#some of these are really fuking cool
nova-rpv · 1 month
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a redraw of the first drawing i posted here to celebrate the fact that ive been in tumblr for more than a whole year posting my shit and havent deleted my blog in panic yippee \:D/ (mushy rant in tags)
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iskandersmuts · 1 year
Diplomat's Party
Male Reader x Yuna
Tags: Smut, Yuna Smut, Sex, Blowjob, Creampie
My first attempt. I will be thankful with some feedback with anything.
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Breathe in. Breathe out.
You see the man on the mirror. That’s you inside the bathroom talking to yourself for gaining courage. “You can do it.” You say. “You did this for the last year.” Finally, you hide again in one of the bathroom’s cabinets. One more time breathe in and breathe out. Is just matter of endure this feeling three more hours.
You leave the bathroom and start counting the hours. Right now is nine o’clock. You can leave freely this party at midnight. As your boss always says “Your job at parties is like being a Cinderella. You arrive show the best you have and before the worst parts of you appear you leave. Nobody wants to know how cool or shitty you are when you are bored or even worse drunk. So no one of you, the diplomats, can show that side. Remember we are representing a country.” He is right we can’t show some parts of ourselves.
But these parties are actually a pain in the ass. The most of the people are here for work. They are not resting. They are not having fun. They are trying to get some confidential information that will help their own interest or the interest of their countries. Is like an international convention of ass lickers, brownosers or whatever you call it. They gather together and start talking about nonsense: “Did you hear about that African president lecturing Macron about colonialism?” or “Did you see what this Bukele did with the cryptocurrency?” You just can’t say. “Of course, dumbass you know that every ass licker here read the same Foreign Affairs subscription that you read.” You just say whatever thing they also know “Yeah and it seems that IOSCO now has a project bill for cryptocurrency.” And then the questions start. “Do you have any notices on the votes of the draft resolution of the injunction… and blah blah” Just things that nobody cares about. Two years ago, you pleaded your boss to let you assist to this kind of events. And now is your third time a week in these events. You would prefer getting a massage with hot stones in your balls right now. But not everything is bad. In this field: the diplomacy. You must be really lucky to find a friend. And you were really lucky, your honest friend is Diego an Argentinian diplomat.
In this party at Lotte Hotel Diego does a sign asking you to leave the building and go to the yard. Both of you get outside and start talking.
“Dude, did you hear the big news?” Says Diego.
“Diego if is a diplomat thing I really don’t want to talk about that right now.” You say with your voice showing boredom.
“No is not that kind of thing. You know me. I don’t like to talk about that stuff too. Is about the party of tonight.”
“What? Someone find out about those two gay diplomats that are in a relationship?” You ask.
Diego laughs. “No not that. Something interesting. Korea has changed the main event of tonight!”
“That means that I’m not going to hear the fat lady singing AGAIN the fucking Madame Butterfly.” You say.
“Yes. And also, as they were looking for something new. Moon Jae In used his trick up his sleeve and contracted a kpop group.”
“WAIT WHAT? WHO? TELL ME!” You say almost shouting.
“Is a girl group. JYP…”
“Fucking Twice is coming? Oh my god! Really?”
“No not Twice a bit younger.”
“NMIXX? But they have few songs!” You say complaining.
“Not that younger.”
“No. No. It’s for real. They are coming.”
You guessed correctly.
And now you are thinking: Finally, something good happened on these useless parties. And you are smiling in a weird way. You know is weird because Diego told you. And then you use your experience of these years to act the best you can. As a diplomat you can’t be a crazy fan even more as you are here actually “working”.  
The girls finally arrive. All guests are invited to gather and enjoy the show. Itzy is on the scene they greet everybody. You notice that they are not cheerful as they are in concerts of world tours. They are trying to be mature. They start with “Dalla Dalla”. You resist the urge of fanchant with the song. When they end nobody claps. For the awkward situation they start immediately another song. It happens the same nobody claps or even cheers.
This situation reminds you the footage of Red Velvet presenting at North Korea. The public were all quiet. This was the same. These boring diplomats don’t celebrate anything. Yeji as the leader announces that they are going to perform the last song. “Cheshire”. You want to fanchant so bad. But you can’t. They nailed the last song; the others were good too. But in this song, you see that they are trying their best as is their last song and till now they didn’t get any response from the public. When the song ends you don’t resist the urge and you start clapping. The people around you look at you as a weirdo. But then Diego joins you and other Koreans too. Then everybody is forced to do it. You look at them. All the girls are smiling. You keep clapping and you stand up.
“That was nice, girls” you shout.
This time just some of the other guests joins. And the rest of them just look at you and the others as weirdos.
This moment was definitively the most memorable. Because you see the girls looking at the few ones clapping while smiling. They finally thank everybody and leave the scenario.
You start walking around the party just remembering the faces of the girls when they saw you clapping. Their expressions. They are shocked at first. They look at you and then start smiling. It was a rough night for them. But you did the night a little bit easier for them.
Now just some minutes till midnight. You made your job and you saw Itzy you deserve a fucking drink. So, you start walking towards the bar.
“Look that old geezer is trying to dance” Says someone.
You notice that this is the voice of a woman.
You laugh.
Someone appears in front of you looks you directly inside the eyes and says. “Are you laughing at us?”
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You are caught off of guard. “No sorry I didn’t mean that. Is just that no one here uses that kind of word ‘old geezer’” You look at her face trying to know his name. “Omo. Sorry Chaeryeong-shi. I really didn’t mean to make fun of you.”
Chaeryeong looks at you. “Do you know my name? Finally, I thought nobody here knew who we are.” She pauses and continues. “And don’t worry I’m pretty sure that Ryujin-unnie doesn’t care if you laugh or not, right, unnie?”
“You are pretty damm right, Chae.” Says Ryujin. “Is just that the old geezer…” You start to laugh again while she continues. “looked really hilarious when he started dancing.”
You see that behind both, Ryujin and Chaeryeong, are the other members of the group. You are internally jumping so hard that maybe your head will hit the roof. But you try to keep your composure. “Nice to meet you all of you.” You look at your watch is just past midnight. Fuck it you are not “working” anymore. “I’m really a big fan of yours.”
The other girls gather around you when they see that you are talking with Ryujin. They stand up beside you. There it is Yuna with her scenary outfit.
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While you are looking at her you try to avoid looking at her chest. Or at least pretend that you are not doing it. She is using baggy pants. You wanted to look her legs too. That’s too bad. But you are lucky enough to look her perfect flat belly. When she sees you, she just smiles at you. The other girls as Yuna are wearing also an scenary outfit all of them have a blue or sky blue piece. But Yuna is the one that caught your eye.  
“You are not from here, right?” Asks Ryujin. Yeji gives a little slap on Ryujin’s arm. She is the leader indeed.
You are thinking. Thanks Ryujin. You saved me. I owe you one. It was getting weird because I was looking Yuna for too long.
“Yes yes. I’m not from here. I’m a diplomat assigned here at Korea, Ryujin-shi.”
“You are a diplomat?” Asks Lia. “I always thought that diplomats were old men.”
You answer. “Well the ones that appear on television they are. And maybe as they are the most known for the public you think that. But actually in my country if you do the right things. You can start as a diplomat at 23 years old.”
“Yeah you look kind of young. But here the most of them are old geezers.” Says Ryujin. You laugh. “I thought that the reason why nobody clapped was that they are old geezers. But maybe is because they do what you do.”
“Well. Yeah the most of the times the show is a snob thing. Like opera or traditional theather.”
Ryujin interrupts you. “What thing? What did you say?”
Yuna starts laughing. You answer Ryujin. “See your maknae here knows what I said. Yuna-shi would you mind explaining her?”
Yuna looks at you. Doubtful starts speaking. “Snob is like people that likes fancy things just because they want to be different. Right?” She looks at you.
You are melting. The eyes of your Itzy’s bias are looking right at you.
“Yeah… Is just like that, Yuna-shi.” You answer. “The people here like that kind of things. Kind of unique or least popular. The people around here think that the things that they are discussing are the most important things ever. They are so full of themselves.”
“And… You are here... So, you too?” Asks Yuna looking you again.
You smile. “I hope I don’t. Maybe I would be just like them if I answer that. How about you discover if I’m like them.” You look at Yuna.
In your head you ran the entire place 10 times. You are flirting with Itzy’s Yuna. You are nervous as fuck.
“We’ll see. Then.” Answers Yuna and grins.
Yeji looked what happened. Actually, the whole girl group watched you flirting with their maknae. Yeji stands between you and Yuna and starts shaking your hand. “You are the one that clapped for us, right? Let me thank you for that. We’d like to stay around but we actually just came here for a personal matter. We are going to the bar. It looks like you are about to leave this party, right?”
Her words weren’t even smooth. You were clearly kicked out. “Is that true? I see. Well, thank you for greeting me.” You say trying to sound as polite as you can. “Well maybe I should go…”
What you were saying is interrupted by Yuna holding Yeji’s arms with her hands. She starts pouting. “Unnie, please.”
Yeji’s answer is silence pretending Yuna said nothing. Yuna starts pouting again. “Yeji unnie, please. Besides he is a Midzy, right?” Yuna looks at you.
“Yeah. As I said I’m a big fan.” You add.
When Yeji says nothing again. And you think this is lost. Yuna uses his final technique her little kitten face. He is pleading looking directly at Yeji. Just as Pussy in boots in Shrek. You don’t receive fully the little kitten face but you see it by the side.
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Fuck. You are willing to give your house if she asks you doing that face. And you start wondering why the governments and international organizations spent so much money training people like you to end wars. When probably all they need is the Yuna’s little kitten face. Dam even if she asks Putin to end the war. Will he say no?
Yeji tries to avoid her face or maybe just look at the others trying to find an answer. Ryujin just shrugs like saying I don’t care. Lia and Chaeryeong that were looking Yuna’s little kitten face just nod. Yeji sighs and says. “Fine. He can come.”
“Yaaaaaay” says Yuna. She takes your arm and pulls you to start moving. Then she releases so you can follow them.
That expression that she just used was the bubbliest yet the most attractive you’ve ever seen. And she touched you. You can die right now. You start walking behind them. You just can’t help and you take a peek at their asses. Ryujin has a really bubbly ass. Chaeryeong has the largest one and seems like is not that soft because has muscles around. Lia has the softest one like you can sleep there. Yeji has a cute butt. And finally, Yuna has a bubbly cute ass. She is using baggy pants but her butt can be noticed trough them.
While walking Yuna turns lightly her head to you to ask you. “Hey Mr. Diplomat how old… are you?” She paused because she noticed you looking her ass. You were caught in fraganti so you just looked at her and smile. “Well mmmmm… I’m actually 25 years old. International age I mean.”
After you answer Yuna says something to Yeji. Yeji also turns her head to you. Look at you and nods to Yuna.
All of you finally arrive at the bar. Ryujin asks for champagne for everybody including you. She didn’t ask any of you. She just ordered. Yeji slaps her arm. “Ryujin yaaa. Why do you always do that?”
Ryujin answers. “It doesn’t matter. All of us were going to drink that anyway. Right?”
You see around and everybody is nodding. It seems that the dominant Ryujin you see trough tv screen is actually a dominant Ryujin in real life.
“Let’s make a toast. Raise your glasses” Says Yeji. And by looking at the girls and you she is ordering you to do it. Everybody raises their glasses. “Our schedule didn’t let us to celebrate properly the birthday of our beloved maknae. Yuna we all love you.” At the end of this sentence. You start nodding hard. Yeji got quiet and looks at you. All the girls look at you too and then laugh. You blush. “Anyway…” Yeji continues. “Apparently everyone gathered here LOVES you Yuna. Happy Birthday.”
