#something about vitali at the start of all this wanting to find out who the broker is to deal with the root of the problem
ruvviks · 2 years
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Chapter >> 10 [x] Characters >> Cato Wu (oc), Judy Álvarez, Lauren Dimas (oc), Matvey Dobrynin (oc), Mikhail Koshechkin (oc), Panam Palmer, Thibault Lajoie (oc), Viktor Vektor, Vincent Mayer (oc), Vitali Dobrynin (oc), [redacted] Total >> 9.6k words Warnings >> Blood mention, brainwashing mention, death mention, descriptions of suffocation, family, injuries, violence
‘What are we looking at?’
‘Seven attacks have been reported thus far, four of them still on-going. Many casualties among mercs- none of ours yet- word on the street is a fixer was killed, too.’
Clack. Clack. Clack.
Vitali found himself back in the hallway. Pace as fast as it could possibly go, leg painfully protesting with every move, heart racing uncontrollably in his chest and hand white-knuckled around his cane- Judy and Panam by either of his sides, as they hurried toward the medbay.
He had been there before. Two months ago, give or take; when Eddie, Lauren, Mikhail and Panam had been targeted during that damned cargo transport. Never again, Vitali had thought; I will not let this happen ever again.
Naïve, perhaps. Or just fucking stupid. Either way, how wrong he had been- it had only gone downhill from there, from Mikhail’s captivity to Vincent’s, from seeing his mother again to coming face to face with his father in the decrepit Arasaka facility, from meeting Daniil, to-
To Thibault nearly losing his life in an explosion.
Yet another thing Vitali had been unable to prevent. He had not been anywhere nearby, and it was Night City of all places- explosions happened all the fucking time- but it still hit him hard, especially considering how little Thibault had been involved in the situation at all.
Vitali pushed the door of the medbay open and hesitantly stepped inside, almost scared- ashamed- to show his face. Thibault sat on the edge of their bed, next to Cato; and they gave Vitali a weak smile and wave when he entered.
‘Broken wrist, two bruised ribs, some scrapes ‘n bruises,’ Viktor said from the other end of the room before Vitali could ask anything. He sat on his usual stool, taking some quick notes on a notepad before quickly wheeling himself over to the small crowd in his workplace. ‘Your parking lot took most of the damage.’
‘And Vincent’s car too,’ Thibault quietly added, their semi-mechanical voice raspier than usual. ‘I think they rigged it, but- I wasn’t able to see very well.’
‘Never mind his car or my parking lot,’ Vitali cut them off, ignoring the implications of the possibility of Vincent’s car having carried the explosion underneath, and he quickly walked closer and sat himself down on the bed next to Thibault’s to relieve his leg. ‘How are you feeling?’
A pointless question, but what else could he ask? His heart was so heavy.
‘Tired, mostly,’ was the hesitant answer. ‘Ears are ringing, but- other than that, I feel fine. If you need me back in the field, I can walk. Run too, probably- haven’t tried yet, but should be…should be fine, yes.’
‘You’re not going anywhere,’ Vitali softly replied. ‘We have everything covered.’
That wasn’t true. Thibault knew. And Vitali knew that xe knew. But neither of them said any more of it.
Vitali had woken up early that morning. Earlier than usual, feeling refreshed for the first time in a while, and he had gone to work before Vincent and Mikhail had even gotten out of bed. Taken his time with the drive to the office, despite it being nearby enough; though to be fair on a busy day it could still easily take him half an hour if not longer to make it to the other side of Wellsprings.
It had been unnerving, almost, how smoothly most of the morning had passed by. The sun had been shining outside, a warm and sunny day- the start of June, and Vitali had finally felt like he could start planning for Vincent’s birthday. And he had, between the few calls he’d had to take and the single client meeting near noon.
Nothing too big, of course. Just a day for the two of them; ever since they had first kissed on Vincent’s birthday the year before, they’d had only a handful of actual dates, between all the situations they’d found themselves in. Vitali figured it would be nice to have another; he just hoped neither of them would be too tired to leave the house.
But now, even though it was still a week away, Vitali wasn’t even sure if they would be able to do anything at all.
‘Get some rest,’ he quietly said and reached out to Thibault’s not-injured hand, to give it a soft squeeze. ‘I am sure there’ll be plenty of work to do in the building once we get this situation resolved- you could help then, if you really want to.’
‘Of course,’ Thibault replied, and another weak smile took shape on xyr face. ‘That’s what you’re paying me for, no? Kidding- I’d do this for free. You know that.’
I would give you all the world, if I could.
‘Stay with them,’ Vitali quickly said, regaining himself and directing his attention to Cato now as he stood up again. ‘Keep me updated on any new developments here.’
‘Don’t you want me out there?’ Cato asked, gesturing at the most nearby window, a frown decorating her brow. ‘Not injured myself. I can make myself useful.’
‘And I would like for you to do that here.’
Vitali had not been able to get the visual of- of Daniil, his own fucking brother- attacking Cato and trying to stab her out of his head. He knew Cato had dealt with much, much worse before, and after a short conversation following the incident that same day she had not brought it up anymore-
But Vitali had watched enough of his friends end up in pain. It had to stop.
He made his way back to the door and Judy and Panam followed suit again, both having been dead silent in the few minutes they had spent in the medbay. Much to Vitali’s surprise, Viktor stood up from his stool too and walked with him- but he did not question it. No time for that now.
Vitali still was not entirely sure what had happened.
It had all gone fast; a report of an explosion near Regina’s headquarters, followed by report after report of mercenaries getting injured, dying- none of Vitali’s as of yet, though he was not even able to say for sure since most of their systems had suddenly been down too, an outage in the entire Heywood district leaving them with little to work with.
Brief contact with the Council had once again confirmed to Vitali none of them worried about the Broker. He knew it was his father’s doing; had tried to convince them of it, yet before he could have even said a word a distress signal had disturbed their meeting- the currently absent Wakako had been under attack, and it had marked the end of their communication for the time being.
On his own, once again. Supplies still low, mercenaries exhausted and scared- and Vitali was starting to reach the end of his rope.
‘What is our situation?’ he asked, slightly turning his head as the four of them made their way to mission control.
‘Three squads in the field currently,’ Judy replied and held out her tablet a little so Vitali could take a look at the footage. ‘Shiro and Hux are still over at Wakako’s to assist Goro; no new updates as of yet… Eddie and his squad should be nearing the Northside rendezvous by now.’
‘And V?’
A short pause.
‘Not yet been able to reestablish contact.’
Vitali subconsciously fastened his pace, refusing to say any more of it and he rolled back his shoulders, straightening his back as if to show he was not about to back down to nobody in particular; his heart was still racing in his chest and nausea was bubbling up in his stomach, though he managed to keep it at bay for now- much to his own surprise.
‘Panam- Take whoever you can find and get to Westbrook,’ he said, slightly raising his voice. ‘I need that situation under control, stat. Judy, I need either you or Lauren in the Net. We need our systems back online. Are you up for that?’
The deafening silence that followed caused Vitali to slow down and he looked behind him; Viktor had followed him a little further, though both Panam and Judy had stopped in their tracks at some point, both carrying the same hesitant- nearly terrified- look in their eyes.
‘Please,’ Vitali blurted out, heart skipping a beat though he was unsure whether it was out of frustration or fear. ‘If I could do all of this myself, I would.’
‘No, no-! It’s not that,’ Panam immediately responded, her voice slightly unstable as she spoke, and she redirected her attention to the tablet in Judy’s hands. ‘There’s…’
Before she could finish her sentence, a loud siren cut through the air, filling the streets of Wellsprings, loud enough for them to hear inside Vitali’s office. All the air was punched straight out of his lungs and he hurried back, to look over Judy’s shoulder at the screen.
‘Another explosion,’ she quietly said, her tablet showing a live news feed. ‘The docks. There were people there.’
‘Our people?’
‘I… I can’t tell.’
Vitali caved in.
What was he supposed to do? Times like these reminded him that he was so- small. Insignificant. Merely one man in a city so large, and it didn’t matter what he did. It would never make a difference.
Just like he had never been able to make a difference in Arasaka, like he had wanted to when he had started working for them all those fucking years ago. Stuck in a never ending cycle- a hell of his own making- believing he could mean something in the bigger picture of things-
‘Just the more reason to get a move on,’ Viktor suddenly said. ‘Our people or not- they can use all the help they can get.’
Vitali instantly snapped back to reality and he quickly nodded, a weight washing off his chest when Viktor suddenly reached out and placed a strong hand on his shoulder, almost as if to ground him. His gaze moved back to the girls, and they both seemed to regain themselves as well.
‘Westbrook. Wakako,’ Panam quickly said, and nodded too. ‘Preem, on it. Judes?’
Judy blinked and inhaled deeply, straightening her back and her eyes met Vitali’s for a split second. He understood why she was hesitant. Understood that Lauren would be hesitant, too- after everything that had happened, to the both of them- but they were the only ones capable of diving into the Net and Vitali needed someone to cover that front for him-
Again, if he could do it all himself, he would.
‘I’ll find Lauren, have a chat,’ she finally responded. ‘We’ll- We’ll rock, paper, scissors about it.’
‘Good,’ Viktor said, removing his hand from Vitali’s shoulder. ‘No need for a deep dive, just- getting our systems back online, some surface level surveillance and plugging potential holes in case of an attack.’
Vitali’s heart finally slowed down and he pushed back his shoulders again, head suddenly a lot clearer than before. He watched in silence as Panam gave Judy a warm hug and kiss on her cheek; and she turned around and walked off, giving Vitali a soft punch against his shoulder as she passed him by.
‘Whoever his Netrunner is, they’re good,’ Judy quietly said. ‘Just hope they’re not- not waiting for someone to get in the chair.’
‘I highly doubt it, given the circumstances,’ Vitali replied, knot in his chest briefly tightening. ‘Besides, our focus is defense this time; as long as we stay out of their systems, there is no way they can get to you the way they tried before.’
Of course Vitali could not say any of it with one hundred percent certainty- but what else was there left for him to say? He wished he could do without a runner, wished he could fix any of it himself-
‘You’re right,’ Judy suddenly said and she nodded, sucking in another deep breath. ‘Got you covered, jefe.’
Vitali was unable to suppress a relieved smile.
‘Thank you.’
The situation was hard on everyone. It had been going on for way too long now and still had no end in sight, and these attacks would only complicate things in the long run; yet somehow everyone was still there. Nobody had walked away from it yet, nobody had abandoned Vitali despite the fact the Council was not helping them-
Viktor reached out for him again and softly tapped his arm to get his attention, then nodded into the rest of the hallway.
‘Mission control,’ he encouragingly said. ‘We got work to do, kid.’
The two of them quickly continued their way, Vitali still focused on the siren blaring through the sub-district. He still didn’t fully understand why the attacks were happening, but that was a problem for later; they had to get the situation under control, one way or another. Matvey couldn’t have that many people working for him.
Vitali bit the inside of his cheek as they entered mission control and exhaled sharply, mind wandering back to all the mercenaries who had walked away from him and had joined his father’s fixer network instead. Add to that all the outsiders who had joined over the years, and his father’s connections to several corporations-
‘There you are.’
Mikhail’s voice dragged Vitali out of the fog in his brain and a sense of comfort washed over him, like the presence of his friend had always been able to do. Mikhail appeared in his view and reached out to briefly cup his cheek, before also glancing at Viktor and giving him a solid nod.
‘Everything alright?’ he asked, tilting his head slightly as he redirected his attention to Vitali.
‘As good as it can be,’ Vitali answered. He carefully let his gaze trail the room; there were only a few people there, mostly talking quietly to each other while nervously glancing at the large screen on the wall. It was still showing a connection error with several large, flashing warning popups. ‘Xe’s got a broken wrist, some bruised ribs- Cato is still with xem for now.’
At times he genuinely wondered how much more injuries it was going to take before someone would end up losing their life.
‘That is good to hear.’ Mikhail spoke quietly and he stepped a little closer to Vitali, once more reaching out to him to place a hand on his upper arm. ‘But I meant with you.’
Vitali blinked, Mikhail’s words taking a moment to fully settle in his head; it was not uncommon for his friend to ask him that, yet at this point Vitali’s own well-being seemed mostly irrelevant to himself given the circumstances they had found themselves in.
‘As good as it can be,’ he quietly repeated himself.
The screen on the wall suddenly flickered and within a few seconds their feed was back online, showing Vitali live footage of the still on-going fight on Jig Jig Street. He immediately directed his attention away from Mikhail and walked closer, reaching for his hearing aid and switching to the communication line of his office building.
‘Judy?’ he asked, watching as the lights in the room briefly flickered off and on as the screen switched to live footage extracted from MaxTac bodycams.
‘Guess again,’ Lauren replied instead, and Vitali once again couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his face. ‘At your disposal, jefe.’
It was good to have her back. Judy was good at what she did- but at the end of the day more of a techie than a runner and her knowledge was limited to the things she had been taught over time. Taught by Lauren, who had been in the chair for much longer, and whose thinking process lined up almost exactly with that of Vitali meaning less communication was needed between the two in order to get things done.
‘Can we reestablish contact with V?’ Vitali asked, a new sense of control shaking him right back awake. He nearly slipped up- had gotten so comfortable using Vincent’s full name he sometimes forgot not everyone knew about it yet.
‘One step ahead of you. Sending out a ping as we speak,’ Lauren answered. ‘Got all three of them on our radar still, so they’re not- you know. They’re still here.’
Vitali bit the inside of his cheek hard as he waited for Lauren to get back to him, placing his hands on the desk he was stood in front of. His eyes were glued to the screen, watching intently as the MaxTac officers arrived at the docks of Wellsprings- several cars were on fire, people were running everywhere, and in the background he could see several mercenaries emerge from around the corner right before they opened fire-
‘Got him,’ Lauren said and Vitali’s heart skipped a beat. ‘Connecting you now.’
‘V, can you hear me?’ Vitali asked, voice barely stable as he spoke and hands white-knuckled around the edge of the desk in front of him. His heart was once again going a million miles an hour in his chest and he leaned heavily on his arms, suddenly barely able to keep his own balance anymore.
A brief silence followed, though each second that passed felt like an hour. Mikhail had walked closer again and placed a reassuring hand on Vitali’s back, softly running it up and down in an attempt to calm him down.
But as much as Vitali appreciated it, it did not work. He had to hear him. He had to hear his voice.
‘V?’ he repeated, swallowing heavily as tears threatened to well up in the corners of his eyes. ‘V- please say something.’
I can’t lose you. Please- not you.
‘Loud and clear! Fuck, it’s good to hear your voice again.’
Vitali’s eyes fluttered shut and a relieved sigh escaped his lips, and for a second he felt like he could pass out. Vincent’s ever-so bright voice was like music to his ears, even now that he sounded mostly exhausted; Vitali could not blame him. He felt exactly the same.
‘Where are you right now?’ he quietly asked, glancing at Viktor who had walked up to him as well and now stood beside him at the desk, an unreadable expression on his face; had not said a word since back in the hallway, as if he was deep in thought.
‘Near the bridge in Arroyo,’ Vincent answered. ‘Followed some gonks after a scuffle on Hargreaves Street- there’s an old warehouse here that looks like it’s being used as a temporary hideout.’
Another temporary hideout. Good.
It felt too easy. It was too easy- there was no way Matvey would slip up like that and Vitali knew if he would go there he would be walking directly into a trap of some sort.
But he had to try.
‘You’re doing great, but- please don’t push it too far,’ Vitali said, loosening his grip on the desk. ‘Lauren will stay in touch with you, okay? Please be careful.’
‘Careful is my middle name, ‘member?’ Vincent answered, and Vitali could almost see the playful smirk on his face through the communication line. ‘Won’t get too close until you give me the signal, promise.’
Vitali switched off his comms and turned back, resolutely making his way back to the entrance of the room. As always- unable to just sit back and watch, unable to leave the situation to his mercenaries. Yes, he paid them to work for him; yes, they were capable of handling it themselves; but they were his friends, and he could make himself the most useful in the field with them.
‘Where are you going?’ Mikhail asked, a worried frown taking shape on his face as he took some steps after Vitali.
‘Going to meet up with Vincent,’ Vitali plainly answered, briefly slowing his pace and turning back to him. ‘I want you to stay here and oversee the situation. Can you do that for me?’
‘Of course.’ Mikhail paused and swallowed, glancing back at the screen behind him and then looking back at Vitali; but he could not make eye contact anymore, several quiet noises leaving his lips before he spoke again.
‘Please be careful,’ he said in Russian. ‘You know what he’s capable of, now.’
Mikhail had almost died. If Matvey had aimed slightly more to the right-
‘I know,’ Vitali quickly responded, pushing the thoughts out of his head. ‘I’ll be careful, don’t worry.’
He left the room again, head threatening to fill with fog but it was surprisingly easy to push it back this time, mind constantly going back to Vincent. Clack, clack, clack- back into the hallway, to get to weapon storage and get suited up- and much to his surprise, Viktor followed him again.
‘Vitya, you’re not coming with me,’ Vitali instantly said, voice a little sharper than he had meant for and he picked up his pace a little as if he could outrun Viktor like that. He knew the old ripperdoc could fight, and still did every now and then; but he was not a mercenary, far from it, and Vitali did not even want to think about the things that could happen to him out in the field.
‘Don’t think you got much say in any of that,’ Viktor merely responded.
‘You work for me. I would like for you to stay here.’
‘I do- and my shift ended about an hour ago. I’m coming, whether you like it or not. Gonna try and stop me?’
Vitali blinked and straightened his back, a weird sensation running through his chest he couldn’t quite place. They reached weapon storage together, and Viktor instantly reached out to open the door and hold it for Vitali.
Yes, they had worked together before, many times- yet never like this, never together in the field. But Vitali knew Viktor long and well enough to know he was about as stubborn as Vitali himself, and to try and stop him?
Vitali wouldn’t even dare.
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‘Get down!’
Vincent jumped out of the way just in time, hiding behind a truck as the cryogenic grenade that had been hurled at his head exploded right on the other side. It set off the truck’s alarm and the piercing noise burned through his ears, disorienting him to the point he briefly forgot where he was.
It was just the five of them; him and four other mercenaries he didn’t even know the names of. Not as if it mattered- they were all allies in this, even the two of them who were not even part of Vitali’s network.
Though at that moment he found himself alone on the street, under attack from all sides by Matvey’s mercenaries- and they were not pulling their punches this time.
Vincent sprinted across the road and kneeled down behind another parked car- or- what was left of it, really. He reloaded his gun and glanced over his shoulder, noticing more enemies coming his way; they came straight from the Broker’s new hideout, heavy assault rifles at the ready, with seemingly an endless supply of ammo.
Vincent himself was on his last clip.
He hadn’t gotten too close to the warehouse, well aware of the security turrets placed on the premises. Toys from the abandoned Arasaka facility they had attacked before, and so far Vincent had not been able to quickhack them.
But the fight going on in the rest of the street had been obvious enough to draw the attention of more people and they had shown up in full force, and despite the fact they were still holding their ground, Vincent was starting to wonder if it would be smarter to pull back.
‘Heads up, V- seeing several drones on my radar coming your way.’
‘Seriously?’ Vincent yelled, exasperation dripping from his voice. ‘Of course they have drones, too.’
‘Hit ‘em on the underside,’ Lauren calmly responded. ‘Saves ammo, should take ‘em down in one or two. Six o’clock- get ready.’
Vincent looked up at the sky and saw three combat drones closing in quickly, all headed straight for him. One of them was already under fire, from what he could see- one of the mercenaries had popped up again and managed to cause the drone to catch fire, and it tumbled out of the air before it could even get close.
Vincent raised his gun and exhaled, relaxing the muscles of his shoulders as he wrapped his finger around the trigger.
Take the wind into account, kid.
Right, of course. Vincent wasn’t good at calculating anything, he usually eyeballed it and somehow it nearly always worked; he quickly adjusted his aim slightly to the right and pulled the trigger, and watched as sparks and black smoke erupted from the bottom of the second drone, right before it exploded and knocked the third drone out of its course straight into a street light.
That was easy.
Don’t get too cocky.
The corners of Vincent’s lips curled up into a smile and he could almost hear Johnny’s exasperated sigh in his head, as if he was still there with him, leaning against the street light next to him perhaps, or sitting on top of the remains of the car he was hiding behind.
Sudden gunfire immediately drew him back to reality and he lowered his head, quickly scuttling around the car to create more distance between himself and the nearing mercenaries. Only limited ammo left- he would have to pick his shots carefully, and there were still so fucking many of them-
Though as Vincent prepared himself for shooting back, most of the gunfire suddenly stopped, and soon it was almost entirely quiet on the street. He frowned and carefully looked up, eyes trailing his surroundings until he saw-
Vincent had never been this relieved to see his boyfriend.
He immediately jumped up and hurried his way over, briefly pausing to sink through his knees and grab a precision rifle from the ground. He slowed his pace, aiming the rifle and steadying himself- and he hit the merc trying to sneak up to Vitali right between the eyes.
Suddenly the world was spinning and Vincent’s head hit the asphalt, vision instantly going black for a few seconds from the impact. The moment he regained consciousness he was pinned to the ground, rifle no longer anywhere near him and two hands wrapped tightly around his neck.
Tears sprung in his eyes as he grabbed the mercenary’s wrists and struggled in their grip. He tried to kick his legs, but they were stuck underneath the merc’s knees, their body weight too much for him to be able to free himself.
Hey, now. Don’t panic.
But it was difficult. Vincent tried to suck in a breath but his windpipe was being crushed, leaving him with little oxygen in his lungs. He reached for the mercenary’s face and tried to poke them in their eye, or grab their hair and yank their head back, anything, but his fingers couldn’t find a grip and they kept turning their head away from him.
His vision was fading again, and rapidly now. Though seconds before he could lose consciousness once more, the weight was suddenly entirely lifted from his body and he gasped for air, instantly kickstarting himself into a coughing fit, the raspy noise from his throat mixing with the cries and screams from the mercenary.
A strong hand grabbed his own and pulled him back on his feet with such force Vincent toppled forward and bumped right into the person who had helped him-
Vincent had known Vitali was on his way, but he had never thought to ever see the ripperdoc in the field there with him.
‘You alright, kid?’ he asked, pushing a new handgun in Vincent’s hands. Vincent was unable to answer and quickly nodded in response, eyes rapidly trailing their surroundings once more-
It was quiet. For now. No enemy mercenaries, just the two of them, Vitali, and their four other allies, all in the process of gathering themselves and assessing the situation.
Catch your breath, V. You’re not in the clear just yet.
Vincent quickly jogged up to Vitali and hugged him without hesitation, relief filling his chest the second Vitali wrapped his arms around his waist in response and buried his face in the crook of Vincent’s neck. To think that at some point Vincent had been hesitant to initiate anything with him, terrified of overstepping a boundary, terrified of the possibility of Vitali prioritizing his reputation over what they had-
‘Are you alright?’ Vitali worriedly asked, lifting his head again and gently cupping Vincent’s face in his hands. ‘Are you injured? I’m sorry it took this long, we were held up by fucking NCPD pigs when trying to cross district border-’
‘I’m okay! I’m okay,’ Vincent quickly interrupted him, slightly turning his head to press a kiss on the palm of Vitali’s hand. ‘You’re here now. I’m- I’m glad you came.’
He watched relief wash over Vitali’s face and lifted his own hands to place them over Vitali’s, thumbs softly running over his skin. Vitali leaned in and rested his forehead against Vincent’s, eyes fluttering shut; the way their heads hit one another with a bit more force than usual told Vincent he was exhausted.
‘All due respect, we gotta get a move on,’ Viktor gently interrupted them, pointing his own weapon into the direction of the warehouse. ‘Looks like they’re reorganizing again.’
‘What’s the plan?’ one of the other mercenaries asked. They were leaning heavily on one of the others, hand clutching their side- all four of them looked as exhausted and beaten as Vincent felt and his chest tightened.
‘I’m going in,’ Vitali bluntly said, slowly lifting his head again. ‘Preferably alone, but- I feel like not everyone here will let me. Could you distract those mercs for me? Just- lure them away, no need for another fight.’
Straightforward as ever, no time for going in circles around the point he was trying to make. Vincent watched as the mercenaries briefly shared a look, and then one of them quickly started making their way to a nearby car and got in.
‘Yeah, we can do that,’ one of the others said, slowly nodding. ‘Why go in? Sounds like suicide to me.’
‘Perhaps,’ Vitali merely answered. ‘But I have to try.’
Another attempt at trying to talk some sense into Matvey. Vincent could not help but wonder why; but at the same time this was far from the right time and place to ask Vitali about it and he wisely kept his mouth shut when his boyfriend started making his way toward the warehouse without saying another word.
Vincent followed suit. Of course he did; he was not going to let Vitali enter the place all by himself, or with just Viktor to back him up. He was unsure how Vitali was going to approach the situation this time, but- he trusted him. Had always trusted him; wasn’t going to let that change now.
A loud honk from a car behind them startled Vincent and he instinctively jumped aside, only realizing when the vehicle passed by him it were the mercenaries- one of them waved at him as the car drove by. Vincent watched them slow down in front of the warehouse and fire a couple of shots at the mercenaries outside; as soon as they all began moving toward the car, they sped off, leaving the terrain surrounding the warehouse mostly cleared.
Eyes open. Watch out for those turrets.
The three of them quickly made their way around the building from a respectable distance, keeping their eyes on the stationary turrets as Johnny had told Vincent to do. Vincent’s heart was still going faster than usual, adrenaline rushing through his body and keeping him alert; it was not as bad yet as when they’d attacked Matvey’s previous hideout, but it was getting close to it.
Perhaps he wasn’t there. Perhaps it was just a rendezvous for the mercenaries, perhaps they would go inside and find nothing but the Broker’s people and a shitton of supplies, perhaps Matvey himself was someplace entirely else, looking down on them from his bloodied throne-
But something told Vincent he was inside. Waiting.
‘Stay alert,’ Vitali said, raising his gun while slowly pushing against the back door of the warehouse. ‘No idea what to expect.’
An unguarded, unlocked door. It felt like a trap. But at the same time, if Matvey had wanted them dead he would have done that last time. Well- he would have tried a little harder then, at least.
They went in.
The interior of the warehouse was poorly lit. A small backroom; some crates and supplies stacked up along the walls, and two tables standing shoved against each other in the middle of the room. The door leading into the hallway on the wall opposite of them was already open, and Vincent could hear booming, echoing voices from what he could only assume was a larger open area within the building’s walls.
He aimed his gun at the door, briefly glancing behind him as Viktor entered after him and shoved one of the crates in front of the door to keep it ajar. Vitali pushed himself past the tables and glanced into the hallway, then turned to Vincent and gestured for him to follow.
It was too easy. But what else could they do?
The hallway was empty too and seemed to grow in size before Vincent’s eyes, his breathing shallow as they carefully moved through it. The sudden urge to turn around and run away filled his chest; something that rarely happened, but it felt appropriate in the moment.
Of course he was terrified. But again- he was not going to leave Vitali. If it had been the other way round, Vitali wouldn’t have run away either.
The three of them gathered around the next door opening, leading into the central room of the warehouse. Vincent carefully peered inside and counted five mercenaries still present- right at that moment, the front doors swung open and three more entered, but after grabbing some new weapons they left again.
Vincent’s eyes were drawn to the two men loudly talking to each other. One of them was bald, Valentinos tattoos covering his head and neck, and he was dressed in heavy combat armor; the other was skinny and at least a head shorter than the other man, left side of his forehead, temple and his left eye replaced with cyberware, and he was still yelling about as loud if not louder than his associate.
‘Sanders and Dusty,’ Vitali mumbled, a quiet scoff leaving his lips with the statement. ‘Fucking traitor.’
Vincent had seen Sanders once before, on the big screen back at Vitali’s office after one of his escorts had nearly been blown up. He was unfamiliar with Dusty, but had heard his name before, at least- and he was well aware the man was one of the many mercenaries who had left Vitali’s network, only to join Matvey’s instead.
‘Don’t lose focus,’ Viktor quietly responded, positioned next to Vincent. ‘Not what we’re here for.’
So easy to just flatline ‘em, though.
Shut up, Johnny.
Vincent directed his attention to Vitali and watched the expression on his face change. He visibly clenched his jaw and straightened his back again, regaining himself as he nodded, not saying another word about it.
Vincent admired him so much. He knew many people, though none of them had the level of self-restraint in them as Vitali, and especially since he himself still often struggled with controlling himself and his emotions he had immense respect for Vitali and the way he was able to keep it together.
But he was also well aware Vitali had been struggling lately. It was visible in his appearance- the dark rims around his eyes, the dark roots of his hair showing much more prominently than he would usually allow for- and in the way he would sometimes be barely present- either lost inside his own head, or remnants of Arasaka’s brainwashing- yet he was still making it through and handling the situation better than Vincent ever could.
‘Can I help you, gentlemen?’
A familiar voice, right behind them.
Vincent flinched and turned around but was immediately met with Viktor’s back as he stepped in front of him, and Vitali instantly jolted forward and stumbled into the larger room to create as much distance between himself and the voice as possible.
Matvey Dobrynin.
Vincent immediately followed Vitali, raising his gun steadily at the mercenaries inside the moment they looked up in confusion; Dusty immediately raised his own gun too but the others stood unmoving, merely staring at the two of them, and watching as Viktor too entered the room, walking backwards, keeping himself positioned between Vitali and the Broker.
‘Took you long enough,’ Matvey said, his voice booming through the room as he slowly entered after them. ‘Have been expecting you for some hours now. Your priorities lie elsewhere?’
‘Some…situations that required my immediate attention,’ Vitali spat back, steadying himself and cocking his head up, chin pushed forward. ‘As you are most likely well aware.’
‘Vito,’ Vincent quietly mumbled, stepping a little closer until their shoulders were pressed against each other. He was still facing the other way and nervously watched while the mercenaries wandered closer, Dusty up front.
‘So you really are back, huh?’ the short man said, half a smile lingering on his lips as he walked around the two of them, completely unfazed by Vincent’s gun pointed directly at his head. ‘Hey, boss. Missed me?’
The mocking tone of his voice made Vincent’s stomach turn and he instantly noticed a dark shadow washing over Vitali’s face. Dusty was merely staring at him- and the smile on his face only widened upon seeing Vitali’s frustration.
‘Pathetic piece of shit!’ Vitali spat at him and took a step closer- and within seconds the other mercenaries had their guns out too and Vincent grabbed Vitali’s wrist to stop him from moving any closer.
‘Come on, now, Vitali- no need for such language,’ Matvey calmly said, and Vincent finally turned his head to look at him; white shirt, top button undone, no tie, sleeves rolled up, hair pushed back out of his face-
A knot took shape in Vincent’s chest. In appearance, Vitali truly was his father’s son.
‘You have no say in that,’ Vitali said, the sharp edge to his words startling Vincent a little. He had taken a step closer to Vincent again, but the way he composed himself told Vincent he was still ready to attack at any given moment. ‘What happened between me and my mercenaries is none of your fucking business.’
‘I think it is my business, considering they are no longer your mercenaries but mine.’ Matvey gestured at the mercs to lower their guns and they listened instantly- it made Vincent nauseous.
Told you to just flatline ‘em.
Not the time, Johnny.
‘Being upset about my departure is one thing, but turning on me and trying to kill my mercenaries crosses a line,’ Vitali continued, but Dusty instantly cut him off.
‘It’s not about you leaving,’ he said, ‘it’s about us losing our safety net. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about you running off to wherever you went! But you provided us with a lot more than just cash- and Mikhail sure as hell didn’t follow through with all of that in your absence. Do you have any idea what it’s like to suddenly just be left to your own fucking devices?’
Vitali’s face hardened and he glared in his father’s direction.
‘As a matter of fact, I do.’
The tension in the air surrounding them was suffocating and Vincent briefly lowered his gun as well, arm suddenly a lot heavier than before. He tightened his grip on Vitali’s wrist and he turned to look at Matvey again when said man cleared his throat.
‘It is all in the past now,’ he merely said, and despite it being obvious he was referring to Vitali’s mercenary situation Vincent couldn’t help but notice the heaviness of his words. ‘There is no use in trying to undo what has already been done.’
‘But you can stop!’
Vitali’s voice broke.
‘Stop all of this- this madness!’ he said, wildly gesturing around with his free arm. Vincent was up close enough to notice his eyes filling with tears. ‘Tell your mercenaries to pull back, leave Night City out of this!’
‘This is not all about you, Vitali,’ Matvey slowly said, his voice low.
‘Truly so? I fucking doubt it!’
Vitali’s voice echoed through the room and a strangled sob left his throat.
‘You get fired, and this is what you do?’ he said, and when Vincent let his own hand slip into his, he gratefully interlocked their fingers. ‘And you blame me for it. And you claim I abandoned you- I called! I called every fucking day, dad- I tried to reach out, I didn’t want to- I didn’t want you to-‘
He was unable to finish his sentence.
Vincent’s eyes darted between Vitali and Matvey, breathing shallow and heart beating rapidly in his throat as he watched a shadow wash over the Broker’s face. His expression had changed- yet remained unreadable to Vincent, and he quickly regained himself the moment he realized Vitali was no longer speaking.
‘It was your mother’s decision,’ he bluntly said. ‘But enough of that. I think- this should be enough for now. Sanders, give them the signal. We’re leaving.’
That’s it?
Vincent had no idea what to think anymore.
It had felt like a trap. It had looked like it, too; but now it was suddenly over, just like that, as if it hadn’t even been a big deal to begin with. Not to mention Matvey’s words; telling Vitali it had not been his decision to ignore him after he had left home- what did it change?
‘Not so fast,’ Viktor suddenly said and Vincent’s head snapped up again. Matvey had stepped forward and Viktor had positioned himself in front of him once more, effectively blocking his path.
‘All of this- for what?’ Viktor continued; and Vincent could not help but notice he wasn’t holding his gun anymore. ‘Because you believe your son walked away from you?’
‘One does not walk away from family,’ Matvey instantly spat back, voice slightly raised, and for a second it was as if they were looking at a completely different man the way sudden rage overtook his face. ‘First he left, and then he took everything from us. You have no idea what you are talking about- tread lightly.’
‘Ever wondered why he left?’ Viktor interrupted him. ‘Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you had somethin’ to do with that? Or that maybe you getting fired was out of his control?’
‘Vik, stop,’ Vitali quietly said, but the ripperdoc didn’t hear him and instead took a step closer, to the point the mercenaries, who had started to turn away, stopped in their tracks and turned back, watching them carefully.
‘Kids grow up,’ he slowly said. ‘Leave the nest at some point in their lives. You know what sounds like abandonment to me? Not answering their calls. Ignoring their attempts to connect. Feels like you got some o’ the detes of your story twisted, dad.’
Everything happened so fast.
Matvey swung at Viktor but was too slow and Viktor caught his punch with ease- then balled his fist and went for a swing himself and he hit Matvey right on his nose. Vitali flinched when it happened, and the mercenaries all started yelling, reaching for their weapons once more.
Vincent instantly looked up at the hanging ceiling lights above their heads, rapidly scanned them and triggered a quickhack- the bulbs exploded all at once, causing the mercs to scatter before they could fire any shots; and he jolted forward, pushing himself past Viktor and Matvey and dragging Vitali along with him, back into the hallway, to safety.
‘Fuck!’ Vitali cried out and tugged on Vincent’s hand as if he was trying to slow him down, but Vincent was having none of it. With all of his strength he managed to drag Vitali back to the room they had entered the building through and they stumbled back outside, the sunlight briefly blinding him.
‘We have to go back,’ Vitali said, his voice still unstable. He stumbled back towards the door, but it instantly swung open again and Viktor barged outside, seemingly unscathed, startling Vitali to the point he jumped back into Vincent.
‘What the fuck was that about?’ Vincent yelled, nearly losing his balance from the impact of Vitali’s body against his own. He wasn’t even angry, Matvey had it coming- but they had gotten what they had come for and if anything this had just put them in unnecessary danger.
‘Someone had to do it,’ Viktor simply responded, briefly glancing behind him. ‘I don’t think they’re comin’ after us, but- let’s bounce before more show.’
Vincent was speechless.
He sucked in a deep breath and tried to get his heartbeat to slow down but his body was having none of it, still believing they were in danger- and truly, he had no idea if they were safe or not. They had been inside for such a short period of time, yet so much fucking happened- and he couldn’t wrap his head around it.
And like that, they were walking away again.
But it did not feel right.
Vincent remained silent as he walked, eyes glued on Vitali, a little bit ahead of him. He was walking fast; visibly struggling a little, despite the leg brace, but he said nothing of it as they made their way through the street again, back to where he had parked his car.
Vincent’s dad loved his job too.
A little too much, if you’d asked Vincent- to the point he would always excitedly tell his wife and four kids about the crimes he had solved that day over dinner, in such great and vivid detail it would almost make you wonder if he was even allowed to talk about all of that.
And- highly unsuitable for kids, of course. Vincent could perfectly recall many occasions in which he’d ended up with nightmares because of the overly graphic stories of his asshole cop of a father, and to say he cared about his old man would be a fat fucking lie. It’s why he had not bothered to try and stay in touch with his parents, after he had left home.
But he knew that if Richard had been fired for whatever reason, he would not have put the blame on any of his kids. And he knew- it had happened before, when his brother Jason had suddenly left home when Vincent was twelve- he knew he would never accuse them of abandoning the family, even if they were to leave in a hurry, even if they would never call again.
But at the same time, if Richard had been in Matvey’s position, doing what he did- endangering Vincent’s friends, seemingly hunting them down for sports- Vincent would not have hesitated to deal with him the easy way.
It was a complicated situation. Vincent did not know all the details on Vitali and Matvey’s relationship and from what he could gather it was a lot more complicated than he had initially assumed. If it had been up to Vincent, he would have already pulled the trigger-
But it was not up to him. At the end of the day, Vitali was still his boss- but he was also his boyfriend, his best friend. Vincent had no right to make that decision for him.
He bit the inside of his lip and briefly glanced behind him at the warehouse. He noticed several cars driving in their direction and he immediately reached for his weapon again, readying himself for another fight- but the cars stopped at the warehouse and the mercs who had still been inside left the building.
Matvey was nowhere to be seen.
It would be so easy- so easy to turn back and go back inside, attack him when he’s all by himself- but when Vincent looked back at Vitali and noticed his clenched, shaking fists and the thousand yard stare plastered on his face, he knew it was of no use to try and suggest it to him.
So instead he jogged up to him and gently took his hand again, thumb reassuringly running over the back of his hand as he gave it a light squeeze, and he allowed Vitali to slightly lean in to him while they walked for support.
‘We got what we came for,’ he quietly said, leaning in to give Vitali a kiss on his cheek. ‘It’s over- for now.’
‘I don’t know,’ Vitali quietly replied. He briefly looked at Vincent, but was unable to hold his gaze and he quickly turned his head again, eyes wandering off to the distance as a shallow exhale left his chest.
‘I have a bad feeling about this.’
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Vitali’s head hurt.
They’d arrived at a rendezvous a few minutes ago- a small apartment in Japantown, sometimes used as a safehouse by Vitali’s mercs- and had reunited with Shiro, Huxley and Panam and her squad. Viktor had sat himself down on the couch the moment they’d entered and had not moved since; and Vincent was in the kitchen, slowly trying to wash some dried up blood off his arms.
Had Vitali been a little more present, he would have helped him.
But he was lost inside his own thoughts, standing at the window and staring down onto the busy streets as his eyes darted from the left to the right, looking- searching, for anything out of the ordinary, anything that would tell him his father’s mercenaries had decided to get back to work.
It had all stopped, after they had visited the warehouse. Lauren had reported back to Vitali, telling him the ongoing confrontations had stopped and she was gathering footage of the sudden retreat, to hopefully be able to trace it all to a single location for their next move; whatever that would be.
He was cold.
Freezing, actually- it was a decent temperature outside and the apartment was full enough at the time to warm up by itself, yet Vitali found himself shivering and he could barely feel his fingertips.
He did not understand Matvey’s anger. It was unreasonable to the point Vitali could barely believe he was awake; truly all of this, because he had left home? Because his parents had been fired, indirectly because of him?
