#sometimes when I finish a fic I'm secretly saying to myself (''This is actually pretty good...'')
mycupofrum · 1 year
I'm super intrigued by js_fem medicine 👀
Thanks for the ask @gracelesslady23! js_fem medicine is a random name thrown together with different elements of the fic which is also just a rollercoaster ride of genres mixed together (romance, drama, angst, hurt/comfort etc.). Set during the first wizarding war, friends to lovers, idiots in love, porn with plot, fem!James, male!James, idiot!James (romantically, he's still brilliant otherwise), hot!Sirius (that's a given but let's say it out loud anyway), gay panic, f/m, m/m, Jily past relationship.
So, basically James thinks he's definitely straight, but the problem is he wants to have sex with Sirius. Good thing there's Polyjuice Potion to solve the issue. As for the medicine... not to give away too much but relates to hurt/comfort towards the end. This is the strangest, silliest and randomest thing I've been writing in a while, kinda nervous to share it with people. 🙈 Snippet under the cut!
For a while, they sipped their beers in quiet, thinking about everything and nothing all at once. The times were dark, and sometimes you had to forget about the past and the future and only focus on the present. 
Sirius was snapped out of his thoughts as James murmured something he couldn't quite make out, except for the word sex. 
"Prongs, are you horny?" 
"No...well, yes, but not in the way you think." 
"Yeah, well. I'm sorry that Lily left you, mate. Maybe we can spend an evening in a muggle bar soon and find you a one-night stand." 
"That's not what I meant." 
"What did you mean, then?" 
"Well…do you know when sometimes...or well, there's something that's been on my mind lately." 
"Just spill it out." 
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have sex as a woman?" 
"Um, not really," Sirius murmured after a few seconds of confusion. Sometimes James was able to surprise him completely with the way his mind worked, which was why Sirius loved him so much. Secretly. 
"Well, okay, maybe it's crossed my mind once or twice, but I didn't think to do anything about it," he then confessed. "To be honest, I've experienced what it feels like to want to mate as a dog, and that's quite enough. Can't recommend it." 
James cast a sidelong glance towards Sirius and grinned slightly. "You haven't told me anything about that before." 
Sirius returned the smile. "Let each animagus look after their own needs as they see fit." 
"Right you are, Pads." 
Sirius finished his drink, then looked at James's empty bottle of beer, which he passed to Sirius so he could float their bottles onto the table. 
"Go for it if you want to experience what it's like to be a woman. Of course, making the potion takes time, but we can look around to see if the Order has any remaining at the headquarters." 
Then Sirius frowned in wonder. 
"Who were you planning on turning into?" 
"Actually, now that you mention it, I sort of kept the leftover Polyjuice Potion from yesterday to myself. Once you left the drink on the table, I took it from the headquarters." 
James had pulled out a familiar-looking hip flask from his jacket pocket and was already twisting the cap open. 
"James…?" Sirius spoke softly. "You're not planning what I think you're planning?" 
James shook the flask, then cast a brief glance at Sirius. 
"Cheers," he said before taking a hefty swig of his drink and grimacing. 
"What – hey!"   
At that moment, James's short, untidy hair grew longer, smoother and more wavy, while his body shrank and gained curves where none previously existed. 
After a while, there was a pretty, dark-haired woman sitting next to Sirius on the couch – the same one that Sirius had turned into on their undercover mission the day before. They had been told that the real person was a half-blood witch who had fled to France with her family. 
Sirius took a deep breath. "So you just decided to go for it." 
"Yep," James said in a higher pitched voice. 
"And you'd like to... Wait a second. Who were you planning to have sex with?" 
"Well, I mean…with you?" James blinked intently, removed her glasses and appeared satisfied once more. 
"Wait, so... You thought that we could... And you already turned into a woman before even asking for my opinion." 
Sirius wasn't easily left speechless, but if anyone could make it happen, it was James. This time, Sirius had to take a little break to process his friend's eagerness to act before thinking things through. Usually he didn't mind but Merlin, this was something completely different.
James shrugged, a little embarrassed. "I thought you liked women too? You do like a little variety every now and then, don't you?" 
"James, this is more about you being you, regardless of your body, and me being me." 
James looked down at the floor, tucking her long hair behind her ear. Sirius wanted to swear. Why did James, even in a different body, appear so appealing to him? 
Sirius took a deep breath to settle himself before speaking. 
"I had no idea you'd want to sleep with me." 
James appeared relieved for some reason. 
"Of course I do. I mean... shit, Sirius, you're the most gorgeous person I know. I just happen to be attracted to women. But if I wanted to be with you as a straight person, I'd have to be a woman because you're a man. So, now that I'm temporarily a woman, we can do this. And besides, I'm really curious about how this works from the female perspective. I mean, I've got boobs, isn't that strange?" 
James stopped babbling as she felt her body all over, staring at her own breasts. 
Once again, Sirius was unable to think, let alone speak. James had said some things that didn't make any sense, but had she also just called Sirius gorgeous? 
James interpreted Sirius's silence in her own way. 
"Oh shit, did I go too far? You don't want to sleep with me, is that it? Sorry, mate, I didn't know that. I just assumed it wouldn't be a problem for you since you like all kinds of people. And we're best friends, so I thought this would be just one more thing for us to try together. I would never ask this kind of favour from anyone else." 
Sirius was still staring at James, who was biting her lower lip uncertainly. Even as a woman, she managed to be utterly James. 
"You really want to have sex with me?" Sirius wanted to make sure that at least one thing about this crazy situation was completely clear. 
James sighed in relief and smiled. "Yes, Sirius, that's exactly what I want. I thought this matter was already settled." 
"So, it's perfectly fine for you, but as a woman?" 
"Well, that's what I said." James let out a chuckle. "I'm young and open for new experiences. And this way we can keep things, um, straight." 
Sirius raised an eyebrow, pleased to see James blush. 
"Not that there's anything wrong with other preferences," James persisted. She raised her hand as if to ruffle her hair, but realised it was no longer short and hastily lowered her hand. 
"My point is that I'm a woman for the next hour and I want to have a good time. So, what do you say?" 
Sirius admired James's superior skills in all things magical, but his closest friend's logic fell flat when it came to romance. 
It was just too bad that Sirius was even worse than James because he deliberately threw away his sanity. 
"All right," he murmured, clearing his throat. 
"Really?" James's dark eyes twinkled with delight. 
"Be careful what you wish for, James. I'll show you the time of your life." 
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cha-melodius · 1 year
RWRB and Man from UNCLE crossover... go! (Modern or Cold War AU!)
Hello anon, and sorry for taking forever to answer this. When you sent this ask back in last October I was in the doldrums of writing Nova, Baby, a little stuck. I'd shared some snippets previously, which might have been what inspired this ask, but I didn't want to dive into this ask knowing that I was nowhere near posting the story. Then I didn't want to answer it until I'd actually finished posting the fic so that people would have a chance to read it. Because this ask is a lot easier to contemplate when you make it a crossover between Alex and Henry as spies, rather than something like canon!
Ok, bumping UNCLE up to a modern setting and having Alex & Henry tangle with them on some mission would be fun for sure. For some reason I'm picturing the UNCLE crew as older in this situation though, like in their 40s or early 50s. They've been working together for at decade or two, been around the block quite a few times, and suddenly these two young agents show up in the middle of an operation, mucking things up. Maybe Alex has even heard rumors about an art-thief-turned-CIA-agent, but he didn't really think they were true. Also I'm amusing myself thinking about Waverly having some history with the Mountchristen family, having been British Naval Intelligence but not part MI6, so when he realizes who Henry is he's like "Oh Christ, NO." 😂 This would definitely happen sometime in the middle of the events of Nova, Baby, amongst A&H's various undescribed missions together.
I'm even more intrigued by setting this during the cold war though, which I guess makes the RWRB part an AU of an AU, lol. More thoughts below the break!
Ok, Alex is CIA, right? What if he's actually part of the extraction in Berlin? Not a big part, just one of the other agents hanging around at the safehouse later. Point is, he knows Napoleon. Not well, but he's familiar. Alex has mixed feelings about Napoleon because on one hand he's a very prolific criminal who got a pretty decent deal to get out of prison, but on the other, Sanders treats him like shit and from what little they've interacted he seems like an ok guy. This also means Alex hears about Illya and the chase through East Berlin and everything. Of course he's not part of the mission in Rome, and after that he loses track of Napoleon for a while, not knowing that he's now part of this independent spy agency, working with the very man who chased him down in East Berlin.
Ok, fast forward a few years. Alex & Henry have already been forced into a partnership. Napoleon & Illya are working together (with Gaby) for UNCLE. No one is together in any way, but safe to say there's some pining going on lol. In the midst of a mission in Bolivia, A&H end up at odds with a giant Russian agent—bad news. They didn't realize the KGB was involved (spoiler alert: they're not). It's a pretty bad misunderstanding, and thing go south VERY quickly. Then, suddenly, Napoleon Solo shows up, throwing himself in the line of fire, risking his own life to protect this Russian agent. Alex is completely befuddled. He thinks maybe Napoleon isn't CIA anymore (well, it's complicated), that he defected. It takes a while to convince him otherwise.
Turns out they've been following two different threads that lead to the same baddie, so they need to work together. Easier said than done—Illya is, as always around new people, grumpy and forbidding. Maybe Alex catches glimpses of him around Napoleon when they think no one is watching, and it's shocking (because he's secretly a giant Russian lost puppy, natch). Henry is pretty skeptical about all of this but he'll do anything for Alex (though not without complaining), so he goes along with it. Meanwhile, Alex and Napoleon kinda bond during this time. Ooh, maybe they cook together, both being really into cooking, and we get a very absurd scene of Illya and Henry both being jealous (for no good reason, of course) and trying not to show it.
More random thoughts: idk how it would happen but we definitely need Nora and Gaby to meet, because they'd get along like a house on fire. What if, in this universe, instead of playing James Bond, Arthur Fox was basically Ian Fleming? Maybe Waverly even knew him during the war!
Ok, I'm going to stop now, but thank you for the ask, anon, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it!
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theawkwardterrier · 5 years
A Light in the Window
Steggy Week 2k19, day 3 Prompt: Firsts and lasts
Summary: Steve and Peggy attempt their first real date.
AO3 link here.
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Four days after Steve wakes up in a hospital bed with Howard, pale and self-satisfied, blathering down at him about trackers in his suit and the wonders of the serum, he and Peggy go to the Stork Club. They turn slowly on the floor together even when the music dictates a faster pace, the stiffness and chill only just working its way out of Steve’s bones, the feeling of her against him too perfect to want to pull away. He even doesn’t release her hand until they reach the door of her building.
