#someone pls give magnus a hug
cryptid-in-a-box · 10 months
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daphnebowen · 8 months
percy jackson episode five thoughts
I skipped a couple episodes where I wrote down my thoughts, but I'm about to rewatch and write don't worry! warning: lots of screaming, fangirling, heart attacks, and nonsense below :))
also these are all just copied straight from the notebook I use when I'm writing down my thoughts and I barely proofread them :)
Annabeths trust in Percy being alive is literally just like her belief that Luke is alive later on and even though it's kinda sorta different (or at least people are gonna treat it that way) I'm all here for it
AAAAAHHHH THE PERCABETH HUGGGG I IGNORED SO MANY SPOILERS AND IM SO GLAD 2 minutes in and I'm already fangirling so hard haha
is Grover blushing at them??
"surprise" omg Walker 😭🥹
the droplet of water clinging to walkers chin is so distracting
"I'm the last person to realize this aren't I?" It's okay Percy
his eyes are SO FREAKING BLUE it's giving zac efron from hsm2
"it doesn't have to be a thing, yk. That you hugged me." OHKAY HES NOT ENTIRE CLULESS THIS IS FAN SERVICE RIGHT HERE WE KNOW THAT IT MOST ABSOLUTELY WILL BE A THING LMAO and annabeths "oh boy" and Grover's clear exasperation HAHAH
where the heck did the motorcycle go lol we know it's ares but like it doesn't take that long to drive
"we're all gonna die... eventually" wise words Percy wise words
ugh the fact that it's Luke's string 💔
Ares ‼️‼️‼️
Ok but why is ares literally EXACTLY how I thought he would be?!?!
"that's my cousin? what kind of family is this?" A dysfunctional one for sure, sorry Percy you're in for a rough ride
ares starting a fight on twitter is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and yet so in character lmao
"I'm gonna kill him" same Percy SAME I will gladly help you - although all things considered I am glad they decided to keep delinquent percy in the show
they keep bringing up the "push someone down a flight of stairs" thing! There's no way this is just a coincidence anymore, what with chalice of the gods and earlier on with Annabeth and like... they're obviously doing it on purpose. is that gonna be the shows new thing?? trusting someone enough so that if they can push you down the stairs they're the one? idk man, love the metaphor tho
leah's eyebrow quirk is 💋
walker portrayed Percy's anxiety and nervousness and scaredness (is that a word?) perfectly
Can't tell if Grover is actually a history buff or playing Ares so he will talk but that scene was actually cool, I like the change they made to have Grover stay behind (this was what I wrote originally, but now after seeing peoples interpretations and opinions and things I know he was playing ares and I think it's BRILLIANT how smartly he played the god of war. Good for you buddy!)
"I didn't say anything" "I can feel you thinking it" OHKAY THEN
thrill ride of love = flawless. No words. I am speechless.
"I hate kids" relatable
ARES IS ACTUALLY BEING SMART AND MAKING SENSE FOR ONCE not to mention he's so funny and so relatable!
is Annabeth about to cry?!?!
yeah she's definitely about to cry
why am I so scared. This cannot be happening. What?? What??? he's the main character. main characters don't die. well except for Magnus chase BUT THOSE ARE DIFFERENT GODS AND DIFFERENT RULES NO WALKER
why am I actually so scared about this chair thing omg
(I would just like to say that I was so speechless and in shock throughout the whole chair thing, so I didn't write down a single quote but I loved them all I just was in too much shock to pause the show lol)
dude the way that door suddenly opened scared the crap out of me
leah is absolutely shining as Annabeth, her monologue was so profound and heartfelt, love that addition 💗
okay of course those of us who read the books know who really stole the lightning bolt and stuff but the clueless fools just watching the show are gonna be like OMG WHO WHO and even if they piece it together technically they'll only be half right. and their confusion and confidence in what they think they know is going to be SO entertaining in the coming weeks hehehehe and even throughout the whole series if we continue to get green lights for the series
but yes that episode was utter perfection! Now for the teaser...
duuuuude. The lotus casino is MASSIVE and actually super pretty I cannot wait for the episode tomorrow!
WHY IS PERCY DRIVING OMG THIS IS NOT LEGAL although tell me why he is literally better at driving than I am HAHAHAHAHAH
ugh and that is it! Those are all my random thoughts from the episode! thanks for reading :))
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lynne-monstr · 6 years
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#how many times has he told himself this #too powerful #too demonic #too much
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psychic-pigeons · 3 years
At S4 of tma. Don't like this. Martin hasn't had a hug yet :(
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annoyingbychoice · 2 years
@poquito-burrito I just finished Clockwork Angel, and bestie I am not ok 😭. I love Will, but sometimes I just wanna slap that boy SO BAD. like WHY TF would he just drop the fact that Tessa can't have kids so coldly. And Tessa! Can someone just give her a hug pls omg, I just wanna tell her everything will be ok. Jem my bby Jem. I love him, he can do no wrong ❤ Also I cried so hard when Thomas died. I didn't think I would but the emotions, actually those last 3 or 4 chapters had me bawling. I'm now the President of the official Fuck Nathaniel Fanclub btw. who tf poisons their Aunt, sells their own sister into slavery and then has the AUDACITY to call said sister a monster, like bitch no, you're the monster. Ugh he makes my blood boil 😡. I don't know if it's just me but that twist took me completely by surprise (for context I mean the whole " The Magister" thing) And Magnus Bane is back!!! My favorite bisexual warlock, he's like one of the only characters I genuinely enjoyed from The Mortal Instruments. Speaking of which I kinda wanna reread those now and actually finish it this time. (I could just try to ignore the whole "incest but not rlly" thing?? I guess.) Anyway this series has reignited my interest in the Shadow hunters series. You weren't lying when you said it was good!!! I can't wait to start the next book! Thank you for this great recommendation <333
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igonecrazy · 2 years
Heyyyy 🙈❤️ can I have sth for TFoL pls 🥺
Yesssss yes yes you can <3 <3 <3
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soooooooo....the last I left them was at Magnus and Jace recovering from their respective injuries at Magnus's place..under the stern care of one Alec Lightwood.. :P
I have so maaannnyy ideas for this which all currently live rent free in my brain coz i dont know how to charge them..:P
soo...because they cant go anywhere..they're having a movie night at Magnus's..Simon shows up early so he is hanging out with them and they are both sizing him up (their relationship is going to be like Simon is the braincell in this trio :P) aaannd.. Magnus is sitting between Alec and Jace on the couch and Magnus and Jace keep on talking in whispers between the movie and they are talking about how Jace should ask Clary out and Jace is like how can I? i dont think she even likes me and Magnus is like she definitely likes you and they continue this for a while unaware that they are very much audible to everyone in the room and Izzy and Alec are smirking at each other they just love Jace embarrassing himself in front of Clary who is red as tomato and Simon is the one who is finally like would you two stop! we can all hear you! :P
These are a few ideas I had saved in a separate files..these were all supposed to be chapters :) in no particular order..
Jace has nightmare, gets into Malec’s bed cuddling Magnus Alec be like huh??
Izzy arrives in the morning and sees them all walk out of Magnus’ bedroom and is like do you boys have some weird arrangement going on that I don’t know about?
Magnus’ fashion show, Jace arrives early, they stare at a model named Matt thinking…..doesnt he remind you of someone? They give Matt an eerie wave in the mirror, Raphael is like stop leering at the guy! He looks like Alec, you dumbasses! They go ooooooohh!!
Magnus’ show stopper model Dom hurt, and then Magnus goes wait a min you look like him!!! Jace takes spot as show stopper.
Alec arrives a little late, he is worried about Jace not being there, the show is set to start in 30 minutes, he knows Magnus would be upset a lil if Jace doesn’t show up.
Clary Simon and Izzy arrive, they all get concerned too about Jace, Izzy is like He wont miss this, im more worried about why he isn’t here.
Alec asks Clary if she has seen him, she’s like he texted me an hour and half ago that he was leaving.
Raphael comes over to greet them hears their conversation and goes, “Now I’m more worried that Papa isn’t here either,” he looks at Clary and goes, “are we sure Blondie isn’t cheating on you?”
Clary Raphael!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alec, offended and amused.
Si throws a knowing smirk at Raph, who winks, and Izzy looks at him questioningly.
Then Jace walks out at the end of the show and Alec is relived but also wants to murder him.
Jace and Magnus walk the ramp, Alec is like thank fuck he is my boyfriend or I’d have moved to England.
Magnus pulls Alec up, and they kiss as paps take pictures.
Family dinner.
Magnus standing grumpily next to Asmo,
Alec and Izzy are standing on either sides of Maryse, both grumpy.
Maryse and Asmo are annoyed too.
Si, Clary and Jace arrive.
Jace goes and hugs Maryse, gets glared at by Izzy and Alec.
Jace then pulls away from her and grins at Asmodeus, “Papa!” before hugging him too, much to Magnus’ irritation.
Si, chuckles, and Clary who can sense the sour mood on everyone’s face whispers, “What?”
“Raphael said Magnus and Asmodeus had a fight, and Izzy texted me she and Alec had a fight with Maryse, since Jace doesn’t work with either of them and hasn’t fought with them, the kids are a little jealous of the golden boy.”
Clary smiles.
Alec cuddles into the warm body as sleep slips away from him. He buries his head in Magnus’ neck and takes a deep inhale as he stretches out his body. Weird! This isn’t what Magnus smells like?
He nuzzles Magnus’ neck and presses a light kiss.
“Mmmm, not Magnus!”
Alec’s eyes snap open and at the sight of blond hair he jumps out of the bed.
“Oh! Fucking hell! Fuck off! You fucking-“
“Stop shouting!” Jace says as he rolls over pulling the covers over his head.
Alec snatches the covers away from him and throws them to the recliner, and proceeds to literally kick his brother off the bed.
“What the hell, Alec!”
“You’re asking me? Me?”
“Do you see anyone else here?”
“You’re not allowed in our bed from now on! I will kick you out if I see you in this fucking bed again!”
“Oh yeah! I didn’t want to wake up to be molested by my brother either! But here we are!”
Alec picks up something off the nightstand, which he would later realize to be his own cell, and threw it at his brother, who ducked just in time.
Magnus entered the room with Chairman in hands just as whatever he had thrown crashed into the wall.
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, confused, “what’s going on here?”
“He isn’t allowed in our bed anymore, Magnus, that’s final,” he said in lieu of explanation.
Magnus seemed to ponder for a bit before he shrugged, “I can’t say I’m opposed to that, but why the sudden assertiveness?”
“He molested me, that’s why,” Jace said, and this time alec threw a pillow at him.
“What?” Magnus said frowning.
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lilacpotter · 3 years
Lillaaaccc!!!! Your layout is soo pretty 😭😭 I love the purple so much and thr header with planets and stars fhdjsjs 🥺🥺
Imma in love 😌💕
Also.. pls post some drabble 😭😭 I miss reading your work. Pls. Short drabble would work too. I smile sooo much when I read your drabbles fjdjd 😭😭
Pls 👉🏼👈🏼
Okay bye. Love you 😌💕
Broooo!! First of all, HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY DHARAA!! omgg ❤
And thank youuuUuU. <333
 I’m so fucking sorry I’m this late but I got it finally done. And pleassseee, take this more than 8k words “drabble” as your birthday gifttt!! I’m not sure how it really is but I hope it’s gooddd aah. I had been writing and rewriting it for the past three days djhsfsf 😫😹
Here we gooo <3:- 
5 and 7
“What if I stole your crown right now?”
Those were the last words little Isak got to hear before prince Even snatched the golden crown with a mischievous grin and started running away. He chased after him, screaming in agony. He was dramatic, yes, so what? He was five and he could throw a tantrum if he wanted to. And also, don’t you dare call him little. He was big for his age and smart too.
 He sped up his pace, trying to run as fast as he could in this thorny garden with his little prince feet, his golden curls tossing here and there on his head. But Even was taller and faster than him, so he outran Isak within no time with his giraffe legs, and Isak came to a stop somewhere in the middle, panting and falling onto the grass backward with a dramatic sigh. He laid there star-fished and watched the sky instead for a while.
 It was autumn and the leaves were falling on his small face and it was warm and Even was back here in Oslo after a whole year, at the Valtersen palace. Even’s parents ruled a small country named Phitogin in the east side, and even if it wasn’t nearly as big as Norsk was, they were really close to Isak’s parents since their own childhood. So, they always paid a visit to Oslo every year during autumn and that was the only time Isak ever got to see Even and play with him and make sandcastles and blanket forts.
He squinted up his eyes at the bright sun, as if commanding it to shine a bit lesser, but of course, that wasn’t possible. He knew the sun was way bigger than earth and way hotter than the royal soup that was served to him whenever he fell sick. He wouldn’t dare mess with the sun.
He was about to put a hand over his face to shield himself instead, surrender to the great sun, when a dark shadow blocked the light above him.
“Hello, my little prince,” Even was grinning down at him mischievously, his hands behind his back.
Isak narrowed his eyes and sat up straight. “Where is my crown?” he demanded.
“Who knows?” Even shrugged, still keeping his hands behind himself. And Isak knew he was hiding the crown there.
So he pounced up and tried to grab Even by the shirt, but Even was quicker because he moved away in time.
“Give it back to me!” Isak yelled, jumping again. Even grinned wider, dodging him.
“No, little prince. You will ruin my hard work if you see it.”
“Don’t call me that,” Isak said, offended. “I am not little!”
Even smirked. “Oh yes, you are. You are very little, tiny. Look, you are even smaller than me!” And then he burst out laughing.
“I am not!!” Isak glared at him. He was not little. So he launched himself on top of Even to attack him. They both wrestled for a few minutes furiously, punching each other’s stomachs before falling to the ground on top of each other, breathing heavily.
When Isak opened his green eyes back up again Even was hovering above him, putting his crown back on his head quietly. Isak frowned and moved his hands up to touch the crown and see for himself what Even had done to it, but he didn’t let him and instead removed the crown again.
“Even, show me my crown!” Isak complained, reaching up.
“No, you will ruin it!” Even refused, shaking his head.
Isak grew more suspicious, so with narrowed eyes, he warned Even, “If you broke it or put tiny worms on top of it then I am not going to share my space blanket with you tonight.” He poked his little finger into Even’s chest to tell him how serious he was being.
Both of them knew how much Isak loved his space blanket and how much he loved sharing it with Even and the people he liked. If Isak refused to share it with anyone then it meant he didn’t like them enough.
Even, instead of being scared of Isak’s warning, grinned back at him again, all teeth and crinkles.  
“Oh no, little prince. I wouldn’t dare break it or do anything such horrendous to your precious crown!” He said, widening his eyes dramatically.
Isak squinted his eyes at him. “Really?”