He took everything from us.
A soft, sudden scoff left Vitali’s lips, startling himself. Everything- yet money-wise Matvey was still doing just fine, business-wise too, and despite it all he still had his wife and daughter.
Was he truly so blinded by his hatred for Vitali to see?
‘Fuck you,’ Vitali mumbled to nobody in particular and dropped his head against the cold glass of the window with a little bit more force than he had meant for. ‘All I ever did was try.’
Words he wished he could say to him. Words he wished he could have said to him a long time ago; but he had simply never been able to, whether it was because he was too afraid or because Matvey wasn’t listening or because he just wasn’t there.
All he had ever done was try, and now he was doubting it. Had any of it been worth it? Was it still worth it? Wouldn’t it be easier to just give up?
But what would happen then? Vitali still had his friends relying on him; he still had his business to take care of, and the Council was also still there, expecting him to take care of his responsibilities despite rarely taking care of their own. Would he move on, pretend nothing was happening?
How many more people would get injured? How many more people would die?
Vitali turned his head to look at Viktor. He still hadn’t moved- leaning back into the cushions, head resting on top, eyes fixed on the ceiling- expression unreadable, but Vitali knew he was mostly just trying to catch his breath.
He had punched Matvey. It’d given Vitali a visceral reaction- but he was unsure why.
He kept his eyes on the ripperdoc as the events from earlier began replaying in his head. He did not understand why Matvey had let them walk away again; did not understand why it had been so easy to get him to stop. He doubted Matvey had been so moved by what Vitali had said to him that it had changed his mind- no, it had all been planned, like a game of chess, once again one step ahead of him-
But for what? Why had it been so easy?
Vitali felt his heartbeat begin to speed up again and quickly redirected his attention to the TV, biting the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood. But if anything, it made him feel worse; the news was showing footage of the attacks of earlier that day and his stomach turned.
A fixer, dead. Plenty of mercenaries as well- some well-known names even, though Vitali had not even bothered to ask who the fixer in question was. Nobody on the Council at least- he wouldn’t have stopped hearing about it if so.
He knew Matvey had bigger plans for all of Night City, yet for some reason he still felt responsible. It was still his father, after all- but at the same time his father’s problems with the city were not Vitali’s fault. Not in the slightest.
The others were talking too loud. Too much noise surrounding him- and his breath got caught in his throat and his eyes started burning again, tears welling up in the corners as his environment finally overwhelmed him to the point he felt like he was going to either throw up or pass out.
No situation had ever done this to him before. The aftermath of the Heist came close; yet somehow this was worse, much worse, and drawing comparisons with the failed gig from the year before was not helping either.
‘Vitali? I think you should…turn on the TV for a sec.’
Vitali blinked upon hearing Lauren’s voice and he quickly regained himself, exhaling sharply as he pushed the thoughts out of his head. He walked over to the coffee table, then grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. The second he did, the others all went quiet instantly and directed their attention to it as well.
‘Lauren, what’s happening? Talk to me,’ Vitali said, not patient enough to try and piece the situation together from listening to the reporter.
‘NCPD’s investigating the attacks, MaxTac on the scene as well,’ Lauren quickly replied. ‘Looking into the source of the problem- where the mercs are coming from.’
A silence washed over the room and the puzzle pieces slowly began clicking together in Vitali’s head, and a sharp exhale left his body as he stumbled back until he hit the wall next to the window he’d been standing at.
‘They don’t have much to go on, but the Council does,’ Lauren quietly continued. ‘Pickin’ up chatter from within the network- lots of your old mercenaries, right?’
She did not need to say more, really.
‘They’re tracing the attacks back to you, jefe.’
Vitali shook his head, as if Lauren could see him; as if it would change anything; as if it would set everything right. And he laughed- truly it was just a joke, right? The Council couldn’t really believe that he was behind all this; why would they?
He looked at his friends, and the smile faded from his face. They were all looking at him- some worried- some scared.
Were they scared of him?
‘What are they saying?’ Vitali quietly asked, eyes finding Vincent’s; his boyfriend could not hold his gaze and quickly looked away.
‘Talkin’ about your time with Arasaka. Both when you worked for them, and- last year. I get the sense they don’t know what happened there. Don’t know about the brainwashing.’
‘Rogue knows, she was there!’ A pause, a deep breath. No need to raise his voice. ‘I- I’m sorry. Can you connect me through?’
‘Don’t think so. It’s not a direct connection- just tellin’ you what I’m picking up “he-said-that-she-said” style. I can ping them to arrange a meeting, if you’d like?’
Vitali was no longer able to answer her.
He took everything from us.
He slowly walked forward, eyes still locked on the TV screen as it showed him footage of the burning docks of Wellsprings. Each step he took, his leg protested painfully, and he nearly lost his balance a couple of times.
The Council blaming Vitali for these attacks would have dire consequences for him, and he was well aware. The sole purpose of the gathering of fixers was to ensure the safety of the innocent people of Night City, and if they believed Vitali was behind the attacks they would put a price on his head.
He would lose everything.
‘He isn’t trying to kill you,’ Viktor suddenly quietly said, and Vitali couldn’t stop a single tear from rolling down his cheek.
‘He’s trying to take everything away from you.’
20 notes · View notes
milessalvatore · 2 years
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Spotted: M. diverting from the rules of his own game. Hopefully he knows what he's doing or he's going to end up burned.
𝖻𝖺𝗌𝗂𝖼𝗌 .
full name: miles jonathan salvatore
nicknames: m, mj, young money, little boy blue
birth date: june 15, 1995 (25)
zodiac sign: gemini / pig
sexual & romantic orientation: bisexual & biromantic
birthplace: paris, france
residence: manhattan, new york
occupation: hairstylist for wwe, social media personality
faceclaim: thomas doherty
miles salvatore never knew his parents. sure, there were his adoptive fathers- but they didn’t really count. his biological parents died in a car crash before he was even born; his birth only possible through c-section while his mother’s life was sustained on a machine.
he was adopted by two homosexual men, gideon wolfe, a theatre impresario and roy salvatore, an attorney. it was no wonder that the fathers was bringing in enough money to do more than sustain their family.
it was most likely due to this and guilt over the death of miles's parents, that they had started to spoil miles rotten. they gave the boy anything and everything that he could ever want, letting him believe that he could get anything in life if he wanted it.
since he was a young child, miles has always worn designer clothing including designer diapers, made by arturo vitali.
after finding out the truth, miles started to grow bitter over his adoptive parents, even going as far as to ask them for more things- as if it could compensate for the life that gideon accidentally took. you see, it was actually because of gideon that his parents are dead. it was one drunken mistake which he regrets MASSIVELY.
the abandonment and trust issues started there for miles, but they would only begin to grow. he started to have a huge complex about not being good enough, because of his late parents. he tried so hard to measure up, and the self abuse he put himself through showed in how he treated others. people brushed it aside because of who he is. one of his dad's is an attorney.
but when he gave himself some blonde highlights as a teenager by watching a youtube tutorial, miles discovered that styling his hair made him feel in control over something. not just for the sake of having money to get him on top of the power ranks, but because he was able to turn it into exactly the way he'd wanted it.
during sophomore year of high school, miles lashed out at his adoptive fathers for suddenly trying to impose stricter rules after getting a call from school by throwing a hedonistic party at a local nightclub where everyone is high on very heavy drugs they could get their hands on. roy learns about it through social media and goes to the party only to be thrown up on by an inebriated miles.
after this he had been sent to an all boys boarding school in paris, france where he had the opportunity to actually learn about the place he was born in. eventually, he did find himself back in manhattan, new york.
nowadays, he is known as one of the best hair stylists ever who can change a person's image with his hands. aside from making it look nice for everyone at the show, miles even creates reactionary youtube videos all about hair styling. you know that you have seriously messed up if he doesn't like what you've done to it. he is like the gordon ramsay of hair.
0 notes
jiminrings · 4 years
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
glimpse: jungkook has a crush and LOTS of vacant space on his ears upon seeing piercing artist!y/n, jin is TERRIFIED of needles and just needs to hold someone’s hand, jimin is a chatty receptionist that gets on jungkook’s nerves a whole ton, and tHen some smut :D 
wordcount: 22k
notes: dedicated to jungkook n his pretty earrings because i would totally go through his hoops like what vitaly did in madagascar 3 :D // gif isn’t mine!!
jungkook is a flexible man
both literally and figuratively
he knows how to adjust bUT he also knows what he wants
there’s a handful of things he gets picky about
body wash, face wash, shampoo, perfume n aLL THAT GOOD HYGIENE STUFF
he’s not jared, 19
he ISN’T a chad that just picks out deodorant with the most aggressive names they could ever find the quickest in a shelf
when jungkook gets shoes (and sometimes splurges on them) he makes sure to get the new stock and atleast a half-inch allowance
because shoes shrink and get worn-in overtime and the condition that you wore them in first, wON’T remain the same
hard drives are touchy issues too
jungkook needs to be able to save and export his works without the processes of it crashing every thirty seconds thank u very much
if ur buying a hard drive that has less than a 1 TB storage, then wHY even get a hard drive dummy
he can make dollar-store paint work, trust him
but god crusty-ass brushes (whether they’re expensive or not) would be the absolute BANE of his existence
on-hand activities were given less frequently in uni because majority of them were done digitally but he would never forget that time
that time when he cracked at the project on the night that it was given and he decided to sleep fORGETTING to wash his brushes and by the time he woke up, they were are all crusty and stiff
he almost cried
okay so after all
maybe jungkook might be picky
but this time he felt more reasonable in being picky because this is his roommate that we’re talking about!!!
r o o m m a t e
for possibly the whole three and a half years that he has left before he graduates and he just wants his to be a good one :((
honestly can you blame him
jungkook just has two requirements in his head
pLEASE he doesn’t want a roomie that has quick hands and is a kleptomaniac and would steal the wallet he always just has laying around
he wants to be able to leave his things in the most random places at PEACE
and second, he wants someone that’s atleast tolerable
he’s aware that not every pair of roommates mesh well together 10/10 times but the least he could hope for is that there’s somehow mutual agreement
which is why jungkook’s nervous because oh god what if he’s stuck with a klepto that’s gonna steal his laptop and he isn’t even dONE doing his assignment?????
graphic design and fashion design are in the same building and that just means he has a 50% chance of being paired with someone that knows what he’s doing and knows when to back off
... which is cool, maybe???
but tHen there’s also a 50% chance that he’s gonna be roomies with a fashion student and he’s not gonna lie because that sounds sO cool!!!!!
legitimately cool
he knows nothing about sewing clothes??? or like designing them in more than just a graphic designer-type of approach????
that would be so nice
what if his roomie (he’s about 98% sure) has a sewing machine and some embroidery thread and things and stuff????
what if his roomie suddenly thought that “oh my gOD jungkook since you’re my roommate and ur so cool and u have such nice body proportions,, lemme make u some clothes!!” ???
what then
what tHEN
and he’s the type to impress and even though that makes him look like an utter fool, jungkook really did wake up at TWO in the morning to get started for meeting his roomie by ten in the morning
just eight hours,,, cool,,, that’s cool
who wouldn’t like chocolate truffles right???
melt some chocolate!! add some butter!! some cream!! a tiny pinch of salt because the recipe said so!! aND THEN YOU’RE DONE
no not really
he didn’t take into account that chill was a very vague term and so jungkook kept opening the fridge every ten minutes and the chocolate truffle blob hasn’t cHILLED!!!
that kinda sent him into panic because how is he supposed to sleep now
he got a large bowl he never really used and lmao this is like the first time he’s washing it
placed that smaller bowl inside of the bowl
and tHEN filled the remaining spaces with ice cubes and tHEN put it into the freezer
not his smartest decision ever because uh there’s some raw chicken and beef in that same freezer but that’s cool it’s cool
roomie wouldn’t even know the difference :D
what you know wouldn’t hurt you, right???
well not until the chocolate gets contaminated with the raw meat somehow wOOF ://
jungkook went to take a one hour nap and he’s decided to just check on the truffle blob when he’s woken up!!!
aha that turned into a fOUR-hour nap :))))
he’s kinda panicking because oh god he could’ve made so much more in that time period
the truffle blob dID chill but it’s kinda frozen now and that makes it a little less easy to try and scoop up and shape and put cocoa powder on it
no worries!! he has a spoon and insane strength!!!
jungkook bent the spoon with how hard he’s going at it bUT that’s okay!!! there are more spoons!!! it’s not the end of the world
he’s done with the chocolate truffles and all that’s left is to let them chill in the fridge and he could just pop them out anytime
it’s 6... and all he has done are chocolate truffles....
it’s 10:13 and yeah sure this roomie of his is a little bit late but jungkook doesn’t mind at all because that meant more time for him to prepare
aside from the chocolate truffles, he’s successfuly bought/made/modified:
ice cream sandwiches in every flavor he could find because what if they don’t like chocolate?? or wait what if vanilla’s too plain for them?? ok wHAT IF THEY LIKE STRAWBERRY??? is that matcha-
cup noodles,,, in beef, seafood, and spicy variations
gummy bears!!! half are just the original ones and the oTHER half is what he soaked in vodka because uHhH what if the roomie likes alcohol as much as he does??? or maybe they just like citric acid in bear form or mAYBE even both???
dalgona because what if they aren’t an iced tea person,,, or an orange juice person,,,,, jungkook totally understands!!! the entirety of his right arm may be significantly more ripped by the end of this
mozzarella sticks that he buys in bulk whenever he goes to the grocery and that jungkook popped into the oven hurriedly because wAIT WAIT what if they’re lactose intolerant,,,,
cereals,,, he has some cereals,,,, maybe they haven’T had breakfast yet and they wanna have cereal??? he has some milk too!!!
some ice cubes leftover if u wanna pop them into the cereal if they’re feeling a lil spicy
god jungkook just wants to be liked sO BAD and he’s such a people-pleaser that it’s exhausting :(((
this better work or else he will literally combust and eat boozy gummy bears until he’s silly drunk :(((
but tHEN the front door opened and uh jungkook remembers locking it always but
that’s his roommate!!!! holding a duplicate key already!!!!! with bags on tow aND WOW!!!!!!
this guy MUST be a fashion student
jungkook didn’t wear an apron and he honestly salutes anyone who does which is why there may be some bits of cocoa powder on his chest that he’s wiping off quickly
“hEY man!! i’m jungkook!! jeon jungkook!! come in, come iN!!! was the traffic bad or-...”
hold on just a second
how sure is jungkook that this guy with a really handsome face and wide-ass shoulders that’s like the same size of the doorway, is hIS roommate???
what if this was just a random-ass dude that happened to have a duplicate key aND HE’S HERE TO ROB HIM OR SOMETHING
“woah hEY i’m jin!! kim seokjin!! lmao yeah i live two floors down aND then i have all these bags and i just wanted to take one trip in the elevator but then in the same time i cAN’T and-“
oH jin definitely just said too much words huh
right off the bat jin is rEALLY setting an impression huh
he got a good look at jungkook and he could tell that he looks younger than him
or maybe that’s just kook’s bambi eyes assessing jin that’s standing parallel to him right now
or maybe it’s some of the cocoa powder on his gray shirt and jin might assume that he’s a baby because he’s spilled some
“oh yEAH YEAH i prepared uh like a housewaeming thing for you!! well i mean this isn’t a house and it’s not your house bUT it isn’t mine either but in a tECHNICAL sense it’s — yEAH do u want chocolate truffles or something.....”
“oh jungkook you shouldn’t have!!! if it’s worth anything, i made this beret for my roommate and well it’s yOu right??? and i kinda sewed my initials at the back to commemorate like a friendship??? or something???? i don’t know man it sounds sO lame and-...”
jin’s eating literally everything that jungkook’s prepared and he heard the mention of the alcoholic gummy bears and his eyes almost pOP out of their sockets
for a moment, kook was kinda terrified because oh god are you cAMPUS POLICE????
turns out that jin loves alcohol AND gummy bears and he’s never tried that combination before
it’s like they’ve been friends for their whole entire life and conversation was just so easy to slip into
“how did you kNOW i eat this exact brand of mozzarella sticks??? they’re so good and you could even buy them in this hUge-ass box!!”
“how did you know that this beret would fit my hEAD?? i literally thought my head was too big for berets and this is like thE perfect size!!”
jin casually asks what they should eat for dinner later that night and jungkook dOESN’T skip a beat saying what he wants and jin dOESN’T hesitate either in agreeing
lmao jungkook started calling jin hyung not even 48 hours upon meeting him
“jungkoOooOoK :D so as you know, i’m gonna have a makeshift booth for my project, right? and like since your my very nice and kind and handsome and tALENTED best friend :D i was wondering if you could make the brand design for me? the logo? the layout of what i’m gonna put? this and that? say yes please pls :D”
“you cook all the meals for a week.”
“i already-...”
“obviously you’re gonna take all the credit bUT somewhere in your booth, there’s gonna be a piece there that’s inspired by mE.”
“okay fine what-...”
“if you get the highest mark and you bETTER, you need to check out my cart because-“
it’s a two-way street okay
that just goes to say how far the both of them are bonding
in technical terms, their courses are kinda similar
and it’s just fun too because jungkook gets along with jin and the other way around!!
“jin-hyung i need a fRESH new background for this layout do you have any silk fabric??”
“do you want it sleek or do you want it crumpled?”
“can i try both??”
“yeah lmao i don’t see why not :D”
jin’s a nice roommate and an even better friend and hyung to jungkook and he can’t be thankful enough
it’s his personal goal in life to be the reason for jin’s first strand of grey hair and every morning jungkook cHECKS
sometimes he won’t be discreet at all
like he’d tug at jin’s hair and it’s freshly dyed and jin’s mighty sensitive because oh god what if it was freshly bleached??? tHEN WHAT
or maybe he’d toss a froot loop to his hair and he’d go :D hyungie lemme get that for you :D
“jin can u pls make me a bomber jacket :((“
“are you gonna pay me??? no??? well then NO”
“how about a bandana can you make me one can you make me one pLEASE”
“every piece of fabric could be literally a bandana if u think about it kook”
“how about a shirt that says ‘dad’ in the front but at the back it’s appa from avatar embroidered at the back lmao”
“why would you oH OMG I SEE WHAT U DID THERE :)))))) ok that sounds cool i’m proud i’m actually gonna do that :))) wait let me make one for me too :))))”
it’s a support system
even until him and jin graduated, they are sTILL roomies because that means not only do you pay half of the rent, you’re also not alone!!!
jin’s older and he may not voice this enough bUT he relies alot on jungkook as much as jungkook relies on him
jungkook’s the bug killer
he’s in charge of killing everything that’s crawling and slimey and has atleast made jin shudder once
he even has designated slippers for swatting spiders!!!! he’s used things from cereal boxes to his mousepad just going hard at these insects that bother jin
jungkook also has a higher pain tolerance
and he has this experience with these kind of things
and jin’s just scared shitless bUT
“please kook i nEED you to come with me to get my ears pierced :(((“
“but you already have your ears pierced.”
and that’s true
but it was just a standard piercing in the lobe that even babies have
“no i’m talking about a hELIX piercing!!!”
“oh you aRE???”
jungkook’s attention is fully caught now and he’s stopped working on the commission he’s handling as of the moment and right into jin who’s looking panicked
“i thought you said that you didn’t want it because it would hurt?”
he’s a bit frazzled because he remembers jin swearing that he’d go to his grave earlier rather than get his hard cartilage pierced
“well i changed my mind and i think it’s gonna look good on me :)))”
that bit’s actually true because jin didn’t order like five clip-on earrings after much thinking that he did LOVE how it looked on him
he contemplated for a moment that what if he just wears these clip-ons for the rest of his life y’know
but clip-ons hurt more than actual piercing like he sWEARS the blood flow to his ear stopped because the clasp was too tight and to loosen it means to lose it forever
and besides that, he’s LITERALLY allergic to fAKE things like these
huh guess he has actual taste with or without the allergic reaction to fake metal
of cOurse he’s gonna go to jungkook for moral support because the younger one has more piercings than him
jungkook has four piercings in total!! those two standard lobe piercings that even babies have, a second lobe piercing on his left ear, and his newest one!! — a mid-helix piercing on his right!!
he’s very-well aware that jin needs moral support and he’s a really sTURDY rock for his hyung that is more on the easy to get spooked side
and as much as this fuels his ego, he’s really hesitant to come with him because he’s jUst busy y’know??? and his latest commission is for this big online brand and he’s known to deliver right on time
he’s halfway through but the second half is really just as crucial as the first half because uHhhh jungkook’s dedicated and he’s getting paid and this is one of his jobs and this sustains his living
“i don’t know hyung.,.,.. when do you want to get it done?”
“well i was hoping nOW :D”
it’s 8 in the morning
eIGHT in the morning and jin could immediately see the bafflement in jungkook’s face so he quickly explains why because he just wants this so bad
“wait wait it’s because so i don’t chicken out!! it’s like nOW OR NEVER!! and the more time i spend thinking about it, then the mORE time i spend thinking about it. but i really dO wanna get this piercing and i just-...”
“i haven’t even had breakfast yet :((((“
right jungkook’s coming with jin alright
it’s the line he pulls off when he’s convinced and of COURSE it’s hinting at jin to buy him breakfast to make his time worthwhile
jungkook’s a friend but he’s also an entrepeneur hA :D
besides him freelancing and picking up projects that require his skills of graphic design and making layouts,,,
he also has a lil online shop!!! he puts his works on bags and sticker and stuff and he is aLWAYS up for commission no matter how ridiculous it is
one day it could be someone asking him to draw them sketch-style with hearts around their head
or the other day it could be making a batch of twenty stickers and a print in a canvas bag, and very specifically, did it require to say
he’s being dead serious
lmao jungkook can’t stop laughing while he was designing this
now at first he really didn’t knOW if the person that sent this commission was being serious because uH are you sure???
but then they sent in 50% of the fee and jungkook was immediately oh okay yea dude i’ll do this for you lol
he’s highly sure that this yoongi guy isn’t the one who commissioned him because wHY would you clown yourself like that??
that one’s for the books surely
now jungkook doesn’t know if seokjin always gets his way (spoiler alert: he does) but within an hour, he’s all clean and changed into new clothes and he’s nOW standing with jin right in front of this shop
this uh really nice-looking tattoo and piercing place that looks great from the outside and he has to hand that one over
“...,.,.. so have you ever been here before??”
“....,.,.. well nO actually but i read that it has gREAT reviews and the staff is also cool and the interior’s pleasing too so yEAH yeah let’s get it!!”
wait it does look pleasing
it’s not the most spacious shop in the world but the floor plan makes the shop look bigger than it actually is!!! and the granite tiles by the front look cLASSY too!!!!
kook lets his eyes wander to where the granite tiles stop and meet the wooden flooring and he just can’t help thinking in his degree y’know
graphic design just rates to sO many things in real life and he did not spend four years to try and maximize his knowledge in it as much as he could
oh they aLSO have a front desk??? that’s-
“hi welcome to hope ink sLASH vante studios!! walk-in, appointment, or are you just here to see me?”
is that a greeting
jungkook’s trailing behind jin and he kinda scoffs at this dude in the front desk because what even
is that a part of the script
ok maybe jungkook just woke up in the wrong side of bed today bLAME HIM
jin, on the other hand, snorts at the greeting right away and it turns into a giggle and it pleasantly makes this receptionist do the same
the receptionist is this rEALLY fit guy with pink hair dressed in a white button-up and he looks pERKY AND CHATTY
a-and jungkook already hates him and he doesn’t know why bUT maybe it’s just because he isn’t amused whatsoever and he jus wants to come home immediately
oh right he even has that commission left to do and suddenly he’s feeling the time pressure
can they jUST speed this up
he’s here for moral support not for a chat with this pink-haired guy that doesn’t have a name tag and hOW can jungkook hate a guy that he doesn’t even know the name to ://
“walk-in?? no problem. you have six more people queued in front of you but not one of them has arrived sO yeah come with me!! what’s your name?? seokjin? jin??? okay come with me man!! lmao ur ᵍʳᵘᵐᵖʸ friend could come with too”
“i hEARD that.,..,”
“.,.,.. i know.”
jimin also finds jungkook irritating because he’s just being chirpy and this guy meets him for like two seconds and he’s already being a downer on his mood
he doesn’t even know his name!!!
although this jin guy is cool because obviously they r VIBING so hard
jimin’s leading the two of them to wherever jin’s gonna get his ear pierced and jungkook lags around behind to observe
this is a cool place!!!
to his left there’s a literal empty space with a rectangular podium in the middle of the area and it looks wEIRD ok
maybe a stall’s supposed to be there???
lol or maybe the tattoo artists do their tattoos there as if it’s a stage?????? oh god jungkook’s too fatigued for this he rEALLY needs to get glasses and get his eight hours in
to his right there’s some glass partitions with reclining chairs on them!!
and there’s some closed rooms to what jungkook can make out and he guesses that those are reserved for tattoos, maybe???
anyways he’s reading too much into this
he’s only moral support for a customer aND he’s not even gonna get anything done!!!
“you could just sit on this chair right here....,. lol and uh what’s his name.,.,. jungkook?? hmmm i’ll bring out a stool for you i guess...,.”
there are PLENTY of empty reclining chairs here why can’t jungkook just sit there????
jimin’s just being playful getting on jungkook’s nerves because he hasn’t been able to do that in a while with customers,,, because obviously they’re customers,,, and he doesn’t wanna jeopardize the shop rIGHT
“wait here, jin. we have two piercing artists in and i’m just gonna call them and y’know what you could just pICK who you want or like just pick the one who gets to your first!!”
jimin’s a receptionist and he is fAIRLY new to this job but not to the other people working here
the usual script was to be formal and lead them to the artist or to the waiting area and formal just sounded SO boring
blame him for not being an uptight senior citizen
“one customer for an ear piercing!!! :D”
jimin’s head pops into hobi’s room where practically all of you are gathered when there’s no customers because the airconditioning is just sPLENDID
taehyung’s on his switch while he’s laid on your lap and you’re just on your phone from having scrolled in the same feed for like five times
“which one?”
you and tae ask at the same time and that’s when jimin kinda giggles and scratches at his nape as he stands around sheepishly
aha :D
“that’s the thing though i jUST told him to pick which one gets to do his piercing or... whatever....”
taehyung groans at that because oh god it was hobi who hired jimin and he’s told him off to nOt do that for a couple of times and here he is giggling like this isn’t the 35th time he’s put you and taehyung in this position and making the customer pick
“i’ll do it lmao don’t worry tae :))”
about time you do some actual work anyway
it’s not even lunchtime but you do wanna feel as if you’re productive because watching taehyung play animal crossing fRUSTRATES YOU
he whines a thank you because even though that meant more time for him to play, that also meant you deserting him and just have his head hit the cushions instead of your thighs :((
jimin’s walking with you as he leads you back to jin and there’s aLways a skip to his step and that is ur goal
ur goal is to be as happy as jimin in life because look at him!!!!
pink hair and cozy snug sweaters and dangling earrings and it doesn’t take much for him to laugh!!! what a trooper
the bell chimes and that’s his cue to jog over back to his spot and he just waves you over to go along like you cOULD walk over there by yourself
no problem!!! :D
it’s a problem
it’s really a problem
it’s a problem when the customer sat on the chair is so hot and cute and charming and hANDSOME
if angels do exist tHEN GOD HE MUST BE ONE
he looks so !!!!
he is actually so breathtaking are you sURE HE’S ACTUALLY REAL????
he has this long-ish hair that reminds you of taehyung’s but the only difference was that tae has a perm aND THIS GUY DOESN’T
and he has this cUTE nose that you wanna boop so bad and u saw him at the exact time that he was cheesing and he has this mole under his lip!!!!
his arms are holding him up and he’s relaxed and oMG LOOK HIS EARRINGS ARE SO CUTE
they look heavy n they’re very flashy silver but oh god he could really really pull them off
you want those earrings aND YOU WANT THIS GUY
that’s cool y/n just breathe :D keep your cool :D you’re jUST gonna be stabbing his ears with some needles that’s all :D
“hi!! i’m y/n, your piercing artist for today!! what’s your name?”
jungkook’s beyond amused at jin who’s sitting on the chair at the other stall because lol he is so scared that he looks on the verge of crying
bUT he does feel sorry because no jin!!! the pain is just vERY quick and you’ll be done in no time!!
he wants to go to where jin’s at and actually sit on the stool that jimin provided for him but lmao no maybe later
he’s using it as a foot rest because he is really comfortable in this position and he’d rather not move until someone calls him out or something :))
or maybe when jin needs a hand to hold but like the piercing artist isn’t here yet so he has some time to lounge around hehe
jungkook tries calling out just to take jin’s attention away from hyping himself about the pAIN he thinks he’s gonna be in
“what what?? whAt????”
“want me to deck the one who’s gonna be piercing you?? :D”
yAYYYYY jungkook’s got him to laugh!!
i mean he’s not actually gonna deck the piercing artist because uh that’s a lawsuit and second what the fUCk for
but it’s just this humor that jin thoroughly enjoys, especially now when he looks so near to tears
he gets teased anyway for looking out for jin even though he’s the younger of the friendship duo so why not joke about owning up to it??
“yA i’m serious!! i took up boxing for awhile and excuse you — my dad made me take up taekwondo when i was a kid!!”
“what are you gonna do? put the artist in a headlock??”
“...,.,. jin that’s mma,,..,.”
“lol you’re probably gonna be charged for traveling before you could land that kick”
“.,..,., jin that’s basketball and-..,..”
“maybe you could score a goal or something but jungkook that’s gonna be sO rare for you”
“.,.,. jin are you-...”
jungkook has probably never seen anyone so angelic he’s mid-laugh in and he sees you walking towards him and gOD ARE YOU REAL
maybe this isn’t a simulation you’re just that Perfect with the capital P :(((
“hi!! i’m y/n, your piercing artist for today!! what’s your name?”
oh god okay so this is where it goes down
“h-hi i’m jungkook!! i’m uH the friend of the one you’re gonna pierce today!!”
you just wanna p-word right now
p for perish
you can nOT be embarrassed more
aha you’re just gonna detach from this situation as fast as possible because oh god you really looked like a FOOL in front of this really handsome guy :((
“hI i’m y/n and i assume you’re the one who’s gonna get pierced??”
if this guy isn’t it (and hE MUST be) then that means you’ve officially embarrassed yourself twice to tWO handsome men
the third time for yourself, the fourth for jimin who could be seeing this now, the fifth for maybe this random good ghost taehyung swears lingers by here, the sixth for-
“yEAH I’M JIN!!!! that’s me uh i’m sorry for jungkook,, jimin told him to sit by the stool and he didn’t wANt to and now we know wHY he should be sitting on the stool instead :D”
cue jungkook whose head is hung low while he’s sitting on the stool near you because god he also made a clown out of himself
it’s cool cool cool cool cool
“what piercing are you gonna get today? :))”
“mid-helix thank u vERY much :))”
jin’s pointing at his right ear and holding up his finger and that’s not exactly the mid-helix is but it’s ok ur gonna correct him later
he looks very nervous
you could literally see his fingers trembling and you just feel so sorry for him
jungkook can see that VERY clearly and so he’s just patting jin’s knee and you glance at him briefly and he’s looking RIGHT at you ahem
you hand jin a mirror and he yelps a bit when you lift your hand but you were jUST gonna wear gloves
kook doesn’t wanna laugh but in the same time he wants to laugh
“bro calm down y/n’s just putting on gloves!!!”
you can’t shake off how how good your name rolled off from jungkook’s tongue and if ur being honest u feel kinda jittery
aha that’s my name :D omg what’s ur last name jungkook??? what a coincidence that’s gonna be mY last name too :D
u nEED to calm down because otherwise you’d be as nervous as jin right now and you’re the one who’s gonna pierce him
lmao and you also met jungkook for the first time today so that’s a factor too you guess
“i’m just gonna be marking, okay?? does that look good to you?”
he calms down at that and takes a good look in the mirror and oOh that does look good!!!!
jin literally looks like he’s gonna faint
“okay i only bust this out for a few customers,.,. and since you’re special and you deserve it and you look like you need it.,..”
that’s true tho
you have jin and jungkook’s attention fully and they’re peering at whatever you’re doing
you have this special box here in your cart and you’re hoping that you still have one of em aND
it’s slime
it’s the smooth matte type of slime and there’s a packet of like styrofoam beads you could mix into it!!!
technically this isn’t part of the payment but it’s ok yOU BOUGHT THIS YOURSELF!!!!!
specifically for the customers that you get that are terrified of needles or they’re so nervous and they don’t have anyone accompanying them
jin’s very much speechless
he takes the lil tub from you very excitedly and you’re just about to get the wipe and-
“here jungkook, you look like you wanted it too :))”
jungkook’s doe eyes grow mUCH bigger as you plop one on his lap and thank god because he would’ve wrestled with jin to have it
yo if he gets to marry you then he has to squeeze in you giving him slime at the first meeting into his vows somehow :’’’)
“y’know, i started working here about half a year ago!! i’m friends with the owners,” okay this bit is another one of your calming tricks
you’re pretending to get some stuff fixed and some things gathered but in reality,,, it takes about like ten seconds max to gather what you actually need
jin looks like he’s in the road to calming down anyways
“bUT i got my piercing license, i wanna say, a year and a half ago?? lmao funny story but i took training and certification out of a dARE and i took it with my uhhh friend :))”
wait what now
jin kinda looks concerned but in the same time he doesn’t because he’s in Zen mode rn
although you assure him that you DO take this very seriously and you’re fully certified and you passed through all the stages you needed to go through
“idk what jimin told you but i’m pretty sure he said something long huh”
“he said sLASH out loud.,.,”
“okay sO hobi, is the one who owns this shop!! it’s originally hope ink but tHEN taehyung owns another shop called vante studios and then rent’s expensive, right?”
jin and jungkook can fully agree
jin’s been wanting to open a shop for sO long and jungkook’s been wanting to open a physical store for all his crafts but rent and decent space!!!! they r bitches
“they just decided to merge like two years ago!!! and it was for the better too!!! taehyung was my friend ever since uni and tHEN my course was graphic design-“
jungkook’s heart just flatlined jin was about to interject that oH kook here is also but nO JUNGKOOK BEATS HIM TO THAT
he squirms in his seat and even raises up his hand very eagerly and you look kinda alarmed
“me too me too!!!! i also studied graphic design!!!!”
“that’s sO COOL!!”
jin is enjoying this very much right now
if the two of you get married then he’s gotta have to add the they were vibing in the first meeting part to his best man speech
if he isn’t the best man then WHY is jungkook gonna get married in the first place :///
“i used to work at this company and boy was i overworked!! like i have so many things piled up but i just also don’t wanna half-ass the projects just to get through them quickly-“
“and so i quit :D”
that is quite the climax to your building story
that was very abrupt and frankly jin can’t get enough
which is perfect!!
because as he’s frustratedly asking you more questions while his hands blindly knead the slime and at one point he even stops, you’re already prepping up what you need
jungkook was also in the verge of frustration because you can’t just end it there :((
but then in his peripheral vision he could see what you were getting and it was a really good thing you already asked jin about his preferences and your professional opinion about this piercing
(if you were to ask him that now instead of earlier, it would be BACK to square one and you’d have to fish for another story in your head)
oh wow ur really good at this huh
kook has nothing but admiration and mad respect for you :3
he does his part on chatting up jin more and you internally praise him for that because look at that!!!! he knows what you’re doing!!!
you gesture for him to hold jin’s hands because you wouldn’t want to be distracted or have this hurt more than it should
piercings should be done in a quick and precise manner with no room for error on the artist’s end
and as for the customer, they literally need to stay still because hypertrophic scarring is a thing and you don’t want them to have that
jin’s story high is about to end because oH you’re standing near to him as he’s sat down and he’s starting to shut up because oh god oh god don’t look at the needle don’t look at the tHAT’S A BIG NEEDLE
“deep breath in for me, alright?”
you may have broken him and you haven’t even started yet
“jin? hmm? y’here with me?”
you found that saying your customer’s name helps to ease them and bring them down a bit and it works just as well with him
“do it with me and jungkook, okay?”
kook’s alert at that and you don’t even have to nudge him to do this with you
he even does it exaggeratedly to try and ease jin in the slightest and he even has him going along with him
omg jin can’t believe it either
“iT’S OVER??”
well not technically yet because you have to put the earring in but the worst part was already over!!
you had to still jin for a second because he kept laughing and therefore he’s trembling just a tiny bit so you have to grip on his shoulders-
oh they’re wide wide
maybe if you hold them for a little longer you could envision how wide the doorframe is to the
“aHEM ʲᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ’ˢ ᵉᵃʳʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ”
lol jungkook really isn’t as sly as he think he is you finally put the earring in and hand jin his mirror back and he’s gushing
from how pretty it is
sure his ear is red as fUck but even if it’s not fading out yet, it still looks so cute and he feels no ounce of regret whatsoever
he did a helix piercing it’s ok he’s SURE he could tackle on the world rn you’re just cleaning up the tiny bit of blood and jin doesn’t even notice
“if that’s all, i need to talk to you about aftercare!! okay so-“
no no no
wAIT jungkook forgot that piercing sessions lasted this quick he can’t have that
he’s only been with you for like tEN minutes maximum and no no he’s not taking that this is TOO quick
jin’s taken aback because why are u being so loud for
jimin’s ears even perk up at that and if he’s being honest, he even jumped up a little because wHY is jungkook like that
you’re alarmed too because uH wait did you do something wrong??? oh god is it-
“i also want a piercing...”
ok listen you were actually expecting to do more piercings on jin because normally people don’t come here for a single one bUT jin just wanted one
and well jungkook’s cute and kinda and nice and you feel so weird having only met him for like ten minutes and u hate how good and quick you are at your job :(((
because that means less time to interact with jungkook
“... done by you.”
you’re pretty sure you could ascend to heaven right here right now
“okay yEAH no problem!!! i’ll uh,, i’ll just get set up and i could talk to the both of you about aftercare after i pierce your ears aha :D”
you toss the gloves quickly to the bin
you’re making sure to wash your hands eXTRA clean and extra slow so you could be thorough :)))
jungkook practically pushed jin out of the chair with your back turned to them because Y/N SAID IT’S MY TURN :P
now he knows he said that he only came here for moral support but maybe getting a few more piercings done by someone he may already have a crush on after two seconds, isn’t necessarily a bad thing, right??
he always wanted more piercings anyway
he didn’t think for it to have them now but he kNOWS he definitely wants them now
“what’re you thinking about??”
wait no he didn’t prepare for this gOD are you seeing right through him
and the fact that he has a pathetic lil crush on you
“well aCTUALLY that’s aha quite a hard question to ask because uhm yOU SEE-“
that’s IT jungkook is now the fool and he should be-
“the piercings that you’re gonna get, koo.”
not only do you look calm and collected
but you also called him KOO and jungkook now wants to change his name in his birth certificate because fUCK jungkook whoever that bitch is
“y-yeah that’s what i’m trying to get at!!” he’s scratching the back of his head and tries to suppress the sheepish smile that’s just widening as the time ticks by
“dealer’s choice :))”
“d-dealer’s choice???”
this is not the first time that a customer gave you the reins to do what you please because they trust you enough to do so
but jungkook giving you that decision with no hesitation at all and he’s all giddy sitting on his chair staring right back at you.,...,
speechless luv speechless
jin is too because he’s partly listening and partly taking pictures of his ear and his side profile so he’s just mumbling off to the side smh now these two are gonna play poker now??
