#something something mutual salvation etc
cassynite · 11 months
9 Ship Songs
Tagged by @dragonologist-phd for this--thank you so much I always go nuts over song memes :D
I'm just doin all of them for Daerrow since...I don't really have any other canon PWOTR couple lmao
Tagging (is it like a tag 9 thing? I thought it might be so that's what I went for): @molochka-koshka @dmagedgoods @silversiren1101 @tenmillionbees @dragonflytehanu @thesolemnhour @spyridonya @commander-lariel @desnas and of course anyone else who wants to, it's tons of fun
So it Goes by Billy Joel
And every time I held a rose It seems I only felt the thorns And so it goes, and so it goes And so will you soon, I suppose
But if my silence made you leave Then that would be my worst mistake So I will share this room with you And you can have this heart to break
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
Oh no, not now Please not now I've just settled into the glass half empty Made myself at home
And so why now? Oh please not now I just stopped believing in happy endings In harbors of my own
But you had to come along, didn't you Tear down the doors Throw open windows Oh, if you knew just what a fool you had made me
Zephyrus by the Oh Hellos
So let me melt down like mountain glaciers Break the bonds I've been holding onto Let them soften me
Till every part that I am made of Waters deep to the roots of something greener
Shrike by Hozier
I couldn't utter my love when it counted Ah, but I"m singing like a bird bout it now I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted Ah, but I'm singing like a bird bout it now
The words hung above but never would form Like a cry at the final breath that is drawn Remember me, love when I'm reborn As a shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn
Malibu by Miley Cyrus
I always thought I would sink, so I never swam I never want boatin', don't get how they are floatin' And sometimes I just get so scared Of what I can't understand
But here I am Next to you The sky's more blue In Malibu
All This and Heaven Too by Florence + The Machine
No words, poor language It doesn't deserve such treatment And all my stumbling phrases Never amounted to anything worth this feeling
All this heaven never could describe Such a feeling as I'm healing Words were never so useful So I was screaming out a language That I never knew existed before
Save me by Gotye
And all the dead ends, disappointments Faded from your memory Ready for that lonely life to end
And you gave me love when I could not love myself And you made me turn from the way I saw myself And you're patient, love And you help my help myself And you save me, and you save me, yeah you save me
Gold Rush by Taylor Swift
I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch
Everybody wants you Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you Walk past, quick flush I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush I don't like how falling feels like flying till the bone crush
Everybody wants you But I don't like a gold rush
Peace by Taylor Swift
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret
The devil's in the details, but you've got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
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jttw-monkeybusiness · 10 months
Heya, Celibacy Question Anon again
I fully know the blog is centered around an AU, I was merely asking because the ethics of making an AU for something that isn't a show and is an actual religion is pretty shaky since actual religious text is pretty different from a form of entertainment media
I'll be honest, I mainly asked because I have seen and heard multiple accounts of Buddhists saying that personifying JTTW in such a way, especially in erasing/tweaking Wukong's celibacy, is extremely disrespectful
So I wanted to be sure that you were aware of the fact that many Buddhists do say that treating JTTW like it's some sort of fandom media (where you would make AUs rather than interpretations of said text) is very disrespectful (and even in interpretations, outright ignoring his celibacy is still considered wrong. Even if it may has been done before, my concern here is that a lot of worshipers of Wukong has said it's disrespectful)
Hello! First I want to say that what I will say in this text is not directly towards you, anon! I say this in general! What I understood is that this blog and AU are inspired by Journey To The West which is not a religion. It is a great Chinese work of fiction written presumably by Wu Chengen in the XVI century. I would argue it's one of the best Chinese novels of all time that I think everyone should read. Yes, it has a real religion that is Buddhism, but the main focus is the novel derives its material from folk tales and myths. That's how I at least take it when I read it. The author of the novel deliberately uses mutually interpretative terms which allow different experts, scholars, and religious practitioners to interpret the novel as an allegory of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity etc. So Buddhism is not the main religion if we want to go very deeply into it. I personally think Journey To The West tells a story of spiritual transformation that happens to Wukong for example. While the meaning of religious symbolism can be understood in different ways depending on your own religion and background I think most people agree it's about seeking the truth and salvation for the soul. That's what I want to add to my AU and how I see JTTW in general. So for your point, I will answer as best as I can bc English is not my native language and I don't want to cause any drama or hate. When it comes to pop culture and media, I understand that there must be people who don't like JTTW AU's bc the creators, like myself, want to explore the possibilities and make our own stories for fun and entertainment. I personally think if the people in Buddhism and people who worship Wukong want to have their voice heard they should focus on companies that make a profit. Shouldn't this logic also include Lego Monkey Kid which was based on Journey To the West? Their version of Wukong is not exactly the same as in the novel in my honest opinion and the story could easily be someone's AU (and technically it is!) but it has become full-on animation series that makes money. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to anyone! I'm just trying to open the other door in here. I don't get any money from making this blog. I do this for fun bc JTTW is a novel that I love. Do some Buddhists and people who worship Wukong hate it and find it disrespectful? Maybe yes, but again JTTW is a novel and that's how I view it. It's like saying Christian people hate any movies where they make fun of Jesus Christ like Family Guy. That's not even the worst yet! I'm saying this as someone who used to be a Christian.
What I am saying is that you can't please everyone. I am aware that people might not like what I do, but I know that legally I am not doing anything wrong. I can't please people who are religious. I don't think I have tried to be disrespectful at least not intentionally. If I would I think people would have said it a long time ago.
I hope this gave you some satisfaction or a better idea of why I love JTTW.
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markantonys · 2 months
I imagine this is something they'll start getting into next season (I know it's been a complaint with the show so far) that at least currently the show is saying the Dragon will either save or destroy when that isn't true at all. The Dragon prophecies even say "there is no salvation without destruction". It's essential that he both saves AND destroys. But I can see it being a thing that no one realizes that it's not an either or, it's a both. Which is gonna have people fear him more
fortunately, the show is smart enough to understand what many readers apparently do not: "rand will save or destroy the world" and "rand will save and destroy the world" are not mutually exclusive, and in fact, they are BOTH integral statements to his story.
"rand will save or destroy the world" is an absolutely true statement, and it is an absolutely true statement in the books too. "save or destroy" means that rand has the power to literally end existence and humanity 100% if he chooses. "save or destroy" is about the Big Choice of whether he will side with the light or the dark at the last battle. the show is leaning on this statement early because it establishes the stakes and creates a lot of tension and uncertainty for the audience, for rand, and for the other characters.
"save and destroy" means that even if rand chooses to side with the light and to continue existence and humanity, the world that comes out of the last battle will be irreparably different from the one we saw at the start of the story and many traditions/institutions/people will be destroyed or sacrificed in order to save the world. the show will bring this idea in when it becomes relevant (hell, it already HAS brought it in what with showing how moiraine destroyed her once-warm relationship with her family because of her quest to find the dragon, how rand's already losing his innocence and having to hurt and kill people to accomplish his duties, etc etc).
the show OBVIOUSLY isn't going to change the actual content of rand's story to make it so that his saving of the world is 100% sunshine and roses with no bad strings attached, so............what's the problem here? there isn't a problem. i have no patience for Show Worries that are based on the fear that the show will decide to willfully misinterpret major themes, when it's shown itself a hundred times over to be very good at conveying the heart of the story despite altering the details.
and for the record, i read all 14 books and i DID NOT ONCE NOTICE that they never used the "or" wording. i had the "or" wording in my head already from the show, that was the assumption i continued to function under throughout the books, and it did not alter my understanding or experience of the story. having the expectation that rand would either continue existence or end it at the last battle did not prevent me from understanding the "no salvation without destruction" angle. so for that reason especially, this feels to me like such a stupid, nitpicky, hair-splitting, and bad faith complaint to have. this "change" truly is not the big deal that some people make it out to be. rand will save or destroy the world. rand will save and destroy the world. these are both true statements.
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archiesfagfantasy · 3 months
I’m about the same amount of transgender as I am communist as I am catholic. Or maybe it’s an even 1:1:1 ratio… 33.33% for each. Not that they are mutually exclusive or anything, I just only have so much room in my body for each. Strikingly similar is that each of these labels is only a description of something I do (take hrt, go to mass, union action, etc) and not something I necessarily identify with. Like I’m a no-self idealist who doesn’t care about salvation. I’m all backward when it comes to the central ideological doctrines…
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thelittlestspider · 2 years
I need to know about the polycule,, what are the internal dynamics? is there any jealousy, possessiveness etc.?
i think to really get into the polycule i have to talk about the og ships first, then segue into the ones formed later on. so this is probably gonna be pretty long lol.
joe/carter: joe and carter are connected to each other in some cosmic way they don't really understand. they're each other's rock in a sea of evil. they're soulmates. they did not start off that way lol.
joe and carter became partners after they went through basically the entire sector and got paired together because they couldn't work on a day to day basis with anyone else. after a rocky start eventually they bond and become friends, leading to a brief romance that would haunt them for years until they met again.
joe and carter fantasized about running away together and starting a new life, but felt too bound by their responsibility to the others to even think about it as possible.
once they do get married, it's kind of trial and error. they have to learn to communicate with each other again so they can figure out where the boundaries are and how to navigate around their issues (they end up going to therapy, which helps).
ray/scott: ray and scott are soulmates basically. they met when they were kids and it was pretty much love at first sight (even though they didn't recognize it at the time).
they don't realize they have feelings for each other until they're like in their 20s, even though they've been each other's number 1 since forever (everyone thinks ray and scott are secretly married or think they're hopeless because they're oblivious to the fact they're basically married).
peter/javier: peter and javier are best friends who have known each other since they were ten. they met during murder camp and after some murder attempts became inseparable. these two cannot imagine what their lives would have been like had they not met each other.
i think one of the reasons that they fell so hard for carter was that they sort of gave them their freedom without even realizing it. because they had imagined what it would be like to run away and be able to get married and start a life together a million times, but carter killing alastair made that possible. which is like the greatest gift that someone has ever given them.
joe/ray/scott/(carter): these three had a rough beginning that was only going to get rougher. it sort of began as them bonding when they thought carter was dead and they were in mourning. then things got fucked up when joe and scott realized that not only had they met before, they were in this whole relationship that got erased that's felt like a limb that got cut off that they didn't even know they were missing.
ray doesn't really know where she fits in their relationship. she was in the beginning stages of something with scott and carter but carter's gone and now she's in limbo with scott and this grieving man she barely knows.
ray goes through a nervous breakdown and a bad breakup with alec, and some other stuff and like basically sort of a divorce arc where they find out later that carter is alive (carter left a message on ray's phone saying they're alive in salvation, but ray's phone gets lost? while she's running from ranch goons and it gets recovered later somehow. how i don't know yet lol). joe leaves to go find carter and ray and scott are so miserable because they love him so much. then they decide to go after him and all of them be together.
peter/carter/javier: there wasn't really any jealousy here, because they mutually decided they wanted to marry carter the minute carter handed their asses to them and killed their abuser.
in their love language carter might as well have put up a neon sign saying marriage material. carter flees necropolis to meet their sibling in red dog and peter and javier follow carter, starting a beautiful, naive, idiot courtship that carter is very resistant to (at first).
like the first thing peter and javier do after getting married is start stealing a bunch of shit (peter), and joining the bounty hunters guild (javier) to buy a house for the three of them to live in.