When he and Peggy arrange to meet on a Saturday evening for their first real date, he doesn’t have much planned. None of the things he can think of really inspire him: the city is bursting with returning service-members on their way to the movie houses, to dance halls and the shows on Broadway, and it doesn’t feel right to take Peggy somewhere so cliche. They haven’t had an opportunity to really talk with each other, not since those forever-past nights on watch or slogging from a dropoff point on the way to another Hydra base, so Steve decides on a simple walk through Brooklyn. They can continue getting to know each other, without being interrupted by bullets or Colonel Phillips’ voice over the radio (hopefully). He will have the comfort of all the familiar places of his neighborhood, and get a chance to introduce her to what is now her neighborhood too.
Except the stories of his childhood refuse to come off his tongue when all he can remember is standing alone on the Barnes stoop, knocking heavy-hearted on Bucky’s mother’s door. Instead, he can only manage to thank her again for the flowers she had brought to his hospital room.
“They really brightened up the place. I’ll have to send the Army a note about it so they can update the decor.”
“I’m sure they’ll appreciate the advice. They aren’t particularly well-known for comfort or aesthetic, after all.” She gives a little smile. Her lipstick, he notices, is pink tonight, to match with the flowers on her dress. “I’m glad you enjoyed the flowers. I wasn’t sure what kind you would like.”
“Chrysanthemums were great,” he says earnestly, as if he hadn’t spent too long staring at them, wondering if they were supposed to send a particular message. Everyone knows that it’s roses that are for romance. Maybe chrysanthemums mean ‘I know it seemed that there was something between us, but I’ve reconsidered and we’re probably better off as friends.’ She did say yes when he’d asked her out, but...
He knows he isn’t exactly convincing her at the moment. I guess this whole time it wasn’t my looks or my size that chased girls off, he thinks in mortification. They could just tell I was lousy date.
They keep walking, each bringing up new topics - the apartment Steve’s rented, the position Peggy is meant to start at the SSR’s New York office now that she is finished in Europe and living here permanently - that fizzle after not nearly long enough. The silences between each attempt at a conversation starter feel endless, each a chasm of infinite and humiliating depth.
He is about ready to find a movie house to point to in desperation and say, “Oh good, we’re here!” as if they’d needed to walk for three quarters of an hour to find just this one. And then it begins to rain.
“We can try to outrun it,” Peggy suggests as the first light drops fall into her hands and hair. “I know that we—” But she is cut off by the snap and boom of thunder, and then by the opening of the heavens.
Steve snatches a discarded newspaper off a nearby bench and tries to hold it over her head as they pick up their pace. It’s sodden within seconds and he tosses it away again.
“Come on!” He takes her hand. It’s after dusk, and with the rain pouring so thick that it’s like fog, there’s nearly no visibility. It would be easy for them to lose each other by accident.
They struggle down the street, and Steve is certain that she doesn’t have a particular destination in mind either, other than ‘dry.’
When he sees a lighted window, he can’t tell what sort of business it belongs too and he doesn’t care. He holds the door open for Peggy and follows her inside.
“Giulia!” calls a woman’s voice before Steve can even blink the water out of his eyes and take in his surroundings. “Two of the minestrone, and use the biggest bowls we have.”
“You can come into the kitchen yourself, you know. There won’t be much longer for it,” says another woman crankily.
“She’s too busy losing to me,” crows a third.
It’s a restaurant, but barely: only four tables, each covered in a crisp white cloth, and each empty except for the one where two women face each other over a chessboard. Steve thinks he could reach so his fingertips touch each wall. There’s a banner that stretches easily across the length of the place that reads “Closing! Last night!”
It also smells incredible, herbs and yeast and food treated with care.
“You know, Lia’s right,” says the first woman, standing and disappearing into what Steve presumes is the world’s smallest kitchen. He looks at Peggy and finds her somewhere between confused and amused. (Also soaking wet in a way that manages to look fetching, but mostly makes him want to find her a blanket or some dry clothes. He’d offer his jacket, but considering the way it’s dripping onto the floor, he doesn’t think it would be of much help.)
The last woman looks down at the board, chuckles to herself, then pushes her chair back and walks over to Steve and Peggy. “Have a seat,” she tells them, and rather than pointing to one of the empty tables, she indicates the one which has just been vacated.
“Um,” Steve gets out eloquently.
“Where are we, precisely?” Peggy asks.
The woman laughs roundly. “It’s Romano’s,” she says, and the two women join her in harmony from the back. The woman continues, “Lia’s husband finally saved up enough to buy it right before he died, and now she’s been trying to honor him for as long as she can. Tina and I just stay around to keep her company.”
“Don’t pretend as if I don’t feed you, Lessia.” The kitchen door opens again and the other two women come back out. Tina is carrying two enormous portions of steaming soup, while Giulia, wearing a clean if slightly floury apron, holds a wooden cutting board with what looks like fresh bread.
Lined up beside each other, they are clearly sisters, each with the same frame (short and full, but straight-backed) and the same hair (a curling black clearly on its way to gray, pulled back over their ears and in matching buns) and the same frown at the couple still standing awkwardly by the door.
“Sit,” Lessia says again, crossing her arms, the only free pair.
It’s not particularly an offer anymore, but Steve says, “That’s kind of you, but we were just going to wait out the rain.”
“You’d be waiting until your hair was as gray as ours,” Tina says firmly. “This weather will hold for a good while. Listen.” She’s right. The rain continues to pound without sign of lightening or moving past the city.
“The two of you are soaking wet.” Giulia adds a bit of coaxing to her voice, but it still has that unmoving steel beneath it. “And you wouldn’t let my husband’s dream restaurant close without a single customer on the last night, hmm? We lack customers simply because we lack atmosphere, nothing to do with the food.”
“Truly, Lia will be very sad if she cannot feed someone before she sells off the place,” Tina says, making a comically morose face as she sets one bowl on either side of the chessboard and pulls out the closer chair suggestively.
Steve doesn’t really know exactly what the right move is here, but then he notices the gooseflesh between the bottom of Peggy’s still-dripping hair and the slightly dipping back of her dress. “Soup sounds great,” he says, and gestures for Peggy to take the seat Tina has pulled out for her.
The soup is great. He and Peggy glance up at each other as they spoon up the hearty vegetables and full broth, and for some reason those little moments without speech don’t feel awkward anymore.
“Can I cut you some?” Steve asks, gesturing to the loaf Giulia had rested beside him before the three sisters vanished together back into the kitchen together.
“You can.” As Steve slices, Peggy takes a chess pawn in each hand and extends her curled fists to him. Putting down the knife, he taps her left hand and she hands him the black piece.
“At a disadvantage already,” she says, peering at him nonchalantly through her eyelashes as she arranges her side of the board to erase the game Lessia and Tina had been playing.
“Don’t know that I need an advantage,” he says, lifting an eyebrow at her. “Four things I did while sick in bed: draw, read, play cards, and learn chess. And I was in bed a lot.”
“I suppose we’ll see if it’s paid off,” and despite the challenge of her tone, her voice is warm.
She wins the first game handily (unfortunate - she might have an accent and act polite about it, but Peggy Carter trash talks), and he battles her hard for her second victory. The third game looks as if it might be his, as long as he doesn’t get distracted by the stories she tells about her childhood, as long as he doesn’t lose focus as he tries to make her laugh. He’s still chuckling over her description of learning to ride a bicycle having stolen her brother’s, examining his knight to make sure she’s not luring him into a trap, when the sisters come out of the kitchen looking apologetic but firm.
“The rain has stopped,” Lessia says. Steve notices for the first time that she's right. He wonders when that happened.
Giulia adds, “The new owner of the restaurant will be here early tomorrow morning and I would like to have a good sleep before.” She holds up a small cardboard box tied with twine. “Something sweet to take on your way.”
“You've already done too much,” Steve protests, already standing in embarrassment and taking out his wallet. For all the talk about getting an early night, it must be close to eleven. They’ve been here for hours.
"Put it away," Giulia tells him, waving a hand. She has an enormous purse over one shoulder, obviously ready to step right out and go home. "My husband wanted to start this place to feed people, not to make money."
"Obviously," Tina says mischievously. "Lucky thing you know how to cook, because Marco was absolutely hopeless."
"You really are marvelous," Peggy says.
Giulia gives a graceful shrug, closing her eyes as a look of humble satisfaction crosses her face. "And now I will hand over the keys to the next dreamer."
"And perhaps go cook for the handsome man next door instead," says Lessia. "And be certain to tell him of the lovers who came in on our last night here. Perhaps it will give him the right idea."
Giulia scoffs just as Steve says, wrestling down a blush, "We're not—"
"Don't try to pretend with an old woman," says Lessia, eagle-eyed. "Perhaps it's just the beginning, but everything that lasts has one of those."
"Now go," Tina adds, flicking her wrist in a little sweeping gesture. "The beginning continues, but elsewhere."
The air is a little cooler as they step out again, and without thinking Steve puts an arm around Peggy's shoulder.
"The serum has some added benefits," he blurts when she looks up at him, but she just smiles.
He has seen her smile in so many ways - large ones which she leans into after a victory or a point well-made, tiny, hidden smiles like punctuation - and he doesn't think he'll ever tire of discovering all the different kinds she has within herself. He's so lucky to have the chance.
"I'm happy to enjoy all of those benefits." The box of dessert they'd been gifted with hangs by the string from his finger, and she slides her finger in beside it. "Shall we enjoy these as well?"
They each bite into the little chocolate cakes, and Steve doesn't even feel embarrassed when she reaches up and brushes away crumbs that have been left behind.
In fact, he has the sense that he might actually get to taste what chocolate tastes like on her mouth tonight.
He had worried, somehow, that they were people brought together by war, that perhaps they would not know how to be together in peace. For some time tonight, it seemed that his fears were realized. But Peggy is still quick and kind and unswerving and unequivocally herself, and somehow she still likes him.
He’s never been so happy to be wrong.
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tyongxnct · 3 years
𝘗𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 - 𝘛𝘦𝘯
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pairing: Ten x reader
summary: Your best friend finally became your boyfriend, but not longer after that, he got a once in a lifetime opportunity. Ten didn’t know If he should take the offer, you only started dating recently but you would never hold him back. Going to a dance school in New York City? You know how much Ten loves dancing and you also know that you could make this work. But after a couple months, your relationship was slowly falling apart. 
song: Pillow - Bebe Rexha
genre: bestfriends-to-lovers!au, long-distance!au, angst, smut, fluff
warnings: smut (that’s it i guess)
word count: 5.6k
A/N: I’ll probably take a song fic break after this one! I hope you enjoy this!! have fun reading :)
taglist: @aesthetichrj​, @bitchenderyy​, @bvbyxuxi​, @chitaphrrrr​
this is fiction!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
I just wanna kiss your face I just wanna feel your gaze I just wanna, I just wanna I just wanna be where you are I just wanna feel your touch I'm not asking for too much I just wanna, I just wanna I just wanna wake up where you are
You missed the way he kissed you. You missed the way he looked at you with so much adoration, you missed his touch on your skin.
