#someone to give lil gifts to. maybe flowers if they like them. Valentine's Day dates or a box of candy. kisses goodnight. Idk SOMETHING.
major-fukkup · 5 months
Ahhhhhhh there's this guyyyy at work and I've been like 97% sure for a lil bit now that he LIKES likes me and we friended each other on FB recently n he just messaged me asking if I'm married or have a boyfriend and AHHHHH now I have anxiety I told him no bc it's the truth but I don't know what to say next if he asks anything else 💀
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A, D, F, I, J, K, Q, and S for Robin
VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET  idc that it isn't the holiday these are cute af
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Robin shows Danny his affections in all sorts of ways, but he's very big on quality time, and he's often around him even they aren't doing a specific activity together. He's a big traditional romantic, flowers, gifts, hand holding, writing poems, giving him morning noon and night kisses. He's ridiculously in love, and he'll show it in droves.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
You'd think with his previously upscale lifestyle he'd be super big into fancy dinners and extravagant outings but these are far from his favorite. One of his favorite things to do with Danny, especially in modern verse, is a walk at nighttime where they can go to a nearby park to sit on the swings and talk, maybe have a beer or two. Danny can push him high and steal his shoe only to watch Robin fall off and scramble after him, throwing his other shoe at his head while screaming and laughing at him to "GIVE IT BACK". They can giggle and hide when the cops inevitably show up because they were too loud, maybe making out on the bench. Simple joys.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
VERY...VERY DEPENDENT ON WHEN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!! Robin tends to get moonstruck with people he's crushing on, and he tries too hard to impress them--and this definitely happened with Danny. Somehow, thankfully, this was taken as endearing. The farther along they've dated the more Robin has been able to loosen up and relax, NOW he's very passionate and is able to be quite suave when he needs to be.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Robin has alot of internal strife in ALL verses when it comes to love as an emotion (Bel ringing his scrawny neck) that he is able to feel and accept. He tends to view the emotion as something that brings pain, it leaves people open, a target on their head--and it makes people do stupid shit. They'll play the fool in order to keep their loved ones safe, to keep them happy, and when that love rips apart, what is left? ....I think Danny said it first, but once Robin did say it--he's never stopped. He won't deny how he feels anymore, it isn't worth the internal argument that he knows he's wrong about anyway.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Similarly to Haru, it depends. Robin is really romantically possessive, not to an unhealthy point, but he'll make it a point that if someone is flirting with Danny, he will hold his hand and go "Oh, right, isn't MY BOYFRIEND so handsome? I'm so LUCKY." He'll kiss him right then and there, leave a lil hickey for later, all of it!!!
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
Gonna be honest here, Robin canonically has never kissed anyone and died a virgin (laugh at him). SO, he didn't kiss anyone before Danny. I imagine their first few kisses were pretty stiff since Robin had no idea what the fuck he was doing. But after some time he finally got the hang of it and I like to think that now he can make Danny melt with the way he kisses him.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
Wahhh how dare you!!!!! Robin knows he's in deep and is practically at Danny's mercy, the floor has fallen out under his feet and he's really trusting him to be caught. That being said, he isn't going to just...shock Danny with it? He knows he's nervous about the idea and would bring it up on occassion to garner a feel for it, but ultimately Robin would take that initiative and ask.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He did not, he was too busy studying, working or grieving to really fall for anyone or have any crushes. It's implied he might have had a little crush in academia but in canon nothing came of it.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
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a/n: and we’ve got another lil valentines day drabble eeee hope you all are staying cuddly and fuzzy! 
sweet like strawberry | reader x felix
Paring: self insert, gender neutral reader x lee felix 
Genre: fluffy fluff hehe 
Tags: valentines day special, coworkers au, friends to lovers, cafe au, two cuties in love, stuck with you au, wintertime au, teeeny bits of magical vibes, mentions of food, teensy bit of food play (sfw but like a leeetle suggestive), that good good makin’ out hehe 
Word count: 4.7k 
Tagging: @stayhavens​ thank you for letting me join for Felix as well ❤️
“Oh! And one more thing, for some reason, the security system keeps acting up. If the doors don’t lock up the first time around, just try it a couple more times and I think that it should work...I kind of just try it enough times until it works.” 
Felix nervously adjusted his cap with the little embroidered yellow chick. 
“Okay. Sounds good to me.” 
Your boss tucked his neck deep into his cable scarf, then tipped both you and your coworker a little salute. 
“Thank you both for being here on Valentines Day. Just a couple more hours! You can do it!” 
The back door to the café slammed shut from the blustering winter wind behind your boss’ coattails. 
“It’s really coming down out there isn’t it?” Your friend, and coworker-in-suffering Felix, shifted from foot to foot. 
Outside of the shop windows, the howling of wind shook at the shutters of the the display case filled with little mock-up cakes and pastries. The snow storm had been unexpected, but it hadn’t seemed to dampen anyone’s spirits on the holiday. Since the snow had picked up in the afternoon, customers still came rolling into the cafe with flakes all caught up in their hair, scarves and hats. On this day in particular, you had seen dozens of school girls and boys come in carrying their stash of valentines letters, bouquets of flowers and all kinds of candies. Little groups of friends would share slices of your special Valentines Day cake and smear cream over each other’s noses in a tizzy of laughter. 
You didn’t mind Valentines Day; there was something extra heartwarming and universal about it all. One day, out of all the days of the year, everyone stopped for just a few moments to say “I love you” or give out an extra hug or kiss on the cheek. How could you not feel all lovey and gushy from it all? Maybe you were a romantic, or maybe you really had just watched one too many dramas to make you feel this way. 
Earlier, you had been making a couple lattes, and a couple sitting by the window had arranged to meet right at the loveseat by the door to exchange gifts. One of them had given the other a couple books and a journal, and the other gave them what looked like hand-knitted mittens. They held the frayed fabric in their hands while the watched how their partner reacted. Of course, they accepted the mittens with a wide smile then pulled their love in to give them a giant hug. 
I love them. So much. Thank you. 
You thought that was what they had said from as far away as you were. 
This kind of love, was your favorite kind. The kid of love that was unconditional, that was given no matter what time of day, no matter what it looked like or how it was expressed, it simply was. 
You had always hoped, this was the love that you would have some day. But, you hadn’t found it yet. Not in all your years of crushes from afar, or love letters written in the night when you should have ben doing work. You had wondered, what was it really like to have someone love you like that: a love that existed in the early mornings, and dead of the night; the kind of love that looked over at you for no reason, and smiled at you just because. 
Perhaps you would spend your whole life looking: and while it saddened you, in a few ways, you had come to terms with it. If you had to wait, that just meant that you were waiting for something really great...right? 
You wondered what kind of love Felix wanted. The thought had crossed your mind time and again. You figured, he was the kind to fall in love fast and all the time. He would even get crushes on people who would come to the register to pay for their coffee and custard tart. It was supremely adorable. He’d stammer over his words with hands trembling at the keys of the register, and the tips of his ears would turn rosy pink. 
“U-ummm here-here’s your receipt....” 
A tiny smile would spread across his freckled face after they would leave, then he would rake his cute little hands though his hair, stammering even more about what a fool he had made of himself. 
“Well, when you think about it, you might never see them again?” You’d joke to him with a playful jab to his side. 
“But what if I doooooo??” 
Maybe Felix was the kind of person who wanted a love that would last forever, or the kind of love that he could daydream about. You thought that this might’ve suited him. It seemed as if that boy was often in a faraway place. There had been a couple times when he would stare out the shop windows wistfully with his mop in hand, or would giggle a little when he made designs into the lattes and mochas. He was just so happy all the time, but for what, you had no idea. 
Maybe Felix already had a love. You wouldn’t put it past him seeing how dreamy he was often. Felix deserved love more than anyone in the world you had decided. He deserved some to love him so hard and all the time. Admittedly, it made your heart ache a little thinking about how badly he deserved it. He deserved someone to kiss away on all those freckles on his cheeks on his cute little wrists. He deserved someone to shower all their love into his strawberry pink lips, and ruffle up his golden hair just to make him laugh. 
Maybe...you wished that you could’ve been the person to do so. 
“Do you think that we’ll get any more customers?” 
Felix had squatted down on the floor behind the counter into a pseudo-sitting position. His tan apron crinkled on the ground. 
“Don’t you think that everyone’s gone out by now? And the snow is picking up?” 
You squatted down next to him. “I don’t think we’ll be seeing anyone else. There’s only one more hour left anyway.” 
A sly smirk started to sprout on his lips, “What if we left a little early? No one is coming so...” 
“Have somewhere that you need to be?” You patted his head. 
“...No, unless spending the night with my cats counts as “plans.”” 
“Date?” He scoffed, “Me? Nooooo.” He paused, and with a tentative air, met your eyes. “Do...you have plans tonight?” 
Felix sucked in a tight inhale, as if he was mustering his courage. 
“Well, m-maybe, after we leave, --only if you want--we could--” 
The bells over the café door tinkled, sweeping in snowy and white air in with it. 
“I’m sorry, are you still open?” 
The old woman carefully closed the door behind her and clung tightly to her shawl that was wrapped around her shoulders. Only dressed in the thin fabric, you figured that she must’ve been freezing. Both you and your coworker sprung to your feet to attend to her. 
“Yes! How can we help you?” 
She was an odd woman, the kind that you could only really describe to look witch-like. While she had warm features, her aged skin had grown stretched with little marks and veins feebly showing. Bags under her eyes were deep, but they didn’t look tired, but like they held many years of wisdom, like he had witnessed much, and knew much. 
“A-aren’t you cold?” Felix rushed to the other side of the corner to help her to a chair. “It’s so freezing outside, and you’ve barely got on a hat.” 
His tone was gentle, like the one that you guessed he would speak to his cats with. 
“I’m fine. Nights like these, I’ve lived through many of them. They don’t phase me any more. I just thought that I could come inside for a moment to have a slice of that strawberry cake that you have in the window. It looks very delicious.” 
You nodded quickly then plated the second to last slice for her. You brought the dish over quickly with a little fork. “Anything else that we can get for you?” 
The woman shook her head politely, then took up the fork in her shaking hands. She ate quietly, merely making little “mm’s” as she licked the cream away. You and your coworker didn’t really know what to do, seeing as she hadn’t paid, and wasn't shivering from the cold at all. Felix shot you a confused glance, then rushed to the back of the café and to his locker. You heard the usual metallic clang, and he came jogging back with his own scarf that he had worn that day. 
“H-here. Please put this on.” He offered her the periwinkle blue fabric. 
“Oh. Dear, you are so kind. I just knew that you would be such a sweet soul. I could sense it.” 
The woman dabbed her mouth with the napkin that you had placed under her plate. 
“That was wonderful, I could really taste the love that had been baked into that cake. It’s always refreshing to feel that.” 
You and Felix nodded, still unsure of the situation, but smiled as politely as you could. She then swaddled her neck in the scarf, and sighed in her contempt. 
“No one has ever offered me something like this before. You are quite special young man.” 
She had voiced the comment about Felix, but she had held your eyes as she said it. Her eyes were a bit hazy, some kind of color that must’ve been blue at some point, but here now a type of soft grey-lavender. They were enchanting, and mysterious, but you had felt that you had known them somehow. 
The old woman rummaged around in her pockets, the pulled out two gold coins that were hefty in size, and thick like the kind of candy ones. You had never seen anything like them before, and they were a bit comical to look at, but still shone like the golden sun. On both sides of the coin, there was no writing, but merely an insignia of two arrows crossed over eachother. 
