#sometimes all u have on lunch break is sticky notes
notsomeloncholy · 9 months
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Sticky note doodles of ✨️them✨️
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morn1e · 2 years
But what if we want Benson hcs 👉👈
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okkkkk so idk how nor where 2 start soooooo……
-worlds biggest left fan. does everything w his left - ben writes w his left, opens cabinets etc w his left, smokes w his left, has his watch on his left, picks up things w his left 1st, answers the phone w his left, when eating w a spoon uses his left etc etc. his left hand is his best and truest friend.
-has pretty bad seasonal(spring specifically) allergies. spring time esp in the park is the most miserable time 4 benson&he heavily avoids any work in park maintenance during this period or even being outside 4 the matter&just strictly stays in his office during the whole season just so he does not die&make it out alive till summer or smth
-burns SOOOO easily.dude is already pale as it is+ lives in california(wtf was he thinking) so legally cannot be on the beach without 874927483coats of sunscreen or will b on life support in agony w aloe vera on 80% of his body 4 the next few days. poor guy
-worlds #1 heaviest sleeper. could genuinely sleep through a typical regular show episode demon spawn destroying the park shenanigan unintentionally. that is just how much of a deep sleeper he is. also snores like a chainsaw sometimes.
-subconsciously does those pen tricks on his hand when holding 1 when he is on the phone or smth. bens drummer days really influenced this&those who get 2 see him do it think it is the coolest thing ever.
-really really REALLLLYYYYYY loves subs. subs r the food ever 4 ben. would have them 4 breakfast, lunch&dinner if he could. would choose a sub over some 16michelin star restaurant like bistro en le parc anytime.
-grown 2 like theater&operas&etc. i always assumed since benson has been a metalhead he found things like operas 2 b boring as shit bcuz ohhh so classy compared 2 like a death metal concert thus never liking or going 2 any?but since being w joan&w her love 4 theater, they often go 2 things similar like that so he was only forced 2 accept the fact that he was going 2 have 2 watch some performances. has grown 2 really enjoy them alongside joan.
-out of all the colas, bens fave is dr pepper.
-also really really likes cereal. the snack&breakfast ever. most favourite r cini minis&lucky charms(do NOT dare 2 eat the marshmallows. he notices when some r gone then gets really mad.)
-also really adores chiffon cake.
-has slowly grown a habit of keeping sticky notes @ places. since w being w joan&her severe habit of having a kabillion sticky notes plastered on every piece of object in the house/@ work, benson subconsciously took the habit&has sticky notes sometimes hoarding his office too. thinks it is ridiculous when it gets too out of hand&blames solely joan 4 it.maybe get into petty arguments w her over this.she thinks it is the funniest crap ever
-has a weaker stomach so gets easily nauseated/grossed out by stuff like the bitch he is(this is more canon ig)
-heavy smokerrrr!!1!1!1!!!have mentioned this b4 a million times but u cannot tell he this guy does not have a severe nicotine addiction. the stress of being the manager of the park has done no good 4 benny. he goes on many smoke breaks during the day 2 which often gets lectured by pops on the harms of smoking if caught. also smokes marlboro reds.
-worlds shittiest eyesight!1!!1!1!!!!!!!has worn glasses since he could remember. SEVERE shortsightedness&SERIOUSLY dependent on his glasses otherwise it is game over 4 this loser. stupid bitch prob has like -6D vision if not worse. ben would wear contacts, even prefer in doing so instead of glasses but finds the process 2 b tedious plus he would never recover if he would attempt in taking them out after eating chicken wings. do NOT put on his glasses 4 fun or the severity of them will make u go blind in an instant.
-despite shown in the show that he drinks mainly coffee, benson actually prefers tea&is more of a tea drinker. i said what i said.
-not rly a hc but can&will get in your face if u start it. u can say he is really stubborn. u put pickles in his burger when he asked 4 none? or maybe u r taking way too long w repairs 2 his car @ the carshop? cool he will confront u abt it in a civil manner @ first but if u talk back benson is chewing ur ass out&will not mind having a screaming match.will stand his ground no matter what.
-again not rly a hc more like common sense 2 his character but when really fighting will seriously blow up when in an argument when it comes 2 arguments in his relationship? smth that does not always occur, in fact such rarely ever happen, but when they do, they r fucking ugly - filled w screaming, stuff most likely getting thrown&destroyed&filled w tons of tears after bcuz the guy genuinely regrets everything what happened&knows it is his fault 4 his anger&things getting so out of hand. is the 1st 1 2 apologise bcuz the guilt just eats the poor guy up so much he just cannot stand it anymore.good thing they r rare
-has a bad case of road rage. bennys anger issues absolutely do no good esp on the road w other trash drivers. joan is genuinely sometimes terrified 2go somewhere w him driving
-used 2 skate a lot as a teen. has gotten really rusty over the years but could still manage 2 do a clean ollie @ the drop of a hat. with practice he could make mordecai&rigby shit themselves @ how awesome he is @ skateboarding.
-actually hates it when other ppl call him by a nickname like ben or even worse, benny, even in a joking manner. just stick 2 benson if u need 2 mention his name. only family&joan can call him those names. will never admit this but really likes it when joan calls him benny actually..🥹
-is not too keen on nicknames but it makes him feel different when being referred 2 as hon. makes him go all😢🥹🥹🫶🥹🫶❤️
-knows a lot of yoyo tricks. probably still has his old yoyo somewhere in storage.
-is the younger sibling between him&his sister by 3-5 years. idk his sisters name bcuz it was never stated but i imagine it 2 b something like katherine? maybe caroline? she lives out of state&ben is not the closest 2 her. nothing really personal just never really connected w her. they talk sometimes but r not all that close.
-aside his crappyish upbringing 2 always yell 4 everything he wants @ home,(2 which amends have been made&the family life is getting better), benson is actually a really fragile guy. always has been. be kind to him.
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luxekook · 4 years
okay, bloomer ❃ myg
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❃ pairing: floral assistant/rapper!yoongi x reader
❃ genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, slight crack, light angst and smut
❃ summary: spin-off sequel to ‘petal to the metal’; in which the reader visits a flower shop on her way home from work to treat herself to a flower and then keeps returning just to interact with the shop’s cute tsundere floral assistant. the last thing she expects is to see him ~spitting hot fire~ and looking hot as sin at her friend’s music event. how is she supposed to get flowers in peace now?
❃ word count: 10.2k
❃ warnings: 18+, cursing, violent imagery, mansplaining, tattooed and pierced yoongi, jealousy, mention of drinking, lots of sass, yoongi is soft as hell, rapping, jungkook being an idiot, smut [biting, blindfolding, bondage, sensory play, oral (f + m receiving), unprotected sex (WRAP IT), slight dom/sub themes, yoongi and reader are swiches, dirty talk, workplace sex]
❃ beta’d by: the amazing and gorgeous phia @meowxyoong​
❃ banner by: the iconic and beautiful danica @dee-ehn​
❃ commissioned by: my angel bby sweetheart jess @floralsuga​ UWU ILY AND I HOPE U LOVE THIS YOONGI AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!
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The first time you enter the flower shop, it’s on a whim after a particularly bad day at work. You stomp down the street towards your apartment stewing over how Darryl can go screw himself as far as you are concerned. You almost flipped your desk today after the fifth time he tried to explain your own job to you. 
It’s like you haven’t been working at the graphic design firm for over three years and know all there is to know about typography and how it reads on book covers. You knew the moment your boss paired you with Darryl for this assignment, you were going to be in for a bumpy ride. You just didn’t expect the bumps to be of Mount Everest proportions.
You probably look crazy as you stalk down the block untethered in your rage, mumbling something about shoving your stylus so far up Darryl’s ass he’ll choke on your creativity. 
Somehow you unconsciously turn your head to admire a display of flowers blooming in a shop window. The blooming bunches of color call to you like a beacon of light in the darkness. Fuck it, you are going to treat yourself.
You dart across the street, dodging traffic. You need a flower. You need something that will brighten your evening and remind you that there is still beauty on this earth after all that mansplaining. And it seems that Of Fern & Freesia Flower Co. will be your oasis of choice. 
Squaring your shoulders, you push open the heavy wooden and glass door of the shop. The sound of a bell chimes in the air as you enter. A smile forms as you take in the array of greenery and petals surrounding you. The air smells like summer meadows and deep forests. 
Wandering around, you realize that it’s going to be harder than you thought to pick just one flower to go home with. As you near the back of the shop, you notice the general shop counter with a cash register, a small jar, and an array of flowers scattered across the deep oak wood. It seems like someone is piecing together a bouquet.
“Can I help you?” A low, languid voice calls out to you. Slowly, a boy emerges from the back room. Your eyes widen at the sight before you. He’s of average height with lean muscle and tattoos winding up both arms. His ears glint with multiple piercings, his left eyebrow has an intimidating slice through it, and his hair is a messy array of silver with a sexy as hell undercut. Yet, despite all of that tough exterior, the second you look at his face you melt.
The boy has the cutest face you have ever seen. His cheeks are full and pink, his nose is the most adorable little button, his lips are a dusky shade of rose. He has the face of an angel wrapped in a sinful package. Honestly, it’s unfair.
After a few moments, you realize he seems to be waiting for you to speak. Slitted eyebrow arched, he stares at you, dark eyes flicking over your own body.
“I’m looking to get a flower, but I just don’t know which one to pick,” You sigh, eyes shifting to glance around the shop once more. “There are so many beautiful ones to choose from.”
“Well,” The boy murmurs, “Sometimes one beautiful flower just stands out from the rest.”
Your eyes return to him, finally noticing the name-tag haphazardly pinned to his apron. Yoongi. His name is Yoongi. “And do you know which flower stands out today?” You ask, hands gripping your work tote so that you don’t do anything embarrassing like squish his chubby cheeks between your palms.
“Without a doubt,” He quirks a small smile in your direction before walking around the counter. Without a word more, he wanders down the rows of flowers and stops at a particular bunch of blue blossoms. He carefully selects one flower from the bunch and extends it out to you.
You accept the flower, examining it closely. It’s beautiful indeed. Shooting a glance at the sign attached to the bucket the flower had originated from, you smile as you read the label of ‘rare blue-tinted orchids’ (rare and unique beauty).
Turning back to Yoongi, you realize he has already begun to walk back to the counter. Quickly, you follow in his footsteps, carefully holding your flower in one hand and digging through your bag to find your wallet with the other. Upon reaching the counter, you gently place your orchid down to finally retrieve your wallet from where it had been lurking at the very bottom of your tote. 
“How much do I owe you?” You look up at Yoongi who had been staring at you with a peculiar expression on his face. 
He just shrugs, fiddling with one of the many silver rings adorning his fingers, “Nothing. It’s on the house.” 
“What?” You tilt your head in confusion, “But the sign said these are rare, so I’m sure it can’t be cheap.”
Again, Yoongi just lifts a shoulder lazily and shoots you a half smile, “I get an employee discount.” 
“Oh,” Your eyes fall under his intense scrutiny. They land on the small jar sitting next to the register. It’s labeled with a sticky note that says: “Feed Yoongi’s Dumpling Addiction”. 
“Dumplings, huh?” You grin at the cute boy and quickly grab ten dollars from your wallet, shoving the bill inside the jar. 
“Hey!” Yoongi pouts, “That’s not fair.” His cheeks are shaded a bright pink, “You can’t use my weakness against me like this.”
“I just did!” You laugh, slinging your bag over your shoulder and picking up your orchid once more. “Bye, Yoongi.”
You send him a wave and head back out into the night. You don’t realize he had stared out after you for quite some time with a small smile and a gleam in his eye. No, you are too busy picturing what it would be like to go get dumplings with a cute flower shop assistant. 
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The next day at work you bring your flower along with you. Your desk needs some life breathed into it, and your flower does just the trick. Plus, you can't help but smile each time you look at it. 
And so when cursed Darryl waltzes over to you to talk about your project, you kindly tell him to fuck off. You know, in a safe for work fashion. You don’t need his bullshit or his bad vibes. Not when you can draw up romance novel cover designs with a certain boy in mind. It comes as no surprise to you as you realize later on that you had been drawing orchids woven throughout the book title.
The rest of the week passes by slowly as does the wilting of your flower. Yet on Thursday, your boss praises you for your flower designs, so much so that she decides to give you the company credit card to go buy a bouquet for the office as further inspiration. You tell her you know just the place. 
Taking an extended lunch break, you trek over to Of Fern & Freesia. Stepping through its doors brings an immediate smile to your face. You glance around, noticing a few other customers scattered throughout the shop. No sign of Yoongi.
You weave your way around the rows of flowers and the patrons that dot the aisles. A heavy feeling of disappointment settles in the pit of your stomach as you notice that there is a woman at the counter instead of the cute boy from a few days prior. The woman glances up as you approach, “Oh, hello! Welcome to Of Fern & Freesia. How may I help you?” 
“Hi, yes,” You shoot a furtive glance around, “I was hoping that you could recommend a bouquet?”
“Hm,” She nods, “Of course! What’s the occasion?” 
“It’s just for my office,” You explain, “We need some inspiration, and flowers seem to have helped lately.”
“I see,” She smiles, “Well, let me ask you if—” 
“Hey, boss lady! Do you know what happened to the lace ribbons? I can’t find— Oh,” Yoongi halts as he emerges from the back room and lays eyes on you. “Hello,” He mumbles, running a hand through his hair.
The woman helping you looks at Yoongi and then looks back at you and then looks at Yoongi again. A sly smile forms on her lips, “Well, well, well. Why don’t I go look for those lace ribbons while you help this customer here.” She turns to you, “My very best employee will be sure to take excellent care of you.”
Chuckling slightly, she disappears through the door that Yoongi had vacated a minute before.
“I’m your only employee!” Yoongi calls after her, the small smile on his face betraying his complaint. Still grinning slightly, he turns his brown eyes back to you, “Hello again…” He pauses, clearly waiting for you to fill in the unspoken blank.
“(Y/n),” You extend a hand out tentatively, “And you’re Yoongi.”
“That I am,” Yoongi smirks and takes your hand in his. You glance down at your clasped hands and marvel at how his hand fully engulfs yours. The heat of his palm burns into you while the coolness of his many rings makes you shiver. Eventually, you let go, certain your cheeks are as red as the display of roses to your left.
“Well, what can I do for you, (y/n)? Back for another flower?” His eyes flit around the shop briefly before returning to yours.
“A bouquet, actually,” You smile, “For the office. On the office.” You flash the company card that your boss had given you, and your stomach flips as he laughs – his dark eyes crinkling and his gums showing adorably. 
“Didn’t picture you working in an office,” He mumbles, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as his tongue pokes his cheek.
“Oh, so you’ve been picturing me, then?” You tease and internally sigh as he blushes fiercely, turning away from you.
“Yah, you know what I meant,” Yoongi scowls without any real menace, “You seem like you do something - I don't know - weird.”
You stare at him a moment and then burst into laughter. Yoongi pouts as you continue to crack up over his brazen observation. “I mean I guess designing romance novel covers isn’t the most conventional job, but it pays the bills and it’s pretty fun.”
“Romance novels?” Yoongi widens his eyes comically, “Don’t say that around the boss lady, she’s obsessed with them.”
“I heard that,” A yell sounds from the back room, “And I’m demoting you!”
“I’m demoted just by being associated with you!” Yoongi calls back.
You think you hear his boss mutter something about shoving a branch of redbud (betrayal) up Yoongi’s ass but you can’t be sure. Yoongi walks around the counter to lead you around the shop.
“What are you looking for, (y/n)?” His gaze is heated as it rests on you, and you bask in its glory.
“I’m good with whatever you recommend,” You shrug, “I’m in your hands.”
“Not yet,” Yoongi mutters under his breath; and before you can question that remark, he stalks off down an aisle, practically mowing down innocent shoppers. You trail after him, watching as he seems to be picking flowers at random. However, once he brings them all up front to arrange them, the flowers combine effortlessly into a beautiful bouquet.
“Wow,” You say softly, admiring the colorful arrangement before you, “This is beautiful, Yoongi. What kind of flowers are they?”
Yoongi rapidly fires off a number of flowers, most of which you had never even heard of before: honeysuckle and alstroemeria flowers (devotion), lilies of the valley (return of happiness), and petunias (your presence soothes me). 
As you hand him the company card to ring up your purchase, you notice a stray flower set aside from the bunch. “That one didn’t fit with the rest?” You joke, pointing to the multi-petaled pink flower.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “Obviously not, (y/n). That one is for you.”
You let out an embarrassingly high-pitched giggle, “Well, excuse me for not being an expert, flower boy.”
He groans at the nickname, shaking his head in disgust. But, you see his lips twitching. God, he is so cute. You almost don’t even know how you had been intimidated by him at first. Even his tattoos and piercings are endearing to you now. You see them as a layer of protection he has in order to protect his soft heart.
Yeah, you are fucking whipped.
In an attempt to distract yourself from your growing infatuation, you glance down. The tip jar catches your attention, and you grin immediately as you read today’s inscription: “Yoongi’s Nap Fund: One Dollar = One Nap”. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Yoongi warns, but it’s too late. You shove another ten dollar bill inside. 
“Goddamn you,” Yoongi sighs, and the way he says it sounds like a confession. And you are so losing your marbles. And your job. You catch sight of the clock hanging on the back wall, and you are so, so late to get back to the office.
Cursing softly, you grab the bouquet and accept the flower Yoongi extends out to you, “Thanks, flower boy. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
With that, you rush out the door, pulling a full Yoongi as you ruthlessly storm past customers on your way out. You unknowingly leave Yoongi in your dust, staring at you with what can only be affection. 
When you get home after your shift later that night, you quickly put your new flower in a mason jar with water and admire its beauty. After a quick google search, you identify the flower as a camellia. 
You fail to read further. But, if you had, you would have discovered the meaning of the flower Yoongi had gifted to you… My destiny is in your hands.
