#someone take me out back and put me down like a lame horse
justfor2am · 2 years
hi sry no dog pics today im spending the night w a friend .however i did walk for 45 minutes to a walmart (n back ofc) while also learning how to ride an electric scooter (i do not know how to ride a normal scooter. or a bike. or a skateboard. or roller skates.) it was very fun n the sunset was pretty :3 then i played beat saber n absolutely rocked at one of my favorite songs ever (nee nee nee by pinocchiop u will ALWAYS be famous in my heart 🫶) n then sucked at everything else why r custom charts almost always in expert or expert+ (my shit got completely rocked on a chart of hibana just for both my friend n their roommate to play it after me n easily clear it ..embarrassing) ANYWAYS!! hope ur day was good at least :33 food update uhhh we had pizza!! we each got our own n mine had alfredo sauce n a parmesan/asiago blend on top (i love cheese) ok bye :p just wanted 2 check in n send an ask today!!
wil im gonna level with you i am doing complete fucking ASS rn lol
i got a double middle ear infection, plus my left ear is impacted. which means i can't hear for shit, got hella pain, and have been guzzling ibuprofen like it's my last meal on this bitch of an earth. as i type this i've had several random stabbing pains in both ears, and i am moments away from clawing at the walls of my bedroom in despair
i got meds yesterday tho, which hopefully will help this shit go away. btw the american healthcare system is a sham and i hate it.
anyways: i have HORRIBLE balance so i can't ride a bike either lmao, i've always wanted to learn how to roller blade but for sure would bust my ass immediately
people that do custom beat saber charts are try hards i stg, maybe i just wanna lowkey enjoy a song without a whole ass work out (beat saber makes me dizzy as shit anyways so i can't play it lol)
waough alfredo sauce pizza........ i want pizza >:((( i can't really chew either so it's all been soft things uhhhhhh i had bacon grits earlier tho those were pretty good
kk i'm gonna try not to die bye friend
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running-tweezers · 7 months
Whenever I talk about my heart condition and what I can’t have, everyone’s always like ‘oh wow it sucks that you can’t have that much caffeine, don’t you wish you could have coffee or soda or energy drinks?’
And yeah it’s not ideal, but if I could pick one singular thing from my list of Potentially Dangerous Drugs to be able to have?? It’s not caffeine.
It’s literally any goddamn cold medicine
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pikslasrce · 8 months
google search what to do when someone obviously wants to get to know you and befriend you (at the very least) but theyre a bit out of your league and you fear that if they did get to know you you would make a fool of yourself because theres actually nothing behind this cool exterior
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madwcman · 1 year
pairing: cowboy! remus lupin x fem! reader
summary: you visit remus and his family’s ranch.
warnings: talks about food / eating, reader is described shorter than remus. please let me know if i missed any.
authors note: this kinda sucks tbh and i don’t really like this but i wanted to post something for cowboy! remus.
you’ve been finding many excuses to visit remus lately; like going over to his family’s ranch to help out, going over to barrow something from his mother, even going over there to only visit the horses. all lame excuses just to see remus and yet again you jumped at the chance to go over for another visit to see the lupins when your mom asked you to drop over some freshly baked cookies that you and her made for the family. you’ve been wanting to see remus for awhile but just couldn’t find a good excuse until now.
driving up to the ranch house, you park and stop your truck pulling out the keys, you step out of the car and grab the container holding the cookies, you don’t see their truck in the driveway but you still hope someone is home. you walk up to their front porch, and open the screen door and start knocking on the wooden door; there was no answer, you try once again, but no answer. you sigh in disappointment on hoping to see remus. as you walk off their porch and make your way to your truck when you hear his voice.
“hi dove!” you turn to remus, who was on his favorite horse daisy. you could instantly tell that he was working on the ranch. though his dark brown cowboy hat was blocking most of his face from the hot sun and a little bit from you, you could instantly tell he was sweating from his dark hair being a little soaked, and from his skin and clothes being more damp than usual, and the slight new tan he’s been gaining from the hard work out in the sun.
“hi rem!” he tilts his hat up so he could clearly see you more and gives you a bright smile.
“what’ are you doing here?”
“dropping off cookies.”
“for me?” he questions with a wide smile.
“for your family, idiot.”
“that hurts dove.” remus puts his hand over his heart, and pouts his lips in mock offense. you shrug smiling sheepishly up at remus.
“come’er,” he waves you over to him. you walk over to where remus and his horse were by the old wooden fence.
“let me have one?” you open the container for remus and raise it up to him. he takes one and instantly takes a bite into it.
“these are heavenly, you made these?”
“who knew my girl could bake?” you flush at remus compliments.
“they’re not that good remus,” you insist quickly putting the lid back onto the container.
“oh shush, they’re amazing dove, i could probably eat them in one go.”
“if you say so,” you smile.
“i do!”
you shake your head knowing he probably could. remus has always had a sweet tooth.
he smiles and finishes his cookie, then jumps down from his horse and leans closer to you.
“walk with me?” he asks with a smile.
remus grabs your hand as you climb over the small fence, once you land onto your feet, you and remus walk over to his horse daisy. remus grips the rope attached to the horse. “work all done?” you question, trying to find something to talk about. “yeah just need to put daisy back in her stall.” you shake your head knowingly. you and remus walk into the stable and past by a few of remus’ other horses until you get to daisy’s stall, remus settles daisy and makes sure she comfortable before pulling out a sugar cube and offering it to daisy you gladly eats the cube.
“good girl daisy,” remus softly murmur’s to the horse petting her long mane, while she eats. pulling back from daisy remus looks at all the horses stalls making sure everything is in oder before nodding and turning to you.
“we can head back to my house,” you nod in agreement with remus. you both turn and start your walk with remus. he moves in closer towards you and reaches for your hand. you slip your fingers into his with a soft smile on your face. the walk was short and quiet, which you didn’t mind. as you reach the back porch of the lupin ranch house you notice remus’ dog named buddy laying on the porch. you let go of remus hand to bend down to pet the dog. remus walks past you and buddy to his back door.
“come in? i’m sure mom would love to see you.”
“sure! i’d love to see her too.”
“just her?” he ask’s you softly, with a small smile tugging at his lips.
“no, not just her”
he gives you a bright smile, opening the door for you “ladies first”
“oh what a gentleman” you tease remus, as you walk past him to enter the house with buddy following you. as you walk in your met with the small kitchen, you set the cookies down on a kitchen counter closest to you and make your way to the small wooden kitchen table, taking a seat. remus takes another cookie from the container and joins you at the table. and it’s silent for a moment until remus clears his throat.
“i want to say thank you for stopping by lately and for helping me and my family.”
“it’s really no problem remus, i like spending time with you.” you give him a sweet smile.
“i like spending time with you too dove.”
he smiles and goes silent for moment thinking until he looks back up to you with determination in his eyes. remus gets up from his chair, and moves over to you and crouches down to your level, grabbing your hands.
“also i’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“will you let me take you out?”
“let me take you out on a date? it’s just that i’ve liked you for awhile now.”
you stay silent, shocked that remus has asked you on a date.
“and.. well i like when you visit my family and i, i like that you talk to me and i love talking with you. i want to know more about you.” remus explains.
“we could go to that old dinner in town
or the drive in?”
“or not if you don’t want to i understand.”
remus is nervous. you know he is. remus rarely rambles, he always likes to get to the poi of things, but he’s rambling on now, and you want to reassure him. you take your hands out of his and you place them on his face to catch his attention. he stops talking as he feels your hands on his face.
“ remus, i’d love to go out with you.”
“yes, i’d love it.” he smiles crookedly at you.
“can i kiss you?” he asks softly, waiting for answer.
“yes” and remus places his hand on your jaw as he leans in, remus soft lips are met with yours, your eyes close for a bit, and remus moves in a bit closer as the kiss deepens a bit. you’ve been waiting for this moment. you’ve had a crush on remus ever since you met him. and your finally kissing him. you open your eyes as you both pull away for air. as you both pull away you look over to the clock and see that it’s time for you to head home.
“i should..head home now it’s late”
“yeah you should… i’ll walk you out dove” remus laughs, you both stand and walk through the house, remus opens both doors for you.
“it’s sad you can’t stay longer.. mom’s been missing you.”
“well i’ll be over more.” you and remus both share a content smile with one another. you both walk over to your truck, remus moves in front of you opening your trucks door. you hop into the truck. and remus shuts the door for you.
“i’ll call you later tonight.”
“okay, i’ll talk to you later!
you lean out the car window and kiss remus on his cheek.
“bye sweetheart.” remus smiles, face red.
“bye remus, also save some cookies for your parents!”
“no promises!” you both laugh as you you start your truck and pull out of the lupins drive way, you look out your window and now see remus standing on his porch waving goodbye. you drive away with a bright smile on your face.
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rpstartersinc · 2 years
* 𝐇𝐁𝐎'𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐎𝐅  𝐔𝐒  /  𝐄𝐏  𝟑,  𝟒  &  𝟓.