“I think that should suffice.” Her chair creaked under her as she rose, and placed one in your hand and the other in Felix’s. “Thank you so much for taking care of me. Both of you deserve all the love that’s coming to you. I hope that you remember this.” 
Felix muttered and turned over his coin in his hand. “T-thank you.” 
You shot Felix a glare. You had not the slightest idea how you could have accepted this as payment, but Felix seemed completely fine with it. 
The woman’s crinkled hand wrapped around the door handle, and she pulled her shawl around her once again, then buried her neck back into Felix’s scarf. 
“Happy Valentines Day!” She waved to you both, and you found yourself waving back. 
The door slammed, and you felt as if you had been snapped out of some kind of hypnosis. 
“Wow.” Felix whispered with a little smile. 
“What. The heck. Was that?” Your body trembled in the way that you would’ve have as if you had plunged right out of cold water. 
Felix stood smiling and gazing out, not even paying attention to your remark. 
“Felix? ...Felix?” 
“Hmm?” He turned nonchalant. 
“Did you hear me?” 
You reached your hand down the pocket of your apron to study that strange coin only to find that you couldn’t feel the cold metal. 
“...What?” You rummaged around even further. “I could’ve sworn...” 
In Felix’s hands which he had left cupped in front of him, his gold coin had vanished too, and he hadn’t even noticed. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“I hope that this works.” 
Felix’s mittened hands tapped over the keys of the security system keypad and he mouthed the numbers as he did so. The pad illuminated with a green light and made little beeping sounds with each number. Once he finished the sequence, it flashed with a red light. 
“...Does that mean that it didn’t work?” 
“I think so?” 
The two of you had shoved your bodies together in the little corner nearest the back exit of the café. 
“I should try it again?” 
“Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?” 
Felix gave a determined nod, then did the passcode, only for it to flash red again. 
“Oh my god, what if we mess this all up and then someone breaks into the café and then we get fired--I mean--I get fired because it would be all my fault--” 
You snarked out a laugh and pushed him lightly aside, “Here, let me try. No one’s getting in trouble.” 
You pressed in the same code, getting red once more. 
“What do we do????” 
As if it was his security blanket, Felix tucked his neck into his coat collar. 
“One more time, alright? Maybe there’s a manual in the office or something. We can try that.” 
An ahhh circled Felix’s mouth and he let out a relieved exhale. “Right. Right. That’s a good idea.” 
This time, you pressed the numbers in hard, as if that would make any difference, but you thought it best to try. But, red again. 
“I’ll go check the office,” Felix announced, and shuffled closer to the manager’s office near the back door. He wiggled the doorknob, finding it locked as well. “We’re doooooommed.” 
“No, we’re not. I’m not giving up.” 
In your head, you cursed out the damned security system up and down. If it wasn’t going to work, you would make it work. 
“5. 9. 2. 5. 0. 8.” 
beep beep beEP! 
“Oh my god!!! It worked!!” Your friend jumped up and down in his excitement. 
“Thank God.” 
Felix hiked up his backpack on his shoulders, grabbing the door handle at first, but then stopped. 
“Wait.” He licked his lips, “Before we go out there, I...I wanted to ask you, since it seems like we’re both not doing anything tonight, would you like to maybe...do something...with me?” 
His anxious eyes widened, and you could see his breaths quicken under his wool coat. For a moment, you couldn’t even believe that he had said such a thing. Normally a timid boy, his strike of courage was something that was astonishing to you, but it also made your heart beat just a bit louder in your ears. 
“You want to do something...with me?” 
He giggled lightly. “I just said you.” 
“On Valentines Day?” 
“I-is that weird? I-I’m sorry if I’m weirding you out, I didn’t mean to. I know that we’re friends a-and I think that you’re really cool--I’ve always thought that--but, I never really had the guts to say so, and honestly I don’t know how I’m getting it out now but, I just don’t like the thought of being alone right now, or you being alone. So--” 
“--Felix! Felix, calm down...” Even though your chest was thumping, your sweating hands squeezed your palms to calm yourself down. 
“Sorry...I ramble when I get kind of nervous.” 
His hands nervously fidgeted at his sides, and under the light of the emergency exit sign, a glimmer of gold winked between his fingers. 
Felix asked his question with glimmering eyes. “Would you like to?” 
“Yes. Yes. I would really really like to.” 
“Really?” His smile was filled with the very sunshine that he seemed to carry with him every day. 
“Okay.” He reached for the handle once more, yanking it down, but instead of it swinging from it’s hinges, it clanked, glued to the wall. 
“What?” Felix shook at the handle once more. “It’s not...budging.” 
“Let me try.” You mirrored his action, and sure enough, the door had locked itself in place. “Wait. I thought that it wasn’t supposed to lock after we exited?” 
“I...thought the same.” 
Once giddy, Felix turned solemn and worry chased across his brows. 
“No. Nononono. This can’t be happening.” 
“It’s okay. We’ll just unlock it again.” 
You went back to your mortal enemy, the keypad, and pushed in the buttons, but no green light came from the action. 
“Is it on? Is that supposed to happen?” Felix’s tone edged with anxiety. 
The display screen on the interface had turned blank too. You had seen in movies that if you slapped the thing, maybe it would turn on, but after you had tried, nothing happened. 
“I’ll try the other door.” Felix scuffled over the the front of the café, and you could hear the answer loud and clear even from the back. The other door also had locked and it’s metallic clang resonated through the empty tables and chairs. 
“What do we do?” He asked once he returned to you in the back. 
Even though your heart was racing its way up your throat, you remained as calm as you could. “We call for help. It’ll be okay. Look, there's a phone number here on the panel to call the service company.” 
You drew your phone from your pocket, and it added yet one more object to your list of worries. “I-I don’t have service?? What the hell?” 
Felix opened his phone screen too, and showed you his non-existent bars. “Me too. It’s gotta be the storm right?” 
Your coworker’s eyes flicked back and forth in the darkened hallway, and you could hear his breaths start to quicken one after the other. 
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay.” You fluffed his hair like you had down a few times before, an action that never failed to make him giggle, so you hoped it helped put him at ease. He keened his hand into your hand a bit like a cat would, and it was just too frickin’ cute, even in a situation just as this. 
“So we’re just gonna wait? Wait until our service comes back?” 
“I guess so.” 
Felix started with taking his coat off, and hung it back up in his locker. “Who knows how long that we’ll be here?” 
You did the same, but left your hat on, merely liking the way that it warmed up your head. “Maybe we can make ourselves something to drink? How about, I make something for you, and you make something for me? Sounds kinda fun?” 
“Sure.” Felix responded with a faint smile. 
In the dim lighting of that hallway, you reached for his small hand at his side. 
“Um, looks like we’re still getting to spend tonight together. I wish that it wasn’t like this, but, it’s something, right?” 
He was startled by your action, but let your fingers lace between his. The small connection was the one that had made you feel butterflies just thinking about, and now it really was happening. 
“Felix...I’ve thought before, I think that you’re really cool too.” 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You knew that using the ingredients for your own experimentation was against the rules, but you had hoped that your boss would’ve understood considering the situation. The rule had been written on the little spreadsheet that he kept taped to the side of the syrup holder, but that wasn’t going to stop you. 
“No peeking.” Felix giggled as he shook something together in one of the hand-held mixers. 
“No peeking to you either.” You said, scooping some macerated strawberries into the bottom of a cup. 
For a boy as sweet as him, you knew exactly what you wanted to make: it was your own version of the strawberry milk that you had made in the café, but it had chocolate dripping down the sides of the glass and it was topped with chocolate shavings and a lovely amount of whipped cream. 
“You done yet?” You asked while adding your finishing touches. 
“Juuust about.” He rummaged around the little array of fresh prepared herbs that you kept in the minifridge under the counter. “Oookay! Now I am!” 
In the corner of your eye, that last slice of strawberry cake called your name. You thought to yourself, I could always make more. It was the last slice anyway. 
The two of you made a little set up at one of the tables and Felix even thought to turn off a few of the light fixtures, and brought out a couple of those birthday candles that you would use on customers, and arranged them in a cup to burn. 
Happy Birthday! 
You Are Special! 
“Aw, cute.” You slid your drink for him closer, and admired the way that the yellow glow of the candles flickered in his soft brown eyes. 
“I-I thought that it would make it more special, considering that where we are isn’t like, the most special place. Especially for tonight.” 
“I think that it’s special. Or, who you’re with is what makes it special.” 
Your coworker smiled coyly, then took a sip of your strawberry milk. 
“Try yours!” He pushed the iced drink in front of you. It looked a bit like lemonade, but not exactly. Swirls of purple juice danced along with the pulp of the lemons. He had garnished it with a sprig of mint. “It’s blackberry lemonade. I’m sorry if it’s kind of tart. It was my first time making it, but I thought that you would like it.” 
You took a sip, and the second that the concoction touched your lips, it was heavenly. While it was a little tart, the juice of the lemon bit wonderfully on your taste buds, and was complimented well with the sweetness from the ripe berries. 
“Really good. Thank you.” 
He sighed a sigh of relief, then passed you a fork. 
“Maybe this isn’t so bad after all.” 
“You thought that being trapped with me would be a bad thing?” You teased. 
Felix’s eyes adorably widened, looking as if he had spilled his strawberry milk all over the table. “N-no, I didn’t mean that, I just thought that being locked up would feel--” 
“--I’m kidding! Kidding, okay?” 
A tiny oh formed on his mouth, so he took another sip to fill the gap of silence between you. “Your drink is really good too. How did you know that I liked strawberries so much?” 
“Hm, it was a hunch.” 
Actually, he had said it a dozen times or more, but, it was much cuter letting him think that he hadn’t said it before. 
With the light of the candles now dripping a bit of wax onto the table, all of his features seemed so much softer: he was like some kind of dream, almost like a mythical being that you must’ve imagined. 
You wondered, maybe this was the kind of love that he wanted: the kind of love that was sharing something that you had made, something special to you in a simple place, a place that was not much else other than the people who made it. Or, maybe this was the kind of love that you wanted. 
Your pants pocket felt a little heaver, and you snuck your fingers in. The touch of your fingertips felt the cold and smooth metal first, then they ran over the outline of the arrow shapes on the flat side. 
“Mmm. You made this cake so well!!” Felix did a little dance while popping in a bite. 
“Felix?” You ran your finger over the golden piece. “I’m glad that we’re stuck here together.” 
“Me...too.” He shied. 
Carefully, you took your fingers to trace the yellow strands of his hair dipping over his forehead, taking in the way that they tickled your skin. In his nervousness, he took another sip, gulping loudly with eyes fluttering. On his lower lip, a bit of the cream streaked, and all you could do was wonder how it might’ve tasted there on his strawberry pink lips. 
“Can I...kiss you?” 
You could nearly see the way that his heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird in the way that his shoulders rose and fell with his anticipatory breaths. 
“Yes.” He whispered. 
You leaned forward slowly as to not scare him, tilting your head to the side as you pressed your lips against his. You had thought right: there really was nothing sweeter. His shaking breaths quivered over your lips while he tentatively kissed back, and it made your chest ache thinking about how nervous he must’ve been. You didn’t want to startle him, bur rather gently kissed him slow, carefully and respectfully. He shivered at the feeling, and his hand crinkled the napkin in his hand. The other, he had drawn out to rest on your leg, and rubbed his thumb into your jeans. The sweetness of the cream on his lips caught on yours, and it was unlike any kind of flavor you could have ever imagined. 
After a moment, you drew back, and Felix appeared like he was about to burst with giggles but held himself back. 
“I-I really liked that.” He tried his best to keep his composure. 