“i uh personally think that both your sides are good sides and it’s true sO i was thinking of a second lobe and third lobe on your right ear!!”
oh no not you confessing that he looks immaculate on the first meeting :((
yIKES jungkook’s just blushing profusely as he nods along with his lips pursed because if they aren’t then he will sqUEAL
“because it’s gonna fit you just nicely and you already have this mid-helix on your right!! and by the looks of it, it’s jUST freshly-healed and i don’t wanna hurt you or anything with another cartilage instantly and !!!! is that okay with you?”
he is okay
definitely MORE than okay
somewhere along the lines when you were disinfecting his ear, taehyung’s strolling out because what’s taking you so long??
jimin only said that it was just for one customer and like a single helix piercing and that doesn’t take long at all
he wants someone to watch him play animal crossing because who eLSE is gonna get frustrated with him (and therefore motivate him to do better) playing it besides you
“there you are!! wHAT’S — oHhh do you need me to take over for you?”
tae cares for you very much
sometimes a little too much
but all in good reason!!!!
the moment you offered him a sip of your iced coffee you bought from the convenience store, he automatically knew that he wanted to protect you from the wORLD
if only you didn’t look at each other as really really close friends, 10/10 the two of you would probably be a couple now lmao
he always asks this question in that tone that sounds intimidating because
if his voice is deep he makes it even deeper bc that would scare off some people
some people being the occasional group of frat guys that come 
here to get pierced and they’re all lining up for YOU and not for taehyung
they r small-minded
not to mention creeps
and they’re trying to smooth-talk their way to you and you aren’t having it
and jimin
and hobi
and even the stray cat jimin lets in the shop from time to time because lil chimmy looks like he’s gonna claw this dude’s nose right OUT
(( this is why jimin’s scolded for giving the customer the choice when the scenario’s unnecessary))
lol taehyung took over for you and he stared down all these frat guys and got them done quickly and u know what he may or may not made it hurt aNYWAYS
jungkook isn’t that type though
you tHINK
you’d hate for him to receive taehyung’s sternness and so you’re quick to wave off tae with a smile
kook is kinda scared because uhhhh is this your boyfriend and uhhhh do you know how to patch me up because he looks like he’s about to wHOOP my ass :((
“no need, tae!!” his stance relaxes at that but he’s still wary, a knowing smile on your lips as you face jungkook who’s shying away from taehyung’s stare
“jungkook, this is taehyung — the one i was talking to you about!! my friend aND one of the two owners of this shop :D”
atleast tae shakes his hand back so that’s good in hindsight
he isn’t nervous about the piercing but he IS nervous with how jimin and taehyung are eyeing him because he’s deduced that they’re your friends and they think somEthing must be going on
pls he’s only met you now :((
but he wishes he’s met you sooner
you’re marking down on his ear and he catches a whiff of your perfume and it’s safe to say that he may be wHIPPED already
although tae caught him doing that and now jungkook’s just pretending to sniffle from a cold
even goes the extra mile to tell jin outloud that they should get vicks candies after this
he is not slick at A L L oh my god he does not have any game whatsoever and it makes taehyung laugh to himself for a moment because oh god
he’s seen frat boys get their rip-off calvin klein knickers in a twist but he hasn’t seen a customer like jungkook that has a cRUSH on you point-blank
oh ok :)))
jungkook sees a mischievous smile on taehyung’s face that’s directed for him and he does not like it at all
“something tells me that i don’t need to distract you with a chat like i did with your friend, hm?”
he hears you mumble under your breath when you lean in and he stifles a giggle at that because n-o he isn’t a scaredy cat like jin is
for this occasion he wishes that he has a weak heart because there’s absolutely NOTHING he wouldn’t give just to have that Jin Treatment
jungkook eagerly nods his head when you ask him if you’re ready and taehyung nearly doubles over in laughter because he didn’t know that this guy was tHIS desperate ok
“good job kook!!!! :D”
he’s been told that atleast a hundred times before but coming from you??
he could ascend to heaven because it just makes him blush so mUCH and every miniscule thing u do or say to him?? enough for him to set himself on fire
that’s right :D i did a good job :D say that again pls :D
there’s just one more piercing left to do and he barely flinches
merely blinks and before he knows it,,,,
he’s done
like actually done this time
taehyung pats him on the back because he’s there to brief him and jin with the aftercare
why can’t yOu do it????
oh that’s right jimin YELLED for you all across the shop so he could beckon you over to the front desk
jungkook’s pouting the whole time
ok yes i’ll disinfect this twice a day :((
ok yes sir i will go here if i feel like there’s something wrong with my piercing or if it’s showing any signs of allergies or infection
wait did u say i could go here..,.,,.
anyways he’s very gutted to know that he has to leave because he did come here in the first place to support jin
and here he is with two fresh piercings and blushing cheeks,,
just plain-out wondering when he could see you again
or probably the 70% chance that he’ll never do
he’s just standing behind you as you converse with jimin and while jin’s by the counter to pay for himself and jungkook (which then turned out that taehyung gave him a 50% discount overall because it’s like yO man i appreciate you and u feel like my hyung thank you) and he must look like an utter fool
jungkook has never been this nervous before
he’s been told that he visually looks intimidating as fUck but it all breaks when he smiles or giggles and basically stops scowling
jin teases him every single time whenever he wears these big romper stompers as he calls them and he has to say every time that nO he is not an e-boy :(((
he’s tucking his hands in his pockets because oh god oh god jimin’s giving him a look and then that prompts you to look at what he’s looking and he’s not prepared yet oKAY
he has no lines and no direction and-
“y/NNNNN aha!!”
lol he’s cute
it seems like your nervous jitters were passed to him because you very quickly got over them by distracting yourself
you know mAYBE you just find jungkook attractive and you don’t have a crush on him
that thing exists
he’s saying your name like it’s the eighth wonder of the world and honestly he feels like it is
“can i have the number?”
he asks upright and fuck that sounded so straightforward and too quick because if it wasn’t stressed enough, he just met you today!! t o d a y he doesn’t know at all that his voice sounded much like a squeal
or the fact that jin’s practically gAWKING at what jungkook just did but at the same time he looks like he’s a proud dad!!
or that jimin’s just snickering at the back and shaking his head at jungkook while clicking his tongue because lmao he knEw that this guy had a thing for you
he just didn’t know that he’d advance to you this painfully and awkwardly
jimin’s had a lot of awkward interactions with customers but nOT to this point that he looks like he’s gonna pass out
taehyung’s cupping his hand over his mouth because oof that wasn’t as smooth and jungkook thinks it is
it’s like waterslides but there’s not enough water in it so for the first half it’s all smooth but then at the second half it’s just dried out
and your back’s just skidding and hurting and you have to manually push yourself down the slide and now EVERYONE in the pool’s now looking at you awkwardly and then u decided that you want to sink into a blackhole
aha tae wonders who got that experience :D certainly not him :D
“o-oh the number for the shop i mean!!! piercings and stuff like that!!! a cALLING CARD IS WHAT I MEANT”
okay now jungkook reeled too far in
jin’s massaging his temples because the second-hand embarrassment is too much and he wants to make it clear that he is not affiliated with jeon jungkook OR whatever his name is
it’s like casting your fishing line to the water and you just feel this slight bite (but it’s probably just your wrist snapping) and all of a sudden you feel like it’s the biggest catch eVER in history
you’re wondering on the down-low of uhhhhhh lol why is it so light and it’s like i kNOW i’m powerful but why is it too easy for me
then turns out that it’s just a random piece of seaweed
lol definitely NOT jin :D of course not :D
you’re a bit bummed because honestly you really thought that jungkook would ask for your number
although you could just give it to him but you’re not tHAT daring on the first meeting
“calling card yeah sure :)))”
you outstretch your hand because the stack of calling cards are literally just on jimin’s desk and jungkook also failed to account for that
you hand it to him and jungkook’s just blinking rapidly because oH,,,, landline,,,, o-oh you really did just give him what he ASKED for
here’s the catch
jungkook’s a big dummy
it’s been a solid week ever since he and jin got piercings done
jin’s beyond happy with his piercing and he looks at himself in every reflective surface every single time because he’s just in LOVE with the new addition
he’s already dreaming of his next one and what earring he’d put in once this one’s all healed
doesn’t help that jin keeps mentioning you every single time either
or the fact that he is stiLL playing with the slime you’ve given him and kook’s conflicted whether he wants to steal it or throw it out of the window his piercings are all good :( he can peacefully sleep on his side now :(
normally that would be a good thing but now jungkook’s wondering if it’s wrong to hope that atleast there may be sOMETHING WRONG with it :(((
just so he could drop by the shop
speaking of the shop
he found the instagram account :D
not necessarily found because well the handle was in the calling card
there’s a big following for it!!
he assumes that these tattoos are done by the hope guy and they look pretty awesome
there’s the piercings too!!!
that’s jin’s ear!! tHAT’S JUNGKOOK’S EAR!! :D
why is he so happy
he has no idea on which one of you runs this account and he’s a lil shit.,... that’s why he won’t slide into the shOp’s dms in hopes that you’re the one running it
what if he sends a cute message of “hey i miss u” and it turns out that it’s jIMIN who’s in charge of the acc
that’s a big L for kook
if jimin were to picture that situation, he would block and clown jungkook for life
he’s scrolled far enough to see a picture that isn’t of ink and reddened ears
it’s a picture of the staff!!!
you’re standing brightly in the middle with your arms around taehyung and *grunt* jimin while you’re the embodiment of :D
and jungkook’s smiling to himself in the dark because uh it might be late in the morning when he’s doing this
now there’s TWO other guys and he knows that one of them mUst be hoseok but he’s not exactly sure which one of these dudes because he doesn’t know what hobi looks like
he’s now on a roll because the other handles are tagged :D and well :D
jungkook isn’t a creepy guy ok
he’s just genuinely curious about you and he misses yOU who he’s only met for like less than an hour who was really gentle with him even if u poked a needle to his ear otherwise
now you’re not really thAt uptight with your feed because in your humble opinion
pictures with the same aggressively saturated/unsaturated filters going on and on are kinda very annoying for you because now every picture looks like the other and what’s the pOINT
there’s multiple pictures of the guys there!!!
taehyung looking sophisticated and intimidating and sOft at the same time that jungkook feels smol
ok ok maybe he should level his wardrobe game up a little bit
jimin looking very smiley and poised and kook huffs because he’s not the oNLY one who could pull off a cardigan smh ://
that’s IT he’s going to jin the first thing in the (normal waking hours of) morning and requesting (kINDA DEMANDING) that jin makes him a cardigan please
oh so that’s hoseok
he looks intimidating-ish and in the pictures he looks stOic but there is this one picture tho that he’s smiling and that makes jungkook smile too finally there’s you!!!
most pictures of you are taken either by a really nice camera OR a grainy film camera one
taehyung takes your pictures with his expensive-ass dslr aND his film cam and there’s just something about it that mwah 𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒻’𝓈 𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈
you don’t look ugly in them and u don’t hate the way you look in them and it’s just!!! wow!!! taehyung baby please develop these right nOW
jungkook’s sighed wistfully atleast twenty times now
damn he just wants to see you again is that tOO much to ask for he doesn’t know what time at all he goes to sleep but he knows for sure that he’s awake now
like awake AWAKE normally, jin just lets jungkook laze around and sleep away because he
too can attest to the fact that the both of them need sleep so much he only wakes him up when jungkook tells him the night before to wake him up at this certain time at aLL costs
..,... oh you mean *all* costs .,..,.
so far jin really enjoys all the things he’s came up with
he’s tried spraying jungkook with the same bottle that he uses for the plants repetitively until he wakes up
oooooh he’s also tried piling on froot loops on jungkook’s nose (his record’s twelve!!!) until the smell made jungkook sniff and thEn sneeze
you know that scene in how i met your mother when robin was drunk asleep then a baby wakes hEr up by crying then she just wakes up,,, dazed n confused,,, and goes to comforting the baby and turns out that it’s a sTRANGER’S baby??? yeah that one
jin made this alpaca plushie and it looks like him with the gentle smile and he named it RJ because what a cutie :((( you shall now be named RJ
and sO what he did was play a random crying baby loop on his phone and bURST into jungkook’s room
“jungkook the baby the baby’s cRYING”
and jungkook’s all groggy but then he yawns and stands up
“aisH ‘mkay heYYY bud calm down, hmm?? i’m-“
wait hOLD UP
jin still has that video on his phone to this day,, of jungkook cradling and even patting the back of a plushie with the hush noises,,,, until he eventually realizes that he is not the father
and most certainly that this is nOT a baby
but the thing is
jungkook didn’t ask jin to wake him up
his projects this week have all been completed last night
what is perhaps something so important this morning that jin is literally sHAKING him awake to the point that jungkook’s ducking underneath his hands because he thought it was an earthquake????
“you know? you know how we talk about us collaborating aLL the time?? the endless opportunities???? how you knOw i’ve been literally figuring this out in the majority of my spare time and-...”
jin’s talking so fast and that wakes up jungkook because whew slow down he is at the capacity of turbo the garden snail pre-nitrous oxide
“yeah sure online shops are cool!! we bOTH have our own!!! we work two jobs!! but we both know that we like it better oUR way right???”
no printer just fax
maybe it’s the stubbornness in jungkook but he just doesn’t like it when someone’s breathing down on his neck and making demands profusely even if that is what a job entails lol
jungkook’s just nodding because he feels that whatever jin has to say is important with how quick he’s talking and how big his eyes are
“what if i told you — jungkook are you rEADY to hear this-“
“yeah yeah whAt is it??”
“i mean it are you pREPARED to hear-“
“what wHAT??? now you’re just making me antsy!!”
jin’s trying to calm himself by pursing his lips and even his finger that’s raised is trembling
“what if i told you that i earned us an excellent aND affordable spot at a famous shop,,, the perfect placement and i know the owners and we could go there, right now, to finish settling and start setting?”
“jin are you fucking sHITTING ME???”
oh my god
jungkook’s springing out of bed and is just jumping up and down with jin out of sheer joy because oMG
they’ve both wanted this for so long and kook feels like he is actually about to cry
“you wanna know something???”
“of cOURSE i wanna know something!!”
“hope ink?? vante studios?? remember when we got our ears pierced by y/n?? do you remember that platform thingy???”
yes yes i remember get to ur point jin
“i was so curious with it that i texted taehyung at 11 in the evening last night and i didn’t kNOW that he would reply,,, turns out that it was a space for rent and obviously i was like wHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???”
oh my god oh my god is this what jungkook thinks it is
“and then this morning, he gave me hoseok’s number and he said that we could head to the shop and discuss terms!!! he sounded sO excited too!!”
does this mean
does this mean that he gets to see you again???
“you’re telling me that i get to see y/N??”
you don’t know what the commotion is about
you’re a lil bit disoriented coming into the shop because you and jimin
went out for shots the night prior
you regret challenging him to a dare
now said jimin is here surprisingly early,, absolutely hammered because oh god he regrets taking you up for your dare
he thinks he’s being sly with his sunglasses on but he is positively wrong <3
you had to do a double-take because this was just weird
the shop should be open by now but the sign says that it’s closed
and something in the air feels weird and somehow..,. baby powder fresh??
hobi and tae are sitting on the waiting area discussing some things and they keep giggling every few seconds
“jimin what’s going on??”
you’re nudging him to move from his seat but he refused to yield so now ½ of your buttcheeks is sitting on his chair
“bro i don’t know aNYTHING”
thing is, yOU’RE the one who takes care of him when he’s drunk and forces him to drink water so he wouldn’t be as wrecked the next day
“shouldn’t receptionists know the gossip??”
“shouldn’t yOU be talking a little quieter??”
lol ok go off mr. jimin the receptionist
he’s already apologized for his quips and you know by now that whenever he’s grumpy and this rekt, he’s a bit more catty and has sensitive ears so now the two of you are just talking in whispers and jimin has his head rested on your shoulder :((
“i think someone’s finally renting the stage”
you and jimin just call it “the stage” because the platform at the shop just looks so ominous and empty,, even if jimin doodles something on a sticky note and puts it at the center of the stage
hobi was the one who wanted it to be there!!!
right when he and tae decided to merge, he wanted a bigger space to accommodate this stage for future tenants
it’s a good business opportunity and easily profitable!!!
although no one’s rented it
maybe now’s the time!!!
jimin loves making assumptions lmao
his mind,,,, wow jimin’s mind just perplexes you
“i think it would be a waffle stand!!”
“jimin… why would someone put in a waffle stall… in a tattoo shop..,.,.”
“honestly why nOt?? some clients get tattooed for what, like five hours?? let’s say they’re hungry. do you tHink they’d bring a lunchbox with them??”
“you’re right.,..,. you’re absolutely right.”
before you and jimin could condense the options furthermore though, tae and hobi are already walking towards the two of you that are still whispering
they’re gonna announce something!!!!
tae’s trying to keep it together as hobi’s trailing it out with his speech and he’s taking tOO long
“someone’s gonna be renting out the stage!!!!”
he basically squeals and you and jimin nod to each other aha
he was aiming for perhaps a bIGGER reaction
“oh lmao we already guessed it ten minutes ago”
“but do you knOw what’s gonna be there??”
jimin immediately raises his hand begging for hobi to call him on to answer as he’s violently flailing around
“you know??? what is it then???”
“waffle stand :D”
the outright cackle hobi lets out is enough to send you meanwhile jimin’s pouting,, still confused before you urge him to take a seat
the two of them won’t tell you at all and then agreed to just keep it as a surprise until the tenants come
jimin’s literally at the edge of his seat as he lets you take ¾ of the chair because nOw he’s excited
the door chimes and you stand up at lightning pace that you forget jimin’s sTILL sitting there lmao
well he’s sitting.,.. just on the floor
you’re hurrying to pick him up and the moment you drag him up with you, you feel like yOU’RE the one who’s gonna fall sheesh
your knees are bUckling
jungkook’s happily waving at you and he forgets that the two of you aren’t close because he’s about to make his way to hug you
it looks like you’re the only who’s in shock
it’s starting to sink on why jungkook and jin are here and you immediately freak the moment it clicks in your head
“oh my god did something happen with your piercings?? let me-“
you’re in panic mode and you’re walking so fast towards jin and kook stops you before your heart could even explode
“no nO!! don’t worry!! didn’t they tell you?”
“tell me what??”
taehyung and hobi are grinning so hard and it’s only a matter of seconds before tae has his arm around your shoulder as he gestures to them
“they’re the tenants!!”
“hihi nice to see you again, y/n!! look at my piercing it’s healing sO quickly!!”
jin is the first to put you in an embrace and you squeal when he does because omg he is a furnace
you’re pointing at his ear excitedly and he even babbles on how he wants more now and you instantly add on to that conversation
jungkook’s a bit uHhh because he wanted to greet and hug you fIRST!! 
although he does get his turn because jin turns his attention to hobi who he’s excited to meet
jungkook can’t help but to hug you a little bit tighter and mayhaps even sniff the scent of your perfume again !!!! omg he missed you so much everything’s going great
jin plus jungkook and taehyung plus hobi were able to agree on a deal within the day!! it was so easy and both parties are such delights
they’d get a partition done in the meantime so while you all get to work, jin and kook could have things done with it being a surprise factor for the patrons!!!!
their ideas already sound so good
you learned that jin studied fashion design and jungkook with the graphic design and how you’d even hear stories from them on how they saved each other’s asses so many times
their layout for their stall??? immaculate
jungkook’s fingers are itching to layout the floor plans and all these graphics because fuck he is ecstatic and he cAN’T hide it
you find his smile to be absolutely aDORABLE
that smile with his nose scrunched up and he looks like a bunny and how he laughs loudly and it’s actually contagious
you finally got to exchange numbers :D
kook was the one who texted first and it was out of the blue because he’s wasted all this time just thinkinG on how he’d approach you first
then he was designing prints to go on to the stall until his body dropped and with the energy he had left he went :]
what do you think :) about :) my designs :)
and then you REPLIED and he didn’t think that far ahead
you commended him for it and you realize that your way of designing is different from his but in the same time somehow alike???? yes synergy
“what more do you have left to do?? lol u should really go to sleep koo :D”
“just some more cards i guess?? like the ones with the ~opening sale!!!~ and things like that”
inch resting
you may be so whipped for jungkook that you may or may not have did those layouts yourself
kook comes to the shop early on the morning so they could be hands-on with the set-up all that but he instantly gets energized the moment you come near him
he should’ve fixed himself up a little bit longer
it’s all clear that he looks fATIGUED and jimin keeps teasing him that he looks like triangle gimbap :(( and he wasn’t annoyed then but he is nOW because oh u might think of him like that too
you put a whole-ass hard drive on his palm and you could’ve just gave him a flAshdrive or sent him the files like a normal person would but he’s special ok
and the gears in his head are turning because oh my god what is iN this wHY are you giving me this and-
“opening sale,,, discounts,,,,, layouts you had left.,….,. y’know :))”
jungkook’s so happy and he’s still in disbelief because you did that?? you really did THAT for him and you haven’t known him for like a week but you still did it??
this is such a big deal and he doesn’t know how he could express that he’s thankful for what you did besides
hugging you :((
oh god you’re really falling for jungkook qUICK
you don’t wanna say that you’re the type to get attached quickly but you aRE the type to get attached quickly :((
although you’ve only been in one (1) relationship before and it went for pretty long but you won’t get into that lol
taehyung knows this so well and mAYBE that he knows that for a brief time when you first met him, you did have a tiny crush on him but that dispersed quickly
it’s just this feeling in you that jumps up every now and then
that’s it tHAT’S the person
but then it isn’t that person
tae knows you enough and well,, he tries to interfere with your decisions from time to time because you get crushes and well sometimes they’re not crush material at all lmao
he knOws you have the hots for jungkook
but he’s not sure whether or not jungkook feels the same
he needs to keep his mind open ok
he doesn’t know jungkook that well but he does know that there are a LOT of guys like jungkook
that sounds pretty hypocritical of him but taehyung’s just that way hehe he just doesn’t speak his thoughts loudly
but he is THINKING
and he’s shutting up and he won’t go off on you yET of how maybe you should feel this one out with jungkook and try to analyze if it’s uhm a two-way thing y’know….
that you’re not the only one who’s getting attached….
it’s officially the opening for the shop and jin and jungkook couldn’t be happier
everyone’s having so much fun!!!!
they didn’t expect these many people and ph god the tears are definitely coming whew
it feels like everyone and everyone’s mother is at the shop and they’re all genuinely having a good time :D
there’s tONS of flowers and you all surprised the both of them with an additional blowout and wow it’s really endearing to try and digest
the people that came in for their tatts and piercings to be done?? they aLL went to the stall!!! their appointment isn’t due yet and they’re a bit early??omg why not go to that pretty shop WITHIN this shop???
they’re all done with their appointment and wanna buy a bomber jacket?? some stickers?? some prints within this frame?? that’s it they will go rIGHT now
vice versa too!!!
the people that initially came for jin and koo’s shop?? they were intrigued and went “lol why not let’s get a piErcing while we’re at it!!!”
business is booming
u gotta say that
satisfaction levels are off the roof
jimin is absolutely having THE time of his life because he gets to chat and he LOVES chatting!!! so much!!! omg who are u!! lemme talk to you about this pretty kitty i saw on my doorstep this morning :D
this whole time, jungkook is beaming and glowing and it makes your heart go whOosh
everytime he bumps into you or sees you in his peripheral vision? would absolutely waddle towards you and sling his arm around your waist and point to all the people in there as he giggles excitedly
whatever’s going on
whatever tHIS was
you’re loving it :(( you want more and it’s driving you crazy that you’re too chicken to make any moves towards jungkook and hE ALSO WON’T
you don’t wanna approach any of the guys either because adding them into this equation won’t make it any less confusing
hobi would just furrow his eyebrows at you because it’s ???? not that hard ???? just confront him and ask if he wants to take it to the next level with you ???? or like idk cONFESS ????
jimin would absolutely tattle and before you know it, you’re already in a reddit or quora thread because he too needs advice, before he himseLF gives advice
well you’re not exactly sure on how tae would react but u know that you’re scared to open up either way because you just aren’t prepared!!
“whatcha doing?? :D”
jungkook’s been awfully too enthralled and his eyes are literally less than an inch away from whatever it is that he’s holding
he’s slouching too and you distinctly remember seokjin getting these chairs with these backrests on them, specifically not for him to do so
he hasn’t been speaking for awhile now and nORMALLY you’d hear his voice every now and then even if you were back to your station or even in the break room
he’s just so fOcused and although that’s not necessarily a bad thing, he needs a break every now and then ok
here you are with a glass of iced tea you just made :)) only supposed to fix up a glass but then taehyung had glared and pouted you from across the room :)) so now you have made a pitcher and everyone’s happy :))
kook kinda jolts at that and it’s what reminds him to blink and tear his eyes away from what he’s holding, looking up at you and a fat tEAR drops from his eye
oh god did you make him Cry
lol no
jungkook’s just wiping it off because he hasn’t blinked in awhile and his eyes are beyond strained at this point
“i brought you-…”
did jungkook just-
did he-
you were supposed to put the iced tea down on his table and you even brought a cOASTER for it
but then jungkook probably doesn’t think of that because he’s wordlessly put his hand on your tummy and sat you down
he’s sat you down.,..,. on him.,…
in technical terms
jungkook’s sitting with his legs slightly spread apart and you’re sat rIGHT at that remaining space
and mind you
this chair is not the biggest chair in history
nor is jungkook’s thighs small.,., hence him taking up the entirety of the chair and leaving a tiny space on it for you to sit
and out of instinct did you think that you’re gonna fall off, you hoist yourself up and he even helps you out for it, going so far as to wrap his arm around your tummy once again and bring him up on his lap more securely
although you’re not sure if he realizes this bit that much because he still seems genuinely preoccupied with what he’s doing
his chin’s propped up on your shoulder and his arms around yOU all while it looks like he’s stringing a thread through these beads before he decides to speak
“this mom came in today asking if we could make party favors for her kid’s birthday party,” he absentmindedly hums and for any other scenario would
you ask him to continue on
but now you’re in a PRESSING scenario
your cheeks feel so hot right now and it’s worse than when you try those hiit workouts that straight out come from hell
“so fORTY kids, right? this seven-year old has so much friends?? anyway!! she wanted to have bracelets spelling the kids’ names bUt with these acrylic pendants — sounds good but a lil complicated, right?”
“rIGHT you’re right!!!! :)”
jungkook suddenly stomps his foot down as he huffs because this goddamn string just won’t get in this damn bean and u feel your sOul quiver
“aha let me get that for you!!!”
you’re flustered if it wasn’t that any mORE obvious but apparently, jungkook takes no notice at all because he just scrunches his nose in thanks when you take it from him
“but then, she said that she wanted one more thing to give away!! wanna guess?” he nuzzles further to your shoulder and by your neck and you swear that you’re absolutely dYING
you cock your head to the side the moment jungkook gets back the unfinished bracelet from you and he even nUDGES HIS NOSE TO YOUR
good food…. good fucking food…..
“matching little cream bERETS that have their name embroidered on them.”
jungkook snorts because hmmm isn’t that a bit too much?? is this kid 7 or 70
“and so yeah, okay, jin-hyung entertained the order and the beret part. and then we gave her a quote. and then she said that she needs it tWO days from now!!! T W O !!!”
the way he emphasizes is adorable but gOd the way he’s practically teasing you right now and pretending to not know about it at all is just sINFUL
“it was a rush order, and she said that she’d pay triple even bEFORE jin could say that she’d have to pay extra!!!” he wraps up on this particular bracelet then before tying it off, having to lean more so he could see better and in turn making you aDJUST
makes you screw your eyes shut because you’re positive that kook would be the death of you
“do you know how mANY variations the name kayleigh could have?? because i certainly dO”
jungkook snorts once more before he could even adjust the way he’s sitting but this time though it’s you who’s caught him off-guard
“this chair hmm???”
now listen
he’s had this scene play out in his head and yes he may or may not have planned for it
of cOurse he would take any chance that he gets to sit you down on his lap
this one was purely innocent!!!
jungkook was so endeared with you preparing him iced tea and he was just so stressed with these bracelets and he wanted to show you them!!!! that’s all!!!!
but then the equation played out in his head that oh.,.., there is Not Enough Space for two people in this chair that is clearly built for one person only
and tHEN the realization came to him that oh you are INDEED sitting down on his lap and the way you’ve reversed this card is commendable
he swears you were flustered just awhile ago but nOw??? you’re full-out hinting him on this directly and not beating around the bush and oH god that just made him-
“y-yeah this chair, hmm?? what about it??”
jungkook’s the one that’s stuttering now and he unconsciously wraps his hands around your waist tightly as he chews on his bottom lip
your throat’s a bit dry but there’s just this sudden desire that’s popping into you and it automatically cuts our whatever awkward filter you have on
he feels you obviously grind on him in a clockwise motion and you’re playing it oFF so smoothly that he almost forgets that the two of you aREN’T exactly alone
“why don’t you show-
“are those bracelets??? omg”
hobi’s voice resonates from the distance and it automatically goes higher because he’s walking towards the booth in an eager pace
okay fUCK
you automatically yelp and jungkook squeals and before you know it, he’s standing up sO quick before he practically sits you down on his chair forcefully
jungkook’s legs are literally in a tWist as he’s standing behind the backrest and you have to grasp your cheeks to try n cool them down
“yeah!! aha it’s for this client omg but i have so many more to go through and it’s just really busy and all and so i-“
“lemme help!!! today’s a slow day for me anyways!! :D”
hobi’s walking in and he’s aiming for jin’s unoccupied chair that is literally just beside yours and kook is sCRAMBLING away oh god oh god someone’s gonna see this tENT in his fucking pants
“aha omg need to pee!!! y/n’s iced tea makes me wanna pee so badly aha she’s — IT’S so good omg just need to go the bathroom!! aha brb!!!!”
hobi is a little bit perplexed? but uh he doesn’t wanna delve into it that much
you’re shoving your face into your hands because that’s… the glass of iced tea…… it’s not even sipped from yet…..
it’s okay it’s cool
delayed gratification!!! yeah, that!!!! that applies to here, right????
pls say right
it’s always been this flirty and touchy and affectionate atmosphere between the two of you
you were testing out on jumping in puddles basically :((
of course you don’t want jungkook to be this “friend” that you have frequent loving banter and sexual tension with aND is the type to sit you down on his lap and then completely ignore you as you stew in tension
.... of course not
do you know what to feel? not really
truthfully you aREN’T that strong-willed and you only become proactive when the case is absolutely necessary
you have a backbone in you it’s just not THAT strong
which is why you don’t know how you should treat jungkook’s sudden shift in emotions and the way he’s practically avoiding you
you don’t wanna push into him and force yourself over anything he isn’t ready with!! of course not
you don’t know whether you should be enraged because it’s hIM who’s sending mixed signals and right when you think you’re making progress, it’s always two steps back
you don’t know whether you shouldn’t think about it that much because maybe just mAybe it isn’t your loss!!!! jungkook just has a lot on his plate and you shouldn’t be bothered!!!
you DO know that you’re kinda sad 
because you’re just so clueless and no matter how tiny of a nudge (you wrote on a paper towel and slid it to him) or big of it (you wrote on a piece of tracing paper with jimin’s glitter pen) that you give him, he wouldn’t be open to you
atleast let you in just the tiniest bit
atleast tell you if you’ve done something wrong or if he needs anything from you
is jungkook losing his shit?? 100% percent
here’s the dish
jungkook is a bIT of an asshole
to further explain, he’s just so mighty afraid of commitment while knowingly doing y’know.... things that you’d DO in a committed relationship
maybe afraid is not the word
it’s a mix of fear and uhhhh perhaps disinterest
:D jungkook is totally an asshole isn’t he :D
he’s had mORE than a fair share of experience lol that’s for sure
but perhaps his first real experience of an actual relationship was with ji-eun from uni
aha well it did initially start with one-night stands :)) and then eventually it became friends with benefits :))
then ji-eun addressed him as boyfriend one night to her friends and jungkook remembers stiffin up that night because uhhhhh??? oh do i have a girlfriend now
he didn’t ask and he didn’t complain
now ji-eun eXPECTED for him to roast her for it but??? he played along???
he’s noticed that ji-eun’s become more affectionate with him and tOuchy but it’s not for escalating things
she’s constantly texting him and inviting him out to eat and normally,,, after sex,,, the most jungkook could ever get was a gRANOLA BAR that she lets him steal when he’s sneaking out but uH you wanna eat lasagna??
he was just sO out of it because is this what being a boyfriend entails??? aha safe to say that he does NOT want a relationship ://
he tried out this boyfriend thing for a 7-day free trial and he immediately left and broke things up with ji-eun (she hates him now but she’s still pining over him)
(( whenever jungkook adds something to his stories, ji-eun goes hAM on those heart emojis ))
he’s just not into commitment
he wants the time and the freedom that most people get less of when they’re in a relationship
jungkook doesn’t get why these girls still get mad at him when he’s made it clear in the first place that he’s oNLY in it for the s-
yeah ok maybe he’s an eternal douche of a frat boy ://
he doesn’t want you to take it the wrong way though
but he is sure of it to a degree :D
he just finds it as another ji-eun situation but this time he has more interest!!!
he’s actually thought that maybe being a boyfriend isn’t all that bad
however jungkook’s mind immediately started drifting to how maybe you aren’t a fan of him staying up in the early hours of morning, doing something he could’ve done mUCH earlier and then you’ll hate him or something
he doesn’t wanna go to brunch or wear matching clothes :////
he once came into the shop wearing a black button-up with a black shirt underneath and THEN jimin came in later but with just a black button-up with that he completely REFUTES the idea of relationships because lit rally everyone in the shop kept teasing him to jimin and he doesn’t even liKE jimin
“oh uHhH you wanna take it... slow?”
you’re blinking slowly at jungkook who’s standing in front of you and is looking a little... nonchalant??
nonchalant but in the same time he looks nervous
nervous sweats but he’s playing it off by running his hand through his hair and making these tired eyes at you
quick is he pulling this off oR does he look like an absolute ass
“yeah!! it’s just like uh y’know... casual. a casual, laid-back type of thing!!!”
you don’t know how you’re gonna process that
but you do wanna respect jungkook’s wishes no matter how much you feel it’s a bit tIMELY and insensitive
“o-oh!! casual.,,. slow!!! of course aha no problem :D”
you can’t help but connect the dots aha
he’s decided to tell you THIS right when you were being called by jimin to do a piercing and you have no time to spare
the week before, you remember getting him a drink even if he hasn’t asked for it
or five days before when jungkook materialized out of nowhere and put his hand around your waist before nuzzling his nose to your hair
*immediately spots you and squeezes you when he comes up to you from behind*
“i want a conch piercing!!!! not now tho but i want yOU to do it to me :D” 
*immediately dying*
“of course ggukie i’d literally want nOTHING more aha :D”
*immediately regretting making it sound that you are a goddamn sIMP*
or like two days before, you were all eating lunch and you were so full and a little bit sleepy that you rest your head on his shoulder
or maybe just yESTERDAY, jungkook’s sat you down on his lap and hobi interrupted whatever that was happening
and perhaps after that encounter
you may have kissed him on the nose before going to your station
it’s okay
it’s tOtally ok lol
it’s not like you’ve been distracted the whole day or perhaps the days after that because you’re kept up with the thoughts that maybe jungkook isn’t into you as mUCH as you’re into him even though his actions say otherwise
nope :D
taehyung’s worrying at this point
lmao he knows that you don’t know that he kNOWS what’s going on
sure,, you and jungkook are sly but tae’s observant to the point that he’s memorized all these little quirks about you
he’s been your friend for the longest time!!! of cOurse he knows when something’s bothering you
he’s deduced that maybe jungkook broke your heart or something along those lines,, although he doesn’t assume that it was an actual relationship just yet because if it were, then you would totally tell him about it
... right??
there’s this distance thing going on in between the two of you and he’s tested it out a couple times to test his theory
first, the two of you aren’t iGNORING each other but all your interactions are either short-lived or dare he says,,,, casual n basic
he’s commanded jungkook a couple of times things like “the extra roll of receipt paper is in y/n’s station go get it” or-
“get me a pair of gloves from y/n’s cart”
“tae you already hAVE gloves in your cart”
“ok wHO is the owner and who is the tenant here?? or maybe you and y/n just fought and you’re sO SCARED OF-“
“jesus christ oKAY!!! i’ll get the gloves!!!!”
you look so dejected
taehyung pokes your cheeks and you just LET him
he bought you mac n cheese and spelled out “cheer up :-)” using the shells and you merely smiled at it before proceeding to bOW your head to the table and look distraught
he’s offered his ear as tribute because you haven’t done a rook piercing in awhile and you miss it but you just shake your head nO at him and :(((
and the thing is
you’re so tIRED about being hung-up with jungkook
usually you just shut down and you get back to your feet a week later and you’re all happy!!!
but no jungkook just had to be a pesky little shit in your head and decided to LIVE THERE RENT-FREE
“hiii welcome to hope ink sLASH vante studios!! walk-in, appointment, or are you just here to see me?”
jimin looks up from his phone because he was cLEARLY not trying to help organize some of the audits that hobi told him to lol
hmmmm now this customer does look interesting
he looks cOOL if jimin’s being very honest
he also wants his hair color fo sure and maybe if he just snapped a picture of it right now, this customer tOtally wouldn’t notice at all!! :D
he’s a very tall lad and is in this denim jacket and his HAIR
his hair’s a combination of dirty silver and ash grey and it’s all slicked back!!!
“oh uhhh i’m here for a piercing!! i don’t have an appointment.”
jimin nods at that and turns to him a logbook with the needed contact information and the sheet
kim namjoon
a walk-in customer?? a handsome one at that?? the fate of whose piercing artist would dO his piercing lying on his hands???
now normally jimin with his stereotypical secretary traits, he either knOws or assumes everyone’s business
he doesn’t know what happened to you and jungkook but he for sure knows that you need a pick-me up!!!
you need an appointment
a dick appointment mayhaps lol
usually jimin’s always scolded to how he’s letting the customers pick when unnecessary, and this is the PERFECT timing to correct that tendency
the P in park jimin also stands for Petty
“smoking hot dude for a piercing session with y/n please!!! :D”
he of course had to yell that outloud into jin and jungkook’s stall,,, one in which everyone’s there and you and jungkook are sitting at the opposite ends of the room
hobi shakes his head at that and jin instinctively oOOOOOOHs his way to but jungkook nudges his ribcage pretty fucking hArd and it wasn’t discrete at all
taehyung purses his lips because hmmmm.,.,.. jimin actually doing his job correctly.,..,.. that’s sus
“hot as in as hot as you?? oR hot as in he has the same hair color as what taehyung had back in uni and-”
“ʸᵒᵘ ᵖʳᵒᵐᶦˢᵉᵈ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵃˡᵏ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵃˡᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵇᵘʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ ᵐʸ ˢᶜᵃˡᵖ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵇˡᵉᵃᶜʰ :⁽⁽”
tae pouts and grumbles at that because if he focuses hard enough, he could feel his scalp on fIRE
now you and jimin have always been jokingly flirty with each other
and neither of you take offense and shit bUT a certain jeon jungkook certainly does because he used to not care about both of your antics ok
he didn’t mind because well uH who in between the two of us actually gets to be that intimate with y/n???? me buddy mE
it’s not a competition tho and jimin finds kook to be weird because it looked like that everytime he has his hand around your shoulders or something
jungkook looks like he would bARK at him for doing so and ???? he’s weird
he’s brooding right now if it wasn’t obvious
because for the most part, this distance and casual thing was working for his side
but now that jimin’s escorting you back and you’re play flirting with him again,, he just can’t feel this certain twinge in his gut
he’s not jealous
he’s sure that this is everything but jealousy
he doesn’t get jealous ok
jealousy is just reserved for people who have feelings for someone and are in committed relationships :)
jimin was right
you are nOT in cowboy boots nor are you in the matching chelsea boots jimin got you for your birthday but you are definitely shAking alright
“h-hi i’m y/n, your piercing artist for today :)) what’s, uh, what’s your name? :))”
the man in front of you raises his eyebrow but chuckles later on bc for second there he thought you were rEALLY straightforward and he’s used to be the one catching people off-guard
“namjoon. kim namjoon.”
he puts out his hand for you to shake and almost nO customer at all does that and so you’re internally squealing because omg :) wow :) namjoon you polite thing :)
you’re clearing your throat to break off because you swear namjoon looked like he was about to devour you whole with only his gAZE!!!!!
perhaps you were too enthralled into the stare that you don’t notice to how the guys are looking at the interaction while hiding behind this wall
someone’s getting TOO huffy to the point jin had to ask if this certain someone needed some allergy medicine
“what are you getting done today??”