i know what you're thinking, "that's insane. why would they do that?" because 1) they were raised in a murder camp where the only people they had was each other. 2) they've only been with each other by this point (until patrice). 3) because of this they're kind of naive, and they don't really know how regular courtship works. if they weren't so incredibly sincere i'd be like, "girl, run for it!"
peter/javier/patrice: i think peter was kind of jealous of patrice when she and javier started dating because patrice was pretty and 'normal.' but patrice was kind to him and they developed a friendship. patrice lives in her own place even after they get married because she likes her space, and they respect it.
a lot of carter's resistance to them is because they think peter and javier are still out to get them, then later it's because of carter's issues. but they eventually come around and they end up married later on.
i think the real friction comes in when carter refuses to put up with peter's feral gremlin nonsense lol. javier's so used to peter climbing all over him and knocking things out of his hands to get to him that he just kind of accepted his fate. carter absolutely will not put up with it lol.
they're fine with peter being clingy, but if he knocks stuff out of their hands or out of their lap they will tell him exactly what they think about it and deny him kisses, which he cannot abide by (javier feels bad for being thankful that carter has domesticated peter into being a better husband, but mentally he thanks carter for their service lol).
javier and patrice have a quiet, passionate relationship with mutual love and respect (not that peter/javier don't also have that in their own way. it's just different). they're the kind of couple that can share a thousand words with just a look. they also have a mutual interest in death (javier because of his upbringing/religion, and patrice being a mortician in training).
i don't know if peter and patrice have romantic interest in each other, but they do get married for convenience.
carter/patrice: carter and patrice worked at the roadhouse together, so they became friends before they married peter and javier. i imagine they're the sort of wives who drink coffee together while their husbands wrestle in the living room, and read novels together. (ray fits perfectly into this dynamic)
joe/javier and joe/peter: peter and javier were extremely jealous of joe because he's carter's 💖 long lost love 💖 and they were afraid carter was going to leave them for him. joe was sad at first because he thought he lost his shot with carter and then was happy when carter reassured him that they still loved him, then sort of like didn't know what to do about carter's jealous husbands lol.
basically they just like get in his face and are like, "if you break our wife's heart, we'll kill you" and joe's like, "are we about to kiss?" it doesn't really hit them how serious it is until joe moves in with them and like. commits himself to being not only a good husband to carter, but also them as well. then all the righteous anger and indignation just turns to horniness lol.
ray/javier: ray likes the quiet, honorable types and javier fits that to a t. she thinks he's very sweet, and terribly sexy when he's in his Serious mode.
scott/javier: once the chaos dies down these two form a quiet relationship where they just sort of chill together. scott and javier are like the laid back guys in the polycule. they could sit in the back yard in complete silence for hours holding hands and be completely comfortable.
ray/peter: i'm not really sure exactly what their dynamic is, but it's probably similar to peter/patrice.
peter/scott: i talked about them a little bit here, but i want to expand a little bit on it. i'm going to get nsfw here because once they get past the pettiness these two are demonically horny for each other and so stupid about it. imagine playing chicken with someone you know wants to have nasty sex with you because you're both too stubborn to lose.
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tianzhan · 10 months
#𝑻𝑰𝑨𝑵𝒁𝑯𝑨𝑵 : jingliu of hoyoverse's honkai star rail , established august 27th , 2023. as immortalized by 𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒔. southeast asian , they / them pronouns. please be 21+ to interact with me !! minors and personal blogs will be blocked. mutuals exclusive , canon , oc , and duplicate friendly! this blog will contain graphic content of violence , identity , abandonment , motifs of and ideations of death , and will reference chinese folklore and culture. i am unaffiliated with hsr and any of hoyoverse's games. you can also find me on: @zixunsilu !
𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 @boxue , @qiinglong.
𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐒 ; temper my soul into a blade that will never dull , destruction as salvation , i am the sword / i am the wound , love as the balm and the blade , the bona - fide sinner. i am nobody; i , the cataclysm.
rules below. / i dont want to make a carrd anymore / promo.
i. im going to keep this brief , so. first and foremost , i intend to keep this space as a place where i can chill and have fun. my workload occupies half of my time , so i'm going to be scarce , so this blog will be a PERMANENTLY low activity space tyty. i will be active with communicating , mainly discord. if i follow you , that means i would love to interact with your muses! i just ask that you be patient with me, since i am scarce as is. i don't really care too much about duplicates and i would love to interact with other blade writers , so long as there is respect to each of our portrayals of blade , but i would love to share around ideas too !!
ii. it goes without saying that i'm unaffiliated with the game, so everything of that material is not mine , the lore for ren will mostly be mixed canon, and expanded upon on from leaks, chinese mythos, culture, and item stories. that being said , ren only offers courtesy to people he holds neutral to better regard to , so he will be rude if need be , and awful where the situation begs for it. but most of the time he's quiet. haha lmao... please keep this in mind when interacting with him! therefore , steal from me and ur ass is grass !! psds , writing, etc are mine unless stated otherwise.
iii. this blog will contain references to and explorations of blade's character within the story and elaboration on chinese culture and mythology, my chinese reading level is literally abysmal (cries) so please bare with me! this blog will also contain triggering themes such as, but not limited to: violence , gore , dehumanization , depersonalization , memory loss , sexual themes , and more to be added. triggering material and general content warnings will be tagged as '___ tw' or '___cw'.
iv. do not involve me in any shape or form in your drama. i don't care , don't involve me. i firmly believe that some things can be solved through talking it out in private therefore, i reserve the rights to block as i please. that being said , i will reblog callouts if it does involve someone who brings genuine harm to the community.
v. i don't really care too much about length or formatting. i personally use small font text with minimal editing , as well as icons, but i do occasionally go iconless bc im lazy lmao... just please don't give me something that i'm gonna have to zoom in 500x to read , and just not one sentence LMAO !! basic roleplay etiquette goes, don't godmod my character etc. i generally do not make starter calls since i am terrible at managing them or answering them but i do. sometimes :clown:. but , the best way to start off threads with me is through ask memes! i loove when ask memes are turned into threads, and i do encourage plotting!! my d*sco handle is available if we're mutuals :)
vi. shipping is not a priority but i'm always up for it. it's not on the forefront of my mind , and i'm sure it isn't for you. what happens , happens. that being said , i reserve the right to drop a ship if certain dynamics don't interest me, or make me uncomfortable. but again , i am pretty flexible , i don't mind exploring darker dynamics between our characters. mains are open, and i consider us mains only if we have talked about it! i do not practice character exclusivity unless requested of me, but i do practice ship exclusivity. this means i will not write romantic ships with different writers of the same character if i already have a writing partner designated to that ship.
vii. if you are a multi , please specify a muse if you send in an ask or like starter calls. if you require anything from me in regards to interpretation or clarification , please by all means drop by my IMs and ask me! all in all , have fun and i look forward to writing with you!
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chazukekani · 2 years
Hi. It has been a while. I will be addressing my thoughts throughout the last two months. Feel free to skip if you don’t care.
First of all, apologies for vanishing in a sudden and leaving all the materials untranslated or any other work behind, and also thank you guys so much for the supportive messages and comments.
I have actually been struggling about whether to drop the series since mid 2021. I have never publicly talked about it because I did not want to bring any negative energy to the community. I decided to continue because first, I am running this fanpage and second, I was still hopeful towards the author and the officials. Yet since various announcement and release in late 2021 (e.g. stage plays, live action movie, main manga etc.), I no longer have faith and respect to them. With all the sentiments have been accumulating in the past few months, and I think it’s time to take a break.
This is the only reason why I decided to go on a hiatus. It is nothing about the characters or whatsoever. I simply 1. get disappointed by the story and 2. disagree with the business approach of the BSD officials.
Being able to understand Japanese allows me to be exposed to more source of information and hence made me have a different set of opinions comparing to the mainstream English fandom. I deactivated this Instagram account in the first few weeks of January because I received lots of hate messages. Surely no one would feel happy for receiving hateful comments, but I accept that this is something I signed up for when I decided to make this account public. Nevertheless, I never regret for what I have ever posted or said, and I am very thankful that there are many people agree with me and support my views.
Now, I will keep both my Instagram and Tumblr account for anyone who wants to reread my post, or for my potential comeback to the fandom.
So far, I don’t see myself coming back to BSD / BSD fandom anytime sooner. Still I don’t want to completely exclude the possibilities of it. As long as BSD returns to the style that I love, where it talks about the reasons of living, the significance of salvation or the philosophical meaning behind war and conflicts etc., I think there is still a chance that I am returning. But for the time being, I am afraid that I am going to leave.
Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest and sincerest thank you to Nika, Granny and Emma for all the assistance offered in my discord server, as well as my mutuals Sara, Kira, Q-san, Alex, Vic, Yosi etc. for defending me, together with all the love and support.
Hopefully I will see you soon. Goodbye.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years
Tumblr media
[Image Description: a banner for the Across the Bay Crossover Fics You Didn’t See Coming fest, featuring beach signs on a tropical island, reading “Cardiff by the Sea”, the name of the fest, “authors”, “torchwood” (partially obscured), and “one shots” (partially obscured), and a warning sign where Myfanwy chases a swimmer]
Thank you everyone for submitting your crossover and fusion fic  recommendations. Below are all submissions and some of our favorites! 
Is it Insensitive for Me to Say by aliciajazmin (EstherJohnTosh | complete | 2441 | T)
Toshiko Sato and Esther Drummond absolutely will make fun of their boyfriend for deciding to attend an audition, while also attending said audition with him. 
Crossover With: The Outer Worlds 
Golden Apples and Norse Gods (Or How Ianto Got His Groove Back) by blackkat (JackIanto | complete | 1592 | G)
Ianto finds himself back from the dead and, apparently, in the position to double-cross a power-crazed Norse god intent on conquering the Earth by taking out a team of superheroes. Must be a Tuesday.
Crossover With: Avengers/MCU
The Magic of Torchwood by Bella the Strange (JackIanto, IantoJohn, JackOther, Non-Torchwood Ships | wip |  546,512 | T)
The Torchwood team have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Set between Adam and Reset. Rated T because of Jack Harkness, swearing, mature themes, slash etc… it’s Torchwood!
Crossover With: Harry Potter
Welcome to Torchwood by Jackdaw818 (Gen | complete | 1601 | T)
A strange creature behind the Ralphs, a break-in at the Museum of Forbidden Technologies, and visitors in Night Vale. Overall, a slightly unordinary day for Cecil Gershwin Palmer
Crossover With: Welcome to Night Vale
Torchwait for iiiiit by lady-demacabre (Gen | complete | 3k | K+)
When Shawn and Gus are called in on a case for an eccentric collector of alien objects, they get more than what they bargained for. One shot, Psych oriented.
Crossover With: Psych
Theme and Variations by nemo_baker (JackIanto, GwenRhys, OwenKatie | 5817 | T)
Time Agent Jack Harkness is sent back in time to solve the mystery of a mysterious train bombing. The problem is, he only has eight minutes to do it.
Written for Reel Torchwood screening 8 on Livejournal. Movie Prompt: Source Code (2011)
Crossover With: Source Code 
Day Tripper by Croquemboucheballpit (Gement) (JackBessie the Third Doctor’s Car, Bessie the Third Doctor’s CarLightening McQueen (past) | complete | 2360 | M)
Bessie’s like any other companion: far from home, more than she appears, and always up for an adventure.