“Me too.” Turns out, you really didn’t know what to do with yourself either. Instead, Felix made the decision for you. In seconds, he had launched his small body into your arms and wrapped himself around you in a hug so tight that it was nearly suffocating. 
“I always kinda wondered what that would be like...with you.” He squeezed you tighter. “I can’t believe that just happened.” His smile cracked though his words. 
You wrapped your arms back around him and you could have sworn that you could feel his fluttering heart against your own. 
“Me too Felix.” You breathed in his scent which was that of daisies and candy floss. 
“Can we...do it again maybe?” He leaned back with arms slung around your shoulders and pleading eyes. 
“Of course.” You wove your hands into his puff-ball hair. “Can I try something?” 
An even more sickly sweet idea crept into your brain. 
“What’s that?” 
You took your thumb to scoop up just a little bit more of the cream bubbling on his drink, then carefully wiped it over his bottom lip, just as if you had been coloring him like a finger painting. You sucked off the excess, and he watched as you did so with wonder. 
“You’re just so sweet, I can’t get enough of you.” You hushed into him, leaning closer once more. 
His eyes fluttered closed, and with his quivering breath, he waited for you to kiss away the taste there, sucking the flavor into your mouth, then going to kiss over his parted mouth. A rather awkward creaking of chairs echoed, and he pulled his body closer to yours, and let you fill him to the brim with kisses in all of the places that you desired. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and he even giggled into some of your kisses too. His hands found the sides of your face where he held you there gently. Once he was comfortable, the warm feeling of your tongues met, and he nearly melted from the sensation. Your hands crept around his tiny waist, and you never let go. 
It felt like the moment that you had been waiting for. 
Your lips broke, and Felix threw his arms over your shoulders again, dipping his head into the crook of your neck where he stayed for a while as you ran your fingers up and down his back. 
Outside it was a much colder and harsher world, but here, it was your own kind of paradise, and it was sweet like strawberry. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
At some point, you had fallen asleep together on one of the loveseats: a pile of legs and arms all tangled up together. When the morning came, the snow had subsided, but rather was caught up everywhere in the streets and sidewalks, and sparkled like diamonds. 
It was your manager that had woken you up, and of course you had gotten in trouble, not at first for sleeping in the café, but for leaving the all the doors unlocked. 
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vancilocs · 3 years
Ive got a headache so im not gonna read every single option presented so top half for fuckerswoods wolf vampire hunter polycule aaand neja and yecal (or dana and hecca if neja and tecal have been answered for this already)
have a paracetamol and a lay down xx
1. Who's the one who's reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out
If anyone gets into trouble it's Kältre, but the others keep him so well in check that if he's even thinking of sneaking into the forest during new moon Soren will either go along or pull him back by the hood
2. Who's the one to send the other "I love my gf/bf" memes
Nanoha would send pictures of piles of cats cuddling and just go that's us!
3. Who's the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn't like and how does the other react
They all play well together, nobody hates the music the other listens to
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competetive to show the other more love
Everyone is very spoiled with four pairs of hands on them, nobody gets left out so it doesn't become a competition
5. How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them
Given how open their relationship was in the beginning nobody really considered marriage, and now it would just be such a hassle with five people
6. Is their friends/family supportive
It's... a little weird to them but hey, everyone's happy and the relationship works so why not. If anything, Soren's family is weirded out by him shacking up with a vampire and Striga's parents being likewise mistrustful of a werewolf
7. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying
In wildly different ways, ranging from Kältre arming himself to kill a bitch and Nanoha starting to make soup. Virve and Striga are the types to hug or hold hands if allowed and ask what's wrong, Soren is the type to just hug. One of the five starts crying and there's a swarm of comfort around immediately
8. Which one dissociates
Striga and Soren tend to during new moon/full moon respectively, best to just leave them to lay in bed for the day bc their energy is at 0
9. Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them
Nanoha and Striga are a bit flustered, Virve and Kältre like it, Soren is indifferent. All do look at butts tho
10. When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?
It's an old hunting hut that was converted to a living space by Virve's family when she moved in with Kältre, it's kinda small for five people but it's cozy, it's warm, it's pretty cluttered and one of the corners has been turned into a mattress/pillow/blanket/fur pile that fits all five
11. What do their dates look like
Walks in the forest, grabbing some food and walking to a meadow or stream to eat, going for a swim, going to the nearby village for a drink, staying home when the three others are gone and enjoying peace and quiet for a while
12. How does each act when getting drunk
Kältre gets loud and clumsy, Soren gets sleepy and cuddly, Virve also kinda loud but less so than Kältre, Nanoha gets giggly and sloppy and has to be looked after, Striga barely drinks because it hits her so hard, she gets emotional and very clumsy
13. Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to give them a kiss
Striga and Nanoha give kisses but don't wake the others up, Virve will wake them up if it's almost noon and it's time to get your butt out of bed
14. Have they saved each other's lives before
Striga is fairly sure she would have made it out of the blizzard during new moon if by just huddling under a rock, but Soren finding her and bringing her to a warm spot didn't do any harm for sure
15. Does one have an interest the other thinks is weird but wants to listen to it regardless
Not really, whatever little crafts they do is something the others are always interested in and willing to hear about
16. Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images
Virve and Kältre, and Nanoha uses one by mistake and Kältre informs her that it's from a hentai and she goes and how did you know that you wee cunting man
17. Does one of them kinkshame the other
Nanoha thinks Virve and Kältre have too much interest in Soren's werewolf and Striga's full vampire forms
18. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them
Not really, Striga is a lil ashamed about her cold hands and feet sometimes but it's fine to the others, put on some woolly socks and put your hand on Virve's tiddy, it's soft and warm
19. What kinda joyrides do they go on? Relaxing ones or wild ones?
Soren agrees one time to let Kältre sit on his back and come along to a proper werewolf hike, very very wild ride
20. Where would they vacation for a honeymoon
No time for vacations, the grind never stops --------------
21. Do people ever get annoyed of their PDA
Honestly sometimes yeah, hands off his tiddies for once woman
22. Would they live in the city of the country
They live in the city, Neja grew up in a city too so it's comfortable for her
23. Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope
Not really? I can believe Yecal having some kind of PTSD from some events but nothing very severe. Neja will cuddle and pet feathers if needed
24. Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there
General tender spots for Neja are the sides, inner thighs, neck, nothing unusual
25. Do they dance together
Neither really knows how to dance but it doesn't stop them
26. Do they sing together
Ditto, it's not super pretty but they have fun
27. Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners
They are both alright at cooking, Neja makes some mean spicy noodles and Yecal some proper sauce, if one is running late from work then the other can have food ready just fine
28. Are they a reckless couple or safe
They began as very reckless but have toned it down a lot for each other
29. What be they kinks and do they try each other's kinks
Yecal gets pegged
30. What would their Valentine's gifts be to each other
Neja with a ribbon on her boobs (maybe some wine if she wants to splurge, some candy), she enjoys flowers and candy and wine herself
31. Do they get into fights often? If so what do they fight over and how do they make up
Not often, if anything it's small arguments about money of if Yecal tried to fix something he doesn't know how to and made a mess when Neja was gone. They make up with kisses and hugs every time though, nobody stays mad for long
32. Which one's top, bottom, verse
They switch flawlessly, sometimes a small girl wants to be small girl and sometimes she wants to ram her husband into the mattress yanno
33. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
Yecal will defend Neja in anything, she needs to be held back also because she do be smol
34. Which one has a favorite movie that they have the other watch with them again and again
If either then Neja
35. Do they want kids
Nah, neither dislikes them but they don't want any of their own. They struggle keeping a houseplant alive so no way they would have a kid
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charliesradiodemon · 5 years
Pwease pwease pwease do 15 passionately 💗💗charlastor , fat nuggets need it
(I was inspired by a couple of comics that are similar to this fic. For the sake of the fic making sense, Charlie never dated Vaggie and is single here.
Also don’t worry! I’m still working on Arranged Marriage! I’m just also working on many other things! You’ll be seeing an update soon! For now I’m bum rushing for Charlastor week!
Happy Valentine’s Day my friends ❤️❤️)
15. Passionate Kiss
It was Valentine’s Day, a holiday that humans came up with and celebrate once a year on Earth. It was a day of love and cherishing your significant others. Some even used the day to confess their love to another. Charlie remembered when she first heard of Valentine’s Day and only sighed at how sweet and romantic it sounded. But she never had anyone to celebrate it with. In her last relationship, Harold never wanted to celebrate the holiday in any way. He’d always tease her for wanting to practice “lowly human customs”. And before that, the holiday hadn’t even existed yet.
Today Charlie had a slew of ideas to celebrate the holiday with everyone at the hotel. Today was about love, and what better way to turn around a sinner than with love? And chocolate!
Before Charlie could skip out her door, she paused mid-step. “Oh!” She exclaimed, jumping back in surprise. A large red heart, along with a vase of red roses stood in her way. Had she finished that step, she would have crushed the heart entirely.
Charlie knelt and carefully picked up the glass vase and heart before backing into her room. She set the vase by her bedside and felt a smile creep up once she got a good view of the bouquet. The vase was simply brimming with perfect red roses, but there was no card amongst the densely packed flowers. Who could afford such a thing, Charlie wasn’t quite sure. It could have been from her parents, but they weren’t the biggest fans of Valentine’s Day considering the origins of the holiday. Nevertheless she loved the roses and took a deep whiff of their subtly sweet scent before heading out to find and thank whoever left them.
On her way down, she took a quick glance at the heart. She knew what hearts were and how it was a common symbol used on Valentine’s Day and for love in general, but this thing was different. When she shook it, it rattled. There was something inside, but how was she supposed to open it? Could she even open it?
When she reached the lobby, the giddy princess started her hunt at the bar to ask Husk first. When she got there Angel was already leaning against the bar counter, flirting with Husk so early in the morning.
Charlie skipped up to the bar, greeting both Husk and Angel a happy Valentine’s Day. She set the heart on the bar and slid it toward Husk. “Hey Husk, do you happen to know where this came from?”
Angel’s face lit up when he focused on the heart in front of Charlie. “Ohhhh! Who gave ya Chocolates toots?”
“Aren’t they chocolates? I mean it’s Valentine’s Day, it’s gotta be chocolate.”
Charlie knew that lovers would exchange gifts like chocolate and flowers on Valentine’s Day, but she had no clue that the heart contained chocolate. She didn’t even notice that she could open it!
She turned to Angel, leaving Husk to his morning drinking. She placed her hand over the box and looked up at Angel. “Someone left me this outside my door…”
“Did they leave ya a note?”
Angel quirked a brow. “Alright… that’s a lil’ creepy… Do ya think it’s safe? Maybe there’s no chocolates in there.” He pointed to the heart-shaped box with a suspicious look in his eye.
Charlie shrugged and looked around the heart until she found a prominent line under what seemed to be the lid of the box. She lifted it by the lid and wiggled it, letting the box slowly separate from the heart-shaped lid.
When the trio looked into the box, sure enough it was full of chocolates. “Oh wow these look pretty expensive,” Angel took one and closely examined the morsel. “Bet they taste expensive too,” He predicted before tossing the whole square into his mouth. “Yep! Damn that’s good!” He exclaimed before reaching over and grabbing four more pieces.
Suddenly, the blonde got between Angel and her gift. “Hey!” Charlie pouted. Little did she know, Husk also picked up a piece and tossed it in his mouth. His face scrunched and he washed the sweetness from his mouth with the beer he’d already been working on.
Angel scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What, you’re gonna eat all that all by yourself?” He returned to lean against the bar and continued, “So expensive chocolates huh? Whoever gave ya that must really have it bad for ya Charlie.”
