestrians, and mothers in track suits pushing big strollers containing cooing infants.
Chloe beams as one mother passes them, catching a glimpse of a tiny round faced baby with almond eyes, tan skin and wispy curly hair.
"Do you want kids?"
The question doesnt catch Kihyun as off guard as it would anyone else. Especially considering how Chloe was the type to ask if he'd still love her if she was a worm or some other random sentient being.
"Why? Are you pregnant?" He asks jokingly while squinting againt the scope of his Canon EOS. The shutter sound clicks as he captures a photo of a wren perched on the railing of a nearby fence. He frowns at the image with scrutiny before going back to scanning their surroundings for something inspiring to shoot.
Chloe walks alongside him quietly, hugging herself against the autumn breeze in her oversized sweater and ripped jeans as she continued to people watch.
She hadnt even realized she didn't respond to Kihyun's rebuttal question until he is stopping dead in his tracks, leaving her strolling leisurely ahead until she notices. Chloe turns to him and furrows her brow.
"What?" She frowns, noting his expectant expression.
"I just asked if you were pregnant and you stopped talking. Thats what. " he blinks, mirroring the way Chloe's lashes batted at him in confusion before she smiles.
"Oh...Oh! No....hell no." She laughs, nearly snorting. She waved off his apprehension before encouraging him to resume his place beside her on the leaf littered path.  They crunch loudly under Kihyun's feet when he stepped towards her, lifting his camera to take an obnoxious snap of her before grabbing her proffered hand.
"Yeah very funny. Are you sure?" He lifts his brows and Chloe nods emphatically.
"Positive. This IUD has about 3 more years before it expires and it hasn't let me down yet." She bumps Kihyun with her shoulder. He grunts in amusement (and relief) before nudging her back gently.
"Good. I felt my blood pressure go up just now. Don't do that.." he exhaled with a laugh of his own.
Chloe drops her chin to watch their synchronized steps. She smiles guiltily for spooking the hell out of her unshakable partner while tightening her grip on his hand.
"No no..Im sorry. I only asked because I see everyone with a baby is outside today. Then seeing my sister all excited about her baby...Plus, we never really talked about it so.." Chloe trails off with half of a shrug.
Which was true. The two of them never had any conversations about the future in that way. Kihyun loved kids and was so patient with them from what Chloe observed. She never told him how it made her feel when she saw him holding his two year old nephew back at his parent's house, refusing to put her down even while he helped his mother in the kitchen.
She felt something stir within her that she never felt before. A flutter much like butterflies in her chest as well as her tummy.
Was this what baby fever was supposed to feel like?
Kihyun was momentarily distracted with his camera, scrunching his face with it lifted and aimed at the canopy of trees towering over them.
"Oh..well, sure.. eventually." He pauses to review the shots he'd just taken.
" I mean, Id for sure marry you first though." He mumbles, his thumb tapping the tiny buttons to scroll through the photos.
Now it was Chloe's turn to stop dead in her tracks. Their hands come apart, stealing Kihyun's attention from his camera to look back at her.
"You'd marry me?" Chloe asks in blatant surprise with a dash of disbelief in her expression, an ironic contrast to how Kihyun was just looking at her a few minutes before.
"What makes you think I wouldnt?" He smirks with his brow crinkled in amusement. Chloe glances around the busying park before shrugging.
"I don't know...." She mumbles, doing a horrible job at hiding her little pout. He regards her blankly for a second before sighing.
"Well I would. If that answers the questions that are probably swirling around in that big ass, over active ass brain you've got over there."
Chloe scowled cutely at the mini jab, prompting Kihyun to lift his camera to capture it as he continues.
"..and yes I would put babies in you. Maybe 2 or 3, if you're up to it. Boy or girl, I don't really care. As long as you're all healthy..." he goes on, closing the small gap between them and pausing occasionally to check the screen on the camera and smirking at the way Chloe's expression softened gradually from frame to frame.
"We would of course be done with school by then. I'll buy you a new car for a graduation present and you'll cuss me out for being over the top. And I'll tell you to shut up because I'll be the one driving it anyway. Then we'll get a nice house. Nothing too crazy. Modern but cozy. You'll be a tough ass defense attorney and I'll be in journalism doing something way less interesting than you but I wont care because I'd rather brag about my wife and her job than mine anyway..."
He's directly in front of her by now, snapping countless photos of Chloe's enamored and twinkling doe eyes as she gazed at him over the camera, her lips twisting in a subdued smile that she was failing at fighting back.
It was the type of smile that could break the hardest exteriors and melt the coldest hearts. Not that Kihyun ever claimed to be that cold or hard bodied. Some might have described him as such but not since he found her.
Kihyun lowers the obstructive device so that she could see the earnestness on his face when he spoke. He lifts his hand to pinch her chin softly, stroking her skin with the pad of his thumb.
"Because Ive never felt more sure about anyone in my life and you deserve all of that and more. You'll figure that out one of these days. Sooner than later , I hope."
Chloe finally gives in to the fullness of her smile, her soft dimples denting her cheeks and her bunny nose wrinkling slightly. She tries to turn away from his touch to hide her blush that only he could see, and Kihyun tips her chin back towards him and holds her in his eyes.
"Of course, Im in no rush for any of that. Thats just my plan...Im enjoying having you to myself these days."   
He pulls Chloe into his side, pressing a kiss to her temple and then her lips.