And Jack Harkness really will seduce anything that moves.
Crossover With: Pixar’s Cars 
An American Volunteer by That_one_kid (SteveBucky, BuckyJackSteve | Complete | 4395 | T)
What if Captain Jack Harkness met Steve & Bucky during the war? What if he ran into them again, present day?
Captain Jack Harkness and his mission to seduce the two gorgeous, capable soldiers who keep running into him.
Crossover With: Captain America/MCU
Statement #0041708 - Future Sight by Jackdaw816 (Gen | complete | 1690 | T)
Statement of Lisa Hallett regarding a peculiar mirror found at a car boot sale
Crossover With: The Magnus Archives
(Un)Welcome Aboard by Jaune_Chat (Jack | Complete | 4,154 | T)
To make ends meet, Mal listens to a suggestion from Inara than he rent out the other shuttle. She has the perfect candidate, a charming Companion named Jack…
Crossover With: Firefly 
Death and the Definitely-Not-A Maiden by Odsbodkins (JackIanto | Complete | 3,6K | PG-13)
When Jack dies, Death is there to meet him. Every time. Written in 2008 for the Doctor Who Crossover Ficathon. Takes in Torchwood to end S2, Doctor Who to end S3, Discworld to Soul Music.
Crossover With: Discworld 
Remarkable by snowwhiteliar ( JackIanto, IantoLisa | Complete | 20.971 | PG-13)
Summary: Once upon a time, in a small village in a distant province of a peaceful kingdom, there lived a boy called Ianto
Crossover With: Fairy Tales 
Got That Friday Feeling Again by NancyBrown (OwenOther, JackIanto, GwenRhys, GwenOwen | Complete | 18.3K | R)
The magic marker all over the nice chintz wallpaper bled and smeared as Owen wrote in increasingly desperate lettering across the walls. Ls and Ps dragged down, wiggly at the end or drawn out in slashed strokes.
He ignored the pounding on the door frame. He’d shoved the wardrobe in front, which always kept Jack out for twenty three and a half minutes. He ignored the sweat and tears and snot dripping down his face, down his mouth. He ignored the high-pitched singing from his own throat, “If you want my future, forget my past,” chanted over and over.
Crossover With: Groundhog Day
Back, and Back, and Back a Little More (Future Optional) (JackIanto, JennyVastra | Complete |  32591 | M)
Accidentally shot into the past by a time-travelling car, Ianto has to fix his own mistakes or he won't have a future to go back to.
Crossover With: Back to the Future 
Truth, Justice by NancyBrown (SupermanOwen | complete | 414 | M)
The green shit does not work. Warnings: dubcon (AMTDI)
Crossover With: Justice League Unlimited/DCAU/Superman 
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies, or, A Humourous Interlude Between Epics by  copperbadge (Gen | complete | 749 | T)
Ianto neglected to introduce himself as he informed the senior staff that Atlantis was now under the jurisdiction of Torchwood, whatever Torchwood is.
Crossover With: Stargate Atlantis 
Never Have I Ever by  st_aurafina (JackIanto, JackDoctor (past/implied), PepperTony (implied) | complete | 1714 | T)
Written for the prompt Ianto, Donna and Pepper end up at a secretaries'/assistants' conference and have a conversation about their bosses.
Crossover With: Ironman/MCU
Beware the Sparkles by elisi (JackIanto, JackEdwardBella | complete | 4793 | T)
It's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after. Oh and Jack has sex with sparkly vampires.
Crossover With: Twilight 
The Death Note Discovery by KaibaGirl007 (JackIanto | complete | 18,992 | T)
“You’ve clearly just got a notebook belonging to some geek, a rather sick geek I’ll give you that, who likes to keep note of people’s deaths.” - Will the team resist the urge to use the Death Note or will one of them give into temptation? 
Crossover With: Death Note 
A Confluence of Personalities by  galaxysoup (JackIanto | complete | 4839 | T)
Conner Kent’s body might be dead, but his soul has apparently decided to take the scenic route.
Crossover With: DC Comics/Young Justice Comics 
Imposters Among Us by  gwendolyncooper (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 9117 | M)
The Torchwood team (+Rhys) are out for a night of fun when they end up on a spaceship with no power, no info, and no crew. Known only as THE SKELD, the team tries to fix the ship and figure out what happened to its previous occupants.
But something out there is killing them.
Something that may be someone they know.
Crossover With: Among Us 
Traitors (Among Us) by princessoftheworlds (JackIanto | complete | 440 | G)
In a happy future, the team plays Among Us, and Ianto suffers.
Crossover With: Among US 
Tagline: I saw the VIDEO. Got the CALL? What Next??? by  BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (JackIanto, JackSamara | complete | 2424 | Not Rated)
'Tagline: I saw the VIDEO. Got the CALL? What Next???
Bollocks. That’s just a myth. Some git showing off and claiming to be the one person alive who Samara doesn’t bump off. He’ll be boasting that he’s been chosen to kill Voldemort next.'
When another unsuspecting victim falls foul of the cursed tape, he is pointed towards Captain Jack Harkness as his only hope for salvation.
Crossover With: The Ring
(My God, He Just) Came and Went by  Brokenpitchpipe (SteveBucky | complete | 1591 | M)
It starts on a cold, snowy September night in 1916, on the day Winifred Barnes walks to Doris Lindow’s house to see her new telephone and catches the eye of a handsome young man on the other side of the street. He tips his hat as she sees him, and she flushes scarlet and nods in return.
And nine months later, a little baby boy screams his way into the world.
But that’s not when it starts. Not really.
Crossover With: Captain America/MCU
Beast Inside by Flamingbluepanda (JackIanto, OwenTosh, GwenRhys | complete | 26934 | M)
"Argue with anything else, but don’t argue with your own nature.” - Phillip Pullman
Inside us all, there is an animal that expresses our soul. How would the world change were those animals outside?
Crossover With: His Dark Materials
Rifts and Robots by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto | complete | 3021 | G)
Jack and Ianto’s date at the movies is interrupted by two robots with no theater etiquette.
Crossover With: Mystery Science Theater 3000
The Jack and Ianto Show by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto | WIP | 7392 | T)
Jack and Ianto are a regular couple, living a quiet life, and trying to fit into the quaint Village of West Castle. Sure they're keeping the secret that Jack is an immortal time traveler from the future, with a fantastical machine called a vortex manipulator that can manipulate time and space around them, but they have much more pressing concerns. Such as strict bosses and nosy neighbors. Everything is perfect, a dream come true.
And Jack is going to keep it that way.
Please Stand By...
Crossover With: WandaVision 
Mutually Assured Uncooperation by  princessoftheworlds (JackIanto, OwenTosh, MarthaMickey, FitzSimmons, LincolnDaisy (past) | complete | 31547 | T)
Aliens, time-travelling, resurrections. These are all experiences familiar to not just one but two top-secret organizations that have a hard time keeping a low-profile. Figures that they would encounter each other eventually.
Or: the five times that SHIELD and Torchwood had an encounter that neither were pleased with, and the one time they had to work together when two of their own were taken.
Or: There's Kree running amok in Cardiff, including a murdered one, and Torchwood is on the case, but so is SHIELD. Also, don't forget the memory-manipulating aliens there too!
Crossover With: Agents of Shield/MCU
all i know is (infatuations) by  princessoftheworlds (JackIanto, JackJohn,  OwenTosh, LisaIanto | complete | 439 | T)
Seventh-year Slytherin Ianto Jones handles a break up, getting a boyfriend, terrible emotional misunderstandings with his best friend Jack Harkness, being miserable, and reconciliation. (Not precisely in that order.)
Crossover With: Harry Potter
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pickmeforjesus · 2 years
around 85% of bad theology boils down to the inability of some to see concepts as NOT mutually exclusive
For example, for reminding that the Bible says
you have to obey God's commandments to go to heaven / Works do matter
someone will be like
but the thing is.....just bc something is a gift doesn't mean you don't have to take care of it or provide some actual effort to preserve. If I gift you a plant, you'll still have to nurture it for it to grow and survive. Relaying on it being a gift won't make it survive by itself. No one is objecting the fact that it is a gift...
Salvation is a promise / Salvation is conditional / you can lose your salvation
and then someone will throw out all the verses saying that God will never give us up, assurance in salvation, we're new creations, etc
...as if, GOD not giving up on us, was mutually exclusive to the capability of MEN to give up on Him and face the consequences of their spiritual adultery.
Remember the Israelites. They too were promised the Promised Land ; only 2 eventually reached it because God let everyone else die in the desert because of their disobedience.
Saul? He was literally anointed by God, but because of his BAD ACTIONS (= bad works) God got fed up and sent him a bewilderment spirit that made him lose him mind, start necromancy, and eventually kill himself on his own blade.
Saphira & Ananias had the Holy spirit (New creations) but their sin (greediness) made them lie to him and God KILLED THEM BOTH ON THE SPOT.
Sinning against the Holy Spirit is an UNFORGIVABLE sin (Matthew 12:31). That's warning is specifically addressed to Saved people because only Saved people can have the Holy Spirit.
If the Bible states that God will never giving up on us while in the same time displaying such glaring examples of God anointed people/Christians being rejected by Him, you can't argue Grace is unconditional.
If your theology supports a stance that can be debunked with a few other verses, chance are, it is wrong.
PS/ I beg you to grab a Strong version of the Bible to study the etymology of Hebrew/Greek words. Many biblical hints that get lost with English translation.
I recently realized that after someone didn't grasp that the word "know" as used in Genesis 4:1 and Luke 1:34 comes from the Hebrew yawda which means people having sex for the first time. Which is why "I didn't know any man" is translated depending on the version as "virgin". If you have no idea of the actual hebraic sense of yawda, its implication might totally fly over your head. That's why I just recently discovered that some people do think that Adam and Eve had sex before the fall when yawda is used only AFTER, in Genesis 4:1
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Cyberpunk 2077 Literary Analysis Pt 7: Leave me Alone, Hemingway, You’re Supposed to be Dead
Surprise bitch I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.
Cyberpunk spoilers ahead!
Cyberpunk meta literary analysis masterpost here 
Okay, so I thought I would be done with this, but it kinda feels like Hemingway has me by the left asscheek and won’t let me go as of late. So here we are: Cyberpunk literature meta-analysis part 7: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Hemingway comes up a few times in Cyberpunk, too many times to ignore. It’s not surprising, really. We know that Johnny is actually a pretty well-read guy from some of his passing comments, and if I had to guess, he’d probably really connect to Hemingway. In fact, if you play Johnny’s ending with Rogue, the final quest is called “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (which is also cool since it keeps the theme of all the missions being song titles, as this is also a Metallica song). But for once, this analysis isn’t entirely about Johnny or V. Hopefully this rings a bell (pun intended), as we’re very explicitly told who else really connected to Hemingway.  
Jackie Wells.
During the quest Heroes, Mama Wells will ask you to go through Jackie’s garage to find something for the ofrenda. One option is a book, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Earnest Hemingway. Misty will comment that he used to read it before a big job, and that it was important to him. If you choose to bring the book for the ofrenda, V will “read from the book” (I put this in quotes because the passage they read has actually been misattributed, it is a Hemingway quote, but not from FWTBT, rather from another of his works titled “Men at War”):
“When you go to war as a boy, you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed, not you... Then, when you are badly wounded the first time, you lose that illusion, and you know it can happen to you.”
