#some of these are preexisting ocs and some of these are ocs that happened exclusively because of gaia
bosspigeon · 11 months
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i'm procrastinating writing have some of my favorite gaia avatars ive made recently
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108garys · 7 months
Concerning the quarry(update)
I had previously pondered the inclusion of the quarry in my super massive family tree project and decided against it as the main goal of the project is to make all(or as many as possible) of supermassive's recycled models related to each other.
It started focused on the dark pictures anthology and eventually included the inpatient and hidden agenda because of the shared models and by extension until dawn because of the inpatient and so on but there was no obvious connection in the quarry and if I made unique models related to reused ones it had to be purposeful and not just "these characters are both insert random thing" So when I say was settled on the exclusion of the quarry I mean it was not having to work with a game I don't particularly care for and that was that
All that being said I was looking at the Hackett family tree because it goes back to the time of little hope and with my own family tree project it's good to have an example to look at(some of mine to further back lol)
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My reasoning at the time was that with all this material it would be simple to include Hackett side characters in stories set in different eras, I was thinking "oh free names to use for historical OCs in little hope reincarnation cycle fic or stuff otherwise set over a century ago" you feel me? Like I could feel the way I do about the quarry and still do something like that
...but then something unexpected happened
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"Louisa Clarke(Hackett) 1920-1985"
That's Jed's mum
I had previously decided that any Clarke's would be connected to the Clarke family(even jessie Clark the random construction guy from tdim who's last name I'm treating as a typo)
In my preexisting drafts the generation above James Clarke has three brothers but I had always imagined them having a sister/4th sibling and Louisa just slots right in there exactly how I imagined and so just like that the quarry went from not included at all to having around a third of the cast accounted for. I'm not sure I'll actually go ahead and add the whole in game Hackett family to my next draft but at the very least I can make a note off it next to Louisa's name
It's funny because there were other things I was wanting to do that day but this reason to give a damn about the quarry(and not even the main game at that) blew me away and I needed to process it and what this new development means(it means that James Clarke and Jedediah Hackett are first cousins)
I always thought any care for the quarry on my part would come from connecting it with other games and that seems to be true, I can't say if this will translate into me liking the game itself but now I've already got some great crossover stuff that I'm eager to work on that I hope you'll love as much as I do
That all being said I'm not now going to be adding random player characters into the family trees and this is far more than I was prepared to have in my project(not me begrudgingly excepting that I'm going to have to interact with the quarry for these aus I'm excited for 😅)
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @blubary @ctrvpani @eddie-brii @unhingedlesbear @qusok @myscprin @mybrainrotforreal @taylorshope @kindheartedgummybears @tinynightmarewoman (I hope this is at least a good chunk of people interested in this information lol)
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fictive-culture · 1 year
does it mean anything necessarily if you have dreams about being a system? i'm a singlet but on and off questioning plurality (it's really unhealthy for me) (it's at a point of obsession) and i can't tell if this is something i should factor into "maybe look into this" or if it's simply a side effect of me literally obsessing over plurality. i know one specific character was in one of the dreams that i've said "man i'm not plural but if i was i would have them as a fictive i bet" (which is a very singlet thing to say. obviously /lh) and in another recent dream i WAS that character and something even happened that while not directly recreating it reflected a moment in their source that i hadn't seen yet (i didn't know about it until one of my friends responded to my dream saying "no that actually happens though") but i know dreams don't inherently mean anything but at the same time i feel as though my mind would know my mind??? i don't know where i stand on this much like everything else
So I'm going to describe some vaguely relevant stuff related to our system as a starting point and then see if I can provide you with some other advice/information
First, we have a very fun origin in that a lot of things play into other things. So we id as traumaendo because our brain first chose madd to deal with our trauma however our madd eventually developed into plurality. So we are paragenic, but since our madd is caused by trauma, it kind of counts as both. Our madd is greatly affected by our autism and adhd so we hyperfixate on lots of things. That leads to so very frequently gaining members from our hyperfixations. We obsess over something long enough and boom 1-3 new pals.