“oh, about that! dealer’s choice, if you may. i trust you.”
did he just-
jungkook instantly scowls thay because excuse yOU denim jacket guy
dealer’s choice!! that’s his line!!! that’s what he said to you and god does he need to trademark that line??? that’s what he pulled and that’s what anyone getting pierced by you that looks like they have a shot with you, sHOULDN’T pull
you hum at that and you’re trying to keep your smile to yourself it’s all cool
“how do you sleep, by the way?”
jungkook’s eyes are widening twofold because WHAT is he hearing correctly???
he’s looking up at taehyung because he’s the other piercing artist here and he’s looking at jungkook weirdly because he looks so panicked
“that’s a legitimate question, jungkook.”
because you’re figuring out if the plan in your head isn’t a good combination with how he sleeps and namjoon laughed at that
“by myself or with you?”
you choke on air at that and namjoon laughs once again as he mumbles that he was kidding before giving you an actual answer
you can’t look at him in the eye because you are still flustered that tHIS fine specimen is flirting with you
y o u
i mean there is no harm in this right.,.,.
jungkook said he didn’t want anything between the two of you anyway :D
“i’ll do your right ear for today. two upper helix and a tragus, how does that sound?” you wait for an answer before putting on your gloves and namjoon nods when you point them out, a sly smile on your face before marking
“you could come in anytime to have me do your left when you’re ready for it — i got you anyways; it’s on the house.”
this time it was hIS turn to be flustered but he keeps his cool, clenching his jaw when you mark him out
“do you need anything before we start? slime?? stress ball?? oOh this keychain i made???”
you proudly hold up this stuffed heart shaped keychain, one that you put in your belt loop because it went very well with your get-up to go to waste
jungkook has his eyes narrowed because he knows you’re innately irresistible but wHY the hell are you pulling out all the stops to emphasize that
taehyung meanwhile has a scowl on and if it was possible to sizzle then he’d be burnt barbecue by now
“no WE made that :///“
you’re cute,,,, namjoon really thinks so
“does your number belong to those options? it really shouldn’t.,.,. it should be a priority”
jungkook has his eyebrows furrowed and at this rate he’d be getting wrinkles on his forehead
next best thing for him? taking his phone out his pocket and tHROWING it to the ground
it snapped everyone out of their trances
he pretended to be sheepish while getting it because aha :D omg how did my phone go there :D
his case is a heavy-duty one but that’s nOT in his worries rn
you proceed to pierce namjoon and it finished as soon as he came because lol piercings really don’t take that long at all
ended with him still paying tho as he insisted
even tipped you more eXPENSIVE than the rate of the piercings themselves and you even tried to give it back to him but namjoon,,, the man that he is,,, he is PERSISTENT
“best piercings i ever had,, besides :) i like the one who did it on me anyways :)”
“but namjoon you have nO piercings :)”
“exactly :)))”
now that tHAT’S done and you are now $$$ richer.,.,.
“jimin you fucker i kNOW what you did there”
the boy smiles brightly and giggles and you aren’t really mad at him because absolutely who in this world would have the heart to??
“i have no idea what you’re talking about”
that has got to be one of your most memorable interactions ever this week perhaps throughout your whole professional piercing career
and it tRULY made you smile and it’s one of the only things throughout this week that genuinely made you smile
yeth you may have scribbled your number very quickly on his palm before he left
you’re just about to pass out on the couch over to the break room because wHEW your heart is racing and you aren’t really exactly opposed to that
namjoon was such a dream and he was very polite too and he was fLIRTY but not the creepy kind
although the door to the break room suddenly swings open and you’re rattled
he obviously doesn’t look like he’s gonna greet you back because he looks stone-cold with his gaze set on you
you’re a little bit intimidated because what could he pOSSIBLY want after saying that he doesn’t want anything to do with you??
“you like him? hmmm??”
there it is
there’s this jealousy that’s raging off from him and currently he is fAR too in it to even acknowledge that he iS jealous
this makes you scoff for a moment before crossing your arms across your chest because really,,, is tHAT what it takes to give jungkook a wash of reality???
“m’better than him — whatever his name is.”
your throat is dry because jungkook’s taking these big strides towards you and god he’s just tOO intoxicating for you
even just hIS scent wants you to light yourself on fire because whew.,.,. if he was a drink then he’d be too hot and flammable
not that you’d drink him in or anything :D
“you don’t even kNOW him”
you’re just about to chew him off and before you could, your words get caught in your throat because jungkook dIPS down right at the exact moment
his lips hovering around your neck and testing little licks on it
you whimper because holy fUCK and jungkook takes that as invitation to bOldly kiss you right on your skin, trailing down towards your clavicle where the hem of your shirt meets
“don’t need to, baby.”
you’re sat on the middle of the couch with both his hands trapping you besides your head and he’s crouching down, just mERE mere centimeters from your lips
jungkook’s just staring you down and you audibly gasp because look at him!!! he’s so beautiful!!!!
wait you’re supposed to be mad at him :((
“mind if i have a taste?”
he whispers as soon as he breaks eye contact from you and you whine at that, feeling him suckling on your jaw as you clench
“why not?”
he knows what you’re playing at alright
just awhile ago you were a whimpering mess and noW that he was asking for permission to do something that’s more scandalous than him kissing your neck.,..
you’re being dismissive of him intentionally
just a last-minute plan that involved a shot at his ego and not to embarrass yourself further because after all aha :) not eVERYTHING is all forgiven
ok then :)
jungkook’s kneeled riGht in front of you and he has such a tight grip on your waist even if you know you won’t be going anywhere any time soon he’s licking to your folds with feather-like intensity
if you’re not gonna show any reaction, then atleast hE wouldn’t give everything to you
of course his underlying motive is to tease you and make you beg for it
but every now and then jungkook’s looking up at you and his nose is nudging you in the process but you sTILL won’t back down
did you just-
you’re practically dying in the inside but you keep your reactions to yourself and your jaw clenched
in truth you’re just scrolling through your expenses through this month in your notes because it was the fIRST thing you could open in your phone ok
jungkook huffs so loudly because first of all wHERE did you get the audacity
fine then :D
he suddenly stops and that’s when you shoot him a sly look from behind your phone, feigning an irritated quirk of your brow
“you really won’t budge??”
before you could register his words tho you’re iMMEDIATELY moaning he’s eating you out toO good and it was just plain-out sinful with how he was able to make you come from that to this
“jungkoOK fuck-“
his thumb presses firm on your clit before quickly retracting it and that earns him another mewl and a tug on his hair
“that’s right… my name sounds better on your lips, yeah?”
your pure pleasure is consuming you wholly and before your eyes could shut again with how overwhelming the sensation is oH MY GOD is the door unlocked?????
there’s something to how your eyes widen towards that fact and to how jungkook quickly notices that hmmmm he dID leave the door unlocked something about it makes him even more passionate in devouring you and it makes you wanna tHROW yourself into oblivion because the fact that someone.,., someone could literally come in this room aNYtime given is enough to make you almost yell
“fuck fUCK jungkook i’m gonna-“
his lips are all red and puffy and even his cHIN is messy and it makes you moan because fuck it was impossible to how he still looks so dreamy!!!!
he makes no move to slow down as he squeezes at your exposed thighs, his dull fingernails scratching at you before he stares back up at you, nOt even lifting up his mouth from your core to speak
“not stopping you, baby.”
that alone throws you into bliss and you’re cumming sO hard that you feel like you’re gonna black out
jungkook’s lapping on your release as if he’s starved and still tastes you out through your orgasm
that… was an experience alright……
your eyes are fluttering because wow that drAined you
before you could even look for him, kook’s coming at you to clean you up :))
lol he found this face towel on the couch and he figures that it belongs to jimin but nOPE not anymore aha
he dampens it with the water available and he’s EXTRA careful with you because you r sensitive and fragile at the time being
he even wipes at your arms and your neck to cool you down!!!
jungkook’s biting down on his lap as he rests the towel meanwhile on your nape and there it is
that dreamY look on his eyes again that just makes your heart flutter :(( your nose nudges his and it makes him giggle the slightest before he leans down to kiss you
and it hits you that you haven’t even kissed jungkook in the lips eVER
although that doesn’t really happen.
just as you were about to pull him in, something must have snapped in jungkook because he suddenly retracts from you as if he’s got burned
he looks empty and lost, not even sparing you another look before he’s storming out of the break room
and you’re all alone 
“you wanna tell me what happened with you know who?”
taehyung has HAD it okay
he’s trying to be as patient as he possibly could with you
he wishes that he could just read minds so tHAT way he won’t have to budge out the answer from you
because in his very humble opinion, this approach helps too!!!
you’re sad and distraught and he gets that!! he does!!
but maybe if you let him know what happened to you, then he could be sad WITH you
you were the one who taught him that :((
you were roommates in uni and he was so down in the dumps when he got this almost failing grade to the point that he’d take his frustrations out on you
and you very kindly put up with him but then he drew the line to when he blew raspberries to his palm when you made him dINNER!!!! and that’s when you yelled at him and told him to tell you on what the fUck is bothering him
so that way he won’t bottle it up and that way you could try to help and eliminate what it is because you’re also caught in the crossfire thank u very much
it’s his idea to take you out to this party and you’re not being your usual self in this one
and the way tae talked to you upfront made you look up from your drink that you still haven’t finished, a pout on your face
now ok taehyung wasn’t close to giving up on fishing the answers from you but you thOught he was because he was leaning back on his chair
you also really wanted to tell him what was happening too and so you did!! completely caught him off-guard when he stole your drink away from you and almost spit it out the moment you started telling him what was happening
“you didn’t have to open up with THAT y/n jeez you could’ve opened up your story with the start!!! not tHAT”
the somehow comic relief taehyung brings you puts a smile on your face because although you don’t voice it out often, you’re infinitely grateful to have tae
he is perhaps the most understanding and rational person in your life and he’s just so soft and supportive and quick-witted that
oh my god are you crying
you’re in the middle of telling the whole timeline when taehyung feels your head nudging at his shoulder and nOrmally he presses it down
but this time it felt different because well you were sobbing
and now you felt so heavy and there’s this unexplainable weight in your chest because god jungkook is just so fRUSTRATING!!!
he’s beyond angering and frustrating and he makes you want to launch yourself to the ground
“i-i don’t — tae it’s juSt god fuck aHhH!!!! h-he’s so-“
taehyung nods in agreement even though you couldn’t see him because your face is shoved into his chest and he’s rubbing soothing circles onto your back
“i know, baby :((“
he’s in disbelief too
jungkook is an ass and no matter how much taehyung wants to understand that he may have good n pure intentions, his execution is just so fucking horrible
there’s no in-between
either you wanna be committed or not!!!! that’s it!!!
this just wasn’t a netflix trial you could have for a month and when it hints to you that you’re gonna have to give a little bit more,, you immediately fLEE
or maybe it’s just taehyung trying to see the best and over-analyzing things that maybe,,,, maybe jungkook’s just… jungkook
there’s no changing him
he’s unhinged and does whatever he wants (would sometimes stop when reprimanded) and whatever repercussions that are brought out, his first instinct is to toss it aside instead of facing it head-on
you must’ve been lying on taehyung’s chest for atleast an hour because you realize that you aren’t crying anymore and the tears on your cheeks are dry :((
“d-do you want a punch?? i’m gonna go get a punch. four seasons?? we like that, right?? okAy i’m gonna get us some punch!!!”
that’s you for sure :))
you’re immediately bouncing up and clapping your hands pretending that you weren’t a sobbing mess just minutes ago
taehyung knows that you do whatever you need to cope so he just puts his thumbs up,,, even if he prefers pineapple more than four seasons but it’s okay,,.,. whatever you want :))
you needed that
tae was mumbling whatever he had in his mind while you were crying and you listened!!! you don’t know what part should you take from it but you dO know that somewhere along the lines, maybe he’s right
you just want some punch is that too much to ask :(( crying has left you dehydrated and water is the most preferred option but uh that shit is PLAIN
maybe this party isn’t so bad after allthe lights don’t give you a headache 
and you see the punch table rIGHT ahead of your path and oooh red cups aren’t the only cups available!!!! that’s so-
“Y/NNNNNNN!!!! look, look!!!! look at me!!!!!”
a voice shrieks from behind you and you immediately feel a pair of arms wrap around you
you’re kinda in panic because taehyung isn’t tHIS heavy and you look down on the arms wrapped around your middle and that’s-
the man in question comes to your view and it’s clear that he’s beyond intoxicated with his glassy eyes and the drunk blush on his cheeks
you took a two-day leave from work that taehyung gracefully granted you to avoid jungkook.,,. jungkook who’s standing right in front of you
“loooook!!! look at meEeeeeEe!!”
you’re rigid in your place because out of aLL the people you could possibly see in this party, why did it have to be him??? you’re okay with seeing yoo-
he’s pointing on his ear and he even waves his hand across your face and is that what he’s talking about??
it’s glimmering underneath the light and???
is that
is that a conch piercing???
you’re rendered breathless because it seems wrong to you…,. not criticizing it as a professional but rather, criticizing it as-
“i thought i was supposed to be the one to do that to you?”
jungkook’s blinking at that as if he’s digesting your questionmeanwhile 
your throat is tIGHTening and there’s this fresh wave of tears again because you’re literally quite reminded of him
and he’s still pointing at his ear before he’s using his other hand to something or someone behind you and you cAN’T bring yourself to care because-
“oHhh lisa did it on me!!”
taehyung arrives at the exact time you needed him to just hastily, frazzled because he’s trying to connect the fucking dOts on what’s happening
here is his five-second deduction
you’re tearing up and your bottom lip’s trembling which means you’re about to sOB
jungkook’s right in front of you and his right hand is pointing to his reddened ear
a) taehyung has never seen this conch piercing before
b) he would know because he’s one of the two piercing artists in the shop jungkook also works iN and he’d remember if he pierced him or not
c) it’s reddened and there’s some dried blood near the piercing which indicates that it was freshly-pierced
and jungkook’s other hand is pointing to this girl that’s sitting on this couch with a lamp beside her and she’s nOT wearing gloves and taehyung guess that she’s the one who pierced kook???
he’s not sure
although he’s sure that jungkook is fucking wASTED and you can’t bear whatever that’s happening
“can you go home by yourself?? or should i call hoseok to pick you up?? i’m uh, i’m gonna take jungkook home..,. are you sure you could take yourself home???”
you don’t need to be told twice because you’re bolting out of the house so qUICK
oh god you need to get out you nEED to
jungkook doesn’t remember sHIT
he’s drank himself stupid last night is what he’s certain about
there’s no explanation to how he even got home last night and the post-it notes on his console table doesn’t help in the slightest bit
“you’re stupid. - taehyung”
that dumps cold water on him because oh god what did he dO this time
he’s done enough stupid things in these rocky weeks alone!!! what did he do this time :(((
“taehyung told me how stupid you are. he’s right. you’re stupid. - jin”
jin too???
jungkook cusses himself underneath his breath because his head is kILLING him (rightfully so) and he’s about to run his hand through his hair when-
wait a damn second
… he has a new piercing?
he’s immediately fumbling towards the floor-length mirror and he just then realizes that jin’s already went to work wITHOUT him and that puts the pressure on him even more
true enough, his conch is pierced and he’s racking his head on wHY does he have it until it all snaps in his head
it’s coming back to jungkook now
he remembers you taking two days off and those were the loneliest two days ever he’s ever had working in the shop
then by the end of day two he was such a mess that jin didn’t even know what to do with him
thus came to him via text that there was this hUGE party that’s about to be thrown and he honestly thought why not!!! :D
everything’s going wrong anyways lemme go to a party :))))
and then he bumped into lisa!!! his sorta fling back in uni that he may have dropped suddenly and here she is,,,,
she complimented him on his piercings and jungkook was confused because he already had them back in uni???? okay then thank you????
and he doesn’t know how he obtained this piercing but he’s sure that lisa was the one who did it on him
you were crying and he can’t remember wHY but then jungkook’s piercing stings again and it’s like his soul hates him too
because oh
lisa shouldn’t have been the one who did that on him
there’s a lot of things jungkook sHOULDN’T have done
god why is it only hitting him now
he’s took a shower as fast as he could and he may have been crying
while he was taking it but that’s not the point
the point that shocked most was you
in work
you actually came to work!!!
taehyung wasn’t able to reach you that night besides get a text from you that you arrived home safely and that’s about it
he thought you needed more time off considering what happened but you’re hERE now????
jin, who had a crash course on everything that’s happened between you and jungkook is also even MORE shocked and he keeps gasping every two seconds
hobi’s happy to see you back again and he welcomes you with a warm hug that you melt into :((
jimin on the other hand completely invades ur personal space in 0.01 seconds because he’s bounding towards you vERY happily
“i missed you!!! i missed you sO much!!! my two days were basically pOINTLESS without you!!!! i asked myself wHy am i still working here without you here-“
“jimin i hired you to work-“
“and i already know that this place is falling aPART without you here and if i leave??? then what???? so i decided against resigning and waiting for you to come back and then you cAME BACK!!!! :D”
he’s so giddy that you automatically become as giddy as he is, just letting him twirl you around while he still has you in a bear hug
jin has a sorry look on his face as he hugs you and you knOw that he knows :((
he’s mad disappointed in jungkook
you automatically know that there’s one person missing here and you’re slightly thankful for it
you just wanna work in peace and it seems that there’s kinda a big waiting list for you to get through and jimin’s calling them up at the moment to let them know that you,, the piercing artist they specifically requested for,, is back!!!
you’re not chirpy and that’s understandable
lol you’re in spain but the s is silent
this quiet you’re encasing yourself in leaves you along with your thoughts and your thoughts are the fUrthest thing away from quiet
it’s not just about the piercing, y’know?
it’s not that piece of jewelry on his ear and it’s not jUst about who pierced it on him
it’s about the sentiment and things that you can’t explain because you don’t wanna say the L word considering that jungkook doesn’t feel the same
and he probably never would
you think growth and suddenly it’s not!!!
you think jungkook wants something more as much as you do and then suddenly he leaves you!!!
you think you’re moving up steps but in reality you haven’t even left your initial one in the first place!!!
you’re so preoccupied with your thoughts that you managed to ignore jungkook who came in late and was beyond surprised and at the same time nERVOUS that you came in for work
although not to preoccupied to ignore that someone was plopping themself on the client’s chair in front of you
you can’t recognize them from their hair color but you dO recognize with how it’s oddly familiar with it’s shape
and then your eyes trail down and upon see only the eyes you’re immediately freaking out
oh my god
it’s yOONGI!!!!!
your shriek practically leaves everyone in alert and even hobi who was in the tattoo room rush out mid-session to see what was going on
yoongs is more than happy with your reaction and he squeezes you even tighter than the embrace you’re giving him rn
jungkook doesn’t know if he is the only one here who is beyond lost but uhhhh not to be rude or anything
but who the fUCK is yoongi???
his heart sinks seeing you hug this unknown person and god he could do nothing but wish that it’s him on the receiving end
he’s immediately stalking towards jimin because after all, he iS the one who’s let this guy through
that’s right he did let yoongi go to you asap and it was a surprise for you too and he’s the only who knew that he was visiting :D
10/10 secret-keeping skills
jungkook has a cat-dog relationship with jimin but he’s putting that aside for now because he’s dESperately pawing at jimin’s arm to ask who tf is this yoongi
jimin’s shocked because he didn’t think jungkook would be literally begging him rn but okay,, he’ll give in since this kid looks like he’s gonna bawl
“ah!! yoongi-hyung!! haven’t seen him in awhile :D”
jimin answers and that doesn’t answer shit for jungkook but now that someone else said his name, it sounded familiar??
he can’t exactly put his finger on it but it just felt so distinct
“are they related or?”
he’s asking more because he’s prying for an answer and well jimin’s still watching your interaction unfold
ngl he’s enjoying not giving answers for awhile
but then again kook is shaking him slightly and he’s pleaded again to give the younger boy an answer
“lmao they’re exes, jungkook”
w hat
a prick of fear arises on him because him?? you?? relationship????
“… y-you mean yoongi’s y/n’s ex-boyfriend?”
he’s trying to take in this bit of information and he doesn’t know HOW
he doesn’t know how he should react nor can he explain this sinking feeling in his stomach
the fact that jimin is now speaking without being asked doesn’t help at aLL
“yup!! from what i know and what y/n told me, they were together for three years!!”
jungkook’s eye is twitching and his breathing skips because wow
that’s nice
three years :)
that’s a small number, right?? you were in a committed relationship with someone for three years!!! and said someone is now your ex-boyfriend
and for sOME reason, you’re hugging him and the two of you are all good!!
there’s this fear in him again because he doesn’t want to entertain these thoughts, honestly
thoughts that maybe he’s a tad too late and that perhaps you’re back with your ex-boyfriend and you want nothing to do with him because compared to yoongi, jungkook is perhaps nothing!!! :D
“mhmm-hmm. broke up on good terms tho as u can see, they’re still cLOSE, yoongi went abroad and well,,, y’know”
you missed yoongi so much
well uh you don’t love each other like that anymore
it was bound to change anyway
him going abroad to pursue his dreams and you just wanting to stay
it was a mutual decision to break up but although the label wasn’t there anymore, the both of you still looked out for each other :)
lol he’s the reason anyways to why you’re in this job in the first place the both of you were drunk after a date (you watched a basketball game) and then came on the dare that hey.,.,. baby what if you get a piercing license or something
and originally you were supposed to be the only one who took it but then yoongi joined you :))
and some time later you took a break and then resumed and hence the piercing license :))
“c’mon. if i’m gonna get my helix pierced, then i should atleast get it done by my best girl, right?”
yoongi nudges you and it’s this playful aura with him again that makes you laugh
he never really was the one to make you cry or break your heart now that you think about it
kinda sad to think that no one was really at fault for the breakup :(( you and yoongi…. it just wasn’t gonna work
it makes you wary because there always seems to be a trend in your lovelife
the common denominator is that things don’t work out lmao
:((((( lmao :(((((
you’re done with his piercing in a blink and you still can’t stop thinking to how maybe you just aren’t cut out to be loved :((
that sounds so sad
it’s always the word almost for you and it’s exhausting!!!!
after your breakup with yoongi, you didn’t have a relationship after because uH you just didn’t want to
you just didn’t want another off-chance to spend perhaps the best years of your life and then have them move abroad to pursue what they want 
you were afraid to be hURT after yoongi
and somehow yoongi is now a timestamp in your life because there’s eras
there’s B.Y. (before yoongi) and A.Y. (after yoongi) lol
then jungkook came along and it’s this sudden shift in you that you were decided!!!
you are gonna love again and you tOTALLY are into jungkook :D
sike he’s just not into you
…or not?
jungkook’s rushing towards to where you and yoongi are sat and no one was able to register the situation even if everyone was on their toes watching
“do you have a basketball game tomorrow????”
he’s staring at yoongi like a madman and yoongi is so confused because what
okay yoongi is dumbfounded
but then he repeats this madman’s words again for two more times and then it hits him
“how did you know?”
yoongi is laughing because how could this dude pOSSIBLY know about this
he’s taking out of his phone from his pocket so quick and then he’s taking out the case
that sticker
that sticker jungkook made aGES ago
he’s met you before!!!
he didn’t meet meet you but his point is that your paths have crossed before!!!!
the gears in your head are turning because how did jungkook know???? he doesn’t know yoongi and no one would know not unless-
“y-you? you’re the one who made that for me??”
ok this is clearly now a private moment and jimin is dragging yoongi back to where the rest of the guys are eavesdropping but mAybe it’s for the best that they leave altogether
jungkook nods and it feels like his head’a gonna fall off
you’ve got this done and customized for yoongi’s birthday back then and you never thought that a sane graphic designer would do it for you.,..,.
you could always do it but you were in a slump back then and for once, you wanted someone else to bring what you want to life
you thought it was a stupid idea to base yoongi off this vine for one of his presents
and you said to yourself that if the fIRST graphic designer i could get in contact with refuses to make it, then u r gonna scrap that idea
but then this graphic designer eagerly accepted your commission even offered a discount but you still paid him full-price with a tip
who kNEW that it was jungkook???
“i know i’m the most confusing and aNGERING human being ever and a sHITTY one too-“
it’s somehow coming back full circle and he’s only realizing now to how mUCH deeper this goes
“but you have no idea how much i want to hold your hand.”
jungkook has commitment issues he’s refused to address for quite some time now and it’s only now
god it’s only now that he has someone that genuinely makes him want to question this mentality of his
“i kept looking for reasons to nOt love you and it’s impossible because they make me love you more”
he’s tried hating to how you go and make tedious crafts like making stuffed keychains (the latest one is named mang and he’s a hORSE) or trying to channel that restless energy into anywhere you could get your hands on
tried to despise the way you yearn for affection and how you’d go so cranky as to give people quips when you don’t get your fix
tried to loathe the way you’re so understanding and nurturing and gOd he sounds like a real asshole
“it’s not being tied down if it’s with you”
jungkook is sure
he has nEVER been more sure
because god he feels like he doesn’t have to pretend to be anything he’s not when he’s with you
he dOESN’T mind adjusting and he doesn’t mind complying to what you could possible require of him
“and if it in a literal sense is, then i don’t mind at all”
jungkook has never wanted someone sO BAD ever in his life
and he couldn’t agree more that he is a total dummy and how he wants to repent a million times over even if it means to get shut down by you a million times more
“because it’s you.”
he means that
he really does mean that
he’s a sensitive thing and it’s hitting him now to how much shit he’s made you go through and he wants to make up for it!!! pLS
“let me take you out on a date, please?”
oh god is he tearing up
is jeon jungkook tearing up in front of yOU
his arms are glued to his sides but the moment he meets your eyes he absolutely losEs it and goes leaping to hug you
maybe he shouldn’t have done that
maybe he should
but jungkook knows that he’s never felt more calm and complete and loved whenever he’s with you :(((
he’s hanging in there
maybe at the slightest nudge of your nose to his neck in his embrace
somewhere along the lines
somewhere along the lines to how the guys are over there peeking out of the break room and in an array of emotions.,..
jungkook’s fiNAlly hugging you
your hands behind your back
his hands holding yours
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 8: Swoop is a Good Ally
Bumblebee doesn’t turn into a convertible, but that won’t stop Megatron from riding around with his legs hair in the wind, as the two of them book it for Iacon from the Crystal City. Bumblebee’s making great time, despite carrying a dude who is significantly larger than he is. As the burning city comes into view, they discuss the fact that the Titan that’s making its way downtown (walking fast, and it’s homebound) is full of Shockwave ores. The life and death ones, to be exact. This is a problem, because that means it’s neither alive or dead, and you can’t kill something that ain’t alive.
 Then Megatron goes on about how Cybertron needs him, and has always needed him, to end oppression.
Mighty high opinion of yourself you got there, Megatron. We’ll see how that plays out as the day goes on.
Over with Starscream, our fearless leader’s reflecting on how true the term “rat bastard” fits dear Rattrap. Rattrap’s more concerned about the fact that people are literally dying right now while Starscream has a pity party. Good thing Rattrap brought some party guests.
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Starscream double-checks that all these friendly faces aren’t with the Titan, then gets called incompetent by just about everyone. Prowl puts together a strategy for this nightmare scenario, staring directly into the camera and showing off his lovingly rendered nose as he starts giving orders. While everyone else is going to be either rounding up the injured or trying to pick a fight with a dude roughly 50 times their size, Prowl’s going to try to figure out how to stop the Titan.
Back inside Metroplex, things are looking tense, as Nautica and Chromia are about a hair’s breadth away from beating the Rod Pod Squad to death. In an effort to dispel the hostility, Getaway points at his bellybutton, and then sat Nautica’s, quoting Optimus Prime and saying that there’s no reason to fight, because a bunch of little murderous bastards are about to pour in and cause some trouble for everyone.
And then a bunch of little murderous bastards are about to pour in and cause some trouble for everyone.
Everyone starts climbing up the rope Nautica and Chromia dropped last issue, except for Whirl, who would prefer to spend his time kicking ass as opposed to hunting for Metroplex’s brain. As the gang crawls around in the vents- because of COURSE they do- Nautica realizes that she’s talking to none other than Ratchet, and has a bit of a moment. Ratchet’s more concerned with the concept of gender being introduced into his world.
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You’re right, Ratchet, it doesn’t matter. Just let people live, dude.
Everyone ends up in the left shoulder blade area of Metroplex, where his brain is, and where we meet Windblade- our fan-created character, and a huge part of why IDW had to jam the concept of sexual dimorphism into their continuity posthaste. 
 In 2013, the Fan Built Bot polls were held on the Hasbro website, where fans could vote on several traits of a new character. One of these traits was gender.

Which I’m sure Furman was thrilled about.
The majority rule was for a female Transformer to be created, one hailing from Kaon, who was an Autobot telepath who turned into a jet and had a sword. Not all of this information was kept, simply because it didn’t jive with what had been established about gender previously. Things were still very messy, so Windblade’s place of origin was changed.
But we’ll get to that later on.
Right now, all you need to know is that Windblade is here to keep Metroplex alive.
Over in the Dead Universe, Nightbeat leads Team -Imus to Kup, the lot of them blasting and gunning down zombie robots the whole way. Cyclonus still has the Hollywood Tuberculosis cough. When they reach Kup, Orion Pax calls him old. Cyclonus has a gun now. Rodimus explains why he’s got numbers carved into his palm.
After the nightmare that was Overlord happened, and then the Luna 1 stuff, Rodimus enacted the Crisis Act. Now, the last time we saw the Crisis Act was in Eugenesis. It’s been a minute, so here’s a refresher:
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In this case, Rodimus enacted the Act on himself, having the crew of the Lost Light vote on whether he should remain captain. 89 voted for him to get the boot. This weighs heavily on his mind, so much so that he’s decided to carve the vote into his hand, so he can never forget those he failed.
Off in the corner, Cyclonus is dying, but this isn’t about him, this is about Rodimus’ sense of guilt.
Orion isn’t thrilled with how Rodimus handled the situation- he claims that Rodimus would have simply stepped down from his captaincy outright, if he really felt that badly about the situation.
Off in the corner, Cyclonus is still dying, but this isn’t about him.
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Not my space dad.
Nightbeat scoops Kup off of his bed and helps the old man stand, not that he needs it. No sir, this crotchety old bastard is so full of piss and vinegar, he’s gotta have the entire Industrial Revolution backdropping his big badass speech.
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And then that final claim is tested, as Cyclonus’ limp body is fastball-specialed into Kup’s torso. Nova Prime’s here, and he’s pissed. Orion decides he’s gonna square the fuck up. It’s time for Prime Prime-Time Fight Time.
Back inside Metroplex, violence is taking place, as Whirl, Getaway, and Skids are eviscerating the Ammonites. Over with Metroplex’s brain, Windblade is explaining her whole deal.
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Chromia, don’t be fucking rude.
Windblade is a City Speaker, a robot who can interpret the the lights and wave patterns of a Titan’s brain module for the purpose of communication. It’s a pretty sweet trick. Brainstorm doesn’t care about that though- he’s more concerned with getting the hell out of here. Ultra Magnus agrees, though he’s more concerned about the current state of Cybertron and the fact that Shockwave’s still running around. Windblade tells them to do whatever, but she’s gonna stick with Metroplex. It’s at this point that we find out how our new friends got here in the first place.
Turns out Thunderclash’s ship was taking new crew members on, and these three lovely robots were a part of the new blood. The Vis Vitalis ran into Alpha Trion not too long after they joined, freaking the hell out because Metroplex- his best friend in the whole entire world, as established in Spotlight: Orion Pax- just vanished.
Not sure how you lose an entire city that you’re riding around inside, but whatever, Alpha.
Alpha Trion was worried about his friend, but not enough to stop looking for the Holy Grail. So he had Chromia, Windblade, and Nautica come out here to do it. Unfortunately, they haven’t been able to do much. This might be why Metroplex pulled the Lost Light over to this rinky-dink little water planet- so he wouldn’t die.
Do you think Roberts and Barber were aware that they were having a bunch of male characters walk all over the hard work of these female characters, by way of making them better at the thing they were sent here to do? Do you think they thought about that? Because that’s pretty much what’s happening here. They’ve been here all of ten minutes, and Nautica- who is a quantum mechanic and engineer, as will be established- has been outdone by a bunch of doofuses who’ve only got the benefit of being properly established characters helping them out.
With a little set up, Metroplex’s brain is plugged into the Lost Light’s engines remotely, and Ultra Magnus tells our boy to rise and shine.
Back on Cybertron, Fixit and Flatline are about to throw down, which Starscream thinks is hilarious. There’s a whole medical slab that contains only a single shin. People are laying in trailers, but I guess that lone shin has priority for whatever reason. Outside, Scoop is being a good lad and helping get the injured to safety. Rattrap is also there.
The Titan has hit the city limits, and everyone’s shooting at the thing to cope. The Dinobots are upset because they’re being ignored, but at least Swoop is proving to be a good friend, as he’s already acclimated to Slug’s name change. Good on you, Swoop.
The plan of attack here is shooting the Titan in the neck until the signals to the brain are cut off from the rest of the body. It’s not really working out so hot, but smart boy points for trying, Prowl.
A building explodes, because we haven’t had an explosion yet this issue. Prowl, whose little red chevron seems to be shrinking by the panel, asks Soundwave for his opinion on the current situation. Soundwave goes “I dunno” and then Megatron shows up.
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Friggin’ drama queen.
Prowl, who’s had about enough of everyone at this point, breaks out a gun and tells Megs to start talking before things get uglier than they already are.
Megatron has a plan. Are you ready to hear it?
He wants everyone to:
Load up on ships
Fuck off into space
Come back later when the DJD show up
Bumblebee does not like this plan. He dislikes it very much, in fact, and throws Megatron’s legs on the ground in protest. Megatron pouts about being called a meanie warlord shit-for-brains.
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Bumblebee rattles off a very inspiring speech about the perseverance of the Cybertronian spirit, and how you should never give up, and oh would you look at that Metroplex just showed up with the Lost Light.
Time for some Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots. Hell yeah.
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clydesgod · 3 years
The coming
Feat. Richard, Vitalis, Krista
(This is just a lil drabble so, there shouldn’t be any major themes to worry about. just enjoy. Sorry if I there’s some grammar or spelling errors hehe)
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As the sun rose from it’s concrete horizon, Richard let out a large yawn as he struggled to put his shirt on. He had been trained on how to do it without anything getting caught on his horns, but it was awfully hard when you took into consideration that Richard hardly remembered much, especially when he just woke up not even half an hour ago. Not only was he changing his shirt, he was also cooking. Fried eggs, soaked in olive oil. Hardly a healthy option but it was one that got him in a good mood in the morning. Well, minus the fact both of the yolks had burst. He didn’t care either way. Sort of.
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As he finished cooking them and moving them onto a plate, he couldn’t help but feel a slight hint of dread loom over his shoulders. Was it the hangover? No, couldn’t be. Sure, he felt like trash in a landfill, but he never felt like something awful was about to happen.
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“‘Scuseeeeeee me,” asked the shorter demon as he pushed past Richard and his plate so he could open the fridge and raid it, like every morning. “Do we still have any leftovers from last night?”
Richard scoffed, picking up his plate and moving towards the main living room with an almost ragged couch and a plain looking coffee table. “Chinese for breakfast? I’d hardly say peking duck with a side of spring onion is the best choice of food to start the day with.” He commented, sighing somewhat as he looked down at his rather sad looking fried eggs. They’d be good for now anyway. He could easily go to the store later.
“Sorry for being so unclassy mr ‘ramen at 4am’,” Vitalis spat, closing the fridge as he then began to raid the other cupboards. “Surely there have to be some pop tarts here or something. You didn’t throw them away did you?”
“You mean the ones that went out 3 months ago?” Richard replied.
“Yeah. The strawberry ones.”
“Yeah I threw them out.”
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The shorter demon groaned, collapsing to his knees and looking down at himself. “I’m going to staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarve!” He moaned  in a very monotone voice. He was always an actor, even to the very end. “I always knew this would be how I’d die. With an empty stomach and whilst my favourite cousin  eats in front of my face.”
Richard, who hadn’t even taken a bite, rolled his eyes and held the plate towards him. “You want these ones then?”
Dropping his sad act, the shorter demon looked up, squinting as he looked over at the plate. “Bleh, as if. Those are the saddest eggs I’ve ever seen.”
“Suit yourself, more for me...I guess.”
“Are you really going to not get me something? Like order a McDonald’s maybe?”
“No. Wait-”
“Aww common. I know you want one of those sausage burgers, or even the pancakes.~”
Richard put his plate and cutlery down, letting it clank against the coffee table. “Wait-”
“Boooooo you’re no fun. I’ll order some but that means I won’t be able to pay for rent for a whil-”
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“Shut the fuck up! Didn’t you hear what I said?” Richard turned, his expression which previously looked like he just woke up 5 minutes ago, now looked like he realised where this strange sense of dread was coming from. He stood up, looking around the room as Vitalis started to pick up what he was feeling. He felt it too, through his hunger.
A creak was heard, as if someone was walking right outside the apartment. That shouldn’t even be at all weird, they hear people moving past this place all the time. Why was something off now? Was it the sound of their heels? The way they were moving slowly? No. Something about this person’s aura was ringing alarms in the demons’ heads. Vitalis moved quickly, hiding behind the couch as Richard attempted to follow suit.
A knock was heard. Was this a trick? Surely someone was trying to break in, no? That should’ve been the reason for this strange sense, surely. Richard slowly turned, facing the door. He looked back at Vitalis, who shrugged.
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“I ain’t answering’ that fucking door!” He whispered loudly, pointing over behind him. “You go and do it! It’s your apartment!”
Richard gulped, turning his body around as he stared at the door. Why was this feeling familiar? It was like he forgot something and was about to face the consequences of that action. Why though? He sent a birthday card to his granddad last month, what could he be forgetting? He kept moving forward, his hand hesitantly reaching over at the locks as the doorknob fidgeted slightly. Someone wanted to get in.
Another knock. Richard recoiled a bit, but carried on moving on towards the door, undoing all of the security chains and latches he had installed when he first moved in. He was told it was a safe area...but you can never be so sure.
Vitalis had dived down behind the couch, hands covering his head as he awaited a possible fight, maybe a huge explosion? He didn’t know what Richard usually got up so it really could’ve been anything. Maybe even a dragon? Or worse, the landlord. Him and Richard grit their teeth, preparing for anything as the taller demon slowly turned the handle on the door. Who was it? What could he possibly have forgotten? Slowly, he opened the door when-
It stopped. Oh no. The door was jammed, whoever was outside was trying to trap them from the inside. That had to be it. It was one of the villains he had to deal with every day and now they were here to seek revenge and kill-
Oh. Wait. No. Richard looked down, realizing he forgot to undo the last latch to the door. “A-Ah. S-sorry. One second.” He nervously said, unsure as to why he would even let someone know about his current predicament. He quickly undid the last lock, slowly opening the door now. Why did he feel like he had to urgently open this door all of a sudden? As if he didn’t want to disappoint whoever was on the other side.
As the door opened, Richard began to ponder quickly on whom it would’ve been. He thought about all of the emotions and feelings leading up to this point. Dread, forgetfulness, worry, haste, urgency, disapointment. He gulped once more, knowing there was one way to find out.
The door opened. Richard had his eyes closed as he had braced himself for whatever was behind there. Strange though, he wasn’t being beaten around at all. That’s what he was sort of expecting. He opened his eyes, slowly at first but then quickly as he recognised that face anywhere.
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“W-What are you- how did you even know- how- I- What are you doing here?”
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“Did you really think you could get away with that?”
Richard took a step back, gulping before he replied. “G-get away with what?”
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                                       Getting away 
                                                                                        without saying...”
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“Hello!” Said Krista, who at this point had just thrown her arms around Richard, trapping him in a hug. She was taller than Richard, but that was mainly thanks to those heels she wore. She hugged him for a while, with Richard trying to push away from her.
Eventually she let go of him, allowing the wrath demon to stumble back and fall onto the couch.
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“Mom??? What do you mean??? Since when were you visiting?” He asked, not raising his voice so as to not fear her wrath.
“You didn’t need to know that,” she replied back, closing the door behind her as she entered the apartment, having a look around at the state everything was in. “Oh my goodness, you left this place in a better state than your bedroom at home.”