The majority of our main characters start out as The Fool, naive and feeling like they’re on top of the world, the kind of hubris that can only come with youth. Yet, like Hemingway says, it takes a bullet to give one a dose of reality.
For Whom the Bell Tolls is a story of war. Our protagonist, Robert Jordan (I’d be really interested to know if Johnny’s birth name, Robert John Linder, was inspired by this), leaves his cushy job as a college instructor in the United States to join the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War. Robert begins the novel fairly bland; he has no real friends, no real family, and he feels completely disconnected from the world. In all honesty, he’s boring. Like, if wet cardboard were a person. He doesn’t really care if he lives or dies, not because he’s a badass, but because he really doesn’t have anything to lose. No passion, no connections, nothing he loves that ties him to this earth despite the fact that he is a man of such strong convictions that he willingly joins this war. Robert is tasked with destroying a bridge, meeting comrades of varying philosophies along the way, who become a kind of found family to him. Despite going out of his way to avoid making connections, he falls in love, not just with the love interest Maria, but with his friends, finally giving him something worth fighting for, something connecting him to this life. The novel concludes as the group finally blow up the bridge (a task done in vain, since the Republican side has ultimately sustained more losses than the Fascists), and Robert is injured. He convinces the others to leave him behind so he can buy them time to escape. The novel ends just as it begins; our protagonist lying in wait in a forest, gun in hand, “heart to the ground,” on a bed of pine needles. (For more on cycles/mirrors/reflections, see here).
While there’s a much larger political message here that could parallel the themes of Cyberpunk, I want to focus more on the philosophical side, as it ties in with my previous analysis much more coherently. The biggest theme of this novel is about how interpersonal relationships are what matter most in this life, which is summarized very nicely by the poem by John Donne which not only lends the novel it’s name, but serves as it’s opening epitaph:
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
This poem and the overall meaning of the book work on two levels. The most obvious is that we all die one day, that mortality is fleeting. But on another level, No man is an island. Our identity is tied within our communities, those that love us, and those we live for. “Therefore, send not to know/For whom the bell tolls/It tolls for thee.” Each time a person dies, a piece of all those who loved them dies with them. Funerals are not just for the deceased, but for us, a chance to bury the pieces of ourselves that died with them. “Each is a piece of the continent/Apart of the main/If a clod be washed away by the sea/Europe is the less.”
Johnny is incredibly similar to Robert Jordan. Despite knowing a lot of people and having a lot of connections, Johnny is not particularly loved, and that feeling is mutual. He even tells V that they are the only person who knows him that that doesn’t hate his guts. Both Robert and Johnny are men who base their morals and identity solely on principal and ideals; standing up for what is right, fighting against oppression, rebellion, but that passion is not borne from interpersonal relationships and connections. It is made of hate of the world, not love of their fellow man. This leads to one of Johnny’s fatal flaws; he did not fear death, because he did not feel as if he had anything to lose. He was consumed and driven by hate, not love, leading to all of his failed relationships. Had Johnny something to lose, he may not have taken all of the stupid the risks he did, acting as if he did not care about his own life.
V, in many ways, parallels Maria, Robert’s love interest in the novel. While Robert salvation lies in the love he has for all of his newfound friends, the main focus is on the love interest, Maria. Here’s an interesting bit of dialogue between Maria and Robert:
"Now, feel. I am thee and thou art me and all of one is the other. And I love thee, oh, I love thee so. Are you not truly one? Canst thou not feel it?"
"Yes," he said, "it is true."
"And feel now. Thou hast no heart but mine."
"Nor any other legs, nor feet, nor of the body."
"But we are different," she said. "I would have us exactly the same."
"You do not mean that." (20.66-71)
In this moment, Robert and Maria are talking about how they feel as if they have fused into the same person, as if they share a body. Yet there is a key difference in how they view their relationship: Maria wishes that they were exactly the same, while Robert states that she doesn’t mean that. Similarly, while Johnny seems to enjoy the growth he and V provide one another, his greatest fear is V/himself being changed into something they are not. Hmmmm….
Johnny and V are very different people by the end of Cyberpunk, finding meaning in relationships just as Robert has. For V, this means Judy, River, Panem, Kerry, Misty, Vik, etc. And for Johnny, this means V, and by extension, all of the people who make up V’s identity through their love and friendship. Despite dying and rising again as lines of code, V is able to finally show Johnny what it means to be human. His journey, I believe, can be accurate summed up by this quote from the novel:
“This was the greatest gift that he had, the talent that fitted him for war; that ability not to ignore but to despise whatever bad ending there could be. This quality was destroyed by too much responsibility for others or the necessity of undertaking something ill planned or badly conceived. For in such things the bad ending, failure, could not be ignored. It was not simply a possibility of harm to one's self, which could be ignored. He knew he himself was nothing, and he knew death was nothing. He knew that truly, as truly as he knew anything. In the last few days he had learned that he himself, with another person, could be everything. But inside himself he knew that this was the exception. That we have had, he thought. In that I have been most fortunate. That was given to me, perhaps, because I never asked for it. That cannot be taken away nor lost. But that is over and done with now on this morning and what there is to do now is our work.”
In addition, Robert’s final conversation with Maria as he is convincing the others to leave him behind so he can buy them time to escape is nearly identical to Johnny and V’s final conversation:
"Listen to this well, rabbit," he said. He knew there was a great hurry and he was sweating very much, but this had to be said and understood. "Thou wilt go now, rabbit. But I go with thee. As long as there is one of us there is both of us. Do you understand?" (43.319)
Here, Robert is telling Maria that because they are the same, only one of them needs to survive in order for them both to live. Compare that to what Johnny tells V:
V: For fucks sake, defend yourself! You’re not even trying!
Johnny: Hmm…sounds kind of familiar. We know that attitude. See, V? Stayin’ with you whether you like it or not.”
This scene is further paralleled by the fact that V crosses a bridge to reach Mikoshi, which is set to be destroyed, just as Robert was tasked with destroying the bridge. Furthermore, in the Suicide ending, the overall theme is about how V “never realized just how many friends they had.” Friends who, in all other endings, were willing to die for V, as losing them meant a piece of themselves dying with them. Similarly, Robert considers killing himself as his friends escape, as the pain of his injury becomes too much to bear. However, he is comforted knowing that his sacrifice will mean that they live, telling himself, "I don't mind this at all now they are away.” Despite now having something to live for, like Johnny, they are still able to brave their deaths as now they have been given meaning. And not just any meaning; love. No longer hate, or rage, or blind idealism. Love. 
This is the overall message of Cyberpunk: maybe you won’t change the world. Maybe you won’t win the war. Maybe your sacrifice isn’t going to change history. Maybe, in the grand scheme of the universe, you don’t matter, and you won’t ever be a legend. But you do matter to the people in your life. No man is an island. We were made to be in each other’s lives, to love one another, to change one another for the better. And that’s what life is all about.
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eventual-ghoste · 3 years
TOG rambling
Hello! This post has to do with Andy and some revelations at the end of Force Multiplied. Spoilers I give aren’t super specific but they’re there, and I can’t promise they won’t bite.
This is also in response to a TOG discord question I couldn’t stop thinking about, regarding Andy’s history as compared to Nicky’s, as posited by Em | salzundhonig:
But Nicky's past as a crusader and his growth from his past was well received, surely that'll be the same with Andy right?
I apologize if these ramblings sound like a rant but I swear my intentions are in the spirit of debate/discourse, and they are not an attack on any individuals.
The TL;DR is: Andy has work to do. Hopefully Hollywood and Rucka don’t fuck that up.
Feel free to check/correct/call me out if I’ve misspoke anywhere here (I realize I still have a lot to learn) but IMHO, I don’t think a semblance of Andy’s growth will be well received. Or, at least, I’m not so certain it should be because, in the comics, I genuinely don’t think Andy has grown. At the end of Force Multiplied, she still defends her actions with the “this is how I grew up” argument, and says it was “a long time ago,” and as much as I love love LOVE Andromache the Scythian for her badassery and how she’s a vision of female empowerment, I can’t help but think about how I hear those words all the time from people defending themselves against racist and/or sexist comments from so-called bygone eras.
Wanna know a sad difference between those people and our beloved Andy? They apologize for what they’ve done, or who they were. As hollow as the words will sound, however unforgivable their actions, however self-serving the apology will be— Those Asshats apologize. Comic!Andy never does, not even when confronted by Nile, an African American woman who likely descends from slaves, and has undoubtedly experienced racism and discrimination on a regular basis. It’s been thousands of years and Andy doesn’t even know how to say sorry (if she ever does, kudos to whoever finds a timestamp/panel, and let me know!). Instead, Andy buries the truth of her actions with a load of justifications to the point that she becomes self-deprecating, calling herself “vermin,” concluding she’s no better than the apathetic, selfish, evil POS they hunt. She may have spent the past millennia with TOG, trying to make things right but then—
But then she gives up. She’s tired. She resigns because she doesn’t have it in her anymore to fight the injustice she once willingly and self-servingly participated in. So, on top of being incapable of apology, Andy also doesn’t vow to do better. She doesn’t accede to change.
If there is one reason for why “The Old Guard” is a fucking absolutely shitty title, is that it refers to people who refuse to accept new ideas and progress. We are in a fandom that has four canonically queer characters, three people of color, and two female leads! Maybe the irony is intentional but damn, why is it that Andy, PROTAGONIST #1, hasn’t completely caught up with the program?
And that brings me to why I think Andy’s reckoning will not be on the same level as Nicky’s. Because as popular as Kaysanova is, neither Nicky or Joe are the main protagonists of TOG.
We don’t follow Nicky or Joe (or Booker) into scenes. The men are strictly back-at-the-ranch, supporting characters. We follow Andy or Nile (who also have the most screen time, I believe, but fact-check me). Filmically speaking, we ought to value them with a measure of precedence. Their words and actions matter the most, especially Andy’s by nature of how everyone looks to her for guidance.
So, with all that in mind: How does one reconcile a beloved protagonist with a despicable past in slavery, of all things? In the wake of an international racial reckoning, how is a celebrated, white South African actress going to fulfill that role? How is production going to balance fantasy with reality? How are Rucka and other involved writers (Theron, Prince-Bythewood?) going to alter the original IP, while retaining the nuance of this moral quandry?
Forgive me for the overkill but: How is it going to happen?
I’m well aware that my thoughts are going down a rabbit hole, and I am definitely overthinking this, but as somebody who’s genuinely curious about whether Victoria Mahoney and the rest of the TOG crew will have the guts to confront the issue head-on, or if they’ll take the easy way out. Excise the bits that no one wants to talk about, much less watch in a feel-good film that TOG has become for many fans.
Whatever production ends up doing, I hope that 2O2G doesn’t end on a cliffhanging “pity Andromache” note because, damn, I’m gonna feel real uncomfortable scrolling through fandom posts, reading people defending slavery and giving the same “the past is a foreign country; they do things differently there” spiel, in order to protect a fictional character played by a conventionally-attractive cis heterosexual white woman.
(Also: If the past is so different from the present, why are there still calls for social justice? Why do ALL industries still lack diverse and equitable representation?)