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ want your jacket back? ”
“ never been in the woods. more bugs than i thought. ”
“ i don’t want your sorries. ”
“ i wasn’t gonna say i’m sorry. ”
“ nobody made you go along with this plan. ”
“ don’t blame me for something that isn’t my fault. ”
“ what are you looking out for? ”
“ is it something lame, like you fell down the stairs or something? ”
“ someone shot at me and missed. ”
“ i gotta grab some stuff i stashed. ”
“ you ask a lot of goddamn questions. ”
“ i had a friend who knew everything about this game. ”
“ there’s this one character named mileena who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and barfs out your bones! ”
“ ah, getting funnier. ”
“ dude, you got to go up in the sky! ”
“ so everything came crashing down in one day? ”
“ if you have to get bit to be infected, then who bit the first person? ”
“ there’s stuff up there you shouldn’t see. ”
“ well now i have to see. ”
“ whatever it was, think it’s gone. ”
“ dead people can’t be infected. ”
“ it doesn’t get old. ”
“ i’m not infected! ”
“ why did you take that long to answer? ”
“ i thought about lying for some reason, but the reason didn’t come. ”
“ i’m letting you go, so go. ”
“ if i feed you, then every bum you talk to about it is gonna show up here looking for a free lunch. ”
“ you already know i’m bad at lying. ”
“ everything tastes good when you’re starving. ”
“ i know i don’t seem like the type. ”
“ would you stop!? ”
“ paying attention to things, it’s how we show love. ”
“ there are no friends to be had. ”
“ i’ve actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio. ”
“ aren’t i the lucky one? ”
“ i got something to show you. ”
“ i like you older. older means we’re still here. ”
“ i was never afraid before you showed up. ”
“ took most of the night. i’m exhausted. ”
“ i’ve had more good days with you than with anyone else. ”
“ i should be furious. ”
“ you hear anything, you see anything, yell. ”
“ so they’re dead? ”
“ i used to hate the world, and i was happy when everyone died. but i was wrong, because there was one person worth saving. ”
“ we have a job to do, and god help any motherfuckers who stand in our way. ”
“ we can just keep our histories to ourselves. ”
“ you do what i say when i say it. ”
“ they have hot water! i’m taking a shower, and then you’re showering, because seriously - pffff. ”
“ well don’t you look pretty. ”
“ it’s like a spaceship. ”
“ gas breaks down over time, this stuff’s almost water. ”
“ it doesn’t matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationary. ”
“ what did the mermaid wear to her math class? an algae bra. ”
“ i stayed up all night wondering where the sun went, and then it dawned on me. ”
“ this make you all nostalgic? ”
“ hold your horses, i wanna see what all the fuss is about. ”
“ why are all these pages stuck together? ”
“ can we start a fire? i’m freezing. ”
“ no one’s gonna find us. ”
“ if you don’t think there’s hope for the world, why bother going on? ”
“ i’m not even tired. ”
“ i’m all turned around. ”
“ this is my second day in a fucking car, man! ”
“ you’re not hurt? ”
“ you don’t come out until i say, okay? ”
“ my mom isn’t far, if you could get me to her. ”
“ you can have it. ”
“ you don’t have to! ”
“ i can’t fit through. ”
“ i was alone. ”
“ you were wronged, and i’m sorry. ”
“ they put a gun to my head! ”
“ have i satisfied the necessary conditions for you to talk? ”
“ you think i won’t do it? ”
“ i didn’t hear that guy coming. ”
“ you’re just a kid. ”
“ i know what it’s like, the first time that you hurt someone like that. ”
“ i’m not good at this. ”
“ you shouldn’t have had to, and i’m sorry. ”
“ it wasn’t my first time. ”
“ you put it in your pack, you’ll shoot your damn ass off. ”
“ we’ll get through this. ”
“ let’s just handle what we have to handle. we can deal with this after. ”
“ where would you be without me, huh? ”
“ how did you know it was an ambush? ”
“ i’ve been on both sides. ”
“ we did what we needed to survive. ”
“ did you kill innocent people? ”
“ i don’t want someone sneaking up on us while we’re sleeping. ”
“ i don’t wanna talk about it. ”
“ so it gets easier when you get older? ”
“ did you know diarrhoea is hereditary? yeah, it runs in your jeans. ”
“ you laughed, motherfucker! ”
“ look at me, not at that. ”  
“ i used to be so scared of these people. ”  
“ did it make you feel safe? ”  
“ how does it make you feel now? ”  
“ i swear, i’ve told you everything i know. ”  
“ he won’t be talking. ”  
“ why go to the trouble? you can kill yourself right here. ”
“ do i look scared? ”  
“ i’ve been watching them, i know their patterns. ”  
“ we don’t wanna hurt you, we wanna help you. ”  
“ if i lower my gun, we didn’t hurt you, so you don’t hurt us, right? ”
“ that’s a weird fucking tone, man. ”  
“ that’s just the way he sounds, he has an asshole voice. ”
“ i’m gonna trust you. ”  
“ you know what happens when you do that to people? the moment they get a chance, they do it right back to you. ”
“ never killed anyone. ”  
“ pointing an unloaded gun at you was the closest i’ve ever come to being violent. ”
“ that’s my dicey-as-fuck plan. ”  
“ your dad’s kind of a pessimist. ”  
“ he’s not my dad. ”  
“ i’m not her dad. ”  
“ endure and survive. ”  
“ i wasn’t exactly telling you the truth, before. ”  
“ i am the bad guy because i did a bad guy thing. ”  
“ we’re not doing so good. ”  
“ have you been back to the room you grew up in? ”  
“ he would be horrified by the things i’ve done. ”  
“ this is what happens when you fuck with fate. ”  
“ are you ever scared? ”  
“ i’m scared all the time. ”  
“ i’m scared of ending up alone. ”  
“ if you turn into a monster, is it still you inside? ”  
“ stay awake with me. ”  
“ gimme the gun. ”  
“ what did i do? ”  
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theflagscene · 7 months
Why isn’t Fluke tied up too? Tie Fluke up! Have none of you ever played Clue!?
Tan, he’s onto you baby. Don’t let White screw up your plans.
Lmao!! I’m sorry, but I still can’t take Top seriously, he’s hilariously badly acted.
Still, I maintain, Jin has a dislocated shoulder, his feet are fine! Why is his ass having to be dragged everywhere by Phee? Dude, you’re becoming a liability at this point, leave him behind like a lame horse.
Oh just shoot him! Don’t listen to White, come on Tee, don’t puss out on me now.
I love how Us had to get put into makeup everyday just to lay on a sofa in the background and play dead, that’s awesome.
Why are you falling Jin!? You really are a freaking liability. Jesus, Jin, you couldn’t wait 5 seconds before spilling!? You suck at this! You don’t show your full hand of cards mid game! Idioto.
Lol! The way White has to lean so far back because of how short Fluke is, never give the quiet tiny one a gun.
“Do you think I’m stupid?” Well, I mean yeah, kinda.
That mask man, I can’t.
What’d you do!? Fluke, what the hell did you do!? Besides stand there quietly like a wuss.
Oh finally! Someone fucking shot him! Maybe now he’ll shut up.
Tsk, you don’t die instantly from a gut shot. It takes several hours, possibly longer depending on where in the stomach you’re hit. Top is absolutely not down for the count, he’ll be back. Especially when he’s that stoned, I’d be surprised if he even notices the gunshot wound when he gets back up.
Another flashback! Let’s go…
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friendly-books · 9 months
Small Favor live blog
Small favor live blog 
Happy Holidays! 
Content warning: mind rape
Aw snowball fight with the Carpenters 
I love this training 
“The memory of my first shielding lesson under Justin DuMorne wasn’t a particularly sentimental one. “Baseballs” 
“Mercifully God” Charity said, shaking her head. “How old were you?” 
“Thirteen” I shrugged my shoulders. “Pain’s a good motivator. I learned fast.” pg. 15 That’s straight up child abuse 
“Then Charity, standing behind me, dumped a double handfuls of snow down mother neck of my coat” pg. 18 Ha
“They weren’t terribly tall, maybe five-foot-six” pg. 19 I’m 5’6 thanks Harry maybe you’re just freakishly tall
Charity with a nail gun so cool
“They contacted me through Paranet, and I showed them how to  give Fido the bum’s rush out of town.” pg. 31 Oh yay this is the thing Harry and Elaine were making.
“You look like a raccoon” pg. 35 Ha 
Denarians in town or the rogue denarian from Proven Guilty.
Yes Marcone in this book! It’s always a good surprise when Marcone is in a book
Aw Toot-toot grown!
Pizza guard!
“Leave the doughnut!” pg. 67 Oh no 
Mab make an entrance 
Oh no Marcone got kidnapped. How did someone kidnap Marcone? Where are they keeping him? Why would someone kidnap him?
“Unless you should agree to take up the mantle of Winter Knight” pg. 81 Not yet Mab 
“But I do know a little about horses, having taken care of my second mentor Ebenezar McCoy’s riding horses on his little farm in Missouri” pg. 89 Harry’s a horse girl
All this talk about Harry and the Winter Knight foreshadowing is foreboding 
“The driver’s side-window rolled down and revealed a young man whom father of teenage girls would shoot on sight” pg. 104 Ha
“If they’re following the beacon, they’ll be running all over town” pg. 125 Ha 
“I’m not terribly well motivated to bend over backwards to save John Marcone’s Armani-clad ass” pg. 127 Well Harry might not want to save Marcone but I can’t wait 
No Harry bring Mouse 
“He didn’t actually thank me, but it was his voice. I pretended that I hadn’t heard it there, which was what he expected me to do.
It’s a guy thing” pg. 138 That’s stupid 
“Especially with the raccoon face I’ve got going on here.” pg. 143 Ha
“I want to help your boss” pg. 152 It’s not lame. I love it
Oh no Gard :( 
“Second, that a standard electrical pug was attached to the other end” pg. 161 The chain is like Elaine’s chain 
“Without a word he set aside his shotgun and took the woman from me. I saw his eyes as he did, touched with worry and fear-and not for himself.” pg. 165 Hendricks/Gard ship let’s go I’ve made ships with less to go on
“Forzane” pg. 170 A force spell not a fire spell? Eh? 
Thomas! Put the coin down
“Because,” I said, “maybe they went to recruit him.” pg. 184 Well Nick did offer Marcone a job back in Death Mask. 
“Fu-“ I started to swear, but I glanced at Michael and changed it to “Fudgesiscles” pg. 189 Ha
“One of the most dangerous men I’ve ever known is about to have involuntary access to the knowledge and power of a Fallen angel, which would give the Denarians access to major influence within the United States. Not to mention the serious consequences for me if they succeed in making it happen” pg. 187 Interesting that this is Harry’s thoughts about Marcone taking up a coin. I wonder if he still thinks that now that Marcone’s taken up a coin. 