The girls take turns to hug Yuna. First Yeji, then Ryujin. You notice that everyone gets closer and say a few words in Yuna’s ear. When is your turn you gather all the courage in your body and swallow the nervousness and try to look cool.  You hug her and whisper in her ear. “Is true indeed that everybody here loves you. Happy birthday. I wish you have a good time tonight.” She grins and whispers in your ear. “Well, you can help me to have a good time tonight.”
Shit. You think. I felt her chest during that hug. And now she says this I really can’t control my excitement.
And actually, you got hard down there. While you were hoping she didn’t notice it the hug ends and she looks down like looking for something.
It seems like she felt it.
Then the girls sited around the bar and ordered drinks. You took place beneath Yuna. She leaned on you.
“Oppa…” She says and you got surprised.
“Oppa?” You ask inmediately interrupting her.
“Yes you are older than me you are my oppa, right?” She questioned.
“Well yeah I can be your oppa if you want.”
“Nice. I want to ask you something. Can i?”
“Okay. But if is something that I can’t say because of my work please don’t use your little kitten face against me. I will give in and next thing will be that I’m fired.”
She laughs. “My what?”
“Ah I named your pleading face to Yeji-shi before as ‘little kitten face’”
“Because of Shrek?” She asks.
She gets me.
“Yeah. I just love that movie. But continue. Go ahead”
She continues “Anyway I’m not going to ask you something difficult, oppa. I just want to know what should I drink? I don’t have too much experience with that.”
“You are 19 now, right? What have you drinked before? and what did you like or not?”
“Well obviously soju. At first, I didn’t like it. But then I was into that. But tonight, I want something fancier.”
“You are lucky. As this is diplomat’s party. I think this bar has international beverage too. Have you heard about pisco?”
“What?! What is that?”
“Is alcohol is made from grapes: the green ones. And well is nice when you drink it with lemon and other stuff. The beverage is called pisco sour.”
“Well why not. Today I’m celebrating my birthday. If I pretend today is my birthday. This is my first time having 20 years. So today is the day of first times!”
“That’s the attitude!”
“Two pisco sours, please.” You ask to the bartender.
The bartender hands you two glasses. And you hand one to Yuna.  
She sips. “This is like lemonade, right? Just at the end I can taste some alcohol. Is not that strong.”
You nod. “So did you like it?”
“Yeah, kind of.” Answers, Yuna.
A couple of glasses later you and Yuna are talking.
“You know what?” You start “I think diplomat’s life and idol’s life have something in common.”
“Why do you think that?” Asks Yuna.
“Well, your life is kind of controlled by someone: your company. In my case the embassy. I’m living here in this country just to work. And also, our opinions can’t be radical. Do you remember that time where Tzuyu waved her flag? The… Taiwanese flag?” Yuna nods. You continue “She apologized then. That means that no idol can give political opinions, right? Well, I can’t neither. I can’t say Taiwan is a country or say what I think about any president or government out loud.”
“Well… Yeah, It makes sense. So, you can’t hang out at parties too?”
You are so into this subject. “Well, if something happens like a drunk fight or something like that. I’m fucked up. Because in the headline will appear ‘The diplomat of this country got drunk and…’”
Suddenly Ryujin hugs you from behind and asks you. “Hey, since when Yuna is your bias? Have you fapped to her photos?”
You blush and start stuttering. “I-I-I D-d-d-didn’t do that!”
Ryujin laughs. “Mr. diplomat knows how to be cute!” She pinches your cheek. Then she says looking at Yuna. “Hey if you don’t achieve nothing with him. I’ll ask his number.”
Yuna hit Ryujin’s arms. “Ryujin-yaaaaa.”
You look at Yuna. “Achieve something?” You ask.
Yuna blushes a little bit. “Well did you remember before when we were walking to the bar? When you were… mmmm… looking my ass?”
You almost spit the pisco sour. Ryujin laughs. “It seems like Mr. Diplomat likes to stare asses. Did you peak mine too?”
Fuck Ryujin is so straight when she talks. This can’t be a mess. You must apologize. You think.
“Ammm… I do. Sorry.” You apologize.
“So who has the best one?” Ryujin asks you.
This brat knows how to make you nervous.
“Y-y-y-yuna” You answer stuttering.
“Well, I give up, Yuna. Mr. Diplomat is in love with you. I don’t get him. Everybody’s favorite is my ass or Chae. I’m leaving it to you.” Ryujin says while walks out to join the other members.
“Really?” Asks Yuna looking at you.
“Yeah. You are my favorite in everything! My ultimate bias.” You shout.
Fuck. It seems I’m really drunk.
Yuna stares at you and doesn’t say anything.
You blew up. She probably isn’t looking for a fanboy. You shouldn’t have drunk too much.
But she caught your arm and walks with you. You just follow her. “What happened, Yuna?” You ask.
She looks at you and keeps walking. “Today is the day of first times.”
She is leading you to the bathroom. She enters and locks the door.
You are in disguise. What to do now is pretty obvious but is Yuna so you are doubtful.
Before you decide anything Yuna kisses you.
Fuck. Is the best kiss you ever had. So this is how it feels when you kiss someone you really really like. Is like an explosion. Like there was nothing and then a big bang.
The kiss breaks. “Did you like it?” Asks Yuna.
You don’t answer just kiss her again. The sensation is something different. Like you can be here forever. But the night was just starting.
Yuna starts touching your back while kissing you. Then your chest. Your neck. She stops. “You don’t want to touch me?” She looks directly in your eyes.
“No, no. Is not that. Is just I didn’t want to ruin the kiss.” You say.
“Oppa. You know what are we doing next, right? I know you are not so innocent!” She says. And starts kissing you again.
Now you touch her. Her neck, her back you go down. Her delicious ass is being groped by your hands. You lean her closer to you by pressing her butt.  
You start kissing her neck. “Yuna. You are so beautiful and cute. Your mouth, your face, your ass.” You press your hands in her butt harder. She just moans “Mmmmmm….” But then she speaks. “I can feel your dick poking my abs. Just like before when you hugged me.”
You press her butt stronger. So, she can feel it more. Then you lift her up by grabbing her legs and kiss her neck again. “Mmm… I want to see your tits, Yuna.” While being in the air she manages to take off her blouse. You see her lingerie and anxiously you start kissing around her tits. While she is trying to untie her bra. Finally, you receive in your view her heavenly boobs. Her nipples are totally pink and are like inviting you to suck them.
This is the best feast I’ve ever had.
You kiss and lick her tits while the only response from Yuna is “Mmmm.” When you left her legs touch the ground, she kisses you again and she kisses your neck this time. Now she is trying to get your formal shirt off. You start undressing yourself. She kisses your neck and starts going down till she is in front of your crotch. She is in her knees.
“Mmmm… I want to know if you are a big fan as you said.” She touches your crotch. And starts undressing your pants. Then she just puts down your boxers.
Your dick is hard as never was. When she puts down your boxers your cock jump off and slaps Yuna’s face. She looks at you and then stares your cock.
“It looks that you were right. You are the biggest”
Then she starts stroking. You just moan.
“I thought you said it was first times’ day.”
“Yes oppa. This is my first time with a foreign guy and my first time sucking cock big like yours”
She starts licking the tip of your cock.
“Oppa I’m starting to doubt if this can fit in my mouth.”
“Let’s find out.” You say. She nods and starts putting it in her mouth.
First the tip and then she tries to push deeper. Her mouth is full but there is plenty of dick left. She starts moving. You can’t deny that you had better heads before. But… She looks at you while sucking you. Then you are aware again that the one sucking you off is Itzy’s Yuna. So, you start to feel better. Fuck you could say that you are even about to cum. You caught her head with your hands and start pushing.
“Fuck Yuna. I can feel your throat!”
She just says “Mmmm mmmm” as she can’t talk.
“I’m going to cum. Fuck. Fuck.”
You start cumming and you relax the grip on her head. And she frees. Some of the cum goes in her face.
“Mmmm… You are rough, oppa. I like that.” She picks some toilet paper of the bathroom to clean her face. “But you know what this is only starting. I want that big thing inside me now.”
She starts unbuckling her pants and puts it down and also her underwear at the same time. She has a shaved cute pussy and is already wet.
“Oppa, fuck me.” She says and then she bends and you have a total view of her ass. That beloved ass.
“You want me to fuck you?” You spank her.
“Aah. Yes, oppa. Fuck me with your cock!”
You grin and start to play with your dick around her pussy. “Oppa, just fuck me already!” She says.
You put your cock inside her. And you feel tightness. You haven’t feel something like this before. “Yuna you are so tight!” You say. And try to go deeper. “Fuck Yuna really I’m not lying you are too tight!”
“Mmmm… No oppa is just that you are too big. Just keep going. Mmmm…”
You start going deeper in a slow pace. Finally, you get to get your full dick inside. Yuna is moaning already. “Yuna, prepare yourself”
“Whaaaaaaa… aaah… mmm… mmm” She starts moaning. You are slamming her in a rapid pace. And then she says “Cumming aaaah” You don’t slow down. And then she shouts again moaning again but this time her legs start to shake. But you don’t slow down.
Fuck you’ d love to see Yuna’s cumming face. But right now in exchange you have a full view of her cute butt and her pussy while your cock enters and disappears. She is moaning so hard.
“Aaaaah… Oppa. I love how you fuck me. You are really deep into me.” She says.
And is true is almost like your tip is kissing her womb. This tightness is almost like her walls are never letting you go. Like their insides are sucking you up. Is this heaven? The pleasure right now is out of this world.
While dreaming off, it happens you cum inside her. Fuck you really fast up the pace because now you are out of breath. Yuna stands up looks at you smiles and kisses you. “That was one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had. And really orgasms because it happened multiple times” Yuna says. “You are special and fuck you cummed so much”. At the moment white liquid starts to drip from her crotch.
Suddenly the door sounds. There are lots of knock knock and then a voice: “Yuna we need to leave now. They found out about the manager bribed. We will be waiting for you on the car outside.”
You look to Yuna. And she starts explaining. “Have you heard anytime about Itzy joining a party where they were having a show. Or have happened ever that the last entertainment show joins the party in your diplomat events?”
“Well… Being honest I never heard of that. And that never happened. I don’t remember that the fat lady singer ever joined the party after her show.”
“Yeah. That’s what’s normal. But we bribed our manager to tell JYP we were already at the dorm and we sneaked into the party.”
“So you weren’t invited to the party? And wait did you lie to Jyp?” You ask.
While this conversation was made Yuna started dressing up. As you see it you start looking for your clothes too.
Yuna answers “Yeah, that’s why we were just in the bar. I mean we didn’t want to catch too much attention. And also, we were with our stage clothes if we were invited, we probably were wearing some fancy dresses or something like that. And yeah, we lied to Jyp. He is nice but sometimes he is just a pain in the ass. You know if it was for him, I’ll be virgin even now.”
“Well yeah if you had gone to the main saloon, you probably had caught more attention. Then I must be really thankful for that bribe because if that wasn’t happened, this wasn’t happened.”
“Yes, oppa. And also, is thanks to Yeji. When you looked my ass, I was asking Yeji if I can be with you and she nodded. But sadly, I must say bye now. I really want to have another meeting with you and that big thing of yours.” She kisses you and continues. “and maybe we can try other things. You know Ryujin says that anal sex is way better than normal sex. But I don’t know maybe I need to experience it by first hand.” She hands you a piece of paper.
“Is your number?” You ask like pleading.