“Speaking of,” she looked back at Richard, her gaze piercing as she squinted and frowned her brow. “Me, your father, your siblings, and your grandparents, sent you a lot of lovely St David’s day messages on your phone. And what do we get? Nothing. I asked your father, he received nothing. Rhys? Nothing. Gwyneth? Nothing. Your father’s parents? Zilch! And what do I get? An ungrateful son who doesn’t even ask how his dear mother is doing.”
She huffed, crossing her arms as she looked away from her son. Richard, at this point, was looking almost terrified.
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“Aaaaaaa-I swear I forgot! I-I had a bit too much to drink last night so the texta sort of went over my head. I was going to reply to them but I just, sort of-”
“Oh don’t you bring up that ‘forgetfulness’ thing again,” she interrupted, looking back at Richard with a huff. “This would never have happened if you stopped drinking like we asked you to do! It’s so unhealthy!”
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“...But Rhys is allowed to smoke-”
“Did I say you had permission to interrupt me?”
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“I-I mean. S-sorry mom.”
“As I was saying,” she continued, pacing around the room, looking about at everything. “Your dear mother was so worried for you, I decided I just had to pay you a visit. It didn’t help that I had to knock about 3 times. You made me worried sick!”
“I’m so sorry!” Richard replied, clasping his hands together and looking up at his mother as if he was begging for his life. “I don’t mean to make you worry! I swear I forgot. I swear! I promise I’ll reply to every text I get from you and dad!”
Krista stared at Richard for a while, eyes squinting as she loomed over Richard. She looked furious...until her expression suddenly changed as she closed her eyes and let out a brief giggle.
“Alright. I forgive you lil Dewi,” She reached over, patting his head as she moved over onto the couch, sitting herself down and placing a brown paper bag onto the coffee table. “Those are some sad looking eggs dear, so I hope you can forgive me for bringing fast food for you. I know you always love those McMuffin things with that round egg in them.”
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“Did someone say McMuffin?” Vitalis said, popping his head up whilst keeping a safe distance away from Krista.
“What did your mother teach you Vitty?”
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“...Hello Mrs Clydesgod may I please have some breakfast please and thank you.”
Rolling her eyes, she reached into the bag and brought out a wrapped meal just for him. She reached on over, letting him take it so he could slowly sink down behind the couch.
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“Where did you even get that from?” Richard asked, who looked on over at the bag as well. “Er- may I have one too...please.”
“A rather long way to say ‘please’ don’t you think Dewi?” She joked, handing him his own meal. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve already eaten today.”
Having his question unanswered, Richard simply unwrapped his meal and dug in. He was used to being disappointed by the amount of answers his mother was good at not giving him. She wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon, wasn’t she.
“I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon by the way.”
“You haven’t spoken to any of your family for quite a while and I think that should be changed. I’m sure your father would agree.” Krista stated, resting her hands on her lap as she looked over at Richard.
“There’s no way Rhys and Gwyneth are going to stay here. There’s no room and I’d rather die than be in the same room as Rhys of all people.”
Krista gasped, placing a hand on her chest as her brows arched upwards. “How could you say such a thing! About your eldest brother too! I thought you and Rhys were good friends.”
“We were until he dated my crush, knowing damn well she was my crush ,15 years ago.”
“Tut tut tut, that’s no good reason as to not interact with him at all.” Krista crossed her arms again, a move that always made goosebumps appear on Richard’s arms. “I will not force them to come. But knowing them, they’ll find their way over here eventually. There’s nothing much you can do about that.”
“Yeah...I know.” He carried on eating, enjoying the breakfast she had brought for them silently.
“Let me know if you need any money for your rent, Dewi.” She added, standing up and taking the brown bag with her.
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“W-wait. You’re going already?” He asked, almost choking on a bit of sausage in the process of asking.
“Why, yes! I’m still yet to check into my hotel room! I’ll text you where I’ll be staying if you want to see me or to introduce me to any of your lovely friends!” She made her way towards the door, opening it and pausing at the door way. She looked back, her eyes squinting ever so slightly as she spoke. 
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“I do expect a reply this time dear.”
Richard gulped, with Krista closing her eyes and letting out a little giggle. “Hwyl! Bore da!”
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“Bore...da...mam…” Upon her closing the door, Richard was left dumbfounded, his mouth somewhat agape as the feeling of dread began to return.
Vitalis peaked up from behind the couch, looking at the coffee table.
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“So...are you going to eat those eggs?”
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Richard looked back, trying to resist the urge to slap him before resting his head back against the couch and rubbing his face with both hands.
“Sure. Knock yourself out.”
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untilmynextstory · 4 years
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Chapter Six: The Separation of Crows
AUTHOR NOTE: So Alma’s is going to be going through it. So please be patient while she works out all the trauma she has endured. 
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For the first time in years, Alma is going to fully acknowledge her ex-husband. Since their divorce things had been rocky between them. They never had fully recovered from the events that took place that led to their divorce. 
They are civil when it comes to anything regarding Nathan. 99.9 % of their conversations revolve around their son. Outside of the first year of the divorce and working out the distance, they had been able to work out a schedule that didn’t hurt Nathan’s relationship with his father. Jax got their son for the summer and every holiday and Nathan stayed with her for the school year. 
Alma can say she is proud that she and Jax have managed to co-parent as well as they have. She had thought it would be harder. She expected so much resistance. Yet, Jax has been over generous through the years and she knows he is overcompensating for the guilt he still feels. 
She feels bad that she and Jax have turned into strangers. 
She knows exactly when it happened. 
Wendy had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. After getting the paternity test, it turned out Jax was not the father. She had been happy for Jax if that made any sense. She knows that he thought it could be the start in mending things. Instead it just brought up old wounds as it didn’t change that he had slept with another woman, one of many, who could've been pregnant with his child. That had thrown Alma down a spiral she had managed to avoid and after that short and clipped phone call. She had a night out in the town where she met Vitaly Petrova. The man that would become her husband. 
She knows the only reason Jax came to the wedding was because of Nathan. He would have his boy for a month while she and Vitaly went on their honeymoon. Since her wedding night, any type of thread they had on a relationship evaporated. Jax created a bigger distance she couldn’t even begin to build a bridge too. She knows she is at fault considering what exactly conspired between the two on her wedding night. 
She knows he is going to have questions. It’s been 2 years since she has been back to Charming. She only made a trip to Opie’s homecoming party. When Nathan comes to stay with his dad, she and Jax always meet halfway. 
She knows Nathan is going to be mad, but she is doing what is best for him. That is her job as her mother. What hurts is having to follow the familiar route to hers and Jax’s first home. Nathan had mentioned in passing that Jax found the second house too big - too empty. The house is for Nathan when he is older and wants to come back to Charming. 
Nothing really has changed except for the vines that are overtaking the exterior. She finds Jax outside restoring a bike. He looks shocked to see her as Nathan isn’t due to visit until June for the summer. It’s May. 
Alma makes note in the changes of her ex-husband though. He had chopped off all his hair. He has a close cropped shave and it seems he has added at least 15 pounds in muscles since the last time she saw him. 
He doesn’t show any reaction to her showing up unannounced. He never shows any reaction towards her anymore. His eyes scan her car before her appearance. She isn’t all dolled up as she usually is. Her now blonde hair is in a sloppy bun and she is wearing a simple red summer dress. 
“Hey, Jax,” she greets. 
He doesn’t say anything as he begins wiping his hands off with a rag. 
“Everything okay with Nathan?” He asks. 
“Yeah. Everything is fine.”
Jax raises his eyebrow. “If it were, you wouldn't be here in Charming unannounced.”
“I wanted to talk about changing Nathan’s visiting schedule.”
Jax nods his head. “You and the Russian going on vacation?” That was another thing. Jax never referred to Vitaly by his name. Just the Russian. She knows Jax hates her husband for many reasons and now she is potentially creating another one. 
“Actually, I was thinking Nathan should start high school in Charming. I want him to come back living here.”
“What?” Her ex-husband replies visibly confused. 
“I think with high school, it may be best for him to be with you. I know the visitation...it’s hard for you.”
Jax sighs. “He wanted to be with you, Al. It’s hard, but it’s not like I don’t see him. We talk almost every day.”
“I just want to do this for you.”
Jax stares at her directly in her eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Alma hides the panic. She has gotten good at lying in the past three years. She knows she is risking a lot by not hiding her eyes with sunglasses, but it would put Jax on even more of an alert. 
“Everything is okay, Jax.” She assures him. 
Jax doesn’t press. He folds his arms across his chest. “I mean it’s not like I am going to have a problem with my son wanting to live with me.”
Alma smiles and some tension leaves her body. “I already completed the paperwork and I enrolled him at Aquinas Academy.”
“That Catholic school in Stockton? That place is expensive as shit.” Jax exclaims. 
“We always planned to send the kids there Jax. Did you forget I went there? We get a discount.”
A fond smile comes across his face. “Trust me, darlin’, I did not forget you in that skirt they passed as a uniform.” 
Alma rolls her eyes, but she can’t help the smile that comes across her face. It’s nice to be talking to Jax like this without any tension. Although it makes the heartache worse because she misses him. She never stopped despite all the heartache he put her through. She knows that makes her stupid. 
“I already ordered him a couple uniforms too.”
“Jesus, Al, let me pay for something. I know the Russian has money, but Christ, Nathan is my son.” Jax says with more bite than intended. 
“I didn’t use any of his money, Jax. I never do with things for Nathan and I’m sure you know that considering you make it a point to send child support checks I never ask for.” Alma constantly rolls her eyes at the money Jax sends her on a monthly basis. Of course it all goes directly to Nathan, but she knows the excessive amount Jax puts in is for her as well. With the money, she has been teaching Nathan about budgeting and she makes sure he isn’t always buying outlandish things. “Besides, I have my own money.”
Jax lips tug up. “How is your shop? Mom liked the nails you sent in for her to try.”
A bright smile comes over her face any time anyone asks about her nail salon. Two years ago she started Picassos. She started a small online shop for press or glue on nails and after getting the necessary paperwork and certifications, she was able to open her own salon and it has done exceptionally well. In fact, her online store constantly keeps her busy. 
“It’s going so well. I’m thinking of expanding.”
“Yeah. Have any spaces picked out?”
A blush taints her cheeks for some reason. “I’m actually thinking of opening a spot here. I am supposed to meet with Hale about potential spaces especially since Nathan will be here now.”
Jax presses his lips together. She can tell he is thinking hard. He is trying to understand what is going on around him. He closes the distance between them. His hand comes up and grips her chin forcing her to look at him. She hates how a simple touch from him causes goosebumps to erupt across her flesh. 
“I know I was shit husband -”
“You weren’t,” she interrupts foolishly. Sure, at the end he was, but in the beginning, she can’t find herself tainting the image of the man she had hopelessly been in love with.  
A strained smile reaches Jax’s lip. “...still despite what happened between us. You can still come to me if you need my help.”
“Jax, I’m fine. Everything is okay.” She places her hand over his and squeezes it before removing his hand from her face. “I’ll see you next month.”
She doesn’t let Jax get another word back in as she rushes back to her car. 
Alma had to plan it meticulously. Vitaly is always busiest it seems between May and until the end of June. It’s then he makes his visits to other states or countries for things. Then in July, he would spoil her with a trip someplace. She knows this summer will not be an easy one. Most importantly, she feels bad for having to deceive her son. 
She looks at her oldest, as he gets older, she thought he would take after his father more. She had been surprised how much he resembles her physically. From the brown hair and she even finds some of her mannerisms in him. However, his eyes are his father’s eyes. Those blue orbs are a carbon copy of his father’s and he also seems to have inherited his father’s brain when it comes to things that aren’t particularly suited for the interests of 14 year olds. She has gotten too many phone calls about her son setting up candy stores trying to make a buck at school. 
Despite his lukewarm relationship with Vitaly, she knows Nathan does enjoy spending time learning the business side of the wine industry. Nathan has expressed an interest in going to school for business. She had been pleasantly surprised that her son showed an interest in college. She had been convinced her son would move back to Charming at 18 and join the club. Although she might be changing the course of his life by moving him to Charming. 
“What do you mean I’m moving with Dad?” Nathan asks as he packed what he believed to be his summer bag to his father’s. He only brings simple things like a book, movies, and games. Maybe a sweatshirt he is particularly fond of.  Usually the first day he is back in Charming, his dad takes him shopping for new clothes and things he needs if he outgrown some things. It also helped that he didn’t need to lug around a suitcase and deal with unpacking. 
“I enrolled you at Aquinas Academy for high school. So now for holidays you’ll come here. I thought it might be best for you to spend your teenage years with your dad.”
“And I don’t get a say in this?” Nathan asks. 
“If you really hate Charming that much, you can come back here of course. I think it would be best. I mean I got you for all these years. I think you and your dad would love this.”
“Does Vitaly know?”
“It doesn’t matter. When it comes to you, the final decision is between me and your father.” His mother deflects. 
Nathan straightens his back. He doesn’t like that answer. The thing was being young Nathan didn’t see the warning signs, or maybe Vitaly was good at hiding them. He can also say he had come to a point where he hated his father for the pain he inflicted on his mother. Vitaly didn’t seem to be wrong for his mother. He was spoiling his mother with gifts and seemed like he wanted to form a friendship with him. Now, he thinks Vitaly just knew how to prey on his mother. She was emotionally vulnerable and he dove like a crow. 
He thinks it was almost a year into his mother's marriage something felt off between his mom and Vitaly. 
The problem is he never sees anything. Sure, there are some raised voices and he does check his mom over for marks, but there is no evidence. 
There are times when he wants to mention something to his dad. He just is scared of his dad’s reaction and what could happen to his mom. His dad doesn’t like Vitaly as is and he knows his dad might do something reckless. Knows the club could get into trouble if his dad did do something. 
Although his main concern is his mother, he has researched a little on domestic violence and he needs to be sure she is safe. 
“Mom, I can’t leave you alone.” Nathan settles on. 
“I won’t be. I have the salon keeping me busy.” She answers. 
Nathan wants to scream and shout, but he doesn’t. He is a teeanger and he needs to be smart about this. Just maybe his mom does have a plan if she is sending him back to Charming. It doesn’t ease his worries though. 
“You’re gonna come to visit at least on the first day of school?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Alma didn’t think it would be this hard. It’s always hard when her baby leaves for the summer. She misses him terribly and Nathan’s absence is always felt. Now though she can’t stop crying as she holds him to send him off with his father. 
“Christ, Mom,” Nathan says as she smothers him in kisses as she has to stand on her tippy toes a bit.
She can hear Jax chuckle in the background. 
She pulls back, “I’m just going to miss you so much.”
“I can see that.” 
“Oh stop,” Alma says. 
“I’m just going to be with Dad. It’s not like I’m moving to another country.”
Alma gives her son another hug. “I’ll miss you, baby.”
Nathan’s arms wrap around her tightly and they hold each other. Her baby is growing up. “I’ll miss you too, Mom.”
Alma pulls back and watches as Nathan makes his way to Jax’s truck. Jax is leaning against his grill with a somber expression. He walks over to her, “You sure about this?”
“Yeah. I’ll be in town for a couple weeks in August to see him start school.” She tells him. She wraps her arms around herself. “Just take care of him, Jax. He’s the only thing I have left.”
Jax nods his head. His eyes scan her over, “I’ll see you in August.”
The ride to Charming was quiet. Jax expected it to be considering how Alma clearly was distraught with Nathan moving in with him. Jax reminds himself that Alma wanted this and he was happy to have his son full time. Yet, since she popped up unexpectedly last month, he felt something was off. He was missing something from this. Sure, he had his suspicions. He made the mistakes once of making an offhand comment to Clay about it. The guys would usually ignore his comments about the Russian and write it off as jealousy. Yet, Clay had looked at him and made the pointed reminder that Alma wasn’t his wife or old lady. Her marriage wasn’t his business. Also if he did something the blow back wouldn’t not only hurt Alma and Nathan, but the club would suffer. 
Sometimes, Jax wanted to ask Nathan if he had worries or issues with Vitaly. He just didn’t want to put his son in that position. If there was a truth to any suspicions of wrongdoing, Jax would murder Vitaly without any hesitation. 
He just doesn’t know how to handle the fact he pushed Alma into this situation. He fucked up and she landed into this assholes lap. 
“We’re going to Grandma’s?” Nathan asks when they don’t take the turn to the house. 
“Her grandbaby is moving back to Charming. She made a whole spread for you.” Jax informs him. 
Gemma had been ecstatic when he told her Alma was sending Nathan to move in with him permanently. Since Alma married the Russian, their relationship had turned frosty. He knows his mom thought a reconciliation would happen and he thinks it's safe to say they were both blindsided when she announced she was getting married. 
His mother didn’t like the Russian either, but for other reasons. Jax thinks he is the only one that believes Alma’s marriage isn’t what it seems. He thinks it may be time to talk to Opie because he might get clarity from him, but even then it doesn’t change the fact Alma isn’t his old lady or wife. 
“You think she’ll be nicer to mom now?” 
Jax raises an eyebrow. “Who knows with your grandmother. How’s Ann doing?”
Nathan shrugs his shoulders. “Somewhere with her boyfriend. I don’t know. She and mom don’t talk much anymore.”
“Why’s that?”
“Everytime they would talk, Ann would say something bad about you and praise Vitaly. It would lead to arguments. So mom stopped checking in unless she felt I needed to talk to her, which I don't.” 
Jax snorts. “Unbelievable. How is the Russian?” He asks with clear distaste.
Nathan shrugs his shoulders. “On a business trip, I guess.” Nathan taps his fingers against his knees. “I just wish my mom wasn’t going to be alone in the house.”
“You worried for her.”
“It’s just been me and her, ya know. After Ben and Kaylee...I always worry.” Nathan reveals. 
Jax fights the ball in his throat at the mention of his two youngest. His chest still tightens thinking about them and what their futures could’ve been.
“She and the Russian don’t want kids?” He asks. He tries not to think about Alma sharing a bed with that man, but he has been mentally preparing for the pregnancy announcement any day now. 
“Vitaly doesn’t like kids.”
“What!” Jax exclaims, shocked. 
“That’s what he told me.”
“What? When?” Jax inquires. 
“It was a little bit after when they got married. One of the workers at the winery had a baby. He told me I didn’t need to worry about getting another sibling. He wasn’t fond of kids, especially babies.”
“Your mom knows this?”
Nathan furrows his brow. “I would imagine. It’s not like I really want to talk about mom’s sex life, Dad. Gross.”
“How do you think you got here?”
Nathan’s nose scrunches up. “Disgusting.”
“Speaking of sex, don’t think you are living with me you can be sneaking girls over. Your mom will kill me if you get a girl pregnant.” Jax warns. “You do know how to use a condom?”
“Ugh, yes, Dad. Mom showed me.”
“Dad, I really don’t want to talk about this.”
“Well you are getting a refresher and I’ll take you shopping, or did your mom already take you?”
Nathan’s cheeks are red at this point. “No, Mom said she’ll save the shopping for you.”
“Look at that, your mom thinks of everything.” Jax says as he pulls into Gemma’s driveway. He turns the truck off. “I’ll give you a few minutes to call your mom and tell her that you're here, alright.”
Nathan nods his head and Jax slips out of the truck. He walks into his mother’s house. He almost jumps as the door is swung open. His mother is on the opposite side of him. She looks behind him. “Where is my grandson?”
“Calling Alma real quick to tell her we made it.” He answers as he walks into the house. 
“Well?” Gemma presses. 
“Well what?”
“Aren’t you excited? You’ve been mopey since Alma gave you the good news. It’s about time she came to her senses about the boy needing to be with his father.” Gemma adds. 
“Ma,” Jax warns. 
Gemma presses her lips together. “You should be happy.”
“I am.”
“She’s not your concern anymore, Jax.”
“She is still family, Ma.” Jax answers. “She’s the mother of my children. She is always going to be a concern.”
Alma has been nervous for this day. She is in the sitting living room by the tall windows as she looks out into their backyard. Vitaly is returning from his business trip. She can hear his footsteps approaching. She watches as he waves off his security to give them privacy. 
Vitaly is a handsome man. Tall and lean, his dirty blonde hair is slicked back and parted on the side, and it seems in the month he has grown out a mustache. When they first met, she wasn’t really impressed with him. Or at the time, he shared some similarities with her ex husband with the long hair and baggy shirts and jeans. But Vitaly’s sense of style has matured to silk buttons up and slacks. Expensive shoes and diamond jewelry. Despite having a legitimate winery with vast distribution, he has ties to the Russian Mafia. His uncle is Viktor Putlova, the head of the Mafia. 
Alma had been hesitant to be involved with someone in the Life again, but she was swept up by Vitaly. Also it helped that the Sons rarely do business dealings with the Russians. 
She took the risk. 
“Hey, baby,” he greets and gives her a kiss before sitting next to her. 
“How was the trip?”
“Too long. Just wanted to come home,” he tells her as he puts an arm around her shoulder. 
“Nathan already gone?”
Alma swallows the ball in her throat. “Yeah. Dropped him off last night.”
“When is he coming back?”
“He...uh...he is going to be actually staying in Charming. He is going to live with Jax.” She informs him. 
Vitaly freezes. “When was this decided?”
“A few weeks ago.”
“And you are only telling me now?”
Alma doesn’t say anything. 
“Answer me.” Vitaly barks. 
“He is starting high school. I thought it was best he was with his dad. They both miss each other.” Alma rushes out. 
“You couldn’t tell me this over the phone. You went behind my back.” Vitaly points out. “When did you tell, Jax?”
“Over the phone.” Vitaly inquires.
Alma shakes her head. 
Even though she is prepared for it, it still manages to take her by surprise when Vitaly grabs her by her throat. He squeezes hard as he chokes her. She begins to feel light headed and white spots are forming in her eyes. 
She coughs as he throws her to the floor. 
“Jesus, fuck, Alma!” Vitaly shouts. “Get to the fucking room.” She can hear him unbuckling his belt. 
She used to think she was in love with Vitaly. Maybe a part of her was, but all she knows that her heart was already broken once so it can’t be broken again.
TWO YEARS AGO - The Wedding
Alma never imagined getting married again. In fact, she thought she was done with marriage. She had no desire in making vows with another man. Yet, look at her now. She is only in her peach colored robe and the fancy lingerie set she bought for her soon to be husband. She had just finished her makeup when she began to feel overwhelmed. 
Her mom sensed that she needed some space. She didn’t remember feeling nervous when she married Jax, but then again she already had a kid. Marriage paled in comparison to that. 
She is just worried she is making a mistake. Her choices affect her son. She and Vitaly could be together without the attachment of marriage. She wonders if it is normal to feel scared. She knows she sure as hell doesn't feel happy at the moment. 
Thinking on it, Alma didn’t have much say in the wedding planning. Her mom had taken over everything for her. 
A knock comes at the door. 
“One minute.” She replies. 
It’s quiet, but the knock comes again. She sighs and storms to the door. “I said one -” Her voice dies as she finds Jax on the other side of the door. 
He rushes into the room. Alma closes the door. She knows the only reason he is here is because of Nathan. Immediately after the wedding festivities Jax is going to take Nathan while they are on their honeymoon. 
She doesn’t get to question him as to why he is here because he beats her to it. 
“Please do not do this,” he pleads. 
Alma rolls her eyes. She walks back over to her vanity. “You did this. You ended us.”
“Alma, please, I’m sorry...there has to be something -”
“You’ve done enough.” She informs him bluntly. 
It goes quiet in the dressing room. Alma busies herself by playing with random items on her vanity, but it doesn’t conceal that her hands are shaking. 
She hears Jax footsteps behind her before his chest is against her back. Alma freezes. She turns immediately to slap him for even crossing that physical boundary. 
Yet as soon as she turns, Jax hoists her up on the vanity and immediately spreads her legs to stand between them. His movements were rough and desperate as he immediately removed her robe leaving her in her peach colored lingerie. 
His fingers wrapped around her throat and he moved her closer as he applied the smallest of pressure and pressed his lips against hers. 
She was distracted by Jax kissing hers that she jumps slightly in surprise when she feels his fingers move her panties to the side and tease her opening. He didn’t thrust them inside of her, but kept circling them making her buck her hips up on the counter. 
“Jax,” she moans. 
She hears him unzipping his pants and her panties are pushed to the side again and he slams himself inside of her. 
Alma screams are muffled as Jax moves the hand around her neck to cover her mouth. Her walls constrict around him as her body gets adjusted to him. She hates to even admit that she missed this side of Jax. She missed him. 
Jax moves his hand back to her throat as he presses another rough kiss to her mouth. He pulls all the way out before snapping his hips back up into hers. Alma bites her lip to stifle her moans as each thrust is harder than before. 
She knows what Jax is doing. She shouldn’t be letting him do this. She shouldn’t be doing this at all. But she tightens around him. 
Jax releases a broken moan, “Christ, you feel so fucking perfect.”
Jax lifts her leg and he hits her G-Spot repeatedly. It triggers her orgasm unexpectedly. Her body quivers and a lewd moan leaves Jax mouth as he releases. She can feel him coating her walls. He trails kisses across her collarbone and throat before he meets her lips. 
She can feel the tears building in her eyes. She thinks she truly hates Jax and herself at this moment. Jax pulls back when he feels the first drop of liquid against his cheeks. 
Alma winces as he pulls out of her. She ignores his cum dripping out of her and staining her panties. She is lucky she brought another set of lingerie as she couldn’t decide. 
“I hate you.” She tells him. She doesn’t glance at him as he cleans up. She has barely tied her robe back together and Jax has just buckled his belt when the door slams open revealing her mother. 
Ann doesn’t say anything as she glares at Jax, who walks out without a glance back. 
Alma turns as she looks for the other set of lingerie. 
“Is it out of your system?” Ann asks. 
Alma nods her head.
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lucifer-kane · 4 years
Ilias watched Christopher from where he was standing about 30 feet from the small statue slash what seemed lime a shrine of some sort, there were a few people around it, from children to adults, all having a grand old time. He looks up at the statue that was the size of a regular person, a white statue depicting a soft yet still slightly angular man with long hair and a soft smile that showed off soft rounded cheeks. He was handsome in a way where it took time to notice. Christopher has insisted they stop here while on their (Christopher’s) trip to Helimire.
Something with Christopher shifted when they walked into the small garden area that held the statue, his normal dark and cynical demeanor shifted to something comfortable and soft. It shocked Ilias a bit, having never seen this side of the man, unless he was with his twin. It made Ilias’ heart skip a beat and he did his damnest to ignore that feeling. Christopher was a wealthy bastard who snapped at Ilias at any chance, and Ilias snapped right back. It didn’t matter if they fought good together, Ilias still hated the arrogant prick.
But now, his thoughts hesitated to call him thay once again, looking at the way Christopher gazed at the state with a look Ilias can only call adoration, sadness, and love. A misty haze coming over the raven haired man’s eyes as he looked to the state as others milled about around it. Ilias wants to ask, but he also doesn’t want to ruin this moment. He watches as Christopher pulls the satchel on his side open, pulling a thick and messy book from it that seems centuries old, but in nearly perfect condition. Well loved. Christopher sits down on the marble bench that is in front of the statue and holds the journal protectively in his hands.
“Now.” He begins, deep but lovely voice cutting through the noise of the crowed. Ilias almost thinks Christopher has enhanced it somehow, it’s not entirely impossible. “I’m sure since all of you are here, you all know of Helimire’s lovely Vitalis.” He smiles and looks back at the statue. Oh. That’s who it was.
Ilias didn’t know much of the artist and poet Vitalis, he had seen a few of the gentleman’s artworks and even read a few of his poems, but other than that, he was intirely in the dark when it came to the artist Helimire, and even the country of Astor, adored so much. The first popular poet of the city, decades before it became what it is today. He leans up against a tree with soft pink leaves and listens to Christopher speak, all the audience’s attention on him, ready to also listen.
“Most of you know him as one of the first poets and artists that grew to fame in the city just before it became what it is today. But stories and the way people are talks of change over the years, especially stories only told by word of mouth. But I like coming here every once in awhile to talk about him to the crowds that come and form to do their own writing and art here.” He smiles at that.
“Not many know that he wasn’t a wealthy man, he lived in what was originally a one room building that sat right outside of what would become the Helimire library. He divided it into three parts shortly after he moved into it, a place for a kitchen and a small bathroom, then the larger part becoming his bedroom. He spent twenty years making his bedroom into something beautiful, there was even an old piano in it. He didn’t know how to play piano.” The crowd chuckles and Christopher does so along side of them.
“The rest of the bedroom was absolutely covered in soft things. Pillows, blankets, silks, and I just mean anything soft you could imagine being in there was probably in there. He slept anywhere.”
Ilias watches the story continue, going through Vitalis’ life and the things he did and how he did art and poetry for himself more than anything else. How yes he still sold some of his things and painted people in the park for cheap, he just wanted to make people feel and smile and be happy. How Vitalis was one of the happiest and kindest people Christopher had ever met in his life. At the end, someone who has to be in their older teens or so, speaks up, curious.
“How do you know all these things?” They ask softly. Ilias Christopher smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling, the wrinkles there deepening.
“Well, for one I love Helimire’s history and I like to think I’m very knowledgeable on it.” There’s a smugness in his voice and Ilias can’t help to make a face. “But Vitalis was a man I was very interested in, and he was also my dear husband.” Ilias can’t help the shocked expression that forms on his face, for Christopher to admit so freely his immortality and long life. He sees Christopher’s eyes quickly shift to his before looking back to the crowed, the same soft smile on his face. There’s a murmuring across the crowed and a few people seem like they’re ready to ask about it, a few for good reason, look like they don’t believe it.
But Christopher pulls out a photograph from the middle of the stuffed journal, turning to show it to the crowed. It’s in black and white, and faded slightly due to age, but still better looking than most photographs from that time, since it was just getting started back then. On the other photograph was obviously Christopher, hair much longer than it was currently, pulled back and up into a loose ponytail, some hairs loose and falling around his face. He looked different, happy, joyful, and so different than the man Ilias came to know.
The other in the photo matched the statue behind Christopher, hair even longer than his partners, but styled in soft waves around his face and weaved with flowers and ivy. They were pressed chest to chest, hands curled around each other’s hands, smiling the happiest smile at one another. The crowed whispers with soft sounds of Knowing and adoration. Christopher looks pleased, but not in a smug way, but in a happy and gentle way.
They’re both there for about another hour, Christopher showing off the journal in his hands as one of the last Vitalis ever used before he passed. Shows off sketches in the book, poetry no one has ever heard, and anything else that was stuffed into the book. Christopher stands after a little bit, grabs his walking stick, and looks to Ilias.
“Are you ready to head back?” Christopher asks, coming up to stand next to the slightly shorter man. Still thinking of the last few hours, all he can do is nod and follow Christopher out of the small garden, then out of the city.
It’s quiet for the first part of the trip between the two of them, Christopher with his cheek in his hand has he looks out the window of the train heading back to the Institute. Ilias sits beside of him, hands in his lap, as he thinks about the last two days the two of them spent in Helimire. It was Ilias’ first trip to the city, despite how close he’s lived to it since he was a child, but it was never a first priority to go there. He had more important things to do, especially when he took over being head of the Institute after his older sister died. But when Christopher brought up the opportunity to Ilias to come along with him, since Morgan was busy with something of her own, he took it. They might have bickered more often than not, but Ilias wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see the largest city in the world. 
“How do you just talk of it like that?” Ilias asks after a bit longer, turning to look at Christopher, who startles a bit out of his daydream to look at Ilias. 
“Talk of what?” 
“Your immortality.” 
“When it comes to things like that, the more mundane and happy times of it, it’s easy. When it comes to Vitalis as well, it’s even easier.” There’s a softness in his voice again, one that Ilias is trying very hard not to come to love. 
“But... those who don’t know.” 
“There’s still immortals amongst the ones without magic.” Christopher points out. “Those who live longer lives, they don’t suspect a thing, I’ve come to find.” 
“I... never thought of it like that.”
“Not many do.” Christopher shrugs. “I just love talking about him. He was the first man I ever loved after my sister and I came to be among the mortals. He... taught me a lot of love and what it is, romantic love at least.” Christopher folds his hands on his lap and looks content. 
“...How?” Ilias asks, genuine and curious. Christopher bites his bottom lip and reaches over hesitantly, patting Ilias’ hand gently. 
“I don’t really know how to explain that easily, but he loved with such an open heart that it made me anxious at first, you could see that man fall in love at the drop of a hat. Not all of it romantic, but he wore his heart on his sleeve and it was beautiful. He made me happy, and this was centuries of Morgan and I already being here and I had never really been in love before. I...love easily, and I have loved many over my time among you all. But to be in love? Was something entirely different. Vitalis was that first for me, a first of a lot of things. I wish I could explain it better than that.” Ilias shakes his head, bringing up his other hand to trail his fingers over the back of Christopher’s. His hands were shaky but he ignored it to the best of his ability. 
“If that’s the way you can do it, then that’s the way you explain it. I know we’ve been... assholes to one another, since the beginning, what? Three years now.” Christopher snorts and grins. “But over the last few months I’ve come to respect you more, you still get on my nerves.” 
“As I will continue to do so.” Ilias looks up to glare at him, but this time, there’s no heat behind it. 
“But I do respect you, you’re just a mystery to me.” Christopher grins and leans over, kissing Ilias’ cheek swiftly before whispering into his ear. 
“And I will continue to be one.” 
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 22
oooh man, its time to feel some EMOTIONS!
I'm BACK after a hiatus, which was due in part to me getting my 1st dose of the covid vaccine! woohoo!
anyways, starting here w/issue 22....we have a great cover w/thunderclash, the legend himself
oof. the covers made me forget how much I don't like the art this issue...I hate to be mean to the artists but this art style just isn't doin it for me chief
god I love this issue though. the framing device of rewind’s movie is so so fantastic
tailgate listing off all his fake awards/accomplishments....ily 
rodimus my boy, you're a prime in my heart
the ‘not a decepticon’ label for cyclonus is so much hvbhkjfbskjf
I literally wanna comment on every single panel bc I love all the characters so much but then id be here forever...that being said whirl ily sm 
hvbjdfbhsfjhdfshja BRAINSTORM ‘according to perceptor - ships genius’ hvhdkjhbfhjs ily dumb gay idiot
and then the cut to perceptor after brainstorm like, blew up his lab vjbkdsfnbksjf dude
GODDDDDD drift ‘your name...defines you. it’s your soul expressed in syllables. hm? oh, yes, sorry. it’s drift.’ GOD he’s so fucking funny. I love early story hippy drift
god I cant stop thinking about how good this whole issue would be as an animated show...like, specifically rewinds film, it would be SO FUCKING GOOOOOOD mtmte show WHEN
rewiiiiind ;_; I fuckgin love rewind god. fellow video editing enthusiast....
ohhhh rodimus being embarrassed about his big speech at the beginning of mtmte....my boy I love u so much
gjhnbgehjsrkfbjksf magnus being suspicious of rewind oh my god. magnus ily but please, look at the lil guy, he’s a good boy, most of the time
the fuckgin footage that magnus removed hbvhakjbfhskf god. wasn't that intended to be footage of magnus dancing? I love him
minibot squad.....
and here it begins, the mystery stick rung question...
poor rung oh my god he’s just trying to polish his lil spaceship and people r throwing shit at him. taking Ls as per usual it seems
hand grenade tag hvbfjksdnfbkjdf love that callback
noooo rungs ship :( 
magnus’s censorship vhbhadkjfhdbhjsakjhfn
oh man I forgot about how they met that race of Transformers But More 
the one-upsmanship hbvkajsbehfjks
whirrrrrl lmao I love whirl sm
goddddd whirl just killing that other alien and ending the 16 million yr long civil war bvkjsdbfhjjkafs so fucking much
oh god oh god the ‘are you happy’ page, I'm not emotionally equipped to handle this like, ever
but I will say I feel like it would be EVEN MORE oof if it were milne or someone drawing it bc I feel like this art style takes away from some of the impact bc the expressions aren't really that...expressive? idk how to put it
anyways. every single answer destroys me!!! like even the happy ones, like chromedome and rewind and tailgate - well, in present time, none of those three are doing so hot, so that makes this just hurt 
and rung....that is so fucking depressing. jesus. this guy is so fuckng sad, somebody get him a friend stat
and swerve...ouch. this readthru I've really noticed how much early-mtmte swerve is not-so-subtly like, crying out for help bc he’s so alone and shit. jesus 
also brainstorms response is just plain ole sad w/context, but at this point in the story without context, it just seems very foreboding lmao. I'm realizing this readthru that brainstorm is very sketchy and ominous in a particular ‘is he evil?’ mad scientist sorta way in early mtmte
and then everyone else is also just so OOF in their own unique sad ways, but I think the worst out of everyone is drift....GODDDDDD. especially considering that at this point in the story, drift is this kinda goofy hippy guy, so seeing him just sit there with his face in his hand, not even answering the question...AND knowing that shortly after this he’ll end up banished...IT FUCKING HURTS M8!
meanwhile, the more upbeat ‘quest to see rungs alt mode’ continues...with an ‘alt mode party’ vhbadkjsdfnabskjf it looks so silly with a bunch of cars just sitting around a table lmao
I cant even tell who everyone is bc they so rarely turn into cars n shit lmaoooooo 
rodimus with the bucket on his head hbvhakjbfskjf I CANT
everyone’s reactions to thunderclash...i fucking love it
the fact that TAILGATE doesn't hate him, even though we’ve seen that tailgate tends to dislike people who are universally liked/who have achieved a lot of impressive things
rodimus you petty thot vbdkjbfdjhsakjdf ily
RODIMUS IS SO FUNNYYYYYY ‘I'm not making all these sacrifices and leading these guys into battle and being inspirational - I'm not doing that because it makes me look good’ RODIMUS VBHSKJDFNBKSJF
thunderclash talking about magnus’s article on typefaces....hdbksjfsdbkjgfb bro
POOR DRIFT bvhajkdfbhjkjsfd rodimus saying he ‘rehabilitated him’ oh my god
the whole spectralism thing...im sorry I cant get over how funny all this is vbakdjfbksjf thunderclash rlly b out here charming rodimus’s entire crew
and then ratchet comes in, calling tc ‘thunders,’ and tc immediately notices ratchets new hands (somehow) hvbkjfhbskjf truly amazing
it cracks me up that rodimus is all 😒😒 at thunderclash, even though as we come to find out, tc really IS That Perfect, and him complimenting rodimus isn't sarcasm at all lmao
the vis vitalis being a life support machine spaceship is a really cool concept tho
‘rescuing some orphans from an exploding sun’ I fucking cant
evil guy: [holds a gun to thunderclash’s head] 
rodimus: :D finally something doesn't go his way!
he’s so petty I’m..........dkdjhfdabhduifadijgl
and its the aliens from earlier! oooh
GODDD I forgot that swerve used rung in mystery stick mode to SCHWACK the guy
rung casually dropping the fact that the functionists like, experimented on him...there's a lot of implications there, and that'll certainly be explored more later...
the fact that his ID card says ‘rong’ hvbhjakhdsbfakhsjfn 
oughufadkfujbsfk the circle of light throwing wrenches n shit at skids...guys cmon vbhsdjkfnslfd
the circle of light is like ‘wtf you all have trauma and a bunch of weird unhealthy coping mechanisms this is wack byeeeee’ lmao
skids calling the lost light his home is rlly sweet tho
cant believe the religious space hippy cult is being so rude about a film made by a guy who died like a week ago. unreal 
cd finally figured out how to make the pffft sound, good for him
AUGHHHHH the fact that rewind used ‘little victories’ as the title of the film and that's something that chromedome said in the video ;_; I'm fucking inconsolable 
rodimus, despite his obvious posturing for the camera during the whole issue, comes off as surprisingly genuine when he says that he hasn't thought about his own future much, but wants the crew to have a happy ending....im gonna cry
‘who knows what's around the corner?’ tailgate, PLEASE don't say that, oh my god, 
OHHH mannnnNNNNN i love this issue SO MUCH. what a good fun emotional rollercoaster wrap-up to mtmte s1. god. 
like, this issue has it all - humor, drama, crippling sadness, intrigue, worldbuilding...it’s so excellent 
and getting to see rewind again hurts so bad but also I love him
ok quick mtmte s1 retrospective...god s1 is so fucking good. I'm gonna have to read more to say which chunk of mtmte I liked best but s1 is so fucking excellent that it might be my favorite. though its hard to pick bc there's so much good stuff later on too...whatever, the point is s1 is so so good
the plotlines and characters are fucking stellar. like I cant even believe how well Everything works, its very impressive. I cant really think of anything major that made me go ‘yeah could've done without that plotline/character’
I love how dedicated jro is to connecting everything. I've mentioned it before but basically every single moment in the series has payoff - what you initially think is just a funny moment, or a fluffy character establishment bit, ends up ALSO being an important plot point later, in some way
an example would be here w/rung and his alt mode - it just seems like a fun little B-plot for this issue, and seems to pretty neatly conclude with the reveal that rung was eventually classified as an ‘ornament’ (lmao)...but we later on get to see a lot more about this, both here and in the functionist universe 
and like, stuff like tailgate’s autobot lessons w/magnus - at first that can be seen as purely character establishment stuff, showing that magnus is a strict rule-lover and tg is a loveable try-hard good boy - but that becomes plot relevant in remain in light, with tailgate saving the day due to his knowledge of the autobot code (and its also character relevant, with magnus’s arc in remain in light). 
and I know this is like. a normal regular thing in writing, but I'm just very impressed about how cleanly jro pulls it off, and how many things he’s juggling at once, especially in early mtmte - it’s very ambitious!
and we gotta remember, this is a comic book. I've read a lot of comic books, and the quality is all over the place. a lot of writers bite off more than they can chew, and the story ends up kinda scattered as a result. 
another thing I see a lot in franchise writing like this is a lack of strong early character establishing due to the author assuming the readers are at least somewhat familiar with the characters already - which can be totally fair depending on where it is in the continuity, but other times it can come off as lazy
in mtmte, the cast is extremely well fleshed out, and not only that, the cast itself is unique in that there are a lot of relative unknowns (franchise-wise) - which I think was an absolutely brilliant move, because then jro was able to essentially create The Definitive Version of these characters - characters like swerve, brainstorm, chromedome, rewind, tailgate...mtmte is their baseline characterization, because they haven't really appeared in much else
this also allows for deviation from the franchise norms - again, a comic book classic is good writing being stifled by a need to stick to a certain status quo regard the characters, the world, the powers, relationships, etc
(I've mostly read DC comics, and some marvel, so I'm thinking superheroes w/all these comic comparisons)
so mtmte had a good recipe for genuine creativity in that the characters were relative unknowns, the plot was basically ‘space road trip,’ the status quo of ‘autobot vs decepticon war’ had been demolished throughout the entire franchise...so jro was able to take all that and run, and it turned out so fantastic
and luckily it isn't over yet! so many comics suffer from premature cancellation...and sadly mtmte/ll isn't exempt from this, as we’ll see later, but I've seen some awful ones, where comics are forced to wrap up in like 2 issues while in the middle of an arc. yikes. 
but another comic staple...one of my least favorite things about comics books in general...something that was basically responsible for driving me away from comics after reading a bunch...the dreaded crossover event
yep, even mtmte isn't immune to this unfortunate plague on the comic industry. crossover events are the absolute worst, and I'm saying this as somebody who adores crossovers (in concept more than execution usually). they SHOULD be my favorite, but unfortunately they p much always completely suck
they're essentially a ploy to get you to read the other ongoing titles, but they usually only serve to bog down whatever story you're reading to the point where you don't even wanna read that one anymore, let alone read all the other ongoings. at least, that’s been my experience 
it doesn't help that reading orders tend to be hard to find/keep track of, and that you need to go read the other series to know what's going on. I just hate it, like, I came here to read THIS series, I don't want a bunch of other series showing up too - even if I was reading two series, I wouldn't want them crossed over, because they're separate stories! augh!
