#let him be happy 2x18
outrunningthedark · 5 months
Real question tho. Explain to me how another failed relationship for Eddie will be a good storyline??? this motherfucker is always fucking single and miserable and this season it’s finally some happiness and he looks happy but no let’s make him single and miserable again??? booooriiinnggggg
I agree with your overall feelings on this. I had my issues with decisions Kristen made in her two years as co-showrunner, including how rushed the Eddie dating arc was (because Mr. "I never thought the show was in danger of being canceled" apparently didn't tell his colleague to write as if there WOULD be a season seven), but she DID get the overall point to the story correct in that Eddie was finally ready to date on his terms and even made the first move by asking for Marisol's number and calling her to set something up. So, here comes Marisol (I'm just talking about the character, not the actress), and you would think this new relationship would have happier times because Eddie's in a happier place, right? Apparently not. People can and probably will spin the narrative to say that they're letting Edy go because of her real life actions ("the backlash is getting to be too much"), but look at the premiere. That was a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance by her, even less than what Ana got in both her introductions from seasons three and four. That's not how you help the audience get (re)acquainted with someone who could be around for a long while. It's just not. So here we are, possibly/probably ending season seven with Marisol officially out or her final scene being written in a way that suggests she will be even if it's not said on screen (like how Buck and Ali kinda sorta broke up in 2x18, but Buck had to confirm it in 3x01) and...it's back to the drawing board we go.
I was never attached to Marisol, I don't pay attention to Edy unless something crosses my dash (I don't see the point in keeping tabs on an actress that I don't care for), and I had already made peace with however long it would take to wrap this story up. But this thing with Eddie grieving Shannon, thinking it's time to commit, changing his mind, and repeating the same pattern in a different season? That's becoming boring to me, to more folks in this fandom, and probably a lot of others who aren't in the fandom and aren't watching 9-1-1 for a repression arc, particularly not from the Army vet with the dead wife and son (who's not a little kid anymore and doesn't need his father's help the same way he used to). Marisol out? That's fine, we'll survive. The next one, though? Would it kill them to try?
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flythesail · 6 months
If the show had Drewson endgame, I think I would still want to see them break up in season 1. Season 1 Nancy seems very not ready for a relationship to me, so I think it would have been neat if we got to see Nancy grow a little as a person, then realize how great Nick is and how close they’ve gotten, and then have them get back together in a later season—but not too late! Late season 2 or sometime in season 3 maybe. I think it’s such a waste that the show was started with Drewson and then they pretty much never acknowledge it again after s1! Anyway sorry for sharing my ramblings here
Yeah, me too! Though I personally wouldn't have them get back together until late s3 or s4 because I love drawing out a relationship haha. I think if you're going to start a show with a couple established, break them up, and have them reunite to be endgame, *the* key thing is developing their relationship along the way. I hate nothing more than throwing a couple back together at the end just because "they were always meant to be" when nothing was done to further develop their relationship past the reasons they broke up.
Nancy and Nick, however, had some good growth over the four seasons even no longer being romantic. If they had been endgame, they easily could have played that up more for a satisfying reunion. It's fun to do it that way too because when you have a couple together at the start, you miss out on the slowburn. Yet this way you kinda get the best of both in a reverse sort of way.
Now, drewson to me seems like a case of right person, wrong time. I think s4 made that clear to me because they work well on screen together and after some individual character development, they'd have been a lot more equipped to work through their issues. Earlier I'd probably have been like oh no they wouldn't have worked just because I was more invested in fanson and nace. But rewatching after the show is over I've really been loving looking at all the what-ifs. And I love Nick and Nancy too so... !
On the topic of closure, I just rewatched 1x13 and the one thing that stood out to me is that The Whisper Box is far from closure for Nancy re: Nick. Later when they're all back at the Claw, you can tell she's almost ready, even wanting, to open up to him. But by that point fanson is developing so she's missed her window.
I suppose there is some focus on it from s2 up until 3x01. In 2x01 everyone's reminiscing about the day they met. 2x04 has Nancy acknowledge she never knew he took stuff apart as a kid (leading to his mechanic job). Nick says she never asked. The idea being now they're building the foundation for a relationship they didn't before. So I'd agree Nancy wasn't ready for a relationship in early s1. The issues she had with Nick weren't even necessarily unique to a romantic relationship. Nancy was having the same issue letting the entire crew into her life.
Back to Nick, though. I think 2x18 could be considered closure. In the dreamscape:
"But you can't give in to it, cause you did feel okay again. Right?"
"You were a part of that. That's why it hurt so much when you chose George." "But I'm still here with you." "Thanks for still being my friend."
But! The problem is this is dreamscape!Nick. So he never gets to hear it.
Then, by 3x01 it's clear Nancy is at peace with it all. She tells Nick she likes the green when he's picking a paint color (George's color, specifically).
So I wouldn't say they don't acknowledge drewson after s1, but they mostly do in a roundabout way where it's either in Nancy's head or just symbolism to show she's happy for him and George now. I suppose if the dreamscape is *the* closure, it's on par with the rest of the show. It's not the only time something happens in a "supernatural" way. The downside is that it just doesn't include Nick and is more for Nancy.
My one thought is maybe they'd have given them a more direct conversation if we didn't drop down to 13 episodes. Or, if they knew s4 was the final season prior to the very end of making it. But then again, I can also see why they wouldn't have prioritized it since by s2 fanson was well established and nace was starting to be intentionally written.
Regardless of closure, I think they have a really beautiful relationship. Sure, they break up early on. But by s4 they've become to each other as friends what they needed to be back then for a lasting relationship.
(Please don't apologize for rambling because I just did the sameeee exact thing haha.)
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Holiday weekend everyone. We only have 3 left in this season. Hard to believe. Not a ton of Chenford content in this one but just enough ha It has some important stuff in it though. But definitely shorter than the last one let’s get started :)
2x18 Under The Gun
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We start our episode off with some very welcomed shirtless Tim. I’m here all damn day for this. *puddle* He then changes into a black shirt. Trying to kill me even further whew lord. God he's so tall too. Look at him tall drink of yummy water. Making me feral per usual ha I want to add I would LOVE a scene like this for Chenford in S6. Tim getting ready for the day, Lucy hanging out with Kojo on the bed while he does. Her gawking at him a bit as he gets ready. A girl can dream eh?
But lets get back on track before I go further down that rabbit hole. heh. Tim tells Rachel she should start leaving stuff at his place. Look at him ready to make that move. She makes a face and he cracks a joke that it’s illegal to lie to a cop. Rachel breaks and tells him she got her dream job. Tim is all smiles and cuteness until she says it’s in New York…
Tim looks so sad but tells her she’s gotta take it. Dream jobs only come around once. He asks when does she start? It’s in one month. Quick turnaround and his head is spinning. She mentions New York has cops. Heh they do but you are not the one he will shift for honey sorry to say. Sorta. Not really. Tim just replies ‘Yeah…’ not the confident reply Rachel was looking for…
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We catch our fav duo meeting up with Rachel for a case. Lucy immediately brings up New York. Seeing if Tim is ready to talk about it. Also Tim the king of plans she expects him to have one for this. He is straight forward with Lucy when she asks what they’re gonna do? For Tim it’s already over in his mind. There is no end date to this job of hers. She is leaving LA and isn't coming back. To Tim that is game over. (I mean unless it's the one which we all know she is not)
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Tells her long distance never works and he seems dead set on that. Defeated but definitely definitive about the whole situation. Lucy’s face kills me when he says this. She’s so sad for him. Probably sadder for Tim than she is for Rachel. When she set them up it was to help Tim. Show him he could be happy post-Isabel. Shake him out of his routine. Now he’s going to lose all that and she’s devastated. Looks like she wants to give him a hug honestly. She hates it when he is all defeatist and you can tell she just wants to fix it. Sadly this is one thing she can not intervene in and fix.
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They meet up with Rachel and it already seems awkward. She thanks them for coming. They are there in case her visit with the mom goes sideways. She’s there for a truancy call. The kid in question has missed a lot of school due to mystery illness. Rachel thinks it might be a scam especially since the mom started a go-fund me page for his medical bills.
Rachel seems suspect as hell with this lady. He goes to the hospital gets better then comes back home and is sick again. She thinks she is poisoning her own kid for attention. Lucy seems sick to her stomach about the whole thing. They both do. Can see it on their faces. Tim asks her what she wants to do?
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We cut to them outside. Tim looking fine as hell leaning against their shop. How can someone be that attractive just filling out paper work? Anyways...Rachel asks Lucy if Tim would ever leave LA ? Lucy is honest with her and lets her know she’s not sure. Lucy knows how much he loves LA. He is proud af to be be born and bred. Which really means no if we're being honest. The man bleeds LAPD. Lucy can tell how sad Rachel looks with her answer. So she follows it up with how crazy Tim is about her. (Not crazy enough to follow her though….)
Lucy tries to make it better and says the man is a mystery. To Rachel yes. Not to her though....She has the book of Tim right in her pocket. Their convo gets interrupted by Paul’s mom coming out. Asking what they’re doing? Rachel says they’re taking him back to the hospital. It’s a sad scene to watch. Rachel basically removes her own child from her care. Saying she is a danger to him pending a full investigation. Tim and Lucy have to hold her back while they take him.