Even nodded furiously before slowly bringing his hands to the front, holding Isak’s golden crown in between his palms. It was shining in the afternoon sun as usual, too bright and too lustrous, but as Isak leaned in a bit nearer he noticed designs of pretty flowers all over it. Even had doodled on his crown.
Isak took his crown gently before looking at all the doodles. There were so many colourful flowers and they were all really pretty. There was one of Isak sitting on a throne, and another one of Adolph, their pet dog, and another one of Isak and Even on the bed watching the stars above them. There were just so many of them and they made the crown look so much better!
Isak was smiling without even knowing, his heart was flying, but Even probably had noticed it because he suddenly asked, “Do you like it?”
Isak could hear the smile in his voice. So, he morphed his face back, trying to look more annoyed than pleased, and glared at Even.
“No, I hate it! You ruined my crown, Even.” He said to his face trying to sound furious.
But Even grinned at him instead. “Oh really? Then why is there a smile on your face?”
Isak widened his eyes, turning red. “What? No there isn’t!” he protested, but he couldn’t stop smiling. And soon within no time Even laughing loudly.
“Oh my god, you’re such a bad liar!” He giggled.
Isak rolled his eyes, pretending to be annoyed. “Shut up! I am leaving.” He said, before turning away and stomping dramatically to the castle.
“Of course you love what I did to your crown, little prince. I do too. I’ll make you more of these the next time we meet!” He heard Even shout from behind him loudly and Isak ducked his head, picked up a tiny rock, and threw it back at Even, missing him narrowly.
 7 and 9
“Ugh, why do we always have to sleep together whenever you visit me? Why can’t you sleep in your own separate room?” Isak complained loudly to the dark, sighing when he got no reply.
So, he shuffled closer and pushed Even’s chest. “Evennnnnn!” he whined when the older boy let out another soft snore and pulled Isak’s blanket much tighter around himself.
“Hmph,” Isak sighed in defeat before slumping back and resorted to just staring at the dark instead when Even finally spoke.
“Maybe it’s because they think you are too little to be sleeping on your own at night.” There was too much sarcasm in his voice and Isak turned to him in surprise and suspicion.
“You were awake?!” He screamed in offense.
Even grinned at him in the dark, his teeth shining bright. “Did you actually think I had been sleeping this whole time?!”
Isak couldn’t believe him. “Oh my god,”
“Yes, and what’s wrong with me sleeping here?” said Even, shuffling closer to Isak noisily.
“Nothing is wrong.” Isak huffed. “You just keep stealing my blanket and I get cold!”
Even shuffled much closer until he was almost hugging Isak from the side. “Oh, I’m really sorry about that, your grace. But look! Sleeping together is not really that bad because you get to cuddle me and I’m much warmer than your precious blanket.” Even said, wrapping Isak’s little body with his arms and pulling the younger boy into himself.
Isak squirmed against him, groaning. “Ugh, go away!”
“Never in a million years,” Even mumbled, shoving his face on top of Isak’s fluff of curls. They were a tangle of skinny limbs.
Isak tried moving away but he was failing so hard at it. So he gave up a while later and slumped against Even’s chest, feeling his chest rise and fall back as he breathed. He felt oddly at peace a while later and drifted into sleep easily. The blanket lay forgotten by the corner of the bed.
 11 and 13
“What if we sneaked into the kitchen right now?” Even suddenly said, sounding excited.
Isak groaned at him. “No way. We won’t be sneaking out to the kitchen right now in the middle of the night.”
“But we will!”
“We won’t,”
He saw Even pout at him in the dark. He had gotten a new haircut and he looked ridiculous and although it shouldn’t have bothered Isak, it did. He couldn’t get to bury his fingers into those long blonde strands of hair from now on.
“But I’m hungry,” Even mumbled. “Pleaseeee, let’s go.”
Isak shook his head. “No one is hungry at night, Even. Stop making things up.”
“I’m not!”
“Yes, you are?”
But Even wasn’t listening. He got up and already started pulling Isak up by his hands. Isak let out a loud groan before giving in and following the older boy out of the room.
It was dark outside and so they tip-toed quietly down the stairs. At one point they were almost caught when a guard heard Even’s stomach growling in hunger. They giggled to themselves and sneaked through the corridors and halls until they finally reached the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, they both started shoving as many food items as they could in their pockets. Even tried carrying half-eaten raspberry cake from the day before but he slipped and ruined it instead. Isak laughed out so loud that he was sure he had woken someone up but thank god no one stopped them.
It was chaos. But they were finally done, looking more chubbier and puffed up because of all those food stuffed in their pockets. They were giggling silently as they walked back out of the kitchen when they stopped dead as they spotted a boy of about Isak’s age staring at them in shock.
It was Magnus. He was the butler’s son.
 13 and 15
 “Do you think any one of them will like me?” Magnus asked, sitting beside Isak and eating large ice cream.
Isak wasn’t paying much attention to what he was saying because his eyes were trained on Even. Even had gotten much taller recently and his hair was longer and he looked even more prettier.  Shit. No, not pretty. He looked good. But Isak couldn’t help but think it was such an understatement. Even had even started getting a bit of muscle.
Isak watched him smile and beam and flirt with other girls in the castle hall. A weird kind of jealousy was stemming up in his body and he had no idea why. It was weird and new and made him feel all jittery.
“They look so pretty, don’t they?” Magnus was saying beside him.
Isak nodded absently. Yes, he is really pretty.
“I have never even talked to them, forget about touching them. Their skin looks so soft, Isak. I just want to touch them once. Isak, are you even listening?”
Magnus’s voice snapped Isak out of his thoughts and he blushed. “Uh, what?”
“The girls!” Magnus whined, nodding over to the bunch of girls who all looked way too interested in what Even had to say. Isak hated them. “Aren’t they beautiful? Why are girls so pretty?”
Isak bit his lip and nodded. “Even, uh, boys are pretty sometimes, I think.” He said slowly before he realised what he had just said and his heart sped up. Oh no.
Magnus hummed beside him, considering. “True. Even is really pretty if I’m being honest.” He stated it as a fact and Isak snapped his head up to look at him.
“What?” He couldn’t believe his ears.
“What?” Magnus laughed in confusion. “Even is pretty. That’s why girls love talking to him, isn’t it?”
Isak’s mouth was parted slightly. He just stared at Magnus for a few seconds before looking down, his cheeks flaming. “I guess so, yeah, um, Even is really pretty.”
“I told you!” Magnus hollered in joy. “I want to be pretty too. So girls would want to talk to me too. Don’t you think?”
Isak nodded again, biting his lip.
“I’m really pretty, huh?” Even’s voice came over and Isak looked up to see that he was walking over to them both. Oh, God. Had he heard what Isak had just said? It was going to be bad.
Isak flipped him off instead of saying anything and that earned him an ‘Oyy’ from a very surprised and an amused Even.
“We have already started learning this kind of things, I see.” He nodded over to Isak’s middle finger which was still sticking out in his direction.
“Magnus taught me.” Isak shrugged and then watched Magnus hug Even tightly for a moment before letting him go.
“We were just talking about how pretty you are, bro.” Magnus said, looking excited and Isak blushed again. Gosh, Magnus. Why couldn’t he just shut his mouth?
Even looked at Isak with his eyebrows raised. “Oh, really? Yeah, I did hear the prince say how pretty I am. It’s an honour for me really.” He smirked and Isak wanted to combust right then and there. “You should start calling me ‘pretty prince’ from now on then, Issy. It’s a nice name, isn’t it? Just like yours is, little prince.”
“Why are you such a dick?” Isak said, narrowing his eyes at the taller boy.
Even laughed out loud and when Isak flipped him off again, Even blew him a kiss instead went back to join the girls, this time taking a very excited Magnus along with him, leaving Isak feeling all flustered.
Gosh, why was he feeling like this recently? Isak did not like it. It was weird and just strange. He had never felt like this around Even before. And the fact that recently most of his dreams consisted only of Even touching him in weird places was also not helping things at all.  
What the hell was really happening?
 14 and 16
 “Even, are you even listening?!” Isak said tiredly for the fourth time that day, but Even still kept staring blankly in the opposite direction.
So Isak reached his hand out that held his wooden sword and poked Even in the stomach. “Asshole!”
At that finally, Even looked up at him in surprise.
“Should I tell the queen you have started swearing nowadays? Hmm?” He broke into a mischievous grin.
Isak sighed exhaustedly. “We are learning to sword fight and you keep zoning out all the time! What’s up with you? Stop thinking of your girlfriend all the time.” He said, spitting the word ‘girlfriend’ out with as much spite as he could muster. Yes, he was frustrated and annoyed and pissed right now, so what?
Even had gotten himself a girlfriend two months back. Princess Sonja of the realm of Sweden. And she was all he ever talked about. Of course, Isak had a right to be pissed.
Even rolled his eyes this time. “I am not thinking of Sonja, excuse me. I’m listening.”
“No you are not!” Isak countered back, waving his wooden sword around.
“I am! I am not thinking of her, Issy, now come on, let’s practice.”
“Yes, you are!” Isak said back, pausing his practice entirely. “You are always thinking of Sonja. You always spend your time with her, kissing her and complimenting her and telling her she looks good and I bet you wouldn’t sleep in my room anymore if your mum allowed you to sleep along with Sonja! Of course, she is always on your mind. You forgot about me. It’s as if I don’t even exist to you! And now you can’t even practice sword fighting with me because you are always only thinking of her.”
He exhaled deeply after his outburst, and he knew there were tears in his eyes, hot, burning tears. but he was keeping them at bay from falling down and making him look weak. He wasn’t weak. Even was watching him back with wide eyes, his mouth falling open slightly.  
“That’s not true.” He whispered finally, after a beat. “I didn’t forget you. I can never forget you, Is.”
His eyes were blue, blue, blue.
Isak stared into them for a few seconds before he couldn’t take it anymore and had to turn away. His heart broke a little inside. He never thought hearts could break, he had always believed that was all bullshit. But apparently, it was true.
Oh gosh, he was being super emotional again. So he wiped his tears and tried to shed off his sad feelings. He wasn’t weak.
“Doesn’t matter. I am just gonna practice and you can just keep thinking about your pretty girlfriend.” He mumbled before swinging his sword onto the big loaf of meat hanging in front of him.
He gave it a couple more shoves. Up and down. Right and left. Hard and quick. He hit the sack again and again, at various spots, from various angles, with various tricks and moves. It was hard, but he knew it was worth it. If he was going to be a king someday, then he had to be ready.
  Even kept standing beside him, and Isak hated that no matter how much he tried he couldn’t not pay attention to Even. Had he zoned out again while standing there? Thinking of Sonja?
But then Even spoke and Isak groaned, “What if we ditched dinner and went to the garden right now?”
Isak frowned deeply. “No way, I’m not coming.”
“Yes, you are.” Even smirked before walking up to him and snatching the wooden sword and throwing it to a pile on the corner.
No way. Isak was not going to agree to him this time.
Isak found himself laying on the green grassy ground and staring up at the orange-hued sky half an hour later. His head was on Even’s lap and Even was weaving his long fingers through his sweaty curls.
“Stop doing that. I smell gross and I’m sweaty.” Isak mumbled when Even started running his fingers all over Isak’s face. It tickled him so he laughed.
“You look so beautiful when you laugh,” Even said softly, staring down into his eyes and cupping his jaw.
“Ugh, stop,” Isak rolled his eyes, but he was blushing.
“Never, not in a million years.”
Isak smelled in the flowers’ scent and relaxed. “I can’t believe I am actually here with my head on your fucking lap of all places.” He scoffed quietly.
Even chuckled from behind him. But he was too busy to reply apparently because he was ruffling around the garden, plucking something off. Isak couldn’t see properly so he watched the sky again, at the birds and the clouds. Everything was going good.
When he felt something on his head a while later he looked up at Even, silently asking him what it was.
“I made you a flower crown,” Even said simply, resuming to arrange it on Isak’s head properly.
“But flowers are for girls. Not for boys. You should keep it on Sonja’s head instead.” Isak mumbled.
Even scoffed from above him. “There is no such rule like that. Who’s teaching you all these?” He sounded truly disappointed.
Isak shrugged, his shoulders shaking Isak’s legs beneath them. “The royal teachers? People? Isn’t it how it always is?”
Even made a small sound, disagreeing with what Isak had just said. “Flowers are for everyone, Isak. For boys, for girls, for animals, and for everyone and everything, okay? There is no such thing as only meant for girls, or only meant for boys. You can do whatever you want. Stop believing this stuff you hear, Isak. You have always loved flowers, what happened to you now?”
Isak shrugged again, his heart felt heavy. He knew he loved flowers even now. He had always loved them. But mamma had always told him to not like girly things, that he was a boy and that he was supposed to like wars and horses and rough things, not things that are soft and pretty. He wasn’t a girl.
  “Do you really think it’s okay if I like flowers?” He asked, his voice small.
Even sighed quietly above him and then he bent down slowly before kissing Isak’s forehead. Isak inhaled sharply at that.
“You are allowed to like whatever you want, okay? No one makes rules here, Is. Stop believing what others are telling you to do. You are my valiant prince and you will be a great king. A great king does not fear liking what he likes.” Even murmured to him, weaving through his curls again. “A great king is not afraid to be himself. Will you be a great king for me, Isak?”
“For you?” Isak licked his lips.
“Yes, for me.”
“Yes. I would do anything for you.” Isak admitted out loud, and he was surprised by his own boldness.
He heard Even smile when he said. “So would I,”
Isak blushed at that and ducked his gaze down, away from Even’s face. And watched the early stars.  He loved spending time like this with Even. He hadn’t done this in so long. It felt good that Isak could take his mind off Sonja for a while.
“You look really pretty in a flower crown, do you know?” Even hummed from above him.
He retreated his hand back from his hair and cupped Isak’s jaw again, tilting his head so that he could look into his eyes. “You are so pretty,” he said, making Isak blush again.
“Ugh, fuck off,”
“What? I’m not lying. You are the prettiest thing I have ever seen,” Even said, widening his eyes in honesty but he was also grinning.
Isak wanted to punch him. “Even more prettier than Sonja?” He asked instead, averting his gaze away from Even’s intense gaze. He regretted it the moment it was out of his mouth. God, Isak.  
He had no idea how long it was, but when they finally got up from there and got back to the castle, it was completely dark. The only thing that was shining were the moon, stars, and Even’s eyes.
Isak showered and got dressed in the softest pajamas before getting into his bed and reading some thick book that he had found in the library.
He wasn’t really expecting anything when Even finally climbed into his bed quietly an hour later and it was dark, pitch black. Isak pretended to be asleep, so he snored softly, and it also helped that he was turned away from Even.
