#some of these are researched to make sure some arent sooo
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This is the final placement for the tourney, don't worry if you don't know what some of them mean, as all definitions will be included with the polls!
Polls(will add links when posted):
Barbie VS Hoo-roo
Selfie VS Mate
Bachelor Handbag VS Cooked
Servo VS Rego
Op Shop VS Spider
Munted VS Hooning
Thongs VS Larrikin
It’s Cactus VS Brekky
Drongo VS Chrissie
Brickie VS Pash
Chockers VS Heaps
Chuck a Sickie VS Arvo
Goon Sack VS Jumbuck
Bikkie VS lollies
Munts VS Snag
Ambos VS Footy
Maccas VS Manchester
Bogan VS Booze Bus
Fireys VS Fair Dinkum
Sheila VS Ropable
Bathers VS Togs
Trackies VS U-ie
Unit VS Stickybeak
Budgie-smugglers VS Chook
Doona VS Kindy
Dummy Spit VS Punt
Drongo/Flaming Drongo VS Fucked Unit
Granny Flat VS Crickey
Blow In VS Sunnies
Woolies VS Yobbo
Mozzie VS Bottle-O
The/A Tip VS No Wuckas
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samooooo1 · 3 months
based on my digimon master online game, how would be like a 24 year old fem! tamer who found in her doorstep a cardboard box with 4 digieggs (wizardmon, terriermon, (fem!) lopmon (she is terriermon's younger twin sister) and meicoomon) and when they hatch as lil keemon, zerimon, kokomon, and a fluffier looking snow botamon with faint light markings (that sign that she is a meicoomon when she grows and evolve to her actual form);
and the lil keemon is the one who loves y/n a lot compared to the other 3 who like her too; with a timeskip of 2 years later with him now as a wiz giving her a flower before confessing his feelings for her and gladly she accepts his feelings.
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(Credit to the artist (Artist is mentioned down there on the right side))
(Sorry but I cant picture myself this scenario, as you would have been like a mother figure to them which is why I will do platonic version but no more or less, sorry since it probably would be heading a entirely diffrent way then you wanted but such scenarios are also platonic in my eyes.)
B/f x reader
Growing closer
It was a cold nice day, finally after 8 painfully long hours of working, since you gotta make a living somehow, you took office job and after it was finally over and since it was over, first thing you done was to watch TV, there way to many TV Series that have to be finished by you and to little time to sadly do it. After watching a couple series for some hours, you heard a sound from the door you went there, thinking what or who would do such thing this late at the day.
You have gone to your door and opended it and found.. a cardboard with some eggs in it? You were weirded out having never seen such eggs.. and big at that to, you first thought these were Ostrich eggs.. so you tried to cook them but they were to hard and couldnt break which frustrated you.
Sooo, like any person with the average IQ of -5, you used Google to try and find out what these eggs were or better say from which animal or organism they came. To your suprise, they werent any ordinary eggs.. these eggs were called Digieggs and after some throughout research you found out what will come out of these eggs, some Digimons named Botamon, Kokomon, Zerimon and Keemon, they were fictional characters from your childhood Show 20 years ago, you used to watch it so much but sadly have forgotten most of these times.
So you made sure to take them with you everywhere, as to make sure that when they hatch you can see it in a instant. After some further hours of waiting they hatched ! You saw and felt like a Mum VvV, seeing their kids being born, you were very happy :D
Now the funny part.. you dont know what they eat, nor what they can eat or not, they arent any organic organism but you decided milk and some meat should be ok for now.
You searched up their names and what they could "evolve" into, or as people would say "digievolve" into. Now you got a Keemon, small and friendly but sometimes somehow angry, how? I dont know, a Botamon, a chaotic little energy ball, a Kokomon very cute choco looking like digimon and lastly Zerimon, weird but also cute.
Now there was another small problem, you never had to take care of any kids, much less since you were a only child and pretty much got always what you wanted, you never had to do anything. Now that you were a fully responsible adult and moved away from your parents and took a job to pay rent and your living expsenes, you didnt know if you were able to take care of these little Digimon.
Sooo, you called your bestfriend over, he was at first not believing a single word you have said but the moment he was in with you.. He was fascinated, such cute little creatures? But then he asked for what reason did you actually call him.
"So... hehe, basicly if I would this alone, there be to much for me to work off... and I dont wanna be a single mum, and since we both are already bestfriends why dont you help ne :D Also these little kids need a dad."
"Wait wait wait wait- a dad? But why me!"
You mentaly slapped yourself and just gave him a unfazed stare.
"Who is a man, is my closet friend, can weirdly be a good dad, can help me and is always there for me :D"
He just sighned and.. even though to us its obvious and you being a blind person ( in terms of reading the room), he has feelings for you and taking care of them with you.
"You will be the mother?"
You just nodded VvV. "Then... eh.. should I adress you as honey then, infront of the kids?" At that point you just stared at him. Would that title suit you?... Yes, yes it would.You happily nodded.
"So we be parents then? :D" you asked, he just embarrasedly nodded and you jumped in the air, feeling all happy and friendly, atleast you wont be having to deal all this alone, you have someone by your side during all of this.He just smilled at you, how could you be so blind to his feelings but because of you.. he be doing this, out of love for you.
2 Years Timeskip~
After some years parenting, both you and B/f have come far, your small little kids that you named happily, Botamon, you named him after your Uncle, his name was Kai, and little Botamon gave some Ninjago Kai vibes off, and he always watched that show as he grew up.Kokomon, you named them Choc, because of his chocolate coulered self and his affinity to liking sweets that are always sided with chocolate flavor.Zerimon was named Lemon, he is coloured like a Lemon and loves Citrus fruits, noice which is why the both you of named him Lemon and he is the exact opposites of his sister Zerimon.Keemon was the weirdest of the bunch, he was like a clingy dog which is why ya named him Max, he wouldnt leave neither your or B/f sides, always calling you both Mum and Dad, which at times made you chuckle and B/f a blushing mess, yet as they digivoled all into their respective forms you couldnt help but smile at them and B/f and even thought it might have seemed as if you were oblivious to B/fs feelings, you werent, you also liked him but wanted just to tease him so much it also made you realise how thankful you were that he was by your side, supporting and helping you no matter what or without any complaints, so one day when it was late and the kids were sleeping, you invited him to the livingroom since before you both have sleeped seperately but now you wanted to be more then just friends, you took him to the livingroom and confessed to him.