Charlie felt her face heat up at Angel’s comment.
“I wonder who the sucker is,” he looked around the lobby to find only a few of the patrons sitting around, waiting for breakfast. “Can’t be one of these bozos.” He huffed a laugh and popped another chocolate in his mouth.
Charlie took one of the squares and took a tentative bite. She perked up as the chocolate melted in her mouth, coating her tongue in it’s sweetness. It reminded her of the chocolates her parents would give her when she was younger. She tossed the rest of the delicious chocolate in her mouth and hummed in delight. “You’re right! It’s amazing!”
“I’m glad you think so dear.” A radio backed voice came from behind Charlie. She jumped and whipped around. Expectedly it was Alastor who stood fairly close to her with a satisfied grin on his face.
“Wait Al, this was you?” Charlie greeted the radio demon with a wide appreciative smile.
He nodded proudly. “Yes it was! I made it was only the best of the best!”
“The roses too?”
“Why of course! No-“
Angel gasped and yelled, “Woah woah woah! Roses?! Holy shit Romeo I didn’t know you were some kinda romantic!” The group eating breakfast turned their attention toward the commotion.
“Angel, it would be in your best interest if you would keep your mouth shut before I take it away.” He said in a crackling, eerie distorted voice. The air around the bar became increasingly thick with tension. Angel retracted back in fear while everyone at the breakfast table watched with interest, as if they were hoping the radio demon would make good on his promise.
Charlie slid the box between her and Alastor to grab his attention before the situation escalated. “Hey Al, why don’t you try one?” Immediately the heavy tension dissipated at the sound of her voice and Alastor returned his full attention to Charlie.
He chuckled and picked up a piece, casually examining it. “I’m not one for sweets my dear,” he bent forward slightly, holding the chocolate between two clawed fingers. He extended the chocolate right before Charlie’s lips. “I bought these for you, so why not have another and I’ll consider trying one.”
Charlie glanced up at him and then the chocolate. It was an odd deal but it seemed like it was harmless. She shrugged and opened her mouth to let Alastor place the chocolate on her tongue. She shut her mouth and let the chocolate melt over her tongue once more, savoring the flavor.
Alastor admired her face, which lit up with pure joy. Her smile never failed to set his heart on fire and inspire contentment at the same time. Today was the perfect day to show her exactly what she meant to him and when he continued to execute his flawless plan, she would be his by the end of the day.
But then his eyes drifted down to her closed mouth and watched it move with her swirling tongue. Though he didn’t enjoy sweets, his curiosity began taking over. Then his imagination. Then his hands and feet. Unknowingly, he moved closer and used his right hand to tip her chin up. He met her snapped open eyes before meeting her black lips.
He didn’t realize it either when his tongue forced its way into Charlie’s mouth. The dulled down sweetness of the chocolate on her tongue made the flavor bearable enough for him. It was good, even. Though he wasn’t sure if it was because of the high of the moment or the chocolate itself at this point. It was then he discovered that Charlie was kissing him back, her tongue moving with his and further amplifying the sweetness of the kiss.
Realizing what he’d done, Alastor pulled away. He never took his eyes off of her, not wanting to see the faces of the individuals around him. Usually he’d revel in the attention, but now he just exposed a soft side to him no one had ever seen before. He’d have to kill them all- no, that would upset Charlie.
Oh Charlie…
This wasn’t how the day was supposed to go. He’d inadvertently ruined all of his plans to whisk the princess off her feet and now he stood there like a fool. He needed to leave. He summoned his cane and tapped the floor, melting into a shadow that frantically slithered up the stairs.
The room was dead quiet. Charlie looked around to find all eyes on her. Even Angel Dusk was wide eyed and slack jawed in shock. Truly nobody expected that from Alastor, not even Charlie. She turned back around to hide her burning red face. He kissed her, and she kissed him back! Then another realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Today was Valentine’s Day and he gave her presents… and kissed her! Did he really feel that way toward her?
She needed to find him. She’d never find out if she didn’t ask. He went up the stairs so he must have retreated back to his room.
Without another word, Charlie slammed the lid on the chocolate box and sprint up the stairs with it in her arms.
‘He likes me! He really likes me!’ Charlie thought giddily, letting her emotional high carry her up the stairs.
Ever since she met him, she was drawn to his charm, his personality, his voice, his dancing- everything about him. Sure he wasn’t the kindest or most gentle mortal soul out there, but she’d always smile with him around. He was dangerous, Vaggie would always warn her, but Charlie didn’t care. No matter how bad the rumors about him were, she’d look past them and got to know him better. He could cook, he loved his mother and he’d always find ways to cheer her up in his own strange way. To her, he was human: flawed and full of his own unique personality. He was still a monster who committed atrocities, but Charlie still couldn’t help the aching in her heart. It was strange, but the heart wants what it wants.
When she realized her feelings, she immediately feared rejection. It was difficult to be around him at first, but over time it got much easier and she’d managed to push her feelings aside. After all, she didn’t want to scare her professional business partner away.
But now that was all coming to an end. She needed to talk to him and work this out.
Charlie knocked on his door and called out his name. When he didn’t answer, she tried the door knob. Surprisingly it was unlocked and when Charlie slipped into his room, she found Alastor sitting on the edge of his bed, staring blankly out the window with his signature smile.
When she approached, he snapped his gaze toward her. They stared each other down for a few moments. “Al, we need to talk.”
Alastor nodded and patted the bed beside him to which Charlie obliged. They now sat shoulder-to-shoulder in silence. It should have been awkward, but for some reason it felt comfortable. It almost felt natural. Charlie could feel him slowly relax beside her. He was calming down and Charlie smiled knowing that he was getting comfortable around her. Feeling brave, Charlie placed her hand to rest it on top of the hand that sat tensely on his knee. He flinched, but didn’t move away. Instead he shifted his hand to where he held her fingers in a gentle grasp. He even began to run his thumb over her knuckles.
When Charlie looked up at his reaction, he wasn’t looking at her. Instead, his gaze shifted down to their joined hands. His grey cheeks held a hint of red. His closed-lipped smile was soft and content. He greatly disliked being touched and yet here he was, being touched by her and looking completely at ease.
They didn’t need to speak after all. Their actions spoke a thousand words and they understood what the other wanted. This was new to them, but their interactions have never felt so natural and so sure. Charlie sighed and let her head fall to rest on Alastor’s shoulder. He jumped a bit, still not used to contact, but let his head fall to rest on top of Charlie’s head, relishing in the warmth that blossomed in his chest because of her.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Al.”
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hi! Can I maybe interest you in the valentines A-Z for our fav radio man George Luz? 🤗
babe you BET you can, i’m always interested in george luz
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
Tumblr media
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
George is...  well, to put it simply, he’s a cuddler. He’s a very tactile person, without even thinking about it; casual touches, like squeezing a shoulder or clapping someone’s back comes easily to them, and is a simple way to express his affection. When he really cares for someone, he can get a bit needy  ---  he needs that same level of physical intimacy and affection. He’s very eager to hold the person he loves, to pull them close and feel their body against his, their heartbeat and breaths matching his own  ---  but nothing makes him feel better than getting that back.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Honestly? Not a fan. Like, he’ll get his Mama a bouquet for Mother’s Day, but George is more likely to rock up with a gift or giant stuffed animal than a bouquet. There’s something about them...  he doesn’t like having to watch flowers wilt and die. It just unsettles him.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He’s not weird about it. Yeah, he likes chocolate, but he won’t go feral over it unlike some Liebgotts out there
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
He’s the sort of guy who has to be kept entertained; his ideal date is definitely an amusement park or a drive-in theatre (beware, he’s definitely seen the movie before and will keep up a running commentary through it). Carnivals? Oh, heck yes, count him in. Fireworks show? Please. Give George a fun and colorful setting, the opportunity to show off a bit, and a fun partner who can keep up with him...  that’s the perfect date.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Yes, he loves hugs! He thrives on hugs! Again, George is fueled by physical intimacy. His hugs are very steady, very earnest, and sometimes cling a bit too much...  but whenever he lets go, there’s sincere emotion on his face, and anyone can see how much he means it.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Oh yeah, he’s definitely a flirt, but it’s not something he can help! He’s just...  got one of those faces, okay? That smirk alone flirts without trying. When George is actually trying, he’s definitely able to keep the mood of the party light; if he’s drawn to someone, he’ll joke around with them, but if they seem to respond in kind, then the flirting begins in earnest. He won’t throw himself down on the table in front of them...  but winks, smirks, casual touches? It’s all there, baby.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Gift giving is an art, and George Luz has honed it. He just...  remembers things about people. Innocuous things, small comments, major life events, he remembers all of it, and keeps it stored away for a later date. He’s given his fair share of joke gifts, but when he gives something with sincerity in mind, it’s always somehow the perfect thing. George gives people gifts they didn’t even realize they needed.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Honestly, he’s quicker than he should be, and he knows it. George...  wants to be loved. He needs attention and affection like he needs air. So when he falls for someone, he definitely falls hard, and there’s no way to really stop that trajectory. A part of him doesn’t trust himself, because he knows that’s a great way to get his heart broken.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
He definitely thinks it way before he actual says it. George Luz, keeping a thought to himself? Inconceivable! But the fact is, George is shy about saying it...  because he’s scared he might not hear it back. His partner would have to say it first...  and from that moment on, there’s no stopping him. George loves saying “I love you”. He tosses it out at random times, in casual and meaningful moments alike, just to hammer the point home  ---  saying it often doesn’t make it any less true.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
He...  can get a little insecure at times, so yeah, if he sees someone else flirting with his partner, he won’t like it, and will definitely try to break it up ASAP. Not with fists  ---  a little charm and a well-placed wisecrack can work wonders.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Oh gosh, yes. George is...  the sort of kisser you wake up in a cold sweat about. He knows what he’s doing, and this is something he’s actually really confident about: George Luz is a damn great kisser. This is the one time he actually shuts his mouth, and puts it to work instead. Just the right amount of tongue, and touch, and teeth... while he’s definitely a bit of a tease, George knows what he’s doing, and exactly how to get his partner’s heart pounding. His biggest flaw is his habit of grinning during kisses, which... ends with bashing teeth together usually, not a fun time. Then he’ll start laughing, the mood is broken, and he’s gotta take a moment.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
His entire family  ---  and George has a massive family. All his friends  ---  and he has so many friends, seriously. The funny clerk at the grocery store who always gives him a discount; the nice old ladies down at the bingo club who talk about their grandkids a lot; the neighbor whose leaky roof he fixed who couldn’t actually pay him, but gave him an entire pie. George has so much love to give, it sometimes physically hurts.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Morning George has bedhead, and Nighttime George has at least had a chance to run a comb through it, so he’s more confident in his ability to impress at night.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
“Naughty” is a good word for it. George is a tease; he likes to have fun, and does not want sex to be an intimidating experience for anyone. He’ll be the first one to admit that he messes around too much, but it’s just to cover up the insecurities he feels deep down  (and also, when he’s nervous he sometimes doesn’t know how to Turn It Off). He’s a talker during sex. If he’s not making an inappropriately-timed joke, compliments are probably spilling from his mouth, like he’s not even sure what he’s saying. You have to actively work to shut him up...  and even then, he’s still pretty loud. He’ll definitely be able to make his partner laugh, but when he gets to teasing, he can be absolutely unbearable. If the other person takes control  ---  which, holy shit, drives George absolutely wild  ---  it’s super easy to get under George’s skin, because he’s sensitive in a lot of places. When he goes over the edge, he goes over the edge hard...  it takes a while for him to recover, and sometimes he’s left dizzy for a few minutes. Aftercare is very important, and another thing he absolutely loves.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
He’s got a smart mouth and the inability to shut up. That’s almost the same thing.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Personality, absolutely. Whoever George falls for has to be able to snare him. He needs a little excitement, someone to keep him on his toes  ---  definitely someone with a great laugh. If they can make him laugh too, that’s a bonus; he’d love someone with a smart mouth. And kindness is super important  ---  he definitely wants someone who’ll go out of their way to help others out, even if it puts them at a disadvantage. (He has a thing for green or brown eyes, they just get him. Curly hair? Excellent, fun to run his fingers through. But he is...  genuinely not picky whatsoever.)