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The next few weeks pass in a flurry of flowers - each prettier than the last. But that could just be the rose-tinted glasses you’ve been walking around with ever since you met Yoongi. You had visited Of Fern & Freesia such an embarrassing amount of times that you figured you should have a frequent flyer card.
But, who in their right mind could blame you when men like Min Yoongi exist? That’s right, you are on a full name basis now courtesy of one of Yoongi’s latest tip jars: “Support Min Yoongi in purchasing an off button for Jeon Jungkook”. 
With every visit came a new flower and a new post-it note on his tip jar. For instance, last Monday Yoongi gave you two stock flowers (you will always be beautiful to me), to which you immediately clowned him on for buying you stocks. He had just shaken his head at you - a common reaction from Yoongi that you had been on the receiving end of too many times to count. On that day, you had shoved a twenty dollar bill in the jar labeled: “New headphones for Yoongi’s silent, sad and lonely ears”. 
This Tuesday you had arrived at the shop right at closing. Your job had required you to stay for a late meeting because Darryl had fucked something up with his latest project. It’s honestly a wonder how he hasn’t been fired yet. After the meeting ended, you had practically run out of the office to make it to see Yoongi in time. When you stepped into the shop, you had been greeted with a growly yell of “We’re closed! Get lost!” And then when Yoongi came storming towards the front, he’d skittered to a halt, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find words.
You had just shyly waved like an idiot and then had turned to leave, only to be tugged back inside by Yoongi. “Come on,” He had said lowly, seeming quite exasperated with you, “I have your fix.” He had held your wrist all the way up to the counter as you blushed profusely behind him. He had handed you a zinnia (I mourn your absence), and you had added a couple five dollar bills to his jar simply entitled: “Do it. You won’t.”
And, finally, yesterday you had made sure to visit on time, clocking out of work at 5:00PM exactly. Your boss had even asked if you had a hot date. God, you had fucking wished. In all your hurry to get over to Of Fern & Freesia, you had forgotten one important piece of information that had been made crystal clear the moment Yoongi had locked eyes on you - you needed to do laundry.
Now, this might seem like an odd and offhand comment, but it meant that you had been wearing your more formal work clothes out of necessity. A form fitting pencil skirt with a tucked in button up blouse - both of which were on the tighter side from not being worn enough - paired with your favorite stilettoed ankle boots had been your outfit of choice and your last resort.
You had clicked and clacked your way up to the counter and had almost turned right back around at the look Yoongi had given you. His eyes had been the darkest you’d ever seen. You hadn’t quite been able to read the storm of emotions within them. Had it been anger? Annoyance? Attraction? 
God, you had prayed it was the last. 
When you had made it to Yoongi, he had let out a harsh breath before turning away from you for a moment. “Hey, flower boy,” You had said tentatively, “Are you okay?”
“I’m just peachy,” He had muttered, slamming down a few flowers on the counter. 
“O-o-okay,” You had responded, drawing out the word. You had stared quizzically at Yoongi as he fiddled with his rings, looking more on edge than you had ever seen him before. His eyes had flicked over your body, and then finally he had met your eyes.
“Sorry,” He had grumbled out, “You just caught me off guard. These are for you.”
As Yoongi had gathered the flowers he had slammed down on the counter, you had realized you still had your hair up and fastened with your stylus. Tugging it out of your hair, you had tousled your hair with your fingers for a bit and then had shoved the stylus in your bag. You had thought you had heard Yoongi choke slightly, but your ears surely had been playing tricks on you. 
You had grinned at him as you grabbed the flowers from his outstretched hands and then tucked a twenty in his tip jar inscripted with: “Help Yoongi endure Kim Seokjin’s presence for three hours.”
Later that night, you had realized that you really should have brushed up on your flower knowledge sooner because apparently the flowers he had given you were peach blossoms (I am your captive). While their meaning is still unbeknownst to you, you now appreciate the pun wholeheartedly. 
You had even tried to see him tonight, but he hadn’t been working for some reason. It’s hard not to assume the worst. Is he on a date? Oh god, has he had a girlfriend this whole time? A boyfriend? A partner? You almost call up your friend Jackson to cancel on his music event because all you want to do is sit down on your couch with the two men who will never let you down - Ben and Jerry. 
But, you can't.
Jackson would hunt you down and drag you there himself if he had to. He had done that very thing when you tried to bail on his last party. It hadn’t been your fault that you considered a midweek celebration of his five point increase on his credit score to be extra as hell. But that is just Jackson, and you adore him for it.
You met Jackson through your job. He sometimes models for the book covers that your company produces; because, let’s be real, Jackson is a whole snack. Unfortunately, you seem to be attracted to boys on the surlier side as opposed to those on the sunshine side of the spectrum.
Therefore, you and Jackson are great friends, and he brings out (READ: forces out) your more social side. Tonight, he is MCing a local music show at one of the bars downtown. It’s apparently some sort of open mic night. You just hope your ears are all in one piece when you return home.
The bar is crowded as hell as you slip through its doors. The entire back area has been converted into a stage, and you notice Jackson getting ready to begin MCing. Of course, he spots you immediately, waving incessantly. You can’t help but smile back widely and wave.
Squeezing your way through the crowd, you luckily spy a free barstool with a decent view of the stage. Quickly claiming it as yours, you order a beer and settle in for the night. Your eyes drift across the crowd, seeing some familiar faces of musicians you had seen before at events like this.
You even think you see the woman from Of Fern & Freesia in the back corner, but that’s probably just your brain playing tricks on you. Your attention is brought back to the stage as Jackson begins to announce the general lineup for the night and then the first performer.
As you listen to the first performance, your heart aches. The musician’s ballad is slow and soulful, its lyrics deep and jarring. What you wouldn't give to feel a love like that, too feel so deeply for another person and to have that returned unconditionally. Again, your mind turns to the damned flower boy who has been ruling your thoughts lately. And as the song ends, you clap along with the crowd like you hadn’t just planned out your entire future with a boy you had met just a handful of times.
You watch as Jackson introduces the next performance - some group called ‘Bangtan’ featuring some dude named ‘Suga’. What kind of name is that? A stage name, you hope.
Five boys jump onto the stage, and the crowd goes fucking wild. As you assess the boys with your own two eyes, you see the hype. They’re hot as fuck. 
Their performance begins with two of the boys singing. Your eyebrows raise as their sweet voices grace your ears. You almost fall into a sense of security as their vocals envelop you. And then the rapping begins.
Your jaw drops all the way down to the pits of Hades as you take in the sight of what can only be Yoongi, your sweet fucking flower boy, spitting crazy hot fire alongside two other beautiful boys. Had you somehow eaten an edible unknowingly on your way over here? Have you teleported into an alternate universe? Have you travelled into another dimension? Have you fallen into the fucking upside down?
God, he looks so fine. In all the times in the flower shop, you had only seen him in plain t-shirts, black jeans, and an apron. Therefore, your mind is fucking blown at the way Yoongi is wearing the shit out of a long white t-shirt, ripped blue jeans, a white and silver jacket, and silver chains. 
The boy is sauntering around the stage like he fucking owns it, all cocky and brash. Your attention is riveted by the sheer talent before you, but your sanity is in shambles. He drags a hand through his messy hair and his undercut peeks out from underneath. Damn, that hairstyle suits him well.
It seems the performance is over both too soon and not soon enough. And when Yoongi stays on stage all by himself, you silently pray to any higher power out there that you survive this. The low sound of the bass fills the bar as Yoongi lazily nods to the opening beats of whatever he plans on performing.
Almost by fate, Yoongi’s eyes meet yours. They widen as they take you in, and you are absolutely certain you also resemble an owl as you stare back. Like the dork that you are, you lift your beer up in a silent toast to him, and your stomach flips as his lips quirk.
And then he starts. You cannot look away. Somehow Yoongi rapping solo is just as good as the previous performance with the four others. It might even be better; but, then again, you are insanely biased at this point. 
As he performs, you lose the ability to speak, to cheer alongside the crowd. The way Yoongi commands the stage with his words, his presence, his talent is quite possibly the sexiest thing you have ever seen. The looks he sends you definitely don’t help. You might actually melt into a puddle on this very floor.
And you nearly do as Yoongi’s song ends and he sends you a wink as he hops off stage. God, you need to get it together before you track the boy down, tug him to you by his silver chains, and kiss the hell out of him and his talented mouth. 
Yeah, you need to leave ASAP. Shooting Jackson a text, you leave a twenty on the bar and haul ass out of there.
How are you supposed to face Yoongi after this? You can’t even pretend it didn’t happen because he had seen you. If you don’t go back to the shop, he might think you hated his performance. But, if you do go back to the shop, you’ll have to face the boy who had destroyed your ovaries on stage in front of multiple dozens of people. 
Lord, you are so fucking screwed.
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Saturday and Sunday pass with many more existential breakdowns; and by the time Monday arrives, you decide that - fuck it - you are going to do some recon. 
You email your boss that you are running a bit late and head over to the flower shop. It is barely 9:00AM when you strut through the doors.
The woman you had seen once before startles as you burst in, “Oh hey, it’s you! Um, Yoongi doesn’t work until later.”
You swear you turn fifty shades of maroon, “I-I know.”
She also blushes, “Right, sorry. I haven’t had my coffee yet. How can I help you? Another bouquet?”
Before you can answer her, a boy bounds through the door holding two steaming coffee cups. He looks eerily familiar, but you can't quite place where you have seen him before.
“Morning, noona!” The boy beams at the woman, and then belatedly realizes you are also there. “Aish, sorry!” You gape as he somehow becomes small, huddling by his ‘noona’. “I didn’t realize you had a customer already.”
“That’s alright, Jungkookie,” She smiles at the admittedly cute boy who is now scrutinizing you for some reason.
“Aha!” Jungkook snaps his fingers, “I know you! You’re Yoongi-hyung’s g—”
The woman grabs Jungkook’s ear before he can continue, “Ignore him. Please.” She shoots the boy a dark look that sends him pouting.
You try your best, but the words are already flying through your mind. Yoongi-hyung’s girl? His girl insert-space-here friend? His gremlin? His goddess divine? His fucking Go-Gurt?
The possibilities are too endless; and so you pull a Spongebob and burn the memory from your brain for the sake of your rationality. You quickly grab the first flower you see - a love-in-a-mist (perplexity) - and pay for it before jetting out the door.
Your feelings? Unstable.
Your recon mission? Unsuccessful.
Your inevitable face-off with Yoongi? Unavoidable.
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“I heard you came by yesterday morning.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin, barely having crossed the threshold of the flower shop before Yoongi slides right in front of you. “Holy sweet mother of god, Yoongi! Have you been lurking by the door just to scare me like this?”
Yoongi’s gaze darts around, decidedly not looking at you. “No?” He tries. You don’t let him succeed.
“Oh, really...” You arch an eyebrow and try to step around him, but Yoongi just matches your movements - effectively blocking you from advancing further.
“Stop trying to distract me,” He growls. His frown is admittedly cute instead of intimidating in the way he probably intends. “Why did you visit yesterday morning instead of last night?”
It’s your turn to avoid eye contact as you look for any possible avenue for escape. Yoongi gives you no room to budge or even any time to answer as he continues to question you. “Could it be…” He leans closer to you, “That you didn’t like what you saw on Friday?”
Your heart stutters in your chest as Yoongi grows closer still, his breath ghosting over your ear as he whispers, “Or maybe… it’s that you did like it.”
Before you risk it all and pounce on him while he’s working, you pull a spin move around Yoongi that would even make Lebron proud. Trying to put as much distance  between the two of you as possible, you power-walk away from him, calling over your shoulder, “Yes, I liked it, okay? God.”
You weave your way between the shelves of flowers with Yoongi trailing your every move. That little shit is relentless in his pursuit. You shoot him an evil eye between two buckets of flowers that he steadfastly ignores, “What did you like about it?” Yoongi grins widely, “Come on, tell me. Tell me. Just tell me, tell me, tell m—” You round the aisle he is on and clamp a hand over his mouth.
“Min Yoongi, for the love of reese’s peanut butter cups, shut your mouth.” Your glare strengthens as you can just tell he’s smirking underneath your hand. It’s difficult to ignore the plushness of his lips pressed against your palm. Did he just lick his lips? With your palm over them?
“I liked the collaboration you did with Jungkook and the other boys,” You shoot back at him, desperate to take him down a peg, “It was cute.” With a victorious smile at his darkening expression, you tug your hand away and turn to walk away. But déjà vu strikes as Yoongi’s hand envelops your wrist.
He pulls you back into his chest as he leans down. You can feel his words flow from his chest as he murmurs, “Oh really? And did you know that Jungkook is happily in a relationship? What a bummer.”
“Uh, I don’t recall asking,” You retort, “But that’s great for Jungkook. Should I send him a card in congratulations?”
“Fuck, you are so frustrating,” Yoongi groans and lets out an exasperated laugh, “Are you really going to make me ask?”
“Undoubtedly,” You grin like the menace you are.
Sighing, Yoongi presses closer to you. “(Y/n),” His lips brush against your ear, “What did you like about me?”
The way that Yoongi’s scent wraps around you, the way his lips move against your skin, the way his words drip with sensual intent makes you cave almost immediately. “Well, you had some fire bars, bro,” You blurt out.
He stills for a second and then a laugh bubbles up from his chest. You pout as he doubles over, clutching his stomach. 
“Hey,” You complain, “I thought that’s what all the youngsters are calling it these days.”
Yoongi laughs harder, “Oh my god, please stop. I’m going to break a rib from laughing too hard.”
You sniff, “Well, consider that the first and last compliment you will get from me. Ever.”
That shuts him up real quick. “Aw, babe,” He whines, following you as you move towards the counter in the back of the shop. Thank god there are no other customers to witness your complete degeneration into Min Yoongi Trash™. 
You slouch against the counter as you reach it, turning to face him. “Don’t ‘aw, babe’ me, babe. Now, get me my flower.”
Your sass does nothing but bring a smile to Yoongi’s face, and your frown deepens.
“I know just the thing,” He smirks. 
You don’t trust it. At all.
Yoongi goes behind the counter and grabs a little potted flower from behind the register. He pushes it over to your side slowly. “It’s a potato vine flower (you are delicious),” He says, like that explains everything. “It reminds me of you.”
You gape at the admittedly pretty triad of flowers intertwined together in the small silver pot. “A flower with potato in its name reminds you of me?” Your eyes narrow down into slits as you stare at him.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes.” His lips quirk at your growing ire.
“Hmph,” You turn up your nose, “Well, I will take it as a compliment. Potatoes are great, versatile, and goddamn tasty.”
“Indeed,” Yoongi smiles, running a hand through his hair. The rings adorning his fingers glisten under the shop’s lights, and you cannot help but follow his hands as they once again return to his sides.
You can feel your face warming as indecent thoughts of his hands on you fly through your brain. As your gaze remains lowered, it falls upon the tip jar. Today, it reads: “Help Yoongi fulfill his dream… of doing absolutely nothing”.
Before Yoongi can stop you, you shove a twenty into the jar. “Thanks for the potato plant, Yoongi,” You try to hide your smile as he - as predicted - gets into a huff over your incorrect identification.
“It’s a potato vine flower!” He yells after you as you walk away, “You know that, right? It’s important to me that you know that!”
“Po-tay-to, po-tat-oh,” You call back to him, laughing as you ignore his groan of protest. Provoking Yoongi might just become your new favorite hobby.
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Work consumes your next few days and prevents you from visiting your lovely little flower boy. Obviously, that has contributed to your mood taking a turn for the worse. But, it’s also done a steep nosedive because fucking Darryl is back at it again with his misogyny. You really shouldn't be surprised at this point, but here you are, surrounded by cleaning supplies, one concerned model, and one indifferent photographer.
Your joint project is culminating tomorrow - book cover proposal for one of the industry’s top romance authors. The one job, the one fucking job, you had given Darryl was to buy props. And guess what Darryl had gotten? Fucking mops.
“I thought you just wanted to clean or some shit,” He had said and then had the nerve to shrug.
Oh, you are going to clean alright. Clean him right out of his office, you will. Using him as the broom you personally sweep the floor with. 
Now, your cover model Jinyoung is here, and there is nothing to make this shoot interesting. Jinyoung, one of Jackson’s close friends and fellow model, awkwardly tries to comfort you as you stew in your rage in the corner of the studio.
“What are we going to do?” You cry for the tenth time, getting ready to either burst into tears or to burn the building to the ground. At least Darryl had made himself scarce ever since you tore into his ass for a solid fifteen minutes. Honestly, that had been the highlight of your day.
“Are there any props around here?” Jinyoung suggests. You look around the studio only to find the photographer Mina scrolling through her phone and an assortment of lighting fixtures against the white backdrop. Suddenly, your gaze snaps back to Mina - more specifically to her floral patterned shirt.
“Come with me,” You grab Jinyoung’s hand and tug him out the door, “Mina, I’ll be back in ten!”
The photographer sends a thumbs up, and you and Jinyoung are on your way. “Where are we going?” He chuckles as you keep tugging him along out of the building and down the street.
“We are going to improvise,” You grit out as you stomp towards your destination, hand still grasping Jinyoung’s tightly. Finally, you arrive at Of Fern and Freesia. “We’re getting flowers,” You declare and enter the shop with Jinyoung in tow.
“Alright then,” He mutters, probably thinking that he doesn't get paid enough for this. And honestly neither do you - especially when you lock eyes with Min Yoongi and his face looks like thunder. You become hyper-aware that you are still clutching onto Jinyoung as Yoongi’s eyes fall to focus on your clasped hands. His jaw tightens. 
And then his expression clears like nothing had even happened. 
Your heart beats fast in your chest as you watch as Yoongi turns and walks into the back room of the shop without a backwards glance.
Had that been a display of jealousy just now? It could not have been. Nope.
You shove this whole thing aside. You aren’t Yoongi’s anything. Just like he isn’t yours. 