Just then, a bright red cardinal perches on a branch that bobbed merely inches away from where they were standing. Kihyun's eyes open at the sound of its song and he abruptly breaks their kiss, leaving Chloe's eyes fluttering in confusion until she hears the telling clicks of his camera shooting over her shoulder.
Its as if Kihyun had completely forgotten she was there and that they were having a moment by the way he was now fully engrossed by the disinterested bird.
"Ooh thats perfect..." he mutters as the continued to capture stills of the bird until it ultimately flew away. His shoulders drop, as does his smile and his shoulders.
Even the camera droops in his hold , giving Chloe the perfect opportunity to snatch it from his hands. Kihyun barely has time to react before shes turning it on him and going ham on the shutter button.
Snickering, she lowers the camera to look at the screen, smiling warmly at the array of expressions she'd captured. His pout and furrowed brow. His eyes wide with surprise and confusion. The last photo she'd taken immortalized Kihyun's handsome face and heart stuttering smile looking back at her. She bites her lip in reaction to that familiar and almost overwhelming sensation of butterflies swarming in her chest again.
"Youre right..." she lifts her brows before looking back up at him.
Love Language:
Im on the fence between Acts of Service, Gifts, and Quality time. All of which could be valid because we all tend to dabble in multiple (or all) love languages. But since he is basically hubby, he's extremely reliable, loves spending time with his partner when his schedule permits it. Loves cooking for you and feeding you. Loves making things for you in general. Things that he knows you'll use often.
And he loves buying you things. Clothes, jewelry, high quality food. He doesn't really care about receiving gifts as much as he enjoys giving but if you were to gift him, make it something useful and personal. That would really make him blush.
As far as gifts giving, Kihyun would absolutely buy you a car out of the blue if you mentioned needing a new one lol He'd just randomly pull up in it and you'd be like "oh this is nice" and he'd say "oh you think so? Here." , tossing you the keys. He's the young flexer after all.
Must be nice..
Pet names/terms of endearment:
'Darling' or 'Baby' seem to be his go to's for pet names. With his deep voice and the way his lips kiss consonants when he speaks, I cant imagine anyone being able to resist him when he calls them one of those two. Maaaybe even princess or "My Queen" when he's being cheeky. For sure 'Baby' though.
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thetanemoia · 4 months
Since I fucking adore Horror Game Video Documentaries and I realized that January 2024 is ACTUALLY PEAK for Horror Game Video Documentaries I am going to leave a log of Horror Game Video Documentaries I watched/am watching. Starting with
Darkwood is a Masterpiece by Deffy
Signalis is Horrifying and Beautiful by PowerPak
The Most Terrifying Silent Hill by Boofcan
The Untold Horrors of Little Nightmares by TotallyPointlessTV
And finally
The Disturbing Development of a Haunted Game... by Sagan Hawkes
I am mainly doing this to shed some light on just some of the video documentaries I watch and hopefully get more people to see them if you like horror games (these won't list the decade of horror series documentaries and ARG deep-dives I have seen. Just Horror Game Video Documentaries)
I will continously update this with further reposts or edits. I fucking love horror games and video game documentaries.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Sunglasses - Neron 'Creeper' Vargas x Reader
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A companion piece to A Perfect Moment
Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life @est1887 @mysoulisasunflower @drabbles-mc @alexxavicry @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
You still have his sunglasses; Neron realises that the next day when he’s preparing for a run up to Stockton. It’s a fourteen hour round trip and it’s a fucking bright outside, so bright it fucking stings his eyes when he steps outside of his house. The light sensitivity is one of the things that comes with recovery, the long-term cocaine usage has damaged his eyes, not enough for it to cause any real problems, just enough to give him a fucking migraine if he doesn’t shield them.
He thinks it may be too early to drop by the tattoo parlour but he swings by anyway just in case. The door sign says closed but he can tell you’re in, he can hear the music through the door when he raps his knuckles on the glass underneath the gold cursive writing.
The song is something by Lindsey Stirling, he wouldn’t expect anything less. You have that vibe. He’s thinking about the cover she did of Radioactive. The hair, the eye makeup, the energy. Your implement of choice a pencil instead of a violin.
You open the door with a smile that makes his heart rate increase, he swears it gets wider when you see it’s him. He can’t help but break into a grin because your sunniness is infectious. He doesn’t think you realise that you have this ability to put people at ease, it must serve you well with your clients.
The bell above the door jingles as he closes it behind him. It’s the first time he’s been in your shop and he finds himself drawn to the artwork on the walls, beautiful sweeping images with stunning flourishes, highlighted with colour. He thinks this is how you see the world, in shades of vibrancy. It’s a contrast with the sleek darkwood furniture. He runs his hand over the top of a sideboard, admiring the staining of the wood. It’s old, an antique he suspects, possibly an heirloom. He can almost feel the history thrumming through the piece.
You’re in the middle of setting up for your first client but you pause to watch him. There’s something about Neron, his mannerisms, his interest in the world around him, it makes him a joy to be around. He seems grounded, connected to the space around him, living each and every single moment. You admire a person like that, someone who knows exactly who he is and exists purely in the present.
“I’ve got some time if you want to get in the chair.” You tease him, jerking your head towards the seat.
He looks at it almost regretfully. There’s an intimacy when you tattoo someone’s skin, a connection that’s forged, it’s fleeting, a matter of hours but it’s there. The act itself, of committing a piece of someone’s soul onto their flesh is spiritual in a way. People tell you their darkest secrets in the chair, their woes, their happiness. It’s a confessional for those who don’t feel welcome in church.
“I wish, I could.”