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
Oh, he wants to do it. Absolutely. He’s got a plan and everything. Multiple plans. Many of them are elaborate and involve pyrotechnics with the strong potential for disaster, but...   eh, it’ll probably be fine. If no one dies during the proposal, it’s a great omen for the relationship!
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He thinks of himself as...  a practical romantic. Like, he’s not all butterflies and Disney ballads, but there’s a very strong streak in him that’s eager to be loved and have someone to dote on in return. When George is falling in love, he’s all about seizing romantic, spontaneous moments when they arise  ---  any way possible for him to show it.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He didn’t slow down long enough, to be honest. Lil Georgie was an energy ball. I could see him having some crushes on a few other kids, especially as he grew a bit older and middle school hormones happened, but he was no Baby Romeo.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
He...  believes in love. True love isn’t something he’s ever really thought about, because the idea’s always seemed kind of silly to him, like something out of a kid’s story. Love is love. 
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
He’s been rejected plenty of times, but nothing’s ever truly shattered him. George bounces back quickly.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
“Stupid. Commercial garbage. Not even a holiday, why do we need it? Anyways, I booked us a dinner at eight at that restaurant you love, and don’t look under your pillow ‘cause there’s definitely not chocolate there ---”
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
It’s not, like...  the be-all-end-all of his happiness, and if his partner didn’t want to, he’d be cool with that. Yeah, he’d personally really like to get married and start a family, but... more than anything, he wants someone who’ll stay. You don’t absolutely need a ring for that.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He will absolutely make up goofy pet names for his loved ones to tease them, and likes to get creative with them. Nicknames come easy to George, and are always affectionate  ---  he jokes that he’s got so many nieces and nephews that no way can he remember all their names, but he’s got a nickname for each one and remembers those without even trying.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
He can be, if he feels like a person he cares about is being threatened! If George sees a loved one in a tight spot, he’d going to jump in real quick. He won’t get immediately confrontational, that’s not his style...   but he’ll be there, at their backs, ready to step in if needed. His go-to move is an arm around his loved one’s shoulders, with a grin and a too-cheerful  “we got a problem here?”
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Like...  he’s no nymphomaniac, but if he can, he will. Consent is very important to him, and he’s very in tune with his partner’s feelings, so he’ll only do it if both parties are firmly on board...  but if someone’s interested in him, and he’s in the mood? Sign him up and pin him down.
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lilyvandersteen · 6 years
What shortish (under 10k) one shots would you recommend that are meet-cutes and/or pining? Thanks!
Oooh, this is going to be a long list, Nonnie! Thanks for asking :-) Hugs, Marjan
Accessories by @hazelandglasz
Inspired by @tacogrande’s art on Tumblr : http://tacogrande.tumblr.com/post/156495579892/i-also-did-a-lil-au-where-blaine-is-just-always
All The Toys by Petalene
Fill for the GKM.  The five times Blaine went into a sex toy shop and the one time he came out with something really good. 
Auto Shops, Show Tunes and Happiness by @sunshineoptimismandangels
This is for coffeegleek wo prompted:Kurt has had to take over his dad’s shop & Blaine comes to get his car fixed, hears Kurt singing - AU meet cute, they’re 20-30+. Maybe Kurt does local community theatre. 
Blind Date by @bookqueen101
Tumblr Prompt: We’re both meant to be going on blind dates with other people but we sat down at the wrong table and got our hopes up.
Connections by @alilactree
A prompt from imnotimperfectlyperfect, Klaine alternate meeting: Blaine sees Kurt on the subway and misses his chance to talk to him, so he resorts to using an ad to find him again. This probably turned out to be a lot sillier than you were hoping, sorry about that. Warnings: Blaine goes on faily dates with other canon characters.
Dial 1 for Kurt by @starangel148
One day, as luck would have it, Kurt answered a call to his dorm phone even though he call was most likely for his playboy roommate. The rest is serendipity. AU Kurt/Blaine, set in college. 
Don’t make me over by @klaineanummel
Kurt thinks today will just be an average day; he’ll go to work, he’ll pine for his friend-with-benefits Blaine (who he desperately wants to become more), and he’ll remind his boss for the millionth time that he doesn’t want to be set up with her son. It goes pretty much as he expects… well, sort of.
Flowers Verse by @hazelandglasz​
Blaine just wants to get a bunch of flowers to his grandma.Little did he know that the Subway can lead to some interesting meetings … 
Fools Rush In by @black-john-lennon
Elvis once sang “Wise men say only fools rush in, but I can’t help falling in love with you”
Blaine and Sam might be those guys.
Free Pizza to Make You Smile by @princehummel
A short, cheesy (pun super intended) Valentine’s Day meet-cute. A bit late, but whatever.
It’s Valentine’s Day, but Kurt has too much homework and not enough boyfriend (in other words, no boyfriend) to properly celebrate. But there’s no law that says he can’t celebrate with himself, his laptop, and a special pizza.
Getting Out the Vote, 2016 – Feel the Bern! by @nightingale63
Klaine AU – Kurt and Blaine never met in high school, and are college students in New York who return to Ohio for spring break to volunteer for Bernie Sanders’ campaign. Meet cute entails! 
Gift with Purchase by @lady-divine-writes
To prepare for a big audition, Tina takes Blaine to Sephora for a little freshening up, where Blaine meets the sales associate of his dreams. 
Got A Sweet Tooth For You by @hazelandglasz
anonymous asked:I have one I have one! So, it’s AU. Blaine is scared to go to dentist (feel you, bb) and his tooth hurts more and more everyday. So finally, he mans up and goes. And meets the sexiest dentist ever.
Here Comes The Sun Salutation by @invisibleraven
Blaine has a work mandate to lower his stress levels by attending a yoga class. Which he goes to straight from work in a suit… 
Here to fix all of your problems by @fictionallylost
Rachel calls for a handyman to come and fix her and Kurt’s loft’s heating problems, then leaves Kurt home alone to await the assistance. Who do you think comes to his rescue? ;)
Hold Onto The Handrail by @antarcticbird
hazelandglasz prompted: the subway brakes too strongly and bam, au meeting ? 
If These Pages Could Tell A Story by @controlofwhatido
Isabelle Wright has written another book and is about to go on tour with it. Kurt’s job, as her assistant, is to make sure every location is up to speed with Isabelle’s requests. When Kurt e-mails Anderson’s Bookshop, he certainly doesn’t expect their correspondence to go past the first couple perfunctory responses…
Instant Boyfriend by @scrapmom2112
One minute Kurt is having coffee and minding his own business and the next he has a boyfriend…what? AU. Just another way for Kurt and Blaine to meet, and it’s at the Lima Bean, of course.
Kink(O)s by @hazelandglasz
Prompt : one of them want to print something, maybe a calendar with hot guys and the other one is the hot printer? 
Let It Snow by @antarcticbird
Snowed in at an airport on the 24th of December, with no cell phone reception and Cooper + family for company. 
Love Shack by @hkvoyage
On a sweltering hot summer’s evening, Kurt discovers a new cheesecake bakery in his Bushwick neighborhood. He soon realizes the true meaning of Valentine’s Day. An alternative meeting, written for the 2016 Klaine Valentines Challenge on Tumblr.
Night Work by @honeysucklepink
This was written for the KBL Reversebang Hiatus Challenge. I got a photo of a dog with a pumpkin and three items/things to include in my story: “Pharmacy,” “Sweats (clothing),” and “Stars.” And then on top of that I got awesome art from Jen (homemadedarkmark)! Thanks Jen! Also thanks to kurtswish for the beta. This is a simple “meet-cute,” hope you enjoy (in spite of it being Halloween-themed while way past Halloween)! 
Of BFF’s and Shoes by @a-simple-rainbow
I decided to mesh together a fuckload of tropes/prompts. From the text to the wrong number, to meeting in an elevator. Mostly it’s funny and stupid. Apologies to anyone who likes high heeled converse all stars. 
Of Sad Movies and Kind Strangers by @hadelli
Kurt’s week couldn’t get any worse.Because is there anything more pathetic than crying in a movie theatre, alone?Probably not, right?Right??
On Boundaries and Harvard Law by @klaineanummel
Burt gives Kurt’s number to a total stranger.
Overcoming a Break-Up by @mailroomorder
Kurt knows what it’s like to lose a nicely tailored jacket in the city, and he wouldn’t want that to happen to someone else. So when someone leaves their jacket at the restaurant Kurt works at, he figures the least he can do is return it to its rightful owner. Even if said owner did dine and dash, forcing Kurt to pay his bill.
Overcoming Gravity by @alilactree
From @prompt-a-klainefic:
I just discovered that you can buy vibrators at the airport, but while i was trying to load my bag into the overhead compartment on the plane, it fell out and landed right in your lap.
Poke-Klaine by @nightingale63
AU where Blaine went to NYADA but Kurt went to FIT (and Kurt never went to Dalton). A fun, fluffy meet-cute – enjoy!
Raspberry Rain by @lovetheblazer
kurt-and-blaine-anderhummel prompted: I haven’t slept in like 3 days everything is funny and your hair smells really good (where Kurt is the one that hasn’t slept and Blaine sits next to him in class and he keeps leaning his head on Blaine’s shoulder and keeps telling Blaine that his hair smells good from his scented hair gel). Klaine Alternative Meeting AU
Return to Sender by @skivvysupreme
Kurt’s shifts at the Spotlight Diner keep turning into complete trainwrecks, and it’s all the hot UPS guy’s fault. Sort of. (Though, in all fairness, Kurt has always had a certain weakness for men in uniforms.) 
Tell Me All Your Secrets by @lady-divine-writes
After being cheated on by his boyfriend for the tenth time, Kurt comes home, ready to surrender to a good cry and sleep. But when he can’t sleep, he checks his voice mail and finds a bunch of drunken messages from a wrong number, but his mysterious caller might be the answer to getting over his scumbag ex.
The Bookshelf by @klainjel
In which Blaine stumbles into a bookstore in search of a birthday present and finds so much more 
The Concert Experience by BlurtItAllOut
Wes and David have a spare concert ticket, and asks Blaine to tag along. He may not be so very interested in the headliner, but there are others to feast his eyes on. This will be a concert experience to remember. 
The Effects of Cookies on Shy Teenagers by @musiclovingbitch
The Man With The Hippo-Head Brooch by @borogroves
A passing encounter on the London Underground leaves Blaine trying to track down a beautiful stranger.
Welcome to the New Age by @itspartofmyjealousy
A love story told through NYADA’s Snapchat
What Dreams Are Made Of by @bluecloudsupabove/ca_te
Just when Kurt thought New York couldn’t get more perfect, he stumbled upon Blaine.
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bergarass · 6 years
all the valentine’s day asks!! i genuinely want to know 💌
ily mir
blush: what could someone do this valentine’s to make you feel special?