Even tossed and turned around for a while, before cuddling Isak from the back. Isak tensed up a little in his hands before he melted against Even’s chest. Why was he being this tense? They did this all the time. So he leaned back and let Even cuddle him instead. It felt really good, and he felt warm and his eyes started fluttering on their own in no time. He wasn’t expecting anything even when he was just drifting into his sleep slowly, but then he heard Even softly murmur against his ear, “Even prettier than Sonja.”
It almost brought him out of his sleepy daze. Almost.
 16 and 18
“Shut up,”
“What do you mean, ‘shut up,’ I’m just trying to fix your bangs. You look pretty when you are grumpy, you know?”
“Shut up!”
“Alright, but don’t you think it will be a bit too much if I pulled my shirt up right here at the hall?”
“Oh my god!”
“All the girls would start swooning at me because I am so hot- ouch!”
Isak punched him in the stomach before hastily pulling his hand back and smiling at the guests. Even watched him with wide eyes by his side.
“You don’t think I’m hot?!” He whispered in outrage. Isak didn’t give him the satisfaction of a grumpy snarky reply.
They were both in costly suits, standing at one side of the hall and greeting all the guests awkwardly. It was the royal ball and somehow people from many other countries visited here to have a nice time. Although most of them called him the ‘little prince Isak,” whenever they greeted him. Fuck you, he was not little anymore.
There was also this princess Emma who seemed way too fond of Isak because she kept looking over to him every now and then before turning away shyly.
Isak wasn’t fond of her.
“I can’t believe you just punched a prince in the stomach.” Even mumbled by his side.
Isak rolled his eyes at him. “I am a prince too.”
Even reached his hand out again and started fixing Isak’s collar with a concentrated look. “Yes you are, little prince.”
“ugh, stop,” Isak groaned.
“Hey guys!” It was Magnus, holding a tray of drinks and serving it to everyone. He looked adorable in his outfit.
“Hey, Mags! My bro.” Even greeted cheerily before hugging Magnus tightly.
Isak smiled at them both and took a drink off the tray. Magnus looked pleased to see two people he knew after all that crowd of new, strange, rich people.
“Bros, just look at all those princesses!”  He said excitedly, leaning in and waving a hand over to the bunch of pretty girls with crowns on their forehead. They were all eyeing Isak and Even hungrily and Isak wished he could escape. But his mamma and papa were watching him, so he couldn’t do that. “They are all just eating you with their eyes. Isak, man, what are you waiting for?! Go get one of them!” Magnus hollered.
“Nah, Mags. Not yet.” Isak said, sipping his drink.
“What do you mean ‘not yet’, bro?! They all look so pretty though! Go get some, and tell me how it went.” Magnus demanded.
Before Isak could reply, Even jumped in. “Isak is waiting for the right moment to score with Princess Emma, Mags. That’s why,”
Magnus looked around and when he spotted Emma, his eyes went wide and mischievous. He wiggled his eyebrows at Isak. “Oooh. Princess Emma, Issy?”
Isak‘s jaw tightened a little but he nodded slowly. Emma caught his eyes just then and he waved back to her awkwardly. She looked pleased with that gesture while the remaining princesses were scowling at her.
“Fuck, man. She looks so into you. What are you waiting for? Go get it or she will go for me instead if you wait any longer!” Magnus yelled into his ear loudly before leaving them both to serve other guests.
Isak swallowed and looked up at Even, who was gazing back at him.
“I am gonna go get her then,” he said, fixing his shirt.
“You know you don’t have to, right?” Even said instead, helping him fix his shirt. He tucked Isak’s shirt tightly into his dark pants making him squirm under his touch.
“Yes, but I want to.” Isak lied.
“Don’t lie, Issy. Do you even like her?” Even frowned at him, keeping a hand on the small of his back.
“I’m not lying!” Isak lied. “I really like her. She is very pretty.” And then he shrugged himself off from Even’s touch and headed over to Emma.
 An hour later, he found himself trying to dance with princess Emma. It was tough because they were both only teens and none of them knew how to dance or where to put their hands so they kept stomping each other’s feet instead. It was awkward, to say the least. But Emma didn’t seem to mind so much, she giggled and kissed his cheek and touched his hair, so Isak smiled back at her and tried his best because both his mamma and papa were watching and they looked really happy and proud of him. He was going to be the heir to the throne, after all, it was his duty to form strong bonds with other country rulers, and what was a better way than stealing their daughter’s hearts.
So, Isak danced and flirted and got drinks for Emma wishing there was another better way.
When they both were done, Isak headed out to the corridor to breathe in a bit of air and hoping to get away from Emma for a bit, but she found him again within no time. That girl really was too much. Isak felt like she was breathing down his neck every time she got too close to him. She was way too loud and way too giggly and kept falling all over Isak and touching him everywhere she could.
   He wanted to combust right then and there. But Even appeared beside him just then like a knight in shining armour.
“You both are having a good time, I see,” he grinned at them both, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“We are! Prince Isak is really charming.” Emma giggled from where she had both her hands wrapped around Isak’s neck.
Isak blushed because for some reason he couldn’t stand Even watching him like this.
“What if I do something stupid to save your ass from princess Emma right now?” Even leaned in, whispering into Isak’s ear so quietly that only he could hear.
Isak widened his eyes at him at that, then shook his head minutely saying ‘no,’ but Even just shrugged and grinned back at Emma.
Oh god.
“Oh, he really is very charming. No doubt.” Even agreed, sipping on his drink and leaning suavely against the wall. “Girls all over the city have a massive crush on him, you know.”
Isak looked over to Even with wide eyes. But Even wasn’t looking at him, he was looking at Emma.
“Oh,” Emma said, her voice was filled with surprise. “Really?”
Even hummed. “Yes, most of those girls are even ready to jump in to marry Isak if he asks them. They are that gone for him. He really charms them all well.”
Isak was barely understanding what Even was on about. This was totally not true.
“Charms them? What do you mean?” Emma asked, sounding suspicious.
Even blinked once and averted his gaze to Isak’s once, before looking back at Emma in amusement. A smile playing on his lips.
“You haven’t heard? He charms them all so well that many of them try seducing him right then and there. He says he refuses them but I know it’s a lie. Why would he refuse them when he just flirted with all of them, right? You can only imagine what goes on between him and all the girls over the city.” Even was full-on grinning now and Isak was blushing furiously even though none of it was true. “No wonder every girl is crazy for him.”
He then leaned in and whispered into Emma’s ear, “I heard he is also dating one of them in secret.”
What the fucking fuck.
“Shut up, that’s not-“
“-oh my god, really?” Emma interrupted Isak, her eyes wide as she looked up at Isak. She looked shocked.
“Wha- no! No, of course not-“
“Look, he is lying again.” Even said, smirking.
Emma removed her hands from Isak’s neck slowly and took a step back, making space between them. Isak felt like he could finally breathe.
“I- wow- I just uh, I am sorry my prince,” she cracked a laugh that sounded more broken than anything else. “I didn’t know you had someone. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have thrown myself at you this way-“
“-Emma, just don’t believe Even. He is an idiot. I’m not seeing anyone else.” Isak tried telling her, but she wasn’t looking at him.
“What? Oh, it’s okay, my prince. I don’t really care, but uh, I have some work, I’ll just leave I guess. Have a good time with uh, your secret lover.” Her face was comical as she excused herself from them both.
He watched her retreating back with his jaw hung open.
And Even had the audacity to speak. “You are seeing someone in secret? I’m hurt, Isak.”
“You fucking asshole.” Isak hissed at Even once Emma was gone.
“I was wondering why you hadn’t said that yet,” Even hummed, smiling.
“What’d you do that for?” Isak cried.
Even just shrugged at him. “Because you looked like you need help. Besides, that poor girl is gonna get nightmares of you every time she sees any other girl in the city. And you are mine so sorry, I can’t share you with anyone else.” He winked. He fucking winked.
“That was so fucking bad, Ev. I swear to god.” Isak groaned. “Ugh, I hate you so much right now.”
“No, you don’t. I saved you from a very clingy monster dressed like a princess.”
“Fucking hell, I am not talking to you again. I really liked her.”
Even raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? You liked her?”
“Yes. Why? Don’t you think I can’t like girls?”  Isak said defensively, furrowing his brows.
Even only sighed at him. “No, that’s not what I meant, baby.”
“Don’t call me a baby. Then what, Even? Do you think only you are allowed to get a girlfriend but not me? That’s fucked up.” Isak spat, annoyed.
“No- fuck, I’m sorry, Isak.” Even’s eyes were wide, and he looked like he was really sorry. “I didn’t mean it that way.”  
Isak stared at him for a beat or two before turning away. “Whatever. Go fucking enjoy with your girlfriend and leave me alone.”
 He knew he had over-reacted as he fell on top of his king-sized bed that night. He and Even weren’t sleeping together anymore and Even had gotten his own big room. He couldn’t even get the point of making them both sleep together for all these years only to separate them now.  
He was regretting his words and his reaction right now and was thinking of just sneaking into Even’s room to apologize to him when he heard loud familiar voices from his right wall. It was Even and Sonja. They were sleeping together now?
But then he started hearing words and curses and he knew they were arguing. Even had invited Sonja over here as well last week and Isak hated watching her stroll around arm-in-arm with Even day and night as if she owned him. He hated it, and he hated everything that wasn’t Even these days.  
Another string of arguments pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused on that now. They were clearly arguing, fighting even. He had never heard Even yell like this at anyone, but Sonja’s voice was even louder. They were having issues, and Isak had no idea about what.
A few minutes after the continuous bickering, someone slammed something hard onto the ground, and then there was this loud sound of a door shutting close. Isak knew it was over and someone had stormed out.
What was happening?
Were they breaking up..?
Isak’s heart was beating quick when the door to his room slowly opened and Even entered inside, looking worn out.
“I’m sorry, Is. Can I sleep in your room for tonight? Please.”  
“You were right. I didn’t like Emma. I never liked her.”
 17 and 20
 “What if I can make it up to you?”
 “Even, I just fucking hate you, alright? Leave me alone.” Isak said, slamming the room to his door loudly. He didn’t want to hear any more of Even’s bullshit so he went straight to his bed and fell on top of it, burrowing his face into the pillow Even always slept. He inhaled the scent and felt something stirring inside him.
A weight dropped beside him and the next second someone was cuddling him from his side. Fucking Even. Of course, he followed Isak back into his room. Even literally had no sense of privacy. Not when it came to Isak at least.
“Ugh, why are you here?” Isak groaned into his pillow.
“What if I can make up to you?” Even repeated, to his ear this time. It gave Isak chills.
This year, Even was back only for a week or so and Isak was already anticipating him leaving tomorrow when today Even had the audacity to leave the palace and spend his more than four hours flirting with the village girls and boys.
Look, Isak wasn’t being possessive, or fuck it, he had no idea, okay? But he knew he was definitely not controlling like Sonja was. Sonja and Even had broken up and Isak really knew now what that whole argument or fight was about.
But that’s not the matter right now. He wasn’t usually possessive, but look, he hated that Even just left him like that on the last day he was going to spend here in Oslo before he would be back in Bergen. He and Even were supposed to spend their whole day together but Even had ditched him in the evening to flirt with some girls and returned back at dinner and he was going to leave tomorrow morning.
Of course, Isak was pissed and annoyed. Why couldn’t Even flirt with him instead?
Fucking Even.
 “I just can,” Even replied smoothly and Isak turned to him suspiciously.
“No, you can’t. I’m really hurt right now. Nothing can mend my broken heart.” Isak said instead. “And I really, really hate you right now.”
Even rolled his eyes at him fondly before cupping Isak’s chin with his hand. Then he leaned in and slowly asked, “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
Isak shuddered at that. They were so close. “No, of course not, Even. You would know if I kissed someone. Stop asking all the weir-”
Even shut him up with his own lips, kissing him. Isak whimpered and let out a surprised squeak before furiously trying to kiss Even back. Holy fuck, he was definitely dreaming. He was kissing Even. And nothing had ever felt so right in the universe.
Even kissed him gently and softly, he wasn’t rushing it, like he was savouring Isak’s lips, memorizing the way it moved and the way it tasted. It felt like he was trying to please Isak and it definitely was working. Isak moaned and hummed around their lips. He couldn’t believe it. He went pliant in Even’s arms and let him kiss him again and again and again until Isak could only see and feel and touch only Even, Even, and Even.
 “Did I succeed in making up to you?”
“Hell yeah,”
 19 and 22
 Isak was fucked. Literally. He just realized how much he was crushing on Even and how badly he wanted him that way. The way every boy wanted the girl. And he was fucked now.
He couldn’t take his eyes off Even’s naked back as he stretched and yawned in the early morning like a cat.
Isak watched his muscles flex and his spine stretch and shoulders move from where he was still pretending to be asleep with his blanket over his head.
Even looked good. He probably was one of the most handsome men Isak had ever seen all his life. Yes, Even was a man now and it made Isak swoon over him.
Just as Even got off the bed, he caught a glimpse of his collarbone, and Isak’s mouth watered as he imagined himself licking it. Gosh.
Even had returned back to Oslo again two years later and he looked so good. He had grown way taller and had gotten way more muscles. His hair was longer and swooped back on his head. It made him look so sexy and hot and Isak couldn’t breathe every time their eyes met. Someone kill him, God.
“Is it bad I want him to do every evil thing he can to me?”
He said out loud, still drooling over the new, tall and hot version of Even as he practiced his sword fighting while Magnus fed the sheep beside him in the shed. He was getting really good at it and he had even defeated and killed some of the sworn enemy’s sneaky conspirators a couple of times. This was his favorite sword and he named it ‘Illuminati,’ because it sounded cool.
He heard something clatter to the ground and turned to look at Magnus who was watching him with wide eyes. “What the fuck, bro?”
Isak nodded gravely, not even caring about the fact that he just said ‘he’ out loud instead of a ‘she’.
“Who are you even talking about?” Magnus squinted at him, looking shocked. When he looked at where Isak’s gaze was pointing to, his eyes widened.
“Fuck bro. Even?”
Isak nodded again. Even was there, riding his black horse and greeting everyone on the way with a huge beam. He looked so pretty.
“Mags, I think I like Even.” Isak couldn’t believe his own voice. How was the feeling this brave to admit that out loud? But he was also fucking tired of lying to himself. He liked Even that way and he had known it for a long time but he never let himself accept it. He couldn’t do that anymore though. He just didn’t think he could keep it in himself when Even had kissed the last time he was here. The only thing that was repeating in Isak’s head was their kiss and how good it had felt.
He had kissed many girls after that, but all of them felt wrong. He realized he didn’t like girls. He had never liked girls. It scared him, but also comforted him, made him realize why he could just never feel the same like all his other friends did.
 “Seriously, bro?!”  Magnus came over to him. He was almost as tall as Isak now.
“yes,” Isak nodded, licking his lips and aiming at the sack with his sharp steel sword. It cut it in two halves.