You clasp Jinyoung’s hand tighter as you haul him towards a selection of roses. “What do you think of any of these?” You ask Jinyoung and point to the different colored roses. 
“Uh, they’re nice,” Jinyoung doesn’t seem too committed to your search, but you pay that no mind. You have one goal: do not get fired. Actually, no. You have a second goal: get Darryl fired. 
You pluck a red rose (love) and a burgundy rose (unconscious beauty) out of their respective buckets. Holding them up next to Jinyoung, you try to envision the book cover. But instead of seeing Jinyoung with rose petals raining down around him, you see Yoongi sprawled out across your bed with petals scattered around him.
Not the time, (y/n)! 
Oh, god. The time!
You quickly grab the entire bucket of red roses and gesture for Jinyoung to grab the burgundy rose bucket. “We’ll get both and figure it out later,” You say, moving onwards towards the counter. Jinyoung follows you obediently. 
When you make it to the counter, you both plop the buckets down. 
“Couldn’t have just one, huh?” 
You and Jinyoung jump as Yoongi appears from behind you as he rounds the counter. 
“Had to take them both?” He continues, his expressionless face is worrisome. But, you do not have the time to analyze it or his confusing words right now.
“Uh, yeah? Yoongi, listen, we’re really late, and I need to pay quickly. I can explain later. Please.”
Your voice cracks on your last word, and Yoongi’s blank expression softens slightly as he sighs, “Okay, (y/n).” He accepts your credit card that you have outstretched to him and rings your flowers up.
“Thank you, Yoongi. You’re a lifesaver,” You say in a tiny voice, going to grab your wallet when you realize you don’t actually have cash on you right now. You’ll have to come back later.
“Yeah, thanks, man,” Jinyoung says, giving Yoongi that classic headnod that ‘bros’ do. 
Yoongi shoots Jinyoung one of the iciest glares you have ever seen; and yet, somehow, Jinyoung just smiles without a care. 
“You’re welcome, (y/n),” Yoongi replies, handing you back your card along with the receipt. “Oh, I also have flowers for you - for both of you.” He snags two different flowers from the shelf behind the counter and holds one out to each of you.
You accept the pretty white flower which Yoongi calls a polyanthus lily (pleasures that inevitably cause pain), while Jinyoung gingerly accepts a cluster of smaller yellow flowers. Yoongi smugly declares them to be tansies (I declare war against you). 
Thanking Yoongi again, you rush out of the shop with a bucket of roses in your hands and a model hot on your heels. You have a shoot to save and a bone to pick. It is time to get shit done.
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Seven exhausting hours later, you emerge from your workplace with a sense of bitter accomplishment. Your shoot with Jinyoung had gone as well as it could have given the circumstances.
You and Mina had gotten as creative as you could have with the hundred roses you had bought from Of Fern & Freesia. You had showered Jinyoung in rose petals, you had made him place a rose between his teeth, and you had him extend one flower out like the Bachelor.
God, if you hadn’t been half in love with your flower boy you might have kissed Jinyoung for being such a good sport. Instead, you had settled for personally calling his agency to sing his praises and for making a note to send him a bonus.
Another win had come later this afternoon when you had been lucky enough to bear witness to Darryl’s termination. Your boss had been horrified to hear about Darryl’s fuckup and about all of the other bullshit he had put you through. As it turns out, she had already been keeping tabs on him for similar suspicions and this had been all the evidence she needed to seal the deal.
The look on Darryl’s face had been life changing. It had carried you through the last few hours of editing and arranging the final book cover proposal.
And so, finally, you drag your tired ass back to Of Fern & Freesia to both tip Yoongi for earlier and to give an explanation for the brevity of your afternoon visit. That is, if he is even still working at this hour. The shop is nearing its close, and you just hope you aren’t too late.
The bell chiming is the only sound that greets your ears as you enter the shop. The place is absent of the customers who usually roam around the aisles, examining flowers. Undeterred, you walk towards the back of the shop.
Yoongi is slouched over the counter, typing away furiously on his phone. He doesn’t look up as you approach as it seems he’s lost in his own virtual world.
“Paging florist Yoongi,” You call softly and smile as Yoongi is finally the one to get jumpy.
“Yah,” He cries, slapping a hand to his heart, “What are you trying to do, woman?”
“I’m trying to greet you, duh,” You roll your eyes, biting back a grin. 
“All alone this time?” Yoongi sets his phone on the counter, turning his full attention - and sass - to you.
“Alone? Please,” You scoff, “My FBI agent is surely tailing me somewhere nearby.”
“There goes that mouth,” Yoongi mutters darkly, his eyes dropping to your lips for a split second. He leans closer to you over the counter, “Tell me, (y/n)... Does your boyfriend like it when you talk back like that, too? Or is that all that attitude just for me?”
You mirror his actions, leaning over the counter and bringing your face closer to his. “He would like it... If he existed.”
Yoongi’s eyes widen slightly before narrowing, “Really? Then who was that boy you came in here with earlier? So you’re saying that you hold hands and buy flowers with just anyone?” His attention on you is hard and absolute, but you don’t flinch. 
You lean closer, lips only an inch or two away from his. “Hm,” You say, in mock confusion, “I didn’t realize that the last Daylight Savings had shifted us all the way back to the 14th century. Oh, wait. It’s still 2020, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
Before you can blink, Yoongi’s hands shoot out to cradle your face and his lips are on yours. A gasp slips between your lips, and Yoongi takes advantage of your shock to slip his tongue into your mouth, tasting you. He pulls back slightly, his lips brushing yours as he mutters, “You are so goddamn infuriating. You walk around here looking like a fucking thirst trap when I have to be Professional Yoongi™, and then you say these absurd things that only make me want you more, and then you show up at my music show and almost make me forget every word I have ever known, and now the only melodies and lyrics that run through my brain relate to you, and so I am just losing my goddamn mind over you—”
You kiss him. “Shut up, you giant adorable idiot,” You mumble against his lips, “And for the record, I liked you first.”
Yoongi pulls away from you and shakes his head, “No way, babe. I’ve liked you since the moment I saw you standing at this counter for the first time last month.” 
You cross your arms, “Oh yeah? Well, I’ve liked you since you walked out of that back room right there to help me for the first time last month. So, it looks like we’re even.” 
“Even?” Yoongi grins, ducking down to pull something off the shelf below the counter. “That’s cute. But, I win,” He straightens, placing a bigger tip jar that you’ve never seen before onto the counter between you. Slowly, he turns it around so that the post-it note attached to it is displayed for you: “Cute girl (Y/n) and Yoongi’s Date Fund”. 
“Wow, am I not cute anymore?” You joke, looking up at Yoongi who rolls his eyes.
“That was before I knew your name, babe, and (y/n) is too beautiful a name not to be written at every opportunity.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes. Your cheeks flush traitorously as you smile, “You’re so full of shit, Min Yoongi.”
“Am not,” He argues, moving around the counter over to your side. Just when you think he’s trying to get closer to you, he moves past you.
“Where are you going?” You trail after him, pausing when you notice he’s pulled a ring of keys from his pocket. Your eyes widen to their full extent as you watch him lock up the shop and flip around the sign to read: “Closed”.
Yoongi turns back around. “Come here, (y/n),” He says, his voice deep, his lips tugging into a smirk. 
You resort to your instinctual reaction whenever someone issues you an order, “Make me.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Yoongi prowls towards you. You back up with every step he takes, and before you know it, your back is up against the counter. Yoongi’s arms cage you in on either side of your body. He’s so close. The heat from his body sears into you and you think you might just faint from proximity.
“What do you want from me?” You whisper as Yoongi’s head dips to place soft kisses along your neck.
“I want you,” He says without a pause or hesitation, “In any way you’ll give me.”
“And would I get you in return?” You sigh as Yoongi sucks lightly on the skin right below your ear.
You feel his smile before he answers, “Babe, you already have me.”
Your heart swells. He is yours. But in true (y/n) fashion you cannot help but to fuck with him further, “Ah, well that just disincentivizes giving myself to you. Since I already have you, why should I let you have me?”
Yoongi bites your neck lightly in response to your teasing, and you are too surprised to catch the moan before it winds its way out of your mouth. “Fuck, baby, I need to hear you make that sound again,” Yoongi growls, his hands gripping your thighs before lifting you onto the counter. “Let me have you,” He begs, pulling his head back to stare at you. His pupils are so blown out, and you are certain yours are the same way.
His hands are still gripping your thighs as you clench them together as best you can with Yoongi in between. 
“Oh,” Yoongi murmurs, looking too pleased, “Is my baby desperate for my touch already?”
“Puh-lease,” You reply, “Don’t act like you aren’t hard as fuck right now, Min.” 
“That’s besides the point. I’ve been hard for you since you walked in here in that tight as fuck skirt and those fucking heels,” Yoongi scowls. “And then you had the audacity to take your hair down like some sort of seductress. I had to jerk off like three times that night.”
“Oh,” You grin evilly, “You mean… like this?” You reach up to pull the pencil out of your topknot, successfully sending your hair tumbling down your shoulders. You shake your head slightly to help the strands settle and bask in Yoongi’s dark expression complete with clenched jaw.
“That’s it,” Yoongi’s hands slide under your thighs, and suddenly you are thrown over his shoulder.
“Yoongi!” You cry as he carries you into the back room of the shop.
“Shut it, you,” Yoongi spanks your ass once, and you let out a tiny squeak before you are set down on a marble island amidst a room full of flowers, ribbons, and anything even remotely related to bouquet-making. 
You’re too distracted by the beauty that surrounds you to notice that Yoongi is grabbing something from a nearby shelf. He returns to stand in front of you once more. “Let me taste you,” He says as if he’s asking for the time of day. 
“If you must,” You feign indifference, but your smile betrays you.
“Clothes off,” Yoongi says, his voice deeper than you’ve ever heard it. You don’t think twice before stripping out of your blouse and unbuttoning your dark jeans.
“You’re gonna have to help me, Yoongi,” You sigh as you stare down at the lack of room Yoongi is giving you to stand to take off your pants.
“It would be my honor,” Yoongi replies, and you groan at his dramatics. “Ass up,” He commands. You lean back onto your elbows and lift your ass up so that he can take your jeans off successfully.
“Damn, baby,” His eyes burn into you as he takes in the sight of your body covered just barely by your lace bra and panties. Tugging a scrap of ribbon from his pocket, Yoongi approaches you, “Can I blindfold you?”
“Kinky,” You breathe, nodding. Yoongi grins and gently ties the soft ribbon around your head, effectively surrounding you in darkness.
“Lay back,” He murmurs. You do so, shivering slightly as your skin meets the coolness of the marble. A soft kiss is placed to your cheek before you feel a brush of something else cross your neck.
You gasp as what you can only imagine could be a flower is dragged along your body, dipping in between your breasts, down across your stomach, ghosting over your hips. All of your senses are buzzing, hyper-aware of everything but your sight.
And so when you feel a finger slowly stroke you over your panties, you let out a gasp. “Yoongi,” You moan, your hips shifting in vain to bring his hand closer.
“Say my name again,” He growls, and you hear a snip along with a quick touch of metal.
“Yoongi,” You chastise, “Did you just fucking cut my underwear off?”
“Hm, not quite the tone I was asking for but it’ll do,” The grin is apparent in his voice and you open your mouth to lay into him when his tongue slides between your folds.
“Fuck,” You sigh, your hand winding down your body to clutch at his hair, “Yoongi, please.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Yoongi mumbles, and then you are suddenly moved closer to the edge of the island and his mouth is on you.
His lips kiss over every inch of your pussy, his tongue flicks out every so often to drag over your clit. It’s slow and torturously sweet. Your back arches as Yoongi suddenly sucks lightly at your swollen bud. 
That sets him off. You feel Yoongi’s finger tease your entrance, lightly pushing in and out as his mouth continues to suck and caress your pussy.
His finger sinks into you, and you curse, moaning Yoongi’s name as he continues to push in and out of you. Though your vision is taken, you begin to see white as you hurtle towards the precipice.
Another finger is thrust inside you and you cry out. “Fuck, baby,” Yoongi growls, “You are so wet for me, so tight, so delicious. Tell me when you’re close. I want you to come in my mouth.”
Fuck, he’s filthy. You think you might love him.
“I’m already close, you little shit,” You groan as he sucks your clit harshly, making you somehow see stars.
Yoongi immediately switches things up, his tongue sinks inside you as his fingers rub your clit in quick, light circles.
You come with a scream, feeling Yoongi sucking and lapping up everything you give him. He carries you through your orgasm, and finally you sink back onto the marble.
And then you rip off the blindfold.
“My turn!” You grin, blinking furiously as your eyes readjust to the light of the room. You sit up. Yoongi is still kneeling between your legs, gazing up at you with wet lips and a feral expression.
“Your turn?” He arches an eyebrow and stands. You take advantage of his movements and hop down off the island.
“Those are the words that came out of my mouth, yes,” You throw his own words from a few days ago back in his face.
You can tell he remembers when he laughs slightly, his eyes crinkling adorably. 
“Now get naked, Min Yoongi,” You command, unhooking your bra and letting it fall to the ground.
Yoongi groans at the sight of you and then whips his shirt off, throwing it at you.
Laughing, you catch it and chuck it to the side. Before you know it, Yoongi stands naked before you. His torso is also covered in ink, his nipples are pierced, his cock is hard.
You slowly walk over to him, excited by how the tables have turned now. “Blindfold?” You ask, dangling the satin ribbon in front of you.
He shakes his head swiftly, “No, I need to see you.”
You grab his cock and revel in the hiss of breath he sucks in, “Baby boy, I don't think you understand who is in charge here.”
“Fuck,” He moans, both at your words and at the slow movements of your hand along his length. 
“Now, since you made me come particularly hard, I’m going to give you another option: I tie your wrists.”
Yoongi looks pissed, “I have to pick one?” 
You take your hand away, and he caves instantly. “Fine! Tie my wrists.”
“Good boy,” You smirk, “Now lay on the island like I just did.” You watch as he listens, grumbling all the while about how he wanted to touch you and how this was some bullshit. He’d learn.
Finally, Yoongi is in position and gives out a big sigh like he just went through so much effort. So extra.
You make quick work of his wrists, tying them above his head loosely. “Let me know it gets to be too much for you, okay?” You kiss him softly and swiftly and smile as he tries to chase your lips as you pull back.
You hop onto the island and slowly kneel over Yoongi. Your knees are on either side of his calves as you lean down, arching your back so your ass is high in the air, and then you suck the tip of his cock into your mouth.
The moan that Yoongi emits is so sexy that you almost skip right to sitting on his dick - almost. Instead, you just speed up, swirling your tongue around him and cradling his balls in your palm.
“Fucking hell, baby,” Yoongi rasps out, his eyes squeezed shut, “Your fucking mouth.”
You smile around him and take him further inside your mouth. Yoongi chokes out more curses than you have ever heard before. And when you swallow around him, he groans, “I’m gonna come. Wanna come on your tits.”
You release him with a pop. “No,” You say, sitting back on your heels. 
Yoongi’s neck strains as he looks down at you, “Please, (y/n), baby, I need you. Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy.” His head falls back as he smirks slightly, “I can’t believe that you just sucked my dick and that I actually got to eat you out just now. Damn, I don’t know how I got so lucky. Maybe I saved someone famous in my past life. Or maybe I was Spiderman—”
Moving quickly, you settle further up his body, hovering over his cock. Your hand covers Yoongi’s mouth. “Are you malfunctioning? Oh my god, I broke you. And to think I was going to sit on your dick next… That’s too bad. I don't think you can handle it.”
His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates as he stares up at you, “Mmph!” His words are muffled by your palm.
“What’s that?” You tease, leaning down to slowly suck on his nipple, swirling the piercing around with your tongue. “You still want me to?”
This time, you remove your hand so he can reply fully. As soon as your palm leaves, Yoongi cries, “Please, please, please, baby. Take me inside you. I’ll make you feel good, I promise!” 
“Well,” You straighten, grabbing his cock and lining him up with your entrance, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Slowly, you sink down. Inch by inch you watch as Yoongi’s face scrunches up as he murmurs your name like a prayer. Finally, you take him all the way inside. “Well, how does it feel, baby?” You grin.
“Like fucking heaven,” He groans, his fists clenching above him as he tries to thrust into you as best he can.
“Relax, baby,” You place a palm on his chest, “Let me take care of you.” With that, you begin to move. Your hips swivel slowly at first and then pick up the pace. You feel him twitching inside you and you know that he’s already close from how well you sucked him off earlier.
You ride him hard, sliding up and down his hard cock and watching his face as you ruin him. His breathing is harsh and his legs begin shaking beneath you, “Fuck, shit, damn, baby, please.”
His words are a garbled mess as you clench down around him, beginning to feel your own orgasm rising. “Don’t you dare come yet, Min Yoongi,” You hiss, leaning back slightly to take him deeper.
“Baby-y, please.” You watch enraptured as a tear slips out of his eye. Yoongi’s abs are clenching and you know he is so fucking close to coming. 
“Look at me,” You order, sliding a hand down your body to circle your clit. He listens and groans immediately at the sight of you.
“Watching you ride me makes me want to come even more!” He whines, but nevertheless keeps his eyes on you. You smile and moan softly as you continue to ride him, flicking your clit between your fingers. You’re close now. 
Your movements become frantic as you bounce on his cock, your hips shifting over his. You hurtle towards your climax and you tighten around him, “Come.”
Immediately, you feel him come inside you, painting your walls and filling you with warmth. You light up as you come for the second time that night, your walls pulsing around his cock, milking him. 
Yoongi is undone underneath you, his head is thrown back, throat on full display. He is muttering something about the sweetest pussy ever and wedding rings. And he looks so good that you can't resist laying down on top of him, kissing his neck. “You good, baby boy?” You smile in between kisses.
“I think you did break me,” He mumbles, his hands settling on your hips. Wait a second…
“How did you untie yourself?” You pout, relaxing into Yoongi’s chest as his hands rub your ass.