Second, we have a handful of other sources, a decent amount of stressgenic, one possible willogenic and important to this two somtives headmates introjected from dreams. They aren't fictives of sources that exist, but that doesn't mean that can't happen.
Now, while what I'm about to say isn't a complete list of what could be happening, I hope it helps work as more of a starting point to think about.
There is the possibility that the obsession is caused by preexisting plurality. We did have an interest in it prior to our realization, but mostly because we wanted to try and create a positive plural character. I feel like it isn't uncommon to have some level of intrigue towards plurality beforehand.
This next idea stepping stone thingy is o-genic and oc-genic [both terms are links], which are both neurogenic origins related to plurality caused by obsession oc-genic is ocd exclusive but I'm unsure of o-genic. But basically, just if the brain keeps obessesing over plurality, it could create a system kind of like willogenic but to the left.
Or it could be neither, and you are a singlet who is getting obsession induced dreams about plurality.
There are probably more ideas and theories and explanations for why this is happening to you, but the actual advice that isn't just me sharing neat plural things is you gotta explore. Try talking to them, keep track of things that seem plural, read up on other people's experiences, there could be something plural about this or it could not be, maybe read up on median systems, try meditation, join system servers and find safe places for you to explore, look into willogenic/parogenic system creation if it's something you are interested in doing, stick around here and other system culture is blogs and see what feels familiar to what you are going through. Dreams are really iffy, and while they can mean something, and I believe it is how some systems enter headspace, it could mean nothing. So, while I'd love to give you a solid answer, all I can do is give you things that may be relevant to your experience and tell you to go out and explore. I can also tell you that there isn't anything wrong with questioning and ending up as a singlet. The question isn't always yes, so don't worry about it too much. So, just welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay, and I wish you luck.
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d20trashcan · 4 years
Lmao rlly? I just assume all fandom blogs I like the content of are around 3k asfhsdjf... no idea you were so new to this you give off big blog energy
I think its because of my 9 years of social media centered towards fandoms. I’m 21 so almost half of my life was devoted to fandoms, creating and getting involved in any kind of fandom creativity, from fanfiction writing to roleplaying ocs.
I started out on deviantart, with my first account solely focused on one anime fandom. I wrote alot of xReader fanfiction and got oddly popular there. Its probably my second highest follower count.
A year later, I discovered tumblr through a dear friend, a bit before peak tumblr. I also got involved in that anime fandom there as well. Fun fact, I apparently created legendary memes in that fandom that seems to still be shared. And when I say legendary, I mean like an average of 1K likes and probably more cause they have been shared outside deviantart still only got a bit less than 300 watchers there
After a while, I started getting into Superwholock, more so towards Doctor Who than the rest. I had a balance of those 2 fandoms for a long time. in both deviantart and Doctor Who.
However, somethings happened and I left that anime fandom and created a new deviantart. I forgot why but I wanted to just cut myself off from that fandom. Around this time, I had been deep into One Piece, especially the One Piece OC fandom.
I don’t think many people know this, but my passion had always been making OCs. My oldest oc was a One Piece OC that I still have now and kicking. My deviantart was where I posted alot about my op ocs. I owe alot to One Piece and its influence to my life. I wouldnt have the friends, experience, or even art skills without it.
After awhile, I kinda dropped the Doctor Who fandom as Superwholock ended. I became a jack of all trades in fandom, where I knew different fandoms and was into anything from video games, Youtubers, anime, books, and the like, but I was still focused on One Piece.
After a a year or two, I got into rp on tumblr. I made an rp account for my op ocs and did stupid things here and there with my friends in the community. My art skills were still not that great at the time nor was my writing skills but I kept going at it.
Even then, I dropped that rp account to focus on other things like art and more oc development and creation. It was during the time of Mary Sue witch hunting. If you were a part of the One Piece oc community, you will know what I’m talking about. It was around this time i was more active on tumblr than deviantart. There is just a easier way of sharing art and creative works here than on deviantart, where you would need a strong following to even get your work noticed.