Magnus looked mind blown, as if he just discovered some great theory. “Fucking hell, bro. That is awesome. Shit, I think I always knew why you looked at Even that way.” He was beaming so huge Isak wanted to shut him up.
“What way?” He frowned instead.
“The way I watch the girls.” Magnus winked at him and Isak groaned, blushing furiously.
“Fuck off,”
“But bro. What about Even then? Have you told him about how you feel yet?” Magnus shuffled closer to him, lowering his voice so that no one could hear them.
Isak’s heart clenched at that and his jaw tightened. “No, Mags. He doesn’t like me that way.” He cast his gaze down and started fiddling with his fingers.
Magnus looked almost disappointed at that information. “What? But how do you know?”
“I just do.” Isak shrugged. If Even did like him, he would have told him.
“Bullshit bro. Have you ever seen the way Even looks at you? He looks at you like you are the most precious thing to him. Kid you not, I thought Even had a secret crush on you for several years after we became friends.” Magnus huffed. “He definitely fancies you, bro.”
Isak bit his lip, considering what Magnus had just said. Did Even really look at him that way? Did he really like Isak?
“We even kissed,” He admitted quietly.
A squeak. And Magnus was right in his face now. “Are you fucking kidding? You both kissed?” He yelled, making Isak flinch. A few of the guards watched them with a stone face and Isak slapped Magnus’s arm so he would shut up.
“Yes, we did. Two years back.” He said.
“Fucking hell. Who kissed first? Details, Isak. I need more details!” Magnus demanded and Isak let out a groan, slightly regretting telling Isak, but he started telling the story anyway. About him getting jealous whenever Even flirted with other girls or whenever he was with Sonja, about their kiss and how Isak couldn’t believe it was finally happening, about how they never talked about it again and Isak was too flustered to bring it up so he pretended that it never happened, about how even now Even would sneak into his room at night and slept along with Isak, about how Even would always call him pretty and it used to make Isak question his sexuality. He told him everything, every single thing. He poured his heart out. And when he was finally done, Magnus was full-on grinning now and Isak couldn’t believe he just poured his heart out to Magnus of all people.  
“And now you can’t take your eyes off him,” Magnus concluded, looking back at Even out in the vast field.
“Now I can’t take my eyes off him.” Isak agreed.
“Fucking hell, this is like a fairy tale.” Magnus mused with a smile. Isak rolled his eyes.
“This is anything but a fairytale.”
Magnus waved him off and got up, dusting his dress and he went back to the shed. As he walked in, he shouted over back to Isak, “Looking at someone like they are their universe, kissing them, and sneaking into their bed every night doesn’t seem like something a normal friend would do, Isak. You should stop thinking so hard and tell him.” He winked before disappearing inside.
Isak stared back at him for several minutes before letting out a sigh. ‘A true king is not afraid to be himself.’ Even’s words rang in his mind after all these years.
He would have to do this then, wouldn’t he?
 21 and 23
 “Even, I swear to god if anyone hears and informs my parents-“
-calm down, baby. Just enjoy.”
“They are the fucking king and quee- ahh“
Even dived back in and Isak moaned so loud he panicked he alerted the guards outside. But luckily, none of them barged in. Even didn’t stop, he kept going up and down, up and down and soon Isak was panting.
 When they both were coming down from their high finally, sweaty bodies on top of each other, Isak let out a giggle.
“Fucking hell,”
Even smiled down at him, then rolled back to his side. “I can’t believe I fucked the prince in his own room. I should get paid for this.”
Isak shoved him with a laugh before Even pulled him into himself and he rested his head on his shoulder.
“Did you know I begged my mum to let me sleep with you when we were younger because I liked you a lot and wanted to watch you sleep because you looked so adorable?” Even said, suddenly.
Isak widened his eyes at that. “What the fuck, really?” Even nodded back at him and Isak couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, I used to pretend that I was scared of sleeping alone here in your castle and somehow my mum believed it and your mum agreed to let us sleep together.” He laughed. Bright and loud.
And Isak laughed along with him too. Even rubbed his hand up and down his back and they calmed their giggles down after a while. They were together exactly for a year but only got to touch each other for two weeks and a half or so. Because they both got together the year before and Even had left again a week later and only came back here now one and a half week ago. So they were trying their best to spend as much time together as they could without making it more suspicious.
It was going fine, but they knew something had to happen first. They had to come out. They couldn’t keep living in secret like this forever. Isak didn’t want it and neither did Even. Isak was ready to die if he wanted, but he wasn’t going to let their love be imprisoned this way.
“What if we get caught one day?” Even said quietly, drawing circles on Isak's back.
“Then we explain to them. Tell them we are together,”
“And what if they don’t accept us?”
Isak shuffled closer to him. “We will flip them off and elope togteher.”
“Oh yeah?” There was a smile in Even’s voice.
“To where?”
“To a place where we are safe.”
“Okay. What if they torture Magnus over here because he supported us all this time.”
Isak scowled. “Then we take him along with us. Find him a girl. Marry them both.”
Even let out a small laugh. “That sounds really nice.”
“It does.”
“I’m so glad you asked me out that day, baby.” Isak lifted his face up and smiled down at Even.
“I am glad too. Or I wouldn’t be here with you right now, naked and kissing you.”
Even grinned up at him in the darkness. “And you wouldn’t have known how good I was at fucking you.”
“oh my god, you are so dirty.” Isak groaned, palming his face. They both laughed for another few minutes before Even resorted back to stroking his back softly.
“You don’t know how badly I wanted this. Us. You.” He said quietly, and Isak shook his head at him lightly.
“Trust me, I do. Because I wanted this too.”
Even stared into his eyes at that, a fond look on his face, and Isak did the same before they kissed each other again for a while. Isak slumped back into Even’s chest contently after that and they pulled the blanket tighter around themselves. It was a miracle no one ever came to check upon them.  
 “We really owe Magnus a lot, don’t we?”
 24 and 26
 They were in Bali. In fucking Bali, during the fuming hot, summer.
Isak couldn’t believe it. It had taken so long for them to arrive here. They had to spend so much time on various huge ships and here they were finally.
Relaxing on one of the finest beaches, shirtless and with lemonades resting on either side of them. Isak had his country to rule, his own palace, his personal advisor Magnus and most important of all, his lover, Prince Even. So yes, life was going great. Except for one small thing. But he wasn’t going to bring that topic up now.
Let’s talk about something else. First things first, Isak is a king now. Yes, he is a king but not Even. Because Isak’s father passed away two years back in the battle and now he was crowned the king of the Norsk. Even’s parents were safe and sound, thank you.
 The year Isak became a king, he knew he had the power to come out as a homosexual and claim Even as his lover, openly and freely, and people wouldn’t object. Wouldn’t dare to. His own mum had accepted them both so of course, none of the people really cared very much. As for Even, it’s his story to tell, but in the end, he was accepted by his parents too.
And now, here they were, in Bali. Having a vacation after a successful battle the previous year. Even was Isak’s boyfriend and Isak was Even’s. It was good. Life was good.
Except for that one small thing that was bothering Isak for the past two months.
“I love it here so much, Isak, God.” Even whined from his side, interrupting Isak’s thoughts. He stretched and Isak stared at his beautiful, long body. His lover’s body.
 His heart bloomed every time he referred to Even as a ‘lover’.
“What if we just stayed here for the rest of our lives?” Even asked, looking at Isak with a smile. He looked gorgeous in the sun. He had tanned a little in the past few days.
“Then we will.”
Even grinned wider and turned to his front before slowly making his way over to Isak with his elbows and finally stopping by his chest.
“No, because I want to see more of the world. I want to see the world with you.”
Isak stroked through his blonde hair and kissed him. “I’ll take you anywhere you want.”
Even melted in front of him and his smile turned much softer. “I love you,” he mumbled, kissing Isak’s nose and then hovering above his lips.
“I love you too,” Isak murmured back, and Even was kissing him the next moment.
They made out for a while in the sun, rolling on the beach sand like two horny starfishes until they both had to come up for air.
Even was watching him and he was feeling good. They both were feeling good and Isak thought this might be the right time to tell his lover.
“Um, baby,” He started, watching Even’s face trying to see all his reaction as he sat up straighter. “As much as I love hearing people call you my ‘lover’,” he emphasized on the last part and saw Even frowning slightly at right now. “I wonder how it would be if they called you my ‘husband.’”
He wished he could just freeze the exact moment when Even’s eyes widened and he looked so surprised it made Isak’s heart well inside his chest. But he was also very, very nervous right now.
Even wasn’t speaking anything, but his face was filled with emotions. He was red and flustered and shocked and bemused and looked surprised overall. As if he wasn’t expecting this.
But then, his upper lip quirked up and there was a hint of a smile. A smile that contained just too many emotions. And that was enough for Isak to go ahead.
He faced Even and pulled the ring out of his pocket. He opened it and held it shakily to Even.
“What if I asked you to marry me right now?”
A beat.
“I would say yes.”
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cabin7-hufflepuff · 4 years
Would I be friends with these characters?
Percy: We’d probably only be friends because a mutual introduced us. He’s the type of person I’d want to be friends with, but when I get to know him, I actually get annoyed with him sometimes. We would be in the same friend group, but rarely talk to each other.
Annabeth: Short answer, no. I would get so irritated by her, I just know it. I would only ever talk to her because I know Percy and other people she does, but I might go to her for homework help.
Grover: I would love to be friends with Grover. I don’t think I would ever seek to hang out with him, but we’d get along swell. Not a best friend, but a good friend.
Luke: He’s someone who I would innocently be friends with until I found out the crap he’s done. Then, like I’ve done so many times before, I cut him out of my life, and years down the road, remember with an ache in my heart the friendship we used to have. (what I’m not drawing from life experience)
Nico: I would want to be friends with him so badly, but I think he would hate me. Maybe not hate, but it would never even cross his mind to talk to me. Plus, I’ve only ever had a few friends who are similar to him, and, uh, I was never close to them so. Rip him being my favorite character.
Will: YESYESYES. Will and I would get along so well, it’s not even funny. He and Leo are up there at the top. We could literally just go sit outside on a nice day and discuss random things about life and the world. I also want to be a Physical Therapist when I’m older, and boy howdy does Will probably know a lot of interesting medical terms and all that jazz. PLS I WOULD NEVER GET BORED TALKING TO HIM. Watch Nico maybe sort of become acquaintances with me cuz of Will.
Jason: I think we would get along a lot better than people would expect. We’re somehow polar opposites but also the same person. I don’t know if I would have a crush on him irl other than for his looks, but he’s who my friends pester me for having a crush on, so I, of course, think I do.
Leo: OF COURSE. Out of pretty much everyone in this group, I would probably be closest friends with Leo. We’re both smart (in different ways, mind you) but don’t get the best grades all the time. Stupid, silly jokes are literally my only version of humor, and watch the two of us just quip back and forth. He’s who I’d have a real crush on over Jason, honestly.
Piper: No. No way. I don’t think I would be able to stand her. Ever. She’s not mean, but there are just those people you don’t like. The only reason I even tolerate her is because of Jason and Leo.
Reyna: We’re the pair that are great friends on whatever team we’re both on (definitely volleyball, excuse you) and then we end up never seeing each other in the halls. The only discussion topic we know is volleyball or shitty gossip on our coaches lmao.
Frank: YES. oh my gosh, he would bring out the soft side of me. We’re the type of friends who could chat over tea or something. We would have deep, but civilized conversations about either the most useless things, or the most important. Also I love hugs, and he’s most certainly great at them.
Hazel: She’s like a little sister to me. I would give her tips about Frank even though I barely have any dating experience of my own. She would push me to create the art that I’m too scared to make. I would have such a fun time showing her a bunch of movies she was never able to see, and she would be so patient when I’m ranting about something stupid. She’s just the sweetest.
Lester: I- somehow, yes. I don’t really know why, but I know the answer is yes.
Meg: Nope. Nada. Non. Thumbs down. Sorry y’all, but just no.
Magnus: Not great friends, but yes. I honestly would probably think he’s weird and I have zero explanation as to why. I can’t blame him though, cuz I’m just as weird as whatever story I’ve made up for him in my mind.
Sam: Yes. Purely a school friend though. We’re in a few classes together, and there’s one of the teachers who always lets us be partners for things, because we’re so persistent.
Alex: PLS I’d wanna be friends so bad, but I would be invisible to Alex.
Carter: WE WOULD LITERALLY BE BEST FRIENDS I KID YOU NOT. Ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you that Carter is basically me as a book character. Sometimes we tire of having each other around, since we’re so similar, but we would always go to each other, if not our siblings, to vent or rant about something or someone. (aka us being flustered about Zia and Tom Hiddleston respectively). We try to sit next to each other in every class we have together, and the teachers miraculously allow it, because we’re well behaved students and always pay attention.
Sadie: YES. It’s a good thing Carter and Sadie don’t hate each other, or I would be doomed. The three of us plus my own brother would all get along so well, it’s ridiculous. Any time she and I are together, Carter is constantly rolling his eyes like Oh no, they’re at it again. Two Sadies? What will I ever do with them?
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tmabutlesbian · 4 years
This one wasn’t requested bUT! i went on a random chooser thing and put the ships in and the two A girls came first! 
This is like. An example of what a request will look like. In any case, this one shot happens when Agnes is about 14 years old. If you’ve read my other post about this AU, you’ll know that shit goes down when she’s 14 so. yeah.
Summary: Annabelle and Gerry have kept secrets from Agnes and Martin. Agnes’ too busy running away from a ghost lady and dealing with cult stuff to be properly mad about it. (Agnes and Annabelle)
(this got long so. sorry. also its 2am so if theres any errors, tell me pls thx)
(TW: Agnes is a bit of an unreliable narrator. She refers to the cult as her ‘family’ a lot, so if that’s not up to your league, here’s your warning. She does realize her situation by the end, btw. If you’re still interested in reading, I’ll link you an edited version. Not right now, but I’ll do it, no worries.)
(edit: I’m fixing some errors and fining some stuff. i don’t want to change much, my progress will show better in other future works. yh thats it)
The rain kept pouring, hard, heavy. There wasn’t much wind and yet when the three ran they felt as if the air itself was in their favor, pushing them forward, faster, scrambling their way into the manor before she could catch them.
Ah, yes, she. The lady of the lake apparently. Gerry hadn’t explained himself well enough. And even if he did it would never be enough. Through the trees and the front garden, Agnes can hear Martin’s anger and hurt and betrayal between the fear. She feels it too, somewhere.
Their feet pound in harmony with the rain and they stop in sync when the big main doors close behind them, dripping all over the main entrance like wet dogs. God, she hates the rain.