When he heard those words from you "I like you more then a simple friend".. he cried, he was happy beyond any thing that could be scaled, this one was one of the hapiest day of his life, and yes finally after so long you are finally his. He took you by arms and hugged you, its safe to say that you both went to bed after that confession but didnt did the deed as you both were faithful followers of the lord, you saved yourself for day you both will marry.
But the both of you pray and hope that the lord will bless you both with more such happy moments , the moment that the both of you will spend together, as lovers and one flesh, just as the lord always had planned for the both of you.
Thanks for making a request but please, any kind of family bond should also be kept as one, but I hope you all enjoyed this small fic and wish ya all a blessed day/night.
God bless ya all!
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hotgirlstiles · 11 months
im just gonna rant for a sec bc i just quit a fic bc of this but i hate hate hate in fics where the supernatural/werewolves are hidden/arent common knowledge when the author for some reason makes the pack/werewolves in the fic think stiles is like stupid/get annoyed at him for not picking up the fact that theyre werewolves like it doesnt make any sense to me? and its mindboggling that multiple authors have done this ugh. but ANYWAY Winchesterk just posted a fic with nanny!stiles that was SO GOOD and that led me down the nanny stiles tag on a03 where i found elaborate with multiple steps by writingonpostcards which has nannyish stiles and swim teacher derek <33 so theres a mini rant and two recs <33
oh god im like. 80% sure we're thinking abt the same fic but ME. TOO. i had just quit/unsubcribed a fic like this because it was just so annoying and was bordering on stiles pushed out of pack stupidity.. like especially when its stiles who's asking out of curiosity or because he just wants everything to be clearer and theyre making fun of him ughhhh its so stupid!! but also im like. firm believer of stiles who researches liek CRAZY because he needs to be informed abt everything about this specific topic and so when authors write stiles like that im like Ermm... /:
also ive read that nanny stiles fic!! I LOVE NANNY STILES <3333 its sooo fucking cute and also gives me easy access to divored derek .. heeheheee my man.. stiles' man!!! thank u for the rec !! unfortunately im a bit /: w human au but i will treasure this rec w aaaall my heaart !! <3 <3
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kevinwastaken · 3 years
okay so idk if anyones done this yet, but this has been in my mind ever since i got into omori lmao
so uhHhHhhh heres my idea for an identity v omori crossover! just because i think it would be neat
this is going to be a super long post (probably), so if you want to read it, just hit read more or whatever
i also want to say that some character choices are gonna be taken from my friend, @/kami.rikki on instagram. but she didnt think as hard on these as i did so like idk
there Will be spoilers for omori, so just be warned of that lmao
so as i said before, this has been on my mind for a HOT minute. and i think it would be a cool collab
for starters, this crossover will be split up (as is every other crossover) in two parts, with one hunter two survivors. i know essence usually have one hunter three survivors, but theres not enough characters for that, and six can be split up evenly sooo
i was thinking that the skins could be like the ones from the persona 5 crossover. like, they can be “awakened” in a sense. the base costumes will be the dream world versions of everyone, while the awakened costumes will be the real world versions. i wasnt here for the persona 5 crossover, so idk how many of those spirit things you had to collect, but i Do know that omoris spirit things could be. uh
well actually i dont know. initially i was thinking lightbulbs, like the one in white space, but the lightbulb isnt too important in the game i dont think? and im not sure about clams either. i know theyre dream world currency, but??
oh actually, maybe you can collect Something to awaken the costumes. because something is a representation of the truth in sunnys mind, and by awakening the costumes, you get to see the characters as their real selves. yeah lets go with that, you collect something from the essence
i swear ive been thinking this out shut up
the hunter costumes wont be awakened though, and i have a reason for this
part one
the characters that will be present in part one are sunny, basil, and aubrey. i chose them first because. ofc, sunnys the protag, basils his best friend and helped cover up maris death hes important to the story but anyway, and aubrey is <<33 yuh
so heres whos going to be who:
sunny/omori as wu chang
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so let me preface this by saying that im not a hunter main. never have been, never will be. and ive never played wu chang. but i swear thisll make sense, im doing research
wu chang is actually composed of two characters, with two different stats: xie, the white guard, and fan, the black guard. i cant tell the difference while im playing, considering the fact that my ass is either running away or decoding. but theres a difference i looked it up
sunny would be the white guard. xie is a fast chaser, but has slow attack speed. ie, slow hits, slow pallet breaking, that stuff. this reflects how sunny is in the real world. he can run, yes, but hes still physically weak due to being locked in his house for four years and spending all his time sleeping. he would be better for chasing than attacking
omori would be the black guard. fan is the opposite of xie, having slow chasing speed but faster attack speed. this reflects in omori. omori is Very apathetic, and really, i dont think he would care to chase anybody unless it was for a quest. though, i guess killing survivors Is a quest for hunters, but. anyway
in battle, omori is a good fighter. his attacks are strong, (although not as strong as say. aubrey or kel. but who am i to say, the playthrough i watched had omori constantly sad) out of him and sunny, omori would be the attacker. so theres my choice for them
the umbrella can probably be switched for a knife. maybe an elongated knife. im not entirely sure, but i know the umbrella wont stay as an umbrella
basil as kurt frank
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so i know what youre thinking. why is basil “the explorer??” hear me out this is actually a really good idea
the true best choice would be emma, since shes the gardener, but idv doesnt like giving characters skins of the opposite gender if you know what i mean. anyway
basil isnt a fighter. hes an assist, yes, but that was only for a crime four years ago. not my point, he wouldnt want to be in the action
i think he’d be a really good decoder. especially a good kurt
i originally wanted him to be prisoner, out of no bias whatsoever (/j) but kurt is a good fit for him
basil hides. he hides from things. he hides from the truth just like sunny, and he hides from others. albeit he still goes outside
i will not lie, i have a very personal grudge against kurt players. i dont want them to have anything because every kurt main ive come across was toxic to me specifically. but anyway
so one of kurts abilities is that he can go smaller to run around undetected and/or hide. i find this perfect for basil, because. yknow. hiding
his other ability is to find password pages and use them to decode ciphers faster. i think this would be funny because basils existence in headspace leads sunny to remembering the truth about maris death. i mean, if he werent in headspace, omori and the gang would continue going on adventures like nothing is wrong, so basil sort of speeds up the acknowledging process
this sounds dumb actually. but it makes sense in my head
anyway, the book would be turned into basils photo album, and he wouldnt have a backpack like kurt does. theres my answer
and finally,
aubrey as margaretha zelle
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aubrey was actually really hard to pick out. none of the female survivors really fit her, aside from maybe coord, but i dont know what her gun would turn into. i will admit that her section wont be as detailed as basil or sunnys. but anyway my choice is with margie
aubrey imo would be a good kiter. she has strong stats all around, so i feel as if she’d be a great fit for margie. not to mention her speed boost when falling from large heights, which would make her a faster runner and harder to chase if used right. aubrey would be more physically fit since shes a fighter and seems to do a lot of stuff with the hooligans, which also helps prove that she should be a kiter. ANYWAY
so margie has these music boxes that can mess with the hunter, right? some of aubreys attacks can mess with enemies iirc. soooo theyre kind of similar in a way, arent they?