You missed him, you missed Ten.
“I miss you.” You whispered, half asleep. You were facetiming Ten and it’s been almost two months since he left.
“I miss you more.” Ten smiled as he watched you slowly fall asleep.
“That’s not possible.”
Ten looked at you with those eyes again.
“Nothing. You’re just so pretty.”
“Shut up.” You said shyly.
“But it’s the truth.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.” And then you fell asleep. That was your routine. Facetime with Ten until you fell asleep.
Yes, you missed him and you would prefer to sleep next to him, but Ten was living his dream and his happiness was your happiness.
I used to think that love was just so easy But I couldn't be less right Yeah I finally found someone perfect, just for me Gotta fly thousands of miles, yeah
four months ago
“Why? Please tell me, why is it so hard to find the perfect guy? Is there not a single guy who’s interested in me? Am I going to die alone? Am I too ugly to be loved?” you cried out.
Ten sighed. He wanted to tell you so bad that you were the prettiest girl in the entire world and that he would love you forever, but he was just you’re best friend. You didn’t like him like that. Right?
“No you’re not, now shut up and focus on new girl.”
“Is it too much I’m asking for? I just want someone to love me. Like really love me. Am I not loveable?” you asked him.
You looked at the screen and watched Nick and Jess share their first (and absolutely amazing and passionate) kiss.
“I want what they have! Look at the way he kisses her! I want that, I need that!”
After watching a couple more episodes of new girl, Ten decided to go home. He wanted to kiss you so bad, he imagined it the whole time instead of focusing on new girl. “You can stay the night if you want to.” You told him.
“Nah, I should go home. Lucas texted me and asked me to take Bella out since he’s busy with whatever her name was.”
“Fine. Text me when you get home.” You hugged your best friend goodbye before he left and he hugged you back, a little longer than normal. You were standing in front of the door and just hugged each other.
A couple minutes later he left and you missed his touch.
With a sad sigh you closed the door and went to the kitchen. You wanted to drink something, but suddenly the doorbell rang.
“Did you forget-“
You opened the door and saw Ten standing there and before you could finish your question, Ten pressed his lips on yours to shut you up. You didn’t move at first, your head was spinning, you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or just the fact that Ten, you’re best friend who you secretly loved more than anything else on this planet, kissed you with so much passion.
You pulled him closer as you put your arms around his neck. You were kissing him back and you accidently let out a moan when he put his tongue inside your mouth. You were never, ever kissed like this.
He softly pulled away to let you breathe again. Ten licked over his lips and stepped back.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. You’re absolutely beautiful and I couldn’t stop myself from kissing you. I-I’m sorry If I just destroyed our friendship, but I need you to know how I feel about you. I don’t want you to date random men, I don’t want you to think that you are not enough, because fuck, you are. You are perfect and I want to love you like you deserved to be loved. If you let me.”
You looked at him with teary eyes. Ten, your best friend who you were crushing on for years, your best friend who helped you find cute outfits for your dates, even though he hated every second of you looking cute for another guy, your best friend who just confessed to you.
“I love you.” You blurred out.
Ten’s eyes widened.
“Shit, did I say it too soon?” you looked down to your feet.
“Fuck I love you too.” And without hesitation he pulled you closer to kiss you again, “I love you so much.” He said in between kisses.
That’s how your relationship started. He stayed the night and told Lucas to take care of Bella himself. He wanted to spend some time with his best- no, his girlfriend.
You were dating for three months now, and you can’t remember a time you were happier. You loved to go on dates with Ten, but you also loved the nights you had just dance battles at home. Ten always won, he was a dancer after all. Dancing was his passion, he loved it and he was the greatest dancer you’ve ever seen and when he told you about the school he wanted to apply to, you encouraged him to do it. One day, he got an email, but he was too scared to read it so he rushed over to your apartment.
“It’s going to be fine.” You assured him.
“C-Can you read it? Please?”
You smiled softly, “Sure.”
You opened the email and read it out loud, “Dear Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, I would like to congratulate you for winning a scholarship in our school-“
“Oh my god I’m in?” he couldn’t believe it.
“You are in! I knew you would make it!” you hugged him tightly and he hugged you back even tighter after he realized that he had to leave you.
“I can’t believe this.” He mumbled into your neck.
“I can! You deserve this so much, I’m so proud of you Ten.” You pressed a kiss on his shoulder before you pulled back to look him in the eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too. So much.” He said sadly.
“What’s wrong. Why are you not smiling and dancing?” you smiled softly.
“I-It’s in New York. I don’t want to leave you, maybe I should refuse-” He said unsure but you interrupted him.
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence. Ten, Baby, I love you and I promise you that everything is going to be fine. You worked so hard, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I’ll love you no matter where you are. We can make this work.”
You tried to stop yourself from crying so bad, you bit your lip almost too painfully.
“You are right. We’ll make this work. Thank you for believing in me.” He kissed every inch of your face, “You are the best girlfriend in this entire world. I love you so much.”
It took you so long to finally be with Ten and now you had a long-distance relationship. But your love was so strong, you could make this work. You promised each other to make this work.
I'll be alright, just one more night I'll be just fine, holdin' my pillow Pretending it's you though I'll be alright, just one more night I'll be just fine, holdin' my pillow Pretending it's you though
Babe 03:23: Sorry baby, we practiced a little longer than usual. You’re probably sleeping right now, sweet dreams. I love you and I’ll call you tomorrow. I promise.
You were actually still awake, you couldn’t fall asleep. You were worried and you missed him so much that you had to wait for an answer.
You threw the pillow you were hugging against the wall and sat up. You took your phone in your hand and smiled brightly as you called him on facetime. It’s been two minutes since he called, why did it take him so long to answer? You called him again and when he didn’t answer you texted him a simple good night and I love you.
You grabbed your pillow again and hugged it tightly. You tried to stop yourself from crying, but it was so hard. It’s been 7 months since Ten left, and the first couple months of your long-distance relationship was easy, you talked every day and texted often too, you would facetime before you would go to sleep and he would send you random pictures and videos of New York and his dance school so you would know about his lifestyle there.
But now he’s been pretty busy and you would talk maybe three times a week if he had time. He would answer your texts when you were asleep or not at all. Sometimes you were worried that he was overworking himself, but he assured you that everything was chill and easy. So why was he acting so distant?
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, you told yourself as you tried to fall asleep. You would try to call him tomorrow and tell him that you were sad and that you missed him. Communication is the key after all, but for now, you’d cry into your pillow and imagine it was Ten you were hugging.
I need a minute to breathe you in Just a second to taste your skin I just gotta, I just gotta Feel you here right next to me Can we please just go back in time Those lazy Sundays, you and I 'Cause every hour and every day Is more painful when you're away
It was the last night before Ten would leave for New York. You spend the last month everyday together, it was almost like he moved in with you, but you pushed back that thought to stop your heart from hurting.
“Is it tasty?” you asked him.
You had ordered some Pizza and he asked you if you wanted a piece. You refused at first but now you wanted some and he laughed at your cute acting and gave you his last two pieces. “No it’s too much.” You giggled. “Just eat it, we both know that you could finish another box of Pizza baby.”
“Well, that’s true.”
He put his head on your lap while you were eating the last piece of Pizza. “You look so hot from here eating that Pizza. Tomato sauce on your lips, wow, baby, I get hard just looking at you from here.” He joked and you slapped him softly.
“Don’t make fun of me or you can sleep on the floor.”
Ten pouted, “You wouldn’t do that.”
You spent the next hours just laying lazily on your couch and cuddling. You would miss nights like these the most, just being with him and talking about everything that came to your minds. You loved it and you loved him.
You didn’t notice him crawl between your legs as you laid against the armrest. “What do you think? Should we take this off?” he pulled on your shirt.
“Maybe we should.” You smirked, “And maybe you should take your shirt off too.”
And he did. He took off his shirt first before he slowly, teasingly took off yours. You were just wearing a shirt and panties and now you were almost completely naked under him. “You’re so hot.” You heard him say before he started kissing your boobs. His hand softly caressed your pussy over your panties.
Your nipples hardened instantly, your head fell back and you just enjoyed his tongue on your breasts. “It feels so good.” You moaned.
After giving enough attention to your other nipple, Ten stood up and carried you to your bedroom. “It’s going to be a long night.” He smirked at you.
After softly placing you on the bed, Ten pulled down your panties and kissed your inner thighs. He kissed his was to your already wet pussy and kissed it softly. You felt his tongue against your clit and you closed your eyes. He licked you so good and sucked on your clit, you were so close.
“Fuck, baby, It feels so fucking good.”
Ten fastened his pace and a couple seconds later you reached your first orgasm.
“Number one, more to go.” He said, his chin glistening with your arousal and turning you on.
You felt his fingers on your entrance and a second later he thrusted his fingers inside of you. His lips were on your nipples again and you gripped the sheets, his fingers slid in easily, you were so wet. “Fuck.” You could feel your second orgasm coming. “Tell me baby, what do you want?”
“I want to cum again- please Ten make me cum again.” You cried out.
You felt him go faster and when he hit that one spot, you reached your second orgasm. Ten put his fingers against your lips, “Suck.” He demanded and you sucked his fingers clean. “Good girl.”
“I want to suck you off- please Ten let me suck you off.” You begged him.
“Okay baby, show me how good you can take me inside of your mouth.” He pulled down his sweatpants and his boxers briefs and sat down on the edge of your bed. You got off the bed and got on your knees right in front of his hard cock.
You spat on your hand and wrapped your fingers around his shaft and started pumping slowly, “Don’t tease baby, or you’ll regret it.” He warned you.
You fastened your pace and started licking his tip. You licked on the slit, and slowly put his cock inside of your mouth. It’s not your first time sucking his cock, you knew what you had to do to make him feel good.
“Yeah just like that, feels so good baby.” He caressed your hair softly as you took him all the way down. His cock hit the back of your throat but you didn’t mind, you liked it actually and Ten loved it. “Fuck yes yes, just like that, love it so much.” He moaned out, you felt him twitch inside of your mouth.