Annabelle has heard them by now for sure. Does she know more than Gerry does? What do they know, entirely? Does it matter anyways? She can hear the voice of her family, all the way back in town. ‘The world will end anyways, Agnes,’ the reverence and want in their voices makes her want to smash her head into a wall and end, ‘you’ll bring it to us, not them.’ This may be the perfect opportunity to end it. To end her stay at Magnus Manor, to leave, and cry, and hurt, and end-
“Okay-” the broken silence grounds into dust when Gerry speaks up, and yet she’s glad for it, in some far away part of hers. “She can- fuck- open the... main doors even if they’re locked so-” Martin doesn’t look like he’s listening but he’s good at appearing non-existent. It would be more effective if he didn’t end every harsh breath with a growl. 
Gerry takes longer to continue, and Martin snaps his head up, eyes golden around the edges. “She can... the-” he swallows around his dry throat. “The ghost lady. That comes- from the lake. She can just... open the main doors...?” Agnes feels his disbelief, somewhere, far. He’s indignant too. She can relate. “And you were just- just going to- to not tell us about it?!” masking hurt under anger is more of a Gerry move, but Martin spends so much time with him, he’s prone to pick up some habits. “How is this protecting us! How?! What-”
“Listen, I know this is bad and I’m sorry,” she hears faint running steps from deep within the manor. Annabelle’s coming, “but we have to get away from the- the doors.” when he grabs and drags her away she goes limply. Martin just pushes him away. Gerry falters; he’s shaking. “Martin, please-”
Oh, how Agnes aches when she sees the tears forming in Martin’s brown- golden eyes. “No, fuck off! How dare you! You, Annabelle,” he turns to Agnes and frowns, teeth bared but she can’t be sure, why is everything so unclear, is she crying-? “even Agnes- you all lied to me! Hid from me!” Gerry tried to butt in but Martin didn’t let him, “No- you- the ghosts! The fears! The magic! You hid everything from us, and you call that ‘protecting us’ but in reality it just puts us in more danger!” where’s Annabelle? She takes her sweet time in the worst moments. Gerry’s shaking but she’s sure it’s not all cold. “You wanted to study us. Right? You bloody-”
The rain drones everything out when the lady opens the main doors, even Annabelle’s hurried entrance. The lady’s so close, too close, they’re too close to the door-
Suddenly she’s farther away and Martin’s right next to Agnes, both of them behind Gerry, arms out to hide them away from her, from the lady. But she ignores everyone and ascends the stairs, Annabelle scurrying out of her way, and then the ghost turns a corner, and vanishes from view. And all is quiet.
Annabelle descends the stairs in a much quicker but staggered pace than the ghost, looking stricken while the lady had no face at all. “What were you doing out there? Are you all alright? Gerry-”
“They know.” it was surprising how his voice didn’t shake when the rest of his body did. Annabelle froze. “Annabelle-”
“Were you ever going to tell us?!” she hears Martin’s voice break and the tears spill, and they glisten the gold in his eyes, but she needs to get out, she needs to go, she’s going- she can’t-
“I,” she speaks so quietly these days. While she grows hotter, scalding and perfect for her family, to them- Martin, Gerry, Annabelle- she’s ice cold. She’s dying away, just like the world will, one day, she will burn it, whatever else is she made for but to destroy? “I want to leave.” even quietly, they stop and listen to her. Gerry frowns, mouth hanging open. Annabelle goes still but her eyes are set; she knows something Agnes knows too, but she can’t reach it, she’s so far away. And Martin. He’s breathing hard again but it’s the tears’ work this time, not the running. He can only let out a ‘what?’, soft and weak and fragile and too much when they all hear the footsteps of a fourth entity coming down. 
They swivel around and back away but the lady’s in her own world, roaming out of the manor slowly, resigned. Agnes can relate to that too.
The doors shut out the rain as they close, and Martin’s sniffs are the only thing more broken than the quiet she left behind. Annabelle turns around, facing Agnes head on. Many don’t respect Miss Cane, and she never understood why. Is it her height? Her lisp? The fact that she needs a cane to help her walk? All Agnes has ever felt for her was respect. Reverence, but different from the one her family in town have for Agnes. Behind her pursed brow and hard set lips lies the mother Agnes never had. Really, is she crying? She feels like she should be. Can a messiah cry? Agnes’ too far away to know, probably.
If Agnes had been shorter than Annabelle she would’ve knelt down to her knees. As it is, she only places her steady shaking hands on Agnes’ shoulders, hard. “Agnes, I need you to listen to me very carefully.” Martin’s shoulders bunch up to his ears and Gerry’s nearby, hesitant to help lest he makes it all worse, and she should look back to Annabelle now, let the boys fade to the background. “I know who your ‘family’ is, alright? The ones who have been stealing you away from us,” Agnes wouldn’t call it stealing. It just made sense. What’s the point of friends if everything’s going to burn anyways. “us, Agnes, and do you know why? The real reason why?” the twitch in her brow will have to be answer enough. She feels lightheaded. Annabelle’s hands are the only thing keeping her upright. “Because we are your warmth, Agnes.
“Those people you go back to, they want you to burn. But you don’t want that do you? Not really. I can see it, y’know? When it’s snowing and they come to pick you up sooner than you were expecting and- you hate the snow, the cold, and yet you hesitate at the front doors when it’s time to go.” Agnes remembers. She- she wants to go, surely, it’s her home, with her family. Her- she- it’s her destiny. She can’t stay. There’s nothing else to do but to go. “They tell you big words, about ‘destiny’ and ‘fate’, but they’re wrong. The only destiny you have it’s the one you make for yourself, not what others have carved out for you.” her hand flies to her face and it comes back wet. Oh, there’s the tears. She hiccups around Annabelle’s words. “I will never tell you lies ever again. I will never show you a path while hiding the millions of others and claiming it’s the only way. I will never hurt you by making you do it yourself and believing it’s the right thing to do. And,” here her voice shakes, and Agnes can’t remember any other time when Miss Cane wasn’t steady and yet, here they are, “I will never give up on you, Agnes.” her thin body, like dry sticks ready to be lit, shakes when she sobs but she doesn’t dare break eye contact with her mother.
“There’s no soft way to say this, and I won’t sugarcoat anything else, or hide anything from either of you again.” she looks briefly at Martin, who’s in a very much similar state to Agnes, grabbing Gerry’s sleeve. Agnes’ closer now, and the thought of ‘I’m going to tease about that later’ almost makes her laugh out loud. “You are being raised in a cult, Agnes.” well, there goes the laughter.
Something she knew but couldn’t reach. It’s like- well, not a slap, a slap’s surprising. More... a wave crashing all around her; she saw it coming, and she let it emerge her in the messy, icy depths of it.
Annabelle takes it away, explains their plans, the plans for her, teaches Agnes about all the painful things she knew deep down but couldn’t reach. She’s lucky, she realizes, to have someone take her by the hand and pull her closer, however jarring it is.
She takes Agnes’ face in her hands, smearing them with tears, and when she promises, “I’ll make this right, we’ll do it, just tell me how and we’ll make it true.” she believes her. Truly, so raw it burns her chest, and it hurts, but she’s closer than she’s been in years, and the most she can do now is throw herself at Annabelle and let herself be hugged.
There’s so many things to do. They need to get her family- the cul- her- them out of her hair until she can find herself again. Or for the first time. They took all the years she’s had until now after all. 
Martin all but runs to her arms, wetting her sleep clothes. Gerry wraps an arm around her shoulders, slowly, and rests his head on top of hers, his mutter barely audible when his mouth is in her hair. “I’m sorry. Please don’t go.” she reaches for the wrist resting on her free shoulder and squeezes, and Gerry sighs a broken little thing that has her shaking harder again. But she’s closer now, again. She’s here. She wants to stay in here.
Her hand meets Annabelle’s and she feels herself breathe, again. Finally.
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lampmeeting · 4 years
since i can now do this ldsfk 1-Metalocalypse (obvi) and 2 Chickles back at you :3
oh HELL yeah *rubs hands together* okay this’ll be long so i’ll do a cut
Favorite character: PICKLESSSSS
Least Favorite character: everyone says rockso and like I GET IT he’s revolting, but my ultimate least-fave is toki’s dad. fuck that old man.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): CHICKLES, HAMMERTOOTH, uhhhh (what else is there?? i’m kidding) nathan/abigail, charles/magnus, nathan/toki
Character I find most attractive: oh fuck don’t do this to me. i have too many types!! i can’t pick! fuck. i’m just gonna say charles. even though it’s magnus. wait. no. it’s pickles. charles. toki. fuck. magnus. i can’t do it dfkgjhf
Character I would marry: realistically?? like, i would say charles but unless i’m a member of dethklok i’m gonna be getting like .02% of that man’s time. honestly i would pick toki or nathan. toki would be so sweet and attentive, all the huggings and kissings, awww. nathan i feel would be the same, but only in private. you gotta kinda work on him a lil bit haha.
Character I would be best friends with: my heart says pickles but my soul says murderface. i would FOR SURE laugh at one of his off-hand under-his-breath comments because that’s just what i do, i fucking laugh at everything, and he’d be like OH? someone thinks i’m funny?? and then my life would never know peace (in a good way)
A random thought: i wanna hear all the dethklok albums from before the show started. like that album where their abs were airbrushed, wtf did that sound like?
An unpopular opinion: season 4 was good. :O i feel like i hear the sentiment from quite a few people that season 4 on the whole was bad. i love all the seasons equally actually.
My Canon OTP: CHICKLES. may i present to the court, exhibit A *points to my icon* (shhh no, let me dream)
My Non-canon OTP: toki/magnus :’) i think this is just about as non-canon as you can get, really. but the heart wants what it wants.
Most Badass Character: DEFINITELY charles.
Most Epic Villain: sorry, mags... salacia.
Pairing I am not a fan of: i think i’m willing to at least entertain most any ship. i’ve read some interesting things for sure. i draw the line at seth/pickles though (i’m glad that doesn’t really seem to exist anymore? it was around more back in the day).
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): aside from magnus and abigail, who both needed WAY more screen time?? i would say dr rockso in a sense. he was sort of that kooky rascal you wave your finger at when he gets in trouble, and then they had to go and do the whole dory mclean thing. and i get the point of the episode, but after that i wasn’t rooting for rockso anymore and he kinda became more of this sinister kinda figure? i dunno. i think that whole angle could’ve been done away with and it would’ve been a lot better. also him trying to fucking drown toki in the christmas episode. 8( ouch, man.
Favourite Friendship: probably nathan and pickles, since they’re the lynchpin of the whole outfit.
Character I most identify with: pickles with some toki on the side. :’) ahhh.
Character I wish I could be: i wanna be that girl that nathan was dating for a while, the one the boys end up befriending and playing scrabble with. i want to be their friiiiiiiiiend
When I started shipping them: WELL....okay so i actually just went back and looked at my old deviantart account and the first drawing i did of them (yes i’m linking to 14-year-old art pls don’t judge me) was on Oct. 18, 2006, so like...the dethfam episode hadn’t even aired yet. god damn. there was someone in the sausage festival livejournal community who had drawn the two of them, and then i fucking went ravenous for it real quick and it became like the only thing i drew for months hahaha. i had been nickles up until then. :O
My thoughts: MY THOUGHTS??? this is so vague. i have many thoughts. uh, for one? they’re perfect together? the straight-laced workaholic and the lazy degenerate? yes please, gimme. they’re like yin and yang, opposites attracting. and yet i feel like, once they get past that, they realize they’re both so similar at their cores. and pickles helps charles loosen up, and charles gives pickles some structure. they both give each other someone to lean on when shit gets bad. pickles can be a surprisingly good caretaker when he wants to be. :’)
What makes me happy about them: everything?? i really don’t know how to adequately describe just how much i love them and just how much that means hahah... you ever ship something for 14 years?? i know some of y’all have. it gets in your blood. that’s like over a third of my life right there. not to be dramatic or anything hahaha but they’re important to me. that ship helped get me through some rough months back when i lived alone in a crappy apartment, and it’s hilarious to me that i’m getting back into it hardcore like i was back then considering everything that’s going on right now, just current events-wise and personal stuff-wise.
What makes me sad about them: god damn, anything about those 9 months charles spent “dead”. anything post-doomstar. anything snakes ‘n barrels where they’re together for a short time and then never see each other until charles becomes dethklok’s manager. pickles pining after him for like a decade after the band forms. or charles pining, having to watch pickles party and do drunks and sleep around. or BOTH of them pining and not realizing it, or REALIZING IT and not acting on it because what if it hurt the band somehow? maybe charles wouldn’t want to jeopardize it but pickles would be okay with it, and charles would have to be the one to say no. ahhhhhhhHHHHHH
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: oof, i agree with you here, Ash. i’ve read a couple fics where, like, the bdsm aspect wasn’t even fun. i probably know the exact fic that left a bad taste in your mouth because there’s one specific one i’m thinking of that left a bad taste in mine (actually two...). like i had to actually get up from the computer and go do dishes hahah... uck. but yeah. don’t like charles being abusive to pickles. i think pickles does like some punishment from time to time, and he definitely has some daddy issues. but i don’t want it to get fucking sinister haha y’know? pickles, at his heart, is a good-times guy. he likes good feelings. he wants to feel nice. and charles, at HIS heart, is all about service.
Things I look for in fanfic: are they in love or just hooking up?? i mean i’ll take either at the end of the day, but i’m a romantic and i need the love, i crave it.
My wishlist: give to me all the fics about snakes n’ barrels chickles. how i haven’t written one baffles me (though i did have that huge plot write-up from months back haha...i should turn that into a real fic sometime). would also love a huge fic about their marriage, complete with canon-typical buffoonery. fics about them retiring together. ;0; fics about them just having nice peaceful moments. literally just.....any fic haha...
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: my soul literally begins to shatter apart if i consider them ultimately ending up with anyone else hahaha... other relationships can come and go, but at the end of the line i need those boys to be together. <3
My happily ever after for them: after galaktikon II, dethklok has kinda run its course. the band uses their near-infinite resources to help rebuild the earth. shortly after, it’s pickles who proposes in a surprising turn of events. shaken after the battle, he doesn’t wanna waste any more time. they get married barefoot on the beach probably in like fiji or something (pickles’ idea) with friends and family present (the okay ones haha, also magnus is there with toki because this is my dream, damnit). pickles has white flowers in his dreads in lieu of a bouquet. T~T everything goes well, no one crashes the wedding. they have a lovely honeymoon there when everyone else leaves. pickles says he’s decided to retire from music, but it’s not long before he’s working feverishly on new music in the home studio at their new place. some real expansive stuff. he’s kinda doing it as a weird therapy, coming to terms with some stuff. he never gets clean but he’s not using drugs and alcohol as a band-aid for his problems quite so much anymore. charles retires from managing bands (he doesn’t have the heart for it if it’s not dethklok) and ends up doing the adjunct professor thing whenever he gets bored. but he practices guitar a lot, pickles teaching him some advanced stuff, they jam together sometimes. he takes up sailing because it’s something he’s always wanted to do but never had time for. after pickles releases his first solo album, charles takes him on a long, romantic sailing trip. everything is perfect, everything’s gonna be good forever. 8′) forever. the end.