“Michael caught Sayna’s hand on the way up, and pushed it gently back down” pg. 187 Ha
“This isn’t a democracy, Harry. We serve a king” pg. 187 Eh? I’m pretty sure this is a democracy Michael 
“Transition: Don’t start another war, Harry” pg. 192 Ha and it’s only one war 
“So instead you have placed your own life in jeopardy in order to protect his beliefs. You risk your body to preserve his heart.”
“I suppose he considers it a particularly messianic act.”
“That’s not why I did it” I said 
“Of course it isn’t. He knows that. It isn’t easy for him. Usually he’s the one protecting another, willing to pay the price if he must” pg. 196 What’s some light treason to help your friends? And Harry is a good friend.
“We will watch over your criminals for you” pg. 202 Ha
So cool that Murph stood up to Tiny.
“War council?” Molly asked, wide-eyed. “Are we going to start another war?” pg. 226 Ha
“We might find a trail that leads back to the Nickelheads” pg. 232 Ha Nickelheads 
“Someone highly placed enough to know the location of the safe house, and who will profit by Marcone’s absence” pg. 232 Helen maybe 
“Nothing’s ever a convenient with you” pg. 234 Ha
“Hell’s bells. Do I really look like that? Maybe I needed a makeover or something” pg. 236 Aw Harry I’m sure you look nice, black eyes aside.
“I’m betting Marcone left her a sample of his hair to use to track him down, for just such an occasion as this” pg. 237 Smart
“I missed my staff. I missed my duster” pg. 243 No blasting rod? Eh?
“This isn’t over,” he said, a harsh edge in his voice. “We’ll discuss it after” pg. 262 Aw Michael and Harry are fighting :( 
“Stop,” I said “Occam time” pg. 266 Ha
“I swear, by my own power, that I will abide by those restrictions” pg. 273 Oh Harry swore an oath to help Marcone.
“Can’t-get-a-date-itis. He’s supposed to be some kind of catalyst or conversion starter. Or failing that a consolation prize” pg. 276 Ha
“Grew up hard in the war, though that didn’t give them enough brains to keep from looking  up to me.” pg. 279 Aw poor Harry :(
“The station’s lights went out. All of them. At exactly the same time.” pg. 280 Oh no
“Granted, He doesn’t always answer quite this quickly” pg. 289 Ha
“When things had gone dark and scary she had somehow rounded them up and gotten them into a room. That took a lot more moxie than most people had. I also noted that she had been kneeling between the customer and the doorway. I liked her already.” pg. 289 I also like Carol. I like that this shows that ordinary people can and do help others.
“I held up my right hand and with a murmur called a tiny sphere of flame. The spell sputtered and coughed before it coalesced, and even that the light was barely brighter than a candle” pg. 295 Something is up with Harry. He doesn’t mention his blasting rod and he doesn’t use any fire spells. It could be because Jim is using The Law of Conservation of Details but I don’t think so. Mind magic maybe? So that he doesn’t remember his fire or blasting rod. Like with Lea and Susan back in Grave Peril. But by who? Not a human practitioner or else the Wardens would come. Not Molly, she hasn’t shown up yet and she wouldn’t do that to Harry. Hmm Mab maybe but why would she do that? She’s not a human practitioner and she’s powerful enough to do it. I think she’s more powerful than Lea. But again why would she do that? She had time to do it when she was talking to Harry. But I’m stuck on the motive as to why Mab would do that when Harry is helping her. Wild guessing as there really aren’t any other suspects but Mab. 
“You rush a miracle worker, you get lousy miracles!” pg. 298 Ha
So cool that Harry used the sprinkler system to wash away the Myrk.
“I don’t call him Fist of God as a pet name, folks” pg. 302 Ha
“Stupid, Harry. Stupid, Stupid” pg. 309 Stop being so self critical Harry. You need some more self confidence. Go read a self help book or something. 
So cool that Harry used Gard’s locker to fight.
“Mercy? From a Winterbound?” pg. 312 Yep Harry’s cool like that.
“I’m not bound” I snapped “This is purely  temp work” pg. 312 More foreshadowing for Harry.
Kincaid and Ivy! This book got better! 
“Maybe it was just my imagination that it took Michael a second longer to answer than in the past” pg. 320 Aw :( I don’t like that Harry and Michael are fighting. 
“But was prevented from going father by Kincaid hand” pg. 332 Let Ivy pet Mouse 
Just Luccio taking a bath by the fire in someone else’s house as you do. 
“The last thing I noticed, before I dropped off, was that under all the blankets I was entirely undressed.
And I was clean” pg. 335 Who undressed Harry and cleaned him? Luccio?
“Thomas gave me a look of his own. Then he thwapped me gently upside the head” pg. 339 Ha
“What does a woman need to do, Harry? Rip her clothes off, throw herself on top of you, and shimmy while screaming ‘Do me Baby!’?” pg. 340 Ha and knowing Harry it could help but more likely Harry would think that the woman would be cursed. 
In defense of Harry I also didn’t know that Luccio was flirting with Harry. And Luccio needs to be more direct with Harry. He’s oblivious and dense. Susan was the one to ask Harry out back in Storm Front. 
“I’ve never been hit on by a woman a hundred and fifty years older than me” pg. 340 Ha and what about Lara? 
“Moran. Thank God Nicodemus is a man” pg. 341 Ha and with my reading of Bi Harry I won’t be too relieved there.
“Tiny” Sanya rumbled to Michael, clenching a demonstration fist “But fierce” pg. 346 Ha
Part 2
“The wind caught my coat and the cloak both, and almost knocked me over until I gathered in close to my body again and under control. Hendricks, solid and huge in his dark, sensible London Fog winter coat, went by me with a small smile on his face.” pg. 353 Ha and glad even Hendricks is amused by Harry.
“She can’t be here” pg. 355 I thought things ended well between Kincaid and Murphy back in Hawaii? 
“She was watching two otters chase each other around the habitat, and smiling.” pg. 357 Aw :)
“Kincaid stopped in his tracks when he saw that. Just to see what he’d do, I tried to step past him. He shot me a look like he’d murder me if I tried to interrupt her, and my opinion of him went up a notch.” pg. 357 Aw :)
“He had a good voice, mellow and surprisingly deep” pg. 361 Bi Harry 29 I think I mean I hope not because it’s Nicodemus and Harry would have horrible taste in men. 
“Archive guarantee his neutrality” pg. 362 Wow Nicky just assumes the police officer is a man. That’s a bit sexist. First Nicky was racist now sexist get with the times man. 
“He was a man of medium height and build, his features handsome, strong, his eyes dark and intelligent.” pg. 363 Bi Harry 30 Harry what did I just say? Absolutely  terrible taste in men. I see he and his mother have similar tastes. Harry has a type ie older scary men with silvery hair. Silver fox if you will. 
“Sans demolition, if you think you can refrain.” pg. 363 Ha and no Harry can’t refrain from causing property damage.
“Nicodemus let out another quiet, charming laugh.” pg. 365 Bi Harry 31 
“And you offer such insolence regardless?”
“Habit,” I said “It doesn’t make you special or anything, believe me” pg. 367 Ha 
Blinked.” pg. 369 Oh Nicodemus didn’t know. We have a rogue Denarius on our hands 
“I glared up at him and debated slamming him through one of those Corinthian columns by way of objecting to be manhandled. But I decided that I didn’t want to piss him off.” pg. 369 Ha 
“At least it has some survival instincts” pg. 370 Ha and Harry has no survival instincts 
“Kincaid, get the kid out of here!” I screamed. “They’re coming for Ivy” pg. 373 Oh no if they hurt Ivy I demand there blood 
“I guess it came down to a single question: whether or not I was the kind of man who walks away when he knows a little kid is in danger” pg. 378 No Harry isn’t that kind of man
“The thorny Denarian” Thorned Namshied 
“…and he just ate my spell.” pg. 380 Ha and I wonder if Marcone can do that now?
I’m worried about the animals they can’t run away
“While the Archive would know that the proper decision would be to allow Kincaid to die in order to protect the sanctity of the Archive, Ivy wouldn’t be making the decision with the same detached calm. Kincaid was the closest thing she had to family. She wouldn’t. She couldn’t.” pg. 396 Aw and Harry she cares about you too. You Named her and I think she considers you a friend. 
“I wish I knew,” I panted. “That way I could exercise free will while telling you to go fuck yourself” pg. 401 Ha
“I hadn’t extended my line of thinking beyond Kincaid. But of all the people who had dealt with the Archive, I’d been one of the only ones  to take any interest in her as anything but a font of knowledge. I’d been the one to inquire after her personality. I’d been the one to give her a name. Sad but true, I was the closest thing that little girl had to a friend. 
She couldn’t have let anything happen to me, either.” pg. 403 While I love that Ivy considers Harry a friend this isn’t a great time for this.
“I could use charts to make it easier for you to understand. And color them in with crayons. I enjoy crayons.” pg. 405 Aw baby’s first attempt at sassing the enemy 
“I wasn’t certain but it sounded like the kid was trying to give the bad guys some gruff on my behalf. She needed to work on her technique, but it was the thought that counted. If I could have breathe, I might have gotten a little choked up.” pg. 406 Aw :) I’m so proud of Ivy. I’m glad she has a friend in Harry. 
Oh no they took Ivy :(
“Michael had some serious pecs.” pg. 423 Bi Harry 32
“Never mind Michael’s pecs. Sanya made us both look like we needed to eat more wheat germ” pg. 424 Bi Harry 33
“Jared. Huh.” pg. 424 Kincaid first name is Jared really?
“She doesn’t have anybody else. No one” pg. 424 Aw :(
“And we fought them. That war could end. It could all be over” pg. 428 No unfortunately not 
“Molly once burned my egg. My boiled egg. I don’t know how.” pg. 432 Ha
“You’re a creature of habit, Harry. You don’t like change” pg. 435 Yep
“So how they gonna get that creepy little girl a coin? Or one for the boss?” pg. 436 Good idea Cujo but rude for calling Ivy a creepy little girl. 