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Tim comes to see Grey in his office. Asking him how hard it would be to make a lateral move? Wade lets him know it would be seamless. Tim ask what about the NYPD? Grey sighs and tells him that’s a whole other beast. That he would have to start from square one. Go through the FTO program before he could go back out on the streets. That he would be the John Nolan of the NYPD LOL Tim looks mortified about this. Like that is an instant no for him. There was no way he can do that.
Grey continues on saying it would be a big sacrifice. But if Rachel is the one it would be worth it. That’s the thing though she’s not. What proves Lucy being his person over and over is moments like this. In S5 Tim doesn’t blink before taking a desk job for her. If that’s the path that keeps him with her that’s the one he’s going to take. Grey even says it's not a great job and he replies ' Doesn't matter.' If Rachel was the one it wouldn't matter he would have to do all this for her.
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His hesitancy is written all over this scene. The more Grey tells him the more we see him withdraw. With Lucy his decisions were always decisive and quick. In his mind when it came to her there was no choice. She was his choice. Every time. I’ve said this all this season Rachel had her place in his life for a reason. I am grateful for her I truly am. Her reason was meant to show him he could date again. Not only that but have a functioning healthy relationship as well. That saying people are in your life for a reason or a season is accurate.
Rachel was both. She served her purpose in the best way for him. Helped him heal post divorce. It was never meant to last. She was a stepping stone to Lucy. Which sounds cruel but also true. Wade gives him some dating advice. Tells him to be sure. Because moving in together is hard enough. Let alone a new city, jobs and no social network to lean on. Tim doesn’t linger after that just says 'Thanks' curtly and goes. Grey takes one last shot says ‘Anytime Boot!’ Haha He is getting a major kick out of giving Tim a hard time.
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Tim runs into Rachel shortly after. She’s in an absolute panic. Tim tries to get her to calm down and tell him what’s going on. She discovered her co-workers have kids in the same neighborhood with similar issues. That they switched to well water 4 months ago due to construction. Paul got sick 3 months ago. Rachel is in a panic because there was a lawsuit with a company about dumping heavy metals in the water 5 years ago and they said it was cleaned up. Clearly not… Since the well water is making these kids sick.
Now Rachel may have taken a child away from his mother for no reason. I do love seeing how soft Tim is in this moment. It’s not Lucy Level soft but soft none the less. At this point in the series it’s so nice to see this side of him. Like I’ve said before their relationship was insight to Tim in a relationship and how he operates. It was a nice window into it since all we had before her was Isabel. Also a future look into how he would be with Lucy.
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What does Tim do right after this? Go right to his girl. Little telling things that showed the entire time Lucy was his better half. She is the first person he runs to and vice versa. He asks if she’s heard from Rachel at all? Lucy says no…why? Tim lets her know the situation with Iris and her son. That Rachel blames herself. That she’s ignoring his calls and texts right now. He is very worried and needs Lucy's help.
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I love that when he’s in a panic about Rachel his first thought is to go right to his safe space. Needs her calming sunshine ways to ease him. Hoping her POV is going to calm his anxiety. Tim wanting her to reassure him she won't do anything stupid. The concern and empathy in her eyes she has for him. My heart. That innate need to want to comfort and make it better for him. Lucy’s face says it all tbh when Tim asks if she is going to do anything stupid? I think she knows Rachel could very well do something stupid about this…
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We find out shortly after Rachel did something she shouldn't have. She stalked owner of the company and pretended the water she threw on him was contaminated. Tim is able to get her cited out fairly quickly. Then we get another glimpse into the amazing heart of this man. How deeply he cares for those around him. What he is willing to do for them. He pulled some personal favors for her. Got them to reverse Rachel’s order to pull Paul from his home.
He’s so sweet and earnest about it. Rachel is in shock he even did this for her. Especially since she’s leaving. It’s like she doesn’t know this man at all. Of course he was going to help even if she was leaving. It’s who he is. A deeply loyal and loving person. Who will do anything for those who’ve earned his love and trust. Why he replies 'Duh.' Shocked she would expect any less of him. His love and loyalty doesn't just evaporate because she is leaving. Adore this man so much.
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We get one last glimpse of our couple decompressing with Jackson and Angela. It's kind of nice to see actually. Jackson tells them he has a funny story for them. That the tech guy who flagged Angela as the most likely to get sued was wrong. He rode around with them all day trying to study her and had the wrong person. He picked the wrong Lopez. Jackson is legit tickled pink this has happened. Sadly he seems to be the one one haha Lucy has been around Tim too long cause she doesn’t even crack a smile about this LOL More like a pity smirk for her friend. Tim and Angela just judge poor Jackson baha Funny way to end the ep. Very low content Chenford so but important none the less with Rachel’s impending departure and all that.
Side notes- Non Chenford
Prison SL with Harper and Nolan was good. always enjoy watching Oscar haha that’s pretty much it LOL
Only 2 episodes left in the season after this one and it’s an adrenaline fest. Thank you all who continually like/comment (how I love comments), reblog you’re all amazing thank you so much. Shall see you in 2x19 :)
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Buck’s loft is NOT his home because Eddie's house is where he belongs.
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It appears 9-1-1 hinted at the way Buck's loft has "never fit" into the life he wants for himself, i.e., a spouse, a child and/or children, and a house.  He really wants a family to come home to instead of him going back to his empty loft after working a long grueling shift at the firehouse.  It would have been better if he or someone else would have been allowed to just say that during 6A but it seems like that would have been too easy. His loft has mainly been shown as just a place where he dwells but he was depressed after the ladder truck explosion and his embolism, he experienced two breakups inside of those walls (the first one in 2x18 “This Life We Choose when girlfriend #2 broke up with him and the last one in 5x18 “Starting Over” when he broke up with girlfriend #3) and Maddie told him their parents were coming to visit in 4x4 “9-1-1 What’s Your Grievance?” as they sat on his couch; therefore the loft holds a few bad memories for him.
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All of the memories he’s had while living there haven’t been bad because he’s had some good experiences there too including 3x3 “The Searchers” when Eddie brought Christopher back to him after the Tsunami and told him “There’s nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you”.
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In 3x9 “Fallout” when he apologized to Eddie after the lawsuit for the second time and he played video games with Eddie and Christopher. The time he spent with them was fantastic in 6x1 “Let the Games Begin” when he cooked a perfect 6-cheese lasagna for his Diaz boys.
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One issue is Buck has never really considered the loft to be his home because in 3x11 “Seize the Day” he told Maddie “This is Eddie’s house, I’m not really a guest” which could mean he’s always known that he wanted to build a family, a life and a forever with Eddie.
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More than once during 6A his loft was shown to "not fit" the type of life he so desperately wants for himself and even though he told Connor and Kameron in 6x4 “Animal Instincts” that he doesn’t know what he wants, it seems like that was a LIE because Buck’s facial expressions have shown who and what he wants many times like he did in 4x14 “Survivors” while he gazed at Eddie and Christopher from Eddie’s front door after Eddie was discharged from the hospital and Buck drove him home.
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In 6x1 he hadn't replaced his couch after he broke up with TK which means his "family" didn’t have anywhere to sit together in his living room like they did in 3x9 while they ate pizza and played video games.  Christopher told Buck it was weird that he didn’t have a couch while Buck was still cooking their dinner but Buck was happy and smiling the whole time Eddie and Christopher were there with him.
In 6x4 before Connor arrived to further manipulate him into being their sperm donor, Buck looked both solemn and sad while he was getting ready to pour himself a cup of coffee/tea. When Connor and Kameron went to his loft so that he could tell them if he was going to be their sperm donor, he told them that he didn't know what he wanted for himself (he lied) but he still agreed to be their donor in the end without considering how it would affect him in the long run.
In 6x5 “Home Invasion” Buck was enjoying having Hoover the dog there with him but when he started barking, his landlord knocked on his door and reminded him that he wasn't supposed to have a dog. Only cats are allowed in the loft.
In 6x8 “9-1-1 What’s Your Fantasy?” while he was babysitting Jee-Yun, when she tried to go upstairs, he panicked because stairs aren't for babies.
In 6x9 “Red Flag” he was finally able to fall asleep because he was settling to have a piece of himself included in a family even if the end results in them having a child with his DNA won’t make him happy.  He did the same thing in 5x7 “Ghost Stories”, after TK invaded his loft way before he ever asked her to move in, he clung to and settled for a relationship with her even though he was unhappy.  He accepted it because he believed that was all he could have so he went to sleep and left her awake while she sat there worrying about her dad’s upcoming parole hearing. Now he thinks Kameron being pregnant is going to fix his feelings of loneliness but it won't because if the baby Kameron is carrying is the result of his sperm donation, then the baby STILL won’t be his. Therefore he’s continuing to settle for whatever he thinks will fill the hole he’s had in his heart for years.
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Buck's loft only has one bedroom and it's upstairs; he still doesn't have a couch and every time he goes home after work, it seems like he doesn't want to be there. In 5x3 “Desperate Measures” it was clear that he wanted someone to be there waiting for him especially after he plopped on his bed and said, "Hi honey, I'm home". Eddie's house is THE ONLY PLACE THAT BUCK HAS EVER SAID HE'S NOT A GUEST and that illustrated the way he's always known where his home is and who his family is too.  He’s never said that about Maddie’s place even though he lived with her in season 2 after Chimney kicked him out of his apartment which happened not long after he left his first girlfriend’s apartment in 2x7 “Haunted”.