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half-bakedboy · 5 years
All I’ve Ever Wanted
Read on AO3
“All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy…”
“Well, I’m not!” The words came out harsher than Magnus had intended. He really hadn’t meant to say them at all. The look of hurt that filled Alec’s face had a jolt of pain rushing through his heart. “What am I doing? You put this beautiful night together and I’m picking a fight.” Magnus shook his head once again, the tremble in his hands becoming more noticable to him. “It’s pathetic,” he admitted. The small shake of Alec’s head was enough to have his trembling hands shaking.
“Its… okay. You’re going through a hard time…” Magnus did his best to stifle the dark laugh that bubbled into his chest. All Alec wanted was honestly, so he’d said before, so Magnus was going to give it to him.
“Please, Alexander. Don’t make me pretend this is just a phase. Because it’s not.” Magnus couldn’t bring himself to talk above a whisper or tear his eyes from the table in front of him. “What I’m feeling now, it may never pass. As long as I live,” Magnus added, taking in the beautiful table display in front of him for the first time. The flowers on the table were his favorite and the food brought back memories of the first time they cooked together. The effort Alec must have put into it made his stomach twist uncomfortably. “I should go… Before I ruin both our appetites.” Magnus turned to flee only to be stopped by Alec’s hands on his chest. Anger lit up his body. Why wouldn’t Alec just let him leave?
“Stop, stop. Magnus, listen. I, I love you. Can you just… I just want to help.” Magnus stared at the ground, pushing against Alec’s grip.
“I know you do, but you can’t,” Magnus said, his voice barely hiding the emotion flooding through him.
“Listen, stop…”
“Alec, let me go!”
“Please, listen to me!”
Magnus struggled to remove himself from Alec’s grip. He didn’t deserve the support Alec was offering. He wasn’t any good without his magic. He wasn’t helpful without his magic. He wasn’t who Alec fell in love with without his magic. He wasn’t him without his magic. Magnus had to get away. He fought and fought against the strong grip Alec had on him. He cursed himself for being too weak to force his way out of the situation. He cried out Alec’s name in anger.
“Let me be here with you!” Alec pleaded. The words hit somewhere inside Magnus and a sob escaped his lips. All of a sudden, his strength to fight was gone and all he wanted was for Alec to hold him tighter and tighter and tighter.
Magnus gripped Alec’s back, an awkward angle for both of them but neither of them caring. Magnus’ sobs ripped through him, the emotions building inside him since he lost himself pouring out onto Alec’s jacket. He barely heard the words of support and calming sounds that Alec was making as he held Magnus closer and closer and closer.
The cold breeze in the New York air had a shiver running through Magnus as he held onto Alec with everything in him. His sobs had subsided but the tears were another story. He had held them in for so long, they weren’t ready to disappear. He started moving away from Alec only to be pulled closer. He heard the shaky breaths that Alec was taking, felt the shudders he had caused as Alec held in his own sobs. Magnus moved his head away to meet Alec’s eyes, the devastation in them causing more tears to fall. Magnus wiped the tears from Alec’s face with his thumbs, pressing his lips to each cheek.
“I’m sor--” Alec shook his head abruptly, removing his hands from Magnus’ back to grip his wrists and pulled them away from his face.
“Don’t you dare apologize to me, Magnus. For once in your life, please let someone else take care of you.” The serious look in Alec’s face had Magnus nodding, letting himself be led to the bathroom attached to Alec’s room. Alec pushed his shoulders softly, seating him on the edge of the bathtub. Alec pushed his hair back, a soft smile on his lips before he moved to the cupboard over the sink. Magnus watched blindly. He had never been this vulnerable before to anyone and here Alec was, taking care of him. He had always said that Alec surprised him this moment was no different.
Magnus let a small gasp fall from his lips when Alec turned back around. He had a few cotton pads and the makeup removal mixture Magnus had created a few decades ago. Magnus took a few seconds to gaze into Alec’s eyes before he closed his own. The soft pad moved across his eyelids a little sloppily, finally urging a smile onto Magnus’ face.
“Hey, I’m no expert… Yet,” Alec added, tossing one of the pads away as he used another to start removing the makeup from Magnus’ other eye. Magnus sighed contently, reaching up to rest a hand on Alec’s wrist. Alec continued his movements until every single trace of makeup was gone from Magnus’ face. When Magnus opened his eyes, he saw Alec reaching over his shoulder to turn on the shower. Alec pulled him up so he was standing once more and smoothed the jacket off of Magnus’ shoulders.
“If I knew you wanted to get me naked, I wouldn’t have worn my nicest clothes,” Magnus teased, his voice laced with vulnerability as he tried to make light of their current situation. Alec huffed out a small laugh, his fingers working on the buttons of Magnus’ shirt. He didn’t say anything as he undressed Magnus slowly. When his hands reached for Magnus’ belt, there was nothing sexual about it. He stripped Magnus of the rest of his clothes, placing a kiss on his forehead before ushering him into the shower.
As soon as the warm water hit Magnus’ back, he sighed heavily. He leaned his head back, letting the liquid flood over his face and hair before tilting his head back up to see an undressed Alec in front of him. Alec twirled his finger in a circle, indicating Magnus to turn around. Magnus complied again, letting his eyes shut as he waited for whatever was next of Alec’s pampering. He heard Alec uncap a bottle before he felt his hands in his hair. Alec massaged at his head, scratching his scalp ever so lightly with his nails as he worked the shampoo into it. Magnus let out a soft moan of comfort, his head dropping forward just a little more. He felt the hard lines of Alec’s body pressed against his back and felt a shiver run through his body.
“Alec…” Magnus wasn’t sure why he had said his name. Alec shhed him softly, placing a soft kiss between his shoulder blades before wrapping an arm around his chest. He pulled Magnus upright and tilted his head back with his other hand, letting the water rinse out the suds he had created. Magnus kept his eyes closed as Alec’s hand protected them from the shampoo. The hand on Magnus’ chest was rubbing soothing circles and Magnus couldn’t help but cover it with his own. He lifted it up to his lips, placing a kiss on Alec’s palm before resting it back on his chest.
Alec ran a final stroke through Magnus’ hair before soaping up their loofa and running it across Magnus’ back. Another groan left his lips at the soft ministrations, a few tears escaping his eyes again as he revelled in the care Alec was putting into every movement. Alec pushed Magnus forward so the water hit his back before turning him around and scrubbing the front of him. Magnus opened his eyes to gaze helplessly at the man in front of him. Alec had the tip of his tongue sticking out the side of his lips, all of his focus on taking care of Magnus.
The wave of love Magnus felt flow through him caused a sob to burst from his lips, his hands moving quickly to cover his mouth. Alec looked up at him, dropping the loofa as his eyes widened at the sound. Magnus shook his head, attempting to ease Alec but another bout of tears poured from his eyes. Alec tried to wipe them away with his hands but soaped up Magnus’ face instead. When he realized what he had done, a panicked look flashed across his face. Magnus couldn’t stop the wet giggle that escaped his lips. He thought it sounded way better than the sobs from the rest of the night.
“I love you,” Magnus whispered, leaning in to press their lips together in a gentle caress. Alec pulled Magnus closer by his hips, Magnus’ arms reaching to wrap around his boyfriend’s neck. There was a tenderness in this kiss that Magnus hadn’t felt before. The way that Alec’s lips moved against his own, contemplating each move before it happened to ensure that Magnus was in control. Magnus had been feeling so out of control and the gesture had him sighing into Alec’s lips. Alec pulled away slowly, his eyes remaining closed for a few seconds.
“Let’s rinse you off and get you into your favorite robe, okay?” Magnus nodded, leaning back into the water once more. He realized it had started to run cold but it didn’t bother him. His body was warmed by Alec pressed against it.
As he stepped out of the shower, Alec wrapped a towel around his waist, using another to massage at his hair. Magnus leaned into the touch, unused to such trivial things like drying his hair. He had always snapped his fingers and it was perfectly quaffed. He pushed the thought aside, opting to focus on Alec’s hands. When he pulled away, Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec’s neck once more, pulling him in for a tight hug. Alec inhaled deeply before pulling away and leading Magnus to the bed. He pulled the towel from Magnus’ waist, handing the robe to Magnus so he could shrug it on.
“Lay down,” Alec demanded, his voice still soft as he didn’t want to burst the intimacy of the night. Magnus did as told, curling up with his head on Alec’s pillow. He heard Alec wandering around the room but ignored whatever he was doing, deciding to let himself be consumed by the smell of Alec surrounding him instead. The lights went out and Alec slid into the bed next to Magnus, pulling the other man close. Their foreheads rested together as they exchanged soft kisses and whispers of love and devotion.
What had been the most vulnerable Magnus had ever felt had turned into the most powerful. He had Alec on his side through everything and that made him the strongest person on the planet.
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faejilly · 5 years
i am for you (11/?)
so apparently this is going to update every other week rather than every week, despite my best intentions. AH WELL. Have some Maryse POV, because she’s my favorite. 
None of Maryse's children would tell her anything about Alec's new boyfriend.
Izzy and Jace were an odd combination of amused and confused and possibly worried when she asked. Izzy said he was a professor at UIA, and Jace said Magnus was very... fancy. And then he shrugged liked he'd used up his quota of words on the subject. She thought it was supposed to be a compliment, and Jace was just surprised that Alec liked fancy.
Maryse found she wasn't, but she didn't think she could explain why not in a way that Jace might understand.
Clary grinned and said she didn't want to ruin Maryse's first impression.
Maryse was not at all sure what that meant.
Simon and Maia were there when she asked Clary, so they didn't say anything either, though they at least looked vaguely apologetic as they went along with Clary's decision.
Clary had that effect on people a lot. It was a good thing Clary was fundamentally a good person or she'd probably be leading a cult of some sort within the next decade. She was terrifyingly like her birth parents some times.
She also laughed delightedly at Maryse's expression after refusing to help, and Maryse couldn't help but smile and concede the point. Clary was also wonderfully like her father.
No one would tell Lucian anything about Magnus either, but it didn't seem to bother him as much. When he laughed at Maryse's fretting and pulled her into a hug in the middle of the kitchen to distract her from her fourth or fifth attempt at meal planning, she found she didn't mind too much anymore.
"I think this is going to be really important." Maryse whispered into her husband's neck, unable to make herself speak up. She wasn't entirely sure what she was afraid of, but she could feel the weight of something approaching, and she didn't think it was just surprise that Alec was introducing someone to the family for the first time.
Lucian kissed her temple. "You're usually right about Alec. Important doesn't mean bad or stressful though, or something we need to worry about."
"But I don't know how not to worry."
Lucian laughed again, his chest rumbling against her. "You'll ride it out until it's better, you always do."
"You have such faith in me."
He lifted up her chin and kissed her gently. "You've earned every bit of it."
She kissed him again, just because she could, and decided she'd worry about planning dinner later.
[maia]: so how bad's your hangover, Clary?
[clary]: don't type so loud
[simon]: do I need to bring you some Lewis Hangover Cure™, Fray?
[clary]: oh god. I will give you anything you want [clary]: My firstborn [clary]: MY SOUL [clary]: please
[simon]: like I'd know what to do with a kid. Don't even threaten me with that for a joke.
[simon]: sure thing, gimme 20
[maia]: I'm surprised you managed to drink that much, Alec and Magnus were really distracting
[jace]: What?
[maia]: they were having date night at the club [maia]: you missed Alec dancing again!
[izzy]: Alec was at a club? Wow. And I missed it? Pictures?
[maia]: Pandemonium
[izzy]: damnit
[jace]: that's so [jace]: this is so weird [jace]: I'm not the only one who thinks this is weird, right?
[izzy]: not even a little bit
[clary]: but I think it's a GREAT weird
[maia]: They seemed happy
[jace]: No one else is worried that it's not very... Alec-like?
[izzy]: you've got to trust his judgment Jace, it's his life [izzy]: everyone's allowed one grand impulsive romance, aren't they?
[jace]: look what happened the last time Alec did something out of character
[izzy]: ... [izzy]: that was eight years ago
[jace]: doesn't make it feel any better, does it?
[clary]: are you talking about?
[izzy]: yeah
[maia]: shit
[clary]: I still think it's good weird. But I get why you're worried about him
[jace]: I want to think that [jace]: Magnus does seem like he's as into this as Alec is [jace]: But that could just mean they're both about to crash? [jace]: or we could be completely wrong about Magnus and he's actually a giant dick
[maia]: you can't put it like that, this is a serious conversation and I get entirely where you're coming from but now all I can think about is I bet Alec likes his giant dick and I didn't need to think that
[clary]: 🤣🤣🤣
[izzy]: If you didn't want to think it, why'd you type it?
[maia]: well, once it happened it was too late to pretend it hadn't. No reason not to share.
[clary]: bet Alec doesn't want to share Magnus' giant dick
[izzy]: 👏👏👏
[jace]: 🙄🙄🙄
[jace]: I know I'm probably over-reacting [jace]: I just want him safe and happy and he's never even MENTIONED a guy he's been on A date with, much less a relationship, since he came out and
[izzy]: suddenly he's joined at the hip with a guy we don't know
[jace]: yeah
[izzy]: it's a lot
[maia]: and wow am I glad I'm better at this group message thing than Jace, cuz that'd be one awkward conversation for Alec to walk into later
[jace]: hell yes you are, thanks
[izzy]: As Simon isn't here to do the usual: "because you're the best, Maia"
[maia]: *bows*
[tessa]: I know you're working a double today [tessa]: want me to buy you some lunch in-between?
[cat]: I am actually meeting Magnus' Alec for lunch
[tessa]: because if you'd just said Alec I wouldn't have known who you meant?
[cat]: ha. Maybe? It feels like an important descriptor. Would you like to join us? He seems like he's just sort of letting Magnus' friends happen to him.
[tessa]: ha right back at you... that's probably a good way to deal with us though [tessa]: and thank you, but no, he's met you already, that's different than springing a stranger on him. I'll see him Sunday for brunch, after all. Besides, Dot would be so sad if she met him last. I'll savor the suspense for one more day
[cat]: that's very thoughtful of you. [cat]: I could see if Dot can come, and then you'll be the odd one out tomorrow 😉
[tessa]: I doubt she's up yet. Ragnor's observatory nights usually go 'til almost dawn, counting driving back home again.
[cat]: I should really try and go on the next one, I haven't managed it in ages
[tessa]: but sleep!