“Molly was committing dinner by that time, aided and abetted by Sanya, who was taking who seemed to take some kind of Russian delight in watching the train wrecks in progress.” pg. 439 Ha
You are not alone.
Kincaid is alive. I’m all right. We’re coming after you.
Don’t listen to them. Hang on.
We’re coming. 
You are not alone. 
Harry” pg. 444 Aw I love this bit so much. 
“You know me, Michael. I’m always careful.” pg. 447 Ha 
“What” he said in a low, deadly tone, “is that?” pg. 449 Oh Nicky is scared of Mouse 
“It’s been a little while since anyone was quite that insolvent to my face.” pg. 450 I’m pretty sure the last person was also Harry back in Death Mask. 
“Do you always retreat into insouciance when you are frightened, Dresden?” pg. 450 Ha and yes he does 
Nicky is a terrible boss. He doesn’t even remember Rasmussen. 
“After all those years of baseless suspicion and hostility from your own Council, that must be a  painful realization.” pg. 453 Aw :( 
“The Council doesn’t need my help to be a bunch of tools.” pg. 454 Ha 
Harry being incredibly melodramatic with Michael. 
“Look at me when I’m talking to you!” pg. 462 Aw :( 
“I don’t share everything with you,” I retorted. “I don’t share everything with anyone. That’s nothing new.” pg. 462 Harry you should talk to your friends.
“Because in thousand years, no one has rid themselves of the shadow of one of the Fallen” pg. 463 So cool that Harry was the first person to rid themselves of a shadow of the Fallen. Sad that it meant that Lash died. 
“Have I suddenly gone crazy on you?”
He arched an eyebrow 
“More so than usual” pg. 465 Ha
“Harry,” he said quietly, “what happened to your blasting rod?” pg. 465 Oh good someone else is worried about Harry and his blasting rod
“Someone had been in my head
Someone had been in my head 
Oh God” pg. 466 Oh no this is just like when Murphy was mind raped back in Grave Peril with the Nightmare. 
Harry isn’t having a good time. 
So Molly looked around in Harry’s head
“You aren’t the sort of person to do things by halves, Harry. Grand gestures included.” pg. 469 Ha 
“In the event that you haven’t figured it out, I’m not the kind of person to be casually involved in much of anything” pg. 473 Yep
“Dresden, it seems to me that you’d lock yourself up pretty tight if someone took a regular bullet for you with a regular body. Much less if you were under psychic attack and this imaginary friend died right inside your own brain. Something like that happens, shouldn’t you have expected to be a basket case, at least for a little while.” pg. 476 Yep Harry loves his friends and having someone die for you will leave a mark.
“You remember when Karvos struck his fingers in my brain?” pg. 475 I see Murphy is drawing parallels away from well.
Not the biggest fan of this Luccio/Harry ship aren’t they subordinate and boss? 
“You might be able to empower such a circle for half an hour, Dresden.” pg. 483 I’m glad Luccio knows that Harry is powerful 
“I was going to put the dinosaur back,” I said. “But I was unconscious” pg. 485 Ha
They have Ivy at Deamonreach? How’d they get there and not get booted off? 
“You couldn’t spot a pop culture reference if it  skittered up and implanted an embryo down your esophagus.” pg. 503 Ha and is this why Harry makes so many pop culture shout outs? 
“The creepy part was that it felt familiar.” pg. 515 Creepy maybe the island knew that Harry was going to be the next warden of the island.
Poor Ivy :( 
Why doesn’t Ivy have clothes? Never mind, I don't want to know. 
“I’d made that mistake once already, on a stormy night much like this one” pg. 522 Yep Grave Peril parallels 
“Gentleman Johnnie Marcone” pg. 525 Is this a spelling error or is Harry being Harry? 
“Something had ripped off the top half of his left ear.” pg. 525 That makes a very cool picture of Marcone
“Insufferable, arrogant little monkey,” Namshiel hissed. “Playing with the fires of creation. Binding your soul to it, as if you were one of us. How dare you so presume. How dare you wield soulfire against me. I, who was there when your pathetic kind was hewn from the muck.” pg. 533 I take it Namshiel isn’t happy that Harry has soulfire.
“I glared at him. He returned the glare with a faint, knowing smile.” pg. 536 Ha
“Ride of the Valkyries” pg. 541 Yay Gard to the rescue. 
“He shook his head and pointed his fingers at Ivy” pg. 542 Yay
Part 3
Oh no Michael 
“A bar of blue-white fire so dense that it was nearly a solid object lashed across the distance from me and Tessa and slammed into her like an enormous spear.” pg. 547 So cool. Don’t mess with Harry’s friends 
“I find myself largely clueless about why mortal women do what they do. It will take a wiser man than me to understand what’s in a fae women’s mind.” pg. 557 Ha
“They tell children stories about you guys, you know,” I said. 
“Still?” He said
I nodded” pg. 558 Aw :) 
“We hear tales of thee, young wizard.”
I blinked. “You, uh?” 
“We too like stories about…” His eyes searched his memory for a moment before he smiled, pleased. The gesture looked pleasantly nonviolent on his face. 
“Underdogs” pg. 558 So cool that the fae tell stories of Harry.
“I want you,” I said “to get me a doughnut. A real, genuine, Chicago doughnut. Not some glamorous doughnut. An actual one. Freshly made.” 
“Nay, but prithee, with sprinkles ‘pon it instead,” I said solemnly “and frosting of white.” pg. 560 Ha
“Harry Dresden speechless,” Nicodemus said. “I can’t imagine this happens every day.” pg. 564 Ha
“It’s gone!” pg. 565 Oh no the coins are gone. 
“Deceitful bitches” pg. 565 :0 I was not expecting that kind of language from Nicodemus. 
“Please. No one so obstreperous has been corrupted by anything other than his own pure muleheadedess.” pg. 567 Ha 
“Lasciel’s shadow,” I told him, “doesn’t live here anymore, The Fallen have no power over me. And neither do you” pg. 568 So cool
“In fact, I squeezed harder” pg. 570 Good
Drat Nicodemus is still alive. Better luck next time. Third time the charm.
“I was wearing fresh clothing too. Thomas. He didn’t say anything about it, and neither did I. It’s a brother thing.” pg. 582 Aw :) Yay!
“His heart. They hurt his hurt.” pg. 586 Aw :( Poor Molly
“Families stay, Harry” pg. 587 Aw :)
“Given what he’d been saved from, it would be consistent with his character for Marcone to repay the people who bailed him out with whatever aid he could render in turn. It irked me that Marcone could ever be in a position to offer significant aid to Michael, regardless of circumstances.” pg. 590 Yep Marcone is cool like that 
So Harry meets Uriel. I think God likes Harry despite Harry’s thoughts.
“You will not. I do not belong to you-“ pg. 598 Not yet 
What made Mab so mad?
I take it the White Council would be mad if they find out and Bob.
“I get it,” I said. “You don’t think I should get close to her. Unless you’re worried about what’s going to happen when you wake her up and she’s really scared and confused.” pg. 608 Hypocritical much
“They did things to me,” she said 
 “I know,” I said quietly “Been there. But I was all right after a while. You’re going to be alright. It’s over.” pg. 609 Don’t like those implications with Harry and Ivy experiencing the same thing and using the same words. Add to it that Ivy was naked upon rescue doesn’t help.
“Couldn’t find its heart if it had a copy of Gray’s Anatomy, X-ray vision, and a stethoscope,” I said “No. They can lay down the law about magic. But they aren’t telling me who I’m allowed to befriend.” pg. 609 That’s a little cult like. The White Council can’t tell people who they can or can’t befriend.
“Morgan told them you’d say that. So did McCoy and Listen-to-Wind. The Merlin wouldn’t hear it.” pg. 609 Morgan! He knows enough about Harry to know that Harry wouldn’t go for it.
I’m glad Harry hugged Ivy and that she got his letter. Ivy needs a support system. 
“He has a teddy Glock.” pg. 610 Ha
I’m glad Murph is also concerned about Luccio and Harry. 
“Marcone. I’ll look into it.” pg. 614 Harry knew already that Marcone took the coin?
“I don’t have it,” Marcone said.” pg. 616 Either Marcone is lying outright or using exact words. Hmmm
“The child” Marcone said “Is she well?” pg. 617 Aw :) I hope Ivy and Marcone talk to each other after this. 
“Then you should get some rest,” Marcone said. “You look”-his mouth twitched up at the connors-”like a raccoon. Who has been run over by a locomotive.” pg. 617 Ha 
“A lot of men talk to the women they sleep with,” I said “That’s always been true. And it would give you a really good reason to get close to him” 
“He’s like a lot of men,” pg. 618 I can’t picture Marcone doing this. Also I can’t believe I was right about Helen being the leak. 
“Oh that.” Anastasia said. “Your Sight’s coming in. That’s all.” pg. 622 Oh cool!
Final thoughts 
As always I liked the fights and thought the book was funny. Bi Harry moments up to 33. I question Harry’s taste in men. What I’d like to see is Ivy and Harry interacting more. Maybe play dates with Ivy and Maggie. I think it’s cool that Harry got Soulfire. I’m glad Harry and Michael are friends again. I wish we got more Marcone in this book. I’m surprised I was right about mind magic and Mab. And with Helen and the safe house. Not a fan of this Harry/Luccio ship. The White Council continues to be the absolute worst. They can’t tell their members who they can and can’t befriend that ridiculous. The fact that Harry and Thomas have to pretend not to be brothers and not interact much because the White Council will use them is terrible. It’s also a little cult-like. They do similar things to them and I could probably use the Bite model to show that they’re cult-like. Nicodemus is definitely scared of Harry now that Harry’s strangled him twice now. As for Executive Priority Health, why would Marcone buy the old Velvet place? As for Harry I wouldn’t want to be within 100 yards of the place but Harry seems ok? With going in. 