im not exactly sure what the music box can be turned into. maybe a small piano? aubrey cares about mari a lot, and the reason shes so pissed at everyone and rebellious is because she felt like everyone had forgotten about mari and moved on with their lives. so the music box could be a tribute to mari
i dont know how many changes they made with ann tamakis costume in the persona crossover, other than cosmetics for the skin only, so im not sure if the music box was changed at all. i can dream though
in the case that its changed, the blue box could be the song from the playground in headspace (yknow the one) while the red box could be the final duet song. but just with the piano, not the violin
because yes, i thought about the essence too
of course, aside from the skins, there will be other stuff in the essence too. so itll be as follows:
for portraits, theyre going to be the neutral battle portraits from headspace. aside from basil and mari, who do not have battle portraits. theirs will just be of their neutral expressions with the neutral emotion backround behind them. i would add pictures, but the character pictures add up to six, so i’d run out of room before reaching part two
for graffiti, im not really sure. maybe everyones overworld sprites in headspace? along with maybe one of Something
for accessories, i actually have an idea of what thesell be. theyre going to be character exclusive accessories, just like how tpn did theirs
for aubrey, she’ll have mr plantegg. i was thinking of maybe having her bat as an accessory, but
OH ACTUALLY her bat could be a shop accessory that changes the music boxes!! probably an a tier tbh
anyway, the essence accessory for her is mr plantegg, and its there strictly for cosmetic purposes. for basil, he’d get either a pair of garden shears, or a basil plant, since yknow. his names basil. this is also for cosmetic purposes
they all are. i should say that now, the accessories are all cosmetic except aubreys a tier shop bat
finally, for sunny, im not entirely sure what to give him. i could give him a knife, sure, but then he’d have two knives because of the umbrella. maybe a steak? or a pair of red hands? im torn on this
and that concludes part one
part two
part two consists of mari, hero, and kel. do not separate them </3
here are my character choices:
mari as yidhra
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so i know yidhra may seem like a weird choice. i originally thought of maybe mary, but this makes sense to me
yidhra herself will be mari. im not sure which version, but even though i have real world mari in the photo, maybe headspace mari would be better. nobody can see her anyway lmao
yidhras servants will be, again, mari, but she looks as she did when basil and sunny hung her on the tree. her hairs covering her face, with her right eye being visible. kind of like the girl from the ring, but anyway yeah
yidhra is the dream witch. she haunts your dreams and she haunts mine when i go against her. maris death haunts everyone, especially sunny and basil (whom know the truth of what happened,) so this just seems like a perfect fit
her death is “leeched” onto everyones minds (pun entirely intended), so attaching herself to survivors with only her death appearance visible is mmmm
instead of an axe, maybe her weapon can be the jump rope she was hung from? and it can be used as a whip? that makes the most sense to me idk
im not good at explaining things, but if you were to see dream witch in a match, youd know how good this would work
also brings a new meaning to “my thoughts will follow you into your dreams” HELLO
hero as norton campbell
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so hero was kind of hard for me to pick too. i wanted him to be a support character, but looking around, there are. barely any that would work. my closest choice was victor, but?? the letters???? they dont correlate
hero doesnt give me kiter vibes, but nortons good at rescues too, as long as youre in an area with obstacles. and usually, when someone dies in battle, hero can make life jam to revive the fallen party member
nortons magnets are used to either bring the hunter closer to him, or push the hunter away. both can be used to stun with obstacles. while hero doesnt have any stun attacks that i can remember, he does have charming abilities that can be used to take damage for the other party members. so similar stuff? idk
i guess his magnets can be turned into chocolate chip cookies, since thats what he uses to heal everyone. if not cookies, then i dont know
oh actually one of nortons abilities is called “attract.” thats so funny if you put hero as him lmao
heros section is kind of short, my bad
kel as william ellis
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come on. who else were you expecting me to use? its the basketball man as the football man
while kel is a fighter in battle, he can also be used as a backup healer. aubrey is the main fighter of the group, and hero is the main healer. so hes kind of a catch-all in a sense
kels an athlete. he plays basketball. williams an athlete. he plays football. need i say more
im not gonna lie, this is kind of a don tpn situation where it just Makes Sense that kel would be william
the football will probably be replaced with either a rubber ball or a basketball, depending on which skin youre using. the former is for headspace kel, the latter for real world kel
the buffs and debuffs for william makes sense on kel too. kel would probably have trouble with something as (probably) complex as the cipher machines, and the struggle and vaulting buffs show off his athleticisim
same with the football, using rush to rescue is such a kel thing to do
for part two, there will be about the same things as part one
the portraits will be the neutral battle portraits, this time with the real world counterparts of everyone. basil and maris will be their neutral expressions on the neutral battle background. though, since mari doesnt have Real real world portraits, i guess they could use the one from the one i used on the mari yidhra picture
for graffiti, it can be the real world overworld sprites
in terms of accessories, theyre still cosmetic and character exclusive. maris can be the white egret orchid, since thats the flower that represents her. heros can be a spatula, as thats his weapon of choice in headspace. for kel, im not sure. hes using the ball as a weapon so???
maybe he can get a cactus, because thats his assigned plant
in terms of shop items, i think i know the perfect thing
mewo as a pet
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mewo my beloved. nobody could ever forget you
mewo would be a hunter pet. she would be cool for survs too i guess, but considering both her owners are hunters.....
mewo would probably follow the hunter around, not really doing much. i think it would be Extremely funny though if every time a survivor was chaired, she just chilled next to them in the pose shes always in in white space
thats pretty much it. if you got this far, thank you!! i spent like two hours writing this whole thing out LMAO damn
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ticapuravida · 4 years
What di you do when u wer down and confused due to something and didn't hav anyone to talk to abt it???