“Aww you can be a cutie pie too. Yes, it is. I must be going. Is better if I leave alone. Wait inside here and after a couple minutes leave. Ok?” She says.
“Yes. I’ll be expecting our next meeting.”
“Me too.” She kisses you and then leaves the bathroom.
That actually happened. You think. I had sex with my ultimate bias.
And now you remember all the things the view of her precious ass. Her eyes while she was sucking you off. The taste of her lips. Her essence. Her ass in your palms. Her surprised eyes when she saw your cock. The sensation of his tongue in your cock and her throat.
The sound of your phone wakes you up. Some text messages.
“Hey Oppa is Yuna. It seems like you weren’t the only diplomat getting fun. Ryujin also had fun with an argentinian diplomat. And he knows you, so the girls and I got his number and yours. Let’s have another meeting soon”
You smile. What is even better that you fucking your bias from Itzy is that your friend could do it too and maybe he even had anal sex with Ryujin. It seems that this kind of parties are not so bad.
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poltergeist-coffee · 9 months
I am officially dead
But here I am again:D
Not much to say because my mind is kinda fried
I mean, I'm not really surprised, it's Roier, this is exactly the type of random thing you should expect from him, but how did it happen???
Roier is one of the funniest people ever, I can't with that voice changer
My cubito/streamer is back:D
Look, I'm not saying Pac is my favorite character/streamer but... I mean, if he was, Mike would be too because it's Pac and Mike
I would draw him if it wasn't almost midnight and I was less dead and I didn't have to wake up early in the morning and hadn't I started at lesst 4 four drawings I didn't finish, but yeah, I will do it eventually:D
Cellbit and Baguera went full kill mode a few days ago, apparently
Good for them:D
We almost got a hideduo date, but of course, Pac had to be kidnapped:D
I love how those cyclopes workers kidnapped Tubbo and Pac, and then there was Etoiles. Who was bullying them
Etoiles is simply amazing
And then they went to Forever, saying, " we got you in an ultimatum" and he put one of them in jail
That's my president:D
Also, I want to say that Pepito is my child now, Pepito is literally a baby, and I love Pepito very much
And I've seen some posts of Chayanne and Forever interacting recently and... I love them, Chayanne beloved
We don't have guapoduo, nor hideduo, or pacmanduo, or frubbo, or teaduo
But apparently, we got sugarduo, so I guess it is the price to pay
Anyway, I hope everything is okay with you and that you have a happy holiday:D
If have anything to say about your aus or any other thoughts, please tell me, I'll be happy to hear
Hope you have a good day/night!
- 🍽
roier gave us the most liek 5 minutes heartbreaking acting and serious lore and then turned into a fucking rat so he could be silly and crazy asdkjnvsajnakj
me too king TT i keep starting drawings and then forget to finish them TT the amount of unfinished drawings i have is unreal but i want to do them all TT currently im drawing a lot of qpac and qetoiles hehe :3c its for a racing/formula 1 au ^-^
im worried about qforever ;-;; he tweeted something not too long ago about his cubito and a stream tomorrow like im so worried ;-;
YAA IM SO HAPPY RMAON AND SUMMY ARE FRIENDS :')) sunny has had such a hard time making friends and feels like none of the otehr islanders or eggs (besides pepito and empanada) like them so im so glad ramon likes her TT its so cute seeing her hang out with ramon and fit like aaah theyre so cute
yaaa i hope everything is going well for you too king :")) its lovely to see a little message from you ^-^ happy holidays!!! i hope you get some rest and everything <33
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todaywetackle · 1 year
The Dreamer's Exchange is real conspiracy theory! Just a quick disclaimer, this is based off the book! Not the movie!!!!! Don’t let this scare you away from the movie! But like imagine if Percy Jackson was fuking real? How cool would that be!? The difference is that here? It actually is!? Allow me to explain...
Okay so if you're familiar with Dionysus Frost’s work you'll know Raven Regler is a made up character he uses a lot. He uses her in a few of his short stories and also on his blog… also I doubt a purple haired daughter of Anansi the spider exists while it still wouldn't be the weirdest shit to come out of the Dreamers Exchange given her use in other stories I think she’s fake. 
While I won't deny that some elements of The Dreamers Exchange are probably altered to protect the identities of the people involved or just made up entirely such as Raven Regler she's definitely a fabricated element to distance Dionysus Frost from the real life implications of the story! Or worse maybe she is real! She's described in the story as a muse who basically is invoked to ghost write shit so who the fuck knows!? Alot of the other magic is very realistic but we’ll get to that.
Raven is our story teller! Her personality is sprinkled throughout the book. She totally gives commentary on shit. She opens the story by saying it's a very true account! Also she gathers details supposedly by people who knew the "real life Jake Caloway" and in universe had to change the names to "protect the identities" of those involved! Why would this be in here if the story was false? I get that it's immersive or whatever but combined with other details in this theory, that we'll go over, it makes it sound like it's Frost trying to signal secretly to us, that something is secretly true about what he is writing.
Next is the magic in the book. The Dreamer;s Exchange again we're talking book here, has some pretty unbelievable shit in it! That's fine, it's a fantasy story! But the magic in the book closely mirrors real world practices in witchcraft and pagan communities and I can tell you this because I your lovlie Fear am apart of said communities!
The magic is what I would deem "very realistic" it name drops real practices and paths like the "left handed path" "god spousing" "deity work" and more of that shit that just wouldn't be in the book by an author who was an outsider or didn't do fuking years of research. It also gets aspects dead right, which is weird and advanced and is hard for someone new or just researching to idk know about. It’s really dedicated writing, or like in the story- Raven Regler or Dionysus Frost really did know people who knew Jake Caloway and they gave him these details! Or even Jake himself! If you look at the reviews I am not the only one who thinks this or who has noticed it!
[include reviews here]
Next on the pagan thing, the gods tend to well...act like the gods! At least according to what I've noticed anyways as a practicing pagan.. it's just very noticeable to me it reads like a very very real account! I can't say how accurate it is…because while I don't really believe Dionysus is Jake Calloway or anything I believe he certainly KNOWS present tense Jake Calloway and they are still in contact today but I'll get to that.
Next up is the ending. The ending to the book is very very fuking meta. It’s very different from the movie. It has Jake Calloway ready to tell his story, at a writers and painters meet up. Because the fact that Jake does painting is a thing in the book. There he meets the author of the book Dionysus Frost and Raven the fictional story teller, and while it's true this could be totally 100 % made up, for this story it feels just wild and weird to just idk throw this in there. I've followed Frost’s blog for a long long time. It’s actually how I found out about the book.
I’ve dug through it. I personally know that his drabbles can get a little meta. But this specific detail again feels like a little thrown in tip, a nod to us pagans who can see through the bullshit to go "hey so this is how it happened" "this is how it's real". Basically saying “this is how I met him”! Even if it’s not actually how they met, which I do have doubts on, which this post isn’t the place for, its a clue for the audience, that its real, and it’s in here to signal to us that this is a very real account.
I get not believing that The Dreamers Exchange is real. It's a fuking brutal story with a load of bullshit and weird ethnic subtext. It's a fantasy novel that's about gods and demons and magic! It's supposed to be read as fiction. If it is real it probably omits a lot of stuff, because well it would have to! But even if it's not perfect I do believe that it is truly and utterly someone's real life that we are reading about here! Also Jake Calloway total trans babe but that's just my head canon and I will be doing another fantheory on that.
Next up. The evidence. The dreamers exchange was originally posted to watt pad for free as Dionysus Frost was writing it, under this description. 
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Photo taken from digging through Dionysus's old Twitter. Here’s the tweet I stole it from. Obviously the book is for sale and no longer available under that cover or on wattpad...to my knowledge. But here's the weird thing. When he was promoting it on twitter he made some…..suspicious tweets...that imply he may have known or knew people who knew Jake Calloway! Which let's be real guys isn't his real name! 
If you’ve read the book, you’ll see that opener, about the whole “I have to change the names to protect the victims involved thing”. The way Dionysus talks about it, it's like he knew Jake as Jake was suffering and struggling and going through his journey and bullshit just read these and don't tell me they sound suspicious!
Back then, Dionysus had no followers I'm guessing anyways, so he wasn't exactly well known. These stories of his weren't best sellers or movie bait. But like dam am I right? Real life bullshit! 
Also another thing! Dionysus posted the ending around- March 11’th 2021. The ending was slightly altered and changed in the final thing. But you can still find it in its original context on his blog if you go digging. Here’s a link.
The ending as he originally wrote it, kind of aligns with Dionysus’s real life at the time! He explains that he had one book out which he did! He explains that it wasn’t selling well and had no reviews! Which it didn’t! 
This seems like it was plucked right as shit was happening for Dionysus so Jake’s adventure was summed up, going to be summed up or Jake was in the process of telling Dionysus his story! If we take into account that Dionysus probably still knows Jake Caloway and started posting this work around 2021, given the dates here, it becomes increasingly clear that this is a real story, of someone he knew that he is recalling for us.
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Next up is THAT PATREON POST. Once again Dionysus Frost, made his first ever patreon on March 12, 2021. On it, my friend who’s subscribed unlocked the post for me, and this is what the post said. While he denies the story is real (Like anyone trying to keep a secret would fuking do) he makes some important notes that are really really suspicious about knowing the real life Jake Caloway.
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I can’t get into it, and I don’t have the full thing anymore because I don’t use Patreon but if you’re curious here is the post:
So what do we do with this information? We know now that at least as far as we know- Jake Caloway was a real fuking person who really went on this adventure and saw these things and met these gods, and “is a god” or aspects of one and met these people. In the story, it says he wants to tell others about it, but wants it told “AS FICTION” because nobody will believe him! That’s a huge nod to us who can see through this and see what Dionysus is doing and going “huh okay so that’s a dog whistle!” 
If you’ve only seen the movie you might be surprised by a lot of things in the book. The movie is very faithful but regarding how it portrays the magic it makes it much more “fantastical” I guess. It portrays the magic and in the book it’s more like an invisible sort of thing that you feel. The movie makes the magic look like I don’t know- actual magic! 
I guess we have a choice on our hands. To believe it, or to think it’s some sort of bullshit. Just because someone who claims to be Jake Caloway claimed that all of this happened to him, or his friends told Dioynsus Frost all these details that Jake told them (the book has really in depth convos in some places) doesn’t mean that it really did. He could be completely crazy! It’s like the Odyssey. That’s supposedly “also” a true story. Which I also believe for the record.
Do you really believe in magic enough to believe that Jake Caloway saw the things he did, and met the gods he did? Went on the adventures that he did? I don’t know. I believe it. But I’m also a witch, and a conspiracy theorist. I mean my name is fuking Fear. So that’s my theory. Please repost it and share it around. But credit me and link back here! I really really want to hear the fandoms hot takes on this. 
Because, if Jake Caloway is real. What the actual fuck?
Sincerely, your lovely fan theorist Fear.
0 notes
Imma let this out, let this rest forever here. Time to take out some feelings from my heart and dump it on Tumblr
So, to my fucking neighborhood-
Hi, Hi you gorgeous bastards who have me feeling so insecure every day and night and made me feel inferior cause why not (wtf am I doing lmao)
anyways yes, um to the girls, hey just fucking look in the mirror and try to think about wtf are you doing in your life. Life ain't about girling over boys, fighting hours over petty things, and being superior in every way. Sometimes just fucking go along the flow and be a fucking strong girl and rise up to the fucking boys UFCK YOU BASTARDS FOR BRINGING DOWN THE STANDARDS OF GIRLS IN THIS SOCIETY
Just stop being stuck up, and start making friends uk will last, and please start giving shit to people who care about you. you can't just leave years-long friendships for boys. and school and stuff. And just please stop being so inferior when it comes to boys. Just fuking show them you can rule the world too.