Mind rape
Now onto Harry and the mind rape. As with Murphy back in Grave Peril this is essentially rape. Harry’s reaction is full on breakdown. While it’s similar to his reaction in Grave Peril it’s different in that Micheal is there to help and he isn’t in a laundry room. I wonder if Harry will have similar actions to paranoia and insomnia. I continue to wish Harry gets therapy. Maybe one of the small practitioners in the Paranet is a therapist. There was some parallels to Death Mask in this book with the mind rape and sacrad hospitality. Could Jim stop hurting Harry please. 
Now I know Marcone has the coin. Whether he accepted the coin yet is another. I can’t imagine what he went through with torture and hurting Ivy. Do you think he was reminded of Amanda and that’s why he took the coin. Surly Gard told him about the Fallen. He wouldn’t pick up the coin unless he knew what he was doing. I can’t picture him saying anything about his safe house to Helen. And I don’t see Marcone killing Helen. That would make Amanda an orphan. Maybe the guilt is making him do things he wouldn’t normally do. 
Onto the next book!
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th3-art-of-dying · 2 years
The following is a true story other than me or anyone I know having anything to do with the events involved. We didn't do s***, so.
If this was not enough, it is accompanied by a sonnet. The, aforementioned, story in lyrical format. (Okay they r both lyrical format....one just more so. Ig.)
When two wrongs made a right.
There was a time when I was prone to doing outrageous things which were potentially violent or damaging to..... pretty much anyone who was near me. ( other than cops cause, well they have guns and there's like 100s of them everywhere. ) U run a stop sign where I'm from, twenty cops show up in under 2 minutes. Like 4 on foot, a couple are doubled up and the rest in a random assortment of vehicles.
I remember the first time I saw someone pulled over by a gremlin.... "can they do that?" Someone says in an exaggerated disgusted tone as they take in the scene. As if it were the 70s and they had just seen their first interracial gay couple.
People still did that, over-the-top gasp in public back then I bet. Especially the little country towns. See a black dude on a horse and, well, ill leave that line to Mr. Jackson, but u get my gist.
Yes, I'm going to get to the point. When this story took place, we were..... heathens. Don't judge us uncreatively.
When two wrongs make a right.
"I am headed your way we need some meds, oh, and I hope it's cool, I'm bringing someone with."
"Aight, no worries, you know where I'm at. When you get here, as always, come to the back.
A text comes through not 2 minutes later,
" Hey, I'm trying to rob this dude,
just between me and you. "
"LOL, okay bro. Is it someone I know?"
"Nah, he's a lame and he's got this coming.
He's done dirt to me, so help me take his money?"
"You know I got you man, we are fam!"
An hour later a truck pulls in.
"I've already made the call, they will have it waiting.
Let's get on the road, no point delaying."
We share a mischievous look as we all head to the truck.
I make a call to be sure they're still up.
"It's all good, we're meeting at the school."
What better place to do what we're about to do.
"Make a right and then go straight,
When you come to a tee, pull through the gate."
"You're going to have to park a ways back and I'll walk up,
Don't want the plug to think we're trying to set them up "
"okay " a simple reply
feeling like this is easy as pie
I'm going to go by these drugs with this dude's money
But he's out of luck, cuz when I get back, he ain't getting any
With the dope right there in my pocket,
We'll all drive home and I'll say that I've lost it .
I'll have this unsuspecting dude searching everywhere but for no use,
I'll be encouraging and maybe even help him look for it too.
But, little did he know, that little did I know,
My plug has the same plan and sold me fake dope.
However, due to the scammer that I've grown to be ,
some crookedness came out from inside of me .
And even though it wasn't something I had planned,
when I met the plug I put only ones in his hand.
So being as lucky as I am,
Life taught me to take anything I can.
Cause truth be told they would do me the same
Anything and everything regardless what I think.
Still unknown to all
The truth of the events involved.
The events which had occurred,
Reveal, I, this wicked curve..
" So, you see, my friend
You were wise to come to me ,
It's hard to keep a good crook down
and your bro is a mfin OG."
So, even though the plug, missed from the free-throw-line
It could have been a little better to be doing his lines.
I got over on the both of them
and just to make things even sweeter I've had my own drugs this whole time!
Oh, and we're about to get ultra high!
Finally we get good and high and divided up the money.
The driver had given up his search and come in acting funny.
He seemed upset, I wondered why.
"You know, that's no way to go through life."
He did not respond but he did declare
"I brought your bro when i came,
And now I am leaving him here!"
Calmly, my bro, so respectfully requested
my blessing.
"This is your house, but can I go hit him?"
"By all means, he has clearly not had enough misfortune ,
And apparently wants more of it."
"we can fix that!"
And before I could even blink
He was up and gone and I think
Some sort of ninja did appear,
I saw him fly through the air!
Vengeance rain down upon this robbed-dude's jaw.
By the look in his eyes, twas the devil he saw.
"So are you going to give him a ride?
You don't want to know what I'll do if you decline."
Holding his face, he solemnly agrees,
But my bro decides, not to leave.
"I want to hang out anyway."
"He just wanted to punch you in the face,
it's the way my bro says goodbye.
Take no offense, but get the hell out of my drive."
All grins we retire Within,
to enjoy our well earned win!
dedicated to ;
I don't drop names n****
It was either AC or DC but it damn sure wasn't me.
What's with all this talk anyway, about identity?
I can say I don't identify as being guilty.
I am innocent it's my human right
Now get off my page, aight?
2 wrongs
Ignorance to ignorance, yet a bit of luck
Whilst plotting, planning maliciously
Obvious variables we failed to think of
Ignorant inhumanity, they share our intent
Understanding the darkness in the world too late.
Therefore we choose not to lament.
Did this thing that seems too far fetched to occur
In mind numbing madness we review
How has this happened? No way to be sure.
I must avoid the urge to call it a reward
Yet within this ugly chain of events which had occured
In spite of our crimes, luck we'd incured.
If you have just read this, thankyou and much love. If you have not, why are u reading just the end? Seems strange.
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blessyouhawkeye · 2 years
we've reached the unable to watch romantic scenes in movies without thinking of her stage of feelings can someone please take me out back and put me down like a lame horse
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actual-corpse · 15 days
Things that I have said this week (it's only TUESDAY?!):
I am the shortest distance between any two points away from taking a long walk off a short pier with a life jacket on because I can't swim.
I need someone to take me out....... back behind the shed so they can put me down like the lame horse I am.
I went swimming Friday! I almost drowned 5 times!!
If you continue to vandalize Walmart, you will not see the light of heaven. (I don't want fucking paint on my clothes)
That man can yap at me all he wants... I'm like, "more MORE"
It is impolite to ask a female presenting person their age. (Thank fuck the professor shut that down quick... I did not want to argue over my age) (I don't care if someone knows my age... I just didn't feel like giving that kid the satisfaction of knowing)
Mitchell walked by, he looked at me, and I lost all motor functions... but to be fair... I am sleep deprived.
Gurl... It is none of my business who you show your asshole to. Go get some!
It's jesus on a horse! Praise be!
-I explained TVs to a man trying to buy a PS5...
I swear to God, if you run Devin over, I will beat you with this stick! (It was just a giant splinter)
Fuuuuuck I'm annoying... I love me tho!
Bite my fat ass
I'm so sleep deprived that all I could do was giggle at the cute professor as I fought very hard to stay awake... and also fight the computer...
I'm always fighting computers... It's the brain worms.
I was so on edge that I had to fight hard not to start mirroring the professor because of how hard I was trying to pay attention.
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continuous-blabbing · 2 months
Me: omg I need to stop drinking it’s actively affecting my health and appearance
Also me: teehee ikkkkkk last time i felt like shit the whole day after drinking but what if it’s different this time ig I’ll go and buy a bottle of liquor instead of saving my money like I need to be doing
I keep doing this every three or so days I genuinely need someone to take me out back and put me down like a lame horse
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tommyshelby87 · 3 months
hey king! i have been having the worst time of my life, will you do me the service of taking me out back and putting me down like one of ur lame horses? <33 hugs and kisses
Of course not, someone as lovely as you. You need to pamper yourself a little, you'll feel good as new.
0 notes
dfroza · 3 months
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for june 26 of 2024 with Proverbs 26 and Psalm 26, accompanied by Psalm 7 for the 7th day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 28 for day 178 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 26]
Like snow in the summer and rain in the time of harvest,
so honor is never fitting for a fool.
Like a bird that flits and flutters or a swallow in mid-flight,
so a curse that lacks cause will never come to light.
A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey,
and a rod is for the fool’s back.
Never answer a fool on his own foolish terms,
or you will become like him;
Rather, answer a fool on his own foolish terms,
or he will become wise in his own eyes.
Like someone who cuts off his feet or drinks to his ruin,
so is the one who uses a fool to pass on his message.
As lame legs are useless, dangling on the crippled,
so is a proverb in the mouth of a fool.
Like one who ties a stone in his slingshot,
so is one who honors a fool.
Like a thorn in the hand of a drunkard,
so is a proverb in the mouth of a fool.
Like an archer who shoots at random and injures everyone,
so is a person who hires a fool or someone off the street.
Like a dog who goes back to his own vomit,
so is a fool who always returns to his foolishness.
Have you seen a person who is wise in his own sight?
Know that there is more hope for a fool than for him.
A lazy person says, “There’s a lion in the road!
A lion in the streets!
Another good reason to stay in today.”
As a door swings on its hinges and goes nowhere,
so a slacker turns over in his bed.
Some people are so lazy that they reach for food on the plate
but lack the will to bring it up to their mouths.
The slacker sees himself as wiser by far
than seven men who can converse intelligently.
Like a man who seizes a wild dog by the ears,
so is anyone who walks by and meddles in someone else’s argument.