[cat]: I know! [cat]: when did we get so old?
[tessa]: we'll never be old, kitty cat [tessa]: that's what Ragnor's for. He'll be old for the rest of us
[cat]: but he's the one who can still stay up all night
[tessa]: by napping and ignoring people all day. He was an old man when he was 10, I bet
[cat]: he is a such a lovely old grouch isn't he? [cat]: he definitely knows Alec things he's not sharing, he's got too much smug going on
[tessa]: are we surprised by that?
[cat]: no, just pointing out the obvious I guess [cat]: I think I want to pretend my break's not almost over
[tessa]: you love your job, even when it's exhausting, and you get to meet the pretty six foot tall boy who blushes over lunch!
[cat]: are you going to tell him that that is how I described him?
[tessa]: depends on how pretty he is [tessa]: if he's too pretty I will start talking without realizing it and it might very well happen
[cat]: I'm doomed
[tessa]: really? How delightful. Is he pretty enough to keep up with Magnus?
[cat]: Entirely different sort of pretty, but yes, I think so
[tessa]: amazing. I can't wait 'til Sunday
[cat]: invitation for lunch is still open?
[tessa]: nah, but thanks [tessa]: now get back to work
[cat]: 💙
[clary]: so how'd lunch go?
[izzy]: Magnus is delightful and brilliant and gorgeous [izzy]: and tried to get the check even though I invited him [izzy]: but was entirely good natured about it when I paid [izzy]: so [izzy]: better than any of my blind dates [izzy]: and most of my regular dates [izzy]: I'm a little jealous that Alec seems so much better at this than the rest of us
[simon]: speak for yourself
[izzy]: do I need to remind you of your seven-year crush on your best friend the LESBIAN
[clary]: wait, Simon had a crush on me?
[maia]: your best friend the CLUELESS lesbian
[simon]: you did not need to remind me of that, no [simon]: and yes I did. It was really obvious. I had more than a couple baristas & waiters either offer sympathy or tell me to just ask you out over the years. They saw us together for five minutes and they knew. [simon]: pretty sure they could tell from the ISS
[clary]: REALLY?
[izzy]: really really
[clary]: my whole word has wobbled, I don't know what to do with this [clary]: do you think I'm that oblivious to GIRLS who like me too?
[jace]: yes
[izzy]: yes
[maia]: yes
[simon]: you're even worse, girls actively try and hit on you rather than pining like I did and you don't notice
[clary]: well. Fuck.
[maia]: only there's not fucking, isn't that the problem?
[izzy]: you are X rated today, are you a little frustrated?
[simon]: I don't know if that's a dig at me or Maia, but either way: HEY
[maia]: maybe I just feel sorry for the rest of you that you're not getting laid on the regular like I am [maia]: and Alec, apparently
[jace]: ew [jace]: why is it always about sex
[izzy]: you've had sex and you know we all have sex
[jace]: yeah, but [jace]: it's nice exercise? [jace]: I mean. I don't mind it [jace]: but I don't get it
[simon]: I still want to make you a shirt [simon]: Jace is Ace. Maybe Jace The Ace! [simon]: it rhymes!
[izzy]: you're such a dork
[simon]: but you love me anyway! That's what family's for
[izzy]: I do, unfortunately
[simon]: 😜
[jace]: we're all going to be there on Sunday right?
[clary]: I think so [clary]: did Maryse try and ask you guys about Magnus, too?
[izzy]: yeah, Jace called him *fancy*
[jace]: was I wrong?
[izzy]: no, but I don't think that helped Mom figure out what to make for dinner
[jace]: well I don't know what he likes to eat, what was I supposed to say?
[maia]: that he looked at Alec like he hung the moon and stars [maia]: I'm assuming that's the kind of thing a Mom would like to hear
[simon]: and it's not like it's even an exaggeration
[clary]: they're adorable
[jace]: weird but good. Right. Why am I nervous? I'm not the one bringing a date to meet the parents
[izzy]: oh wow imagine if he actually had to meet all our parents
[jace]: I have like five options & they're all terrible except Maryse
[maia]: Terrible or dead. Ghost parents?
[simon]: well that's a horrifying mental image
[clary]: My mom would be a kick-ass ghost
[simon]: your mom was a kick-ass everything
[clary]: she was, wasn't she? [clary]: I still miss her
[simon]: we always will
[izzy]: would it be terribly insensitive of me to say I *wish* I could miss my dad?
[simon]: horrifyingly so, holy shit Izzy [simon]: but still fair. I get it [simon]: but counter suggestion [simon]: if he was the kind of guy you could miss your Mom probably wouldn't have left the way she did, and none of you would be here, and I don't want to imagine Alicante without the Lightwoods
[izzy]: awww. Same. I feel like I'd miss you guys, though I wouldn't know what I was missing
[maia]: it'd be quieter [maia]: I mean boring. which would be... bad [maia]: I Can Not Even Imagine hOw dUll our lives would be It would be Awful
[jace]: I can hear the sarcasm across town there
[maia]: hey. If I really didn't like you guys I'd tell you to your face
[clary]: she makes a good point
[jace]: doesn't mean she can go five minutes without sniping at us
[maia]: why should I? you fuss so pretty when I do
[izzy]: I finally figured out why she likes Alec best, they're both assholes
[maia]: it's a feature, not a bug!
[clary]: I feel like we should make a follow-up to this morning's dick jokes via Magnus appreciating Alec's ass [clary]: but I also feel like if I do that Jace might murder me in my sleep
[jace]: so you did it in the hypothetical in an attempt to have your cake and eat it too?
[izzy]: Cake is not a better choice of metaphor if you want to get away from the sex talk
[jace]: you are all terrible why do I talk to you
[simon]: uh, because we're adorable and you love us
[jace]: that sounds fake but ok
[clary]: we love you too, Jace
[jace]: 😔 [jace]: 🖤
[izzy]: 😘
Maryse opened the door for Alec and his date and knew immediately what Clary meant. She couldn't blame Maia or Simon at all. Magnus Bane was stunning. On several levels.
She always knew Alec had good taste.
Magnus was polite and charming, and for all he'd claimed to be "a reasonable amount of nervous" he didn't show a bit of it. Alec was a little tense, but easily distracted by Magnus' everything, and he had such a smile every time their eyes met. Maryse wasn't sure she'd ever seen the like.
It was a good dinner. Conversation never flagged, Jace and Lucian easily talking about the people they'd worked with the past week. Simon's brain was clearly still half caught in the song he was currently writing, but he focused back in enough to tell them all that Maia had aced her last lab report. Maia sputtered a little but accepted all their congratulations. Clary told them about her current art project, while Izzy complained about her pathology class in a tone of voice that was clearly more delighted than annoyed. Magnus told them all about his and Alec's crossed-email-chain, and Maryse had to admit it was a charming story. Almost enough to make one believe in fate giving them a hand. That or the University servers were haunted by helpful ghosts.
Lucian cleared the table when everyone was done, and Izzy leaned across the table toward Alec. "So, did you warn him?"
"Warn me about what?" Magnus flicked a glance back and forth, and Clary giggled.
Alec rolled his eyes. "We're not really—"
"'Course we are," Simon interrupted. "We always do."
Alec groaned, and Magnus turned towards Maryse with wide-eyes and lifted eyebrows.
"We found half an old board game in the pantry when we moved in," Maryse said.
"We think it was supposed to be one of those dumb date night or newlywed 'how well you know your partner' things." Clary added. "But we've uh. Adapted it."
Magnus tilted his head, aimed a loud stage whisper at Alec. "What does that mean and why did you make that noise?"
"They're going to ask a bunch of really stupid questions off of cards and then laugh at everyone’s answers."
Magnus blinked. "That sounds harmless."
Jace scoffed. "Should say that to Kaelie and Maureen and Jordan and Meliorn and Louisa and Andrew..."
Maia smacked Jace on the shoulder. "Pretty sure that had more to do with Lightwoods being scary intense rather than a party game."
"And Magnus has already survived that!" Izzy grinned. "And to be fair, some of them we're much better off without. Alec seems to have better taste in dates than the rest of us."
"Wouldn't take much," Lucian muttered as he sat next to Maryse again. "Sometimes I worry about our children."
Maryse leaned over and kissed him on the temple, lingering for a moment against the warmth of his skin to hum her agreement.
"Ha ha," Clary blew him a kiss. "You love us."
"That I do, kiddo." Lucian agreed. "Now, are we going to subject Magnus to our interrogation here, or in the living room?"
Alec rolled his eyes. "I promise it's not really an interrogation."
Magnus laughed, and pushed back from the table. He offered Alec a hand up. "I'm not worried. But I presume you'd like a bit more room to stretch your legs?"
Alec's smile lit up the whole room, and he took Magnus' hand. "Thanks."
They headed toward the living room, and Maryse blinked at their backs. She had a feeling she'd underestimated things when she'd thought Magnus might be important to Alec. She had a sneaking suspicion he was surprisingly close to vital already, after only a week or two.
It was slightly terrifying, but she'd never been happier for him.
It really wasn't an interrogation. They went around to everyone with the questions off the game cards; it was a chance for Magnus to break through the Lightwood united front as much as it was a chance for them to get to know Magnus.
Well, and Lucian did always keep a close eye on anyone their children thought worth bringing home. He hadn't been a cop in almost twenty years, but some habits he'd kept. He seemed relaxed tonight, leaning against Maryse's side and laughing warmly at some of the answers.
"Adjunct?" Izzy asked Magnus. "That's your least favorite word."
"Look at a university employment contract for part-time and entry-level teaching or research positions." Magnus waved a hand elegantly through the air, light glinting off his rings and catching in the matte finish of his dark blue nail polish. "'Adjunct' is the devil's word."
"Why are you so concerned about Magnus' answer?" Alec asked, though he was smiling as he spoke. "It wasn't even his question."
"There's nothing funny about moist." Clary shuddered. "I agree with Izzy on that answer completely."
Maryse shook her head. "But now it's actually Magnus' turn." She reached her hand out until Jace passed her the box, and she pulled out the next card. "What was the first thing you said when you met?" Maryse glanced up from the card at Alec and Magnus.
Alec lifted his chin as his mouth curled up into half a smile. "Pretty sure I apologized."
"You did, quite prettily, and then I asked you if you believed in fate." Magnus was holding Alec's hand, and his thumb moved gently across Alec's knuckles, and they both looked so peaceful, so content, leaning against each other and settled on the couch.
She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Alec so simply happy, and she agreed with Magnus' word again, that odd sensation of fate, of destiny, almost tangible when they looked at each other.
"That's the email though, right, the one that didn't go to Professor Fell." They both did a surprisingly well-timed shrug-nod maneuver, and Maryse's eyes narrowed. There was something. She was missing something. "What was the first thing you said, though, when you met in person?"
Alec went a little too still, and looked at Magnus, and it was such a speaking sort of look, she recognized a silent conversation when she saw one. Magnus exhaled, and she could hear a shudder in the sound, and had a feeling she'd found the thing she was looking for.
"Magnus?" Alec's voice was soft, and so tender that Maryse's throat ached.
"Alexander." Magnus' eyes were too bright, and Maryse couldn't swallow.
"Marry me." The entire room was still, and she didn't think her family had ever been so quiet, even when they were all sleeping.
"Ok." Magnus smiled, and Maryse forgot how to breathe. "Kiss me?"
"God, yes."
Alec and Magnus leaned into each other, the small space between them disappearing as they kissed, and there was something so fragile in the lift of Magnus' chin, in the way Alec's fingers brushed against Magnus' jaw, that Maryse could feel the hot prick of tears in her eyes.
It was still so quiet she could hear the kiss, could hear their lips part, the way they breathed, even as Magnus lifted his hand to hold Alec's fingers against his jaw, to keep them both so close together.
"And then Lydia interrupted us." Alec's voice was so full of love that Maryse wondered if she'd remember how to breathe again before she died.
"Which is probably good." Magnus' voice had a hint of a wry twist, but underneath that it was just as heartbreakingly sincere as Alec's. "Or we might have gotten in trouble for indecent behavior in a public bus-stop."
Alec laughed, and the shiver in the air broke, and Maryse inhaled as he and Magnus leaned back against the couch and turned to face the rest of them.
"What!" Izzy stood up, and her face was a twist of about ten different emotions, and the only one making it out into her voice was shock.
"Izzy." Jace hissed, and grabbed her hand to hold her still. He had the same tangle of conflicted feelings visible in his eyes, but on him the overwhelming conclusion looked closer to grief.
"But?" Izzy gestured back and forth, and her eyes were much too wide, worry and confusion.
Maryse looked at Alec, and she smiled. She recognized that look in his eyes.
"Congratulations," Maryse lifted her voice to make sure no one interrupted. She looked at Magnus, at the glint of surprise he hadn't tried to hide at her reaction, and felt her smile widen. "Welcome to the family, Magnus."
"Maryse," Lucian's voice was low beside her, and she turned and she smiled at him, and saw his breath catch at something in her face.
"Sometimes you just know. Just like I knew when we washed up here." She leaned forward a little, her hand balanced on his thigh, staring into his eyes. He had such beautiful eyes. "I didn't know how we'd get there, or when, but I looked up into your face and you smiled at me and I knew. This was it."
He smiled back then, just as beautiful and startled as that first one years ago, and shook his head just a little. "Wish you'd told me that a little sooner, it would have made some things much less stressful for me."
"Sometimes a little worry's good for you." She leaned forward enough to kiss him before she made herself stand up.
She walked over to Alec and reached down to tug him up out of the couch and hug him properly. When she let go she lifted a hand and placed it on his cheek, and his eyes were damp and she was pretty sure hers had overflowed by now, faint warm tracks down her cheeks. "You have always been much too much like me for your own good, my boy."
She patted Alec on the arm, and leaned around him to include Magnus in her smile. Magnus stared back with something that was a cross between a shocked deer-in-headlights and honest adoration, completely ignoring the tears welling up in his eyes that were such a close mirror to her own. "I hope you like the idea of a large family, Magnus, because you're stuck with us."
She stepped back, and wiped her hands together, and exhaled. She ignored Jace, who was staring at her with his mouth half-open like a landed fish, and Izzy, who wasn't really any better but at least had her mouth closed. She smiled at their other children, almost all of them, we're so close now, so soon, Clary with her hands over her mouth and Simon with his lips pressed too close together holding in a nervous joke or three and Maia, the only one Maryse thought maybe understood what she meant about washing up against the place, the people, that were about to become home.
Maia had had such a wary look on her eyes when Luke had hired her, as if she'd never thought she'd find a safe place to stand again, and wasn't quite sure how to trust this one, no matter how much she wanted it, needed it. But she'd made herself try, made herself stay, because somehow she'd known that this was her chance.