I scroll through tumblr, my POSITIVE/HELPFUL facebook groups or YouTube
I make sure to stay away from things that can pull me down further
I work on bringing myself into the current moment
I do research , I try to search hashtags that can be similar to my situation
I talk to myself or write
The best way to help yourself is by pretending like you are talking to someone else
It is total human nature to give GREAT advice to literally anyone but yourself lmaooo
We can never take our own advice, so I think we should trick ourselves to
You can get creative. You can write a letter to yourself pretending to be someone else but having the same issues. It can cause you to look at your situation differently
You HAVE to remind yourself you ARENT alone, the world is SOOO over populated there ARE PLENTY of people going through the same things as you. It’s just hard to meet new people right now Bc of quarantine.
You HAVE to remind yourself THERE IS A BIGGER PICTURE, this hard moment in life is just a tiny paint stroke in your life’s masterpiece
Feel free to explain further if you feel comfy to do so or whether or not this was helpful ❤️ I hope I can be of some aid and I am wishing the best for you my love
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lambroseforlife · 6 years
Rewrite of the first scene, but with the au where you're colorblind until you see your soulmate (preferably where they're both too shocked to say anything until Lilly's dragged out of the polling office)
What an intriguing suggestion. This prompt was the first time I had ever heard of the colorblind soulmate AU so I had to do some research and read fanfics from other fandoms to get a general idea of it.
I dont know if I correctly wrote out what you suggested in parenthesis, anon. But to make up for it, I decided to try to one-up your request. I figured this oneshot would make for an…interesting read from Rikkard Ambrose’s POV (“wow sooo original lambroseforlife, as if there arent like 1536364324262 fanfics out there with this style already”). 
This was definitely tougher to write than Lilly’s POV but I tried my best to make it CLOSELY parallel the Ambrose POV chapter from Book 1. Here you go!
**Text in bold font> is dialogue taken from the series and belongs to Robert Thier.**
— — —
‘Ah! Would you just look at that! What a sight to see! There’s just no place like London! No place like it whatsoever! Don’t you agree, Sir?’
‘Just listen to those sounds! Nothing else has ever felt so welcoming! It’s a treat for the ears! Isn’t it wonderful, Sir?’
‘Can you smell that? Just take a whiff of that fresh sea air, Sir! Air so fresh! No air like that anywhere else! What do you think, Sir?’
‘I’ve been all over the world. I’ve travelled everywhere there is to see. The coasts of Brazil, the islands in the West, all European ports, but there is no place as wonderful as home. Isn’t it nostalgic, Sir?’
My head slowly turned to meet the Captain’s bright smile. Cold eyes drilled into his.
‘What exactly, Captain? The fog, the people yelling, or the pollution?’
His smile didn’t diminish as I expected. ‘Everything,of course! Isn’t it great to be returning to England, Mr Ambrose?’ He clapped a wrinkled hand on my shoulder.
In lieu of a dagger, I used my eyes. They dug into his hand still grasping my shoulder, then at him. I said nothing as the seconds ticked by.
Eighteen seconds…
Forty-two seconds…
One minute and twenty-five seconds…
Two minutes and seven seconds…
His smile faded and he withdrew his hand. ‘Um…I will go check on the rest of the, er, crew.’
He retreated. I didn’t bother glancing at his departing form. I stared out at the approaching harbour, growing bigger with every passing minute.
‘Yes?’ I addressed the man standing behind me. I still didn’t move.
‘The Captain says we’re close to docking, Sahib.’
‘Adequate. Go check on the goods.’
‘I will immediately, Sahib.’
Silence. But no retreating footsteps.
‘What is it, Karim?’
‘Is Dalgliesh awaiting our arrival? Will he have something planned?’
I turned to look at him. With his turban atop his head, his arms were crossed and his dark eyes were focused ahead, glaring into the grey distance.
‘Do you expect that he does?’
‘I do, Sahib.’
‘Then he won’t, Karim.’ My hand dug into my tailcoat pocket, making sure that the loaded revolver was there. ‘One should expect the unexpected, not the expected.’
His eyes met mine. ‘You have a point, Sahib.’ His hand twitched, towards the direction of his sabre hanging from his belt.
Silence again.
‘I will go check on the cargo, Sahib.’ The looming figure of my bodyguard diminished into the mist.
I turned my head back towards the impending harbour, ever growing closer. Black and white highlighted the distance. Multitudes of grey tones illuminated the sky.
Unbidden, I heard a young woman’s voice.
‘I’m sure if you meet the right girl, she will be like sunshine, brightening up your life.’¹
I shook my head. Why was I remembering her words now? Out of all the unlikely times.
The absurd notion of seeing “colour” from meeting your “soulmate” was a needless complication and more likely, both merely exaggerated hoaxes. What I could see now was more than enough.
However, if only a similar idea extended to sensation. It would have been extremely useful against the current weather. I tipped my hat down over my face, to shield from the worst of the wind. It wasn’t very effective.
As my destination loomed closer, realisation struck. It was almost a decade since I had been here, back in England. I had been much younger then, running from…
Something churned in my gut and I ignored it. 
Probably just hunger.
— — —
‘Mr Ambrose, how does it feel to be back from the colonies?’
‘Mr Ambrose, what is the secret to your wealth?’
‘A statement, Mr Ambrose, on the upcoming elections! Which party do you support?’