“Silk is slippery, babe,” You can practically hear his grin, “But not as slippery as your pus—”
“Min Yoongi!” You cry, hopping off of him. He whines as he slips out of you but then licks his lips as he notices his own cum dripping down your legs. 
“Come here,” He crooks a finger at you.
“Make me,” You retort once again, smirking slightly. 
He groans, “I don't think I can even move right now if I wanted to. But come on, sit on my face.”
“Wow, such language!” You slap a hand over your heart, “My delicate ears will never recover!”
“You’re the worst,” Yoongi laughs, easing up to sit. “Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”
“Nice,” You nod proudly, “Leave that review on Yelp, please.”
His dark eyes narrow, “Who else is leaving reviews, (y/n)?” 
Laughing, you tug on Yoongi’s discarded t-shirt, “Oh, you know, the rest of my harem of flower boys.”
“What!” Yoongi makes a miraculous recovery as he jumps off the island and tugs you to him, “I’m your flower boy, baby. You’ll never need anyone else.”
Smiling widely up at him, you simply reply, “Okay, bloomer.”
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a/n: flower meanings sourced from: The Complete Language of Flowers: A Definitive and Illustrated History by S. Theresa Dietz AND The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh [again, meanings differ depending on the source!)
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tsunxda · 3 years
Tsunoda X Komiya OTP Questions 1
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1- Who is the most affectionate? Tsunoda, she’s a total sweetheart who smothers him with love. 2-Big spoon/Little spoon? Komiya/Tsunoda 3-Most common argument? Sometimes they argue because they feel telling people about their relationship is a good/bad idea. In the beginning, only a few people at work are aware of the two dating. Tsunoda is all for revealing the relationship, while Komiya is wary because he is worried it could be dangerous for them to reveal it to upper management.  4-Favorite non-sexual activity? Cuddling, vacationing, just talking. They also enjoy traveling to exotic places, with Komiya taking photos of her for Tsunoda’s influencer Instagram account that they now manage together! 5-Who is most likely to carry the other? Komiya likes to carry Tsunoda around princess-style- she is his idol :) 6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? He loves her eyes, she loves his smile 7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?  8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Tsuna Chan, TsunTsun, Komi, Komikins, plus a hundred more. They start off as little cute alterations from their normal names and just get more and more silly.  9-Who worries the most? Komiya, he’s generally a nervous person 10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? 11-Who tops? Tsunoda, usually >;) Though in some circumstances, they might switch it up, and those are always exciting times! 12-Who initiates kisses? Tsunoda! She’s a lot more confident and assertive, especially when it comes to romance.  13-Who reaches for the other’s hand first?  14-Who kisses the hardest? Tsunoda- she’s an excellent kisser, Komiya finds out ;)  15-Who wakes up first? Tsunoda. She’s always up early with a positive attitude and a nice latte! 16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Komiya. He is NOT a morning person.  17-Who says I love you first? Komiya 18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Tsunoda leaves him little stickies of love and assurance (”have a good day!” and “i luv u!”) 19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Komiya is the first to mention to his mother that he is seeing someone special, which is exciting news for her. 20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Tsunoda’s family is extremely overprotective of her and so give Komiya a hard time, while Komiya’s family seem to love Tsunoda. Not many of their friends are aware of the relationship until later, but when they become aware of it they realize how perfect the two are for each other.  21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? In the right  romantic mood, Tsunoda would definitively grab Komiya and just start waltzing around the room 22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Komiya is better at cooking a real meal, while Tsunoda is better at baking and decorating.  23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Komiya. He’s always thought himself as a lady’s man, and his flirting with Tsunoda is especially cheesy because of how much he likes her. She thinks it’s adorable, though.  24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Tsunoda! She loves to see Komiya all flustered and so will intentionally get him hot under the collar at work meeting or in public with sweet and naughty talk just to see him blush.  25-Who needs more assurance? Komiya. Under the façade he’s very unsure of himself and can’t believe someone like him is lucky enough to be with someone like Tsunoda. Quite often he needs reassurance from her. 26-What would be their theme song? Can’t Help Falling In Love 27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Tsunoda, though they might do a duet together 28-What do they do when they’re away from each other? When they’re apart, they constantly pine for one another. They’ll text nonstop to keep in touch.  29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. It took far too long for them to get together. 30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it When they finally did, it was a real, pure love, and they were able to truly abandon all defenses and really be themselves with one another. When they are with one another, they are like two halves of a whole and just really complete each other. 
They don’t need to hide anything from each other, and they just fit together perfectly. They share everything, and they finally found a person they can love unconditionally. 
Art credit from the comics
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petersasteria · 4 years
Hey I wondering if you could do something with the beauty and the beast theme song with peter parker? Than love your writing!
Yes, I could! Thank you, honey x
Beauty and the Beast - Peter Parker
"𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞"
Aged up bc why not and bc it’s a recurring theme on my works lmao
Peter was glad that today was his day off from work. Not the Spider-Man gig, of course. He could never take a day off from that despite it being tiring. He was working at Stark Industries during the day and today’s his day off.
He didn’t know what to do for today because it’s his first official day off. Tony and Pepper suggested that he should take a day off from work because he’s been so tired lately and they didn’t want him to be overworked.
So his agenda today was going grocery shopping, having lunch with May (they don’t live in the same apartment anymore), and cleaning up his apartment. With all those in mind, he got out of bed to get ready for the day.
Going grocery shopping as an adult is boring compared to grocery shopping as a kid. The only perks an adult has is that they can get whatever they want without their parents or guardians telling them no. Peter missed the days where he used to sit in the cart and May would push it while getting the things they need.
Peter was busy checking two different brands of cereal when he felt someone else’s cart lightly push him causing him to stumble a bit. Peter was just going to shrug it off and not pay any attention to it when all of a sudden-
“Oh my g- Peter Parker?!”
He quickly turned his head and saw you; his first serious relationship. Both of you dated for four years. Basically your entire college life. Unfortunately, future plans change all the time and both of you decided that it’d be best to let go of each other. It hurt a fuck ton, but it is what it is.
He smiled at you and his eyes caught sight of a little girl next to you. He frowned a bit, but he covered it up with a fake smile, “Is she yours?”
You laughed and shook your head, “No, she’s my niece. I’m babysitting her today.” You looked at your niece and told her to get three snacks for herself and with that, the little kept herself busy.
“How’ve you been, Pete? I haven’t seen you since...” You trailed off.
‘Since the break up.’ Peter thought. He wanted to say it out loud, but decided against it.
You lightly shook your hand and waved your left hand as if telling Peter to not mind what you just said. Thankfully, Peter’s always been good at reading you, so he just shrugged with a smile letting you know that he understood.
“I’ve been good, and you?” Peter asked as he put back the two cereal boxes on the shelf. You did a ‘so-so’ hand gesture and smiled. “What brings you here?” You asked.
“...Grocery shopping.”
“Oh, right! I’m so stupid. I’m-”
“You’re not stupid, Y/N.” Peter said. “You probably asked because you don’t see me here in this particular store.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’m just surprised because I’m at this store a lot so...”
Peter grinned, “Well, today’s my day off and I decided to start my day with grocery shopping. Then I’ll meet aunt May for lunch and then I’ll go home to clean my apartment.”
Your face lit up when he mentioned May and you asked how she was doing. 
“She’s alright! She’s still with Happy which is still kind of weird, but she’s living in pure bliss and that makes me super glad.” Peter answered truthfully. Then, a short moment of silence occurred.
You and Peter looked at the shelf in front of you and grabbed the things you needed. Peter glanced at you as you grabbed a few boxes of breakfast bars and one box of Y/Fave/Cereal. He turned to getting a box of oatmeal and said, “She misses you, y’know? May, I mean.”
You looked at him and said, “Really?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I miss you too.”
“I miss you too, Peter.” You smiled sadly.
“Well, I have to go now. It was nice seeing you, Y/N.” Peter said and gave you a tight-lipped smile. 
“We can meet up sometime.” You blurted out. “Only if you want that, of course.”
“I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to catch up with you.” Peter grinned. Both of you swapped phones to type each other’s numbers on it and gave it back.
“See you around, Y/N. Text me.” Peter said with a smile and pushed his cart forward as he left the aisle. He wasn’t that far yet when he felt someone tug his jacket. He looked down and saw your niece.
“Hi!” Peter said cheerfully.
“Aunt Y/N told me to give you this. She said that you forgot to get your cereal.” The little girl put the box of cereal in his cart and skipped back to you. Peter looked at the box and sure enough, it was the cereal both of you ate back when you were still dating. On the box was a sticky note that made Peter smile and turn around to look at you. You looked back at him with a small smirk on your face and winked. Peter chuckled and went to the counter to pay for his things. The last thing he put on the checkout counter’s conveyor belt was the cereal. He took the sticky note off and read it again. He smiled to himself knowing that there’s a chance that both of you might try your relationship again.
“Don’t forget to buy our cereal, hun.”
* * * *
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @blueleatherbag​ @harryismysunflower​ @buckys-little-hoe​ @heeeyitskay​ @slytherin-chaser​ @quaksonhehe​ @yaya4302​ @lil-mellow-bunbun​ @starlight-starks​ @swiftmind​ @alexx-stancati​ @sovereignparker​ @nerdyandproudofitsstuff​ @pearce14​​ @cherthegoddess​ @chewymoustachio​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​ @parkerlovebot​ @supred12​ @peterspidey​ @givebuckyhisplumsnow​ @beverlythrillz​ @slutforsr
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr​ @allyz​ @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @drie-the-derp @hollands-weasley @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1 @the-panwitch @iamaunicorn4704 @geminiparkers​ @holland-styles​ @calltothewild​ @fancyxparker @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @justanothermarvelmaniac @unsaidholland @musicalkeys @lost-in-the-stars03 @hufflepuffprincess24 @hollanddolanfangirl @parkerpeter24 @bellelittleoff @agentnataliahofferson @aqiise @lexirv​ @blairscott​ @hi-im-maddie​ @theonly1outof-a-billion​ @u-rrose @speedymaximoff
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sifuhotman69 · 4 years
thank u to catboyzuko on twitter for the idea and entertaining my ramblings :pleading_face: a lot of it is copy pasted from this twitter thread if you wanna check it out :3
but essentially the headcanon is: sokka is doodling somewhere in the palace when zuko comes up and sokka goes, “i drew you from memory zuko ! “ and the drawing is a little stick figure
and zuko immediately starts tearing up, and he does this every time sokka shows him one of his drawings, with an energy of “this should replace the mona lisa in the louvre.”
so pretty soon all the grand portraits are being replaced with sokka’s sticky note art, or if the portraits are too significant then he’ll just hang it on the frame or somewhere innocuous on the canvas
and this one is not a new one but zuko having an entire wall in his study dedicated to sokkas doodles. and like sometimes sokka hangs them in random places like the throne room or the window he passes by every day on his way to his bedroom, like little easter eggs for zuko to find!!! and the palace servants are over it but zuko loves it 
of all the places zuko would find sokka’s little notes and they’d be like on the seat of his throne, and on the platter of his lunch for the day, in his boots, and one time he found one time he found one tucked in his robe and one day he’s like reviewing treaties and he has so many papers to look over and halfway thru the stack he finds a little note/doodle from sokka that’s like “take a break now! >:3!!”
and zuko does end up taking a break and he finds sokka by the turtleduck pond (there was a little blob that zuko has learned by now is a turtleduck) and he has snacks and drinks ready for zuko and a big ol smile
going off of sokkas little notes to zuko it would be so cute if sokka had secret codes with some of the guards to tell him when zuko was moving around the palace...like when zuko leaves his office its “the turtleduck has flown the nest” so sokkas snacks for zuko don’t get cold
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karasunology · 4 years
Ahaha🤪 im the stressed exam anon huehue just wanted to show u some luv so yeah 🤧🤧 still, everyone shut up and give way for my favorite blog and person on tumblr 🌱
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NONNIE, I'LL BE CALLING YOU STRESSED ANON NOW HSHSJSJ but i'm crying rn because you said i'm your fav blogger, but maybe this bad writing would change ur mind😔✋
➜ akaashi knew you'd get stressed alot when exam season starts, even before he started dating you.
➜ he'd always find you with a messy hair, a nose scrunched in flustration, and if you have long hair ─ it would always be in a mess.
➜ he was observant ─ everyone knew about that, but they didn't know the process portion of it.
➜ he was keen on spoting things whenever you're upset; the way your eyes would sometimes water as you gripped harder on the mechanical pencil in your hand ─ him already creating a small and short hypothesis in his mind that you were probably having trouble with something that corrolates with the book you have been reading for the past hour in the library.
➜ before he didn't find it weird watching you, he was merely curious about you and found you quite interesting.
➜ though he'd never thought that he'd be able to actually interact with you outside of him one-sidedly watching you from afar.
➜ as he passed by the table you were occupying, he took a glance at the contents of the book you were reading and saw that it was a topic his teacher already discussed with him that, lucky for him, he understood.
➜ his eyes were quick to scan, seeing the number you were stuck on before sitting on a table near you.
➜ he took out a sky blue sticky note bokuto got him since it had reminded bokuto of him, as he jolted down the answers on it.
➜ of course not without putting his number on it, and a small but very clear explanations on each detail that it looked so intricate yet so easy to understand.
➜ and not to burst a bubble or anything, but this is akaashi that we are talking about. mans would overthink his words and would take atleast half an hour to contemplate about giving it to, because it's not everyday that you get a random note from a stranger with answers for your physics practice test chapter one ??
➜ or maybe it's just him.
➜ he dropped it off somewhat 'accidentally' in your table, taking your attention as you thought someone threw trash on your place, opening the neatly handwritten note ─ you couldn't help but snort, looking around for the person that gave it to you but they were no longer around.
➜ that was the first interaction you guys had
➜ i promise akaashi isn't that guy from that netflix show 'YOU'😭✋
➜ but when he DID started dating you unexpectedly after a few months of getting to know each other, he knew how to take care of you whenever it's that time of the season.
➜ no, not red waterfall days, exam week.
➜ both leaving me in trauma HAHAHAHAH
➜ a week before exam season starts, akaashi would be a bit more doting towards you, always packing you lunch & would always go with you to the library.
➜ he'd look at you in a weird way, making your eyebrow rise at him.
“ what do you want? ” you laughed as you tried to go back to the practice test he did for you the other night.
“ don't get too stressed, please. ” and with that, you soften at his words as you roll your eyes playfully at him.
“ don't worry i won't, you'll be helping me anyways, rightttt? ”
➜ would always leave you encouraging messages before you sleep and to wake up to.
➜ akaashi liked fiddling with his fingers, and that habbit evolved to fiddling with yours. it was a comforting way for the both of you, bringing reassurance to him and you.
there was a vividness of the lingering taste of hiraeth in the library, cluttered books, scattered notes, paper airplanes ─ it was anything but neat, but perhaps that's what makes it a place you could depict as your home.
or maybe it was just the person fiddling with your dominant hand's fingers as you tried reading your notes once again.
“ love, how am i supposed to take notes when you're holding my dominant hand. ” you pouted, looking through him with your eyelashes as you take a break from the notes that strained your eyes.
“ oh, ” was all he manage to get out between the creak from his lips, letting go off your dominant hand but not without intertwining your other hand with his, kissing it softly ─ mumbling a sorry, his hot breath heating the skin covering your hand; the tip of his ears coated heated in red.
but you didn't mind, not one bit. as you continued to revise your notes, with him continuously reassuring you with the way he caressed his thumb onto your skin.