1) tell me to add more romantic songs to the playlist i made them *pointedly looks at said person* you KNOW who you are; 2) also if they fuckin CONFESSED to how they felt, i’m LOOKING at you, you cancer moon scorpio sun headass lookin boi
love hearts: where were you when you met your crush?
@ home during winter break and i saw him on my friend’s sc and was like, “yo uhhhh who is this his hair’s cute” and my friend saw through my bluff and sent me his sc LOL and we’ve been talking ever since.. jan 4? fun fact we’re both have the red hearts next to each other’s names bc we’ve been sc best friends for more than 2 weeks so !!!!
100th date: would you prefer to stay in or go out this valentine’s?
homeboy is on the other coast so it’s not like i can spend v day with him BUT if money wasn’t an issue,,,, you bet your ass i’m flying to ny to wish him a happy valentine’s day
roses: do you like picnic dates?
it sure would BE NICE!!!!!! *bangs pots and pans outside his dorm window* if soMEONE TOOK ME ON ONE!!!
rest will be under the cut
first kiss: what’s the best way to be kissed?
i would want my face to be cradled and my hip to be grabbed, and if they were to push me gently against the wall and pin me there i wouldn’t mind (^:
first date: describe your ideal first date.
i wear something cute and a lil flirty, a lil sexy for them, we get some boba and popcorn chicken and visit a botanical garden. we end the day with a night walk on the beach and maybe i snuggle up next to them pretending to be cold and we… uhm… k*** 🙈🙈
preference: sexuality? what’s your ‘type’?
bi, and i’m really into the idea of… frat bro types who have hearts of gold, which is very very idealistic but a girl can dream! other than that, i’m drawn to certain things: i like really strong hands on guys, esp if they look like they’ve done some work (does that make sense?), crooked smiles get me FUCKED up, and from a young age i’ve been fascinated by long hair and i rlly like it when ppl swish it around (also,,,,, curvy gals get me sprung). ALSO THEY GAIN HELLA POINTS IF THEIR HUMOR’S A LIL NASTY N RISQUE LIKE MINE
hand holding: do you like pda?
i’ve never been a participant bc i’ve never in a sitch where i can practice it LMAO but i stop at kissing in public. holding hands and being a clingy, cutesy gf is def on my list, but i’m not gna be frenching my boo at the beach u feel
family: how important is your family’s approval of your s.o.?
fairly important, but ultimately i trust my own gut. i generally would hold my friends’ judgement more bc they’d be more in tune to my feelings and know more abt the person if they hung out with them with me
doves: what’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?
i’d say my prom date proposing to me with an hp-themed promposal! (he played the hp theme song on the piano + poster that said “i know you’re a ravenclaw but would you want to slytherin to prom with me?”)
candy: favourite thing to eat on a date?
…my crush’s cooking since he is going to culinary school LOL (so like a home date ehe), but in general, ummm probs food that’s fun and fresh, like dessert or light dishes (or ??  dim sum bc that shit SMACKS)
giggle: what’s more important in an s.o.: intelligence or humour?
these q’s jshfjkdhsf ofc both are important, but i love laughing, so having a sense of humor is a plus, but i also love it when ppl i love wax rhapsodic abt things that they love and r knowledgable abt!!! ultimately, a balance of both
lace: who looks best in your favourite colour?
like in general? lupita nyong’o looks bangin in orange
cupid: have you ever been set up? have you ever set anyone else up? how did it go?
nope! and nope! i feel scared trying to set ppl up, esp if someone wants me to hook them up with one of my friends and ik it might not even work
lovebirds: at what point in a relationship would you make it ‘public’?
i think it’s sth that you feel, like, you know that things are serious when you and the person are like.. possessive? that’s not the right term, but what i mean is when you feel like this is the person you want to commit to and the feeling’s mutual enough that you both are comfortable to announce it, after you know that the relationship is a stable one
love knots: would you like to forget the person you shared your first kiss with?
TECHNICALLY i’ve already had my first kiss, but i don’t rlly count it since i was like 4 LOL. but i don’t wna forget luke, i think it was just a sweet thing that happened when you’re both youngins and innocent, ykno?
promise ring: who do you see yourself being with in two years?
….. jl. in 2 yrs if i actually am not with him i’d be pretty surprised 
aphrodite: how important are looks?
it definitely plays a role, but it’s not everything. all i care is that they’re beautiful to ME
angel: do you like ‘bad boys’ or sweethearts more?
can i cheat and say both, bc j looked like a fuckboi the first time i saw him on my friend’s sc, but after talking to him for so long, my friend was right in insisting that j’s inherently a sweet, caring, and protective guy albeit being a lil headass
so he fits my type almost to a tee: bro-ey at times, but is loving and sweet
harp: have you ever written a poem for a crush?
YEP!! never delivered it though bc i wasn’t trying to die
red: where will you be spending february 14th?
probs in my bed with my other roomies as we fuckin simp our hearts out
love notes: who was your last valentine? where are they now?
never had one!
flowers: what’s the best romantic gift to give someone?
something home- or hand-made, just something from the heart; something as simple as an earnest letter means so much to me
but tbh i would just MELT if they got me lingerie, like a REALLY good set that i’ve been pining over for months and then one day... boom on the bed in a cute box all tied up omfg i’d just weep
st. valentine: what are your hopes for love this year?
romantic: i’m not quite looking for a relationship, but i think what i’m trying to get at is a sense of commitment. trust and security is what i’m hoping to gain from interacting more with j
platonic: that i love and am open to giving and receiving more love from my friends
familial: same; i want to reassure my mom and brother of how much i love and cherish them
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srrybabe · 6 years
all of the lovecore asks!
oh wig this is gonna b a long one boys!
💖 have you ever been in love? are you in love rn? yes to both......literally ive never felt more sure of anything in my life and ive never felt more love in my heart for one person......
🌹 what do you think are the most romantic flowers other than roses? any flower she’d give me tbh
🍫 do you have a favorite chocolate or sweet? i love icecream, strawberry laffy taffy, twix, reese’s, and cookies and cream hersheys!!! idk i love most sweats except a copious amount of chocolate
💗 how do you show you care? what do people do that makes you feel loved? i show i care by investing time into the person, listening to them, doing shit for them, and buying shit for them.........lots of cuddles and snuggles to!! i feel loved if you just listen to me and pay attention to me, remember the little things, do things for me if im too tired of stressed/help me with things.........calling me pet names...giving me physical affection
🕊 what do you think about marriage? how would you like to be proposed to? oh i want to get married so bad!! i’d love to be proposed to like in a rose garden or somehow have an animal b incorporated into the proposal.........(also i want a heart shaped engagement ring/wedding ring... cough cough)
🍰 what’s your favorite dessert to eat? do you have a favorite to make? cupcakes are fun to make cuz i love decorating them but my fav dessert is like idfk cheesecake maybe??????? i like most desserts except pie!
💘 you would fall in love with someone who… is her. that is it babes!
⚘ what’s your have a type? her! that is all babes!
🍨 describe your ideal first date, what about it makes it perfect? i still want to go to niche shops in SF and thrift and then go to a cute cafe then a cute lil (vegetarian friendly) restaurant then we go to the pier!!!!!!!!!! oh and the restaurant is fancy. also i wanna go hiking and have a cute lil picnic. and paint. idk i dont know what i want as my first real date with her but i mean whatever it is itll b good but those are just dates id love to go on/will try to do with her this summer :3
💝 what gift would you like to receive? what type do you like to give? any gift is good. it’s the thought that counts
💌 love letters or poetry? love songs or mixtapes? make out sessions or snuggling? love letters, mixtapes, BOTH BAYBEE!!
💋 lipgloss, lipstick, or chapstick? LIPSTICK
🍒 which is better- a down to earth, comfortable love or an exciting, butterflies in your stomach type of love? both!
💓 what do people do that makes your heart skip a beat? what makes your heart melt? sending me cute shit idk kissing cuddling idk being there for me 
💐 how would you woo someone? how do you flirt? i send animal pics  and say “me and u” and just scream a lot. 
💕 vague about your crush or partner? id do anything for her and everything we went thru made us stronger but god i just.............she makes me feel so happy and good and is so supportive and lovely and beautiful and i want to b with her forever and ever and i really do see a forever with her. like she is my soulmate. the soulmate.
💫 do you get crushes easily? what makes you fall for someone? yes and no..like if u pay attention to me ill prob like u
🍓 what are you doing for valentine’s day? do you have any self care plans? lol valentines this year was legit the worst day of the year so far for me but hopefully next year i can spend it with my baby even if its over like skype or something
🍦 what are ten things you love about youself? how caring i am, how i put love into everything i do and hav a relationship with, i love my hair sometimes, my titties(sometimes), my humor, my determination, my passion for animals, idk i cant think of ten
❣ red, pink, or purple? glitter or sequins? silk or velvet? red and pink, glitter, silk
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tyrionslannister · 6 years
first date, first kiss, blush, flowers
first date: describe your ideal first date.at this point i’m literally fine with anything as long as someone actually wants to go on a date with me, but putting that aside... i’d really love the whole romantic comedy package. like, being picked up at home, maybe having dinner because i’m into whatever as long as food is involved, and then just walk around and talk for a bit or watch a movie together?? i am a goddamn walking cliché that’s what i am.,,
first kiss: what’s the best way to be kissed?i hate this question because bish, i wish i knew? if anyone wants to help me find out, hmu! lmao no, but in all honesty, i seriously don’t know. i haven’t kissed a lot of people and it’s been... meh, at best, so like eh
blush: what could someone do this valentine’s to make you feel special?honestly i’d have loved it if someone had written me something even if it’d been a lil text telling me i’m loved and needed :’) or even like a valentine’s day drabble because i love my fanfictions lmfao alas i didn’t get any of that but you sent me a valentine’s card which did make me feel special bc i’m an emo bish and i like being remembered by my frens
flowers: what’s the best romantic gift to give someone?okay so, if you’re going for classics i’d suggest chocolate because it never, ever fails (i mean flowers are pretty but can you eat them???) but if you’re aiming for something more personal i’ll always suggest like... maybe poems? or handwritten letters expressing your love??? or playlists!! i love getting playlists they f me up every time :’) ugh there are so many possibilities i’m such a sucker for love 
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teainbostonharbor · 7 years
Love Letters Leading
A/N: So I wrote this fanfic for @i-is-gazebo! It’s for the IT Secret Valentine thing, and i’m deciding to upload it now. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Reddie
Word Count: 1.7k
letter one. dear eddie, i love you. ive loved you since we were 12. i don’t even know if you love me back, but I needed to tell you. I’ve been keeping it in for so long. You’re just so cute, you kill me every time i see you. You’re funny too. And Nice. And sweet. And caring, Just everything under the sun. I don’t know how you don’t see that I love you. Maybe you’re just an oblivious fuck. love, your secret admirer
letter two. dear eddie, I hope you liked the rose i left in your locker as well as the letter. Don’t worry, i’ll tell you who I am soon. I’m just not ready yet. This is a big thing I guess. I do actually love you, by the way. I’m not trying to prank you or anything. I’m trying to be sweet. I want you to feel loved because you fucking deserve it. You deserve all the love in the world, and I hope one day I can show you that. love, your secret admirer 
letter three dear eddie, today I wanted to mention how smart you are. You always study your ass off and get good grades. You love fixing things and reading. I think it’s cute. Fuck. Everything about you is cute. Like the reading glasses you wear sometimes. Or how sleepy you look the day of a test. God, this is coming off as creepy isn’t it? I just want to tell you but it needs to wait. love, your secret admirer 
letter four dear eddie, if you haven’t noticed, i’m doing this leading up to valentine’s day. On valentine’s day, i’m gonna actually tell you who i am. so be prepared to get roses and one of these letters everyday. it’ll be better on valentine’s, though. i have something planned. love, your secret admirer 
letter five dear eddie, i’m sorry if i sound weird sometimes. i don’t know how to write love letters or how love even works. i just wanna swoon you for fucks sake. I don’t even know if it’s working and i’m so sorry. please don’t think i’m weird? love, your secret admirer 
letter six dear eddie, how are you? good? good. I hope you’re good. i wanna see you happy, because that makes me happy. also, you’re adorable. too bad it isn’t summer and you can’t wear shorts. i like the oversized sweaters, too, though. very cute. very cool sense of fashion, unlike me. i’m rambling, love, your secret admirer 
letter seven dear eddie, well, i suppose these letter things are halfway over with. you enjoying it? i can’t wait for valentine’s. i just hope you like me back. i doubt it, and this is all stupid. i’m stupid. but you aren’t! you sweet lil hunny bun love, your secret admirer
letter eight dear eddie, these things just keep getting shorter and shorter. i don’t really know what to write. i guess i’m bad at expressing things. god, you probably hate me. i’m not smart, im just a stupid teenage boy in love. in love with you. everything you do. down to the littlest things. i can’t help but smile every time i see you. you make me so happy, eddie. love, your secret admirer 
letter nine  dear eddie, four more days, my love. i can’t wait, and i know you can’t either. it’s gonna be great. thanks for putting up with me for all these years. it’s been fun. i can’t wait to make more memories too. they’re gonna be the funnest ones. as long as you like me back, though. gotta remember that this might ruin our friendship. wow. love, your secret admirer 
letter ten dear eddie, god, i’m really running out of ideas without sounding creepy. guess i’ll just go for it. i’ve been wanting to kiss you since we were young. sure, we’ve kissed before but on the cheek. that’s different. that’s friendly. i don’t want friendly. i want boyfriends. love, your secret admirer 
letter eleven dear eddie, two more days. two more till the big day. the day i hope will go smooth. i’ll probably stammer and say something wrong, but please don’t hate me. please. i just want a good life and future with you whether we’re friends or not. you looked extra cute yesterday by the way <3 love, your secret admirer 
letter twelve  dear eddie, one more letter till the day. this is gonna be awesome. just you n me eddie, on a date. i hope, im so happy it isn’t on a school day. i know you get bullied sometimes. this way, i can give you all of your gifts and stuff and no one will know. i’m okay if you want to keep us a secret. i know you’ve told some people, though. love, your secret admirer 
letter thirteen dear eddie, tomorrow’s the day! are you excited? because i am! well, i’m more nervous. like, really nervous. i’m afraid you’ll reject me. i just wanna be with you, godammit. it’ll happen, i hope. maybe i’m im just as oblivious as you and we both like each other. that’s a possibility. but probably not. i’ve been waiting for this for years. i just hope nothing bad happens or i don’t fuck it up. i’ll see your cute ass tomorrow. i’ll meet you at your house around noon. love, your secret admirer
Eddie blushed like a madman whenever he got one of the letters. He had never expecting to have a secret admirer, or have them write love letters and leave roses. It was sweet, and he was excited to tell the other losers about it. However, he had no clue who it could be.