A pack of reporters circled the gangway as Karim and I descended from the ship. I narrowed my eyes, disregarding them the same way that I did to those requesting charity.
I gave them the same response as well. Rather, a lack of one. Ignoring them, I stepped down from the gangplank and onto the landing. 
One reporter in particular remained in place, blocking my way. My eyes bored into his, unblinking. He gulped, but still refused to move. The man’s courageous spirit was admirable, although foolishly misplaced.
‘Is it true that recently, you deliberately betrayed a business associate and had him arrested to obtain and resell his property?’
‘I did.’
‘Yes. I exposed him, purchased his property and resold it so it could be demolished to build a railroad. Does that answer your question?’
He stared at me, slack-jawed. ‘But that’s unethical, even for business! Where’s your sense of honour as a gentleman? Your conscience?’
I cocked my head. I had been mistaken, unfortunately. It seemed that this man lacked courage and was just utterly foolish.
I took a step towards him and he took a step back.
‘Haven’t you heard of the saying?’ I asked.
One step forward. One step back in response.
‘All is fair in love and war.’ I continued.
Another step forward. Another step back and…
The reporter fell into the water. The distracted fool had forgotten to pay attention to his surroundings. Big mistake.
‘Especially war.’ 
I raised an eyebrow at his sputtering form as he resurfaced from the sea, gasping for air. I turned my gaze to rest of the convened hyenas, frozen in shock.
‘Well? Any other questions?’
Unfreezing, they fled.
‘That went smoother than expected.’ Karim remarked, beside me.
‘Indeed. But it seems we have another problem.’
The reporters had left but from the commotion, a crowd of people had formed. Their expressions were all identical, eyes widened in disbelief at the current scene.
‘Do you want me to handle this, Sahib?’
‘No need.’ Stepping forward, I stared down at the individuals among the forelines of the crowd. Their eyes directly met mine. I could see curiosity and fear mingled in them. I narrowed my eyes again. My head jerked upwards, once.
Wordlessly, they began to part from the middle. The people behind them followed suit and so forth. The crowd eventually split in half, forming a pathway for me and my bodyguard to cross. As we walked through the crowd, I could hear various whispers.
‘Is that…?’
‘Rikkard Ambrose! Rumour has it that he left here a decade ago…’
‘One of the richest men from the British Empire!’
‘…pretty good looking too if I do say so myself.’
I kept my eyes focused straight ahead and tuned them out. Gods didn’t concern themselves with the buzzing of insects.
Well, from what I had been told. Doing so otherwise sounded like a complete waste of time.
We exited out into one of the streets. Karim didn’t stray from his spot behind me when I stopped. 
‘What now, Sahib?’
I reached into my pocket and withdrew a written slip of paper, handing it to him.
‘Is this the address of the office?’
A curt nod.
‘Should I get a cab, Sahib?’
I shook my head.
‘Are we walking there?’
Another curt nod.
‘Very well, Sahib.’
Without another word, we both headed straight into the fog.
— — —
A minute passed. No answer.
Thirty seconds. Still no answer.
Ten seconds. Silence.
This was ridiculous! Three messages and no response? Was it too much to expect diligence from employees, more specifically, personal secretaries? With additional emphasis on the personal part, they were supposed to immediately respond to their employers!
I was about to pull the lever to send another message through the pneumatic tube— my designated method of efficient communication throughout the building for the due intention of saving time— when I realised it was not fulfilling its intended purpose.
‘Simmons!’ I called out.
Still silence.
I stood up, the chair scraping against the bare stone floor as it was shoved back. I marched over to the door connecting my office with his and threw open the door.
Emptiness. The only exception being the dust motes floating in the air. 
My hand reached into the pocket of my waistcoat, retrieving my watch. I ignored the symbol on the silver lid as the watch opened, displaying the time. Exactly thirty-two minutes and fifty-eight seconds past ten in the morning. Where was Simmons? For the first time since my arrival in London, he was late. 
I checked through his desk drawers for a note. Nothing. In fact, the entire desk was empty. Almost as if…
I marched back into my office and grabbed the mouthpiece that led down to the floor below.
‘Karim? Come up now! Simmons is missing!’
Twenty-three seconds later, Karim entered my office. Upon seeing my expression, he wordlessly headed into the adjacent office, searching the room. I could hear items being shuffled around and drawers opening while I waited.
‘No results, Sahib.’ Karim rematerialised at the doorway, confirming my suspicions. He shook his head. ‘The room is completely emptied of his belongings.’
‘Check the rest of the building. If you happen to find him, then personally inform him my opinions on tardiness.’
‘I will do so, Sahib.’
Approximately twenty-seven minutes and twelve seconds later, Karim returned. His eyebrows were furrowed. He shook his head again. ‘Still nothing, Sahib. He’s not in this building.’
My eyes narrowed. That could only mean one thing. ‘Then he permanently left.’
‘It seems so, Sahib. He must have decided to quit his job.’
‘Quit? Why quit now? He was here for nearly three years before I arrived.’
‘I have no idea, Sahib. He didn’t leave anything behind that could have explained. No resignation letter, no personal items, nothing at all.’
My eyes narrowed even further. The gall of that imbecile! He didn’t even have the patience for me to personally sack him.
‘Sahib,’ Karim spoke up again, ‘Did you want me to post an advertisement for a job opening in The Times?
My eyes shot up to glare at him. ‘Karim, are you insane? Do you have any idea how much it costs for a newspaper advertisement nowadays?’
‘I do not, Sahib.’
‘Too exorbitant to be sensible, that’s how much! Never mind that. I’ll have to find another way to hire a replacement. Until then, I’ll manage on my own.’
— — —
A few days later, I glowered at the significantly sized pile of letters sitting on my desk, willing them to make themselves scarce through the force of my eyes. For some reason, it didn’t seem to work. It was the appointed task of my secretary to sort through my mail. But as that position was currently unoccupied, the responsibility had fallen to me.
‘Are you sure about not advertising the open position, Sahib?’ The deep voice rumbled above me.
I didn’t answer. Instead, I riffled through the envelopes, promptly dumping the ones with dainty penmanship or extravagant designs into the waste paper bin.
‘Those could be crucial correspondence from business associations.’ Karim nodded to the discarded letters.