You sucked his cock and softly played with his balls, you looked up and saw that he closed his eyes and bit his lip, eyebrows furrowed and face sweaty. You let out a moan after seeing him like that and the vibrations of your voice felt so good, he came. “Fuck, yes baby take it all and swallow.”
You did as he said, “Open up and show me.”
You opened your mouth and sticked your tongue out. “Good girl. Now baby, I want you to fucking ride me, okay baby?”
You nodded eagerly.
You sat down on his cock slowly and started riding him. It felt so good, you grabbed his shoulders to go faster. “T-Ten, I love your cock so much.” You cried out. Ten cupped your boobs and flicked your nipples, and you loved it when he played with your nipples. Ten wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you down so he could suck on your nipples. While he did that, he fucked up into you, meeting your hips. The sounds of your skin slapping against each other was like music to your ears.
“So fucking tight, didn’t I fuck this pussy enough?” you clenched at his words.
You felt your legs arching and you felt like you were collapse on top of him, “T-Ten I can’t p-please take over.” And he did.
Within a second he turned your around and took you from behind. You were on all fours as he stared ramming his cock inside of you. His hand found your clit and he started rubbing and circling it with his fingers. “Gonna cum baby? Hm? Cum all over my cock?”
“Y-Yes, fuck, feel so good. I’m so fucking close.”
You clenched once again and encouraged Ten to go even faster and harder with his thrusts. “I’m gonna fill you up, you’re going to take all of my cum, okay baby?”
“Yes please, cum in me.”
And with the next thrust, you came. You moaned as you clenched and rode out your third orgasm, you were so sensitive but it still felt good. You clenched around him once again and Ten came and painted your walls white.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” He moaned as he slowed down and pulled his cock out of you. He watched his cum mixed with yours drip out of you. “So fucking hot.” He got hard again.
That night, you had so many orgasms. His hands, his mouth and his cock bought you to heaven. He fucked you hard and fast but also slow and full of passion.
I used to think that love was just so easy But I couldn't be less right, yeah
“I’ll miss you so much.” You told him that night before he left.
“I’ll miss you too, but we’ll make this work. I trust in us. We’ll talk every day and text and I’ll come visit you and you’ll come visit me too.” Ten said convinced that long-distance was going to work.
“I love you so much, never forget that okay.”
It could work. You could make this work. You were absolutely sure that you and Ten could make a long-distance relationship work. He was your best friend before you started dating, he would never hurt you and you would never hurt him and you trust him with your life.
I'll be alright, just one more night I'll be just fine, holdin' my pillow Pretending it's you though I'll be alright, just one more night I'll be just fine, holdin' my pillow Pretending it's you though
It’s been almost two weeks since you last facetimed Ten. Yeah, you texted once in a while but it’s been so long since you talked and just be there for each other. You talked to him a month ago about feeling lonely and missing him and he promised you to make more time for you, but the last two weeks you barely talked.
You didn’t want to be clingy and suffocate him, so you waited for him to text you first. But every passing minute broke your heart more and more. You knew that he found new friends, but you would never doubt his faithfulness.
You closed your eyes and hugged your pillow tightly. Every night, you pretended that it was Ten you were hugging and not just your pillow. You missed his touch so much, you missed to kiss him and just hug him. You couldn’t take it anymore, you had to hear his voice. It was past midnight in New York but you didn’t care a t that moment.
“Yes?” you heard him yell. At least he answered.
“Ten? Can you hear me?” The other line was so loud, you raised your voice a little.
“What is it Y/n?! I’m busy!” you could hear loud music and people laughing around. “Busy? What are you doing?” it didn’t sound like he was busy.
“I’m out with some friends, look, I told you I’ll call you. Can’t you let me breathe for one day?” he said. Ten sounded annoyed and you could imagine how he rolled his eyes.
“It’s been two weeks since you said you’ll call! I let you breathe, but I was so worried, I just wanted to hear you voice-“
“You heard my voice, can I hang up now?”
You gasped, he sounded so cold, so annoyed and even distracted and before he could, you hung up.
You fell asleep crying. Once again.
Ten never apologized for that night and you never bought it up. It’s like talking to a wall. It took him a couple days to call you and he acted like that night never happened, like he never talked like he had enough of you.
The worst thing was yet to come.
Your one-year anniversary.
You reminded him one day before, that you would facetime, eat something together, watch a movie and just spend time together.
You waited and waited, but he never called.
You called him four times, texted him ten times, but he never answered and when you checked his Instagram story, you weren’t even surprised.
Ten was partying again. Ten ditched you to party on your one-year anniversary.
You realized that you were holding onto something that was long gone. It was over. It should be over. You were done with him, you were heartbroken and you regretted every decision you made. Maybe you should’ve stayed friends, maybe you would be happier and not suffering.  
And I can't lie, babe, I'm losing my patience Too much waiting for you Every time that I wake up My hands go where I'm waiting for you I know I say that I'm fine But I'm losing my mind Just need to hold you Don't take your time Oh, baby
The next day, you had fifteen missed calls from Ten, but you decided to ignore him for a while and sort your thoughts. He texted you every day, apologizing and asking for forgiveness. Ten told you about his day even though you never texted back. You hated to be like this, but you needed space. You called him one week later and he answered immediately.
“H-Hi.” Ten whispered nervously.
“Hey.” You mumbled.
“How… how have you been?” Ten wanted to punch himself. How could he ask you that? He knew that you were feeling sad.
“Okay I guess.” You tried to hold back you tears.
“Look about-“
“I can’t do this anymore.” You just said it. You’ve been thinking about it for the past months actually, but you never thought you would get to this point. You never thought you would want to break up.
“W-What? N-no, no no no please Y/n. Look I’m sorry, I’m s-so sorry that I missed our anniversary, but please don’t do this-“
“It’s not just the anniversary! Everything is too much for me. You ignore me and you yell at me for caring and being worried a-and you ditched me so many times and o-our anniversary- you, fuck, you were out having fun while I was waiting for you! You tell me that you’re going to call, but you never do and when I call you because I miss you, you yell at me and call me annoying!”
You didn’t want to cry, but it was so hard not to.
“I-I’m sorry. I am really so fucking sorry. Y-You didn’t deserve all that, I fucked up. I promised to be there for you b-but-“ he stopped. You could hear him sniff and try to hold back his tears. Ten rarely cried, like, you saw him cry maybe one time.
“But I was so overwhelmed with this city and with this school and dancing. I can’t lose you. You’re my everything. I’ll change! I’ll be a better boyfriend, but please, don’t leave me.” He cried out.
“I-It’s not that easy. Y-You broke my heart. I trusted in us, b-but maybe we aren’t meant to be.”
“No, no. No, don’t say that- you know that’s not true, you know that I love you more than anything. You are the most important person in my life.”
“Seems like I’m not as important as you think I am. I don’t want to be the reason you stop focusing on what’s important and that’s your dance school. That’s New York and m-my feelings are important too. I… I can’t remember the last time I was genuinely happy. I’m sorry, Ten. I’m really sorry.”
And before he could start talking again, you hung up. You broke out in tears, you clutched your heart and tried to keep it from exploding, but you felt the little piece stab your insides. Ten wasn’t doing any better. He cried and cried and regretted all of his choices, he regretted leaving you and moving to New York. He regretted ignoring you, he regretted leaving you on read. He regretted everything. Oh, how he wished he could turn back time and be a better boyfriend. A boyfriend you deserve, someone who makes you feel loved and not someone who hurts you.  
I'll be alright, just one more night I'll be just fine, holdin' my pillow Pretending it's you though I'll be alright, just one more night I'll be just fine, holdin' my pillow Pretending it's you though
It’s been a couple days since you talked to Ten. You had blocked him everywhere and you tried to ignore the pain in your heart. It was harder to break up and block him, but it was the only way to stop your suffering. You couldn’t let him treat you like that forever.
You couldn’t focus on anything. It was almost like he followed you everywhere. One day your mother send you pictures of prom and Ten was your date. You went as friends but you just realized that he looked at you with so much love in his eyes. His arm was around your waist and you looked at each other and smiled brightly. Then, you wanted to watch some Netflix and Netflix recommended you Step up. A movie about dancing. How ironic. Even the number Ten made you so sad and emotional.
Almost a week later, you got ready for bed. You were brushing your teeth when you heard the doorbell. Who could it be at this hour? You tiptoed and looked through the spy. Your jaw dropped when you saw his face.
“I can hear you breathing. Please open the door, I want to see your face. I missed you so much.”
You slowly opened the door and looked at him with teary eyes, he was about to step closer but he stood still, his body froze and his heart hurt. You weren’t doing any better. It’s been a year since you saw his pretty face and now he was standing right in front of you. You wanted to hug him, kiss him, just pull him closer and never let go again, but you were also frozen.
“I-I can’t be without you. Tell me to stay and I will.” He said and he looked absolutely serious.
You pulled him closer and hugged him as tightly as you could. Ten wrapped his arms around you pressed kisses on your hair. “I’ll do it, I’ll leave New York and come back to you. I just need you. I love you so much, Y/n.”
You sobbed and cried and it was so hard to breathe but you couldn’t stop yourself from crying harder. “I love you too, but I don’t want you to do t-that. I don’t want you to stop living your dream. I love you so much, but I won’t let you do that.”
“B-But I don’t want to lose you.” Ten whispered and caressed your hair softly.  “Please forgive me, please. I was dumb, so fucking dumb. I didn’t realize how I treated you. I didn’t see that you were hurting and I promise you I’ll be better, I can’t lose you ever again. Please give me a second chance to make this right.”
You nodded and it felt so unreal to hold him in your arms. You waited for this moment for so long and he was finally in your arms. Seeing him helped you realize that you couldn’t be without him, that you needed your best friend, the love of your life.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you.”
You were cuddling under the blankets as Ten softly played with your hair, your head was on his chest. He also left kisses on your forehead, on your nose, on your lips, on every inch of your face and hands. Your hands were locked and he would never let go again.
“How did you even come? Don’t you have any classes to attend?” you asked him as you pecked his lips.
“I’ll just skip a few days, I won’t miss anything. Don’t worry about that.” He smiled softly.
Ten started drawing circles on your soft skin and you did the same on his chest. You looked up at him and pressed your lips on his, not just a simple peck. A kiss with so much longing and passion. A kiss to show him how much you missed him.
His hand slowly travelled to your waist and then to your ass. He squeezed it softly and pulled you on top of him, not breaking the kiss.
You moved your hips and his hands caressed the skin under your shirt. You broke the kiss for a second to get rid of your shirt. You weren’t wearing anything under your shirt and Ten cupped your breast with one hand and cupped your cheek with the other to kiss you again. He pinched your nipple and you let out a moan.