He’s one of the few openly gay kids at the school, but the other two were already dating each other. So it couldn’t be them. He also guessed that there could be others in the closet, or others that are only out to their friends. The losers were mostly open to just them, but Eddie came out to everyone on the same day. That’s a story for another day, though. He also guessed that it was someone close to him, and had a few classes with him. He never expected it to be any of the losers, let alone Richie Tozier. He should’ve known better, though. Little did he know, Richie was quite infatuated with him. All the losers saw it, and Richie was right. Eddie is an oblivious fuck. He didn’t think twice when Richie called him cute or heldhim or kissed his cheek. It was normal. They had always been like that. Eventually he realized he did like Richie. But Richie didn’t need to know that. Richie always flirted with him, and made jokes and stuff like that. Richie thought Eddie knew, and he grew tired of them just not being together. So he decided to write the letters and tell Eddie his feelings on valentine’s. The perfect plan, right? Right. Richie grew nervous as the day approached. He knew Eddie was excited at the idea of a relationship, but he feared rejection. Eddie seemed so happy when he told them about the letters, he just didn’t want it to end up badly. But it wouldn’t. Feb. 14th
Eddie paced around his room nervously. He had no clue who it was, or how it was going to go. He couldn’t pick out what to wear, or what he’d say. He became frustrated, and ended up taking a short shower. After that he waited. And waited. And waited. Time wasn’t passing quickly for some reason. Everything was slow. To pass time, he decided to sit at his desk and do some homework. His mind was obviously preoccupied, though. He couldn’t focus on anything. He felt like he was going to die from embarrassment and nervousness, but he could handle it. At least he tried to convince himself he could. He decide to try and focus again before he heard something bouncing off his window. He walked over to it slowly, eyes widening when he looked out of it. There stood Richie Tozier with a bouquet of flowers, a giant teddy bear, and a box of chocolates. Eddie quickly grabbed his phone, and checked the time. He couldn’t believe Richie, of all people, was his secret admirer. He should’ve guessed, but he hadn’t given it much thought. His mind was racing at a thousand miles a minute but it was quickly interrupted by Richie shouting, “Hey! Will you let me in? I’m freezing my ass off out here.” Eddie slid his window open. “I’ll let you in through the front door. I don’t think you can get up here with all that stuff.” And with that, Eddie ran downstairs to the front door. He was shaking nervously. This was the guy that liked him. And he liked him back. He took a deep breath, and placed his hand on the door knob. Slowly, he opened it. He was greeted by a grinning Richie with an arms full of presents. Eddie was speechless. No one had ever gone out of their way to write letters or get him gifts. He couldn’t believe that his crush went out of his way to write letters and get him gifts. He couldn’t believe it. Richie’s smile quickly faltered when Eddie said nothing and just stared. “I-I’m sorry… you probably don’t even like me. I knew I did too much..” Eddie panicked. “N-No! I-I like you. I have for a long time too. I’m just… speechless? I can’t believe you went out of your way to do this.” “Really?” he asked, his smile quickly returning. “Since sixth grade.” “So all of this is fine? Dinner too?” “You planned dinner too?” “Um… yeah? I kinda wanted today to be perfect and special.” Eddie grinned. “It’s perfect.” And so was their relationship from that point on.
epilogue six months later “Ever wonder what would’ve happened if you never wrote the letters?” It was a typical hot summer evening. They were laying in bed, limbs practically tangled together. Richie was messing with Eddie’s hair, occasionally peppering his face in kisses. “Yeah. I don’t think we would’ve ever gotten together.” “I don’t think we would’ve either. We’re both gay and dumb.” Richie grinned. “Yeah. Gay and dumb.” They laid like that for a while, not moving albeit them both being sweaty messes in the heat. Richie leaned in, pressed a kiss to Eddie’s cheek before whispering, “I love you Eddie Kaspbrak.” It was a perfect first.
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tenseiga · 7 years
whole bunch of sesshiro headcanons
 @dheerse​‘s beautiful oc whom i love
1. Who's the one who's reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out
i wanna say sessh gets into trouble more than hiro but he can also get himself out of trouble. hiro just kinda shakes his head
2. Who's the one to send the other "I love my gf/bf" memes
it’s hiro. absolutely
3. Who's the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn't like and how does the other react
hiro’s really easygoing and likes most music. maybe sessh is more picky when it comes to what he likes but like. hes fine with it, he wont tell hiro to turn it off. (unless it’s musical showtunes and hiro is singing along)
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competitive to show the other more love
they dont do that. hiro is maybe more outwardly affectionate but they,.. dont do this.. it seems extra
5. How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them
do demons get gay married? i feel like marriage isnt a thing sessh cares about
6. What was their wedding like
a small, quiet ceremony. rin is absolutely exstatic, films the whole thing if it’s a modern au. she makes sure there’s flowers everywhere.
7. Is their friends/family supportive
yes. well. sessh’s mom is an asshole and thinks sessh deserves better than one of her guards, but sessh never talks to his mom anyway so it’s fine? all of sessh and hiro’s friends love and support them; if they didn’t they would just cut them out of their lives
8. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying
hmmmmm this one is hard. when hiro’s having a hard time he likes physical contact. he likes sessh to be Close to him. when sess is having a bad time he isnt as touchy, he likes reassurance that hiro is There and wiling to listen to whatever he has to say, even if he’s not likely to say anything. he also likes if hiro fills the silence with talking. he doesnt really care when hiro’s talking about, he just likes listening. it keeps his mind off of things that bother him.
9. Which one dissociates
both lmao
10. Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them
i mean both but hiro catching sessh looking at him is very Amusing for me to think abt. sessh is zoning out and staring at a butt and hiro turns n laffs a bit then keeps indulgng sessh.
11. When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?
the forest. alternatively, in a modern au they share a sunny basement flat with a dog and rin
12. What do their dates look like
adorable,, cute, the best, a dinner date in a weird german restaurant where there’s fake trees in the room. they’re usually very casual and the first couple of times they go out together it’s hard to tell if it was a date or just a very intense Hang Out
13. How does each act when getting drunk
hiro’s an affectionate cuddly drunk. sessh kind of sits there? he’s having a fun time he’s just Quiet. i mean he’s always quiet but u know. if he’s really feeling comfortable then he lets loose but he’s never like. wild. he wouldnt dance on tables or sing karaoke or anything. that’s more of a hiro thing to do
14. Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to give kiss them
this is,, adorable. sesshoumaru
15. Have they saved each other's lives before
oh probably. i mean if not in the Physical saving from Danger sense then at least like. being there emotionally for the other has made them both Better Off because of it. also if it’s the canon verse then they’re Always getting into trouble and have probably had to fight things n shit so. yeah
16. Does one have an interest the other think is weird but wants to listen to it regardless
hiro loves astronomy and babbles on about stars. sessh loves it
17. Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images
if sessh feels like he Absolutely Needs to, but wont go out of his way to do it
18. Does one of them kinkshame the other
not really? they’re on the same page w kinks and arent into anything too weird
19. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them
i mean sessh gets a lil dysphoric sometimes. hiro is good though he either distracts sessh or tells him he wont look this way forever. sessh appreciates.
20. Say they were cuddling on the bed while listening to record player playing the background. Which song is playing?
god i dont know......  i dont have a good taste in music dont trust me. something easy to listen to, and it’s really quiet. nothing pop. maybe an orchestral piece from a soundtrack?
21. What is their song? Like the song that gives them overwhelming feelings?
uhhhhh. see the above
22. What song do they listen to while going on a joyride
probably something out of the shrek soundrack
23. What kinda joyrides do they go on? Relaxing ones or wild ones?
relaxing mostly? but i dont really see them as having a car for the most part
24. Where would they vacation for a honeymoon
a different part of the forest. maybe the beach. their daughter loves the beach and sessh really likes listening to the waves. good times 
25. Do people ever get annoyed of their pda
what pda
26. Would they live in the city or the country
in the modern au? city. in canon verse there are no cities
27. Which ones the red which ones the blue
neither. sessh is off-white and hiro is kinda dark green
28. Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope
hiro’s got the good ol’ bpd (gotta project somehow.. lmao) n sessh is depressed. idk if autism counts as mental illness? i dont think so? but w/ever thats here now too. it’s hard for me to describe how they help but they do
29. Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there
sesshoumaru. neck
30. Do they dance together
i wanna say yes but only when theyre V Drunk and hiro does not dance well
31. Do they sing together
nope, sessh will let hiro embarrass himself, but he’ll play no part in it
32. Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners
sesshoumaru cannot cook
34. Are they a reckless couple or safe
not sure what this means but they use seatbelts??