[ NOTE : i am so sorry this was bad, i just wanted to get this out as fast as i can, i'll be writing a better one tomorrow, i hope AHHAHA, but for now, use this as a temporary little something i wrote specifically FOR YOU and only you nonnie. ]
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daughtercfair · 4 years
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💞 five ways natalie says that she loves you  💞 ~ @xlaurelxandxcitrinex​
under the cut for long post but here
the very first way that natalie shows her love for her mother is by going places with her mom as well as for her mom. need someone to go to the store? she’ll go with you miss. dad forgot his lunch? oh miss natalie is going to take it on over. just wanting someone to hang out for a bit. she’s there. even if it’s just to watch movies on the couch. 
she remembers things for her. look being a waitress on top of being a mother and wife and doing things outside of all of that ( ie therapy, but also doing things outside of that too like visiting grandpa and random acts of good ) might be stressful, but natalie always leaves little reminders around the house of dates or things that they are out of. as well as notes reminding her to take a break. take moments for herself. you can usually tell if it’s from natalie judging by the blue sticky notes. 
something that natalie has done ever since she was a kid was write her mom a book every single mothers day. those books became letters both about things that she’s thankful for that amelie has provided and done for her as well as paragraphs on how much she looks up to her and how wonderful she is to her. 
whenever natalie goes anywhere that she might see them, she get’s amelie flowers. always red. usually in big bouquets. 
the verbal love you’s come in a few ways. they come mumbled in hugs before school. in goodnight calls. but the loudest and most genuine times that they are are when they are just talking, alone. sometimes in a car. sometimes on a couch. or on a hospital bed, but they come out of nowhere. they are still the truth. 
everyday that he works the ghost train, natalie comes by afterschool ( or at noon if there is no school) . if it’s dead, she will ride it again and again until folks start showing up. she pitches ideas on how to improve the train and later comes up with a way to fundraise a way to update it while keeping it the same cheesy, timey experience as it was before. she always buys him a carnival snack on those nights. 
whenever there is some kind of important event, she takes a photo and send it to him if for whatever reason he isn’t there. especially with henry. when there is something to announce they do it with photos too ( proposal. babies. college. etc. ). 
father’s day gifts for nino have always comprised of the same things : candy, a handmade card, a torn up photos, some of them her own photos that she’s taken, some found. all of them she has poured effort into. 
hugs. natalie is not often one to like being hugged or initiate hugs, but she very much so has always responded both quickly to her dad’s hugs and sometimes hugged him first. especially after the incident of spilled coffee ( you know what i am talking about ).
verbal i love you’s are a little different than they are with nino’s wife. certainly there are the mumble ‘ love you too’s ’ from time to time. they can often be found in cards though. letters. texts. voicemails. much like amelie they can come in moments of silence, but more often she says them in the moments of deep fear or deep pride or excitement when the words will come out. a way of saying thanks... for a thousand things, really, most that she can’t even begin to thank him or her mom for but she tries in those three words.
this is cheesy as shit but the first impression. natalie is TERRIFIED of nova. this is a person who, by the sounds like her complete opposite but has somehow gotten the affection of her brother who isn’t attracted to anyone. the moment natalie sees nova (  with exception of a FEW au’s, but in those ones the same applies to this after they have talked a few times ) she relaxes just a little and lets down her guard. she smiles and gives her her blessing. verbally. 
touch. now this is kinda a strange one, i know, but natalie is not a touchy person. at all. in most au’s we both know nova is, but natalie never shies away from it. after a while she even hugs nova first, or links arms with her. it just comes... natural. it works. she trusts her. 
playing dress up. natalie HATES and i mean HATES most of nova’s fashion sense being applied to herself. she does not only let nova dress her up, but actually suggusts her give her wardrobe or self a makeover whenever she notices she’s having a rough day. she may be a bit different then her, but she trusts her not to make her too uncomfortable. ...for the most part at least. 
going out. now this might be natalie PARTIPATING in the going out as in drinking and being fun in that way or being the driver natalie goes out with nova most of the time she asks. she knows nova won’t let her go off the deepend. 
i feel like, for friends especially, there can sometime some fear that comes with saying the words i love you. at least there is for natalie. there’s such a heaviness and weight to the words. if you say them to someone who doesn’t recprocate then it’s just awkward. this is why i feel like natalie says the words literally in goodbyes, the ‘ i ’part of it missing ( “ love you, see you soon ”  ). there’s a desperatness to the words. a please don’t loose faith in me yet. the biggest words of love, though, come in a single word instead : sister.   
this is something that wavers from time to time BUT i would like to say that natalie, for most of her life makes an effort to go to everything that gabe is involved in. even when she can’t be visibly seen by him. i promise you. she’s probably there. 
family traditions. pillow forts. snowball fights. trip to the grocery store to pick up a movie and shit food. christmas boxes... these are all to be honored when they come up. no exceptions. even if you have a rocky relationship....
even when they were little, natalie has always gone to gabe with whatever question she had. homework problem? go to gabe. curious about some random thing that there is no way he would know? meh. better check with the big bro. i say this because i feel like there is a trusting element in questions and a sincerity in the ones she asks. more often then not she asks him, “ are you okay? ” or “ how are you? ” and actually means it. it’s a worrying. Actual. Genuine concern for him. 
okay. i am not going to list off every single moment that it comes up in everything we have ever plotted out B U T she would do anything for her brother. be it getting killed or killing. she just wants to make sure that he is safe and okay and happy. thank you. 
now for actual i love you’s. okay well... here’s the thing about ACTUAL i love you’s. they came a lot when she was younger. then they halted for a few years. but i feel like, at least in the “ canon ” gabe lives verse they are a mix of the three i love you’s above and the very first one that comes is when she leaves after dropping everything to get him kick started on rehab. they are desperate. they are in the middle of nowhere. sometimes in exciting moments but i feel like those are less common. usually it’s just “ i love you moonbeam. ” then a smile or a ruffle of his hair. i feel like more than anything they are said in goodbyes in phone calls though. 
okay i am going to say one word. tenderness. natalie is someone who treats peter with extreme gentleness and caution. this is beyond her stressor about love. natalie very much so reads peter’s few words about his past and move from there with caution. more over she is one who actually initiates touch first at times. she knows when to talk and when to swallow her worries down when something comes up and she wants to ask a question about it and just be there but she tries. she isn’t gentle by nature but she is soft with him. 
trying new things for the sake his enjoyment as well as taking risks. natalie is not a risk taker. that is something that we both know very well, but she takes a leap of faith. she trusts him and stays with him for the sake of being with him. 
there’s a lot of words that can be said in a hand hold. you can say a follow me! or a stop moving! or a get behind me. but whenever she feels off or senses that she feels off, she is always quick to grab his hand and squeeze it tightly. she’ll thumb at his palms or kiss his hand or draw him closer but that is one way that she says she loves him. 
she offers advice. i wanted to include one that could be more platonic since we have some there but natalie is someone who doesn’t trust herself too much, nor does she think that she has all that meaningful of feedback, BUT she always offers suggestions to peter on what to do or how to calm down. without hesitation. 
i love you’s. they are whispered. they are honestly said a lot more repeated, said more than once with an action ( kissing cheek, rubbing at scars, counting something or humming some random song). they are usually said with the sunsetting. they are reminders. they are comforting words. they are begging to stay and trust. and they are just there. constant. warm. 
she thinks about henry first ( MOST! OF THE TIME! ). at least in her own mind she does. which is why i am talking about this here and what she really was doing. i very much so think natalie was pushing henry away after the events of wish i were here and i think that wish i were here was very much so her trying to scare henry away and then when that didn’t work and he was still there natalie settled for trying to push him away. that was her attempt to save him from what she assumed would become a mess of her life. this is of course wrong, but she’s trying. even when they first get together she is trying to push him away as much as she has feelings BECAUSE she’s scared of what he’ll do if he’s pulled into her life, into her family. 
to concur this, though, she doesn’t lie to henry. no matter what she is feeling or thinking she says it. she may try to hide things, but she doesn’t lie about it if directly asked. she may change the subject but she doesn’t lie outright. after hey 3, she doesn’t lie. at all. 
natalie smiles and laughs around henry. natalie isn’t one to genuinely smile or laugh around people. ever. he makes her feel relaxed, like she can just be herself and that just. smiling. laughing. relaxing around him. even joking back that’s one way she says she loves him back. 
there’s an intimacy that comes with eye contact. natalie is someone who doesn’t make eye contact with people. she does look at henry a lot though. and she doesn’t break that eyecontact unless she is hiding something or trying to push him away. ( further i think that they are good at non-verbal communication thanks ). 
verbal i love you’s.... listen. i feel like they aren’t easily said from natalie’s mouth ( i very much so think that the very first time natalie says it is once he gets her home from the dance / hey 3 ) but when they do happen they are soft and spoken softly, almost as though she’s scared he’ll get taken away the moment the words leave her mouth and is just close him and the sentence is said in full. and it’s steady. firm. certain. happy. “ i love you. ”
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
A Stranger’s Stress
Flash fiction Friday! :D Remember way back when I said A Stranger’s Kindness was a stand alone? And then went and made a bunch of discount continuations? We’re at it again folks!  I hope you enjoy another day with the stranger and the kid (and aren’t getting sick of them yet <u<;;)! Feedback is appreciated ^u^
Thanks again for organising and hosting @cawolters!
Prompt: We Are Not Alone
Words: 1499 orz
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3
          Sometimes you have a bad day. Just a heaping pile of unwanted events. You get up, three new rejection letters. You boil the kettle and the milk’s gone bad even though you know you only bought it last week. Your awful bitter coffee spills down your shirt – your favourite, naturally – after you trip over a toy that you specifically remember having asked the night before that it be put away. There’s a notice that the rates are going up again and now the window’s broken thanks to a bored kid losing control of a ball. Thoughts nag at you that the kid should be in school or something. You know this but you don’t know it it’s safe yet and you haven’t worked out a cover for why you have a kid who, for some reason, has missed a lot of class time. No pressure but if you botch up, it’s yours and the kid’s necks on the chopping block but how are you supposed to be able to work that out and maintain your late grandmother’s cottage and look after Sudden Child and find a job and those rejection letters aren’t going to read themselves and that takes time. You know, just your run of the mill stuff. It might just be me. It seems unlikely that these experiences are universally shared. Although, I am sure that a lot of people have been in a similar situation as me now, kneeling over broken glass, duct taping it out of the carpet. I guess you can say I’ve been a little … tense lately.
          The kid’s settled in well. His nightmares haven’t been so bad since we put up those stars. He’s really taken to gardening as well which, I’ll never admit out loud, is somewhat touching. We haven’t heard anything from his folks or the police. It should be singing and smooth sailing, but I feel paranoid. Like disaster is looming over us while we carry on, oblivious. There’s no way it was that easy. It’s in every story. The instant the villains..? heroes..? Characters, breath a sigh of relief, crunch! Beartrap. I’m serious about schooling as well. I’ve got to sort it out, I want to, bit damn if it’s not nauseating to think he might be recognised.
          “I’m really sorry.” He’s not as whistley now his front teeth have grown back in. Unfortunate buck teeth until the rest of him catches up. He’s been hovering – figuratively, those wings are still too small to be more than decoration yet – the entire time I’ve been cleaning. Of course I’m not letting a seven year old pick up glass. How stupid do you think I am?
          “I know. It’s fine.” I think I’ve got all the pieces. Another tape canvas to be sure.
          “I tried to stop it, but it was too fast.” His fingers worry the fraying hem of his shirt. I’ll have to get him new clothes again soon. More money.
          “Look kid, accidents happen. It sucks that the window broke, but no one was hurt. That’s what matters. Now you know to be more careful next time. You can help me put the new panes in when I get them. Fair?”
          He nods eagerly, brightening despite my frank tone. At least he’s gotten used to that.
          I get up, bones creaking in protest. I feel old. Tired. It was lucky I didn’t break my ankle on that damn toy. Kid follows me to the kitchen. Might as well get a start on lunch. Paper catches my eye when I get the bread from the pantry. The calendar month is wrong already. Where has all the time gone?
          “Could you fix the calendar?” Probably better to get that sorted before I forget again.
          “Yep!” He’s as zealous as ever. Why do kids love doing all those little mundane things? Y’know, pushing crossing buttons, taking tickets from the deli dispenser, pulling sticky note sheets off, that sort of thing. Weird little goblins.
          “Guess what!”
          “It’s my birthday month!” He thrashes his tail, nearly sending the trashcan flying in his excitement.
          Already? I don’t let my hands slow. One small act of keeping it together. My mind races on. Stars above. The window wasn’t enough? I have to get him something, obviously, kids deserve birthday presents. And a cake. Would he want a party? How am I supposed to facilitate a party of one?? I’ll run out of money soon. I thought this would be a whole ‘new leaf’ situation. But if I keep getting rejections, I’m going to have to start stealing again. At least it’ll get those guys off my back. What about giving the kid a decent role model? I can’t give him much, but I thought I could do that for him. If I go back to my expertise and get caught, that’s it. All anyone will hear is that some crazed thief kidnapped a little boy. He’ll get shoved straight back into their hands no questions. A pat on the back to his rescuers and I rot. I can’t let that happen. I’m trapped. I’ve never been trapped before. Not like this.
          He’s still waiting for a response. The enthusiasm draining from him the longer I delay.
          “You… You’re not cancelling my birthday, right? I’m really, reaalllyyy sorry about the window..”
          “ENOUGH ABOUT THE DAMN WINDOW!” I regret it immediately. He cowers, stumbling over apologies.
          A second to breath.
          “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” This time, I do stop. Giving him my full attention, crouching to look him in the eye. “I’m not mad about the window. I told you, it’s fine. I was… feeling stressed and snapped. It was wrong for me to take out my feelings on you. Can you forgive me?”
         He pauses. This is not something he’s gotten used to. I wonder how many time’s he’s been given an apology. He considers my words, then nods.
          “I forgive you.”
          “Thank you.” I finish up the sandwiches. “What do you want for your birthday?”
          “Um!” Another pause. Faux thought. He already knows what he wants. “Can we go fishing? I’ve always wanted to try!”
          “Fishing?” That wasn’t what I expected.
          “Yeah! You know, on a boat, catching fish with strings! You’ve got a boat, right?”
          “What? Why do you think I have a boat?”
          “Well, you do live near the water and, you know, you kinda have lots of things that maybe you shouldn’t have…” Not wanting to commit to the accusation, he trailed off, twiddling his thumbs.
          “Do you think I’ve stolen a boat?”
          “Do you know how hard that would be? You can’t just decide to acquire a boat for the fun of it. You have to sell those things.”
          “Is that a no..?”
          I sigh. I don’t fish but it is his birthday. “I’ll see what I can do. No promises but I’ll try.”
          “Really!?” Stars, his eyes shone. “Thank you!” He launched a hug at me. Kids.
          “Okay. That’s enough. Take your lunch and off with you. Go do whatever it is gremlins do. I’ve got a call to make.”
          He gave a final squeeze before running off, giggling. I flip open my phone, plugging in the one person who may be able to help. She answers on the third ring.
          “Hey Grace, it’s me.”
          Quiet laughter. “I know who you are dummy. Caller ID.”
          “Right. Uh, you remember Grandpa’s old boat?”
          “The one Gran left me? Yeah. Hard to forget when I can see it now.”
          “How would you feel about going fishing with me and someone?”
          “You hate fishing.” There’s a note of accusation in her voice. I hope this is the right decision.
          “I do. It’s cruel and unnecessary. But that’s a rant for another day. See, there’s this kid…”
          “What kid? Why do you know a kid?” She doesn’t leave room for an answer, barrelling on. “Wait! I swear to god, if you tell me you stole a kid –“
          “First of all, there are a lot of unfair accusations going around today. Second, I’m deeply offended that you think the only way I’d know a kid is through dishonest means. Third, you’re right, I did.”
         “What the actual – actually, never mind. Two minutes then I’m calling the cops.
         “The long and short, he’s Tainted and his parents were pretty much torturing him. I’m trying to help him, I swear.”
          Grace was silent for a long moment. We’ve had our differences. Bridges a patchwork of scorches and repairs. I don’t know how she will respond but I hope she can at least sympathise. She was always the one to bring home injured animals when we were young. If she wants to cut ties after this, that’s fair. As long as she doesn’t rat me out, it’ll be okay.  Finally, she sighs.
          “That sounds like the sort of dumb thing you would do. Alright. What can I do to help?”
          I guess we aren’t as alone as I thought.
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@cawolters,  @inkovert, @snobbysnekboi, @kainablue, and @i-rove-rock-n-roll
Sorry if this one isn’t at my usual quality. My brain’s kinda fried today :T Hopefully things’ll be running smoothly again next week ^u^
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alphatsar · 6 years
Mass 1776 Modern Au hc Dump
Part 1: Dilson
I made a huge set of hc’s with oh-mr-adams, and with his permission I am posting them here for everyone else to enjoy. There are a lot, so I will try to break them down by ships. These are all autism friendly and supportive. These are supportive and loving hc’s where each couple is respectful and understanding of their lover’s needs. Bc that’s how I roll. I credit oh-mr-adams for these ideas! He is awesome!  :D Also thanks to forgodssakejohnsitdown for picking the ship order. Thank you friends! :3
-James always tries to make their house a safe place and as calm as possible for John bc he needs peace and comfort. He always alters his schedule and such to fit John's and tries to keep it consistent for John's comfort and happiness.
-John is a nuisance to Neddy and loves to send texts of James and himself cuddling (when he feels up to it). Always with a tagline of my bf is the best.
-James will, however, always ask if it is okay to cuddle with John, tho. Sometimes John does not feel comfortable with physical contact, and James respects his space and comfort 100%.
-Neddy and John argue relentlessly over whose bf is truly better. Lyman and James for their part are very civil throughout and love chatting about how they love their bf's. Despite their behavior towards one another.
-James and John will do double dates with Neddy and Lyman. It goes great except John and Neddy will always argue (see above). Meanwhile Lyman and James each share cute tidbits about their respective Johns that  the Johns don't really share or notice about themselves. Like a telling twitch or the like. Maybe like how picky an eater they are or how they eat a very set way. Lyman and James love it and discuss how they want to best comfort their Johns and the like. It's like a support group for supporting their bf's.  
-John cannot cook to save his life...thankfully he has James to keep him alive with his cooking. Like James will have breakfast ready for John before he wakes up and John's always just, I am going to marry this man. And James will just look at him and be like, honey, we are married. John stops, looks at him, and goes, can we do it again? I've fallen more in love with you.
-Secretly John D and John A are pretty okay friends, but John's loudness does bother John D, but he respects and admires the guy. He's proud and speaks for what he believes in, no matter what. And honestly? Dickinson can both admire and respect that. And James, altho nice and likes everyone, he only likes ppl who make his husband happy. He'll be nice but he only gives you actual nice treatment if you're nice to his man. You make one mistake with Dickinson and u find out James isn't so mild mannered.
-James will have those sticky notes on things to remind John this is here, this is some food I made you for work, this is etc. And like at work in his law firm, John has sticky notes on his lunches and such that are all loving and endearing.
-John can function on lots, but he kinda gets overwhelmed by things, but James is so loving, so patient, and so understanding. He is always there for his bf.
-James will bake pastries and treats for his bf, but he will also make enough for Adams, for several reasons. 1. John is noisy and it unsettles Dickinson at times. James knows this and tries to keep things tranquil for him by basically bribing Adams. An Adams with his mouth stuff can't yell. 2.  Adams’ is also much more mellow and easier to handle. Which makes Dickinson's comforts better. And 3. Adams does Not take care of himself. Dickinson pities him and so does James.  But mainly the sweets are bc James will do anything for his man's happiness. Even stuffing food into Adams so he is quieter at work.
John D is secretly friends with John A and cares about him. He is part of the secret group that supports and loves John (future post). He thinks he’s secretive but James already knows. James knows everything about John D. Even things John D does not know about himself.
-James has bought various stim toys for John at home and for him to keep at his office. He always has them on hand to comfort John when he needs them.
-John's wedding ring is the stim ring where the gears continually rotate when he twists the gears. James paid lots for it but he doesn't even care about the price. His husband is priceless to him, and he values John's comforts and happiness above all else.