He means it you can tell. He’s already a stunning collection of artwork, you know every tattoo has a story, it shows an aspect of your history and personality. You want to ask him about his, you want to trace over each and every piece and learn everything there is to know about Neron Vargas.
“Next time maybe.” You tell him before picking up his sunglasses from the counter you’d set them on. You’d worn them in this morning, a reminder of the man you had met yesterday, the one that made you lose track of the time, that made you laugh, that seemed to get exactly where you were coming from when you explained how you worked. “I’m guessing you came by for these.”
He looks at the sunglasses in your outstretched hand. He doesn’t want to take them; he wants them to be a gift but the truth is he needs them. They’re tailored for his particular type of problem, a similar one to what he thinks you’ve had too.
“My eyes.” He explains gesturing to his face. “I get light sensitive sometimes. It’s an aftereffect…”
He trails off before he can say the words. He’s upfront and honest about his addiction issues but he knows how people perceive it, he’s not a safe bet in the long term, at least that’s how his girlfriends have seen it in the past.
“…of substance abuse.” You finish for him, and he nods, averting his gaze to the ornate panelling of the reception desk. He doesn’t want to see the disappointment in your eyes, the pity, he knows he’s fucked this up with you.
“Seven years.” You say into the air between you. “I’ve been sober seven years.”
He tilts his head towards you, meeting your gaze. He doesn’t know what he expects to see because you’ve surprised him. You seem like you have your shit together, he assumed you always had.
“Alcohol.” You tell him. “I used to get so fucked up…”
You don’t finish the sentence and he gets it. It’s a bad place to go back to and he doesn’t want you to feel like you have to tell him anything. You don’t owe him anything for his disclosure.
“Cocaine.” He says, his hand rubbing over the back of his neck. “I’d have a drink, and then a line… Now I don’t do either.”
“Shit, well I guess the both of us are the boring ones at a party.” You say and he laughs because fuck if that isn’t true. He prefers to sit and play cards these days.
“I’d love to stick around.” He tells you earnestly, his sunglasses clasped in his hand. “Shoot the shit some more…”
“But you have stuff to do. I get it.”
And you do, you have a client turning up in thirty minutes and you still need to print off the design onto transfer paper. As much as you would love to prolong this conversation, you need to get moving too. You pluck one of your cards from the top of the reception desk and scribble something on the back before handing it to him.
“My private number.” You tell him. “In case you wanna shoot the shit again.”
He looks down at it and smiles, his thumb tracing over the numbers like they’re braille.
“I’m away in Stockton for a couple of days.” He tells you, tucking the card into the pocket of his kutte. “But I’d really like to see you again when I get back.”
“Send me a text or call me.” You say. “We’ll work something out.”
“Ok.” He says, his cheeks colouring just a little as he toys with his sunglasses.
It’s fucking adorable.
You watch through the window as he leaves, his thighs straddle that bike before he pulls out his phone and then your card, thumb sweeping over the touch screen.
Your cell chimes from behind you, you pick it up as you hear the roar of an engine outside before it fades off into the distance.
My number :) N x
Love Creeper? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Hi croft! I just finished nowhere else to go and I just wanted to say it was unlike anything I have read so beautiful, so heartbreaking, utterly mesmerizing. thank you for writing such a gem of a fic. I saw so much of myself in hermione, and i am so grateful and hopeful to find light as well.
I know I will have a hard time finding something like this again so I wanted to know if you have a list of your favourite dramione fics that enthrall you completely, or ones you keep coming back to again and again?
Thank you so very much. Nowhere Else to Go has such a special place in my heart, because it was SO hard to write, but I'm so proud of it, and I also feel very honoured that it has prompted so many people to say and share really lovely, vulnerable and intimate things when they compliment it, and that's so special to me!
I don't think I've ever read a fic like NETG in terms of style, but the ones I reread all the time are way happier in tone lol. I love the fluff!
I'm always talking about @thebemoon's The Darkwood Wand and The Gloriana Set.
I also adore @scullymurphy's entire catalogue of work, basically, but the most recently completed multi-chapter Teach Me How To Forget is gorgeous.
My most favourite recently-completed work has to be @onebedtorulethemall's Bad Omens. It is truly so remarkable, so enjoyable, and so perfect in every possible way.
(also, the classics: DMATMOOBIL, Wait and Hope, etc etc)
Some shorter ones that I had lots of fun reading:
Dial G for Granger by @dramioneog
Custom Fit by @thebrightcity
Tentacular by @kayka
Finally, my favourite drop-everything WIPs:
Antinomian by @starsoforionwrites, and Under Their Protection by the lovely @stein048 <3
If you want something that has a similar kind of rhythm to NETG, then I got most of my inspiration for the spacing/sense of breath, pause and movement from playwriting!
Some of my favourites are: The Nether by Jennifer Haley, Antigone (the Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald trans is the one I used I think, but I also adored Lulu Raczka's interpretation), and anything by Lucy Prebble (she also was on the writing team for Succession!).
For general creeping sense of doom/unease, then Harold Pinter is the master of that. I'd recommend The Birthday Party.
ALSO 'It's True, It's True, It's True', which is about Artemesia Gentileschi is a favourite.
You used to be able to stream It's True - unsure if you still can but if it's available I *highly* recommend watching.