Now, this is where I’ll go back to the original question and say: While I think Nicky functions well as an example for change/growth/redemption, I don’t think his change serves as a good comparison to Andy’s. I say this, even while I’m aware of double standards in gender, and even between the reception of gay characters vs lesbian characters vs etc. (re: I’m open to critique).
My line of thought stems from the fact that, canonically, Nicky always had Joe. The two have seemingly been inseparable from the moment they first killed each other. It’s likely that Joe would check Nicky whenever he said or did something wrong and offensive, and perhaps this symbiosis was mutual.
(I also have a feeling that many people easily disregarded the Christian/Muslim conflict because A) lack of knowledge in BOTH religions and B) the onscreen couple appear very much in love, especially when one is giving a beautiful monologue on the nature of their relationship. When we meet Joe and Nicky, we meet them at their best. Shout-out to interfaith couples who know more about this than my single (and secular) ass does, and might have more to say about this.)
On the other hand: Andy never had someone who was like how Joe was for Nicky. No one ever calls out Andy because A) she’s the oldest, B) she’s the lead, and C) her business card says ANDROMACHE OF SCYTHIA, WAR GOD. Yeah, she had Quynh/Noriko but— at the risk of yelling at Rucka for vilifying a queer woman of color (or praising him for not leaning on the stereotype of Asian passivity? idk, anyone got thoughts on this?)— Noriko is clearly not encouraging good behavior. Neither will Quynh if Netflix lets 2O2G be as faithful to the comics as TOG1 was.
Which means the Law 282 conversation might be…unavoidable? Somewhere along the line, we still end up in the hotel room with Andy, on the floor, pleading for her crew to not abandon her, even though she is the one who abandoned their cause.
This sets up a circumstance in which Fade Away might be spent trying to redeem Andy/Charlize Theron, bring her back to the “good side,” teaching her to be better— thereby highlighting her experience and “salvation,” rather than making a point of her past, and the reality of her actions. In other words, a “pity the white woman” fest.
(Because I’m crossing my fingers that TOG production/Netflix know better) In an effort to prevent that from happening, I wonder if Rucka will combine Force Multiplied with Fade Away for the 2O2G script. Given the series’ track record, I think it is feasible that FA’s release coincides with 2O2G’s, and that it finally resolves Andy. Whether by revitalizing her energy as a do-some-gooder, or finalizing her vulnerability by putting her 6,000 years to rest, thus handing off the reigns to Nile and a new generation of leadership.
The last thing I want to leave off with is: I don’t hate Andy. It’s a credit to Rucka and fellow writers (from film and fandom) that I don’t.
I might not love her character as enthusiastically as I used to, but that doesn’t mean I’m not amazed by her creation. She’s a female lead whose sexuality is not exploited by the male gaze; whose emotional vulnerability is not considered a hindrance to, nor an explanation for, her battle prowess; and whose unabashed queerness is not reinforced by cookie cutter stereotypes. Andromache the Scythian is AMAZING.
That doesn’t mean I’m going to excuse or ignore her most glaring and contemptible flaw. More than anything, I’d love to sweep her past under the carpet so that 2O2G can be problem-free. Like many people, I just want to enjoy a movie without getting triggered.
I want to see Quynh and Andy kiss and make up. I want to see Joe rocking Those Shorts, and a cheeky shot of Nicky appreciating his ass. I want to see Nile welcoming Booker back to the family again. Some form of group therapy would be chef’s kiss.
But something about glossing over/removing slavery from Andy’s narrative reeks of dishonesty, and reminds me that the (Hollywood) movie industry is full of people who do not want to be tainted with negative perceptions. Understandably, appearances are their livelihood— but that particular truth is something they still have to reckon with.
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ramon-balaguer · 3 years
Tumblr media
As reflect on my recent prayer post from a married friend on the download or closeted homosexual or bisexual if you will… praying against his homosexual temptations and thoughts to be a true husband and father to their children…
I believe more needs to be discussed, revealed and taught on sexual sins. Not just for their benefit but for ours, as The Church to extend love, grace and mercy.
And though this is focused on same sex stuff like lesbians and homosexuals, it really can be applied to ANY sexual sin, even in the heterosexual sphere, so let’s dig in and see what God has to say, that unfortunately so many see as Hate talk or speech:
 What Does the Bible Say about Homosexuality?
Few subjects are more controversial today in the church than this: What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
If one regards the Bible as God-breathed and authoritative, then one must respect whatever the Lord says about every topic.
What we say and think about the LGBT+ (#LHBTTABCDFIGMPPQZ) community should be derived from Scripture, including the ways in which we are to treat one another.
 Bible Verses about Homosexuality
Christians must always start with the Bible in order to hear God’s Word on any subject. His commands are not optional, and he states clearly, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22).
Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error (Romans 1:26).
 Some Christians suggest that a progressive God would overturn his own commands in a certain social climate, but God does not progress in his thinking; his thoughts and commandments are always right.
We know that God does not change his mind. That he is always the same; and this is foundational to our hope and our faith in his Kingdom purposes.
God was, is, and always will be against sexual sin in all of its forms, which include lust for a person who is not one’s spouse, sexual affairs, and even emotional affairs.
One must not single out someone who identifies as gay or transgender as a “sinner” but instead look inward. Ignoring one’s own sin by way of deflection does not fool God.
 Modern Arguments about Etymology
There is an argument that Scripture does not contain the word “homosexuality” and that God is not opposed to men or women having sex with consenting members of the same sex. The word “zakar” in Hebrew can refer to any male, including human and animal, but also to boys.
But Strong’s concordance indicates that “zakar,” as used in Leviticus 18:22 above, refers to sodomy, a term not reserved for acts of child sexual abuse or rape but also consensual acts between adults.
“Arsenokoitai” is Greek for “men having sex with other men. And there is no real other interpretation that makes the best sense of the evidence both in the early Christian literature and especially in the Old Testament.”
Kevin DeYoung explains that Paul, a scholar and former Pharisee, coined the term. If Paul had been referring to men forcing boys to have sex, then he could have used the word “biazó” for “violent force” to denote a difference between consensual and non-consensual sex. He did not.
 Positive Commands about Sex
Sex is a gift. “Before the fall — before sin — sex was part of the created order. It was good — VERY GOOD,” wrote Paul Carter. “In fact, contrary to cultural ideas about sex propounded during the first century AD, “Christianity taught that sex within a marriage should be free, generous and reciprocal.”
But God never depicted coital relationships between two men or two women in a positive way. When God made Eve, Adam said “this at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman” (Genesis 23).
Marriage is represented frequently in Scripture. We have the examples of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, and Rebekah, Ruth and Boaz; Mary and Joseph; and several more. None of these couples was perfect, but each is an example of heterosexual marriage.
 Jesus' Relationships
When it comes to how society treats individuals who engage in homosexual relationships, Jesus’ attitude is the benchmark. The gospels illustrate how Jesus wants us to treat a person who has been marginalized by society on the basis of gender by highlighting several encounters Jesus had with women.
He called out their sin but offered something better. He allowed Mary Magdalene to serve him by washing his feet with her hair. The Messiah saved an adulterous woman from stoning. The Samaritan woman depicted in John 4 had been married five times and was with a sixth man.
He sat and talked with her when the rest of her community shunned the woman. Each of these women was guilty, but so were the Pharisees and other members of society who scorned or condemned them, and the men who used them.
Instead of judging these women, Jesus invited them to be part of his mission. The Samaritan woman was one of his first apostles. Mary was among his devoted followers.
Jesus gave these women a new identity so that they could freely choose to follow him, relieved of shame, and make him the focus of their lives. Everyone needs God’s mercy, but 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is often taken out of context so that the emphasis lands on homosexuality.
This narrow-mindedness overlooks thievery, greed, drunkenness, abuse, and fraud which are also listed. Paul does not exclude anyone, even classifying himself as the chief of sinners. (1 Timothy 1:15)
 Intimacy, Identity, and Culture
You may have heard of the famous South Carolinian Gospel singer, actor and Minister of the Gospel Donald “Donnie” Andrew McClurkin, Jr. I greatly admire him for his many gifts and talent, but especially his complete uncompromised commitment to our God despite his struggle with his sinful fleshly and worldly desires of homosexuality that started with being sexually abused by two uncles and ended being ostracized and blacklisted by Barack Hussein Obama for his opposing views on Same-Sex Marriage… Likewise Sam Allberry, a same-sex pastor from England, confronts the pain of being alone, even by choice, on the grounds of obedience to God. Celibacy is made more difficult by the elevation of marital intimacy to a lofty position above all other forms, including friendship.
Allberry’s fear is that “if someone’s only choice in life seems to be either unbiblical intimacy or no intimacy, they’re going to end up choosing unbiblical intimacy. And if that’s the case, I think the wider church shares responsibility for that.”
As Allberry asserts, people within the LGBT+ (#LHBTTABCDFIGMPPQZ) and the entire #SinSickSocialistLyingLeftistLiberal community are being denied access to this kind of intimacy, so even those who are keen to follow God’s commands and to please Him by their faithful obedience are drawn to other sources for belonging and acceptance.
Jesus never taught his disciples to deny friendship and familial love to anyone. “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother” (Matthew 12:50).
He also promoted mutually uplifting, godly friendship. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). The word friend, philos in the Greek, means “beloved” or “dear.” “I have called you friends,” Jesus said to his disciples (John 15:15).
Not everyone accepts forgiveness through Jesus; but he offers dignity, love, and truth to everyone. When a Gospel-Believing person highlights Sin in a person’s life, the purpose should always be to point that person to Jesus and His Saving grace and mercies.
Admitting and repenting of Sin, turning to Christ for Salvation, restores a person to peace and wholeness with God. Many so-called Christians, however, point fingers and exalt themselves by knocking down anyone whose lifestyle does not line up with their own.
 A Merciful Love
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:1-2).
A big problem in the church right now is the attitude that because someone identifies as homosexual, lesbian (or gay as they now prefer to be called), transgender, pedophile, etc., that they should not be welcomed into the church.
This is wrong for a few reasons:
1. We are all sinners. To suggest otherwise is to ignore the plank sticking out of one’s eye while examining the speck in someone else’s (Matthew 7:3-5).
2. We are commanded not to judge others. If we treat other people as though they are not as valuable to God as we are, then we risk incurring his judgment on ourselves (Matthew 7:1-2).
3. Jesus hung out with everyone. He ate with sinners. That’s why the Pharisees were so scandalized. He offered the gift of his presence and the offer of salvation without prejudice.
4. Jesus says, “Come to me all you who are weary.” This is not an invitation to particular individuals who qualify on the basis of their behavior or lifestyle but to anyone who is tired (Matthew 11:28).
Given the obstacles and even dangers the LGBQT+ community faces, added to the ordinary strains of life in general, one might imagine they are very weary, indeed.
 What’s Next for the Church
Everyone was made in God’s image, but not all people embrace Christ’s message of Hope, Peace, Love, Holiness, Grace, Mercy, and Justice.
One reason for this is religious arrogance (Not much has changed in over 2,000 years, sadly) — Christians who act as though they are in a position to condemn or pardon.
But if churches shut their doors to those who defy God’s commands about sexual intimacy, the doors would be shut to everyone. The duty and privilege of Christ’s disciples are to offer all who will listen to the message of salvation and the promise of a love greater than anything.