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Also Buck’s loft is not fit for a baby and the show clearly illustrated that while he was babysitting Jee-Yun in 6x8. There’s nowhere for him to put a crib and there’s no second bedroom for a child to sleep in.  Buck’s loft may have initially been a good fit for him six years ago because he was younger but now that he’s older, his mindset needs to change and he has to start thinking about the things he really wants in life in order to change his surroundings.  His couch is waiting for him at Eddie’s house but he has to admit the family he chose to build with Eddie and Christopher is what he wants.
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Eddie and Christopher have been waiting for Buck to realize they are his family but it seems like Buck and Eddie are too scared to admit what they both want and need from each other.  The first half of season 6 ended with Eddie being frustrated and abruptly disconnecting from the four-way call he was on with Buck, Hen and Chimney after Buck made his announcement.  It also ended with Buck seeming to be a bit delusional about the baby since he bought an LAFD onesie that may or may not be a gift he was planning to give to Connor and Kameron. Therefore it will be interesting to see if any of Buck’s and Eddie’s problems are addressed in 6B.  There are several other things they still need to talk about including The Shooting so will they finally be allowed to discuss their shared traumas so that Buck will FINALLY understand the family he so desperately wants has been waiting for him this whole time? Only the showrunners, writers and producers know the answer to that question.
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These are all fics that have not escaped my drafts, not even for a single chapter. I can't provide links like the last poll series but I will provide a general summary below:
Cordell Teaching Stella and August how to hunt- HW
Summary: Cordell lets his kids in on their biological family history and introduces them to Sam and Dean.
Stella is pregnant with Trevor's kid
Summary: Me playing around with what I think was a missed opportunity after the "closed door moment" between Stella and Trevor at the cabin in 1x11. In the weeks following Trevor's arrest and everything associated with it, Stella finds out that she's pregnant. Terrified of telling her dad or her grandparents, August ends up being the first one to know, then Geri. I haven't plotted too much past this but she does keep the baby and Trevor does know about it but it's pretty obvious he won't be able to be involved given the prison time ahead of him.
Walkernatural Extra- Micki/Garrison Spinoff
Summary: Garrison didn't die and also he's a skinwalker. He asks Micki to help him hide and they run off into the sunset together.
Sam/Ruby but they're Cordell/Emily
Summary: Supernatural season 4 AU. Sam is spiraling after losing Dean and Ruby finds him. But after everything that happened in Hell after season 3, she's not keen on working for Lillith anymore. She tells Sam she can't go after Lillith or Dean, that he'd be playing right into Hell's hands. She's pretty sure someone else is going to get Dean out anyway, with all the players on the board. She convinces him to just move on and keep hunting, especially since some demons are coming after both of them. Sometime after that, they save the Walker family from monsters and Abby insists they at least stay for dinner. They end up sharing the whole story and the Walkers offer them a home and a place to hide. Sam is unsure since that would just be putting them in harm's way and that's a hard lie to sell, but Ruby can manipulate their memories and make it as if Sam and Ruby (or rather, Cordell and Emily) were always there. The Walkers agree and everything falls into place. Dean comes back on schedule and goes looking for Sam, but Bobby has no idea where he is and none of Dean's usual tricks work. He goes searching the old fashioned way and eventually finds him- but not before Emily is pregnant with their first child.
Cordell Davidson
Summary: AU in which Cordell is the missing Davidson baby. Abby and Bonham adopted him after some desperation to have a child. They didn't know he was the allegedly dead child until after Marv told Abby in 1995. They planned to tell Cordell but then the fire happened and there just never seemed to be a good time to tell him that the woman who accused him of murder was his biological mother. They don't end up telling him until after the Davidsons return 25 years later. It's a very awkward situation for everyone, except Gale who seems very happy to try and sweep all their dirty history under the rug.
Cassie got kidnapped too AU
Summary: AU in which Cassie was in on the boys' running club earlier on. She's close enough to Cordell when the abduction happened to witness it and ends up getting caught herself. They suffer through the torture together, but have very different recovery times as Cassie just can't seem to get past everything that happened to her.
William had the stroke AU
Summary: AU in which William was the one who went to the hospital and his previously unknown daughter contacts Abby about it. There's a family road trip to Dallas after Abby gets the call, which ends up being a blessing as she has support when she learns her brother hid his child from her for 20 years. Katherine offers them rooms in the B&B for as long as they want to stay.
HVW- Cordell and Gabriel at Stull Cemetary
Summary: Gabriel and Cordell go to confront their brothers at Stull cemetery. They fail to stop Michael and Lucifer from going through with the prizefight but they are able to save Adam from being pulled into the pit with Michael, Lucifer, and Sam. Adam gets folded into the Walker family.
Walkernatural Extra- All the Archangels and Brothers jump into the Cage
Summary: AU in which Cordell and Gabriel jump into Hell after their brothers
Walker got shot in 2x18 AU
Summary: Because it's more than a little ridiculous to me that Cordell made it out of that trailer with only a bullet to the hat. The Walker family escaped the nature park alive but once they're back in cellphone service range, they get a very worrisome call from James.
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catdadeddie · 2 years
The lack of buddie has never been as bad as it is this season. At least in s5A they had the first 3 episodes and then a centric episode in 7. Buddie haven’t had a meaningful conversation since the premiere this season. They’re very purposely keeping them apart. Whether that’s Kristen trying to halt the shipping of them or it’s a narrative reason idk but it’s immensely frustrating as a buddie fan how they haven’t had a meaningful conversation since the premiere.
And I've said repeatedly that people can feel that way and be upset.
I have also said that unsolicited complaining in people's inboxes of it isn't fair to fans that are having a good time.
I'm a buddie shipper. I'm not frustrated or upset with how things are going. I'm quite happy with the season. Idk if you sending me this was prompted by my posts on Tuesday or if you just decided to come complain, but if it's the latter, I've been pretty open about having a good time or at least pretty positive about the season. So...
To be honest, I think it's very possible that they're narratively keeping them apart. I also think it could be that they're just changing stuff up and giving us some new dynamics because the fans responded well to it last season.
Someone sent me an ask that I didn't post and said they like the new dynamics but it shouldn't come at the cost of buddie. That Hen and Chim aren't seeing this distance.
And I disagree. It's an ensemble show with 7 main cast members and about 45 minutes a week to work with. With the choices being made, all of the usual dynamics aren't getting the screentime they normally would.
Hen and Buck are a central dynamic right now and we're definitely seeing that change things. We've seen Hen and Chim working together, the same that we've seen Buck and Eddie, but outside of Henren Begins when's the last time we had a major Hen and Chim scene?
Buck and Eddie are still interacting. They haven't been completely ripped apart. If I wanted to make a buddie in 6a gif set, every episode besides 6x03 would have something. They just haven't had any major moments. There's plenty of little moments and if we wanna talk narratively, it makes sense how this is all going.
Buck intentionally keeping distance from himself and the 118 (minus Hen) so that's contributed to this. He's doing something that he subconsciously knows he shouldn't and so we're seeing these team scene with him feeling removed. And we have seen Eddie trying to push a little and understand it every time.
Additionally, we've had 2/7 episodes being focused only on one relationship. We didn't see much of any dynamic that wasn't tied to Hen in 6x06.
All this to say, if you're that frustrated, take a break from the show. It's on Hulu so you don't have to wait a million years for it to come on Netflix. Or plenty of people download it for gifs, I'm sure you can find it somewhere.
Marie Kondo it. If it's not sparking joy, let it go. You can absolutely come back when you know how this is resolved and that it's resolved. It's just not making you happy right now and that's okay. It's how you approach being upset that might not be okay. Again I don't know what prompted you sending me this ask, but I will say that if it was just because you wanted to complain, then consider thinking about who you're complaining to and why you're upset.
(And unless I'm remembering wrong. We barely saw them outside of calls at work in 2b. There's when Maddie was taken, 2x14 and 2x18 that have some heavier scenes but that's all I can think of.)
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
How about Hagen x Oritel, and Griffin x Faragonda? 👀
I mean... I can try.
Hagen x Oritel:
1) The fact that Oritel (& Marion) disappeared and Hagen went "Welp, time to retreat to an inhospitable planet where no one else lives, I guess" despite his supposed crush on Faragonda that lasted for the 17 years Oritel and Marion were missing. He failed them so he can't be happy with the woman he's allegedly in love with either. I am more of a Hagen x Oritel x Marion supporter, actually.
2) Hagen trying to sense the sword that he made for Oritel and failing. I think Marion - Oritel's wife - could sense the Dragon Fire spark in the sword and track him down. To have Hagen tracking down the sword too kind of makes him a parallel of Marion and perhaps hints at him being just as important in Oritel's life. Also, there's the parallel of Hagen becoming a recluse when Oritel disappeared and Marion literally yeeting herself into Oritel's sword just so that she wouldn't be separated from him. I mean, Hagen sure seems to match her in her devotion to Oritel.