To the boys,
ah how much I wished I could fit in with you. Not because of romantic interests but this fucking girl is a fukcing boy in her heart and wants to do as much bakchodi as you guys do. You know how to play the best football, conquer the basketball ground you do everything nice and hey it's not your fault it's just, your superiority hurts me. Idk if it's a lack on our part or just the fucking way it is. You clearly have a much more fantastic friendship than I have ever had, and trust me I try to find girls who will be chill but idk what goes wrong.
I am fucking full of jealousy of you guys. just. fuck. ik your life ain't perfect and being good in the group barely makes up, but Jesus I am jealous and that's that.
And to everyone including myself,
I just wanted to fit in with you all. Somewhere along those "how to be cool in your neighborhood-
wear cool clothes
have a cool cycle
be cool with boys
be good in football
speak against bullies "
lists and those intense horrific moments of pure horror when i either stumbled into the bully leader of the girl's group and made her fucking hurt her knee and everyone blamed me, and the fact that i still remember her whispering to her sidekick's ears "don't let her win" to those moments when my crush passed me a football and it went through my legs 3 times and the entire playground stared at my stupidity, to that guy who ghosted me after one of the most amazing walks of my life, to those guys i have had crushes on but ik i would never ever get the confidence to talk to or send an Instagram request to but i really really really hoped we could be friends/two people in love?, to everyone whom i hate but i deeply wished would be my friend,
somewhere along the lines, that little wannabe girl has stopped trying to fit in.
Lonely walks by myself, to the extent that I go late at night to those creepy old parks where nobody of you hangs out and I try to make myself happy by feeling complete with myself, to the extent that I walk the same way so you all notice me going to my creepy old parks but be aware that i still exist, the fact that if you see me talking to myself on the road it's just another dumb way i think i can entertain myself,
and ik ik i am not perfect, ik some of you are way better than me, and ik i myself want to be superior in every situation, but just, we could have made this so much better. I feel like an outcast because hey maybe i was one, to begin with. But we could have been something much better and not the way we are. We were children with egos in the playground. That's not how it begins.
You are children with just pure love and hatred for each other you don't judge each other's outfits you don't do anything that makes the other feel like getting lost, you are just dumb dumb dumb kids playing in the ground, begging their moms and dads for just a few more minutes. You fight but then the next day arrives and you still go to each other's house to call out to each other, do katti abba, and solve it. Some fights last but hey that's fun.
We didn't begin on that. We just were lost in our own alter egos and i just wish we could begin again. The only times I will see you now is on my lonely evening walks that too maybe just a needy glance from the corner of my eye, or maybe on festivals chatting among yourselves forming the groups and divisions we always had.
i wish we grew up in a better way. and i wish i didn't curse myself for being uncool, for not being confident enough for being just everything for not fitting in with you guys.
My evening walks exist for you guys seeing me walk by.
And that's why I wrote this fucking long but meant to be since 7 years thing. I want to stop those evening walks if they are just for your sake. I want to grow up, and come back to my home during my college vacations and not think about how you are doing and whether I topped you all or I lost again. I just don't want to give a fuck who dates whom who fucks whom and if my crush likes me back.
I want to leave this part behind. So I am.
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audrawrites · 3 years
Hating You Never Felt so Good
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PAIRING: Elliot stabler/F!Reader 
WARNINGS: rough sex, oral sex(F receiving), degradation, spit kink, slight choking, unprotected sex, orgasm delay/denial
SUMMARY: you and Elliot hated each other, and yet you were forced to work together on an undercover assignment. One day when you do something he doesn't like, you two get into an argument, one thing leads to another and...
WC: 1443
Elliot stabler had the unusual ability to constantly piss you off beyond words. He could be a selfish asshole, a fuking dipshit, or whatever other creative nickname you could come up with at the time. The nature of your work entailed that you had to spend a lot of time with him, meaning you were prone to storming out of the room in a huff of anger almost daily.
The two of you were in the middle of an extensive undercover operation in a boring suburban town, working hard to bust a crime ring operating nearby. You had just come back to your cookie cutter house where Elliot was surely waiting inside, angry. You had taken a leap of faith and done something without talking to him first. Even though you were right, you knew he would be angry with you for not consulting him.
“Elliot, just listen to me,” you screeched, waving your hands frantically. When you got home you found him holed up in his room, barely keeping a calm demeanor.
“No. You put this whole thing at risk,” he was pointing his finger in your face, something that always aggravated you beyond measure.
“But I was right, Elliot! When are you gonna learn to fucking trust me?”
“Maybe when you learn some goddamn decency,” he growled.
“You know what? Fuck you.” You started to walk away, huffing exaggeratedly.
“Don’t just walk away.” He grabbed your arm firmly pulling you back into the room. Your blood was boiling, your heart racing.
“Or what?” You were looking up into his eyes, dark with anger and…something else.
Before you even knew what you were doing, your lips were on hiss in a bruising kiss. You hated him, and yet you wanted nothing more than to have all of  him right then and there. His hands were gripping your hips, pushing you hard against the wall.
“Is this what you wanted? Huh?” His voice was gruff and breathy from the kiss.
“Don’t act like you haven’t thought about this a hundred times.”
“Someone’s cocky,” he teased. You found his lips again, nipping at his bottom lip.
He pulled at your shirt, barely exerting any effort in ripping it open, causing buttons to fly everywhere. You tugged at the hem of his shirt and he got the message, pulling it over his head in one swift motion exposing his perfectly toned upper body and the silver cross chain he always wore.
“This doesn’t change the fact that I still think you’re a dick,” you breathed out.
He shoved you back against the wall by your shoulders this time and brought his face close to yours. “Oh yeah? Or do you just want mine?”  when you turned your ear to the side to roll your eyes,  he grabbed your jaw and turned your face towards him. “You could really learn some fuckin respect.” He let go of you and took a step back.
“Me?” You chuckled dryly. Unbelievable, that he of all people would preach to you about learning respect.
“Ohh, I’ll teach ya,” he stalked towards you until your calves hit the foot of the bed and you fell backwards onto the cool covers.
You didn't fall hard, but you were breathless nonetheless. He towered over you, harshly tugging your jeans and underwear off. He grabbed both of your wrists in one of his hands, positioned them above your head, and instructed you not to move. His eyes raked over your body, sending shivers down your spine at the dark intensity of his gaze. You were speechless watching him, all witty remarks were temporarily gone from your brain. He chuckled darkly and locked eyes with you before spitting on your bared cunt with incredible precision. He knelt down between your legs to suck off the mess he made, and immediately began to devour you. His hands were firmly on your thighs while his expert tongue worked its magic, casting a spell over you. The scratch of his beard was adding just enough extra stimulation to bring you to the edge faster than you care to admit. There was no doubt that Elliot felt you getting closer and closer, and he pulled back at just the right time.
“Wh- Elliot,” you whined. He looked up at you with mischief in his eyes, his face glistening with your arousal.
“Do you really think a disrespectful bitch like you deserves to finish?” He sucked his teeth and shook his head  disapprovingly. “I’m gonna bring you to the edge over and over and not let you cum until you can promise to be a good girl for me.” His display of dominance turned you on beyond words,  
He kept true to his word. The third time around he added his fingers to the mix, making things even more intense for you. Your hands were still above your head, and you grasped uselessly at the cloth of the duvet with every pump of his fingers and flick of his tongue. You were positively on fire, and you knew that he was reveling in prolonging your release, willing you to submit to him. You wouldn’t give in so easily, though.
“You know I can do this all night, sweetheart,” he said to you after bringing you to the edge for the fourth time. You were exhausted, but you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction.
“Well I wouldn’t wanna lay here all night dealing with your mediocre pussy eating skills anyways.” You smirked at his shocked expression, greatly enjoying pushing his buttons and hoping you would get your way. Of course you just told a lie- he was magnificent, but you’d never admit that to him. “Maybe,” you propped yourself up on your elbows, dragging the word out, “you can have a chance at redeeming yourself if you think you can fuck me properly.” you raised your eyebrows to taunt him further.
“Do you really think you can win this? Huh? I know I’m a good fuck.”
“Well look who’s being cocky now.” you turned around and bared yourself to him, arching your back and slightly swaying your hips. “I bet I could take care of myself just as easily as you could. Care to prove me wrong?” one of your hands found its way between your thighs, and you knew that he wouldn't be able to resist.
“For sucks sake.” you heard the metal clinking of his belt and the shifting of fabric as he undressed the rest of the way. Within seconds you feel the warmth of his body behind you and one of his hands comes down to grip your waist tightly while his other hand positions his cock at your entrance.
“I promise you won’t even know your own name by the time I’m done with you,” he said as he pushed fully into you. You both let out deep groans at the contact you’d been wanting so badly.
“I hope I’m not disappointed,” you breathed out as he started to pick up his pace. You could already feel that you wouldn’t be lasting long, not with all of the prior stimulation he had provided.
Elliot was not holding back whatsoever. Aside from the sound of skin slapping skin as he fucked you into oblivion, the room was filled with his grunts and groans and your panting breaths as you both worked to reach your climax. His short and hard thrusts were hitting just the right spot inside you, making you see stars. You felt like you were floating. All that left your mouth were strings of curses and Elliot's name all of which were muffled by the covers.
“See? What’d I tell ya,” he pulled your head up by your hair so he could hear you. He wrapped his hand around your throat to pull your body back closer towards him, slowing his thrusts.
“I need to cum, god, don’t stop,” you gasped out, throwing your head back against his shoulder as he started to rub your clit in tight circles in time with his thrusts.
His pace picked up, his hand squeezed tighter around your throat, and before you knew it, you were cumming hard around him to the point of nearly blacking out. When you were done he dropped you back onto the bed to finish himself. He thrust into you a few more times before he pulled out and spilled over your ass with a deep groan.
“I think this is how we should work things out, from now on.” you joked, as we went into the bathroom to get a washcloth to clean himself and the mess he made on you.
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spideyswebhead · 3 years
The Woman Behind The Bar | Like, Like
Pairing | Connor x F!Reader
Summary |  A series of one-shot’s of Connor getting with the woman serving Hank at a new human/android bar that had opened. He learns what it means to like someone.
Word Count | 1.3K (I apologize how short this one is compared to the first part!)
Tagging | Fluff, complicated android feelings, shit man I dunno.
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[ Gif by @arsuf​ ]
As the weeks went by since that first day with (Y/N), Connor was finding himself talking with her more and more, hearing about her day every night when she would come back from Hometown Blues, he appreciated them the most when he worked late nights at the station, only a sparse amount of people in the station so Connor was by himself. He never realized how lonely he felt on those nights until he would get that first message. @.xxxx messaged you
He was surprised for a moment when he saw the notification and then looked at the time, before he made the connection with her late schedule.
‘omg i can’t wait to get to bed 😪’
‘Are you okay?’
‘im fine! just a really bsy day pretty sure i cant make another drink’
‘That sounds exhausting.’
‘you wouldn’t believe 🥲 so many humans and androids and my boss hasn’t fuking hired any help yet’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘it’s cool what are you doing up? you’re not usually up at ths hour.’
Connor looked at the time. 2 AM.
‘Looking over case files. I decided to stay late to read them over while the Lieutenant sleeps.’