His Love and Justice go together, but all who call on Christ’s name for Salvation are covered by His Blood. Believe it or not, that includes same-sex folks and all the rest… Each of us is a work in progress.
We can teach His inerrant Word but must always do so without judging or persecuting anyone, and with love and kindness.
If churches shut their doors to those who defy God’s commands about sexual intimacy, the doors would be shut to everyone. The smokers and drunkards, the liars and gossipers, the thieves and robbers, the cheaters and beaters…
The duty and privilege of Christ’s disciples are to offer all who will listen to the message of Salvation, Restoration and the promise of a love greater than anything.
 I have way too many friends and family who’ve dibbled and dabbled or live out any of these lifestyles the same way others do with alcohol, marijuana, porn or other addictive drugs… but I Love them all and would support and do anything for them that I’d do for anyone else within the Word of God. :) #REBTD
 My God and Father, how great is Your Love and Mercy… Thank You for Saving me from me and my poor choices in this life. Thank You for Saving my wife, sons and Godsons and so many family and friends from the Devil’s deceptions that lead to addictive behaviors. My Lord, bless and increase their Faith and Hope in You to continually walk with You that they won’t lose the precious Gift of Salvation from when they first Believed. Last but not least, let the lost find You and takeaway any thought or desire to sin and come to You with a repentant heart to give themselves to You. In Jesus’ Saving name, Amen.
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amisssunbeam · 4 years
A Little Response to Rhavewellyarnbag's latest Review of The Terror's "Horrible from Supper" (the italics are me)
Being another look at The Terror, episode 01x07, “Horrible From Supper”. But first, the characters in The Terror to whom I own an apology for the things I said last night when I was drunk, in ascending order of how vile it was: Francis. Yes, what I said was true, but I should not have said it. Goodsir, on general principle, because he is a nice man, and doesn’t deserve to have the likes of me talking about him that way. Author’s note: Only daily do I apologize to Harry Goodsir (fictional) for the things I say about him, and to Harry Goodsir (nonfictional) for the things I say about a fictionalized version of him. I like to think that the former would forgive me, but I think that the latter might not. I painted him from the few photos made of him; he has a delightfully reproachful look. Resting bitch face, even.
In the 1845 photos, his eyebrows come together in a way which could be interpreted as judgmental.  But, when we think of the trials of sitting for a daguerreotype at that time (not nearly as jolly and pain-free as depicted in “The Ladder” –forgetting about the subsequent Tuunbaq attack) Goodsir’s reproachful look might merely result from the tedium of having his picture taken (or that fatal tooth was beginning to hurt). Tozer. Though, again, I meant it, and, like, look, I defy you tell me that he doesn’t look absolutely stunning when he’s afraid for his life in “Terror Camp Clear”. 
“The Terror” certainly broadens the parameters of handsome-ness.  Tozer, while listening to Morfin singing “The Silver Swan”, is more attractive than, than, than the Moon!  Or the Pyramids!  He’s supernatural.
The ship before it weighs anchor, before it, in some fundamental way, becomes a ship. Not yet having fulfilled its function, it is more like a theatrical set. The notion of limbo is a fitting one: the men descending the ladder, coming from the bright, noisy world above, could be entering the afterlife.
Who’s the cat who does the words about utter existentialism?  Rod Serling, was that his name?  Did everyone see his episode of “The Twilight Zone” about the toys in the Salvation Army barrel?  Yikes.
Nothing is working as it should, logic is suspended, and the topsy-turvy world of the carnival will become real.
The movie “Topsy-Turvy” is a great favorite of la famille Sunbeam.  Even so, there are useful parallels between that film and “The Terror”: class clashes, pretense and pageantry, and mainly ripping away the fine lace mask of the Victorian era.  The attitude of the servants in both shows is strikingly craven.
“Any tips, sir, for a first-timer?”
In the super-heated world of fandom, “any tips for a first-timer” sounds like the sort of pick-up line EC would use on the true Cornelius.
Poor Morfin.
Morfin is “The Terror’s” equivalent of the Victorian Little Nell.  Headaches, bad teeth, song-forgetter, probably a once-in-a-lifetime sodomite but nevertheless flogged for it.  When he and Tozer go out on that exploratory mission, he falls flat down and Tozer says something like “Don’t volunteer if you don’t have the bottom for it.”  (More heat for the fandom).  And he gets to be the first to see the severed heads. (Who thought Tozer and Morfin would make a good team for this task? Did they draw names?)  “Gently with that one, please.” It’s a little bit insensitive of Goodsir to express concern for his luggage before he does, Morfin, after Morfin’s just collapsed from pain, only looking like the living dead. That trunk, though, is Jacko’s tomb.
Harvey, your theory about Goodsir’s, ah, class-related selfishness is confirmed here.
“Are these our choices, Cornelius, or are they being made for us?” Gibson seems to falter, which is interesting. His idea to separate from the larger group doesn’t seem to be his own, which suggests that Hickey understood that it couldn’t be seen to have come from him. Gibson looks like death warmed over, but Hickey is just as perky as ever.
Gibson seems to get on-and-off injections of great intelligence, but his death-warmed-over look is consistent through the series.
 Hickey is also under-dressed, not even wearing a hat.
This is perhaps a very English-major thing to say, but there is a suggestion of a climate change (or a massive change in consciousness) occurring after Carnivale, as if the trauma of the fire left living dead who can no longer feel the cold, or, having felt so much fire, the survivors have had the idea of cold burnt out of them.
He does sometimes dress more appropriately, as in “A Mercy” when he was helping Hartnell transport supplies for the carnival. Suggesting that, in this scene, Hickey means to maximize his attractions. The obvious beneficiary is Gibson, but I think Hickey sees some value in displaying himself for Tozer, the one Hickey is really after, and has been since at least “Punished As A Boy”.
A sexy thought; how much nudity the men would crave.  When Hickey is flogged, he is completely exposed to the men present, and I think the sexuality of his having his pants pulled down really hits the sailors hard.  Francis alone looks like he’s going to climb out of his skin with the ferocity of his feelings (I won’t say desire, but that’s what I mean). Was it you, Harvey, or someone else who discussed how strong the thirst for touch must be among the Franklin Expedition?  I imagine the thirst to see bodies is just as powerful.
Then, I was immediately resurrected by the peek at Collins’ suspenders. He is... built like a cement outdoor commode. There is a lot of Collins to love.
The suspenders become iconic.  Collins is one very alluring sailor, even in his bulky sea-diving outfit with that great furry head sticking out.  Yet his sexuality seems neutered, compared to the other significant sailors  (Still, if Hollywood decided to make a chubby “Wuthering Heights”, Collins would make the perfect pudgy Heathcliff.) Author’s note: I don’t think Francis thinks very much of Goodsir, and the feeling is mutual. Goodsir has to obey Francis, but it’s duty without devotion, without deference, Goodsir having seen very little that would indicate to him that Francis has reformed himself. Francis may have stopped drinking, but he’s up to his old tricks, dismissive unless he wants something, ingratiating when he does. This is the way that Francis behaved toward Hickey, which gives an interesting contrast between Goodsir and Hickey: once Goodsir understands Francis’ motives, he’s no longer taken in; Hickey must understand that Francis was only drunk and trying to get into Hickey’s pants, but Hickey continues to try to make Francis like him.
Francis might resent Goodsir’s place in society, so settled and unique, while Francis himself has to maneuver around Sir John and James and all the rest.  But Hickey he can control.  (In a way, it’s a shame that Irving, the stupid old king of coitus interruptus, has to bust in again.  It would be in vain, and yet interesting, to consider what might have happened if that seduction had been consummated.  Think of the bickering harem Crozier could assemble: Hickey and Jopson and Gibson and then Irving, etc etc. (But this speculation, that a captain would handpick a seraglio of sailors,  is ruined by the knowledge that, despite all the porn stories and movies, there is no one a teacher would want less to seduce than her students.)
James has to move his little pick ax from one hand to the other to reach out to Francis, suggesting that, emotion aside, he made a conscious decision (his bones not yet reduced to broken glass) to grab Francis’ jacket, right over his heart, no less, and jostle Francis in a friendly manner.
This moment is comparable, to those who might be interested, to Star Trek: The Original Series’s “Amok Time” when Spock grabs Kirk by the arms. Quite the pensee could be written comparing Kirk-Crozier (the fair-haired captains) and Spock-Fitzjames, the haughty eyebrow-waggling second.  The latter’s reserve is melted, melted utterly by his realization of how much he loves his Captain. 
Author’s note: I am into Edward, but conditionally: I like him in that coat that makes him look substantial. Matthew McNulty is lovely, but he’s far thinner than I thought he was, which came as a bit of a shock.
His shortness is also quite astonishing. I can’t imagine Levesconte being involved.
Levesconte is too busy lying on his little officer’s cot, reminiscing about the time he said “benjo” and everybody cheered.
“There was a fourth man.”
I know you are referring to the raid on Silna in “Punished as a Boy”, but these words put one in mind of T.S. Eliot’s notes to the “Fire Sermon” in his “Wasteland”: “it was related that the party of [Anarctic] explorers, at the extremity of their strength, had the constant delusion that there was one more member than could actually be counted”.  Ah, the hypnotic potency of the top of the world.
Did Edward just grab Irving’s knee? Judging by Irving’s expression, yes, I think he did. I think he leaves his hand there for the rest of the meeting. Actually, no, he does not, but he appears to again bring it down to the general vicinity of Irving’s lower body.
I have run this scene over again and again and again (like the Zapruder film), and I think Edward does make an aggressively intimate gesture: “left and to the back, left and to the back.”  Irving does not seem displeased.
Hickey begins to assume what he imagines as Tuunbaq’s character. Having already, it’s implied, eaten part of Heather’s brain . . .
It is more probable that Hickey was just tapping at Heather’s brain, mainly because a brain IS not like a pudding; a pudding can be nibbled on without anyone noticing.  But if someone nicks a part of a cathedral, which is a self-contained entity, it would be noticed by, at least, Nurse Tozer.  Still Hickey might have tasted the cerebrospinal fluid, just for the Hickey of it.
When first aboard Terror, Hickey appears to be sizing up his new environment, but he also looks relieved, hopeful. It’s implied that he had a lucky escape from England, which had gotten too hot for him, but I think that he really believed that he was making a fresh start. Taking another man’s name was practical, perhaps a necessary evil, but I think that E.C. just didn’t want to be E.C. anymore.
I admire the symmetry of Hickey throwing a Neptune-sized bag down by Hodgson, thus startling him far more than one think a tough lieutenant would be startled.
Author’s note: . . Silna doesn’t fall into Goodsir’s arms, because there’s no reason why she would; she might like him, but he’s merely the least untrustworthy of a group of untrustworthy men who, by the end of the series, have not just made her home almost uninhabitable, but killed her father and her friends. Her discovery of Goodsir's body, the state it’s left in, confirms it: if this is what the British do to each other, she was lucky to get away when she did.
Hear hear!
By the way, if one is in the mood, another pensee could also be written about the real daguerreotypes of the Franklin expedition.  I am particularly amused by Gore and Fairholme.  Gore hates Lady Jane and this stupid thing she’s making him do. just so Sir John can be further exalted.  Fairholme picks up the vibe and poses just like Gore, only he has to borrow the affable Fitzjames’ jacket.
I think we’ve all been there.