I'm totally losing my focus here but my point is...crossover events suck, and mtmte unfortunately is involved in one. I have not read dark cybertron, and I'm not about to. I've heard nothing but bad things so I have no desire to inflict that upon myself 
soooo ill be reading through the tfwiki articles for those issues to give myself a better understanding of what went on - which is more than I've ever done in the past - and maybe ill even make a single post summarizing my thoughts on what I read in the wiki, lmao
but yea ill be skipping to the mtmte s2 stuff next 
phew ok I'm super tired, my vision keeps blurring out and stuff lmao. its time for bed, I probably have more thoughts but ill save them for later. for now...peace out!
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ruvviks · 10 months
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summary >> following the devastating revelation of the powerful fixer known as the broker being vitali's own father, the eye of the storm seems to have passed now that more people from vitali's past show up, and things in night city start escalating fast warnings >> brainwashing mention, death, family, injuries, obsessive behavior mention, violence find the first timeline here // find all the chapters here
It’s July 2078. The peace at Vitali’s office is disrupted when Roksana, his younger sister, suddenly shows up without warning, claiming she wants to help Vitali put an end to their father’s path of revenge. Vitali is hesitant, knowing his family well enough to not fully trust Roksana; but he also can’t send her away and allows her to stick around, saying they will wait until Matvey does something again so they can act accordingly.
However, Roksana’s intentions soon enough turn out to be not as pure as first thought, the way she speaks and acts around the other mercenaries causing discomfort and confusion. Vincent realizes soon enough she’s attempting to create distance between Vitali’s mercenaries and himself, pushing them apart and trying to make it seem like Vitali is a bad person. On top of that, her weird obsession that she used to have with Mikhail in their childhood, seems to still be an issue, and she won’t leave him alone.
After a close call with Mikhail, Vitali ends up confronting his sister and she reveals she has indeed been sent by Matvey to try and single him out to make him an easier target. She says she soon enough realized it wouldn’t work, but stuck around anyway- reinforcing the recurring theme of revenge to Vitali, Roksana’s own personal way of rebelling against her parents by working by her own agenda instead- and will now leave the entire situation alone, laying low until it’s all over. Before she leaves, Vitali asks her the location of their mother.
Not much time later, Vitali does in fact end up visiting Nadya Dobrynina in her safehouse in one of the city’s Megabuildings. He’s scared and not entirely sure why he’s doing it, other than wanting to understand. He knows his siblings’ role in all of it now, he’s still figuring out his father’s angle, but his mother’s surprising absence on the big stage is confusing him even more and he needs to find out what her role in all of it is.
The visit turns sour very soon and Vitali and his mother end up in one of their famous screaming competitions, oh-so easily slipping back into those roles they had always carried around each other in Vitali’s childhood. Vitali leaves empty-handed; he has not learned anything new, other than the fact his mother still blames him for everything that has ever gone wrong in her life, and he regrets coming there in the first place. He manages to find his way to Mama Welles in el Coyote Cojo and she comforts him, and tells him to stop by the next week so she can cut his hair for him; like she’s always done.
Following Vitali’s recovery from coming face to face with his sister and mother again, he pays a visit to the Afterlife to talk with Rogue Amendiares. While waiting for a window to approach her, Mikhail is confronted by an old client who wants their money back. Vitali had been in Arizona at the time, but still defends Mikhail, knowing the old client can’t be trusted anyway and the situation escalates into a fight which Vitali wins. It’s broken up by Rogue and the two of them sit down together.
Vitali reveals to Rogue that the Broker is his father, trusting her enough to keep the information a secret. The Council cannot know about any of this; they already suspect that Vitali either is the Broker himself or has something to do with it all, and this would only raise more suspicion than solve anything. He’s gathered evidence of the mercenaries no longer being with him and asks if he can present it to the Council- to at least show them that the Broker is not Vitali.
However, Rogue tells him she cannot call for a meeting, believing it’s too much of a risk with the Broker targeting fixers. Vitali understands and agrees to let Rogue present the evidence- as her own, no less- to the Council instead, hoping this will ease their minds for the time being and get them off his back.
Not long after that, tragedy strikes Vitali’s office building once more; Ravager, who was still in their captivity, has escaped, and is now on the loose in Night City. Vitali himself is on a recon mission all by himself and can’t be reached, leaving his mercenaries in control of the situation in the meantime.
After a full day of searching, they manage to track him down in a Megabuilding. Vitali has by then returned and upon hearing about the cyborg’s new destination, he hurries himself over as fast as he can, knowing that his mother is staying there. He believes Ravager is going to try and kill her; however, the moment he arrives he instead finds them kissing, and his mother’s stakes in the situation become evidently clear to him. He leaves without killing Ravager, deeming him irrelevant enough by then to be even worth the effort.
August arrives, and Vitali finds himself at the grand opening of a new Arasaka facility. The corporation is going to announce the launch of their APEX Program with it; its predecessor being the test trials Vitali was put through, the brainwashing effects of it still holding him in a chokehold to this day. The program is announced by Grant Armitage- truly some random Arasaka exec, however, Matvey is there that day too, to kill this man and blame it on Vitali somehow.
After the opening speech, Vitali and Vincent follow Armitage deeper into the building. Bit by bit they lose their backup, but push forward anyway- just in time to catch Matvey with Armitage in the latter’s office, Matvey’s gun pointed at the man’s head.
However, before anyone can do anything, Ravager shows his face again and kills Armitage without warning. In the confusion that follows, Vitali finds himself dissociating again and ends up all by himself, after which he’s attacked by Ravager who tries to finish the job. He rips out one of Vitali’s mantis blades and attempts to choke him to death, but before he gets to that he is shot in the head by Matvey, who ends up leaving instead of helping Vitali, but with such hesitation it causes Vitali to wonder what it means. He’s found by Vincent and brought to safety; Armitage’s death ends up blamed on Ravager, meaning Matvey’s plan has failed.
A few days later, Vitali wakes up from a horrible nightmare and goes for a smoke at the door of his penthouse’s balcony. Vincent is at home too and tries to talk to him about the situation, wanting to know what Vitali’s next move is; however, Vitali truly doesn’t know, unable to kill his father and knowing it won’t solve anything either. Vincent is getting a little restless and doesn’t understand Vitali’s angle and their discussion turns a little more heated than necessary, after which Vincent tells Vitali to refer to him as “V” only and he says he needs some space.
In the meantime, Matvey is having a similar bad time in his own office, and the mercenaries Dusty and Sanders confront him at his desk. Sanders wants to know what their next move is and is clearly getting impatient with the fixer, and he ends up snapping and telling Matvey that if he had been in his position, Vitali would’ve already long been dead. This causes Matvey to snap in return and he shoots Sanders dead and orders Dusty to leave.
Not long later, Night City is once again under city-wide attack by the Broker’s mercenaries. Vitali and some of his mercs end up on their way to the Afterlife, which is under attack by a horde of them; but this time there’s no motive, no reasoning, and when they arrive at the scene it turns out the mercenaries seem to be out for Vitali’s blood as well. This is a new development, since Matvey had made it abundantly clear he did not want Vitali to end up dead.
They rendezvous at a safehouse, where they get a moment of peace and Vincent and Vitali make up. However, it soon turns out someone has followed them there; it turns out to be Dusty, who reveals that Matvey has been locked up in his own office building and the mercenaries have decided to take matters into their own hands instead. He gives Vitali a location to work with, and everyone instantly gets on the move.
Vitali leads a group to his father’s base of operations and they move in with explosives, not strong enough to level the whole building but strong enough to get rid of all the supplies held inside to stop the mercenaries’ onslaught. Vitali stays with Vincent and Rogue as they move into the building and plant the explosives, but after briefly dissociating he once again finds himself all alone and he comes face to face with Matvey.
A brief fight follows in which Vitali knows this is going to end with one of them dead- however, when the opportunity arises, mercenaries show up and they end up fighting them together instead. Vitali ends up distracted at some point, believing his father is struggling; a miscalculation on Vitali’s part and he ends up shot in his torso, and he collapses on the floor.
Much like last time they saw each other, there’s hesitation to be found within Matvey- but then he sits with Vitali and tries to stop the bleeding, calling in reinforcements to make sure Vitali is found and taken outside before the explosives go off.
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‘What changed?’ he blurted out, grabbing Matvey’s wrist again to force him to look back at him- but the move caused him to collapse, body sinking forward until his father caught him and instinctively pulled him closer, one hand still on his wound and the other holding his head which rested steadily on his shoulder.
Oh, how Vitali wanted to push him away- how he wanted to punch him, to scream at him, to tell him how much he hated him for putting him through hell most of his life and for never being there for him and for never standing up for him or picking his side when he needed it, and when everyone knew that Vitali was right and Nadya was wrong.
‘You did,’ Matvey finally answered, his voice barely audible and Vitali pushed his face into his father’s shirt in return, staining it with blood and sweat and tears- balled his shaky hand into a fist and dropped his knuckles against his father’s shoulder, wondering how it would feel to knock it out of place but knowing it wouldn’t solve anything and wouldn’t even make him feel better.
‘Suppose I did, too.’
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Vitali is brought to safety and patched up and stabilized, after which he’s brought to Viktor’s shop to recover. A few days later, he brings Matvey to a safehouse; his own old apartment in the Glen, and he tells him he’s got a long way to go to prove to Vitali that he is better than he was before, and better off without Nadya.
Afterwards, Vitali visits Viktor and talks to him about the situation, telling him he’s no longer sure whether he’s doing the right thing or not. Viktor tells him to stop doubting himself and whatever happens next is out of his control; all he’s done is give his father a second chance, and in the bigger picture of things it really would not have made a difference had Vitali killed the man.
Vitali ends up going home again and reunites with Mikhail and Vincent. Mikhail says the three of them should go on holiday for a bit, to get out of town; Vitali says he would love to. Mikhail goes to bed and Vincent and Vitali briefly talk about all that’s happened as well. Vitali tries to apologize, but Vincent is not having any of it; instead putting the blame on Matvey, and asking if Vitali would have done anything different if he could do it all over again. Vitali cannot answer his question, after which they agree that family is fucking complicated.
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maximumsnow · 4 years
Back from the Dead v.2
No specific fandom here because this is mostly OC work. Very loosely D&D inspired since this was a different approach to something that happened in game a year or so back. I can’t find a place to properly end this story since this feels like a section out of a novel that I didn’t intend on writing, and this has been sitting in my documents for almost a year now.
Warnings for injuries and death. Note that this also happens in a d&d esque world, so the gods sort of work similarly here. 
The only sound in the small room was the crackling of the torch that Terjon held. After a short but quiet debate, it had been decided to be less risky than wasting magic for a light source. It was his turn to hold the torch while Abby guarded the entrance to the tunnel that lead to the rest of the mine.
Their eyes were much less suited to handling the dark than their companions who had scouted ahead, so they had elected to stay behind and guard their backs. It didn’t mean that it was any less nerve wracking than exploring the dark. Even Abby’s general optimism had dimmed as they spent more time waiting.
It didn’t help that the mine itself was about as quiet as an old house in an echo chamber. Random things would creak and drip, and the sound could carry for miles. The sounds were so distorted that the skittering of bugs or rats could be something bigger running towards them.
Tap tap tap tap taptaptaptaptapTAPTAPTAP
That was too consistent, and it was getting louder. Terjon shifted to a proper standing position; Abby’s name on his tongue when she held her hand up. The order to stay quiet and still was obvious, and while he obeyed, he still kept his free hand on the mace and prepared to fight. Abby’s own hand adjusted her grip on the deceitfully sharp wooden sword, and she backed away slightly from the entrance to stand to the side. It took a few more minutes before the cause of the running footsteps careened out of the darkness and straight towards him.
It was only because he recognized Isolde’s mottled gray cloak that he didn’t immediately swing his mace down. She stopped and collapsed in front of him with sharp breaths, and Abby was immediately kneeling beside her.
Isolde was trying to speak, but between the run and her frayed emotional state, all that was coming out were disjointed words between gasps.
“Vi-vitaly. Chest. Trapped. Ran.”
Just hearing their friend’s name spiked Terjon’s anxiety even higher, and it took most of his self control to not bend down and shake the full story out of her.
Abby’s calming presence was much more conducive in this situation, and she waved him to guard the entrance while she helped Isolde slow her breathing down.
He had to obey. He knew that logically, but his mind was running with the vague words. The question of where Vitaly was was still unanswered, and he really did not like the sound of the word “trap.”
While they tried to keep their voices down lest nearby enemies hear, he still heard the story. They had found a strangely well kept room with personal effects in it, and suspecting that it might belong to the cult leader or another higher up, they investigated.
It all went sideways when Vitaly opened a chest, and he dropped.
“What?” Terjon couldn’t help turning and asking. The question came out more forcefully than intended, and Isolde’s flinch kept him from striding back towards them.
“I-I think he’s… dead. I couldn’t- I couldn’t stop it. He just dropped to the ground, and I… I know what dead eyes looks like.” She muttered while shaking. After a moment of deliberation, she forcibly leaned against Abby who gently wrapped an arm around her.
Brown eyes ordered him to stay quiet long enough for Isolde to recompose herself, and it was Abby who finally asked, “Where is he?”
Isolde shifted back to a solo sitting position and answered in a sturdier voice, “I dragged him out of there and to a corner but… I couldn’t carry him. I just grabbed his bag.” She pulled out a rucksack that they recognized as his. “I know he had one of those powerful scrolls, but… I can’t read it.”
“It’s a Divine Scroll, it’s not meant for anyone to read,” Terjon recited hollowly. “Even if you were a wizard, it wouldn’t make sense to you. Vitaly studied them under Father Jude, which was why he could.”
“… And you’re a cleric, which is why you can,” Abby said as she stood back up. “… Can you use that Raise Dead spell here?”
“Yes. The scroll already has almost everything we would need.” He could see where she was going with the line of questioning, and he felt his dread build.
“What doesn’t it have?”
“… My god’s guaranteed approval.”
The gears in both women’s heads were all but visibly turning. “Why would it have to be yours? Why not his?”
“Because I’m the one asking.”
Abby’s determined gaze faltered when the pieces fell into place. Someone who lived outside the law would not be received well by a deity who valued law and order above all else. Shaking her head, she said, “Prepare anyway. I’m going to get him, and… We’ll have to try.”
Isolde had taken her time standing back up, but once she was on her feet, she was itching to go back. “I hid him as well as I could, but I don’t know who else is in here. Be careful.”  The last two words were directed towards Terjon.
“I’ll manage, you be careful as well,” He said in reply. He backed up so that they could pass through easily, and once they were gone, he shoved the torch into a corner and forced it to stand up. He stayed on alert as he dug through Vitaly’s bag, and after getting frustrated digging through everything stored in it, he upended it so that he could properly see it all.
It still took a while for him to figure out which scroll was which, and more than once, he cursed Vitaly’s tendency to hoard magical items and heal spells to great excess.
He was truly lucky nothing wandered by the tunnel at this point.
Scroll in hand, he read through the Celestial writing so that he would know what exactly he had to say to start the ritual. He couldn’t afford to delay any longer than necessary; the longer a soul dwelled on the other side, the more difficult it would be to bring it back.
The others returned with heavy breaths and found him with items strewn across the floor, and Terjon nose deep in the writings. Despite the fact that Abby had made no attempt to hide her footsteps, she still startled him when she asked, “What do you need?”
When he looked up, his eyes immediately locked onto the pitiful body she was holding, and the dull ache in his chest suddenly turned into a much sharper pain.
He was grateful for whoever shut Vitaly’s eyes; the illusion of sleeping was a lot less painful than seeing the dull eyes of death.
Abby nudged some of the items around so that there was a big enough spot to lay Vitaly down, and Isolde grabbed them to shove back into the empty bag.
Once there was enough space, Abby gently placed the body in the center of the small cave and backed away to the entrance. As she passed by Terjon, they shared a look. He never understood how she could have so much faith in him, and he only wished he could share that conviction.
Isolde fluttered around and picked up any remaining supplies, and while the nervous movement would have normally annoyed him, he found himself almost grateful for the distraction. As if sensing being watched, her head sharply turned towards him, and she muttered, “Sorry,” before hoisting the bag on her tiny shoulders and following Abby out.
While his companions were still close, he was finally alone. He couldn’t back out of this now.
He didn’t even know when he started reading the spell aloud, but he immediately felt a heavy presence in the room. His voice, normally loud and strong, didn’t echo as he finished the words. The words written on the scroll glowed brightly enough to illuminate every corner.
I’m here.
The presence should have been comforting. It used to be.
Why are you afraid?
It wasn’t angry or accusing, just confused. Fearing the answer would only anger it, he stated, “I need to bring this man’s soul back from the land of the dead.” The formal speech was the only way he could get the request out even as he tripped over the words.
Simple enough. The words on the scroll vanished, plunging the cavern back to dim lighting, and his eyes took a moment before he could see again.
Tentative hope started to climb in his chest. Was it really that easy? Would-
The presence came back with enough weight that he staggered against the wall.
Why would you want to bring back someone who went to The Abyss? The accusation was almost as weighty as the presence itself. I should not even entertain-
“PLEASE,” Terjon all but shouted. The impending refusal tearing a hole in his chest. “He was on the right path! He was trying!” The irony that he was arguing with his god was not lost on him, but he couldn’t think on that right now.
The presence was shockingly not angry and tried to argue back. The one who reigns there wouldn’t accept-
He cut it off. “She has a sadistic streak even with her followers, of course she would drag someone there who didn’t deserve it.”
He has her mark. Only those who accept her ideals have it.
“He doesn’t anymore. He hasn’t in years.”
It was almost… amused. Prove it. You once wanted to bring him to justice, but now you want him saved? Why?
There were a lot of things that he could bring up; Vitaly was truly Father Jude’s ward, but Terjon himself had seen them as ploys only a few months ago. So he cited the thing that had changed his mind. “He saved me. Even though he almost died for it. And then he talked me out of-” He cut himself off there. Admitting to his god that he had faltered would not be easy, and could cost him Vitaly’s life.
Even though you promised to throw him in jail, he talked sense back into you. The voice’s calm surety made Terjon freeze. It knew.
There was a pause as the god deliberated, and in the silence, Terjon thought he could hear his own heartbeat.
Breaking down, he all but begged, “He has been trying and succeeding to be good, doesn’t he deserve the chance to change his fate?”
… You have made your case.
That was all the warning he had before blinding light once again filled the small space, and even though he couldn’t see, he could hear Vitaly sit up with a cry.
The pain in the other man’s voice scared him. “Vitaly?”
“Terjon?!” Vitaly’s voice shook. “What? How are you here?”
He wasn’t sure what Vitaly was actually asking, so he responded truthfully. “I never left? I was supposed to guard until you came back.”
As Terjon’s sight was restored, he could see Vitaly’s head turning to the side as if he couldn’t believe that he was looking at a cave wall. “I’m… Back?” His head turned back to look at his hands as he flexed them. He then let them fall to the floor. And then he asked, “… Are you okay?”
Terjon hadn’t noticed that he was still breathing heavily, and the rush of adrenaline from earlier was fading. There was always a price to pay, and his energy was gone. He managed to guide his drop to the floor as opposed to simply flopping, but there was still a heavy thump.
Vitaly was still confused, but Terjon could see the gears turning. “You- You brought me back?”
Long explanations were too exhausting. “Yes.” He was already cringing at the thought of answering all the questions the curious man was going to ask.
He was grateful when Isolde rushed back in. Her face lit up with relief and it fell almost as quickly. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know what was in there, I should-”
The distraction of needing to address Isolde turned Vitaly away from the questions he likely had for Terjon, and with the knowledge that his friends were okay, he let his mind drift off. When Abby’s melodious voice joined the background chatter, he finally succumbed to sleep.
He wasn’t sure how much later it was, but it still felt too early when he felt someone shoving his shoulder. When he woke up, they were back at the edge of the town they had last visited. Confused and on edge, he tried to jump up and nearly fell face first.
Two sets of hands kept him from falling, and if it wasn’t for the fact that Abby was in front of him, he would have fought more. “Vitaly teleported us out of there, but we have to walk to an inn,” she informed him before a mischievous smile took over. “You can get your beauty sleep there.”
He rolled his eyes. “At least it was just an energy price.”
“Yeah. Anyway, you’re hard to carry, or we would have let you sleep more.” There was concern but she had already gone to one side of him and made him throw an arm over her and started walking into the town proper.
It took him a minute to realize that Isolde was walking back towards them while carrying a basket with food, and that the other set of hands that supported him was Vitaly.
He tried to shift away from the shorter man. “… You can let go now.”
“Not after you almost lost to gravity again.” On one hand, the fact that Vitaly was able to make jokes was a good sign, but on the other, Terjon felt awkward and wanted a little distance.
He tried to argue, “You just came back from-”
“Don’t remind me.” All humor was gone, and Vitaly’s voice grew icy.
The silence that followed was awkward, and Abby tried to fill it as they started slowly making their way towards the inn in continued silence. Terjon was too tired to think of a way to broach the topic again, and Vitaly was not going to bring it up on his own.
Once they had eaten and gotten to their rooms, it wasn’t long before Terjon passed out again.
The morning proper came far too quickly for his liking.
He sat up in the serviceable bed when he heard someone knocking politely at the door, and called for them, “You can come in.”  He tried to smooth down his hair that had escaped the tie he usually kept it in as Isolde entered.
The way she looked to the side and grabbed her arms made him focus squarely on her. At the flinch, he softened his voice before asking, “What’s wrong?”
“We can’t find Vitaly.”
“What?!” He swung a leg towards the edge of the bed and started to hastily stand. No longer looking at her, he started to rant, “He should know better than to wander off like that. Why didn’t you wake me sooner?”
Not letting herself get run over in the conversation, she stated, “You were out cold. We tried.”
When he tried to stand, up, his legs gave out on him, and he crumbled back onto the bed. “Damnit!”
“You still need to rest if you can’t even stand up for long,” She chided. “I’ll go get Abby, and we can try figuring out where Vitaly is from here.”
“No, I can-” he argued.
“Fall over?” She walked closer to the bed and lightly shoved his shoulder. The fact that he almost couldn’t hold himself upright with the slight pressure convinced him. “You’re drained, I think literally. You might need something a little stronger than just rest to recover. We can see what Abby can do, but we really need Vitaly...”
“Who is missing.”
“And I’m the one of the few people who can find him even when he’s actively hiding.”
“… Yes. Just. Wait.” And with that order, Isolde finally exited the room and shut the door behind her. Terjon almost couldn’t bear the silence until he thought he heard Abby and Isolde’s voices coming down the hall.
Abby’s heavy knocking was very quickly followed by a request to come in, and Terjon sighed before giving the permission.
Before any banter started, Terjon cut to the chase. “When did Vitaly disappear?”
Abby and Isolde looked at each other before Isolde said, “Before sunrise. I had gotten up for my own reasons, and didn’t see him. I didn’t think too much on it because sometimes he sleeps in, but after… that I’d think he’d want to see the sunrise.”
“We’ve tried looking in the usual places, like up on the roof, but there’s still nothing. If he’s trying to hide, I don’t know how to find him,” Abby added on.
“Is there a temple or shrine here?” Terjon asked.
“Yes, I looked there next, and I couldn’t find any sign he’d been.”
Terjon then dropped his face into his hands as he tried to think of anything else. “I’m not even sure where to tell you to start. I can’t go myself, and, no offense, but tracking people is my thing. And I’m not sure how to explain it.”
“We’ll go through town to see what we find, and you can stay here in case he comes back,” Isolde finally said with a shrug.
“Yeah, maybe he’ll come back to check on you? He’s almost as bad about mother henning as I am.”
That was the only plan they could even attempt with Terjon out of commission.  He hated it, but if standing was out of the question, then he wouldn’t be any help to the others.
His slumped shoulders gave them an answer before his words did. “Fine. Take care.”
At first, Terjon had tried to stay awake in case Vitaly came back, but his exhaustion won over after about an hour of fighting it.
When his eyes opened again, it was much darker in the room. Did I sleep through the whole day? He wondered. He was a little hungry, but he didn’t feel like he had slept through more than one meal. And he knew that Abby wouldn’t have let him.
“You’re up, I see.”
The voice made him jump. Even with protesting muscles, he managed to sit up to look Vitaly in the eye. He was sitting in a chair in plainclothes; the adventuring gear obviously put away so he could blend in better.
“Where have you been?!” All of the worry and fear came out in a chiding tone that Terjon couldn’t help.  “Abby and Isolde have been looking for you!”
Vitaly’s arms crossed. “I didn’t want them to find me.”
Gobsmacked, Terjon asked, “Why? They, no, we have been worried about you.”
“Yet you’re sleeping despite all that worry.” He gestured at the bed.
“I tried to get up, and it didn’t end well. That’s not the point though; they’re still looking for you.” He quickly waved the dig away before getting back to the point.
Vitaly refused to look at him, but even Terjon’s tired mind could see the struggle written on his face. “I’m not sure if I want them to right now,” Vitaly muttered.
“Why?” The book that contained Vitaly’s spells was nowhere to be seen, now that Terjon noticed it.
Quickly, Vitaly said, “I shouldn’t be traveling with you. They’ll just try to talk me out of it, and I’m not-”
“What the hell are you going on about?! What makes you think I’m not going to argue that?” The mere suggestion brought Terjon’s ire out. Was he being ridiculous? They needed him.
“You weren’t happy with me traveling with them at first.”
The very true statement made Terjon wince. “That’s from months ago, and I haven’t said a damn thing since you talked sense into me.”
“Well, even then you weren’t exactly happy with me either.”
“I will fully admit to being an ass back then, and that wasn’t your fault. I was going through a lot of things and while you were a part of it, it was something I needed to address.” Right. Wrong. Good.
Evil. The areas of gray all in between.
Terjon narrowed his eyes. Vitaly was hiding something. “What is this really about?”
Even though Terjon couldn’t compel Vitaly to speak the truth, the question made him flinch, and shame, anger, and finally, sorrow, flashed across Vitaly’s face.
“Was it even worth coming back? I’m… Never getting away. From Her. I thought I’d be able to after shaking off Her chains a few years ago, but when I- when I died. I was right back. Nothing I do in life will get me away from that fate.” Vitaly’s grip on his arms tightened as the torrent of words came out. By the end, he was shaking.
Despair colored his words.
It felt familiar.
Too familiar.
And Terjon was ill equipped to handle it.
“There has to be a way.” Even as the words slipped out, even Terjon flinched at how woefully inadequate the words felt.
“That’s what Father Jude said! And this still happened.” The bitterness cut deeply. The fact that he could refer to Jude in such a way didn’t bode well for Vitaly’s mental state.
“If I was able to convince my god to bring you back from the Abyss, then there has to be. Nothing is set in stone.”
“That’s-” Vitaly was ready to retort, but he paused as he fully processed the first sentence. “You convinced yours to do that?”
“I had to. I don’t get to pick and choose. He let me. If he didn’t think there was a chance… Well...”
The thought that he had been deemed worthy enough to retrieve baffled Vitaly. “I don’t… understand.”
“You’re a good person.” The statement was simple but full of conviction.
“But I did everything physically possible and still ended up there. How can I not be evil?”
“She doesn’t like letting go; nothing more than that.”
Vitaly still didn’t look fully convinced.
“We… I enjoy traveling with you, and you’ve done more than enough to prove yourself,” Terjon said as he started leaning back. The argument took more out of him than he had realized.
“Shit… Sorry, are you okay?”
In a simple selfish plea, he said, “Please don’t go,” before passing out again.
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Someone Must Get Hurt (Cordelia x Reader (Part 3))
This is set during around and through coven so she’s still Cordelia Foxx technically. 
I’m not American so any odd spelling, phrases or inaccuracies. I apologies for in advance.
Happy Holiday!
I wanted this out before or on Christmas (got one hour till 12). I finally came up with a name for the series "Someone must get hurt" its a song title by She wants Revenge. I'll change it after the series is done. I may come up with a better one but I doubt it.
Writing might be too squashed. Apparently, Tumblr had a limited I knew nothing about.
Part 1,  Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
You had already pulled two all-nighters this week. It wasn’t because of school- that was going slow as per usual- it was because you had lost track of time. You were meant to have a ‘lesson' with Ms Foxx this afternoon but after your third yawn in the first fifteen minutes of starting, she sent you to bed. So much for hanging out with Cordelia. 
“You don’t have to follow me, Cordelia,” You yawned out. “I know where my room is.”
“I don’t know, last time you said that I found you passed out by the stairs,” she kidded. It was true, last time she sent you to bed late after a lesson, she almost stepped on you on her way up to bed. 
She stuck around as you got changed. She had the curiosity to turn around. You hopped into bed before notifying her you were done changing. She smiled at the sight of you sitting there cross-legged smiling tiredly at her. You sat on top of your blankets fiddling with the fabric of your night attire. You were too cute for your own good. As she went to flick off the light, she caught the smirk on your face. She prepared herself, knowing you were going to make a smart-ass comment. 
“You’ve gone all this way and you’re not gonna tuck me in?” You were just messing with her at this point.
“I’m not your mother.”
She rolled her eyes. The suggestion, as it were, wasn’t the worst thing she could do. She knew you were just messing with her, but it almost felt like an invitation to get closer to you. Maybe not even physically. Keyword, almost. You had built your walls so high over the year or so you had been at the academy. She was desperate to unveil the mysteries of (y/n) but she was scared that if she moved too quickly, she would scare you off. 
She approached the bed, you readjusted yourself. Now under the blanket, you waited for her next move.
“Wipe that smug look off your face.” She wasn’t normally like this. You brought out something in her that had been tucked away in the deepest darkest corners of her being. She enjoyed your back and forth of snarky comments. It rarely happened, only when you were tired and/or comfortable. “And would you like a glass of milk too?” The question did come out in the same snide way as the rest of the conversation, but milk might help you fall asleep faster. 
“Actually, that doesn’t sound that bad.” You were back to your everyday tone. All sarcasm put to rest. 
“Okay, give me a minute.” She headed downstairs to pour you a glass of milk. It was just after dinner; Cordelia had worked through the mealtime to ensure that she would be able to go that lesson with you. It wasn’t important work, she needed to go through some emails and scour the internet for any news that sounded like a witch could have done it. After she delivered your milk and made sure you fell asleep, she would have dinner then head to bed herself. Working in the greenhouse didn’t seem as fun without your chatter. 
By the time she made it back to your bedroom, you were already fast asleep. She rested the beverage on your nightstand. She gathered the fabric laying it neatly over your frame. She leant down, leaning her body weight on one of her hands as she placed a kiss on your forehead, “Goodnight Y/n/n.” You smiled in your sleep. 
You’d heard the glass of the greenhouse shatter. Unaware of what it was you got up to check it out. “Shit.” Quick on your feet. You slipped through the back door, grabbing a branch on your way to the glass wreckage, igniting it with your mind. It was dark and had to be around ten. Fiona seemed busy yelling at someone and you had no idea where Cordelia was. Your mind screamed at you to find your headmistress. Chances were she was amongst the wreckage. She spent most of her free time there and the two of you were meant to have been in there tonight. You were thankful you weren't at the time, but it didn't ease your concern.
You called out Cordelia’s name but got no reply. You climbed through the wreckage scanning around looking for any person. One of your fellow students was on the ground bleeding from her stomach. You cursed and ripped off your jacket off, placing it on the wound (and applied pressure) to try and stop the blood.
“Queenie, stay with me.”  
 A voice outside called your headmistress name. You cried out for help. It didn’t surprise Fiona that you were there, she knew that you were close to her daughter- and unlike Cordelia’s Husband, she didn’t completely despise you. However, she was shocked to see Queenie bleeding out on the floor. Queenie moaned out in pain.
“Jesus, what happened?” Fiona asked. 
“I don’t know. I found her like this,” You said glancing up at her for a moment. 
“It hurt me really badly.”
“What? What hurt you?” Fiona asked Queenie. 
“Oh, God.”
The minotaur emerged from behind Fiona. Fiona whipped out a blade and slashed its throat before it could harm either her or the students anymore. It collapsed to the ground. It was sent by Marie Laveau for the soul purpose of tormenting Delphine.  She prayed the woman kept her damn mouth shut until this mess was cleaned up and forever long after. 
Queenie began convulsing. You cursed, tearing off your jacket from her wound. You laid your hands over her wound, begging for it to heal. The wound disappeared from Queenie. The pain seeped away from her, stopping her convulsing. You pulled away, chortled at your handy work as she patted herself down.
"You saved me." She engulfed you in a hug. 
"Yeah, I did." You paled. You were fighting the dizziness as best as you could.
"(Y/N)?" She asked.
"Your cut was deeper than I thought." You chuckled as you stumbled back clutching your stomach. Head turning over to Fiona, you weakly said, “Don’t tell Delia.” Your eyes rolled back into your head as you plummeted to the ground.
"Shit. Is she going to be alright?" Queenie asked, eyes darting between you and the Supreme. 
"Help me get her up," Fiona said. Together they managed to take you to your bed. "Get cleaned up and tell no one that you were the one attacked." Queenie was hesitant to do what Fiona ordered. Still in a state of shock of what happened to her, she went along with the Supreme’s plan. She was the supreme after all, she had to know best.
Fiona went to Cordelia's room and woke her daughter up.
"My God, what happened?" She rushed over to your side once she saw the blood-stained on your shirt. She moved the fabric around to find a tear in the material but there wasn’t one. How odd.
"This girl was attacked, near to death, while you slept."
"By who?" Cordelia pulled out a candle and matches to cast a spell. She struggled to light the match.
"Not who. By what. Some minion of hell or other."
"Summoned by who? Not one of our girls?"
"Christ, our girls couldn't pull a rabbit out of a hat. This was dark-art voodoo, flat out."
"Marie Laveau."
"No doubt."
"This is your fault. You went to see her. You deliberately provoked her."
"How would you know that?"
"Because she told me." Cordelia got the match to light. She hovered it over the wick lighting the candle. 
"Yeah? And what were you doing over on that side of town?"
"It was a personal matter."
"Christ, Delia."
The two argued ignoring the sick girl lying on her bed. Cordelia noticed you weren’t breathing. Her mother ordered her to move out of the way. She exhaled, using her power of Vitalum Vitalis to bring you back just enough so they can save you. You gasped and groaned. 
"I got a heartbeat. But maybe we should get her to a hospital."
"That is out of the question. From now on, we handle everything internally. The last thing you want is to have the Council show up on your doorstep and question your competence."
With that, the Supreme exited the room leaving Cordelia to take care of you. You began to mumble something, whether it was to her or yourself, she couldn't tell. You looked over to Cordelia through heavy eyelids. 
"Delia?" You croaked out.
"Yes, sweetheart?" 
"I'll get you cool in a minute, but I need to clean your wound first.” You weakly nodded. Her eyes asked for permission as she notified you that she needed to lift your shirt. Usually, you would make a fuss. No one had ever seen you in anything that didn't cover you head to toe with some form of jacket. 
As she pried the tight fitted shirt off your body, she was shocked to find more than the wound she was treating. A million different scratches going every which way, chunks missing creating divots in the skin. The more fabric she removed the more damage was revealed. She decided it was best to remove the blood-stained item of clothing completely of your frame. 
As she grabbed your right arm to help remove the shirt quicker, you lurched forward yelping in pain. She retracted before investigating the area she touched. The area was a deep purple (almost brown) with blotches of red. Cordelia’s best guess was that it was broken.
She tossed your shirt aside, taking a step back to total damages. The sight of the state of your body was taking a toll on her. She stared at your damaged body. She’d never felt so sick to her stomach. Your past was a mystery having shut yourself off from both your past and your fellow witches. If she hadn’t caught you in the greenhouse trying to learn more about ‘green magic’ she would still know next to nothing about you. No wonder why you dashed at the sight of blood, you'd seen too much of it. She wished she could take your pain away. 
"Oh god. who? What monster did this to you?"
She patched you up and washed all the blood that had bled onto you. She apologized after every whine. On point, you weakly tried to fight away her hands as she worked on your stomach. Mumbling words like ‘hurt’ to tell her to stop. “Baby, I need to fix you.” Not much was thought about her word choice, you were highly delirious and her, completely stressed out. “Shh~ I won’t be much longer, I promise.” She murmured to you trying to calm you down enough to stop fighting the help. “No- don’t do that.” She worried you would injure yourself further- mainly your bruised hand. 