You could feel him slowly hardening and your hand found his belt. You unbuttoned his jeans and grabbed his shirt to take it off. You placed wet kisses on his chest and next thing you knew, you were under him.
Ten sucked on your boobs and pinched your nipples while he was busy pulling down your sweatpants and underwear. You were completely naked under him now and he kissed his way to your pussy. He parted your legs with his hands and you wanted to close them again, you were shy but then you remembered that this was Ten and you parted your legs even wider.
Ten softly kissed your pussy and then he ate you out like a starving man. He sucked on your clit and when he inserted two fingers inside of your wet cunt, you lost it. You tried to hide your moans but you couldn’t, your grip around the sheets tightened and you could see the stars, you can’t even remember the last time you had an orgasm, that’s why you came embarrassingly fast. You couldn’t hold back and came all over his fingers. “I’m cuming, fuck, feels so good.”
Ten didn’t stop playing with your clit, even after you came and you were so sensitive, you almost came again but he stopped and crawled back up to kiss you. “I love you.” He mumbled before he pulled his boxers down.
“I love you- so much.”
He was rock hard already and ready to be inside of you. He didn’t need you to suck him off, he just needed to be inside of you.
“I missed fucking you, I missed your tight little cunt so much.” And before you could answer that you missed him fucking you too, he rammed his cock inside of you. You moaned so loud, you hoped the neighbors wouldn’t hear you, but you wouldn’t hold back- you were feeling way too good to shut up.
“Fuck me, fuck me please.”
And he did.
Ten fucked you hard and fast, he gripped your hips tightly and fucked you deep, hitting the right spot and making you lose your mind. You clenched around him and he could feel himself getting closer. He looked you deep in the eyes and your boobs bounced up every time he moved his hips. He loved how fucked out you looked, so pretty and innocent.
“L-Let me ride you, please-“ you moaned out and who was he to refuse? He loved seeing you on top him.
You were riding him now, he gripped your hands again to thrust up. He couldn’t take away his eyes from your boobs or your face. You threw your head back, you felt your second orgasm nearing and feeling his hands on your boob, pinching your nipples turned you even more on.
“I’m gonna cum, gonna cum-“ and you came and Ten couldn’t hold back and he shot his cum inside of you. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
You moved your hips to ride out your orgasms and you collapsed on top of him. Ten pulled his cock out of your cunt and then he got up to bring a warm towel to clean you up. After he was done cleaning you up, he got into bed and pulled you up to his chest. You were naked under the covers but you didn’t mind, his body was warm and cozy.
“I love you.” He placed a kiss on your temple.
“I love you too.” And you fell asleep in the arms of the love of your life.
Your relationship was even stronger than before. After Ten left for New York again, you were scared that it wouldn’t work out, but it did. He was always there for you and you were always there for him. You visited him on Valentine’s day and he visited you on your birthday. Your love grew and before you could realize that you’ve been dating for three years, you were packing your stuff to move out of your apartment.
Yes, you were moving to New York, to your boyfriend and you’ve been thinking about this for months now and it was the best decision you’ve ever made. You’re living with your best friend, who became your boyfriend, in New York City.
Baby (14:24): SPOTTED! The love of my life in Starbucks, with an iced coffee in her hand. Who is she waiting for? Perhaps her boyfriend? Stay tuned. XOXO gossip girl.
You laughed out loud in Starbucks as you read the text Ten just sent you. You laughed a little too loud, a couple looked at you and you apologized for laughing so loud.
Ten entered Starbucks and kissed you on the lips. “Babe, gossip girl? Really?” you giggled and wrapped your arms around him. “You know you love me.”
And that was the truth. “You’re right.”
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Hey, I'm doing good too. Just normal amounts of stressful stuff right now. Just moved to a country I've never been to before but can't complain, things are not as hard as the last time I did this so. Thanks for asking! Yeah, I saw you posting about some pretty scary health issues before, I'm glad you came out of that alive and hope you're healthier now!
The nerve some people have! Haha I know I would be pissed if people were questioning my intelligence like that especially after a couple of drinks in haha. Though I do like taunting people when I play group games, I'll be like "don't need to try that hard guys, you're gonna lose anyway" just to mess with them or just call people sore losers if they accuse me of cheating haha (they're probably right on the accusations tho). People get real mad sometimes it's kinda funny. 😂
Omg literally laughed out loud reading this! Hahaha, how did you manage to fall over a road sign then end up in a ditch? lol omg hope you didn't get hurt too bad 😂 I was trying to downplay my drunken escapades but since you shared yours I should tell you my worst one:
I was at this summer street party at night and got drunk on something made out of tropical herbs and cachaça (which is about 48% alcohol), drank 3 and a half bottles of that like it was apple juice, made friends with a bunch of strangers in a bathroom queue (who tried to talk to me weeks later but I had no idea who they were), had to be held by my best friend while I peed (mostly missing the toilet), fell in the middle of the street and scraped my knee, threatened this boy who was helping me walk and told him not to try anything funny or I would beat him up, then dragged my friends to the beach and left them shortly after to go make out with my ex, came back with lipstick all over my mouth and chin and when my friends asked what I was doing I said I was just talking to my ex and they were like NO YOU WERE NOT, hahaha then I kissed all my girl friends on a dare and we danced under the full moon, then I told my best friend I had to puke so she took me to the ocean but I changed my mind and happened to step on a dead turtle on the way back and started crying bc of it, but last month my best friend told me it was a rock I had stepped on (I believed it was a dead turtle for 7 years!). Had the worst hangover of my life the next day. ✌️✨
Ah I'm happy you liked it! I've never listened to Six musical before but it sounds fun! I can see why you like it haha made me want to dance around my apartment 💃. And hey if liking musicals is your thing then it's great, I'm sure Hozier will understand if he's not your top artist of the year. 😋 Here's my "damie" Pinterest board if you or anyone else wants to check it out, totally recommend making one if you're a visual person like me!
Oh I could talk about Dani and Jamie forever I think. I love the beast in the jungle speech too and it's so painful to watch, VP delivered that beautifully, but I have to admit I'm always a crying mess from episode 1 when older Jamie starts reciting that song about being sad while waiting for her lover to return, this show is fucking cruel I hate it and love it at the same time hahaha. Omg your mom 😂 but I mean it's truly an honor to be compared to someone like Dani, no? She's really great even if she needs a little help haha (don't we all).
Aaah you're amazing! Thank you so much, I'll read this pirate AU soon!
I used to draw a lot, really loved doing it when I was a kid as I said before, and all throughout adulthood too but I haven't done that in almost a year now bc I've got a bit of a case of burnout I guess, it just takes a lot of effort to do it when it shouldn't be like that at all. I used to do fanart too, for other fandoms. Even made one for Dani x Jamie but ended up not liking how it turned out haha. I've got a lot of respect for writers and fanfic writers also! Yall can make words make sense in really interesting and beautiful ways, build worlds so enthralling I can see them vividly in my head. Writing is such an incredibly fascinating skill to have! And I guess the most important thing is that we enjoy doing these things right? Even if we think we're not particularly good at it.
Anyway, have a lovely weekend! 👋✨
Good I'm glad you're doing great but sorry you're dealing with stressful stuff!! Hope living in a new country goes well for you I'm so jealous that you've lived in different countries I'd love to live somewhere else even if just for s few years!! Awwh thank you so much I definitely came out of it alive and am feeling so much better now thank you I mean I do some pretty ditzy things so when people say it to me it's pretty deserved sometimes, I'm secretly smart and people just don't expect it so I never mind too much haha I might have to start saying the things that you do and just taunting them over it I mean, I usually do win even when they make me answer different questions so I will definitely have to start saying things like that to them Haha I love that you're just like "yeah they're probably right in their accusations" I agree seeing how mad some people get over games and stuff is funny (it's me I'm people I hate loosing games depending on what it is and I am very competitive) So it was very dark and all we had for light was my roommates flashlight on her phone but while we were walking home a friend of ours that lived else where kept texting her to make sure we were still safe (my phone as dead at this point) so while she was texting him her flashlight was facing down and someone had moved this road sign to the footpath and it was on that sits on the floor so while I couldn't see it I walked into it and fell over it but while I feel I grabbed hold of it and flipped with it and fell in a ditch with it on top of me... I was fine and was just laid laughing while my friend looked down at me and in the most northern accent ever just said "get up you dickhead." and helped me off of the floor and then asked if I was okay... and I was so it was all good!! Haha 😂 I love this drunken story that sounds like one hell of a night and is a roller coaster from start to finish!! I'm sorry you thought you had stood on a dead turtle for 7 years though, someone really should've told you that it was just a rock!! But that sounds like my kind of night!! I love nights like that... stories that will last a life time... the only down side is the hangover... luckily I have only ever had one hang over in my life and it wasn't the morning after the road sign fiasco... I felt surprisingly good the morning after that haha 😂 It's such a good musical it's about Henry VIII wives and I just love everything to do with his wives and that musical is so much fun and actually gives a little insight to the lives the six Tudor queens had away from Henry and with him because at school we're mainly just taught about him which sucks!! I loved the Hozier song and am definitely gonna have to listen to more of his stuff!! I love musicals so much I mainly listen to musical soundtracks at the minute- usually, Legally Blonde and Six on repeat haha 😂 Ooo thank you I will definitely check out this Pinterest board thanks for sending it to me!! I could talk about them forever too... since watching Bly Manor my niece has been asking me so many questions about it and I am more than happy to talk to her about it haha!! The beast in the jungle speech just breaks my heart every time I relate to it so much and VP just delivers it so beautifully!! Oh yeah now I know at the beginning that it's older Jamie I am just a wreck the whole show is just so beautiful and heart breaking at the same time I LOVE IT!! Even though it makes me sob- I keep putting myself through it!! I mean, yeah I was happy that she said it Dani is great but it was the way she said it... my mum can be something else sometimes... she said she thought Dani was like me the first time she does the accent when she says "I've fallen quite in love with London" because I just randomly do accents a lot too but it was the way she was like "She needs help... but I like her she reminds me of you" I was just like... "Should I go get help?" I still don't know the answer to my question about if I need help or not but I mean I probably do need it You're welcome I really hope you like it!! It's a
great fic I love it!! Yeah I get that if stuff starts taking too much effort and burns you out you're not gonna wanna keep doing it so it's understandable that you stopped!! I think fan art is great and I really would love to be able to do it myself but I just don't have the skill it takes!! Awwh it's a shame you didn't like the Dani x Jamie one you did I would've loved to have seen it!! Honestly there are so many talented writers out there and when I read their fics I am just in awe of the worlds they have built and the stories they have created we are so blessed in this fandom to have so many amazing writers and so many amazing fics out there Oh yeah definitely its important to enjoy what you do!! I know I love writing and love writing fics for Dani and Jamie so I think I'll be doing it for a while even if I'm not great at it haha Awwh thank you very much I hope you have a great weekend too!! ☺️
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lululawrence · 5 years
Hi, i know that not many people like it but.. i really like the fics like enemies to lovers, something with bullying and ect. I just enjoy sad stuff that as time goes on it gets better. Like with the bullying, one is bullied, the other saves the day. Enemies to lovers, they hurt each other at first but then they heal the wounds. Lol this was long. I'm asking for those kind of fics.. if you don't want to answer i completely understand! Have a great day!