3) Uhh... That's kind of all we have. I am actually quite pissed off by how harsh Hagen was with Bloom in SotLK BUT I guess there's something here as well! He literally thought that if he couldn't sense the sword and find Marion and Oritel, then Bloom wouldn't be able to either despite the fact that she's their daughter, has Daphne's help (not sure if he's aware of that fact, actually) and also has the Dragon Fire which would make it easier for her to track down Marion. But anyway, the point is that he thought that if he can't save them, then no one else can. That sounds a little like he feels ownership of Oritel because of the sword, which he made in such a way that it can never be separated from Oritel. Projecting your own devotion on the weapon much, Hagen? XD
Griffin x Faragonda:
There's, like, a ton here but the lines of canon and headcanon are very blurry for me.
1) The first scene in 2x17 is absolutely fucKING KILLING ME! 4kids version supremacy, though, because it actually makes more sense it practically implies that since 1x26 Griffin and Faragonda have become so comfortable in their friendship that Griffin will just casually pop up in Faragonda's office whenever she feels like it. Faragonda insists that she doesn't like it when Griffin basically subjects her to a jumpscare but she doesn't protest Griffin showing up in her office without an invitation. And she's the one who sneakily organized a student exchange program to get Winx to CT. Love that those are just things that they do now. It seems that they have grown super close since the finale of s1.
2) How flirty they are at the party at the end of 2x26! Those Looks TM. We all know what happened afterwards.
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And because I can put this under the umbrella of 2x26 as well, their convergence holding back Darkar!!!! He is practically the opposite of the Great Dragon, literally the equivalent of the devil. And they. Fucking. Held. Him. Back! Iconic! Add to that the fact that they weren't on good terms just a season earlier AND they're a fairy and a witch, which certainly makes a convergence even trickier. When you consider the fact that even Winx' convergence failed in 2x18 despite them being the bestest of friends, this becomes legendary!
3) Uggggh, how am I supposed to choose only one more? Uh, okay, I'll pick Faragonda's fight with Valtor in 3x10. She was so mad when he told her he's even gone anywhere near Griffin. She was pretty pissed even before that and she had certainly figured out that he took over CT when she saw the hypnotized witches but the second she heard Griffin's name coming out of his mouth? She lost it. (I really wish that they would have let her land another successful blow after that just to show how truly enraged and protective over Griffin she was.) And the parallel of Griffin getting worried about her when Winx tell her that Faragonda disappeared after her fight with Valtor. They both went into protective wife mode.
send me a ship and I’ll tell you three things I like about it
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Big Sky 3x04: Thoughts
Saw the latest episode and I have some thoughts.
I get that Walter is an alleged killer and I understand Buck's concerns, but can I say how happy I was when Sunny stuck up for her son the way she did? I did a full on clap and had a Meryl-Streep-Ocars moment saying "Yes!" when that happened. She still terrifies me, though, lol.
So it's Walt who was the one that knocked Luke out (or made him trip, I can't remember his story) when he was going after Paige. I'm not sure what to think about the whole development of Walt keeping her stashed away and lying about it to Sunny. Considering Buck's grave warning to her, I have a feeling that it may ring true later on when Sunny finds out he lied to her. Especially if what we saw in the promo is giving any indication.
As soon as Jenny said the husband and daughter were sitting inside after the murder of the mother, I just knew this would come back to Beau and his family situation. And sure enough, it did.
Aaaaand I find it interesting that the murderer wore the Big Bad Wolf costume when lobos is Spanish for wolves and I can't remember if it's fictional or real at this moment but doesn't that sometimes refer to a possible cartel element south of the border? Regardless, I am convinced now more than ever that the cartel Beau mentioned is coming back into his story and somehow, some way, I know it has to do with his brother and with each episode we get, I really do believe he lost his brother (way too many mentions of that part of his past so far).
Though I'm not a Cormac fan (I still think there's something off about him, I still want to know why he kept the knife), it was nice to see Cassie let loose a little but also be a complete badass, and find one answer to this whole big puzzle
LOVED the scene where Carla comes in - I was like 'here, it is, the big Beau/Jenny push, it's starting to happen this episode, let me start the eye rolling' and then boom! Carla walks in and damn, I can see why Beau might still be in love with her. I also noticed her giving Jenny that look that Jenny herself didn't notice: the ex Mrs. Arlen did not like Ms. Hoyt. LOL. I think it's because she picked up on exactly what Cassie picked up on a little more this episode: Jenny has a thing for Beau. We all been knew but now it's being brought to the forefront even more. Like him turning her around to shoot Scott and holding onto her, and her reaction. Which is hysterical because she's playfully pushing Beau to admit he's in love with Carla but that whole bit of the dialogue could very much be applied to herself. And I also noticed that they didn't match Beau and Jenny's clothing this time in any way, shape, or form. So I'm thinking Carla is definitely going to be a very big part of the story for Beau moving forward, possibly almost as much as Emily.
Beau still loves Carla. There were a few moments in that scene that show that, which makes sense. But is he still in love with her like Jenny says? That remains to be seen. Because in 2x18 when Jenny says that Beau is still in love with his ex, he doesn't deny it. Instead, he smirks at her and says "You're good." Just like he said to Cassie in their intro scene when she deduces that he's the new temporary acting Sheriff. Cassie was right on the money in that scene so that means Jenny was in her scene. But now, it's been a few months and Jenny is saying the same thing she said back in 2x18 but now we have "No, I'm not. No, stop it." And we haven't had Cassie meet Carla yet (if they do). So I'm curious to see what he would say if Cassie asked him about it or said something to him, and what his response would be. Especially considering the interesting parallel they set up with: 3x01 - "Are you and Cassie really just friends or...?" "Yes. Yes, we're just friends." & 3x03 - "Do you talk to Cassie about your daughter?" "I see where this is headed. No, let's just focus on work for now. No, guys just have to have boundaries." So this is now going to be very interesting to watch, on all fronts.
I do still think that they are also using Beau to get Jenny ready to take over as Sheriff should he leave the show (and it doesn't get cancelled). He's consistently trying to help her move past her anger, her hatred for Tonya, working with her one on one to solve cases, and in this episode, she seemed to really take the lead in their case (with a few helpful suggestions from Beau), even right down to agreeing to help Cassie on her case. I really think Beau is meant to be prepping her for that part of her character development, to learn from him. Especially with lines like 3x02's: "This is law enforcement. We don't get to choose who we help."
Emily is still annoying but she did smarten up near the end, I'll give her that. I'm relieved to see it tbh.
Avery is still shady. I wonder how that's going to come into play with Carla's presence now. I also wonder how things will play out with Emily and her nosiness/suspicion, and also Sunny.
Tonya is devious. Not gonna lie, Donno's little crush on her was kind of cute.
I figured Luke's and Paige's scheme would come back to haunt them. It might be a good thing if Walt has Paige for now, and he's not planning on hurting her.
Very little Beau/Cassie interaction but that's okay I expected it. I was just grateful we got the one scene. I still think there's mounds of untapped potential there but we'll see where things go. I have love for both characters and want them both to be happy, no matter what that might look like. I did notice that as per usual, Beau always makes strong eye contact with Cassie, even when Jenny is in the mix. Not sure if this is just part of Beau's character and cop qualities (like he makes strong eye contact with Poppernak when speaking to him, Gigi, Denise, people they're questioning, etc) or if it's to show that yes, there is a bond there, they're good friends, and he trusts her. Naturally, if she showed up in the station asking for help on a case, he would be happy to see her and he would absolutely give her his full attention, just like Jenny did in this scene as well. Regardless, I'm enjoying every scrap they give me.
Speaking of which, can we PLEASE get more Cassie in the next episode? Even if it's just her working her own case. It's been very Cassie-lite at times and I'm not sure why. As much as I love watching Jenny, Beau, Sunny, etc, we need more Cassie, too.
I just have to mention again the actor who is playing Walt. He did it again when Sunny showed up at the cabin. When he recognized it was Sunny, he not only lowered the ax but also his eyes. This guy is good.
Something tells me that Cassie is going to find out about the Bleeding Heart killer and soon.
I am so thankful that they finally let Beau settle on a nickname for Poppernak and didn't keep him consistently trying new ones out. That got old very fast. But I do wish they had settled on something better than Pop Star, but I'll take it.
Loving that we saw Pedro again and it's very clear that Beau is in the driver's seat now.
I was also happy to see Jenny and Cassie get some interaction since they didn't the last episode. I wonder if we'll get more in the next episode. I feel like there's still a Gigi conversation that needs to be had. I LOVED how Jenny was like "yeah of course we'll help you." Love those two.