‘that sounds lonely’
Connor was surprised to read that, was it lonely he was here? There were other people but nobody would interrupt him other then if the janitor needed to empty his garbage can at his desk (which was always empty so he really didn’t know why they continued to ask), but Connor was okay with the silence, he was able to work and get them closer to solving which case they were working on currently. He guessed it was kind of lonely.
‘It’s not bad. I like the silence. I can work while Lieutenant sleeps’
‘i can respect that but i would visit to keep you company if i wan’t so beat up from these long nights’
His chest made a weird fluttery feeling at the thought of this woman keeping him company. Nobody has ever ‘kept him company’ before, maybe Hank when he sat in the room with Connor before, or Sumo when the dog would lay on his feet. But he wasn’t sure that counted. He wondered if she would get bored as he just scanned through files, or keep this light and talk with him as he read through. And he could see her more since these past couple weeks neither of them have been able to find time.
Since the dog park neither of them have found the time to hang out like they planned, get her dog exposed to other dogs and play with Sumo, Connor consumed by his work and (Y/N) consumed by her own work with crazy hours from her manager. The bar had gotten more popular over the weeks since it got some traction on some website that reviewed it. He remembers how excited she was on being interviewed and getting her photo taken, she had immediately sent him the link to the interview, there was a picture of her wiping down the counter, the android couldn’t help but save the photo. 
He was finding himself feeling bad for the woman whenever she would text him at such odd hours as she talked about her day and how overworked she was. He wondered if there was anything he could do to help with the hiring process.
‘i’m looking forward to finally having a day off finally rest up for real maybe we could finally hang out again? ☺️’
Connor’s chest tightened and he immediately stopped looking at the files, reading her message 5 times. ‘Maybe we could finally hang out again?’ He didn’t know why reading that was causing such a reaction in the android. Excitement? Is that what he was feeling?
‘I would love that.’
“Do you like this girl?” Hank asks the android one afternoon, swallowing the large bite he took of his burger. It was a week after that night he had the late night text with (Y/N), the following late work nights continued to have those text message chats. Thinking about those questions (Y/N) was asking him while half asleep. (“Do you wonder if penguins are jealous of other birds flying.” “(Y/N), please go to bed”) “I haven’t seen you smile like this...ever.” Hank adds, seeing he got his partner’s attention.
“I mean, I like talking with them.”
“But do you like them?” Hank has never seen Connor act like this ever, even when he would be messaging or speaking with his android friends through their mind. Never this smiley or as distracted with them.
Connor stared at him with a blank stare, trying to process what Hank was trying to ask him. Of course he liked (Y/N), he liked talking with her, he enjoyed her company when he would visit the bar she worked at, and he enjoyed these obscure questions she would randomly text him. Some of them were dog related but some of them he would need to re-read again to make sure he read it correctly.  Hank looked at the android as he just stared at him and just shook his head, returning to his burger mumbling “Nevermind…”
“What does it mean to like someone?” Connor found himself asking (Y/N) when they finally found the time to schedule another dog play date, watching Zeus run around Sumo. They were sitting at the same bench they occupied the last time they hung out here at the dog park. (Y/N) looked surprised at the question, looking away as she had a thoughtful look on her face, quiet. Connor could see her trying to process it and figure out an answer for him. He found himself feeling worried suddenly, as if he asked a wrong question and made things uncomfortable. The lieutenant points out he does frequently. “I’m sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?”
“What? Oh, no!” She says to him, giving a reassuring smile. “It’s a hard question, cause it’s different for everyone so there’s no single answer.”
“What does it mean to you?”
“To like someone?” She says and he nods. “I guess… I know when I realize I like being around the person, they… make me feel safe and I can be myself around them.”
“So it’s a feeling of security and trust between two people?” He asks, she shrugs and leans back in the seat, looking up to the android with a curious look on her face.
“Yeah, I guess so. Why?”
“Lieutenant asked me if I liked you, but I couldn’t figure out what he meant by that.” He tells her, seeing a small smile grow more on her face.. “Didn’t seem satisfied when I didn’t have an answer.”
“Well, do you know how you feel now?”
Connor sat there for a second and searched his feelings, he was still so uncertain what certain feelings were and how to identify them. Sometimes just experiencing them and not having any answer why he was reacting in such a way, Hank could be helpful in those times, able to identify the feeling after Connor described it, or just sitting with Connor as he processed through it all if neither of them knew. It was all overwhelming at times. But this time he wasn’t finding as much trouble as he thought he would. “I like you, I have all those feelings of security and like I can be myself when I’m with you, or when we message each other at the end of the day.”
A wide grin grew on (Y/N) face after hearing those words, a new glow on her face and Connor couldn’t help but return with an awkward smile. He still wasn’t so used to smiling so much. “I’m glad, I like you too.”
“So does that mean we’re friends?” He asks, “if we like each other that is usually an indicator of friendship.”
“Yeah, we are.”
Connor felt his thirium pump flutter and dance happily at those three words. I have a friend. He thought, a real one I made myself.
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cakeslildumpster · 2 years
Here is part 1 of my mad ramblings. This one actually relates back to a previous ask of mine, the one about Vanessa getting a new job.
My idea is based on my interpretation that the Vanessa we see in Security breach isn't really her, it's Vanny controlling her. Vanessa's consciousness is there, but all that she can do is just watch, like viewing your own life through an old television.
So after the 3 star "I want more animations of this" ending, Vanessa would be left with a job that requires skills that "she" technically never had. She can't just pull up Vannys memories (which i have her being able to do because extra pain:D) because the memories of how to do that job are suspiciously gone, almost as if they were taken by Vanny just before she "left" as a final "fuck you" to Vanessa.
So now all Vanessa has left are her own memories of watching herself push random buttons that do random things.  It would be like trying to learn how to fly a plane solely by watching someone else do it.
Vanessa also realizes that she'd have to still assist lost children after hours, a thought that truly scares her. It's not because she doesn't like children, no. In fact I believe Vanessa used to work really well with children due to her old position as a video game tester/coder.
So she would put in her 2 weeks notice, but not before working out some special deal with the plex that allows her and Greg the gremlin of chaos to visit the pizzaplex whenever they want and for any length of time.
As for what job she would try and go back to? Beta testing and coding. She was evidently very good at it based on those cut AR emails. It might sound like tempting fate, but I think that Vanessa would be a heck of a lot more careful this time if she was put back on the vr project. That assumes that the project is still even active.
Ooooh~ alr yeah i like this one alot. Interesting to think that it was Vanny throughout the whole thing, even if it was the security guard role. Can also maybe explain Gregory's distrust in her a tad bit
Also damn, Vanny really do be fuking up Vanessa's life XD
That is a huge middle finger to her
But I like the outcome of it. And the idea of them visiting the plex, but not for work. Its to visiting Freddy right? Either way love the concept
And he going back into what she does best, also really cool. And yeah, obviously she would have to be more carful now, but that also makes it that she can make sure another Vanny situation is never caused again
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skloomdumpster · 3 years
Little writing prompt bc why not: Bloom asks Sky if she wants to pair up in some project and Sky answers "I love you" instead of "I'd love to" :)
I have uni work to finish but like, no <3
There's a new kid. She comes in one day and Sky's sprawled on his seat, long legs stretched ahead, Riven sitting on his table and chewing gum, rambling about the party they're going to tonight.
She enters their classroom carrying two large books to her chest like it's a shield, ginger hair in a messy bun and wearing a long, lumpy cardigan that Stella looks at and immediately deems "disgraceful".
She doesn't spare them a glance.
During the following three months she speaks exactly twice in class, fucks off the second the bell rings and Sky has to actively gossip to get any scrap of information on her.
Bloom's moved from California, her parents are university teachers who get sabbatical years to focus on research. She moves around a lot, Aisha explains while they warm up for a lap around the field.
"Is she nice?" Sky asks, holding his knee to his chest, counting to thirty.
"Yeah... A little hot headed, but very witty and a little shy. She's cool."
Sounds fun, Sky thinks.
She's a year younger than the rest of the class, got to jump a year.
"So she's smart?"
"Overachiever with an ease with numbers. Smart is stretching it," Stella grumbles, glaring down at the new shoes she's buying, "what do you think of the red? Will it match?" then before he can say anything, "forget it, I'll take the nude ones."
So fun, spitfire little thing, overachiever -
"You're stalking the woman," Riven warns him, falling down on his side at the couch and Sky only lets out a little grunt as he continues to go through her instagram page. @ Bloomerang. It's almost empty, safe for some selfies near her antique finds and aesthetic pictures, all blurry and overly saturated that make him squint in distaste. Really, Bloom, help a man out.
"Have you ever talked with her?"
"I'm working on it."
"Right", Riven shrugs, "Coda paired us up for the Physics group thing-"
"Wait, what?" Sky's head snaps up, "how the fuck didn't I know about that?"
"You didn't ask," Riven bites down an amused smile, "Anyway, she's really good with number and thermodynamics... We already finished."
Sky pouts. The one time he doesn't participate in a group project with Riven and Bloom's there? That's so unfair.
"What, you gonna cry?" Riven taunts him, "we still have to finish the presentation, she's coming over tomorrow at my place. Show up."
But he can't. His father is in town tomorrow, and there's no saying "No" to having family dinner with dad, whoever is his new girlfriend and his evil little sister.
Riven texts him through the dinner, mostly because he's an asshole, but Sky can't stop himself from hanging on every new message.
Riv: She likes horror movies. Like you buddy!
Riv: single 🔥🔥🔥
Riv: she can't spell for shit wtf 😪
Riv: she set fire to my fuking kitchen, my mum's gonna KILL ME
Sky: HOW??
Riv: idfk left her alone there for five seconds when I went to pay the pizza and i come back to Kat yelling 😡🤬
Sky: and she's okay!?
Riv: yeah kat's fine
Riv: oh she asked about u 😏😏😏
"Sky!" Andreas snaps, snatching his phone, "pay attention! Beatrix, start from the beginning again, your stupid brother wasn't listening."
His father's new girlfriend looks appalled and Sky forces a smile, stares at his evil little sister who's beaming and basking in the attention, "sorry Bea."
"It's okay, you're not to blame for being slow", she shrugs and then continues on her ramble about how she got a teacher to step out of the room and collect themselves. Sky thinks that's just bullying, Andreas seems impressed. Normal fucking family.
He doesn't know what Riven replied what Bloom asked about, because Andreas is once again trying to win father-of-the-year and decides Sky doesn't actually need his phone, after "texting through all dinner like some animal with no manners."
Sky bites his tongue not to point out that Andreas didn't exactly participate in teaching him any manners, nor does his father have any either. Instead he grumbles a "yes, sir", clings to the notion Andreas will go back to the army in a week and take the brat with him if Sky's lucky.
He's in an awful mood when Monday morning comes. At least the first class of the day is English and this one Sky can ace with his eyes closed.
Riven passes him by, heading to his usual spot in the back and squeezes Sky's shoulder, "you never answered."
"Dad took my phone. So? What did she-"
Bloom walks in the room, right next to his desk. She's no longer holding the books like a shield and Sky's fully expecting her to just continue walking, but instead she pauses and looks at him.
Her eyes are aqua. A very light shade of blue-green and she's got all these freckles scattered around her face and she's wearing a black top today that is so much better than the ugly dress she wore in the first day and her hair is down, it's made of fire-
"Uh... Hi?" Bloom frowns at him, then shrugs and looks at Riven, "hey, I overheard Stella saying we're going to have a pop quizz today in pairs, can I be your partner?"
Riven? RIVEN?
As if he's reading his best friend's mind, Riven shakes his head, "sorry red, I'm always Kat's partner," he lies smoothly, "Besides, I suck at English." another huge lie, he's the top of the class, "Sky in the other hand..."