oh darling. listen. you are NOT alone. you are not. i love these fics and so does @londonfoginacup! i sent a screenshot of this ask to a gc when you first sent it talking about how i felt bad i wasn’t able to answer it right away, and emmu immediately said she could help. i didn’t look up anything myself from this rec, these are all ones emmu sent and outside of the...three maybe?...that i haven’t read, i cosign it! she even found some i read when i first joined the fandom and didn’t have an ao3 to save them to OR i had an ao3 and didn’t understand bookmarks yet. so basically, thank you for sending this, and here are the fics emmu recs and i say AMEN! i hope there’s some in here that are what you’re looking for that possibly you haven’t read yet.
they are kind of divided by enemies to lovers that ease into bullying fics as you go down the list, but to be honest i’m just sending them to you in the order that emmu sent them to me haha enjoy!!
Through a Mirror Dimly by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry
Louis Tomlinson, in his third year at university, does not expect nor want the roommate that is being assigned to his room.
Harry Styles, in his first year at university, has just been kicked out of one dorm and doesn't want to deal with yet another snobby, rich roommate.
They don't get along, and that's just how it is, until circumstances force them to reevaluate.
Driving On The Wrong Side, Thinking Of You by @dinosaursmate / dinosaursmate
“Marcel, darling, why don’t you take Louis to your room and play on your computer?”
Louis’ heart sunk. He would defend Marcel from an infinite amount of gay jokes but it didn’t mean he wanted to spend time with him. They didn’t exactly have anything in common.
“Um, okay,” Marcel said, sounding as reluctant as Louis and slightly miserable.
“If- if you want to.”
“Sure.”---Louis is the most popular guy in sixth form. Don't get the wrong idea, he's a good guy, and he absolutely won't stand for his friends teasing his neighbour, Marcel.
Love Is A Rebellious Bird by @100percentsassy and @gloriaandrews / 100percentsassy and gloria_andrews
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Don't hum Bolero.
feel so foolish by @juliusschmidt / juliusschmidt
Louis and his friends keep laughing at Harry; he's sure of it. But he's not sure why.
Pour Your Heart Out by @hrrytomlinson / hrrytomlinson
Louis is his soulmate. Or at least Harry thinks he is. Louis feels the same as Louis. But there are a lot of people named Louis in the world and this Louis might not be the Louis. It’s besides the point though, because Harry knows he can’t allow himself to get close to any boys. He just can’t and he’s told himself this multiple times. He has to simply stay away from Louis Tomlinson. But he can’t. Harry Styles can never stay away from Louis Tomlinson. It’s physically impossible for him to.
Love Is a Kitten from Hell by youbeyou
Louis Tomlinson passes himself off as an arrogant prick at his new school to hide the fact that he's terrified of being bullied again. Just when he's getting tired of putting up walls, he finds himself in a local pet shop where he finds a sanctuary playing with the kittens in the front window.
Harry Styles is the popular football player who works at the pet shop, secretly watching the boy he thought was utterly unlikable prove him wrong.
Partnered together for a class project, Harry gets more and more hints that Louis is actually someone worth getting to know. But the real question is, will Louis let Harry in?
Loner or Lover? by @oops-lt / Vanniebean
An AU in which Harry is a junior who just moved to Doncaster and on his first day of school he makes the schools most popular and loved boy spill coffee on himself. Harry planned on going through high school under the radar, but that quickly changes when he bumps into Louis. Harry gets known to everyone else as the annoying kid who was "rude" to Louis, but to Louis himself, he's stuck on one question. Should he leave the boy as a loner, or become his lover?
Love is like this; not a heartbeat, but a moan by @angelichl /angelichl
"He hates this, more than anything in the world he hates this. His title, his rank, his DNA. Unchangeable. Fated.
And then there’s Harry, born to be unobjectively superior to Louis and all other O’s. Unlike other A’s, Harry doesn’t wear his alpha-ness very well. He’s clumsy with it, like walking around in a pair of shoes a size too big. His life is defined by uncertainty and tentativeness, and those are definitely not qualities alphas should have.
Sometimes, when Louis ponders it for too long, he thinks that maybe Harry resents being an A just as much as Louis resents being an O."
In which Harry loves Louis, but Louis has been cold to him ever since he presented as an omega at age fifteen. Eight years later, Louis approaches Harry with a request, and who is Harry to deny him?
Make It Work by fanshae
Prompt: Arranged marriage AU. Harry is an omega who has reached the age where he must be married due to his family's income status. Only the aristocratic omegas are exempt. His parents try to hide him but eventually the government gets word and in punishment, gives the omega to a spoiled aristocrat son of a lord, Louis. Louis is more than thrilled to have his own omega and once Harry goes into heat, he explores the boy with fascination and unintentionally impregnates him. This leads to a boy used to living carefree and drinking the day away with other nobles to having to face fatherhood.
Be with me so happily by @briannamarguerite / BriaMaria
Harry Styles may have had his doubts at first, but by the time the gates to the elephant sanctuary came into view he was one hundred percent positive. Louis Tomlinson hated his guts. Like hated, hated. Like loathed-him-on-sight hated.
From what Harry could tell, he hadn’t even done anything close to insulting enough to warrant the disdain that was Louis Tomlinson’s default expression whenever he looked at Harry. It really wasn’t fair. Especially since he’d been lusting after the man from the second he’d laid eyes on that pretty, pretty face with those pretty, pretty eyes.
Or ... the one where Harry Styles has a bad reputation and a heart of gold, and Louis Tomlinson wishes he wasn't so enchanted by boys who looked like Disney characters and wore shirts with bumble bees on them.
[aka Louis is the director of the Styles Elephant Sanctuary and really doesn't want to babysit his funder's spoiled lay-about son for two months]
say i hate you but i always stay by @liltinylouis / clicheanna
It was a nice thought, and he must have dozed off to it, because the next thing he was aware of was wet and cold.
Harry shot up in the bed. His hair was dripping, soaked curls hanging in front of his eyes. Droplets of water ran down his bare chest. The sheets and blanket were damp.
Louis stood next to the bed with a smug grin. In one hand he was holding an empty glass.
About thirty minutes later, Harry was parked outside the football pitch. Louis climbed out of the car, duffle bag slung over his shoulder.
He waved at Harry and blew him a kiss as he walked away. Harry flipped him off.
Or the one where Harry hates Louis, he's almost sure Louis hates him, and they live together. Driving him to football practice everyday is not apart of Harry's plans, but Louis is pretty adamant if it means annoying Harry.
don’t believe me just watch by ariadne_odair
The thing is, Louis knows Harry’s name. Harry knows he does. Harry corrects him every time. Repeatedly. Politely. Slightly hysterically that time he’d walked in on Louis sucking a boy off in the toilets.
Uni AU were Harry strongly dislikes the footie captain that calls him Henry no matter how many times Harry corrects him and is unfairly gorgeous. Friends meet friends and somehow they end up alone at Niall's New Years Eve party. Louis says things he wouldn't sober. And do things.
Violets and Paper Airplanes by b0yfriendsinl0ve
Harry likes Louis very much a lot and Louis’ a bit of an arsehole.
Leave Your Mark On Me by @fullonlarrie / FullOnLarrie
When Chef Harry Styles’ unbonded Omega designation threatens to derail his career, he does the only thing he can, and goes in search of a black market bond.
just you wait and see by Orphan Account
In which Harry mistakes Louis' flirting as an attempt to steal his job.
a fully armed battalion (to remind you of my love) by @mediawhorefics / MediaWhore
“He was flirting with you by the way,” Niall says casually once he’s finished saying goodbye to Louis and he’s joined Harry outside.
“No he wasn’t,” Harry replies automatically, feeling his heart clench at the thought. Was he?
Niall simply raises a mocking eyebrow in response before wrapping his scarf twice around his neck.
“Not that it matters!” Harry says quickly, eyes widening. “I wouldn’t care even if he did because he’s awful and the worst.”
Everyone at Hogwarts knows that Professor Styles and Professor Tomlinson absolutely despise each other. It's too bad that they're in love.
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no-d4y-but-tod4y · 4 years
First off, I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THE QUESTIONS!! Dude, ahem, right and now I am composed, I ask you all of the IRL Thinking Game Asks, because I'm legit about to do them all and I refuse to the be the only one *Mega hugs* I bet your answers are going to be awesome. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 if we have to be official :D lol
WAIT Y O U WROTE THE QUESTIONS??? Lmao I had no idea! Hahahaha. Well good job!
You want me to answer all of them?? Lmao. Here goes nothing...
1) Has your FO ever caught you off guard IRL, and if so, what was your reaction? (So we are looking for moments where you saw their advertising in an unexpected place, or they were mentioned by someone unexpectedly, etc? And how you reacted to that).
Yes! All the time! Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how transcendent in popular culture rocky horror actually is. SO many people know the film and so many have seen the show. The longest theatrical release in cinematic history with the biggest cult following!
Rocky horror references do often pop up in tv shows, movies and on social media in general, and while few are directly referencing frank it still makes my heart go !!! when I’m just enjoying my day and I see it.
One time I specifically remember was when I was actually doing Christmas shopping, on my own just going in all the stores and having a good time. And I went into HMV and there was an ‘essential musicals’ section right at the front and guess who was taking up the entire display 👀 and I literally said ‘oh my god’ out loud so I hope nobody heard me!
2) If someone visited your house without any prior knowledge of your FO, would they be able to work out the connection through the items you own? (In other words, how any depictions of your FO are their in your house, and would it be obvious to a complete stranger that you love them?)
I guess so? I think they’d clock that I was a fan of rocky horror but maybe not the whole f/o thing. I have a signed picture of Tim Curry as Frank in my room and I have the film on DVD which I’ve watched five billion times. I have a cast signed DVD cover too with splices of the film reel in the frame, but I haven’t decided what to do with that one yet because you can only see them when the light is shining behind them lmao. And I guess if anyone read my fanfic they’d realise too. But most people know I love rocky horror/love frank because it’s all I talk about rather than material possessions lmao.