I have so many more. I hope you guys like them. If you guys want some more hc’s I will gladly provide them. Like I said I have lots more. Take care guys! :D
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aokaga for the otp meme
Who is the most affectionate?Probably Kagami. He can be really cuddly. 
Big spoon/Little spoon?AOMINE INSISTS ON BEING BIG SPOON cause it makes him feel manly. Kagami doesn’t mind. 
Most common argument?probably who gets to top lmao
Favorite non-sexual activity?playing basketball together or watching movies after work
Who is most likely to carry the other?Kagami picked Aomine up bridal style one time and Aomine never recovered (it was also probably in front of Kuroko and all their other friends and Aomine gets teased a lot for it)
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?Aomine likes Kagami’s shoulders, Kagami likes Aomine’s jawline (it can cut a man)
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?probably the pair of them losing their virginity tbqh
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?Aomine calls Kagami Taiga (and in a really low, sexy voice and it IS VERY EFFECTIVE), Kagami also calls Aomine Daiki tho sometimes when he wants to be a little bitch he’ll call him Dai-chan. This is usually when he wants to piss Aomine off (and it works)
Who worries the most?Actually Aomine. Kagami’s really chill while Aomine worries about him a lot (as in, Kagami’s so dumb he’s probably gonna injure himself somehow right?)
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?Kagami remembers because food is Important
Who tops?they fight over it and they usually decide with a basketball game. Aomine usually wins. 
Who initiates kisses? I love Aomine being really romantically needy so he is always looking for kisses from Kagami and often will just pick him up and start smooching him. 
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?Aomine again because I love him bein kinda needy
Who kisses the hardest?probably Kagami he gets really into it
Who wakes up first?they both sleep in but probably Kagami. I like to hc he has trouble sleeping (not just because he’s too excited but because he has insomnia) so he can’t stay asleep for very long
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?Kagami he’s like ‘pls god let me go back to sleep i wanna die’
Who says I love you first?Aomine and it was disgusting
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)Kagami makes all the food and packs Aomine’s lunch with pink heart shaped sticky notes that says “love u baby” and Aomine blushes A LOT and all his work colleagues tease him about it (nicely, they think it’s cute)
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?Aomine tells his fam first because Kagami’s kinda disconnected from his parents due to them being in America. 
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?Aomine’s family is REALLY surprised he’s with a guy. They were convinced he was going to end up with Momoi and they keep asking him “r u sure about this???” and Aomine gets really annoyed. Kagami’s family don’t really have an opinion they’re like “eh do what u want”
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?Probably Aomine I like to hc him as being a total dad when it comes to dancing. He starts goofily dancing while Kagami’s cooking and Kagami’s yells at him to fuck off but it only makes Aomine dance more. 
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?Kagami. Aomine can cook but he likes eating what Kagami makes so he usually doesn’t do much. 
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?Aomine he probably enlists Momoi’s help with it
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?Also Aomine he’s a horndog
Who needs more assurance?Kagami he can be a bit of a baby sometimes
What would be their theme song?I’m rlly bad with music. Just listen to their duets lmao they’re amusing
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?Probably Aomine he can be really sweet and A+ dad
What do they do when they’re away from each other?Aomine masturbates LOL you know he would. Kagami gets really moody and aggressive and usually snaps at people a lot more
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heartone of them making it big in basketball and not the other probably. since they’re really similar in terms of playing style and closely matched it would kill them if one of them became famous but the other didn’t. they’d probably be kinda bitter about it since they love basketball so much
one headcanon about this OTP that mends itboth of them ending up on the same NBA team and when they have a good luck kiss during a game yOU KNOW THEY’RE GONNA WIN
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rsstudies-blog · 7 years
Hi i'm an incoming freshman and was wondering if you had tips for any freshmen
oh ! this is rly sweet ok. first of all good luck !!! i kno its rly stressful and can seem scary but i kno u will make it through !!!! these are just things i wish i had figured out from the beginning tbh. im putting this under a read more bc it ended up kinda long lmao
- when taking notes in class, i think it works better to write down examples and explanations rather than any other information. in math, write down EVERY example your teacher writes on the board, in science classes, write down the explanation that you teacher tells you, that saved me in biology tbh. 
- set everything up before u go to bed. everyone says this but its tru, if making a list helps, make a list, if u kno ur gonna forget something, put a sticky note on ur phone so u definitely see the reminder. 
- bring headphones and a charger !!! sometimes u can sneakily charge ur phone in one of ur classes (or jst ask a teacher n they will let u) my librarian used to let me charge my phone behind his desk.
- talk to teacher !! they r there to help u and are always nice. they are never out to make u fail. email them, talk to them, ask them questions. if you lost something, need help, fell behind, TALK TO THEM, they will always help you and advise you. 
- start working on your sleeping schedule now. go to sleep earlier, wake up earlier, u can completely fuck up ur sleeping schedule during the beginning of summer but try n gradually fix it now. 
- wake up earlier than u think u need to, especially on the first day, i woke up usually an hour and 30 mins before i needed to leave for school. this gave me time to take a shower, eat breakfast (a real breakfast), make coffee, mess around on my phone, and get dressed. you feel so much more awake by the time you get to school.
- try n scope out the smart/dedicated classmates fast as possible. they usually get swamped by people when the first group project comes around. if you can, become friends with them, always work with them on group projects. i had someone in almost every class that i knew cared about getting a good grade if we had group projects. it prevented me getting fucked over by someone who forced me to do all the work. 
- do your homework !!  if you have a free period, do it then, if u dont, do it with some friends during lunch or after school or during free time in any class. just do it. you will feel so much better afterwards. 
- working at the library/coffee shop/ bookstore always helped me focus and if thats something u can do, do it !
- get languages and p.e. out of the way Fast,, you will love the free time in your later years of high school. 
- figure out how u study, (what works best for u; visual, auditory, ect.) and change you habits accordingly. make mindmaps, flashcard, record yourself, explain it to a parent/friend. 
- take breaks !!! its okay to give youself time,,,its a lot of work and its hard and stressful, allow yourself to take breaks, dont push yourself too hard. 
- read the books teachers assign you. i know its easier to read the summary. but i kno from experience. it will just stress you out more in the long run. writing an essay on a book you havent read is hard. if you have a hard time reading, use audiobooks. most books teachers give you are easy to find free audiobooks for. youtube has a ton ! 
- stay out of ppls drama,,,,honestly it jst doesnt matter.
- you CAN date if u want, i didnt, try not to get too caught up in it if you do!!! you are in school to learn, your education is a priority, if u date someone, find someone who understands that. 
- lastly, people do not care about u as much in high school. if you dealt with people treating u badly in middle school, trust me, no one gives a fuck in high school. people are already stressed enough with their own shit they truly will not bother you. you dont need to be afraid of that !!!
i think thats all ive got ! thank you for asking. good luck with you new school year ! !! 
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queerofcups · 8 years
Title: you were temporary, i can’t bear for you to leave Rating: M Word count: 5124 Summary:  Five times Phil left Dan's bed + one time he didn't.
[read on Ao3]
“Dan!” Zooey says, pulling him into the apartment. “I’m so glad you made it!”
He follows her to the kitchen where most of the people are bunched up, making drinks and talking shit. Its early enough that there aren’t many people he doesn’t recognize, the flat just starting to fill up.
“Howell,” PJ says, waving him over. One of the few people Dan doesn’t recognize is standing next to PJ. He’s looking at Dan mildly, body turned toward PJ. From here Dan can tell that he’s almost the same height as Dan and he’s pale as all get out. He’s really interesting looking, not attractive in any traditional sense, but Dan still has to drag his eyes away to look at PJ.
“Heya, Peej,” Dan says, making his way over. “Hi, PJ’s friend.”
“Dan,” PJ says, “This is Phil. AmazingPhil? He just moved from here from up north.”
“Oh!” Dan says, information clicking in place. “I’ve seen some of your videos. Really cool stuff.”
He’s not lying, he’s watched some of Phil’s longer, interactive videos and wondered why the dude wasn’t working in proper filmmaking. He was obviously skilled. He was also obvious in the way he gives Dan the once over before sticking his hand out.
“Same to you, Danisnotonfire,” he says and PJ wasn’t joking, he’s very Northern. He’s also very into Dan, judging from the blatant once over he gives Dan. Dan brightens a little, intrigued.
“You watch my stuff?”
Phil nods, smiling. “For a long time, yeah. Your skills have grown like crazy.”
“Mine!” Dan says, leaning up against Zooey’s sink. “Mate, the thing you did in your last video with those trippy visual effects?”
Dan isn’t sure when PJ slipped away, doesn’t even notice until he and Phil have been talking for a few minutes, bouncing from their respective video channels to living in London, trading flirty comments and restaurant recommendations alike.
It’s not a surprise to Dan, or anyone at the party with eyes or ears, when he finds himself a few hours later, tucked into a dark corner of the party a little drunk with his tongue half way down Phil’s throat.
Phil’s hands are big and warm, low on Dan’s hips and Dan appreciates not having to crane his neck downward just to kiss him. They kiss for a little while longer, mouths sliding hot and slick together, Dan thinking idly that this might be a little unprofessional.
“Mm,” Dan says when Phil dips his head to gently bite at Dan’s neck. “That- that’s going to escalate things. Should you really be doing this in a room full of your new coworkers, more or less?”
Phil laughs, a little breathless and pulls away just a little, his pinky finger playing with the hem of Dan’s shirt. “Should I be doing this with one of my new coworkers?”
Dan shrugs, pulls his hands out of Phil’s back-pockets. “Seems like we’re making a bit of a scene.” They weren’t really, most everyone here was a bit past wasted and none of them were unfamiliar with Dan finding a dark corner to hook up with someone. Half of them had been that someone at one time or another.
“Should we make a scene somewhere more private?” Phil asks, smiling.
It’s funny, Phil asks as causally and friendly as if he’d just asked Dan for lunch. Dan finds himself smiling back. “Sure. My place? I’m guessing yours isn’t unpacked yet.
Phil nods, grateful. “It’s a maze of boxes. I’d love to go over to yours, though.” *
They manage to keep their hands off each other the whole walk to Dan’s flat and even once they get in the door. It doesn’t get awkward, the way things have when Dan brings people over. He learns that Phil’s a semi-recent transplant from the North, having fought off moving to London as long as he could. He’s been in London for a year, his new apartment for only a month.
“Why haven’t I seen you around?” Dan asks, locking the door behind them.
Phil shrugs. “Bad break up before I moved. All the good energy I had went into making videos. I didn’t really want to like, make friends of anything. I’m luckey Zooey’s persistent. She’s been inviting me to things all year.”
Dan nods. “Lucky for both of us. That’s why I don’t really do relationships. It’d suck to not be able to go out for a year because of one person.”
Dan knows it’s probably an awkward thing to say, but he wants to be sure Phil understands what this is.
Phil smiles, a little sheepish and nods. “Yeah, it did suck. I’m not really interested in doing it again, not for a long while anyway.”
Dan grins and then walks closer, pulling Phil into his arms again. “So this is my apartment, I’ll give you a tour some time, but bedroom?”
Phil laughs, full throated and nods. “Sure thing.”
The sex is shockingly good.
Dan know’s sex. He’s had a lot of it, (good, bad and neutral) he knows what he’s into and he knows when he has chemistry with people.
He has a lot of chemistry with Phil.
It’s close to 3am when they both finally collapse on Dan’s bed, breathing hard.
“Holy shit,” Dan says, staring at his ceiling, eyes a little wide. Phil makes a content noise beside him.
“D’you mind if I use your bathroom to clean up?” Phil asks, sitting up.
“Nah,” Dan says, still a little blissed out. He’s certain he’d lost some brain cells from that orgasm. “Mi casa, su casa. Towels are in the closet next to the bathroom, if you want to shower.”
Phil nods and gets up, grabbing his clothes from Dan’s bedroom floor.
Dan’s nearly asleep when he reappears fifteen minutes later.
“I’m heading out,” Phil says, quietly to not disturb Dan too much. Dan yawns and looks at him, nodding and smiling. “Uber’s downstairs.”
“Okay,” Dan says, sitting up. “I’ll see you around?”
“I hope so!” Phil says, waving a little, then walking out. Dan hears the door shut behind him.
He’s nearly asleep a few minutes later when he realizes he still needs to lock the door to his flat. He gets to his feet, grumbling a little. He’s a little sticky with drying come—its getting a little gross—and he still feels remarkably relaxed, still a little buzzed on booze and fantastic sex.
He’s locking the door when he realizes that Phil’s stolen one of the star sticky notes that live on his kitchen counter and scribbled his phone number on it. Dan peels it off and takes it back with him to program Phil into his phone.
are u any good at mario kart, Dan texts a few days later. He’s been working on editing his latest video all day and his eyes are starting to blur from looking at the screen. He doesn’t have any real rules around one night stand, has made a fair number of friends from those sorts of encounters. But he does want to give Phil space, not look like he’s only interested in getting sex from him.
they don’t call me Piranha Plant Philly for nothing, Phil texts back. Dan grins. He likes this guy.
stop being friends with whoever calls u that immediately, Dan says, come over tonight?
i can’t just unfriend my mom like that, dan, Phil says, throwing in a few random emojis. sure. 7?
7, Dan confirms and asks after Phil’s pizza preferences
It turns out, Phil is not terrible at Mario Kart but Dan’s a lot better. They’ve been playing for a few hours now and Dan’s won the majority of the rounds, once while also eating a slice of pizza.
“I didn’t come here to be bullied,” Phil says, watching Toad cross the finish line 2nd once again.
“Ohhh poor Phil,” Dan teases. “Coming into my house expecting special treatment.”
Phil laughs. Dan’s learned that he sticks his tongue between his teeth when he laughs sometimes and that he got an affinity for slower cars and switching between Yoshi, Birdo and a Shy Guy.
“You’re a terrible host,” Phil says putting his controller down and turning his body toward Dan. “You should make it up to me.”
Dan scoffs but his controller down, too. “I do all this work to beat you at Mario Kart and I have to have sex? Sex is a lot of work, Phil.”
Phil rolls his eyes but still leans over to kiss Dan, pushing him back against the couch.
Dan watches with interest as Phil gets up and resettles himself between Dan’s spread knees.
“Is this my prize for winning?” Dan can’t help but ask.
Phil shrugs and rubs his hands up and down Dan’s thighs. “That, or maybe I need a break from my ego being obliterated. Whatever makes you feel better, really.”
“Both is good,” Dan says, shifting his hips forward so Phil can pull his jeans down. “Both is good.”
At one point, in the middle of a blow job that’s definitely going in Dan’s top 25, he gasps out, “Who even are you?”
Phil pulls off, mouth shiny and wet. He licks his lips and Dan groans. “Piranha Plant Philly. We already talked about this.”
Dan groans and laughs. “No. I refuse to call you that during sex.”
Phil shrugs and dips his head back down. “I’m willing to respect that boundary.”
Dan offers to return the favor and Phil waves him off.
“I’ve got to get going, actually.” Phil says, after he’s been to the bathroom to clean up his face. Dan’s still sitting on the couch, feeling languid and boneless in the aftermath of Phil. “I’ve got a date tomorrow and I don’t want to be totally dead on my feet.”
Dan’s stomach jerks a little, which is weird. Maybe the pizza was dodgy? He nods and climbs to his feet, pulling his sweats back on properly. “I’ll owe you one, then, next time?”
Phil raises and eyebrow, smiling. “You already planning our next bootycall, Danisnotonfire?”
Dan laughs out loud. “Is it a booty call if I feed you and destroy you at video games first?”
“Nah,” Phil says, walking to the door. “I’d call that a date actually. But we’re just friends so I guess it’s just hanging out? Hanging out with orgasms?”
“Bringing a new definition to the term play date,” Dan says. “Later, Phil. Have a good date.”
Phil waves at Dan and then he’s gone, Dan locking the door behind him. Dan yawns a little and survey’s the mess of his longue, Mario Kart still on, pizza box and half empty glasses of ribena. He should have made Phil stay and clean up. Next time he’ll have to make sure Phil sleeps over or something so he can’t get out of helping clean up.
“We should do a video together,” Phil says above Dan’s head. He’s leaning against the door to his bedroom, his pants around his ankles. Dan had come over in the name of housewarming/helping Phil finish unpacking, which they’d finally completed. Phil’s hips tasted of sweat when Dan had sucked on the knobby place where his hipbone protruded. A moment before, Phil had been groaning and tugging on Dan’s hair a little, nudging him where he wanted Dan to be.
“I’m pretty sure it’s too soon to be talking sex tapes,” Dan says casually, as if he hadn’t been just about to blow Phil.
“Not like that,” Phil says and looks down at Dan. “We should collab. I haven’t done a collab in ages and I think our audiences already have some overlap.”
“Yeah, sure,” Dan says. He’s eager to get back to blowing Phil, and the idea of a collab has been stirring in the back of his mind anyway.
“Great!” Phil says. “Ok, you can get to it now.”
Dan rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything else, following Phil’s instructions.
“We’re even now,” Dan says, wiping his mouth and sitting back on his heels. Phil’s head is still thrown back against the door, his hand still gripping Dan’s hair.
“Are we keeping score?” Phil asks, looking down at Dan. It’s not a bad position, Dan thinks, looking up at Phil. Phil’s wonderful to look at from any angle, but Dan likes this one a lot, looking up at a content, slightly possessive Phil. He suddenly feels a little nervous and shifts a little so Phil’s hand falls away from his head.
He stands and clears his throat. “No, but I’d be winning if we were. I’ve gotta go, but text me about the collab ideas, yeah? We should definitely do that.”
Phil calls after him but Dan makes a quick retreat, nearly running out of the apartment.
The problem is that Dan’s got no common sense. Common sense would tell him that he and Phil need to slow down so he can deal with this pesky blooming of feelings. Common sense would tell him to sit down with himself and parse out his affection for Phil as a friend from his appreciation of their, still unfairly good, sex.