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couch-house · 5 years
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Hey I’m going to try something I’ve wanted to do for a long time! If you donate even as low as $1, $3, or $5 to a charity or personal fundraiser, I’ll draw something for you in MSPaint like the examples here! This is going to last for all of December. I’d really like to do this as a way to encourage mutual aid to those in need, but if you are not in a position to donate, you can still participate by reblogging this post with links to charities or fundraisers you’d like people to support. Rules under the cut!
EDIT: Sooooo sorry everyone! I originally formatted this with a readmore but it disappeared when I added tags on mobile. I promise I was trying NOT to clog up your dash with this
EDIT...2!: I have a donate tag on my main blog that you can use to find mutual aid posts to contribute to! You don’t have to be limited to this tag, but hopefully it can be helpful!
Art Rules
All $1 and $3 commissions can only be canon or fan Invader Zim characters. This is because I expect more of these and it will be easier for me to keep up if I’m drawing something familiar.
$3 commissions have flat color and a simple color background
$5 commissions can request non-Invader Zim related characters! Shaded color, flat background.
Up to two characters per donation; a second character doubles the price
You are more than welcome (and encouraged!) to donate more if you’re able, but for practicality reasons I will only draw for donations up to $10
No nsfw, gore (mild blood ok), pregnancy, inc*st, p*dophilia etc etc
This means no irkenxchild ships. You should know better than to ask, but none of that is allowed here
Also please don’t message me from your nsfw accounts. Please.
You may donate directly to a charity or fundraiser, then send me:
A link to the charity/fundraiser/donation post
A receipt of your donation, which only needs to include the date, recipient, and amount. Here’s an example from my paypal:
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(The recipient’s name is censored for this example)
Email receipts will also work, so long as they have that information visible (anything else can be blacked out for your privacy). Here is an example:
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If for some reason you are not comfortable with that but are more comfortable with sending me money directly, then directing me to the charity to which you wish to donate, you may do that, but I don’t recommend it.  The option is there Just In Case someone needs it, though.  In this case, I would send you a screencap of my receipt instead.
I won’t give you anything if you choose to donate to any of the following:
Project Kickstarters (i.e. any fundraiser that is promising to deliver backers a reward or product)
Salvation Army
Susan G Komen
Political Fundraisers (e.g. for a political campaign, interest group, etc)
If you are aware of any other charities that are absolute shit you can comment in the replies and I’ll add them to the blacklist.
Here are some charities and fundraisers I recommend! I will also add any recommendations from the notes!
Rainbow Railroad
Miss Major’s Fundraiser
Transgender, Gender-variant and Intersex Justice Project
DM me here on tumblr or on twitter @/science_boner.  Happy giving!
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friday-ocean · 5 years
Day 14: Getting Clean
Summary: What do you become in the shower? Right! Clean! Pairing: Bucky & Reader Warnings: Smut (18+ only!) Prompt: Day 14 *Non-bed Surface (wall, car, floor, etc)*
For @ruckystarnes Kinktober Challenge!
Kinktober Masterlist
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Her weak legs slip from Bucky's hip and carefully he lets her down, holding her upright. She gives him glassy eyes and a dreamy smile before she pulls him down to her. The kiss is different from the first, but no less enchanting. Her lips stroke one another, her hot breath mixes and only then do her lips, her tongues, meet. Slowly they taste each other's mouths, get to know each other. The water crackling over them forms an enchanting soundtrack, and when they breathlessly and intoxicated release after a felt eternity, both smile blissfully.
"Tony will kill us for the water bill," jokes the young woman. "And we are even dirtier than before." Smoffishly grinning, something flashes in his eyes. We can change that." He picks up the shampoo bottle from the floor and puts a generous blob in his hand. She holds out her hand to him enthusiastically, understanding what he is up to. But Bucky doesn't rub the shampoo over her body, where his hot sperm is still dripping out of her. His long fingers run through her hair, spreading the shampoo evenly. Surprised and amused, she squeaks, her hair clamped back to a strict hairstyle. He gently massages her scalp, relaxation and warmth slowly spread back into her. Satisfied with his work, Bucky wants to keep her head more under the water, but she protests. "First it's your turn," orders herself in a stern voice, not to suppress a laughing undertone. Following the order, Bucky lowers his head and she also begins to wash his hair. Further massaging his head, Bucky covers her neck with little kisses.
His hand wanders down, between her legs, gently stroking her swollen and sensitive lips. A shudder trickles over her body, his hand finally where it belongs. His fingers tease, tickle, rub their lips between his fingers. Meanwhile she turns her attention back to Bucky's cock. As expected from the super-soldier, his penis is already proudly pointing up again, pressing against her hip. She pulls his foreskin back a little, lets her fingers run over the bare tip.
A deep rumble develops in his chest - his index finger glides between her lips, finds her grotto of pleasure and dives into it, then a second, a third. Stretched wonderfully, she presses closer against his hand, her clitoris against his palm. Her hand glides over his penis, pumping faster and faster, in rhythm with Bucky's finger. A twist of her wrist elicits a long moan from Bucky, his fingers twitch deep inside her. Their two bodies still glowing from the first climax together, the familiar, sweet tension builds up again in them. Mutually they drift closer and closer and closer to their climax - and finally! Sweet waves of salvation spill over them, pulling them into a whirlpool of blissful satisfaction. Breathing heavily, they lean against each other, enjoying the closeness and security of the other.
Suddenly a door slams and heavy footsteps can be heard on the tiles. "Heaven, Lord, help! Am I only surrounded by children? Head of a kindergarten? Can't they even put the showers on?" Tony yells - apparently only to himself. "I'm warning you, Stark. Come one step closer and I'll force you to wash my ass," Bucky replied quickly. Hardly suppressing a laugh, she presses her lips onto Bucky's shoulder, eagerly listening as Tony's steps stop. "Damn it, Barnes! If you must jerk off, do it like any sensible man in your own bed!" Again, footsteps are heard and the door slams again.
Relieved both breathe a sigh of relief, such an interruption not wanted. Laughing she looks at him again, a broad grin gets her whole face. "Tony is right. We should really get to your room..."
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plutosychic · 5 years
Important information to take into consideration before purchasing:
I usually deliver my readings up until two weeks, depending on my energy. I will let you know how I feel when you buy the reading and give you an estimated time of when you will receive it. If, for some reason, I’m not able to give you your reading on the day/week I told you, I will try to let you know as soon as possible.
I usually deliver the readings through email, tumblr private messages, pdf or voice record. It depends on the reading you purchase and on what will be easier and more practical for me to do.
I will ask you after your reading for you to leave me feedback/review on my tumblr inbox or make a post on your blog about it.
You can check some of my reviews on here. If you are on mobile, the link might not work, so just type “reading reviews” on my blog search engine.
Please, only send me the money after I accept doing your reading as refunding makes me lose money in transaction fees.
There are no refunds after getting your reading done, regardless of you liking it or not. The only time I refund is when I am not able to do your reading due to something and upon mutual agreement. If I am already in the process of doing your reading and you try to cancel it, you won’t get a refund. I demand payment first.
Payment is only accepted through paypal. The price is in euros, however paypal lets you convert your money while paying.
Some of these readings listed below will be done through tarot, pendulum, intuition, channeling or channeling through astral projection. I usually connect with your higher self, but, in some cases, I connect with your spiritual guides. If you have any preference over the deity you want me to. I only refuse to connect with lower entities such as demons and with fairies (nothing against them or people who work with them). I accept any deity from any pantheon, however the ones I easily connect to are the greek, the nordic and the egyptian ones. If, for some reason, I am not able connect with a certain guide or deity, I will let you know.
In order to connect with your energy, I will need:
Name or initials
Zodiac sign (if you could give me your moon, rising and dominant signs too, that would be great and preferred)
Any other information you want
Backstory can be helpful as it gives context to what I’m feeling, but it is not needed at all.
Keep in mind that this is for entertainment purposes and can be served as a tool for self-awareness and self-understanding. Therefore, I do not take responsibility for any inaccuracity or any decision made based on the readings.
Sometimes the energy is shifted or too complex, so try to apply my interpretations as much as possible into your situation. Readings are based on current energies, you can alter the course of action with a simple thought if you do not like the reading. The outcome can be changed by you.
If you cannot purchase my readings, I would still be thankful if you could, at least, support me by reblogging this post.
these are the reading options you should choose if none of the ones below match any of your questions.
Yes/No Question #1: 1€
Simple yes/no question using a pendulum.
Yes/No Question #2: 2.50€
This is for yes/no questions using tarot cards. You will always get a bit more of information than a simple yes/no answer.
Yes/No Packages:
5 yes/no pendulum questions: 3€ (save 2€)
5 yes/no tarot card questions: 7.50€ (save 5€)
10 yes/no pendulum questions: 7€ (save 3€)
10 yes/no tarot card questions: 15€ (save 10€)
Important to note: maybe’s and likely’s can still pop out in both of these options. In thoses cases, I will explain what I feel that likely/maybe/unlikely answer means for free.
Option Readings: TBD (contact me)
Questions for the tarot cards that involve options might be more expensive than the yes/no ones depending on the topic and on how many options there is. For pendulum readings, the price is stays 1€, unless there are more than two options. Three options with a pendulum would be 2€.
how/why questions: 5€
this can be used for things like “how does my future like house look like”, for example, or “why is X ignoring me”.
when questions: 1.50€
the “one, two, three cards” options below are for general messages/advice only. Basically a “what you need to hear right now type of thing. Even with only one card, it will be detailed.
One Card: 3€
Two Cards: 5€ 
Three Cards: 7€  
Four Cards: 10€ 
Five Cards: 12.50€
Clair Reading: 5€
I will tell you what I see (this could range from advice to future prediction or the current situation) based on the sensations/sounds/visions/information I get. Many times this is a bit abstract, so take your time to decipher the reading.
Past/Present/Future: 5€
Name Game: 2.50€ (OPEN)
Not really a psychic reading, but my intuition always pops out. It is more of an entertainment/fun thing to get. You basically send me your name and I will tell you what your name reminds me of/makes me see/feel.
Many of these readings work for any type of love: familiar, romantic, sexual, platonic, etc.
Current Relationship: 30€ (CLOSED)
This will be a reading on your current relationship. It will help you understand the energies surrounding it, what might be coming into the future, how they feel for you, advice and any other type of information that I might get. This reading is extremely detailed and in depth. This can also be used to answer any specific question you might have,
Love Advice: 15€
This will give you advice on your love life and on how to improve it, heal it. This is extremely detailed and is really good if you are looking for me to channel a specific deity.
Ex Back: 15€
This will help you finding out in detail if you and our ex will come back, if the relationship has salvation, what might have caused this, the energy around it and whether or not it is better for you to move on.
Love Future: 25€
This is an extremely detailed future prediction on your love life that also comes with advice on what to do and how to improve this outcome.
Relationship Improvement: 15€
This is an extremely detailed reading on how you should and could improve your relationship. It helps you understand your partner better, their desires, needs and what they do not want to tell you.
Love Blocks: 15€
This will help you localize your blockages in life, such as what is keeping you way from finding your next partner, what might be ruining your relationship, between many others. This is great for self and relationship healing, as well as shadow work.
Future Partner: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on your future partner’s personality, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
Future Husband/Wife: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on your future husband’s/wife personality, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
My Soulmate: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on one of your soulmate’s, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
You can choose what type of soulmate you want: platonic, past life, karmic, romantic, healing, etc.