3) For those who are creatively minded: Where do you get your muse from? Just how do you create your awesome artwork/stories, and what inspires you?
Uhh, well I’m gonna go with my fanfic for this one because it’s the only thing to do with frank that I’ve created lmao. It’s still not finished by the way, but two years in the making! And I guess I wanted to start one because I’d been reading loads and although they were very good I didn’t feel like the depiction of frank was always accurate (or the way I imagined him to be). And I’ve always wanted to be a writer of some sort and I thought I could at least practice with something I already know and like. I didn’t expect to fall in love with it however and I’m still doing it now!
And I studied Media for two years, so I was always watching films and analysing scripts and shit like that, and being exposed to all that art all the time was really inspiring to me. I wanted to be like them, and I still do. If you choose to read my fic following on from this post, lemme know and say hi!
4) Angst: Have you ever struggled with the knowledge that you and your FO might never inhabit the same world?
Y E S. Some people might already know that I was conflicted about doing this for ages because as much as I understand selfshipping doesn’t hurt anyone, I didn’t wanna start longing for something I couldn’t have and then constantly feeling deprived. I WON’T catch feelings, I WON’T.
Lol what an idiot.
And I guess I just,,,love frank so much. And I think about him all the time. The turning point for me was definitely seeing him on stage, and having him that close to me sort of thing. And while I know that was just an actor - a normal guy with a kick ass singing voice dressed up - like, for those two hours,,,,it was really him? You know?? And then i got SO sad and emotional in the two weeks or so afterwards because I missed it so much and then I kind of had to accept that maybe this is a real thing now huh.
I would love to know what he’s really like and ask him shit and find out if he’s been in touch with me this whole time as well. But ultimately I’d wanna know if he’s proud of me. That’s the only thing that matters really.
5) If the Fates granted you a year with your FO in whichever world you wanted, at the cost of forgetting about them once that year was over, would you take them up on the offer?
I think I would? Based on what I just said in the previous ask and because if I forgot frank existed I wouldn’t have anything to miss? Although I’d have a feeling I’d wait till next year/my 21st because I’m still dealing with a lot of shit and I’d want to get that out the way first so I could really enjoy my time with him and not have to worry about anything else.
6) On the subject of Fates: Was the meeting between you and your most prominent FO ordained by Fate, or was it something you sought out? (In other words, did you fall in love easily and quickly, or did the Universe conspire against you to make this the person you now love?)
Uhhh....I don’t know? Basically what happened was I watched the film for the first time when I was 13. Secretly. And I didn’t tell anyone. Because I’d heard of it vaguely and recognised the title and of COURSE I knew the Time Warp, but everyone around me who ever mentioned it talked as if it were a bad thing, or a bit gross and weird? So I thought it was a bad thing to be watching it, however I was still intrigued so I did. AND I WAS ALSO BATTLING WITH THE WHOLE LIKING MEN WHO LOOKED LIKE WOMEN THING (because I thought I was abnormal to be thinking that and THAT was wrong as well) so when frank came out I was like gee. Thanks for that.
It was easy for me to not talk about it and to just get on with my life as normal until I turned about 15 when I watched the live show broadcast from London to cinemas around Britain and on TV as well. And don’t tell frank but THAT got the ball rolling for me. Seeing him as a real person reacting to what people were saying and doing made it harder for me to ignore those feelings if you catch my drift. So I kind of tested the water and luckily most people were like cool beans.
But when I went to college and everyone was relieved to finally be themselves I LET IT ALL GO and it became my BRAND to be obsessed with frank. And I loved it.
Gee. Which one do you guys think this is?
7) How often, when you are out and about alone, do you imagine your FO is with you? And what is the best imagining you’ve had recently?
ALL THE TIME. Literally every day. I’m an anxious person and small things continuously set me off so imagining a tall strong intimidating looking person but who’s a softie for me is really really comforting. And it helps with my daily life because I can make a conscious effort to Be More Frank. Aka, not give a flying fuck!
My favourite imagine is hearing ab enormous crash and finding frank folded up like a human pretzel in my wardrobe n we’re both like 😳. But then I’d be like huh guess you’re staying with me now, so I take him to work with me and introduce him to everyone and maybe let him have a go at what I do like a take your kid to work day. And then I’d show him around to all my favourite places and introduce him to my friends and since they all know how obsessed I am they’d be like no waaaaaayyyyy. For some reason he’d have a loaf of his own bags already packed so I’d love to do a kind of unboxing video and see all the stuff frank would take with him if he was going on holiday. I’d teach him how to use public transport n I’d get him a phone and teach him how to use it and get set up on all the apps and I would LOVE TO SEE WHAT HE POSTS and something else I’d love to do is give him some money and be like it’s yours buy whatever you want and then unbox all the bags he comes back with.
Not much then! Hehe.
8) If you were given the ability to legally marry your FO tomorrow, IRL, would you do it? And if you would, who would you invite, and if you wouldn’t, do you think it is something you would ever do?
I don’t think I would. Neither of us are keen on the idea of being tied down to anything. I don’t need a piece of paper to prove that I love him and aside from getting to wear a pretty dress and an entire day of attention, I don’t think frank is too fussed either!
Plus he can do all that shit at home hehe.
9) What do you imagine your life be like now, if your FO had never been in it?
I don’t know how to say this without sounding horrible but I don’t think it would be hugely different. Because I was so young when I ‘met’ him I don’t think it makes a difference, because no one can guess what their life is going to be like at 13.
Something that I do think would be different is I probably would have given in to social pressures and gotten myself a bf had I not toyed with this idea. I’ve been been interested in a bf/gf relationship, and having this to sort of account for what I would otherwise be experiencing without actually having to experience it? Sign me up.
10) And a happy one: Your FO manages to make contact with you in our world and leaves you a message on a mirror/other flat surface, what does the message say, and is that surface ever washed again?
Hi darling! I’m honoured to see you’ve kept me in your thoughts for all these years - although it’s worth saying you’ve always been in mine. I know I can’t be near you all the time but I hope you can sense when I am. I know you get scared sometimes but rest assured that I am keeping an eye on you and I’d never let anything bad happen to you. It’s no secret that you’re afraid of failing or being left behind while others accomplish their dreams but I know you can do this and I think you know it too - you just need a bonk on the head sometimes. Whatever happens, I’m proud of you. I’ve always been proud of you.
If you are not too long, I’ll wait for you all my life.
Frankie 💋
( @dclehnsherr )
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sineala · 7 years
Hi Sine! I recently re-read your Star Trek AU--which is BRILLIANT--and I noticed that it's got a pretty complex plot. Then I thought about it, and a lot of your fics have multiple things going on in them at once. I think Living On Your Breath has something like four plots: Steve's personal, Tony's personal, the villains, and then Carol&Wanda's. Plot complexity is something I'm trying to get better at, so I thought I'd ask how you come up with and manage everything! Thanks for writing!
Thanks for asking! I had to think about this for a bit, but I came up with a few rough guidelines for how I handle plot. I’m putting this under a read more because (1) I am wordy, and (2) I don’t want to spoil either of those stories for anyone who hasn’t read them.
A disclaimer: I am entirely self-taught in that I have never had a writing class in my life and I don’t really do well with those writing help books. So basically what I have learned has been picked up by reading a lot of books, reading a lot of fanfic, and writing a lot.
This is not so much a plot tip as General Writing Advice, but there’s an Ira Glass quotation that circulates Tumblr every so often that I really like:
“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through.”
I’ve certainly had this problem; I’ve spent years not writing because I’ve come up with ideas I knew I couldn’t execute to my own standards. And then I did it anyway, and eventually I got better and now I’m at a point where if I have an idea for a story it is probably something that I feel like I would enjoy if I wrote it (as opposed to “God, I can’t pull that one off, I hope someone else writes it”). It does make leaving exchange prompts kind of tricky because I think one up and then NO I WANT TO WRITE IT MYSELF. (The Jar is a Cap-IM Holiday Exchange prompt I nearly left before deciding I wanted to write it myself.)
Anyway. Plotting long stories. The big difference between a long story and a shorter story  is that you need to be conscious of the overall structure and where you are going. You know all those rising action/climax/falling action plot outlines? Take a novel you like and think about it like that. Break it down. If you want a long story that feels cohesive, you’re probably going to want to adhere to that basic structure. You don’t necessarily need to make an outline of that form – I don’t bother – but you should have in your mind the idea that three-quarters of the way through (or so) is the Big Important Scene that your story has been building towards, and then the rest is cleanup.
I am generally writing romance stories, and the tropes of the genre are such that there are often a lot of shortcuts I can take when I am trying to work out what’s going to happen, especially if these are first-time stories – the big moment is the characters declaring their love, finally getting together, and so on and so forth. So you ask yourself, okay, what are the obstacles to their love? Why didn’t they get together before? Maybe they have to learn to love each other. Maybe Steve doesn’t know Tony is Iron Man. Throw the obstacles in their path! Make them get over them!
But the reason these stories get so long on me is that that’s not usually the only plot. The other plot can be personal to the characters (say, Tony’s drinking problem) or involving the personal lives of the other characters, or, heck, maybe they even have to save the world. Basically I just… intersperse the development of both plots, and I try to make sure that every scene is furthering something: either plot or characterization. (When I am outlining the story itself, I try to keep tabs on this.)
Because these are generally romance stories, the A-plot, the one I give the most weight to, is probably going to be the romance plot, and the B-plot is going to be whatever else happens in the story. The absolute best way to join these plots together is to make them both build together and then hit their respective plot climaxes at as close to the same time as you can manage. If the B-plot is saving the world, Tony is tragically injured in the fight with supervillains, and that’s when Steve tells him he loves him. If the B-plot is personal discovery, Tony gets sober and decides he can be with Steve. Something like that.
How do I keep track of this? I used to do it in my head. I don’t recommend that part. I know some people can handle writing novels by the seat of their pants, but I work a lot better with outlines; I have a lot of abandoned novels where I basically didn’t remember what was going to happen next, and… whoops. I actually do all my outlining and writing (of long stories, anyway) in Scrivener (which is the best program I have ever spent money on). I like Scrivener because it’s set up to handle stories with a lot of ancillary research material, and furthermore it’s organized by scene, which makes a lot of sense to me.