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nineteenthmay · 2 years
Good, selfless or noble things that Chuck Bass does throughout Gossip Girl
I have a feeling that people often ignore all the good that Chuck did in the series so I decided to make a list (not including all the instances Chuck complimented and supported Blair).
in 1x04 he saves Nate from Carter and pays his card debt without expecting return;
in 1x08 he buys the necklace Blair wants, gives it to her and comforts her; 
after the merging of the Basses and Van der Woodsen families he is good and supportive to Eric, including his sexual orientation; in 1x14 Eric says that Chuck as opposed to others doesn’t treat him as some freak; in 1x16 after the dinner where Georgina reveals Eric's sexual orientation the first person Eric turns to for support is Chuck because ‘he has never judged me’;
in 1x15 he helps Serena about Georgina and covers up for her despite the fact that Serena had blamed him for something Georgina did and it had resulted in Bart kicking him out of home;
in 1x17 he answers Blair's call for help despite their bad relationship at the time and he helps Serena; he and Blair schemes together against Georgina to protect Serena;
in 2x02 he sells Victrola, the club that means so much for him, to help Nate's mother and Nate with money;
in 2x09 he helps Blair to find and rescue Emma, the girl who was determined to lose her virginity to some stranger for wrong reasons;
also in 2x09 after finding out about Nate's living conditions he offers Nate to come to live to him despite their bad relationship at the time;
in 2x11 after receiving Vanessa's phone-call informing him about Nate's family problems he helps Nate to learn the truth about his father’s intentions and solve the problem despite the fact that Nate had repeatedly rejected him and his friendship;
in 2x16 he saves Lily from Jack when Jack tries to rape her;
in 2x18 he does everything in his power to help and protect Elle when he thinks she is in danger;
in 2x19 he goes with Serena to find Blair and tries to help Blair when she goes wild after losing Yale (he is not very successful in this but still);
in 2x21 he helps Nate to fix his relationship with Blair despite being in love with her himself;
in 2x22-23 he works to find out the truth about Gabriel, helps Serena to corner Gabriel and then with the rest of the gang implements Blair's plan to take down Poppy Lifton and regain the money she stole;
in 2x23 he "lets go" Blair lying to her about his feelings because he thinks he can't make her happy. He is wrong here but the point is that he puts her happiness above his own;
in 2x24 he organizes the perfect prom night for Blair despite the fact that she attends it with Nate and not him; he prevents the mean girls from sabotaging Blair and votes for her 150 times to make her prom-queen;
in 3x04 after encouraging Blair to not give up he pays a photographer to take pictures of Blair to make her feel confident;
in 3x05 he is protective of Serena and tries to get Carter away from her thinking that Carter has bad intentions; but once he realises that Carter's feelings for Serena are genuine he tells Serena about that despite his own antipathy about the man and encourages her;
in 3x09 he helps to mend Serena and Blair's relationship;
in 3x10 he rescues Jenny from drug dealers and takes her home;
in 3x11 he encourages Nate to reveal his feelings to Serena; after Serena chooses to go with Tripp and leaves Nate, he stays with Nate and comforts him;
in 3x20 it’s revealed that he applied for Blair to Colombia and got her accepted there;
in 3x21 being protective of Lily he does his share in unmasking her manipulative ex-husband William van der Woodsen;
in 4x08 he steps in and backs Blair in her effort to protect Serena; together with Blair and Nate he defends Serena against Juliet;
in 4x21 he desists from reporting on Russel Thorpe to police to avoid hurting Raina (not sure how right this is, but his motive was noble);
in 4x22 he saves Blair's life when she is captured by Russel Thorpe;
also in 4x22 thinking that Blair's happiness lays with Louis, and not with him, he "lets her go" again and encourages her to return to Louis. They both are wrong, of course, but the point again is that he puts her happiness above his own;
in 5x02 he helps Dan to find the publisher Vanessa sold his novel to;
in 5x07 he kisses Blair so that she would think the worst of him and that would help her to move on with Louis;
in 5x08 he stops Dan from ruining Blair's bridal shower and generally takes care of Dan, like hanging out with him, putting him to sleep etc.;
in 5x10 he tells Blair to stay with Louis despite him wanting Blair to return to him because he thinks it's selfish to break them apart given their baby;
in 5x13 he stops Cavalia from sabotaging Blair's wedding;
sometime prior to 5x19 he pays Blair’s dowry to free her from Louis without expecting anything in return;
in 6x01 together with Blair and Nate he goes to find and rescue Serena from whatever trouble she might be into;
in 6x02 he drops everything and goes to Blair after receiving a message that she needs his help;
in 6x03 he organizes Blair’s fashion show while she is unwell; after the fashion disaster he comes to her and comforts her;
in 6x09 he is ready to sacrifice himself and go to exile in order to protect Blair, Nate and Lily from Bart.
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klaine-a03-feed · 4 months
On The Right Track
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pEoTGMH by Rose_DiVerona Some of McKinley isn't happy to see Kurt back, and they don't hesitate to let him know. Dave just happens to be there at the right time. (Set directly after 2x18, Born This Way) Words: 3012, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Kurt Hummel, David Karofsky, Santana Lopez, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Other(s) Relationships: Kurt Hummel & David Karofsky, Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, (Minor) Additional Tags: Minor Violence, Bullying, But not by Karofsky, Pining David Karofsky, Protective Santana Lopez, Protective Burt Hummel, Worried Blaine Anderson, POV Kurt Hummel, POV David Karofsky
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lynne-monstr · 6 years
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#how many times has he told himself this #too powerful #too demonic #too much
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Happy Saturday :) We have reached S2 Finale. I can’t believe we are here already. Feels like I just started on S2. This has really helped me get through this unusually long hiatus. Fun we can do this together. Thank you all for lovely likes, comments, and re-blogs on last one. I had a lot of fun writing it. Not a ton of Chenford in this one sadly.
So it'll be a lot shorter than our content heavy ones. It is closing an important chapter for Tim though which is important to go over. This is a fairly Nolan forward ep and its good but low Chenford. It’s time to close out this season so let’s get started.
2x20 The Hunt
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We start off with our couple just starting their day. Tim confides in her about an informant he has a beat on. Love him confiding in her about this BTW. They are a slow burn with a lot of little pay offs like this we get to see along the way. I love it. Tim tells her about vice having an informant for the last 9 months in the Derain organization. A man named Cisco. Lucy gets excited cause means that he could give them Serj. A much needed win after losing the weapon that killed Chris. They don't have much on him right now. So this would be huge if they could track him down. I love how intently she listens to him knowing him sharing this is a huge show of trust.
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Although this is a great lead for them Tim is worried he’s been killed. Says he hasn’t replied to a meet since yesterday. Before we continue I must note I will forever and ALWAYS love him opening doors for her. Like second nature habit with him. He never allows himself to go first. Makes my shipper heart happy. Chivalry is sexy af with Tim Bradford. He shows that constantly with her. I've said before it's the little things that make me happy. I also love them having their own secret op. I need more of this in S6. They’re going to try and track down this informant and see if they can find out where he’s hiding if he's not dead.
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Their secret op is going to start with trying to see if he can be found at his normal places. Tim mentions checking their new sex trade businesses and a karaoke bar. Lucy makes a joke how she can’t believe a karaoke bar could be a front for a brothel. Tim and his jaded cop ways saying it’s LA of course it could be haha I mean where’s the lie? Ha That anywhere in this city is a cover for a brothel. Her reply and facial expression is priceless LOL
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Lucy mentions it’s Rachel’s last night. Asking if Tim has anything planned? Tim doesn’t say much just dinner and taking her to airport. He is being very detached about the whole thing. Defaulting a little to his old ways with this. Lucy can’t help herself and give him a hard time about the airport though. Let’s note the smile he’s flashing in the first gif when she’s teasing him. You know that man loves it when she does.
She also calls him out on his ‘visiting’ plans. Clearly Rachel told her Tim would come see her after she moves. Tim continues his further detachment. Says no that he’s just going to be straight with her. Rip that emotional bandaid off about this. Insisting just like he did in 2x18 that long distance doesn’t work. (Also this scene continues my love of their height difference. These shots are my fav. I must comment on them every time ha)
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Lucy can't help herself in trying to help him see it could work. She hates him having to go through this. The look on her face says it all. She hates the idea of him just giving up. That continued guilt of setting them up and watching it fall apart. Tim is decided and says no it’s not going to and he doesn’t see it happening at trying. Now we all know if it was Lucy he would wait for her. Make the effort. Show her she’s worth that effort. But this is Rachel and she is not that person for him.
Hell it’s why in 5x08 when Tim tells Lucy ‘She deserves someone who’s worth the effort’ was him saying she would be for him. That he would be willing to make ANY effort for her. Rachel was not that for him and this just shows in this episode. She helped him heal a lot post-Isabel but not deep enough of a connection for that kind of effort. Lucy finishes their convo out with saying she’s going to miss Rachel. Tim cracks a little emotionally and says me too…
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They’ve reached one of the spots they’re checking for Cisco. Once again Tim opens the door for her. She even says Thank you *be still my heart* I love these two so much. They use the guise of their ABC’s to check out this place. To be able to get eyes on everyone there if possible by doing this. The lady who runs this place is a real peach. Tells them to kiss her ass. That she follows the rules. Even the dumb ones. Tim doesn't care about her attitude they are there for a reason.
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They have everyone step out into the hallway. Clearly seeing if they can get eyes on Cisco if he's there. This is a pretty slick way of getting him to show himself. To be able to get to him without exposing the real purpose of their visit. I love watching them work in the field for this reason. They are a well oiled machine at this point. Very fun to watch them in action. I will say it is sexy to watch Tim dissect this business with his cop eyes. Walking through the hallway as Lucy follows his lead. Ready to follow any play he has in mind. Lucy finds the one door still shut. Alerts Tim and he knocks on the door to get them to come out. That’s where they find Cisco thankfully.