All my love xxx
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literally-just-there · 3 months
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FINALLY !! The Seeker and her powers ☀️✨️
Since in canon there is next to nothing about the seeker's powers and the way they manifest (other than the map that I did not draw here, maybe next time), I just decided to go freestyle. (more under the cut)
🌻❀°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ General Design Choices :
Hey, what if the Seeker had glowing eyes ? She is the only one who can find lost objects that turned invisible, and thus the only one who can see them, so why not give her some kind of 'seeker-vision'... The markings are there for coolness reasons. I did choose to make the ones on the back of her hands like Darkwood's sacred oak's symbol though, adds a nice link to the city's magic. I chose a golden light that mirrors the glow of the magic map.
🌻❀°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Light Source :
This is a personal addition. Since the seeker is always compared to a beacon of light and hope in canon, I decided to take this literally.
🌻❀°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Object Finder :
The Seeker's main power. She is able to find any object she looks for. I chose to have this power manifest as threads that guide her to the item she is looking for, and then weave themselves to give shape and physicality to said item.
🌻❀°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Monster Killer :
In canon, the seeker can use different weapons to banish a monster, depending on the species. I simplified this a little ; here, her powers will manifest in different ways, also depending on the type of monster, basing myself on the canon weapons. ❀ • Shadow monsters : fire -> burned and disintegrated by touch ❀ • Werewolves : bladed and blunt weapons -> claws and (slight) superhuman strength ❀ • Fire monsters : water -> cooled down and disintegrated by touch ❀ • Gremlins : loud sounds and nets -> sound waves and nets manifested by the Seeker's magic ❀ • Nagas : electric arrows and mirrors -> redirected naga arrows, electric arrows and mirrors manifested by the Seeker's magic
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
May I request a scenario where shamuras s/o (who is a tiger) who showed up to check up on leshy because of lamberts crusades, sees that he’s about to be killed and basically starts fighting Lambert to save leshy. They Managed to escape with leshy but both are badly wounded and rush to the other bishops before s/o shortly Faints and the bishops who in their own ways panic and rage and try to heal them as shamura slowly goes into a rage at seeing his little brother and his partner almost get killed by lambert?
"Five becomes four...becomes three..becomes-"
"Shamura? You're doing that thing again."
Feeling a gentle paw on their hand, Shamura saw you looking at them with concern, and they slowly ceased their mutterings.
They have gotten noticeably worse since the Lamb's unexpected resurrection...in which they also now possessed the Red Crown and were on a crusade through Darkwood.
Leshy sought to murder the Lamb himself before they could get too far in their conquest. His most treasured servants were reduced to mere mortal coils, serving the enemy.
It was the greatest of insults. The worm wouldn't stand to be insulted this way.
“Brother Leshy...the youngest of us..” Shamura uttered quietly, sitting down. “He is swift, but sloppy..and that will be his undoing.”
You blinked at their words, confused and concerned. “What do you mean by that, my love? Is he going to...?” There was a pause, but from the forlorn look in their eyes, the answer was obvious.
“I cannot say for certain. My visions aren’t as clear as they used to be..some things I know, others I don’t.”
Hearing their weary sigh made your heart ache. You hate seeing them like this; they were still smart, but they were no longer the wise leader they used to be.
The other bishops were understandably worried for their wellbeing, too. They insisted that Shamura rests while Leshy dealt with the resurrected lamb.
Yet they spent many days and nights worried as the little sheep's cult grew in numbers. Their dreams plagued by disturbing visions they didn't wish to fully disclose, not even to you.
It was only a matter of time before the bishops got hurt. Nothing would stop Lamb from storming the temples once the seals were broken.
You agreed that Leshy wasn’t ready for this fight..knowing him, he'd severely underestimate their power. And Shamura’s troubling musings didn’t make things any better.
“What if I check on Leshy? Would that bring you some ease?” You offered, seeing your beloved perk up in alarm.
“I..can’t have you do that.” They shook their head.
“I’d do anything for you, Sha.” With a frown, you held both of their hands. “I’m just gonna take a quick peek into his temple, and if I need to summon backup I will. Trust me, I’ll be careful.”
Although greatly hesitant to let you go at such a dangerous time--as you were a mere mortal who'd be easily slain--they saw how determined you looked..how much you cared for them and their fellow bishops..
And ultimately, they relented.
“....alright. If you need me, come back straight away.”
"I promise." Nodding, you smiled and let go of their hands, giving them a gentle kiss on the cheek to assure them you’ll be okay on your own. Then you headed towards the pentagram that would warp you directly into Leshy’s temple.
You were basked in a red light as you disappeared before Shamura’s eyes, with them looking on in worry.
‘I fear this won’t end well for anyone..’
Upon your arrival into Darkwood, you were immediately greeted by the earth quaking beneath your feet, along with a loud bellowing noise coming from further inside the temple grounds.
'Oh no..what’s going on?!’ You panicked slightly, hurrying down the path as bones of monsters and cultists crunched underneath your feet. All you could wonder was what horrors you’ll see at the end.
When you entered the temple grounds, you skidded to a stop, shocked to see Leshy in his giant eldritch earthworm form, and the Lamb--as fragile as they looked--held a crusader’s blade in their hands as they swung at him. With the crown, they used a curse that fired flaming projectiles at his face.
Leshy roared and slammed his head into the ground, trying to crush the nimble sheep. Yet they dodged every attack and struck when the opportunity presented itself, brutal and merciless.
There was a split-second where the green worm--having regained his eyesight--spotted you across the arena, and seemed shocked you were watching the fight.
But that split-second cost him dearly as he was slashed across two red eyes, which oozed blood as he howled in pain.
You could only look on helplessly when he collapsed onto the cracked stone pavement, shrinking down back to his original-self. Only this time he had no blindfold and his robe was completely tattered.