First is the brainstorming. I like to bounce my ideas off other people when I am still in the thinking stage (like “hey, would you read a story about X?”) and then I spend a while mulling over The Scenes That It Makes My Brain Really Happy To Think About, which are usually (for me) probably the climax of the story. (This might be Steve And Tony Finally Get Together or Steve Finds Out Tony Is Iron Man or Steve Cradles Tony’s Broken Body In His Arms.) In my current WIP, it’s probably Steve Realizes He Loves Tony After All.
And then eventually I make an outline. The outline is basically a complete synopsis, scene by scene, of everything I want to happen in the story, with as much detail as I need. Sometimes there will be bits of dialogue, sometimes it will be OH FUCK SOMETHING PLOTTY HAS TO HAPPEN HERE, FIGURE OUT WHAT IT IS. Because generally I will know that the non-relationship plot must advance before I know exactly how. (I revise it as I go.) The outline for the Trek AU is about 1500 words. (The outline for its sequel is 3000 but it uses more complete sentences as it was intended for other people to read.) I stick this all in the Research pane of Scrivener along with my canon notes and whatever else I need to refer to while writing. This is a good time to stop and make sure that the outline feels like a story – all the emotional beats are in the right place, there’s a good mix of A-plot and B-plot. and so on and so forth. I just squint at it and wing it but I’m sure there are various exercises you can do if you like that sort of thing.
Then I do the actual scene breakdown. Because I’m using Scrivener, it has this very cool functionality whereby every scene has an associated “notecard.” You can give each card a title, organize them in folders by chapter, reorder them, and write up whatever you want on the notecard; I fill it with a description (expanded from the outline) of what’s going to be in each scene. Sometimes if I have multiple POVs I will color-code each scene.
As for specific complex plots, let me tell you about how I came with the stories you asked about.
Living On Your Breath was easier because it was for a RBB, and the artist (Phoenix) had a few suggestions about canon, and from there I let canon help guide me to filling out the plot. The art that went with it was Tony in leather and fishnets, choking Steve out. Which is, you know, evocative. Phoenix had suggested that the plot involve mind-control (which seemed reasonable as Tony looked pretty evil in the picture) and also she wanted to know if I could write a story set in Avengers v3, which I had never read, but I was game.
So, I thought, okay, this was going to be a story where a mind-controlled Tony had somehow captured Steve and decided to choke him. How could I get a plot out of that? Well, I thought, what if the drama of the story isn’t just about Tony being villainous? What if it’s a story about kink and consent? What if maybe Steve would have wanted Tony to choke him out when he wasn’t evil? What if Tony secretly wanted that too and Steve had no idea? Well, that seemed like a decent amount of angst to me.
And that right there suggested a basic plot structure. Steve and Tony would get together at the beginning, and we would establish that Steve had these unfulfilled kinky desires, and they would be happy together but not A+ perfect because they are not talking about all their unmet needs because, let’s face it, they have communications problems. Then Tony gets kidnapped and mind-controlled, and kidnaps and tortures Steve, and he does everything Steve wants except it’s fucking terrible because, well, Steve didn’t so much want Tony the supervillain to whip him. Just regular Tony. And so the rest of the story was going to be about them healing and putting themselves back together (although getting worse before they get better) and reclaiming everything they did and admitting their secret kinky desires and having Tony choke Steve out in a truly wholesome and loving way.
I knew that there was going to have to be some kind of plot involving villains – I mean, someone had to do the kidnapping and mind control – so I went looking for obscure villains (since I’d had enough of AIM and Hydra) with a grudge against Steve and ended up, unfortunately, with the Secret Empire. They were so obscure, I told myself! Surely Marvel wasn’t ever going to use the name for something big! Ahahaha. *sobs quietly to self*
I also decided that it might be nice to have the events of canon going on as a backdrop to the story, and as soon as I read v3 I knew exactly what I was going to do because, see, I fell in love with Carol’s drinking arc. Avengers v3 starts out so sweet and the team loves each other and then… it kind of starts to fall apart. Not that they don’t love each other, but it’s apparent that several of them have Problems, and Carol’s drinking is the definition of a Problem. So I wanted to have the team start to go along perfectly and then break apart as Carol does, with Steve and Tony’s post-mind-control relationship along for the ride at the same time. Suppose it all comes to a head with Steve and Tony on the same mission that gets Carol kicked off the team? And then, well, we know Tony goes up to Seattle in canon for recovery from a fight in canon – what if, in this version, he brings Steve with him? And later on, when Carol drop-kicks Tony through a jet and finally sobers up, what if Steve is there too? So that way both Tony and Carol get to get better at the same time. Recovery arc for EVERYBODY.
Honestly I added Wanda because I figured that Carol needed SOMEBODY to be there for her (it really irritated me that the team basically just kicked her out on her own, in canon) and she and Wanda clearly like each other a lot. Having said that, about 50% of Carol’s plot is straight out of canon, dialogue included, although I played with the timing, added Wanda, put Carol in the Blue Area mission, and gave Steve and Tony a massive breakup in the middle of the mission.
The structure of this one was pretty simple – before, during, and after Steve’s captivity. Every scene in the During section was one of Steve’s days. During the After scenes I was basically trading off Steve/Tony and Carol & Wanda plot development.
Straight on till Morning was trickier to plot. For most of its imaginary life, it didn’t have a plot; it was me sitting around and thinking, “Gosh, I like the Avengers and I like Star Trek and I want to imagine the Avengers in spaaaaace.” But that wasn’t a plot. That wasn’t even anything close to an idea for a story. So it just kind of sat there for a couple years rattling around my brain. And, really, the backstory all came first, and the plot kind of sprung out of everything there had to be in order to put the backstory in play.
One day I was sitting there thinking about what the Avengers would be in the Star Trek universe, and I thought, “Well, obviously Steve is a starship captain and OH MY GOD STEVE IS A GENETICALLY-ENGINEERED SUPERHUMAN FROM THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.” I had been thinking of the story as a complete fusion, where no one existed with their regular Marvel identities, but suddenly it occurred to me that if Steve existed in the Star Trek universe and had still been Captain America in World War II, things could get really interesting – because the Federation, bastion of diversity and tolerance, is fully prepared to hate the fuck out of you if you are genetically-engineered. Especially, and I am just guessing here, especially if you are from the twentieth century. Steve would predate Khan and the other supermen, but, well… maybe Steve was the first Augment. So that’s an interesting idea! The one universe where being Captain America would actually be reviled!
So that’s not a plot, either, really, but that’s part of a plot: Steve has a Terrible Secret. He is an Augment. What’s going to happen when Tony learns his terrible secret? Well, he’s probably going to take it pretty badly.
Steve’s backstory was pretty much a direct port of the Cap stuff plus making him frozen twice so that (1) he could have prior starship command experience and (2) I would throw off everyone who assumed that him being frozen once was the way I was translating his comics backstory. At least until the scene where Tony gets out his Cap poster, anyway.
Tony’s backstory was a little more complicated. Because the thing about an AU is, you have to ask yourself which elements of a character and their backstory are 100% essential. And the weird thing about Tony is that a lot of the things that are key components of his superhero life don’t really translate to Star Trek. Like, take Tony’s famous MCU line, “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” Welcome to the post-scarcity economy, Tony; there’s NO MONEY. That knocks out “billionaire” and “philanthropist.” “Playboy” is, let’s face it, probably also linked to “billionaire,” and for 616 Tony it gets use as basically part of his intricate layers of personal masks where he doesn’t sleep with nearly as many people as he wants you to think he does. That leaves “genius.” And we’re gonna make him a Starfleet engineer! Everyone’s a genius there!
The Iron Man suit, likewise also out. Because, yes, it’s cool, but it’s not Star Trek cool. A flying suit? Try a starship. Maybe he designs starships, I said to myself.
So what are the key qualities of Tony? His genius, his engineering aptitude, his general personality, let’s throw in his former alcoholism, and of course his Vietghanistan trauma leading to heart injury. So something happened to him on Planet Vietghanistan, obviously, and whatever it was hurt him, but it didn’t lead him to make Iron Man. But he still needed to do something heroic, but it had to be Trek-style heroic. What if he saved a bunch of his shipmates? What if he saved a bunch of his shipmates and built a ship to rescue them and Captain Yinsen died tragically in his arms? And what if Tony was so fucked up by all of this that he decided to quit Starfleet? Until, of course, he meets Steve.
This suggests an arc for Tony’s character, the same way Steve’s backstory suggested an arc for him: Tony learns to love himself, Starfleet, and Steve. Maybe not in that exact order.
And remember, Steve has A Secret. Well, that’s going to interfere with Tony learning to love him. Obviously Tony will eventually come around. So from there you can see where the major obstacle to Steve and Tony’s happiness is going to be.
The first third-to-half of this story was therefore pretty easy to write, because it was just a matter of introductions and shoving in all the backstory. Meet Tony. Meet the ship. Meet Steve. Let’s go to Starfleet Academy and learn a bit about the Prime Directive and Tony’s tragic backstory. Meet the crew. Set off on a maiden voyage. Tell Steve about Augments, watch him freak out, and watch Tony have no clue why.
And then, of course, there had to be A Plot. Every scene basically advances the worldbuilding, Steve’s character, Tony’s character, or the plot. This was also pretty easy to come up with, because it’s Star Trek, and if you want to make your Star Trek story feel like Star Trek, steal a Trek plot. Of course they beam down to a planet and meet some aliens. Then something goes terribly wrong, something bad happens to the ship, but it is all fixed just in time and they sail on. You know how it goes. There is a pre-existing structure. I had actually been joking that if I couldn’t think of anything I’d just sex pollen Steve and Tony and well… I couldn’t think of anything else. Sex pollen it was!
I think sex pollen actually works well, because it is a very Star Trek trope (quick, count all the sex pollen episodes; you might need more than one hand) and also because the absolute worst time to find out that your captain is an Augment is after you’ve been forced to sleep with him to stay alive. I figured that scene was going to be one of the super important plot moments.
I debated using a Trek alien race or a made-up race but decided to go with Skrulls, on the grounds that evil shapeshifters are also very Star Trek and also I thought maybe I could fool people into thinking I made them up as long as I didn’t bring in Veranke until after the Skrull reveal.
And then, well, the ship is in danger, Tony nearly dies (you can tell that Star Trek II is one of my favorites) sacrificing himself to save the ship, gets his heart injured again, decides while he’s dying that he was being an idiot about Steve, and lets himself actually love Steve.
Basically, it is literally several actual Star Trek plots mashed together with Captain America’s backstory and a lot of infodumping. It is honestly way simpler than it looks; there were plenty of existing models for How To Tell A Star Trek Story and I pretty much just stole them.
I hope that helps.
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