Like a madman who hurls flaming spears and shoots deadly arrows,
So is anyone who deceives a neighbor
and then says, “But I was only joking with you.”
When there is no wood, the fire goes out;
when there is no one to spread gossip, arguing stops.
Like charcoal to smoldering embers and dry wood to a fire,
so a hot-tempered man kindles strife.
Whispered gossip is like a delicious first course:
it is devoured with pleasure and then penetrates deep within you.
Like a shiny glaze coating a rough clay pot,
so are burning lips that conceal an evil heart.
One who hates may camouflage it beneath pleasant words,
but deep inside him, treachery still rages;
Don’t believe him when he speaks kindly
because his heart is completely ruled by evil.
And though he covers his hatred with cleverness,
his wicked ways will be publicly exposed.
The one who digs a trap for another will fall into it,
and the one who starts rolling a stone will have it roll back over him.
Liars take no pity on those they crush with their lies,
and flattery spoils everyone it touches.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 26 (The Voice)
[Psalm 26]
A song of David.
Declare my innocence, O Eternal One!
I have walked blamelessly down this path.
I placed my trust in the Eternal and have yet to stumble.
Put me on trial and examine me, O Eternal One!
Search me through and through—from my deepest longings to every thought that crosses my mind.
Your unfailing love is always before me;
I have journeyed down Your path of truth.
My life is not wasted among liars;
my days are not spent among cheaters.
I despise every crowd intent on evil;
I do not commune with the wicked.
I wash my hands in the fountain of innocence
so that I might join the gathering that surrounds Your altar, O Eternal One.
From my soul, I will join the songs of thanksgiving;
I will sing and proclaim Your wonder and mystery.
Your house, home to Your glory, O Eternal One, radiates its light.
I am fixed on this place and long to be nowhere else.
When Your wrath pursues those who oppose You,
those swift to sin and thirsty for blood,
spare my soul and grant me life.
These men hold deceit in their left hands,
and in their right hands, bribery and lies.
But God, I have walked blamelessly down this path,
and this is my plea for redemption.
This is my cry for Your mercy.
Here I stand secure and confident
before all the people; I will praise the Eternal.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 26 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
A great theme throughout the psalms is the experience of coming before God. This Davidic psalm affirms the integrity of the worshiper before the Lord even while pleading for God’s mercy.
[Psalm 7]
A song of David to the Eternal regarding Cush, the Benjaminite.
O Eternal my God, in You I seek refuge.
Save me from those who are chasing me. Rescue me,
Or else they will tear me to pieces as a lion devours his prey;
they will carry me off with no one to snatch me from their jaws.
O Eternal my God, if I have done anything wrong to deserve this,
if there is blood on my hands,
If I have mistreated a friend,
or if I have stolen from an adversary without just cause,
Then let my enemy come after me and catch me,
stomping me into the ground, ending my life,
and grinding my honor into the dirt.
Arise, O Eternal One, inflamed by Your anger.
Come and counter the rage of my adversaries;
open Your eyes, my God; hear my plea for justice once and for all.
Let the people gather around You.
Return to Your rightful place above them in the high court.
The Eternal will judge the nations.
Judge me now, Eternal One, according to my virtue and integrity.
Please, bring the evil actions of these wicked, wicked people to an end!
But secure the righteous,
For You, righteous God,
examine our hearts and minds.
God is my defender;
He rescues those who have a pure heart.
God is a just judge;
He passes judgment daily against the person who does evil.
If the wicked do not turn from their evil deeds, God will sharpen His sword;
He will bend His bow, stringing it in readiness.
Yes, He has prepared His deadly weapons
with His arrows flaming hot.
See, my enemies are fertile with evil.
They conceive trouble
and give birth to deception.
They prepare a trap, digging a deep pit,
and fall into the snare they have made.
The trouble they plan will return to punish them,
and their violent acts will come back to haunt them.
As a result, I will thank the Eternal for His justice
and sing praises in honor of the Eternal, Most High.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 7 (The Voice)
[Psalm 28]
A song of David.
Eternal One, I am calling out to You;
You are the foundation of my life. Please, don’t turn Your ear from me.
If You respond to my pleas with silence,
I will lose all hope like those silenced by death’s grave.
Listen to my voice.
You will hear me begging for Your help
With my hands lifted up in prayer,
my body turned toward Your holy home.
I beg You; don’t punish me with the most heinous men.
They spend their days doing evil.
Even when they engage their neighbors in pleasantness,
they are scheming against them.
Pay them back for their deeds;
hold them accountable for their malice.
Give them what they deserve.
Because these are people who have no respect for You, O Eternal,
they ignore everything You have done.
So He will tear them down with His powerful hands;
never will they be built again.
The Eternal should be honored and revered;
He has heard my cries for help.
The Eternal is the source of my strength and the shield that guards me.
When I learn to rest and truly trust Him,
He sends His help. This is why my heart is singing!
I open my mouth to praise Him, and thankfulness rises as song.
The Eternal gives life and power to all His chosen ones;
to His anointed He is a sturdy fortress.
Rescue Your people, and bring prosperity to Your legacy;
may they know You as a shepherd, carrying them at all times.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 28 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
This Davidic psalm pleads with God to spare him and repay his enemies. It would be difficult to locate this psalm in any one event. During his life David faced many threats from different enemies; not only were these threats from outside his realm, but some of his most difficult challenges came from inside his own family.
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vampussyboy · 4 months
just realized i've been reblogging things to the wrong mf blog
someone take me out back and put me down like a lame horse /nsrs /lh
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avainblue · 3 years
my role in the italian mafia is i giv’a da blowjobsa !
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crikeygatormate · 2 years
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Tied Down (Part Three)
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Cowboy!Bakugou x AFAB Reader
Summary: You've been trying to become number one for so long, but just when you thought you would become a Champion Reiner, Bakuguo Katsuki steals the spot from beneath your nose and becomes your number one rival. While on the way back to the top you find out there is more to Bakugou than meets the eye.
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Omg this chapter was so painful to write, and it took so long aha lmk if I missed any tags :) apologizes this chapter is a lil shorter than my usual, but the next one will be back to the normal length
Warnings: heaving pinning (I spelled that wrong for sure), oral m receiving, hair pulling, some dirty talk, switch dom/ switch sub themes, face-fucking?, mentions that reader has hair, praise, some degrading, grammatical errors
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Part Three
Three days went by since your little “incident” with Bakugou, and to say that you were doing a great job at putting it behind you was a lie. You were a bit frazzled, on edge, frayed. It wasn’t obvious, at least you thought you weren’t being obvious until someone caught you hardcore staring at Bakugou while he was swinging around some chick at the bar one night.
“If looks could kill,” a deep southern drawl said from next to you.
You hummed, letting your gaze hold on Bakugou and the girl before turning your attention to Sero who had come up next to you. You were good friends with him, he worked at the local veterinary clinic as a tech. Apparently, he had a knack for putting things back together, and if anyone who had horses knew anything is that they love to find ways to get themselves hurt - so it was a plus you had a friend in the medical field. 
“Think he’s goin’ through his rebound stage,” Sero added as he leaned against the table, and took a hearty sip of his beer.
“No way,” you said quickly, feeling jealously flare in your belly.
Sero raised an eyebrow, “no? What makes ya say that?”
“Because who would want to be with him?” you quickly said with a scoff as you chugged down the rest of your drink.
Sero laughed, “Oh right, of course, you’d think that. You two are always buttin’ heads.”
You chuckled, it felt forced, tight almost, “well he’s a dumbass. Always talkin’ up his game, told him I was gonna take that championship from him.”
Sero nodded, humming as he watched Bakugou toss up the girl before catching her, “well hey, I’m glad you got your spark back. It was tough seein’ you all down, doll.”
You tore your gaze from Bakugou and looked at Sero with a smile, “thanks Sero, it feels good to be back.”
He smiled at you again, watching as you looked back at Bakugou who had dipped the girl he was dancing with and you squeezed your empty glass, clearly upset. “You wanna dance?” Sero asked, setting his beer down on the table.
You blinked, “huh?”
“You wanna dance? I’m not very good at two steppin’ but I’m kinda gathering you wanna dance,” Sero said with a wide smile.
Your face grew hot as he started to chuckle at you, and then you became nervous that he saw that you were watching Bakugou. Did he? You gulped, setting your glass down and trying to play it cool, “oh could you tell? I love to dance,” you said, cringing at how lame that sounded.
Sero huffed still smiling as he nodded and held out his hand, “sure ya do.”
“I do!” you countered as he pulled you onto the dance floor.
“Right,” Sero said lightly as he pulled you close to him and held your hands up. He moved you forward along to the beat of the song, laughing as you stumbled a bit, “don’t tell me you don’t know how to two-step?”
You were fumbling, feeling your heart rate spike as he pushed you towards Bakugou, “huh? No, I mean yes, once, when I was like ten. I’m not good either,” you said nervously.
Sero snorted as flicked his dark eyes towards where you were looking, “surprised no one has taken you dancin’ before.”
You shrugged, “well someone is now.”
Sero grinned, turning his gaze from Bakugou and back to you. You were one of his good friends, always stopping by to drop him off dinner if he needed it, especially if he had one of your foals at the clinic. He knew you pretty well, especially well enough to know that you were acting weird. 
He saw you track Bakugou with your eyes as he moved past you both and he sighed before leaning in, “when were you gonna tell me when your little arch-nemesis became your crush, doll?”
You nearly choked on your spit trying to come up with a lie, but this was Sero and he had a knack for reading you like a book, so you decided to just roll with it, he was right after all, “am I being obvious?”
Sero huffed, grinning again, “like so obvious. You’ve been starin’ at him all night. When did this happen?”
You groaned, briefly squeezing your eyes shut, “it’s embarrassing-”
“Nah, you gotta tell me,” Sero pressed as he quickly twirled you, “don’t leave out the details.”