The Lamb wasn’t going to give him any moment to recuperate as they jumped on top of him. He huffed in defeat, having lost all the will to fight back. This was his end and he knew that very well.
At least he died trying to stop them.
“Y-You’re..stronger than I thought, little lamb.” He rasped. “But you’ll never defeat the others...my family..will..!!”
Lamb raised their blade high to drive it into his chest, intending to silence him and his heresy permanently.
Suddenly they were tackled off of the defeated god, knocked to the ground as they grunted in pain. When they saw who stood over them, they were in disbelief--
You were but a mere tiger follower, imbued with the spirit of war, with your claws out and your eyes full of determination.
Leshy was equally shocked, realizing Shamura’s partner had saved him from being slain. And he watched as Lamb retaliated by bringing their crown back to them, turning it into a sword once more. 
“Don’t get in my way!!” They warned. “Let me finish the job and maybe I will grant you absolution.”
“I give my life and love to the Bishops of the Old Faith.” You snapped in defiance, summoning your own weapon. “To hurt one is to hurt all of us! I can’t let you tear this family apart.”
“..then you’ll die with them.”
As you charged at each other, Leshy figured out what you trying to do: You were giving him an opportunity to escape while he had some strength left in him.
It wasn’t much, but it enabled him to warp out of the temple and into Silk Cradle. Its door remained locked to outsiders, so he knew he’d be safe there for the time being. At least until he could heal properly.
The second he appeared, Shamura was already rushing to his side. “Brother! You’re alive..that Lamb had wounded you greatly..” Their gaze went to his bleeding scars, all of them oozing with red and black.
“Th-They were strong..I’m..I’m sorry, Shamura.” He whispered, his legs shaky as he was barely able to stand on his own. “Please..don’t think any less of me..”
“Of course not..” They looked to the pentagram in worry. “Where’s [y/n]?”
Leshy opened his mouth to answer, but they both saw a light emerge from the portal--and you sprung up.
Shamura was horrified at the condition you were in. You looked just as bloody and bruised as their brother; part of your ear was ripped and your fur was matted all over the place. And you had a bruise around your eye. Yet you kept smiling as you dragged yourself towards them, weapon scraping the ground behind you.
Moments later, Heket and Kallamar arrived. But the spider could only see you and ran over to help you. “My beloved..what happened?” Rage and guilt filled every inch of them.
Why did they agree to let you go alone?
“They..w-were gonna take his heart, but I chased them out.” You whispered, taking some pride in your victory. “I did it, I..I saved the Old Faith from....”
However, your smile fell just as your body did, passing out right there and then. Shamura saved you from hitting the hard ground, as they cradled you closely. They could see you were just barely breathing.
Thank the Great Ones you were breathing at all.
“The Lamb nearly killed one of our own!!” Kallamar cried out in shock. “How?! We must have messed up in the ritual somewhere-!”
“We did everything right!” Heket argued with him. “That wretched heretic just took advantage of the situation...” Then she turned to the green worm, scowling. “Leshy, how could you lose to a measly little lamb?!”
A quiet rasp came from Shamura, but it made the bishops finally pay attention to them as they still held you in their arms. “The time for us..the time to strike the Lamb will come. But we cannot argue like this. Not when our brother and my love are bleeding seas of red. Kallamar, take them to Anchordeep.”
“Yes! Of course!” The squid nodded as he warped Leshy and you into his realm, knowing you will be in good hands there as you heal.
“Heket, have your followers....look for those red flowers in Brother Leshy’s realm.”
“As you wish.” Heket obliged, sinking into her portal to let her worshippers know they had a missionary ahead of them.
Shamura knew what was to come of the bishops, but they wanted to see the Lamb suffer. Suffer as they have after seeing you return to them--weak and wounded. 
They have truly crossed the line by hurting you.
This will be as far as they go.
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ditzyclown · 1 month
In my cult of the lamb game I have a whole ass bat family, it started with Putre as I wanted some followers to work through the night (and who better than a bat) and then things escalated from there-
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with his first bio daughter asking for her sister from dark wood (who are you fooling girl, you are surprise adopting lol) to him having another bio son to the adopted daughter to ask for her brother in darkwood TO THE BIO SON TO ASK ME TO MURDER THE NEE ADOPTED SON AS SOON AS HE WAS INDOCTRINATED
Anyway more silly info bellow
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-Putre is the priest and one in charge to keep the materials for rituals safe and ready to use while alerting the lamb if they are ever low on materials
-Is extremely grateful to have his brother in the cult and to even grow his family in the cult, he's relieved that his two biological kids will never have to see the horrors from the lands of the old faith and that his adopted ones at least won't have to suffer... He's not sure how to feel about how anytime he, his family or another cult member dies the lamb revives them always....
-Based on my game he's friends with almost everyone on the cult, including Baal, narinder and shamura amongst others. (Dad energy was that powerful ig)
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-Is the younger one of his siblings (though he's not so sure anymore)
- He's black with blue painting
-Fion is still finding his place at the cult, he does bring food from outside occasionally despite Putre's insistence to not exit cult grounds
-Putre asked for the lamb to rescue his brother from dark wood. The lamb made it but not in time
-Had to be revived
-the eye painting in his forehead was scratched by heretics so now the scars look like an X over them.
-His ears also got a bit shredded, can't echolocate as well :(
-After recovering from the fact his lil bro got game before him (lol nah he was just in shock), he actually was pretty happy to see Putre doing well and for him to be an uncle.