Bloom pouts, then looks back at Sky, "...Would you mind? I don't think Stella really likes me, and if Riven and Kat are gonna do it together, then I don't kno-"
"I love you," Sky blurts out.
They all stop. Bloom's eyebrows shoot up and she turns a shade of red that's definitely not healthy and Riven tries to mask his snort with a cough, but doesn't quite manage. Sky wants a hole to open up and swallow him.
"What?" Bloom echoes, flabbergasted and Sky cringes.
"I meant, I would love to be your... " boyfriend, "partner... In this pop quiz."
"Oh," she stares at him and he can't read her face. Is she angry? Is she gonna call him a weirdo and just move on, go ask someone else? What is she thinking, "Oh... Okay. That's a pity, though."
"What?" Riven voices Sky's pure shock and Bloom shrugs, sits down on the empty seat next to Sky and plops her heavy bag on top of the table.
"It's just that you said you loved me and I thought you meant like... You know, that you're into me?" Bloom continues, raising her chin in defiance. Sky's going to die, he thinks. No, wait. He's more confident than this. He's more confident than this, it's not little ginger who's gonna make him look like a fool-
"I am. But I meant the pop quiz", he forces his voice to be serious. Confident. He's not dying.
Her cheeks burn again, she bites down a smile, but levels his gaze, "Good."
"Good," Sky repeats, grinning now, butterflies flapping around in his stomach. Good.
"Good," Bloom's openly smiling now, she's got dimples. She opens her notebook, ducks her head to avoid his eyes.
Riven lets out a scoff, "you two are disgusting."
"Bye Riv," Sky sing songs, shoving him away with an arm.
"Tell your girlfriend she still has to pay me for the burnt dish cloth!" Riven cries out and Bloom rolls her eyes, looking over her shoulder.
"It was not my fault!"
Sky sinks on his seat, smiling from ear to ear. He's taking her out tonight.
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clone-bar-79s · 3 years
As a brown girl who is rarely ever represented in cinema, except to be a unique love interest, I understand why people feel so angry about the clones being whitewashed in tbb. 
However, when I first came across the tag #unwhitewashed i could not understand what it all could be about. I only fell into this fandom about a month ago, within that time I have consumed all the animated content that exists... (well almost). (I had already seen the movies tho). And I loved the clones the moment I laid my eyes on them in The Clone Wars. And one of the biggest reasons for that insurmountable love that had lit within me, was because they were ... different. Not white... so pretty, with their prominent noses and dark skin that I had never seen before... being given the importance that they were. It was just amazing... and I had been swept off my feet no question about it
Then when I saw the unfortunate tag, I realized it wasn’t all that great and Star Wars racist past opened up and it was terrible for me. The Bad Batch was tainted and I felt sick to my stomach. I understood the fans’ anger but the thing is I also really didnt understand those emotions... cuz I stopped expecting shit from white people. There was this on dude Siddiq in some random episode... and that man is white. I mean for gods sake man, thats a pakistani name. You cant do this... and then they gave indian accents to one senator and a few creatures... and I am just like... thats it? And teh item song playing in Hondo’s bar... i mean... so sexy south-asian girl trope returns? Blekh... What I am saying is i dont expect better, but thats my problem. I think its great that the people are voicing their anger... Temuera is perfect and every clone should resemble him. The first time I saw Temuera was in the Mandalorian... i almost cried he was so cool... it looked like he was wearing a kameez... and welll... i didnt know i could get that emotional tbh
Whitewashing the clones was the worst decision Filloni and crew made. I’d have loved them no matter what they looked like, and its sad that the creators cant see that we dont care. we just want our clones to look like actual clones.. 
And whats worse is I have Kanan’s nose and they just took it away. Like why the fuq man Shit hurts... 
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i love you all
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what did i do to deserve you all lovelies
thank you all soooooooooooOOOooOoooooOOOo much
ashfshgsfhghfgheh i really really want to thank allllllllll of my moots for this
but my memory sucks (haha) so like here are some of my beloved :
@crzyprsn42 els els my elsie i love you soooooooooooooo much . my most favourite aunt and my drug dealer . thank you for being here for me always
@willothewhisper the loooveee of my liiifffeee. thank you for existing so much. youare the best. i love you
@untowardflower FLOWER MY BESTIE i love youuuuuuuuu. my favourite sistaaaaaa . i really wanna say you are the most talented, brilliant , beautiful , amazing and awesomeeeee person ever. also we are the bridesmaid in each others wedding how cool is that
@shat-needs-to-fucking-sleep bitch my favourite desi i love youuu. may you and ash marry and have lots of kids to make an army.
@nopeimnotdoingthat ASHI alsooo my favourite desi and thankaaaaaa for bringing both us us together J'TAIME MA CHERIE UWU
@arbitreneart ayyee you talented dipshit thank you for making me smile soooooo much with your oooohhhh so wonderful art . YOU ARE SO FUKING TALENTED AAHHHHH . also the name post is the top material i love you for that . I CANT SAY ANYTHING EXCEPT YOU ARE SO TALENTED IT MAKES ME CRY I LOVE YOU.
some more of my besties whom i love sooooooo much but we dont talk that much (i may be missing many of you but i love eveeerrryooonnneee on who's dash this appears to)-@justmemyselfandthefridge @denizoid @sherlux @midnigth-thoughts @this-beautiful-mess-tonight @psychosociogentleman @helloliriels @nikeopolis @damhalfblood @simpingforwillsolace @leidiosyncraticone @mendesxruel @klutzyfox @puki-guadiest-puki-tronuses @icycoolslushie @blackstairs-my-beloved @ashwashw @itsmentalillness @SO MANY MORE PEOPLE I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLL.
also like im going to do a celebration which i couldnt do for 100 so all ideas are invited !! drop in an ask if you want to suggest
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chocowhomps · 3 years
i forgot i said id use this blog for headcannon or more accurately i guess kin talk too that im too shy to talk abt on main so NICE im gonna do that
if you want to read it: its about kevin and eddys future relationship as a couple and also talks abt my fankid for them
im rly excited to draw my fankid for adult kevin n eddy bc im very obsessed w everyone sticking together as a big squad of friends post bps and just being each others support as they mature. and even when everyone grows up into adults theyre all a tight knit gang
and eddy and kevin move into eddy’s parents house bc they buy a house in hawaii or somewhere tropical and eddys been working at his dad’s used car lot since college bc he didnt wanna go back to school, and his dad basically retires and hands him the keys
(theres something to be said about them going through kevins attic to move all of his things out of his parents house too and kevin being all nostalgic and eddys griping about wanting to get it done already bc obligatory has a bad back and complains as if he is 50 years old or some shit but is secretly mostly embarrassed bc kevins been doing shit like pulling out their middle school grad book and saying eddy looked cute in the class picture)
and the two of them live right next door to kevins parents and eddy works full time at the lot and kevin doesnt have a stable job mostly stays at home and does the housework by choice bc he just cant find smth hes passionate for and the house is mostly paid off when they transfer it so they just get rly lucky like that. kevin doesnt mind doing the cleaning or anything either and they thoroughly discuss it, not like eddy doesnt help. but eddys hours are so sporadic since he owns the lot now and sometimes hes gone dawn to dusk. kevin likes the freedom and bakes a lot and honestly kinda has a fondness getting to take care of him bc its like a guilty pleasure (DO NOT AT ME PLEASE AAAH ITS SELF INDULGENT) but kevin DOES coach little league in his free time bc he gets antsy. he also just loves baking and stress bakes often so its not uncommon for eddy to come home early and theres fuking cooling racks on every surface and a hundred things on the go and kevins like “oh say less hey babe : ) you’re here early” and eddys like “jesus christ?”
kevin gets obligatory baby fever (dont at me) bc the moms bring babies to little league games sometimes and he just loves kids, its why he does little league aside from the sports aspect. probably brings the idea of them having a baby up over dinner and eddy chokes on a beer because the concept of kids is something hes also realized he heavily desires but is PETRIFIED of doing. he feels like he’d be a shit dad and desperately wants to be better than (God bless their souls) his parents made him feel.
he really doesnt want his kid to feel like they have something to be better than and constantly be told theyre “better than a dead beat” (ie his own brother) and even then in his like early 30s after his therapy has been consistent he STILL slips into anger and bad habits at the best of times no matter how he controls it. he is so scared he’ll hurt a kid and he doesnt want to allow himself to get attached. he’s done things thath ave hurt their friends or even kevin out of impulse and even conceptually doing that to his child, not even someone on his equal level makes him feel sick
but kevin just gets him so well. like he knows how his brain works down to every tick and he tells him exactly what he needs to hear while rubbing his shoulders. like tells him he’ll be there for him and he needs to just fucking trust himself for once and stop holding onto the little boy he was when he was a kid like that person whos still spiteful and lashes out at every opportunity is still him because he’s grown past it. gives him confidence and its so soft bc he can make him feel so proud of his growth so easy eddy literally just needs the most miniscule of validation and its AH
but they adopt this baby girl named nicole (nicky) and she is. my god shes the embodiment of both of them combined so shes a fucking nightmare. shes barely 8 and kevin finds her into the cookie jar on a sunday and wigs out like “what are you doing!! how did you open this!!” bc he fucking sealed it like his mom would have to do for him. and shes like “i pickeded it :p” and eddy fucking dry heave cackles leaning on the wall bc YEAH THATS MY GIRL 
i might talk more about her but this is so long and im shy lol if i dont stop now ill be too nervous to post this bye
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
hooooo my fucking god I don't know why but recently my anxiety/sence of dread has SKYROCKETED in the last 3 days, I haven't been sleeping great and last night I had an anxiety dream about manning the register at work. idk I guess today was fine but im so fucking overstimulated I guess?? I seriously just dont fuking know. but anyway here’s a summary of some days that I may or may not remember. putting it under the cut
Wednesday I was exited to work, they didn’t need me, I hung out with my friends at their outdoor band concert and had boba and it got super cold out
Thursday I went with my dad to drop off a car, then we had breakfast together at a little restaurant I had never been to before. He told me about his childhood n stuff. Then I went to work and priced things outside and felt good about helping some people buy plants even tho I didn’t know exactly what I was doing and ended up handing them off to Becky anyway. Got off work, came home, hung out waiting to be able to go visit my friend but she took a while so dad and I made the snack he had a lot as a kid which was just handmade chocolate frosting on graham crackers. Eventually my friend got home so I grabbed one of those graham crackers in some Tupperware and some other stuff and headed out. It was a longer drive than I was expecting but eh whatever, I got there no problem with a bunch of dad’s shit in the back of the car. We had awkward hellos in her apartment and I pet her fat ass cat until she suggested we go thrifting and oh my god I had never wanted to go thrifting more in my life than right then. I had one of those moments where I realized oh I’m an adult who can go out and just DO things :D so we walked around and gossiped in goodwil and had a great time until they closed, whereupon steph frantically looked for anything that was open near us while I drove around. We settled on going to a little park nearby, where we climbed on the tube with holes on it and swung on the swings. Then we walked around a dense tree/brush like and into the middle of a field, having our main character moments as we walked to the top of a hill with a cross on it. I took a picture of the sunset and a selfie with both of us before we walked back through the field and drove back to her apartment. I gave her 2 tiny flower jars and she let me borrow her container of earring hardware and a bunch of different tiny things to make into earrings. I had a great time and I’d love to hang out again, maybe when everything isn’t closed lmao. We joked a lot about understanding why people do drugs lmao since there’s nothing else to do! everything’s closed!! Also some joke flirting mixed in for flavor. We have an excuse to hang out again so I can return her earring supplies and she can return my Tupperware lol. I thought my phone was going to die on the way home before I realized there was a charging cord in the car! Nice. Got home, watched my friend stream plasmaphobia for a bit while I finished a birthday gift, and hung out and slept when she quit streaming. 