‘Not for the type of business I desire to conduct.’ I gave him a pointed look.
‘I see, Sahib. My apologies.’
‘Any recent news from the estate agents?’
‘I have not heard anything from them, Sahib.’
‘Convey our urgency, Karim. I need another office in the countryside for my business dealings.’ I steepled my fingers as I glanced around the stark, dimly lit interior of my office. ‘Negotiations aren’t proceeding as smoothly in here as I would like.’
‘I wonder why, Sahib.’
‘I do too, Karim. It would be a waste of investment otherwise if these deals weren’t so crucial.’
Before he could respond, a voice came from one of the speaking tubes on my desk. I picked it up and recognised the other person as Mr Stone, from the inquiry desk.
‘Mr Ambrose, there is a young boy here to see you. He says he was sent by Mr Elseworth from Elseworth and Brown, estate agents.’
Karim and I looked at each other before I spoke. ‘Send him in.’
‘Yes, Mr Ambrose, Sir.’
I set the tube back down on the desk when knocking came from the door. A moment later, the door opened and the message boy stepped in.
‘Mr Elseworth sent you?’
‘He did, Guv. You was looking for a place in the country?’
‘I still am.’
‘Mr Elseworth’s got a place for you. He’s downstairs waiting since ‘e heard you wanted a place real quick.’
‘Let’s go, Karim. We’ll see what Mr Elseworth has to offer.’ I stood up and followed the boy downstairs to the entrance.
Once my feet stepped onto the stone floor of the main hall, the workers noticed my presence. They halted, all eyes transfixed on me.
I met the eyes of the sallow-faced receptionist. Mr Pearson was his name, from what my memory recalled. His face lost colour and he bent over in a small bow before resuming his work.
My icy gaze flashed back to the rest of the statues, fixing on their motionless figures for one second.
In the next, they moved again, doubling the speed to their destination. 
Adequate. It seemed that news had spread since my initial arrival here.
When I had entered Empire House for the first time, there had been something called a ‘welcoming party’ arranged for me. It was organised by none other than Sallow-face himself. No doubt a lick-spittle ploy to fall into my good graces. It would have worked on anyone else— just not on me.
To my extreme displeasure, there had been banners and decorations. Even a garish brass band playing. The employees had been standing by them, not a single one doing his appointed task.
I had immediately put an end to the frivolous activity, of course. The band left once they realised they were not getting paid and that they would be thrown out instead. I ordered the employees to sell whatever they could and to dispose of the rest of the clutter. One man protested to my commands, insisting that ‘The garlands were specially multi-coloured!’
He had been permanently dismissed later that day.
Currently, I followed the boy across the hall as he led me to whom I assumed was Mr Elseworth. He resembled a pig, with a considerable figure and small beady eyes.
‘Mr Ambrose!’ He gave me a simpering grin, holding out his hand for me to shake. ‘Just the man I wanted to see! I believe I have something that you will like very much. I appreciate that you came all the way down here to escort me. Shall you lead the way back to your office and we—’
‘No.’ I ignored his extended hand. ‘I have business to attend to. We will talk on the way. Come.’
Without waiting for a response, I went outside. Approximately eight seconds later, Mr Elseworth appeared beside me, panting heavily to keep up with my pace.
‘Wouldn’t it be…better if…we discussed…this inside—’
‘No.’ Taking out my pocketwatch without breaking my stride, I checked the time. ‘I have somewhere to be in seventeen minutes and three seconds. If you have an offer to make, then make it now.’
— — —
Twelve minutes and forty three seconds had passed when I arrived at the street for my intended location. I had heard enough from Mr Elseworth with his acclamations on Wilding Park. In between his laboured breathing, I had discerned that it had ten bedrooms and the latest bathing amenities.
‘It’s simply spectacular, I tell you!’ He droned on mindlessly. ‘One of the best places I have ever I seen and I have seen a lot of places. A lot of places for my years.’
‘Is that so?’ My gaze was fixed on a particular building that had come into view. ‘How strange that you intend to sell it so easily.’
‘To you, of course, Mr Ambrose! I can tell that you’re a man after my own heart. With you, Wilding Park will be well cared for. I just know it. There is so much it has to offer…’
He continued rambling on. His servile chattering bored me. It was a waste of time, too much spent on a matter that didn’t need much thought. Country estates were the same, more or less.
‘Mr Elseworth,’ I cut him off, mid-flattery. ‘You have effectively expressed your opinion. I accept your offer.’
His round face beamed but I continued. ‘However, if I find that the place is…defective to your description, then I will be dissatisfied. Very dissatisfied. Do not forget that.’
His clammy pallor showed that he understood my words.
‘Karim?’ I waved my bodyguard forward. ‘Give him the money. I’m already busy as it is.’
Karim stepped closer to Mr Elseworth, ready to finish this deal— then paused. I was about to question him when I heard it.
To be more specific, someone clearing their throat.
‘Sir? Excuse me?’ The stranger’s voice was clear enough to be heard and high enough to be an inconvenience. Much time had been wasted today and I didn’t intend to waste any more. Whatever the person expected from me was going to be unfulfilled.
Due to the mist, I could faintly see a figure heading towards me. Until Karim grabbed the person by the arm, preventing their advance.
‘Leave, boy! You’re not wanted here!’ He snapped. ‘The Sahib doesn’t want your begging!’
‘I’m not asking him for money!’ The person countered in what resembled an irate tone. I was ready to have Karim take care of this and head towards my destination when the stranger continued. ‘I’m trying to help him save some, actually.’
I completely halted.
‘Save? Release him, Karim!’ I examined the individual more closely. He seemed to be a strange young man, with a loose-fitting tailcoat and pair of trousers that billowed on his figure save for his posterior. He had round cheeks and an outsized top hat that sat upon a tangled mess of dark hair. His eyes appeared to be also dark— from what I could discern. Traces of the fog were obscuring most of his irises given the distance. Regardless, the rest of his appearance did not reassure the credibility of his words.
‘Explain yourself.’ I icily glared at him. ‘How are you going to help me save money?’
Despite the ferocity of my eyes, he tried to step closer to me and had to be intercepted by Karim. Interesting. My glare was known to have the opposite effect on others. What a plucky boy. Either that or naive. Maybe both, given his juvenile impression.