During 2014-2015, my experience as a oc creator went to a next level. So a tdlr in the op oc fandom. Because of the anime and its pirate crews, its common to have people create ocs for preexisting pirate crews. During that 2 year time period, I decided to create a original pirate crew called the Nemesis Pirates. I won’t go into big detail, but this pirate crew was and still is my main ocs. Anyone in the OP OC community who know me will only know me by my pirate crew. I received a lot of love for my pirates and my art skills were improving very vastly. I also started writing more, but alot of it was never published work. Around this time, I got into sports animes as well and made a lot of ocs for them.
Right before college, a huge event struck and hit me emotionally bad. Thats when I really got into the rp fandom hard. I created a new op oc and made an exclusively op oc rp blog to cope. People really liked my oc and I got pretty active and kinda popular in rp terms. That stayed like that for about 4-5 months. Then university started and I got my first relationship. There was so many things to balance, I just had not enough time to devote my time to the rp blog so I left. I was so busy, I even had no time to really get into my art or basically the OP OC community and was kinda inactive for 2 years. The only thing that kept me even involved was my discord group.
During 2018, this is where things changed a bit. I got back into OPOC creation and talking to my friends and also that’s when I was introduced to DnD. I think out of my friend group in college, I was the most passionate because DnD is not that different from OC creation and rping so I was like basically prepared. I got back into art but for some reason, my art was incredibly stagnant. It didn’t improve but it felt like I had regressed. It was a pretty low point in my art career.
However, that didn’t stop me from wanting to enter a Webtoon contest. Around June there was a contest to make a webtoon comic and I wanted to enter. I...uh...never even got to publish the first episode. I did en up publishing the first episode around Dec 2019 but thats because I felt like I might as well get something out of my hard work. My art steadily got a tinge better in 2019, my wrtiing also improved slightly. I was a bit more active in the OPOC fandom. I even made an instagram for my art and ocs. Summer 2019 happened, drama was brewed and I was left alone for Fall 2019. I missed my old friends and I missed the times we had together but we all couldn’t go back to those times.
One night, I was going through tumblr and found posts about Dimension 20. Some were about “Are you My Dad” some were about going up a corn monster’s butt. I knew of Dimension 20 because for like a year, ads for it was spamming my videos. It was late night, I was depressed and bored and they had episodes on Youtube. And in 2 days, I finished Fantasy High. In one day, I finished EFTBK and in 3 days I caught up with The Unsleeping City. These were the best days of that year because also during that time, my favorite Youtuber , Markiplier was made a Youtube Red series and a Audio Story podcast. I was drowning in content and I was even talking to my discord friends much more often. I was lonely, a bit depressed, and still hurt from the Summer but I wasn’t fully alone.
Fantasy High went by and strong, I was more active with the OPOC fandom on instagram and Discord, oddly enough. Because of the quarantine, I had more time to make art and I somehow have improved so much. A Crown of Candy was on the horizon and I thought to myself, I know live blogs, I’ve seen people on twitter. why I don’t try it. I’ll just live blog the first episode.
One April 4, right after the last episode of Fantasy High Live, I made d20trashcan. I just made a few memes here and there and people liked them. The first episode came out, I lied blog, made some memes and was gonna call it a day. Yeah, well we can see what happened.
A month later, I’m at single digits away from reaching 400 followers, creating a Webtoon, gained huge art improvement.
TDLR: I’m a huge nerd and people seem to like that
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rp-dreamland · 7 years
looking for someone who's into character&plot development?
About Me:
My name’s Wells and I revolve around drawing, researching, shitposting, and writing. He/She/They works for me.  As heads up for anyone that may be uncomfortable, I turn 18 pretty soon and am starting college this fall. I’m seeking a couple of rp/writing partners to kick off the summer and school year. I’m not really in many fandoms, the only ones I like significantly enough to name being Mr. Robot, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pacific Rim, Sense8, Killjoys, and the 100 (though i haven’t watched past season 2 whoops).
7 years rp experience
I write 3rd person multi-paragraph exclusively. Warning: my replies can get pretty lengthy, especially my starters as I’ve got a habit of thoroughly establishing the scene as to make starting off for my partner simpler (I’ve gone up to 9 paragraphs once whoops).  