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Tim pretends he is coping an attitude with him and shoves him back into the room. He "searches" him so they can talk. Cisco says after the shooting everyone's phones were taken. So Tim gets him a new phone since his old one was taken. Slips it into his pocket during his "search' Tells him to text him Serj’s location. Not gonna lie love watching him in this mode. 'Take no shit from anyone' mode right now. He’s already suppressing how he’s feeling about Rachel leaving so he’s a little pent up. It’s coming out here just a bit. Tim ends their convo and says he’s clean to the hallway of people. Then he and Lucy leave having gotten what they came for.
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Rachel calls Tim expecting him to be at the station. She’s on speakerphone so Lucy can hear everything. He says the day got away from him he can be back in 20 minutes. Clearly having forgotten the time for their dinner. Lucy interrupts and says Cisco texted them a location. You can see the regret on his face he apologizes he won’t make it now. Rachel is also devastated he can’t make it. He apologizes profusely.
She tells him she’ll text him when she lands…In New York…Poor Tim looks so sad he’s disappointed her. He’s such a loyal person to not come through for someone is going to weigh on him. Before Lucy can say a word he says ‘it’s better this way’ her face though... Lucy has learned when to say something and when not to. This is one of those times. Doesn't say a word let's him be. She’s hurting for him though. It's written all over his face how upset he is about this. Not the way he wanted them to end.
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Luckily they’re able to get to converge on Serj quickly and arrest him. Tim is able to catch her before she leaves. This is a huge moment for growth for him believe it or not. Instead of just shunting away his feelings about her leaving. (Which he was doing this entire ep and ever since she announced she was leaving really) And ignoring everything their relationship was for him he faces it. Tim's way of showing her this relationship meant a lot to him. Honestly It did she was his first real one since his divorce. It was an important chapter for him. I’ve said it all season. I am grateful to Rachel. To everything she helped him heal over.
Showing him he could open up again and have a healthy relationship. One with the possibility of a deep future. She helped heal that portion of himself. Show him he was capable of it. Which ultimately opened him up for Lucy in the future. Tim tells her he’s willing to actually give this long distance thing a go. He can't predict the future but wants to try. Now we all know they don’t make it past this episode. Because she was not his person. The growth is him pushing past his usual M.O. of suppression.
By facing what he was feeling and trying to make it work instead of being stubborn and not even trying. Lucy set them up because she wanted him to get past his S1 trauma. To push past all the crap Isabel dragged him through last season. To see him happy. That he deserved that so much in her opinion. So I’ll always be grateful for the role Rachel played in his life. It helped him eventually get to where he could be with Lucy. After this episode this chapter with her is now closed. I would get a kick out of her finding out about them now. Be interesting what she would say. Alrighty that’s all she wrote for s2 finale.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Not a ton of chenford the episode mainly focus on John and his terrible decision making skills LOL I would've done things so differently than he did my god. Pained me to watch his terrible choices through out the episode.
Only good thing he does is go to Roslyn for insight. But the rest I would've done so differently. Harper put her career on the line for him and he just did most of it with out her. Loved Armstrong saying 'You know your problem John? You think you're better than people.' He was a dirty cop but damn if that isn't true LOL
Kills me every time to watch him tear apart that beautiful home looking for the evidence though.
Unreal we’re done with s2. Thank you to everyone who’s been with me since the pilot, to the newer ones who’ve joined me in s2, I appreciate you all more than I can say. The likes/comments/reblogs are the best. I shall see you in s3 :)
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Buck & Eddie: Unhappy Buck
Buck has been unhappy for a long time but he keeps trying to mask the unhappiness he’s feeling from his family (Maddie, Eddie and Christopher) and from his found family (the 118) with bright smiles along with his naturally sunny disposition.  Instead of just returning to therapy on his own, like he did in 4x2 “Alone Together”, he’s reading self-help books and asking others to tell him the secret to happiness.  So far he’s asked two people, Bobby and Hen about being at ease with himself and what the secret to happiness is but they both told him that he has to answer those questions for himself.  And now he’s going to be a sperm donor for a so-called friend named Connor that he hasn’t seen in more than 3 years.  Buck NEEDS TO GO TO THERAPY and based on his most recent decision to be a sperm donor for a random couple, his actions are IRRATIONAL and he’s not making good decisions.  Connor is using Buck the same way he did when they were in Peru.  He wasn’t listening to Buck during one of his rambles about how chocolate was made in South America instead of Hershey, PA because Connor was too busy watching that woman walk by. It’s the Buckley parents all over again because Connor will use Buck for parts, get what he wants out of it and leave him broken.  Buck is still trying to FIX IT for people who only want to GET something from him.  Instead of making the decision on his own, it would have made more sense for him to talk to Maddie and Eddie, the two people who love and care about him and his well-being, before he said yes to that couple.  Now he probably won’t be able to get out of it, if he even goes through with it.
It’s interesting that Buck is still searching for happiness since everything he’s ever wanted in a life partner, a person who loves him endlessly and who wants to build a family with him (Eddie), has been right in front of his face for more than four years now just like the chair in his living room (related post: “Timeline of Couches – META”).  He keeps looking past Eddie as a romantic partner even though they’ve already built their relationship on trust and they started building The Buckley-Diaz Family together more than four years ago.  Also he’s Christopher’s co-parent with Eddie and Eddie named him to be Christopher’s legal guardian in his will but he’s probably hesitant to make the first move and tell Eddie how much he loves him because he’s scared of being rejected (he won’t be).  If he doesn’t address his feelings of unhappiness along with his irrational decision to be a sperm donor soon, he could be headed for a breakdown (related posts: “Before Buck’s Breakdown” and “Buck Breaks”). The day he finally breaks, appears to be quickly approaching so hopefully he will talk to someone before it’s too late.  Of course Eddie should be there for him when he breaks just like Buck was there for Eddie in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia” because they are in love with each other and have been for years (related post: “That’s love!”).  Eddie doesn’t like to see Buck hurting and he’s always been there to take care of Buck (related post: “Eddie takes care of Buck” and related GIF set: “Eddie worrying about Buck”). 
The GIFs below are for some of the times that Buck’s been unhappy in CANON.
1x10 “A Whole New You”
2x8 “Buck Actually”
2x13 “Fight or Flight”
2x13 “Fight or Flight”
2x18 “This Life We Choose”
2x18 “This Life We Choose”
3x1 “Kids Today”
3x1 “Kids Today”
3x1 “Kids Today”
3x5 “Rage”
3x5 “Rage”
3x6 “Monsters”
3x6 “Monsters”
3x9 “Fallout”
3x15 “Eddie Begins”
3x16 “The One That Got Away”
3x18 “What’s Next?”
4x2 “Alone Together”
4x4 “9-1-1 What’s Your Grievance?”
4x5 “Buck Begins”
4x5 “Buck Begins”
4x5 “Buck Begins”
4x5 “Buck Begins”
4x5 “Buck Begins”
4x14 “Survivors”
5x5 “Peer Pressure”
5x5 “Peer Pressure” & 5x9 “Past is Prologue”
5x16 “May Day”
5x18 “Starting Over”
6x1 “Let the Games Begin”
6x1 “Let the Games Begin”
6x2 “Crash and Learn”
6x2 “Crash and Learn”
6x4 “Animal Instincts”
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Hold up...your theory on all the season finales focusing on Buck and his love interests — Buck ending each season being left by someone he loved (he didn't really love Ali, but doesn't matter). Hold. Up. Not really a theory, but a keen observation of fact on your part! But what was different about season 4, hmm? He almost lost Eddie, but the episode ended with Eddie staying, Eddie choosing Buck. THIS SHOW!!!
911 narrarive parallels are rarely one-on-one, they are like fractals. What on earth is coming next???
(And I am now just remembering that that scene with Buck and Eddie was the final scene of the episode, before the montage.)
I don't know what I'm asking except I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this parallel (or anything else 911 that is on your mind...)
OHohoh be careful what you ask for, I will reach into my brain and splatter the proverbial canvas with every over-analytical triviality I can get my hands on.
@yramesoruniverse I am so happy to see you in my inbox, every time your url pops up on my dash I smile. I vibe with your vibes! Reading your tags on my posts and vice versa feels like we're sitting down with some popcorn to talk shit (affectionate) about this beloved weewoo show.
Okay okay onto the ask - naturally I have some opinions, 90% of my headspace is the weewoo and 10% is nonsense like bills, groceries, my job, school applications, etc. I've got thoughts. So here we go:
I've started realizing this on my latest re-watch, and I just got to the season 3 finale, and as I was shoving my face full of Wendy's I thought to myself, whoa whoa whoa, this is the third finale of this show and the third time I have to see Buck all forlorn and woe is me bc another LI is leaving him. And everything snowballed after that. Let's go in order, and then we're gonna talk about other character's arcs as they manifest in the finale, and then hopefully I can pull this mess together at the end so it makes sense!
Let's preface these analyses by saying that typically season finales are reserved for revisiting the main storylines of characters, and in the case of 9-1-1 which focuses on the personal lives of the first responders, the main storylines revolve around those characters' families. Buck's main storyline is his search for meaningful connection and having something that he can call his own.