‘I overheard some of your conversation with Mister…’  He swallowed, glancing over at the stout man staring angrily at him.
‘…Elseworth. Sir, do you plan to buy Wilding Park?’
‘I do. What’s it to you?’
‘Well…’ He rubbed at his neck nervously. ‘I would recommend that you don’t.’
‘How come?’ I cocked my head. I still couldn’t see his eyes completely but his stance seemed straightforward. A bit anxious, but still open. Did he have hidden intentions?
‘The place is rather decrepit and rundown in appearance.’
‘How do you know this?’
‘One of my relatives lives near there. My grandmother, actually. I have visited her a few times and noticed the place in passing. It isn’t the loveliest of houses.’
‘I am not interested in loveliness. Is it stable?’
‘It is, most definitely, Sir!’ Mr Elseworth interjected. His expression switched back to his previous angry glare, directed towards the young man. ‘This brat doesn’t know what he’s saying.’
‘It is not stable.’ The young man retorted, scowling back at him. It seemed that he had more backbone than initial appearance.
‘How so?’ I asked.
‘The area around the house was overrun with weeds. The house itself had growing stains around the base as well as missing windows and broken roof tiles. Once, while inside my coach, I overheard the caretaker yelling about roaches in the house and rats on the grounds.’
‘You noticed all this from just seeing the place at a distance a few times?’
‘I did.’
‘Hm. Exactly what I need.’
‘But Sir, I just explained that Wilding Park is not—’
‘Never mind the house. I meant you.’
‘What?’ He pointed to himself hesitantly.
‘Yes. You, young man.’ I turned to Karim. ‘Dispose of Mr Elseworth accordingly. He has breached the terms of our agreement.’
Karim gave a nod. I disregarded the squeals of terror as I returned my attention back to the young man.
‘My previous secretary quit my employ a few days ago for an incomprehensible reason. Now I need a new secretary. With your memory and fast thinking, you would be the ideal man for the position.’
The young man blinked rapidly and I heard a choking noise.
‘Um…the ideal man? I apologise, Sir, but I don’t think I would fit your particular standards.’
What? Why was he choosing now, out of all times, to be humble?
‘Are you illiterate?’
‘No, I’m not but…’
‘Are you currently employed?’
‘No, but…’
‘Then it’s decided.’ I stated with absolute finality. ‘My office. Exactly nine on Monday morning. Do not be late.’
I reached into my pocket and stepped forward, holding out my business card towards him.
‘Take this.’
The last of the fog faded and I could see the young man clearly. His irises were dark as I suspected, and looking at me in widened shock. His eyes practically bulged out when I came into his view. His jaw dropped.
What was wrong with him? Was his mental state not as sound as I had assumed?
‘Hello? Here, my card.’ I waved the item out.
That’s when it happened.
It started from his eyes, spreading out to the rest of his face. Something smeared, trickling down to the rest of his body and then outwards everywhere.
What was this?
I blinked, trying to clear my vision. It didn’t work. Like a stain, something was stuck to my eyes. 
Was this…
It couldn’t be.
Was this…
Was this colour?
How disorienting. I felt pain pulsate in my skull. It was unprepared for the onslaught of… of this. 
I was unprepared.
If I was seeing in colour then that meant…
I heard her voice again.
‘One day, you’ll meet that special someone, and it will change everything.’²
Nonononono. No!
It couldn’t be!
This is just a coincidence, I told myself. Nothing more than a coincidence.
Or a joke.
A really bad one.
His hand reached out towards mine and I tensed. Why was he…
He tentatively grasped the edge of my business card, choosing to focus his gaze on it.
‘I’m surprised, Sir.’ He softly murmured. ‘I didn’t expect a job offer.’ 
Oh, right. 
Focus! Don’t forget your original purpose. You can’t afford distractions.
Instantly, I smoothed my expression out, making sure it was blank. Cold. Impenetrable. 
‘Make sure that “surprise” isn’t common for you while you work for me. I expect efficiency and attentiveness from my employees.’
Without waiting for a response, I whirled away and headed down the street, with Karim right on my heels. I was already reconsidering my job offer to the young man but the alternative was worse. I couldn’t stand opening another gaudy envelope pestering me to donate or attend social events. If the young man showed up on Monday, then adequate. If not, then…I had underestimated his courage. But…
It would have been safer.
Preposterous, I chided myself. Soulmates didn’t exist just because colour did. It was simply an invalid justification for one of life’s unexplained mysteries.
Even so, one thing did exist: capital offence. An example of which was buggery.
Not that I would ever commit such a crime. The only times I had ever felt anything close to pleasure was while tallying my annual profits.
But upon remembering the glazed look in the young man’s eyes, there was no doubt that he had experienced the same thing when he saw me. Seeing in colour. 
Even now, the idea was still unbelievable. I would have laughed at the absurdity of the entire situation if I hadn’t forgotten how to years ago.
The universe was going to pay for this. I would make sure of that.
With ten percent added interest.
— — —
Colour looked like a… a catastrophe. Like things couldn’t decide what they wanted to be so they settled on greediness, taking a bit of everything. So complicated.
Needlessly, unnecessarily complicated.
It took me longer than expected to reach my destination. Disoriented, I had nearly stumbled twice while walking. Twice. The headache behind my eyes had not abated. 
Displeased, I peered up at the sign above the entrance. Bradley and Bullard’s Bank, it read in very dark lettering. Black, I think?
Once, when I was much younger, I had found a discarded pamphlet about colour. Printed squares labelled as red or blue appeared identical to me. The pamphlet explained that from birth, people could only see in what was referred to as the “monochrome spectrum”. The only three distinguishable colours were black, white and grey. Far more simple and efficient.
‘Sahib?’ Karim spoke next to me, concern in his voice. ‘Are you unwell? Maybe we should return another time.’
‘No. I will finish this now. It’s pointless to waste another trip.’
‘As you wish, Sahib.’ He stepped into the establishment first, as a bodyguard would. I followed after him.
Upon our entrance, the various people chatting and writing stopped. Their eyes spotted Karim and his sabre first, then landed on me.
Disregarding the line of people waiting for the counter, I strode over to the nearest clerk.