I’m able to double or rp multiple characters. I’m pretty good at with NPC’s/side characters to help move things along when it’s convenient.
Timezone is EST.
I mainly use Skype + GoogleDocs, and I’m willing to try email
I try to respond at least several times a day, and I’ll do my best to give you  a heads up if shit’s going on and I won’t be active for awhile. I value communication – don’t think we click/vibe? Hey man it happens. You aren’t feeling the direction/plot? It’s not fair if both of us aren’t digging it. I’d rather you don’t disappear out of the blue, heck even a simple “nah” will suffice.
I mainly do m/m or f/f.
Things are very likely to get hectic in August, so please be patient if replies aren’t as fast.
RP Preferences:
For the most part, I’m better off with original rp. I really really love plotting, character development, and worldbuilding!! Throw me your oc’s and their profiles and playlists. Hit me up with those AU’s and plots. I particularly like designing societies and imposing norms and rules (hint: they’re usually shitty/bizarre) and seeing how they affect the inhabitants/members. Though I can’t say I’m good at it yet, fictional politics and social issues + how they shape the characters are really fascinating and interesting for me. Exploring characters, building relationships, and making them  fight interact is so much fun.
As far as plotting, I prefer establishing a setting and somewhat of a plot direction before doing anything. Something based off an existing movie/show/book is pretty fun too (etc. our oc’s taking the roles of the characters).
Lately I’ve been in the mood for some drama and strained relationships (my usage of the word isn’t limited to romantic!), as well as crime.
Sci-Fi (cough space operas)
Historical (Greaser era, WWII)
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. I don’t think this is really a genre but? I dig this not so much for the smut aspect (though hey nothing wrong with that,,) but for the potential worldbuilding. A/B/O stuff is fascinating to me b/c I see a lot to work with~
Plot Ideas:
Limits and nahs:
*For the most part, I’m not squeamish and have no triggers. I’m comfortable with vulgarity and casual sexual content and I’m down with exploring darker themes and harsh realities, especially if they’re being used to explore a character.
I won’t do m/f. I don’t hate it, but I’ve had too many cliche smut seekers blowing up my DM at the slightest mention of tolerance towards it lmao, not to mention it’s typically boring and monotonous in dynamic from most of my experiences
RPing as real people (e.g. celebrities, youtubers).
Please don’t hit me up seeking smut. I’m not against it, but I’d rather do that sort of thing on my own terms with someone I’m comfortable with.
I don’t do that mpreg, pedophilia, scat, piss, mutilation – y’know the like – shit. No furries or mechs either.
Excessive, plain guro violence that’s done purely for the sake of it
I don’t really like 1st person pov
Partner preferences:
I’m more comfortable with someone in the 17-21 age range.
Someone who is comfortable with m/m, f/f, queerness in general.
Please please please be wiling to work with me and throw ideas right back. I’ve been in a lot of rp’s where I’m the main one pushing the plot and providing obstacles and such to spice things up.
Can double/write multiple characters. i’m not talking like a whole cast but 2 would be just fine!
Have preexisting or developed oc’s. This would be nice but it’s optional.
Can match my content/writing for the most part? Don’t feel too pressured by length, as the saying goes quality over quantity. I feel like I’ve bugged partners in the past with how in depth I’ve gotten haha.
Please have a grasp on grammar and punctuation. Ofc we all make mistakes and nobody’s gonna penalize you for using the wrong ‘your’, but ya’ know.
Read everything and are interested? Please don’t start off w/ “Hey I liked your ad let’s rp”. An introduction and brief rundown of your preferences would be great. Plot ideas are even better. You can contact me at wellsd0ne on Skype, or [email protected]. Hope to hear from ya’.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
About Me:
My name’s Wells and I revolve around drawing, researching, shitposting, and writing. He/She/They works for me.  As heads up for anyone that may be uncomfortable, I turn 18 pretty soon and am starting college this fall. I’m seeking a couple of rp/writing partners to kick off the summer and school year. I’m not really in many fandoms, the only ones I like significantly enough to name being Mr. Robot, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pacific Rim, Sense8, Killjoys, and the 100 (though i haven’t watched past season 2 whoops).