- He's white with red painting
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- Hungre is the eldest child (Kept young by the lamb themselves along the majority of kids born or brought into the cult)
-Wanted a sister and decided the lamb would be the fastest way to get one
- Has not seen the lands of the old faith once in her life.
-Has a good heart
-Loves her family and the cult, Leshy often teaches her how to do pranks and how to make art crafts with camellias too!
-A very pale pink almost white looking
-Second eldest (adopted) child
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-Cautious in nature from her life in darkwood
- Was born years later after the death of the bishops but still is untrusting of Leshy since he looks like those shrine statues....(He also wears heretic clothing!)
-Was also unsure about the lamb at first and clinged to Putre and Hungre
- Wears a long red dress to try and imitate her dad church attire
-After having a little brother Feno decided "And another One" and did the same strategy as Hungre and asked the lamb
-Grey fur
- Wasn't bothered that the one the lamb managed to find wasn't a Bat, he's adorable!!
-Has better flying abilities than Hungre since she had more space to learn (tcotl devs place expand the cult grounds I will sacrifice my firstborn for it)
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- Second youngest
- Angy that he isn't the youngest brother anymore
-didnt like that the lamb didn't kill thorar when he asked for
-Has yet to warm up to him
-Once tried to sneak out of the cult out of curiosity to see what was so scary about the outside
-As soon as he saw a purple spider and the god merchant (Wich I Named Light) he turned tail and ran
-Has yet to learn to fly
-He's a dark blue
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-Rescued form darkwood
- Doesn't understand too well what's going on
-A bit afraid of Pano since he heard him request the lamb to kill him
-Is still getting used to sisterly love and having a new parent
-Putre often holds him when it's night since he's still getting used to the moon necklace more slowly than the bats and still gets groggy and sleepy
-Misses his family, darkwood..... not so much
-Since he was mostly hid by his original family (only for heretics to still find them) he hasn't really seen a shrine/statue of Leshy he doesn't know he is one of the bishops (and neither that the other weird followers are bishops themselves)
-Black fur with grey paint
I might give them more lore or change a few things
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Some games on the PSN New Year Sale. Ends February 1st.
13 Sentinels
Actraiser: Renaissance
AI: The Somnuim Files
ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos
Anima: Gate of Memories
Arcade Spirits
Ary and the Secret of Seasons
A Space for the Unbound
Assault Suit Lynos
Bayonetta and Vanquish
Buried Stars
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Coffee Talk
Coffee Talk 2
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Cris Tales
Cross Code
Cult of the Lamb
Cyber Citizen Shockman
Cyberdimension Neptunia
Danganronpa 1-2 Reload
Danganronpa V3
Death end reQuest
Death end reQuest 2
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Digimon Survive
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
DJ Max Respect
Double Dragon Gaiden
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Dragon Ball Xenoverse/Xenoverse 2 Bundle
Dusk Diver
Earth Defense Force 5
Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire
Final Fantasy XV: Royal Edition
Final Fantasy XV: Comrades
Freedom Planet
Ghost n Goblins Resurection
Ghost Trick
Giga Wrecker Alt.
Ginga Force
Goat Simulator
Goat Simulator 3
God Eater Resurection
God Eater 3
Gravity Rush Remastered
Grim Fandango Remastered
Gungrave G.O.R.E.
Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Horizon: Zero Dawn
I Am Setsuna
In Nightmare
Jak and Daxter
Jak II
Jak 3
Jak x: Combat Racing
Kaze and the Wild Masks
Kerbal Space Program
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Labyrinth of Zangetsu
Laika: Aged Through Blood
Legend of Mana
Light Fairytale Episode 1
Light Fairytale Episode 2
Like a Dragon: Ishin
Little Nightmares
Little Nightmares 2
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of TIme
Lock's Quest
Lost in Random
Lost Judgment
Made in Abyss; Binary Star Falling Into Darkness
Maglam Lord
Mary Skelter Finale
Metal Gear Solid 5
Metal Max Zeno Reborn
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Monster Hunter Rise
Mr. Driller DrillLand
My Aunt is a Witch
My Hero: One's Justice
Several Naruto games
Neverending Nightmares
Ni no Kuni 2
Omega Quintet
Several One Piece games
Our World is Ended.
Persona 4 Ultimax
Persona 5 Royal
Potion Permit
Praey for the Gods
Pumpkin Jack
Raging Loop
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- The Prophecy of the Throne
Several Resident Evil games
River City: Rival Showdown
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Root Film
Root Letter
SaGa Fronter Remastered
SaGa Scarlet Grace
Sakura Wars(PS4)
Samurai Shodown
Scribblenauts Mega Pack
Secret of Mana
Sega Gensis Classics
Skul: The Hero Slayer
Slender: The Arrival
Song of Memories
Sonic Frontiers
Sonic Superstars
Steins; Gate
Steins; Gate 0
Steins; Gate: My Darling's Embrace
Super Bobmerman R
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD
Super Night Riders
Sword of the Vagrant
Taiko no Tetsujin: Drum Session
Tales of Zestiria
Tembo the Badass Elephant
The Evil Within
Several King of Fighters games
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story
Valthirian Arc: Hero School Story 2
Various Daylife
When the Past was Around
Yakuza 3 Remastered
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Yakuza 5 Remastered
Zanki Zero
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 months
Those can be those who you deleted but didn't update the masterlist. It's basically those who i can't access. But some where my favorites so yep. All the non functioning links, i'm not counting the ones that open on browser, since they technically work... Kinktober list 2 went back to work btw Kinktober 2021 - Day 24 and 30 Proxies list one- A movie that doesn't have your full attention. Literally Car sex Getting and interesting text (i cried this one i went back many times to read) Licking Weapons Burlesque Dancer But fun fact about list one you put the same fic there twice, it's SO who returns after a long time in the Ticci Toby list. Proxies List 2 Under the table cause he said so Hoodie, Masky and Toby in a poly relationship EJ, Slender and Jeff list one. In the passenger seat, distracting the driver Interesting Text and licking weapons again EJ, Slender and Jeff list two. He loves me he loves me not, the link to AO3 Ben Drowned Sitting on the "sofa" Ben and his ears SCP Dr Kondraki: Size Kink and Other Smut Thoughts Clef: It's rude to make me blush. SO that has a thing for praise Spice and Long distance Rights: General Spice Gears: Spicy Thoughts Multiple: Different Strokes for Different Folks Dr. Kondraki, Dr. Clef, and Dr. Bright Walking in On Solo Time Clef, Kondraki and Bright with a Mommy Dom SO Dr. Glass, Dr. Light, Dr. King and Dr. Iceberg Walking in on Private Time Darkwood Wolfman: Those Damned Eggs Won’t Get Themselves Call of Duty Simon Riley: Over Coffee Finished.