‘You! How much is this bank?’ I pinned him in place with my eyes.
‘Er… our accounts have low fees for both regular and stock—’
I tutted. ‘Incorrect answer. How much is this bank?’
The man stared at me in confusion, his dark eyes assessing me. They travelled down my figure, lingering over my simple and plain black attire. When they returned to my face, they had narrowed into slits. Commonplace halfwit. I knew he had assumed wrongly based off of my appearance.
‘Sir, I’m afraid I cannot understand your request. There seems to be a misunderstanding.’
‘Yes. On your part entirely.’
He stuck his nose upwards. ‘I’m going to have to request that you move, Sir. You are stalling the line.’
Wordlessly, I reached into my pocket and withdrew another business card. My eyes never left his as I slid it across the counter.
His gaze flickered to the card, reading my engraved name. His blanched face slowly rose up to meet my stare.
‘Where’s your manager?’
‘M-My apologies, Mr Ambrose, Sir. I will fetch him right away.’
He scrambled, speeding towards the back of the bank. While I waited, I picked up the card and pocketed it again. They were expensive to order and I couldn’t afford to waste them. 
My gaze drifted down to the counter. It was painted a darker colour, not black but something close to it. It looked familiar but I couldn’t recall why.
That is, until a pair of widened eyes flashed in my vision. His ey—
I clamped down on that thought. Hard. With such ferocity, my teeth ground together from the effort.
The headache must have impaired my thinking. That could be the only reason. There was no other possible explanation.
‘Mr Ambrose?’ A new voice called.
My focus moved upwards. The clerk was accompanied by another man whom I presumed was the manager.
‘I’m Mr Frank Wilson, the manager of this establishment. Mr Charles informed me that you wish to purchase this bank?’
‘I see. Why don’t we discuss this…more privately? We can talk in my office.’
‘Yes. Before that, I have a question.’
‘What colour is this counter?’
What the heck? Why did I ask that?
‘Excuse me?’
‘You are excused. Now answer the question.’
‘I-I’m not— uh, I can’t…” He stammered.
So he didn’t know. He couldn’t see colour either. It was unwise and impulsive of me to assume so. Why had I taken leave of my senses? My mental state was deteriorating rapidly. The sooner I finished my business and left this place, the better.
The gruff voice came somewhere behind me. I turned around to see an old man, waiting at the front of the line.
‘It’s called brown.’
His weathered face held no expression but his sharp eyes met mine directly, without trepidation. There was a knowing glint in them that I immediately distrusted.
I gave him a curt nod, then turned back to the two confused men standing in front of me.
‘Lead the way, Mr Wilson. We have business to discuss.’
— — —
Approximately seven minutes later, I left Bradley and Bullard’s Bank as its new owner. Karim had the written proof of the transaction details safely tucked away.
‘Did this deal go according to your liking, Sahib?’
I inhaled, glancing around the crowded street. ‘I suppose so. For now.’
Most of my headache had cleared, its remnants causing the occasional throb. Nothing that the prospect of money couldn’t fix.
‘One day the bank of England, Sahib.’
I nodded. One day.
‘Sahib…’ Karim hesitated. ‘What you asked in the bank, does that mean—’
‘Patriarchal oppressors!’ A screech drowned out Karim’s voice. ‘Chauvinist pigs!’
I turned towards the commotion to see—
Someone familiar?
Yes, it was. Karim and I stared at the defiant figure being carted out of a polling station by officers down the street. Someone too familiar. The young man I had met no less than half an hour ago. My new secretary.
Snapping out of my paralysis, I marched over to the two police officers. This was not good. The police would have to overlook this until I had found a suitable replacement.
‘Officer, what is happening here? Why are you taking that young man?’ I demanded.
The constable looked up and upon seeing me, froze. Unlike Mr Charles, he recognised me, judging by his shocked expression. His next words confirmed it.
‘Mr Ambrose, Sir!’ He saluted quickly with one hand before it returned back to restrain my replacement secretary. The young man was struggling in a fruitless endeavour for freedom. ‘Sir, which young man are you referring to?’
My eyes shifted to young man he was gripping onto then back to him. Was it not obvious enough?
‘The one you’re restraining. Who else? Why are you taking him?’
‘Mr Ambrose, Sir, I don’t know how to break this gently…but this person isn’t a young man.’ He grabbed the young man’s black hat and yanked it off. A headful of brown strands spilt out. Almost the same colour as the youth’s eyes. ‘A young woman. She’s a girl, Sir.’
My lips parted to speak. No sound came out.
For the first time in a long time, I had no idea what to say.
‘Is something the matter, Mr Ambrose, Sir?’
Silence. But not deliberate from my end. I had no response for him. Almost a minute had passed when he glanced at the other officer. ‘If you don’t mind, Mr Ambrose, we have to take her away. Perhaps she’ll learn her place as a female after staying overnight in a cell.’
The other officer shook his head. ‘A woman voting? What an absurd idea! Before you know it, more might even demand for a job!’
They both chuckled, but I hardly registered the sound. My mouth snapped shut at the realisation.
A woman’s job.
A headache started to throb at my temples for the second time within the hour. Ice crawled down my spine only to fester into fury in my chest. My freezing glare sought one target only to find him— no, her— already staring at me.
The mal— female’s brown eyes met mine, unblinking. Unlike the drab shade of bank counter, they were bold. Bright. Stubborn. Annoying. They refused to cower to the glacial wrath sparking out of mine.
The police had nearly dragged her around the corner, when she grinned at me. She called out before she was pulled out of sight.
‘Looking forward to seeing you at work on Monday, Sir!’³
It seemed that I now had another problem instead.
One far bigger than buggery.
— — —
Phew! This took a LOT of brushing up on the main series to write. As I said, my goal was to have this chapter parallel VERY closely to the Ambrose POV chapter of Storm and Silence but with the twist that anon asked for. So I kept major events but modified them since anon requested me for a rewrite. I hope that this oneshot is passable for an Ambrose POV.
*Original series quote sources:
¹Before the Storm, Chapter 16: ‘Paths and Rails’
²Before the Storm, Chapter 16
³Storm and Silence, Chapter 1: ‘Arrested for Good Manners’
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