My Twin Flame: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on your twinflame’s, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
My Children Reading: 30€
I will do a detailed reading on your future (or current yet young) children. This will tell you how many kids you will have, their personalities, physical appearance, talents/hobbies/future careers and sun, moon and rising signs. Any addititional placements or questions  will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
Love Finder Reading: 30€
This will help you in your journey to find love. It will help you localize what is blocking you from love and will help you tell you when you will be in your next relationship and some details about this partner.
Heartbreak Reading: 20€ (CLOSED)
This is a reading that will help you healing your broken heart and understand why it happened from a spiritual point of view, what you can do with it and how to move on.
Their Feelings Reading: 8.50€
This will help you find out their true feelings and intention towards you.
Your Feelings Reading: 5€
This helps you understand your feelings towards somebody else you might be confused about.
Lover In Love Reading: 12.50€
A reading that will talk about how you are in love and about your behaviour, giving you advice on how to be the best lover you could potentially be.
Relationship Dreaming Reading: 6.50€
This will help you see how a relationship with a certain person would be.
Their Astrological Placements Readings:
You can choose one person of your choosing. It could be a future sibling, lover, twinflame, soulmate, child, etc. I would also be willing to do this on your animals/pets.
sun, moon, rising: 5€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus and mars: 8€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign: 12.50€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets: 15€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets; houses of each placement and any 3 asteroids you desire: 25€ (CLOSED)
Their Appearance: 5€
This will tell you the physical appearance of your desired person: future partner/husband/wife, twinflame/soulmate, future kids, etc.
Their Career: 5€
This will tell you the career of your desired person: future partner/husband/wife, twinflame/soulmate, future kids, etc.
Their Personality: 5€
This will tell you the personality of your desired person: future partner/husband/wife, twinflame/soulmate, future kids, etc.
Self-Love Reading: 10€
This reading will give you tips on how to improve your self-love/worth/confidence, etc.
Inner Sensual Goddess/God: 15€ (CLOSED)
Reading that helps you get more in touch with your sexuality, seduction abilities, become more attractive vibe/personality wise, be more confident and have self-love.
These readings can also be adapted to school/university themes.
Current Job/Career: 30€ (CLOSED)
This will be a reading on your current career/job. This will give you advice on your love life and on how to improve it, heal it. This is extremely detailed and is really good if you are looking for me to channel a specific deity. how your boss/colleagues feel about you, advice and any other type of information that I might get. This reading is extremely detailed and in depth. This can also be used to answer any specific question you might have.
Current Finances: 30€ (CLOSED)
This will be a reading on your current relationship with money, advice on how to handle it and spend it better, tell you what your money blocks are and ways to heal/fix it.
Career/Finance Advice: 15€ (CLOSED)
This will give you advice on your career/finances and on how to improve it. This is extremely detailed.
Leave or Stay: 5€
A spread that helps you decide whether to stay or not in your current career/job/university.
Career/Studying Boost: 6.50€
A reading that will give you advice on how to boost your performance.
Money Boost: 6.50€
This gives you advice on how to attract more money and abundance into your life.
Career Choice: TBD
This will help you decide which career/degree is best for you. The price will depend on how many careers/jobs you are torn between.
Future Career: 5€
A prediction of your future career(s).
Follow The Dream: 10€ (CLOSED)
Will help you manifest your desired career and will localize your blockages with advice on how to get rid of them.
Spiritual Readings
Past lives have a category of their own.
Spiritual Advice: 10€ (CLOSED)
This will give you detailed advice on your spiritual journey and give you a look into your blockages and how to get rid of them. Great if you want to contact a specific deity.
Spiritual Blockages: 5€
This will help you localize blockages and get rid of them just like the Spiritual Advice, but a bit less detailed. Great if you want to contact a specific deity.
Body/Mind/Soul: 5€
This will tell you how/what your body, soul and mind feel/need the most at the moment.
Strengths/Flaws: 6.50€
This will highlight your strengths and your flaws. Great for shadow working. If you only want strengths or flaws, and not both, that would be 3.50€.
Law of Attraction Reading: 25€
This reading will talk about your relationship with what you are trying to manifest, how your manifestation progress is going, what is holding you back/blockages and advice on how to heal from that. It will also have some tips like methods to manifest or guidance on how to use subliminals, if you use them.
Law of Attraction Reading #2: 15€
This is cheaper version of my first LOA reading that will talk about your blockages, what is holding you back and how the progress is doing.
Life Purpose: 10€
I will tell you what your life purpose is. Your life purpose is the purpose why you incarnated this life on earth and what you are meant to achieve.
Soul Purpose: 10€
This is what your soul wants to learn and take from all your incarnations.
Psychic Abilities: 15€
This will give you advice on how to develop your abilities and localize your blockages. I will also tell you which abilities have more potential to be developed.
Psychic Abilities #2: 5€
I will tell you which abilities you have more potential to develop.
Higher Self Reading: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will connect to your higher self and tell you their characteristics, energy and any messages they have for you.
Spirit Guide Reading: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will connect to your most prominent spirit guide (up to the 2 more prominent ones) and tell you their characteristics, energy and any messages they have for you.
Messages from Angels/Deities/Spirit Guides/Higher Self/Other: 15€
I will try to connect with any entity of your choice (please read the Information in the beginning as it underlines my rules and conditions about this) and deliver any messages to you. You can also ask 5 specific questions.
Aura Reading: 5€
I cannot always see colors, but I am able to feel them around you and give you a reading about the energy that is around you and the characteristics you are embodying right now. I usually am able to sense/see multiple layers of your aura, from the permanent layers to the temporary ones.
Animal Guide Reading: 5€
Animal guides are animals whose energy you could learn from or that you embody. This will tell you what animal guide(s) are in your life at the moment.
This is commonly known as “spirit animal” but this term is considered cultural appropriation and, because of that, I choose to not claim it and use another term that I think is more respectful to other closed practices.
Chakra Reading: 5€
This will tell you what chakras you need to work on.
Angel Number: 5€
I will channel an angel number for you that will serve as an important message that you need to hear right now.
Crystal Readings: 5€
This will tell you what crystal matches your energy the most at the moment or the one who you would benefit from the most. It brings a description of the crystal properties.
Number of lives you had: 5€
Countries you lived/were born in in past lives: 10€
Origin of your soul: 7.50€ (CLOSED)
Our soul origins might come different planets (which we usually call starseed), it might have an earth origin, a fae or elven origin, between many others.
Types of past lives you had: 8.50€ (CLOSED)
If you had multiple earth past lives or many past lives as other beings.
Past life story (simple, overall, 10-30 lines): 15€ (CLOSED)
This will be a random past life that is the most important for you as of now or a past life of your choosing (there is a possibility I might not be able to see the past life you choose).
Past life story (detailed, from childhood to death and all life areas, unlimited lines): 45€ (CLOSED)
This will be a random past life that is the most important for you as of now or a past life of your choosing (there is a possibility I might not be able to see the past life you choose).
Past life love life: 20€
this will tell you your love stories from only one life that is affecting you now. This is going to be as detailed as the 45€ past life story.
Past lives’ love life: 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you many love stories and hardships from many past lives that are affecting you and/or your relationship now. This will help you learn what love karma you might have now with the chance of getting to know if the current person you are with was part of any past life. This is ideal for shadow working and to recognize negative unhealthy patterns in your love life. Will come with intuitive advice.
Past life’s career story: 20€
this will tell you your career stories from only one life that is affecting you the most now. This is going to be as detailed as the 45€ past life story but for career only. This is ideal to understand the problems you might have manifesting/gaining money and will help you understand past life blockages regarding to it. If you did not have a job in your past life (for being homeless, a woman, etc) this will talk about how not having a job affected you and will highlight other people’s jobs (like husband’s, father’s, etc.) and how they influenced you.
Past lives’ career life: 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you many career stories and hardships from many past lives that are affecting you and/or your finances/career now. This will help you learn what money/career karma you might have now with the chance of getting to know. This is ideal for shadow working and to recognize negative unhealthy patterns in your career life/relationship with money and will help you increase chances of manifesting it in the future. Will come with intuitive advice.
Past life’s spiritual/religious life: 20€
this will tell you your spiritual/religious life from only one life that is affecting you the most now. This is going to be as detailed as the 50€ past life story but for this area only. This is ideal to understand any effect your past life’s beliefs have on your faith in this life and any blokages relating to it.
Past lives’ spiritual/religious life: 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you many spiritual beliefs and multiple past lives that are affecting you. This is ideal for shadow working and to recognize negative unhealthy patterns in your subconscious patterns. Will come with intuitive advice.
Past life’s family (simple, around 20-25 lines): 20€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you how your past life’s family was (the one affecting you the most right now). You will know how many kids you had (if any), if you got married and more about your parents/grandparents and how the general relationship was with them.
Past life’s family (detailed, unlimited number of lines): 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you about your past life’s family. You will know how many kids you had, their appearance and personality and the relationship you had with them. You will know if you got married, how your partner was personality and appearance wise and the relationship between you two. You will also get to know the same thing about your parents, grandparents, cousins and aunts/uncles.
Past life children: 7.50€
I will tell you how many children you had in a past life of your choosing with the chance of telling you if they are incarnated or not with you in this life.
Past lives’ children: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will tell you how many children you had in multiple different lives and will tell you if they are incarnated or not with you in this life.
Past life’s childhood: 15€
It will help you find out about your past life’s childhood and any traumas that might have come with it and the relationship with your family. This can help you understand yourself and is great for shadow working.
Past lives’ childhood: 35€ (CLOSED)
It will help you find out about multiple past lives’ childhood and any traumas that might have come with it and the relationship with your family. This can help you understand yourself and is great for shadow working.
Past life names: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will try to get past lives’ names (yours, relatives, friends or lovers) or, at least initials. This is for all of your past lives, not only one. (The price is high because getting names and initials take a lot of energy from me)
Past life centuries/years: 10€
I will tell you the eras and years you lived in. I might only be able to get a general era for some of your lives, but I will try to give you the most detailed answers possible.
Past life lessons/karma: $15
I will tell you the lessons you learned/were trying to learn in that and if there are any lessons or karma that you are still carrying into this day. You can choose a determined area of life or even about a relationship between you and somebody else if you wish.
Past life zodiac signs
this will only be for one life as I don’t want to mix up placements between lives by accident. I can also do this for any of your past lives’ partner.
sun, moon, rising: 5€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus and mars: 8€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign: 12.50€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets: 15€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets; houses of each placement and any 3 asteroids you desire: 25€ (CLOSED)
Current life partners + Past life ones: 15€
I will tell you if the current person you are with was part of a past life, if you are incarnated with any of your past life partners or if you will meet any of them. I will also tell you if you met your twinflame or soulmates in a past life.
Fantasy Readings
Mermaid Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a mermaid/what type of mermaid you would be. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Vampire Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a vampire. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Nymph Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a vampire. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Amazon Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as an amazon. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Hero Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a hero. Costume, motivations and powers included. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Villain Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a villain. Costume, powers and motivations included. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Warrior Reading: 5€
I will describe the type of warrior you are. 
Weapon Reading: 5€
I will describe a weapon that would fit in with your personality and higher self. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Bundles (closed except for pendulum bundles)
Bundles might take a couple days more to be delivered.
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