Except for the coffee one. Not deleted. That’s weird.
I usually talk about the things I delete here but people don’t really read those (which I don’t mind). Just know I sometimes go through and burn things.
Anyways thank you !!
When I’m not busy I’ll (maybe) come through and delete a bunch of those. I have a ‘real’ life now, and this blog is pretty dead to me, so I don’t really bother with the upkeep anymore. I haven’t cared for like…. Over a year now ☹️
Some of these got saved on AO3. Some didn’t. I wasn’t proud of a lot of those. Regardless, thank you so much.
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Next thingie! It’s False’s turn now.
Fig. 1: Bust of the Lady False Symmetry. She is a human, probably, who wears oddly sleek and fitted clothing and the Darkwood Goggles, the mark of her office. Her clothes are made of deep green fabric and accented by dark grey metal.
Fig. 2: Lady Symmetry’s left hand. Her nails are always painted black and her detached sleeves cover her middle finger and thumb to some extent.
Fig. 3: Lady Symmetry’s compound bow, Wind at Midnight. A weapon exclusively made of metal and strung with more metal woven with spider silk, it fires her poison-tipped arrows with deadly accuracy.
Fig. 4: The battle standard of Umbra, the Lady’s civilization. It is primarily deep green with light purple accents.
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the-ravens-requiem · 8 months
Plague-Tober 2023 #3 - Honey
The beekeeper was somewhat of an enigma.
They'd been settled in Darkwood for several years, setting up their apiaries in the rolling fields of the northwestern corner of town, where many of the farmers tended to their crops and lived. A welcomed neighbor.
They were tall and thin, always covered by their garb, like Doctor, though they rarely revealed their face. Once, they confided in Doctor, they felt comforted that there was someone else like them, who always wore the marker of their chosen path. They explained that they liked the enclosed nature of their garb; It was like a soothing weight on their shoulders, the woven basket-like mask a shield from the glare of the sun and prying eyes. It reminded them of home, of the broadleaf shrubs that protected them from the withering heat without completely denying them the satisfaction of the view.
To say the Doctor and the beekeeper were friends was easy. Few had seen their face, and even fewer had been invited to their home, unlike Doctor. It was not that the beekeeper -- named Ambrose -- was inhospitable, it was more of the fact that Ambrose liked to keep to themself.
"Lovely rain we had yesterday." Doctor mumbled, settling down into the chair Ambrose had invited them to sit at. The beekeeper bustled around their kitchen, preparing tea for the two to share. When they placed the tea and sweets onto the table-- what appeared to be honeyed shortbread decorated with dried rose petals and a pinkish tea made with a blend of flowers -- Doctor held up their hand as if to deny them.
"You never share tea with me." Ambrose admonished, clearly hurt but in a playful way. Their voice was mellow and rich, the vowels and consenants precise. "You must, at the very least, take some to eat later."
"Of course, my friend. Sorry, I always have lunch just before visiting and my appetite is quite small."
"Like a bird." They chuckled, sitting across the way from Doctor. Their hand reached out to swat gently at the 'beak' of Doctor's mask. "I swear, it seems as if you could simply look at food and become full."
"It appears that way, doesn't it?" Doctor replied, voice light and joyous.
Ambrose poured fragrant tea from their porcelain pot decorated with hand-painted flowers. A betrayal of their riches, but the only splurge they had allowed themself in their otherwise humble abode. "Anyways, I know this is a business call and not a personal one, so what can I do for you?"
"A simple transaction. I feel autumn's chill slowly arriving, and I must resupply. Has your harvest been plentiful?"
"It has. And…Summer wanes, yes. I too can feel it in the wind. Many of my flowers have gone dormant." The beekeeper glanced out the window momentarily, their masked face turning away. "…I always feel so sad to see one less bloom in my garden. They are like children to me, and I miss them when they sleep."
"Seasons come and go, my dear. It will be summer again before you know it."
The beekeeper leaned back in their chair, drawing their full attention back to Doctor. "I know you love the autumn, preparing your winter crop, but I grow restless. I feel the ache of losing hours of the sun." They drew a delicate gloved finger over the rim of their tea cup, contemplating it. The mask was then removed with little fanfare, set aside without much thought.