Friend’s birthday party day!! Also dad moving day!! The first task of the day was to drive with my dad down to the nearest uhaul to pick up a big ol’ truck, and follow him home in the car while he lead the way in the truck. Then we brought his car full of shit to the apartment, got his key and paid his first month, and looked through everything to do inspection. Tbh it’s a pretty nice apartment, I’d love to spend some time there once it’s a bit more furnished. My favorite part is a Harry Potter style hidey hole closet that’s meant for storage, but it’s the perfect size for a secluded hangout spot for me. I’ll totally let him use it for storage if he wants, I just like sitting in there. I joked that I would let Emily hang out in the spare bedroom and I could get the tiny room. But we spent time cleaning and looking around and bringing in boxes before dad sent me to pick up lunch, my sister, and another car load of boxes. I left to do all 3 and came back with Mcallisters, and we all sat on the floor and ate together. A very nice way to break in a new apartment. We brought in boxes and dad sent us on a quest to pick up a car part and drop it off where the car we dropped off the day before. We got there just fine, but getting to the second location was a nightmare because of all my wrong turns and u turns and no left turns, it was awful. I mean we got there eventually but still. By then it was time for me to get home so I could wash my hair and get ready for the party!! I got everything ready, but my sister wouldn’t be home with the car on time, so I just took my mom’s van. I was on time for once!! But in exchange I didn’t realize I had forgotten Cassidy’s gift until I was like 3 minutes away. But also I found driving my moms van very easy compared to last time I tried to drive it, and I think I’m a much more confident driver now :) but I was one of the first to arrive, accidentally twinned with cass, waited for everyone to show up, met her new dog, and then we all packed up the picnic basket and walked to the top of a hill to have our little sandwiches and play cards against humanity. On the walk there we passed by a park where little kids were asking why we were all dressed up if it wasn’t Halloween, so I shouted at them that it was her birthday and handed them the branch I was carrying. We played CAH on the hill and ate little sandwiches and meatballs and drank sparkling juice and had a lovely time, and when we were done, we walked back to her house where there was pizza and we all changed out of our formal wear. My bra was sewed into my dress with 6 stitches, so I grabbed some scissors and flashed my friend’s cat as I cut my bra free of the dress because I forgot to bring an extra. I changed into my ghostbusters shirt and snake onesie and joined everyone outside for pizza and lots and lots of stories and ice cream cake and gossip and quiplash and balloons and gifts and CAH and friends leaving and new friends arriving and more quiplash and then the grass getting cold and wet and going ham on keeping the balloons up and then playing that’s what she said (basically CAH but ✨for women ✨) and by this time there was a dude I didn’t know but he was very nice and cute and already taken. Tbh I didn’t know half the people there, there was a group of 4 cool alt people I had never met and then the 4 band kids I already knew but everyone else seemed to know each other and they all had great energy so I yelled a lot and joked a ton and had an amazing time. As the crowd dwindled and the night got cooler, I helped put things away before I left so I could be a nice guest, said my goodbyes, gathered my things, and drove home past midnight. Ask walked around the house turning off lights like my mom asked, I realized that my dad wouldn’t be sleeping here anymore, and I felt bad that he had to spend the night all alone in his new apartment :( and this is going to be a huge financial burden that idk if he can afford, rent for the apartment is almost as much as my mom pays for the house. Jejdjgjt this is all a mess and I would like to go back to ignoring it all <3 Listened to a lot of two trucks by lemon demon lmao
Hoo boy howdy I did a lot of shit today. Basically as soon as I woke up I got a text from dad about us helping him move with a promise of donut holes and a fruit platter. I walked out to the garage to find our family friends the drakes helping to move boxes, so we all spent several hours loading boxes into our cars and driving back and forth from the house to the apartment, with emily and I avoiding the drakes as much as possible lmao. When we had moved as much as we could in the car, we started loading up the uhaul, shoving as much shit in there as possible so we only had to do one trip there and back. Partially through unloading the truck the drakes stopped cleaning things before we brought them in left and some randos from dad’s work came to help unload and somewhere in the middle of all this our aunt and uncle and her service dog came to visit?? Bruh idk so much stuff happened. Emily asked me to take her home so she could work on school stuff and we put things back into the garage and I went back to the apartment to help with stuff and hang out with my aunt while my dad and uncle returned the truck. We made a list of stuff I might need for college and I wrote it down on a notepad and most of the page space was taken up by ponies tbh. The men brought back burger king and eventually my aunt and uncle left. I helped my dad clean up and set up his wifi and we watched mama Mia. It was my first time seeing the film, and it was really dang fun. Then I made dad drive me ho e since emily was still gone with the silver car. I’ll spend he night over there eventually, but not yet. I’m exited to eventually invite friends over since I’ve never been able to do that before. So now I’m home trying g to go to sleep so I can work tomorrow. I keep thinking about smoking weed and making out with someone in the hidey hole in dad’s apartment............ even tho I have literally no one to do that with afsagssg I’m a CHILD. 
Had dreams last night about being stuck on the infinity train again, except there was a mechanic of switching the world between 2d and 3d and the cast of Bluey had to help bingo go through stages of grief / character moments to help her get off the train or something. I was tossing and turning for a few hours anxiously waking up thinking I was gonna be late and going back to bed so I could sleep/dream more. But then I finally got up, fed my cat, fed myself, helped clean the kitchen a little bit, got ready for work, arrived 15 minutes late on accident, worked register for 6 hours, got more comfortable with register and learned how to do stuff, lots of friendly people, lots of me struggling and my bones hurting, dad brought me food but I couldn’t get to my lunch break until everything was room temperature. The chicken sandwich reheated well but the fries did not. After work dad and I stopped by the house, I got an info card to fill out so I can be called in for jury duty eventually, dad handed me $50 for dinner for us and my sister, we laid on the floor and looked at the noodles and company menu, drove there, picked up our food, had a lovely dinner at dad’s apartment, laid around while he talked to Greg on the phone, went to target to pick up small apartment things like a clock and a trash can and some small groceries but it made me nervous because I hate spending money and watching my dad spend money he may or may not have, and by then we were tired as shit and after dropping his stuff off emily and I drove home and I tried teaching her how to crochet for a school project. Now I’m hanging out wanting to go to bed and thinking about how everybody else my age working at ACE is doing like 60 hours a week with 2 jobs and saving for college and I’m just sitting here with probably 14 hours a week and fuck. I don’t want to spiral into shit, I just want to keep busy as much as possible. Maybe I’ll ask for as many work hours as possible, maybe I’ll ask my friends to hang out, idk. Right now I jut want to be busy so I don’t have to think about anything. I’ll spend as much time as possible helping my dad set up his apartment, I don’t care.
WAAAAA TODAY AT WORK WAS SO STRESSFUL, I LEFT FELLNG SO FRAZZLED IT SUCKED. basically I worked register for 4 hours but they’re all trying to ween me off asking for help to get me more comfortable, and we were surprisingly busy, and my garden boss becky asked me to do 2 extra things and my boss boss kept asking about paperwork that I couldn't fill out because I needed my sister to text me something, and an old man got mad at me over the phone because no-one was out there to fill his propane tank and I had a lady waiting for 10 minutes for someone to help load salt into her car and a middle aged man tried to use sarcasm at me while I was in friendly cashier mode aND IM SORRY I HAVE ADHD I DONT GET IT PLEASE S T O P and I tried answering the phone more and I didnt get the things done that becky asked and I left shit there because I just wanteD OUT. afterwards I went to target to get something, idk im writing this afterwards so I not really remember 
and today, my day off. ugh god I dont remember what I did, I know I picked up a vent for my mom’s bathroom and I just went to go get Taco Bell with my sister and bought her some more about crocheting and she’s making progress :) tomorrow is my friend’s birthday and last year I made her a felt doll of her fursona, so today I started making a crochet doll for her. so far I have the body and libs, but I still need to make the muzzle, tail, ears, attach everything, and hand-sew on all the markings and glue on button eyes. or maybe felt eyes, idk. my stomach hurts and I got upset because I told my mom my cat may be sick because her pee looked suspicious so I crocheted and watched my little pony and now I have a headache and im just trying to listen to music but really I just want to watch 50 arms videos at once but it wasn't loading right and idk man I dont know what’s happening, I may be going into work tomorrow. I think now that I have a job to do 3-4 times a week, I dont feel like I can just chill and wing it anymore, it’s like I have plans forever now. and oh god I still have to sig up for college orientation night or whatever, but my mind hasn'tt been on college for like a month or longer. I think im just going to take some Advil and try to relax with my cat and my music. holy shit dude. I know none’s gonna read this but just. fuck. also I should really post these more frequently rather than let them pile up in my texts. thinking about going back and adding all the dates like I did with my early quarantine diary, but that feels like a lot of work
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olivedoesmagic · 3 years
Journal You really think Olive can pull someone bodies strings? Olive can do shit? No it’s some bitch named Azion’s he’s some weird Native American god thing! No bitch it’s you! You're the puppet master. Sorry Olive bro. It’s not you. I don’t believe that” - Dave Strider
“Fine your taking me on a trip like Hermes promised me and when it’s over?”
“If you don’t deserve me?”
“You’ll wipe my mind of you when it’s over?”
A long time ago there was a thirteenth troll with orange blood. He was an aspect of the signless. He was connected to all of this. He made a sacrifice that involved erasing everyone’s memory of him. Everbodies. He was terezi’s matesprit. He was Gamzee’s kismesis. And he was close with Dave. They didn’t like him. Today Dave and I were talking. For some fuking reason he enchanted hismelf within my mothers aviators, so whenever I put them on he comes out and we communicate with each other. It’s not the same as talking to your kins. Which I’ve also mastered though that takes a lot of practice and time. But I’ve done it. Dave is really cool. I adore him. He is not my favorite character that mantle goes to Dirk Strider. But he is my chosen hero of the comic. In the same way despite kinning Adam Warlock, my chosen hero of marvel is Deadpool. Otherkin are complicated and a unique bag. Doctor Strange is my mentor in pop culture magick. I won’t deny that. It has given me powers beyond my comprehension and even a pink omnitrix. However it is also deemed fantasy and “fake magick” by many.
Dave was so angry. So so angry. He was cussing who ever this is out. Calling them names, and being irritated with them. According to this troll they convinced Hussie to write them out of the story. It’s all daunting and confusing and very very odd. Signless was out earlier and he explained my kink in the hair of Gamzee Makara. I’m writing a scrubbed fanfiction of Homestuck rebirthed at the moment. It is titled Skybound. It is inspired by homestuck and very influenced by it but it is it’s own story.
The main character is named Aclon Harta, and he is meant to be the reincarnation of Gamzee. I talked with Gamzee when making this version of him, and he didn’t think he deserves the eye color he got as a martian (royal blue) essentially Erdian’s blood color minus the fish dweller tendencies and this was before the kink was established.
Kinks in the hair are an African concept heavily tied to voudou though they are not of that nature and very very similar to otherkin but again different and I do have a Kink of Gamzee. The Signless told me via a kinshift though I debate if he is a feather or a kin, that he asked for “the worst person in the comic” to be kin with and he was given Gamzee and he was distrubed and upset “That it was Makahara” because he doesn’t blame Gamzee for the things he does, nor for the things he does while sober.