You scoffed, feeling your face warm again, “okay okay, we got stuck at that fort we made as kids with Izuku and we sort of fooled around, then the roof fell in, and we’ve been pretending nothin’ has even happened since.”
“No way,” Sero whistled, “you’re kiddin’?”
You shook your head, “I’m serious, it just sort of happened it was really great too.” You sighed heavily through your nose, “I don’t know, I just got attached too fast, just last month we hated each other.”
“Seems like you need to talk,” Sero said as he continued to lead you around the dance floor, occasionally glancing towards Bakugou and meeting his vermillion gaze every once and while. “Which you both are shit at.”
You pursed your lips, “thanks Sero.”
“It’s true,” he said with a shrug as the song ended, “just to talk to ‘em.”
Just talk. 
That should be easy, you were going to see him in about ten minutes at the training clinic you had signed up for. It never hurt to get another opinion from a different trainer after all. More importantly, besides talking to Bakugou you were at the clinic to get better, not just talk. 
You sighed, playing with your reins as you shifted in your saddle. There were about ten other people in the arena you were in waiting for Enji Todoroki to begin the clinic. You glanced around seeing some familiar faces, Shoto Todoroki as well as his older brother who liked to be called Dabi.
Dabi caught your eye and dropped you a wink making you snort as you looked away from him and to the back of the arena where you saw Bakugou getting up on Dynamight. You gulped, hating that you were watching his hands on his reins or that he had decided to wear a stupid muscle tank.
Bakugou was your rival and maybe he was just trying to make you mess up by wearing a tank. He was sneaky, yeah, maybe this was part of his plan. 
Well…you knew that was bullshit, but you needed to ground yourself and escape your wandering thoughts about him.
“Browbands slipping,” Bakugou’s deep voice came from next to you.
You blinked, glancing towards him to see he was looking at you, lips drawn down into a scowl. “Thanks-”
“Suprised you missed that,” he interrupted.
You narrowed your eyes, suddenly not as interested in him as before once you remembered how annoying he was. “I’ve been distracted,” you said as you leaned forward in your saddle to adjust Cowboy’s browband.
“Can’t let distractions get to you, not if you want to be number one,” Bakugou commented as he rested his hand holding his reins on the horn of his saddle, “probably should just use a one-ear bridle, those look better anyway,” he said as he looked at his bridle, obviously happy with how Dynamight looks.
“Well I like browbands,” you snapped back, “and your reins are twisted, thought you’d notice that bein’ number one and all.”
Bakugou quickly looked down at his reins and frowned as he flipped his reins and scoffed. That pissed him off.
You smiled about to say something snide about how lame he looked riding in a muscle tank, but Enji Todoroki came out into the middle of the arena, looking just about as intimidating as he always does. He was always frowning and had the most intense eyes you’ve seen on just about anyone. Not to mention, he was stupid tall, huge, and could easily wrestle a cow to the ground. 
“Start loping, wanna see how you all move, then we’ll each do a run. Once we’re done I’ll give ya your critics and we go again,” Enji said as he folded his arms over his chest. 
You nodded and got behind Bakugou as you all started to lope around the arena. It was so stupidly annoying that you managed to catch feeling so incredibly fast. You frowned as you sat up in your saddle allowing yourself to gain some speed to pass Bakugou. 
As Cowboy moved past Dynamight you glanced at Bakugou to see him rolling his eyes at you, clearly offended that you decided to move past him.
Whatever he was so dramatic.
You glanced back at him over your shoulder, narrowing your eyes as he rolled his spur up into Dynamights side, urging his stallion past you. You almost let out an audible gasp at the nasty glare he shot up when he passed you.
So maybe you don’t need to talk to him after all, it’s pretty clear that he’s annoyed with you like he’s always been. That was fine. 
However the more you thought about how Bakugou left you high and dry the more bitter you grew. You sighed heavily, not really paying attention to where you were riding or the fact you were about to run into Bakugou who had come to a stop.
A sharp shout from Bakugou snapped you out of your sulking and you jolted making Cowboy come to a rough stop. 
“Geez,” Dabi said from behind you, whistling as you tried to keep your cool, “better wake up, doll or Enji is gonna get on yer ass.”
You huffed, clearly very irritated now as you looked towards Enji who was watching you through narrowed eyes. 
“Okay, that’s enough, Bakugou you go first,” Enji said as he motioned for the rest of the group to move off to the side. 
Bakugou seemed pleased to be first, of course. Which only made you more irritated as you watched him start his run. Honestly, you couldn’t remember the last time you watched him actually ride. 
You watched him, somewhat jealous at his perfect form and the fact that his seat in the saddle was so good. The way he moved with Dynamight was almost like they were one, and you could see once more why Bakugou was number one. 
As Bakugou started his spins you ran your hand along the side of Cowboy's neck, brushing your fingers through his long black mane, becoming sort of entranced by Bakugou’s riding. 
“You in your head?” Dabi said from next to you.
You almost jumped at the sudden intrusion in your thoughts again. “No, I’m fine,” you said as you glanced at Dabi next to you. 
Dabi was smiling at you, almost baring his teeth in a threatening way you thought. He’s been at the bottom of the pack when it came to competing, which you noticed he never seemed to care too much. But this year he seemed different, more driven to win which meant you had another person to deal with this year. Not that you were worried too much about Dabi. 
But that didn’t mean you couldn't stop watching your back, keeping focused, and Bakugou - who had now just come to his final slide - was getting in the way. He was in your way. It was dumb to even think that you could pursue something with him, and even more dumb to allow yourself the chance to like him. 
You didn’t have time for that. You needed to focus on being number one. In fact, it was now your turn to do your run and you felt confident and ready. You passed Bakugou, not sparing him a glance as you made your way to the middle of the arena and started your pattern.
Cowboy was especially keen on your newfound confidence and was picking up your cues on his sides almost perfectly. His lead changes were seamless and for once you felt that your hands were as soft as they could ever get. As you finished your pattern you even noticed Enji give you a slight nod, which was a lot for him to do, and that made you proud
You were proud of yourself, just in the span of a few hours you had gotten over those little annoying sparks you felt towards Bakugou, and you felt back on track. No more glowering about your past or worrying about the future. In fact, you didn’t even care that Dabi was making his way over to you, with his horse trailing behind him by his lead rope.
“Well, I gotta hand it to you, you’ve gotten a lot better,” Dabi said as he tied his horse next to yours and pulled a peppermint out of the back pocket of his jeans. It was pretty much crushed but he didn’t seem to care as he tore open the flimsy plastic and poured the peppermint dust into the palm of his hand. 
You watched as he stuck his hand under his stallion's nose and let him lick up the peppermint crumbs. His horse tossed his head a few times, obviously happy with his treat, but you were more concerned as to why Dabi was paying attention to you.
In the few years, you’ve gotten to know him, he’s always been a hard ass. Cold and calculated and definitely someone who could be scary just in general. He’s pretty well rounded in riding too, he’s very well known in team roping with his partner Shigaraki, who you have yet to meet…not that you’d like to after hearing some rumors. 
“Thanks,” you finally said after a painful amount of time, “you looked good too, think you’ll beat Shouto this year?”
Dabi’s eyes flashed with anger, but he recovered quickly by laughing, it was dry, “we’ll see, little brothers always been dad’s favorite. It’d be a shame to see him win though, don’t think the world needs more bald-faced horses.”
You snorted, having to agree with that statement. Shouto rode a bay horse with a bald face, meaning his stallion’s whole face was white and paired with striking blue eyes. Lots of people love bald faces on their horses, but you were never a big fan. “Well, can’t say I disagree.”
Dabi nodded, leaning against the pole his horse was tied to, he opened his mouth to say something, but Bakugou and Enji came into view and apparently were walking towards you both. He narrowed his eyes before untying his horse and gave you a tip-lipped smile as he turned on his heel and left without a word. 
Everyone and their brother knew Dabi hated his dad, you never knew why, but you honestly didn’t want to ask.
“Y/n,” Enji began as he clapped you rather roughly on the shoulder, “you looked rather professional today, looks like you’ve really put in some work recently.”
You smiled up at Enji, it was tight. He had always rubbed you the wrong way a little bit. There was somethin’ about him that you couldn’t put your finger on, sort of like with Dabi. They just seemed off. Except for Shouto, he seemed pretty normal aside from his blunt comments. “Thanks.”
“Maybe you’ll knock this one from his top spot, I doubt it though,” Enji said with a humorless laugh as he elbowed Bakugou rather roughly in the bicep. 
Your gaze slid to Bakugou who rolled his eyes and huffed, clearly irritated to even be in your presence it seemed. “Well, I think you should bet on it, sir,” you said rather firmly to Enji as you pat Cowboy’s side, “no one stays number one forever.”
Enji nodded, “that is true, took me a while, but I did knock your uncle from his spot at number one.” He nodded again at you, perhaps seeing you in a newer light than he did before, he gave you one last calculated look before smacking Bakugou on the back and leaving. He was a man of few words for sure.
You wrinkled your nose, obviously irritated now as well as you pulled off Cowboy’s saddle pad and headed to the tack room, unaware that Bakugou was trailing behind you with his hands stuffed in his pockets. 
Once you got into the room you set your pad down on a free rack to dry it. When you turned to leave, you then realized that Bakugou had followed you into the tack room, shut the metal door behind him, and locked it.
He was leaning against the door, looking rather passive as he folded his arms over his chest. He was clenching his jaw, glaring down at you with very obvious irritation that had grown in the past few minutes.
“Can I help you?” you asked rather bluntly, trying not to look at the way you could see his pecs through his muscle tee or that one of them twitched when he scoffed.
“You didn’t have to say that to Enji,” Bakugou said rather roughly, using the sole of his boot to push himself off the door.
“It’s not like you haven’t said anything snarky to other trainers about me,” you shot back, trying to stand up straighter as he approached you, “honestly surprised you’re even talking to me now,” you blurted, and immediately recoiled at your own words.