Revealed to Doctor was a plant-kin lesser fae, 'skin' a greenish, golden hue. Their laughing eyes iridescent like a prism. They had a nubian nose, wide and somewhat flat, and thick beautiful lips that looked much like rose petals. They brought the steaming tea cup to their aformentioned lips absently, then set it down onto its saucer.
"How much honey do you need?" Ambrose pulled down the white hood of their garb and shook free their 'hair,' a mass of flowers in the style of goldenrod blooms. Doctor knew it was not polite to stare, but they were pleasantly captivated by their passive beauty.
"Oh, a case of jars would be fine. And a few bundles of the glass sticks would be lovely. My customers love when I include them for their tea. Speaking of, do you have any need of seeds? I have plenty to spare. As a gift, between friends -- not my attempt at receiving a discount."
Ambrose laughed at that, but recovered quickly. "I have plenty as well, but thank you for asking." The plantkin rose up from their chair, then. "I'll go pack the case and grab the bundles for you, and we can settle the cost afterwards when I fetch my ledger. Feel free to entertain yourself."
"At your pleasure, friend."
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by-glass-and-waves · 8 months
I also did a little bit on the magic system for the 19th Century AU, which is pretty mundane and lame
A good part of it is pulled from some OC worldbuilding I did a few years back shrug
I promise I'm picking at Courtship... slowly... I made an outline does that count
magic is pretty mundane
just used for everyday stuff
light fires
manipulate the sails
watering plants
can be used for combat as well
don't really do much unless you're upper class (so you'd train) or specifically train
like for combat and stuff so
oh right nobility is chosen by the Royal Family (aka Witnesses and bosses)
Royal Family has their Crowns to augment their magic
they already have strong magic but with the Crowns they are like way over
commoner can have a flame in a branch
nobility/trained person can light a tree on fire
Royal Family without Crown can light a few trees a little more violently
Royal Family with Crown lights the entire grove like PHEW
now borrowed from OC worldbuilding
magic use
limited mana pool
then once you're depleting it you gotta recover
no potions exist
if you keep using it then you start pulling from life force
keep going? you start getting an affliction
you start turning into something/something spreads in your body
depends on the county you in?
camellias/flowers in Darkwood
mushrooms in Anura
illegal mushroom trade? hee hee
crystal in Anchordeep
spider silk in Silk Cradle
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stolencrownsofplenty · 7 months
@celestialcomedy : x
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Honestly? Jester looks like a mess. His hair is wild and whipping around in the air. Clothes a torn here and there and hands twitching. Tall tale signs that he’s gotten into something that got out of hand enough to look like he stepped into a nasty whirlwind. The good news is that he kept his mask in tact. Enough that he’s able to take it off with a tired sigh. Rubbing the stream dripping from the mouth and eyes of it. Maybe its from being so tired that not even his earings could keep his face in tact? The void is dripping, melting endlessly as he keeps bent forward . Ears flicker upwards, feeling the gentle movement of someone touching his hair. Something of weight in their hand, a comb or brush maybe, finding its way through the troublesome locks of hair. Holding Jesters hair it gives the impression of holding sunlight, whispy and ready to slip through their fingers. Despite taking their mask off, their hair helps cover the maskless void. Ears flicking every so often as tail flickers beside him. He didn’t say anything to whom is brushing out his hair. Instead shoulders relaxed. A hum leaves the faceless, hard to tell what the tune is, but it sounds like something one would hear in deep space.
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Through their occasional visits where they would cross paths with this odd giant they met decades ago, this emperor really wouldn’t have guessed they’d find themselves fixing the jester’s hair; if not for the quiet impulse, their rare boredom had already made that decision for them.  In their empire, for a jester that wandered without a court and without a crown to rein in his whereabouts, they saw this old fellow as a guest.  They meant their people little harm, and more often than not they found that this jester only ever came in quick fits of laughter to bring, for it seemed they only liked to find themselves as entertainment rather than a better fit for their own throne.  For any incapable mortal who wouldn’t have the slightest clue on taking care of this type of nest of hair, if they weren’t already a follower in this rankless, cosmic being who’d know him personally, they’d find it near impossible to brush with how near light it’d felt.  Yet in this Divinity’s hands, when they had the help of their own crown taking on the near form of sharpened, dark claws, their inky gloved fingers had found some of their companion’s hair more tangible with a lock of hair or two.
Perhaps for near godly hair that quite frankly was about as light as air and about as hot as a warm summer’s kiss, they could only be grasped by something of godly and divine tools.  In one lamb hand, with the help of an old brush that looked as rustic, silver, and old as they, all they had was a simple brush to help part the knots in their companion’s mane.  With so much hair and so much limitless time, it was rare for a ruler such as they to take on the task of the mundane.  God or not, it’s a bizarre sight for a ram such as they to partake in.  By the spirits, if they hadn’t found the jester resting deep within the heart of their own Darkwood, they wouldn’t have heard the end of this from their very own followers for days!
“You didn’t think you’d ever see me again, my silly fellow?”  With their crown already at work with straightening the other’s hair as it was, the Emperor has to retort to using their old mortal tongue.  Their words came coarse yet friendly, their tone being a rough side effect of Heket’s yellow crown the moment they came to steal it in their frog’s resurrection; a price of trading their throat in taking in another crown as a living vessel.  Without the help of their main crown to cover up it with a smoother noise illusion, they had to make due with the raw flaws of their genuine voice.  “You’ve come a long way just for a spot of rest, it seems.  I can only bet you’ve run into one of my old friends back a ways, hmm?”
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