For Gamzee is of two minds. Lately Gamzee has been reaching out to me. He can’t control himself anymore and he is worried that he will go sober again. I am trying to help him. But he refuses the pie still deeming it “poison” I am trying to help him but I know his sober tendency is inevitable.
So that’s what I’ve been up to. That and some important people shit. I am planning the revolution from my bedroom via fanfiction and dancing. I know I am an odd ball. Even just getting taco bell for me is a political act. I recently started a “role play” on how to time travel. It is not remotely role play. I also cracked myself. Which is different than a splinter. And now I see myself everywhere and highly regret the action.
But Dream herself was very very cool. Anyways, that’s all for now. Goodnight journal.
Olive Brimstone
9:48 PM
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
Please give us fluffy guayguay hc's.
Btw this is not that fluffy bc well it’s me I’m angsty angst boy but I tried uahduajd
they first started developing feelings (in the current times) in part because being constantly surrounded by their big loud neighbors made both crave for something calm and peaceful and they found that in their small moments together.
Moments like going to lunch together after a Mercosur meeting, helping each other on boring work things, or talk endlessly in a quiet corner of whatever party they might be. They’re really comfortable around each other, both relax a lot and are more themselves than in big groups or with some other people.
Para is also the one person uru can’t say no to. Completely powerless against those big shiny eyes and that little face he does when it wants something. There’s just so much self-control a man can have in him
One hc I really like is that Sebastian, being this more serious man who tends to avoid strong emotions, is completely taken aback by how Dani is much more open about his feelings and emotionally mature, he’s not afraid to voice it and doesn’t try to look cool and detached as too many (including Sebastian) do.
And this attitude makes Sebastian sometimes be hit HARD with FeelingsTM he has a hard time containing and doesn’t know what to do with them. It takes him a while to understand, oh, is this what being in love feels like?
both but specially uru don’t have much relationship experience. They’ve had their affairs and had strong emotional connections before, maybe even a little bit of love, but nothing that he felt he couldn’t stop himself from having if he just put the on the effort.
And when both realize that new layer of love over all those shared moments from before, there’s a bit of that DenialTM. Uru is sure is nothing more than initial infatuation, Para not for a second believes his feelings could be returned, and neither wants to risk what they do have with an affair or worse, with a rejection.
I don’t have a specific hc abt their first kiss but one possibility I like is just they talking one day and Uru gets one of those Strong Feelings after something Para says and in a crazy moment of impulsiveness he kisses him. It’s not like Uruguay to have moments like this, to be impulsive ever, which forces him to realize that he’s way deeper in love than he had imagined. 
Another possibility is Para kissing him first, and then Uru kinda rejects him bc he doesnt know how to deal with Strong Feelings and would hate more than anything in the world to end up hurting Dani later. So like things get really weird for a few days or weeks until baby realizes he’s being an idiot and go kiss his man back like he should have. 
They decide to keep it a secret for a while, mostly because they know Martins reaction will be.... something. Also because both kinda still feel like this is just a fragile little crush from the other and telling it to people might make it too real. So for a long time (maybe years!) they don’t tell a soul.
At first they are very very careful with the secret but after a while they’re just trying to see how many times they can kiss behind martin’s back or have sex in his bedroom, hold hands under the table, sext during dinner, etc, without getting caught.
But is during this time they develop some habits that stay with them forever, like having most of their dates are their own homes and trying to make the best out of it, going to small distant towns on the weekends where they can’t easily be recognized, boat rides to the middle of nowhere that end in a picnic on a hiding spot, etc.
After a while they’re also resisting to tell the world to avoid changing this comfortable dynamic they’ve developed, like it wouldn’t be the same without the secret. Sometimes things are better when you keep them to yourself, no one needs to knows.
But eventually they do tell everyone. Arg reacting to Guayguay is my favorite thing. To paraphrase an anon for a while ago “Martin: just found out Daniel and Sebastian’s lives don’t revolve around me. #disappointed and #upset”. He’s shocked lol he thought he was part of the trio not that he was the third-wheel 😔  and though the three still hang out together after, Martin is constantly DISGUSTEDtm at any form of affection they show ever. The first time Dani calls Sebastian Mi Cielo in public he has a fuking stroke.
Para’s mom was never a fan of anyone dating her boy in the first place, but with all the options he had in the continent, she’s happy he picked Uruguay lol (basically Sebastian is the kid all the parents want their kid to date)
PDA! Thanks to another anon, I’ve adopted the hc that para calls uru mi Cielo and mi Sol. Uru calls Pari mi vida. Constantly. It’s gross.
Also they hold hands so much??? Is that even allowed?? And if before they were kissing and holding hands in secret now they do it in front of everyone. 
Daniel’s social media is full of pictures of their dates together, pictures of the homemade romantic dinners, of the places they visit, and the descriptions are either small romantic texts or just emojis like 🥰🍷👬 💕
 Sebastian’s on the other hand have spontaneous pictures of Dani he took when he wasn’t looking, like him gazing at the sunset or sleeping on the couch looking like an angel. And the descriptions are even more disgusting bc it’s just things like “my love”, “sunshine”. Martin is this close to blocking them
No matter how much time has passed, Sebastian still a little flushed whenever Dani is a little too sweet with him, or tells him he loves him. Like homeboy literally cannot Believe this is happening. 
Usnduajduajduajjdua they gross I’m sorry
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It’s been a long, stressful week. So, I’m going to drunk-watch Twilight (this is part 1, I’ll do a part 2 later). So far, I have drunk watched and reviewed Eclipse, Breaking Dawn Part 1, and Breaking Dawn Part 2. I will probably drunk-watch and review New Moon some time in the near future. My sober review of Twilight is that it is the best of all the movies (But New Moon though, I know, it’s a very close second for me). I love that it was meant to be like a cool, niche indie film and Catherine Hardwicke is the best. The baseball scene. The meadow scene. The bio scene. Iconic. Anyway, my drunken thoughts are below the cut as per usual:
- So I know it’s like .0 seconds into this ish, but I just realized when Bella’s tlakign about dying in the place of someone she loves @ the beginning, we see the deer and then in BD2, when the mountain lion tries to kill the deer, Bella kills the mountain lion. Feels like symbolism idk.
- Phil really is like 25 years old lmao. Does it ever say how old he is? He looks young af. 
- Forks seems super depressing. Like the scenery is cool, but like there’s no one there? Only 3,000 people? Boring af.
- everything is so green and blue and aesthetically pleasing, thank you catherine
- i just realized the picture above the shelf with cds is also of a deer. the deer is important.
- the friendship between charlie and billy is all i want in life
- the truck literally brought a smile to my face. and the whsikey. 
- the high shcool looks more like a fancy ass mansion and idk why no one else has ever called out this fake shit
- eric is so precious an we deserved more of hom
- bella playing volleybal is me lamo i’m so uncoordinated at throwing shit liek that hahaha
- i just keep thinking about how anna kendrick forgot she was in this movie. if i played a character as written in canon by smeyer, i’d probably choose to forget it too. 
- mike is so fcking creepy lmao he could’ve been written better but smey r said no
- if people don’t look @ me and my mans on my wedding day the wya they look @ rosalie and emmett int he cafeteria scenr then imma fuking fight
- do not disrecpt carlisle like that hoe he is a flawless mna and deserve your full respecgt
- what the fuck i hate this scnee now that ik now abotu banner fck smyer’s nast y ass
- also lmao @ rob’s face he was foin to fuckng mucj
- wy the fuc did bella wear a bowling shirt over al ong gray shirt?
- my arms feel heavy af right now lmaooooo
- the lady they had play renene lowkey looks like krisen they did a good job casting them
- oooooh hell yeah eyes on fire time bitch
- emmett is my fave pullign up on top the jeep and hopping out like it’s nothing
- this scene is actually pwowrful because bella’s wathcin g the cullens but her human friends try to get her attention so it’s liek she’s being torn between the two worlds. cahterine’s mind
- i duckinf love the aesthetic and scnery of this movie
- mike really said how you likin da rain girlllllll lmao
- when edward apologizes though lowkey that shit’ cute and i would’ve fotgiven him too
- this bitch lied. tlaking about i don’t like any cold thing. homie. you a damn lie.
- “i’m just trying to figure you out” mhy ex said th  same damn thing lmaoooo bitch i ain’t about to let you figre me out unless yo uput a ring on it-
- whne i say edward stopping the van was ome iconic shit i mena inconng
- awww hell ya the hot doc is almost here
the moment i’ve ukjng been waiting on
- i love carlisle i’m so fucking thirsty for this bitch even though i just downed som mufng whiskey
- literally carlisle could get it period.
- rosalie is 1000% a daddy’s girl like anytime someone gives her shit she runs to carlisle and he’s got her back. he only supported edward and bella becaus esme did and she’s a hopeless romatic and carlisle loves that about her. but if it wans;t for esme, edward would’ve gotten his as sent lmao.
- if you see acreepy dude int eh corne of your room what ar you gonna do?
- agaain with the shot of bella being town between the humans vand vamps chathetiner’s mind
- tbh i eel like i know what should’v happened in canon better than smeyr at this poijtn and it’s not canpn that the cullens would’ve gone on a field trip. they just wouldn’t have like it’s extra risk and it’s unnecsary.
- edwar’ds fae when jessica rna upt talking about mike lmaoooooooo
- not gonan lie i love thsit shirt bella’s wearing when they’ra tlaking about la push kind of wanti kt
- the dumbas s salsd
- i want an edward fanvid to  bad guy by bullie easihr lish
- love thatb ella encouageed angela to ask etic to prom. a feminsit quenenne
- why di d theyr rcarst the original embry and quil? 
- when taylor said old scar tsotry the midwest accent popped thef ick out
- i love jow bellas all serious baout this shit and jake doesnt give af he’s like bitch it aint real lmaoooo
- i stan laurent and i’m so angry about what smeer did to him
why do people just layo out in the sun like this lmaoooo
- awww i’m so happy fro angela i love her
- bella was ahrdore fucking femimnist and it should’ee been more cental to the plot fmeinist bella never would’ve tolerated half the shit she tolerated from jale and edwar.snmeyr has no consitnency
- why tf would opu statt wlaking down a dark alley @ night
- edward saves the day from thos ecuckgjn scumbags
- i just relaized they/re usposed to be in wahsingtob but they have fucmngn oregon plates on the car lmaooooo
- but if a dude whopeped his car lioke that idc what kinda car he drove even a volvo that shti sexy aaf
- he looks so fcking angry lmaooooo @ jess and angela
- yhis scene is cute but it also looks like this is where rob regretted his decision t op lay an emo edodei boi
- the older ig et the creeperi it gets to me that edward followed her like yeah it worked and he ended up resuing her but like still creep yas fuk
- carlisle in that coat at the staitons does a lot for me
- if i was chalrie iw ould’ve given her a hwoel ass taser
- someone tell me why bella tbought the book if she was just goign to golg.e it all
- edward weares the same thign evry damn day lmaooooo
- why werent the yf facgtin eah other when bella was tlaking this shit is too mcuh 
- i wouldn’t be afriad eitgher @ carlise
- it would be fun to run tlike that thou lnao m
- the spakrling skin thuing is funny af while durnki thogjh
- eddie bou is so damn emo and overramatic liek bitch yo uuahgt feelings too chill thf out 
- efawrd remind sme s omcuhg of chuck in gossip girl has anyone else thoguth this
- bella striahgtu p toldthis dumbass she was aafrianf onky of losing him and he left her in the next one
- the meadowa as fucking iconing as everrrrrrr
- i;m not gonna make it through this hwole  movie i’m tired watch out for part 2
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