#someone is already trying to block the memory bc I woke up from a nap feeling my body in a panic/ptsd episode
anxietytriangles · 8 months
I really need to cut contact with my mom. Every time she calls I think “how bad could this conversation be?” and somehow it’s always worse than the last time.
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
When Mammon Finally Snapped.
Request: Could you do something with mammon snapping at his brothers Bc of their words *insert emojis this author can’t- oh wait I can copy and paste hold on-
Request:  Could you do something with mammon snapping at his brothers Bc of their words 👉👈
First of all, just let me say, I too, am a slut for Mammon. Second of all, I got so excited at your request so thank you for sending it in!
Warnings: Cursing! (remember if cursing bothers you but you want to read feel free to just ask me for a clean version!) Mammon’s brothers being super mean to him. And mentions of blood but nothing detailed. Mentions of his brothers punishments and ripping of nails.
It was an accident. 100% pure accident. 
“Mammon what the hell did you do?”
“How come you always assume it was me!?”
“Who else besides you and Beel could manage this level of chaos in the kitchen?”
Mammon really didn’t mean to set the kitchen on fire! Again...
“This is getting expensive Mammon. You need to stop being a nuisance.”
“Hey guys, this smoke is not good for my complexion so can we figure out how to put it out already?”
“Don’t let Mammon do it, he’ll only make it worse, as always.”
“Scummy Mammon. Go away and leave me alone!”
He just wanted to see his brother. Levi hadn’t left his room for nearly 3 days and Mammon was worried.
“No let me show you brotherly affection and play video games with you!”
“I don’t want to play video games with you! Go find something else to do!”
Ouch. Normally he’d play with anybody.
It was not Mammon’s day.
The witches had called on him a lot and his clothes were all torn.
It’s started raining on his way home but he didn’t have an umbrella.
And he was operating on barely two hours of sleep.
All Mammon wanted was to sleep, but of course even that’d be a challenge. As he walked into the HoL the first thing he noticed was Beel and Belphie in a blanket nest snuggled up together.
“That looks so comfy, can I join?”
Cuddles sounded so good right now.
“No stupid Mammon.”
“Sorry, he’s grouchy because Lucifer woke him up from a nap on accident. But maybe it’d be best if you didn’t join.”
He should have known. This wasn’t the celestial realm. His brothers didn’t want cuddles anymore.
Mammon made his way back to his room, nearly tripping on air on the way, but didn’t fail to pass by Asmodeous undetected.
“You look like shit.”
“Gee thanks.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong with you but I’m going out and don’t need whatever it is. So just... stay away. Okay?”
He really should be used to this by now.
He shouldn’t be crying silent tears by the time he gets to his room.
By the time he falls asleep he’s so exhausted he doesn’t get dinner.
It’d been four days.
Four days of no Mammon around the house.
He was never at dinner, seemingly always sleeping through.
He didn’t show at breakfast, already having left the house.
And none of the brothers had similar classes to their scummy second born.
Lucifer was the first to notice and tried to catch him when he came home but on the fifth day, Mammon just didn’t come home.
When someone finally pointed out that Mammon hadn’t been around recently and possibly could be in trouble, it of course was Beel.
“He doesn’t usually leave for this long though, what if he is in trouble?”
“Then why not just let him perish?”
“I agree with Levi. Let him wither wherever he is.”
“Enough everyone. Mammon’s been keeping a few crows in the aviary right? I’ll send one out and we can follow it, see if it leads us to him.”
“How do you know that’ll work?”
“It’s a dumb crow. They like Shiny things and his hair is a shiny thing.”
“Ya’ll are welcome for that, that shiny hair is because of me.”
When they finally found Mammon, it wasn’t pretty.
His normally white hair with almost purple iridescence was now a light brown, covered in dirt and what looked like soot.
His glasses were no where to be seen.
And his demon form was out, wings tied and possibly bleeding.
And the responsible demons were no other than the witches.
What hurt the brothers the most was seeing their normally lively sibling looking as if the life had been sucked out of him.
“Do you think this image will haunt them in their dreams?”
“Can I eat em?”
“What if we rip off their nails first.
“You underestimated us.”
“He May be a scummy demon and a terrible brother.”
“But he is our brother and we will not tolerate you harming him.”
For once, Mammon thought his brothers cared.
“What were you thinking Mammon!?”
He was wrong.
“This is disgraceful, you can’t keep getting in these situations. It’s embarrassing.”
“You’re embarrassing.”
“What would be a suitable punishment?”
For what?
Getting hurt?
If they were just gonna do this then why did they save him?
“If you were just going to punish me then why save me?”
“You’re our brother, you may be annoying but we care about you.”
“Since when did any of you care?”
“That’s not fair, we’ve always cared you’re just being dramatic.”
“I’m dramatic? Lucifer makes an entire demon out of pure rage and I’m the dramatic one?”
“No! I practically raised all of you! I brought Lucifer meals when he missed dinner, I covered all of your heads on the fall down, I planned Lillith’s service without any help because you all were mourning, I was the one who cuddled all of you when you had nightmares, and how was I thanked?”
“Mammon you’re being ridiculous-“
“I got hung upside down from the ceiling for days on end, I have fucking scars that I don’t remember getting because my brain has repressed the memories, I’ve gotten called scummy and an idiot for giving into my sin when all of you are excused, I’ve nearly died on multiple occasions covering for your asses when you do something wrong so Lucifer doesn’t get you, and when I try to reach out I’m pushed away by my own family.”
“Stop being so serious you know we love-“
“Love me? Love me!? You never cared about me. It took you four days to realize I was gone. And when I was hurt and obviously traumatized I’m told that I’m getting punished for being a victim. For being an embarrassment. If you wanted me gone so badly then why have just let me die!?”
The worst part was they all knew he was right.
They knew they used him as a punching bag.
They knew he’d taken the blame for them on multiple occasions.
They knew he was the only one who got criticized for his sin.
They knew he raised them.
They knew that if it weren’t for Mammon then they wouldn’t know what to do.
Which is why it hurt when Mammon left and didn’t come back.
I don’t like how this turned out but I’ve been having a lot of writers block lately and I’m glad I was able to get something out. I may try and come back to this when my writers block isn’t so bad.
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