7 years rp experience
I write 3rd person multi-paragraph exclusively. Warning: my replies can get pretty lengthy, especially my starters as I’ve got a habit of thoroughly establishing the scene as to make starting off for my partner simpler (I’ve gone up to 9 paragraphs once whoops).  
I’m able to double or rp multiple characters.
Timezone is EST.
I use Skype + GoogleDocs, and I won’t give out my email until we’ve decided on something.
I try to respond at least several times a day, and I’ll do my best to give you  a heads up if shit’s going on and I won’t be active for awhile. I value communication – don’t think we click/vibe? Hey man it happens. You aren’t feeling the direction/plot? It’s not fair if both of us aren’t digging it. I’d rather you don’t disappear out of the blue, heck even a simple “nah” will suffice.
Things are very likely to get hectic in August, so please be patient if replies aren’t as fast.
  RP Preferences:
I really really love plotting, character development, and worldbuilding!! Throw me your oc’s and their profiles. Hit me up with those AU’s and plots. I particularly like designing societies and imposing norms and rules (hint: they’re usually shitty/bizarre) and seeing how they affect the inhabitants/members. Though I can’t say I’m good at it yet, fictional politics and social issues + how they shape the characters are really fascinating and interesting for me.
Exploring characters, building relationships, and making them fight interact is so much fun. As far as plotting, I prefer establishing a setting and somewhat of a plot direction before doing anything. Something based off an existing movie/show/book is pretty fun too (etc. our oc’s taking the roles of the characters).
Lately I’ve been in the mood for some drama and strained relationships (my usage of the word isn’t limited to romantic!), as well as crime.
Historical (Greaser era, WWII)
Alpha/Beto/Omega Dynamics. I don’t think this is really a genre but? I dig this not so much for the smut aspect (though hey nothing wrong with that,,) but for the potential worldbuilding. A/B/O stuff is fascinating to me b/c I see a lot to work with~
Plot Ideas:
  Limits and nahs:
*For the most part, I’m not squeamish and have no triggers. I’m comfortable with vulgarity and casual sexual content and I’m down with exploring darker themes and harsh realities, especially if they’re being used to explore a character.
  I won’t do m/f. I don’t hate it, but I’ve had too many hard kink cliche smut seekers blowing up my DM as the slightest mention of tolerance towards it lmao, not to mention it’s typically boring and monotonous in dynamic from most of my experiences
RPing as real people (e.g. celebrities, youtubers).
Please don’t hit me up seeking smut. I’m not against it, but I’d rather do that sort of thing on my own terms with someone I’m comfortable with.
I don’t do that mpreg, pedophilia, scat, piss, mutilation – y’know the like – shit. No furries or mechs either.
Excessive, plain guro violence that’s done purely for the sake of it
I don’t really like 1st person pov
  Partner preferences:
I’m more comfortable with someone in the 17-21 age range.
Someone who is comfortable with m/m, f/f, queerness in general.
Please please please be wiling to work with me and come up with ideas yourself. I’ve been in a lot of rp’s where I’m the main one pushing the plot and providing obstacles and such to spice things up.
Can double/write multiple characters i’m not talking like a whole cast but 2 would be just fine!
Have preexisting or developed oc’s. This would be nice but it’s optional.
Can match my content/writing for the most part? Don’t feel too pressured by length, as the saying goes quality over quantity. I just I feel like I’ve bugged partners in the past with how in depth I’ve gotten haha.
Please have a decent grasp on grammar and punctuation. Ofc we all make mistakes and nobody’s gonna penalize you for using the wrong ‘your’, but ya’ know.
Read everything and are interested? Please don’t start off w/ “Hey I liked your ad let’s rp”. An introduction and brief rundown of your preferences would be great. Plot ideas/specific things you l mentioned that you really liked are even better. You can contact me @anakng-pating on here or wellsd0ne on Skype. Hope to hear from ya’.
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