35. What be they kinks and do they try each other's kinks
uhhh hiro likes orgasm denial, sessh likes teasing him.
36. What would their valentines gifts be to each other
they dont really do valentines day but sometimes sessh would surprise hiro or vice versa with a nice dinner out
37. Do they get into fights often? If so what do they fight over and how do they make up?
not really, if they do they’re very Little fights that only last like ten minutes. they barely even need to make up bc it was such a little disagreement.
38. Which ones top, bottom, verse
yes. both. both is good
39. What kinda sex they be having (gentle rough whatever)
sometimes they gotta fuck outside against some trees. their first time starts as uhh the most gentle thing that’s ever existed, but then sessh gets impatient and things get Rougher and hiro was Not Expecting that & he’s pleasantly surprised. they have a Lot of diffrent kinds of sex? it’s not fair to say they’d only fuck in one particular way
40. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
drunk hiro would fight to defend sessh’s honour. sober sessh would want to stab someone if they insulted hiro. sessh can brush off insults but hiro sometimes takes things personally and they stick with him for a while & bring him down so sessh doesnt want that to happen
41. Which one has a favorite movie that they have the other watch with them again and again
idk brokeback mountain?
42. How would one react if the other was to die
why would u do this to me, just asking. hiro would start crying and Wouldnt stop. like ever. and im copy & pasting my response from the sessnara ask   sesshoumaru would freeze and go very quiet. he would be panicking but he would also be mourning already. like. steeling himself for what is to come. doesnt talk to anyone for days and barely sleeps
43. Who dies first
hi uhh. why would u make me think of this. hiro
44. Do they want kids
they’ve already got a daughter and a kind of son? is kohaku their son? we dont know
45. How would they spend their last moments together
..im assuming this is like. a “they’re about to die” context. they dont need to say anyhting, they understand each other. they’re holding hands or hugging but not kissing. hiro needs to be able to see sessh’s face and he needs to know sessh knows how much he loves him. sessh is trying to memorize everything about hiro so that when he’s reincarnated/in the afterlife he’ll be able to find hiro again
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Your writing is amazing! Could you please add David Webster to the valentines head canon list? 💝
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
He leaves notes around the house. Sweet things, like ‘I’ll be thinking of you all day’ or ‘I wanted so badly to kiss you this morning’  ---  or even something simple as ‘Left you a smoothie in the fridge, love you’.  It’s a silly thing, and a few have gotten crumpled or swept into the trash before his partner noticed, but it’s just a way for them to know he’s thinking of them. He’s not very physically affectionate, and while he can (and has) professed his love a thousand different ways, words just don’t feel like enough. Notes are tangible, something to hold on to and tuck away to look over on a rainy day.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Please, his family’s had a personal florist for ages. He might not know how to pick out flowers himself  ---  the best he can do is identify them, but he doesn’t know how to take care of them, or which flowers look good together   ---   but he can order up a gorgeous bouquet for any occasion.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He doesn’t mind it. Milk chocolate only, please, and in small quantities, otherwise it makes him queasy. To be honest, he doesn’t trust himself with boxes of chocolate, so tries to avoid them.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Let’s go out sailing! Oh gosh, if a person hasn’t seen David sailing, they haven’t truly seen him. He’s in his element on the water. Never is his grin broader, his eyes brighter, his shirt looser...  he loves being out on the waves so much. Being out there with someone he loves sounds like heaven. God, he would love to show his partner the ropes  ---  literally  ---  to introduce them to his boat and teach them how to sail. If they handle themselves well on the waves, he’ll definitely fall a little in love.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Depends who the hug is comping from. Web can be picky. Sometimes Hoobler just grabs him and he stays there like a spike in the ground until he’s done  ---  David much prefers seeking out the hug first, at least initiating it. His hugs are gentle, not too intrusive, clearly meant to share comfort rather than offer anything. He’s fond of rubbing someone’s shoulders.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
David is well-spoken, handsome, and can be profoundly charming at the right moments. He’s probably better at flirting after a glass of champagne, but can usually handle himself. Of course, he’s not always great at reading the room, so some occasional blunders can’t be helped.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
It’s definitely a struggle, but David wants to get it right  ---  and he puts a lot of effort into it. While he’s not above just asking, to know point-blank what they want, then he has to get the best version of that thing possible. He’ll search for hours to find exactly the right gift...  and even if he ended up getting a hair straightener instead of curling iron, or a the wrong brand of toy, all that heart still shines through.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
David is...  that really weird type of impulsive where he thinks everything through, until he doesn’t. Those impulsive moments are his greatest successes or greatest failures. He doesn’t mean to fall in love quickly, but the moment he realizes he’s in, he’s all in. His heart isn’t easily dissuaded.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Words are easy; these three particular words, not so much. He’s really got to fight his way to a place where he feels confident in saying them...  and even then, they’d stall on his tongue, because he’s really not sure his partner will say them back. No matter how fiercely he loves them, there’s always that little shred of uncertainty...  and to get past it, Web probably ends up blurting “I love you” at an unexpected time. It’s not how he planned on doing it at all, not half as romantic as it should be...  but once that wall’s been bulldozed through, and his partner says it back, suddenly it’s easy to say all the time.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Quite. He just...  doesn’t like seeing other people encroaching on the person he loves, and if he has to make that displeasure known, he will. David’s style is subtle and public. He’ll lace hands or pull his partner closer during a night out, occasionally pressing a kiss to their cheek  ---   just close enough to their neck to give a thrill, reminding them that they’re his, and he’s right here. He’s not really vocal about it, but his jealousy sends a message.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
David is… an inquisitive kisser. He likes to test his partner’s limits, exploring their mouth like a born scientist. He charts the groves of their lips with his own, memorized their taste, sucks gently just to gauge their reaction… and the more encouragement they give him, the more adventurous he’s willing to get. Needs to have his partner close, right against him while they’re kissing. If they get too into it, he’ll start grinding unconsciously; god forbid it gets pointed out, cause he’ll turn five shades of red at once.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
Sharks, sharks, sharks sharks sharks  ---  EVERYBODY!    (No, okay, he’s the sort of pretentious to say “my first love will always be my craft” while glowering at a novel draft he hasn’t touched in three months, but...  he really does love his family, no matter how often he bickers with them. Web’s the sort of person who absolutely cherishes his friends, and takes them very deep into his heart. He loves whatever he’s passionate about, be they people, things, or ideas.)
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
He loves early morning; it’s the epitome of serene tranquility, the point of existence all humans should aspire to. The sun breaking over the horizon illuminates a person’s truest self. Too bad he’s a horrible morning person who resents dragging himself out of bed any time before 9am. If people are their truest selves at dawn, Webster’s a feral rat who just won a fight for the last pizza crust on the subway.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
There’s a lot of hip action; David grinds without meaning to, rolling and writhing on instinct alone. It serves him well when he actually puts it to use, hands locked around his partner’s waist as they roll like a ship on high seas. No matter what, David needs to be holding his partner, anchoring himself — it lets him feel in-control, even in a situation where he’s utterly out of it. A very expressive lover — his facial expressions are obscene, holding nothing back — and a furiously intense kisser. During the act, he loves to be working at his partner’s neck, pressing deep kisses into the flesh there… because meeting their eyes overwhelms him too easily. Good luck getting him to keep quiet. He gasps and moans, sometimes going to the effort to muffle himself against the back of his own hand, but usually not bothering. At his peak, his entire body arches, muscles going tense, and he can never restrain a moan as he slowly comes down.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Absolutely  ---  though he thinks he’s a lot better at love poetry than he actually is. It’s a work in progress. David is an eloquent and spellbinding speaker, especially when his words come straight from the heart. He’s excellent at expressing what he feels.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
He’s drawn to very vibrant people  ---  people who seem to light up a room when they walk in, people with a slight current of energy to them. Like any artist, David craves inspiration...  so he seeks out people who can provide him with it. Maybe someone who enjoys reading, who can carry on intellectual discussions with him  ---  but also someone who can debate and challenge him when he’s too set in his own ideas. Someone with an adventurous spirit. Someone who can play nicely around his parents, and looks great in formal wear. Caring about the environment is a must. Someone who...  will take an interest in the things he’s passionate about, but also has their own passions which they care about deeply.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
The problem with David is that...  he thinks. Too much. Overthinker extraordinaire. He wants to consider all the possible alternatives before making a big life decision, which often leads to him not making that decision at all. Pretty much every big leap he takes is on impulse, and he handles the fallout later. He’s never expect his partner too, but, frankly, would be better off it they did. When he does drop the question, it’ll probably be impulsively, with some grand poetic declaration, and possibly a ring improvised with whatever’s onhand. He’s got a rich family, they’ll get a nice diamond later.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He’s got a romantic soul, even if acknowledging it makes him feel like a fool. He knows better, after all. The world is not a kind place to those who leave their hearts open, inviting happiness like sweet deliverance when pain so often disguises itself as pleasure...  but he likes the idea of love. It would be nice. He wants to fall in love, he wants to be in love, and he wants to finally understand what so many writers are obsessed with. He wants the sort of love you fill books with.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
If you subscribe to the “kids only bully other kids because they like them” line of thinking...  sure. Lil’ David had  t o n s  of admirers.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
I reiterate: “He wants the sort of love you fill books with.” Maybe it doesn’t exist anywhere outside of fiction, and in the minds of some...  very questionable historical lovers  (Bonnie and Clyde, F Scott and Zelda, Percy and Mary Shelley)  but he’s open to being proven wrong.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Everyday, by the unrelenting oppression of human cruelty. And the fact that sharks are nonironically viewed as monsters by the general public. And the fact that people don’t see knowledge as the bright light illuminating the path to the future? Or the fact that people don’t realize that if you don’t remember your history you’re doomed to repeat it? Or the fact that some people genuinely like pineapple on pizza  ----     He’s a sensitive boy.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
It’s a capitalist scheme to sell a frightening amount of chocolate boxes and prey on the vulnerabilities of single people. He’s against it on principle. Couples can have romantic dates any day of the year, what’s so special about this one?  (Still, get him roses, he’ll be thrilled.)
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
He...  goes back and forth. It’s what his parents really want for him, which is almost enough reason for him to never want to...  but he’s got a sense of obligation, too, so maybe. But what if it’s a mistake? What if he doesn’t truly love the person? What if he thinks he loves them, but one day wakes up and realizes it was all an illusion? What if they fall out of love with him? What if ---
He wants to, deep down. Once he finds the right partner, all those anxieties will fade away. It’s really just the not knowing what to expect that worries him.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He’s not excessive about them   ----   “darling”  and  “sweetheart”  being his biggest offenses   ---   but also isn’t above literary allusions.  “You’re the Hermia to my Lysander” / “The Isolde to my Tristan” / “The Zelda to my F. Scott”, at which point he’s earned any eyerolls he gets.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Definitely. How willing he is to fight over it is directly proportional to how much alcohol is in his system, or how egregious the offense is   ---   some things will send him feral, alcohol or not. Like insulting his partner outright, or grabbing at them? Web doesn’t stand for that. While he’ll usually try to diffuse a situation just by taking his partner and ducking out, or maybe trying to talk it through, if he sees shit like that, he’ll snap. There’s a lot more fight in him than one would assume at first glance.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Well, he’s had a few girlfriends back in college, but nothing obscene. David really keeps to himself. He’s had maybe… two or three partners beforehand, so it’s not like he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he doesn’t really know… all the ins-and-outs yet. (Make of that what you will.)
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