1x10: "A Whole New You"
Abby leaves Buck. That's what this boils down to in regards to the theme of this post. After Buck prepared himself to "step into it with her" and "keep her company there," Abby's mom passed away and relieved her of the last thing tethering her in place, resulting in her deciding to travel the world and rediscover herself. I think the title of the episode is hilarious as it relates to Buck and Abby, because it's pretty obvious in Abby's case but in the context of the next season we literally start to see the transition to a "whole new Buck." I hate speaking its name aloud, but Buck 2.0 anyone???
Why Abby leaves: she was afraid she would lose herself if she stayed
What Buck learns: he is capable of a monogamous relationship and actually he might prefer this to the alternative
2x18: "This Life We Choose"
Ali leaves Buck. Her mere existence in this episode shows the audience Buck is actively moving on from Abby. He is trying to make this whole meaningful connection thing work, which feels more authentic to him probably because Ali is already established in his life (sound like someone we know from season 4 anybody??? sorry I digress), but we know how this turns out.
Why Ali leaves: she couldn't handle the inherent danger and unpredictability of his job
What Buck learns: people leave, but you know what will always be there for him? His job. Let's project our entire self-worth onto that, then.
3x18: "What's Next?"
Abby leaves Buck (again, and this time for another man!). It's more like the continuation and finalization of the process she started in the season one finale, but absolutely this gets its own mention. Never mind that Tim said the train was literally a metaphor for Buck. Abby isn't walking off into the vague unknown with this one. She is about to marry a single father (cough cough) and that is the deliberate cut-off to her and Buck's relationship, which leaves him in a bit of a freefall as is obvious during the first bit of season 4 (hello Dr. Copeland, better late than never I suppose).
Why Abby leaves: she found someone who she can be her authentic self with, who she doesn't feel will make her backslide
What Buck learns: everybody walks away, he is always the one left behind, maybe the problem is himself.
4x14: "Survivors"
Eddie almost left Buck. The difference? Abby and Ali both made active choices to leave him. Eddie had to literally get gunned down in the street, through no choice of his own, in order to even be added into this parallel. Considering the culminating events of Buck's story arc throughout the years and especially the plotline we get in season four alone, this is huge, don't you think? I know the writers do, because they literally put up a huge neon sign with the final scene between Buck and Eddie like, "We know Buck always gets left behind at the end of each season but look at this! He isn't! In fact, it's the exact opposite!" and then we're forced to go insane ruminating on the meaning of these choices for an eternity during the hiatus.
This is already obscenely long, and I have some thoughts about other characters and how their main plotlines play out during the season finales, but I'll leave this here for now. Hope this gave you something!
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brokenbutnotquiting · 3 years
Tears and Truth
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A Nace Fanfiction where a truth curse on the Drew Crew causes some mayhem. Mostly for Nancy. (Post 2x18)
(it's my first fanfic and a little messy so whoever reads this, please don't send me hate)
There was something really seductive about the truth being revealed unless it was your ass that was on fire.
Wasn't it then the funniest thing to happen that a group of people who had mountains to hide—both from each other and the rest of the world—would be afflicted with telling the truth?
So. Damn. Funny.
There was seemingly no upside to this. At least that's what it felt like at the beginning.
The truth about George's shortened lifespan, and her attempts to write a will, snapped out of her in front of Nick.
Bess revealed how broken she really was after her back-to-back heartbreak from Lisbeth and Odette.
Ace revealed how much he was really torn about his brother being forced to go back into Witsec, and the sadness he could feel from his father.
Nancy almost confessed what she really felt for Ace. In front of his girlfriend. And then she ran.
The shock on Ace's face told her everything, and she was horrified. So Nancy did the only thing she could think of. She ran for it.
She barely stopped at home, packing bare essentials, and left before anyone could pose any questions. Her phone blew up with calls and messages, no doubt from Bess and George, both of whom would have had to deal with the fallout from her dumb actions. They probably hated her too. They should. She was nothing more than a home-wrecker, Nancy reasoned.
So she drove away.
Nancy was out of Horseshoe Bay when the first tears started building up, but she didn't stop. She knew she needed to put a distance between her and the wreckage she had left behind.
Loads of that.
Perhaps the life of a hermit was the only way for her. She really shouldn't be close to people. Look at what happened to the ones she let get close.
Lucy died. Granted, it wasn't her fault, but it's the simple fact that she wasn't enough for her birth mother to want to live–the case made for itself.
Kate died. True, it was from cancer, but she died and she left her too.
Carson went to jail because of her journal – sure, Karen violated her privacy, and Nancy did save him in the end, but he wouldn't have needed saving if she hadn't been careless.
Celia died.
Owen died.
George died.
Ace almost died.
The whole Aglaeca situation happened. Enough said.
She was a beacon of death and destruction, and misery. She should have left after the wraith was gone, Nancy realised. She should have left.
And now she destroyed Ace's happiness. She was sure of it.
Nancy really didn't want to cry. She really didn't, but the loneliness and the sadness threatened to overwhelm her, and soon driving became too much of a hassle. She barely hit the brakes before her vision blurred, and crying was all she could do.
The light was fading fast outside her car when the tears finally stopped.
Taking a deep breath, Nancy got out.
The air was cool and crisp and helped clear her head. She stared into the setting sun, organising her thoughts into some sense of coherence.
Right. So she needed a plan.
Another deep breath.
And she couldn't just run. She wasn't a quitter.
Deep breath.
And she needed to apologise. Atone, perhaps. She couldn't give up on her friends.
Deep breath.
And she needed to get back to Horseshoe Bay. Her two dads would be wrecked if she left as she did. They deserved an explanation, if nothing else.
Deep deep breath.
And Ace deserved an apology. Along with perhaps the promise that she would stay far far away from him and his happiness.
Deep deep deep breath.
And Amanda. Jesus Christ. Amanda deserved better. Better than her wrecking havoc in her life. First with Gil. And then with her.
If anything, Amanda Bobbsey was far too good a person to be a mere casualty for Nancy Drew.
Deep breath.
Right. So she had plans.
Go back. Apologise. Resign from the Claw because Ace deserved his peace and sanctuary, and her friends deserved the reprieve. Explain to her fathers that she needed to leave. And then leave.
Sitting back in her car, Nancy finally put her car back in reverse and drove back into Horseshoe Bay.
She would at least try to make everything right before she left.
A few minutes into the drive back home, Nancy realised the change. Her phone had stopped blowing up.
Curiosity clawed at her, and she scrolled down the screen to get an estimate of what she was going to have to deal with.
It was all Ace.
To say that she didn't feel her body go cold was an understatement.
He must be really mad at her if he had called and texted over fifty times, but hadn't tracked her down like he so easily could.
Okay. Nancy calmed herself down. She could fix it. She would fix it.
"I won't accept your resignation, Drew." George barked out before Nick could even open his mouth.
"How did you–" George interrupted Nancy before she could finish, "Take tomorrow off to stew in your emotions, but I want to see you fresh and early the next day for your morning shift."
Nancy looked at Nick helplessly, but Nick merely shrugged. The 'what you gonna do about it' remained unsaid.
"Bess, help me out here," Nancy said, looking at Bess who stood near the door.
"Just go talk to him, Nancy," Bess said with a sigh.
"You are all no help; you know that?" Nancy rolled her eyes at George who rolled her eyes right back and replied with a 'he's out back on the deck.'
So much for a plan, Nancy thought as she dragged her feet.
At least, she would apologise and then when he inadvertently refuses to forgive her, she would be able to get that resignation passed and be able to say 'I told you so'.
He was sitting in the exact same place where she had sat that one evening when he had questioned her about working with the Hudson's.
Nancy stared at him for a while. At the powerful lines of his broad shoulders. At the wheat-coloured hair that curled slightly at his neck. At the long and powerful arms that were supporting the weight of his torso as he leaned back. At the long fingers, she had seen type on the keyboard at unprecedented speed whenever he hacked someplace on her request.
She was delaying the inevitable, and Nancy knew that. Yet, she didn't want the moment to end. To step into the ending that was surely coming her way. Even damaged, she wanted to hold onto his friendship—the only thing she could ever get from him, she was sure—a little bit longer.
"At least come closer–hear me out, before you run away again."His voice cut through to Nancy, and before she knew it, her feet were moving and she was standing in front of him.
Staring at his face was a powerful thing. Ace was handsome in a way that took your breath away. Not all at once, but the more you looked, the more breathless you became.
His light blue eyes looked at her, not in anger, and that was the only thing Nancy perceived before the apprehension left her.
He wasn't angry.
Not enough to cast her away.
If she could lie through her teeth and make him believe that whatever had escaped her mouth in the morning hadn't meant anything and that his friendship was all she cared about, then maybe she could make the awkwardness between them work.
Well, a girl could hope.
"Ace, I am so sorry. I swear, your friendship is all I–"Nancy began.
"Amanda and I broke up." His words took time to ingrain themselves into her brain, but when they did, Nancy felt none of the relief she had envisioned for herself.
Guilt, hot and thick, coated her, choking her next words.
"I didn't mean for that to happen, Ace. Please believe me. Ace, I–"She couldn't finish her words.
She did this.
She caused Ace to go through heartbreak, all because she was too weak to keep her damn mouth shut.