She had that look sometimes still, as if she was afraid someday it might all fall apart, even now. It happened a lot less often than it used to, and that was good enough. Some day they'd get rid of it completely, Maryse was sure.
As sure as she'd been of Lucian. And now Alec's Magnus.
"And I think this calls for some wine!" Maryse grinned, and spun around and left the room.
"I think I'm in love with your mother, Alexander." Magnus' voice drifted out behind her, and Alec laughed so hard he snorted, and Maryse felt so light she thought she might float all the way to the wine and back.
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anthony-kate · 6 years
Can someone pls protect the best man alive? GIVE MAGNUS BANE A HUG FFS!
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Shadowhunters 3x11 Commentary
I really do enjoy seeing them in the field
That’s a really cool fight sequence but also…axes?? They must be so unhandy
Oh THERE’S his sword
This whole series is so dark I’d actually think it was a black screen if there weren’t noises
Why did it take them so long to go after him??? This is ridiculous
Jace feeling guilty for something and being (self-)destructive in the process this is a completely new thing we’ve never seen before
Okay say what you want but this montage of them grieving clary with THAT song in the background actually almost made me cry, it’s so emotional and so well-done by everyone involved
yOu mEaN sHe’S nOt dEaD????? Colour me shocked
ADORE Luke Baines as Jonathan
And also I actually feel really bad for him, I mean…he was brought up by Valentine, sent away by his father to literal hell, was tortured by Lilith when he was just a little boy. It’s only natural that he has no idea what family, love or anything means. He’s basically a boy in the body of a grown man who’s never had someone genuinely love him without using him for their own profit. And yeah, he did a lot of messed up sh*t but…can you blame him?? Nobody ever taught him about morals or whatever. I mean…he definitely has to be stopped but pushing him away and showing him that everyone thinks he’s a monster probably isn’t the way to go.
Okay now, Clary running away is just plain STUPID. I mean…she doesn’t even know where exactly she is, just somewhere in Siberia which is…not exactly a town. And of course Lilith wouldn’t send them near the next bigger city in the country, she’ll have them land somewhere in the middle of nowhere. So all Clary is achieving here is getting frostbite and probably dying. She is not that stupid. Stop writing her like that for dramatic purposes.
Everyone shut up my boys are back.
Magnus not knowing how to put on eyeliner manually is just bullsh*t. I bet he sometimes did his hair and makeup by hand, just like he sometimes takes a shower instead of using magic.
I am L I V I N G for domestic malec. Alec back at it again with casually dropping wedding vows, leaning down to get his well-deserved cheek kiss, babysitting Madzie. I LOVE IT
Couldn’t you have given us at least 20 seconds of Cat-Magnus one-on-one?? Please??? I bet with you, they actually filmed one but cut it out bc it looks like Cat’s about to say something.
Someone give Simon a tight, long hug please
Annnnnd round one of people shaming Maia for needing time away after suddenly seeing her abuser again!!!!!
Wow, Clary’s hair and eye makeup look pretty amazing for running around in the cold for who knows how long!!
The Clave??? Torture??? Breaking the Accords??? Unheard of!!
Okay I actually like the sibling scene between Jace and Izzy but did you HAVE to throw that comment about not having someone she loves as much as he loves Clary?? Like…that’s wrong on so many levels. a) Izzys storylines are ALWAYS linked to boys. Can you NOT??? b) platonic love is just as important as romantic love, if not more. Izzy clearly loves Clary and I’ve seen more sincere, loving scenes between those two than between Cl*ce. So stop.
Now THAT’s an “I’m gonna marry this man” look right here. And also, Alec reading to Madzie? Too cute.
I LOVE bantering boyfriends!!! And also Alec’s face practically spells out “oh, how WE get, huh?”
And once again people keep us from having our cute scenes of Malec cuddling
Man do I HATE Iris
This looks like they filmed it in a ski resort. Like. No snowy mountain has such a wide field of suddenly tree-less ground with perfectly arranged snow.
I mean, I already guessed that Magnus’ wards would have stopped working but…in THIS time nobody thinks of putting new wards around Magnus’ apartment (like…Catarina??) AND the institute which is also unprotected at the moment??? I mean…I hope they at least had someone renew the wards around the institute tbh…
Taking Jace off duty is a good call. Alec is head of the institute and he has to make the decisions that are best for everyone and in this case Jace is a liability and a danger to others and himself
And they’re back at it again with the big parabatai quotes without ever giving us scenes where we actually SEE this great bond they’re supposed to have
Round two of shaming Maia!!! I really, really hate this scene and Izzy is absolutely out of line. If you’re gonna do Sizzy like this, don’t do it.
Magnus with that sword is GOLD
Well for the fact that they were after Iris and wanted to capture/fight her, they did an awful job of doing that. Even without Magnus there to be kidnapped they wouldn’t have stood a chance which is stupid since they’re supposed to be the best people in the institute.
I still laugh about the fact that she stabs Jonathan with a BUTTER KNIFE.
Luke…. .____. Someone (Maryse) give him a hug too, pls
Oh how I hate Iris
This dialogue is so…flat.
Even without his powers I wouldn’t mess with Magnus tbqh
Well, Raphael’s regret comes a bit late
It’s still kind of stupid that Simon goes to see Raphael just for him to tell him there’s a vampire in New York who can help him, so Simon goes back to New York to look for him
Stop hurting my baby T^T
So you’re trying to tell me Magnus actually thinks that Catarina thinks Madzie would be better off with Iris and they’re going to give Madzie to her??? You’re not serious, are you?
Iris leaving Magnus there unsupervised and walking towards an obviously fake Madzie is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Combined with her hands up at just the right time for Izzy’s whip to chain her and then her conveniently turning to Alec for him to pin her with an arrow.
I really hope we won’t see more of that b*tch.
Oh Jia is SUCH a GOOD person. Sadly, that only lasts for a second or so.
Alec has lots of fans out there
Pretty sure that Jia isn’t actually lying. The Clave doesn’t do torture. But they’re outsourcing it.
Okay, I like that they had Malec actually talk about things for once but I really hope this wasn’t it. Magnus is clearly still struggling and it’s not just about not being able to do magic anymore.
Alec is right. And also, in love.
Foreeeeeeeshadowing to the Malec training scene!! Even if I’m pretty sure they won’t get much actual training done.
Maia for pack leader 2k19
Saia deserves a better ending.
Time for Clary to stab her brother with a butter knife!!!
WhAt??? They are bOuNd tOgEthEr??? *Phoebe voice* This is totally new information!!!
Luckily Jonathan died slowly enough for him to heal both of them I guess
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zombeamik · 6 years
OKAY SO BIG BIG BIG BIG SPOILERS DOWN BELOW IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME AS THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE SO i did update this as i was playing so please ignore my spelling mistakes and confusion as i am to lazy to go back and fix it lmao enjoy!! :D
but man it’s so cool and i’m happy so
ok was there a way to finish the crown mario button fight without being pacifist ew
i’m sorry i don’t know how to get exp or love or whatever they call it and i am MAD
when you loved clover but you trying to be mean so you had to kill them D: I AM BAD PERSON BC IT WAS THEIR BIRTHDAY UGH
i love magnus and his hammer head ugh he cute
i charged my mind i love lancer he’s just scared and he wants his papa to live and love.
ALSO HUH LOOK AT THAT ATTACK WOW REMINDS ME OF FLOWEY OH WOW IT WORKS LIKE FLOWEYS ATTACK! WAY TO STEAL AN ATTACK FLOWEY (he don’t exist yet i’m guessing as toriel talked about asriel at the start of the game so prequel to when monsters lived above???)
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susie is like ok we can talk it out with the king and i’m like WHAT NO IM HERE FOR GENOCIDE I AINT DOING NO PACIFIST
even tho i couldn’t kill the button crown dude whatever honestly didn’t know how lmao
excuse me Rouxls Kaard??!?! ur basically a royal mettaton OK BUT WAIT WHAT WAS THAT SPARKLY THI G DOD I MISS IT OR HUH
ugh gross the shop keeper is Rouxls Kaard MAN EW UR PUZZLES SUCK
you’re much stronger than i envisioned PLS don’t use toriels like thanks i am TRYING to do genocide BHT OK
wow i suck i just want to kill everybody and not even do a peaceful way whoops lmao
okay yes toby i will leave you be but i wanted to look i the computer lab cri
omg did asgore die maybe they had a fight again or whatever but excuse me what happened i want to know.
and undyne and alphys not together???
huh that’s cool instead of souls he has flowers instead pls don’t tell me we gonna run into evil soul flowers in this game thanks.
oh the flowers toriel used for her wedding are probably the ones in the containers i am sad
excuse me mum but if you do not put those flowers in the kitchen and you put them in the trash I AM MOVING OUT
oh i just noticed that my side of the room in really empty and now i am sad, asriel what the hell.
end of first run lol
starts of pacifist run
also so i’ve replayed it as i’m trying to actually do genocide and pacifist instead of neutral, ill figure it out. but the cutscene when they were falling down tbh could have been my eyes but i swear i saw abit of red on uh chara or mikaela or kris or whatever you want to call them. anyways.
so i’m doing pacifist ugh anyways omg?
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anyways if ur doing pacifist o honestly think you gotta fight the temptation to kill everything as the evil character man it’s gonna be hard bc goat mama noticed something was wrong and now we ripped our soul out so UH I MEAN YES SOMETHING IS WRONG. CALL 000 PLS
anyways time to continue with pacifist story
ah lovely pacifist ending
no my only question is when chapter 2 comes out i’m wondering if that’s gonna be start of the “genocide route” or where you start gaining levels if you want.
im sorry i thought i was done with this post lol but that ending gets me everytime i’m still wondering where the soul will go or who will take it bc goat mama is probs gonna see it in there. but i honestly wonder why they turned evil like was it because asriel wasn’t there and mum and dad broke up or was it because of susie even tho she was nice like?????? maybe it was because of the king like spooky king not dad king like maybe they noticed that you can’t trust anyone and like i gotta kill them or. UGH I DONT KNOW. TO MANY THINGS.
as someone who loves Chara/whatever you name them/frisk/kris but also loves genocide i can’t say anything to justify their actions as i did nothing wrong and they ripped out their soul and got a knife by themselves so uh IT WASNT MY FAULT
if ur waiting for a theory it ain’t coming i mean there might be bits in this but like it’s honestly me screaming LMAO
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arodrwho · 6 years
tfw u wanna infodump at someone but u don’t feel comfortable just going up to u friends & askin “hey can i infodump @ u” even though they’ve made it clear before they’re chill w/it n so instead u just. yell in a goddang post
Really Cool TAZ Things:
voidfish. voidfish!! entire concept of!! voidfish!!!!
i would hug the voidfish. i would learn how to carve shit just so’s i could make a duck. for the voidfish.
i’d write a lil story about ducks for the voidfish
fis h
good concept. 10/10 fuckin concept. so good
also, pretty. rly pretty. big ol galaxy jellyfish, stunning, pls take more sea creatures & make them all spacey, is absolutely the best possible thing (voidfish, starwhale, outer space mermaids,,,,,,,)
sings!! like it’s already the coolest shit & then it sings!!
and glows! and Is A Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!
and loves ducks so much,,
i can’t handle how much it loves ducks
a good dude. 10/10 fuckin superb lil nerd
so much empty space in this backstory......so much room to play.......
struly a Gift
i rly like the whole,, wrath thing...... He Me
probably talks at machines the fuckin nerdhole
bruh the moment he jus catches the thing in his bare hands and NOTHIN HAPPENS like oh myg od
oh my god
i already knew a lotta shit by that point but i was jus like oh, oh shit, ohohohohohoho da MN & it was so great
so great
he ate! the rock!!
ate it!!!!!!!
big man. soft man. big soft loser of a man
his arc. is so good. he grows so much
therapy dogs,,
makes the ring.......
How Much Love Can We Fit In 1 Man, Let’s Find Out
Shaped Like A Friend
so cool i want. to eat it
let me eat the bond engine
u know what else is cool, like, conceptually? (besides everything?) fuckin
the goddamn hunger. that’s cool as shit
here was me conceiving of it as fuckin. straight-up entropy for so long and then! and then!!!!!
and then!!!!!!
john agAIN.
and then. aaaAAAAAAAAAAAA
also cool conceptually is everything else
cool emotionally are even more things
i have so many feelings about lucretia
so many
i want. to give this woman the world
and also a very long nap
and so many hugs (but not from me cos that’d be weird? from like, her fambly)
i also want, like.
ofc taako’s never gonna Forgive her, like, that’s word of god as hell, but like
i want. there to still be somethin there?
like. in the way of attachment, even if not necessarily emotional on his end, because taako, & bc betrayal (and bc taako)
anyway back to lucretia in general
cycle 65,,,,,,,holy fshit
also hey backin up a little bit
specifically someone was talkin bout older sib taako on my dash and i read their reasoning & Thoughts & jus
oh no
oh no
i love him even more now
older sib taako is jus very............Yes. yesyes, give it to me
i also have thoughts about taako in relation to dr who quote “love is not emotion. love is a promise”
..................i also now have thoughts abt taako in relation to that quote + the words (directed @ lucretia) “and you broke that promise”
o dear
i wish i could draw bc i would ABSOLUTELY draw a taako thing w/that quote in the background bc i have A Lot Of Feelings About It
taako, my dude
& to round out the 3, merle
good plant dad
lowkey reminds me of my mom? except.....not really at all bc them v different
but also
but Not
anyway. HE ARM
cool arm. cool as shit
i wanna say shaped like a friend but no one is more friendshaped than magnus (except maybe the voidfish), so uhhhhhh
Shaped Like A Weird Dad
highly good......
Wants To Be Better which is Important
“am i your friend?”
(am i your friend?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
g o d.
oh also he’s aro so jot that down,,
so good so good, so good so good so good
hey how bout that uhhhhhhh fuckin BLUPJEANS DUET my dudes
i shed actual tears. real actual proper fuckin tears
delightful number of violinists (which is 2 say, more than 1)!!
oh man i still love “hot diggity shit, that is a baller cookie” like, so much
oh man oh man oh man
barry is a GOOF
literal goddamn decades...............
ango mcdango
i’m a flesh boy
what are your real names that you actually have that aren’t fake?
that’s a good goof, sirs
(be kind to this boy!!!!!)
gives off hardcore hermione vibes, i want little hermione to meet this child & i want them to be Best Friends
i want ango mcdango to Have Friends
who are kind to him
i also want tiny hermione to Have Friends
who are kind to her
so it works out y/y?
gives a real goddamn good speech
but also
(the duality of woman)
very good & important
sensory deprivation badtimes........have curiosity for how that’d pan out in the aftertimes
i haven’t actually met ace mcshane properly yet but i feel like they should be introduced & would get along swimmingly......
good shit good shit
in conclusion ye s
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