Common sense would tell him not to respond when, a few days after the hallway blow job incident, Phil texts him, what do you call it when someone turns you on and then doesn’t go through with anything?
Dan’s got no common sense and texts back blue balls?
Dan’s got no common sense, and opens the next message, which is, of course, a picture message.
Dan’s got no common sense and texts back, come over.
It’s not that late on a Saturday night, but late enough for Phil to have just finished with a date. Dan’s assuming the other person’s not still there if Phil’s texting him. A little jealous part of him hopes the person’s still there.
“You’re so dumb,” Dan whispers to himself and looks around his apartment, wondering if he should clean up. He realizes he’s planning to clean up for Phil and shakes himself. He and Phil have been friends for months now, have seen each other’s places worse than this.
Phil shows up forty-five minutes later, eyes bright and a grin playing on his lips.
“Date go well?” Dan asks. They don’t usually talk much about the dates Phil goes on. Dan doesn’t ask and Phil doesn’t offer much more than that they’re rarely with the same person and that he’s just trying to get back into dating.
Phil shrugs, “Date went weird. He was really hot but not very interesting?”
Dan nods and walks to the bedroom, “And not interested in sealing the deal.”
Phil laughs, following him. “Don’t call it that, what are we, teenagers?”
Dan turns and waggles his eyebrows. “We could be. You know my parents aren’t home right now.”
Phil pauses, looks considering. Heat flares up in Dan’s stomach.
“You know I’ve seen the naked dailybooths,” Phil says, considering. “You were pretty. You’ve grown a lot.”
Dan groans and keeps walking. “Those things fucking haunt me. I was a skinny kid during an era that appreciated skinny kids.”
“Noncomforming as can be,” Phil teases and hustles Dan to the bedroom. “Anyway, no teenagers. I just want you.”
Dan stomps down on the fluttering in his stomach that sets off and pulls his shirt off. “One Dan coming up, Mr. Lester.”
Phil doesn’t do anything to Dan that hasn’t been done before. Dan’s known a lot of mouths, a lot of hands. He’s touched and been touched by a lot of people. He’s even felt these fluttering feelings before, these spikes of jealousy.
The problem is he doesn’t want Phil to stop. After they have sex, they lay in Dan’s bed, talking about the video they’re planning. Phil’s made noises about leaving three times now and three times Dan’s redirected the conversation.
They aren’t touching. If they were clothed, it could be a platonic scene of two bros chilling on a bed. Except that one of the bros is dying to get his hands on the other. So maybe more like a scene out of some of the porn Dan’s seen.
“Hey,” Phil says, looking up at Dan. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Going to Youtube,” Dan thinks. “Might go shopping. Why?”
“Have lunch with me,” Phil says, pressing up on to his forearms. “Let’s show our friendship to the world.”
“Isn’t that what the collab is for,” Dan asks. The butterflies in his stomach are back and seem to have multiplied. “Are you asking me on a date, Phil Lester?”
“No!” Phil says, quickly, flushing. “No. I know that’s not something you’re interested in. I wouldn’t…”
Dan waves a hand. “I get it. I’m a bridge troll that doesn’t deserve a date. Yes, Phil, I’ll have platonic lunch with you.”
Phil looks like he wants to argue but shakes his head and rolls off the bed, yawning. “Besides, I have a date that night. Can’t have three dates in two days, someone might think I’m a bit of a slag.”
Dan scoffs. “Slut-shaming, Phil Lester? I’m appalled.”
Phil pulls on his jeans and looks at Dan, grinning. “Only joking. Everyone already thinks I’m a bit loose. Once, I hooked up with this guy at a work party after talking for like, an hour.”
Dan laughs, delighted. “And how’d that work out for you?”
Phil gives him a soft look, still smiling. “Pretty well, so far, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Dan says, smiling back at him. “It’s going pretty well.”
They have lunch, and it’s perfectly platonic (and Dan gets to make a couple jokes about their sushi being the platonic ideal of lunch). Dan drags Phil to the shops and nearly talks him into buying a see though shirt similar to one Dan owns, and then Phil drags them back to his apartment to play video games.
They’ve discovered that Phil is weirdly good at Smash Bros. and Dan responds to being beat soundly in several rounds with shoving, which turns into wrestling which turns, predictably, into making out.
Dan is sucking a sizeable mark onto Phil’s neck when an alarm on Phil’s phone goes off. He’s preparing to it when Phil groans and pushes at his shoulders a little.
“Dan, c’mon. I gotta get ready for my date.”
Dan sits up, looking at the marks he’s left. Most of them are small, little red bite marks on the side of Phil’s neck. The last one, just at the juncture of his neck and shoulder, is not small at all and there’s no way this date is going to miss that one. Dan wants to pin Phil down and get back to work, wants to tell Phil he doesn’t need to go on more dates, that he should date Dan. That he should stop rolling out of Dan’s bed after they fuck. That he should stay in Dan’s bed, and his life, for as long as he likes.
“Dan?” Phil asks. Dan shrugs and climbs off him, sits back on the couch.
“Go ahead.” Dan says, “Can I borrow your laptop? I wanted to make some edits to our script.”
“Sure,” Phil says and climbs off the floor, heading to the bathroom. “I told the guy I had to be back early to work on the video tonight. Do you wanna just stay here tonight and work on it when I get back?”
Dan thinks about what that’d look like to the guy Phil’s about to go out with. Both of them with marked up necks, Dan sitting in Phil’s apartment like he’s been here a million times. It’s fucked up, but the jealous parts of Dan purr with the idea, the chance for somebody to think that Phil might be his.
“Yeah,” Dan calls down the hall. “I’ll do that.”
Phil’s date knocks on the door while Phil is shuffling around his bedroom, so Dan takes it upon himself to answer the door.
The date, (Kieran, Phil had told him over lunch) was fit enough, shorter than Dan but probably more built. Dan wondered if that’s something Phil was into, if he should be thinking about investing in a gym membership.
Kieran gave Dan an uncertain smile and asked, “Phil?”
Dan opens his mouth to answer when Phil answers behind him, “Nope. I’m Phil. That’s my friend Dan. Hi.”
Phil gently pushes Dan out of his way with a hand to his hip and smiles down at Kieran. Kieran looks from Phil to Dan eyebrow raised.
“Friend,” he says skeptically. Dan can see the moment his eyes fall on the mark he’s left on Phil’s neck and he holds his breath a little, waiting for Kieran to respond.
He’s more than a little disappointed when Kieran smiles at Phil, eyes sparkling a little and asks, “Are you ready to go then?”
“I am!” Phil says happily and turns to Dan. “You’re ok here, right?”
Dan nods, plastering a smile on. “Sure am. Just don’t stay out too late, young man.”
He wags a finger at Phil, who laughs. He turns to wave at Kieran just in time to catch a knowing look.
“I’ll have him back at a respectable hour,” Kieran says. Dan’s almost certain he’s making up the pity he sees on Kieran’s face.
And then Phil is gone and he’s alone in Phil’s apartment. Dan leans against the closed door, allowing himself a moment to imagine the date that’s about to happen, imagines Phil coming back and telling him how wonderful Kieran is, imagines Phil asking Dan to be his best man at his wedding to Kieran.
He putters around a little, playing another round of video games before settling down to fine tune the collab script he and Phil are planning to film soon. He grabs a pair of Phil’s headphones and jams them over his ears, clicking through Phil’s library to find something appropriately loud and distracting.
“You’ve done this to yourself,” he murmurs, moving around commas; Phil used way too many. “You fucked it all up with that date bullshit. Should have let him just ask you. But no, we’ve got to be all Danny No-Boyfriend and here we are, just Danny, no boyfriend.”
Suddenly, the headphones are being pulled off and Dan’s shrieking, nearly dropping the computer in his haste to get away from the headphone stealing intruder that’s broken into Phil’s house.
Phil looks at him, mouth turned downward.
“Jesus, Phil,” Dan says, clutching his chest. His hearts beating a mile a minute, partly out of fear, partly out of realization that Phil’s probably heard his little monologue. “What are you doing back? How long have you been there?”
“Kieran sent me back. Said he felt bad about stealing my attention. You said you didn’t do dating,” Phil says.
“I- I did.” Dan stammers. “But that was before I. You. Oh. Fuck.”
Phil crosses his arms. “You should probably go.”
“What?” Dan squawks. “Isn’t this a good thing? People are usually happy when they find out people have a thing for them.”
“You lied to me, Dan.” Phil’s full on frowning now, and he’s taken a step back from the couch, precluding Dan reaching him across the couch. “You let me believe we were just having friendly sex. You should have told me when your feelings changed.”
“I didn’t know what to do,” Dan says, exasperated. “It’s been years since I’ve wanted to date someone. I’ve had sex with friends tons of times, this has never happened before.”
Phil says. “Okay. But I still want you to go. I need some time to be less angry.”
Dan wants to argue, but it’s hurting him to look at Phil right now. They’ve had squabbles before, over the months since they became friends, but he’s never seen Phil this closed off. He’s refusing to look directly at Dan.
“Ok,” Dan says, picking up his stuff. “But this is why I didn’t want to tell you. You’re important to me. Your friendship matters more than some stupid crush I have.”
Dan doesn’t stop to see the look on Phil’s face, just leaves the apartment before he can screw up more than he already has.
+ I.
Phil doesn’t speak to him for a week. Dan hadn’t realized how much he’d been neglecting all his other friends until he can’t spend all his time talking to Phil. He also realizes that everyone else probably figured out he was into Phil long before he did, judging from the looks on his friends’ faces when he tells them what’s going on.
“It was supposed to be buddy fucking,” he whines to PJ, who’s facetimed him just to mock him face to screen. “I didn’t fall in love with you.”
“No,” PJ says lightly. He’s walking somewhere, the city passing by him in flashes. “But you were also an experiment in broadening my sexual horizons, so that would have been tragic for you.”
Dan rolls his eyes. PJ was the most successful of his straight boy experiences, honestly. “Yet somehow I managed to move on from all that sexual prowess of yours.”
“You also weren’t making out with me like, five seconds after we met. You don’t ignore chemistry like that.”
Are you home?
Dan’s heart beats faster at the sight of Phil’s name.
“Dan?” PJ asks when Dan hasn’t responded for a minute.
“He texted me,” Dan says. “Fuck, Peej, he texted me, what do I do?”
“Text back?” PJ says, amused with Dan’s near hysterics. “What does he want? Is he proposing?”
“He wants to know if I’m home.” Dan says, texting Phil back, yeah.
“Oh man, lucky. Make up sex is the best.” PJ says. Dan catches an old woman looking over her shoulder at PJ, scandalized.
“I’m pretty sure he’s coming here to officially friend break up with me, but sure, we’ll go with your theory.” Dan looks down at his gross Sad Sweat Pants and the Jake sweatshirt he’d pilfered from Phil with false promises of returning it one day. “I should go change.”
“Probably, you look gross.” PJ says just as there’s a knock on the door.
“Fuck,” Dan hisses. “He’s here. I have to go.”
“Use plenty of lube!” PJ says cheerfully, like Dan hadn’t been the one to teach him that. Dan hangs up without a response and goes to open the door.
Phil’s eyes track him over, eyebrow raising once he sees the stolen sweatshirt.
“Can I come in?” he asks. He hasn’t asked that since the first or second time Dan invited him over, usually pushes past Dan to get into the flat.
“Yeah!” Dan says, too enthusiastic, and steps out of Phil’s way. “I’m- I’m really glad you texted.”
Phil still looks sort of sad, but not as upset as he’d been the last time they spoke. Dan hopes it means good things.
“I liked you as soon as I met you,” Phil says. Dan had always appreciated how direct Phil was. He appreciates it less now, when its knocking him off all his defenses.
“Ah,” Dan says, squirming. “I really was just fucking at first. Sorry?”
Phil shrugs. “That’s fine. I was up for whatever. That’s not what I’m upset about.”
“You’re upset because I didn’t tell you,” Dan says slowly, repeating Phil from the week before.
“We’re friends, Dan.” Phil says, and Dan suspects he’s riling himself back up. “You’re supposed to trust friends.”
“What was I supposed to say?” Dan asks. “Hey, I know you’re having the time of your life dating half the city, but could you stop that and just date me, even though I’ve turned you down multiple times now?”
“Yes,” Phil says, gesticulating. “That exactly. Minus the minor slut shaming. I’ve hardly dated half the city, and so what if I have.”
Dan shakes his head. “Nothing’s what. I don’t care. What kind of hypocrite would I be to care? I just don’t want you to date them now. I just want you to date me.”
Phil sighs. “I want to date you, too.”
It’s not like Dan hadn’t figured it out. A week without Phil had left him with a lot of time to think, and feel worse and worse about the way he’d been ignoring the hints Phil had been dropping.
“I know,” Dan says. “I’m sorry I ignored that.”
Phil crosses his arms, bites his bottom lip. “You owe me, like, a bunch of dates. Proper ones, not video games and pizza. I’ve got different standards for boyfriends.”
Dan bites at his own lips, fighting a smile. “Phil Lester, are you asking me out?”
“Nope,” Phil says, dropping his arms. He’s a whole different person when he’s relaxed, playful light coming to his eyes. “You’ve got to ask me, Howell.”
“If I ask you out,” Dan says slowly. “Does that mean you’re not going to put out until we go on the date? Is that one of your standards?”
“Hardly,” Phil scoffs. “I put out on first dates all the time. If they’ve earned it.”
“So, would you say this counts as a sort of…pre-date? Do you put out on pre-dates?” Dan stalks closer. Phil watches him, a grin playing at his lips. Soon, they’re pressed against each other, Dan wrapping his arms around Phil.
“I think this falls firmly in the bros with benefits category.” Phil says firmly, but still rests his arms around Dan’s neck, pulling him within kissing range.
“Well,” Dan says. “I’m pretty sure my new boyfriend won’t be allowing me to do that-“
Phil shrugs. “It can be an ongoing conversation.”
“-but I’ll make an exception this time,” Dan continues, tabling discussions of nonmonogamy for later.
Phil kisses him.
After, they lie in Dan’s bed, breathing. Dan thinks, idly, that he’s glad his walls are thick. He’s always been loud, but Phil makes him wild with it, makes him more vocal and less concerned with everyone else’s comfort. He’s comfortable now, a little sweaty and the little mouthmarks Phil has left ache so prettily.
Phil sits up and Dan’s gaze snaps over to him.
“No,” Dan says firmly, tugging him back down. “You’re staying here.”
Phil pauses, obviously thinking about his response. “I appreciate the symbolism, but I have to pee. I’ll come back.”
Dan thinks about it for a moment. “How badly do you have to go.”
Phil laughs and pulls away. “We can have the kink negotiation conversation after we finish the monogamy one.”
Dan grins, watching him leave to go to the bathroom.
True to his word, Phil climbs back in bed, shuffling up close to Dan. Dan yawns and arranges Phil until they’re both comfortable and settles in to fall asleep, sure Phil will be there later.
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monstermash · 8 years
unfortunate backstory for this message is me pleading u to send it to me so i can dump my hcs somewhere but lets disregard that for now
1- Who is the most affectionate? !! i feel like probably bodhi bc cassian is a little bit distant from affection at first bc everyone hes ever loved has gone in some way or another but they’re both pretty gd touch starved at this point so there is so much snuggling and eventually cassian warms up to pda a little bit more2-Big spoon/Little spoon? bodhi is almost always the big spoon even tho he’s 2″ shorter than cass bc he likes to be comforting and wrap himself around him. jetpack ur bros3-Most common argument? both of them are.. kinda bad when it comes to self worth n personal love and all that so if they ever argue its kinda along the lines of “cassian jeron andor listen to me you are so worthwile and important and i love you” or one of them being very reckless on a mission and the other getting angry 4-Favorite non-sexual activity? they like playing cards together, and sometimes cassian reads before bed and bodhi wiggles up to lay next to him and read over his shoulder spooned behind him5-Who is most likely to carry the other? cassian ends up carrying bodhi to bed a lot because he’ll just not sleep for a while and then pass the hell out in the middle of the mess hall and cassians like.. well here we go again and hauls him off to bed6-What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? bodhi’s favorite thing about cassian: all of his jackets but also his Smilecassian’s favorite thing abt bodhi: his hair ?? its amazing he has a Thing for bodhis hair 7-What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? well im feelin like bodhi realizes hes kinda in love w cassian some time after scarif and then just spur of the moment kisses him? so thats the main first change is bam okay they’re kissing now8-Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? someone i follow uses Bode as a nickname for bodhi which i think is hella cute in like a modern au or smth. bodhi calls cassian Cass a lot just as a quick abbreviation but also captain and sometimes other people call bodhi “your pilot” around cassian and he accidentally picked that up9-Who worries the most? its bodhi no question10-Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? bodhi has a notebook full of things he needs to remember that he keeps in his bag or pocket at all times and it includes cassian’s standard coffee and food orders just in case11-Who tops? you fools... the strict top/bottom dichotomy is oppressing us all.. 12-Who initiates kisses? already answered13-Who reaches for the other’s hand first? bodhi is the #1 hand holding champion of the resistance so he’s into that 14-Who kisses the hardest? depends on the situation i think, after a mission they do have some intense “oh my god we made it out holy shit i love you so much” kisses, or sometimes if cassian has to do a mission w/o bodhi (or vice versa) they can barely make it out of the ship before the other is over there kissin them15-Who wakes up first? cassian is a really oddly early riser when he doesnt need to be and sometimes for meetings. plus he wakes up early w nightmares and stuff sometimes and likes to just lay in bed w bodhi there until he calms down16-Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? both of them i think.. bodhi Never wants to get up bc in the empire they were pretty strict abt that stuff 17-Who says I love you first? already answered18-Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) ok im talkin abt my college au here bc im uncontrollable but like. some days cassian has classes and bodhi doesn’t and bodhi makes him lunch every once in a while before test days or whatever and he always puts in a little note that’s like “you’ve got this!! i believe in you!! you can’t have your zepplin shirt back until you focus and do your readings tonight 19-Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? assuming we’re going w a modern au in which either of them has family to speak of, i’d say bodhi in his weekly call to his mom to chat he’s like “hey mom i have a boyfriend!! he’s cute and has nice hair but he’s bad at making jokes”20-What do their family/friends think of their relationship? bodhi’s mom is totally fine w it and so is his sister, cassian’s parents are kinda weird abt it at first but mostly bc his last relationship was really weird so they’d question it no matter who he was dating. but, they trust this bodhi kid and think if anyone has to date cassian it should be them21-Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? bodhi doesn’t think hes a good dancer.. at all but he’s fairly ok but cassian is.... a really good dancer and this is totally inspired by the film dirty dancing havana nights which i still havent seen but he’s a good dancer but doesnt dance much so bodhi’s really surprised but then some nights they sneak into the mess hall when they can’t sleep and they dance because its good for emotional release and theres space down there
22-Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? theyre both pretty good cooks but cassian cooks more bc it reminds him of what little he remembers of home23-Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? bodhi googles them because he thinks hes funny and he keeps them in his notebook24-Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?25-Who needs more assurance? both of them rlly? like bodhi’s been thru some shit and so has cassian and theyre both kinda insecure and not the best at positivity abt themselves so they both need a lot of reassurance abt things26-What would be their theme song? hmmm either in our bedroom after the war by stars, or you are a runner and i am my fathers son by wolf parade27-Who would sing to their child back to sleep? cassian definitely..28-What do they do when they’re away from each other? they try to keep busy but they definitely send transmissions as much as possible to keep in touch29-one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart. yknow. what happens in canon is enough for me lol30-one headcanon about this OTP that mends it. they have a lot of rituals after scarif for when one or both of them can’t sleep for any number of reasons, sometimes they’ll sneak out to this big hill near the base and look at the stars, or they’ll play cards (bodhi’s teaching cassian some tricks, but cass is fairly sure they arent good tricks and theyre making him lose), or cassian will tell bodhi about galactic history and run his fingers through his hair until eventually the sun rises or they fall back asleep
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chahchani · 8 years
Creme Puffs. A Hwiyoung Scenario.