 She carefully placed your hands at your sides. they didn't stay there long. She resorted to magically holding them in place. You whined louder, scared you were loosening control of your body. You called out for her, babbled incoherently as your mind mistook Cordelia for a stranger. Your sight worked against you, she blurred in with the rest of the fuzz. You calmed down towards the end of her working. The blonde worried as soon as she undid the spell you would attempt to undo her work.
She sat by your side, dabbing a cold rag on your forehead. You hummed contently at the contacted of the rag. Too tired to panic or care. The cold towel was welcomed.
She was disappointed to find out that your arm was broken. She made you a temporary cast, so you didn't injure it further. As soon as you were healthy, she would sneak you off to get a proper one. She didn't care what her mother said.
You woke up from your sleep dazed and confused. You felt as like a thousand knives had stabbed you. You grumbled as you attempted to sit up. Light was shining through the gap in the blinds. Usually Cordelia would open them for you in the morning before class. She was the one to wake up all the girls before the morning meeting otherwise they wouldn’t show up on time. 
You must still have time before the meeting. The pain would only stop you from falling back to sleep, so you decided to have an early start to the morning. 
As you go to sit up you noticed you weren’t alone. To your left, Cordelia was slumped in an armchair, fast asleep. You scanned around trying to figure out why she would have spent her night in the uncomfortable armchair that usually was in the corner of your room instead of her own bed. The world was airier on your body. You never found the mornings cold like the other girls complained about. This morning was your first taste of what they were talking about. You pulled your blanket up, feeling the fabric brush against your arm. 
To your shock, your top half was covered in nothing, but your bra and blood-stained gauze wrapped around your stomach. Your morning brain forgot about the incident. She saw your body. She was exposed to all your imperfections. She knows what you tried so desperately to hide. What does this mean for the rest of your secrets? How much does she know of last night? You couldn’t let her know that you had done this to yourself. Another student was injured, and you made an impulsive decision to take it away from them. You only added to the story. Someone would still be injured, if you didn’t help but now there’s your need to please others.
“Where are you going?” Her croaky morning voice broke the silence.
“To get ready for class.”
“You should be getting some rest.”
“I’ll be fine, just need something for the pain.” You shuffle through the vials on your dresser. You opened one and take a whiff before downing it. The plant-based pain reliever tasted bitter. “I want to act like nothing happened.”
“I can’t let you do that.” She stood up from the chair getting ready to physically drag you back to the bed if she had too.
“Good luck stopping-” Both your attention was drawn to the door creaking open. “Me,” you slipped the last word out as Nan made herself known.
“They’re here,” Nan said. 
“The girls?” Cordelia asked. 
“Not the girls.”
The two of you looked at each other confused by what Nan meant. Cordelia excused herself, telling you that you needed to go back to bed. To hell you were. You pulled on a black full-length robe. You removed your jeans tossing them out of sight. 
You wrapped an arm around your stomach as you used your good hand to keep you stable as you made your way downstairs. 
“I can guess why you're here.” You heard Cordelia’s voice say. “Last night's assault on Y/N was a horrific tragedy, but I can assure you she is resting comfortably.” Sticking your head around the corner to see who was there. 
“Are you sure about that?” The man said pointing over to you. 
Cordelia spun around to see you, “Y/N, you should be in bed.” She rushed over to you, helping you off the wall and allowing you to rest all your weight on her. She cradled your body in her arms.
“And I told you I didn’t want to-” She gave you a disapproving stare. “I’ll go back to bed,” you pouted. You tried to break away from her grip, but she didn’t let go. 
“I’ll help you back up. Please give us one second.” The council members gave a nod. As the two of you were about to leave the Supreme walked in. Cordelia didn’t like the idea of leaving them alone with her, especially when her mother was asking about why they were here, something she would also like to know. 
The people you didn’t recognize said something about a missing girl. That couldn’t be right. Who would be missing? Nan was there, you saw Queenie last night as well as the other two. They’re only five girls. So, who was gone?
They let Cordelia take you to your room and let her get changed before the started the questioning.
You were the second last person they interviewed. They had come up to your room which you were now laid underneath the blankets. Cordelia who had been witnessing all the questionings moved your chair back into the corner of the room as the question went on.
“When was the last time you saw or spoke of Madison?”
“Dinner last night before-”
“I was attacked,” you stated bluntly. “She was giving me advice.”
“Advice about what exactly?”
You lowered your head looking at your hands. You could not believe you were going to have to admit this aloud especially when the person you were trying to impress was in the same room. 
“How to get someone to notice you,” you squeaked out. They made you speak up. “Her suggested methods were distasteful, but she was nice about it (for once. She was probably excited I was making a move.). I thought she would have some idea because she was a movie star, she’d might know something.”
“Do you know anyone who would have the intention to harm her?”
“Anyone who has ever met her. She isn’t the nicest person.”
“Do you?”
“No~ I tend to stay away from her. The only time she ever talks to me directly is at dinner.”
“Before her disappearance, was Madison manifesting any powers, new ones, rapidly accumulating?”
“I don’t think so. I don’t really pay attention in class, I get distracted,” You admitted. “Sorry Ms.” You didn’t have the guts to look at her. “I’m in my room or the greenhouse for the rest of the time so I wouldn’t know. Sorry.” 
When their questioning was done, Cordelia made her way back to your room. She gestured for you to get up which you were more than happy too.
"I can't believe Madison's gone," you thought aloud. Cordelia supported your body as she guided you out of your room. She hadn’t told you where you were going. "The attack and then this. What if the culprit was on the inside?" She remained silent. "Are any of us safe?" She halted. 
Are any of her girls safe? One missing, another injured. She feared for the safety of her coven. They were already facing extinction, who knew how long they got left. If someone on the inside was against them then who and why? They already had to face the outside, why bring more trouble?
"Why did you go outside after I told you to go to bed?"
"I didn't mean to embarrass you, I just wanted to-"
"Last night."
"Oh. I heard glass shatter. I thought you might have been in there, you know cause we had planned to be there, and I wanted to make sure you were okay." 
She took you to her room. Allowing you to enter first, a strong arm wrapped around you the whole time keeping you close. Your arms found their place on her chest, gathering the fabric of her blouse in your fisted hands. 
"And you got yourself injured instead." She looked down at you. She wasn't happy with what you did even if it was out of the kindness of your heart. She was touched that you cared enough to make sure she was safe but the fact that you got hurt didn’t sit well with her. Nothing about last night did. What she saw. The state you were in. You were pushing her away, acting like nothing happened. Metaphorically, shutting the door and locking her out as if she was a stranger. You enjoyed being perched on your high tower, walls higher than most are willing to climb. She had joined you for a bit, but the walls were getting taller and she was getting sick of climbing.
"It's fine, I'm fine." There it was. Denial. Cordelia thought she got past that with you, but you were adamant that keeping your pain to yourself was right. Maybe you didn’t know the extent of what happened last night? 
"You almost died last night. You stopped breathing; my mother had to help you." 
You shrugged. It wasn’t the first time you got close, “I just want to forget about what happened." She couldn’t believe it.
"Y/n, with everything going on it's not the time to neglect taking care of yourself."
She helped you comfortable on her bed. She laid you on her side as it was closer to the door. 
"I'll be fine." 
No one who uses the word fine is fine, it's a go-to answer we are trained to use to not burton people with our problems.
You didn't want her to leave, but your constant reassurance that ‘I’ll be fine’ (which she used against you) made her want to prove that you weren’t. She'd been offered to get drinks with her mother, and activity that didn’t excite her. She told you about her mother's invite out and that if you wanted her to stay, you’d have to admit that you needed her help. She hoped you would. All the way until she was at the bar with her mother. She had her phone on, in case you called her, asking her to come back. 
If you knew what was going to happen when she was out, you would have begged her to stay with you.
“Fiona, what happened?” 
“She was blinded,” Fiona filled you in. 
“What? By who? 
You heard the tapping of a cane against the floor. The door opened to reveal your favourite blonde dressed in black and her less than favourable husband. 
“Probably the same that got you,” Fiona responded. 
“She made it up the stairs on her own,” Hank said.
“Of course, she did. She's tough. She's a survivor,” Fiona responded.
“She's right here.” 
“Why are there roses in here?”
“Why, I thought you might enjoy them. They're the very last of your heirlooms.”
“Roses pull in love and romance. That's not what I'm looking for right now.”
“She needs chrysanthemums. All kinds of them, for strength and protection,” you said without thinking.
“Y/n?” she lit up at the sound of your voice.
“Why is there a student in our bed?” Hank asked Cordelia. 
“She was attacked and since you weren’t here, I thought it would be nice to recuperate on the best bed in the house.” She was on edge. You wouldn’t blame her, not knowing what is going on around you would make anyone uneasy. She made her way to the loveseat in the middle of the room.
“Well, doctor said, uh, bed rest for at least a week, hmm?” Hank said going to help his wife find the chair. Cordelia gasped at the contact. He must have scared her, you thought.
“Who is she? Who is the redhead?” Cordelia snapped. 
What was she on about?
Little did you know that Cordelia had a manifest a new power after her blindness. 
“Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, baby. I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Enough bullshit! Anything else you want to tell me now? Because I will see it sooner or later. I had to go blind to see things about you I couldn't see before. A bad cosmic joke. It's a different kind of clarity, an absolute clarity I've never had. The images almost vibrate with light."
Her words confused you. 'Had to go blind to see things about you I couldn't see before' was she getting vision? The idea frightened you, but you were happy she was seeing the man for what he is, a piece of shit.
“Thank Christ she's finally got your number,” Fiona said. You hummed in agreement.
“She's high as a kite. You know what they gave her before we left the hospital?”
“I'm high all right, but it's not the drugs, and rest assured, you will be accountable for every single betrayal, no matter how deep you think your secrets are buried. Now get out of here. Get out!”
“Baby. Now, you're my... you're my heart.” The door banged open.
“I'd get out while you still can, jug head.” The door slammed shut behind him. Thank god he’s gone, you thought. 
“I wanted to sever his arms and throw him out the window. I had to stop myself.”
The man deserved that. Why would anyone want to cheat on her?
“You've been given the Sight. It comes in bits and pieces. It's the greatest gift to have. And the hardest one to live with.” Fiona said. She saw Cordelia starting to undress herself to get dressed into some more comfortable close and she offered to help. “Let me help, honey.” Cordelia gasped again. A vision of Myrtle burning filled her vision. Cordelia began crying softly, asking her mother why she hadn’t told her sooner. Fiona said she wasn’t to tell her, but she was in too much pain. 
“I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Ah. I think it's best if I... I’ll leave you with Y/N for a while. I'll ask Delphine to come and check on you two later.” The door squeaked as she left the room. 
You were alone with her.
“Would you like me to get you some comfortable clothes for you?” you offered.
“Yes please,” she choked out between sobs.
You rustled through her closest searching for a fresh pair of pyjamas. Having no luck, you settle for a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. In your search, you found a pair of gloves. Noticing how she only reacted when she touched someone, you thought it wouldn’t they wouldn’t hurt. You slipped them on your hands you only needed one because your other arm was in a sling) before walking out. She let you help her get changed into her new clothes, it took some time because she couldn’t see and you only hand on arm, but you made it work. 
"You know you don’t have to wear the glove; I can’t see anything. You don’t have to hide.” She mistook it for you want to hide yourself up. It was better than her being suspicious. You were almost fully covered up except for your head and parts of your right arm. She had no reason to suspect you were hiding something.
“Someone might walk in,” you played along. “Anyway, I only have one useable arm. Even if I could it would be too much work putting it back on.” She nodded understanding. The two of you were the cripples. 
You told her to lay down, letting her know that if she needed help, to ask you. You informed her that you needed to make a quick call. You didn’t bother stepping out of the room. You pulled out your phone and dialled the number. 
“Hey, this is (y/n), I helped you find your son a while back.” You waited for a few moments. “You offered me a free order; can I get a mixture of different types of chrysanthemums?” More mumbling on the other end. “No, they’re not for me, they’re for this amazing woman I know” It was obvious Cordelia was going to eavesdrop when you hadn’t left the room. “I’ll come and get them later today. Thank you.” 
You hung up the phone and sat on the left side of the bed. Cordelia laid on her back her. She turned to you when she felt the bed dip. She brushed away the tears escaping her. She tried her best to hide her feelings from you. 
“So, tell me about this ‘amazing’ woman?” Cordelia asked, you could tell she needed a distraction from the news she just heard. Everything was crumbling down on her. How could someone be this strong? She was always impressing you. 
“She’s the kindest person I have ever met, understanding and smart. Strong and patient even when most people would snap or break down and let’s not forget about how insanely ho- gorgeous she is.”
“Hmm~ really?” She crawled closer to you. “Do I know this woman?”
“Maybe~” you sung. You shuffled closer. You removed the fabric of the cloth sling in two motions, flinging it across the room. Her head darted in the direction of the noise when it hit the ground. 
“What was that?”
“My sling.” Your gloved hand gently tugged her closer guiding her to lay her head on your chest.
“What are you doing?”
“You’re asking too many questions Delia.”
Once settled on your chest, she snuggled up trying to get a comfortable position. She compared you to a soft cloud as you wrapped your injured hand around her. Your sleeves cover your hand completely creating sweater paws. 
Cordelia didn’t know if what she was feeling was right. You were her student and she was still (unfortunately to her) married. The man cheated on her and her she was lying in her bed with one of her students. Could she pass this off as something friends do? Females tend to be strangely clingy to their other female friends, kissing, hugging, where is the line between friendship and love? Does it draw down to feelings? She didn’t know your intentions when you pulled her in, you were trying to comfort her that was for sure. It’s you, there wouldn’t be more to it. Yes, she was overthinking every touch. Her brain was grasping onto something else other than the attack, burning and cheating. Oh, Aunty Myrtle, you couldn’t have done it, Cordelia thought. Someone was trying to hurt her sisters and she was left blind and defenceless in the arms of someone she couldn’t even tell was a friend or more.
She let it go. Finding comfort in you, she buried her face into your jumper, staining the fabric with her tears. All you could do was watch on, stroking her head with covered hands. 
“I-I’m sorry,” she sobbed out.
“Don’t apologies. Cry it out if you need to, I’ll be here if you need to talk.”
“What did I do to deserve you?”
You chuckled, nothing but be who you are. “Just sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
You weren’t.
When she didn’t wake up in your embrace, believed the worst. She sensed a change in the environment. As she fumbled about, she found a vase full of Chrysanthemums on her bedside table. She smiled as she leaned in to smell them. 
The door flung open, she prayed it was you. She was saddened to find out it was Delphine checking up on her like her mother requested. She asked the woman where you were to which she had no clue. She hadn’t seen you since she dropped the flowers in Cordelia’s room. 
Her worry was later diminished when she was informed you were in the now fixed greenhouse making a potion, you claimed was for her. 
The lone time allowed the both of you to think. Whether that was for the best, only time will tell. 
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Chaconne (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
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Summary: You are an aspiring concert violinist who attends an audition for the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra, under the new direction of famous conductor Agatha Harkness
Word Count: 4.2K
A/N: Hello! This is an AU fic heavily inspired by one of my favorite tv shows Mozart In The Jungle. This is going to be at least 3 more chapters, and I already have the second part done so it should be uploaded by the weekend. Also, I added a link to the piece that is heavily mentioned throughout this fic. It’s not necessary to listen to it before reading (or at all haha), I just thought I’d add it in for anyone curious :) Hope y’all enjoy! Please let me know what you think, and my inbox is always open for any questions. Also: I do not own Mozart In The Jungle...Jeff Bezos please do not sue me. 
You rushed through the bustling streets of Manhattan, silently cursing yourself for not getting a cab. Not that it would’ve made much of a difference; rush hour in the city was horrendous no matter what form of transportation you chose. But at least you would have been sitting in an air conditioned car and not running through the crowded streets. You tightened your grip on your violin case as you hurried across the street, destination clear in your mind.
You had been finishing up your final private lesson of the day when you received a call from one of your old college friends. They informed you to drop everything you were doing, not literally because that would include your very expensive and very fragile violin, and hurry down to symphony hall because one of the first violinists in the Manhattan Symphony had sprained her wrist and they were holding open auditions.
A part of you knew the odds of being selected from hundreds of the best violinists in one of the most affluent cities for music was slim to none, but you also knew you had to take this chance. It’s what you had been working so hard towards during undergrad and grad school, and it would be nice to have a more...stable job. The Manhattan Symphony Orchestra was one of the greatest and well respected orchestras in the world, and you would kill to earn a chair.  
You ran faster than you had in months, and made a mental note to add more cardio to your basically nonexistent workout regime because wow, you were out of shape. Rounding the corner, you quickly dodged running into other pedestrians and could see symphony hall a block away. Despite the burning in your lungs begging you to stop running like a mad woman, you picked up the pace and sprinted to the building.
Ever since you started playing the violin you swore to anyone who would listen that you would play in the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra. Your siblings would always ask for concert tickets to see their favorite band, or sporting tickets, but you always begged your parents to take you to the symphony. While your siblings hated it and complained how long and boring it was (and the outrage that they weren’t allowed to bring food inside), you were enraptured by the entire experience.
You fell in love with the sounds of Dvorak, Beethoven, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky. Sitting in the concert hall you waited in anticipation to watch the musicians who had spent their entire lives preparing for that moment; to pour every ounce of their soul into their instruments. Ever since the moment you stepped inside your first concert hall at the young age of five, you knew this is where you wanted to spend the rest of your life.
Shaking those thoughts aside you hurried through the building to where the blind auditions were being held. You silently thanked whatever genius came up with the idea of a blind audition, because you were a mess after running over twelve blocks from your apartment. Following the signs on the walls, you found the warm up room, but was surprised to find everyone packing up.
There were over a dozen people of various ages, and you noticed one of them crying. A woman around your age noticed your disheveled appearance and sighed. “If you’re here for the blind auditions, they were cancelled.”
You felt your heart drop. “What? Did they already find someone?”
“No, because the new conductor is a total psycho,” Someone else said angrily. “She kept yelling about how we’re all wasting her time and she’d rather have her pet rabbit play New World Symphony.” He motioned to the girl who was sobbing. “And she told Megan her tone was so bad that she would personally throw her violin into a wood chipper so no one would have to suffer through her performing again.”
The new conductor he was referring to was one of your favorites. Agatha Harkness. She was beloved throughout the music community and had many fans, but you had heard rumors of her hard work ethic and ability to make people cry in under a minute. You thought back to your undergrad violin lessons where one of your professors told you that your tone while playing Mendelssohn sounded like a dying donkey. Musicians were often times very blunt.
“That’s a bit harsh.”
“A bit?” The guy rolled his eyes. “This job isn’t worth it. I’m going to audition for the second violin chair in Iowa. It might not be as great of an orchestra but at least their conductor isn’t the devil incarnate.”
As the others continued to pack up, you still felt your gut twisting at what could have been. Feeling rejected, you left the room and saw the back entrance to the stage open. From a quick glance around it appeared the hallway was deserted, so you quickly ran through the door, violin case still in hand.
Time came to a stand still as you walked on stage and stared into the seemingly empty concert hall. You dreamt about this moment more times than you cared to admit. There was something so peaceful about being on stage. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and pictured a scene you had spent years dreaming about. Realizing the opportunity to play in this hall wouldn’t likely come again, you made the split decision to open your violin case.
Staring at your violin, you briefly wondered if this was a good idea. But, you silently argued that no one else was around, and besides, you did run half a mile to get here. It would be a waste to not play and appreciate the gorgeous acoustics. Plus you could feel your fingers aching to play something, anything, to let out the feelings of  disappointment from missing the auditions.
Gently pulling out your bow, you applied a generous amount of rosin before grabbing your violin. You took a few minutes to tune, and the moment your bow hit the strings you felt a shiver at how the sound bounced off the walls. You went through a condensed version of your normal warm up and played a few different scales before debating on what piece to play.
Although your friend had briefly explained the audition would be sight reading and then playing excerpts from Dvorak’s New World Symphony, the auditions were over and you wanted to play something else. It wasn’t the flashiest piece, or one of the better known violin concertos, but it felt right. Vitali’s Chaconne arranged by Charlier. You had originally learned the gorgeous piece during your junior year of undergrad for a concerto competition and it had quickly become a favorite.
Clearing your mind of everything but the music, you closed your eyes and began to play. Your bow swept across the string, producing the opening g-minor chord. The melodic sound rang through the empty hall and you felt your heart ache at how good this felt. It had been a while since you had the time to play this piece, but it was like it had been no time at all. Your fingers danced across the strings and you felt all the uneasiness leave your body.
While this wasn’t the most complex piece you had ever played, it required your full attention. The chaconne was structured as a simple sixteen bar phrase that was rephrased and dallied up with different techniques and melodies which made it easy enough to memorize, but hard enough that you needed to focus on the pattern your fingers made.
With every movement of your bow, every run you made up and down the fingerboard, you were letting out the pain and sadness you felt radiating through your body. It was hard to put into words how playing the violin made you feel, but the best explanation you had come up with was that it was your salvation. There was no sweeter medicine than performing. No matter how out of control life was, how bad things got, your solution was turning to music. It saved you.
As you neared the end of the piece, you felt your bow arm gently ache and you knew you had to have complete focus if you were going to hit the upcoming octave slides that led to the double stops of doom. Octaves were never a violinist’s favorite technique, and they were your own personal kryptonite. You had rather tiny hands, which made the stretch from your index to your pinky rather difficult on a good day. You changed the position of your hand to make the reach to hit the upper octave, but briefly winced when you realized you had fallen flat on the lower note.
You ended with a flourish of your bow on the final g-minor chord and let out the breath you had been holding in. You stood there for a moment, soaking in the afterglow of your performance and enjoying the quiet that radiated throughout the spacious room. Just as you went to clean off your violin and leave before you got kicked out, you heard the sound of slow clapping from within the hall. The hall was dimmed and you saw a figure sitting far up in the upper rows. The mystery figure continued clapping and they stood up and walked down the steps towards the stage. There in all her glory stood Agatha Harkness, the newest conductor of the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra.
“Not bad, but your octave slides could use some touching up,” Agatha offered as she stood at the bottom of the stage. “You tend to go flat on the lower notes.”
You felt your breath hitch as you saw the famous, and apparently very scary, conductor staring at you. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was still here.”
“Ah so you aren’t here for the auditions?” Agatha questioned, arching an eyebrow up at you. “What are you doing here then, breaking and entering? I’d hate to have to call security on you.”
“What? No, no I’m not...” You stammered, feeling your cheeks turn red. “I came for the auditions but I was told they were cancelled.”
Agatha laughed, and you noticed how it was more of a cackle. “They were. But believe me dear, I’m sure you would have done the same if you were in my shoes.”
“One of them said you threatened to throw their violin in a wood chipper. Isn’t that a little mean?” You pointed out.
“You did not have to listen to that imbecile butcher the opening of Mendelssohn,” Agatha argued, folding her hands across her chest. “Throwing her violin in a wood chipper would be the least I could do to ensure no one else suffers hearing that disgrace of a sound ever again.”
You stifled a giggle that threatened to escape. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
Agatha waved her hand in the air. “Maybe. But you,” she pointed a finger at you, intrigue colored her features. “You were good. Vitali’s Chaconne is a personal favorite of mine. Everyone always chooses to play Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major, or Mendelssohn, or Brahms, or something big and flashy. I’ve always preferred a more subdued piece like Vitali. Violinists don’t take enough time to appreciate the beauty of a chaconne.”
You stared at her in disbelief. Almost no one had even heard of Vitali’s Chaconne, but she did and it was her favorite. “Thank you, Miss Harkness. I-“
“Ah ah ah,” Agatha waved a finger to silence you. “I’m not finished. You were good, but not great. Your octave slides were flat. Your bow hold is giving me a headache, you need to relax more. Your vibrato is too fast, we need to work on slowing it down. Didn’t your teacher ever tell you that? And don’t even get me started on your opening chord.” She eyed the younger woman before continuing. “But despite all that, you have promise.”
You were speechless. She wasn’t yelling at you? “You think I have promise?”
Agatha nodded. “Which is why I’m offering you a job.”
“I got the position?” You smiled. “I can’t believe it.”
Agatha’s eyebrows furrowed. “What? No, don’t be ridiculous. You’re not ready to play with the Manhattan Symphony.”
“But you said you were offering me a job,” you repeated the words of the older woman.
“And I am. As my personal assistant,” Agatha explained as if it was the most obvious answer.
“You want me to be your assistant?” You said in disbelief. “Miss Harkness I’m not so sure if I’m qualified-“
Agatha cut you off again. “If you’re serious about being a violinist, especially being a violinist in my orchestra, we need to work on your technique. Natural talent only gets you so far my dear.” She shrugged. “And I may have just fired my newest assistant for being entirely incompetent.”
“I don’t know what to say,” You admitted. This certainly isn’t how you expected your day to go.
“I’m not going to force you to work for me, dear,” Agatha drawled out. “You can walk right out that door and continue on with your presumably simple and boring life.”
“And if I stay?” You prompted, already knowing what you were going to choose.
Agatha slowly walked up the steps of the stage and approached you. “Well then I’ll have my work cut out for me. As will you, darling. I’ll be working you quite hard.” You blushed at her suggestive tone and she smirked at your reaction. “Blushing already? I’ve barely even started.”
You cleared you throat before nodding. “Alright. I’ll do it.”
“Then let’s get started.” Agatha smirked. “This is going to be fun. Now, let’s take it from the top.”
Working for Agatha was interesting. She was very hard to read, and you could never tell if she was mad at you or if she was just in a mood. You had spent the past few weeks helping her prepare for the first symphony rehearsal of the season. Granted you weren’t doing much to help, all she was asking you to do was make copies of parts and to organize folders for each section.
Today was different. You entered the mostly empty building with a drink holder containing two cups of coffee in one hand and your violin case in the other when the sound of Agatha’s heels came click-clacking down the hallway. From the moment she rounded the corner, you could tell she was in a foul mood.
She was mumbling something incoherent but she stopped when she spotted you. “You’re late.”
You chose to not comment on the fact you were an hour early and instead carefully set down your violin case to hand her one of the cups of coffee. “Bad morning?”
“Hayward is an asshole,” Agatha seethed. “I had the entire season planned out but he thinks I’m not appealing to our investors.”
Well that explained it. Tyler Hayward was CFO of the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra and was a Grade-A asshole. You only had a few interactions with the man but they had all been quite unpleasant. He was less than pleased to discover Agatha had fired the assistant he hired and chose to hire you without consulting him. Luckily Agatha had all but kicked him out of her office and told you to come to her if he gave you a hard time.
“How is Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 not appealing to investors?” You asked in confusion. “Everyone loves The New World Symphony.”
“That’s not the problem. He thinks I’m playing it too safe with the soloists,” Agatha explained and you thought of the soloists selected thus far. You could see how they would be safe options, but who doesn’t love Joshua Bell?
“But it’s too late to get out of those contracts without losing money,” You pointed out. “Does Hayward not know that?”
“Oh believe me, Hayward always gets his way,” Agatha spat out, and you noticed she appeared to be growing angrier. “He’s still mad I was voted in as music director by the board instead of his choice for the position, so he’s punishing me. And now I have to deal with Maximoff.”
You made a mental note to address the first part about Hayward later when Agatha wasn’t as grumpy, but grinned at the mention of the famous pianist. “Maximoff as in the Wanda Maximoff? She’s-“
“A wild card and not the soloist I envisioned having,” Agatha finished for you, glaring at the mere thought of the woman as you both walked towards her office.
“But she’s an amazing pianist,” You argued, remembering the one time you had the opportunity to watch her perform live with the Royal Philharmonic. “The way she plays is beautiful, and magical, and-“
Agatha growled and glared at you, picking up the speed she was walking at. “And she has no control. She doesn’t listen to direction and thinks she’s always right. Her ego is her downfall.”
You arched an eyebrow. “Wow, that sounds absolutely nothing like you.”
Agatha let out a laugh but still sent you another glare. “Don’t push it, darling,” Agatha warned you as she unlocked the door to her office. “I am nothing like Wanda Maximoff.”
You rolled your eyes after she turned around. “Right. So I’ll take the Beethoven parts out to make room for Wanda’s piece?”
Agatha sighed and combed her fingers through her wildly curly hair. “Well I’d rather just tell the little Sokovian princess she’s not allowed anywhere near my orchestra. But since that would be frowned upon, yes put the Beethoven back. Her agent should be emailing us the parts later today.”
You set off to prepare the dreadful task of reorganizing each folder while Agatha studied different scores. She had her baton out and was mindlessly conducting as she went through the fourth movement of the Dvorak. Over the past few weeks you had started to fall in love with watching her conduct. There was something so mesmerizing by the way she could bring different pieces to life with the mere movement of her hands. You watched her right hand lightly grip the baton and noticed the position of her fingers lightly grasping the silver object while her blue eyes scanned the score.
She felt your staring and smirked as she continued conducting. “See something you like, dear?”
Blushing furiously you went back to your task of sorting music, but every once in a while you allowed yourself to take a break to watch Agatha conduct, and although she smirked whenever she noticed, she didn’t make any more comments. Eventually you finished the work and put the folders away while filing the Beethoven in the cabinet.
“Good, you’re done,” Agatha said as she stood up. “Now it’s time for my favorite part of the day.”
You internally groaned and realized what she wanted. “Where you make one of the interns cry and go get lunch?”
“Close, dear. But no.” She motioned to your violin case. “Come.”
This was your least favorite part of the day. Now, you were used to receiving constructive criticism, and even just good old fashioned criticism. Over the years you had less than kind violin teachers, and you shuddered at the memory of Stefan throwing a chair across the room when you only had three pages of Mendelssohn fully memorized two months before your recital preview. He kept yelling in Russian that he would not be the first faculty member to have a student fail a preview. Or the time Jacqueline caused you to have a panic attack right before your sophomore year concerto competition because she didn’t ‘like your stage presence’ and went on some insane rant, and then yelled at you more while you were sobbing. Ah, the fond memories you had of college.
But there was something so intensely nerve wracking about performing in front of Agatha that it made all of those encounters seem like fun and games. You weren’t sure what it was about the woman, but there was just something about her presence that constantly had you on edge. What made it ten times worse was that Agatha seemed to be aware of the effect she had on you, and did whatever she could to make you blush.
You took a few moments to tune your violin and roll your shoulders back while Agatha made herself comfortable in the audience, but you both knew she wouldn’t stay out there for long.
“Now darling,” Agatha called out from her seat. “I want you to remember what we’ve been working on. The first impression you set when your bow hits the string needs to be dominating. I want to feel like you’re pinning me down on the stage. Make me want it.”
You stared at her incredulously and shook your head, trying not to visualize what she just said to you. “Right...pinning...dominating,” You murmured as you straightened your stance and took a deep breath. Setting your bow on the string, you made sure it was positioned at the frog.
“I can see you tensing from all the way out here,” Agatha said in a mocking tone. “Do I need to come up there and help you relax?”
You knew her coming anywhere near you would do the opposite to relax you. “Nope. Just stay where you are!”
“Oh, are you the one giving orders now, my dear?” Agatha teased as she slowly got out of her seat and made her way towards the stage. “I’m just trying to help. You need to relax your shoulders, otherwise you’re going to end up with a hunchback.”
“I like the Hunchback of Notre Dame,” You offered weakly as you watched her stalk her way up the stairs, her heels clicking up each step.
Agatha rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.” She closed the distance between you and put her hands on your shoulders. “You need to relax.” She examined you closer and arched an eyebrow. “And breathe, my dear. Unless you want to fall in my arms.” You had taken to staring at the floor of the stage until you felt her hand gently cup your chin, forcing you to gaze at her. “Am I that hideous to look at that?”
“Ha, you’re so funny,” You managed to get out before taking a deep breath, and once again tried to relax your shoulders.
Despite your best efforts, you still felt tense, and Agatha noticed it as well. Letting out a gentle huff she moved behind you and began to rub your upper back. “Jeez, have you ever had a massage? It seems like you need one.”
“That’s a bit above my current pay check,” You quipped and blushed when you heard her responding chuckle.
“If you’re asking for a raise, you’re going to have to do better than that,” Agatha replied, her breath tickling your ear and sending delightful shivers down your spine. “You need to let go, darling. This much tension in your shoulders will do too much damage to your posture.”
She hit a particularly hard knot and you couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. You thought you heard Agatha mumble something under her breath but you were so lost in the sensation you didn’t ask her what she said. Agatha continued rubbing your shoulders and you slowly felt yourself relax into her touch.
“That’s it,” Agatha murmured. “Good girl.” Your eyes shot open at the praise and you heard her lightly chuckle. “Relax, dear. I could do this all day.”
Your shoulders eventually loosened up and you couldn’t help but groan when Agatha took a step away from you. “Quit your whining and play that chord,” Agatha demanded as she turned away from you, clapping her hands loudly. “I want to be wowed.”
Taking a deep breath, you fixed your stance before setting your bow back on the string. You were hesitating, and Agatha knew it too.
“Any day now. It’s not like I have anything else to do,” Agatha’s words were sharp but you knew she meant it as encouragement.
You let go of any fears you had of what would come next as you positioned your fingers on the string and rolled your bow to produce the g-minor chord. Your left wrist was loose enough to slow down your vibrato and you went through the first section without any interruptions from Agatha. As you began the next phrase you remembered what Agatha had told you about making it bigger and better than before.
“Always leave them wanting more,” Agatha had instructed her. “Make each phrase slightly different. No one wants to suffer through ten minutes of the same few notes.”
You added more vibrato for this phrase and changed the dynamics so you were growing in sound until you heard her calling for you to stop.
“Stop! Stop, that’s enough,” Agatha yelled as she walked back towards you. “That was...better.”
“Dare I say you sound surprised?” You joked causing her to glare at you.
“Fishing for compliments, are we?” She questioned, but eventually relented. “You’re getting better.”
You grinned wildly at her praise. “That was the nicest thing you’ve said to me so far today.”
“Keeping score?” Agatha mused, a smile threatening to tug at her lips at your enthusiasm. “Like I said, you’re getting better, but there’s a lot of work to do. I want to hear those octave slides and not feel like my ears are bleeding from your intonation. Chop chop.”
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hellsforbes · 4 years
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Michael Langdon : modern v. 
Age: 30+
Sexuality: Bi/Demisexual 
Species: Antichrist / Warlock 
Occupation: Varies - he’ll say whats useful at the time but he doesn’t need to work. 
Bio: In both modern and canon his beginning and start are the same. He was born from a human mother and a demon for a father, some would argue it was the devil himself. Since he was young death and destruction followed him and flowed through his fingertips. He aged quickly until he reached about 30 and he practically stopped there. He didn’t stay in school once he hit his first growth spurt and almost doubled his age, his grandmother taking care of him since his mother died in childbirth and his father was absent. Since he didn’t stay in school and grew up under the care of his grandmother he lived a very sheltered life. He isn’t really aware on how to interact with others when he’s young and it’s probably for the best because there is a constant fight of good and evil in him. He doesn’t understand it and can’t control it so when he snaps over any fluctuation in his emotions is detrimental to those around him. His grandmother is all he’s ever known, the only care he’s ever received and the only person he thought loved him until she couldn’t handle being responsible for him, calling him out to be a monster and she kills herself to get away from him. 
She does so in a house that lets spirits and shots linger and live but she doesn’t let herself be known when Michael finds her body… A ghost comes to Michael though, sensing the war in him and tries to help, tries to raise him – and again Michael seems to have found someone to care for him, love him, be that parental, father figure in his life. His powers and abilities only grow though and the one helping him doesn’t have the knowledge for that, with no sense of control over that aspect he is still a loose cannon and manages to not only kill two more people in the house but obliterate their souls. That is when the only father figure he has ever known also backs away, retreats from him and calls him a monster as well. His violent tendencies are part of his genetic makeup but it’s not something he wants to be – he shows remorse and confusion when he lashes out and ends up hurting the ones he loves – and more just confusion when he hurts people he doesn’t necessarily know but are around him when an outburst hits. A turning point though was his mother trying to kill him and the past rejections from the only family he ever knew end up causing a snap – he gave in to the darkness consuming him. 
Ms. Mead is next in line to stumble upon Michael, a Satanist and a firm believer that Michael was created for more. She becomes more of a mother than anyone else ever had in his life, truly caring for him and not just what he could do and what he was capable of. It’s where he finds his identity in being a witch/warlock/Antichrist (depending on verse) He embraces it but Mead isn’t able to help him control or strengthen his powers and she realizes that when a butcher insults her and he loses control for a few seconds and kills the butcher. He’s taken into custody and the stress the cop puts on him in the interview room causes him to act out again, breaking every bone in the cops’ body. One of the head warlocks from Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men hear about him, find him and bring him to the school to teach him and train him on control and how to harness his abilities and then some. The warlocks at the school more or less are only interested in him because he could be the first male supreme. Michael realizes this – he’s a pawn but by now he is able to separate powers and emotions so he doesn’t lash out. Instead he plans on becoming the next Supreme and then killing out every coven… (Usually where modern verse starts)
He has to complete the seven wonders test with the current supreme – which he does do, rising up and taking the role only to completely wipe the earth of all witches – Michael isn’t at his full potential though and so this doesn’t go exactly as planned. The previous supreme finding out his plan and putting a few witches in hiding and she also kills Mead once she finds out that she was encouraging him. This is another point where Michael gives in more to the dark powers he possesses. Truly alone in it all at this point but his goal is still to take out the witches and warlocks. Antichrist verse: The first step is to take out witches and warlocks and then ultimately create the apocalypse. This will lead to him becoming head of the cooperative and once that takes place he’s able to harness all his powers and abilities, the outposts come in and he lives on making the decision who will join the new world and who will die. 
Michael does not trust people of this world or not - easy, just like he has been used as a pawn or to fulfill some purpose of others – that’s how he sees and uses people as well now. Hawthorne!Michael is slightly more trusting in others in comparison to Outpost!Michael, while he had been used and misunderstood – Mead gave him hope that someone could love him for who he is. What he’s capable of. As time goes on though he becomes more distant to the thought. He also fears hurting anyone he loves so it’s much easier to just not love anyone, to not be misunderstood again and be take for granted and advantage of. 
I do write him as more demisexual because of the trauma in relationships and love – I don’t see him getting intimate with someone unless there is an emotional bond, even if it’s unhealthy and toxic – more or less for the other. He will however use his looks, charm, charisma to get what he wants, to swoon others and use them and lead them on. With control being ripped from him a lot in his life I see him being more dominant and taking control back in those ways, but – because he would want/need to have the emotional connection and some trust involved, I wouldn’t say he is submissive but I could see some traits coming out to play with certain relationships and people. 
Abilities:  Satanic Ritual, Illusion Manipulation, Telekinesis, Transmutation,  Telepathy,  Divination,  The Sight,  Descensum,  Pyrokinesis,  Concilium,  Vitalum Vitalis,  Power Negation,  Stiricidium,  Demonic Shape shifting, Enhanced Strength,
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
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And you say, "As long as I'm here No one can hurt you Don't wanna lie here But you can learn to If I could change The way that you see yourself You wouldn't wonder why you hear They don't deserve you" 
Amy and Madison:
Two of the original coven members… hehe, it’s no surprise that Amy and Madison are very close, or rather, have gotten closer over time. 
They’re lesbians and in love XD JK JK lolol but not gonna lie I kinda ship them because I love their friendship since Amy is a wild child and Madison is a stone-cold bitch but they love each other so much... haha... hell Todoroki outright thought that Amy and Madison were in love with each other, but because neither of them are straight, they really didn’t mind the confusion.
In all seriousness though, they’re partners in crime, literally they commit several crimes together, whether it’s shoplifting, smoking weed or just causing mayhem and hilarious pranks in UA, they’re partners, witch sisters and also good partners in battle and combat. Not to mention they are called ‘The Sin Sisters’ because they’re so good together when it comes to doing... bad things... XD Amy’s best friends Ashlen and Shinsou don’t always approve of their antics but are aware of how close they are, and Madison isn’t above hanging out with Ashlen and Shinsou since they’re Amy’s best friends. 