“Whadda ya mean by that?” Bakugou quipped, pushing himself into your space.
You gulped, feeling some nerves start to tumble in your belly as you stared up into his scarlet eyes. Some sentences ran through your thoughts but they either sounded like you were about to try to contradict his question or bring up what happened between you two. Both options were terrible so you clenched your jaw and looked away from him.
“Of course,” Bakugou huffed, rolling his eyes.
“Of course?” you shot back, quickly finding your voice. “What do you mean by that?”
“I’m just not surprised you’re actin’ like this, all childish. Thought we were past that,” Bakugou answered evenly. 
Your eyes widened at his comment, “Childish? Me? What about you? Comin’ and tellin’ me that I can’t win number one with a crooked brow band?”
“Then you went ahead and made your comment about my reins then took off, it’s just typical of you. Shoulda knew better-”
“Should have known better for what?” you interrupted, taking a threatening step towards him as you prepared to jab your finger in between his pecs, “you think somethin’ changed between us, Katsuki? Seems like you might have, huh?”
Bakugou blinked, letting his facade break for a moment before he regained his composure, but you were too fast, already talking before he could speak.
“Just because we fooled around and had a little kumbaya in that cabin, doesn’t mean anything,” you hissed, narrowing your eyes as your pointer finger jabbed into his left pec, you almost lost your composure when he flexed it under your touch.
“Oh I think it meant something,” Bakugou said as he shook his head, just seconds away from snatching your wrist in his hand, “you think I didn’t see you starin’ daggers at that girl I was dancin’ with last weekend?”
You gaped, clearly caught off guard. Honestly, you didn’t think you were that obvious, but you recovered quickly, “I was just admiring her boots, I need a new pair,” you said as you wiggled your foot, causing your spurs to click.
“She was wearin’ pink boots, princess, don’t think that’d fit your style,” Bakugou said, his lips quirking up into a smirk as he looked towards your tack, it was clear that you like to have Cowboy accented in blue, not pink. 
Your heart fluttered a little at his comment. He paid attention to the color scheme you used for riding, which wasn’t a lot but it was something. Your shoulders relaxed and you sighed, finding the fire in you start to cool
Bakugou hummed, taking a step forward as he began subtly herding you to the back corner of the tack room, “thought so.”
“Whatever,” you huffed, feeling your back hit the wall, “what do you want, Katsuki? Clearly, it’s something because you locked us both in here.”
Bakugou shrugged as he placed his hand by your head, blocking your view and escaping to the door. “You don’t know?”
You knew. 
Well sort of, you didn’t want to assume anything, but given the position he had you in, he clearly wanted something from you. Which made you roll your eyes, was he expecting you to return the favor to say? “No, I don’t,” you said with a scowl.
“Aw c’mon, princess, don’t give me that pout,” Bakugou said as he brought his free hand up to pinch your cheek.
Your temper flared again as you smacked his hand away, getting more irritated by his growing ego, and confidence. 
However, it was confidence that he has never had with you, in fact, as you watched him smirk down at you, you realized that someone must be helping him too. Being his Sero. The only person you knew who used the word ‘pouty’ was Kirishima, and you knew Bakugou was a smart guy, but pouty has never once been in his vocabulary. 
“Oh Katsuki,” you snickered, shaking your head as you suddenly felt less small.
“What?” Bakugou said, his voice deepening with frustration.
You shrugged pushing off from the wall and placing your hands on his lower abdomen, making his breath hitch. “Kirishima liked to use that word a lot - pouty.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, “so what, I hang out with shitty hair a lot, I pick up on things.”
“Do you?” you asked, suddenly feeling the power shift between you both as Bakugou’s hand slipped from next to your head and landed at his side. You grinned again as you curled your fingers into the big buckle on his belt.
Bakugou nodded, trying to remain level-headed, “what are you doing?”
You scoffed, “this is obviously what you wanted, for me to return the favor-”
“I don’t want that,” Bakugou quickly interrupted.
“Then what was this whole act, huh?” you asked as you waved your hand around, “and that makes it pretty obvious too,” you said as you glanced down at the bulge in the front of his jeans.
“I just, fuck, I don’t know how to talk to you, princess,” Bakugou said, not taking his eyes off your hands as they undid his belt.
“Could start with somethin’ nice,” you said with a grin as you place his belt on the empty saddle rack next to you. 
Bakugou rolled his eyes, “like you weren’t havin’ the same problem.”
You frowned as you yanked at his zipper, “so? It was your turn to talk first-”
“I made the first move last time,” Bakugou snapped, as he brought his hand to the top of your head and pushed his fingers into your hair.
You winced as he harshly tugged at your hair, tangling it between his fingers, making you bare your teeth. Even though you both probably should talk, in fact, you needed to talk and figure out what the hell was going on between you, the only thing you were focused on was making him squirm.
“You’re so annoying,” you hissed as you yanked his jeans open and sank down to your knees in front of him, hating how easily you were drawn into him. It was terrible how much you had grown to like him, and no matter how much you tried to convince yourself you didn’t need to get distracted by him, you were. 
“Fuck, you look good, princess,” Bakugou said, his deep voice breathy as he shivered when you snapped the band of his boxers against his skin.
“There’s that compliment I was lookin’ for,” you said with a lazy smile as you leaned forward and ran your tongue over the outline of his cock straining against his boxers.
Bakugou sucked in a breath, tightening his hold on your hair as you curled your fingers under the elastic of his boxers and pulled them down, “shit,” he hissed, as you looked up at him.
“Gonna tell me somethin’ nice again?” you asked as you tried your hardest to keep your composure.
Bakugou bared his teeth, "only if you earn it."
"Earn it?" you repeated, shaking your head as you lightly grabbed his dick, and letting a glob of your spit drop from your mouth. You ran your thumb over the head of his dick, smearing your spit against it as he let out a deep groan.
"Shit," Bakugou hissed, bringing his free hand up to the wall next to him and curling it into a fist as he watched you run your tongue along the underside of his dick.
You smiled, swirling your tongue under the head before pushing it past your lips and instantly pulling off, "gonna say something nice now, Katsuki?"
Bakugou was gritting his teeth, glaring down at you as his composure broke, "fuck, quit teasin'."
"Teasin'? I'm not doin' that," you said with a loose smile as you kissed his tip quickly, "just bein' nice, you know you get back what you put out-"
"Fuckin' tired of you runnin' that damn mouth," Bakugou growled, glancing back at the door, "open."
That small time you felt you had the upper hand quickly disappeared as Bakugou bullied his way into your mouth, making you almost gag around his dick.
"Good girl, there ya go," Bakugou said, grinning as you sunk your nails into the flesh of his thighs. "You look fuckin' pretty with your lips around my dick."
You let out a whimper, clearly happy that he decided to actually say something nice to you. Sero's words briefly rang in your thoughts but were quickly pushed away when Bakugou began moving in and out of your mouth and keeping you still by tightening his hold on your hair.
"You like this huh?" Bakugou cooed as he wiped one of your tears with his thumb, "like bein' a good girl for me?"
A warbled whine escaped you as you tried your best to open your throat for him. You wanted to be good for Bakugou, no matter how much he irritated you.
He was starting to whine above you, pupils were blown as he watched you take his dick so well. The number of times he's imagined you on your knees in front of him was too much to count, but now you were, lookin' all pretty and submissive in front of him.
"Ah fuck," he moaned, which was followed by your name.
He was starting to push you harder, making his movements more aggressive, not like you cared. The only thing that you cared about was seeing him come undone before you. In fact you needed it.
There was something so pretty in seeing Bakugou whine and writhe as you let him fuck your face. See his pretty skin get all flushed pink and red, smell his body wash against your nose, and taste him, he was sweet, addicting.
God, he was moaning your name like a prayer that only you could answer, and it made you want him even more. You wanted to hear him cry out your name while you rode him, or while he took you from behind.
It was almost shameful how much you were attracted to your rival right now, someone you were supposed to be hell-bent on beating, but as you watched him tip his head back, see his Adam's apple bob while he let out another heavy growl, you didn't care he was your rival.
Just like you didn't at the cabin.
"God, fuck, s-so fuckin' pretty," Bakugou groaned as his hips started to stutter, "you gonna swallow?" he quickly asked before you both let out a whimper together.
"Yeah you better," he hissed as he yanked you closer to him by your hair again.
Fat tears rolled down your cheeks as you looked up at him, opening your mouth more as he stilled, letting out a low groan as he came. You tried your best to swallow most, but you could feel it rolling down the sides of your mouth.
A few moments passed and Bakugou pulled out, lazily watching as your spit and his cum string from your mouth. "shit," he sighed.
You licked your lips as you watched him quickly pull up his boxers and jeans. You were still a little stunned from what just happened to move until he was pulling you up.
"Got a little," Bakugou began, his face flushing pink as he used his thumb to wipe his cum off the side of your mouth.
Your face heated up as he pushed his thumb between your lips, allowing you to lick it off before he pulled his hand back, "thanks."
Bakugou nodded, letting his eyes drop from yours down to your parted lips. He looked like he was going to lean in until the doorknob jiggled and then flung open to reveal Denki in the doorway, who had the spare set of keys in his hand.
"Didn't you hear me knocking? Been tryna tell ya that Dynamight got loose! Looks like he got kicked in the leg too. Bakugou, it's not lookin' great," Denki said quickly, panting as he looked between you both.
"What?" Bakugou said, quickly moving away from you and towards Denki, "the hell happened?"
"Dunno," Denki said trailing off as his golden gaze zeroed in on your swollen lips and tear-stained cheeks. "Uh-"
"Quit starin'," Bakugou snapped, shoving his friend out of the doorway of the tack room. He turned his head to look at you before leaving, "see ya at your next lesson?"
"Lesson? Thought I said I wasn't comin' back," you said with a raised brow.
"I'm not really giving you an option, princess," Bakugou said, shooting you a half-smile before quickly leaving the tack room in search of his stallion.
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