"Nancy," Ace's voice broke through her grief again, "Amanda and I broke up a few weeks ago. She came by today because I had promised her to look further into her mother's location."
"What?" Her voice was thick, and Nancy had to clear her throat twice before the word would come out right.
What was he saying?
Did she hear him right?
A few weeks ago?
"Weeks?" The word echoed out of her.
He merely shrugged. "I wanted to tell you—everyone—but I needed some time to think through a few things. Get some perspective, you know."
"I am sorry you are hurt," Nancy said. He was hurt. How did she not realise that before?
Of course. She was drunk in her own intoxicating feelings for him.
He shook his head, a tiny curve in his lips shutting Nancy up. She waited patiently for him to finish.
"It was mutual. We tried, but I think both of us tried a little too hard. She thought–we both did – that we were far better friends than anything else. It came slowly, that realisation. It was partly like being with Laura again, you know. She wanted different things. She wanted to get out of this town, and she hoped I would leave with her."He explained.
"You did leave," She reminded him, even if that wasn't permanently.
"Yes, and I kept feeling as if I left something behind," he explained, "Amanda kept telling me that everybody feels like that when they go out for a vacation, and that it will get better once we really cross the town limits, but that feeling just kept getting worse." He shrugged.
"I wanted to prioritise her, but I think it was me who was running away from having to face the truth." His eyes were staring into Nancy's as if he was fascinated with everything he saw.
"I was a burnout college dropout. I couldn't focus, and I couldn't find a direction in my life until I met you. Until you and me, and Bess and George and Nick, all of us, we got strung together for Tiffany's murder. Helping you solve mysteries has given me a sense of purpose, something I hadn't felt before, and I was willing to overlook everything else so as not to lose you. Amanda was easier to focus on than the chaos of feelings you usually leave me in," he finished.
"I went to your home." Nancy blurted out then. She waited for a heartbeat for him to say anything about that, but he kept looking at her like he usually did. With infinite patience and a grounding presence. She knew from experience that he wouldn't speak again until she had unloaded everything she wanted to say. Needed to say. Ace was great like that, and Nancy was beyond grateful. She wouldn't be able to say everything if she was interrupted.
"I went to your house to talk to you, but you had already left for your road trip by then. After Owen died, you asked me if I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I couldn't manage it then, but with the Wraith, it was different, and I needed to talk to you about that."Nancy took a deep breath. It was now or never. She had to let it all out once and for all. Those words and those feelings needed to be relieved. Maybe he would understand, and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't hate her for it.
"When I was fighting the Wraith, I was stuck in a dreamscape. My whole life has been shaken, and somehow I could categorise the trauma in four parts. And I couldn't defeat it alone. George was there. And Nick. Bess. And you."Nancy took another calming breath. Just a little bit further. She had to go and reveal a little bit more, and then she would breathe easier.
"You helped me with my most vulnerable self. I thought I was born broken, but you made me realise that I needed to transform the hurt I felt into something stronger to be able to live.
And we stood there, and you were holding me, and there was this moment where it dawned on me—although I think I had known for a while and had been subconsciously repressing it—that I loved you," Nancy revealed.
Nancy let out a shaky breath. She did it. She told him.
It occurred to her that, no, she didn't feel like a weightless person, as every other movie suggested. She didn't feel elated that now the decision about how they will move forward wasn't on her anymore. Nancy felt vibrant, if that was even a way to describe feelings– that the truth was out and couldn't be used against them.
She waited patiently for Ace to work through everything she told him. While she had had a few weeks to accept it and to process it– and make no mistake, she had needed every second of it– even then she had proceeded to freak out in the morning when she had blurted out 'I like Ace' under the truth curse. Ace had barely had a few hours, he would need time and a lot of space, and–
"Say it again," he breathed out, halting her internal ramblings.
He was looking at her with barely concealed surprise. Not shock, Nancy rationalized.
"I love you," she whispered as he tugged her to stand between his legs. He took her hands in his, twining their fingers together as the words escaped her.
"I think I love you too," he whispered, lowering his head towards her. A hint of a smile brightened his face. Softened it.
Nancy smiled back at him as quiet joy erupted inside of her.
"I think I love you too," Ace said again, but as he touched his forehead to hers, he continued speaking softly, "I want to be with you. I don't care what anyone says."
Tears welled in Nancy's eyes as she comprehended what Ace had meant to do. Those words hadn't been part of just some confession. They were Lucy's words. And Ryan's. The very same confession Ace and Nancy had read about in the library while they were trying to solve the murder mystery of Tiffany Hudson with an extension to the death of Lucy Sable. Those were the words–for all intents and purposes, the only known vows between Lucy Sable and Ryan Hudson. Nancy's birth parents. And Ace had sworn the same to her. He knew what those words meant, and he didn't shy away from it.
Nancy tipped her head and finally brought her lips to his, afraid no longer.
She kissed him as she had never kissed anyone before. She kissed him with every broken, hurt, jagged piece of herself, and he kissed her back as if none of that mattered more than the fact it was she who was kissing him.
She wanted to tell him so much more. She wanted to tell him that every healing part of her was for his taking, if he should so wish it. She wanted to tell him that he was the only one she had truly let herself fall in love with. That he was the only one she knew who had seen every part of her and had not demanded that she give more than she was willing. That he was the only one who had waited and had come back and had not left, all in different occasions and all within the time she had known him.
But talking about her feelings had never been Nancy's strong suit. But she felt that Ace knew of it with every touch and every kiss that they shared between them.
There was something really seductive about the truth being revealed.
There had been seemingly no upside to this.
Hadn't been in the beginning.
But the ending sure was.
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indelibleevidence · 3 years
2x16 Thoughts
I have lots of Nas appreciation for this episode. First she killed the guy Shepherd sent to kill her (though she didn't mean to), then she made the quip about the gym bag with the $500k being expensive, then she actually let Cade take the money and go (see, Keaton and Tasha? Take notes on being a decent person, here!).
I also have tons of Cade appreciation, because I think he's a very under-appreciated character, and I totally understand why Remi wanted him in her Operation Jane Doe team, because he has lines he won't cross. He's believable, and his backstory is genuinely sad. You can completely understand why he would be vulnerable to Shepherd's manipulation - as he termed it, she found a bruise she could press on with his father's death and the subsequent corporate bullshit. I wonder if she ever told Cade about Lake Aurora? It would be the perfect way to convince him to join Sandstorm (still annoyed that we never got to find out what they called themselves).
Cade saying he doesn't know whether to choke Roman or feed him soup makes me laugh out loud every time. And Roman just stands there and takes it, doesn't even get mad. 😭
Cade not wanting to stick around and help them catch Sandstorm also feels very believable - he was trying to stick it to Shepherd, not help make his country safer. Because why would he feel any obligation to help? The US justice system let the mining company squirm out of their obligations, and if his anger was strong enough for him to organise protests, and then to join Shepherd, that wouldn't go away just because he realised Shepherd was planning to kill innocent people.
I do feel like they missed an opportunity for Jane and Cade to talk. Yes, she says, 'We're on the same side - I killed Oscar' when she first subdues him, but they never followed up on that, and it's a shame. After all, if he and Markos were together (yes, you can argue that they had a brotherly relationship, but he said Markos made him whole, and by the next episode he's in, he has a husband, so I'm firmly on the gay relationship side of things), he'd feel gratitude for her avenging Markos' death. And since Jane said Cade tortured her, as part of her Sandstorm cover story, that would have put extra heat on Cade.
The similarities between what happened with Patterson and Borden this episode, and what happened with Jane and Oscar...it's just so sad. The burning building, both of them trying to bring their criminal exes in to face justice... Even the fact that Sandstorm had extra access/intel via Patterson and Jane. I don't blame Jane for wanting to reach out and connect with Patterson about it. 😭
Audrey and Rob are so good at portraying Reade and Zapata in this episode, too. Tasha being super worried is so believable, especially when she learns that Reade was using in the morning - her little stifled outburst is great. I also adore that she gave him the ultimatum, and that he doesn't think she'll go through with telling Kurt because 'you're my best friend'. And she does it because she IS his best friend. And she mentions that they're a family, and every time one of the team does that, it makes me so happy, because they ARE. ❤❤❤
And Patterson's distance from Reade is super sad, as well. After trying to mend bridges at the start of the episode, she kind of ended up treating him coldly. I guess it's probably how she treats her brother, too.
You have to love how the entire team (minus Jane, who wasn't really there long enough) were all pretty drunk when they got Nas' message that she'd been attacked, yet they all rolled into work anyway. It would have been a good question to make Weitz ask in 2x18 - 'Do you ever work cases while totally sozzled?'
But that scene at the start, where Jane joins them, and everyone is happy and laughing and toasting to Uncle Ricky - she must have been so full of joy at having that with her team again, after all the distance between them all at the start of the season. ❤ Even if the Oliver thing was on her mind.
And this show is way too good at emotional montages, with Patterson's tooth-pulling, Tasha tattling on Reade, Roman settling down in his comfy bed with a book, and Jane and Oliver getting tranq-ed.
As cock-blocks go, I don't think the writers ever got more extreme than this. At least it wasn't a Jeller interruption, I guess. XD
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