You had a special and strict routine for lunch. 1. Get out from p.e class 2. Go back go the homeroom to get wallet 3. Go to the cafeteria to buy creme puffs or banana bread and milk. 4. Come back to the homeroom with friends and eat there. It was the same routine but this was your ritual and the best part of being at school. “Ten more minutes and I get to have to my banana bread. You mumbled to yourself as you stared at cloudy sky while the others were playing soccer on the field. “Or should I eat a creme puff today..”
“They’re both sweet and sugary piggy.” Hwiyoung sat down beside you on the bench and ruffled your hair, causing you to scowl from the sudden contact. “I told you to not touch my hair!” You yelled. “Why are you yelling?!” Hwiyoung laughed, yelling back with the same volume. “Ugh, go play soccer or something. All you can do is kick well anyways.” You rolled your eyes and smirked, teasing your classmate. You wouldn’t call him a friend since you didn’t hang out with him outside of school but you two can joke around and get along well whenever you saw each-other so you could say he was somewhat nice to be around although he could get on your nerve sometimes.
“Are you doubting my kickboxing skills?” Hwiyoung scoffed, suddenly getting up to practice his moves. “Tell me who you have a problem with, I’ll take care of it.” He winked, playing around with his leg as he kicked the air a few times to show off his skills.
“I have a problem with you.” You stuck out your tongue. “Can you please beat yourself up? Leave me be and let me think about my lunch in peace.” He smiled softly, sitting right back next to you. The breeze was at a medium, strong enough to push your hair softly to one side, a few strands falling in front of your eyes but you didn’t mind. He blinked a few times in between staring then turned his head to watch the clouds as well. “Why do you like banana bread and creme puffs so much? That’s all you ever eat.” You heard him ask. Without looking at him, you shrugged. “I don’t know. It was all I ever really ate as sweets when I grew up. My mom was the best as making them. But store bought ones are good too since she’s not here anymore.” He turned to look back at you. “I’m sorry…did she leave the family to be somewhere else?” You smiled, nodding your head. “Hmm..You can say that. She went somewhere very far but in a way also very close by.” “Where is that?” He asked. He followed your finger as you pointed to the sky you’ve been staring at the whole time. Speechless for a few seconds, he smiled and admired the sky with you. “Your mom must have made some really good creme puffs I bet!” He answered with a playful but sweet tone, ruffling your hair once more. “I told you not to touch my hair!!!” You screamed. —- Excited from getting finished changing out of your gym clothes and back to your uniform, you skipped your way to your homeroom. “Creme puffs~ Creme puffs~!” You sang, making some girls in the hallway who knew you to giggle. “Hurry! I think we might get them before you do!” One of them joked. “Better not!” You laughed as you saw them running towards the cafeteria. Picking up your pace, one of the girls outside your classroom door looked at you with a frown as she saw you coming. “What’s wrong Chaeyeon?” You touched her cheek, being close with her as you did with all the other students in your class. “Ugh. For some reason the cafeteria wasn’t selling any sweets today. I guess they didn’t stock up, and I had to buy one for the class president because you know how much she likes to bully me..what do I do.”
Your heart sank, hearing the fact that there weren’t any sweets being sold today but also hearing that Chaeyeon was still getting picked on. “She’s still bullying you?” You sighed. “What does she want, seriously. Do you want me to talk to her?” “No it’s fine. Just..can you give me one of your creme puffs so I can get her off my back for now? I’ll repay u back.” Chaeyeon looked at you with puppy dog eyes as she pulled on your sleeve softly. You stared back at her cluelessly. “What do you mean? I don’t have any. I just came from gym.”
“Yes you do. I saw them on your desk when i headed in earlier to search for you.” Chaeyeon nodded. Curious, you opened the classroom door and headed Inside, Chaeyeon following right behind you. Walking up to your desk, you had realized she was right.
On your desk were a fancy set of creme puffs, very high quality ones as well. You picked them up, to read the logo on the box. It was from the famous bakery you always wanted to go to, down by the neighborhood where you were living in- but never got a chance to because everything there were really pricey. It was a set of 12 creme puffs, a pretty big set indeed and the creme puffs were larger than the store bought ones. Your eyes roam back to your desk and spotted two glass bottles of milk as well, with the same bakery logo on it and a sticky-note stuck on top of the lid. You set down your creme puffs as Chaeyeon helped herself to get one, leaving you with a ‘Thank You!’ as she left, not really minding her since you were focused on the sticky-note which you had now picked up to read. ‘My dad made some this morning for sale and I thought since you liked them so much, it’d be better to have these instead of the ones from the cafeteria. He didn’t make any banana bread but if you want, I’ll tell him to make you some next time.’-Hwiyoung
You couldn’t help but to smile. “This loser…his dad owns the bakery. How cute…”
You then spot another sticky-note attached to your textbook. ‘By now you should have read the first sticky-note. If not, it’s on your milk lid, you can’t miss it! Anyways, don’t eat the creme puffs yet! Bring them and come to the rooftop during lunch! I’ll be waiting. Just bring one milk bottle, your clumsy ass will probably trip and spill all of your creme puffs if you tried to carry everything.“
You laughed at the message. Taking the box carefully in one hand and a bottle in the other, you started to make your way out of the classroom. Walking up the stairs to get to the rooftop, your heart started to pound. “Why am I so nervous?” You whispered to yourself. “What the heck, snap out of it y/n. Lets just see what the dork wants.” It was a whole new feeling, you weren’t sure if it was something new you had just developed or just a feeling of gratitude. Either way, you felt weird but decided to not let it get to you, it was just a box of creme puffs anyways- even though they did hold a special meaning.
Opening the door to the rooftop, you had realized the clouds cleared up a bit and the sun had peeked out to make the sky look a whole lot prettier, the breeze still smoothly dancing through your hair as you came foward to a standing Hwiyoung who was waiting with his back facing towards you.
Hearing the sound of the door close from behind you, he quickly turned around with one of his hands rubbing the back of his neck with a slightly shy smile plastered on his face. Finally arriving in front of him, you saw his free hand holding a milk bottle as well.
“Your not expecting me to share are you?” You playfully wiggle your eyebrows up and down. “Depends. Are you willing to share them?” He playfully furrowed his. “If you do, I can guarantee you there will be more where that’s coming from.” “Oho~ deal.” You chuckled, walking towards the rooftop bench and gently sitting down next to him. He lifted up the box and opened the creme puffs up for you, offering you one first. Taking one, you excitingly took a bite and the taste blew you away immediately. “Wow..your dad’s really talented! No wonder they are so expensive. This is so good, I mean really good!” You looked at him with bulged eyes, him looking back with a laugh as he bit into one himself.
“Thank you. Thank you. I’ll be sure to tell him that.” “But anyhow, how did you know the cafeteria ran out of creme puffs?” “Hmm? They ran out?” Hwiyoung tilted his head and laughed. “I didn’t know that.” You smirked. “So you just brought me these because you knew I liked them?” He then broke eye contact and hesitated to answer your question. Taking a sudden drink from his milk, he cleared his throat after a few awkward coughs. “Just..since I saw you eat them everyday. Good thing I brought them right? Or you would be a sulking piggy right now.” “You make it so hard to say thank you sometimes.” You stuck your tongue once more and took another bite. “But thank you.”
“However…don’t eat just sweets every lunch time. My dad also makes really good food. I’ll bring a proper lunchbox for you, so stop eating only sweets, got it?” He returned to making eye contact and switched to a serious face expression. You shrugged, focusing on milk as you jugged it down. Wiping your mouth with your sleeve, you nodded softly. “Sure.” He smiled bright and ruffled your hair once more, feeling glad that you didn’t reject his offer. You scowled again, but he didn’t retreat his hand this time. Feeling brave at the moment, he gulped and looked at you without breaking eye contact. “What?” You asked, a little taken back. “…..Let’s go watch a movie or something!uhh-Friday! I have two tickets and I don’t want them to go to waste..you should come!” He furrowed his eyebrows again, waiting for an answer.
Your heart started to beat like crazy once more. Looking away from him and down at the creme puffs, you let out a small smile. “……Cool.” “…so that’s a yes?” Shocked from the answer, he opened his mouth slightly. Trying to hide your smile, you nodded again. “Yeah. It’s a yes.”
At that moment, you didn’t know what this feeling was. All you knew was that you didn’t hate it.
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sxdomy · 8 years
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1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? not @ all3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? tissues, napkins, sticky notes, random cuts of notebook paper4: how do you take your coffee/tea? two-four sugars w creamer or 1/2 n 1/2 (tea)5: are you self-conscious of your smile? not after i got braces6: do you keep plants? no7: do you name your plants? 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? idk the only art i do is in photography, and i try to do dark/spooky shit.. it doesnt have a meaning9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yes10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? i dont rly have a friends group, less drama that way12: what's your favorite planet? smth has always intrigued me abt mars13: what's something that made you smile today? lars (:14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? idc it's somewhere to live.. we can fix it up if we have the money. if so, i would prob have a bunch of shit everywhere lmao15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! it says language programming ??16: what's your favorite pasta dish? some plain old penne/rigatoni w red gravy, but it has to be GOOD red gravy .. none of that ragu/preggo shit17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? black and it already is dyed that color, but i do want to experiment a bit and get few pieces red18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. JESUS.. these are endless... once i RLY had to pee, and i was @ school. it was after school hrs. my friend and i were waiting for the game to start. all the doors were locked up @ the school. i think they took out the portapotty from outside, so i said to my friend, "let's go to the lower field" (we have an upper and lower field idk what other schools have lmao) despite it saying there are cameras down there (which IK for sure bc i've seen the computer w the school cameras, and there are ones surveilling the fields), i peed. in 8th grade during lunch, this girl pissed me the fuck off. i can't remember what she did, but i picked up her sandwich and threw it to the ground.another time in 8th grade during gym, my friends and i were fooling around during a fitness walk (walk thru the trail surrounded by woods oooo). i was yelling "IN DA GREENZ" bc i was a rly weird kid, and now we bring it up whenever we see bushes. OKAY lasT memORYYY in 8th grade, i was on the soccer team. i sucked @ it... the ball was coming to me, and i tried to kick it. instead of kicking it, my foot went on top of the ball resulting in my fall19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i used to keep a journal. last winter was the most recent journal i'd had, and my guidance counselor purchased it for me. i was going thru a rly hard time, and it was an outlet from that. after the winter ended, i never felt the need to write in it again.. it hasnt gotten that bad20: what's your favorite eye color? lars' eye color21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. 22: are you a morning person? depends... if my sleeping schedule is just like that, I LOVE WAKING UP IN THE MORNING. if i don't usually, then no fuck it lmao23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? literally nothing, but i do that when i have obligations... i get to it @ some point24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? lars25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? i've broken into my friend's house and my own. breaking into my friend's house wasn't rly that weird. i was out of it bc i had hardly gotten sleep the previous night. i also had permission lmao it wasn't as if i just went in. my friend had forgotten her key. breaking into my own house was actually bizarre ...26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i usually wear my docs, but i switch out. before getting my docs, i wore my all black vans W LITERALLY EVERYTHING. the only time i wouldnt was when i wore a light outfit, which wasnt often bc 98% of the time i wear all black27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? i don't chew gum. it has aspartame, which is literally poison28: sunrise or sunset? i haven't seen a sunset since i was a child, and i want to definitely see it again29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? monty is my lover30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. socks are good. if you wear them in the cold months around the house, you are less susceptible to sickness. they also work well when you wear them w most shoes bc they prevent sweat. lars take notes (; i love wearing weird socks. i love socks. i usually never match socks bc no one will see them?? if i wear a black sock, i try to match w another black sock tho. i do sleep w socks in the cold months. otherwise, my feet would freeze. sometimes i wear multiple socks in the summer to keep my feet warm. i do wear white socks sometimes32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. i wasn't w my friends, but i found a drunken man in my rm after 3am on st. patricks day two yrs ago33: what's your fave pastry? cannoli34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? i kept this one stuffed animal who was a girl. she had blonde braids, and i used to kiss her on the lips when no one was looking. i knew it was weird bc she wasn't real. i also used to pretend i was fucking her... it was a weird childhood. idk where she is now35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I LOVE PENS!!!! okay im going to sound like a weirdo.. i only love certain kinds. i hate cheap ass pens. my fav pens are the ones that u click on the bottom to get the tip bc the clicking helps me concentrate. it's also fun to just click it. i haven't used a clicky one in awhile bc i bought myself pentels. i love pentels as well bc they come in nice colors, and i rly like the cap for it. i like pens that come from certain companies bc it looks like i've been somewhere.. maybe i have? i've gotten free pens from places and some of them i just found w that lettering lmao 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? nine inch nails (:37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? dont care as long as ik where everything is. my parents call it messy, but i call it my peace38: tell us about your pet peeves! i hate when ppl put things back where they don't belong. idk i dont keep track of this shit39: what color do you wear the most? black40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? none41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? 1984 by george orwell42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! starbucks LMAO43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? no one44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? the last time i was w lars45: do you trust your instincts a lot? yes46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. idk47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? high fructose corn syrup48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? idr what it was then, but now it's getting raped.. ive had this fear since i was 14 i think49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? i dont usually buy that shit50: what's an odd thing you collect? wristbands.. i like to say i've been places51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? lars , peach // the front bottoms52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? the yr just started, bUT I LOVE IAN'S (IDUBZZZZ) VIDEO OF "I HAVE CRIPPLING DEPRESSION"53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i want to see rocky horror picture show. i've seen heathers, beetlejuice, and pulp fiction. i love heathers and beetlejuice. i didn't understand pulp fiction entirely, but that could be bc i was spammed by a gc while watching it54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idk55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? idk56: what are some things you find endearing in people? smile57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i never realized that this song sounds like five mini songs put together... i did reenact them in my head58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? nonexistent lol59: what's your favorite myth? black eyed children60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? anything from edgar allan poe61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? idk i hate getting gifts i'd rather give them, but i don't usually give them bc i never have money when it's time62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? ORANGE!63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? no64: what color is the sky where you are right now? grey65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? lars66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i have SAD soooo68: what's winter like where you live? FUCKING HORRIBLE, but it's worse in other places69: what are your favorite board games? ive been missing guess who? lately70: have you ever used a ouija board? no, but my math teacher says u have to make it from a certain wood and put a spell on it for it to work... too much work 😩71: what's your favorite kind of tea? lipton lemon!!!!!72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? i try to note everything down, but sometimes i can remember things w/o writing them down73: what are some of your worst habits? staying in bed for too long74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. bye75: tell us about your pets! i have a dog, and she's old af lmao i never rly liked her idk i hate dogs76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? homework and probably calling up my new job to see when i have to go in.. cant be arsed.. 77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? FANCLUB!!! (:79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?lars gave me cute cat headphones80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white.. i didn't choose it81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. i can't rn82: are/were you good in school? i made it into university, so i guess so83: what's some of your favorite album art? the devin n god are raging inside of me // brand new .. cant think of many in particular84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? one in remembrance of my friend who died and a full sleeve85: do you read comics? what are your faves? no86: do you like concept albums? which ones? YES YES YESSSS MANSON 'S CONCEPTS R SO GOOD (: 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? idk88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? i just rly like frida kahlo89: are you close to your parents? no90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. i want to visit/live in philly so badly ):91: where do you plan on traveling this year? texas92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i only put a little fresh mozz on it if there is quite a bit93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? i just wear my hair the same everyday94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? lars95: what are your plans for this weekend? none96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? omfg i had 20 or so awaiting updates last summer that i had to finally do bc it was fucking up my computer97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? what98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? i dont hike99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. NOBODY'S PERFECT BY HANNAH MONTANA100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 yrs into the future.. why would i want to relive the last 5 yrs of life ?? idk im just fine living w my past mistakes.. they've shaped me
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