Although Madison also isn’t above actually giving Amy real help, or, her idea of real help, but her intentions ARE good she DOES want to help Amy with her progress of becoming a hero and personal demons and cares for her like an actual sister. And Amy does love Madison very much despite how cruel and bitchy she can be, and always tries to see the best in her. It’s been a rocky road for these two since they’ve been through quite some ups and downs but Madison is another one of Amy’s best friends and vice-versa. 
Amy is probably the only human that Madison, a total narcissist, has any real affection for and claims that she 'loves Amy the most' and is surprisingly loyal towards her as she takes her side no matter what and won’t bat an eyelash to anything she does, moral or not. Likewise, Amy loves Madison with all her heart and will always try and defend and protect her because she knows her and understands her the most since they grew up together in the coven even if it was brief. 
But let’s start from the beginning...
After her parents were killed by witch hunters, Amy was relocated out of Japan and shipped off to America, where she met Zoe. And the two witches first entered the coven to have Madison, Nan and Queenie terrify them both by staging a human sacrifice with Madison practically traumatizing an already traumatized Amy by making it look like she was going to stab and kill her new friend Zoe. Although she does try to laugh it off when she discovers that the whole thing was staged. 
The first thing Madison noticed about Amy was how young she was compared to the other teenage witches and asked Cordelia why a ‘5 year old’ is here since the coven isn’t a daycare, only for an indignant Amy to reply that she’s 11. Madison wasn’t very fond of Amy because she thought she was way too young and Madison herself isn’t good with handling kids, although she did slightly warm up to her when Amy seemed to recognize Madison as the actress she was and offered her an autograph, much to Amy’s delight as she felt touched by a celebrity.
Madison would later choose Zoe as her designated best friend, and Amy, attached to Zoe, tagged along with them, especially whenever Fiona coldly rebuffed her requests to spend time with her. Amy would gladly go with Madison and Zoe to the frat party despite Amy being seriously underage and the frat party having mainly 19-24 year olds. Zoe was naturally hesitant about letting Amy come with them, but Madison just told Amy to tell people that she’s older than she looked and to not drink anything. Amy stood close to Zoe the entire time but was worried about Madison, and was later proven to be right to worry about her as she found Madison being gang-raped by the frat boys. 
Horrified, Amy tried to stop the older guys but the ringleader pushed and kicked her to the ground even and forced the others to shut her up, but thankfully Kyle showed up before the frat boys could further harm her. Amy would then try to comfort Madison along with Zoe, and followed the latter outside to try and find the rapists outside but they arrived too late and drove off in their bus. Although just in time, Madison walked back out to flip the bus and kill all of the frat boys inside, which just added to Amy’s horror but it didn’t stop her from asking Madison and Zoe to go back home.
Amy remained by Zoe and Madison, but when she tried to ask Madison if she felt better the next day she was coldly ignored until Fiona showed up to give them a field trip. Later on, Amy mentions that she could sense Madison’s pain, but decided to not ask her about it because she didn’t want to add anymore pain to her. She remained at her side, even if she got in trouble with Zoe and Madison when Fiona threw all three of them to the wall for nearly exposing their witch heritage to the police. Afterwards, Amy accompanied Madison and Zoe to find Kyle’s body and bring him back to life, when it looked like it failed, Madison fled when a stranger showed up. Worried for Zoe, Amy tried to convince Madison to stay and help her, but Madison, starting to care for her, dragged her away so she wouldn’t get in trouble.
By that time, Madison developed a soft spot for Amy even though she more or less treated her like an annoying older sibling, and in return, Amy started looking up to Madison as an older ‘bad influence’ sister but she was admittedly disturbed by Madison’s lack of empathy when Kyle died. Although she did take Madison’s words into consideration when she recalled that Kyle was still one of the frat boys. Nonetheless, Amy was distraught when she thought Madison might be dead as she worked with Zoe to try and find out what happened to her when Nan and Queenie weren’t up for it, and risked her life to find her. Amy also panicked when she found out that Fiona was the one who killed Madison, and suffered a breakdown when they found Madison’s rotting corpse, but she was elevated when Misty and Zoe brought her back.  
Madison, changed by her first death and unable to feel anything physical, is much crueler to Amy than she used to be, and Amy is heartbroken when Madison rebuffed her each time. However, even with this attitude change, Madison still retained some care for Amy, she just wasn’t interested in bothering with her. Amy, alone, decided to find out some things about herself especially when Zoe was preoccupied with a newly-resurrected Kyle. As she befriended and became close to Misty, Madison started to become jealous, and showed it by being mean to Amy. After Madison kills Misty (out of fear that she was the next Supreme) wondered if Amy could be the next Supreme, but ultimately came to the conclusion that she couldn’t do anything to physically harm Amy so she doesn’t do anything to hurt her.
It didn’t stop her from being cruel to her though, as she insulted and belittled Amy for a majority of the time, even when the coven was in danger as Madison thought that Amy should learn to take care of herself and find her own way back home whenever she gets lost. As a result, Amy’s respect for Madison dissipates as she starts to insult her, and also laughed at her when Misty came back from the dead to beat the other witch up. During the test of the Seven Wonders, Madison instantly thought Amy wouldn’t be able to pass any of them but was surprised that Amy made it all the way to Vitalum Vitalis, but unfortunately she failed that part of the test along with Queenie. Madison later mocked and taunted Amy, and the distraught girl shouted and begged for her to bring Zoe back to life but she cruelly refused and told her to ‘get over it’, much to Amy’s horror as she lost her respect and admiration for the older witch.
Despite that broken pedestal, Amy still wept and grieved for Madison when Cordelia, Queenie and a newly revived Zoe found out that she had died. With Amy even making a memorial for her because while Madison was a bitch to them, Amy still saw her as a sister who had gone through a lot. Madison would later appear in Amy’s dreams as she did miss her quite terribly even though she treated her badly.
5 years later is when Madison would eventually meet up with Amy again, as her soul was freed from hell by Michael Langdon, the Anti-Christ, and Cordelia assigned Madison to watch over Amy in Japan while she was training and studying at UA Academy. Amy was shocked, amazed and also heartfelt to see Madison again, but then the anger also came back as Amy did not forget that Madison was horrible to her and the last thing they did before meeting her again and wasn’t very happy to see her. Nonetheless, Amy was relieved to have at least another witch in Japan and did admit that she missed Madison, who was oddly touched but annoyed when Amy hugged her as the two of them started to share the same mansion that once belonged to Fiona. Amy cheerfully told Madison that it’s pretty much their home and Fiona can’t tell them what to do anymore, much to Madison’s delight.
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Madison however, seemed like she was back to her old ways as she encouraged Amy to poison Endeavor with something that would humiliate him but Amy refused much to her disappointment. But Amy is taken by surprise when Madison comes to her rescue when she and Bakugo are kidnapped by the League of Villains, while Bakugo was rescued by her classmates, Madison snuck into the fray to rescue Amy when she was knocked out by debris. Madison would comfort a shell-shocked Amy and proved to be capable of being emotionally supportive to her as the younger witch was visibly traumatized by this event and especially when she felt that her classmates were mainly trying to rescue Bakugo and not her. 
The older witch comforted her by telling her ‘witches look after witches’ and Amy would agree with that sentiment, but especially after Midoriya beats Overhaul and discovers how the pro-heroes took in and cared for Eri, something that they never did for Amy.
Pissed off by this revelation, Madison angrily called out the pro-heroes and Aizawa for not bothering to care for another traumatized girl when she needed it, but could clearly take care of the one they just rescued and accused them of prejudice. Aizawa claimed that it wasn’t the case at all, but Madison didn’t believe him and told him to go to hell. Madison continued to support Amy and take her side as she reassured Amy the entire-time, and did nothing to stop her when the young witch went berserk under the stress of this new information and attacked UA. 
Madison outright told Amy that she was right for doing so because it wasn’t fair that she couldn’t be taken in by the much more affectionate pro-heroes and instead was forced to suffer under Fiona’s neglectful care and be put into a situation that made Amy constantly feel like she was going to die due to the Voodoo witches and witch hunters attacking the coven daily. As Madison can understand Amy’s pain of feeling abandoned and the fact that she was with Amy every moment where the coven was in danger. Amy, seeking any validation and comfort, tearfully vented to Madison about how unfair everything felt and how much pain she felt from Midoriya’s rejection and the older witch expressed how much she had changed by comforting and hugging the young witch.
Madison: Witches look after witches Amy. Okay?
Amy: ... kay... 
However, Madison later took Amy on a wild bender of partying and shoplifting after Amy quit UA, which forced Shinsou, Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki and Iida to find them and bring them back. While they were successful, Amy coldly pushed them away and told them that she isn’t going back to school and is going back to the coven, much to Madison’s delight who kept pushing her to go through with it. But a distraught Shinsou and an irritated Bakugo both managed to get through to her and convince her to stay in Japan. Amy did choose to stay, but she also remained in her mansion for several months in isolation with Madison to keep her company with Shinsou acting as a loyal visitor while she recovered.
In this original timeline, Amy would later come out of her isolation though when she found out that the coven was in danger because of Michael’s rise to his status as the Anti-Christ and ran back to America to protect and fight for the coven. Madison helped Behold Chablis find answers about Michael while Amy regained her senses and helped Cordelia, Zoe, Queenie, Mallory, Coco and a revived Myrtle Snow to protect the other witches. As Madison returned, the witches believed that they had a fighting chance with the new information about Michael, but unfortunately the enraged Anti-Christ later attacked Robichaux and killed almost all of the witches, including Zoe and Queenie, with only Cordelia, Myrtle, Mallory, Coco, Amy and Madison as the only survivors.
Madison comforted Amy as she was distraught and traumatized by the deaths of her sister’s and the destruction of their souls, as Cordelia gave her, Mallory and Coco the task of hiding until the time was right. As the apocalypse occurred, Amy was prepared to fight back as she regained her memory and identity back, but was shocked to see that Cordelia also had her friends from UA to help them fight too. Madison further showed how much she loved Amy as she was one of the many witches that she willingly sacrificed her life for, but her sacrifice was not in vain as Amy and Mallory were able to go back in-time to prevent the apocalypse and redeem Michael.
In the new timeline, Madison is once more revived by Michael, but at Amy’s request as Madison returns to be Amy’s partner-in-crime as the events that happened to her at UA still played out, but without the end of the world looming over their heads. As Amy returned to her months of isolation, Madison remained at her side and continued to do everything she could to comfort her, along with an annoyed Shinsou. Madison often competed with Shinsou over caring for Amy, but Shinsou rightfully called her a bad influence because of all the shitty things Madison encouraged Amy to do, and because Madison secretly knew he was right, often forced him to slap himself.
Wanting Amy to feel good, Madison encouraged her to indulge in her worst impulses and brought her whatever she wanted and encouraged her to do whatever she wanted if it meant making herself feel better. Although this made Amy somewhat crueler as whenever Amy is with Madison she becomes more of a bitch because she wants to impress her. Yet, Amy was aware that their friendship wasn’t really healthy, but because Madison made Amy feel validated, loved and not once judged her for anything bad that she did Amy clung to her and regarded her as one of her closest friends.
Despite being a bad influence on Amy a majority of the time, Madison also had some positive influence on Amy as she enabled Amy to feel more comfortable in her body and gave her lewd and revealing outfits to wear, and allowing Amy to embrace her sexuality. Amy’s confidence in herself started to bloom and she decided to not let any remarks from the nastier girls get her down and Madison told Amy that she’s better than everyone else. she had completely forgiven Madison for all she had done as she saw that being in Hell truly did change Madison.
Overtime it became clear that Madison’s love for Amy was her only redeeming trait as she did everything she could to make sure that Amy was happy, and while she didn’t approve of Amy going to intern with Endeavor she did tell her to ‘kick ass’. Madison was horrible to Amy’s classmates whenever she met one, as she felt that they added to Amy’s pain and had no problem pranking them or being cruel to them. This showed that Madison became rather protective of Amy as she was tired of seeing Amy cry because of the pain she felt from people, whether it was from Fiona, Aizawa, Midoriya or the pro-heroes. 
As a result, Madison would later treat Aizawa with the utmost disrespect because she felt that he had abandoned her friend and bullied Midoriya because he broke her heart. In fact, Madison also admitted to herself that while she hated Fiona for killing her, she hated her even more for hurting Amy.
Madison was also jealous of Amy’s other friends, as she and Shinsou would constantly butt heads until Amy told them to get along, but her jealousy grew whenever she was being cared for by Mallory or Misty. Although Madison did express fondness for Todoroki and Kaminari because she thought they were good to her, and she and Bakugo immediately became enemies because they despised each other’s attitudes. Madison knew that Amy was falling for Bakugo and she often tried to stray her away from him and deliberately sabotaged some of their moments because not only was she worried that Amy would forget about her, but also because she didn’t think Bakugo would ever be good enough for Amy. Showing that while Madison is somewhat clingy to Amy, she’s mostly protective of her. And this shows when she reluctantly acts as an intern for Aizawa to shadow and assist him in the Hero Course for the sake of making sure Amy is safe, while also keeping the other students safe because Madison knows Amy cares about them.
Her jealousy would later reach it’s ultimate high when Amy met and befriended Ashlen online, as Madison frequently told her not to trust people on the internet, but Amy was too invested and having too much fun with her new friend, much to Madison’s dismay. Rather than giving the girl a chance, when Ashlen first arrives, Madison is hostile and rude to her from the get-go and likewise Ashlen doesn’t put up with her nonsense and tells her off every time Madison is rude to her. As Ashlen has had experience with girls like Madison, she knows how to fight back, including when Madison attempted to use her powers on her. Fuming by Amy and Ashlen’s budding friendship and closeness, Madison would bitterly keep these feelings to herself and only express them by acting like a bitch to both the girls or causing trouble for them, although she did admit that Ashlen is fun to mess with.
This doesn’t mean that Madison liked her though, as when Amy and Ashlen’s differences start becoming more apparent and when Amy starts feeling bad about how different they are, Madison quickly swoops in and takes Amy away to take her on another trip of hedonism. Only this time, Shinsou accompanies them and makes sure they do harmless activities such as going to the movie theater for 5 hours before Madison later took Amy home. Madison went so far as to convince Amy that she’s better for her and repeated that witches look out for witches, which made a distraught Amy agree for a moment. Showing that while Amy is aware that it’s not the best decision, she’d rather feel a quick sense of comfort from Madison over facing her fears again to avoid feeling pain again. 
At least until Ashlen later visited Amy after 3 days of ghosting and the two of them were eventually able to settle their differences and Ashlen would prove her love for Amy even when the latter was on the verge of another nervous breakdown and even when she tried to push her away she didn’t leave her. Madison tried to push Ashlen away and get her to leave Amy alone, but Ashlen didn’t budge until she got to talk to her friend even if she was being difficult and trying to push her away. As the girls eventually have a heart-to-heart and make up, Madison is angry and hurt and leaves the mansion.
The next day, in her anger Madison has something a temper tantrum that creates a seismic earthquake that rattles the school and the dorms and she viciously attacks Ashlen, Shinsou and Bakugo, but Amy and Aizawa got her to stop before she shook the school any longer or harmed anyone else. And when Aizawa gets her to stop she spits his face and threatens to tell Cordelia and it forced Amy to quickly intervene. She begs for her to stop but Madison angrily storms off and ignored her as Amy rushes to Ashlen and Bakugo’s aid. 
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Although she does admit that she needs to stop Madison before she does anything worse to the school as Madison had been secretly considering maiming every single person in the school out of spite and envy. That night, Madison (whom had already knocked out all of the teachers) starts aggressively harming the other students as well as the students of 2-A but kept herself hidden to stir up the chaotic fear.
Amy immediately steps in, knowing she’s done something as the two witches butt heads once more, they get into a very brutal and magical fight. Incensed, Madison angrily confronts Amy for being so close to Shinsou and Ashlen but has somehow ‘ignored’ her and how she’d been there for her, but Amy defends her new friend which enrages Madison into attacking her sister and damages the Heights Alliance in the process as they take the fight outside. 
Madison: When those assholes abandoned you, when your so-called friends didn’t even bother to rescue you from the wannabe villains, when they ignored you while you were hurting, when the fucking ‘heroes’ took in that pathetic little street urchin while you got stuck with Fiona, when that green-haired loser dumped you because he couldn’t handle you, when EVERYONE in this fucking place left you all alone, when you needed someone to vent to about all the shit you went through to, who was there for you Amy?! Who was there to make you feel good?! Who got you to forget about all of that shit?! Who made you say ‘fuck it’ and show all of those motherfuckers that you matter?! ME! And you’re going to take their side?! I was there for you! I made you feel good! I’ve been with you since the coven! You owe me! 
Amy: I know you were there! But it wasn’t just you! They were there for me too! They’ve been there for me too! I know... the pro-heroes suck and hurt me in ways I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive them for... my mom trusted them to take care of me, she trusted him... but they didn’t... just gave me away to strangers... I know that, I’ve been living with it ever since my parents died. I’ve been hurt you’re not wrong Maddy. You’re right, everything you said is right, but making other people hurt isn’t right! They’re my friends! They’ve been there for me just like you! They love me too they know when I’m hurting! They still love me... even when I’m the one who ends up hurting them... And I don’t want them to hurt anymore! I don’t want to be like that anymore! I can’t always help it but I’m trying...! They’re helping me! They’re helping me stop the hurting! And I know you’re hurting too so please... stop this...
As the two witches fight and their battle gets several classmates injured, Amy would make sure to get innocents out of the way and keep them safe from Madison’s rage. And Ashlen and Shinsou rush forth to try and stop anymore possible damage from occurring and hopefully rescue Amy. But as Amy and Madison continued to clash, their powers trigger a thunderstorm of raging wind and rain that creates all sorts of damage that threaten the students. Forcing the remaining students to retreat and hide in the safezone, but Ashlen and Shinsou nonetheless stood outside in hopes to stop the two witches from fighting.
During the fight, Amy starts gets troubling flashbacks of the following year where Midoriya did the same to her and Madison uses this to her advantage to force her off and use her Concilium on Amy to hurt her. 
As she attacked the younger witch and listened to her pained shouts, Madison holds back her tears and reluctantly ceases her attack, and calmly tells her that the pro-heroes are better off gone and that they will never accept witches like them. Amy agrees but still begs for her to leave her classmates alone because she knows that they’re good people and that while she has known Madison longer, she loves Ashlen too because she can connect to her.
Madison, no longer having the energy to fight, claims that she’s going to trigger an earthquake to shake the entire school grounds and the dorms and then burn it all to the ground. Which forces Amy to use her ‘secret weapon’ and she starts crying in front of Madison, and the tearful, older witch breaks down in annoyance and guilt as she embraces Amy.
Amy: My God Mads... you really thought ahead of this didn’t you? The teachers are all knocked out, even innocent students. I know what you’re planning, I can feel it in your rage... if you do this you’re going to kill everyone and everything here... this will... no it’ll ruin the friendship our coven made with the heroes. You’ll have even more blood on your hands... of adults, kids like us, even younger than us...
Madison: As if there wasn’t blood already on them already, we’re used to it. Don’t act so noble Ames, we’ve killed plenty of people because we’re above this moral shit that the heroes try to pin on us. Besides it doesn’t matter, a few thousand so-called ‘heroes’ in the world isn’t bad, a few less cogs in society isn’t bad either. Let’s face it, witches were never going to fit in this place, they already got you under the impression that they give a shit about us. How many times do you have to get hurt to see that these people don’t care about you dumbass? Do I need to drill it in your head or something? 
Amy: (sighs) Madison... please... you can’t... Sisters don’t do this, sisters don’t hurt each other’s loved ones. Ashlen, Hitoshi, Katsuki, Denki, Izuku, Shoto, even Tenya and Mr. Aizawa... I love them... don’t you get that? I love them too, I love them like I love you too, but... you can’t... you can’t hurt them.You can’t hurt Ashlen or Hitoshi... they’re my friends... my best friends and I love them... I love them so much... I’m guilty you know? Of hurting innocent people, of hurting my own friends... and people who didn’t do anything to deserve it but... I’m trying to work on that, still trying to work on forgiveness, and... you can too... with me. 
Madison: (she holds her hands up in preparation to shake the school) Innocent my ass. These pro-heroes are just douches in suits and that’s that and the rest of these brats are guilty by association. They deserve it. 
Amy: (eyes quiver as she looks in horror before she takes a deep breath and looks a mix of resigned and depressed) Well then... you forced my hand... I guess you’re just going to be the world’s worst sister again... going to hurt someone I love again... I loved you Madison... even when you were the biggest bitch on the planet  I loved you, I never stopped loving you... even now... even when you’re going to hurt everyone else I love, I’ll still love you... no matter how much you hurt me... (tears start to well in her eyes, looking up at her pleadingly)
Madison: Amy... no... don’t... (she can’t help but look and see the tears streaming down Amy’s face) Stop that! You... stop! (she tears up upon seeing Amy, she can’t go through with it as she falls down to Amy’s height, and tightly hugs her as she cries) You bitch... 
Amy: (can’t help but smile triumphantly as she hugs her) There’s my Mads... (she sighs in relief when the fight is over and nobody got seriously hurt) 
For all of Madison’s rotten qualities, she ultimately stops because she’s seen Amy cry too many times and while she hated everyone who made her cry, Madison herself doesn’t want to be responsible for making her cry again. As Madison ceases the attack overall, Amy neglects to tell them what Madison had planned as the latter accepts her punishment given to the teachers for attacking the school and spends the month cleaning the entire dorms and fixing all of the damage she caused. From then on out Madison would start to slowly change her attitude towards Amy’s friends. 
While she never loses her vulgarity or penchant for mischief, she starts becoming friendlier to Ashlen, even making amends to her by helping Amy help her in her relationship with Shinsou and even inviting her to go shopping with her and Amy and being kinder to the students and being more helpful and somewhat more respectful to Aizawa and doing favors for him. Eventually Ashlen and Madison DO become friends, while it was for Amy’s sake, Madison eventually admitted that she saw why Amy liked Ashlen. Although Madison does tell Ashlen to take care of Amy because she ‘means the world to her’. 
It’s a complicated relationship really, Madison and Amy don’t have the healthiest friendship, but the love is undeniable and because of that love, they continue to work through it and try to make their friendship healthier as Madison warms up to Amy’s other friends because she wants her to be happy. And vice-versa, Amy is ecstatic to see Madison doing better in life and how she seems happier than she used to in the coven, and is just glad that she has one of her sisters there with her and her best friends Ashlen and Shinsou.
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fan-wicktion · 5 years
Sparrow (3)
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warnings: bad language
a/n: This one is mostly just to stoke the fire that will be P4, sorry if it’s a little slower! I also can’t explain how happy I am to hear people are enjoying Sparrow so far omfg thank you
What’s with the fucking windows?
John stands alone in your apartment, fuming. Although enraged, he was not used to feeling… ignored? She kicked me in the fucking balls when I teased her…I thought for sure that would break her down.
Hands on his hips, he surveyed your apartment with slight intrigue. “Sparrow” huh, he thought, remembering the alias he had uncovered. Let’s see what we can find. He strode to your fridge and swung open the door. It was empty. Weird. He roved the living room, noticing the hidden weapons and a lot of fluffy blankets. Cautiously, he stepped into your bedroom, glancing around. It wasn’t highly personalized, but it was cozy. He caught a whiff of a sultry perfume as he made his way to your dresser. He glanced up at the mirror above it, but right where he should have seen his own eyes there was a little pink sticky note. Hello.
Was this for me? How would she know I’d… He peeled it off and examined the back, searching for more information. Nothing. He began opening drawers, curious. T-shirts, pants, sweaters, underwear…he inhaled sharply. Sitting atop a neat stack of lacy intimates was another note: Oh Mr. Wick. I thought you were more of a gentleman. He slammed the drawer shut, cheeks flushing slightly pink. So the notes were for him. Why is she doing this? His eyes roamed over to your bed, taking in the small mattress. Atop a thick quilt, another little pink square. He strode over, snatching the note into his large hands. You wish, it read.
Oh fucking hell. He crumpled it in his hand and resumed searching the apartment, trying not to think about your implication. First she takes my contract, then she runs away after stabbing me and taunts me with suggestive notes? What’s her problem?! And there was that comment. “Harder daddy…” He clenches his jaw, trying not to remember that look on your face. He finds nearly nothing in your bathroom, and then something begins to make sense. She must not plan on coming back here for a while…
He takes one last look around as he leaves, trying to imagine where you’d go. He would figure it out. He had a few choice words for you. Back on the street, he notices he’s still holding your note. You wish. John looks at it for a second, then quickly shoves it in his jacket pocket and strides off, slightly confused, very intrigued, and still quite angry.
You hadn’t planned on things going the way they did. You thought you’d be an infuriating little minx, immune to his tricks. Maybe you’d get a few good hits in before he finished you off. That went well, you think, groaning inwardly. At least I’m alive. You had anticipated the possibility of having to flee at least, and had taken precautions for that. You knew if you got out of there intact he would remain in your apartment, so you removed anything too telling and left him a couple surprises. You sighed, thinking over the handful of hours that had passed since your window-dive.
You needed a break, or a head start at least. You had fled down the nearest subway tunnel and hopped a train to the airport. Now you were somewhere over the pacific, headed to the Philippines. While you had been on the subway, your phone had buzzed, indicating a new target was live, and you decided in that instant where to fly to. You hadn’t wanted to risk leaving a search trail online while planning your escape, so you figured you’d find a flight once you were at the airport. You had packed light, so you wanted somewhere warm and beachy anyway, then the opportunity for an assassination fell in your lap. Yeah… you think to yourself, definitely leaving the country on a job and NOT to escape John Wick’s wrath. I am a badass assassin and he should fear ME! Yeah, that’s right. Who does he think he is with that stupid stoic face, greasy hair, nice beard…strong hands…sexy mouth… You cover your face with your hands, pinching the bridge of your nose to fight the growing migraine. STOP IT RIGHT THERE.
You use the rest of your flight to brush up on your target. Vitaly Koslov. He was a Russian oil boss who would stop at nothing to fill his tankards with non-renewable fossil fuels. His escapades across the middle east had earned him a bad reputation, but American politicians had put up with it until he set his sights on the States. Of course. Evil is fine until it affects you, isn’t it. You roll your eyes. You’re glad someone had finally had enough of this human stain to call a hit on him, and you’re grateful for the distraction.
You use the money from your last mission, The Fuck Up as you called it in your head, to pay for a pretty nice hotel not far from the beach. You spend a couple days doing recon in Manila, discovering Koslov has been frequenting a seedy brothel just outside the city. You make friends with the women working there and they prove to be trustworthy and willing to help. Apparently Koslov had sent one of their girls to the hospital the week prior, and so no one protested when you disclosed your agenda. You arranged a date and went back to the hotel to prepare.
John had not been idle for the past few days. He had finished a few more contracts and toppled at least one major crime syndicate in the process, and in his spare time he did his best to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking of you. He tried to sleep it off, but you appeared in his dreams, too. A flash of your eyes, the feeling of your small frame beneath him, you stealing another job, your snide comments echoing around his subconscious. It was unbearable.
After a few hours of fitful tossing and turning one night, John decided to do a bit more research on you. It seemed he couldn’t escape you anyway, so he might as well get to work on deciphering where you might have gone.
He walked to his bookshelf and pulled down a leather-bound volume. It looked ancient, but hadn’t a whisper of dust across the cover. It was the Directory. Working for a secretive assassin agency that still relied on typewriter technology meant that every year they sent out a phonebook of sorts to the trusted members. Nowhere in it could you find a number or an address, though. The book was not meant to disclose information that could give anyone an advantage over anyone else—every assassin knew they might be put up against one another at some point—but it did hold secrets. Secrets of the community: registered kills, criminal records, registered stays at the Continental, if they had ever been caught… Some people (like John Wick) had pages dedicated to their antics, others only had a sentence or two.
You were one of those couple-sentence people. John quickly skimmed your bio: Alias: Sparrow. No known origins. Joined [5 years ago]. It went on to list your height, weight, and a brief physical description before delving into your history of kills. John raised his eyebrows as he browsed the list. These are all really high profile kills…Why haven’t I heard of her before? He closed the Directory and placed it back on the shelf. It seems like she goes after the scummiest contracts. Does she have some sort of personal agenda? It was not unheard of for hitmen to be picky about their jobs, but most were just in it for the money. They didn’t have preferences. Maybe she’ll pop up around the next big contract, he thought, running his hands through is hair and climbing back into bed. Now if I could just stop fucking DREAMING about her…
Tag list: @chicksamwitch​ @mikaneonox​
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untilmynextstory · 3 years
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Chapter 8: Family Recipe 
Eventually Jax was able to get Nathan to calm down. It was only after Nathan unleashed everything. Namely that he doesn't know when the abuse happened, in fact, he never saw a bruise on his mother, but he just knows Vitaly hurts her. Jax knows that the abuse doesn't even have to be physical, but mentality and emotionally.
It takes everything in his power to not storm to Alma's right now, but he has to be smart. He has to prepare for the worst. He can't just kill Vitaly. The man does have ties to the Russians and any blowback can land on Alma's doorstep.
Then there is the fact in separating Alma from her abuser. He has to be prepared that she won't want to leave. He needs to be prepared for her to fight him on everything.
He does his best to not even think about why Alma got herself in the situation. The anger doesn't lay on her. Now he knows why Alma wanted Nathan to move in with him. The abuse must have been escalating. He knew something was wrong. He should've pressed and pressed even if it would have pissed her off.
Jax walks over to the end table and grabs some stationary. He writes a short and coded message to Lenny to see if he could give him some basic info on Vitaly and his schedule. He knows he can't just show up to Alma's place of work. He wouldn't be surprised if the man kept eyes on Alma while he was away. He needs to be careful.
Alma feels Vitaly only did what he did to ruin her Thanksgiving. After all, he had left promptly three days after his parting gift for a business trip that would leave him gone for three weeks. It would have him back in town just for Christmas. She has a feeling that he may try to ruin that for her as well. She already plans to leave for Christmas early. Nathan has most of December off and since she missed Thanksgiving she can make it up to him by arriving a week or two earlier.
She knows she put Nathan through a lot of worry those two days he couldn't reach her. Vitaly did smash her phone during his fit of rage. She had been able to easily explain that to Nathan, who had demanded a video call, when she was able to get a hold of him.
She hated to see the utter look of relief on his face. It was like he knew something had gone wrong. She had tried to shield him from the decline of her second marriage. She should've gotten out the first time Vitaly ever raised his hand to her, but she didn't. She stayed. She stayed and she didn't even know why she did.
She thinks maybe she didn't want another failed marriage under her belt. She didn't want to admit that she let herself into the situation. She got herself trapped. Maybe, just maybe, it had to do with she didn't want for anyone to know she got herself in this situation. She didn't want to go crawling back to Charming - back to Jax. She didn't want the stares of pity. She wanted to show people that she could move on from the Life she had in Charming.
She also didn't want Jax to go to jail for murdering Vitaly. She knows it would get to that point. Her ex husband was a very smart man, but at the same time,if pushed he shoots first and thinks later. She knows he would not let Vitaly get away with putting his hands on her.
She is just grateful Vitaly never targeted her son. During his rages, he always insults Jax. She ignores them mostly. They seem to stem from a place of jealousy. It makes her wonder if he knew what she had done with Jax on their wedding night.
Alma had always carried so much guilt from that night. She was truly disgusted with herself. What woman cheats on their future husband on their wedding day. She carried that guilt for months until Vitaly's real side began to show. Hell, she even had a pregnancy scare. She didn't know how she was going to explain that to Vitaly. He had made it very clear he didn't want kids. Although, she had found out by accident that he couldn't have kids.
She prayed to god everyday that Jax didn't manage to knock her up again. She didn't even know how she would have managed to make a good lie for that one. She knows deep down what she would've done if she had been pregnant. She didn't know if she could live with that. She probably would've chickened out and would have to manage the embarrassment of running back to Charming with her tail tucked between her legs.
Now, she doesn't feel guilty. It was the last time she truly felt loved from anybody in that way. Maybe she shouldn't have let her mother push her into this marriage. For the first time she ever really listened to her mother she ends up being a victim of domestic violence.
Alma shakes her head. She is not going to blame her mother. She made the choice to continue seeing Vitaly. She accepted the marriage proposal.
Alma sighs as she opens one of the many boxes of decorations for Christmas. This is the first year she will be decorating without Nathan's help. This house is much larger than her two previous homes. The one thing she misses is all the homemade decorations Nathan and Kaylee made. She had left those in Charming. Alot of Kaylee's things were still in Charming.
She is glad because she has a feeling Vitaly's anger might escalate to destroy any connection she has to Charming and Jax.
Alma goes to her record player and puts on some Marvin Gaye and pours herself a glass of wine and begins to decorate. She has been decorating for only about 30 minutes when the doorbell goes off. She frowns as she wasn't expecting anyone. She's never expecting anyone now that Nathan isn't home. There is also the fact that she didn't bother concealing the bruises on her body. She grabs a throw blanket to wrap around her body to hide the bruises on her arms. She can't do much to hide the bruise on her cheek. She peeks through the side window and she stiffens in surprise to find Jax on the other side of the door.
She knows if anything was wrong with Nathan he would've called. The only reason he would come down if it was about Nathan, but she knows he would've called beforehand. She knows this because she is pretty sure he doesn't want to be in the same room as Vitaly. She knows there is no use in trying to act like she isn't home.
She unlocks the dead bolt, but doesn't open the door all the way. She hides half her body from Jax.
"I can admit I am surprised to see you on my doorstep," Alma greets with.
"I can say the same." He replies.
She watches as his eyes narrow at her presence. She takes in his appearance. He isn't wearing his kutte and he doesn't have his bike. She notices his truck parked in her driveway. He is practically incognito.
"What are you doing here, Jax?"
"You going to let me in?"
Alma takes a deep breath and she opens the door wider to let him in her house. He steps in and she closes the door behind her. She takes a deep breath. He knows.
"We need to talk, darlin'," Jax tells her.
Alma nods her head and she leads him through the living room. She knows he doesn't care for a tour of her house.
She leads him to the couch where he sits down and she sits in the lounge chair opposite from him.
He doesn't say anything for a couple minutes. In fact, he doesn't even look at her as he seems to take in the world she lives in. He takes a deep breath and leans forward to rest his elbow on his legs.
"Instead of coming back to my bed, you married a sick fuck that beats you. You let Nathan witness that shit." Jax starts. He doesn't beat around the bush. He gets straight to the point of why he drove down here.
"Nathan was never in any danger."
"Jesus Christ, Alma, that isn't the point." He snaps and looks her in the eyes. His eyes focus on her bruised cheek. The point is that she is in danger. It's a truth that goes unsaid.
"I can't leave him, Jax."
"The hell you can't. I will drag you out kicking and screaming if I have too."
Alma runs her hands down her face. "Don't be ridiculous."
"Let me see it."
"See what?"
"I can see that nice shiner on your face. Let me see the rest." He demands.
Alma pulls the blanket around her tighter. "Look, I appreciate the concern, but you need to go."
"Nah, I'm not leaving until I know you're getting out of this."
"Jax, I'm not your wife or old lady anymore. I'm not your concern."
"You're the mother of my children. You think I am going to go back to Charming knowing you're getting fucking beat. Do you think I can go home to our son and tell him 'hey I left your mother to get fucking beat'." Jax spits back. "Is that why you wanted him to live with me? You were scared Vitaly would take his attention to Nathan."
"I got Nathan out, Jax. That is all that matters right now."
"Do you even hear yourself, right now?" Jax asks in disbelief. "What the fuck happened to you, Alma?"
Alma snaps her head up. "What happened to me?" The laugh that escapes her lips is far from humorous. "How about the fact I had to grieve the loss of two children and my ex-husband decides to bury his grief in another pussy that isn't mine. Then a woman comes along claiming to be pregnant by him. How about the fact you humiliated me in Charming with the croweaters and pornstars leaving me to grieve all alone and taking care of the only child we had left alive. So excuse me while I tried to mend the pieces of me you fucking tore apart led me to fucking Vitaly."
Jax falls to his knees and his hands frame her face. Alma tries to turn away from him, but he forces her to look into his blue eyes.
"Alma, please…"
Alma doesn't know exactly what he is begging for. Does he want forgiveness, for her to leave Vitaly, for her to come back to Charming?
"Did he threaten me and the club?" Jax asks softly.
"I don't want you or Nathan to get hurt, Jax."
"Don't worry about the club. Don't worry about me."
"Easier said than done." Alma tells him weakly with a smile.
Jax smiles. "I know. I know." He brings his forehead down to hers. "You gotta come home, Alma."
Alma doesn't respond because she knows her answer won't please Jax. She thinks Jax must sense what she is thinking he pulls back from her and opens his mouth. She distracts him as she presses her lips against his. He is startled and he falls back. Alma takes advantage of his surprise as she straddles his hips. Her blanket falls off her shoulders and she meets Jax lips again into a burning kiss.
She thinks she has Jax distracted. He moans against her lips as she grinds down on him. A part of her missed this. She misses Jax and the feel of him against her, inside her. She leans down fully against him as she begins grinding against him. She won't feel guilty this time. After all, she can't remember the last time she has actually enjoyed sex. However, Jax's hands grip her hips and she winces as it presses against a tender bruise.
Jax notices the reaction immediately and pulls away from her and leans up. Lips already swollen, pupils dilated, Jax sucks in a breath as he takes in the damage.
Her arms are littered with Vitaly's fingerprints. She doesn't stop Jax when he lifts up his tank and sees the splotchy bruise on her hip from when she was pushed hard into the corner of the dresser in the bedroom. She had been worried about internal bleeding due to the pain she has been feeling for days.
"Al -"
She pushes his hands away and goes back to meet his lips, but he stops her. "Jax, please -"
"You're not coming back after Christmas." He tells her. "I'm not arguing with you about it."
Alma licks her lips. She closes her eyes and nods her head.
Jax sighs in relief and wraps his arms around her. Alma can't help the tears that begin to fall.
Jax is anxious. He has been since he had gone and seen Alma two weeks ago. She is supposed to arrive in a couple days. She had informed him that she planned to come down for Christmas early to begin with. His only comfort was that Vitaly was out on business. Alma would be left alone. She wouldn't see him unless he came down in Charming once he realized Alma wasn't coming back. Despite her assurance that she was leaving and would stay in Charming, it didn't stop the bad feeling in his gut.
It didn't stop him from feeling as if something was going to go wrong. It was hard leaving with the knowledge that Alma was in an abusive marriage. It hurts to know that he was the one that fucked up and it led her to that man's arms. Jax thinks he might hate himself a bit.
He knows Nathan didn't have any comfort either. In fact, Nathan has been calling or texting Alma every day since he came back from his trip to Alma's. Jax thinks he is just lucky the visit managed to slip the radar of his club and mother. They could deal with everything including people knowing the sliver of the truth once Alma was here permanently.
The one thing that was on replay in Jax's mind was the kiss. He knows it was stupid of him to even get partially distracted. Alma was doing it as a means to distract him. He was tempted and it probably would've gone further until he would have seen the damage Vitaly had done to her.
He did cry when he came back to Charming. It hurts to know that she's been dealing with this practically her whole marriage. Jax isn't blind to the fact that in this life men have shown physical dominance over their old ladies and women. Yet, Jax never took on that view. It disgusts him frankly. He even regrets what he had done to Ima. After all, it was his mistake for sleeping with Ima. It all landed on him for inviting Ima into his marriage. After Alma left him, he did apologize to the blond and managed to get her behind the camera as penance.
Even then he has witnessed a few slaps from the guys with the women, but Vitaly is fucking beating her. He knows Alma had to be in pain.
Jax thinks they need to figure out how to handle any potential blowback from the Russians. He doesn't think they would care, but Vitaly could be petty. He was surprised that the Russians did not care about any domestic situations.
Jax feels his phone vibrating in his pocket and he pulls it out and squints at the unfamiliar number.
"Hi, is this Jackson Teller?" A polite, feminine voice asked.
"Who's asking?"
"My name is Lisa. I'm a nurse at St. Vincent's hospital. You're listed as Alma Petrova's emergency."
"Is she okay? Is she alright?"
"She's stable and sedated, but it's best you come down here."
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